Perspectives - Millward Brown
Perspectives - Millward Brown
Perspectives 2006–2007 1 Dear Friends of Millward Brown, All of us at Millward Brown are delighted to present you with this compendium of our publications from the past 12 months. Our key objective is to stay close to what’s happening in the world of consumers, brands, marketing and media in order to evolve and adapt to your needs in a rapidly changing environment. To that end, we committed to a couple of very important initiatives early in 2006. First, we moved Nigel Hollis to a newly created role of Chief Global Analyst. Many of you will have met Nigel or seen him present over the years so you’ll recognize him as one of our industry’s true big thinkers. We’ve tasked Nigel with analyzing the latest trends in marketing and providing you, our clients, with interesting (and sometimes provocative) perspectives on these trends. One of the results of this is our monthly Points of View series. In addition, we’ve launched a blog (www.mb-blog. com) in an effort to engage you in an ongoing conversation about the issues of the day. We hope you’ll visit it and weigh in with your opinions. Additionally, our Marketing Solutions teams have launched a series of Knowledge Points. These summarize practical and actionable learning derived from Millward Brown’s experience and supported by our considerable databases. We’ll be continuing this initiative and would love to hear from you with suggestions on topics you’re interested in learning more about. As a global company, Millward Brown wants to share with you some of what we know about the world’s important emerging markets. We’ve provided both practical and fun insights about the BRICs — from what the media landscape looks like to where to get a great meal in Sao Paulo! Whether you’re planning to visit these countries or just want to acquaint yourself with them from afar, we hope you will find these useful. And finally, we have included biographies from just a few of our people around the world so that you can get to know a little more about us. We hope you’ll enjoy this publication and that it will open up new conversations between you and my colleagues here at Millward Brown. On a personal note, I’d be delighted to hear from you regarding how we can better serve your needs! Best regards, Eileen Campbell CEO, Millward Brown Table of Contents INTRODUCTION Points Of View Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad DVR? ................................................................................................... 1 Neuromarketing: Beyond the Buzz................................................................................................... 5 What’s the Word?...................................................................................................................................... 9 Brands in China: Devalued or Déjà vu?......................................................................................... 13 Making the Most of the Moment of Truth.....................................................................................17 Mobile Marketing: Making a Good Connection.......................................................................... 21 Taking Gaming to the Next Level......................................................................................................25 Make Friends, Don’t Pitch Them.......................................................................................................29 A Framework For Thinking About Online Advertising............................................................33 Celebrity Power: Can Less Be More?..............................................................................................37 The Promise of Online Video.............................................................................................................. 41 Branded Content: More Than Just Showing Up.........................................................................45 Crisis Management: Is a New Prescription Needed?..............................................................49 To Pass Or To Pass It On: That Is The Viral Question..............................................................53 Engaging Consumers’ Brains: The Latest Learning.................................................................. 57 What Price A Strong Brand?............................................................................................................... 61 Knowledge Points How should I improve the image of my brand?.........................................................................67 Five steps to brand growth................................................................................................................... 71 Making the most of your brands.......................................................................................................75 What happens when brands go dark?...........................................................................................79 How can PR affect my brand?............................................................................................................83 What makes an ad persuasive?.........................................................................................................87 Why is it so difficult to produce world class international advertising?.......................... 91 Great global ads: the secret of success.........................................................................................95 Can copy testing accurately predict advertising effectiveness?........................................ 99 Advertising in a low interest category.......................................................................................... 103 Should I use humor in advertising?.............................................................................................. 105 How can advertising be used to deliver long term growth?.............................................109 Improving the branding of your TV advertising.........................................................................113 What timelengths should I use for my TV campaign?..........................................................117 What makes a great TV ad?.............................................................................................................. 121 Do TV ads “wear out” with repeated showings?.....................................................................125 Do TV ads work harder as they “wear in”?................................................................................129 How do I improve my Awareness Index?....................................................................................133 How do I maximize my print budget?........................................................................................... 137 Can sponsorship be effective?......................................................................................................... 141 Making the most of radio advertising............................................................................................145 Emerging Markets Brazil.............................................................................................................................................................. 151 China.............................................................................................................................................................155 India...............................................................................................................................................................159 Russia........................................................................................................................................................... 165 South Africa.............................................................................................................................................. 169 Biographies..........................................................................................................................................177 POVS 7 Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad DVR? The advent of the Digital Video Recorder (DVR) — known as the Personal Video Recorder or PVR in many countries — has caused a significant stir in the world of marketing. Increased consumer control over the traditional advertising medium of choice will have significant implications for both media planning and creative execution. How will TV advertisers need to adjust to deal with time-shifting and fast-forwarding? M I L L W A R D M a r c h B R O W N ’ S P O V 2 0 0 6 What Makes the DVR Different? Time-shifting and fast-forwarding have been with us for many years. What makes the DVR or PVR different from the traditional VCR is ease of recording, navigation and the degree of control over content — particularly the ability to time-shift and the amount of content that can be saved. Time-shifting is a major advantage to viewers — either to view programs automatically pre-recorded, or pause live TV and rejoin the action where they left off. An additional viewer advantage, however, is the ability to fast-forward through advertising. This does not mean that the viewer will see none of the ad. It takes a few seconds to fast-forward through a 30-second commercial, and while there is no sound, you do see a rapid sequence of images. So, while ad avoidance is not completely achieved, fast-forwarding poses a distinct threat to TV advertising as we know it. If Not Now, When? Anecdotal evidence suggests that the penetration of DVRs in the marketing community far exceeds that in the world as a whole. In the U.S., among the entire population, penetration has yet to exceed 10 percent, and actual penetration has consistently fallen short of forecasts. Why has this supposedly attractive innovation not gained more ground? To understand this, we need to consider the practical and emotional needs of viewers. Not all of us are Type A go-getters, who need to be in the know all the time. For these people, busy schedules mean that the DVR’s time-shifting capabilities are a real boon. They can schedule their viewing just like they do their business agenda. For the rest of the population, however, the TV remains a sanctuary from a scheduled agenda. The TV offers a time to relax, take their minds off the hook and let someone else make the decisions for a while. That not everyone wishes to actively control entertainment should come as no surprise. Most people prefer to buy or rent movies and music rather than record them for themselves. This would account for the fact that, although NIGEL HOLLIS Chief Global Analyst Millward Brown 1 introduced at about the same time, DVD players have now achieved a U.S. penetration eight times higher than DVRs. So when will DVRs become a significant factor in TV viewing? The wild card to this forecast is that cable and satellite companies will likely push Video On Demand and interactive technology as a means of competitive advantage, and may bundle them into the basic package in spite of lower-than-expected consumer interest. Our expectation, based on the available data, is that penetration may achieve 40 percent by 2010. The Impact of Fast-Forwarding In early 2005 Millward Brown conducted some research into DVR, DVD and VCR usage. The findings confirm that DVRs are not necessarily bad for TV advertising. DVR users were more likely to record lots of TV programs (43 percent versus 27 percent for owners of DVD recorders and 22 percent for owners of VCRs) but they are no more likely to fast-forward than VCR owners. In fact, fast-forwarding may not be such a bad thing since the viewer is engaged, not out making the coffee or surfing the Web. While fastforwarding, people will be attending to the content because they might see something of interest. This is borne out by the survey results. While there was little difference in the proportion of DVR owners claiming to fast-forward through ads, they are more likely than VCR owners to claim to stop and look at the ads (42 percent versus 23 percent of VCR owners). The DVR technology actually facilitates people watching the ads, unlike VCRs, because people 2 can see the fast-forwarded images and can easily stop and replay the ad. Interestingly, there is evidence from experimental research conducted in the United Kingdom that fast-forward exposure also has an impact. DUCKFoOT Research and Development conducted a controlled experiment of fast-forward viewing where ads were viewed at 30 times normal speed and concluded "x30 fast-forward ads induced a positive emotional response." Critically, however, this response was only observed for ads that had previously run on United Kingdom prime-time TV. There was no emotional response to a set of international ads to which respondents would not have been exposed, suggesting that prior exposure primes the mind to respond positively even to a subsequent, fleeting exposure. Implications for Creative Development In 2005 we added questions to 59 Link pretests on U.S. and U.K. ads. In spite of 63 percent of people saying that they would fast-forward ads if given the opportunity, an average of 17 percent said they would stop and watch the specific ad tested. The range of response was wide, from a low of 2 percent to a high of 30 percent. Likelihood of stopping and watching a specific ad was strongly influenced by having an interest in the brand and product category, suggesting that high-interest product categories and high-affinity brands will have an innate advantage in a DVR world. Fortunately for other brands, however, the findings also suggest that enjoyable ads have the ability to stop people from fast-forwarding, over-riding the effects of low category and brand interest. A qualitative assessment of the test ads confirmed that ads featuring attractive, empathetic characters, and motivating imagery, and which were intriguing or featured something out of the ordinary, were likely to perform better. High-interest product categories and high-affinity brands will have an innate advantage in a DVR world. Of course, this research was based on what people said they would do. While not supported by the findings, we might also expect strong visual icons and compelling campaign themes to perform better in a fastforward world. When actually fast-forwarding, all the viewers see is a sequence of images. In order to decide whether to stop and watch an ad, people must be able to identify — albeit at a non-conscious level — whether the ad is going to be of interest to them. This implies that strong visual icons related to the category, brand, prior ads in a campaign or target audience need to be featured in the ad, preferably near the beginning, to ensure that viewers have not fast-forwarded onto a new ad by the time they consciously decide to stop and watch. A fundamental conclusion of our research to date is that interactive TV shares many of the same characteristics as DVRs make the remote an even greater threat to advertising. magazine advertising. Traditionally, TV has been a “lean-back” medium, with viewers happy to follow along with the content, like tourists following a guide in a museum. In the fast-forward future, the viewer will be actively engaged with the content, leaning forward and searching for items of interest, like someone following signs to a destination. This has implications for creative development when it comes to creating a desire to stop and watch, but we believe it also has implications for media planning. Implications for Media Planning Work conducted in the 1990's by Millward Brown demonstrated that magazine advertising had more initial impact per exposure than TV advertising but that, unlike TV, the impact decayed after three opportunities to see the ad. The conclusion was that, while interest in the product category may have caused people to stop and read an ad once, they had little reason to do so again, and on subsequent encounters with the same ad, simply turned the page. This does not mean the ad was ineffective. Ignoring the ad on subsequent exposure was a sign that the ad had already done its job and delivered an impression. DVR users will have the same opportunity to consume and then ignore TV ads that rely on product category interest. This will have important implications for media planning, requiring agencies to limit frequency of exposure to a single ad in favor of exposing viewers to multiple, complementary ads, with just enough frequency to ensure that they are all viewed once. 3 Of course, this finding may not apply to ads that are enjoyable or intriguing enough to get people to watch them multiple times, but even here there are some interesting media implications. In order to get people to stop and watch ads in real-time, or to stimulate the emotional response identified by DUCKFoOT, people will need to have seen the ads before, or to have seen ones like them. The media challenge will become to expose people in a live viewing environment before the ad is viewed in fast-forward mode. Triggering the desire to stop and watch will be key. Not the End of TV Advertising as We Know It Based on this analysis we do not believe that DVRs are the end of TV advertising as we know it. Rather, DVR usage will slowly change the nature of TV viewing for some people, some of the time. Not all people wish to control their viewing of TV the way early adopters do. While most people will be willing to consume TV in a leanforward mode on occasion, we believe that most viewing will still continue to be lean-back viewing of live TV. Even when programming is recorded and played back, not all ads will be skipped, because they offer something of interest, either relevant information or enjoyable content. If we assume a DVR penetration of 40 percent by 2010, with 33 percent viewing prerecorded content, and 80 percent of ad exposures being avoided, then only 10 percent of potential exposure will be lost to DVR 4 Even when programming is recorded and played back, not all ads will be skipped. usage. While it may be one more cut in the effectiveness of TV advertising, it is hardly the catastrophe that many have made it out to be. It would take a far more aggressive scenario, such as 60 percent penetration, 50 percent pre-recorded viewing, and 80 percent avoidance to lower ad exposure by 25 percent. Even under that scenario, there is reason to believe that fastforward exposure is not without benefit. There is little doubt, however, that for TV advertisers to be successful in the future, advertisers and agencies will have to become more sophisticated when it comes to developing and targeting copy to maximize its effectiveness. Neuromarketing: Beyond the Buzz It is every market researcher’s dream: an objective view of consumers’ innermost thoughts, unobscured by the confounding influences of interviewer and question biases and respondent post-rationalization. That is the promise of "neuromarketing," an emerging discipline which uses neuroscience techniques to understand consumers’ responses to brands and marketing. So how does the reality match up to the promise? M I L L W A R D A p r i l B R O W N ’ S P O V 2 0 0 6 The Technology Techniques used in neuromarketing today include both brain imaging and brainwave measurement. Brain imaging techniques, such as Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and magnetoencephalography (MEG), produce wonderfully detailed 3-D images which highlight activity in different areas of the brain as the subject performs an assigned task. However, the technology is not particularly convenient to use; it tethers both researcher and subject to an immobile apparatus which is expensive to operate, and it requires that the subject's head be positioned inside a large machine. A more flexible approach is brainwave measurement, or Electroencephalography (EEG), which uses electrodes placed on the scalp to measure the electrical activity of the brain. While the information it provides is much less precise than that from imaging techniques, EEG technology has the advantage of being relatively unobtrusive, and allows research subjects to enjoy some freedom of movement. Beyond the Buzz – What Does It Mean? The various brain measurement techniques show us parts of the brain "lighting up" in response to stimuli, but what those brain responses actually mean is subject to interpretation, based on neuroscientists’ understanding of what different brain structures do. This understanding is not as complete or stable as many believe. For example, we reviewed the results of the fMRI experiment conducted by neuroscientist Marco Iacoboni at UCLA in February, 2006. Five volunteers viewed ads which aired during the U.S. Super Bowl. Iacoboni reported that a scene in one ad, in which a caveman is crushed by a dinosaur, produced activity in the amygdala, a midbrain structure which is present in all animals. The amygdala is involved in emotional processing, including "fight-or-flight" responses. Iacoboni interpreted the activity in this region as an indication that the respondents perceived the scene as threatening. GRAHAM PAGE Global Director of Innovations Millward Brown 5 Relying solely on the brain response in a particular region, without probing the subjects’ conscious experience of an event, may lead to faulty conclusions. However, the respondents themselves reported that they found the ad funny. While Iacoboni highlighted this as a "disconnect between verbal reports on ads and brain activity while viewing the ads," we don't really regard these responses as contradictory. Part of the amygdala's job is to respond to sensory input which suggests a potentially dangerous situation, e.g., "There's a snake!" But that same sensory input is subsequently evaluated by other parts of the brain, which may conclude "No, it's only a twig." The accompanying release of tension often manifests itself in a humorous response to a situation which may have initially appeared threatening. Thus the apparent disconnect may simply be a reflection of the fact that the brain as a whole is far greater than the sum of its parts. Relying solely on the brain response in a particular region, without probing the subjects’ conscious experience of an event, may lead to faulty conclusions. This example also raises the question of whether neuromarketing really reveals the "unconscious" mind. Historically, our understanding of brain function has come from work with animals as well as people who have experienced brain damage. Much of our new learning in this area comes from studies in which "normal" (i.e., not brain-damaged) individuals verbalize their reactions to a stimulus, such as a frightening picture, while their brain activity is simultaneously observed. We are able to associate areas of the brain with emotions because people are able to describe the emotions they are experiencing. 6 Therefore, when we observe portions of the brain light up, we are not so much observing the unconscious as the neural underpinning of a conscious experience. which Link identified as the most emotionally powerful. The weak brain response recorded for scenes featuring the brand was consistent with the Link finding that the ad was not wellbranded. Putting Science To the Test If neuroscience techniques can provide meaningful and discriminating results, they can certainly be useful in consumer research. But as a practical matter, they also need to provide additional insights not already supplied by survey research if they are to justify their additional cost. When we observe portions of the brain light up, we are not so much observing the unconscious as the neural underpinning of a conscious experience. To put neuromarketing to the test, Millward Brown joined forces with the U.S. company Brainwave Science. We compared the results of our Link™ advertising pre-test to those obtained using Brainwave's patented EEG brain-measurement technique. The results were compelling. The scenes in the test ad which generated the strongest brain response were the same scenes (For more details on this experiment, see Admap, September, 2005.) Clearly the Brainwave Science approach passed the first test above; it provided meaningful insights about advertising. Yet the survey-based research yielded similar findings, so the incremental value of the neuromarketing data in this case is questionable. In fact, the data from Brainwave Science could not be fully understood without also referring to the survey data, which uncovered the nature of the consumers’ reactions to the copy, e.g., did they feel good or bad about what they were seeing? Did they find the joke funny? Without answers to questions such as these, we can't make concrete recommendations to our clients. Implications For the Future Our view? Current neuromarketing techniques can't yet replace conventional market research in brand and advertising applications. The results yielded by brain studies are too general and open to interpretation to be useful in isolation, and the procedures involved are often too cumbersome and expensive to apply broadly. This does not mean there is no future potential for neuroscience techniques to be 7 Current neuromarketing techniques can't yet replace conventional market research in brand and advertising applications. applied in market research. They hold the potential to identify the transient or early responses to brands and advertising and so add to our current understanding based on introspective verbal responses. Neuroscience remains one of the most interesting and potentially valuable avenues open to us as researchers and we will continue to actively investigate the merits of different approaches as they evolve. However, we feel reassured by our work to date that well designed survey and qualitative approaches do not miss anything vital. While consumer responses may be subject to a variety of influences, they still represent a robust means for evaluating both brands and advertising. What’s the Word? Spurred on by the realization that no advertising can match the impact of an unsolicited testimonial, marketers around the world are seeking ways to leverage Word of Mouth. But if marketers go too far in trying to manipulate Word of Mouth, they risk not only negating the benefit but turning it against their brand. So how do you effectively leverage the power of personal recommendation to build a brand? M I L L W A R D A p r i l B R O W N ’ S P O V 2 0 0 6 People talk to each other. That’s nothing new. But increasing numbers of marketers are now seeing an opportunity for Word of Mouth (WOM) to play a more prominent role in their communications plan. Why? First, there is little doubt that Word of Mouth does relate to sales and brand performance. Projects conducted by Millward Brown find WOM to be one of the most influential touchpoints in creating brand demand and informing the decisions of people actively shopping a category. The London School of Economics Advocacy Growth Study 2005 confirmed previous work by Frederick Reichheld in the United States, finding that “Word of Mouth advocacy is linked to company growth in the UK; the more brand advocates you have, the higher your growth.” Second, there is good reason to believe that Word of Mouth has more influence today than it did previously. Three factors have increased the relative impact of WOM in today’s marketplace: increased consumer distrust of traditional marketing communications, a multiplicity of brand choices in most product and service categories, and increased speed and breadth of dispersion of information via new communication technologies. In this environment, marketers who do not develop a strategy to harness the power of WOM may see their brands carried away on the tide of popular opinion. Clouding most discussions of Word of Mouth is a lack of clarity as to what exactly is meant by the term. We use “Word of Mouth” to refer to all the communication about brands which takes place on a consumer-to-consumer level. In the present day, this goes far beyond conversations at the water cooler or kitchen table to include communication sent via e-mail and mobile phones, and shared through chat rooms and blogs. We separate these “C-to-C” messages into two types, according to their content: Buzz and Advocacy. Buzz reflects interest in something new, cool, different, or provocative, and forms a social currency, encouraging “pass along” from one person to another. When shared, buzz may reflect well on a brand, but is unlikely to influence purchase decisions directly. Advocacy, on the other hand, is Word of Mouth communication — positive or negative — focused on a brand and its merits. Advocacy is more likely to influence a brand choice in NIGEL HOLLIS Chief Global Analyst Millward Brown 8 9 the short term, especially when it comes from a trusted source. ranked lowest of all and were the most likely to be disregarded. In terms of influencing purchase, we believe the power of a given piece of Word of Mouth is directly related to three factors: We can hypothesize that the power of online Word of Mouth is diminished by both the receiver’s lack of knowledge about who is providing advice, and the provider’s lack of knowledge about who is receiving it. So when can online WOM act as a sales driver? First, when the risks involved are small. For instance, making demo CDs available over the Web helped the first album from the Arctic Monkeys become the fastest-selling debut album in British chart history. Second, when the WOM receiver has reason to believe the advice offered is relevant and sincere. So advice offered in a chat room of asthma sufferers can more readily be judged as trustworthy than an anonymous post on a travel site. • The proximity of the purchase decision • The purchaser’s need for advice • The perceived reliability of the source Therefore, when a confused and anxious shopper receives a recommendation from someone he regards as knowledgeable and independent, he is more likely to act on that advice than he is to heed suggestions from a viral marketing piece forwarded from a friend of a friend. Marketers who do not develop a strategy to harness the power of Word of Mouth may see their brands carried away on the tide of popular opinion. In the developed world, much of the interest in Word of Mouth centers on the Web as a forum for sharing information and advice. However, while online WOM is extensively measured, it comprises only a fraction of the advocacy out there. A recent survey conducted by Millward Brown in the United States and the United Kingdom suggests that relatively few people use informal sources of online information (chat rooms, blogs, etc.) to guide their purchase decisions; the majority of shoppers turn to friends, neighbors and colleagues for advice. Personal contacts were considered to be far more convincing than online sources, which only narrowly beat out company-led communications like Web sites and salespeople. In terms of the relevance of the information obtained, online sources 10 While most marketers like to focus on the upside potential of Word of Mouth, it also has a negative flip side. Negative WOM is thought to have greater longevity and dispersion than positive, so problems must be addressed quickly and effectively. Witness last year’s furor over “rootkit” software found on Sony copy-protected compact discs. The discovery of the software, which reportedly not only protected the music but potentially opened the computer up to virus attack, was announced on a blog and sparked a wave of protest among the software and music communities. While Sony initially tried to downplay the issue, the company was eventually forced to withdraw the content-protected CD’s and the fiasco is still referenced online today. So how do you craft a strategy to harness Word of Mouth? The following five guidelines are based on our observations of what works, and what does not. Listen. Who Is Saying What? Forget the idea that there is an elite group of trendsetters who shape our views on life and the universe. You need to find out who is important in your category. The proportion of people who are knowledgeable and willing to share their knowledge (referred to as “transmitters”) will vary by category, and few people qualify as transmitters in more than one category. The proportion of people willing to talk about a product or service category is usually related to the interest that the category attracts. For instance, BMRB’s Target Group Index tells us that in the UK, 9 percent of people can be classified as transmitters when talking about cars, but only 2 percent for household cleaners. Listening to what is being said now will give you the best ideas on what might stimulate positive Word of Mouth in the future. It can also highlight significant issues with customer experience and suggest improvements in your product, call center procedures or Web site. Negative comments made by a current brand user may not only dissuade potential users but also signal a future defection. All the successful brands that grew through Word of Mouth have one thing in common — they provided a great brand experience. Be Sure That Your Brand Experience Can Stand Up To Scrutiny All the successful brands that grew through Word of Mouth have one thing in common. They provided a great brand experience. Google, iPod, and JetBlue all set out to serve a specific need and did it well — better, in fact, than their customers expected. As a result, those people spread the word on the brands’ behalf. But the power of advocacy cuts both ways. When people develop an emotional attachment to your brand, their feelings will power Word of Mouth — and when you disappoint them, that Word of Mouth may be negative. For example, the iPod, while becoming a brand icon, has been the center of much publicly discussed discontent. When it was discovered that the battery in the iPod could not be replaced, loyal brand users set up Web sites to protest. More recently, the Nano became the center of attention when it was discovered that some of the screens scratched easily. When problems do develop, good CRM and monitoring systems will serve as early warning systems to help you remedy the situation before negative Word of Mouth has the chance to spread. Swift remediation of a negative experience is not only your best defense, but may actually result in positive WOM if customer expectations are exceeded. Seek Ways To Nurture Positive Word of Mouth Identify what will resonate most with the users who are already willing to recommend your brand, and then accentuate it. What makes your product or service unique to them? What can you give brand enthusiasts to talk about? If there is little differentiation in the category, what causes might be relevant both to potential transmitters and your brand's positioning? Focus on how to create direct involvement through advisory panels, exclusives, loyalty and member schemes. Test new ideas out with your existing proponents and listen to their 11 reaction. P&G’s Olay Regenerist brand recruited consumers to an advisory panel to help craft the Word of Mouth messaging that was later used to launch the brand. Keep It Real The power of Word of Mouth is founded in trust — trust that the person offering the advice has the receiver’s best interests at heart. If a brand is caught trying to fake positive WOM or use it to actively promote marketing communication, then the backlash will be fierce. Being found out will have a double impact. The loss of trust reflects not just on the brand, but also on the dupes who had previously recommended it. They may become your most ardent detractors. Even then, however, all may not be lost. Vichy sought to launch its new anti-aging cream in France using “Claire's blog.” Because the blog was developed by the ad agency, not a “real” person, it rapidly came under fire for being a fake, and a few days later was featured in a story in Le Monde. Vichy acted quickly to redress the situation, first apologizing, then making it transparent that the blog was corporate, and enlisting help from bloggers themselves. The end result was that the new blog became a successful part of the brand introduction, featuring uncensored testimonials from people who had tried the product. 12 Traditional broadcast media are not the enemies of Word of Mouth. Choose Your Communication Channel Appropriately Traditional broadcast media are not the enemies of Word of Mouth. Brand advocates are often more interested in their category than other users, and, as a result, are often more aware of all forms of communication. They will magnify even your traditional messaging if it strikes the right chord. So if you want to craft a Word of Mouth strategy, first figure out what is going to resonate with your audience, then target them with the most appropriate channels, online or offline. Brands in China: Devalued or Déjà vu? The last few years have seen intense competition among brands in many product and service categories in China. Foreign brands, faced with the twin challenges of extending their footprint beyond the major cities and fending off local competition, have resorted to lowering prices to drive sales. Lower prices have been good for consumers, but tough on margins. What does the future hold for brands in China — profit, or commoditization? M I L L W A R D J u n e B R O W N ’ S P O V 2 0 0 6 Fierce price competition is the rule in China, making it tough for the brands of Multi-National Corporations (MNCs) to hold their own against goods produced by local companies. The average price of a compact car in China has fallen by 28 percent since 2000, with local manufacturers gaining share at the expense of MNCs. In some household goods categories, low-priced copies of foreign brands sell at 40 to 60 percent discounts, attracting Chinese consumers who prefer to save their money for more visible purchases such as mobile phones and watches. In this complex and rapidly evolving environment, how can MNC marketers ensure a profitable future for brands in China? Western Brands Go East Confronted by mature consumer goods markets in the West, and attracted by the possibilities of enormous untapped markets in China, MNCs have invested heavily in this developing region. A few have succeeded, but many have learned that the techniques which worked well elsewhere do not succeed in China. Faced with disappointing results, many big, well-known Western brands have had to rethink their approach to the challenges of competing in the Chinese market. Adapting to the local culture Western brands have always been appealing to Chinese consumers, but even global icons such as Coca-Cola have had to adapt to the local culture in order to succeed. While the can is still red, the familiar Coke logo was long ago replaced with Chinese characters. Other brands have learned the hard way that it pays to respect Chinese culture. The backlash to a print ad portraying a Chinese lion saluting a Toyota Land Cruiser spawned ads showing the same lion crushing the upstart SUV. Marketing to the masses Until recently, most MNCs have focused on the 200 million middle-class Chinese who live in major cities, neglecting the massive lower-income market. Eager to fill the void, regional Chinese manufacturers stepped up, marketing their cheaper products with a noisy barrage of junk advertising. While noise alone is not enough to create brands with which people bond, the local brands often enjoy strong grass roots support, along with the advantages of lower distribution and marketing costs. These contribute to a price differential between local and MNC brands that is hard for cash-strapped consumers to overlook. Thus the makers of premium brands face an uphill NIGEL HOLLIS Chief Global Analyst Millward Brown 13 battle when they seek to extend their reach beyond the middle class. Brand differentiation is the critical factor which allows a brand to sustain a price premium. Varied pricing strategies The very largest brands can sometimes compete with the locals by lowering their price and raising their profile. Coca-Cola managed to fend off a threat from Wahaha’s Future Cola by increasing marketing spend while rolling out a 6.5 ounce (192 ml) returnable bottle which sold for 1 RMB (12 U.S. cents). Procter & Gamble lowered the price for shampoo brand Rejoice, while increasing category share of voice from 12 percent in 1998 to 21 percent in 2005. By contrast, Nestlé met with considerable success using only point-of-sale material to support an individually packaged wafer which was priced at 1 RMB. Most MNC brands, however, can’ t afford to go head-to-head with the locals on price, and have adopted other strategies. Frito-Lay developed a new snack brand, Poca, using Chinese flavoring and packaging, and set its price point between that of flagship brand Lays and the local competition. P&G chose a vertical brand strategy to expand its brand footprint, offering different product formulations at different price points for brands such as Tide detergent and Whisper feminine protection. This approach allows consumers to grow into the premium brands as their standard of living improves. 14 Chinese Consumers Do Value Brands Survival of the Fittest If the Chinese remain price-conscious, a strategy like P&G’s may prove risky, but our analysis of WPP’s BRANDZTM database suggests that Chinese consumers do value brands. In fact, the data shows them to be more brand loyal than their Western counterparts. Across a matched set of product categories, Chinese consumers in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou were three times more likely than their U.S. counterparts to agree that there is only one brand they would consider in a given product category. But while they believe brands are important and distinct, and they want to choose the right ones, the Chinese still need to make their money go as far as possible, and thus for now, their brand choices remain constrained. Philosopher George Santayana wrote that “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” It is a saying that marketers in China would do well to remember. Our observations of markets which have evolved in the recent past have provided us with three important lessons which have relevance for China. The BRANDZ database also provides evidence that Chinese brands are beginning to build deeper relationships with consumers. Between 1998 and 2005, the proportion of people attitudinally bonded to Chinese brands increased, and reliance on better prices gave way to perceptions of leadership and product quality as reasons to bond with them. This suggests that as local brands have evolved, Chinese consumers are beginning to evaluate them on the same basis as foreign brands. Increasing acceptance of Chinese brands abroad may also be a factor, as goods produced in China continue to improve. Lenovo, the company that bought IBM’s Thinkpad brand, produces a line of well-designed, pocket PC phones which are among the best products available, holding their own against products from Samsung, Sony or Nokia. Brands like Lenovo, and appliance giant Haier, which has captured 50 percent of the compact refrigerator segment in the United States, are shaking off the cheap, low-quality image associated with Chinese brands. Consumer relationships with brands evolve over time In an undeveloped market, where basic needs have yet to be satisfied, a brand from a reputable manufacturer can succeed by simply making its presence known. (After all, to people accustomed to washing their hair with soap, any shampoo represents an improvement.) But as consumers are exposed to a number of different brands, all of which satisfy functional needs, they begin to distinguish among them based on the status they confer and, subsequently, by the rational and emotional benefits they offer. One of the dilemmas facing marketers in China is that consumers in different regions and income brackets are at different stages in their brand relationships. Middle-class urbanites are beginning to move beyond buying brands solely on the basis of badge status to valuing brands based on how well they meet their specific needs. In the skin care category, for instance, urban consumers are beginning to take cleansing and moisturizing for granted, and now seek additional benefits like toning and nourishing. Rural consumers, by contrast, are happy to buy foreign brands (if they can afford them) simply for their basic benefits and implied status. Chinese brands are beginning to build deeper relationships with consumers. We expect Chinese consumers to continue to develop their relationships with brands, seeking out the best brands for their unique needs, and ultimately, bonding with the brands that connect with them emotionally. Marketers need to keep tabs on this progression, to ensure that they continue to deliver relevant messages as consumers become increasingly sophisticated. At the same time, they need to maintain a clear brand positioning and resist the temptation to apply brand development strategies commonly used in mature markets, such as launching horizontal line extensions to block off competitors, or vertical extensions to cover price points. In China, even more than elsewhere, these approaches run a strong risk of confusing consumers and therefore diluting brand equity. Solve the value equation To build brands in a land as vast and complex as China, marketers must recognize the broad range of physical, emotional and cultural needs presented across its regions. China is not one enormous market, but rather, a loose confederation of several very large markets, more akin to Europe than the United States. Thus marketers face a complex problem: they must understand and solve the “value equation” in each individual market in which they hope to compete. 15 Marketers must ensure that there is a clear value story attached to each brand’s price point. Local R&D, efficient production and low-cost distribution are essential, though not sufficient, to build strong brands. While lowering costs does allow more flexibility to compete on price, the ultimate challenge is to differentiate your brand from others which can quickly copy any new innovation and still undercut your price. Data from other markets confirms that brand differentiation is the critical factor which allows a brand to sustain a price premium. Therefore, marketers must ensure that there is a clear value story attached to each brand's price point. Initially the differentiation will be based on product features, but as consumers become more brand-literate, emotional connections will become more important, leaving brands less vulnerable to imitation. Straightforward communication is called for in a country not accustomed to abstractions in advertising. Strong Brands Stand Out In a frenetic marketplace like China, it is all too easy to drop off the radar. If MNC brands hope to grow, they must remain visible amidst the barrage of local brand advertising. Brands that have been successful in China have typically increased spending dramatically. Colgate increased its share of voice in the toothpaste category from 15 percent in 1998 to 26 percent in 2005 in order to hold its position as an Olympic brand. Over the same time period, 16 Budweiser increased its share of spend and became the import beer with the strongest attitudinal loyalty among Chinese consumers. While heavy media presence does convey a sense of leadership and ubiquity, simply shouting louder is not the panacea to price competition. MNC brands must still communicate their brand positioning clearly, conveying what they stand for and what differentiates them from other options. This communication will need to be varied for markets with differing levels of brand sophistication, but the brand essence expressed must be consistent. Straightforward communication is called for in a country not accustomed to abstractions in advertising, but marketers should still strive to deliver an emotional payoff. Today, the emotional response should be firmly anchored in the product’s end-benefit, but over time more intangible benefits can be introduced. For more about China, see Making the Most of the Moment of Truth In every CPG/FMCG category, the point of purchase is the critical moment of truth when a consumer facing a shelf of competing brands makes a decision to part with hardearned money for just one of them. But the best efforts of brand marketers to influence that decision are often diluted by in-store activities designed to drive volume. What mix of activities will best drive sales and profit over the long term? M I L L W A R D J u l y B R O W N ’ S P O V 2 0 0 6 The path to purchase begins when a consumer recognizes a need, and ends when a brand is selected to satisfy that need. Brand marketers work hard to ensure that their brand is one considered by consumers on that path, using above-the-line communications to build consumers’ predisposition to that brand. However, that predisposition, or “demand” for the brand, can be diverted to another brand by activities designed to activate sales at the point of purchase. Stimulating sales “activation” with price promotion may build volume for a brand, but the growth will come at the expense of short-term margins, and, possibly, long-term brand equity. How can brand marketers extend the influence of their above-the-line activities inside the store, to continue building brands at the point of purchase while also stimulating additional sales? The point of purchase is a complex environment, subject to the potentially conflicting interests of three parties: the brand marketer, the sales or trade marketer, and the retailer. CPG/FMCG companies need to satisfy all of them or risk damage to their brands. Failure to invest in effective sales activation may result in a loss of volume sales for a brand. Retailers, who care about category value, not brand share, may then reduce features and shelf space for the brand, possibly setting off the brand’s death spiral. Yet over-spending on price promotions can also bring about a brand’s demise. Once consumers have been taught to look for deals, margins begin to erode, creating a need to drive volume with additional promotions. If these promotions come at the expense of advertising, which could prop up the brand’s sagging equity, it will grow ever harder to resume charging full price for the brand. It is up to the brand marketing team, the group most concerned with the long-term equity of the brand, to prove the value of their demand-generating initiatives. Unfortunately for them, this is usually difficult to do, because the more immediate influence of point-of-purchase activities tend to swamp the effects of the above-the-line activity which preceded them. Most market mix models identify trade promotion as a more important driver of sales than advertising. This type of analysis, however, focuses on the short-term, incremental movement in sales, which represents a minority of total sales volume for a brand. It NIGEL HOLLIS Chief Global Analyst Millward Brown 17 is like measuring the height of the ripples on a river, rather than measuring its speed or depth. To really understand what drives the majority of purchases, we need to look beneath the surface. Millward Brown's D&ATM methodology aims to provide a consumer-centric and holistic view of why people make the purchase decisions they do. D&ATM Results Summary These surveys confirm that purchase decisions in most categories are driven more by pre-existing brand demand than by in-store sales activation. The chart above summarizes these findings. The influence of brand demand is highest for off-trade beer in the United States, and lowest for home entertainment electronics in Germany. Activation has more influence in categories outside of CPG, reflecting the higher degree of involvement typical of infrequent purchase decisions. Brands that have iconic properties can leverage them in-store to good effect. Most shopping for CPG categories is habitual. Because grocery shopping is a routine chore, people tend to develop systems which help them to shop efficiently. Either they rely on lists, or they use navigation aids to remind them what to buy, such as: turn left at the meat counter, pick up coffee, then move on to the cheese section. 18 Because most shoppers want to find what they need as quickly and easily as possible, the time allotted for making each selection is short. People spend just three to seven seconds scanning for their usual brand or deciding among the alternatives. Therefore, to use the point of purchase to your brand's benefit, whether it is to divert a purchase from another brand, or to strengthen your own brand among current customers, you need to engage the shopper's attention. Offers of reduced price will gain the attention of bargain seekers, but other activities are needed to speak to people who value brands over price. The basic elements of packaging, signage, and display are all replete with possibilities for engaging shoppers and extending the influence of above-the-line activities into the aisle. Though often overlooked, all of these elements have the potential to trigger recognition and brand associations, and reinforce brand values. These point-of-purchase activities help to build brands in three different ways. Packaging, signage, and display can build brands at the point of purchase by: Reminding People Of the Brand Packaging, signage and display material can all spark recognition of a brand, and evoke related thoughts, feelings, and memories, provided that the images used are iconic and simple. Brands that have iconic properties from packaging, advertising or usage can leverage them in-store to good effect. The point of purchase provides a great opportunity to expand upon the brand’s messaging. In the UK, Guinness recognized that their loyal drinkers needed little prompting to buy the brand. Others, however, who considered Guinness an acceptable choice but didn't drink it regularly, needed a reminder. To encourage those customers to buy Guinness, large replicas of glasses of icecold Guinness were added to either side of the shelf display. Spanning multiple shelves, the models were visible from every point in the beer aisle and helped to increase sales by 27 percent. Research conducted by UK company RMS found that a similar display helped Unilever’s Pot Noodle brand generate a 19 percent increase in sales. Extending perpendicular from the shelves into the aisle, banners adorned with giant Pot Noodle cups faced shoppers as they moved down the aisle, and served to lure them to the section. Displays such as these draw their strength from their simplicity. Too many brand-building promotions fail because they are too complex to execute, or too costly to generate a profit. Augmenting the Brand’s Message Attraction to a brand is often founded on multiple factors, and broadcast media can only achieve so much. The point of purchase provides a great opportunity to expand upon the brand’s messaging, particularly when it focuses on brand experience. The key, however, is to hold peoples’ attention by providing something they find interesting and relevant. Many brands use recipes, nutrition and diet information, or details of provenance to good effect. Sometimes it pays to appeal to the end-user as well as the shopper. P&G’s Kandoo brand of flushable toilet wipes successfully engaged children simply by using appropriate shelf-placement. P&G persuaded retailers to place the packages on the lower shelves, where they would be at a toddler’s eye level. They also enhanced their displays by featuring the product’s frog mascot to attract children’s attention. According to P&G, before running any TV advertising, awareness of Kandoo in the United States had reached 50 percent. The key to using discounts effectively is to ensure that they are seen as discrete events. Reframing the Brand’s Offer While most people love a bargain, discounting a brand’s price isn’t the only way to convince them they’re getting a good deal. If shoppers can be persuaded to view a brand’s price in a different light — one in which the brand is seen to offer something different — then a premium price may be justified. In the UK, Fairy dishwashing liquid has consistently supported a brand proposition that its concentrated format lasts longer than other brands. Point-of-purchase materials which evoke those advertising memories will ease acceptance of the price premium. While brand-building promotions are the ideal means for extending the influence of above-theline activities to the point of purchase, there is no avoiding the need for price promotion to help drive volume. But such promotion does not need to be brand-eroding. The key to using discounts effectively is to ensure that they are seen as discrete events, not part of a continuing program that consumers may interpret as a sign of declining quality. For brands that have a new or unrecognized product benefit that offers a genuine advantage over the competition, a “limited-time-only” price promotion can be a very effective means of stimulating trial. Actimel, a probiotic yogurt drink which is positioned as an aid to the immune system, offers consumers the Actimel Challenge: a money-back guarantee if they don’t feel better after using Actimel for two 19 weeks. A price discount on a two-week supply provides an additional incentive for people to accept the challenge. Events — either brand-specific or generic — offer wide scope for limited-time discounts. In France, the chocolate brand Milka offered a price incentive as well as a contest in a promotion related to the release of the movie “Ice Age.” When carefully managed, price promotions coordinated with above-the-line advertising can make both retailers and consumers happy. An excellent example of above - and below-the line activity working in synergy is the launch of Arla Foods’ Cravendale milk in the UK. The brand’s initial roll-out delivered disappointing sales because of weak advertising and poor integration between advertising and promotion. A new campaign was developed which incorporated the theme “Tastes so good, the cows want it back” throughout the entire marketing mix. TV ads featured stalking cows tailing Cravendale buyers. Shelf signage referenced the cow’s message (“We want it back!”) in the style of a ransom note, with cut-out letters and a hoofprint. Door drops in the same style were used to distribute coupons. At the same time, Cravendale’s packaging was redesigned to clearly set it apart from other brands of milk. Sales of Cravendale took off, and systematic analysis of controlled regional tests made it clear that the success was due to the combined effect of all the elements. Neither the in-store activity nor the door drops had major effects on their own, but when they were used in combination with TV advertising, the sales result produced was greater than what would have been predicted from the results for each activity 20 conducted in isolation. No point of view on point of purchase would be complete without reference to in-store video and audio systems. These relatively new and technologically advanced devices have the potential to communicate far more than is possible through a static sign. Though advertisers seem particularly interested in video, the Arbitron Retail Media Study suggests that audio may actually have more impact at the point of purchase. Of respondents who claimed to have been exposed to each medium, those exposed to audio reported more unplanned purchases than those who viewed video (41 versus 29 percent). Audio probably enjoys an advantage because it requires less of shoppers. To receive a message from a video screen, people must stop and look, while audio can deliver a message to people as they review their shopping list or scan the shelves. For both in-store audio and video, audio cues are critical to brand recognition. Memorable jingles, slogans and claims associated with the brand from broadcast advertising will likely drive the effectiveness of in-store advertising of both types. Whether they invoke the most recent technology or tried-and-true traditional methods, CPG marketers looking for an edge will take advantage of opportunities at the point of purchase. At that critical moment of truth, the right message can make the path to purchase both inviting to consumers and profitable to brands and retailers. For more about point of purchase, see Mobile Marketing: Making a Good Connection Though the practice of mobile marketing is still in its infancy, the budding channel carries outsized expectations. But the ability to reach people anytime, anywhere, must be weighed carefully against the potential for irritating people and damaging brand relationships. How can marketers harness the power of this nascent medium to drive growth for their brands? M I L L W A R D A u g u s t B R O W N ’ S P O V 2 0 0 6 According to The Shosteck Group, the value of the global mobile advertising market could reach $10 billion by 2010. While this claim is strongly reminiscent of the overblown estimates made by the Internet advertising start ups in 1999, advertisers don’t want to take a chance on missing the boat. Amidst the hype, major marketers are beginning to commit serious budgets to mobile marketing. While telecommunications companies led the way, pharmaceutical, fast food, automotive and consumer packaged goods companies are now climbing on board. They are all attracted by the promise of combining pinpoint targeting (of people, time and location) with the ability to extend a tangible brand encounter into a digital and interactive one. Mobile marketing, interpreted most broadly, could describe any approach to communicating with consumers while they’re on the move: all manner of electronic devices (MP3 players, PDAs, etc.), as well as more traditional media such as outdoor advertising. However, at present, the most ubiquitous outlet for mobile marketing is the mobile phone, with over 2 billion subscribers worldwide. With penetration among young and old, rich and poor, the universe of mobile phone subscribers seems ripe for mass media applications. But techniques which succeed on television or the Internet can’t simply be transferred to the phone. On both the “first” and “second” screens, advertising grew up alongside the genre. However, advertising has come to the “third screen” at a point when it is already mature, both as a communication medium, and as an integral and personal part of people’s lives. Advertisers must tread carefully, taking into account the unique status of the mobile phone, to avoid alienating consumers and provoking a backlash. The Consumer Viewpoint: It’s MY Phone! Some people view the mobile phone as an indispensable lifeline to friends, family and colleagues; others regard it as a mixed blessing or a necessary evil. Either way, it is an essential tool for navigating life at the frenetic pace of the 21st century. Wherever people lie on this spectrum, they all share the belief that their mobile phone belongs to them, not to the service carrier, and certainly not to advertisers. Even young people, the group most likely to engage with brands via this medium, are not enthusiastic about the idea of seeing ads on their phones. A study featured in the Yahoo! Summit Series (September 2005) reported that across China, India, and the United States, 13- to 24-year-olds were least favorable toward NIGEL HOLLIS Chief Global Analyst Millward Brown 21 advertising on their personal electronic devices compared with other new or traditional media. The study highlighted the variation in acceptance of mobile advertising across countries: in India, 30 percent of youth were positive toward mobile phone advertising, versus 23 percent in China and 9 percent in the United States. Unsolicited and irrelevant mobile advertising will be even less welcome than e-mail spam. We expect consumer response to mobile advertising to range from grudging acceptance to tempered enthusiasm, with acceptance always conditional, e.g. • I’ll endure advertising on my phone if I have some degree of control, such as the ability to opt in or out. • I will tolerate advertising on my phone, and even watch some ads, if you give me something of value in exchange. • I will accept advertising on my phone if it’s relevant and interesting to me. People do not want their personal space to be violated by unwelcome messages, nor do they want to share their mobile screen without some form of incentive or reward. Therefore, unsolicited and irrelevant advertising will be even less welcome than e-mail spam. The Advertiser’s Viewpoint: Can We Talk? The ability to engage in a real dialogue with consumers is very attractive to most advertisers. However, the path to realizing the potential of mobile is strewn with challenges. The proliferation of new forms of advertising and branded content, created to go beyond the limitations of SMS-based direct marketing, makes life complex for advertisers and their agencies. The challenge is further exacerbated by the lack of shared standards across devices, networks, and 22 content providers, as well as network databases that promise, but rarely deliver, the ability to target individual users. All of these challenges are technical and tactical in nature. The ultimate challenge, however, is winning the hearts and minds of mobile phone users who are already bombarded by hundreds of marketing pitches every day. The flashiest new technology will not serve the cause of mobile marketing if it is used to serve up unwanted or irrelevant messages. Successful integration of mobile into the marketing mix must take into account the need to build trust among consumers by first gaining permission and then offering relevant communication. Gaining Permission Advertisers can connect to mobile customers who have granted explicit permission to receive marketing messages by working through the wireless carriers. Networks all over the world are adopting some form of “paid viewing” model, by which people are compensated for viewing ads. For instance, MoviDirect in Mexico provides free airtime to subscribers who submit a brief profile and agree to receive text messages on products, services, and promotions. A better way to gain permission is to pull people to mobile communication through messages in other media. Many TV programs encourage interaction from the audience through the casting of votes or entry into contests, either online or through text-messaging. This type of interactivity is also featured in integrated ad campaigns in which TV, radio, or billboard ads feature “short codes” which consumers can use to respond to offers using their phones. Obviously, advertisers need to be careful about targeting their offers to audiences who have the necessary skills to respond. Most young people are proficient in text-messaging, but older phone users may not be, or they may The mobile connection offers a wide range of possibilities for establishing relevance. find the process too cumbersome to bother with for very long. Therefore, some of the newer, more sophisticated applications, such as those which involve e-mailing a photograph of a product or ad in return for a WAP link for specific content, must be targeted carefully. Once a connection has been made with a willing audience, the next challenge is to hold the attention of that audience by establishing relevance. Here the mobile connection offers a wide range of possibilities. The route chosen will vary according to the nature of the brand and the marketing objective. Objective: Deliver News Brands with news to convey might logically choose to align themselves with a news headline service, such as the recently launched mobile beta service. This service is free, supported by advertising revenue generated from 15-second pre- and postscreening ads. Sponsoring services which people appreciate, such as weather updates, pollen counts or highway construction delays, can increase brand saliency and build rational brand affinity. It may also be productive to target some group other than the end-users. In the UK, GlaxoSmithKline achieved dramatic sales increases for its hay fever remedy Flixonase through a campaign targeted to pharmacy assistants. The assistants responded to invitations (from direct mail or the GSK sales team) to register for weekly SMS communications dealing with local pollen counts, information about allergy treatments, and weekly quizzes. Objective: Create Brand Engagement Marketers whose objective is to create brand engagement among a specific target might choose to shape a promotion around an event sponsorship. Last March, Tyson Foods used mobile to activate its sponsorship of USA Gymnastics. Spectators at the Tyson American Cup gymnastics competition were invited to text a message to gymnast Chellsie Memmel for a chance to win VIP seats at the competition. The winner was notified midway through the event and invited to join Memmel on the floor to watch the remainder of the program. Everyone else who entered the promotion — 57 percent of the audience participated — received a follow-up message from Chellsie, thanking them and reminding them of ways to stay in touch with Tyson online. Another approach to generating engagement was used by Secret deodorant in extending the “Share Your Secret” campaign via mobile. For one day, secrets texted to a short code posted in Times Square were displayed on the Reuters sign. Objective: Generate Direct Response Advertisers who want to drive sales can always fall back on the tried-and-true price promotion. In Israel, Coca-Cola has used MMS to provide shoppers with coupons that can be swiped directly from their phones. Similarly, Hutch India provides customers with coupons good for a two-for-one deal at retail outlets. In the UK, a more subtle approach has been used successfully by an insurance company to reduce turnover: customers receive an SMS a few days before their policy expires. A case study: Text 0403 Warren For a telecommunications company, using mobile communications to build a brand makes all the sense in the world. In Australia, Virgin Mobile did just that, launching a 5-cent text service with its unique “Warren” campaign in 2003. 23 Faced with stiff competition from Telstra, Optus and Vodafone, Virgin Mobile deployed $AU 2.5 million (only 2 percent of all mobile phone company expenditure on marketing) into an integrated campaign on TV, radio, Internet and text which featured “Warren,” a lovable loser in search of a dream date. The campaign was designed to grab the attention of teenagers, a group more price-sensitive than brand-loyal, in a market which endures 50 percent churn every year. but helped to increase familiarity with Virgin Mobile and its new text service. Every $1 spent on “Warren” delivered an incremental profit of $5 to Virgin Mobile. Acquisition increased by 49 Techniques which succeed on television or the Internet can’t simply be transferred to the phone. percent, and Virgin Mobile’s market share reached record levels. So what lessons can be learned from the Virgin Mobile success? 1. Mobile was not the lead medium, and the mobile component was used to pull, not push. The integrated campaign used TV, radio, Internet, taxi and washroom ads to make people want to “talk” to Warren. 2. Relevance is not just about information. Warren appealed directly to the emotional concerns of the tribal teen audience, using humor and a relevant campaign theme. The campaign succeeded because it advertised a relevant benefit (the ability to keep in touch with your social network for less) and tapped into a relevant theme among the target (the quest for true love) while using cheeky, irreverent humor. Interactivity through the text service was a critical part of the campaign’s success. A viewer who sent a text message would receive a response from Warren, such as “Danger, hot Australian lover approaching a sexy lady. Let’s run away together. Meet me at” Calling 0403 Warren triggered one of a number of messages in Warren’s voicemail. In ten weeks, “Warren” received 600,000 texts and calls and over 2 million hits to, plus the added bonus of positive PR coverage. This interactivity not only engaged customers, 24 3. Word of Mouth and positive PR can boost the impact of a campaign well beyond its direct investment. By its very nature, this campaign encouraged Word of Mouth and pass-along. The world of mobile advertising will continue to evolve. As bandwidth and technology improve, mobile phones will market to a vast number of people using Internet- and TV-style ads, search, and branded content. We believe that for most brands, mobile marketing will be used most effectively for facilitating dialogue with consumers. By adding the third screen to the mix, marketers can stay connected across physical brand encounters, traditional media exposures and phone contact, thus creating more extended conversations with consumers. For more about mobile marketing, see Taking Gaming to the Next Level Humans are hard-wired for play. Throughout our lives, we play games to relax, to have fun, and to temporarily escape from the pressures of daily life. Game-based marketing holds great potential for marketers seeking to build their brands, but success will come only to those who play by the rules. M I L L W A R D S e p t e m b e r B R O W N ’ S P O V 2 0 0 6 Increasing numbers of people are turning to various forms of digital games for entertainment. While occupied with an absorbing game, people are fully engaged, engrossed with the activity. What more could an advertiser ask for than the involvement generated by a good game? Thus gaming presents a huge opportunity for advertisers. The universe of "gamers" is diverse—a far cry from the stereotype of gamers as antisocial young men. According to Age Range % Play data from KMR's network of TGI 52 Total 15+ studies, over half the total UK 15 to 24 81 population plays digital games on 69 25 to 44 one platform or another—PCs 30 (32 percent), gaming consoles 45+ (28 percent), mobile phones (20 percent) or online (10 percent). Only among the younger age group do we see a substantial bias to men rather than women: 86 percent of males aged 15 to 24 play games, versus only 75 percent of females. Comparable data from the major markets of Western Europe confirm that gaming penetration exceeds 50 percent among 15- to 44-year olds. So if you are targeting Gen X, Gen Y, or an even younger group, you should consider getting into the game. UK Digital Game Playing Timing Is Everything Until recently, the only in-game option available to advertisers was a static ad which could not be changed or updated once it was built into the game's code. Now, however, dynamic ad serving allows ads to be replaced with a lead time as short as 24 hours. A billboard in a game such as Counter-Strike can feature Axe deodorant one day and Subway's daily sandwich special the next. Ads can play for a specific period of time and can be tailored to a specific geography. Now that Electronic Arts, the world's largest video game publisher, has signed deals with ad networks Massive Inc. and IGA Worldwide, we can expect to see this new capability fully exploited. Like any TV or Internet advertising, campaigns in games can be evaluated with familiar reach and frequency metrics. But focusing on superficial similarities with TV advertising or movie placements may blind advertisers to some even more powerful possibilities presented by the medium. NIGEL HOLLIS Chief Global Analyst Millward Brown 25 Advertising Opportunities We believe that four basic options exist for building brands using game-based marketing. Each offers a different level of consumer engagement with a brand. As brand engagement increases, so does the likelihood of a substantial return on investment. LOW Advertising Around-Game Advertising Viewed outside of the actual period of play, around-game advertising can take the form of pre- and post-game banners, interstitials between rounds of play, or any number of ad formats on a game’s Web site. Scenic Advertising Inside the actual game, brands can advertise as part of the scenery, e.g., on billboards, drink machines, and TV screens. This type of placement adds realism. Absence of scenic advertising can be quite conspicuous, such as in the game Madden 07, where the billboards around the football stadium hold the game maker’s logo instead of “real” advertising. Placement HIGH Scenic Brand placement Inside the game, a brand can be placed as a prop, which gamers see but do not really interact with. While not an integral part of the game, the scenic brand placement adds realism. Interactive Brand Placement Interactive brand placement makes the brand a critical element in the game, and allows gamers to interact with it. In Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow, players use both the Sony Ericsson P900 smartphone and a T637 camera phone. The universe of gamers is diverse; it's not just anti-social young men who play Comparing Advertising and Interaction A recent project conducted by Millward Brown for a U.S. based client enabled us to compare the effects of around-game advertising with interactive brand placement. We were engaged to evaluate the integration of a well-known automotive brand into a game. Prior to the game's release, we observed that exposure to the brand's advertising on the game's Web site raised awareness of the brand. After the game became available, we found that respondents who played it not only had higher awareness of the embedded brand, but also gave it higher consideration for purchase. These game players were not exposed to the brand's advertising on 26 the game site. Therefore, their enhanced opinion appears to have come from their contact with the brand during the game— that is, from the interactive brand placement. The success of the brand placement was due, at least in part, to the sense of authenticity it brought to the game. Over three-quarters of those who played agreed that the brand was appropriate to the game and enhanced the game's realism. Respondents extrapolated from the inclusion of the motor vehicle to other possible brand placements, such as fast food and snack brands. However, the feedback did suggest that if a brand were touted too aggressively, response could be negative. The experience of Pizza Hut bears this out. A release of Sony's Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMO) EverQuest 2 included the integration of an "ad" for Pizza Hut. Typing "/pizza" opened a separate window which allowed players to place an order. Even though this integration was designed to allow players to order food without leaving the game (a desirable benefit, because MMO players will often play for many hours at a time), the integration caused an outcry among some ardent players, who found it intrusive and incompatible with the fantasy environment created by the game. Advergaming It is only a short step from integrating a brand into a game to building a game around a brand. Advergaming, a technique used by cereal and candy manufacturers to market to children, is now proving popular with advertisers aiming to reach older audiences. Dodge, for example, hosts over 10 different games on, ranging from a test of how fast you can stow packages inside a Dodge Caravan to street racing featuring the Dodge Charger. Advergames typically lack the production values of console or PC-based games. Rather, they are based on popular arcade games, sports simulations or puzzles, and are hosted on the brand's Web site. Since the brand is integral to the game, advergames offer substantial potential to create brand recognition. However, creating a game that people want to play is only half the battle. The advertiser then needs to drive players to it. Few advergames are compelling enough to drive significant traffic through Word of Mouth alone, but some have managed to generate significant buzz by creating compelling alternative realities which engage people across multiple communication channels. A notable example is the recent launch of the Audi A3 in the United States. The agency team at McKinney-Silver set out to reach active gamers, a sub-group of the target market, by developing a complex and absorbing game about the mystery of a stolen A3. The game, called The Art of the H3ist, used a majority of the advertising budget to combine live events, multiple media, blogs, Web sites for fictitious companies, coded messages and hidden video clips into an alternative reality campaign which garnered 45 million PR impressions. The campaign helped to deliver 2 million unique visitors to, along with 10,000 sales leads, and boosted sales 19 percent over target. More information on the launch can be found online at Other opportunities abound for brands to utilize games as part of their marketing program. One such example is Cadillac's sponsorship of Project Gotham Racing 3. In the first month, gamers worldwide are reported to have downloaded the V-Series Expansion Pack more than 150,000 times and logged 7,600 hours of racing with Cadillac V-Series cars. Rules of the Game Game-based marketing is not appropriate for every brand, and the investment and risks involved increase along with the potential for engagement. If you are going to include gaming in your marketing mix, we suggest the following "rules:" The game should fit the target audience The fit between the game and your target audience would seem to be the obvious starting point, but we have observed some unlikely game-brand pairings. Does it really make sense for hip-hop icon 50 Cent to buy Glaceau's Formula 50 to refuel in 50 Cent: Bulletproof? To us, the connection between rappers and vitamin water is tenuous. The point is not simply to reach a lot of people. Game-based marketing is not about reach. It's about targeting and engagement. 27 If a player is forced to interact with a brand which doesn't belong, repeat exposures are likely to re-enforce negative emotions When considering gaming as a marketing channel, think less about TV and movies and more about magazines and the Internet. The game should have potential for longevity The game needs to have initial appeal as well as the "stickiness" to keep people playing over time. Here are some factors to consider: • Are the graphics, sound and “physics” (the way things move and interact in the game) better than the existing standard? • Does the game offer new ways of playing that will enhance player appreciation? • Is the interaction of the player with software-controlled characters and objects natural and compelling? • Do the challenges seem to match the likely skills of the target audience? • Does the game offer the chance for recognition from other players? The brand should fit the game If the branded content is to add to the experience of playing the game, it must be a good fit. Branding that is not a good fit may detract from the experience of both game and brand. Placing a brand in a game is not the same as placing an ad on TV. A 30-second TV spot placed in an inappropriate program is over quickly, but a brand placed in an inappropriate game will be encountered repeatedly. When a player is forced to interact with a brand which doesn't fit, repeat exposures are likely to reenforce negative emotions, not positive ones. The game should enhance brand perceptions While communication through game placement is implicit, it can still say a lot about your brand. A brand may be included because it conveys a sense of fun and adventure, but the communication can also go beyond association. In Tiger Woods Golf, for example, offering an upgrade to Callaway clubs to reduce slice conveys the brand's benefit loud and clear. Ideally the marketer should be able to leverage the gaming conventions of multiple plot lines and increasing difficulty levels. Providing multiple brand encounters in different contexts can add depth and implicitly convey different messages about the brand's uses, users or features. Brands should also benefit by association with the positive emotions generated while playing the game, such as enjoyment, excitement and pride. If the brand is central to the game, we should expect that over time these emotions will transfer to the brand. Conclusion Whether they choose to take advantage of increased ad serving flexibility or the potential of advergaming to transcend a simple ad impression, we expect advertisers to exploit gaming more aggressively than they have in the past. The real interactive environment offered by this evolving medium has great potential to deepen consumer relationships with a brand, but game-based marketing is not a risk-free proposition. The strong engagement and emotion attached to game play can cut both ways, and a brand may be forcefully rejected if its presence in a game is seen as an interruption or a blatant sell. 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hg^Z]mhbff^]bZm^ere^Z]mh\hgo^klbhg%ma^rg^^] mh[^lZmblÖ^]pbmaZl^kb^lh_lfZee%bg\k^f^gmZelm^il' Stages ARF Media Model Questions Answered Getting the Opportunity to Deliver the Message - Vehicle Distribution - Vehicle Exposure - Advertising Exposure Did anyone see it and how often? Reach / Frequency Did it get through technical firewalls? Sources: audience panels, Building Brand and Message Awareness - Advertising Attentiveness Do they know of the brand and the - Advertising Communication message? Did it get through mental firewalls? 3 Increasing Positive Predisposition - Advertising Persuasion - Advertising Response Do they think favorably of the brand? Would they consider it? 4 Causing Behavior - Advertising Response - Sales Response Did they take action on it? Did they: click/sign up/tell others/ go to the store/buy it? 1 2 Metrics and Typical Sources ad servers, email providers Brand survey data points Sources: most commonly third-party survey research companies; could also be inferred from search volume as a related indicator of awareness and interest A variety of behavior metrics (e.g., rollover, play, click-thru, view-thru, sales) Ma^\aZee^g`^_hkhgebg^Z]o^kmbl^kl blmh`^miZlmma^\hglnf^kÍlÖk^pZeel' Ma^k^_hk^%bg^oZenZmbg`hgebg^Z]o^kmblbg`%p^g^^] mh_h\nlhgma^bg\k^f^gmZelmZ`^lh_mablikh\^ll% pab\aÖmbgmhma^:K?F^]bZFh]^e%ZlbeenlmkZm^]bg ma^mZ[e^hgma^ik^\^^]bg`iZ`^':ee_hnklmZ`^lZk^ bfihkmZgmZg]bgm^kk^eZm^]'?hk^qZfie^%bmbl]b_Ö\nem mhfho^i^hie^mhi^klnZlbhg!lmZ`^,"b_ma^raZo^ ghmk^\^bo^]hkghmb\^]ma^f^llZ`^!lmZ`^l*+"' Fhk^bfihkmZgmer%]bk^\mk^lihgl^!lmZ`^-"%pabe^Z ngbjn^Zg]ihp^k_neZli^\mh_ma^hgebg^Z]o^kmbl& bg`hiihkmngbmr%blghmma^pahe^lmhkr'Hgebg^\Zg]h fhk^maZg`^g^kZm^mkZ_Ö\4bmblZ[e^mh\hgmkb[nm^Zm oZkbhnllmZ`^lh_ma^fZkd^mbg`ikh\^llpbmangbjn^ 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-1% 0.6 – Presence + Source: Millward Brown analysis of third-party market share data based on 369 cases. 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makhn`a MO Z]& o^kmblbg`%ln\aZlma^f^fnlb\%lhgb\[kZg]mkb`& `^kl!^'`'Bgm^e"%cbg`e^l%leh`Zgl(\Zm\aiakZl^lhk k^\h`gbs^] ohb\^l' ;nm [^ lnk^ ma^ [kZg] \n^ bg jn^lmbhg bl p^ee ^ghn`a ^lmZ[ebla^] mh phkd FZdbg`ma^fhlmh_kZ]bhZ]o^kmblbg` Dghpe^]`^IhbgmlZk^]kZpg_khfma^FbeepZk];khpgDghpe^]`^ ;Zgd%\hglblmbg`h_hnk]ZmZ[Zl^lh_.)%)))[kZg]lZg]-)%)))Z]l% Zlp^eeZl*%)))\Zl^lmn]b^l%0))\hg_^k^g\^iZi^klZg]fZ`Zsbg^ Zkmb\e^l%Zg]+.)E^Zkgbg`l]h\nf^gml' ppp'fbeepZk][khpg'\hf , ¡FbeepZk];khpgH\mh[^k+))/ 147 EMERGING M ARKE TS 148 EMERGING MARKETS BRAZIL Country Background Marketing Environment in Brazil Brazil is the world's eighth largest economy, with a The main exports are aeronautical equipment, iron population of 184 million, of which 26 percent are ore, soya beans, footwear, coffee, and motor vehicles. under 14 years old and only 6 percent are above 65. Nearly half (45 percent) of the economic potential is Around 80 percent of the population is classified as concentrated in four cities: São Paulo (24.4 percent), Rio urban. It has a geographical area of 8.55 million km2 de Janeiro (15.3 percent), Porto Alegre (3.4 percent) and and is the fifth largest country in world. Brazil’s official Recife (2.4 percent). To this end, many marketers chose language is Portuguese, the currency is the Real (R$) to conduct all of their research in Sao Paulo. Cultural and and the capital is Brasilia. economic differences between cities and regions are great, making it impractical to look at data at total Brazil Brazil has one of the widest gaps between rich and level. Of the whole marketing mix, media investment is poor in the world; the richest 1 percent have 14 percent perhaps not as high as in other parts of the world at 36 of the wealth whilst nearly a quarter of the population percent. There is a very high investment in promotions live below the poverty line. The average wage per capita (28 percent) and sponsorship (22 percent). is US$3,324 (2004) and the unemployment level is twice the world average - 12.8 percent in 2003. In Unique Challenges for Marketers in Brazil 2005 the goverment faced a corruption scandal that is The average Brazilian watches over five hours of affecting the political and economic scene and as such TV a day. TV has the lowest average Advertising may impact on presidential elections to be held in Index (AI) in the world, scoring just two, because 2006, main candidates are Lula da Silva (current presi- of clutter and overspend. The great regional dent, PT party) and Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB Party). differences across Brazil can make marketing at a national level very tough. Media Environment in Brazil 150 TV Computer Ownership Internet Access Broadband Mobile Phone Penetration 97.4% 16.6% have a computer at home 18% 1.2% 48.6% Users (MM) 174.3 million 30.5 million 33 million (at home) 2.3 million (2004) 89.5 million (2005) 151 EMERGING MARKETS BRAZIL EMERGING MARKETS BRAZIL Brazil's Top Advertisers (2005) 1– Casas Bahia (Department Store) 2 – Unilever Brasil 3 – Grupo AmBev In Brazil, advertising investment is 50 times less than it is in the USA and represents less than 1 percent 4 – General Motors of the GDP. TV is very dominant; over two-thirds of the media budget is spent on TV and this is not 5 – Grupo Pão de Açúcar declining. Nearly 50 percent of all advertising investment is spent on Rede Globo de Televisão, the dominant media force in Brazil, which started as a newspaper and now owns the vast majority of TV Retailing in Brazil channels in Brazil. The next most common medium is Newspaper with 18 percent of spend. Internet Brazil´s retail sector is the largest in South America. Since 1990 the government has encouraged foreign penetration is still very low (less than 10 percent), and so is Cable TV, although they appear to show direct investment and reduced import tariffs. The economy is currently doing well, although the high interest promise for the future. Paid-for TV advertising investments reached R$ 950 million in the first semester rate (18 percent) and the political crisis facing the current government leave the consumer less confident of 2006, rising 26 percent in relation to the same period in 2005. about market performance in 2006. The expansion of credit, along with the payment deadline extension given by the stores, has helped to balance the high interest rate and has raised the sales in every retail sector Below is the breakdown in advertising investment by media: Internet: 1.5% Radio: 4.5% Cable TV: 1.7% Magazines: 9.4% Outdoor: 2.3% Newspaper: 18.1% Outside media: 2.6% Television: 59% in which credit and payment deadlines are applicable. Casas Bahia, the top advertiser in Brazil, is the main seller of durable items. The key feature of this company is that it has a monthly payment scheme. The preference for Casas Bahia comes mostly from the lower classes but even the wealthier sectors of society appear to have an expressed preference for buying durable items in their stores. Tips for Advertisers Top Media Outlets in Brazil Television Newspaper Magazine Websites Globo Folha de S. Paulo Veja Google SBT Extra Época MSN Record O Globo Claudia UOL Bandeirantes Estado de S. Paulo Isto É Microsoft Rede TV O Dia Superinteressante Orkut TV is the most common medium, with the highest games; these often appear in the top left-hand penetration, and Rede Globo de Televisão is an corner of the screen with a voiceover. Brazilians especially strong TV network. The ad formats used don't usually like comparative ads or ads that in Brazil are usually :30, :45 and :60, and the :30 denigrate the competitor. Generally the ads in Brazil ad format is the most common. They also have are of a very high quality, which could also explain "patrocinios" which are five-second insertions that the low AI. As such, an ad must be very good to be can appear during programs such as football shown in Brazil in order to compete with others. Key Millward Brown Metrics Country Average 152 Awareness Index Persuasion Enjoyment Involvement 2 39% 4.03 4.84 153 EMERGING MARKETS BRAZIL Fun Facts & Trivia Top Tips for Visitors - The main sports in Brazil are football, volleyball and basketball. Brazil has won the World Cup five times. - Brazilians are not famous for their punctuality. Given this, it is advisable to schedule a manageable number of meetings per day, since meetings may run late. - Soap operas are hugely popular in Brazil. Primetime TV (mainly soap operas) on Globo TV (the main TV channel) can easily reach 50 percent of the national population! - It can snow in the south of Brazil, while in the north, the equator crosses Amazonas and the temperature remains a constant 30-35 degrees Centigrade. - Brazil has the greatest biological diversity on the planet with 22 percent of the known plant species on earth. There is a US$22 billion medicinal plant economy, which comprises around 7 percent of the entire pharmaceutical industry in Brazil. - Portuguese is more complex than English, and Brazilians tend to talk a lot; therefore, a questionnaire that lasts 20 minutes in English, lasts 40 minutes in Portuguese. - Brazil is the largest Catholic country in the world, with nearly three-quarters of the country practicing the faith. - Brazil borders10 other countries – Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela. - Sending money out of Brazil is a problem. In order to ship money out of Brazil (i.e., payment of any foreign invoice), a government levy of 43.33 percent is applied as standard. - National identity has become very important. This “Brazilianness” is something companies and brands are exploiting more often. Havaianas flip flops now have the Brazilian flag on them. Two supermarket chains boldly claim they are “Proud to Be Brazilian” as does TAM, one of the main local airlines. - Brazilians are typically informal and proud. Attempts to speak their language or embrace their culture will be very well received. - It is normal to greet with a kiss (men/women and women/women): two in Rio de Janeiro and one in Sao Paulo. - Tipping is not common in Brazil. Ten percent is standardly added to all restaurant bills. - Carnaval is a four day event that takes place in February, dates vary but for the next few years they will be 2007:17-20; 2008: 2-5; 2009: 21-24. - Government and private companies' offices usually work Mondays to Fridays from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm (or later), with an hour's break for lunch. Eating out (Please note that these are our recommendations at the time of publication.) - A great experience when visiting Brazil is to go for a Meat "Rodizio" (Barbecue) washed down by a few “Caipirinha” cocktails, a mixture of lemon, sugar and aguadente. The classic place to try this is Vento Haragano, Av. Reboucas1001 - One of the most traditional Brazilian dishes is feijoada, a mix of pork, offal and beans. Bolinha, Cidade Jardim 53, is one of the best places in Sao Paulo to try this. - Proprietary brands are still relatively new to Brazil and as such have very low market share in most categories. However, cheaper brands perform very strongly and we have seen a huge trend towards low-price brands in the last five years. To Buy - There is a large contraband market, which can reach up to 40 percent of sales in some categories. - CDs of Brazilian music. Famous singers include Paulinho da Viola, Chico Buarque, Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso, Milton Nascimento. - Mercosul (Mercado Comum do Cone Sul) was initiated in1991 as a free trade zone between Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Since its establishment, trade between these countries has more than tripled. - It would take around seven hours to fly across Brazil from north to south. - Havaianas flip flops can be bought from most supermarkets. - Brazil Football shirts can also be bought from most supermarkets. Must Read - Death in Brazil by Peter Robb; a fantastic insight into Brazil’s colonial history and the corruption scandals that have dogged its progress. Useful Links EMERGING MARKETS CHINA Country Background China, officially the People’s Republic of China, is the world’s largest country by population (1.3 billion in 2005) and one of the largest by area at 6 million square miles (9.6 million square kilometers). Beijing, located in the north, is China’s capital and its cultural, economic, and communications center. Shanghai, located near the Yangtze River, is the most populous urban centre, the largest industrial and commercial city, and mainland China’s leading port. The official language is Mandarin although Cantonese is also widely spoken; literacy is high at over 90 percent. China's annual GDP growth has averaged more than 8 percent in the past 25 years, making it the world’s fourth largest economy. The currency is the Yuan (CNY), also referred to as the Renminbi (RMB). The Communist Party of China (CPC) is the political party in power. One demographic consequence of the "one child" policy is that China is now one of the most rapidly ageing countries in the world, over 70 percent of the population fall into the 15-64 age range. The economic disparity between urban China and the rural hinterlands is very large. Around 60 percent of the population lives in rural areas but many are flocking to the country's eastern cities. China encompasses diverse topographies, climates, cultures and people. Economic development has generally been more rapid in coastal provinces than inland and there are large disparities in per capita income, culture and lifestyle between regions. Foreign investment remains a strong element in China's remarkable expansion in world trade and has been an important factor in the growth of urban jobs. The main exports are manufactured goods, including textiles, garments and electronics. Unique Challenges for Marketers in China Distribution of spending power is very uneven: most of China's affluent consumers can be found in the main cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing, or the more numerous secondary cities like Chongqing, Harbin, Wuhan, Nanjing, Chengdu and Tianjin. However, there are also millions of potential customers in the hundreds of smaller cities around the country. This urban population is expected to grow rapidly as one of the biggest mass migrations in history from the countryside to cities gathers pace. In the decade to 2010, the United Nations estimates that 200 million rural Chinese will become city dwellers. For now, it is the smaller cities that are proving to be a special challenge for outsiders. Marketing Environment in China There is no single “Chinese” market due to regional differences. The diversity of China's market doesn't mean creating multiple messages. Instead, campaigns need to be carefully devised and tested across a variety of markets to make sure they have a uniform effect. - Brazilian Ministry of Tourism: - Brazil Tourist Office: March 2006 154 155 Retailing in China Media Environment in China In the past five years, China's retail market has begun to mature in the major cities—a remarkable Computer Ownership Internet Access** Broadband Mobile Phone Penetration (%) 95.8 4.2 9.5 1.6 30 360* 53 120 20 393 TV Users (MM) * Number of households ** The difference in internet access and computer ownership is explained by the fact that a lot of people have internet access only in the workplace, others only in cybercafes. Source: China Statistical Yearbook, CNNIC Report and Internet research achievement given that the industry is effectively only two decades old. Intense competition in the market has led to saturation in the major economic centers down the East Coast of the country. Large retailers have moved aggressively into modern trade formats, with supermarkets and convenience stores filling cities and satellite towns. As modern trade has gained increased prominence, so more traditional formats such as large shopping malls have witnessed a downturn in sales and profits in what has become a heavily oversupplied market since the second half of the 1990s. Many of the country's largest shopping malls struggle on, while major department There are more than 600 terrestrial TV channels in the country, making it the second-largest, in terms of TV Ad spend, in the world. stores have seen sales revenues and profits decline for five years or more. With oversupply a feature of the major cities, the retail industry has looked further afield, expanding into In 2005, the amount spent on advertising in the mainland increased 21 percent to $37 billion, driven by increased marketing by international consumer brands. Chinese online ad spend increased by 77 percent, reaching $400 million, overtaking magazine for the first time. The top online advertisers are real estate, IT products and online services. secondary and tertiary cities. Urbanization continues to drive retail sales growth. The biggest advertisers overall are the pharmaceutical and the cosmetics/personal care industries, followed by retail and services. Their average Return on Equity fell to 2 percent in 2003. Over 300 foreign retailers are in China already, Top Media Outlets in China Tips for Advertisers Television Newspaper Magazine Web site CCTV-1 Reference News Readers CCTV-8 CCTV-3 China TV Guide People’s Daily Hunan TV satellite channel Global Times CCTV-3 Guangzhou Daily China’s Top Advertisers 156 1. P&G 2. Harbin Pharmaceutical Group 3. China Mobile 4. Colgate 5. Jiante Biological Investment Co Ltd. Bosom friend Family The family doctor Marriage family China's retail industry growth is the biggest in Asia but it is a fragmented industry. China's top 100 retailers accounted for just 8 percent of the market in the year ending 2002 and didn’t fare much better in 2003. and they are set to expand with China's deregulation of the sector. More new and emerging media, especially the The Chinese spend nearly four hours a day watch- Internet, but also “out-of-home”, and "out-of-work" ing TV—well ahead of radio and Internet on which media such as outdoor and in-store, are growing they spend about 90 minutes. rapidly. China is already the largest country in the AsiaTV is still the most common medium, with the high- Pacific region in terms of Internet users. The U.S. is est penetration. But slots are the most expensive in the only country with a larger online population. But Chinese TV history, with five-second ads going for a with less than 10 percent of the Chinese population reported $316,000 and 30-second ads for just over online, the potential for Internet growth in China $1 million. overshadows that of the U.S. Key Millward Brown Metrics City Average Awareness Index 8 Persuasion Enjoyment Involvement Shanghai 24% Beijing 27% Guangzhou 20% Shenyang 33% Secondary city 26% Tertiary city 37% Shanghai 3.93 Beijing 3.95 Guangzhou 3.92 Shenyang 4.03 Secondary 3.93 Tertiary city 4.06 Shanghai 5.0 Beijing 4.98 Guangzhou 5.13 Shenyang 4.66 Secondary city 4.86 Tertiary city 4.72 157 EMERGING MARKETS Fun Facts & Trivia • China is the oldest uninterrupted major world civilization, with records dating back over 4,000 years. • China is big enough to have several time zones, but only has one. • China is a vast nation. It has everything from tropical to subarctic conditions. • Its land boundaries add up to13,743 miles (22,117 kilometers): The border countries include Afghanistan, Bhutan, Burma, India, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Vietnam. CHINA • Macau SAR has well developed tourism facilities. Gambling and tourism are some of the major factors in Macau’s economy. • China’s most popular man-made wonder is the Great Wall. The Great Wall was built in the 3rd century B.C. (completed in 204 B.C.). The actual length is more than 2,000 miles (3,220 kilometers). Eating out • Each year is represented by an animal (Chinese Astrology). There are twelve animals which represent the twelve years. The Chinese believe that you have some of the characteristics of the animal representing the year in which you were born. • There are a total of eight different “dish systems” in China, Sichuan, Shandong and Guangdong are the best known. An excellent Chinese meal should be gratifying simultaneously in sight, smell, touch, taste and even sound. • There are more than 5,000 family names in China, of which 200 or 300 are popular. The order of Chinese names is family name first. • People in China tend to over-order food. • Unlike the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet, Chinese words cannot be sounded out letter by letter. Top Tips for Visitors • Modern tourist facilities are available in major cities. Money can be exchanged at major airports, hotels, and department stores. Major brands of travelers’ cheque are accepted at such exchange facilities and cash advances against a credit card can be arranged, a service charge is usually added. • Cash rather than credit cards is essential in remote areas and you should ensure that you carry sufficient RMB and travelers' cheques to cover your requirements. • There are cyber-cafes everywhere in China, especially in tourist areas. China has tight regulations so you will need to show your passport to use one. • Tipping is not encouraged in China. BG=B: • While China is a year-round destination, the months of May, September, and October are ideal months for travel anywhere in the country. • The Chinese year is based on the cycles of the moon. This is called a lunar schedule. The Chinese New Year is different every year, but it usually comes between the end of January and the middle of February. A complete cycle of the Chinese calendar takes 60 years, or five sets of12. The Chinese calendar dates back to 2600 B.C. and is the oldest known calendar. • Fourth graders are expected to know 2,000 of the 40,000 written Chinese characters. By the time they leave college, they will know 4,000 or 5,000 characters. Each character is learnt by looking at it and memorizing it. >F>K@BG@ F:KD>ML • The Chinese use chopsticks as their tableware rather than a knife and fork. • Never stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl, since that usually appears at a funeral and is deemed extremely impolite to the host and seniors present. To Buy The main things to buy in China as souvenirs are silk, tea and Chinese medicines. Must Read “Chinese Idioms and Their Stories” by Zhang Ciyun: a must read for those who would like to understand Chinese culture. The “That's” series of city guides to China—“That's Shanghai”, “That's Beijing” etc., contain very helpful information. Useful Links—the leading online travel service in China. You can ask questions on community/qa/qa.asp and get answers back.—China National Tourism Administration.— For a list of services and frequently asked visa questions and answers, travelers can view the Chinese Embassy’s Web sites. <hngmkr;Z\d`khng] Bg]bZblma^phke]Íl_hnkmaeZk`^lm^\hghfr!f^Zlnk^] [rink\aZlbg`ihp^kiZkbmr"Zg]aZlZihineZmbhgh_ *',[beebhg'Ma^\hngmkr\ho^klZgZk^Zh_,'+1fbe& ebhgdf+Zg]bl]bob]^]bgmh+2lmZm^lZg]Öo^ngbhg m^kkbmhkb^l'Bmblma^eZk`^lm>g`ebla&li^Zdbg`\hngmkrbg ma^phke]%Zemahn`amablblhgerhg^h_ma^*1h_Ö\bZe eZg`nZ`^llihd^g' Bg]bZblk^\h`gbs^]ZlZe^Z]^kbgBM%[bhm^\agheh`rZg] Z^khliZ\^4bmZelhaZlZo^kreZk`^iaZkfZ\^nmb\Zel bg]nlmkr%phkma/'.[beebhg%Zg]`khpbg`Zmg^Zker*) i^k\^gmi^kZggnf'Ma^\hngmkrikh]n\^l+))%))) ^g`bg^^kbg`Zg],))%)))m^\agb\ZeermkZbg^] `kZ]nZm^l^o^krr^Zk'MableZk`^%ldbee^]phkd_hk\^aZl fZ]^Bg]bZZgZmmkZ\mbo^]^lmbgZmbhg_hkfZgr fnembgZmbhgZe\hfiZgb^lehhdbg`mhhnmlhnk\^Zli^\ml h_ma^bk[nlbg^ll' :lhg^h_ma^rhng`^lm\hngmkb^lbgma^phke]%[r+),) Z[hnm.--fbeebhgi^hie^bgBg]bZpbee[^Zmma^i^Zdh_ ma^bkphkdbg`\Zk^^kl' FZkd^mbg`>gobkhgf^gmbgBg]bZ Ma^i^k\ZibmZbg\hf^bgBg]bZaZl[^^glm^Z]berkbl& bg`ho^kma^eZlmÖo^r^ZklZg]ma^k^blZab`ae^o^eh_ \hglnf^k\hgÖ]^g\^'Ma^Zmmbmn]^blmhbg]ne`^mh]Zr kZma^kmaZgpZbmngmbemhfhkkhp%Zg]ma^ebg^[^mp^^g enqnkrZg]g^\^llbmr`hh]lbl[enkkbg`'Bg]bZaZlma^ _Zlm^lm`khpbg`gnf[^kh_ab`ag^mphkmabg]bob]nZel Zmmpb\^ma^`eh[ZeZo^kZ`^!F^kkbeeErg\a(<Zi@^fbgb Phke]A^ZemaK^ihkm"'Bmblma^`khpmabgma^\hngmkrÍl fb]]e^Zg]nii^kbg\hf^\eZll^lmaZmblebd^ermhe^Z] mhZ]kZfZmb\abd^bgma^]^fZg]_hk[b`&mb\d^mbm^fl ebd^\Zkl' Bg]bZblZg^mbfihkm^kh_`hh]l3Bg+)).^qihkmlp^k^ oZen^]Zm0/[beebhgpabelmbfihkmlp^k^**,[beebhg' :d^r^qihkmblk^Z]r&fZ]^\ehmabg`Zg]fZgrfZchk [kZg]llhnk\^`hh]l_khfBg]bZ3PZe&FZkmlhnk\^l *[beebhg%@:I/))fbeebhgZg]AbeÖ`^k*))fbeebhg' MhiEb_^lmre^LmZm^f^gmlbgBg]bZ Statement You should make use of every opportunity that comes your way % of people that definitely agree 62 I think it’s important to have a lasting relationship with one’s husband/wife 56 If at first you do not succeed, you must keep trying 53 I often worry whether my family is getting adequate nutrition 49 Children should be allowed to express themselves freely 49 I enjoy spending time with my family 47 In a job, security is more important than money 46 I pray/perform pujas regularly 46 I do not like the idea of being in debt 45 It is important to be well informed about things 44 Source: TGI India July 2006 158 159 >F>K@BG@ F:KD>ML Ngbjn^<aZee^g`^l_hkFZkd^m^klbgBg]bZ F^]bZ>gobkhgf^gmbgBg]bZ G^Zkermph&mabk]lh_Zeefb]]e^bg\hf^ahnl^ahe]l bgBg]bZZk^knkZe4ma^rk^ik^l^gmaZe_h_Bg]bZÍl[nrbg` ihm^gmbZe'Ma^\aZee^g`^_hkfZkd^m^klblbgk^Z\abg` ma^fZlma^l^\hglnf^klZk^lik^Z]Z\khllZan`^ gnf[^kh_obeeZ`^l'BgghoZmbo^]blmkb[nmbhglhenmbhgl aZo^bg\en]^]Ziihbgmbg`ln[&lmh\dblmlbgma^eZk`^k obeeZ`^lmaZmZk^\hgg^\m^]mhlfZeemhpgl[rkhZ]' Ma^l^ln[&lmh\dblmlbgmnkg]blmkb[nm^Z\hfiZgrÍl ikh]n\mlmhlfZee^kobeeZ`^lnlbg`[b\r\e^l%l\hhm^kl Zg][neeh\d\Zkml' ;^ehpblma^[k^Zd]hpgbgZ]o^kmblbg`bgo^lmf^gm [rf^]bZ3 Mahl^bgma^ehp^kbg\hf^\eZll^lZk^iZb]]Zber4 mablf^ZglmaZmlfZee^kiZ\dlbs^lZk^g^^]^]mh fZd^ikh]n\mlZ__hk]Z[e^'G^Zker-)i^k\^gmh_ laZfihhlZe^lbgma^\hngmkrZk^bgma^o^krlfZee% lbg`e^nl^lbs^' Ma^la^^k`^h`kZiab\lik^Z]Zg]ma^]bo^klbmrbg \nemnk^lZ\khllma^]b__^k^gmk^`bhglmakhpni bgm^k^lmbg`\aZee^g`^lbgmZbehkbg`ma^f^]bZfbqZg]bg lmkbdbg`ZÖg^[ZeZg\^[^mp^^ggZmbhgZeZg]k^`bhgZe k^ik^l^gmZmbhgbgf^]bZ\ZfiZb`gl'PabelmfZllf^]bZ lmbeeahe]llpZrbgma^ho^kZeel\a^f^h_\hffngb\Z& mbhg%ma^k^blZgbg\k^Zlbg`_h\nlhg\hffngb\Zmbg`Zm ma^k^mZbee^o^e';^lb]^lmabl%ghg&mkZ]bmbhgZe_hkflh_ \hffngb\ZmbhgÈ^'`'%Z]o^kmblbg`obZÊobeeZ`^ma^Zmk^%Ë lihglhkbg`obeeZ`^_Zbkl%^m\'ÈZk^bg\k^Zlbg`ernl^]mh mZima^l^fb&nk[ZgZg]knkZefZkd^ml' 160 BG=B: >F>K@BG@ F:KD>ML MhiF^]bZHnme^mlbgBg]bZ MO&-+ Newspaper Magazine Star Plus Dainik Jagran India Today Yahoo Sun TV Dainik Bhaskar (Hindi) Saras Salil Google Eenadu (Telugu) India Today Indiatimes Hindustan (Hindi) Kungumam MSN Amar Ujala (Hindi) Kumudam 123India (Regional Language: Tamil) KZ]bh&+ Bgm^kg^m&)'. Gemini TV <bg^fZ&)'. (Hindi) (Regional Language: Telugu) Hnm]hhk&0 TV* Computer Internet Ownership* Access** Bg]bZÍlZ]o^kmblbg`bg]nlmkr%pab\ablphkma+'/[beebhg% Penetration 51 2.5 4.2 blikhc^\m^]mh[^ma^mabk]eZk`^lm`khpma]kbo^kh_ma^ (%) `eh[ZeZ]o^kmblbg`bg]nlmkrbg+))/'<bg^fZblZ Users (MM) 108 5 21 * TV and computer ownership figures are for the no. of households kZib]er`khpbg`f^]bnfZg]bl_hk^\Zlmmh`khp[r ** Active users 21 million SOURCE: NRS 2005 and IMRB Syndicated Studies 1)&*))i^k\^gm]nkbg`+))/'ObkZefZkd^mbg`bl Zelh`Zbgbg`ihineZkbmr' TV* Computer Internet Broadband Mobile Ownership* Access** Phone Penetration (%) 51 2.5 4.2 N/A 16 Users (MM) 108 5 21 1.5 101 * TV and computer ownership figures are for the no. of households ** Active users 21 million SOURCE: NRS 2005 and IMRB Syndicated Studies Broadband Bg]bZÍlMhi:]o^kmbl^kl!+))." Television Ik^ll&-1 Mobile Phone Zee Cinema N/A 16 Sony 1.5 101 BG=B: (Hindi) (Hindi) (English) (Tamil) (Tamil) Search Engines Abg]nlmZgE^o^k FZknmbN]rh`!Lnsndb" I^ilb\h E@>e^\mkhgb\l Ikh\m^k@Zf[e^ =Z[nkBg]bZ!?hh]Zg]=kbgdtCnb\^lv"' ;ZcZc:nmh!FZgn_Z\mnk^kh_L\hhm^kl Zg]Fhmhk\r\e^l" A^khAhg]Z GhdbZ IZkZlIaZkfZ\^nmb\Zel Lhnk\^3@khniF(Bg]nlmkrLhnk\^l K^mZbebg`bgBg]bZ Ma^`khpbg`gnf[^kh_Z_×n^gmnk[Zgrhng`i^hie^ Zg]ma^bk]^fZg]_hk`hh]laZo^ik^\bibmZm^]Zk^mZbe ^qiehlbhg'Bgma^i^kbh]:n`nlm+)).&0%k^mZbeliZ\^ bgBg]bZpbee`khp[r*1*i^k\^gm3_khf2%0.)df+mh +0%-))df+';rma^^g]h_+))/ma^k^pbee[^++) fZeel%Zg]ho^k/))[r+)*)'Ma^_Zlm^lm`khpbg` k^mZbe\Zm^`hkb^lZk^_hh]%`kh\^kb^l%[hhdlZg]fnlb\' Ma^ho^kZeek^mZbefZkd^mbl^qi^\m^]mh`khp[r ,/i^k\^gm[r+))1' PbmaZg^lmbfZm^]*,'+fbeebhglahil!-)i^k\^gmh_ pab\almh\diZ\dZ`^]`hh]l"%k^mZbeblBg]bZÍll^\hg] eZk`^lm^fiehr^kZ_m^kZ`kb\nemnk^'Ahp^o^k%ma^l^\mhk bl^qmk^f^er_kZ`f^gm^]pbmahger-i^k\^gmh_nk[Zg ahf^lnlbg`lni^kfZkd^ml(l^e_l^kob\^hnme^mlmhlahi _hk`kh\^kb^l' 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GZ]n FnlmK^Z] ?k^^]hfZmFb]gb`am[rEZkkr<heebglZg]=hfbgbjn^EZib^kk^ Gh?neeLmhilbgBg]bZ[rFZkdMneer Nl^_neEbgdl MkZo^eZg]Mhnkblf3 ppp'bg\k^]b[e^bg]bZ'hk` ppp'mhnkblf'`ho'bg ppp'^qiehk^knkZebg]bZ'hk` G^pl3 ppp'mbf^lhÖg]bZ'\hf ppp'g]mo'\hf :bkebg^l3 ppp'c^mZbkpZrl'\hf ppp'bg]bZg&Zbkebg^l'gb\'bg Ahm^e<aZbgl3 ppp'mZcahm^el'\hf ppp'h[^khbahm^el'\hf H\mh[^k+))/ 162 163 EMERGING MARKETS RUSSIA Country Background Russia is the largest country in the world with a land mass of 17 million km2. The country has a formidable base of natural resources, however obstacles of climate, terrain and distance hinder development. The population is 143 million, with the majority (71 percent) aged between 15 and 64. Around 80 percent of the population is Russian; other ethnic groups represented include Tatar, Ukrainian, Bashkir, Chuvash and Belarusian. The population is well-educated with a literacy level of almost 100 percent. Russia’s progress toward a market economy since the end of communism has been remarkable and the current economic performance is enviable. Private ownership has created incentives for efficiency, raising standards of corporate governance, and led to the reform of state institutions. There is also a longer-term trend toward a market culture with the new generation of business people and managers showing great talent and drive. During the last eighteen months the average wage in Russia increased by 150 percent; the average Russian earns about $4k per year. Marketing Environment in Russia As Russia has become more consumerist, a spending boom has started to drive the economy. Consumer spending patterns are rapidly resembling those of other European countries and are creating demand for recognized brands and high quality services. To meet the expectations of their customers and gain a competitive advantage, increasing numbers of Russian private enterprises and businessmen are seeking partnerships with well-known Western companies. The Russian marketplace is far from being as saturated as other parts of Europe or America although all the major international brands are available. Local brands 164 are generally weaker than international ones. This is because most are newer, appearing only after the collapse of the USSR and also because there is a widespread perception that imported goods, particularly durables, are of a higher quality. The Russian automotive sector is one of the fastestgrowing markets in the world. In 2004 the sales of imported cars increased by 83 percent. Consumer credit is becoming more common, making the Russian lifestyle more like that of other Europeans. Unique Challenges for Marketers in Russia • Because Russian society is still developing, it is sometimes difficult to define a target group. There are no fixed divisions between social groups which can be used for planning marketing activities. It is almost impossible to use the socio-demographic target group definition or use related target group segmentation. • There is a significant difference in lifestyle between those living in urban and rural areas. Therefore it is not always possible to use the same communications strategy or build the brand in the same way for the whole country. • Increasingly professional domestic distributor organizations greatly ease the task of bringing goods to market in Russia, though accessing markets in some of the distant regions can still be problematic. • There are some restrictions on alcohol and tobacco advertising in Russia. Neither product can be advertised through mass media targeted at young people. The advertising of tobacco products must always carry a health warning. TV and radio ads for beer can’t be advertised from 7am to 10pm and they must not feature images of people or animals. 165 EMERGING MARKETS RUSSIA EMERGING MARKETS RUSSIA Russia’s Top Advertisers 1– Procter & Gamble 2 – Unilever 3 – Coca Cola 4 – Samsung Electronics 5 – Bee Line (local provider of mobile communications services) Media Environment in Russia TV Penetration 93% Computer Ownership Internet Access Broadband 12% 15%* 3% Mobile Phone 42% Retailing in Russia Retail is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the Russian economy. According to the data provided by A.T. Kearney, Russia is the most attractive of the developing markets for global trading networks. During the last three years the country has become much less of an investment risk. The number of modern trading areas has increased as has retail turnover and the number of international retailers Users (MM) 133 17 23.8 4 60 operating in the country. According to recent statistics published by Interfax, the business news agency, Russian retail turnover *The difference in internet access and computer ownership is explained by the fact that a lot of people have internet access only in the workplace, others only in cybercafes. Source: Public Opinion Foundation Top Media Outlets in Russia Television Newspaper Magazine Websites Pervy Kanal Argumenty I facty Liza Rossiya Iz Iz ruk v ruki 777 NTV Komsomolskaya Pravda Antenna CTC Moskovskiy Komsomolec Cosmopolitan TNT Commersant Teshchin jazik increased by 11.4 percent in January-July 2005. Tips for Advertisers TV is the most important medium in Russia and Use of humour is a proven way to increase impact, hence the main source of advertising awareness, although it is still important to test the ad in terms it is responsible for about 90 percent of Total Brand of cultural acceptability, understanding and connec- Communication Awareness. Press and outdoor tion with the advertised brand. In common with advertising are in second place. The role of radio many other markets, another way to positively influ- and the internet is still insignificant. ence perceptions is by using well-known music, children and animals in the ad. It should be noted Using international ads, which might travel very well though that children can only be featured in the across other parts of Europe, may not work as well advertising of children's products. in Russia. Such ads need to be carefully tested before airing. Key Millward Brown Metrics Country Average 166 Awareness Index Persuasion Enjoyment Involvement 6 16% 3.4 4.6 167 EMERGING MARKETS RUSSIA Fun Facts & Trivia Eating out • Although the biggest country in the world, only13 percent of Russia is developed and 51 percent is virgin territory. (Please note that these are our recommendations at the time of publication.) • The most popular drink in Russia is tea with lemon. • Lake Baikal, in Siberia, is the world’s deepest lake. • Russia has11 different time zones. • Soup is very popular, especially beetroot soup which is a national dish. • Russia is known for its severe winters which is why fur coats, fur hats and even boots lined with fur are a necessity. • The most popular sports are football, ice hockey and figure skating. • Typical Russian dishes to try are: Pelmeni (ravioli), Blini (crêpes), Borshtsh (red soup/beetroot soup), Shtshi (cabbage soup), Vareniki (dumplings) and Russian salads • For classic Russian cuisine try Godunov, Teatralnaya pl., 5/1, this restaurant is situated in the centre of Moscow, under the painted arch of the refectory chambers of the17th century. • A legendary Moscow restaurant with a luxurious interior and music is Yar, Leningradsky pr-t, 32/2, hotel “Sovetskaya” • Pushkin café is in the list of 25 best European restaurants and is certainly worth visiting (Tverskoy blv., 26a). Top Tips for Visitors • St. Petersburg and Moscow are key tourist destinations. Late spring to early autumn is high season when it can often be difficult to find a hotel room at a reasonable price. • It is better to order a taxi in advance than stop a car in the street. • Electricity in Russia is 220 V 50 Hz and it is important to bring a converter plug (the two-pin thin European standard) as not many places sell them. • Prices are generally quoted in rubles; currency can be freely converted in many places although travellers’ cheques are harder to cash. • Tipping is increasingly expected at restaurants. It is typical to round up the amount due and to tip10-15 percent depending on service. • Russian is the official language of the Russian Federation. In the big cities, many people speak or study English; most people are friendly to foreigners and will try to help (even if they know little or no English). >F>K@BG@ F:KD>ML LHNMA :?KB<: To Buy • Matryoshka — wooden nesting dolls • Ushanka — a warm hat • Samovar— a heated metal container traditionally used to brew tea • Valenki — traditional hand-made felt boots • Prianiki — traditional Russian cookies Must Read • The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov • Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov Useful Links General information: Travel guides: or News agencies: Moscow guides: Hotels: Search engines:; Restaurant guide: <hngmkr;Z\d`khng] FZkd^mbg`>gobkhgf^gmbgLhnma:_kb\Z Lhnma:_kb\Zh\\nib^lma^lhnma^kgmbih_:_kb\Z%bml \hZlmebg^lmk^m\abg`fhk^maZg*%..)fbe^l!+%.)) dbehf^m^kl"_khf]^l^kmGZfb[bZhgma^:meZgmb\\hZlm% lhnmapZk]lZkhng]ma^mbih_:_kb\Z%Zg]ma^gghkma mhln[mkhib\ZeFhsZf[bjn^hgma^Bg]bZgH\^Zg'Bm \hglblmlh_gbg^fZchkikhobg\^l%Zg]ma^fZbgf^m& khihebmZgZk^Zlbg\en]^ChaZgg^l[nk`%<Zi^MhpgZg] =nk[Zg'Ik^mhkbZblma^\ZibmZeZg]ma^KZg]blma^ \nkk^g\r'Ma^k^Zk^**h_Ö\bZeeZg`nZ`^lbgLhnma:_kb\Z' Ma^@khllGZmbhgZeBg\hf^!@GB"i^k\ZibmZbl,%/,) i^kZggnf'Ma^Z]nemebm^kZ\rkZm^bl0)i^k\^gm% Zemahn`ae^llmaZg+)i^k\^gmh_ma^ihineZmbhgbgma^ ikhobg\^lbl_ZfbebZkpbma>g`ebla' Lhnma:_kb\Zblma^^\hghfb\ihp^kahnl^h_:_kb\Z% pbmaZ@=I_hnkmbf^lmaZmh_bmllhnma^kg:_kb\Zg g^b`a[hkl4bmZ\\hngml_hkZkhng]+.i^k\^gmh_ma^ ^gmbk^\hgmbg^gmÍl@=I'Ma^^\hghfraZl[^^gbg ma^ehg`^lmnipZk]iaZl^h_ma^[nlbg^ll\r\e^lbg\^ L^im^f[^k*221' Ma^ihineZmbhgbl^lmbfZm^]Zmcnlmng]^k-0fbeebhg' Ma^^magb\fZd^nih_ma^\hngmkrbl02i^k\^gm[eZ\d% 2i^k\^gmpabm^%2i^k\^gmfbq^]kZ\^Zg],i^k\^gm :lbZgZg]Bg]bZg'Cnlmho^kaZe_h_ma^mhmZeihineZmbhg bl_^fZe^'Ma^k^aZl[^^gfn\a\hg\^kgZ[hnmma^ ^__^\mh_ABOhgma^_nmnk^lbs^h_ma^ihineZmbhg' Ma^AnfZgL\b^g\^lK^l^Zk\a<hng\beÍl+)). gZmbhgZeahnl^ahe]lnko^rhgABOik^oZe^g\^%bg\b& ]^g\^%[^aZobhkZg]\hffngb\Zmbhg^lmbfZm^lmaZm g^Zker**i^k\^gmh_Lhnma:_kb\ZglZk^ABO&ihlbmbo^% Zfhngmbg`mhZg^lmbfZm^]-'.fbeebhgbg]bob]nZel' :fhg`lmma^fhlm^\hghfb\ZeerZ\mbo^`khnih_ma^ ihineZmbhgÉ*.&mh-2&r^Zk&he]lÉ*0i^k\^gmaZo^ ABOpbmaZeb_^^qi^\mZg\rh_-0r^Zkl' Lhnma:_kb\ZÍlfZchklmk^g`malbg\en]^bmliarlb\ZeZg] ^\hghfb\bg_kZlmkn\mnk^%gZmnkZefbg^kZeZg]f^mZe k^lhnk\^l%Zg]Z`khpbg`fZgn_Z\mnkbg`l^\mhk'BmZelh aZlZlmkhg`ihm^gmbZe_hk`khpmabgma^mhnkblf%ab`a^k oZen^&Z]]^]fZgn_Z\mnkbg`Zg]l^kob\^bg]nlmkb^l' =hfbgZgmZk^Zlh_^\hghfb\Z\mbobmrZk^ChaZgg^l[nk` !@Znm^g`"%\hZlmZe=nk[Zg(Ibg^mhpg!DpZSnen&GZmZe"% <Zi^I^gbglneZ!pab\abg\en]^l<Zi^Mhpg"%Zg]Ihkm >ebsZ[^ma(Nbm^gaZ`^!>Zlm^kg<Zi^"'@Znm^g`hgbml hpgZ\\hngml_hkho^k,)i^k\^gmh_ma^\hngmkrÍl @=I' Lhnma:_kb\ZÍl_nee^\hghfb\ihm^gmbZebl[^bg`k^Zebs^] [r_h\nlbg`hglnlmZbgZ[e^ch[\k^Zmbhgbgma^ik^obhnl& er]blZ]oZgmZ`^]`khnil'MablaZl[^^g]hg^makhn`a ;eZ\d>\hghfb\>fihp^kf^gm!;>>"Zg]phf^gbg [nlbg^llikh`kZfl'Ma^\hngmkrkZgd^]mabk]`eh[Zeer _hk^fiehrbg`phf^gbgmhich[lbgma^@kZgmMahkg& mhgBgm^kgZmbhgZe;nlbg^llHpg^klLnko^r'Phf^g Zk^^fiehr^]bgl^gbhkfZgZ`^f^gmihlbmbhglbg0. i^k\^gmh_[nlbg^ll^lbgLhnma:_kb\Z%bg\hgmkZlmmhma^ `eh[ZeZo^kZ`^h_.2i^k\^gm' April 2006 168 169 >F>K@BG@ F:KD>ML MhiEb_^lmre^LmZm^f^gmlbgLhnma:_kb\Z Statement % of people who definitely agree 69 AIDS is a serious threat to the South African economy 54 I am concerned about the quality of my tap water 52 I worry about violence and crime 51 The government should do more to create employment 50 I enjoy spending time with my family 50 I think it is important to have a lasting relationship with one person 50 When deciding on a fast food/quick service restaurant or outlet to visit, I prefer those that offer quality food 47 A person should be responsible for his/her own healthcare 47 My faith is really important to me Lhnk\^3M@BLhnma:_kb\Z Ngbjn^<aZee^g`^l_hkFZkd^m^klbgLhnma:_kb\Z <Zm^kbg`mhln\aZ]bo^kl^fZkd^mZlLhnma:_kb\Z k^fZbglZ\aZee^g`^_hkfhlm\k^Zmbo^Zg]ieZggbg` Z`^g\b^l'D^^ibg`Z[k^Zlmh_ma^\hglmZgmer\aZg`bg` ik^_^k^g\^l%eZg`nZ`^lZg]\nemnk^l\Zg[^]b_Ö\nem' Beebm^kZ\rkZm^lZk^ab`aZmZkhng],)i^k\^gmh_Z]neml4 mablf^ZglmaZm/&1fbeebhgZ]nemlZk^ghm_ng\mbhgZeer ebm^kZm^':emahn`aLhnma:_kb\Zblo^krikh]n\mbo^%ma^\hlm h_eZ[hkbllmbee\hfiZkZmbo^erab`aÉho^kmak^^Zg]Z aZe_mbf^lmaZmh_ma^fhlmikh]n\mbo^Zk^Zlh_<abgZ' :lZg^f^k`bg`fZkd^m%bm[^\hf^lbg\k^Zlbg`erbfihk& mZgm_hk[kZg]lbgLhnma:_kb\Zmhk^fZbgZ\\^llb[e^mh ma^\hglnf^kZg]ghmmh[^ikb\^]Zmln\aZe^o^emaZm ma^rZk^hnmh_k^Z\a_hkZee[nmma^fhlmZ_×n^gm':[hnm Zmabk]h_bg]nlmkb^ll^^fZ\kh^\hghfb\bglmZ[bebmrZlZ l^kbhnlikh[e^f]n^mhoheZmbe^^q\aZg`^kZm^l' F^]bZ>gobkhgf^gmbgLhnma:_kb\Z 45 TV* Internet Access** Penetration (%) Broadband Mobile Phone*** 70.6 7.4 3 44.5 Users (MM) 21.5 3.6 0.1 21.8 Lhnk\^3MOZg]Fh[be^Iahg^%:FIL+)).4Bgm^kg^m:\\^ll%L::K?4;khZ]& [Zg]%Phke]Pb]^Phkq #MOÈZme^Zlm*MObgma^ahnl^ahe] ##Bgm^kg^m:\\^llÈZ\\^ll^]bgma^iZlm-p^^dl ###Fh[be^Iahg^Èhpghkk^gmi^klhgZeer 170 >F>K@BG@ F:KD>ML ;k^Zd]hpgbg:]o^kmblbg`Bgo^lmf^gm [rF^]bZ@khni MO -- G^pliZi^kl +. Hnm]hhk *, KZ]bh *, FZ`Zsbg^l *) fZ+ <bg^ Zbe* =bk^\mF Bgm^kg^m* I am proud to be South African LHNMA :?KB<: Lhnk\^3:]^qÈ:n`nlm+))/ Fhlmh_ma^fZbgf^]bZ`khnilbgma^\hngmkr aZo^ihlm^]lmkhg`^Zkgbg`l`khpmaZlZk^lnem h_Zgho^kZeebg\k^Zl^bgZ]o^kmblbg`li^g]' Ma^mkZ]bmbhgZe_hkflh_f^]bZÉikbgm% m^e^oblbhgZg]kZ]bhÉk^\^bo^]2*i^k\^gm h_ma^mhmZeZ]li^g]bg+)).' <bg^fZZg]Bgm^kg^mZ]o^kmblbg`lahpma^ [b``^lmkZm^lh_`khpma%pbmali^g]bg`hg \bg^fZbg\k^Zlbg`gbg^mbf^l_khf+))*mh +)).%pabelmli^g]bg`hgBgm^kg^mZ]o^kmblbg` Zefhlmmkbie^]bgma^lZf^i^kbh]' Ma^fZ`Zsbg^fZkd^mblln__^kbg`iZkmb\neZker _khfho^kmkZ]bg`' LHNMA :?KB<: G^pliZi^klZe^laZo^]khii^]ho^kma^iZlm_^p r^ZklÉma^bk\hgm^gmbl[eZf^]_hk[^bg`mhh iZkh\abZemh[^Ê[k^Zdbg`g^pl'Ë:elh%ma^rg^^]mh i^g^mkZm^ma^k^`bhgZefZkd^mlmhZ`k^Zm^k^qm^gm' Hnm]hhkZ]o^kmblbg`lahp^]ma^lehp^lm`khpma' ;khZ][Zg]%Zg]Bgm^kg^mnlZ`^bg`^g^kZe%bllmbeeZ enqnkrf^]bnf';khZ][Zg]pZlbgmkh]n\^]k^\^gmerbg +)).'<nkk^gm[khZ][Zg]i^g^mkZmbhgblZm,i^k\^gm Zg]bl^qi^\m^]mhhger`khpmh*-i^k\^gmh_ma^ hgebg^fZkd^m[r+))1' <^eeneZkg^mphkdlaZo^lahpgob`hkhnl%\hglblm^gm `khpmaho^kma^iZlmÖo^r^Zkl' MhiF^]bZHnme^mlbgLhnma:_kb\Z Television Newspaper Magazine (Weeklies) Magazine (Monthlies) SABC 1 Daily Sun Huisegenoot Bona SABC 2 Sowetan You True Love eTV Isolezwe Drum Amakhosi SABC 3 Ilanga People Car MNet Sunday Times Sunday Times Cosmopolitan Lhnk\^3:FIL+)).%Lhnma:_kb\Zg:]o^kmblbg`K^l^Zk\a?hng]Zmbhg Lhnma:_kb\ZÍlMhi:]o^kmbl^kl *'Ngbe^o^k +'FMG ,'Oh]Z\hf -'Lahikbm^<a^\d^kl .'Ib\dÌgIZr /'L:;Fbee^k 0'?G; 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Her extensive experience in brand identity, brand equity, advertising, new product development, Internet, and youth marketing positions Eileen as a thought leader in the market research industry. Throughout her career, she has worked extensively both in qualitative and quantitative research. She has provided marketing consultancy to a variety of Fortune 100 companies in the consumer packaged goods, financial services, automotive, technology, entertainment, and advertising industries. Leading clients with whom Eileen has worked include General Mills, IMAX Corporation, 3M, Pillsbury, and Capital One. Eileen holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and business administration from Heidelberg College, Tiffin, OH, USA. 177 Language •English Topics •Media •Segmentation Awards •Best Paper Media Research Group 2005 Sue Elms Andy Greenfield Global Global In the modern media world it is more important than ever to harness the power of media communications to build stronger brands. Sue Elms’ role is to help the Millward Brown Group deliver outstanding insight and evaluation to support the best media decisions in this new world. Sue has spent most of her working life with major media and advertising agencies. She began her career at Leo Burnett, then moved to Lintas. She was later appointed managing director and worldwide board director at Initiative Media Futures. Prior to joining Millward Brown, Sue was managing director of Carat Insight and board director of Aegis Media UK. During her career she has worked with a number of leading companies including Unilever, Diageo, Renault and AOL. Sue is a frequent speaker at major media industry events and is a past chairman of the U.K. Media Research Group. She has a B.A. in modern arts and a postgraduate marketing degree from Kingston University. Sue is based in London but works with clients in all parts of the world. 178 Language •English Topics •Integrated Communications •Print Advertising Effects •Brand Equity •Online Marketing Awards •Joint Winner Market Research Category Atticus Awards 2005 •Best Technical Paper, Market Research Society Conference 2000 •Best Paper, Marketing Research Society Conference 1999 Andy is chairman of Millward Brown’s Global Qualitative Practice and CEO of Greenfield Consulting Group, Millward Brown’s North American qualitative division. He is responsible for overseeing all Millward Brown qualitative businesses across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa and Latin America. Andy is a highly regarded leader in qualitative research and has extensive marketing, advertising, branding, new product development and marketing research experience. Andy founded Greenfield Consulting Group in 1983, building it into North America’s leading qualitative research firm. Andy changed the paradigm of the qualitative research industry by hiring senior-level advertising and marketing executives to conduct qualitative research at a time when psychologists and sociologists dominated the industry. In 1994, Andy again changed the industry when he created Greenfield Online, the first online marketing research company. He sold Greenfield Online in 1999 to a group of private investors that included Michael Dell, United Bank of Switzerland, and Forrester Research. In May 2002, Greenfield Consulting Group was acquired by Millward Brown. 179 Language •English Topics •Brand Equity •Creativity •New Media Other • Three-time Winner of the WPP Atticus Award •Publishes a Monthly Point of View on New Marketing Thinking •Posts His Comments at and www.brandrepublic. com/blogs/ 180 Nigel Hollis Nick Nyhan Global Global Nigel is Millward Brown’s chief global analyst. He has 27 years of research experience and a deep understanding of how marketing communications can build and maintain brands. This helps him address the issues facing marketers in today’s fast-changing world. After a four-year stint with Cadbury Schweppes in the U.K., Nigel joined Millward Brown, where he has worked with clients in many different industries and countries. A three-time winner of WPP’s Atticus Award (for original published thinking in marketing services), Nigel has had his insights published in a wide selection of journals and books, including: Admap, The Journal of Advertising Research, Martin Lindstrom’s “BRAND sense”, Euro am Sonntag, and Contagious. British by birth, Nigel is an American citizen and believes his years in the U.S. help give him a broader perspective on the trends and issues affecting the marketing world. A contrarian by nature, he rarely accepts things at face value. His delivery is engaging, well-paced and, importantly, easily intelligible to people who speak English as a second language. Recent platform presentations include Mexico’s Connexión Internacional, the German Chapter of the International Advertisers’ Association, and the Marketing Science Institute. Language •English Topics •Digital Media •Cross Media/ Integrated Media •Privacy Issues •Online Data Collection Awards •Harvard Business School New York Club America’s Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist, 2003 Nick is CEO of Dynamic Logic, a Millward Brown research company. He also serves as managing director of Millward Brown’s Media and Entertainment Group, which focuses on digital and integrated media. After working in politics in Washington, D.C. and New York, Nick entered the market research industry 12 years ago through the traditional market research division of Bozell, where he was an early proponent of online techniques. Nick is a frequent speaker at many industry events including the m50 CMO Conference, the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF), the American Marketing Association (AMA), the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), the Online Media Marketing Advertising Conference (OMMA), the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), the US Bancorp Piper Jaffray Internet Summits and the Nikkei CrossMedia Conference in Japan. He also speaks regularly at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton Business School and at New York University’s Stern School of Business. Nick’s opinions on research and advertising have been published or quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, AdWeek, and Mediapost. He served on the Associate Board of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and the Government Affairs Committee for the Council for Marketing Opinion Research (CMOR), and co-chairs the ARF’s Online Media Council. In 2003 he was a Finalist for Harvard Business School Entrepreneur of the Year in New York. 181 Language •English Topics •Neuroscience and Neuromarketing •Role of Emotion in Advertising and How to Measure it •Brand Elasticity Awards •Best Paper Overall at the 2006 ESOMAR Congress for “Cognitive Neuroscience, Marketing and Research: Separating Fact From Fiction” •Highly Commended in WPP Atticus Awards 2000 for “Does your brand mean enough to diversify?” 182 Graham Page Gordon Pincott Global Global Graham leads Millward Brown’s Innovation Center and directs the global team responsible for developing new solutions and approaches to help marketers drive their brands and services forward. Language He has worked for Millward Brown since 1992, providing brand owners in many different industries with answers to their marketing questions. Before moving into an innovation role and returning to the U.K. where he is now based, Graham spent three years working on major client projects in the U.S. •Integrated Communications •Print Advertising Effects •Brand Equity •Online Marketing A frequent commentator on brand issues, Graham has written and presented on a wide range of topics including the drivers of brand success, consumer segmentation, brand elasticity and corporate reputation. Most recently he has undertaken pioneering research into how neuroscience techniques might be used to better understand consumers’ responses to brands and marketing. Graham holds a B.A. in experimental psychology from Oxford University. •English Topics Awards •Joint Winner Market Research Category, Atticus Awards 2005 •Best Technical Paper, Market Research Society Conference 2000 •Best Paper, Marketing Research Society conference 1999 Gordon has over 25 years’ experience in the strategic planning and research evaluation of brands and communications. In the early 1980s he worked for a major U.K. packaged goods company as a brand planner, working on some of the most famous ad campaigns of the time. In the mid and late 1980s he was a board director of Saatchi and Saatchi, then the biggest agency in London, where he worked for brands including Tesco, Trusthouse Forte, Flymo and Famous Grouse. In 1989 he joined Millward Brown. He has worked on a number of major global brands and is now executive vice president, global development. Gordon has been a frequent contributor to conferences and seminars, having presented in Europe and Asia on topics including integrated communications, print advertising effects, brand equity and online marketing. He has been particularly involved in understanding the research issues around the evaluation of print campaigns. 183 Languages •English •French •Russian Topics •Brand Strategy •Marketing Accountability •Brand Valuation Joanna Seddon Peter Walshe Global Global Joanna is executive vice president of Millward Brown and heads Millward Brown Optimor globally. She has more than 20 years of experience in providing strategic recommendations with measurable financial impact to leading clients worldwide. Language Prior to joining Millward Brown, Joanna was founding partner and executive vice president for worldwide strategy at the brand consulting firm, FutureBrand, where she created its brand valuation and analytics practice. Joanna originally made the move from strategy consulting in the U.K. to the U.S. to lead the successful turnaround and sale of a division of McKesson Corporation, a global leader in supply chain management. Joanna specializes in the development and implementation of new methodologies for brand and marketing ROI measurement. She holds a doctorate from Oxford University. •Brands •Effective Communications •Return on Investment Joanna is a well-known speaker at major industry events and business schools worldwide. Her most recent speaking engagements include the Corporate Image Conference in New York. This year, Joanna spoke about the power of brands on CNBC and BBC, and has been quoted by the Financial Times, Marketing, Advertising Age and other major publications worldwide. 184 •English Topics Awards •Winner of a WPP Atticus Award for Measuring the Effectiveness of PR Peter is a global brand director. He works for major global brands and runs the famous WPP BrandZ (A to Z of Brands) study that covers more than 40,000 brands across 30 countries. The BrandZ data was used as input to the BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Brands report, which was published in the Financial Times in 2006 and 2007. He has also spearheaded the development of ReputationZ. This is an approach that quantifies the effect of corporate reputation on consumer purchase. A keen mountain biker and sports fan, he has developed an approach to measure sports and personalities as brands (SportZ and CelebZ). Peter originally trained and worked as an actor, appearing in several TV commercials and well-known U.K. shows such as Dr. Who and The Naked Civil Servant. These communication and presentation skills proved very useful when he made the move into market research. Peter is considered a leading authority on brands and their value. He regularly speaks at events and contributes to the marketing press. 185 Language •English Topics •Business Consulting •Marketing Sciences •The Payment Card Industry Other •President of the Association of Market and Social Research Organizations in Australia •Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors 186 Travyn Rhall Gonzalo Fuentes Africa Asia Pacific South East Asia Travyn oversees Millward Brown’s businesses in Greater China, South East Asia, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, India, Australia, New Zealand and Central and Southern Africa. A 25-year veteran of the market and social research industries, he has extensive experience working in Asia Pacific and the U.S. Languages Travyn began his working life with the Australian Bureau of Statistics where he progressed to become director of statistical methods. He then spent seven years with Roy Morgan Research before moving to New York to join ACNielsen International Research. While in the U.S., Travyn opened offices for ACNielsen customized businesses in Chicago and California and was involved in the set-up of the company’s online business. In 2002, Travyn moved back to Australia as managing director of ACNielsen’s customized research practice in Australia and for the company’s global international research practice. In 2005 Travyn became responsible for the Asia Pacific customized research practice. Travyn joined Millward Brown in October 2006. •New Product Development •Children’s Research •English •Spanish Topics Gonzalo, a Spanish sociology graduate, started his marketing research career in an independent Spanish firm in 1994 working on both qualitative and quantitative projects. Since then he has worked at Research International and Millward Brown. From 2000 to August 2004 Gonzalo worked for Millward Brown Spain as a group account director. Since 2005 he has been managing director of Millward Brown South East Asia. Gonzalo’s main areas of expertize include new product development, from finding needs gaps in a market and developing specific product propositions, to consumer and children’s research. He has taken part in many events for both the Spanish Market Research Society and the Singapore Market Research Society. Travyn splits his time between Millward Brown’s regional headquarters in Singapore and Sydney, where he lives with his wife and son. He has spoken at many of the leading marketing conferences and lectured at business schools in Australia. 187 Languages •English •Mandarin Chinese Topics •Youth Research •Innovative Qualitative Methodologies Other •Early in his career Nicholas moonlighted as a part-time actor and appeared in a movie and a TV series Nicholas Ho Daren Poole China Australia Nicholas started his career in banking and then worked for four years in media (ESPN Star Sports and MTV). His varied career path, which has taken him to Seoul, Hong Kong, Beijing, Singapore and Tokyo, eventually led him to Shanghai. He worked at Synovate and was the director of qualitative research at TNS China before joining Millward Brown in 2005. Nicholas has extensive qualitative experience in China and other North Asian markets and has worked with many Fortune 500 brands. He has conducted more than 1,000 focus groups and in-depth interviews in China, Singapore, Taiwan and international markets. His specialty is brand development, youth research, marketing communication and media planning. Nicholas has extensive experience with consumers in mainland China and his ability to interpret their thinking and develop actionable insights has greatly contributed to the business success of many of his long-term clients. Before joining the research industry Nicholas worked on the client side and studied youth and industry trends in markets including China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Hobbies include loud music, good conversation and occasional wake-boarding. Language •English Topics •International Research and Marketing Daren joined Millward Brown U.K. in 1996 where he worked on a number of large accounts across European markets. In 2000, he moved to the company’s Shanghai operation and in 2001 he transferred to Singapore to service clients across South East Asian markets, predominantly Indonesia and the Philippines. In 2002 he moved to Bangkok to establish Millward Brown’s local presence in Thailand, developing local relationships with global clients and introducing the company’s solutions to local companies. During his time in Bangkok, Daren also successfully seeded Millward Brown solutions into the Vietnamese market. Daren left South East Asia for Sydney in 2005 to take up a client service leadership role and to service some of the company’s largest clients. Daren has been managing director of the Sydney office since February 2007. Daren has spoken on a range of subjects including brand equity measurement, maximizing advertising ROI, media engagement and communication optimization. He has a particular interest in the application of marketing and research principles on an international basis. Daren was educated at the University of Reading, U.K., and l’Institut d’Etudes Commerciales Supérieures de Strasbourg, France, and is a holder of a postgraduate diploma from the Chartered Institute of Marketing. 188 189 Language •English Topics •China and Asia Pacific Markets Other •“The Ingredients for Successful Marketing,” Published in Admap, February 2007 190 Deepender Rana Neerja Wable Asia Africa Asia Pacific Rana’s research experience spans13 years, the last eight of which have been spent at Millward Brown. He has been responsible for setting up offices throughout Asia including China, Taiwan and Korea. He also spent time heading up the Hong Kong office. Language His specialty is in the area of delivering research solutions spanning the brand and meeting the total communications needs of clients. He is also able to help clients understand the complexity of China and Asia Pacific markets. •Integrated Communications •Consumer Insights •Brand Equity Rana is currently based in China, splitting his time between Shanghai and Beijing. He was involved in the merger between Millward Brown and ACSR in 2006 and continues to work on the harmonization of the two companies. •English Topics Awards •Nominated Best Paper at the ESOMAR Conference in Shanghai in 2006 Neerja has over 25 years’ experience in advertising and market research working with JWT, Unicef, IMRB and currently Millward Brown Africa Asia Pacific. She holds a B.Sc. and M.B.A. from India’s premier management institute, The Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Prior to her current role, Neerja was head of Millward Brown South Asia. In addition, as senior vice president and executive director of IMRB (a Millward Brown licensee), she managed the Delhi office’s quantitative and qualitative business. She helped set up the specialist qualitative research unit (PQR) at IMRB and was also responsible for the Social and Rural Research Institute (SRI). Some of the key clients she worked with in India were Pepsi, GSK, Nestlé, Reckitt Benckiser and Unicef. Neerja joined Millward Brown Africa Asia Pacific (AAP) as chief client officer in March 2004. Neerja has been a frequent contributor to conferences and seminars. She has presented many papers at ESOMAR. Most recently her paper, “Connecting with consumers: The right place and the right time,” co-written with the marketing solutions director, was nominated as the best paper at the ESOMAR conference in Shanghai in 2006. She has also been a panel member at CII Seminars and the World Economic Forum. 191 Languages •English •Italian Topics •Multicultural Cooperation •Change and Innovation Other •Andrea is a Certified Sommelier Andrea Bielli Cath Booth Europe Europe Andrea is passionate about brands and marketing, having worked with leading multinational organizations for over 20 years. He has particular expertize in the assessment and development of brand communications and how they impact brand equity. •English •Spanish •Mandarin Chinese (slightly rusty!) Andrea studied business administration at the Bocconi University in Milan where he focused on marketing and retailing. He has worked for some of the biggest research organizations in the world. Currently CEO of Millward Brown in Continental Europe, Middle East and North Africa, Andrea has worked across many countries. He has developed a strong understanding of how strategies can work across different markets to comply with local cultures. Andrea has presented in the past at many major conferences including the Italian market research association (ASSIRM), ESOMAR and WARC. 192 Languages Topics •Brands and Communications •Health and Wellness Trends •Corporate Reputation Other •Co-author of “How TV Advertising Works” Chapter in the Aedemo Research in Marketing Book •While Living in Taiwan, She Played a Detective in a Popular Television Series A law graduate from Manchester University, Cath spent time traveling, working and honing her language skills in Europe, Asia and Latin America before beginning her career in market research. Since joining Millward Brown in the U.K. in the late 1980s, Cath has worked closely with a number of major global clients across a number of different industries including packaged goods, pharmaceuticals and telecommunications. She is currently based in Madrid and continues to build her international profile in her role as the head of client service, covering the region of Continental Europe, Middle East and North Africa. Cath has spoken at a number of conferences and client events across Europe, with recent topics including “From Creative Evaluation to Channel Planning” (Norway) and “Consumer Decision Making – Conscious or Unconscious” (Zurich). 193 Languages •English •Turkish Topics •Children and Young People Other •Head of the Turkish Association for Opinion and Market Research (2006-2008) •Co-lecturer on Bilgi University’s graduate program on Advertising Theory and Research Betul Khan Pepe Martinez Turkey Spain A psychology and social psychology graduate from Bogaziçi University, Betul has been working in market research for over 15 years. Her experience includes both quantitative and qualitative techniques and she has been the managing director of Millward Brown Turkey since 2000. Prior to that she worked for GfK. Betul is an accomplished conference presenter and has taken part in many of the biggest branding and marketing events in Istanbul, such as Brand Conference by Yürekli and conferences by IAA and Mediacat. She is also an experienced media spokesperson, having appeared on television and in the press on many occasions. Languages •English •Spanish Topics •Neuroscience Awards •AEDEMO 2006; prize for the best paper: “Channel Connection: The Internal World of the Audience” •AEDEMO 1997; Prize for the Best Paper: “Analysis and Research is a Process” Other •He is the Author of Several Interesting Documents, Such as “Psychoanalysis and Qualitative Research” and “Novelties in the Qualitative Field” 194 Pepe has over 25 years’ experience in qualitative research. He has worked in all aspects of the field, including diagnostic, prospective and creative studies, and with consumers of all types including B2B, doctors and employees. In 1982 he joined Synapse Marketing Research as a qualitative technician. He rose within this Spanish company to become the director of its Barcelona office as well as its technical director. He then went on to become the managing director general of Ideas para, a creative qualitative research company. In 1994 he was one of the founding partners of Ergo Advanced Research. This company was purchased by Millward Brown in 2001. Within Millward Brown he was the head of Euroqual, the European qualitative research network, for four years. Pepe is currently head of client service for Millward Brown Spain, coordinating a team of 100 people (psychologists, sociologists, statisticians, etc.). He has led on two international psycho-sociological studies: “Young Europeans and their brands” and “Young families and their brands” (Europe and Latin America). 195 Languages •English •German Topics •Online Research •The Importance of Emotions in Communications and Brand Building Manfred Tautscher Jorge Alagón Germany México After starting his career with the market research firm Gallup, Manfred founded the top 10 Austrian research company Integral Marktforschung in 1987. While at Integral, Manfred developed successful market research tools like the Austrian Internet Monitor. Integral joined the Millward Brown Group in 2002. Manfred later moved to the German business and since June 2003 has been the managing director of Millward Brown Germany. A regular on the conference circuit, Manfred has spoken at events organized by Managementforum Starnberg, Euroforum, Bloomberg and BVM. He was also one of the spokespeople for the BrandZ Top 100 Most Powerful Brands study and was interviewed on television by Bloomberg. Languages •English •Spanish Topics •Integrated Communications •Print Advertising Effects •Brand Equity •Online Marketing Awards •Joint Winner Market Research Category Atticus Awards 2005 •Best Technical Paper, Market Research Society Conference 2000 •Best paper, Marketing Research Society Conference 1999 196 Jorge has more than 15 years’ experience in marketing research and currently works as VP of R&D and marketing sciences for Millward Brown México. Prior to this he worked as a senior strategic planner at JWT and spent three years traveling around the world. Jorge has a degree in applied mathematics and an M.Sc. in applied statistics from Oxford University. Some of the key issues that Jorge is concerned with include: • Quantifying the ROI of marketing activities by applying statistical tools and methods • Adapting the most recent global research methodologies for Mexican culture • New and developing ways to research brands, media and communications He has applied econometric models to optimize the marketing investment of categories as diverse as beverages and the lottery. Jorge has published several articles in Mexican marketing magazines including Merca2.0, Segmento and AMAI, and is continually invited to speak at marketing seminars. His biggest achievements include completing more than 10 bungee jumps, spending one month at a Tibetan Buddhist monastery, defeating a red dragon on a Saturday afternoon, and his marriage. 197 Languages •English •Spanish Liliana Baena Dr. Fabian Hernandez Colombia Latin America Liliana is managing director of Millward Brown Colombia, an office that she set up four years ago and has now built to be the leading market research company in the country. An initial interest in working with children spurred Liliana to study psychology at Los Andes University. However, an internship in the marketing research department of BBDO in her final year led to a change of direction. She went to Paris to attend the École Supérieure de Gestion and completed a master’s degree in marketing and advertising. Since then she has worked for some of the biggest market research agencies in Colombia, including a spell at an advertising agency (Epoca) where she worked as account director for Nestlé, managing Maggi and Nestea. Languages •English •Spanish Topics •Probability •Sampling Design •Analysis of Data Books •Author of Cálculo de Probabilidades (Probability Calculus), A Key Text at the National Autonomous University of Mexico Based in México, Fabian is Millward Brown’s CEO for Latin America. His experience before joining Millward Brown includes working in the public sector at the Ministry for Education, and Bureau of Statistics. He also worked in education and lectured on probability, mathematical statistics, sampling and statistical methods. On the commercial side, Fabian’s experience includes 15 years at ACNielsen in México where he was director of custom research, and time spent as managing director of Asesoría e Investigaciones Gamma. During his time at ACNielsen, Fabian launched the Radio Audience Measurement Service. He has worked with many leading global and local brands including Alestra/ATT, Bacardi Martini, Gillette, Kimberly Clark, Cadbury Adams, The México City Radio Broadcasters’ Association, Bancomer (now BBVA), Unilever, and P&G. Fabian has a B.Sc. in actuarial sciences from the National Autonomous University of México, and a Ph.D. in statistics, with a minor in operations research, from the University of Wisconsin, WI, USA. He has spoken at many seminars, workshops and conferences. Fabian is also a published author in several magazines including the Journal of the American Statistical Association, Segmento, Datos y Tendencias and The Journal of the Mexican Mathematical Society. 198 199 Languages •English •Portuguese •Spanish Topics •Media Investment Patterns and ROI Valkira Garré Christian Dorffer Brazil U.K. & Europe Valkira is a chemistry graduate and M.B.A. She started her career at Unilever, initially working in product development and later in market research. She has worked for Millward Brown Brazil for a total of nine years. Her key clients include a global packaged goods company, a market-leading soft drink producer and other clients in the telecommunications industry. Valkira is a regular speaker on public platforms and at events in Brazil, especially at ABA (Association of Brazilian Advertisers) and ABEP (Association of Market Research Companies). Languages •English •Spanish •Danish •German Topics •Shareholder Value Creation Using Brands •Brand Portfolio Rationalization •Business Innovation Christian leads Millward Brown Optimor’s European business where he consults clients on customer segmentation, new offer design, value proposition development, channel optimization, challenger brand positionings, brand portfolio strategy, brand valuation and marketing effectiveness. He has spent the last decade as senior project leader in management consultancies including PricewaterhouseCoopers, Corporate Value Associates and Prophet Brand Strategy where he worked with clients across different sectors in Europe, the U.S., Latin America, India and Africa. Christian is a frequent speaker on marketing issues and has taken part in events organized by the Economist Intelligence Unit, The Marketing Society’s Brand Summit, The Young Presidents’ Organization, The Danish Trademark Society and BrandsPoint Ukraine. He also has teaching experience from executive programs at Harvard Business School and London Business School, and has taught the senior marketing teams in companies like Barclays, UBS and Dell. 200 201 Language •English Topics •Business Strategy •Organizational Change •Route to Market, Commercial Trade Terms and In-store Execution •Capital Markets and Corporate Finance 202 Warwick Nash Roger Sant U.K. & Ireland U.K. & Ireland Warwick joined Millward Brown in March 2005 and runs Millward Brown U.K. and Ireland, including client development, internal organization and profit delivery. He has a deep understanding of the commercial aspects of clients’ businesses and has particular expertize in the “activation” aspects of the consumer experience. Prior to Millward Brown, Warwick was business unit director at Diageo GB, where he also held a variety of business development and commercial planning roles including the sales/ profit performance and relationship with a number of strategic accounts. Prior to Diageo, Warwick worked for McKinsey & Company across a range of industry sectors and markets including financial services, packaged goods, retail, wholesale, and industrial in the U.K., Asia, South Africa and the U.S. Warwick holds a B.A. in psychology and philosophy from Oxford University and an M.B.A. (with distinction) from The Kellogg School of Management in Chicago, IL, USA. Language •English Topics •Customer Experience •Brand Strength Other •In his spare time Roger has enjoyed playing county level rugby, 50 free-fall parachute jumps, three bungee jumps and one New York marathon Roger started his career as a nuclear scientist for the U.K. Ministry of Defence before deciding that management consultancy and subsequently market research would be more of a challenge. He has extensive experience in satisfaction and loyalty programs, having been vice president, customer satisfaction at Market Facts Inc. in New York. He moved to Boston to become chief strategy officer for Carat Interactive and then returned to the U.K. as head of global solutions for Research International. He recently transferred within WPP to Millward Brown where he is now head of customer experience. His responsibilities include helping clients to integrate customer experience, communications and brand image to achieve a holistic perspective of brand strength. Roger is an accomplished presenter and media commentator in both the U.K. and the U.S. He has a master’s degree in management science from the University of Warwick and a joint honors degree in mathematics and physics. 203 Language •English Topics •Multimedia Advertising •Advertising for Global Brands Dan White Nikhil Gharekhan U.K. & Ireland North America Dan’s passion is using the very latest market research, marketing science and psychological thinking and techniques to devise the ultimate solution to the business need. He combines an academic background (master’s degree in psychology from Cambridge University) with 16 years’ account handling experience, and is proud of his ability to apply sophisticated approaches while avoiding jargon and overcomplication. He was part of the development team behind many of Millward Brown’s techniques, including the communications research approach Link™ and the brand equity system BrandDynamics™, both of which he customized for one of the world’s largest multinational packaged goods companies. Dan is a real expert in communications research both in terms of development and application; over his career he has researched more than 400 pieces of advertising, but says he still learns something new from every project. Interests include modern art, theatre and obscure Japanese video games. 204 Languages •English •French •Hindi Topics •Brand Strategy •Marketing Accountability •Brand Valuation Nik is senior vice president of Millward Brown Optimor. He leads the North American business, assisting clients with strategic and analytical brand issues, including brand valuation, customer strategy, brand portfolio optimization, brand architecture, positioning and licensing valuation. Prior to joining Millward Brown, Nik was an engagement director at FutureBrand, which he joined from PricewaterhouseCoopers. In that role he helped clients address strategic issues such as marketing and growth strategies, merger integration, and corporate redesign. Earlier in his career, Nik worked in the product design and development division at IBM’s microelectronics division. He holds an M.B.A from the Wharton Business School as well as a master’s degree from MIT in electrical engineering and computer science. Nik is a well-established speaker at industry events and business schools. His most recent speaking engagements include the Conference Board’s Senior Executive Roundtable in New York and Chicago, the Brand Equity Management Conference in New York and the Corporate Brand Management Conference in New York. Nik has recently been interviewed by major industry publications including Advertising Age. 205 Language •English Topics •Online Video •Creative Development Process •Word of Mouth Ann Green Ove Haxthausen North America North America Ann has extensive marketing research experience in brand building, advertising, and media. She currently leads Millward Brown’s Marketing Solutions initiatives, focusing on solutions to help leading marketers build, grow and manage their brands. Ann has been instrumental in expanding Millward Brown’s communications offerings to include research tools for exploring both strategy and early creative development. She brings a unique research perspective in that she has had the opportunity to work extensively with both traditional and emerging media throughout her career. Prior to her current role, Ann worked as a vice president in client service. During her career she has worked with marketers such as Bristol-Myers Squibb, Dunkin’ Donuts and Ferrero USA. She has also been responsible for new product innovations in North America, including identifying client needs, building relationships with third party partners and exploring technology advancements. Ann played an integral role in ensuring continual evolution of copy testing globally. Ann has been a featured speaker at many marketing industry events including the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA), ad:tech, and the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF), where she is an Interactive Council member. She has also been a featured lecturer at Columbia University in New York. Ann’s work has been published in Forbes, Critical Mass and AdMap and she is quoted regularly in leading industry publications including AdWeek, Advertising Age, Crain’s Chicago Business and E-Commerce Times. 206 Languages •English •French •Danish Topics •Brand Valuation •Brand Finance •Marketing ROI Ove is a director at Millward Brown Optimor’s New York office. His brand and corporate strategy work has included brand valuation, marketing ROI, business portfolio optimization, M&A advisory, responses to competitive threats, and internal growth strategies as well as the development and implementation of EVA-based strategic planning tools. Ove joined Millward Brown Optimor after a decade in consulting including positions at McKinsey & Co. and Mars & Co. His engagements have covered a wide range of industries, from consumer goods and healthcare to financial services and IT (hardware and software). Born in Denmark, Ove holds a civil engineering degree from the École Speciale des Travaux Publics in Paris and an M.B.A. from the Columbia Business School. Ove’s most recent speaking engagements include The Conference Board’s Corporate Brand Management event in New York. He has also served as a guest lecturer at Columbia Business School in New York. Ove has published several articles on branding in major industry publications. His most recent article, “Risk Jockey: Companies Must Manage Brands Like Tangible Assets,” was published in Marketing Management magazine in April 2007. 207 Language •English Topics •Segmentation •Forecasting •Corporate Strategy Chris Murphy Paul McClean North America North America Chris serves as senior vice president, marketing science and strategic services, leading Millward Brown’s Services Consultancy and overseeing its strategic research function. He has an extensive background in marketing research and brand building, both on the client and supplier sides. Languages Chris’s career began in new product forecasting. This set the stage for his continued focus on delivering pragmatic, revenuecentric solutions to senior management across a broad range of industries, including technology, services, entertainment and CPG. Chris has developed radically practical approaches to the analytic arts of segmentation, diffusion mapping and revenue impact modeling — quantifying the dollar opportunity/risk associated with specific improvements and declines in brand experience measures. •Brand Equity •Global Marketing •Optimizing Communications Prior to joining Millward Brown, Chris held the positions of executive director and vice president of brand strategy and market sciences/research at Verizon Communications. He previously held senior-level positions with US West. Chris speaks regularly at industry associations including the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), The American Marketing Association (AMA), the Marketing Science Institute (MSI), GBC, ALI and the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). He is a regular guest lecturer at Georgia Institute of Technology’s MMR Program, where he also serves as an executive board member. His innovative work has also been presented at numerous forums including the Sawtooth Conference. 208 •English •French Topics Paul has 25 years’ experience in the marketing and media research space, and in working with major marketers to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of communications. Prior to joining Millward Brown in 1986, Paul began his career at Institut Proscop in Paris, helping to develop the annual publication Proscop Media Data. Returning to the U.K., he joined RSGB’s Media Division, responsible for media research focused on radio and print. During his long career at Millward Brown, Paul has worked across the company’s offices in France, the U.K., and the U.S. for a wide variety of marketers in the automotive, alcohol, food and beverage, confectionery, and telecommunications industries. For the past 20 years, Paul has worked closely with the CocaCola Company on their global business. In 1997, Paul moved to the U.S. to open Millward Brown’s Atlanta, Georgia office. In his current role at Millward Brown, he provides business consultancy to clients globally and is charged with communicating Millward Brown’s knowledge and insight externally. 209 Language •English Topics •Brands, Advertising and Media •Marketing to Boomers and the 50+ Consumer •Marketing and Business Expansion Awards •Kantar Gold Award Presented to Millward Brown North America in 2005 and 2006 for Best Overall Performance (Business, Talent, Clients, offer) •Ad Age Digital Media Master Top 25 •Silicon Valley Top 100 210 Mary Ann Packo Gordon Wyner North America North America Mary Ann is CEO of Millward Brown’s North American businesses and a member of the Millward Brown global management board. She joined Millward Brown in 2002 as chief client and marketing officer, rising to president and then CEO of MBNA. Mary Ann came to Millward Brown with over 20 years of continuous P&L experience in the marketing, media research, digital media and information services fields. During her career, she has launched successful startups, managed high-growth businesses, expanded businesses internationally, taken a company public, and led business units of larger global companies. Prior to joining Millward Brown, Mary Ann was president and chief operating officer of Media Metrix (formerly known as PC Meter) from startup to public company with a $750 million market cap. She was a pioneer in the Internet and digital media measurement arena, launching Media Metrix services in more than 15 countries around the world. Mary Ann was later group president of its successor company, Jupiter Media Metrix, a public research and measurement company with 2,000 clients, 1,000 employees and operations in 18 countries. In addition, Mary Ann has also held senior-level positions with a number of global marketing research firms. She was president of NPD Canada’s Custom Research Group in Toronto, Canada; managing director of IPSOS-NFO, a Paris, France-based European joint venture company; and vice president, Western U.S. region, for NFO Research in San Francisco. Mary Ann was also president and co-founder of National Yellow Pages Monitor, a media measurement service for the $12 billion revenue U.S. Yellow Pages industry, which was a division of NFO. Language •English Topics •Marketing Strategy •Market Segmentation • Marketing Effectiveness and ROI Gordon has more than 20 years of expertize in marketing and brand consulting. He has worked extensively across a variety of industries, including consumer products, financial services, communications, and information technology. Gordon focuses on understanding customer priorities and economic value as a basis for building effective marketing and brand strategies. As executive vice president, strategy and marketing science, Gordon is responsible for developing the firm’s strategic capabilities, especially around segmentation, positioning, and marketing effectiveness improvement. Prior to joining Millward Brown, Gordon held senior positions with Mercer Management Consulting and Marketing and Research Counselors (M/A /R/C). Gordon has been a trustee of the Marketing Science Institute for over 10 years and served as chair of its executive committee from 2001 to 2006. Gordon is a regular columnist for Marketing Management and Marketing Research magazines, and a frequent speaker at marketing and research conferences. He is frequently quoted in the North American business press and also authored an article in the Harvard Business Review on |improving marketing ROI. 211 NOTES 212 NOTES 213 NOTES 214
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