2016 Creative Activities Premium Book: Baking Section
2016 Creative Activities Premium Book: Baking Section
Creative Activities 2016 Rules&Premiums TheCreativeActivitiesKitchenandthispremiumbookareproudly presentedbyGoldMedalFlour. LookforcomplimentaryGoldMedalFlour(2lbbags)atourpre-fairbaking entrydrop-offday,aswellasincreasedprizemoneyforSpecialContests andCake,PieandCookieSweepstakeWinners,amongothers. August 25 through Labor Day, September 5 Creative Activities Rules & Premium Book 2016 Entries for Creative Activities will be accepted at the exhibit building (except Baked Products and Canned and Preserved Foods) Saturday, Aug. 13, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 14, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and Monday, Aug. 15 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. No entries will be accepted after 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 15 NOTE: Procedures for registration and delivery: see pages 8 and 9. Delivery of Canned and Preserved Foods: Saturday, Aug. 13, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 14, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Delivery of Baked Products: Saturday, Aug. 20, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., except for special contests. See individual contest rules for delivery date details. TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL RULES OF THE MINNESOTA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ............................................. 2 SPECIAL RULES FOR CREATIVE ACTIVITIES .................................................................................................... 8 NEEDLECRAFT .......................................................................................................................................................... 11 Linens, Quilts, Rugs, Crocheted and Knitted Articles GARMENT MAKING .................................................................................................................................................. 21 HANDCRAFTS ............................................................................................................................................................ 23 Wood, Models, Metal, Weaving, Free Hand Painting, Decorative Crafts, Dolls and Soft Toys COLLECTIONS ........................................................................................................................................................... 30 Stamp Collections, Postcard Frames, Creative Collections, and Scrapbooks WORK OF SENIOR CITIZENS................................................................................................................................. 32 BAKED PRODUCTS .................................................................................................................................................. 34 CANNED AND PRESERVED FOODS .................................................................................................................... 45 RETURN OF EXHIBITS Wednesday, Sept. 7, 1-7 p.m. • Thursday, Sept. 8, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. NO articles will be returned before that time. When picking up exhibits, please use Gate 0 (page 9 for details) OR Gate 5 (main gate) off Snelling Ave., if open. CONTACT INFORMATION TELEPHONE NUMBERS Before Aug. 13 and after Sept. 8 Competition Office (651) 288-4417 Aug. 13 to Sept. 8 Creative Activities Office (651) 642-2244 FAX NUMBER Competition Office (651) 642-2456 EMAIL competition@mnstatefair.org WEBSITE www.mnstatefair.org 1 Creative Activities Rules & Premium Book 2016 Creative Activities Superintendent .....................................................................................Curt Pederson, Shoreview Assistant Superintendent .....................................................................Linda Enterline, Roseville Secretary ...................................................................................................... Arlene Restad, Eagan Board Liaison.............................................................................................. Gordy Toenges, Alden The Minnesota State Fair pays in excess of $1.2 million in cash awards in its agriculture, horticulture, education, and creative contests. Additional awards offered by the following sponsors: American Pie Council Les Dames d’Escoffier International - Minnesota Chapter American Sewing Guild (Mpls-St. Paul Chapter) Lila and Claudine’s Yarn and Gifts American Swedish Institute Machine Knitting Guild of Minnesota Bear Patch Quilting Company Perry and Sheila McGowan Dick and Juanita Boniface Midwest Machine Knitters’ Collaborative Braham Pie Day Minnesota Basket Weaver’s Guild Florence Brammer Minnesota Chapter of American Needlepoint Guild Charles Bauer Memorial Trophy Minnesota Contemporary Quilters C & H Sugar Co. Minnesota Knitters’ Guild Clay Squared to Infinity Cindy’s Knitting Room Crochet Twin Cities Daisy Knits Gedney Foods Company Glass Endeavors Gold Medal Flour Greater Midwest Foodways Alliance Catherine Hanley Family Hennepin History Museum Minnesota Maple Syrup Producers Assoc. Minnesota Porcelain Arts Guild Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Mississippi River Spinners Needlework Guild of Minnesota Needlework Unlimited New Life Quilters Northern Lights Handspinners Guild Penelope Knitters Hormel Foods Corp (SPAM) Polymer Clay Guild of Minnesota Ingebretsen’s Scandinavian Gifts David Peterson Family Jarden Home Brands (Ball and Kerr) Red Star Yeast J Ring Glass Studio Rosebud’s Cottage 3 Kittens Needle Arts St. Paul Needleworkers, EGA Helen and William Kelley Memorial A Sheepy Yarn Shoppe Kent Precision Foods Group, Inc. (Mrs. Wages) StevenBe Knitting Machine Dealers Club of the Upper Midwest Treadle Yard Goods The Knit Shop at Rocking Horse Farm Upper Midwest Bead Society Ladyslipper NeedleArts Society Twin City Postcard Club Weavers Guild of Minnesota The Yarnery 7 Creative Activities Rules & Premium Book 2016 SPECIAL RULES 1. ELIGIBILITY. A. Entries in this department are limited to bona fide living residents of Minnesota and must be the work of the exhibitor, completed within three years preceding the fair, except as otherwise provided. B. Articles which have won a first prize at a previous Minnesota State Fair are not eligible for entry. Entries are open to anyone 14 years of age or older as of the first day of the fair (exception: some of the special contests have different age requirements; see individual special contest rules), whose exhibit represents a recreational hobby and is not used as a means of livelihood directly or indirectly; as determined by the State Fair staff. In the case of a protest, please refer to page 6, section 3.12. Each case will be handled on an individual basis. C. Not more than one entry will be permitted in any class by one exhibitor. No entry required for classes designated “Sweepstakes” or beginning with the letters “SP”. D. We reserve the right to refuse entry to unusually large or heavy items that are difficult to handle and display. Pre-approval by superintendent required on large items. E. No tree skirts, plastic needlepoint canvas, pillow cases, tied quilts, plastic milk cartons, cans, aprons, dish towels, dish cloths, pot holders, napkins, wedding gowns or baptismal gowns, yard art, photography, drawings on paper, wreaths, doilies, or any type of taxidermy will be accepted in any category. F. “Not otherwise specified” (NOS) classes are only for such articles that have no regular classes listed. If there is an existing classes where an entry fits, it cannot be entered in NOS. 2. ENTRIES. A. Entries close at 7 p.m., Monday, Aug. 15. No entries will be accepted after 7 p.m. on closing date. All canning, baking and special contest entries must be registered by 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 9. Errors or omissions must be registered within 10 days after fair closes, Sept. 5. No entry fee required. B. Online registration for individuals. Available for all categories beginning Monday, May 2. Online registration closes 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9. All baking, canning and special contests entries MUST be registered (see pages 34 and 45). Early registration for all other categories is optional. However, exhibitors taking advantage of this opportunity will speed up their entry process when bringing in their articles on the delivery dates. Follow the procedure below: 1) Visit the Minnesota State Fair website at www.mnstatefair.org. 2) Click on “Competition & Contests” choose “Enter a Competition” and select the link for “Creative Activities”. Begin online registration and follow the instructions to add the classes you intend to enter. After entering your contact information, click “submit” to continue the process. 3) When the summary page appears, review your selected classes, and be sure to click “confirm registration” to finalize your online registration. The last page of registration process should indicate you have registered, indicate drop off/pick up times and remind you about email confirmation. 4) You will receive an email confirmation of your entries. Print a copy of your registration confirmation. If you do not receive confirmation within 24 hours, please call (651) 288-4417. 5) Exhibitors must bring their registration confirmation with their entry. C. Mail-in registration. Must be in our hands (not postmarked) by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9. All baking, canning and special contests entries MUST be registered (see pages 35 and 45). Early registration for all other categories is optional. However, exhibitors taking advantage of this opportunity will speed up their entry process when they bring in their articles on the delivery dates. Follow the procedure below: 1) List the class numbers and descriptions of the classes you intend to enter on an 8 1/2” x 11” sheet of paper. Also include your name, address and phone number. 2) Mail to: Competition Department - c/o: Creative Activities, Minnesota State Fair, 1265 Snelling Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55108. 3) You will receive a paper confirmation of your entries via USPS mail. 4) Exhibitors must bring their registration confirmation with their entry. . 3. DELIVERY OF ARTICLES A. The Creative Activities Building will be open to receive articles beginning Saturday, Aug. 13 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Articles entered must be delivered to the Creative Activities Building by 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 15, in Needlecraft, Garment Making, Work of Senior Citizens, Handcrafts, and Collections (Exception: quilts and rugs entered in County Sweepstakes Contests will be received up to Friday, Aug. 19). B. PLEASE NOTE - DAY AND TIMES! Entries in the Baked Goods category will be received Saturday, Aug. 20, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. See page 34 for additional information. 8 Creative Activities Rules & Premium Book 2016 C. Exhibitors unable to bring exhibits to the Creative Activities Building on entry days may bring them beforehand to the Competition Department, 1312 Cosgrove Ave. on the fairgrounds between 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. A list of the exhibits with class numbers and descriptions MUST be attached. The name and address and telephone number of the exhibitor should head the list. Please note the delivery procedures on the next page will take effect Aug. 8, 2016. D. Exhibitors who send articles by mail or express should do so at least three weeks before the opening day of the fair. Articles sent by mail or express should be addressed to the Superintendent of Creative Activities, Minnesota State Fair, 1265 Snelling Ave. N., St. Paul, Minnesota 55108. The sender’s name and address must be plainly written upon the outside of the package and also placed upon a card inside. A LIST OF THE ARTICLES BEING SENT SHOULD BE ENCLOSED. If article is made by a person over the age of 65, special note should be made of that fact. Department clerks will classify exhibits, prepare entry tags and attach them to each article sent. All express and parcel post charges must be prepaid by the sender. NO P.O. Box addresses will be accepted. Directions for return shipment should be given, and money or checks (made out to Minnesota State Fair) must be enclosed to cover cost of returning exhibits to exhibitor. DO NOT send stamps. 4. JUDGING A. Judging of all articles except baking will be conducted Wednesday-Saturday, Aug. 17-20. Should any article be entered in the wrong class and the error be discovered before the judging, the superintendent may make proper correction in the entry. B. Competent judges will score each exhibit. A duplicate of the judge’s scorecard will be returned to the exhibitor for each entry in order that the reasons for decisions may be apparent. The sweepstakes winner is chosen from the first place winners within a category. C. Judges are instructed not to award premiums unless articles are deemed worthy of merit. If no competition exists and an article is not worthy of a first premium, the judge may award a second or a third premium, according to his or her judgment. In large classes ALL entries are evaluated, but only the top 25 will be scored. D. Only finished or mounted work will be accepted. Wall hangings and pictures must have a means of hanging them. Any article having exhibitor’s name displayed must have the name securely covered by stitched cloth or heavy tape. E. Soiled articles and articles not made within the last three years will not be judged. F. Every effort will be made to display entries in an attractive arrangement and according to display space available. The State Fair reserves the right to reject any exhibit offered if it is objectionable in any way, if it requires an excessive amount of space, or if the capacity of the department has been reached. First place prize winners will be posted near the door of the office in the Creative Activities building during the fair and on the Minnesota State Fair website at www.mnstatefair.org. No information on prizes will be given over the phone prior to the start of the fair. Due to the enormous number of entries, all entries may not be displayed or judged. 5. RETURN OF EXHIBITS A. No articles can be returned before 1 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 7. Please access the fairgrounds using Gate 0 (see page 13) or the main gate (Gate 5) off of Snelling Avenue. Articles should be picked up at the Creative Activities Building from 1-7 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 7, and from 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 8. When dropping off your articles you will receive a yellow confirmation sheet. Please be sure to bring the yellow confirmation sheet back with you when picking up your items. If you are unable to pick up your exhibits on these days you must make arrangements with the Competition Department at (651) 288-4417 for pickup; 8 a.m.4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. NOTE: All entries must be picked up by December 31, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. AFTER such date, the Fair reserves the right to destroy or dispose of non-claimed items at its discretion. Each person who enters an item at the fair does so on the condition and with the understanding that he or she forfeits any and all legal rights and claims to his or her entered items that is not picked up by the deadlines described in this section. B. Premium checks will be distributed at the same time articles on exhibit are available for return to exhibitors. Premium checks not picked up during those dates will be mailed to exhibitors at the address listed on their entry form. You may also donate any premiums won to the Minnesota State Fair Foundation 501(c)(3) to support their mission of preserving and improving the historic Minnesota State Fairgrounds and buildings, and supporting State Fair agricultural, scientific and educational programs. Should you choose to donate your premiums, you may sign over your check when you pick up your article(s). 9 Creative Activities Rules & Premium Book 2016 DUE TO SECURITY CONCERNS, AND FOR YOUR SAFETY, vehicles coming to the fair will be subject to inspection. In addition, we ask exhibitors to work with us to maintain a safe and secure environment for all our guests. Please follow the below instructions for the delivery of entries to the Creative Activities Building. Please note this only pertains to the delivery of entries prior to the start of the fair. After the fair is over, the main gate off Snelling Avenue (Gate 5) will re-open for the return of entries. SEE MAP and INSTRUCTIONS BELOW. • Beginning Aug. 8, vehicles will be required to enter the grounds at Gate 0 (access off Larpenteur Ave. or via Hoyt Ave. off of Snelling Ave.). Individual vehicle inspections may occur at this location. • Follow Dan Elmer Way to Randall Ave. and turn left. Take the first right on Underwood St. Follow Underwood St. to Dan Patch Ave. and turn left at Visitor’s Plaza. Go two blocks and the Creative Activities Building is on the corner of Cosgrove and Dan Patch (just inside the main gate). • After dropping off entries, take Cosgrove to Randall Ave., and turn left. Remain on Randall for three blocks. Turn right on Dan Elmer Way, and exit the fairgrounds onto Larpenteur Ave. or Snelling Ave. Public vehicle traffic is not allowed on the grounds during the fair. Exhibitors choosing to participate in Special Contests held during the fair will need to bring their entries to the Creative Activities Building on foot. The purchase of a gate admission ticket is required to deliver item. • 10 Creative Activities Rules & Premium Book 2016 BAKED PRODUCTS SPECIAL RULES (ALSO READ ADDITIONAL RULES ON PAGE 8) 1. ENTRIES. A. All baking and special contest entries must be registered by 4:30 pm. Tuesday, Aug. 9. Errors or omissions must be registered within 10 days after fair closes Sept. 5. No entry fee required. 2. REGISTRATION INFORMATION. A. All Baked Products and Special Contest entries must be registered by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9. 1) Online registration. Available beginning Monday, May 2. Closes at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 9. Follow the procedure outlined on page 8. If you do not receive an email confirmation within 24 hours please call (651) 2884417 to confirm. Exhibitors must bring their registration confirmation with their entry. 2) Mail-In registration. Must be in our hands (not postmarked) by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9. Follow the procedure outlined on page 8. You will receive a paper confirmation of your entries via USPS mail. 3) Note: If you enter a class or Special Contest that requires a recipe to be submitted, DO NOT send it with your registration. Recipe should be delivered with your entry. Be sure to read each Special Contest’s rules carefully. Name, address, phone number, entry number, class number should be included on back of recipe. B. All articles exhibited must be the product of the exhibitor and must be baked. Each exhibitor is limited to a total of 20 entries. Entries in the special contests (class 1107, 1109, 1112-1120) are not included in the limit. C. An exhibitor may make only one entry in any class. Entries cannot be made in the same class or classes by more than one person from the same family, except in Special Contests. If a product fits in a designated class, it cannot be entered under “not otherwise specified”. Do not make entries in sweepstakes classes. 3. DELIVERY OF ENTRIES. (Please note the procedures for delivery of entry on page 10.) A. IMPORTANT DELIVERY NOTICE! Articles entered must be delivered to the Creative Activities Building on Saturday, Aug. 20, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. except for those entered in The Great American Spam Championship and ALL Gold Medal Flour Contests. B. Disposable containers should be used, as no containers will be returned. Cakes will not be accepted on any plate or dish that has to be returned to the owner. All baked products except iced cakes must be enclosed in a plastic bag or disposable container, uncovered exhibits will not be accepted. Baking entries will not be returned. Due to limited space, not all entries can be displayed. Cakes must be boxed and delivered on 8 in. or 9 in. flat cardboard rounds (available at bakeries), unless otherwise specified in class. C. For food safety and health concerns of judges: No fruit (canned or fresh), flowers, cream, cream cheese, sour cream or items requiring refrigeration to be used on products or as garnish. Exception: Because judging is done immediately and no refrigeration is necessary, entries in class 1113-1120 may use the above items. D. Minnesota State Fair gate admission is necessary when delivering items for special contests held during the fair. 4. ELIGIBILITY. (ALSO READ ADDITIONAL RULES ON PAGE 8) A. Only articles which are the product of the “home” kitchen will be eligible. No mixes; no cheesecakes. B. An exhibitor having received first premium at three successive Minnesota State Fairs will not be permitted to compete in that class (excluding sweepstakes) at succeeding fairs for a period of two years. C. In large classes, ALL entries are evaluated, only 25 will receive scores. D. Carefully read and follow ALL directions and rules for each category. Points will be deducted if directions are not followed. 5. SPECIAL AWARDS. A. SP1000 Supreme Baker of the Kitchen. Awarded to the individual earning the most points on their entries in the baking categories (not including sweepstakes classes or special contests or awards). Points will be awarded as follows: first place earns 5 points, second place earns 4 points, third place earns 3 points, fourth place earns 2 points and fifth place earns 1 point. (Points will only be awarded as far out as the ribbon placing for the class.) The winner will receive a plaque and be listed on the Creative Activities webpage and in premium book. The winner will be contacted by phone and announced by signage in the kitchen area of Creative Activities. B. Red Star Yeast will present Red Star yeast and a coupon for more yeast to all exhibitors entering the baking competition (NOT including special contests). C. Gold Medal Flour will award $100 to the sweepstakes winner of lots 1010, 1034, 1050, 1073, 1085, 1095, prize money will be included in the fair check. 34 Creative Activities Rules & Premium Book 2016 JUDGING CRITERIA FOR BREADS, CAKES, COOKIES, and BARS Appearance, color ...............................................................................30 Texture, internal appearance .............................................................35 Flavor, aroma .......................................................................................35 100 BREAD, PLAIN TYPES OF DOUGH - YEAST Bread baked for exhibition in individual loaves must be approximately 5 in x 9 in. x 3 in. (1- 1 1/2 lb. loaf). Enclose in a plastic bag or disposable container. 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 Bread, white, no seeds ...................................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Bread, herb ........................................................................................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Bread, whole wheat or graham.......................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Bread, raisin or dried cranberry ......................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Dinner rolls, whole grain (4)............................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Bread, whole grains ........................................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Bread, rye .......................................................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Bread, artisan, sourdough, baguette, or challah................................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Dinner rolls, white, such as clover leaf, finger rolls, etc. (4)............................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Sweepstakes, plain dough yeast breads (do not enter) ....................................................... $10 and Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon SP1011: Red Star Yeast will award a gift to winner of class Bread, white (class 1001). SP1012: In addition, Red Star Yeast will award a gift to the plain dough-yeast sweepstakes winner (class 1010). BREAD, SWEET DOUGH - YEAST No toppings. Enclose in a plastic bag or disposable container. 1013 Coffee cake (no rings) ....................................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 1014 Sweet rolls, without fruit or nuts, (4) .................................................................................. $8 $6 $4 $2 1015 Sweet rolls, containing fruit or nuts, (4) ............................................................................. $8 $6 $4 $2 1016 Coffee ring (ring shape only) ............................................................................................. $8 $6 $4 $2 1017 Coffee cake, pull-apart....................................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 1018 Sweepstakes, sweet dough yeast breads (do not enter) ..................................................... $10 and Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon SP1019: Red Star Yeast will award a gift to the sweet dough-yeast sweepstakes winner (class 1018). QUICK BREADS Bring a whole loaf, no smaller than a pan size of approximately 3 1/2 in. x 7 in. x 2 in. or bring 1/2 a loaf from a pan approximately 5 in. x 9 in. x 3 in. Muffins (4 total) must be baked without paper liners (NO mini muffins). No icing. Enclose in a plastic bag or disposable plastic container. 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 Banana bread, may use nuts, no other fruit or chips ......................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Other fruit bread (list type of fruit), including pumpkin, may use nuts................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Non-traditional bread ......................................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Nut bread, no fruit or chips ................................................................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Coffee cake, 8 in. or 9 in. round or 8 in. square................................................................. $8 $6 $4 $2 Vegetable bread (list type of vegetable) ............................................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Muffins, containing fruit (list type of fruit), no chips, nuts or vegetable .............................. $8 $6 $4 $2 Muffins, poppy seed, no fruit, chips, nuts or vegetable........................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Muffins, oatmeal, no fruit, chips, nuts or vegetable ............................................................$8 $6 $4 $2 Muffins, containing vegetable (list type of vegetable) ........................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Bundt type coffee cake, whole cake, 8 in. or 9 in. ............................................................. $8 $6 $4 $2 Scones (4) ......................................................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Sweepstakes, quick breads (do not enter)........................................................................... $10 and Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon EGG CAKES No icing. Angel food, chiffon and sponge cakes entered with topside up, as seen in pan. Enclose in a plastic bag or disposable container. Must be delivered on 8 in. or 9 in. rounds (available at bakeries). No commercial mixes. 1035 Angel food, white ............................................................................................................... $8 $6 1036 Chiffon ............................................................................................................................... $8 $6 1037 Chocolate chiffon ............................................................................................................... $8 $6 1038 Sponge .............................................................................................................................. $8 $6 1039 Sweepstakes, egg cakes (do not enter)............................................................................................ 35 $4 $4 $4 $4 $10 $2 Ribbon $2 Ribbon $2 Ribbon $2 Ribbon and Ribbon Creative Activities Rules & Premium Book 2016 CUPCAKES Submit four (4) cupcakes, any flavor, regular-size. No toppings of fresh fruit, canned fruit or live flowers will be accepted. Enclose in a plastic bag or disposable container. No commercial mixes. 1040 Decorated cupcakes .......................................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon CAKES WITH FAT OR COOKING OIL May be iced, glazed or drizzled, except in classes 1045-1047. No split layers except class 1041. Label flavor of cake. No cheese-based, whipped cream, or meringue icing, holiday fruitcakes or cheesecakes. Must be boxed and delivered on 8 in. or 9 in. rounds or squares (available at bakeries) except class 1045. No commercial mixes. 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 Three (3) or more layers, 8 or 9 in., any flavor .................................................................. $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon White (with egg whites), 8 or 9 in. two-layer cake ............................................................. $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Chocolate, 8 or 9 in. two-layer cake .................................................................................. $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon German chocolate, 8 or 9 in. two-layer cake ..................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Pound or loaf, no additions or topping ............................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Light bundt, no marble, no topping .................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Dark bundt, no marble, no topping .................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Vegetable or fruit type (list variety), single layer 8 or 9 in. round or square....................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Sweepstakes, cakes with fat or cooking oil (do not enter) ................................................................. $10 and Ribbon Grand cake sweepstakes (awarded to best cake of the fair) (do not enter)...................................... $20 and Ribbon SP1052: The Minnesota Chapter of Les Dames d’Escoffier International (www.ldei.org) will award $100 and rosette to the grand cake sweepstakes winner (class 1050). Prize money to be included in the fair check. COOKIES AND BARS Four (4) cookies or four (4) bars are required in each class. Enclose in plastic bag, on a disposable plate or disposable container. No cheese-based icing. Maximum size of three (3) inches diameter per cookie, except class 1057 and 1058. 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 36 Chocolate chip cookie, no fruits or nuts............................................................................. $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Chocolate chip cookie, with nuts, no fruit .......................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Chocolate chip cookie, with oatmeal ................................................................................. $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Thumbprint......................................................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Light, rolled flat, no frosting................................................................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Dark, rolled flat, no frosting................................................................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Ice box ............................................................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Ball type, not flattened before baking ................................................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Light, drop.......................................................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Dark drop ........................................................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Peanut butter, no additions................................................................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Filled, no “thumbprint”........................................................................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Light, ball type, flattened before baking ............................................................................. $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Dark, ball type, flattened before baking ............................................................................. $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Oatmeal, no fruit, nuts, chips or icing ................................................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Decorated holiday cookie .................................................................................................. $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Bars, cake-type, with or without topping ............................................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Bars, layered (no lemon) ................................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Brownies, plain, no frosting................................................................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Chocolate brownies with nuts, chips and/or frosting.......................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Sweepstakes cookies and bars (do not enter) ................................................................................... $10 and Ribbon Creative Activities Rules & Premium Book 2016 DECORATED COOKIE-ON-A-STICK Decorated Cookie-On-A-Stick of your Favorite Minnesota State Fair Food. Delivered on a sturdy 6 in. craft stick or tongue depressor. Maximum diameter of four (4) inches using icing and non-perishable, edible decorations only. Enclose in plastic bag or disposable container. JUDGING CRITERIA Appearance & Construction (50%), Creativity (50%) 1075 Decorated cookie-on-a-stick: Favorite MN State Fair Food............................................... $8 SP1077 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon C & H SUGAR SPECIAL AWARD FOR COOKIES AND BARS Do not make an entry under this class number. Awards are based on cumulative points in cookie category. Exhibitor may enter contest by picking up C & H Sugar Entry Labels at the front desk when bringing in entries for judging. The exhibitor earning the most total points for all entries made with C & H Sugar and bearing the official C & H Sugar Entry Labels in the cookie categories will be the winner. Total points will be based on four points for a 1st place, three points for a 2nd place, two points for a 3rd place, and one point for a 4th place. 1st prize: Coupons worth 25 lbs. of sugar 2nd Prize: Coupons worth 20 lbs. of sugar 3rd Prize: Coupons worth 15 lbs. of sugar. COOKIE RECIPE CHALLENGE Prepare the following recipe exactly as printed (no additions or substitutions). Enter four (4) cookies on a disposable plate in a plastic bag or disposable container. Crisp Oatmeal Cookies ¾ cup sugar ¼ cup firmly packed brown sugar ½ cup butter, softened ½ teaspoon vanilla 1 egg ¾ cup all-purpose flour ½ teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon cinnamon ¼ teaspoon salt 1 ½ cups quick-cooking rolled oats ½ cup dried cranberries Heat oven to 375°F. Spray cookie sheets with nonstick cooking spray. In large bowl, combine sugar, brown sugar and butter; beat until light and fluffy. Add vanilla and egg; blend well. Add flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt; mix well. Stir in oats and dried cranberries. Drop dough by rounded teaspoonfuls 2 inches apart on sprayed cookie sheets Bake at 375°F for 7 to 10 minutes or until edges are light golden brown. Cool 1 minute; remove from cookie sheets. Yield: 36 cookies 1078 Cookie recipe challenge ages 14-19 ................................................................................. $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon 1079 Cookie recipe challenge ages 20-39 ................................................................................. $8 1080 Cookie recipe challenge ages 40-59 ................................................................................. $8 $6 $6 $4 $4 $2 $2 Ribbon Ribbon 1081 Cookie recipe challenge ages 60 and over........................................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Gold Medal Flour, will award a gift basket sent by Gold Medal after fair to the winner in each division. JUDGING CRITERIA FOR PIES Appearance, color ............................................................................................30 Texture, internal appearance .........................................................................35 Flavor, aroma ...................................................................................................35 100 PIES Fillings and crust must be made from scratch. No frozen or packaged pastry, no prepared pie filling. No eggs or custards. Use disposable pan. Glass plates may be used, but will not be returned. Enclosed in box or plastic bag. 1082 Apple.................................................................................................................................. $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon 1083 Mixed fruit .......................................................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon 1084 Peach................................................................................................................................. $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon 1085 Sweepstakes, pies (do not enter)....................................................................................................... $10 and Ribbon 37 Creative Activities Rules & Premium Book 2016 SP1086: The American Pie Council, Lake Forest, Ill., will award a lifetime membership ($40 value) and a cookbook, America’s Best Pies to the sweepstakes winner in the pie division (class 1085). Please check their website at www.piecouncil.org for information on the National Pie Championships. SP1087: The Peterson Memorial will award a rosette in memory of Alice H. Peterson, and in recognition of all bakers dedicating the time to make homemade pie crusts with fresh fillings, to first prize winners in class 1082-1084. SP1088: Braham Pie Day of Braham, Minn., the “Homemade Pie Capital of Minnesota”, will award $50 to the sweepstakes winner in the pie division. ETHNIC BAKING Only baked or fried products accepted. No pudding or whipped cream. No fruit or fresh flowers on top. Entries must be submitted with 1) RECIPE typed on 8 1/2 x 11 in. sheet of paper; 2) name of recipe with all ingredients listed with measurements, preparation instructions, and baking time; 3) Country of origin, 4) Entry number and class number. Points will be deducted for incomplete recipe. Submit cakes on 9 or 12 in. cardboard round. Enclose in a plastic bag on a disposable plate. 1090 Cookies (4) ........................................................................................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon 1091 Bread. ................................................................................................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon 1092 Crisp bread or crackers. .................................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon 1093 Cake .................................................................................................................................. $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon 1094 Not otherwise specified (NOS), such as rosettes, lefse, baklava ...................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon 1095 Sweepstakes, ethnic baking (do not enter) ........................................................................................ $10 and Ribbon SP1096: The American Swedish Institute, Minneapolis, Minn., will award 2 passes to the ASI Museum and a $25 gift certificate to the ASI Museum Shop for judge’s choice of “Best Ethnic Baking” in classes 1090-1094 (combined). SP1097: $20 will be awarded to the winner of the ethnic baking sweepstakes in memory of Catherine Hanley, author of Blue Ribbon Winners - America’s Best State Fair Recipes, by her family. GLUTEN-FREE BAKING EVENT Gluten free baking is for people with Celiac Disease, a genetic disorder that prevents absorption of nutrients if certain grains are ingested. Create bread, snacks, cookies or bars, or cake without using wheat, barley, rye or oats, or any derivative of these grains (unless certified gluten free). Purchased flour blends are acceptable. NO COMMERCIAL MIXES; i.e. cake, bread, cookie, or bar mixes. JUDGING CRITERIA FOR GLUTEN-FREE BAKING Appearance, color .......................................................................................... 30 Texture, internal appearance ........................................................................ 35 Flavor, aroma .................................................................................................. 35 TOTAL l Registration l l 100 is required. Entries in this class must be registered by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9. Important: Entries in this class must be delivered between 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20. Entries should arrive in a disposable container, containers will not be returned. Follow instructions on page 34 for baked products rules. Recipes must accompany each entry to ensure entry is gluten free. 1) Recipe typed on 8 1/2 x 11 in. sheet of paper. 2) Name of recipe with all ingredients listed with measurements, preparation instructions, bake time and serving size. 3) Specify if ingredients are gluten-free. 4) Include class number and entry number. Points will be deducted for incomplete recipes. DO NOT send in this sheet of paper with your registration. Bring it in with your item(s). 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1106 38 Quick bread loaf or muffins (4) .......................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Pie (1) ................................................................................................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Cookies or bars (4) ............................................................................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Cake (on 8 or 9 in. cardboard round)................................................................................. $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Yeast bread or rolls............................................................................................................ $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon Sweepstakes, gluten free baking (do not enter) .................................................................................. $10 and Ribbon Creative Activities Rules & Premium Book 2016 1109 C & H SUGAR - CAKE DECORATING CONTEST 25 Years of the Gedney State Fair Pickle 1st Prize: $100 2nd Prize: $50 3rd Prize: $25 JUDGING CRITERIA Creativity/originality (25%), Technique (25%), Appearance (25%), Taste (25%). Contest Rules: • Registration is required. Entries in this class must be registered by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9. Follow instructions on page 34. • Important: Entries in this class must be delivered between 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20. Entries should be delivered to side door of Creative Activities building, arrive in a disposable container, containers will not be returned. Follow instructions on page 34. • No toppings of fresh fruit, canned fruit or live flowers will be accepted. • Submit a 1 to 3 layer cake with icing, that is ten (10) inches maximum in diameter on a 9” or 12” cardboard round. • Entries must use C & H Sugar. Empty C & H package or proof of purchase required. • The entry must be original recipe for cake and frosting submitted with the entry on an 8 1/2” x 11” sheet of paper. On one side type your 1) name 2) address and 3) telephone number and 4) class number and exhibitor number. On the reverse, type 5) name of recipe with all ingredients listed with measurements, preparation instructions, baking time and number of servings. • Note: All recipes become the property of C & H Sugar Company, Inc. and the Minnesota State Fair and may be edited, adapted, copyrighted, published or used by them for publicity, promotion and/or advertising at their discretion without compensation to the contestant. • Prize money will be included in the fair check. 1110 VEGAN MAIN DISH COMPETITION We are seeking the most tasty and easy to prepare main dish that supplies complete protein. Salads are excluded. For your vegan main dish, simply use ingredients without animal product. Vegan Main Dish ..................................................................................................................... $8 $6 $4 $2 Ribbon JUDGING CRITERIA FOR VEGAN MAIN DISH COMPETITION Appearance, color ........................................................................................... 25 Texture, internal appearance ........................................................................ 25 Flavor, aroma ................................................................................................... 25 Protein content, ease of preparation ............................................................ 25 100 Contest Rules: • Registration is required. Entries in this class must be registered by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9. • Important: Entries in this class must be delivered on the west side of the Creative Activities building between 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 20. • Entries should arrive in a disposable container, containers will not be returned. Entries should be delivered cold, we will re-heat before judging. One entry per person. Follow instructions on page 34. • Recipes should include 12 or fewer ingredients. Salt, pepper, cooking oil, water and garnishes do NOT count as ingredients. A packaged food or product counts as one ingredient, i.e. box mix or bag of mixed vegetables. Fruit may be used. • Entries must be submitted with 1) the recipe typed on one side of an 8 1/2” x 11” sheet of paper including class number, typed on the reverse side 2) contestant’s name, 3) street address, 4) telephone number, and 5) exhibitor number. DO NOT send in this sheet of paper with your registration. Bring it in with your item. SP1111: Florence I. Brammer will award a vegan cookbook, to the winner of Vegan Main Dish (class 1110). 39 Creative Activities Rules & Premium Book 2016 1112 FAMILY HEIRLOOM RECIPES COMPETITION Our Family Heirloom Recipe competition seeks your best made from scratch heirloom recipe suitable for a family or community dinner. To encourage delving deep into your family’s culinary history, please submit family recipes prior to 1950. We look forward to learning about and tasting your treasured foods. Greater Midwest Foodways Alliance is dedicated to exploring, celebrating and preserving unique food traditions and their cultural contexts in the American Midwest. By hosting public events, developing archival resources and generating publications, the Alliance celebrates the distinctiveness of a region that is as varied in tastes and traditions as it is in its geography from the Great Lakes to the Great Plains. Exploring indigenous foods like Wisconsin cranberries and Minnesota walleye, celebrating iconic flavors like the wheat and corn from across the prairies, chronicling cuisines from Native American to early European immigrants to 21st-century newcomers, or highlighting fish boils in small towns and fine dining big cities, the Alliance promotes and chronicles the diversity of the region’s culinary character. PRIZE money sponsored by The Spice House (www.TheSpiceHouse.com): PRIZE money: 1st Place: $150, 2nd Place: $100, 3rd Place: $50 JUDGING CRITERIA History (50%), Prepared Recipe (40%), Appearance & Display (10%) CONTEST REQUIREMENTS • Registration is required. Entries in this class must be registered by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9. Follow instructions on page 34. • IMPORTANT: The entries in this class must be delivered on the west side of the Creative Activities building between 10 a.m.1 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 20. Entries should be delivered cold for safe handling. We will reheat before judging. Follow instructions on page 34. • Enter your best made from scratch family heirloom recipe suitable for a family or community dinner. Recipe should be from before 1950. • Entrants must be at least 18 years of age; one entry per person. Contestants who participated before may not resubmit previously entered recipes. Greater Midwest Foodways board and advisory council members cannot compete. • Each entry must be replicable from the recipe submitted. If an ingredient requires a recipe (for example, Jerry’s famous sausage), please include it. • Every ingredient must be listed in exact measurement (no rounded teaspoons, etc.) and the type of ingredient (example: self-rising flour) must be specified. No mixes may be used, such as cake or bread mix. Follow general proper recipe procedure, listing all steps of preparation, pan sizes, temperature and baking time. • Entries can be typed (or neat hand writing) on 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper in duplicate. Include photo of food for the display during the fair. On one page provide the recipe and contestant’s name, exhibitor number, class number, age at time of contest, address, phone number and email address. On a separate sheet(s) present the recipe's history. You may include who passed the recipe down to you, ethnicity (if relevant), number of years the recipe has been in your family and any interesting information about its place in your family’s traditions. Note the history accounts for 50% of the score so be sure to do justice to your recipe’s story. Please consult www.GreaterMidwestFoodways.com under the ‘events’ tab for examples of recipes and their histories. • By submitting your entry, you accept official rules and agree to be bound by the judges’ decisions, which will be final. You also agree that your recipe and history narrative will become the property of Greater Midwest Foodways Alliance, which reserves the right to edit, adapt, copyright, publish, and use without compensation to you. • By participating, contestants also understand and accept the right of Great Midwest Foodways Alliance to use contestants names, photos, history narratives and recipes for publicity without compensation. • Each winning entry will be shown in a display case (18” x 18”). Your product should be displayed simply though attractively, with the use of props, such as a copy of the original recipe, photographs, placemat, napkins, glassware or flowers. Label with exhibitor number for return. • Greater Midwest Foodways Alliance is not responsible for lost or illegible recipes, nor is the fair. • Taxes on the prizes are the responsibility of the winner. • Recipes from the Greater Midwest Foodways Alliance website (www.GreaterMidwestFoodways.com) are not eligible for entry in this contest. 40 Creative Activities Rules & Premium Book 2016 GOLD MEDAL FLOUR COOKIE CONTEST We’re celebrating the most delicious and most award-worthy cookies at the fair. Create and enter you own unique cookie TM recipe in the Gold Medal Flour Cookie Contest. Any style, size or shape is welcome. Simply use the premium quality Gold Medal Flour branded product. Prizes and gifts go to the top winners! Prizes: Up to four (4) prizes will be awarded, honoring a variety of creative, unique cookies. 1113 1st Prize: $300, 2nd Prize: $100, 3rd Prize: $50 Each winner will also receive a ribbon, award certificate and celebratory apron. SP1114 “New Entrant” Honorable Mention * For the “New Entrant” Honorable Mention prize, judges will select the best recipe submitted by a first time entrant in the Contest who is not awarded 1st, 2nd or 3rd Place prize. In the event that there are no eligible first time entrants, the "New Entrant" Honorable Mention prize will not be awarded. JUDGING CRITERIA (40%) Appearance; (40%) Flavor; (20%) Texture CONTEST RULES • Registration is required. Entries in this class must be registered by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9. Follow instructions on page 34. • IMPORTANT: Entries in this class must be delivered on Thursday, Aug. 25 (between 9-10 a.m.) They must be brought in a disposable container to the demonstration kitchen located inside the Creative Activities building. Entries should be delivered cold for safe handling. • Limit one entry per person. You must be 18 years of age or older to enter. The Contest is intended for amateur bakers only. Professional bakers or those who earn a significant portion of their livelihood from baking may not enter the contest, nor can employees of General Mills, its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries, agencies, and members of their immediate households. 1st Place winners from any 2015 Gold Medal Flour Cookie Contest are not eligible to enter the 2016 Gold Medal Flour Cookie Contest. • To enter, create your own unique recipe for any kind of cookie from scratch. Your recipe must include at least one cup of any guaranteed premium quality Gold Medal Flour. For Gold Medal Flour product information, visit www.goldmedalflour.com or www.facebook.com/goldmedalflour. • • Recipes must be named, your own creation, unpublished, and not previously submitted to any other contest. Bring your prepared food entry and corresponding recipe to the Creative Activities Building, demonstration kitchen between 9- 10 a.m. on Thursday, Aug. 25 and follow the fair's entry guidelines. Entries should be submitted with 1) a Gold Medal Flour proof of purchase or product label, 2) a neatly written or typed recipe for the entry (illegible recipes may be disqualified) with estimates on preparation time and total baking time denoted, and 3) your name, address, phone number, and email address. • By submitting your entry, you accept all Contest rules and agree to be bound by the judges’ decisions, which will be final. With entry submission, you also acknowledge and agree that no claim relating thereto shall be asserted against General Mills or any of its officers, directors, employees, agencies, representatives, successors, assigns or shareholders. • If the recipe you enter is awarded a prize, you also agree that your winning recipe will become the property of General Mills which reserves the right to edit, adapt, copyright, publish, and use any or all of it for publicity, promotion or advertising in any form of media without compensation to you. You hereby irrevocably authorize and grant permission to General Mills and others licensed or otherwise permitted by General Mills to use and distribute your name, address, voice and likeness for any and all purposes, including publicity, advertising and trade purposes, by all means of publication including electronic and Internet, without any obligation or liability to you and without any additional approval or consent. Taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Contest is void where prohibited or otherwise regulated by law. Sponsored by General Mills Sales, Inc., One General Mills Boulevard, Minneapolis, MN 55440. © 2016 General Mills 41 Creative Activities Rules & Premium Book 2016 GOLD MEDAL FLOUR “BEST PIE” CONTEST Gold Medal Flour invites you to compete for the coveted honor of “Best Pie of the Fair.” Perfect your all-time favorite pie or create something entirely new. Just make it your own and make it delicious. Big prizes and bragging rights await the top winners. Prizes: Up to four (4) prizes will be awarded, honoring a variety of pie flavors and styles, from cream-themed creations to fruit filled masterpieces. 1115 1st Prize: $300, 2nd Prize: $100, 3rd Prize: $50 Each winner will also receive a ribbon, award certificate and celebratory apron. SP1116 “New Entrant” Honorable Mention *For the “New Entrant” Honorable Mention prize, judges will select the best recipe submitted by a first time entrant in the Contest who is not awarded 1st, 2nd or 3rd Place prize. In the event that there are no eligible first time entrants, the New Entrant Honorable Mention will not be awarded JUDGING CRITERIA (40%) Appearance; (40%) Flavor; (20%) Texture CONTEST RULES • Registration is required. Entries in this class must be registered by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9. Follow instructions on page 34. • IMPORTANT: Entries in this class must be delivered on Thursday, Aug. 25 (between 12 p.m.-1 p.m.). They must be brought in a disposable container to the demonstration kitchen located inside the Creative Activities building. Entries should be delivered cold for safe handling. • Limit one entry per person. You must be 18 years of age or older to enter. The Contest is intended for amateur bakers only. Professional bakers or those who earn a significant portion of their livelihood from baking may not enter the contest, nor can employees of General Mills, its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries, agencies, and members of their immediate households. 1st Place winners from any 2015 Gold Medal Flour Pie Contest are not eligible to enter the 2016 Gold Medal Flour Pie Contest. • To enter, create your own unique recipe for any kind of pie from scratch. Your recipe must include at least one cup of any guaranteed premium quality Gold Medal Flour. For Gold Medal Flour product information, visit www.goldmedalflour.com or www.facebook.com/goldmedalflour. • • Recipes should be named, your own creation, unpublished, and not previously submitted to any other contest. • By submitting your entry, you accept all Contest rules and agree to be bound by the judges’ decisions, which will be final. With entry submission, you also acknowledge and agree that no claim relating thereto shall be asserted against General Mills or any of its officers, directors, employees, agencies, representatives, successors, assigns or shareholders. • If the recipe you enter is awarded a prize, you also agree that your winning recipe will become the property of General Mills which reserves the right to edit, adapt, copyright, publish, and use any or all of it for publicity, promotion or advertising in any form of media without compensation to you. You hereby irrevocably authorize and grant permission to General Mills and others licensed or otherwise permitted by General Mills to use and distribute your name, address, voice and likeness for any and all purposes, including publicity, advertising and trade purposes, by all means of publication including electronic and Internet, without any obligation or liability to you and without any additional approval or consent. Taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Contest is void where prohibited or otherwise regulated by law. Bring your prepared entry and corresponding recipe to the Creative Activities Building, demonstration kitchen between 12 p.m. (noon)-1p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 25; and follow the fair's entry guidelines. Entries should be submitted with 1) a Gold Medal Flour proof of purchase or product label, 2) a neatly written or typed recipe for the entry (illegible recipes may be disqualified) with estimates on preparation time and total baking time denoted, and 3) your name, address and phone number, and email address. Sponsored by General Mills Sales, Inc., One General Mills Boulevard, Minneapolis, MN 55440. © 2016 General Mills 42 Creative Activities Rules & Premium Book 2016 NEW Contest! GOLD MEDAL FLOUR BREAD CONTEST TM Bake your best using any Gold Medal Flour branded product. From the quick and easy to the more creative and elaborate, any bread qualifies! Our ideas range from buns, biscuits and braids, to brioche, bagels and baguettes. How about pitas, popovers, and pizza crust? Or consider muffins, dinner rolls and classic coffee cakes instead. Between two categories (sweet and savory) eight winners will be honored. Prizes: Up to eight (8) prizes will be awarded, honoring a variety of bread types, styles and flavors. 1117 - Sweet Category 1st Prize: $150, 2nd Prize: $50, 3rd Prize: $25, and Honorable Mention Each winner will also receive a ribbon, award certificate and celebratory apron. 1118 - Savory Category 1st Prize: $150, 2nd Prize: $50, 3rd Prize: $25, and Honorable Mention Each winner will also receive a ribbon, award certificate and celebratory apron. JUDGING CRITERIA (40%) Appearance; (40%) Flavor; (20%) Texture CONTEST RULES • Registration is required. Entries in this class must be registered by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9. Follow instructions on page 34. • IMPORTANT: Entries in this class must be delivered on Thursday, Aug. 25 (between 3-4 p.m.). They must be brought in a disposable container to the demonstration kitchen located inside the Creative Activities building. Entries should be delivered cold for safe handling. • Limit one entry per person. You must be 18 years of age or older to enter. The Contest is intended for amateur bakers only. Professional bakers or those who earn a significant portion of their livelihood from baking may not enter the contest, nor can employees of General Mills, its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries, agencies, and members of their immediate households. • To enter, create your own unique recipe for any kind of bread from scratch. Your recipe must include at least one cup of any guaranteed premium quality Gold Medal Flour: All Purpose Flour, Unbleached All Purpose Flour, Organic All Purpose Flour, Bread Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, White Whole Wheat Flour, or Self Rising Flour. For Gold Medal Flour product information, visit www.goldmedalflour.com or www.facebook.com/goldmedalflour. • • Recipes should be named, your own creation, unpublished, and not previously submitted to any other contest. • By submitting your entry, you accept all Contest rules and agree to be bound by the judges’ decisions, which will be final. With entry submission, you also acknowledge and agree that no claim relating thereto shall be asserted against General Mills or any of its officers, directors, employees, agencies, representatives, successors, assigns or shareholders. • If the recipe you enter is awarded a prize, you also agree that your winning recipe will become the property of General Mills which reserves the right to edit, adapt, copyright, publish, and use any or all of it for publicity, promotion or advertising in any form of media without compensation to you. You hereby irrevocably authorize and grant permission to General Mills and others licensed or otherwise permitted by General Mills to use and distribute your name, address, voice and likeness for any and all purposes, including publicity, advertising and trade purposes, by all means of publication including electronic and Internet, without any obligation or liability to you and without any additional approval or consent. Taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Contest is void where prohibited or otherwise regulated by law. Bring your prepared entry and corresponding recipe to the Creative Activities Building, demonstration kitchen between 3-4 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 25 and follow the fair's entry guidelines. Entries should be submitted with 1) a Gold Medal Flour proof of purchase or product label, 2) a neatly written or typed recipe for the entry (illegible recipes may be disqualified) with estimates on preparation time and total baking time denoted, and 3) your name, address, phone number, and email address. Sponsored by General Mills Sales, Inc., One General Mills Boulevard, Minneapolis, MN 55440. © 2016 General Mills 43 Creative Activities Rules & Premium Book 2016 ® THE GREAT AMERICAN SPAM CHAMPIONSHIP "Sweet & Savory" is both a winning combination and our 2016 contest theme! Make any dish, dessert or appetizer that features our beloved canned ham and some level of sweetness. The most creative and delicious efforts will be rewarded! Two Categories: 1 for Adults - 1 for Kids (Adults: Ages 18 & Up, Kid Chefs: Ages 7-17) ® st nd rd 1119 Local SPAM Champion Prizes: 1 prize: $150; 2 prize: $50; 3 prize (Adults) ® st 1120 Local SPAM Kid Chef Prizes: 1 prize: $150; 2 nd $25 rd prize: $50; 3 prize $25 (Kids) Two National Grand Prizes: ® 1) National SPAM Champion Grand Prize: A Trip for Two to the 2017 Waikiki SPAM ® JAM Festival in Hawaii Valued at $3,000 (Adult Grand Prize)*; ® 2) National “SPAM Kid Chef of the Year” Grand Prize: $2,000 cash prize JUDGING CRITERIA Theme (40%) + Taste (40%) + Ease of Preparation (10%) + Presentation (10%) Contest Rules: • • • Registration is required. Entries in this class must be registered by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9. Follow instructions on page 34. IMPORTANT: Entries in this class must be delivered on Friday, Aug. 26 (between 9-10 a.m.). They must be brought in a disposable container to the demonstration kitchen located inside the Creative Activities building. Entries should be delivered cold for safe handling. Make any sweet and savory themed recipe with at least one 12-ounce can of SPAM® products any variety (Classic, Lite, Less Sodium, Hot & Spicy, or other) and up to 10 other ingredients. (Packaged items such as cake mixes and other timesavers are welcome and count as one/individual ingredient. Salt, pepper, cooking oil, water and garnishes do NOT count.) • Judging Criteria is to emphasize the sweet/savory theme (creativity); prioritize taste (as in overall flavor and SPAM® product presence); and to address the recipe's clarity, simplicity and visual appeal. • • Recipes should be named, original, unpublished, the sole property of entrant, and not used for another contest. Submit your entry with a clear/typed recipe (illegible recipes may be disqualified), a product label and your contact information. One entry per person. • No SPAM® recipe contest 1st place winners from any fair in 2015 are eligible to win in 2016, nor are those who have won 1st place three or more times. All recipes become the property of Hormel Foods Sales, LLC, which has the right to publish or advertise the recipes and contestants without compensation. • • • Judges are chosen by the fair; their decisions are final. Hormel Foods is not responsible for lost recipes, nor is the fair. All winners are required to sign a release provided by Hormel Foods. Winner awards will not be distributed until their releases are received. • All contestants including fair winners, finalists and the national grand-prize winners shall not make any public appearances or give any interviews associated with this competition without the permission of Hormel Foods or the Blue Ribbon Group. • • Taxes on the prizes are the responsibility of the winner. Employees of Hormel Foods Corporation, its affiliates, subsidiaries and families of each are not eligible to participate. National Judging & Grand Prizes: • Fair contest supervisors forward 1st place winning recipes for national grand prize judging for both Adult and Kid Chef categories. Hormel Foods’ Test Kitchens judge recipes on the above criteria. Their decisions are final. • For the National SPAM® Champion Grand Prize (adult: age 18 & up) one national grand-prize winner will be selected out of all 26 st 1 place recipes. He/she will receive a voucher to cover $3,000 in travel costs (airfare, hotel and food) for the 2017 Waikiki SPAM JAM® Festival in Hawaii. The national grand-prize winner may elect to accept a $3,000 cash prize instead of the trip (ARV $3,000). • One National SPAM® Kid Chef of the Year (kid chef: age 7 to 17) will be selected out of all 26 1 place recipes and he/she will receive a $2,000 cash prize (ARV $2,000). • Both grand-prize winners will be notified by phone no later than Feb. 28, 2017. If Hormel Foods is unable to reach the grand-prize winners within 10 days of notification, an alternate may be selected. National winning recipes will be available by emailing statefairteam@blueribbongroup.net or by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Blue Ribbon Group, c/o SPAM® National Winner, 1120 South 2nd St #908, Minneapolis, MN 55415. 44 st