*5 0 M a c C o s h a m O P E N S P R IN C E G E O R G E M a c C


*5 0 M a c C o s h a m O P E N S P R IN C E G E O R G E M a c C
TH E CIT IZE N . P rin c e G eorge — T hursday. April 8. 1982 - 35
C h u rc h e s '
. by J U D Y C R O SS
TO R O N TO (C P ) - The
road is being paved fo r
eventual union between the
R om an C ath olic and A n g li­
can churches — but obser­
vers and supporters a re
p re d ic tin g a bum p o r tw o
along the w ay.
A r e p o r t re le a s e d in
L o n d o n a f t e r 16 y e a r s
o f study by an in te rn a tio n ­
a l th e o lo g ic a l com m ission
lays the foundation fo r en­
ding the s p lit created in
1531, when H enry V III
broke fro m the V atican fo l­
lo w in g the Pope’s re fu s a l to
dissolve his m a rria g e to
C ath erine o f Aragon.
B ut alth ough the 122-page
study answ ers some o f the
q u e s tio n s p la g u in g b o th
sides, it w ill undoubtedly
s p a rk liv e ly debate.
The agreem ent reached
on issues o f chu rch a u th o r­
ity , such as the tho rny ques­
tions o f ju ris d ic tio n , papal
in fa llib ility and a u n ive rsa l
p rim a te , was applauded by
C anadian
theologans o f
both fa ith s a t £ news c o n fe r­
The n ine -m e m be r com ­
m issio n ’s consensus, espe­
c ia lly on chu rch a u th o rity ,
is “ som ething o f a m ir a ­
c le .”
said Rev. Canon
Eugene F a irw e a th e r. an
AngJican theologian on the
A nglican -R om a n C ath olic
In te rn a tio n a l C om m ission,
w h ic h prepared the re p o rt.
The re p o rt shuns the
w o rd Pope, saying a u n ifie d
c h u rch would be headed by
the Bishop o f Rome a c tin g
in the role o f a “ u n iv e rs a l
p rim a te .”
Also avoided is the con­
cept o f papal in fa llib ility .
T he re port re fers instead to
teaching “ in a w ay th a t c a n "
exclude e r ro r” — language
by com m ission
m e m b e r H a rry M cS orle y
as “ fresh, c re a tiv e and in ­
n o v a tiv e ."
A cknow ledging
th a t
" th e re are new th in g s to
A ng lic a n ears here and new
th in g s to C ath olic e a rs ,”
M cS orley, a Rom an C atho­
lic professor o f re lig io u s
studies at St. M ic h a e l’s C ol­
lege in Toronto, said the re ­
p o rt’s stre ngth lies in its re ­
fu s a l to use "e m o tiv e te r m i­
nology w hich has a h is to ry
o f c o n tr o v e r s y , te r m s
w h ic h have been m is u n d e r­
stood in the pa st.”
The re p o rt, w hich now
goes to churches around the
w o rld to be discussed and
A pril 13th, 14 th & 15th 1982
SALE SITE: 10940-166A Street,
fV w
Edmonton, Alberta
SITE PHONE: (403) 469-4951
N orthwest Com m ercial Sales (1973) Ltd.
Under Instructions tro m Coopers and Lybrand
Ltd. • Receivers
DAY 1 APRIL 13th
40 CRAWLER TRACTORS incl: 1- 1981 (NEW) Cal D8K
c/w hyd 8 A dozer. ROPS canopy, 26" S A.L.T. U/C; 1-1981
(NEW) Cal D6D - LGP c/w hyd 6A dozer, ROPS canopy.
36" grouser pads, 3rd valve; 1-1900 (NEW) Cat D6D c/w
hyd 6A dozer, ROPS canopy, 30" grouser pads. 2 - 1980
(NEW) Cat D6D’s - 3X series c/w hyd 6A dozers, ROPS
canopies: 8- Cat DBK's (1981 -1976); 4- Cat DBH's; 2-1980
Cat D7G's 92V series; 1979 Cat D7G - 92V series; 2-1978
Cat D7g - 91V series; 1978 Cat D7G - LGP w/ 34" grouser
pads; 1975 Cat D7G; 1981 Cat D 6D -LG P;4- Cat D 6D -6 X
series; 2- Cat D6C's - LGP; 3- Cat D6C s; 1976 Cat D5;
1974 Cat D4D; 1980 Cat D3B - LGP c/w 25" grouser pads;
Cat D9G (Parts only); Cat D8H (Parts only).
S-EXCAVATORS incl: 1978 Cat 225; 1977 Cat 225; 1980
(NEW) C at 21 5; 1979 (NEW) Hein-Werner C28 (59 meter
hours); 1979 Hein-Werner C28 (560 meter hours); 1979
Hein-Werner C28 (750 meter hours); 1979 Hein-Werner
C16. CRAWLER LOADERS incl: 1980 Cat 955L c/w ripper
(234 meter hours); 1976 Cat 931. 24-PULL SCRAPERS
incl: 2- Cat 463 hyd; Cat 435F hyd; Cat 435E hyd; Cat 80
hyd; 3- Cat 619's hyd; Toreq 1600 hyd; Cat 60 hyd; 2- Cat
435F's; 2- Cat 435E s; 2- Cat 463's!2- Cat 80 s; 2- Cat 70 s;
Cat 20; Cat DW15; 2-Cat 60 s. DISCS AND PLOWS incl
incl: Ezee 1600 disc; 3- Rome 10'; Demki-Yakimetz mode1
224 breaking plow. COMPACTION (TOW TYPE) incl: 1
Pull type vib. smooth drum roller; Hyster 60" D.D sheepsfoot; 48" D.D. sheepsfoot; 12-40" D.D sheepsfoot; Hystei
60" S.D. Sheepsfoot; 13-13 wheel wobble packers.
VEHICLES incl: 2- GMC 1 Ton serivce trucks; 2- pickups
1980 Pontiac; 1979 Olds Delta 88 ATTACHMENTS incl
Cat 9B - 4 ram ripper: 2-New Cat 8D rippers; 2- Atecc
hinge-rippers: 4- New and Used Cat 7B rippers; Cat 6E
ripper; Quantity of npper shanks, split valves to fit Cat D8h
and D7G. 48- DOZERS incl: Cat 9S. 9U, 9C. 9A & C frame
8A, 8U, BC, 7A, 7U, 7S, 6A, 6S dozers. 33 WINCHES incl
Hyster W12D's; Hyster D89C's; D89B's; D89A's; Cat 57
Cat 56; Carco G80’s; Carco F50's; Hyster D6D; D6E's,
D6C's; D4E; W5A Logging arches; large quantity of Hyster
winch parts.
14-CABLE CONTROL UNITS incl: 9- Cat 29 s; 2- Cat 25 s;
3- Cat 24 s; drawbars to fit Cat D8. D7, D6 size MISC. incl:
Push blocks to fit D9, D8 & D7 sizes; Brush rakes to fit Cat
D9, D8, D7, D6 & D6C LGP s; Cutler blades to fit Cat D8 &
D7. Large quantity of Cabs Canopies; Used trac groups to fit
Cat D9, DB, D7, D6 & D6 LGP s; Large quantity of New &
used pads, link assemblies, rollers & idlers: Dozer parts;
Hose assemblies & tubing; Shop equipment
DAY 2 APRIL 14th
10 WHEEL LOADERS incl: 1978 Cat 980C; 1969 Cat
980B; 2- 1979 Cat 966C; 1977 Cat 966C; 1973 Cat 966C;
1972 Cat 966C; 2- 1979 Cat 930's; 1979 Cat 920; Bobcat
M700. 11 MOTOR SCRAPERS incl: 3- 1980 Cat 621 B s;
1977 Cat 627B; 1975 Cat 627B; 3- 1980 Terex TS14B's;
A-C C160; Cat DW21; Cat 631B. 6 MOTOR GRADERS
incl: 2- 1979 Cat 12G s c w rippers; 1976 Cat 140G; 1979
Champion 760; 1976 Champion 740; Cat 14E. 1 2 -MOBILE
COMPACTION incl: 2- 1980 Cat 815 s; 1975 Cat 815; 31979 Hyster C440 padfoot; 1975 Bomag BW212; 1979
Hyster C627B Vib; 3- Hyster C625B's; 1979 Hyster C330B.
ATTACHMENTS incl: Quantity of ripper & cicle attach­
ments, snow plows and wings to fit motor graders; Buckets
and pallet forks & Log grapples MISC. incl: Machine shop
equipment incl: Lathes, presses; Idler-roller re-builder;
Large quantity ol Roller shells, shafts & bearings; New &
Used Caterpillar parts; Welders; 2- Cat hyd pullers; Cat
hose press; Office equipment incl: executive suite & recep­
tionists desk & furniture; file cabinets; calculators; type­
writers; melal shelving; office desks & chairs
DAY 3 APRIL 15th, 1982
s ' S A L E SITE: Nlsku Industlral Park,
(N lsku) Edm onton, Alberta
SITE PHONE: (403) 955-2486
O ilfield Hauling Ltd.
ALSO EQUIPMENT FROM: Sterling C rane-Divislon
o f Procor Lim ited and B rooks Oilfield
Contractors Co. Ltd.
20 CRAWLER TRACTORS incl: 3- Cat D9G s; Komatsu
D155A; Cat D8H; 1978 Cat D7G; 1977 Cat D7G; Cat D7G
1977 Komatsu D85A; Cat D7F; 2- Cat D7E's; 3- Terex
62-20B S (1978-1975); 1979 Cat D6D-3X series; 1978
Komatsu D65P; 1977 Komatsu D65E: 3- Cat D6C s; 1980
incl: Cat 992A; 1975 Cat966C; 1975 C at950; Hough H I00;
Hough 70; 1975 Terex 72-51; 1972 M F. 55; John Deere
544A; Cat 955L; Cat 951B; John Deere 450. A-C HD11G
11 MOTOR GRADERS incl: 2- Cat 14E s; Cat 14D; 1975
Champion D600; 3- Champion D600's; 2- Cat 12 s. Adams
440; Wabco 666B. EXCAVATOR: 1978 Cat 225 c w 10 2"
stick, long wide U/C. 2- 1977 Cat 225's; 1979 Cat 215 14
MOTOR SCRAPERS incl: Terex TS18. 4- Terex TS14B s;
Terex TS14; 3- Cat 631 B s; .2- Cat DW21 s; 3- AllisChalmers TS160's; Euclid S12
PULL SCRAPERS incl Cat 463; Cat 60 28- TRUCK
CRANES incl: 1977 P & H T600 XL - 60 ton c w 114' boom,
r ift
studied, states:
"R o m a n C ath olic tra d i­
tion has used the te rm in fa l­
lib ility to describe g u a ra n ­
teed freedom fro m fu n ­
da m ental e r ro r in ju d g ­
m ent.
"W e agree tha t th is is a
te rm
ap p lic a b le
d itio n a lly o n ly to God and to
use it o f a hum an being,
even in h ig h ly re s tric te d
circum stance s, can p ro­
duce m a ny m isun derstand­
ings. And th a t is w hy in s ta t­
ing ou r b e lie f in the p re­
se rva tio n o f the chu rch
fro m
e rro r,
avoided using the te r m .”
A lthough the theologians
stressed the re p o rt was “ fo r
study purposes o n ly .” they
said m ost ra n k and file
m em bers o f both churches
a re in fa v o r o f eventual un­
ion. There a re about 760 m il­
lion C atholics and 65 m illio n
A n g l i c a n s a r o u n d th e
w orld .
m a y
te m p o ra l head o f the A n g li­
can church.
B ut M cS orle y said u n ity
— i f and w hen i t com es —
w on’ t be “ by w a y o f absorp­
tio n .” A nglican s and Catho­
lics can be s is te r churches,
he said, w ith A nglican s
g a in ing fro m C a th o lic tra d i­
tio n and C ath olics ga in ing
fro m the in v o lv e m e n t o f lay
people in the A n g lic a n fa ith .
In the m e a n tim e , both
sides should " s ta r t actin g
lik e you w a n t to liv e w ith
one a n othe r,” said M cS or­
ley. F o r exa m ple, he said,
the two churches could
issue jo in t statem en ts on
such issues as s e xu a lity.
None o f the theologians at
M o nday’s news conference
was w illin g to guess when a
fu ll union w ould come
V e n . H a r r y H ilc h e y ,
general se c re ta ry o f the
C anadian A n g lica n C hurch.
In E nglan d, m ilita n t
m em bers o f o th e r P rote s­
ta n t fa ith s said they w ill r a l­
ly to stop any "ta k e o v e r” o f
the C hurch o f E nglan d be­
cause the y see u n ity moves
as u n d e rm in in g the a u th o r­
ity o f the B ritis h m o narch,
, 3 3'jib; 3- Grove TMS 475 - 50 Ton's c/w 110' booms. 32' jibs
(1976-1974); 4- Grove TMS 375 LP - 45 Tons c/w 89'
booms, 60' jibs; 1976 Grove TMS 300 LP- 35 Ton; 6- Grove
TM275 LP - 30 tons c/w 101' booms, 24' jibs; Bucyrus- Erie
45C - 30 ton c/w 3 stage boom, 24' jib; P & H T200 - 20 ton
c/w 78' boom, 20' jib; 5- Bantam TD588 - 18 ton c/w 60'
booms. 20' jibs; Grove TM180 • 18 Ton c/w 70' boom, 2 4'jib;
5- Bantam TK450 - 17Vi ton c/w 60' booms, 20' jibs.
crusher c.'w 200 HP motor mtd on 1200 T/A carrier; Hewitt Robins 5 x 1 6 -3 deck screening plant, mtd on T/A carrier.
HYDRO-AX: 1975 Hydro-Ax Model 500 Rail. COMPAC­
TION incl: Raygo 600A Vib; 1979 Raygo Ram; Rosco 9
wheol wobbly. SKIDDER: John Deere 540A Line. ROUGH
TERRAIN VEHICLES ind: 1981 Commander C-6 wheel
drive c/w GM 440 power, 30' bed, Braden 50 winch; 4Nodwell RN110 personnel carriers; Flextrac FT677; Fore­
most Yukon ATV. BED TRUCKS incl: 1981 Kenworth
C500; 1980 Kenworth C500; 2 - 1979 Kenworth T/A; 1977
Kenworth T/A; Hayes HD T/A; Kenworth T/A; Autocar T/A.
WINCH TRACTORS incl: 1981 Kenworth LW900 T/A; 1981
Kenworth LW924 T/A; 1978 Kenworth W900 T/A; 1978
Kenworth T/A; 1978 Peterbilt T/A; 1977 Kenworth C500
T/A; 1977 IHC 5070 T/A; 1975 Mack R700T/A; White West­
ern Star T/A; Kenworth T-A. TRUCK TRACTORS incl: 2 1980 White Western Star T/A's; 1979 Mack T/A; White
Freightliner T/A. PICKER TRUCKS incl: 2 -19 8 0 Kenworth
C500 T/A's c/w HL160 pickers; 1980 Frod 9000 T/A c/w
1980 Blackhoist 130 picker. LOWBOYS incl: 1980 Arnes 16
wheel; 3- Columbia 16 wheel; 1977 Arnes 16 wheel; 1981
Hayworth T/A; 2 -1980 Columbia T/A; 5- Columbia & Arnes
T/A’s; 5 - T/A Jeeps.
OILFIELD FLOATS incl: 1978 Peerless Page 16 wheel;
1978 Neils 45 ton 16 wheel; 14- Neils S Fruehauf T/A 40'
floats. CAMP incl: Portabuilt 12 x 50 diner & 10x50 kitchen
(to be sold as 1 unit), skid mounted. SIDEBOOMS incl: 2Cat 57 I s ; 5- Cat D7-3T series; Cat D6 sideboom; J.D. 450
& J.D. 350 sideboom. TRENCHER: 1973 Barber-Greene
TA65 trencher. AIRPLANE: 1979 Cessna A185 F Skywagon c/w skis. MISC. incl: Dump trucks; Service Trucks;
Pickups; Mixer trucks; Power units; Generators; Compress­
ors; Machine shop equipment.
1979 IHC 412B Elevating Motor Scraper c.w. ROPS
Cab, 23.5x5 tires, 1979 Grove TMS 475-50 Ton
Mobile Crane c.w. 140' boom, and jib, 2-1979 Grove
TMS 375-35 Ton Mobile Cranes c.w. 136' Boom,
32' jibs, 2-Cat D8H c.w. Hyd. A Dozer, Fiat-Allis
HD16B c.w. Hyd. A Dozer, Komatsu D75S Crawler
Loader, Cat 120 Motor Grader, Cat 14E MGtor
Grader, Cat 14D Motor Grader, Dynapac CA25PD
VIB Packer, 197B Pacific P510S T.A. Bod Truck,
1980 Ford L9000 TA Dump w-Raven Tri-Axle Pup
Trailer, 1979 Ford L9000 TALog Truck c.w 40 Ton
Trailer, 1978 Peterbilt TA Cab-Over Tractor, 2-Ford
CLT9000 TA-Cab-O ver Tractors (1980-1979),
1979 Peerless Page 16 Wheel Lowboy.
1979 Peerless Page 16 Wheel Float, 2-Nortrail T.A.
Jeeps (1981-1980), 1980 Nortrail T.A. Rig Booster,
1980 Fruehauf 40 Ton T.A. Lowboy, Fruehaux40
TonTriple-Axle Lowboy, 1974 Fruehauf 40 ton D D.
Lowboy, Willock 40 Ton D.D. Lowboy, Willock 40' 30 Ton Oilfield Float. 1979 Ford LT9000 T/A Winch
Tractor, 1977 Champion D740 Motor Grader, 1977
White W.S. T/A winch Tractor. 1977 White W .S.T/A
Picker Truck W/ 1979 Pitman 16,000 lb. picker.
1980 Porter 10x40 Office trailer, 1976 Michigan 75B
Wheel Loader, 1980 Drott 40 Hyd Excavator, 1980
Poclain 160 Hyd. Excavator, 2-1979 Cat D6D Craw­
ler Tractors, 1975 Cat 941 Crawler Loader, 2-1980
Jeep J20 (4x4's), New Kimto 36' x60‘ Portable Con­
veyor. 1980 Pacific P512 T/A Winch Tractor, 1980
Pacific V I T T 'A Tractor, 1981 Ford Bronco (4x4), 2New Glenair 10x24 Wellsite Trailers, 1979 John
Deere 350C LGP, Cat D9G Crawler Tractor, 1976
Grove TMS 300 LP-35 Ton Mobile Crane, Gove 15
Ton Mobile W/60' Boom, 20' JIB, mtd on fwd carrier,
1973 Bantam 18 ton mobile C/W 60' Boom, 20' Jib,
mtd on fwd carrier, 1979 Cat D6D C W hyd 6A,
ROPS wide-pad.
e n d
said C atholics and A n g li­
cans cou ld be ce le b ra tin g
E u c h a ris t
w ith in the next few yea r,
but not ne cessarily under a
u n ifie d chu rch a d m in is tra ­
In London, how ever, o ffi­
cia ls fo r both churches said
no union is lik e ly in th is cen­
tu ry .
CRAWLER TRACTORS Incl: 1974 Cat D8H, 1980
Cat D7G, 1976 Cat D7G, 1974 Cat D7F, Cat D7E,
1979 Cat D6C wide-pad, 1974 Komatsu D65E,
1980 IHC TD 15C. WHEEL LOADERS Incl: 1974
Cat 966C C W Weldco 25,1979 John Deere 544B,
C/W GP Bucket, 1977 Timberjack 2500 C/W Weld­
co 25, Hough 65 W W eldco 20. SKIDDERS Incl:
Cal 528 Grapple. MOTOR GRADERS Incl: 1977
Cal 140G C W 14' Hyd S.S Moldboard, ROPS
Cab,14 00 x 24 Tires. EXCAVATORS Incl: 1979
Cat 225 C/W Long U/C. 10 Roller Frame 26" TBG.
Koehhrmg 366. CRUSHER: Pioneer 40B combina­
tion C W 10x36 Jaw, 22x38 Rolls. Pioneer 5x10 -4
Deck Screen, Cat D342 Power, T'A Carrier.
TRUCKS Incl: 1981 Kenworth W900 T/A Tractor
Hayes Clipper T/A Tractor, Kenworth T/A Tractor,
1972 Kenworth W924 T/A Log Truck W/ 1976
Knight 20 Ton Trailer. TRAILERS Incl: 1978 Arnes
40 Ton D.D. Lowboy, Brentwood 40 Ton S.D. Low­
boy. 1977 Omaha 3 Bay Center Dump Trialer.
MISC. Incl: Loader/B ackhoes, Com pressors,
Generators, Fuel Trucks, Pickups.
640 - 2nd Avenue
O p e n 6 D a y s P e r W e e k 8 :3 0 to 5 p .m .
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THURSDAY APRIL 29, 1982 Prince George, B.C.
SALE SITE: H ighway 97 South,
Prince George,
SITE PHONE: (604) 963-8262
Please note the following corrections to page 4b of tonight's
Birthday Sale' circular: the 8 slip-joint plier, auto screwdriv­
er and garden tools are Sears brand, not Craftsman as
stated; the 11 h.p. tractor is for lawn use. not lawn and
garden use as advertised The boys' Toughskin jeans on
page 6a will not be available in Prince George
Sears apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause our
M a c C o s h a m