Advertisement No. Adm/TW/14/3040 dated 10-06-2014
Advertisement No. Adm/TW/14/3040 dated 10-06-2014
UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU SITUATION VACANT Applications are invited on the prescribed form from candidates for the temporary posts, to be filred on contract the erigibre bu1i, on a consolidated sarary as per university norms, for the academic ,urir* zor+1.5 in . the following subjects so as to reach the office of $re ioncerneo Head/ Rector/Director -of reaching Department/ DirectorateT0rr site Campus on or before 2oth June, 2OL4z- 1. Lecturers an: Biochemistry, Botany, Buddhist Studies, Chemistry, Commerce, computer science. & IT, Dogri, Economics, Education, 'environmentar Scienc_es, Geography, Geology, Hindi, History, Human denetics, Library q Inf. Science, 14icrobiology, Mathematics, physical Education, Electronics (Physics_& Erectroniis), psychology, eunjabi. n"n.otu s"nsing & GIS, Sociology, Sta.tistics, Zooitogy, MBA_Ib programme a eC Oip. in composite curture Management (in Internationar centre for crosscultural Research and Human Resource Management- ICccR &HRM), U-rdu, MBA (HT) & BBA-HM (in the School for ilospitality anJ Tourism Management) and Centre for Women Studies in ihe main Campus, University of Jammu, Jammu. 2. 3. Lecturers in Engliqh, Education, Commerce, political Science, Hindi, Sociology, Urdu, ph.ilosophy, Statistics, Home Science, nsyinotogy, . Geography, Dogri in the Directoraie of Distance Education, University of Jammu, Jammu. Lecturers in sociorogy, Economics, Law, History. Guest Facutty in clinical Legal Education-practical rraining (Advocates with aL ieast r0 years experience) in The Law School, Uriivlrsity of :ammu,lammu. 4. 1. Kathua Campus Lecturers in Management Studies S cien ce. & 2. Udhampur Campus Lecturers in Commerce & Economics. ? Lecturers in Computer Science & Sociology. Ramnagar Campus 4. Reasi Campus Lecturers in Socio log y. 5. Bhaderwah Campus Lecturers in En g lish, Computer Science, Management Stu d ies & Earth Sciences. 6. Kishtwar Campus 7. Poonch Campus Lecturers for Computer Science & IT, Geology (Hydrology & Soil Dynamics) Kashmiri. Lecturers in Sericulture. Contd...2/- t Computer & I (2) , QUALIFICATIONS:Good academic record as defined by the concerned university with at reast 55% marks (or Srade. in a point scare wherever grading system is foflowed) at ttre uasiei's 11_"_11iy?1"1t. uegree rever rn a rerevant subject from an lndian university, or an equivaient degree from. an accredited foreign university. NET/sET shall remain the minimum eligibility condition for recruitment and appointment of Lecturers in U niversities/Colleg es/lnstitu tion!. Provided, however, that candidates, who are or have been awarded ph.D. degree in of the university Grants commassion (Minimum standards ano proce-o"ure tor Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2OOg, shall be exempted from the requirement of the minimum eligibility condition of NET/sET for recruitmeni and appointment of Assistant Professor or equivalent positions in U n iversities/Colleges/ lnstitutions. compl.ianc_e However, candidates who have been registered for ph.D. course prior to 2o1o in the Jammu University under the ord schemE be exempted from the purview oi tt u *" Statute. FOR TEAGHING FACULTY IN MBA.INTERNATIONAL BUSINES PROGRAMME: '1 . First class Masters Degree in Business Management / Administration /MBA-rB in a relevant management related discipline or first clJss in two year full time pGDM oectared equivalent by AtU / accredited by the AICTE / UGC; OR 2 First Class graduate and professionally qualified Charted Accountant Accountant / Company Secretary of the'concerned statutory bodies. ii. Desirable: 1. 2. 3. / Cost and Works Teaching, research, industriar and / or professionar experience in a reputed organization; Papers presented at Conferences and I or published in refereed journals. NET/SET/Ph.D. inManagement/allieddiscipline. FOR TEACHING FACULTY IN BBA (HOTEL MANAGEMENT) COURSE: 1. First Class Master's Degree in Hotel Management /Administration or first class in two year full time PGDHM/Administration or equivaldnt by AIU / accredited by the AICTE / UGC: OR 2' First class.graduate and professionafly quarified charted Accountant Accountant / Company Secretary of the ionierned statutory bodies. / cost and works ii. Desirable: '1. Teaching, research, industriar and / or professionar in a reputed organization; - -2. Papers presented at Conferences and I or publishedexperience in refereed lorrnIl..-3. NET/SET/Ph.D. in Management/allied discipline. C I ontd...3/- __--{ (3) FOR TEACH|NG FACULTY tN MBA (HOSptTALtTy & TOURTSM) COURSE: 1. First class Master's Degree in MBA (Hospitality & Tourism) /MTMiMTA/MBA or in a0 allied subiect. Administration or first class in two year full time PGDHM/Administration or equivalent by AIU / accredited by the ATCTE / UGCi 2. First Class graduate and professionally qualified Charted Accountant Accountant / Company Secretary of the concerned statutory bodies. OR / Cost and Works ii. Desirable: 1. Teaching, research, industrial and / or professional experience in a reputed organization; ,journals. 2. Papers presented at Conferences and / or published in refereed 3. NET/SET/Ph.D. in Management/attied disciptine. ii. Desirable: 1. Teaching, research, industrial and / or professional experience in a reputed organization; 2. Papers presented at Conferences and / or published in refereed journals. Note:In case the eligible candidates possessing NET/sET/ph.D. are not available, the candidates having Master's degree with 55% may also be considered as Teaching Assistants (60% for Lecturership in Management discipline). Their salary shall be as per University norms. For interview of the above posts, applicants are advlsed to contact the concerned Head/Rector/Dlrector of the Teaching Department/ Directorate/ off site campus on 25rh June, 2014. No separate intimation for anterview will be sent to the applicants, The prescribed application form, qualification and other details shall also www, w.e.f. I lth June, be available in the university website 2014. No.Adm/rw t Dated:- lO t+t 3cLlo /06/2OL4 to. (,|'t I UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU APP],ICATION FORM FOR ENGAGEMENT OF TEACHTNG EACUTTY ON CONSOLIDATED BJASIS AOR THE ACApEMTC sEssroN 2014_15 L Post applied for/Department 2. Name (in Block Letters): Paste recent passport size photograph herc 3. Father's Name: 4. Date of Birth: 5. Category (if any): 6. Permanent Home Address: 7. Contact No:8. Qualifications:- Name of Exam. Passed Subject o University/Board llered Passins 9. Whether NET/SET/ph.D/M.phit 10. Name Year of Max. Marks Marks obtained Division & Percentage : & designation of relative (if any) working in the University Signature of the Candidate UNDERTAKING SlolD/ol IVo solemnly declare that:- l' If I am engaged on contract/consolidared/temporary basis to work in the University, this contractual,/consoridated/temporary based shalr nor entaii me prererential treatrnent or claim for appointment against "ngui"n,.nt anyiu-bstantive/temporary vacancy in the University. The University can disengage any time without assigning any reason. If I leave the job in rhe middle of the session one month,s sarary may be deducted. aif 2. 3' -y."-i".s ;. t Signature of the Canrli<Iatc