1995 MAY 95 - Backhill online
1995 MAY 95 - Backhill online
:/f!;~FlLA Sommario • Contents MaggiolMay Servizi Speciali CrisIs- what crisis? BACKHILLFantasy Football FAlE Scadenze Fiscali Inflation COMUNITA' ITALIANA p. 5 p. 17 p.20 p.25 p.28 Regular Features Due Parole The Hill Cronaca della comunita' Dall'ItaHa In Cammino con Carmelo p. 4 p. 8 p. 12 p.21 p.22 Entertainment, Leisure & Sport Musica Plus Cinema Sportlight Italsport Anglo Italian Football League , " Tempo Libero Mamma's Ricetta p. 32 p.33 p. 36 p.37 p. 38 p.39 p. 42 Notices - A vvisi Franco Baresi of A.C. Milan: from Europan Cup Final to World Cup Final to European Cup Final in a year - see p. 37 To advertise in Backhill write to: Anna Advertising Department Backhill Magazine 4 Back Hill London EC1 R 5EN 0171 837 1966 Avviso del Console Generale Chiesa di San Pietro Avviso COASIT Calendario Noticeboard May 95 p. 15 p.23 p.25 p.43 p.44 © 1995 BACKHILL, 136 Clerkenwell Road, LondonEC1 Printed by Sterling Printing Co, Lld, 164 High Street. Bamet. Herrs.EN6 5XP 3 :tJ;~FJLA Due ,Parole Cari Amici, Ci sono lante fcste dopo la Pasqua: I'Ascensione, iI Corpus Domini, iI Saero Cuore, la Penlecosle: le dico eos;' come mi vengono: ei sono anehe le Prime Comunioni e le Cresime. Tulle quesle fesle, ,Iulla 'quCsta' rieehezza spirituale; nasee dalla Pasqua, dalla ,Risurrezionedi Gesu' Lo sappiamo bene ,ehe la Risurrczione di Gesu' e' iI fondamento della fede della Chiesa, e' iI ,fondamenlo dei Saeramenti ehe noi' 'rieeviamo, e' iI fondamenlo della noslra vita. Infalli noi camminiamo pcr ,i1 cammino della nOSlra vita fino a quando queslo noslro camminofinisce con la nOSlra morte ed entriamo nella noslra Risurrezione, quella ehe ei ha preparalo Gesu'. Certo e" un' po' diffieile eredere lullO queslo, cosi" come ve 10 dieo io: e" diffieife anehe per me. 11 fhllo pero" ll' ehe ce 10 ha dello Gesu', allora il dubbio ei rimane, pero' noi 10 affidiamo a Gesu'. 10 ammiro Im,lto quelli ehe predieano la Risurrezione di Gesu' e la nOSlra risurrezione con una fede incrollabife: perchc' io non sono proprio capace di avere questa fede chc non crolla. Mi piace che mi viene iI dubbio: non c' un dubbio grande grandc che cancella lulla la mia fede: ma ogni tanto mi gira nel cervello e allora scnla proprio iI bisogno di pregarc:' senlo che sono un uomo molto debole con lanlo Dear friends, Lord, you Iherc? I just want 10 have a chal for a minute. II's nol rc.1l1y a "Thank you" prayer or a "questioning'" prayer" not even an "angry" or "confused" prayer. Just a chat. It's a~ut friendship. A single word Ihal means so much. Firsl, Lord, I guess I should say ,Ihanks, You'vc made my lifc so full of friends and friendship, Some I've losl contact with, some I've drifted away from. Others I've ,losl Ihrough argumenl, and some were nothing bUI c.1ndles in Ihe' wind, BUI withoul c.1ch of Ihcm my life would have bccn poorer. Togcther Ihey've given Ihe happiness, guidance, and love Ihal I've needed. And for Ihal I Ihank you and remcmber each onc before you, by c.'1ch individual name. 4 COMUNITA'ITALIANA Padre Roberto Russo bisogno di prcghiera: c prego e mi viene la forza dclla Risurrczione:"e faceio if proposito chc iI mio cnlusiasmo non crolli c voglio proprio vivcre la Risurrczionc di Crislo che c' la mia Risurrezione. Questa Risurrezione si, vive nclla vita di ogni giomo: si vivc con i noslri peccati, parte dai noslri pccc:iti perche' con la Risurrczionc noi risorgiamo dalla morte: dalla morte dei nostri pcccali: abbiamo 'la grazia del 'baltesimo, la polenza del ballesimo: la Risurrczionc porta la novita' nella noslra vila: la novita' dell'amore di Gesu' chc noi viviamo nella noslra vita. Dove? Ma con lullo qucllo che faceiamo e con le pcrsone che incontriamo, con i nostri lavori di ogni giorno, con Ic riunioni" le adunanzc, i comitali, rispcltando Ic leggi, anche quelle dclle lassc, anchc quellc dclla guida dcll'aulomobifc, cerc.'1ndo di non sprecare soldi c mangiarc, abituandosi alia vita con un po"di'sacrificio, inscgnando iI saerificio ai figli e ai nipoli: spicgando che noi offriamo a Dio if noslro sacrifieio, le noslre rinunce, i nostri fiorelli pcr slare insiemc ai dolori di Gesu' e cos;' aiutare Gesu' a salvare if mondo; aiutare queslo mondo a cre-' dcre nella Risurrczione. Noi crcdiamo che possiamo fare iI bene, e che possiamo farc le cosc pcr benc: noi crediamo che la Risurrczione non e' solo la mia, ma e' anche quclla degli altri che vivono insiemc a mc, noi crediamo che c'c' Gesu', ci Sono io, ci sono gli a1tri. Viviamo tutti insieme e la Madonnina prega pcr noi, c prcga insieme a noi per la nostra Risurrezione, c noi ci sentiamo la vita picna di cntusiasmo, coraggio, spcranza e fede. Cos;' .supcriamo i contrasti con. gli altri, i problcmi, Ic difficolta' e i dubbi. Cos;' la Risurrczione di Gcsu' diventa la mia RisurrcZione. Ycp, friends are prclly great! But, Lord, 'we both know the problcms, don't we? How somc imagine Ihal friendship is c.'1SY: no problems, c.'1SY comc, C.1SY go, Not so, Lord! I've 1c.'1ml from expcrience, how hard and dcmanding fricndship c.'1n be. For c.'1ch of us is differcnl. It's not that I'm complaining, just recognising Ihat those diffcrcnccs oftcn become barriers. Everyone is going to come across pcople they don't get on wilh. The drc.'1ded "pcrsonality clash"! Believe me, Lord, I've Illct a few that I.just c.1n't stand! Thcir habits irritate, their talk jars (and never SlOps!) They get on my nerves, discredit what I say, and laugh at what I believe. Lord, there arc some pcople I just don't like! But then there are othcrs, those I c.'1n and do gct on with. But as you do, so the fricndship of one or two bccomes more important. You talk more, ic.'1rn more about cach other, and discovcr the mc.'1ning of trust. And if the fricndship bCcomes ,cc.1I1y special, so you come to lovc each other. Friends like this, I rc.'1l1y thank you for. Without them, their care and support, I'd be lost. You can have arguments, and (.'111 out, but for what has been gained and shared, I thank you, 0 Lord. For c.'1ch onc has taught me just a little more about life, about people, the world, and you. For, you arc my grc.'1tcst friend, Lord, I ihank you for friendship; and I pray that you will help me, not only to appreciate my friends, but to be a fricnd. (Extract from "Can wc lalJc,. Lord?·· Copyright no. 29031) Kcv'nA{cyhcw.li~(mce May 95 :tJ;~EILA COMUNITA' rrAIJANA Crisis: what crisis? Monica Pellegrini Italy is caught in a 3D ideological-political, institutional and economical crisis! ...according to Paolo Sylos Labini, and Italian economist at Rome University "La Sapienza". This state of affairs is the result of the government's excessive intervention in many sectors of the economy which must now be privatised. Privatisation represents a feasible solution to the country's bad debt. The country cannot move towards a global economy when banking and insurance structures, for instance, are inadequate and incapable of offering companies suitable means allowing their growth and increased cfficiency. Political instability hampers forcign investment in Italy and does not help Italian investment abroad. If in 1990 investment flowing into Italy equalled USS 6.3 billion, in 1991 the figure decreased to USS2.5 billion, and during the following two ycars it stabilised at an amount slightly higher than USS 3 billion. Privatisation would increase credibility abroad, attract foreign investment, lead to a decrease in interest rates and improve efficiency. Following the sale of publie instilutions, the flow of investment would increase. Finally, panies would stop managing a system of power and concentrate on governing and establishing credibility abroad. Prime Minister Dini's government, an apolitical cabinet of technocrats is the "54th since the second world-war. Its arduous task is to enact a minimum agenda of reforrris before going to the polls. If Mr Dini's suggested refonns are not enacted soon, interest rate increases would make Italy's publie dcbt burden intolerable. Major international investors in London consider Dini's privatisation programme one of the kcy fhctors in dctennining the country's economie development and balancing the country's bad debt. But nobody believes that all the promised privatisation process will take place wilhin a year. In panicular, Dini's government represent not only an undefined variable but also a paradox. Mr Dini supposedly represcnting an apolitical technocratic govcrnment - belongs to a centrc-right political cultnre and when his governmcnt l.~ckles the prob- Maggio95 lems it has to face its centre-right wing policy will come to the surface. Problems related to the reform of pension schemes, media ownership and broadcasting inevitably" involve political solutions.The paradox lies in the fact that such a right wing government is supported by the centre-left wing parties whose political position traditionally differs from Mr Dini's. If those parties opposed the government, they would make it fall and it would be necessary to go to the polls immediately. On the other hand, the right-wing party already seems to oppose Dini's government and would like to make it fall so as to induce new election immediately. Dini's government is in the position of taking decisions and adopting solutions such as cutting expenses that other parties would not do for fear of losing votes. However, Dini's government may not get the Parliament's vote of trust because some major political factions are in favour, of immediate elections. In the past few years, unpredictable policies to balance the state deficit and ever changing fiscal systems have deterred mullinational companies from pouring money into the country. The flight of capital out of Italy inevitably causes the Lira to fall to record lows. . "The Italian lira is currently the \veakest currency in Europe and unfortunately investors tend to disregard good company results when other factors such as State debt and political instability affects the market", said Christine Keith, an Italian investor at James Capel in London. ""While international share investment grew by 16-17% during the period December 1994-95, now it has reached a stationary position. Investors arc not necessarily selling off everything but they arc cautiously waiting to see what will happen next", pointed out Andrea Ruggeri at Goldman Saehs in London. The concern of financial markets is government spending. On 21st February 1995, Italian lO-year government bonds are yielding 4.91% more than the Gennan lO·year bonds. The daily average spread for the six months to date is,4.62% - the 29 basic point difference between the average spread and that of today quantify the negative sentiment of, the market towards Italy. "The spread between German bonds and Italian bonds will increase as long as investors are not convinced that Prime Minister DiDi can lower the current government budget deficit to bring il back to its 138.6 trillion lira (about £53 billion), as it was approved 1994"" stated Pio de Gregorio, an economist at Natwest market in London. Dini has planned to trim between 15 and 18 trillion lira (£5.7 and £6.9 billion) on the current year's budget deficit by increasing taxes - mainly indirect taxes sueh as VAT on fuel and cutting public expenses. The imminent new elections are likely to haunt the prospect of a decrease of government deficit since the parties running for elections would be against tax increases and cuts in spending. Despite devaluation, unemployment and large state deficit, Italy is still the fifth world economic power. Eurostat has in fact stated that according to the country's GDP, Italy comes just after the USA, Japan, Germany and France. Industrial production rose 25.3% in November 1994 when compared to the previous year, stated the Italian Institute of Statics, Istat. The commercial balance with countries which are not part of the EU closed 1994 with a surplus of Lit. 24.25 trillion (approximately £9.5 billion), even higher than that of the previous year (approxi. mately £8 billion).The main increase in exports (overseas orders rose over 29%) was in Clothing, metallurgical and mechanical products mainly exported to the USA. Italy is certainly a country with contradictions but also with great potential for gro\\1h and development. Il will be a ~atter of seeing how this potential may be exploited. 5 .--- -b~ . ...:.~ _ ____:RIVJ'SI:=:..:.:A.:..:.D=:;_ELLA COMUNITA'ITAUANA EST 1965 R.PROIETTI ITALIAN CAR SPECIALISTS SERVICING GENERAL REPAIRS BODYWORK RESTORATIONS FOR YOUR CLASSIC/NEW FIAT * ALFA * LANCIA Tel: 0171 607 0798 Fax: 0171 619 0001 2 BLUNDELL STREET, LONDON N7 9BJ Specialists in Italian Cheeses, Fresh Pasta and Meat ProductsImporters and Distributors of Wincs and Provisions CARNEVALE HOUSE BLUNDELL~'TREET LONDON N7 9BN TEL:07I·607 8777 FAX:071·6078774 QUEENS MILL ROAD HUDDERSFIELD HDI 3PG WEST YORKSHIRJ> TEL:(0484)SI4117 FAX:(0484)432861 It ITALIAN RESTAURANT 150 Southampton Row London WCl 1l" 071-8374584/5837 Open 11.30am until 11 pm. WE WELCOME WEDDINGS, BANQUETS AND PARTIES IN OUR COMPLETELY REFURBISHED DOWNSTAIRS RESTAURANT 6 May 95 Beautiful Homes start with ELITES LE Stylish italian!urniture • Traditional to modern Dining Room, Bedroom & Lounge Furniture I t· . _.,.~".~~ .. ,. .. .! }5,:Y·.. ':'·1 .. "-"'''Ji ..<.,:,:.· Beautiful homes start with Elitestyle. Forallyour furniture needs from the traditional to the most modern Italian designs. A Exciting lounge and dining roolll suites are avdilable in a beautiful selection of COIOU1'S and designs. .' l ELITESTYLE. • yy~ -bar/tAJII- ~ The Hill " RIVISTA DELLA COMUNITA'ITAUANA Olive Besagni I know that many of you attended our revival of the Music3J Play 'Down the 'Ill". Without our audiences where would we bel Frida"y and. Saturday nights ,,:ere packed .to the doors; in fact there wasn't a scat·to be had. On Wednesday and Thursdsay we had a fair attendance. I extend grateful thanks to you all. Particularly to the reader who contaeted me from Luton and eame with a party of six. Doctor Terri Colpi, the author of receive a letter from Doctor Colpi a few days later - and I quote with her .permission part of :the letter. , '''Down the Ill' lived· .up to ·all myhopcs - it was masterful and very, very enjoyable. On the way out, wc heard so many people saying it was the best night out they had had in· a long ., time. How true. All The young Baloche - Left to right aspects of Scusl - Sergio Annichiarico; the producStupldo Colin Mock; Plates - Mark Murphy; tion were Plccino - Bradley Mock; superb. kneeling. the local copper - Pierre Brigati As you might imagine I personally especially loved done in every aspect." Thank you Dr. all the historic detail of Colpi. The cast who came up trumps and life in the" 'ill in the 1930's. The script gave worked like Trojans to make this us such '3 clear idea of production work, were a mixture of the families, their lives, Anglo Italians and English thespians The. Barber Shop - Left to Right their concerns and their of all ages. from a ten ycar old up to The Local Bookmaker - James Kibble; humanity. The actors the age of 60 plus. Johnny the Barber in while coast -Bruno The pianist, Tony Pappano who is were so real and the muBesagni; Gambling men - Tirradrillo - Mark Bird, sic so enjoyable. I loved now the organist at the Italian Church. Sfregiato - John Besagnl; the whole cast singing played with such feeling, he was a Seated Papa' Moltobene - Mario Zeppetel/l 'Quanto Rieordo Quei marvellous accompanist but what 3Jso those well known books. 'Italians Bei Monti - Bells of London', it was came across was that he was enjoying Forward' and 'The Italian Factor'; very moving. You must ·have worked the music. attended on the laSt night. I have to day and night to have produced such Andrew Cordani on the drums \vas· tell you. that I was delighted to a music.11. It Was so professionally great. his drumming was never intru: Young Fascista Johanna Powel/. Her mother Carla Pontl - Kerry Henry 8 Cabaret Artists Left - Alma Viazzanl; Right - Kerry Henry May 95 :iJ;~Fll.A r COMUNITA'ITAUANA i I I sive and the cast were delighted to see Andrew back as he has played for us on many other occasions. The accordianis Ian Hill was a young man who has been living in one of the flats above ours for about three years and purely by coincidence I found out that he played .the accordian at a time when I·was beginning to think that I wasn't going to find onc. I might tell you that he was signed up with alacrity (I don't think he knew what hit himI) The production was an enjoyable experience for everyone, so many unseen helping hands, hard work but with a good end result, £1000.00 towards St.. Peter's Italian Chureh emergency roof fund. I thought it was interesting that this week I came across a photograph f-~:'"': .':·~c~~·~n L-- .. o:~.fc~~-~~''"''''-:--··_'''''<_~_''~'''''·''''· --~--- of a group of the Italian racing fraternity - at the races in the 1930's - I imagine the photograph was taken on account of the presence of Max Miller a top comedian of the time, who was apparently a prolific gambler. Those of you who saw the show will rccall that the story involvedcharacters of the same ilk. I will leave you now with a few photographs of the show and of the 1930's picture below with Mr Miller. __'':, Mamma Moltabene - Victoria Ward; Papa'Maltobene - Mario Zeppete/li surrounded by their family andfriends. '::.::-~~ <",; -- -----. Racing men with the well known comedian, Max Miller {wearing the top hat) at the races in the 1930's Magglo95 9 -barJhH_ .- --=~__=RIVJSr.:::.:.:::.:.::.'A:::DE::;TJ . . A.. COMUNIT'A'ITALlAN'A BOMBONIERE Maria Grace .LILIANA Una Raffinata Confezione per Nozze, Battesimi'e Prime Comunioni. Bomboniere originali. Inviti, bigliettini ecc. Tel: 0181- 671 3799 92 Thornton Road Clapham Park London SW12 OLL Residential Care Home * Home from Home * Where genuine quality care is provided 24 hours a day. Long & Short Term Care. Respite, Holiday & day Care For de/ails call: 01622755859 31 Buckland Road, Maidstone Kent ME16 OSL Mr & Mrs CirelIi Proprietors & Managers Registered Nurses - Specialists in the Care of the Elderly. KCC Registered. Member of the KCHA •• ITAL ~g~6do~ IIII TOP QUALITYINSTALLATION OF ALL RANGES OF WINDOWS WITH MAXIMUM SECURITY Brilliant UPVC with Shoot-Bolt & Spagnolette Locking. Maximum Security On All Windows. White Aluminium & Timber Mahogany Windows DOORS - PATIO DOORS CONSERVATORIES- PORCHES Easy Repayments - Licensed Brokers 10 Years Insurance Guarantee 20 HQUSES INSTALLED IN ONILROAD ALONE * * * * * * * [[] r A COMPLETE FREE DOOR l D 10 I WHEN YOU REPLACE YOUR WINDOWS WITH US. FOR A FREE QUOTATION AND MORE INFORMATION CALL NOW MR. VINCENZO TEL: 081-909 2210 OR. 081-422 9213 333 Kcnton Road, Kcnton, Middx. 11A3 oxs "THE BESTJOB ATA VERY GOOD PRICE" May 95 --------------------- :#~ELLA COMUNITA'ITAUANA THE GARTH HOTEL BANQUETING & CONFERENCE SUITES The hotel has two new purpose built conference and banqueting suites capable ofaccommodating up to 300 people. Each suite is elegantly furnished and equipped to the highest . . standards with purpose built bars, full audio visual and lighting facilities, which help to provide the atmosphere for any occasion. . A selection of menus are available for banquets with an emphasis on Italian cuisine. For more information or a brochure pack please contact Mr Marino at the Hotel. O~" GARTHHOTEL IImdon Way' Cncklcwood· London NW2 2Nl RESERVATIONS 081-209 1511 Maggio95 11 - ---------------------c--:-~--·1 -b~ .~ Cronaca . RIVISI'A DELLA COMUNlTA'ITAUANA Attivita'" della comunita' •• • .) Puntuale, come ogni anno, si e' tenuto al Grosvenor House Hotel di Londra. iI 12 mano iI Gran Gala dei Siciliani alia presenza di oltre 500 ( ASsocIazlOne Trmacna , . invitati edi numerose autorita', tra cui iI Vescovo Ausiliare di Palermo S.E. Rv.ma Mons. Salvatore Gristina, iI Console Generale d'ltalia, Dott. Luca Brofferio, iI Scnatore Franco Zeffirelli e l'Eurodeputato e Presidcnte della Provincia di Catania, On.le Nello Musumeci. E' stata consegnata la Trinacria d'Argento, un prestigioso premio che I'Associazione assegna ogni anDO a siciliani che, nel Mondo, si siano particolarmente distinti I)el· campo delle lettere, delle arti, delle professioni, industria. commercio, sport, ma che abbiano nel contempo mantenuto vivo iI legame con la Sicilia e·contribuito con le loro opere e !XJmPortaniento alia proiezione di un'immagine sempre piu' positiva dell'lsola nel Mondo. 'Quest'anno la Trinacria d'Argento e' andata al Prof. Gaetano Cipolla, originario di Francavilla nella Provineia di Messina e docente d'Ill!liano alia St John's University di New York. 11 Prof. Cipolla e' anche I'attivissim.o promotorC e presidente dell'Associazione Americana Arba Sicula che ha 10 scopo, fra I'altro, di mantenere viva, ncgli Stati Uniti e nel Mondo, la lingua e la cuiIura siciliane. . La scrala e' stata aIlietata dalla applaudilissima Gigliola Cinquetti. Da nolare gli inlervenli del presidenle dell'Assoeiazione Dott. Aldo Bevacqua, iI quale ha sottolincalo iI conlribulo che le comunita' sieiliane all'Eslero danno sia per una ,proiezione posiliva dell'immagine della Sicilia che per I'importante funzione che hanno nel sostenere e propagandare i prodolti di qualita' che l'lsola esporta nel Mondo, e del Senalore Zeffirelli che ha elogialo senza mezzi lermini le qualita' del popolo 'siciliano e la sua indiscussa ilalianila'. 11 Consiglio Direllivo dell'Associazione Non si puo" non volere bene a San Giuseppe. Anche un alco gli porterebbe __) rispetto. E' comunque un sanlo che lutti noi vorremmo avere per amico. Per questo sabato 18 marzo al Cenlro Sealabrini I' Associazione Campani nel Mondo ha organizzalo la tradizionale fesla in onore del grande san Giuseppe. Vi erano quasi 100 persone, 3 lutte animale dalla voglia di stare insieme in un clima di amicizia e di festa. A far gli onori di casa con grande maestria ci ha pensalo iI presidenle, Cav. Di Nardo, soslenulo d,1gli attivissimi membri del Comitalo: D'Apice, G. Sammarco, Masiello, S. Grossi, F. Amalo, Frisoli del Pizzo, Ferragamo, Zichella e Rapa. Di Nardo in questa oecasione non ha polulo avvalersi dell'apporto di Attilio Fionda recenlemenle scomparso, ma I'amico Attilo Fionda c' stalo ricordalo nel corso della serata. Fm gli ospiti vi emno la dott.ssa Daniela Zoceolotti, Console Amministmtivo, iI dott. 11 presidenle dei Campani. Luigi Fuomi e signora, corrispondente del Mattino di Napoli, iI comm. Giacon con la Teodoro Di Nardo signora Marinetta, la signora Di Nardo, cav. Gino Biasi, cav. uff. Domienco Pascale e signora. • Ollre al menu' sempre all'altezza della situazione della Melania e Silvia, le donne C<1mpane avevano preparato splendidpiatti di "zcppole" per la gioia dei golosoni. Le "zcppole campane" emno a cura delle signore Lucia Perrletta, Elena Frisoli, Anlonietta Capozzi, Mary D'Apice e Gina Schillaci. 11 ricavato della scrata e' stalo dalo a beneficio di Edward; un bambino di 7 anni, figlio di un beneventano e moglie inglcsc di Epsom che deve intraprendere una costosa lerapia in Ungheria. E una parte e' slata dala a beneficio del giomale "La Voce degli Italiani". Un grazie va- estcso a tutti i partecipanti per la collaborazione . . c generosila" dimostrata. in oecasione della lotteria. (~_A_ss_o_c_i_a_Zi_o_n_e_c_a_m_p_a_n_i 12 May 95 -b.~ ~ (,-__ G_r_o_p_p_a_re_I_lo RIVISTA DEILA COMUNlTA'ITAIJANA l Gropparello continua imperterrito le sue feste e le organizza scmpre meglio: il merito e' del cuore e dell'amicizia cbe. sono scmpre presenti in qucsto pacsc: sono presenti nci cuocbi, negli organizzatori, nei partecipanti. Lo stare insieme e" sempre un motivo cbe allarga il cuorc e le idee di ognuno: aiuta a vcdcre meglio la vita, aiuta a vcderc la vita nella sua realta': cioe' a eapirc ebe abbiamo bisogno ognuno dell'altro e cbe insieme, con le piccole cose di ogni giomo, possiamo fare la vita migliore per noi stessi e per gl altri, ("",=p.;;;.ia-"C""-e.;;;.n;...ti;...n",,i",-P;.. e;.. r_L_a_C--,..h_ies_a_--.J) I nostri eari Amici Piacentini hanno organizzato un Sundaylunch per la Chiesa di San Pietro.. E' stata una riunione molto allegra e simpatiea. Ci sono stati ricchi premi alia IOlleria: cd era una cosa veramcnte giusta perche' pranzo e vino sono stati all'altczza dclla bella situazione che si e' crcata in questo incontro. E' stato commovente I'entusiasmo e la generosita" che i nostri eari Piaccntini hanno messo per I'organizzazione di questa festa: ci fa capire tullo I'amorc ehe hanno per le opere buone: ci fanno capire il profondo attaccamcnto che hanno alia Chicsa: e tullO questo ci incoraggia e ralTorza la nostra speranza in una buona conelusione dei lavori. Vi ringraziamo tUlli quanti, organizzatori e partecipanti: vi ringraziamo con tanto alTello, . , Maggio95 13 :tJ;~EU.A COMUNITA'ITAUANA [,-_C_IU_b_D_o_D_D_e_It_a_I_ia_D_e_-_V_i_Si_t_t_o_p_r_a_g_u_e ) It is a pleasure to be able to say that we were thrce of thirty nine women of Club Donne Italiane to visit the beautiful and fascinating city of Prague. Lyrically it is called. the "Mother of Cities" or "the Golden City" or just "The City of a Hundred Spires". Whatever you want to call it, it certainly is a breathtaking fairyta1e like architectural monument with a cultural tradition going back centuries. On Thursday, once we had settled into our double rooms at our 5 star luxury hotel, and had a typical Czech meal, our guide Veronika led us on a 4 hour city tour. This took us way back to Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Art Nouvcau times. We were bowled over by the beauty of the city's monuments as we made our way to Prague Castle in Hradcany Square. The panorama here has become a symbol of Prague and the Czech Republic beautifully spread out along both sides of the statcly River VItava. We were actually standing on the route of coronations of the Kings of Bohemia. Originally the Square was lined with burghers houses but after the fire in 1541 it became the site of palaces for the nobility and chureh dignitaries. The wind here was cold and fierce, so we moved on foot to St Vitus' Cathedral - Prague's largest church - a fascinating Gothic structure with tall slender spires and a multitude of architectural detail. ' In the cold wind we proceeded to Loretto - the famous Baroque shrine of pilgrimage built in the 17th Century by Giovan~i Battista Orsi after the fashion of the Santa Casa in Loreto, Italy. At every hour you can enjoy listening to the known chimes in Prague consisting of 27 bells, and we did. Iuside we saw the treasury of gold and diamond monstranccs. Veronika led us 0 to the Old Town Square where we saw the exterior of the Old Town Hall and opposite a cluster of splendid baroque houses built on Gothic or Romanesque foundations. Here we waited to see and hear the astronomical clock constructed in1410 strike 7.00. It was a remarkable momentl Death in the form of a skeleton tolled a bell before Christ and the 12 apostles emerged from two windows in procession. On Friday, we headed for tile fairy tale castle of Karlstejn, passing through the village where Martina Navratilova was born. On arrival at Karlstejn Castle we were overwhelmed 'by its medieval architectural splendour. It.was built by Charles IV, the father of Bohemia, in the middle ages as a safe deposit for the crown jewels and St:lle documents. Our next destination was the Gothic Cesky Sternbeck Castle founded in the 13th century. It contained many marvellous gothic and baroque paintings and sculptures. The castle was extremely cold, as was the temperature outside. That evening back in Prague we all enjoyed our cruise up the river VItava. On board we were served a candlelit dinner, which was accompanied by much singing and dancing to the music of the accordian and saxophone - even our guide congratulated us on our lively participation. On Satudray we were blessed with a bright sunny morning. We left by coach for Karlovy Vary, a 2 hour drive. This is a famous spa area and we travelled through a very dense wooded area rich in mushrooms, rabbits and deer. This is where Beckerovka, the 10cil1 home grown liqueur is produced. We each bought a special cup and sampled the spa waters rich in minerals and beneficial for the intestines and kidneys. Each of the spa waters had its unique taste - some not to be savoured again! After our luxurious c:lviar lunch at the very beautiful Hotel Pupp, }Ve shopped for the renowned Mozcr Crystal, the Becker aperitif, garnet jewellery and other souvenirs which are always nice to take home to our f.1milies to show them the sort of places we have visited: Many f.1mous people have visited this spa area including Karl Marx, Bismark, Alex 11 of Russia, Brahms, Liszt and other celebrities. Sunday was our frce day and we made the most of it. We started with mass in the Church of Our Lady Victorious in the Lesser Town and saw the wax figure of the infant Jesus of Prague, believed to. have miraculous power, brought to Bohemia from Spain in the 16th century. A truly magnificent church. . Next, some of us experienced the Finicula to the rose garden and took in a spectacular view. Others just rambled for the best part of the day taking in the shops, buying last minute souvenirs, enjoying the restaurants and cafes. Watch out for the next film featuring Tom Cruise, called "Mission Impossible", as some of the COl will be seen as extras during the filming in Prague - will our fame never end?? We would like to end this article with some of the COl's comments: "Pleasantly surprised - would like to come back to finish my visit - perhaps in 5 years' time to sce how the country has developed"; "Long may these organised trips continue - well done Robert.1!"; "Bc.1utiful", "Excellent"; "Fantastic"; "Pretty"; "Very intercsting - a city with grc.1t potential, I hope it won't get spoiled"; "Impressed, lovely architecture..." Gina. Renza and Marina 14 May95 . :tJ;~EILA COMUNlTA'ITALIANA Bcnvenuto al Nuovo Ambasciatore Paolo Calli I E' arrivato iI nuovo Ambasciatorc: Paolo Galli, proveniente dalla sede di Tokio. Sostituisce I'ambasciatore Giacomo Attolico che ha concluso iI suo mandato. Ecco qualehe cenno biografico sui nuovo ambasciatore. Paolo Galli c' nato a Belgrado (ex-Jugoslavia, Serbia) il 10 agosto 1934. Studia all'Universita' di Padova dove si laurea in giurisprudenza iI 12 novembrc 1956. In seguito ad csamc di concorso viene nominato Volontario nella carriera diplomatico-<:onsolare e viene assegnato nel 1958 alia segrcteria particolarc del Sottoscgretario di Stato. Nel 1959 e' Addetto di Legazione. Nel 1960 :rerzo Segrctario di legazionc. Nel 1961 c' nominato vice console di Cardiff. Nel 1963 e' a Washington dopo essere stato promosso a secondo segrctario di legazionc. Nel 1965 c' alia Segreteria Generaie presso I'Uffieio Coordinamento. Nel 1968 c' prime segrctario a Londra c nel 1969 c' consigliere scmpre a Londra. Poi diyenta consigliere di Ambasciata a Varsavia. Nel 1975 c' nominato Capo Ulf. III della Dir. Gen. Mari Econo'mici. Nel 1979 e' al 9abinetto dell'On. Ministro. Nel 1980 c' Ministro consiglierc, Vice Capo alia rapprescntaza permanente d'ltaliajiresso la CEE in Bruxelles. Nel 1986 diventa ambasciatorc a Varsavia. Nel 1988 e' nominato Direttore Generaie della.Cooperazione alIa Sviluppo. Nel 1991 c' a disposizionc con inearichi spceiali. Nel 1992 e' nominato ambascialore presso la sede di Tokio. AI nuovo Ambasciatorc Paolo GaIli BACKHILL da' iI bcnvenuto. ' ( 11 Console Roberto Cantone ) Roberto Cantonc ha assunto a gennaio scorso iI scrvizio in qualita' di Console presso iI Consolato Generaie d'ltalia di Londra in sostituzionc del Consolc Raffaele Trombctta. Roberto Cantone c' riato iI 21 luglio 1959 a Ccsana Torinesc (fO) e sposato con la signora AIessandra Zileri Dal Vennc. I camera diplomatico daI 1988, dopo iI scrvizio prestato aRoma presso iI Ministero degli Mari Esteri e' stato assegnato prima a Parigi, dove ha frequentato i corsi dell'EcoIe NationaIe d'Adminisiration, quindi e' stato trasferito dall'Ambasciata d'ltalia con le funzioni di Primo scgretario. Al Consolc Roberto Cantone iI nostro bcnvenuto c gli augnri di un pooficuo lavooo per la comunita' italiana di Londra. Comunicato del Consolato Generale d'ltalia a Londra Dott. Luca Brofferio Desidero informarc i connazionali residenti nella eircoscrizione consolare di Londra ehe iI Ministero degli Affari Esteri • nonostante gli ulteriori gravi tagli apportati al suo bilancio e che compoomettono numcrosi scrvizi - ha dcciso di farc ogni sforzo possibile per completare I'anagrafe degli italiani residenti all'esteoo (A.I.RE.) e di corrcggerc i numerosi errori c difetti chc ancora I'affiiggono. • . A Londra il compito di "bonifiearc", come si dice tccnieamente, i dati inscriti nell'AlRE richiedera' lungo tempo c molti sforzi sia a causa della consistenza della collettivita' residente sia perche', come e' nolo, iI Consolato Generalc ha seri problemi logistici e di personale che gia' influiscono negativamente sui lavooo quotidiano c sulla qualita' del servizio reso al.pubblico. Desidero anehe sottoline.,rc che la correzione della' massima parte degli errori dell'A.I.RE. ed il suo completamento non possono comunquc esscre fatti senza I'attiva e paziente collaborazione degli interessati, Ora, questo Consolato Generalc intendc proccdere alia ·"bonifica" in maniera rcalistica, scnza perscgnire una velleilaria perfczione che (oltre a csserc naluralmente incompalibile con la burocrazia) non e' conscntita dai mezzi a disposizionc. Occorrc, cioc', raccogliere c correggere almcno quei dali essenziali - obbligatori per legge • chc permettono, inserili nel computer, di renderc immediala la consultazione ed agevole e rapida I'emanazione di certificati, la stampa di passaporti eec. I datc essenziali sono: cognome, nomc, data di nascita, luogo di nascita, provincia di nascita, indirizzo di residenza attuale complelo di "area code", comune di ultima residenza in ltalia (sc iI connazionale non ha mai risicduto in Italia, comune di rcgistrazione dell'atto di nascita), poovincia di ultima residenza in ltalia. Rivolgo, quindi, una viva preghiera a lutti i connazionali ehe in occasione delle ultime elezioni per il Parlamenlo europco non hanno ricevuto it certifieato elettorale oppure I'anno ricevuto, ma errata 0 incompIelo cd a tult; coloro che non abbiano lultora, provvcduto a regolarizzare la 1000 posizione anagrafica (iscrizione A.I.R.E., cambio di indirizzo, eec.) di telefonare.fra le ore 14.30 e le 17.00 dallunedi' al venerdi' al scguente numero: 0171 838 9622; corrispondente aU'Ufficio St.,to Civile - Sezione Anagrafe del Consolalo Generale di Londra. Magglo95 15 ( Bingo ) E' stato meraviglioso, brillante, luminoso: premi, fcsta, organizzazione: ma come fanno le nostre Signore e Signorine a esscre scmpre cosi' capaci di portare screnita' a tutti. I premi erano ricehissimi, numerosi, bene assortiti per tUlti i gusti. Insomma e' stata una scrata ehe ha dato screnita': io dico scmpre che leJeste non scrvono a dimenticare la vita, ma ad entrare in tutte'le forme della nostm vita e a farci capire che la nostra 'vita' deve essere vissuta in pieno: sotto tutti i punti di vista ed in tutte le circostanze: questo ci fanno capire le nostre Signore e Signorine. ,( In Memory ----,_"""""'"of Vittorio Moruzzi '-- ) ---J Vittorio Moruzzi a man so dcarly missed, a husband and father so dearly loved, died of c.1ncer on 3rd February 1995 at the age of fifty. I would like to write just a few words thanking everyone for their kind and generous donations given at his memorial mass at SI. Peter's Italian'Church. " The money' ,was 'equally given to Mount Vernon Hospital and the North London Hospice. Vittorio is always in our hearts and in our prayers. Pina Moruzzi ~ 'Vu Mo . M __ V4..- ".t(.,oI If_phal. 00,"" I« ....... 1Jd.._ NHST'IUI ""' Hnet Pi,1o .ItU ""'011 e.TRAI_, ..... (~9"\ ....... """lIN .,......I'Un6u l 1ICJ/aJW('t6002", ~~ ' - - ' t I J U _Ut MoaTH • "O"DO" , ..,11 un HOSPICB. 1 ,......., ... ri ~' __ "...,'''oH' I' o..a.n." .... "'_~_""#TP .UI , _ .,,,.,.,,.,, " .'1'7 ,...t I v<ovl, 11'"- " tllaN: 7" fol' 7'OU1' C"'I'Ololt 4oMtlo& t. -t CaDCtl' " ...rd. I\\W .t. _ _t 'f,",". I vUl u)' " 1t et loM a. I • • ..q Wt I _ , ..r. )'OU . . . . . . . . wwl. ~... vh..... I: tw-t IN ~ "1''' tkt 'flu.,'....u ..\ rr.,. 'ft' I cu. ••,. art ,ola, Ca ..11._ tM I: 4......-c U ...,. • ""'1' _No" ."" • "'1'7 ~1", USIl,I. Deer Mn Nor'va'd., .t I ... Uoat n,I' ... ,urenlft tor- .f hill c~.... All ... Iffnu hUM ta _\.e .L- .. us. 7"' ...tw.W. • ...,.. ,.nt " , l d C_u&. la u.. hc••f . _ "'Q' Mnl' 'r-P-'-. J _ ."' fu r u ....r ...U ... ~t M " .-ate "dl w..t " . . . .1 "" III M"... 1; Ot.i.U. ~t . _ • f ~ n.at. . ...,. . . Mt u flnt '11t"". tH•• 0....1. "IQ ,.... vu " ,rot.n ..u .... t Uo" tee.....•• 16 ".n .r t'" :r-..u 'er :r-r, ,_feu - 1Ie.,t" _MU . f tNt ~ t . . . .' •• ttl.... I ~ ,.........\.aa<I .... "'1 ~u n. "IUo ,.... _ fro- tJt,h Oat• •,.IA '1. MOt. ,.... ... _ n. u.. r.At ,.re 117 1 . Or\ bdWC oIlhc bosipke I wouU bJ;;e b IN.nk )'OU Cor Ibc ~ donatioG 01 £834.00 .....0 )'OU babdod i.-o the botpice and bcin& a dona6oD" IDCI'DOrJ ~ 'J04II1I111baDd VillOrio" aDo:S re;::eip. ofwbkb J ();4y 'Cl t "le. (w0uJ4bollDOlt I1fIeN if)'O'llWClrolU u.kt'lcIour INnb to aI "JWl ~ aA4 ~brive:t who CQ'I~ IOWat'da 0I.i.I1c01. I ........ lhe ~ n.Ucd zjva ~ eovidmce oIlk rcapcet ill 9ttIktII ViIlCrio wu bold. b ..... apivDep tobc aNcb k"" all of'you dlrw you .,w .. dYe ~ but if)'Oll fed ItJae ~ di.tfallli... W.wWt>e la CIClf*Ct )"hinI, _ c:. tdp)'W wiIlh .... ~dopbH&diatoue:lliwilb ... We Qlll triy OOftlUwe tNlwort. .. tbehospioo b)' _ i.I veryDMdl ~ &114)'010II' &ilt of dwlnc.l* dorWions audIi u:rwn . ,, 4o&atlOA ... Ie" I vln CQ' U ,...,C - ,- May 95 :/f:.~FllA COMUNITA'ITALIANA BACKHILL Fantasies r l Mafielles are stiU there. heading towards vietory in the inaugural BACKHILL Serie A Fantasy League generously sponsored by Associazione Pannigiani Valceno. To see if they retain their leading spot, keep reading the Fantasy FootbaU table in BACKHILL. This highly original Use' of the now popular concept of creating notional football teams from actual players has had a good foUowing this season. Given the interest it has stimulated the Associaziorte Pannigiani Valceno can feel justifiably proud of being involved in initiative which not an F. Spirito only stimulates interest in Italy's national sport, but also has a benevolent object: all the initial subscriptions will be donated to charity. As weU as a super prize for the eventual winner, each month's most successful manager ,(i.e. the manager who accumulatCs most points each month) wins bottle of champagne. January)" winner was N. Di Silvio to whom go our congratulations. The President of the Associazione Parmigiani Valceno, John Belli, recently had the pleasure of presenting a bottle of champagne to Lisa Ciccone (sce photo right) manager of Maliettes and a previous Manager of the Month. Another bottle was recently presented by John to Richard Evans (of BACKHILL's Sportlight) who received it on behalf of' his son Marco who has also won the manager of the month prize (see a photo left). So you sce, the Fantasy League. is child's play (or perhaps some dads have been 'liberal with their advice!). The rules are not difficult to follow and it's fun! BACKHILL warmly thanks Associazione Parmigiani Valccno for the sponsorship of the Serie A Fantasy League. League Table as at 24-4-1995 - Serie "A" Matches No. 8 to No. 28 '0' t. . Manager of the Month • l;'- Manager of the month for March ,was C. Belli manager of Caerovoli and April's manager of the month . was M. Ronehetti manager of Crusaders; both will receive a bottle of ehampaigne courtesy of ASsociazione Pannigiani Valceno. . Maggio95 17 :...:ft_,_~=~=(t.::.:~.::;;;::::;TJ. . r- COMUNlTA'rrAUANA Bridalwear Specialists Weddin Da s NEGRONI. THE ITAUAN STAR .AT YOUR TABLE - SoIeUl: C?"" ,.. ~ W. '2'& New IM-o'I tood.loro:bI Nl ~. 'rei J)1lj 337 0420 'toM "'-11837 086Q ·10~ 22JOO We individually design and handmake Wedding Dresses Bridesmaids Dresses Pages Outfits Veils etc... Christenings first Communion Amanda Maccini Unda Bertola Te1: 0923 835041 Te1: 081 9403807 tranChi =====locks&tooIs • HAND & POWER TOOL. SPECIALISTS, • PlANT HIRE & POWER TOOL REPAIRS • ARCHITECTURAL & BUILDERS IRONMONGERS • LOCKSMIl}lS PRE3DER ROOFING C03IPMTf NEW ROOFS SLATING & TILING LEAD & ZINC WORK LOFT CONVERSIONS FELT & ASPHALT REPAIRS GUTTERING CALL NOW FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE I/c."H/OfflOO.. 218 ttoaoway Ro:"d,lordOl'IN7 (,N( aIWat 14<1 •.fbKcf1l:EJl1ownRo:td.lonoonNWI9OR ,' , 1(.'lcph(.lOO1071 (J.)1?200 JclephOOO.Oll ;>(,73138 is May 95 .: $:. . _tvitAJlt-. .: RIVISr~ 1.~D:=:;EUA COMUNlTA'rrAIJANA r . BOMBONIERE NELLl\ PIU' BELLA TRADIZIONE ITALIANA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON FUNCTION CATERING FROM £15.50 PER PERSON INCLUDING WINE SMALL PARTIES TO FORMAL BANQUETS (10 to 400 guests) HOLD YOUR FUNCTION IN ONE OF OUR TRADITIONAL DINING ROOMS. EXCELLENT FACILITIES FOR LUNCHEONS; DINNERS; RECEPTIONS;' MEETINGS; CONFERENCES; ETC. FURTHER DETAILS C~N BE OBTAINED FROM: THE CATERING OFFICER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON GOWER STREET WC1E GBT 071·380 7032 bomboniere tulle confetti Claire Borrelli Oxford Road fiori 1Carshalton Beeches Surrey SM5 3QZ Tel: 0181 6425937 FELIX BUREAU AOENZIA DILA VORO SPEClALlZZATO ~~~,. STUDIO PARIS PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO A Personal & Friendly Service for Your Wedding Day Colour, Black & White and Hand-Tinted Photographs presented in Hand·Madeltalliin Leather Albums. Other Services Also Available: Two-Camera Video Commercial, Social & P.R. Maggio 95 PER PERSONALE ALBERGHIERO HA A DISPOSIZIONE POSTI VACANTI PER PERSONALE QUALIFICATO NEL SETTORE FOR ALL CATERING STAFF EMPLOYMENTBUREAU MANAGERS, HEAD WAITERS, WAITERS, WAITRESSES,lstj2nd/3rd CHEFS, VEG COOKS, KITCHEN PORTERS, SNACK BAR COUNTER HANDS AND STAFF ETC... 80 SHAFTESBURY AVENUE LONDONWl TEL: 071-4378513 OR 071-4714/4840/4467 19 ... i -b~ ~ La Faie . RIVISI'A DELLA COMUNITA'ITAUANA La Voce Era prevcdibife che I'Asscmblca evidenza la Festa Popolare della Faie costiluita un sollocommissione che Generale Annuale della Faie non rcalizzata a Camberwell e che e' aveva if compito di solloporre if espletassc if nutrito ordine del giomo picnamcnte riuscita. risultato aI Direttivo: La SOllocommisin tUlli i suoi punti. Tuttavia, si sono Poi la parola e' passato aI Tcsor- sione si e' riunita if 26 gennaio 1995 toccati punti intercssanti che hanno iere, if quale ha iIIustrato la situazione cd era composta daI Ballarini (coormesso in mostra la necesita' di una finanziaria relativa a1I'esercizio del inatore), Mallcoda, Di Nardo c Basaprofonda rislrullurazione di questa 1994 e ha'messo in evidenza che le nese. La sollocomissione ha proposto fcderazione. L'ASscmblca si e' svolta entrate delle Faie dipendono in gran~ al direllivo la non acccttazione. domenica 19 fcbbraio presso if salone dissima misura della festa Faie c che L'Assemblea ha, accellato la del Ccntro Scalabrini. Erano prescnti la Fcderazione per Tordinaria ges: risoluzione della sOllocommissione quasi tutti i rapprcscntanti delle Asso- tione ha bisogno di £4,000 I'anno. anche se' la discussione ha fallo ciazioni affiliate. AI tavolo di prcsiPcr quanto poi riguardava I'awio cmcrgere.i veri problcmi della Faie e denza sedevano if prcsidcntc, cav. di proposte di modifica per 10 statulo, cioc' la sua ristrullurazionc intema e Antonio Pcrolli, if segretario, prot: if Consulente Legalc, aw. Salvatore la nccessita' di un riconoscimento Roberto Mallcoda, if Tesoriere, sig. SammarCo'na fallo un'importante pre- legalc presso Ic istanzc italiane e Gugliclmo Sammarco, iI Verbalista, cisazione: "L'anno scorso -inglesi. cav. Virgilio Coltclli, if Prcsidente I'Asscmblca incarico' una CommisPcr quanto riguarda if problema Onorario. Comm. Bcncdello Longi- sione con if compito di claborare· della sostituzione del presidente cav. nolli C il rcvisorc dei conti, rag. modifichc allo statuto. L'csccutivo, Pcrolli con if vice president, rag. Antonio PaoLuciano Rapa lelli. (soluzionc questa Ma eccone concordata in scde un resoconto dei di escculivo), il punti che sono' ,Consulcntc Lcstati tratalli. gale, aw. Samma~ Nella sua rclazireo ha fallo un'imone, if prcsiportanle prccisazidcnte, ha annun0 n e c h e ciato Ic sue I'asscmblca ha accolto. Dice I'aw. dimissioni per motivi di salute, S a m m arc 0 : ha' p'oi' aggiunto: .. Qucsta opcra,"La nostra zione non c' sceF c dc ra z i 0 ne II tavolo presidenziale della Assemblea Faie: da sin. Cav. ColteUi. Comm. Longinotti. ondo 10 statutO: eontrariamente cav. Perotti, Pro/. Matteoda, signor Sammarco e rag. Paoletti. 10 statuto afferma ai desidcri e ai pronostiei di qualeuno vistc Ic modifiche approntatc dalla chc if prcsidentc puo' esserc elello non solo non ha chiuso i ballenti ma Commissione, ha deciso di claborare solo dall'ASScmblca dei mcmbri della ha anelie ampliato if suo operato. altre proposte. Ora, ci si trova con una Fcdcrazione. Non c' automalieo che Prova nc sia if numero scmprc piu' bozza dcllo statuto elaborata dulla allc dimissioni del prcsidentc subentri crescentc di associazoni che chicdoilo CO,mmiSsione e un'allra claborata dul- scmplicemente if Vice Prcsidente. di essere affiliate e anche le numcrose l'Esccutivo. Questc due bozzc devono Quando if presidcntc si dimcllc, dceallivita' che quest'anno abbiamo csscrc mandalc ai membri dcl- ade anche if vice prcsidentc. "Allora svolto". II cav. Pcrolli ha poi cos;' I'Asscmblca ricordando' pcro' ehc Sammarco ha ipotizzato: "11 presiconcluso: "Mi rammarico di dovcrmi ogni mcmbro puo' fare le suc pro-. dcnle cav. Pcrolli non si dimelle, dimellerc perchc' in, barba ai contrat- postc cd csporlc quando sara' convo- tUllavia in questo periodo dclcga if tcmpi c allc fatiche comportate dalla cata la asscmblca per I'approvazione viccprcsidente ad alluarc in sua vcce mia carica, ho trovato un enorme dello statuto", Questo perchc' "non fine alia convocazione di una nuova appoggio ncll'Eseculivo che ha lavo- e' facolla' solamente della commis- assemblea che prowCdcra' alia nuova rato con grande spirito di collaborazi- sione 0 dell'Escculivo claborarc pro- c1czionc". L'assemblca ha acccttato one". postc ma di ogni mcmbro del- questa proposta. La d~ta non c' stata E' intcrvcnuto successivamente if I'asscmblca". fissata, ma sicuramcntc nella prossima Cosi' si c' deciso che ogni mem- assemblca si votcra' per if nuovo segrctario if quale ha clcncato tullc le inizialivc promosse nel 1994 dalla bro ricevcra' a casa if materiale con il statuto c in seconda seduta per I'cleziFaic, affcrmando chc si c' tratt.1to di compito di studiarselo in vista dlla onc del nuovo presidentc. un anno impegnativo, anchc se i prossima asscmblca. da "La Voce degli Italiani'" risult.1ti non semprc sono st.1ti appaSi c' passati poi alia proposta del riscenti. Fra le allivita'che mcrila- prof. cav. Giorgio Brignola, if quale Purlroppo. menle 31 preparava queslO numuo vano magior suecesso Malleoda ha da divcrso tcmpo avcva, allravcrso di BACKJIJU c" giunta la Irisle nolizla de/la citato I'esibizione della Filodram- una filla corrispondenza, ipolizz.1to,un scomparsQ tiel. Cav.PeTOl/I. lnviamo le nostre 1lk1tica It.1liana di Leicester e la collegamento con la Faie per dircn- _pill sentite condogllanze alla famiglia, Peroltl. raccolta di fondi per gli alluvionati dere gli interessi in Italia degli emi- riconoscendo tulti le buonc opere compiutc ed del Piemontc. Mcntrc ha messo i grati. Dopo molto tempo cra st.1ta il,uo lavoro Instancabilc. 20 Mtiy95 1 :Jt;.~Fll.A COMUNITA'TrAUANA Dall'ltalia news from Italy t I I1 r' I I Ing C.Olivetti & Co. SpA and Bell The national association of doctors Atlantic International have an- in Italy adopted new rules that, nounced plans to fonn a joint venture among other things, banned artificial to offer telecommunications services insemination from being practised on to business customers in Italy. Olivetti women over 50 and on singhi'women. will have 67% of the new company, Infostrada. The services offered would Franco Zcffirelli won "substantial be in the ficlds of data transmission damages'" against Screen Internaand voice services to closed user tional magazine, which had claimed in last year that he was a fascist. groups. The dreams of an unemployed Italian were in talters after he shredded a 10llery ticket worth 100 million lire. Giovanni, Contemo tore his scratchand-win ticket to biis aner local youths convinced him 'it Was worthleSs. Accordi~g to 10llery rules, the ticket loses its validity once it is damaged or destroyed. Italian physicists have detected what they believe may be evidence of nuclear cold fusion in experiments with hydrogen and nickel. Professor Sergio Focardi of the University of Bologna claimed that 100 kilowatt hours of energy had been produced so far in the experiments, a quantity that ruled out' a chemical reaction as the source of the power. An Italian doctor has been ordered to stand trial for fraud after a couple discovered a test-tube baby conceived at his fertility clinic had a hereditary disease they could not have passed on. According to the charges, Dr Magli allegedly used the spenn of a donor who ,vas not the intended father in an in-vitro fertilisation procedure that led to the birth of a girl in Naples in 1992. When the girl was seven months old, she ,vas diagnosed as having thalassaemia. Prosecutors said that the mother is a healthy carrier of the disease but the only way she could have passed it on to her child ,vas if the father also was a carrier. Her husband ,vas found to be frce of the disease. Prosecutors said Maglia also wrongly told the mother her Fallopian tubes ,vere comPletcly blocked and she could never become pregnant naturally. After giving birth to the test-tube baby, she and her husband conceived without any medical help. Lead prosecutor Maresca also won an order closing Magli's clinic. Poliee found the bodies of two Tunisians killed in a Mafia murder ritual. The bodies were found on a street in the Brancaceio district, one of the most Mafia-ridden areas in the Sicilian capital. The victims were identified as Kamel Azzaoudi,30, and Mehol"Cz Jelassi, 29. Mafia fugitive Giuseppe Icrino was arrested after a shoot-out with police. Ierino had been on the run since 1983 and was one of the country's 30 most wanted men. Police detained Ierino in the Calabrian town of Roccclla Jonica after he suffered a superficial bullet wound to the leg. Icrino is reputed to be a leading figure in the 'Ndrangheta, a C,labrian version of the Mafia. Pope John Paul's latest 0IIUS, Evangelium Vitae (fhe Gospel of Life), is the first encyclical to be made available on a computer disk at a cost of 9,500 lire. St. Peter" who wrote the first Papal lelter nearly 2,000 years ago on papyrus sent it off - by messenger, horse and sail boat - to the early Christain communities in the Nine Italian tourists believed to have Middle East. been held for two weeks by desert tribesmen in Ethiopia were released. The tourists, three women and six men aged between 33 and .56, were last scen heading into Ethiopia on camels from the Eritre.,n border. The chairman of Italian classie Sllorts car firm, Bugatti, Romano Artioli, said that his firm was discussing a partnership with Gennan carmaker Daimler-Benz. Artioli said that if the Gennan firm acquired a stake in Bugatti it would help furnish the Italian company which much-needed capit.,1. Artioli s.,id any MercedesBenz stake could go as high as 40 per cent and that he was currently in talks with unions over the proposed deal. Film director Martin Seorsese agreed to collaborate on the restoration of a series of It"lian film classics. There are some 30,000 films to be put in order, 3,500 of which are on inflammable material. The first tille due for a makeover is Visconti's 1942 drama uOsscssionc". Magglo95 18,000 tonnes of oli"e oil were sequestered by police in southern Italy as part of an investigation into an alleged seam involving European Union funds. The oil, 'vith an estimated value of 80 billion lire, had been sold to the EU as virgin oil but ,vas found 10 have been diluted ,vith a lower quality product. Calogero Mannino, a fonner cabinet minister, ,vas arrested suspicion of ties with the Mafia, judicial sources in Sicily said. They said Mannino, a 55-year-<lld fonner member of the once powerful Christian Democratic Party, ,vas arrested at his home-in Palenno. Police were acting on a local magistrate's ,varrant ordering Mannino's detention on suspicion of complicity in a Mafia conspiracy. 21 :/ff;~ELLA COMUNITA'ITAUANA In Cammino con Carmelo Nell'uItimo numero di BACKHILL vi abbiamo presentato un nuovo libro intitolato "Dal Carcere di Londra" cbe offre le lettere di giovani drogati e malati di AIDS a Padre CarmeIo di Giovanni. In questo numero Padr~ CarmeIo risponde alledelle domande riguardante questo nuovo testo ed iJ suo lavoro come' iJ prete delle carceri'. Padre Cannelo, perche' questo nuovo libro, "Dal Carcere di Londra? "Pcrche" Londra ha conosciulo in questi ullimi anni una ilUova inimigrazionc di italiani, quella dei giovanni tossicodipendenti. Se gli cmi. granti degli anni '60 cercavano un lavoro, la possibilita' di sopravvivere o di avcre una vita migliore, i drogati degli anni 'SO cercano la liberta'. Vcngono perche' vogliono smettere, per cercarsi un lavoro, qualcuno in· cerca di un buco piu' fhcilc. L'inglese e' una scusa perfetta. Londra e' uno schermo perfetto. 'Gianni c' a impararc I'inglese, perchc' ormai non se ne puo' piu' fare a meno", rispondono soddisr.~iti padri c madri agli amici. Questo libro raceonta I'angolo dove la setc di liberta' divcnta disper. azione, la ricerca di indipendcnza, condanna, la fuga, una cella ad .111.1 sicurezza. AlIoTa la liberia" chc cava la lingua straniera divcnta isolamento, I'impossibilita' di communicare e chiedere aiulo. Pcr caso in questo angolo c'cro io, che sono iI cappcllano dci carcerati italiani a Londra. Sono lettcre vcre, scritte col cuore, ascollate con la pazicnza dclla carta, inquelo tcmpo in cui si parla solo per tclcfonino 0 via fax. I ragazzi, soli dcntro iI silenzio dclla prigione, chiusi, dal doppio muro del carcere e dcll'inglcse, comunicano con me, mi affidano iI loro cuore. Si. sfogano e si disperano. Chi vicnc arrestato dopo qualchc giomo dalla 'polizia c non sa dirc il proprio nome, Chi si ammala di Aids c finisce in un ospedale dovc non 10 conosce nessuno. CI;i:.in"c.~rcere si penle e vorrcbbe ricomincia're, Trovo che queste Icttere iIIlJminano iI prob· lema, dclla' tossicodipcndcnza, scnza trascurare nessun aspetto, I rapporti difficili con la famiglia, la molla che a voltc, aiuta a smcttere, Le ragioni del prima buco. I ragazzi dcl Iibro si 22 sono fidati e hanno dctto si' .111.1 pubblicazionc. Altri non sc la sono scnlita. Moltc volte sono stati i gcnilori, personaggi importanti a dirc di no. Forse queste lettcre sono ulili proprio ai gcnitori per capire i giovani, i loro figli. A volle mi capita di dover alzare la cometta per dirc a una famiglia chc iI ragazzo e' morto di Aids e iI papa' e la mamma cadono' dallc nuvolc, non sanno ncppure chc iI figlio si drogava. Altrc voltc sono i gcnitori , chc vogliono dimenticarc, chc non L vogliono s.~perc piu' nulla dcl ,. 'ragazzo. Piu' spesso, mamma e papa', appena sapulo dcl problema, prendono iI primo acrco pcr Londra, ma iI figlio non vuolc incontrnrli, non, vuorc dire loro ncppure dovc si trova." Quanti di questi tossicodipendcnti riescono a Iiberarsi dalla droga? "Pochissimi, ma qualcuno ce la fa c per mc 'non hanno meno valorc, come personc, quelli chc continuano fuori c dcnlro· dal carccrc e dalla comunita" tcrapculica di quclli ricntrati nella normalita', 10 li amo e Ic accctto comc sono. La vita di un drogato c' comc una citta' dopo un bombardamento, Comc Ic sccne del rcccntc terremoto in Giappone. Non e' rimaslo in piedi nulla, solo desolazione, iI r.~limento piu' completo. Bene, ho chiesto come Dio da questo nulla ha fatto rinascere la speranza. Come per i lerroristi delle Brigatc Rosse ho visto Dio c.~mbiarc i cuori, da cuori di malizia, di malvagi. ta', di odio, in cuori di amore, di affetto. Cosi' ho visto Dio risuscilare questi ragazzi c riportarli .111.1 vita." Che cosa li aiuta a smettcre? uC'c' scmpre una motivazionc interiore prccisa c dal libro apparc chiarissima. Puo' esscre un nuovo amorc, un ragazzo 0 una ragazza chc ti vogliono benc davvcro c ti d.~nno • j I ,t un utimatum: "0 mc 0 la droga". A vollc c' anche I'arresto, la prigione, che chiudc tutte le altre altemativc. La ragionc puo' esserc anche la fede in Cristo," Che malo ha la fcdc, nel suo rapporto con questi ragazzi? "Quando Ii incontro in prigione per la prima volta, chiedo loro di pregarc per mc c si meravigliano. Si ribellano: "Ma comc faceio a prcgare, io, chc ho smcsso da vent'anni?", 10 rispondo: "Non prcoccuparti di te, tu prega j>cr mc", Mollissimi, quasi tutti, mi chiedono la Bibbia c ',io la regalo semprc, con una dedica. Inscgno loro a Icggcrla. A scoprire come la Parola di Dio conosce i lorosenlimenti, la loro disperazionc. Sopratutto i Salmi. Spiego loro che nci Salmi c'e' tutto ]'uomo, la gioia, I'affiizionc, it scnso di colpa. Continua a pagina 24 ... May 95 La Vita della nostra Parrocchia Sono nati alia vita di Dio con iI Santo Battesimo Constabile Mitchell : Michacl John Mitchcll e Girolama Di Leonardo Antonio Giovanni Nicastro: Pietro Nicastro e Rosaria Conigliaro Robert John Tyler: Robert James Tyler e Rosanna Rocco Nicholas Joannou: Panayiotis Joannou e Annamaria Lauricllo Fernando Gabriele Peluso: Luigi Fernando Peluso e Rosa Adriana Aranda Angelina Assunta Sordillo: Domenieo Sordillo e Elena Carlino Remo Arnold Silva: David Silva e Samantha Ward Raffaela Valentina Accurso: Angelo Aecurso e Maria Camcla Sordillo Sabrina Monachcllo: Antonio Monachcllo e Enza Salvaggio Si sono uniti in Matrimonio davanti a Dio Rita Gaiteri • Suckjinder Singh Aiwall Linda Calvano • Mario Sellitto Giuseppina Lomanto • Andy Selluck Riposano neIla Pace del nostro Signore Mirella Roneo Bartolomco Rizzi Charles Gilbert Lovett DATE IMPORTANTI DA NOTARE Vogliamo ricordaIvi alcune date importanti nella vita della nostra Parrocchia. Domenica 7 maggio ci saranno le Prime Comunioni alle ore 11.30 Non ci sara" la messa alle 12.15 Domcnica 21 maggio avremo le Cresime alle ore 11.30 Non si celebrera' la messa alle 12.15 Domenica 4 giugno andremo in Pellegrinaggio a Aylesford. Mercoledi' 21 giugno verra' celebrata dal Cardinale Basil Hume la Messa solenne del bicentenario di S. Vincenzo Pallotti Domenica 9 luglio ci sara' una Messa solenne del bicentenario di S. Vincenzo PalIotti celebrata dal Nunzio Arcivescovo Barbarito. Domenica 161uglio ci sara' la Processione seguita dalla Sagra. Maggio95 23 :tJ:~FJLA COMUNITA'ITAUANA In Cammino con Carmelo Questi ragazzi hanno bisogno di amore, non di condanna. Della misericordia di Dio. La condanna cc I'hanno gia', dagli uomini. Non servono per loro parole dure. Devono convincersi da soli di avere sbagliato. Spiegoche ~r quanto in basso siano caduti,per quanti crimini orrendi abbiano commesso, omicidi, stupri, rapine, Dio IL ama cos;' Come sono. "Sei caduto soci' in basso", dico loro, "che fai schifo anche -a te stessO. Nessuno ti vuole, neppure i tuoi genitori. L'unico che ti ama cosi' come se; e' questo Cristo sulla Croce. " In queste lettere dal careere si vede riaccendersi la parte piu' bclla, piu' umana di qucste persone. Non e' troppo facile pcntirsi quando si sta in prigionc? "Molto spesso la gente mi fa notare che e' facile essere buoni quando si sta in galera. Tutti si convertono, sono costrctti a cambiare vita dall'isolamento. 10 credo che questa persona rinata, che vuole cambiare, che incontro in carccre, esiste davvero dentro di loro e non e' nemmeno vera dell'altra, che si droga. che ruba. Cerco di non dimenticarmi mai di questa loro parte migliore anche quando Ii incontro fuori - e scopro, magari ehe hanno ricominciato a farsi. Per me loro sono sempre quei bambini che stavano rinasccndo alia vita. Sono sinceri quando dicono di voler cambiare esistenza". Quante sono le lettere che riceve ogni giomo? "Decine. In sedici anni ne ho aecumulate migliaia e ora ho una s!<,nza piena. Con I'efficienza della posta inglese, loro inbucano il giomo prima e la mattina dopo le lettere sono gia' nelle mie mani". E Lei le legge scmpre tutte? "Certo! Ma che domande mi fa! Le apro la mattina e le leggo. La sera The Bomboniere ractory BOMBONIERE FOR ALL OCCASIONS BEAffl1FUL BOMBONlERE TULLE (J)HF1JlT/ FlOWERS IHVIl'ATIONS FOR WEIJIJINOS If 11 HOLY COMMUNIONS ALL AT PRICfJ YOU CAN AFFOIW I I I Call Anna.,.Maria or Jayne on; TEL;031-#S-4543 FAX;071-234-0S09 45 HOLMES RD,KENTISH TOWN,NW5 3AN 24 segue da pagina 24 le riprendo in mano e rispondo. A volte solo qualche riga. un pellSiero. A loro basta. Quando sono all'estero viaggio moltissimo in tutto il mondo spedisco una eartolina con i saluti. Tra qualche giomo parto per la Thailandia dove ci sono moltissimi tossicodipendenti italiani in carccre. Pensano che procurasi la droga sia semplice, ma la polizia non perdona e usa metodi piu' spieci che nei Paesi occidentali". ( Let us capture the enchantment and romance ofyour special day with our photography We make each wedding Precious & Personal Award winning Photography ADAMADAMOU ABIPP, AMPA 87 Green Lanes, Palmers Green London NI3 41D Tel: 081-888 3275 May 95 :tJ:.~FJLA COMUNITA'ITAUANA Scadenze fiscali I I. Ci stiamo avvicinando a grandi passi allc scadenze che ogni anno il mcse di maggio porta con sc'. Pcnso chc anehc gli italiani residenti in Patagonia sanno chc la sl:adenza prineipalc c' la compilazionc del modulo ·740 c del suo invio al fisco italiano. Tempo fa leggevo in un noto quotidiano italiano che il Ministcro dellc Finanze era indaffarato nel prepararcJI module 740 chc fosse personalizzato cd inviato, per posta, all'indirizzo del. contribuente. Lo stcsso articolo riporta che I'allora nco-segrctario generalc delle Finanze si proponcva che taU moduli fosscrc stati inviati cntro iI mcsc di aprile. Ecco, io non so sc in ItaUa i contribucnti abbiano gia' ricevuto il 740 pcrsOnaliZz.110 a casa. Posso pero' assicurarvi chc qui in Gran Brctagna one. Per cscmpio. non e' obbligato a prcsentare la diehiarazione un pensionato ehe riccve una sola pensione a carico INPS, oppure un pensionalo chc riccve. due pensioni ma che sommale insieme non superano Lit.8.552.000. Penso che la maggior parte dei rcsidenti all'cslero si trovano in una delle seguenli situazioni; I. I'inleressalo possiOOe in Italia solo rOOditi dei terrcni (rcddito dominicalc e rOOdilo agrario) c dei fabbricali (rendita catastale) complessivamcnte non superiori a Lit. 360.000. In qucsto caso I'inleressato non e' obbligato a farc la dichiarazione quando egli non ha altri redditi anehe in Gran Bre- ancora ncssuno I'ha riccvuto. tagna~ E allora c' necessario che chi ci 2. I'inleressato e'· titolare di rcdditi di leggc sappia se, e quando, c' obbli- fabbricati derivanli dal posscsso, in gato ad inviarc qucsta dichiarazione. Italia, di una sola casa 0 appartamento La prcscntazione della dichiara- con rendita calaslale inferiore ad un zione dcvc cssere prcscntata da coloro milione. In qucsto caso I'inleressalo chc possicdono rcdditi in Italia. c' obbligato a fare la diehiarazione In Italia, a dilfercnza della Gran poiche' la sua rcsidenza all'cstero Brctagna, possicdc rcdditi non solo implica I'uso 0 iI posscsso di altra chi ricevc soldi liquidi per un certo abitazione: Javoro svolto ma anche coloro chc 3. I'inleressalo e' tilolare di rcdditi di possicdono immobili (casc, apparta- terrcni e fabbricati in Italia e riccve la menlc, ncgozi cce.) c terreni. pensione INPS. Se le detrazioni spetCi sono dellc eccezioni alia rcgola l.1nti per lavoro dipendente e familiari gcneralc di prcsentarc la dichiarazi- a c.1riCO annullano 0 riducono I'im- Pietro Molle posta a meno di Lit. 20.000, chiaramente non va fatta la diehiarazione' 4. I'inlercssato lavora in Gran Bretagna cd ha casa e terreni in Italia. In qucsto caso va falta la diehiarazione. Ricordo in particolar modo a quelli che hanno delegato un parente oppure un contablile a fare queste diehiarazioni direttamente in Italia ehe le case a disposizione, adibile a residenza sccondaria dai residenti all'cstero non subiscono I'aumenlo di un terzo. Le diehiarazioni vanno prcscntale da1 1Il1O maggio 3130 giugno. Infine i versamenle devono cssere elfelluati entro iI 31 maggio. E' possibile effelluare i versamenli enlro iI 20 giugno 00 in queslo caso si paga una multa dello 0.05% versata unitamenle all'imposta dovota. In caso di versamenti succcssivi 31 20 giugno c' prcvista una sopratassa del 3% fine al 23 giugno e del 40% dopo qucsta ultima data.. Alia sopratassa vanno aggiunli anehe gIi inlercssi del 6%. E' scmplicc, no? Penso proprio di no 00 e' per qucsto che sarebbc opportuno fare le dichiarazioni 00 i versamenti in tempo utile anehe per non aumentare. inutilmenle, il giusto tribulo che ognuno deve allo Stato. COASIT COMITATO DJ ASSISTENZA SCUOLE ITALlANE PER LA CIRCOSCRIZIONE DEI. CONSOLATO GENERAI.E D'ITALIA IN I.ONDRA COMUNICATO SCUOLA Le iscrizioni per i corsi di italiano per I'anno 1995/96 si faranno nel mese di maggio. Esortiamo tutti i connazionali a iscrivere i loro figli a partire dall'eta' di5 anni in poi presso il centro piu' vicino alia loro abitazione. Coloro che non sapessero dove si tengono i corsi possono rivolgersi ai seguenti numeri telefonici per ottere ogni informazione: UFFICl SCOLASTICI SCUOLE PRIMARIE. - eta' 5 - 11 anni: Londra - 0171 9767062: Bedford - 01234 353 302 SCUOLE SECONDARIE - eta' 11 - 18 anni compreso GCSE ed A' Level Per tutta la circoscrizione Consolare di Londra: 0171 9767063 Ufficio del COASIT - 0171 828 1482 Maggio95 25 -bar/tAJI/- _ ~ RIVISTA DELLA COMUNITA'rrALlANA HIGH POST • ••• o NEWS OF 17th Regular readers of Backhill will know that last June two of our children, Paul and Marina, opened a Nightclub, called Enzo's, within the complex of The Inn. They are planning a week of celebrations to mark its first anniversary with party nights on Thursday 15th and the actual anniversary night, Friday~6th. The Saturday, they have given to us to organise the type of evening we would like - and are we going to make the most of it! We will take over the club for a candlelit dinner and party. We will welcome you with Bucks Fizz Champagne Cocktail. Enzo, in collaboration with our wonderful chef Toni Marin, will' produce a super four cours~ gourmet dinner. The music will be«by Achille'Roma, an Italian band with real scope and flair. Tables will be of eights- and tens to ensure lots of conversation. 'If you don't know each other at the beginning of the evening you will by the end, or you can organise a table for your own family or friends. Officially we will go on to 1 am, but unofficially, as we hope everyone will be staying or have local transport arranged, the night is ours! In the morning you can revive yourself in the beautiful indoor swimming pool, or wallow in the jacuzzi at least. There is' the sauna and gymnasium for those who take their fitness seriously. The countryside is lovely with a golf course opposite, and ancient Salisbury is -only 4 miles away. Do a lot or nothing - the choice is yours. We are giving Backhill readers good notice, as we tho~ght you might like to 'make a weekend of it, which, if you are in business, takes some organising. Also to let those of you who enjoyed our New Year Celebrations know that good parties come more than once a year. The hotel has only 30 ensuite double/twin rooms so it really is a case of getting in first. Tickets for the evening are £25 per person. Double/twin rooms at the special price of £60 per room per night, including full English Breakfast for the two people. WOULD YOUR FAMILY WELCOME A WEEKEND AWAY? PHON~ 01722 782592 AND SPEAK GILLIAN OR ENZO. 26 ' May 95 !SS()C"II()~( V!~MIf7"~1 V!Lt(~() "'¥()UJtl (:()MMlITff h"esent Their lI)th A\~~lVlElQiAIQ~ £:U(:(:Af7~- I3AI2I3~(:U~ - ()I~£() 4t Villa Srolabrini~ f7reen §treet~ Un ~unda" ~Sth Ma" f §henley~ tlerfi - t3.00pm - Till Late Tickets £,1 V -Availallle frmn: 'r()ny t=ranclti - ()171 nSSt37.S (W()rk) ()r f)1S1 4445\)17 (Ii()me) ~t.()rerl() Sid()1i - ()171 7.(j14~.3\) t=m:1 Sr:CU~I'O' I)U~V()SB ALL Vr:IiICLB WILL 131: I""SV{CTI:V ~ ALC()Ii()L t=()U""V WILL 131: C()""fISCAT{V Maggio95 27 :tJ;~ELLA COMUNITA'ITAUANA Inflation "Inflation" is a tenn used to generally describe the increase in the cost of living. We all know, from experience, that most items that we purchase cost more today than thcy did last year. Inflation is caused by the rise in prices in the goods and services that we purchase' which in turn, leads to a reduction in the value (i.e. purchasing power) of moncy. This process can be illustrated by a simple example. Let us assume that I want to buy a car in five years' time which would today cost me £10,000. Let us also assume that the price of the car I have in mind will increase by 4% each year. In five years' time the cost of the car will increase from £10,000 to £12,170. Clearly £10,000 in five years' time will buy me less than it could today. To be precise, the purchasing power of £10,000 in five years' time will only be £8,220. measured in today's prices, after allowing for an 'annual rate of inflation of 4%. Looking at in another way, the purchasing Powcr of £12,170 in five years' time will only be £10,000 measured in today's prices. Therefore the process of inflation has had' a twofold impact on my desire to purchase a car in five years' time: first, the price of the car is an additional £2,170; secondly, unless I am able to raise the additional funds, the £10,000 that the car costs today will be insufficient, as it will have a reduced purchasing power· equivalent to £8,220. Since World War 11 the U.K. has experienced a continual process of increasing prices/reduction i the value of the pound. Every year most goods 'and services have tended' to increase in price. The rate of inflation tends to fluctuate in response to the economic climate and Government policy. Higher rates of inflation will reduce the value of money at a faster rate. The eroding impact of inflation on the real value of money needs to be considered when planning your finances. Periodic reviews of your financial needs should take into account changes in your personal circumstances and monitor the progress of any financial product that has 28 Richard Si/via previously been effected. Inflation exceeds the rate of interest being will have an impact on various finan- earned. 5. Pension Plan: this is a very cial products in the following ways: 1. Life Assurance: you may, for tax- efficient way of investing to example, arrange life cover of create a cash fund which is, at £100,000 over a period of 20 years to retirement, used to purchase an annuprovide your family with'a tax free ity to pay you your income during lump sUm in the unfortunate event of retirement. Given that it may be your premature death dur- possible to contribute towards a pening the tenn of the policy. sion for up to 30 or 40 years, a Should you die 10 years Substantial cash fund can be accumuafter effecting the policy lated at retirement from even the most the sum assured of £100,000 will modest regular premium. It is imporbecome payable - but inflation tant that the purchasing power of the will have serioUsly eroded the annual income being arranged is purchasing power of the maintained at all times. 6.Equity-Based Investments: £100,000. 2. Family Income thesehave the potential to keep pace Benefit: will provide your with, or outperfonn, inflation over the family with income, instead medium to long tenn. This is mainly of a capital sum as in (I) above, due to the possibility of the capital should you die. A level of benefit of, that has been invested increasing say, £1000 tax free a month to your substantially in value, as reflected in family on your death may be adequate the increase in the price of a share. to protect your family's lifestyle to- Income can also be obtained from the day - but will it be in seven years' share in the fonn of a dividend payment. such investments are volatime. .3. Permanent Health Insurance: tile and offer the risk that the capital this policy will provide you·with an value/share price will go down if poor income if you are unable to work due profits are anticipated; or even beto illness or disability. HO\Vever, as come valueless. if the Company goes with (2) above, the impact of inflation bust into liquidation. To counteract the impact of inflawill greatly diminish the purchasing power of a given level of benefit as tion a number of policies offer an index-linking option whereby the benthe years pass. 4. Emergency Fund: it is always efit level can be linked to the annual prudent to place the equivalent of increase in the Retail Price Index. It is thiee to six months' normal expendi- possible to incorporate, at a small ture in a deposit-based bank or build- additional cost, an indexation option ing society account for' unforeseen into life, protection, pension and incontingencies. Such accounts are con- vestment policies. It is important to consider the sidered low risk because .the amount you place on deposit (i.e. the eapital) effects of inflation on your· financial will be returned to you whenever you planning needs, .namely in reducing need it, and you will earn interest in the benefits seCured by the poliey. The negative impact of inflation can the meanbe overcome by undertaking regular time.Although reviews of your finances and by the value of the exercising the incapital cannot go down in C? dexation option nominal tenns, available with it will in effect most policies. U1tireduce in real ::::;;-= mately, you must value as .infla~~~~~:=~ satisfy yourself that the level of tion erodes its ,benefit secured when purchasing power. This 'is especially true if the policy is first efthe interest generated by the invest- fected is maintained in real terms ment is being spent !IS income. Even throughout the duration of the policy. if the income is being aecumulated, Richard Si/vio /1 currently employed by a the illVestment will' still deCline in real value if the rate of' inflation firm of/nd.ependenljinainc/aJ advisers. _. c:::> :') ~ @ "<.:?» -===- - May 95 , Letters 10 Whitehorse Lane South Norwood, London, SE2S 6RE Dear Sir, I am at present researching my family history and have discovered that my great grandparents lived for several years in the vicinity of St Peter's Church in the 1890s and was hoping thilt perhaps you or your readers may help in my research. Both my grent grnndpnrents <:.1me from the mount.1inous region around Cassino in Lazio. My great grandfather Antonio Mastrocola came from the villnge of Villa Santa Lueia and probably entered England in the mid 1880s. My grent grnndmother Pasqualina Capaldi wns from the nearby village of San Miehele and probably entered England at around the s,1me time. Prior to their marriage in 1891 she lived in Kingston Upon Thames whilst he resided at 5 Fleet Row, Eyre Street Hill. After the mnrriage they both lived nt Fleet Row working as ice eream makers/vendors and two sons were bom in the house which by census reports appc.1rs to have been an overcrowded lodging house. The family left Fleet Row in 1895 moving to 28 Little Bath Street and by 1900 moving on to Glasgow. After a brief spell in Scotland they returned South in about 1903 evenhmlly scttling in Kingston Upon Thames where Antonio est.1blished the Kingstoninn ice cream company which still remains in family hands to this day. I wns hoping that maybe yourselves or your readcrs might possibly have a photograph of Fleet Row. I have searehed various librnries, nrehives and locnl history centres so far 10 no avail. It was little more than an alleyway in the 191h century existing belween Summers Strcet and Warner Street. The site is now occupied by the electrieity generator opposite Chiappa's orgnn works on Eyre Slreel Hill. I would .11so be very grntcful for nny information about Fleet Row, i.e. its houses, occupants, history etc from anyonc who remembers it or indeed may have known of my family there. Any information will be gratefully received. Yours faithfully, Mr. R. Ceccnrelli Netherby 5062, South Australia. Denr SirlMadnm, My wife nnd I nre Austrnlians of It.'llinn descent, and spent two years in London from 1977-1979. Whilst there, wc subscribed to BACKHILL and would post it back to Australia after we had finished reading it. Just the other day, my mother-in-law brought out one of the issues wc had posted to her. It was April '78, costing 20p. Onc of the pages of that issue contains an article entitled "ltalese", and the writer appeals to readers for other words that could be of interest. Coincidentally, at about the smue time I came aeross a letter written by an Italian immigrnnt to Austrnlia, which is punctuated with "Italese" throughout. I have enclosed a copy of lhe original article, along with the leller, annotated with English trnnslations. I don't know if the author of the originnI article is still around, or even for that matter ifBACKHILL still exists. If so we would love to h<:'1r from you. Regnrds, Sam & Ann Spadnvecchia "-'Mia cam moglic Carmcla Sono mollo apselle e ti scndo questa lellera appena dopo un poliziotto mi ha fatto una multa per aver parcato iI 9 carro sopra la iarda. Non ho potnto spostare iI <:.1rro dn dov'cra perche" non startava. Ho ringato un frcnde che ha portato la mascina per =1rc everitinghe. Lui la mascinn non I'nvevn comperata, I'avcvn rentata. Mentre provava a riparare iI carro, ha stnrtato .1 pioverc e sinmo nndati a farc un bette .11 tibi ma abbiamo perso fifiti dola. 11 nostro orse era awnti lutta la COrs.1, ma infine c· arrivnto penullimo, bedc lac! QuandO siamo commi bccche abbiamo trovato una gomma nette, cosi' pure quella spea. L'unica cianza cra di far rimorchiarc iI <:.1rro con un to-trae fino .11 uorclle scioppe, ma era tu maccie espansivo. Dunque I'abbiamo puseiato lungo tulla la strilla. Dopo ernvamo mollo angri e so abbimao comperato un otte dogghe, ma non e' stato enaffe. anehe iI drinche non cm molto buono, e la ghella che stava .11 bar ha parlato con il bosso per lamentaresi della friggia che non funzionavn. 11 bosso si c· apsettato e I'ha s,'lccnta sull spot. Spero che lu <:'1pisc.'l I'ingliscie che scrivo io, ma anehe lu dopo arrivata in a caple uicchi 10 imparerai, come me, perche' ti occorera' per farc 10 scioppin. E poi saremo t.1nto eppi e la sera guarderemo insieme ll.1mba naintisicsc alia tivi. DcI brccchefhste. In mallina, me ne ocupero' io. donne uori. Ti lavo mollo mollo, luo m.1rilo.... Maggio95 29 :tJ;~ELLA COMVNITA'ITALIANA RISTORANTE SAN CARLO HIGHGATE VILLAGE'S LOCAL RESTAURANTWITH ELAN OPENS A NEW PRIVATE ROOM Ristorante San Carlo, 2 Highgate High Street, Highgate Village, London N6, (Telephone 0181-340-5823), is currently enjoying critical acclaim and massive popularity under new ownership. The restaurant, established as one of North London's culinary landmarks for over 20 years, has been splendidly refurbished. Ristorante San Carlo offers a wide variety of classic Italian and some modem dishes. Prices are reasonable and 'light lunchers' are welcome - for whom the wide range of tempting pastas is ideal. Ristorante San Carlo IS large and spacious - its creamy walls decked with huge tapestries. Cocktails and aperitifs can be enjoyed in the elegant and comfortable raised bar area. With summer in sight, al fresco eating in the walled garden with its new fountain is almost imminent. The restaurant has a seating capacity of 100 plus and is well equipped to cater for weddings, private parties etc. A private meeting room seating 16 has now opened above the restaurant with a view across Waterlow Park - a boon for the business community.and others wanting a venue for special meetings. Proprietor Mario Beccarelli was born in Borgotaro, Parma ( the home of the porcini mushroom). he took over Ristorante San Carlo with his wife Mair after their previous restaurant at the South Bank was closed to make way for the Channel Tunnel Opening hours are:. Tuesday to ~unday between 12 noon and 3.00p.m. and from.6.30 p.m. to 11.00,p.m. (last orders) RISTORANTE SAN CARLO 2 HighgateHighBtreet, London N6·5JL Telephone: 0181 3405823 30- May 95 -------------~-- :1J;~FlLA - - COMlJN1TA'ITAIJANA L'EVENTO DELL'ANNO SPECTRUM RADIO ~~8 PRESENTA RENZO ARBORE & L'ORCHESTRA ITALIANA 4 GiUGNO 199~ AL ROyAL ALbERT HAll DOMENicA BiGliETTi: £12.~O - £17.~O TelEFoNARE Al - 0181 - £2~.00 - £.,~.oo 90~ ~OOO PER INFoRMAZioNi & PRENOTAZioNi DAll ApRile 199~ : Nuovi ORARi pER il PROGRAMMA ITAliANO LUNEdi ASAbATO: DAllE 4pM AllE 6pM DOMENicA : DAllE 2pM AllE ~PM RADIO SPECTRUM - LA RADIO ITALlANA Maggio95 31 :ft~E1LA COMUNITA'ITALIANA, Musica Plus Giovanna Servini in Cardetti My very dear Friends in Musie, As all around us we sce the ever increasing deterioration of the values that are the very essence of life and which should be held most sacred, it is essential more than ever that we adhere to all that is uplifting . and soothing;to souhand spirit, mind and body. Thiink God for tile vaiied ways He has blessed us with whereby we can aehieve our souls' comfort, and of these ways MUSIC is not the least. For me certainly, and for many of you, it must top the bill. During the past 18 years of BACKHILL you will agree, that I must have exhausted every superlative in the book (and then some more) when justly effusing at every opportunity with regard to "11 Nostro Verdi", he whose limitless genius is second to none. I, with many of you, are not alone in this veneration, for the "Amici di Verdi Chorus", by the very nature of their name, proudly state that they stand firmly alongside us.. For, this, in, itself, they have my respect, admiration and gratitude. They honoured us for the first time with a concert in our ehurch in December 1993. Unfortunately I was ill at the time and very regrettably missed what was deemed an outstanding success, but I made sure to rectify this on their second sueh visil, Thursday, 6th April last when we saw our church (as on previous, similarly occasions) transformed yet again into a grandiose, welcoming eoneert hall. Well, dear friends, those of you who were present must have been more than thrilled and well, WELL pleased as I was with the selected masterpieces offered us. A programme obviously very carefully planned with much thought, jUdging by the inspiring, elimatie exeerpts from Oberto, Nabueco, Emani, Giovanna d'Areo, Macbeth. Interestingly all from early operas of the Great Man. Intended perhaps? Well, if so, the desired effect was most certainly achieved; having even greater impact coming one piece ,after the other non-stop,' wilhout, thank God, the usual and often unnecessary, pregnant pauses and even minus the inevitable interval, so that could have heard a little more of not a moment was wasted. Praise be. Hannah Peverley, the mezzo-soprano The effect was exciting. exhilarating, who sang Mamma Luisa's limited leaving one eager for the next piece bars. Those few notes sounded very and the next and the... promising. I look forward to really For me, they could have gone on, at hearing her in the future. True mezzothis pace' all night. I certainly would soprano with really beautiful, open, rounded but always n"o t -h a v e stopped them. I strictly eontrolled fcel we have to "he whose limitless genius and perfectly placed sounds throughout be grateful and is second to none... " indebted to Nina the voice, such as Giulietta Simionato Walker and Reg Suter for this perfect planning and and Ebe Stignani, are very rare on the timing, and being Eastertide, even to ground indeed. With the pianists Denthe ingenious slipping in as it were, of ise Patton and Roderick Chadwich the only non-Verdi work - that most one did not miss the presence of a full glorious of all Easter hymns "Inneg- orchestra for a moment. Their playing giamo al Signore" from Cavalleria was flawless, on the spot and full of Rusticana, by the hand of yet another feeling. As I have repeated so often, I supreme master of melodie sounds have personal reservations in this particular area. I really do not care for Pietro Mascagni. We now eome to the artists - talented the mixing of the spoken and sung and convincing performers all. First word - hence my aversion for musical and foremost "complimenti" of the comedy, for musicals. As you also highest order to all members of the know, even recitativo in opera, I find chorus who cannot be faulted. The quite irritating. Compliments to Richperfect diction, the zest, the exuber- ard Hazell for his most expressive, ance, the rendering of all the choruses interesting and ',to the point introducwere inspirational, sheer delight and tion and narration. I have always perfectly delivered. Bravissimi tuttill maintained that the conductor comes Carol Kewley, soprano, has a voice of second only to the composer himself, great power' and in order of responsibility and merit. range. She sings. in- He or she can either make or break an telligently and artist, indeed an entire performknows what she is ance.You could fecI Nina Walker's doing. Her Abigaille, all-embracing movements doing just one of the most !aX- this. ing roles of the en"- Every note directed, sung and played tire soprano range, this evening was sheer joy to the ear. was sure proof of Brave!! Bravissimi!! Grazie infinile a this; not that the tutta la compagnia. loan of Are and San- P.S. The finale, "Va Pensiero", is tuzza arias, which and has always been extra special for she also sang, are me, for my family. My dear father exactly easy going. Brava! Richard always insisted it should be the Italian Seaward, tenor proved to be an artist National Anthem (as it stands, I feel it of many talents, most endearing, is the world's). Just two days before molto simpatico, and sang, spoke and he passed away, my' Father was just played with case and confidence. able to ask the priest sitting at his Bravo Riccardo. Philip Rock, bari- bedside to sing it and strived to join tone, has a voice and presence ,that in himself. He just managed to sishould take him (with inevitably, lently mouth a few of the words; we much sacrifice' and sheer hard slog) to had it played softly together with unlimited heights. This I felt the extracts from the Requiem throughout moment he opened his mouth, with his funeral Mass, as for my mother such a beautiful, easy, even, natural, also. All that is Verdi has been a part sonorous sound - pure Bel Canto. of our life since any of us can What perfect, ready made material for remember. On this last comforting the magical moulding "hands of Carlo ,reminiscent I bid' you good night dear Bergonzi" (still the greatest living friends and God bless you all. exponenent of Bel Canto). I wish' we 32 May 95 \ ft~FlJ..A Cinema This Richard Preston story about an outbreak of a dcadly virus was originally a Robcrt Rcdford vchiclc but he left due to script problems, then it saw the departure of Jodie Foster. Now Outbreak comes to the screen with Dustin Hoffman for the first .time in two yc.1rs. Why back to work after so long a brc.1k? As he explained: '·'1 have six children, coming to work is a holiday!" With a virulent and deadly virus on the loosc it's up to Sam Daniels (Hoffman) and his team including his ex-wife and colleague Roberta Kcough (Rene Russo) to save the world from disaster. Along for the ride arc Morgan Freeman and Donald Sutherland, who is cornering the market for eccentric and psychotic generals. Wolfgang Peterson maintains the standard set in his In the Line ofFire. As with that film the pace builds up at an even rate and unlikely a scenario it may be it is still an entertaining evening out in the Fugitive mode. Recommended especially for groups of friends who c.1n never quite decide what to sce. With a whole file of information to pass on, then 1 had beller move on. News on the Hollywood front is that Demi Moore is currently the highest paid actress after gelling $12.5m for Castle Roek's Strip Tease. This has had a knock-on effcct all round with Sharon Stone $7m, Jodie Foster $8m, Meg Ryan $8m and Julia Roberts $13m. Moore is not such a surprise considering her string of box office successes including Disclosure at $180m and counting, A Few Good Men at $146m, Indecent Proposal at $258m and Ghost at $545m. Fashion for the summcr is dcffinilcly the kill. Wilh Liam Neeson swashbuckling his way through medicval Scotland in Rob Ro)', it's a surprise he doesn't bump into Mcl Gibson as WiIliam Wallacc in Braveheart. Or perhaps it's the bailie of the accents which I'm sure Nccson will wins hands down. Preproduction news finds a clash of titles: Birds of a Feather is Hollywood's title for La Cage aux Folies. Yes the Maggio95 COMUNITA'ITALlANA Agrifoglio Boseo Yanks are gelling round to this French classic at last. I must say 1 thought the original version entertaining enough. Whilst waiting for the normal hatchet job, let's look at the cast which includes Robin Williams, Gene lL1ckman and Diane Weist, directed by Mike Niehols with music from Tom Hanks will be seen floating in space this autumn Stephen Sondheim. Birds of a in Ron Howard's Apollo 13 (along side Kevin Bacon)~ Feather. No it's not a He's probably been there since he was forced to reprint but rather a forego a salary and take a percentage of box office big screcn version of receipt for Fo"est Gump. Both Hanks and Zemekis the successful l.v. se- are looking at a minimum bank balance ofs40m each. rics with Pauline Really puts Oscar in it's place. Quirke, Linda Robson and Lesley Joscph. Goldeneye. Whilst wc arc talking the word "mesmerised" comes from). big, Robbie Collrane is lined up to Pinocchio. Francis Ford Coppola play the chief villain with Sean Bean will direct a SSOm adaptation of as his sidekick in the new Jamcs Bond Pinocchio, which will be the first adventure. As wc all know that hope- live-action feature from Jim Henson Icss piece of timber is playing 007 Productions. The cast includes Martin with Samantha Bond as Miss Mon- Landau as Gepeno. eypcnny and Judi Dench as Bond's Dielrich. Sharon Stone, soon to be spy chief, M and Famke Janssen (Star seen in her first western The Quick Trck: Next Gen, A Perfect Mate) is And The Dead is the bookics' favourthe long legged onc. 1995 finds Bond ite to play Marlene Dietrich in a grappling with organised crime and biopic of the legendary actress. Russia as the epicentre of Euro Mafia. Among those not overwhelmed by the The Borrowers. Onc for AI Bosco. idea is Maria Riva, Marlene's daughPlans are afoot for a S20m feature ter and author of the biography on vcrsion of the I.V. programme about which the film is being based by those little people who seavange their French director Louis Malic. Riva way through life. should thank her lucky stars, the other BuIlL'! to Beijing secs the return of tip for the role was Madonnal Evila. This is one role Madonna Michael Caine's Harry Palmer in the screcn adaptation of Len Deighton's did get! With the search over Alan spy thriller. This fourth film in the Parker can get on with directing. series is currently being shot in St. Even Co..ogirls Gel The Blues. Pctersburg along wilh Jason Connery. Ten out of ten for the parents of the Mesnrer. I'm surprised I haven't late River Phoenix who named his hc.1rd anything about this film )'et. younger sister Rain (short for RainAfter all it is directed by Roger bow J0.1n of Arel) In her debut film Sponiswoode and stars Alan Riekman she plays a character with a stranger (the man who stole Robin Hood from name than hers, (if possible) - Boundcr Costner's nose). Rickman nanza Jellybc,1n. also won the Montrc.11 World Film Festival best actor award for his portrayal of this somewhat controversial h)pnotist. (Now you know where 33 -b~ ~ . RIVJSI'A DEILA COMUNlTA'rrALlANA ·~anc • and1&ons Locks:nliths • KEYS CUT WHILE-U-WAIT • • LOCKS SUPPLIED & FIITED • • DIGITAL DOOR LOCKS • • INTERCOM SYSTEMS SUPPLIED & FIITED • • SECURITY GRILLS SUPPLIED & FIITED • • FAST & EFFICIENT SERVICE. \ I .....B OSCH - MAKITA - ELUPower Tool Centre *Macpherson . TRADE PAINT CENTRE Head Office 329/331 GRAYS INN ROAD LONDON WCIX 8BZ - SUPER CENTRE PAINT BRUSH & ROllER CENTRE TEL: 071-2788628/1308/6014 Branches Also At: 20 GOLDHAWK ROAD SHEPHERDS BUSH LONDON W12 4'CROWNDALE ROAD CAMDENTOWN LQNDON NWl 2TU 22 PANCRAS ROAD KINGS CROSS LONDON NWl 2TB TEL: 081-749 6909/081-7461347 TEL:.07i-3876782 TEL: 071-833 4736 34 May 95 :iJ;~FJ.LA COMUNITA'ITALIANA '.!P FORTE AgulP) The 17 Forte Agip properties in Italy combine quality accommodation, good service _, __ ~ _, _ and exceptional value for money. -_ :-,- ~C~n\(enientlylocated on principal motorways c __ _~'o;_ :~' _---~- >---:-nd access routes to major towns, , Forte-A~~p"l1otels are ideal for the modern traveller. sun frOtl'l the untJe arld lObft from the ~"porL 129 ",ir-<OnCSi~ rootll!;, ~~b¥.parl:Wlg.. Q;mfrOfl'lthedtt~and1~frOtft the ~ ~ M'-<onditiont'd tOOtl'l', ,*.P¥t.~btt.k.f~t«MYI~e.' I 12k/fttothe I'tOl't/'l otC~. 6S M'<onditiOrWd ~f~~ wr.P¥kir>9:- "~. " - OllVOltNO 1Sklll northot Fl«tI"lCe.1U .ir<OI"Iditioned roorMwitf'I~. rf5W.ltaM. :lbal'S.9'f'tw.p. ~ fdt~ >. "-"----='---=.-..=:::..- OMILANO ASSAGO -;;;-- SIr.l'J'l frOM Sugno..l2lu'ft frOttl ~ 50 ",ir-e;or'lditioned fOOl!l5l. At~OO"lv.eWe$1Mgr~ t)tM:: rtmlur¥'l\. Nr'.,parkiro;J. ""..... ,,,pot\. -- I10M City ctnVt. 227 .ir<onditioo'led rooms" ovt<Ioot p:d, r~WI\.W. 6kIl'Ifron\ ModMoI cerlW.,84 u-eorditioned rooms, t~~ f.dtofs rot¥tJy. O'ALIJ.MO~~~~ .tlr.rll oo.midetM C1t1.1OSa'" (ono$tiontd rOOl'\'lS, ttstN'1I'l\. Wt. P¥lh). tll't.U~ I'OOftl stMct. -S fI'IiIts frOM Ron'It. WiWtI t.S)' tt.-:h of the:t.itporU, 21)tOQll'l5,. ~dtt'l5. ooMoor pool',. rtsUl.... ~ G..-dtfl bM. CD SAltZANA- - - - ~- It.M frOM S.n..... Ot'l tM lJvomolG,enov. MOT.«v/1/{. Sl .1I'-<OI'lditlMtd rOQll'l!" tm-1l'It, bar. parlr.'in9- 'OktllIroM the city (enlJ'e and tSkrtl; lust 0UUide the (ity centre••7 .~<oncStlonofd,OOIl'l$, ,~~'- P¥kIn9. brNU.-st fOOMwmc.. b¥. ftOtl'l .irport. 100 u<Of\d;tIMtd roQI'I'\So t~1/'lf" bar. parU'lg. 2OkftI;ftOtl'l Tntstt an4ISlM ftOIfl" .irport,80 .ir-c~1'OOI\'ISo rm-IM" bat. P¥l~ G)Y£NEZIA---~--~CDVf.IONA~-=----~=G)VICfNZA","",;:--=-':-~ $km from Veni<e. ' " u<onditiontd 'OOf\'l5'Nith~'.rmu~ AmKk.,.. hr, bre,a...ftstroom W'fYIct. Maggio95 - SUlI frOtll VtrOt\I (enlJ'e Ot'l MilaIWtI'otII rrrot.otwq. 11' air· (oMitior'ltd rOOl'\'lS, restulM" bar. &lIlIfrOl'l'lcentteOt'lV~' ~. U2 air-cOl'\f$\iontd rooms, tm-lM"bat.~ 35 ! :1f;~;-FJ.LA COMUNITA'ITAUANA Sportlight How to pick the winncr the Grand National. On Saturday"8 April 1995 I, along with 12 fellow LIRA members. was at Aintree to watch Royal. Athlete. romp, home at 40 - 1. I, regret to say, that' unlike two of my colleagues. I did'not have any financial investment in Jenny Pitman's horse. So how,',can I write an article on picking the -'winner? Quite simply, by dispelling the myth that Royal Athlete was an outsider who could only have been picked by using'a pin. Careful' research conducted over the years dating back to my very first visit in 1980 discloses a clear and consistent pattern for the ultimate victor in the world's greatest horse race. In January. entries close and the first step is to look at the age and rating of the horse. In the last fifteen races. no one under eight or over twelve has won with the most successfUl age being eleven followed by nine and twelve year olds. The rating attempts to identify the class of horse and is based upon a chosen weight of 12 stone 7 pounds, Again, no horse below' a rating of 135 (very useful handicapper) has won the National during my period of research. The average rating, for the winner is 155 (smart handicapper bordering high class). In 1994, Royal Athlete was rated 165. Early in February. the weights arc announced. Whilst all the cntries will be allotted their true handicap weights. many of them will be below the minimum weight they must carry in the race which is 10 stone. Hence these horses will have their weights increased and so are said to be "out of the handicap". Only Little Polveir has won from out of the handic.1p in recent times and no one since Red Rum. has carried more than 11 stone 5 pounds to victory. So the first thing to do is identify those horses who qualifY on, at least two and ideally all three counts of age. weight ("in the handic.1p" up to 11 stone 5lbs) and rating. Pausing at this point, if the rating is then adjusted to take into account the weight. it is possible to find out the best handicapped horses in the race. Do not forget the rating is based upon 36 Richard Evans a weight of 12 stone 7 pounds SO if a horse is rated 100 but allocated 12 stone in a race, then he has an adjusted rating of 107. For your information, the best weight adjusted horses, who, started this 'year were (1) 'Royal' Athlete at 194 and, Party Poli,ties at 189 based upon their 1994 ratings. It will not be lost upon you 'that this was the order in which they went past the finishing post. Unfortunately, life is not normally so simple. It is important to take into account fonn. both past and present. preferably by referenCe to specified' trial races, plus the qualities of jumping and stamina., I normally leave these calculations until after Cheltenham and then assess a horse's perfonnances in'subsequent key races. For jumping and stamina no horse has fallen more than once in the year in which he has won the race and so consistently good jumping ability in good handicap company must have been demonsirated. Fuithennore, each horse has won at least once in Grand National year or competed in a range of 4 - 9 races during the season. As the National is run over 4 miles; it is sensible to ignore horses who have not won over at least three miles in their history If a horse qualifies on all of these counts, then I draw up my short list and this year there were seven horses remaining for consideration:- Minnehoma, Young Hustler. Dubaeilla. Royal Athlete, Chatham, Crystal Spirit and Zcta's Lad. I then examine the horse's qualities in more detail paying particular reference to their Timeform rating but this race card is normally only produced 48n2 hours before the race. By this time. of course, a elc.1rer picture will have been gained of the likely going which ullimately is a critical determining factor as to which of the short-listed horses will ultimately gain selection. No matter how able a horse may be he must have going to his liking. Indced it is when the ground is extreme that the unusual result" is likely to happen. For example. Little Polveir was a known mud-lover and the ground was Yielding/soft in 1989 when he won from out of the handicap. My own eventual selection was Young Hustler which brings me on to the final il"d you may. think, mos~ important ingredient - luck. At the· third fence, Young HuStler took off, did not touch a twig and on landing the saddle came up and hit jockey, Carl L1ewellyn, on the backside, unseating him. No excuses from the jockey and it was back io the drawing board for another year. So above all else. there is one further lesSon to learn - spread the betS. Aintree is a marvellous occasion once visited, the place seeps into the blood and you have to go back for more. Funnily enough, I only follow racing insofar as the horses' performances are likely to effeet their Liverpool running and I save my money to bet solely on the Aintrce meeting (apart perhaps from a flutter on the big two of the Champion Hurdle and Cheltenham Gold Cup). Fo.r me, the t1lrill comes from studying form and trying to spot the winner early. It would just not be the same if the pin happened to land in the right spot. So now it is time to start preparations for 1996 - any preliminary thoughts? Well I was following Deep Bramble for this year before he injured himself in the Gold Cup and had to be withdrawn from the National. If he holds his fonn, is given a reasonable weight, the ground ends up soft and he makes it to the start, then he might just have a chance. Given the same considerations but swopping the going from soft to finn, Young Hustler is also still young enough to make his mark on the race. I wonder what I will be saying this time next YC.1r? May 95 \ - _.~~~~~~~~~~~~- Italsport Calcio: Le finali delle coppe europcc vedranno una filta rapprcscntanza ilaliana. Nella Coppa dei Campioni it Milan affronlera' una polenziala Ajax delI'Olanda.La finale della Coppa UEFA c' tUlla ilaliana la Juve conlro it Parma. Solo nella Coppa delle Coppe Coni: II Coni ha presentalo gli spot a l'It.'1lia e' rimasla delusa dalla sconsostegno del Totocalcio. I video oscit- filta della Sampdoria ai piedi della lano fra i 30 secondi e it minulo e "noiosa, noiosa" Arsenal. hanno come testimonial Tomba, Roberto Baggio, Chechi, Biaggi, Velasco, Tennis: Sicilia: La squadra ilaliana e" Rudic e le nazionali di pallavolo c stat.'1 travolta (0-5) dagli Slali Uniti d'America nella Coppa Davis. Ecco pallanuoto. Spesa: duc miliardi. i risullali delle partile: Agassi b. Moto: Massimiliano Biaggi in sella a Gaudenzi 6-4, 6-4, 6-i; Sampras b. una polenziata Aprilia 250 ha domi- Furlan 7-6, (7-3) 6-3, 6.0; doppio: nato it G.P. della Malesia, seconda Rencbcrg e Palmer b. Pescosolido e prova dcl Motomondiale, cd c' pas- Brandi 6-i, 6-7 (2-7) 6-4, 6-3; Samsale a condurrc con un punlo di pras b. Gaudenzi 6-3, i-6 6-3; Palmer vant.1ggio suI giapponcsc Harada b. Furlan 6-4, 6-3. (Yamaha), giunto secondo a 5"84. Sci: Conclusi all'Abclone gli assoluti Boxe: Ha perso ai punti ma molto di sci: Angleo Weiss ha conquist.1to il peggio del prcvisto. Non c'c' mai titoio dello slalom, menlre quello stato match: Giovanni Parisi c' St.1tO della combinata e' andato a Massimo dominato da Julio Ccsar Chavcz, mito Ghedina. della boxc, nel suo tent.1tivo di afferrarc it tilolo mondialc dei wcller Formula Uno: L'aulodromo Enzo e junior (vcrsionc Wbc).L'italiano c' Dino Ferrari di Imola, a quasi un anno finito .11 tappeto nella seconda riprcs.1. dalla scomparsa di Roland Ralzcnbcrger e Ayrton Senna, ha vollalo Calcio: AII'lnter it prime acquisto pagina. dell'cra·Moratti c" italiano c viene da Con un maquillage eostalo OltO milTolmczzo, in provincia di Udine. E' iardi di lirc (ne erano pero' slati un altaccanle nalo in Friuli. si chiama prevenlivati 9,8) I'impianto del Maurizio Ganz, ha 26 anni e mezzo, Sanlerno ha laseialo alle spalle un c· alia terza stagione con I'Atalanta. tracciato storico e impegnalivo, di Si c' perfelt.1mente ripreso da un quclli che sclezionavano dawero i iufortunio dal ginocchio (6 marzo, in piloti. AI suo poSIO e'c' ora una pisla Foggia-At.1Ianta i-i), ha gia' segnato piu' facile ma piu' ad.1lta alle csidodici reti (88 nella carriera), pi- genzc della TV e, sopraltullo, piu' lotando la squadra ncrazzurra alia sicura. elamorosa rimonta che I'ha portata Qucsla e" una filosofia dalla quale dalla zona salvczz.1 .11 quarto pOSIO. non si puo' piu' derogare c i propriL'interista Andrc.1 Seno, autorc del clari dell'autodromo romagnolo non primo gol nel derby, c' stato operalo avcvano sccUa: prendere 0 lasciare. ieri aRoma .11 menisco esterno dei La doppia tragcdia dell'anno scorso ginocchio destro. L'inlervento c' per- avcva messo in diseussione addirillura feltamenle riuscilo. tempo di recupero it futuro del G.P. di San Marino. cinque-sei seltimane. D'aUra parte la posizione dei geslori, sotto il profilo giudiziario. e' ancora Basl'ct: Valerio Bianchini·lavorcra' .11 delicala: c' probabile che it magisrilancio del basket pesarese: c.1dono trato. bolognese Maurizio Pass.1rini cosi' Ic iIIazioni suI divorzio del chicda un supplemenlo di sei mcsi per tecnico dalla Scavolini dopo I'epitogo concludere I'inehicsta ehe, aUre a di stagione deludenle. Fr3llk Williams e a Patrick Head. Calcio: Rmnbaudi ha rinnovato it rcsp{lns.1bili del Tc.1m Williams, vcde contralto con la Lazio per allri due indagati anchc I'anlluinistratore deli'31ilodromo. I'awocalo F. Bendinclli. anni. Ingaggio di 600 milioni. Vela: Guai tecnici per Giovanni Soldini, it mitanese in lizza .11 Giro del mondo a vela in solitario: dopo 600 miglia dalla partenza dell'ultima tappa, a Punta del Este, e' stato eostretto a rientrare per la roltura dello strallo di pma. I ( Maggio95 Sandro Pratoli Ciclismo: Franco BaIierini ha vinto per dislaceo la Paris -Roubaix, la piu' importante fra le elassiche ciclistiche dcl Nord Europa. Secondo iI russo Tchmil. A trent'anni iI fiorentino, ha raggiunlo iI paradiso. "Ma pensate" ero piu' forte due anni fa c I'anno scorso. E invccc ho vinlo slavolla anche con una spalla lussala", ha racconlalo Ballerini. Quindici anni dopo I'ultima villoria di Moser, la regina delle c1assiche rilrova it nome di un italiano da incastonare nell'albo d'oro. Un vincitore degnissimo, ehe ha strappalo ammirazione ai francesi:. perche' lui la Roubaix I'ha vinta nel momenlo in cui ha dcciso di sehierarsi aI via. Delusione pero' per Fondricsl. 11 disappunlo di Sanremo e la rabbia di Wevelgem hanno laseialo spazio alia rasscgnazione. Fondriest ha raccolto l'enncsimo secondo posto di qucslo slrampalalo '95, ballulo da Jalabret alia Frcccia Vallone come gia' accaduto nella c1assicissima d'apertura. "Perdere di poehi ccntimelri dopo cssersi dimostralo it piu' forte ti riempie di rabia. Esscre sconfillo da uno che a momenlo c' it piu' forte in assolulo non li fa piaccre, ma neppure ti awiliscc" ha dello it trentino. Maratona: 11 keniano Wakiihuri ha vinlo ad Alene in 2.12'Oi" la sesta cdizione della Coppa del Mondo di maralona. AI sccondo poSlo iI giapponese Sunada (2.12'18"), .11 lerzo I'azzurro Miles; (2.12"25"). L'ltalia si e' imposla nella c1assifica a squadre. Nella prova femminile trionfo delle romene, ehe hanno monopolizzalo iI podio: ha vinlo la Caluna in 2 ore 3i' 10", nuovo record sui percorso. Quarta I'azzurra Ferrara (2.32'56"). 37 :tJ;~FJLA 1 COMUNlTA'ITALIANA Anglo Italian Football League r ~ Sanctioned by the Football Association '--~ Affiliated to the London Football Association . SPONSORED BY BARILLA LEAGUE TABLES Up to - Fino 9/4/1995 Plyd Won Drw Lost For Agst Points Gioc Vinto Par Perso Per Sub Punti "La Voce degli Italiani" Sportsmanship Average Marks DIVISION 1: (Goal DU:f') CIBORIO F.C. A.C.VALCENO DI SOTTO ICE CREAM ITALIA UNITA CHARLESlVEY MONDIAL DE MENNATO TAILORS' A.,C.PIACENZA . ITALIA"WASTEELS'Jnrs VALTARO ALIVINI A.C.BAFFI 12 15 13 15 15 13 17 14 13 16 10 10 7 7 7 6 6 4 3 2 17 15 16 ,20 12 14 16 18 11 1 1 2 2 l' 3 2 4 1 0 1 4 4 6 7 9 9 6 9 14 28 58 38 22 26 29 41 30 21 22, 12 .31 21 31 27 23 26 23 34 19 20 21 57 20 32 16 20 10 66 6 (+16) (+37) (+11) (- 4) (- 8) (+ 9) (-16) (- 2) (+ 1) (-44) 7.93 8.20 7.00 7.28 7.07 7.83 7.41 7.50 7.13 7.26 4 2 3 6 5 1 3 2 2 4 5 8 1 7 9 15 43 27 41 46 21 31 23 23 14 37 (+29) 29 (+13) 27 (+22) 24 (+ 7) 23 (+10) 19 (- 4) 15 (-22) 5 .(-55) 8.50 8:10 8.57 7.16 8.00 8.73 7.90 6.31 DIVISION 2: A.C.ITALIA REGENTS F .C. A. C. CARRERA LONDON EUROPA F.C. A.S'.LUCCHESE A.C.BAFFI RESERVES: , Le, ARTISTA U.S.CALABRITTANA 9 8 6 6 6 4 1 , 38 14 19 39 11 35 45 78 May 95 \ ,I :J;~DLA COMUNITA'ITAlJANA Tempo Libero WHAT IS IT? JOIN THE DOTS ~. .~ ~1. .!>l ~ ~1 (/J' ~ 16" 6 ~ . · 22 I Fill in the areas marked with a dot. 20' .19 .~ 4a . 2 .~ ../'" •I • 4s '013 • 4 f. -42 .,' 26 25 2' 29 17 21 18. i '": ! 8 23· .. •6\ '47 .D-Jv. .~ • I \~ • ~7 .n 12 ',0 -9 14 !fi 62 <6 I~ \ -. ~ ~ 64. ,'9 ./!o P;p • 4() .34./'""36 '27 28 -....31 31 • ':r1 .33. ~'. .36 Join the dots in the numbered sequence. ]c=JO Solution to last month's puzzle I hope I had a good time last night. I don't remember a thing !! Why do we need to learn to speak!! The two pictures ha"e '1 items in common. Can you spot them? •• •• • •• • lI1aggio 95 39 .- _~...:~=:.::..:-A~;~RII ...::$:...-'-.. TO TREASURE THE BESTMOMENTSOF YOUR UFE 4. COMUNITA'ITALIANA ~ PAtR~RNATIONAL . SCHOOL· . . Photographer. & Video Producer ~DDINGS*BANQUETS COMMERCIAL * STUDIO PORTRAITS CHILDREN PHOTOGRAPHED AT HOME SA, Spencer HilI- Wimbledon, London SWI9 4NY Phone: 0181- 8791378 English in Britain Good selection of top quality frames and albums a'Vailable on request 24 Great Chapel Streel- London W1V 3AF Tel: 01~734 2156 & 01-439 0116 Telex 295929 GEORGE & GRAHAM NEWSAGENTS Italian and English Newspapers and Magazines Don't miss your favourite newspaper or magazine... Subscribe with GEORGE & GRAHAM. Per ricevere la vostra copia di qua)siasi rivista giornale italiano.... 0 ABBONATEVI con GEORGE & GRAHAM Tel: 0171-278 177Q 40 May 95 , I ------------ -- - -- SON A. FRANCE & INDEPENDENT CATHOLIC FAMILY UNDERTAKERS SERVIZI FUNEBRI ALL'ITALlANA LUNGA ESPERIENZA TRASLOCHI SALME IN ITALlA FUNERALS ARRANGED IN LONDON, T!lE COUNTRY AND ITALY Personal Attention At All Times Italian If desired, funeral arrangements can be made at your home "ULTIMA CENA" COFFINS * RICORDINI * /t.l/ian Or English * Pre-Payment Funeral Plans available for .England and Italy LAPIDE /t.lli.ln Or English lnscriptionsPRIVATE CHAPEL OF REST OPEN 7 DAYS FOR VISITING Also At He~domce I 41 MONMOurn ST., LONDON WC2 45 LAMB'S CONDUIT ST., LONDON WCt 14 WATFORD WAY, LONDON NW4 TEL: 071-405 4901 166 CALEDONIAN RD., LONDON NI OR 071-405 2094 For Immediate 24 Hour Service Highspeed colour printing Artwork and Design Antique Restoration Fine Cabinet Making PlateMaking G. ALBANESE 100 Rosebery Avenue NCRSets Manor Park London E12 Sterling Prinffng Photo Typesetting Company Umlt.d 164 High Str••t TeI: 0181-471 5417 0181-364 805218072 Maggio95 41 Mamma's Ricetta Mrs. M. G. Fagottini di Salmone alia Caterina Ingredienti: 8 foglie di pasta filo 4 felle di salmone 500 gr di spinacci 50 gr di burro 2 cucchiai di panna salelnoce moscato poco olio Catti's Salmon Parcels Ingredients 8 sheets of filo past!)' 4 salmon steaks lib spinach 2 oz buller 2 tbsps single cream salt/nutmeg a lillle oil Metodo: Method: Lessate gli spinacci con solo I'acqua adercnte dopo iI lavaggio. Scolateli. Tritatlei. Fate friggerc leggermente gli spinacci in meta' del burro; unite la panna. Togliete dal fuoco. Insaporiteli con sale e noce moscato. Pasate le felle di salmone nel rimanente,burro. Prendete un foglio della pasta e penellatclo con olio. Coprite con un altro foglio e penellate anche questo con I'olio. Mellcte una fctta di salmone ncl centro del foglio di pasta e coprite con un quartodegli spinacci. Prendcte i quallro angoli di pasta allorcigliateli ncl centro formando un piccolo fagollo. Mellete qucsti fagollini su una placca inburmta. Cucinate in fomo pre-scaIdato 190Clno.5 per 20 minuti. Cook the spinach in the water left on leaves after washing. Dmin and chop. Lightly fry the spinach in half the bUller, add the cream and remove from heat. SeaSon with salt and nutmeg. Seal the salmon steaks in the rest of the butter. Take one sheet of filo pastry and brush with oil. Cover with a second sheet and brush with oil. Put a salmon stcak in the centre of the pastry sheet and top with a quarter of the spinach. Take each corner ,of the pastry sheet and twist in thc middle to form a parcel. Place the parcels on a greased ovenproof tray. Bake in, a preheated oven 190Cl!l0.5 for 20 minutes. Torta di Ananas della Stella Stella's Pineapple Cake Ingredienti 3 uova 100 gr zucehero 200 gr farina 3/4 bustina di Iievito Bertolini 2 cucchiai di olio lOO gr margarina fusa I seatola di ananas di 7 felle con sugo una manciata di briciole di,pane I pczzo di margari na Ingredients: 3 eggs 4 oz sugar 8 oz self mising flour I tspn of baking powder 2 tblspns of oil 4 oz margarine or bUllcr, softened I tin of pineapple of 7 rings with juice handful of breadcrumbs I knob of margarine , . Metodo' Method Sballete le uova con 10 zucchero. Unite I'olio, la margarina, la farina ed iI Iicvito. Mescolate insieme tUlli questi ingredicnti. Fate tostare le briciole di pane nclla margarina. Spargetelo sui fondo di una tortiera di 22cm imburmta. Vers.'1tevi sopra iI composto. Sistemate le fclle di ananas a cerchio sopa iI composto con una al centro. Mellctela in fomo prcscaldato 190Clno.5 per 30 minuti. Toglietela dal fomo. Lasciatela raffreddare e versatcvi sopra iI sugo del ananas. Beat the eggs and sugar together. Add the oil, margarinc, flour and baking powder. Mix all the ingredients togcther. Lightly fry the breadcrumbs in the knob of margarine. Put it on the bottom of a greased 8 1/ 2" cake tin. Pour the cake mixture ovcr it. ,Place the pineapple rings on the mixture. One in the centre and the others around it. Bake in preheated oven 190Clno.5 for 30 minutes. Remove from the,oven. Allow to cool: Pour the juice over the cake and it is ready to serve. 42 May 95 -p~, ..P RIVISrA DEU.A COMIJNITA'ITALIANA TAR-OX , TAR-OX Performance Braking Products A range of brake discs and brake pads to improve braking efficiency of vehicles for road and track. The brake discs are manufactured from special cast iron and have up to 40 grooves per surface to increase stopping power. The brake pads can'be supplied in different compounds to suit the driver's requirements. Replacement Parts For FIAT - Yugo -Lada ":" Polski f Lancia'..; A/fa Flomeo L'abbonamento annuale (10 edWonl) con speso postall, solo per la GB, costa £10.00. Rlcordaterl cbe DACKlIlLL\tene prodotto da YoJontarl e non ha scopo dl profitto. Qualunque \'ostro dODO cl a1utera' a contlnuarc a sernre la comunlta' ltallUI. The annual subscription (10 Issu~s) including postage, UK only, Is £10.00. Please rtme~btr that BACKIIILLis a voluntary and non profit maJdD.g publicatioD, Ind any 2ddllional donation )'OU make wUJ help us to continue this Stnice to the Italian Community. BACKHILL Subscriptions, 11 Fieldview Court, Fryent Close, London NW9 Name Nome DatcIData SubslAbbonamento Address Indirizzo DonationIDono Total Enclosed Somma Acclusa £ --Cheques payable to: "BACKHILL" - Vaglie Intcstati a: "BACKHILL" Maggio95 43 =~ -~=-=-_~n:tt~:'::;;;:'~ -E-~-~"~2:~i;;-"~~-~-~§:~'::-~~,~~~~~~n:::=J::.?":';;: ;" 'MORRISTONORPHEUS CHOIR' 5 §.:: ~ '~, ~'. ,DiamoIid"Jubilee C~lebr~tion~ ',. ITALY AFTER THE 1993 REVOLUTION" '~speaker: Count Paolo Filo delIa Torre, Writer and journalist ~ i$'i, mc.,e,:xcerpts from Yerdt and pomzettl ':~, 'j!:: , !;; l'."~ • Sat 13th May at 7.00pm ,,;~ Barbican Centre, Si11{Street,Londori El; ~ Tel:0171 638 8891 ~ ::~r_~ '.. __- - - U i § . -- --~~~ --~~... .------ ---i-_~J&~_~- i' f' SENSE AND NONSENSE ABOUT EUROPE. -~ =;~==; BICYCLE THIEVES directed by Vittorio De Sica Wednesday 31 May 1995 at 6.30pm ;:;Lecture given, by Rt Hon. David MelIor, QC MP Monday 5th June at 7.00 t,o 8.00pm ,'" '" English:,Speaking Uriion , ~ Dartmouth House, 37 Charles Street, London Wl , ~: Tel: 01.71.235 0303 ,I ' ~:,: 1;: Thursday 1st June at 8.00 to'9;00prn', Dartmouth House' 37'Charles Street London WI, ,," , , ' Tei:0171 2350303 ' ' . 'Lectui:egiven by'Fhiyio Caroli, Art Historial) '!:: ' .' Wednesday 10th May at6.45,to'8.00.pm , : ~~: 'Dartmouth House,,37Charles$treet, London'WI ~, ". 'TCI: 01.7(235 Q303' ... " London El. Tel: 0171,382 7000 ~;,: - , ~ , ,: " . !:~::~[i t ' ~i .. :':! : Centni, siik Streei, London El ' Tel:~017( 3827000 ~,t:.~,' :~ , ,~ "ii --"""""....::-~~~;f_~~~=-----::::-~="$ 1995 VERDI FE.~TIVAL ' '~ 8:40p~ Wednesday 3 f srMay at 'BarblCan c"'i; , ' '" :Ll:_4i;::U"1~:':~C~:~~t.$~;~~ii[~::~:i:i::_ ?~ttii~: -~,:t ~ PHYSIOGNOMYIN ART 'IN THE HISTORY - 0"",:, • CARO DIARIO, ';:; " 'OF THE VENiCE BIENNALE :=::direcied by NanniMoretti " ~ Barbican Centre, Silk Street, : ~:;::Ol;::::"_i~~~ ~:i~:::~~::!i,:;_,,~·~~~.;~::~~:i.~,~~,;![~ }: ;::'!I"~,f~U,""i":"l:lli:~~ :F,:i,:,:,' ~ ' ~~ . S .~ ") ,!~~, ,~" STlFELIO ,12,16, 20 Ju.ne ,8,11*; 14 July at 7}Opm UN BALLO IN MASCHERA 14, 17, '19,22 June at. 7,JOpm .' .'. ,~' ~ ':I' "~ ~,\ ," ,.. . "',, 'mE IDUE FOSCARI Conducted'by Daniele Gatti 24,27,30 June 3,5 July at 7.30p'm LA TRAVIATA, Germot - Marcello,Giordani 28 june 1,6, 10*, 13, 17,20 July at 7;09pm ITALY'S PAST: 18 MONTHS AS SEEN FROM EUROPE SIMON BOCCANEGRA 4, 7, 12; 15, 18, 21 July at 7.30pm ARNOLDO 19,,22 July at 7::>Opm Royal Opera House, Covent Garden Te1: 0171 3044000 mE 'l.' ~~ ~-~ 7- ~~ ~ 1I
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