ilu]||ilil]]tilur1 - Cash
ilu]||ilil]]tilur1 - Cash
ilu]||ilil]]tilu 1757 FooEsE-'R eeeljDll gRUl Introducing I a. rh l// (tbb Brummel & Brown Hits The High Notes With Brilliant Blend Lipton'sinnavativetechnologyhascreatedthe firstspreadblendedwith the naturalgaodness af yogurt.NewBrummel& Brownhasthe creamytasteof whippedbuttet but halfthe fat and caloiesand na cholesterol!Brummel& Brownis sureto be a hit with your customers. Retail TestMarket IndicatesA Briqht Future For Brummel & Brown' Brummel& Browndefinitelystrucka chordwith consumers in retailtest marKets. 57okaf thosewho triedit camebackfor more- an averageof 8.3 timeseachover3 years. Brummel& Brownwill help keepyaur breakfastcustamers comingbackfor more,too. Average Repeat PurchasesMade By Each RepeatCustomer Sor/cer Nie/se, Scontdck 1994. 1997 oloz ot 95 03 qh o 96 03 q6 Q q/ o Brummel & Brown In PerfectHarmony With The BreakfastBoom! Finallya new twistat the breakfasttable!Thecreamytasteaf Brummel& Brownis theperfect popularbreakfastsegment.Servedin 5 & 10gram tabletop campanionfar the increasingly portions,patranswill loveBrummel& Brown3superbspreadability on itemssuchas bagels, muffins,toastand pancakes at breakfastor thraughoutthe day. We'll Be Playing The Brummel & Brown Song ToAll Your Customers Liptanhasplanneda national,multimedta advertising campaignthat will reach96ok af consumers at home37 timesin the fist year.lmpress your customers andput Brummel& Brownon your tableand menunaw They'llbe excitedto try it, and they'llrememberwheretheyhad it on the tablefirst. EsPREJAESg *'itl ugh Breakthro 9p("td Ig"'o., Another Hit From Lipton-The Cateqorv's - ' Big Band Leader Ltptonbrandsown a 5oo/oshareof tlrc retailspreadsmarket Theytop the charts with popularnameslike Promise? shedd3 Spread Country Crock"and I Can't Believe lt's Not Butterla Brummel& Brown is the newestadditionto theLipton"GreatestHits,,callection. Yogurt ls Climbing The Charts Theyagurtcategoryis a risingstar,and it hasgrown 51yaat retailsincet99t -to$t.6billion. YOGURTCATEGORY GROWTH OperatorsSing Praisesof Brummel& Brown Recent operatarresearch on Brummel& Brownturnedup the followingquates: 1991 1992 1993 1994 5ou(eNehen kantrack 19911996 1995 1996 "':"',.:.i",i3, j;:li',Tl"Tii,ill.ll'n''"" makesit sound creamy... "{ogurt oi-.rt,t.y't 5o put the newbeatof Brummel& Brown anddrum upmore salesl onvourtables, ,,,o , a a. jr :...J--=: !.r r. i o PORTIONS BRUMMEL & BROWN WHIPPED NutritionFacts n d YOGURT 60%VEGETABLE OIL,13% ServingSize perContainer Servings i\ Calories CaloresFromFat TotalFat Fat Salurated Polyunsatufated Fat [/]onou nsaturated Fat Cholesterol Sodium TotalCarbohydrate Proiein VitamnA d a 59 1 Portion(59) 1 Amount PerServing 30 30 39 19 1.59 19 omg 40mg 0g 0S V. Dally Value 5% 5% 0o/o 2o/a 0% 10S 1 Portion(109) 1 Amount PerServing 60 60 69 19 39 1.59 Omg Bomg Ag 0g \ o/oDaily Value a 9% 5% , A% 3% 0o/o 7o/o 7% fiber,sugars, Vtamn C,calcumandiron Nota srgnificant source of dietary 'Percent darlyvauesarebasedona 2,000caloe diet. o INGREDIENTS NYDBOGENATED SOYBEAN O L) WATERSALTNONFAT VEGETABLE O L BLEND(LIOUD SOYBEAN OLANDPAFTIALLY (CULTUFED i,IONOAND DIGLYCERIDES, SOYLECITH]N. POTASSIUM SOFBATEANO CALCIUM YOGURT MILK)VEGETABLE V TAMNA LAC-IIC ACID,AFIIF C ALFLAVORCOLOFED WTHBETACAFOTENE. DISODIUM EDTAASPFESEFVATIVES. (PALM TATE)ADDED o Product code Pack Size Net Gross Case Case Pallet cube portonycase 6 6 l b s 8 5 b s 0 72 1 2x 9 108 1111 5 3 1 5 6600-59 7 portonVcase r 1 1 r 5 3 1 5 6432-10q 8 9 s b s 1 1 . 5b s . 0.71cu lt 1 0 x 1 0 1 0 0 Shippingand Storage Shell LiIe: Dp a- F.o.d e-pe,dl-,e 80 o",' "' a6"a'"J Stareunder reftiqeratian40 45"F KosherStatus oo, 6a a,. @D u a 'd "t^ @ FOOIIiUfi\rlCll 1
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