contents - Hedin Bil
contents - Hedin Bil
CONTENTS ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB – BACKGROUND AND PRESENTATION The Group in figures................................................................................................. 4 The year in brief........................................................................................................ 5 Statement by the CEO............................................................................................... 7 Business concept, strategy, environment and quality................................................. 8 Corporate structure................................................................................................. 10 I.A. Hedin Bil AB..................................................................................................... 13 - Full Service ....................................................................................................... 15 - Total market....................................................................................................... 17 - Organisation...................................................................................................... 21 - Car brands and Brand managers....................................................................... 23 Car to Go Sweden AB.............................................................................................. 27 Klintberg & Way AB................................................................................................. 29 - KW Parts........................................................................................................... 31 - KW Wheels........................................................................................................ 33 - KW Cars............................................................................................................ 35 - Dawa Däck ....................................................................................................... 37 Mabi Rent AB ........................................................................................................ 39 I.A. Hedin Fastighet AB........................................................................................... 41 Hedin IT AB............................................................................................................ 47 A.H. Värdepapper AB.............................................................................................. 49 Lasingoo Sverige AB................................................................................................ 51 Consensus Asset Management AB.......................................................................... 53 Ripam Invest AB..................................................................................................... 55 Events following the year-end.................................................................................. 57 Five-year summary, SEK.......................................................................................... 59 Five-year summary, EUR......................................................................................... 60 Milestones and history........................................................................................... 104 Board of Directors and Group Management........................................................... 106 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB – FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Directors' Report..................................................................................................... 61 Consolidated Statement of Earnings and Total Comprehensive Income..................... 64 Balance Sheet – Group........................................................................................... 65 Changes in Equity – Group...................................................................................... 67 Cash Flow Statement – Group................................................................................. 68 NOTES.................................................................................................................... 69 For further information on the effects of the transition to K3, see note...................... 88 Income Statement – Parent Company...................................................................... 93 Balance Sheet – Group........................................................................................... 94 Cash Flow Statement – Parent Company................................................................. 96 Changes in Equity................................................................................................... 96 Parent Company Notes........................................................................................... 97 Audit Report......................................................................................................... 103 Anders Hedin Invest AB Official Annual Report-pages 61-102. Only the original version of the Official Annual Report has been audited by the company's auditor. The Annual Report is published in both Swedish and English. The Swedish version is the original and has been translated into English. AVERAGE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 1985-2015 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 NET TURNOVER AND EARNINGS BEFORE TAXE: GROUP COLUMNS - NET TURNOVER, LINES - EARNINGS BEFORE TAX 10,000,000 250,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 200,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 150,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 100,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 50,000 1,000,000 0 4 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 0 2015 IN BRIEF • • • • • • • • • • • When summarising 2015, we can conclude that last year's investments have proved to be effective and we are continuing to expand. This positive development has allowed us to access new markets and the companies that make up Anders Hedin Invest have become stronger during the course of the year. Start-up of the new dealership in Ängelholm. New centre for commercial vehicles opened in Kista, Stockholm in recently acquired premises. Acquisition of Techno Tire AB, which deals in tyres, wheel rims, and complete wheels via an e-commerce portal. Start-up of KW Cars AB The company deals in the import and sales of vehicles from USA. Acquisition of Dawa Däck AB, which is an independent tyre wholesaler and is licensed to sell Kumho, Nankang and Sonar products. Hedin Bil will become the Renault and Dacia dealership for Halmstad. Commencement of construction of a new dealership in Jönköping. Increase in turnover of 26% to SEK 8,726 million (6,939). Hedin Bil increased car sales by 26% to 40,918 units (32,480). Profit after financial items rose by 60% to SEK 238 million (148). Cash flow from current operations amounted to SEK 299 million (102). THE GROUP IN NUMBERS Amounts in TSEK 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 8,725,618 6,938,710 5,312,640 5,077,087 5,079,648 237,639 148,081 189,268 72,507 11,161 Balance sheet total 5,499,831 4,540,870 3,131,575 3,077,571 2,869,867 Return on equity % 15 11 17 8 1 Equity/assets ratio % 24 26 30 26 25 1,322 1,250 836 853 840 Net turnover Profit after financial items Average number of employees PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS – OPERATING PROFIT BEFORE TAX Amounts in MSEK Profit, excluding items affecting comparability Inventory depreciation Non-recurring capital gains Relocation costs 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 251 193 115 73 146 -9 - - - - - - 74 - - -4 - - - - Impairment of shares - - - - -135 Structural costs - -45 - - - Profit before tax 238 148 189 73 11 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 5 “The Group will be a leading partner in meeting the market’s demands for automotive transportation. We create value for our customers through excellent availability, service and delivery assurance. Our cooperation with customers and suppliers will lead to long-term sustainability for continued development” Anders Hedin Invest AB 6 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 STATEMENT BY THE CEO The Swedish car market set a new sales record and so did we. Investments in new car dealerships for 2014 have now been integrated and we can see a positive development. Other acquisitions made during 2014 – Klintberg & Way, Mabi Rent and the remaining 71% in Car to Go Sweden – have all set new records and contributed to the Group's positive development. The Hedin Fastighet Group has completed construction projects in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Helsingborg, Ängelholm and Värnamo. The Anders Hedin Invest Group is now well positioned to face new challenges as it enters 2016. Prospects are good as it embarks on the next phase in the Group's development. CAR OPERATIONS, HEDIN BIL In 1985, my father Ingemar and I started up I.A. Hedin Bil AB in Borås. We celebrated this anniversary by offering our customers attractive deals that were well received by the market, resulting in new sales records. Whilst the Swedish market for passenger cars increased by 13.5%, our sales increased by 26%. Delivering almost 41,000 vehicles demands high standards on the part of the organisation. To sustain efficiency we have centralised delivery administration at the branch in Mölndal. During 2015, Hedin Bil implemented a number of measures to further develop the organisation and expand the company, with the ultimate aim of strengthening the Hedin Bil brand. The goal and strategy behind these activities is to create a reliable and efficient organisation for the employees, promoting job satisfaction and assuring them that their skills are appreciated. Managers are able to lead successfully and with clear management principles founded on reliability, credibility and accessibility. REPLACEMENT PARTS WHOLESALER KLINTBERG & WAY During 2015, Klintberg & Way (KW Parts) rationalised its organisation, closed down a warehouse in Norway and transferred stocks for the European market from Belgium to Germany. These initiatives, in conjunction with the growing strength of the US dollar, have had an impact on profitability. Nevertheless, the company has still managed to report an increase in operating profit. KW Cars, a recent start-up, has begun importing American commercial vehicles and pick-ups. Dawa Däck, an independent tyre dealer, was acquired during the year to complement tyre operations. The subsidiary company KW Wheels has developed very well, and good business relationships between Dawa Däck and Hedin Bil have opened up further business opportunities for all concerned. Techno Tire became a group subsidiary and provided an IT portal which facilitates customer business. Welcome to the 2014 Annual Report for the Anders Hedin Invest Group. The Group celebrated its 30th anniversary by setting new records for the majority of the subsidiaries. RENTAL CAR OPERATIONS, MABI RENT. 2015 was a record year with 19 new rental stations, resulting in a total of 154 stations at the end of the year. This expansion has increased profitability despite major investments in the new dealerships. The car rental market has developed very well, and Mabi is set to become a leader in this expanding sector. PERSONAL CAR LEASING OPERATIONS, CAR TO GO Personal leasing arrangements are sold via the portal Personal car leasing has become an established form of personal car management. It is the fastest growing market for "car ownership", and Car to Go has increased its market share from 3.3% to 5.8%. PROPERTY BUSINESS, HEDIN FASTIGHET The new car dealership in Ängelholm began operating in January, and in May the car dealership in Värnamo was reopened after being redeveloped and extended. Construction of the dealership in Jönköping began in January 2015 and is due to be completed in September 2016. In April, an office and car dealership facility was acquired in Kista, which now includes a commercial vehicle centre and the head offices of Klintberg & Way. By the end of the year, the property group managed 207,500 square metres of floor space as well as 22,000 square metres of property in Jönköping that are under construction. Hedin Bil is the main tenant. LASINGOO SVERIGE The company is owned and operated in collaboration with the Mekonomen Group (Mekonomen, MECA, MecoPartner, Speedy), AD Bil-delar, Autoexperten, Bosch and OKQ8. Lasingoo is a search engine for booking workshop services at fixed rates directly on your computer or mobile. Operations began in spring 2015 and bookings have increased steadily. CONSENSUS ASSET MANAGEMENT Consensus is a securities broker where the primary focus is on asset management, corporate finance and pensions. Operations have expanded considerably and profitability is satisfactory. I would like to thank everyone who contributed in any way to an outstanding anniversary year. Anders Hedin, CEO ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 7 BUSINESS CONCEPT, STRATEGY, ENVIRONMENT AND QUALITY BUSINESS CONCEPT OVERALL QUALITY GOALS – (QDS) The Group will be a leading partner in meeting market demands for automotive transportation. We generate value for our customers through first-rate availability, service and delivery reliability. Our cooperation with customers and suppliers will lead to long-term sustainability and continued development. Quality – fewer claims and complaints Delivery reliability – improved delivery reliability Service – improved service STRATEGY Our overall strategy is profitable growth. Profits will increase steadily through improved service, greater productivity and motivated employees. Growth will take place in automotive-related activities. QUALITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES We work continuously to improve our quality and environmental targets by listening to the demands and expectations of public agencies, employees and customers. We strive to ensure that all our employees have the skills and expertise they require to discharge their duties and continuously improve our operations through the loyalty of our employees and their awareness of the vital role they play in meeting customer demands. We will take the necessary steps to continuously reduce our carbon footprint and prevent pollution. Hazardous waste will be handled and recycled or reused in an environmentally sustainable manner. We will choose suppliers with environmentally sound and approved products and who actively work to reduce their carbon footprint wherever it is economically viable. 8 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 OVERALL ENVIRONMENTAL GOALS Reduce the company’s unsorted waste by separating it into fractions that the waste contractor is able to manage. Reduced energy consumption Quality and environmental issues are two vitally important aspects of Anders Hedin Invest's endeavours to take account of all the Group’s business interests. Efficient and stable processes are important in Anders Hedin Invest's work to ensure high quality. ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 9 COMPANY STRUCTURE ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB 556702-0655 Mabi Rent AB (100%) 556675-9394 Klintberg & Way AB (100%) 556563-6932 I.A. Hedin Bil AB (91%) 556065-4070 Mabi Sverige AB 556334-4901 Klintberg & Way Norge AS 977515998 Mabi Deutschland GmbH 29/405/01734 KW Parts NV 452.881.31 Lasingoo Sverige AB (16.6%) 556973-1630 Car to Go Sweden AB (100%) 556787-8052 KW Cars AB 559009-9429 Dawa Däck AB 556437-9344 KW Wheels AB 556969-3624 Techno Tire AB 556937-4902 Hedin Göteborg Bil AB 556061-3456 Hedin Helsingborg Bil AB 556134-5710 Hedin Stockholm Bil AB 556944-7492 Branch Gbg/Mölndal Mercedes-Benz Branch Gbg/Sisjön AMG Center Branch Helsingborg Cars Branch Kristianstad Branch Sthlm/Akalla Branch Sthlm/Segeltorp Branch Gbg/Mölndal Nissan Branch Kungsbacka Branch Helsingborg Truck & CV Center Branch Halmstad Branch Sthlm/Kista CV Center Branch Sthlm/Spånga Branch Gbg/Mölndal Car Superstore Branch Gbg/ Tagene Multibrand Branch Jönköping Branch Ängelholm Branch Sthlm/Östermalm Branch Sthlm/Kista Tyre Superstore Branch Gbg/Åbro Used Car Center Branch Gbg/Åbro Fiat/US Center Branch Ljungby Branch Varberg Branch Malmö Branch Malmö (Opel) Branch Gbg/Hisings Kärra, Fiat Branch Gbg/Hisings Kärra, Mercedes-Benz Branch Anderstorp Branch Linköping Branch Lund Branch Burlöv Branch Gbg/Hisings Kärra, Multibrand CV Branch Gbg/Mölndal CV Center Branch Enköping Branch Värnamo Branch Trelleborg Branch Borås Branch Alingsås Branch Uddevalla Branch Vara Branch Trollhättan Branch Strömstad 10 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 Branch Uppsala Hedin IT AB (100%) 556954-4017 I.A. Hedin Fastighet AB (100%) 556730-4059 A.H. Värdepapper AB (100%) 556707-7440 KB Presenten 1 Mölndal 916832-6404 Hedin Kristianstad Fastighet AB 556633-3794 KB Presenten 2 916564-7802 Hedin Mölndal Fastighet AB 556660-3535 Hedin Fastighet KB 916892-9959 Hedin Hisingen Fastighet AB 556926-7189 Nideh KB 916895-1946 Hedin Kungsbacka Fastighet AB 556131-4161 KB Högsbo 36:2 916671-9253 Hedin Borås Fastighet AB 556753-4101 Refy 9 KB 916835-1477 Hedin Värnamo Fastighet AB 556602-7115 Varberg Kardanen KB 916671-9246 Hedin Linköping Fastighet AB 556646-3260 I.A. Hedin Invest AB 556369-4537 Hedin Jönköping Fastighet AB 556930-5153 Hedin Pianot 5 AB 556720-7682 Hedin Malmö Fastighet AB 556941-6745 Hedin Ängelholm Fastighet AB 556946-9041 Hedin Akalla Fastighet AB 556955-6508 Hedin Högsbo AB 556217-9670 Hedin Kista Fastighet AB 556982-1084 Ripam Invest AB (50%) 556870-7540 Bautastenen Hotell AB (100%) 556450-8553 Consensus Asset Management AB (29%) 556898-6037 Marstrands Kurbadhus AB (100%) 556859-5325 Marstrands Kulturfastighet AB (90%) 556629-6199 Hedin Uppsala Fastighet AB 556790-3280 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 11 12 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 “In 2015, Hedin Bil celebrated its 30th anniversary. On May 2 1985, Ingemar and Anders started their first dealership in Borås” 30 1985-2015 I.A. HEDIN BIL AB CEO: Anders Hedin | Deputy CEO and Operating Manager: Jörgen Loikas | 91% of I.A. Hedin Bil AB (Hedin Bil) is owned by Anders Hedin and 9% by Ingemar Hedin. The Group’s head office is in Mölndal, Gothenburg. The Parent Company, I.A. Hedin Bil AB, has three subsidiaries: Hedin Göteborg Bil AB (18 branches), Hedin Helsingborg Bil AB (13 branches) and Hedin Stockholm Bil AB (11 branches). We have branches at 25 locations, from Uppsala in the north to Trelleborg in the south. We run our operations in 42 attractive facilities and we have a full service offering for 24 car brands. The company had an average of 1,183 employees during the past year. Hedin Bil is the largest, privately owned car dealership in the Nordic region and has a full service offering with regard to private and corporate car ownership. Financing, service agreements and insurance are just some of the components that make up our total concept. This enables us to provide a simple and affordable solution to the customer. ANNIVERSARY AND ALL TIME HIGH 2015 was an excellent year for passenger cars, not only for Hedin Bil, but also for the entire industry. New records were set month after month, both in car sales and after-sales. We ended the year with total sales of 40,918 vehicles. The effects of investments made during 2014, including new branches, have been very positive. We increased our share of the Swedish market to 6.1%, compared to 5.3% the previous year. We ran a number of marketing campaigns during the year to celebrate our 30th anniversary as a car dealership. 42 DEALERSHIPS 30 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS 24 CAR BRANDS 40,918 SOLD VEHICLES RATIONALISED DELIVERIES AND REDUCED STOCK Vehicle Administration, which is responsible for all the Hedin Bil Group's vehicle deliveries, has been rationalised and all delivery administration now takes place via the Mölndal branch. Part of this reorganisation has been to divide the staff into product teams in order to achieve maximum possible efficiency, which in turn ensures that we have the right person in the right place. The focus during the year was largely on reducing stock, despite the significant increase in sales. Vehicle stocks overall have been reduced by 5%. Stocks of older vehicles have been reduced by 27%. Multi-year comparison Net turnover (TSEK) Profit after financial items Average number of employees 2015 2014 8,075,853 6,514,601 158,553 114,205 1,183 1,113 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 13 14 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 “Hedin Bil is a full-service company that offers financing, insurance, warranties, service agreements and much more” FULL SERVICE AT HEDIN BIL The company offers a total concept for vehicle ownership through new and used vehicle sales, workshop services, tyre storage, accessory and replacement part sales, as well as: Hedin Bil Finance collaboration with DNB Finans, which offers car loan deals or leasing for private and corporate customers . Hedin Bil Insurance, run in collaboration with IF Skadeförsäkring AB, offers a special insurance policy exclusively for Hedin Bil customers. This policy covers all our vehicle brands, both new and used. Hedin Bil Used Vehicle Warranty, arranged in collaboration with IF Skadeförsäkring AB, offers a mechanical damage warranty on vehicles up to six years old. The warranty is valid for twelve months and/or 15,000 kilometres, or until the vehicle has covered 130,000 kilometres. Hedin Bil New Vehicle Warranty offers customers the chance to access supplementary services. These include a two-year extension to the new vehicle warranty on your Mercedes-Benz, extending the regular New Vehicle Warranty by two years. Hedin Bil Service Agreement, which is customised to vehicle usage and purpose. We can offer, for example, an agreement that costs SEK 0.10/kilometre for Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles up to 20,000 kilometres per year. We also offer service agreements that are valid for three years or three separate services, whichever comes first. Hedin Bil Card, run in collaboration with Resurs Bank, offers private and corporate MasterCards with very favourable and flexible payment solutions. You can split the payments for up to six months, interest-free, and you are awarded bonus points for every purchase you make. ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 15 10 BEST CAR YEARS 350,000 340,000 330,000 320,000 310,000 300,000 290,000 280,000 270,000 260,000 2015 1988 1987 1976 1989 2007 2011 2014 1999 2000 10 BEST COMMERCIAL VEHICLE YEARS 50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2011 2015 2007 2014 2006 2012 2008 2010 2013 1989 10 BEST TRUCK YEARS 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 16 1989 2008 2007 2006 2011 2005 2012 2015 2014 2013 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 “2015 was a fantastic year for passenger cars and the best in our history, beating the previous record for 1988” TOTAL MARKET 2015 was the best year on record for passenger cars, beating the previous record set in 1988. A stable labour market in conjunction with unprecedented low interest rates gave households considerable purchasing power. The current small stock of used vehicles also means that customers receive good prices for their trade-in when they buy a new vehicle. Hedin Bil's total sales during the 2015 anniversary year (both used cars and new cars) increased by 26%, or a total of 40,918 vehicles, of which 25,142 were new vehicles. CARS A total of 345,108 new cars were registered in 2015, up 13.5% on 2014. The figures for 2015 were the highest ever and beat the previous record of 343,963 set in 1988. New car sales increased in all regions during the year. Hedin Bil's sales of new cars rose by 29% compared to the previous year, and accounted for 6.1% of the Swedish market. The most popular model at Hedin Bil was Mercedes-Benz, which saw a 38% increase in sales, followed by KIA and Nissan. 345,108 PASSENGER CARS 50,255 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES AND TRUCKS COMMERCIAL VEHICLES AND TRUCKS Truck registrations in 2015 totalled 50,255, which is an increase of 6.5% compared to the previous year. Commercial vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes totalled 44,798, an increase of 6.8%, while heavy trucks over 3.5 tonnes totalled 4,827, an increase of 2.5%. Hedin Bil increased sales by 23%, while sales for heavy trucks fell by 26%. Hedin Bil's market share for commercial vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes was 8.6% and the market share for heavy trucks starting at 3.5 tonnes was 3%. The most popular commercial vehicle brand at Hedin Bil was Mercedes-Benz, with annual sales rising by 29%, closely followed by Nissan and Citroën. NEW CAR REGISTRATIONS PER MONTH 2015 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 2014 20,000 2015 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 17 18 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 TOTAL MARKET AND MARKET SHARES (NEW VEHICLES) Cars Mercedes-Benz Total sales, Sweden 14,021 Kia 18,157 Nissan 10,550 Total sales, retailers Total sales, Hedin Bil 12,148 5,225 Market share % 43% 5,075 28% 3,688 35% 10,229 Mitsubishi 6,513 1,258 19% Citroën 5,352 1,187 22% Fiat 3,425 1,076 31% Opel 6,571 890 14% 11,308 547 5% 1,272 421 33% 985 385 39% Subaru 5,439 369 7% Honda 3,581 231 6% Lancia 334 163 49% Jaguar 234 121 52% 4,370 106 2% Renault Jeep LandRover Dacia DS 201 81 40% AlfaRomeo 125 72 58% Chevrolet 126 58 46% Cadillac 71 54 76% Abarth 75 37 49% Corvette 60 36 60% 244 6 2% Smart Total sales, Sweden Total sales, dealers Total sales, Hedin Bil Market share % Mercedes-Benz Light commercial vehicles 4,800 3,861 1,438 30% Nissan 2,589 2,545 906 35% Citroën 2,893 554 19% Fiat Professional 1,544 297 19% 901 210 23% Renault Mitsubishi 4,922 209 4% Opel 1,290 191 15% Dodge 320 69 22% Dacia 577 27 5% Heavy trucks Mercedes-Benz Total sales, Sweden Total sales, dealers Total sales, Hedin Bil Market share % 606 414 148 24% ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 19 20 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 ORGANISATION I.A. HEDIN BIL AB - GROUP Anders Hedin, President & CEO Jörgen Loikas, EVP & COO FINANCE HR Magnus Leijon CFO Charlotte Martinsson HR Manager SALES MARKETING Hampus Hedin Controller, Vehicle sales Ann Lagerstedt Team Leader, Marketing CAR ADMINISTRATION IT Jeanette Wångstedt OTD Manager Bo Westberg IT Manager SERVICE CENTRE SPARE PARTS Björn Olsson Controller, Service Market Reine Jansson Controller, Spare Parts BUSINESS MANAGER MÖLNDAL/GOTHENBURG BUSINESS MANAGER MULTIBRAND VÄSTERGÖTLAND/BOHUSLÄN BUSINESS MANAGER BUSINESS MANAGER COMMERCIAL VEHICLES & TRUCKS BUSINESS MANAGER SMÅLAND Rickard Magnusson Oscar Cullberg Daniel Kjellberg Lars Holmström Erik Fagersson BUSINESS MANAGER SKÅNE BUSINESS MANAGER UPPLAND BUSINESS MANAGER STOCKHOLM BUSINESS MANAGER SOUTHERN SKÅNE Johan Stålhammar Urban Qvarnström Johan Olsson Mats-Åke Andersson ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 21 24 CAR BRANDS 22 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 CAR BRANDS AND BRAND MANAGERS MERCEDES-BENZ CARS JAGUAR AND LAND ROVER SMART Brand Manager: Hampus Hedin Sales Manager: Rickard Magnusson Erik Fagerssson, Cars Rickard Magnusson, Cars Borås (excl. Jaguar) • GBG/Mölndal Bilvaruhuset • Linköping (excl. Jaguar) Uppsala • Jönköping (excl. Jaguar) Värnamo (excl. Jaguar) GBG/Mölndalsvägen • Helsingborg Alingsås • Anderstorp • Borås • Enköping GBG/Hisings-Kärra • GBG/Mölndalsvägen MB GBG/Sisjön • Halmstad • Helsingborg • Jönköping Kristianstad • Kungsbacka • Linköping • Ljungby Strömstad • Trollhättan • Uddevalla • Uppsala Vara • Varberg • Värnamo • Ängelholm MERCEDES-BENZ COMMERCIAL VEHICLES Lars Holmström, Commercial Vehicles Alingsås • Anderstorp • Borås • Enköping GBG/Hisings-Kärra • Mölndal LCV Center Halmstad • Helsingborg LCV • Jönköping Kristianstad • Kungsbacka • Linköping • Ljungby Strömstad • Trollhättan • Uddevalla • Uppsala Vara • Varberg • Värnamo MERCEDES-BENZ TRUCKS MITSUBISHI Magnus Roslund, Cars and Commercial Vehicles GBG/Hisings-Kärra (LCV) • Mölndal Bilvaruhuset GBG/Tagene • Mölndal LCV Center • Kristianstad Stockholm/Akalla • Stockholm/Kista LCV Stockholm/Segeltorp • Uppsala HONDA Andreas Jonsson, Cars Mölndal Bilvaruhuset • Varberg Björn Janström, Trucks CITROËN Borås • GBG/Hisings-Kärra • Halmstad Helsingborg • Helsingborg LCV • Jönköping Kristianstad • Linköping • Uddevalla • Uppsala Stefan Karlander, Cars and Commercial Vehicles NISSAN (Acting) Johan Olsson, Cars Henrik Skottheim, Commercial Vehicles Borås • Enköping • GBG/HisingsKärra (LCV) • Mölndal Bilvaruhuset GBG/Mölndal LCV Center • Jönköping Kungsbacka • Malmö • Stockholm/Akalla Stockholm/Kista LCV • Stockholm/Spånga Strömstad • Trelleborg • Uppsala Alingsås • Anderstorp • Borås • Enköping GBG/Hisings-Kärra (LCV) • GBG/Mölndalsvägen Mölndal LCV Center • GBG/Tagene Halmstad • Helsingborg • Helsingborg LCV Center Kista LCV Center • Kristianstad • Kungsbacka Ljungby • Linköping • Strömstad • Trollhättan Uddevalla • Uppsala • Vara • Varberg Värnamo • Ängelholm DS FCA GROUP Johan Olsson, Cars and Commercial Vehicles (Abarth, Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Fiat Professional, Jeep, Lancia) Peter Gustafsson, Cars and Commercial Vehicles Enköping: Fiat, Fiat Professional GBG/Hisings Kärra: Fiat, Fiat Professional Mölndal LCV Center: Fiat Professional GBG/Åbro US Center: All Jönköping: Fiat, Fiat Professional, Jeep, Lancia Kristianstad: Fiat, Fiat Professional, Jeep, Lancia Linköping: All, excluding Abarth Lund: All, excluding Abarth Malmö: All Norrköping: Fiat, Jeep, Fiat Professional STHLM/Akalla: All STHLM/Segeltorp: Alfa Romeo, Fiat Professional, Jeep, Lancia STHLM/Kista LCV: Fiat Professional Trelleborg: Fiat, Fiat Professional Uddevalla: Fiat, Fiat Professional, Jeep, Lancia Uppsala: All, excluding Abarth Varberg: Fiat, Fiat Professional Värnamo: Fiat, Fiat Professional, Jeep, Lancia Örebro: Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Jeep, Fiat Professional Stefan Karlander, Cars Borås • Göteborg • Malmö • Stockholm/Akalla Stockholm/Spånga • Uppsala OPEL Karlskoga • Linköping • Norrköping • Malmö Stockholm/Akalla • Stockholm/Kista LCV Stockholm/Segeltorp • Uppsala • Örebro SUBARU Sara Bygdeus, Cars Karlskoga • Kristianstad • Lund • Malmö Stockholm/Akalla • Trelleborg RENAULT AND DACIA Oscar Cullberg, Cars and Commercial Vehicles GBG/Hisings-Kärra (LCV) Mölndal Bilvaruhuset Mölndal LCV Center GBG/Tagene CORVETTE, CADILLAC, CHEVROLET, DODGE Rasmus Johansson, Cars GBG/Åbro US Center Stockholm/Kista LCV (Dodge) FORD Anderz Larqvist, Cars GBG/Sisjön • Kungsbacka • Sthlm/Nacka Sthlm/Segeltorp ISUZU Christer Åkerlund, Commercial Vehicles Örebro USED CARS Oscar Cullberg, Head of Used Car Sales KIA Lars-Olof Snygg, Cars Alingsås • Anderstorp • Borås Mölndal Bilvaruhuset • GBG/Tagene Halmstad • Helsingborg • Jönköping Kungsbacka • Ljungby • Malmö Stockholm/Akalla • Stockholm/Segeltorp Strömstad • Trelleborg • Trollhättan • Uddevalla Vara • Värnamo • Ängelholm ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 23 HEDIN GÖTEBORG BIL AB CITY Business Manager Site Manager CARS COMMERCIAL VEHICLES TRUCKS AFTERMARKET ONLY TRUCKS AFTERMARKET ONLY ALINGSÅS Daniel Kjellberg Peter Bengtsson BORÅS Daniel Kjellberg Daniel Kjellberg HISINGS-KÄRRA MERCEDES Lars Holmström Lars Holmström HISINGS-KÄRRA FIAT Lars Holmström Lars Holmström HISINGS-KÄRRA LCV Lars Holmström Lars Holmström MÖLNDAL BILVARUHUSET Oscar Cullberg Oscar Cullberg MÖLNDAL MERCEDES-BENZ Rickard Magnusson Rickard Magnusson MÖLNDAL NISSAN Rickard Magnusson Rickard Magnusson MÖLNDAL LCV BILCENTER Lars Holmström Karl-Gustav Nilsson SISJÖN AMG PERFORMANCE CENTER Rickard Magnusson Anders Peterson GOTHENBURG TAGENE Oscar Cullberg Anders Bränholm USED CAR CENTRE Oscar Cullberg Stefan Karlander ÅBRO US CENTER Oscar Cullberg Rasmus Johansson KUNGSBACKA Rickard Magnusson Lars Petersson STRÖMSTAD Daniel Kjellberg Fredrik Larsson TROLLHÄTTAN Daniel Kjellberg Daniel Högström UDDEVALLA Daniel Kjellberg Fredrik Larsson VARA Daniel Kjellberg Stefan Kjörk HEDIN HELSINGBORG BIL AB CITY Business Manager Site manager CARS ANDERSTORP Erik Fagersson Johan Brundin ENKÖPING Urban Qvarnström Beiar Mahmod HALMSTAD Johan Stålhammar Per-Erik Persson 24 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES HEDIN HELSINGBORG BIL AB CITY Business Manager Site manager CARS COMMERCIAL VEHICLES TRUCKS AFTERMARKET ONLY HELSINGBORG Johan Stålhammar Johan Stålhammar HELSINGBORG LCV & TRUCKS Johan Stålhammar Jörgen Bengtsson JÖNKÖPING Erik Fagersson Erik Fagersson KRISTIANSTAD Johan Stålhammar Anders Stark KRISTIANSTAD Johan Stålhammar Åke Andersson LINKÖPING Erik Fagersson Harald Hjelm LJUNGBY Erik Fagersson Jan Johansson UPPSALA Urban Qvarnström Urban Qvarnström VARBERG Johan Stålhammar Christian Zimmerman VÄRNAMO Erik Fagersson Haris Dzafic ÄNGELHOLM Johan Stålhammar Pierre Holmgren HEDIN STOCKHOLM BIL AB/STOCKHOLM CITY Business Manager Site manager CARS COMMERCIAL VEHICLES AFTERMARKET ONLY CARS COMMERCIAL VEHICLES AFTERMARKET ONLY STOCKHOLM, AKALLA Johan Olsson Ashkan Jamie STOCKHOLM, KISTA LCV CENTER Johan Olsson Mats Kamryd STOCKHOLM, SEGELTORP Johan Olsson Magnus Roslund STOCKHOLM, SPÅNGA Johan Olsson Selahattin Unsal STOCKHOLM, ÖSTERMALM Johan Olsson Patrick Bierhance HEDIN STOCKHOLM BIL AB/SKÅNE CITY Business Manager Site manager LUND Mats-Åke Andersson Joakim Olsson MALMÖ LCV CENTER Mats-Åke Andersson Mats-Åke Andersson MALMÖ - BURLÖV Mats-Åke Andersson Christoffer Hammar MALMÖ - JÄGERSRO Mats-Åke Andersson Mats-Åke Andersson TRELLEBORG Mats-Åke Andersson Marcus Persson ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 25 26 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 “No down payments, set-up fees or deposits. Insurance, maintenance service and roadside assistance included for 3 years. - the easy way.” CAR TO GO SWEDEN AB 5.8% MARKET SHARE 12 CEO: Anders Hedin | Car To Go Sweden AB, including the private leasing service, was acquired during 2014 and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Anders Hedin Invest AB. CAR BRANDS CarPlus provides flexible and affordable private leasing options. No down payment, setup fee or deposit. Insurance, service and three years' free roadside assistance are included. We currently offer CarPlus for Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Kia, Fiat, Honda, Opel, Renault, Dacia, Mitsubishi, Citroën, DS and Subaru. TOTAL MARKET The private market in Sweden has developed well and private leasing continues to be an increasingly popular alternative to conventional car ownership. This is clearly reflected in the number of new contracts for the year. In 2015, there were 27,213 private leasing contracts, representing 17.8% of all newly registered cars acquired by private customers. The general focus for the year was on increasing sales and offering a wider selection of car brands, including several attractively packaged car models at Efforts have been made to improve and rationalise processes in collaboration with suppliers. New cooperation agreements have been signed and the company is now better positioned to face future challenges. A new website has been launched at to enhance the customer's experience of reliability and safety. The website now contains several offers, and a better filter function makes for a smoother, easier and faster consumer experience. MARKETING A total of 1,572 cars were delivered during 2015, which means that deliveries improved by 164% compared to 2014. CarPlus has also increased its market share from 3.3% to 5.8% for 2015. The most popular brand at CarPlus is Kia, while the most popular model is the Fiat 500. Deliveries and new orders continue to increase, which bodes well for 2016 as a whole. Multi-year comparison 2015 2014 Net turnover (TSEK) 2,057 1,597 961 400 1 1 Profit after financial items Average number of employees ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 27 “The Klintberg & Way Group operates in three business areas: replacement parts, tyres/rims and imports of cars from the US” 28 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 “Anders Hedin Invest AB acquired Klintberg & Way AB in April 2014” 8 KLINTBERG & WAY CEO: Jörgen Forsberg | 2015 was a special year for Klintberg & Way. The company celebrated its 40th anniversary and a whole range of exciting events took place at the subsidiaries. Klintberg & Way offers products and services to the car industry and operates primarily in Sweden and Europe. Klintberg & Way is undergoing considerable expansion and as a result of acquisitions the company has grown by 250% during the last 18 months. The goal is for Klintberg & Way to become a significant player in Europe with regard service and product provision to the automotive industry and the car trade. Klintberg & Way currently manages KW Parts, KW Wheels, KW Cars, Dawa Däck and Techno Tire. The company is located in Kista, but also carries on operations in Gothenburg, Kortrijk (Belgium), Oslo (Norway) and Butzbach (Germany). COMPANIES +250% 18-MONTH PERIOD THE GROUP IN NUMBERS • • • • • • In 2015, turnover increased from SEK 304 million to SEK 560 million (+84%). Operating profit increased from SEK 14 million to SEK 20 million (+43%). KW Parts was affected negatively during the year by the strengthening of the US dollar against the Swedish krona. KW Parts was burdened by non-recurring costs amounting to SEK 4 million due to relocation to Butzbach and Sätra. Depreciation of KW Parts stock by SEK 9 million is included in the report. At the end of the year, KW Parts employed 96 people. Multi-year comparison Net turnover (TSEK) Profit after financial items 2015 2014 559,258 303,788 21,811 13,872 84 70 Average number of employees ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 29 30 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 “The core business of Klintberg & Way is KW Parts” KW PARTS CEO: Jörgen Forsberg | 85,000 ITEMS IN STOCK 37 The core business of Klintberg & Way is KW Parts, which also operates as the General Motors North America Vehicles (GM NAV) Service Market organisation in Europe, and includes distribution and sales of replacement parts and accessories for GM NAV in Europe. MARKET COUNTRIES KW Parts is Europe’s largest replacement p arts wholesaler of US car parts, and operates in 37 countries. 2015 was a satisfactory year despite the challenges caused by the weakening of the Swedish krona against the US dollar. Despite this, and certain additional larger non-recurring cost items, the company succeeded in achieving a slightly better operating result compared to 2014. RELOCATION OF STOCK In June, the storage facility in Norway was closed and relocated to Sweden. Klintberg & Way retain a presence there in the form of two employees. In order to improve efficiency and establish a closer relationship with the bulk of its customers, KW Parts relocated its EU stock from Kortrijk in Belgium to Butzbach in Germany. Multi-year comparison Net turnover (TSEK) Profit after financial items 2015 2014 256,796 233,613 -6,491 5,417 61 65 Average number of employees ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 31 32 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 “KW Wheels was founded in 2014 as a wholesaler of tyres and rims, and deals primarily in complete wheels” KW WHEELS CEO: Jörgen Forsberg | KW Wheels was founded in 2014 as a wholesale retailer of tyres and rims. Complete wheels comprise the majority of sales. KW Wheels cooperates with all known tyre producers and holds the Swedish licence for Alutec rims. Following a very positive start to 2014, KW Wheels outgrew its facilities in Grimbodalen in Gothenburg. To increase production capability and improve stock capacity, KW Wheels relocated to new facilities at Hisingen. 60,000 WHEELS SOLD 5,000 SQUARE METRES, OF WARE HOUSE SPACE NEW ACQUISITIONS AND EXPANDED SERVICES During the year, KW Wheels acquired an e-commerce portal as part of its goal to improve and modernise customer services. By September, the portal was fully operational and we expect the portal to contribute to our sales goals for 2016 being achieved through increased accessibility and improved customer friendliness. In 2015, we also began developing the KW Däckdepå workshop concept, which offers tyre services to our customers. Concept roll-out will continue throughout 2016. Multi-year comparison Net turnover (TSEK) Profit after financial items 2015 2014 126,291 54,720 15,458 8,455 8 5 Average number of employees ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 33 34 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 “The company was founded in April 2015 and imports US-produced cars” KW CARS CEO: Jörgen Forsberg | The company was founded in April 2015 and imports cars from the US. IMPORTS ONTO THE SWEDISH MARKET In 2015, KW Cars began, on a small scale, importing and selling cars from the US, predominantly Dodge Rams and Chevrolet Silverados. NEW DEALERSHIP In August 2015, KW Cars started up its first dealership. The dealership is located at Grimbodalen 6 in Gothenburg. It sells replacement parts and also runs a complete tyre shop within the framework of the KW Däckdepå concept. Following a cautious start in 2015, we expect a significant increase in turnover. A workshop for cars from the US will start up in the same facilities in 2016. Multi-year comparison 2015 2014 Net turnover (TSEK) 13,480 - Profit after financial items -1,974 - 2 - Average number of employees ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 35 36 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 “Dawa Däck is a Gothenburg-based company in tyre wholesaling” DAWA DÄCK CEO: Jan Sand | 8% OF THE SWEDISH MARKET 30 The acquisition of Dawa Däck from Sjätte AP fonden was completed in August 2015, following approval by the Competition Authority. OPERATIONS. Dawa Däck is one of Sweden's largest wholesalers of tyres and also imports brand names such as Kumho, Nankang and Sonar. The goal is to provide a broad range of products to satisfy as large a share of the market as possible. Dawa will continue to be developed during 2016. EMPLOYEES Multi-year comparison Net turnover (TSEK) Profit after financial items 2015 2014 311,249 290,352 13,286 3,304 29 34 Average number of employees ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 37 38 ANDERS HEDIN HEDININVEST INVESTAB ABANNUAL / ÅRSREDOVISNING REPORT / 2015 / 2015 “Mabi is one of Sweden’s largest independent car rental companies” MABI RENT AB CEO: André Schleemann | 154 OFFICES 74 Mabi Rent offers short-term car rentals with a complete range of cars, commercial vehicles, minibuses and a number of specialised cars for brand profiling. It also has a long-term leasing concept marketed under the name Flexilease. Mabi Rent runs operations in Sweden and Germany (Mabi Sverige AB and Mabi Deutschland GmbH). By profiling specialised car models, such as convertibles and more exclusive models, the company has achieved a greater degree of recognition and a higher profile. This branding has been reinforced through strategic marketing in the press and investment in personalised number plates. During the year, the company invested in increasing business to business sales and procurement of public contracts to maintain its positive rate of expansion. The vehicle fleet comprises 2,100 vehicles. REGIONS 27 CAR BRANDS SIGNIFICANT EVENTS DURING THE FINANCIAL YEAR. A total of 19 offices were opened and general agreements have been entered into with a number of municipal authorities and county councils, making Mabi their preferred rental car provider. FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS Currently, Mabi has an 8% share of the car rental market, which is an improvement on the previous year. The goal for the coming years is to increase market shares by expanding the network of stations. Turnover and demand in the car rental industry continues to increase at a stable pace. Multi-year comparison Net turnover (TSEK) Profit after financial items 2015 2014 193,693 256,997 8,840 5,976 55 67 Average number of employees ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 39 40 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 I.A. Hedin Fastighet AB's ambition is to develop and manage properties in which people and companies can meet and interact. I.A. HEDIN FASTIGHET AB CEO: Anders Hedin | Hedin Bil’s commercial properties are wholly owned by Anders Hedin Invest AB via the property company. The company owns and manages 31 commercial properties in eastern, western and southern Sweden. I.A. Hedin Fastighet AB's ambition is to develop and manage properties in which people and companies can meet and interact. 31 PROPERTIES 252,500 SQUARE METRES OF FLOOR SPACE Commercial floor space in the Group's property portfolio (including business properties and other commercial properties) totals 207,500 square metres. Our new projects will increase the floor space to 252,500 square metres. The estimated market value of current holdings is in excess of SEK 2.8 billion. In addition to owned properties, the company also rents premises with a total floor space of 47,000 square metres. Multi-year comparison Net turnover (TSEK) Profit after financial items 2015 2014 175,249 146,451 78,658 47,123 - - Average number of employees ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 41 One of the properties that will be completed during 2016 is in Akalla, Stockholm. 42 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 ONGOING PROJECTS - PROPERTIES STOCKHOLM – AKALLA CAR CENTRE A major renovation project was completed at the end of the year to customise showrooms for each vehicle brand. As part of the renovation, Opel and DS Store (a segment of Citroën) acquired their own entrances. The customer reception and replacement parts areas will also be refurbished and remodelled to make them more accessible to customers. Reconstruction of the pre-existing building was completed in 2015. Extensions will commence during 2016 and will include 8,500 square metres of retail space, integrated with a covered parking facility with 470 spaces. The extension will comprise a total of 20,000 square metres. JÖNKÖPING Operations in Jönköping are relocating to a completely new property on the other side of the motorway in the highly popular A6 Center retail park. This 22,000 square metre full-service facility will handle cars, commercial vehicles and trucks. Due for completion in 2016. HELSINGBORG CAR CENTRE Reconstruction and extension of the present passenger car facilities will be completed in 2017. This will become a modern car facility with expanded retail space of 3,000 square metres. ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 43 Alingsås Gothenburg Begagnat Center Åbro Anderstorp Gothenburg AMG Center Sisjön Enköping Gothenburg Transportbilscenter Gothenburg Hisings Kärra Jönköping Kristianstad Kungsbacka Linköping Malmö Opel Stockholm Akalla Stockholm Kista Transportbilscenter Stockholm Segeltorp Uddevalla 44 Borås ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 Uppsala Vara Varberg Gothenburg Bilvaruhuset Gothenburg Mercedes Benz Gothenburg Tagene Gothenburg US Center Åbro Gothenburg Nissan Halmstad Helsingborg personbilar Helsingborgs Transport och Lastbilscenter Ljungby Lund Malmö Burlöv Malmö Jägersro Stockholm Spånga Strömstad Trelleborg Kristianstad Trollhättan 42 DEALERSHIPS Värnamo Kristianstad Östermalm Ängelholm ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 45 46 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 “New technology generates greater efficiency and new opportunities” HEDIN IT AB CEO: Anders Hedin | Hedin IT was founded in 2014 and is wholly owned by Anders Hedin Invest AB. Its purpose is to support core business operations and provide a beneficial environment for IT operations within the Group. The company services the entire Anders Hedin Invest Group and is responsible for telephony and IT support. The company will promote the Group's advancement and create functional solutions within IT and telephony to enhance value both internally and externally. 50,000 WEBSITE VISITORS 16,000 CUSTOMER CALLS PER MONTH MARKETING In the automotive industry, IT is shifting increasingly away from being a mere support function towards becoming a key part of the marketing system, although its back office function continues to be the primary purpose. Marketing operations are conducted via various mobile and stationary applications – for service bookings for example – which in turn communicate with our business systems. The fact that we can now draw up and sign digital finance agreements marks the beginning of a period of rapid development and at the same time offers significant environmental benefits. COMMUNICATION In 2015, we launched a new Intranet and an employee portal for the Hedin Bil Group. The purpose of the Intranet is to provide support for the staff in their day-to-day work by making information more accessible within the organisation. The employee portal is part of the HR Department's strategy to provide managers and staff with a safe, reliable working environment and at the same time strengthen our business structure to maintain a healthy organisation. SECURITY IT security is becoming an increasingly important issue and we are preparing to face the threats posed by a digital society in which a growing volume of corporate information can be accessed through smartphones or tablets. We are working proactively to counter computer viruses, Trojans and other forms of attack through greater corporate awareness and providing training to deal with such risks. ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 47 48 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 “Manages and trades in securities” A.H. VÄRDEPAPPER AB CEO: Anders Hedin Wholly owned by Anders Hedin Invest AB. A.H. Värdepapper AB owns, manages and trades in securities and associated activities. Multi-year comparison Net turnover (TSEK) Profit after financial items 2015 2014 60,720 349,313 -14,142 5,344 - - Average number of employees ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 49 50 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 “Consensus is a securities trading company approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority and is currently undergoing substantial growth and expansion” CONSENSUS ASSET MANAGEMENT AB CEO: Patrik Soko | Consensus is a securities trading company approved by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and it is currently experiencing substantial growth and expansion. The company has its head office in Mölndal and a branch in Stockholm. The company has also established the Mötesplats (Meeting Place) concept in Borås. CORPORATE ACTIVITIES 55% EQUITY RATIO 35 TURNOVER, MSEK The Consensus business model is to operate actively in corporate finance, investment management and pensions to offer companies, trusts, institutions and high net worth individuals the best, personal services in the market, coupled with the best possible conditions for securing value growth and a higher return on investment. Consensus Insurance provides pensionrelated solutions, risk insurance and endowment insurance to small and medium-sized companies, as well as the owners and private customers. • During the first quarter, Thenberg & Kinde Fondkommission AB merged with Consensus Asset Management AB and retained the Consensus company name. • Turnover in 2015 increased by 40% to SEK 35 million. The following comparative figures for 2014 represent a pro forma calculation before the merger. • Operating profit increased by SEK 6.6 million, starting with a negative figure of approx. SEK 3 million and ending with a positive figure of appr. SEK 5.2 million. • Profit after appropriations and financial items totalled SEK 0.9 million. • The equity ratio is 55%. 35 27 21.3 Turnover, MSEK 15 Operating profit, MSEK 8 3.6 -3 -1 -3 -7.5 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 51 52 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 “Lasingoo is an industryowned online portal for booking services, primarily for passenger cars” LASINGOO SVERIGE AB CEO: Malin Landberg | Lasingoo is a wide-ranging, sector-owned portal for service bookings, mainly for passenger cars. The portal helps its users to monitor all costs related to car ownership and streamlines workshop bookings. The portal has been operating in Germany since 2012 and was launched in Sweden in May 2015. 16.6% OWNERSHIP INTEREST 1,900 ASSOCIATED WORKSHOPS Lasingoo is owned and managed jointly by AD Bildelar, Autoexperten, Bosch, Hedin Bil, OKQ8 and the Mekonomen Group (MECA, Mekonomen, MekoPartner, Speedy). This represents a unique venture by the largest car workshop operators in Sweden, and as many as 1,900 workshops are currently linked to the service. ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 53 54 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 “50% of Ripam Invest AB is owned by Anders Hedin Invest AB and is a development company” RIPAM INVEST AB CEO: Anders Hedin | www.bå Anders Hedin Invest AB owns 50% of Ripam Invest AB, which is an investment company that invests in companies outside the core operating areas of Anders Hedin Invest. The remaining 50% of the company is owned by Nilhome AB. Ripam Invest AB is the sole owner of Marstrands Kurbadhus AB, which carries on hotel operations in Marstrand. Marstrands Kurbadhus owns 90% of Marstrands Kulturfastighet AB, which in turn owns the hotel property. The remaining 10% is owned by the Municipality of Kungälv. Both companies are involved in the design and planning of a property redevelopment project in Marstrand in the west coast archipelago. Project planning for a new open-air bathing facility, spa resort and hotel is currently at the planning amendment stage and is due to be completed during 2016. Societetshuset in Marstrand, part of the Bautastenen Hotell AB company, was acquired in October 2014. Societetshuset offers banqueting facilities for weddings and other events. ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 55 “From zero to eleven billion. A positive upturn, and an exciting future ahead of us” 56 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 EVENTS AFTER THE END OF THE REPORTING PERIOD 2016 began with a number of company acquisitions. As a result, we are also expanding our brand selection to include 25 brands within I.A. Hedin Bil AB. Following acquisitions during the first and second quarters of 2016, the I.A. Hedin Bil Group will manage auto retailing operations at 52 locations and plans to sell 52,000 vehicles this year, spread across 25 brands. The Anders Hedin Invest Group's projected turnover for the current year is SEK 11 billion. 52 CAR FACILITIES ACQUISITION OF JOHAN KLASÉN BIL IN HALMSTAD. I.A. Hedin Bil AB, via its subsidiary company Hedin Helsingborg Bil AB, will increase and expand operations in Halmstad by acquiring Johan Klasén Bil AB. The company premises and an adjacent building are included in the acquisition. Hedin Bil's present premises in Stenalyckan will be realigned to become a sole Mercedes-Benz facility. Brands such as Nissan, Kia, Renault and Dacia will be relocated to the acquired adjacent property, which will be converted into a new car dealership. HEDIN BIL ACQUIRES BIVA AB AND BILCITY FOR KRISTIANSTAD OPERATIONS. BIVA AB's car businesses in Linköping, Norrköping, Uppsala, Örebro and Karlskoga, which also includes Bilcity in Kristianstad, were acquiered in April. These acquisitions further strengthen the Hedin Bil brand name in the Uppsala, Linköping and Kristianstad markets, where we have already established successful dealerships. Örebro, Karlskoga och Norrköping represent new markets. In conjunction with the acquisitions, a new company will be added to the Hedin Bil Group – Hedin Örebro Bil AB. ACQUISITION OF BILIA'S FORD OPERATIONS IN GOTHENBURG AND STOCKHOLM. 25 CAR BRANDS 1,650 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES SEK 11 billion PROJECTED TURNOVER Hedin Bil has entered into an agreement with Bilia AB to take over Ford operations in Gothenburg and will also establish Ford dealerships in Kungsbacka, Stockholm and Nacka. In conjunction with these acquisitions, a further company will be established within the Hedin Bil Group – Hedin Mölndal Bil AB. I.A. HEDIN FASTIGHET AB In conjunction with car operations-related acquisitions, the property group has taken possession of business premises in Karlskoga, Linköping, Halmstad and Kristianstad. Further premises have been acquired adjacent to the procured property in Halmstad in order to establish a complete business location for the Nissan, Kia, Renault and Dacia brands. In all, the property group has 42 properties and the total floor space is 275,854 square metres. ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 57 58 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 FIVE-YEAR SUMMARY - SEK Net sales 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 8,725,618 6,938,710 5,312,640 5,005,489 5,006,632 Operating profit 277,788 194,906 236,554 134,984 126,036 Financial income and expense -40,149 -46,825 -47,286 -62,477 -114,875 Profit before tax 237,639 148,081 189,268 72,507 11,161 Tax -51,956 -30,169 -42,129 -10,492 -16,867 Profit for the year 185,683 117,912 147,139 62,015 -5,706 Intangible fixed assets 104,112 92,980 11,055 Tangible fixed assets 3,439,485 2,841,376 2,230,217 2,115,381 1,873,809 Financial fixed assets 29,147 21,297 4,632 3,337 1,307 1,215,177 964,209 606,949 670,481 716,153 368,740 302,301 172,148 160,576 166,104 Inventories Accounts receivables Other current assets 343,170 318,707 106,574 127,796 112,494 Total assets 5,499,831 4,540,870 3,131,575 3,077,571 2,869,867 Equity 1,323,502 1,169,347 958,286 853,646 759,834 591,946 368,272 223,019 1,796,971 1,740,693 Non-curent liabilities 638,171 338,802 147,940 180,695 126,090 Other liabilities Accounts payables 2,946,212 2,664,449 1,802,330 246,259 243,250 Total equity and liabilities 5,499,831 4,540,870 3,131,575 3,077,571 2,869,867 298,554 102,297 245,631 195,003 26,382 Cash Flow from Operating activities -503,054 -531,560 -135,281 -227,858 -358,054 Cash Flow from Financing activities Cash flow from Investing activities 159,439 508,296 -110,145 26,279 339,534 Cash flow for the year -45,061 79,033 205 -6,576 7,862 Equity to assets ratio 24% 26% 30% 26% 25% Return on equity 15% 11% 17% 8% 1% 1,322 1,250 836 853 840 Number of employees ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 59 FIVE-YEAR SUMMARY - EUR 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 955,185 732,704 596,256 580,010 559,400 Operating profit 30,409 20,581 26,549 15,641 14,082 Financial income and expense -4,395 -4,945 -5,307 -7,240 -12,835 Profit before tax 26,014 15,637 21,242 8,402 1,247 Tax -5,688 -3,186 -4,728 -1,216 -1,885 Profit for the year 20,327 12,451 16,514 7,186 -638 Intangible fixed assets 11,397 9,818 1,241 0 0 Tangible fixed assets 376,517 300,040 250,305 245,119 209,364 Financial fixed assets 3,191 2,249 520 387 146 133,024 101,817 68,120 77,692 80,017 40,366 31,922 19,321 18,607 18,559 Net sales Inventories Accounts receivables Other current assets 37,567 33,654 11,961 14,808 12,569 Total assets 602,061 479,501 351,467 356,613 320,656 Equity 144,883 123,479 107,552 98,916 84,898 64,800 38,888 25,030 208,224 194,491 Non-curent liabilities Accounts payables 69,860 35,776 16,604 20,938 14,088 Other liabilities 322,519 281,357 202,282 28,535 27,179 Total equity and liabilities 602,061 479,501 351,467 356,613 320,656 32,682 10,802 27,568 22,596 2,948 Cash Flow from Operating activities -55,069 -56,131 -15,183 -26,403 -40,006 Cash Flow from Financing activities Cash flow from Investing activities 17,454 53,674 -12,362 3,045 37,937 Cash flow for the year -4,933 8,346 23 -762 878 24% 26% 30% 26% 25% 15% 11% 17% 8% 1% 1,322 1,250 836 853 840 Equity to assets ratio Return on equity Number of employees 60 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Board and CEO of Anders Hedin Invest AB, corporate identity no. 556702-0655, hereby approves the Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statement for the fiscal year 1/1/2015 - 31/12/2015. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE GROUP Anders Hedin Invest Group is a family business and runs businesses primarily within sales and services of vehicles, property, wholesale of spare parts and tyres and car rental businesses. Vehicle segment of the Group I.A. Hedin Bil Group runs trade and repair shops in the vehicle industry. Brands sold are Mercedes-Benz, Jeep, Dodge, Smart, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Citroën, Fiat, Lancia, Cadillac, Corvette, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Kia, Opel, Dacia, Renault, Abarth, Honda, Jaguar, Alfa Romeo, Subaru, Range Rover and Land Rover in all segments. Hedin Bil is currently represented at 42 complete dealerships at attractive locations in south, west and east Sweden, from Trelleborg/ Malmö in the south to Uppsala/Stockholm in the east, through subsidiaries Hedin Göteborg Bil AB, Hedin Helsingborg Bil AB and Hedin Stockholm Bil AB with branches. Properties The I.A Hedin Fastighet AB Group is engaged in property management through its ownership of shares in limited partnerships and shares in subsidiaries. The Group’s property holdings can largely be attributed to commercial properties intended for automotive operations. The operating properties are leased by Hedin Göteborg Bil AB, Hedin Helsingborg Bil AB, Hedin Stockholm Bil AB, KW Wheels AB and Car to Go Sweden AB. Wholesale of spare parts and tyres Klintberg & Way AB is an authorized spare parts distributor for General Motors North American Vehicles and Mopars (Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge), and Europe’s largest spare parts wholesaler of American car parts, with operations in 37 countries. The company is the Parent Company for the KW Parts Group, with subsidiaries in Sweden, Belgium and Norway. Since August 2015, the group also includes Dawa Däck which conducts import and wholesales of tyres. The company is authorised to sell Kumho, Nankang and Sonar products. KW Wheels, which started up in 2014, assembles and sells complete wheels on the Swedish market. Car rentals Mabi Rent offers short-term car rentals through a complete range of cars, light trucks, minibuses and a number of special cars for brand profiling. They also have a long-term leasing concept marketed under the name Flexilease. Mabi Rent operates mainly through franchises and has a nationwide station network in Sweden, and is also represented in Berlin, Germany. Other investments The company owns investments in Consensus Asset Management AB and Ripam Invest AB and also conducts securities trading via the company AH Värdepapper AB. Parent company Anders Hedin Invest AB’s activities consist primarily of managing and developing ownership in existing subsidiaries. ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 61 KEY FIGURES Amount in TSEK 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 31/12/2013 31/12/2012 31/12/2011 8,725,618 6,938,710 5,312,640 5,077,087 5,079,648 237,639 148,081 189,268 72,507 11,161 Balance sheet total 5,499,831 4,540,870 3,131,575 3,077,571 2,869,867 Return on equity % 15 11 17 8 1 Net Sales Profit after financial items Equity/Assets ratio % Average number of employees 24 26 30 26 25 1,322 1,250 836 853 840 Definitions The figures for 2015 and 2014 have been calculated in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. Previous years have not been adjusted and have been accounted for in accordance with the previously used principles. Return on equity: Ratio of net income to average shareholders’ equity excluding minority interests Equity/Assets ratio: Shareholders’ equity excluding minority interests divided by total assets SIGNIFICANT EVENTS OF THE FISCAL YEAR Vehicle segment of the Group In January, operations in Ängelholm relocated to new premises which entailed larger facilities and a better location. In April, a new commercial car dealership started up in Kista to conduct sales and car repairs. During the year, Hedin Bil has continued to focus on increasing profitability. Property segment of the Group In March, the property Group acquired a property in Kista. This property now includes a commercial dealership and a tyre hotel run by Hedin Bil. The property also includes offices which are being renovated and will be rented out upon completion. The new facility in Ängelholm opened in January. Reconstruction in Värnamo was finalised in May and reconstruction in Akalla was finalised in March 2016. Construction of a new facility is underway in Jönköping and is projected to be finalised in the autumn of 2016. Project planning for the reconstruction of the passenger cars dealership is underway in Helsingborg and construction will commence during 2016. The property in Akalla will be extended by 20,000sqm, and comprise 15,000sqm of parking space and 5,000sqm retail space. The extension is projected to be concluded in early 2017. Car rental section of the Group The Mabi group has expanded its number of stations. Currently, we run a total of 150 stations of which 39 are owned by us and 111 are franchises. Spare parts branch of the group In 2015, Techno Tire AB was acquired from Techno Support i Sverige AB. This acquisition provides the opportunity to deliver to both Klintberg & Way’s and Techno Support i Sverige AB’s customers through the company’s online tool. Import and sales of American cars, accessories, complete wheels and tuning products have started up in the newly formed company Klintberg & Way Cars AB (KW Cars). There is a car dealership and showroom in Gothenburg. Dawa Däck AB was acquired in August. The company is authorised to sell Kumho, Nankang and Sonar products. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS Hedin Bil has acquired Johan Klasén Bil AB as of 1/3/2016, which operates a car dealership in Halmstad. The acquisition also included 2 properties consisting of a car dealership and an undeveloped site. A new car dealership for the Nissan and Kia brands will be developed there. 62 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 Hedin Bil has acquired Biva AB from OK Ekonomisk Förening which has dealerships in Örebro, Karlskoga, Norrköping and Linköping, as well as Bilcity i Kristianstad AB which has dealerships in Kristianstad. The business properties have also been included in the acquisitions in Örebro, Karlskoga, Linköping and Kristianstad. Hedin Bil has also acquired Bilias Ford operations in Gothenburg. Hedin Bil plans to start up new Ford dealerships in Kungsbacka, Stockholm and Nacka. The acquisitions from OK and Bilia require approval from the Competition Board, which is expected to be granted in April 2016. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Group operations for the coming year are expected to continue in the same direction as the year 2015. With a stable earnings trend and good profitability, the Group is wellequipped both financially and economically for the future. RISKS Car sales are dependent on economic developments and represent a sensitivity in the Group’s sales trends. Reducing sensitivity in profitability requires efficient processes and monitoring of inventory conditions. After the block exemption was changed on 1 July 2013, all agreements with general agents are now rolling two-year contracts. This increases the requirement for good relationships between general agents and dealers. The Hedin Group aims to be a key partner to all general agents and to build confidence. Creating a turnkey concept with financing, insurance, service, cards, and a number of different ownership options contribute to increased customer loyalty. Opportunities for risk spreading are created by the Group's diversity of operations in the car industry, such as sales, repair shops, car rentals, and spare parts areas. ENVIRONMENTAL WORK The Group continues to work on improving environmental efforts in cooperation with our customers, employees and authorities. Hedin Bil's car repair shops are ISO-certified in line with 14001. We train our employees in how to reduce environmental impact and prevent pollution. Hazardous waste will be handled and recycled or reused in an environmentally sustainable manner. EMPLOYEES PARENT COMPANY The average number of employees increased from 1,250 to 1,322 during the year. During 2015, Hedin Bil implemented a number of measures to develop the company and strengthen the Hedin Bil brand as an employer. The goal and purpose of these measures are to create a more reliable and efficient organisation where employees are characterized by their competence and job satisfaction, and for managers to be able to lead successfully through clearly defined leadership principles founded in Reliability, Credibility and Accessibility Anders Hedin Invest AB’s activities consist primarily of managing and developing ownership in existing subsidiaries. Profit after financial items amounted to -10,415 TSEK(-6 102) and the net earnings for the year amounted to 83,401 TSEK (76,174). During the past year, the Group has focused on clearly defining both structure and company culture in order to strengthen the organisation's customer focus, quality and competitive edge in a fast moving and changing market. Turnover for 2015 amounted to 8,725,618 TSEK (6,938,710), an increase of 26%. Profit before tax for 2015 amounted to 237,639 TSEK (148,081) and net turnover at 185,683 TSEK (117,912). Profit adjusted before items affecting comparability amounted to 251 MSEK (193 MSEK). Profit excluding items affecting comparability 2015 2014 251 193 Inventory depreciation -9 Relocation Costs -4 Structural costs Profit before taxes The Board of Directors and the CEO propose that the distributable earnings, 248,464,000 SEK, be distributed as follows: Amount in TSEK Dividend of 30,000 SEK per stock. Carried forward TURNOVER AND PROFIT Comparability Items (MSEK) PROPOSAL FOR EARNINGS DISTRIBUTION Total sum 30,000 218,464 248,464 To see the company’s financial position and results of operations, please refer to the following income statement and balance sheet with accompanying notes. -45 238 148 FINANCIAL POSITION As of 31 December 2015, cash resources and short term investments amounted to 42,468 TSEK (90 804). In conjunction with unused overdrafts, payment ability amounted to 218 MSEK (170). As of 31 December 2015, the consolidated balance sheet amounted to 5,499,831 TSEK (4,540,870). Investments in tangible and intangible fixed assets and company acquisitions amounted to 534,107 TSEK (540,299). ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 63 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT AND COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Amount in TSEK Note 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 8,725,618 6,938,710 Operating income Net sales Other operating income 4.8 5 12,054 37,333 8,737,672 6,976,043 -6,949,759 -5,547,159 Operating expenses Goods for resale Other external costs Employee benefit expenses 7.8 -602,049 -472,372 6 -751,707 -636,242 -134,849 -122,905 Depreciation of amortisation and impairment Other operating expenses 9 -21,520 -2,459 277,788 194,906 10 1,435 3,542 Financial costs 11 -42,804 -54,409 Income from shares in associated companies 12 1,220 4,042 237,639 148,081 -51,956 -30,169 185,683 117,912 184,461 117,552 1,222 360 185,683 117,912 -997 -372 Operating profit Profit from financial items Financial Income Profit before tax Income tax Profit for the year 13 Profit for the year attributable to: Parent Company's Shareholders Holdings with non-controlling interests Profit for the year Other comprehensive income Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss Remeasurements of pension obligations, net after taxes The year's changes in revaluation reserve, net after taxes 113,420 -997 113,048 -531 150 -531 150 Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss Translation differences Other comprehensive income Earnings for the year -1,528 113,198 184,155 231,110 182,933 230,750 1,222 360 184,155 231,110 Earnings for the year attributable to the Parent Company's shareholders Holdings with non-controlling interests Earnings for the year 64 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Amount in TSEK Note 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 31/12/2013 ASSETS Fixed assets Intangible assets Intangible rights 15 33,826 22,619 11,055 Goodwill 15 70,286 70,361 0 104,112 92,980 11,055 Tangible assets Land and Buildings 16 2,668,928 2,477,438 2,037,883 Equipment and Tools 16 552,430 311,195 187,217 Constructions in progress 17 218,127 52,743 5,117 3,439,485 2,841,376 2,230,217 18 12,868 11,648 3,328 4,236 2,161 154 25 10,247 4,094 1,150 Financial assets Investments in associated companies Other securities held as non-current assets Deferred tax asset Other long term receivables Total fixed assets 1,796 3,394 0 29,147 21,297 4,632 3,572,744 2,955,653 2,245,904 1,215,177 964,209 606,949 1,215,177 964,209 606,949 368,740 302,301 172,148 1,266 1,046 0 Current assets Inventories etc. Goods for resale Current receivables Account receivables 19 Receivables from associated companies Short term investments 20 1,507 4,539 0 88,999 73,226 30,138 210,437 153,631 69,515 670,949 534,743 271,801 40,961 86,265 6,921 Total current assets 1,927,087 1,585,217 885,671 TOTAL ASSETS 5,499,831 4,540,870 3,131,575 Other receivables Prepaid expenses and accrued income Cash and cash equivalents 21 22 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 65 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Amount in TSEK Note 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 31/12/2013 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity 23 Share capital (1,000 shares) Reserves Other equity including profit for the year Equity attributable to the parent company shareholders Holdings with non-controlling interests Total Equity 100 100 100 155,969 158,488 45,486 1,112,049 956,597 858,849 1,268,118 1,115,185 904,435 55,384 54,162 53,851 1,323,502 1,169,347 958,286 Non-current liabilities Provisions for pensions 24 73,047 74,116 30,016 Deferred tax liability 25 208,137 196,727 146,494 Other non-current liabilities 27 223,429 85,136 46,509 Liabilities to credit institutions 26 87,333 12,293 0 591,946 368,272 223,019 Total non-current liabilities Current liabilities 66 Overdraft facility 26 516,972 599,199 201,395 Liabilities to credit institutions 26 1,974,816 1,679,913 1,355,014 Accounts payable 638,171 338,802 147,940 Current tax liability 16,661 28,751 14,939 Other liabilities 27 168,790 139,594 95,516 Accrued expenses and deferred income 28 268,973 216,992 135,466 Total current liabilities 3,584,383 3,003,251 1,950,270 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 5,499,831 4,540,870 3,131,575 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT FOR CHANGES IN EQUITY Amounts in TSEK Equity 01/01/2014 . Equity Reserves 100 45,486 Profit for the year Change in translation reserve for the year 150 Change in revaluation reserve for the year 112,852 Measurement of Pension Obligations Other comprehensive income for the year 113,002 Total Holdings with non-controlling interest Total Equity 858,849 904,435 53,851 958,286 117,552 117,552 360 117,912 150 150 568 113,420 113,420 Other Equity including profit for the year -372 -372 196 113,198 -372 0 113,198 -49 -49 Transactions with owners Change of ownership in subsidiary companies Dividends to shareholders Closing Balance 31 December 2014 100 158,488 Profit for the year Changes in translation reserve for the year -531 Changes in revaluation reserve for the year -1,988 -20,000 1,115,185 54,162 1,169,347 -20,000 184,461 184,461 1,222 185,683 -531 -531 1,988 0 0 -997 -997 -997 -2,519 991 -1,528 -30,000 -30,000 155,969 1,112,049 1,268,118 Measurement of Pension Obligations Other comprehensive income for the year -20,000 956,597 0 -1,528 55,384 1,323,502 Transactions with owners Dividends to shareholders Closing Balance 31 December 2015 100 -30,000 Revaluation reserve of 267,609 TSEK (271,151) after tax, attributable to previous appreciations of tangible fixed assets in subsidiary companies, is included in the retained earnings. ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 67 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Amounts in TSEK Note 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 237,639 148,081 Operating Activities Profit after financial items Adjustments for non-cash items 31 140,342 85,168 -50,556 -18,661 327,425 214,588 Increase(+)/Decrease(-) in inventories -118,220 -221,066 Increase(+)/Decrease(-) in receivables -71,610 -134,089 Income tax paid Cash flow from operating activities before working capital changes Cash flow from changes in working capital Increase(+)/Decrease(-) in payables 159,790 242,864 Cash flow from operating activities 298,554 102,297 -50,611 -228,612 Investing Activities Purchase of subsidiary Purchase of intangible assets 32 -9,628 -8,791 -472,699 -302,896 Sale of property plant and equipment 33,184 14,789 Increase in other non-current assets -2,200 -6,050 69 0 -503,054 -531,560 1,114,784 838,789 -925,345 -310,444 Purchase of property plant and equipment Decrease in other non-current assets Cash flow from investing activities Financing Activities Borrowings Repayment of debts Acquisition of minority interest 0 -49 -30,000 -20,000 Cash flow from financing activities 159,439 508,296 Cash flow for the year -45,061 79,033 86,265 6,921 -243 311 40,961 86,265 Dividends paid Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year Exchange rate differences Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 68 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 NOTES NOTE 1 SIGNIFICANT FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS Amounts in TSEK unless otherwise stated. The consolidated financial statement complies with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the EU. Furthermore, complementary consolidated standards included in RFR1 have been implemented, as issued by the Council for Financial Reporting. Assets and liabilities have been valuated according to historical acquisition values with exception for certain financial assets that can be sold, and financial assets and liability which are valuated at fair value in the Income Statement. Property and land are appraised in accordance with the revaluation method. This Annual Report constitutes the first annual report by Anders Hedin Invest AB in accordance with IFRS standards. Historical financial information has been adjusted from 1/1/2014, which is the date for the transition to IFRS accounting procedures. Explanations for the transition from previously used accounting principles to IFRS, and the effects of this change to the Income Statement and equity capital, are included in Note 36. The Board approved this consolidated financial statement on 23/3/2016. Issuing statements in accordance with IFRS standards requires certain, significant estimates for accounting purposes. Furthermore, management is required to make certain assessments when following consolidated reporting standards. The areas that involve a high degree of complex assessment, or in which estimates and assessments are of significance to the Consolidated Financial Statement, are described in Note 3. New or changed financial reporting standards 2015 At the time of publication for this Annual Report, a number of standards and interpretations have been published which have not yet entered into force. No new changes are planned before current planned dates. There were no significant effects on the Group's accounts as a result of new or changed IFRS standards in 2015. IFRS 9 Financial instruments manage classification, appraisals and financial assets and liability statements, and introduces new rules for hedge accounting. The complete version of IFRS 9 was published in July 2014. It replaces sections of IAS 39 that handle classification and appraisals of financial instruments and introduces a new depreciation model. The Group has not yet evaluated how hedge accounting will be affected by the new rules. The new standard will be implemented at the latest by the fiscal year beginning 1/1/2018. The standard has not yet been adopted by the EU. IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers is the new standard for income recognition. IFRS 15 replaces IAS 18 Income and IAS 11 Construction Contracts. IFRS 15 is based on the principle that income is reported once the customer has retained control of the sold product or service – a principle that replaces the earlier principle of reporting income when the risks and benefits have been passed on to the customer. A company can choose between "full retro-activity" or prospective application including further information. At present, the Group cannot estimate the impact of the new rules on the financial statements. The new standard will be implemented at the latest for the fiscal year that begins 1/1/2018. The standard has not yet been implemented by the EU. IFRS 16 Leases was published in January 2016 and is a new leasing standard which will replace IAS 17 Leasing agreement as well as the associated interpretations IFRIC 4, SIC-15 and SIC-27. The standard requires that assets and liabilities attributable to all leasing agreements, with a few exceptions, are reported in the balance sheet. This accounting method is based on the view that the lessee has the right to utilize an asset for a specific time period and a simultaneous obligation to pay for this right. Accounting practices for the lessor will in general remain unchanged. This standard will be implemented for the fiscal year that begins 1/1/2019 or later. Earlier implementation is allowed. The EU has not yet adopted the standard. The Group has not yet evaluated the impact of IFRS 16. Consolidated Financial Statement The Consolidated Financial Statement has been issued in accordance with the principles described in IFRS 10, Consolidated Financial Statement. Subsidiaries are companies in which the Parent Company directly or indirectly holds more than 50% of the voting rights, or otherwise has a controlling interest. The Group has controlling interests in a company when it is exposed to or has the right to variable yields from shares in the company, and can affect returns by way of its controlling interests in the company. The company is included in the Consolidated Financial Statement on the date the controlling interests are transferred to the Group. They are excluded from the Consolidated Financial Statement on the date the controlling interests expire. Internal transactions within the Group, balance sheet items, and unrealized gains and losses stemming from transactions between Group companies are eliminated. Acquisition method The acquisition method is used for statements of the Group's business combinations. The purchase price for the acquisition of a subsidiary company is based on fair value of assets and liabilities. The purchase price also includes all assets and liabilities at fair value as a result of a contingent consideration agreement. Later fair value adjustments of contingent consideration agreements that are classified as an asset or liability are reported in accordance with IAS 39 either in the Income Statement or in Other Comprehensive Income. Contingent consideration agreements that are classified as equity are not reappraised and the following adjustment is reported under equity capital. If the purchase price exceeds fair value of identifiable acquired net assets, the difference is reported as goodwill. If the amount exceeds fair value of the acquired net assets, in the event of an acquisition at a low purchase price, the difference is reported in the income statement. Costs related to acquisitions are expensed as they arise. Changes in ownership shares in a subsidiary company without changes in controlling interests. Transactions with proprietors without controlling interest that do not result in loss of controlling interest are reported as equity transactions; i.e., as transactions made by the owners in their role as owner. A change in ownership share is reported via an adjustment of the carrying amount for the holdings with both controlling and non-controlling interests in order to reflect changes in their relative holdings in the subsidiary company. In acquisitions from the holder with non-controlling interests, the difference between fair value and the actual, acquired share of the reported value of the subsidiary company's net assets is reported under equity. ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 69 Associates Associates are all companies in which the Group has significant but not controlling interests, which generally applies to shareholdings of 20 - 50% of the votes. Holdings in associated companies are reported in accordance with the equity method. When applying the equity method, the investment is initially valuated according to the acquisition value, and the reported value is thereafter increased or reduced to take into account the Group's share of the associate company's gains or losses after the acquisition. The Group's reported value for holdings in associated companies includes goodwill that is identified during the acquisition. The Group's shar e of profit that has arisen after the acquisition is reported in the Income Statement, and its share of changes in Other Comprehensive Income after the acquisition is reported in Other Comprehensive Income, including corresponding adjustments to the reported value of the holdings. When the Group's shares in an associate company's losses amounts to or exceeds its holdings in the associate company, including unsecured claims, the Group does not report further losses unless the Group has accepted legal liability or informal obligations or otherwise made payments on behalf of the associate company. Translation of currencies The parent company's functional currency is Swedish Krona which also is the currency used in statements by the Parent Company and the Group. All foreign Group companies report in their functional currency which is translated according to the balance sheet date. Income items are adjusted to the average exchange rate. Translation differences that arise are expensed under equity and reported under Comprehensive Income. Transactions in foreign currencies are translated to the functional currency according to exchange rates on the date of the transaction or the date the items are adjusted. Foreign exchange gains and losses that arise from payment of such transactions and translation of monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies at the balance sheet date are reported in the Income Statement. Foreign exchange gains and losses that are attributable to loans and liquid assets are reported in the Income Statement as financial income or costs. All other foreign exchange gains and losses are reported under Operating Profit. Intangible fixed assets Goodwill Goodwill that arises as a result of business acquisitions is included in intangible assets. Goodwill is not depreciated; instead, an impairment test is conducted annually or more often if events or changes of conditions indicate a possible depreciation in value. Goodwill is recognized at acquisition value less impairment losses. In the event of the sale of a unit, the goodwill carrying amount is included in the resulting gain/loss. In order to conduct an impairment test, goodwill arising from business acquisitions is distributed to cash generating units that can be expected to benefit from acquisition synergies. Each unit or group of units that the goodwill is distributed to represent the lowest level in the Group at which the relevant goodwill is supervised by internal management. 70 preciation of property. Valuations are conducted with sufficient regularity to ensure that fair value of the revalued asset does not deviate significantly from the carrying amount. Accumulated depreciation at the time of the revaluation is eliminated against the asset's revaluated acquisition value, after which the net amount comprises the asset's revaluated amount. All other tangible fixed assets are reported at acquisition value less depreciation. Costs directly attributable to acquisition are included in the acquisition value. Additional costs are included in the asset's carrying amount, or noted as an individual asset as is appropriate, only when there is a likelihood of future financial benefits attributable to the asset benefiting the Group, and the asset's acquisition value can be measured with a degree of reliability. Carrying amount for the replaced item is removed from the balance sheet. All other forms of reparations and maintenance are reported as costs in the Income Statement as they arise. Revaluation of the carrying amount that arises as a result of revaluation of land and buildings is noted under Other Comprehensive Income and Reserves in Equity. Depreciation that levels out previous revaluation of the same asset is transferred From Reserve in Equity to Other Comprehensive Income. All other depreciations are booked. The difference that arises from the depreciation based in the asset's reported revaluated amount (booked depreciation) and depreciation based on original acquisition value is annually transferred from Reserve to Retained Earnings. Land is not depreciated. Depreciation of other assets in order to distribute their acquisition value or revaluated amounts down to the estimated residual interest during the projected period of utility are conducted linearly in accordance with the following: Buildings 25-100 years Machinery 10-15 years Equipment in buildings 15-80 years Equipment and tools 3-5 years The assets' residual interest and period of utility is tested at the close of each accounting period and adjusted as needed. An asset's carrying amount and period of use is immediately depreciated to its recoverable amount if the asset's carrying amount exceeds its estimated recoverable amount. Gains and losses that arise from sales are established by comparing sales revenue and the carrying amount and are noted under Other Operating Income in the Income Statement. Intangible rights Intangible rights consist primarily of investments and development of IT systems, programs and licenses. Maintenance costs for software are booked as they arise. Software development costs and expenses for improved operational systems are reported as an asset if they are technically usable and there are sufficient resources to pursue further development and implement thereafter. Acquisition costs for software acquired through business acquisitions are reported at fair value at the time of the acquisition. Impairment of non-financial assets Intangible assets that have an undefined period of utility or intangible assets that are not ready for use are not written off; instead, they are tested annually depending on impairment requirements. Assets that are amortised are assessed in the event that changes in conditions indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. Impairment is valuated in accordance with the amount that the carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount constitutes the higher amount of the asset's fair value less sales expenses and its value of use. In impairment tests the assets are grouped at the lowest level where there are generally independent cash flows (cash generating units). Previously impairment loss in assets (other than goodwill) are tested at each balance sheet date to see if reversal is required. Tangible fixed assets Land and buildings refers primarily to dealerships, repair shops, storage facilities and offices. Land and buildings is reported at its revalued amount calculated by an external and unaffiliated appraiser less de- Financial instruments Classification The Group classifies financial assets in the following categories: Financial assets revaluated at fair value in the Income Statement, loans ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 receivable and accounts receivable, and recoverable financial assets. The classification is dependent on the purpose for which the financial assets was acquired. Management establishes classification of the financial assets at the first accounting date. projected within 1 year, they are classified as operating assets. Otherwise, they are accounted for as fixed assets. Account receivables are initially accounted for at fair value and thereafter at accrued acquisition value using the effective interest method. Financial assets revaluated at fair value in the Income Statement. Financial assets revaluated at fair value in the Income Statement are financial assets that are held for trading. A financial asset is classified in this category in the event it has been acquired primarily to be sold in the near future. Derivatives are classified as being held for trading in the event they are not classified as securities. Assets in this category are classified as current assets in the event they are to be settled within 12 months, or are otherwise classified as fixed assets. Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include, both with regards to the balance sheet and the cash flow statement, cash, bank deposits and other short term investments that expire within 3 months of the acquisition date. Loans receivable and accounts receivable Loans receivable and accounts receivable are financial assets that are not derivatives, that have established or establishable payments and are not accounted for in an active market. Receivables are recognized as current assets, except for maturities more than 12 months after the balance sheet date, which are classified as fixed assets. The Group's receivables are comprised of accounts receivable and other receivables in the balance sheet. Disposable financial assets Disposable financial assets are assets that are not derivatives and have been identified as disposable or have not been classified in any other category. They are included in fixed assets unless management plans to dispose of the asset within 12 months after the balance sheet date. Accounting and valuation Purchases and sales of financial assets are accounted for on the trade date that the Group commits to purchasing or disposing of the asset. Financial assets are originally accounted for at fair value including transaction expenses, which also applies to all financial assets that are not valuated at fair value in the income statement. Financial assets valuated at fair value in the income statement are originally accounted for at fair value, while attributable transaction costs are noted in the income statement. Financial assets are eliminated from the balance sheet when the right to procure cash flows from the instruments have expired or been transferred and the Group has largely transferred all risks and benefits attributable to the right of ownership. Disposable financial assets and financial assets valuated at fair value in the income statement are booked after the acquisition date at fair value. Receivables are booked after the acquisition date at accrued acquisition value. Changes in fair value attributable to the category of financial instruments that are valuated at fair value in the Income Statement are booked for the period they arise in and are included under Operating Profit. Dividend incomes from securities in the category financial assets are valuated at fair value in the income statement under Other Operating Income. Accounts payable Accounts payable are obligations to settle payment for goods or services that have been acquired in the course of business operations. Accounts payable are classified as short term liabilities in the event that they expire within a year. Otherwise, they are accounted for as long term liabilities. Accounts payable are initially accounted for at fair value and thereafter at accrued acquisition value using the effective interest method. Loans Loans from credit institutions are initially accounted for at fair value, net value after transaction costs. Loans are thereafter accounted for at accrued value, and differences between recovered amount (net amount after transaction costs) and repayment amount are accounted for in the Income Statement, distributed throughout the loan period. Loans are classified as short term liabilities in the event the agreed upon expiration date is within 12 months, including in the event the loan is projected to be renewed without changes in amortization rates. Bank overdrafts are accounted for under Current Liabilities to Credit Institutions in the balance sheet. Borrowing costs Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to purchases, construction and production of tangible fixed assets, which take a significant amount of time to complete, are accounted for as a part of these assets' acquisition value. Activation expires when the asset is ready for use. Other borrowing costs are recognized as expenses in the period to which they are attributable. Current and deferred taxes Tax costs include current and deferred taxes. Taxes are accounted for in the Income Statement, with exception for taxes attributable to items under Other Comprehensive Income or to Equity Capital. In those cases, the taxes are also accounted for under Other Comprehensive Income and Equity. The current tax cost is calculated in accordance with tax regulations that are valid at the date of the balance sheet or have been for all practical purposes adopted in countries where the parent or subsidiary company operates and generates taxable revenue. Inventories Inventories are carried at the lowest end of acquisition cost and net realizable value. Acquisition cost is established by using the first-in-first-out method (FIFO). The net realizable value of the estimated disposal price in current operating activities, less applicable variable costs of disposal. Deferred taxes are reported for all temporary changes that arise in the difference between the taxable value of assets and liabilities and their reported valuation in the Consolidated Financial Statement. Deferred taxes, however, are not accounted for in the event they arise due to the initial goodwill booking. Neither are deferred taxes booked in the event they arise as a result of a transaction that represents the first report of an asset or liability that is not a business acquisition and, at the time of the transaction, do not affect carrying amount or taxable income. Deferred taxes are calculated using tax rates that have come into force or have been published at the time of the balance sheet date, and that are projected to be in force when the relevant deferred tax payment is realized or the deferred tax is settled. Deferred taxes are accounted for to the extent that it is likely that future taxable surpluses will be available, against which temporary changes can be utilized. Account receivables Account receivables are sums to be paid by customers for items or services purchased during daily operations. In the event payment is Employee benefits Plans for post-employment benefits are classified as either defined contribution plans or defined benefit plans. In defined contribution Derivative instruments and hedging instruments Derivative instruments are accounted for in the balance sheet on the date the contract enters into agreement and are valuated at fair value, both initially and in later revaluations. The Group uses derivative instruments only to a limited extent and does not use hedging accounting. ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 71 plans, fixed fees are paid to another company, usually an insurance company, and there is no further obligation to the employee once the fee is paid. The extent of the employee’s post-employment benefits depends on the contributions paid and the capital return on these fees. Obligations for defined benefit plans are met partly through the PRI system and partly through an insurance policy at Alecta. Defined pension plans via the Alecta insurance policy are accounted for as a defined contribution pension plan. All pension premiums are thus expensed during the period they were earned. The liability accounted for in the Balance Sheet that is attributable to defined benefit pension plans is based in the current value of the defined benefit plan obligation at balance sheet closing date. The defined benefit pension plan is calculated annually by unaffiliated actuaries using the projected unit credit method. Current value of the defined benefit plan is established via discounting of estimated future cash flows using tax rates for first class mortgage bonds that have been issued in the same currency used for reimbursements in accordance with maturities that are relevant to the pension plan obligation. Revaluation gains and losses that arise as a result of precedence based adjustments and changes in actuarial estimates are accounted for under Other Comprehensive Income for the period they arise in. They are included under Retained Earnings under Changes in Equity and in the Balance Sheet. Costs attributable to services performed for previous periods are accounted for in the Income Statement. Reserves Reserves are accounted for in the Balance Sheet in the event the Group has a legal or informal commitment that has resulted from previous events, and when there is a likelihood that an outflow of resources may be required to regulate the commitment, and the amount can be projected with a degree of reliability. No reserves are held for future operative losses. Revenue recognition Revenue is valuated at fair value of the realized amount or the amount that will be realized for sold goods and services after deduction of discount returns and VAT. The Group reports revenue when the amount can be measured reliably, which entails a likelihood that future financial benefits will pass on to the company, and special criteria have been met for each of the Group's business operations. The Group bases its estimates in historical results and takes into consideration the type of customer, transaction and unique conditions for each individual case. In cases where the sale of goods is combined with a future repurchase commitment at a guaranteed residual value, a repurchase agreement, the transaction is recognized as an operating lease. The revenue is distributed linearly from the sales date to the repurchase date. The asset is accounted for as a fixed asset, and its disposal is accounted for under Other Liabilities. Provisions for transferred financial assets are accounted for continuously for the contract period. Leasing Leasing in which a significant amount of the risks and benefits of the ownership are retained by the lessor are classified as operational leasing. Payments made for the leasing period are expended in the Income Statement linearly for the leasing period. Financial leasing occurs in the event that the financial risks and benefits attributable to ownership are transferred to the lessee. Assets that are leased in accordance with financial leasing agreements are accounted for as fixed assets and are depreciated during the leasing period. Obligations for future leasing expenses are accounted for as long term and short term liabilities. Leasing payments are accounted for as interest and amortization of liability. 72 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 Cash flow statement Cash flow analysis is established in accordance with the indirect method. Reported cash flow only includes transactions that involve cash payments. In addition to cash on hand, the company classifies cash and cash equivalents as balance available at banks and other credit institutions, and short-term liquid investments that are listed on a marketplace and have a maturity of less than three months from the acquisition date. Restricted cash is not classified as cash and cash equivalents. Changes in restricted cash are reported in investing activities. Parent Company accounting policies The Parent Company complies with RFR2 Accounting for legal entities as well as the Annual Accounts Act. The Parent Company applies other accounting policies than does the Group in the cases reported below. Income and balance sheets comply with the statement format of the Annual Accounts Act. The statement of changes in equity comply with the Group's statement format but shall include those columns indicated in the AAA. Further, this entails differences in the terminology used in the Consolidated Financial Statement, primarily with regards to financial income and expenses and equity capital. Shares in subsidiary companies are accounted for at acquisition value, less depreciation deductions. Group subsidies are accounted for in the Income Statement under Adjustments. Financial instruments are accounted for at acquisition value. All leasing agreements are accounted for as operational leasing agreements, including the first raised rent cost, but not including costs for services such as insurances and maintenance, accounted for linearly for the leasing period. NOTE 2 FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT Financial risk factors The Group is exposed through its operations to a number of financial market risks (currency risks, interest risks) credit risks and liquidity risks. The Group's overall risk management policy includes carefully monitoring the developments in financial markets and to adopt appropriate measures to reduce potential disadvantageous effects on the Group's financial earnings. Risk management is supervised by a central financial division in accordance with policies adopted by the Board. The CEO approves the undertaken risk management measures in accordance with policies in close collaboration with the operative units in the Group. Currency risks The Group is exposed to currency risks that arise as a result of exposure to foreign currencies. Purchases made within the spare parts operations are primarily paid in USD while sales are received in EUR. Currency risks arise as a result of future business transactions, reported assets and net investments in operations abroad. Since the Group is exposed to currency risks to a limited extent, it has been decided to not secure current payment flows. If the Swedish Krona had been weakened or strengthened by 10% in relation to the US Dollar, all other variables constant, annual income as of 31/12/2015 would have amounted to 13,024 TSEK (7,833 TSEK) lower/higher as a result of changes in purchase prices. If the Swedish Krona had been weakened or strengthened by 10% in relation to the Euro, all variables constant, annual income as of 31/12/2015 would have been 1,608 TSEK (505 TSEK) lower/higher as a result of changes in purchase prices. Interest rate risks of borrowing The Group's interest rate risks arise as a result of long term borrowing. In general, the Group does not use derivative instruments to adjust underlying interest exposure. During 2014 and 2015, the Group's loans at variable interest rates were in Swedish krona, amounting to an average interest rate of between 0.6-1.6% If the interest rates on loans in Swedish Krona had been 1 per cent higher, all variables constant as of 31/12/2015, the estimated gains after taxes for the fiscal year would have been 24 MSEK (2014: 19 MSEK) higher/lower, primarily as a result of effects arising from higher/lower interest rates for loans with variable interest rates. Credit risks Credit risks are managed at Group level, with exception for credit risks attributable to outstanding accounts receivable. Each Group company is responsible for following up and analysing credit risks for each new customer prior to offering standard terms and conditions for payment and delivery. Credit risks arise as a result of cash and cash equivalents, derivative instruments, holdings in credit institutions and bank deposits, as well as exposure to credit toward customers including outstanding receivables and agreed upon transactions. Credit limits are followed up regularly, and management does not expect any losses as a result of payment defaults from any parties. The credit risk involved in receivables is specified in Note 19. Liquidity risks Cash flow projections are established by the Group's business operating companies and aggregated by the Group's CFO. The Group's CFO carefully monitors current prognoses for the Group's liquidity reserves in order to ensure that the Group has sufficient liquidity to satisfy any requirements in ongoing operations while simultaneously maintaining sufficient flexibility in agreed upon credit facilities that have not been used to ensure that the Group does not exceed the credit limits of any of the Group's borrowing facilities. The table below analyses the Group's financial obligations distributed over the period between the balance sheet date until the agreed upon expiration date. Amounts in the table are agreed upon non-discounted cash flows. Maturities Liabilities to credit institutions Financial leasing liabilities < 1 year 1-2 years > 2 years 1,987,891 30,133 0 6,607 6,798 51,500 Overdraft facilities 522,142 0 0 Accounts payable 632,152 0 0 Other liabilities Total 64,844 0 0 3,213,636 36,931 51,500 Agreed upon expiration date for the larger part of the loans is 2016, but is expected to be extended at the same amortization rate. Of obligations to credit institutions, 78,723 TSEK will be amortized and 57,562 TSEK attributable to vehicle financing for car rental operations will be settled during 2016. The remainder will be renewed. Calculation of fair value Classification of financial instruments valuated at fair value has been conducted in accordance with a fair value hierarchy which defines the various levels as follows: Level 1 indicates quoted prices in active markets for identical assets and liabilities. Level 2 indicates observable data concerning assets or liabilities other than quoted prices, in line with Level 1, either directly (i.e., as price quotes) or indirectly, (i.e., attributable to price quotes). Level 3 indicates information on assets or liabilities that are not based in observable market information. Financial instruments valuated at fair value in the income statement are classified as Level 1. Fair value of financial liabilities are equivalent to the carrying amount. Property and land are valuated at fair value in accordance with the revaluation method and classified as level 3, see also Note 3. NOTE 3 ESTIMATES AND ASSESSMENTS Estimates and assessments are valuated continuously and are based in historical precedence and other factors, including expectations of future events that are likely to occur under current conditions. The company makes estimates and assumptions about the future. The resulting estimates for accounting purposes will, by definition, seldom match actual results. The estimates and assumptions that carry a significant risk of material adjustments in reported values for assets and liabilities during the following year are outlined below. Goodwill impairment testing The Group tests annually for impairment for goodwill in accordance with the Group's accounting principles. Recoverable values for cash generating units have been established by calculating value of utilization. These calculations include by necessity certain estimates (note 13). Repurchase agreements In some car sales, the Group may occasionally commit to repurchase agreements, which entail a commitment to repurchase a sold good at a pre-agreed residual value. This occurs primarily in connection with car sales in private leasing. The agreements are reported as operational leasing agreements in accordance with the Group's accounting principles. The agreements entail a residual value risk in that the company may be forced to sell used cars at a loss in the future in the event that value developments are weaker than predicted at the time of the agreement. Continuous assessments of these vehicles' future net worth are carried out. The cars are reported as vehicles under tangible assets and repurchase agreements under Other Liabilities. Inventories Valuation of used cars is estimated at the lowest acquisition value and net realizable value. Net realizable value is established based in estimated realizable value less sales costs. Net realizable value was lower than acquisition value by the amount of 16,194 TSEK (13,592). Valuation of properties The properties are subject to regular valuation by external parties, last performed in December 2014. Valuation is based in estimates of market value based in analyses of prepaid items. Value is estimated based in a market adapted cash flow analysis which simulates projected future income and costs and analyses market expectations of the relevant item. Vacancies have been taken into consideration to the extent that such exist, as well as to property leases. Internal use of property has been estimated based in an estimate of market-valued leases for each area and 10 year contract. Direct returns requirements vary between 6,0-8,0 % depending on region. Annual inflation has been estimated at 2%. In the event that direct return requirements change by +/- 0,5 per cent, the market value would change by 95 MSEK. Rate of interest varies between 8,0-10,0 %. If the rate of interest changes by +/- 0,5 per cent, the market value would change by 85 MSEK. ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 73 NOTE 4 NET SALES PER EACH BRANCH AND GEOGRAPHIC MARKET 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 6,589,086 5,463,404 Service Centre 645,923 489,597 Spare parts in automotive activities 708,384 509,830 Commission income 119,529 85,251 Spare parts in wholesale activities 443,219 246,732 Car rental activities 193,693 120,161 Net sales by business segment Vehicle sales Other 25,784 23,735 8,725,618 6,938,710 Sweden 8,533,211 6,760,349 Norway 23,493 25,428 Net sales per geographic market EU countries 168,914 152,933 8,725,618 6,938,710 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 Income from leases 356 1,157 Contributions received 433 889 3,137 27,806 NOTE 5 OTHER OPERATING INCOME Negative goodwill Trades in secureities 5,648 Other 8,128 1,833 Total 12,054 37,333 NOTE 6 EMPLOYEE EXPENSES 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 Males 31/12/2014 Males Sweden 1,308 1,160 1,234 1,095 Norway 4 4 6 6 Belgium 6 6 6 6 Germany 4 4 4 4 1,322 1,174 1,250 1,111 Average number of employees Overall Group The Board is made up of 5 members of which 1 is female. 5 (4) other leading managers of which 0 are female. Board members, CEO and other senior exectives (of which bonuses) 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 12,426 9,733 (2,324) (1,497) Other employees 499,191 455,445 Total salaries and other remuneration 511,617 465,178 Social security costs 171,496 152,044 43,600 36,371 726,713 653,593 Pension costs Salaries and compensation to the Parent Company's CEO and Board that have been paid during the year amount to 3,482 (2,277) for 3 persons (2). Corresponding pension costs amount to 956 (800). 74 01/01/2015 - ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 NOTE 7 REMUNERATION TO ACCOUNTANTS 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 1,594 1,266 167 364 1,761 1,691 PwC 441 74 KPMG 393 0 834 0 343 435 76 373 The accounting mission PwC KPMG Mazars SET 61 Tax consultancy Other operations PwC KPMG Mazars SET 45 419 853 The audit assignment entails examination of the Annual Report and accounts as well as the Board's and CEO's administration, other tasks that are incumbent on the accountant as well as to provide advice as a result of observations made during examination . All other items are other tasks. NOTE 8 LEASING AGREEMENTS The group as lessee Operational leasing Operational leasing agreements refer primarily to cars used in car rental operations. It refers to purchased cars in combination with obligations for future repurchases at a fixed residual value. Properties are also leased. Operational leasing agreements costs for the year amounted to 81,407 (77,503). 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 Future minimum leasing costs as of the Balance Sheet date amounted to: For one year Between one and five years Later than five years 89,741 80,747 134,761 92,004 26,271 43,507 250,773 216,258 The Group as lessor Assets that are leased out in accordance with operational leasing agreements are reported as tangible fixed assets. Such assets consist of leasing out property and cars sold in combination with commitments to future repurchase agreements at a fixed residual value. Leasing income for the year amounts to 56,450 (43,396). 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 73,081 37,771 108,539 56,348 Future minimum leasing costs amount as of the Balance Sheet date to: For one year Between one and five years Later than five years 1,455 518 183,075 94,637 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 75 NOTE 9 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES Trades in securities Revaluation of securities 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 1,240 0 -14,760 0 Other -8,000 -2,459 Total -21,520 -2,459 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 0 880 Interest revenue 1,435 2,662 Total 1,435 3,542 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 -41,774 -54,142 -974 -267 -56 0 -42,804 -54,409 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - NOTE 10 FINANCIAL INCOME Dividends NOTE11 FINANCIAL COSTS Interest expenses Foreign exchange losses Other Total NOTE 12 INCOME FROM SHARES IN ASSOCIATED COMPANIES 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 Ripam Invest AB 545 3,734 Consensus Asset Management AB 675 -1,224 0 1,532 1,220 4,042 Income from successive acquisitions Total 76 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 NOTE 13 TAX ON PROFITS FOR THE YEAR 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 -37,884 -30,765 Current taxes Tax on profit/loss for the year Adjustment of tax attributable to previous years -462 -375 -38,346 -31,140 Deferred taxes -13,610 971 Total -51,956 -30,169 Profit before tax 237,639 148,081 Tax at applicable tax rate for Parent Company (22%). -52,281 -32,578 4 -503 Deferred taxes refer primarily to depreciation of tangible fixed assets Reconciliation of effective tax Effect of foreign tax rates Tax attributable to previous years Non-deductible expenses Non-taxable income -28 -375 -746 -357 26 20 0 -96 Utilization of previously non-capitalized loss 179 1,025 Standard interest on tax allocation reserve -24 -51 Tax effect of change in tax rate Other permanent differences 914 2,746 -51,956 -30,169 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 NOTE 14 FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATE DIFFERENCES Foreign exchange rate differences are reported in the Income Statement accordingly: Other operating income Other operating expenses Financial costs Total 3,037 1,111 -7,631 -2,205 -974 -267 -5,568 -1,361 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 77 NOTE 15 INTANGIBLE ASSETS Intangible rights Goodwill Total Acquisition value Opening balance 1/1/2014 11,055 11,055 Purchases 8,791 63,329 72,120 Business combinations 4,469 6,765 11,234 -7 267 260 Closing balance 31/12/2014 Translation differences 24,308 70,361 94,669 Purchases 10,458 10,458 3,391 3,391 Business combinations Sales/disposals Translation differences Closing balance 31/12/2015 -528 -528 -34 -75 -109 37,595 70,286 107,881 Accumulated amortisation Opening balance 1/1/2014 Amortisation for the year Translation differences 0 0 -1,695 -1,695 6 6 Closing balance 31/12/2014 -1,689 Amortisation for the year -2,632 -2,632 528 528 24 24 Sales/disposals Translation differences Closing balance, 31/12/2015 -3,769 0 0 -1,689 -3,769 Book value 31/12/2014 22,619 70,040 92,659 Book value 31/12/2015 33,826 70,286 104,112 Impairment testing of goodwill Goodwill is monitored by management at the Group level. Impairment testing of goodwill attributable to cash generating units and other intangible assets is conducted annually. Estimated recovery values are based on management's expectations of future earnings and cash flow. The estimated cash flows are based in 5 year prognoses based in estimated market developments. After the 5 year period, the cash flow is based in a permanent growth of 2% In calculations of recovery values for cash generating units, a discount factor of 8.7% (7.8%) before tax based in WACC (weighed average cost of capital) has been used. These calculations indicated no need for depreciation of cash generating units, even taking into account reasonable changes in conditions. 78 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 NOTE 16 TANGIBLE ASSETS Land and Buildings Equipment and Tools Leasing vehicles Total Acquisition value Opening balance 1/1/2014 2,136,163 280,248 89,491 2,505,902 Purchases 191,461 84,350 86,492 362,303 Business combinations 161,891 24,632 0 186,523 Revaluation 118,932 Sales/disposals -13,169 Translation differences Closing balance 31/12/2014 Purchases -39,322 14 2,608,447 376,075 149,830 3,134,352 263,214 130,134 222,260 615,608 1,436 -27,811 -7,271 2,843,850 Opening balance 1/1/2014 Depreciation for the year 1,436 -41,113 -76,195 500,295 330,977 3,675,122 -98,280 -163,346 -19,176 -280,802 -38,667 -28,837 -33,146 -100,650 3,643 26,153 29,796 Translation differences Closing balance 31/12/2015 -26,153 14 Business combinations Sales/disposals 118,932 -79 -79 Accumulated depreciation Revaluation 5,938 Sales/disposals Translation differences Closing balance 31/12/2014 Depreciation for the year Sales/disposals -1 -1 -131,009 -188,541 -26,169 -345,719 -47,507 -43,529 -41,273 -132,309 3,594 1,282 19,322 24,198 -174,922 -230,722 -48,120 -453,764 Translation differences Closing balance 31/12/2015 5,938 66 66 Book value 31/12/2014 2,477,438 187,534 123,661 2,788,633 Book value 31/12/2015 2,668,928 269,573 282,857 3,221,358 The Group owns properties which are used in operations. As of 1/1/2014 the Group changed its accounting principles with regards to valuation of property from the acquisition method to the revaluation method. The book value as of 31/12/2015 would have amounted to 2,667,985 (2,476,495) if the properties had been valuated according to acquisition value less accrued depreciation. Assets that are leased out in accordance with operational leasing agreements are reported as tangible fixed assets. These assets consist of cars sold in combination with commitments to repurchase them at a fixed residual value. ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 79 Finance lease agreements Assets that are leased according to finance lease agreements are included in the inventories as follows: 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 Finance leases (included above) Acquisition value 86,148 Accumulated depreciation -7,385 78,763 0 Future minimum lease payments amount as of Balance Sheet date to: For one year 8,415 Between one and five years 61,678 Later than five years 0 70,093 0 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 52,743 5,117 Investments 217,950 52,249 Reclassifications -52,566 -4,623 Total 218,127 52,743 NOTE 17 CONSTRUCTIONS IN PROGRESS At the beginning of the year NOTE 18 INVESTMENTS IN ASSOCIATED COMPANIES Equity share Voting share 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 Consensus Asset Management, 556474-6518, Göteborg 24% 29% 7,785 7,110 Ripam Invest AB, 556870-7540, Mölndal 50% 50% Subsidiary / CIN / Domicile Carrying value 5,083 4,538 12,868 11,648 11,648 3,328 Accumulated acquisition values Opening carrying amount Acquisitions for the year 5,910 Reclassifications Profit participation in associated companies Closing carrying amount -100 1,220 2,510 12,868 11,648 As of 31/12/2015, fair value of the Group's interests in Consensus Asset Management AB, which is listed at Aktietorget, amounts to 23 794 TSEK Net assets amount to 25,023 TSEK and earnings after tax at 3,809 TSEK The company complies with accounting principles in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. Ripam Invest AB is unlisted. Earnings for 2015 amount to 1,090 TSEK. 80 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 NOTE 19 ACCOUNT RECEIVABLES Expiration date 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 Not overdue 174,118 139,011 Overdue up to 30 days 152,010 117,448 34,635 36,156 Overdue 30-60 days Overdue more than 60 days 7,977 9,686 368,740 302,301 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 1,507 4,539 1,507 4,539 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 114,381 43,569 56,608 42,087 Provisions have been made for doubtful receivables to the amount of 4,735 TSEK (4,439). NOTE 20 FINANCIAL ASSETS REVALUATED AT FAIR VALUE IN THE INCOME STATEMENT Listed securities NOTE 21 PREPAID EXPENSES AND ACCRUED INCOME Accrued bonuses Prepaid leases Other items 39,448 67,975 210,437 153,631 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 40,961 86,265 40,961 86,265 Translation reserve Total NOTE 22 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash and Bank NOTE 23 EQUITY Specification of reserves Opening balance 1/1/2014 Change in the revaluation reserve for the year, net after taxes Revaluation reserve 45,486 45,486 112,852 112,852 Change in the translation reserve for the year, net after taxes Closing balance, 31/12/2014 Change in the revaluation reserve for the year 158,338 150 150 158,488 -1,988 Change in the translation reserve for the year Closing balance 31/12/2015 150 156,350 -1,988 -531 -531 -381 155,969 Revaluation reserve The reserve covers revaluation of assets such as land and buildings. The revaluated amount consists of the buildings' fair value at the time of revaluation. In conjunction with depreciations, the revaluation reserve is freed of the same amount as the period's depreciation of surplus value. The revaluated amount is deprecated and a transaction from the revaluation reserve to retained earnings is carried out. In the event that a property value increases as a result of revaluation, this increase is reported under Other Comprehensive Income. In the event a property's value decreases as a result of revaluation, it is reported in the Income Statement. Translation reserve Exchange rate differences that are attributable to revaluation of the Group's foreign subsidiary companies' functional currencies are accrued in the translation reserve. In the event of the disposal of a foreign operation, the accrued revaluated currency effect is reported as reserve in the Income Statement and is included in gains or losses when sold. ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 81 Holdings with non-controlling interests The Group owns 91% of I.A. Hedin Bil AB. Financial information for I.A. Hedin Bil AB is summarized below. Information that pertains to amounts before Group-internal eliminations. Summarized information of the Balance Sheet Fixed assets Current assets 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 709,352 711,189 1,460,633 1,345,162 Long term liabilities -301,240 -168,866 Short term liabilities -1,258,684 -1,275,986 610,061 611,499 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 8,086,642 6,548,842 158,553 114,205 -442 18,143 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 Net assets Summarized information of the earnings Earnings Profit after financial items Profit for the year Cash flow analysis in summary Cash flow from operating activities -67,952 -8,151 Cash flow from investment activities 270,281 -191,721 -211,619 208,628 -9,290 8,756 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 74,116 30,016 Cash flow from financial activities Adjustments of cash and cash equivalents NOTE 24 PENSIONS Opening carrying amount Transferred benefits 46,226 Transference of ITPK -83 Pension payments -4,312 -4,509 Interest rates 1,966 2,094 Revaluation as a result of changes in financial estimates. 2,103 2,689 -826 -2,317 73,047 74,116 Revaluation as a result of precedence based estimates. Defined benefit pension plans For officials in Sweden, the IT 2 Plan's defined benefit pension plans are ensured both with regards to age and family pensions via an insurance policy at Alecta. According to the Council for Financial Reporting, UFR 10 Classification of ITP plans that are financed via insurances at Alecta, this is considered as a defined benefit plan that includes several employers. For the fiscal years 2015 and 2014 the company has not been able to access information necessary to report proportional participation in the plan's obligations, managed assets, and costs, which has entailed that it has not been possible to report the plan as a defined benefit plan. Pension plan ITP 2 which is secured via an insurance policy at Alecta is therefore reported as an defined contribution plan. The premium for the defined benefit age and family plan is calculated individually and is based on, among other things, salary, previous earnings and expectations of remaining years of service. Fees for pension insurances at Alecta amount to 12,072 (13,415) for the year. The Group also has defined benefit plans in Sweden which are secured via FPG/PRI. These plans are close-ended and no new earnings are added. Pension liabilities for these amount to 73,047 (74,116). For actuarial calculations, a discount rate of 2,5% (2,75%) and an inflation rate of 1,5% (1,5%) have been applied. Sensitivity analysis Assessments Changes Discount rates 0.5% -4,106 Inflation 0.5% 4,470 +1 2,691 Life span 82 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 NOTE 25 DEFERRED TAXES Deferred tax asset Opening carrying amount Recognized in the Income Statement Recognized in Other Comprehensive Income Business combinations 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 4,094 1,150 -2,128 -878 280 118 8,001 3,704 10,247 4,094 Deferred taxes consist of loss carryforwards amounting to 5,449 (0), of which the larger amount is projected to be used during the year 2016. The remainder refers to temporary differences that will not be settled within 12 months. 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 196,727 146,494 11,410 -1,613 Recognized in Other Comprehensive Earnings 0 31,990 Business combinations 0 19,856 208,137 196,727 Deferred tax liability Opening carrying amount Recognized in the Income Statement Deferred taxes refer primarily to the difference between carrying amount and taxable amount with regards to tangible fixed assets that are not projected to be settled within 12 months. NOTE 26 BORROWING 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 Long term loans Finance lease liabilities 58,298 0 Liabilities to credit institutions 29,035 12,293 87,333 12,293 516,972 599,199 Short term loans Overdraft facilities Finance lease liabilities Construction loans Liabilities to credit institutions 6,607 0 130,391 0 1,837,818 1,679,913 2,491,788 2,279,112 The fair value of loans corresponds to the carrying amount, since the discount effect is insignificant. All loans are at variable interest rates. Contractual maturity date with regards to the larger part of loans is 2016. Of the amounts recognized as short term under Liabilities to Credit Institutions, amortization is planned at 78,723 TSEK. Repayments of vehicle financing in car rental operations will amount to 57,562, and the remainder will be renewed. The Group has an approved overdraft facility amounting to 693,000 (678,000) which is renegotiated annually. Of the overdraft, 516,972 (599,199) has been appropriated as of 31/12/2015 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 83 NOTE 27 OTHER LIABILITIES 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 223,429 85,136 223,429 85,136 VAT 17,190 18,613 Withheld staff taxes 12,798 11,162 Liabilities attributable to sold cars with repurchase agreements 59,429 38,525 Other long term liabilities Liabilities attributable to sold cars with repurchase agreements. Other short term liabilities Other liabilities 79,373 71,294 168,790 139,594 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 198,249 131,938 Deferred income 24,933 24,196 Other items 45,791 60,858 268,973 216,992 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 1,930,415 1,603,850 851,500 791,500 NOTE 28 ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME Staff expenses NOTE 29 PLEDGED ASSETS Property mortgages Company mortgages Account receivables 60,919 527 2,842,834 2,395,877 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 NOTE 30 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Guarantee commitments FPG/PRI Repurchase and residual value guarantees Security commitment 1,144 1,182 202,420 99,602 8,640 2,894 212,204 103,678 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 134,849 122,905 NOTE 31 ITEMS THAT DO NOT AFFECT CASH FLOW Amortisation Depreciation of financial assets 14,760 0 Negative goodwill -3,137 -27,806 Unrealized foreign exchange differences 762 -2,415 Gain on sales of fixed assets -3,547 -2,393 Profit participation in associated companies -1,220 -2,692 Provisions/receivables relating to pensions -1,982 -2,368 -143 -63 140,342 85,168 Other items that do not affect cash flow 84 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 NOTE 32 CASH FLOW ANALYSIS Business combinations 2014 On the 1/1/2014 IA Hedin Bil AB, via Hedin Stockholm Bil AB, acquired the assets and liabilities of Svenska Bil i Norden AB for 12,760 TSEK. The negative goodwill of 19,046TSEK that resulted from this was reported in conjunction with the acquisition. On the 10/4/2014, 100% of Klintberg & Way was acquired at 70,000 TSEK. Goodwill amounting to 17,802 TSEK that arose from this acquisition is attributable to expected synergy effects in conjunction with car operations. In April 2014, 100% of Mabi Rent AB was acquired at 38,713 TSEK. The difference of 40,630 TSEK between the acquisition price and net assets has been classified as goodwill and is attributable to synergy effects between car rental operations and car sales. On the 30th October 2014, the remaining 71% per cent of Car to Go Sweden AB were acquired, making it now a fully owned subsidiary company. In connection with this, a goodwill value of 4,897 TSEK that is attributable to collaboration and developments in private leasings has been reported. On November 24th, I.A. Hedin Bil AB, via Hedin Stockholm Bil AB, acquired the car dealership Citroen Sverige AB at 14,195 TSEK. The negative goodwill that resulted from this amounts to 8,760 TSEK and was expensed at the time of the acquisition. On the 1/4/2014, 100% of Klövern Gunilla AB was acquired at 108,375 TSEK. The company owns the properties Varmvattnet 3 in Stockholm and has later been merged into Hedin Akalla Fastighet AB. The difference between the purchase price and the booked net assets are attributable to tangible fixed assets. Business combinations 2015 On 8/8/2015, Dawa Däck was acquired at 50,000 TSEK. A negative goodwill at 3,137 has been expensed in connection with the acquisition. The total value of the acquired assets and liabilities is shown in the table below, which also shows cash flow effects related to the acquisitions. 2015 2014 Intangible assets 2,124 5,201 Tangible assets 2,167 190,289 Financial assets Inventories Operating receivables Cash and cash equivalents Operating liabilities Acquired net assets 8,001 799 146,264 124,722 48,220 148,229 1,339 3,646 -120,698 -93,945 87,417 378,941 -3,137 -27,806 -32,330 -118,586 Goodwill Negative goodwill Loans 63,329 Non-current provisions Purchase price -63,620 51,950 232,258 Liquid assets of the acquired businesses -1,339 -3,646 Effects on the Group's liquidity 50,611 228,612 If the acquisitions had been consolidated from the 1/1/2014, the Group's Income Statement would report turnover amounting to 7,446,244 TSEK and earnings after tax of 117,378 TSEK. If Dawa Däck had been consolidated from 1/1/2015, the Group's Income Statement would report turnover amounting to 8,938,414 TSEK and earnings after tax of 186,311 TSEK. Interest payments Paid interest Received interest 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 42,804 54,409 1,435 2,662 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 85 NOTE 33 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Financial instruments are presented by category below 31/12/2015 Financial instruments at fair value in the Income Statement Financial assets that are disposable Loans and receivables Total 475,423 475,423 40,961 40,961 516,384 522,127 Other financial liabilities Total 2,514,216 2,514,216 638,171 638,171 64,905 64,905 3,217,292 3,217,292 Loans and receivables Total Assets Long term securities holdings 4,236 4,236 Accounts payable and other receivables Short term investments 1,507 1,507 Cash and cash equivalents Total assets 1,507 4,236 31/12/2015 Liabilities Loans Accounts payable Financial leasing liabilities 31/12/2014 Financial instruments at fair value in the Income Statement Financial assets that are disposable Assets Long term securities holdings 2,161 2,161 Accounts payable and other receivables Short term investments 379,967 379,967 86,265 86,265 466,232 472,932 Other financial liabilities Total 2,291,405 2,291,405 338,802 338,802 2,630,207 2,630,207 4,539 4,539 Cash and cash equivalents Total assets 31/12/2014 4,539 2,161 Liabilities Loans Accounts payable The interest on outstanding debts is variable, which entails that the carrying amount corresponds to fair value. 86 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 NOTE 34 ASSOCIATE TRANSACTIONS Board Member Helena Hedin owns 4 properties via a limited company, which are used in vehicle operations. Rental contracts have been established in accordance with market related conditions. Rental payments have been made to the amount of 7,887 (1,972). One resident property was sold to Anders Hedin in December 2015. The sale was conducted at market value based on the valuations of 2 external, unaffiliated appraisers. The Group retains loans from shareholders and associates to shareholders to the amount of 62,380 (58,418) Interest is replaced by the government borrowing rate plus 3 per cent. NOTE 35 SUBSEQUENT EVENTS Hedin Bil has acquired Johan Klasén Bil AB which runs a car dealership in Halmstad as of 1/3/2016. The acquisition also included 2 properties consisting of a car dealership and an undeveloped site. A new car dealership for the brands Nissan and Kia will be developed there. Hedin Bil has acquired Biva AB from OK Ekonomisk Förening, which has dealerships in Örebro, Karlskoga, Norrköping and Linköping, as well as Bilcity i Kristianstad AB which has dealerships in Kristianstad. The business properties have also been included in the acquisitions in the cities of Örebro, Karlskoga, Linköping and Kristianstad. Hedin Bil has also acquired Bilias Ford operations in Gothenburg. Hedin Bil plans to start up new Ford dealerships in Kungsbacka, Stockholm and Nacka. The acquisitions from OK and Bilia require approval by the Competition Board, and are expected to be approved in April 2016. NOTE 36 EFFECTS OF THE TRANSITION TO IFRS Anders Hedin Invest AB published its Annual Report in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act up until 31/12/2014, and the Accounting Board's general recommendations BFNAR 2012:1 for annual reports and consolidated financial statements (K3). Since 2015, the Group publishes its financial reports in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The Parent Company complies with RFR2 accounting for legal entities since 2015. The transition has no significant effect on the Parent Company's income and position. Choices made concerning the transition to IFRS The transition to IFRS is reported in accordance with IFRS1, at the time of the first application of IFRS standards. The main rule is that all applicable IFRS and IAS standards that are in force and approved by the EU shall be applied retro-actively. However, IFRS 1 includes transitional rules that allow the company some leeway. Exceptions from full retro-active application of all standards that the Group has chosen to implement in the transition that are allowed according to IFRS are reported below. Exceptions for business combinations Standard IFRS 1, which regulates the transition to IFRS, offers opportunities to apply the principles of IFRS3 Business Combinations, either prospectively or from a specific date prior to the transition. This allows for leeway with regards to full retro-active implementation which would require revaluation of all business combinations prior to the transition date. The Group has chosen to apply IFRS 3 prospectively for business combinations that take place after the date of transition to IFRS. Business combinations that occurred before the transition period have therefore not been revaluated. Reconciliation to previous accounting principles and IFRS. In accordance with IFRS 1, the Group shall provide reconciliation of equity capital and total earnings in accordance with previous accounting principles, and equity and total earnings in accordance with IFRS. The Group's transition had no impact on total cash flows from current operations, investment operations or financial operations. The tables below show the reconciliation of equity and total earnings to previously applied accounting principles and IFRS principles for each period respectively. Intangible assets of unpredictable life span In accordance with previous accounting principles, all intangible assets are estimated to have a defined utility period, and depreciations are therefore reported that correspond to this. IFRS presumes that certain intangible assets have an undefined utility period, and therefore depreciation is not applicable to such assets. Instead, these assets are impairment tested annually. Intangible assets with an undefined utility period within the Anders Hedin Invest Group include goodwill. Other intangible assets are depreciated as planned. Revaluation method Tangible assets are recognized at their acquisition value less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses plus revaluation. In compliance with IFRS, properties are revaluated in accordance with the revaluation method. This entails that external valuation of the properties is conducted regularly. In the event that property value has decreased, the revaluation is reported under profit for the year, and in the event that property values exceed the booked values, the revaluation is reported in Other Comprehensive Income, unless it is a return for a previous depreciation. Financial instruments For companies that trade in securities, previous trades are reported under Net Turnover and Merchandise. Since the transition to IFRS, this is reported in the Income Statement on the row for Other Operating Income. Holdings were previously reported as stock and as a result of the transition to IFRS are now reported as short term investments. Pensions Commitment to defined benefit plans is established partly through the security ensured by the PRI system. This safeguard has been closed for many years and no new earnings occur. The liability reported in the Balance Sheet in relation to defined pension plans corresponds to the present value of the defined benefit plan commitment at the closing of the year. The defined benefit plan is calculated annually by unaffiliated actuaries using the projected unit credit method. This results in a difference in comparison to previous accounting principles. ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 87 REVALUATION OF THE GROUP'S INCOME STATEMENT Amount in TSEK Note Previous principles Effect of transition 2014 IFRS 2014 Operating earnings Net sales Other operating income 1 7,288,023 -349,313 6,938,710 1.2 3,879 33,454 37,333 7,291,902 -315,859 6,976,043 Operating expenses Goods for resale 1 -5,890,824 343,665 -5,547,159 Other external costs 2 -453,173 -19,199 -472,372 Employee benefit expenses Depreciation amortisation and impairment 3.4 Other operating expenses -636,313 71 -636,242 -113,128 -9,777 -122,905 -2,459 Operating profit 196,005 -2,459 -1,099 194,906 Profit from financial items Financial income Financial costs Income from shares in associated companies 5 Profit before tax Income tax Profit for the year 88 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 6 3,542 3,542 -54,409 -54,409 2,692 1,350 4,042 147,830 251 148,081 -38,389 8,220 -30,169 109,441 8,471 117,912 REVALUATION OF THE GROUP'S BALANCE SHEETS Amount in TSEK Note Previous accounting principles Impact of transition Opening balance IFRS 31/12/2013 31/12/2013 11,055 11,055 ASSETS Fixed assets Intangible assets Intangible rights 11,055 0 11,055 2,036,399 1,484 2,037,883 Tangible assets Land and buildings 7 Equipment and tools Constructions in progress 187,217 187,217 5,117 5,117 2,228,733 1,484 2,230,217 Financial assets Shares in associated companies Deferred tax asset Other long-term receivables Total fixed assets 3,328 8 3,328 1,150 1,150 3,482 1,150 4,632 2,243,270 2,634 2,245,904 154 154 Current assets Inventories etc. Goods for resale 606,949 606,949 606,949 0 606,949 Current receivables 172,148 172,148 Other receivables Account receivables 30,138 30,138 Prepaid expenses and accrued income 69,515 69,515 271,801 Cash and cash equivalents Total current assets TOTAL ASSETS 0 6,921 271,801 6,921 885,671 0 885,671 3,128,941 2,634 3,131,575 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 89 REVALUATION OF THE GROUP'S BALANCE SHEETS Amount in TSEK Note Previous accounting principles Impact of transition Opening balance IFRS 31/12/2013 31/12/2013 100 100 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES EQUITY Share capital Reserves 7 Other equity including profit for the year Equity attributable to the Parent Company Shareholders Holdings with non-controlling interests 45,486 45,486 926,883 -68,034 858,849 926,983 -22,548 904,435 53,851 Total Equity 53,851 980,834 -22,548 958,286 Non-current liabilities Provisions for pensions 9 25,811 4,205 30,016 Deferred tax liability 8 126,537 19,957 146,494 10 1,317,261 -1,270,752 46,509 1,469,609 -1,246,590 223,019 Liabilities to credit institutions Total non-current liabilities Current liabilities Overdraft facility Liabilities to credit institutions 10 37,753 201,395 1,317,261 1,355,014 Accounts payable 147,940 147,940 Current tax liability 14,939 14,939 Other liabilities 10 71,710 23,806 95,516 Accrued expenses and deferred income 10 204,761 -69,295 135,466 678,498 1,271,772 1,950,270 3,128,941 2,634 3,131,575 Total current liabilities TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 90 201,395 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 REVALUATION OF THE GROUP'S BALANCE SHEETS. Amount in TSEK Note Previous accounting principles Impact of transition Opening balance IFRS 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 22,619 22,619 ASSETS Fixed Assets Intangible assets Intangible rights Goodwill 3 58,932 11,429 70,361 81,551 11,429 92,980 2,476,495 943 2,477,438 2,037 -2,037 0 309,158 2,037 311,195 Tangible assets Land and buildings 7 Accrued leasehold Equipment and tools Construction in progress 52,743 52,743 2,840,433 943 2,841,376 11,790 -142 11,648 Financial assets Shares in associated companies 5 Other securities held as non-current assets Deferred tax assets 2,161 8 Other long term receivables 2,161 4,094 4,094 17,345 3,952 21,297 2,939,329 16,324 2,955,653 3,394 Total fixed assets 3,394 Current assets Inventories etc. Goods for resale Securities 964,209 11 964,209 4,539 -4,539 0 968,748 -4,539 964,209 Current receivables Accounts receivable 302,301 Receivables from associated companies Short term investments Other receivables Prepaid expenses and accrued income 1,046 11 0 1,046 4,539 4,539 73,226 73,226 153,631 153,631 530,204 Cash and cash equivalents 302,301 4,539 86,265 534,743 86,265 Total current assets 1,585,217 0 1,585,217 TOTAL ASSETS 4,524,546 16,324 4,540,870 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 91 REVALUATION OF THE GROUP'S BALANCE SHEETS Amount in TSEK Note Previous accounting principles Impact of transition Opening balance IFRS 31/12/2013 31/12/2013 100 100 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES EQUITY Share capital Reserves 7 159,056 Other equity including profit for the year Equity attributable to the parent company shareholders 1,113,935 -157,906 956,029 1,114,035 1,150 1,115,185 1,168,197 1,150 1,169,347 59,141 14,975 74,116 Holdings with non-controlling interests 54,162 Total Equity 159,056 54,162 Non-current liabilities Provisions for pensions 9 Deferred tax liability Liabilities to credit institutions 8 170,629 26,098 196,727 10 1,552,839 -1,455,410 97,429 1,782,609 -1,414,337 368,272 1,540,546 1,679,913 Total non-current liabilities Current liabilities Overdraft facility Liabilities to credit institutions 599,199 10 599,199 Accounts payable 338,802 338,802 Current tax liability 28,751 28,751 Other liabilities 10 Accrued expenses and deferred income 10 101,069 38,525 139,594 366,552 -149,560 216,992 Total current liabilities 1,573,740 1,429,511 3,003,251 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 4,524,546 16,324 4,540,870 NOTE 1 NOTE 7 Securities trading has been adjusted from turnover and merchandise to other operating income or other operating costs. Revaluation of property in accordance with the revaluation method. NOTE 2 Revaluation of the acquisition of Svenska Bil i Norden AB and Citroen Sverige AB has entailed that remuneration in the form of lease subsidies for 2 years has been reclassified from reimbursement of expenses to negative goodwill. NOTE 3 NOTE 8 Deferred tax attributable to revaluation of pensions reserves. Deferred tax is reported for all appreciations of properties. In accordance with IFRS, deferred tax shall not be reported under surplus tangible fixed assets attributable to acquisitions, and has therefore been eliminated. NOTE 9 Reversal of deprecation attributable to goodwill amounts to 10,763. Revaluation of pension reserves has been calculated by external actuaries. NOTE 4 NOTE 10 Properties are valuated according to the revaluation method. Deprecation of properties to be reported in the Income Statement amount to 20,540 Reclassification of liabilities NOTE 5 Revaluation of successive acquisitions of associated companies NOTE 6 Deferred tax on deprecation of property in accordance with the revaluation method, as well as deferred tax on business combinations 92 139,367 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 NOTE 11 Reclassification of securities that are held in securities trading operations. PARENT COMPANY'S INCOME STATEMENT Amount in TSEK 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - Note 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 1 11,458 5,100 11,458 5,100 -25,001 -5,679 -10 -10 -13,553 -589 Operating income Net sales Operating expenses Other external costs 2.3.4 Depreciation and amortisation Operating profit Profit from financial items Anticipated dividends from subsidiary companies 9,100 Profit/loss from securities held as non-current assets -56 69 Interest income and similar items 5 77 10 Interest expenses and similar items 6 -5,983 -5,592 -10,415 -6,102 114,627 104,241 104,212 98,139 -20,811 -21,965 83,401 76,174 Profit/loss after financial items Appropriations 7 Profit for the year Taxes Profit for the year 8 There is no Other Comprehensive Income item for the Parent Company. ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 93 PARENT COMPANY'S BALANCE SHEET Amount in TSEK Note 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 273 0 273 0 31 41 31 41 ASSETS Fixed assets Intangible assets Concessions, patents, licences and similar rights Tangible assets Equipment, tools, fixtures and fittings 9 Financial assets Shares in group companies 10 303,406 302,237 Shares in associated companies 11 9,570 9,570 Other securities held as non-current assets 12 Total fixed assets 3,308 1,233 316,284 313,040 316,588 313,081 0 126 0 126 Current assets Inventories etc. Goods for resale Current receivables Receivables from group company Receivables from associated companies Other receivables Prepaid expenses and accrued income Cash and bank balances Total current assets TOTAL ASSETS 94 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 25,585 1,266 796 16,343 1,084 393 43,587 1,880 689 6,056 44,276 8,062 360,864 321,143 PARENT COMPANY'S BALANCE SHEET Amount in TSEK Note 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 100 100 100 100 Retained earnings 165,063 118,889 Profit for the year 83,401 76,174 248,464 195,063 248,564 195,163 31,800 0 31,800 0 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity Restricted equity Share capital (1,000 shares) Non-restricted equity Total Equity Untaxed reserves Tax allocation reserve Total untaxed reserves Non-current liabilities Liabilities to Group companies 0 30,142 Total long term liabilities 0 30,142 37,983 52,050 Current liabilities Liabilities to credit institutions Accounts payable 13 3,222 101 Liabilities to Group companies 22,898 5,289 Current tax liability 15,692 38,395 0 3 705 0 80,500 95,838 360,864 321,143 Pledged assets None None Contingent liabilities None None Other short term liabilities Accrued expenses and deferred income Total current liabilities TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Pledged assets and contingent liabilities ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 95 PARENT COMPANY'S CASH FLOW ANALYSIS 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 -10,415 -6,102 -9,034 10 -43,514 -3,534 -62,963 -9,626 -15,996 4,767 Increase(+)/Decrease(-) in payables 3,823 5,393 Cash flow from operating activities -75,136 534 -1,169 -111,123 Amount in TSEK Note Operating activities Profit after financial items Adjustments for non-cash items 14 Income tax paid Cash flow from operating activities before working capital changes Cash flow from changes in working capital Increase(+)/Decrease(-) in inventories Investing activities Purchase of subsidiaries Purchase of intangible assets Purchase of tangible assets Purchase of other non-current assets Disposal of other non-current assets -273 0 0 -51 -2,200 -6,960 69 0 -3,573 -118,134 Borrowings 117,409 156,962 Repayment of debts -14,067 -13,811 Dividends paid -30,000 -20,000 Cash flow from financing activites 73,342 123,151 Cash flow for the year -5,367 5,551 Cash flow from investing activities Financing activities Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 6,056 505 689 6,056 Share capital Non-restricted equity Total 100 138,890 138,990 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year PARENT COMPANY'S REPORT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY Amount in TSEK Opening balance as of 1/1/2014 Profit for the year Dividends to shareholders Closing balance 31/12/2014 100 Profit for the year Dividends to shareholders Closing balance 31/12/2015 96 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 100 76,173 76,173 -20,000 -20,000 195,063 195,163 83,401 83,401 -30,000 -30,000 248,464 248,564 NOTES Amounts in TSEK unless otherwise stated. NOTE 1 NET SALES Net Turnover refers primarily to debiting for the group's mutual services. NOTE 2 EMPLOYEE EXPENSES The Parent Company has no employees Persons employed in group management positions are employed by I.A. Hedin Bil AB. NOTE 3 REMUNERATION TO ACCOUNTANTS Audit fees have been fully charged to I.A. Hedin Bil AB as a whole NOTE 4 LEASING AGREEMENTS Costs for operational leasing agreements for the year amounted to 6,311(0). Future minimum leasing costs amount as of the Balance Sheet date amounted to Within one year Between one and five years Later than five years 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 8,415 0 27,349 0 0 0 35,764 0 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - NOTE 5 INTEREST INCOME AND SIMILAR ITEMS 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 Interest revenue 77 10 Total 77 10 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 External interest expenses -1,102 -1,049 Interest expenses, Group companies -4,881 -4,543 Total -5,983 -5,592 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - NOTE 6 INTEREST EXPENSES AND SIMILAR ITEMS NOTE 7 APPROPRIATIONS 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 Group contribution 146,427 104,241 Tax allocation reserve -31,800 0 Total 114,627 104,241 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 97 NOTE8 INCOME TAXES 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 -20,994 -21,590 183 -375 -20,811 -21,965 Profit before tax 104,212 98,139 Tax at applicable tax rate -22,927 -21,591 183 -375 Current taxes Current tax on profits Adjustment of tax attributable to previous years Reconciliation of effective tax Tax attributable to previous years Non-deductible expenses -69 0 2,002 1 -20,811 -21,965 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 51 0 0 51 51 51 Opening balance -10 0 Depreciation for the year -10 -10 Closing balance -20 -10 31 41 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 302,237 191,114 1,169 111,123 303,406 302,237 Non-taxable income NOTE 9 EQUIPMENTS, TOOLS, FIXTURES AND FITTINGS Acquisition value Opening balance Purchases Closing balance Accumulated depreciation Book value NOTE 10 SHARES IN GROUP COMPANIES Acquisition value: At the start of the year Additions Closing balance 98 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 List of Parent Company and subsidiaries' holdings of shares in Group companies This refers to capital shares, and corresponds with the number of votes for total amount of shares. Subsidiary / CIN / Domicile I.A. Hedin IT AB, 556065-4070, Mölndal in per cent Carrying amount 91 167,500 100 70,000 100 38,713 - Hedin Göteborg Bil AB, 556061-3456, Mölndal - Hedin Helsingborg Bil AB, 556134-5710, Mölndal - Hedin Stockholm Bil AB, 556944-7492, Mölndal Klintberg & Way AB, 556563-6932, Stockholm - Klintberg & Way Norge AS, 977515998, Oslo-Asker, Norway - KW Parts NV, 453881311, Kortjik, Belgium - KW Wheels AB, 556969-3624, Stockholm - Dawa Däck AB, 556437-9344, Göteborg - Klintberg & Way Cars AB, 559009-9429, Stockholm Mabi Rent AB, 556675-9394, Stockholm - Mabi Sverige AB, 556334-4901, Stockholm - Mabi Deutschland GmbH, 283468037, Berlin, Germany A.H. Värdepapper AB, 556707-7440, Mölndal 100 100 Car to Go Sweden AB, 556787-8052, Mölndal 100 3,579 Hedin IT AB, 556954-4017, Mölndal 100 11,105 I.A. - Hedin Fastighet KB, 556730-4059, Mölndal 100 12,409 - I.A. Hedin IT AB, 556369-4537, Mölndal - Hedin Akalla Fastighet AB, 556955-6508, Mölndal - Hedin Borås Fastighet AB, 556753-4101, Mölndal - Hedin Hisingen Fastighet AB, 556926-7189, Mölndal - Hedin Högsbo AB, 556217-9670, Mölndal - Hedin Jönköping Fastighet AB, 556930-5153, Mölndal - Hedin Kista Fastighet AB, 556982-1084, Mölndal - Hedin Kristianstad Fastighet AB, 556633-3794, Mölndal - Hedin Kungsbacka Fastighet AB, 556131-4161, Mölndal - Hedin Linköping Fastighet AB, 556646-3260, Mölndal - Hedin Malmö Fastighet AB, 556941-6745, Mölndal - Hedin Mölndal Fastighet AB, 556660-3535, Mölndal - Hedin Pianot 5 AB, 556720-7682, Mölndal - Hedin Uppsala Fastighet AB, 556790-3280, Mölndal - Hedin Värnamo Fastighet AB, 556602-7115, Mölndal - Hedin Ängelholm Fastighet AB, 556946-9041, Mölndal - Särdal Exploatering AB, 556764-9479, Mölndal - Hedin Fastighet KB, 916892-9959, Mölndal - KB Högsbo 36:2, 916671-9523, Mölndal - Nideh KB, 916895-1946, Mölndal - KB Presenten 1, 916832-6404, Mölndal - KB Presenten 2, 916564-7802, Mölndal - KB Refy 9, 916835-1477, Mölndal - Varberg Kardanen KB, 916671-9246, Mölndal Total 303,406 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 99 NOTE 11 SHARES IN ASSOCIATED COMPANIES Subsidiary / CIN / Domicile Ownership Voting rights share Carrying amount 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 Consensus Asset Management, 556474-6518, Göteborg 24% 29% 9,540 9,540 Ripam Invest AB, 556870-7540, Mölndal 50% 50% 30 30 9,570 9,570 9,570 3,689 Accumulated acquisition value Opening Acquisitions for the year 5,910 Reclassifications Closing -29 9,570 9,570 NOTE 12 OTHER SECURITIES HELD AS NON-CURRENT ASSETS Carrying amount 12/31/2015 31/12/2014 0 125 3,308 1,108 3,308 1,233 Opening 1,233 154 Investments for the year 2,200 1,108 -125 -29 3,308 1,233 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 37,983 52,050 37,983 52,050 Listed shares Unlisted shares Accumulated acquisition value Disposals for the year Closing carrying amount NOTE 13 LOANS Short term loans Liabilities to credit institutions The fair value of loans corresponds to the carrying amount, since the discount effect is insignificant. All loans are at variable interest rates which overall amount to approximately 1.6%. Agreed upon expiration date will occur for all loans during 2016. NOTE 14 CASH FLOW 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 Depreciation 10 10 Gain on sale of fixed assets 56 Items that do not affect cash flow Anticipated dividends from subsidiaries -9,100 -9,034 10 01/01/2015 31/12/2015 01/01/2014 31/12/2014 5,983 5,592 77 10 Interest payments Paid interest Received interest 100 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 NOTE 15 GROUP INFORMATION Of the Parent Company’s total purchases and sales measured in SEK, 40 % (81 %) of purchases and 98 % (100 %) of sales are attributable to other companies within the entire corporate group to which the company belongs. NOTE 16 EFFECTS ON THE PARENT COMPANY OF THE TRANSITION TO IFRS STANDARDS This Annual Report is our first annual report that complies with IFRS standards and covers the period for the Group's first annual report in accordance with IFRS. As a result of the Group's conversion to IFRS accounting principles on the 1st January 2014, the Parent Company also converted on 1st September 2013, and adopted RFR2 accounting for legal entities. The comparative year is adjusted in accordance with IAS 8 accounting principles, changes in estimates and assessments and errors. The transition to RFR 2 has not had any effect on the Parent Company's equity. ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 101 PROPOSAL FOR EARNINGS DISTRIBUTION The Board of Directors and CEO propose to give note at the AGM of retained earnings in the Parent Company: Opening balanced earnings 165,063 Profit for the year 83,401 Non-restricted equity 248,464 Disposed as follows: SEK30,000 per share to Shareholders 30,000 Carried forward 218,464 Total 248,464 Subject to the approval of the AGM, dividends will be distributed in the amount of 30,000, which means that non-restricted equity following the dividend payment will total 218,464. The proposed transfer of value in the form of dividends reduces the company’s equity/ assets ratio to 61 %. Considering that the company's activities have continued to be profitable, this equity/asset ratio is comfortable. The company's liquidity is also estimated to maintain a similarly safe level. It is the Board's opinion that the proposed dividend will not prevent the company from fulfilling its obligations on either the short or long term, or prevent it from making necessary investments. The proposed dividend is thereby justified in light of the provisions of chapter 17, section 3, paragraphs 2-3 of the Swedish Companies Act, ABL (prudence rule). . SIGNED Mölndal 23/03/2016 Anders HedinJan LitbornHelena Hedin Executive Director / CEO Board Member Board Member Hampus Hedin Jan Alkmark Board MemberBoard Member This audit report submitted 31st March 2016. Johan Palmgren Authorised public accountant 102 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 AUDIT REPORT TO THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB, CIN 556702-0655 Report on the Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements I conducted an audit of Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements of Anders Hedin Invest AB for 2015. The company's Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements are included in the printed version of this document on pages 61-102. Responsibilities of the Board of Directors and the CEO for the Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements The Board of Directors and management are obliged to submit an annual report that presents conditions accurately in compliance with the Annual Accounts Act, as well as a consolidated financial statement that presents conditions accurately in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU, and in compliance with the AAA, and also for any internal control that the Board and CEO may find necessary in order to submit an annual report and consolidated statement that contain no material errors, whether due to irregularities or errors. Auditor's liability My responsibility is to express an opinion on the Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements based on my audit. I have executed the audit in compliance with International Standards on Auditing and Swedish Auditing Standards. Those standards require that I comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements. The auditor determines which procedures should be performed, including the assessment of risks for material misstatements in the Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers those parts of the internal controls that are relevant to the company's preparation and fair presentation of the Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate to the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the company's internal controls. An audit also involves evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies that have been used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates of the Board of Directors and of the CEO, as well as evaluating the overall presentation in the Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements. The Management Report complies with other components of the Annual Report and the Consolidated Financial Statement. I therefore endorse that the AGM approves the Income Statement and Balance Sheet for the Parent Company and Group. Notes on other requirements in accordance with laws and provisions. In addition to my audit of the Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements, I have also examined the proposed appropriations of the company's profit or loss and the administration of the Board of Directors and the CEO of Anders Hedin Invest AB for 2015. Responsibilities of the Board of Directors and the CEO The Board is responsible for proposing adjustments to the company's gains and losses, and the Board and CEO are also responsible for its administration in accordance with the Swedish Companies Act. Liability of the Auditor My responsibility is to comment with reasonable confidence on the proposal for adjustments to the company's gains and losses and its administration, based on my audit. I have conducted the audit in compliance with accepted auditing standards. As basis for my opinion on the Board of Directors’ proposed appropriations of the company's profit or loss, I examined the Board's reasoned opinion and a selection of the data for this to determine whether the proposal is in accordance with the Swedish Companies Act. As basis for my opinion on discharge from liability, I have examined material decisions, activities and conditions of the company in order to assess whether any Board Member or the CEO is liable to the company, apart from my audit of the Annual Report and the Consolidated Financial Statement. I have also examined whether any Board Member or CEO has acted in violation of the Swedish Companies Act, the Annual Accounting Act or the Articles of Association. I believe the audit evidence I have examined has sufficient and adequate grounds for my statement. Statement I endorse that the AGM distributes the gains according to the proposal in the Management Report and grant the power of discharge for the fiscal year for the Board Members and CEO. Gothenburg, March 31, 2016 I believe that the audit evidence I have examined has sufficient and adequate grounds for my statement. Statement In my opinion, the Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act and present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Anders Hedin Invest AB and the Group as of 31 December 2015 and of its financial performance and cash flows for the year in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act. The Consolidated Financial Statement has been submitted in compliance with the Annual Accounting Act and provides for all material purposes, as of 31st December 2015, an accurate description of the Group's financial position and its financial result and cash flow in compliance with international Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU and the Annual Accounting Act. Johan Palmgren Chartered accountant ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 103 MILESTONES AND HISTORY 2006 1980S 1985 •Ingemar and Anders Hedin open the first facility in Borås. 1990S 1990 • Philipson Halmstad is acquired and we open the all-new facility in 1992. 1995 • Philipson Helsingborg is acquired, as well as Ängelholm and also Philipson Lastbilar in Halmstad. 1998 • acquired property and construction company K.I. Andersson Bygg AB in Borås. 1999 • Philipson in Göteborg, Alingsås and Kungsbacka are acquired. • A large reconstruction of the head offices at Mölndalsvägen commenced. 2000S 2001 2002 • acquired Aktiv Bil AB, Hisings Backa. • our newly renovated facility in Alingsås is reopened. • became west Sweden dealer for the new Smart city car. 2003 • acquired Daimler-Chrysler's dealership in Gothenburg. 2004 • acquired Bilstudion Göteborg AB's Chevrolet dealership in Gothenburg. • acquisition of Stjärnhuset Bil AB in Kristianstad, Became dealer for Mitsubishi 2005 • Gothenburg Used Car Center opens in Åbro/Mölndal, next to the US Centre. • Bilforum i Uddevalla AB acquired, • I.A. Hedin Fastighet AB disposes of its shareholding in real estate company KIA Fastighet AB. • Klintberg & Way AB’s Gothenburg operations in Åbro/ Mölndal are acquired 104 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 • acquired Bilexa i Göteborg AB. • Philipson i Uppsala Bil AB’s operations in Uppsala and Enköping are acquired 2007 • dealership contract with KIA Motors Sweden AB signed • took over Thituson Bil AB's operations in Linköping, Jönköping, Anderstorp, Ljungby and Värnamo. Became licensed dealer for Land Rover. 2008 • assets and liabilities acquired from bankrupt Uno Asplunds Bil AB in Borås 2009 • dealership agreement with Renault signed. • Complete renovation of Transportbilscenter, which was reopened 2010. 2010S 2010 • Scanauto i Göteborg AB and Andersson Auto i Varberg AB are acquired. • acquired Bra Bil AB's dealership and repair shop for Renault in Tagene (Göteborg). • Mercedes-Benz heavy truck activities in Hisings Kärra taken over. 2011 • reopening of renovated facilities in Tagene, Vara, Anderstorp and Ljungby. • newly built facilities opened in Borås, Kungsbacka and Varberg. 2012 • our new facility in Uppsala opens. • Corporate restructuring and consolidation of Hedin Uppsala Bil AB and Hedin Helsingborg Bil AB. • Opened new head offices in Mölndal. • opened AMG Performance Center and Mercedes-Benz Företagscenter in Sisjön. 2013 • introduced Abarth as a new brand to the Group. ”It all began in 1985 when father and son, Ingemar and Anders Hedin, acquired the Philipsons car dealership in Borås“ 2013 • reconstruction of the Mercedes-Benz dealership for passenger cars and commercial and heavy trucks in Hisings Kärra. • I.A. Hedin Fastighet AB acquired 3 properties for external tenants. • Svenska Bil’s activities in Stockholm acquired in October, with official takeover on 1 January 2014. Four facilities are added and a new subsidiary created in the Hedin Bil Group: Hedin Stockholm Bil AB. • Opel Malmö property and bankruptcy estate acquired. Opel Black Box opens in January 2014 and Opel introduced as a new brand in the Group. • 2014 was the most eventful year in the Group's almost 30-year history! Three company acquisitions, a partnership in a new company, a merger of part-owned companies, a total of nine new car facility acquisitions, two newly built facilities, and a refurbishment of an existing facility. 2014 • publicly traded rental car company Mabi Rent AB acquired. • took possession of our commercial property in Stockholm (Akalla). • acquisition of Klintberg och Way AB (KW Parts). • Klintberg & Way AB launches a new subsidiary: KW Wheels AB • acquisition of four of Bil Partner’s automotive facilities in the south: Malmö Jägersro, Malmö Burlöv, Lund and Trelleborg. With this acquisition, we welcomed Subaru as a new brand. • Anders Hedin Invest AB acquires the remaining 71% of the shares in Car to Go Sweden AB. • Citroën’s Citroën Center in Spånga acquired. • merger of Consensus Asset Management AB (Consensus) and Thenberg & Kinde Fondkommission AB. • Anders Hedin Invest AB purchased 16,6 % of shares in Lasingoo Sverige AB. • two new facilities in Helsingborg and Ängelholm completed 2014 • reconstruction of our dealership in Värnamo. • began reconstruction and extension of our current property in Akalla, Stockholm. The Segeltorp facility is also undergoing renovation and extension. 2015 • 30th Anniversary! • new dealership in Ängelholm opens. • construction of new full service station in Jönköping begins. • acquisition of business property in Kista for a new commercial car centre. • Klintberg & Way via subsidiary company acquire 70 % of Techno Tire AB with online wheel sales. • an all-new Commercial Vehicle Centre in Kista, Stockholm also underway. • new dealership in Värnamo opens. • KW Cars opens in April. • DS Store opens - a new concept store for the premium DS brand in Akalla, Stockholm. • acquired through Klintberg & Way the wholesaler Dawa Däck AB, which will be run as a subsidiary to KW Wheels • KW Cars opens a store in Gothenburg • official retailers for Renault and Dacia in Halmstad • acquired remaining 30 % of Techno Tire AB. 2016 • acquired Klasén Bil i Halmstad. Business property and adjacent property were included in the acquisition. • acquires BIVA AB's car dealerships in Karlskoga, Örebro, Linköping, Norrköping and Uppsala; the acquisition also includes Bilcity in Kristianstad. Business properties are included in the acquisition in Karlskoga, Linköping, Kristianstad and Örebro. • acquisition of Bilias Ford operations in Gothenburg, Stockholm, Nacka and Kungsbacka. An additional brand has been added to the Hedin Bil Group. ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015 105 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND GROUP MANAGEMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB (Group Parent Company) Anders Hedin, President Hampus Hedin, Board Member Helena Hedin, Board Member Jan Alkmark, Board Member Jan Litborn, Board Member (Glimstedt Law Firm) MANAGEMENT ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB Anders Hedin, President and CEO Jan Alkmark, Deputy CEO Per Mårtensson, CFO Jörgen Forsberg, Business Developer I.A. HEDIN BIL AB MABI RENT AB Anders Hedin, CEO Jörgen Loikas, VP & COO André Schleeman, CEO I.A. HEDIN FASTIGHET AB KLINTBERG & WAY AB Anders Hedin, CEO Fritz Persson, Property Manager Jörgen Forsberg, CEO HEDIN IT AB A.H. VÄRDEPAPPER AB Anders Hedin, CEO Bo Westberg, Operations Manager Anders Hedin, CEO CAR TO GO SWEDEN AB Anders Hedin, CEO 106 ANDERS HEDIN INVEST AB ANNUAL REPORT / 2015
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