How to use PR to Recruit CASA Volunteers


How to use PR to Recruit CASA Volunteers
How to use PR to
Recruit CASA Volunteers
Martha Gershun
Jackson County, MO CASA
PR is the “Magic Wand”
for Volunteer Recruitment
 Credible
 Low Cost (but not free)
 Effective
PR is Credible
 People believe what they read, watch or hear in the
 PR feels like a “third party” endorsement
PR is Low Cost
 No “pay to play”
 But…consider value of hiring outside professional
 Project
 Ongoing
PR is Effective
 Our 2013 successes (so far)
10 TV placements
26 Print placements
20 Radio placements
27 Outside speaking opportunities
3,624 Facebook Friends
 In 2013, PR and social media have been responsible
for more than 50% of new volunteer inquiries
What kinds of PR are
we talking about?
 TV
 Print
 Radio
 Speaking Opportunities
 Social Media
 News
 About organizations and
events that benefit CASA
 About everything else
 In-studio interviews
 Features
 PSAs
 Main daily/weekly newspaper
 Suburban papers
 Specialty newspapers/magazines
 Alumni, fraternal organizations, corporate internal
 Stories about members, employees who
volunteer/receive awards
 Newsletters
 News/Talk
 DJ mentions
 Public Affairs Programs
 PSAs
 Take photos at events
 Mix of candid and staged
 Vary number of people in shots
 Wrist bands to designate who can be
 Photographer needs names & titles
 Spelled correctly
 List left to right
 Publish post-event photos
Carnival for CASA
435 South Magazine
Light of Hope Breakfast
Kansas City Spaces
Speaking Opportunities
 Faith based
 Corporate
 United Way
 Colleges & Universities
 Community Forums
Social Media
 Treat like a media outlet
 “Editorial” calendar
 Follow, “Like” & Comment
 Purchase ads to build readership
Powerful Connections
How do we get this to
Generate Story Ideas
 People
 Programs
 Capitalize on current events
 Successes
 Milestones
 # of kids served, anniversary, largest event of its kind,
 Trends & Numbers
Identify Who Will Speak
 One agency spokesperson
 Partner for success
 Veteran volunteers & kids
Pitch Story
 Press release
 Send with short,
personalized note
 Pitch letter
 Write specifically for each
media outlet
 Media advisory
 Press conference
 TV
 Emphasize visuals
 Radio
 Emphasize audio
 Follow-up
 Personal phone call
 Email
Prep for Interview
 Clarify time, date, place
 Clarify contact info
 Clarify amount of time
 Live vs. taped
 Handout to reporter
 News release/fact sheet
 Repackaged pitch or
confirmation letter
 Include accurate facts,
names w/ titles
 Prep all participants
 Encourage audience to tune
 Email thought leaders
 Post to Facebook, Twitter
 Inform media of your help
to boost audience
Distribute Successes
 Email
 Facebook
 Brag book
 Purchase TV clips
Media Follow-Up
 Thank you emails
 Ongoing contact
 Invite to events
 Martha Gershun
Executive Director of Jackson County CASA (MO)