general meeting - Toowoomba Swap Meet
general meeting - Toowoomba Swap Meet
December 2005 September 2006 2 The Polisher’s Rag. September 2006. Management Committee 2006-2007 President Editor. Peter Donovan, Graham Allum, Membership Officer. 07 4630 7326, 0408 307 666, 0746976672, 0400 808 203, John O’Hara, 07 46328855. Vice President. Property Officer. Swap Chairman. Leo Ryan, Bob Chapman, Kevin McGrath, 07 4632 0097, 0429 617 976. 46359235, 0427 539394, 07 46363760, 0407 627751, Betty Hetherton, Rally Directors, Catering Officer. 07 46 136 644, 0428 653 294, Peter Mc Govern, Ann Cox, 07 46304205. 07 46354481, 0418 795 651. Secretary, Treasurer. Mike Richards, 07 46979150, Librarian, Dating Officer. Jack Hetherton, 07 46 136 644, 0428 653 294. Historian, Pat Murphy, 46355728, Brian Timms, 07 46300048, Workshop Supervisor. Combined Council Reps,- Rick A’Bell 07 46136611. Rick A’Bell, Graham Allum, Web site ; Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month in the D.D.V.V.M.C. Clubrooms, 2 Rocla Crt, Toowoomba. Visitors Welcome. Mailing address DDVVMC PO Box 486, Toowoomba, 4350. Clubroom Ph. 07 4633 3181. Next General Meeting….. ............................. .................................................... 7.30 pm Thursday, August 14, 2006. Next Management Committee Meeting ......................................... .... 7.30 PM Monday, August 11, 2006. st rd Rock’n’Roll dance lessons 1 and 3 Sunday afternoons. Starting at 3PM. Bob and Marion Chapman will continue to give dance lessons. They have a variety of music available but Rock’n’Roll is the first choice. Everyone is invited to come along to learn or just enjoy the music. Workshop open Monday nights from (approx) 7pm to 9pm.and Wednesday afternoon 2 til 5. In door bowls check with Ted Taylor 4632 2565 for 2006 dates!. Newsletter closing date August 31, 2006., Editorial Addresses or- PO Box 9118, Withcott, 4352. Next club run: As the Inverell visit for September has been postponed until next year, there will be a CLUB RALLY on SUNDAY 24TH SEPTEMBER, commencing at the Clubhouse at 9AM. BYO Morning tea & Lunch. Please note this is not the usual Rally day. Contact Peter McGovern Ph 46 304 205 .************************************************************************************** 2 The Polisher’s Rag. September 2006. Donovans Doodlings - September 2006 The start of a new club year, and a few ‘challenges’ are now ahead of us. Firstly thanks to the new Committee Members that have signed on to steer the club for the next 12 months and of course to those that worked on the Committee last year/s and justly deserve a rest. The August Rally to Nobby was an excellent event with a great roll up of 21 cars. Thanks again to Norm and Rick for their efforts in putting on the rallies last year….. A job well done. We are still pondering some changes to the workshop, so Rick can get into his new role as workshop supervisor. No doubt they will be further discussed at the next Committee Meeting and once we have a recommendation we shall bring it forward to a general meeting. Elsewhere in this Mag I have included a section….. ‘Food for Thought’, so please have a read of that and get the grey matter on the job and lets discuss some ideas you may have in relation to the subjects that I have outlined. See you at the General Meeting on the 14 September, Peter D Editorial The new committee was appointed with a minimum of fuss, and you have me back as editor. One change I would like to see is for someone other than the organiser, on the monthly event do the write up. I’m a little disappointed that no-one else has come forward a light enhancement and even Rick wore a hat for the last outing!! Graham Minutes of the Management Committee Meeting Held Clubrooms, 2 Rocla Crt August 7, 2006. Apologies: Kevin McGrath Present:.Bob Chapman, Graham Allum, Brian Timms, Pat Murphy, John O’Hara, Leo & Camilla Ryan, Norm Anderson, Des Ham, Rick A’Bell, Jeff.& Ann Cox, Leonie Ham, Peter McGovern, Peter Donovan. Minutes of the previous meeting: Moved R.A’Bell sec L.Ryan that the minutes as printed in the “Rag” be accepted as a true record. Business Arising: (1) Clean –up of workshop (2)Carpets cleaned.(3)Picture rail installed (4)Missing copies of “Restored Cars”being acquired. Correspondence:Moved L.Ham sec R.A’Bell that the outward be endorsed and the inward be accepted It was agreed that Hotrodders may have the use of the Clubrooms and kitchen on 18 August. Letter from Office of Fair Trading received, confirming acceptance of changes to Constitution.. Treasurer’s Report:Moved P.McGovern sec R.A’Bell that the report be received. Dating:Nil Editor: Nil Property:Nil Rallies:The next Rally to Nobby will be a Poker Run.Leave Clubhouse at 9.30 a.m.Morning Tea at Cambooya.Lunch at Nobby either picnic or go Nobby Hotel. Librarian: Missing copies of “Restored Cars”have been ordered Workshop:Quotes to be sought for pedestal drill. Membership:Good response by members to date.It was decided that ads in “Rag” may only be placed by financial th membersMembership will lapse unless subs. are paid by 14 September this year.In future years subs must be paid by 31st July. Swap: Glen Halter has decided not to renew his membership but has generously agreed to manage Swap bookings for the remainder of the time until February.Glen will be away for 1 month in Sept.-October.There will be an appeal to members to manage bookings for that month. Combined Council:Survey forms are still being sought.Treasurer is needed for that organization. General Business(1) Discusion on recent dinner dance.It was suggested that next year numbers may be restricted to 100.(2)President gave an outline on the alterations that may be undertaken to improve workshop.Pat Murphy presented an alternative plan for renovation.There followed discussion on the construction of the area proposed for panel work. (3)There will be an auction of secondhand parts at the General meeting. There being no further business this meeting closed at 9.40p.m. Secretary (Leonie Ham) President (Peter Donovan) ***************************@@@@@@@@@@@@@********************* MINUTES OF GENERAL MEETING Held Clubrooms, 2 Rocla Crt August 10, 2006. Aplogies:Bernie Forster,Peter Swenderling,Jim Robertson,Allan Lowe,Bob Chapman,Kevin McGrath. Present: 53 members as per attendance book. 3 The Polisher’s Rag. September 2006. Minutes: Moved Norm Anderson sec. Rick A’Bell that the minutes as printed in the “Rag” be accepted as a true record. Correspondence:Inward (1) 26 magazines (2) Mobile phone acct. $70.99 (3)Club phone acct. $102.31 (4)Comm rego. Trailer $118.10 (5)Duplicate post box key $5.00(6)3 swap bookings (7)Booking date from Hotrodders (8)Fair Trading re. constitution(9)Beaudesert date claimer 17/18 March 07 (10)Noosa Classic 1st Oct 06 (11)Rockhampton Heritage Rally 4/5/6April 08(12)Maryborough Rally 28/29 Oct. 06(13)Cruzin Drag Races 11/13th Aug.06 st (14)Chrysler Expo.1 Oct 06(15)Aust post notify a rise in postage(16)Annual return of new office bearers to Dept.Fair Trading(17)Nomination forms for all positions received.(18)Thank you card Camilla(19)N.S.W.Classic2008 920)3 club subs.(21)1 returned “Rag”(22)B.O.C. gas acct $274.22 (23)Aust.Post $125.76(24)Twba Council Rates $2016.48 (25)Com Council Minutes (26)Gympie`Swap Meet 2nd`Sept 06 (27)Bay to Birdwood Run Sept.06 (28)JJ Richards increased charges (29)Entry to Aust Directory of Assoc. (30) Invitation to Gatton Fundraiser to erect th Qld Transport Museum 15 Sept 06. (2) Outward (1) Sympathy card to A’Bell family (2) Order to Eddie Ford Publications for Restored Cars Magazines. Moved Leonie Ham sec Tom Sheeran that outward be endorsed and inward be received. Treasurers Report Moved Peter McGovern sec R.A’Bell that the report be received. Dating:Jeff Cox gave an informative report on his 3 years of dating. Jeff commented that of the 36 cars that he had dated 20 have never been seen subsequently at Club functions. Editor:Graham thanked the Ryan and Anderson families for their great assistance with posting. Property(1) Picture Rail installed (2) Carpets cleaned (3)Big Screen in operation at social 26th Aug. Rallies: This has been a good year of competitive rallying.The President’s Run well attended.Next rally a bingo run to Nobby on Sunday 13th Aug. Library: No report. Workshop:Pedestal Drill to be purchased. Membership: John thanked those who had helped during year and reported that subs were coming in well. Historian:More photos to be framed including the Trevethan car. Combined Council:Seeking more survey forms and also seeking a Treasurer for coming year. Swap:Glen Halter has agreed to take bookings for 2007 Swap.Dee Anderson volunteered to take over bookings for the month when Glen will be away. General Business (1) Dinner dance a success .The numbers for next year may be restricted to 100.The presentation of trophies to some members followed.(2)There will be a discussion at future meetings re the distribution of donations to charity.(3)Structural changes to workshop put forward.(3)Badges have been struck for all those who participated in Longreach Rally(4)Trevor Hoffmann recommended the Bi-Tron penetrating oil as demonstrated at a recent meeting.(5)Baptist Church Highfields would welcome display of cars at their White Elephant Stall 0n 26th August,at 8.30 a.m. An auction of Shirley Rooney’s car parts followed this meeting. There being no further business this meeting closed at 8.05p.m. Secretary (Leonie Ham) President Peter Donovan. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD AT THE CLUBROOMS ON 10TH AUGUST AT 9.00P.M. Present: 53 members as per attendance book. Apologies:As for general meeting. Minutes of 2005 A.G.M. Moved Peter Donovan sec R.A’Bell that the minutes be endorsed. Treasurers Report: Moved Peter McGovern sec Col Baker that the audited report be accepted. Editor’s Report. Graham spoke about the change in format and explained the increase in magazine costs due to the amount of colour printing. The Toowoomba Ed. Centre regards our newsletter as one of its best publications. President’s Report: Peter Donovan referred to his report as published in the “Rag”Leo Ryan moved a vote of thanks to President,Peter. Peter Donovan moved sec. R.A’Bell that the report be received. Committee Elections: Leonie Ham chaired this part of meeting stating that as one nomination had been received for each position and that no nominations may be received from the floor, as per the Constitution.. President: Peter Donovan nom. Leo Ryan sec Jack Hetherton (elected unopposed) Vice Pres: Leo Ryan nomJack Hetherton sec Peter Donovan ( elected unopposed) Secretary: Betty Hetherton nom Jack Hetherton secPeter Donovan ( elect. Unopposed) Treasurer:Michael Richards nom Peter Donovan sec Leonie Ham (elect.unopposed) Editor:Graham Allum nom Peter Donovan secJack Hetherton (elect unopposed) Workshop Sup.: Rick A’Bell nom Bob Chapman sec Peter McGovern (elect unopposed) Rally Director: Peter McGovern nom. Peter Donovan sec. R. A’Bell (elect. unopposed) Property Officer:Bob Chapman nom Rick A’Bell sec Peter McGovern(elect.unopposed) Membership Officer: John O’Hara nomRick A’Bell sec Norm Anderson “ “ Dating Officer:Jack Hetherton nom. Leo Ryan sec. Peter Donovan “ “ Swap Chairman: Kevin McGrath nom.Peter Donovan sec R. A’Bell “ “ Historian: Brian Timms nom Pat Murphy sec. Graham Allum “ “ Librarian:Pat Murphy nom Jeff Cox sec. Brian Timms “ “ Ann Cox tendered her resignation as Providor. A vote of thanks was moved by Peter Donovan to Ann commenting on the fine fare that Ann always provided and how members appreciated the supper. Moved Peter Donovan sec Peter McGovern that G.D.H. be appointed to continue in their role as auditor. There being no further business this meeting closed at 9.15 p.m. Secretary: Leonie Ham President: Peter Donovan. 4 The Polisher’s Rag. September 2006. worthwhile articles about maintaining vehicles that are worth looking at. LIBRARY CORNER One of the features of our wonderful Library is the amazing collection of magazines and periodicals that almost fill the southern wall. There are a large number of different names that were published from the early forties to the present day. In the volume I have there are articles on clutch, suspension, electrical and uni joints. There are also cartoons and an article on the new Tucker cars. This magazine was probably only available to motor garagemen of the day and was probably given to us by a retired mechanic or one of his descendants. I would like to draw your attention to a trade journal called The Australian Garage and Motor Trader published in the late forties with a Queensland flavour. There is even an ad for Barnes Auto. As a matter of fact the magazine is worth looking at for just the ads but there are many The Library is usually open on Monday and meeting nights. Pat ______________________________________00000000000000000OOOOOOOOOO000000000000000_______________________ These pics show the activity during the auction which came between the general meeting and the AGM. As you can see there was good interest from most! Some of the proceeds went to our support of the Children’s Day Oncology Ward. 5 The Polisher’s Rag. September 2006. Some of the members enjoyed lunch at the Dad and Dave pub at Nobby while others picnicked in the park. Maybe the club should think about putting on a lunch occasionally. The August Run. Or A GREAT DAY FOR CHEVROLET?? It certainly was with five different vehicles one of which was the eventual rally winner Trevor Hoffmann. There were three Chev fours and two sixes. List of Members and their Cars Peter & Rayma Donovan 29 Chev Rick & Nerida A`Bell 69 Rolls Des & Leonie Ham 38 Buick Gary Rengers & Wife 53 Riley Bob & Ferne Callow 28 A Model Ken & Barb Martin 49 M.G. Gene & Faye Lucas 63 Hillman Imp Col Baker 62 Morris. Noel Cox 1912 Cadillac Pat & Lyn Murphy 28 Chev. Tim Murphy & Wife 34 Chev. B Donaghey 65 Peugeot Bill & Dell Fischer 28 A Model. Rob Drummond 47 Olds Darren Ciesiolka & Family & Friends 24 Chandler Norm & Dee Anderson 56 Nash Metropolitan. Trevor Hoffman 27Chev. Peter Lovell & Wife 54 Vanguard. Tom Harrigan 28 Chev. James Meara 23 Hupmobile Andy Mills Torana SLR 5000 It was also a great day for the club with 21 vehicles in attendance. Another notable vehicle from the General’s stable was Noel Cox’s veteran Cadillac. As well as looking good this car goes well too, keeping up with the vintage four cylinder vehicles of the twenties. There were also a number of new vehicles on their first club outing. Peter Lovell’s Vanguard looked a picture as did Rob and Fern Callow’s A Model. Gary Rengers had his Riley on the run and newcomer Andrew displayed his SLR Torana. Once again the best pic of the Chandler is with the bonnet open; and the problem is catching with the Cadillac showing similar symptoms!! 6 The Polisher’s Rag. September 2006. Rally organisers and Rally winners Fischer ‘A’ with Murphy Chev, More Chevs, Donaghey’s Peugeot, RR of Rick and Nerida. 7 The Polisher’s Rag. September 2006. More August Rallyists, clockwise from top right. Trevor Hoffman and 1927 Chev, Gary Rengers’ Riley, Vanguard of Peter Lovell, with Riley and Morris Major, Murphy ’34 Chev with Donovan 29 Chev, Nash of Norm and Dee Anderson with the Martin Hillman Imp. 8 The Polisher’s Rag. September 2006. Rob Callow ’28 Model A, Fischer Model A, Hoffman Chev, Harrigan ’28 Chev, ’47 olds of Rob Drummond, James Meara and Hupmobile, Andy Mills SLR 5000 9 The Polisher’s Rag. September 2006. Howard Motors From Brian Timms James Howard was a watchmaker from Wigon, Lancashire, England and arrived in Rockhampton, Australia in August, 1889. He was an enthusiastic cyclist and soon joined into the local sport. He obtained the franchise for Rover bicycles and set up business at 95 East St, Rockhampton in the early 1890’s. The business prospered and expanded as the histories show he was still Chairman of Directors at the time of his death in February, 1958 when he was 92 years of age. In 1906 the business was expanded to become James Howard & Co and had premises at 333 Queen St., Brisbane, distributing Rover bicycles and manufacturing Howard cycles. Howards were the first motor distributors in Queensland. In 1914 the firm changed trading name again to become Howard Motor and Cycle Co. Ltd at 376 Queen St., Brisbane & 95 East St., Rockhampton. The Toowoomba Branch was opened in 1915 and was situated in Neil St., on the western side between Bell & Margaret Streets. A branch was opened in Ipswich in 1916 and operated until about 1920. The first Rover car imported into Australia by James Howard was a Rover of 1908 vintage. It appears British Dominion Motors Ltd were the marketers of Rover cars in the 1920s of which Mr. Howard was a director, when I turn the page I find British Dominion Motors Ltd were a subsidiary company of Howards Motor Co. Advertisements from 1926 show a new Rover Touring Car selling for 299pounds and the Roadster for 275pounds “complete with 4 tyres” (what no spare?). When Howards opened their business in 10 The Polisher’s Rag. September 2006. Toowoomba they were agents for Buick,Cadillac and Chevrolet cars. The Toowoomba branch changed its name to “Auto Cars, Toowoomba Ltd” in 1927 and became a subsidiary of Howards Motor Co. Ltd. A branch of Auto Cars was opened at Dalby in 1928 and operated until 1939. Auto Cars Dalby sold all the General Motors Cars and Trucks including Chev., Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac, Marquette and G.M.C. and Chev trucks. In 1932 Howards Motors Ltd were the sole distributor of Morris Cars and Commercials for the Northern Rivers District of NSW. Howards also sold Hart Parr and Vickers Tractors and International Trucks in the early 1930’s. Howards were the agents for Refrigerators, namely Hallstrom Kerosene and Electrice as well as Commercial shop refrigerators. In 1939 Howards picked up the agency for Studebaker which they held and sold vehicles through to about 1962. Roy Howard, the son of James Howard was born in Brisbane on 24th August, 1908, he married in 1935 and at this time was manager of Howards in Toowoomba. During World War 2, he served in the 2/25 Australian Infantry Battalion from July, 1940 until his discharge on 31st January, 1945. After the war Roy returned to his position as manager of Howards in Toowoomba. Later he became Director of Howards Ltd., holding this position until 1966. Roy Howard was a keen fisherman and golfer and member of the Masonic Lodge. In later years when he was unable to walk the golf course he purchased a motorized buggy to keep playing, later moving to the Gold Coast and remained there until his death on 2nd October, 1981. It appears Howards moved out of their old Neil St. premises and into their new brick Showroom in the early 1930’s. This was still an elegant Showroom in the 1960’s. The workshop was at the rear of the showroom and their Used Cars were between the Showroom and their old premises. The 1950s were busy years at Howards, selling Morris Cars, namely the Minor, Oxford and Commercial vehicles, also the Morris “Z” Ute which Howards imported from England and had Charles Hope in Brisbane build the body. January 1953 saw the take over of sales for Riley and Wolseley Cars and Nuffield Tractors from Flinders Motors. In the early 1970s Howards moved to 618 Ruthven Street. The last new car sold at Howards in Ruthven St., was the Leyland P76. This car was embroiled in 11 The Polisher’s Rag. September 2006. controversy from the start and with the P76 assembly plant having problems with workers at the time and the assembly and finish were shoddy. One of the few changes between 1970 and the close of business in July, 1975 was the change of name to UK Motors. The Ruthven St., premises were purchased by the Toowoomba Chronicle where their offices still stand today. The old Howard’s, Neil Street’ premises were demolished to build the Neil St. Bus Interchange. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Morris Motor Company from The Morris Motor Company (MMC) was started in 1910 when bicycle manufacturer William Morris turned his attention to car manufacturing. A factory was opened in 1913 in Cowley, Oxford, England, and the company's first car, a 2-seat version of the "Bullnose" Oxford was introduced. Nearly all the major components were bought-in, with only final assembly being undertaken in the MMC works. In 1914 a coupé and van were added to the line-up but the chassis was too short and the 1018 cc engine too small to make a muchneeded 4-seat version of the car. White and Poppe, who made the engine, wanted more money for a larger version than Morris was prepared to pay so Morris turned to Continental of Detroit, Michigan, USA for supplies of a 1548 cc unit. Gearboxes and axles were also sourced in the United States. In spite of the outbreak of the First World War the orders were maintained and, from mid-1915 a new larger car, the 2-seat and 4-seat Cowley was introduced. After the war the Continental engine was no longer available, so Morris arranged for the French company Hotchkiss to make a near-copy in their Coventry factory. This was used to power new versions of the basic Cowley and more up-market Morris Oxford cars. With a reputation for producing highquality cars and a policy of cutting prices, MMC continued to grow and increase its share of the British market and, in 1924, MMC overtook Ford to become the UK's biggest car manufacturer, holding a 51% share of the home market. There was also a policy of buying up suppliers with, for example in 1923, Hotchkiss in Coventry becoming the Morris Engines branch. In 1924 the head of the Morris sales agency in Oxford, Cecil Kimber, started building sporting versions of Morris cars, called 'MG' after the agency Morris Garages. The later-to-be-famous MG factory was in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England. The small car market was entered in 1928, with the Morris Minor, using an 847 cc engine from the Wolseley Motor Company, a company which became part of MMC in 1927 when William Morris bought it, and this helped get them through the depression years. The Minor was replaced at the 1934 London Motor Show by the Morris Eight, a direct response to the Ford Model Y and 12 The Polisher’s Rag. September 2006. heavily based on it. In 1932 Morris appointed Leonard Lord as Managing Director and he swept through the works, updating the production methods including a proper moving assembly line, but they fell out and Lord left in 1936, threatening to "take Cowley apart brick by brick". Also in 1936 Morris sold Morris Commercial Cars Limited, his commercial vehicle enterprise, to Morris Motors. In 1938 William Morris became Viscount Nuffield, and the same year he merged MCC (already incorporating Wolseley) and MG with newly acquired Riley to form a new company the Nuffield Organisation. Production restarted after the Second World War, with the prewar Eight and Ten but, in 1948 they were replaced by what is probably the most famous Morris car, the Morris Minor designed by Alec Issigonis (who later went on to be famous for the design of the Mini) and reusing the small car name from 1928. Alongside it was the Morris Oxford of 1948, styled like a larger version of the Minor. This was the basis for the design of India's famous Ambassador automobile. In 1952, the Nuffield Organisation (incorporating Morris, MG, Riley and Wolseley) merged with its old rival the Austin Motor Company to form the British Motor Corporation (BMC) with Leonard Lord back in charge, accounting for Austin's domination of the organisation. Badge engineering came with the new company and, for several years, Austin, Morris and the other BMC names would be seen on similar vehicles. In 1968, the Morris marque transferred to the British Leyland Motor Corporation (BLMC), and subsequently, in 1975, to the nationalised British Leyland Limited (BL). The Morris marque was used until the early 1980s on cars such as the Morris Marina. The facelifted Marina, the Morris Ital, was the last Morris-badged passenger car until its demise in 1984. The last Morris was a van, based on the Austin Metro. The former MMC assembly plant in Cowley was turned over in the early 1980s for the production of Austin and Rover badged vehicles. The rights to the Morris marque is currently owned by MG Rover, who have inherited the remains of BMC and BL. The Cowley assembly plant is now owned by BMW, who use it to assemble the new MINI. With MG Rover currently in receivership, it is not clear who will buy the Morris marque. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Car Models (excludes light vans) • • • • • • • • • • • Morris Oxford (Bullnose) 1913-1926 Morris Cowley 1915-1935 Morris Oxford 1926-1935 Morris Minor 1928-1932 Morris Major 1931-1933 Morris Isis 1930-1935 Morris Twenty-One/Twenty-Five 19331939 Morris Twelve 1935-1939 Morris Fourteen 1935-1939 Morris Eight 1935-1948 Morris Ten 1933-1948 Morris Minor MM 1948-1952 Morris Minor 1952-1956 Morris Minor 1000 1955-1971 Morris Oxford MO 1948-1954 Morris Six MS 1948-1953 Morris Oxford1954-1969 Morris Isis 1955-1958 Morris Cowley 1954-1959 Morris Mini Minor 1959-1969 Morris 1100 1962-1971 Morris 1300 1967-1971 Morris 1800 1966-1975 Morris Marina 1971-1984 Morris Ital 1980-1984 As you will note from the start this is from an internet site. This is quite a good site with links available from all the text shown underlined above. This includes model identification and sepcifications. 13 The Polisher’s Rag. September 2006. THE TRADE PAGE WANTED Services Any Information or parts for a 1925 Bean Truck. Some of the parts required are: Radiator, Motor, Gearbox, Tailshaft, Pinion, hand brake lever and rods, Anything would be a help! Also any thing to suit 1924 23/60 Vauxhall. Contact James Meara 07 4633 4206 Dick PAKEMAN 12 Deviney Street Helidon General machining, bearing re-white-metalling. And now wheel rims, split, lock ring and well based. Ph. (07) 4697 6462 VH to CM Valiant sedan: for special project, must be low price. Will be going to a good home. Also would be interested to hear from anyone wrecking HG Holdens or VC Valiants. Ph James 0417 075 819. --------------++++++++++0000++++++++++------------ T & B Bobcat Hire Levelling, Post Holes, trenching, General tidy ups, 6 in 1 Bucket & 4 Ton Tipper. Call Jack, 0429 191 149. Ford ‘Beer Barrel’ Grill and front guards to suit 38-9 Pick up. Also Headlight lens and Tail lens and Kelsey Hayes wire wheel to suit a 1934 Auburn. Contact Rick, 46332 880. Ford Escort Mark 1. Would like one going and close to roadworthy. A Lotus or Mexico model would be nice!!! Contact Graham 46976672. FOR SALE 1939 Ford Anglia Deluxe Tourer 10HP 3speed, Great rally car, Maroon and black guards. White upholstery, speedo shows 49900 miles, drives very well. Contact Bernie, 07 4635 1336. J & S BOBCAT HIRE John Wegrzyniak A/H & FAX , 0418 878643 07 46976777 All Concrete Prep work, trenching, Gravel & Bitumen Driveways, Landscaping, Site cleans, Rock walls, Post holes,, 2.5m Depth, @ 350mm / 450mm Dia. 4 in 1 Bucket, Backhoe Attachment, Levelling Bar, , Double Drum Roller. Sweeper Attachment . 6 Mtr Truck; 14 Years Experience 81 Ashlands Drive Postmans Ridge 4352 Model T Ford parts. Turtle back, chassis, front end and diff. Pat Callow, ph 46231382, (Mitchell). 1971 Land Rover Series 2A LWB. X-Army wireless vehicle. Very original, good rubber, canopy, reg & RWC. $4,500, 0408 718 381. 1947 Austin K2, 2 ton truck. Good restoration project, not running but complete, 3.5 petrol engine and 4 speed gearbox, also 1927 Chev front guards, only good for pattern $40 the pair. Contact Michael 4615 2042. Garden City Tyres For all your tyre needs, Wheel balancing and alignment for old and new cars, as well as 4 x 4s and light commercials. Cnr Neil and Thomas Street 46392244 Ford Prefect motor with original Radiator, runs well Contact Arend Tibben, 46967389, 0427 557634 Paint and Plastic Repairs Does your ‘Pride and Joy’ suffer from: - scratches, - stone chips, - faded paintwork, - poorly matched paint repairs - upholstery damage, tears, holes etc Let me fix these quickly for you at your place Trade prices for club members Call Pete Schwenderling from Kwik Fix 0427 461 347, 4 x 205/75 R14 whitewall tyres. Plenty of tread. Would suit big car. They were a little too big for my XP Falcon $100 & Round ( cylindrical ) fuel tank. 870mm long, 260mm diameter. Larger than normal outlet ( maybe half inch). Would suit veteran or early vintage car or possibly a stationary engine.$20. Pat Murphy 46355728 14 The Polisher’s Rag. September 2006. COMING EVENTS . Next club run: As the Inverell visit for September has been postponed until next year, there will be a CLUB RALLY on SUNDAY 24TH SEPTEMBER, commencing at the Clubhouse at 9AM. BYO Morning tea & Lunch. Please note this is not the usual Rally day. Contact Peter McGovern Ph 46 304 205 On the First and Third Sundays of each month Rock’n’Roll dance lessons (and great afternoon entertainment) Hosted by Bob and Marion Chapman.. September. 2 Gympie Swap, Gympie Showgrounds, 0408616 709. 11 Committee meeting 14 Club meeting 16 All British Run, 17 All British Day , Tennison, Albert 0429 780 980. 17 Beaudesert Swap, showgrounds. Ray 55412298. 24 Club Run 24 All Holden Day, Clem Jones Park , Carina, Clair 32813524. st 30/1 Oct, Lama Annual Rally. 30/1st Oct , Granite Highlands Vehicle/Machinery Show, Stanthorpe Showgrounds, Peter 46834348. October. 2-6 Model T owners QLD, 46663801. 9 committee meeting 12 Club Meeting 15 Military Jeep swap, Canungra Showgrounds. 15 Bundamba Swap, Bundamba State School, 3288 8208. 27-28 Motorcycle Swap Gatton. Keith 46301742. For more information or entry forms on any coming events you can contact Peter McGovern on 46304305 These are 1930s GAZ AA trucks. They are based on the Ford AA and were so popular in Russia that production continued right through til 1945. These trucks feature in many of the Russian WW II museums and memorials. As the war material shortages and time concerns hit, the management took short cuts as you can see by the guard shape on the one. lower left 15 The Polisher’s Rag. September 2006. 1912 Cadillac of Noel Cox and the 38 Buick of Des and Leonie Ham 16