May2709 FWEA Mtg Mins
May2709 FWEA Mtg Mins
PAST PRESIDENT: Howard Wegis Lee County Utilities P.O. Box 398 Fort Myers, FL 33902 239-479-8181 PRESIDENT Pamela Holcomb, P.E. CH2M Hill 510 W. Lake Mary Blvd. Sanford, FL 32773 407-665-2033 WEF DELEGATES: Mike Cliburn, P.E. AECOM 320 E. South St. Orlando, FL 32801 407-425-1100 Board of Directors Meeting May 27, 2009 CH2M Hill Office in Orlando, Florida Kartik Vaith, P.E. CDM 8659 Baypine Road, Suite200 Jacksonville, FL 32256 904-731-7109 FWEA DIRECTORS: Scott Kelly, P.E. JEA 21 W. Church Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 904-665-4642 Brian Shields, P.E. Palm Beach Co. Utilities 8100 Forest Hill Blvd. West Palm Beach, FL 33412 561-493-6081 Christine Miranda, P.E. AECOM 3550 SW Corporate Pkwy. Palm City, FL 34990 772-219-2948 PRESIDENT ELECTELECT PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY/TREASURER John Giachino Fred Rapach Nabil Muhaisen Patricia DiPiero, Parsons South Florida WMD St. Johns River Water Mgmt Dist. Lee County Utilities 2420 Lakemont Ave. #450 1555 Gun Club Road 975 Keller Road 1500 Monroe St. Orlando, FL 32814 West Palm Bch, FL 33406 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Fort Myers, FL 33901 407-702-6868 (561) 682-2283 407-659-6640 239-533-8534 The regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting of the Florida Water Environment Association met at the offices of CH2M Hill, Orlando, Florida. Officers in attendance were: Pamela Holcomb, Jessica Weatherby, Tom Lothrop, Nabil Muhaisen, Mike Cliburn, Christine Miranda, and Bill Heller. Scott Kelly, Patty DiPiero and Brian Shields participated by telephone. Committee Chair Brian Houston was in attendance. Holly Hanson, Executive Manager acted as reporting secretary. I. Call to Order: President Holcomb called the meeting to order at 9:45 A.M. II. Roll Call: Patricia DiPiero called the roll. A quorum was present. Jessica Weatherby, P.E. Jones Edmunds & Associates 1100 Cesery Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32211 904-744-5401 III. Minutes: Minutes from the April 5, 2009 Board meeting were reviewed. Nabil Muhaisen made a motion to accept the Minutes as presented with corrections. Tom Lothrop seconded and motion carried. MANUFACTURERS REP: Albert “Bill” Heller ABS Pumps 486 Moffat Loop Orlando, FL 32765 407-416-4973 IV. Finance Committee Report: Nabil Muhaisen reported the Finance Committee Meeting met and money is still tight. The Total Cash is $246,390.97. Profit and Loss Statement shows our current cash on hand quite low. MUTUAL ORGANIZATIONS: Elizabeth Perez, P.E. Brown and Caldwell 1475 CentrePark Blvd West Palm Beach, FL 33401 561-515-6246 UTILITY COUNCIL PRES: James Oskowis City of Tallahassee 300 S. Adams St. Tallahassee, FL 32301 850-891-1090 OPERATIONS COUNCIL REP: Joseph Cheatham City of Tallahassee 3805B Springhill Road Tallahassee, FL 32311 850-891-1009 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Thomas L. Lothrop, P.E. 321 Pickering Court Longwood, FL 32779 407-788-9321 EXECUTIVE MANAGER: Holly M. Hanson P. O. Box 2814 Windermere, FL 34786 407-363-7751 V. WEF Directors Report: Mike Cliburn had conference call with Phyllis Ross of WEF on May 12th on FWEAs MA relationship. Idea was how we could best work together or WEF support the local MAs. Main focus was for us to get information to our Committees and membership. VI. Executive Manager’s Report: Holly Hanson provided an update on the following: • Web Partnering continues to grow at $435/each as we have 10 active sponsors. • FWEA events held at FWRC were a success. Anticipated revenue due to cost savings implemented during the event should be near $30,000 for each organization for their educational activities. • Continue to improve website content, the “How Do I?” Instruction, functionality and accessibility. P.O. Box 2814 ∞ Windermere, FL 34786-2814 407-363-7751 Phone ∞ 407-370-3595 Fax Http:// PRESIDENT Pamela Holcomb, P.E. CH2M Hill 510 W. Lake Mary Blvd. Sanford, FL 32773 407-665-2033 PAST PRESIDENT: Howard Wegis Lee County Utilities P.O. Box 398 Fort Myers, FL 33902 239-479-8181 WEF DELEGATES: Mike Cliburn, P.E. AECOM 320 E. South St. Orlando, FL 32801 407-425-1100 VII. Directors at Large Report: A. Jessica Weatherby gave details on: • Awards Committee met with Lilliam Pearson and she is now the Awards Chair person. • Leadership Committee has been passed onto Stephanie Carbone. • Leslie Samel’s Seminar Committee held a teleconference. • Ken Blanton is chairing Continuing Education Committee. • All Chapters are aware of budget situation and working on events. • FWEA now has a FaceBook Account. Kartik Vaith, P.E. CDM 8659 Baypine Road, Suite200 Jacksonville, FL 32256 904-731-7109 FWEA DIRECTORS: Scott Kelly, P.E. JEA 21 W. Church Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 904-665-4642 Brian Shields, P.E. Palm Beach Co. Utilities 8100 Forest Hill Blvd. West Palm Beach, FL 33412 561-493-6081 Christine Miranda, P.E. AECOM 3550 SW Corporate Pkwy. Palm City, FL 34990 772-219-2948 Jessica Weatherby, P.E. Jones Edmunds & Associates 1100 Cesery Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32211 904-744-5401 F. Elizabeth Perez reported: • All Committees have been contacted regarding hosting of events. The IWRC and Central Florida Chapter are co-hosting a lunch in July. • Florida Watershed Journal hosing an Annual Meeting May 29th in Gainesville. VII. Utility Council Report: Preparing Annual Report with the end of the legislative season to review 2009 accomplishments. OPERATIONS COUNCIL REP: Joseph Cheatham City of Tallahassee 3805B Springhill Road Tallahassee, FL 32311 VIII. 850-891-1009 EXECUTIVE MANAGER: Holly M. Hanson P. O. Box 2814 Windermere, FL 34786 407-363-7751 C. Patty DiPiero reported: • Recently had Southeast Golf outing that was reasonably successful. • Committees are aware of financial situation and are planning functions. E. Christine Miranda reported: • Prepared a quick survey to the Student Design Competition. Overall response was favorable; they liked choosing their own design project. One of the advisor said the judging criteria was hard because you can’t put the projects side-by-side. MUTUAL ORGANIZATIONS: Elizabeth Perez, P.E. Brown and Caldwell 1475 CentrePark Blvd West Palm Beach, FL 33401 561-515-6246 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Thomas L. Lothrop, P.E. 321 Pickering Court Longwood, FL 32779 407-788-9321 B. Scott Kelly announced: • Government Affairs & International: Scott has volunteers to man that committee and he will rewrite outlines. • Water Charities: Combining activities with Engineers without Borders and have a project schedule in Guatemala in honor of Don Maurer. Seeking $5,000 funds from FWEA. First activity is a putting contest fundraiser. • Liz Perez needs to work with Chris Ferraro on Water Reuse. • Utilities Management Committee: Joe Cheatham’s name was listed on it and will be working with Ray Grant. • Collections Committee: Scott got involved during FWRC. D. Brian Shields said the dinner meeting the Southeast Chapter held January 13th had about 60 people in attendance. Brian is working with Christine Miranda to make inroads into FAU and their participation in the student design competition. MANUFACTURERS REP: Albert “Bill” Heller ABS Pumps 486 Moffat Loop Orlando, FL 32765 407-416-4973 UTILITY COUNCIL PRES: James Oskowis City of Tallahassee 300 S. Adams St. Tallahassee, FL 32301 850-891-1090 PRESIDENT ELECTELECT PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY/TREASURER John Giachino Fred Rapach Nabil Muhaisen Patricia DiPiero, Parsons South Florida WMD St. Johns River Water Mgmt Dist. Lee County Utilities 2420 Lakemont Ave. #450 1555 Gun Club Road 975 Keller Road 1500 Monroe St. Orlando, FL 32814 West Palm Bch, FL 33406 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Fort Myers, FL 33901 407-702-6868 (561) 682-2283 407-659-6640 239-533-8534 MARC Report: Bill Heller said he has been visiting with different vendors on possible joining the MARC. What needs to be established the benefits of being a member; cost of joining; terms of agreement; establish an online registration link to pay by credit card; and contact source for all. P.O. Box 2814 ∞ Windermere, FL 34786-2814 407-363-7751 Phone ∞ 407-370-3595 Fax Http:// PRESIDENT Pamela Holcomb, P.E. CH2M Hill 510 W. Lake Mary Blvd. Sanford, FL 32773 407-665-2033 PAST PRESIDENT: Howard Wegis Lee County Utilities P.O. Box 398 Fort Myers, FL 33902 239-479-8181 WEF DELEGATES: Mike Cliburn, P.E. AECOM 320 E. South St. Orlando, FL 32801 407-425-1100 Kartik Vaith, P.E. CDM 8659 Baypine Road, Suite200 Jacksonville, FL 32256 904-731-7109 IX. Operations Council Report: Joe Cheatham communicated with Chapters and Committees on budget reductions. Big Bend held a bi-monthly meeting and had a speaker from Siemens. Planning events in July, September, and Seminar in November. Big Bend offered to host a webcast. Alliance with Florida Benchmarking Consortium. Gearing up for a FWRC workshop. Operators Challenge had 3 teams and hope all 3 teams can attend WEFTEC. Joe suggested some type of sponsorship to fund WEF reports. X. Strategic Planning & Memberships: Brian Houston reported they had a good meeting in May and accomplishing brainstorming for Chapter & Committee business planning. Pam asked if he had adequate support? The reformation of leadership is going to be influenced by the Strategic Plan. Brian said perhaps help see where you are spending money and where should we spend the money. Focusing on the fall for training. XI. Old Business: Tom Lothrop submitted a Report to the Board from the Finance Committee. Several scenarios were presented and Board tabled discussion to a future date. FWEA DIRECTORS: Scott Kelly, P.E. JEA 21 W. Church Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 904-665-4642 Brian Shields, P.E. Palm Beach Co. Utilities 8100 Forest Hill Blvd. West Palm Beach, FL 33412 561-493-6081 PRESIDENT ELECTELECT PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY/TREASURER John Giachino Fred Rapach Nabil Muhaisen Patricia DiPiero, Parsons South Florida WMD St. Johns River Water Mgmt Dist. Lee County Utilities 2420 Lakemont Ave. #450 1555 Gun Club Road 975 Keller Road 1500 Monroe St. Orlando, FL 32814 West Palm Bch, FL 33406 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Fort Myers, FL 33901 407-702-6868 (561) 682-2283 407-659-6640 239-533-8534 XII. New Business: Don Maurer Scholarship that FWEA is trying to raise, $5,000 by First Coast Chapter, AWWA $5,000, CDM paying for monument – about $30K. Nabil suggested we try and get $1,000 or less from each Chapter to contribute to this. Christine Miranda, P.E. AECOM 3550 SW Corporate Pkwy. Palm City, FL 34990 772-219-2948 XIII. Jessica Weatherby, P.E. Jones Edmunds & Associates 1100 Cesery Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32211 904-744-5401 MANUFACTURERS REP: Albert “Bill” Heller ABS Pumps 486 Moffat Loop Orlando, FL 32765 407-416-4973 Adjournment: President Holcomb adjourned the meeting at 12:05 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Holly Hanson Executive Manager and Reporting Secretary MUTUAL ORGANIZATIONS: Elizabeth Perez, P.E. Brown and Caldwell 1475 CentrePark Blvd West Palm Beach, FL 33401 561-515-6246 UTILITY COUNCIL PRES: James Oskowis City of Tallahassee 300 S. Adams St. Tallahassee, FL 32301 850-891-1090 OPERATIONS COUNCIL REP: Joseph Cheatham City of Tallahassee 3805B Springhill Road Tallahassee, FL 32311 850-891-1009 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Thomas L. Lothrop, P.E. 321 Pickering Court Longwood, FL 32779 407-788-9321 EXECUTIVE MANAGER: Holly M. Hanson P. O. Box 2814 Windermere, FL 34786 407-363-7751 P.O. Box 2814 ∞ Windermere, FL 34786-2814 407-363-7751 Phone ∞ 407-370-3595 Fax Http://
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