Riverside Express Issue 11
Riverside Express Issue 11
S O U T H E A S T E R N D I S T R I C T RIVERSIDEXPRESS THE RETURNED AND SERVICES LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA (QLD BRANCH) South Eastern District Ltd 42 Oxlade Drive New Farm 4005 PO Box 45 New Farm 4005 Ph: 07 3358 3155 Fax: 07 3254 1520 sedrsl@bigpond.com EDITOR Wendy Taylor: wendytaylor1270@yahoo.com.au www.rslsouthqueensland.com.au SOUTH EASTERN DISTRICT RSL EXECUTIVE: • President Andrew Kilgour AM • Senior Vice President Dave Ardrey OAM • Treasurer Judith Munday OAM • Company Secretary Alan Hellier • Vice Presidents Peter Kinsella Peter Mapp Wendy Taylor Neville Veal • Zone Vice Presidents Northern Zone Neville Layt Southern Zone Dave Ardrey OAM ISSUE. 11 - MARCH 2012 President’s Message As you read this Newsletter, our Sub Branches and the District are attending to the annual process of AGMs. These are an important part of attending to the governance of these entities – I encourage members to participate where you are able to do so. RSL (Qld Branch) delegates voted in a new Constitution at the Extraordinary General Meeting on 26 November 2011 – this Constitution was finally registered by the Office of Fair Trading on 2 February 2012. Over the next 12 months or so, District Branches and Sub Branches which are incorporated will need to go through the process of adopting relevant changes to their own Constitutions or Rules. The new RSL (Qld Branch) Constitution is available on line at www.rslqld.org RSL South Eastern District celebrates its 90th Anniversary this year. The milestone will be recognised at our District Conference on 10 March 2012. The District and our Sub Branches continue to be active in the execution of the RSL’s core objects of welfare and advocacy, commemoration and patriotic service, community engagement, and youth development. I encourage all members to be active in their Sub Branch endeavours to the extent that health and availability permit. For its part, the District continues to offer: Pensions, Welfare and Advocacy support from our team at Greenslopes Private Hospital; information for Welfare Officers and other interested members through our bi monthly Welfare Forums conducted at the District Office; the conduct of some ‘Diggers Functions’ at the Riverside Receptions for veterans and war widows in aged care facilities across our region; and direct support of the Brisbane Anzac Day Parade and the annual VE Day Memorial Service (at the SED Memorial Forecourt). In assuming the District Presidency in August 2011, I promised to improve communication of information to the Sub Branches. While I am confident that this has certainly happened, we all need to remain vigilant to ensuring that the flow of information to Sub Branches is timely and accurate. Equally, our members should feel free to provide feedback and initiate policy change through their Sub Branches to District. The District Council meets monthly and reviews/ progresses Sub Branch motions as they arise. From time to time, the National or State Presidents will seek input on policy issues – the most recent example of this occurred in December when the National President sought advice on whether the RSL should support a submission before the Defence Honours and Awards Tribunal on the award of a VC to the Unknown Soldier entombed at the Australian War Memorial. I sought and received advice from many Sub Branches over the space of a few days and was able to provide SED input to the State Board. I wish you all the best as we get on with the services that the RSL is famous for. Andy Kilgour AM District President The next issue of the Newsletter will be due out in June 2012. Submissions or letters to the Editor are always welcome. Please forward submissions to the Editorfor inclusion in issue 12. 1 RIVERSIDEXPRESS COMMEMORATIVE COMMITTEE- VE Day RSVP 27th April 2012 Ms Judith Munday OAM Honorary Secretary VE Day Committee 16 Samoa Street TAIGUM 4018 Email: veday@bigpond.com Mobile: 0409 872712 Dress: Lounge Suit/ Uniform Medals may be worn The Chairman and the The VE Day Commemorative Committee invite you to attend the 67th Anniversary of the “Victory in Europe” to be held at the “Allies Memorial” South Eastern District RSL 42-50 Oxlade Drive New Farm on SATURDAY 12th May 2012 commencing at 1000hrs. (Light refreshments will be served following the Service) The Committee would be pleased if you would provide and lay a wreath to remember “Those who did not return” DAY OF MOURNING SERVICE-30th April 2012 “Day of Mourning Service” 30 April 2012 4.30PM ANZAC SQUARE BRISBANE Commemorating the sacrifices of the Republic of South Vietnem AND ALL ALLIED SOLDIERS THE VIETNAMESE COMMUNITY IS PART OF THE CULTURAL DIVERSITY OF OUR NATION, AND “DAY OF MOURNING” PAYS TRIBUTE TO THE ALLIED AUSTRALIAN SERVICEMEN AND THOSE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH VIETNAM WHO MADE THE SUPREME SACRIFICE, OR FELL TO THE OCCUPATION BY THE NORTH VIETNAMESE. IT WAS ON 30 APRIL 1975 THAT THE NORTH VIETNAMESE INVADERS OVERRAN SAIGON. Enquiries: Peter Mapp [RSL Darra Sub-Branch] 07 3372 1458 or 0415 313600 Email:peter_mapp@bigpond.com RSL QLD certificate of achievement presented by SED Company Secretary Alan Hellier to Dorothy Fraser (Defence Service Nurses RSL Sub Branch) for her outstanding accomplishments within the RSL and other Civilian charitable organisations- Well Done Dorothy. The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot. Mark Twain 1835-1910 2 THE RETURNED AND SERVICES LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA (QLD BRANCH) ISSUE. 11 - MARCH 2012 SUB BRANCH PROFILE To make our series of Sub Branch profiles a little more personal we decided to also include individuals from Sub Branches to enable others in the district to know more about their fellow members. BARDON RSL SUB BRANCH How’s this for a Community Effort? Bardon Sub Branch Welfare Officer, upon arranging his usual visit to the Bardon State School to speak to the students on Remembrance Day, was surprised to have the new Principal ask him what he did. The Welfare Officer, Kevin Howard told him he came to the School to speak and see the small children perform. The new Principal said “instead of you coming here, how about I bring the school to you” Kevin asked, “how do you get 250 students to the Bardon Bowls Club”? “March them”, replied the Principal Craig Douglas, ‘I’ll put them in training now”. When news got around that the whole school was marching to the Bowls Club for the RSL Sub Branch service on Remembrance Day a good half km WOW!!! Mrs Geraldine Knapp, councillor for the Gap, donated $100 towards drinks for the students, with the Hon Andrew Fraser (Patron of Bardon RSL Sub branch), State Treasurer, and acting Premier also donating $100 and the Bardon RSL Sub Branch making up the rest. The 250 children looked fantastic creeping along like some worm creature, up and down the terrain, and then occupying every vantage spot to see as much of the Service as possible. When they began to wilt in the heat, cold poppa drinks were handed out. Another local touch was the rendition of the last post and rouse by last year’s year seven student, Sam Doherty, who got time off from his High School. Sam’s trumpet was bugle like, and realistic; as it got the attention of all. Sam is our regular Bugler young man. At the end of the Service, the children marched off reluctantly, one was overheard to say, “Wow, Super”. Principal Craig said, “we must do this again”. The Sub Branch members and the locals all agreed that the whole thing was highly meaningful, with a bit of fun for the Kids. Has this been done at a Suburban Sub Branch before???? Kevin Howard Bardon RSL Sub Branch with Bardon State School at the Remembrance Day Service Kevin Howard behind the Memorial Wall - picture 1 REDLANDS RSL SUB BRANCH Cadet Donations Sunday 23rd October 2011 at our monthly Sub Branch gathering, Acting President Alan Harcourt presented three cheques provided by SED for the ongoing support to the three Cadet Units in the Redlands Area. All the Cadet Units in turn thanked the RSL and SED for the support to our young Australians and also indicated the funds assist in providing the Cadets in valuable training as well as the day to day expenses in running a Cadet Unit. Following the presentation Capt Roland Heath from 136 Army Cadet Unit called upon myself to accept a donation of a replica Steyr assault rifle to be placed on display at our Library/Museum. Flying Officer Mick Brett from 217 Squadron Air Force Cadet Unit presented a RAAF Ceremonial sword to be placed on display as well. We have a large membership of Servicemen and Women who have served and the above donations are very much appreciated by all and is a great addition to our collection of memorabilia. Ian Gray Vice President Redlands RSL (L to R) SBLT Wayne Larsen, Capt Roland Heath and FLGOFF Mick Brett 3 RIVERSIDEXPRESS TRAMWAYS RSL SUB BRANCH Col’s Nativity Scene Decades before Brisbane’s community competitive streak entered the Christmas display arena; one of Bridgeman Downs man was crafting his own displayall by hand. Colin Noller, who turned 93 in February, hasn’t let his age stop him from regularly setting up his hand-carved Nativity Scene display at Bridgeman Downs Aveo Retirement Village. He hasn’t been tempted to enter any of his displays in competitions, setting up his scene purely “In the spirit of Christmas”. Despite living at Aveo, and being older than many people in the village, the retired farmer and World War 11 veteran just doesn’t know how to sit still. He moved from Kingaroy to the North side with his wife Lois in 2001 and brought with him one of his five hand-crafted Christmas displays. “He made all the figures (out of timber) including the manger, a couple of shepherds and even a donkey”. He said he had to use his imagination with the clothing and was often “looked at a little differently” when he shopped for women scarves at St Vincent de Paul stores, which he used as clothing for the figures. He has been setting up his Nativity Scene at the retirement village for the past 10 years. The display at night twinkles with hundreds of lights he has also installed. “This year people are very enthusiastic, they really appreciate it”. Col said. Keith Gardiner NATIONAL SERVICEMEN’S RSL SUB BRANCH On Saturday 29th October 2011 President Brian Besgrove, Secretary Roy Tredwen and our photographer Alan Langridge attended the Churchie Tri-Service Cadet Graduation Parade. We have a very happy association with the Churchie Cadets over the years. This year we created a Perpetual Shield to be won by the Best Cadet from any of the three Cadet Units, Navy, Army or Air Force. This year it was won by a Cadet from the Army Unit, he received a Replica of the Shield to keep. We also had the pleasure on behalf of South Eastern District RSL presenting each of the Cadet Units a cheque for $2100 to be spent on equipment. President Brian Besgrove is photographed presenting the cheques to the representatives from the 3 Cadet Units. This was well appreciated by the general public in attendance. November was a very busy time for the Sub Branch with members and their wives selling memorabilia at the various shopping centres raising much needed funds for our member’s welfare and the upkeep of our Memorial Gardens. Remembrance Day Service was attended by a large crowd including members from some of the local nursing Homes. During the service our Chaplain Doctor Noel Wallis blessed a Time Capsule containing Sub Branch and National Service items and history. This was buried in the Memorial Gardens to be opened in twenty years’ time. Photo showing the Capsule being blessed. December 1st 2011 saw our members and wives travelling by coach to Wivenhoe Dam for morning tea and the presentation of Christmas presents to all. Then on to historic Rosevale Retreat Hotel (which was established in 1852, making it Queensland oldest hotel building still in use) for a wonderful Christmas lunch with all the trimmings. We returned a different route, a really good way to finish the year. President Brian Besgrove presenting the cheques to the representatives from the 3 Cadet Units. Chaplain Doctor Noel Wallis blessing a Time Capsule containing Sub Branch and National Service items and history 4 THE RETURNED AND SERVICES LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA (QLD BRANCH) ISSUE. 11 - MARCH 2012 BEERWAH/PEACHESTER RSL SUB BRANCH Life Member At the Beerwah/Peachester RSL Sub Branch on the 19th Nov 2011 Deputy State President John Strachan OAM presented District Councillor, Committee Member and Coast Zone Vice President Neville Layt of the Beerwah/Peachester RSL Sub Branch with a Life membership badge and Certificate. Neville Layt with his Life Membership Certifcate and RSL Card Deputy State President John Strachan OAM with Neville Layt BEERWAH/PEACHESTER RSL SUB BRANCH Official Opening Message from SED President At last! The Beerwah/Peachester Sub Branch Inc has officially opened its doors to the cheers and applause of all those members who attended the official opening of the Club on Thursday, 23 February 2012 and even the rain could not dampen their spirits. President John Rouhan and his team can be proud of what they have achieved to get this Club up and running after all the turmoil and obstacles that were placed in their path. The Club looks amazing and the welcoming feel when one walks through the front door is a credit to John and his members. Mr Mark McArdle, MP officially declared the Club open and reiterated the sentiments of the local Councillor Mrs Anna Grosskreutz who noted how much the Club had meant to the local area over many years and what it meant to the local community to have Beerwah/Peachester RSL Club open once again. Ms Judith Munday OAM, Treasurer, South Eastern District Ltd delivered the first address and presented to the guests greetings from the SED President, Mr Andrew Kilgour AM as he was unable to be present due to commitments to the RSL State Board. Once the Club was officially opened, all guests were invited to partake of a delicious morning tea and entertained with live music. Next time you venture towards the North Coast, do yourself a favour and drop into the Beerwah/Peachester RSL Club for a visit. You will be glad you did. Judith Munday OAM –Treasurer SED Greetings from the Board and District Council of RSL South Eastern District on the occasion of the Official Opening of the Beerwah RSL Club. Today represents the beginning of a new phase in the long and successful history of the Beerwah/Peachester RSL Sub Branch. The Sub Branch has always been a corner stone of the local community and the Official Opening of the Club today is yet another example of the Sub Branch and its close engagement with community. The recent history surrounding the facility has certainly been disruptive for both the Sub Branch and the community. The tenacity and vision of the Sub Branch Executive over the last twelve months to restore this great community facility to the condition that it is now in is a credit to Sub Branch President, Mr John Rouhan, and his team. The Board of RSL South Eastern District has been pleased to support the Beerwah/Peachester Sub Branch in its outstanding achievement. On behalf of the Board and District Council I wish the Beerwah/Peachester RSL Sub Branch the very best as this outstanding facility once again serves the local community surrounding Beerwah. Andy Kilgour AM -District President RSL South Eastern District Ltd Photos from SED Life Members Lunch 23rd November 2011 5 RIVERSIDEXPRESS ASHGROVE RSL SUB BRANCH Membership of the District. With a broader reach to the community, it is anticipated that more activities and events can be planned and delivered. Some of the Citizens Auxiliary work-in-progress initiatives include: The Ashgrove District RSL Sub Branch is celebrating it’s 80th Anniversary! According to its Charter, the RSL was formed February 29th, 1932. 2010 saw the formation of a Citizen’s Auxiliary. Now, family and community members are eligible to join the Citizens Auxiliary and support the Objects of the Ashgrove District RSL Sub Branch. A number of community events are being planned over the year in response to membership input. Every year the Ashgrove RSL has been reaching out to the community to deliver day trips and other social events to improve the welfare of its members and that - The Birralee Blokes Choir Project -A Facebook information service for community awareness - Jackson Irwin, 2011 Australia Pride Medalist to encourage local young leaders ASHGROVE RSL SUB BRANCH Annual Visit to Greenslopes Private Hospital For 25 years, Les Gordon has been playing Santa for the Ashgrove RSL Sub Branch. As the current Vice President, and with the help of the Citizens Auxiliary as Santa’s Helpers, Les brings the spirit of Christmas to the Ward. Both patients and staff have a wonderful afternoon spending time together opening gifts, sharing stories and reminiscing of times gone by. Welfare activities like these are a large part of the good work the membership contributes to the community. Community fundraising efforts by the Ashgrove RSL, through the annual Poppy Appeal and other RSL initiatives, raise funds for the continuation of the delivery of its services and community activities. PALMWOODS RSL SUB BRANCH 90th Anniversary A few short years after World War I, a few ex-servicemen formed the Palmwoods RSL Sub Branch. This year, as we celebrate our 90th Anniversary, we continue to support our community: • In 2011, we donated 1,200 ANZAC Day ribbons and 1,600 Remembrance Day poppies to Palmwoods, Eudlo, Chevallum and Woombye State schools. We were successful in applying for a SED community grant for this project, for which we are most grateful. • October 2011 we hosted our annual reunion luncheon to which we had 110 attend. Once again we were successful in applying for a SED community grant to cover costs for putting on such an event, thankyou very much. We were pleased to welcome the SED executive who travelled from Brisbane to be with us, Andy Kilgour, Dave & Merline Ardrey, and Neville Veal. • November 2011, on behalf of SED, we presented a cheque for $2,150 to 207 Squadron Australian Air Force Cadets, who we have been proud supporters of for many years. Unfortunately during the last 12 months, we have lost three of our much loved and long serving members, which has reduced our membership to 20. Nevertheless, we continue to help our community in whatever way we can. Richard Waldie- Secretary Remembrance Day Edulo State School 6 Remembrance Day Woombye State School THE RETURNED AND SERVICES LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA (QLD BRANCH) ISSUE. 11 - MARCH 2012 CITY-NEW FARM RSL SUB BRANCH Supports Community City-New Farm Sub Branch has recently agreed a donation plan which will see $6000 donated to community activities during 2012. As a result of our Sub-branch’s successful Anzac merchandise and Poppies selling prior to Anzac and Remembrance Days, we have raised enough funds to make considerable donations to a number of local area welfare providers as well as local primary schools. Of course the major recipient of our support is the RSL Care Haven Treetops in New Farm. Over the years we have either provided, or arranged for the provision of, funds for the fitting out of the Sensory Room at Treetops, developing their Sensory Garden, providing for a number of Hi-Lo electric beds, and the Care Haven’s monthly entertainment activities for the residents. The development of the Sensory Garden, which includes raised tank gardens for vegetables, herb gardens, fruit trees and a chook house with resident chooks, not only required considerable financial support from our Subbranch, but also the physical activity of a number of our members. They worked in the construction of the tank gardens and the chook house/run, and the planting of various vegetables, herbs and fruit trees. Another of the local area welfare providers the SubBranch supports is the 139 Club Inc. The 139 Club has been operating in the inner Brisbane City area for the past 36 years and, since 1988, at 505 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley. This Club is the largest day centre supporting persons experiencing homelessness and other social barriers in Queensland. There are approximately 60,000 – 70,000 visits to the Club each year for the services provided by the Club. The Club offers these people a safe haven during the day away from the streets - a place where it is warm, comfortable and safe. Some of the services offered are: free and low cost meals (Breakfast and Lunch); day beds for people who have had a rough night on the streets; warm showers and personal hygiene products such as soap and toiletries; laundry facilities including washing powder so people can have clean clothes; lockers for personal belongings; and sitting areas where people can mix, watch TV or a movie. The centre also provides a mail and message collection service. Visiting services include a doctor, a nurse, a chiropractor, Centre Link, Caxton Legal Services, and others who deal with drug and alcohol abuse and mental health. The City-New Farm RSL Sub-Branch is very proud of the support its members provide to a number of local area welfare providers including the 139 Club. Long may the 139 Club provide much needed support to the less fortunate who live in our Grand City and long may our Sub-branch continue to support our most worthy local area welfare providers. Ross Clelland AM The 139 Club 505 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley HOLLAND PARK- MT GRAVATT RSL SUB BRANCH 50th Anniversary Photos taken on the 8 February 2012 at the Celebration of the Holland Park- Mt Gravatt RSL Sub Branch 50th Anniversary What did the Number 0 say to the Number 8? Nice Belt... Well the kids like it! 7 RIVERSIDEXPRESS NERANG RSL SUB BRANCH Community & Welfare Grant moisturises, decorations and so on… Your donation will also provide students with a free celebration luncheon at a restaurant for their completion at the end of each term and an end of year follow-up event called Shine Reunion in 2012. “The Shed” deals with the concerns we have for the future of our young men and also builds leadership, team skills and practical life skill information for students. Each week the program runs through games and activities that pertain to each new topic we go through such as dealing with man’s identity, his responsibilities and the doors that open up real adventure for the authentic man. This money donated has now enabled us to continue the Shed Program for 2012 providing a wholesome breakfast (which is an integral part of the program each week). It also enables us to cover our costs for the Shed Celebration BBQ Night at the end of each Term with their respective father/guardian/male role model in life and an end of year follow-up Camp Trip to the Outlook Campsite in Boonah were we practically challenge our young men with everything they have learned throughout the program. Once again thank you for your support! If you would like more details about the following programs please don’t hesitate to contact me. Nerang RSL Sub Branch, with funds provided by SED Community and Welfare grants program was able to help the Nerang State High School with two of their projects. The below excerpt is from the School Chaplain Principal. On behalf of Nerang State High School we would like to thank you for your contribution/donation of $5,000 towards the SHED/SHINE Program’s. Your contribution will go a long way towards shaping our future generation and tackling issues concerning students at their critical time in life for 2012. Below is a little bit about both programs you are supporting and what we intend to utilize your donation for in our programs for 2012. The Shine Program is a personal development program with an inspirational, practical and experiential approach to learning with a heart to see healthy values formed in our youth and create an environment where young people, especially girls, can discover truth. The program is designed to create a non-confronting environment for students which help breakdown communication barriers and assists in building rapport between students and facilitators. The overall aim of the program is for the girls to feel accepted, valued, believed in, and treated with understanding in an environment that is motivating and encourages growth. This money donated has now enabled us to continue the Shine Program for 2012 and purchase resources utilized each term such as journals, books (such as Broken Wing Butterfly), gifts, makeup and grooming utensils, Chris Perry Scott Ison Nerang State High School Chaplain Principal Presentation of cheque for $5000 to Nerang State High School. David Barnicoat Secretary Nerang RSL Sub Branch Mr. John Brinkworth Deputy President Nerang RSL Sub Branch, Mr. Chris Perry Nerang State High School Chaplain (holding paper) and the Mentors of the Shed Program. DO YOU KNOW WHAT? OR WHERE THIS IS? This statue currently stands outside the Iraqi palace, now home to the 4th Infantry division of the United States of America. It will eventually be shipped to the USA and put in the memorial museum in Fort Hood, Texas. The statue was created by an Iraqi artist named Kalat, who for years was forced by Saddam Hussein to make the many hundreds of bronze busts of Saddam that dotted Baghdad Kalat was so grateful for the America ‘s liberation of his country; he melted 3 of the heads of the fallen Saddam and made the statue as a memorial to the American soldiers and their fallen warriors Kalat worked on this memorial night and day for several months... To the left of the kneeling soldier is a small Iraqi girl giving the soldier comfort as he mourns the loss of his comrade in arms. Riverside Express invites all members of SED to contribute to OUR Newsletter. We welcome Letters to the Editor– Upcoming Events for your Sub Branch– Jokes– Quotes and Items for Discussion, etc. 8