February 18 - Idaho Trucking Association
February 18 - Idaho Trucking Association
TRANSPORT NEWS Phone: 208.342.3521 / Fax: 208.343.8397 E-mail: contact@idtrucking.org 3405 East Overland Road, Suite 175 Meridian, ID 83642 ITA News Briefs Welcome ITA’s Newest Member February 18, 2014 ANDRUS’S MOORE WINS PHOTO CONTEST WFM Logistics, LLC. Cliff Irish Trucking Aamodt, Inc. Issue Highlights From the desk of the President….…….... 2 Arrid Club Dinner……………...3 Food & Fund Drive…………...….4 TDC Sign Up’s Needed………….5 Fuel Tax Increase………….6 Driver Retention.....…… 8 Member’s Only Website is now on-line! E-mail the ITA office today for your username and password. DID YOU KNOW that failing to use tire chains during certain types of inclement weather conditions is a crime? CONGRATULATIONS TO HEIDI MOORE, FROM DOUG ANDRUS DISTRIBUTING LLC. FOR WINNING 1ST PLACE IN IDAHO TRUCKING ASSOCIATION’S FIRST ANNUAL PHOTO CONTEST Her photo was selected by the Advanced Photography students of Assistant Professor Ben Lustig at College of Southern Idaho. The photos submitted for the contest were judged on the merits of most unique, craftsmanship, emotional/psychologically evoking, and most direct. Heidi’s photo was taken Southbound on I-15 in Montana. When I spoke with Heidi she said she was a huge fan of rainbows and was excited to capture a double rainbow on her travels. She thought it was very unique how the sky was a different shade of grey on the other side of the rainbow. The 2nd place winner is Eric Feilding, with Doug Andrus Dis- tributing in Idaho Falls, his photo is a double rainbow captured over Mount Shasta in California. The 3rd place winner and honorable mention is also Heidi Moore. She received honorable mention for her unique photo taken in Montana of a cloud that looks like a hand in the sky giving the “hang loose sign”. Heidi’s 1st place photo will be featured on the cover of ITA’s 2014 membership directory along with recognition to her and her company. Thank you to all that participated in ITA’s 1st annual photo contest sponsored by Rush Truck Centers. Ω TRUCK TIP LED lights don’t create enough heat to melt snow; therefore during the pre-trip inspection and at every loading, unloading and rest break, drivers should wipe off their headlights, brake lights, directional lights, trailer lights, etc., as well as reflective tape and placards. It will help keep your drivers safe and not give law enforcement a reason to pull the truck over, which contribute to lost time, money and unnecessary paperwork. Give other drivers every opportunity to see your truck. T R A N S P O R T ITA NEWS BRIEFS N E W S PAGE 2 From the Desk of the President/CEO EDUCATING ABOUT THE INDUSTRY The recent decision by the Idaho Supreme Court to overrule the Giltner, Inc. v. Idaho Department of Commerce & Labor decision. The new Hours of Service rules. The media’s propensity to call out commercial vehicles in accidents whether they were at fault or not. These are just three examples of the challenges we face in educating the courts, regulators and the public about our industry. Since I took the position as your President/CEO nine months ago, I have found that the professionalism, efficiency and exemplary work ethic in our industry are something of a mystery to anyone not involved directly in trucking. Sometimes that is even the case with our friends. That puts the burden on the association – with your help – to ensure the realities of our industry become commonplace knowledge wherever possible. We need to take every opportunity to tell our story, particularly with our elected officials and those charged with regulating us. In this newsletter there are two immediate opportunities to do this. On page 7, you can sign up to receive updates on advocacy issues. You may not take action on all of the information you get, but you will be a part of a list for our Regional Vice Chairs when we do need to put out a call for action and you will be able to stay abreast of the issues as they are forming. You can also weigh in on a campaign to get our congressional delegation to look into the impact the Hours of Service rules are having on our industry. And if you haven’t already done so, contact your Regional Vice Chair and let them know that you are interested in educating people about the trucking industry. List names and contacts: Region I (Representing those who live in Legislative Districts 1-7) Norm Long Litehouse, Inc. nlong@litehouseinc.com 208-263-7569 Region II (Representing those who live in Legislative Districts 8-21) Meghan Mallea Simplot Transportation meghan.mallea@simplot.com 208-454-1031 Region III (Representing those who live in Legislative Districts 22-27) Kevin Iversen Transystems, Inc. kevin.iversen@transystemsllc.com 208-734-8050 Region IV (Representing those who live in Legislative Districts 28-35) Rocky Storer Gale Storer, Inc. gstorertrans@gmail.com 208-523-1764 These actions might not seem like a lot, but just doing these simple things will help us educate those who do not think twice about how the majority of their life’s necessities and luxuries get to retailers, to our homes and to our businesses: on a truck. Ω Julie’s recent photo op with Idaho Senator Jim Risch in Washington D.C. 2014 BEGINS WITH TALK OF TOLLING EXISTING INTERSTATES RICHMOND, VA — At the year’s first meeting of the House of Representatives Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, the tolling industry submitted testimony urging Congress to open all existing interstate lanes to the possibility of new tolls. In 2012, Congress passed the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act, known as MAP-21, which took steps to address highway funding needs. It is up for renewal in September 2014, and businesses that profit from toll facility construction, maintenance, and administration see this as a window of opportunity to expand toll authorization to include existing interstate lanes, which were already paid for by the gas tax and continue to be maintained using gas tax revenues. The International Bridge, Tunnel, and Turnpike Association (IBTTA), which represents the interests of the tolling industry, stated that, “While MAP-21 allows for the tolling of new Interstate System capacity, IBTTA strongly encourages the committee to consider allowing the expansion of this funding tool to include existing mileage on the Interstate System.” Some influential US Senators have expressed an interest in tolling interstates, including Sen. Jim Inhofe (ROK), who stated in September that he is “Committed to working … to find new sustainable revenue sources for the highway trust fund even if that includes devolving the decision to tolling [sic] new federal highways back to the states…” Alliance for Toll-Free Interstates (ATFI) also submitted testimony for the hearing, which can be read in full. We contend that “different state and regional circumstances call for different infrastructure funding approaches. Occasionally, tolls may even be a viable choice for funding new construction. However, we strongly believe that allowing new tolls on existing interstate capacity is inappropriate under all circumstances.” There has been a long-established federal prohibition on tolling existing interstates, but it has been standing on increasingly shaky ground since a pilot program passed in 1998 that allows up to three states at a time to toll existing federal highways. Expect to see escalating advocacy activity from IBTTA and the tolling industry as the MAP-21 reauthorization debate continues throughout 2014. ATFI will be working to spread the message that tolling existing interstates is the worst transportation funding policy that Congress could enact. Ω ITA NEWS BRIEFS INDEPENDENT TRUCK DRIVERS WIN IN IDAHO SUPREME COURT RULING Idaho Supreme Court Overrules the Giltner Bright-Line Rule for the Classification of OwnerOperators BOISE, ID—On February 11, 2014, the Idaho Supreme Court issued its decision in Western Home Transport, Inc. v. State of Idaho, Department of Labor, No. 40462, overruling the bright-line rule the Court adopted in Giltner, Inc. v. Idaho Dep’t of Commerce & Labor. “This ruling is great win for the entire trucking industry,” said Idaho Trucking Association President/CEO Julie Pipal. “We recognized that Giltner threatened the owner-operator business model in Idaho and that there was an opportunity for our association to make a difference by informing the Court about the trucking industry.” In Giltner, the Court held that owner-operators operating under a motor carrier’s U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) operating authority are employees for purposes of Idaho’s Employment Security Law because operating under the motor carrier’s operating authority prevents the owner-operator from being engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or business. In Western Home Transport, the Court recognized that “Giltner’s brightline rule improperly focused on the source of the owner-operator’s DOT authority as a single determinative factor . . . .” The Court also noted that “the fact that an owner-operator may or may not have his own DOT authority is completely inconsequential and irrelevant for him to provide his services to a motor carrier” and as such is not a relevant factor for the analysis under Idaho’s Employment Security Law. The bright-line rule in Giltner was a result of the Court’s incorrect understanding of the owner-operator business model. The Idaho Trucking Association’s amicus curiae brief, which was authored by Ryan B. Meikle and Dean J. Parker of Holden, Kidwell, Hahn & Crapo, P.L.L.C., played a crucial role in informing the Court about the industry and facilitating the reversal of Giltner by a unanimous concurrence of the justices. “We would like to commend Western Home Transport, Inc. for diligently defending this matter and allowing us to assist them,” said Pipal. Western Home Transport, Inc., a Boise-based carrier, was represented by prominent Boise attorney David H. Leroy. Ω For more information about the decision in Western Home Transport, Inc. v. State of Idaho, Department of Labor contact the ITA office at (208)342-3521. T R A N S P O R T N E W S ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL LEGISLATIVE DINNER BOISE, ID February 10, 2014 Idaho Trucking Association hosted its annual legislative dinner at the Arid Club in Boise. Among those in attendance were ITA board members, select ITA members, lobbyists Skip Smyser and Jason Kreizenbeck, Representatives from the House Transportation Committee, and Senators from the Senate Transportation Committee. Governor Otter and Lieutenant Governor Brad Little also made an appearance. The main topics of conversation this year were the ITA proposed fuel tax increase, and speed limit changes. Each year, ITA hosts this dinner as a way to open communication between the association and Idaho legislators. It is important that legislators are aware of the information and assistance that ITA can lend regarding topics such as transportation funding. ITA will continue to host this dinner each year as a part of our continuing efforts to advocate on behalf of the trucking industry. Ω PAGE 3 ATD TRUCK DEALER OF YEAR WEST VALLEY CITY, UT February 3, 2014 - Kyle Treadway of Kenworth Sales Company received the 2014 Truck Dealer of the Year award from the American Truck Dealers (ATD) at the annual ATD Convention and Expo in New Orleans, LA. Treadway is president and dealer principal of Kenworth Sales Company, which is based in Salt Lake City, Utah, and operates 20 Kenworth dealership locations in Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. “Kyle Treadway is an outstanding leader. Under his excellent leadership and vision, Kenworth Sales Company has expanded from three locations to 20 locations since 1999,” said Gary Moore, Kenworth general manager and PACCAR vice president. “He also carries on the tradition of this third generation dealership. Kenworth Sales Company was founded in 1945 by his grandparents and Treadway took over the business from his father, Gene Treadway, in 2000. This special ATD recognition for Kyle is well-deserved.” “This is a very special honor for all of Kenworth Sales Company and its 700 dedicated employees throughout the western United States,” said Treadway. “We strive every day to provide excellent customer support and high-quality Kenworth trucks, parts and service to our customers.” ATD represents about 2,000 medium and heavy duty truck dealers. ATD members share in National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) programs, services and benefits. For more information, visit www.atd.org. Kenworth Sales Company is a Medium and Heavy Duty Truck Dealer offering Sales, Leasing, Rentals, Parts and Service for the trucking and transit industries. Ω www.kenworthsalesco.com CONTACT: Martha Mills, (801) 412-4337 mmills@kwsco.com ITA NEWS BRIEFS T R A N S P O R T ITA FOOD & FUND DRIVE RESULTS MERIDIAN, ID February 2014 — The 3rd annual ITA food and fund drive for Truckers Delivering Hope program concluded on December 19. Thank you to everyone that participated in the drive! ITA members donated an incredible total of 6,899 meals to those in need. The winner of the region competition is Region II. Region II donated a total of 3,075 meals. As their prize, ITA will be picking up all catering costs at Region II’s next SMC meeting on March 11. ITA would like to extend their thanks to the following companies for their participation: Arlo G. Lott Trucking Blaine Larsen Farms Coast to Coast Auto Transport Doug Andrus Distributing, Inc. Simplot Transportation Utility Trailer Sales of Idaho The Truckers Delivering Hope program was first conceived in the summer of 2012. In August 2013, the association formally launched the program at the ITA annual convention. The program is based on, but not limited to, the following activities performed by companies. Backhaul – donations carried on a return trip in a trailer that is partially full or empty Transportation – food transported from a donor to The Idaho Foodbank (facilitated through participating companies and their dispatchers) Food and fund drives Kicked loads – those rejected by the recipient for any reason and delivered to the Foodbank Contributions to the prison farm at the Southern Idaho Correctional Institution near Boise – may include hauling produce or equipment donation Intra-branch transportation – loads taken between Foodbank branches (Boise, Pocatello and Lewiston) N E W S PAGE 4 CARRIERS, DOES YOUR WEBSITE LIMIT YOUR CARGO LIABILITY? By David Ballard Attorney at Law BOISE, ID—A carrier, under the Carmack Amendment, may limit its liability through an agreement which demonstrates an absolute, deliberate and well-informed choice by the shipper to choose between two or more levels of liability. This legal principle may apply even when an electronic booking process is used. In a recent situation, the shipper used a computer assisted program under which the rate was based on weight and did not change by either the declared value or the shipping value of the freight. Additionally, the “Rules and Regulations”, which the shipper had accepted, did not offer a shipping rate for a higher level of liability for a shipping value greater than a pre-determined amount. The Court, under the facts presented, held that the carrier had not limited its cargo liability because the carrier had not given the shipper the reasonable opportunity to choose between rates for two or more levels of liability. Ω This Article is for general information purposes only and should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a attorney-client relationship. ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGIONAL SAFETY RENDEZVOUS 2014 CODY, WYOMING JULY 16-18TH For more information on the program, or to find out how your company can participate, please contact the ITA office 208.342.3521 For more information: (307)-234-1579 ITA NEWS BRIEFS T R A N S P O R T N E W S PAGE 5 ITA’s 80th Annual Convention Shore Lodge McCall, Idaho August 12 – 15, 2014 Reserve Your Room Today! Rooms will be released July 1st Shore Lodge 800.657.6464 Best Western Plus 877.824.2230 SAFETY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGS “DRIVER RETENTION & RECRUITMENT” Thursday, February 20th at 12:00 p.m. Idaho Joes, Twin Falls Thursday, February 20thth at 6:00 p.m. Tommy Vaughan’s, Blackfoot Thursday, February 27rd at 6:00 p.m. Sage Technical School, Coeur d’Alene Thank you for renewing your membership to ITA in December We value your support! Internet Truckstop Kenworth Sales Magic Valley Truck Brokers Inc. Crapo Ltd. Trucking Company Dick Irvin, Inc. Frasier Transport, Inc. Handy Truck Line Knife River Northwest May Trucking Company Mullen Crane and Transport United Hauling Corporation United Parcel Service, Inc. Sponsored by J.J. Keller & Associates Please RSVP at: EVENTS!!! mistyl@idtrucking.org VMMC Vehicle Maintenance Management Conference March 25-27, 2014 Seattle, WA www.vmmc.us Den Mothers Hostlers Course Workers Judges Timers Safety People Score Keepers E-mail danyelleh@idtrucking.org to sign up P.O.S.T. training facility in Meridian - June 13th and 14th 2014 ITA NEWS BRIEFS T R A N S P O R T N E W S PAGE 6 LOBBYIST TO IDAHO LEGISLATORS: ROADS NEED TO BE FIXED TRANSPORTATION RELATED BILLS IN THE LEGISLATURE THIS SESSION BOISE, ID February 6, 2014—The Idaho Trucking Association introduced legislation in the House Transportation and Defense Committee that would raise the fuel tax from 25 cents per gallon to 31 cents over the next three years. The measure would ultimately generate over $50 million per year by 2016, ITA lobbyist Skip Smyser, a former chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee, said the increase would be phased in at 2 cents per year. Smyser was quoted in the Idaho Statesman as saying “I believe it’s time for us to meaningfully address the infrastructure needs of this state,” he said. “We depend on a sound road system to be the kind of state we want to be.” About 80 percent of Idaho communities depend on highways and truck transportation exclusively for shipping and receiving commodities, Smyser said. “They don’t have railroads, they don’t have airports. Whatever they consume or market or sell, it’s on a truck,” he said. “The economy of Idaho is totally and completely dependent on the trucking industry for its well-being.” So, he said, when the trucking industry itself says it’s time to address the state’s eroding transportation infrastructure, the Legislature should listen. “We’re out there every day — and we’re one of the few groups willing to put our money where our mouths are,” Smyser said. “We’re willing to tax ourselves to meet the needs of Idaho. What I’m asking you to do is the right thing.” The committee chairman, Rep. Joe Palmer, RMeridian, said he expects the bill to get a public hearing, but its fate remains uncertain. It’s time to stop talking about funding options and actually do something, said Smyser. Ω H0505—The purpose of this bill is to enhance funding for Idaho’s road infrastructure. Money from the general fund through Sales Tax Distribution Formula will be dispersed to State and Local highway entities. The amount will approximate the amount of Sales Tax paid on tires and vehicle accessories. Effective date of this action will be July 1, 2015. FISCAL NOTE: General Fund impact will be decreased of approximately $22 million. Impact to state and local highway entities will be an increase of approximately $22 million. The bill’s sponsor is: Representative Clark Kauffman, R– Filer. HO494—The purpose of this legislation is to provide increased funding for the highway distribution account from a portion of the state sales tax once the triggers of general fund revenue and public school appropriations are reached. FISCAL NOTE: Once the triggers are reached, each $10 million in sales tax revenue growth will provide $1.6 million to the highway distribution account. Representative Joe Palmer, R— Meridian. H0481—Idaho’s transportation system is in need of additional funds to maintain existing facilities and address critical safety and infrastructure needs. This legislation increases the motor fuel tax by $.02 per gallon in 2014, $.02 per gallon in 2015, and $.02 per gallon in 2016, for a total of $.06 by the end of a three year period. Additional dollars generated through this increase can be directed to investment in safety projects and bridges that restrict commerce into and out of our communities. State dollars currently committed to these types of projects will be freed up to address maintained needs, which cannot be funded using federal dollars. FISCAL NOTE: There will be no fiscal impact to the state general fund. However, based upon the gallons of Fuel Product Received in Idaho (CY2012) as reported by the Idaho Tax Commission, each $0.01 of fuel tax will generate approximately $8.8 million in the Highway Distribution Account. That would mean an estimated $17.6 million to the HAD each year for the next three years, for a total of approximately $52.8 million in additional revenue after July 1, 2017. The bill’s sponsor is: Skip Smyser, Idaho Trucking Association, Lobby Idaho, LLC. S1284—This legislation amends existing Idaho Code, to give the Idaho Transportation Board the ability to increase the maximum speed limits on Idaho roadways as deemed appropriate based upon national safety standards and in keeping with their current practices. It does not require changes to me made within an identified time frame. FISCAL NOTE: The fiscal impact to the ITD budget is no more than $20,000 to pay for signage changes. The bill’s sponsors are: Senator Bart M. Davis, R—Idaho Falls & Senator Chuck Winder, R—Boise. Skip presenting our fuel tax bill to the House Transportation Committee for printing. He gave an inspired and passionate introduction that resulted in all committee members but one voting to print the bill. The culmination was when Representative Henderson complimented the trucking industry on its leadership. Below, copy of the thank you letter from Julie Pipal that was sent to Representative Palmer, Chairman of the House Transportation Committee. Dear Chairman Palmer, find solutions together. With all the work that has been done On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Idaho Trucking to define our transportation infrastructure problems, no one Association, I would like to extend to you and to your commit- can deny that something must be done. As we proceed, please be aware that we are very mindful tee our sincerest thanks. The print hearing on February 6, of the impact that increased freight rates will have on our soci2014 opens the door for the creation of a relevant dialog about ety’s most vulnerable - veterans, the elderly, those on fixed the transportation infrastructure problems we face in Idaho, incomes, families with children - when prices go up on necesand about how we solve them together. The margins in our industry generally range from 2-5 per- sities such as food and medicine. Additionally, no reasonable business owner takes on extra expenses without carefully cent, and we know that increased user fees can significantly impact our carriers and their customers. The trucking indus- weighing the return on investment. This legislation is our way of saying everyone needs to come to the table; we are already try currently runs 12 percent of the vehicle miles traveled in there and we welcome anyone who wants to step up and join the state, and pays 47 percent of all taxes and fees owed by Idaho motorists (approximately $245 million). However, the us. The committee’s vote to print the bill will help us engage a more than 39,900 Idahoans who work in the trucking indusbroad range of people in solving this critical problem. We try or in related industries also recognize the important role look forward to the dialog that will follow, and hope you and that a vibrant and efficient system plays in their day-to-day your committee members will be active participants as we take operations, and in the lives of each and every Idahoan. the necessary steps to solve our transportation infrastructure With numbers ranging from $262 million in just repairs problems. and maintenance to upwards of $600 million if we include Julie Pipal necessary improvements, there is no room for fingerpointing: this is a situation all Idahoans face and we need to President/CEO—Idaho Trucking Association ITA NEWS BRIEFS T R A N S P O R T N E W S PAGE 7 Want to receive updates on advocacy issues? E-mail danyelleh@idtrucking.org to be added to the advocacy updates e-mail list. THE NLRB'S NOTICE POSTING RULE INDUSTRY NEEDS YOU TO WEIGH IN WASHINGTON D.C, January 6, 2014—The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has decided not to seek Supreme Court review of two U.S. Court of Appeals decisions invalidating the NLRB’s Notice Posting Rule, which would have required most private sector employers to post a notice of employee rights in the workplace. The NLRB remains committed to ensuring that workers, businesses and labor organizations are informed of their rights and obligations under the National Labor Relations Act. Therefore, the NLRB will continue its national outreach program to educate the American public about the statute. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit stated: “[I]t is also without question that the Board is free to post the same message [that is on the poster at issue] on its website.” The workplace poster remains available on the NLRB website. It may be viewed, displayed and disseminated voluntarily. In addition, the NLRB has established a free NLRB mobile app for iPhone and Android users to provide the public with information about the National Labor Relations Act. COEUR D’ALENE, ID February 2014 —The Associated Logging Contractors, Inc., a Coeur d’Alene-based organization that represents the logging and wood hauling segment of our industry and a reciprocal member of the Idaho Trucking Association, has launched a campaign to ask Idaho’s congressional delegation to investigate the current and long-term impact of the Hours of Service rules. Members will be sending our Congressional Delegation letters using similar verbiage as is outlined below. ITA members can use the following language as a template: Under the National Labor Relations Act, most private sector employees have the right to: Organize a union to negotiate with employers concerning wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. Form, join or assist a union. Bargain collectively through representatives of employees’ own choosing for a contract setting wages, benefits, hours, and other working conditions. Discuss terms and conditions of employment or union organizing with co-workers or a union. Engage in protected concerted activities with one or more co-workers to improve wages, benefits and other working conditions. Choose not to do any of these activities, including joining or remaining a member of a union. Workers who believe their rights have been violated should contact the NLRB promptly, as there is a six-month statute of limitation. Inquiries regarding possible violations can be made without an employer, union or anyone else being informed of the inquiry. Charges may be filed by any person and need not be filed by the employee directly affected by the violation. As examples, the NLRB may order (1) an employer to rehire a worker fired in violation of the law and to pay lost wages and benefits; (2) may order a union to adhere to its duty of fair representation; and (3) may order an employer or union to otherwise cease violating the law. Employees should seek assistance from the nearest regional NLRB office, which can be found on the Agency’s website: www.nlrb.gov. Ω Dear _____________, In July of 2013 the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) implemented new hours of service rules. These rules, I believe, were developed as catch-all for the trucking industry. Unfortunately, those who wrote the rules appear to have done so without any first-hand knowledge of the realities of implementation. They only exacerbate the complicated logistics involved in moving Idaho’s crops, raw materials and manufactured goods to market. Therefore, I respectfully request that you investigate the current and long term impact on our Industry. To keep up with the demands of these our customers, reasonable considerations need to be made, particularly in light of the declining availability of qualified drivers and added regulatory burdens associated with the new DOT medical requirements. Sincerely, _________________ These letters may be sent to the following transportation experts in each of our delegation’s offices: Office of Senator Mike Crapo: Rachel_Johnson@banking.senate.gov Office of Senator James A. Risch: Dan_Murray@risch.senate.gov Office of Representative Mike Simpson: Nathan.Greene@mail.house.gov Office of Representative Raul Labrador: Bekah.DeMordaunt@mail.house.gov For more information: www.idahologgers.com/Advocacy ITA NEWS BRIEFS T R A N S P O R T N E W S PAGE 8 DRIVER RETENTION & RECRUITMENT SAFETY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MERIDIAN, ID February 11, 2014– On Tuesday we held our monthly SMC meeting at Silverstone Plaza. Special thanks from Idaho Trucking Association for the volunteer Driver Retention and Recruitment panel which included, Jelena Oller– School Director for Sage Truck Driving Schools (Caldwell), Voni Naillon – Recruiter, May Trucking Company, Jeff Halford – Driver for Con-way and Member of ATA America’s Road Team, Bob Holman – President, Holman Transportation Services, Inc. in Caldwell. Our meeting was sponsored by J.J. Keller & Associates, we raffled off a toy semi-truck, our winner was Chris from Western States Equipment Company. Consensus from the participates in the panel and the audience was that we are running out of qualified truck drivers in this country because of the difficult work hours, lack of pay and increased restrictions and regulations in the industry. Some solutions that we discussed are raising the costs of fees to shippers, resulting in higher pay for truck drivers, internship programs for inexperienced drivers to find out what life on the road is really like, better training and stricter testing to obtain a CDL license. It was noted that some companies are enacting better safety policies that allow drivers to be paid while they are waiting out a storm and not penalizing them for missed deadlines due to inclement weather conditions out of their control. Owner, Bob Holman said it best, “Our philosophy as owners has changed, our drivers are more important than freight.” Ω The discussion was filmed and will be available for viewing by members on our website in a few weeks, please e-mail or call ITA for your company’s username and password. For more information on Best Practices for Driver Recruiting & Retention Available until April 22, 2014 http://go.hireright.com/DriverRecruit ITA NEWS BRIEFS T R A N S P O R T N E W S PAGE 9 PATTERNS OF SAFETY VIOLATIONS BY MOTOR CARRIER MANAGEMENT (MAP-21) ITA IMPLEMENTING FACEBOOK AND WEBSITE ALERTS 49 CFR Part: 385,386 MERIDIAN, ID February 15, 2014 —To benefit our Idaho members and members in neighboring states we have implemented a policy to post alerts, press releases, and notices on our website and Facebook account. For instance, The Georgia Department of Transportation issued two notices about closures and limited access to roads, bridges and ferry operations due to inclement weather that could result in dangerous driving conditions. In these notices, the safety messages included chain laws for the state and how they apply to commercial vehicles and bus operators. Information such as this is vital to long haul drivers that may have never experienced such weather conditions when driving in the south. Its just one way we strive to keep our members informed of the latest trucking industry news and happenings. Please visit us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/IdahoTruckingAssociation and on our website at www.idtrucking.org. Ω WASHINGTON, D.C. January 22, 2014 —FMCSA amends its regulations to enable the Agency to suspend or revoke the operating authority registration of for-hire motor carriers that show egregious disregard for safety compliance, permit persons who have shown egregious disregard for safety compliance to exercise controlling influence over their operations, or operate multiple entities under common control to conceal noncompliance with safety regulations. These amendments implement section 4113 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), as amended by section 32112 of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), and are designed to enhance the safety of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) operations on our nation's highways. Effective Date is February 21, 2014. Ω ORDER YOUR SUPPLIES ONLINE! ARE YOU HIRING? ARE YOU HAVING AN EVENT? Did you know a single 2 x 3.5 inch ad in the Idaho Trucking Association's Transport News is only $250.00? Men's & Ladies Antigua Golf Shirts $30.00 Available in all sizes, White, Smoke, Black & Navy See the website for more details. Get exposure for your company! Tell fellow members about your products and services. Call or e-mail us for more information and other advertising opportunities we have available.
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