wildlife - Sanders
wildlife - Sanders
® ® H 2013-2014 h WILDLIFE PRODUCTS catalog Wildwood Genetics® offers a full line of quality wildlife food plot products and best-in-knowledge services to create and maintain healthy and productive wildlife species, year after year. WildwoodGenetics.com · 855-868-WILD A Division of TABLE OF CONTENTS Condition of Sale or Warranty ............................................... 4 Letter from the General Manager ......................................... 5 Our History ............................................................................... 6 Our Mission .............................................................................. 6 Where To Buy ........................................................................... 7 Wildlife Species Key ................................................................. 7 Preparation ............................................................................... 8 Fertility ..................................................................................... 9 Food Plot Calendar .................................................................. 10 MINERAL Ex-Caliber® ...............................................................................12 FEEDS Delta Whitetail Hi-Pro 18% Pellets ........................................13 Delta Whitetail Hi-Pro 20% Protein Block .............................13 Corn ..........................................................................................14 Delta Whitetail Hi-Pro Crave ..................................................14 Rice Bran ..................................................................................15 Rice Bran Persimmon ..............................................................15 Trophy Treat ............................................................................ 15 FOOD PLOTS - SPRING/SUMMER Double Barrel® ......................................................................... 16 Alyce Clover .............................................................................16 Brown Top Millet .....................................................................17 Chufa ........................................................................................ 17 Golden Millet ........................................................................... 18 Japanese Millet ........................................................................18 Cow Peas ...................................................................................19 American Joint Vetch ..............................................................19 Wild Game Forage Sorghum ...................................................20 Big Fellow RR™ Forage Soybean .............................................20 Game Keeper RR™ Forage Soybean ........................................21 Large Lad RR™ Forage Soybean ..............................................21 Sunflower Blackoil Hybrid ......................................................22 Sunflower Clearfield™ Hybrid .................................................22 FOODPLOTS - FALL Super Plot®................................................................................23 Super Plot® Plus .......................................................................23 Sure Shot™ Oats .......................................................................24 Small Package Products ..........................................................25 Crimson Clover ........................................................................26 Elbon Rye .................................................................................26 Arrowleaf Clover ......................................................................27 Athena Rape .............................................................................27 Durana Clover ..........................................................................28 Ladino Clover ...........................................................................29 Austrian Winter Peas ..............................................................29 Forage Chicory .........................................................................30 Hairy Vetch ................................................................................30 TABLE OF CONTENTS FORAGES Alfalfa - Bulldog 505 ................................................................31 Alfalfa - WL 550 RR™ ..............................................................31 Alfalfa - Alfagraze 600 RR™ ....................................................31 Bahiagrass ................................................................................32 Lespazeda Kobe ...................................................................... 32 Lespazeda Korean ....................................................................32 Fescue - Kentucky 31 Tall .......................................................33 Kentucky 32 Tall Fescue ......................................................... 33 TEXOMA Max QII™ .................................................................33 Oats ...........................................................................................34 Orchardgrass ............................................................................34 Radishes ................................................................................... 35 Rye ............................................................................................ 36 Ryegrass - Lonestar ................................................................. 37 Ryegrass Tetrastar .................................................................. 37 Ryegrass Prine ......................................................................... 37 Ryegrass Gulf ...........................................................................37 Sorghum ................................................................................... 38 Sorghum Sudangrass - Brown Mid Rib .................................. 38 Sorghum Sudangrass - Sweet Grazer Plus .............................38 Sorghum Sudangrass - Sucrose 9RPS................................... 38 SwitchGrass ............................................................................. 38 Tritacle ..................................................................................... 39 Wheat ....................................................................................... 39 WATERFOWL SEED BLEND Over & Under®..........................................................................40 WEED CONTROL Third Degree™...........................................................................40 FERTILIZERS Field Maker™ ............................................................................41 Fore Runner™............................................................................41 Perfect Pond Plus™ ...................................................................41 EQUIPMENT Feeders ..................................................................................... 42 Deer Blinds .............................................................................. 44 Fire Pits ....................................................................................45 PEST CONTROL Insect Shield™ ...........................................................................46 REPELLENT Hinder® .................................................................................... 47 XPLODE™ .................................................................................47 GLOSSARY ................................................................................ 48 RETAIL MAP ............................................................................. 50 W ildwood Genetics is proud to present the 2013- ® 2014 Catalog. This year’s catalog represents our third edition and has been expanded once again to include more information, photos and additional wildlife products. A forage section and an equipment section have also been added. CONDITION OF SALE OR WARRANTY Directions for use of these products reflect the opinion of experts based on field use and tests. Directions are believed to be reliable and should be followed carefully. However, it is impossible to eliminate all risks inherently associated with the use of these products. Crop injury, ineffectiveness or other unintended consequences may result from such factors as weather, planting or other environmental conditions, presence of other materials, or use of the product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling, all of which are beyond the control of the seller. All such risks shall be assumed by the buyer and user. Seller warrants title and that the goods shall conform to the label description attached to the container within recognized tolerances under state and federal seed laws. Subject to the preceding sentence and except as otherwise expressly provided, SELLER MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY OTHER MATTER WITH RESPECT TO THE GOODS, including, without limitation, any warranty with respect to crop yields, or the response of the goods to environmental condition, disease, insect infestation, chemical application, farming practices or other growing conditions. Our mission will always be to bring you the highest quality products while providing key information and exceptional service to our customers. Wildwood Genetics hopes that you will find this catalog useful in your wildlife endeavors. We wish you a safe and successful hunting season. Tom J ame s Tom James General Manager CONTACT US IN NO EVENT SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES RESULTING FROM LOSSES OR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR HANDLING OF THESE PRODUCTS, OR ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER (WHETHER SUCH CAUSE BE BASED IN CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OTHER TORT OR OTHERWISE). Seller offers these products, and the buyer and the user accept them, subject to the foregoing and to the General Terms and Conditions of Jimmy Sanders, Inc. or seller, as appropriate. If we can provide assitance by answering questions about any of the products in this catalog and how to use them for maximum effectiveness, please call or write to us at: 4 5 Larken Plaza · 276 Nissan Parkway Building F, Suite 400 · Canton, MS 39046 Toll Free: 855-868-WILD · Fax: 601-855-0992 info@WildwoodGenetics.com OUR HISTORY W ildwood Genetics® began in 2007 as the wildlife products division of Jimmy Sanders, Inc. Sanders was founded in 1953, and is now one of the largest agricultural input supply and distribution businesses in the Mid-South. Our common heritage lies in quality seed production and sales, soil fertility and plant health. We offer a complete portfolio of wildlife food plot products, including proprietary brands developed with our exclusive network of seed breeders, along with a wide range of wildlife consultation services. We are experts in seed, fertilizer and pesticides, and we offer tailored recommendations on land use planning for creating and maintaining wildlife habitats. For fertility and seed bed preparation needs, we also provide soil WHERE TO BUY W ildwood Genetics® products can be found at every Jimmy Sanders retail store, located in ten States across the Mid-South. Please visit WildwoodGenetics.com for a full listing. Our products are also marketed through an expanding network of retail distributors and independent dealers, details of which can be found at WildwoodGenetics.com. Wildwood Genetics® offers even more products than are listed in this guide. For a complete list of products, contact Wildwood Genetics® toll free at 855-868-WILD, or any Sanders location. sampling services, weed management advice, GPS acreage mapping and seed selection assistance. When preparing for your hunting season needs, trust the experts at Wildwood Genetics®. “Wildlife is our Game!®” OUR MISSION W e are passionate about all forms of wildlife and work tirelessly to ensure that you produce trophy game, WILDLIFE SPECIES KEY The following symbols indicate the wildife species attracted by the products listed throughout this guide. year after year. We strive to bring the highest quality products and exceptional customer service to our fellow enthusiasts so that, together, we might enjoy wildlife today, and improve it for the next generation. DEER 6 TURKEY DUCK 7 DOVE/QUAIL PREPARATION H unting and enjoying the outdoors is a passion for many. This guide is designed to be a resource for the wildlife enthusiast to assist in managing food plots and taking care of the land and wildlife that we value in so many ways. There are many things to consider when planning wildlife food plots. All too frequently, key preparation steps are neglected, the plots are not well thought out, and the results are disappointing. We know you desire a healthy plot that grows well, is attractive to wildlife and is pleasing to the eye. There are some basic steps that need to be taken in order to accomplish this: • Start planning early. • Test the soil. Soil testing is extremely important for knowing what your soil needs. Having the right nutrients in place will improve plant growth and the FERTILITY S oil sampling should be a priority in every food plot management program. It is the only way to determine the pH of your soil. The pH level is the best indicator for required nutrients. Timing: Late summer is ideal, allowing sufficient time for processing, analysis and planning. Method: Pick a representative point in the plot and pull 4-6 core samples in a circle around the point (approximately 50 foot radius) at a depth of 4-5 inches. Mix the cores together and place them in a soil sample bag. Label the sample and take it to a reputable soil lab for processing and analysis. A set of cores should be taken from each plot. For larger plots, take at least one set of cores for every five acres. Soil pH: The optimum pH range for food plots is 6.2-6.5. If your pH level falls below this range, it is very important that you apply lime. Surface application will bring benefits, but for best results, mix properly with the soil. taste of vegetation. • Next, apply fertilizer as recommended. • Finally, plant quality seed into a well-prepared seedbed. We hope that this guide will assist you as you prepare for this hunting season. If you have any questions or need additional information, feel free to contact a Wildwood Fertilizer: A sound fertilizer program is essential for optimum food plot management, regardless of whether you sample your soil. For legumes, we recommend application of Fore Runner™ Homogeneous fertilizer at a rate of 250 lbs per acre. For non-legumes and grass crops, we recommend Field Maker™ homogeneous fertilizer at a rate of 300 lbs per acre. Genetics® representative or any of the Jimmy Sanders locations. For more information, visit our website at Please contact us for further assistance. www.WildwoodGenetics.com. 8 9 FOOD PLOT PRODUCT NAME Alfalfa Chicory Chufa *Clover - Alyce *Clover - Arrowleaf *Clover - Crimson *Clover - Ladino Double Barrel® Blend Millet - Brown Top Millet - Golden Millet - Japanese Oats - Sure Shot® Over & Under® Seed Blend *Peas - Austrian Winter *Peas - Iron Clay Rape - Athena Rye - Abruzzi / Elbon Sorghum - Wild Game *Soybeans - BigFellow RR™ Forage *Soybeans - Gamekeeper RR™ Forage *Soybeans - Large Lad RR™ Forage Sunflowers - Black Oil Hybrid Sunflowers - Clearfield™ Hybrid Super Plot® Seed Mixture *Super Plot® Plus Seed Mixture Triticale Turnips - Purple Top *Vetch - Hairy CALENDAR PLANTING DATE PLANTING RATE Sept. 1 - Nov. 1 Sept. 1 - Oct. 15 Apr. 1 - June 1 May 1 - June 15 Aug. 15 - Oct. 15 Sept. 1 - Oct. 15 Sept. 1 - Oct. 15 Apr. 1 - June 15 May 1 - Aug. 1 May 1 - Aug. 1 May 1 - Aug. 1 Sept. 1 - Nov. 15 June 1 - Aug. 1 Sept. 1 - Nov. 1 May 1 - July 1 Aug.15 - Nov. 1 Aug. 15 - Oct. 15 Apr. 15 - June 15 Apr. 15 - June 1 Apr. 15 - June 1 April 15 - June 1 May 1 - June 15 May 1 - June 15 Sept. 15 - Nov. 1 Sept. 15 - Nov. 1 Aug. 15 - Oct. 15 Sept. 15 - Nov. 1 Aug.15 - Oct. 15 15 - 20 2 Drilled / 4 Broadcast 25 Drilled / 40 Broadcast 15 - 20 10 - 15 20 - 30 4-5 45 20 - 25 20 - 25 20 - 25 100 - 150 35 30 - 40 15 Drilled / 45 Broadcast 5 - 10 90 - 120 8 Drilled / 15 Broadcast 50 50 50 5-8 5-8 100 100 90 - 120 3-5 90 - 120 (lbs per acre) WILDLIFE SPECIES Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer ---Deer -Deer Deer Deer Deer -Deer Deer Deer --Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey -Turkey Turkey -Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey -Turkey --Duck --Duck -Duck Duck Duck Duck -Duck ---Duck Duck ----------- -----Dove -Dove Dove Dove Dove Dove --Dove -Dove Dove ---Dove Dove ------ -----Quail Quail Quail Quail Quail Quail Quail --Quail -Quail Quail ---Quail Quail --Quail -Quail *All legume seed should be well inoculated with specific inoculant. Soil sampling highly recommended. Please contact us for details. 10 11 MINERAL FEED / REGULAR ® Delta Whitetail Hi-Pro 18% Pellets How Often Do You Apply It? Hi-Pro is a complete free choice feed pellet, fortified with vitamins and minerals, with proven results. It is made from top quality ingredients and multiple protein sources to ensure adequate rumen-degradable and un-degradable (bypass) protein levels. It was designed to provide all of the necessary nutrients needed for maximum antler development, higher fawn birth weights, and larger, healthier bucks. Hi-Pro is designed to be fed year-round and addresses stress cycles and nutrient requirements needed throughout the entire year. What Are The Benefits? Hi-Pro 20% Protein Block Ex-Caliber® is a caramel flavored premium mineral mix specifically formulated for deer. It is a blend of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins and other important minerals that will boost antler development and improve the overall health in your deer. It contains a 2-to-1 calcium/phosphorus ratio. How Do You Use It? • • • • • • Free choice. Keep Ex-Caliber® readily available. Make available one mineral site per 50-100 acres. Apply ½ bag (16-17 lbs) per mineral site. Ex-Caliber® sites should be established in a shady area where soil moisture will remain adequate in the summer. Mineral sites can be in or near a food plot or in woods where deer are known to travel. Use a garden rake and clear a 6 x 4 foot square area. Apply directly to the ground. Use a rake to mix it in. Rain will take it into the soil profile. The deer will find it. Note: Ex-Caliber® will benefit deer in areas that are extremely wet or dry, or where soil nutrients are not readily available. Begin applying in February. Re-apply every 4-6 weeks as needed. We recommend that it be made available from February through September for maximum benefit to deer herd and antler development. • • • • • Increases forage intake and reproductive success. Improves forage digestion as well as bone development. Promotes proven healthy deer management practices. Promotes doe health to produce healthy fawns Promotes buck health and their ability to grow larger antlers 12 33 lbs. of nutrients in every block. Works well in those hard to-get-to spots. 13 FEED / REGULAR ® FEED / REGULAR CORN Fresh out of the field, this corn comes from top quality seed and is grown on highly productive soils, ensuring quality in every bag. RICE BRAN Rice Bran has become a favorite food for wildlife and is particularly attractive to deer. We offer the following: Regal Brand, Stabilized, & Persimmon flavored. The Persimmon flavored is in the same bag design as the stabilized but with a tag on the top stating that it is Persimmon Hi-Pro CRAVE Delta Whitetail Hi-Pro CRAVE is the most powerful & high intensity protein/mineral based attractant on the market. Crave is a powdered protein mineral attractant that will draw & hold deer. Crave can be applied directly on the ground or fed through feeders. Crave is an 18% protein that is high in vitamins and minerals. Crave is available in 40# bags. 14 TROPHY TREAT Trophy treat is a peanut butter flavored - 16% protein feed consisting of rice bran, grain byproducts, along with vitamins and minerals needed to maintain a healthy herd. Deer love the taste of Trophy Treat. 15 SPRING / SUMMER FOOD PLOTS ® DOUBLE BARREL® Double Barrel is a seed blend developed to supplement the natural vegetation that is available to wildlife in the spring and early summer. This blend consist of some of wildlife’s favorites, including millet, peas, sorghum, soybeans, and sunflowers. Double Barrel® offers an excellent food source and provides protective cover for deer, turkey, doves and quail. SPRING / SUMMER FOOD PLOTS BROWN TOP MILLET A warm-season grass that provides food for dove, ducks, quail, turkey and other birds. Recommended planting dates are from May 1 through June 1. Plant 10-20 lbs per acre broadcast, no deeper than ½ inch in a well-drained seedbed. For dove, recommend planting is 80 days before the season. Browntop grows well on all types of well-drained soils. ALYCE CLOVER CHUFA A warm-season annual legume that provides forage in summer and early fall. It withstands grazing pressure by deer and is best suited for well-drained soils, including bottomlands. Planting dates are May 1 through June 15. Plant in a well-prepared seedbed at 15-20 lbs per acre. Cover ¼ inch deep. A warm season sedge that produces small, underground, nut-like tubers that are a choice food for deer, duck and turkeys. Plant April 1 through June 1. Plant 25 lbs drilled, or 40 lbs. per acre broadcast in a well prepared seedbed. 16 17 SPRING / SUMMER FOOD PLOTS SPRING / SUMMER FOOD PLOTS GOLDEN MILLET COWPEAS Golden Millet was developed to be used as a tool to set back succession in moist soil impoundments (duck ponds) and to grow as a second crop post-harvest for wintering waterfowl in agricultural fields. It will improve your waterfowl habitat and can be used to provide forage for many other upland game birds such as quail, pheasant, dove and turkey. Plant in a well prepared seed bed at a planting rate of 20-25 lbs per acre. Plant after the last winter frost through September 1. Also known as Iron & Clay pea and Black-Eyed pea. A warm season annual legume that is very palatable to deer. It is well adapted to the entire south and to most soil types. The planting window is from May 1 through August. August planted peas will provide forage and provide a bow season attraction in September through October. Cowpeas are somewhat drought tolerant. For best results, broadcast 60–90 lbs per into a well prepared seed bed with a pH range of 5.5 – 6.5. Inoculant strain is EL. JAPANESE MILLET AMERICAN JOINT VETCH A favorite for ducks. It produces a heavy seed head 4-8 inches long, can grow up to five feet high, and does well in wet conditions. It can withstand shallow flooding during growth. It is also a warm-season grass for doves, quail, turkey and other birds. Plant in a well prepared soil at a rate of 25-30 lbs per acre. Plant after the danger of a killing frost has passed in the spring. A warm-season annual legume that grows up to six feet tall. The foliage can withstand heavy grazing and provides an excellent forage for deer and other wildlife. It is adapted to a wide range of soil types. Planting dates are March 15 through June 15. Planting rates are 15-20 lbs per acre, ¼-½ inch deep. Best results occur when planted in a well prepared seedbed. 18 19 SPRING / SUMMER FOOD PLOTS WILD GAME FORAGE SORGHUM This product was developed as an alternative food source for wildgame. WGF sorghum is short in statue for easy hunting. Excellent tillering provides greater variation of grain maturity. It has early-planting cold tolerance and excellent weathering capability. SPRING / SUMMER FOOD PLOTS GAMEKEEPER RR™ FORAGE SOYBEAN A special formulation of Whitetail Thicket RR™, the first Roundup Ready® climbing soybean, Big Fellow RR™, the highest ranking protein variety, and Large Lad RR™, a specially selected high-yielding, browsing-tolerant bean. This product is Roundup Ready® and provides maximum forage and the longest green season available. BIG FELLOW RR™ FORAGE SOYBEAN LARGE LAD RR™ FORAGE SOYBEAN Big Fellow RR™ is an extremely tall, very large leafed Roundup Ready® forage variety. It is known for its drought tolerance and indeterminate growth habit which allows it to withstand heavy browsing by deer or cattle. It is a late-maturing Group 7 variety which enables it to provide excellent nutrition later in the year. The most popular food plot variety of forage soybeans, it is known for its excellent biomass production and browsing tolerance. Large Lad RR™ is a bushy plant that can grow up to seven feet in height. It has excellent nutritional value and is Roundup® tolerant. 20 21 FALL FOOD PLOTS SPRING / SUMMER FOOD PLOTS SUNFLOWER BLACK OIL HYBRID These sunflowers have large heads and usually fill out completely with adequate rainfall, if not planted too thick. They are a favorite food for all types of birds due to high oil content, as well as fat, fiber, protein and other nutrients in the seed. The seeds are meatier and have a thinner shell than regular peredovik sunflowers, which makes them easier for the birds to crack. Seeding rate is approximately 5 lbs per acre. ® SUPER PLOT® Plant a premium food plot without breaking the bank. This economical, three-way blend of wheat, oats and winter peas allows you to plant a quality plot that will draw wildlife fall through spring. We recommend a planting rate of 100 lbs per acre. A final stand of between 18,000 and 30,000 plants per acre is adequate for oil-type hybrids. Broadcast seeding is not recommended. Hybrid sunflowers mature in approximately 100 days. SUNFLOWER CLEARFIELD™ HYBRID (HIGH OIL CONTENT) A favorite food for all game birds. Sunflowers grow well in well-drained sandy and silt loam soils, but will grow on a variety of soil types. Sunflowers are easily damaged by waterlogged conditions. Do not plant on poorly-drained soils. Plant seed approximately 3/4 to 1 1/2 inches deep on a firm seedbed when soil reaches 50º F. Plant one seed every 6 inches on 36-inch rows. 22 ® SUPER PLOT® PLUS Our seven-way mix is the “Best of the Best.” We have blended wheat, oats, elbon rye, winter peas, ladino clover, crimson clover and rape for the perfect combination of legumes, brasicas and grasses for your fall food plots. We recommend a planting rate of 100 lbs per acre. 23 FALL FOOD PLOTS ® SURE SHOT® OATS Sure Shot® is a new wildlife forage oat developed using innovative technology for heavy grazing pressure. It was selected and developed out of Wildwood Genetics®’ breeding program research that began in 2007. Sure Shot® is an annual plant that provides fall forage and is proven to be tolerant to colder conditions. Sure Shot® is adaptable to a large geography and has a high protein value. Recommended seeding rate for Sure Shot® is 100-150 lbs per acre. FALL FOOD PLOTS SMALL PACKAGE PRODUCTS Rackmaster® food plot and forage products in 5 lbs. bags to cover smaller areas with attractants and nutritional protein products to stimulate healthy growth for wildlife. These products are easy to plant and thrive on most soil types. Chicory 30% protein & 90% digestible; extremely drought and heat tolerant; 5 lbs. covers up to 1 and 2/3 acre Deer Greens Clover Trio A blend of annual and perennial clovers; 5 lbs. covers up to ½ acre 100% Brassica mixture containing Trophy Radishes™; 5 lbs. covers ½ acre. Durana Radishes Contains 90% more stolons per square ft. than conventional Ladinos types; 5lbs. covers up to 1 acre 24 Highly preferred by deer, high in protein; 5 lbs. covers up to ½ acre 25 FALL FOOD PLOTS CRIMSON CLOVER Crimson Clover is a cool-season annual legume that can grow up to two feet in height. It grows faster and seeds out earlier than other clovers. It is often used in combination with other clovers including Ladino and Arrowleaf. It is adapted to a wide-range of soil types. Recommended planting dates are September 1 through October 15. Planting rates are 20-30 lbs per acre. FALL FOOD PLOTS ARROWLEAF CLOVER A pinkish-colored clover that reseeds annually and can grow up to 50 inches in height. It matures late June through August and provides excellent forage for wildlife. Its foliage attracts insects which create food for turkey. Recommended planting rates are 10-15 lbs per acre. ELBON RYE ATHENA RAPE A cool-season, annual small grain with good cold tolerance. It is a fast-growing grass. Rabbits and turkey prefer the foliage, and deer browse it throughout the fall and winter. Quail will eat the seeds. It is adapted to well-drained soils. Planting dates are from August 15 through October 15. Planting rates range from 90 lbs. per acre drilled to 120 lbs per acre broadcast. Planting depth is from ½ inch to 1 inch. Athena Rape is a fast-growing brassica that is heat, cold and drought tolerant, making it widely adapted throughout the South. Recommended planting dates are from August 15 through November 1. Planting rates are 5-10 lbs per acre. Plant no deeper than ¼ inch. 26 27 FALL FOOD PLOTS DURANA CLOVER A persistant, productive and long-lived white clover that is highly competitive in a mixed stand with other competitive plants. Durana has smaller leaves than Ladino clovers but produces more runners which allows for aggressive spreading and excellent grazing tolerance. It is adapted to a wide growing area and will grow in low pH, as well as, 6.0 pH and above. Recommended planting is to broadcast 5 lbs per acre in a mix of wheat, oats and rye. FALL FOOD PLOTS LADINO CLOVER Ladino clovers are a white perennial with very leafy plants that grow 8-12 inches tall. They are an excellent source of food for both cattle and deer with most of the nutrients coming from the leaf. They are considered to be the best high-quality, low-maintenance, highly productive forage available to wildlife managers. AUSTRIAN WINTER PEAS A cool-season low-growing vine legume that produces high quality forage protein. Its stems grow 2 to 4 feet long and it has good winter hardiness. Normal planting dates are August (north) – October (south). Broadcast seeding rate is 30 – 40 lbs per acre planted ½” to 1” deep in a well prepared seedbed. Austrian winter peas are sensitive to acidic soils and grow best in a pH of 6.0 – 7.0. Inoculant strain is C. 28 29 FALL FOOD PLOTS FORAGE CHICORY A broad-leaved perennial herb in the sunflower family. Chicory has good seedling vigor and a deep tap root making it quite drought tolerant. It produces significant forage for deer from April through October. If managed properly, its forage produces similar nutrition to Alfalfa. Chicory can be planted in most climates. Recommended planting period is August through September (South) to develop a deep root before winter. The planting rate is 4-5 lbs per acre alone, or 2-3 lbs per acre in a blend at a depth of ¼-1/2 inches. HAIRY VETCH A cool-season climbing annual legume that grows 3 – 7 feet tall. It is very winter-hearty but fall forage is minimum because it grows rapidly in late winter and early spring. Deer and rabbits will heavily browse the foliage. Turkeys will browse and eat the seeds. Planting period is September 1 thru October 15. Plant 20 lbs per acre drilled or 30 lbs per acre broadcast in a well prepared seedbed. Recommended inoculant is Strain C. 30 FORAGES ALFALFA Alfalfa is a cool season perennial legume that is a favorite summer forage for deer and turkeys. Alfalfa is high in protein and produces an abundance of high-quality forage. Alfalfa can also attract insects for upland game birds such as quail and turkey. Most Alfalfa seeding occurs in August or September. Fall plantings should be planted at least 6 weeks prior to a freeze. Seeding rates are 15-20 lbs acre drilled or 20-25 lbs per acre broadcast. Recommended planting depth is ¼ inch deep. Alfalfa is available in conventional and Roundup Ready™ varieties. Roundup Ready™ varieties are not labeled for wildlife plots. Conventional varieties are equally as productive but require more management. An Alfalfa variety should be selected based upon the dormancy recommended for the geographic area. Generally a dormancy of 4-6 fits most of our geography. Those areas south of an I-20 line would probably fare better with a variety having a dormancy of 8. Alfalfa can be planted in the spring but will generally do better with a fall planting. Bulldog 505 – Wildlife: Developed at the University of Georgia, this variety has been extensively tested at several university research farms. 505 has stood up well when intensively grazed and maintained a high hay yield. This semi-dormant variety has a fall dormancy rating of 5. Alfagraze 550RR™ - Alfalfa WL 550™ has exceptional yield potential with a strong disease package. This excellent hay producer has a dormancy of 8.. Alfagraze 600RR™ - Alfagraze 600RR™ has excellent yield potential. It is a high-quality traffic-tested variety with a good disease package. With a dormancy of 6, it is well adapted to a large part of the South. 31 FORAGES FORAGES BAHIAGRASS FESCUE Pensacola: Its primary use is pasture. It grows 12-20 inches tall and does best on sandy soils. It is tolerant to drought, poor drainage, and low fertility. Planting rate is 15-20 lbs per acre in March through April. LESPEZEDA Kobe & Korean Lespezeda can be high-quality deer forage plants in mid-to-late summer. Korean is larger, coarser and matures earlier than Kobe. These warm-season annual legume germinate in the spring, grow throughout the summer, and then make a seed head before dying in the fall. Korean lespazeda matures in early fall and is best suited for the upper South and lower Midwest. Kobe is more disease-resistant, persists longer in the fall and has been the preferred lespadeza in the south. The planting rate is 25-35 lbs per acre broadcast, Februrary through March. Seed should be covered with ¼ to ½ inch of soil, but will often become established without being covered if adequate moisture is present. 321 A perennial long-lived bunchgrass with primary uses of pasture, hay, silage and erosion control. The planting rate is 20-25 lbs per acre broadcast in August through October. Endophyte-infected fescue will tolerate grazing abuse better than most grasses. Plant only Endophyte–free seed if high animal performance is desired. Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue - A primary tall fescue for pastures but is known for having a problem with toxic Endophytes. Kentucky 32 Tall Fescue - An Endophyte-free variety. TEXOMA Max QII™ is a nontoxic Endophyte enhanced tall fescue that provides excellent pasture and high quality abundant forage. It is best adapted to moisture retentive, fertile, clay or clay loam soils. It performs best in soils with a pH of 6.0 – 6.5. Planting rate is 15 lbs./A in a well prepared seed bed. 33 FORAGES FORAGES OATS One of the top deer attractant grains available. Oats are highly-digestible and are grown for grain, pastures, hay, silage and food-plot mixes. Oats are sensitive to cold and some are more cold-tolerant than others. Oats are sensitive to pH and grow best with a soil pH of 6.0. Plant oats in September – October at a broadcast rate of 90-120 lbs acre. ORCHARDGRASS RADISHES Daikon Elongated (Driller) radishes provide both environmental and financial benefits in an easy-tomanage cover crop tool. One of the unique traits is its enormous tap root, which can reach depths of 30 inches or deeper. Its ability to break through the hard pan improves water infiltration and allows for air and nutrient penetration into the soil. Driller also catches residual nitrogen and other key nutrients and will store them for the following crop. Driller Daikon radish will winterkill when temperatures drop into the low 20’s F. The residual that remains will help shade out winter annual weeds. Seeding rate is 8 -10 lbs per acre (MONOCULTURE) or 4-5 lbs per acre in a blend. Plant in early spring or fall. A minimal of 60 lbs per acre of N is needed for optimal growth. A perennial bunchgrass with major uses in pasture & hay. Recommended planting period is August through September at 15-20 lbs per acre. Stands generally persist for 2-4 years. More shade-tolerant than most grasses but less tolerant of drought. 34 35 FORAGES FORAGES RYE RYEGRASS Annual ryegrasses are primarily adapted to the south. Ryegrass has shiny, dark green leaves and grows 2-3 feet tall. It is less winter-hardy than fescue or orchardgrass. Ryegrass tolerates wet and poorly drained soil, and moderate soil acidity. Its nutrient quality makes it a highly desirable winter grazing forage for livestock. Recommended planting period is September December at 35-40 lbs per acre. A cool-season annual that grows 2-4 feet tall. It is the most popular of the small grains for cattle forage and is the most cold-tolerant cereal grain used for wildlife planting in the country. Rye is more cold-tolerant than oats or wheat and tolerates low-fertility and aciditic soil better than any other small grains. Rye is usually planted in October in the South. The recommended planting rate is 90-120 lbs per acre broadcast. Proven forage varieties for the South include Wrens Abruzzi and Elbon. Lonestar – Exhibits rapid establishment, improved seedling vigor and tillering. Selected for quick regrowth after cutting and high forage yield, it is ideally suited for manged intensive grazing operations. Tetrastar – A very digestible cool season annual forage grass. Known for its quick regrowth and palatability, livestock tend to gain more weight and milk when utilizing TetraStar Tetraploid Ryegrass. Prine – A consistent leader in quality & yield with 30% + protein and TDN of over 70%. Gulf – The most common and popular annual ryegrass known for its wide range of uses from lawns and erosion control to pastures. It is a cool season grass that is easy to plant. 36 37 FORAGES FORAGES SORGHUM TRITACLE Sudan Hybrid and Sudangrass – Major uses are pasture, hay and silage. Taller varieties popular with hunters. A hybrid-cross of rye and wheat, it has a larger seed head than wheat. Newer hybrids show good winter hardiness. Grain yields are similar to wheat and protein value is also similar. Not as popular a forage as the other grains for cattle. When plants are young and tender, vegetation can be very desirable for cattle and deer. Planting rate is 75-100 lbs per acre broadcast alone. Plant no more than 50 lbs per acre in a mixture with legumes. Recommended planting window is September through October in the south. Brown Mid Rib: 7R BMR – Sorghum Sudangrass hybrid 20% more digestibility. Top choice for dairyman and feeding. Sweet Grazer Plus – Sorghum Sudangrass hybrid – Small seeded three way cross; has thin stem allowing for faster dry down and high quality hay production, good for silage, good drought tolerance, planting rate = 10 - 30 lbs per acre dryland. Excellent choice for pasture and hay. Sucrose 9RPS A tall sudangrass that grows 10 - 12 feet tall. A perfect choice for wildlife. WHEAT SWITCHGRASS Major uses: Pasture, hay and silage. Very responsive to nitrogen. Requires lime on highly acid soils. Seeding rate is 20-25 lbs per acre drilled and 30-40 lbs per acre broadcast planted in May through June. 38 One of the most valuable wildlife and grazing plants. The foliage is very nutritious for deer as well as the seed at maturity. Wheat is ranked second behind Oats in terms of palatability. Planting rate is 90-120 lbs per acre broadcast alone. Generally wheat is planted as a primary component in a blend mixture for wildlife. Recommended planting time is August through November. 39 WATERFOWL SEED BLEND ® OVER & UNDER® Over & Under® is a premium waterfowl seed mix consisting of millets and wild game sorghum that has been blended to maximize the characteristics of several waterfowl foods into one convenient package. FERTILIZERS ® Field Maker® is a homogenous (15-510) grade of fertilizer. When applied correctly, it ensures an even distribution of a 3-1-2 ratio thus providing nitrogen, phosphorous and potash that grazing crops need. It contains key micro nutrients which are often neglected but can prove to be the difference in maximizing plant growth. ® WEED CONTROL THIRD DEGREE™ A premium glyphosate that absorbs rapidly into the plant, resulting in improved rainfastness and faster kill. It is available in convenient 1 gallon and 2 1/2 gallon jugs. 40 FIELD MAKER® FORE RUNNER® Fore Runner® is a homogenous (3-15-30) environmentally sensitive grade of fertilizer. When applied correctly, it ensures an even distribution of a 1-5-10 ratio of nitrogen, phosphorous and potash. It is formulated to provide a balance of plant food for clovers and forage legumes. PERFECT POND PLUS™ Perfect Pond Plus™ 12-48-8 (with micronutrients) is a revolutionary tool for maintaining the perfect balance in your pond. The exclusive nutrient package develops a plankton bloom which increases the size and total pounds of fish such as bluegill, shellcracker, and largemouth bass. Field evaluations have shown Perfect Pond Plus can increase pond production by up to 400%. 41 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT FEEDERS FEEDERS Low Bay Solid Chute Feeder Low Bay 6-Spout Feeders 400 lb Capacity 800 lb and 1200 lb Capacity Designed for all types of feed including Rice Bran, corn, loose feed, granular & pellets. Low Bay 4-Spout Feeder 400 lb Capacity Its 4’11” height makes it easier to fill 42 The spouts minimize exposure to weather and are more difficult for critters to access; Best for pellatized feed and corn. Low Bay Tree Feeder 400 lb Capacity Very easy to mount to a tree or fence post. Can be used for all types of feed. 43 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT DEER BLINDS FIRE PITS Every hunt generates stories worth telling. A crackling fire back at camp is a great place to visit and share the experiences with friends and family in the cool crisp air. 5’x5’ Deer Blind • 3’ Tower with Staircase • 10’ Tower with Staircase • 15’ Tower with Staircase 6’x8’ Deer Blind • 3’ Tower with Staircase • 10’ Tower with Staircase • 15’ Tower with Staircase 5’x7’ Deer Blind • 3’ Tower with Staircase • 10’ Tower with Staircase • 15’ Tower with Staircase 6’ x 6’ Bow Blind • 3’ Tower with Staircase • 10’ Tower with Staircase • 15’ Tower with Staircase Optional Add-Ons: (For all blinds) • Curtains • Additional Shelving / Gun Rests • Low Level Lighting with Battery Pack, Plugs and Solar Panel 44 SPIN FEEDERS Slinger HV Series 500 lb. capacity Feeder – 7’ tall with ladder and platform 1,000 lb. capacity Feeder – 7’ tall with ladder and platform 2,000 lb. capacity Feeder – 7’ tall with ladder and platform The 12-volt solar powered system allows for six different feeding times with spin time options ranging from 1 to 30 second intervals. This unique system is enclosed in a bearproof cage. 45 REPELLENT PEST CONTROL INSECT SHIELD™ INSECT SHIELD™ is a product that offers an easy and extremely effective way to control flying and crawling insects around the home, farm and hunting camp. It’s the no odor, no mess control solution and is economical and highly effective for up to 4 months. Insect Shield™ eliminates pests for just a few cents per day with vapor action that’s non-detectable by humans and pests. It controls ants, cockroaches, bees, hornets, wasps, yellow jackets, pantry pests, flies, mosquitoes and spiders. Farm uses include calf parlors, hog parlors, horse barns, tack rooms, poultry houses, dog kennels, milk rooms, grain storage facilities, and storage bins. Home uses include garages, storage units, garbage cans, trash dumpsters, boathouses, catch basins and enclosed utility boxes. Hunter uses include shooting houses, blinds, camp houses and storage units. Insect Shield™ is available in two strengths. The 16g treats 100 to 200 cubic feet. The 65g MAX treats 900 to 1200 cubic feet. INSECT SHIELD™ is easy to use. Simply remove from the foil package and hang or place in the designated area. INSECT SHIELD™ will not harm children or adults, pets or animals when used according to directions. 46 HINDER® DEER & RABBIT REPELLENT Hinder® can be sprayed directly on plants or used as a perimeter treatment to protect larger areas. The active ingredients are ammonia soaps of fatty acids. The ammonia smell is only slightly detected by the human nose, but is highly offensive to deer and other browsing animals. It mixes easily with water. One gallon makes 20 gallons of sprayable solution. Hinder’s effect can last up to four weeks, depending on rainfall. For best results, apply before deer begin feeding. Hinder is EPA-registered for use on food crops. XPLODE™ REPELLENT XPLODE™ is designed to defend against deer, rabbits, squirrels and other wildlife that feed on flowers, grass shrubs, plant seedlings and trees. It aids in the prevention of damage caused by deer browsing by creating both scent & taste barriers. It is environmentally safe & non – toxic. Apply 16 oz. per acre for rowcrops or 32 oz. per acre when treating borders. 47 GLOSSARY GLOSSARY Alfalfa - A cool-season perennial legume Lespedeza - A reseeding annual legume Annuals - Must be planted every year Millet - A member of the grass family that produces small seed attractive to wildlife Attractant - A product whose makeup or smell is appealing to wildlife Brassica - A group of erect, cool-season annuals (greens) Browse - Medium quality woody plants, such as blackberry, honeysuckle, acorns, trees and shrubs Clover - A class of excellent forage legumes with some annuals and others perennial Feed - Products offered to supplement natural food sources of wildlife Fertility - Key nutrients needed for growing plants such as nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, sulfur and other micronutrients Forbs - High quality herbaceous plants, such as clovers and soybeans Genetics - The science of improving germplasm in plants through selective breeding for more desirable characteristics Habitat - The environment where an animal lives Lablab - A fast-growing, warm-season, weakly perennial (does not readily reseed) Legumes - Plants such as peas, clovers, vetch and soybeans that grow nodules allowing them to produce their own nitrogen 48 Mineral - Vital components derived from some soils and needed for healthy wildlife. Calcium and phosphorous are key minerals Nutrients - Necessary nourishment for good health Perennials - Plants that live more than two years pH - A means of measuring and determining the acidity of the soil, which is corrected with lime Rape - A member of the greens family attractive to deer and turkey Repellent - A product designed to be distasteful or to deter an animal, such as deer Ruminant - Having multiple stomachs Rye - A cereal grain annual crop Rye Grass - An aggressive grass that tends to crowd out other crops. Primarily a pasture grass Sunflower - An annual plant whose seed is nourishing and highly attractive to doves and other wildlife Supplement - A product whose major purpose is to fill a wildlife need due to seasonal shortage or a habitat deficiency Triticale - A cool-season, annual, small grain that is a hybrid of wheat and rye 49 WHERE TO BUY WILDWOOD GENETICS® PRODUCTS W ildwood Genetics® products can be found at all Jimmy Sanders, Inc. retail locations in nine states across the Mid-South, as well as many other fine outdoor product retailers. For a complete listing of Wildwood Genetics® dealers and a detailed location map, visit WildwoodGenetics.com. 50 ® 51 ® Larken Plaza · 276 Nissan Parkway Building F, Suite 400 · Canton, MS 39046 Toll Free: 855-868-WILD · Fax: 601-855-0992 WildwoodGenetics.com A Division of