polar bears - Lewes Polar Bear Plunge
polar bears - Lewes Polar Bear Plunge
CHANGING ATTITUDES, CHANGING LIVES at the cool schools polar bear plunge Lewes Polar Bear Plunge benefiting SPECIAL OLYMPICS DELAWARE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2014 AT REHOBOTH BEACH F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N V I S I T- W W W. P LU N G E D E . O R G COOL SCHOOLS at the Polar bear plunge Why support the Polar Bear Plunge for Special Olympics Delaware? The Lewes Polar Bear Plunge is Special Olympics Delaware’s largest event and raises funds that fuel year-round sports programs for more than 3,500 Special Olympics athletes throughout the state. Special Olympics is the world’s largest movement dedicated to promoting respect, acceptance, inclusion and human dignity for people with intellectual disabilities. The Polar Bear Plunge is held annually on the first Sunday in February inRehoboth Beach, Delaware. It’s a great opportunity for individuals, organizations, businesses and schools to raise awareness and support Special Olympics athletes by collecting pledges and “freezing your fur off” ... so join us for the COOLEST event of the year and TAKE THE PLUNGE! Become a Polar Bear and Seize the Freeze! Anyone with a little courage, a warm heart and a desire to support a worthy cause is welcome! Each individual is asked to raise a minimum of $75 to participate as a Polar Bear. Each participant who reaches the minimum donation receives an official Polar Bear Plunge hoodie sweatshirt and entry to the after-Plunge party. Collect pledges from family, friends and other sponsors to earn additional incentives! Your Polar Bear Plunge Toolkit includes: Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge information Easy-freezey steps on how to get started as a Polar Bear and register online! Set a goal and raise funds for a great cause How to raise $150 in 7 days or $500 in 10 days! Use these day-by-day guides to help you reach your fundraising goal. Sample Donation Request Letter Use the letter as a way to ask for donations from friends and family. Personalize it or use it as is! Important Forms: Paper Registration (if you prefer this over online registration), Waiver and Release Form and Donor Pledge Sheet. These can also be downloaded from our Plunge website at www.plungede.org. COOL SCHOOLS at the Polar bear plunge Steps to taking the Plunge! STEP #1 Pre-register for the Plunge! Visit www.plungede.org and click the “REGISTER” button. Click on the Polar Bear Plunge link to get to the online registration on Firstgiving. Find your school name under “Teams” and join your team! Each person on a school team will need to individually register for the Plunge. After you register online, create a fundraising page and add a photo and personal message. Collect and track donations online, and don’t forget to use email and social media to communicate with friends and family! (You can also mail in the paper Registration Form to Special Olympics Delaware. Forms are in this toolkit and can also be downloaded online at www.plungede.org.) **You can also register on the day of the Plunge, and although your sweatshirt will not be guaranteed that day, it will be mailed to you. STEP #2 Collect donations! Ask family, friends and neighbors to sponsor you - print copies of the sample donation request letter or ask family and friends to visit your online fundraising page online. Each Polar Bear needs to raise the minimum donation of $75 in order to take the plunge. You can collect pledges online or offline ... but remember! Sharing your fundraising link online is the easiest and quickest way to gather donations. (If you prefer to collect pledges offline, make sure to use your Pledge Sheet to keep track of your donations and collect the funds before you arrive at the Plunge.) STEP #3 Read and sign the Waiver Form. Participants under the age of 18 yrs. old MUST have a parent/guardian sign the waiver and bring a copy of the signed form to the Plunge. STEP #4 PLUNGE DAY! Whether you registered online or by paper registration, you will need to check-in at the Plunge when you arrive. Bring your signed Waiver form if you are under 18 yrs old. Also, make sure to bring any additional donations so we can tally up your total. Be sure to CHECK IN EARLY as you will need time to register and prepare for the Plunge at 1:00pm. ** Cool tip for Polar Bears: Take advantage of early check-in times (to be announced) during the days before the Plunge! Once you have checked in early, there is no need to stand in line on Sunday. Relax and chill out! STEP #5 HAVE FUN! Bring your school team and plunge with your teammates. Schools are encouraged to show off their school spirit! BE BOLD AND GET COLD ... and most of all, enjoy your day! Event info Date: Sunday, February 2, 2014 Check-in time: 10:00am Plunge time: 1:00pm sharp Location: Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk Pre-register with $10 (online or paper registration.) Start fundraising to meet the $75 Plunge registration fee. All registered plungers receive an official Polar Bear hoodie sweatshirt. Plunge Day happenings: - Spread the Word to End the Word kickoff campaign at the boardwalk …. Pledge and Plunge to help raise awareness - Music, mascots, costumed characters, etc. - Special incentives for different fundraising levels - Opportunity to earn service-learning hours Form a school team and show your school spirit — BRRRRING it on! It’s fast and easy to REGISTER ONLINE! Go to www.plungede.org The school that recruits the most polar bears –OR– raises the most donations will win a traveling trophy! QUESTIONS? Please contact: Kylie Melvin at kymel@udel.edu (302) 831-8582 -orRuth Coughlan at coughlan@udel.edu (302) 831-4048 Day of Plunge Checklist All students under 18yrs. must bring a signed waiver! Water shoes for going into the water (the sand is very cold on bare feet) A plastic bag (for wet clothes) Extra clothing, robe or blanket to keep you warm while you are waiting to plunge Two medium sized towels (one to dry and one to stand on) Clean, dry clothes and dry shoes to wear after plunging A backpack to hold everything School-spirit outfits or costumes (optional) Food and drinks Team mascot, flag or banners to show your team spirit A disposable and waterproof camera that you can carry into the Plunge area Leave valuables at home How to register for the Plunge cool schools: Form a school team and take the plunge together! Students and their friends, families, teachers and administrators can represent their school and be part of the same team. School teams will be listed on the online registration page on Firstgiving. If you would like to submit a new school team, contact us by using the following contact information: Kylie Melvin (kymel@udel.edu or 301.831.8582) OR Ruth Coughlan (coughlan@udel.edu or 302.831.4048). EACH TEAM MEMBER MAY REGISTER ONLINE: 1. Online registration is the fastest and easiest method to register. Go to www.plungede.org and click on the REGISTER link. (This will bring you to a page listing the various weekend Festival events that require registration. Click on “Polar Bear Plunge” to get to the Firstgiving page.) 2. On the Firstgiving page, click on the green button that says “REGISTER”. 3. Next, pre-register with a deposit of $10 -or- pay the full amount of $75. 4. Complete all the required information (name, address, etc.) 5. Select “JOIN A TEAM” to find and join your school team. 6. Start raising funds and help raise awareness! While on Firstgiving, create a personal fundraising page. Make it your own and include a copy of the sample donation letter (attached.) Include a fun photo of yourself and let people know why you are taking the plunge for Special Olympics. 7. Finish by entering your payment information. You are now officially pre-registered! 8. Want to get social? Include your link to your personal fundraising page using Facebook and Twitter and let your friends and family know that you are raising money for the Polar Bear Plunge. This is a great way to create a buzz and get your supporters involved! ALTERNATIVE: PAPER REGISTRATION Online registration through Firstgiving is the most efficient method to register for the Plunge. However, a paper registration is also possible, if preferred. Please see the last few pages of this kit for paper registration instructions. Just read through the instructions and mail in your paper registration as soon as possible before the deadline date posted. FUNDRAISING TIPS cool ideas to raise funds for the plunge! How to Raise $150 in 7 Days Total Per Day Grand Total Send an e-mail to three friends asking for a $10 pledge (OR challenge them to take the Plunge with you). $30 $30 Send an e-mail to your three favorite relatives asking for a $10 pledge. $30 $60 03 Ask one parent and one sibling for $10 each. Your birthday and/or favorite holiday is right around the corner! $20 $80 DAY Ask two neighbors for $10 each. $20 $100 DAY Ask five people at your favorite restaurant, coffee shop, tavern or hang-out spot for $5. $25 $125 06 DAY After cooking a nice meal, ask your significant other or best friend for a $15 donation. $15 $140 DAY Add a personal contribution of $10. $10 $150 Total Per Day Grand Total $25 $25 $75 $100 $25 $125 Who to Ask DAY 01 DAY 02 DAY 04 05 07 FUNDRAISING TIPS How to Raise $500 in 10 Days Who to Ask DAY 01 Sponsor yourself for $25. DAY 02 Ask three family members to each match your personal donation of $25. 03 DAY Ask your best friend to sponsor you for $25. DAY 04 Ask your boss for a company contribution for $25, or better yet, see if they will match the entire amount you raise! $25 $150 05 DAY Ask five local friends to sponsor you for $10 each. $50 $200 DAY Ask five out-of-town friends to sponsor you for $10 each. $50 $250 DAY Ask five businesses you frequent (barber, salon, restaurant, dentist, etc.) to sponsor you for $10 each. $50 $300 Ask five co-workers to sponsor you for $10 each. $50 $350 09 Ask five neighbors to sponsor you for $10 each. $50 $400 DAY Ask 10 people from your church/temple/social club/ etc. to sponsor you for $10 each. $100 $500 06 07 DAY 08 DAY 10 SAMPLE PLUNGE DONATION REQUEST LETTER and/or EMAIL Dear _________________________ I am writing to ask for your help. On February 2, 2014, I have committed to grin and “bear” it for the athletes of Special Olympics Delaware by taking a chilly dip alongside hundreds of other warm-hearted people at Rehoboth Beach. I know – you’re probably getting cold just thinking about it! But the cold that I will feel is temporary…the positive impact this will have on the lives of thousands of individuals with intellectual disabilities will last a lifetime. I have set a personal fundraising goal of $______, and I need your help to reach it! I’m not asking you to take the Plunge alongside me, but instead, I am asking if you will make a donation to Special Olympics Delaware to sponsor my 2014 Plunge. Any amount would be appreciated because it all goes to a wonderful cause! If you would like to plunge with me, I welcome you to join in the fun. Join my team in "freezin' for a reason!" In order to support my Plunge, please make your check payable to “Special Olympics Delaware” and I will collect your pledge donation. If you want to learn more about this spectacular winter event, visit www.plungede.org to find out all the chilly details. Think warm thoughts for me as February 2 approaches. I will do my best to honor my “Pledge to Freeze” and make my supporters proud! Thank you!!! ___________________________ February 2, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. Rehoboth Ave. & the Boardwalk, Rehoboth Beach, DE Pleasecompletethe Plunge Pre-registrationform-or- Pre-register online by visiting www.plungede.org We’re Freezin’ for a Reason! Special Olympics Delaware provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and participate in the sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community. Special Olympics is about triumph in its purest form - not the triumph of one person over another, but rather triumph of the human spirit over the highest obstacles and longest odds. Thank you for supporting our Special Olympics athletes! THE EVENT… TO PARTICIPATE… Be invigorated as never before and take the Polar Bear Plunge into the Atlantic Ocean for Special Olympics Delaware – our state’s largest year-round organization devoted to sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. 1. This ‘unbearable’ event, scheduled for Sunday, February 2 at 1:00 P.M. in Rehoboth Beach, is presented by … Comcast Cablevision of Delmarva and supported by... F Mail in the Plunge Pre-Registration Form (on reverse side) with $10 to Special Olympics Delaware. The $10 is non- refundable and counts toward your $75 total pledge. It will also guarantee your sweatshirt will be available the day of the plunge. All polar bears (whether or not they are pre-registered) must check-in/register at the event on either Jan. 29 (Wed.) SODE Newark office (8am - 7pm) -OR Jan. 31 (Fri.) Atlantic Sands Hotel (5-8 pm) -OR Feb. 1 (Sat.) Atlantic Sands Hotel (4-8pm) -ORFeb. 2 Rehoboth Beach Bandstand (10 am-plunge) 2. Use the Pledge Form and solicit contributions from family, friends or businesses. 3. MINIMUM total contributions per Polar Bear is $75. 4. Bring all monies collected to the event. Please note: If you are under the age of 18 the Plunge Waiver Form must be signed by parent or guardian. 5. ATTIRE: Swimsuit 6. For more information, call 302-831-4653 or visit www.plungeDE.org. Questions? Email info@sode.org. The Lewes Polar Bears Plunge Pre-Registration Form Pre-Registration Form must be POSTMARKED by January 17, 2014, with $10 to reserve sweatshirt. PLUNGE REGISTRATION FEE: $75 (PRE-REGISTER WITH $10) In order to receive your sweatshirt at the event, you must 1) Submit your form & non-refundable $10 postmarked by January 17, 2014 AND 2) Bring a minimum of $65 additional to registration, totalling $75 submitted. ______ I am a first-time Polar Bear ______ I am a veteran Polar Bear (check box if information below is new o) PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Name: ___________________________________________________ Email:___________________________________________________ Plunge Team Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street: ___________________________________________________ Employer:______________________________________________ City: ______________________________________State:_________ Zip:__________________ Phone: (______)____________________ Event Sweatshirt size (please circle) Adult S M L XL XXL XXXL I have enclosed $ ___________ for Plunge Registration Youth M L o Check enclosed (payable to Special Olympics Delaware) o M/C,Visa or Discover Acct. #______________________________________________Exp. Date_______________________________ What is your relationship to Special Olympics Delaware (SODE)? Please check all that apply. o SODE Athlete o Coach/Volunteer o Family member o Law Enforcement o Other _______________________ Return this completed form to: Special Olympics Delaware · University of Delaware · Newark · DE · 19716-1901 or Fax completed form to 302-831-3483 Please complete Pre-registration form above -ORPre-register online by visiting www.plungeDE.org Create or join a team, and take the Plunge together for a great cause. It’s more fun with friends, so go ahead and take the Plunge! Plunge teams can be school groups, friends, co-workers or family members who want to experience the thrill of the chill together! Create a “cool” team name and encourage your team members to join your team. All teams will be listed online at Firstgiving, or indicate the name of your Plunge Team on the form above. Special Prizes for... - Polar Bear who raises the most funds - Polar Bear who recruits the most bears As a Plunging Polar Bear you will Receive… Polar Tips Or ... How to Make This Unbearable Event Enjoyable #1 Bring a robe… great for putting on while waiting to go in and even better to slip into as you dry off. #2 Keep your feet covered until the last possible moment. #3 Bring extra towels or a blanket to stand on ... remember, the sand is like ice! #4 Wear layered, loose fitting clothes … they’re easier to get into when fingers are cold. #5 Plunge with a friend … it’s more fun! #6 No diving! Or entering the water head first. u Official Polar Bear Plunge Hoodie Sweatshirt u Entry to the Apres Plunge Party u Incentives for donations totaling up to: $250+ - receive the above plus an Embroidered plush towel $500+ - receive the above plus an Embroidered sweatshirt $1,000+ - receive the above plus an Embroidered fleece jacket $2,000+ - receive the above plus a luxurious Embroidered terry cloth robe $5,000 or more - receive the above plus an original stained glass polar bear u The great feeling of freezing your fur off for a truly worthy cause Get the latest Polar Bear news by visiting www.plungeDE.org Waiver Form If you are under the age of 18... a parent or guardian must sign this form; then bring it with you to registration in order to plunge. If you are 18 years of age or older... You will be asked to sign the Waiver and Release on Plunge Day at registration. SPECIAL OLYMPICS RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND INDEMNITY, AND PARENTAL CONSENT AGREEMENT (“AGREEMENT”) In consideration of participating in the LEWES POLAR BEAR PLUNGE, I represent that I understand the nature of the event and that I and/or my minor child am qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in such Activity. I acknowledge that if I and/or my minor child believe event conditions are unsafe, I and/or my minor child will immediately discontinue participation in the Activity. I fully understand that the Polar Bear Plunge event involves risks of serious bodily injury, including permanent disability, paralysis and death, which may be caused by my own actions, or inactions, those of others participating in the event, the conditions in which the event takes place, or the negligence of the “releasees” named below; and that there may be other risks either not known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time; and I fully accept and assume all such risks and all responsibility for losses, costs, and damages I and/or my minor child incur as a result of my and/or my minor child’s participation in the Activity. I hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue Special Olympics Delaware, their respective administrators, directors, agents, officers, volunteers, and employees, other participants, any sponsors, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises on which the Activity takes place, (each considered one of the “RELEASEES” herein) from all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages on my account and/or that of my minor child caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the “releasees” or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations; and I further agree that if, despite this release, waiver of liability, and assumption of risk I, or anyone on my and/or my minor child’s behalf, makes a claim against any of the Releasees, I will indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the releasees from any loss, liability, damage, or cost which any may incur as the result of such claim. I also give my permission for photographs or video taken at the event in which my image, or the image of any of my minor children appears, to be used for promotional and/or advertising purposes by Special Olympics Delaware, without compensation to me or my minor children. I have read this RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, AND PARENTAL CONSENT AGREEMENT, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it and have signed it freely and without any inducement or assurance of any nature and intend it be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extend allowed by law and agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect. PRINT POLAR BEAR NAME Signature of Participant (only if participant is age 18 or over) DATE Signature of Parent/Guardian (if participant is under age 18) DATE Pledge Form February 2, 2014 Polar Bear’s Name_______________________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________State_______ Zip____________ Phone_____________________________ Donor’s name Address Amount 1.______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.______________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.______________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.______________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.______________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.______________________________________________________________________________________________ 10._____________________________________________________________________________________________ 11._____________________________________________________________________________________________ 12._____________________________________________________________________________________________ 13._____________________________________________________________________________________________ 14._____________________________________________________________________________________________ 15._____________________________________________________________________________________________ This form is for the use of the Polar Bear listed above and should NOT be turned in to Special Olympics Delaware