Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report to contents to previous page to next page to previous content Brunel International N.V. Annual Report 2015 2 AR '15 3 CONTENTS Contents 4 AR '15 1 CEO statement 2 Corporate profile 3Financial highlights 2015 4 Report from the Supervisory Board 5Report from the Board of Directors 6 10 14 18 32 Business model35 Organisational structure and specialism38 Sustainability and material issues41 Business environment48 Growth strategy50 Risks, risk management and control systems63 Corporate governance82 Performance88 6 The Brunel share 7 Annual accounts 2015 8 Additional information 9 Independent auditor’s report 10 Group financial record 11 Worldwide offices Colophon 98 104 170 174 188 192 198 5 6 AR '15 '15 1 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS CEO statement 7 CEO STATEMENT CEO statement have made considerable member of our team — that is, investments in recent years in every Bruneller — for all you have After years of on-going organic market over the short-term, we our organisation, our people, our achieved last year under tough, growth in both sales and have confidence in the strength processes and our systems. An tough circumstances, and the profitability, developments in of our organisation and that organisation that is now solid incredible effort that you all the price of oil made 2015 a makes us optimistic about the and ideally positioned to grab an continue to put in. particularly challenging year opportunities of any long-term even bigger slice of the market. for Brunel. developments in the global Oil & 8 AR '15 Gas market will bring us. Oil & Gas Europe An important part of our I wish each and every one of you Challenges and opportunities success in the times ahead. Times that will be challenging, for sure, but also rich with We are going through exciting opportunities for companies services is focused on the In Europe we have 50 offices times, with the market prepared to grab them. And it is Oil & Gas market and during the spread across the six countries undergoing all sorts of changes. precisely because I believe so year customers have cancelled, where we are active: Germany, Our clients continue making ever strongly in the strength, terminated or postponed a The Netherlands, Belgium, greater demands on us, in terms resilience and flexibility of the number of new and existing Switzerland, Austria and the of both the type and quality of Brunel team that I am confident projects. Czech Republic. And our services services they receive. It is in this about the road ahead. are geared to projects in a wide area more than any that we see Obviously this has meant less variety of sectors including opportunities, and it is here call for our services during this Automotive, Aerospace, Rail, where we must focus our energy. period, so we are now working Telecom, Embedded Software, hard to adapt the business to IT and Financial Services. this new reality. We will need to Jan Arie van Barneveld CEO It is difficult times like these in particular that make us stronger organise ourselves in a leaner, Following a period of as a company and ultimately smarter and more flexible way, restructuring, we have seen a more successful. Because with a sharp eye on market positive revenue trend since the success is down to the quality of developments and an open ear second half of 2015. And with a your people, and the for the needs of our customers. growth rate exceeding 10% in collaborations and choices you Though we do not expect to see the last quarter, you could say make as a team. Which is why I any immediate recovery in this the outlook for 2016 is rosy. We would like to thank every 9 10 AR '15 2 Corporate profile 11 CORPORATE PROFILE OF BRUNEL Corporate profile of Brunel Brunel was founded in 1975 by secondment in Europe, and Today Brunel is an international the graduated engineer more specifically Germany, group with a strong global brand. Jan Brand. Starting with the The Netherlands, Belgium, Operating from its own placement of a single fellow Czech Republic and Austria. international network of 104 engineer, the foundation was laid for what became a global 12 AR '15 A truly global business branch offices in 37 countries, Access to excellence provider of business services we have over 11,000 employees and an annual turnover of that specialises in the flexible In everything we do, we follow placement of professionals. our firmly-rooted cultural values: Over the years, the company has eagerness, result-driven and Brunel International N.V. is listed continued to grow and diversify, operational excellence. This on Euronext Amsterdam and but has always maintained allows us to provide added value included in the Amsterdam Small Jan Brand’s original focus: for clients in both business and Cap Index (AScX). placing highly qualified, mainly government sectors, by meeting technical, specialists. their knowledge and project capacity needs in a highly Two perspectives effective way. Brunel stands out from its competitors through its Brunel serves the world market superior services, which center from two main perspectives. on high-quality account On the one hand, we aim our management and recruitment services at specific global management, and our in-depth business lines. Examples include knowledge of the relevant our focus on the worldwide Oil & market segments and related Gas industry, and on the disciplines. international automotive, rail, aerospace, telecom and pharmacy sectors. On the other hand, we focus on traditional EUR 1,229 million (2015). 13 14 AR '15 3 Financial highlights 2015 15 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 2015 20152014 Profit Revenue1,228.91,386.6 Gross Profit230.0249.0 Other income Operating costs173.9174.3 Operating profit (EBIT) 56.1 74.7 Result before tax 56.7 75.4 Tax19.126.4 Group income37.648.9 Financial highlights 2015 EUR million, unless stated otherwise Net income37.148.4 Ratios Change in revenue on previous year -11.4% 8.0% Gross margin18.7%18.0% 16 AR '15 Operating profit / Revenue 4.6% 5.4% Group income / Revenue 3.1% 3.5% Balance Working capital310.4290.8 Group equity347.7328.3 Balance sheet total 479.4 492.6 Net cash flow 53.1 29.7 Shareholder's equity / total assets 72.5% 66.5% Current assets / current liabilities 3.42 2.81 Employees total (average) 12,495 13,725 Employees indirect (average) 1,601 1,624 Employees total (year end) 11,554 13,549 Employees indirect (year end) 1,503 1,668 Earnings per share 0.75 0.99 Shareholders equity per share 6.96 6.64 Dividend per share 1.50 0.70 Ratios Workforce Shares in EUR Highest price20.6526.00 Lowest price12.9512.73 Closing price at 31 December 16.80 13.60 17 18 AR '15 4 Report from the Supervisory Board 19 REPORT FROM THE SUPERVISORY BOARD Report from the Supervisory Board We hereby present the report of the Supervisory Board for the year 2015 Financial statements 2015 20 AR '15 Position and major topics 2015 The financial statements and the The financial statements will be The Supervisory Board considers performance. Progress regarding Board has discussed how notes thereto have been audited presented at the General the development and succession the company’s IT strategy and compliance with relevant laws by PricewaterhouseCoopers Meeting of Shareholders on of senior management, the infrastructure, investments and and regulations can be ensured. Accountants N.V. who provided 17 May 2016. We recommend the company’s strategy, the current corporate tax rate development Non-compliance is reported via an unqualified audit opinion. The General Meeting of Shareholders turmoil in the Oil & Gas sector were also reviewed. The discussion the periodic consultation with Supervisory Board supports the to adopt the financial statements and sustainable growth in on the strategy also included the Supervisory Board. The proposal of the Board of and discharge the members of turnover and profitability to be utilising the global network Supervisory Board obtains Directors to declare a dividend the Board of Directors. among its key areas of focus. outside the Oil & Gas industry. information from the Board of of EUR 0.75 per share and Directors regarding the extent additionally a super dividend of Besides the periodical financial The solvency ratio of the and nature of various regulations EUR 0.75 per share. performance reviews, topics company is 73% and the cash and how compliance is discussed during the year under position is healthy. The objective monitored internally. review were risk assessment and to fund the projected organic risk management, the group’s growth from its own resources is working capital, cash position, achievable. dividend policy and the development of operations that The national and international have been started up in the last laws and regulations relating to couple of years. These discussions the company cover areas such included presentations by the as employment, work permits, Board of Directors on strategy, health & safety, foreign exchange operations and financial and taxes. The Supervisory 21 REPORT FROM THE SUPERVISORY BOARD Composition of the Supervisory Board 22 AR '15 Ir. D. (Daan) van Doorn Drs. A. (Aat) Schouwenaar Drs. Ing. J. (Jan) Bout Chairman (b.1948, male, Dutch) Vice Chairman (b. 1946, male, Dutch) Supervisory Director, (b. 1946, male Dutch) APPOINTED: APPOINTED: APPOINTED: Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in May, 2006 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in May, 2001 Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on 15 November 2012 CURRENT TERM: CURRENT TERM: CURRENT TERM: 2014 – 2018 2015-2017 2012 - 2016 FO R M E R M A I N D I R E CTO RS H I P: F O R M E R M A I N D I R E C TO RS H I P: F O R M E R M A I N D I R E C TO R S H I P: CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of Vion N.V. Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of Endemol B.V. Chairman of the Board of Directors of Royal Haskoning OT H E R D I R E CTO RS H I PS : OT H E R D I R E C TO RS H I PS : OT H E R D I R E C TO RS H I PS : Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Coöperatieve Rabobank Oosterschelde; Member of the Supervisory Board of A-ware Food Group B.V. Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Holland Casino; Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Asito Dienstengroep S.E. and Docdata N.V.; Member of the Supervisory Board of Stadion Amsterdam N.V. Member of the Supervisory Board of Haskoning DHV Groep B.V. Appointment and selection Supervisory Board or the Board Committee since 2001 and has of Directors, with the result that opted to retain the structure. The members of the Supervisory we do not meet the legal The complete Supervisory Board Board are appointed for a term objectives, the diversity of both also serves as the Remuneration of four years and may thereafter Boards has always been a part of and Selection & Appointments be reappointed. They can remain the selection process of new Committees. By-laws and terms on the board for up to twelve members, to ensure a diverse of reference for both the years from the date of their first Board composition when Supervisory Board and its appointment. Candidates possible within the required committees are posted on the nominated for appointment or profile. company’s website. reappointment must meet the criteria as shown in the drawn-up Meetings profile. It will be proposed to the Corporate governance structure General Meeting of Shareholders In 2015 the Supervisory Board on 17 May 2016 to reappoint held five scheduled meetings, all The performance of the Board Mr. Bout for his second term of four of which were attended by the of Directors as a whole, and of years on the Supervisory Board. entire Board of Directors and its individual members, was Supervisory Board. reviewed. In deviation of article III.3.5 of The Supervisory Board further the Dutch corporate governance held two closed meetings that code, because of his expertise were not attended by the Board The Board of Directors and best practice provisions of the studying the draft revision of the and the phase Brunel is in, the of Directors. Supervisory Board are responsible Code is discussed with the Board Code recently issued by the General Meeting of Shareholders for compliance with the Dutch of Directors. Monitoring Commission on 30 April 2015 reappointed Corporate Governance Code (‘the Evaluation of the Board of Directors Self-evaluation of the Supervisory Board At a private meeting, the Committees Supervisory Board reflected on Corporate Governance to Mr. Schouwenaar for an Code’) and maintaining the Compliance with the Code is determine whether changes in additional term of two years in According to the guidelines of its individual members. In its corporate governance structure. described in this report in the the corporate governance addition to his term of fourteen the Code, Brunel is not obliged own estimation, and in They are collectively accountable section ‘Corporate governance’. structure need to be made. years. to set up separate auditing, accordance with article III.2.1. of towards these issues to the During 2015 no relevant changes remuneration and selection & the Dutch Corporate Governance General Meeting of Shareholders. occurred to the corporate Although there is currently no appointments committees. code, the Supervisory Board Once a year, compliance with the governance structure. Brunel is female representation on the However Brunel has had an Audit consists of independent its own performance and that of 23 REPORT FROM THE SUPERVISORY BOARD members and has a balanced The Supervisory Board believes companies which are similar to short term variable component weighted equally. The quantitative The board members have been composition of knowledge and that the remuneration policy Brunel in terms of scale and and long term variable targets (budget, sales, margin, compensated for the cap of the experience. expedites the short-term complexity. component. profitability, EBIT and control of maximum amount of "pensionable working capital) reflect the income" at EUR 100,000 that operational performance and Remuneration Committee 24 AR '15 long-term objectives of the Before the remuneration policy The base annual salary is financial parameters considered came into effect at 1 January 2015. company, and provides as a whole is determined, and assessed periodically against a by the Supervisory Board to be The expected saving on pension This committee assesses appropriate incentives to achieve the level of remuneration of group of comparable critical with regard to the premium for Brunel has been remuneration, including the short- the strategic goals. individual board members is enterprises. Before appointing realisation of Brunel's strategic added to the salaries of the board term and long-term bonuses of fixed, scenario analysis are made the new board members, an objectives. members. This addition is not the members of the Board of The remuneration of new of the variable remuneration independent benchmark was The Supervisory Board ensures taken into account when Directors; prepares the members of the Board of components and the performed by an external HR that the targets agreed are both calculating the bonus. remuneration report; and Directors is compliant with the consequences that they could consultancy agency. The variable challenging and realistic. oversees the remuneration policy One-Tier Board Act (‘Wet Bestuur have on the level of remuneration component of the total For commercial and The remuneration report outlines of the company. Before & Toezicht’), including the of the board members. The level remuneration package is competition-related the remuneration policy, appointing the new board applicable requirements for claw and structure of the remuneration performance related. It consists considerations, Brunel does not provides a description of members, a benchmark analysis back procedures on bonus. of the board members is of short- and long-term wish to publish the targets that implementation of the has been performed by an determined by reference to the components. Performance have been agreed. The short remuneration policy in 2015, and external consultancy agency. The remuneration structure for scenario analysis carried out and targets and conditions are term bonus may not exceed 75% sets out the remuneration of the The results of this benchmark the Board of Directors is with due regard for the pay derived from our strategy and of the fixed annual salary of the members of the Board of were utilised in the determination designed to balance short-term differentials within the company. annual business plans. CEO. For other board members Directors. The remuneration of the compensation and the operational performance with In determining the level and The targets are assigned prior to the maximum bonus opportunity policy and remuneration report targets for the board. the long-term objectives of the structure of the remuneration of the relevant year and assessment is 50% of the fixed annual salary. are posted on the company’s company, with due regard for the board members, both financial of realisation is conducted after The realisation of each financial website. risks to which variable and non-financial indicators year-end by the Supervisory or individual target can Remuneration policy Audit Committee remuneration may expose the relevant to the long term Board. The short-term incentive independently result in bonus The remuneration policy enterprise. The total objectives of the company are compensation is paid in cash. payment. The Supervisory Board remained unchanged. The long remuneration and the taken into account. The short-term bonus scheme allocates the bonus based on The Supervisory Board selects term variable component has remuneration elements are The remuneration package, for the members of the Board of the achievement of the targets the external auditors. The Audit been changed from an option based on the going rates in the following the adoption of the Directors rewards both financial of members of the Board of Committee has a supervisory scheme to a stock appreciation international labour market and remuneration policy, contains performance and individual Directors and determines the role regarding the integrity of the rights (SAR) scheme. are fine-tuned using data from three components: base salary, performance. Both elements are associated pay-out. internal and external financial 25 REPORT FROM THE SUPERVISORY BOARD reports of the company, risk held meetings with the CFO on management, and information an ongoing basis. Mr. Bout technology. The Supervisory reported the committee’s Board, the Board of Directors findings to all members of the and the external auditor are Supervisory Board. of controllers in Amsterdam in audit function. Considerations in systems. Risk assessment and the department Corporate this evaluation were that reliable risk management systems are Finance & Control (CFC). financial information is ensured being further embedded in the Core competences are auditing, by (l) reliable administration and reporting structure to support It will be proposed to the Annual reporting and controlling, and the management information decision-making and achieving Shareholders Meeting on 17 May majority of the team has worked systems, monitored by regional of strategic objectives in the Recurring items for the Audit 2016 that PricewaterhouseCoopers with a big four audit firm before financial controllers, (ll) coming years. The operational Committee meetings such as Accountants N.V. will be our joining Brunel. Besides group increased visits from central and strategic risks related to the The Audit Committee met five risk assessment and risk external auditor for the annual reporting, CFC performs internal management, (III) uniform company are described in the times in 2015: prior to the management, internal controls, accounts of 2016. audit activities, both in desk top worldwide IT systems and (lV) section ‘Risks, risk management publication of the full-year 2014 compliance with laws and reviews and during visits. extended scope for external and control systems’ of this figures, prior to announcing the regulations, and the quality of All entities are visited by a audits using locally based native- annual report. quarterly results and to discuss the finance function were member of CFC at least once speaking audit personnel. the external auditor’s audit plan discussed. Regarding the From an internal control every two years, and significant or for 2015 and interim findings. ongoing IT implementations, perspective, Brunel is organised high risk entities are visited The discussion on the scope of segregation of duties was in regions (Oil & Gas) and multiple times in a year. CFC also the audit included the key audit discussed, since sufficient countries (Europe). In each provides the group with matters as identified by segregation of duties within the region and country, a financial accounting manuals and updates During 2015 the Supervisory the implementation of the PricewaterhouseCoopers N.V.: IT applications is a condition to controller is responsible for on internal control procedures. Board also discussed with the strategy ‘One Brunel, One IT’. working capital, recovery of replace more manual controls by internal control for the activities The members of CFC report Board of Directors the updated As of March 2014, all entities of compensable tax losses, automated controls. in his/her area. These financial directly to the Board of Directors, risk assessment that was Brunel use the secured global compliance with laws and Furthermore, the performance of controllers meet with the CFO primarily the CFO and have the performed by the Board of workplace for access to the regulations and IT the commercial team, that on a monthly basis. Furthermore, possibility to meet with the Audit Directors in cooperation with network and applications. implementations. On request of monitors and strengthens compensation and hiring/ Committee if deemed necessary. commercial management and the Audit Committee, a contractual risk management, dismissal of these financial the regional financial controllers. In 2015, the IT strategy was presentation on cyber security has been evaluated. controllers is the responsibility In 2016, the need to implement This concerns risks associated discussed, as well as the was given by Pricewaterhouse- of the CFO in order to provide an internal audit function within with the strategy and the nature transfer of the responsibilities Coopers N.V., including the sufficient independence towards Brunel will be considered again. of the business, and the way that from the project organisation to relevant audit findings on this local general managers. In previous evaluations, it was the Board of Directors monitors the support organisation after matter. In addition, the Audit Besides the local controllers, concluded that there currently is the design and operation of the finalisation of the main IT Committee’s chairman, Mr. Bout, Brunel has an independent team no need to install an internal internal risk management projects. represented in the Audit Committee. 26 AR '15 Appointment of external auditor annual accounts 2016 Internal audit function Risks and internal risk management systems Information and communication technology In 2011 a start was made with 27 REPORT FROM THE SUPERVISORY BOARD Financial reporting Dialogue with the external auditor The Board of Directors informed 28 AR '15 Relationship with shareholders The Supervisory Board the Supervisory Board on the The Audit Committee has discussed with the Board of processes for the preparation of discussed the annual accounts, Directors how to take into the financial reports and how the annual report, management account the interests of quality of the financial reporting letter and risk management shareholders as well as the is monitored. On the basis of this policy with the Board of issues raised by shareholders at and the report of the external Directors and the external the last Annual General Meeting auditor, the Supervisory Board auditor. The Supervisory Board of Shareholders. The Supervisory believes the Board of Directors assessed the independence of Board believes that the company adequately interprets its the auditor. It was concluded acted in a constructive and responsibility for the quality of that threats to independence are careful way regarding the the financial information. absent. The Supervisory Board shareholders’ interests. believes that the external auditor provided the Supervisory Board with all relevant information in order to exercise its supervisory responsibilities. The main items included in the auditor’s board report are: ° ° Analysis of EBIT ° ° Audit differences ° Key audit matters Working capital developments Management estimates 29 REPORT FROM THE SUPERVISORY BOARD Other The Supervisory Board approved Conflicts of interest the operational and financial 30 AR '15 objectives of the company, and In 2015, no matters occurred also approved the strategy involving conflicts of interest of designed to achieve the directors, Supervisory Board objectives and the preconditions Members, shareholders and/or associated with that strategy. external auditors that are of material significance to the The Supervisory Board company and/or the respective endorsed the Board of directors, members, Directors’ efforts on Corporate shareholders and/or external Social Responsibility (CSR) and auditors. Information on related the particular aspects that are party transactions is included relevant to the enterprise. under note 20 to the annual accounts. Furthermore, no matters occurred which under the law, Amsterdam, 4 March 2016 the statutes or the Code require the approval of the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board D. van Doorn Chairman A. Schouwenaar Vice Chairman J. Bout 31 32 AR '15 '15 5 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Report from the Board of Directors 33 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Business model How Brunel does business Report from the Board of Directors management and recruitment is a service and solution partner. management, meeting stringent We help them to get the job compliance & safety standards in done and to provide them the every location in which our clients access to a flexible and operate. Our Brunel Europe specialised knowledge base in division is a specialist in the order to meet the rising global flexible labour market with the service demand and break down expertise of Engineering, today’s technical boundaries. -Match clients’, projects’ and specialists’ needs of recruitment and employment· -Provide diverse services and customised solutions of employment, contracting, secondment and administration Clients & Projects - Seek qualified brainpower to tackle technical challenges Automotive, Finance, IT, Legal we are their growth facilitator. Germany, Belgium and other Specialists constantly look for European countries. On the other assignments in their area of hand, Brunel Oil & Gas division expertise in order to realise their has established a global network career potential. They need a of business lines based on the facilitator connecting them to regions and locations with challenging projects and to take developed oil fields and their care of the administration and associated business. This division operational process so they can is expanding its services by also focus on developing the skills becoming a project resourcing which they progress towards specialist and unleashing the full distinction. At the same time, potential of our global Brunel provides specialists the infrastructure by also looking into opportunities to excel through other related sectors such as assignments and to develop mining, renewable energy and cutting-edge experience. construction. Specialists - Seek employment and career development Services & solutions Knowledge partner th ow Gr For specialists and candidates, services in The Netherlands, Resource provider & and Pharma recruitments and Brunel - Operational excellence - People & culture - Risk management - Corporate governance - IT & organisational infrastructure PN ieu we te ks t For clients and projects, Brunel y lit bi ta ofi Pr 34 AR '15 Brunel offers top quality account Growth facilitator Profitability & growth THE WHOLE IS GREATER THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS How Brunel creates value -Become a knowledge partner for clients to achieve business continuity, flexibility, efficiency and success -Become a growth platform for specialists to accumulate peak employee value and career advancement -Achieve both profitability for shareholders and sustainable business growth -Innovative mindset of creating added value for stakeholders 35 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Brunel’s distinctive resources 36 AR '15 Brunel strives to create value for process, world class IT all the people directly and infrastructure, operational indirectly involved in our excellence and dedicated staff business. Our sustainable to maximise value for our clients, business growth engine has specialists and investors alike. been constructed with an It is important that we continue effective strategy at its core. to enhance our culture of The essence of our growth compliance, with which the strategy is to compete in management is continuously attractive businesses in which engaged. A winning culture is the our distinctive resources – cornerstone of everything we do, Brunel’s brand, positioning, underpinning our competitive infrastructure, capabilities and advantages in the international people, contribute to our market. In today’s ever-changing competitive advantages. environment, moving forward Our business is unique in its requires Brunel continues quality, size and diversity. It is evolving to ensure we remain a built on an effective business market leader. Global operations -Worldwide operations with global scale of efficienty -Global database of talents and knowhow -Global clients knowledge Local expertise -Develop sensitivity and responsiveness to national differences -Concentrate on local content and added value Global brand & Independence -1975 started up in The Netherlands -1980's first foreign office in Belgium -1990's founded Brunel Energy in Asia, Americas, Europe -Early 2000's working on global supplier agreements Brand “Financial” strength & compliance -1997 listed on the Stock Exchange· -Publish audited accounts -Solid balance sheet to support growth strategy with limited need for external financing Positioning as a specialist Infrastructure People Capabilities for performance Technology -One IT infrastructure connecting all global entities -Leverage information, knowledge and expertise -Improve service quality and delivery time 37 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS How Brunel is organised Organisational structure and specialism 38 AR '15 Brunel’s organisation is built understand and appreciate around our culture of business clients’ and specialists’ needs excellence and leads directly to throughout the full project life the attraction and treatment of cycle. We provide added-value specialists. Having access to the via the tailor-made solutions and right knowledge and experience short lines of communication is essential to Brunel. which enable us to respond By developing close-working quickly and accurately to their relationships in the spirit of needs, wherever in the world. partnering, Brunel is able to fully Specialists Clients & projects 11,000 specialists placements every year 1,500 new candidates attraction every week 1,000 permanent recruitment on an annual basis 1 centralised global database of 700,000 candidates with 190 nationalities 40 years of working experience with clients from more than 35 areas of specialisms 39 Brunel people & organisation 1 flat networked organisation of 1500 indirect employees 104 branch offices in 37 countries across 6 continents connected with 1 global IT network 6 regional hubs – Amsterdam, Bremen, Houston, Qatar, Rotterdam, Singapore to facilitate 2 operation divisions – Brunel Oil & Gas and Brunel Europe Brunel culture 1 shared unique, strong and effective Brunel culture. In everything we do, we follow our firmly rooted cultural values of entrepreneurship, a result-driven approach and operational excellence REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Brunel's services and expertise Sustainability and material issues Brunel Oil & Gas Brunel Europe Brunel Energy, Brunel Projects the global project resourcing specialist Brunel Netherlands – the flexible labour market specialist Brunel Germany – the technical specialist, and other entities in Belgium, Austria, Czech Republic and Switzerland 40 AR '15 Services Recruitment services - Contractor recruitment - Permanent recruitment Global mobility solutions - Mobilisation - Payroll & taxation - Compliance Project resourcing - Vendor inspection - Brunel Projects - Commissioning - POEA licence - Operations & m aintenance Expertise Mining Energy Expertise Oil & Gas Engineering High-tech One Brunel Automotive Construction Manufacturing Finance IT & Telecom Legal Life Sciences & Healthcare Marketing & Communication Rail Pharma Electrical Aerospace Shipbuilding Machinery & Plant Energy & Power plant Services Personnel solutions Consultancy Project management Co-sourcing (IT) Training Service and work contracts Temporary staffing Resourcing solutions Sustainability lies in the heart of With regard to sustainability, we our strategy and operations. have implemented a set of Because of the nature of our principles and partnership business, our role in the focuses defined in the CSR community is not limited to our policy (available at own company and employees. The responsibility extends We mainly focus on the aspects further to our clients, suppliers, that are related to work in the candidates, the education broadest sense: Brunel’s role in sector and society in general. the labour market as a reflection Therefore, sustainability not of society, promoting working only means creating sustainable environment that focuses on the financial returns for safety, health, education and shareholders, but also providing personal development of our sustainable value for other people, participating in a wide stakeholders as a knowledge range of sponsoring activities for partner, a resource provider, a sport and health, human rights growth facilitator and and fighting life-threatening contributing to society as a diseases at both an international major force of employment level and local level. creation in the economy. In Brunel, we see sustainability as an integration result of maintaining an effective growth strategy and operating as a socially responsible business. 41 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Stakeholder matrix • Clients Keep informed • Direct & Indirect employees Manage closely • Government & regulators • Candidates We are currently in the process understand their needs and of developing our sustainability expectations and to gain framework which integrates insights. The chosen stakeholder materiality assessment into groups are shown in the matrix growth strategy, risk on the left page. 42 AR '15 Importance / impact management and governance. • Shareholders & Investors Understanding our stakeholders is the starting point of the materiality assessment process. We engage with a diverse group of stakeholders with varying perspectives and opinions to Monitor Keep satisfied • Peers • Local community Influence Importance / impact: The degree of the mutual importance/ impact that the stakeholder group and Brunel have on each other Influence: Brunel’s influence on the stakeholder group’s decision making 43 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Materiality assessment process Economic Our diverse group of stakeholders As a global business, our stakeholders have various perspectives and interests, therefore that requires us not only to contribute to society at an international level but also participate in socially involved and volunteering initiatives on a local level Materiality assessment process: Engage Environmental Social We are in the process of integrating financial and non-financial key priorities and of providing a more complete perspective over our business performance and value. This is an ongoing process The stakeholders raise relevant matters in the three domains of sustainability via multiple channels Prioritise The materiality assessment prioritised the main process is followed by sustainability issues that are identifying potential material material to both internal and topics categorised in the external stakeholders based social, economic and on the strategic impact on the environmental domains. business, importance to We went through detailed stakeholders and the social, analysis of the strategic economic and environmental priorities, the study of all impact of each topic in the reports submitted for board or value chain. These issues are executive discussion, key captured in a materiality business risk factors and matrix and have been adopted identified opportunities, by the Board of Directors. employee surveys, all formal Growth strategy and informal stakeholder Corporate Social Responsibility Material issues Material issues Non-material issues Material issues Integrate Risk management and governance We are working on an integrated pproach to ensure our business strategy a take the sustainability issues into account and embed them in wider business processes corporate social responsibility policy. We have identified and 44 AR '15 Feedback feedback and integrated We identify and prioritise material issues based on the strategic impact on the business and importance to stakeholders 45 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Materiality matrix High standards of business integrity including anti-bribery & corruption Corporate governance Legislation and regulation Profitable growth The materiality assessment is an account and embed them in topics reported. The strategic ongoing process. We are working wider business processes. and operational responses to towards an integrated approach During our daily operation, we these material issues are to ensure our business strategy follow up with stakeholders to reported in the following take the sustainability issues into get feedback on the material sections in this annual report. 46 AR '15 Importance to Brunel's stakeholders Risk management and control environment Encourage win-win relationships with clients, suppliers and other partners Human rights Training and eduction Health & safety management Categories of material issues Profitability & growth Provide employees optimal and appropriate working conditions Tax strategy Contribute to the economical and social development in local community Create employment and be a major force in the economy Labour market trends Ensure efficient internal processes for operational excellence Attract, develop and retain talent Improve the quality of the management People Brand and reputation CO2 neutral IT strategy, system security and data privacy Climate change Transport, Energy consumption Impact on Brunel's business Growth strategy - Strategic objective 1&3 Risks, risk management and control system From the prospective of sustainabiliy Performance Growth strategy - Strategic objective 2 Risks, risk management and control system Business environment From the prospective of sustainabiliy Culture Growth strategy - Strategic objective 2 Risks, risk management and control system Governance & external relationships Corporate governance From the prospective of sustainabiliy Business environment Risks, risk management and control system Competitiveness of Brunel Environmental policy Strategic and operational responses in this report Non-material issues Brunel has carefully analysed which aspects of its operations have an impact on the environment and what can be done to minimise it. The result is a broad package of measures covering these listed issues. We conclude these issues are not significantly relevant to Brunel and our stakeholders and they are not material enough to be reported in the integrated annual report 47 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Business environment 48 AR '15 ° ° HR functions results in efficiency there is an increase in offering organisation’s awareness of gains, especially in many staffing services via internet and business conduct standards, immature markets around the social media. We seize such anti-bribery & corruption The labour market trends world, the outsourcing of trend as an opportunity to practices, and safety significant oil job losses There has been a clear trend of recruitment of skilled employees proactively use technology and management. worldwide and such losses are increased flexibility and greater is continued. Moreover, clients sharpen our corporate image to bound to have a lasting impact. mobility among candidates. are seeking for a total offering or further differentiates us from the In the short term, the trend has a Moreover the mismatch between a broader range of services from competition. We also expect Our business is operating in a which have direct impact on the world of constant changes. We keep monitoring the following business environment indicators: ° The macroeconomic cycle direct negative impact on Brunel the profiles in demand by fewer suppliers. On one hand, further consolidation (Mergers & The overarching Energy’s headcount companies and the candidates these behaviours and trends put Acquisitions) amongst our macroeconomics in Europe are development, revenue and with the right competencies and more pressure on smaller competitors in the Oil & Gas favourable to our business. profitability in all regions. the level of education has been suppliers to operate and sector. We are likely to see an upcycle However it is the right time for growing. For Brunel, actively compete in the market; on the and a further recovery for the Brunel Oil & Gas to improve adopting technology in hiring and other hand, organisations like next years with a modest growth efficiencies to strengthen our recruitment process has been Brunel are setup and prepared compliance rate. Demand for temporary and market position and proactively and will still be an effective way for these changes which is in The regulatory environment in permanent staff tends to partner with our clients to help to improve our productivity. fact a growth opportunity for us. the Dutch job markets has increase when GDP grows and them realise their strategic productivity gains, specifically, priorities. Furthermore, the when the economy picks up market trends clearly indicate an Clients are seeking to add companies firstly increase their increase in technical complexity flexibility to their workforce by increasing, (1) the big generic This change has direct impact on flexible capacity. Therefore the for projects going forward. This employing skilled people on a manpower companies, who are the costs for our clients positive economic conditions are means the competence and contract or project basis; the working towards specialisation particularly in the short term. likely to contribute to our expertise of the specialists must larger clients e.g. in the Oil & Gas and (2) the global niche players, In emerging markets of our margins and growth. more closely be fitted to the industry, continue to enforce who already have or are working business the legal systems are in project. This is exactly in which stricter compliance rules, towards global coverage. varying stages of development, ° Laws, regulations and become stricter with regarding ° Client behaviours & trends °Competition The worldwide competition is to flexible labour and the providers of staffing/HR services. The Oil & Gas industry Brunel Oil & Gas excels thanks to combined with complex In The Netherlands and Belgium which increases our compliance In the coming year the oil majors our advanced global IT tendering procedures and price the top players have costs and risks. Within Brunel, are expected to continue infrastructure. Therefore we are pressure. As clients increase considerable market shares, the building of “Culture of reducing their capex budgets confident in Brunel’s market focus on core activities and they whereas the market in Germany Compliance” is continued and and consolidating suppliers position in the long run. realise that outsourcing certain is more fragmented. Moreover we are proactively increasing the 49 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Growth strategy How to create competitive returns for shareholders and sustainable value for our people? Growth strategy Regardless of the uncertain and dynamic environment we are The formula for growth in broad terms: Strategic response to aterial issues of: m 1 operating in, Brunel has always 50 AR '15 maintained its growth strategy as To grow successfully and a priority. It is vital that we make sustainably, we must at the very wise choices about where and least meet the following three how to compete in order to grow conditions: at a reasonably fast pace as a specialist in both the global ° market and lucrative niches. - Profitability & growth What are our strategic objectives? - People - Culture 2 - Profitability & growth - Governance & external relationships 3 Concentrating on profitable growth Building a solid reputation and being an industry shaper Achieving operational excellence - Increased price pressure - Stricter regulatory environment - New technical challenges - The war for talent - Tension between customer focus and operating processes - Unfavourable macro- economic conditions - Competition - Dependency on key clients - Contract negotiations and contract management - Attraction & retention of talents - Non-compliance - Directions for growth - Drivers for growth - Organisational infrastructure for growth have a clear direction, and be prepared to make choices in terms of markets and positioning ° continue to increase our What challenges do we face? capacities at the right moment, at the appropriate rate and in the right directions ° improve our organisational and IT infrastructures continually What are the associated top risks? How do we achieve growth? Growth formula 51 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Revenue & EBIT development Brunel Int Revenue Oil & Gas Revenue development Europe Total 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 Strategic objective: Concentrating on profitable growth 52 AR '15 and supported via regional hubs responsible for logistics, travel 800 by sharing financial, human and and supply of talent. Moreover, 600 commercial resources. we are shifting away from 400 The advantage of this structure reactive filling vacancies and Growth formula - directions allows the regions where Brunel servicing nominees for our for growth: is already well established to clients in Oil & Gas, we are in focus on maximising economies the process to be a proactive of scale, whilst also providing project partner and help our the agility to quickly adjust our clients realise their strategic organisation to changing goals in today’s challenging Oil circumstances. When new 1,600 & Gas market. This also ties in opportunities have been nicely with compliance and1,400 70 identified, we can act quicker to cost efficiencies, making the 1,200 60 establish our business in the move from transaction to new areas by leveraging the service a win-win for our benefits from the regional hubs. clients. The efficiencies ° within the existing commercial structure ° through organic expansion of offices ° by deepening existing verticals 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Brunel Int EBIT Brunel Int Revenue Oil & Gas Europe Total EBIT development Oil & Gas 50 800 40 600 30 To increase the specialised and our IT develop-ments and 400 20 professionalised nature of implementations will enable200 us 10 Brunel, we have a strong focus to deal with the price pressure0 on deepening existing verticals we currently face in the market. resulting from the finalisation of 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Europe Total 80 1,000 ° through new verticals ° by adding new services 200 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Brunel has a balanced business and adding new services (such combination of Brunel Oil & Gas as single source project Even within the existing and Brunel Europe which can resourcing, guaranteed delivery infrastructure we can find new provide strong financial and models, cost efficiency verticals. In Brunel Europe, technology, legislations and cooperation and innovation with where such advantages put us operation results in different exercises). In Brunel Oil & Gas, The Netherlands and Germany laws and our peers. them. Specialisation as such ahead of the competition, and market conditions. In the past these vertical markets are the specifically, we keep increasing The proactive approach further attracts more clients in a field of brings in higher margins. 40 years, Brunel has developed niches we can specialise in and our content knowledge, i.e. specialised our business lines increasing technical complexity a global infrastructure really excel at. We extend our knowledge about the labour and we are able to better fulfil and higher requirements on connecting all continents. services from sourcing the staff markets development, client and anticipate customers’ specialists. Deepening these All our offices are connected to acting as their partner behaviours and trends, requirements, intensifying verticals brings us in niches 53 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS From the prospective of sustainability: independent foundation that tax structure follows our delivery, it’s our policy to others for compliance with the shapes the social involvement of business and Brunel has no effectively manage risk and to OECD BEPS developments. Brunel Nederland and its evasive tax-structure. Complying comply with all applicable tax Considering our tax policy and Achieving the strategic objective - employees. The Brunel with tax laws and paying fair laws, rules and regulations. structure, we believe the impact concentrating on profitable growth foundation’s activities focus on share of taxes is an important The aim is to comply with the of these developments for allows us to contribute both directly making the knowledge, expertise part of our corporate social letter as well as the spirit of the Brunel will be limited. Country- and indirectly to the local economy and ability of Brunel employees responsibility since it contributes law. Therefor we make use of the by-country reporting will we are operating in. available for social initiatives by to provide the basic building services of reputable tax probably result in more deploying our employees, blocks for economic growth in advisors at both local and group discussions with tax authorities. offering financial support, and the countries we operate, even level. We strive to establish an We understand external country- 54 AR '15 Community involvement developing and/or participating more so in the developing open and transparent by-country reporting will provide In some markets we operate in, in social projects/initiatives. countries. We do not only pay a relationship with the tax more insight into local tax there has been a focus on The Brunel foundation focuses substantial amount of corporate authorities in all countries we contributions. However, attracting existing local expertise on three pillars: education, income tax, but also significant operate in. To achieve especially considering the and, where necessary, bringing in innovation and contributing to or amounts on other taxes such as consistency, all significant turbulent circumstances in the international specialists to train increasing awareness of social wage taxes, withholding taxes dealings with tax authorities are Oil & Gas industry and and develop the local talents of themes. In 2015, we have and VAT. Due to the nature of our monitored by the CFO. competitiveness, we decided not the future. Our operations in successfully carried out the business, wage tax is an Russia, Papua New Guinea and Make-A-Wish Business Challenge important area for us. Both for Transactions conducted Thailand are good examples of to help children with a life compliance as well as for the between group companies maximising local employment threatening illness and the significance of the amounts. located in different countries are The disclosures in the financial opportunities to build local CoderDojo projects to teach conducted in line with the statements on our corporate economic growth. children programming and other Of course we also try to optimise Organisation for Economic income tax rate, as well as the In Singapore, Indonesia, partnerships, see our tax position. But once again, Co-operation and Development actual corporate income tax paid Philippines and Brazil, we donate brunel-foundation. also for this part, tax should (OECD) Guidelines for reflect our tax policy execution. follow the business and all Multinational Enterprises and transactions must have a other local transfer pricing business rationale. regulations. to local charities and organise volunteer activates to support Tax strategy local children to participate to introduce this reporting this programs of health and safety, Pursuing a transparent and education and sports. honest tax policy is part of doing Since tax compliance is an During 2015, we reviewed the The Brunel foundation is an business for Brunel. As such, our important part of our service current tax policy, amongst year. 55 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Strategic objective: services. Such a profile makes taking place within our business the selection of the candidates sustain the Brunel culture and us both more attractive and environment. and other services. This includes the good working culture Building a solid reputation of having better positioned in the on-going good quality resources and being an battle for clients and talents. industry shaper speedy relocation, transport and motivates our people. We aim to To keep a market-leading payroll processing. The talent create a long lasting bond with position, Brunel needs to attract, shortage also is caused by the the specialists, beyond the A good IT infrastructure is critical develop and retain exceptional facts that some specialists lack simple paymaster throughout Growth formula - drivers for to the optimal functioning of and motivated specialists to the voice or skills to properly projects. This helps us retain growth: every aspect and activity within work within our organisation and advertise themselves. Due to knowledge and stimulate the our organisation. In 2015 the to work for our clients and this, these specialists often do flow of information through our continued rollout of our IT projects. Therefore, there is a not succeed in utilising the full network. infrastructure helped ensure great need for people with the range of possibilities of their business development, account proper skills and expertise to career. This despite a tight management, recruitment, meet new technical challenges. labour market with a lot of finance & pay rolling be fully A pre-existing labour shortage opportunities for these supported in their relations with with the industry leads to a real specialists who act upon them. clients, candidates and manpower challenge. Brunel is to help our specialists contractors. In 2016 we will This challenge affects the global develop and market themselves upgrade our main systems to Oil & Gas and engineering to the full extent of their abilities. We keep sharpening our optimise efficiency and ensure industries and in particular the corporate image as a standardisation around the secondment sectors. In the long From this rationale comes the predominantly technical, active globe. With our advanced run, the sectors are working with Brunel culture of excellence worldwide specialist and a technological infrastructure, educational institutions to through the development of knowledge and resource partner management is able to measure attract and develop young excellent people. Our organisation with a solid reputation. High things more in detail than ever talents; in the meanwhile, we are is flat with few management recognition as a specialist is vital before which requires a mind- using advanced IT tools to layers. Such a culture demands in differentiating us from the set-shift process and cultural optimally utilise the knowledge our management to be alert and competition. Successfully change about how we apply sources that are already strong on coaching and leading implementing complex technical technology even more smartly. accessible. It is intended to raise by examples. Besides, our or logistical projects also sets up All these factors are helping the level of our interaction with employees need self-discipline apart as a specialist and a management become more the specialists, provide deeper and a strong sense of where credible provider of high quality responsive to the rapid changes industry knowledge to improve boundaries lie. Excellent people 56 AR '15 ° direction and position ° IT infrastructure ° the Brunel culture ° quality of our people & management 57 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Building a reputation From the prospective of sustainability: Building a solid reputation and being an industry shaper Create a corporate profile of a specialist and the authoritative thermometer in the field Passionately committed Brunel people and management 58 AR '15 Develop the global network of extensive knowledge resources Attraction, development and retention of the specialists Effective IT infrastructure of optimal utilising the knowledge sources Australia Engineers (KIVI) and it helps to Brunel Australia has committed ensure the development of the We believe that the best way for to training twenty apprentices engineering profession, with a Brunel to achieve sustainability is suitable for the offshore deep connection to society. by acting in the long-term construction sector as part of its Engineers with Chartered Status interest of our stakeholders, our responsibility to return skilled enjoy recognition by government, partners and society. We strive workers back into the sector. business and the general public to be a world-class operator, a Five apprentices per annum over worldwide. Brunel is the first responsible business and a good a four year term are to be company among its peers employer. employed and supported until providing chartership such time as they have opportunities to the engineers in completed their training. the Dutch market. Training, education & culture We have had our first apprentice completed the training and Brunel has formed a partnership The need to find sufficient skilled seven more apprentices are with TU Delft and YES! Delft younger specialists to meet expect to have completed by the Students to encourage innovative capacity is an issue affecting end of the year. ideas and promote many sectors of the resources industry, and a major concern for entrepreneurship among The Netherlands the Oil & Gas and engineering Keep improving service quality & build strategic partnership Have high quality and interesting projects for specialists to work on Putting the clients & specialists first Brunel culture of excellence Clear direction and position Drivers for growth The Royal Netherlands Society of students. We also take part in the innovative educational project industries. At Brunel we To further develop our engineers Youth and Technology Network contribute to developing future and raise the profile of the Nederland, which aims to attract local talent. This includes not engineering profession in college students to study only providing opportunities for The Netherlands, in 2015, a group engineering and technology. people to work on such cutting- of Brunel engineers were selected Regularly we organise edge projects, but also through as the first participants joining the presentations and training using educational Chartered Engineer (CEng) and sessions (including job training establishments and institutions Incorporated Engineer (IEng) and labour market orientation) for to educate the younger programme in The Netherlands. students to prepare them for generation. This Chartered structure is led by their career start. 59 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Germany 60 AR '15 Strategic objective – Achieving operational excellence Brunel Germany also takes the risks and local content are often initiative to operate an discussed within the Brunel Germany partners with environmental management management of Brunel and are different German engineering system that conforms to the assessed periodically. It is also organisations, promoting requirements of the DIN EN ISO expressed in Brunel’s CSR policy, Growth formula - organisational technology and helping develop 14001 which guarantees a equal opportunity policy, and infrastructure for growth: dedicated engineering students. responsible handling of all standards of business conduct, At nearly every university, we resources. and health, safety & offer important soft skill training (e.g. project management) and environmental policy. Brunel Human rights career advice to prepare provides annual e-learning programmes on code of conduct students for their professional Brunel respects and promotes and general business principles career take-off. One aspect of fundamental human rights in line to train employees on both our commitment to VDI, the with the legitimate role of Brunel’s and clients’ business Association of German business. principles, including respect for Engineers, is to provide ° 100% client focus through business lines and regions ° centralisation of certain functions ° balancing customer focus and operational excellence our employees and support for management system This centralisation has also been implemented company-wide and put in place in regards to the must be able to rely on a cutting- regions, creating centralised edge IT infrastructure. regional hubs. Examples of centralised back office hubs are Brunel is first and foremost a Amsterdam, Bremen, Houston, sales-driven and results-oriented Rotterdam and Singapore. company. Brunel has a strong culture of entrepreneurship and Overall this management employee autonomy with a structure allows commercial limited organisational activity, business development, infrastructure. Brunel’s sales account management and force is organised in business recruitment to be 100% lines and regions. This structure externally focused on clients and brings manageability, clear lines candidates, while being fully of accountability and helps supported by strong centralised maximise client services without regional hubs that help oversee loosing our focus on specific and manage the potential pitfalls exceptional engineering students Our approach to human rights is human rights in line with the a mentoring program which informed by general concepts as legitimate role of business. ° strong back office and operations department includes a six-month internship described in the UN Guiding industries and key clients. A of a bold sales organisation such at our development center, Principles: on business and Our existing approach is For Brunel, operational strong supporting infrastructure as risk management and internal Brunel Car Synergies. human rights and the revised sufficient to identify and mitigate excellence means achieving is vital to facilitate, manage and control. OECD guidelines to protect human rights risks and we are deep commercial know-how, monitor those commercial Brunel Germany also sponsors human rights and social committed to continually evolve efficient business processes, services so that the back office the event Formula Student development. our human rights approach in increased productivity, improved does not neglect the compliance line with changing internal and customer responsiveness and and other processes that form external factors. cost minimisation throughout our operational excellence. To Germany and ten racing teams to design and build a single seat Defending human rights, both formula race car. The team with internally and externally, has our organisation as a whole. this end a strong centralisation the best overall package of been integrated into existing To achieve this, we need has taken place in the back construction, performance, and governance and business motivated and committed offices which take away the financial and sales planning wins management systems. Topics employees. They must be operation and compliance tasks the competition. like health and safety, country backed up by an effective from the sales organisation. 61 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Operational excellence Risks, risk management and control systems Developing the tools we need now with continuous improvement Technology 62 AR '15 Operational excellence Process Streamlining process to improve productivity, efficiency and regulatory compliance More flexible, transparent, collaborative and manageable People Culture of entrepreneurship and world class operational discipline A mind-set-shift process and smart management about how to apply technology Brunel’s risk management is management and internal Committee and the Supervisory aimed at long-term sustainable control. Brunel has embedded Board as well as the external management of its business the COSO ERM framework as the auditor. activities. The Board of Directors foundation of its risk considers the ability to control management framework. strategic, operational, The Board of Directors reviews compliance, financial reporting the risk management framework The Board of Directors defines and financial risks crucial to and assesses company’s top the risk appetite of Brunel i.e. the achieving set targets, and for the risks on a regular basis, followed level of risk that Brunel willing to continuity of the company. by communication and action take to achieve its objectives and For this reason, Brunel has among different level and sets the risk appetite by our developed different risk functions within Brunel. On an strategy, code of conduct, appetites to achieve different annual basis, the Board of company values, authority strategic objectives and pays Directors discusses its risk schedules and policies. Our risk considerable attention at all management framework and appetite differs by types of risk: relevant levels to risk company risks with the Audit Risk appetite Risk category Risk description Risk appetite Strategic risks (S) Risks which affect or are created by Brunel’s business Low - moderate strategy and could affect Brunel’s long-term positioning and performance Operational risks (O) Risks which affect Brunel’s ability to execute its strategic plan Low - moderate Compliance risks (C) Risks of non-compliance with laws, regulations, local standards, codes of conducts, internal policies and procedures Zero tolerance Financial and reporting risks (F) Risks include areas such as financial reporting, valuation, currency, liquidity and impairment risks Low 63 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 64 AR '15 4. Risk assessment 6. Control activities Brunel’s internal risk management complex decision-making, to our risks. The implementation of The most important policies and and control measures are based control financial progress and to Our risk assessment helps us All Brunel divisions are subject to our global IT systems enables us procedures are: on the COSO ERM framework and monitor realisation of the effectively assess and prioritise the general policy rules and to replace manual controls by distinguish between eight business objectives. Another risks we face, based on the procedures aimed at controlling automated controls. components: important aspect of the internal potential impact of those risks on environment is the code of the company and the likelihood of 1. Internal environment conduct, which includes a those risks occurring. The risk 2. Objective setting whistle-blower policy. The code is assessment enables Brunel to Risk category: Risk management: 3. Event identification posted on the corporate website. further improve its risk management Strategic risk Strategy updates Annual business reviews Operational risk Uniform IT systems Contracting procedures Weekly KPI reporting Monthly management reporting Quarterly business reviews Visits Insurances Compliance risk Reporting & disclosures Legal counselling Anti-bribery & corruption Training Financial risk Uniform IT systems Accounting & control manual Internal control Corporate finance & control department Monthly reporting Quarterly reviews Treasury Audit 4. Risk assessment 5. Risk response and provide additional confidence 2. Objective setting that corporate objectives will be 6. Control activities Brunel has set its objectives achieved. The risks listed in this 7. Information and based on its strategic growth section are our main, material and communication pillars. The objectives chosen company-specific, risks based on support and align with Brunel’s the risk analysis. 8. Monitoring mission, and are consistent with 1. Internal environment our risk appetite. The Board of Directors is responsible for coherence 5. Risk response Our approach to risk management 3. Event identification is not only improving the controls between the various internal Brunel strives to ensure that all in place to manage these risks, control and risk management potential events are identified but also their effectiveness. With elements. Factors that influence that could affect the achievement this information, Brunel is able to the internal environment include of the objectives which Brunel determine how to manage its risks integrity, management style, the has set itself. This includes and select its risk responses, such tone set at the top, the risk internal and external events. as avoiding, accepting, reducing management philosophy and risk During the financial controllers and/or sharing the risks. The set appetite. Periodically the Board of meeting in June updates for the of actions that Brunel has Directors – together with a senior risk assessment have been developed is aligned with our risk officer from Corporate Finance & performed. This update will be appetite. Control if required – visits the carried out a regular basis. operating companies to facilitate 65 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Strategy updates Uniform IT systems information is stored, and Every high risk contract has to be accessible, in one secured reviewed by the corporate legal Insurances This has resulted in a generally accepted code of conduct, The Board of Directors reviews In 2011 Brunel has started its environment. The finalisation at department and have to be Brunel has an insurance manual internal training courses for new Brunel’s strategy periodically, at ‘One Brunel, one IT program’. the end of 2014 enabled us to released by either the COO in place, including insurance employees, and training-on-the- least every three years, or when The goal of this program was to replace manual controls by Energy or the CFO. policies in the fields of job programmes. developments require a review develop IT systems and automated controls. The IT of the strategy. Currently, a implement these globally. program will be fully finalised in review of the strategy is ongoing. A distinction can be made Q2 2016 with the release of the between IT infrastructure and update of our CRM application, Brunel has the following reports applications. The IT infra- which will allow us to increase in place to maintain full insight in 66 AR '15 Annual business reviews employment relationships, Reporting structure provides all Brunel standardisation of processes performance and strategy Brunel reviews all businesses at employees access to the Brunel- throughout our organisation. execution: least annually during the budget workplace. The global Brunel cycle. The budget is prepared by workplace is managed centrally. all entities. All budgets are Besides the ease of access to all discussed with local applications and personal In 2014, Brunel has formalised management by the Board of documents everywhere in the its procedures around Directors, supported by the world, this infrastructure enables contracting. For each region Corporate Finance & Control us to manage all IT risks globally. within Energy a risk manager has Department. The main Contracting procedures been appointed. This risk ° ° ° Relevant information on Brunel’s continuity. main risks is clearly communicated throughout the Accounting and Control manual organisation. Effective communication also occurs in a broader sense, flowing down, This manual includes, besides across, and up the entity. To this Online, real time headcount reporting policies, valuation end various types of business report principles and definitions: deliberations are carried out. Weekly KPI reporting Monthly management reporting, Thus every year Brunel’s financial ° The main internal control community holds an activities international meeting, attended ° ° Authorisation rules by all regional financial Procedures on tax compliance controllers, to discuss best ° ° Contracting procedures practices and the latest Treasury procedures developments in financial including all relevant commercial activities ° ° liabilities and business Monthly financial reporting opportunities and threats for The global implementation of all manager has been selected achieving the budget are our applications was finalised at based on his/her experience in discussed. After approval by the the end of 2014: most of our contracting and compliance with Supervisory Board, the budgets entities are using the same tax, other legislation and client All reports are summarised and are used to set targets for local applications for front- mid- and requirements. All agreements or provided to the Board of management. The Board of accounting processes. Our CRM- binding offerings are reviewed by Directors. At least each quarter The information and Directors maintains a list of solution is interfaced to our the risk manager to determine the reports are discussed with communication policy for breakthroughs that need to be accounting application(s), using the risk factor. Risk depends on local management by a member internal risk management and achieved in order to successfully customised interfaces. As a a number of factors, such as of the Board of Directors, control systems is aimed at execute Brunel’s strategy. result of the global setup, all margin, location, services and supported by the Corporate acceptance and implementation commercial and compliancy insurance requirements. Finance & Control Department. at all organisational levels. Quarterly updated rolling forecasts management and internal 7. Information and communication controls, and subsequently to document and implement these company-wide. 67 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Risk trends 8. Monitoring of CFC include, amongst others, individual operating companies. reviewing monthly reports of all In addition, he reports directly to entities and frequently visiting the Audit Committee. The our operating entities. During external auditor attends the Monitoring the adequacy and these visits, accuracy of monthly meetings of the Supervisory effectiveness of internal risk reporting and compliance with Board at which the annual management and control policies and procedures is accounts are adopted. The systems is an on-going verified, amongst others. auditor also attends – and is Corporate Finance & Control / Internal Audit 68 AR '15 improvement process. Monitoring All operating entities of Brunel consultation between the Board are visited at least once every of Directors and local managers, two years, and significant entities and through frequent contact are visited at least three times a between the Corporate Finance & year. In addition, CFC advises Brunel assesses risks according Control department and local local management in terms of to their impact and likelihood financial management. These possible improvements to their (including the related mitigating discussions are partly based on internal risk management and actions). The resulting impact the weekly operational and control systems. could comprise a material direct monthly financial reports. Dependence on key clients Competition Macro economics General Meeting of Shareholders. Tax Brunel’s business, operations, Brunel currently does not have an internal audit funtion within volumes, financial condition and an internal audit department. Brunel will be considered again. performance, reputation and/or other interests. Below we External audit background and many internal 69 Productivity Compliance Contract negotiation & management Financial reporting Financial or indirect adverse effect on However, CFC also includes Attraction & retention of talents Top risks and risk trends In 2016 the need to implement controllers with an auditing IT related risks authorised to address – the activities are arranged in periodic Operational Strategic Compliance Financial identify and discuss our top company-specific risks, the risk audit activities are now The external auditor is trends through 2015 and our risk performed by this department. responsible for auditing the response plan. The risks listed CFC is an independent annual financial statements. and the response plans are not department that reports directly The auditor reports findings in exhaustive and may be adjusted to the Board of Directors and the the form of management letters from time to time. Audit Committee. The activities at the level of the Group or High likelihood & impact Up from 2014 Medium likelihood & impact Down from 2014 Low likelihood & impact No change REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Risks with high likelihood & impact Unfavourable macroeconomic conditions/geo political situation (S) The macroeconomic conditions secondment business in Europe (including adverse and instable is very dependent on the local economic, market trends, economic cycle. The Energy political and social conditions) division is dependent on the Oil are likely to mainly affect & Gas industry, making us Brunel’s business through vulnerable to the current Capex pressure on growth and margins. reductions in the industry and Brunel’s professional geo-political events. 70 AR '15 Key aspects: Response plans: Dependency on countries Expanding, diversifying and monitoring client base Dependency on industries Closely monitoring all market developments and continuously reviewing the countries in which we do business and their geo-political events Continuously exploring business opportunities in “new” Energy countries Maintaining flexibility in cost structure and managing the share of contractors versus employees Concentrating on projects which fit our portfolio Special attention of 2015 and risks in segment. During the year, industries which are well looking forward: Brunel Oil & Gas has focused on developed based on our existing major projects that are planned to infrastructure and done business The significant capital expenditure go ahead. We also focused on cross regions. Such diversification cuts of our Oil & Gas clients deepening existing relationships does not conflict with our position increased our macroeconomic and expanded towards other as a specialist. Competition (S) entrants and clients’ increasing raise higher service quality. expectations on services Any reputation damage can drive Competition is continuously portfolio. The intense our clients to our competitors. increasing through our existing competition puts pressure on competitors, new market our margins and it drives us to Key aspects: Response plans: Margin pressure Closely monitoring the trends of clients’ preferences, markets and competitors Service delivery Maintaining close contact with clients and specialists Reputation Flexibility to adjust network and local operations to meet new service requirements Focusing on Brunel’s unique and tailored services Enhancing Brunel’s service quality and efficiency Developing innovation team and adding value through innovation 71 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 72 AR '15 Special attention of 2015 and completed. To unleash such set inadequate succession of key Special attention of 2015 and looking forward: up of operation excellence personnel in Brunel’s (senior) looking forward: Non-compliance with laws, regulations, local standards and codes (C) Non-compliance with internal policies and/or external laws allows us to concentrate on management function is due to a We have seen increased better servicing clients and lack of structural attention for Due to our business nature, we competition towards our specific specialists, spotting and adding succession planning, a small top are fully aware of the importance Brunel’s global presence suppliers could result in financial verticals and countries in terms the missing pieces of growing management basis and the of attracting, developing and exposes it to a variety of losses, loss of customers or of winning both clients and forces and infrastructure. scarcity of qualified managers retaining the right people in war regulatory, political and other reputational damage. specialists. Both in the mature Therefore we expect a higher within the organisation. The for talents. Increasing employees environments which may affect market in The Netherlands, as level of competition risk in 2016. scarcity of qualified internal staff training and engagement has our business and operations, Brunel is a full member of TRACE could limit future growth and as been one of the priorities in 2015 especially in emerging markets International and Transparency we are just able to manage the and will remain so. Maintaining where the legal systems are in International and complies with existing business. A shortage of our unique culture also helps to varying stages of development. global anti-corruption laws, in well as in the troubled Oil & Gas market, more and more we see competitors offering very low Attraction, development and retention talents (O) rates to gain market share. and regulations by employees, subcontractors or third-party qualified people on the labour build our employees’ loyalty. Due In specific countries with particular the United States Through the past few years we Both Brunel and our clients need markets could result in Brunel to the low oil price, the shortage tougher business environment, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act have laid a solid organisational skilled employees in the being unable to fully accomplish of specialists in the Oil & Gas we also face uncertainties which and UK’s Anti-Corruption & infrastructure for growth and by workforces to sustain growth our goals. and engineering industries are cases of unknown Bribery Act 2010. now the basis has been and innovation. The potential for decreased and we expect this to probabilities. In particular, our remain the same throughout 2016. operations in these difficult countries are subject to the Key aspects: Response plans: Experienced staff Preparing current successful employees for future key positions Management potential Improving talent development program for sales organisation Specialists shortage Initiating structured training program for other business functions uncertainty associated with the local legal system, which could adversely affect our business and limit the legal protection available. Although we cannot predict the effect of further legal developments in such countries, Succession plan we make careful decisions when Retention plan order to manage or even avoid Improving employee engagement we tap into any new countries, in the uncertainties. 73 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Key aspects: Response plans: HR Increasing knowledge and awareness of laws, regulations, standards and codes Legal Monitoring, reviewing, reporting and adapting to relevant (changes in) rules and regulations HSE 74 AR '15 Business conduct Strengthening IT infrastructure for standard operational procedures and guidance Anti-bribery & corruption Implement and update global HSE system to be involved in preventing The implementation of this health and safety issues. As a system is an expansion of our global company, to ensure all current local HSE infrastructures regions comply and foster which are at different maturity required HSE standards Brunel levels. The implementation depends on a consistent and consists of the following five professional HSE infrastructure, stages in all regions: preferably one Global HSE System. In 2015, we have start ° building a Brunel Global HSE Risk-based reviews of operations by HSE professionals Increasing internal compliance awareness and effective communication between central compliance team and country managers working in the field Communicating and implementing business conduct standards internally Maintaining a global whistle blower procedure Emergency response and incident management System for both contractors and employees which is based on ° our moral duty of care, local Policy, medical fitness and injury management legal requirements, clients and industry expectations and HSE “best practice”. ° Fitness for work & risk management ° Supporting documentation and HSE management plan – a HSE system Certification Special attention of 2015 and illegal practices such as bribery, we expect an increased looking forward: collusion in our industries and compliance risk in general operation locations. Brunel has onwards due to the external In 2015, we have successfully In 2015, the global compliance zero-tolerance of any violation environment. implemented stage 1. Brunel risk has continued to increase in on these law. Brunel has also the industries and some of the closely monitored the global Safety is a high priority in our region over the coming period to countries we operate in. Brunel sanction lists and ensured safe operations. In Brunel everyone provide the building blocks to has committed to maintain a and legal financial transactions from the executive to our have a global accredited HSE strong corporate compliance with international customers. engineers has a personal system. culture, especially preventing Despite our continuous efforts, responsibility and accountability aims to keep developing in each 75 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Other top risks with medium likelihood and impact Dependency on key clients (S) Contract negotiation and management (C) The Netherlands, the global supplier agreements with dependency on key clients and a International Oil Companies. Until specific industry has increased. recent years, our ability to grow is Our main clients in Germany are highly dependent on key clients The potential of entering into burdensome, unenforceable or the bigger manufacturers. and their wiliness to continue to With the strong growth in the Our Energy business had a first do business with Brunel. business line Finance in move advantage to work on 76 AR '15 Damage by losing one of the key clients Further expanding, diversifying and monitoring client base Strengthen sales organisation Liabilities dependency on key clients in growth again, our salesforce has 2016 before the new clients a focus on clients and countries base start fully paying off. expanding clients the risk of arrangements resulting in non- entering in these contracts has compliance with contract terms increased. 77 Performing go/no go client and project selection through thorough review of contract conditions, clients credit check and risk assessment Setting up and updating minimum commercial, financial and legal requirements which our contracts should comply with Monitoring on an ad hoc basis the share of key clients as a percentage of total revenue and to be able to return to definition of business Developing and implementing commercial task force globally Margin pressure caused by burdensome and unfavourable contracts looking forward: focus on further growth and the Response plan: Response plan: Special attention of 2015 and and increased costs. Due to the contracts that lack clear Key aspects : Key aspects : Complacency attitude of having business “given” by key clients unfavourable contract terms or Special attention of 2015 and result. In 2015 we have updated financial and compliance looking forward: our IT systems to increasingly aspects. This has enabled us to facilitate the use of standard manage our contact negotiation During 2015 we have seen the contracts, whilst simultaneously and management risk in 2015 Brunel has a continuous focus with volume potential, trend of clients asking us to take monitoring activities with client while balancing the commercial on growing business. In 2015, sustainable margins and more responsibility for the work specific contracts. benefits. For the near future, we most of our key clients in Oil & acceptable risks. our contractors perform The implementation of the expect competitors, especially in Gas significantly cut their capital We have also diversified our increasing. Accepting commercial team in 2014 was an Oil & Gas, to accept expenditure; reducing the client profile by adding new inappropriately high contractual important step towards growing unfavourable terms, and by number of contractors we have service packages. liability could result in a client as a professional organisation. doing so also impacting our making a claim that would The team evaluates new projects industry and increase the materially affect the Group’s from the commercial, legal, contracting risks. working with them. To gain market share in this segment, We expect a similar risk of REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tax (C) 78 AR '15 various jurisdictions and can be subject to changes, complex tax systems. which can expose Brunel to Brunel operates worldwide Depending on jurisdictions, tax additional tax costs. which exposes the group to rules as well as interpretations Key aspects : Response plans: Additional cost Formal procedures and monitoring systems around tax compliance Reputation damage Engage reputable tax advisors Training Implement group wide controls Special attention of 2015 and aggressive. This manifests itself in incorrect tax claim, because the looking forward: unexpected tax claims, a actual claim is lower then the disproportionate amount of tax expected costs for the appeal. Information Technology risks (O) years, we have been working on Cyber attacks, data fraud or automation and improving theft, information working process. However mismanagement can have big A good IT infrastructure is critical regulatory requirements and negative impact on our business to the optimal functioning of scrutiny is ever increasing, rapid continuity and reputation. every aspect and activity within deployment of emerging our organisation. In the last five technologies also creates risks. 79 Key aspects : Response plans: Change management Formalising change management procedure Security & user management Further attention required for segregation of duties conflicts in key applications Key applications for sales, operation and finance departments Implement formal user management procedures for local finance applications Cyber security and data privacy Maintain an up to date security environment Further increase the awareness of data privacy among different level and functions Our commercial team has put audits, and a tax authority that is more and more attention on tax not open to resolve disputes We expect this risk to increase in compliance in the contracting without going to court. Dispute 2016, especially considering the Special attention of 2015 and manage all our systems and IT organisation is currently in process. We have also seen a lot of resolution can be time-consuming budgetary issues some looking forward: data via proven technology and the transition period from a changes in tax laws and and costly. To minimise these tax developing countries are facing professional partners. Key IT project development interpretations. Especially in risks, we engage reputable tax due to the low oil price. Also in Brunel’s IT general controls systems and system interface organisation to a support developing countries, the attitude advisors to ensure our compliance. The Netherlands we are faced environment is evolving and has have been further rolled out organisation. We expect a of local tax authorities has become In some developing countries, we with a new tax law for freelancers improved compared to previous which increased the automation decreasing risk on key aspects more opportunistic or even might occasionally accept an that we need to adopt. year. We are able to centrally of work process & control. The mentioned above. REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Financial reporting (F) Productivity is measured on a assets are its account Further information is included in Directors is of the opinion that daily basis and reported on a receivables, spread over more on pages 122 to 124 of the the internal risk management The main measure to control the weekly basis, so that corrective than two thousand clients. financial statements. and control systems with regard quality of the financial reporting, actions can be taken in a timely Despite internal procedures, and prevent unintentional or manner. uncollectible debts cannot be intentional errors is internal control. Brunel continues to Concluding remarks ruled out; but the risk of a Financial risks (F) standardise and to uniformise 80 AR '15 to financial reporting risks have the year under review and material erosion of operating The Board of Directors is provide reasonable assurance profit is very small. responsible for the quality and that the financial report does not completeness of all financial contain material misstatements. processes and procedures. As a Brunel has always had result, more group wide controls exceptionally high solvency Brunel does incur currency risks. statements published by the will be implemented, as well as rates. The company does not Main currency risk is the company. The Supervisory Board sharing of best practices. We are use any long-term credit lines translation risks in connection oversees the manner in which also monitoring the business and boasts favourable liquidity with our accounts receivable the Board of Directors exercises environment to be able to positions and bank facilities that positions and foreign that responsibility. In 2015, the quickly respond to changes in accommodate the day-to-day participations. In the ordinary Board of Directors reviewed and the control environment. We will management of the working course of business, revenues analysed the strategic, implement a new tool in 2016 to capital. During the current crisis and expenses are often stated in operational, financial reporting enhance the consolidation and in the Oil & Gas industry, it looks the same currency, which helps and compliance risks to which to be able to get more insight in like this is increasingly becoming reduce the effect of exchange the Group is exposed, and it the financials of our operations. an advantage, as our strong rate differences. However, some regularly reviewed the design balance sheet was recognised (developing) countries have and operational effectiveness of by both clients and employees. implemented mandatory use of the Brunel risks and control Productivity (O) been working adequately during local currencies to protect their systems, including the This applies specifically to the Brunel is considered a solid economies. This can increase improvements. The outcome of secondment business in Europe, partner in business and our our currency risk due to the these reviews was shared with where employment contracts assets include a limited amount international nature of our clients the Audit Committee and the are based on contractual of goodwill. As a result, and contractors. Supervisory Board. agreements with clients. impairment risks and the Awarded pension schemes Potential early termination of associated deterioration of the concern defined contribution Taking the risks and control deployed employees can result solvency level are highly unlikely. schemes managed by external systems described above into in loss of productivity. Brunel’s most important financial parties. consideration, the Board of 81 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Corporate governance 82 AR '15 Deviations from the Dutch corporate governance code Best practice provision IV.1 Best practice provision IV.3 In 2005 the General Meeting of Information for analysts, Shareholders decided to shareholders, the press and other discontinue the adoption of the parties in the financial markets is rules applicable to statutory two- provided in accordance with the best practice provision II.1.1, the tier entities (“structuurregime”). relevant recommendations in the CEO has been appointed for an The Supervisory Board was Code. However Brunel does not structure at Brunel International indefinite period of time. The granted the right to submit a entirely comply with the public N.V. and the deviations from the CEO was appointed before the binding nomination in the case of nature of meetings, for example revised Code was introduced. Code are based on current Code was implemented and the the appointment of Directors through transmission on the Where feasible and relevant, conditions and views within company wishes to respect the and Supervisory Directors. In internet, as we believe this can be seen on Brunel International N.V. Brunel Conditions may change existing contract with the CEO. deviation from best practice implies a disproportionate burden www.commissiecorporate implemented these changes which may lead to adjustments provision IV.1.1 such nomination for our organisation. through an amendment of the by in the structure and in the way in laws of the Board of Directors which Brunel International N.V. and Supervisory Board complies with the Code. respectively. Every substantial change to the After having reached the majority of votes cast, Tasked with the management of Best practice provision II.1 Brunel’s understanding of governance structure was structure. If applicable, corporate governance is based discussed at the Annual General explanations for deviating from on applicable laws, the rules and Meeting of Shareholders in May the Code’s best practice Contrary to the provisions of regulations applicable to 2005. This included a few stipulations are provided. companies listed on the NYSE aspects where our corporate The corporate governance Euronext Amsterdam stock governance deviates from the exchange and the Dutch Code. In December 2008, the corporate governance code (the “Code”). The full text of the Code Compliance and continuation Best practice provision III.3.5 may only be rejected by the General Meeting of Shareholders Board of Directors by means of a two-thirds corporate governance structure maximum term of appointment representing more than half the the company, the Board of The Board of Directors and In May 2010 an overview report of the company will be to the Supervisory Board issued capital. These criteria Directors is responsible for Supervisory Board are on corporate governance was submitted to the General Mr. Schouwenaar was were prescribed as the setting Brunel’s mission, vision responsible for maintaining the submitted for discussion to the Meeting of Shareholders for re-appointed for an extra term in Supervisory Board considers it and strategy; execution of its corporate governance structure General Meeting of Shareholders discussion on a separate agenda 2013. In order to secure necessary, in light of Brunel’s implementation; taking and for ensuring compliance with under a separate agenda item. item. continuity and effective specific circumstances, to responsibility for Brunel’s overall that structure. They render joint succession within the ensure that its position is as results, and addressing account on these issues to the Brunel is of the opinion that the Supervisory Board the Annual strong as possible in the current corporate responsibility issues. General Meeting of Shareholders. vast majority of the principles General Meeting of Shareholders structure. and best practices of the Code re-appointed Mr. Schouwenaar The Board of Directors operates Following the introduction of the are being applied. This chapter at 30 April 2015 for an additional in accordance with the interests Code in 2005, Brunel describes the principal aspects term of two years. of Brunel International N.V. and International N.V.’s corporate of the corporate governance is to that end required to 83 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 84 AR '15 consider all appropriate Board of Directors and the structured reporting lines to the interests associated with the general course of affairs of Supervisory Board. company. The Board of Brunel, as well as advising the Directors is responsible for Board of Directors. The Audit Committee assists the complying with all relevant The Supervisory Board evaluates primary and secondary the corporate structure and the legislation, the risk profile associated with the strategy, the Structure and shares The protective stipulations are the release from liability of the included in the Articles of members of the Board of On 3 June 2014 each ordinary Association of Brunel Directors and release from the share with a nominal value of International N.V. and are liability of Supervisory board Supervisory Board in fulfilling its EUR 0.05 was split into two posted on the company’s members for the performance of supervisory responsibilities for shares with a nominal value of website. their respective duties during the control mechanisms established the integrity of the financial EUR 0.03. The authorised capital by the Board of Directors. reporting process, the system of of Brunel International N.V. is corporate responsibility issues financial year are also agenda Major shareholder items for this meeting. internal business controls and EUR 5,998,000 divided into relevant to the company, its In performing its duties the risk management, the external 199,600,000 ordinary shares According to The Netherlands financing, and its external Supervisory Board shall take into audit process, the external and one priority share. The par Authority for the Financial communications. account the relevant interest of auditor’s qualifications, value of the ordinary shares is Markets (AFM) register on Each shareholder has the right to The Board of Directors is the company’s stakeholders, independence and performance. EUR 0.03 each. The par value of notification of substantial attend General Meetings of required to report developments and, to that end, consider all the priority share is EUR 10,000. holdings, Brunel founder Shareholders, either in person or on the abovementioned subjects appropriate interests associated The Chairman of the Supervisory On 31 December 2015 the Mr. J. Brand directly or indirectly by written or electronic proxy, to to, and discuss the internal risk with the company. Board ensures the proper number of outstanding shares holds a capital interest of address the meeting and to functioning of the board and its was 49,967,624. approximately 63%, with exercise voting rights, subject to corresponding voting rights. the provisions of Brunel management and control systems with, Brunel’s Members of the Supervisory committees and acts on behalf of Supervisory Board and its Audit Board perform their duties the Supervisory Board as the main Committee. without mandate and contact for the Board of Directors. independent of any particular The Vice-Chairman replaces the The priority share, which has a interest in the business of the Chairman when required and acts par value of EUR 10,000, has Supervisory Board Priority share 85 Voting rights International N.V.’s Articles of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Association. An eligible shareholder has the aforementioned rights if company. The Supervisory Board as contact for the other board been issued to Stichting Brunel International N.V. is registered as shareholder on the Brunel International N.V.’s Articles is responsible for the quality of members concerning the Prioriteit Brunel, subject to the required to hold an Annual applicable record date as set by of Association determine that the its own performance and for this functioning of the Chairman. condition precedent that the General Meeting of Shareholders the Board of Directors. Supervisory Board consists of a purpose annually reviews its The by-laws of the Supervisory majority shareholder loses its within six months after the end of minimum of three members. The performance. The responsibility Board and the resignation majority share in Brunel the financial year in order to, Each of the shares in Brunel Supervisory Board determines for proper performance of its schedule are posted on the International N.V.’s share capital. among other things, adopt the International N.V.’s share capital the number of its members. duties is vested in the company’s website, The priority share will be fully financial statements and to decide carries the right to cast one vote. The Supervisory Board is Supervisory Board as a whole. paid up as soon as the issue on any proposal concerning Unless otherwise required by charged with supervising the Brunel ensures that there are becomes unconditional. dividends. Further to Dutch law, Dutch law or Brunel International REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS N.V.’s Articles of Association, A new authorisation will be resolutions are passed by a submitted for approval to the simple majority of votes cast by Annual General Meeting of the shareholders present or Shareholders of 17 May 2016. represented at the meeting. Amendment to Brunel International N.V.’s Articles of On 30 April 2015 the Annual Association can take place upon General Meeting of a proposal of the Board of Shareholders also authorised Directors approved by the The Annual General Meeting of the Board of Directors for a Supervisory Board and adopted Shareholders charges the period of 18 months to acquire by the General Meeting of external auditors with the task of own shares with due Shareholders. A proposal to auditing Brunel International N.V.’s observance of the law and the amend the Articles of annual accounts. Articles of Association (which Association must be stated in a require the approval of the notice convening a General Supervisory Board) to the Meeting of Shareholders. The maximum of 10% of the issued proposal shall be passed upon On 30 April 2015 the Annual share capital of Brunel an absolute majority of the votes General Meeting of Shareholders International N.V., by means of cast in the General Meeting of authorised the Board of stock market purchases or in Shareholders. Directors for a period of 18 any other way, at prices lying months to issue (rights) to within the bandwidth of 10% shares and to restrict or exclude above and 10% below the shareholders’ pre-emption Euronext Amsterdam opening rights, with due observance of price for the company’s shares the law and Articles of on the day of the purchase, or, Association (which require the in default thereof, the most approval of the Supervisory recent prices registered. A new Board). The authorisation is authorisation will be submitted limited to 5% of Brunel for approval to the Annual International N.V.’s issued share General Meeting of capital, as at the date of issue. Shareholders of 17 May 2016. Auditor 86 AR '15 Amendment to the Articles of Association Delegation 87 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Brunel Int Revenue share Brunel Int Revenue share increase increase decrease decrease Brunel International N.V. 80,000 80,000 74,711 74,711 72,500 72,500 3,632 3,632 4,645 4,645 15,844 15,844 65,000 65,000 Revenue and EBIT Brunel Int Revenue EBIT Brunel Int Revenue EBIT 40 40 400 400 20 20 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 headcount is the result of the The operating profit has mostly current circumstances in the Oil & been impacted by the Oil & Gas Gas industry, partly offset by the Brunel Int Revenue share division, where many of our growth in The Netherlands. For Brunel Int Revenue share clients reduced their headcount, 2016, we expect a further decrease cut allowances & costs and in headcount in Oil & Gas and a reduced fees following the oil continued increase in Europe. Balance sheet completion of its major projects. Our balance sheet remains In Europe we saw a mixed strong, with a strong solvency development. Brunel Netherlands ratio. The working capital had a successful year, where reduction due to the lower growth was realised in the IT, revenue, as well as the improved Finance and Legal business lines, collection process resulted in a while revenue disappointed in the strong cash flow over 2015. 57% 57% 3,632 15,844 4,645 Netherlands Netherlands 15,844 4,645 Projects Projects 65,000 65,000 4,633 57,500 57,500 4,633 66 2,964 56,119 2,964 56,119 66 Brunel Int Revenue share 10% 2% 2015 EBITEBIT 2015 Brunel Int Revenue share Other Other 50,000 50,000 Energy Energy Other Europe Other Europe level as in 2015. 89 15% 15% Germany Germany Projects Projects 2016 will be roughly at the same growing from May onwards. 74,711 3,632 Energy Energy the year, while headcount started 72,500 72,500 Germany Germany Investments in fixed assets in decrease decrease 80,000 80,000 74,711 Netherlands Netherlands Germany had a difficult start of 2% 10% 2% 10% 16% 16% increase increase 2014 EBITEBIT 2014 Engineering business line. Brunel Int Revenue share Brunel Int Revenue share Revenue share EBIT price decline in 2015. Our Projects division faced 0 0 EBIT 2015 EBIT 2015 decrease in direct and indirect 800 800 2,964 56,119 2,964 56,119 Other Other from 1,668 to 1,503. Both the 60 60 Other Europe Other Europe our indirect headcount decreased 1,200 1,200 Projects Projects 88 AR '15 11,881 at 31 December 2014, whilst 80 80 Energy Energy 10,051 at 31 December 2015 from Oil crisis impacting the Energy division in 2015, while Netherlands continued to grow; Germany recovering 1,600 1,600 Germany Germany Our direct headcount decreased to EBIT EBIT Netherlands Netherlands Brunel International N.V. 50,000 50,000 66 66 EBIT 2014 EBIT 2014 Revenue Revenue Performance 4,633 4,633 57,500 57,500 Other Other REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Brunel Netherlands EBIT Brunel Germany Headcount development EBIT Brunel Netherlands Brunel Germany Brunel Netherlands Brunel Brunel Netherlands Germany Brunel Netherlands increase 18,000 decrease 2,500 3,863 15,444 1,139 13,500 increase increase2015 2014 1,369 2,300 11,812 18,000 30,000 2,500 2,500 15,444 1,139 11,812 1,369 2,300 2,300 19,434 1,888 1,435 2,100 continued 12,962 36,555 market position and continued 6,000 by an improved mix of higher fees in IT and a20,000 7,000 highly skilled employees. higher margin on young Increased demand for Finance, 3,500 professionals in the Finance 10,000 3,500 Legal and IT professionals drove business line. 22,418 8,329 20,711 1,000 2,000 0,2 1,000 M M AA M M JJ JJ AA SS O O NN DD 1,500 Reduced profitability due to a combination of volume and 30,000 200 5,258 margin reduction From May -0 -200 -459 10 A S O N D 2015 Optimistic outlook We expect now account management is 0,8 following an indirect headcount fully up to speed. 0,6 marketing costs. 5,902 0,4 difficult 10,000 start of the year had a 0,2 Rebooting growth We have significant impact on the 0 remainder of the year however. JJ margin FF M M The caused by increased price pressure. restructured the management AA M AA SS M JJwasJJ mainly reduction O O N D Nteam D 200 the German performance. In addition the German account management improved their use -0 -200 decrease 595 -459 10 0,0 who lead the recovery ofJ of our IT systems. increase -525 J growth offset by reduced Other Europe 651 J increase to support future 20,711 growing month on month; a 22,418 2014 4,587 onwards, headcount started 20,000 decrease 595 M by increased staff costs business lines. increase A the growth to continue in 2016 EBIT 2015 0 0,0 M Operating expenses were1,0driven Fx in Opex D Increased operating expenses 36,555 Opex (excl fx) N F 91 decrease 2015 2015 Fx in GP O J US Dollar versus EUR GP (excl fx) S 40,000 EBIT 2014 A EBIT2015 2015 EBIT Other Europe J Fx in Opex Opex focused on the outperforming J Opex (excl fx) commercial organisation, mainly M Gross margin impact following investments in the A Fx in GP Operating expenses increased M GP (excl fx) F Volume impact Increased operating expensesJ 5,000 0,6 0,4 3,000 5,902 00 0 7,000 0,8 6,000 4,000 2,000 EBIT 2014 EBIT 2014 EBIT 2015 Opex outperformance of 2014. Gross margin impact Volume impact EBIT 2014 and month on month 8,000 1,0 6,259 3,000 0 FF increase market. 4,000 JJ 1,700 2014 Brunel2014 Germany 5,258 4,587 471 1,155 professionals demand in the 5,000 economy 7,000 and the demand for the continued headcount growth 0 1,500 1,500 growth in our Dutch markets based on our strong 7,000 6,259 D 7,500 US Dollar versus EUR Energy Energy the IT and Finance business 30,000 10,500 lines, 1,900 EBIT 2015 N margin improvement, mainly in 1,155 2,100 1,322 Opex O Netherlands fully profited from 10,500 the recovery of the Dutch 1,435 Gross margin impact S Headcount growth Brunel 8,329 driven 2,300 19,434 1,888 Volume impact A increase decrease increase decrease 2015 Optimistic outlook We expect 2014 8,000 471 24,079 22,500 EBIT 2014 J Brunel Projects Energy further improved driven by a40,000 14,000 12,962 J EBIT 2015 EBIT 2015 Higher margin The profitability M Opex Opex decrease A Gross margin impact Gross margin impact increase Brunel Netherlands M Volume impact Volume impact Energy Brunel Projects 1,700 1,700 EBIT 2014 EBIT 2014 00 F J EBIT 2015 Opex Gross margin impact Volume impact EBIT 2014 90 AR '15 14,000 4,500 7,500 1,500 2015 2,500 30,000 1,900 1,900 1,700 0 2014 15,000 1,900 4,500 decrease 2,100 2,100 1,322 9,000 15,000 9,000 Brunel Germany increase 2015 2015 2014 2014 decrease decrease 3,863 24,079 13,500 22,500 Headcount development Brunel Germany 651 -525 F M A M J J A S O N D 1,139 36,555 13,500 30,000 5,258 8,329 1,369 22,500 11,812 19,434 1,888 1,435 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 4,587 20,711 9,000 15,000 4,500 7,500 0 0 2,100 1,322 1,900 20,000 22,418 10,000 1,500 J EBIT 2015 Opex Gross margin impact Volume impact EBIT 2014 EBIT 2015 Opex Gross margin impact Volume impact EBIT 2015 Fx in Opex Opex (excl fx) Fx in GP Brunel Europe - Other entities GP (excl fx) EBIT 2014 EBIT 2015 EBIT 2014 0 1,700 5,902 F M A M J J A S O N D Brunel Energy Other Europe EBIT EBIT Brunel Projects increase 200 increase decrease 595 10 14,000 651 HeadcountEnergy development Energy decrease increase 40,000 12,962 2014 decrease 2015 8,000 36,555 7,000 -0 -459 -525 30,000 10,500 1,155 -200 7,000 471 5,258 8,329 6,000 4,587 20,711 4,000 20,000 6,259 -400 3,500 10,000 -600 0 0 5,000 22,418 3,000 5,902 2,000 1,000 markets, our organisation is EBIT 2015 In the Austrian, Swiss and Czech Improved revenue At a stable Fx in Opex 200 Expecting further growth J F M A M J J A S O N D 93 Other Europe increase Brunel Europe - Other entities Opex (excl fx) Fx in GP GP (excl fx) EBIT 2014 EBIT 2015 Opex Gross margin impact Volume impact EBIT 2014 EBIT 2015 Opex Gross margin impact Volume impact EBIT 2014 92 AR '15 0 decrease 595 10 Brunel Energy -459 651 Right-sizing overhead structure Fx impact offsetting the cost Following various cost saving reductions We focused on right- and cost efficiency measures, sizing our cost base to match -525 -0 Lower oil prices dampening -200 margin, revenue improved becoming more and more profitability indirectly The Energy overhead costs in constant our depressed operating mostly in Switzerland, followed mature and we see further division was impacted significantly currency decreased. Brunel environment, however the -400 by Czech, while Austria and strong growth. In the Belgium by the reduced oil price that profited from further process foreign exchange differences Belgium remained relatively market we expect limited forced clients to cut headcount, improvements and has largely offset the cost reduction. EBIT 2015 restructured various offices Opex The reductions of allowances Gross margin impact rates and allowances. Volume impact growth. EBIT 2014 stable year on year. -600 where deemed necessary. Outlook remains challenging in The increase in operating positively impacted our margin, We have reduced indirect the short term Following the expenses was predominantly since the profitability on personnel by more than 100 to adverse revenue development in driven by Belgium (bankruptcy of allowances is relatively low. adjust our organisation to the 2015, we will see the full year a client) and Switzerland Overall our gross margin dropped current volume of our business. impact of the downward trend in (headcount increase), offset by to a limited extent as a result of 2016. The recovery of the Energy cost reductions in Austria. different regional mix in the Energy market is highly dependent on division compared to 2014. the volatile oil market. 2,300 2,100 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1,900 1,700 N N D 1,500 J F M A M J J A S O N D Oil & Gas majors and their delayed project pipeline: Dollar versus EUR US Dollar US versus Euro 2014 2015 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 delayed projects 0,2 D 0,0 J F M A M J J A S O N 42 Offshore 31 Onshore D 39 Oil Projects 25 LNG Projects 9 Gas Projects Source: BMI Research 95 94 AR '15 Maintain a positive longer-term Australia our business has been regional and local level; and outlook for Brunel Energy’s less impacted, due to the internal factors of continuous growth The regions Americas ongoing capex projects in these improvement on our progress and Europe & Africa have been areas. In the Middle East the efficiency and the expected pay mostly impacted by impact is limited as a result of off from diversification in the cancellations and delays of the cost advantages of Oil & Gas near future. major Oil & Gas projects by our projects the area has compared clients, as many projects are to other regions. The strong US originated in these regions. dollar partly offset the negative Due to the expected lower level revenue & gross profit trend. of activities in the near future, we We have a positive outlook in the have an increased focus on long term due to: the external winning new clients to gain market factors of the pressure of share and return to growth in the industry shuffle faced by small near future in these parts of the suppliers and ongoing small- world. In South East Asia and medium sized projects on Oil & Gas majors and their upcoming project pipeline: upcoming projects 54 Oil projects 15 LNG projects 11 Gas projects Source: BMI Research 18,000 3,863 15,444 1,139 13,500 1,369 30,000 24,079 9,000 15,000 4,500 7,500 0 EBIT 2015 Opex Gross margin impact decrease increase 40,000 12,962 decrease 36,555 30,000 10,500 1,155 7,000 1,322 Energy increase 471 5,258 8,329 4,587 20,711 Declarations 20,000 6,259 22,418 10,000 3,500 5,902 The members of the Board of 0 0 EBIT 2015 Fx in Opex Opex (excl fx) Fx in GP GP (excl fx) EBIT 2014 EBIT 2015 Opex Gross margin impact Volume impact EBIT 2014 96 AR '15 1,435 Volume impact EBIT 2014 Brunel Projects 14,000 19,434 1,888 0 EBIT 2015 Opex Gross margin impact Volume impact EBIT 2014 Brunel Projects EBIT REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 22,500 11,812 This Annual Report includes a EUR 0.75 per common share and Directors as required by section description of the principal risks an additional super dividend of 5:25c, paragraph 2, under c of and uncertainties that the EUR 0.75 per share. the Dutch Act on Financial Company faces. Supervision (Wet op Financieel This annual report and the 2015 of their knowledge: financial statements, audited by 200 We will see a strong decline in decrease 595 10 651 Accountants N.V., have been give, in accordance with IFRS as presented to the Supervisory endorsed by the EU, a true and Board. The 2015 financial J.A. van Barneveld fair view of the assets, liabilities, statements and the external CEO financial position and profit or auditor’s report relating to the P.A. de Laat loss of the Company and the audit of the 2015 financial CFO undertakings included in the statements were discussed with J.A. de Vries consolidation taken as a whole. the Audit Committee in the COO Energy the Projects division as a result projects Following the (nearing) of the completion of our main completion of the major projects projects in Australia early 2016. in the Projects division, the Therefore, the Projects division This Annual Report gives a true Directors and the external volume was negatively impacted, will be part of our Energy division and fair view of the Company’s auditor. The Supervisory Board offset by a positive margin going forward. position and the undertakings endorses the recommendation included in the consolidation of the Board of Directors that the taken as a whole as of General Meeting of Shareholders 31 December 2015, and of the adopts the 2015 financial development and performance statements included in this of the business for the financial annual report and the Board of year then ended. Directors recommends the development. The reduction of -200 ° -400 -600 EBIT 2015 Opex Gross margin impact Volume impact impact on the operating expenses. -525 presence of the Board of EBIT 2014 the division size had a positive -459 Board of Directors These 2015 financial statements Expected completion of main -0 97 PricewaterhouseCoopers increase No more separated reporting Amsterdam, 4 March 2016 Toezicht) confirm that to the best Other Europe ° Brunel Projects ° proposal to pay a cash dividend for the financial year of 2015 of 98 AR '15 6 The Brunel share 99 0,8 100% 71% THE BRUNEL SHARE 0,6 55% 53% 22 54% 19 0,4 16 0,2 13 0,0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 10 The Brunel share Share price development (EUR) J F Structure and shares 100 AR '15 Share capital Brunel International N.V. is a The total number of shares public limited liability company. outstanding on 31 December Its authorised capital is 2015 is 49,967,624, giving a EUR 6 million, divided into market capitalisation of 199.6 million ordinary shares and EUR 839 million at that time. one priority share. The par value The number of shares of the ordinary shares is outstanding at year-end 2014 EUR 0.03 each. The par value of was 49,396,624. The increase in the priority share is EUR 10,000. the number of shares The priority share has not been outstanding is due to the fact issued. that stock option rights have been exercised. Stock exchange listing Share option scheme 30 22 24 19 18 16 12 13 6 J F M A M In 2015, option rights were Euronext stock exchange in granted to the members of the Amsterdam (ticker symbol Board of Directors, under the BRNL). Since 2015, Brunel has Articles of Association. A note been listed on the Amsterdam explaining these grants is Small Cap Index (AScX). Since included in the Supervisory April 2011, options on Brunel Board’s remuneration report, shares have also been traded on which is available on the NYSE Liffe, the derivatives company’s website. Several market of NYSE Euronext. senior management members J J A S O N 0 D 2011 EPS (EUR) Year-end High Dividend (EUR) Low (%=Pay out ratio) 1,2 30 1,0 24 0,8 18 0,6 54% 55% 53% 100% 0,2 6 0,0 0 71% 0,4 12 2011 2012 2011 2013 were also granted option rights. 2015 25 22 19 16 J J A S O N D 2012 2014 2013 2015 2012 High 2013 Low 2014 2015 101 Brunel earnings per share (EUR) Brunel International N.V. ordinary shares are listed at the NYSE M Year-end 25 10 A Brunel Share price (EUR) 2015 The Brunel share M 2014 2015 THE BRUNEL SHARE Interests 102 AR '15 Dividend According to the AFM register on In the General Meeting of notification of substantial Shareholders of 2015 Brunel’s holdings, Mr. J. Brand, the dividend policy changed to on a company’s founder, directly or pay-out ratio of 30 to 100 per indirectly holds a capital interest cent (previously 30 to 60 per of approximately 63%, with cent) of net income. For this year corresponding voting rights. we propose to pay a dividend of Financial calendar 4 May 2016 Trading update for the first quarter 2016 17 May 2016 Annual General meeting of Shareholders 19 May 2016 Ex-dividend listing 14 June 2016 Dividend available for payment 19 August 2016 Half year results 2016 4 November 2016 Trading update for the third quarter 2016 EUR 0.75 per share and an additional super dividend of EUR 0.75 per share to the General Meeting of Shareholders. 103 104 AR '15 7 Annual accounts 105 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 Consolidated balance sheet x EUR 1,000, before profit appropriation 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Goodwill (1) 4,218 4,104 Other intangible assets (2) 13,043 15,219 Property, plant and equipment (3) 10,729 9,570 Non-current assets Brunel International N.V. Financial statements 2015 Financial fixed assets (4) - 160 Deferred income tax assets (16) 12,729 12,348 Total non-current assets 0- 40,719 0-41,401 Current assets Trade and other receivables (5) Contents 106 AR '15 Income tax receivables (16) 5,010 2,145 Cash and cash equivalents (6) 180,037 125,070 Total assets 479,393 492,572 Non-current liabilities 107 Provisions (7)712856 Consolidated balance sheet 107 Deferred income tax liabilities (16) 1,561 2,338 Consolidated profit and loss account 108 Long-term liabilities (8) 1,074 753 Total non-current liabilities Consolidated statement of comprehensive income109 Consolidated cash flow statement Consolidated statement of changes in equity 323,956 Total current assets 438,674 451,171 | Consolidated financial statements 253,627 Notes to the consolidated financial statements || 110 111 113 3,347 Current liabilities Current liabilities (9) 124,932 Income tax payables (16) 3,387 Total current liabilities 152,333 8,023 128,319 Total liabilities 131,666 164,303 Company balance sheet 161 Group equity (10) Company profit and loss account 162 Share capital 1,499 1,481 Share premium 76,765 68,654 Notes to the company balance sheet and profit and loss account 160,356 Net assets 347,727 328,269 Company Financial statements 3,947 163 Reserves231,885209,244 Unappropriated result 37,122 48,424 Non-controlling interest 456 466 Total equity 347,727 328,269 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 Consolidated profit and loss account Consolidated statement of comprehensive income x EUR 1,000 2015 2014 x EUR 1,000 20152014 Revenue 1,228,948 1,386,585 Direct personnel expenses (13) 998,939 Net income37,60448,927 1,137,547 Contribution Margin 230,009 249,038 Other comprehensive income Indirect personnel expenses (13) 107,833 109,720 Depreciation and amortisation (14) 8,417 7,750 Other expenses (15) 57,640 56,857 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss Exchange differences arising on translation Total operating costs 173,890 174,327 of foreign operations 9,397 15,303 Income tax relating to components of other Operating profit 56,119 74,711 108 AR '15 comprehensive income-825-207 Total other comprehensive income (net of tax) 8,572 15,096 Total comprehensive income 46,176 64,023 Exchange differences 1,781 974 Interest income333513 Interest expenses-641-937 Financial income and expense 1,473 550 for using the equity method (4) -928 110 Group result before tax 56,664 75,371 Attributable to: Share of profit of investments accounted Ordinary shareholders45,63063,517 Non-controlling interests546506 Total comprehensive income Tax (16) 19,060 26,444 Group result after tax 37,604 48,927 37,122 48,424 Net income attributable to equity holders of the parent (ordinary shares) Net income attributable to non-controlling interest 482 503 Net income for the year 37,604 48,927 Basic earnings per share in EUR (17) 0.75 0.99 Diluted earnings per share in EUR (17) 0.74 0.98 46,176 64,023 109 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 Consolidated cash flow statement x EUR 1,000 Consolidated statement of changes in equity x EUR 1,000 20152014 Cash flow from operating activities Group result before tax 56,664 75,371 8,417 7,750 Adjustments for: Depreciation and amortisation (14) Interest income-333-513 Interest expenses641937 Share of loss/(profit from associates) 928 -110 Other non cash expenses (20) 2,266 284 Share based payments 2,123 3,299 Balance at 1 January 2014 1,218 58,498 -11,097 6,030 173,532 49,525 277,706 387 278,093 Changes in: Net income 48,424 48,424 503 48,927 Receivables (18) 78,287 95 Exchange differences arising on Provisions (7)-144-878 translation of foreign operations Long-term liabilities (8) 321 - Income tax relating to components Current liabilities (19) -32,837 -1,061 116,333 85,174 110 AR '15 Reserves Un- Attrib- Trans- Share appro- utable to Non Share Share lation based Retained priated ordinarycontrolling Capital Premium reserve payments earnings resultshareholders interest Total Income tax paid (16) -28,376 -28,867 Interest paid -641 -937 of other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income 15,300 -207 15,303 -207 -207 111 Cash dividend (10) -27,138 -27,138 -427 -27,565 Appropriation of result Cash flow from operating activities Share split 55,883 3 -- 15,093-- 48,424 63,517 506 64,023 Interest received333513 87,649 15,300 246 22,387 -22,387 -246 Share based payments 3,299 3,299 3,299 Cash flow from investing activities Option rights exercised Additions to property, plant & equipment (3) -4,125 -3,064 Balance at 31 December 2014 Additions to software (2) -3,362 -5,974 Disposals of property, plant & equipment (3) 271 - Additions to financial fixed assets (4) - -50 -7,216-9,088 17 1,481 10,402 68,654 3,996 -2,914 2,914 6,415 198,833 48,424 10,419 327,803 10,419 466 328,269 Net income 37,122 37,122 482 37,604 Exchange differences arising on translation of foreign operations 9,333 9,333 64 9,397 -825 -825 Income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income Cash flow from financial operations Issue of new shares 8,129 10,419 Dividend non-controlling interest -556 -427 Dividend ordinary shareholders -34,884 -27,138 -27,311-17,146 Total comprehensive income -825 -- 8,508-- 37,122 45,630 546 46,176 Cash dividend (10) -34,884 -34,884 -556 -35,440 Appropriation of result 13,540 -13,540 Modification of share based Total cash flow 53,122 29,649 payment scheme (11) -1,383 -1,383 -1,383 Share based payments (11) Cash position at 1 January 125,070 89,671 Exchange rate movements 1,845 5,750 Cash position at 31 December 180,037 125,070 Option rights exercised (11) Balance at 31 December 2015 18 1,499 8,111 76,765 12,504 1,578 398 1,976 1,976 -2,234 2,234 8,129 8,129 4,376 215,005 37,122 347,271 456 347,727 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 Notes to the consolidated financial statements Participations 112 AR '15 General information Statement of compliance Brunel International N.V.’s main participations are listed below. These are included in the consolidated financial statements Brunel International N.V. is a public limited liability The financial statements have been prepared in of Brunel International N.V. Unless otherwise stated, all these participations are, directly or indirectly, wholly-owned and company domiciled in Amsterdam, The Netherlands accordance with International Financial Reporting Brunel has full or over half of the voting power. Some non-material participations are not included in the list. and listed on the Euronext Amsterdam. Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union The head office of the company is located in for the year starting 1 January 2015 and also comply Amsterdam, the address is: with the financial reporting requirements included in Brunel Corporate B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands Brunel Energy Japan K.K. Tokyo, Japan Brunel Nederland B.V., Rotterdam, The Netherlands Brunel International South East Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore Brunel Energy Holding B.V., Rotterdam, The Netherlands Brunel Technical Services, Pte Ltd, Singapore John M. Keynesplein 33 Brunel Energy Europe Staff B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands Brunel Energy Malaysia SDN BHD, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1066 EP Amsterdam The financial information relating to Brunel Brunel Energy Europe B.V., Rotterdam, The Netherlands Brunel Korea Ltd, Ulsan, South Korea The Netherlands International N.V. is presented in the consolidated Brunel CR B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands Brunel Energy Hong Kong Ltd, Hong Kong, China Brunel Energy Nederland B.V., Rotterdam, The Netherlands Brunel Hong Kong Ltd, Hong Kong, China The consolidated financial statements of Brunel article 2:402 of The Netherlands Civil Code, the Brunel Consultants N.V., Mechelen, Belgium Brunel Consultancy Shanghai Ltd, Shanghai, China include the company and its subsidiaries (together company financial statements only contain an abridged Brunel Engineering Consultants N.V., Mechelen, Belgium Brunel Technical Services Manpower Corporation referred to as ‘Brunel’). A summary of the main profit and loss account. Brunel International UK Ltd, London, United Kingdom Makati City, Philippines subsidiaries is included on page 112 of this report. Brunel Service GmbH & Co. KG,Bremen, Germany Brunel Technical Services Philippines Inc, Makati City, Brunel GmbH, Bremen, Germany Philippines The financial statements were signed and authorised historical cost convention, and financial assets and Car Synergies GmbH, Bochum, Germany Brunel Technical Services Thailand Ltd, Bangkok, Thailand for issue by the Board of Directors and released for financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss. Brunel Austria GmbH, Salzburg, Austria Brunel Energy (Thailand) Ltd, Bangkok, Thailand publication on 4 March 2016. The financial statements Brunel Switzerland AG, Zürich, Switzerland Brunel Energy Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia and the dividend proposal are subject to adoption by Brunel International France Sarl, Paris, France Brunel Technical Services Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia the General Meeting of Shareholders on 17 May 2016. Brunel Italia SRL, Verona, Italy Brunel Construction & Maintenance Services Pty Ltd, Brunel Energy Norge AS,Stavanger, Norway Perth, Australia Unless stated otherwise all the information in these The following new and revised International Financial Brunel Polska Sp. Z o.o., Wroclaw, Poland Brunel Energy Inc, Houston, Unites States of America financial statements is in thousands of Euro, which is Reporting Standards (IFRSs) have been adopted in Brunel Denmark ApS, Copenhagen, Denmark Brunel Energy Canada Inc, Calgary, Canada the Company’s functional currency. All financial these consolidated financial statements. Brunel Recruitment Kazakhstan Atyrau LLP, Atyrau, Kazakhstan Multec Canada Ltd, Toronto, Canada information presented in Euro has been rounded to the The application of these new and revised IFRSs has not Brunel Energy Nigeria Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria Brunel Energy Servicos Ltda Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil nearest thousand. had any material impact on the amounts reported for Part 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code. financial statements. Accordingly, in accordance with The financial statements have been prepared under the New and amended standards adopted by the group the current and prior years but may affect the Brunel Energy LLC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Brunel DMCC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Brunel’s activities are mainly secondment, project Brunel Oil & Gas Services WLL, (75%) Doha, Qatar management, recruitment and consultancy. Brunel India Private Ltd, Mumbai, India accounting for future transactions or arrangements. ° 2011 – 2013 Cycle Brunel Energy Kuwait WLL, (75%) Farwania, Kuwait Ishtar Baghdad for General Services LLC Baghdad, Iraq Brunel Technical Services Company (Kurdistan) LLC Erbil, Iraq Annual Improvements to IFRSs – 2010-2012 Cycle and ° Defined Benefit Plans: Employee Contributions – Amendments to IAS 19 113 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 New and revised IFRSs issued but not yet effective Principles of consolidation The consolidated financial statements include the Accounting principles for the valuation of assets and liabilities and determination of profit Acquisition-related intangible assets Acquisition-related intangible assets (customer databases and trade names) that are acquired by The Group has not applied the following new and financial information of Brunel International N.V. and its Brunel and have definite useful lives are stated at cost revised IFRSs that have been issued but are not yet subsidiaries. effective: Subsidiaries relate to companies controlled directly or Goodwill is allocated to groups of cash-generating When an intangible asset is acquired in a business Goodwill less accumulated amortisation and impairment losses. indirectly by Brunel International N.V. units for the purpose of impairment testing. combination, its cost is the fair value at the date of its ° ° IFRS 15, ‘Revenue from contracts with customers’ 1 These companies are listed on page 112. An investor The allocation is made to those groups of cash- acquisition. This cost is determined on a basis that IFRS 16, ‘Leases’ controls an investee when it is exposed, or has rights, generating units that are expected to benefit from the reflects the estimated amount that the entity would ° IFRS 9, ‘Financial Instruments’ 3 to variable returns from its involvement with the business combination in which the goodwill arose. have paid for the asset in an arm’s length transaction 2 investee and has the ability to affect those returns 114 AR '15 through its power over the investee. The results of A cash-generating unit to which goodwill has been the best information available. If the fair value cannot new IFRS 15 and IFRS 9 standards and amendments acquired or disposed companies are consolidated allocated is tested for impairment annually, or more be measured reliably, the asset is not recognised as a will have a significant effect on amounts reported in the from the date which control is transferred and the date frequently when there is an indication that the unit may separate intangible asset, but is included in goodwill. consolidated financial statements. Application of the the control is ceased, respectively. be impaired. If the recoverable amount of the cash- Amortisation of acquisition-related intangible assets is generating unit is less than its carrying amount, the charged to operating expenses on a straight-line basis All intra-group transactions, balances, income and impairment loss is allocated first to reduce the carrying over their estimated useful lives, from the date they are expenses are eliminated on consolidation. amount of any goodwill allocated to the unit and then available for use. The residual values and useful lives new standards and amendments may result in more extensive disclosures in the financial statements. The Board of Directors is currently in the process of to the other assets of the unit pro rata based on the are reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted, assessing the impact of the valuation of assets and Non-controlling interests in the net assets of carrying amount of each asset in the unit. if appropriate. Refer to Note 2 Other intangible assets liabilities and on its income statement. Based on consolidated subsidiaries are identified separately from Any impairment loss for goodwill is recognised directly for further details. current lease commitments, the impact on the Brunel’s equity therein. Non-controlling interests in the profit or loss. An impairment loss recognised for valuation of assets and liabilities is expected to be consist of the net equity value of those interests at the goodwill is not reversed in subsequent periods. material. date of the original business combination and the Non- Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 1 January 2018 Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 2 1 January 2019 between knowledgeable and willing parties, based on The Board of Directors does not anticipate that the 3 Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018 Software Acquired software (licenses) and developed software controlling interests’ share of changes in equity since The recoverable amount is based on the higher of the are stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and the date of the combination. Profit or loss and each fair value less cost of disposal and value in use. impairment losses. Expenditures in relation to the component of other comprehensive income are The value in use is determined by means of cash flow development of identifiable and unique software attributed to the owners of the parent and to the non- projections based on the actual operating results products used by Brunel, and that will probably controlling interests. Total comprehensive income is adjusted for non-cash items (mainly depreciation) and generate economic benefits exceeding costs beyond attributed to the owners of the parent and to the non- the expected future performance. The latter is based one year, are recognised as intangible assets and controlling interests even if this results in the non- on management’s estimates and assumptions of amortised over their estimated useful lives. Capitalised controlling interests having a deficit balance. revenue growth and development of operating margins, costs include employee costs of software assessed with external data. development and an appropriate portion of relevant overhead. Expenditures associated with maintaining computer software programs are recognised as an 115 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 expense when incurred. Amortisation of software of acquisition. The group’s investment in associates stated at fair value. Subsequent measurement is at applications is charged to operating expenses and/or includes goodwill identified on acquisition. amortised costs less provision for impairment. cost of services on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives, from the date they are available Current liabilities are initially stated at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the Business combinations Provisions effective interest method. for use. The residual values and useful lives are All business combinations are accounted for by Provisions are recognised for legally enforceable or reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted, if applying acquisition method. The consideration constructive obligations as a result of a past event and appropriate. Acquired computer software licenses are transferred for the acquisition of a subsidiary is the fair for which the settlement is likely to require an outflow Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand and amortised, using the straight line method, over their values of the assets transferred, the liabilities incurred of resources and to the extent these can be reliably deposits held at call with banks. useful lives. to the former owners of the acquiree and the equity estimated. If the effect is material, provisions are interests issued by the group. The consideration determined by discounting the expected future cash Property, plant and equipment 116 AR '15 Current liabilities Cash and cash equivalents Foreign currency and exchange differences transferred includes the fair value of any asset or flows at an interest rate that reflects the current Balance sheet items denominated in foreign currencies Property, plant and equipment are stated at historical liability resulting from a contingent consideration market assessments of the time value of money and, are translated at the rates of exchange prevailing at the cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment arrangement. Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities where appropriate, the risks specific to the obligation. balance sheet date; profit and loss account items are losses. and contingent liabilities assumed in a business Historical cost includes expenditures that are directly combination are measured initially at their fair values at Provisions for onerous contracts are recognised if the Exchange differences relating to transactions in foreign attributable to the acquisition of the assets. the acquisition date. The group recognises any non- expected benefits to be derived by Brunel from a currency are recorded in the profit and loss account. Depreciation of property, plant and equipment is controlling interest in the acquiree on an acquisition- contract are lower than the unavoidable cost of Exchange differences due to the consolidation of charged to operating expenses on a straight-line basis by-acquisition basis, either at fair value or at the meeting its obligations under the contract. Estimated foreign companies are charged or credited directly in over their estimated useful lives, from the date they are non-controlling interest’s proportionate share of the amounts for legal claims are provided for at the lowest other comprehensive income to the translation available for use. Gains and losses on disposals are recognised amounts of acquiree’s identifiable net amount at which Brunel expects the claim to be reserve. determined by comparing the proceeds with the assets. When a company or business is acquired, the reasonably settled. Due to the highly uncertain timing carrying amount and are recognised within acquirer recognises goodwill as an asset. Goodwill is of the expected future cash out-flow, provided For the purpose of presenting consolidated financial depreciation and amortisation in the profit and loss recognised for the future economic benefits arising amounts for legal claims are categorised to be settled statements, the assets and liabilities of Brunel’s foreign account. from assets acquired that are not individually identified within one year after the balance sheet date, unless operations are translated into Euro using exchange and separately recognised. The excess of the these are explicitly expected to be settled differently. rates prevailing at the end of each reporting period. Financial fixed assets translated at the average rates during the financial year. consideration transferred over the fair value of the Income and expense items are translated at the Long-term liabilities Associates are all entities over which the group has identifiable net assets acquired is recorded as significant influence but not control, generally goodwill. Impairment of goodwill will be tested at least Long-term liabilities are recognised initially at fair accompanying a shareholding of between 20% and annually. An impairment loss recognised for goodwill is value, net of transaction costs incurred. Long-term 50% of the voting rights. Investments in associates are not reversed in a subsequent period. Changes in liabilities are subsequently carried at amortised cost; Brunel operates in countries with different currencies. accounted for using the equity method of accounting. ownership interests in subsidiaries that do not result in any difference between the proceeds (net of All companies have, as their functional currency, the Under the equity method, the investment is initially loss of control are dealt with in equity. transaction costs) and the redemption value is local currency of the country in which they operate, recognised in the profit and loss account over the which is their primary economic environment. The period of the long-term liabilities using the effective functional currency of the parent company, as well as interest method. of a major portion of its subsidiaries, is the Euro. recognised at cost, and the carrying amount is increased or decreased to recognise the investor’s share of the profit or loss of the investee after the date Trade receivable and other receivables Trade receivable and other receivables are initially average exchange rates for the period. Functional and presentation currency 117 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 The translation reserve comprises all translation The fair value of these SAR’s is charged to the income Other revenue such as in cases where Brunel acts as a pay all employees the pension benefits relating to differences arising from the translation of the net statement in the indirect personnel expenses from the service provider, revenues are reported on a net basis, employee service in the current and prior periods. investment in activities in currencies other than the grant date through vesting date linearly. The fair value when the service is rendered. The regular contributions constitute net periodic costs Euro. Such translation differences are recognised of the SAR is determined at every year-end based on initially in other comprehensive income and presented the Black and Scholes option valuation model. At each in this separate component of shareholders’ equity and balance sheet date, Brunel revises its estimates of the Direct personnel expenses relate to costs attributed recognised in the statement of comprehensive income number of SAR’s that are expected to become directly to the services provided. on disposal of the net investment. The translation exercisable subject to continued employment based reserve also includes the tax effect on translation on this non-market vesting condition. The impact of the differences. revision of original estimates, if any, is recognised in the Foreign currency transactions are translated into the the relevant lease. Benefits received and receivables as income statement with a corresponding entry to functional currency at the exchange rate applicable at an incentive to enter into an operating lease are also liabilities. the date of the transactions. Currency translation spread on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Share based payment 118 AR '15 Brunel has a share based payment arrangement under for the year in which they are due and are included Direct personnel expenses within direct and indirect personnel expenses. Leasing Rentals payable under operating leases are charged to Exchange differences profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the term of 119 differences resulting from the settlement of these Taxation which options are granted to the directors and senior The SAR liability relates to SAR’s granted by Brunel to transactions and the translation of the monetary management of the company. These options are its employees under its SAR scheme. assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency The tax expense for the period comprises current and at the balance sheet date are recognised as exchange deferred tax. Tax is recognised in the income differences in the consolidated profit and loss account. statement, except to the extent that it relates to items settled in ordinary shares. The grant date fair value of these options is included in the indirect personnel Revenue recognition expenses. The expenses are credited to equity for the Revenue is recognised when it is probable that the same amount. The fair value is calculated based on the economic benefits will flow to the company and when Foreign exchange differences relating to bank balances in equity. In this case, the tax is also recognised in Black-Scholes option valuation model. At each balance the amount can be measured reliably. Revenue for are recorded in the financial income and expense, other comprehensive income or directly in equity, sheet date, Brunel revises its estimates of the number Brunel is mainly derived from the provision of services other foreign exchange differences are recorded in the respectively. of options that are expected to become exercisable to third parties after deduction of sales tax and contribution margin. subject to continued employment based on this non- discounts granted. The following types of revenue are market vesting condition. The impact of the revision of recognised; original estimates, if any, is recognised in the income Contracting revenue (rendering of services) whereby Interest income comprises interest received on at the balance sheet date in the countries where the statement with a corresponding adjustment to equity. hours or days worked at agreed rates during the outstanding deposits and interest costs comprise company and its subsidiaries operate and generate The share-based payment reserve relates to options financial reporting period are recognised as revenue. interest due on funds drawn, calculated using the taxable income. Management periodically evaluates granted by Brunel to its employees under its share Reimbursable expenses related revenue in cases effective interest method. positions taken in tax returns with respect to situations option plan. where Brunel acts as a principal are recognised as a gross amount (including true up) upon the receipt of a Stock Appreciation Rights (SAR) recognised in other comprehensive income or directly The current income tax charge is calculated on the Interest income and expenses basis of the tax laws enacted or substantively enacted in which applicable tax regulation is subject to Retirement benefit costs interpretation. It establishes provisions where reimbursable claim. All pension plans prevailing within Brunel are defined appropriate on the basis of amounts expected to be In 2015 the option scheme has been replaced by a SAR Recruitment revenue relate to revenue for the contribution plans, which are funded through payments paid to the tax authorities. scheme. The SAR granted to personnel are conditional recruitment of employees for third parties whereby to independent entities. Brunel has no legal or and linked to performance targets for the year of revenue is recognised once the service has been constructive obligations to pay further contributions if The tax currently payable is based on taxable profit for allocation. The SAR scheme is a cash settled plan. completed. these separate entities do not hold sufficient assets to the year. Taxable profit differs from profit as reported in ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 the income statement because it excludes items of where there is an intention to settle the balances on a estimates and assumptions concerning the future. from the detected impairment losses. This impairment income or expense that are taxable or deductible in net basis. The resulting reported amounts will, by definition, loss or deviation could have impact on the carrying rarely equal the related actual outcome. Estimates and amounts of the intangible assets. For the impairment judgments are continually evaluated and are based on testing of goodwill, refer to note 1 and note 2. other years and it further excludes items that are never taxable or deductible. Brunel’s liability for current tax is calculated using applicable rates. Accounting principles for determining the consolidated cash flow statement historical experience and various other factors, including expectations of future events, which are 120 AR '15 Receivables Deferred tax is recognised on differences between the The cash flow statement has been prepared according believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. Brunel has receivables on third parties in numerous carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the to the indirect method, whereby profit or loss is The following estimates, assumptions and judgments countries. These receivables include revenue to be financial statements and the corresponding tax bases adjusted for the effects of transactions of a non-cash have an inherent significant risk of potentially causing invoiced. Significant judgment is required in used in the computation of taxable profit. Deferred tax nature, any deferrals or accruals of past or future material adjustments to the carrying amounts of assets determining the collectability of the receivables. liabilities are generally recognised for all taxable operating cash receipts or payments, and items of and liabilities within the next financial year. When the expected payments are different from the fair temporary differences and deferred tax assets are income or expense associated with investing or recognised to the extent that it is probable that taxable financing cash flows. profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilised. Accounting principles for segment reporting value such differences will impact the valuation of the The estimates and underlying assumptions are receivable. Hence an allowance for bad debts will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting recognised, which will be deducted from the estimates are recognised in the period in which the receivables. Refer to note 5. estimate is revised if the revision only affects that Provisions The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed Operating segments have been identified on the basis period or in the period of the revision and future at each balance sheet date and reduced to the extent of internal reports about components of the Group that periods if the revision affects both current and Due to the nature of provisions, a considerable part of that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable are regularly reviewed by the chief operating decision future periods. their determination is based on estimates and/or profits will be available to allow all or part of the asset maker in order to allocate resources to the segments to be recovered. and to assess their performance. Information reported judgments, including assumptions concerning the Impairment of assets future. The actual outcome of these uncertain factors to the Group’s chief operating decision maker is Brunel tests whether intangible assets have suffered any may be materially different from the estimates, causing Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that are focused at components engaged in providing services impairment, in case of triggering events and at least differences with the estimated provisions. Hence, the expected to apply in the period when the liability is in a particular economic environment from those of annually for goodwill. Other assets are tested for differences between actual outcomes and the settled or the asset realised. Deferred tax is charged or other segments. A geographical segment is engaged in impairment whenever events or changes in recorded provisions can impact results over the credited to profit or loss, except when it relates to funding providing services in a particular economic circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may periods involved. The timing of outflow of resources to items charged or credited directly to equity, in which case environment which are subject to risks and returns that not be recoverable. The recoverable amounts of cash- settle these obligations is subject to the same the related deferred tax is also dealt with in equity. are different from those segments operating in other generating units have been determined using, amongst uncertain factors. Refer to note 7. economic environments. other instruments, value-in-use calculations. These Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when the deferred calculations require the use of estimates. Based on Critical accounting estimates, assumptions and judgments income taxes assets and liabilities relate to income Income taxes these impairment tests, impairment losses, if any, are Brunel is subject to income taxes in numerous identified. However, should the actual performance of jurisdictions. Significant judgment is required in these cash-generating units become materially worse determining the worldwide deferred tax asset on, taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either In the preparation of financial statements, compared to the performance based on the estimates, amongst other items, tax losses carry-forward. There the same taxable entity or different taxable entities management makes certain critical accounting possible impairment losses could arise, or could deviate are many uncertain factors that influence the amount 121 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 of the tax losses carry-forward. Brunel recognises implemented and carried out under policies approved deferred tax assets on tax losses carryforward based by the Board of Directors. on their best estimates. When the actual results are different from the amounts that were initially Liquidity risk estimated, such differences will impact the income tax in the income statement and the deferred tax assets Brunel maintains sufficient cash to fund her ongoing and/or deferred tax liabilities in the period in which operations. In addition there is the availability of these deviations occur. funding through adequate credit facilities to minimise liquidity risk. Within Brunel derivative financial Capital risk management Assets 31 December Liabilities 31 December 2015201420152014 US dollar116,416124,174 15,440 24,929 Australian dollar61,13479,87119,77020,301 177,550204,045 35,210 45,230 instruments are not used or hedging activities undertaken. The department Corporate Finance & Brunel manages its capital to ensure that entities in the 122 AR '15 Control monitors the worldwide cash position. The following table details the Group’s sensitivity to a includes loans within the group, where the maximising the return to stakeholders through the Foreign exchange risk 10% increase and decrease in the Euro against the denomination of financial position is in a currency other optimisation of the debt and equity balance. relevant foreign currencies. These percentages than the currency of the lender or the borrower. represent management’s assessment of the A positive number below indicates an increase in profit group will be able to continue as a going concern while X EUR 1,000 The dividend policy of Brunel is aimed at maximising the distributions to shareholders, while reserving Currency fluctuations affect the consolidated results, reasonably possible change in foreign exchange rates. and other equity when the Euro weakens 10% against enough capital to ensure the ability to continue as a because a portion of the cash flow is generated in The sensitivity analysis includes only outstanding the relevant currency. For a 10% strengthening of the going concern and to fund planned growth. Brunel’s other currencies than Euro. Brunel limits the foreign foreign currency denominated monetary items and Euro against the relevant currency, there would be an strategy is to use existing cash and cash flows in stead exchange risk by maintaining a back-to-back policy, adjusts their translation at the period end for a change equal and opposite impact on the profit and other of long-term credit facilities to finance further growth. meaning that the management strives to have both in foreign currency rates. The sensitivity analysis equity, and the balances below would be negative. This typically leads to high solvency rates. income and expenses to be generated locally in the same currency. Due to the back-to-back policy, the Financial risk management foreign exchange risk of Brunel is limited to the exchange risk over the results in foreign currencies. Brunel’s activities are exposed to a variety of financial The foreign currencies that can have a material effect risks, including the effect of changes in debt and equity on the income statement of Brunel are the US dollar market prices, foreign currency exchange rates and and the Australian dollar. The carrying amounts of the interest rates. Brunel’s overall risk management Group’s foreign currency denominated monetary program focuses to minimise potential adverse effects assets and monetary liabilities at the reporting date are on the financial performance of Brunel. This program is as follows: US dollar Impact Australian dollar impact 2015201420152014 Profit or loss -149 -22 797 1,091 Other equity7,8566,9182,3931,304 Total Equity7,7076,8963,1902,395 Revenue27,08033,72622,51328,595 123 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 Credit risk operating profit is small. As per 31 December 2015 the Notes to the consolidated balance sheet largest receivable against a single counterparty Credit risk refers to the risk that a counterparty will amounted EUR 8.1 million (31 December 2014: EUR 7.1 default on its contractual obligations resulting in million). For 2015, largest revenue from transactions financial loss to the company. Brunel has no significant with a single external customer amounted to EUR 53.9 concentrations of credit risk. The most important million (2014: EUR 111.5 million). X EUR 1,000, unless stated otherwise 1. Goodwill Movements during the year: balance sheet items that are imposed to credit risk are the trade and other receivables. The trade accounts Interest rate risk receivable include an allowance for bad debts. 124 AR '15 Reference is made to note 5. Generally services are Due to the nature of Brunel’s business the operating provided to large and financially strong companies. cash flows are substantially independent of changes in In order to minimise credit risk exposure Brunel market interest rates. Interest coverage is the leading intensively monitors the payment behaviour of their parameter in managing interest exposure. Due to the customers. Other policies limit the amount of credit capital structure of Brunel the interest paid and exposure to any financial institution. Despite these received are immaterial amounts and hence no internal procedures, uncollectible debts can not be material interest rate risk applies. ruled out, but the risk of a material erosion of the 20152014 At cost at 1 January 6,634 6,634 exchange rate movements -2,530 -2,653 Balance at 1 January 4,104 3,981 Accumulated impairment and Changes in carrying amount: Contingent consideration-Exchange rate movements 114 123 Balance at 31 December 4,218 4,104 At cost at 31 December 6,634 6,634 exchange rate movements -2,416 -2,530 Balance at 31 December 4,218 4,104 Accumulated impairment and Goodwill has been allocated for impairment testing purposes to two individual cash generating units: 125 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 All cash generating units have substantial headroom 20152014 available to cover variations in assumptions Brunel Germany2,8442,844 Brunel Energy 1,374 1,260 Balance at 31 December 4,218 4,104 2. Other intangible assets Impairment testing flows have been derived from the budget 2016. The value in use of the main cash generating unit 126 AR '15 In the financial year the company assessed the resulted in no impairment compared to the carrying recoverable amount of goodwill for the main allocated amount as at 31 December 2015. amounts. The recoverable amount of the main cashgenerating unit (Brunel Germany) for which goodwill is Management has projected cash flow forecasts over a capitalised is based on value in use. The value in use period of five years. The annual budget is used as a is determined by means of cash flow projections basis for the projection in the first year whereas key based on the actual operating results adjusted for assumptions were applied for the extrapolation of the non-cash items (mainly depreciation) and the results to the period after the second year. expected future performance. The latter is based on The other intangible assets consist of the following: 20152014 Software12,88314,131 Trade name For All Finance 160 482 Customer database For All Finance - 606 Balance at 31 December 13,043 15,219 The amortisation rates are as follows: management’s estimates and assumptions of revenue Key assumptions used in calculation of the value in use for the significant cash generating unit Brunel ° ° Software: 20-40% per annum growth and development of operating margins, assessed with external data. The forecasted cash Germany are: ° Customer database For All Finance: 15% per annum Residual values are considered to be zero. 20152014 Revenue growth5%5% Budgeted gross margin 35.5% 35% Overhead costs increase 2% 2% Pre tax discount factor 14% 16% Depreciations and Depreciations are used Depreciations are used investments plans for new or replacing for new or replacing investmentsinvestments Trade name For All Finance: 33.33% per annum 127 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 Software Trade name For All Finance Movements during the year: 20152014 At cost at 1 January 16,403 At cost at 1 January Accumulated depreciation -4,282 Accumulated amortisation Balance at 1 January 2014 12,121 and impairment-483-161 Balance at 1 January 965 482 965 804 Changes in carrying amount: 128 AR '15 Additions5,974 Changes in carrying amount: Disposals - Amortisation-322-322 Transfer from PP&E 430 Balance at 31 December 160 482 At cost at 31 December 965 965 Amortisation-4,420 Exchange rate 26 Total changes 2014 2,010 Accumulated amortisation and impairment-805-483 At cost at 31 December Balance at 31 December 22,646 Accumulated amortisation -8,515 Balance at 31 December 2014 14,131 160 482 Changes in carrying amount: Additions3,362 Disposals 52 Total changes 2015 -1,248 At cost at 31 December 25,928 Accumulated amortisation -13,045 Balance at 31 December 2015 12,883 adjusted prospectively. The impact for the coming half been reviewed and consequently adjusted from year amounts to EUR 160. indefinite to three years. This change in estimate is Amortisation-4,662 Exchange rate In 2013 the estimated useful life of the trade name has Software mainly includes financial and business The average remaining amortisation period supporting software acquired. is four years. 129 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 3. Property, plant and equipment Customer database For All Finance Movements during the year: 20152014 At cost at 1 January At cost at 1 January 3,937 3,937 Office Equipment Computer systems 20,591 4,837 Total 25,428 Accumulated depreciation -12,485 -3,808 -16,293 Balance at 1 January 2014 Accumulated depreciation 130 AR '15 8,106 and impairment-3,331-2,726 Balance at 1 January Changes in carrying amount: 606 1,211 1,029 9,135 Additions 2,653 411 3,064 Changes in carrying amount: Disposals --- Amortisation-606-605 Transfer to Software- -430 -430 Balance at 31 December Depreciation -1,996 -407 -2,403 - 606 At cost at 31 December 3,937 Exchange rate 129 75 204 3,937 Total changes 2014 786 -351 435 Accumulated amortisation and impairment-3,937-3,331 At cost at 31 December Balance at 31 December Accumulated depreciation -14,113 -3,508 -17,621 - 606 Balance at 31 December 2014 23,005 8,892 4,186 678 27,191 9,570 Changes in carrying amount: Additions 3,804 321 4,125 Disposals -243 -28 -271 Depreciation -2,430 -397 -2,827 Exchange rate 118 14 132 Total changes 2015 1,249 -90 1,159 At cost at 31 December 25,756 4,043 29,799 Accumulated depreciation -15,615 -3,455 -19,070 Balance at 31 December 2015 10,141 588 10,729 Depreciation rate20-40%20-40%20-40% No leased items are included in property, plant and The carrying amount equals the estimated fair value of equipment. Residual values are considered to be zero. the assets. 131 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 4. Financial fixed assets 20152014 Balance at 1 January 160 The tables below provide summarised financial those amounts. They have been amended to reflect information for the associate that is material to the adjustments made by the entity when using the equity group. The information disclosed reflects the amounts method, including fair value adjustments and presented in the financial statements of the relevant modifications for differences in accounting policy. associate and not Brunel International N.V.’s share of - Acquisition of associate - 40 Result for the year -928 110 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Reclass negative participations to 132 AR '15 receivable associates 753 Current assets6,6982,323 Exchange rate movements 15 10 Current liabilities6,7512,001 Balance at 31 December - 160 Long-term liabilities 700Net assets -753 322 20152014 Interest in associates share capital consisting solely of ordinary shares, which are held directly by the group. The country of Set out below is the associates of the group as at incorporation or registration is also their principal place 31 December 2015 which, in the opinion of the directors, of business, and the proportion of ownership interest is are material to the group. The entity listed below has the same as the proportion of voting rights held. Opening net assets 1 January 322 80 Profit/(loss) for the period -1,139 223 Foreign exchange6419 Closing net assets at 31 December -753 322 Summarised statement of comprehensive income Name of entity % of ownership interest Carrying amount Country of Nature of Measurement incorporation relationship method Revenue 7,9792,032 2015 20142015 2014 IBR Solucões Limitada (1) 49% Angola 49% Associate Equity method 20152014 - Profit/(loss) for the period -1,139 160 The net asset value has been fully provided for and the result (1) IBR Solucões Limitada is an associate of Brunel International N.V. operating in Angola. has been included in our consolidated profit and loss account. 223 133 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 5. Trade and other receivables 20152014 20152014 Trade accounts receivables 165,256 219,849 Receivable from associates 2,664 - Prepayments 8,756 10,550 Accrued income66,34785,868 Balance at 1 January 7,404 7,288 which are written off -1,643 -552 Change in allowance recognised in result 1,311 284 Exchange rate movements 229 384 Balance at 31 December 7,301 7,404 Fully provided receivables Other receivables 10,604 7,689 Balance at 31 December 253,627 323,956 Ageing of past due and not impaired trade 134 AR '15 135 accounts receivables is as follows: All receivables have an expected term of less than one amounts receivable. The provision for impairment of year. The carrying amount of these receivables equals trade receivables is based on the trade receivable the fair value. Prepayments and accrued income portfolio experience of subsidiaries, as well as on include a Nigerian withholding tax receivable of individual assessments of expected non-recoverable EUR 2,150 (2014: EUR 2,931) for which EUR 2,150 (2014: receivables. Significant financial difficulties of the EUR 2,272) has been impaired. debtor, the probability that the debtor will enter into bankruptcy or financial reorganisation, and serious The amount of trade accounts receivables above default or delinquency in payments, are considered includes an allowance for bad debts. All of the indicators that the trade receivable is impaired. The amounts included in the allowance for bad debts relate amount of the provision is equal to the difference to individually impaired trade accounts receivables. between the carrying amount of the asset and the A provision for impairment of trade and other present value of estimated future cash flows. receivables is established when it is more likely than not that the Group will not be able to collect the The movement in this allowance is as follows: 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 60-90 days - past due, not impaired 3,990 5,363 90-120 days - past due, not impaired 2,013 3,324 120+ days - past due, not impaired 4,857 10,061 Total10,86018,748 The improved aging is mainly caused by the implemen- The specific credit terms granted vary from 14-90 days. tation of new vendor management systems and new These terms are based on the general terms and invoicing requirements by some large clients in 2014, conditions of Brunel and/or specific agreements with and as a consequence in 2014 those clients had individual customers. difficulties to process/authorise the invoices sent. In 2015 these difficulties have been solved and the aged Generally services are provided to large and financially positions decreased accordingly. There are no strong companies, which are mainly operating in the oil disputed amounts in the aged positions. industry. In order to minimise credit risk exposure Brunel intensively monitors the payment behaviour of their ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 8. Long-term liabilities customers based on specific agreements with individual The Netherlands. These amounts will expire within one customers and the credit worthiness of the customer. to five years. The carrying amount of these liabilities Based on historical behaviour of their customers Brunel The long-term liabilities concerns the long-term part of does not expect any material write-offs. the agreed rent free period for offices in 6. Cash and cash equivalents equals the fair value. 9. Current liabilities This item consists mainly of bank balances, part of which EUR 12.1 million (2014: EUR 12.6 million) is not 20152014 freely disposable on grounds of issued bank guarantees. Trade payables16,63424,199 7. Provisions Taxes and social security charges 136 AR '15 40,623 44,482 Pensions732280 Accrued employee expenses Onerous contracts Sickness Total 38,428 46,171 Accrued expenses27,18132,563 Other liabilities1,3344,638 Balance at 1 January 436 420 856 Balance at 31 December 124,932 Additions- 82 82 Withdrawals -226- -226 Release--Balance at 31 December 210 502 712 Practically all liabilities have an expected term of less than one year. The majority of trade payables and taxes and social security charges are due within a range of 1–45 days. The majority of the other liabilities and The provision for onerous contracts represents the The majority of the non-current part of these provisions accrued employee expenses are due within a range of present value of the future lease payments that the is expected to be settled within three years of the 1–180 days. The carrying amount of these liabilities Group is presently obligated to make under non balance sheet date. equals the fair value. cancellable operating lease contracts for premises. The provision for sickness represents the obligation for The estimate may vary as a result of the utilisation of continuation of wage payment during extended periods the leased premises and sub-lease arrangements of sickness. where applicable. 152,333 137 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 10. Group Equity of EUR 0.03. The subscribed capital consists of Non-controlling interest 49,967,624 ordinary shares (2014: 49,396,624) with a The authorised capital is EUR 5,998,000 divided into value of EUR 1,499,029. The movement in non-controlling interest is as follows: one priority share with a nominal value of EUR 10,000 and 199.6 million ordinary shares with a nominal value The movement in the number of issued shares is: 20152014 20152014 Balance at 1 January 466 387 Result for the year 482 503 Dividend-556-427 138 AR '15 Issued at 1 January49,396,62424,357,812 Exchange rate movements 64 3 Issue of shares 318,000 Balance at 31 December 456 466 Issued at 3 June 24,675,812 Share Split 24,675,812 Issue of shares 571,000 45,000 Issued at 31 December49,967,62449,396,624 Except for the translation reserve, all reserves are soon as the issue becomes unconditional. freely distributable. In 2014 the cash dividend per The protective stipulations are included in the Articles share was EUR 0.70. The proposed dividend for 2015 of Association of Brunel International N.V. and are will be EUR 0.75 per share and an additional super posted on the company’s website. dividend of EUR 0.75 per share. Further information is provided in the consolidated statement of changes in Group equity on page 111 of this report. At 3 June 2014, a two-for-one share split has occurred. The priority share, which has a par value of EUR 10,000, has been issued to Stichting Prioriteit Brunel, subject to the condition precedent that the majority shareholder loses its majority share in Brunel International N.V.’s share capital. The priority share will be fully paid up as 139 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 11. Option rights Year granted Outstanding option rights J.A. van Barneveld Outstanding options: Year granted 140 AR '15 20102011201220132014Total Outstanding at 1 January 2015 130,000320,000787,000772,000 1,246,000 3,255,000 Modification of plan - --337,000-292,000-344,000-973,000 Granted -----Exercised -130,000-141,000-300,000 - --571,000 Forfeited - - -8,000 -62,000-435,000-505,000 Outstanding at 31 December 2015 -179,000142,000418,000467,000 1,206,000 Weighted average exercise price in EUR 12.77 14.51 15.00 16.29 22.92 18.44 Range of exercise prices in EUR Expiry date 20102011201220132014Total 12.65 – 13.15 10.38 – 15.40 17 March 2015 4 March 2016 15.00 16.29 – 17.21 2 March 2017 1 March – 15 May 2018 22.92 1 March 2019 1 January 2015 Modification of plan Granted Exercised Forfeited 31 December 2015 Exercise prices in EUR 100,000100,000150,000 75,000100,000525,000 - - -150,000 -75,000 - -225,000 ------100,000---- -100,000 ------100,000 - -100,000200,000 12.65 15.31 - - 22.92 Outstanding option rights P.A. de Laat 1 January 2015 - - -10,00040,00050,000 141 Modification of plan - - --10,000-40,000-50,000 Granted -----Exercised -----Forfeited ------ 31 December 2015 ------ Exercise prices in EUR ---- Outstanding option rights J.A. de Vries 1 January 2015 Modification of plan Granted Exercised Forfeited 31 December 2015 Exercise prices in EUR - -20,00040,00040,000 100,000 - --20,000-40,000-40,000 -100,000 ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- Outstanding option rights J.M. Ekkel 1 January 2015 Modification of plan Granted Exercised Forfeited 31 December 2015 Exercise prices in EUR -- 20,000-- 20,000 ------------ -20,000-- -20,000 ----------- - 15.00 - - ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 20152014 NumberWeighted NumberWeighted of options average of options average exercise price exercise price Balance at the beginning of year Modification of plan Granted during the year Exercised during the year Forfeited during the year 3,255,000 -973,000 - -571,000 -505,000 18.20 18.25 - 14.24 21.98 3,256,000 15.42 1,322,000 -681,000 -642,000 22.92 15.30 16.92 Balance at the end of year 1,206,000 18.44 3,255,000 18.20 For the Dutch participants the option scheme has been The grant date fair value of the SAR’s is determined modified based on IFRS 2 guidance for options that based on the Black and Scholes option valuation had not vested yet. The only adjustment is that the model. In this model the expected volatility is based on possibility to settle options in shares has been historical volatility of the Company shares (29.61%) cancelled. As a consequence the scheme for these over the past three years, the expected dividend yield participants is a cash settled plan. This modification is is based on the dividend policy and set at 4.0%, an accounted for by a reclass from equity to liabilities. expected life of five years and a risk free interest of This modification has been done to align our -0.40%. The risk free interest is based on the yield of compensation scheme with current practises AAA rated EU government bonds with a one year maturity. The weighted average fair value of SAR’s Stock Appreciation Rights (SAR) granted in 2015 amounts to EUR 2.93. During 2015 740,500 SAR’s have been granted conditionally, no 142 AR '15 In 2015 the option scheme has been replaced by a SAR SAR’s could be exercised and 45,000 SAR’s were scheme. The SAR’s granted to personnel are forfeited. The total costs of the SAR scheme in 2015 conditional and linked to performance targets for the recognised in the P&L amount to EUR 730. Per year end The number and amounts for 2014 in the table above conditional, meaning that they can be exercised after year of allocation. The main performance targets are the total liability for the SAR scheme amounts to are adjusted for the stock split per 3 June 2014. A two- three years on condition that the applicable board revenue and EBIT. The vesting period is three years. EUR 1,530. Costs are spread over the period in which for-one share split has occurred and the exercise price member still holds the position. This last condition does Options can be exercised during two years after vesting employees provide services. of the options was adjusted to 0.5 of the original not apply to the 2014 and 2015 series for the CEO. on condition that the employee is still in the service of exercise price. This modification did therefore not result in an incremental fair value to be recognised. the company. The SAR scheme is a cash settled plan. The weighted average share price of options exercised There is no incremental fair value as a result of the in 2015 amounts to EUR 14.24 (2014 EUR 23.40). settlement method modification. 12. Contingent liabilities Brunel has entered into long-term non-cancellable The options granted to personnel are conditional and Options exercised by the Board of Directors are linked to performance targets for the year of allocation. exercised at a weighted average share price of Due to the cash settlement method of the SAR’s, the Brunel leases all of its offices under operating lease The main performance targets are revenue and EBIT. EUR 12.65 (2014 EUR 22.84). rights are subject to a mark-to-market valuation arrangements. Some of the arrangements include exercise to measure the fair value on the specific renewal options. Other lease commitments relate to The vesting period is three years. Options can be commitments under rent and lease contracts. exercised during two years after vesting on condition The reference dates are the date of granting, and balance date. When (re)measuring the fair value on the company cars for which operational lease that the employee is still in the service of the company. precisely three years later. As per 31 December 2015 latest reporting date, the expected life of the right is arrangements apply with commitments up till four The method of settlement can be sale of treasury only the 2011 and the 2012 outstanding options can be determined based on the expectation regarding years. shares or share issue. exercised. exercise behaviour of the participants (in line with IFRS All options are granted with an exercise price equal to Shares will be issued by Brunel on the day of exercising the market price of the shares at the day of granting. the options. No financing arrangement is in place in 2 B16-21). Exercise behaviour is influenced by for relation to the share options granted. Brunel does not The options granted to the Board of Directors are hold any treasury shares. example share price development. 143 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Expire in year 1 13,531 14,564 Expire in years 2-5 22,973 23,789 Expire in years 6 and later 9,011 11,874 Total45,51550,227 Interest in other companies Sailing Holland B.V. a controlled entity as of 31 October 2015. The results of Sailing Holland B.V. up 144 AR '15 As of 31 October 2015 Sailing Holland B.V. will no longer to 31 October 2015 (control end date) are included in act as a structure to facilitate Brunel’s participation in the consolidated profit and loss. The impact of the the Volvo Ocean Race. As a consequence, the change of control on the balance sheet and the profit conditions of IFRS 12 of a structured entity are no and loss is not significant. longer met. The group therefore does not consider Notes to the consolidated profit and loss account x EUR 1,000, unless stated otherwise 13. Salaries and social security charges The profit and loss account includes the following amounts: 2015 2014 Salaries Direct Indirect Direct Indirect 760,950 79,999 887,364 81,921 Social charges 31,226 9,564 40,659 9,578 Pension charges 20,236 2,088 16,915 2,753 Other 186,527 16,182 192,609 15,468 Total 998,939 107,833 1,137,547 109,720 The pension scheme is classified as defined contribution. 145 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 Remuneration of directors SAR rights of directors The directors’ remunerations charged to the results in 2015 (2014) are set out below: Year granted2012201320142015Total J.A. van Barneveld, CEO 150,000 P.A. de Laat, CFO Short-term employee J.A. de Vries, COO Energy benefits Termination Salary Bonus Pension Other ** J.A. van Barneveld, CEO 600 (600) 180 (200) 60 (197) P.A. de Laat, CFO 280 (230) 65 (75) 6 (10) J.A. de Vries, COO Energy 280 (237) 25 (106) 8 (14) Share based 20,000 Range of exercise prices in EUR Benefit Payments Total 157 (-) - 326 (697) 1,323 (1,694) 10 (-) - 71 (51) 432 (366) 13 (-) - 129 (121) 455 (478) 75,000 - 70,000 295,000 -10,00020,00050,00080,000 40,000 40,000 50,000 15.00 16.29 – 17.21 22.92 17.68 150,000 Board of Directors: 146 AR '15 J.M. Ekkel, COO Europe 14. Depreciation and amortisation 147 The costs for depreciation and amortisation in the profit (stepped down per 7 November 2014) - (216) - (50) - (9) - - (333)* - (13) - (621) D. van Doorn 55 (51) - - - - - 55 (51) A. Schouwenaar 50 (46) - - - - - 50 (46) J. Bout 50 (44) - - - - - 50 (44) and loss account consist of: Supervisory Board: 1,315 (1,424) 270 (431) 74 (230) * Includes a termination benefit of EUR 250 and EUR 83 salary for notice period ** Other benefits concern the compensation for the cap of the maximum amount of “pensionable income” at EUR100,000 that came into effect at 1 January 2015. The expected saving on pension premium for Brunel has been added to the salaries of the board members 180 (-) - (333) 526 (882) 2,365 (3,300) ° Mr. Van Barneveld has 119,984 shares in the company, in addition to 200,000 conditional share options ° Mr. De Laat has 3,500 shares in the company ° Mr. De Vries has 7,000 shares in the company ° The members of the Supervisory Board hold neither shares nor share options in the company ° No loans and/or guarantees have been issued to members of the Board of Directors or Supervisory Board 20152014 Other intangible assets (2) 5,590 5,347 Property, plant and equipment (3) 2,827 2,403 Total8,4177,750 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 15. Other expenses 16. Tax The 2015 other expenses amount to EUR 57.6 million (2014: EUR 56.9 million) and include EUR 14.2 million 20152014 (2014: EUR 14.1 million) rental costs and leasing costs. Audit costs Current tax (income)/expense 19,994 28,669 Deferred tax( income)/expense -934 -2,225 Tax (income)/expense19,06026,444 PricewaterhouseMember 148 AR '15 Coopers Accountants N.V. Audit fees PricewaterhouseMember firms / Total Coopers firms / Total affiliates 2015 Accountants N.V. affiliates 2014 488 7291,217 93140 1542 57 Tax services -8989 - 123123 Other non-audit fees -6363 -43 43 Total 497 9121,409 is 33.6% (2014: 35.1%). 4661,050 1,516 Audit related fees 149 In 2015, the effective tax rate on the result before tax The reconciliation between the actual tax expense and the tax expense based on the Dutch corporate income tax rate (2015 and 2014: 25%) is as follows: 4811,258 1,739 2015 2014 The fees listed above relate to the procedures applied to the company and its consolidated group entities by accounting firm and external auditors as referred to in article 1(1) of the Dutch Accounting Firms Oversight Act (Dutch acronym: Wta). Income tax at Dutch corporation income tax rate 14,166 25.0% 18,815 25.0% Permanent differences: Difference with foreign tax rates 3,961 7.0% 4,565 6.0% Weighted average applicable tax rate 18,127 32.0% 23,380 31.0% Adjustment previous years -2,678 -4.7% 807 1.1% Non-taxable items -778-1.4% -656-0.9% Tax losses not recognised as deferred tax asset Derecognition of deferred tax asset 1,920 3.4% 931 1.2% 918 1.6% - - Other taxes1,551 2.7%1,982 2.6% Effective tax charge 19,060 33.6% 26,444 35.1% ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 The effective tax rate is strongly affected by changes in The adjustment previous years mainly relate to the forecasted results for the relevant group companies. subsidiaries which will be subject to Dutch corporate the mix of results of subsidiaries in countries with settlement of withholding tax receivables in 2015, that The deferred tax liabilities relate to temporary income tax once distributed to the relevant parent different tax rates and/or systems. Countries with was not anticipated hence the receivable was fully differences and retained earnings in foreign company. alternative minimum taxes had a relatively lower share provided for. Other taxes mainly relate to withholding in the results. taxes on dividend and interest payments. Movement schedule tax assets and liabilities Opening Recognised Exchange rate Closing balance in P&L adjusted balance Temporary differences in allowance for doubtful debt 510 -37 8 481 Temporary differences valuation other intangible assets 1,666 729 - 2,395 Temporary differences in accruals employee expenses 1,942 -561 -144 1,237 Deferred tax assets Deferred tax assets in relation to: Current Deferred Total 150 AR '15 Balance at 1 January 2015 4,118 131 -1364,113 Tax asset 2,14512,34814,493 Recognised tax losses 8,230 24 362 8,616 Tax liability-8,023-2,338 -10,361 Total deferred tax assets 12,348 155 226 12,729 -5,878 10,010 4,132 Movements during the year Deferred tax liabilities Paid/Received28,376 -28,376 Deferred tax liability in relation to: Through Profit and loss -19,994 934 -19,060 Temporary differences valuation other intangible assets -272 232 - -40 Through other comprehensive income -825 - -825 Temporary differences in accruals employee expenses -298 142 - -156 Exchange rate adjustment -56 224 168 Retained earnings from subsidiaries -1,768 405 -2 -1,365 7,5011,1588,659 Total deferred tax liabilities -2,338 779 -2 -1,561 Balance at 31 December 2015 Total deferred tax assets and liabilities 10,010 934 224 11,168 Tax asset 5,01012,72917,739 Tax liability-3,387-1,561-4,948 1,62311,16812,791 Deferred tax assets amounting to EUR 8,616 (2014: amount to EUR 12,803 (2014: EUR 4,772). All tax losses, EUR 8,230) are dependent on future taxable profits in either recognised or unrecognised can be offset with excess of the profits arising from the reversal of future profits. Dependant on the country these losses During the financial year an amount of EUR -825 was The deferred tax assets originate from accumulated existing temporary differences. The part of deferred can either be offset within 15 years or indefinitely. In credited directly to other comprehensive income (2014: tax losses (mainly from USA, Germany and Austria), tax assets that is expected to be recovered within one addition tax credits amounting to EUR 2,817, which are EUR -207) for tax relating to foreign exchange results foreign tax credits and temporary differences. year is estimated at EUR 679. Unused tax losses for dependent of the composition of future profits, have recorded directly in the shareholders’ equity. Recognition of these assets is based on the which no deferred tax assets have been recognised not been recognised. 151 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 17. Basic earnings per share 18. Receivables 2015 2014 20152014 Weighted average number of ordinary shares Balance at 1 January for the purpose of basic earnings per share49,682,12449,056,124 Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares from share based payments 152 AR '15 323,956 304,613 Change in allowance for bad debts -2,266 -284 Change in receivables -78,287 -95 Reclass negative participations to 321,000 450,000 Weighted average number of ordinary shares receivable associates -753Exchange rate movements 10,977 19,722 Balance at 31 December 253,627 323,956 for the purpose of diluted earnings per share50,003,12449,506,124 Net income for ordinary shareholders in EUR37,122,00048,424,000 Basic earnings per share in EUR 0.75 0.99 Diluted earnings per share in EUR 0.74 0.98 19. Current liabilities 20152014 Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement income statement and balance sheet. For the remainder of the material items, the reconciliation between amounts included in the consolidated cash The majority of the items on the consolidated cash flow statement and related amounts in income flow statement are, on an individual basis cross- statement and balance sheet are shown below. referenced to the relevant notes on the consolidated Balance at 1 January 152,333 143,217 Change in current liabilities -32,837 -1,061 Change in SAR liability 1,530 - Exchange rate movements 3,906 10,177 Balance at 31 December 124,932 152,333 153 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 20. Other non-cash expenses Segment reporting segments in a geographical overview of these activities. The Energy division supplies engineers, x EUR 1,000, unless stated otherwise project management and consultancy services to Oil & The other non-cash expenses include the change in allowance for bad debts recognised in the result Gas companies and related industries. As the Energy Segment activities (note 5) and the impairment of other receivables. Transactions with related parties operations are similar in the nature of the products and The reportable segments are identified at components services, the type of customers and the methods used engaged in providing services that are subject to risks to provide the services, a further stratification of this and returns that are different from those of other segment is not deemed to be useful. The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board, majority shareholder and participations are considered to be Reportable segments related parties. For information about the Directors’ 154 AR '15 155 remuneration reference is made to note 13. Transactions with related parties were made on terms equivalent to those that prevail in arm’s length transactions. Included under other operating expenses is an amount of EUR 79 (2014: EUR 79) paid as consultancy fee to the majority shareholder of Brunel International N.V. Additionally there is an amount receivable from the majority shareholder of Brunel International N.V. of EUR 110 (2014: EUR 0). Revenue Contribution margin Operating profit 201520142015201420152014 Oil & Gas Energy* 696,648 806,04083,845 100,36120,71136,555 Projects 117,048 175,64312,50317,608 8,32912,962 Total Oil & Gas 813,696 981,683 96,348 117,969 29,040 49,517 Europe Germany 196,412 201,70770,05073,37319,43424,079 Netherlands 188,437 175,37255,71350,71115,44411,812 Other regions Total Europe 30,403 27,8237,6356,985 -525 -459 415,252404,902133,398131,069 34,353 35,432 Unallocated 263 -7,274 -10,238 1,228,948 1,386,585230,009249,038 56,119 74,711 * In the segment Energy a revenue of EUR 17.5 million (2014: EUR 24.7 million) is generated in The Netherlands. ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 Balance sheet total Non-current assets Investment in IA & PPE 201520142015201420152014 Projects Total Oil & Gas The total number of direct and indirect employees with the group Oil & Gas Energy Employees 274,467 312,6208,275 11,6291,143 957 28,018 43,208425406 302,485 355,828 8,700 12,035 3 15 1,146 972 companies is set out below: Average workforce Europe 156 AR '15 Germany 56,858 52,6437,9418,033 9701,204 2015 2014 Netherlands 61,600 53,0454,5186,029 1911,977 Direct Indirect Direct Indirect Other regions 58,45031,05619,56015,304 5,180 4,885 Total Europe 176,908 136,74432,01929,366 6,341 8,066 157 Oil & Gas Energy 5,905 683 7,013 745 479,393 492,57240,71941,401 7,487 9,038 Projects 428 24 611 26 Total Oil & Gas Tax expense Current & Long-term liabilities Depreciation and amortisation 201520142015201420152014 Oil & Gas Energy 9,40613,76868,94684,988 1,610 1,276 Projects 2,492 3,81312,63331,405 Total Oil & Gas 11,898 17,581 81,579 116,393 14 1,624 17 1,293 Germany 4,263 5,47113,57514,254 Netherlands 3,8573,169 30,329 27,8171,7021,693 Total Europe Unallocated 707 7,624 -73 915 740 796,1835,839 302 243 8,0478,719 50,087 47,9102,9192,676 -885 1443,8743,781 19,060 26,444131,666164,303 8,417 7,750 771 Europe Germany 2,074 439 2,171 428 Netherlands 2,143 370 1,978 348 Other regions 344 85 328 77 Total Europe 4,561 894 4,477 853 Total 10,894 1,601 12,101 1,624 Total workforce 12,495 13,725 Europe Other regions 6,333 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 Workforce at 31 December Other segment information Other segment information provides an overview of the activities with regard 2015 2014 Direct Indirect Direct Indirect to professional specialisation. Oil & Gas Energy 5,046 595 6,806 756 Revenue Operating profit Projects 202 19 511 28 2015201420152014 Total Oil & Gas 5,248 614 7,317 784 Engineering 290,860 297,626 26,121 31,079 158 AR '15 Europe Oil & Gas 813,696 981,683 29,040 49,517 Germany 2,139 426 2,146 454 IT 58,188 50,653 4,233 3,349 Netherlands 2,334 377 2,072 356 Unallocated 66,204 56,623 -3,275 -9,234 Other regions 330 86 346 74 1,228,948 1,386,585 56,119 74,711 Total Europe 4,803 889 4,564 884 Total 10,051 1,503 11,881 1,668 Total workforce 11,554 13,549 159 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 Company balance sheet Employees x EUR 1,000, before profit appropriation 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Non-current assets Other intangible assets (21) 11,853 10,830 The total number of direct and indirect Property, plant & equipment 159 57 employees with the group Financial assets (22) 270,757 230,304 companies is set out below: Deferred income tax assets 2,723 1,757 Total non-current assets 285,492 242,948 Average workforce Current assets net of current liabilities 2015 2014 Direct Indirect Direct Indirect 160 AR '15 Engineering 3,101 598 3,190 525 Oil & Gas 6,333 707 7,624 771 IT660102579 83 Unallocated800194708245 10,894 1,601 12,101 1,624 Total workforce 12,495 13,725 Trade and other receivables (23) 83,555 113,433 Income tax receivables 232 - Cash and cash equivalents 27,841 10,974 Total current assets 111,628 124,407 161 Total assets 397,120 367,355 Non-current liabilities Deferred income tax liabilities 436 436 Total non-current assets 436 436 Current liabilities Workforce at 31 December 2015 2014 Direct Indirect Direct Indirect Engineering 3,155 585 3,141 549 Oil & Gas 5,248 614 7,317 784 IT739107606 89 Unallocated909197817246 10,051 1,503 11,881 1,668 Total workforce 11,554 13,549 Current liabilities (24) 49,413 38,305 Income tax payables - 811 Total current liabilities 49,413 39,116 Total liabilities 49,849 39,552 Net assets 347,271 327,803 Shareholders’ equity (25) Share capital 1,499 1,481 Share premium 76,765 68,654 General reserve219,381205,248 Translation reserve 12,504 3,996 Unappropriated result 37,122 48,424 Total shareholders’ equity 347,271 327,803 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 Company profit and loss account Notes to the company balance sheet and profit and loss account x EUR 1,000 20152014 Result on participations (26) 40,855 54,222 Other income and expenses after tax -3,733 -5,798 x EUR 1,000, unless stated otherwise General Foreign currency has been translated, assets and liabilities have been valued, and net income has been Net result37,12248,424 The financial statements of Brunel International N.V. determined, in accordance with the principles of have been prepared using the option of section 362, valuation and determination of income on pages 115 subsection 8, of Book 2 of Dutch Civil Code, meaning until 120. that the accounting principles used are the same as Subsidiaries of Brunel International N.V. are presented for the consolidated financial statements. using the equity method. 21. Other intangible assets This concerns software. Movements during the year: 163 162 AR '15 20152014 At cost at 1 January 17,774 13,352 Accumulated amortisation-6,944-3,331 Balance at 1 January 10,830 10,021 Changes in carrying amount Additions 4,5874,422 Amortisation-3,564-3,613 Balance at 31 December 11,853 10,830 At cost at 31December 22,361 17,774 Accumulated amortisation -10,508 -6,944 Balance at 31 December 11,853 10,830 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 22. Financial assets Funding of group companies Movements during the year: The financial assets consist of the following: 20152014 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Balance at 1 January Subsidiaries267,291227,915 Reclass negative participations to Funding of group companies funding of group companies 3,466 2,389 270,757230,304 2,389 7,167 1,217 -5,814 Repayments -1,945Additions1,5791,036 164 AR '15 Subsidiaries Movements during the year: 20152014 Balance at 1 January 227,915 159,452 Capital contributions and acquisitions 3,942 2,355 Profit for the year 40,855 54,222 Dividend payment -13,000 -9,000 Reclass negative participations to funding of group companies -1,217 5,814 Exchange rate movements 8,796 15,072 Balance at 31 December 267,291 227,915 Exchange rate movements 226 - Balance at 31 December 3,466 2,389 165 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 23. Trade and other receivables 25. Shareholders’ equity 31 December 2015 Composition of and changes in shareholders’ equity: 31 December 2014 Group companies 83,015 111,908 Translation Unappro- Other receivables 540 1,525 83,555 113,433 Balance at 1 January 166 AR '15 ShareShare General reserve (legal priatedTotalTotal Capital Premium reserve reserve)result20152014 1,481 68,654 205,248 3,996 48,424 327,803 277,706 Exchange differences result 8,508 8,508 15,093 24. Current liabilities Result financial year37,12237,12248,424 Cash dividend-34,884-34,884-27,138 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Appropriation of result 13,540 -13,540 - - Modification of share based Group companies46,87736,322 payment scheme -1,383 -1,383 Other liabilities2,5361,983 Share based payments1,9761,9763,299 49,41338,305 Option rights exercised 18 8,111 8,129 10,419 Balance at 31 December 1,499 76,765 219,381 12,504 37,122 347,271 327,803 In the year under review the cash dividend per share Information on outstanding options is provided in the was EUR 0.70. The proposed dividend for 2015 will be notes to the consolidated balance sheet. The details EUR 0.75 per share and an additional super dividend of on the composition of and changes in the EUR 0.75 per share. shareholder’s equity of 2015 are disclosed in the consolidated statement of changes in group equity. 167 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 Employees 0.3 million, respectively). At the end of 2015 Brunel International N.V. employed 15 people (2014: 15), all in Salaries, social securities charges and pension The Netherlands. Besides the Board of Directors and expenses amounted to EUR 2.1 million, EUR 0.1 million their personal assistants, these concern the group and EUR 0.2 million, respectively for 2015 (2014: finance and legal department. expenses of EUR 2.8 million, EUR 0.1 million and EUR 26. Result participations Amsterdam, 4 March 2016 168 AR '15 20152014 Profit group companies (22) 40,855 Other 54,222 corporate income taxes, as well as for value-added taxes. As a consequence, the company bears joint and Disclosures of director’s remuneration and audit fees several liabilities for the debts with respect to are included in note 13 and 15 to the consolidated corporate income taxes and value-added taxes of the financial statements. fiscal unities. The company settles corporate income taxes, based on the fiscal results before taxes of the Guarantees The company has guaranteed the liabilities for its Dutch participations Brunel Nederland B.V. and Brunel Energy Holding B.V. Other guarantees to the amount of EUR 0.7 million (2014: EUR 0.7 million) have been provided. Brunel International N.V. has guaranteed towards Brunel GmbH its receivable on Brunel Car Synergies GmbH. At December 2015 this receivable amounts to EUR 6.7 million (2014: EUR 7.0 million). Brunel International N.V. is part of fiscal unities for subsidiaries belonging to the fiscal unity. 169 The Board of Directors The Supervisory Board J.A. van Barneveld D. van Doorn P.A. de Laat A. Schouwenaar J.A. de Vries J. Bout 170 AR '15 8 Additional information 171 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Additional information Events after balance sheet date / Subsequent events Priority share Proposed profit appropriation The priority share, which has a par value of EUR 10,000, has been issued to Stichting Prioriteit No events of interest to the It will be proposed to the Brunel, subject to the condition group as a whole took place General Meeting of Shareholders precedent that the majority after the balance sheet date. that a dividend of EUR 0.75 per shareholder loses its majority share will be paid in cash. share in Brunel International 172 AR '15 Profit appropriation according to the articles of association It will be proposed to add the share will be fully paid up as remainder of the profit to the soon as the issue becomes general reserve. unconditional. The protective Article 26.2 The Board of Directors determines the part of 173 N.V.’s share capital. The priority stipulations are included in the Super dividend the Company’s profits which will Articles of Association of Brunel International N.V. and are posted be added to the reserves, It will also be proposed to pay subject to the approval of the an additional super dividend of holder of the priority share*. EUR 0.75 per share out of on the company’s website. retained earnings. Article 26.3 The remaining part of the Company’s profits is at the disposal of the shareholders for distribution of profit. *) Pursuant to Article 4.3, as long as the priority share is not subscribed, the rights attached to this share are exercised by the General Meeting of Shareholders 174 AR '15 '15 9 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Independent auditor's report 175 INDEPENDANT AUDITORS REPORT Independent auditor’s report To: the general meeting and Supervisory Board of Brunel International N.V. Report on the financial statements 2015 Our opinion In our opinion: summary of significant including the Dutch Standards assessing the risks of material accounting policies and other on Auditing. Our responsibilities misstatement in the financial explanatory information. under those standards are statements. In particular, we further described in the ‘Our looked at where the Board of What we have audited We have audited the The company financial responsibilities for the audit of Directors made subjective accompanying financial statements comprise: the financial statements’ section judgements, for example in of our report. respect of significant accounting statements 2015 of Brunel 176 AR '15 ° the accompanying consolidated financial statements give a true International N.V., Amsterdam (‘the company’). The financial and fair view of the financial statements include the position of Brunel International consolidated financial N.V. as at 31 December 2015 statements of Brunel and of its result and cash flows International N.V. and its for the year then ended in subsidiaries (together: ‘the accordance with International Group’) and the company Financial Reporting Standards as financial statements. adopted by the European Union ° the company balance sheet as at 31 December 2015; ° the company profit and loss account for the year then ended; and ° the notes, comprising a summary of the accounting policies and other explanatory information. estimates that involved making We are independent of Brunel assumptions and considering International N.V. in accordance future events that are inherently with the ‘Verordening inzake de uncertain. As in all of our audits, onafhankelijkheid van accoun- we also addressed the risk of tants bij assurance-opdrachten’ management override of internal (ViO) and other relevant controls, including evaluating independence requirements in whether there was evidence of The Netherlands. Furthermore, we bias by the Board of Directors The financial reporting have complied with the ‘Verorden- that may represent a risk of (EU-IFRS) and with Part 9 of Book The consolidated financial framework that has been applied ing gedrags- en beroepsregels material misstatement due to 2 of the Dutch Civil Code; statements comprise: in the preparation of the financial accountants’ (VGBA). fraud. ° the accompanying company financial statements give a true statements is EU-IFRS and the ° the consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December 2015; relevant provisions of Part 9 of We believe that the audit We ensured that the audit teams Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code evidence we have obtained is both at group and at component ° the following statements for 2015: the consolidated profit for the consolidated financial sufficient and appropriate to levels included the appropriate statements and Part 9 of Book 2 provide a basis for our opinion. skills and competences which of its result for the year then and loss account and the of the Dutch Civil Code for the are needed for the audit of a ended in accordance with Part 9 consolidated statements of company financial statements. professional secondment of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code. comprehensive income and and fair view of the financial position of Brunel International N.V. as at 31 December 2015 and changes in equity and the The basis for our opinion ° the notes, comprising a company. We therefore included specialists in the areas of Overview and context consolidated cash flow statement; and Our audit approach We conducted our audit in We designed our audit by accordance with Dutch law, determining materiality and payroll, social charges and wage tax laws in our audit team. 177 INDEPENDANT AUDITORS REPORT Based on our professional judgement, we determined materiality for the financial statements as a whole as Materiality ° Overall materiality: EUR 1,965,000 which represents 3.5% of operating profit Materiality 178 AR '15 Audit scope Key audit matters Materiality follows: Audit scope ° We conducted audit work for 22 components ° Site visits were conducted in 3 countries: USA, Germany and Russia ° The company uses shared service centres in several locations, as a consequence we audit certain processes, served by those shared service centres, centrally ° Audit coverage: 85% of consolidated revenue, 87% of operating profit and 83% of consolidated total assets Overall group materiality EUR 1,965,000 (2014: EUR 2,250,000) How we determined it 3.5% of operating profit (equals EBIT as reported by Brunel) Rationale for benchmark applied We have applied this benchmark, a generally accepted auditing practice, based on our analysis of the common information needs of users of the financial statements. On this basis we believe that operating profit is an important metric for the financial performance of the company. The materiality decreased compared to last year due to the decrease in operating profit of the Company. The relative dependency on the more volatile energy business declined this year. Combined with a strong and further improved financial position over the last years we decided to use a percentage of 3.5% instead of 3% which we used in 2014 Component materiality To each component in our audit scope, we, based on our judgement, allocate materiality that is less than our overall group materiality. The range of materiality allocated across components varied between EUR 50,000 and EUR 1,950,000 Key audit matters ° Valuation and accuracy of accounts receivables and revenues to be invoiced ° Compliance with laws and regulations relating to salaries of direct employees ° Valuation of deferred tax assets 179 We set certain quantitative effect of identified The scope of our audit is thresholds for materiality. These, misstatements on our opinion. influenced by the application of together with qualitative materiality which is further considerations, helped us to explained in the section ‘Our determine the nature, timing and responsibility for the audit of the extent of our audit procedures We also take (possible) for example the disclosure of the committee and the Supervisory financial statements’. on the individual financial misstatements into account that, remuneration of the board. Board that we would report to statement line items and in our judgement, are material disclosures and to evaluate the for qualitative reasons, them misstatements identified We agreed with the audit during our audit above INDEPENDANT AUDITORS REPORT EUR 98,000 (2014: EUR 112,500) appropriate coverage on financial centres and national accounting opinion on the consolidated By performing the above audit of the financial statements as well as misstatements below line items in the consolidated offices. The regional offices financial statements as a whole. mentioned procedures at as a whole, and in forming our that amount that, in our view, financial statements. maintain the accounting records Among others we assessed that components, combined with opinion thereon. We do not and controls for different entities local component teams tested the additional procedures at group provide a separate opinion on In total, in performing these ('components') in the region and reconciliation between capacity level, we have obtained sufficient these matters or on specific procedures, we achieved the report on behalf of local (payroll) and billing at all entities. and appropriate audit evidence elements of the financial following coverage on the management to the head office regarding the financial statements. Any comments we following financial line items: finance team in Amsterdam The group engagement team information of the group as a make on the results of our parent company of a group of through an integrated visits the component teams on a whole to provide a basis for our procedures should be read in entities. The financial information consolidation system. As a rotational basis, taking into opinion on the consolidated this context. consequence we audit certain consideration any specific financial statements. processes centrally for the entities country risks. In the current year served in those regional offices. the group engagement team warranted reporting for qualitative reasons. The scope of our group audit Brunel International N.V. is the 180 AR '15 of this group is included in the financial statements of Brunel Revenue International N.V. Total assets The group audit focussed on the Operating profit significant components in 85% 83% 87% Last year we reported the key Key audit matters audit matter “Adequacy of visited USA, Germany and Key audit matters are those implementation new IT systems We used component auditors Russia. For all components in matters that, in our professional in The Netherlands and The Netherlands, Germany, from other PwC network firms scope of our group audit, we judgement, were of most Singapore”. Since the Australia, Singapore, USA, Thailand who are familiar with the local held multiple conference calls significance in the audit of the implementations were and Russia. We consider these laws and regulations in each of throughout the audit to share financial statements. We have successfully finalised and no component locations as significant None of the remaining the territories to perform this knowledge, instruct the teams, communicated the key audit other large implementations of due to the size of the companies or components represented more audit work. In India, the audit discuss the audit approach and matters to the Supervisory new IT systems took place in the specific country risks. than 2% of total group revenue or was performed by a non-PwC evaluate the audit findings. Board, but they are not a 2015 this issue is no longer total group assets. For those audit firm. comprehensive reflection of all considered a key matter. As Eight components had audits of remaining components we The group consolidation, financial matters that were identified by most of the key audit matters their complete financial performed, amongst others, Where the work was performed by statement disclosures and a our audit and that we discussed. relate to the company’s business information as those components analytical procedures to component auditors, we number of items are audited by We described the key audit processes it is inevitable that are individually significant to the corroborate our assessment that determined the level of the group engagement team at matters and included a summary those key audit matters remain group. Additionally based on there were no significant risks of involvement we needed to have in the head office. These include, of the audit procedures we consistent over the years. discussion with management and material misstatements within their audit work to be able to valuation of goodwill, valuation of performed on those matters. risk analysis, we have selected those components. The group’s conclude whether sufficient deferred tax assets and share fourteen components for audit accounting process is structured appropriate audit evidence had based payments. procedures to achieve around regional shared service been obtained as a basis for our The key audit matters were addressed in the context of our 181 INDEPENDANT AUDITORS REPORT Key audit matter How our audit addressed the matter Valuation and accuracy of accrued income (revenues to be invoiced) Our audit procedures included, among others, reconciliation of revenue to be invoiced positions with timesheets, approved work orders and client contracts and substantive testing on invoicing and payments subsequently received to year end. Refer to note 5 of the financial statements Approximately 14% of the Group’s total assets relate to ‘accrued income’ (EUR 66.3 million). The accrued income is important to our audit due to the magnitude and given that timely and accurate invoicing is inherently more complex in the energy sector when compared to other industries due to the location of projects and specific invoicing arrangements agreed with global clients. Compliance with laws and regulations relating to salaries of direct employees 182 AR '15 Brunel operates worldwide and has to comply with different laws and regulations in around 30 countries. Given the large number of countries in which Brunel operates and the regulatory environment in some of the countries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, we observe higher complexity to comply with all the laws and regulations. Furthermore due to the nature of the business small errors in the calculation of expenses and payments of wage tax and other payroll related charges may have a material impact on the financial statements. We paid specific attention to large clients in the energy sector with aged positions in this respect. We validated controls on group level to comply with laws and regulations, we performed substantive audit procedures and tested the effectiveness of internal controls on the accuracy and completeness of gross versus net salary calculations and the accuracy of filings - and payments for wage tax, other payroll related charges to fiscal authorities. We used payroll specialists within PwC to perform these procedures. We also obtained and reviewed correspondence with fiscal authorities and tested the reconciliation between the salary administration and the finance administration. We have not noted any material non-compliance. Responsibilities of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board Board of Directors should assurance about whether the prepare the financial statements financial statements are free using the going concern basis of from material misstatement. accounting unless the Board of Reasonable assurance is a high The Board of Directors is Directors either intends to but not absolute level of responsible for: liquidate the company or to assurance which makes it cease operations, or has no possible that we may not detect realistic alternative but to do so. all misstatements. ° the preparation and fair presentation of the financial The Board of Directors should Misstatements may arise due to statements in accordance with disclose events and fraud or error. They are EU-IFRS and with Part 9 of Book circumstances that may cast considered to be material if, 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, and for significant doubt on the individually or in the aggregate, the preparation of the report company’s ability to continue as they could reasonably be from the Board of Directors in a going concern in the financial expected to influence the accordance with Part 9 of Book statements. economic decisions of users 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, and for Valuation of the deferred tax assets Refer to note 16 of the report of the financial statements The valuation of deferred tax assets of EUR 12.7 million, which mainly relates to accumulated tax losses from USA, Germany and Austria, was significant to our audit because of the magnitude of the assets and the related complexity and subjectivity of the estimate made. The main assumptions underneath the estimates made are the revenue growth, the margin development and the productivity of indirect employees. Furthermore, for the USA the assumptions are affected by the development of the worldwide oil prices. We performed audit procedures on, among others, the assumptions and methodologies used, the accuracy and completeness of the fiscal losses per entity, we have challenged the assumptions applied by group and local management. This was done by amongst others comparing the assumptions on revenues, margins and productivity to internal budgets, the historic performance of the company, local economic developments and external market information and we checked the adequacy of the disclosures in note 16 of the financial statements. We used corporate tax specialists within PwC to assist us. In particular we assessed the recoverability of the deferred tax asset of Brunel USA, amounting EUR 4.6 million due to the magnitude and past performance of the US operations. ° such internal control as the Board of Directors determines is taken on the basis of the The Supervisory Board is financial statements. responsible for overseeing the necessary to enable the company’s financial reporting A more detailed description of preparation of the financial process. our responsibilities is set out in statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. the appendix to our report. Our responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements Report on other legal and regulatory requirements As part of the preparation of the Our report on the report from the Board of Directors and the other information financial statements, the Board Our responsibility is to plan and of Directors is responsible for perform an audit engagement to assessing the company’s ability obtain sufficient and appropriate to continue as a going concern. audit evidence to provide a basis Pursuant to the legal Based on the financial reporting for our opinion. Our audit opinion requirements of Part 9 of Book 2 frameworks mentioned, the aims to provide reasonable of the Dutch Civil Code 183 INDEPENDANT AUDITORS REPORT (concerning our obligation to We were appointed as auditors Board of Directors and other of Brunel International N.V. on information): 6 May 2015 by the Supervisory ° We have no deficiencies to report as a result of our 184 AR '15 Our appointment report about the report from the Appendix to our auditor’s report on the financial statements 2015 of Brunel International N.V. Board following the passing of a In addition to what is included in resolution by the shareholders at our auditor’s report we have ° Identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement of ° Evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the annual meeting held on further set out in this appendix the financial statements, whether the reasonableness of examination whether the report 6 May 2015. The appointment our responsibilities for the audit due to fraud or error, designing accounting estimates and from the Board of Directors, to has been renewed annually by of the accompanying financial and performing audit procedures related disclosures made by the the extent we can assess, has shareholders representing a statements and explained what responsive to those risks, and Board of Directors. been prepared in accordance total period of uninterrupted an audit involves. obtaining audit evidence that is with Part 9 of Book 2 of this engagement appointment of Code, and whether the three years. information as required by Part 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code Utrecht, 4 March 2016 sufficient and appropriate to The auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements The risk of not detecting a the going concern basis of material misstatement resulting accounting, and based on the from fraud is higher than for one audit evidence obtained, We have exercised professional resulting from error, as fraud may concluding whether a material judgement and have maintained involve collusion, forgery, uncertainty exists related to professional scepticism intentional omissions, events and/or conditions that throughout the audit in misrepresentations, or the may cast significant doubt on the accordance with Dutch Standards intentional override of internal company’s ability to continue as on Auditing, ethical requirements control. a going concern. If we conclude has been annexed. ° We report that the report from the Board of Directors, to the PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants N.V. extent we can assess, is consistent with the financial statements. P. Jongerius RA provide a basis for our opinion. ° Concluding on the appropriateness of the Board of Directors’ use of and independence requirements. Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about that a material uncertainty exists, ° Obtaining an understanding of internal control relevant to the we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report whether the financial statements audit in order to design audit to the related disclosures in the as a whole are free from material procedures that are appropriate financial statements or, if such misstatement, whether due to in the circumstances, but not for disclosures are inadequate, to fraud or error. Our audit the purpose of expressing an modify our opinion. Our consisted, among others of: opinion on the effectiveness of conclusions are based on the the company’s internal control. audit evidence obtained up to 185 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 186 AR '15 the date of our auditor’s report financial statements as a whole. to bear on our independence, and are made in the context of Determining factors are the and where applicable, related our opinion on the financial geographic structure of the safeguards. statements as a whole. However, group, the significance and/or future events or conditions may risk profile of group entities or From the matters communicated cause the company to cease to activities, the accounting with the Supervisory Board, we continue as a going concern. processes and controls, and the determine those matters that industry in which the group were of most significance in the operates. On this basis, we audit of the financial statements selected group entities for which of the current period and are content of the financial an audit or review of financial therefore the key audit matters. statements, including the information or specific balances We describe these matters in our disclosures, and evaluating was considered necessary. auditor’s report unless law or ° Evaluating the overall presentation, structure and whether the financial statements regulation precludes public represent the underlying trans- We communicate with the disclosure about the matter or actions and events in a manner Supervisory Board regarding, when, in extremely rare that achieves fair presentation. among other matters, the circumstances, not planned scope and timing of the communicating the matter is in Considering our ultimate audit and significant audit the public interest. responsibility for the opinion on findings, including any significant the company’s consolidated deficiencies in internal control financial statements we are that we identify during our audit. responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of We provide the Supervisory the group audit. In this context, Board with a statement that we we have determined the nature have complied with relevant and extent of the audit ethical requirements regarding procedures for components of independence, and to the group to ensure that we communicate with them all performed enough work to be relationships and other matters able to give an opinion on the that may reasonably be thought 187 188 AR '15 10 Group financial record 189 GROUP FINANCIAL RECORD Group financial record x EUR million, unless stated otherwise Profit 20152014201320122011201020092008200720062005 1,228.9 1,386.6 1,283.4 1,236.5972.4720.9738.4714.2579.9499.1390.8 Change in revenue Contribution margin 230.0249.0230.7223.4189.5152.0151.8167.0136.3115.3 88.4 on previous year Operating profit 56.174.772.370.060.937.345. Contribution margin/ Result before tax 56.775.472.569.461.738.444.762.551.335.324.1 net revenue Group result after tax 37.648.949.944.539.725.632.145.636.924.216.0 Operating profit/ Net income net revenue 37.148.449.544.139.425.231.144.836.126.315.9 Cash flow (net profit + impairment) net revenue 45.556.755.948.943.429.235.548.039.229.718.7 Depreciation and amortisation 18.7%18.0%18.0%18.1%19.5%21.1%20.6%23.4%23.5%23.1%22.6% 4.6%5.4%5.6%5.7%6.6%5.2%6.1%8.7%8.8%7.1%6.0% 72.5%66.5%63.4%62.9%61.0%68.7%71.0%69.6%68.5%63.6%64.4% Current assets/ current liabilities 3.1%3.5%3.9%3.6%4.4%3.6%4.3%6.4%6.3%4.8%4.1% Group equity/ total assets Additions to tangible fixed assets -11.4% 8.0% 3.8%27.2%34.9% -2.4% 3.4%23.2%16.2%28.0%25.0% Group result/ depreciations / 190 AR '15 20152014201320122011201020092008200720062005 Ratios Net revenue 3.422.812.572.482.382.913.083.032.912.542.69 Shares (in EUR) Workforce Earnings per share Average over the year 12,495 13,725 13,073 11,2199,5457,6567,8477,9047,2486,1484,796 Shareholders’ equity per share 0.750.991.020.930.850.550.680.980.800.580.35 6.966.645.715.454.954.353.913.582.972.502.14 Balance sheet information Dividend per share Non-current assets 40.741.436.037.731.427.628.919.617.315.1 6.4 Highest price 20.6526.0023.2519.5717.4814.8211.92 9.2813.3317.47 9.00 Working capital 310.4290.8246.1228.1202.8175.0152.5144.6118.6 99.0 90.3 Lowest price 12.95 12.73 15.50 11.61 10.009.733.514.057.438.484.33 Group equity 347.7328.3278.1264.2232.9202.2180.9163.8135.4113.6 96.7 Closing price at Balance sheet total 479.4492.6438.5419.5381.4294.2254.7235.4197.9178.5150.3 31 December 1.500.700.550.500.450.400.400.400.350.250.15 16.8013.6022.2518.3011.3914.7511.73 4.28 8.1813.00 9.00 At 3 June 2014, a two-for-one share split has occurred. For the purpose of calculating the data per share in this table, the weighted average number of shares has been calculated as if the share split had occurred at 1 January 2004. 191 192 AR '15 11 Worldwide offices 193 WORLDWIDE OFFICES CHAD GERMANY N’Djamena Quartier Klemat Rue 3218, Porte 158 N’Djamena T +44 137 294 1444 Bremen Head Office Hermann Köhl Straße 1 28199 Bremen T +49 421 169 410 CZECH REPUBLIC Prague Probrezni 620/3 186 00 Prague T +420 226 202 445 Brunel International N.V. HEAD OFFICE 194 AR '15 Amsterdam John M. Keynesplein 33 1066 EP Amsterdam The Netherlands T +31 20 312 5000 CHINA WORLDWIDE OFFICES ANGOLA AUSTRALIA Luanda Travessa Engracia Fragoso Predio 22, 1˚ andar Bairro Ingombotas Luanda T +244 921 062 961 Brisbane Suite 3, Level 14 141 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4000 T +61 7 3007 7601 AUSTRIA Linz Lunzer Straße 64 A-4031 Linz T +43 732 6987 76120 Salzburg Inssbrucker Bundesstraße 126 A-5020 Salzburg T +43 662 8300 0110 Vienna Modecenterstraße 17-19 A-1100 Vienna T +43 1 997 2880 111 Perth Level 2, 101 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000 T +61 8 9429 5600 Mechelen Blarenberglaan 3A 2800 Mechelen T +32 1527 3333 BRAZIL Rio de Janeiro Avenida das Américas Bloco 3, Ala A, Sala 301 Barra da Tijuca Rio de Janeiro RJ CEP 22631-003 T +55 21 2430 0230 CANADA BELGIUM Genk C-Mine 12 3600 Genk T +32 89201722 Gent Ottergemsesteenweg 439 9000 Gent T +32 9220 8120 Calgary 1600, 635 8th Avenue SW Calgary Alberta T2P 3M3 T +1 403 539 5009 Toronto 200 Ronson Drive, Suite 320 Toronto Ontario M9W 5Z9 T +1 416 244 2402 Hong Kong Room 2302, 23rd Floor 28 Yun Ping Road Hong Kong energy-singapore@ Shanghai 318 Fu Zhou Road Unit 1708 Shanghai 200001 T: +86 216 031 025 DENMARK Copenhagen Havnegade 39 1058 Copenhagen T +45 7020 3210 FRANCE Paris 4 Place de la Défense 92974 Paris - La Défense T + 33 1 5858 0130 Aachen Schloß Rahe Straße 15 52072 Aachen T +49 241 9367 1600 Augsburg Bergiusstraße 13 86199 Augsburg T +49 821 8104 020 Berlin Cicerostraße 21 10709 Berlin T +49 30 3480 650 Bielefeld Otto Brenner Straße 186 33604 Bielefeld T +49 521 986 410 Bochum Liese Meiner Allee 2 44801 Bochum T+ 49 234 9159 3810 Dinnendahlstraße 9 44809 Bochum T +49 2344 1710 Bonn Am Propsthof 10 53121 Bonn T +49 228 8502 8610 Braunschweig Frankfurter Straße 2 38122 Braunschweig T +49 531 243 380 Bremerhaven Am Alten Hafen 118 27568 Bremerhaven T +49 471 8099 1310 Frankfurt Strahlenbergerstraße 110 63067 Offenbach am Main T +49 691 5393 010 Leipzig Kreuzstraße 7A 04103 Leipzig T +49 341 2560 110 Cologne Konrad Adenauer Straße 25 50996 Cologne T +49 221 179 680 Hamburg Ferdinandstraße 25-27 20095 Hamburg T +49 402 364 840 Lindau Europaplatz 1 88131 Lindau T +49 8382 273 660 Darmstadt Feldbergstraße 78 64293 Darmstadt T +49 6151 785 2820 Hannover Mailänder Straße 2 30539 Hannover T +49 511 6262 883 Mannheim Augustaanlage 32 68165 Mannheim T +49 621 729 670 Dortmund Hafenpromenade 1-2 44263 Dortmund T +49 231 793 070 Heilbronn Weipertstraße 8-10 74076 Heilbronn T +49 713 1276 9820 Munich Mozartstraße 2 85622 Feldkirchen bei München T +49 89 3588 230 Dresden Tatzberg 47 01307 Dresden T +49 351 438 150 Hildesheim Daimlerring 9 31135 Hildesheim T +49 5121 1760 900 Düsseldorf Franz Rennefeld Weg 4 40472 Düsseldorf T +49 211 5662 2920 Duisburg Schifferstraße 166 47059 Duisburg T +49 203 289 560 Erfurt Konrad Zuse Straße 15 99099 Erfurt T +49 361 6539 890 Essen Altendorfer Straße 11 45127 Essen T +49 201 3301 7170 Ingolstadt Friedichshofener Straße 85049 Ingolstadt T +49 841 491 050 Karlsruhe Marktplatz 1 76337 Waldbronn bei Karlsruhe T +49 7243 3420 910 Kassel Friedrichsplatz 8 34117 Kassel T +49 561 3105 930 Kiel Gablenzstraße 9 24114 Kiel T +49 431 997 640 Lyonel Feiningerstraße 28 80807 Munich T +49 891 2476 6560 Nuremberg Lina Ammon Straße 9 90471 Nuremberg T +49 911 9297 153 Osnabrück Nikolaiort 1-2 49074 Osnabrück T +49 541 941 670 Regensburg Blumenstraße 16 93055 Regensburg T +49 941 5985 5120 Rostock Am Strande 3A 18055 Rostock T +49 381 252 200 195 WORLDWIDE OFFICES Saarbrücken Heinrich Bart Straße 1A 66115 Saarbrücken T +49 681 9358 5010 Stuttgart Gottlieb Manz Straße 12 70794 Filderstadt-Bernhausen T +49 711 3890 000 Ulm Einsteinstraße 55 89077 Ulm T +49 731 140 190 Wiesbaden Otto von Guericke Ring 10 65205 Wiesbaden T +49 6122 927 7220 196 AR '15 Wolfsburg Heinrich Nordhoff Straße 101 38440 Wolfsburg T +49 5361 307 120 Würzburg Unterdürrbacher Straße 8 97080 Würzburg T +49 931 3209 2910 Wuppertal Lise Meitner Straße 1-3 42119 Wuppertal T +49 202 5156 7940 INDIA Mumbai 001 Ascot Centre Near Hotel ITC Grand Maratha Sahar Airport Road Andheri East Mumbai 400 099 T +91 226 7596 759 INDONESIA JAPAN NEW ZEALAND POLAND SOUTH KOREA THE NETHERLANDS Balikpapan Gedung BRI 7th Floor Jl. Jenderal Sudirman 37 Balikpapan 76112 Kalimantan Timur T +62 542 417 816 Tokyo Dogenzaka Square 6F 5-18 Maruyamacho, Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0044 T +81 357 843 694 New Plymouth 136-138 Powderham Street New Plymouth T +65 6532 2480 Warsaw Ul. Zlota 59 00-120 Warsaw T +48 2 2222 4680 Ulsan Level 2, 1028-1 Bangeo-Dong Dong-Ku Ulsan 682-806 T +82 52 201 8950 Amsterdam John M. Keynesplein 33 1066 EP Amsterdam T +31 20 312 5000 QATAR Batam Dana Graha Buiding 5th Floor Room 509B Jl. Imam Bonjol Nagoya Batam T +62 778 427 701 Jakarta Graha Mampang 5th Floor Jl. Mampang Prapatan 100 Jakarta Selatan 12760 T +62 21 798 8833 NIGERIA KAZAKHSTAN Atyrau 19 Satpayev Street BC Atyrau Plaza, office 304 Atyrau 060011 T +7 712 2307 745 NORWAY RUSSIA KUWAIT Farwaniya Office 3, Waha Mall Dajeej Area, Farwaniya T +965 2433 7398 ITALY Milan Via Bernardino Telesio 25 20145 Milan T +31 10 266 6400 IRAQ Baghdad Building 6/2 Street 42 Block 213 Kendi-Al-Harthiya Baghdad T +971 4370 4060 Erbil Villa 498, Italian Village Erbil T +964 7901 340 443 Lagos Mulliner Towers, 39 Alfred Rewane Road Ikoyi, Lagos T + +234 1271 4024 Doha Building No. 3, Office 3108 Al Waab City, Commercial District Salwa Road Doha T +974 4466 6275 Stavanger Forusbeen 78 4033 Stavanger T +47 952 69 906 PAPUA NEW GUINEA MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur 25.2, Level 25 Menara Standard Chartered 30 Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250 Kuala Lumpur T +60 321 443 451 Sarawak Lot No. 2348 Jalan Datuk Edward Jeli Piasau Jaya 98000 Miri, Sarawak T +60 8565 5911 energy-malaysia@ Port Moresby Level 1, United Church Building Douglas Street P.O. Box 329 Port Moresby National Capital District T +675 321 9405 PHILIPPINES Manila LG-4th floor BCC House 5046 P Burgos Street Poblacion Makati City T +63 2897 8632 Moscow 5 Nizhniy Susalniy Pereulok Building 19, Business Centre Arma, Office 430 105064 Moscow T +7 495 783 6677 Geoje Level 2, 550-2 Okpo-Dong Geoje 656-904 T +82 55 687 8966 SWITZERLAND Enschede Hengelosestraat 500 7521 AG Enschede T +31 20 312 5000 Zürich Leutschenbachstrasse 95 8050 Zürich T +41 44 308 3690 Groningen Rozenburglaan 1 9727 DL Groningen T +31 20 312 5000 THAILAND Novorossiysk 1 Svobody Street Liter A, office 410 353900 Novorossiysk T +7 861 760 1390 Bangkok United Business Center II Unit 2201-2202, 591 Sukhumvit Road (Soi 33) North Klongton, Wattana Bangkok 10110 T +66 2 662 0770 energy-BE-Bangkok@ Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 31B Kommunisticheskiy Prospect, 3rd floor 693020 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk T +7 424 2497 707 Chonburi 49/63 Moo 5 T. Tungsukhla A. Sriracha Chonburi 20230 T +66 38 401 591 SINGAPORE Singapore 77 Robinson Road #10-03 Robinson 77 Singapore 068896 T +65 6532 2480 energy-singapore@ Eindhoven High Tech Campus 97 5656 AG Eindhoven T +31 20 312 5000 Rotterdam Rotterdam Airportbaan 19 3045 AN Rotterdam T +31 20 312 5000 Utrecht Vliegend Hertlaan 97 3526 KT Utrecht T +31 20 312 5000 Zwolle Noordzeelaan 20A 8017 JW Zwolle T +31 20 312 5000 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Abu Dhabi Das Tower (SEHA Building) Sultan Bin Zayad Street (32nd Street) 17th Floor, Flat No 1701, Khalidiya Abu Dhabi T +971 2 634 7278 Houston 9811 Katy Freeway Suite 1000 Houston, TX 77024 T +1 713 333 1024 Dubai Cluster I, Gold Tower, 25th floor Jumeirah Lakes Tower Dubai T +971 4 315 3000 UNITED KINGDOM Aberdeen Cirrus Building, ABZ Business Park 6 International Avenue, Dyce Drive Aberdeen AB21 OBH T+44 1224 947 620 Manchester 19 Spring Gardens Manchester M2 1FB T +44 161 885 2130 Staines-upon-Thames 40 Church Street Staines-upon-Thames TW18 4EP Surrey T +44 1753 252 010 Utah 10808 S River Front Parkway, Suite 378 South Jordan, Utah 84095 T +1 801 987 5946 VIETNAM Ho Chi Minh City Unit 1901, Saigon Trade Center 37 Ton Duc Thang Street, Ben Nghe Ward District 1 Ho Chi Minh City T +84 822 202 344 197 Colophon Research and texts annual report Kaikai Jing, Brunel International N.V. Printing Drukkerij Perka 198 AR '15 Design Wim Bosboom, B-AD|D
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