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a PDF of this meeting`s information
NORTH LIBERTY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 CITY ADMINISTRATOR MEMO City Council Memo for September 8, 2015 from the desk of Ryan C. Heiar Meetings & Events Consent Agenda Tuesday, Sept. 8 at 6:30 p.m. packet: City Council Thursday, Sept 10 at 6:00 p.m. Telecommunications The following items are on the consent agenda and included in your City Council Minutes (08/25/15) Claims Liquor License – Kyodai Japanese Grill Commission Liquor License – Mirabitos Italian Tuesday, Sept. 22 at 6:30 p.m. Liquor License - Zio Johnos City Council Liquor License – Event at Southslope – September 24 Liquor License – Vintage Soul Liquor License – Gasby’s II East Growth Utilities – Change Order $4,403.40 East Growth Utilities – Pay Request $188,555.08 Water Main Project – Pay Request $230,906.93 Wednesday, Sept 23 – Friday, Sept. 25 Iowa League of Cities Annual Conference Iowa DOT Interchange Planning Iowa DOT staff has requested to attend the meeting to update Council on the proposed interchange projects. 2015A Bond Sale As mentioned at a previous meeting, we are at a point where we need to borrow for current and completed projects. We are fortunate to have ample cash reserves so that we can cash flow projects temporarily, allowing us to delaying borrowing until we have a firm project cost. With that said, below is a list of projects that are included in the proposed borrowing, including refinancing two bonds. The Hwy 965 and Penn Meadows Park projects are proposed to be funded by a GO/TIF bond while all other projects are proposed to be funded with a GO bond. Projects marked with a “*” will be repaid by the respective utility. These projects are being funded with a GO bond to avoid the requirement of debt service coverage for this utility debt, resulting in lower user rates. Ryan C. Heiar, City Administrator rheiar@ci.north-liberty.ia.us • office (319) 626-5700 • fax (319) 626-3288 • cell (319) 541-8404 published September 4, 2015 •page 1 The refinancing of the two existing loans will result in a savings of approximately $48,000 over the remaining life of bonds. A public hearing on the borrowing and a resolution setting the sale date and authorizing the Preliminary Official Statement are on the agenda. Current & Completed Projects Hwy 965, Phase 2 $1,900,000 Penn Meadows Park Projects $700,000 North Liberty Trail Upgrades $350,000 N. Front Street Repaint Water Tower #2* Water Line Upgrade Projects* Sewer Collection Upgrades* $445,000 East Trunk Main Project* Eastside Water Main Project* Refunding Projects UR Refunding Water Refunding $191,000 $935,000 $1,275,000 $1,600,000 $1,035,000 $8,431,000 $820,000 $490,000 $1,310,000 Borrowing Fees Total $269,000 $10,010,000 Deposit Resolution The proposed borrowing later this month will be approximately $10 million. The City’s current deposit resolution limits the maximum amount of deposits at Hills Bank and Trust to $10 million. The amount authorized is being increased to allow for the bond funds to be deposited there with the City still being in compliance with deposit limitations. After the bond proceeds are received, they will be distributed to several other lending institutions, not just held at Hills Bank. Dahnovan Estates This request is to subdivide an existing large lot into 73 buildable lots: 12 single-family RS-6 lots, 58 RD10 duplex lots, 2 RM-8 multi-family lots, and one C-2-A commercial lot; plus one nonbuildable outlot containing a proposed storm water management feature. It is located at the northwest corner of the Dubuque Street/North Liberty Road intersection. This is the first layout for the newly annexed area east of North Liberty and provides a good mix of different lot types, and a good neighborhood street layout that is not likely to promote speeding like arrow-straight residential streets tend to. There is good proposed connectivity to adjacent developments, and the extension of the collector street Tartan Drive is provided for. published September 4, 2015 •page 2 The preliminary plat and preliminary plat agreement are on the agenda for Council consideration. Staff and the Planning Commission have reviewed the preliminary plat and recommend approval. The preliminary plat agreement specifies requirements for the developer to develop the property. Specific conditions of interest include having the developer acknowledge that they understand the status of City improvements affecting the development. Soil Preservation Ordinance, First Consideration The proposed Soil Preservation Ordinance has been in the works for many months prior to this presentation to Council. Staff presented the concept to the Tree & Stormwater Board. The Board recommended moving ahead with the proposal. Staff met with Iowa City Home Builder Association, local home builders and developers on three occasions to discuss how to preserve and restore top soil. The group agreed upon the following process. • • Developer’s responsibilities o Specify the top soil quantity on the stormwater prevention pollution plan. The minimum top soil depth shall be four inches. o Scarification and tillage of all compacted soil areas to a minimum depth of twelve inches prior to reestablishing the top soil. o Providing certification statement specified top soil depth has been established throughout the subdivision in accordance with the SWPPP by the engineer of record. Home Builder’s responsibilities o Preserve existing top soil by removing and stock piling prior to excavating the building foundation. o Remove all construction debris prior to reestablishing the specified top soil. o Till compacted soils to a minimum depth of six inches. o Return the preserved top soil material to average depth of four inches. o Lightly compaction of the top soil with a turf roller is acceptable. Annual Street Finance Report Included in your packet is the Street Finance Report for FY 15, which is required to be completed and filed with the Department of Transportation annually. In summary, our Road Use Tax revenues for the year totaled approximately $1.39 million and expenditures came in at nearly $1.3 million, leaving a surplus of over $183k. The reserve fund now totals $798k, approximately $179k higher than originally projected in the budget. SRF Sponsored Project Agreement Staff is recommending approval of a work proposal from Shive Hattery in the amount of $195,500 for design and inspection work for the SRF Sponsored Water Quality project. The City received approval to use interest funds from the SRF funded wastewater treatment plant expansion project to implement water quality projects throughout the community. This project includes permeable paver parking lot, bioswale, and trail (not SRF funded) in Centennial Park; bank restoration on the City’s storm water ponds in Centennial Park and Goose Lake; and a city-wide soil quality restoration grant program. published September 4, 2015 •page 3 Zoning Map Update, Third Reading and adoption In an effort to clean up the zoning map by making it as up-to-date and accurate as possible, staff has assembled a long list of City properties that should be rezoned to the “Public” zoning category. In addition, there is one very small private correction/update at the Dahnovan Estates development of less than .2 acre needed so that the zoning district outlines match the preliminary plat lot configuration. A map in the packet shows the locations of these parcels. Documents Included For Your Review • • Monthly Reports o Building Department o Fire Department o Library o Parks Department o Police Department o Recreation Department o Streets Department o Communications Department o Wastewater Department o Water Department Housing Trust Fund of Johnson County – FY 15 Annual Report published September 4, 2015 •page 4 AGENDA 1. Call to order AGENDA North Liberty City Council September 8, 2015 Regular Session 6:30 p.m. City Council Chambers 2. Roll call 3. Approval of the Agenda 4. Consent Agenda A. City Council Minutes, Regular Session, August 25, 2015 B. Claims C. Liquor License Renewal, Kyodai Japanese Grill LLC, Class C Liquor License D. Liquor License Renewal, Mirabito’s Italian, Special Class C Liquor License E. Liquor License Renewal, Zio Johnos, Class C Liquor License with Sunday Sales endorsement F. Liquor License Application, Event at SouthSlope, September 24, 2015, Class B Beer License G. Liquor License Application, Vintage Soul, Class B Native Wine Permit H. Liquor License Application, Gasby’s II, Class C Beer Permit with Sunday Sales endorsement I. North Liberty East Growth Utilities Project, Change Order Number 2, Langman Construction, $4,403.40 J. North Liberty East Growth Utilities Project, Pay Request Number 6, Langman Construction, $188,555.08 K. North Liberty Water Main Improvements Project, Pay Request Number 3, Dave Schmitt Construction, $230,906.93 5. Public Comment 6. City Engineer Report 7. City Attorney Report 8. City Administrator Report City of North Liberty – 2015 Page: 1 Updated: September 3, 2015 2:00 p.m. 9. Mayor Report 10. I-380 Interchange Planning A. Discussion with Iowa DOT staff regarding I-380 interchange planning 11. 2015A Bond Sale A. Public Hearing on Proposal to Enter into a General Obligation Corporate Purpose and Refunding Loan Agreement B. Resolution Number 15-99, A Resolution taking additional action to enter into a Loan Agreement, setting the date for the sale of General Obligation Corporate Purpose and Refunding Bonds, Series 2015A and authorizing the use of a preliminary official statement in connection therewith 12. Deposit Resolution A. Resolution Number 15-100, A Resolution designating Hills Bank & Trust Company, US Bank, MidWestOne, University of Iowa Community Credit Union, Great Western Bank, Collins Community Credit Union and Corridor State Bank as depositories for public funds belonging to the City of North Liberty, Iowa 13. Dahnovan Estates A. Staff & Commission Recommendations B. Applicant presentation C. Resolution Number 15-101, A Resolution approving the Preliminary Plat Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Roller Development, LLC and Kaiser Holdings, LLC that establishes the terms and conditions under which Dahnovan Estates will be platted in the City of North Liberty, Iowa D. Resolution Number 15-102, A Resolution approving the Preliminary Plat of Dahnovan Estates, North Liberty, Iowa 14. Soil Preservation Ordinance A. Public Hearing regarding proposed soil preservation ordinance B. First consideration of Ordinance Number 15-07, An Ordinance amending Chapters 155 and 156 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by adding topsoil preservation requirements 15. Road Use Tax Report FY 15 A. Resolution Number 15-103, A Resolution approving the City Street Financial Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015 16. SRF Sponsored Project A. Resolution Number 15-104, A Resolution approving the Services Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Shive-Hattery, Inc. for services relating to the SRF Sponsored Water Quality Project 17. Citywide Property Rezoning – Zoning Map Clean Up City of North Liberty – 2015 Page: 2 Updated: September 3, 2015 2:00 p.m. A. Third consideration and adoption of Ordinance Number 15-06, An Ordinance amending Chapter 167 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by amending the use regulations on properties owned by various owners located in North Liberty, Iowa to those set forth in the municipal code for various zoning districts 18. Old Business 19. New Business 20. Adjournment City of North Liberty – 2015 Page: 3 Updated: September 3, 2015 2:00 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA Minutes North Liberty City Council August 25, 2015 Regular Session Call to order Mayor Nielsen called the August 25, 2015 Regular Session of the North Liberty City Council to order. Councilors present: Chipman, Donahue, Hoffman, Pollock, Wayson. Others present: Ryan Heiar, Tracey Mulcahey, Scott Peterson, Kevin Trom, Dean Wheatley, Stefan Juran and other interested parties. Approval of the Agenda Chipman moved, Pollock seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved. Consent Agenda Hoffman moved, Wayson seconded to approve the Consent Agenda including City Council Minutes from the Regular Session on August 11, 2015; the attached list of Claims; July Revenues; Penn Meadows Park Project Change Order Number 1 to Lynch’s Excavating in the amount of $250.00; Penn Meadows Park Pay Request Number 1 to Lynch’s Excavating in the amount of $66,471.00; Water Main Project Pay Request Number 2 to Dave Schmitt Construction Co., Inc. in the amount of $270,326,63; Sewer Upgrades Project Change Order Number 2 to Maxwell Construction in the amount of $2,735.64; Sewer Upgrades Project Pay Request Number 4 to Maxwell Construction in the amount of $72,861.41; North Liberty Trail Project Change Order Number 1 to L.L. Pelling in a deduct amount of ($569.78); and North Liberty Trail Project Pay Request Number 1 to L.L. Pelling in the amount of $189,808.75. After discussion, the vote was all ayes. The consent agenda was approved. Public Comment Ron Bandy, 25 N. Dubuque Street, presented photographs to the Council. Bandy offered several suggestions for park and trail facilities throughout town. City Engineer Report City Engineer Trom reported that the contractor on the water main project has made great progress on Hickory Street. Outstanding work includes pouring sidewalks and driveways and redoing the street. The St. Andrews portion is complete other than seeding. The work on the Goose Lake area is likely to be back underway next week. Trom reported that the trail project is almost complete with signage being the only outstanding item. The Penn Meadows Park water and sewer project is complete with seeding happening today or City of North Liberty – 2015 Page: 1 tomorrow. Excavation in the area is likely to happen very soon for the foundation for the concessions building. The Wastewater Treatment Plant Project contractor is grading on the east side of the site and has started work on the control building. Construction is nearing completion on the Penn Street ICAAP project. The sewer upgrades project will be complete with the submittal of finals to close out the project. Council discussed the report with Trom. City Attorney Report City Attorney Peterson provided an update concerning litigation. He requested that Council contact him with any questions about information he sends out regarding litigation. City Administrator Report City Administrator Heiar updated Council on progress on Highway 965 improvements. All intersections are open. Traffic signals and street lights are still under construction. Work continues on street walls and intersection plazas. The contractor is well over the number of contract days. The contractor for the East Growth Utilities project should be finished with the deep area soon enabling the remainder of the work to move quicker. The contractor will be moving to the school site soon to install the water main. Heiar reported that the social services grant application cycle will be applications due by September 30 with the review and award at the October 13 Council meeting. The second funding round will be December 30 due date and January 12 review award. Future funding cycles will be June due date, July award and December/January. Heiar updated Council on the Census process. Census enumerator applicants are still needed. The block party to celebrate the opening of Highway 965 will be at Penn Landing on Sunday, August 30. Mayor Report Mayor Nielsen reported that the Board of Supervisors is considering the minimum wage ordinance. The City is seeking a Board of Adjustment member and Transit Task Force members. Board/Commission Appointments Wayson moved, Hoffman seconded to appoint Thomas Wells to the Telecommunications Commission, Terri Alter to the Board of Appeals, and Kate Karacay to the Cemetery Board. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Donahue, Chipman, Hoffman, Pollock, Wayson; nays – none. Motion carried. Clear Creek Water Shed Management Authority Wayson moved, Hoffman seconded to approve Resolution Number 15-95, A Resolution approving the Articles of Agreement creating the Clear Creek Watershed Coalition. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Chipman, Donahue, Wayson, Hoffman, Pollock, nays – none. Motion carried. City Property Annexation City of North Liberty – 2015 Page: 2 At 7:01 p.m., Mayor Nielsen opened the public hearing regarding proposed annexation of property owned by the City for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. No oral or written comments were received. The public hearing was closed. Donahue moved, Chipman seconded to approve Resolution Number 15-96, A Resolution approving annexation of a certain property to the City of North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayes – Donahue, Chipman, Pollock, Hoffman, Wayson; nays – none. Motion carried. Josephs Keep, Second Addition Wheatley reported that staff recommends approval of this application. Hoffman moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 15-97, A Resolution approving the Final Plat of Josephs Keep, Second Addition, North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayes – Pollock, Chipman, Hoffman, Donahue, Wayson; nays – none. Motion carried. Major Street Plan Hoffman moved, Chipman seconded to approve Resolution Number 15-98, A Resolution adopting the Major Street Plan Amendment. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Hoffman, Wayson, Pollock, Chipman, Donahue; nays – none. Motion carried. Council Rules Chipman moved, Donahue seconded to remove Council Rules from the table. The vote was all ayes. Motion carried. Donahue moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 15-94, A Resolution approving the City Council Rules for the City of North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayesPollock, Wayson, Donahue, Chipman, Hoffman; nays – none. Motion carried. Citywide Property Rezoning – Zoning Map Clean Up Hoffman moved, Pollock seconded to approve the second consideration of Ordinance Number 15-06, An Ordinance amending Chapter 167 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by amending the use regulations on properties owned by various owners located in North Liberty, Iowa to those set forth in the municipal code for various zoning districts. The vote was: ayes- Chipman, Hoffman, Donahue, Wayson, Pollock; nays – none. Motion carried. Scanlon Farms LLC Rezoning Donahue moved, Hoffman seconded to approve the third consideration and adoption of Ordinance Number 15-05, An Ordinance amending Chapter 167 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by amending the use regulations on property owned by Scanlon Family Farm LC located in North Liberty, Iowa to those set forth in the Municipal Code for the RS-4 Single Family Residential Zoning District. The vote was: ayes – Wayson, Donahue, Chipman, Hoffman, Pollock; nays – none. Motion carried. Old Business City of North Liberty – 2015 Page: 3 Councilor Wayson thanked those who attended Salute to Summer and complimented the Fire Department on a great event. New Business Councilor Donahue offered thanks to the City Attorney for coordinating the council rules update process. Heiar reported on the new finance report in the packet. Councilor Wayson requested having additional information as a separate packet in Dropbox. Adjournment At 7:14 p.m., Donahue moved, Pollock seconded to adjourn. All ayes. Meeting adjourned. CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY By: ____________________________________ Amy Nielsen, Mayor Attest: ____________________________________ Tracey Mulcahey, City Clerk City of North Liberty – 2015 Page: 4 License Application ( LC0039660 Applicant Name of Applicant: ) Kyodai Japanese Grill LLC Name of Business (DBA): Kyodai Japanese Grill Address of Premises: 575 Cameron Way City North Liberty County: Johnson Business (319) 626-2111 Mailing 575 Cameron Way Zip: 52317 State IA City North Liberty Zip: 52317 Contact Person Name Chin Nguyen Phone: (319) 621-9452 Email chinman71@yahoo.com Classification Class C Liquor License (LC) (Commercial) Term:12 months Effective Date: 09/29/2016 Expiration Date: Privileges: Class C Liquor License (LC) (Commercial) Status of Business BusinessType: Limited Liability Company 405679 Corporate ID Number: Federal Employer ID 45-2412982 Ownership Joshua Kelley First Name: Joshua Last Name: Kelley City: North Liberty State: Iowa Position: Owner % of Ownership: 100.00% Zip: 52317 U.S. Citizen: Yes Insurance Company Information Insurance Company: Travelers Casualty Insurance Company of America Policy Effective Date: Policy Expiration Bond Effective Dram Cancel Date: Outdoor Service Effective Outdoor Service Expiration Temp Transfer Effective Temp Transfer Expiration Date: North Liberty Police Department 5 E Cherry St•PO Box 77•North Liberty, Iowa•52317•(319) 626‐5724/Fax: 5743 August 4, 2015 Liquor License Check Business: Kyodai Japanese Grill 575 Cameron Way North Liberty, IA 52317 Owner: Chin Nguyen (DOB: 1971) Civil Lawsuits in which Chin Nguyen is/was the Defendant: Date Created Case Status Case Disposition 10/10/2014 6/3/2015 Owner: Money Judgement Pending Settlement paid Joshua Kelley (DOB: 1980) A record check of the above business and owners shows no past incidents with the North Liberty Police Department that could affect the liquor license. This department does not have any concerns with the renewal of the liquor license. I recommend the license be granted. Sergeant Chris Shine License Application ( BW0094637 Applicant Name of Applicant: ) Topwop Inc. Name of Business (DBA): Mirabito's Italian Address of Premises: 40 Sugar Creek Lane Unit 1 City North Liberty County: Johnson Business (319) 459-1342 Mailing 40 Sugar Creek Lane Unit 1 Zip: 52317 State IA City North Liberty Zip: 52317 Contact Person Name Gregg Mirabito Phone: (319) 459-1342 Email mirabitositalian@gmail.com Classification Special Class C Liquor License (BW) (Beer/Wine) Term:12 months Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Expiration Date: 09/30/2016 Privileges: Special Class C Liquor License (BW) (Beer/Wine) Status of Business BusinessType: Privately Held Corporation 482795 Corporate ID Number: Federal Employer ID 47-1438594 Ownership Gregg Mirabito First Name: Gregg Last Name: Mirabito City: NorthLibery State: Iowa Position: President % of Ownership: 50.00% Zip: 52317 U.S. Citizen: Yes Terri Mirabito First Name: Terri Last Name: Mirabito City: North Liberty State: Iowa Position: Treasurer % of Ownership: 50.00% Zip: 52317 U.S. Citizen: Yes Insurance Company Information Insurance Company: Illinois Casualty Co Policy Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Policy Expiration 09/30/2016 Bond Effective Dram Cancel Date: Outdoor Service Effective Outdoor Service Expiration Temp Transfer Effective Temp Transfer Expiration Date: North Liberty Police Department 5 E Cherry St•PO Box 77•North Liberty, Iowa•52317•(319) 626‐5724/Fax: 5743 August 4, 2015 Liquor License Check Business: Mirabito's Italian Restaurant 40 Sugar Creek Lane North Liberty, IA 52317 Owners: 1. Gregg Mirabito 2. Terri Mirabito (DOB: 1964) (DOB: 1964) The North Liberty Police department does not have any documented contacts for the above owners or business that raises any concerns. I recommend the license be granted. Sergeant Chris Shine North Liberty Fire Dept (IA) 25 W Cherry St PO Box 77 North Liberty, IA 52317 Fire Dept Violation Notice September 1, 2015 Mirabito's Italian Restaurant 40 Sugar Creek LN, Suite #1 North Liberty, IA 52317 ORDER TO COMPLY: Since these conditions are contrary to law, you must correct them upon receipt of this notice. An inspection to determine compliance with this Notice will be conducted on or after 30 days from Sep 1, 2015. If you fail to comply with this notice before the re-inspection date listed, you may be liable for the penalties & fees provided for by law for such violations. Fire Inspection Fees: Initial Fire Inspection: No Charge 1st Re-Inspection: No Charge 2nd Re-Inspection: $75.00 Additional Re-Inspections: Municipal Infraction, Daily until Corrected. Violations 605.5 Extension cords Note Extension cords and flexible cords shall not be a substitute for permanent wiring. Extension cords and flexible cords shall not be affixed to structures, extended through walls, ceilings or floors, or under doors or floor coverings, nor shall such cords be subject to environmental damage or physical impact. Extension cords shall be used only with portable appliances. Remove extension cord to ice machine. 803.1 General Note The provisions of this section shall limit the allowable flame spread and smoke development of interior wall and ceiling finishes and interior wall and ceiling trim in existing buildings based on location and occupancy classification. Curtains have been added since initial inspection. Curtains in this non-sprinklered occupancy shall have a class c or better flame spread rating. Provide curtain spec sheet or apply fire retardant coating within the next 60 days. 3003.5.3 Securing compressed gas containers Note Securing compressed gas containers, cylinders and tanks. Compressed gas containers, cylinders and tanks shall be secured to prevent falling caused by contact, vibration or seismic activity. Tanks must be secured to the wall or non-movable object. Chain must be anchored on both sides of the tank. Visit us at www.nlfire.org e.org Complete code Co omplete cod de references referrences can be b found f d at: http://www.nlfire.org/permits.html h // lfi / i h l HARDIN BRYAN HARDIN Inspector Gregg MIRABITO License Application ( LC0040325 Applicant Name of Applicant: ) zio johno's, Inc. Name of Business (DBA): zio johno's spaghetti house Address of Premises: 780 community dr. #1 City North Liberty County: Johnson Business (319) 626-3232 Mailing 780 community dr. #1 Zip: 52317 State IA City North Liberty Zip: 52317 Contact Person Name Eli Khairallah Phone: (319) 721-6503 Email eli@ziojohnosonline.com Classification Class C Liquor License (LC) (Commercial) Term:12 months Effective Date: 09/10/2015 Expiration Date: 09/09/2016 Privileges: Class B Wine Permit Class C Liquor License (LC) (Commercial) Sunday Sales Status of Business Privately Held Corporation BusinessType: 103803 Corporate ID Number: Federal Employer ID 42-1264874 Ownership eli khairallah First Name: eli Last Name: khairallah City: cedar rapids State: Iowa Position: owner % of Ownership: 100.00% Zip: 52403 U.S. Citizen: Yes Insurance Company Information Insurance Company: Farm Bureau Financial Services Policy Effective Date: 09/10/2015 Policy Expiration 09/10/2016 Bond Effective Dram Cancel Date: Outdoor Service Effective Outdoor Service Expiration Temp Transfer Effective Date Temp Transfer Expiration Date: North Liberty Fire Dept (IA) 25 W Cherry St PO Box 77 North Liberty, IA 52317 Fire Dept Violation Notice July 30, 2015 Zio Johno's Spaghetti House 780 Community DR, #1 North Liberty, IA 52317 ORDER TO COMPLY: Since these conditions are contrary to law, you must correct them upon receipt of this notice. An inspection to determine compliance with this Notice will be conducted on or after 30 days from Jul 30, 2015. If you fail to comply with this notice before the re-inspection date listed, you may be liable for the penalties & fees provided for by law for such violations. Fire Inspection Fees: Initial Fire Inspection: No Charge 1st Re-Inspection: No Charge 2nd Re-Inspection: $75.00 Additional Re-Inspections: Municipal Infraction, Daily until Corrected. Violations 3003.5.3 Securing compressed gas containers Note Securing compressed gas containers, cylinders and tanks. Compressed gas containers, cylinders and tanks shall be secured to prevent falling caused by contact, vibration or seismic activity. Tanks must be secured to the wall or non-movable object. Chain must be anchored on both sides of the tank. - behind bar, secure all cylinders. Corrected during inspection. 904.11.6.2 Extinguishing system service Note As noted on the last kitchen hood cleaning inspection report, the kitchen hood exhaust does not have hinges. Hinges are required on each kitchen hood exhaust fan for proper access for cleaning. Complete by 10/31/2015. Visit us at www.nlfire.org Complete code references can be found at: http://www.nlfire.org/permits.html HARDIN BRYAN HARDIN Inspector Javier perez License Application ( Applicant Name of Applicant: ) Big Grove LLC Name of Business (DBA): Big Grove Brewery Address of Premises: 980 N Front St City North Liberty County: Johnson Business (319) 624-2337 Mailing 101 W Main St Zip: 52317 State IA City Solon Zip: 52333 Contact Person Name Douglas R Goettsch Phone: (319) 624-2337 Email doug.goettsch@gmail.com Classification Class B Beer (BB) (Includes Wine Coolers) Term:5 days Effective Date: 09/24/2015 Expiration Date: 01/01/1900 Privileges: Class B Beer (BB) (Includes Wine Coolers) Status of Business Limited Liability Company BusinessType: Corporate ID Number: 447856 Federal Employer ID 46-1577740 Ownership Matt Swift First Name: Matt Last Name: Swift City: Iowa City State: Iowa Position: partner % of Ownership: 45.00% Zip: 52240 U.S. Citizen: Yes Faye Swift First Name: Faye Last Name: Swift City: Iowa City State: Iowa Position: partner % of Ownership: 30.00% Zip: 52240 U.S. Citizen: Yes Douglas Goettsch First Name: Douglas Last Name: Goettsch City: North Liberty State: Iowa Position: partner % of Ownership: 25.00% U.S. Citizen: Yes Zip: 52317 Insurance Company Information Insurance Company: Founders Insurance Company Policy Effective Date: 09/24/2015 Policy Expiration 09/29/2015 Bond Effective Dram Cancel Date: Outdoor Service Effective Outdoor Service Expiration Temp Transfer Effective Temp Transfer Expiration Date: License Application ( Applicant Name of Applicant: ) Yolanda Halferty Name of Business (DBA): Vintage Soul Address of Premises: 185 Highway 965, Suite 3 City North Liberty County: Johnson Business (319) 459-1205 Mailing 185 Highway 965, Suite 3 Zip: 52317 State IA City North Liberty Zip: 52317 Contact Person Name Yolanda Halferty Phone: (641) 512-0455 Email vintagesouliowa@yahoo.com Classification Class B Native Wine Permit (WBN) Term:12 months Effective Date: 09/01/2015 Expiration Date: 01/01/1900 Privileges: Class B Native Wine Permit (WBN) Status of Business BusinessType: Sole Proprietorship Corporate ID Number: Federal Employer ID Ownership Yolanda Halferty First Name: Yolanda City: Position: Last Name: Halferty State: Iowa Zip: 52241 Owner % of Ownership: 100.00% U.S. Citizen: Yes Donald Halferty First Name: Donald City: Position: Last Name: Halferty State: Iowa Husband % of Ownership: 0.00% U.S. Citizen: Yes Insurance Company Information Insurance Company: Policy Effective Date: Policy Expiration Zip: 52241 Bond Effective Dram Cancel Date: Outdoor Service Effective Outdoor Service Expiration Temp Transfer Effective Temp Transfer Expiration Date: Spoke with Christina at IABD 8/27/15 she is selling bottle wine to go. License Application ( Applicant Name of Applicant: ) J.M.A.C. Enterprises, Inc. Name of Business (DBA): Gasby's II Address of Premises: 1 Hawkeye Drive City North Liberty County: Please Select Business (319) 626-7990 Mailing 1 Hawkeye Drive Zip: 52317 State IA City North Liberty Zip: 52317 Contact Person Name Shane Jacob McCusker Phone: (319) 325-3899 jakemccusker@hotmail.com Email Classification Class C Beer Permit (BC) Term:12 months Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Expiration Date: 01/01/1900 Privileges: Class C Beer Permit (BC) Sunday Sales Status of Business BusinessType: Privately Held Corporation Corporate ID Number: n/a Federal Employer ID 47 4017710 Ownership Shane Jacob McCusker First Name: Shane Jacob City: Position: Last Name: McCusker State: Iowa Zip: 52317 owner % of Ownership: 100.00% U.S. Citizen: Yes Insurance Company Information Insurance Company: Policy Effective Date: Policy Expiration Bond Effective Dram Cancel Date: Outdoor Service Effective Outdoor Service Expiration Temp Transfer Effective Temp Transfer Expiration Date: Langman Construction, Inc. General Contractors 220-34th Ave Rock Island, IL 61201 Phone: (309)786-8944 Fax: (309)786-2107 September 1, 2015 John Gade, P.E. Director of Municipal Engineering Fox Engineering & Associates 414 S. 17th Street (Suite 107) Ames, IA 50010 Project: Re: North Liberty East Growth Project Added Sewer Lateral for Flush Assembly We hereby propose a change order in the amount of $4,403.40 for the added sewer lateral as shown on the attached drawing and email write up. The final design of the sewer lateral may change a little due to in field adjustments to make this work. Material Labor Equipment Subcontractor Subtotal 15% Overhead, Profit and Bond Total Sincerely, Brian Gaul – Project Manager $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 175.00 2,348.89 1,305.15 3,829.04 574.36 4,403.40 Material 6" SDR 23.5 6" HW SDR BENDS 8" CAP PIPE BEDDING Subtotal Quantity 42 3 1 14 Unit LF EA EA TON Unit Price $ 2.75 $ 16.50 $ 10.00 $ 12.75 Total $ 115.50 $ 49.50 $ 10.00 $ 178.50 $ 175.00 Quantity Unit 7 HR 14 HR 7 HR 7 HR Unit Price $ 78.54 $ 71.02 $ 57.49 $ 57.49 Total $ 549.79 $ 994.28 $ 402.41 $ 402.41 $ 2,348.89 Quantity Unit 7 HR 7 HR 7 HR Unit Price $ 114.82 $ 44.91 $ 26.72 Total $ 803.74 $ 314.37 $ 187.04 $ 1,305.15 Labor Foreman Operator Laborer Pipesetter Equipment John Deere 240D John Deere 310 SJ 2014 Ford F350 Subcontractor Quantity Unit Unit Price Subtotal Total $ $ - Job Name: NL EAST GROWTH AREA EXTENSION Seq# Qty Description #223 - GRIMES, IOWA Units Price Ext. Price BID ITEM #4.1 (CONT) 650 660 670 680 6 6 6 5 EA EA EA EA 25.00 17.50 12.00 5.00 150.00 105.00 72.00 25.00 10 C900 DR18 CERTALOK PVC PIPE 10 C900 DR18 PVC PIPE (G) 6 C900 DR18 CERTALOK PIPE 6 C900 DR18 PVC PIPE (G) FT FT FT FT 18.35 9.95 6.99 3.85 2,936.00 6,965.00 1,118.40 2,695.00 1002-1010 FLX CPG CLXCI/PVC 1002-88 8 FLEX CPLG CLXCI/PVC 1002-66 6 FLEX CPLG CLXCI/PVC 1002-44 4 FLEX CPLG CLXCI/PVC PLEASE VERIFY ALL SIZES AND QUANTITIES. THANK YOU! BID ITEM #4.2 - SAN FORCE MAIN 750 760 770 780 160 700 160 700 800 810 820 4 1 2 10 MJ 45 BEND (I) CP DI C153 10 MJ 22-1/2 BEND (I) DI C153 10 MJ 11-1/4 BEND(I)CP DI C153 EA EA EA 156.95 156.46 155.48 627.80 156.46 310.96 840 850 860 4 1 2 6 MJ 45 BEND (I) CP DI C153 6 MJ 22-1/2 BEND (I) DI C153 6 MJ 11-1/4 BEND (I) DI C153 EA EA EA 82.16 78.24 79.71 328.64 78.24 159.42 880 890 22 22 10 PVC 4010 STARGRIP RESTR (I) 6 PVC 4006 STARGRIP RESTR (I) EA EA 68.50 25.50 1,507.00 561.00 ok BID ITEM #4.3 - 8" SAN SEWER 930 940 350 14 8X12.5' PVC TRUSS PIPE (G) 4"X14' SDR23.5 PVC PIPE - GSKT FT FT 4.45 1.35 1,557.50 18.90 2 1 8 PVC TRUSS SW CAP 4 PVC SDR35 SWR CAP HUB SW EA EA 10.00 1.50 20.00 1.50 10X12.5' PVC TRUSS PIPE (G) FT 6.60 4,125.00 10 PVC TRUSS SW SPIGOT CAP EA 25.00 50.00 ok 960 970 BID ITEM #4.4 - 10" SAN SEWER 1010 1030 Date Printed: 2/20/15 625 ok 2 Page No. 3 Job Name: NL EAST GROWTH AREA EXTENSION Seq# Qty Description #223 - GRIMES, IOWA Units Price Ext. Price BID ITEM #5.7 - FLUSH ASSEMBLY 2X40' (K) SOFT COPPER TUBING FT 10.75 430.00 1 1 3845 12X2 CC BRONZE SADDLE AYM 74701B 2 CCXFLR BALL CORP EA EA 205.00 225.00 205.00 225.00 2240 2250 2260 1 1 1 76100 2 BALL CURB STOP FLRXFL 5'6" 5603 AP CURB BOX 42 CB STATIONARY ROD SS EA EA EA 325.00 42.50 17.50 325.00 42.50 17.50 2280 1 EA 2,875.00 2,875.00 2300 1 9800 ECLIPSE AUTO FLUSHER 5,6" BURY DEPTH AYM 74753 2 FLR X MIP SERVICE EA 95.00 95.00 2320 28 6X14' SDR23.5 PVC PIPE GSKT FT 2.75 77.00 2340 2350 2360 2370 1 1 3 1 8X6 PVC TRUSS WYE GXG 6 HW SWR SDR26 45 GXSP 6 HW SWR SDR26 90 GXG 1056-66SR SHEAR CI/PVCXCI/PVC EA EA EA EA 48.50 16.50 24.50 25.00 48.50 16.50 73.50 25.00 3/4X60' (K) SOFT COPPER TUBING FT 2.95 177.00 2190 40 2210 2220 BID ITEM #5.8 - SAMPLE STATION 2400 60 2420 2430 1 1 3845 12X3/4CC BRONZE SDL AYM 74701B 3/4 CC X FLR BALL EA EA 175.00 40.00 175.00 40.00 2450 2460 2470 1 1 1 76100 3/4 BALL CURB FLRXFL NO 5'6" 5601 AP CURB BOX 42 CB STATIONARY ROD SS EA EA EA 55.00 35.00 17.50 55.00 35.00 17.50 2490 2500 1 1 #66 SAMPLING STATION 5'B AYM 74753 3/4IN FLR X MIP EA EA 725.00 11.75 725.00 11.75 ok Date Printed: 2/20/15 Page No. 7 4301 Old River Road SW Ely, IA 52227 Phone: (319) 929-6711 Fax: (319) 841-9261 TO: ESTIMATORS FAX: PHONE: Item No. PROJECT: LOCATION: B.O. #: DATE: DESCRIPTION Class E Rip Rap Class D Rip Rap Class A Roadstone (Special Backfill) 1" Clean 2" Clean Erosion Stone Macadam QUANTITY 1,592 1,592 1,048 13,516 882 125 882 NL East Growth Area Water & Sanitary North Liberty, IA 2/19/2015 UNIT TON TON TON TON TON TON TON UNIT PRICE $24.25 $14.25 $7.75 $8.75 $8.75 $13.50 $8.75 HAUL $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 TOTAL $28.25 $18.25 $11.75 $12.75 $12.75 $17.50 $12.75 JOSH KRAL Quotation prepared by: ______________________ (319) 929-6711 This is a quotation on the goods named, subject to the conditions noted below: *Unit Prices Are F.O.B. Per TON Hennessey Quarry *Unit Prices Reflect 2,000 lbs per TON *Sales Tax NOT Included *Moyna Materials Not Responsible For Deliveries Greater Than 2,000 TON Per Day Per Material *Quotation Valid for 15 Days *Payment Due Net 30 Days from date of Sale To accept this quotation, sign and return: ______________________________________ (Buyer) Brian Gaul Project Manager Langman Construction, Inc. 3/3/2015 _________________________ (Date) Job #1510 IEOUIPMENTJ --WATCH www.equipmentweldl.com June 9, 2015 Rental Rate Blue Book® On-Highway Light Duty Trucks Miscellaneous Models Size Cleas: Net Hp 300 HP & Over Configuration for On-Highway Light Duty Trucks Power Mode Dlnel 4X4 340.0 Axle Configuration Horsepower CBbType Ton Rating Crew 1 Blua Book Rates - FHWA Rate Is equal to the monthly ownership cost divided by 176 plus the hourly estimated operating 0081. Ownership Coats Published Rales Adjustmanta Region (Cedar Rapids: 100.1%) Model Year (2014: 100%) 0Wne111hlp (100%) Operating (100%) Total: Monthly $1,085.00 Weekly $305.00 Daily $76.00 Hourty $11.00 $1.09 $0.31 $0.08 $0.01 $1,088.09 $305.31 $78.08 $11.01 Estimated Operating Costs Hourly $20.55 FHWA Rate"" $20.55 $28.72 Hourly $26.71 Rate Element Allocatlon Elament Depreciation (owne111hlp) OVerhaul (ownership) CFC (ownership) Indirect (ownership) Fuel (operating)@$3.98 Percentage 58'11, 28'11, 4% 10% 79% Value $629.30/mo $303.80/mo $43.40/mo $108.50/mo $16.24/ hr Revised Date: 2nd Half 2014 All material herein C 2003-2015 Penton All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 IEOUIPMENTJ --WATCH www.equipmentweldl.com June 9, 2015 Rental Rate Blue Book® Deere 2400 LC Crawler Mounted Hydraulic Excavators Size Class: Opendlng Weight 24.1 - 28.0 MTons Weight: 14,114 IN. Configuration for 2400 LC Power Mode Dlnel Bucket capacity - Heaped U8cy Operating weight 24.lt Net Horsepower 177.D hp Equipment Notss: General Purpoae bucket Included In rate, unleaa olhelWlae noted. Blua Book Rates - FHWA Rate la equal to the monthly ownership cost divided by 176 plua the hourty estimated operating cost. Ownership Costs Published Rates Adjulltmant. Region (Cedar Weekly Monthly $9,800.00 $2,745.00 Dally $885.00 Hourly $105.00 ($150.84) ($42.25) ($10.54) ($1.62) $9,848.18 $2,702.75 $874.48 $103.38 Estimated Opendlng Costa Hourly $60.00 FHWARlm"* $80.00 $114.82 Hourly $115.68 Rapids: 100%) Model Year (2011: 98.4%) 0Vme111hlp (100%) Operating (100%) Total: Rata Element Allocatlon Elament Depreciation (ownership) OVerhaul (owne111hlp) CFC (ownership) Indirect (ownership) Fuel (operating)@ $3.98 Percentage 38% 48% 6% 8% 49% Value $3,724.00 I mo $4,704.00 I mo $588.00/mo $784.00tmo $29.591 hr Revised Date: 2nd Half 2014 All material herein C 2003-2015 Penton All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 Brian Gaul From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: John Gade <jmg@foxeng.com> Monday, August 31, 2015 6:04 PM Brian Gaul Josh Pins; Mitch Holtz Automatic Flushing Assembly Brian, It appears that FOX may not of coordinated with the Iowa City School District in regard to the connection of the Automatic Flushing Assembly. The plans state that the HS Contractor shall make the sanitary connection. But they do not show this on their plans. Therefore, I need a "Change Order Proposal" from Langman to: 1. Remove 8-inch cap and install 8"x6" Wye and cap 8-inch main. Note that Brad stated that the stub is 16 to 18-ft deep. 2. Install 6-inch riser (1:1 slope) to within 7-ft of finished grade. 3. Run approximately 50-ft of 6-inch sanitary sewer to Automatic Flushing Assembly. Assume this run will be parallel to the new 12-inch water main. Ideally 3-ft way from water main. I discussed this briefly with Josh. Josh was concerned that IF he had to do this work, then he would need to do it prior to installing the water main in this area. Sorry for the late notice!! I know. I am in trouble. John Gade, P.E. Director of Municipal Engineering FOX Engineering Associates, Inc. 414 South 17th Street | Suite 107 | Ames, IA 50010 Office | 515.233.0000 | Cell | 515.291.2470 www.foxeng.com 1 FUTURE NORTH LIBERTY 12" MAIN (BY OTHERS) PROTECT TREE FUTURE CITY OF CORALVILLE 12" MAIN (BY OTHERS) W W 20 L.F. 8" WATER WITH CAPPED END HYDRANT ASSEMBLY #28 STA 3068+51, 3.5' L 3066+00 3067+00 STA 3069+55, 3.41' L 8" VALVE #1 3068+00 20 L.F. 12" WATER WITH CAPPED END 3069+00 3070+00 3071+00 DO NOT DISTURB EXISTING TRAIL W W W W W W 3072+00 3071+61 3.8' L 12" VALVE #27 W STA 3069+55 12" VALVE #1 STA 3065+10 12" VALVE #24 10' PUE W W 3065+00 APPROX LOCATION OF FUTURE 8" SAN (BY OTHERS) WORKING LIMITS (TYP.) W W W W W W W HYDRANT ASSEMBLY #29 STA 3071+53, 3.7' L W W W 43° 73 75 3073+66 AUTOMATIC FLUSHING ASSEMBLY (SEE DETAILS) 3073+77 CAP END AND MARK WITH POST STA 3071+65 12" VALVE #26 FUTURE CITY OF CORALVILLE 12" MAIN (APPROX) W W OF FUTURE SCHOOL DRIVE A C4.11 + ±3073+05 -6.7L 45° BEND 3071+61 12" TEE W 3073+55 SAMPLING STATION (SEE SECTION 40 2321) 30 W PROTECT EX UTILITY POLE (SUPPORT AS NECESSARY (TYP)) STA 3068+56 12" VALVE #25 3073+00 SAN W INSTALL ≈40 L.F. OF 6" SAN @ 1% MIN INSTALL 8"x6" SAN WYE (PART OF FLUSHING ASSEMBLY BID ITEM) W W 0 800 50' 100' 800 12" TOPSOIL STRIP ALL DISTURBED AREAS REPLACE TOPSOIL & LEAVE IN A PREPARED SEEDBED CONDITION 95% STANDARD PROCTOR 790 REMOVE/REPLACE GRAVEL 8" MIN DEPTH 95% COMPACTION 790 HYDRANT ASSEMBLY #29 FLANGE ELEV =785.08 AUTOMATIC FLUSHING ASSEMBLY 12" VALVE #26 12" VALVE #26 NOTES: -ALL 6" SAN SEWER SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 PVC - ALL WORK SHALL BE AS PER SUDAS 2015 EDITION HYDRANT ASSEMBLY #29 FLANGE ELEV = 782.7 780 5.5' MIN. BURY 5.5' MIN. BURY 780 12" WATER MAIN CAPPED END W/TEMPORARY BLOWOFF (BLOWOFF TO BE REMOVED AFTER TESTING BY CONTRACTOR) STA 3073+77 45° BEND PLAN ALIGNMENT REMOVE CAPPED END. INSTALL 8"x6" WYE. REPLACE CAPPED END 770 3' W DEFLECT PIPE AS REQUIRED 770 6" SAN FL =±7' DEEP FROM FINISH GRADE W 12" W SAMPLING STATION 6" SAN RISER ±40 L.F. OF 6" SAN @ 1% MIN AUTOMATIC FLUSHING ASSEMBLY TOP OF PIPE C4.11 LAST UPDATE: 3071+00 PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILENAME: K:\!proj\2000\2489-13A North Liberty East Trunk Sewer\Drawings\Civil\2489-13A Water P&P.dwg : C4.11 3073+00 REVISION 760 A C4.11 779.27 778.98 777.61 3072+00 DATE NORTH LIBERTY, IA 09/01/15 776.79 776.50 776.25 3070+00 778.45 REFERENCE STATION 760 12" WATER MAIN CAPPED END CHANGE ORDER NO.2 PLAN VIEW 3074+00 3074+50 WATER MAIN PLAN & PROFILE EAST GROWTH AREA WATER & SEWER EXTENSIONS PROJECT NO. LAST UPDATE: 09/01/15 C4.11 FUTURE NORTH LIBERTY 12" MAIN (BY OTHERS) PROTECT TREE FUTURE CITY OF CORALVILLE 12" MAIN (BY OTHERS) W W 20 L.F. 8" WATER WITH CAPPED END HYDRANT ASSEMBLY #28 STA 3068+51, 3.5' L 3066+00 3067+00 STA 3069+55, 3.41' L 8" VALVE #1 3068+00 20 L.F. 12" WATER WITH CAPPED END 3069+00 3070+00 3071+00 DO NOT DISTURB EXISTING TRAIL W W W W W W 3072+00 3071+61 3.8' L 12" VALVE #27 W STA 3069+55 12" VALVE #1 STA 3065+10 12" VALVE #24 10' PUE W W 3065+00 APPROX LOCATION OF FUTURE 8" SAN (BY OTHERS) WORKING LIMITS (TYP.) W W W W W W W HYDRANT ASSEMBLY #29 STA 3071+53, 3.7' L W W W 43° 73 75 3073+66 AUTOMATIC FLUSHING ASSEMBLY (SEE DETAILS) 3073+77 CAP END AND MARK WITH POST STA 3071+65 12" VALVE #26 FUTURE CITY OF CORALVILLE 12" MAIN (APPROX) W W OF FUTURE SCHOOL DRIVE A C4.11 + ±3073+05 -6.7L 45° BEND 3071+61 12" TEE W 3073+55 SAMPLING STATION (SEE SECTION 40 2321) 30 W PROTECT EX UTILITY POLE (SUPPORT AS NECESSARY (TYP)) STA 3068+56 12" VALVE #25 3073+00 SAN W INSTALL ≈40 L.F. OF 6" SAN @ 1% MIN INSTALL 8"x6" SAN WYE (PART OF FLUSHING ASSEMBLY BID ITEM) W W 0 800 50' 100' 800 12" TOPSOIL STRIP ALL DISTURBED AREAS REPLACE TOPSOIL & LEAVE IN A PREPARED SEEDBED CONDITION 95% STANDARD PROCTOR 790 REMOVE/REPLACE GRAVEL 8" MIN DEPTH 95% COMPACTION 790 HYDRANT ASSEMBLY #29 FLANGE ELEV =785.08 AUTOMATIC FLUSHING ASSEMBLY 12" VALVE #26 12" VALVE #26 NOTES: -ALL 6" SAN SEWER SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 PVC - ALL WORK SHALL BE AS PER SUDAS 2015 EDITION HYDRANT ASSEMBLY #29 FLANGE ELEV = 782.7 780 5.5' MIN. BURY 5.5' MIN. BURY 780 12" WATER MAIN CAPPED END W/TEMPORARY BLOWOFF (BLOWOFF TO BE REMOVED AFTER TESTING BY CONTRACTOR) STA 3073+77 45° BEND PLAN ALIGNMENT REMOVE CAPPED END. INSTALL 8"x6" WYE. REPLACE CAPPED END 770 3' W DEFLECT PIPE AS REQUIRED 770 6" SAN FL =±7' DEEP FROM FINISH GRADE W 12" W SAMPLING STATION 6" SAN RISER ±40 L.F. OF 6" SAN @ 1% MIN AUTOMATIC FLUSHING ASSEMBLY TOP OF PIPE C4.11 LAST UPDATE: 3071+00 PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILENAME: K:\!proj\2000\2489-13A North Liberty East Trunk Sewer\Drawings\Civil\2489-13A Water P&P.dwg : C4.11 3073+00 REVISION 760 A C4.11 779.27 778.98 777.61 3072+00 DATE NORTH LIBERTY, IA 09/01/15 776.79 776.50 776.25 3070+00 778.45 REFERENCE STATION 760 12" WATER MAIN CAPPED END CHANGE ORDER NO.2 PLAN VIEW 3074+00 3074+50 WATER MAIN PLAN & PROFILE EAST GROWTH AREA WATER & SEWER EXTENSIONS PROJECT NO. LAST UPDATE: 09/01/15 C4.11 ID Task Mode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Task Name Duration Start Finish MOBILIZATION 3 days Wed 3/4/15 Fri 3/6/15 CLEARING AND GRUBBING, TREE REMOVAL 20 days Wed 3/4/15 Tue 3/31/15 EROSION CONTROL AND SEEDING 325 days Wed 3/4/15 Tue 5/31/16 EROSION CONTROL 325 days Wed 3/4/15 Tue 5/31/16 SEEDING FALL 2015 38 days Mon 8/10/15 Wed 9/30/15 SEEDING SPRING 2016 66 days Tue 3/1/16 Tue 5/31/16 LANDSCAPE TREES 66 days Tue 3/1/16 Tue 5/31/16 FENCING 286 days Wed 3/4/15 Wed 4/6/16 TEMPORARY FENCE, 4‐FT 5 days Wed 3/4/15 Tue 3/10/15 FENCE REPLACEMENT 7 days Tue 3/29/16 Wed 4/6/16 161 days Wed 4/1/15 Wed 11/11/15 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY STRUCTURE 1 day Wed 4/1/15 Wed 4/1/15 GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER, 30‐INCH 134 days Thu 4/2/15 Tue 10/6/15 GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER, 18‐INCH 20 days Wed 10/7/15 Tue 11/3/15 TRENCHLESS SANITARY SEWER, 18‐INCH 5 days Wed 10/28/15 Tue 11/3/15 GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER, 15‐INCH 6 days Wed 11/4/15 Wed 11/11/15 GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER, 12‐INCH 2 days Wed 10/7/15 Thu 10/8/15 TRENCHLESS SANITARY SEWER, 12‐INCH 5 days Fri 10/2/15 Thu 10/8/15 GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER, 10‐INCH 5 days Tue 9/29/15 Mon 10/5/15 TRENCHLESS SANITARY SEWER, 10‐INCH 5 days Tue 9/29/15 Mon 10/5/15 GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER, 8‐INCH 2 days Tue 4/14/15 Fri 6/5/15 TRENCHLESS SANITARY SEWER, 8‐INCH 5 days Mon 6/1/15 Fri 6/5/15 PUMP STATION 137 days Thu 9/10/15 Fri 3/18/16 WET WELL 10 days Thu 9/10/15 Wed 9/23/15 SEWER 3 days Thu 9/24/15 Mon 9/28/15 GRADING AND SURFACING 10 days Tue 9/29/15 Mon 3/7/16 VALVE VAULT 5 days Tue 10/13/15 Mon 10/19/15 METER MANHOLE 2 days Tue 10/20/15 Wed 10/21/15 PIGGING STATION 5 days Thu 10/22/15 Wed 10/28/15 FORCEMAIN 2 days Thu 10/29/15 Fri 10/30/15 BUILDING 100 days Mon 11/2/15 Fri 3/18/16 ELECTRICAL 60 days Mon 12/28/15 Fri 3/18/16 5 days Wed 10/7/15 Tue 10/13/15 0.33 days Wed 10/7/15 Wed 10/7/15 P05 STATION 1046+25 30LF 0.33 days Wed 10/7/15 Wed 10/7/15 P02 STATION 1049+75 21 LF SANITARY SEWER CULVERTS CMP CULVERT, 15" 0.33 days Wed 10/7/15 Wed 10/7/15 CMP CULVERT, 24" 0.33 days Wed 10/7/15 Wed 10/7/15 BOX CULVERT, 12'x5' 5 days Wed 10/7/15 Tue 10/13/15 CLASS 10 EXCAVATION 15 days Wed 10/14/15 Tue 11/3/15 CLASS 10 ‐ CHANNEL EXCAVATION, ALIGNMENT 1 2 days Wed 10/14/15 Thu 10/15/15 CLASS 10 ‐ CHANNEL EXCAVATION, ALIGNMENT 2 3 days Fri 10/16/15 Tue 10/20/15 CLASS 10 ‐ CHANNEL EXCAVATION, ALIGNMENT 3 1 day Wed 10/21/15 Wed 10/21/15 CLASS 10 ‐ CHANNEL EXCAVATION, ALIGNMENT 4 1 day Thu 10/22/15 Thu 10/22/15 CLASS 10 ‐ EXCAVATION ‐ ACCESS ROADWAY GRADING 4 days Fri 10/23/15 Wed 10/28/15 RIP RAP, CLASS E REVETMENT 4 days Thu 10/29/15 Tue 11/3/15 9 days Thu 11/12/15 Tue 11/24/15 TRENCHLESS SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN, DUAL 4 days Thu 11/12/15 Tue 11/17/15 SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN, DUAL 5 days Wed 11/18/15 Tue 11/24/15 FORCEMAIN WATER MAIN 129 days Mon 8/24/15 Thu 2/18/16 WATER MAIN 62 days Wed 11/25/15 Thu 2/18/16 School Site Water Main 15 days Mon 8/24/15 Fri 9/11/15 TRENCHLESS WATER MAIN, 12‐INCH RESTRAINED JOINT 20 days Wed 12/9/15 Tue 1/5/16 2 days Mon 4/25/16 Tue 4/26/16 GRANULAR SURFACING, CLASS A CRUSHED STONE 2 days Mon 4/25/16 Tue 4/26/16 REMOVE/REPLACE EXISTING HMA PAVEMENT 2 days Mon 4/25/16 Tue 4/26/16 SURFACING Project: 1510 North Liberty East G Date: Wed 8/26/15 September October November December January February March April May 8/23 8/30 9/6 9/13 9/20 9/27 10/4 10/11 10/18 10/25 11/1 11/8 11/15 11/22 11/29 12/6 12/13 12/20 12/27 1/3 1/10 1/17 1/24 1/31 2/7 2/14 2/21 2/28 3/6 3/13 3/20 3/27 4/3 4/10 4/17 4/24 5/1 June 5/8 5/15 5/22 5/29 6/5 6 EROSION C SEEDING FALL 2015 SEEDING S LANDSCAP FENCE REPLACEMENT GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER, 30‐INCH GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER, 18‐INCH TRENCHLESS SANITARY SEWER, 18‐INCH GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER, 15‐INCH GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER, 12‐INCH TRENCHLESS SANITARY SEWER, 12‐INCH GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER, 10‐INCH TRENCHLESS SANITARY SEWER, 10‐INCH WET WELL SEWER GRADING AND SURFACING VALVE VAULT METER MANHOLE PIGGING STATION FORCEMAIN BUILDING ELECTRICAL CMP CULVERT, 15" CMP CULVERT, 24" BOX CULVERT, 12'x5' CLASS 10 ‐ CHANNEL EXCAVATION, ALIGNMENT 1 CLASS 10 ‐ CHANNEL EXCAVATION, ALIGNMENT 2 CLASS 10 ‐ CHANNEL EXCAVATION, ALIGNMENT 3 CLASS 10 ‐ CHANNEL EXCAVATION, ALIGNMENT 4 CLASS 10 ‐ EXCAVATION ‐ ACCESS ROADWAY GRADING RIP RAP, CLASS E REVETMENT TRENCHLESS SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN, DUAL SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN, DUAL WATER MAIN TRENCHLESS WATER MAIN, 12‐INCH RESTRAINED JOINT GRANULAR SURFACING, CLASS A CRUSHED REMOVE/REPLACE EXISTING HMA PAVEM Task Summary External Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Summary Rollup Finish‐only Split Project Summary Inactive Task Manual Task Manual Summary Deadline Milestone External Tasks Inactive Milestone Duration‐only Start‐only Progress Page 1 CONTINUATION PAGE Page 2 of 3 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Containing Contractors signed Certification is attached. Use Column I when variable retainage for the line items may apply. A ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 B WORK DESCRIPTION c SCHEDULED VALUE MOBILIZATION EROSION CONTROL SEEDING TRAFFIC CONTROL ACC REMOVAL/REPLACE PCC SIDEWALK REMOVAL/R PCC PAVING REMOVAL I REP ACC MILL/OVERLAY PCC DRIVE REMOVAL/REPLA GRANULAR BACKFILL 12" DIRECTIONAL DRILL 12" PVC WATER MAIN 15" CULVERT WORK 6" GRAVEL WORK REMOVE/REPLACE FENCE 6" GATE VALVE 12" GATE VALVE FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 12" PVC WATER MAIN 6" PVC WATER MAIN 12" GATE VAVLE 6" GATE VALVE FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 6" PVC WATER MAIN SHORT SIDE WATER SERVIC LONG SIDE WATER SERVICE FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 6" GATE VALVE 8" GATE VALVE LIVE TAP REMOVE STRUCTURES ARCH STORM PIPE SW 507 STORM INTAKE SW 509 STORM INTAKE ARCH FES 135,206.30 3,420.00 10,625.00 6,085.00 22,440.00 41,075.00 36,660.00 54,675.00 27,855.45 8,325.00 51,000.00 69,010.00 1,850.00 1,500.00 2,131.25 940.00 9,540.00 18,500.00 39,960.00 5,280.00 2,385.00 1,900.00 4,650.00 109,445.00 10,800.00 42,224.00 13,110.00 3,800.00 1,350.00 6,275.00 2,025.00 16,117.00 6,610.00 3,795.00 1,120.00 TOTALS 771,684.00 PROJECT: 15904 NORTH LIBERTY WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS D E COMPLETED WORK FROM PREVIOUS THIS PERIOD APPLICATION !D+E) 67,603.15 54,082.52 1,710.00 855.00 .00 .00 3,955.25 1,521.25 4,394.50 18,045.50 30,806.25 8,215.00 25,380.00 3,948.00 .00 54,675.00 18, 106.04 9,749.41 2,081.25 3,330.00 51,000.00 .00 58,223.00 10,787.00 .00 1,850.00 990.00 510.00 .00 2,131.25 940.00 .00 7, 155.00 2,385.00 18,500.00 .00 30,525.00 .00 5,280.00 .00 .00 .00 1,900.00 .00 4,650.00 .00 109,445.00 .00 .00 10,800.00 .00 42,224.00 13, 110.00 .00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,350.00 .00 6,275.00 .00 .00 2,025.00 12,496.00 3,621.00 .00 6,610.00 .00 3,795.00 1,120.00 .00 CONTINUATION PAGE FOR APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT 478,895.44 243,059.93 F APPLICATION NO: APPLICATION DATE: PERIOD TO: PROJECT #s: G STORED MATERIALS (NOT IN Dor E) 15904P003 Aug 31/15 Aug31/15 15904 H I RETAINAGE (IF VARIABLE RATE) 36,097.77 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED (D+E+F) 121,685.67 2,565.00 .00 5,476.50 22,440.00 39,021.25 29,328.00 54,675.00 27,855.45 5,411.25 51,000.00 69,010.00 1,850.00 1,500.00 2,131.25 940.00 9,540.00 18,500.00 30,525.00 5,280.00 .00 1,900.00 4,650.00 109,445.00 10,800.00 42,224.00 13,110.00 3,800.00 1,350.00 6,275.00 2,025.00 16,117.00 6,610.00 3,795.00 1,120.00 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% BALANCE TO COMPLETION (C-G) 13,520.63 855.00 10,625.00 608.50 .00 2,053.75 7,332.00 .00 .00 2,913.75 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 9,435.00 .00 2,385.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 721,955.37 93.6% 49,728.63 % (G/C) 90.0% 75.0% .Oo/o 90.0% 100.0% 95.0% 80.0% 100.0% 100.0% 65.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 76.4% 100.0% .Oo/o 6,084.28 128.25 .00 273.83 1,122.00 1,951.06 1,466.40 2,733.75 1,392.77 270.56 2,550.00 3,450.50 92.50 75.00 106.56 47.00 477.00 925.00 1,526.25 264.00 .00 95.00 232.50 5,472.25 540.00 2,111.20 655.50 190.00 67.50 313.75 101.25 805.85 330.50 189.75 56.00 Page 3 of 3 CONTINUATION PAGE APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Containing Contractors signed Certification is attached. Use Column I when variable retainage for the line items may apply. A ITEM B WORK DESCRIPTION # 36 37 38 CLASS D REVETMENT 1" WATER SERVICES: ZELLE INDIRECT ITEM TOTALS c SCHEDULED VALUE 4,400.00 11,370.00 .00 PROJECT: 15904 NORTH LIBERTY WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS D E COMPLETED WORK FROM PREVIOUS THIS PERIOD APPLICATION ID+E) .00 .00 11,370.00 .00 .00 .00 787,454.00 CONTINUATION PAGE FOR APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT 490,265.44 243,059.93 F APPLICATION NO: APPLICATION DATE: PERIOD TO: PROJECT#s: G STORED MATERIALS (NOT IN Dor E) 15904P003 Aug31/15 Aug31/15 15904 H I RETAINAGE (IF VARIABLE RATE) 36,666.27 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED (D+E+F) .00 11,370.00 .00 .Oo/o 100.0% .Oo/o BALANCE TO COMPLETION !C-Gl 4,400.00 .00 .00 .00 733,325.37 93.1% 54,128.63 % (G/C) .00 568.50 .00 2015A BOND SALE MINUTES TO HOLD HEARINGS ON ENTERING INTO LOAN AGREEMENTS, COMBINING LOAN AGREEMENTS, APPROVING PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT AND SETTING SALE DATE FOR BONDS 421033-61 North Liberty, Iowa September 8, 2015 The City Council of the City of North Liberty, Iowa, met on September 8, 2015, at ____ o’clock p.m. in the ___________________, North Liberty, Iowa. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor, and the roll being called, the following named Council Members were present and absent: Present: Absent: . This being the time and place specified for taking action on the proposal to enter into an Essential Purpose Loan Agreement and to borrow money thereunder in a principal amount not to exceed $9,950,000, the City Clerk announced that no written objections had been placed on file. Whereupon, the Mayor called for any written or oral objections, and there being none, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed. This also being the time and place specified for taking action on the proposal to enter into a General Purpose Loan Agreement and to borrow money thereunder in a principal amount not to exceed $400,000, the City Clerk announced that no petition had been filed asking that the question of entering into said Loan Agreement be submitted to the registered voters of the City, and that the City Council may proceed with the authorization of the loan agreement. Whereupon, the Mayor called for any written or oral objections, and there being none, the Mayor closed the public hearing. Council Member _____________ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by Council Member ________________. The Mayor put the question upon the adoption of said resolution, and the roll being called, the following Council Members voted: Ayes: Nays: . Whereupon, the Mayor declared the resolution duly adopted, as hereinafter set out. North Liberty – 2015 Page 1 Resolution Number 15-99 •••• At the conclusion of the meeting and, upon motion and vote, the City Council adjourned. CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY: _______________________________________ AMY NIELSEN, MAYOR North Liberty – 2015 Page 2 ATTEST: _______________________________________ TRACEY MULCAHEY, CITY CLERK Resolution Number 15-99 RESOLUTION NO. 15-99 RESOLUTION TAKING ADDITIONAL ACTION TO ENTER INTO LOAN AGREEMENTS, COMBINING LOAN AGREEMENTS, SETTING THE DATE FOR THE SALE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION CORPORATE PURPOSE AND REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2015A AND AUTHORIZING THE USE OF A PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT IN CONNECTION THEREWITH IOWA: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY, WHEREAS, the City of North Liberty (the “City”), in the County of Johnson, State of Iowa, previously issued its $3,515,000 General Obligation Urban Renewal Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2007, dated August 1, 2007 (the “2007 Bonds”) a portion of which currently remains outstanding maturing on such dates and in such amounts as follows: Year 2016 2017 Principal Amount $400,000 $420,000 Interest Rate Per Annum 4.00% 4.00% WHEREAS, pursuant to the resolution (the “2007 Issuance Resolution”) authorizing the issuance of the 2007 Bonds, the City reserved the right to call the portion of the 2007 Bonds maturing in the years 2016 and 2017 (the “Callable 2007 Bonds”) for early redemption subject to the provisions of the 2007 Issuance Resolution; and WHEREAS, the City, also previously issued its $855,000 General Obligation Water Improvement Bonds, Series 2007B, dated December 15, 2007 (the “2007B Bonds”) a portion of which currently remains outstanding maturing on such dates and in such amounts as follows: Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 Principal Amount $60,000 $65,000 $65,000 $70,000 Interest Rate Per Annum 3.750% 3.800% 3.850% 3.900% Year 2020 2021 2022 Principal Amount $75,000 $75,000 $80,000 Interest Rate Per Annum 4.000% 4.050% 4.100% WHEREAS, pursuant to the resolution (the “2007B Issuance Resolution”) authorizing the issuance of the 2007B Bonds, the City reserved the right to call the portion of the 2007B Bonds maturing in the years 2016 to 2022 (the “Callable 2007B Bonds”) for early redemption on any date on or after June 1, 2015, subject to the provisions of the 2007B Issuance Resolution; and WHEREAS, the City heretofore proposed to enter into a General Obligation Loan Agreement (the “Essential Purpose Loan Agreement”) and to borrow money thereunder in North Liberty – 2015 Page 3 Resolution Number 15-99 a principal amount not to exceed $9,950,000 pursuant to the provisions of Section 384.24A of the Code of Iowa for the purpose of paying the cost, to that extent, of (1) constructing street, sewer system and water system improvements; (2) constructing improvements to existing city parks; and (3) current refunding the Callable 2007 Bonds and the Callable 2007B Bonds, and has published notice of the proposed action and has held a hearing thereon on September 8, 2015; and WHEREAS, the City also proposed to enter into a General Obligation Loan Agreement (the “General Purpose Loan Agreement”) and to borrow money thereunder in a principal amount not to exceed $400,000 pursuant to the provisions of Section 384.24A of the Code of Iowa for the purpose of paying the cost, to that extent, of constructing recreation trail improvements; and in lieu of calling an election upon such proposal, has published notice of the proposed action and has held a hearing thereon, and as of September 8, 2015, no petition had been filed with the City asking that the question of entering into the Municipal Building Loan Agreement be submitted to the registered voters of the City; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 384.28 of the Code of Iowa, the City Council intends to combine the Essential Purpose Loan Agreement and General Purpose Loan Agreement into a single loan agreement (the “Loan Agreement”) and to issue General Obligation Corporate Purpose and Refunding Bonds, Series 2015A (the “Bonds”) in evidence of its obligations thereunder; and WHEREAS, a Preliminary Official Statement (the “P.O.S.”) has been prepared to facilitate the sale of the Bonds, in evidence of the obligation of the City under the Loan Agreement, and it is now necessary to make provision for the approval of the P.O.S. and to authorize its use by Independent Public Advisors, LLC (the “Financial Advisor”); and WHEREAS, it is now necessary to set the date for the sale of the Bonds and to authorize the Financial Advisor to carry out such sale; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of North Liberty, as follows: Section 1. The Essential Purpose Loan Agreement and the General Purpose Loan Agreement are hereby combined into the Loan Agreement, and the City Council hereby determines to enter into the Loan Agreement in the future and orders that the Bonds be issued at such time, in evidence thereof. The City Council further declares that this resolution constitutes the “additional action” required by Section 384.24A of the Code of Iowa. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to take such action as shall be deemed necessary and appropriate, with assistance from Dorsey & Whitney, LLP and the Financial Advisor, to set the date of September 22, 2015 as the date for the sale of the Bonds to be issued in evidence of the City’s obligation under the Loan Agreement. North Liberty – 2015 Page 4 Resolution Number 15-99 Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to take such action as shall be deemed necessary and appropriate with the assistance of Dorsey & Whitney, LLP (the “Disclosure Counsel”) to prepare the P.O.S. describing the Bonds and providing for the terms and conditions of their sale, and all action heretofore taken in this regard is hereby ratified and approved. Section 4. The use by the Financial Advisor of the P.O.S. relating to the Bonds in substantially the form as has been presented to and considered by the City is hereby approved, and the Financial Advisor together with Disclosure Counsel, is hereby authorized to prepare and use a final Official Statement for the Bonds substantially in the form of the P.O.S. but with such changes therein as are required to conform the same to the terms of the Bonds and the resolution, when adopted, providing for the sale and issuance of the Bonds, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to execute a final Official Statement for the Bonds, if requested. The P.O.S. as of its date is deemed final by the City within the meaning of Rule 15(c)(2)-12 of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Section 5. Pursuant to Section 75.14 of the Code of Iowa, the City Council hereby authorizes the use of electronic bidding procedures for the sale of the Bonds through PARITY®, and hereby finds and determines that the PARITY® competitive bidding system will provide reasonable security and maintain the integrity of the competitive bidding process and will facilitate the delivery of bids by interested parties under the circumstances of this bond sale. Section 6. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 7. This resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption and approval, as provided by law. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of September, 2015. CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY: _______________________________________ AMY NIELSEN, MAYOR North Liberty – 2015 Page 5 ATTEST: _______________________________________ TRACEY MULCAHEY, CITY CLERK Resolution Number 15-99 STATE OF IOWA COUNTY OF JOHNSON CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY SS: I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of North Liberty, do hereby certify that as such I have in my possession or have access to the complete corporate records of the City and of its Council and officers and that I have carefully compared the transcript hereto attached with those corporate records and that the transcript hereto attached is a true, correct and complete copy of all the corporate records relating to the authorization of a certain Loan Agreement and the issuance of General Obligation Bonds to be issued in evidence of the City’s obligation under the Loan Agreement, the fixing of a date for the sale of Bonds and the approval of a preliminary official statement and that the transcript hereto attached contains a true, correct and complete statement of all the measures adopted and proceedings, acts and things had, done and performed up to the present time with respect thereto. I further certify that no petition was filed in my office asking that the question of entering into the General Purpose Loan Agreement be submitted to the registered voters of the City. WITNESS MY HAND this ________ day of ______________, 2015. TRACEY MULCAHEY, CITY CLERK North Liberty – 2015 Page 6 Resolution Number 15-99 September 4, 2015 Tracey Mulcahey City Clerk/City Hall North Liberty, Iowa Via Email Re: General Obligation Corporate Purpose and Refunding Loan Agreement/Bonds Our File No. 421033-61 Dear Tracey: We have prepared and attach the necessary proceedings to act on September 8, 2015 to hold the public hearings and to set September 22nd as the date for the sale of General Obligation Corporate Purpose and Refunding Bonds, Series 2015A (the “Bonds”), at the September 8th City Council meeting and to authorize the use of a preliminary official statement (the “P.O.S.”) in connection therewith. The proceedings attached include the following items: 1. Minutes of the meeting covering the hearings, followed by the resolution taking additional action in connection with the Loan Agreements and combining the Loan Agreements. This resolution simply sets forth the City Council’s determination to enter into the Loan Agreements in the future, and its adoption constitutes the “additional action” required by the Iowa Code. The resolution also fixes the date for the sale of Bonds and provides for the authorization of the P.O.S. 2. Certificate attesting the transcript. Prior to the adoption of the resolution, you and the City Council should review the P.O.S., which we are preparing as disclosure counsel, carefully for accuracy and to ensure that there are no important facts being left out of the document that might bear on potential risks to bond holders. In addition the financial data set forth as Appendix A to the P.O.S. (which Independent Public Advisors, LLC has worked with you to prepare) should be carefully reviewed for accuracy. As soon as possible after the City Council meeting, please return one fully executed copy of all of the completed pages in these proceedings. If you have any questions, please contact me. Best regards, John P. Danos Attachments cc: Tionna Pooler Ryan Heiar DEPOSIT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO. 15-100 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING HILLS BANK & TRUST COMPANY, US BANK, MIDWEST ONE, UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION, GREAT WESTERN BANK, COLLINS COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION, AND CORRIDOR STATE BANK AS DEPOSITORIES FOR PUBLIC FUNDS BELONGING TO THE CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY, IOWA IOWA: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY, WHEREAS, the City of North Liberty is desirous to name the Hills Bank & Trust Company, US Bank, Midwest One, University of Iowa Community Credit Union, Great Western Bank, Collins Community Credit Union and Corridor State Bank as Depositories of Public Funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of North Liberty will utilize the services of US Bank, Midwest One, University of Iowa Community Credit Union, Great Western Bank, Collins Community Credit Union, and Corridor State Bank or coming into its possession, pursuant to the duly executed Agreements to Receive and Repay Deposits of public Funds. The maximum amount which may be thus deposited in each of the abovenamed depositories without further approval of the City Council and the Treasurer of State is $7,000,000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of North Liberty will utilize the services of the Hills Bank & Trust Company or coming into its possession, pursuant to the duly executed Agreements to Receive and Repay Deposits of public Funds. The maximum amount which may be thus deposited in each of the above-named depositories without further approval of the City Council and the Treasurer of State is $13,000,000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, Treasurer, and Deputy Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver signature authorization cards to the Depositories and to execute all drafts, checks and other documents and correspondence regarding any accounts of the City of North Liberty at Depository; and the Assistant Library Director is authorized to execute and deliver a signature authorization card to Midwest One and to execute all drafts, checks, and other documents and correspondence regarding the Library Fundraising accounts. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the above-named Depositories and any other parties which may request it for purposes of effectuating the deposit of public funds authorized hereunder or any security therefor, together with a certificate attesting to the names and signatures of the present incumbents of the offices described above and that the Clerk is further directed to certify to Depositories or other parties from time to time the signatures of any successors in office of any of the present incumbents. City of North Liberty – 2015 Page: 1 Resolution Number 15-100 APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of September, 2015. CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY: _______________________________________ AMY NIELSEN, MAYOR City of North Liberty – 2015 Page: 2 ATTEST: _______________________________________ TRACEY MULCAHEY, CITY CLERK Resolution Number 15-100 DAHNOVAN ESTATES Prepared by and Return to: ScottC. Peterson, 3 Quail Creek Circle, P.O. Box 77, North Liberty, IA 52317 319-626-5767 PRELIMINARY PLAT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made by and between the City of North Liberty, Iowa, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City," Zoned Development L.L.C., hereinafter referred to as "Developer", and Roller Development, LLC and Kaiser Holdings, LLC, hereinafter collectively referred to as "Owner". SECTION 1. REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL. Developer and Owner have requested that the City approve the preliminary plat, attached hereto as Attachment A and incorporated herein by reference, for a proposed subdivision known as Dahnovan Estates Subdivision (referred to herein as the "plat") for the real estate situated in North Liberty, Johnson County, Iowa, legally described as follows: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, LIBERTY BEND FIRST ADDITION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK 50, AT PAGE 327, OF THE RECORDS OF THE JOHNSON COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE; THENCE S89°32'45"W, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1, A DISTANCE OF 305.84 FEET, TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEROF; THENCE N00°42'41"W. ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 1, A DISTANCE OF 429.13 FEET; THENCE S89°37'19"W, 1013.91 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 80 NORTH, RANGE 6 WEST OF THE FIFTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN; THENCE N01°59'02"W, ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 895.51 FEET, TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE N02°15'23"W, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 80 NORTH, RANGE 6 WEST OF THE FIFTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, 663.30 FEET; THENCE N89°3l'Ol"E, 1309.94 FEET; THENCE S02°10'26"E, 661.67 FEET; THENCE S02°02'04"E, 1328.43 FEET, Page 1 of 8 ;• TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 49.84 ACRES, AND SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. See also Attachment A. SECTION 2. PROCEED. CONDITIONS OF PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL AND RIGHT TO The City agrees that it has approved the preliminary plat upon the condition that Developer and Owner enter into and abide by this Agreement. The Owner and Developer's obligations under this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect if the Owner or Developer sells the entire platted area or any part thereof. SECTION 3. PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS. All subdivisions based on this preliminary plat shall be developed according to one or more final plats as approved by the City and according to the plans and specifications as approved by the City. All improvements and facilities shall be constructed and installed by the Developer and Owner according to the plans, specifications, ordinances and standards of the City, with inspections by the City Engineer or designee. Said inspections shall consist of inspection of the work in progress, but shall not relieve or release the Developer and Owner from their responsibility to construct said improvements and facilities pursuant to the agreed upon plans and specifications. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to impose a requirement on the City to install the original public improvements at issue herein, nor shall the Developer and Owner be deemed to be acting as the City's agent during the original construction and installation of those improvements. The parties agree that the obligation to install the public improvements herein shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications drafted by the Developer and subject to the approval of the City. Furthermore, the obligations shall remain on the Developer and Owner until completion by the Developer and Owner and until acceptance by the City, as provided by law. SECTION 4. FINAL PLAT CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS. Developer and Owner acknowledge that the requirements of the City's ordinances and design standards must be met for each and every part of the area included in the preliminary plat. Further, Developer and Owner acknowledge that a separate Developer's Agreement will be required for each final plat submitted to the City, which shall specify responsibilities and limitations for, including but not limited to: public improvements, utilities, erosion control and grading, phased development, occupancy and building permits, engineering administration and construction observation, utility assessments, and other private costs. Page 2 of 8 SECTION 5. SPECIAL FINAL PLAT CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS. In addition to the standard conditions and requirements set forth in Section 4, the City and Developer agree to the following conditions and requirements for final platting of any part or all of the area included in the preliminary plat: I. Acknowledgment. The Developer acknowledges that the City has agreed to accelerate the preliminary plat process for the Developer in order to allow for the construction of public improvements pursuant to an approved preliminary plat but prior to public sewer and water services being available and prior to completion of road improvements in the immediate vicinity. With this in mind, the Developer knowingly accepts all risks associated with proceeding before completion of those projects, agrees to hold the City harmless in the event of any omissions, errors or delays in its project work, and specifically: a. accepts full financial responsibility for any platting and infrastructure errors and omissions that arise in the future as a consequence, intended or not, of the expedited process; and b. acknowledges that all subdivision, public improvement and building requirements of the City remain in full force and effect, unless specifically waived in writing by the City. c. acknowledges that no final plats will be approved prior to public sewer and water services being available to the subject area, for which the City offers neither a guarantee nor a schedule. 2. Phasing. If final platting is phased, it shall be sequenced for the logical vehicular and pedestrian access to and within the subdivision and approved by the City prior to the initial set of construction plans being reviewed by the City Administrator. 3. City Construction Projects. The Developer acknowledges that it shall not in any way interfere with or otherwise have priority over the City's construction projects in the area, including but not limited to extension of sewer and water services and construction/reconstruction of any streets or roads. During this same time, the Developer's access to its property may be limited by City projects, in which case it is the sole responsibility of the Developer to develop and use alternative access options. 4. North Liberty Road. The Developer is aware that it will be responsible for a share of the costs for the reconstruction of that part of North Liberty Road abutting this subdivision, in accordance with the City's current policies and costsharing formula. 5. Sewer Tap-on Fees. A sewer tap-on fee for the area within the preliminary plat property will be required at the time of final plat approval, based on actual costs Page3 of 8 for the Eastside Utility Project. The City Engineer can provide and update estimated fees upon request. 6. Water Tap-on Fees. A water tap-on fee for the area within the preliminary plat property will be required at the time of final plat approval, based on actual costs for the Eastside Utility Project. The City Engineer can provide and update estimated fees upon request. 7. Tile Lines. The Developer agrees to explore for existing tile lines, and to cap or connect any tile lines to the City's storm sewer system as directed by the City Engineer. The location and depth of the digging and the required action upon completion of the digging shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. For any capping or connecting activities required under this section, standard plastic tile and connectors are acceptable materials. 8. NL Roadway Buffers. The Developer acknowledges that buffer plans are required for parcels abutting North Liberty Road, subject to approval of the City as part of the site plan for multifamily lots and as part of the subdivision construction plans for single family and duplex structures. 9. Street Construction. Street construction to the boundaries of the plat will not be approved unless easements are acquired from adjacent property owners. 10. Homeowners Association and Responsibilities. The Developer agrees that a homeowners association shall be created prior to approval of any final plats. Said homeowners association shall include all buildable parcels within the subject preliminary plat, at a minimum, own and be responsible for all outlots within the boundaries of the preliminary plat, including but not limited to ownership and maintenance of the stormwater management facilities and maintenance of the buffers identified in Paragraph 9 above. If necessary, access for regular maintenance of the stormwater management facilities shall be provided for within the boundaries of this subdivision pursuant to a separate agreement. 11. Assessment Waiver. The Developer acknowledges and agrees that all lots of the subdivision will be specifically benefited by the public improvements, stormwater management facilities, and sidewalks, and the cost of such public improvements, facilities and sidewalks need not meet the requirements of notice, benefit or value as provided by the law of the State of Iowa for assessing such improvements and facilities if necessary, as will be set out in more detail in the respective final plat agreements. SECTION 6. DEVELOPER'S DEFAULT. The Developer and Owner agree and are fully obligated to perform as provided in this Agreement. The Developer and Owner are liable and responsible for each and every obligation agreed to be undertaken pursuant to this Agreement. Page4 of 8 SECTION 7. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The Developer acknowledges that the City's approval of the preliminary plat shall be effective for a period of thirty-six (36) months, unless: I. Upon written request of the Developer, the City Council by resolution grants an eighteen (18) month extension of time. Extension criteria may include, but are not limited to: considerations related to changes in surrounding properties, changes in infrastructure needs, changes in code requirements, or other factors related to whether the subdivision as approved remains appropriate and in the best interests of the city; or 2. Final plat( s) of all or part of the preliminary plat are recorded prior to the expiration of the preliminary plat. Any time a final plat is recorded, the preliminary plat approval shall be automatically extended for a new period of eighteen (18) months from the date Council approved the recorded final plat. If extensions are not approved or final plats recorded as specified above, all previous actions of the City Council with respect to the application shall be deemed null and void. SECTION 8. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Agreement shall be a covenant running with the land and inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties, their successors and assigns. SECTION 9. RECORDING. Upon execution, this Agreement shall be recorded by and at the Developer's cost. SECTION 10. NOTICES. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing and shall either be hand delivered to the Developer, its agents or employees, or mailed to the Developer by registered mail at the following address: Ryan Abraham Roller Development L.L.C. 401 North Highland Drive Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Ryan Abraham Zoned Development, Inc. 401 North Highland Drive Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Page 5 of 8 ATTACHMENT A I" ~;; 1.1. ~~-·~ I Cl) w I-<( !;: <( 5 ..JI-Q Ci. Cl) • <( z ffi >-w o:: >f- ~<( !E ~>-' u:l O i!: 0:: Ci. z 0:: 0 Iz <( 0 PageS of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 15-101 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY AND ROLLER DEVELOPMENT, LLC AND KAISER HOLDINGS, LLC THAT ESTABLISHES THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH DAHNOVAN ESTATES WILL BE PLATTED IN THE CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY, IOWA BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY, IOWA: WHEREAS, the terms and conditions for the preliminary platting of Dahnovan Estates have been set forth in an Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Roller Development, LLC and Kaiser Holdings, LLC; and WHEREAS, it is the parties’ desire to agree and establish, in writing, their understanding regarding said agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that that the Preliminary Plat Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Roller Development, LLC and Kaiser Holdings, LLC is approved for the Dahnovan Estates, North Liberty, Iowa. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of September, 2015. CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY: ATTEST: AMY NIELSEN, MAYOR TRACEY MULCAHEY, CITY CLERK North Liberty – 2015 Page 1 Resolution Number 15-101 Recommended for approval by the Planning Commission at their meeting on 6/2/2015. May 28, 2015 Memo To: North Liberty Planning Commission From: Dean Wheatley, Planning Director Subject: Request of Roller Development LLC to approve a Preliminary Plat for property generally located northwest of the intersection of Dubuque Street and North Liberty Road. Your North Liberty city staff has reviewed the subject submission, and offer comments presented in this memo. The staff review team includes the following personnel: Ryan Heiar, City Administrator Tracey Mulcahey, Assistant City Administrator Tom Palmer, City Building Official Scott Peterson, City Attorney Kevin Trom, City Engineer Dean Wheatley, Planning Director This request is to subdivide an existing large lot into 73 buildable lots: 12 single-family RS-6 lots, 58 RD10 duplex lots, 2 RM-8 multi-family lots, and one C-2-A commercial lot; plus one nonbuildable outlot containing a proposed storm water management feature. It is located at the northwest corner of the Dubuque Street/North Liberty Road intersection. When rezoned, lots 70/71 were promoted as an open space area in the concept presented to P&Z and Council, but this area is now shown proposed as development lots. This is the first layout for the newly annexed area east of North Liberty and provides a good mix of different lot types, and a good neighborhood street layout that is not likely to promote speeding like arrow-straight residential streets tend to. It is mostly consistent with the rezoning previously approved, although zoning district boundaries will need a minor adjustment to reflect parts of the refined street alignments. There is good proposed connectivity to adjacent developments, and the extension of the collector street Tartan Drive is provided for. The Good Neighbor meeting for this plat and the rezoning was held in March of 2014 and there were no objectors to the development. Staff recommends approval of the plat. Notes: a) Street construction to the boundaries of the plat will not be approved unless easements are acquired from adjacent property owners. b) Fees for sanitary sewer, water, and street improvements will need to be paid prior to Council final plat approval. c) A Preliminary Plat Agreement is required. RESOLUTION NO. 15-102 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF DAHNOVAN ESTATES, NORTH LIBERTY, IOWA IOWA: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY, WHEREAS, the owners and developer, Roller Development, LLC. and Kaiser Holdings, LLC has filed with the City Clerk a preliminary plat described in Exhibit A which is attached hereto; WHEREAS, said real estate is owned by the above named party and the subdivision is being made with free consent and in accordance with the desires of the owner; WHEREAS, said preliminary plat has been examined by the North Liberty Planning and Zoning Commission, which did recommend that the preliminary plat described as Dahnovan Estates with no conditions; WHEREAS, said preliminary plat is found to conform with Chapter 354 of the Code of Iowa and ordinances of the City of North Liberty. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Preliminary Plat for Dahnovan Estates is approved. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of September, 2015. CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY: _______________________________________ AMY NIELSEN, MAYOR North Liberty – 2015 Page 1 ATTEST: _______________________________________ TRACEY MULCAHEY, CITY CLERK Resolution Number 15-102 SOIL PRESERVATION ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. _______ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS 155 AND 156 OF THE NORTH LIBERTY CODE OF ORDINANCES BY ADDING TOPSOIL PRESERVATION REQUIREMENTS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY, IOWA: SECTION 1. AMENDMENT. Chapter 155, "Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control," of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances (2014) is hereby amended by adding new Subsection 156.03(1) to read as follows: 1. All persons who will be conducting any earth-disturbing activity, as defined in Paragraph 2, on any site in the City shall preserve and replace existing topsoil in an uncompacted manner. [Renumber paragraphs 1-10 to 2-11 in this section.] SECTION 2. AMENDMENT. Chapter 156 "Post-Construction Storm Water Runoff Control," of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances (2014) is hereby amended by adding Subsection 156.03(1) to read as follows: 1. All persons who will be conducting any land-disturbing activity, as defined in Section 156.04, on any site in the City shall preserve and replace existing topsoil in an uncompacted manner. [Renumber paragraphs 1-4 to 2-5 in this section.] SECTION 3. AMENDMENT. Chapter 155, "Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control," of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances (2014) is hereby amended by amending and adopting in lieu thereof Subsection 155.01(2) to read as follows: 2. The NPDES program requires certain individuals engaged in earth disturbing activities related to construction on one acre of land or more to submit an application to the IDNR for an NPDES General Permit #2. The NPDES program and the City’s MS4 permit require the City to adopt an ordinance requiring proper soil erosion and sediment control on all sites less than one acre if the earth-disturbing activities are part of a larger common plan of development that would disturb one acre or more. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, every applicant bears final and complete responsibility for compliance with a State NPDES General Permit #2, a City construction site runoff (CSR) permit, and any other requirement of State or Federal law or administrative rule. SECTION 4. REPEALER. All Ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY. If any section, provision or part of this Ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any section, provision or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 6. WHEN EFFECTIVE. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its final passage, approval and publication as provided by law. First reading on ____________________, 2015. Second reading on ____________________, 2015. Third and final reading on ____________________, 2015. CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY: ATTEST: _______________________________ AMY NIELSEN, MAYOR _______________________________ TRACEY MULCAHEY, CITY CLERK I certify that the forgoing was published as Ordinance No. Leader on the _____ day of _________________, 2015. _______________________________ TRACEY MULCAHEY, CITY CLERK in the North Liberty ORDINANCE NO. 15-07 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS 155 AND 156 OF THE NORTH LIBERTY CODE OF ORDINANCES BY ADDING TOPSOIL PRESERVATION REQUIREMENTS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY, IOWA: SECTION 1. AMENDMENT. Chapter 155, "Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control," of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances (2014) is hereby amended by adding new Subsection 156.03(1) to read as follows: 1. All persons who will be conducting any earth-disturbing activity, as defined in Paragraph 2, on any site in the City shall preserve and replace existing topsoil in an uncompacted manner. [Renumber paragraphs 1-10 to 2-11 in this section.] SECTION 2. AMENDMENT. Chapter 156 "Post-Construction Storm Water Runoff Control," of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances (2014) is hereby amended by adding Subsection 156.03(1) to read as follows: 1. All persons who will be conducting any land-disturbing activity, as defined in Section 156.04, on any site in the City shall preserve and replace existing topsoil in an uncompacted manner. [Renumber paragraphs 1-4 to 2-5 in this section.] SECTION 3. AMENDMENT. Chapter 155, "Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control," of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances (2014) is hereby amended by amending and adopting in lieu thereof Subsection 155.01(2) to read as follows: 2. The NPDES program requires certain individuals engaged in earth disturbing activities related to construction on one acre of land or more to submit an application to the IDNR for an NPDES General Permit #2. The NPDES program and the City’s MS4 permit require the City to adopt an ordinance requiring proper soil erosion and sediment control on all sites less than one acre if the earth-disturbing activities are part of a larger common plan of development that would disturb one acre or more. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, every applicant bears final and complete responsibility for compliance with a State NPDES General Permit #2, a City construction site runoff (CSR) permit, and any other requirement of State or Federal law or administrative rule. SECTION 4. REPEALER. All Ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. North Liberty – 2015 Page 1 Ordinance Number 15-07 SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY. If any section, provision or part of this Ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any section, provision or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 6. WHEN EFFECTIVE. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its final passage, approval and publication as provided by law. First reading on ____________________, 2015. Second reading on ____________________, 2015. Third and final reading on ____________________, 2015. CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY: ATTEST: _______________________________ AMY NIELSEN, MAYOR _______________________________ TRACEY MULCAHEY, CITY CLERK I certify that the forgoing was published as Ordinance No. Leader on the _____ day of _________________, 2015. in the North Liberty _______________________________ TRACEY MULCAHEY, CITY CLERK North Liberty – 2015 Page 2 Ordinance Number 15-07 ROAD USE TAX REPORT FY 15 RESOLUTION NO. 15-103 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CITY STREET FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2015 IOWA: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY, WHEREAS, the Iowa Department of Transportation requires, as a condition for the receipt of State Road Use Tax funds, that each city submit an annual accounting of all the monies spent annually for the construction and maintenance of streets within the city; WHEREAS, the actual expenditures of the City of North Liberty, Iowa, for its street construction and maintenance program for the fiscal period ending June 30, 2015, have been set forth in the City Street Financial Report for City; and report. WHEREAS, the City council of North Liberty, Iowa, is desirous of approving said NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of North Liberty, Iowa, that the City Street Financial Report for City Streets be approved and adopted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit copies of said report to the Iowa Department of Transportation as required by law. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of September, 2015. CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY: _______________________________________ AMY NIELSEN, MAYOR North Liberty – 2015 Page 1 ATTEST: _______________________________________ TRACEY MULCAHEY, CITY CLERK Resolution Number 15-103 SRF SPONSORED PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES TO: City of North Liberty ATTN: Mr. Ryan Heiar, City Administrator P.O. Box 77 North Liberty, Iowa 52317 PROJECT NAME: NL SRF Sponsored Water Quality Project DATE: August 31, 2015 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Design, bidding and construction phase services for improvements to Centennial Park and bank stabilization on the south side of Goose Lake pond. Improvements to Centennial Park generally shall consist of a permeable paver parking lot, LED parking lot light poles, new concrete entrance drive and parking lot drive connections, 10-foot wide trail with associated sidewalk connections, and vegetated bioswales. Improvements to Centennial Park are illustrated on attached exhibit A. The Concept Phase cost opinion for this project scope is $1.7M. The overall project scope, including the soil quality restoration program, is $2.1M. The undersigned Client and Shive-Hattery, Inc. (S-H) agree as follows: SCOPE OF SERVICES: S-H will provide the following professional services: 1. Project # 115261P Design Phase: Design phase shall include the following services. a. Topographic Survey: We will provide a topographic survey for the project including surface features, topographic information, utilities as located by One-Call, easements, and right-ofway. The survey will be used as the base map for the design plans. b. Soils Investigation: We will provide soil borings and percolation testing for the permeable paver parking lot and bioswale area. c. Design Services: We will provide design services for the project. The design process/approach will include regular meetings with City staff. The design process will also include meetings and coordination with DNR grant administration staff. d. Permitting: We will prepare and submit a DNR NPDES permit application. e. Construction Documents: Construction documents will consist of preparing plans, specifications, and bidding documents for bidding and construction. The package will be reviewed and approved by City staff and DNR staff prior to authorization for public hearing and distribution to bidders. f. Cost Opinion: We will prepare opinions of probable construction costs for the project. Updated cost opinions will be prepared and reviewed with City staff as a deliverable with each preliminary and final design phase submittal package. Page 2 of 3 g. Project Manual: We will prepare a project manual including bidding documents, construction contract, and technical project specifications for the project. 2. Bidding Phase: Services include preparation of bid documents, distribution of contract documents to potential bidders, provide clarification of documents and answer contractor questions, issue addenda as needed, attend bid opening, prepare tabulation of bids, and provide recommendation to Owner regarding award of contract. 3. Construction Phase: Services include the following based upon a twenty-week construction period. a. Prepare and distribute construction contract and Notice to Proceed. b. Review form of contract, bonds, and insurance. c. Schedule and facilitate a preconstruction meeting to communicate schedule and the administrative details of the project. d. Provide construction staking. e. Provide construction testing including subgrade compaction and concrete testing. f. Provide construction observation at appropriate intervals to determine if the work is proceeding in general conformance with the contract documents. g. Facilitate and participate with weekly construction progress meetings. h. Review contractor submittals. Issue clarifications and authorize changes to the contract documents. Negotiate and prepare change orders as needed. i. Review payment applications and provide recommendation to Owner for payment. j. Provide final review of work to determine if work has been completed satisfactorily. Prepare list of deficient items to the contractor as needed. Review final payment application, bonds, and provide recommendation to Owner for final acceptance. k. Provide Record Drawings. CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES: It will be your responsibility to provide the following: 1. Participation at design review meetings and review of design phase submittals. Provide authorization to proceed with final design and bid letting. 2. Schedule and conduct informational meeting(s) with the public as deemed necessary. 3. Provide necessary right-of-way and/or easements as required for construction of the project. 4. Provide daily construction observation services to monitor progress of the project and provide on-site communications with the Contractor and engineer. 5. Environmental permitting, if required. Project # 115261P | August 31, 2015 Page 3 of 3 6. Provide Soil Quality Restoration program including program specifics, communications, and administration. 7. Provide funding for the project and administration of the SRF grant. SCHEDULE: We will begin our services immediately after execution of this Agreement. The services will be completed in a timely manner. We understand that the project schedule goal is for bidding to occur winter 2015 with construction to begin early 2016. COMPENSATION: We will provide the Scope of Services for the following fee: Design Phase Services Bidding Phase Services Construction Phase Reimbursable Expenses Total $ 126,000 $ 6,000 $ 60,000 $ 3,500 $ 195,500 Lump Sum Lump Sum Hourly (estimated) As incurred (estimated) We will not proceed with Bidding or Construction Phase services until authorized by the City. ADDITIONAL SERVICES: Additional services requested that are not included in the Scope of Services will be provided at standard hourly rates. AGREEMENT: This proposal shall become the Agreement for Services when signed and dated by both parties. The attached STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS are made a part of this proposal and Agreement for Services. Please return a signed copy to us in the enclosed green envelope. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE: Proposal accepted and work is authorized to proceed: THE CITY OF NORTH LIBERY, IOWA SHIVE-HATTERY, INC. BY: . Kevin P. Trom, P.E. Project Manager TITLE: DATE ACCEPTED: . KPT/bad Enc.: Second Copy of the Proposal with Standard Terms and Conditions Green Envelope Project # 115261P | August 31, 2015 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS PARTIES "S-H" shall mean Shive-Hattery, Inc., Shive-Hattery A/E Services, P.C., or Design Organization, a Division of Shive-Hattery, Inc. "CLIENT" shall mean the person or entity executing this Agreement with "S-H." LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND WAIVER OF CERTAIN DAMAGES The CLIENT agrees, to the fullest extent of the law, to limit the liability of S-H, its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, subconsultants, affiliated companies, and any of them, to the CLIENT and any person or entity claiming by or through the CLIENT, for any and all claims, damages, liabilities, losses, costs, and expenses including reasonable attorneys’ fees, experts’ fees, or any other legal costs , in any way related to the Project or Agreement from any cause(s) to an amount that shall not exceed the compensation received by S-H under the agreement or fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), whichever is greater. The parties intend that this limitation of liability apply to any and all liability or cause of action, claim, theory of recovery, or remedy however alleged or arising, including but not limited to negligence, errors or omissions, strict liability, breach of contract or warranty, express, implied or equitable indemnity and all other claims, which except for the limitation of liability above, the CLIENT waives. CLIENT hereby releases S-H, its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, subconsultants, affiliated companies, and any of them, and none shall be liable to the CLIENT for consequential, special, exemplary, punitive, indirect or incidental losses or damages, including but not limited to loss of use, loss of product, cost of capital, loss of goodwill, lost revenues or loss of profit, interruption of business, down time costs, loss of data, cost of cover, or governmental penalties or fines. INDEMNIFICATION Subject to the limitation of liability in this Agreement, S-H agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless the CLIENT, its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, contractors, subcontractors and consultants against all claims, damages, liabilities, losses or costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, experts’ fees, or other legal costs to the extent caused by S-H’s negligent performance of service under this Agreement and that of its officers, directors, shareholders, and employees. The CLIENT agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless S-H, its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents,, subconsultants, and affiliated companies against all damages, liabilities, losses, costs, and expenses including, reasonable attorneys’ fees, expert’s fees, and any other legal costs to the extent caused by the acts or omissions of the CLIENT, its employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, consultants or anyone for whom the CLIENT is legally liable. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS - INDEMNIFICATION To the fullest extent permitted by law, CLIENT agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold S-H, its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, consultants and affiliated companies, and any of them harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, costs, or expenses including reasonable attorney’s fees, experts’ fees and any other legal costs (including without limitation damages to property, injuries or death to persons, fines, or penalties), arising out of, or resulting from the discharge, escape, release, or saturation of smoke, vapors, soot, fumes, acids, alkalies, toxic chemicals, liquids, gases, polychlorinated biphenyl, petroleum contaminants, spores, biological toxins, or any other materials, irritants, contaminants, or pollutants in or into the atmosphere, or on, onto, upon, in, or into the surface or subsurface of soil, water, or watercourses, objects, or any tangible or intangible matter, whether sudden or not. STANDARD OF CARE Services provided by S-H under this Agreement will be performed in a manner consistent with that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the same profession currently practicing under similar circumstances on projects of similar size, complexity, and geographic location as that of the Project. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to create, nor shall it be construed to create, a fiduciary duty owed by either party to the other party. RIGHT OF ENTRY The CLIENT shall provide for entry for the employees, agents and subcontractors of S-H and for all necessary equipment. While S-H shall take reasonable precautions to minimize any damage to property, it is understood by the CLIENT that in the normal course of the project some damages may occur, the cost of correction of which is not a part of this Agreement. PAYMENT Unless otherwise provided herein, invoices will be prepared in accordance with S-H's standard invoicing practices then in effect and will be submitted to CLIENT each month and at the completion of the work on the project. Invoices are due and payable upon Copyright © Shive-Hattery July 2013 Page 2 of 4 receipt by the CLIENT. If the CLIENT does not make payment within thirty (30) days after the date the invoice was mailed to the CLIENT, then the amount(s) due S-H shall bear interest due from the date of mailing at the lesser interest rate of 1.5% per month compounded or the maximum interest rate allowed by law. In the event that S-H files or takes any action, or incurs any costs, for the collection of amounts due it from the client, S-H shall be entitled to recover its entire cost for attorney fees and other collection expenses related to the collection of amounts due it under this Agreement. Any failure to comply with this term shall be grounds for a default termination. TERMINATION Either party may terminate this Agreement for convenience or for default by providing written notice to the other party. If the termination is for default, the non-terminating party may cure the default before the effective date of the termination and the termination for default will not be effective. The termination for convenience and for default, if the default is not cured, shall be effective seven (7) days after receipt of written notice by the non-terminating party. In the event that this Agreement is terminated for the convenience of either party or terminated by S-H for the default of the CLIENT, then S-H shall be paid for services performed to the termination effective date, including reimbursable expenses due, and termination expenses attributable to the termination. In the event the CLIENT terminates the Agreement for the default of S-H and S-H does not cure the default, then S-H shall be paid for services performed to the termination notice date, including reimbursable expenses due, but shall not be paid for services performed after the termination notice date and shall not be paid termination expenses. Termination expenses shall include expenses reasonably incurred by S-H in connection with the termination of the Agreement or services, including, but not limited to, closing out Project records, termination of subconsultants and other persons or entities whose services were retained for the Project, and all other expenses directly resulting from the termination. INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS S-H shall indicate to the CLIENT the information needed for rendering of services hereunder. The CLIENT shall provide to S-H such information, including electronic media, as is available to the CLIENT and the CLIENT's consultants and contractors, and SH shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy and completeness thereof. The CLIENT recognizes that it is difficult for S-H to assure the accuracy, completeness and sufficiency of such client-furnished information, either because it is provided by others or because of errors or omissions which may have occurred in assembling the information the CLIENT is providing. Accordingly, the CLIENT agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless S-H, its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, subconsultants and affiliated companies, and any of them, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, costs , expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees, experts’ fees, and any other legal costs) for injury or loss arising or allegedly arising from errors, omissions or inaccuracies in documents or other information provided by the CLIENT. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES Information for location of underground utilities may come from the CLIENT, third parties, and/or research performed by S-H or its subcontractors. S-H will use the standard of care defined in this Agreement in providing this service. The information that S-H must rely on from various utilities and other records may be inaccurate or incomplete. Therefore, the CLIENT agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless S-H, its officers, directors, shareholders, employees agents, subconsultants, affiliated companies, and any of them for all claims, losses, costs and damages arising out of the location of underground utilities provided or any information related to underground utilities by S-H under this Agreement. CONTRACTOR MATTERS CLIENT agrees that S-H shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of the CLIENT’s contractor, or subcontractors, their employees, agents, consultants, suppliers or arising from contractor’s or subcontractors’ work, their employees, agents, consultants, suppliers or other entities that are responsible for performing work that is not in conformance with the construction Contract Documents, if any, prepared by S-H under this Agreement. S-H shall not have responsibility for means, methods, techniques, sequences, and progress of construction of the contractor, subcontractors, agents, employees, agents, consultants, or others entities. In addition, CLIENT agrees that S-H is not responsible for safety at the project site and that safety during construction is for the CLIENT to address in the contract between the CLIENT and contractor. SHOP DRAWING REVIEW If, as part of this Agreement S-H reviews and approves Contractor submittals, such as shop drawings, product data, samples and other data, as required by S-H, these reviews and approvals shall be only for the limited purpose of checking for conformance with the design concept and the information expressed in the contract documents. This review shall not include review of the accuracy or completeness of details, such as quantities, dimensions, weights or gauges, fabrication processes, construction means or methods, coordination of the work with other trades or construction safety precautions, all of which are the sole responsibility of the Contractor. S-H's review shall be conducted with reasonable promptness while allowing sufficient time in S-H's judgment to permit adequate review. Review of a specific item shall not indicate that S-H has reviewed the entire assembly of which the item is a component. S-H shall not be responsible for any deviations from the contract documents not brought to the attention of S-H in writing by the Contractor. S-H shall not be required to review partial submissions or those for which submissions of correlated items have not been received. Copyright © Shive-Hattery July 2013 Page 3 of 4 OPINIONS OF PROBABLE COST If, as part of this Agreement S-H is providing opinions of probable construction cost, the CLIENT understands that S-H has no control over costs or the price of labor, equipment or materials, or over the Contractor's method of pricing, and that S-H's opinions of probable construction costs are to be made on the basis of S-H's qualifications and experience. S-H makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of such opinions as compared to bid or actual costs. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION If, as part of this Agreement S-H is providing construction observation services, S-H shall visit the project at appropriate intervals during construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the contractors' work and to determine if the work is proceeding in general accordance with the Contract Documents. Unless otherwise specified in the Agreement, the CLIENT has not retained S-H to make detailed inspections or to provide exhaustive or continuous project review and observation services. SH does not guarantee the performance of, and shall have no responsibility for, the acts or omissions of any contractor, its subcontractors, employees, agents, consultants, suppliers or any other entities furnishing materials or performing any work on the project. S-H shall advise the CLIENT if S-H observes that the contractor is not performing in general conformance of Contract Documents. CLIENT shall determine if work of contractor should be stopped to resolve any problems. OTHER SERVICES The CLIENT may direct S-H to provide other services including, but not limited to, any additional services identified in S-H's proposal. If S-H agrees to provide these services, then the schedule shall be reasonably adjusted to allow S-H to provide these services. Compensation for such services shall be at S-H's Standard Hourly Fee Schedule in effect at the time the work is performed unless there is a written Amendment to Agreement that contains an alternative compensation provision. OWNERSHIP & REUSE OF INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE All reports, plans, specifications, field data and notes and other documents, including all documents on electronic media, prepared by S-H as instruments of service shall remain the property of S-H. The CLIENT shall not reuse or make any modifications to the plans and specifications without the prior written authorization of S-H. The CLIENT agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to defend, indemnify and hold harmless S-H its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, subconsultants and affiliated companies, and any of them from any and all claims, losses, costs or damages of any nature whatsoever arising out of, resulting from or in any way related to any unauthorized reuse or modifications of the construction documents by the CLIENT or any person or entity that acquires or obtains the plans and specifications from or through the CLIENT without the written authorization of S-H. DISPUTE RESOLUTION If a dispute arises between S-H and CLIENT, the executives of the parties having authority to resolve the dispute shall meet within thirty (30) days of the notification of the dispute to resolve the dispute. If the dispute is not resolved within such thirty (30) day time period, CLIENT and S-H agree to submit to non-binding mediation prior to commencement of any litigation and that non-binding mediation is a precondition to any litigation. Any costs incurred directly for a mediator, shall be shared equally between the parties involved in the mediation. EXCUSABLE EVENTS S-H shall not be responsible for any event or circumstance that is beyond the reasonable control of S-H that has a demonstrable and adverse effect on S-H’s ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement or S-H’s cost and expense of performing its obligations under this Agreement (an “Excusable Event”), including without limitation, a change in law or applicable standards, actions or inactions by a governmental authority, the presence or encounter of hazardous or toxic materials on the Project, war (declared or undeclared) or other armed conflict, terrorism, sabotage, vandalism, riot or other civil disturbance, blockade or embargos, explosion, epidemic, quarantine, strike, lockout, work slowdown or stoppage, accident, act of God, failure of any governmental or other regulatory authority to act in a timely manner, unexcused act or omission by CLIENT or contractors of any level (including, without limitation, failure of the CLIENT to furnish timely information or approve or disapprove of S-H's services or work product promptly, delays in the work caused by CLIENT, CLIENT’s suspension, breach or default of this Agreement, or delays caused by faulty performance by the CLIENT or by contractors of any level). When an Excusable Event occurs, the CLIENT agrees S-H is not responsible for damages, nor shall S-H be deemed to be in default of this Agreement, and S-H shall be entitled to a change order to equitably adjust for S-H’s increased time and/or cost to perform its services due to the Excusable Event. ASSIGNMENT No party to this Agreement shall transfer, sublet or assign any rights under or interest in this Agreement (including but not limited to monies that are due or monies that may be due) without the prior written consent of the other party. Copyright © Shive-Hattery July 2013 Page 4 of 4 SEVERABILITY, SURVIVAL AND WAIVER Any provision of this Agreement later held to be unenforceable for any reason shall be deemed void, and all remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. All obligations arising prior to the termination of this Agreement and all provisions of this Agreement allocating responsibility or liability between the CLIENT and S-H shall survive the completion of the services hereunder and the termination of this Agreement. The failure of a party to insist upon strict compliance of any term hereof shall not constitute a waiver by that party of its rights to insist upon strict compliance at a subsequent date. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed pursuant to the laws in the state of the locale of the S-H office address written in this Agreement. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY It is the policy of S-H to provide equal employment opportunities for all. S-H enforces the following acts and amendments as presented by Federal government or State governments: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1965, Age Discrimination in Employment ACT (ADEA), Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), Iowa Civil Rights Act of 1965, and Illinois Human Rights Act [ 775ILCS 5]. S-H will not discriminate against any employee or applicant because of race, creed, color, religion, sex, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, ancestry, veteran status, or physical or mental handicap, unless related to performance of the job with or without accommodation. COMPLETE AGREEMENT This Agreement constitutes the entire and integrated agreement between the CLIENT and S-H and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and agreements, whether oral or written. If the CLIENT issues a Purchase Order of which this Agreement becomes a part, the terms of this Agreement shall take precedence in the event of a conflict of terms. SIGNATURES Original, facsimile, or electronic signatures by the parties are deemed acceptable for binding the parties to the Agreement. The CLIENT representative signing this Agreement warrants that he or she is authorized to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the CLIENT. Copyright © Shive-Hattery July 2013 5-FT SIDEWALK EXHIBIT A PERVIOUS PAVERS - 150 SPACES (PHASE 2). PARKING ISLANDS WITH NATIVE PLANTINGS. 10-FT WIDE TRAIL 5-FT SIDEWALK CENTENNIAL PARK MASTERPLAN PHASE 2 (SRF) STABILIZE NORTH EDGE OF POND WITH NATIVE PLANTINGS (PHASE 2) PCC (PHASE 2) PCC (PHASE 2) PERVIOUS PAVERS SIDEWALK PERVIOUS PAVERS (20 SPACES) NORTH LIBERTY, IOWA 5-FT SIDEWALK BIOSWALE WITH NATIVE PLANTING AND SEEDING (PHASE 2) 10-FT WIDE TRAIL AUGUST 31, 2015 PROJECT #: 115261-P DATE: August 28, 2015 North Liberty, IA NORTH LIBERTY SRF SPONSORED PROJECT CONCEPT COST OPINION # ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT 1 1 2,400 3,500 54,000 6,000 2,350 2,200 450 1,500 1 250 1 1 LS LS CY CY SF TON LF SF LF LF LS SQ LS LS UNIT COST TOTAL COST Permeable Pavers Parking Lot - Centennial Park 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Mobilization Erosion Control Topsoil Stripping, stockpiling, respreading Grading and Excavation Permeable Pavers Lot, including setting bed Clean stone below setting bed, approx. 18" Curb & Gutter - edge restraint for pavers Permeable pavers sidewalk, including setting bed Sidewalk pavement band, edge restraint for pavers Subdrain tile Overflow storm sewer Sod - establish filter strip perimeter around pavement Signage - Informational Panels Pavement striping * $35,000 = * $3,000 = $3,000 * $5.50 = $13,200 * $4 = $14,000 * $4.75 = $256,500 * $25 = $150,000 * $25 = $58,750 * $6 = $13,200 * $10 = $4,500 * $10 = $15,000 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 * $60 = $15,000 * $1,000 = $1,000 * $5,000 = Subtotal $5,000 $619,150 $92,873 Contingency (15%) Engineering / Construction Admin / Staking (15%) $92,873 Subtotal $804,895 Bioswale - Centennial Park 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mobilization Erosion Control Grading and Excavation Topsoil Stripping, stockpiling, respreading Modified soil - bioswale channel Fine grading in bioswale channel Check dams - bioswale channel Vegetated Swale, Wetland Seed Mix Vegetated Swale, Native Plantings Storm Sewer - between swale cells and outlet 1 1 4,000 2,000 750 12,000 8 1.7 10,000 200 LS LS CY CY CY SF EA AC SF LF * $5,000 = * $3,000 = $3,000 * $4 = $16,000 * $5.50 = $11,000 * $10 = $7,500 * $2 = $24,000 * $500 = $4,000 * $5,000 = $8,500 $5 = $50,000 $70 = * Subtotal $5,000 $14,000 $143,000 $21,450 Contingency (15%) Engineering / Construction Admin / Staking (15%) $21,450 Subtotal $185,900 Bank Stabilization - Centennial Park 1 Native Plantings 4,000 SF $5 = Subtotal $20,000 $20,000 Bank Stabilization - Goose Lake 1 Native Plantings 5,000 SF $5 = Subtotal $25,000 $25,000 Soil Quality Restoration (Program by City Staff) 1 Soil Quality Restoration, aeration and 1/2" compost 2 Educational Outreach 100 1 AC LS * $4,000 = * $3,000 = $400,000 $3,000 Subtotal $403,000 SRF Project Total $1,439,000 Non-SRF Phase 2 - Centennial Park 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7" PCC Pavement - driveways Storm Sewer - driveway & trail culverts Lawn seeding with hydromulch PCC Trail & Walk Pavement Grading, Erosion Control, Mobilization - for trail & walks Light Poles, LED Trees 2,700 1 11 5,650 1 10 32 SY LS AC SY LS EA EA * $50 = $135,000 * $15,000 = $15,000 * $4,000 = $44,000 * $40 = $226,000 * $50,000 = $50,000 * $4,000 = $40,000 * $400 = $12,800 Subtotal Contingency (15%) Engineering / Construction Admin / Staking (15%) Subtotal $522,800 $78,420 $78,420 $679,640 Non-SRF Project Total $680,000 TOTAL (SRF QUALIFYING & NON-SRF PROJECT ITEMS) $2,119,000 **TOTAL PROJECT COSTS AND CONSTRUCTION COSTS PROVIDED HEREIN ARE MADE ON THE BASIS OF ENGINEER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS AND REPRESENT THE ENGINEER'S BEST JUDGMENT. HOWEVER, THE ENGINEER CANNOT AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT BIDS OR ACTUAL TOTAL PROJECT OR CONSTRUCTION COSTS WILL NOT VARY FROM THE ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST. THIS ESTIMATE IS INTENDED TO ASSIST IN BUDGETARY ASSESSMENT AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ACTUAL PROJECT COSTS WILL NOT EXCEED OR BE LOWER THAN THE AMOUNTS STATED IN THIS ESTIMATE. SRF PH2 Prelim Costs_082815.xlsx 9/1/2015 9:03 AM RESOLUTION NO. 15-104 RESOLUTION APPROVING SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY AND SHIVEHATTERY, INC. FOR SERVICES RELATING TO THE SRF SPONSORED WATER QUALITY PROJECT IOWA: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY, WHEREAS, the City Council desires to participate in the SRF Sponsored Water Quality Project program; WHEREAS, Shive-Hattery, Inc. has presented a proposal for services relating to the this project; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the agreement presented by ShiveHattery is approved for services relating to the SRF Sponsored Water Quality Project at a lump sum fee of $195,500 plus costs of expenses is hereby approved as set forth therein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrator is hereby authorized and ordered to execute the agreement with said engineering firm for the project. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of September, 2015. CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY: _______________________________________ AMY NIELSEN, MAYOR North Liberty – 2015 Page 1 ATTEST: _______________________________________ TRACEY MULCAHEY, CITY CLERK Resolution Number 15-104 CITY WIDE PROPERTY REZONING WA Y9 65 N E PO INT VALLEY RD NE RIDDLE CT NW HIG H HENDERSHOT RD NE SWAN LAKE RD NW Zoning Districts DN E Public Use Robin Dr ID: Interim Development RS-3: Residential Single-Family E R KC R A K HU N RS-6: Residential Single-Family RS-7: Residential Single-Family IDG E IC NE R LI CIR DR 65 1: Fox Run Subdivision Part 8, Outlot A RS-4 to P D BU ELO D RE TUP Y9 WA GH HI RS-3 DE OTTER LN RICE RI EY AF F M EH C-RV: Commercial Rec Vehicle RD-10 O/RP: Office/Research Park C-1-A: Commercial, General ID I-1 C-1-B: Commercial, General C-2-A: Commercial, Highway NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:12 RANGE:7 COM 837' S & 212.4' W OF NE COR NE SE; W 104.6'; S 116'; E 88'; S 29'; NELY 102.6'; NWLY 104' TO POB C-2-B: Commercial, Highway NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:12 RANGE:7 COM 1054' S & 33' W OF NE COR SE; W 197'; N 81.6'; NELY 102.6' TO ROAD; SELY ALONG ROAD 183.5' TO POB & INCL THAT PART OF N 1/2 E/W ALLEY IN BLK 4 ORIGINAL TOWN NORTH LIBERTY DESC AS AUDITOR'S PARCEL #2001110 IN SURVEY BK 43 PG 234 I-1 NORTH LIBERTY NORTH LIBERTY (ORIGINAL TOWN) BLOCK:4 LOT:10 LOT 10 BLK 4 & INCL THAT PART OF S 1/2 E/W ALLEY IN BLK 4 DESC AS AUDITOR'S PARCEL #2001111 IN SURVEY BK 43 PG 235 NORTH LIBERTY NORTH LIBERTY (ORIGINAL TOWN) BLOCK:4 LOT:3 LOT 3 BLK 4 & INCL THAT PART OF S 1/2 E/W ALLEY & ALL OF N/S ALLEY IN BLK 4 DESC AS AUDITOR'S PARCEL #2001109 IN SURVEY BK 43 PG 233 Major Streets NORTH LIBERTY NORTH LIBERTY (ORIGINAL TOWN) BLOCK:4 LOT:11 LOTS 11 & 12 & W 80' LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 4 & VACATED ALLEY BETWEEN SAID LOTS (A/K/A AUDITOR'S PARCEL #2009071 AS DESC IN SURVEY BK 54 PG 189) NICK DR N KANSAS AVE Collector Proposed Minor Arterial C-2-APAD OA K R RD NE O OD ON W HI JUNIPER CT WC TN E RS-3 275 ST NE NICHOLAS LN SADLER DR STRATHMOOR DR S F RON T ST NE SADLER LN RS-6 NAPLES AVE NE E DR CAMBRIDGE WAY OXFORD DR TWILIGHT DR RM-8PAD C-2-A E TARTAN DR TRINITY LN RM-8 ASHLEY CT PUBLIC DUBUQUE ST NE LIONS DR JORDAN ST R TON D R OON D Y SID SUNN RM-12 E WES S FRONT ST NE BUCKEYE DR BOILERMAKER DR REBECCA ST RACHAEL ST SPARTAN DR HAWKEYE DR BADGER DR RD-10 RS-4 FRONT ST NE HAUER DR O LOCKVIEW AVE RS-4 LIONS DR S JONES BLVD H IRE ST RS-6 DR M EARLY ILLINI CT FRANKLIN ST W N STEWART ST CHERRY CT SHANNON DR Pa ine S t WINDSOR RD MU R C-1-B PHY C T NE VANDELLO CIR C-2-A 17: Fox Valley Part Two, Outlot A RS-4 to P SARA CT BERNARDY DR RD-10 JONATHAN ST S HIGHWAY 965 RD-10 AB IGA VANDELLO DR COOK CIR BURR DR RM-8 IL A VE PUBLIC FRONT ST Ct Pac a PRAIRIE ST Prairie St B HOU SE KY EY LN Harrison St KS TT RM-8 N CORT C-2-B RS-4 S KANSAS AVE NE S CHESTNUT ST SUGAR CREEK LN S MCKENZIE LN S COLTON DR S JONES BLVD T ZELLER XING N MCKENZIE LN UNKNOWN N COLTON DR N JONES BLVD SUNSET DR CATTAIL LN WATERCRESS RD N PARK RIDGE RD ALYDAR DR S KAN SA S AV E BERKSHIRE LN CO 16: Broadmoor Estates Part Six, Outlot A RS-4 to P RM-8 A LN JASPER AVE NW ID RD-8 WESTON ST RD-10PAD ID D PENN RIDG E L IL C A T DR RD RD-10 19: Commencing at the Northwest Corner of Auditor's Parcel 2002101, in accordance with the Plat thereof Recorded in Plat Book 45 at Page 102 of the Records of the Johnson County Recorder's Office; Thence S88°27'21"E, along the North Line of said Auditor's Parcel 2002101, a distance of 283.00 feet; Thence S40°28'21"E, 256.31 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing S40°28'12"E, 119.89 feet; Thence S88°27'21"E, 78.33 feet; Thence S01°32'39"W, 30.00 feet; Thence N88°27'21"W, 110.97 feet; Thence N68°22'56"W, 50.69 feet; Thence N01°32'39"E, 101.67 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said Rezoning Parcel contains 0.18 Acre (7,917 square feet), and is subject to easements and restrictions of record. W I LD RS-6 KARIS CL U RS-4 JUNIPER ST LOCKMOOR AVE RS-4 VIEW DR BLUE S C-1-B RM-21 Huntington Ct NE WOLVERINE DR C-2-A W HAUER DR NE CT GOLF RD-10 S IER DR HANCOCK ST RM-21 O HO WHIPPLE CT RS-6 Franklin St R-FB C-1-B NE L N ID to P GOLFVI EW DR RD-10 ID to P RS-4 HOLIDAY LODGE R D ID St T PUBLIC W NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:15 RANGE:7 THAT PART OF SE NE DESC AS AUDITOR'S PARCEL #2006150 IN SURVEY BK 51 PG 172 k lin IN AL C AR NE F r an S DR NE RD 13: NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:15 RANGE:7 THAT PART OF SE NE DESC AS AUDITOR'S PARCEL #2007101 IN SURVEY BK 52 PG 167 RY BRO ADMOOR DR 270 ST NE S AINT AN DREW RS-7 RD-10 LN A SP E N HACKBERRY ST 15: NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:13 RANGE:7 THAT PART OF NE SE DESC AS AUDITOR'S PARCEL #97082 IN SURVEY BK 38 PG 72 FAIRVIEW LN PL YO T ST RS-6 RD-8 RS-4 RD-10 RD-10 RS-7 RS-7 RS-7 RM-21 RM-21 270 ST NW RD-10 ST AR RS-8 RS-6 R IDGE UE Q BU IT RS-6 C-2-A ID TR EK C DU R HE RD-10 A GE DR WESTWOOD DR RS-4 ID RE R R 14: NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:14 RANGE:7 NW SE ID to P K RD-8 to P RS-6 RS-8 O/RP C-1-B RM-21 C-1-B RS-6 ID R 10: NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:13 RANGE:7 N 41A W 1/2 NE W OF RR EXC LAND DESC IN BK 487 PG 42 & BK 1105 PG 40 & EXC LIBERTY HEIGHTS ADD & EXC PARKVIEW SD PART ONE & PART TWO RD-10 PROSPECT CT 11: Quail Creek Tenth Addition, Outlot C RS-8 to P RD-10 CE D HEMINGWAY DR RM-21 NE CA RD RS-6 NN RD-10 RS-8 RD-10 RS-7 PLE CI R ID to P S RD-10 PUBLIC RD-8 PL RM-21 R PE GE E ZELLER ST N D MA B A YB E RD GE R D RD-10 RS-6 ITA RS-6 EW S ST LANDO N ID CORY CT D RI C-3 IE IR RS-6 C-2-A CT PR A C-1-B HER RS-6 SO E W ZELLER ST PRAIRIE R ID GE PUBLIC RM-21 RS-4 IN CK DI BE A V RS-4 RS-4 RM-21 RM-21 RS-6 ST RD-10 RS-4 E HICKORY ST C-1-B RD-10 RD-10 N ST RS-7 W ZELLER ST RD-10 EC HE S RS-7 GREEN MEADO W C T RD-10 E W CHESTNUT ST C-2-A RS-6 RM-12 RD-10 UT 12: West Lake Addition Part Eight, Outlot B & Outlot C RD-10 & RS-6 & ID to P RM-21 9: NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:18 RANGE:6 COM AT N 1/4 COR; N 1 DEG E 450'; N 88 DEG W 223.12'; N 72 DEG W 98.19'; N 42 DEG W 275.78'; N 17 DEG W 68.43'; NELY 144'; N 52 DEG W 338.09'; S 1 DEG W 761.49' TO N/L RD; SELY ALONG RD 91.88'; N 53 DEG E 367.97' TO POB EXC PENN HEIGHTS SD & EXC LAND DESC IN BK 2838 PG 146 RD-10 T RS-6 I-1 W WALNUT ST RS-7 U Q C-2-B RM-21 PUBLIC RD-10 BU STONER CT I-1 RS-8 DU O/RP 8: Liberty Centre Part Five, Outlot B RS-6 to P N WEST LAKE RD RADCLIFFE DR TM RD-10 RD-10 N JUNIPER ST C-2-A MAPLE ST AN A VE RD-8 RD-10 ZELLER C DR C-1-B N FRONT ST ILL DR PUBLIC C-1-B S FRONT ST RM-12 C-2-A PUBLIC RM-12 RD-10 W CHERRY ST RD-10 RS-4 PUBLIC C-1-A C-1-B RM-21 RS-7 N MAIN ST PENN CT 5: Auditor's Parcel #2005153 RS-4 to P COTTONWOOD C T NE CHURCH 6: Auditor's Parcel #2005001 O/RP to P CAMBRIA RM-12 WATTS CT LINCOLN DR RM-12 N GEORGE ST Y LN TUSCAN C-1-B Expressway Proposed I-1 C-1-BPAD NE C-1-B CT C-2-A Expressway PE N N MADISON AVE C-2-A Major Arterial AS CAMERON WAY C-2-APAD COUNTRY LN Minor Arterial Proposed C-2-A HERKY ST Collector RS-7 & RD-10 & C-1-A & C-1-B to P ALEXANDER WAY PENN CT NORTH LIBERTY (ORIGINAL TOWN) BLOCK:3 LOT:5 EXEMPT CITY NORTH LIBERTY LOTS 5, 6, 7 & 8 BLK 3 (FIRE STATION) W PENN ST I-1 C-3: Commercial, Concept I-1: Industrial, Light I-1 LININGER LN N NE DGE L RD ID GE BR C NE CE DA R LOCUST DR T AS H C NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:12 RANGE:7 COM 953' S & 230' W OF NE COR NE SE; W 127'; N 10'; W 93'; S 98 1/2'; E 220'; N TO POB & INCL THAT PART OF N 1/2 E/W ALLEY IN BLK 4 ORIGINAL TOWN NORTH LIBERTY DESC AS AUDITOR'S PARCEL #2001112 IN SURVEY BK 43 PG 236 C-2-A RRY HEI G T S LN N E H RM-21: Residential Multi-Family CEDAR CV NE CIR MIN K KENNEL CT NW O DR CU B HAYDEN LN LOGAN CT IRO TIMBER WOLF DR EIGHT POINT TRL DOE RUN DR DEERFIELD DR BROWNING DR TINE LN QU RM-8 E E PL N DEER DR NE RM-12: Residential Multi-Family A I DG ER LAK ANTLER DR CT C BL A N PE RM-8: Residential Multi-Family RL REMINGTON CT NE IP CR RM-6: Residential Multi-Family S DEVMONT CT RD-10: Residential Duplex R-FB: Residential Factory-Built 7: NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:12 RANGE:7 COM 837' S & 317' W OF NE COR NE SE; W 132'; S 106'; E 93'; S 10'; E 39'; N 116' TO BEG 4: Progress Park Part 3, Outlot B C-2-A to P RD-8: Residential Duplex C T NN E ET PL RM-12 CT RS-7 C-2-A I-1 C-2-A I-1 OT IR NC LE M 240 ST E VIX IEL R C-2-A RU A DR 238 ST C IR R RM-8 AN IR DR I-1 DR K OA FOX RUN RD-10 GS IN DE AL RED ID COYOTE CT DEERFIELD DR W VIXEN LN 236 ST MAR M WILDLIFE TRL ST RS-6 3: Progress Park Part 3, Outlot A RM-12 and C-2-A to P VELVET LN FISHER TRL R SP S ES FAWN DR R G O RM-8 2: Fox Run Subdivision Part 3, Outlot A RS-4 to P RD-8 LN VE PR PUBLIC ID R SIL R LN LA E D C KTAIL N R RE S N RM-8 JAYLEN LN DE Y Y IL RD-10 WL LO N DL O CY P AR RD-10 RL W IL RS-4 S CT L ZZ RI M T FOX RUN DR P G CT ID CI R PO E I-1 G U O A R PL OO D RING SP DG JO NE PO NDS E S RM-8 BL VD BLACK BEAR BND RS-4 BC NL N D GE W R DA CE RM-8 N 240 ST NE 240 ST NW RS-4 BO AT PL RD-10 FOX VALLEY DR SCALES BEND RD NE Zoning District Map North Liberty, Iowa 2/3/2015 RS-6 HE D ER RS-8: Residential Single-Family N PHEASANT LN NE RS-4: Residential Single-Family SCARLET OA CI R C DG IR PIPER C T SA N D 230 ST NE H IL AN D V W NE N PI Olive Ct RS-3 NE r olf D Timbe r W Grouse Ct CRE EK R RD RM-21 RD-10 RS-4 ID JOHNSTON WAY NE E FOREVERGREEN R D LN KELSE Y Coralville RIDGEWAY DR RD-10 CROSSPARK RD L L E Y DR CORAL RIDGE AVE HIGHWAY 380 NW HIGHWAY 380 NE Woodbine Ln N PARK RD RM-8 VA NE ST ON E D Dr E AV S to lley HELLE LN YR RT C-2-A 18: Fox Valley Part Three, Outlot A RS-4 to P E LIB MI C RS-6 H ID RS-4 a ne V KEL SEY CT RS-3 12 Tiffin Dr RS-4 RT LN Miles RM-12PAD Red B a rn NO E BIN 0.5 Colony Ridge Rd OD WO . W FOREVERGREEN RD DEMP STE R DR WH I T E L IL TA N NE ORDINANCE NO. 15-06 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 167 OF THE NORTH LIBERTY CODE OF ORDINANCES BY AMENDING THE USE REGULATIONS ON PROPERTY OWNED BY VARIOUS OWNERS LOCATED IN NORTH LIBERTY, IOWA TO THOSE SET FORTH IN THE MUNICIPAL CODE FOR VARIOUS ZONING DISTRICTS IOWA: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY, SECTION 1. AMENDMENT. Chapter 167 Zoning Code Definitions of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances (2013) is hereby amended by amending the zoning on property legally described as: Parcel Number 1 – Rezoned from RS-4 (Single Family Residential) to P (Public) Fox Run Subdivision Part 8, Outlot A Parcel Number 2 - Rezoned from RS-4 (Single Family Residential) to P (Public) Fox Run Subdivision Part 3, Outlot A Parcel Number 3 – Rezoned from RM-12 (Multi-Family Residential) and C-2-A (Commercial) to P (Public) Progress Park Part 3, Outlot A Parcel Number 4- Rezoned from C-2-A (Commercial) to P (Public) Progress Park Part 3, Outlot B Parcel Number 5 – Rezoned from RS-4 (Single Family Residential) to P (Public) Auditor's Parcel #2005153 Parcel Number 6 – Rezoned from O/RP (Office/Research Park) to P (Public Auditor's Parcel #2005001 Parcel Number 7 – Rezoned from RS-7 (Single Family Residential), RD-10 (Duplex Residential), C-1-A (Commercial) & C-1-B (Commercial) to P (Public) NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:12 RANGE:7 COM 837' S & 317' W OF NE COR NE SE; W 132'; S 106'; E 93'; S 10'; E 39'; N 116' TO BEG And NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:12 RANGE:7 COM 837' S & 212.4' W OF NE COR NE SE; W 104.6'; S 116'; E 88'; S 29'; NELY 102.6'; NWLY 104' TO POB And NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:12 RANGE:7 COM 953' S & 230' W OF NE COR NE SE; W 127'; N 10'; W 93'; S 98 1/2'; E 220'; N TO POB & INCL THAT PART OF N 1/2 E/W ALLEY IN BLK 4 North Liberty – 2015 Page 1 Ordinance Number 15-06 ORIGINAL TOWN NORTH LIBERTY DESC AS AUDITOR'S PARCEL #2001112 IN SURVEY BK 43 PG 236 And NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:12 RANGE:7 COM 1054' S & 33' W OF NE COR SE; W 197'; N 81.6'; NELY 102.6' TO ROAD; SELY ALONG ROAD 183.5' TO POB & INCL THAT PART OF N 1/2 E/W ALLEY IN BLK 4 ORIGINAL TOWN NORTH LIBERTY DESC AS AUDITOR'S PARCEL #2001110 IN SURVEY BK 43 PG 234 And NORTH LIBERTY NORTH LIBERTY (ORIGINAL TOWN) BLOCK:4 LOT:10 LOT 10 BLK 4 & INCL THAT PART OF S 1/2 E/W ALLEY IN BLK 4 DESC AS AUDITOR'S PARCEL #2001111 IN SURVEY BK 43 PG 235 And NORTH LIBERTY NORTH LIBERTY (ORIGINAL TOWN) BLOCK:4 LOT:3 LOT 3 BLK 4 & INCL THAT PART OF S 1/2 E/W ALLEY & ALL OF N/S ALLEY IN BLK 4 DESC AS AUDITOR'S PARCEL #2001109 IN SURVEY BK 43 PG 233 And NORTH LIBERTY NORTH LIBERTY (ORIGINAL TOWN) BLOCK:4 LOT:11 LOTS 11 & 12 & W 80' LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 4 & VACATED ALLEY BETWEEN SAID LOTS (A/K/A AUDITOR'S PARCEL #2009071 AS DESC IN SURVEY BK 54 PG 189) And NORTH LIBERTY (ORIGINAL TOWN) BLOCK:3 LOT:5 EXEMPT CITY NORTH LIBERTY LOTS 5, 6, 7 & 8 BLK 3 (FIRE STATION). Parcel Number 8 – Rezoned from RS-6 (Single Family Residential) to P (Public) Liberty Centre Part Five, Outlot B Parcel Number 9 – Rezoned from ID (Interim Development) to P (Public) NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:18 RANGE:6 COM AT N 1/4 COR; N 1 DEG E 450'; N 88 DEG W 223.12'; N 72 DEG W 98.19'; N 42 DEG W 275.78'; N 17 DEG W 68.43'; NELY 144'; N 52 DEG W 338.09'; S 1 DEG W 761.49' TO N/L RD; SELY ALONG RD 91.88'; N 53 DEG E 367.97' TO POB EXC PENN HEIGHTS SD & EXC LAND DESC IN BK 2838 PG 146 Parcel Number 10- Rezoned from RD-8 (Duplex Residential) to P (Public) NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:13 RANGE:7 N 41A W 1/2 NE W OF RR EXC LAND DESC IN BK 487 PG 42 & BK 1105 PG 40 & EXC LIBERTY HEIGHTS ADD & EXC PARKVIEW SD PART ONE & PART TWO Parcel Number 11 - Rezoned from RS-8 (Single Family Residential) to P (Public) Quail Creek Tenth Addition, Outlot C Parcel Number 12 – Rezoned from RD-10 (Duplex Residential), RS-6 (Single Family Residential) & ID (Interim Development) to P (Public) West Lake Addition Part Eight, Outlot B & Outlot C Parcel Number 13 – Rezoned from ID (Interim Development) to P (Public) North Liberty – 2015 Page 2 Ordinance Number 15-06 NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:15 RANGE:7 THAT PART OF SE NE DESC AS AUDITOR'S PARCEL #2007101 IN SURVEY BK 52 PG 167 And NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:15 RANGE:7 THAT PART OF SE NE DESC AS AUDITOR'S PARCEL #2006150 IN SURVEY BK 51 PG 172 Parcel Number 14 – Rezoned from ID (Interim Development) to P (Public) NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:14 RANGE:7 NW SE Parcel Number 15- Rezoned from ID (Interim Development) to P (Public) NORTH LIBERTY SECTION:13 RANGE:7 THAT PART OF NE SE DESC AS AUDITOR'S PARCEL #97082 IN SURVEY BK 38 PG 72 Parcel Number 16 – Rezoned from RS-4 (Single Family Residential) to P (Public) Broadmoor Estates Part Six, Outlot A RS-4 to P Parcel Number 17 - Rezoned from RS-4 (Single Family Residential) to P (Public) Fox Valley Part Two, Outlot A Parcel Number 18- Rezoned from RS-4 (Single Family Residential) to P (Public) Fox Valley Part Three, Outlot A RS-4 to P Parcel Number 19 – Rezoned from RD-10 (Duplex Residential) to RS-6 (Single Family Residential) Commencing at the Northwest Corner of Auditor's Parcel 2002101, in accordance with the Plat thereof Recorded in Plat Book 45 at Page 102 of the Records of the Johnson County Recorder's Office; Thence S88°27'21"E, along the North Line of said Auditor's Parcel 2002101, a distance of 283.00 feet; Thence S40°28'21"E, 256.31 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing S40°28'12"E, 119.89 feet; Thence S88°27'21"E, 78.33 feet; Thence S01°32'39"W, 30.00 feet; Thence N88°27'21"W, 110.97 feet; Thence N68°22'56"W, 50.69 feet; Thence N01°32'39"E, 101.67 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said Rezoning Parcel contains 0.18 Acre (7,917 square feet), and is subject to easements and restrictions of record. And shown on Attachment A. SECTION 2. REPEALER. All Ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section, provision or part of this Ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any section, provision or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. North Liberty – 2015 Page 3 Ordinance Number 15-06 SECTION 4. WHEN EFFECTIVE. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its final passage, approval and publication as provided by law. First reading August 11, 2015. Second reading August 25, 2015. Third and final reading ______________________. CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY: _______________________________________ AMY NIELSEN, MAYOR ATTEST: _______________________________________ TRACEY MULCAHEY, CITY CLERK I certify that the forgoing was published as Ordinance No. 15-06 in the North Liberty Leader on the ___ day of ____________, 2015. _______________________________________ TRACEY MULCAHEY, CITY CLERK North Liberty – 2015 Page 4 Ordinance Number 15-06 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION To: From: CC: Date: Re: Mayor and City Council Tom Palmer, Building Official City Administrator 9/3/2015 August Monthly Report August Permit Report: 80 permits were issued with estimated construction value of $2,670,633.00. Fifteen permits were issued for new residential dwelling units with a value of 2.6 million dollars. Staff completed 435 inspections. Certificate of Occupancy: Eighteen certificates of occupancy were issued for new residential buildings and two were issued for commercial alterations. Rental/Code Enforcement: Seventeen rental permits were requested and seventy-six inspections performed. Forty-one code enforcement complaints were processed in August. Penn School Project: The 8.5 million dollar Penn School addition and renovation project is nearing completion. The project consist of 28,964 sq. ft. one-story addition, new geothermal HVAC system, new fire sprinkler system, new storm sewer management system and a major renovation of the existing school building. The general contractor is anticipating completion of date the middle of October. 2nd Grade Common Area New Addition SE Corridor New Geothermal Equipment New Gymnasium New Media Center New Courtyard Area New Courtyard Area New Fire Lane Access New Stormwater Drainage Basin Department of Building Safety 319-626-5713 www.northlibertyiowa.org August 2015 Monthly Permit Report Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Permit Purpose New Single Family Dwelling New Single Family Dwelling Attached New Townhouse New Multi-Family Housing New Commercial New Industrial School Residential Alteration Residential Addition Commercial Alteration Commercial Addition Industrial Alteration Industrial Addition Other Public Totals Permits 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 3 0 0 0 51 0 80 Construction Value Permit Fees $1,022,235.00 $15,972.13 $1,499,400.00 $16,234.10 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $93,198.00 $2,002.50 $0.00 $0.00 $40,600.00 $999.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15,200.00 $3,021.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,670,633.00 $38,229.23 SFD Attached are zero lot line units Townhouse are 3 or more units with shared side walls and have a rear yard area Bldgs. 5 5 0 0 0 0 Units 5 10 0 0 0 0 10 15 Notes Inspections for the Month of August Other Zoning Gas Piping Air Pressure Test Water Heater Temporary Electrical Service Sump Pump discharge Line Public Sidewalk Sewer & Water Residentail Rough‐in Residentail Final Rental Re‐inspection MS4 Quarterly Erosion Control Plumbing Below Concrete Floor Slab Permanent Electric Service Release CSR Notice of Termination Erosion Non‐Compliance Notice Gas Service Release Foundation Wall Foundation Dampproffing Foundation Footings Final Post Footings Commercial Final Commercial Rough‐In Attic Insulation 0 10 20 30 40 Total Inspections 435 50 60 70 80 90 100 North Liberty Fire Department 2015 Monthly/YTD Hour & Response Report 2015 North Liberty Fire Department Responses By Fire District North Liberty Madison Township Penn Township Mutual Aid Total Responses January 69 9 5 1 84 February March 61 66 4 5 11 11 1 3 77 85 April 53 9 9 3 74 May 62 11 12 0 85 June July August 72 64 77 10 12 5 8 11 7 1 0 4 91 87 93 Year September October November December To Date 524 65 74 13 0 0 0 0 676 2015 North Liberty Fire Department Responses By Type of Incident 100 - Fire 200 - Over Pressure, Overheat 300 - EMS 400 - Hazardous Condition 500 - Service Call 600 - Good Intent Call 700 - False Alarm & False Call 800 - Severe Weather 900 - Special Incident Type Total Responses January 2 0 45 5 1 16 14 0 1 84 February March 2 6 0 0 38 43 2 4 3 4 17 11 15 17 0 0 0 0 77 85 April 8 1 37 1 3 14 10 0 0 74 May 4 0 48 1 2 19 11 0 0 85 June July August 6 1 7 0 0 0 42 52 53 4 2 1 4 3 4 20 13 10 15 16 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 91 87 93 Year September October November December To Date 36 1 358 20 24 120 116 0 1 0 0 0 0 676 Percent To Date 77.51% 9.62% 10.95% 1.92% Percent To Date 5.33% 0.15% 52.96% 2.96% 3.55% 17.75% 17.16% 0.00% 0.15% 2015 North Liberty Fire Department Responses Incident Type Report 111 112 113 114 118 Building Fire Fires in Structures other than in a Building Cooking Fire, Confined to Container Chimney or Flue Fire Trash or Rubbish Fire Fire in Mobile home use as fixed structure 130 Mobile Property (Vehicle ) Fire 131 Passenger Vehicle Fire 132 Road freight or transport vehicle fire 134 Water Vehicle Fire 1381 Lawn Mower Fire 141 Forest, Woods or Wildland Fire 142 Brush or Brush/Grass Fire 143 Grass Fire 151 Outside Rubbish Fire 1601 Mulch Fire / Smoldering Mulch 171 Cultivated Grain or Crop Fire 251 Excessive Heat/Scorch Burns - No Fire 311 Medical Response - Assist JCAS 321 Medical Response - Provide Pt. Care 322 Motor Vehicle Accident - With Injuries 323 Motor Vehicle/Pedestrain Accident 324 Motor Vehicle Accident - No Injuries 342 Search for person in water 350 Extrication, rescue, Other 352 Extrication from Vehicle 361 Swimming Water Rescue 365 Watercraft Rescue 411 Flammable Liquid Spill 412 Gas Leak (Natural Gas or LPG) 413 Oil or other Combustible Liquid Spill 424 Carbon Monoxide Incident 440 Electrical, Wiring/equipment Problem 441 Heat from Short Circuit (Wiring) 442 Overheated Motor 424 Carbon Monoxide Incident 443 Breakdown of Ballast 444 Power line Down 445 Arcing, Shorted Electrical Equipment 463 Accident Clean-up 550 Public Service Assistance - Other 5501 Install Smoke Alarm/Detector 5502 Replace Smoke Alarm/Detector Batteries 522 Water or Steam Leak 531 Smoke or Odor Removal 541 Animal Problem 551 Assist Police or Other Gov. Agency 554 Assist Invalid 561 Unauthorized Burning 571 Cover Assignment, Standby 600 Good Intent - Other 611 Cancelled Enroute 622 No Incident Found upon Arrival 631 Authorized Controlled Burning 651 Smoke Scare, Odor Smoke 652 Steam, Fog, Vapor Thought to be Smoke 653 Smoke for BBQ, Tar Kettle 671 Hazmat Release with No Hazmat 700 False Alarm or False Call - Other 710 Malicious, Mischievous False Call 7101 Fire Alarm Pull Station by Child 731 Sprinkler Activation - Malfunction 733 Smoke Detector Activation - Malfunction 734 Heat Detector Activation - Malfunction 735 Alarm Activation - Malfunction 736 Carbon Monoxide Detector - Malfunction 7401 Unintentional Transmission of Medical Alarm 7402 Unintentional Transmission of Fire Alarm 7403 Unintentional Transmission of Elevator Area Alarm 7404 Unintentional Transmission of Security System 741 Sprinkler Activation - Unintentional 743 Smoke Detector Activation - Unintentional 744 Detector Activation - Unintentional 745 Alarm Activation - Unintentional 746 Carbon Monoxide Detector - No CO 812 Flood Assessment 813 Wind Storm, Tornado Assessment 814 Lightning Strike (No Fire) 911 Citizen Complaint 9001 Fireworks Display Standby 9002 Open Burning Standby Total Responses * Partial percentages are rounded up Jan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 19 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 13 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 84 Feb 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 15 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 13 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 6 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 Mar 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 17 23 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 9 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 April 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 16 16 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 9 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74 May 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 25 19 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 17 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 Jun 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 19 16 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 16 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 91 Jul 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 18 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 87 Aug 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 24 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 9 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 93 Sep Oct Nov Dec 0 0 0 0 Year to Date 7 2 4 1 0 1 0 7 1 0 3 2 2 3 2 0 1 1 173 150 15 3 15 1 1 0 0 0 2 6 0 1 0 2 0 3 1 2 1 2 0 1 2 1 0 1 3 14 2 0 0 98 3 2 7 1 0 9 1 0 3 0 24 0 2 2 0 3 3 1 2 54 1 15 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 676 Percent to Series % Date 1.04% 0.30% 0.59% 0.15% 0.00% 0.15% 0.00% 1.04% 5.33% 0.15% 0.00% 0.44% 0.30% 0.30% 0.44% 0.30% 0.00% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 25.59% 22.19% 2.22% 0.44% 2.22% 52.96% 0.15% 0.15% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.30% 0.89% 0.00% 0.15% 0.00% 0.30% 2.96% 0.00% 0.44% 0.15% 0.30% 0.15% 0.30% 0.00% 0.15% 0.30% 0.15% 0.00% 3.55% 0.15% 0.44% 2.07% 0.30% 0.00% 0.00% 14.50% 0.44% 0.30% 17.75% 1.04% 0.15% 0.00% 1.33% 0.15% 0.00% 0.44% 0.00% 3.55% 0.00% 0.30% 0.30% 17.16% 0.00% 0.44% 0.44% 0.15% 0.30% 7.99% 0.15% 2.22% 0.74% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.15% 0.15% 0.00% 0.00% Monthly Incident Comparison (2005-2015) 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 January 84 81 73 58 64 72 79 50 47 41 29 February 77 61 66 59 57 53 48 68 84 33 26 March 85 72 80 66 45 63 60 50 68 35 37 April 74 90 71 76 52 45 53 52 59 46 33 May 85 79 95 70 52 67 74 53 54 59 32 June 91 93 75 81 70 67 71 53 63 59 46 July 87 86 84 111 71 55 65 65 66 58 35 August 93 100 84 87 63 52 71 60 65 40 38 Total September October November December 84 77 62 52 59 46 48 54 40 38 84 83 69 62 53 45 64 41 62 41 82 80 71 54 63 50 50 57 56 42 71 92 75 70 49 61 84 87 56 36 Jan-Sep Jan-Oct Jan-Nov Jan-Dec 746 705 670 526 533 567 499 560 411 314 830 788 739 588 586 612 563 601 473 355 912 868 810 642 649 662 613 658 529 397 983 960 885 712 698 723 697 745 585 433 YTD Monthly Incident Comparison (2005-2015) 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 January 84 81 73 58 64 72 79 50 47 41 29 Jan-Feb 161 142 139 117 121 125 127 118 131 74 55 Jan-Mar Jan-Apr Jan-May Jan-Jun Jan-July Jan-Aug 246 320 405 496 583 677 214 304 383 476 562 662 219 290 385 460 544 628 183 259 329 410 521 608 166 218 270 340 411 474 188 233 300 367 422 474 187 240 314 385 450 521 168 220 273 326 391 451 199 258 312 375 441 506 109 155 214 273 331 371 92 125 157 203 238 276 676 983 960 885 712 698 723 697 745 585 433 Total 677 983 960 885 712 698 723 697 745 585 433 2015 North Liberty Fire Department Responses By Day of Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Total Responses January February 8 21 15 11 11 10 13 16 9 6 16 6 12 7 84 77 March 17 16 21 4 7 13 7 85 April 6 16 14 14 6 10 8 74 May 20 8 4 10 12 15 16 85 June 9 15 12 18 14 8 15 91 July 8 15 17 16 9 14 8 87 Year Percent August September October November December To Date To Date 13 102 15.09% 12 108 15.98% 10 99 14.64% 20 111 16.42% 9 72 10.65% 11 93 13.76% 18 91 13.46% 93 0 0 0 0 676 2015 North Liberty Fire Department Responses By Hour of Day 12:00 AM 1:00 AM 2:00 AM 3:00 AM 4:00 AM 5:00 AM 6:00 AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM Total Responses January February 2 2 4 2 3 3 1 4 2 1 7 5 4 2 5 2 2 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 2 3 6 2 3 5 5 3 4 4 5 4 4 3 3 1 4 0 1 5 4 3 2 5 84 77 March 2 4 0 3 3 2 2 1 2 3 7 2 4 4 3 6 8 5 6 3 10 2 3 0 85 April 3 3 3 2 0 1 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 2 7 2 4 3 1 3 4 6 6 0 74 May 3 3 0 2 1 1 2 4 5 5 1 3 5 5 3 7 4 2 8 5 3 3 8 2 85 June 1 3 3 1 3 1 2 5 5 2 2 4 4 9 6 2 2 8 7 6 4 7 3 1 91 July 3 2 0 3 3 0 2 0 1 8 4 3 3 3 8 9 8 5 5 8 2 5 1 1 87 Year Percent August September October November December To Date To Date 1 17 2.51% 1 22 3.25% 2 14 2.07% 5 21 3.11% 2 15 2.22% 1 18 2.66% 1 18 2.66% 4 24 3.55% 6 29 4.29% 2 34 5.03% 6 31 4.59% 3 26 3.85% 4 28 4.14% 3 34 5.03% 6 41 6.07% 2 36 5.33% 6 40 5.92% 7 39 5.77% 1 35 5.18% 4 33 4.88% 5 32 4.73% 10 39 5.77% 6 34 5.03% 5 16 2.37% 93 0 0 0 0 676 2015 North Liberty Fire Department Average Turnout per Incident - Time of Day January February March April May 12:00 AM 2 7 8 7 6 1:00 AM 5 6 8 9 6 No Incidents No Incidents 2:00 AM 6 5 9 3:00 AM 3 8 5 7 5 No Incidents 4:00 AM 4 4 6 5 5:00 AM 6 7 8 5 5 6:00 AM 6 5 8 6 5 7:00 AM 6 4 7 5 6 8:00 AM 7 5 7 5 8 9:00 AM 5 7 7 10 5 10:00 AM 8 6 8 10 7 11:00 AM 5 7 7 7 6 12:00 PM 9 4 7 5 9 1:00 PM 9 10 11 6 8 2:00 PM 6 10 11 9 7 3:00 PM 7 6 10 10 7 4:00 PM 10 13 12 12 8 5:00 PM 10 12 10 12 8 6:00 PM 11 9 15 13 7 7:00 PM 13 11 19 13 10 No Incidents 8:00 PM 13 10 11 10 9:00 PM 6 10 9 12 9 10:00 PM 6 11 11 12 9 No Incidents No Incidents 11:00 PM 7 8 7 Monthly Average 7 8 10 9 7 * Partial percentages are rounded up June 6 6 6 5 7 7 8 6 5 5 9 8 6 10 8 9 14 11 12 11 8 10 11 5 9 July 6 6 August September October November December 7 4 No Incidents 6 8 6 6 5 No Incidents 5 6 5 No Incidents 8 5 5 6 5 7 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 17 7 5 10 10 9 12 8 14 11 11 15 10 10 9 10 8 6 6 8 8 YTD Hourly Average 7 7 7 7 6 7 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 9 10 8 11 11 10 12 11 10 10 7 8 2015 North Liberty Fire Department Member Responses By Month Jan 84 20 7 22 10 16 0 20 12 26 20 10 3 26 29 9 16 23 23 5 12 17 11 18 9 13 16 28 0 0 31 0 48 7 18 2 14 15 7 Feb 77 16 10 20 7 14 0 11 12 31 13 4 10 23 20 8 30 17 11 5 8 8 25 14 25 7 18 14 0 0 31 0 45 10 38 9 5 22 9 Mar 85 19 18 32 18 18 0 19 33 30 42 6 8 38 27 9 39 40 25 9 15 17 32 12 45 14 18 38 0 0 30 0 34 7 37 14 20 28 2 Apr 74 13 6 11 16 8 0 12 20 23 15 9 5 28 23 11 35 34 28 12 10 19 35 9 37 3 24 20 0 0 25 0 55 11 35 10 21 13 5 May 85 11 5 18 10 3 0 8 26 25 21 9 8 41 22 7 27 26 19 7 10 18 48 0 34 5 6 20 0 13 34 0 33 8 31 2 0 15 3 Jun 91 11 0 25 16 7 1 29 12 30 14 28 7 46 34 10 36 29 22 8 11 12 34 0 53 4 13 32 0 15 45 0 59 8 29 14 0 27 29 Responses for Month Brumm, Ryan Bryson, Reese Burleson, Lynn Cirillo, Dave Collins, Robert Coyle, Jim* Dickerson, Matt Dolezal, Dan DuBay, Rob English, Joseph Gruber, Bruce Hardin, Bryan Hubler, David Jaeger, Jeff Johnston, Mike Keitel, Brad Kochanny, Chris Kramer, Adam Lenfesty, Robert Linssen, Christopher Lundquist, Jonathan Mashek, Collyn McCambridge, Scott McDonald, James Messinger, Matt Miller, Jordan Newkirk, Richard Parker, Robert Powers, Jacob Reasner, Richard Rigdon, Zach Rocca, Ben Schmooke, Bill Taylor, Ryan Vandewater, Eric Voparil, Craig White, Geoffery Wichmann, Megan * Fire Dept. Chaplain ** Adjusted Percentage to Date based on Start Date, LOA, Injury Leave, etc. Jul 87 9 0 15 8 0 0 27 30 18 17 13 8 41 22 7 32 16 13 4 13 12 36 0 57 6 27 16 0 13 38 0 51 11 23 13 0 31 17 Aug 93 14 0 22 15 12 0 7 16 40 13 16 14 34 39 13 17 19 11 5 16 15 30 15 37 17 43 28 0 12 36 9 60 12 43 5 14 25 12 Sep Oct Nov Dec Year To Date 676 113 46 165 100 78 1 133 161 223 155 95 63 277 216 74 232 204 152 55 95 118 251 68 297 69 165 196 0 53 270 9 385 74 254 69 74 176 84 Percent To Date 16.72% 6.80% 24.41% 14.79% 11.54% 0.15% 19.67% 23.82% 32.99% 22.93% 14.05% 9.32% 40.98% 31.95% 10.95% 34.32% 30.18% 22.49% 8.14% 14.05% 17.46% 37.13% 10.06% 43.93% 10.21% 24.41% 28.99% 0.00% 7.84% 39.94% 1.33% 56.95% 10.95% 37.57% 10.21% 10.95% 26.04% 12.43% Adjusted YTD %** Jan Feb 2015 - Top 5 Calls Made by Month Mar Apr May Jun 1 Rocca 48 Rocca 45 McDonald 45 Rocca 55 Mashek 48 Rocca 59 2 Reasner 31 Tayor 38 English 42 McDonald 37 Hubler 41 McDonald 53 3 Jaeger 29 DuBay 31 Kochanny 35 McDonald Reasner 34 Hubler 46 4 Newkirk 28 Keitel 30 Keitel 40 Keitel Mashek Taylor 39 Kochanny 34 Rocca 33 Reasner 45 5 DuBay Hubler 26 Mashek 25 Hubler Newkirk 38 Hubler Kramer 28 Taylor 31 Keitel 36 Reasner 1 July McDonald McDonald Aug Sep 57 Rocca 60 43 3 Hubler 51 Miller Taylor 41 DuBay 4 Reasner 38 Jaeger 39 5 Mashek 36 McDonald 37 1 2 3 4 5 2015 - Top 5 Calls Made by Year-To-Date 385 56.95% Rocca 297 43.93% McDonald 277 40.98% Hubler 270 39.94% Reasener 254 37.57% Taylor 2 Rocca 40 Oct Nov Dec 2015 North Liberty Fire Department Volunteer Hours By Month Brumm, Ryan Bryson, Reese Burleson, Lynn Cirillo, Dave Collins, Robert Dickerson, Matt Dolezal, Dan DuBay, Rob English, Joseph Gruber, Bruce Hubler, David Jaeger, Jeff Johnston, Mike Keitel, Brad Kochanny, Chris Kramer, Adam Lenfesty, Robert Linssen, Christopher Lundquist, Jonathan Mashek, Collyn McCambridge, Scott McDonald, James Messinger, Matt Miller, Jordan Newkirk, Richard Parker, Bob Powers, Jacob Reasner, Richard Rigdon, Zach Rocca, Ben Taylor, Ryan Vanderhoff, Jennifer Voparil, Craig White, Geoffery Wichmann, Megan Monthly Total 1st Q 2nd Q 3rd Q Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Total Total 32.50 27.00 33.00 14.00 16.00 10.00 17.00 25.50 175.00 40.00 42.50 0.00 4.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.50 0.00 0.00 74.50 73.50 76.50 41.50 43.00 44.00 23.50 66.00 442.50 128.50 89.50 1.00 4.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.00 0.00 18.50 0.00 13.00 63.50 31.50 12.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 4.00 112.00 1.00 4.00 0.00 68.50 82.25 0.00 65.00 9.50 112.00 44.00 381.25 74.50 156.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.00 31.00 97.50 31.50 30.50 18.00 38.00 19.50 312.00 80.00 57.50 0.00 57.00 52.50 102.00 165.00 174.00 116.00 99.00 765.50 441.00 215.00 37.00 37.50 51.00 50.00 57.00 59.00 53.50 47.00 392.00 166.00 100.50 0.00 31.50 35.00 38.00 12.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 117.00 50.50 0.00 0.00 48.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.50 52.00 0.00 5.50 0.00 45.00 28.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 79.00 6.00 0.00 3.00 39.00 37.00 0.00 29.00 10.50 0.00 0.00 118.50 39.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.75 0.00 0.00 89.00 66.50 88.00 77.00 74.00 61.00 68.50 91.00 615.00 212.00 159.50 69.00 69.50 45.00 95.50 68.00 64.50 28.50 31.50 471.50 228.00 60.00 0.00 23.75 85.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.75 0.00 112.50 0.00 3.75 68.50 57.00 7.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 133.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 41.00 63.50 50.50 34.50 40.00 70.00 90.00 389.50 125.00 160.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 143.50 96.00 107.00 101.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 450.50 101.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 4.50 78.00 18.00 2.50 16.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 119.50 19.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.50 4.50 46.50 0.00 16.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 94.00 92.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 186.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 648 1096 1095 650 666 496.5 566.3 527.5 0 0 0 0 5738.25 1812.50 1093.75 *Monthly and yearly On-Call hour totals include hours from members who have resigned or are no longer on the department 4th Q Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Year Total 175.00 4.50 442.50 18.50 112.00 381.25 0.00 0.00 312.00 765.50 392.00 117.00 57.50 79.00 118.50 0.00 12.75 615.00 471.50 112.50 133.00 389.50 0.00 450.50 35.00 0.00 1.00 119.50 0.00 0.00 46.50 0.00 0.00 186.00 0.00 5744.75 2015 Member Length of Service 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Last Name Parker Hubler Vandewater Burleson Hardin Cirillo Schmooke Brumm Dolezal Dubay Kramer Voparil Coyle Jaeger Johnston Kochanny Newkirk Rigdon Wichmann Bryson White Dickerson McCambridge Messinger Collins English Linssen Miller Reasner Lenfesty Rocca Lundquist Gruber Keitel Lafrenz Mashek McDonald Sirovy Taylor Powers First Name Bob Dave Eric Lynn Bryan Dave Bill Ryan Dan Rob Adam Craig Jim Jeff Mike Chris Richard Zach Megan Reese Geoffery Matt Scott Matt Robert Joseph Christopher Jordan Richard Robert Ben Jonathan Bruce Brad Brenton Collyn James Connor Ryan Jacob Date of Hire 4/7/71 11/16/91 5/3/00 3/5/03 8/1/03 1/29/06 4/1/06 9/1/07 9/1/07 9/1/07 9/1/07 6/1/08 5/1/09 8/30/09 8/30/09 8/1/10 8/1/10 8/1/10 6/27/11 6/13/12 2/4/13 4/10/13 4/10/13 4/10/13 12/7/13 12/7/13 12/7/13 12/7/13 12/7/13 4/17/14 4/17/14 10/12/14 1/17/15 1/17/15 1/17/15 1/17/15 1/17/15 1/17/15 1/17/15 5/5/15 Years 44 23 15 12 12 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Length of Service Months Days 4 25 9 16 3 29 5 27 1 0 7 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 4 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 5 2 19 6 28 4 22 4 22 4 22 8 25 8 25 8 25 8 25 8 25 4 15 4 15 10 20 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 3 27 Average Length of Service Years Months Days 5 10 8 2015 North Liberty Fire Department Average Response Time By District 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total Average 8:35 12:04 11:29 Total Average 9:31 13:12 11:55 Total Average 9:45 14:38 13:08 Total Average 9:52 13:22 12:40 Total Average 10:14 13:21 12:32 (Dispatch Time to First Apparatus Arrival Time, Code 2 & 3 Responses) (Excludes Mutual Aid and Cancelled Enroute Responses) Jan North Liberty 9:57 Madison Township 15:03 Penn Township 11:58 Coralville Hills Iowa City Lone Tree Oxford Riverside Solon Swisher Tiffin W. Branch Other Total Coralville Hills Iowa City Lone Tree Oxford Riverside Solon Swisher Tiffin W. Branch Other Total Feb 11:59 7:30 17:32 Mar 10:28 11:40 11:01 Apr 9:45 11:21 12:44 May 10:33 13:08 16:13 Jun Jul Aug Sep 9:14 8:19 8:53 10:54 13:37 15:00 14:16 9:37 9:18 Oct Jan 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 2015 North Liberty Fire Department Received Aid Johnson County MABAS Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 4 1 1 3 2 0 0 Jan 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2015 North Liberty Fire Department Provided Aid Johnson County MABAS Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 3 0 1 0 3 0 0 Nov Dec Nov Dec 0 0 Nov Dec 0 0 Year To Date 11 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 18 Year To Date 1 0 2 0 2 0 3 2 1 0 1 12 2015 Type of Incidents YTD (Number) 2015 District Responses YTD (Number) 600 1 1 0 0 900 -- Special Special Incident Incident Type Type 900 800 800 -- Severe Severe Weather Weather 524 500 700 700 -- False False Alarm Alarm & & False False Call Call 400 600 600 -- Good Good Intent Intent Call Call 300 500 500 -- Service Service Call Call 116 116 120 120 24 24 20 20 400 -- Hazardous Hazardous Condition Condition 400 200 65 100 13 0 North Liberty Madison Township Penn Township Mutual Aid 1 1 200 200 -- Over Over Pressure, Pressure, Overheat Overheat 36 36 100 100 -- Fire Fire 0 0 2015 District Responses YTD (Rounded Percentage) Penn Township 11% 358 358 300 300 -- EMS EMS 74 100 100 200 200 300 300 2015 Type of Incidents YTD (Rounded Percentage) 800 - Severe Weather 0% 700 - False Alarm Mutual Aid 2% 900 - Special Incident Type 0% 100 - Fire 5% 200 - Over Pressure, Overheat 0% & False Call 17% Madison Township 10% North Liberty 77% 600 - Good Intent Call 18% 500 - Service Call 4% 400 - Hazardous Condition 3% 400 400 300 - EMS 53% 2015 Calls Per Hour - Year To Date 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 2015 YTD Average Turnout per Incident - Time of Day 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 2015 Responses by Day of Week 120 111 108 102 100 99 93 80 91 Sunday 72 Monday Tuesday Wednesday 60 Thursday Friday Saturday 40 20 0 Day of Week 120 2011 - 2015 Monthly Comparison 111 100 100 95 93 91 90 85 84 81 72 64 66 61 60 74 58 76 71 92 87 84 84 8483 81 79 77 73 8786 84 85 80 80 93 77 75 70 82 80 75 71 70 69 71 71 70 66 63 62 2015 62 2014 59 57 52 52 54 52 2012 2011 45 40 20 0 January February March 2013 April May June July August September October November December North Liberty Top Ten # of Incidents / Month Month/Year 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 07/2012 08/2014 05/2013 08/2015 06/2014 12/2013 06/2015 04/2014 07/2015 08/2012 12/2007 06/2014 03/2015 05/2015 # of Incidents 111 100 95 93 92 91 90 87 86 85 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 January 64 58 73 81 84 February 57 59 66 61 77 March 45 66 80 72 85 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 January 49 44 56 74 69 February 46 47 54 49 61 March 31 54 69 63 66 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 January 5 7 9 2 5 February 4 5 6 6 11 March 6 6 4 5 11 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 January 9 7 7 5 9 February 4 7 6 6 4 March 5 4 5 3 5 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 January 1 0 1 1 1 February 3 0 0 0 1 March 3 2 2 1 3 2011 - 2015 Total Incidents Per Month May June July August September 52 70 71 63 52 70 81 111 87 62 95 75 84 84 77 79 93 86 100 84 85 91 87 93 0 2011 - 2015 City of North Liberty Responses April May June July August September 39 42 60 53 53 37 64 52 58 80 71 53 57 82 61 61 65 67 64 52 65 64 78 70 53 62 72 64 77 0 2011 - 2015 Penn Township Responses April May June July August September 3 7 6 12 5 9 7 4 9 14 7 4 8 7 7 18 14 6 11 14 19 8 17 10 9 12 8 11 7 0 2011 - 2015 Madison Township Responses April May June July August September 5 3 2 6 4 3 5 7 9 7 4 5 2 5 6 5 4 4 10 9 9 12 3 4 9 11 10 12 5 0 2011 - 2015 Mutual Aid Responses April May June July August September 5 0 2 0 1 3 0 7 5 10 5 0 4 1 1 0 1 0 5 4 0 2 2 0 3 0 1 0 4 0 April 52 76 71 90 74 October 62 69 83 84 0 November 54 71 80 82 0 December 70 75 92 71 0 Total 712 885 960 983 676 October 47 56 74 69 0 November 47 58 58 71 0 December 54 64 69 61 0 Total 558 701 773 780 524 October 8 6 4 10 0 November 0 7 11 4 0 December 6 9 9 7 0 Total 71 85 103 113 74 October 6 6 4 5 0 November 5 4 9 7 0 December 7 0 13 3 0 Total 59 65 70 76 65 October 1 1 1 0 0 November 2 2 2 0 0 December 3 2 1 0 0 Total 24 34 14 15 13 TO: City Administrator and City Council FROM: Jennie Garner, Library Director DATE: Sept 1, 2015 SUBJECT: August 2015 Library Monthly Report August At a Glance Door Count 12,525 Computer Usage 2621 Database Use 1264 Meeting Room Use 453 Average Daily Library Visits 800 700 Sunday Number of Visitors 600 Monday Tuesday 500 Wednesday 400 Thursday Friday 300 Saturday 200 100 0 Library Notables The new library software transition went very smoothly. Our new system offers a lot of versatility and is much more powerful. Patrons are already commenting on the ease of use of the online catalog and account management. We have also had very positive feedback regarding our partnership with Iowa City & Coralville Public Libraries for e-books and eaudiobooks, Digital Johnson County. People are finding titles much more accessible. August statistics from the kiosk show the continued popularity. Kiosk Transactions - August 2015 Kiosk Location 10 - North Liberty Lib Kiosk 10 Completed Transactions 47 Attempted but customer is not eligible* 33 Transaction cancelled by the customer 50 Kiosk Usage 130 Programming, Events and News The library offered two fantastic events that were very well attended in August. The Family Fest - Super Summer’s End was held Saturday, Aug. 22. We had great weather & about 300 people stopped by to meet Batman & Wonder Woman, enjoy hot dogs/chips generously provided by NL Optimist Club, super craft & bouncy house provided by NLCL Teen Advocate Group. On Sunday, Aug. 30, the library hosted our first ever Baby Fair from 1-3. This was an opportunity for families to browses, collect information and learn about resources our community has to offer for their baby’s arrival. Mercy Hospital of Iowa City partnered with the library for the Baby Fair, providing tote bags to attendees. We had 40 organizations share information with approximately 55 expecting families. Multiple families participated in the free vision screenings offered by North Liberty Lions for kids 6 months through kindergarten and the car seat safety check in the parking lot by the Safe Kids Johnson County organization. Safe Kids was even able to gift a car seat to a family that was not able to afford one. The responses from both vendors and attendees indicated the fair was a success. One expecting Mom stated “I feel more confident in my role as a Mom now.” An unforeseen benefit was the networking among the vendors. They were able to connect with each other and learn about what resources others provide the community. The Baby Fair was a kick off to our Womb Literacy initiative. We will begin our Stork Story Times that will be geared toward expecting parents in September. We’re very appreciative of support we received for these events from the North Liberty Police Department and North Liberty Aquatic Center. I’ve shared a number of photos here that really capture the teamwork and success of these events. I’ve also attached an information sheet from the Baby Fair that shows the great variety of vendors. Coming in September The Library will be a polling place for Iowa City Community School District school board elections on September 8. September is National Library Card Month so we have partnered with four North Liberty businesses. When patrons show their library cards at Capanna, Blue Bird, Molly’s Cupcakes and Heyn’s Ice Cream, they get free or discounted products. NOTE: Check out program pictures and Baby Fair vendor information below! Super Summer End Highlights Baby Fair Highlights A North Liberty Police Officer helps Safe Kids of Johnson County with care seat safety checks North Liberty Aquatic Center Staff demonstrate how to aid a choking infant Children' s Center for Therapy bab fair Enrichment Therapy Learning Center Johnson County Public Health (WIC/MCH) Kay Family Chiropractic M.O.P.S. Mothers of Young Children Birth, Baby & Beyond Breastfeeding USA Eastern Iowa Chapter Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition Gigi's Playhouse Iowa Children's Museum Sweet Feet Yoga West Music Hike It Baby Iowa City Ba bywea rers 4Cs Community Coordinated Child Care Child Care Resource & Referral of SE Iowa Early Access Grant Wood AEA Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County The Baby Fair offers a variety of local businesses and non-profit organizations all in one location for you to collect information and l earn about what resources our community has to offer for your baby's arrival. V~.s,, Safe Kids Johnson County North Liberty Police Department Mercy Hospital Iowa City- Mercy Maternity Unit Mercy Hospital Iowa City- Mercy Pediatric Unit OBGYN Associates Eastern Iowa Midwifery International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) Iowa City Doulas Encompass Lactation Sacred Space Bodywork (LMT & Doula) Holistic Therapies IC Mom's Blog UI Children's Hospital Pediatrics - North Liberty UI Women's Health UI Health Care eHealth North Liberty Community Library North Liberty Aquatic Center Paige Prior Photography Iowa Kid Sight - North Liberty Lions DeLTA Center Center for Disabilities & Development (UI) Safe Kids Johnson County is offering car seat safety checks in our NE parking lot Iowa Kid Sight- NL Lions is offering free vision screenings for kids six months-kindergarten Paige Prior Phot ography has a photo booth for expecting parents to capture this moment I.in II T ~ yow-f?Yo-w- S ~ , r-4~ 1 1 ~ IOW(}v Ci;fy A~ o.J.J., crf o-w- V ~ To: Mayor and City Council Parks and Recreation Commission City Administrator From: Guy Goldsmith, Director of Parks, Building and Grounds Date: September 1, 2015 Re: Monthly Report We performed various building maintenance tasks as needed this month. We picked up trash and pet waste stations as needed this month. With the adequate rain fall in August a great deal of time was spent mowing and trimming weeds around fence lines, the bike trail, city parks, city grounds and ponds this month. We continue to maintain and water our city landscaping areas and trees as needed. We continue to maintain ball fields and facilities this month as needed. Planning continues for the Penn Meadows Park restroom/concessions facility. We are preparing the building site at Penn Meadows Park for the foundation. Poor soil conditions required us to remove 200 cubic yards of soil and bring in soil that was more suited for a building foundation. The Penn Meadows Park Water & Sewer Project is now complete and the site has been graded and seeded. The Trail Improvement Project has been completed except for the placement of signage along the trail. Grading and seeding along the trail has been completed from Penn Street to Forevergreen Road. We assisted with an Eagle Scout Project on August 29th at Penn Meadows Park. It consisted of planting plants around a tree, adding limestone edging and lava rock mulch. Two concrete pads were installed and will be the future location of two new benches when they arrive. The landscaping and benches are in close proximity to the future splash pad. We continue to work on the Parks Master Plan with City Planner Dean Wheatley as time permits. We added grass carp to the Fox Valley Pond to help with the algae problem. We have tried chemical means to control the algae but with little success. All but three of our twelve Seasonal Parks Maintenance Workers have finished for the season and retuned to college. North Liberty Police Monthly Report August 2015 Training: • Officer attended diving training with the Johnson County Dive Team. (8 hours). Officer attended training with the Bomb squad. Four officers attended a free seminar in Dubuque of an Officer Involved Shooting that presented the case facts, evidence collection and prosecution of the subject that killed Officer Jamie Buenting. The Field Training Program is in operation with the newest officer going through the 3 month field training process. Traffic Contacts Parking Contacts • Vehicle Inspections • Vehicle Unlocks Crash Investigations Public Assists Assist Other Agency • Crimes Against Persons Report Crimes Against Property Report Other Reports Arrests Warrants Public Relations: Alcohol/Narcotics Charges Crimes Against Persons Charges Crimes Against Property Charges • Officers instructed violent intruder drills for the Other Charges Iowa City Community School District at the Animal Calls buildings in North Liberty. Total Calls for Service • Officers worked August 4th on the National Night Total Calls for Service for the year Out event. The officers were outside of the patrol vehicle on bikes and on foot in neighborhoods. We had one neighborhood call to register their block party and officers met with residents. We hope to promote this event more every year. • Two officers attended the Collins Community Child Safety Day on August 15th. The Department presented on seat belts, child safety restraints, and demonstrated with “Rollee” what happens during a roll over crash. Rollee was provided by the Iowa Crime Prevention Association. We are members of the association. • An officer attended the Child Safety Fair at the North Liberty Community Library. • Officers demonstrated the Rollee at the North Liberty Fire Department’s Salute to Summer event. • Attended the final Thank you celebration for the Summer Lunch Program, to thank the volunteers for contributing to the program. • Officers assisted with two 5K running events in North Liberty by providing traffic control. • Officers attended the Penn Landing Celebration/Block Party for the opening of HWY 965. • Promotional items were order that include the NLPD logo and dispatch contact information for handouts at the public events. This includes, key chains, tattoos, stickers, pencils, wristbands and brochures. Equipment: • • Purchased a simulation suit that can safely be used for taser training to protect the role players. This will be utilized next month during taser recertification training. The final vehicle was put into service after replacing 3 vehicles from the July 1st budget cycle. This took approximately 45 days to get the vehicle operational. 331 54 31 27 14 148 92 8 17 22 34 4 13 6 9 8 38 1719 12061 North Liberty Police Monthly Report Continuation --- August 2015 • A settlement was reached with the insurance company for the totaled patrol car that was struck on the interstate. A new vehicle was ordered and we were advised there is an 8-12 week delay for the vehicle to be built. Enforcement: • • • Have divided the schools, so officers are assigned to each one if not on an emergency call for the first few weeks of school. If we are short an officer we will utilize the speed trailer in the area to help slow down vehicles. Officers have followed school busses around during the morning and afternoon pick up to ensure that drivers are not passing the school buses. The Drug Task officer was subpoenaed to testify in Colorado on a federal firearms and drug case involving an investigation from Johnson County. The defendants were found guilty. Department Admin: • • • • • • • Completing the application process to register Chaplain Boyd Kuester with the International Association of Chaplains program. For the year, we have inspected and issued seven (7) Golf Cart permits for the city. This is down two permits from years past. Assessment of the Collateral Assignments within the department and specific training needs were prioritized, and reviewed. All staff asked about budgetary needs for the FY 2016-2017 to assist Officers in performing their jobs more effectively. All training manuals for former and current employees were scanned and CD’s with the records were created that will be stored in the employees personnel file. These CD’s will reduce the amount of paperwork that is stored that documents the training and all reports the officer completes during their three month field training program. Coordinating and planning was completed, so NLPD officers can volunteer to work at the University of Iowa home football games. Researching scheduling software and package deals to save time with scheduling of personnel for patrol, off-duty, GTSB overtime, special events, training, and approved time off. Respectfully Submitted by Chief Diane Venenga and Alisha Ruffcorn 9/3/2015 To: Mayor, City Council and City Administrator From: Shelly Simpson, Recreation Director Date: September 2, 2015 Monthly Report – August 2015 Recreation Update: “Kids Campsite” usage this month, AM session = 559 and PM session = 535; totaling 1,094 participants. August is the month we start winding down summer activities and begin for start of another school year. The Summer Food Program and Summer Camp Weeks 9 & 10 continued through the first part of the month. Registration began the first week of August for programs offered September-December. Meetings regarding ICCSD BASP & 28E Agreements, Senior Council, and various others continued this month. One large capital project; the Upper Level Floor Re-surfacing began this month and is progressing well. The Weight Area has been completed as the rest of track, cardio area and landings are being sanded down prior to re-surface. The Upper level remains closed until middle of September. We worked with the CR Kernels for another NL Night at the Kernels with 280 “free” tickets distributed to NL residents. Pool Update: This month continued with summer pool programs with limited staff as college and HS students head back to school. The amount and quality of applicants have been a struggle for Katie this year. We may need to even decrease swim lesson offerings in the future if this trend continues. We also have a pool capital project; Pool Offices HVAC that began this month. A mini-split AC unit will be installed to serve Katie office and the Lifeguard Office and air curtains will be installed on office doors and the concessions door to help keep the elements from computers, equipment, etc… Submitted by Shelly Simpson To: Park & Recreation Commission Board Members Mayor, City Council and City Administrator Shelly Simpson, Recreation Director September 1, 2015 Monthly Report – August 2015 From: Date: Re: Program Summaries – August Swim Lessons: Parent Tot: Next session will begin in September. Tadpoles: Next session will begin in September. Level 1: Next session will begin in September. Level 2: Next session will begin in September. Level 3: Next session will begin in September. Level 4: Next session will begin in September. Level 5: Next session will begin in September. Level 6: Next session will begin in September. Level 7: Next session will begin in September. Level 8: Next session will begin in September. Level 9 GS: Next session will begin in September. Private Lessons: Tuesdays Next session will begin in September. Thursdays Next session will begin in September. Saturdays Next session will begin in September. Pool Programs: Water Fitness: Early Bird Aqua Aerobics: Easy Does It: Water Resistance AM Aqua Boot Camp: Arthritis Foundation Aqua: Sat. Water Aerobics 3 participants, plus walk-ins. 4 participants, plus walk-ins. 6 participants, plus walk-ins. 2 participant, plus walk-ins. 1 participant, plus walk-ins. 3 participant, plus walk-ins. Preschool: Kids Campsite: AM session = 559; PM session = 535; totaling 1,094 participants. Lucky Duck: This session $ 66.00 Parent Tot Art Workshop: August 1 class had 2 participants August 15 class was canceled Youth: Tae Kwon Do: 1 participants, plus walk-ins. BASP: Summer Camp: Week 9 had 54 participants Week 10 had 60 participants Knitting: August 8 & 22 had 3 participants Youth Art Workshop: August 1 class canceled August 8 class had 3 participants August 15 class had 2 participants August 22 class canceled Youth Sports: Youth Sports: Leagues will resume in September. Adult Sports/Programs: Basketball: Package $ 90; Drop-in $ 448; totals $ 538.00 Pickleball: Package $ 95; Drop-in $ 403; totals $ 498.00 Adult Fitness: Cardio Pump: Kickboxing PM: Cross Training: Boot Camp/Yoga: Lower Body Blast: Body Blast: Personal Training: Kris C Lindsay O 7 participants, plus walk-ins. 2 participants, plus walk-ins. 7 participants, plus walk-ins. Walk-ins only. Walk-ins only. 2 participants, plus walk-ins. This month totals $ 26.00 $ -0- Special Events: CR Kernels – Aug. 29: 280 “free” tickets were distributed to NL residents for NL Night at the Kernels. ActiveNet Totals: Residency Breakdown August 1-31, 2015: Package Track Package Daily Fees August 1-31, 2015 Daily Weight Senior Daily Weight Sub Total Pool August 1-31, 2015 Daily Fees Gross Income (August) = $ 96,287.84 Residents 11 Non-residents Total 2 13 vs. July = 63 260 11 271 14 0 14 274 11 285 vs. July = 792 vs. July = 143 vs. July = 935 Adult 193 Youth/Seniors 386 Total 579 vs. July = 998 Page 1 of 1 Sep 1, 2015 5:12 PM Net Revenue Report By Account Name GL Account: Aquatic Programs/ Classes, Baseball/ Softball, Before/After School, Classes/Programs, Conf. Center Rental, Daily Pool Fees, Donations/ Misc., Field Rental, Gerdin CC Rental, Gym Rentals, League Fees, Membership, Park/ Special Event Fees, Pool Concessions, Pool Passes, Pool Programs, Pool Rentals, Rec. Rentals, Swim Lessons, Weight Fees Transaction Date/Time: From Aug 1, 2015 through Aug 31, 2015 Revenue Site: North Liberty Recreation Department Transaction Site: Internet Site - North Liberty Recreation Dept., North Liberty Recreation Department, Pool Other Information Account Name Aquatic Programs/ Classes Before/After School Classes/Programs Daily Pool Fees Donations/ Misc. League Fees Pool Concessions Pool Passes Pool Rentals Rec. Rentals Swim Lessons Weight Fees Regular POS Total Total Total Sales + Sales + Deposits - Discount = Income Account # Aquatic Programs/ Classes Before/After School Classes/Programs Daily Pool Fees Donations/ Misc. League Fees Pool Concessions Pool Passes Pool Rentals Rec. Rentals Swim Lessons Weight Fees Grand Total: * Linked account credits $595.05 $899.00 Total Refs/ Credits/ Total - Paid-Outs - Expense = Net Revenue Unpaid Paid Amounts Amounts Deferred POS Revenue QTY $0.00 $0.00 $1,494.05 ($36.50) $0.00 $1,457.55 $0.00 $1,457.55 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($90.00) $3,445.00 ($360.00) $0.00 $3,085.00 $0.00 $3,085.00 $0.00 $17,588.80 $3,908. 00 $0.00 $21,306. 00 $0.00 $63.00 $0.00 $0.00 $21,496.80 ($289.00) $0.00 $21,207.80 $0.00 692 $0.00 $0.00 $21,306.00 $0.00 $0.00 $21,306.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $63.00 $0.00 $0.00 $63.00 $0.00 $21,207. 80 $0.00 $21,306. 00 $0.00 $63.00 678 5 2 $13,260.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13,260.00 ($520.00) $0.00 $12,740.00 $0.00 $9,693. 25 $5,066.65 $24.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,693.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,090.65 ($160.00) $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 $3,535.00 $9,693.25 $0.00 $12,740. 00 $0.00 $9,693.25 $0.00 $0.00 $4,930.65 $0.00 $4,930.65 $0.00 749 1 12 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 1 $0.00 ($10.50) $0.00 39 $0.00 $20,776. 09 $0.00 $939.00 $0.00 $0.00 290 $0.00 $96,287. 84 $0.00 156 18 $30.00 $19.50 $0.00 $0.00 $49.50 ($60.00) $0.00 ($10.50) $21,974.02 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $21,974.02 ($1,197.93) $0.00 $20,776.09 $356.00 $583.00 $0.00 $0.00 $939.00 $0.00 $0.00 $939.00 ($90.00) $98,911.27 ($2,623.43) $0.00 $96,287.84 $62,405.52 $36,595. 75 $0.00 $0.00 306 $0.00 RS II Recreation Revenue Summary; August 1-31, 2015 Date Class/Prgms Weight Fees BASP Sat., Aug 1 $ 200.50 $ 37.00 $ 23,014.50 Sun., Aug 2 $ 24.00 $ 23.00 $ 180.00 Mon., Aug 3 $ 11,856.43 $ 8.00 $ 8,610.00 Tues., Aug 4 $ 1,270.00 $ $ 460.00 Wed., Aug 5 $ 490.50 $ 227.00 $ Thurs., Aug 6 $ 352.50 $ $ Fri., Aug 7 $ 860.50 $ 2.00 $ Sat., Aug 8 $ 412.50 $ 7.00 $ Sun., Aug 9 $ 166.75 $ 29.00 $ Mon., Aug 10 $ 364.50 $ 34.00 $ 180.00 Tues., Aug 11 $ 495.50 $ 10.00 $ Wed., Aug 12 $ 365.00 $ 56.00 $ Thurs., Aug 13 $ 242.50 $ 49.00 $ 100.00 Fri., Aug 14 $ 949.00 $ 10.00 $ 555.00 Sat., Aug 15 $ 421.00 $ 9.00 $ Sun., Aug 16 $ 136.00 $ 8.00 $ Mon., Aug 17 $ 271.50 $ 21.00 $ 90.00 Tues., Aug 18 $ 229.50 $ 1.00 $ Wed., Aug 19 $ 356.00 $ $ Thurs., Aug 20 $ 176.00 $ $ 45.00 Fri., Aug 21 $ 112.00 $ 401.00 $ Sat., Aug 22 $ 38.50 $ $ Sun., Aug 23 $ 4.00 $ $ 45.00 Mon., Aug 24 $ 105.50 $ $ Tues., Aug 25 $ 139.00 $ 2.00 $ 405.00 Wed., Aug 26 $ 65.50 $ $ Thurs., Aug 27 $ 36.00 $ $ Fri., Aug 28 $ 74.00 $ $ 360.00 Sat., Aug 29 $ 63.50 $ $ Sun., Aug 30 $ 144.00 $ 2.00 $ Mon., Aug 31 $ 394.50 $ $ 1,950.00 Totals $ 20,816.68 $ 936.00 $ 35,994.50 League Fees $ 40.00 $ 220.00 $ 1,205.00 $ 695.00 $ 170.00 $ 785.00 $ 240.00 $ 120.00 $ 180.00 $ 1,325.00 $ 660.00 $ 770.00 $ 375.00 $ 1,675.00 $ 360.00 $ 350.00 $ 586.87 $ 225.00 $ (35.00) $ 260.00 $ 165.00 $ 40.00 $ 315.00 $ 85.00 $ 40.00 $ 460.00 $ 275.00 $ $ $ $ 585.00 $ 12,171.87 Rentals $ 328.50 $ 1.50 $ 301.00 $ 514.00 $ 626.00 $ 26.00 $ 1.50 $ 0.50 $ 1.00 $ 23.50 $ 96.50 $ 261.50 $ $ 10.50 $ 0.50 $ 16.50 $ 223.00 $ $ 1.00 392.50 $ $ 270.50 $ 15.00 $ $ 31.25 $ 1,120.00 $ 0.50 $ 10.50 $ $ $ $ 395.00 $ 4,668.25 Park Fees $ $ $ 10.00 $ 15.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ $ $ $ $ 10.00 $ $ $ $ 5.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5.00 $ 55.00 GCC Fees $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ - BB / SB $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 705.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 13.00 $ 718.00 Totals $ 23,620.50 $ 448.50 $ 21,990.43 $ 2,954.00 $ 1,513.50 $ 1,163.50 $ 1,104.00 $ 540.00 $ 376.75 $ 1,927.00 $ 1,267.00 $ 1,457.50 $ 766.50 $ 3,199.50 $ 790.50 $ 510.50 $ 1,202.37 $ 455.50 $ 322.00 $ 1,578.50 $ 953.50 $ 93.50 $ 364.00 $ 221.75 $ 1,706.00 $ 526.00 $ 321.50 $ 434.00 $ 63.50 $ 146.00 $ 3,342.50 $ 75,360.30 Pool Revenue Summary; August 1-31, 2015 Date Pool Passes Daily Fees Sat., Aug 1 $ 587.00 $ 942.00 Sun., Aug 2 $ 59.00 $ 1,087.00 Mon., Aug 3 $ 293.00 $ 1,298.00 Tues., Aug 4 $ 76.00 $ 883.00 Wed., Aug 5 $ 231.00 $ 623.00 Thurs., Aug 6 $ 150.00 $ 1,103.00 Fri., Aug 7 $ 30.00 $ 673.50 Sat., Aug 8 $ 180.00 $ 387.00 Sun., Aug 9 $ $ 254.00 Mon., Aug 10 $ 112.00 $ 640.00 Tues., Aug 11 $ 116.00 $ 1,399.00 Wed., Aug 12 $ 471.00 $ 1,116.00 Thurs., Aug 13 $ 576.00 $ 1,264.00 Fri., Aug 14 $ 182.00 $ 1,230.00 Sat., Aug 15 $ 188.00 $ 1,913.00 Sun., Aug 16 $ 30.00 $ 2,084.00 Mon., Aug 17 $ 150.00 $ 672.00 Tues., Aug 18 $ 225.00 $ 164.00 Wed., Aug 19 $ 150.00 $ 91.00 Thurs., Aug 20 $ 2.00 $ 589.00 Fri., Aug 21 $ 145.00 $ 1,158.00 Sat., Aug 22 $ 205.00 $ 300.00 Sun., Aug 23 $ 7.65 $ 216.00 Mon., Aug 24 $ 38.00 $ 42.00 Tues., Aug 25 $ 240.00 $ 63.00 Wed., Aug 26 $ $ 180.00 Thurs., Aug 27 $ 71.00 $ 45.00 Fri., Aug 28 $ 25.00 $ 23.00 Sat., Aug 29 $ 325.00 $ 52.00 Sun., Aug 30 $ $ 188.00 Mon., Aug 31 $ $ 504.00 Totals $ 4,864.65 $ 21,183.50 Swim Lessons $ $ $ 10,947.88 $ 1,291.00 $ 3,388.33 $ 1,096.50 $ 878.50 $ 272.50 $ 152.00 $ 379.50 $ 300.00 $ 240.00 $ (30.00) $ 70.00 $ 52.00 $ 52.50 $ 110.50 $ 253.25 $ 82.50 $ 150.00 $ 205.00 $ $ $ 76.00 $ 66.50 $ 74.00 $ 30.00 $ 172.87 $ 16.25 $ $ (60.00) $ 20,267.58 Aqua Prgms $ 18.00 $ $ 264.55 $ 33.00 $ 71.50 $ 32.00 $ 29.00 $ 31.00 $ $ 56.00 $ 40.00 $ 63.00 $ 20.00 $ 53.00 $ 18.00 $ $ 94.00 $ 34.00 $ 36.00 $ 26.00 $ 72.00 $ $ $ 42.00 $ 27.00 $ 50.00 $ 59.00 $ 89.50 $ 20.00 $ $ 140.00 $ 1,418.55 Concessions $ 650.75 $ 686.75 $ 559.25 $ 522.00 $ 386.25 $ 705.25 $ 422.50 $ 125.75 $ 93.75 $ 471.25 $ 643.00 $ 605.75 $ 598.00 $ 842.75 $ 489.00 $ 667.25 $ 381.75 $ 97.00 $ 7.25 141.00 $ $ 475.75 $ 4.00 $ 88.25 $ 28.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,692.25 Rentals $ $ $ $ 335.00 $ 190.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 190.00 $ 90.00 $ $ $ 180.00 $ $ $ 180.00 $ 90.00 $ $ $ $ 90.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 90.00 $ 1,435.00 Uniforms $ $ 33.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 30.00 $ $ 3.00 $ 50.00 $ $ $ 6.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 122.00 Totals $ 2,197.75 $ 1,832.75 $ 13,395.68 $ 3,140.00 $ 4,890.08 $ 3,086.75 $ 2,033.50 $ 996.25 $ 499.75 $ 1,658.75 $ 2,498.00 $ 2,495.75 $ 2,618.00 $ 2,467.75 $ 2,660.00 $ 2,833.75 $ 1,588.25 $ 803.25 $ 366.75 $ 1,091.00 $ 2,195.75 $ 509.00 $ 311.90 $ 232.00 $ 486.50 $ 304.00 $ 205.00 $ 310.37 $ 413.25 $ 188.00 $ 674.00 $ 58,983.53 To: Mayor and City Council, and City Administrator From: Don Colony, Street Superintendent Date: September 3rd, 2015 Re: Monthly Report • Minor building maintenance. • Maintenance of all equipment. • Cemetery locates, water and sewer locates are ongoing. • Animal control calls are ongoing and are up again this month. • We are cleaning storm intakes after rain events. • Staff has been patching streets, blading shoulders and gravel roads. Forevergreen Rd. and NL Rd. have been sprayed for dust control. • The sewer main on Heritage Place has been grouted. This is the area we have been having issues with tree roots, possibly causing backups. • We are inspecting our sirens monthly, all are working great. • Street Department staff has attended all safety meetings. • Repaired and installed street signs in new developments. • Installed new signage and painted crosswalks near Garner school. • I have attended several construction meetings on all of our projects. • Staff has installed the 4 section heads (Dedicated Left Turn) on Forevergreen and Hwy 965. The painters should have the lines Striped this week. Once those are in place we can activate the arrows. • Our sewer cleaning truck broke down last week. The turbo and exhaust manifold needed to be replaced. We have it back from the dealer and now it is out in Ankeny for other repairs. We should have it back next week. We are trading this truck off this year. Our new Vac-Truck should be delivered in November or December. • We have been working with 965 contractors on upgrading traffic signals at Pacha and Penn St. • I attended our energy management program meeting. • We cleaned up our storage area behind our sand salt shed. • Staff has repaired a few sidewalks around the City and seeding. • Maxwell Construction has completed the sections of road on S. Front. Don Colony Street Superintendent Communications Department Report Submitted to the North Liberty City Council September l , 20 l 5 for the period of August T - 3 T, 20 T5 Penn Landing Block Party On Sunday, Aug. 30, we held a Penn Landing Block Party with the Penn Landing Market and businesses of the area. The market st-arted at l l a.m. with its regular vendors and live music. At noon, we added balloon and caricature artists, face painters, Ryball dogs, games and bouncy houses. Many of rhe tenants of Penn Landing set up outside their shops and ran specials during the day. Hosts were pleased with turnout (the parking lot was full wit-h good t-urnover), many farmers market vendors stayed open an extra two hours, and there was good media coverage from t-he Press-Citizen, KWWL, KCRG and others. It was a good opportunity ta bring some focus to an area affected by the lengt-hy Highway 965 project. Several business owners expressed interest in hosting a similar event next year. The event was organized with help from Julie Phye of Leash on Life, Jamie Skinner of Molly's Cupcakes, and Veronica Tessler of Yotopia with financial support from the City of Norrh Liberty, McClure Engineering Campany and Grand Rail Development. Beat the Bitter Nick is working on a potential mid-winter event with a small group of residents. Tentatively scheduled for Jan. 30, 20 T6 1 at Penn Meadows Park. The goal is to encourage residents ta embrace winter and the outdoors wit-h games for a variety of ages and skills. Penn Meadows Park Pavilion Groundbreaking We're working with North Liberty Youth Baseball & Softball to celebrate the groundbreaking of the new restroam/s:helter/storage/shelter/cancessian facility. It's scheduled for Monday, Sept. 21, at 5:30 p.m. Fall Community Center Programming The Community Center has a lot of programming this fall that we're helping to publicize including the annual Doggie Plunge, which is being held on Sept. l O and TT this year, rhe Community Library's Baby Fair, which was held Aug. 30. We've worked to help promote t-hese and ot-her events through social media, e-mail, t-he web and elsewhere. Drive Safe At the request of Dean Wheatley, we put together a campaign to encourage drivers to obey speed limits and other traffic laws. Tied to the startof the school year, we're running a "They Want to Get Where They're Going, Too" campaign, hoping to heighten the awareness that kids can often be in a hurry to get where they're going, whether that's to school, home, to a friend's house or after a loose ball in the street. We're also continuing ta deploy KidAlerts and working with the Community Library to have some available far checkout. ICAD Showcase For the Iowa City Area Development Group's 30th anniversity, they're hosting a showcase at the Iowa City airport- that we'll be participating. Erika and Nick have been working on a display to highlight what North Liberty has to offer now and in the future in a fun way. The event is scheduled for Sept. l 7. Economic Development Guide We received the first dra~ of the economic development- guide that we've been working on with the Corridor Business Journal. We've spent some time working through the guide with CBJ staff to refine the magazine. The magazine is expected to be published this Fall. KCn Starting an Sept. 21, Mirabito's Italian Restaurant, 40 Sugar Creek Lane, will host KCJJ the first and third Mondays of each month far a live radio show focused on North Liberty. Nick will be one of the initial guests. The show will be similar ta the KCJJ's regular lunch shows hasted at Midtown, Bab's Your Uncle and Monica's in Iowa City and Coralville and feature interviews with city leaders and organizations. If you're interested in appearing, please let Nick know so he can pass your name along. OtherWe produced and submitted City Council meetings to the Iowa City government channel. Further information about video production this month is below. We represented the city on the North Liberty Steering Committee of the Iowa City Area Chamber of Commerce and at its monthly roundtable. In addition to project updates, we published information of the special census, Community Center upgrades, social service grants, digital books and more. Webs:ite Statis:tics: Month August 201S July 2015 June 201S May 201S Apn12015 March 2015 Visits 18,093 22,441 26,585 lB,917 18,631 17,538 Unique Visitors 12,578 l 5,475 l 8,030 13,302 13,028 l 2,052 Pa9eviews 35,835 44,453 52,367 39,685 38,444 37,272 Av9. Visit l:26 l :26 1:26 l:34 l :3 l 1:34 Pa9es/Visit T.98 l .98 T.97 2.10 2.06 2.13 Completed Shoats Titie CU: Just Tri! Planning and Zoning Commission CU: Waste Water Parks and Reaeation Commission Oty CouncTI CU: Pumpkin PatchCU: Summer lunch & Fun Library Board CU: Salute to Summer City CouncTI CU: Penn landing Block Party CU: Library's Baby Fair Total sh-oats: 12 Requested Bl Date Shot Communications City Adminisrration Communications City Administ-ration Ci!Y. Administration Communications Communications City Administration Communications City Administration Communications Communications Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug . Aug. Aug. Aug . Aug. Aug . Au9 . Duration 0:05 1:50 0:05 T:05 1:40 0:05 0:05 1:00 0 :05 0:45 0:05 0:05 2 3 6 6 11 12 14 17 22 25 30 30 Duration of new video: 7.0 hours Public and Education Programs Submitted to NLTV Titie 30 Minutes 30 Odd Minutes Ablevision Conversations from St. Norbert Country Time Country Cry Holy with Bishop Fulton Culina~ Kid Dialogue with Doti and Dodge Econews Emily's Garden The Folklorist The Garage Producer/Provider Roxce Phillif:.!S Jeff Belanger Alisa Carbone St. Norbert College Bob Jett Holy Christian Church International Bedford TY Chapman University Educational Communication Emily Johnson NewTY Steve Burler Program Len9th/Frequenty 30 minutes weeklx 30 minutes biweekly 30 minutes biweeklx 30 minutes biweekly l hour weekly l hour weekly 30 30 30 30 30 30 minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes monthl)". monthly weeklx monthly monthly monthly Gospel Explosion Ministry Graceful Aging Groce Cammunity Church Healthy Living Hope for Today with Oint Decker ICCSD Board Meeting In the Rght Jazzer<ise Link TV Midnight Mausoleum Mysterious China Off the Shelf Pen1s for Pedestrian The Prophetic Word of Yahweh Revival in Oxford! Saturday Fright Special Science Quest Sci-Fi Journal Soldiers' Journal Second Canting Church Senior Center: Mature Focus Senior Center: At the Center Tabernacle Baptist Church Ask Dog Lady Ga Fish with Dan Kenney Total programs: 37 Gospel Explosion Ministry Gregory Bator Grace Community Church Healthy Living Great Awakenings Iowa City Community School District US Armx Jozzercise Inc Emily Jones Mid Knight Productions Monarex Danvers Community Access Television John Z Wetmore House of Yahweh John Schmidt SFS Productions Kate West Rhode Island Science Fiction Club Melodx Dax, US Armx Danie-I E. Hayes Iowa City/Johnson County Senior Center Iowa City/Johnson County Senior Center Roxce Philli8S LexMedia Doniel Kenne-y T hour weekly 30 minutes biweekly T hour weekly 30 minutes monthl)" T hour monthl 2 meetings monthly 30 minutes monthlx T hour weekly T hour weekly 2 hours biweekly T hour 30 minutes monthly 30 minute-s weeklx T hour weekly T hour weekly 2 hours we-e-kly 30 minutes monthly T hour monthly 30 minutes biweeklx T hour pe-r we-e-k 30 minutes monthly _.. ,__ 30 minutes monthly T hour weeklx 30 minutes biweekly 30 minutes monthly Approximate total duration of new provided programming:: 74 hours Water Pollution Control Plant Iowa TO: City Council, Mayor and City Administrator FROM: Dave Ramsey DATE: September 1, 2015 SUBJECT: August 2015 Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) Report The following items were worked on at the WPCP during the month of August: 1. All scheduled preventative maintenance at the plant and lift stations was completed. 2. Staff stayed very busy with numerous operational jobs throughout the month. 3. We conducted in-house safety training on lab safety. 4. We held our second construction meeting on the WPCP Phase 2 project. Items being worked on at the plant now are: • • • • Contractors have been moving dirt on the east side of the plant for 4 weeks now, this will be the new solids handling area. The new garage is at the concrete footing stage and should be done in another 2 months. All piping and equipment have been removed from the existing Digester #1. This will become part of new activated sludge biological treatment process. Staff is working with the contractors daily to make the entire process run smoothly without interfering with day to day treatment plant operations. 5. Numerous floats and one main controller were replaced at different lift stations. 6. We had several evening and late night power outages at the lift stations and the plant during the month. Plant staff responded to each call to make sure all equipment was running normal. Dave Ramsey WPCP Superintendent City of North Liberty 3 Quail Creek Circle PO Box 77 North Liberty, IA 52317 Phone: 319-626-5738 Fax: 319-626-5739 northlibertyiowa.org To: Mayor and City Council From: Greg Metternich, Water Superintendent Re: Monthly Report September 2, 2015 We read 7,917 radio reads last month that’s an increase of 26 accounts. We had to re-read approximately 142 accounts. The MX900 we use for meter reading was not able to be fixed, we had to read meters with the handheld unit again, it took much longer to read meters and we had a large number of re-reads because the handheld units aren’t made to read large routes. We ordered a new reading unit it should be here in the next couple of weeks. We delivered 121 shut off notices and shut off approximately 29 overdue accounts for nonpayment last month. In the month of August we treated a total of 26,183,000 gallons of water from the water plant. We added another 12,038,000 from the ASR Well for a total of 38,221,000 gallons for the month. Our average daily flow was 1,233,000 gallons a day, and our maximum daily flow was 1,593,000 gallons. The total for the month was about 7.97% higher than last August. Dave Schmitt Construction is almost finished working on Hickory Street and St. Andrews Drive. They still have a section of pipe that has to be installed on 240th Street, and all of the work areas need to be seeded. We bypassed the Cedar Springs Booster Station building with a temporary setup. We needed the room inside the building to pour a new housekeeping pad for the new pump and piping setup. The pad has been poured and the piping has been ordered, we should have the new pumps online by the end of October. We continue to stay busy collecting curb box location information, installing new meters and RF’s, we’ve had several meter change outs this month. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Water Superintendent Greg Metternich North Liberty Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting Thursday, September 3, 2015 Proposal of Agenda REGULAR MEETING: 7:00PM NEW BUSINESS: 1. Approve minutes from meeting (s) of: Minutes from July 2 meeting Minutes from August 6 meeting 2. Public Comments/Concerns: Open to public for comments and concerns; 5 minutes per person time limit. 3. Board Member Appointments: Make nominations and appoint: Chairperson: _________________ Vice Chair: _________________ Secretary: _________________ 4. Dog Park Discussion: Update and information provided by JCDogPac 5. Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report Joint Meeting with Council; Park Plan Discussion 6. Fall Season: Busy time of year with youth & adult leagues, NCJH VB practices, etc… 7. Upcoming Events: Doggie Plunge - September 10 & 11 8. Any new issues not on the agenda? OLD BUSINESS: 1. Quick Updates: Facility Age Policy, Fall Brochure, Upper Floor Work 2. Recreation Monthly Report: Report included in packet summarizing the past month. 3. Any old business not on agenda? CONCLUSION: 1. Next Meeting 2. Adjourn Thursday, October 1 at 7:00 PM Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle North Liberty Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting Thursday, July 2, 2015 Board Members Present: Bonnie Pitz, Jef Farland, Scott Stahmer, RaQuishia Harrington, Jeff Kellbach Others Present: Shelly Simpson and Guy Goldsmith Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm NEW BUSINESS: 1. Approve minutes: Minutes from May 7, 2015 were approved. 2. Welcome new appointments: Jeff Kellback and RaQuisha and re-appointed Bonnie Pitz 3. Building and Grounds Report: Cleaned out culverts under trails, ponds and outflows. With recent rain many hours have been spent mowing and trimming. Maintained ball fields for league and tournaments. Approximately 300 people attended free fish weekend on June 6. Planning and prep for Blues & BBQ continue. Concession stand bid has been awarded. Splash pad will be installed after concession stand so the water lines can be used. Planted trees at West Lake. 4. Summer Fun/Programs: Summer lunch program is held at Ranshaw house. Tuesdays is Library summer reading program. Prime time and game time has started, women play on Wednesdays and men on Thursday/Sunday. 5. Upcoming events: Upcoming events, kayaking trip on July 25; youth triathlon on August 2, summer lock-in August 8-9. 6. Fall Brochure: Working on programming for September to December, 2015. Will be available to public end of July. Registration begins 1st week of August and programs start 1st week of September. 7. New Issues: No new issues. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Recreation Monthly Report: Reviewed reports presented. CONCLUSION: 1. Next Meeting 2. Adjourned at 7:27 pm Minutes submitted by Bonnie Pitz Thursday August 6, 2015 at 7:00PM Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle North Liberty Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting Thursday, August 6, 2015 Board Members Present: Jef Farland, Scott Stahmer, Jami Maxson, RaQuishia Harrington Others Present: Brian Motley, Shelly Simpson, Guy Goldsmith and Tim Hamer Meeting called to order: 7:02 pm NEW BUSINESS: 8. Approve minutes: Minutes from July 2 meeting reviewed; no vote to approve due to concern over quorum. 9. Public Comments: Susan Vileta from Johnson County Health Dept. was present to discuss parks becoming “nicotine free”. There is no safe level of second-hand smoke and even outdoors this can be found at same levels as indoors. The importance of proceeding with this to promote citizen health was discussed. Value of enlisting NLYBS as a big park user was mentioned; plan to bring up ordinance with City Council. 10. Building and Grounds Report: Worked on landscaping areas and watering, also planted 19 trees in parks. Trail improvements are progressing and LL Pelling is done with asphalt and working on concrete at intersections. Parks staff will seed edges, likely in fall. Packet includes portion of Parks Plan. Guy would like board members input. Penn Meadows concession stand is in production and should have e here by end of October. Water and sewer work in the area is just starting. 11. BASP Update: Subsidy proposal that would allow both sliding scale fees and state subsidies. Also, evaluating whether Rec Center run programs are DHS licensing exempt or not. To be licensed would be costly and involve prohibitive paperwork. Rec Center committed to run BASP at Garner through end of year, but then may step out. 12. Unattended Age Policy: Staff has formulated updated policy whereby users would need to be 11-12 yo to use facility unattended and would need to obtain a Facility Pass. Use of track and weight and exercise equipment would be allowed for older users, with fees associated. The pass would allow staff to better monitor age of users and be able to ID responsible parties in case of discipline or safety issues. 13. Fall Brochure: Out and available to the public, most programs start the first week of September. 14. Upper Level Floor Work: Weight area had new flooring completed today, needs to cure for a week. Track and cardio area will be next; sand and fix areas and apply new overlay. Area will be closed Aug 16-mid-Sept and memberships affected have been extended. 15. New Issues: Upper level floor work cost less than expected, so money is available to replace carpet in Gerdin Conference Center. Quotes are being obtained. OLD BUSINESS: 2. Recreation Monthly Report: Main activity is in pool area until fall programs start. On warm days it is very busy. Concern about capacity. Staff does limit camps to certain days to limit attendance numbers. CONCLUSION: 1. Next Meeting 3. Adjourned at 8:12 pm Minutes submitted by Jami Maxson Thursday September 3, 2015 at 7:00PM Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle