JACKSON CLAIM JUMPERS P.O.Box 754, Jackson, Ca. 95642 Meets every Monday 6:30 to 9:30 P.M. Amador Senior Center, 229 New York Ranch Road, Jackson, Ca. CALLER/CUER – JIM & SHARON RAMMEL NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 2013 FROM THE PRESIDENTS Wow, the holidays are just around the corner. This year has just flown bye. As of this writing, Halloween is fast approaching (and will probably have come and gone by the time you read this). Hope you get a lot of cute little goblins on your door step!!! Jim was back in the hospital recently and now has a pace maker. He's home recuperating now and will return as soon as his strength returns. Be sure to let him know we're thinking of him and wish him a speedy recovery. OFFICERS PRESIDENT GUY & FRANCES GARNER VICE PRESIDENT Jack & Ora Runte SECRETARY TERRI WORKS TREASURER GEORGE & MARY LAMBERT PARLIAMENTARIAN JOHN & TRISH HERSHEY The Board met recently to discus some of the concerns about how much floor time each of our groups of dancers have available on a typical workshop evening. We want to ensure that everyone is enjoying themselves and getting what it is they want out of their dancing. To that end, George and Jack have volunteered to work with Jim to review the current workshop format and make suggestions that will enhance the dance experience for everyone. After talking with several members, Jim has decided the additional plus workshop will not take place until sometime after the first of the year. In the meantime, he will continue working with those members working on plus level during our Monday night workshops. Don't forget our Wild West dance coming up on November 17th. It's always a great event with visitors coming from most of the local clubs to see if they can go home with a turkey. It should be a lot of fun. Thank you to each of our members that contributed recently to the thanksgiving baskets for the Interfaith Food Bank. Thanks to your generosity, at least four families will enjoy a much nicer Thanksgiving. See you on the dance floor, Guy and Fran Newsletter Editor: Suzette Heinrich suzette@volcano.net www.jacksonclaimjumpers.com Where's the Dance http://wheresthedance.com/ 2nd Sacramento Singles has extended a personal invitation to the JCJ new dancer class members who began dancing in September 2012 or January 2013. They would especially be honored to have you join them on “Party Nights” held the last Tuesday of every month. 7:30 – 9:30 pm. Community of Christ Church, 4044 Pasadena Ave. Sacramento, Ca. 3rd Balboa Park San Diego, Calif.Featured Callers: Featured Cuers: Bob Baie Eric Henerlau Andy Allemao.TJ & Bruce Chadd. Rey & Sheri Garza.fiesta@sdsda.org. www.sdsda.org 8th Stepping Pards, 60th Anniversary Dance in Turlock. 9th Mavericks New Dancer - Veterans Day Square Dance Ball Saturday, 7:00pm – 10:30pm Veterans Memorial Hall, 110 Park Drive, Roseville, CA. Pre-rounds: 7-8:00 p.m. New Dancer Squares: 8-10:30 p.m. Caller: Charles Bridges Cuer: Charles Bridges See the flier at: http://www.mavericks-squaredance-club.org/pdfs/2013/110913_Mav.pdf 16th Skirts and Flirts Oakdale Thanksgiving Dinner 6:30-7:30 Hoedown. - Caller/Curer Bill Silver and Steve Wey. Prerounds 7-8 I-IV Squares 8-10:30. Mainstream/Plus Oakdale Grange Hall 17th SJVSD Association Meeting. Amador Senior Center in Jackson, Ca. 17th Jackson Claim Jumpers Presents: Wild West Hoedown 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm. Caller/Curer are Scott & Erin Byars. Please see flyer below. SJVSD Association Meeting before the dance. 16th Capital City Squares 32nd Anniversary Square Dance Sat., 7pm – 10pm United Methodist Church, 5265 H St, Sacramento, CA 95819 Caller: Jet Roberts Plus and Advanced Levels See the flier at: http://www.iagsdc.com/capitalcity/Capital_City_Squares/Upcoming_Events_files/Nov%202013%20Flyer.pdf 22nd Whirl-A-Ways Round Dance Party. Fri. 7:00pm – 10:30pm Veterans Memorial Hall, Royer Park 110 Park Drive, Roseville, CA Party Dancing Phase Cuer: Charlie & Joni Eskin Info: cnjeskin@surewest.net (916) 771-5487 28th 7th Main Street Stroller's Plus Dance - Charity Dance benefiting local Food Closet . 7:00 pm Phase II,III PreRounds 8:00 pm Plus Dance. Placerville IOOF Hall. 467 Main St. Placerville, CA.Caller, Scot Byars Cuer:Erin Byars.Cost: $10.00 14th Oakdale Squares Oakdale Christmas Dance Ben Goldberg. 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm 7:30 pm Pre-Rounds. 8:00 pm Plus Dance. Oakdale Grange Hall, 30 Lambuth Ave. Oakdale, CA 95361 Cost: $8.00 Contact:Robert & Lanin Fisher (209) 883-2644 14th Christmas Dance with Ghost Riders Band 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm 7:00 pm Pre-Rounds 8:00 pm Plus Dance. E.V. Cain Charter Middle School. 150 Palm Ave. Auburn, CA 95603 Cost, $5.00. Caller:Jet Roberts Cuer:Cuer TBA. Contact:Tom Reinke - (530) 613-1958 14th Round Dance. 7:00 pm - 10:30 pm. Phase II,III,IV,V Roseville Veterans Memorial Hall 110 Park Dr Roseville, CA 95679 Contact:Lem & Bonnie Brewster - (916) 783-4964 Cuer:Charlie Eskin 21st Skirts and Flirts - Oakdale Babes in Toyland Calle,r Bill Silver Curer, Steve Wey. Prerounds 7 – 8 level II – IV Squares 8 – 10:30 pm Mainstream/Plus. Oakdale Grange Hall, corner of “F” St & Lambuth Ave. Oakdale. Bring an unwrapped toy. Donation for needy child. Www.singleskirtsnflirts.ccsda.org 23rd We will be DARK! GETTING TO KNOW Jack & Ora Runte Thank You! Jack and Ora for volunteering to be our interim Vice Presidents. Congratulations to Eileen Engberg, she received the ”Golden Dancer Award” Calaveras Twirlers had an awesome Oktoberfest dance to celebrate their 27 th Anniversary on the 5th. Oh my, does this club know how to cook and make you feel welcome. Twain Harte Twirlers celebrated their 44th Anniversary Dance on October 13th. Have you ever danced to Andy Allemao? WOW! what energy he has and is so fun to dance to. Below are two squares doing “Hot Hash” with him, including George & Mary and Ed & Sharon. We also were able to bring home our banner.! At least half of the Jackson Claim Jumpers dressed up for our Halloween Party Night. It was a hoot watching Ed Conley dance as a girl in his cute little square dance outfit. … Nice legs Ed!