Calistoga - Net-Flow Corporation
Calistoga - Net-Flow Corporation
Tribune Calistoga Independently owned and published in Calistoga for Calistogans since 2002 March 20, 2015 uBike Path Meeting Vine Trail wants to talk about connecting us to St. Helena Below u Vegetation fire Firefighters douse fire on shoulder on Tubbs Lane 7 t Cats getting Better 50¢ Softball and baseball teams play strong on diamond 12 Photo by Gene Duffy Jr City applies for funds to replace 49-year old water tank n Feds, state say city may be eligible for $1.8 million By Pat Hampton Tribune Publisher A new million gallon water storage tank could replace the one built in 1966 that is inefficient and hazardous, tucked away in Feige Canyon. Built in 1966, the Feige tank is in desperate need of rehabilitation or replacement said city public works director Mike Kirn. The Feige tank has had virtually no maintenance for the last 47-years because the city’s water system couldn’t operate without the storage tank. A new 1.5 million gallon water tank was completed atop Mt. Washington, which could allow the Feige tank to be taken off-line and repaired or replaced. A 2013 Kennedy/Jenks report determined that the existing welded steel tank has significant structural/seismic deficiencies and is not mechanically anchored to the ground. Kirn said the cost for a new tank was $2.4 million, but representatives from the State Office of Emergency Services (OES) and FEMA urged Kirn to apply for a Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). Funds were made available because of the August 2014 earthquake in Napa. In January, a notice that funding was available was sent to Kirn who told both agencies that Calistoga was interested in replacing the Feige Canyon water tank. Kirn submitted a letter with supporting documents about the condition and cost of the tank’s replacement. Last week Kirn was told that Calistoga met funding criteria and was told to apply for the grant. The OES would grant $1.87 million to the project if the city would commit to matching funds of $625,000. Councilmembers approved the project Tuesday night at the council meeting, directed Kirn to send in the supporting paperwork for the grant and a commitment of matching funds by the city. Kirn reported the lifespan of a rehabilitated tank would be 40-years; a new tank, which is only a little over $300K more expensive, will last closer to 100-years, twoand-a-half times longer. The new tank must be completed by Sept. 11, 2018, according to the agreement. HAPPY 1st DAY OF SPRING! City council supports bocce courts n Rotary Club says it is a community service By Pat Hampton Tribune Publisher Photo by LinDsey oLson Elementary school teacher and photographer Lindsay Olsen shared a photo he took as Spring approached the Napa Valley. Today, March 20, is the first day of Spring. The word equinox is derived from the Latin words meaning “equal night.” All over the world, days and nights are approximately equal. Today, the sun rises exactly in the east and sets exactly in the west. The Calistoga Rotary Club asked the city council this week if it could build four bocce ball courts in Logvy Community Park near the Napa River. Ed Johnson, the club’s community services chair, in a letter to city manager Richard Spitler, said the club members would build the four courts themselves and then turn them over to the city for upkeep. Johnson said he understood that a 500-foot walkway allowing access to the courts and new handicapped parking would be required to meet ADA standards and wondered if those projects could be the city’s responsibility. Spitler said there were issues with the project that need to be worked out, including trash collection, a drainage holding area, picnic tables and a storage shed. He said the council should approve the plan in concept, but to allow time for city staff and Rotary members See BOCCE page 7 Vine Trail meeting will explain how it will connect Calistoga to St. Helena n Vine Trail meeting Monday to share plans By Amanda Rhodes Tribune Staff Writer An informational meeting on the proposed Vine Trail portion of the bike/walk pathway connecting Calistoga and St. Helena will be held Monday, March 23 at the Calistoga Community Center from 5:30 - 7 p.m. Vine Trail staff and consultants will present an overview of the project that will ultimately provide nine continuous miles of scenic walking and biking trails connecting the two cities. The Napa Valley Vine Trail Coalition, a nonprofit organization The Vine Trail, through a grant from an anonymous donor, has been working for the past two years with the city of Calistoga, Napa County and Caltrans to develop a route to connect BotheSee TRAIL page 7 Vine Trail to provide nine continuous miles of scenic walking and biking trails connecting Calistoga and St. Helena. PAGE 2 Friday, March 20, 2015 NEWS Calistoga News IN BRIEF Citywide yard sale, e-waste collection The third annual Earth Day City Wide Yard Sale is scheduled for Saturday, April 18, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Start gathering those gems and goodies to recycle, re-purpose, redo and call the recreation department at 942-2838 if you would like your home or neighborhood to be in the sale and get on the map. The city is joining with Upper Valley Disposal Services and Westamerica Bank for an e-waste collection and paper shredding event. Residents can drop off any item with a plug and/or up to 10 boxes of paper to be shredded. Takes place in the Logvy parking lot on Saturday, April 25 from 9 a.m. to noon. CCAT annual cat-fix offer now until May CCAT’s annual “Great Calistoga Cat Fix” is an ongoing free service by CCAT. In March, April, and May Weather Forecast March 21 - 26 Day Sat., Sunrise CALISTOGA TRIBUNE Sunset High Low Chance of Rain Mar 21 7:13 a.m. 7:23 p.m. 72 47 0% Sun., Mar. 22 7:12 a.m. 7:24 p.m. 67 52 0% Mon., Mar. 23 7:09 a.m. 7:25 p.m. 66 45 80% Tues., Mar. 24 7:09 a.m. 7:26 p.m. 66 45 10% Wed., Mar. 25 7:07 a.m. 7:27 p.m. 76 49 10% Thurs., Mar. 26 7:05 a.m. 7:28 p.m. 77 50 0% PREDICTIONS FOR THE DAYS AHEAD: Calistoga Cat Action Team (CCAT) will pay to spay or neuter pet cats and give them a Rabies shot. An appointment for this free service must be made through CCAT. For an appointment, call Kristin Casey at 942-1127; or Rose LeClerc at 4946422; or Jan Vogel at 942-8382. City offers residents “Cash for Grass” The City of Calistoga is offering $1.00 per square foot to replace eligible lawn areas with: low-water-use, climate-appropriate plants / permeable hardscape / artificial grass (polyethylene and nylon products only). The program is open to all residential properties that are served with a City of Calistoga water account. The maximum rebate is $750. Download the Cash for Grass informational brochure and application form at www. Music concert for trafficked children A concert for trafficked children is performing on April 24 at 8 p.m. in the Lincoln Theater in Yountville’s veterans home. Investigation on homicide case reveals dispute was over money FOR THE CALISTOGA TRIBUNE The Napa County Sheriff’s Office revealed information in its investigation into Monday’s reported homicide that took place south of the Town of Yountville, in the 6100 block of Solano Avenue. Based on the facts of the investigation and witness interviews, Capt. Douglas Pike, information officer for the Napa County Sheriff’s Office, said the investigation revealed that the two men, Emad Rasmy Tawfilis, 48, of Los Gatos, and Robert Dahl, 47, of Fairfield had a business relationship and were currently involved in some opposing civil litigation. They had scheduled to meet with each other at Dahl Vineyards for a possible settlement conference, without their attorneys. During the meeting, something tragically went wrong. Investigation of the scene and eye witness interviews indicate that the assault began inside the winery building. From there, Tawfilis fled, on foot, southbound through the vineyard with Dahl pursuing him in his black SUV (a 2014 Toyota). As he was being pursued, Tawfilis was on a 911 line with Dispatch reporting that he had been shot and that “Robert Dahl” was coming after him in his truck and was trying to kill him. As he was chasing Tawfilis, Dahl was believed to be firing repeatedly at Tawfilis with a .22 caliber semiautomatic handgun. After making his way to the intersection of Hoffman Lane and Solano Avenue, the now wounded Tawfilis fell to the ground See HOMICIDE page 6 Nails by J eanette at Julie's Hair and Nail Spa Saturday Partly Cloudy Sunday Tuesday Monday Partly Cloudy Sunny Rain Rainfall this week: 0" (Wednesday to Tuesday) Total rainfall to date: 26.6" This time last year: 17.5" Total for the 2013/14 rainfall season was 23.1" Total for the 2012/13 rainfall season was 33" Rainfall reports from Larry Kuzdenyi on 4th Street, Calistoga 504 Washington Street 942-6524 OPEN 7 Days a Week STORAGE UNITS, BOXES & MOVING SUPPLIES RV & BOAT STORAGE ALSO AVAILABLE Kathy Brown, Manager A place of Welcome, Service and Spiritual Growth. $105 Mon-Thurs $155 Weekends Washington Street Lodging 1605 Washington St. • Calistoga (707) 942-6968 or (877) 214-3869 Sunday Service 10: 0 0 am holy Communion Children’s Program with and 707-942-6007 1504 Myrtle Street, Calistoga, CA 94515 calistoga Family eye care center Visit us on Facebook eye glASSeS cONtAct leNSeS eye exAmS Jean A. Neeley, Optometrist Calistoga Wine stop SaleS and TaSTing Room Weekdays & Saturdays • 1220 Washington Street • 942-4674 Paul J. Dohring 707.942.1298 Available every day except Friday Jeanette Hernandez |707.280.7821 1621 Lincoln Ave. Calistoga, CA 94515 Flowers for every occasion 623-8362 Glenn Pope Woodworking, Inc. Cabinetry • Millwork • Furniture 504-B Washington Street Calistoga, CA 94515 (707) 942-5393 Fax (707) 942-8420 Lic. No. 017492 Glenn Pope Framed! Custom PiCture Framing FREE Standard Glass if you mention this ad 813 Washington street, Calistoga, Ca 94515 942-6316 OPEN DAILY 10 - 5 • Closed Wednesday Units AvAilAble now! Also AvAilAble: Rv And boAt stoRAge Clients First 1220 Washington Street Drop-ins welcome CALISTOGA SELF STORAGE attorney at law Personal Injury, Corporations, Partnerships, LLC’s, Business & Civil Litigation Real Estate & Construction Law Land Use Call or text for an appointment And Those Are JusT A FeW oF The Wines We CArry! Come & see For yourselF 1.800.648.4521 • 707.942.5556 10–6 Daily 1458 LincoLn Avenue • no. 2 Calistoga, Ca 94515 we HAve boxes & PAcking sUPPlies Kathy Brown, Manager 504 Washington Street Calistoga, CA 94515 (707) 942-6524 • FAX 942-2236 Open 7 Days for Your Convenience. Mon-Fri: 8:30 – 6:00 • Sat & Sun: 9:00 – 5:00 EAST Washington Street WEST Washington Street COME TO CALISTOGA SELF STORAGE St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Kitchens • Private Baths • Pet Friendly We can’t give you x-ray vision, but we can help you see the world through rose-colored glasses... Stuffed To The Rafters? Calistoga tribune Friday, March 20, 2015 Page 3 Calistoga News Track promoter asking businesses how races can help fans, downtown Curbside Comments By Claudia Aceves By Bill Sessa Tribune Sports Correspondent Where is your favorite place to shop in Calistoga? Richard Johnsen Calistoga “The bookstore (Copperfield Books) is great. Cal Mart is also fun. We’ll say Cal Mart.” Lindsey Taylor Calistoga “Cal Mart because I always run into people I haven’t seen in a while and I like food.” David Moon-Wainwright Calistoga “Up Valley Vintners probably.” Local business owners will be hosted by the management of Calistoga Speedway at a reception to discuss ways in which race weekends can be more successful for race fans and downtown customers alike. The event, hosted by Tommy Hunt, race promoter and president of HMC Promotions, will be held March 30 at 6 p.m. at the Roastery on Lincoln Street in downtown Calistoga. All members of the Calistoga Chamber of Commerce Tommy Hunt are welcome to attend. “We are very honored to preserve and continue the legacy of racing that has been a vital part of Calistoga for 78 years,” said Hunt, who has promoted races at the half mile oval for the last three years and created and promoted the track’s biggest event, the Louie Vermeil Classic. “In a sense, the track belongs to the community,” said Hunt, who noted that local service organizations such as the Lions Club and Wildcat Booster Speedway promoter wants to meet with fans and downtown businesses to discuss ways to improve race weekends. Club raise funds with their volunteer work on race weekends. “We would like to do everything that we can to make race weekends as successful as possible both at the fairgrounds and downtown and are looking forward to hearing the comments and suggestions of local business owners.” he said. Unlike most race tracks on county fairgrounds that host races every weekend from spring to fall, Calistoga Speedway has the distinction of hosting only special events on four to six weekends from April through September. As one of a few surviving half mile ovals in the western United States, Calistoga Speedway is larger than other local tracks and regularly draws thousands of outof-town fans on race weekends that host major national and regional traveling series for sprint cars and motorcycles. Calistoga Speedway’s 2015 schedule kicks off with a “Sprint Car Spectacular” featuring the national World of Outlaws and three regional sprint car series on April 11 -12. The King of the West sprint car series returns on June 27. Non-wing, traditional sprint cars will be featured during the three-day Louie Vermeil Classic on Labor Day weekend, September 4-6. The national championships for the AMA Flat Track series ends the season on Sept. 26. ASE CERTIFIED TECHNICIAN New Year Special! Bring in this ad and receive $29 off your initiation fee! Suzanne & Bob Allen PORTER'S GARAGE FULL SERVICE SHOP Tires • Brakes • Alignments Computerized Diagnostic Service (707) 942-0178 Calistoga “We like the little antique stores and the book store.” Aldo Marin County “Chicken Scratch because of the wide variety and friendly atmosphere.” 24 hour 7 Day a week access for members, Personal trainers, Group Exercise classes, cardio theater, free weights, showers and more! See our class schedule online @ OK TIRE STORE OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE BFGoodrich • Goodyear Wheel Alignment and Balancing Mobile Truck & Tractor Repair We invite you to sign up for the Tribune to keep up with what’s going on in our town. Cover to cover, just Calistoga. 942-5181 Shaw Plumbing Serving the Napa Valley Since 1963 707-942-5275 1330 Gerard St. in Calistoga. (Behind the Post office and Firehouse) Calistoga Tribune 1020 Foothill Blvd., #8 Calistoga, CA Hours: Monday – Friday 8 – 5 Sean Wilson, Owner 963-2343 910 Dowdell Lane, St. Helena Locally Owned by Calistoga Residents For Sales & Service Call 942-6754 Commercial & Residential ConstruCtion • repairs • remodeling SEWER SERVICE WATER HEATERS GARBAGE DISPOSALS 711 Washington Street • Calistoga Lic. No. 398901 • FAX 942-0763 BALE GRIST MILL State Historic Park Re-discover the Old Napa Valley – explore the past at this historic granary built in 1846. Watch the 36-foot wooden wheel turn the stone wheels during milling demonstrations on the weekends. Open 10a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 3369 Hwy 29, 3 miles south of Calistoga • 942-4574 Page 4 Friday, March 20, 2015 Calistoga tribune Perspectives This 'n That Pat Hampton Tribune Publisher So what do you know that I don’t? I missed the city council meeting this week, gave it a pass for a night at Uptown Theater and the music of ukulele virtuoso Jake Shimabukuro. I know, how can I pass up a city council meeting for a ukulele? A voice that said “just do it, you can watch the meeting the next day” gave me leave to forego my seat in the front row at the Community Center and find a seat inside the Uptown Theater instead. It was a pretty light agenda, the introduction of building bocce courts was the highlight of the night. Let me know if I missed any good stories. ■■■■ We are enjoying, like everyone else, the gorgeous weather with a bit of guilt. Hopeful that storm clouds will return someday, and the trees and plants will fill up on rainwater, we look at the azure sky and say a quiet prayer for rain, significant rain. Everyone’s dressing in flip-flops and shorts, putting on sunglasses and talking about the weather while looking over their shoulder. Even the family dog is lying outside on the sidewalk getting a sun bath before she comes into the house. ■■■■ Heard a really good idea about the new LED school sign that is continually scrolling messages and reminders about dates and events in front of the elementary school. You can’t miss it, bright green and white lights project information like an old teletype. Why not use it for some educational fun? Start a “Word of the Day” campaign for the students to see and interact with going to and from school. Put up a word in the morning and by afternoon add it’s meaning. Fifth and sixth graders especially would increase their vocabularies as well as drivers who pass by. Speaking of differences at the school compared to what those of us from the Boomer crowd remember, I heard the bell ring for change of class or the end of lunch. Not too long ago the bells sounded just like those used in prisons, angry and shrill and very unpleasant. But the bells at CES were pleasant tones, almost like chimes instead of that irritating bell that sent out demands for cooperation. ■■■■ Hardly fair that tomorrow is Spring opening day, but it is. If we are not ready for it the flora and fauna certainly are, everything is starting to bloom or push buds out. Makes it very obvious that we skipped winter and went directly into Spring. Let’s hope we don’t go right into Summer too early. Not too much going on in town, city council will start its dialogue over the budget, which has to be adopted by June. But with that windfall from two developers, that won’t be hard. So, what do you know that I don’t? Tell me. CorreCtion / ClarifiCation ■ The Tribune strives for accuracy in its news reports. Corrections or clarifications to printed stories will appear in this space. Letters Quote of Note: “The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.” Joesph Campbell,philosopher from our readers Time for countywide building moratorium Guidelines Dear Editor, There are already 467 wineries in Napa County. An audit by county staff found that almost half of the wineries did not comply with their use permits in 2013. It appears that the county is unable – or unwilling – to monitor the presently-operating wineries. Yet the county is presently considering 41 permits for new projects. And, to make matters worse, towns such as Calistoga are giving the green-light to huge, inappropriate resort complexes such as “Calistoga Hills.” Most of the arguments for unfettered development are pure bunkum. One speaker at the recent joint meeting of the County Supervisors and Planning Commissioners warned, “If there were no visitors to Napa Valley, locals would have to spend $10,000 more per year to keep the economy of Napa County as it is now.” Honestly! Nobody is suggesting that we kick out all the wineries and turn visitors away Letters to the Tribune should be sent to Editor, Calistoga Tribune, P.O. Box 1176, Calistoga, CA 94515, e-mailed to editor@, submitted to, or faxed to 942-6508. All letters must be signed and must include a phone number for verification or clarification. (Phone numbers are not printed.) Deadline is noon Tuesday prior to the Friday of publication. Keep letters short, 300 words or less, and send only one a month. at the county line. On the other hand, how many visitors will want to come to a “Wine Country USA” theme park? “Too much of a good thing is wonderful,” quipped Mae West – but most of us realize that it is wiser to practice “moderation in all things,” as the ancient philosophers advised. It’s POLITICALLY SPEAKING 942-2297 City manager Richard Spitler 942-2805 Gary Kraus Councilmember 942-1053 administrative serviCes Gloria Leon, 942-2803 Irais Ortega-Lopez Councilmember 341-3013 Planning dePartment Lynn Goldberg, Director 942-2763 water billing Angela Madrigal 942-2801 PoliCe dePartment Mitch Celaya, Chief 942-2810 PubliC works dePartment Mike Kirn 942-2828 aquatiCs & reCreation 942-2844 Jim Barnes Councilmember 942-2241 SCHOOL DISTRICT suPerintendent Esmeralda Mondragon 942-4703 Jr/sr HigH sCHool 942-6278 elementary sCHool 942-4398 Palisades HigH sCHool Bruce Loring 942-5255 CITY COUNCIL Chris Canning Mayor 942-6333 OTHERS Calistoga family Center Jenny Ocon Executive Director 942-6206 Michael Dunsford Vice Mayor CHamber of CommerCe Publishers: Pat Hampton & Ramona Asmus Editor: Pat Hampton Cub Reporter: Claudia Aceves Reporter: Amanda Rhodes Legal Ads: Ellen Smith Advertising Shellie Sakai Contributors: Chick Harrity, Yvonne Henry, Jeri Hansen, Linda Williamson, Pad McGinnis, Gene Duffy Jr., Christine Plant, Frank McKenna and Terry Ponsford. Memberships: IRE Investigative Reporters & Editors SPJ Society of Professional Journalists time for a county-wide moratorium on new projects until there is a sensible plan in place for moderating growth and requiring compliance by existing wineries. Carl Sherrill Calistoga YOUR VOICE IN GOVERNMENT Chris Canning Executive Director 942-6333 CITY OF CALISTOGA fire dePartment Steve Campbell, Chief 942-2822 We discourage letters with long lists of people for thankyous; we just don’t have room and they can be boring to read. 415 Cannon House Office Bldg. Washington, DC 20515 226-9898 (Napa phone) CalistogaCares Helen Archerd 942-6042 SENATE Barbara Boxer, Senator 112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-3553 NAPA COUNTY naPa County library Calistoga branCH 942-4833 naPa County fairgrounds Carlene Moore, CEO 942-5111 naPa County board of suPervisors - distriCt 3 Diane Dillon Supervisor 944-8280 County administrator 253-4421 County Clerk 253-4246 animal sHelter 253-4381 ag Commissioner 253-4357 distriCt attorney 253-4211 U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mike Thompson, Rep. (D) The Calistoga Tribune (ISSN 15415805) is published weekly by Palisades Publishing LLC. Subscriptions are $43 annually, or $38 for seniors 65 or older. (Out-of-county rate is $50.) Periodicals Postage is paid at Calistoga Post Office. A newspaper of general circulation decreed July 12, 2005 by Napa County Superior Court Order No. C26-29449. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Calistoga Tribune, P.O. Box 1176, Diane Feinstein, Senator 331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-3841 CALIF. SENATE Lois Wolk 1040 Main St., Suite 101 Napa, CA 94559 (707) 224-1990 CALIF. ASSEMBLY Bill Dodd (D-Napa) P.O. Box 942849 Sacramento, CA 942490004 (916) 319-2004 Fax: (916) 319-2104 The President Calistoga, CA 94515. To reach us regarding advertising, news or your subscription, call the office at (707) 942-5181, fax us at (707) 942-6508 or email us at Volume 12 Issue 46 Calistoga tribune Friday, March 20, 2015 Page 5 Opinion Knee’d advice on what to give the recovering patient? A fter years of threatening and whining, it is time to put up or shut up. You have your knee replaced. Mind you, it is not an operation; those haven’t been around since the Eighties. It is a “procedure.” It’s as if giving this event a less scary name, makes it easier. Forget that! When part of your kneecap is sawed off and replaced with a titanium and polyethylene device, it is a very big deal. Before the operation, the staff is syrupy sweet. You get aromatherapy and a neck massage, and they are constantly asking if there is anything else they can do to make you comfortable, but you are thinking only, “Yes, get me the hell out of here,” but of course you don’t want to be impolite. Then you are back in your room in a blur and feeling pretty good. In a few hours a nurse comes in and asks you if you are Cornerstones by Linda Williamson ready to walk down the hall. Has that woman been nipping the drugs out of the operating room... a few hours and she wants you to walk up the hall? But you do it, Poetry Corner and you are mighty proud. You are home before the cat needs feeding, and in comes the army of volunteers, each carrying a pot of chicken soup. The refrigerator is soon bulging with small packages of casseroles, salads and sweets. You, however, are floating on a vicodin stew of nausea and bizarre images, and you don’t give a fig about food. Soon you are clunking around on your walker realizing that everything you need is on another floor. The toilet seat feels like it is at floor level and it is a scary trip getting down to it. Everyone observes your wincing and fidgeting and asks, “Wouldn’t you be more comfortable with a pillow?” or “Do you need me to prop you up?” and all you want to do is pass out and wake up in July climbing the Oat Hill Mine Trail. Everyone knows someone who has had the knee replacement The snow fell. His truck in the barn, his boots by the door, flagpoles empty. It took a long time for the taxi to come. “Where to?” he said. “My father just died,” I said. As if it were a destination. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (, publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2014 by Amanda Strand and reprinted by permission of the poet. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006. therapist comes in. She asks you to raise your knee to a position that is about as attainable as bench pressing an elephant. And when you get it to about half the height she asks, she tells you to do it ten more times. Then gives you four more sets of exercises to obfusCations by Amanda Strand The wedding ring I took off myself, his wife wasn’t up to it. I brought the nurse into the room in case he jumped or anything. “Can we turn his head? He looks so uncomfortable.” She looked straight at me, patiently waiting for it to sink in. “...all you want to do is pass out and wake up in July climbing the Oat Hill Mine Trail.” I had heard rumors of a dwarf-themed winery opening in the Napa Valley for some time. I didn’t take the rumors too seriously. I figured in a progressive place like Northern California, replete with overly sensitized crusaders for the politically correct, such an outrageous business idea could be little more than a daydream. I was impressed, and I have to admit, even pleased, when I saw two playful dwarf statues sitting atop columns at a newly constructed winery entrance. Let me say that I am not a dwarf and I admittedly lack insight on that perspective. I can say that I don’t much dwell on differences between myself and by Pad McGinnis my fellow human beings, besides the ones that are rooted in choice. We are all given a unique set of blessings and obstacles in life and that’s the trite truth of it. I don’t much care for cultural training that instills taboos and engenders incendiary defensiveness over breeches of etiquette. Even if this training is in the name of equality, I think instructing sensitivities over certain words or discouraging open conversation and candid observation, serves more to separate than to unite. I relish honesty and directness, even at times when the truth proves severe. I liken the dwarf winery to a Hooters restaurant. An arbitrary yet distinct bodily characteristic is selected for which large portions of the population show an innate fascination and then this trait is showcased for the amusement of customers. Crude, yes, but effective...endlessly effective. People will no sooner stop being intrigued by little people, than men will stop being intrigued by big boobs. Is this distasteful? Sure, and a lot of honest things are. But we in the valley have a special Tribune MysTery PhoTo intolerance for the distasteful. We wouldn’t allow a Hooters in Yountville even if they served wagu beef and $300 cabernets. The valley deals in a veneer of refinement, sophistication, and class. This is how it draws the spending dollars of the world’s most wealthy tourists. In many tasting rooms you will find the main product being pushed is not so much a bottle of wine as a purchased sense of superiority. Each winery tries to outshine, outperform and generally out-fancy its rivals, in a race to sell a fantasy lifestyle. This is how the valley has grown to be a place of Persian palaces, medieval European castles, gondola rides, silveryshimmering 20 foot rabbits and so forth. Spectacle sells and like it or not the valley has become a fullblown Disneyland. Or so I think. This is one reason the dwarf winery appealed to me, for its transparent admission of the amusement park nature of the Napa wine business. Of course, there are many who see it as See McGinnis page 6 by Yvonne Henry t Last week’s mystery Do you know where this photo was taken? u It exists somewhere within the Calistoga Unified School District boundaries. Call us at 942-5181 with your guess! There’s no prize – only the thrill of the hunt! practice three times per day until she returns. You try to distract her. You beg for the ice machine. People continue to call to help, but you don’t keep good records and one person arrives with a hamburger at the same time another comes in with a pizza, but it is the people you want to see and everything works out. You realize that your friends are the best people on earth, and you are so fortunate to have them. Little by little, the knee pain subsides and you start thinking about writing an article about the experience because you, now, are also an expert on knee replacement. You call your article, “What To Give the Joint Replacement Patient” and list these as favorites: soda crackers, ginger in any form, fresh fruit, pillows for propping, lavender anything, bags of ice, a neck massage, and chicken soup. Selling spectacle in the Valley Ted Kooser, U.S. Poet Laureate, 2004-2006 Father and Daughter Amanda Strand is a poet living in Maryland. I like this poem for its simplicity, clarity and directness. No frills to decorate it, just the kind of straightforward accounting of an experience that Henry David Thoreau said he looked for in an author. procedure and so everyone is an expert on what you should do. Switch to Tylenol or stick with the heavy drugs? Use the ice machine or a bag of peas? Cane or walking sticks? Celebrex or ibuprophin? Days are sometimes good or not so good, but the worst ones are when the sweet physical Last week’s Mystery Photo is a poster on the column of the new Knights Bridge Winery tasting room. It was found by Alan Rogers. Page 6 Friday, March 20, 2015 HOMICIDE Continued from page 2 as Dahl exited his SUV with the handgun, walked up to the victim and appeared to execute him just as the deputies were arriving. Seeing the approaching units, Dahl then ran back to his SUV and fled the scene, at a high rate of speed, northbound on State Route 29, with deputies in pursuit. While one of the arriving deputies attempted to render aid to Tawfilis, the other deputies, who were soon joined by officers from the Napa Police Department and a helicopter from the California Highway Patrol, continued the vehicle pursuit. The chase ended on Wall Road after Dahl crashed McGINNIS Continued from page 5 demeaning to the wine business and even more so, as demeaning to little people. For me, I think there’s room in the world for earnest winemakers as well as circus masters who sell wine. I think there’s room in the world for intelligent adults to choose for themselves whether to participate in the phenomenon of spectacle. As of now, the dwarf statues have been removed and the winery plans have changed, not by force of law but by force of communal pressure. Perhaps this is for the best. Where a testament to irony would have stood, now will stand yet another fancy winery. through a gate onto private property and came to a stop in a heavily wooded area. After Dahl crashed through the gate, deputies briefly lost visual contact with the suspect vehicle. Because deputies had lost sight temporarily of Dahl they did not know if he was still in the vehicle. On the scene deputies then established a perimeter and requested SWAT teams from both the Sheriff’s Office and the Napa Police Department. Upon arrival, the SWAT teams located Dahl in the driver’s seat of his vehicle deceased from an apparent selfinflicted gunshot wound. The autopsies for the two men are scheduled for later today. according to Capt. Pike. Community News Guidelines The Calistoga Tribune runs obituaries as well as birth, wedding, engagement, and graduation announcements free of charge. We also recognize landmark birthdays and anniversaries. Email us at or stop by our office at 1007 Washington St., Ste. 3 with your information. You may call us at 9425181, or go to our website at Calistoga tribune Calistoga News COP LOG March 1 - 14 Sunday, March 1 11:57 a.m. - Officers responded for unwanted subjects in the 1500 block of Lincoln Ave. Monday, March 2 9:04 a.m. - Officers responded for a traffic hazard in the 2900 block of Foothill Blvd. 3:48 p.m. - Officers responded for a parking complaint in the 1500 block of Foothill Blvd. 6:59 p.m. - Officers responded for intoxicated female in the 1200 block of Washington St. 9:15 p.m. - Officers responded for a loud music complaint in the 100 block of Foothill Blvd. 10:29 p.m.- Officers arrested a male on a felony warrant in the 1500 block of Filmore St. He was later transported to the Napa County Jail. Tuesday, March 3 7:24 a.m. - Officers responded for a loose dog in the area of Foothill Blvd and High St. 2:01 p.m. - Officers responded for a parking complaint in the 1300 block of Spring St. Wednesday, March 4 12:51 a.m. - Officers responded for a disturbance in the 1300 block of Lincoln Ave. 2:28 a.m. - Officers responded for a disturbance in the area of Fair Way and Lake St. Male arrested for public intoxication. 3:24 p.m. - Officers responded RIVERLEA CENTER for a report of annoying phone calls in the 1400 block of Myrtle St. Report to follow. 5:37 p.m. - Officers responded for a hit and run in the 1700 block of Lincoln Ave. Report to follow. 6:51 p.m. - Officers responded for a disturbance in the 2100 block of Oat Hill Ct. Thursday, March 5 4:01 p.m. - Officers responded for a residential alarm in the 1500 block of Foothill Blvd. Friday, March 6 8:42 p.m. - Officers arrested a female for driving under the influence in the area of Fairway and First St. She was later released with a citation. 10:12 p.m. - Officers arrested a female for driving under the influence in the area of Lincoln Ave and Cedar St. She was later released with a citation. Saturday, March 7 2:11p.m. - Officers responded for vandalism in the 1100 block of Silver St. Sunday, March 8 12:53 p.m. - Officers responded for a commercial alarm in the 400 block of Washington St. 4:11 p.m. - Officers responded for a disturbance in the 1100 block of Mitzi Dr. Monday, March 9 9:21 p.m. - Officers responded for a commercial alarm in the 1100 block of Washington St. Tuesday, March 10 9:07 a.m. - Officers responded for a civil problem in the 900 block of Washington St. Parties counseled. 11:12 a.m. - Officers responded for a parking complaint in the 1000 block of Cedar St. Wednesday, March 11 12:20 a.m. - Officers responded for a fight in the 1300 block of Lincoln Ave. 5:09 p.m. - Officers responded for a civil problem in the 1900 block of Foothill Blvd. Thursday, March 12 10:21 a.m.- Officers responded for a residential alarm in the 1400 block of Foothill Blvd. Friday, March 13 9:12 a.m. - Officers responded for a domestic disturbance in the 1400 block of Myrtle St. One male arrested and transported to the Napa County Jail. Saturday, March 14 2:16 a.m. - Officers responded for intoxicated female in the 1400 block of Lincoln Ave. Female arrested for trespassing and being under the influence. She was later transported to the Napa County Jail. 11:27 a.m. - Officers responded for a parking complaint in the area of Washington St and Lincoln Ave. & FOOTHILL PROFESSIONAL BUILDING Swan Family Dental 2436 Foothill Blvd. Suite A, Calistoga, CA 94515 • 707-942-5177 When good brushing and regular flossing aren’t enough– • Ask us about the ways we can resolve current dental problems and help you maintain a healthy mouth. • Call us with questions or stop by for free informational brochures Located at Riverlea Square. Se Habla Español. Home Plate Cafe Serving: BreakfaSt, lunch and dinner. We're diShing up good eatS for the Whole family! Joe Branum Tree Care, Inc. We want to show off our spa and facial room Phone 942-5646 Fax 942-8796 Hwy 128 & Petrified Forest Road Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 7AM to 7PM • Wed 11AM to 7PM • Weekends 8AM to 7PM Ilona Falvy, PT • Naomi Kimball, PT • Christina Leisen, DPT • Lisa Doshier, IMTC 707-942-8954 ISA Certified Arborist WE-7191A $70 Come see us, we have lots to offer! Call for a free consultation and receive 10% off your first appoinment 360 Salon and Day Spa 2450 Foothill Blvd Ste. C Calistoga, CA 94515 (707)942-6188 Calistoga tribune Friday, March 20, 2015 Page 7 Calistoga News TRAIL Continued from page 1 to Calistoga. According to Vine Trail officials, almost all the preengineering and environmental work has been completed. A short section of the Vine Trail from the existing bike path in Calistoga has been approved by the city and is ready for construction. The Vine Trail overall mission is to build a 47-mile walking/biking trail system to physically connect the entire Napa Valley, from Vallejo’s Ferry Terminal to the foot of Mt. St. Helena in Calistoga, for a more livable, family and visitor community. The cost of building one mile of Vine Tail has an average cost of $1 million for each of its 47 miles, according to the coalition. The projected cost to complete the entire route of the trail is between $46-50 million. Presently 25 percent of the cost is being raised through private donations and sponsor partnerships and an additional $7.5 million is being raised for a maintenance endowment to assure the trail for genera- BOCCE Continued from page 1 Tubbs Lane fire burns 100 feet along the shoulder of the road CAL FIRE, Napa County Fire Department, and Calistoga Fire Department resources responded to a roadside vegetation fire Tuesday on Tubbs Lane in Calistoga at 3:56 p.m. The fire burned vegetation approximately 100 feet along the roadside and was contained at 4:05 p.m. There were no injuries and no structures or vehicles were damaged. The fire was caused by sparks from a vehicle. CAL FIRE urges motorists to have their vehicles checked by a qualified service technician if they are running rough, misfire, backfire, have worn brakes, or if the Check Engine or Service Engine Soon light are on. to meet and go over the requirements, budget and timeline. Spitler said the master plan for Logvy Park calls for bocce ball courts in the same area that Rotary is proposing to develop. In his letter Johnson said the club was not proposing to have outdoor lights or picnic tables “but are leaving room for them in the design.” He said the club’s intent is to have the courts built by June. While the city council gave the project its support, it also said it needed more information on the cost of the project. Spitler said he was confident that as soon as the courts are built, a Calistoga Bocce League will be formed. tions to come. The Vine Trail Coalition and the Napa County Transportation Planning Agency (NCTPA) is planning to apply for a grant under the next round of California’s Active Transportation Program (ATP) in May 2015, with support from the cities of Calistoga and St. Helena. The grant would fund in three phases the construction of the connection from Calistoga to BotheNapa Valley State Park, the design and environmental studies, and construction of the trail from Bothe to Pratt Ave. in St. Helena. B&G Club breakfast raises $79,000 in support of kids The Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Helena and Calistoga held its second “Calistoga Annual Breakfast for Kids” on Friday March 13th at the Butler Pavilion at the Calistoga fairgrounds. A total of 152 guests attended the event, emceed by Calistoga Mayor Chris Canning, and keynoted by retired San Francisco 49er President and CEO Carmen Policy. A gross total of $79,320 was raised at the event, which supports the annual operating budgets of the Calistoga school-based Club at Calistoga Elementary School, the Calistoga Teen Center and the St. Helena-Calistoga Youth Diversion and Intervention Program. Youth of the Year Vanessa Hernandez, a freshman at Calistoga High School, gave an inspiring presentation on the support and friendship she receives at the Calistoga Teen Center. “Last year’s inaugural event, featuring Olympic Champion Billy Mills set a high bar,” commented Boys & Girls Clubs Executive Director Jay Templeton. “Our second year was bigger than the first, and we look to continue to grow in 2016. The support of the Calistoga community for the kids and Clubs is great to see.” SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL OF CALISTOGA Best for Women 14TH ANNUAL CRAB FEED & AUCTION THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR GUESTS, BIDDERS, SPONSORS & DONORS OUR 2015 SILENT & LIVE AUCTION DONORS: RULER OF THE SEA SPONSOR Jennifer Tisa & Stan Spavold KING/QUEEN CRAB SPONSOR Calistoga Hills Resort Inc. CRAB LOUIE SPONSORS Bald Mountain Development /Silver Rose Venture LLC Brotemarkle, Davis & Co. Chateau Montelena Winery Brenda Christensen & Tom Barry Mary Givens Hearts & Hands Preschool (courtesy of Carrie Domogalla and Herb Salinger) DUNGENESS CRAB SPONSORS Scott & Marvis Buginas Calistoga Realty Company Calistoga Spa Hot Springs L&B and Cedars Care Homes Nushi Safinya & Thomas Brown Shawn Paris / Calistoga Skin Care and Waxing SPECIAL THANKS TO AUCTIONEER BOB FELLION & DAVID MOON-WAINWRIGHT FOR SOUND/AUDIO SERVICES A Man’s Supply All Seasons Bistro Alpha Omega Winery ALSCO (American Linen Sales) Arkenstone Estate Wines Vincent Arroyo Winery Atlantis Casino Resort & Spa August Briggs Winery Auntie Delly’s Handmade Knits Bare Escentuals, Beauty Inc. Barlow Vineyards Barolo Maria Bartolome Bob & Valerie Beck Behrens Family Winery Bella Bakery Calistoga Bennett Lane Winery Best Western El Rancho Inn Bi-Rite Distributing Joanne and Stefan Blicker Bosko’s Trattoria Brannan Cottage Inn Bill Briwa Thomas Brown & Genevieve Welsh Buster’s BBQ Cafe Sarafornia Cain Vineyard & Winery Cakebread Cellars Calistoga Cellars Calistoga Chamber of Commerce Calistoga Family Eye Care Calistoga Firefighters Association Calistoga Inn Restaurant & Brewery Calistoga Kitchen Calistoga Olive Oil Company Calistoga Police Department Calistoga Pottery Calistoga Roastery Calistoga Skincare and Waxing Calistoga Spa Hot Springs Calistoga Theater Company Calistoga Tribune Cameo Cinema Carlin Country Cottages Gena Carlin The Carmel Gallery Carver Sutro Wines Casa Nuestra Winery & Vineyard Martha Casselman Castello di Amorosa Central Valley Builders Supply Charbay Winery & Distillery Chateau Montelena Winery Chateau Ste. Shirts Checkerboard Vineyards Chelsea Vineyards The Chop Shop Calistoga Cindy’s Backstreet Kitchen Clearwater Seafood Club Tan Cottage Grove Inn Culinary Institute of America Cypress Inn Cyrus Creek Vineyards Del Monte Meats Diamond Terrace Mark Dierkhising Roger Dierkhising Donna & Bruce Dill diRosa Art Alive! Melisa Dooley The Dreaming Tree Wines Drinkward Peschon Dyer Vineyard Kerry Eddy Eel River Soroptimist Int’l Club Far Niente Napa Valley Wine Estate Fitness First Flora Springs Winery Framed! Franz Valley Vineyard Gillwoods Cafe Golden Haven Hot Springs Spa & Resort The Grade Cellars The Hair Spa HALL Wines Harrah’s & Harvey’s Lake Tahoe Lowell & Janet Herrero Mary Ellen Hester Himalayan Sherpa Kitchen HLR Cellars Marty & Toni Hunt Hydro Grill Inglenook Estate Jack Brooks Vineyard Jax Vineyards Jericho Canyon Vineyard Jill Hoff Pilates and Motion Shawnee Johnson Jones Family Vineyards Joseph Phelps Vineyards Kate Stanley Design Inc. Kenefick Ranch Jessica Khoury Ladera Vineyards Laura Michael Wines Susan Leick Lincoln Avenue Spa Lone Oak Lodge - Monterey Irais Lopez-Ortega Louis M. Martini Winery M.Y. Noodle Market Restaurant Markham Vineyards Tim and Kathy Marshall Cathy and David Marsten Mary Martin Artist, LLC Massage Benefits Meadowood Napa Valley Melissa Fey Photography Pat and John Merchant Merryvale Vineyards Mount View Hotel & Spa Mueller Family Vineyards Napa County Fair Association Napa Smith Brewery Napa Valley Performing Arts at Lincoln Theater Napa Valley Vintners Association Napa Valley Wine Library Association Nickel & Nickel Wine Estate North Star Gift Shop Oregon Shakespeare Festival Ovid Vineyards Pacific Star Winery and Sally’s Ocean Cottage Bryan Parker Petrified Forest Platypus Tours Limited Pam Ponsford Cathy Prevost Jack Rannells Red Hen Cantina Rombauer Vineyards Rutherford Grove Winery Pestoni Family Rutherford Hill Winery Nushi Safinya Sage Flower Hill Herb Salinger Schramsberg Vineyards & J. Davies Estate Shafer Vineyards Shaw Plumbing Southern Wine & Spirits, Jim Simone Sterling Vineyards Louise and John Strasser Sugardaddy’s Consignment Beth Summers Summers Estate Wines Susie’s Bar Switchback Ridge Tamber Bey Vineyards Tedeschi Family Winery Thomas Dawson & Company Salon Jennifer Tisa Tom Eddy Wines Tra Vigne Pizzeria Trader Joe’s Twin Pine Casino and Hotel Twomey Cellars The Ultimate Kerr Hair Salon UpValley Family Centers V. Sattui Winery Vermeil Wines / OnThEdge Winery Vine Espresso Vintage Athletic Booster Club W.H. Smith Wines Wagner Family of Wine Wallis Family Estate Margaret Warm Washington Street Lodging Whole Foods Market Dr. Wilkinson’s Hot Springs Resort Woodhouse Chocolate Yo el Rey Roasting Company Ron and Karyn Yost Lee Youngman Galleries Zenobia Page 8 Friday, March 20, 2015 Calistoga Tribune’s Space 102 Crossword Puzzle Calistoga tribune Calistoga Fun T r i b u n e W c o r d s e a r c h Harry Potter is a series of fantasy novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling. The series chronicles the adventures of a young wizard, Harry Potter, and his friends Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Answers can be across, up, down, diagonal and backwards. THE PEOPLE OF HARRY POTTER 3 Letter Words RON B E L L A T R I X E U G P E R C Y E D H 4 Letter Words FRED LUNA 5 Letter Words DOBBY DRACO FILCH FUDGE GINNY HARRY LUPIN MOLLY MOODY PERCY SNAPE Across 1 Pants 6 Smooth-talking 10 Rebbe’s locale 14 Footnote abbr. 15 Better than never? 16 Tableland 17 Oklahoma Indian 18 Polish-American author Sholem 19 Test 20 Eternally 22 Terrorists’ prisoner 24 Tarry 26 Chief 27 Aircraft 29 Saxony seaport 31 Meal starter 32 Like custard 34 Damns euphemistically 38 Fall mo. 39 Soft and wet 41 Poetic time of day 42 Nikon rival 44 Ceremony 45 Brother’s title 46 Just for laughs 48 Run away 51 Ceramics producer 54 __ but wiser 56 By mistake 58 Going by boat 61 Mother of Apollo 62 Silent assents 64 Flower 65 Attraction 66 Actress Merrill 67 Jeweler’s eyeglass 68 Measure 69 Shut loudly 70 German industrial city Down 1 Make a mistake 2 Lhasa __ 3 Composer Alessandro or Domenico 4 Columbiform bird 5 Singer Nicks 6 Hostile look 7 Vegas opening 8 Hankering 9 See 10 Czech composer 11 Group of six 12 Grammar subject Calistoga Pet Clinic Kind, Compassionate Veterinary Care Steve Franquelin, D.V.M. 13 Less convincing, as an excuse 21 Footnote abbr. 23 Gone to pot 25 Gets back 27 Small lake 28 Spike 30 Best-selling computer game 33 Esteemed teacher 35 Very wicked 36 Microbe 37 Piece of cake 39 Not so loco 40 Ibsen’s Gabler 43 French auto 47 Palm leaves 49 Fit to be eaten 50 Stringed instruments 51 Medication 52 Leading by a point 53 Aquarium acquisition 55 Tea-growing state 57 Stir up 59 Terse refusal 60 Govt. agents 63 Some forensic evidence appointment today. (707) 942-0404 2960 Foothill Blvd., Calistoga, CA 94515 Clinic Hours Monday to Friday 9am to 5:30pm H A R R Y R I V R F U F S L U G H O R N T V Y Y L A C I B D E A N T H O M A S L O E R B I E H E B M L W E F U Y S F H L N N O B R E O L A O Y K D X G A O A P A K D G O L G C U R L L E O A E R G E T G S E G D E R H N T L C S L M N R O M R A R R I G L O A A H Y G R M O I E C O O N N E D G E E N L U P I N M D L G R O M O I O C D L G G O R P F G N G C D E D E G T N I A L E E J O R D O N E T U P Y D C M I R C S F R E D I L D B D A F A R L M O M D E U Y O L L E B E I T A K N M O G U R E Y I D E M R R L Y E C G S S M V O I E C R R C E Y E V E E R C N I L O C G D H O G I E E A H L A N I L E G N A I A R N C R S O O H D H C L I F E O C N D R Y I E R L G D U M B L E D O R E N N N A D N O D D R D N E V I L L E E Y C L R E DUMBLEDORE 3 Letter Words PERCY MCGONAGALL SNAPE RON TONKS 12 Letter Words 4 Letter Words COLIN CREEVY 6 Letter Words FRED ARAGOG LUNA 13 Letter Words ARTHUR CEDRIC DIGGORY 5 Letter Words DUDLEY FAWKES DOBBY SudOku GEORGE DRACO HAGRID FILCH SIRIUS FUDGE GINNY 7 Letter Words HARRY NEVILLE LUPIN MOLLY MOODY 7 Letter Words NEVILLE 8 Letter Words ANGELINA BUCKBEAK CHO CHANG HERMINOE LAVENDER SLUGHORN 9 Letter Words BELLATRIX KATIE BELL LEE JORDON VOLDEMORT 10 Letter Words DEAN THOMAS - see Answers on page 10 Cameo Cinema “T A S ” he rT of ToryTelling 963-9779 FRI MAR 20 - THU MAR 26 Macfarland, Usa(PG) FREE! fri3:00,5:45&8:30pm-SAT3:00,5:45&8:30pmSun6:00&8:30pm-mon2:30&8:30pm-Tue5:45pm Sun Presented by naPashakes henry V(nOT RATeD) Free Trib License Plate Frame Stop by for a free Tribune license plate frame! (Bring chocolate for 2 frames) Call for an 6 Letter Words ARAGOG ARTHUR DUDLEY FAWKES GEORGE HAGRID SIRIUS N L D R A C O E F S N O B U C K B E A K h a l l e n g e 2:30pm finding gaston(nOT RATeD) Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. No number may be repeated in any row, column or box. MOn 5:30 - POP-UP PeRUvIAn DInneR TUe 8:30PM - WeD 5:45PM the red shoes(R) Film Class Maps to the Tue 1:00pm stars(R) Wed 3:00 & 8:30pm -Thu 3:00, 5:45 & 8:30pm 1340 MAIn STReeT, ST. HelenA Come on in to the Gift Shop. Our cute Easter is now 25% off. See, we promised we wouldn’t make you hunt for a good deal. scoops & swirls This Coupon Good For I Free Topping with purchase of a medium or large ice cream or frozen yogurt Open Seven Days 10am to 9pm 1473 Lincoln Avenue • Suite A Calistoga • CA 94515 707-341-3132 Feeling up against the wall? We Can Help! JAMES FLAMSON TAX SERVICE 1422-C Lincoln Ave., 707-942-4664 Notary Service also available SHARPSTEEN MUSEUM 1311 Washington Street, Calistoga Hours: 11am - 4 pm daily 707-942-5911 A Community Partnership Ad sponsored in part by Calistoga Spa Hot Springs 8 Lette ANGE BUCK CHOC HERM LAVEN SLUGH 9 Lette BELLA KATIE LEEJO VOLD 10 Lett DEAN DUMB MCGO 12 Lett COLIN 13 Lett CEDRI Calistoga tribune Friday, March 20, 2015 Calendar Page 9 Calistoga Events Mar. 20 - Mar. 28 of calistoga events March great calistoga cat fix Now through the end of May get your cat fixed for free. Calistoga Cat Action Team will pay to spay or neuter your pet cat and give it a rabies shot. Appointments must be made through CCAT. Contact Kristin Casey at 942-1127. 20 FRIDAY ❧ County Medi-Cal Services: Get help with Medi-Cal, food stamp questions, or filling out applications. A Medi-Cal worker will be in Calistoga at the Family Center, 1705 Washington Street, Suite G, every Friday from 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. to provide help. For information or appointments call Elena Mendez at 707-341-3185. 25 WEDNESDAY ❧ Soroptimist International Calistoga: Weekly lunch meet- ings from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at All Seasons Bistro, 1400 Lincoln Avenue. Visitors welcome. For more information contact Gayle Keller at 942-0890 or Technology Training at Calistoga Library: Every ❧ Friday during library hours, staff will offer free technology, ebook and audiobook training. Bring your smartphones, tablets or laptops to receive basic one-on-one instruction. Computers will also be available for your use. Please come in or call to schedule a 30minute appointment at 1108 Myrtle Street. For more information or appointments, call library associate Daniel Cottrell at 942-4833. ❧ Conver SAYtions Series: Led by Toni Allegra (professional coach and author) and/or Jim Haslip (educator of students and teachers), this series provides an opportunity to discuss a different topic twice a month. Today the discussion is on Nicknames and names in your life. At the Calistoga Community Center, 1307 Washington Street, from 10 11:30 a.m. Free. Drop in. For more information, call Calistoga Recreation Services at 942-2838. Co-sponsored with Rianda House Senior Activity Center. Calistoga Theater Company: Presents “Last Gas,” a play ❧ by John Cariani. Performance tonight is at 8 p.m. Tickets $20. At the Calistoga Art Center, Fairgrounds Cropp Building, 1435 N. Oak Street. Doors open 30 minutes before showtime. Buy tickets at Funke’s, the Chamber of Commerce, Farmer’s Market, at the door, or go online to 21 SATURDAY ❧ Calistoga Farmers Market: Open year ’round, every Saturday morning, in the Sharpsteen Museum Plaza, Washington Street. Hours 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Locally grown seasonal produce; cut flowers and nursery grown plants; gourmet and pre-packaged foods; fresh seafood; breakfast treats and fruit pies, as well as gift items. Live music on fine days; no music if wet! ❧ Zumba®: Party yourself into shape! This Latin-inspired, easyto-follow, dance-fitness class is great for all levels. The class is held in the Calistoga Jr. High Gym (the old gym), 1608 Lake Street, 8:30 - 9:30 am. Fee is $5 a class for adults; $4 for seniors; $8 for 6 - 9 p.m. at the Calistoga High School Gym. Cost: $450 per team (maximum 8 players/team, at least 16 years old). Registration deadline has passed, but we may not have reached the 8 team limit. So if interested, contact Laurel Rios at or call 942-2838. Register online at or in person at the recreation office, 1745 Washington Street. Statistics vary on how many cats reproduce from one pair of “unfixed” cats, but the bottom line is unwanted cats often suffer needlessly or die in the wild or through euthenasia. Join with CCAT to bring those statistics down by utilizing their ongoing free spay or neuter service March through May. Appointments must be made through CCAT by calling Kristin Casey 942-1127; Rose LeClerc 494-6422; Jan Vogel 942-8382 or en español - Placido Garcia 975-2597. non-resident adults; $6 for nonresident seniors. No registration needed, drop-ins welcome. Sponsored by the city’s Recreation Services. Go to ❧ Pepperwood Introduction to Lichens Class: Do you want to know what lichens are, where they grow, how they reproduce, and how to identify them? If so, this is the workshop for you! Shelly Benson, Sonoma County lichenologist, will enlighten you with the biology, ecology, and identification of these amazing composite organisms. The class is from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. and includes a lecture, field exploration (1-3 miles at a slow pace), and lab time to identify lichens. Meet at the Dwight Center, 3450 Franz Valley Rd, Santa Rosa. Fee: $25 non-members; $20 members. Ages 13 and up welcome. For more information or to reserve go to www.pepperwood Calistoga Theater Company: “Last Gas” plays tonight ❧ at 8 p.m. Tickets $20. See March 20 listing for details. 22 SUNDAY ❧ Calistoga Theater Company: Final performance of “Last Gas” today at 3 p.m. Tickets $20. See March 20 listing for details. 23 MONDAY ❧ Invitation to Vine Trail Public Meeting: At the Com- munity Center, 1307 Washington Street from 5:30 - 7 p.m. Vine Trail consultants will present an overview of the proposed project. to connect the cities of St Helena and Calistoga. This project when completed will provide nine continuous miles of safe and scenic Vine Trail connecting the two cit- ies in the upper Napa Valley. The project is being considered for an application for State funds this year. We welcome your input. ❧ Volleyball Open Gym: Available through Calistoga Recreation Services Mondays from March 23 through May 11 from 6 - 8 p.m. at the Calistoga High School Gym. Ages 16+ welcome. Drop in fee $5; 8 week pass $30. For information, contact Laurel Rios at or call 942-2838. 24 TUESDAY ❧ Lengthen & Strengthen: For adults at all fitness levels with instructor Karen Mann, local Hatha Yoga/Fitness instructor. Classes every Tuesday and Thursday at the Community Center, 1307 Washington Street, 10:30 a.m - noon. Fee is $5 a class, no registration needed, drop-ins welcome. Sponsored by the city’s Recreation Services. Go to ❧ Native Sons of the Golden West: Calistoga’s Parlor 86 is meeting for its first Friday luncheon at the Tucker Room at the Mt. St. Helena Golf Course, 2025 Grant Street from 12 - 1 p.m. For information, contact Jim Pence 942-5531. ❧ Sit & Spin: The group meets Tuesdays from 3 - 5 p.m. at the Calistoga Roastery, 1426 Lincoln Avenue. We spin, knit, crochet, weave or stitch, so join us for a pleasant afternoon doing what you love. It’s free and all are welcome. For more information contact Rose LeClerc at ❧ Men’s Basketball League: Available through Calistoga Recreation Services Tuesdays from March 24 through May 19, from ❧ Planning Commission: On the second and fourth Wednesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. at the Community Center, 1307 Washington Street. For information, call the Planning Department at 942-2827. ❧ Fencing: Available through Calistoga Recreation Services Wednesdays from March 25 through May 6 (skip 4/8) from 6 - 7 p.m. at the Calistoga Junior High Gym. We'll teach you everything you need to know about this Olympic sport. Family friendly class, ideal for kids, teens and their parents. Ages 7 and up. Fee $85; all gear provided. For information or to sign up, contact Laurel Rios at or call 942-2838. 26 THURSDAY ❧ Lengthen & Strengthen: Classes every Tuesday and Thursday at the Community Center, 1307 Washington Street. See March 24 listing for details. ❧ Rotary Club: Meetings every Thursday at the Tucker Room at the Mt. St. Helena Golf Course, 2025 Grant Street, noon - 1:30 p.m. Music, Memory and Singing For Adults: Spon- ❧ sored by Napa Valley College Community Education and Calistoga Recreation Services, this class discusses the history of music and songs, as well as providing an opportunity to sing. Instructor is Kate MacPherson, who has taught music for 25 years. Class meets at the Calistoga Community Center, 1307 Washington Street, from 1 - 2:30 p.m. Dropins welcome or RSVP 942-2838. Donations also welcome. ❧ Low Vision Group: The Low Vision Group of the Upper Napa Valley will meet at 1:30 p.m. in the Recreation Hall of the Rancho de Calistoga Mobilehome Park, 2412 Foothill Blvd. Camille Hurley will read selected current events. Patricia Jefferson, vision rehabilitation specialist for the Earle Baum Center in Santa Rosa, will be guest speaker and speak on a variety of topics to help you remain independent. Call Dora Devorak at 942-1630 for advance seating reservations. Coffee, tea and water will be available. Coordinator: Dan Sund 942-6301. ❧ CHS Drama Department Annual School Play: This year’s production, “Domestic Tranquility,” is a comedy by Rich Orloff. It is set in the mid-1950s. and is a six-character comedy about a nice family who live in a nice home in a nice suburb, whose lives are turned upside down by three escaped convicts with bad table manners. Performance tonight is at 7 p.m. at the Calistoga High School Black Box Theatre. Tickets are $10 for adults ; $5 for students. For tickets or reservations, contact Toni Weems at the high school office, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. or stop by. Call 942-6278 for more information. 27 FRIDAY ❧ County Medi-Cal Services: At the Family Center, 1705 Washington Street, Suite G, every Friday. See March 20 listing for details. ❧ Technology Training at Calistoga Library: Please come in or call to schedule a 30minute appointment. See March 20 listing for details. ❧ CHS Drama Department Annual School Play: Performance tonight is at 7 p.m. at the Calistoga High School Black Box Theatre. See March 26 listing. 28 SATURDAY ❧ Calistoga Farmers Market: Open year ’round, in the Sharpsteen Museum Plaza. See March 21 listing for details. ❧ Zumba®: The class is held in the Calistoga Jr. High Gym (the old gym), 1608 Lake Street. See March 21 listing for details. ❧ Little League 2015 Opening Ceremonies: This morning at 11 a.m. at Tedeschi Field. Lots of fun activities for all ages. Also honoring all the folks in the community who’ve helped make Little League happen over the years. For more information, contact Lisa Lundquist at Lisafecht or 707-812-9085. ❧ Acrylic Painting Workshop: A one day workshop where you will take a landscape painting home with you at the end of the day. Taught by Karen Lynn Ingalls at the Calistoga Art Center, Cropp Building, 1435 N. Oak Street, from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Class is designed for people with at least some painting experience. Fee: $80 members; $95 non-members. Materials not included. Bring your lunch. For more information or to enroll, ❧ CHS Drama Department Annual School Play: Performance tonight is at 7 p.m. at the Calistoga High School Black Box Theatre. See March 26 listing. 29 SUNDAY ❧ CHS Drama Department Annual School Play: Performance tonight is at 6 p.m. at the Calistoga High School Black Box Theatre. See March 26 listing. Page 10 Friday, March 20, 2015 Marketplace Calistoga tribune Ad Deadline is Noon Tuesday • Call 942-5181 • FAX 942-6508 • • $10 a Week HELP WANTED RENTAL NEEDED CLASSIFIEDS are only $10 a week. Call us at 942-5181 today to place an ad . DID YOU KNOW that garage sale ads (garage sales held in Calistoga) are free? Give us a call! 942-5181 HOME NEEDED local, stable, long term tenants looking for a home. Ken Maxfield and Mary Jo Geitner are seeking a new spot to call home. Contact 707-7582527 or 707-539-5107 (2/27/4x) DESK CLERK $13-$15 Hr Apply at Golden Haven COOK/CASHIER needed, various shifts. Contact 942-5646 ask for Mary. (3/20/3x) ROMAN SPA RESORT is hiring for the following positions: Housekeeping, Garden/Grounds Maintenance and General Maintenance. Please apply in person, 1300 Washington St. (3/13/2x) MOBILE HOME PARK looking for landscape maintenance person with at least 1 year experience, self-motivated, and works well with others. Must have knowledge of all phases of maintaining landscape and safe use of all landscape related equipment. Knowledge of irrigation and pool maintenance is a plus. Work effectively in a variety of outdoor conditions. Light janitorial duties will be required. Ability to lift and or move up to 50 pounds. Must speak English and have a valid driver’s license with good driving record. This is a full time position with weekends off. Starting pay $11.00/ hr with paid vacation. Contact Tony @ 707-942-697, M-F 9am to 4pm (3/13/2X) SERVICES OFFERED VALLEY GIRL HOUSEKEEPING. No job too big, no job too small. I can do it all. References upon request. Carol 707.694.1899 (2/27/4x) HAVE A SMALL BUSINESS? Place an ad under this category for $10 a week. Call 942-5181 and ask for Shellie. FREE STUFF LARGE QUANTITY of lava stone approx 2-in square pieces, reddish brown, for decorative use. Stone is piled at 1706 Adele, corner of Lake Street. Take some or all. Will need truck or trailer to haul away. Would like it removed as soon as possible. (3/20/2) GIVE THINGS AWAY FREE HERE! Call us at 942-5181, and we’ll advertise your item for free under this heading for two weeks. Call by noon on Tuesday for inclusion in Friday’s edition Calistoga Tribune Subscribe, pay for 12 months and get 2 months FREE!! Call today and keep up with what’s going on in Calistoga. 942-5181 GARAGE SALE MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE on Sat., March 21 and Sun., March 22, open both days 9 a.m. -3 p.m. at 1567 Centennial Circle. Household and office misc., kitchenware, clothing, purses, sports memorabilia, DVDs, small electronics. No early birds. YARD SALE - Moving, quality items priced to sell. 1507 Harley Street, Sat.,, March 21, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Darlene Brissard • Sharon Carone Brian Durnian • Ziggy Gutierrez Tribune Puzzle Answers sudoku Crossword BREATHTAKING-Soaring wood ceilings with walls of windows capture the stark beauty surrounding this private, spacious three+ bedroom home with office, game room, media room, wrap around deck, temperature controlled wine cellar and small Petite Sirah vineyard. Eight acres just minutes to Calistoga and an easy 20 minutes to Santa Rosa Airport. $2,250,000 BELLA VISTA VINEYARDS An incredible opportunity to own a one of a kind property with over 180 acres in Napa and Sonoma County. Over 37 acres are planted to vineyard, with potential for winery, caves, plus multiple building sites. Adjacent 26 acres with home are also available. Vineyard/acreage: $7,950,000 LOCATION: Three bedroom, 2 ½ bath, 2144 sq. ft. home in Centennial Circle with views across Garnett Creek to vineyards and mountains. Spacious family room, living room, great location. $770,000 NEW LISTING Nicely landscaped spacious yard, adorable 2+ bedrooms, 2 bath home with hardwood floors, updated kitchen, fireplace w/insert, just a couple of short blocks to town. Great vacation home. $545,000 WHAT A VIEW: Four bedrooms, 2 ½ baths, family room with fireplace, new custom deck and fencing so you can enjoy the beautiful views of a meadow and Mt. St. Helena. Freshly painted inside and out; great outdoor spaces for entertaining and gardening. $690,000 PRISTINE VALLEY WITH WINERY POTENTIAL - 59.7+/- acre estate property located between Calistoga and Knights Valley. 4100sq. ft main residence, 900 sq.ft. guest house currently utilized as an office. Approx 25 acres of vineyard – Cabernet, Old Vine Zin and 4+/-acres of Petite Sirah. Additional plantable acreage and potential for Winery/Caves. $6,950,000 UNBELIEVEABLE GET AWAY – 112+ Acres -First time on the market. Private retreat with fantastic views of Napa Valley, the Palisades, Mt St. Helena as well Sonoma County. Small 1 bdrm, one bath with a loft that works as a second bdrm. Windows galore for endless views and the ultimate in privacy. Ranch is partly in Napa County and partly in Sonoma County. You can expand or probably build another house. Awesome view! $1,450,000 GREAT BUILDING SITE Two beautiful acres with filtered views of Mt. St. Helena and the Palisades. Paved road, shared water for landscaping, ability to hook to City water, and in the City limits. $495,000 DEVELOPER’S DELIGHT – Double lot located just a few blocks from downtown Calistoga. 14,871 sq.ft lot with a quaint little house. Possible lot split or build another house. Zoned R-2. Use your imagination. $618,000 CALL FOR A FREE MARKET ANALYSIS ON YOUR HOME Public Notices SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE FOR PUBLICATION (GOV’T CODE §36933) ORDINANCE 710 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Calistoga Amending Multiple Chapters of the Calistoga Municipal Code to Implement the 2014 Housing Element Date Introduced: March 3, 2015, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Canning, Dunsford, Kraus, Lopez-Ortega, Barnes; NOES: None; ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None Ordinance is available for inspection at the Calistoga City Hall, 1232 Washington Street, Calistoga, and on the City’s website at: Date Adopted: March 3, 2015, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Canning, Dunsford, Kraus, Lopez-Ortega, Barnes; NOES: None; ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None Summary of Ordinance: Ordinance 710 revises and adds Zoning Code definitions, adds supportive and transitional housing as permitted and conditionally-permitted uses in the Rural Residential and Rural Residential-Hillside Districts, respectively, and adds residential care for seven or more persons as a conditionally-permitted use in the Multifamily Residential/Office District in order to implement the 2014 Housing Element of the Calistoga General Plan. Statements in this summary are intended as a summary description of the ordinance contents. There are significant provisions in the ordinance that are not described herein. In any conflict or inconsistency between this summary and the ordinance, the provisions of the ordinance prevail. For a complete and accurate understanding of the ordinance, you are encouraged to read the ordinance. Dated: 3/6/15 Kathy Flamson, City Clerk Pub: 3/6/15 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000218 The following person(s): Ball, Katherine Jean, 3059 Bruin Ct., Napa, CA 94558 is (are) doing business as: Davidson & Bennett Real Estate Services, 1817 Jefferson St., Napa, CA 94559, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Individual. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 6/1/1988. Statement expires on: 2/9/2020. Signed: Katherine Jean Ball I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: February 9, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: N. Turner, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000260 Original FBN No. 2009-0001537 The following person(s): Cain, Brian Patrick, 1195 Lahoma Drive #111, Napa, CA 94558 is (are) doing business as: Extreme Steam Carpet Cleaning, 421 Walnut St. #160, Napa, CA 94559, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Individual. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 1/1/2004. Statement expires on: 2/17/2020. Signed: Brian P. Cain I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: February 17, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: N. Turner, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000294 The following person(s): Free Flow Wines, LLC, 2557 Napa Valley Corporate Dr., Ste. A, Napa, CA 94558, State: CA is (are) doing business as: Four Bears, Klinker Brick Winery, Matthaisson Family Vineyards, Point North, Roam, Sean Minor, 2557 Napa Valley Corporate Dr., Ste. A, Napa, CA 94558, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Limited Liability Company. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 7/1/2013. Statement expires on: 2/20/2020. Signed: Michael Centron, VP of Finance, Managing Member I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: February 20, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: S. Wright, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000312 The following person(s): Pine Ridge Winery, LLC, 2700 Napa Valley Corporate Dr., Ste. B, Napa, CA 94558, State: DE is (are) doing business as: Scatena Bros. Wine Co., 5901 Silverado Trail, Napa, CA 94558, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Limited Liability Company. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Statement expires on: 2/24/2020. Signed: Patrick DeLong, President/ CEO I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: February 24, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: N. Turner, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000267 The following person(s): Le Melange Vineyards & Winery, Inc., 6700 Balfour Rd., Brentwood, CA 94513, State: CA is (are) doing business as: Quixote Winery, 6126 Silverado Trl., Napa, CA 94558, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Corporation. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Statement expires on: 2/18/2020. Signed: Bert Zhang, President/ Secretary/CFO/Director I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: February 18, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: N. Turner, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000299 The following person(s): Hunnicutt Wine Company, LLC, 3524 Silverado Trail N., Saint Helena, CA 94574, State: CA is (are) doing business as: Como No Wines, Courage Wines, Promise, Rarecat Wines, Scully Estates, 3524 Silverado Trail N., Saint Helena, CA 94574, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Limited Liability Company. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Statement expires on: 2/23/2020. Signed: Justin H. Stephens, Managing Member I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: February 23, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: D. Paredes, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000300 The following person(s): D. R. Stephens Estate Wines, LLC, 465 California St. #330, San Francisco, CA 94574, State: CA is (are) doing business as: DRII, 3524 Silverado Trail N., Saint Helena, CA 94574, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Limited Liability Company. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Statement expires on: 2/23/2020. Signed: Ronald R. Stephens, Managing Member I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: February 23, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: D. Paredes, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27 LegaL Notices caLL 942-5181 for iNformatioN Calistoga tribune Friday, March 20, 2015 Page 11 Calistoga News Speedway hosting 78th year of racing on half-mile oval Courtesy Photo Coaches Brian Fennen (left) and Gary Ittig (right) with the undefeated Boys Under 12 team that finished its season 7-1 overall. This year’s team included Christian Caldera, Sean Fennen, Greyson Ittig, Marvin Marin, Iggy Mendoza, Christian Montanez, CJ O’Connor, Diego Ordaz, Jesus Rojas, and Eric Servin. Boys under 12 team undefeated in season, post a 7-1 overall finish at tournament The Calistoga Under 12 Boys team from Calistoga went undefeated (5-0) during the regular season. Their only setback this year came in a nail-biting 28-27 overtime loss early in the league tournament, but they came back to win their final two tournament games, finishing 7-1 overall. Christian Caldera was the team’s leading scorer and stand- Public Notices PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000310 The following person(s): Sonoma Wine Company, LLC, 9119 Graton Rd., Graton, CA 95444, State: CA is (are) doing business as: Incognito Wines, 205-A Jim Oswalt Way, American Canyon, CA 94503, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Limited Liability Company. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Statement expires on: 2/24/2020. Signed: Jeffrey Harris, Chief Financial Officer I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: February 24, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: L. Rodriguez, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000292 The following person(s): Hourglass Wine Company, Inc., 1104 Adams St., Ste. 104, St. Helena, CA 94574, State: CA is (are) doing business as: Carteirra, Dakota Shy Wine Company, Sinegal Estate, 817 Lommel Rd., Calistoga, CA 945159649, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Corporation. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Statement expires on: 2/20/2020. Signed: Jeffrey Robert Smith, CEO I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: February 20, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: N.Turner, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000239 out player, with his athleticism, ball-handling, and shooting skills. Every member of the team had something to contribute to their successful season. “As coaches of this team, we are proud of our players growth in personal skills and especially in their teamwork. We all had some fun while learning to play a smarter game,” said coach Brian Fennen. This year’s team included Christian Caldera, Sean Fennen, Greyson Ittig, Marvin Marin, Iggy Mendoza, Christian Montanez, CJ O’Connor, Diego Ordaz, Jesus Rojas, and Eric Servin. Coaches were Brian Fennen and Gary Ittig. The basketball league is co-sponsored by the Calistoga Recreation Department. A full weekend of open-wheel racing featuring the national World of Outlaws and three of Northern California’s top touring series for sprint cars will jumpstart Calistoga Speedway’s upcoming season. The 2015 season, which is the 78th year of racing on the half mile oval at the Napa County Fairgrounds, also includes a separate event for the King of the West sprint cars, the traditional Louie Vermeil Classic over Labor Day weekend and the return of the AMA Grand National championships for flat track motorcycles. In addition to the Outlaws, the “Sprint Car Spectacular” on Saturday and Sunday, April 11-12, will also include the prestigious King of the West series for “410” sprint cars, the Civil War series for “360” sprint cars and the traditional nonwing sprint cars of the Hunt Magneto series. “It’s a weekend that offers fans a race for every taste,” noted Tommy Hunt, Calistoga Speedway promoter. “No matter what kind of sprint car a fan would like, it will be here that weekend with a little something for everybody.” The World of Outlaws features some of the nation’s best touring pros, led by six time national champion Donny Schatz from North Dakota. The Calistoga stop also will be a homecoming of sorts for some of the Outlaw drivers who began their careers in Northern California, including former Calistoga Speedway champion Paul McMahon, who now makes his home in Tennessee, and Brad Sweet formerly of Grass Valley, who drives a car owned by NASCAR driver Kasey Kahne. For the first time ever, racers in the King of the West series, led by two- time and defending champion Kyle Hirst of Chico, will earn points toward their season-long championship based on their finishes racing against the World of Outlaws each night, an added incentive for teams with title hopes. The Civil War Series returns to Calistoga Speedway on Saturday night of that weekend for a separate racing program after a two year absence, offering Calistoga resident Mike Benson, a regular on that tour, a rare chance to race in front of a hometown crowd. In addition, the non-wing sprint cars of the Hunt Magneto Series will race a full program on Sunday night of the season-opening weekend. Little League opens season tomorrow at Tedeschi Field Little League is having its 2015 Opening Ceremonies tomorrow on March 28 starting at 11a.m. at Tedeschi Field. Lots of fun activities for all ages as well as honoring all the folks in the community who’ve helped make it happen over the years. continued The following person(s): Johnson, Jill Christine, 1145 Deputy Dr., Pope Valley, CA 94567 is (are) doing business as: Live Edge Connection, 1145 Deputy Dr., Pope Valley, CA 94567, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Individual. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 2/11/2015. Statement expires on: 2/11/2020. Signed: Jill Johnson I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: February 11, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: N. Turner, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000315 The following person(s): RMC Wines, LLC, 302 Longmeadow Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70610, State: CA is (are) doing business as: RMC Wines, 3450 Sage Canyon Rd., St. Helena, CA 94574, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Limited Liability Company. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Statement expires on: 2/25/2020. Signed: Michael C. Casadaban, LLC Manager I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: February 25, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: D. Paredes, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000307 The following person(s): Corcoran, Tim, 910 Donaldson Way, American Canyon, CA 94503 is (are) doing business as: Marketing Arts Studio, 910 Donaldson Way, American Canyon, CA 94503, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Individual. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Statement expires on: 2/23/2020. Signed: Tim Corcoran I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: February 23, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: L. Rodriguez, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000301 Original FBN No. 2010-0000010 The following person(s): Geremia, Joseph F., 1962 Wilkins Ct., Napa, CA 94559 is (are) doing business as: A-1 Pro Entertainment, J. Silverheels Band, 1962 Wilkins Ct., Napa, CA 94559, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Individual. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 6/1/1976. Statement expires on: 2/23/2020. Signed: Joseph F. Geremia I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: February 23, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: L. Rodriguez, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000351 The following person(s): Envy Wines LLC, 1170 Tubbs Ln., Calistoga, CA 94515, State: CA is (are) doing business as: Sebright Wines, 1170 Tubbs Ln., Calistoga, CA 94515, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Limited Liability Company. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 2/12/2015. Statement expires on: 3/3/2020. Signed: Mark Carter, Managing Partner I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: March 3, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: D. Paredes, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000372 The following person(s): Hippauf, Paul, 253 Newbury Way, American Canyon, CA 94503 is (are) doing business as: Paul Hippauf – Computer Consultant, 253 Newbury Way, American Canyon, CA 94503, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Individual. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Statement expires on: 3/6/2020. Signed: Paul Hippauf I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: March 6, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: D. Paredes, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000361 The following person(s): Free Flow Wines, LLC, 2557 Napa Valley Corporate Dr., Ste. A, Napa, CA 94559, State: CA is (are) doing business as: Myuge, Riverbench LLC, Robert Mondavi Winery, Saved Wines, Wild Horse, Wild Horse Winery & Vineyards, 2557 Napa Valley Corporate Dr., Ste. A, Napa, CA 94559, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Limited Liability Company. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 7/1/2013. Statement expires on: 3/4/2020. Signed: Heather Clauss, Manager I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: March 4, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: S. Wright, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000305 The following person(s): Gallaher Hall, Amy, 21 Syar Dr., Napa, CA 94558 is (are) doing business as: Ah! Positively Publishing, 21 Syar Dr., Napa, CA 94558, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Individual. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Statement expires on: 2/23/2020. Signed: Amy Gallaher Hall I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: February 23, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: D. Paredes, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000398 The following person(s): Eddings, Seneca R., 1356 Trower Ave., Napa, CA 94558 is (are) doing business as: Crystal Clean Home and Home Office, 1356 Trower Ave., Napa, CA 94558, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Individual. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Statement expires on: 3/10/2020. Signed: Seneca Eddings I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: March 10, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County Clerk- Recorder By: L. Rodriguez, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 3/20, 3/27, 4/3, 4/10 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000415 The following person(s): Garske, Samuel Edward, 1811 Aurora Drive, Calistoga, CA 94515 is (are) doing business as: Cellarmaster Garske, Cellarmaster Garske Wines, Garske Cellars, Garske Family Wines, Garske Wines, 1811 Aurora Drive, Calistoga, CA 94515, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Individual. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Statement expires on: 3/13/2020. Signed: Sam Garske I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: March 13, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: N. Turner, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 3/20, 3/27, 4/3, 4/10 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2015-0000439 The following person(s): Acres Real Estate Services, Inc., 4402 Jefferson Street, Napa, CA 94558, State: CA is (are) doing business as: Estates & Vines, 4402 Jefferson Street, Napa, CA 94558, County of Napa. This business is conducted by: Corporation. Registrant commenced to conduct business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Statement expires on: 3/16/2020. Signed: Burt Polson, CEO I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. DATED: March 16, 2015 John Tuteur, Napa County ClerkRecorder By: L. Rodriguez, Deputy ClerkRecorder Pub. 3/20, 3/27, 4/3, 4/10 PAGE 12 Friday, March 20, 2015 Sports W I L D C A T S CALISTOGA TRIBUNE G A M E S C H E D U L E Absolutely subject to weather, grades, missed buses, cancellations, scheduling, and change of mind, etc. Today, March 20 Today, March 20 Today, March 20 Saturday, March 21 Saturday, March 28 Baseball team hosts Anderson Valley from Booneville, 4 p.m. Softball team hosts Anderson Valley Panthers, 4 p.m. Tennis squad 4 p.m. takes on the Panthers at Monhoff courts. Track team travels to the Dublin Distance Festival. Softball team hosts the Wildcat Tourney starting at 10 a.m. ‘Cats hitting their stride, winning 2 of 3 games ■ Reaping rewards of tough pre-season schedule, softball team on a roll By Gene Duffy Tribune Sports Writer Calistoga softball is reaping the rewards of a tough pre-season schedule as the Cats have won two out of their three last games, Saturday in the Cats three team tournament, Calistoga exploded for 23 hits in the opener, beating the Tech Titans 24-12. The Cats held a 24-2 lead when coach Blakeley substituted freshman CiCi Montanez for pitcher Hailey Butcher enabling Montanez to get a little work. Tech worked her over for 10 runs in her second stint of the year on the mound. Freshman Megan Mills went 5 for 5 for the Cats while senior Jenna Franquelin was 3 for 4 with 2 doubles, a triple and 4 RBI’s. Butcher struck out 10 batters in four innings of work to notch the win. In the second game Saturday, facing St. Helena, the Cats dug a 9-0 hole before staging a dramatic 7 run comeback in the bottom half of the last inning, falling just short in the 9-7 loss. Tuesday, Calistoga traveled to St. Helena and had their best outing of the season, revenging Saturday’s loss with an impressive 16-4 win on the Saints home diamond. Franquelin led the Calistoga attack with two tape measure home runs, a double, and six RBI’s. Montanez had a ground rule double, while Joyce Aquino and Giana Pochini each contributed three hits. Butcher was impressive on the mound keeping the Saints off balance with a variety of pitches and holding the Saints to 4 hits. Next up, Anderson Valley comes calling today at 4 p.m. Katelyn Butcher applies the tag on the attempted steal in the Wildcats game against St. Helena. TWIN PINE CASINO & HOTEL Jeanette Squire, Agent 707-942-4204 • 213 Wappo Ave. Calistoga’s only local insurance agent. Next Saturday— Win a truck! 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