Your Partner n Core Bus ness
Your Partner n Core Bus ness
Your Partner n Core Bus ness... COMPANY PROFILE MKS TRANSFORMER EQUIPMENTS has been act ve n the core produc ng bus ness s nce 2003. S nce ts foundat on, MKS TRANSFORMER EQUIPMENTS cont nues the product on of cores for power and d str but on transformers rang ng from 25kVA to 800 MVA. Its ma n target s to serve the sector w th h gh qual ty products and serv ces. Currently, MKS TRANSFORMER EQUIPMENTS operates succesfully n domest c and nternat onal markets and ma nta ns ts pos t on n the sector as a respectable nst tut on w th ts qual ed personnel and h gh-qual ty products and serv ces. MKS TRANSFORMER EQUIPMENTS s a fam ly-run bus ness. Its story begun w th ts s ster company, AKGUN RADIATOR. Ident y ng a need n the sector of cores for power and d str but on transformers, the AKGUN fam ly used the extens ve exper ence ga ned w th AKGUN RADIATOR and founded MKS TRANSFORMER EQUIPMENTS. S nce the r foundat on, both compan es rema ned mportant compan es on the market: MKS Transformer Equ pments cont nues the product on of cores for power and d str but on transformers and AKGUN RADIATOR sucessfully cont nues to produce rad ators, at wall tanks, corrugated tanks and corrugated walls. The company s work ng under ISO 9001:2000 cert cat on and nternat onal standards. Its prem ses are located n ekerp nar Industr al Zone and nclude a 5.250 sqm. closed area. The mach nery park cons sts of 250mm., 400mm., 640 mm., 840 mm. and 1000 mm. cutt ng l nes for step-lap cores, two 1000 mm sl tt ng l nes (Georg), three LAE mach nes for d str but on transformers and a computer-controlled rectangular core form ng mach ne. MKS TRANSFORMER EQUIPMENTS s cutt ng cores for leader compan es n the d str but on and transm ss on transformers sector and has a strong cooperat on w th many domest c and fore gn compan es. The company has an ncreas ng export graph c and a permanent commun cat on w th partners all around the world. The company's ph losohy s to create partnersh ps and be more e ect ve n new markets n order to show ts e c ency, rel ab l ty, and qual ty. 2 MISSION AND VISION OUR MISSION Our m ss on s to be an nd spensable partner for our customers, to carry on our qual ty as a leader and to be a model company for other rms n the sector. OUR VISION Our v s on s to carry on our partnersh p w th our customers and suppl ers, to mprove ourselves day by day n our bus ness range and to become ready for nternat onal compet t on. In add t on, our v s on ncludes pay ng attent on to env ronmental problems, g v ng pr or ty to customers sat sfact on, tak ng a leader pos t on n the sector and permanently reta n ng that status. BASIC VALUES Our bas c values are the cornerstone of our company. These bel efs are essent al for our company's growth: T T T T T T T T 100% Customer sat sfact on Perfect on n product on and serv ce Teamwork Ful llment of prom ses Strateg c long-term partnersh ps Apprec at on Modern sm Env ronment awareness QUALITY POLICY Our qual ty pol cy s: T To always be a rel able company T To meet the customer demands n a t mely, h gh-qual tat ve and e c ent manner T To work towards mprovement of our current nsat safactory s tuat ons, T To ensure customer sat sfact on by produc ng spec c solut ons to spec c s tuat ons, T To take nto account the env ronmental mpacts of products and processes 3 STOCKS We are supply ng CRGO steel from reputable steel m lls and we keep n stock var ous steel grades n order to ful ll customer's requ rements. The co ls are r gurously checked and only h gh-qual ty steel becomes part of the endproduct. Steel Grade NCRGO M330-30S CRGO M130-30S CRGO 30PG130 CRGO 30PH105 CRGO 23PHD085 Nom nal th ckness (mm) 0,35 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,23 Max mum spec c total loss / max W / kg at 50 Hz and at 1,5 T 1,7 T 0,85 0,87 0,76 0,59 3,00 1,30 1,25 1,01 0,85 4 STOCKS CRGO Steel s a steel to be handled w th care. As the magnet c property of the steel s the mportant qual ty requ red, handl ng, stor ng and process ng of th s steel must be made w th caut on. Storage of CRGO co ls has to be done properly as mproper storage may result un ntent onally n excess ve stresses. 5 SLITTING CAPACITY W th our sl tt ng equ pment we can sl t co ls from m n 40mm. to max 1200mm. 6 SLITTING CAPACITY Sl tt ng s the rst and foremost manufactur ng process n order to obta n any type of cut lam nat on. The sl tt ng operat on tself means sl tt ng the mother co l nto narrow hoops by us ng cutt ng blades. 7 CUTTING CAPACITY The mater al can be cut at d erent d mens ons, start ng from 40 mm to 1000 mm w de and from 150 mm to 5000 mm long. GOS lamination requires a high degree of precision. Therefore, we routinely perform strong quality checks which measure burr level, stack height, weight and other dimensions. 8 CUTTING CAPACITY 9 DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER CORES In our company we can produce STEP-LAP cores for d str but on transformers, us ng electr cal steel w th w dths rang ng from 40 mm to 400 mm. All d str but on transformer cores can be stacked accord ng to customers preference. For the cores that need to be assembled, the ron clamps and nsulat on parts can be produced accord ng tocustomer s techn cal spec cat ons and draw ngs. If ron clamps are not wanted, we can o er temporary wooden clamps. For all stacked cores, the l mbs and lower yokes are glued. After stack ng, every core s tested for core losses. The results are recoded n a report wh ch w ll be sent to the customer. In case the customers do not opt for complete assembly, the cores can be del vered n prestacked form, accord ng to the step w dths. 10 DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER CORES 11 POWER TRANSFORMER CORES The complete cores can be supplied with iron or wooden clamps and insulation parts. 12 POWER TRANSFORMER CORES Our company can produce step-lap power transformer cores up to 1000 mm strip width. The cores weighing up to 50 tons can be assembled, while those heavier than 50 tons can be delivered as laminations (limbs and yokes packed separately). For the cores that need to be assembled, the iron clamps and insulation parts can be produced according to customer’s technical specifications and drawings. According to customer request, glue can be applied on the core limbs. For cores assembled in our factory, core losses are guaranteed. 13 REACTORS In order to meet nternat onal and domest c compan es ncreas ng needs for shunt reactors, we have completed our Shunt Reactor Core Product on L ne and we started product on n 2013. We proudly announce that n 2014 we w ll prov de serv ces to th s sector w th our new products. . We would l ke to contr bute to th s sector w th our approx mately 150 tons manufactur ng capac ty of rad al shunt reactor cores monthly. We have the b ggest capac ty n Turkey to produce the shunt reactor core d sks w th max. 900 mm d ameter and 500 mm he ght. We are do ng magnet c analyzes and tests of the des red products and we obta n the r character st c and electr cal values. Moreover, we record them and arch ve them n our database. 14 REACTORS 15 TESTING LABORATORY In our fac l ty, we endeavor to do all the analyzes w th our h gh technolog cal test equ pments for the sheets wh ch w ll be used for the power and d str but on transformer cores. Moreover, we obta n the B-H curve of the sheets and we record all the results. In th s manner, by do ng these all analyzes we obta n the character st c map of the products. After we dec de the su tab l ty of the sheets, we del ver all the test results to our customers for each product and we record the results n our database. Accord ng to order we des gn the cores and s mulate the r performances. After we get the exact results, we produce the cores and del ver them to our customers, guarantee ng the r des red losses. For d str but on and transformer cores rang ng from 5 kVA to 100MVA, the no load losses are measured after product on. The nal products are del vered w th the r test cert cates. We evaluate the customers react ons and we ensure cont nuous mprovement for the product and serv ce qual ty. We serve by meet ng the expectat ons of our customers n domest c and nternat onal areas. 16 TESTING LABORATORY Our testing room is equ pped with all brand new Brockhaus testing units to provide better service to all our customers. All our products are tested with Brockhaus dev ces, wh ch g ve extremely accurate values. 17 S ngle Sheet Tester 250X250 Epste n Frame Frankl n Tester RECTANGULAR CORES Duo core s the newest type of rectangular core. It s a low loss, pr ce compet t ve core w th very easy assembly. It s used for core-type, s ngle-leg, s ngle and 3-phase General Purpose Transformers. Annealed DUO cores w th one lam nat on per overlap may be used for D str but on Transformers. To reduce assembly t me, the number of lam nat ons per overlap may be ncreased from 1 up to 3. Increas ng from 1 to 2 results n a 45% decrease n assembly t me, and 2 to 3 result n a further 25% decrease. DUO SIZES D mens ons W ndow Lenght (WL) M n mum (mm) 80 Max mum(mm) Unl m ted * W ndow W dth (WL) Str p W dth (SW) 40 20 (w th two str ps) Unl m ted * 300 (w th one str p) Bu ld Up (BU) Mater al Th ckness Unl m ted * *Not l m ted by the UNICORE mach ne. L m ted only by pract cal transformer manufactur ng cons derat on. This type of cores are too small to be cut through step-lap method, hence they are produced from electrical steel cut and shaped with high-precision. Compared to the clasically cut cores at 900 or EI cores, the rectangular cores provide lower noise and losses.As a result, they are preferred especially for measuring transformers. Moreover, it creates an ideal structure for feeding dry type and isola on transformers which are used for different purposes. 18 PACKAGING - TRANSPORTING The products are usually packed on wooden pallets , cradles and cardboard boxes. In order to potect the metal aga nst atmospher c mo sture (hum d ty) and rust, Nylon (VCI) and plastic/metal straps are used. However, the packing method can be adjusted as per customers' requirements. Spec al care s taken when packag ng the lam nat ons n order to guarantee the stab l ty of the pallets and protect on from poss ble ox dat on or other type of damages, dur ng the load ng/unload ng process and transport. 19 CUTTING TYPES Our mach nes are capable of cutt ng over-lap lam nat ons for cores. Upon customer's request we can apply monophase cutt ng and yoke punch ng- for stack ng purposes. F gure 90 F gure 94 F gure 101 F gure 102 Lm n: 370mm. F gure 102 w th hole Lm n: 370mm. F gure 103 20 CUTTING TYPES 21 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Our team of eng neers can ass st our customers regard ng any k nd of des gn requ red ( nclud ng standard and non-standard cores). The know-how acqu red over the years allows us to suggest essent al mprovements to current core des gns. TRAINING AND FURTHER DEVELOPMENT Our company performs per od cal n-house tra n ng n order to add another d mens on and depth to tra n ng by nvolv ng employees as part c pants n generat ng new knowledge that ass sts our organ sat on to develop and evolve. 22 STANDARDS The company has succesfully mplemented ISO 9001:2000 Qual ty Management System,ISO 14001 Env ronmental Management System and OHSAS 18001 Occupat onal Health and Safety Management System. 23 ISO 9001:2000 Qual ty Management System ISO 14001 Env ronmental Management System OHSAS 18001 Occupat onal Health and Safety Management System Your Partner n Core Bus ness... MKS TRANSFORMATÖR Ek pmanlar San. T c. Ltd. t . ekerp nar Mah. Süleyman ye Cad. Göktürk Sk. No:37 Çay rova - KOCAELI / TURKEY Phone : (90-262) 658 14 07 Fax : (90-262) 658 14 06