Newsletter - October 18, 2012


Newsletter - October 18, 2012
On-Line Safety
• Wed., Oct. 17 &
Recently, students in both Primary and Intermediate grades attended assemblies given
by Ms. Stacey and Ms. Ross to learn about on-line safety. Intermediate students were
invited to create posters to communicate what they learned to others. The Technology
Poster Contest winners are as follows:
Grade 7
1st—Amy Y.
2nd—Becky B.
Honourable Mention—Kayla E.
Grade 5
1st—Yena L. & Christine A.
2nd—Lucas T. & Hansen D.
Honourable Mention—Kaitlyn L.
1st Prize—Walnut Road T-Shirt
2nd Prize—Chapters Gift Cards
Honourable Mention—Pencils
All Entries—Tatoo
Grade 6
1st—Joshua L.
2nd—Shawn O.
Honourable Mention—Anne I. &
Kyra V.
Grade 4
1st—Nathan M.
2nd—Sofia V.
Honourable Mention—Justin K. &
Andrew J.
Amazing work by all students . . . The winners and several honourable mentions will be
posted in our Learning Commons Area! Be sure to visit the school to see their work.
Congratulations to everyone at Walnut Road.
Best Wishes
We want to wish Ms. J. Canton well as she begins her maternity leave and awaits the
birth of her second child. We welcome Ms. K. Sandhu, who will assume Kindergarten
job-sharing with Ms. A. Bateman on Monday, October 29.
Please be reminded that classes will NOT be in
session tomorrow. Staff members will be attending a wide variety of professional development
We wish our families a wonderful 3-day weekend, and look forward to seeing everyone back
at school on Monday, October 22.
Thurs., Oct. 18
5:00-9:00 pm PAC
Family Photo
• Fri., Oct. 19 NonInstructional Day—
Classes not in
• Thurs., Oct. 25—
Grade 6 vaccinations
• Fri., Oct. 26 Photo
• Wed., Oct. 31
• Thurs., Nov. 8
Day Assembly
• Fri., Nov. 9 NonInstructional Day
(Classes Not In
• Mon., Nov. 12 Remembrance Day
Holiday ( School
The City of Surrey, Parks & Recreation Dept., is offering Out of School Camps on Friday, October 19 & Friday,
Nov. 9 (Non-Instructional Days). Enjoy, arts, games,
sports and at some facilities swimming is also available.
The camps are from 9:00 am—3:00 pm and the cost is
$26.00 for each camp day. To register please call
604-501-5030 or on-line at:
Under the supervision of Ms. Ross and Ms. Dulla, we are excited to be able to take twenty of our Walnut
Road Student Leaders to We Day at Rogers Arena today! Students who are attending serve as members of
our school’s “Local/Global Awareness” team and have expressed a commitment to share their experience
with our school and to use what they learn from this experience to help improve their world.
Free the Children’s We Day is more than just a day of celebration & inspiration. It’s a one-of-a-kind event and
part of an innovative year-long program created to celebrate the power of young people to create positive
change in the world!
This year, presentations were made by several notable speakers & performers, some of whom included:
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, activist and Nobel Peace Laureate
Craig & Marc Kielburger, co-founders of Free the Children and international children’s rights activists
Justice Sinclair, Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission & Manitoba’s first Aboriginal Judge
Demi Lovato, a singer, songwriter and X Factor judge
Magic Johnson, activist and basketball Hall of Fame legend
Spencer West, Free the Children ambassador
Musical Performances: One Republic, Shawn Desman, and My name
is Kay
For further information, please visit the We Day website
This morning, October 18, 2012, Walnut Road
students and staff participated in The Great British
Columbia ShakeOut, the largest earthquake drill in
Canadian history! British Columbia is located in a
seismically active region where a few thousand
earthquakes occur each year in and adjacent to the
province. The threat of a major earthquake in the
province is real and all British Columbians must know
how to be prepared. The ShakeOut BC drill provides
an opportunity to practice how to protect ourselves by
“Drop, Cover, and Hold On”. Learn more about
emergency preparedness at
Photo retake day is Friday, October 26 for those students that missed the first photo day or wish to have
a retake photo. If a student has been previously
photographed and wishes a retake, we ask that they
please return their original proofs to the photographer when having their retake done. This will enable
the photographer to see what “wasn’t right” about
the original photo and ensure that each student gets
a great photo. The proofs will be returned to the student at that time. In order to guarantee preChristmas delivery of all portraits, photos will only
be taken of students who have a Photo Order
Envelope and payment. Envelopes are available
at the school office. All photographs are guaranteed. If you are unhappy with them, you can return
them to the photo company for a refund. The photo
session will be at 8:45 a.m.
On Saturday, October 27, 2012 there will be a free
afternoon of spooky science fun for kids in grades K6 and their families presented by the Faculty of Science and Radiation Safety. Come out and see some
Creepy Creatures and play with some Halloween-y
hands-on science activities in the south concourse of
the Academic Quandrangle, just outside Shrum
Science Centre lecture hall B9200. We will present
the Phantom Physics and Cryptic Chemistry show
twice at 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm.
Advance ticket reservations for the Phantom Physics
and Cryptic Chemistry shows are now available. To
ensure your seats at one of these shows, please fill
out the reservation survey:
For more information please see the Spooktacular
As part of their unit on Social Responsibility, Div. 5
(Ms. Smillie’s class) will be participating in the Greater Vancouver Home Builders Association Coats for
Kids Campaign. From Monday,
October 22 to Monday, November 5
we will be collecting sweaters,
jackets, coats, mittens and scarves
for distribution to families in need
within our community. If you would
like to donate items, please send
them to school with your child.
* * ,
Unannounced withdrawal of students from school
during the school year due to extended vacations is a
great concern. This may have serious effects on student progress, whatever their grades may be. Teachers plan the year’s work carefully being sure to follow
a sequential building of skills. When links in this
chain are missed, a secure base on which to build
future learning may be lost. It is important that if you
decide to take an extended holiday that you weigh the
pros and cons of your decision and realize how it may
affect your child’s schooling. Please make sure to
check with your child’s teacher(s) to come up with a
plan that works best for everyone involved. While we
cannot provide texts and homework under these circumstances, we have several suggestions regarding
your child’s educational opportunities and activities
during your absence.
Be sure to see Ms. Stacey if your child(ren) will miss
25 or more days of school. Surrey School District 36
Policy 9320.1 states that a student who is absent
from school due to travel for a period that exceeds
twenty-five school days may be de-registered from
the classroom and school.
We will be celebrating this exciting event at
school on Wednesday, October 31….please see the
attached sheet for more details. In an effort to
ensure the safety of everyone at Walnut Road during
this time, be sure to read the following:
As you are aware, there are a number of students at
Walnut Road who have a life-threatening allergy to
peanuts. We are trying to make sure that they are
not accidently exposed to any products containing
peanuts, nuts or their by-products. Even the smallest trace of peanuts on a desk, book or even
someone’s clothing could cause a serious reaction.
With Halloween so close, some children may want to
bring Halloween candy to the school. Many of these
treats contain peanuts and / or peanut oil. All of
these can be very dangerous to those students who
have an allergy to these products. As it is important
that children eat foods at school that will aid in their
thinking and learning, please continue to send
healthy snacks to school for recess and lunch. For
these reasons, we are reminding you to leave
Halloween treats at home and NOT to bring them
to school.
As we plan to commemorate this
important occasion, we are inviting members of
our community who are veterans of any war or
peace-keeping mission, and who would like to
share a few words with our students, to contact
Ms. Stacey at the school. Thank you!
In preparation for our Remembrance Day Assembly, we are also looking for students who have a
relative and/or a friend who has served in war or
has served as a Peace Keeper. This relative
may have passed away or could still be living today. We would like to borrow a photo of this relative, preferably in uniform. Please put this photo
in a large envelope and send it to school clearly
labeled with your child’s first name, last
name, teacher, and Division no. The photo will
be scanned and safely returned to you. We
would like to show these photos on a large
screen in the gym during the assembly.
Please send any photos, along with the completed information form found at the end of today’s
newsletter, no later than Thursday, October 25th.
Thank you in advance for your help with this.
Every Halloween, children and adults are seriously
injured and sometimes killed by fireworks.
According to Surrey and White Rock bylaws, it is
illegal for any person to be in the possession of fireworks of any kind. The only exception is or persons
who have a valid federal supervisor’s certificate from
the Explosives Regulatory Division of Natural
Resources Canada. However, city permits must be
obtained and other restrictions still apply.
The penalty for violating the bylaw is a fine up to
$5,000 and seizure of all fireworks. Any fireworks
brought onto school property will be confiscated and
students involved will face suspension. If you have
any questions about fireworks use, please contact
your local fire department.
Thank you for discussing the legal and safety implications of fireworks with your children.
School Security
Each Halloween, there is the potential for the District
to experience a rise in broken glass, graffiti and other property damage at school sites. In addition to
patrols that have been arranged for the Walnut Road
site, we would also like to ask our community friends
& neighbours to keep an eye on the school and
report any suspect activity on the evening of Wed.,
October 31st to the RCMP at 604-599-0502.
Halloween is quickly approaching, and Walnut Road will be celebrating this event on Wednesday,
October 31st. It promises to be a very exciting day!
We will be setting up a display in the gym and are looking forward to a large number of creative entries.
Students can bring in their carved pumpkins when the first bell rings and we’ll set them up in the
gym. Prizes will be awarded in the following categories:
Most Detailed
Best Overall
There will be prizes for the top primary and top intermediate student in each category.
Classroom Celebrations
Individual teachers will be sending
home information about classroom
celebrations as this will vary from
class to class.
We will be continuing the tradition of our afternoon costume parade. Please make sure that you follow
school and district guidelines, ensuring that costumes are not too revealing, scary or violent, and that no
weapons or replica weapons are a part of the costume.
Parents are a vital, integral part of our community, and we know many will want to participate in our afternoon celebrations. Given our size, we are unfortunately not able to accommodate parents or guests for the
festivities. With 650 students and over 45 staff, we already fill up the gym. Traditions like the costume parade are important to our students and we want to continue them in a safe, manageable manner. Thank
you for your understanding.
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Halloween “Trick or Treat”
Safety Tips
Have a fun and safe Halloween!
Costume safety
Make sure that drivers can see your child. Use costumes with reflective
tape and give each child a flashlight. Carry a glow stick that can be
worn around the neck or wrist.
Make sure your child can see. Use face paint instead of masks.
To prevent falling, costumes should not be longer than your child’s
Trick or treating safety
Walk in groups and stay together. Visit houses on one side of the
street at a time.
Cross only at an intersection or at a marked crosswalk.
Never walk out between cars to cross the street and never cross in the middle of
the block.
Children should stay in populated and well-lit areas and only visit homes that have
their outside lights turned on. Children should never go inside any house.
Carry a cell phone in case of emergencies.
Examine your children’s candy before they eat it. Throw out
any treats that are not wrapped.
Driving safety
If you are driving on Halloween night, be extra careful. Slow down and look ahead. Be aware
of your surroundings. Children are excited on Halloween and may forget some of the safety
Pay more attention to intersections and crosswalks.
Be prepared to stop for kids who may run out in front of you.
Remember that there will be more foot traffic on Halloween night and most of it will be excited
young children.
If you are going to be attending an office party or an adult Halloween celebration, don’t drive if
you have been drinking.
An adult should always supervise younger children.
You are invited to a Public Open House regarding the planned construction of two roundabouts on
82 Avenue at 156 Street and 160 Street in 2013.
The Open House will provide opportunities to find out more about the designs of the new roundabouts, as
well as information about their safety benefits and how pedestrians and cyclists are provided for.
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We look forward to meeting you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. If you are unable to
attend the Open House, the display panels and feedback form, as well as other information about the
roundabouts, will be available at after the Open House. If you have any
questions or need more information, please contact us by email at or telephone
at 604 591-4853.
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