Sound Connections - Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sound Connections - Unity Worldwide Ministries
Sound Connections Unity’s New Thought Music Resource Issue #95 October/November 2013 Produced by Music Ministry Team and the Sacred Music Resources Department Richard Mekdeci, Editor Sue Riley, Team Chair Blair Tabor, David Ezell, Melinda Wood-Allen, Todd Lowry, Sheryl Meyers, Megon McDonough, Jacquie Lenati This Issue’s Highlights—page 2 Lots of holiday music resources, Ninth Annual Posi Award Nominees announced and more 2013 Sound Connections Music Conference at Sheraton Kansas City─page 3 Best Sound Connections yet! Sue Riley recaps, Attendees’ testimonials Feature Article—page 6 Resources for your Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years services Unity’s Online Choral andEnsemble Library submission criteria—page 10 Great new songs are being added all the time. Submit your own choral originals. CD Review—page 11 More Than a Season—a new classic CD of New Thought seasonal songs emPower Announces This Year’s Posi Award Nominees and Video Winner—page 13 The best of the best from hundreds of submissions will go on to the 9th Annual Posi Awards. New Releases, Resources & Events—page 14 Christmas Dreams by Michael Allen Harrison, Piano Love by Janice Scroggins and In The Spirit by Sharon and Shelly, Ninth Annual Posi Music Festival, New Thought Music Festival and more Employment Opportunities─page 17 Unity of Birmingham, Ala., seeking experienced Music Director This Issue’s Free Sheet Music Offering─page 18 “Let Us Live in Unity” – a new congregational song by Sharon Rae and Shelly Davis New Thought’s First Music Director Listing: Online Only Reverends and music directors (MDs), check your listing and help us make this a complete listing for all of New Thought. Update/add your name to this valuable resource. Master Index of All Songs Offered Through UWM: Online Only Over 300 songs listed alphabetically, with songwriters and the book or resource they appear in to make it easy for you to find and buy the right music for your ministry. Click here to download. 1 This Month’s Highlights Greetings, Sound Connections Family! There is always a sense of post-conference blues after an event like Sound Connections. The entire Music Team works so hard and long to create something awesome and beautiful and before we know it, poof, it’s over. Of course the over-the-top comments we’ve received from attendees (Page 4), and the excitement that is still reverberating throughout our music departments helps our slow re-entry back to earth. Yes, our first Sound Connections “off-grounds” worked out great and proved that, like a church, Sound Connections is a community without walls that supports and appreciates each other wherever we meet up. Congratulations to Barbara Wilkinson for winning the drawing for a free registration to the next Sound Connections. SC-10 will be held in February of 2015 in sunny Orlando, Florida, as part of the Posi Music Festival’s New Thought Music Week! We’re trying this arrangement because it was very popular when we combined the events for SC 3 and 4 and many attendees tell us they have to choose each year which event to attend. Besides that, it will be the 10th Annual for both events so a reunion is definitely in order. Lots of great info in this issue. I’ve collected suggestions from our Music Team for music to get you through our busiest season. You’ll find suggestions for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year from our Online Choral and Ensemble Library and from the personal libraries of our team members. There’s also a link to a document that gives you New Thought lyrics to eleven Christmas carols as well as some wonderful new lyrics by Tricia Alexander to the tune of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.” (Page 6) Music Team Chair Sue Riley gives a beautiful and touching re-cap of this year’s music conference (Page 3), and a review of a very exciting new CD from emPower Music & Arts of all new classic seasonal songs written and performed exclusively for this project by Posi Music’s top writers and artists. (Page 11) emPower announces the nominees for this year’s Posi Awards with a new category, Spoken Word, and the winner of the third annual Posi Music Video winner. (Page 13) Thanks to Sharon Rae and Shelly Davis, music directors at the Unity church in Littleton, Colo., for contributing this month’s free sheet music offering, “Let Us Live in Unity.” It is a wonderful opening or closing song for any service with positive upbeat words and melody that make it easy to learn and remember. (Page 18) No Mailbox questions this issue. I hope that means we’ve been doing our job of keeping you up-to-date and well-informed in your music ministry. Next issue will be December/January so, happy planning this year’s holiday music at your churches and centers. Never hesitate to email me with your questions or comments and always remember: You are vital to the growth of your ministry and this movement! Richard Mekdeci 2 Sacred Music Resources Coordinator Unity Worldwide Ministries PS: Many of you already know that I have moved to Virginia Beach, Va., with my beloved wife Rev Paula Coppel, who is the new senior minister at Unity Renaissance in Chesapeake. We’ve been here almost two months now and are loving this vibrant area and amazing hospitality. Sound Connections Music Conference Re-Cap By Sue Riley, Music Team Chair “We were never a building, we were never a stone, when we’re together, we’re always a home.” No truer words could have been spoken or sung. This is the chorus of a wonderful song by Janell Sitton-Coats singing about the loss of her church home, Unity of Joplin, Mo., in a devastating tornado and the subsequent bonding of the spiritual community that overcame the loss of a building. This year, Sound Connections also proved that our strength lies in our community, not where the event is hosted. The most common remark about this year’s conference was “It’s the best one, ever!” Michael Gott was a new and vibrant presenter. His heart-opening workshops left us in awe of the beautiful gifts we each have to offer. Our new mantra was “Oh, my Gott!” Daniel Nahmod’s Water retreat opened our eyes to the possibility that we could sometimes let go of the steering wheel and relax into the day. Jennifer Ferren put together the Grace Note presentation and it was so beautiful to witness how Daniel’s music has impacted so many lives. Dr Judy Blackwelder shared her vast experience of composition and choirs and firsttime presenter Mark Stanton Welch’s morning chanting sessions were packed! We danced, chanted and connected—all at 7:30 a.m. Who knew that could be possible? As with any event that is hosted in a new place, some things were different. But as a community we adapted and went on. The Silent Spirit Sharing concerts offered beautiful songs by the attendees. Our presenters’ concert was awesome with Mark Welch, Michael Gott and David Roth (dubbed “The Testoster-tones” by David). Everyone chipped in to help move the stage one night, and Steve McBride created wonderful, professional sound for us. And we absolutely could not do the event without Debbie Ball, Kim Shawd and Meredith Tabor in our Music Store. Meredith comes from California with her husband Reverend Blair Tabor because she loves what we do, and although Kim and Debbie work for Unity Worldwide Ministries, they go above and beyond the call of duty. All three “super women” believe in our music and our mission and are tireless cheerleaders for us out in the field. We are blessed and grateful! 3 The 9th Annual emPower Posi Music Festival will be Jan 17-20, 2014, with the 3rd Annual "Totally Cool Song School" pre-event on Jan 16-17, 2014. In 2015, Sound Connections will be connected to the emPower Posi Fest. We did it this way the first two years, and it was hugely popular. It will be the 10-year anniversary for both events, and we plan to make a huge, Posi splash! That means we will start with the emPower “Totally Cool Song School,” followed by the Posi Festival, followed by Sound Connections. It will be an awesome, total immersion into Positive Music. It also means you won’t have to choose between which event you can attend. The events in 2015 will be hosted in Florida, and we are moving the dates to February 2627 for the Song School, Feb 27–March 1 for the Posi Fest, and March 2–5 for Sound Connections. Mark your calendars now for an event you won’t want to miss! WHAT SOME OF THIS YEAR’S ATTENDEES HAD TO SAY I thank everyone who made this experience possible. I’ve never experienced anything like it. By day two I had begun to really understand what I had been missing and I felt an internal shift that I intend to use to add to our music ministry. I learned not to take myself so seriously and to serve. Thank you all. Lyn Atterbury I want to let you know how awesome my experience was at SC this year. It rates as one of my top ten lifetime experiences. Last year was my first time. I can so relate to Jannell's song with the line, “We were never a building, we were never a stone....” The energy and spirit bathed my soul in love and light! I feel a big shift in our message. I am a beginning songwriter. Spirit has already gifted me with two songs. I am open to receive and will have lots to share next year! Thank you sooo much for all your efforts getting it together. Love and Blessings, Doreen Lowery I came here as a fan, not a musician. Because I don’t work as a musician, I thought I would need to stay in the background. The spirit of this conference wouldn’t let me. I also came here because being in an audience of musicians during a music performance is like nothing I’ve ever experienced—first time was at the 2013 Posis! “Listening” to music here is living the music. It feels like a prayer 1000xs over. Thank you for providing this opportunity. Angel Smith This was my 8th Sound Connections. I came with open mind and heart and I received overflowing blessings. I’d like to see David Roth receive a Grace Note award for his energy and faithfulness in gifting our conference. Sally Applegate This was my first time. The energy, the people, the knowledge and fun were so very exceptional. I was moved to tears, laughter and inspiration many times throughout the five days. The only thing I would have liked was an hour for chanting in the moment. Debbie Long 4 This conference was so beneficial to me! I love you all and feel connected to Unity like never before. Thank You, Barbara Wilkinson Thank you! What a privilege and blessing it was to attend Sound Connections 2013! I appreciate all the work you and the rest of the Music Ministry Team did to make it outstanding for all of us. Jackie Ambrow Thank you! A truly wonderful week! Who needs Unity Village! Let’s go to Florida! The conference was awesome! Thank you for your unending enthusiasm and hard work. "Let the church say Amen!" Natalie Coffin Thanks so much (Music Team) for all you did—and continue to do—to make this conference possible. It was wonderful to connect with other New Thought musicians and to share music, thoughts and ideas. I really appreciated all the key notes and the sharing of all the presenters as well. Wonderful! Thank you! Cindy Novello Fantastic event, beautiful people, powerful portal of growth and transformation! Christopher Hewat 5 This Month’s Feature Article Here are some ideas for finding the perfect Thanksgiving and holiday songs for your special services from your Music Team. Richard’s Suggestions: I always first recommend the music resource Bible, Sue Riley’s Posi(tive) Music Resources for New Thought Churches, Fifth Edition. It does not contain printed music but is a resource guide to finding the music you need. Over 600 New Thought songs are categorized into over 50 topics and occasions including an entire section of “Seasonal Resources” for Christmas, Lent, Ash Wednesday and Easter. Each listing has a sample of the lyrics from the song, and how you can find and purchase the song. Most songs are listed in pairs too, usually an upbeat and a slower song, to make it easier for you to plan your entire service. Some categories include Congregational, Gathering and Prelude/Meditation/Closing, Humor, Loss and Transition, Meet and Greet, Prosperity and Tithing─everything from “Animal Blessings” to “Yoga and Meditation.” Under “Gratitude” I found four pages of song suggestions and pairings. For Christmas there is a complete Christmas Musical, Christmas Solo, and Christmas Choral section. Kudos to Sue for creating this much-needed resource. It is a huge undertaking and an amazing bargain at only $25. Go to and click the Store, then Books, to order. When asked to perform at a Burning Bowl service I enjoy doing my song, “Goodbye Old Friend.” Although it is used a lot for memorial services, it was written as a song of release for any habits or old thought patterns you wish to “burn.” It has a lovely Celtic feel and the sheet music and audio file is available in the emPower Music & Arts store. Of course the perfect song for ringing in the New Year (in my humble opinion) is “Here's to Life (The Toast)” from my Shortcut to Paradise CD. A sentimental song in waltz time, it encourages us to accept life as it is, to start from where we are and move forward. Its concluding lyrics are: "Here's to peace, in our world far and near. And to our health, I'm just glad we're all here. To the tears that were cried, and the love that survived, And to all, A Happy New Year!" The Online Choral and Ensemble Library (OCEL) offers this song in SATB and SAB arrangements, and it can also be sung as a solo. The Piano/Vocal score is in the emPower store as well. Last year there was a stimulating discussion about “Unitizing” the lyrics to traditional Christmas carols which resulted in a document on the UWM website with 11 Christmas Carols with words that align with our New Thought theology. Cut and paste this link to download the PDF. 6 And finally, take a look at the end of this article for a bonus song that came out of our “What’s a New Thought Song?” workshop at this year’s Sound Connections. Thanks to Tricia Alexander for this beautifully updated version of the classic, “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.” From DAVID EZELL who administers Heartwind Music and Unity’s Online Choral and Ensemble Library Music for your holiday services is available from Unity Worldwide Ministries' Online Choral and Ensemble Library. It's a time of year when it's good to find songs for the season that express our particular point of view about our relationship with God, about Jesus and the Christ spirit he expressed, and about new beginnings. For Thanksgiving, many churches like selections that speak to God within, rather than giving thanks to an external God. “I Am Anointed” by Rev. Blair Tabor is a rousing gospel selection, which is in the OCEL arranged for SAB or SATB with soloist. The lyrics for the chorus are: "I am anointed by the Holy Spirit, I am anointed by the power of God. I am anointed with the joy of living. I am anointed and give thanks for it all!" A solo version of “I Am Anointed” is included in Unity Worldwide Ministries’ (UWM's) songbook Can I Get an Amen? (#2275) “May You Know God” is a more contemplative song for SAATB by Revs. Don and Patricia Lansky, Sue K. Riley, Karen Taylor-Good and Laurence Elder. It includes the lyrics: "Open your heart with praise and thanksgiving. May you see God. May you feel God. May you know God." A solo version of “May You Know God” is available from For Christmas, various churches may want to emphasize different aspects of the spirit of the season. “A Tiny Little Shepherd Boy,” written by Roger Tomhave and arranged by Carole Tomhave, is a solo with SATB backup voices. It refers directly to the Biblical story, and tells of the impact one person's expression of Spirit can have. Other Christmas selections refer to Jesus and/or Christ without referencing the Biblical Christmas story. An example of this type of song is “Illumination” by David Ezell. It is an easy-to-learn candle lighting song for SATB that talks of Jesus, as well as teachers from other spiritual traditions. These songs are part of the OCEL. For New Year's, songs appropriate for Burning Bowl, Letters to God and White Stone Ceremony will be useful for many churches. The OCEL includes several of these selections. “Amazing Things,” by Megon McDonough and Jana Stanfield, is suggested for Letters to God. It tells us: "You don't have to work it out. Just stay in the here and now. Let your mind rest for a little while. Sometimes deepest answers come When you're out there having fun, So close your eyes, and take a breath and smile." It is available at the OCEL for SATB with soloist, and as a solo in UWM's songbook Special Services and Chants I (#2262). “Letting Go of Holding On,” by Mario Friedel and Richard Mekdeci, is a gospel duet with SAB or SATB choir that will work well for Burning Bowl. It is also available as a solo in UMW's songbook Spirit Is Joy (#2255). (Accompaniment CD #2256) For White Stone Ceremony, we recommend “May You Know God.” (See Thanksgiving info above.) 7 As we put New Thought into our selection of holiday music, we can help ourselves, our fellow musicians and our congregants internalize a clearer understanding of spiritual principles. This understanding will guide all of us in knowing and expressing our inner spiritual beauty. UWM's Online Choral and Ensemble Library is administered and hosted by Heart Wind Music, LLC, David Ezell, President. While you are perusing seasonal selections available from the OCEL, you can also see Heart Wind's many other appropriate selections. You will find it all at Here are some suggestions from Todd Lowry, MD at Unity of Albuquerque, N. Mex.: Thanksgiving Songs For Thanksgiving songs, one can't beat David Roth's "May the Light of Love." However, there are two Thanksgiving songs that aren't listed in Sue Riley's Posi(tive) Music Resources (because they aren't New Thought songs) that I think are great Thanksgiving songs. One is "Grateful" by New York City composer John Bucchino. This is a truly wonderful song, with both beautiful lyrics and beautiful music (not easy to play or sing, though). It can be found in the songbook Grateful: The Songs of John Bucchino (Hal Leonard) or you can download it on for a hefty $7.95. The other song is "Thankful" by pop hit monsters David Foster, Carole Bayer Sager and Richard Page, which has been recorded by Josh Groban. The lyrics are good and the music is anthemic. Choral versions are available. You can get the sheet music at for $5.25. And from Rev Blair Tabor, Unity in San Diego, Calif., and Music Team member: For Thanksgiving Karen Drucker’s “Thank You for This Day” and “I Am So Blessed” that our music team loves. There is a beautiful arrangement of “For the Beauty of the Earth” with new music by Lynn DeShazo arranged by BJ Davis. “Quiet Waters” #309 from Wings of Song is always one of my favorites for leading into meditation. “Thanksgiving Song” by Mary Chapin Carpenter is about gathering together, family and forgiveness. 8 Good Rest, Ye Gentle People Traditional Melody: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen New Thought lyrics written by Tricia Alexander Good rest, ye gentle people Let nothing you dismay Remember peace and goodness Flow surely through this day Remember we are made from Love And Love will light the way We are tidings of comfort and joy Comfort and joy We are tidings of comfort and joy. On that first Christmas morning They traveled near and far To celebrate a Holy child Born underneath a star And so the world was filled with love Remember who we are We are tidings of comfort and joy Comfort and joy We are tidings of comfort and joy. Across this great round Earth of ours The people meet in prayer One heart, one mind, one family A single vision share We only have to live as Love and Love will lead us there We are tidings of comfort and joy Comfort and joy We are tidings of comfort and joy. 9 Unity’s Online Choral/Ensemble Library Features you can find when you visit the library include: Sheet music for various types of choral groups Sheet music for small vocal ensembles Sheet music that can be used as solos Links to recordings of Positive Music Links to the websites of well-known and emerging New Thought songwriters Contact information for ordering custom arrangements for the performers in your church A spreadsheet listing songs found in Unity Worldwide Ministries’ print publications Instant access Easy evaluation of songs through sheet music samples, audio samples and complete lyrics Search capability, so you can find songs containing keywords in a minister’s talk Easy-find features, with every song listed by Musical Style, Performance Medium and Subject Integrity with copyright For a small choir (up to 10 members), full choral arrangements are $15.00. For a larger choir, the price is $25.00. Online Choral/Ensemble Library Submission Criteria We are asking for “print-ready” arrangements in PDF format, professionally transcribed in Sibelius or Finale formats with piano or lead sheet and voice parts included. (Contact Richard Mekdeci for a list of qualified arrangers who can help prepare your scores for publication.) When possible, please include an MP3 audio of the song being performed. This does not have to be a professionally-done studio recording, but enough to give the buyer an idea of the complexity and feel. A good-quality, live church performance should be adequate in most cases. Please include a lyric sheet for each title and a suggested usage for each song (e.g., Christmas, Volunteer Sunday, Burning Bowl, general use, etc.). Songs will be screened for quality, sing-ability, and lyric content to insure compatibility with New Thought theology. If you submit an arrangement to an existing song that you did not write, you should have permission from the songwriter for that arrangement. When you are paid for sales, you will be responsible for compensating the authors through whatever agreement you have with them. To select and purchase choral music, you can go to For information about submitting songs for inclusion in the library, go to The OCEL is administered and hosted by, David Ezell, President. 10 CD Review More Than a Season A Universal Celebration of Love, Joy, and Peace In May of 2013, emPower Music & Arts hosted a Pro Member writing retreat with the express purpose of creating New Thought holiday music. This CD is the result of what happens when you put Karen Drucker, Faith Rivera, Richard Mekdeci, Jana Stanfield, JD Martin, Jan Garrett, Megon McDonough, Robert Anderson, Sloan Wainwright, Sue Riley, Glen Roethel, and Kelly Corsino together in a house for a few days with paper and pens and a sound engineer/producer (none other than Daniel Nahmod)! Voila, a brand new CD sprinkled full of magic, joy, and holiday cheer! Faith Rivera and Sue Riley wrote the title track, “More Than a Season,” and the song reminds us that even though the holidays seem to appear in the wink of an eye, the true gift of the season is not in the things we feel we have to do. The wonder of the season is in touching that place within us that contains the wonder of a child and of looking at the world with new eyes. Jan Garrett, Sloan Wainwright, and Megon McDonough wrote a stunning song called “Solstice Lullaby” that is sure to become an instant ensemble piece. Containing beautiful 3-part harmony, it invites us to “let the world go for awhile, for deep inside this winter’s night is birthed the coming of the light.” This song is hauntingly beautiful. Robert Anderson and Kelly Corsino penned “It’s a Wonderful Life” which is sure to become a classic holiday song. “Stop, look, it’s a beautiful life, that same star shining so bright, a lifetime of memories as we hold hands tight, ‘cause right here and now it’s a wonderful life.” Karen Drucker and JD Martin collaborated on a rousing number called “Hope in Our Hearts” which will have everyone jumping to their feet and singing along. The new CD also contains some songs written expressly for New Year’s Eve: Faith Rivera and Jana Stanfield’s “Countdown (This Is Gonna Be My Year),” which is a wonderful upbeat affirmation for the New Year. When you pair this song up with the catchy “Fill My Cup” written by Glen Roethel, Megon McDonough and Sue Riley, you can’t help but have a rousing great start to your New Year. There is something on this CD for everyone, from heartfelt ballads such as “The Perfect Place to Start” written by Sloan Wainwright and Richard Mekdeci, reminding us that the true spirit of the season lives in our hearts, to the touching and poignant “Last Christmas Eve” by Megon McDonough and JD Martin. For the playful at heart, there is “Santa Bought Me Breakfast” by Sloan Wainwright and Sue Riley, and a fun, romantic duet by Glen Roethel and Faith Rivera, called “Christmas Is Easy on Me.” 11 In fact, the most difficult task we faced was deciding which of the 25 great songs to include on this first holiday compilation. So, the compilation will contain 13 of these songs, performed by the songwriters themselves with harmonies and instrumental magic sprinkled in by the other songwriters. More Than a Season is produced and engineered by Daniel Nahmod, and you will hear his magical touches on every track. We think you will find this CD to be a valuable resource for your ministries and a wonderful new edition to your holiday music collection at home. The CD is expected to be completed by mid-November and available for digital download as well. Watch the emPower website at for ordering information. If you pre-order the CD, in early November you will get free shipping. There will also be a songbook to accompany this CD. 12 Empower Music & Arts Announces This Year’s Posi Award Nominees and Winner of the Best Posi Music Video Each year emPower Music & Arts receives hundreds of submissions that are rated and reviewed by our Pro Members and past nominees to select the final 3 songs in each category. These songs are placed on the yearly “Tribute” CD and sent to a panel of professional judges who will decide by their ratings the winner in each category. This year a new category, “Spoken Word,” was added and each year the “Citizens of emPowerville” vote for the best Posi Music Video. Here is the winner of this year’s video contest and the Nominees for the 9th Annual Posi Awards. Congratulations, Finalists! Video Winner That’s None of My Business – Darcy Stevens New Thought Nominees Burning of the Day – Chris R Pfeiffer Thankful – Ginger Doss One Step – Amy Steinberg Social Action & Justice What if We – Troy Horne Beautiful Now – Glen Roethel Blessed Unrest – Zo Tobi Uniting Nominees Xtraordinary – Darius Lux Together We Can Change the World – Mark Shepard One Face, One Race – Lisa Bell, Lisa Simmons, Bob Story Healing Nominees Love Is Unbroken – Robert Anderson and JD Martin Family – Glen Roethel and Sue Riley God Is Holding Me Now – Michael Hatfield Personal Transformation Nominees Flying in Faith – Amy Steinberg Let the Rain Fall – John Hegner Taking Back My Day – JD Martin, Jan Garrett, Richard Mekdeci, Paula Coppel Music That Matters Nominees I Know God – Denise Rosier Put a Little More Love – Bob Sima That’s What Love Is – Freebo Spoken Word Nominees Pretty – Tom Kimmel Fractions – Nafeesa Monroe There Are Times – David Ault 13 New Releases, Resources & Events We invite you to send us news of CD releases, concert events, or YouTube links that you have come across that would be of interest to our community. It could be New Thought songs you’ve discovered on YouTube, touching stories for sermons, new music from your favorite artists or from your church. Links will be rotated off every 2 issues. Send your link to New Releases Christmas Dreams by Michael Allen Harrison Enjoy Michael’s unique and beautiful arrangements of your holiday favorites. Sure to be a standard holiday fare at your home and office. 10-11/13 In the Spirit by Sharon and Shelly New spiritual jazz CD, In the Spirit, with songs about love, forgiveness, prayer, faith, meditation, peace and unity Listen and buy at: 10-11/13 Piano Love by Janice Scroggins The new incredible, soulful piano solo CD by one of the most in-demand pianists in the Northwest today. Listen and order at: _scroggins_cd 10-11/13 The Italian Project by Lisa Bell This CD is the product of a beautiful dream of co-creation between two high school friends who reconnected after 25 years and discovered they had a gift to share together. With excellent production, and fun jazzy rhythms, this is a very pleasant CD to listen to. 8-9/13 So Far So Good by Richard Mekdeci Includes “All Is Welcome Here,” “No One Gets to Heaven,” plus originals written and co-written by Richard. Daniel Nahmod’s production gives this a fresh new sound and flavor. “So Far So Good is so delightful, I recommend it only to folks who want to hear great singing/musicianship, uplifting lyrics and heart healing songs! So far ... very good!” Megon McDonough. 8-9/13 14 Resources & Links Free Music from Lorraine Nelson Wolf A new church season has begun. In celebration, I'd like to offer you a gift of music for your music ministry. Visit the sheet music pages of my website at: Look, listen, and choose a piece. Then reply to and include the song title along with your name and church name. Your gift will arrive in a few days. Many blessings to you in music and in life! Spirit SongScribe Music Transcription My name is Deana Ingraham Gurney. I transcribe your original songs, creating professionalquality lead sheets (vocal melody in standard notation, with full lyrics and chord symbols), in high-resolution printable PDF form. 15 Events NINTH ANNUAL POSI MUSIC FESTIVAL! January 17-20, 2014 – Orlando, Florida Three nights and four days of concerts, Pajama Jams, Artist lunches, Song Circles, workshops, and inspiration culminating with the 9th Annual Posi Music Awards. Appearing this year: Karen Drucker, Harold Payne, Faith Rivera, Daniel Nahmod, David Roth, Jana Stanfield, The Woodys, Jan Garrett, JD Martin, Robert Anderson, Megon McDonough, Tom Kimmel, Karen Taylor Good, Stowe Dailey Shockey, Freebo, Sloan Wainwright and many more. Info and registration at Saturday, March 8, 2014 – Riverside, Calif. The new, redesigned and updated website for the 2014 New Thought Music Festival is now alive and kicking! Just click here to check out the artists who've agreed to perform for the fourth annual festival, along with their bios and links to their websites where you can learn more about these significant voices in our movement. Together, we're changing the world through music, one heart at a time. Thank you. Festival Website FaceBook Page YouTube Channel Check out for upcoming festivals, concerts and events in the Southern California area. 16 Employment Opportunities Unity of Birmingham, Ala., is seeking an experienced and versatile Music Director to lead all phases of our music ministry. The ideal candidate will have experience directing both vocal and instrumental groups, be an above-average pianist/keyboard player (may consider someone whose primary instrument is guitar), have good music theory and arranging skills and know computer music writing fundamentals. Primary areas of responsibility include Sunday morning worship service, special services and coordinating guest artists and soloists. Please contact Rev. Charles Perry at Experienced Music Director Seeking Church - Greetings from beautiful Miami, Florida! I am a choral director/musician seeking a musical director post in a vibrant community, preferably in an inspiring natural environment. My years of being a church musician, educator and director are diverse, ranging from directing traditional choirs, gospel choirs and jazz ensembles, to assembling original music ensembles, facilitating circle singing and creating space for collective compositions. I am committed to raising humanity's vibrational level and fostering a deeper spiritual connection through music. Will relocate for the right position. Kathleen Hollingsworth: 17 This Month’s Free Sheet Music 18 This congregational song is offered by Sharon Rae and Shelly Davis, music directors at Unity of Littleton, Colo. It is from their new CD In the Spirit. Follow the link below to listen and buy more of Sharon and Shelly’s music or contact them directly at This service is offered with permission from the author. Please contact the author to request more copies or other arrangements. If you would like a piece of your sheet music offered in Sound Connections, just send a PDF file of your song to To sign up for any of Unity Worldwide Ministries’ e-newsletters, go to 401 SW Oldham Pkwy, Lees Summit MO 64081 © 2013 all rights reserved 19