Geology and Landforms of Manitoba
Geology and Landforms of Manitoba
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• GEOLOGY AND LANDFORMS OF MANITOBA M. Timothy Corkery The geological history of Manitoba spans more than 3.5 billion years. By studying the rocks of the prov ince, geologists can deduce what the landscape of Man itoba was like mil lions, or h undreds of millions, of ears ago. At times seas covered t he wh ole province; at other times the province was covered by up t o 1.5 km of ice . Th ere were volcanic is lands in the area t hat is now Flin Flon, a n d two continents collided in the Thompson area. Rocks can re veal whether it was warm or cold a nd indicate when our province was close to the equator. Also, by study ing fossils we can even deduce something about the animals that lived her e long before there were people. Geologists partition the history of the earth in the same way that historians subdivide and name dif ferent periods of hum an history, such as the Bronze Age and the Renaissance. In the earth 's h istory, the two major time divisions, termed eons, are the Precam brian (the time when there was little liv ing) and the Phan erozoic (the time when evidence suggests life was abundan t). Each of these eons was hWldreds of millions of years long, so they are further di vided into eras: the Precambrian is divided into the Archean and Proterozoic, and the Phanerozoic is divided into the Paleozoic (the time when early forms of life existed in the seas an d th en spread onto the land); the Mesozoic (often called "the age of reptiles"); and the Cenozoic (the time when warm-blooded animals - mammals - became dominant) (Table 2 .1). The P hanerozoi c eras are further subdivided into periods. Manitoba's geological history is so rich tha t much of th e geological t ime scale is represented in our rocks. The rocks an d minerals that form ed at different times in the past occur in different places through out the province (Figu re 2.1). The oldest rocks in Manitoba were formed dur ing the Precambrian eon, and are exposed in the Precambrian Shield that stretches from southeastern Manitoba north westward to Sas katchewan and the Northwest Ter ritories. Younger sediment ary rocks of the Phanerozoic eon are found in the sou thwest ofthe province and in the H u dson Bay Lowlands, in the northeast. In south-central Manitoba, rocks deposited in shallow seas during several periods of the Paleozoic are found; these periods are, from old est to youngest, the Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, and Mississip pian. For the Mesozoic era, we have rocks deposited during the .Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, and in some locations th ese are overlain by Cenozoic rocks from the Tertiary pe riod. Of most recent origin are gla cial sediments from the Quaternary period tha t cover much of the prov- inee. HISTORY IN THE ROCK RECORD Precambrian Rocks in the Precambrian Shield are predominantly igneous in origin but include areas of metamor phosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks called greenstone belts. Broad reas of igneous rocks were formed by the cooling and crystallization of extremely hot melted rock material THE GEOGRAPHY OF MANITOBA 12 called m agma. After t h e old rocks of the Precambrian Shield were formed, they were buried deeply in the earth an d cha ng d by hea t a nd pressure to metamorphic rocks. However, this expla natio n is over implified; the rocks are a ble to tell us more about the distant past. They tell of continents olliding, volcanoes erupt ing, and gre t wandering rivers in mountains that may h ave been as m aj sti c as t he Rockies today. At times the area t hat is now Manitoba was even in a different global posi tio n from tha t which it. occupies to day. Table 2.1 Geological Formations of ManiLoba AGE' ERA C E N PERIOD EPOCH QUATER· ..;fa}'T NARY I ~ TERl IAAY C 140 Clay, sand, gravel. TURTl£ MTN. 120 Shale. clav and saM LI(tOile b. d. - localed onl In TUllia MDunla! 30 Sana and saMSIOns, glO<llllsli gray - \Qcaled only In TuM'e Mounlain 'lC .,.:. p'lf(Wj[ Alm~ G .. T lJP1'fR V ERM.LIO ~ A OI!'""l>:\ RIVEfl C E Z 0 FAVEL 0 U ASHVillE S C'r,rlO SWAH RIVER J S I " u < .5 RESTON , uPf'f-!l IU~!.· AMA!1ANHf ..,ff I ..HI fTal.E~ ,~ ot() 300 O'.H'lEX VANIAN CHARLES "I g'" •I '" ,; "I D · D A l E 0 0 E V Z 0 I C I ~ A ~I 0100 SILURIAN A 0 0 MISSION ~ l OOGEPOt.E § A BandM green ~ha19 al'!2 calcareous sand5.IQl"le SandS llrmes~one yaI1-co[ouII:td shale Limestone bull. and ,Mias. gray WMe aoll)'dnla and'or g~m snd banoed dolomila aM ,hale Red sha.11.!: to slClstona dolomrbc. 011 prOOuctng Ca,bor.3l. breCCia If.c~y.ndB5J le {cryp!o·e<plosion Permlan- Tna-59i (?) M.s~". anh,dnlo and SlruClu r~1 ~O!omit a 120 i.JmesIOM. lig hl bu ~. ool<1,c, 10, s.IIlelOus Ilagmonl.1 eIl.tty. bands 01shale and anhydnlo 011 ploouclng 165 LImestone and argllacea'-l$ llmeswne. Ilgll' brown aM {edisl1 mollled Zones 0' shaly. oolilic C,,"Oldal and cherty II....lon' 0·1 pro<lue,ng BMKEN 20 Two blacl< shalo ' ''''•••obaralod by ,:lIslone. 0,1SIlOw J5 Red. siltstone anD sl1ale, dolommc NISKU ~ DlJP£ROW 170 120 Umesl"". ~ doIom,". yellow'll'.Y I.,., I.'...., porOU$. some aMytjnl8 Limeslone .od dOlom,l. ero'I. r.eous and . nhvdn l ~ rn otec,," eycll",,1 Shale. l.mosloM and dotomile. anhydnle ~g i& ~ ~ SOUAISR!V~ H!fll;' I OA"t,~,H;\Y ~ ~ ...Rtt ". 65 i.JrnoslOO. aM dal<mle. porous, . nhydtM 120 Seu, po,a." and anhydrl'e, dolomll. ,nlerbedded IOCIII 75 ,"a). led & green !2 Dolomlle. IIghl jello""h brown. ,.01\. Limestol'le toss'llIerous htgh·eaJerum 001 mil. and shale bn~ rod Ifl TEl1I..A KE GROUP 135 Dolomu•. yellowish-orange '0 greyis/t·Y9!Ow loss,IIlerous .lIty ZOnE> !;TONEWAU. I~ ~ f'/INNIPEGOSIS '" ~ RN /EiUI"(tf... W'WW, TONY '.K)UNTAII< (j"r,~ (, ~. SlLK:PtI. "" Oolomile greyish-yellow bedde<J Dolom.I•• 3C y.llowiS"·~ r. y, <h. ly Dolomlle dusl<I.\'eUow, losstl,l&rQus Snale red'1ll1len, ' os""f,,,o"s. IIme9lOo" t>ands ~n.u·-, "'-I~Tc..nfn Fa Doloml!tc limeston e m !lled. end dolomlle WINN'PEG eo DEAOWooD 60 ShaleJl!""n w' ''L .anelsIO,," 'nlerlledd«l :::ian an saOO&one Quartzose GlaU~t' ~ ~~:on" aM ,.IIS10n•• and ,hal., green g's)' 10 blue very • 01SW Maniloba only . flEDfllVEfl ':';'T~ .":'u HEJ.C N C~ MBR IMoJ and QUartz sand pynllc snale - gray non ·c;.aI(.8rE<1us OVG~!..lf, !l'flETON V C I 2Q C ~ Y ON 2 " 500 • .:.r ~ ST MARTIN P E N~SYl •S 450 SandS ll1"lI~ MEUTA Ip~;&n JOO ~ Shale. oark g re ~ f1on·ca. lcar~ous , :)Ilfy GUatl2 Sflnd or sandstone 75 200 ' .... R 200 25() 11 5 WAS>\AOA A C Gray shalo non-calcarS()IJS lOcallronSiona. benlonl" Mar tlase. gas louod S~al. da,. yrey e," bonaceous non·ealcaJ""US. l>emonne bands t55 I S~ale. oroy sDec1<1ed calca,,,"s OOnlonllic: s l"'~ l ly oel,ol,l.roo, IS~a'EU1lir1< ~ril'L11Qn~us~ =. Uo~s~1 samlJ n~ SI·l Gr. y s~. l o ,'illn heavy calco reous<~ 40 bandS Dlllma'loM and ben'onll' 310 tStr/1llEs;..:U:;J tR£~iCfQUS R """'" 00''0·lo(llttt. E U 15') 1.\lN. ,,·U\'fX~ E 5 0 ~.a l t :.cFl,;,r C R 100 1J1der t.1~·fl' BOISSEVAlN C A rchean The rock record of Manitoba tarts in the Precambri n eon about 3.5 billio n years tigO . In t he eastern part of the Precambrian Shield, in the area known as the S uperior Geologic Provi nce, rocks were form ed dur ing t h Archean era and re more than 2.5 billion years old. Early in the Arch an , from abo ut 2.7 to 3 billion years ago, th ere was no large continent as there is today. At th t time ocean basins exis ted with black pillowed basalts l being formed al ong ocean ridges, mu ch li ke mid-ocea n spreading rid ges found in the Atlantic and Pacifi to day. Also. chains of volcan ic islands kn~wn as is1an 1 a rcs were being formed. Remn ants of rocks formed during these time a re preserverl in th greenstone bel ts . Very old areas of continental gr ani es are pre served indicating that so me conti n ntal land mas es must also h av existed in the early Arch ean er a. Very slo wly, t he force tha t move continen ts today were a t work mov in g th var ious segmen ts of the em t togeth er to form th Superior Craton (Contin nt) by a bout 2.7 bil lion years ago. Geolo<yical forces are im percep ti bly slow but never idle, and .7 bil lion years ago major geol ogical event called an orogeny began. Dur in g the next 60 m illion years h igh moun ta ins were thrust up and great rivers ra n through de p val ley . Grave l an d sand deposited by th se r ivers are preserved in some of the green 'Lone b It . Also during t h is p riod of mountain buildin g, 'alled the I{enoran Orogeny, many of th e granitic rocks of the Superior GLACL'.L DRIFT OS M 8ASIC lrTHOlOGY 'I ~():£I,'( Z 0 50 n«'. Tot> soil dun a sand• .J,r,g')t;(;F.IE 0 MEMBER FO~ MATlON S5(j PflECAMBAlAN IroN) Ad d and bas", cry'lall'n. !fld ,... .tamorph;c rockS 'miAlons 01 years OOlor. p'.S,,"1 Source: Geological H ig h way Map of Ma nitoba 1994, 2nd ed. (Winnipeg: Manitoba Minerals Division , 1994). Geolog] Province were fo rm d, and tremend us heat a nd pressure metamorphosed the rocks beneath the high mountains. Thus, y th e en d of the Archean, 2.5 billion year s ago, the Superior Province of Manitoba h ad ch anged from oceani c basin and islands i n some unnam ed sea - similar to t he East Indies of today - into a conti n n t with mountain s a long the western edge, near wh ere Thorn son is now 10caLed. Proterozoic Th Proterozoic era sLart d some 2. 5 billion years ago . Th re is evi dence th at a portion of the western margin of t h Superi r Geologic Province was rifted away we tward about 2.2 billion years ago, creating an oceanic basin in the sa me fash ion th a t th At lantic Ocean has opened a nd spread to separate the Americas from Africa and Europe. With in this new ocean the cycle of ocean fl oor spreadi ng, islan arc de 13 Geology and L andforms of Ma nito ba .. . W01LAl1TOM / il ! zoic and created a chain of moun tains. Again the rocks were melted and metamorphosed dur ing another mountain-bui lding event, called the Trans-Hudson Orogeny, which closed the Precambrian eon in Manitoba. Th e geological cycle of continen t a l r ifting a nd ocean floor spread ing, clos ure of th e ocean basin by subduction of the oceanic plate, and continental collision concurrent with a mou ntain-building event has been repeated many times thr oughout geologi cal history. It has now come to be known as the Wilson Cycle, after the famous Canadian geologist J . Tuzo Wilson , wh ose pioneering work led to t he theory of plate tec tonics. IIEJAHILIHI Tb I SEAL RIVER Tl ; / / CHIPEWYAH Tb 1 1 tYNNlAK~ Lynn· TV, lake lEAF RAPIDS ' TO (- -_ Thom~SDn . t ~ -t,lIPEIUOR II.ISSEYNEW Ta ~.:r • 'TI DillI. 0..., , PIKWITONfL Y STU Sb 'cf# GODS LAKE Sg N • MO lSO~ LAkE Sb ___ IS LAND f A ~=~ '00 km LAKE Sg CE NOZOIC • Tertiary D Cretaceous BERENS IIIVEIl Sb M ESOZOIC .. UCHI Sg .. ",.oW'C PRE CAMBRIAN { j Jurassic Devonian Silurian •• Ordovician Precambria n T T ran s· Hudson Orogen S Supenor Provlnc:e Major subdivIsions of the Pre<:ambri an In Manlloba: . Batnolithic granrie Sedimental)' Granite greenstone • ~ .. Fig ure 2.1 Generalized Geology of Ma nitoba (Source: Modified from Geological H ighway Map of Mani toba 1994, 2n d ed. /Winnipeg: Man itoba Minerals Di vision, 1994J) velopment, and sedimentation b~ gan agam . Th e fa mous Thompson Nickel Belt was for ming along th e west coast of t he S uperior Con tinent. The sands of th e day were sitting on the gr anit es and gneisses of the worn-down mou ntains from the Ken oran t ime about 600 m ill ion yea r s before. Out in the seas to the west, deposits of mu d a n d sand wer e building u p on the bottom, and new chains of volca nic isla n ds were bein g formed in the basin. DUling thj s time th e F Un Flon , Lynn Lake, an d Th ompson ore deposit s were formed. As in t h e Arch ean , pressures built up and another old Arch ean continen t to t he northwest drifte d towards the S upelior Cr at on . In t he same way t h at India ran into Asia a nd push ed u p t he Himalayas , the Hearne-Rae Cr aton squeezed th e sedimen ts , volcan ics, a nd ore de posit s formed d uring t he P rotero Phanerozoic By th e beginning of the Phanerozoic eon, t he area th a t is now Manitoba had been eroded down to a rela tively flat to undula ting peneplain (almost a plain ) located in the cen tre of t h e continent. Sediments de posited since t hen have not been dist urbed except by periods of ero sion when t h e land was above sea level , because Manit oba, unlike the mou ntainou s areas of Alberta and British Columbia, has not been dis turbed by a more recent orogeny. Th is h as resulted in the preserva tion of abundant fossils a nd sedi ment a.r y featu res in the r ocks of th e Paleozoic era. All t he youn ger (Ph a nerozoic) rock s in Man itoba are sedimentary. Th er e are two types of sedimentary rocks: clastic rocks an d chemical rocks. A clastic rock is for med wh en an older rock is (1) broken into frag men t.s, (2) transported by wa ter or a ir, (3) deposit ed to form a sediment such a s a beach sand , a n d t h en (4) lithified (made into a solid rock), typica lly by cement ation . Clastic r ock s are widespre a d in southwest ern Manitoba. A chemical rock forms by precipi tation of atoms or mol ecules from a solution with in a n ocean or lake. This can occur wh en organisms such as cor al or clams make th eir shell s ; alternatively, if too m uch of a certain su bstan ce is dissolved in t h e solu tion, it precipitates to for m a rock. Chem ical rocks a re abun dant in the Mani toba Lowla n ds of south -cen tral Man itoba and in t h e 14 THE GEOGRAPHY OF MANITOBA ERA A T" ~I. Mo unl.ll n Wlnnlpe~ River AI Red Allier E c 1001) Honzontal Scale o .. 50 l raadM km 1500 , A 1 ~----------- + ----- Figure 2 .2 Geulogical Cross ·section of S outhern Manitoba (Source: Modified from Geological Highway Map of Manitoba 1994, 2nd ed. (Winn ipeg: Manitoba Mi nerals Diuisin l1 , 19 47) Hudson Bay Lowlands. Manitoba h as rocks from most periods in the Phanerozoic eon (Fig ure 2.2), but there are some gaps. F r instance, there are n o rocks from the Penn sylvanian, Permian, or Triassic periods, nor are there any from the Upper Jurassic. Dur ing these imes all of Manitoba was above sea level as it is today, and as now, the rocks that were deposited du ring the previous periods were eroded by river and wind a tivity. Thus during these times, not only were no new sedimentary rocks de posited in our geological record but we were actually losing pieces of the record . When a new sh Bow cratonic sea again covered the centr al part of North America during t.he J urassic period, the sedimentary record re sumed, with he sediments being deposited on the eroded surface of the older Paleozoic strata . This type of contact is called an unconformity (Figure 2.2 . Paleozoic Paleozoic sedimentary rocks cover the Precambrian Shield in the Hud son Bay Lowlands and in south western Manitoba. These rocks ac cum ulated in depressed areas in the earth's crust known as sedimentary basins, two of which influenced sedimentation in Manitoba: the Hudson Bay Basin centred in Hud son Bay, and the Willi ton Basin, centred in northwestern North Da kota. The Willist on Basin developed fyo m the south as the seas advanced over the slow ly subsiding Precam brian Shield. This advance of the sea, termed a transgression, left de posits of sand t ne (dominated by the quartz-rich andstone of t he Winnipeg Formation) as it flooded northward (Table 2.1). As the Pre cambrian Shield continued to sub side, sediments accumulated on the shallow of the ancient sea at a rate that kept pace with the sink ing of the crust below. These sediments formed the dolomites, limestones, an d interbedded shales of the Red River Formation . The rocks dip gently t wards the centre of the basin in North Dakota, where subsidence was gre test (Figure 2.2) . The Paleozoic rocks of the Williston Basin contribute to Mani toba's mineral ind ustry through produ ts such as silica sand, dolo mi tic limestone for building stone, dolomite, and high-calcium lime stone for cement; ubsurface deposits of salt and potash are potential prod ucls (Chapter 16). In addition, some of the rocks serve as reservoirs for petroleum. At this t ime Manitoba was at a tropical latitude, c vered by warm, shallow seas that teemed wi th newly developing life. As a result, numer ous fo ssils such as corals, tr ilobites, and brachiopods are found in Pa leozoic rocks. It was during this era that an explosion of life for ms oc cu rred. However, this does not indi cate that li~ began in the early Paleozoic, but rat.her that a wide ar ray of animals evolved hard parts that could be preserved as fossils. It is an unanswered questi n why the sudden explosion of t hese life forms occ uned t t his time. P al ozoic rocks in Manitoba con tain represen tatives of all the major phyla of the animal kingdom (Table 2.2). A partial list of fossils from the Stony Mountain Formation (Ordo vi cian) includes several kinds of coral, snails, brachiopod , crinoids, sponges , trilobites, nautiloid cepha lopods, and even some of t he earli est armoured fishes. 15 Geology and Landform.,> ofMan itoba Table 2.2 Major Phyl a of the Animal Ki ngdom Phylum Anim als Included Porifera Sponges oelenterata • • • • • Corals, sea ane mones Mollusca Clams, snails, squid Annelida Wor ms of all shapes an d sizes Arthropoda Trilobites (extinct), crustaceans (crabs, crayfish , shrim p, bamacles), insects, chelicerates (spiders, scorpions, ticks, mi tes) Echi nod ermata Starfish. sea cucumbers. san d dolJ arf!, sea urchi ns. crinoids Chordata Al most a ll a ni ma ls with a backbone (fish , a mphibians. d inosaur s. reptiles, birds, mammals ) Mesozoic At the conclusion of the Paleozoic era, t he ma rine sedime ntary rocks were raised above sea level and eroded. This erosional surface was characterized by th e development of sinkholes and caves in limes tone, and by the development of hills and valleys. Later, downward move ment of the earth's crust led to a re turn of shallow seas and to the accu mulation of Mesozoic sediments on the erosional s urface. The con tact between the eroded Paleozoic rocks and th e base of the Mesozoic rocks is another example of an uncon formity. Mesozoic sediments, which formed red siltst ones, sandstones, shales, and gypsum, were deposited in ancient seas that covered Mani toba from about 64 to 225 million years ago. Distant volcanic activity, probably in western North America, spread volcan ic ash, which was later altered to beds of bent onite, across Manitoba. Gypsum, bento nite, brick clay, and shale are im portant mineral products from the rock fo rmations of the Mesozoic era (Chapter 16). With the r eturn of the shallow seas, m ost of the species that had previously lived in the region re turned, wit h some noteworthy ex ceptions; for example, trilobites and graptolites, which would ha ve done well in a similar environ ment , were extinct by th is time. However, fos sils of large marine vertebrates, such as mosasaurs and plesiosa u rs , are foun d in Mesozoic strata. This was th e age of reptiles, and al tho ugh fossils of dinosaurs h ave not been fou n d in the predominantl marine strata .in Manitoba, the r ocks of equivalent age to the west have abundant dinosa ur remains. There is still a possibili ty of finding fossil dinosaurs in Man itoba, in the eas tern margins of the deltaic sys tem s of rivers flowing from the mountains to the west. Cenozoic Only a small portion of Manitoba con tains rocks of early Cenozoic time, which began abo ut 64 million years ago. Paleocene strata of the Turtle Mountain Formation are lilnited to a relatively small isolated area capping the topographic high of 'furtle Mountain, in southwest ern Manitoba. These strata, con sisting primarily of fine sandy and silty shales, rest directly on Mes ozoic rocks. The past 55 million years h as been a t ime of relative geological st ability in central North America. The region was uplifted from the sea and became a fl at plain. There was little sedimentation, and ero sional patterns began to develop on the plains. Animal life became di verse and abundant; paleonto logical digs in 10-milljon-year-old sediment s in the cen tral plains of the Un ited States indicate that doz en s of h oofed species, similar to those found in t he African plains of today, were present . Gr azing ani mals such as horses, pronghorns, and camels occupied the grass lands, which they shar ed with vari eties of elephant, rhinoceros, and tapir. The presence of fossil tor toises and alligators, which could not survive extended periods of cold weather, indicates a warm climate. Carnivores such as sabre-toothed cats, bears, dogs , and small weasels found no lack of food on these grassy plains. Even an unusual sa bre-toothed deer found a niche in the environment. As the climate ch anged with ap proach of the Ice Age, so did the ani mal life. Woolly mammoth, bison, and other cold-tolerant species took the place of the savanna-dwelling populations. Possibly the latter were finally driven to extinction as colder winters and dry conditions reduced their range. PREGLACIAL TOPOGRAPHY AND DRAINAGE The land was uplifted about 50 mil lion years ago, and the Mesozoic seas ret reated from Manitoba; even H udson Bay may have been el evated above sea level. This newly exposed, generally fi at former sea floor was su bj ected to erosion by riv ers. Erosional patterns that persist today began to develop on t he t hick Cretaceous shales th at covered most of southern Manitoba 55 mil lion years ago. The la nd then, as now, sloped away to the east from the Rocky Mountains, and rivers fl owed eastward across the Prai ries, down this gentle slope towards the Canadian Shield (Figure 2.3). Some were diverted northward into the Mackenzie watershed, others sou th to the Mississippi watershed, and possibly some flowed across the 16 THE GEOGRAPHY OF MANITOBA Shield to dr ain to the al'ea wher e NORr~W [ ll m ilT 11[1 H ud on Bay is today, H is diffi cult Lo locate these an Preglacial Channel cient river and stream valleys be cause they have been deeply buried beneath glacial deposits, but they h ad 50 million years t erode the Mesozoic sh les th at may have x tended as far east a the On tario border.2 Before t he onset of glad bon , the shales were eroded back t o the Manitoba Escarpmen t, and the eastward-flowing streams carved deep valJ eys, producing the em ", b yments in the escarpment tha t are now occupied by the Assini boine, the Valley River, and the Swan River. The Man itoba E scarpment is, 6111i!ff ("OWMBlj the n, a preglacial feature. It was not significantly eroded by glacia tion be ause of the ero 'ion-resist an t na ture of the overlying hard gray Oda nah shale . This shale, with its h igh silica cont n t derived from volcanic ash and the remains of sili MONU~i ceous microorganisms, formed a re sistan t caprock to the Ma nitoba Es FIg ure 2 ..'3 Preglacial Drainage of the Prairies (Source: Modified from J .B. Bird, The carpmen and prevented it from be N a tural Landscapes of CanHdl'! (Toronto: Wiley Publishers of Canada, 1972j, 117) ing reduced to the level of centr a1 a nd east rn Manitoba . The escarp ditions are so cold that continen tal When he climate changes again ment generally forms the eastern glaciers expan d thousands of kilo and w rms enough so tha t the win most edge of Cret aceous r ocks in metres from high latit udes, and al ter addition of ice is less than the pine glaciers build up and flow summer reduction, the glacier slow the province. down from the mountain. This ly stops advancin g an d the edges h appens when the annual addition melt away faster than the i e can GLACIATI ON of winter snow is greater t han the flow. melt ing or subli ma tion in the sum Glacial P eriods At this point the glacier is said to Period of glaciation are not re mer. Even small amounts of annual be receding; as the weight of the stricted to the time we call the lee addition of now, which t urns to ice, glacier is r emoved, t he lands rise Age. Duri ng t he 4. 5-biIlion -year m build u p over h usands of back to their equilibrium position history of the earth , global climatic years. The resulting ice, which in by a process called isostatic reo conditions h ave ch anged many our area is estim ted to have been bound . This r ebound is fa st at fir st s much as 3 k m thick over H udson and then slows. It is not complete tim s; indeed, maj or fluct ua tions are the norm r at her than the excep Bay a nd possibly 2 k.m thick over even today, and in the area of tion. While Manitoba was basking Winnipeg will try to fo rm a level Church ill the r ate of rise is still in the sunny conditions and warm surface just as water seeks the low abou t 70 em per century. As the ice a dva nces over the st poin t as gravity pulls it d wn seas of the P aleozoic era, other con tinen ts, such as Africa an d So uth ward, Th us, a s the ice thickens by groun d, it picks up loose gravel and Am erica, experi enced repeated gla an nua l addi tion of snow, th e mar soil, which are then frozen into its cial periods. This reflects the global gins are pu hed from behind and base, prodUCing a n effective abra position of tl continent as they th e ice advances as t he glacier flows i e as t he moving ice erodes and resh apes the land below. Glacially were moved by pi t e tectonics dur to reach an equilibrium. ing th ese times . However, pr oxi mity As well as spreading out over th e polished outcrops wi th straight to the earth's polar regions did no t land surface, the immense weight of grooves called striation s or cres always mean ice nd cold; th re is ice de'presses th e earth's crust; as cent-shaped "fr actures cal led chatter evidence of grea for ests similar to the ensity of ice i abou t one-third marks are one re sult of th move those on the we i coast of Canada that of the rocks, it is estim ted ment of the debris-laden ice over near the Nort h Pole du r ing Mes t hat 3 m of ice will depr ess th e earth the rocks . E roded material tha t is picked ozoic times, indicating a global abou t 1 m. So in the regi n f Hud son Bay, the earth's crust may have up by the glacier is transpor ted and warm spelL During a glacia ion, climatic con- been depres ed by as much as 1,000 m. 1a ter deposited as till, an unsorted, Geology and Landform s of Man itoba 17 unlayered mass of debris. Water from the melting glacier also de posits sediments known as outwash deposits, and still other materials are deposited along the shores and on the floors of glacially dammed lakes. During the last several m illion years of the Pleistocene epoch , E u rope, Asia, North America , and An t ardica have been in a relatively cold period - often so cold th at vast areas were covered by repeated ad vances of the continent al ice sheets. Studies indicate that there have been numerous periods of glacia tion, each lasting thousands of years, the most recent of which, termed the Wisconsinan, began about 75,000 years ago a nd ended about 8,000 years ago. Ice sheets did not con tinuo usl cover all of Can ada during this time but fluctuated north to the Arctic and south into the United States as the climate varied. Ice from the last glaciation receded about 7,000 8,000 years ago, after a 15,000-ycar period of continually moving glacial ice. The erosion and deposition from these episodes of glaciation and the significant sedimentary deposits formed by meltwater as the glacier continued their slow 3,500-year process of melting and retreat are responsible for most of Manitoba's present-day landscape. marks the eastern end of the Brandon H ills. G But perhaps the best known esker is that at Bird Hill , 16 km northeast of Winnipeg. Here a ru gh , narrow ridge of sand and gravel extends 6.51m1 east from Birds Hill and then merges into a delta-shaped plateau that extends over a broad area underlying Birds Hill Park. The esker is the main source of aggregate material for the city of Winn ipeg. End moraines are thought to have been deposited at the edge of ice sheet s when forward motion bal· anced wastage. No fewer than 17 Glacial Deposition , have been mapped throughout the Much of Manitoba is covered by gla province, al though t.he best known cial, glaciofluvial, and glaciolacus are in sou thern Manitoba. Io The trine deposits, although especially Darl ingford moraine extends from in the southeast, east, a nd parts of north of Brandon through the t he north, bedrock is exposed at the Bran don Hills to the Tiger Hill s a nd surface. Till and glaciofluvial depos east to Pembina Mountain . Further its are widespread, as are many of n orth, The Pas moraine exLends the la ndforms commonly associated south from near The Pas, then east with deposition by a major ice sheet.. ward between Cedar Lake and Lake Hummocky st agnation moraine 4 Winnipegosis, and on to form Long (ground moraine) covers large parts Point in Lake Winnipeg (Figure 2.4). of Turtle Mountain, Riding Moun Glaci ofluvial outwash sediments tain, Duck Mou n tain, and the Por deposited by glacial meltwater are cu pine H ills. In the area between also extensive. They give rise to flat Deloraine and Waskada in the terrain on which former outwash southwest , this ground moraine has stream courses can often be seen in a distinctive circular r idge pattern, air photographs, such as in the area whereas further east , particulary between Pil ot Mou nd and Crystal northwest of Killarney, low till City. ridges 1.5-6 m hi gh trend nort heast to south west. Glacial Lakes Classic "inver ted-s poon-shaped" Some of the most distinctive scen drumlins are not common in south ry of Manitoba result s from the ern Manitoba, but rock-cored stream fact that glacial lakes existed in the line hills have been mapped i n the area at the end of the Wisconsinan. Holla nd!'I\-ehernelNoire Dame de Evidence for the existence of these Lourdes area,5 and dr umlins and lakes t akes fOUl' forms: st.randlines, drumlinlike ridges have been map which mat'k former lakeshores; ped in the area between Binscarth spillways, which carried water from an d Russel1. 6 Simila r feature s are one glacial lake to another; deltas, widespread throughout northern where rivers en tered the lakes and Manitoba. deposit ed sedimen ts; and lake bot Eskers and ka me complexes are tom sediments, deposited beyond also a bundant in both the north and the immediate shores of t he lakes. the south. Numerous small eskers Lake Agassiz, the largest of the wer e mapped by Elson 7 in the area lakes, probably came into existence south and west of Baldur and in the about 13,000 B.P. as the resu lt of the area between Cartwright and Crystal merging of a number of smaller City, and by Klassen8 east of the lakes (Figure 2 .5 ),11 It owed its ex Assiniboine River sou thwest of istence to ice damming the north Bir tle. The Arrow Hills, a promi ward-flowing, preglacial drainage. nent landfor m rising 50 m above With various advances and retreats the surro unding landscape north of t he ice, the lake rose and fell so west of Oak Lake, are proba bly a n that a t different tim es it emptied esker. A prominen t esker also sou th into the Mississippi syste m, Results of Glaciation The effects of the glaciation of Manitoba can be grouped under four headings: glacial erosion, gla cial deposition, creation of glacial lakes and the alteration of the drainage system, and the results of isostatic depression and r ebound. Glacial Erosion The preglacial topography of Mani toba was devoid of high mount ains and deep valleys; consequently, the potential for alpine glaciation pro ducing spectacular landforms such as in the mountains of Albert a a nd British Columbia did not exist. Nev ertheless, glacial erosion played a role in the evolution of the land scape of Manitoba, part icularly of the north. Here the ice scraped off the surface materials, leaving be hind extensive exposures of bedrock once the ice melted. Glacial scour ing and etching t ook the fo rm of striations and gouges on a small scale, and t he larger north-south a nd northwest-southeast flutings in the Westlake a nd Int erlake regions. Over the rest of southern Manitoba, eviden ce of glacial erosion is largely absent, or at least hidden by glacial deposition . However, at one stage ice fl owing from the Hudson Bay re gion may h ave been blocked by the Ma ni toba Escarpment.3 As thi s ice was ch annelled to the southeast, it may have scoured the edge of the escarpmen t.. THE GEOGRAPHY OF MANITOBA 18 east in to the Gl'eat Lakes system , and northwest in to t he Mack enzie system. 12 Finally th e pres nt out! t to the north a long the Nelson River became availabl , leaving Lake Winnipeg, Winnipeg sis, and Mani toba as remn ant s of the former gla cial lake (Figure 1.1. 1 on page 6). Other named glacial lakes wer e Lake Sour is and Lake Hind in southwestern Manitoba . When it was at its highest, Lake Agas iz extended far into the A.qsini b in' embayment , and strandlines were formed al ng the Manitoba Es carpmen t . Beaches of this stage, known as the Herm an , are found along the east side of Pembina Mou ntai n a nd Riding Mountain. At a lat r date the lake tood at the Up per Campbell level, during which time a prominent beach was formed that extends from the United St Les border n or1.h we. t along the Mani toba Escarpment to the Sask atch ewan border. Known as th e Arden Ridge in the Neepawa area, it deter mines the southeast-northwe t di rection of High way 352 in thi . area, and is also followed by High ay 10 further north . The steep-sided , flat-floored spill ways are a second piece of evide n e for the form er exi.sten ce of glacial lake . They are occupied by rivers that are mi fits, £lowing in valleys far loo large for the present dis ch arge. Th e Assiniboine Valley west of Brandon is one example, as is the Qu'Appelle Valley, which join s the A s iniboine near St. Lazare. These valley provide a start lin g contrast to the general flatness of the 'Ul' rounding prairies. They were cre ated, possibly in a very short period, by glacial meltwater fl owing from one glacia l lake to another.13 In the south, t he Souris and Pembin a ri v ers occupy spillways for mllch of heir length. Deltas were deposited into the glacial lakes. Elson lists 33 deltas deposited into Lake Agass iz, the largest of which is the massive Assiniboine Delt a .14 A broad pre glacial embaym ent in the M nitoba Escarpm ent was invaded by glacia l LakeAga siz, and h ere a delta, with its apex near what is now Bran don, was deposited. The delta exten ds ea tward almost to Portage la PI' i rie, a dista nce of a pproximately 120 N ~ A I ..", , ~~ ~~~~ HUDWIN , HummockY Moraine Ground] _ End Morain e .L...L Escarp ment .' , " '. \ ~ ~ • Winnipeg" RED RIVER VAll£Y '.:' '<' ""':::. .• S",nbac MILHER RIDGE· : BEDFOR D HILLS , ~ u,k,"f' "It' \\ runb .tt. Figure 2.4 Major Glacial Depositional Features o!'So utheTll Mani to ba (Sou rce: Modi fi ed (rom Geol ogical Highway Ma p of Ma nitoba 1994, 2nd ed. (Winnipeg: Man itoba Mineral,; Divi8wn, 1994jJ km, a nd has a maximum width from north to south of 75 km. T he bulk of the sediments in th e delta en tered Lake Agassiz by way of th e Assiniboin e/Qu'AppelJe system. I S The final piece of evidence for t he glacial lakes is the exis tence oflake floor ediments, principally fin e a nd, silt, and clay, which cover part s of Manitoba and gi ve rise to fla t ten·ain . eposition into Lake Agassiz produced the excessively fla t lan d around Winnipeg, n orth of POI' age la Prairie, a n d around Dau phin a n d Swan River. Much of the sedimenta tion is in the form of varved clays, sediments display' ng regular alternations of t h in lam in a tions nd somewh a t thicker layers. The alternati ons may represent sea onal deposiLion , with the coarse-gra ined layers bein g depos ited in summer, when the lake was open, and the fi ne-grained layers accumula ting in quiet conditions during the win, when the lake was frozen . Isos tatic Depression and Rebound The weight of the ice caused depres sion of the earth's crust , which re boun ded towards its former position once the ice melted. Depression and subsequent r ebound was greatest wh ere the ice was t hickest. In north ern Manitoba the Hudson Bay Low la nds were depressed relative to sea level, resulting in a t ransgression of th sea (called the Tyrrell Sea as fa r inland as 200 km from the presen t sh ore of Hudson Bay. Stran dlines forme d along the shore and h ave ince been elevated to h eights a mu ch as 183 m above Geology and Landforms of Ma nitoba 19 , :/ (,' r n-'" ---. ," I - H udsoll ,,",,: .j,",; 1 ,- Bay ';L ..l +r MANITOBA / , ~. " ----, '-' Lake Agassiz Basin __I Lake SOUriS Basin DAKOTA Major Lake Agassiz Sedimentation Basin _ -- - < Tyrrell Sea Sediment MINNESOTA "" -. - - - - ........ Outlet 122 Elevation of the Manne Limit ,"l melTBS) ,- . '.:..! , '1/ (). 100 200 ~. ; ... - - - Figure 2.5 The Extent of Glacial La ke Agassiz (So urce: E. Nielse n et 01 . Surfi cial Geological Ma p of Manitoba [Winnipeg: Prouincp of Ma nitoba , Depart ment ofE nergy and M ines, 19877J sea level on the Manitoba- North west Territories border. 16 Further south, the Agassiz strandlines were tilted up to the north; for example, Herman beach es are found at eleva tions of 389 m above sea level west of Morden but rise to 410 m above sea level wes t of NeepawaY Also, the upper Assiniboine Delta slopes down to the south as a result of isostatic rebound, so that the mod ern Assiniboine fl ows along it southern edge. HOLOCENE DEVELOPMENT Nelson River into Hudson Bay. Sev eral rivers of soulhern Manitoba have changed course during post glacial time. Perhaps the most re m arkable is the Souris, which once flowed southeast in the direction now followed by the Pembina, but which now takes a sharp turn to the northeast t o join the Assiniboine (Figure 2.6). The bend is explained as an elbow of capture, the former Souris having been captured by a tributary of the Assiniboine. Below the elbow, the Souris flows in a se ries of incised meanders best seen at the village of Wawanesa (Figure 2. 7). With th e northwar d retreat of the ice front, the drainage pattern of Manitoba gradually evolved to the present situation , in which the main flow is to the n orth via the In addition , the misfit r ivers of southern Manitoba - the Assini boine, the Souris, and the Pembina - ha ve adopted a meandering form on the floor of the spillways that they occupy. Meander development and abandonment is rapid; the Assiniboine has created 26 cutoffS in the area between the Shellmouth Dam and Portage 1a Prairie in the hundred years since the first maps ofihe area were made. Another Holocene development has been the dissec\,ion of lhe Mani toba Escarpment by small creek draining to the Manitoba Lowlands. In the Riding Mountain area, "the escarpment slope region is . .. char acterized by deeply incised inter mittent streams. Stream incision of between 30 m and 60 mare com mon."lh At the base of the escarp ment, deposition of eroded shale has produced a series of low-angle alluvial fans . Fans of similar origin occur where small streams flowing from Pembina Mountain reach the lowlands between Morden and Rathwall A prominent feature of the landcape of southern Manitoba are sand dunes developed on lake deposited sediments and on ouL wash . Most marked are those on the sands of the Assinihoine Delta, which, north of the Assiniboine River, have been blown into dunes ofvarious types. Some, southwest of Epinette Creek, are long, seif-like dunes that trend northwest-southeast. These are nOw stabilized by a discontinuous cover of vegetation, but in the Bald Head Hills is an area of active d unes with arcuate plans, steep southeast faces , and gentle north west slopes 19 (Figure 4.1.2 on page 57). Although the area of active du nes has decreased during th past 20 years, it has been calculated that the dunes are moving south eastward at a rate of 20 em a year. 20 Other, less well-known dune areas are the Laude)' Sand Hills on sand deposited into Lake Hind, and an area west of St. Lazare developed on glaciofluvial sands. PRESENT-DAY TOPOGRAPHY Manitoba can be divided int.o four physiographic regions (Figure 2.8) each of which shows the effects of Pleistocene glaciation. Hudson Bay Lowlands The Hudson Bay Lowlands consist . 20 THE GEOGRAPHY OF MANITOB A N A G_~ ftl,t ( ~(I~ c,5 ~ Waw~ne$a / •Mill oarei _ - End Mora ine - 6811'11.6 01 G l iFI.~I.Q J - - Lako Spillway Figu re 2.6 The Souris Elbo w o{ Capture of an undulating plain oflow eleva tion. Sou th of th Churchill River, limestone till covers Paleozoic strata, whereas in t he north of the region it overlies t he Preca mbrian . The whole area is overlain by m a rine clays. In this region oflittle re lief, the major elements of relief a re strandlin es, former position s of the Tyrrell Sea sh ore. Ad ditional relief feat ures are t he valleys of the Ch urchill and Nelson ri ers, both of which have cut through the till and in to b drock. Erosion by t he contin ntal ice sheet deranged the drainage, re sulting in a maze of swamps, lakes, and st.reams. The region is still rising because of isosta tic reboun d. On 1 Jul 1757, Samuel Hearne, a Hud son's Bay Company explorer, carved his n a me and t he ye a r into quartz ites while si ting by a moor ing ring on the shor of Hu dson B y. Today thi ring is s veral metres above t he highest tide levels. Precambrian Shield The Precamb rian Shield is the larg est phy iographic region, an are a of uneven or hu mmocky terrain . Th e cen tral part of the Shield is occu pied by t he Nelson depression or trough, which slo pes t owards Hud son B y and is drain ed by the Churchill, Nelson , n d Hayes riv ers. Local relief is created by lakes a nd rivers th a t are generally en t renched by 15 to 30 m. In north western Manitoba the surface of the Fig ure 2.7 Inci::;ed Meander and an Abandoned Meander of the Souris River at Wawanesa (Photograph: Na tional Air Photo Library [NAPL] A16404·15; Preca mbrian Shield is hilly, with rock outcrops and numerous glacial la ndforms such a s eskers and mo raine ridges. The regi on is covered by the great expanse of boreal fo rest and thousands oflakes and rivers. Manitoba Lowlands The Ma nitoba Lowlands are th e fl attest part of the province, relief being generally less th an 8 m. The lowlands are located sout h west of the Precambrian Shield nd are bounded on the west by th e Man i toba E scar pment (Figure 2.9) . Th e region is developed prima rily on gently dipping Paleozoic limestone an d dolomite strata, and h as been modifi ed by gl acial erosion a nd mantled by glacial deposits. I e is drained by the Saskatchewan , Red, and lower Assi niboine rivers, which cut across t he structure of the un derlying strata_ Of note in this region are Lakes Winnipeg, Winni pegosis , a nd Mani toba, all remnants of Lake Agas iz (Case St udy LIon page 6). South of Ma nitoba's Great Lakes, bedrock is deeply buried beneat h t he silty clays of Lake Agassiz tha t form one of the fl a ttest and most prosperous farming areas in Canada. In the Interlake region to the north, topog raphy is more bedrock-controlled, with lim stone outcrop s forming plateaus, rarely more t han 30 m high, often covered by a t.h in layer of glacial deposit, . Here t he lowland is for est d and h as extensive areas of muskeg a n d str ing bogs. Throughout most of th region, th ere are sca "tered moraine as well as beach ridges of former Lake Agassiz. The Assiniboine River has cut a ch annel t hrough the sands of the Assiniboine Delta, a nd is one of many en trench ed stream s th at dis sect the region. Th e top of the Assiniboine Delta has been wind blown t.o form extensive sand d unes th at re part ially fixed by vegeta· tion (Case Study 4.1 on page 56) . In the extreme southeast, towards Geology and Landforms of Ma nitoba 21 Southwest Uplands r '\ 1 A Precambrian Shield \ 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 3G 3H 31 Porcupine Hill s Swan River Plain Duck Mou nlain Val ley River Plain Ri ding Mountain Minnedosa-R eslon Till Plain Upper Asslniboi ne Delta Souris Plain Tig er Hills 3J Pembi na Mounio in 3K Boissevain Ti ll Pla in 3L Turlle Mountain Manitoba Lowlands I.~ 2A 2B 2C 20 Interlake-We sllake Plain Red River Pla m Lower Assiniboine Delta Soulheas t SeeMn ~~ km Hudson S ay Lowlands lA __ Precambllan 1- Shield Man.toba Ltlw'ands • Soulhwesl Uplands Sel kirk ~ o_~ , oo 28 .W''''~'' Figure 2.8 Physiographic R egions of Manitoba "' Lake of the Woods , sandy morainic deposits impart variable relief and drainage, and large areas are peat bogs and swamp. Southwest Uplands The Southwest Uplands form the western edge of the Saskatchewan Plains and are underlain by gently westward-dipping Mesozoic strat a. The region is characterized by the Porcupine Hills, Duck Mountain, Riding Mountain, and Pembina Mount ain , whose western margin s form the Manitoba E scarpment. Be tween the "mount ains" are broa d valleys , fo rmed by the work of preglacial rivers much larger than the present misfi t stream s. The sur face of these mountains, wh ich at t.heir highest rise 500 m above t he Manitoba Lowlands, is a relatively flat plateau. Bedrock is exposed along the escarpment face, but on the pla teaus it is covered by great t hick nesses of glacial deposits, reaching 250 m on Duck Mountain. 21 In the south, Tur tle Mountain (757 m above sea level) is an ero sional remnant , a topogr aphic fea ture th at remained after erosion had redu ced the su rrounding area. It is capped by rocks of Paleocene age that are covered by thick (u p to 150 m) glacial drift.22 __ ~ ;; _~ 3l 3K - ' ";1 t . Siernbach . 20 , I j I (i ________ -;,_ Figure 2. 9 Physiographic Regions 0/ Southern Manitoba (Source: After TR. Wei r, ed. , Economic Atl as of Manitoba [Winnipeg: Pro vince of Manitoba, Department of lnrlll.~ try and Commerce, 1960)) CONCLU SION The presen t physiography of Mani toba h as been shaped by 3.5 billion years of geological history. Geologi cal activity con tin ued fro m the early Precam brian volcanism and mountain-building events for a bil lion ye ars to gr ind the Precambrian Shield flat, so that t he shallow seas of the P aleozoic and Mesozoic could lay down the limestones of t he Manitoba Lowlands and the shales of the South west Upla nds. More re cently, glacial per iods left a m ant,]e of deposits over m uch of the prov ince and depressed the land to allow the rivers t o run across the Shield to Hudson Bay. Each event has left its finger print on the la nd. The P recambrian produced early volcanism, left as greenstone belts th at have provided areas of mineral wealth . Then t he major Kenoran Orogeny about 2. 7 billion years ago produced the ex tensive regions of granite and gneiss that fo rm the bulk of t he Su per ior Province. The cycle was r e peated 1.7- 1.8 billion years ago, forming the rocks of the Trans Hudson Orogen in northwestern Manitoba. There followed a long pe riod of general quiescence dur ing which t h e Precambrian Shield was eroded down to a rela tively fl a t plain that extends far to the west, deep beneath the Rockies. Th roughout the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras, continental drift placed Manitoba near the equ ator. At t his time the Williston Basin slowly subsided and was fill ed with carbonate rocks, an d newly evolv ing life forms fill ed the seas . DUTing t he late Mississippian period the sea receded, the waters became br ackish and dissolved salts killed off the animal life, and evaporites and the last of the Paleozoic dolomi tes were deposited. Then the lan d emerged again from the wa ters t o be part ially eroded away. La t er in the Meso zo ic t he seas 22 THE GEOGRAPHY OF MANITOBA returned , bringing more sedim nts and n w life forms in the wa ters, and land animals appeared in areas at the west rn edge of lh ~ province. By the end of the Cretaceous and earl. Tertiary, the land was once again emerging from t he seas. T he continent of North America slowly drifted northward to its present 10 'ation. Land animals, many of them mammal , occupied t he land, an d the stage was set for the Ice Age, during which the details of Manito ba's landscape were produced . Gla cial el'osi n and deposition h ave produced a varie ty of land~ rms. Also, damming of the pregiaci I drainage by the ice resu lted in a number of glacial lake. , which in t urn have left behind their own dis- tinctive assemblage of landforms . The period since the Ice Age is ut an insta nt in geological t im . Neverthel S5 , some details h ave been added to the physiographic map, such as altera tions in r iver OlU'ses, D rm tion of sand dun es and uplift of glacially depressed areas. The last, at least, continue . NOTES 1. When lava Rows are expell ed (ex truded ) under \ ater, the outer surface f l h e lava cools qui<:kly, forming a th in crust . Li qu id parenL lava breaks through the au t to for m a series of pillowli ke masses. Contin ua hon of llie process produces a series of in tercon nected pIllows. h e signHicance of pill ow If! at! is th at they ind icate underwater ormation. 2. B .B. Banna t ne a nd J .T. Tellet·, "~o l ogy IJfMa ni toba befo re the Ice Age," in NCtt u rat Heritagp of Ma ni· tuba: Legor'Y () f the Ice Age, ed . J .T. Teller (Winni peg: Ma nitoba Museum of Man a nd Nal ur', ] 984), 7- 21. 3 E. Nielsen et aI., Surfic io.l Gf'ologic.:ol Map o{Maniloba, Map 1 ·1 (Winn i peg: Provi nce of Mani toba, Depart ment of Energy and Mines, 1981). 4 When the ice s heets were no lo nge r bein g reple nished by sn wfall , the j 'C disappeared by stagnation and dow Sedimen ts conta ined with in the ice were deposited on t h e land belnw, re ' ul tin g in an in:egu lar lopography of hills n d dep ressions referred to as hum.mocky groun d moraint: 01' hum mQl'ky stagnation moraine. 5. J .A. Elso n, "Surficial geology, Brandon west ofprincip I m eridian. Ma nitoba, Map ] 067 A," in E .C. Ha ist ' ad, Gl'(]ulid Water Re ources of the and L. Clayton , eds ., Glacial L ake Agassiz, S pecial P a per 26 (St . John's, B ra ndon Map-Area, Mafl itoba, Memoir 300 (Ottawa: Geological NF: Geological ssociation of Canada , 1 83), HI7-209. Survey of Canada, 1960). 14. J.A. E lson , ~Geo l ogy of glacial La ke 6 R. W, Klasse n, Pleistocene Geology and Agass i z,~ in W,J. Ma er- Oakes, ed., Geomorphology of the R iding Mou n · Li{e, Land rind Water (Wi n ni peg: lain and Duck Muunlain Areas, n ivers ity of Manitoba Press, ] 967), Man itoba-Sashatchewan , Memoir 3913 (Ottawa: Geological S urvey of Canada, 37- 95. 1979 ). 15. Klassen , Pleistocene Geology. 16. Nie lsen et aL, Surficial Geological 7. Ison , "Su m inl geology." Map of Manito ba. 8. Klassen, Pleistocene Geology. 9. J . WelRted a nd H . oung, "Geology 17. Ibid. and orib,; n of t he Bnmdon Hill s, 18. RA McGinn , "A genera l de cription sou th west Ma nitoba, " Canadian of the eas tern slopes of R iding Mounta in" (unp u bli shed ma n cri pt, J ournal of Earth Sciences 17(1980) 94 - 51. Brandon U ni versity, 1983). 19. W.J . Brown , "Geomorphology Field 10. Th ese are mapped a nd na med in I ielsen et aI. , S urficial Geological Trip to Southw t Man itoba; ' in Depart ment oj'Geography, University Map of Manitoba. 11 . Ibid . or Ma n itoba Field Guide for the 12. l'. G. F is her a nd D. G. Sm ith , "North Canadian Association of Geo oTaphers Ann ual Mee ti nf{, ,Ju ne 1970 (Winni w st outlet of glacia l Lake Agassiz: peg: U ni versity of Ma nitoba, Depart t he Clearwater- Lake Ath abaska ment of Geography, 1970), 43- 71. I!pillway valleys," Abstract in Pro 20. M.H. War d, "Veget t ive Colonization gramme with Abstracts, T hird and Succes ion an d t h Impacts of l nle rnatiulw l Geomorphology Co nfer ence (Hamilton . ON: McMllilter 't'ra mpli n g in the Ca rberr y Sand Hills, Ma nitoba" (M.Sc. t h s is, University of Univers ity, 1993), 139. ]\I[ n itoba , 1980 ). 13. A.E. Ke how a nd L. Clay ton , "Lat e 21. Nielsen et aI. , S urfici al Geological Wiscon sina n fl oods and development Map uf Man itoba. of t he Souris-Pembina sp ill way ystem in Sru;katchewan, No rth 22. Ibid. Dakota a nd Man itoba," in .J .T. Tell er Geology and Landforms ofManitoba Case Study 2.1 Karst in Manitoba Geraldine Sweet "Karst" is a term used to describe landscapes developed both on the surface and underground in regions of soluble rock. Typical features Include pavements, depressions, caves, and springs. In Manitoba, throughout the southern Interlake region (the area between Lake Winnipeg and Lakes Manitoba and Winnipegosis) and along the Hudson Bay coast are extensive areas of limestone, dolomitized limestone, and dolostone, all of which are soluble to some degree in acid-rich, terrestrial water. These rocks occur at the surface or are covered by a variable layer of glacial debris. Anhydrite (gypsum), l one of the most soluble of all rocks, is exposed around Gypsumville. Although there are probably karst features wherever these rocks occur (Figure 2.1.1), they are masked in the south and In the far north by the glacial overburden. There is evidence of large sinks in the bedrock below the city of Winnipeg, and large infilled cavities have been encountered in cores from the Devonian rocks west of Lake Mani toba. Surficial karst features are clearly defined, and cave passages reach the surface and can be explored in three regions in the province. (1) Near Lake St. Martin (Figure 2.1.1), exposures of gypsum result in a well-developed landscape of sinkholes, trenches,l and shallow caves. Because gypsum dissolves easily in water, this kind of karst is usually quickly formed and relatively short-lived. The present landscape is thought to be postglacial, the rock being so fragile that the ice would probably have destroyed any surface features . However, in some of the caves there is evidence of intense folding of the bedrock that may have been glacially induced. Because the rock is so malleable, the caves vary considerably in form, but the most common are long, narrow phreatiC tubes,3which formed below the piezometric surface (water table)4 but which are now dry because of a lowering of the 23 local water table. In fact, the longest cave yet found in Manitoba, Laby rinth Cave near Gypsumville, which measures over 180 m, is of this type. Often the tubes intersect, creating small chambers at the intersections. The land surface in the Lake St. Martin area resembles the classic cockpit karst of tropical regions, with many well-developed sinks coalesc ing, creating a densely pitted surface. The reason for the density of sinks an indicator of advanced develop ment - is the extremely soluble nature of the rock. (2) There is some surface expres sion of karst in the southern part of the Interlake, where the now-famous snake dens at Narcisse are examples of collapse sinks. Water below the surface has dissolved the rock, creating cavities whose roofs have subsequently collapsed. There are much larger depressions of this nature in places like Broad Valley, and farmers throughout the area tell tales of pits and trenches they have filled with rocks. At Inwood, Stony Mountain, and Garson, the limestone has been excavated for building material, exposing extensive enlarged joint systems in the walls of the quarries, but the main area of cave develop ment is near Dallas, where a number of explorable caves have been discovered . Some are simply long trenches, widened by running water just below ground level, probably during the immediate postglacial period, when running water was more abundant. Some are easily accessible through breaks in the roof. Others are more difficult to find; entrances are typically a small hole, followed by a short drop into the cave proper. St. George's Bat Cave is of this type: it opens out into a sizable cavity about 5 m high and 165 m long . It even has a side passage and some stalactites, formed by secondary precipitation. 5 Altogether eight smaJl caves have been found in this a rea, and exploration by the Speleological Society of Manitoba is continuing. (3) The most extensive area of both surface and underground features is between Grand Rapids and William Lake, in the northern '" rr --- ~ ~".'-:'~r", S'If'lQOr. RI\#r Figure 2 1.1 [,ocation of Kars t Areas in Mo.1!Itoba Interlake (Figure 2.1. 2) . Here the bedrock is exposed over hundreds of square kilometres, with only a thin till cover in the lower areas. The result is a region of well-developed karst pavements, so named because the surface resembles paving stones . In places, blocks have subsided or have been dissolved to produce shallow bedrock sinks. In others, deep trenches, or Lanjones, are the result of joint enlargement by both chemi cal and physical processes. An escarpment marking the boundary between the Silurian and Ordovician outcrops has a series of springs along the base indicating the underground drains of many of the lakes on top of the escarpment. There are numerous collapse features similar to those at Narcisse, and many small, bell-shaped cavities. Caves were first discovered in the northern Interlake by hunters and trappers, but in the last 10 years a plan of exploration by Manitoba cavers has yielded many new cavities, and more are being found each year. Most are found within the top 20 m of the bedrock and range consider ably in shape and size, although they are all small by world standards. There seems to be a pattern to the development of the caves. In most cases the main excavation has oc curred in the relatively soft and THE GEOGRAPHY OF MAN ITOBA 24 vuggy dolostone of the Atikameg uniV part of the Silurian, usually found 1- 3 m below the surface and overlain by thinly layered, fine grained rock. The Atikameg dolostone is easily dissolved and cavities have formed . later the roof collapsed, and in many cases the cave was enlarged along one or several fractures . In Dale's Cave, passages are phreatic, having formed below the piezometric surface. Most of the caves are still actively forming, as there is often much water available during spring melt when it is particu larly aggressive, and therefore solution is rapid. In early spring Moosearm Pit (Figure 2.1.3) has over a metre of meltwater sitting in it, until ice in the floor melts and the water disappears rapidly, suggesting well -developed drains in the bedrock below. Few of the caves have stalac tites, probably because cave forma tion is stJII active, but there is some secondary precipitation in the form of the aptly named cave popcorn and dogtooth spar. Almost all the caves show evidence of physical weathering - frost action - and the bedrock is ge nerally shattered to a depth of at least 30 m. This is the result of postglacial pressure release and may account for the lack of an integrated cave system, as water can move easily almost anywhere in the rock. In the 1960s Manitoba Hydro decided to build a dam on the Saskatchewan River at Grand Rapids (Chapter 18). More than a third of the cost was devoted to grouting the rock in the forebay, to prevent water from escaping underground . Photographs taken at the time show long, wide trenches in the bedrock. At Steep Rock, on the east side of lake Manitoba, there are a whole series of "sea" caves. Also, along the shore of Lake Winnipeg, lake water has eroded the carbonate cliffs to create deep undercuts, cavities, arches, and stacks, a type of develop ment found to a greater or lesser extent on the shores of a number of lakes. In addition there are several locations in Grass River Provincial Park and on Clearwater Lake, north east of The Pas, where large sections of cliff have collapsed, forming cavelike passages. The latter are not ..... ., DALE 'S CAV E ... I I '. / ./., // ,-·::· .. t, ! ... /~/ / ... " ••• ' . / / " /~/ ~ / {{ l " II,;~ '/ " I I. • *. ~ / . ',,, , I ... /1 ... ' I I / I I I I I • I •• ' , I I I ' , ' . , '• . ', • J I • • ••• I I I /A. .... I I .. " , I .. •• MO OSEARM PIT I I II LAKE ..I-L ... Escarpment .. Cave * Spring Small Sink Pavement 10 0 km , j Figure 2.1.2 Karst Features of the Grand Rapids- William Lake Area really caves, despite the names given them by the Department of Natural Resources, but the collapse has occurred as a result of solutional widening of the natural joints of the rock. Although the caves in Manitoba are quite small, they are geologically, hydrologically, and biologically interesting . So far no evidence of human occupation has been found, other than the odd beer bottle or tin can, but many of them are occupied by colonies of Little Brown Bats (Myotis lucifus) . Caves have an ambi ent temperature close to the annual mean of the area, between -2°C and +1°C, so in winter they are warmer than the air; in summer, cold er. In many caves the roof is higher than the entrance, so "warm" air Is trapped . The bats take advantage of this and hibernate rather than migrate south. Some species of moth do the same. Larger mammals, such as porcupines and bears, sometimes use the caves as dens. Over a hundred individual caves have been found in the province. Perhaps in the future something larger will be found, as the environ ment is certainly conducive to karst development. In the meantime, Manitoba's caves provide a second, almost unknown landscape, under ground. 25 Geology and Landforms ofMan itoba ~ j;1> j _~ ,. ~ ~-.,"- ~ie 4. A glossa ry of tec hnica l terms in included at th e end of this case study. 5. "S peleoth em " is the collective name for all fo rms of secondary precipit ation in caves. Speleoth ems are formed w hen calCium sul phate-ri ch w aters enter open ca ves and the p ressu re release causes deposition that cl ings to the cave w all in much the sam e way as the "fur" in a kettle. 6. Diffe rent m odes of form ation p rod uce diffe rent fabri cs or textures in the rock . M uch of th e carbonate fou nd in Manito ba w as form ed in w arm, shallow seas, wh ere sediment w as trapped in alga l mats. The resulti ng rock is crumbly and full of spaces, or vu gs. ,§f~ r·· _.; Estimated spring meltwater level Observed spring meltwater level ~ tFItrl~ Figure 2.1 .3 Cross-profile of Mooseann Pit. in the Grand R apids-William Lake Area (Source: From a survey by P Voitovici, C. S weet, et al.) NOTES 1. Gypsum is the hydrous form (CaSO•.2HP ) of anhydrite, a mineral sometime s found in large enough masses to form a rock. It will dissolve in any liquid. 2. Some of these may simply be enlarge ment of joints. In tropical environments th e term "l'anjone" is common, and refers to major enlargement by solution and subsequent coll apse . Some of the tren ches in the northern Interlake exhibit similar characteristics. 3. The terms " phreatic" and "vadose" refer to the location of caviti es in re lation to the piezometric surface (water table), and hence th eir m eth od of form ation . Vadose caviti es are formed when freely flowing w ate r comes in contact with soluble rock; the emph asis is on downcutting, and the upper parl of the cavity is frequently above the w ater. Phreati c ca viti es form below the w ater table; the entire surfa ce will therefore und ergo so lution at th e same time, creatin g ro un d tubes that follow the dip of the rock . Case Study 2.2 The Brandon Hills John Welsted and Harvey R. Young A ~ Om -', ..... .J Figure 2.2.1 Locatio n of the Brando n Hills In an area better known for its flatness than for hills, the Brandon Hills come as a surprise to the out sider. located approximately 20 km south of Brandon, they rise promi nently above the surrounding land scape (Figure 2.2.1). They must "have been a welcome sight for a party of settlers led by the Reverend George Roddick from Pictou County, Nova Scotia, who in May 1879 crossed the Assiniboine at Grand Valley three miles downstream from the present day Brandon and saw an island of woodland set amidst a sea of waving grasses." l Although the surrounding land was soon pre pared for agricul ture, the hills offered little agricul tural potential and have remained an island of natural vegetation sur rounded by cultivated land. GLOSSARY Zanjone - An enlarged fra cture, generally associ ated with solution of carbonate rocks in the tropics. Cockpit kars t - An area of cl osely linked depressions with remnant hill s between them . Piezometri c surface - The in terface betw een rock containing freely moving water and th e saturated stratum (al so ca lled th e water ta bl e). Cave popcorn - Small g rowths of calcium carbonate on ca ve wa lls an d ceilings; a form of stal actite. Dogtooth spa r - Seconda ry depositi on of p ure or nearly pure ca lcium, sh aped like teeth . Description The hills run for approximately 12 km in a generally east-west direction, and are about 5 km across from north to south . In places they rise 90 m above the surrounding landscape and reach altitudes of over 480 m above sea level (Figure 2.2.2). Despite their limited area, they show considerable variation in topography, leading us to divide them into four physiographic regions: (1) the main body of the hills, an area of irregular topography with some definite ridges; (2) the eastern ridge, a large, sinuous, generally north-south-trending ridge; (3) the eastern complex, an area of mainly north -south-trending ridges and troughs east of, and adjacent to, the eastern ridge; and (4) the south ern ridge, a northwest-southeast trending ridge. 2 The main body of the hills consists of a series of subparallel ridges that THE GEOGRAPHY OF MANITOBA 26 trend northwest-southeast in the west, more nearly west-east in the centre, and swing around to become almost north -south In the east. These are mainly wooded (poplar, scrub oak, and Manitoba maple), but some of the more prominent ones have only a sparse grass cover. A profile drawn across them along the hydro road reveals that the topography is hummocky, with the south side of the hills being steeper than the north side (Figure 2.2.3) . Glacial till is exposed in the road cuts along this minor highway. The eastern ridge is quite differ ent. It has been described as looking "as if an enormous dump truck has moved along depositing piles of dirt every few hundred metres."l Many do not recognize it as a ridge because most people see it while travelling on Highway 344, from which its steep eastern side is clearly visible, al though there is no indication of an equally steep western side. Even the National Topographic Series 1:50,000 map does not show it, which is surprising because it reaches a maximum elevation of 477 m above sea level and is 90 m above the flat land to the east." The view from the top is spectacular, stretching to Brandon In the north, beyond Shilo to the east, and across an old lake floor beyond the small hamlet of Rounthwalte to Wawanesa in the southeast. The ridge is symmetrical in cross profile, with slope angles of over 30 (Figure 2.2.4) . Slow downhill soil creep has produced small terracettes, clearly visible only when the light is in the right direction. "Draws" or minor gullies on the ridge sides give a scalloped appearance when seen from above (Figure 2.2.5) . Gravel pits at each end reveal that it is underlain by well-sorted and layered sands and gravels (glaciofluvial deposits), and borings made into the ridge crest indicate patches of till deposited directly from ice. large boulders "erratlcs" - are found along the ridge crest and sides . They are composed of rocks foreign to the area and can be grouped into two types: granitic boulders, generally spherical and usually covered by dark green lichens; and dolostone boul ders, typically slablike and usually covered by bright orange lichens. t ~ r.lllJ~ , t_ " ~,.. '\ :" "_ LJ " / ~s, I,' I,. It· " ~I '(), I~ 'c' ../' .y . ~-::.. ~- ~.'" .•. =. ----, • II Figure 2.2.2 Topography of the Brandon Hills ----t<S1 ..0 - 1 - - - - - - ~ _-.;::__--+'11 1: ~~o ~ 4~9+--- JI~.J-u-->oo-=-,oa..-.........,---r--, I<I'l ~"' ...,. Do<-J <II ..., i 'T' IOO---"T"----"'---.Im "r- 'IO(I --'I' ,OOO- -l-t',,'I------,.,. I .OO-=--......-"---I '600 ,.OO!IiJ M"re, Figure 2.2.3 Topographic Profile along the Hydro Road The ridge provides marginal conditions for plant growth. It is exposed to wind from all directions, and the permeable nature of the underlying sands and g ravels mili tates against tree growth. Vegetation at the crest is limited to a sparse grass cover that is easily disturbed. However, small, scrubby trees can be found in the "draws" on the flanks, where there is more water and shelter from the wind. The eastern complex is similar to the eastern ridge in consisting of a series of north-south-trending ridges. These are more obvious on air photographs than on the ground (Figure 2.2.5). They also have grass covered crests, with trees growing in the intervening troughs. Erratics are common, including the largest we have found in the Brandon Hills, a giant slab of dolostone 3 m long and 1.5 m wide. The southern ridge is also similar - both on the ground and on air photographs - to the eastern ridge. Erratlcs are of the same type and occur in the same ratio as on the eastern ridge . However, this ridge is lower (approximately 30 m) and less steep (maximum angles about 20°). It is also much straighter. The south west (drier) side is grass-covered, whereas the northeast (wetter) side is wooded. Origin The Brandon Hills were formed during the last ice age, probably towards the end of the Wisconsinan glacial period. On surficial geology maps of southern and southwestern Manitoba, they are shown as end moraine, part of a system extending from north of Brandon through the Brandon Hills and the TIger Hills to Pe mbina Mountain, a system usually referred to as the Darlingford Mo·, raine . The designation "end mo raine" suggests that they are com· posed of sediment deposited at the edge of an ice sheet when it was stationary, forward movement of the ice being balanced by melting. While this Interpretation may be generally correct, the single term "end mo raine" does not describe all the features of the Brandon Hills. The main body of the hills is most accurately described as end moraine, but even here there are uncertainties. Beneath the area, the layered and ---- 27 Geology and Landforms of Manitoba sorted deposits are clearly of glaciofluvial origin; that is, they were deposited by water in association with ice. These are overlain by till, a true glacial deposit. Initially we believed that the ridges of the main body of the hills resulted from the irregular deposition of till as the ice front receded, but we now believe that they are of glaciofluvial origin and that the overlying till was depos ited on preexisting ridges. Both the eastern ridge and the southern ridge have many of the characteristics of an esker - a landform thought to originate by deposition in tunnels in a glacier or an ice sheet, the deposits being left behind in a ridgelike form when the ice melts. Because the sediments were deposited by running water, they are layered and sorted. The till patches and the scattered erratics on the ridges would have been depos ited by the overlying ice as it melted. Both the eastern ridge and the southern ridge can be categorized as eskers, although the eastern ridge in particular is much higher than any other esker mapped in southern Manitoba.s The eastern complex is sufficiently similar in both composi tion and topography to the eastern and southern ridges to suggest that it has a similar origin. The description of the Brandon Hills as an end moraine can be regarded as the "traditional" expla nation. However, an alternative is provided by Aber, who claims that the hills are glaciotectonic in origin. He explains the ridges of the main body as being due to ice thrusting, with great slabs of previously depos ited glacial sediment, or bedrock, being pushed forward by the advanc ing ice. Despite this explanation for the main body, he still regards the eastern and southern ridges as eskers,6 Whatever the origin of the Brandon Hills, they are a large ly unspoiled landform that has main tained its natural vegetation and that offers a variety of opportunities for the outdoors person, Figu re 2.2.4 T he S teep E as t-facing ( Photawaph: ·fo hn Wel.s t ~ J ) Fig ure 2.2.5 T he Eastern Part af the Bra ndan Hills. The grass-I'o(.'er('ri eastern ridge !l ig h t· tun pd) crosses th e area frum narth (a t the tap af the ph otagraph) to. sauth ; thi> f!<1s tern complex is located east of the ridge and highway ,744 i.~ ea"f aOhat. (j)hota{!ra ph: NAPL Al 64 08·.9) THE GEOGRAPHY OF MANITOBA 28 NOTES 1. J. Wel sted and H. You ng, "The Blue Hills of Brandon," Manitoba Nature (Autumn 19 72):3 2. 2. J. W Isted and H. Young, " Geology and ori gin of th e Bra ndon Hill s, Southw est Manitoba, " Canadian journal of Earth Sciences 17(1980) :942- 51. 3. ) Wel sted and H. You ng, "The Bl ue Hi lls of Bra ndon," 35 . 4. The relevant m ap is 62G/l 2 Wawan esa . A survey point located near the centre of the ridge has the exact height 1566.3 fee t (477.4 m) . 5. Eske rs in the Baldur, Notre Dame de Lourdes, and Bruxelles area to the east Case Study 2.3 Evolution of the lower Assiniboine River (1) WILLOWBENO PHASE Lu!.:/! Yea rs Ago -) ~ (3) LONG LAKE · HIGH BLUFF PHASE ? .\/III1I1O/> It., , ? \I,wirf)/> 1{"'"1011(1 ~ (2 ) flEE ISLANO PHASE L<lI;,· 7. 030 Years Ago WF. Ronnie The "Forks" at the confluence of the Assiniboine and Red rivers has become one of Winnipeg's best known feature s, the focus of major redevelopment and a source of international acclaim (Case Study 10.1 on page 150). less well known is the fact that The Forks has not always been at its present location; indeed, there has not always even been a Forks. About 3,000 years ago, The Forks was at St. Norbert, 14 km to the south, where the La Salle River joins the Red, and for several thousand years before that the Assiniboine did not join the Red at all but flowed north from Portage la Prairie into lake Manitoba. These and other routes of the Assinibolne River are shown schematically In Figure 2.3 .1. The cause of these dramatic changes lies with the Portage la Pra irie alluvial fan, an unusual feature that, al though barely noticeable on the ground, has produced an evolution of the Assiniboine River with few, if any, counterparts elsewhere in the world. Most alluvial fans are small, steep features composed of coarse materi als deposited by multichannel streams with "flashy" (frequently ephemeral) flow regimes in dry climates. The fan constructed by the Assiniboine has none of these charac teristics. The river Itself is pere nnial, carries a modest sediment load, and has a strongly meandering single channel pattern. The fan it has produced has a very low gradient, is composed of relatively fine materials, and is an order of magnitude larger than most other contemporary fans . Only in two crucial respects does it resemble other fans : the radial configuration of channels, and its of the Bran don Hi lls are commonly in the order of 10m in height. 6. J.S . Aber, "Spectrum of Constructional Lan dforms," in Genetic Classification of Glaciogenic Deposits, ed . R.P. Goldthwait and c.L. Ma ts ch (Ro tterdam : A.A. Balkema, 1989), 281-92; Figure 4. Yea rs Ag o \((//11/11/'" ~ --- - ... )t. 4.520 Years Ago .., l' , "''''... , ,-- , , - ,II : .. ,," ... .... -'- - - --- ---.. - - - . . ., (6) Mill PHASE (5) LA SALLE PHASE Luke (4) BLI ND PHASE u.k,· 1.300 Yea rs Ago 2,980 Years Ago HlII,ilflbCl .If 1111/, be' ... ~ "" ,,"...- ......> - - - - , ... ,," '\ \ I I ,. - -~ I " ... " - '~ -- ~ (7) CURTIS RIDGE PHASE Lukt' 70 0 Years Ago • (8) ASSINIBOIN EPHASE Present Me//fIIIIP" \ " _ ..... I \ I ," , .... .... I t' , .. ' \ --~ Figure 2.3.1 E volu tion of the Lower As::;iniboine R iver location at the point where the Assiniboine emerges from its confin ing valley onto the l ake Agassiz Plain (Chapter 2). The Portage la Pra irie fan was produced by processes normally associated with floodplain form ation by a laterally mobile meandering stream. Deposition In and near the river channel repeatedly elevated the river on an alluvial ridge . As it gr w higher above the surrounding Geology and L a ndform s of Ma nitoba 29 c.............. C' Locati on of Fan Profile Boundary of Allu vial Fan Escarpment N A ~---.!O km Figure 2.3.2 Paleochannels of the Lower A ssiniboi lle R iver, S howing the Locotion of Profiles in Fig ure 2 .3.3 terrain, it became increasingly unstable and was eventually aban doned in favour of a new lower course, a process called avulsion. Each of these episodes left an abandoned ridge-channel system, or paleochannel (Figures 2.3.2 and 2.3.3), with features such as scroll bars that show clearly on aerial photographs (Figure 2.3.4). The Initial courses of the river were northward to Lake Manitoba. The oldest paleochannel, Willowbend, was active before 7000 B.P., or shortly after the recession of lake Agassiz water from the region. Drainage into lake Manitoba shifted to the Flee Island channel and finally, by 4500 B.P ., to Blind channel, which remained active at least until 3400 B.P. As the reg ion between present day Portage la Prairie and Lake Manitoba became "filled" with sediments and paleochannels, further avulsion exploited lower terrain and steeper gradients to the east, divert Ing the ancestral Assiniboine away from lake Manitoba and towards the Red River. The firs t eastward route was established by about 3000 B.P. along the channel now occupied by the La Salle River, joining the Red In present-day St. Norbe rt. By about 1, 300 years ago (in the Mill Phase), the lower Assiniboine had shifted northward to join the Red at its present location at The Forks, but differed from its modern course on the fan . The upper fan section of the river was altered again by 700 B.P. in the Curtis Ridge Phase. Thus, the modern route of the Assiniboine from Portage la Prairie to Winnipeg is somewhat less than 700 years old. ' Interestingly, maps of the soils in the Portage la Prairie area reflect this evolution. Soils adjacent to the northward channels, being older, display mature chernozemic A horizons (Chapter 4), whereas those south of the present Assinlboine have immature, thin, organic layers, as would be expected in much younger sediments. The shift in outlet from lake Manitoba to the Red River about 3,000 years ago coincided with a sharp reduction in sedimentation in lake Manitoba and increased th e sediment and water inflow to the Red . Although the sedimentation history of lake Winnipeg Is not known, an Increase in the last 3,000 years would be expected . Until recently, alluvial ridge formation continued to elevate the modern Assiniboine channel on the fan, producing a potential for future catastrophic channel abandonment during large flood events. This potential was greatly reduced in 1970, however, by the opening of the Portage Diversion (Case Study 18.2 on page 283) . located just west of Portage la Prairie, this large artificial channel enables water to be diverted from the Assiniboine to lake Mani toba to reduce flow through Winni peg during major floods (and inci dentally to reduce flooding on the alluvial fan) . This diversion was possible only because of the elevation of the river provided by the fan near Portage la Prairie. Its value was demonstrated during truly exceptional floods in 1974 and 1976, when much of the alluvial fan and lower terrain would otherwise have been inundated. More importantly perhaps, given th e elevated state of the Assiniboine, these floods might have triggered avulsive channel abandonment, which would have required expensive remedial works. Thus, human modifi · cation of the flood regime has probably ended the period of active fan formation . NOTE S 1. Fo r more details, see W. F. Rann ie, L.H. Thorleifson, and J.T. Tell er, " Holocene Evo lution of t he Assiniboine River Paleoch annels an d Portage la Prairie Allu vial Fans," Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 26( 1989): 18 34-4 1; and W. F. Ranni e, "Th e Po rtage la Prairie ' Flo odp lain Fan'," In Alluvial Fans : A Field Approach, ed . A. H. Racho cki an d M. Ch urch (Chi chester, Englan d: John Wiley and Sons, 1990), 179-93 . THE GEOGRAPHY OF MANITOBA 30 A I ASSUUIDIIlE ~I'-I~ I" " . .. lLE ~A' 8 A&! IN UI OI NF. ~ ~ - LAA'~ U l '-./ u~, "' LA UlLE C' Fig ure 2 ..1.3 Cross-pro fil es of the So uth of'the Assiniboine RivP.r, S howing Major Alllw ial Ridges A.~s ilL iboi ne F a ll Figure 2.3 .4 Paleocha nnels S outh of the Assiniboine River. The Trans-Canada Highway crosse' the area in the north at the top of' th e photograph. (Photograp h: Ma nitoba Air Photo Library I MAPLJ MB 89021-J76)