GKAl~D VILLA - Beamalarm.com
GKAl~D VILLA - Beamalarm.com
360~ 3~~+ 4000 SERIES 'GKAl~D VILLA UNIHOME U280 = SIDEBATH.!SLANDBED SAJ = SIDE AJSLE,ISLANDBED SBID... SIDE SAm, ISLANDBED,DlNlITfE SB! . . MOTORHOMES OF DISTINCTION STANDARDEQUIPMENT Automotive. (2)-200 amp. hour batteries 100% 8 bag air-ride suspension. ISO gallon fuel tank 160 amp alternator 160 amp battcry isolator 2" square receiver. hitch . 27SJ8QR 22.5 PXZAMichclin qp tires Air disk brakes Air hose for tire service Allison MT 643 transmis5iori Catcrpillar 3208T 2SO H.P. Cruise control Dry air deancr Dual electric wipers & washers Engine compartment light Engine coolant heater -.UOV. Foretravcl cliwis28,OOO GVWR Fiillinstrumentation Halogen headlights. ... Heavy duty radiatOr; b()ItedcOOStroetion One PieCc' AIcoai&8Iumiiium'lYileels Padded automotive~typid8Shwith ~l1g-up top for easyseMce Padded sun visors Pawersteering Ract>t~ Safety . . Electrical 110 volt automatiC changeover 110 voltmeter & polarity meter SOAmp. shorciine 65 K.W. geiieratoiiL.P. fuel 7S Amp. converter-charger Extcrior 110 v outlct Mastcrbattcl)' disconnect switch TraiJerWiring All wOod drawers on ball bearing glides AMiFM!cassctte stcIeO in bedroom Automatic d06et lights . Built-in 13" Co!or'IV & VCR in bedroom: ... . .. . (Won SA!) Buiii-iriwcuumdeaner .piiji<:tcd overhead. cabfuets cedar. lined wardrobe clOset . ... . . .. .COiianqp collntenopsin kitchen and~ath . Curtafus'and sheers Heating/Cooling 17,600 BTIJ auto/AC (2)-13,500 B'i1.J roof AC withbcat strips (2)-35,000 BI'U ducted furnaces with electronic ignition (16.000+ 35,000 on 3600 series) 37,000 BTIJ auto heat/de"£. pcacJ~t lock Deluxe carpet &;pad Digital alann clock in bedroom Digital clock Dometic ~ AES ref/freezcr Double stainless stecl sink Convenience oven Fiberglass underskin Floor level night lights Fluorescent lighting throughout Full screen door . Back-up lights . Back~up monitor DOcking lights Gcnerator switch in bedroom Ice maker. Emergency eXit in side windows Emergency 'fJashen; .. Entzidoor band rail Fue eXtingUisher Halogen fog lights LP gas leak detector Large outsidc mirrors with . & cockpit Large bath/shower & tub combination Laundry bag on sAI model UiVatorydrilWcr Ughtc:d~nitYwith mirror Moior'8.i<fWatei heater with electronicignitiOn P/p widc an8Jc ViSion Park lightS Scat belts .. One piece 6betgltiss rQofand sidewalls Porch &;entry lights sign8I lights Steel cagc.with aJimili1umroof Tinted safetyglass Water pump switch in bath & kitchen Watcr purifier - Exterior table 'IV hookup Eye level microwave/convection bumpers oii cOOler SeI£-canceHng directional Smokc dctector 11/2" block Styrofoam ~ insulation 20" StCIeO'IV in Jivingarea 36X76 Twin beds . SB 4 burnercooktop with gas oven .40 cliannel ci3 radio .&:wayelectric driver scat base 6Ox8Oqueen-si%ebed SBI frame . Warniitgtriangle reflector kit .. ... Power ceilingveiltin bath area .Realwood paneling p .. ReClincr & swivel thai'; Reclining pilot & co-piiOt seats Slidc-'Out pantry on SBI Sofa. bed . Tlienri6statically controlled with booster Wardrobe dressing mirrors Washer/dryer connections on 4000 Series Electronic AMlFM/cassettc with seek &; scan fuel fitter Stainlcsssteel Transmission TV antenna Livability fresh . air ventilator Trash Compactor except on 3600 series dinette models 108 gal.waste water capacity 110 v air compressor 270 lb. LPG tank T/" interior height 98 gallon water capacity Air leveling system Computet screen systems monitor Conveniently located dump hose and valves Door belt Dual Hadley qpairhoms Glove box Large bus type belly storage Large interior storage Map lights for pilot & co-pilot Pilot & co-pilot ducted fan system Remote spot/flood light Roof mounted rack and ladder Safe Storage companment lights Telephone jack \10DELNO*WHEEL BASE RETAIL GRAND VILLA 3600 228" $248,SOO_00 3800 252" $257,800.00 4000 276" $271,500,00 · Model number denotes approx. length Prices, specifications, descriptions arid illustrations in thislitcrature are accuratc as known at the time of publication but sUbject to change without notice. 1989 Model Price List cffective 1/1189 12188 GRAND VILLA UNIHOME Fo,ef,avel,ine. MOJORHOMES OF DISTINCTION OPTIONS Advanced Electronics Package (U280 only) 1500 watt inverter system Diesel generator Awning Package I Window awnings covering four windows Patioa~ Twomatchiiigchairs AwningPackage n .. $5336 $2600 $3200 . . $1623 00 . . 0 0 Windowa~coveringfivewindows $1813 Patio awnin.,g Twomatchiiigchairs Awning Package m _ . . 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . $824 .$856 $85 $1050 $856 . . . . . . . . . . . . $85 $2002 Windowa~coveringsixwindows Patio awning Twomatchingchairs $1236 $856 $85 Convenience Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1742 LP connectionsfor Bar~B-Que $94 100lb.slideoutfreezer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1250 Solar battery charger Deluxe Kitchen Package $550 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . Hi2hrise faucet Ins1anthot water dispenser Blender Luxury Package $478 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1439 Accentwallcoveringlbedroom only) ParguetAooring(kitChenonly) SeaIandchina toilet Personalizedentrance door lightedassisthandle $120 $175 $225 $420 $990 $120 $35 0 . $787 Power Package Power remote and heated mirrorswithturn signals Power passenger seat Powerwindshieldcurtain Washer I Dryer Package (4000only) 0 . . 0 . . $2042 Washer/ Dryer 6 gallon 3-way water heater $275 $330 $250 $2000 $220