target your inner thighs - Ashy Bines 28 Day Booty Challenge


target your inner thighs - Ashy Bines 28 Day Booty Challenge
by Ashy Bines
There are lots of simple exercises
that target your inner thighs and
don’t even require getting your
booty to the gym.
Inner thigh exercises are incredibly
popular because thighs can be a
problem area for a lot of girls.
I’m giving you my top 3 exercises
for getting toned and slim thighs
along with a few bonus tips.
Ashy xx
Stand with your feet spread wide apart and toes
turned out. Hold your hands out in front, tuck your
pelvis, and slowly squat down until your knees are
bent at ninety degrees (about a 4 second count).
Then slowly lift yourself back up until your legs are
straight again. Continue the exercise for one minute.
To increase your calorie burn try doing Plie Squat
Jumps; with your feet turned out, do tiny, short jumps
in a wide plie position for one minute.
High intensity interval training,
known as HIIT, is one of the best
ways to tone your entire body, but
especially your thighs.
HIIT describes any workout that
alternates between intense bursts
of activity and fixed periods of
less-intense activity or even
complete rest. Because of this,
HIIT is shorter than long cardio
sessions, so it saves you plenty of
time to get on with your day and
you will burn calories long after
you stop.
Laying on your back with your legs anywhere from 45
to 90 degrees off the ground and pointing your toes;
quickly open and close your legs, crossing the right
thigh over the left and then reversing the movement.
Alternate which foot is on top each time and continue
scissoring legs; do 12 to 15 reps per side.
This targets not only the inner thigh but also the
Quadriceps (top of the thigh), hip flexors (front of hip
joint), outside thigh, and abdominals.
If you think the trick to slimmer
thighs is all about how much you
work out, think again!
Eating lean and clean isn’t just about
eating fruits and veggies, but it’s also
about cutting sugar that will cause
your body to store fat. Getting rid of
all refined and added sugars will slim
every part of your body down quicker,
especially your waist and your thighs.
Look for naturally yummy and clean
foods that are going to help you
like tomatoes, berries; organic plain
Greek yogurt with stevia, and
activated nuts. Your body will burn fat
when you ditch the sugar and you’ll
get the results you’re after.
Adding an inner-thigh squeeze to your basic bridge
will tone your inner thighs.
While lying on your back with your knees bent
and feet flat, place a pillow, a ball, or a toning ring
between your knees and push up into a bridge.
Keep your ribs aligned with your pelvis. Without
raising or lower your pelvis, slowly squeeze your
pillow 20 times.
Lower the pelvis and bring your knees to your chest
to round and relax your back. This is one set so repeat
two more time for a total of three sets.
Cardio helps you to lose weight all
over your body. I recommend a Fat
Burning Walk every morning to get
your metabolism started and your
body activated.
Start with a 10 minute warm-up walk
at an easier pace. This will lower your
blood sugar and begin to burn off any
stored glycogen in the muscles. After
the 10 minute warm-up, pick up the
pace to your fat burning zone, which
is 60-70% of your maximum heart rate.
Continue to walk in this zone for 30-50
minutes or more. Then you can begin
to slow to a cool-down walk of about
10 minutes at the end.
Remember, it’s good to do these
walks on an EMPTY stomach. If there
is food in your tummy, you will burn
that first. When you exercise in the
morning, after fasting all night, your
body will go straight for the stored fat
It’s a great mix when you combine a
HIIT session and then targeted
inner thigh exercises.
Doing regular fat burning walks burns
calories and when you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose
weight and get slimmer thighs and a
slimmer body.
The lateral lunge works the muscle on the side of the
pelvis as well as the inner thighs.
Begin with stepping to the right leg beyond shoulder
width while keeping your toes forward and your feet
flat. Squat through your right hip while keeping your
left leg straight.
Squat as low as possible,holding that bottom position
for three seconds. Push back to the starting position
and repeat on the other side. Do three sets of 10 on
each side.
You can overeat on healthy
foods too so be careful with
your portion sizes.
You don’t want to sabotage
your results without realising it.
Try to stick to the serving
suggestions in recipes, if it
says “serves 4” then that is
what it means, don’t eat the
whole thing just because
you can.
Keeping your water bottle full all
day will help you steer clear of
unnecessary snacking.
A lot of girls confuse hunger with
dehydration so make sure you
drink before every meal and sip
throughout the day to minimise
Cold water also provides a boost to
your metabolism so your body will
burn more calories. Add some
berries or lemon to keep it
I know you’re sick of running for miles
or doing hundreds of squats with no
results, I know you’re tired of feeling
uncomfortable in a bikini or scrolling
through social media wishing, hoping
or dreaming for that fit, toned, perky
Now there’s no more excuses and
there’s no better time to start.
Let’s kick some butt!!
If you are really serious about transforming your butt, legs and thighs
then my 28 Day Booty Challenge does
I have included a complimentary free
trial for you in this pdf!
if you love what you see x
Ashy xx