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equipment auctions • equipment for sale
construction division the weekly digital marketplace for construction auctions industrial division QUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT OR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • QUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT UCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • QUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT OR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • QUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT UCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • QUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT OR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • QUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT UCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • QUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT OR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • QUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT UCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • QUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT OR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • QUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT UCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • QUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT OR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • QUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT UCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • QUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT OR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • QUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT UCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • CONSTRUCTION AUCTIONS 1 QUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT farming division construction division ! ! !!! )) )()( ($)'!($ ! ! ! ! ! !! ! !! !! ! ! 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Did you know? You can bid in real time as the auctioneer calls the bids. Bidding is simple and it’s all on your screen. One click of your mouse is all it takes to bid. Can’t be in front of your computer at that time? No problem, you can leave bids any time before the lot is sold. Let's Do Some Business! BidSpotter also has many other kinds of sales including Industrial Machinery, Food Processing Equipment, Real Estate and Livestock. farming division 3 construction division construction equipment iron check NER equipment farm equipment used equipment stolen equipment database National Equipment Register farming division construction division 4 EQUIPMENT / TRUCK / VEHICLE / TOOL AUCTION Saturday, JUNE 11, 2011 9AM CONSIGN EARLY TO BE INCLUDED IN OUR ADVERTISING. HIGHLIGHT SO FAR... n Cat 312 Excavator With Thumb & Quick Change Bucket n Cat 416c 4x4 Extend A Hoe With 4 In 1 Bucket n 2000 Volvo S/A Cummins Ism 10 Speed n Pete 359, Cummins 9spd Drop Axle n Kw W900 T/A 10yd Dump Truck n End Dump T/A Rear Lift Gate From Trimet n Several Mini Buses n 12 Crown Victorias n 2003 Malibu Ski Boat n 2008 Ford ½ Ton Pickup 22000 Miles n 2006 Dodge Cummins Quad Cab n Antique Gas Pumps And Much More Coming COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL AUCTIONS 503-760-0499 The C.I.A. you can trust. farming division 5 construction division Upcoming Heavy Equipment Auction Saturday, June 11, 2011 @ 8:00 AM 2- Rings - On-Line Bidding powered through Wayne Pike Auction Co LLC 9492 Baptist Church Rd • Princeton, MN 55371 (4) Crawler Dozers, (3) Loaders, (5) Scrapers, Skid Steers, Forklifts, P & H Omega Crane, Motor Graders, Street Sweepers, Asphalt Rollers, Tampers, Dump Trucks, Digger Derrick Trucks, Flatbeds, Service Trucks, Yard Spotter Trucks, Tag Trailers, End Dump Trailers, Low Boy Trailers, Ag Tractors, Attachments, Collector Cars, Vehicles, Golf Carts, Harley Davidson, Large Selection of Landscape Block, Miscellaneous Construction Related Items. Please visit to view the online auction catalog & to register for online bidding. Auction Directory Wayne Pike 48-10-01 • Mitchell Siemers 48-10-16 DIRECTORY OF U.S. & CanAdian AUCTION COMPANIES 9492 Baptist Church Rd Princeton, MN 55371 763-389-2700 Fax 763-389-1767 AL..........J.M. Wood Auction Co.............................................3468 Ashley Rd., Montgomery, AL 36108, 800-447-7085, Fax 334-269-6990. ..............WorldNet Auctions Live...........................................174 S Main St, Greeleyville, SC, 29056, 843-372-0950, 843 426 4255, Fax 843-426-4256, AR.........Blackmon Auction Co..............................................P.O. Box 7464, Little Rock, AR 72217, 800-633-1485, 501-664-4526, CA.........Iron Planet.................................................................4695 Chabot Drive Ste 102, Pleasanton, CA 94588, 888-433-5426, Fax 888-433-3467, CT..........Petrowsky Auctioneers, Inc....................................275 Route 32, North Franklin, CT 06254, 860-642-4200, Fax 860-642-7900 FL..........Stampler Auctions....................................................1914 Tigertail Blvd, Dania, FL 33004, 800-333-2437, Fax 954-342-2080, GA.........Rebel Auction............................................................P.O. Box 549, Hazlehurst, GA, 31539, 912-375-3491, Fax 912-375-7384, ..............Adesa Atlanta............................................................5055 Oakley Industrial Blvd., Fairburn, GA 30213, 770-251-9881, Fax 770-357-2276, IA...........Hilpipre Auction Company.......................................P.O. Box 309, Cedar Falls, IA, 50613, 319-235-6007, Fax 319-234-1751, IL...........All States Auctioneers, Inc......................................P.O. Box 1144, Lake Villa, IL 60046, 847-395-4454, Fax 847-395-4464, ..............Powers Auction & Equipment.................................1017 Trakk Lane, Woodstock IL 60098, 815-338-9700, Fax 815-338-9766,, IN...........Don Smock Auction Co...........................................6531 S. State Rd. 13, Pendleton, IN 46064, 765-778-9277, Fax 765-778-9276, KY.........Bunch Brothers Auction..........................................P.O. Box 175, Wingo, KY, 42088, 270-376-2992, Fax 270-376-2997, KS..........ACT Auctions............................................................2200 State Line Rd, Kansas City, Ks, 66103-2188, 800-999-8538, ..............Purple Wave..............................................................825 Levee Drive, Manhattan, KS 66502, 888-608-9283,, MI..........Darell Dunkle & Associates.....................................P.O. Box 959, Harrison, MI 48625, 989-539-1704, Fax 989-539-5686, ..............Miedema Auctioneering Inc....................................P.O. Box 453, Grandville, MI 49418, 616-538-0367, 800-527-8243, Fax 616-538-5230, MN.........Wayne Pike Auction Co............................................P.O. Box 387, Princeton, MN 55371, 763-389-2700, Fax 763-389-1767, ..............Henslin Auctions, Inc...............................................P.O. Box 508, Bird Island, MN 55310, 320-365-4120, Fax 320-365-3753, ..............Hiller Auction.............................................................10785 261st Ave, Zimmerman, MN 55398, 763-856-2453, ..............I.R.A.Y. Auction Co....................................................11935 Hwy 95 NE, Foley, MN 56329, 877-968-7230, 320-968-7230, Fax 320-968-8075, MO........Yellow Iron Auctions.................................................1736 E. Sunshine St. Ste. LL7, Springfield, MO 65804, 417-866-6887, Fax 417-831-2899, MS.........Deanco Auction........................................................P.O. Box 1248, 1042 Holland Ave., Philadelphia, MS, 39350, 601-656-9768, Fax 601-656-0192, MT.........Smith Sales Co Auctioneers....................................42 Dent Addition RD, Miles City, MT 59301, 406-234-7355, NC.........King Auction..............................................................P.O. Box 800, Fletcher, NC, 28732, 800-359-5608, 828-684-6828, Fax 828-684-5217, NJ..........J.J Kane Auctioneers...............................................8008 US Hwy 130, Bldg 1 Ste 214, Delran, NJ 08075, 856-764-7163, Fax 856-764-4098, NY.........Alex Lyon & Son Auctioneers Inc............................RD#2, P.O. Box 610, Bridgeport, NY 13030, 315-633-2944, 315-633-2872, 315-633-9544, OH.........Cincinnati Industrial Auction ..................................2020 Dunlap St, Cincinnati, OH 45214, 513-241-9701 Fax 513-241-6760, ..............Frey & Sons, Professional Auctioneers..................Robert G. Frey, P.O. Box 7, Archbold, OH 43502, 419-445-0015, Fax 419-445-8888, ..............Yoder & Frey Auctioneers Inc. . ..............................1670 Commerce Rd, Holland, OH 43528, 800-842-6221, 419-865-3990, Fax 419-865-4595 , PA..........Comly Auctioneers...................................................1825 E Boston St, Philadelphia, PA 19125, 215-634-2500 Fax: 215-634-0496, SC.........Kissimmee Auction Co., Inc....................................218 Wingo Heights Rd, Spartanburg, SC 29303, 800-782-4506, Fax 864-583-9400, TN..........Ritchason Auctioneers, Inc.....................................7538 Linwood Rd., Lebanon, TN 37090, 800-806-3395, Fax 615-444-1057, TX..........Lemons Auctioneers ...............................................1011 Inwood St, Tomball, TX, 77375, 281-357-4977, Fax 281-357-4974, ..............Lone Star Auctioneers, Inc......................................4629 Mark IV Parkway, Fort Worth, TX 76106, (817) 740-9400, Fax (817) 740-9777, ..............Vaughan Auction Group, LLC..................................24280 Interstate 20, Wills Point TX, 75169, (903) 873-6777, Fax (903) 873-6201, WI..........Auction Specialists...................................................P. O. Box 100, Lomira, WI 53048 920-921-2901, Fax: 920-269-2902, ..............Auction Associates, Inc...........................................P.O. Box 418, Ripon, WI 54971, 920-748-3002, 800-242-0920, ..............Wisconsin Surplus Online Auction.........................P.O. Box 113, Mount Horeb, WI 53572, 800-383-SOLD, CAN.......LVG Auctions.............................................................13726 Airport Rd., Caledon East, On L0N 1E0, 800-340-7606, 905-584-7766, Fax 905-584-1218, Int'l.....Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers........................................4000 Pine Lake Road, Lincoln, NE 68516, 800-428-9264, Fax 402-421-1738, farming division construction division 6 East CONSTRUCTION AUCTION QUINNIPIAC COMMISSION AUCTION MANAGED BY DAVIS AUCTIONS, INC. , June 25, 2011 • 9:00 Y A D A.M UR LOC: DAVIS AUCTIONS, INC. T A . S 210 CHESHIRE ROAD, RT. 68, PROSPECT, CT THINK SUNSHINE!!! Quinnipiac Commission Auction will be conducting our next auction of utility and construction equipment and related supplies on June 25, 2011. This auction will consist of equipment from utility companies; municipalities; contractors; and others. All equipment from utility companies and municipalities are sold in absolute.. Early Consignments from Utility Companies: 2001 INTERNATIONAL 4700 w/Altec D945BR Digger Derrick, 45’ 3 section boom, auger, pole grabber, winch, hyd. stabilizers, diesel, auto, utility body, low miles; 2001 INTERNATIONAL 4700 w/Holan 47’ material handling bucket, utility body, 4 stabilizers, diesel; 2001 INTERNATIONAL 4700 w/Holan 45’ man carrying bucket, utility body, 4 stabilizers, diesel; 2002 FORD F450 w/enclosed utility body, diesel; 2003 FORD F350 Ext. Cab w/lift gate, 4x4; 2002 FORD F350 Ext. Cab, 4x4; (4) 2002-2001 FORD F250 Ext. Cabs w/utility body, 4x4; 2003 FORD F250 Ext. Cab, 4x4; 2003 FORD F250, 4x4; (3) 2001 FORD F250s, w/ladder rack; 2005 FORD F150 Ext. Cab, 4x4; 1997 CHEV. 1500 Ext. Cab, diesel, 4x4, low miles; 2000 FORD Ranger, 4x4; 1999 FORD Ranger; 2007 FORD Sport Trac; 2008 FORD Escape Hybrid; 2001 FORD E350 Van; 2001 FORD E250 Van; 2003 GMC Savana Cargo Van; (2) 2002 GMC Safari Vans, AWD; 2006 DODGE Caravan. Early Consignments: MOROOKA MST1500 Track Truck, w/dump bed, diesel; TROJAN 2000 Wheel Loader; CAT 226B Skid Steer Loader, EROPS; BOBCAT 763 Skid Steer Loader, EROPS; GENIE S40 Hyd. Boom Lift, 4x4; DITCHWITCH 7510 w/A645 Wheel Ditcher; DITCHWITCH 3700 w/backhoe, blade, trencher; HYSTER H300B Forklift, 30,000# capacity, 240” lift, 8’ forks, diesel; (2) MOTOBUG W10 Concrete Buggies; 1999 FORD F550 w/chip dump body, tool boxes, diesel; 2002 FORD Econoline 150 Van; (2) DODGE Caravans; CHRYSLER Town & Country; 2011 TOPLINE Car Trailer; 2011 TOPLINE Landscape Trailer; 2011 BIG BEE Tandem Axle Dump Trailer, 7000# GVW; (5) 2011 TOPLINE Utility Trailers; 1999 KENSINGTON Utility Trailer; Tailgate Party on Wheels- Trailer Mounted Smoker, Grill, Cooler, Chairs, Etc., INGERSOLL RAND 175 Air Compressor, diesel; (2) 10x16 Storage Sheds; 10x12 Storage Shed; 6x8 Chicken Coup; PELICAN 4 Person Paddle Boat; (2) PELICAN 2 Person Paddle Boats; Hyd. Hammer; Excavator Attachments; Skid Steer Buckets; Skid Steer Attachments; 3 PtH Attachments- Grader Boxes, Mowers, Spreaders, & Crane Booms; 3” Water Pump, diesel; Cement Lawn Ornaments; Contractor’s Tools; Shop Tools and much much more. You name it, it looks like it's coming!! More arriving daily. 2009 BUILT RITE 18SCP-D Wood Processor, trailer mtd, Kubota dsl, live deck, 6 way & 4 way splitter, Formerly Municipality Owned, 45 +/- hrs This is our early tentative list. We accept consignments up thru WEDNESDAY prior to sale. We never know what will be consigned at the last minute – so come to our inspection and find out! INSPECTION: FRIDAY, June 24, 2011 • 9 A.M. – 5 P.M. This is when/where you find out what is really here!!! TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECKS WITH IDENTIFICATION. ABSENTEE BIDS ACCEPTED. Website list frequently updated. If you don't see what you want here, visit website for updates. Call for more information: DAVIS AUCTIONS, INC. (203) 758-4087 or 1-800-201-4368 For Online Bidding, Visit AUCTIONEER: REGINALD LUSSIER LYNDONVILLE, VT 05851 NH LICENSE #2413 farming division 7 construction division South ANNUAL SUMMER CONTRACTORS AUCTION TWO DAYS DAY ONE LOCATION: 2236 Hwy 49 Brooklyn, MS 39425 INSPECTION: June 14th-16th public auction Friday, June 17, 2011 - 9 AM CST CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, ATTACHMENTS, TRUCKS 1 TON & LARGER, TRAILERS BUCKET/BOOM TRUCKS 1989 Ford F8f Bucket Truck CONCRETE TRUCKS 1994 INT'L PAYSTAR 5000 CONSTRUCTION ATTACHMENTS WILDCAT 72" ROCK GRAPPLE BUCKET EXTREME WILDCAT 80" GRAPPLE BKT GRAPPLES ROOT RAKES SMOOTH BUCKETS 74" BUCKETS FORK ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT PLATES 24" HOE BUCKET, FITS JD CRAWLER DOZERS 1989 JD 400G KOMATSU D21A CAT D5H KOMATSU D31P-20 1998 JD 850C LGP 1972 CAT D5 CAT D4E CAT D6D DUMP TRAILERS 2000 USTS DUMP TRUCKS 2002 FORD STERLINGS 1995 INT'L 4900 6X4 FARM EQUIPMENT SEE WEBSITE... FORKLIFTS 2001 JCB 520 TELEHANDLER, 1984 LULL HIGHLANDER 644 GENERATORS SEE WEBSITE... HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS HITACHI EX120-2 LOADER BACKHOES JD 310E JD 310SE LOGGING EQUIPMENT 1996 MAGNOLIA TRAILERS BOLSTER POLE TRAILER 1994 DOCKIE R1353163 POLE TRAILER MINI EXCAVATORS 2006 VOLVO ECR58 MISCELLANEOUS WORK BOX, METAL 48CF WHEEL BARROW 12' ALUMINUM BREAK 24' ALUMINUM WALK PLANK SEE WEBSITE... We also have absolute items from finance companies, local counties and cities as well. MISC TRUCKS 2007 FORD 250 SVC TRUCK 2003 FORD F550 LANDSCAPE TRUCK MOTOR GRADERS CAT 112F PAVING EQUIPMENT LAYMOR 8HC SWEEPER ROAD TRACTORS 2002 INT'L 4400 1994 FREIGHTLINER FLD 1994 PETERBUILT 379 2000 WESTERN STAR 1985 GMC BRIGADIER 1992 PETERBILT 378 RUBBER TIRE LOADERS 2000 CAT IT38G 1998 SAMSUNG SL120-2 SERVICE TRUCKS 1999 GMC C7500 1989 FORD F800 1989 CHEVROLET FLAT BED TRUCK SKID STEERS 2002 JOHN DEERE 240 2004 JCB 190T 2006 TAKEUCHI TL140 SPECIALTY ITEMS MARATHON HYD UNIT FOR COMPACTOR MASON DYNAMICS HYDRAULIC UNIT AWS FUEL TANK, TRAILERS 2010 TOPLINE JT10 UTILITY TRAILER UTILITY TRAILER 2007 BIG TEX PINTLE HITCH 2006 HAULMASTER ERSCHE8520TA3 UTILITY LOWBOY TRAILERS 1998 TRAIL KING TK20 2007 ELITE 20 UTILITY TRAILER TRENCHERS DITCH WITCH 3610DD WELDERS MILLER TRAILBLAZER22G Many more items added by auction day! DAY TWO Saturday, June 18, 2011 - 9 AM CST INSPECTION: June 14th-16th FARM TRACTORS, FARM IMPLEMENTS, AUTOMOBILES, CAMPERS, AND MISC. ITEMS Visit our website for updates and pictures. ALL ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE AUCTION DAY TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ALL PRINTED MATERIAL 8 South NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION Thurs, June 16, 2011 • 5051 S. Wilson Dam Rd, Tuscumbia, AL 35674 • 10 AM Local Time By virtue of default by Kennedy Brothers Construction, L.L.C., under the Promissory note dated October 23rd, 2008, payable to Commercial Credit Group Inc. (“CCG”), which obligation is secured by the property described below (the “Equipment”), CCG will sell at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, AS-IS, WHERE-IS, WITHOUT ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, all of its right, title and interest to the following Equipment: One (1) 1981 Caterpillar D9L Crawler Dozer, S/N: 14Y1046 w/ Straight Blade and Counterweight One (1) 1982 Caterpillar D9L Crawler Dozer, S/N: 14Y1630 w/ Straight Blade and Counterweight (inoperable/missing components) One (1) 1997 Terex 3066 Off-Highway Truck, S/N: A7101092 Terms: Successful bidder must pay 25% of purchase price at time of sale via cash, certified or acceptable bank check, with the balance payable in good funds on the next business day, unless: 1. The bidder has pre-qualified by presenting CCG with a written non-contingent, lending commitment from a source and in a form acceptable to CCG in its sole discretion, in which case we will entertain bids up to the amount of such written commitment; or 2. The bidder has obtained from CCG written credit approval in advance of the scheduled public sale. Commercial Credit Group Inc. 227 West Trade Street, Suite 1450 Charlotte, NC 28202 CCG reserves the right to bid at the sale. Contact W J Mattocks at (704)-731-0021 for additional information or to arrange an inspection of the Equipment. Auction Auctions Auctioneering Auctioneer Pro Team Auction Contractors farming division 9 construction division Midwest *** 100 SPECIALIZED TRAILERS! *** *19* LATE MODEL TRUCK TRACTORS!* The Equipment Trailer & Truck Sale of the Year! AUCTION THE HRIBAR CORPORATION FLEET WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 @ 9:30 AM STURTEVANT, WISCONSIN NOTE: Having just returned off of lease 100 excellent specialized trailers, the Hribar Company has decided to sell these trailers at absolute, unreserved auction along with a large group of late model truck tractors. * Free stacking of trailers available after auction. HILITES: 19 TRUCK TRACTORS: 20082006 Kenworth W900 (tri.), (16) 2008 Kenworth T800 (t/a), 1997 Peterbilt 379 (tri.), 27 EXTENDABLE DETACHABLE TRAILERS: (10) 2009-(6) 2005-(9) 2002 Trailking TK80MED-512 40 ton 51ft., 64ft. extended, (t/a), 1999 Trailking TK70MED-482 (t/a), 2000 Trailking TK80MED483 101,080 GVWR 48ft. (tri.). 10 DETACHABLE GOOSENECK TRAILERS: 1998 Fontaine E654T1CNGB 75 TON w/ 2 axle jeep- 2 axle boggie – 2 axle stinger, 1996 Fontaine 604T1CNGB 60 TON w/ 2 axle jeep – 2 axle boggie – 2 axle stinger, 1990 Trailking TS120MG-602 60 TON w/ 2 axle jeep -2 axle boggie-2 axle stinger, 1999 Trailking, 2003 Witzco RG50 (tri.), 20082003 Witzco RG35 (t/a.), 1997 Witzco RG 35 (t/a), 2006 XL Specialized (t/a), 29 EXTENDABLE DROP DECK TRAILERS: 2007 Trailking TK90ES533 (tri.), (12) 2007 Manac 14353A00 87,083 GVWR 53ft., 75ft. extended (tri.), (2) 2006 Manac 14353A00 76,172 GVWR 53ft., 75ft. extended (tri.), (8) 1999 Fontaine THDFTT-5-4866AWK 108,068 GVWR 48ft. 66ft. extended (tri.), (3) 1997 Fontaine HTDFTT-5-4866AW (tri.), 1996 Fontaine HTDFTT-54866AWK (tri.), 1990 Fontaine THDFTT-4-4865A 48ft., 66ft. extended (tri.)., 18 DROP DECK TRAILERS: (12) 2006 Trailing TK80ACS-533 40 ton 53ft. (tri.), (3) 2001-1999 Fontaine HDFT-5-10048AW, 1999 Fontaine, 2001 Reinke (t/a), 13 EXTENDABLE FLATBED TRAILERS: (7) 2005 Great Dane GPEAR348-80 95,000 GVWR, 48ft., 80ft. extended (tri.), (4) 2000 Great Dane GPEAR348-80 99,000 GVWR 48ft., 80ft. extended (tri.), (2) 1999 Great Dane (tri.), 4 FLATBED TRAILERS: 2000 Great Dane GPMSAR-248 (t/a), 1998 Great Dane MWSAR248 (t/a), 1998 Great Dane (t/a), 1999 Fruehauf (tri.), 27 FLIP AXLES: (7) 2009-(10) 2002-(3) 1999-1996-(4)1995 Trailking TK22FA-051, 2006-1996 XL Specialized XL24FA, SUPPORT EQUIPMENT: New Mustang Plate Compactors, New Mustang Concrete Vibrators, New Mustang Submersible Pumps, New Abrasive & Diamond Blades, New Stiff neck Pintle Hitches, New Air Spray Guns, New Ratchet Cargo Straps, New Impact Wrenches, Air Spray Guns, New Huskie Hammer Drill, New Jack hammer Hose, New Impact Wrenches, New Water Hose., Pintle Hitches, Ratchet Straps, Diamond Blades, Submersible Pumps, Concrete Vibrator, Impact Wrenches, Water Hoses, Air Spray Gun Kit, Water Pump, Mustang Rammer, Jack Hammer Air Hose, Hammer Drill, Hose Reels, Scaffolding, Porta Powers, Straps, Bottle Jacks, Battery Charger, Winches, Socket, Hose Reel, Booster Packs, Weedeater, Chainsaws, Vise, Sandblaster, Drill Press, Tri-Ball, Post Hole Digger, Cherry Picker, Wagon, Trailer Jacks, Pressure Jack. Directions: From General Mitchell Int’l Airport in Milwaukee: (approx. 20 min.), take I-94S to Exit 333, Hwy 20. Proceed to East Frontage Rd., go South to auction site on left. From Chicago O’Hare Field: (approx. 45 min.), take I-294 N to I-94 N. Proceed to Exit 333, Hwy 20E, continue to East Frontage Road. REGISTERED WI AUCTION FIRM: #223-053 Alex Lyon & Son, Sales Managers & Auctioneers, Inc. REGISTERED WISCONSIN AUCTIONEER: #1878-052 Jack Lyon Address: 1755 S. E. Frontage Road, Sturtevant, WI 53177 SITE PHONE: 262-886-2778 We shall not be held liable for any typographical errors or inaccuracies in the content of this adv. ALEX LYON & SON SALES MANAGERS & AUCTIONEERS Bridgeport, NY Phone: (315) 633-2944, Fax: (315) 633 -8010 farming division 10 construction division Midwest !!!$#$ $ ""$" #$$#$# $$!!!$ "$%! %# "" 12(5)01(3/051-3/024'5!135'41+ 4052%5(-004.3+5-&'132.534205*2.4504.31+5*+443 /*5(/.%30-(32/.54-2&"4.351.'514021+5+2*3% %-&&/0354-2&"4.352.(+-'2.54-2&"4.35*0/" 345!135%3/04 7463-/*.432)736*/!5077;;+<896<.73:<7;;+<896<.73: 7;;+<896<.73:<7;;+<896<.73: 76*%%2673-62)7.14)26507896<++-:<896<+;:<241<896<+;-:<896<3;-:<896 4;-:<311.7/466-26077;;0<896<,5-:<+7/64.267364/3165077;,,<896<*+:<896<*+!:<7;;0<896<*0! 2#9:<"( <#1:<7;;3<896<*0!:<896<*0!/:<896<*0/-:<896<*0*:<896<*5-/-:<896<*4-/:<896<*4-/: /64.267.14)265077;;3<896<348: (7'1316764)265077;;+<896<,7:<896<,7-:<896<,7;-:<745,"4.3 ,426507&$9 <"'%<33,;:<&$9 <"'%<33,;:</1$/62327,42607-'9#'<-04;;:</1',4/316077;;0<896 +,3:<++7364/3167.14)267%4/!"12507896<54;<25%51:<896<57;<25%51:<896<57;<25%51:<896<57;*<25%51:<896 57;*<25%51:<251<896<5,0<25%51:<896<5,0<25%51:<89(<3+;/:<+7")64*.-/72/443165077;;,<896<453&/:<896 44;/:<7;;0<896<473*/:<896<473*/8:<896<4738/:<7;;.<896<475*/:<896<4758/:<7;;.<896<47;*/:<7;;.<896<4,38/: 896<4,38/:<896<4,38/:<896<4;+88!:<896<4;388!:<896<4;588!:<896<4;588!:<896<4;438:<896<4;73: 75!-) 53226507896<7+.&:<896<7+.&:<896<7..&:<896<7..&:<896<7..&:<896<70.&:<896<73.&:<896<73.:</64.267.14) 26507896<.4/-<2(1: 32.25/1,-/7&16!.-&3507896<50;&7: 746-/*.3*64.7364/3165077;;0<896 +03&:<7;;0<896< +03&:<+7,*..7,4$507201<#'"<+7,/:<21<#'"<,+*&!:<271<)*<,+,78:<!'(<,70,;<*#: ( 4-67/1',625516507 $$9<4.38:< $$9<4.38:< $$9<,+38:<+7%11'7.-&3507271<7;;<)/-<+;;<25%51: 271<7;;.<)/-<+0; )<2551:<231<7;;.<-("(< 0;<25%51:<251<7;;,<)/-<50; )<25%51:<7;;.<)/-<53;)<25%51:<271<)/4;;): (+75/-55167.-&3507271<7;;.<)/-<545!<25%51:<251<7;;+<)/-<54;!<25%51:<7;;.241<7;;0<)/-<44+5! 25%51:<271<7;,;<)/-<4750 ):<7;;.<)/-<70;!:<241<)/-<7050 :<231<7;;3<)/-<704; :<201< 9#<,47:<251 9#<,347:<4334/"'2$3507575## 0700".7"<<&#(6:<9< (9:<':<'"6<$96(:<&9#'(: ,.*575*,,16372*-,'2$3 && $2355/**5 ,5 #!)#5 )5 5#!#)5)5)5, 5//%45145/1'51-435 5$,,$5 " #$"#$# ,$,5$,$ (<9$$<"'6<(<($<$9$(<'<9"<6'9#9$<('<'<"9##9#(<"<6(<#'"6("6<'<6<9< % # 7$777,#07(+7(( 77&07(+7((7+ 11 farming division construction division Midwest One Owner Reduction Auction WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2011 * 9:30A.M. 5535 Hickory Road • Indianapolis (Wanamaker) Indiana Selling Equipment For: Fleetwood Contracting Corporation Mr. Fleetwood is reducing excess equipment to his current needs. He is NOT going out of business. Equipment, trucks, trailers are job ready. Can't Make it to the Auction? BID LIVE ONLINE! Register for this auction on Equipment: '98 Cat IT28G Loader, Buckets & Forks, One Owner, '05 Cat D5G LGP Crawler Tractor, Cab w/ Heat/Air, '00 Deere 650H LT Crawler Tractor, One Owner, '00 Cat CP563C Padfoot Compactor, Cat CS433C Smooth Drum Compactor, Dynapac CC1000 Roller, 276 Hours, Fiat Allis 65 Grader, '07 Mack CV713 Dump Truck, Rebuilt Title, '08 Ford F350 Pickup, '05 Ford F350 Pickup, Power Stroke Diesel, 4x4, '06 Hank Williams Tag,14,000#, Fema Camper Trailer, Thompson 6" Water Pump, Portable Fuel Tank, 20' & 40' Containers, 24' Van Body, Deere Gator 4x2 Gator, Concrete Forms: 6" & 12" Concrete Straight Forms & Radius Forms, Attachments: Howse 8' Bush Hog, 3PT, Thumb 200 sized Excavator, Case 18" Backhoe Bucket, Easco 24" Excavator Bucket, 24" Bucket for 310E Backhoe, 26" 310E or 410 Smooth Edge Bucket, Hook on Forks for Backhoes, Various Sized Backhoe Buckets, Various Equipment: 8x18 Trench Box, (2) 8x24 Trench Boxes, 12x12 Manhole Box, 7 Yard Stone Box,15 Steel Plates, Honda EM5000S Generator, Stihl TS400 Cut off Saws, Battery Charger, Core Drill Machine, Hydrostatic Test Pump, Turbo Fog Machine, Marcher Power Washer Machine, 2" and 3" Discharge Hose, Various Test Pipes, Safety Barrels and Fence, Chains and Binders, Shop Fans, Various Sized Water Hoses, Tripods and Levelings, Air Powered Nailer, Shop Vacs, 12" to 36" Pipe Wrenches, Suction Hose, Various Sized Ladders, Cut off Saws, Hilti & Dewalt Hammer Drills, 1" to 6" Water Pumps, Hand Tools, Wheel Barrel, Air Compressors, Slings, Electric Power Tools, AmRox 12 Drill Press, Grinder/Buffer, 22/35 Ton Air Bottle Jack, Hydraulic Hose and Fittings, Air Hose, Fuel Tanks Sale Manager, Scott Roberts: 317-374-2881 Terms: Complete Payment on Sale Day - Payment May Be Made By Cash or Check. *ALL CHECKS MUST HAVE CURRENT BANK LETTER GUARANTEEING FUNDS* BUYERS PREMIUM: 1% on each item $2,501 & greater 10% on each item $2500 & less Auctioneer: Don Smock - Lic. #AU09200016 • Nic Smock - Lic. #AU10500037 Please Visit our website for updates. Providing Professional & Personal Service To The Construction Industry Sale Arranged & Conducted By: DON SMOCK AUCTION CO., INC. 6531 S. State Road 13 • Pendleton, IN 46064 765-778-9277 • Fax: 765-778-9276 E-mail: • Web Site: farming division 12 construction division Midwest ADVANCE NOTICE A Unique Dimension in Print Media EASTERN NEBRASKA’S LARGE, LATE MODEL TRUCK, TRAILER, CONSTRUCTION & FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION THURS, JUNE 30, 2011 • 10 AM Connect to Your Customers in an Exciting New Way FREMONT, NE: Auction held at Christensen Field Indoor Arena Can’t make it to the Auction? Bid live on Taking Quality Additions for Our Large Late Model Spring Auction! More Innovation in Advertising from Contractors Hot Line ® There’s no limit to how much you can share with QR codes. Call 800-247-2000 Today Early Commitments Include: (6) Matched ’04 Mack RD688S Day Cab Conv. Trk Trctrs w/Wet Kits, 175-200K Mi (Ex); ’99 Mack CH613 3-Ax & ’96 Mack CH613 2-Ax Trk Trctrs w/Wet Kits; (2) Matched ’04 Mack CV713 Granite 2-Ax Dump Trucks w/175-190K Mi (Ex); (2) Matched ’07 SiDump’r 3-Ax Side Dump Trlrs; (3) Matched ’06 & ’05 SiDump’r 2-Ax Side Dmp Trlrs; ’89 Cat 140G Mtr Grdr; Komatsu PC400LC-6LC Hyd. Excavator w/9,200 Hrs (Ex); ’03 Cat 973C & ’97 Cat 973 Crwlr Ldrs; ’00 Cat D6R LGP Dozer w/EROPS & 12’ Blade (Ex); ’98 Cat 815B Compctr; We will have Other Trucks, Trailers, Construction & Dirt Equipment, Lawn & Garden and Farm Equipment, Vehicles & MUCH MORE– so get your Equipment in Early for the Best Exposure & Results! Competitive Rates and Package Deals Available & Complete Liquidations Welcome. To Add Your Quality Equipment to this Reputation Auction, Please Contact the Office at 1 800 301-8805 or (402) 727-8800 or Contact Larry Gaeth at (402) 720-3800; Jay Nitz at (402) 720-2541; Jack Nitz at (402) 720-1708; Courtney Nitz at (402) 720-3107. The digital publication is designed to help readers locate construction and industrial auctions on a regional or national basis. Each issue features a wide array of equipment being sold by some of today’s leading auctioneers across the country. In addition, the issue is searchable allowing readers to not only locate equipment by region but offers the ability to search by equipment type as well. If you have any questions or would like to receive information about getting a weekly reminder of our new issue, please contact: CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIAL farming division 13 construction division West No Minimums • No Reserves PUBLIC AUCTION KENMORE HEAVY EQUIPMENT & VEHICLES Heavy Equipment, Contractors Equipment, Trucks, Vehicles 9AM - SATURDAY - JUNE 11 Preview 8 - 5pm, Friday, June 10 18226 68th Avenue NE, Kenmore, WA Komatsu Pc158ulc-2, 2000 Takeuchi Tb175 Mini Excavator, Takeuchi Tb135 Mini Excavator, 2004 John Deere 110, 2000 John Deere 410e 4x4 Backhoe, (2) 2000 John Deere 310se, 4x4 Backhoe, 1999 John Deere 310se 4x4 Backhoe, 1998 Case 580 Super L 4x4 Backhoe, 1991 Case 580k Backhoe, Hyster H120xm, 11,500 Lb Dual Pneumatic Tire Fork Side Shift, Daewoo G25s-2, 5000 Lb Pneumatic Tire Forklift, 1949 John Deere M Tractor, 2004 Int'l 9200i T/A Tractor, 1994 Kenworth T800 T/A Tractor, 1995 Ford L9000 Dump Truck, 1994 Ford L8000 T/A Dump Truck, 1980 Ford 9000 T/A 20' Flatbed, 1978 Gmc 6500, 1999 Int'l 4700 Vac Truck, 1990 Ford F600, 2006 Volvo Vnl 64t T/A Tractor, 2000 Chev 3500 11' Flatbed, 2002 Int'l 4300 (Non Running) , 2002 Ford F250 Super Duty, 2001 Int'l 4700 (Non Running), 2001 Dodge 2500, 1995 Chev 3500 Flatbed Truck, 1989 Gmc 35 Step Van, 1991 Trail King Tk70hdg443, 1972 Brown T/A 36' Flatbed Trailer, 1996 Wells Cargo F0z611, Fuehauf 13' T/A Pup Trailer, 2007 Top Notch Tnt-3fd228, 2007 Paros 10' Eq Trailer w/ Sideboards, 1997 Top Notch 18' T/A Flatbed Trailer, 2006 Land Rover Range Rover, 2006 Ford Crown Vic, 2004 Audi Tt, 2003 Ford Taurus, 2003 Chev Malibu, 2001 Daewoo Leganza, 2000 Mercedes E55amg, 1995 Oldsmobile Aurora, 1991 Ford Explorer, 04-05 Ford Expedition Xlt, 2001 Ford F150 Ext Cab, 2000 Chev 1500 Ext Cab, Passenger Buses, Hyster S120e 12,000 Lb Hrt Forklift, More Available! See Our Website for Pictures and Details Bid live or bid online with MurphyLIVE! CALL FOR AN ILLUSTRATED BROCHURE James G. Murphy Inc. Commercial & Industrial Auctioneers 18226 68th Ave NE, Kenmore, WA 98028 1.800.426.3008 - 425.486.1246 farming division construction division 14 Auction Calendar AUCTION CALENDAR Auctioneers: Have your dates listed (no charge) in our Weekly Issue & On-Line • Call 800-247-2000 • 06/04 06/04 06/04 06/04 06/04 06/04 06/04 06/04 06/04 06/04 06/04 06/04-06/30 06/06 06/07 06/07 06/07 06/07 06/07 06/07 06/07 06/07-06/08 06/08 06/08 06/08 06/08 06/08 06/08 06/08-06/09 06/09 06/09 06/09 06/09 06/09 06/09 06/09 06/09 06/09 06/09 06/10 06/10 06/10 06/10 06/10 06/10 06/10 06/10 06/10-06/12 06/11 06/11 06/11 06/11 06/11 06/11 06/11 06/11 06/11 06/11 06/11 06/11 06/11 06/11 06/12 06/13 06/13 06/13 06/14 06/14 06/14 06/14 06/14 06/14 06/15 06/15 06/15 06/15 Albany, NY Alex Lyon and Son A Calhoun, GA American Auctioneers A Bartow, FL Garner & Associates Auctioneers, Inc. A Spragueville, IA Hilpipre Auction A Ames, IA Iowa Department of Transportation A,I Medford, NY JJ Kane Auctioneers A Gardena, CA Ken Porter Auctions A White Pine (ONLINE), TN Pro Team Auctions A Sturgeon County, ABRitchie Bros Auctioneers A Beaverlodge, AB, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A,I Belington, WV Tri-State Auction & Realty A ONLINE A Avonhurst, SK, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Corona, CA Asset Reliance, Inc. A ONLINE (Jacksonville), FL - Adesa Jacksonville A,C ONLINE Lone Star Auctioneers A Rockmart, GA Martin & Martin Auctioneers, Inc. A Miami, FL Peoples United Equipment Finance Corp A Denver , CO Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A North East, MD Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Oklahoma City, OK Kruse Energy & Equipment, LLC Auction C Manassas, VA Alex Lyon and Son A Lakeview Terrace, CA Ken Porter Auctions A ONLINE Lone Star Auctioneers A Fairburn (ONLINE),, GANorman J Gallivan A Rockglen, SK, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A ONLINE Stock Auction A Montgomery, AL J M Wood Auction A ONLINE (Hazelhurst), GA - Rebel Auction A ONLINE (Perris), CA - Western Const Auct A ONLINE IronPlanet A Waxahachie, TX JJ Kane Auctioneers A Courval, SK, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Atlanta, GA Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Reno, NV Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Avignon, FRA Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Polotitlan, MEX Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A England Thimbleby & Shorland L Canton, OH Cincinnati Industrial Auctioneers A ONLINE (Fitzwilliam), - Petrowsky Auctioneers A Canton, OH Myron Bowling Auctioneers Inc. A Fitzwilliam, NH Petrowsky Auctioneers Inc. A Dawson Creek, BC, CANRitchie Bros Auctioneers A St. Victor, SK, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Plamondon, AB, CANRitchie Bros Auctioneers K Las Vegas, NV Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A ONLINE (San Antonio), TX - Leake Auction Co I Detroit, MI Alex Lyon and Son A Albany, NY Alex Lyon and Son A Gurnee, IL American Auction Associates A Sarcramento, CA Bar None Auction A Portland (ONLINE), OR Commercial Industrial Auctions A Princeton, MN Henslin Auctions, Inc. A London, KY Industrial Iron Traders A Kenmore, WA James G Murphy A Kannapolis, NC King Auction & Realty A Lyman, ME North Country Auctions, LLC A Grimshaw, AB, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A,I Stalwart, SK, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Salt Lake City, UT TNT Auction A,I Princeton, MN Wayne Pike Auction Company A Detroit , MI Alex Lyon and Son A ONLINE (Seven Valleys), PA - McGrew Auction A,K Dallas, TX Lone Star Auctioneers B Montmartre, SK, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A ONLINE AssetAuctions A Magnolia, TX Cincinnati Industrial Auctioneers A ONLINE - Ryan Auction Sales A,C ONLINE - World Net Auctions A McLean, SK, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A ONLINE Ryan Auction Sales A Tampa, FL Alex Lyon and Son A Tampa , FL Cincinnati Industrial Auctioneers A Ottumwa, IA Eq Marketers & Appraisers / Hilpipre Auction Co A ONLINE (Opa Locka), FL - Adesa Miami A,C (315) 633-2944 (256) 927-5263 (863) 533-5100 (319) 235-6007 (515) 290-3170 (856) 764-7163 (310) 353-7140 (865) 674-7002 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (865) 376-7009 (903) 572-4975 (604) 273-7564 (909) 944-5959 (817) 740-9400 (864) 947-7888 (704) 909-2600 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (405) 745-3733 (315) 633-2944 (310) 539-4830 (817) 740-9400 (317) 227-3720 (604) 273-7564 (402) 678-2411 (334) 264-3265 (888) 433-5426 (856) 764-7163 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (440) 118-9508 (800) 497-9701 (513) 738-3311 (860) 642-4200 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (315) 633-2944 (315) 633-2944 (708) 599-7491 (530) 622-2700 (503) 760-0499 (320) 365-4120 (859) 317-1132 (800) 426-3008 (828) 684-6828 (603) 539-5322 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (801) 519-0123 (763) 389-2700 (315) 633-2944 (817) 740-9400 (604) 273-7564 (562) 590-1413 (800) 497-9701 (604) 273-7564 (603) 491-6159 (315) 633-2944 (800) 497-9701 (319) 266-3578 06/15 06/15 06/15 06/15 06/15 06/15 06/15-06/16 06/15-06/17 06/16 06/16 06/16 06/16 06/16 06/16 06/17 06/17 06/17 06/17 06/17 06/17 06/17 06/17 06/17 06/17 06/17-06/18 06/17-06/18 06/18 06/18 06/18 06/18 06/18 06/18 06/18 06/18 06/18 06/18 06/18 06/18 06/18 06/18 06/20 06/21 06/21 06/21 06/21 06/21 06/21 06/21 06/22 06/22 06/22 06/22 06/22 06/22-06/23 06/23 06/23 06/23 06/23 06/23 06/23 06/23 06/23 06/23 06/23-06/24 06/24 06/24 06/24 06/24 06/24 06/24 06/24 06/24 06/24-06/25 06/24-06/25 06/24-06/25 ONLINE (Livingston, PA) - Henderson Auctions A ONLINE (Pelzer), SC - Martin & Martin AuctA,C ONLINE (Atlanta) - A,C ONLINE IronPlanet A Kansas City, MO Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A ONLINE Stock Auction Company A Edmonton, AB, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Little Rock , AR Blackmon Auction A ONLINE (Fairburn), GA - Adesa Atlanta A,C ONLINE (Livingston, PA) - Henderson Auctions A Jordan, MN Henslin Auctions, Inc. A ONLINE IronPlanet A Salt Lake City, UT JJ Kane Auctioneers A Olympia, WA Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Strong, ME Alex Lyon and Son A Uniontown, PA Alex Lyon and Son A West Elizabeth, PA Cincinnati Industrial Auctioneers A Pendleton, IN Don Smock Auction Co. Inc. A ONLINE (Livington, PA) - Henderson Auctions A ONLINE - McGrew Auction A Norfolk, NE Jack Nitz & Associates A Panama City, PAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Minneapolis, MN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A High Level, AB, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A ONLINE (Brooklyn, MS) - Martin & Martin Auct of MS A Brooklyn, MS Martin & Martin of Mississippi A Atlantic City, NJ Alex Lyon and Son A ONLINE (Venray, NL) - BOB Auctions A ONLINE (Tamworth, NH) - N Country Auctions LLC A Baraboo, WI Hamele Auction & Realty A Princeton, MN Henslin Auctions, Inc. A Central City, IA Hilpipre Auction A Gardena, CA Ken Porter Auctions A Gardena, CA Ken Porter Auctions A Swainsboro, GA Lane Brothers Auction A,K Wausau, WI Nitke Auctions A Lyman, ME North Country Auctions, LLC A Warburg, AB, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A,I Regina, SK, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Hawk Hills, AB, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Lampman, SK, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Magnolia, TX Alex Lyon and Son A Urbana, IL Cincinnati Industrial Auctioneers A ONLINE (Mercer), - Adesa Pittsburgh A,C Brisbane, AUS Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Weyburn, SK, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A London, ON, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Lethbridge, AB, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Racine, WI Alex Lyon and Son A ONLINE (Fonata), - A,C ONLINE IronPlanet A Omaha, NE Jack Nitz & Associates A ONLINE Stock Auction Company A Houston, TX Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Bennington, VT Capital Recovery Group A Harrison, MI Darell Dunkle Auctioneers A ONLINE (Harrison), MI - Darell Dunkle AuctionsA ONLINE (Bettendorf), - US Auctioneers A ONLINE IronPlanet A ONLINE IronPlanet A Saskatoon, SK, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Geelong, AUS Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Columbus, OH Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Moerdijk, NLD Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Queretaro, MEX Alex Lyon and Son A ONLINE (York Springs), - Wolfe Ind Auctions A Sioux Falls , SD I.R.A.Y. Auction A ONLINE IronPlanet A Hines Creek, AB, CAN Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Albuquerque, NM Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Bellevue, IA Ritchie Bros Auctioneers A Wilmington, DE Utility Auctions A ONLINE (North Franklin), - Petrowsky Auctioneers A Vallejo, CA First Capitol Auction Inc. A Vallejo, CA First Capitol Auction, Inc. A,B (888) 433-5426 (604) 273-7564 (402) 678-2411 (604) 273-7564 (501) 664-4526 (320) 365-4120 (888) 433-5426 (856) 764-7163 (604) 273-7564 (315) 633-2944 (315) 633-2944 (800) 497-9701 (765) 778-9277 (402) 727-8800 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (601) 450-6200 (315) 633-2944 (608) 197-3349 (320) 365-4120 (319) 235-6007 (310) 353-7140 (310) 539-4830 (478) 237-5848 (715) 362-6162 (603) 539-5322 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (315) 633-2944 (800) 497-9701 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (315) 633-2944 (888) 433-5426 (402) 727-8800 (402) 678-2411 (604) 273-7564 (860) 623-9060 (989) 429-5336 (888) 433-5426 (888) 433-5426 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (315) 633-2944 (320) 968-7230 (888) 433-5426 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (604) 273-7564 (302) 654-1846 (707) 552-0739 (707) 552-0739 A=Construction Eq/Trucks & Trailers; B=County/City Surplus; C=OTR Trucks/Trailers/Vans; D=Logging/Forestry/Lumber; E=Oilfield/Drilling/Services; F=Mining/Quarry/Etc; G=Cable/Underground; H=Railroad/Machine Shop; I=Other (Call Auction Company for Information); J=Powerline/Utility; K=Farm/Construction farming division 15 construction division Search by Auctioneer or State AUCTIONEER STATE Alex Lyon & Son Auctioneers Sauget, IL Alex Lyon & Son Auctioneers Sturtevant, WI Bidspotter Commercial Credit Commercial Industrial Auctions Davis Auctions Don Smock James G Murphy Jack Nitz Martin & Martin National Equip Register Pro Team Wayne Pike Online Tuscumbia, AL Online Prospect, CT Indianapolis, IN Kenmore, WA Fremont, NE Brooklyn, MS Online Knoxville, TN Online the weekly digital marketplace for construction auctions farming division construction division 16
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