Latest Edition - Suffolk County Community College


Latest Edition - Suffolk County Community College
Latest Edition
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Banned Books Week Read-Out
For the past 30 years, the American Library Association (ALA) has sponsored
“Banned Books Week” as part of the ongoing fight against censorship. Promoting the
freedom to read and express ideas, ALA’s Office of Intellectual Freedom publishes
an annual list of books that have been challenged, i.e., targeted for removal from a
library, school, or curriculum by those that would prefer to keep certain works out
of readers’ hands and, of course, minds. Recent titles that have made the Top Ten
Challenged Books List include The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins, accused
of being anti-family and satanic, and Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a
Part-Time Indian (one of my favorites!) for being sexually explicit, its religious
viewpoint and use of vulgarities.
read passages
from their
“banned books”
at the
To bring awareness to these and other challenged books, a READ OUT was
held on the Ammerman Campus Library steps on Oct. 3rd . Amplified over the
plaza, students from the Honor Society for English Language & Literature, along with
faculty and staff, read aloud the words and provocative ideas of some of their
favorite books, including Catcher in the Rye, The Bluest Eye, Sons and Lovers, and The
Diary of Anne Frank. Whether deemed to be too obscene, too violent, too antiwhite, or too homosexual, the work of the ALA and other like-minded advocates,
including many a librarian, has ensured that the majority of these books remain on
the shelves and in readers’ hands.
—Lisa Melendez
News and Noteworthy . . .
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Upcoming Event
Book Read and Signing
Wednesday, May 1
11:00 - 12:15
Ammerman Library
Room 104
Refreshments will be served.
Join us as Salvatore “Sal” Anthony Esposito, Jr. discusses his recently
released work:
Abu Ghraib after the Scandal: A Firsthand Account of the
344th Combat Support Hospital, 2005-2006
Sal Esposito is a full-time employee at Suffolk County Community College’s
Ammerman campus, where he is also completing an A.S. in Business
Management. After the September 11th attack, Sal re-enlisted in the Army
Reserve and served as a medic with the 344th Combat Support Hospital
based out of Fort Totten, Queens. In 2005 the unit was deployed to Iraq to
raise the quality of health care of detainees in Abu Ghraib, as well as other
facilities throughout the country.
Much has been written and documented about the scandal at Abu Ghraib,
yet the accomplishments of brave men and women serving in Abu Ghraib’s
hospital and field detainment settings have gone unnoticed, until now.
Sal will discuss his experiences in Iraq, detail why the military chose the
344th CSH for this sensitive, humanitarian mission and explain his motivation
for writing, Abu Ghraib after the Scandal.
Expanding Spaces . . .
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Popular Reading Collections
Located behind the Reference desk, in a lounge setting,
browse for contemporary fiction, popular non-fiction, or
biography. An assortment of magazines and journals is also
BOOKS: Popular books are organized by genre/category
as indicated by a sticker on the spine: biography, nonfiction, fiction (general), graphic novels, sci-fi fantasy, and mystery. The library’s full circulating collection is
located on the 2nd floor.
ELL/ESL: The English Language Learners (ELL) collection provides short stories, novels and language skills
books for non-native speakers. The fiction section contains classic novels that are taught in English classes, as
well as works by popular, contemporary American and international authors. A variety of language skills
books are available at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced level.
PERIODICALS: The Periodicals rack houses an assortment of popular magazines and journals, which rotate on a weekly basis. Choose from a variety of popular and academic titles, such as Archeology, PCWorld,
Psychology Today, Scientific American, Smithsonian, Time and many more. Additional Periodicals are located behind the Circulation desk.
Collaborative Lab Expands
Need to work on a group project or presentation?
Come to the Collaborative Lab where you will find group tables, whiteboards, and a presentation station
equipped with Computer, Data Projector, and Smartboard.
Use whiteboards for working out math problems, use the lounge area for small group discussion, or practice a
PowerPoint at the presentation workstation. There’s even space for small group and one-on-one tutoring.
NEED A LAPTOP? Check one
out for use in the library
Laptops are loaded with MSOffice and
provide wireless access to the Internet and
the Library’s printers. Borrow for 2-hour
intervals. Stop by the Circulation desk for
Lab is located in Room 104
on the main level of the Library
Outreach Services . . .
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Library and Writing Center Join Forces
For the past several years, the Ammerman Campus Library and the
Writing Center have teamed up to provide students with one-stop
service for their projects and papers. At designated days and times
toward the end of each semester, crunch time for many Suffolk
Community College students, a librarian will be available to assist those
who visit the Writing Center. The program has proven quite popular
with students who find they need research help in the midst of writing a
paper. In addition,
librarians can provide expert guidance in creating
citations and works cited lists toward the end of a writing project. Each
librarian also travels with an iPad, so when all computers are occupied we
are still ready to save the day, or at least your citations!
Look for announcements on the Suffolk Community College Facebook
page for specific days and times when librarians will be available at the
Ammerman Campus Writing Center.
For more information, please
contact William Burns (451-4537) or Krista Gruber (451-4218).
—Krista Gruber
Nursing Research “Drop-In”
Need help locating scholarly or evidenced-based articles?
Confused by APA citation standards? Seeking assistance with
other nursing-related research questions? Stop by the “Drop-In” center for
individual or small group assistance.
Where? Ammerman’s Huntington Library, Room 10 (lower level)
Wednesdays, 11:00-12:15
Can’t make it on Wednesdays? Contact Marya Shepherd to schedule an
appointment: 451-4168 or
Click here for online SCCC Citation Guides
Notes from Collection Development . . .
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Library and Phi Theta Kappa Team Up For a Worthy Cause
Library weeding projects ensure that our collections remain current, useful and vital. These projects entail
working with classroom faculty within a set of library guidelines in order to establish which items have become
extraneous or out-of-date and can be weeded. A second component of library weeding endeavors is the
infusion of newer editions and current titles that reflect the latest information in the disciplines. Once a
weeding project is completed, students and faculty are able to locate materials more quickly on shelves that
are arranged neatly and spaced so that it is simpler to go through the stacks with the naked eye. Additionally,
recent weeding projects have allowed for much needed space to open up for our students who were in need
of additional seating and computers.
Our weeds do not become trash. After weeded items are removed from the catalog they are brought to
the lower level of the library where, in accordance with College policy, faculty are provided the opportunity to
see if they would like to bring any of the items home for their personal collections.
The library partnered up with 3,000 libraries nationwide and the Alpha Zeta Nu Chapter of Phi Theta
Kappa (P.T.K.), the International Honor Society for two-year colleges, to see to it that weeded items do not
wind up in landfills. Members of P.T.K. have been using their brain and brawn to pack boxes of weeded books
so that they can be given to Better World Books. Better World Books funds worldwide literacy initiatives and
was selected by P.T.K. as recipients of our weeded books due to the company’s efforts in recycling and
humanitarian causes.
If you have any questions, please contact your department’s library liaison. Thank you to all of the faculty,
staff and students who have aided us in our collection management projects and for helping to make the library
the best it can be. We look forward to continued collaborations.
—Deborah Provenzano
Library Statistics for 2011-2012 Academic Year
Books added to the collection: 2,072
Books circulated:
Questions answered at the Reference Desk: 13,785
Total classes taught:
College 101/105/125:
Around the Library . . .
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On February 26, during common hour the Fashion Club produced a slick and elegant fashion show using the
library’s lobby as their runway. Congratulations to the women and men of the club who strutted their stuff to
the beat of their chosen music, narrated by the club members. Chair of the Fashion Club Mikhail Leabaux
worked with Susan Lieberthal, campus head librarian to put this program together. Furniture was delivered,
bistro tables set up, goodies laid out and beautiful models produced! Congratulations to the Fashion Club for all
their efforts. We welcome clubs who want to perform in our lobby. We try to bring in at least one “stress
busting” activity per semester. Anyone interested in participating in our “bistro” events, please contact Susan
Lieberthal, Campus Head Librarian.
—Susan Lieberthal
ART by Don Wilson
Drawings by Eva Iocono
East End Artists
Exhibit in the
Library’s Lobby
Seascapes and
idyllic settings
of Long Island’s
North Shore
“Lost Tribes”
Ammerman Campus
Research News
Susan Lieberthal
Check out our Research Guides!
Subject Guides - Research tools for each discipline at
SCCC, from American Sign Language to Visual Arts.
Head Librarian
Phone: 555-555-5555
Kathleen Alfred, Secretary
Fax: 555-555-5555
Reference Librarians
Jennifer Farquhar
Information About…Guides – How-to guides for help
with citing sources, evaluating websites, searching databases and more.
Ammerman Campus Guides – Customizable research
guides for specific class assignments.
Krista Gruber
Lisa Meléndez
Deborah Provenzano
Marya Shepherd
Faculty – if you would like the library to create a guide for your
course or add a resource to a Subject Guide, please contact
Jenny Farquhar
Karen DuBicki,
Reference Assistant
Library & Academic Computing Center
Phone Numbers
Reference: 451-4830
Circulation: 451-4170
Newsletter Editor
Marya Shepherd
Spring Hours
Monday– Thursday
8 :00 a.m. - 10 :00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
All books must be checked out 15 minutes prior to