essentials - SUNY Plattsburgh
essentials - SUNY Plattsburgh
Vol #2 An Era of Economics …A professor’s legacy beyond research and service. books, refereed journal articles, Dr. Young professional publications, Sik Jang monographs, and newspaper articles joined SUNY too numerous to list. Dr. Jang has Plattsburgh in 1968, before the been an active and prolific researcher School of Business & Economics and writer over the years and shows (SBE) existed. At that time, it was no sign of slowing down. simply the Department Dr. Jang will Proving this, his book on North of Economics. During surely be missed Korean Energy Economics his 38 years of teaching, explore new is due for second edition Dr. Jang has influenced pursuits in his retirement. publication! the lives of countless COLIN READ Dr. Jang has given greatly students, sending many Dean , SBE of himself, especially to off to graduate programs his home country, South where they eventually earned Korea. He has served as Economic advanced degrees in Economics. In fact, Advisor to Presidential candidate, Dr. Peter Morici, Professor of Economics Kim Dae Jung (1992-93); President at the University of Maryland and and CEO of the Korea Electric Power former Chief Economist at the U.S. Corporation (1998-99); President International Trade Commission was a of the Korean Electrical Association student of Dr. Jang’s. (1989-90); and Economic Affairs More significant than Dr. Jang’s Assistant to the Prime Minister of teaching record is his research and the Republic of Korea 1960-61. service record. Dr. Jang has authored “ ” Issue #1 School of Business & Economics Dr. Colin Read, Dean Redcay Hall (518) 564-3185 Email: Website: academics/BUSECO North Country Small Business Development Center Delena Clark, Regional Director Ward Hall 118 (518) 564-2042 Email: Website: offices/support/SBDC M a n a g i n g E d i t ors Susan Steele, Assistant Dean SBE Delena D. Clark COPY EDITOR, Layout/Design Supervisor Linda M. Willett (‘82, G’06) NC-SBDC Layout/Design Vincent R. Schunk (‘06) Contributing Writers Dr. Colin L. Read Delena D. Clark (‘97, G’01) Dr. Robert Christopherson Jamie Bulriss (‘04, ‘07) Christina Ryzner (‘07) Business Essentials is published three times a year as a collaborative effort of the School of Business and Economics and the North Country Small Business Development Center, located on the campus of the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh. Postmaster: Send address changes to SBE, SUNY Plattsburgh, 101 Broad Street, Redcay Hall 114, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 Tel: 518-564-2042 ● Fax: 518-564-2043 The SBDC is a program supported by the U.S. Small Business Administration and extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. SBA cannot endorse any products, opinions or services of any external parties or activities. Business essentials – profit org U.S. POSTAGE non 101 Broad Street Plattsburgh, NY 12901 PAID Plattsburgh , NY 12901 Permit No. 1 School of Business and Economics Heads Up ...3 2006 New York State Small Business Development Center Pay it Forward...7 Gone Fishing! ...9 Cont’d page 10 School of Business & Economics North Country Small Business Development Center Fall Business essentials addressing the needs of Students, Alumni, North Country Businesses and the Community Changing Times The Department of Economics and Finance has changed significantly in the past few years. The School of Business & Economics (SBE) has missed the teaching excellence, statesmanship, and collegiality of professors Dixon and Withington who are enjoying their retirement. The SBE will miss Professor Jang, as well, when he retires in December 2008 and wish Drs. Jang, Dixon and Withington well in their coming years. They join the ranks of Dr. Michael Stoller, who is in good health and living in North Carolina with his wife, Eleanor, and Dr. Prem Gandhi, who is living in the Plattsburgh area with his wife, Aruna. Dr. Gandhi maintains a relationship with the college through continuing to teach and his work with the Canadian Studies program. The SBE also welcomes new faculty to the department, Dr. Karyn Neuhauser and Dr. Doug MacKenzie, along with a forthcoming economist to teach Econometrics and Statistics. These new faculty members will help the department as it continues to attract new students to the finance major, now in its third year. Graduates from this program have had many successes, from landing jobs with firms on Wall Street, to jobs in investment banking firms, commercial banking, and as graduate students at notable institutions. Along with our finance major, the SBE has also instituted a new minor in finance that offers educational Cont’d page 6 Rising from the Ashes It did not seem so at the time. Now the realization is that the closing of the former Plattsburgh Air Force Base was one of the best things to happen to this community. The region could have plummeted on a downward spiral to a “contracted economy.” Instead, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, resourceful energies reformulated ways to invest in a future that is better. Plattsburgh Airbase Redevelopment Corporation (PARC) is our Phoenix. First, it symbolizes redevelopment rather than retrenchment. Second, it suggests an industrial park. Finally, it signifies the French spelling of park, offering an invitation for our friends in Quebec to join us. This “triple entendre” is being realized with the participation of Bombardier at the Cont’d page 3 Business Business essentials page 2 essentials page 11 A Banner Year: SBDC Workshops SBDC’s ‘05-‘06 Economic Impact “Helping People Achieve Business Success” is the motto of the North Country Small Business Development Center (SBDC). This past year has been very busy and productive for the SBDC, having served 340 clients and creating an impact of over $7.1 million in the region. This impact is measured by the dollars invested by entrepreneurs to develop or expand business projects. These dollars can be derived from personal client investment of cash and equity; commercial loans attained; and economic development funding through loans, and to a lesser extent, grants. However, economic impact through funded projects is not our only means of recording impact. The SBDC also held 33 educational events in the region reaching over 550 individuals providing informational workshops and seminars from accounting to website development. We are able to do this by partnering with economic development groups, Chambers of Commerce, other governmental agencies and private businesses. The SBDC was established at SUNY Plattsburgh in the 1980s. In 1991, it relocated to Clinton Community College until its return to the four-year campus in 1998 as a regional center within the School of Business and Cont’d page 10 Washland Carwash: A Unique Experience ® Imagine the smell of bubble gum permeating your vehicle… dispensed via an all encompassing shower of rainbowcolored foam. You can experience this state-of-the-art carwash technology at one of Plattsburgh’s newest facilities, Washland® Carwash. Working with Dee Clark of the North Country SBDC, Mike Racine’s long-time dream turned into reality. The new carwash, at 310 Margaret Street, is a totally automated, self-serve, and drive through facility that offers services without attendants. Technology is employed throughout the carwash and includes automated change machines, coin retrieval, “Washland®” credit cards, computerized washing equipment, and an ionization system for water purification. Uniquely designed, Washland® also has commercial rental space at street level and four modern apartments overlooking Lake Champlain on the second story. The third story houses Racine’s office, where he oversees his carwash, Laundromat, Autoland auto sales, and • November 8 New Venture Start-up • November 9 Small Business Employee Benefits & Retirement Seminar • November 28 Power Breakfast: E-mail Marketing • November 30 Tax Planning & Strategy for Small Business • Coming January 2007 15: Alternative Health Insurance & Health Savings Accounts for Small Business 16: New Venture Start-up Seminar (Lake George) 19: Blueprint Reading & Estimating for Construction 22: QuickBooks - Basics 24: New Venture Start-up Seminar (Plattsburgh) 29: QuickBooks Advanced Skills CALL FOR DETAILS North Country SBDC (518) 564-2042 Email: /offices/support/SBDC Northend rental units. One of the economic benefits of the culmination of this project is a revitalized area in the city’s Northend. This entrepreneur’s successful effort has resulted in rehabilitation of over 15 buildings providing attractive residential rental and commercial properties for the community. To quote Mike Racine, “Don’t give up on your dreams; it took ten years to plan. Some of my friends said I was crazy to want to own a carwash, but it was always in the back of my mind and it’s come out just like I wanted it to. I have been blessed.” Management Management and and International International Business Business Kevin Kevin O’Neil O’Neil PPhh.D., .D., A Associate ssociate P Professor rofessor,, C Chair hair Academically Speaking… Suzanne Suzanne Cantana Cantana PPhh.D., .D., MLS, MLS, LLecturer ecturer Elie Elie Chrysostome Chrysostome PPhh.D., .D., A Assistant ssistant P Professor rofessor Mohamed Mohamed Djerdjouri Djerdjouri PPhh.D., .D., PProfessor rofessor David David Hunt Hunt PPhh.D., .D., A Associate ssociate P Professer rofesser Faten Faten Moussa Moussa PPhh.D., .D., PProfessor rofessor u Marketing Marketing and and Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Nancy Nancy J. J. Church Church PPhh.D., .D., D Distinguished istinguished S Service ervice PProfessor rofessor,, C Chair hair Mark Mark Barie Barie A Adjunct djunct,, T Teaching eaching E Excellence xcellence A Award ward W Winner inner Herb Herb Carpenter Carpenter M.S., M.S., LLecturer ecturer James James Csipak Csipak PPhh.D., .D., A Associate ssociate P Professor rofessor Richard Richard Gottschall Gottschall M.S., M.S., LLecturer ecturer Lise Lise Heroux Heroux PPhh.D., .D., PProfessor rofessor u Business Business Kwangseek Choe Choe Kwangseek .D., A Associate ssociate P Professor rofessor,, PPhh.D., Director irector of of IInternships nternships D Ron Hobson Hobson Ron MBA, A Adjunct djunct L Lecturer ecturer MBA, Brian Neureuther Neureuther Brian .D., A Assistant ssistant P Professor rofessor PPhh.D., This summer the School of Business and Economics was proud to hear that two of their Marketing and Entrepreneurship students had won the Direct Marketing Education Foundation (DMEF) Collegiate ECHO Competition. Christine Ilardi and Michelle Poirier, with the guidance of Dr. Nancy Church, won 1st place with their “Enhance Your Campaign with Mail Moments” campaign. Their task was to create a direct marketing campaign for the United States Postal Service to encourage other companies to use direct mail for their next marketing campaign. In brief, their campaign was designed to inform the target market of the benefits that mail moments can provide to their potential customers. “Mail moments” are the time people take each day to open their mail. From left to right: Dr. Nancy Church, Distinguished Service Professor, Chair of Marketing, Michelle Poirier (‘07), Christine Ilardi (‘07) They narrowed down their target market to professionals working for large businesses in the travel industry. They then created interesting pieces of direct mail that focused on the different benefits of direct mail, such as a 3D airplane on the envelope. These great ideas helped them win 1st place. Congratulations to both Christine and Michelle. Leadership Leadership. It is one of those concepts hard to define but easy to recognize. While there is certainly a quality in great leaders that is innate, there are also a broad set of skills that, if lacking, can prevent even the most sincere leader from succeeding. For a while now, the SBE has been contributing to a crossdisciplinary Masters of Arts in Liberal Studies graduate program that was increasingly developing a leadership focus. Such a focus could be very valuable, and there are growing numbers of Leadership programs at many of the most innovative universities in the country. Not all business people need to be leaders. And not all leaders are business people. By helping to create this new program in leadership studies, the SBE has a great opportunity to work with the disciplines of ethics, communications, political science, and the like. From this collaboration will come an opportunity to invest in the future leaders of the North Country. Business essentials page Business essentials page 3 10 SBE Department News u u Accounting. The new accounting lab is up and running and attracting a great deal of interest from our SBE students. We have three very talented people on board that are helping us develop, install, maintain, and staff the lab. Our students will get the best possible support and learning experiences in this facility making them extremely marketable when they graduate and continue to attract attention from national companies who are recruiting. Global Supply Chain Management The SBE has just received the final State of New York approvals to begin offering this new major beginning Fall 2007. This couldn’t come at a better time for SBE since enrollments continue to grow as interest in the programs increases. Currently, fifteen SBE students have begun the new major and it is anticipated that many more new students will be added by Fall 2007. The Plattsburgh Community has embraced this new program and continues to support these efforts by creating meaningful internships. u Marketing and Entrepreneurship. The Marketing and Entrepreneurship department is pleased to announce that a new 18-credit marketing minor is undergoing the approval process. The minor is set to be available by Fall 2007. Also, next semester Dr. Lise Heroux will be on sabbatical. The department wishes her the best. u Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management HRTM has been given the opportunity to be the first AACSB School to be considered for Accreditation Commission for Programs and Hospitality Administration (ACPHA) accreditation under a new standardized process. We will have an accreditation team visit in November 2007. Our HRTM enrollments continue to rise to the point of becoming the largest major in SBE. This has afforded us the opportunity to become highly selective in our admissions to this major. Congratulations to HRTM. u Management and International Business. New this semester is the connection with Adirondack Community College (ACC). Currently, there are 13 students taking classes at ACC but are enrolled in the SBE Management and International Business Department. This January, David Hunt will be joining the SBE team to help coordinate and teach in this program. The department would like to welcome Dr. Brian Neureuther and Dr. Kwangseek Choe as new faculty members this semester. They would also like to welcome back Dr. Mohamed Djerdjouri from Dubai. Department Department of of Economics/Finance Economics/Finance Robert Robert Christopherson Christopherson Chair Chair PPhh.D., .D., PProfessor rofessor,, C Chair hair Neal Neal Duffy Duffy PPhh.D., .D., A Associate ssociate P Professor rofessor Young Young Sik Sik Jang Jang PPhh.D., .D., PProfessor rofessor Suki Suki Gras Gras A Adjunct djunct L Lecturer ecturer,, T Teaching eaching EExcellence xcellence A Award ward W Winner inner Greg Gregoriou Gregoriou Greg .D., A Associate ssociate P Professor rofessor PPhh.D., ERA OF ECONOMICS (from Page 12) Economics. The SBDC supports entrepreneurs with information, technical assistance and training. As a funded organization, our counseling services are free and confidential. Since its inception, expert advisors of the SBDC have worked directly with 5,396 businesses, helping them to invest $47,437,531 in the area’s economy and creating or saving 1,821 jobs. He has held a distinguished Professorship at Hanyang University (19992000) and was President-elect of the World Association of Nuclear Power Operators (1998-1999). Dr. Jang has also served on the faculty Affairs Committee, Faculty Senate, Peer Review Group, Departmental Evaluation Group, Recruitment Committees, UUP Executive Board and Treasurer, Economics Club Advisor. Kim Albright Wal-Mart Mark Barie Crossborder Development Corp. Bruce Carlin Media Central Herb Carpenter Northeast Printing & Distribution Co., Inc. Bob DeCamp Douglas MacKenzie MacKenzie Douglas Deringer Logistics Consulting Group Karen Neuhauser Neuhauser Karen Plattsburgh North Country Chamber of Commerce Walter Page Page Walter UBS Financial Services, Inc. u Foundation of CVPH .D., A Assistant ssistant P Professor rofessor PPhh.D., .D., A Assistant ssistant P Professor rofessor PPhh.D., .D., PProfessor rofessor PPhh.D., Accounting Accounting Mohammed Gaber Gaber Mohammed .D., A Associate ssociate P Professor rofessor,, C Chair hair PPhh.D., James Coffey Coffey James Garry Douglas Cornelia Forrence Hannah Hanford Steve Kelso FedEx John Masella OneWorkSource, NYS Dept. of Labor J.D., PProfessor rofessor J.D., Sarah McCune Mark Kaiser, Kaiser, Mark Stephens M. Mundy M.B.A., C.P.A., C.P.A., LLecturer ecturer M.B.A., El-Sayed Hussein Hussein Kandiel Kandiel El-Sayed .D., A Associate ssociate P Professor rofessor PPhh.D., Edward Lusk Lusk Edward .D., PProfessor rofessor PPhh.D., Jason Lee Lee Jason PrimeLink CVPH Spencer Newman Home Bistro Foods, Inc. Bill O’Connor UPS Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. Bill Owens .D., A Assistant ssistant P Professor rofessor PPhh.D., Stafford, Owens, Curtin & Trombley, PLLC Dean Steria Steria Dean Joe Peterson MBA, A Adjunct djunct MBA, UHY Advisors, Inc. u Susanna Piller Hotel, Restaurant Restaurant Hotel, and and Tourism Management Management Tourism Ray Guydosh Guydosh Ray BANNER YEAR (from Page 2) SBE Business Advisory Council Stafford, Owens, Curtin & Trombley, PLLC Reed Racette ReedServices Racette Equity , Inc. Equity Services, Inc. Jeff Rendinaro .D., A Associate ssociate P Professor rofessor,, PPhh.D., Chair hair C Rendinaro DJeff arwood Associates Darwood Associates Kimberly Emery Emery Kimberly APat bbottRussell , Frenyea, Aussell bbott,& Frenyea R Coffey, Russell & Coffey B.S., C Chef hef/I /Instructor nstructor B.S., Mark Gultek Gultek Mark .D.,AAssistant ssistant Professor PPhh.D., David Hensarling Hensarling David M.S., LLecturer ecturer M.S., John Parmelee Parmelee John M.S., LLecturer ecturer M.S., Robert Rolfs Rolfs Robert M.S., LLecturer ecturer M.S., Pat Russell Andrew Sabella AAndrew nthony’s RSabella estaurant Anthony s istro Restaurant & ’B & Bistro Bob Smith Bob Smith Group Nine Platt Hospitality Nine Platt Hospitality Group Trent Trahan TrentTTrahan Champlain elephone Co. Champlain Telephone Co. Victoria Zinser-Johnson Zinser-Johnson TVictoria he Development Corporation The of Development Corporation Clinton County NY of Clinton County NY Rendinaro: Heads Up! Jeff Rendinaro Darwood Associates, which celebrates its 35th has been a good year in 2006. Rendinaro has also been very friend to the generous with his time and has mentored college and numerous finance majors as student interns. He School of Business trains these aspiring investment bankers/brokers and Economics in the day-to-day operations of his firm and (SBE) over the past gives them a thorough real-world experience. 15 years and we Rendinaro thinks that the SBE internship JEFF RENDINARO Darwood Associates hope to continue this program is “a success on two levels.” He partnership in the believes that the program has been successful in years ahead. “showing off” some of the best students As a member of the Business in the Plattsburgh community. He We heartily thank Jeff Advisory Council (BAC), he for his commitment to also thinks that the students involved offers advice on current business the college, to SBE and in the program benefit from its especially the Dept. of practices and suggestions for the authentic learning experiences Economics & Finance! future direction of the SBE. As a which, according to Rendinaro, offer COLIN READ member of the College Auxiliary Dean , SBE students a “great opportunity to see Services (CAS) Investment Board, what it’s really like out there.” Rendinaro brings a wealth of By providing his interns with a “headsknowledge and professional experience to up” about what to expect professionally on the table and helps to determine investment Wall Street, Rendinaro has done a wonderful opportunities for the College. He is also a job preparing them for success. Many former member of the Plattsburgh College Foundation. interns have subsequently taken jobs in NYC, Rendinaro spent several years working for in investment and commercial banks and a few Merrill Lynch on Wall Street in NYC before have gone on to graduate school. SBE students relocating to Plattsburgh where he opened a have benefited greatly from Redinaro’s expertise branch office for his family’s brokerage firm, and willingness to spend time with them. “ ” RISING FROM THE ASHES (from Page 1) former air force base facility and the recent announcement that Laurentian Aerospace will soon arrive. The School of Business & Economics (SBE) recognizes the evolving needs of Laurentian Aerospace, Bombardier, Pratt and Whitney Canada, and others. The well-educated employees of the future will be both specialists and generalists, and will need to adapt to lifelong learning. These companies realize that learning is a lifelong pursuit in this dynamic and fastpaced global economy. It secures a strong economic future. The SBE is responding with new programs in Supply Chain Management, tourism, and economic development. These programs and resources enable SUNY Plattsburgh and the SBE to provide opportunities for the workforce to adapt and remain current; educating our children here so they do not have to leave, and risk that they may never come back. GROUND BREAKING CEREMONY Business essentials page Business essentials page 9 4 SBE Clubs & Honor Societies u Accounting & Finance Association: (AFA) is a student organization approved and funded by the Students Association at SUNY College at Plattsburgh. Its membership is drawn from accounting majors, and other interested majors across the School of Business and Economics. The AFA’s activities are planned, organized, and executed by students’ leadership with the assistance of active members of the organization and a faculty mentor. Planned activities of the AFA include, but are not limited to: (1) Promote student leadership; (2) Invite leadership professionals in accounting and business from the surrounding communities to be guest speakers on campus; (3) Form study groups and increase awareness of the importance of “team learning dynamics;” and (4) Plan and organize two experiential learning/field trips each academic year. The first takes place each Fall semester to Boston’s Financial District and the second each Spring to New York City. u Global Supply Chain Management Association for Operations Management (APICS) Our newest major is exploring the possibility of starting a student chapter of APICS that is an industry association that caters to education and business process improvements in the fields of operations management and supply chain management. They also have members from several other business disciplines as well, from general management to management information systems and marketing. Upon approval, it is hoped that the student chapter can begin in the spring term of 2007. u Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) The SIFE Club mission is to provide opportunities for students to take what they learn into the Plattsburgh Community. SIFE teams are challenged to create a “real life” project for our community and present this project at the SIFE regional competition in April of each year. This project must include at least one of the five SIFE pillars: market economics, success skills, entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and/or business ethics. If you want more information, contact them at u Marketing Club: This club is one our busiest as they plan many guest speakers and workshops for all SBE students throughout the year. In addition, the club will be traveling to Montreal in November to study direct marketing and then will join the Accounting & Finance Association and the Stock Market Club for a trip to Boston with visits to marketing and accounting firms. u The School of Business & Economics offers many different Honor Societies: Alpha Mu Alpha, which acknowledges the achievements of outstanding marketing students; Eta Sigma Delta, which recognizes exceptional academic achievement among HRT students; Omicron Delta Epsilon, which recognizes scholastic attainment and outstanding achievements in economic classes; and Beta Gamma Sigma, Business Honor Society, which is the highest recognition a business student can receive in a AACSB accredited business program. In addition, we encourage all SBE students to participate in one or more of our active clubs. u Eta Gamma Sigma, Hotel Restaurant Tourism Management Honor Society Each semester this HRTM Honors society volunteers to help cook a meal for a local kitchen and plans and facilitates an all SBE program for the Salvation Army “Toys for Tots” Christmas campaign. This Fall, the society will travel to the national restaurant show in New York City. Fall ‘06 Spring ‘07 Career Fair November 3, 2006 March 29, 2007 The SBE Career Fair, held each semester, provides a unique opportunity for students to interact personally with a broad range of potential employers, while broadening their perspectives on career and employment options. v v Career Career and and Professional Professional Information Information v v Internship Internship Opportunities Opportunities v v Full-time Full-time Employment Employment v v Graduate Graduate School School Info Info Contact Contact for for information information and and about about participating participating in in the the SBE SBE Career Career Fair. Fair. D Kwangseek wangseek C Choe hoe Drr.. K Associate Associate Professor, Professor, Director Director of of Internships Internships Internship nternship ponsors Sponsors •• North North Country Country Chamber Chamber of of Commerce Commerce •• North North Country Country Cultural Cultural Center Center for for the the Arts Arts •• National National Bass Bass Fishing Fishing Tournament Tournament •• New New York York State State Attorney Attorney General’s General’s Office Office •• New New York York State State Legislature Legislature •• Northeast Northeast Group Group •• Plattsburgh Plattsburgh Airbase Airbase Redevelopment Redevelopment Corp. Corp. (PARC) (PARC) •• PrimeLink PrimeLink •• ProAct ProAct Pharmacy Pharmacy Services, Services, Inc. Inc. •• Prudential Prudential Securities Securities •• SBE SBE •• Small Small Business Business Development Development Center Center (SBDC) (SBDC) •• Sodexho Sodexho •• Telling Telling and and Conroy Conroy (CPA) (CPA) •• The The Pyramid Pyramid Companies Companies •• TJ TJ MAXX MAXX •• U.S. U.S. Department Department of of Justice Justice •• IBS IBS Financial Financial Services, Services, Inc. Inc. •• Washington Washington Internship Internship Institute Institute •• Westelcom Westelcom Family Family of of Companies Companies •• Whiteface Whiteface Mountain Mountain Resort Resort •• WPTZ WPTZ News News Channel Channel 55 INTERNS IN THE COMMUNITY Shabna Shareef ’08 Accounting & Business Major “Being able to actually apply my learning from my classes and use it in a practical form will be very useful to me later on… [Interning] should be a requirement. It really prepares you for the real-world experience.” Vincent Schunk ‘06 BFA Graphic Design Major SBE / SBDC “Working with the SBDC and the Business Department has given me a better perspective of what it’s like to work in a professional environment. There are deadlines, and I’m getting a much better grasp of how to work with commercial printers.” Christopher Gebhardt ‘07 Business Major, Accounting Minor “No matter what problem you have [the SBE department] can help you. They help you get organized, because it’s the hardest part. “[Interning] is a great opportunity – it’s a great way to get real experience.” Gone Fishing! Grant Burns is in his element and gaining valuable career experience at the same time! As the first intern to be working with the city of Plattsburgh promoting professional bass fishing tournaments, Grant, a Junior Business Management Major, is involved and immersed in his favorite setting: the refreshing atmosphere of the outdoors. Grant and his supervisor, Mr. Rick Perry, are currently involved in the Stren Series events of the FLW Tour. Grant’s first task has been to familiarize himself with past fishing tournaments held in Plattsburgh, by reviewing statistical data, researching current and past news, and examining old contracts. Rick explained that, throughout the internship, Grant will tackle a variety of authentic projects. He will develop a strategy to promote community awareness; work to formally structure the local fishing organization; familiarize himself with the regulatory agency; and develop a business plan for future tournaments. Grant is excited to apply the knowledge he has gained from his classes; and feels that real-world experiences, such as this internship, “help you to retain knowledge a bit better.” Mr. Perry believes in the value of internships. He thinks that internships are great for both the student and the company. Grant is enthused to be involved in this venture with Mr. Perry. Ultimately, Grant hopes to gain professionalism and experience, through working and talking with people. His future goals include selfemployment and working as close to the outdoors as he is this semester. Business Business essentials page 8 essentials page 5 Internship Sponsors Lock it Up Matt Kollar’s’08 work at Mac’s Instant Locksmith has been one of the most involving experiences of his short career at Plattsburgh State University so far. Daily direct, hands-on experience for him is the most powerful reinforcement of the material learned in classrooms. With the help of Dr. Mohammed Gaber, Matt became a bookkeeper at the company. While that may not sound as though it is the most exciting internship position out there, Matt found it anything but boring. During his short tenure at the company, he tackled many issues regarding recognition and recording of various transactions related to operating a small business. Matt was in charge of a multitude of tasks necessary for ongoing operations of the business, and compliance with regulatory agencies such as the IRS or the NYS Workers’ Compensation Board, as well. Another positive aspect of his internship ‘08 matej kollar experience was his ability to utilize SBE faculty expertise when confronted by complicated problems. Whether it be professor Steria, Kaiser, or Dr. Gaber, “they were always willing to help with accounting issues and point me in the right direction,” says Matt. “I am thrilled to have had the chance to participate in the internship program and greatly recommend it to anyone wishing to enhance his or her college experience.” SBE Graduation Breakfast AFLAC • Alexander Edwards and Co. (CPA) • All-Seasons Realty • Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. • Baymont Inn & Suites • Blue CrossBlue Shield • Bombardier Transportation • Cedar Knoll Log Homes • Citizens Bank • Clear Channel Radio • Crossborder Development Corp. • CVPH Medical Center • Darwood Associates • Delagar Division of Belcam, Inc. • Disney Worldwide Services, Inc. • Donlan Investment Services • Durocher Lincoln-Mercury • Enterprise Rent-a-Car • Fastenal • First Financial Services • Ford • GeorgiaPacific Corporation • Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Co. • Home Bistro Foods, Inc. • IBM • Mountain Lake PBS • MultiMedia Marketing May 13, 2006 ANNOUNCING School chool of of Business usiness & Economics conomics Funding Wish List “Professionals Preparing the Generation of Global Professionals” $1,000 Executive-inResidence $1,250 Redcay Lobby Multiscreen Big Screen $1,000/each Laptop Scholarships $1,000/club SBE Student Club Sponsorship $2,000 Sponsor SBE Newsletters $2,000 Sponsor SBE Expert Guide $15,000/yr. Accounting Lab Tutors $3,000 Tablet & Laptop SBE Student Loaner Program $3,000 Funding Week-long Wall Street Internship $3,000 Faculty Research Awards $3,000 National Student Competitions $5,000 Fund Interactive Marketing Lab $6,000/yr. Alumni Speaker Series $13,000 Peer Tutoring and Supplemental Instruction Program $10,000 SBE Stock Market Club Investment Fund $500,000 to $1,000,000 Endowed Chairs or Programs Legacy of Internships Robert Donlan and his local firm, Donlan & Barcomb (Plattsburgh, NY) bills its enterprise as, “Your Financial Solutions Partner.” Not only is Donlan a partner with his clients, but a good Robert donlan Donlan & Barcomb friend and partner with the Department of Economics and Finance at the School of Business and Economics (SBE). In fact, Donlan & Barcomb has sponsored 25 student interns over the past 10 years. Donlan’s investment firm specializes in retirement strategies, 401K plans, IRA Rollovers, Income strategies, among other specialities, and he uses these areas to help educate students in the practical application of finance theory to the real world. Donlan thinks that the SBE internship program has been great for students because his interns get to take part in a “real-life” project that is essential for the company’s operation. Donlan’s interns immerse themselves in the exciting and vital task of researching for and compiling the company’s list of stock picks. Several of his interns have gotten jobs because of their investment experience at Donlan & Barcomb. Numerous students have commented on the hands-on nature of their internship and how much they enjoyed this real world experience. Donlan has also taken the time to come to campus to make presentations on careers in finance and strategies for getting into the business. “No amount of thanks,” says Assistant Dean, Susan Steele, “can adequately reflect the SBE’s appreciation of the time Donlan and his firm spends with our students and the sharing of his professional expertise.” Take Stock Michael Feldman and Joe Leavens have made their vision a reality. During Fall 2005, these two young men harnessed their entrepreneurial knowledge and, seeking guidance from a variety of people, determined ‘07 Joe Leavens that a strong interest in the Stock Market existed among SUNY Plattsburgh students, and founded the SBE Stock Market Club. Since that time, the club has grown to 30 plus students. Michael and Joe were inspired to establish this club as a result of their own interests in the stock market – interests which grew out of experiences with online stock market ‘07 michael feldman simulators in high school classes. Michael and Joe have both enjoyed meeting people who share their interests and found an opportunity to take a leadership role. The Stock Market Club has found a true niche in the SBE and students are truly enticed to join by the creative learning experiences that are taking place. Michael and Joe have designed a program that encourages students to develop expertise in trading simulations and investment portfolios, study the commodity markets, and study and design strategies for investing and team work. Students have developed a simulated investment contest among themselves with the top investor winning a free trip to New York City to experience Wall Street, visiting the Stock Exchange, and networking with investment firms. Overall, Michael and Joe established their goals to spark students’ interest in the stock market, to help others learn about finance and investment, and to provide a place for people to get together to share experiences and talk about what is happening in the world that will shape their futures. Their entrepreneurial spirit has accomplished this goal and so much more for our SBE students. Business essentials page 6 Awarding Excellence Craig Seybolt’07 a senior and double major in Finance and Business, is truly honored to have been selected to receive the Shipman Scholarship. Craig feels that the Shipman Scholar’s biggest responsibility is Craig Seybolt‘07 to “set the example because teachers have honored me with this award.” Craig is also the Internal Internship Coordinator for the SBE. He enjoys working and building a rapport with the SBE faculty members. After graduating in May 2007, Craig plans to continue working at Northwestern Mutual Finance and to go on to graduate school to earn his MBA. Shipman Scholarships are made possible by the Shipman Scholarship Endowment Fund. The Fund was created by gifts from the Evergreen Bank and the Plattsburgh College Foundation in remembrance of the late Curtis E. Shipman, former president of both the Keeseville National Bank and the Plattsburgh College Foundation. The Shipman Scholarship is presented annually to an undergraduate whose career interests are in banking with strength of character and ability emulate that of Curtis E. Shipman, a man of admirable character and accomplishment. Campus Economic Development Council Academic cademic Departments epartments . . . Finance & Economics Dr. Douglas (“Doug”) MacKenzie arrived on campus only a few short weeks before the Fall Semester. While he is new to Plattsburgh, he has visited the Adirondacks many times in the past ten years. According to Dr. MacKenzie, the School of Business and Economics (SBE) and the campus in general has something of the feel of a small liberal arts college. For Dr. MacKenzie, ”it is largely because civilization enables us constantly to The faculty profit from knowledge is highly motivated which we individually do and the students not possess and because seemed interested each individual’s in learning. use of his particular Dr. mackenzie knowledge may serve Assistant Professor to assist others unknown to him in achieving their ends that men as members of civilized society can pursue their individual ends so much more successfully than they could alone…” (FA Hayek, “ ’’ The Constitution of Liberty, p 25) Dr. Karyn Neuhauser is “rationally exuberant” about joining the SBE. For Dr. Neuhauser, finance is a fascinating field with I’ve found many opportunities the faculty here for successful careers highly involved in in commercial or both research and teaching, and the investment banking and students seem sincere money management; and serious about careers that give students their studies. Dr. Neuhauser opportunities to help Assistant Professor businesses and the community. “Finance is also opening up to women,” says Dr. Neuhauser. “Ten years ago, there were only 10 CFOs among Fortune 500 companies. Today that number is up to 35. Women are making advances, but more still are needed in this field. Women have a unique perspective and set of skills. Yet the combination of strengths of both sexes, according to one study, produces higher returns when it comes to investment clubs.” “ Pictured front left to right: D. Clark, C. Read, R. Golden, J. Ettling, H. Lowe; back: K. Tyo, K. Lavoie. Missing: A. Hansen, J. Homburger, S. Spissinger, D. Hill CHANGING TIMES (from Page 1) opportunities in international financial management, derivatives, and investments and portfolio management theory. As an AACSB accredited degree program, the finance program offers a quality education that is reflected in its popularity and the quality students enrolled in its programs. Departmental enrollments show a significant upward trend as the SBE increasingly attracts highly motivated students. The School’s mission is to provide students with an education that emphasizes academic excellence, ethical values, lifelong learning, and responsible citizenship. Students graduating from the Department of Economics and Finance, and SUNY College at Plattsburgh in general, should justifiably be proud, just as the SBE is proud of their career successes. ’’ ALUMNI ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT SPOTLIGHT Pay It Forward Dear SBE Alumni: Business essentials page 7 Designing a Brilliant Future “I have been very fortunate to have been advised, mentored and taught by Dr. Gaber, Dr. Christopherson, Dr. Gregoriou and visiting instructor Mr. Rama Rao.” Ronak Brahmbhatt ‘08 The theme of the Spring 2007 (May), Ronak Brahmbhatt‘08 joined SBE as a freshman School of Business and Economics in the Spring of 2004. He arrived from Tanzania with Newsletter is “PAY IT FORWARD. “ The many dreams and goals in mind for a brilliant future at SUNY newsletter will be all about YOU, valued Plattsburgh. Unfortunately, Ronak was not convinced that alumni, who are attending graduate SUNY Plattsburgh was the place for him and transferred to school, working hard, managing your own New Jersey after one short semester. He changed his mind and companies, and making an impact in the returned to SUNY Plattsburgh where he could “establish his professional world of business. own identity.” So, send us your story to include in Ronak has done just that with a triple major in the Spring 2007 newsletter. This is an Accounting, Finance and Business and a Canadian Studies opportunity to help students appreciate what minor. He is following his father’s advice to “work very it means to take charge of your life, to use hard for four years in college and then your best years will what you have learned at SUNY Plattsburgh, come.” Additionally, Ronak has been awarded The Roy L. and and to design a career that gives you a sense Beatrice R. Johnson Scholarship, the Shankerbhal Prabhudas of success and well-being. Patel Scholarship, a member of the Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Tell us what SBE experience is most Society, a member of the SUNY Plattsburgh Honors Program, outstanding in your mind; what lessons you and the Omicron Delta Kappa honors society. Ronak also have carried into your daily lives and what participates as a member of the SBE Stock Market Club and has advice you would give students who are traveled to Boston and New York City with the Accounting here now. If you or your company hire SBE and Finance Association. graduates, or sponsor internships, tell us Ronak is designing his future with the help of those who about them, AND send us pictures. We love have played important roles in his education. He plans to earn pictures. a Ph.D. in Finance, work on Wall Street, and eventually return This is your chance to tell us and your to SUNY Plattsburgh as a professor. peers what you are doing, where you are, and to share your thoughts about the investment that each of you made in developing your individual career paths. As Alumni, you play a very important role in “enlightening” and enriching possibilities In June, the Olympic Regional Development for students. Speaking on behalf of our Authority (ORDA) released an economic impact research report dean, department chairs, our faculty and our performed by the Technical Assistance Center, the economic students, we truly want to hear from you. development service of SUNY Plattsburgh. TAC conducted the Send your “story” to research as part of its ongoing work with the regional tourism industry to provide research and data that helps the industry grow Thank and improve. you for your Keep In Touch The report, co-authored by HRTM instructor John Parmelee part in paying with the SBE... and economic development specialist Jim Murphy, showed it forward. Economic Impact Research CONTACT: Susan Steele, Assistant Dean School of Business & Economics (518) 564-4189 Sincerely, Susan W. Steele Assistant Dean that ORDA’s economic impact on the region was $323,700,000 and 1,138 non-ORDA jobs resulted from 2004 operations. Howard Lowe TAC Director of Economic Development (518) 564-2214 Email:
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