June 2016 - Wading River Congregational Church
June 2016 - Wading River Congregational Church
\ LAMPLIGHTER June 2016 WADING RIVER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Revelation “Mock Rec Night” June 12th 1:00 - 4:00pm Have you ever wondered what exactly a "Rec. Night” entails? Now is your chance to come and see the fun that takes place each month during our teen led Rec. Nights. For three years now Revelation has attempted to do their Contemporary Worship Service June 3 at 7pm Friday Prayer Service June 17 at 7pm part in reaching out to teens in the community, now we are eager to show off the amazing things that God has been doing through each of us. (ALL AGES WELCOME! From 2 years old to 102 years old!) Women’s Ministry Scholarships for College Bound Seniors If you are a college-bound senior, and would like to apply for a Gladys S. Jackson Memorial Scholarship, please write a paragraph or two, listing your contributions to the life of the church, as well as your future plans. Please put them in the Women’s Ministry mailbox upstairs. All letters should be submitted by Sunday, June 5. The scholarships will be awarded on Sunday, June 12 during the 10:30am service. If you have questions, please see Nancy Bosseckert. Dear WRCC Family, We feel so blessed by all your prayers, cards, flowers, phone calls, food thank you all so much for everything during Leif's recovery. Our whole family has felt uplifted Susan and Leif Ahrens Women’s Ministry In May the Women's Ministry took a trip to the Peconic Herb Farm for a river-side picnic lunch. A wonderful time was had by all - especially the kids! Despite the clouds, it was a great time of fellowship in an incredible lovely place, www.prherbfarm.com. Stay tuned for more upcoming women's events! In attendance, but not pictured - Nancy, Alex and Tori Bosseckert, Nathan, Lucas & JJ Kahn, Kerstin, Sam & Ellie Turner and Lynette DeLucia. Pictured are Judy Schroeder, Doris Busch and Bette Lederle A Word from Pastor TJ Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” - James 1:16 I cut our grass. Well, at least, I’m supposed to. The truth is it doesn’t happen nearly as often as it should. Usually, before it actually does, our yard becomes an overgrown mess of grass and weeds. Recently, as I contemplated going to cut the overgrown grass, I was struck by the irony of the whole situation. Grass is a wonderful thing when it is maintained. It makes the yard inviting and enjoyable, neat and clean. It becomes a great place for the kids to play, and for us to cook out and relax with friends. When you stop and think about it, it’s pretty amazing to have a place like that right behind our house. All it requires from us is a little care and maintenance. But that is where the problem comes in. As I contemplated cutting the grass I found myself not wanting to do it because it was so long. When I looked at the yard it was messy and unkempt; I imagined all of the ticks and bugs that were probably there and thought about how dirty I might get trying to clean it up. This thing that was meant to be a blessing had become a problem. Instead of helping us enjoy the yard it was keeping us out of it. James reminds us that every good thing in our lives is a gift from God. Our houses and homes, family and friends, food and clothing, and all the other good things that we have are gifts God has lovingly given us. But the Bible teaches us that God has given us these things for a reason, so that he can be glorified and other people be blessed through us. As long as the good things we have are maintained, kept in their place, they can be used for good in our lives and the world. The problem is that these good things sometimes get overgrown and out of control. We let them take over our lives to the point that we forget about the God who gave them to us and focus only on the gifts. When this happens, they are no longer instruments of good but of destruction. This is why Jesus reminds us not to live for “treasure on earth” (Matthew 6). There is a real treasure to be found, a source of joy, life and purpose, a place where we can find all the things we sometimes look for in this world. That place is in the presence of God. But to come to him we have to let go of other things, even good things, and put them back in their place. After all, if the good things God has given us consume our time so that we can’t pray, worship, or seek God in his word, they’re no longer good. But God is always good and Jesus promises that he is always worth seeking, even when we have to sacrifice other things to do it. Take time this month to be with Jesus, the true treasure. Pray, read his word, come and worship and find the joy that can only be found in him. VBS Register Now (Pre-K through 6th Grade) July 18th – 22nd 6:00 PM to 8:45 PM Or Volunteer to Help Questions see Molly or Julie Lutz 631-929-3845 or email Jdlutz43@aol.com VBS Planning Meeting Tues June 7th 7:00- 10:00 PM VBS Work Meetings Wed June 8th 7:00-10:00 PM Thurs June 9th 10:00-1:00 PM Fri June 10th 7:00-10:00 PM Sat June 11th 9:00-3:00 PM Mon June 13th 10:00-1:00 PM Tues June 14th 7:00-10:00 PM Wed June 15th 7:00-10:00 PM Thurs June 16th 10:00-1:00 PM June 20th 10:00-1:00 PM Tues June 21st 10:00-1:00 PM Wed June 22nd 7:00-10:00 PM Fri June 24th 7:00-10:00 PM Mon June 27th 10:00-1:00 PM Tues June 28th 7:00-10:00 PM Mon Thurs June 30th 10:00-1:00 PM Sat July 2nd 9:00-3:00 PM Mon July 4th 9:00-12:00 PM Tues July 5th 6:00-9:00 PM Fri July 8th 6:00-9:00 PM Sat July 9th 9:00-3:00 PM Mon July 11th 10:00-1:00 PM Tues July 12th 6:00-9:00 PM Wed July 13th 6:00-9:00 PM Thurs July 14th 10:00-1:00 PM Fri July 15th 6:00-7:00 PM and 8:00-10:00 PM Sat July 16th 3:00-9:00 PM Sun July 17th ` 12:00 PM- finish Wednesday Fellowship June Birthdays 2 Chris Jones 6 Alan Hurley 8 Helga Guthy 12 Over the years, we have been making baby kits, a total of 10, for Church World Services. Unfortunately this year without notice, they replaced the kits with something else. We already had the materials for the kits and no place for them to go…so we thought. Youth Bureau. This program helps homeless women between the ages of 16 and 21, some with children or who are expecting. They teach them life skills, counsel them and help prepare them to care for themselves and their children. Thankfully every other year, and it was this year, Leisure Glen sponsors a baby shower for Mercy House, a nondenominational not-for- profit agency, contracted with the Suffolk County We will continue to knit baby and children items for Sarah Benjamin, which is ongoing. As soon as I know where we can collect them I will put something in the bulletin. In His Name, Rosemarie Schulz Art Lederle Genesis Jessie Hertling The Genesis youth group is looking forward to SUMMER! Abigail Lutz 20 Lauren Agnew 23 Rick Rowehl 28 Linda Rundlett On June 18th, a group of 15 will be going to a Long Island Ducks game look for pictures and shenanigans in next months' Lamplighter (and on Facebook!). Mark your calendars now for a July 30th family movie on the lawn. We're currently taking suggestions for movie titles - email the church office or message Genesis via Facebook. Coming up in August, we'll have a back to school paint night and outdoor game night. Watch for details coming soon. If you have any questions or have ideas for future events, contact Chris & Dina Jones or Kerstin Turner. Help Wanted! Children's Ministry Coordinator As you may know, Kathy Rowehl is retiring from her position as Children's Ministry Coordinator this June. We're now looking for someone to step into that role as a volunteer to help lead our kids and students ministries. The Children’s Ministry Coordinator will work together with the leaders of Sunday School, Genesis and Revelation to help our kids grow in their faith and understanding of the love of God and how they can know and follow him through all of life. If this sounds like a role you could help fill, please prayerfully consider stepping into this position. If you would like more information or are interested in this position, please contact the church office, the Deacons or Pastor TJ. We hope to fill this position by the end of June, so please contact us as soon. Thanks, WRCC Deacons deacons@wadingriverchurch.org Pretty Weeds Kerstin Turner May is winding down, which means we have spent countless hours in the yard. Trimming shrubs, bagging leaves (we are blessed to do this year round), planting things and spreading mulch. Mostly, after winter, we spend our time pulling weeds. TJ and I both deny the fact we wanted a big yard but we bought this house knowing the yard was a monster so we can’t blame anyone but ourselves. The first year in our house we pretty much maintained what was there. Some shrubs, a few perennials popped up once in a while, we bagged leaves. The second year a few unruly vines crept in – we trimmed those. We also bagged more leaves and discovered we had raspberry bushes – HOORAY! The birds are the most appreciative of the raspberries. Recently though, our flower beds were screaming for some TLC. Despite the jungle, several Irises popped up, 2 tulips (the deer appreciated them), 2 giant hostas (the deer REALLY appreciated them) but mostly grass mixed with weeds tried to overtake them. They nearly succeeded – so I (with the help from the kids) set out to pull weeds from our front beds. I wish I could tell you we are done, but there are portions still neglected. In the digging and pulling I found a few small perennial buds trying to rise above the dandelions. I showed Ellie the tiny pink petals that were trying to beat the odds – she says, “Oh Mom, let’s put them somewhere safe.” There were actually a few of these same flowers scattered in odd places, so I relocated them together. A few weeks has gone by and they are doing surprisingly well. Those scattered plants are us, dear Christian. Fragile petals in a world constantly being swallowed by weeds, vines, dead leaves and sometimes animals. On our own we can’t stand…..we get lost….we get buried…. But together, with others, under the watchful eye of the Gardener we are cared for. How often (and easy) we neglect prayer, reading the Bible, spending time with Christians, attending worship….and the weeds come. Sometimes the weeds appear pretty (just ask Ellie) but their roots grow beneath the surface and multiply, stealing life from fragile petals. What are the weeds in our lives? What pretty weeds keep you from prayer, attending church, reading the Bible, spending time with other Christians? What pretty weeds have told you to let God go….that he’s not a priority. Don’t be deluded….pretty weeds are still weeds. Don’t let them tear you away from the love, care and goodness of God. Our Gardener. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. – Hebrews 10:23-25 As Kathy Rowehl prepares to retire after 23 years of service (15 of them as a paid church employee) to the Sunday School and youth programs of this church, it is fitting that we take a few moments to reflect on her service to God, the children and the families of WRCC. The Bible says that God puts His faithful people where He wants them and provides them the tools that they need to accomplish His work. Kathy has been a beautiful example of that over her many years of coordinating the children’s ministry programs. There is no one more gracious and kind to the people that she encounters, no matter what their age, than Kathy. Sunday after Sunday for many years Kathy has greeted the children and the families that have walked through the doors of the Sunday School. She has been the beautiful first impression of our children’s ministry programs. Of course her reach went far beyond Sunday School. She has been the smiling face at the registration table for VBS to greet an entire generation of children! And we can’t forget the pageants, the egg hunts, the Duck Pond Days, the church family nights, and many other youth ministry programs that she has supported with her organization, coordination and prayers. Kathy’s impact and influence doesn’t stop at the children, she has also encouraged and supported dozens and dozens of Sunday School and youth ministry volunteers over the years. She is gifted at patiently listening to the ideas of others, and helping where help is needed to implement those ideas. The seeds that have been planted in the hearts of the children who have been blessed by her service will be blossoming for many years to come. One thing that has been consistent through all of Kathy’s work is the quiet grace with which she serves. She is a beautiful example of humble servant leadership - A model for all of the rest of us. Not only do the little ones and their parents have a soft heart for “Miss Kathy” but congregation members of all ages do as well. As Kathy begins a life with more time to enjoy her family, we pause to reflect on and thank her for being such a beautiful Godly servant. TJ Turner, Pastor - pastortj@wadingriverchurch.org Donna Rassner, Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper – donnar@wadingriverchurch.org Wading River Congregational Church Deacons 2057 North Country Road Wading River, NY 11792 deacons@wadingriverchurch.org Joe Burgess Jeanne Carle Lynette DeLucia Finn Mauritzen Karen Perricone Rosemarie Schulz Phone / Fax: 631.929.8849 Trustees trustees@wadingriverchurch.org David Agnew Curtis Barnes Pat Burgess Dottie Davis Chris Jones Joe Nocerino Mike Scarpinito Judy Schroeder Greg Von Brook Treasurer: Asst. Treasurer Bill Radonavitch Lana O’Toole Clerk Asst. Clerk Ann Otten Molly Lutz Women’s Ministry Youth Leadership Team Ann Otten Kerstin Turner Julie Lutz Nancy Bosseckert Abigail Lutz Noah Blunnie Ryan Radonavitch Senior Ministry Welcome Ministry Rosemarie Schulz Finn Mauritzen Food Pantry: Organists: Carolyn Baier Joe Baier Craig Baier Diane Hanwick Jean Elliott Choir Director: Sunday School: Kim Schmidt, Superintendent Donna Rassner, Secretary-Treasurer We’re on the Web! See us at: www.wrcongchurch.org WADING RIVER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 2057 N Country Road Wading River, NY 11792 June 2016 Doris Allen