chapter 1 – definitions
chapter 1 – definitions
5 DEC 08 METEOROLOGY 1 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION - ANNEX 3 In this part of the METEOROLOGY section, selected Chapters and paragraphs have been extracted from ICAO Annex 3 – Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation. Chapter and paragraph numbers reflect those contained in the Annex. CHAPTER 1 – DEFINITIONS 1.1 DEFINITIONS When the following terms are used in the Standards and Recommended Practices for Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation, they have the following meanings: AERODROME CLIMATOLOGICAL SUMMARY — Concise summary of specified meteorological elements at an aerodrome, based on statistical data. AERODROME CLIMATOLOGICAL TABLE — Table providing statistical data on the observed occurrence of one or more meteorological elements at an aerodrome. AERODROME METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE — An office, located at an aerodrome, designated to provide meteorological service for international air navigation. AERONAUTICAL FIXED TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK (AFTN) — A world-wide system of aeronautical fixed circuits provided, as part of the aeronautical fixed service, for the exchange of messages and/or digital data between aeronautical fixed stations having the same or compatible communications characteristics. STAAERONAUTICAL METEOROLOGICAL TION — A station designated to make observations and meteorological reports for use in international air navigation. AIRCRAFT OBSERVATION — The evaluation of one or more meteorological elements made from an aircraft in flight. AIRMET INFORMATION — Information issued by a meteorological watch office concerning the occurrence or expected occurrence of specified en route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of low-level aircraft operations and which was not already included in the forecast issued for low-level flights in the flight information region concerned or sub-area thereof. AIR-REPORT — A report from an aircraft in flight prepared in conformity with requirements for position, and operational and/or meteorological reporting. NOTE: Details of the AIREP form are given in PANSATM (Doc 4444). AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT SURVEILLANCE (ADS) — A surveillance technique in which aircraft automatically provide, via a data link, data derived from on-board navigation and position-fixing systems, including aircraft identification, four-dimensional position and additional data as appropriate. BRIEFING — Oral commentary on existing and/or expected meteorological conditions. CLOUD OF OPERATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE — A cloud with the height of cloud base below 1500m (5000ft) or below the highest minimum sector altitude, whichever is greater, or a cumulonimbus cloud or a towering cumulus cloud at any height. CONSULTATION — Discussion with a meteorologist or another qualified person of existing and/or expected meteorological conditions relating to flight operations; a discussion includes answers to questions. EXTENDED RANGE OPERATION — Any flight by an aeroplane with two turbine power-units where the flight time at the one power-unit inoperative cruise speed (in ISA and still air conditions), from a point on the route to an adequate alternate aerodrome, is greater than the threshold time approved by the State of the Operator. FLIGHT DOCUMENTATION — Written or printed documents, including charts or forms, containing meteorological information for a flight. FORECAST — A statement of expected meteorological conditions for a specified time or period, and for a specified area or portion of airspace. GAMET AREA FORECAST — An area forecast in abbreviated plain language for low-level flights for a flight information region or sub-area thereof, prepared by the meteorological office designated by the meteorological authority concerned and exchanged with meteorological offices in adjacent flight information regions, as agreed between the meteorological authorities concerned. GRID POINT DATA IN DIGITAL FORM — Computer processed meteorological data for a set of regularly spaced points on a chart, for transmission from a meteorological computer to another computer in a code form suitable for automated use. NOTE: In most cases such data are transmitted on medium or high speed telecommunications channels. HUMAN FACTORS PRINCIPLES — Principles which apply to aeronautical design, certification, training, operations and maintenance and which seek safe interface between the human and other system components by proper consideration to human performance. INTERNATIONAL AIRWAYS VOLCANO WATCH (IAVW) — International arrangements for monitoring and providing warnings to aircraft of volcanic ash in the atmosphere. NOTE: The IAVW is based on the co-operation of aviation and non-aviation operational units using information derived from observing sources and networks that are provided by States. The watch is coordinated by ICAO with the co-operation of other concerned international organizations. METEOROLOGICAL AUTHORITY — The authority providing or arranging for the provision of meteorological service for international air navigation on behalf of a Contracting State. METEOROLOGICAL BULLETIN — A text comprising meteorological information preceded by an appropriate heading. METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION — Meteorological report, analysis, forecast and any other statement relating to existing or expected meteorological conditions. q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGY 33 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / SIGMET NOTATIONS - ANNEX 3 APPENDIX 1. MODEL SN – NOTATIONS USED IN FLIGHT DOCUMENTATION 1 SYMBOLS FOR SIGNIFICANT WEATHER Tropical cyclone 1145640356000 Drizzle 1145640356000 Severe squall line1 Rain 1145640356000 1145640356000 Moderate turbulence Snow 1145640356000 1145640356000 Severe turbulence Hail Shower 1145640356000 1145640356000 1145640356000 Widespread blowing snow Mountain waves 1145640356000 1145640356000 Moderate aircraft icing Severe sand or dust haze 1145640356000 1145640356000 Widespread sandstorm or duststorm Severe aircraft icing 1145640356000 1145640356000 Widespread fog 1145640356000 Widespread haze 1207059668000 1207059692000 Radioactive materials in the atmosphere2 Widespread mist 1145640356000 Widespread smoke Volcanic eruption3 1207059732000 1145640356000 Mountain obscuration Freezing precipitation4 1207059780000 1145640356000 1 In flight documentation for flights operating up to FL 100, this symbol refers to “squall line”. 2 The following information should be included at the side of the chart: radioactive materials symbol; Latitude/longitude of accident site; Date and time of accident; check NOTAM for further information. 3 The following information should be included at the side of the chart: Volcanic eruption symbol; Name and international number of volcano (if known); Latitude/longitude; Date and time of the first eruption (if known) 4 This symbol does not refer to icing due to precipitation coming into contact with an aircraft which is at a very low temperature. q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 34 METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / SIGMET NOTATIONS - ANNEX 3 NOTE: Height indications between which phenomena are expected, top above base as per chart legend. 1145640356000 2 q$i FRONTS AND CONVERGENCE ZONES AND OTHER SYMBOLS USED Position, speed and level of max. wind Cold front at the surface 1228309653000 1145640356000 Warm front at the surface Convergence line 1207060097000 1145640356000 Freezing level Occluded front at the surface 1145640356000 1145640356000 Intertropical convergence zone Quasi-stationary front at the surface 1145640356000 State of the sea Tropopause high 1145640356000 1145640356000 Sea surface temperature Tropopause low 1145640356000 1145640356000 Widespread strong surface wind1 Tropopause level 1145640356000 1145640356000 1228118336000 Wind arrows indicate the maximum wind in jet and the flight level at which it occurs. If the maximum wind speed is 240 km/h (120 kt) or more, the flight levels between which winds are greater than 160 km/h (80 kt) is placed below the maximum wind level. In the example, winds are greater than 160 km/h (80 kt) between FL 220 and FL 400. The heavy line delineating the jet axis begins/ends at the points where a wind speed of 160 km/h (80 kt) is forecast. 1 This symbol refers to widespread surface wind speeds exceeding 60 km/h (30 kt). 3 3.1 ABBREVIATIONS USED TO DESCRIBE CLOUDS TYPE CI = Cirrus CC = Cirrocumulus CS = Cirrostratus AC = Altocumulus 3.2 AS = Altostratus NS = Nimbostratus SC = Stratocumulus ST = Stratus CU = Cumulus CB = Cumulonimbus AMOUNT Clouds except CB: FEW = few (1/8th to 2/8ths) SCT = scattered (3/8th to 4/8ths) BKN = broken (5/8ths to 7/8ths) OVC = overcast (8/8ths) CB only: ISOL = individual CBs (isolated) OCNL = well separated CBs (occasional) FRQ = CBs with little or no separation (frequent) EMBD = CBs embedded in layers of other clouds or concealed by haze (embedded) q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGY 41 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / WORLD AREA FORECAST - ANNEX 3 Appendix 2 - Technical Specifications Related To World Area Forecast System And Meteorological Offices Key: M O = = = = Table A2-1. Template for advisory message for volcanic ash inclusion mandatory, part of every message ; inclusion optional ; a double line indicates that the text following it should be placed on the subsequent line NOTE 1: The ranges and resolutions for the numerical elements included in advisory messages for volcanic ash are shown in Appendix 6, Table A6-4. NOTE 2: The explanations for the abbreviations can be found in the Procedures for Air Navigation Services - ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC, Doc 8400). NOTE 3: Inclusion of a "colon " after each element heading is mandatory. NOTE 4: The numbers 1 to 18 are included only for clarity and they are not part of the advisory message, as shown in the example. Table A2-1 - Template for advisory message for volcanic ash Element Detailed Content Template(s) Identification 1 of the type of Type of message VA ADVISORY message (M) 2 Time of origin (M) Year, month, day, time in DTG: nnnnnnnn/nnnnZ UTC nnnnnnnnnnnn 3 Name of VAAC Name of VAAC VAAC: (M) 4 Name of volcano Name and IAVCEI1 VOLCANO: nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn (M) number of volcano [nnnnnn] or UNKNOWN or UNNAMED 5 Location of Location of volcano in PSN: Nnnnn or Snnnn volcano (M) degrees and minutes or UNKNOWN or UNNAMED nnnnnnnnnnnnnn 6 State or region State, or region if ash is AREA: nnnnnn (M) not reported over a State 7 Summit elevation Summit elevation in m SUMMIT nnnM (or nnnnnFT) (or ft) ELEV: 8 Advisory number Advisory number: year in ADVISORY nnnn/nnnn (M) full and message number NR: (separate sequence for each volcano) 9 Information Free text up to 32 Information source using INFO characters source (M) free text SOURCE: 10 Colour code (O) Aviation colour code RED or ORANGE AVIATION or YELLOW COLOUR or GREEN or CODE: UNKNOWN or NOT GIVEN or NIL 11 Eruption details Eruption details ERUPTION Free text up to 64 characters (M) (including date/time DETAILS: of eruption(s)) 12 Time of observation of ash (M) Day and time (in UTC) of OBS VA observation of volcanic DTG: ash or UNKNOWN nn/nnnnZ Examples VA ADVISORY DTG: VAAC: 20000402/ 0700Z TOKYO VOLCANO: USUZAN 805–03 VOLCANO: UNNAMED PSN: N4230 E14048 PSN: UNKNOWN AREA: JAPAN SUMMIT ELEV: ADVISORY NR: 732M INFO SOURCE: AVIATION COLOUR CODE: GMS-JMA AIREP RED ERUPTION DETAILS: ERUPTED 20000402/ 0641Z ERUPTION OBS VA TO ABV FL300 OBS VA DTG: 02/0645Z 2000/432 q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 42 METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / WORLD AREA FORECAST - ANNEX 3 Table A2-1 - Template for advisory message for volcanic ash (continued) Element 13 Observed or estimated ash cloud (M) Template(s) Examples Detailed Content OBS VA CLD TOP FLnnn or Horizontal (in degrees OBS VA FL150/350 and minutes) and vertical or EST VA SFC/FLnnn or CLD: N4230 extent at the time of FLnnn/nnn CLD: E14048 observation of the 2 [nnKM WID LINE N4300 observed or estimated BTN [nnNM WID E14130 ash cloud or, if the LINE BTN)] N4246 base is unknown, the Nnn[nn] E14230 top of the observed or or Snn[nn] estimated ash cloud; N4232 Wnnn[nn] or E14150 movement of the Ennn[nn] observed or estimated N4230 Nnn[nn] ash cloud E14048 or Snn[nn] SFC/FL150 Wnnn[nn] or MOV NE Ennn[nn] 25KT Nnn[nn] FL150/350 or Snn[nn] MOV E 30KT Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn] TOP FL240 MOV W Nnn[nn] 40KMH or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn] Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn]]3 or TOP FLnnn or SFC/FLnnn or FLnnn/nnn MOV N nnKMH (or KT) or MOV NE nnKMH (or KT) or MOV E nnKMH (or KT) or MOV SE nnKMH (or KT) or MOV S nnKMH (or KT) or MOV SW nnKMH (or KT) or MOV W nnKMH (or KT) or MOV NW nnKMH (or KT)4 VA NOT IDENTIFIABLE FROM SATELLITE DATA WINDS FLnnn/nnn nnn/nn[nn] KMH (KT)4 q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 44 METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / WORLD AREA FORECAST - ANNEX 3 Table A2-1 - Template for advisory message for volcanic ash (continued) Element 16 Forecast height and position of the ash clouds (+18 HR) (M) Template(s) Examples Detailed Content nn/nnnnZ Day and Time (in UTC) FCST VA FCST VA 03/0045Z (18 hours from the “Time CLD +18 HR: SFC or FLnnn/ CLD +18 HR SFC/FL600 of observation of ash” [FL]nnn NO VA EXP given in Item 12); [nnKM WID LINE2 Forecast height and BTN (nnNM WID position (in degrees and LINE BTN)] minutes) for each cloud Nnn[nn] mass for that fixed valid or Snn[nn] time Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn] Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn] Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn] Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn] Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn] 3 or NO VA EXP 17 Remarks (M) RMK: Remarks, as necessary RMK: Free text up to ASH CLD 256 characters CAN NO LONGER BE or DETECTED NIL ON SATELLITE IMAGE 18 Next advisory (M) Year, month, day and NXT 20000402/ nnnnnnnn/nnnnZ NXT ADVISORY: 1300Z time in UTC ADVISORY: or NO LATER THAN nnnnnnnn/nnnnZ or NO FURTHER ADVISORIES or WILL BE ISSUED BY nnnnnnnn/nnnnZ 1 International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI). 2 A straight line between two points drawn on a map in the Mercator projection or a straight line between two points which crosses lines of longitude at a constant angle. 3 Up to 4 selected layers. 4 If ash reported (e.g. AIREP) but not identifiable from satellite data. Example A2-1. Advisory message for volcanic ash VA ADVISORY DTG: VAAC: 20000402/0700Z TOKYO q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGY 45 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / WORLD AREA FORECAST - ANNEX 3 Example A2-1. Advisory message for volcanic ash (continued) VA ADVISORY VOLCANO: PSN: AREA: SUMMIT ELEV: ADVISORY NR: INFO SOURCE: AVIATION COLOUR CODE: ERUPTION DETAILS: OBS VA DTG: OBS VA CLD: FCST VA CLD + 6 HR: FCST VA CLD + 12 HR: FCST VA CLD + 18 HR: RMK: NXT ADVISORY: Key: = = USUZAN 805-03 N4230 E14048 JAPAN 732M 2000/432 GMS JMA RED ERUPTED 20000402/0614Z ERUPTION OBS VA TO ABV FL300 02/0645Z FL150/350 N4230 E14048 - N4300 E14130 - N4246 E14230 - N4232 E14150 - N4230 E14048 SFC/FL150 MOV NE 25KT FL150/350 MOV E 30KT 02/1245Z SFC/FL200 N4230 E14048 - N4232 E14150 - N4238 E14300 - N4246 E14230 FL200/350 N4230 E14048 - N4232 E14150 N4238 E14300 - N4246 E14230 FL350/600 NO VA EXP 02/1845Z SFC/FL300 N4230 E14048 - N4232 E14150 - N4238 E14300 - N4246 E14230 FL300/600 NO VA EXP 03/0045Z SFC/FL600 NO VA EXP VA CLD CAN NO LONGER BE DETECTED ON SATELLITE IMAGE 20000402/1300Z Table A2-2. Template for advisory message for tropical cyclones a double line indicates that the text following it should be placed on the subsequent line NOTE 1: The ranges and resolutions for the numerical elements included in advisory messages for tropical cyclones are shown in Appendix 6, Table A 6-4. NOTE 2: The explanations for the abbreviations can be found in the Procedures for Air Navigation Services - ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC, Doc 8400). NOTE 3: All the elements are mandatory. NOTE 4: Inclusion of a "colon " after each element heading is mandatory. NOTE 5: The numbers 1 to 19 are included only for clarity and they are not part of the advisory message, as shown in the example. Table A2-2 - Template for advisory message for tropical cyclones Element Detailed Content Template(s) Identification 1 of the type of Type of message TC ADVISORY message (M) 2 Time of origin (M) Year, month, day, time in DTG: nnnnnnnn/nnnnZ UTC of issue 3 Name of TCAC Name of TCAC (location TCAC: nnnn or nnnnnnnnnn indicator or full name) 4 Name of tropical Name of tropical cyclone TC: cyclone or “NIL” for unnamed tropical cyclone 5 Advisory number Advisory number NR: (starting with “01” for each cyclone) 6 Position of the Position of the centre of PSN: centre the tropical cyclone (in degrees and minutes) Examples TC ADVISORY DTG: 20040925/1600Z TCAC: TCAC: TC: YUFO1 MIAMI GLORIA nn NR: 01 Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn] PSN: N2706 W07306 nnnnnnnnnnnn or NIL q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGY 47 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / WORLD AREA FORECAST - ANNEX 3 Table A2-2 - Template for advisory message for tropical cyclones (continued) Element 14 Forecast of centre postion (+18 HR) 15 Forecast of maximum surface wind (+ 18 HR) 16 Forecast of centre postion (+24 HR) 17 Forecast of maximum surface wind (+ 24HR) 18 Remarks Detailed Content Day and time (in UTC) (18 hours from the “DTG” given in item 2): Forecast position (in degrees and minutes) of the centre of the tropical cyclone Forecast of maximum surface wind (18 hours after the “DTG” given in item 2) FCST PSN +18 HR: FCST MAX WIND +18 HR: FCST Day and time (in UTC) (24 hours from the “DTG” PSN +24 given in item 2): HR: Forecast position (in degrees and minutes) of the centre of the tropical cyclone Forecast of maximum FCST surface wind (24 hours MAX after the “DTG” given in WIND item 2) +24 HR: Remarks, as necessary RMK: 19 Expected time of Expected year, month, NXT issuance of next day and time (in UTC) of MSG: advisory issuance of next advisory 1 Template(s) nn/nnnnZ Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn(nn) or Ennn[nn] Examples 26/1000Z FCST PSN N2852 W07500 +18 HR nn[n]KMH (or nn[n]KT) 85KMH FCST MAX WIND +18 HR: 26/1600Z FCST PSN N2912 W07530 +24 HR nn/nnnnZ Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn(nn) or Ennn[nn] nn[n]KMH (or nn[n]KT) Free text up to 256 characters or NIL [BFR] nnnnnnnn/ nnnnZ or NO MSG EXP FCST MAX WIND +24 HR: RMK: NXT MSG: 80KMH NIL 20040925/2000Z Fictitious location. Example A2-2. Advisory message for tropical cyclones TC ADVISORY DTG: TCAC: TC: NR: PSN: MOV: C: MAX WIND: FCST PSN + 6 HR FCST MAX WIND + 6 HR FCST PSN + 12 HR: FCST MAX WIND + 12 HR: FCST PSN + 18 HR: FCST MAX WIND + 18 HR: FCST PSN + 24 HR: FCST MAX WIND + 24 HR: RMK NXT MSG: 19970925/1600Z YUFO GLORIA 01 N2706 W07306 NW 20KMH 965HPA 90KMH 25/2200Z N2748 W07350 90KMH 26/0400Z N2830 W07430 90KMH 26/1000Z N2852 W07500 85KMH 26/1600Z N2912 W07530 80KMH NIL 19970925/2000Z q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 51 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / METAR AND SPECI - ANNEX 3 Appendix 3 - Technical Specifications Related To Meteorological Observations And Reports Key: Table A3-1 - Template for the local routine (MET REPORT) and local (SPECIAL) reports = M inclusion mandatory, part of every message = inclusion conditional, dependent on meteorological conditions C = inclusion optional O NOTE 1: The ranges and resolutions for the numerical elements included in the local routine and special reports are shown in Table A3-4 of this appendix. Element as specified in Chapter 4 Identification of the type of report (M) Location indicator (M) Time of the observation (M) Detailed content NOTE 2: The explanations for the abbreviations used can be found in the Procedures for Air Navigation Services - ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC, Doc 8400). Template(s) Examples Type of report MET REPORT or SPECIAL MET REPORT SPECIAL ICAO location nnnn indiactor (M) nnnnnnZ Day and actual tim of the observation in UTC Surface wind Name of the WIND element (M) (M) YUDO1 221630Z Runway (O)2 RWY nn[L] or RWY nn[C] or RWY nn[R} Runway section (O)3 TDZ Wind direction (M) nnn/ Wind speed (M) [ABV] n[n][n]KMH (or [ABV] n[n]KT) VRB BTN nnn/ AND nnn/ CALM or VRB MAX [ABV] nn [n] MNM n [n] Significant speed variations (C)4 VRB Significant BTN directional variations (C)5 nnn/ AND nnn/ MID Runway sections (O)3 — WIND 240/15KMH (WIND 240/8KT) WIND RWY 18 TDZ 190/22KMH (WIND RWY 18 TDZ 190/11KT) WIND VRB4KMH WIND CALM (WIND VRB2KT) WIND VRB BTN 350/AND 050/4KMH (WIND VRB BTN 350/AND 050/2KT) WIND 270/ABV 199KMH (WIND 270/ABV 99KT) WIND 120/12KMH MAX35 MNM8 (WIND 120/6KT MAX18 MNM4) WIND 020/20 KMH VRB BTN 350/ AND 070/ (WIND 020/10KT VRB BTN 350/ AND 070/) WIND RWY 14R MID 140/22KMH (WIND RWY 14R MID 140/11KT) q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 52 METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / METAR AND SPECI - ANNEX 3 Element as specified in Chapter 4 Detailed content Template(s) Examples Wind nnn/ direction (O)3 Wind speed (O)3 Significant speed variations (C)4 VRB BTN nnn/ AND nnn/ CALM or VRB [ABV] n[n][n]KMH (or [ABV] n[n]KT) MAX [ABV] nn [n] MNM n [n] VRB Significant BTN directional variations (C)5 nnn/ AND nnn/ Runway END section (O)3 — WIND RWY 27 TDZ 240/32KMH MAX54 MNM20 END 250/28KMH (WIND RWY 27 TDZ 240/16KT MAX27 MNM10 END 250/14KT) Wind nnn/ direction (O)3 Wind speed (O)3 Significant speed variations (C)4 Visibility (M) VRB Significant BTN directional 5 variations (C) nnn/ AND nnn/ Name ot the VIS element (M) Runway (O)2 Runway section (O)3 RVR(C)6 VRB BTN nnn/ AND nnn/ CALM or VRB [ABV] n[n][n]KMH (or [ABV] n[n]KT MAX [ABV] nn [n] MNM n [n] — CAVOK VIS 350M CAVOK VIS 7KM VIS 10KM RWY nn[L] or RWY nn[C] or RWY VIS RWY 09 TDZ 800M END nn[R] 1200M TDZ Visibilty (M) Runway section (O)3 nn[n][n]M or n[n]KM MID Visibility (O)3 Runway section (O)3 nn[n][n]M or n[n]KM END Visibility (O)3 Name of the element (M) nn[n][n]M or n[n]KM RVR Runway (C)7 RWY nn[L] or RWY nn[C] or RWY nn[R] TDZ Runway section (C)8 VIS RWY 18C TDZ 6KM RWY 27 TDZ 4000M RVR RWY 32 400M RVR RWY 20 1600M q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 53 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / METAR AND SPECI - ANNEX 3 Element as specified in Chapter 4 Present weather (C)9 ’10 Detailed content RVR (M) [ABV or BLW] nn[n][n]M Runway section (C)8 MID RVR (C)8 Runway section (C)8 [ABV or BLW] nn[n][n]M END RVR (C)8 Intensity of present weather (C)9 Characteristics and type of present weather (C)9, [ABV or BLW] nn[n][n]M FBL or — MOD or HVY DZ or RA or IC or FG or BR or SN or SG or SA or DU or HZ PL or DS or or FU or VA or SS or FZDZ or SQ or PO or FC FZRA or SHGR or TS or BCFG or SHGS or or BLDU or SHRA or SHSN BLSA or BLSN or TSGR or or DRDU or TSGS or TSRA DRSA or DRSN or TSSN or FZFG or MIFG or PRFG CLD 11 Cloud (M)12 Template(s) Name of the element (M) Runway (O)2 RWY nn[L] or RWY nn[C] or RWY nn[R] OBSC NSC Cloud amount FEW (M) or vertical or SCT visibility (O)9 or BKN or OVC Air temperature (M) Dew-point temperature (M) Pressure values (M) Cloud type (C)9 CB or TCU — Height of cloud base or the value of vertical visibility (C)9 nn[n][n] M (or nnn[n] FT) [VER VIS nn[n]M (or VER VIS nnn[n] FT) Name of the element (M) Air temperature (M) Name of the element (M) Dew-point temperature (M) Name of the element (M) QNH (M) T [MS]nn DP [MS]nn QNH nnnnHPA Examples RVR RWY 10L BLW 50M RVR RWY 14 ABV 2000M RVR RWY 10 BLW 150M RVR RWY 12 ABV 1200M RVR RWY12 TDZ 1100M MID ABV 1400M RVR RWY 16 TDZ 600M MID 500M END 400M RVR RWY 26 500M RWY 20 800M MOD RA HVY TSRA HVY DA FBL SN HVY TSRASN FBL SNRA FBL DZ FG HVY SHSN BLSN HZ FG VA MIFG CLD NSC CLD SCT 300M OVC 600M (CLD SCT 1000FT OVC 2000FT) CLD OBSC VER VIS 150M (CLD OBSC VER VIS 500FT) CLD BKN TCU 270M (CLD BKN TCU 900FT) CLD RWY 08R BKN 60M, RWY 26 BKN 90M) (CLD RWY 08R BKN 200FT RWY 26 BKN 300FT) T17 TMS08 DP15 DPMS18 QNH 0995HPA QNH 1009HPA q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 54 METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / METAR AND SPECI - ANNEX 3 Element as specified in Chapter 4 Detailed content Name of the element (O) QFE (O) Supplementary information (C)9 Significant meteorological phenomena (C)9 Location of the phenomenon (C)9 Recent weather (C)9, 10 Trend forecast14 Name of the element (M) Change indicator (M)15 Template(s) Examples QFE QNH 1022HPA QFE 1001HPA QNH 0987HPA QFE RWY 18 0956HPA RWY 24 0955HPA [RWY nn[L] or RWY nn[C] or RWY nn[R]] nnnHPA [RWY nn[L] or RWY nn[C] or RWY nn[R] nnnHPA] CB or TS or MOD TURB or SEV TURB or FC IN APCH WS or GR or SEV SQL or MOD ICE or SEV WS IN APCH 60M-WIND: ICE or FZDZ or FZRA or SEV MTW or SS 360/50KMH or DS or BLSN or FC13 WS RWY 12 IN APCH [nnnM-WIND nnn/nnKMH] or IN CLIMB-OUT [nnnM-WIND nnn/nnKMH] (IN APCH [nnnFT-WIND nnn/nnKT] or IN CLIMB-OUT [nnnFT-WIND nnn/nnKT] or RWY nn[n] REFZRA REFZDZ or REFZRA or REDZ or RE[SH]RA or RERASN or RE[SH]SN CB IN CLIMB-OUT RETSRA or RESG or RESHGR or RESHGS or REBLSN or RESS or REDS or RETSRA or RETSSN or RETSGR or RETSGS or REFC or REPL or REVA or RETS TREND TREND NOSIG TREND BECMG FEW 600M (TREND BECMG FEW 2000FT) NOSIG BECMG or TEMPO Period of change (C)9 FMnnnn and/or TLnnnn or ATnnnn Wind (C)9 nnn/[ABV]n[n][n]KMH [MAX[ABV]nn[n]] (or nnn/[ABV]n[n]KT [MAX[ABV]nn]) Visibility (C)9 VIS nn[n][n]M or VIS n[n]KM Weather phenomenon intensity (C)9 FBLor MOD or HVY — NSW TREND TEMPO 250/70KMH MAX 100 TREND TEMPO 250/35KT MAX 50 CAVOK TREND BECMG AT1800 VIS 10KM NSW TREND BECMG TL1700 VIS 800M FG TREND BECMG FM1030 TL1130 CAVOK TREND TEMPO TL1200 VIS 600M BECMG AT 1230 VIS 8KM NSW NSC q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 55 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / METAR AND SPECI - ANNEX 3 Element as specified in Chapter 4 Detailed content Weather phenomenon: characteristics and type (C)9,10,12 Name of the element (C)9 Cloud amount and vertical visibility (C)9 Cloud type (C)9 Height of cloud base or the value of vertical visibility (C)9 Template(s) Examples DZ or RA or SN or SG or PL or DS or SS or FZDZ or FZRA or SHGR or SHGS or SHRA or SHSN or TSGR or TSGS or TSRA or TSSN CLD IC or FG or BR or SA or DU or HZ or FU or VA or SQ or PO or FC or TS or BCFG or BLDU or BLSA or BLSN or DRDU or DRSA or DRSN or FZFG or MIFG or PRFG TREND TEMPO FM0300 TL0430 MOD FZRA TREND BECMG FM1900 VIS 500M HVY SNRA TREND BECMG FM1100 MOD SN TEMPO FM1130 BLSN FEW or SCT or BKN or OVC CB or TCU nn[n][n] M (or nnn[n] FT) OBSC — [VER VIS nn[n]M (or VER VIS nnn[n] FT)] 1 Fictitous location. 2 Optional values for one or more runways. 3 Optinal values for one or more sections of the runway 4 To be included in accordance with c) 5 To be included in accordance with b)1) 6 To be included if visibility or RVR < 1500m 7 To be included in accordance with d) 8 To be included in accordance with c) 9 To be included whenever applicable. 10 11 NSC TREND BECMG AT 1130 CLD OVC 300M (TREND BECMG AT 1130 CLD OVC 1000FT) TREND TEMPO TL1530 HVY SHRA CLD BKN CB 360M (TREND TEMPO TL1530 HVY SHRA CLD BKN CB 1200FT) One or more, up to a maximum of three groups, in accordance with a), and Appendix 5, Precipitation types listed under a) may be combined in accordance with c) and Appendix 5, Only modarate or heavy precipitation to be indicated in trend forecast in accordance with Appendix 5, 12 Up to four cloud layers in accordance with e) 13 Abbreviation plain language may be used in accordance with 14 To be included in accordance with Chapter 6, 6.3.2. 15 Number of change indicators to be kept to a minimum in accordance with Appendix 5, 2.2.1, normally not exceeding three groups. q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 56 METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / METAR AND SPECI - ANNEX 3 Key: M C O = = = Table A3-2 - Template for METAR and SPECI inclusion mandatory, part of every message inclusion conditional, dependent on meteorological conditions or method of observation inclusion optional NOTE 1: The ranges and resolutions for the numerical elements included in METAR and SPECI are shown in Table A3-5 of this appendix. Element as specified in Chapter 4 Identification of the type of report (M) Detailed content NOTE 2: The explanations for the abbreviations used can be found in the Procedures for Air Navigation Services - ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC, Doc 8400). Template(s) Examples Type of report METAR, METAR COR, SPECI or SPECI METAR (M) COR METAR COR SPECI Location ICAO location nnnn YUDO1 indicator (M) indicator (M) 221630Z Time of the Day and actual nnnnnnZ observation (M) time of the observation in UTC (M) AUTO Indentification of Automated or AUTO or NIL an automated or missing report NIL missing report identifier (C) (C)2 END OF METAR IF THE REPORT IS MISSING. 24015KMH Wind direction nnn VRB Surface wind (M) (M) (24008KT) Wind speed [P]nn[n] 19022KMH (M) (19011KT) 00000KMH (00000KT) 140P199KMH (140P99KT) Significant G[P]nn[n] 12012G35KMH speed (12006G18KT) variations (C)3 24032G54KMH KMH (or KT) Units of (24016G27KT) measurement Visibility (M) (M) nnnVnnn Significant directional variations (C)4 nnnn Prevailing or minimum visibility (M)5 – VRB04KMH (VRB02KT) 02020KMH 350V070) 02010KT 350V070) C A V O K 0350 7000NDV 9999 Unidirectional visibility (C)6 Minimum visibility (C)7 NDV 0800 nnnn 2000 1200NW 6000 2800E Direction of the minimum visibility (C) 7 N or NE or E or SE or S or SW or W or NW CAVOK q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 57 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / METAR AND SPECI - ANNEX 3 Element as specified in Chapter 4 RVR(C)8 Detailed content Template(s) Examples R Name of the element (M) Runway (M) nn[L]/or nn[C)]/ or nn[R]/ RVR (M) [P or M]nnnn R32/0400 R12R/1700 R10/M0050 R14L/P2000 R16L/0650 R16C/0500 R16R/0450 R17L/0450 R20/0700V1200 R19/0350VP1200 R12/1100U R26/0550N R20/0800D R09/0375V0600U R10/M0150V0500D RVR variations V[P or M]nnnn (C)9 RVR past tendency (C) U, D or N 10 Present weather Intensity or (C) 2, 11 proximity of present weather (C) – or + – q$i VC 12 Characteristics and type of present weather (M) 13 DZ or RA or SN or SG or PL or DS or SS or FZDZ or FZRA or FZUP6 or SHGR or SHGS or SHRA or SHSN or SHUP or TSGR or TSGS or TSRA or TSSN or TSUP or UP 6 IC or FG or BR or SA or DU or HZ or FU or VA or SQ or PO or FC or TS or BCFG or BLDU or BLSA or BLSN or DRDU or DRSA or DRSN or FZFG or MIFG or PRFG FG or PO or FC or DS or SS or TS or SH or BLSN or BLSA or BLDU or VA HZ RA FG +TSRA VA +DZ MIFG -SN +TSRASN -SNRA DZ FG +SHSN BLSN UP FZUP TSUP FZUP VCFG VCSH VCTS VCBLSA q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 58 METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / METAR AND SPECI - ANNEX 3 Element as specified in Chapter 4 Cloud (M)14 Detailed content FEWnnn VVnnn or VV/// or SCTnnn or BKNnnn or OVCnnn or ////// 6 Cloud Type (C) CB or – 2 TCU or /// 6 Cloud amount and height of cloud base or vertical visibility (M) Air and Air and dew-point dew-point temperature (M) temperatures (M) Pressure values Name of the (M) element (M) QNH (M) Supplementary information (C) Template(s) Recent weather (C) 2, 11 Wind shear (C)2 [M]nn/[M]nn Q nnnn Examples NSC or NCD 6 FEW015 VV005 OVC030 VV/// NSC SCT010 BKN025/// OVC020 BKN009 TCU SCT008 BKN025CB //////CB 17/10 02/M08 M01/M10 NCD Q0995 Q1009 Q1022 Q0987 REFZRA RETSRA REFZDZ or REFZRA or REDZ or RE[SH]RA or RERASN or RE[SH]SN or RESG or RESHGR or RESHGS or REBLSN or RESS or REDS or RETSRA or RETSSN or RETSGR or RETSGS or RETS or REFC or REVA or REPL or REUP 6 or REFZUP 6 or RETSUP 6 or RESHUP 6 WS Rnn[L] or WS Rnn[C] or WS Rnn[R] WS RWY03 or WS ALL RWY WS ALL RWY W[M]nn/Sn W15/S2 Sea-surface temperature and state of the sea (C) 15 R nn [L]/ or Rnn[C]/ or Rnn[R]/ R/SN R99/421594 State RunOCLO R/SNOCLO of the way run- desigR14L/CLRD// nator way (C) 16 (M) RunCLRD// n or / way deposits (M) Extent n or / of runway contamination (M) Depth nn or // of deposit (M) Friction nn or // coefficient or braking action (M) q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 59 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / METAR AND SPECI - ANNEX 3 Element as specified in Chapter 4 Trend forecast (O)17 Detailed content Template(s) Examples Change NOSIG BECMG or TEMPO indicator (M)18 Period of FMnnnn and/or TLnnnn or change (C)2 ATnnnn Wind (C)2 Prevailing visibility (C)2 Weather phenomenon: intensity (C)12 Weather phenomenon: characteristics and type (C)2, 11, 13 Cloud amount and height of cloud base or vertical visibility (C) 2 Cloud type (C)2 nnn[P]nn[n]]KMH (or nnn[P[nn[G[P] nn]KT) nnnn –or + — NOSIG C A V O K BECMG FEW020 TEMPO 25070G100KMH (TEMPO 25035G50KT) BECMG FM1030 TL1130 CAVOK BECMG TL1700 0800 FG BECMG AT1800 9000 NSW BECMG FM1900 0500 +SNRA BECMG FM1100 SN TEMPO FM1130 BLSN TEMPO FM0330 TL0430 FZRA NSW DZ or RA or SN or SG or PL or DS or SS or FZDZ or FZRA or SHGR or SHGS or SHRA or SHSN or TSGR or TSGS or TSRA or TSSN IC or FG or BR or SA or DU or HZ or FU or VA or SQ or PO or FC or TS or BCFG or BLDU or BLSA or BLSN or DRDU or DRSA or DRSN or FZFG or MIFG or PRFG FEW VVnnn nnn or or SCTnnn SCT nnn or or BKNnnn BKN nnn or or OVC nnn OVC nnn CB or — TCU 1 Fictitous location. 2 To be included whenever applicable. 3 To be included in accordance with 4 To be included in accordance with b) 1). NSC TEMPO TL1200 0600 BECMG AT1200 8000 NSW NSC BECMG AT1130 OVC010 TEMPO TL1530 +SHRA BKN012CB q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 60 METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / METAR AND SPECI - ANNEX 3 5 To be included in accordance with b). 6 For automated reports only. 7 To be included in accordance with a). 8 To be included if visibility or RVR <1500m; for up to a maximum of four runways in accordance with b). 9 To be included in accordance with b). 10 To be included in accordance with a). 11 One or more, up to a maximum of three groups, in accordance with a), and Appendix 5, 12 To be included whenever applicable; no qualifier for moderate intensity in accordance with 13 Precipitation types listed under a) may be combined in accordance with c) and Appendix 5, Only modarate or heavy precipitation to be indicated in trend forecasst in accordance with Appendix 5, 14 Up to four cloud layers in accordance with e). 15 To be included in accordance with a). 16 To be included in accordance with b). 17 To be included in accordance with Chapter 6, 6.3.2. 18 Number of change indicators to be kept to a minimum in accordance with Appendix 5, 2.2.1, normally not exceeding three groups. Table A3-3 - Use of change indicators in trend forecast Change Indicator NOSIG BECMG TEMPO Time Indicator and Period Meaning — No significant changes are forecast FMn1 n1 n1 n1 TLn2 n2 n2 n2 the change is commence at n1 n1 n1 n1 UTC and forecast to be completed by n2 n2 n2 n2 UTC TLnnnn commence at the beginning of the trend forecast period and be completed by nnnn UTC FMnnnn commence at nnnn UTC and be completed by the end of the trend forecast period ATnnnn occur at nnnn UTC (specified time) — a. commence at the beginning of the trend forecast period and be completed by the end of the trend forecast period; or b. the time is uncertain FMn1 n1 n1 n1 TLn2 n2 n2 n2 temporary commence at n1 n1 n1 n1 UTC and fluctuations are cease by n2 n2 n2 n2 UTC forecast to TLnnnn commence at the beginning of the trend forecast period and cease by nnnn UTC FMnnnn commence at nnnn UTC and cease by the end of the trend forecast period — commence at the beginning of the trend forecast period and cease by the end of the trend forecast period Tables A3-4. Ranges and resolutions for the numerical elements included in local reports Elements as specified in Chapter 4 Runway Wind direction Wind speed Visibility °true KMH KT M M KM Range 01 - 36 010 - 360 1 - 3991 1 - 1991 0 - 800 800 - 5000 5 - 10 Resolution 1 10 1 1 50 100 1 q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGY 61 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / METAR AND SPECI - ANNEX 3 Tables A3-4. Ranges and resolutions for the numerical elements included in local reports (continued) M M M M FT M FT °C Range 0 - 400 400 - 800 800 - 2000 0 - 600 0 - 2000 0 - 3000 0 - 10000 - 80 - + 60 Resolution 25 50 100 30 100 30 100 1 hPa 0500 - 1100 1 Elements as specified in Chapter 4 RVR Vertical Visibility Clouds: height of cloud base Air temperature Dew-point temperature QNH; QFE 1 There is no aeronautical requirement to report surface wind speeds of 200 km/h (100 kt) or more; however, provision has been made for reporting wind speeds up to 399 km/h (199 kt) for non-aeronautical purposes, as necessary. Table A3-5. Ranges and resolutions for the numerial elements included in METAR and SPECI Element as specified in Chapter 4 Runway Wind direction Wind speed Visibility RVR Vertical visibility Clouds: height of cloud base Air temperature; Dew-point temperature QNH Sea-surface temperature State of the sea State of the runway: Runway designator Runway deposits Extent of runway contamination Depth of deposit Friction coefficient/ braking action 1 (no units) (no units) (no units) Range 01 - 36 000 - 360 00-3991 00 - 1991 0000 - 0800 0800 - 5000 5000 - 9000 9000 - 9999 0000 - 0400 0400 - 0800 0800 - 2000 000 - 020 000 - 100 -80 - +60 0850 - 1100 -10 - +40 0 - 9 01 - 36; 88; 99 0 - 9 1; 2; 5; 9 Resolution 1 10 1 1 50 100 1000 999 25 50 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 – (no units) (no units) 00 - 90; 92 - 99 00 - 95; 99 1 1 no units °true KMH KT M M M M M M M 30’s M (100’s FT) 30’s M (100’s FT) °C hPa °C (no units) There is no aeronautical requirement to report surface wind speeds of 200 km/h (100 kt) or more; however, provision has been made for reporting wind speeds up to 399 km/h (199 kt) for non-aeronautical purposes, as necessary. q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 62 METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / METAR AND SPECI - ANNEX 3 Example A3-1 Routine report a. Local routine report (same location and weather conditions as METAR): MET REPORT YUDO 221630Z WIND 240/15KMH VIS 600M RVR RWY 12 TDZ 1I000M MOD DZ FG CLD SCT 300M OVC 600M T17 DP16 QNH 1018 HPA TREND BECMG TL1700 VIS 800M FG BECMG AT1800 VIS 10KM NSW b. METAR for YUDO (Donlon/International): 1 METAR YUDO 221630Z 24015KMH 0600 R12/1000U DZ FG SCT010 OVC020 17/16 Q1018 BECMG TL1700 0800 FG BECMG AT 1800 9999 NSW Meaning of both reports: Routine report for Donlon/International 1 issued on the 22nd of the month at 1630 UTC; surface wind direction 240 degrees; wind speed 15 kilometres per hour; visibility (along the runway(s) in the local routine report; prevailing visibility in METAR) 600 metres; runway visual range representative of the touchdown zone for runway 12 is 1000 metres and the runway visual range values have shown an upward tendency during previous 10 minutes (RVR tendency to be included in METAR only); and moderate drizzle and fog; scattered cloud at 300 metres; overcast at 600 metres; air temperature 17 degrees Celsius; dew-point temperature 16 degrees Celsius; QNH 1018 hectopascals; trend during next 2 hours, visibility (along the runway(s) in the local routine report; prevailing visibility in METAR) becoming 800 metres in fog by 1700 UTC; at 1800 UTC visibility (along the runway(s) in the local routine report; prevailing visibility in METAR) becoming 10 kilometres or more and nil significant weather. NOTE: In this example, the primary units "kilometre per hour" and "metre" were used for wind speed and height of cloud base, respectively. However, in accordance with Annex 5, the corresponding non-SI alternative units "knot" and "foot" may be used instead. 1 Fictitious location Example A3-2 Special report a. Local special report (same location and weather conditions as SPECI): SPECIAL YUDO 151115Z WIND 050/25KT MAX37 MNM10 VIS 1200M RVR RWY 05 ABV 1800M HVY TSRA CLD BKN CB 500FT T25 DP22 QNH 1008 HPA TREND TEMPO TL1200 VIS 600M BECMG AT1200 VIS 8KM NSW NSC’. b. SPECI for YUDO (Donlon/International1 ): SPECI YUDO 151115Z 05025G37KT 3000 1200NE+TSRA BKNO05CB 25/22 Q1008 TEMPO TL1200 0600 BECMG AT1200 8000 NSW NSC Meaning of both reports: Selected special report for Donlon/International 1 issued on the 15th of the month at 1115 UTC; surface wind direction 050 degrees; wind speed 25 knots gusting between 10 and 37 knots (minimum wind speed not to be included in SPECI) visibility 1200 metres (along the runway(s) in the local special report); prevailing visibility 3000 metres (in SPECI) with minimum visibility 1200 metres to north east (directional variations to be included in SPECI only); RVR above 1800 metres on runway 05 (RVR not required in SPECI with prevailing visibility of 3000 metres); thunderstorm with heavy rain; broken cumulonimbus cloud at 500 feet; air temperature 25 degrees Celsius; dew-point temperature 22 degrees Celsius; QNH 1008 hectopascals; trend during next 2 hours, visibility (along the runway(s) in the local special report; prevailing visibility in SPECI) temporarily 600 metres from 1115 to 1200, becoming at 1200 UTC visibility (along the runway(s) in the local special report; prevailing visibility in SPECI) 8 kilometres, thunderstorm ceases and nil significant weather and nil significant cloud. NOTE: In this example, the non-SI alternative units "knot" and ’foot" were used for wind speed and height of cloud base, respectively However, in accordance with Annex 5, the corresponding primary units "kilometre per hour" and "metre" may be used instead. 1 Fictitious location Example A3-3 Volcanic activity report VOLCANIC ACTIVITY REPORT YUSB 1 231500 MT TROJEEN1 VOLCANO N5605 W12652 ERUPTED 231445 LARGE ASH CLOUD EXTENDING TO APPROX 30000 FEET MOVING SW Meaning: Volcanic activity report issued by Siby/Bistock meteorological station at 1500 UTC on the 23rd of the month. Mt. Trojeen volcano 56 degrees 5 minutes north 126 degrees 52 minutes west erupted at 1445 UTC on the 23rd; a large ash cloud was observed extending to approximately 30 000 feet and moving in a south-westerly direction. 1 Fictitious location q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGY 73 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION / AIRCRAFT OBSERVATIONS - ANNEX 3 Element as specified in Chapter 5 Detailed content Message type designator (M) Type of the air-report (M) Aircraft identification (M) Aircraft radiotelephony call sign (M) DATA BLOCK 1 Latitude (M) Latitude in degrees and minutes (M) Longitude in degrees and Longitude (M) minutes (M) Level (M) Flight level (M) Time (M) Time of occurrence in hours and minutes (M) DATA BLOCK 2 Wind direction (M) Wind direction in degrees (M) Wind speed in kilometres per Wind speed (M) hour (or knots) (M) Wind quality flag (M) Temperature (M) Wind quality flag (M) Air temperature in tenths of degrees C (M) Turbulence (C) Turbulence in hundredths of m2/3 s-1 and the time of occurrence of the peak value (C)1 Relative humidity in per cent (C) Humidity (C) DATA BLOCK 3 Condition prompting the issuance of a special air-report (M) 1 Template(s) ARS nnnnnn Examples ARS VA812 Nnnnn or Snnnn S4506 Wnnnnn or Ennnnn E01056 FLnnn OBS AT nnnnZ FL330 OBS AT 1216Z nnn/ nnnKMH (or nnnKT) 262/ 158KMH (079KT) 1 n T[M]nnn EDRnnn/nn T127 TM455 EDR064/08 RHnnn RH054 SEV TURB [EDRnnn]2 SEV TURB EDR076 or VA CLD FL050/100 SEV ICE or SEV MTW or TS GR3 or TS3 or HVY SS4 or VA CLD [FL nnn/nnn] or VA5 [MT nnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn] The time of occurrence to be reported in accordance with Tables A4-1. 2 The turbulence index to be reported in accordance with 2.6.3. 3 Obscured, embedded or widespread thunderstorms or thunderstorms in squall lines. 4 Duststorm or sandstorm. 5 Pre-eruption volcanic activity or a volcanic eruption. Table A4-3. Ranges and resolutions for the meteorological elements included in air-reports Element as specified in Chapter 5 °true Wind direction: Wind speed: KMH KT Wind quality flag: (index)1 Temperature: °C m2/3 s-1 Turbulence: routine air-report: (time of occurrence)1 m2/3 s-1 Turbulence: special air-report: % Humidity: 1 Range 000 - 360 00 - 500 00 - 250 0-1 -80 - +60 0-2 0 - 15 1 2 1 1 0.1 0.01 1 Resolution 0-2 0 - 100 0.01 1 Non-dimensional q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 90 METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAFFIC / FORECAST - ANNEX 3 Table A5-2. Use of change and time indicators in TAF (continued) Change or time indicator TEMPO PROBnn — TEMPO Time period Meaning nd1 nd1 nh1 nh1 temporary fluctuations are forecast to commence at nd1 nd1 day and nd2 nd2 nh2 nh2 nh1 nh1 hours (UTC) and cease by nd2 nd2 day and nh2 nh2 hours (UTC); only those elements for which fluctuations are forecast are to be given following “TEMPO”; temporary fluctuations should not last more than one hour in each instance, and in the aggregate, cover less than half of the period nd1 nd1 nh1 nh1 /nd2 nd2 nh2 nh2 nd1 nd1 nh1 nh1 probability of occurrence (in%) of — nd2 nd2 nh2 nh2 an alternative value of a forecast element or elements; nn = 30 or nd1 nd1 nh1 nh1 nn = 40 only; to be placed after the probability of occurrence of nd2 nd2 nh2 nh2 element(s) concerned temporary fluctuations Table A5-3. Ranges and resolutions for the numerical elements included in TAF Element as specified in Chapter 6 ° true Wind direction: Wind speed: KMH KT Visibility: M M M M Vertical visibility: 30’s M (100’s FT) 30’s M (100’s Cloud: height of base: FT) Air temperature (maximum and minimum): °C 1 Range 000 - 360 00 - 3991 00 - 1991 0000 - 0800 0800 - 5 000 5 000 - 9 000 9 000 - 9 999 000 - 020 Resolution 10 1 1 50 100 1 000 999 1 000 - 100 1 -80 - +60 1 There is no aeronautical requirement to report surface wind speeds of 200km/h (100kt) or more; however, provision has been made for reporting wind speeds up to 399km/h (199kt) for non-aeronautical purposes, as necessary. Key: M C O = Element Location indicator of FIR/CTA (M) = = = = Table A5-4. Template for GAMET inclusion mandatory, part of every message inclusion conditional, dependent on meteorological conditions inclusion optional double line indicates that the text following it should be placed on the subsequent line Detailed content ICAO location indicator of the ATS unit serving the FIR or CTA to which the GAMET refers (M) Identification Message identification (M) (M) Validity period Day-time groups (M) indicating the period of validity in UTC (M) Location Location indicator of indicator of meteorological office meteorological originating the message office (M) with a separating hyphen (M) Location indicator and Name of the FIR/CTA or part name of the FIR/CTA, or part thereof for which thereof (M) the GAMET is issued (M) nnnn Template Examples YUCC1 GAMET GAMET VALID nnnnnn/nnnnnn VALID 220600/221200 nnnn- YUDO-1 nnnn nnnnnnnnnn FIR[/n] [BLW FLnnn] or nnnn nnnnnnnnnn CTA[/n] [BLW FLnnn] YUCC AMSWELL FIR/2 BLW FL120 YUCC AMSWELL FIR q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGY 91 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAFFIC / FORECAST - ANNEX 3 1 Fictitious location Element Indicator for the beginning of Section I (M) Surface wind (C) Detailed content Template Identifier and time Indicator to identify the beginning of Section I (M) Widespread surface SFC wind exeeding 60km/h WSPD: (30kt) [nn/nn] Content Examples Location SECN I SECN I [n]nn KMH [N of Nnn or Snn] or (or [S of Nnn [n]nn KT) or Snn] or [W of Wnnn or Ennn] or [E of Wnnn or Ennn] or [nnnnnnnn nn]1 SFC VIS: nnnn M FG Surface Widespread surface visibility below 5 000m [nn/nn] or BR visibility (C) including the weather or SA or phenomena causing DU the reduction in visibility or HZ or FU or VA or PO or DS or SS or DZ or RA or SN or SG or IC or FC GR or GS or PL or SQ SIGWX: ISOL TS Significant Significant [nn/nn] weather (C) weather conditions or OCNL encompassing TS thunderstorms and or FRQ TS heavy sandstorm and or OBSC duststorm TS or EMBD TS or HVY DS or HVY SS or SQL TS or ISOL TSGR or OCNL TSGR or FRQ TSGR or OBSC TSGR or EMBD TSGR or SQL TSGR or VA Mountain Mountain obscuration MT OBSC: nnnnnnnn nn1 obscuration (C) [nn/nn] SFC WSPD: 10/12 65 KMH SFC WSPD: 40 KT E OF W110 SFC VIS: 06/08 3000 M BR N of N51 SIGWX: 11/12 ISOL TS SIGWX: 12/14 SS S OF N35 MT OBSC: MT PASSES S OF N48 q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 92 METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAFFIC / FORECAST - ANNEX 3 Element Detailed content Cloud (C) Widespread areas of broken or overcast cloud with height of base less than 300m (1000ft) above ground level (AGL) or above mean sea level (AMSL) and/or any or occurrence of cumulonimbus (CB) or towering cumulus (TCU) clouds Icing (C) Icing (except for that occurring in convective clouds and for severe icing for which a SIGMET message has already been issued) Turbulence (C) Turbulence (except for that occurring in convective clouds and for severe turbulence for which a SIGMET message has already been issued) Mountain wave Mountain wave (except (C) for severe mountain wave for which a SIGMET message has already been issued) SIGMET (C) SIGMET messages applicable to the FIR/CTA concerned or a sub-area thereof, for which the area forecast is valid or HAZARDOUS WX NIL (C)3 Indicator for the Indicator to identify the beginning of beginning of Section II Section II (M) (M) Template Identifier Content and time SIG CLD: BKN or OVC [nn/nn] nnn[n]/ nnn[n] M (or nnn[n]/ nnn[n] FT) AGL or AMSL ISOL or OCNL or FRQ or OBSC or EMBD CB2 or TCU2 nnn[n]/ nnn[n] M (or nnn[n]/ nnn[n] FT) AGL or AMSL ICE: MOD [nn/nn] FLnnn/nnn or MOD ABV FLnnn or SEV FLnnn/nnn or SEV ABV FLnnn TURB: MOD [nn/nn] FLnnn/nnn or MOD ABV FLnnn or SEV FLnnn/nnn or SEV ABV FLnnn MTW: MOD [nn/nn] FLnnn/nnn or MOD ABV FLnnn or SEV FLnnn/nnn or SEV ABV FLnnn n[,n] [,n] SIGMET APPLICABLE: Examples Location SIG CLD: 06/09 OVC 800/1100 FT AGL N OF N51 10/12 ISOL TCU 1200/8000 FT AGL ICE: MOD FL050/080 TURB: MOD ABV FL090 MTW: MOD ABV FL080 N OF N63 SIGMET APPLICABLE: 3,5 HAZARDOUS WX NIL SECN II q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGY 93 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAFFIC / FORECAST - ANNEX 3 Template Identifier Content and time Pressure centres Pressure PSYS: [nn] L [n]nnn and fronts and their centres and HPA expected movements fronts (M) or H [n]nnn and developments HPA or FRONT or NIL MOV N or NE or E or SE or S or SW or W or NW nnKMH (nnKT) WKN or NC or INTSF [n]nnn Upper winds and Upper WIND/T: M (or upper-air temperatures winds and [n]nnn FT) for at least the following temperatures nnn/[n]nn altitudes: 600, 1500 (M) KMH (or and 3000m (2000, nnn/[n]nn 5000 and 10000 ft) KT) PSnn or MSnn FEW or Cloud (M) Cloud information not CLD: SCT or [nn/nn] included in Section I BKN or giving type, height of OVC base and top above ground level (AGL) or ST or SC above mean sea level or CU or (AMSL) AS or AC or NS [n]nnn/ [n]nnn M (or [n]nnn/ [n]nnn FT) AGL or AMSL or NIL FZLVL: [ABV] nnnn Freezing level Height indication of FT AGL or (M) 0°C level(s) above AMSL ground level (AGL) or above mean sea level (AMSL), if lower than the top of the airspace for which the forecast is supplied [n]nnn HPA Forecast QNH Forecast lowest ONH MNM QNH: (M) during the period of validity SEA: Tnn HGT Sea-surface Sea-surface [n]n M temperature and state temperature and state of sea of the sea if required by regional air navigation (O) agreement nnnnnn Volcanic VA: Name of volcano nnnn or NIL eruptions (M) Element Detailed content Examples Location Nnnnn or PSYS: 06 L 1004 HPA N5130 Snnnn E01000 MOV NE 25KT WKN Wnnnnn or Ennnnn or Nnnnn or Snnnn Wnnnnn or Ennnnn TO Nnnnn or Snnnn Wnnnnn or Ennnnn Nnnnn or Snnnn Wnnnnn or Ennnnn or [N of Nnn or Snn] or [S of Nnn or Snn] or [W of Wnnn or Ennn] or [E of Wnnn or Ennn] or [nnnnnnnn nn]1 WIND/T: 2000 FT 270/70 KMH PS03 5000 FT 250/80 KMH MS02 10000 FT 240/85 KMH MS11 CLD: BKN SC 2500/8000 FT AGL FZLVL: 3000 FT AGL MNM QNH: 1004 HPA SEA: T15 HGT 5 M VA: ETNA 1 Free text describing well-known geographical locations should be kept to a minimum. 2 The location of the CB and/or TCU should be specified in addition to any widespread areas of broken or overcast cloud as given in the example. 3 When no elements are included in Section I. q$z © JEPPESEN, 1999, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGY 105 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAFFIC / SIGMET, AIRMET, WSW - ANNEX 3 6.2.4 Recommendation. - When an aircraft report is used to prepare a wind shear warning, or to confirm a warning previously issued, the corresponding aircraft report, including the aircraft type, should be disseminated unchanged in accordance with local arrangements to those concerned. NOTE 1: Following reported encounters by both arriving and departing aircraft two different wind shear warnings may exist, one for arriving aircraft and one for departing aircraft. NOTE 2: Specifications for reporting the intensity of wind shear are still undergoing development. It is recognized, however, that pilots, when reporting wind shear, may use the qualifying terms "moderate", "strong" or "severe", based to a large extent on their subjective assessment of the intensity of the wind shear encountered. Key: 6.2.5 The wind shear alerts shall be disseminated from automated, ground-based, wind shear remote-sensing or detection equipment in accordance with local arrangements to those concerned. 6.2.6 Recommendation. - Where microbursts are observed, reported by pilots or detected by ground-based, wind shear detection or remote-sensing equipment, the wind shear warning and wind shear alert should include a specific reference to microburst. 6.2.7 Where information from ground-based wind shear detection or remote-sensing equipment is used to prepare a wind shear warning, the warning should, if practicable, relate to specific sections of the runway and distances along the approach path or take-off path as agreed between the meteorological authority, the appropriate ATS authority and the operators concerned. Table A6-1. Template for SIGMET and AIRMET messages and special air-reports (uplink) – inclusion mandatory, part of every message M – C inclusion conditional, included whenever applicable – = a double line indicates that the text following it should be placed on the subsequent line NOTE: The ranges and resolutions for the numerical elements included in SIGMET/AIRMET messages and in special air-reports are shown in Table A6-4 of this appendix. Element as specified in Chapter 5 and Detailed Appendix 6 content SIGMET Location ICAO location nnnn indicator of indicator of FIR/CTA (M)2 the ATS unit serving the FIR or CTA to which the SIGMET/ AIRMET refers (M) Identification Message SIGMET [nn]n identification (M) and sequence number4 (M) Template(s) AIRMET AIRMET [nn]n Validity period (M) Date-time groups indicating the period of validity in UTC (M) VALID nnnnnn/nnnnnn Location indicator of MWO (M) Location indicator of MWO originating the message with a separating hyphen (M) nnnn— SPECIAL AIR-REPORT1 — ARS _5 Examples YUCC3 YUDD3 SIGMET 5 SIGMET A3 AIRMET 2 ARS VALID 221215/ 221600 VALID 101520/ 101800 VALID 251600/ 252200 YUDO— 3 YUSO—3 q$z © JEPPESEN, 2005, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 106 METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAFFIC / SIGMET, AIRMET, WSW - ANNEX 3 Element as specified in Chapter 5 and Appendix 6 Name of the FIR/ CTA or aircraft identification (M) Template(s) Detailed content Location indicator and name of the FIR/CTA6 for which the SIGMET/ AIRMET is issued or aircraft radiotelephony call sign (M) SIGMET nnnn nnnnnnnnnn FIR[/UIR] or nnnn nnnnnnnnnn CTA AIRMET nnnn nnnnnnnnnn FIR[/n] SPECIAL AIR-REPORT1 nnnnnn Examples YUCC AMSWELL FIR3 YUDD SHANLON FIR/UIR3 YUCC AMSWELL FIR/23 YUDD SHANLON FIR3 VA812 IF THE SIGMET IS TO BE CANCELLED, SEE DETAILS AT THE END OF THE TEMPLATE. Phenomenon Description of OBSC8 TS [GR9 SFC WSPD TS SEV TURB (M)7 phenomenon ] EMBD10 FRQ11 nn[n]KMH TSGR FRQ TS causing the TS [GR] SQL12 (or SFC WSPD OBSC TSGR issuance of TS [GR] nn[n]KT) EMBD TSGR SIGMET / AIRMET (C) TC GLORIA TC nnnnnnnnnn SFC VIS nnnnM SEV TURB VA ERUPTION (nn)16 SEV TURB13 SEV ICE MT ASHVAL SEV ICE14 SEV LOC S15 ICE (FZRA)14 E073 VA CLD SEV MTW15 ISOL17 TS[GR]9 SEV MTW HVY DS HVY OCNL18 TS[GR] HVY SS SS MT OBSC VA CLD [FL MOD TURB VA[ERUPTION] BKN CLD nnn/nnn] [MT MOD MTW nnn/[ABV] nnnnnnnnnn] VA [MT ISOL CB nnnnM (or BKN [LOC nnnnnnnnnn] CLD nnn/[ABV] Nnn[nn] or nnnnFT) Snn[nn] BKN CLD OVC CLD Ennn[nn] or 120/900M nnn/[ABV] nnnnM Wnnn[nn]] VA (BKN CLD (or OVC CLD CLD 400/3000FT) nn/[ABV] nnnnFT) ISOL17 CB19 OVC CLD270/ OCNL18 CB ABV3000M (OVC FRQ11 CB CLD 900/ABV 10000FT) ISOL17 TCU19 SEV ICE OCNL18 TCU19 11 FRQ TCU RDOACT CLD MOD TURB13 RDOACT CLD MOD ICE14 MOD MTW15 Indication OBS [AT nnnnZ] OBS AT nnnnZ OBS AT 1210Z Observed whether the or forecast FCST OBS information is phenomenon observed and (M) expected to continue, or forecast (M) q$z © JEPPESEN, 2005, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 108 METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAFFIC / SIGMET, AIRMET, WSW - ANNEX 3 Element as Template(s) specified in Chapter 5 and Detailed SPECIAL Appendix 6 content SIGMET AIRMET AIR-REPORT1 Flight level and FLnnn or FLnnn/nnn or TOP FLnnn FLnnn Level (C) extent20 (C) or [TOP] ABV FLnnn or [TOP] BLW FLnnn or BLW nnnnM (or BLW nnnnFT) or21 CB TOP [ABV] FLnnn WI nnnKM OF CENTRE (or CB TOP [ABV] FLnnn W1 nnnNM OF CENTRE) or CB TOP [BLW] FLnnn WI nnnKM OF CENTRE (or CB TOP [BLW] FLnnn WI nnnNM OF CENTRE) or22 FLnnn/nnn [APRX nnnKM BY nnnKM] [nnKM WID LINE23 BTN (nnNM WID LINE BTN)] [Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn] - Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn] [- Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn]] [ - Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn]]] (or FLnnn/nnn [APRX nnnNM BY nnnNM] [Nnn[nn] or Snn(nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn] - Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn] [ - Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn]] [ - Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn(nn] or Ennn[nn]]]) Movement Movements MOV N [nnKMH] or MOV NE or expected or expected [nnKMH] or MOV E [nnKMH] or movement (C) movement MOV SE [nnKMH] or MOV S (direction and [nnKMH] or MOV SW [nnKMH] or speed) with or MOV W [nnKMH] or MOV NW reference to [nnKMH] (or MOV N [nnKT] or MOV one of the NE [nnKT] or MOV E [nnKT] or eight points MOV SE [nnKT] or MOV S [nnKT] or of compass or MOV SW [nnKT] or MOV W [nnKT] stationary (C) or MOV NW [nnKT] or STNR Expected INTSF or WKN or NC Changes in changes in intensity (C) intensity (C) Examples FL180 FL050/080 TOP FL390 BLW FL200 TOP ABV FL100 FL310/450 CB TOP FL500 WI 270KM OF CENTRE (CB TOP FL500 WI 150NM OF CENTRE) FL310/350 APRX 220KM BY 35KM FL390 MOV E 40KMH (MOV E 20KT) MOV SE STNR WKN q$z © JEPPESEN, 2005, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGY 109 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAFFIC / SIGMET, AIRMET, WSW - ANNEX 3 Element as specified in Chapter 5 and Detailed Appendix 6 content Forecast Forecast position (C)20 position of volcanic ash cloud or the centre of the TC at the end of the validity period of the SIGMET message (C) Template(s) SIGMET FCST nnnnZ TC CENTRE Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn] or FCST nnnnZ VA CLD APRX [nnKM WID LINE23 BTN (nnNM WID LINE BTN)] Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn] - Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn] - Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn] [ - Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn]] [ - Nnn[nn] or Snn[nn] Wnnn[nn] or Ennn[nn]] AIRMET - SPECIAL AIR-REPORT1 Examples FCST 2200Z TC CENTRE N2740 W07345 FCST 1700 VA CLD APRX S15 E075 S15 E081 S17 E083 S18 E079 S15 E075 OR Cancellation of SIGMET/ AIRMET24 (C) Cancellation of SIGMET/ AIRMET referring to its identification CNL SIGMET [nn]nnnnnnn /nnnnnn or CNL SIGMET [nn]nnnnnnn /nnnnnn [VA MOV TO nnnn FIR]22 CNL AIRMET (nn)nnnnnnn/ nnnnnn - 1 No wind and temperature to be uplinked to other aircraft in flight in accordance with 3.2. 2 See 4.1. 3 Fictitious location. 4 In accordance with 1.1.3 and 2.1.2. 5 See 3.1. 6 See 2.1.3. 7 In accordance with 1.1.4 and 2.1.4. 8 In accordance with 4.2.1 a). 9 In accordance with 4.2.4. 10 CNL SIGMET 2 101200/10160024 CNL SIGMET 3 251030/251430 VA MOV TO YUDO FIR24 CNL AIRMET 151520/15180024 In accordance with 4.2.1 b). 11 In accordance with 4.2.2. 12 In accordance with 4.2.3. 13 In accordance with 4.2.5 and 4.2.6. 14 In accordance with 4.2.7. q$z © JEPPESEN, 2005, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 110 METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAFFIC / SIGMET, AIRMET, WSW - ANNEX 3 15 In accordance with 4.2.8. 16 In accordance with 2.1.4. 17 In accordance with 4.2.1 c). 18 In accordance with 4.2.1 d). 19 The use of cumulonimbus, CB and towering cumulus, TCU, is restricted to AIRMETs in accordance with 2.1.4. 20 Only for SIGMET messages for volcanic ash cloud and tropical cyclones. 21 Only for SIGMET messages for tropical cyclones. 22 Only for SIGMET messages for volcanic ash. 23 24 A straight line between two points drawn on a map in the Mercator projection or a straight line between two points which crosses lines of longitude at a constant angle. End of the message (as the SIGMET/AIRMET message is being cancelled). NOTE: In accordance with 1.1.5 and 2.1.5, severe or moderate icing and severe or moderate turbulence (SEV ICE, MOD ICE, SEV TURB, MOD TURB) associated with thunderstorms, cumulonimbus clouds or tropical cyclones should not be included. Key: M C - inclusion mandatory, part of every message inclusion conditional, included whenever applicable NOTE 1: The ranges and resolutions for the numerical elements included in wind shear warnings are shown in Table A 6-4 of this appendix. NOTE 2: The explanations for the abbreviations can be found in the Procedures for Air Navigation Services - ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC, Doc 8400). Table A6-2. Template for aerodrome warnings Element Location indicator of the aerodrome (M) Identification of the type of message (M) Validity period (M) Detailed content Template Example Location indicator of the nnnn YUCC1 aerodrome Type of message and AD WRNG [n]n AD WRNG 2 sequence number Day and time of validity VALID nnnnnn/nnnnnn VALID 211230/211530 period in UTC IF THE AERODROME WARNING IS TO BE CANCELLED, SEE DETAILS AT THE END OF THE TEMPLATE. TC3 nnnnnnnnnn or TC ANDREW Phenomenon (M)2 Description of phenomenon causing HVY SN 25CM [HVY] TS or the issuance of the SFC WSPD 80KMH MAX GR or aerodrome warning 120 [HVY] SN [nnCM]3 or VA [HVY] FZRA or TSUNAMI [HVY] FZDZ or RIME4 or [HVY] SS or [HVY] DS or SA or DU or SFC WSPD nn[n]KMH MAX nn[n] (SFC WSPD nn[n]KT MAX nn[n]) or SQ or FROST or TSUNAMI or VA or free text up to 32 characters5 Indication whether the OBS [AT nnnnZ] or OBS AT 1200Z Observed or forecast information is observed phenomenon (M) FCST OBS and expected to continue, or forecast q$z © JEPPESEN, 2005, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGY 111 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAFFIC / SIGMET, AIRMET, WSW - ANNEX 3 Table A6-2. Template for aerodrome warnings (continued) Element Detailed content Changes in intensity (C) Expected changes in intensity OR Cancellation of aerodrome warning6 Template INTSF or WKN or NC CNL AD WRNG [n]n nnnnnn/nnnnnn Cancellation of aerodrome warning referring to its identification 1 Fictitious location. 2 One phenomenon or a combination thereof, in accordance with 5.1.3. 3 In accordance with 5.1.3. 4 Hoar frost or rime in accordance with 5.1.3. 5 In accordance with 5.1.4. 6 End of the message (as the aerodrome warning is being cancelled). Key: M C = = Example WKN CNL AD WRNG 2 211230/2115306 inclusion mandatory, part of every message inclusion conditional, included whenever applicable NOTE 1: The ranges and resolutions for the numerical elements included in wind shear warnings are shown in Table A 6-4 of this appendix. NOTE 2: The explanations for the abbreviations can be found in the Procedures for Air Navigation Services - ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC, Doc 8400). Table A6-3. Template for wind shear warnings Element Location indicator of the aerodrome (M) Identification of the type of message (M) Time of origin and validity period (M) Detailed content Location indicator of the aerodrome Type of message and sequence number Day and time of issue and, where applicable, validity period in UTC nnnn Template Example YUCC1 WS WRNG [n]n WS WRNG 1 nnnnnn [VALID TL nnnnnn] or [VALID nnnnnn/nnnnnn] 211230 VALID TL 211330 221200 VALID 221215/221315 IF THE WIND SHEAR WARNING IS TO BE CANCELLED, SEE DETAILS AT THE END OF THE TEMPLATE. Phenomenon (M) Identification of the [MOD] or [SEV] WS IN APCH or WS APCH RWY12 phenomenon and its [MOD] or [SEV] WS [APCH] MOD WS RWY34 location RWYnnn or WS IN CLIMB-OUT [MOD] or [SEV] WS IN CLIMB-OUT or [MOD] or [SEV] WS CLIMB-OUT MBST APCH RWY26 RWYnnn or MBST IN APCH or MBST [APCH] RWYnnn or MBST IN CLIMB-OUT or MBST IN CLIMB-OUT MBST CLIMB-OUT RWYnnn REP AT 1510 B747 REP AT nnnn nnnnnnnn or Observed, reported or Identification whether the phenomenon is forecast phenomenon OBS AT 1205 OBS [AT nnnn] or observed or reported (M) FCST FCST and expected to continue or forecast q$z © JEPPESEN, 2005, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 112 METEOROLOGY 19 DEC 08 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAFFIC / SIGMET, AIRMET, WSW - ANNEX 3 Table A6-3. Template for wind shear warnings (continued) Element Details of the phenomenon (C)2 OR Cancellation of wind shear warning3 Detailed content Description of phenomenon causing the issuance of the wind shear warning CNL WS WRNG [n]n Cancellation of wind shear warning referring nnnnnn/nnnnnn to its identification 1 Fictitious location. 2 Additional provisions in 6.2.3. 3 Template SFC WIND: nnn/nnKMH (or nnn/nnKT) nnnM (nnnFT)-WIND: nnn/nnKMH (or nnn/nnKT) or nnKMH (or nnKT) ASPEEDL nnKM (or nnNM) FNA RWYnn or nnKMH (or nnKT) ASPEEDG nnKM (or nnNM) FNA RWYnn Example SFC WIND: 320/20KMH 60M-WIND: 360/50KMH (SFC WIND: 320/10KT 200FT-WIND: 360/25KT) 60KMH ASPEEDL 4KM FNA RWY13 (30KT ASPEEDL 2NM FNA RWY13) CNL WS WRNG 1211230/21133033 End of the message (as the wind shear warning is being cancelled). Table A6-4. Ranges and resolutions for the numerical elements included in volcanic ash and tropical cyclone advisory messages, SIGMET/AIRMET messages and aerodrome and wind shear warnings Element as specified in Appendices 2 and 6 M Summit elevation: FT Advisory number: for VA (index)1 for TC (index)1 Maximum surface wind: KMH KT hPa Central pressure: KMH Surface wind speed: KT M Surface visibility: M M Cloud: height of base: FT M Cloud: height of top: M FT FT Latitudes: °(degrees) ’(minutes) Longitudes: ° (degrees) ’(minutes) Flight levels: Movement: KMH KT 1 Range 000 - 8100 000 - 27000 000 - 2000 00 - 99 00 - 399 00 - 199 850 - 1050 60 - 199 30 - 99 0000 - 0800 0800 - 5000 000 - 300 000 - 1000 000 - 3000 3000 - 20000 000 - 10000 10000 - 60000 00 - 90 00 - 60 000 -180 00 - 60 000 - 650 0 - 300 0 - 150 Resolution 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 100 30 100 30 300 100 1000 1 1 1 1 10 10 5 Non-dimensional q$z © JEPPESEN, 2005, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 6 JUN 08 METEOROLOGY A-11 MET BROADCASTS IN RTF AND RTG - AFRICA RADIOTELEPHONY STATION Algiers IDENT Radio FREQS 126.80 Antananarivo Volmet 6617 10073 BROADCAST TIMES PERIOD H+ 0500-2200 10, 40 0200-2000 25, 55 0200-1900 0300-1500 Bloemfontein Volmet 114.10 0400-2000 cont. Brazzaville Volmet 10057 1800-0500 15, 25 & 45, 55 Cairo Volmet 126.20 H24 cont. Cape Town Volmet 115.70 0400-2000 cont. Casablanca Volmet 127.60 H24 cont. Durban Volmet 112.50 0400-2000 cont. CONTENT & FORMAT AERODROMES METAR Algiers (Houari Boumediene), QNH Annaba (Rabah Bitat), Constantine (Mohamed Boudiaf), Oran (Es Senia), Tunis (Carthage), Madrid (Barajas), Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Marseille/Provence, Nice/Cote D’Azur METAR Antananarivo (Ivato) QNH TREND METAR Saint Denis (Gillot) ONH TREND (05001900) METAR Moroni (Iconi) QNH TREND METAR Bloemfontein (Intl) TREND ATIS METAR Brazzaville (Maya Maya), TREND N’Djamena (Hassan Djamena), Douala, Bangui (M’Poko), Libreville (Leon M’Ba), Yaounde (Nsimalen), Kinshasa (N’Djili Intl), Kano (Mallam Aminu Kano)1 , Lagos (Murtala Muhammed)1 , Luanda (4th of Februar)1 METAR Cairo (Intl), Alexandria (Intl), TREND Alexandria (Borg El Arab Intl), Aswan (Intl),Hurghada (Intl), Luxor (Intl), Sham El Sheikh (Intl), Athens (Eleftherios Venizelos Intl), Benghazi (Benina), Beirut (Rafic Hariri Intl), Damascus (Intl), Jeddah (King Abdulaziz Intl), Khartoum, Larnaca (Intl) METAR Cape Town (Intl) TREND ATIS METAR Casablanca (Mohammed V TREND Intl) QNH METAR Agadir (El Massira), Fes TREND (Saiss Intl), Marrakech (Menara Intl), Rabat (Sale), Seville (San Pablo) METAR Oujda (Angads), Tanger (Ibn Batouta), Gran Canaria, Malaga METAR Durban (Intl) TREND ATIS q$z © JEPPESEN, 1993, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i A-12 METEOROLOGY 6 JUN 08 MET BROADCASTS IN RTF AND RTG - AFRICA STATION East London IDENT Volmet FREQS 114.50 BROADCAST TIMES PERIOD H+ cont. 0430-1930 Johannesburg Volmet 116.10 H24 cont. Libreville LV 112.10 0700-1800 cont. Port Elizabeth Volmet 112.90 0430-1945 cont. Riyadh (King Khaled Intl) Tunis Volmet 126.40 Radio 126.60 1 00 H24 cont. CONTENT & FORMAT METAR ATIS METAR TREND ATIS METAR TREND METAR TREND ATIS METAR METAR TREND AERODROMES East London Johannesburg (O.R.Tambo Intl) Libreville Port Elizabeth Riyadh (King Khaled Intl) Tunis (Carthage), Djerba,(Zarzis) Monastir (Habib Bourguiba), Sfax (Thyna), Tozeur (Nefta), Tabarka (7 November), Gafsa (Ksar) as available q$z © JEPPESEN, 1993, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i METEOROLOGY 16 JAN 09 A-21 AUTOMATIC TERMINAL INFORMATION SERVICE (ATIS) - AFRICA ATIS The listing below includes airports served by an ATIS within Africa Charts coverage. Airports are listed alphabetically, under the name shown on the Jeppesen Instrument Approach Charts, with civil airports by city name, followed by airport name when AIRPORT LOCATION VOICE FACILITY ATIS FREQ (MHz) 128.65 127.05 122.60 128.85 122.60 126.45 122.60 127.00 INFORMATION BROADCAST Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep HOURS 126.30 128.05 119.00 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep PTO PTO PTO 117.20 282.00 Arr & Dep H24 H24 127.00 Arr & Dep PTO 126.65 126.62 113.10 127.85 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr Arr & Dep PTO PTO PTO H24 114.90 126.20 126.20 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep PTO H24 123.60 127.20 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep H24 H24 126.60 127.60 366.60 120.50 123.80 117.00 112.10 114.10 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr Arr Arr & Dep H24 PTO PTO PTO H24 PTO H24 H24 LTV VOR VHF VHF 126.85 115.00 121.95 126.20 Arr Arr Arr Arr Dep Dep Dep Dep PTO PTO PTO H24 VHF VHF 128.12 126.20 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep H24 H24 Abha Abuja (Nnamdi Azikiwe Intl) Aden (Intl) Al Ahsa Almaza (AB) Bloemfontein (Intl) Cairo (Intl) Cape Town (Intl) VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF Tel: (021) 9371179 Casablanca (Mohammed V Intl) VHF VHF Dammam (King Fahd Intl) Dar-Es-Salaam (Julius Nyerere VHF Intl) Dhahran (King Abdulaziz AB) DHA VOR UHF Diego Garcia (Diego Garcia Navy) Durban (Intl) VHF (031) 4081096 East London VHF VHF George Harare (Intl) Jazan (King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz) Jeddah (King Abdulaziz Intl) VSB VOR VHF JDW VOR VHF Johannesburg (O.R.Tambo Intl) VHF (011) 9286461 Kano (Mallam Aminu Kano) VHF VHF Khamis Mushait (King Khalid AB) Kilimanjaro (Intl) VHF VHF King Khalid Military City UHF Kinshasa (N’Djili Intl) VHF Lagos (Murtala Muhammed) VHF Langebaanweg (AB) LWV VOR Libreville (Leon M’ba) LV VOR Madinah (Pr Mohammad Bin PMA VOR Abdulaziz Intl) VHF Makhado (AB) Marrakech (Menara Intl) Mauritius (Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Intl) Monastir (Habib Bourguiba) Nairobi (Jomo Kenyatta) different, or with military airport/facility name. ATIS information for frequencies lower than 137.00MHz is also provided on Jeppesen Instrument Approach Charts and Jeppesen Enroute Charts communications tabulations. & & & & H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 PTO H24 H24 H24 q$z © JEPPESEN, 1993, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i A-22 METEOROLOGY 16 JAN 09 AUTOMATIC TERMINAL INFORMATION SERVICE (ATIS) - AFRICA AIRPORT LOCATION Nejran Oujda (Angads Intl) Overberg (AB) Port Elizabeth Port Harcourt Praia (Intl) Rabil (Intl) Riyadh (King Khaled Intl) Sal (Amilcar Cabral) Sao Vincente (Intl) Secunda St Denis (Gillot) Tabuk Taif Tripoli (Intl) Tunis (Carthage) Yenbo Windhoek (Hosea Kutako Intl) 1 VOICE FACILITY VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF KIA VOR VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF TIF VOR VHF VHF VHF VHF WHV VOR ATIS FREQ (MHz) 128.80 121.60 115.40 126.80 123.80 127.30 127.00 113.30 127.60 119.10 127.50 121.00 126.80 128.20 112.70 127.05 127.00 118.67 127.45 114.50 INFORMATION BROADCAST Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep q$i HOURS H24 H24 PTO PTO H24 H24 PTO H24 PTO H24 PTO PTO H24 H24 H24 H24 PTO PTO H24 PTO D-ATIS available q$z © JEPPESEN, 1993, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 20 MAY 05 METEOROLOGY AK-1 SERVICES AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS 1-866-WXBRIEF will contact FSS from many locations in Canada. Locations where this service is not available, as well as additional services and phone numbers, are listed within the following pages. For a toll free call to Fairbanks FSS dial 1-866-248-6516. FLIGHT SERVICE STATIONS AND NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Telephone numbers for ATIS, AWOS, and TWEB are included. LEGEND AFSS Automated Flight Service Station ASOS Automated Surface Observing System. Reports the same as an AWOS-3 plus precipitation identification and intensity, and freezing rain occurrence (future enhancement). ATIS Automated Terminal Information System. AWOS Automated Weather Observing System. Consists of various sensors, a processor, a voice synthesizer, and transmitter to relay local real-time weather data directly to the pilot. These systems are classified into four basic levels: AWOS-A Reports altimeter setting. AWOS-1 Reports altimeter setting, wind data, and usually temperature, dew point, and density altitude. AWOS-2 Reports the same as AWOS-1 plus visibility. AWOS-3 Reports the same as AWOS-1 plus visibility and cloud/ceiling data. FFFP Fast File Flight Plan System. For pilots who already have obtained a weather briefing and desire only to file a flight plan. Pilots may call the discrete telephone numbers listed and file flight plans in accordance with recorded taped instructions. IFR flight plans will be extracted and entered in the appropriate ARTCC computer. VFR flight plans will be retained at the FSS for activation by the pilot. This equipment is designed to automatically disconnect after 8 seconds of no transmission, so pilots are instructed to speak at a normal speech rate without lengthy pauses between flight plan elements. Pilots are urged to file flight plans into this system at least 30 minutes in advance of proposed departure. FIC FLIGHT INFORMATION CENTER Flight Information Centers provide the following FSS services: FISE, RAAS, flight planning, weather observing, AWBS, VFR alerting, aeronautical broadcast, navigation assistance, navigation aid monitoring, NOTAM, PIREP, fixed telecommunications and paid communications. All FICs provide AWBS and have W1(F) briefing capability. Quebec FIC provides bilingual service. Other FICs provide English-only service. 1-866-WXBRIEF (1-866-992-7433). Calls to this number are routed to the FIC that serves the area you are calling from. 1-866-GOMETEO (1-866-466-3836). Calls to this number are routed to Quebec FIC. This number is intended for the provision of bilingual service. Some cellular and satellite telephone user’s telephone calls may be mis-routed when using 1-866-WXBRIEF. Cell phone users who are outside their cell phone area code and want to call a FSS, call toll-free 800-555-1212 for a directory listing or the following numbers, available from within Canada and the United States, may be used: – 1-866-541-4102 to contact Edmonton FIC; – 1-866-541-4106 to contact Halifax FIC; – 1-866-541-4101 to contact Kamloops FIC; – 1-866-541-4104 to contact London FIC; – 1-866-541-4105 to contact Quebec FIC; – 1-866-541-4103 to contact Winnipeg FIC. © JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1995, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AT-8 METEOROLOGY 26 OCT 07 MET BROADCASTS IN PLAIN LANGUAGE - ATLANTIC STATION Royal Air Force IDENT Volmet FREQS 5450 11253 BROADCAST TIMES PERIOD H+ FORM 00, 30 H24 MET Report 07, 37 13, 43 19, 49 25, 55 Shannon Volmet 34131 NIGHT 55051 89571 132641 H24 00-05 DAY Forecast SIGMET MET Report SIGMET 05-10 Forecast MET Report 10-15 MET Report SIGMET 15-20 Forecast MET Report 20-25 Forecast SIGMET MET Report SIGMET CONTENTS & SEQUENCE Brize Norton, Lyneham, Birmingham, Manchester, Cardiff, Waddington, Kinloss, Lossiemouth, Leuchars, Leeming, Coningsby, Cottesmore, Marham Northolt, Belfast (Aldergrove), Hannover, Geilenkirchen, Benson, Odiham, Prestwick, Keflavik, Bodo, Bardufoss, Evenes, Trondheim, St. Mawgan Gibraltar, Porto, Tenerife South, Dakar, Ascension, Recife, Mombassa, Nairobi, Brize Norton, Lyneham, Split, Ancona, Skopje, Pristina Banja Luka, Bari, Naples, Rome, Trapani, Palermo, Souda Bay, Akrotiri, Larnaca, Ankara, Incirlik, Cairo, Hurghada Bahrain, Basra, Kuwait, Al Udeid, Muscat, Trabzon, Tblisi, Baku, Ashgabat, Kabul, Kandahar, Salalah, Thumrait Brussels, Hamburg Brussels, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Cologne-Bonn, Dusseldorf, Munich Shannon, Prestwick, London (Heathrow) Shannon, Prestwick, London (Heathrow), Amsterdam (Schiphol), Manchester, London (Gatwick) Copenhagen (Kastrup), Stockholm (Arlanda), Goteborg (Landvetter), Bergen, Oslo (Gardemoen), Helsinki (Vantaa), Dublin, Barcelona Madrid (Barajas), Lisbon, Paris (Orly) Madrid (Barajas), Lisbon, Santa Maria, Paris (Orly), Paris (Charles-de-Gaulle), Lyon (Saint Exupery) Rome (Fiumicino), Milan (Malpensa) Rome (Fiumicino), Milan (Malpensa), Zurich, Geneva, Torino, Keflavik q$z © JEPPESEN, 1989, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 26 OCT 07 METEOROLOGY AT-9 MET BROADCASTS IN PLAIN LANGUAGE - ATLANTIC STATION IDENT FREQS BROADCAST TIMES PERIOD H+ FORM 30-35 Forecast SIGMET MET Report SIGMET 35-40 Forecast MET Report 40-45 MET Report SIGMET 45-50 Forecast MET Report 50-55 Trenton (Military) 1 Volmet 15034 6754 1000-0000 2300-1100 20-40 Forecast SIGMET MET Report SIGMET MET Report TREND CONTENTS & SEQUENCE Frankfurt, Cologne-Bonn Brussels, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Cologne-Bonn, Dusseldorf, Munich Amsterdam (Schiphol), Manchster, London (Gatwick) Shannon, Prestwick, London (Heathrow), Amsterdam (Schiphol), Manchester, London (Gatwick) Copenhagen (Kastrup), Stockholm (Arlanda), Goteborg (Landvetter), Bergen, Oslo (Gardermoen), Helsinki (Vantaa), Dublin, Barcelona Santa Maria, Athens, Paris (Charles-de-Gaulle) Madrid (Barajas), Lisbon, Santa Maria, Paris (Orly), Paris (Charles-de-Gaulle), Lyon (Saint Exupery) Zurich, Geneva Rome (Fiumicino), Milan, (Malpensa), Zurich, Geneva Torino, Keflavik Gander, Halifax, Shearwater, Greenwood, Bagotville, Trenton, Ottawa, Toronto/L.B. (Pearson Intl), Winnipeg, Edmonton, Cold Lake, Comox, Victoria (if time permits), Abbotsford (if time permits) SSB only q$z © JEPPESEN, 1989, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i METEOROLOGY 16 JAN 09 AT-21 AUTOMATIC TERMINAL INFORMATION SERVICE (ATIS) - ATLANTIC ATIS The listing below includes airports served by an ATIS within Atlantic Charts coverage. Airports are listed alphabetically, under the name shown on the Jeppesen Instrument Approach Charts, with civil airports by city name, followed by airport name when AIRPORT LOCATION Baltimore (Baltimore/Washington Intl Thurgood Marshall Airport) Bangor (Intl) Barbados (Grantley Adams Intl) Belem (Val De Cans Intl) Belo Horizonte (Tancredo Neves Intl) Bermuda Is (L F Wade Intl) Boston (Logan Intl) VOICE FACILITY ATIS FREQ (MHz) 115.10 INFORMATION BROADCAST Arr & Dep1 HOURS 127.80 127.75 132.72 127.60 127.85 Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 119.60 135.00 127.87 127.80 Arr & Dep Dep1 & Arr Arr 1 & Dep Arr & Dep H24 H24 H24 H24 132.20 124.75 127.80 127.45 127.70 127.55 135.00 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 124.80 128.10 121.00 128.30 311.60 120.30 234.80 127.77 124.40 Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep H24 H24 127.85 119.15 128.65 125.70 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep1 VHF 126.10 Arr & Dep1 VHF 133.70 Arr & Dep1 VHF 127.50 Arr & Dep1 VHF VHF VHF VHF 128.55 127.50 118.70 132.65 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep BAL VOR VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF Buenos Aires (Ezeiza Intl Ministro VHF Pistarini) VHF Cayenne (Rochambeau) VHF Charleston (AFB/Intl) VHF Curitiba (Afonso Pena Intl) VHF Florianopolis (Hercilio Luz Intl) VHF Fortaleza (Pinto Martins Intl) Fredericton VHF VHF Ft Lauderdale (Ft LauderdaleHollywood Intl) VHF Gander (Intl) VHF Goose Bay VHF Halifax (Stanfield Intl) Keflavik VHF UHF VHF Lajes (AB) VHF Macae VHF Madeira VHF Tel: +351 291 520633 or 2333 VHF Martinique (Aime Cesaire) Miami (Intl) VHF VHF Moncton (Greater Moncton Intl) Montreal (Montreal Intl (Mirabel)) VHF Montreal (Pierre-Elliott Trudeau Intl) Mount Pleasant Nantucket (Meml) Nassau (Lynden Pindling Intl) Natal (Augusto Severo Intl) different, or with military airport/facility name. ATIS information for frequencies lower than 137.00MHz is also provided on Jeppesen Instrument Approach Charts and Jeppesen Enroute Charts communications tabulations. Arr & Dep Arr & Dep H24 PTO H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 (English language) H24 (French language) H24 (English language) H24 (French language) H24 PTO H24 H24 q$z © JEPPESEN, 1993, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i METEOROLOGY 7 NOV 08 AT-23 AUTOMATIC TERMINAL INFORMATION SERVICE (ATIS) - ATLANTIC AIRPORT LOCATION West Palm Beach (Palm Beach Intl) Wilmington (Intl) Windsor Locks (Bradley Intl) 1 VOICE FACILITY q$i INFORMATION BROADCAST Arr & Dep1 HOURS VHF ATIS FREQ (MHz) 123.75 VHF VHF 124.97 118.15 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 H24 H24 H24 D-ATIS available q$z © JEPPESEN, 1993, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Eff 8 Jun 2 JUN 06 METEOROLOGY AU-1 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Australian definitions and abbreviations applicable to this section which are not published or differ from those published in INTRODUCTION — Chart Glossary. See also Definitions and Abbreviations sections in the Air Traffic Control, Emergency and Terminal chapters of this manual. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS 1 DEFINITIONS 2 ABBREVIATIONS AIR-REPORT (AIREP) — A report from an aircraft in flight prepared by the pilot during the course of a flight in conformity with the requirements for position, operational or meteorological reporting in the AIREP form. ABV Above . . . AC Altocumulus AERIS AREA QNH — A forecast altimeter setting which is representative of the QNH of any location within a particular area. Automatic Enroute Information Service AFT After . . . AIRMET Information in plain language concerning weather significant to light aircraft operations at or below 10,000 ft. AMD Amend, Amended APRX Approximate, Approximately AQZ Area QNH zone ARP Air-Report (message type designator) ARS Special Air-Report (message type designator) FORECAST — A statement of expected meteorological conditions for a specified period, and for a specified area or portion of airspace. AS Altostratus ATP AT... (time or place) HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS — Meteorological conditions which may endanger aircraft or adversely affect their safe operation, particularly those phenomena associated with volcanic ash cloud and thunderstorms – icing, hail and turbulence. AUTO Fully Automated Report (MET code) AWIS Aerodrome Weather Information Service METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION — Meteorological report, analysis, forecast, and any other statement relating to existing or expected meteorological conditions. AWS Automatic Weather Station BASE Cloud Base BCFG Fog Patches BECMG Becoming METEOROLOGICAL WARNING — A statement or meteorological report of the occurrence or expectation of a deterioration or improvement in meteorological conditions or of any meteorological phenomenon which may seriously affect the safe operation of aircraft. BFR Before BKN Broken (Cloud Descriptor) BL... Blowing (followed by DU=dust; SA=sand; or SN=snow) OVERSHOOT SHEAR — A wind shear occurrence which produces an INITIAL effect of overshooting the desired approach path and/or increasing airspeed. BLO Below Clouds BLW Below BR Mist BTL Between Layers BTN Between C Degrees Celsius (Centigrade) CAT Clear Air Turbulence AUTOMATIC ENROUTE INFORMATION SERVICE (AERIS) — The provision of operational information enroute by means of continuous and repetitive broadcasts. AUTOMATIC TERMINAL INFORMATION SERVICE (ATIS) — The provision of current, routine information to arriving and departing aircraft by means of continuous and repetitive broadcasts during the hours when the unit responsible for the service is in operation. BRIEFING — The act of giving in advance specific preflight instructions or information to an aircrew. FLIGHT VISIBILITY — The visibility forward from the cockpit of an aircraft in flight. METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE — An office designated to provide meteorological service for air navigation. UNDERSHOOT SHEAR — A wind shear occurrence which produces an INITIAL effect of undershooting the desired approach path and/or decreasing airspeed. © JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC. 2000, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CH-4 METEOROLOGY 24 FEB 06 MET BROADCASTS IN PLAIN LANGUAGE - CHINA RADIOTELEPHONY MET BROADCASTS IN PLAIN LANGUAGE - CHINA STATION Beijing IDENT Volmet FREQS. BROADCAST TIMES FORM CONTENTS & SEQUENCE PERIOD H+ 0000-1600 15-20 45-50 MET Report Forecast (F) Beijing (F), Dalian, Harbin, Hohhot, Shenyang, Taiyuan, Tianjin NIGHT: 20-25 MET Report Forecast (F) Hangzhou, Shanghai (F) 56731 34581 25-30 MET Report Forecast (F) Lanzhou, Xi’an (F), Urumqi 55-60 DAY: 138251 88491 50-55 Cape D’Aguilar HKG 338 H24 15-20 45-50 SIGMET (if any) Hong Kong (Intl) Guangzhou Volmet DAY: 0000-1600 00-05 MET Report Forecast (F) Sanya (F), Xiamen 138251 30-35 88491 05-10 35-40 MET Report Forecast (F) Guangzhou (F), Nanning NIGHT: 56731 10-15 40-45 MET Report Forecast (F) Changsha, Chengdu (F), Kunming, Wuhan 15-20 45-50 Met Report/ Special Guangzhou Met Report/ Special TREND Hong Kong (Intl), Taipei (Intl), Gaoxiong, Manila (Intl), Naha Forecast/ Amend Forecast Hong Kong (Intl), Mactan MET Report/ Special Shenzhen MET Report/ Special TREND Macao, Taipei (Intl), Gaoxiong 34581 Hong Kong Radio Volmet3 28631,2 66791 88281 132821 128.87 H24 H24 cont. 1. SSB only 2. when operationally required 3. available by ACARS © JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1993, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. METEOROLOGY 7 NOV 08 CH-21 AUTOMATIC TERMINAL INFORMATION SERVICE (ATIS) - CHINA, P.R. OF ATIS The listing below includes airports served by an ATIS within China Charts coverage. Airports are listed alphabetically, under the name shown on the Jeppesen Instrument Approach Charts, with civil airports by city name, followed by airport name when AIRPORT LOCATION Beijing (Capital) Changchun (Longjia) Changsha (Huanghua) Chengdu (Shuangliu) Chongqing (Jiangbei) Dalian (Zhoushuizi) Fuzhou (Changle) Guangzhou (Baiyun) Guilin (Liangjiang) Guiyang (Longdongbao) Haikou (Meilan) Hangzhou (Xiaoshan) Harbin (Taiping) Hefei (Luogang) Hohhot (Baita) Hong Kong (Intl) Jinan (Yaoqiang) Kunming (Wujiaba) Macao (Intl) Nanchang (Changbei) Nanjing (Lukou) Nanning (Wuxu) Ningbo (Lishe) Qingdao (Liuting) Sanya (Phoenix Intl) Shanghai (Hongqiao) Shanghai (Pudong) Shenyang (Taoxian) Shenzhen (Baoan) Taiyuan (Wusu) Tianjin (Binhai) Ulaanbaatar (Chinggis Khaan Intl) Urumqi (Diwopu) Wuhan (Tianhe) VOICE FACILITY different, or with military airport/facility name. ATIS information for frequencies lower than 137.00MHz is also provided on Jeppesen Instrument Approach Charts and Jeppesen Enroute Charts communications tabulations. ATIS FREQ (MHz) HOURS 127.60 128.65 126.25 128.80 128.60 126.40 126.65 131.45 126.40 128.60 127.00 126.45 127.05 127.65 131.45 127.25 131.45 127.40 128.85 126.25 128.20 INFORMATION BROADCAST Arr Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep Arr Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr1 VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF Tel: +852 3141 2820 VHF Tel: +852 3141 2705 VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF H24 H24 PTO PTO PTO PTO PTO PTO PTO PTO PTO H24 127.05 Dep1 H24 127.05 128.45 126.40 128.40 126.25 126.25 126.45 127.20 131.45 126.45 132.25 127.85 127.45 127.45 131.45 126.45 126.40 125.00 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep PTO PTO H24 H24 PTO PTO PTO PTO PTO H24 H24 VHF VHF 126.70 126.60 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep H24 H24 PTO PTO PTO H24 PTO H24 H24 PTO H24 PTO PTO PTO H24 PTO PTO H24 q$z © JEPPESEN, 1993, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i CH-22 METEOROLOGY 7 NOV 08 AUTOMATIC TERMINAL INFORMATION SERVICE (ATIS) - CHINA, P.R. OF AIRPORT LOCATION Xi’an (Xianyang) Xiamen (Gaoqi) Yinchuan (Hedong) Zengzhou (Xinzheng) 1 VOICE FACILITY VHF VHF VHF VHF ATIS FREQ (MHz) 127.45 126.25 126.65 128.45 INFORMATION BROADCAST Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep q$i HOURS PTO H24 H24 H24 D-ATIS available q$z © JEPPESEN, 1993, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. E-12 METEOROLOGY 11 APR 08 MET BROADCASTS IN PLAIN LANGUAGE - EUROPE STATION Bordeaux IDENT Radio Brindisi Volmet Brussels Volmet Cairo Volmet Casablanca Casablanca Met Copenhagen Volmet Dublin Volmet BROADCAST TIMES CONTENT FREQS PERIOD H+ & FORMAT AERODROMES cont. 126.40 H24 MET Report Bordeaux (Merignac), SIGMET Toulouse (Blagnac), Paris (Charles-de- Gaulle), Paris (Orly), Madrid (Barajas), Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Lisbon, Geneva 127.00 Biarritz (Bayonne-Anglet), Bordeaux (Merignac), Lille (Lesquin), Marseille/Provence, Nice/Cote D’Azur, Pau/Pyrenees, Paris (Orly), Paris (Charles-de-Gaulle), Tarbes (Lourdes-Pyrenees), Toulouse (Blagnac), Tours (French language) cont. 127.60 H24 MET Report Brindisi (Casale) (T), TREND (T) Pisa (San Giusto) (T), Rome (Fiumicino) (T), Rome (Ciampino), Naples (Capodichino), Athens (Eleftherios Venizelos)(T), Thessaloniki (Makedonia) (T), Kerkira (Ioannis Kapodistrias) (T), Andravida (T) cont. 127.80 H24 MET Report Brussels, Ostend, London QNH (Heathrow), Luxembourg, TREND Amsterdam (Schiphol), Paris (Orly), Frankfurt, Cologne-Bonn, Dusseldorf cont. 126.20 H24 MET Report Cairo, Alexandria, Alexandria TREND (Borg El Arab), Aswan, Luxor, Hurghada, Beirut (Rafic Hariri), Damascus, Larnaca, Athens (Eleftherios Venizelos), Benghazi (Benina), Khartoum, Jeddah (King Abdulaziz) cont. 127.60 H24 MET Report Casablanca (Mohamed QNH (Q) V) (Q) (T), Rabat (Sale) TREND (T) (T), Marrakech (Menara) (T), Tanger (Ibn Batouta) (T), Agadir (Al-Massira) (T), Oujda (Angads), Gran Canaria, Malaga, Seville (San Pablo) cont. 127.00 H24 MET Report Copenhagen (Kastrup) QNH (Q) (Q) (T), Billund, Aalborg TREND (T)1 (T), Hamburg (T), Malmo (Sturup) (T), Goteborg (Landvetter) (T), Stockholm (Arlanda) (T), Oslo (Gardermoen) (T), Stavanger (Sola) (T) cont. 127.00 H24 MET Report Dublin, Shannon, Cork, TREND Belfast (Aldergrove), Glasgow, Prestwick, Manchester, London (Heathrow), London (Gatwick) q$z © JEPPESEN, 1993, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 11 APR 08 METEOROLOGY E-13 MET BROADCASTS IN PLAIN LANGUAGE - EUROPE STATION Ekofisk IDENT Volmet Fischamend FMD Volmet Frankfurt Geneva Met Broadcast Gerlitzen National Volmet2 Klagenfurt Austria Graz Hannover GRZ Bremen Volmet Helsinki Volmet Istanbul Ataturk Volmet Jonkoping Volmet Klagenfurt KFT BROADCAST TIMES CONTENT FREQS PERIOD H+ & FORMAT AERODROMES cont. 118.97 0500–1700 MET Report Stavanger (Sola), Forecast Haugesund (Karmoy), Farsund (Lista) cont. 110.40 H24 Vienna FIR SIGMET cont. 127.60 H24 MET Report Frankfurt, Brussels, TREND Amsterdam (Schiphol), Zurich, Geneva, Basle-Mulhouse, Vienna (Schwechat), Prague (Ruzyne), Paris (Charles-de-Gaulle) 135.77 Frankfurt, Cologne-Bonn, Dusseldorf, Stuttgart, Nurnberg, Munich, Hamburg, Berlin (Tempelhof), Berlin (Tegel) cont. 126.80 H24 MET Report Geneva, Zurich, BasleMulhouse, Nice/Cote D’Azur, Lyon (Saint Exupery), Paris (Charles-de-Gaulle), Paris (Orly), Milan (Linate), Milan (Malpensa) cont. 122.27 H24 Met Report Klagenfurt (T), Graz QNH (Q) (T), Zell am See, Trend (T) Felbertauern, Lavant bei Lienz, Spittal/Drau, Neumarkter Sattel, Sonnblick, Mauterndorf, Schoberpass, Zeltweg (Q)(T), Aigen/Ennstal (Q)(T) Vienna FIR below FL240 SIGMET cont. 116.20 H24 Vienna FIR SIGMET cont. 127.40 H24 MET Report Hannover, Hamburg, TREND Bremen, Cologne-Bonn, Frankfurt, Berlin (Tempelhof), Berlin (Tegel), Amsterdam (Schiphol), Copenhagen (Kastrup) cont. 128.40 H24 MET Report Helsinki (Vantaa) (T), TREND (T) Tampere (Pirkkala), Turku, Stockholm (Arlanda) (T), St Petersburg (Pulkovo) (T), Tallinn (T), Kuopio, Oulu, Vaasa cont. 127.40 H24 MET Report Istanbul (Ataturk), Ankara TREND (Esenboga), Izmir (Adnan Menderes), Antalya, Bodrum (Milas), Dalaman, Athens (Eleftherios Venizelos), Sofia, Bucharest cont. 127.20 H24 MET Report Stockholm (Arlanda) (T) TREND (T) (F), Stockholm (Bromma) Forecast (F) (F), Stockholm (Skavsta) (F), Malmo (Sturup) (F), Goteborg (Save) (F), Goteborg (Landvetter) (F), Jonkoping (F), Karlstad (F), Kalmar (F) cont. 113.10 H24 Vienna FIR SIGMET q$z © JEPPESEN, 1993, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 11 APR 08 METEOROLOGY E-17 MET BROADCASTS IN PLAIN LANGUAGE - EUROPE STATION Shannon IDENT Volmet BROADCAST TIMES CONTENT FREQS PERIOD H+ & FORMAT 00-05 SIGMET 34133 NIGHT Forecast 55053 H24 MET Report 89573 132643 DAY 05-10 Forecast MET Report AERODROMES Brussels, Hamburg Brussels, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Cologne-Bonn, Dusseldorf, Munich London (Heathrow), Shannon, Prestwick London (Heathrow), Shannon, Prestwick, London (Gatwick), Amsterdam (Schiphol), Manchester Copenhagen (Kastrup), Stockholm (Arlanda), Goteborg (Landvetter), Bergen (Flesland), Oslo (Gardermoen), Helsinki (Vantaa), Dublin, Barcelona Madrid (Barajas), Lisbon, Santa Maria, Paris (Orly), Paris (Charles-de-Gaulle), Lyon (Saint Exupery) Rome (Fiumicino), Milan (Malpensa) Rome (Fiumicino), Milan (Malpensa), Zurich, Geneva, Turin, Keflavik Frankfurt, Cologne-Bonn 10-15 SIGMET MET Report 15-20 Forecast MET Report 20-25 SIGMET Forecast MET Report 30-35 SIGMET Forecast MET Report Brussels, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Cologne-Bonn, Dusseldorf, Munich Forecast London (Gatwick), Amsterdam (Schiphol), Manchester MET Report London (Heathrow), Shannon, Prestwick, London (Gatwick), Amsterdam (Schiphol), Manchester SIGMET Copenhagen (Kastrup), MET Report Stockholm (Arlanda), Goteborg (Landvetter), Bergen (Flesland), Oslo (Gardermoen), Helsinki (Vantaa), Dublin, Barcelona Forecast Santa Maria, Athens (Eleftherios Venizelos),Paris (Charles-de-Gaulle) MET Report Madrid (Barajas), Lisbon,Santa Maria, Paris (Orly), Paris (Charles-de-Gaulle), Lyon (Saint Exupery) SIGMET Zurich, Geneva Forecast MET Report Rome (Fiumicino), Milan (Malpensa), Zurich, Geneva, Turin, Keflavik 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 q$z © JEPPESEN, 1993, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i E-18 METEOROLOGY 11 APR 08 MET BROADCASTS IN PLAIN LANGUAGE - EUROPE STATION Skopje IDENT Volmet Stockholm Volmet2 Sundsvall Volmet Tunis Radio Zagreb Volmet Zugspitze National Volmet2 Innsbruck Austria BROADCAST TIMES CONTENT FREQS PERIOD H+ & FORMAT AERODROMES cont 124.32 H24 MET Report Skopje (Alexander the Trend Great), Ohrid (St.Paul the Apostle), Belgrade (Nikola Tesla), Thessaloniki (Makedonia), Tirana cont. 127.60 H24 MET Report Stockholm (Arlanda) (T) (F), TREND (T) Norrkoping (Kungsangen) Forecast (F) (F), Malmo (Sturup) (F), Copenhagen (Kastrup) (T) (F), Goteborg (Landvetter) (F), Oslo (Gardermoen) (T) (F), Helsinki (Vantaa) (T) (F), Turku (T) (F), Visby (F) cont. 127.80 H24 MET Report Stockholm (Arlanda) (T) TREND (T) (F), Stockholm (Bromma) Forecast (F) (F), Sundsvall-Harnosand (F), Umea (F), Ostersund (Froson) (F), Ornskoldsvik (F), Skelleftea (F), Lulea (Kallax) (F), Kiruna (F) cont. 126.6 H24 MET Report Tunis (Carthage), Djerba TREND (Zarzis), Monastir (Habib SIGMET Bourguiba), Sfax (Thyna), Tabarka (7 November), Tozeur (Nefta), Gafsa (Ksar) 127.80 H24 05-15 MET Report Zagreb (Pleso), Dubrovnik (Cilipi), Split (Kastela), Pula, Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Belgrade (Nikola Tesla), Zurich, Munich, Frankfurt cont. 130.47 0250–2250 MET Report Innsbruck, Salzburg, Klagenfurt, Linz, TREND H24 MET Report Munich, Zurich, Altenrhein, Friedrichshafen, Hohenems, Alpe Rauz, Patscherkofel, Gerlos, Zell am See, Bolzano Vienna, Munich and Zurich FIRs below FL240 MET Report Zurich, Geneva, BasleMulhouse, Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart, Milan (Malpensa), Milan (Linate), Lugano (During APT hours) SIGMET Zurich Met Broadcast 1 as available 2 available by ACARS 3 SSB only 127.20 H24 cont. q$z © JEPPESEN, 1993, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i METEOROLOGY 21 MAR 08 E-19 COMMUNICATION PILOT TO METEOROLOGIST - EUROPE FINLAND, ICELAND, SWEDEN Airport HELSINKI (Vantaa), Finland KEFLAVIK, Iceland ROVANIEMI, Finland STOCKHOLM (Arlanda), Sweden SUNDSVALL-HARNOSAND, Sweden 1 Call-Sign Meteo Forecaster Meteo Met Office Met Office Frequency 125.10 125.00 125.10 122.60 122.60 Hours of Operation H24 H24 0300-19001 H24 H24 Daylight Saving Time subtract 1 HR q$z © JEPPESEN, 2000, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i METEOROLOGY 23 JAN 09 E-21 AUTOMATIC TERMINAL INFORMATION SERVICE (ATIS) - EUROPE ATIS The listing below includes airports served by an ATIS within Europe Charts coverage. Airports are listed alphabetically, under the name shown on the Jeppesen Instrument Approach Charts, with civil airports by city name, followed by airport name when AIRPORT LOCATION VOICE FACILITY Aalborg Aberdeen (Dyce) VHF ADN VOR VHF Adana VHF VHF Adana (Incirlik AB) VHF Agen (La Garenne) VHF Aix (Les Milles) Ajaccio (Napoleon Bonaparte) VHF VHF Akrotiri (AB) VHF Alghero (Fertilia) VHF Almaza (AB) Alicante ALT VOR VHF Allendorf/Eder Alta VHF VHF Amasya (Merzifon AB) VHF Amman (Queen Alia Intl) Amsterdam (Schiphol) Ancona (Falconara) Ankara (Esenboga) Antalya Athens (Eleftherios Venizelos Intl) Augsburg Aviano (Mil) Avignon (Caumont) Baldonnel (Casement AB) Balikesir (AB) Balikesir (Bandirma AB) Barcelona Bardufoss (AB) Barkston Heath (AB) Basle-Mulhouse Bastia (Poretta) Beauvais (Tille) Beirut (Rafic Hariri Intl) Belfast (Aldergrove) Belfast (City) SPL VOR VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF Tel: +33 (0)4 95591940 VHF VHF VHF VHF different, or with military airport/facility name. ATIS information for frequencies lower than 137.00MHz is also provided on Jeppesen Instrument Approach Charts and Jeppesen Enroute Charts communications tabulations. ATIS FREQ (MHz) 120.47 114.30 121.85 119.22 314.17 129.60 136.22 126.92 288.20 125.02 122.60 113.80 118.82 118.17 122.42 127.60 108.40 132.97 122.20 131.35 122.85 123.60 118.27 136.12 INFORMATION BROADCAST Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep 124.57 129.30 280.07 120.82 122.80 122.52 281.57 128.35 252.62 118.65 121.97 129.72 293.45 127.87 125.92 Arr & Dep Arr Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep 118.37 120.60 128.20 136.62 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep Arr Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr & Dep & Dep & Dep & Dep & Dep & Dep & Dep Arr1 Arr1 Dep1 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep HOURS H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 PTO H24 PTO H24 H24 H24 H24 PTO H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 PTO H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 PTO PTO H24 H24 PTO H24 H24 PTO q$z © JEPPESEN, 1993, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 23 JAN 09 METEOROLOGY E-31 AUTOMATIC TERMINAL INFORMATION SERVICE (ATIS) - EUROPE AIRPORT LOCATION Venice (Tessera) Vienna (Schwechat) Waddington (AB) Warton Waterford Weston Wick Wiesbaden (AAF) Wilhelmshaven (Mariensiel) Wittering (AB) Wyton Yeovilton Zagreb (Pleso) Zurich 1 VOICE FACILITY VHF WGM VOR STO VOR SNU VOR VHF VHF VHF Tel: +44 (0)1522 720271 7305 VHF VHF VHF WIK VOR Tel: +44 (0) 1955 607596 VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF Tel: +41 (0) 43816 2294 Tel: +41 (0) 43816 2295 ATIS FREQ (MHz) 122.22 112.20 113.00 115.50 122.95 121.72 291.67 121.72 121.15 118.87 113.60 139.52 250.90 124.32 242.47 279.15 283.92 124.37 128.52 129.00 INFORMATION BROADCAST Arr & Dep Arr1 Arr1 Arr1 Arr & Dep1 Dep1 Arr Arr Arr Arr & & & & q$i HOURS H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 PTO PTO Dep Dep Dep Dep PTO PTO PTO PTO Arr & Dep PTO PTO H24 Arr & Dep Arr PTO PTO PTO H24 H24 Dep H24 D-ATIS available q$z © JEPPESEN, 1993, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. METEOROLOGY 30 MAR 07 EE-11 MET BROADCASTS IN PLAIN LANGUAGE - EASTERN EUROPE RADIOTELEPHONY MET BROADCASTS IN PLAIN LANGUAGE - EASTERN EUROPE STATION IDENT FREQS BROADCAST TIMES PERIOD Aktau Meteo Aktyubinsk Meteo Almaty ATIS 126.20 H24 FORM CONTENTS & SEQUENCE H+ cont. METAR TREND Aktau (Russian language) METAR TREND Aktyubinsk (Russian language) 127.80 H24 cont. 6730 88191 H24 05-10 35-40 34071 NIGHT 112791 DAY 135.10 H24 cont. METAR TREND Almaty (Russian language) 129.80 H24 cont. METAR TREND Almaty (English language) Anadyr Meteo 126.20 H24 cont. METAR TREND Anadyr (Russian language) Ashgabat Meteo 126.80 H24 cont. METAR TREND Ashgabat (Russian language) Astana Meteo 79451 114501 DAY 10-20 40-50 METAR TREND 35451 48451 NIGHT Astana, Almaty, Semipalatinsk, Taraz, Karaganda, Shymkent (Russian language) 126.60 H24 cont. METAR TREND Atyrau (Russian language) 112791 DAY 88191 H24 25-30 55-60 METAR TREND Baku, Astrakhan, Makhachkala (Russian language) Atyrau Meteo Baku Meteo 34071 NIGHT 6730 H24 Volmet 114.10 H24 cont. METAR TREND TAF Baku, Tehran, Tbilisi, Turkmenbashi, Ashgabat, Almaty, Tashkent Barnaul Meteo 129.70 H24 cont. METAR TREND Barnaul (Russian language) Begishevo Meteo 134.20 H24 cont. METAR TREND Begishevo (Russian & English language) Bishkek Meteo 127.90 H24 cont. METAR TREND Bishkek (Russian language) Blagoveschensk Meteo 126.40 H24 cont. METAR TREND Blagoveschensk (Russian language) Bratislava Volmet 126.20 H24 cont. METAR TREND Bratislava, Prague, Kosice, Poprad, Ostrava METAR Piestany, Sliac, Zilina SIGMET QNH Bratislava FIR Bratsk Meteo 127.20 H24 cont. METAR TREND Bratsk (Russian language) Bryansk Meteo 124.20 HO cont. METAR TREND Bryansk (Russian language) Bucharest (Henry Coanda) Volmet 126.80 H24 cont. METAR QNH TREND Bucharest (Henry Coanda), Bucharest (Baneasa-Aurel Vlaivu), Constanta, Timisoara, Belgrade, Kyiv (Boryspil’), Istanbul, Budapest, Sofia © JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1989, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. METEOROLOGY 30 MAR 07 EE-17 MET BROADCASTS IN PLAIN LANGUAGE - EASTERN EUROPE STATION IDENT FREQS BROADCAST TIMES PERIOD Yakutsk Meteo 88611 2200-1400 5691 FORM CONTENTS & SEQUENCE H+ H24 10-15 40-45 METAR TREND Yakutsk (Russian language, Met and TREND), Batagay, Mimy, Poliarny, Lensk, Neryungri/Chulman (METAR) YuzhnoSakhalinsk Meteo 126.20 H24 cont. METAR TREND Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (Russian language) Zaporizhzhia Meteo 126.40 H24 cont. METAR TREND Zaporizhzhia 1. SSB only © JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1989, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EE-22 METEOROLOGY 23 JAN 09 AUTOMATIC TERMINAL INFORMATION SERVICE (ATIS) - EASTERN EUROPE AIRPORT LOCATION Krasnoyarsk (Yemelyanovo) Kryvyi Rih (Lozuvatka) Kyiv (Boryspil’) Kyiv (Zhuliany) L’viv Magadan (Sokol) Mineralnyye Vody Minsk (Minsk 2) Mirny Moscow (Domodedovo) Moscow (Sheremetyevo) Moscow (Vnukovo) Nakhchivan Nizhny Novgorod (Strigino) Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo) Odesa Omsk (Tsentralny) Orenburg Ostafyevo Ostrava (Mosnov) Palanga (Intl) Perm (Bolshoye Savino) Prague (Ruzyne) Riga (Intl) Rostov-na-Donu Samara (Kurumoch) Samarkand Saratov (Tsentralny) Shymkent Simferopol’ Sochi Sofia St Petersburg (Pulkovo) Surgut Syktyvkar Tallinn Tashkent (Yuzhny) Tbilisi Tyumen (Roshchino) Ufa Varna Ventspils (Intl) VOICE FACILITY VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF Tel: +371 7300767 VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF Tel: +372 6258260 VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF ATIS FREQ (MHz) 126.80 125.87 126.70 126.80 128.70 127.40 127.40 128.85 135.85 126.60 128.30 122.95 125.12 126.37 125.87 127.50 127.80 127.40 124.80 126.40 126.40 127.60 118.05 127.80 126.40 122.15 121.20 INFORMATION BROADCAST Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 q$i HOURS UTC H24 (Russian only) H24 H24 PTO H24 PTO H24 H24 H24 (Russian H24 (Russian H24 H24 (Russian H24 H24 (Russian H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 only) only) only) only) PTO H24 H24 H24 121.70 134.90 131.30 127.80 135.10 119.20 127.20 126.20 124.05 127.40 127.30 124.80 126.60 124.87 4,645.00 Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep H24 H24 (Russian only) H24 H24 H24 126.80 132.80 121.70 124.80 118.07 126.80 Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr & & & & & & Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 PTO H24 H24 (Russian only) H24 H24 (Russian only) PTO H24 H24 PTO PTO q$z © JEPPESEN, 1993, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 23 JAN 09 METEOROLOGY EE-23 AUTOMATIC TERMINAL INFORMATION SERVICE (ATIS) - EASTERN EUROPE AIRPORT LOCATION Vilnius (Intl) Vitebsk Vladivostok (Knevichi) Vodochody Volgograd (Gumrak) Warsaw (Okecie) Yakutsk Yaroslavl (Tunoshna) Yekaterinburg (Koltsovo) Yerevan (Zvartnots) 1 VOICE FACILITY VHF VHF VHF VHF Tel: +420 731-135187 VHF VHF Tel: +48 22-650-2111 VHF VHF VHF VHF ATIS FREQ (MHz) 125.80 126.40 127.80 129.75 INFORMATION BROADCAST Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep 129.90 120.45 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep 126.20 127.35 127.80 119.50 Arr Arr Arr Arr & & & & Dep Dep Dep Dep HOURS UTC H24 PTO (Russian only) H24 H24 (Czech and English language) H24 H24 H24 (Russian only) H24 H24 H24 D-ATIS available q$z © JEPPESEN, 1993, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 16 FEB 07 METEOROLOGY EE-41 AUTOMATED AND CENTRALIZED METEOROLOGICAL SERVICES - EASTERN EUROPE LATVIA MOLDOVA Aeronautical Terminal Information Service (ATIS-Broadcast) Aeronautical Terminal Information Service (ATIS-Broadcast) AUTOMATED AND CENTRALIZED METEOROLOGICAL SERVICES - EASTERN EUROPE Information available Telephone and Remarks The following information is included broadcasting in the following order: Tel: +371 7300 767 a) Riga Intl b) message designator c) observation (issue time) in UTC d) type of approach to be expected e) runway in use The broadcast is continuous and repetitive, regularly issued at every 50 minute of consecutive hour and updated based on special criteria and changes in AIS information. f) significant runway surface conditions Chisinau International Airport: 133.70 (H24) Auto Answer: Tel: +373 22 50 29 22 Tel: +373 22 52 54 22 ROMANIA Meteorological Information Terminal available at any Romanian Aeronautical MET Office by AFS Information available TAF; METAR; SIGMET g) breaking condition h) braking coefficient, if appropriate i) holding delay, if appropriate j) transition level k) essential operational information l) surface wind direction and speed, including significant variation o) present weather p) cloud, if below 5000ft and/or CB, if the sky is obscured vertical visibility q) air temperature Contact Romanian MET Offices or National Centre of Aeronautical Meteorology AFS: LROMYMYX SLOVENIA Service name Information available TV SLO (teletext page 165) Special FCST for General Aviation (Slovenian language only) Tel: +386 42804 500 Fax - polling reception (avbl 0500-1900 UTC) METARs, TAFs 9 hours, SIGMETs, retards, correction and amendments of data Fax: +386 42804 518 m) visibility n) runway visual range, when applicable Telephone, Fax and Remarks Telephone and Fax Fax: +386 42804 518 r) dew point temperature s) QNH t) any available information on significant meteorological phenomena1 u) TREND forecast2 v) specific ATIS instructions 1.Only information about wind shear, moderate/heavy turbulence and moderate/heavy icing for arriving and departing aircraft is included. A wind shear information is cancelled when any aircraft report indicates that wind shear no longer exists, or alternatively, after the elapsed time period of 30 min. Information of turbulence and/or icing is cancelled when any aircraft report indicates that this significant weather condition no longer exists, or alternatively, after the elapsed time period of 2 hrs. 2.New TREND is criteria for ATIS broadcast update. © JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC. 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 19 JAN 07 METEOROLOGY EE-51 TELEPHONE/FAX NUMBERS AND HOURS OF OPERATIONS OF MET STATIONS - ARMENIA TELEPHONE/FAX NUMBERS AND HOURS OF OPERATIONS OF MET STATIONS - EASTERN EUROPE Station Telephone/Fax Number Hours Gyumri (Shirak) Tel/Fax: (41) 40958 H24 Yerevan (Zvartnots) Tel/Fax: (1) 593360 H24 AZERBAIJAN Station Baku (Heydar Aliyev Intl) Telephone/Fax Number (12) 4971714 Tel/Fax: 4972758 Hours H24 BELARUS Station State Aviation Committee Telephone/Fax Number (17) 2225392, Fax: 2227728 Hours H24 BULGARIA Station Telephone/Fax Number Aeronautical Meteorological Service Headquarters (2) 9371260, 9371262, 9371263 Fax: (2) 9800043 0630-15001 Hours Plovdiv Actual Meteorological Information is available on TWR frequency H24 1. Daylight Savings Time subtract 1 HR CZECH Station Brno (Turany) Telephone/Fax Number Tel/Fax: 545216487 Hours H24 Holesov Tel/Fax: 573394828 H24 Karlovy Vary Tel/Fax: 353331104 H24 Kunovice 572817630 Mon-Fri 0700-15001 Liberec Tel/Fax: 485103887 H24 other times O/R Ostrava (Mosnov) 597471131, Tel/Fax: 597471129 H24 Pardubice 973242240, Fax: 973242784 H24 Prerov 973421046, Fax: 973421043 H24 Prague (Ruzyne) 244032237, 244032263 H24 Tel/Fax: 220113416 Vodochody Tel/Fax: 255762609 Mon-Fri 0630-14001 1.Daylight Savings Time subtract 1 HR ESTONIA Station EMHI (Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institut) Telephone/Fax Number 666 0932 Hours H24 GEORGIA Station Batumi Telephone/Fax Number (222) 74863 Hours 0500-19001 Kutaisi (Kopitnari) (77) 473943 0500-17001 Tbilisi (32) 947243 H24 1.Daylight Savings Time subtract 1 HR © JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1995, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EE-52 METEOROLOGY 19 JAN 07 TELEPHONE/FAX NUMBERS AND HOURS OF OPERATIONS OF MET STATIONS - HUNGARY Station Budapest (MET Centre) Telephone/Fax Number (361) 3464600, 3464655 Hours H24 Fax: (361) 3464685 KAZAKHSTAN Station Aktau Telephone/Fax Number Hours (3292) 430094 H24 Aktyubinsk (3132) 227942 H24 Almaty (3272) 574308 H24 Astana (3172) 972360 H24 Karaganda (3212) 496424 H24 Kostanay (3142) 285502 H24 Pavlodar (3182) 491235 H24 Semipalatinsk (3222) 446947 0200-1400 Shymkent (3252) 945706 H24 Taraz (3262) 316134 H24 Ust-Kamenogorsk (3232) 296581 H24 KYRGYZSTAN Station Meteorological Provision Department Hours Telephone/Fax Number (312) 903436, 903944 H24 Fax: (312) 903093 LATVIA Station Telephone/Fax Number Hours Liepaja (Intl) Tel/Fax: (34) 07592 0700-14301 Riga (Intl) (7) 207759, 207891, 142005 H24 Fax: (7) 207895 Ventspils (Intl) (7) 142005 H24 1.Daylight Savings Time subtract 1 HR LITHUANIA Station Siauliai Vinlius (Intl) Telephone/Fax Number Hours 45507012 Fax: 41542050 H24 52739297, 52739298 H24 Fax: 52166819 MOLDOVA Station Chisinau AWOS Telephone/Fax Number (22) 502923 Hours H24 POLAND Station Bialystok (Krywlany) Telephone/Fax Number Hours (85) 7486150 Fax: 7486183 H24 Bydgoszcz (Szwederow) (52) 5877343, 5877314 H24 Gdansk (Lecha Walesy) (58) 3481191 Fax: 3495678 H24 Katowice (Pyrzowice) Fax: (32) 2845056 H24 Krakow (Balice) (12) 2855072 H24 Lodz (Lublinek) (42) 6875860, Fax: 6886933 H24 Poznan (Lawica) (61) 8492291, Fax: 8681791 H24 Rzeszow (Jasionka) (17) 8597398, Fax: 8533211 H24 © JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1995, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 19 JAN 07 METEOROLOGY EE-53 TELEPHONE/FAX NUMBERS AND HOURS OF OPERATIONS OF MET STATIONS Station Swidnik Telephone/Fax Number (81) 7512061 Ext. 5670 Hours Mon-Fri (Sat, Sun, Hol O/R) 1 Oct - 31 Mar 0700-1500, 1 Apr - 30 Sep 0700-SS Szczecin (Goleniow) (91) 4817613, Fax: 4817650 Warsaw (Okecie) (22) 6501591, Fax: 6501592 H24 H24 Wroclaw (Strachowice) (71) 3581390, Fax: 3737705 H24 Zielona Gora (Babimost) (61) 8495155, 8495158, Fax: 8495153 Mon-Fri: 0400-2000 Sat: 0400-1200 Sun: 0900-19301 1.Daylight Savings Time subtract 1 HR ROMANIA Station Telephone/Fax Number Hours Arad Tel/Fax: (257) 281532 H24 Bacau Tel/Fax: (234) 585180 H24 Baia Mare (Tautii-Magheraus) (62) 276260 Fax: 293260 H24 Bucharest (Baneasa-Aurel Vlaicu) Tel/Fax: (21) 2305031 H24 Bucharest (Henri Coanda) (21) 2032153 Fax: 2032152 H24 Caransebes Fax: (255) 516715 0600-14001 Cluj-Napoca Tel/Fax: (264) 416855 H24 Constanta (Mihail Kogalniceanu-Constanta) Tel/Fax: (241) 258563 H24 Craiova Tel/Fax: (251) 410631 Mon-Fri 0600-14001 Iasi Tel/Fax: (232) 271530 H24 Oradea Tel/Fax: (259) 418554 H24 Satu Mare Tel/Fax: (261) 770010 H24 Sibiu Fax: (269) 228088 H24 Suceava (Stefan Cel Mare) Tel/Fax: (230) 535603 H24 Targu Mures (Transilvania-Targu Mures) Tel/Fax: (265) 328251 H24 Timisoara (Traian Vuia) Tel/Fax: (256) 295915 H24 Tulcea (Cataloi) Tel/Fax: (240) 511420 H24 1.Daylight Savings Time subtract 1 HR RUSSIA Station Federal Hydrometeorological and Environment Monitoring Authority of Russia (Roshydromet) Telephone/Fax Number (95) 2521486 Hours H24 SLOVAKIA Station Telephone/Fax Number Slovak Hydrometeorol. Institute Forecasting & MET Watch Office (02) 48574263, Fax: 43338548 Kosice Tel/Fax: (055) 6222255 Lucenec (047) 439 4353 Hours H24 0500-17001 Nitra (037) 6534808 0500-20001 Piestany (033) 7625955 H24 Poprad (Tatry) Tel/Fax: (052) 7765551 0600-18001 © JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1995, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EE-54 METEOROLOGY 19 JAN 07 TELEPHONE/FAX NUMBERS AND HOURS OF OPERATIONS OF MET STATIONS Station Telephone/Fax Number Hours Prievidza (046) 5413624 0500-20001 Sliac (045) 5442313 H24 Zilina Tel/Fax: (041) 5572427 H24 1.Daylight Savings Time subtract 1 HR TAJIKISTAN Station State Air Company Telephone/Fax Number (3772) 213283, 212145 Hours H24 Fax: (3772) 218685, 510041 TURKMENISTAN Station State National Service Telephone/Fax Number Tel/Fax: (99312) 231352 Hours H24 UKRAINE Station Cherkasy Telephone/Fax Number (472) 634664 Hours O/R Donets’k (62) 3447511 H24 Kharkiv (572) 516413 H24 Kryvyi Rih (564) 270717 H24 Kyiv (Antonov) (44) 4542905 Fax: 9731661 H24 Kyiv (Boryspil’) (44) 2817321 Fax: 2817979 H24 Kyiv (Zhuliany) (44) 2412414 H24 Odesa Tel/Fax: (482) 641939 H24 Samara (Kurumoch) (846) 2295309 H24 Simferopol’ (652) 295359 H24 UkSATSE MET Department (38044) 4615903, Fax: 2462073 0700-16001, except SAT, SUN, HOL (612) 721 4380, 721 4612 H24 Zaporizhzhia (Mokraya) 1.Daylight savings Time subtract 1 HR UZBEKISTAN Station Telephone/Fax Number Hours Bukhara (652) 253466 H24 H24 Samarkand (662) 321716, 320272 Tashkent (Yuzhny) (712) 545951 H24 Termez (76) 23264 H24 Urgench (62) 2260330 H24 © JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1995, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 8 SEP 06 METEOROLOGY ME-5 MET BROADCASTS IN PLAIN LANGUAGE - MIDDLE EAST/SOUTH ASIA RADIOTELEPHONY MET BROADCASTS IN PLAIN LANGUAGE - MIDDLE EAST/SOUTH ASIA STATION IDENT FREQS. BROADCAST TIMES PERIOD FORM CONTENTS & SEQUENCE H+ Abu Dhabi AUH 113.00 H24 cont. MET Report TREND Abu Dhabi Ankara Esenboga Volmet Broadcast 127.00 H24 cont. MET Report TREND Ankara (Esenboga), Istanbul (Ataturk), Izmir (Adnan Menderes), Beirut Bahrain Volmet 128.80 H24 cont. MET Report TREND QNH Bahrain, Dammam (King Fahd Intl), Jeddah (King Abdulaziz Intl), Riyadh, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi (Intl), Dubai, Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah, Muscat (Seeb Intl), Doha (Intl) Baku Meteo 112791 DAY 25-30 88191 H24 55-60 MET Report TREND Baku (Bina), Astrakhan (Narimanovo), Makhachkala (Russian language) cont. MET Report Baku (Bina), Tehran, Makhachkala, Tbilisi, Turkmenbashi, Ashgabat, Almaty, Tashkent SIGMET2 MET Report/ SPECIAL TREND Bangkok MET Report2 TREND2 Yangon, Kuala Lumpur, Dhaka (Zia Intl), Chiang Mai, U-Taphao, Phuket Bangkok 34071 NIGHT 6730 H24 Volmet 114.10 H24 Bangkok Radio 66761 H24 10-15 & 113871 2310-1145 40-45 29651 1210-2245 Forecast Bangkok Beirut (Rafic Hariri Intl) Volmet 126.00 H24 cont. MET Report QNH TREND Beirut, Larnaca, Damascus, Amman, Cairo, Baghdad, Abadan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Istanbul (Ataturk), Ankara (Esenboga), Tehran Cairo Volmet 126.20 H24 cont. MET Report TREND Cairo, Alexandria, Aswan, Luxor, Beirut, Damascus, Larnaca, Athens, Benghazi, Khartoum, Jeddah Dubai DUB 115.70 H24 cont. MET Report TREND Dubai Istanbul Ataturk Volmet Broadcast 127.40 H24 cont. MET Report TREND Istanbul (Ataturk), Ankara (Esenboga), Izmir (Adnan Menderes), Antalya, Mugla (Dalaman), Athens, Sofia, Bucharest (Henri Coanda) Karachi Radio 113871 0130-1500 15-20 & 29651 1500-0130 45-50 66761 H24 MET Report Forecast Karachi, Nawabshah, Lahore (Intl), Islamabad, Delhi, Mumbai, Singapore (forecast only) 113871 0300-1300 05-10 & 66761 H24 35-40 29651 1300-0300 MET Report QNH TREND Forecast (F) SIGMET Kolkata (F), Mumbai (F), Delhi (F), Dhaka, Yangon, Kathmandu Kolkata Radio © JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1993, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ME-6 METEOROLOGY 8 SEP 06 MET BROADCASTS IN PLAIN LANGUAGE - MIDDLE EAST/SOUTH ASIA STATION IDENT FREQS. BROADCAST TIMES PERIOD Kuwait Volmet Mumbai Radio 126.62 H24 FORM CONTENTS & SEQUENCE H+ cont. MET Report Bahrain, Doha, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Dammam, Riyadh, Tehran, Mashhad, Shiraz MET Report QNH TREND Forecast (F) only 0110-16 10 SIGMET Mumbai (F), Colombo (F), Ahmedabad, Chennai, Karachi 113871 0300-1300 25-30 & 66761 H24 55-60 29651 1300-0300 Muscat Control 127.40 H24 cont. MET Report Muscat (Seeb Intl) and aerodromes of U.A.E. Nicosia Volmet 127.20 H24 cont. MET Report QHN (Q) TREND Larnaca (Q), Paphos, Athens (Q), Rhodos (Paradisi) (Q), Beirut (Q), Damascus (Q), Ankara (Q), Istanbul (Q), Tel Aviv (Q) Riyadh (King Khalid Intl) King Khalid Airport 126.40 00 MET Report Riyadh (King Khalid Intl) Royal Air Force Volmet H24 25, 55 MET Report Bahrain, Basrah, Kuwait, Al Udeid, Muscat, Trabzon, Tblisi, Baku, Ashgabat, Kabul, Kandahar, Salalah, Thumrait Sharjah SHJ 112.30 H24 cont. MET Report Sharjah Tel Aviv (Ben Gurion) Ben Gurion 126.80 H24 cont. MET Report TREND Ben Gurion 5450 11253 1. SSB only 2. as available © JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1993, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 16 JAN 09 METEOROLOGY ME-21 AUTOMATIC TERMINAL INFORMATION SERVICE (ATIS) - MIDDLE EAST/SOUTH ASIA ATIS The listing below includes airports served by an ATIS within Middle East Chart coverage. Airports are listed alphabetically, under the name shown on the Jeppesen Instrument Approach Charts, with civil airports by city name, followed by airport name when AIRPORT LOCATION Abadan Abha Abu Dhabi (Intl) Adana Adana (Incirlik AB) Aden (Intl) Ahmedabad Ahwaz Akrotiri (AB) Al Ahsa Al Asad Al Taqaddum Al-Udaid Almaza (AB) Amasya (Merzifon AB) Amman (Queen Alia Intl) Ankara (Esenboga) Antalya Ardabil Aurangabad Baghdad (Intl) Bagram Bahrain (Intl) Balad (Balad Southeast) Balikesir (Balikesir AB) Balikesir (Bandirma AB) Bandar Abbass (Intl) Bangalore Bangalore (Intl) Beirut (Rafic Hariri Intl) Bhopal Bhubaneshwar Bushehr Cairo (Intl) Calicut Chennai (Intl) Chittagong (Shah Amanat Intl) Cochin (Intl) Coimbatore Dammam (King Fadh Intl) Delhi (Indira Gandhi Intl) VOICE FACILITY VHF VHF VHF VHF UHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF different, or with military airport/facility name. ATIS information for frequencies lower than 137.00MHz is also provided on Jeppesen Instrument Approach Charts and Jeppesen Enroute Charts communications tabulations. ATIS FREQ (MHz) 126.85 128.65 125.10 119.22 314.17 122.60 126.80 126.40 288.20 128.85 250.92 226.27 126.45 122.60 122.42 127.60 123.60 118.27 126.65 127.00 122.90 369.40 134.25 127.20 125.40 247.20 122.52 281.57 128.35 252.62 128.65 128.25 128.67 120.60 127.25 126.80 126.20 122.60 127.00 127.45 127.60 126.20 128.05 128.05 126.40 INFORMATION BROADCAST Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr & & & & & & & & & & & & Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 HOURS PTO H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 PTO PTO H24 PTO H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 PTO PTO H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 PTO H24 H24 H24 PTO PTO PTO H24 PTO H24 PTO H24 PTO PTO H24 q$z © JEPPESEN, 1993, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i METEOROLOGY 16 JAN 09 ME-23 AUTOMATIC TERMINAL INFORMATION SERVICE (ATIS) - MIDDLE EAST/SOUTH ASIA AIRPORT LOCATION Lucknow Madinah (Prince Mohammad Bin Abdulaziz Intl) Malatya (Erhac AB) Mashhad (Shahid Hashemi Nejad Intl) Milas (Bodrum) Mosul Mugla (Dalaman) Mumbai (Chhatrapati Shivaji Intl) Muscat (Intl) Nejran Patna Peshawar (Intl) Port Blair Rasht (Sardar-E-Jangal) Riyadh (King Khaled Intl) Samsun (Carsamba) Sanandaj Sari (Dasht-E-Naz) Sharjah (Intl) Shiraz (Shahid Dastghaib Intl) Tabriz (Intl) Tabuk Taif Tallil (Ali Base) Tehran (Imam Khomaini Intl) Tehran (Mehrabad Intl) Tel Aviv (Ben Gurion) Tel Aviv (Sde Dov) Thiruvananthapuram Tiruchirappalli Trabzon Uromiyeh Varanasi (Lal Bahadur Shastri) Yangon (Intl) Yazd (Shahid Sadooghi) Yenbo Zahedan (Intl) 1 VOICE FACILITY VHF ATIS FREQ (MHz) 126.80 114.10 INFORMATION BROADCAST Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep HOURS VHF VHF VHF VHF 126.85 128.35 277.22 126.40 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep PTO H24 H24 PTO VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF KIA VOR VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF TIF VOR VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF 128.50 127.25 127.35 126.40 126.80 128.80 128.80 126.70 126.40 126.20 113.30 127.60 129.35 128.45 126.85 122.40 127.00 127.00 128.20 112.70 127.05 122.70 127.20 128.00 132.50 122.90 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF VHF 126.60 127.80 118.62 127.25 126.20 128.40 126.25 127.45 128.45 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep1 Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep Arr & Dep PMA VOR Arr & Dep Arr Arr Arr Arr & & & & Dep Dep Dep Dep PTO H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 PTO H24 PTO PTO H24 PTO H24 PTO PTO H24 H24 PTO H24 H24 H24 PTO H24 H24 H24 H24 (Hebrew only) H24 PTO H24 PTO PTO H24 PTO H24 PTO D-ATIS available q$z © JEPPESEN, 1993, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. q$i 5 OCT 07 METEOROLOGY US-39 TABLE 7-1-8 Turbulence Reporting Criteria Table Intensity Aircraft Reaction Turbulence that momentarily causes slight, erratic changes in altitude and/or attitude (pitch, roll, yaw). Report as Light Turbulence;1 Light Reaction Inside Aircraft Occupants may feel a slight strain against seat belts or shoulder straps. Unsecured objects may be displaced slightly. Food service may be conducted and little or no difficulty is encountered in walking. Reporting Term-Definition Occasional — Less than 1/3 of the time. Intermittent — 1/3 to 2/3. or Turbulence that causes slight, rapid and somewhat rhythmic bumpiness without appreciable changes in altitude or attitude. Report as Light Chop.1 Continuous — More than 2/3. Moderate Turbulence that is similar to Light Turbulence but of greater intensity. Changes in altitude and/or attitude occur but the aircraft remains in positive control at all times. It usually causes variations in indicated airspeed. Report as Moderate Turbulence;1 Occupants feel definite strains against seat belts or shoulder straps. Unsecured objects are dislodged. Food service and walking are difficult. or 2. Duration may be based on time between two locations or over a single location. All locations should be readily identifiable. Turbulence that is similar to Light Chop but of greater intensity. It causes rapid bumps or jolts without appreciable changes in aircraft altitude or attitude. Report as Moderate Chop.1 Severe Turbulence that causes large, abrupt changes in altitude and/or attitude. It usually causes large variations in indicated airspeed. Aircraft may be momentarily out of control. Report as Severe Turbulence.1 Extreme Turbulence in which the aircraft is violently tossed about and is practically impossible to control. It may cause structural damage. Report as Extreme Turbulence.1 NOTE: 1. Pilots should report location(s), time (UTC), intensity, whether in or near clouds, altitude, type of aircraft and, when applicable, duration of turbulence. Occupants are forced violently against seat belts or shoulder straps. Unsecured objects are tossed about. Food Service and walking are impossible. EXAMPLE: a. Over Omaha. 1232Z, Moderate Turbulence, in cloud, Flight Level 310, B707. b. From 50 miles south of Albuquerque to 30 miles north of Phoenix, 1210Z to 1250Z, occasional Moderate Chop, Flight Level 330, DC8. 1. High level turbulence (normally above 15,000 feet ASL) not associated with cumuliform cloudiness, including thunderstorms, should be reported as CAT (clear air turbulence) preceded by the appropriate intensity, or light or moderate chop. © JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1994, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. METEOROLOGY 28 DEC 07 US-103 UNITED STATES - SERVICES AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS 800-WX-BRIEF will contact FSS from many locations in the United States. Cell phone users who are outside their cell phone area code and want to call a FSS, call toll-free 800-555-1212 for a directory listing. SERVICES AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS ALABASTER ALBERTVILLE (Brumlik) ALEXANDER CITY (Russell) ANDALUSIA/OPP ANNISTON (Metro) AUBURN (-Opelika Pitts) BESSEMER BIRMINGHAM (Intl) BREWTON CLAYTON (Mun) CULLMAN (Folsom) DECATUR (Pryor Regl) DOTHAN (Regl) EVERGREEN (Middleton) FORT PAYNE (Isbell) GADSDEN (Mun) GREENVILLE GULF SHORES (Edwards) HUNTSVILLE (Jones) (Madison Co Exec) JASPER (Bevill) MOBILE (Downtown) (Regl) MONTGOMERY (Dannelly) ALABAMA ASOS 205-663-5881 AWOS-3 256-891-8259 AWOS-3 ASOS 256-329-1820 334-222-9770 Clearance Delivery FSS AFSS TIBS ASOS 800-346-9625 256-831-6147 866-609-8684 800-255-9088 256-835-3931 AWOS-3 AWOS-3 334-821-4932 205-424-3127 ASOS AWOS-3 205-591-6172 251-809-2987 AWOS-3 334-775-8414 AWOS-3 256-775-7476 ASOS 205-350-4270 ASOS 334-983-5999 ASOS 251-578-1438 AWOS-3 256-845-5397 AWOS-3 ASOS 256-442-7094 334-383-9676 AWOS-3 251-968-7581 ASOS AWOS-3 256-772-8074 256-829-1242 AWOS-3 205-295-5539 ASOS ASOS 251-431-6762 251-607-0469 ASOS 334-288-0445 ALABAMA MUSCLE SHOALS (NW Alabama Regl) SYLACAUGA (Merkel) TALLADEGA (Mun) TROY (Mun) TUSCALOOSA (Regl) ASOS 256-383-1033 AWOS-3 256-249-2620 AWOS-3 256-362-5847 ASOS 334-566-3081 ASOS 205-750-8940 ARIZONA For IFR clearances in Arizona — 800-671-2878 or 928-771-1685 For IFR clearances outside Arizona — 800-348-9438 or 928-776-3010. In Prescott Area, 928-778-0314 CASA GRANDE (Mun) AWOS-3 520-836-3392 CHANDLER (Mun) AWOS-3 480-814-9952 COLORADO CITY (Mun) AWOS-3 928-875-8045 DOUGLAS BISBEE (-Intl) ASOS 520-364-7208 FLAGSTAFF (Pulliam) NWS 928-779-3890 (1230-0430Z) ASOS 928-779-2439 FT HUACHUCASIERRA VISTA (Mun/Libby AAF) ASOS 520-459-7316 GLENDALE (Mun) AWOS-3 623-877-8609 (Luke AFB) ASOS 623-856-4361 GRAND CANYON (Grand Canyon Natl Park) ASOS 928-638-0672 KINGMAN ASOS 928-692-8104 LAKE HAVASU CITY AWOS-3 928-764-2317 MESA (Falcon) ATIS 480-641-9378 FSS 800-992-7433 NOGALES (Intl) ASOS 520-287-9332 PAGE (Mun) ASOS 928-645-1228 PARKER (Avi Suquilla) FSS 800-992-7433 PAYSON AWOS-3 928-472-4260 © JEPPESEN, 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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