freehold guide 8 - Freehold Borough
freehold guide 8 - Freehold Borough
To Solve the Real Estate Puzzle You Need Knowledge, Experience and Dedication NS TIATIO NEGO Freehold Borough The Center of it All CIES INGEN CONT R TAX C S CTION INSPE EDITS Offering 14 Yrs Combined Experience & Success in Monmouth County Real Estate Specializing in Listings, Sales and New Construction. Let us assist you from day one to closing! Resident Resource 43 East Main Street Holmdel, NJ 07733 732-946-9400 Lisa K. Kristiansen 732-492-2890 Michael Arbolino 732-740-7649 Guide Be sure to visit for current Borough information. Got questions? Get answers! CIC Freehold Borough Community Information Committee Information compiled by the Community Information Committee with special thanks to resident Lisa Kristiansen Freehold Governing Body 2010 Mayor Michael Wilson Councilmembers: Council President: Jaye Sims Michael DiBenedetto Kevin Kane John F. Newman George Schnurr Sharon Shutzer Regular meetings of the Mayor and Council are held on the first Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at Borough Hall. Workshop meetings are held on the third Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at Borough Hall. - 732 462-4200 - Join one or more of the many active volunteer committees in Freehold Borough. Help make a difference! You can find information about these organizations in the pages of this book or online at Get involved Cover art by Joel DePalma (JD Graphics) - Cover photo by Allan Goldberg (Coachman Studios) – Guide layout, design and cover design by Burnin Daylite Productions, LLC. W E L C O M E WELCOME FREEHOLD BOROUGH HISTORY OVERVIEW The following historical narrative about Freehold Borough was written by Borough Historian Kevin Coyne for the book, Town by Town: Impressions of Monmouth County (Freehold: Office of the Monmouth County Clerk, 2002): Freehold has been a town longer than America has been a nation and its history as a town mirrors with remarkable accuracy the history of the nation. The first Dutch and Scottish settlers arrived in the 1680s when the Lenni? Lenape Indians sparsely populated the fertile land. The settlers established a village on the Burlington Path, an Indian trail that crossed New Jersey along the corridor that Route 537 follows today. The village sat at the center of what was soon designated Monmouth County, one of the colony's original four counties. Here a courthouse was built on the same spot where the Hall of Records now stands. During the American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence was read to a crowd of patriots gathered in front of the courthouse. This was also the location for occasional hangings of unrepentant Loyalists. On the morning of June 28, 1778, the entire British Army, on its way from Philadelphia to New York, was camped in town. The entire Continental Army, led by George Washington, caught up with them. The first shots of the Battle of Monmouth were fired close to where the high school stands today. The fighting raged back toward Tennent Church, all through the day, resulting in the single largest land battle of the Revolution. When Washington arose the next morning to fight again he found that the British had escaped during the night. Although neither side could say it won, the Americans proved what many had doubted before--that they were equal to their enemy. Freehold was the trading center for a wide and fertile swath of the county where farmers came to sell what they raised and buy what they didn't. The railroads that arrived in the middle of the 19th century carried out trainloads of potatoes, the main local crop. The railroads that transported the potatoes also brought in some industries later in the century and at the beginning of the next. The largest by far was the A & M Karagheusian Rug Mill, whose products adorned floors as illustrious as the United States Supreme Court and Radio City Music Hall. During the Civil War, the local men raised a regiment and drilled and trained out on the old battlefield. When they returned home, they marched up Main Street in the first of the town's Memorial Day parades. The regiment was led by the horse that their commander, Major Peter Vredenburgh, was riding when he was killed charging over a ridge against the Confederates at the Battle of Opequon Creek in Virginia. Soldiers marched up Main Street again after the World War II to which Freehold sent almost 1,000 men and women, proportionately more than any other town in Monmouth County. 1 T Tax Appeals 732-462-0467 Tax Assessors Office 732-462-0467 Tax Collector & Tax Searches 732-462-1410 Taxi & Livery Licenses 732-462-1259 FREEHOLD BOROUGH FACTS Traffic Bureau 732-462-1233 Population: 10,976 Area: 1.9 square miles Type of Government: Mayor and Council Website: Treasurer, Borough 732-462-1410 Tree Information 732-462-4200 V YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD & HOME Variances 732-462-7057 Building Permits Residents are reminded that building permits are required for any new construction (garages, sheds, in-ground and above-ground swimming pools, decks, porches, etc.) Permits are also required for alterations to a building, siding, roof repairs, fences, demolition work. Plumbing permits are required for relocating fixtures, sinks, toilets, new piping, installation or replacement of water heaters and furnaces, central air conditioning, bathtubs and showers, gas piping and gas service entrances. For more information, contact the construction office at 732- 462-4903. Veterans Tax Deductions 732-462-0467 Violations Bureau 732-462-2444 Vital Statistics 732-462-1410 Voter Registration 732-431-7880 W Radon Kits Radon kits are available at the Health Department office at Borough Hall for $22.50. Checks should be made payable to “AccuStar.” Recycling The recycling collection schedule has been expanded to provide improved pickup services to our residents. All commingled recyclables (glass, tin, aluminum & plastic items) are collected. The following Wednesday, all paper and cardboard is collected. This schedule will be repeated each Wednesday of the month, including the fifth Wednesday of the month. Please call 732-462-4200. Appliance Pickup Residents wishing to dispose of an old appliance should contact the Administrator’s office at 732- 462-4200 to arrange for pickup. The pickup fee is $35.00 for appliances that do not contain FREON such as a washer or dryer. The fee is $70.00 for appliances that do contain FREON, such as a refrigerator, freezer, air conditioner or dehumidifiers. Microwave ovens and may be placed at the curb for collection during the second garbage collection of the week. There is no charge to pick up these items. 2 Welfare 732-431-6000 Water & Sewer Billing 732-462-0467 Water & Sewer Payment Information 732-462-1410 Water & Sewer Superintendent 732-462-3502 Y YMCA Main Office 732-462-0464 YMCA Community Center 732-845-5273 - 27 Department phone numbers After the war, Freehold began to assume the shape it has today. It produced its most famous native, Bruce Springsteen, in whose songs the town's stories have come to life so vividly and poignantly. The rug mill moved out, replaced by other less dominant businesses. The potato fields were plowed under for housing developments, as the New York metropolitan region gradually wrapped the town in its embrace, and the shopping district dispersed from Main Street to the surrounding highways. But everyone who passes through the downtown today follows a path well worn by three centuries of traffic, three centuries of history. 732-462-4200 Recycling 732-462-4200 Registrar of Vital Statistics 732-462-1410 Resident Parking Permits 732-462-1259 Road Maintenance 732-462-4200 S Sanitary Inspections 732-294-2060 Schools, Elementary 732-761-2100 Senior Citizen Housing 732-461-4880 Senior Citizen Recreation 732-462-4200 Senior Citizen Tax Deduction 732-462-4200 Senior Citizen Transportation 732-431-7599 Sewage Backups 732-462-1410 Sewer Department 732-462-1410 Shade Tree Committee 732-462-4200 Sidewalk Maintenance 732-462-4200 Sign Permits 732-462-4903 Snow Removal 732-462-4200 Social Security 800-772-1213 Social Services 732-462-6000 Street Lights 732-462-4200 Street Signs 732-462-4200 Special Improvement District 732-333-0394 Superintendent of Schools 732-761-2100 Swimming Pool Permits 732-462-4903 26 Department phone numbers Recreation Dept. Freehold Borough Freehold Borough Freehold Borough Water & Sewer Utilities Residents should contact the Borough at 732 -462-1410 before contacting a plumber in order to determine who is responsible to make the repairs. Borough personnel are available to respond to water/sewer emergencies at any time, day or night. After regular business hours, please call the Fire Dept. at 732- 462-0164, and they will notify water/sewer personnel. Owners of swimming pools should notify the Water/Sewer Dept. before filling their pools. The meter will be read before and after the pool is filled, and in this way a credit may be issued for the water that did not enter into the sewer system. No sewer credits will be issued unless the meter is read. Residents are reminded that any open pipes, sinks or washing machines that are connected into the gravity sewer line below grade should have a check valve installed on the line in order to prevent sewerage from backing up into the building. The valve should be checked periodically to be sure it is in good working order. MOTOR VEHICLES Parking All commuter and business parking permits in the Borough expire on December 31st. Renewal applications are available at Borough Hall. The fee for a commuter permit is $80.00 per year; a business permit is $24.00 per year. There is also a one-day parking permit available for $1.00 per day. Call the Finance Office at 732- 462-1410 for more information. Motor Vehicle & Inspection Station Student and driver permits and driver examinations are available at the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Office located at 801 Okerson Road, Freehold. Here, out-of-state drivers must also take a required written examination within 60 days of moving into the state. For more information, call 888-486-3339. The Motor Vehicle Inspection Station is located at 801 Okerson Road, Freehold. A current driver’s license, proof of insurance and car registration must be presented at the time a car is inspected. Old license plates may also be returned here. For more information, call 888-486-3339. Handicapped Temporary handicapped placards may be obtained by having a physician sign a form and bringing it in person or mailing it to Police Headquarters, at 36 Jackson Street, with a check for four dollars ($4.00) made out to New Jersey Motor Vehicles. Permanent handicapped plates or placards are issued by the DMV in Trenton. Forms may be obtained from the local DMV office or from Police Headquarters. PETS Dog Licenses Licenses for dogs and cats are required and must be purchased before May 1st of the calendar year at the Finance Office at Borough Hall. 3 Borough of Freehold 51 West Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728 Attention: Finance Office 732-462-1410 Lost or Stray Animals If you want to report a lost or stray animal, please contact the Freehold Borough Police Department Non-Emergency number: 732-462-1233 Rabies Clinics Call the Health Department at 732- 462-7057 for details. Permits, Elevator 732-462-4903 Permits, Fire Alarm 732-462-4903 Permits, Plumbing 732-462-4903 Permits, Road Opening 732-462-4200 Permits, Roof 732-462-4903 Peermits, Sign 732-462-4903 Permits, Swimming Pool 732-462-4903 Permits, Weater Heater 732-462-4903 Pet Licenses 732-462-1410 Pets, Missing 732-462-1233 Planning Board 732-462-7057 Plumbing Inspector 732-462-4903 Police Department 732-462-1234 Post Office 732-431-4525 Potholes 732-462-4200 Property Maintenance 732-462-4903 Prosecutor, Municipal Court 732-462-2444 Public Library 732-462-5135 Public Works Yard 732-462-3033 Purchasing Agent 732-462-4200 SCHOOLS Park Avenue Elementary, 280 Park Avenue, 732-761-2124 Freehold Learning Center, 30 Dutch Lane Road, 732-761-2239 Freehold Intermediate, 280 Park Avenue 732-761-2156 Freehold Regional High School, 2 Robertsville Road 732-431-8360 Pre-School Center, 118 West Main Street 732-761-0418 Saint Rose of Lima, 51 Lincoln Place 732-462-2646 Central Office Administration Superintendent of Schools - 732-761-2102 Interim Business Administrator/Board Secretary/Public Agency Compliance Officer - 732-761-2103 Affirmative Action Officer – 732-761-2135 Directors/Supervisors Director of Curriculum/Language Arts Supervisor - 732-761-2135 Director of Special Programs - (732-761-2106) Director of Technology & Assessment/Math & Science Supervisor - 732-761-2111 Supervisor of Bilingual/ESL, Community Liaison - 732-761-0418 Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds - 732-761-2149/2204 Freehold Borough School District: Strategic Plan Mission: We will inspire the creativity and imagination of all students and empower them as knowledgeable, skillful and confident learners who flourish and contribute willingly in a changing world. Q Quality of Life Complaints 732-462-5812 R Raffle Licenses 732-462-1259 Real Estate Tax Collection 732-462-1410 District Website: 4 25 Department phone numbers There is a $5.00 late registration fee for licenses issued after that date plus $1.00 for each and every month past the required licensing date. Rabies vaccinations must be valid through October 31st of the licensing year in order to receive a license. Contact the Finance Office for questions regarding license applications and fees. 732-462-1466 Monmouth Cty Offices 732-431-7000 Motor Vehicle Fines (Court) 732-462-2444 Motor Vehicle, NJ Division of 888-486-3339 Municipal Alliance, Drug/ Alcohol Abuse 732-409-6260 Municipal Court 732-462-2444 N Neighborhood Watch 732-462-1233 NJ Div. Motor Vehicles 888-486-3339 NJ Transit, Bus & Train 800-772-2222 NJ Transit Customer Service 800-772-3606 O Open Door (Charitable Organization) 732-780-1089 Ordinances, Borough 732-462-1259 P Park Ave. Elementary School 732-761-2100 Parking Permits, Business & Commuter 732-462-1410 Parking Permits, Residential 732-462-1259 Parking Tickets 732-462-1233 Parks and Recreation 732-462-4200 Passport in Formation 732-431-7353 Permits, Building & Construction 732-462-4903 Permits, Canvasser 732-462-1259 Permits, Charitable Solicitations 732-462-1259 Permits, Electrical 732-462-4905 24 Department phone numbers Monmouth Cty Historical Society Freehold Borough Freehold Borough Freehold Borough CIVIC GROUPS American Legion Post 54 62 West Main Street Freehold, New Jersey 07728 732-431-0057 Benevolent Protective Order of the Elks 73 East Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728-2224 732-431-8707 Walter J Conley Elks Lodge 91 Throckmorton Street Freehold, NJ 07728 732-431-4808 Knights of Columbus 70 E Main St Freehold, NJ 07728 732- 431-8706 Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 4374 50 Waterworks Road - PO Box 484 Freehold, NJ 07728 732 - 462-4896 HOUSES OF WORSHIP Bethel AME Church, 3 Waterworks Road 732-462-0826 Congregation Agudath Achim, Broad and Stokes Streets 732-431-0254 Church of God, 26 Avenue A 732-431-1882 Faith Tabernacle UHC, 11 Avenue A 732-780-2212 First Baptist, 81 W. Main Street 732-462-1105 First Church of Christ Scientist, 96 W. Main Street 732-462-6230 First Presbyterian, 118 W. Main Street 732-462-0234 First United Methodist, 91 W. Main Street 732-461-1745 Freehold Church of Christ, 163 Throckmorton Street 732-462-7797 Grace Lutheran, 200 Park Avenue 732 462-5122 Jewish Community Center, Broad and Stokes Streets 732-431-8666 New Beginnings Agape Christian Center, 133 Throckmorton Street 732-462-2097 New Covenant Church, 28 Court Street 732-409-7788 New Hope Baptist, 28 Center Street 732-780-9210 Reformed Church, 67 W. Main Street 732-462-1717 Saint Rose of Lima Catholic, 16 McLean Street 732-462-0859 5 Income Tax Information, State Freehold Borough website,, contains a wealth of information for residents – monthly calendar of meetings and events, recreation and senior activities, recycling, leaf, bulk and brush collection schedules and much more. Borough applications/forms for recreation, construction, planning and zoning, vital statistics and more can be downloaded from this site. Up to the minute reports and closings are also available. J CentraState Medical Center The prestigious CentraState Healthcare System is a non-profit community organization providing a range of services through a medical center, a skilled nursing faculty, an assisted living facility, a life care retirement community, a family medicine center and a health education center. 800-323-4400 Judge, Municipal Court 732-462-2444 Junk Yard Licenses 732-462-1259 Juvenile Bureau (Police) 732-462-1233 L Landlord Registration 732-462-4903 Leaf Collection 732-462-4200 Library 732-462-5135 Licenses, Bingo 732-462-1259 Licenses, Cat 732-462-1410 Licenses, Dog 732-461-1410 Licenses, Liquor 732-462-1259 Licenses, Livery 732-462-1259 Licenses, Marriage 732-462-1410 Licenses, Peddler 732-462-1259 Freehold Public Library 28 ½ East Main Street 732-462-5135 Licenses, Raffle 732-462-1259 Licenses, Sidewalk Café 732-462-1259 Colts Neck Library 1 Winthrop Drive, Colts Neck 732-431-5656 Licenses, Swimming Pool 732-462-7057 Licenses, Taxi 732-462-1259 Howell Township Library 318 Old Tavern Road, Howell 732-938-2300 M Maps, Tax and Zoning 732-462-4200 MAINTENANCE SERVICES The Public Works Department provides maintenance services for the Borough roads and infrastructure, including storm sewers, curbs, roadway striping and street sign installation. Marriage Licenses 732-462-1410 Mayor and Council 732-462-1259 Facilities: CentraState Medical Center Applewood Estates The Manor Monmouth Crossing Primary Care Centers Senior First The Health Awareness Center Community Advisory Council Family Medicine Center LIBRARIES Monmouth County Headquarters 125 Symmes Drive, Manalapan (just off Route 9) 732-431-7220 6 23 Department phone numbers SERVICES AND RESOURCES 732-462-3626 Firearms Permits 732-462-1233 First Aid Squad 732-308-1515 First Aid Squad, Emergency 911 Food Handlers License 732-462-7057 Food Inspectors 732-294-2060 Food Vendors License 732-462-7057 Freehold Center Partnership 732-333-0094 Freeholders, Monmouth County 732-431-7000 Freehold High School 732-431-8360 Freehold Learning Center 732-761-2100 Freehold Intermediate School 732-761-2100 G Garage Sale Licenses 732-462-1259 Garbage and Trash Collection 732-462-4200 H Health Department 732-462-7057 High School 732-461-8360 Hispanic Affairs 732-431-6977 Historic Preservation Comm. 732-462-1259 Housing Authority 732-462-2421 Housing Inspector 732-462-4903 Hudson Manor Senior Citizens 732-431-4880 I Income Tax Info., Federal 800-829-1040 22 Department phone numbers Fire Prevention Bureau Freehold Borough Freehold Borough Freehold Borough Other responsibilities include recycling, roadside mowing, street sweeping, snow and ice control, an annual leaf collection and the Bulk and Brush Cleanup Program. Housing Rehabilitation Program If you live in Freehold Borough, own your home and your total household income falls below the income limits, you may be eligible to participate in the Program. Up to $17,000 is available to eligible homeowners for approved repairs. Eligible Work Includes: ? Roof ? Foundation ? Plumbing systems ? Sanitary plumbing ? Water and sewer hookups ? Heating and electrical system ? Repair to help weatherize your home ? Remodeling to provide wheelchair accessibility • Funds are provided as a no-interest (0%) 10-year forgivable loan. • There are no monthly payments and the loan is forgiven if the homeowner maintains title and occupancy for 10 years following the program’s rehabilitation work. • Funds are also available for rental units. Landlords should call the Program Administrator for additional information regarding the terms for rental units. Call Freehold Borough at 732-462-7057 for more information. SENIORS’ MEETINGS All Borough senior citizens are invited to attend monthly meetings on the second Wednesday of each month at 4:00 pm at various locations. Please call 732-462-4200 for more information. TRANSPORTATION Monmouth County Transportation Information Center – 732-780-1121 Airport Service Monmouth Airport………………………………..732-938-4800 Route 34, Wall Township Atlantic City International Airport……….609-645-7895 Newark International Airport……………….973-961-6000 Ground and Rail Transportation NJ Transit Information Center……………..800-772-2222 Service between all Newark Airport Terminals and NJ Transit buses and trains, Newark City Subway, PATH, and AMTRAK AMTRAK…………………………1-800-USARAIL, 1-800-872-7245 Academy Bus…………………732-291-1300 Monmouth County Dept. of Transportation……732-431-6480 7 Consumer Affairs 732-462-7900 Court, Municipal 732-462-2444 Crime Prevention Bureau 732-462-1233 Crossing Guards (Police) 732-462-1233 Curbside Recycling Questions 732-462-4200 For information about candidates and parties: Democrat Headquarters (Monmouth County): 64 East Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728 Tel: 732-333-0739 Fax: 732-333-0738 Website: Republican Headquarters (Monmouth County): 16 West Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728 Tel: 732.431.6664 Fax: 732.431.6619 Website: D Death Certificates 732-462-1410 Detective Bureau 732-462-1233 Dog Licenses 732-462-1410 E Election Information 732-462-1259 LOCAL PARKS Freehold Borough residents should be aware of the award-winning county park system that serves all of the county residents. Below are a few that are nearest to Freehold Borough. For more information on parks, programs and golf courses, call 732-842-4000 or log on to Elections, County Board of 732-431-7150 Electrical Permits 732-462-4903 Elevator Permits 732-462-4903 East Freehold Showgrounds: 3000 Kozloski Rd., Freehold – 732-780-1021 Turkey Swamp Park: 200 Georgia Rd., Freehold – 732-462-7286 Nomoco Group Campgrounds: 143 Nomoco Rd., Freehold – 732-462-5343 Dorbrook Recreation Area & Spraygrounds: Rte. 537 N., Colts Neck – 732-5421643 Henry Hudson Trail: Log onto: Emergency Management 732-462-4903 Engineer, Borough 732-462-4200 REGIONAL BEACHES Allenhurst - 732 531-2757 Garden State Parkway exit 102 (south) or 100 A (north) Asbury Park - 732 775-0900 - Garden State Parkway exit 102 (south) or 100A (north) Avon-By-The-Sea - 732 502-4510 - Garden State Parkway 100 B (south) Belmar - 732 681-3700 Garden State Parkway exit 98 Bradley Beach - 732 776-2999 - Garden State Parkway exit 100 B (south) Deal - 732 531-1454 - Garden State Parkway exit 105 8 F Fence Permits 732-462-4903 Finance Department 732-462-1410 Fingerprinting, Police 732-462-1233 Fire Alarm Permits 732-462-4903 Fire Department 732-462-0164 Fire Department Emergency 911 Fire Inspector 732-462-3626 21 Department phone numbers VOTING To qualify to vote in Freehold Borough you must be 18 years of age, a citizen of the United States, a resident of Freehold Borough for 30 days prior to the next election, and registered to vote. Accident Reports 732-462-1233 Administrator, Business 732-462-4200 Animal Control 732-294-2060 Animals, Missing 732-462-1233 Assessor, Tax 732-462-0467 B Bicycles, Missing 732-462-1233 Bicycle Registration 732-462-1233 Bingo Licenses 732-462-1259 Birth Certificates 732-462-1410 Block Party 732-462-1259 Board of Education 732-761-2100 Borough Clerk 732-462-1259 Budget Information 732-462-1410 Building Inspector & Permits 732-462-4903 C Canvasser Permits 732-462-1259 Cat Licenses 732-462-1410 Certificates of Occupancy 732-462-4903 Chamber of Commerce 732-462-3030 Chief Financial Officer 732-462-1410 Code Enforcement 732-462-4903 Construction Office 732-462-4903 20 Department phone numbers A Freehold Borough Freehold Borough Freehold Borough Highlands - 732 872-1224 - Garden State Parkway exit 117 (south), 109 (north) Keansburg - 732) 787-0214 Garden State Parkway exit 117 Loch Arbour - 732 531-4740 Garden State Parkway exit 102 (sound) 100A (north) Long Branch - 732 571-6545 - Garden State Parkway exit 105 Manasquan - 732 223-1221 - Garden State Parkway exit 98 south Monmouth Beach - 732 229-4751 Garden State Parkway exit 105 (north) Ocean Grove (Neptune Township) - 732 775-0035 - Garden State Parkway exit 100 B (south), 100 (north) Sandy Hook 732)872-5970 - Garden State Parkway exit 117 Sea Bright - 732 842-0215 Garden State Parkway exit 117 (south) 109 (north) Sea Girt - 732 449-9433 - Garden State Parkway exit 98 Seven Presidents Oceanfront Park - 732 229-0924 Garden State Parkway exit 105. Spring Lake - 732 449-8005 - Garden State Parkway exit 98. Union Beach - 732 264-2277 Garden State Parkway exit 117 YOUR SAFETY Office of Emergency Management The mission of the Freehold Borough Office of Emergency Management is to save lives and protect the property of our residents. The Borough of Freehold is prepared for any type of natural disaster, e.g., a hurricane, tornado, flooding or any type of technological calamity. Our Emergency Management plan coordinates the response of all federal, state, county and other municipalities in the event of a natural or manmade event. It also coordinates the response of all police, fire, emergency medical services, hazardous material response teams or any other agency that is needed to assist us in a time of crisis. Emergency Operations Center: 732-431-2450 Emergency Management Coordinator: 732-598-7680 Emergency Management Deputy Coordinator: 732-620-0489 Additional Websites: Department of Homeland Security 9 Notes: F.E.M.A. New Jersey State Police Be ready National Hurricane Center Fire Protection Freehold Fire Department Bureau of Fire Protection 51 West Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728 Tel: 732-462-0164 Good Will Hook and Ladder is the oldest of the four companies of the Freehold Fire Department, providing fire protection for the borough of Freehold. The others are engine companies; Engine Company #1, Richardson Engine Company #2 and Monmouth Hose Company. The Freehold Fire Department proudly protects approximately 11,000* residents living in an area of 1.9 square miles. It is a public department whose members are on a volunteer status. Freehold Fire Department has an ISO rating of 4. The Bureau of Fire Prevention is responsible for enforcement of the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code. The Bureau also issues permits required for special events such as fireworks displays. Tel: 732-462-3626. For information on membership, call 732-462-0164. First Aid Freehold First Aid Squad 18 Spring Street Freehold, NJ 07728 Tel: 732-308-1515 We are not just volunteers; we are your neighbors and we have been serving the Freehold community since 1941. This life-saving squad originated in 1939 at the A & M Karaghuesian Rug Company (Rug Mill) by owners Arshag and Miran who decided to create a first aid team to help keep their employees safe. We have since expanded significantly to take care of both Freehold Borough and Freehold Township residents, employees and visitors who need our first response services. Freehold First Aid remains a free service and we rely heavily upon donations and volunteers to keep our operations running smoothly and to supply us with the latest tools and technology to provide the best in first response care. 10 Borough Freehold Borough Freehold Borough 19 Freehold Center Partnership The Freehold Center Partnership recognizes that Freehold Center, as defined in the zoning map of the Borough of Freehold, is the civic, cultural and commercial heart of the community. As such, the Partnership will work on behalf of all those who live, work or invest in Freehold Center for the achievement of the following goals: • To foster the Center's economic development • To encourage the Center's revitalization • To preserve the Center's historic past, to strengthen the economic, cultural and commercial contributions of the Center to the residents and property owners of the Borough of Freehold. In pursuit of these goals, the Partnership further commits to invite all members of the public and private sectors who share these mutual goals to build a non-partisan Partnership to create and implement an action-oriented and pragmatic work plan to realize these goals. The FCP also hosts annual events such as: Dining with the Easter Bunny, Farmers Market (on Tuesdays), Kruise Nite, Concert Series, Freehold Idol, Spooktacular (in conjunction with Spooktacular committee) and Holiday Tree and Menorah Lightings. Address: 10 East Main Street, Suite 4A Freehold, NJ 07728 Tel: 732-333-0094 Freehold Borough Freehold Borough Freehold Borough Police Department Freehold Borough Police Department 36 Jackson Street Freehold, NJ 07728 Emergency: 9-1-1 Non-Emergency: 732-462-1233 Fax: 732-577-8308 The Freehold Borough Police Department works diligently to provide a friendly and safe community. However, they cannot do it without your help. Should you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, call 732-462-1233. Quality of Life Issues Residents are urged to report quality of life complaints (loitering, public urination, overcrowding, loud noise, illegal parking, etc.) to a special hotline number – 732462-5812. Callers may remain anonymous if they wish. COMMUNITY LIFE/ACTIVITIES Recreation Commission The Recreation Commission provides and/or support leisure activities and facilities that reflect the needs of the community. The Commission hosts or financially assists other groups in staging various events and programs throughout the year. Among those are Easter Egg Hunt, Memorial Day Parade, Halloween Spooktacular, free concerts, holiday house decorating contest, Borough-wide yard sales and many others. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at Borough Hall. Call 732-462-4200. Memorial Day Parade Committee Freehold Borough boasts the longest continually running Memorial Day Parades in New Jersey and one of the largest in Monmouth County. The committee is seeking volunteers and marching groups. Please call Alice McCobb at 732-462-4580 or email The committee meets the 4th Wednesday of every month at the American Legion on Main Street at 7:00 p.m. Spooktacular Committee Spooktacular is a two-week celebration of all things Halloween and consists of haunted hayrides, contests and decorations in Downtown Freehold, culminating in one of the region’s most renowned Halloween Parades on a Sunday. The committee always seeks volunteers and “haunters.” Log onto or call 732-462-9341. Lake Topanemus Park Commission This commission, a joint effort between Freehold Township and Freehold Borough, oversees the beautiful and serene Lake Topanemus park, where families may enjoy recreation such as fishing, hiking trails, picnics and a playground. 18 11 The commission meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Municipal Building at 7:00 p.m. Visit or email Little League Program Tel: 732-845-0256. The community of Freehold Borough is privileged to have a strong organization like the Little League available to provide quality recreational, educational and social development for our youth. Freehold Borough Colonial Basketball League Tel: 732 -845-5273. Kids from third through eighth grade can enjoy playing recreational teamcompetition basketball at the YMCA Community Center located at 41 Center Street; Freehold Soccer League Open for both boys and girls, the Freehold Soccer League offers outstanding team play and tournaments. Freehold Borough Flag Football League Tel: 732-625-2744 Flag football can be played by both boys and girls. This is a division of the NFL Youth Flag Football. Freehold Racers Club Unique to Freehold is a club where kids can build their own car models and enjoy receiving free “gear” such as stickers and more. Call Al at 732-822-3924. NOTE: Volunteers are always welcome for any play league. Camps Each summer, Freehold Borough and the YMCA co-sponsor a summer recreation program for children aged 5-13. Applications will be available in early March. You may contact the YMCA at 732- 845-5273 or the Borough Recreation Commission at 732- 462-4200 for additional information. YMCA The YMCA recently opened a new Borough Community Center at the Rug Mill location. The center is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and Sunday, Rentals only. Seniors can enjoy exercise and yoga programs. For children and young adults, there are homework assistance, tutoring and a computer lab, as well as games and other activities. Children under the age of 10 years must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 18 yrs. For more information, call YMCA at 732- 845-5273. 12 Freehold Borough Freehold Borough Freehold Borough WESTERN MONMOUTH COUNTY Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders The Board is empowered with a broad scope of authority, some of which is designated to it by the State of New Jersey. Its diverse and important responsibilities include legislative and executive functions such as the oversight and regulation of county property and finances. This includes the upkeep of 380 ? That doesn’t sound like much miles of county roads and nearly 1,000 bridges, maintenance of more than 14,500 acres of county park lands, providing the largest circulating library system in the state, and maintaining a AAA bond rating. Generally, the Freeholder Board's duties include: • Preparing and adopting the county budget. • Authorizing expenditures and bonds. • Appointing county officials and members to boards, commissions and authorities. • Supervising the administration of county government. Public meetings of the Board of Chosen Freeholders are held regularly on the second and fourth Thursday of each month, except holidays. Call 732-431-7387 for specific meeting dates. Western Monmouth Chamber of Commerce The Western Monmouth Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit, volunteer organization whose mission is to provide opportunities for business growth and prosperity, offer quality service to its members and serve as a resource leader for business and the community. The Chamber represents the voice of business on a regional level and includes the communities of Allentown, Colts Neck, Englishtown, Farmingdale, Freehold Borough, Freehold Township, Holmdel, Howell, Manalapan, Marlboro, Millstone, Roosevelt and Upper Freehold. Address: 17 Broad Street Freehold, NJ 07728 Tel: 732 462-3030 17 TAX COLLECTOR’S OFFICE The Tax Collector’s office bills and collects taxes, enforces timely payments by taxpayers, delivers delinquency notices, and calculates interest on delinquencies. The Tax Collector is a Tax Search Officer and all requests for municipal lien searches are conducted by the tax collector’s office. Additionally, the Tax Office provides local assistance with the following state tax relief programs: Senior Citizen Property Tax Deduction, Veterans Deduction and Senior Property Tax Reimbursement Program (Tax Freeze). Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30a.m.4:30p.m. Address: 51 West Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728 732-462-1410 & 732-462-1605 Fax: 732-409-1453 PROPERTY TAXES Tax bills are mailed annually, usually in July, and are due on the 1st day of August, November, February and May. If payments are not received by the 1st day of the month in which they are due, interest is charged. New homeowners who did not receive their tax bill at closing should contact the Tax Collector to obtain a copy. The Tax office should also be advised in writing of any mailing address changes as well as changes to mortgage companies that escrow real estate taxes. PAYMENT OPTIONS Mail check or money order with appropriate stub to 51 West Main St., Freehold, NJ 07728. If a receipt is required please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. You may bring your entire tax bill in person if a receipt is required or appropriate stub. We accept cash, check or money order. We cannot accept post-dated checks. The fee for checks returned unpaid by the bank is $32.00 plus the bank’s deposit return fee. SHADE TREE COMMISSION The Freehold Borough Council has officially designated the Shade Tree Commission as the party responsible to regulate, care, and control all shade and ornamental trees and shrubbery in all Borough rights-of-way. The Borough's tree resource is large and mature and a majority of the tree budget is consumed with maintaining these trees. Little is left over for replacement planting. Resident complaints, concerns and inquiries are generally called into the Office of the Borough Administrator. A log is kept of all such calls and forwarded periodically to the Chairman of the Shade Tree Commission. The Shade Tree Commission will then research the complaint/inquiry, i.e., visit the site to determine the appropriate course of action to resolve the matter. For more information log onto NJ Shade Tree Federation’s website, or call 732-462-4200. 16 Freehold Borough Freehold Borough Freehold Borough FREEHOLD BOROUGH PLACES OF INTEREST Monmouth County Historical Association - located in the heart of Freehold at 70 Court Street, is a library and a museum. Log onto: The Association has several historic points of interest preserved throughout the county. For more information call 732-462-1466 or visit their website at Covenhoven House Museum -150 West Main Street is one of the largest Georgian style homes in the Monmouth County area, built in the 1750s by Dutch settler William Covenhoven. During the American Revolution British General Clinton occupied it before the Battle of Monmouth in June of 1778. The property was acquired by the Monmouth County Historical Association which restored and furnished it according to a 1790 inventory of the Covenhoven estate. For more information, log onto: Metz Bicycle Museum - is a treasure of Freehold Borough. Found inside this museum is an impressive collection of bicycles, toys, and other items from the past. For more information call 732-462-7363 or visit them on line at Freehold Public (Carnegie) Library - is one of several New Jersey libraries funded by 19th century industrialist Andrew Carnegie; it was built in 1903 and fully maintains its original style. The Freehold Public Library hosts many activities for children and adults. For more information call 732 462-5135 or log onto Court Street Education Community Center - is located at 140 Court Street and has been successfully turned into a not-for-profit community center and a preserved town landmark. It hosts numerous educational events and meetings for children and adults, and relies upon donations and volunteers. Call 732-303-8724. YOUR GOVERNMENT Mayor and Council Freehold Borough is governed by a mayor (elected for a four-year term) and six council members (elected for three-year terms). Council members are liaisons to various committees to ensure proper functioning. The governing body is empowered to adopt local ordinances and pass resolutions. It conducts all its business during monthly meetings open to the public. Address 51 West Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728 732 462-1259 13 Council Meetings, Agendas and Minutes Regular Council meetings are scheduled for 7:30 PM in Council Chambers on the first Monday of the month. Workshop meetings are scheduled for 7:00 PM on the third Monday of the month (see schedule of meeting dates). The agenda is available for public inspection the Friday before each council meeting. The minutes are available to the public after approval by Mayor and Council. Clerk’s Office The Borough Clerk serves as secretary to the governing body, preparing meeting agendas and retaining original copies of all minutes, ordinances and resolutions. The clerk’s office receives and distributes correspondence on behalf of the Mayor and Council. The Borough Clerk is the Chief Administrative Officer of all elections and serves as administrative officer by accepting applications and issuing licenses and permits. The clerk’s office is also responsible for coordinating the activities of the Mayor in addition to scheduling marriage ceremonies. Call 732-462-1259. Construction Department The Construction Department is responsible for enforcing the regulations of the State Uniform Construction Code, which was established by the State of New Jersey, to ensure that new construction (commercial, industrial and residential) adheres to minimum standards of workmanship and safety. The inspectors review structural construction, plumbing, heating/air conditioning and electrical work prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy to ensure compliance with the State Uniform Construction Code. The Borough utilizes State inspectors to perform elevator inspections. Tel: 732-462-4903. Finance Department (Chief Financial Officer/Borough Treasurer) The Treasurer’s office administers the financial affairs of the Borough, including purchasing, general accounting, salary and benefits administration, investments, preparation of bond issues as well as the accounting of all Borough capital projects. The office is open Monday-Friday, 8:30a.m.-4:30p.m. Call 732-462-1410. Municipal Court We are an independent branch of government constitutionally entrusted with the fair and just resolution of disputes in order to preserve the rule of law and to protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States and New Jersey. Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30a.m. to 4:00p.m. Address: 38 Jackson Street, Freehold, NJ 07728 Tel: 732 462-2444 Fax: 732 294-1520 Freehold Borough Freehold Borough Freehold Borough PLANNING BOARD The planning board handles all land-use matters. Its essential duties are to deal with policy (the master plan) and the implementation of that policy through the zoning, site plan and subdivision ordinances. It meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building. Call 732-462-7057 to confirm. REGISTRAR/VITAL STATISTICS The Registrar of Vital Statistics is charged with recording, maintaining and making available all records of birth, marriage, deaths, and domestic partnership occurring in Freehold Borough. Copies of the following records may be obtained from the Registrar's Office if the birth, death, marriage, or domestic partnership occurred in Freehold Borough: Birth Certificates Marriage Certificates Death Certificates Domestic Partnership Applications for Certificate of Domestic Partnership will be taken Monday-Friday, 8:30a.m.-4:00p.m. Call 732-462-1410 to schedule an appointment TAX ASSESSOR’S OFFICE The Tax Assessor’s Office, under the general direction of the Monmouth County Board of Taxation and the State Director of Taxation, assesses properties of the Borough as prescribed by law. • Responsible for establishing an assessed valuation for property in the Borough as of October 1 of the prior year. • Determines the taxability of each parcel, not the taxes. The tax rate is formulated by the County Tax Board from the State-approved budgets of Monmouth County, the two school districts and the Municipality. • Processes building permits to determine the value for added assessments. If improvements were made to your property during the year you may receive an additional bill for this added value in October, due November 1st. • Adds new ratables to the tax rolls. • Reviews all applications for exemptions and deductions such as Veterans, Senior Citizen, and Disabled Persons. These applications are available from either the Assessor’s or Collector’s Office. • Maintains the current tax map for the Borough along with property record cards for each property with the correct owner. • Defends assessments upon appeal. You are notified of your current year’s assessment by postcard on or before February 1. If you disagree with this value you must file an appeal by April 1. Freehold Borough has a five-year tax abatement program on substantiated improvements, which must be filed within 30 days of the completion of the improvement for both residential and commercial properties. Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30a.m.-4:30p.m. Assessors hours are Wednesdays, 8:30a.m.12:00p.m. 14 Tel: 732 -462-0467 Fax 732- 409-1453 15