June 5, 2016 - Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church
June 5, 2016 - Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church
Parochial Vicar Rev. Hugues Berrette Parish Secretaries Uris Boxhill Beatrice Rousseau Yessenia Hernández Director of Music Dominic Russo Spanish Mass Sandra Roper Haitian Mass Frélior Charles Souls in Harmony Junie Leblanc Iglesia Católica Romana de la Santa Cruz Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Malagreca Eglise Catholique Romaine de la Sainte Croix Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church Pastor Director of Religious Education Mrs. Catherine Hayes 347-406-6333 Baptism Celebrated once a month in English, Spanish or Creole Reconciliation Confessions: Saturday 9 AM & 4 PM or by appointment Marriages Arrangements should be made at least 6 months in advance. call Rectory for appointment. St. Gregory the Great Catholic Academy 2520 Church Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11226 718 774-3330/282-2770 Rudolph Cyrus. Principal 2530 Church Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11226 718-469-5900; Fax 718-469-5901 e-mail: msgrjoe@aol.com Web Site: holycrossrcchurch.org Sunday Masses: 5:00 PM Saturday; 8:30 AM & 11:30 AM Sunday – in English 10:00 AM domingo en español; 11h30 AM dimanche en créole – à la chapelle 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 5, 2016 God, Who called me from my mother's womb, set me apart and called me through His grace. He was pleased to reveal His Son to me, so that I might proclaim Him to the nations [Gal. 113-14] In Luke 7.11-17, today's Gospel, Jesus was moved with pity. He said: ``Do not weep... Young man, I say to you: Arise!'' Masses and Services for the Week of June 5th June 5, 2016 - 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Breaking Bread: p.179) 8:30 AM Stanley Jules - Birhday 10:00 AM Misa en español Por el Pueblo de la Parroquia 11:30 AM Sick of the Parish by the Men's Fellowship 11:30 AM Messe Haïtienne Kettely - Anniversaire 4:00 PM Mass of Thanksgiving Msgr. Joseph Malagreca 40th Annivesary of Priesthood MONDAY, June 6 - St. Norbert 8:30 AM Jennilene - Birthday by her Mother TUESDAY, June 7 8:30 AM Shakira & Kishi - Birthdays by their Grandfather Keith Hall 7:30 PM Messe Charismatique Haïtienne † Wilner Siméon par Samphanise Siméon Please pray for the Deceased of our Parish Floris Meyers; Altagrâce Toussaint; Anisson Mélidor; Carlton Woo; Iona Moses; Jean-Robert Toussaint; Jean-Marc Valès; Kenly Joseph; Marie-Jeanne Killick; Marthe Sencé; Lucie Raphaël; Renel Saintus; Jean-Onold Nelzy; Ozias Andrews; Helen Robertson; Hugh Fermin; Errol Lynch; Mona Williams; Christine Woodrooffe; Elvire Mathieu; Rita Honekman; Jean-Yva Duplessis; Willis Pollard; Augustine Henry; Laurel Panthier; Cecilia Bailey; Simeon Bailey; Fr. Joseph Pasciutto; Bishop Vincent Darius; Constance English; Marie Ambroise; SantaniaDarius; Josette Jean-Jacques A GLORIOUS PROCESSION Jesus truly wanted to walk the streets of our parish last Sunday, Corpus Christi. With sunshine and a breeze, hundreds of parishioners persevered for a Procession that lasted 3 hours! A special thanks to all those who helped make this expression of Eucharistic Catholic Faith so beautiful: The Four Altars of Repose Thank you to the Williams Family; the Guadaloupe Family; the Family of Jacques Desprez; and the Soto Family - you opened your homes to Jesus, and His people could praise Him. The Children Many adults helped care for all the children who marched and threw rose petals. Thank you! The Parish Groups The Altars took on different Biblical Themes: the English Prayer Group did the first Altar - ``the Works of Mercy''- where we prayed for the victimized and underprivileged. The Holy Cross Helpers prepared the Second Altar - ``the Magnificat'' where we placed our prayers before Mary's powerful intercession. The Youth Group Rayon d'Espoir prepared ``The Divine Mercy'' at the Third Altar. We took advantage of this altar to pray for our Youth. The Hispanic Community prepared the fourth altar - ``The Good Samaritan'' - where we prayed for the New Evangelization. Back in church, we read ``God is rich in mercy!'' The Musicians Our Procession was filled with beautiful music. Thank you to the Choirs; and to the song leaders - Frélior Charles, Engish Choir members, and Sandra Roper. WEDNESDAY, June 8 8:30 AM Adrienne Parks - Birthday by her Mother Elaine THURSDAY, June 9 - St. Ephrem 8:30 AM In Honor of the sacred Heart by Yolènje Salomon FRIDAY, June 10 (Every Friday is a Day of Penance) 8:30 AM † Stella Raeburn by her Familyffy SAT., June 11 - St. Barnabas 8:30 AM In Thanksgiving for Michael Parks by his Mother Elaine 5:00 PM Rhiyanna - Birhtday by her Grandmother Janet Bread and Wine for the Month of June offered for In Thanksgiving by Agnes Lambert & Family Candles the Month of June offered In Thanksgiving for Berndatte & Joanne by their Mother Readings for the Week of June 5, 2016 Sunday: ......................... 1 Kgs 17.17-24/Gal 1.11-19/Lk 7.11-17 Monday: ................................................. 1 Kgs 17.1-6/Mt 5.1-12 Tuesday: ............................................. 1 Kgs 17.7-16/Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday: ...................................... 1 Kgs 18.20-39/Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: ......................................... 1 Kgs 18.41-46/Mt 5.20-26 Friday: ........................................... 1 Kgs 12.19.9-16/Mt 5.37-32 Saturday: .................................Acts 11.21-26;13.1-3/Mt 5.33-37 Next Sunday:................ 2 Sam 12.7-13/Gal 2.16-21/Lk 7.36-8.3 Altar Servers and Ushers Nineteen Altar Servers gave service to Jesus. Many of the Ushers organized and moved us along. A special thanks to Aura Casprowitz who prepared the petal decorations in the church. To all the workers: Thank you! The Parishioners It is an great joy to gather as a parish in unity with the Body of Christ. Hundreds of parishioners marched. When we returned to church at 4:00 PM, there were still more than 400 people in attendance who had walked with the Risen Christ. Thank you for living faith! SUNDAY, June 5th - 4:00 PM Celebration of Msgr. Malagreca's 40th Anniversary RECEPTION ON JUNE 5th On Msgr. Malagreca's 40th Anniversary, Sun., June 5th, after the 4:00 PM Mass, our parish would like to offer a meal to all who come and celebrate with him. Come celebrate with us after Mass HOW TO RECEIVE COMMUNION WORTHILY We Catholics have this most wonderful gift: we are invited to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus whenever we assist at Mass. If you could think of all the possible gifts, there is no treasure that could compare with this: the Body of the Lord Jesus Who became a man to unite us to God; His Precious Blood which has been shed for our salvation. No one is worthy to receive Communion - how is it possible to be worthy to receive the Lord? You could not merit this gift. We receive Communion because He gives Himself freely - to rich and poor alike. But, nevertheless, St. Paul writes: "Whoever eats the Bread or drinks the Cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the Body and Blood of the Lord." (1 Cor. 11.27) In order to assure the reverent and holy reception of the Eucharist, the Church has established these norms which must be obeyed for worthy reception: 1.Only baptized Catholics, in full Communion with the Church, who have made their First Communion are invited to receive Holy Communion. 2.You must be morally sure that you are free from grave sin in order to receive Communion. If you th Sunday, May 29 ................................................... $ 7,996 Repairs .................................................................... $ 2,176 Number of Envelopes (1st Collection) .........................581 SCAN-VAN APPOINTMENTS for Sunday, June 12th free mammograms for women 40 and older but you must call for your appointment (800) 564-6868 The Scan-Van will be here on Sunday, June 12th from 9:30 AM on! are aware of having committed any grievous offense against the Lord, it is necessary to confess your sin in Confession and receive absolution before daring to approach the Lord's Table. (If someone is living in a civil marriage, or living together as a couple without any marriage, it is necessary to marry in God's eyes, or to separate before being able to confess and receive Communion.) 3.As a sign of readiness for the Sacrament, it is necessary to fast for one hour before the reception of Holy Communion. This fast includes all forms of food and drink, (gum, candy and soda too) except water and medicine. 4.Holy Communion is a gift offered to the faithful every day if they so wish. If you attend a second Mass on any given day, you may receive a second time. You may not exceed twice a day. 5.It is also necessary to have proper spiritual preparation for the worthy reception of Communion. It is incorrect to be so late for Mass that you have missed the Consecration, and then just walk up for Communion. Sun,. June 12th, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Outside Breakfast- Hispanic Choir Sun., June 12th, 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM, Auditorium Scan-Van Sun., June 19th, 1:30 PM, Auditorium ..........................Fathers' Day Dinner - Women's Group Sun,. June 26th, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Outside Bake Sale- Hispanic Youth Group Sun., June 26th, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Auditorium Health Check Sun,. July 3rd, 1:30 PM to 6:00 PM, Outside Parish Barbecue - $10 a plate FR. JAMES MIKADO from Ghana will return to Holy Cross for summer assistance July 1-Sept.30 PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY DOOR OF MERCY St. James Cathedral, Jay Street, Brooklyn Saturday, June 25th SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Peter's Pence is the annual Collection made in every parish in the world for the needs of our Holy Father, Pope Francis Special envelopes in the boxes and at the church exits for Sunday, June 26th MISSIONARY APPEAL A representative of the Catholic Holy Cross Outreach will preach at the Masses on July 2-3 All the loose money in the 2nd collection will be sent to this Missionary venture 10:30 AM ......................... Gather at Holy Cross Church (bring your Metro Card; we are going by train) 11:30 AM ........................................... Arrive at St. James 12:00 noon .......................... Pass through the Holy Door 12:30 PM ................................. Holy Hour & Confessions 1:30 PM ............................................................ Holy Mass All Tee Shirts have been ordered; we expect to distribute them the weekend of June 12th. Please wear your Holy Door Tee-Shirt! This Pilgrimage is an action of the 10 Brooklyn Parishes of Flatbush-Canarsie-Spring Creek COMMENT RECEVOIR LA SAINTE COMMUNION DIGNEMENT Nous-mêmes Catholiques nous avons un don merveilleux: nous sommes invités à recevoir le Corps et le Sang de Jésus chaque fois que nous assistons à la Messe. Si vous allez penser à tous les dons possibles, il n'y a point de trésor qui comparaît à celui-ci: le Corps du Seigneur Jésus Qui est devenu homme pour nous unir à Dieu; Son Sang Précieux qui a été répandu pour notre salut. Personne n'est digne de recevoir la Communion comment serait-il possible d'être digne de recevoir le Seigneur? L'on ne peut pas mériter ce cadeau. Nous recevons la Communion parce qu'Il Se donne gratuitement - aux pauvres et aux riches. Mais, néanmoins, St-Paul écrit: "Celui qui mangera le Pain ou boira la Coupe du Seigneur indignement, se rendra coupable envers le Corps et le Sang du Seigneur." (1 Cor. 11.27) Pour assurer la réception révérente et sainte de l'Eucharistie, l'Église a établi des normes qu'il faut obéir pour la digne réception du Sacrement: 1.Seulement les Catholiques baptisés, en pleine unité avec l'Église Catholique, qui ont reçu la Première Communion, sont invités à recevoir la Sainte Communion. 2.Il faut que vous soyez moralement sûr d'être libre DIMANCHE, 5 JUIN - 4:00 PM ici à Holy Cross - Messe d'Action de Grâce: 40ème Anniversaire Sacerdotale Mgr. Joseph Malagreca MARDI, 7 JUIN - 7h30 PM Messe Charismatique Haïtienne DIMANCHE, 19 JUIN Commencement de la Neuvaine de N.D. du Perpétuel Secours Théatre ``Sight & Sound'': Samson samedi, 10 septembre Tickets: $150 voyez Evelyn; Casilda; Aura ou François ou venez au Presbytère L'autobus partira à 7h30 AM Premier arret: Pennsylvania Outlet Stores Ticket inclut Théatre; Diner; Autobus ¡Levántate Leve kanpe! Arise! du péché grave pour recevoir la Communion. Si vous êtes conscient d'avoir commis une offense sérieuse contre le Seigneur, il est nécessaire de confesser votre péché dans le Sacrement de la Pénitence et de recevoir l'absolution avant de vous oser approcher à la Table du Seigneur. (Si quelqu'un vit dans un mariage civil ou dans le plaçage, c'est nécessaire de se marier vraiment ou de se séparer avant la réception de Pénitence et de Communion.) 3. Comme un signe d'être préparé pour le Sacrement, il est nécessaire de jeûner pour une heure avant la réception de la Sainte Communion. Ce jeûne inclut toute formes de nourriture et de boisson (chiclet, bonbons et sodas inclus), sauf de l'eau et de la médicine. 4. La Sainte Communion est un cadeau offert aux fidèles tous les jours, si l'on en désire. Si l'on assiste à une deuxième Messe dans une journée, l'on pourra recevoir une deuxième fois. L'on ne pourra pas recevoir plus de deux fois dans une journée. 5. C'est aussi nécessaire d'avoir la préparation spirituelle correcte pour la digne réception de la Communion. Il n'est pas correct d'arriver tellement tard pour la Messe que l'on a perdu même la Consécration, et puis de s'approcher pour communier. NOTRE DAME DU PERPÉTUEL SECOURS L'Apostolat Haïtien invites tous les Haïtiens à célébrer la Fête Patronale de Notre Dame du Perpétuel Secours lundi, 27 juin - 6h00 PM Basilique N.D. du Perpétuel Secours 5th Avenue & 60th Street ARISE! is coming in September ¡LEVÁNTATE llegará en septiembre! LEVE-KANPE! arrivera en septembre Would you consider joining a Small Group for six weeks to share your faith? Pourrez-vous considérez que vous allez vous joindre à un Petit Groupe pendant six semaines pour partager votre foi ? ¿Podrás pensar en pertenecer a un Pequeño Grupo por seis semanas para compartir tu fe? 0487 – Holy Cross, Brooklyn COMO RECIBIR LA SANTA COMUNIÓN DIGNAMANTE Nosotros Católicos tenemos el don el más maravilloso: somos invitados a recibir el Cuerpo y Sangre de Jesús cuando asistamos a la Misa. Si tú pudieras pensar en todos los dones posibles en el mundo, no hay un tesoro que comparece con éste: el Cuerpo del Señor Jesús Quien Se hizo hombre para unirnos con Dios; Su Sangre Preciosa que derramó para nuestra salvación. No hay nadie digno de recibir la Comunión - ¿cómo sería posible ser digno de recibir al Señor? Tú no puedes merecer este regalo. Nosotros comulgamos porque Él Se da libremente - a ricos y pobres iguales. Pero, sin embargo, San Pablo escribe: "Si alguien come el Pan y bebe la Copa del Señor indignamente, peca contra el Cuerpo y la Sangre del Señor." (1 Cor. 11.27) Para asegurar le recepción digna y santa de la Eucaristía, la Iglesia ha establecido estas normas que tienen que obedecerse para su recepción digna: 1.Sólo Católicos bautizados, en Comunión con la Iglesia, que han hecho su Primera Comunión, pueden comulgar. 2.Uno tiene que estar moralmente seguro que está DOMINGO, 5 de JUNIO - 4:00 PM aquí en Holy Cross Misa de Acción de Gracias: 40 años de Sacredoicio Msñr. José Malagreca DÍA AL AIRE LIBRE- 3 de sept. Día Carismático - Santuario de María, Haverstraw Predicador: David Bisonó ``Conozcan Su Misericordia'' Boletos de Autobús: $35 FELICITACIONES El Instituto Pastoral Diocesano anuncia la comisión de Ana Dolores Hernández & Graciela Mendoza-Domínguez como líderes pastorales laicos para la parroquia de Holy Cross, Brooklyn El 19 de mayo de 2016, 66 personas fueron comisionados para servicio voluntario a las parroquias en Brooklyn y Queens. Todos han completado el Programa de Ministerio Laico patrocinado por el Instituto Pastoral. libre de pecado grave para recibir la Comunión. Si está conciente de haber cometido una ofensa grave contra el Señor, es necesario confesar su pecado en el Sacramento de la Penitencia y recibir la absolución antes de atreverse de acercarse a la Mesa del Señor. (Los que viven en un matrimonio civil, o parejas que conviven sin casarse deben buscar matrimonio en la Iglesia o separarse antes de confesarse y comulgar.) 3. Como signo de preparación para el Sacramento, es necesario ayunar por una hora antes de recibir la Santa Comunión. Este ayuno incluye toda forma de comida y bebida (chicle, bonbones y soda también) eccepto el agua y la medicina. 4. La Santa Comunión es un regalo ofrecido a los fieles todos los días si quieren. Si asistes a una segunda Misa en un día, puedes volver a comulgar, pero no más de dos veces en un día. 5.Además, es necesario tener la preparación espiritual adecuada para comulgar dignamente. No es correcto llegar tan tarde para la Misa - habiendo perdido la Consagración - y pues acercarse para recibir Comunión. ``EARLY BIRD'' REGISTRATION for CATECHISM IN SEPTEMBER Classes will finish on June 12th and begin again in September Every child must be registered again Registration on Sundays from May 22nd to July 10th New Registrants: 1 child: $50.00 - family registered member $70.00 - non registered family Discount for 2 or more children (same parent) Re-registration Early Bird Price 1 child: $30.00 - family registered member $50.00 - non registered family Catechism classes are for all children: Kindergarten through High School We also invite any ADULT, who has never been baptized, or made Communion or Confirmation, to come to our Adult Religion Program Children and Adults should come to St. Mary's Hall for registration after Mass on Sundays