November 12, 2010 Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
November 12, 2010 Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Nebraska Medical PPO November 12, 2010 Providers included in this directory are from the network(s) of: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield licensees have made reasonable efforts to validate that the list of providers included in this directory is up to date and accurate. Please call the provider prior to scheduling an appointment to verify that the provider is still a part of the network. Blue Cross Blue Shield is an Association of independent Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plans. Neither the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association nor any of its licensees shall be liable for any losses, damages, or uncovered charges as a result of using this provider directory or receiving care from a provider listed. Your Participating Provider Directory. This Provider Directory is your guide to participating doctors, facilities and other health care providers in your area. To obtain the most up-to-date information or to locate providers in other areas while traveling, use the BlueCard姞 Doctor & Hospital Finder at or call 1-800-810-BLUE (2583). Your directory is organized into several sections for your convenience. It is designed to help you choose physicians and other health care professionals best suited to your needs. All provider listings include the provider’s practice address or addresses and telephone number. Always confirm with the provider the provider’s address, phone number, specialty and continued participation status before making an appointment. We are continually adding providers to our health care network, so if you do not see your provider listed, or if you need information regarding hospital affiliation or board certification, please contact your Customer Service Department. You’ll find the number located on your member identification card. Network participation is subject to change, so it is important for you to verify if the provider is still in the network. To verify this information, contact the provider before you receive medical services. If you have any questions about your benefits or finding a network provider, simply contact us by calling the Customer Service number on your member identification card. Hospitals may all look the same to you. To us, there is a distinct difference. Nationwide, Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies recognize Blue Distinction Centers® – medical facilities that are delivering quality specialty care – to help you and your doctor find a hospital that is right for you or your loved ones. Blue Distinction Centers meet rigorous clinical criteria that have been developed with medical experts. And, research shows they deliver better overall results for our members. To find a Blue Distinction Center for: Bariatric Surgery • Cardiac Care • Complex and Rare Cancers • Knee and Hip Replacement • Spine Surgery • Transplants visit or call the toll-free customer service number on the back of your member identification card. Note: Designation as Blue Distinction Centers means these facilities’ overall experience and aggregate data met objective criteria established in collaboration with expert clinicians’ and leading professional organizations’ recommendations. Individual outcomes may vary. To find out which services are covered under your policy at any facilities, please call your local Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan; and call your provider before making an appointment, to verify the most current information on its Network participation and Blue Distinction status. Neither Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association nor any of its Licensees are responsible for any damages, losses, or non-covered charges that may result from using this website or receiving care from a provider listed in this website. V05-09-309 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Table of Contents Hospitals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Clinics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Urgent Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 General Practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Ob-Gynecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Pediatrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Dental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Behavioral Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Specialists and Other Providers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Hospitals Hospitals Nebraska Ainsworth Brown County Hospital 945 E Zero St 402-387-2800 69210 Albion Boone County Health Center 723 W Fairview St 402-395-2191 68620 Alliance Cambridge Gordon Tri Valley Health System Gordon Memorial Hospital 1305 Highway 6/34 308-697-3329 Central City 1715 26th St 308-946-3015 Alma Harlan County Hospital 717 Brown St 308-928-2151 68920 69343 Gothenburg Memorial Hospital 68826 910 20th St 308-537-3661 69138 Chadron Grand Island Chadron Community Hospital Saint Francis Medical Center 308-432-5586 69301 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Gothenburg Litzenberg Memorial County Hospital Box Butte General Hospital 825 Centennial Dr 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-762-6660 69022 69337 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-384-4600 68803 Columbus Grant Columbus Community Hospital Perkins County Community Hospital 4600 38th St 402-564-7118 68601 900 Lincoln Ave 308-352-7218 69140 Cozad Hastings West Holt Memorial Hospital Cozad Community Hospital Hastings Regional Center Psych 68713 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 69130 Auburn Creighton Nemaha County Hospital Creighton Area Health Services 2022 13th St 402-274-4366 68305 Aurora Memorial Hospital 1423 7th St 402-694-3171 68818 Bassett Rock County Community Hospital 102 E South St 402-684-3366 68714 Beatrice 68310 Bellevue Bellevue Medical Center 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3600 68123 Benkelman Dundy County Hospital 1313 N Cheyenne St 308-423-2204 69021 Hebron 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-6800 David City 372 S 9th St 402-367-3115 Bridgeport 69336 Broken Bow Jennie M. Melham Medical Center 145 Memorial Dr 308-872-6891 2200 H St 402-729-3351 68822 Thayer County Memorial Hospital 120 Park Ave 402-768-7203 Henderson Community Hospital 1621 Front St 402-723-4512 Franklin 68939 Fremont Area Medical Center 68025 Holdrege Phelps Memorial Health Center Warren Memorial Hospital 68359 Geneva Callaway District Hospital Genoa Community Hospital 706 Ewing St 402-993-2283 600 W 12th St 308-882-7111 69033 Kearney Good Samaritan Hospital 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 Richard H. Young Hospital 1755 Prairie View Pl 308-865-2000 68845 Kimball County Hospital 505 S Burg St 308-235-1952 69145 68361 Tri-County Area Hospital 1201 N Erie St 308-324-5651 68850 Lincoln Bryanlgh Medical Center East 68640 1600 S 48th St 402-489-0200 68502 2300 S 16th St 402-473-5199 68502 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2121 801 W Prospector Pl 402-471-4444 68522 Bryanlgh Medical Center West Cdu Lincoln Regional Center Lincoln Surgical Hospital 1710 S 70th St 402-484-9090 68506 Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital 5401 South St 402-489-7102 68506 7500 S 91st St 402-327-2700 68526 Saint Elizabeth Regional Medical Ctr 555 S 70th St 402-219-8000 68510 Lynch Niobrara Valley Hospital Corp. 401 S 5th St 402-569-2451 68746 Mc Cook Community Hospital 1301 E H St 308-344-8356 69001 Minden Kearney County Community Hospital 727 E 1st St 308-832-3400 68959 Nebraska City 1314 3rd Ave 402-873-3321 68410 Neligh 68756 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-4880 68701 1700 N Victory Rd 402-370-3400 68701 Norfolk Regional Center North Platte Great Plains Regional Medical Center 69101 Oakland 68506 68045 Ogallala 69153 Omaha Alegent Health Bergan Mercy Med Ctr 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6060 Boys Town Nat Research Hosp - West 14000 Boys Town Hospital Rd 402-778-6000 68144 Boys Town National Research Hospital 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5400 Creighton St Joseph Regional Health 601 N 30th St 402-449-4000 68131 68114 68131 68131 7915 Farnam Dr 402-399-1900 68114 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4000 68114 Nebraska Methodist Hospital Nebraska Orthopaedic Hospital 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0610 68144 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 20300 402-572-3000 68122 68124 68124 The Nebraska Medical Center Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4000 68198 The Nebraska Medical Center Psych Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4000 68198 Oneill Avera Saint Anthony's Hospital 300 N 2nd St 402-336-2611 68763 Ord Valley County Memorial Hospital 217 Westridge Dr 308-728-5606 68862 Osceola Annie Jeffrey Memorial County H.C. 68651 Oshkosh Garden County Hospital 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3286 69154 Osmond Osmond General Hospital 402 N Maple St 402-748-3393 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3000 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3000 68046 Alegent Health Midlands Psych Pawnee City Pawnee County Memorial Hospital 600 I St 402-852-2231 Pender Community Hospital 603 Earl St 402-385-3083 68047 Plainview 68765 704 N 3rd St 402-582-4245 68769 Red Cloud Webster County Community Hospital 6th & Franklin St 402-746-5600 68970 Saint Paul Howard County Community Hospital 1113 Sherman St 308-754-4421 68873 Schuyler Alegent Health Memorial Hospital 104 W 17th St 402-352-2441 68661 Scottsbluff Regional West Medical Center 4021 Avenue B 308-635-3711 69361 4021 Avenue B 308-635-3711 69361 Regional West Medical Center Psych Seward Memorial Hospital 300 N Columbia Ave 402-643-2971 68434 Sidney Memorial Health Center 645 Osage St 308-254-5825 69162 Superior Brodstone Memorial Hospital 520 E 10th St 402-879-3281 68978 Syracuse Community Memorial Hospital 1579 Midland St 402-269-2011 68446 Tecumseh Johnson County Hospital 202 High St 402-335-3361 68450 Tilden Tilden Community Hospital 2nd St And Pine St 402-368-5343 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68420 Plainview Public Hospital Lasting Hope Recovery Center 415 S 25th St 402-717-5300 Papillion Alegent Health Midlands Hospital Pender Children's Hospital and Medical Center 531 Beebe St 402-747-2031 Ogallala Community Hospital 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-4011 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 1870 S 75th St 402-898-2714 Faith Regional Health Services 601 E 2nd St 402-685-5601 Alegent Health Lakeside Hospital Select Specialty Hospital Norfolk 601 W Leota St 308-696-8000 68122 Nebraska Spine Hospital LLC Antelope Memorial Hospital 102 W 9th St 402-887-4151 68122 Alegent Health Immanuel Medical Ctr Midwest Surgical Hospital LLC Oakland Mercy Hospital Lexington Fillmore County Hospital 1325 H St 402-759-3167 68949 Kimball Friend 905 2nd St 402-947-9355 68371 Alegent Health Immanuel Medical Center Psychiatric 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2291 Saint Mary's Hospital Chase County Community Hospital Franklin County Memorial Hospital 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68370 Henderson 1215 Tibbals St Community Medical Center 308-995-2211 3307 Barada St Imperial 402-245-2428 68355 Genoa 68825 68352 Falls City Callaway 211 E Kimball St 308-836-2228 68632 Jefferson Community Health Center Fremont 1313 S St 308-262-1616 68333 Butler County Health Care Center Memorial Community Hospital Morrill County Community Hospital Mary Lanning Psychiatric Care Crete Area Medical Center 1406 Q St 308-425-6221 68008 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Blair 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68729 68901 Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Crete Fairbury Beatrice Community Hospital 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 1503 Main St 402-358-5700 4200 W 2nd St 402-462-1971 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Nebraska Heart Hospital Atkinson 406 W Neely St 402-925-2811 Bryanlgh Medical Center West 68781 1 Hospitals Valentine Cherry County Hospital 510 N Green St 402-376-2525 69201 Wahoo Saunders Medical Center 1760 County Road J 402-443-4191 68066 Wayne Providence Medical Center 1200 Providence Rd 402-375-3800 68787 West Point Saint Francis Memorial Hospital 430 N Monitor St 402-372-2404 68788 York York General Hospital 2222 N Lincoln Ave 402-362-6671 2 68467 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Clinics Clinics Nebraska South Lincoln Dialysis Retail Health Center 3401 Plantation Dr, Ste 140 402-421-6011 68516 Alegent Health Quick Care 308-345-1916 Scottsbluff Dialysis Center Alliance 11650 S 73rd St McCook 402-991-7660 68046 Renal Dialysis Center Renal Dialysis Center Scottsbluff Box Butte General Hospital McCook Dialysis Center 2101 Box Butte Ave Renal Dialysis Center 308-762-6660 69301 801 W C St 69001 Beatrice 3812 Avenue B Norfolk 308-630-0811 69361 Renal Dialysis Center Renal Dialysis Center Valentine Dialysis Center of Beatrice Northeast Nebraska Dial1110 N 10th St Renal Dialysis Center 402-228-4722 68310 ysis Center 1603 W Prospect Ave Cherry County Hospital Platte York General Hospital Bellevue 402-371-4880 68701 510 N Green St 402-376-2525 69201 Renal Dialysis Center North Platte York Dialysis Clinic, Inc. Renal Dialysis Center 4112 Twin Creek Dr Renal Dialysis Center 402-934-9560 68123 Renal Care Group North Dialysis Clinic, Inc. (Dci), Omaha 4112 Twin Creek Dr 402-934-9560 68123 785 E Francis St 308-696-0941 69101 2222 N Lincoln Ave 402-363-6631 68467 Omaha Renal Dialysis Center Columbus Renal Dialysis Center Dialysis Clinic West Omaha Dialysis Center of Columbus 3919 25th St 402-563-2139 3015 N 118th St 402-493-9331 68601 Dialysis Clinic, Inc. 68164 3316 Dodge St Fremont 402-342-0190 68131 Dialysis Clinic, Inc. (Dci), Renal Dialysis Center Omaha Dodge County Dialysis 1949 E 23rd Ave S 402-721-7005 Rai Care Centers of Nebraska Ii, LLC 2660 N Healthy Way 402-721-1158 68025 3316 Dodge St 402-342-0190 68131 144 S 40th St 402-558-0818 68131 6572 Ames Ave 402-453-0477 68104 Omaha Central Dialysis Omaha North Dialysis 68025 Grand Island Omaha South Dialysis 3427 L St, Ste 16 Renal Dialysis Center 402-733-5777 68107 Grand Island Dialysis 603 S Webb Rd 308-385-6278 68803 3516 Richmond Cir 308-384-9600 68803 Kidney Dialysis Ctr of Grand Island Omaha West Dialysis 13014 W Dodge Rd 402-445-8950 Rai Care Centers of Nebraska Ii, LLC 4411 Center St, Ste A 402-552-2175 5084 Ames Ave 402-451-7754 68154 68105 Hastings 68104 Renal Dialysis Center Retail Health Center Hastings Dialysis Center 1900 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4893 68901 Kearney Renal Dialysis Center Overland Trails Renal Care 10 E 31st St 308-233-5011 Alegent Health Quick Care 14591 Stoney Brook Blvd 402-934-9640 68137 17810 Welch Plz 402-934-1105 68135 3410 N 156th St 402-614-1258 68116 7910 Cass St 402-991-0181 68114 68847 Oneill Lincoln Renal Dialysis Center Renal Dialysis Center Avera Saint Anthony's Hospital Capital City Dialysis 307 N 46th St 402-466-5123 68503 Dialysis Center of Lincoln 7910 O St 402-489-5339 68510 Dialysis Center of Lincoln NW 4911 N 26th St, Ste 106 402-438-7330 68521 300 N 2nd St 402-336-2611 68763 Papillion Renal Dialysis Center Papillion Dialysis 1502 S Washington St 402-991-1154 68046 Dialysis Center of Lincoln, S.W. 5355 S 16th St 402-742-8500 68512 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 3 Urgent Care Urgent Care Nebraska Omaha Urgent Care Center Midwest Minor Medical 13518 W Center Rd 402-827-6502 68144 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6510 68127 4 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 General Practice Nebraska Jones, Shaleah D, MD Adams Family Medicine Kahnk, Robert R, MD General Practice Damme, Jeffrey A, MD 620 Main St, Ste A 402-988-2188 68301 620 Main St, Ste A 402-988-2188 68301 Goodrich, Stacey D, MD Ainsworth Family Medicine 706 Main St 308-935-1367 68814 68814 2115 14th St, Ste 100 402-274-4993 Aurora Family Medicine Deaver, Lennie J, MD Jobman, Mark D, MD 305 Nebraska Ave 308-962-8495 68922 Albion Family Medicine 68922 Arlington Family Medicine Dodds, Tami S, MD Hupp, Bradley, MD 68002 1019 S 8th St 402-395-5013 68620 1019 S 8th St 402-395-5013 Arnold Family Medicine 68620 Loper, Kenneth, MD 1019 S 8th St 402-395-5013 68620 Sheppard, Ronald, MD Kramer, Lynette, MD Kusek, Anthony, MD 1019 S 8th St 402-395-5013 Mazour, John, MD 1019 S 8th St 402-395-5013 Travis, Joel, MD 1019 S 8th St 402-395-5013 723 W Fairview St 402-395-2191 68620 68620 68620 68620 Alliance Family Medicine 2091 Box Butte Ave, Ste 500 308-762-2534 69301 Forney, Bruce D, MD 2091 Box Butte Ave, Ste 700 308-762-7244 69301 2307 Box Butte Ave 308-762-3741 69301 Isom, David P, MD 2091 Box Butte Ave, Ste 500 308-762-2534 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-762-6660 69301 Jaeger, Shiuvaun M, MD Narjes, Timothy, MD 69120 Ashland Family Medicine 69301 68003 705 N 17th Ave 402-944-2201 68003 McPherson, Scott, MD Galyen, Kari L, MD 405 W Pearl St 402-925-2810 Randall, Robert, MD 69301 69301 Alma Family Medicine Finkner, John M, MD 715 Brown St 308-928-2103 Smolik, Anton J, MD 715 Brown St 308-928-2103 68920 68920 Ansley Family Medicine 706 Main St 308-935-1367 405 W Pearl St 402-925-2810 405 W Pearl St 402-925-2810 Tubbs, John D, MD 405 W Pearl St 402-925-2810 418 E 5th St 402-925-2994 68814 68713 68713 68713 68713 68713 Auburn Family Medicine 2115 14th St, Ste 100 402-274-4993 Farris, Dana S, MD Gill, John A, MD 2115 14th St, Ste 100 402-274-4993 68818 Muilenburg, Jeffrey J, MD 609 O St 402-694-3194 68818 609 O St 402-694-3194 68818 609 O St 402-694-3194 68818 Widhalm, Timothy J, MD 68818 Bancroft Family Medicine 103 Clark St 402-684-3245 Ptacek, Mark J, MD 801 S State St 402-684-2906 Tubbs, John D, MD 101 E South St 402-684-2285 102 E South St 402-684-2906 801 S State St 402-684-2906 68305 1123 N 10th St 402-228-4295 68310 Langvardt, Alan W, MD 805 W Court St 402-228-3366 68310 McGuffey, Patrick J, MD 1101 N 10th St 402-228-3436 68310 McLellan, Robert A, MD 805 W Court St 402-228-3366 68310 Nessetti, Matthew B, MD 215 N 19th St 402-228-2500 1123 N 10th St 402-228-4295 68310 68310 Rounsborg, Terry L, MD 68004 68310 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 68310 Running, David, MD Skoch, Michael G, MD Studley, Brett A, MD 68714 68714 68714 68714 68714 68714 68714 68714 68310 1110 N 10th St 402-223-6735 Thaut, Harold W, MD 1110 N 10th St 402-223-7303 Thomsen, Eric S, MD 1101 N 10th St 402-228-3436 68310 68310 68310 Voigtlander, George R, MD 829 W Court St, Ste 4 402-228-6446 68310 Beemer Family Medicine Timm, Matthew J, MD 212 Main St 402-528-3288 68716 Bellevue Family Medicine Babbe, Gregory J, MD 104 N 4th St 402-675-9065 68715 Bayard Family Medicine 320 Main St 308-586-1717 320 Main St 308-586-1717 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr, Ste 200 402-595-2275 68123 69334 69334 68123 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste G 402-292-1072 68005 2211 Capehart Rd, Ste 104 402-933-4111 68123 Beatrice Family Medicine Comstock, Tammy N, MD Bear, Ronald L, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3600 68123 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-2275 68123 Daher, Peter M, MD 68310 Saxena, Shailendra K, MD Finley, Brian J, MD 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-2275 68123 Frey, Donald R, MD 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 68123 Goodman, Mark D, MD 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 68123 1307 Harlan Dr 402-291-8701 68005 Gregory, Darin M, MD Halm, Daniel E, MD 4115 Harrison St 402-731-8810 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 68123 Sharma, Sanjeev K, MD 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 68123 Shelton, James F, MD 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 Simmons, James W, MD 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-2275 68123 Sindhav, Jivantika B, MD 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 Stageman, James H, MD Hansen, Thomas J, MD 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 Harrison, Jeffrey D, MD 3604 Summit Plaza Dr 402-595-2275 68123 Heller, Raymond D, MD 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 68123 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-2275 68123 Wenzl, Joseph A, MD 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 Wood, Walter S, MD Hill, Daniel T, MD 68123 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3600 68123 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 Woods, Thaddeus D, MD 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 Benkelman Family Medicine Jones, Kevin B, MD Khandalavala, Birgit N, MD 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 100 402-291-4778 68005 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 68123 Jaeger, Shiuvaun M, MD 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 68123 Lynass, Mary J, MD Koppert, Allison M, MD Lasure, Brock R, MD 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste G 402-292-1072 68005 Liu, Yongge, MD 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 Longacre, Timothy, MD 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 201 402-292-9170 68005 McStay, Lou Ann M, MD 68123 1313 N Cheyenne St 308-423-2151 69021 1313 N Cheyenne St 308-423-2151 69021 1313 N Cheyenne St 308-423-2151 69021 1313 N Cheyenne St 308-423-2151 69021 Reed, David G, MD Stonehocker, Lori L, DO Big Springs Family Medicine Mullendore, Sean, MD Regier, Donald D, MD 3308 Samson Way, Ste 101 402-827-1577 68123 100 W 3rd St 308-889-3376 Powers, Trisha D, MD 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 Blair Family Medicine 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 100 402-291-4778 68005 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 Quinlan, Mark T, MD 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 Rafiq, Naureen O, MD Rapp, Jeffrey R, MD 68123 Rivett, Austin L, DO 3308 Samson Way 402-291-3373 Rodriguez-Escobar, Margarita, MD 68123 69122 Jordan, James C, MD 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68008 Sawtelle, Bradley G, MD 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 812 N 22nd St 402-426-4611 Shaw, Garret T, MD 810 N 22nd St 402-426-4611 812 N 22nd St 402-426-4611 68008 68008 68008 68008 Simonson, John K, MD 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 812 N 22nd St 402-426-4611 68008 68008 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 100 402-291-4778 68005 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 Vermaas, Andrea, MD 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 68123 Villafranca, Ruth A, MD Sanchez, Rodolfo M, MD 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 812 N 22nd St 402-426-4611 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 812 N 22nd St 402-426-4611 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68147 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-2275 68123 Burhan, Khalil J, MD Collins, Kelly D, MD 69334 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3600 68123 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 Cervantes, James, MD 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 201 402-292-9170 68005 Saqueton, Antonio B, MD Biskup, James T, MD 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 Saniuk, Robert J, MD 68005 Elliott, Brian K, MD 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 201 402-292-9170 68005 Post, John H, MD 1307 Harlan Dr 402-291-8701 Qaqish, Farouq A, MD Ellis, Kelly L, DO 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 Eberspacher, Heather C, MD 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 Abou-Nasr, Reema O, MD Stevens, John, MD 68305 Koenig, Duane G, MD 68310 Battle Creek Family Medicine 320 Main St 308-586-1717 68305 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 Stonehocker, Lori L, DO 102 E South St 402-684-2906 801 S State St 402-684-2906 68310 Hoffman, Darin J, MD 68004 Galyen, James, MD Galyen, Kari L, MD 68310 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 Bassett Family Medicine 103 Clark St 402-684-3245 Havekost, Michael C, MD Parks, Sandra, MD Felber, Matthew D, MD 219 Main St 402-648-7606 Gowen, Lance M, MD 1101 N 10th St 402-228-3436 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 609 O St 402-694-3194 Raja, Wasim H, MD Ensz, Gary R, MD 2115 14th St, Ste 100 402-274-4993 Gautreaux, Keith M, MD 68003 Atkinson Family Medicine 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-762-6660 Pierce, Eddie J, MD 68003 705 N 17th Ave 402-944-2201 Laflan, Douglas, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-762-6660 68003 McCarthy, Stephanie M, MD 2091 Box Butte Ave, Ste 500 308-762-2534 69301 Ruffing, John J, MD 68003 Jacobsen, Dorothea Y, MD 705 N 17th Ave 402-944-2201 68310 Johnson, Scott R, MD 219 Main St 402-648-7606 Hustad, Gary J, MD Michels, Dale E, MD 1101 N 10th St 402-228-3436 Timm, Matthew J, MD Jacobsen, Matthew, MD Dodge, Jaime K, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-762-6660 104 N Broadway St 308-848-3259 705 N 17th Ave 402-944-2201 68305 68818 609 O St 402-694-3194 69120 705 N 17th Ave 402-944-2201 68310 609 O St 402-694-3194 Wilcox, John C, MD 104 N Broadway St 308-848-3259 705 N 17th Ave 402-944-2201 68305 1101 N 10th St 402-228-3436 Sullivan, Michael J, MD Sellon, Monty R, MD 220 N 3rd St 402-478-5101 Gloor, David A, MD Zaruba, Michael L, MD Arapahoe Family Medicine 305 Nebraska Ave 308-962-8495 69210 Meade, Jeffrey G, MD 2115 14th St, Ste 100 402-274-4993 Kaspar-Cope, Rachelle A, MD Miller, Annette S, MD 913 E Zero St 402-387-1900 706 Main St 308-935-1367 68008 68008 68008 68008 5 General Practice Weckmuller, Carol J, MD 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 812 N 22nd St 402-426-4611 68008 68008 Wilkins, Chauncey A, MD 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 812 N 22nd St 402-426-4611 68008 Wilson, Cory M, MD 68008 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 Winters, John, MD 718 S 19th St 402-426-5171 2510 18th Ave 308-946-3845 Bengston, Jennifer, MD 295 N 8th Ave 308-728-4312 68823 Holmquist, Hugh, MD 410 S 8th Ave 308-346-5544 68823 Unterseher, Chris A, MD 68008 295 N 8th Ave 308-728-4312 68008 Butte Family Medicine Bloomfield Family Medicine Block, Dale W, MD Morse, Ronald P, MD Clark, Andrew N, MD 105 S Broadway St 402-373-4341 Sell, Michelle L, MD Burwell Family Medicine 68718 68823 522 Thayer St 402-569-2741 68722 730 Wilson St 402-775-2508 68722 Johnson, David D, MD Collazo, Gilberto, MD Johnson, Kristin K, MD 825 Centennial Dr 308-432-4441 825 Centennial Dr 308-432-4441 McLain, Jerry L, MD 300 Shelton St 308-432-4441 825 Centennial Dr 308-432-4441 825 Centennial Dr 308-432-5586 739 Morehead St 308-665-1770 825 Centennial Dr 308-432-4441 825 Centennial Dr 308-432-5586 730 Wilson St 402-775-2508 68722 825 Centennial Dr 308-432-4441 68722 Chappell Family Medicine 102 N Pine St 402-756-2141 Mazour, Daniel E, MD 102 N Pine St 402-756-2141 68930 730 Wilson St 402-775-2508 Callaway Family Medicine Loper, Kenneth, MD Bartruff, Craig, MD Sheppard, Ronald, MD 562 Vincent Ave 308-874-2255 213 E Kimball St 308-836-2294 114 N Main St 308-584-3770 69123 Bridgeport Family Medicine 1320 S St 308-262-1755 Raja, Wasim H, MD 1320 S St 308-262-1755 Stevens, John, MD 1320 S St 308-262-1755 69336 309 Nelson St 308-697-3317 69336 Campbell Family Medicine 145 Memorial Dr 308-872-2486 116 Huron 402-324-7101 68932 68822 106 S 3rd St 308-358-0615 68932 68322 68627 68627 319 W Glenvil St 402-762-3236 68322 Vonderfecht, Scott L, MD 68322 Gacke, Jerome T, MD 2510 18th Ave 308-946-3845 68826 68826 6 68327 68327 68327 68629 68933 68933 68933 68933 68826 Dilly, Douglas A, MD Hwy 275 & Main St 402-485-2277 68601 68601 Discoe, Edward D, MD 1454 28th Ave 402-564-2816 Goering, Marcia, MD 68601 2485 39th Ave 402-564-9575 68601 1454 28th Ave 402-564-2816 68601 Gotschall, Jeffrey C, MD Howerter, Mark S, MD 4600 38th St 402-564-7118 3611 27th St 402-564-1338 Lemke, Luke P, MD 1454 28th Ave 402-564-2816 Miller, Robert A, MD 4600 38th St 402-564-7118 68601 68726 68726 68601 68601 68601 Rosenquist, Daniel J, MD 3611 27th St 402-564-1338 68601 3611 27th St 402-564-1338 68601 3611 27th St 402-564-1338 4600 38th St 402-564-7118 68601 68601 Zavadzkas, Giuseppe G, MD 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-7500 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-9000 68601 68601 Cozad Family Medicine 1803 Papio Ln 308-784-3535 1803 Papio Ln 308-784-3535 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 69130 69339 615 4th St 402-365-7604 68340 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 615 4th St 402-365-7604 68340 McLain, Jerry L, MD Hubl, Bryan A, MD Vonderfecht, Scott L, MD Creighton Family Medicine Dodge Family Medicine Essink, Brandon, MD Janulewicz, Mark E, MD 1503 Main St 402-358-5700 68729 930 2nd St 402-693-2246 68633 804 Chase Ave 402-358-5335 68729 930 2nd St 402-693-2246 68633 Laflan, Douglas, MD Crete Family Medicine Edgar Family Medicine Ebke, Russell J, MD Brosz, Adam B, MD 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 68333 969 E Highway 33 402-826-3222 68333 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 68333 Gardner, Walter, MD Heier, Marjorie J, MD Rapp, Jeffrey R, MD 315 N C St 402-224-3344 68935 Elgin Family Medicine Dawson, Troy D, MD 101 W Cedar St 402-843-5444 68636 101 W Cedar St 402-843-5444 68636 116 N 2nd St 402-843-5910 68636 116 N 2nd St 402-843-5910 68636 69025 101 W Cedar St 402-843-5444 68636 302 E 6th St 308-367-4162 69025 116 N 2nd St 402-843-5910 68636 302 E 6th St 308-344-2650 69025 302 E 6th St 308-367-4162 69025 Hesser, Jason K, MD 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 Hesser, Kate E, MD 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 68333 68333 Curtis Family Medicine Hupp, Bradley, MD Kramer, Lynette, MD Klug, Richard F, MD 302 E 6th St 308-367-4162 Dilly, Douglas A, MD Rudloff, Roger P, MD Reece, Lorinda L, MD Remington, Roselyn M, MD Serbousek, Mark W, MD 69025 Davenport Family Medicine Travis, Joel, MD Elkhorn Family Medicine Baumberger, Sandra B, MD 1908 N 203rd St, Ste 2 402-289-4031 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 68022 1908 N 203rd St, Ste 2 402-289-4031 68022 Colling, Johnathan L, MD Fitzgibbons, William P, MD Hubl, Bryan A, MD Mantz, Donald C, MD 68335 1130 N 204th Ave 402-289-3377 68022 101 N Linden Ave 402-364-2105 68335 1130 N 204th Ave 402-289-3377 68022 69130 101 N Linden Ave 402-364-2105 68335 1908 N 203rd St, Ste 2 402-289-4031 68022 69130 David City Family Medicine 1130 N 204th Ave 402-289-3377 68022 69130 Carlson, Mark V, MD 69130 69130 Petersen, Matthew L, DO 1803 Papio Ln 308-784-3535 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 101 N Linden Ave 402-364-2105 Nemeth, Stephen G, MD 1803 Papio Ln 308-784-3535 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 69339 302 E 6th St 308-367-4162 69130 68632 Deshler Family Medicine 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 West, John W, MD Boos, Kate, MD Wetovick, Patrick G, MD 1803 Papio Ln 308-784-3535 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 Dawson, Troy D, MD 68826 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-7500 3611 27th St 402-564-1338 Cole, Jack R, DO Clearwater Family Medicine Hwy 275 & Main St 402-485-2277 Anderson, Kipton, MD Zaruba, Dale A, MD Sullivan, Michael J, MD 319 W Glenvil St 402-762-3236 68727 Columbus Family Medicine Zadina, Milton C, MD Widhalm, Timothy J, MD Mahnke, Steven S, MD 2510 18th Ave 308-946-3845 69129 Johnson, Scott R, MD 319 W Glenvil St 402-762-3236 Buhlke, Brian K, DO 1715 26th St 308-946-3015 2510 18th Ave 308-946-3845 69129 Leigh-Vargas, Hugh F, MD 319 W Glenvil St 402-762-3236 Central City Family Medicine Sullivan, Timothy J, MD 69129 Clarkson Family Medicine 329 Pine St 402-892-3466 112 S Main St 402-283-4228 Klutman, Ronald W, MD Vonderfecht, Scott L, MD Jobman, Mark D, MD Hubl, Bryan A, MD 108 S Fillmore St 402-353-2055 516 Thayer Ave 402-324-7101 Troyer, Joyce, MD Troyer, Terry, MD 69337 Sullivan, Timothy J, MD 68822 Bruning Family Medicine 108 S Fillmore St 402-353-2055 69022 516 Thayer Ave 402-324-7101 Clay Center Family Medicine 106 S 3rd St 308-358-0615 69337 Hubl, Bryan A, MD 69022 Cedar Rapids Family Medicine Minnick, David A, MD 108 S Fillmore St 402-353-2055 562 Vincent Ave 308-874-2255 148 S Taylor St 402-756-8080 68822 145 Memorial Dr 308-872-2486 Mazour, Linda S, MD 69337 Matthews, Michael L, MD 68822 Jones, Shaleah D, MD Kahnk, Robert R, MD 148 S Taylor St 402-756-8080 69337 Chester Family Medicine Mazour, Daniel E, MD Gautreaux, Keith M, MD 145 Memorial Dr 308-872-2486 68825 Kaspar-Cope, Rachelle A, MD 69336 Broken Bow Family Medicine 145 Memorial Dr 308-872-2486 68825 Cambridge Family Medicine 309 Nelson St 308-697-3317 69337 Dorwart, Clinton B, MD Deaver, Lennie J, MD Post, John H, MD 69337 Akerson, Jeffrey D, MD Brady Family Medicine 213 E Kimball St 308-836-2294 69337 Sutera, Catherine, MD 562 Vincent Ave 308-874-2255 68930 69337 Pelton, Edward A, MD Brosz, Adam B, MD Davis, Leon J, MD 69337 Johnson, Kristin K, MD 68722 Malm, John A, MD 358 S 10th St 402-367-3322 Johnson, David D, MD 730 Wilson St 402-775-2508 68930 68726 Witter, Jo A, MD Crawford Family Medicine Coleridge Family Medicine Even, Lisa A, MD Kafka, Richard L, MD 68826 Hwy 275 & Main St 402-485-2277 Chadron Family Medicine Blue Hill Family Medicine 102 N Pine St 402-756-2141 Rudloff, Roger P, MD 69130 69130 Sullivan, Timothy J, MD Vonderfecht, Scott L, MD 336 S 9th St 402-367-3193 68632 336 S 9th St 402-367-3193 68632 336 S 9th St 402-367-3193 68632 336 S 9th St 402-367-3193 68632 Luckey, Gerald W, MD Summers, Matthew P, MD Meier, Craig M, MD Montanez, Edward P, MD Staack, Karen S, MD Elm Creek Family Medicine Nelson, James D, MD 515 W Boyd Ave 308-856-4616 68836 Thoendel, Victor J, MD The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 General Practice Shaw, Garret T, MD Elwood Family Medicine 1420 Clark St 402-468-4655 Miller, Joseph S, MD 202 N Smith Ave 308-785-3385 68937 68937 Emerson Family Medicine 68733 Timm, Matthew J, MD 1012 S Main St 402-695-2453 68733 Ericson Family Medicine Bengston, Jennifer, MD 420 State St 308-728-4312 68637 Unterseher, Chris A, MD 420 State St 308-728-4312 68637 Exeter Family Medicine Eberspacher, Heather C, MD 425 S Empire Ave 402-266-5341 1420 Clark St 402-468-4655 Mazour, Daniel E, MD Bespalec, Jason L, MD Mazour, Linda S, MD 121 15th Ave 308-425-6221 350 W 23rd St, Ste D 402-721-8800 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 Batten, Curtis, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 33 W 4th St 402-727-5396 350 W 23rd St, Ste A 402-721-7077 Cooper, Erin L, MD 2540 N Healthy Way 402-727-1091 Elliott, Brian K, MD 68351 350 W 23rd St, Ste G 402-753-6063 825 22nd St 402-729-3361 68352 Shumard, Craig J, MD 825 22nd St 402-729-3361 68352 Tucker, Theodore C, MD 825 22nd St 402-729-3361 68352 Falls City Family Medicine 2307 Barada St 402-245-4475 Cui, Hong, MD 1423 Stone St 402-245-3232 Tramp, Allan W, MD 1423 Stone St 402-245-3232 68025 68025 68025 68025 68025 68025 McKnight, Thomas A, MD 68361 Sell, Michelle L, MD 505 S Park St 402-993-2206 Troyer, Terry, MD 505 S Park St 402-993-2206 68640 68640 68640 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 975 Crescent Dr 308-635-3089 902 20th St 308-537-7131 910 20th St 308-537-3661 69341 69341 69138 69138 69138 69138 69138 69138 69138 69138 Grand Island Family Medicine Bliese, Kathleen A, MD 908 N Howard Ave, Ste 108 308-381-2224 68803 Elliott, Brian K, MD 68803 Fruehling, Richard M, MD 2116 W Faidley Ave, Ste 400 308-381-0162 68803 Johnson, Alan, MD Wolf, Thomas A, MD Friend Family Medicine 905 2nd St 402-947-9355 1210 2nd St 402-947-2021 Meyer, Roger H, MD 905 2nd St 402-947-9355 68359 68359 68359 68023 1420 Clark St 402-468-4655 68023 Gacke, Jerome T, MD 901 Broadway St 308-536-2458 901 Broadway St 308-536-2458 69341 Johnson, Milton R, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 975 Crescent Dr 308-635-3089 Lacey, Kent T, MD Fullerton Family Medicine Buhlke, Brian K, DO 1275 Sage St 308-436-2101 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 69341 69341 Mueller, Bartley B, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Painter, Kathryn L, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Papenfus, Lodewyk R, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 68638 68638 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 807 N Ash St 308-282-1442 69343 69343 2116 W Faidley Ave, Ste 400 308-381-0162 68803 Grant Family Medicine 208 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-6300 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Brosz, Adam B, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 205 402-461-5261 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-461-5265 68901 Catlett, Frederick D, MD Colglazier, Clifford, MD 422 N Hastings Ave, Ste 204 402-463-5687 68901 606 N Minnesota Ave, Ste A 402-463-6781 68901 945 Washington Ave 308-352-2122 69140 Crandall, Robert B, DO 945 Washington Ave 308-352-2122 69140 Davis, Leon J, MD 912 Central Ave 308-352-7100 69140 Kohl, Kristi S, MD Greeley Family Medicine 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 205 402-461-5261 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-460-5836 68901 Hatch, Dennis D, MD 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Brennan, Angela S, MD Hatcher, Theresa S, DO 109 W Oconnor Ave 308-428-3018 68842 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Herbek, Douglas J, MD Hockman, Heather J, MD Hoover, Barry, MD 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 Husen, Steven, MD 68803 68803 2116 W Faidley Ave, Ste 400 308-381-0162 68803 Harrahill, Daniel P, MD Kramer, Jared S, MD Gretna Family Medicine 818 Village Sq 402-332-4559 908 N Howard Ave, Ste 108 308-381-2224 68803 Lawton, William J, MD 2444 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1100 68803 McGahan, Michael J, MD 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 Pierce, Eddie J, MD 68028 Hartington Family Medicine Mastin, Robert, MD 1021 W 14th St 402-463-2423 68901 1021 W 14th St 402-463-2423 68901 Miller, James, MD Pehrson, Jared C, MD 422 N Hastings Ave, Ste 204 402-463-5687 68901 Pierce, Eddie J, MD 208 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-6300 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Pritchard, Logan A, DO Micek, Connie, MD 1021 W 14th St 402-463-2423 68901 1021 W 14th St 402-463-2423 68901 68739 Reimer, Curtis, MD 68803 405 W Darlene St 402-254-3935 68739 Salyards, Harry E, MD Rounsborg, Terry L, MD Settje, Gary, MD 68028 Woodruff, Mark W, MD 402-332-3903 Johnson, Michael E, MD 68803 1300 S Locust St, Ste A 308-381-3800 68801 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 68028 Weeks, William D, MD 920 Village Sq 402-332-3903 68901 Jameson, David B, MD 405 W Darlene St 402-254-3935 Pehrson, Jared C, MD 2444 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1100 68028 Isherwood, Ryan B, MD 102 W Highway 370 402-332-2772 Jahnke, Brandon M, MD 422 N Hastings Ave, Ste 204 402-463-5687 68901 606 N Minnesota Ave, Ste A 402-463-6781 68901 Imig, Carmella N, MD Iloreta, Elpidionestor T, MD 920 Village Sq Running, David, MD Costa, Christopher P, MD 68803 Blecha, Timothy D, MD Hansen, Larry L, MD 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 Gordon Family Medicine Wirth, Donald G, MD 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 223 E 14th St, Ste 100 402-463-2929 69341 69341 2444 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1100 Beck, John A, MD 68842 69341 68025 Werner, Thomas F, MD Hastings Family Medicine Grow, Paul M, MD 3016 W Faidley Ave 308-381-8546 68025 908 N Howard Ave, Ste 108 308-381-2224 68803 908 N Howard Ave, Ste 108 328-381-2224 68803 68944 109 W Oconnor Ave 308-428-3018 2116 W Faidley Ave, Ste 400 308-381-0162 68803 68803 1275 Sage St 308-436-2101 975 Crescent Dr 308-635-3089 Walk, Louis B, DO 203 E Walnut St 402-772-5330 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 2444 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1100 2540 N Healthy Way 402-727-1091 415 E 23rd St, Ste A 402-727-7191 2116 W Faidley Ave, Ste 400 308-381-0162 68803 68944 Wilcox, John C, MD 68842 69341 Imes, David C, MD 68803 68944 203 E Walnut St 402-772-5330 Graybill, Sara S, MD 1275 Sage St 308-436-2101 Rapp, Jeffrey R, MD 68803 203 E Walnut St 402-772-5330 109 W Oconnor Ave 308-428-3018 68025 Haslam, J M, MD Widhalm, Timothy J, MD 1917 W Faidley Ave 308-389-7632 2444 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1100 Demmel, Ruth S, MD 1300 S Locust St, Ste A 308-381-3800 68801 Cheloha, Michelle L, MD Van Wie, Jana G, MD Vieth, Chad W, MD Matzke, Gerald E, MD 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 Blomstedt, John E, DO Brown, Patrick J, MD 902 20th St 308-537-7131 920 20th St 308-537-3661 902 20th St 308-537-7131 910 20th St 308-537-3661 Gering Family Medicine 1275 Sage St 308-436-2101 Hult, David, MD Sullivan, Michael J, MD 2116 W Faidley Ave, Ste 400 308-381-0162 68803 2116 W Faidley Ave, Ste 400 308-381-0162 68803 Bartruff, Craig, MD 619 10th St 308-537-3673 910 20th St 308-537-3661 Steinke, Rebecca J K, MD Vettel, Kenneth L, MD Shackleton, Carol, MD Buhlke, Brian K, DO 505 S Park St 402-993-2206 Gothenburg Family Medicine 210 E 8th St, Ste B 402-483-6990 Nessetti, Matthew B, MD 1420 Clark St 402-468-4655 Sawtelle, Bradley G, MD Verhage, Carroll L, MD 69343 68803 McKeeman, Robert B, MD Jordan, James C, MD 68361 807 N Ash St 308-282-1442 3016 W Faidley Ave 308-381-8546 Hollibaugh, Becky, DO Fort Calhoun Family Medicine 1323 H St 402-759-4485 Van Bang, Antony Nguyen, MD 69341 68025 68355 Straka, Scott D, MD 69343 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 350 W 23rd St, Ste A 402-721-7077 General Practice 68361 807 N Ash St 308-282-0401 68025 68355 68355 1323 H St 402-759-4485 Jacobsen, John R, MD Hutchins, Joel F, MD 350 W 23rd St, Ste A 402-721-7077 68025 Jennings, Dorothy S, DO 1423 Stone St 402-245-3232 68025 68355 68355 68361 68025 68025 68361 1323 H St 402-759-4485 Genoa Family Medicine 350 W 23rd St, Ste C 402-721-5727 Symonds, John T, DO Hollis, Jeffrey R, MD 68025 Janulewicz, Mark E, MD 2540 N Healthy Way 402-727-1091 1323 H St 402-759-4485 1322 H St 402-759-4431 Janssen, Misty A, MD Sellon, Monty R, MD Borg, David E, MD 2307 Barada St 402-245-4475 Glowacki, Paul V, MD 2540 N Healthy Way 402-727-1091 Blatny, Richard A, MD 68025 Beacom, Matthew A, MD 425 S Empire Ave 402-266-5341 Fairbury Family Medicine 68939 Anderson, Milo V, MD 68351 Hotovy, Patrick A, MD 68939 Fremont Family Medicine 425 S Empire Ave 402-266-5341 68351 68638 Geneva Family Medicine 450 E 23rd St 402-486-7142 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 Fago, Heather M, MD 68023 901 Broadway St 308-536-2458 Sell, Michelle L, MD 68638 Franklin Family Medicine 121 15th Ave 308-425-6221 Hoelting, David J, MD 1012 S Main St 402-695-2453 68023 901 Broadway St 308-536-2458 Villafranca, Ruth A, MD Jones, Mark R, MD 202 N Smith Ave 308-785-3385 Mahnke, Steven S, MD 68803 68803 2116 W Faidley Ave, Ste 400 308-381-0162 68803 Vlach, Steven E, MD Harvard Family Medicine Salyards, Phyllis S, MD 606 N Minnesota Ave, Ste A 402-463-6781 68901 Jobman, Mark D, MD 203 E Walnut St 402-772-5330 606 N Minnesota Ave, Ste A 402-463-6781 68901 68944 Johnson, Scott R, MD 203 E Walnut St 402-772-5330 68944 203 E Walnut St 402-772-5330 68944 Muilenburg, Jeffrey J, MD Schram, David, MD 1021 W 14th St 402-463-2423 223 E 14th St, Ste 100 402-463-2929 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68901 Skoch, Michael G, MD 7 General Practice Smith, Charles E, MD 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-460-5836 68901 Vanmetre, John E, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 205 402-461-5261 68901 Hass, Brian E, MD 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Humboldt Family Medicine Witter, Jo A, MD Wycoff, Kevin K, MD Helmick, Lawrence D, MD Howells Family Medicine 119 S 3rd St 402-986-0830 68641 Jackson, Richard E, MD 1021 W 14th St 402-463-2423 68901 Tramp, Allan W, MD Hebron Family Medicine 68370 Hubl, Bryan A, MD 120 Park Ave 402-768-7203 68370 Kramer, Jared S, MD 120 Park Ave 402-768-7203 68370 Sullivan, Timothy J, MD 120 Park Ave 402-768-7203 68370 Vonderfecht, Scott L, MD 120 Park Ave 402-768-7203 68370 Hemingford Family Medicine 812 Laramie Ave 308-487-3322 69348 Henderson Family Medicine 1621 Front St 402-723-4512 68371 Vanderneck, Christopher A, MD 1621 Front St 402-723-4512 68371 Hildreth Family Medicine 68947 Mazour, Linda S, MD 511 Hubbard St 308-938-4885 68947 Holdrege Family Medicine 516 W 14th Ave, Ste 100 308-995-4431 68949 Ehresman, Scott, MD 516 W 14th Ave, Ste 100 308-995-4431 68949 Reiner, Richard K, MD 68949 Smith, Charles E, MD 516 W 14th Ave, Ste 100 308-995-4431 68949 Wirges, Charlotte A, MD 516 W 14th Ave, Ste 100 308-995-4431 68949 Hooper Family Medicine 68031 2810 W 35th St 308-865-2570 68845 Keown, Bernard G, MD Lindstrom, Julie, DO Lindau, James A, MD 701 Cedar Ave 402-256-3042 68745 Wiseman, Willis L, MD 1103 Buffalo Bnd 308-324-6386 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68642 3907 6th Ave 308-865-2767 303 Main St 402-923-0412 303 Main St 402-923-0412 Zadina, Milton C, MD Zaruba, Dale A, MD 68516 Ellis, Michelle, MD 68521 68510 68850 1800 O St, Ste 208 402-805-4156 68508 7121 Stephanie Ln, Ste 105 402-484-8383 68516 68642 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68845 307 E 5th St 308-324-6754 68850 2331 Fairfield St, Ste 1 402-434-7177 68521 68642 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68845 1103 Buffalo Bnd 308-324-6386 68850 Potthoff, Troy L, MD Rodgers, Bradley, MD Roth, Cheryl A, MD 69350 68850 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 1103 Buffalo Bnd 308-324-6386 68850 69033 Kimball Family Medicine Sokolowski, David A, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1952 69145 General Practice Jay, Richard, DO 505 S Burg St 308-235-1952 La Vista Family Medicine 68845 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 Crandall, Robert B, DO 68845 2714 2nd Ave, Ste A 308-236-7016 68847 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68845 Hanich, Michael J, MD Unterseher, Pat L, MD Lincoln Family Medicine Adams, Jared M, MD 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 15th And U St 402-472-7435 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 68588 68505 68516 68521 1240 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-420-1300 68512 Bauman, Kimberley P, MD 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Bear, Ronald L, MD 68128 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 68128 6041 Village Dr, Ste 130 402-423-1382 68516 8074 S 84th St 402-593-1700 68128 3540 Village Dr, Ste 100 402-420-7113 68516 8074 S 84th St 402-593-1700 68128 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 8074 S 84th St 402-593-1700 68128 2900 S 70th St, Ste 310 402-434-5235 68506 8074 S 84th St 402-593-1700 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68850 Anderson, Derrick E, MD 69145 Inguanzo, Christine M, MD 68847 Miller, Joseph S, MD 68850 Albers, Lonnie, MD Plate, James M, MD Albin, Roger, MD Kloch, Gregory M, MD 1103 Buffalo Bnd 308-324-6386 68845 Kearney Family Medicine Jones, Mark R, MD 68845 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 69034 Johnson, Tamara, MD 3907 6th Ave 308-865-2767 69033 69034 Ford, John M, MD 68845 Rude, Gilbert, MD 68847 600 W 12th St 308-882-7299 Deaver, Lennie J, MD Ford, Edward M, MD 1103 Buffalo Bnd 308-324-6386 1201 N Erie St 308-324-5651 Scott, Ron D, MD Indianola Family Medicine Acosta-Carlson, Francisca, Butler, Mark, MD MD 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 3907 6th Ave 308-865-2767 Schulz, Steven D, MD Nicholson, Douglas J, DO 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 5200 S 56th St, Ste 2 402-421-8900 7445 O St, Ste 100 402-421-8900 68516 1103 Buffalo Bnd 308-324-6386 68845 Ernst, Beth M, MD Burge, Donald E, MD 68505 68845 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 Becker, Terry A, MD 4210 Pioneer Woods Dr, Ste A 402-488-4321 68506 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 100 402-441-3575 68521 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 68510 68850 Paysen, Amy, MD 69033 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 Brinkhoff, April C, MD Elliott, Brian K, MD 68845 68642 Murray, Dawn M, MD 600 W 12th St 308-882-7299 119 S 4th St 308-364-9290 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 965 S 27th St, Ste D 402-477-3505 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 304 402-483-2987 68502 Garcia, Jose R, MD 119 S 4th St 308-364-9290 Lexington Family Medicine Brickner, Derek M, MD 1103 Buffalo Bnd 308-324-6386 Ruffing, John J, MD 111 S Main Ave 308-458-2436 Eberspacher, Heather C, MD 4900 N 26th St, Ste 104 402-465-0010 68521 4501 S 70th St, Ste 140 402-484-5500 68516 Rosenquist, Daniel J, MD 303 Main St 402-923-0412 Brannen, Michael C, MD 220 Lyncrest Dr 402-434-3370 68510 2900 S 70th St, Ste 310 402-434-5235 68506 68850 Murray, Chadd S, MD Anderson, Kipton, MD 303 Main St 402-923-0412 68745 68745 68845 Messbarger, Robert, MD 68745 701 Cedar Ave 402-256-3042 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 Humphrey Family Medicine Finkner, John M, MD Montoya, Paul M, MD 68845 701 Cedar Ave 402-256-3042 Dziko, Svjetlana, MD 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 4501 S 70th St, Ste 140 402-484-5100 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 Kaspar-Cope, Rachelle A, MD Berney, Jeffrey R, MD 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 Felber, Alfred D, MD 68845 600 W 12th St 308-882-7299 511 Hubbard St 308-938-4885 68845 3907 6th Ave 308-865-2767 68376 Richman, Jonathan S, MD Mazour, Daniel E, MD 3907 6th Ave 308-865-2767 701 Cedar Ave 402-256-3042 Bowers, Terra L, DO 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 7001 A St, Ste 200 402-488-4022 68510 Ensz, David J, MD 68845 Imperial Family Medicine Ohrt, James M, MD 8 68376 Hyannis Family Medicine Ruffing, John J, MD 68845 Jensen, Gerald, MD Laurel Family Medicine 3907 6th Ave 308-865-2767 1120 Grand Ave 402-862-3280 120 Park Ave 402-768-7203 600 E Fulton St 402-685-7595 68376 Voigtlander, George R, MD Dodge, Jaime K, MD 1315 Tibbals St 308-995-6111 1120 Grand Ave 402-862-3280 3907 6th Ave 308-865-2767 Jones, Clinton C, MD 68901 1120 Grand Ave 402-862-3280 68845 Hilliard, Russell, MD 1021 W 14th St 402-463-2423 Zimmerman, Timothy, MD 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 Janssen, Cindy K, DO 8074 S 84th St 402-593-1700 Malley, Pamela E, MD Qaqish, Farouq A, MD Schooff, Michael, MD Bellamy, Barton, DO Bertolini, Patrick, MD Biehl, Benjamin D, MD Blake, Rachel A, MD Boelter, Carol, MD 4501 S 70th St, Ste 140 402-484-5500 68516 68510 Carraher, James M, MD Chau, Bich N, MD Clute, Daniel J, MD Coady, William E, MD 1601 N 86th St, Ste 100 402-327-7500 68505 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 68505 Connolly, Dennis M, MD Fischer, Timothy, MD 68505 68516 68516 68521 Fraser, Jeffrey, MD 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 4501 S 70th St, Ste 140 402-484-5500 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 68505 68516 68516 68521 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 68505 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 68516 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 68521 Frey, Zachary J, DO 2120 S 56th St, Ste 102 402-488-6100 68506 7121 Stephanie Ln, Ste 105 402-484-8383 68516 3140 N St 402-441-8000 68510 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 201 Capitol Beach Blvd, Ste 1A 402-435-0228 68528 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 211 402-423-4200 68516 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 965 S 27th St, Ste D 402-477-3505 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Gardner, Walter, MD 4501 S 70th St, Ste 150 402-488-4444 68516 Coughlin, Kevin J, MD Gfeller, Bruce, MD Craig, Ronald D, MD Glenn, Matthew M, MD Dalton, Timothy J, MD Gregory, Darin M, MD Deck, John D, MD 7111 A St, Ste 201 402-489-7100 68505 68516 68510 68521 68510 Dempsey, Bradley G, MD 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Dempsey, Leslie D, MD 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Denell, Nathan P, DO 68510 Gustafson, Richard E, MD 3140 N St 402-441-8000 68510 4210 Pioneer Woods Dr, Ste A 402-488-4321 68506 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Haden, Linsey D, DO 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Haefele, Christian K, MD 4210 Pioneer Woods Dr, Ste A 402-488-4321 68506 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Halls, Albert, MD 1601 N 86th St, Ste 100 402-327-7500 68505 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 68505 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 68516 4210 Pioneer Woods Dr, Ste A 402-488-4321 68506 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 68521 1021 N 27th St 402-476-1455 6825 S 27th St, Ste 201 402-477-4545 68512 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 68521 Dresbach, Anthony C, MD Dubs, Tyler J, MD 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Hamann, Julie J, MD 68503 4210 Pioneer Woods Dr, Ste A 402-488-4321 68506 4424 S 86th St 402-483-8500 68526 Handke, Lane T, MD 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 100 402-441-3575 68521 Hansen, George, MD Hansen, Sean L, MD 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 555 S 70th St 402-421-0904 68510 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 General Practice Haskell, Susan C, DO 3705 South St 877-811-7526 68506 Hermsen, Joseph, MD 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 68505 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 68516 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 68521 Hogue, John H, MD 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 68516 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 68521 Hoover, Barry, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 Hunt, Allen L, MD 68516 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 68505 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 68516 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 68521 Hurlbut, Greggory S, MD 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 304 402-483-2987 68502 Husain, Rubab F, MD 4424 S 86th St 402-483-8500 Hustad, Gary J, MD 7441 O St, Ste 400 402-488-7400 68526 68510 Jacobsen, Dorothea Y, MD 68510 Jacobsen, Matthew, MD Jirovec, Richard, MD 68510 6041 Village Dr, Ste 130 402-423-1382 68516 Johnson, Eric, MD 1240 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-420-1300 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 Johnson, Susan, MD 68512 68505 68516 68521 2200 S 40th St, Ste 104 402-483-6000 68506 4501 S 70th St, Ste 150 402-488-4444 68516 Johnson, Todd E, DO 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 68516 4501 S 70th St, Ste 150 402-488-4444 68516 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 68521 Keim, Christine J, MD 6825 S 27th St, Ste 201 402-477-4545 68512 Keralis, Michael B, MD 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 4501 S 70th St, Ste 130 402-437-9240 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 68505 68516 68516 68521 Kohlenberg, Jared M, DO 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Kreshel, Charles, MD 68506 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 1600 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-475-8877 68506 Leibhart, Jessica K, DO Mahmoodian, Maryam, MD 1021 N 27th St 402-476-1455 Majerus, John P, MD 68503 6900 Van Dorn St, Ste 24 402-489-3200 68506 Manning, Michelle, MD 1101 S 70th St, Ste 101 402-488-1400 68510 6820 S 32nd St 402-323-8400 Martin, Thomas, MD 68516 3100 N 14th St, Ste 201 402-477-6600 68521 Rauner, Lisa, MD Rauner, Robert, MD 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Rector, Jerald E, MD 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 1240 Aries Dr 402-420-1300 4210 Pioneer Woods Dr, Ste A 402-488-4321 68506 7441 O St, Ste 400 402-488-7400 68510 Rida, Boshra M, MD McCarthy, Stephanie M, MD 1101 S 70th St, Ste 101 402-488-1400 68510 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 68505 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 68516 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 68521 McGuire, Thomas J, MD 2331 Fairfield St, Ste 1 402-434-7177 McNeely, J P, MD 68521 7121 Stephanie Ln, Ste 105 402-484-8383 68516 McPherson, Scott, MD 7441 O St, Ste 400 402-488-7400 68510 Rice, Donald T, MD 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 2200 S 40th St, Ste 104 402-483-6000 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 Rock, Eileen, MD 68512 68505 68506 68516 68521 1101 S 70th St, Ste 101 402-488-1400 68510 Rodgers, Bradley, MD 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 68505 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 68516 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 68521 Roth, Robert M, MD 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 304 402-483-2987 68502 Rounsborg, Terry L, MD Miller, Robert A, MD Running, David, MD 68510 68521 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 7441 O St, Ste 400 402-488-7400 68521 Rice, Lindsay J, MD Michels, Dale E, MD 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 68516 4210 Pioneer Woods Dr, Ste A 402-488-4321 68506 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 5930 S 57th St, Ste D 402-488-9878 Merrill, Morgan F, MD 68505 Rhodes, Robert B, MD 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 68505 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 68516 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 68521 McGuffey, Patrick J, MD 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 68505 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 68521 7441 O St, Ste 400 402-488-7400 Pumphrey, Harold M, MD McCoy, Michael, MD Ingham, Nancy H, MD 7441 O St, Ste 400 402-488-7400 5401 South St 402-483-9531 Martin, Michael P, MD 68510 Huffman, Michael D, MD 5200 S 56th St, Ste 2 402-421-6200 Laholt, Morgan T, MD 68510 68516 68510 4210 Pioneer Woods Dr, Ste A 402-488-4321 68506 Rutz, David G, MD 770 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 205 402-467-4661 68505 Saathoff, Steven J, MD 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Sayers, Michael J, MD Morin, Peter M, MD 4545 S 86th St 402-483-7507 Myers, Michael, MD 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 100 402-441-3575 68521 Nessetti, Matthew B, MD 4545 S 86th St 402-483-6990 68526 Nollendorfs, Alisa J, MD 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Nooka, Uma D, MD 4701 Normal Blvd 402-484-5656 Paulus, David, MD 1021 N 27th St 402-476-1455 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 6825 S 27th St, Ste 201 402-477-4545 68526 68505 68516 68521 68512 Schneider, Daniel E, MD 68506 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Schneider, David M, MD Sturzenegger, Amber L, DO Lyons Family Medicine Tabor Baugous, Nancy M, MD Montoya, Paul M, MD 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 770 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 205 402-467-4661 68505 Thippareddi, Satya S, MD 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 7501 S 27th St 402-481-6343 68512 Thompson, Richard, MD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 435 402-474-7445 68502 Van Wyk, Erika, MD 6900 Van Dorn St, Ste 24 402-489-3200 68506 Vandenhul, Suzanne M, MD 2200 S 40th St, Ste 104 402-483-6000 68506 Veskrna, Leslie, MD 4210 Pioneer Woods Dr, Ste A 402-488-4321 68506 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Vitamvas, Jamie J, MD 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Wang, Ruilin, MD 4701 Normal Blvd 402-484-5656 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 304 402-483-2987 68502 Weiss, Marlon K, MD 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 101 402-466-3355 68505 Wilson, Scott, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 605 402-483-8560 68506 Sellon, Janet, MD 770 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 205 402-467-4661 68505 Simon, Brenda J, DO Pope, Douglas R, MD 1101 S 70th St, Ste 101 402-488-1400 68510 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 68748 Mc Cook Family Medicine 519 Main St 402-629-4243 68406 519 Main St 402-629-4243 68406 Vonderfecht, Scott L, MD Minden Family Medicine Bartruff, Craig, MD 1301 E H St 308-345-8356 69001 Althouse, Douglas J, MD 1301 E H St 308-345-8356 69001 Grow, Paul M, MD 1301 E H St 308-344-2650 69001 Pierce, Eddie J, MD 106 W 3rd St 308-345-7775 69001 1012 W 3rd St 308-345-2770 69001 Mitchell Family Medicine 1401 E H St, Ste B 308-345-4110 69001 1456 Center Ave 308-623-1234 69357 1456 Center Ave 308-623-1234 69357 Blomstedt, Jason J, DO Brosz, Adam B, MD Fornander, Wade E, MD Johnson, Tamara, MD 727 E 1st St 308-832-3400 68959 727 E 1st St 308-832-3400 68959 727 E 1st St 308-832-3400 68959 Remington, Roselyn M, MD Haslam, J M, MD McCook Family Medicine 1500 S 48th St, Ste 412 402-489-4600 68506 Klug, Richard F, MD 69001 Wolfe, Paul L, MD 1401 E H St 308-344-4110 69001 Lacey, Kent T, MD Morrill Family Medicine Haslam, J M, MD 302 Center Ave 308-247-3475 69358 Mullen Family Medicine 7121 Stephanie Ln, Ste 105 402-484-8383 68516 111 W C St 308-345-3626 1401 E H St 308-344-4110 69001 Boyer, Steven C, MD 7501 S 27th St 402-481-6343 3 Bison Holiday Dr 308-345-8860 69001 Cavanaugh-Boyer, Margaret M, MD Wurtz, Richard, MD Xu, Zhi, MD 68512 Yepes, Fernando A, MD 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Louisville Family Medicine 203 Main St 402-234-2500 Matzke, Gerald E, MD Phillips-Ward, Corinne B, MD 68037 Bengston, Jennifer, MD 708 O St 308-728-4312 68853 708 O St 308-728-4312 68853 Unterseher, Chris A, MD Lynch Family Medicine 69152 207 W 4th St 308-546-2431 69152 1401 E H St 308-344-4110 69001 1401 E H St 308-344-4110 69001 Nebraska City Family Medicine 1401 E H St 308-344-4110 69001 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 1401 E H St 308-344-4110 69001 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 1401 E H St 308-344-4110 69001 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 Serbousek, Mark W, MD West, John W, MD Milford Family Medicine Cohee, Thomas W, MD 100 W 9th St 402-685-5120 68405 Froehner-Bulmer, Barbara E, MD 68746 119 S C St 402-761-3307 401 S 5th St 402-569-2451 68746 119 S C St 402-761-3307 101 Main St 402-569-2741 68746 Keil, James, MD 207 W 4th St 308-546-2431 Remington, Roselyn M, MD Blum, Stacy, MD Loup City Family Medicine 101 Main St 402-569-2741 69001 Reece, Lorinda L, MD Deroin, Dennis, MD Essink, Brandon, MD Pierce, Kelly, MD 222 S Main St 402-454-3304 Fornander, Wade E, MD 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 68506 Hubl, Bryan A, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 412 402-489-4600 68506 Peterson, Lisa, MD 4701 Normal Blvd 402-484-5656 Rodriguez Cline, Vilma B, MD Wolfe, Janet K, MD Block, Dale W, MD Schweitzer, Asha R, DO Milligan Family Medicine 1401 E H St 308-344-4110 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 12565 W Center Rd, Ste 100 402-342-5566 68144 Madison Family Medicine Blomstedt, Jason J, DO 6900 Van Dorn St, Ste 24 402-489-3200 68506 Schutte, Ranae R, DO Sauer, Todd M, MD 68038 4501 S 70th St, Ste 140 402-484-5500 68516 Petersen, Matthew L, DO 68503 68506 Webb, Brandon D, MD 220 Main St 402-687-2171 Millard Family Medicine 68405 Wergin, Robert L, MD 68405 Defreece, Daniel, MD Meyer, Brett J, MD Rademacher, Gary, MD Stelling, Jonathan A, MD Thomson, Dean, MD Vasa, Bradley J, MD Neligh Family Medicine Dawson, Troy D, MD 109 W 11th St 402-887-5440 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68756 9 General Practice Dilly, Douglas A, MD Huscher, John C, MD 109 W 11th St 402-887-5440 68756 1108 R St 402-887-4681 68756 Leigh-Vargas, Hugh F, MD Rudloff, Roger P, MD 109 W 11th St 402-887-5440 68756 Nelson Family Medicine Newman Grove Family Medicine 104 N 1st St 402-447-6214 Kusek, Anthony, MD 104 N 1st St 402-447-6214 104 N 1st St 402-447-6214 68758 68758 68758 Niobrara Family Medicine Morse, Ronald P, MD 110 S Visiting Eagle St 402-857-2300 68701 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-644-7543 Ellis, Kelly L, DO 2024 W Pasewalk Ave 402-844-3830 French, Dean O, MD 1500 Koenigstein Ave 402-644-7453 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-644-7543 Galyen, James, MD 2024 W Pasewalk Ave 402-884-3830 68701 68701 301 N 27th St, Ste 10 402-644-7132 68701 Hindman, Michael A, MD 2024 W Pasewalk Ave 402-343-3830 68701 Hirschman, Bryon D, MD 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-4880 301 N 27th St, Ste 1 402-844-8000 68701 68701 110 N Bailey Ave 308-534-6029 69101 Kezeor, Joseph J, MD 500 W Leota St, Ste 100 500 W Leota St, Ste 100 308-534-4440 69101 Lindley, David G, MD 811 William Ave 308-696-2273 Murdock, Shawn, MD 69101 611 W Francis St, Ste 100 308-534-2532 69101 Nguyen, Dan C, MD 68701 301 N 27th St, Ste 1 402-844-8000 68701 Wingert, Orlyn H, MD 68701 1410 N 13th St 402-379-2322 1700 Market Ln 402-379-2322 68701 68701 Nokelby, Bryan, MD States, Douglas J, MD 69101 Weston, Wayne, MD 69101 69101 General Practice Shibeshi, Woldecherkos A, MD 601 W Leota St 308-696-8000 69101 Oakland Family Medicine Janulewicz, Mark E, MD 211 N Engdahl Ave 402-685-5116 68045 211 N Engdahl Ave 402-685-5116 68045 211 N Engdahl Ave 402-685-5116 68045 734 Main St 402-652-8636 Rapp, Jeffrey R, MD 68649 68649 Bengston, Jennifer, MD 111 S C St 308-728-4312 68859 Unterseher, Chris A, MD 111 S C St 308-728-4312 68859 69101 500 W Leota St, Ste 100 308-534-4440 69101 Boyer, Steven C, MD Brittan, Jeffrey, MD Ogallala Family Medicine Byrd, John M, MD 69153 69153 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-3645 69153 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-3645 69153 401 W 1st St 308-284-6767 69153 Johnson, Kurt E, MD Johnson, Tamara, MD 69101 221 E 10th St 308-284-8421 55 River Rd, Ste 11 308-284-6141 Miller, Troy L, DO 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-3645 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-4011 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-3645 69153 Snyder, Charles R, MD Omaha Family Medicine Abdouch, Ivan G, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 240 402-778-5580 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Abou Seif, Mohsen G, MD 4920 Center St 402-558-2500 68106 4951 Center St, Ste 100 402-556-9220 68106 4951 Center St, Ste 200 402-558-2500 68106 Abou-Nasr, Reema O, MD 10828 John Galt Blvd 402-592-4400 68137 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 152 402-496-7979 68164 1319 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-280-5500 68102 7909 N 30th St 402-280-4780 68112 Al-Turk, Mohammed, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 68114 2734 N 61st St 402-553-0222 68104 Ali, Maman L, MD Andersen, Mark D, MD 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 104 402-498-0300 68116 Anderson, Derrick E, MD 2734 N 61st St 402-553-0222 68104 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 118 402-505-6900 68105 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6510 68127 2727 S 144th St, Ste 140 402-778-5677 68144 5050 Ames Ave 402-595-2280 68104 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Backer, Elisabeth L, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 140 402-778-5677 68144 4920 Center St 402-558-6625 7909 N 30th St 402-280-4780 68106 68112 Baumberger, Sandra B, MD 1319 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-280-5500 68102 7909 N 30th St 402-280-4780 68112 Beer, Robert A, MD 13708 W Maple Rd 402-201-2888 68164 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 102 402-758-5150 68130 Benes, Michelle L, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 Bisenius, Marjorie S, DO 69153 69153 69153 69153 13708 W Maple Rd 402-201-2888 2727 S 144th St, Ste 280 402-778-5490 4200 Douglas St 402-552-3222 6001 Dodge St 402-554-2374 2727 S 144th St, Ste 280 402-778-5490 68144 304 N 168th Cir, Ste 211 402-289-9325 68118 4200 Douglas St 402-552-3222 68131 68164 68144 68131 68182 Dada, M Olubunmi, MD 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 6200 402-572-3200 68122 Daher, Peter M, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 4920 Center St 402-558-6625 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 Bott, Matthew S, MD Barone, Eugene J, MD Boyer, Steven C, MD Kolste, Bart K, MD 611 W Francis St, Ste 100 308-534-2532 69101 Citta, Jason, MD Timm, Matthew J, MD 55 River Rd, Ste 24 308-284-6054 69153 Babbe, Gregory J, MD Crandall, Robert B, DO Bernard-Stevens, Janet, MD 209 McNeel Ln 308-534-8383 68045 Montoya, Paul M, MD 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-3645 North Platte Family Medicine 811 William Ave 308-696-2273 Martin, Tracie, MD Blad, Kenneth L, MD 221 E 10th St 308-284-8421 Awodele, Olatokunbo O, MD North Bend Family Medicine 211 N Engdahl Ave 402-685-5116 Plate, James M, MD Albertson, Mikala M, MD 220 W Leota St 308-534-2900 601 W Leota St 308-696-8837 Felber, Matthew D, MD 611 W Francis St, Ste 100 308-534-2532 69101 10 Johnson, Tamara, MD 209 McNeel Ln 308-534-8383 Allison, Kent, MD Harthoorn, Cordell E, MD 69101 1410 N 13th St 402-379-2322 Smith, Gary D, MD 68701 68701 810 W Reid Ave 308-534-5178 69101 North Loup Family Medicine 68701 Hartman, Cleve, MD 220 W Leota St 308-534-2900 734 Main St 402-652-8636 Emry, Gordon L, MD 500 W Leota St, Ste 100 308-534-4440 69101 68701 1500 Koenigstein Ave 402-371-4880 68701 2600 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 200B 402-844-8205 68701 Gosnell, Wendy, MD 69101 Rudloff, Roger P, MD Zavadzkas, Giuseppe G, MD 68701 611 W Francis St, Ste 100 308-534-2532 69101 319 E B St 308-532-2130 68760 Dozon, Francisco D, MD Elliott, Brian K, MD 110 N 16th St, Ste 16 402-644-7314 68701 2600 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 200B 402-844-8205 68701 301 N 27th St, Ste 1 402-844-8000 Dilly, Douglas A, MD 110 N 16th St, Ste 16 402-644-7314 Rodriguez Cline, Vilma B, MD 68760 900 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 100 402-371-2326 68701 1500 Koenigstein Ave 402-371-4880 68701 900 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 100 402-371-2326 68701 Adams, Michael, MD Davy, Timothy L, MD 402-343-3830 Wicker, Edward A, MD Norfolk Family Medicine 301 N 27th St, Ste 11 402-844-8167 68701 Conell, Gary L, MD 69101 Nosanchuck, Louise N, MD 308-534-4440 2024 W Pasewalk Ave Lamberty, Leland, MD Surber, G T, MD Keil, James, MD 25410 Park Ave, Apt E 402-857-3398 2600 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 200B 402-844-8205 68701 2600 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 200B 402-844-8205 68701 68758 Travis, Joel, MD King, Sussy L, MD 68701 Ona, Enrique Stanley M, MD Dodds, Tami S, MD Kramer, Lynette, MD 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-4880 301 N 27th St, Ste 1 402-844-8000 68961 104 N 1st St 402-447-6214 Jameson, David B, MD Lux, David P, MD Theis, Julie A, MD 76 W 8th St 402-225-2375 600 E Benjamin Ave 402-370-3122 68701 900 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 100 402-371-2326 68701 Bowen, J R, MD Brannen, Michael C, MD 2900 F St 402-731-7990 9602 M St 402-331-8555 68107 68127 68106 68131 Dethlefs, Henry J, MD Dewan, Meera N, MD 11912 Elm St, Ste 26 402-330-4770 68144 Diaz-Mendez, Harry J, MD 4200 Douglas St 402-552-3222 68131 3030 S 24th St 402-345-8100 4828 S 24th St 402-731-9100 4200 Douglas St 402-552-3222 68131 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-8990 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-7200 68198 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-8990 68114 4102 Woolworth Ave 402-444-7931 68105 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 304 N 168th Cir, Ste 211 402-289-9325 68118 4242 Farnam St, Ste 150 402-552-6747 68131 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4110 68107 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-7200 68198 Brilz, Dorota S, MD Buescher, Jennifer J, MD Bunt, Christopher W, MD Burhan, Khalil J, MD Byrd, Phyllis J, MD Carstens, Kaye B, MD 13708 W Maple Rd 402-595-3993 68164 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Celio, Christopher P, MD 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 104 402-498-0300 68116 Christian-Ford, Carey L, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Colling, Johnathan L, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4424 68114 Connolly, Christopher J, MD 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 104 402-498-0300 68116 Cook, J P, MD 14214 U St 402-896-1242 68137 Cooper, Geoffrey J, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-7200 68198 Correa, Fernando E, MD 3030 S 24th St 402-731-9100 4828 S 24th St 402-731-9100 68108 3030 S 24th St 402-345-8100 4828 S 24th St 402-731-9100 Crew, James D, MD Dunning, J Douglas, MD Dworak, Alex T, MD Eirinberg, Lewis W, MD 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 104 402-498-0300 68116 Esch, Jacqueline B, MD 2915 Grant St 402-451-3553 5420 NW Radial Hwy 402-558-9242 Faber, Donna L, MD 68117 68104 Falk, Ashley J, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-7200 68198 614 N 108th Ct 402-884-7218 68154 Fasse, Scott J, MD Feuerstein, Fred W, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 10710 Fort St 402-969-3497 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 Finley, Brian J, MD 68114 68134 68137 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 2255 S 132nd St 402-717-3390 68144 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5580 68144 Flores, Tina M, MD Ford, Barry J, MD Frey, Donald R, MD Cronican, Patrick A, MD 68111 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 68108 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 6200 402-572-3200 68122 5014 L St 402-733-4433 Dumba, Joseph S, MD Free, Toby D, MD 68107 68107 Dietrich, Daniel H, MD 68107 Correa, Priscilla M, MD 68108 10828 John Galt Blvd 402-592-4400 68137 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 152 402-496-7979 68164 1319 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-280-5500 68102 7909 N 30th St 402-280-4780 68112 Frumkin, Michael S, MD 5014 L St 68117 Czaplewski, Rodney R, MD 402-733-4433 Ghaffari, Dariush, MD 14610 W Center Rd 402-330-7403 2419 M St 402-933-9582 2429 M St 402-731-7333 68144 15002 W Maple Rd 402-445-9388 68116 68107 68107 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 General Practice Goeschel, Dennis P, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 140 402-778-5677 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-7200 68198 Goodman, Mark D, MD 1319 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-280-5500 68102 Goodwin, Mark D, MD 4200 Douglas St 402-552-3222 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-7200 Herman, Andrea M, MD 68104 Hill, Daniel T, MD 68114 Hill, Jeffrey W, MD 68135 68137 68114 Halgren, Victoria L, MD 68164 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 13518 W Center Rd 402-827-6502 68144 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6510 68127 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-827-6511 68114 Hapke, Manju B, MD 68137 Harnisch, David R, MD 68198 Haskell, Susan C, DO 68134 Hatcher, Anthony L, DO 10109 Maple St 402-572-3500 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2121 8613 N 30th St 402-453-9900 Hatcher, Jeffry C, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 140 402-778-5677 68144 Hindman, Michael A, MD 17650 Wright Plz, Ste 5 402-334-2300 68130 3830 N 167th Ct 402-965-4000 68116 8814 Maple St 402-343-0095 68134 Hoeft, David J, MD 68152 Hanson, Linda, MD 3341 N 107th St 877-811-7526 68127 4951 Center St, Ste 100 402-556-9220 68106 10828 John Galt Blvd 402-592-4400 68137 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 152 402-496-7979 68164 1319 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-280-5500 68102 4628 S 25th St 402-449-5750 68107 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68117 68198 Hansen, Thomas J, MD 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 5014 L St 402-733-4433 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 6200 402-572-3200 68122 Hankins, Katherine E, MD 7101 Newport Ave 402-572-2960 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 68134 68122 68112 Head, G G, MD 14214 U St 402-896-1242 68164 68104 68137 68137 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 68137 13906 Gold Cir, Ste 101 402-758-2910 68144 Jones, Kevin B, MD Kakish, Eyad F, MD 68127 12911 Western Cir 402-333-5082 68154 4951 Center St, Ste 100 402-556-9220 68106 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6060 68124 Kawamitsu, Takashi, MD 2915 Grant St 402-451-3553 5420 NW Radial Hwy 402-558-9242 68111 68104 Keasling, Susan D, MD Liu, Jennifer L, MD 68134 68144 68137 Liu, Yongge, MD 3830 N 167th Ct 402-965-4000 68116 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-3000 68124 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68127 Lohrberg, John R, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 68118 68135 68137 68114 Loseke Thebarge, Melissa S, DO 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 Lowndes, William A, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 MacDonald, Cheryl R, MD 402-592-4400 68137 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 152 402-496-7979 68164 1319 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-280-5500 68102 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-449-4088 68131 7909 N 30th St 402-280-4780 68112 8720 Frederick St, Ste 100 402-397-0700 68124 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Hurd, Richard H, MD 4200 Douglas St 402-552-3222 68114 68118 68135 68137 68114 68131 Hutteger, Gregory K, DO 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 68118 68114 Inciarte, Douglas J, MD 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Istas, Joedy R, MD 10710 Fort St 402-969-3497 3353 L St 402-354-7700 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 68134 68107 68137 Janssen, Cindy K, DO 13708 W Maple Rd 402-595-3993 5050 Ames Ave 402-595-2280 68131 10710 Fort St 402-969-3497 12728 Augusta Ave 402-330-1410 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 Johnson, Mark B, MD 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 Lawlor, Andrea L, MD Huff, Harold R, MD 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2225 68122 Johnson, Kent D, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 Jacobs, Jeffery S, MD Hay, William H, MD 68135 Law, Angela N, MD Hoody, Steve N, MD 2734 N 61st St 402-553-0222 68104 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 Hatcher, Theresa S, DO 68114 Jespersen, Amy K, MD 68198 68118 Halm, Daniel E, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 Grosbach, Norman L, MD 13708 W Maple Rd 402-201-2888 Jeffrey, Christine M, MD Hennessy, Therese A, DO Gordon, Josette E, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 10828 John Galt Blvd 402-592-4400 68137 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 152 402-496-7979 68164 1319 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-280-5500 68102 7909 N 30th St 402-280-4780 68112 4200 Douglas St 402-552-3222 68131 2734 N 61st St 402-553-0222 Heller, Raymond D, MD 7070 Spring St 402-898-8380 8613 N 30th St 402-453-9900 68106 68112 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68127 10109 Maple St 402-572-3500 68134 Janssen, Misty A, MD Jarzynka, Kimberly J, MD 13708 W Maple Rd 402-595-3993 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68164 68198 Keller, David M, MD 68114 Kester, Amanda L, MD 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 68135 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 9717 Q St 68127 Khandalavala, Birgit N, MD 402-537-1740 Magruder, Thomas, MD 10828 John Galt Blvd King, Jeremy C, DO Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Koppert, Allison M, MD 10828 John Galt Blvd 402-592-4400 68137 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 152 402-496-7979 68164 1319 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-280-5500 68102 7909 N 30th St 402-280-4780 68112 Kramper, Ralph J, MD 12728 Augusta Ave 402-330-1410 68144 Mahloch, Mark L, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-8570 Malene, Dawn R, MD 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 68114 68114 68137 Malloy, Timothy R, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Mantz, Donald C, MD 68198 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 Margalit, Ruth N, MD 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 Martinak, Joseph F, MD 11909 P St 402-829-5660 68137 6751 N 72nd St, Ste 205 402-572-3232 68122 Ksheersagar, Pankaj A, MD Massie, Roger P, MD 4102 Woolworth Ave 402-444-7000 Lacroix, Carol A, MD 68105 2727 S 144th St, Ste 140 402-778-5677 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Lamberty, Larry R, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68198 Lancaster, Rebecca M, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 280 402-778-5490 68144 304 N 168th Cir, Ste 211 402-289-9325 68118 Lau, Henry K, DO Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6907 68198 Lavedan, Pierre J, MD 7070 Spring St 402-898-8000 4200 Douglas St 402-552-3222 68131 Mathews, Monty S, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 McFadden, Harry E, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1386 68114 McMinn, Charles T, MD 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2121 8613 N 30th St 402-453-9900 68122 68112 McNamara, Lee F, MD 2722 S 87th St 402-397-2205 68124 McStay, Lou Ann M, MD 2602 J St 402-733-3612 7909 N 30th St 402-280-4780 68107 68112 Medder, Jim D, MD Padala, Kalpana P, MD 5155 S 36th St 402-595-2298 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68107 68198 Meissner, Paul, MD 8720 Frederick St, Ste 100 402-397-0700 68124 Miller, Karen M, MD 10109 Maple St 402-572-3500 68134 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 Morgan, Heather M, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 7070 Spring St 402-717-3600 68106 Moseman, Lynnette A, MD 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 104 402-498-0300 68116 Moshman, Gordon S, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 280 402-778-5490 68144 304 N 168th Cir, Ste 211 402-289-9325 68118 Mostek, Debra E, MD 730 S 38th Ave 402-559-9600 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68105 68198 Mueller, Paul S, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 1319 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-280-5500 68102 Paulman, Audrey A, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 8552 Cass St, Ste 301 402-390-0606 68114 Paulman, Paul M, MD Paulman, Roger A, MD Pearson, Daniel A, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 Pierre, Lloyd A, MD 13518 W Center Rd 402-827-6502 68144 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6510 68127 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-827-6511 68114 Powers, Trisha D, MD 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68127 8814 Maple St 402-504-4663 68134 Prescher, Scott W, MD Priefert, Karin T, DO 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 68114 Murdock-Langan, Patricia E, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 Nelson, Donna K, MD 8720 Frederick St, Ste 100 402-397-0700 68124 Nelson, Gregston R, MD 10710 Fort St 402-969-3497 12728 Augusta Ave 402-330-1410 3353 L St 402-354-7700 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 68134 68144 68107 68137 Nelson, Paul J, MD 2500 California Plz, Ste 1034 402-280-2735 68178 602 N 20th St, Ste 1034 402-280-2735 68102 Qaqish, Farouq A, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5000 68130 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68127 Quinlan, Mark T, MD 2255 S 132nd St 402-717-3390 9717 Q St 402-537-1710 Quinn, Joan E, MD 68134 Nixon, A J, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-758-5400 68130 Nohner, Kevin D, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-3000 68124 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68127 68130 68116 68134 Obregon, Heather A, MD 13518 W Center Rd 402-827-6502 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6517 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1900 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-827-6511 68114 8761 W Center Rd 402-397-6060 68124 68144 68127 68137 Ogden, Kathleen, MD Osborn, Steven M, MD 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 68137 2255 S 132nd St 402-717-3390 68144 68127 68118 7909 N 30th St 402-280-4780 68112 Rafiq, Naureen O, MD 13518 W Center Rd 402-827-6502 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6510 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-827-6511 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68144 68127 68114 68127 Reichert, James C, MD 10109 Maple St Nosanchuck, Louise N, MD 402-572-3500 17650 Wright Plz, Ste 5 Rios, Elvira, MD 402-334-2300 3830 N 167th Ct 402-965-4000 8814 Maple St 402-343-0095 68144 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 Rapp, Jeffrey R, MD 10105 Maple St 402-572-3140 68198 Paknikar, Jayashree S, MD 68134 17021 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 100 402-333-0300 68130 Ripley, Virginia M, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 Rivett, Austin L, DO 2255 S 132nd St 402-717-3390 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 Rodriguez-Escobar, Margarita, MD 5014 L St 402-733-4433 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68118 68144 68127 68117 68127 Rogers, Charles P, MD 10710 Fort St 402-969-3497 68134 Ostdiek, William J, MD 68106 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 11 General Practice Sanchez, Rodolfo M, MD 10828 John Galt Blvd 402-592-4400 68137 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 152 402-496-7979 68164 1319 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-280-5500 68102 2419 M St 402-330-7403 68107 2429 M St 402-731-7333 68107 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6510 68127 7909 N 30th St 402-280-4780 68112 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-827-6511 68114 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68127 Saqueton, Antonio B, MD 13708 W Maple Rd 402-201-2888 68164 4951 Center St, Ste 100 402-556-9220 68106 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6060 68124 Sauer, Todd M, MD 12565 W Center Rd, Ste 100 402-342-5566 68144 4350 Dewey Ave 402-552-3257 68105 Saxena, Sandhya M, MD 13708 W Maple Rd 402-201-2888 68164 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 68118 2727 S 144th St, Ste 220 402-778-5500 68144 Saxena, Shailendra K, MD 10828 John Galt Blvd 402-592-4400 68137 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 152 402-496-7979 68164 1319 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-280-5500 68102 13708 W Maple Rd 402-201-2888 68164 2727 S 144th St, Ste 220 402-778-5500 68144 7909 N 30th St 402-280-4780 68112 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68127 Sharma, Sanjeev K, MD Spencer, Julie A, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 Stageman, James H, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 140 402-778-5677 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Stamm, David W, MD 3353 L St 402-354-7700 Steier, Daniel J, MD 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-8990 Steier, James M, MD 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Stessman, Carol A, MD 10710 Fort St 402-354-7500 68134 17841 Pierce Plz 402-991-7000 68130 Stoner, Charles H, MD Tibbels, Loretta R, MD 13708 W Maple Rd 402-595-3993 68164 Tibbels, Stephen R, MD 13708 W Maple Rd 402-595-3993 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Titus, John D, MD 12728 Augusta Ave 402-330-1410 68164 68198 12728 Augusta Ave 402-330-1410 68144 68144 Tolston, Monique A, MD 2915 Grant St 402-451-3553 5420 NW Radial Hwy 402-558-9242 Treu, Bodo W, MD 68111 68104 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 6200 402-572-3200 68122 Vana, Paul J, MD Waddell, Julie, MD 68114 Vandenberg, Edward V, MD 730 S 38th Ave 402-559-9600 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Vieth, Chad W, MD 4840 F St 308-381-0162 68105 68198 68117 Vinton, Thomas J, MD 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68127 9802 Nicholas St, Ste 305 402-397-2300 68114 2727 S 144th St, Ste 280 402-778-5490 68144 Weeks, William D, MD 15909 W Maple Rd, Ste 103 402-614-2442 68116 Weiland, Matthew C, DO Shirley, Mark E, DO Simmons, James W, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Sindhav, Jivantika B, MD 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68127 Sitorius, Michael A, MD 5211 S 31st St 402-595-2296 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68107 Smith, John L, MD 68198 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 12 9802 Nicholas St 402-559-6907 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-8990 68198 68114 300 N 2nd St 402-336-2611 68114 Wheatley, Douglas H, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 White, Douglas K, MD 304 N 168th Cir, Ste 211 402-289-9325 68118 4242 Farnam St, Ste 150 402-552-6747 68131 Williams, Stephen H, MD 9015 Arbor St, Ste 106 402-391-6623 68124 Williams, Steven M, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Wilson, Scott L, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 10710 Fort St 402-969-3497 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 10109 Maple St 402-572-3500 2734 N 61st St 402-553-0222 6828 N 72nd St 402-572-2333 8613 N 30th St 402-453-9900 68114 68134 68118 68135 68137 68134 68104 68122 68112 Woods, Thaddeus D, MD 68124 Wurdeman, Asha, DO 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 7070 Spring St 402-898-8250 68106 Zawaideh, Ziad L, MD 4920 Center St 402-558-6625 68106 4951 Center St, Ste 200 402-558-2500 68106 7500 Mercy Rd 402-558-2500 68124 Zink, Dorothy A, MD 68114 General Practice 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6060 68124 Wenzl, Joseph A, MD 4102 Woolworth Ave 402-444-7931 68135 68137 68114 68105 Fernandes, Jessica A, MD Gaines, Ray D, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-449-4088 68131 Novoa, Jose R, MD 900 S 74th Plz, Ste 108 402-391-3387 68114 Oneill Family Medicine 68763 Kakish, Eyad F, MD 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3131 68046 555 Fortune Dr 402-502-3600 68046 Mantler, Edward M, MD McGill, Lorrie L, MD Plainview General Practice Lockee, William B, MD 704 N 3rd St 402-582-4245 68769 Plattsmouth Family Medicine Carlsson, Lawrence A, MD 555 E John St 402-336-4113 68763 101 E Centennial Rd 402-354-7750 68046 Glenn, Matthew M, MD 403 E Hynes Ave 402-336-2622 68763 555 Fortune Dr 402-502-3600 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 68046 Ptacek, Mark J, MD Mueller, Paul S, MD Renshaw, Preston C C, MD Naegele, Robert G, MD Winkelbauer, Matthew G, MD 68763 Villanueva, Marylee L, MD 300 N 2nd St 605-668-8601 68763 Orchard Family Medicine 103 Washington St 402-893-5155 Strohmyer, Jeffry L, MD 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 555 Fortune Dr 402-502-3600 68046 68046 Walts, Michael J, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 5800 402-827-4900 68046 11109 S 84th St, Ste 5800 402-827-4900 68046 Wilson, Bridgett D, MD 68764 Ord Family Medicine 101 E Centennial Rd 402-354-7750 68046 General Practice Bengston, Jennifer, MD 2707 L St, Ste 1 308-728-3606 68862 1820 N St 308-728-9916 68862 Stevens, Daniel M, MD Stevens, Julie M, MD Qaqish, Farouq A, MD Wilsey, Allan D, MD Dawson, Troy D, MD Fernandes, Jessica A, MD 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3131 68046 Pawnee City Family Medicine Jackson, Richard E, MD 68862 600 I St 402-852-2311 68420 2707 L St, Ste 1 308-728-4200 68862 600 I St 402-852-2311 68420 Unterseher, Chris A, MD Jameson, David B, MD 531 Beebe St 402-747-8851 68651 Osmond Family Medicine 68765 Oxford Family Medicine 100 Valley View Dr 402-385-3033 603 Earl St 402-385-2083 100 Valley View Dr 402-385-3033 603 Earl St 402-385-2083 811 Howell St 308-824-3288 68967 100 Valley View Dr 402-385-3033 603 Earl St 402-385-2083 Papillion Family Medicine Pierce Family Medicine Alarid, Richard R, MD Micek, Connie, MD 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 68046 503 N 6th St 402-329-6780 68046 112 E Main St 402-329-4320 Colling, Johnathan L, MD 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 Hurd, Sarah M, MD 68046 11109 S 84th St, Ste 5800 402-827-4900 68046 Voss, Tod W, MD 68048 Ponca Family Medicine Ensz, David J, MD 111 2nd St 402-755-2231 68770 111 2nd St 402-755-2231 68770 Knerl, Jeffrey, MD Ralston Family Medicine Raj, Arogyaswami N, MD 8045 L St 402-898-1600 68127 Randolph Family Medicine Collazo, Gilberto, MD 106 E Wayne St 402-337-0200 68771 106 E Wayne St 402-337-0200 68771 Ravenna Family Medicine Haeberle, Yvette M, MD 104 W Seneca St 402-452-3203 68869 Red Cloud Family Medicine Chan, Estela L, MD 68970 721 W 6th Ave 402-746-2249 68970 68047 313 N Webster St 402-746-2282 68970 68047 313 N Webster St 402-746-2282 68970 721 W 6th Ave 402-746-2249 68970 68047 Durr, Michele L, MD 68047 Mazour, Daniel E, MD 68047 Timm, Matthew J, MD 68967 68048 211 S 23rd St 402-296-5100 145 W 3rd Ave 402-746-3646 68047 Martin, Benjamin O, MD 100 Valley View Dr 402-385-3033 603 Earl St 402-385-3083 811 Howell St 308-824-3288 Smolik, Anton J, MD Felber, Matthew D, MD Hoelting, David J, MD Johnson, David F, MD 418 N State St 402-748-3366 Voigtlander, George R, MD Pender Family Medicine Osceola Family Medicine 2302 8th Ave, Ste 3 402-296-4451 Mwebe, David, MD 1820 N St 308-728-9916 101 E Centennial Rd 402-354-7750 68763 11109 S 84th St, Ste 5800 402-827-4900 68046 1502 S Washington St, Ste 201 402-505-9657 68046 Ertz, Carey A, DO Allison, Jay R, MD 403 E Hynes Ave 402-336-2622 68763 Finkner, John M, MD Feely, Michael G, MD 8258 Hascall St, Ste 100 402-391-3010 68124 68118 68763 68763 68118 8111 Dodge St, Ste 363 402-354-8155 68114 68114 304 E Douglas St 402-336-4222 General Practice 68114 Janssen, Cindy K, DO Lueninghoener, Peter D, MD 403 E Hynes Ave 402-336-2622 8258 Hascall St, Ste 100 402-391-3010 68124 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1406 Fletcher, Stacy F, MD 68114 Woodruff, Mark W, MD 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6161 Fitch, Richard D, MD 1421 N 10th St 402-336-3747 300 N 2nd St 402-366-5122 Weyhrich, Steven D, MD Winters, John, MD Titus, Stephen M, MD 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 Shinaut, Tobias A, MD 68114 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 8613 N 30th St 402-453-9900 68112 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 68127 68114 Steier, Nicholas P, MD 10828 John Galt Blvd 402-592-4400 68137 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 152 402-496-7979 68164 1319 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-280-5500 68102 4102 Woolworth Ave 402-444-7000 68105 601 N 30th St, Ste 6720 402-280-4780 68131 7909 N 30th St 402-280-4780 68112 Shelton, James F, MD 68107 Wester, Rebecca M, MD 68047 68047 Mazour, Linda S, MD Springer, Amy L, MD General Practice Craig, James, MD 721 W 6th Ave 402-746-2249 68970 Rushville Family Medicine 68767 68767 Costa, Christopher P, MD 309 W 3rd St 308-327-2757 69360 307 Conrad St 308-327-2757 69360 309 W 3rd St 308-327-2757 69360 Hutchins, Joel F, MD Van Bang, Antony Nguyen, MD The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 General Practice Minnick, David A, MD S Sioux City Family Medicine 207 W Main St 308-527-4300 Afana, Suhair, MD 501 1st Ave 402-494-3064 Clark, Garry A, DO 68776 3900 Dakota Ave, Ste 6 402-494-5173 68776 Ensz, David J, MD 501 1st Ave 402-494-3064 68776 Folchert, Kevin J, MD 3410 Futures Dr 402-412-4220 68776 3410 Futures Dr 402-412-4220 68776 Hattan, Michael L, MD Knerl, Jeffrey, MD 501 1st Ave 402-494-3064 Peterson, Paul D, DO 68776 3410 Futures Dr 402-412-4220 68776 3900 Dakota Ave, Ste 6 402-494-5173 68776 Remer-Gillette, Lisa A, MD 3200 G St 712-226-2600 Sana, Said R, MD 501 1st Ave 402-494-3064 68874 Schuyler Family Medicine 250 N Columbia Ave 402-643-4800 68661 Wong, Thomas K, MD 1721 Colfax St 402-352-3745 68661 Scottsbluff Family Medicine Anderson Fowler, Margo K, MD 3911 Avenue B, Ste 1100 308-630-2100 69361 Brown, Patrick J, MD 3911 Avenue B, Ste 1100 308-630-2100 69361 Cheloha, Michelle L, MD 3911 Avenue B, Ste 1100 308-630-2100 69361 Clark, Richard D, MD 3011 Avenue B 308-632-2215 68776 3911 Avenue B, Ste 2110 308-632-7119 69361 501 1st Ave 402-494-3064 69361 Gentry, Donald M, MD Haslam, J M, MD 3011 Avenue B 68776 308-632-2215 69361 Vande Vegte, Sharon K, DO 3911 Avenue B, Ste 2300 3410 Futures Dr 308-630-2030 69361 402-412-4220 68776 4021 Avenue B 308-635-3711 69361 Wente, Thomas J, DO 3410 Futures Dr Imes, David C, MD 402-412-4220 68776 3011 Avenue B 308-632-2215 69361 Saint Edward Family Medicine Johnson, Alan, MD Troyer, Joyce, MD Johnson, Milton R, MD 3011 Avenue B 308-632-2215 1102 Water St 402-678-2232 68660 1102 Water St 402-678-2232 68660 Troyer, Terry, MD Saint Paul Family Medicine Brennan, Angela S, MD 1113 Sherman St 308-754-5447 1122 Kendall St 308-754-5447 68873 68873 Harrahill, Daniel P, MD 1113 Sherman St 308-754-5447 1122 Kendall St 308-754-5447 Kramer, Jared S, MD 1113 Sherman St 308-754-5447 1122 Kendall St 308-754-5447 68873 68873 68873 68873 Tomhave, Christopher W, MD 1113 Sherman St 308-754-5447 1122 Kendall St 308-754-5447 68873 68873 68874 Jones, Shaleah D, MD 404 W Main St 308-527-4300 Kahnk, Robert R, MD 207 W Main St 308-527-4300 1102 W 42nd St 308-632-0300 69361 3911 Avenue B, Ste 1100 308-630-2100 69361 Longoria, Tara A, MD 3911 Avenue B, Ste 1100 308-630-2100 69361 McCoy, Shelley J, MD 3911 Avenue B, Ste 3400 Medical Plaza South 308-630-7977 69361 Meyer, Peter C, MD 68874 69361 Mueller, Bartley B, MD 3911 Avenue B, Ste 1100 308-630-2100 69361 Papenfus, Lodewyk R, MD 3911 Avenue B, Ste 1100 308-630-2100 69361 429 Main St 402-664-3414 68057 429 Main St 402-664-3414 68057 68434 250 N Columbia Ave 402-643-4800 68434 Plasek, James A, MD 250 N Columbia Ave 402-643-4800 68434 250 N Columbia Ave 402-643-4800 68434 250 N Columbia Ave 402-643-4800 68434 250 N Columbia Ave 402-643-4800 68434 250 N Columbia Ave 402-643-4800 68434 Summa, John J, MD Vahle, Van E, MD Wall, Robert W, MD Wergin, Robert L, MD Shelby Family Medicine 150 N Walnut St 402-527-5571 68662 68662 Rudolph, Lawrence, MD 150 N Walnut St 402-527-5571 68662 Shelton Family Medicine 68876 Akerson, Jeffrey D, MD Cornelius, Carl J, MD 1116 10th Ave 308-254-5575 69162 69162 Cutright, Calvin W, MD 1625 Dorwart Dr, Ste B 308-254-5544 69162 Dorwart, Clinton B, MD 1625 Dorwart Dr, Ste B 308-254-5544 Geis, John R, MD 645 Osage St 308-254-5825 69162 69162 Matthews, Michael L, MD 69162 69162 Spalding Family Medicine 151 N Chestnut St 308-497-2485 68665 151 N Chestnut St 308-497-2485 68665 151 N Chestnut St 308-497-2485 69043 Stromsburg Family Medicine Eberspacher, Heather C, MD 208 Commercial St 402-764-5511 68666 208 Commercial St 402-764-5511 68666 Fago, Heather M, MD Fago, Todd M, MD 208 Commercial St 402-764-5511 68665 Tempelmeyer, Zachariah, MD 277 E 17th St 402-269-2411 68446 Tecumseh Family Medicine Damme, Jeffrey A, MD 509 Broadway St 402-335-2811 68450 509 Broadway St 402-335-2811 68450 Goodrich, Stacey D, MD Valentine Family Medicine Miller, Annette S, MD 502 N Cherry St 402-376-2200 69201 502 N Cherry St 402-376-2200 69201 512 N Green St 402-376-2525 69201 Mulligan-Witt, Michele, MD Senseney, Steven A, MD Voigtlander, George R, MD Valley 1179 Webster St Family Medicine 402-335-3988 68450 MacDonald, Cheryl R, MD Tekamah Family Medicine 625 S Pine St 402-359-2277 68064 625 S Pine St 402-359-2277 68064 625 S Pine St 402-359-2277 68064 625 S Pine St 402-359-2277 68064 Mahloch, Mark L, MD Montoya, Paul M, MD 68666 1121 S 13th St 402-685-7590 68061 McCarville, Patrick J, MD 208 Commercial St 402-764-5511 68666 120 S 9th St 402-374-1585 68061 Quinn, Joan E, MD 302 E 4th St 402-764-2491 68666 120 S 9th St 402-374-1585 68061 68666 120 S 9th St 402-374-1585 68061 68666 120 S 9th St 402-374-1585 68061 Hotovy, Patrick A, MD Jameson, David B, MD Stuckey, Todd W, MD 208 Commercial St 402-764-5511 Stuart Family Medicine Tubbs, John D, MD 110 W 2nd St 402-924-3777 68780 Superior Family Medicine Leibel, Robert G, MD 1050 Washington St 402-879-4781 525 E 11th St 402-879-4781 Theis, Julie A, MD 525 E 11th St 402-879-4781 68978 68978 68978 68978 Sutherland Family Medicine 69165 Sutton Family Medicine Davis, Leon J, MD 301 S Way Ave 402-773-5553 Ohrt, James M, MD 68979 68979 1106 N Saunders Ave, Ste 2 402-773-2130 68979 68446 Steckelberg, James, MD 1579 Midland St 402-269-2011 277 E 17th St 402-269-2411 Weckmuller, Carol J, MD Wilkins, Chauncey A, MD 68061 Tilden Family Medicine 68446 68446 Verdigre Family Medicine Morse, Ronald P, MD 401 James St 402-668-2216 1760 County Road J 402-443-1422 567 W 15th St 402-443-4600 104 S Center St 402-368-5520 68781 Elliott, Brian K, MD 104 S Center St 402-368-5520 68781 Hogue, John H, MD 68781 Kohl, Sean R, MD Dilly, Douglas A, MD Ellis, Kelly L, DO 306 W 2nd St 402-368-9964 308 W 2nd St 402-368-5343 Rudloff, Roger P, MD 104 S Center St 402-368-5520 68066 68066 1760 County Road J 402-443-4191 68066 1760 County Road J 402-443-4191 68066 68781 1760 County Road J 402-443-4191 68066 68781 1760 County Road J 402-443-4191 68066 1760 County Road J 402-443-4191 68066 Trenton Family Medicine Meduna, Leo L, MD Ward, Richard K, MD Wakefield Family Medicine 406 E 1st St 308-345-2650 69044 406 E 1st St 308-345-2650 69044 308 Ash St 402-287-2267 68784 406 E 1st St 308-345-2650 69044 308 Ash St 402-375-2500 68784 406 E 1st St 308-345-2650 69044 308 Ash St 402-375-2500 68784 308 Ash St 402-375-2500 68784 308 Ash St 402-375-2500 68784 Brosz, Adam B, MD Klug, Richard F, MD Utica Family Medicine Froehner-Bulmer, Barbara E, MD Meyer, Roger H, MD 1350 Centennial Ave 402-534-2041 800 3rd St 402-534-2851 Sams, Trisha M, MD 100 4th St 402-534-2081 Ensz, David J, MD Felber, Alfred D, MD Lindau, James A, MD Martin, Benjamin J, MD Wiseman, Willis L, MD 68456 Wauneta Family Medicine 68456 Garcia, Jose R, MD 68456 308 N Tecumseh 308-394-5593 69045 68456 308 N Tecumseh 308-394-5593 69045 Richman, Jonathan S, MD Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68783 Wahoo Family Medicine Bernard, Robin J, MD Dawson, Troy D, MD 100 4th St 402-534-2081 Beach, Kerstin C G, MD 277 E 17th St 402-269-2411 Simonson, John K, MD Fornander, Wade E, MD Brosz, Adam B, MD 301 S Way Ave 402-773-5553 Shaw, Garret T, MD Blomstedt, Jason J, DO Nguyen, Dan C, MD 333 Maple St 308-386-2461 Sawtelle, Bradley G, MD 120 S 9th St 402-374-1585 Syracuse Family Medicine Kramer, Lynette, MD Kusek, Anthony, MD 903 Bailey St 308-276-2411 525 E 11th St 402-879-4781 Sidney Family Medicine 1625 Dorwart Dr, Ste B 308-254-5544 Jaeger, Shiuvaun M, MD Blecha, Timothy D, MD Hansen, Larry L, MD 302 C St 308-381-8546 Stratton Family Medicine 208 Commercial St 402-764-5511 Luckey, Gerald W, MD 150 N Walnut St 402-527-5571 68665 Woods, Gregory N, MD Carlson, Mark V, MD Mazour, John, MD 68874 68434 250 N Columbia Ave 402-643-4800 1625 Dorwart Dr, Ste B 308-254-5544 68057 68434 Newburn, Lorance, MD Shaw, Mandy L, MD Green, Scott D, MD Meyer, Renae M, DO 250 N Columbia Ave 402-643-4800 1625 Dorwart Dr, Ste B 308-254-5544 Scribner Family Medicine Hass, Brian E, MD Gautreaux, Keith M, MD 404 W Main St 308-527-4300 Lacey, Kent T, MD 429 Main St 402-664-3414 Sargent Family Medicine 69361 3011 Avenue B 308-630-2100 69361 3911 Avenue B, Ste 2300 308-630-2030 69361 4021 Avenue B 308-630-1127 Ketner, Jared, MD Novak, Connie J, MD 68776 Schenne, Jennifer B, DO 151 N Chestnut St 308-497-2485 Froehner-Bulmer, Barbara E, MD Jackson, John, DO 1721 Colfax St 402-352-3745 Travis, Joel, MD Seward Family Medicine 13 General Practice Wausa Family Medicine Wisner Family Medicine Collazo, Gilberto, MD Eckmann, Rhett J, MD 100 N Lincoln St 402-586-2244 68786 2100 21st Cir 402-529-6516 68791 100 N Lincoln St 402-586-2244 68786 1101 9th St 402-529-3218 68791 1101 9th St 402-529-3218 68791 1101 9th St 402-529-3218 68791 1101 9th St 402-529-3218 68791 Mwebe, David, MD Waverly Family Medicine Glenn, Matthew M, MD 13220 Callum Dr, Ste 4 402-423-4200 68462 Wayne Family Medicine 615 E 14th St 402-375-2500 68787 615 E 14th St 402-375-2500 68787 615 E 14th St 402-375-2500 68787 615 E 14th St 402-375-2500 68787 615 E 14th St 402-375-2500 68787 615 E 14th St 402-375-2500 68787 Lindau, James A, MD Martin, Benjamin J, MD McCorkindale, Mark, MD Wiseman, Willis L, MD Weeping Water Family Medicine Lindau, James A, MD Wiseman, Willis L, MD Haefele, John A, MD 100 N 7th St 402-645-3733 68466 100 N 7th St 402-645-3733 68466 Ryan, John M, MD York Family Medicine Eberspacher, Heather C, MD 2114 N Lincoln Ave, Ste A 402-362-5044 68467 Erwin, Joseph C, MD 2114 N Lincoln Ave, Ste A 402-362-5044 68467 Fago, Heather M, MD Beach, Kerstin C G, MD 204 N Randolph St 402-267-5330 Felber, Alfred D, MD Wymore Family Medicine Ensz, David J, MD Felber, Alfred D, MD Ensz, David J, MD 68463 Steckelberg, James, MD 204 N Randolph St 402-267-5330 68463 204 N Randolph St 402-267-5330 68463 Tempelmeyer, Zachariah, MD 2114 N Lincoln Ave, Ste A 402-362-5044 68467 Fago, Todd M, MD 2114 N Lincoln Ave, Ste A 402-362-5044 68467 Hotovy, Patrick A, MD 2114 N Lincoln Ave, Ste A 402-362-5044 68467 Stuckey, Todd W, MD 2114 N Lincoln Ave, Ste A 402-362-5044 68467 Woods, Gregory N, MD 2114 N Lincoln Ave, Ste A 402-362-5044 68467 West Point Family Medicine Cohee, Thomas W, MD 500 E Decatur St 402-372-2477 68788 500 E Decatur St 402-372-2477 68788 500 E Decatur St 402-372-2477 68788 500 E Decatur St 402-372-2477 68788 500 E Decatur St 402-372-2477 68788 Eckmann, Rhett J, MD Green, Scott D, MD Hass, Brian E, MD Meyer, Renae M, DO Wilber Family Medicine Ebke, Russell J, MD 203 W 4th St 402-821-3293 68465 203 W 4th St 402-821-3293 68465 203 W 4th St 402-821-3293 68465 203 W 4th St 402-821-3293 68465 Heier, Marjorie J, MD Hesser, Jason K, MD Hesser, Kate E, MD 14 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Ob-Gynecology Ob-Gynecology Nebraska Stancil, Marvin L, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Albion Ob-Gynecology Schulte, Raymond L, MD 723 W Fairview St 402-395-2191 68620 Alliance Ob-Gynecology Triplett, Cherrell L, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Atkinson Ob-Gynecology 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 107 402-734-4106 68005 Auburn Ob-Gynecology Schulte, Raymond L, MD 2022 13th St 402-274-4366 68305 Beatrice Gynecology 68310 Nurse Midwife 68310 Ob-Gynecology Gregory, Deborah L, DO 1110 Jackson St 402-228-3344 68310 Bellevue Ob-Gynecology Amoura, Nahia J, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Carlson, Karen S, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Finney, Katherine R, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Harper-Harrison, Gina M, MD Jones, Peggy H, MD 68123 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 Kean-Puccioni, Emily R, MD 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 105 402-397-7812 68005 Kinney, Sonja R, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Olesh, Robert C, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Doherty, C M, MD 68022 717 N 190th Plz, Ste 2500 402-815-1915 68022 Gernhart, Sarah V, MD 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 68022 Guthmann, Lanette M, MD 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 Hamill, Neil A, MD 68022 717 N 190th Plz, Ste 2400 402-815-1901 68022 Hoffman, Kristen L, MD 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 68022 Jacobi, Rebecca L, MD Schulte, Raymond L, MD 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 68008 68008 Scott, Judith A, DO Haswell, Marvin S, MD Mueller, Harry D, MD 2485 39th Ave 402-563-0123 68601 68601 Welch, Paul C, MD 4508 38th St, Ste 107 402-564-0205 68601 68022 717 N 190th Plz, Ste 2400 402-815-1901 68022 Robertson, Andrew W, MD 68601 717 N 190th Plz, Ste 2400 402-815-1901 68022 68601 Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility 68601 Oakes, Meghan B, MD 717 N 190th Plz, Ste 2500 402-815-1915 68022 Fremont Ob-Gynecology 69130 Foote, Terence, MD 1325 H St 402-759-3167 68361 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 204 800-742-3305 68901 Smith, Carl V, MD 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Gering Ob-Gynecology Tomich, Paul G, MD Painter, Kathryn L, MD 975 Crescent Dr 308-635-3089 69341 Grand Island Nurse Midwife 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Peckham-Devine, Barbara J, CNM Wells, Rebecca A H, CNM Ob-Gynecology 120 Park Ave 402-768-6041 Kearney Gynecology Brennan, Matthew J, MD Krieger, Michele, MD 3008 W Stolley Park Rd, Ste 1 308-381-1490 68801 2444 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1100 Fish, Jill L, MD 68803 3008 W Stolley Park Rd, Ste 1 308-381-1490 68801 Fleming, Alfred D, MD 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-280-4434 68803 Foote, Terence, MD 3008 W Stolley Park Rd, Ste 1 308-381-1490 68801 Johnson, Molly A, MD 2444 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1100 68803 Kenna, Kathryn M, MD 68370 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 Cada, Sarah A, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 508 402-483-2886 68506 Davenport, Yvonne K, MD 301 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-483-7641 68510 Doherty, C M, MD 220 Lyncrest Dr 402-434-3370 68510 Eisenhauer, Darla E, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 508 402-483-2886 68506 Weir, David, MD Adam, George M, MD 1530 S 70th St, Ste 100 402-488-2348 68506 301 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-483-7641 68510 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 1 402-488-4903 68506 Holdrege Ob-Gynecology 1220 Miller St 308-995-2211 Ob-Gynecology Byington, Robert T, MD Deboise, Douglas A, MD Hebron Ob-Gynecology Foote, Terence, MD 700 E 29th St 402-721-3133 68022 Ob-Gynecology Bassett, Craig A, MD 68022 Berryman, Paige S, MD 68022 230 E 22nd St, Ste 4 402-727-5336 700 E 29th St 402-721-3133 68025 3008 W Stolley Park Rd, Ste 1 308-381-1490 68801 Reilly, John P, MD 2444 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1100 68803 Hastings Nurse Midwife Peckham-Devine, Barbara J, CNM 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 204 402-463-6793 68901 422 N Hastings Ave, Ste 204 402-463-5687 68901 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 204 402-463-6793 68901 422 N Hastings Ave, Ste 204 402-463-5687 68901 Ob-Gynecology 68025 Adam, George M, MD 68025 68025 Lauer-Silva, Karen, MD 700 E 29th St 402-721-3133 68803 Pankratz, Todd A, MD 68025 Keasling, Gerald F, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 700 E 29th St 402-721-3133 308-382-1100 Wells, Rebecca A H, CNM Dilley, Colleen W, MD Dix, Nicole L, DO Lowe, Marilyn W, CNM 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 68022 Westcott, Susan A, MD 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 Ramey, Jacques, MD 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 1 402-488-4903 68506 7001 A St, Ste 200 402-488-4022 68510 Fiala, Jenna E, MD 68949 7001 A St, Ste 200 402-488-4022 68510 Friesen, Corwin, MD 1600 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-475-8877 68506 Gibbens, Donald L, MD 68847 1600 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-475-8877 68506 Hattan, Gregory, MD 1600 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-475-8877 68506 Ob-Gynecology Jensen, Cheri L, MD Hayes, Paul L, MD 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68845 8101 O St, Ste 302 402-486-4783 68510 101 W 24th St 308-865-2740 68847 301 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-483-7641 68510 7001 A St, Ste 200 402-488-4022 68510 Jorgensen, Amie J, MD Philpot, Keri, MD 101 W 24th St 308-865-2740 Ramey, Jacques, MD 101 W 24th St 308-234-6555 Heidrick, Gregory W, MD Hier-Duffin, Sharon, MD 68847 Hodge, Dennis L, MD 68847 301 S 70th St, Ste 200 Levine, Michael G, MD Elkhorn Nurse Midwife 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 68022 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 204 402-463-6793 68901 422 N Hastings Ave, Ste 204 402-463-5687 68901 68601 Weir, David, MD 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 68022 Pankratz, Todd A, MD Schumacher, Jearlyn R, CNM 68601 Cozad Ob-Gynecology 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 68022 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 204 402-463-6793 68901 W Faidley Ave 402-483-7641 68510 Obstetrics and Gyne- 2444 308-382-1100 68803 Schulte, John H, MD Hutchins, Deanna L, MD cology Critical Care Nickeson, Erica L, MD 101 W 24th St 1500 S 48th St, Ste 508 308-865-2740 68847 402-483-2886 2444 W Faidley Ave 68506 Medicine Stadler, Michael D, MD 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-7500 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-563-9224 4508 38th St, Ste 107 402-564-0205 68022 Phillips, Allison H, MD 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 Columbus Ob-Gynecology 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-7500 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-9000 4508 38th St, Ste 107 402-564-0205 68022 Nagy, Annamarie, MD 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 Geneva Ob-Gynecology 68022 Marlowe, Charles W, MD 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 68025 3008 W Stolley Park Rd, Ste 1 308-381-1490 68801 Martin, Thomas E, MD 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6900 68010 68025 68022 Knolla, Michelle S, MD 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 Foote, Terence, MD 230 E 22nd St, Ste 4 402-727-5336 700 E 29th St 402-721-3133 3008 W Stolley Park Rd, Ste 1 308-381-1490 68801 Jones, Carolee V, MD 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 Boys Town Ob-Gynecology Chupp, Ernest W, MD Barnard, Deann M, CNM Carlson, Mark D, MD Blair Ob-Gynecology 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 1110 Jackson St 402-228-3344 12717 S 28th Ave 402-898-3180 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Steinauer, Nick, MD McKinney, Amanda E, MD 1110 Jackson St 402-228-3117 Woods, Michael P, MD Ziegenbein, Sylvia J, MD 68713 68022 Bonebrake, Robert G, MD 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 3308 Samson Way, Ste 201 402-898-3180 68123 2091 Box Butte Ave, Ste 500 308-762-2534 69301 406 W Neely St 402-925-2811 Leahy, Mark T, MD Stearnes, Jeffery D, MD 3802 Raynor Pkwy, Ste 200 402-280-3660 68123 Weir, David, MD 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 717 N 190th Plz, Ste 2400 402-815-1901 68022 Wobser, Randy W, MD Myers, Terri L, MD Bishop, Julia K, MD 68025 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 204 402-463-6793 68901 Tomich, Paul G, MD 101 W 24th St 308-865-2740 Weir, David, MD 101 W 24th St 308-865-2740 Kenney, Sean, MD 68847 LA Benz, C J, MD 68847 Lincoln Gynecology 68516 Nurse Midwife Bronson, Joanne E, CNM 1500 S 48th St 402-483-8485 68506 220 Lyncrest Dr 402-434-3370 68510 Maly, James J, MD Martin, Todd, MD 301 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-483-7641 68510 Milius, Gary, MD 301 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-483-7641 68510 Placek, Debra C, MD Greenlee, Carol S, CNM McGivney-Liechti, Karen E, CNM 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 204 402-463-6793 68901 422 N Hastings Ave, Ste 204 402-463-5687 68901 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 1 402-488-4903 68506 7001 A St, Ste 200 402-488-4022 68510 Fish, Jill L, MD Peterson, Nancy, CNM 1600 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-475-8877 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-475-8877 68506 6050 Village Dr 402-421-8581 68516 Plambeck, Robert D, MD 1001 S 70th St, Ste 220 402-486-4800 68510 Pothuloori, Antara P, MD 8055 O St, Ste 100 402-488-4444 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68506 Malee, Maureen P, MD 68510 Dolberg, Jill E, CNM 68510 1500 S 48th St, Ste 508 402-483-2886 68506 301 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-483-7641 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 1 402-488-4903 68506 7001 A St, Ste 200 402-488-4022 68510 Berg, Teresa G, MD 2246 O St 402-441-3300 3705 South St 877-811-7526 68510 Mahoney, Nicolle M, MD Lovegrove, Alecia S, MD 6050 Village Dr 402-421-8581 575 S 70th St, Ste 405 402-219-8005 68510 15 Ob-Gynecology Ramirez-Nessetti, Doris K, MD 4545 S 86th St 402-483-6990 68526 Rogers, Joseph G, MD 301 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-483-7641 68510 Ryder, Benjamin J, MD 5440 South St 402-393-2700 68506 Stevens, Christine, MD 8055 O St, Ste 100 402-488-4444 Stohs, Gene F, MD 6050 Village Dr 402-421-8581 68510 68516 Swanson, Stephen G, MD 220 Lyncrest Dr 402-434-3370 Taylor, Bruce E, MD 68510 1101 S 70th St, Ste 203 402-486-4000 68510 Tomjack, Jeffrey, MD 6050 Village Dr 402-421-8581 68516 Vrbicky, Keith W, MD 1302 Riverside Blvd 402-379-3123 1410 N 13th St 402-379-2322 1115 S Willow St 308-534-4804 69101 Weaver, Walter, MD Foote, Terence, MD 69001 Nebraska City Ob-Gynecology 68410 Niobrara Ob-Gynecology 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 8303 Dodge St 402-559-4212 68760 Norfolk Maternal and Fetal Medicine Kovilam, Oormila P, MD 68701 601 N 30th St, Ste 4700 402-280-4435 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6103 68124 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-280-4434 68130 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4110 68107 601 N 30th St 402-280-4434 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6103 68124 Smith, Carl V, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-559-4212 Tomich, Paul G, MD Nurse Midwife Consoli, Gail C, CNM Nurse Midwife 68701 Ob-Gynecology Albin, Renee M, MD 2504 W Benjamin Ave 402-379-9999 900 Norfolk Ave 402-371-2326 Davis, Mark W, MD 301 N 31st St 402-644-4600 68701 68701 68701 68701 Fleming, Alfred D, MD 301 N 27th St, Ste 2 402-280-4434 68701 Heffron, Patrick T, MD 2504 W Benjamin Ave 402-379-9999 68114 68114 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 68701 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4110 68107 Jaynes, Anita C, CNM 68107 Norton, Cecelia S, CNM 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68135 68114 Ramsey, Heather D, CNM 2602 J St 402-733-3612 68107 Rhodes, Lydia J, CNM 2602 J St 402-733-3612 68104 68107 68198 Berg, Teresa G, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 2800 402-596-4500 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 5050 Ames Ave 402-595-2280 5211 S 31st St 402-595-2296 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68118 68144 68104 68107 68198 Besse, Thomas M, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 110 402-391-3870 68124 601 N 30th St, Ste 4700 402-280-4435 68131 8141 W Center Rd 402-391-3870 68124 Bossert, Robert C, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 100 402-697-7200 68130 6828 N 72nd St, Ste 5300 402-572-3360 68122 Burke, Jill K, DO 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 201 402-991-1900 68130 4239 Farnam St, Ste 734 402-552-2700 68131 Carlson, Karen S, MD 110 N 175th St 402-596-4600 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4500 68118 68198 601 N 30th St, Ste 4700 402-280-4435 68131 68107 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 422 402-392-0735 68124 Clemmer, Robin R, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 201 402-991-1900 68130 4239 Farnam St, Ste 734 402-552-2700 68131 Collins, Linda M, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 201 402-991-1900 68130 4239 Farnam St, Ste 734 402-552-2700 68131 Cote, John J, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 110 402-391-3870 68124 8141 W Center Rd 402-391-3870 68124 Crotzer, David R, MD 8303 Dodge St, Ste 300 402-354-5250 68114 Cummins, James G, MD 2723 S 87th St 402-393-2700 16 68144 Chupp, Ernest W, MD Allen, Courtney J, CNM 5155 S 36th St 402-595-2298 68118 Beran, Margaret M, MD Casey, Murray J, MD Higgins, Kara L, CNM Albin, James S, MD 2504 W Benjamin Ave 402-379-9999 68114 Bonebrake, Robert G, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-559-4212 1410 N 13th St 402-379-2322 68124 Kovilam, Oormila P, MD Bray, Kevin B, MD 301 N 27th St, Ste 2 402-280-4434 69153 Barsoom, Michael J, MD Berg, Teresa G, MD Schulte, Raymond L, MD 110 S Visiting Eagle St 402-857-2300 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4500 402-572-3790 68122 69101 Devries, Frank D, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 201 402-991-1900 68130 4239 Farnam St, Ste 734 402-552-2700 68131 Doherty, C M, MD 8111 Dodge St, Ste 237 402-354-5210 68114 Evans, Erin H, MD 69101 69101 Omaha Maternal and Fetal Medicine McCook Ob-Gynecology 1314 3rd Ave 402-873-3321 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-4011 68114 69101 Trierweiler, Michael W, MD 102 S Elm St 308-534-3075 1115 S Willow St 308-534-4804 68118 110 N 175th St, Ste 2800 402-596-4500 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 5050 Ames Ave 402-595-2280 5211 S 31st St 402-595-2296 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4500 Johng, Youngsik, MD Weaver, Walter, MD 68114 Amoura, Nahia J, MD 69101 102 S Elm St 308-534-3075 1115 S Willow St 308-534-4804 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Ob-Gynecology 1115 S Willow St 308-534-4804 Pankratz, Todd A, MD 1401 E H St 308-345-2011 68701 Bianco, Michael, MD Ogallala Ob-Gynecology 69001 68701 North Platte Ob-Gynecology Mc Cook Ob-Gynecology 1301 E H St 402-463-6793 Stauffer, Jenda M, CNM 68124 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 110 402-391-3870 68124 8141 W Center Rd 402-391-3870 68124 Fahmy, Lylia M, MD 17021 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 101 402-333-0300 68130 3213 S 24th St 402-345-9132 68108 4920 Center St 402-558-6625 68106 Ferrer, Norman E, MD 17021 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 101 402-333-0300 68130 3213 S 24th St 402-345-9132 68108 4920 Center St 402-558-6625 68106 Finney, Katherine R, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 2800 402-596-4500 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5580 5050 Ames Ave 402-595-2280 5211 S 31st St 402-595-2296 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4500 68118 68144 68104 68107 68198 Fleming, Alfred D, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-280-4434 68130 601 N 30th St, Ste 4700 402-280-4435 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6103 68124 Fleming, Maureen E, MD 2514 S 119th St 402-597-2730 Gondra, Maria M, MD 7308 S 142nd St 402-717-4200 Gray, Caron J, MD 68144 68138 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 601 N 30th St, Ste 4700 402-280-4435 68131 Guthmann, Lanette M, MD 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 Harper-Harrison, Gina M, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 4700 402-280-4435 68131 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68127 Haskell, Susan C, DO 5310 S 139th Plz, Ste 301 402-894-9006 68137 Hedrick, Jodanne W, DO 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-397-6600 68124 Hicks, Nancy T, MD Khandalavala, Jimmy P, MD 2514 S 119th St 402-597-2730 68144 601 N 30th St, Ste 4700 402-280-4435 68131 Kinney, Sonja R, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 2800 402-596-4500 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 5050 Ames Ave 402-595-2280 5211 S 31st St 402-595-2296 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4500 Kirsch, Daniel J, MD 68118 68144 68104 68107 68198 11602 W Center Rd, Ste 150 402-884-7533 68144 68104 68107 68198 Ortiz-Bianchi, Ada I, MD 17021 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 101 402-333-0300 68130 3213 S 24th St 402-345-9132 68108 4920 Center St 402-558-6625 68106 Pearsall, Nicole A, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 201 402-391-5022 68124 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-397-6600 68124 17021 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 101 402-333-0300 68130 3213 S 24th St 402-345-9132 68108 4920 Center St 402-558-6625 68106 Phillips, Allison H, MD Kuyper, William L, MD Potter, Mark E, MD LA Benz, C J, MD 3341 N 107th St 402-496-0088 68134 5310 S 139th Plz, Ste 301 402-894-9006 68137 Legino, Lonny J, MD 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-397-6600 68124 Maclin, Victoria, MD 7308 S 142nd St 402-717-4200 7308 S 142nd St 402-717-4228 68138 68138 Mathews, Nancy B, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 68118 68114 McCrery, Rebecca J, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1925 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Pruse, Thomas S, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 110 402-391-3870 68124 8141 W Center Rd 402-391-3870 68124 Quinn, James D, MD 310 Regency Pkwy Dr 402-392-0303 68114 7308 S 142nd St 402-717-4200 68138 Ramey, Jacques, MD Reed, Michael A, MD 2915 Grant St 402-451-3553 68111 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4500 402-572-3790 68122 Remmenga, Steven W, MD 68118 68118 Morris, Peter C, MD 111 N 175th St 402-596-3100 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 5050 Ames Ave 402-595-2280 5155 S 36th St 402-595-2298 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Nabity, Michael R, MD 601 N 30th St 402-280-4100 Nagy, Annamarie, MD 111 N 175th St 402-596-3100 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4212 McTaggart, Jill C, MD 68114 68114 68137 68114 1910 S 72nd St, Ste 206 402-397-5900 68124 68144 68104 68107 68198 8303 Dodge St, Ste 300 402-354-5250 68114 Reynoso, Elizabeth M, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 100 402-697-7200 68130 6828 N 72nd St, Ste 5300 402-572-3360 68122 Rodabaugh, Kerry J, MD 2514 S 119th St 402-597-2730 68144 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4110 68107 601 N 30th St, Ste 4700 402-280-4435 68131 Rooney, Kristin E, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-391-3870 68124 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 201 402-991-1900 68130 4239 Farnam St, Ste 734 402-552-2700 68131 68131 Newmyer, Kristi E, MD 2723 S 87th St 402-393-0948 68124 Norton, Kathleen L, MD 17055 Frances St, Ste 102 402-397-7989 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 406 402-397-7989 68124 68144 Kruszka, Stephen J, DO 601 N 30th St 402-280-4435 Kean-Puccioni, Emily R, MD 68118 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 100 402-697-7200 68130 6828 N 72nd St, Ste 5300 402-572-3360 68122 68124 Jurgensen, William W, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 2800 402-596-4500 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 5050 Ames Ave 402-595-2280 5155 S 36th St 402-595-2298 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4500 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 100 402-697-7200 68130 601 N 30th St 402-280-4435 68131 6828 N 72nd St, Ste 5300 402-697-7200 68122 Kolbeck, Terrence J, MD 2723 S 87th St 402-393-2700 Jones, Peggy H, MD Olesh, Robert C, MD 2723 S 87th St 402-393-2700 68124 68131 68118 68198 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-8942 68114 2723 S 87th St 402-393-2700 68124 Ryder, Benjamin J, MD Schulte, Raymond L, MD Scott, Judith A, DO 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Siemers, Kent H, MD 68114 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-397-6600 68124 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Ob-Gynecology Simmons, Gema T, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 100 402-697-7200 68130 6828 N 72nd St, Ste 5300 402-572-3360 68122 Sjulin, Ann M, MD 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-397-6600 68124 Smith, Carl V, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 2800 402-596-4500 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 5050 Ames Ave 402-595-2280 5211 S 31st St 402-595-2296 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68118 68144 68104 68107 68198 Sotolongo, Jorge F, MD 17021 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 101 402-333-0300 68130 3213 S 24th St 402-345-9132 68108 4920 Center St 402-558-6625 68106 Stancil, Marvin L, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 2800 402-596-4500 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 5050 Ames Ave 402-595-2280 5155 S 36th St 402-595-2298 5211 S 31st St 402-595-2296 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4500 68118 68198 Steinauer, Nick, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 201 402-991-1900 68130 4239 Farnam St, Ste 734 402-552-2700 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Stoural-Wedergren, June S, MD 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-397-6600 68124 Sullivan, Ann M, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 110 402-391-3870 68124 8141 W Center Rd 402-391-3870 68124 Taggart, Heather M, MD 68131 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5870 68130 601 N 30th St 402-280-4435 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-391-3870 68124 Tomich, Paul G, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 2800 402-596-4500 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 5050 Ames Ave 402-595-2280 5211 S 31st St 402-595-2296 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68118 68144 68104 68107 68198 Triplett, Cherrell L, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 2800 402-596-4500 68118 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4500 68198 68137 3911 Avenue B, Ste 1100 308-360-2100 69361 Wahoo Ob-Gynecology Dilley, Colleen W, MD Wyatt, James F, MD Keasling, Gerald F, MD 1760 County Road J 402-721-3133 68066 68131 1760 County Road J 402-721-3133 68066 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4500 402-572-3790 68122 1760 County Road J 402-721-3133 68066 1760 County Road J 402-721-3133 68066 601 N 30th St 402-280-4435 Zeineddine, Sami K, MD Ziegenbein, Sylvia J, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 2800 402-596-4500 68118 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4500 68198 Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility Oakes, Meghan B, MD 8111 Dodge St, Ste 237 402-354-5210 68114 Bray, Kevin B, MD 68107 68118 601 N 30th St, Ste 4700 402-280-4435 68131 68104 68107 68114 Polk, Dorisa L, MD Wobser, Randy W, MD Oneill Ob-Gynecology 601 N 30th St, Ste 4700 402-280-4435 68131 Talaska, Erin M, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1925 68144 Stearnes, Jeffery D, MD 601 N 30th St 402-280-4435 Weidner, William D, MD 300 N 2nd St 402-336-5121 Lauer-Silva, Karen, MD Leahy, Mark T, MD Wayne Ob-Gynecology Schulte, Raymond L, MD 1200 Providence Rd 402-375-3800 68787 West Point Ob-Gynecology Leahy, Mark T, MD 68763 Papillion Ob-Gynecology Harper-Harrison, Gina M, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 4800 402-827-4915 68046 Jones, Peggy H, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 4800 402-827-4915 68046 McFadden, Sean M, MD 500 E Decatur St 402-372-2477 68788 430 N Monitor St 402-372-2404 68788 Schulte, Raymond L, MD York Ob-Gynecology Adam, George M, MD 2222 N Lincoln Ave 402-362-6671 68467 2222 Lincoln Ave 402-362-0420 68467 Remmenga, Steven W, MD 1413 S Washington St, Ste 270 402-898-8500 68046 Peterson, Kristi K, MD 10701 S 72nd St, Ste 100 402-827-9400 68046 Schropp, Guy M, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 4800 402-827-4915 68046 1414 S Washington St 402-827-4915 68046 Taggart, Heather M, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 4800 402-827-4915 68046 Thatcher, Kay C, MD 1413 S Washington St, Ste 270 402-898-8500 68046 Pender Ob-Gynecology Schulte, Raymond L, MD 603 Earl St 402-385-3083 68047 Scottsbluff Ob-Gynecology Bruner, Matthew R, MD 3911 Avenue B, Ste 3100 308-635-3033 69361 Bussinger, Ernest K, MD 3911 Avenue B, Ste 1100 308-360-2100 69361 Holdt, David G, MD 3911 Avenue B, Ste 1100 308-360-2100 69361 McCarty, Emily R, MD 3911 Avenue B, Ste 3100 308-635-3033 69361 Painter, Kathryn L, MD 3911 Avenue B, Ste 1100 308-360-2100 69361 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 17 Pediatrics Nebraska Domet, Mark J, MD Beatrice Pediatrics Hammett, Patricia S, MD Pediatrics 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Hardisty, Lisa I, MD Khan, Masood, MD 1110 N 10th St 402-223-6518 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 68310 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 68310 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 68310 Schomer, Amy L, MD 1110 N 10th St 402-223-6518 Bellevue Pediatrics Kenien Erpelding, Julie A, MD 11507 S 42nd St, Ste 101 402-955-7600 68123 Knowles, Nancy E, MD 11507 S 42nd St, Ste 101 402-955-7600 68123 Saxena, Kristin L, MD Schomer, Amy L, MD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Tonniges, Thomas F, MD 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Vandersluis, Nancy L, MD 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Whaley, Debra K, MD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Zimmerman, Heather L, MD Macklem, Monique L, MD 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 McCann, Rachel L, MD Bristow Pediatrics 11507 S 42nd St, Ste 101 402-955-7600 68123 11507 S 42nd St, Ste 101 402-955-7600 68123 McNally, Clancy E, MD 100 Main St 402-583-0033 Moffatt, Kody A, MD Columbus Pediatrics 11507 S 42nd St, Ste 101 402-955-7600 68123 11507 S 42nd St, Ste 101 402-955-7600 68123 Roy, Chitrita G, MD 3775 45th Ave 402-564-7200 11507 S 42nd St, Ste 101 402-955-7600 68123 3775 45th Ave 402-564-7200 11507 S 42nd St, Ste 101 402-955-7600 68123 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-7500 Straley, Joseph G, MD Benkelman Pediatrics 3775 45th Ave 402-564-7200 Craig, Joseph A, MD 1313 N Cheyenne St 308-423-2151 69021 Boys Town Pediatric Gastroenterology Kunnath, Sharad D, MD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6900 68010 Prestridge, Laurel L, MD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Pediatrics Asher, Nathan G, MD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Broadhead, Sara K, MD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 18 Rohwer, David E, MD 68601 68601 68601 68601 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 68333 Biven, Kara L, MD 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 68333 68333 68333 68333 Jones-Jobst, Sian, MD 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 68333 Matthias, Monica S, MD 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 Meduna, David J, MD 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 220 E 22nd St 402-727-5500 68025 68333 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68333 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68333 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 717 N 190th Plz, Ste 2400 402-815-1901 68022 Minderman, David W, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-955-6140 68022 O'Hanlon, Lynn D, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-955-6140 68022 Pediatrics Andresen, John C, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1325 68333 Moffatt, Kody A, MD 68022 68022 Mogenson, Michelle T, DO Moore, John C, MD 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 Moore, Michael J, MD Neuhaus, Stephanie K, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 Nielsen, Laura W, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 Reiser, Jennifer C, MD Rizal, Chandrika, MD 68022 68022 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-955-6140 68022 68022 Seidel, Thomas W, MD Sindelar, Steven S, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 Wooldridge, Terry N, MD Grand Island Pediatric Pulmonology Nelson, Jeffrey S, MD 1806 N Cleburn St 308-381-1700 68801 Pediatrics Boon, Douglas A, MD 2444 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1100 68022 Smith, Jennifer A, MD 1600 N Custer Ave 308-384-2265 2444 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1100 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 68803 68803 68803 68803 68803 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 Gretna Pediatrics 68022 Kobayashi, Ai Lan D, MD Desai, Alka, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 Stephenson, Betsy J, MD 68845 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68845 10 E 31st St 308-865-2141 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68847 68847 68845 Greenwald, Susan L, MD 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 Haskett, Steven, MD 68847 68845 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68845 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68845 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68845 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68845 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68845 Psota, Deann K, MD 68022 68022 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68803 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 St Germain, Melissa L, MD Buehler, Bruce A, MD Keifer, Katherine A, MD 68022 Specht, Patrick J, MD 68949 Kearney Pediatrics 68803 707 N 190th Plz 402-955-6140 Calderon, Cicero M, MD 414 East Ave 402-559-6275 Gasseling, Philip A, MD Kutilek, Janice M, MD 2444 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1100 68949 68803 Gomes, Agnes A, MD 2444 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1100 414 East Ave 402-559-6275 68803 Gardner, Timothy A, MD 2444 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1100 Colombo, John L, MD Collignon-Howe, Michele P, MD Danford, David A, MD 2444 W Faidley Ave 402-955-4339 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 Holdrege Pediatrics Thomas, Heather M, MD Higgins, Karen M, MD 68022 620 N Highway 6, Ste C 402-332-4485 68028 Hastings Pediatric Endocrinology Rizzo, William B, MD Shaffer, Kenton L, MD La Vista Pediatrics 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1325 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1325 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 120 402-463-6828 68901 707 N 190th Plz 402-955-6140 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 103 402-463-6828 68901 Bausch, Lawrence C, MD 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 103 402-463-6828 68901 Hawk, Bobbi J, MD Fernandez, Cristina, MD Gary, Dawn M, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 Harrison, Francis J, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 Hudson, Cathy H, MD Jirka, John H, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 Kerr, Brady A, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-955-6140 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 Krenzer, Kari A, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 68022 Kronberg, Kent W, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 Loucks, Erin A, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 68022 Macklem, Monique L, MD 68333 Mikuls, Mary Jane F, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 Anglim, Katherine E, MD Arispe, Emilio A, MD McNally, Clancy E, MD 717 N 190th Plz 470-815-1325 Kratochvil, Jillyn A, MD Brabec, Bradford A, MD 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 68022 Kaufman, David G J, MD Bernhardson, Paul D, MD 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 Isaacson, Sheila M, MD Applegate, Michael Scott, MD Bargen, Amy L, MD 68333 Foley, Katherine S, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 Crete Pediatrics 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 68025 Elkhorn Neonatology 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 Anderson, Deborah M, MD Efobi, Morris B, MD 220 E 22nd St 402-727-5500 Carnazzo, Jane M, MD Allen, Kimberly K, DO 404 W Mission Ave, Ste A 402-991-5437 68005 Sindelar, Steven S, MD 68719 68022 Springman, Sue A, MD Awad, Khalid A, MD Claassen, Shirley A, MD 68333 Russell, Stephen R, MD Sawyer, Alexis L, MD Dulac, Michael J, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 Thomas, Heather M, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 Pinkall Holst, Amy J, MD 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6900 68010 Erickson, Christopher C, MD 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 McCann, Rachel L, MD O'Grady, Patrick M, MD Reel, Jill S, MD Bausch, Anne Marie W, MD 11507 S 42nd St, Ste 101 402-955-7600 68123 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6900 68010 11507 S 42nd St, Ste 101 402-955-7600 68123 Niazi, Akhtar M, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 Straley, Joseph G, MD Vanderbur, Lars E, MD 68022 Votruba, Amanda M, MD 68022 Walenz, Elizabeth A, MD 68022 Wilczewski, Michael J, MD Woodford, Robert D, MD Yaghmour, Anthony K, MD Fremont Pediatrics Colombo, John L, MD 220 E 22nd St 402-727-5500 68025 Groppe-Giesselmann, Paige, MD 750 E 29th St 402-753-2900 68025 750 E 29th St 402-753-2900 68025 220 E 22nd St 402-727-5500 68025 Lutz, Richard E, MD 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 120 402-463-6828 68901 Pediatric Neurology Larsen, Paul D, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 205 402-463-4521 68901 Pediatrics Corley, Kevin P, MD Howe, Janet S, MD Johnson, Kristen, MD Namachivayam, Ganesh K, MD 9801 Giles Rd, Ste 1 402-955-8400 68128 9801 Giles Rd, Ste 1 402-955-8400 68128 9801 Giles Rd, Ste 1 402-955-8400 68128 9801 Giles Rd, Ste 1 402-955-8400 68128 Dulac, Michael J, MD Harrison, Francis J, MD McCann, Rachel L, MD Lincoln Neonatology 1600 S 48th St 402-481-7333 68506 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 68510 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8838 68506 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 68510 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 103 402-463-6828 68901 Owusu-Ansah, Albert, MD 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 103 402-463-6828 68901 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 203 402-463-2431 68901 Tan, Rosemarie C, MD 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 103 68901 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 203 402-463-2431 68901 Gumbiner, Carl H, MD Whalen, Shade R, MD Zoucha, Kenneth, MD MacDonald, Madeleine, MD 402-463-6828 Schiffbauer, John L, MD Andresen, John C, MD Pediatric Cardiology 575 S 70th St, Ste 425 402-219-5200 68510 575 S 70th St, Ste 425 402-219-5200 68510 Martin, Ameeta, MD 68022 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Pediatrics Bargen, Amy L, MD Pediatric Endocrinology Corley, Kevin P, MD 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 68526 Desmangles, Jean Claude G, MD 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 68526 Pediatric Gastroenterology Kunnath, Sharad D, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 435 402-219-7454 68510 Prestridge, Laurel L, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 435 402-219-7454 68510 Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Gnarra, David, MD 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 Gordon, Bruce G, MD 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 Harper, James L, MD 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 68526 68526 68526 Thompson, Elizabeth I, MD 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 68526 Pediatric Pulmonology Sammut, Paul H, MD 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 Wilson, Mark C, MD 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 68526 68526 68506 68505 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 68504 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 210 402-465-5600 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 68505 Biven, Kara L, MD 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 68504 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 210 402-465-5600 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 68505 Bleicher, Stacie R, MD 7441 O St, Ste 303 402-483-6036 68510 Brabec, Bradford A, MD 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 68504 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 210 402-465-5600 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 68505 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8838 68506 Broadhead, Sara K, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 435 402-219-7454 7001 A St, Ste 110 402-489-0800 68510 68510 Danford, David A, MD 68526 575 S 70th St, Ste 425 402-219-5200 David, Jeffrey J, MD Reinhardt, Adam L, MD 68526 Pediatric Surgery Abdessalam, Shahab, MD 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 68504 Bernhardson, Paul D, MD Cruce, Alicia A, MD Pediatric Rheumatology 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 Greisen, Joel A, MD Brisso, Mark A, MD Colombo, John L, MD 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 5401 South St 402-483-9531 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 68510 3200 Sumner St 402-476-3200 68502 4501 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-489-3834 68516 Davis, Jason J, MD 4501 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-489-3834 68516 Dell, Carrie A, MD 68526 4501 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-489-3834 68516 68526 4501 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-489-3834 68516 Azarow, Kenneth S, MD Dews, Heather A, MD 4501 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-489-3834 68516 Houston, Stacey L, MD 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 5401 South St 402-483-9531 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 Jones-Jobst, Sian, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 435 402-219-7454 Hardisty, Lisa I, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 435 402-219-7454 68510 Schmidt, Michael A, MD Koch, Robert K, MD 7001 A St, Ste 110 402-489-0800 Lopez, Kathy, MD 68516 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 68504 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 210 402-465-5600 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 68505 Meduna, David J, MD 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 68504 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 210 402-465-5600 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 68505 Niazi, Akhtar M, MD 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 68504 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 210 402-465-5600 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 5440 South St 402-424-6025 68506 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 68505 O'Grady, Patrick M, MD 68526 4501 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-489-3834 68516 6041 Village Dr, Ste 150 402-423-1900 68516 1021 N 27th St 402-476-1455 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 8055 O St, Ste 300 402-421-0904 Anderson, Kay L, MD 4501 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-489-3834 68516 Applegate, Michael Scott, MD 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 68504 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 210 402-465-5600 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 68505 68503 Erickson, Christopher C, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 425 402-219-5200 Fletcher, Larry L, MD 1021 N 27th St 402-476-1455 Fletcher, Scott E, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 425 402-219-5200 68510 Olson, Cynthia M, MD Pavkovic, Ivan M, MD 7441 O St, Ste 303 402-483-6036 68510 Friesen, Kurstin L, MD 4501 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-489-3834 68516 Germer, Michael J, MD 4501 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-489-3834 68516 210 McNeel Ln 402-559-9197 68198 Demare, Jeffrey S, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4200 68114 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4200 68114 Kadlec, Kelly D, MD Macfadyen, Andrew J, MD 69101 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4200 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68114 68198 Mysore, Mohan R, MD Pediatrics Colombo, John L, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4200 Noronha, Luke, MD 68114 Thomas, Heather M, MD 210 McNeel Ln 402-559-9197 69101 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4200 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 210 McNeel Ln 308-534-9230 69101 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4200 68114 Willman, Brent A, MD 601 W Leota St 308-696-8837 69101 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4200 68114 Wilson, Bernard J, MD 210 McNeel Ln 308-534-9230 69101 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4200 68114 210 McNeel Ln 402-559-9197 69101 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4200 68114 68510 Walsh, Michelle G E, MD 7001 A St, Ste 110 402-489-0800 68510 Prasad, Vijay K, MD 6041 Village Dr, Ste 150 402-423-1900 68516 Shepherd, Dell A, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 Thomas, Heather M, MD 68510 Radiology-Pediatric Kruse, Travis D, MD 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 68526 Schroeder, Bruce A, MD 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 4445 S 86th St 402-955-1500 68526 68526 Nebraska City Pediatric Pulmonology 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 68701 Pediatric Pulmonology 68701 Blomenberg, Daniel G, MD 301 N 27th St, Ste 1 402-844-8000 68701 301 N 27th St 402-559-6275 68701 Colombo, John L, MD 68198 68114 601 N 30th St, Ste 2300A 402-559-6750 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6750 68198 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5400 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5400 68701 301 N 27th St, Ste 1 402-844-8000 68701 Gebhardt, Leon L, MD 68114 68114 68198 68114 Woodard, Lucille R, MD 2915 Grant St 402-453-1433 5420 NW Radial Hwy 402-558-9242 68111 68104 Pediatric Cardiology Gumbiner, Carl H, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4339 Kugler, John D, MD 1500 Koenigstein Ave 402-644-7132 301 N 27th St 402-844-8000 68131 68114 68198 Norton, Bridget M, MD Olsen, Brian S, MD Reynolds, George E, MD Thakker, Jayesh C, MD Truemper, Edward J, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4200 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68114 68198 Pediatric Endocrinology Cabrera, Monina S, MD 7823 Chicago Ct 402-955-3871 Corley, Kevin P, MD 68114 7823 Chicago Ct Needelman, Howard W, MD 402-955-3871 68114 8200 Dodge St Desmangles, Jean Claude 402-955-7400 68114 G, MD Schmidt, John W, MD 7823 Chicago Ct Willett, Lynne D, MD Nelson, Jeffrey S, MD Isburg, Carroll D, MD 601 N 30th St 402-280-4100 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Sparks, John W, MD Lutz, Richard E, MD Corley, Kevin P, MD Anderson-Berry, Ann L, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-6140 Norfolk Pediatric Endocrinology 1500 Koenigstein Ave 402-644-7132 Omaha Neonatology Grebe, John H, MD Nelson, Jeffrey S, MD Pediatrics 2355 Superior St, Ste 103 402-465-5600 68521 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 210 402-465-5600 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 68505 68701 68114 69101 68510 Pinkall Holst, Amy J, MD 68503 68701 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4200 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Swisher, William P, MD 68510 68510 Chaplin, Robert N, MD 210 McNeel Ln 402-559-9197 1300 Nebraska Ave 402-379-3250 Petersen, Michelle B, MD 68701 North Platte Pediatric Endocrinology 555 S 70th St 402-559-6275 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 Erickson, Charles G, MD 1410 N 13th St 402-379-2322 68510 Matthias, Monica S, MD Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Vasudevan, Jayan, MD Corley, Kevin P, MD 68510 Pediatrics Springman, Sue A, MD 301 N 27th St 402-559-6275 4501 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-489-3834 68516 Leeper, Kathryn J, MD 5930 S 58th St, Ste W 402-423-6402 68510 68701 Thomas, Heather M, MD 68510 68510 Larson, Elizabeth A, MD 7441 O St, Ste 303 402-483-6036 68510 1410 N 13th St 402-379-2322 301 N 27th St, Ste 1 402-844-8016 Lutz, Richard E, MD Kinberg, Jo A, MD 7001 A St, Ste 110 402-489-0800 575 S 70th St, Ste 310 402-441-4760 7111 A St, Ste 100 402-484-5437 68510 Ryschon, Timothy W, MD 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 68504 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 210 402-465-5600 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 68505 7001 A St, Ste 110 402-489-0800 Ebers, Douglas D, MD 68505 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 68504 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 210 402-465-5600 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 68505 68526 Raynor, Stephen, MD Duensing, David D, MD 68506 Sawyer, Alexis L, MD 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 Cusick, Robert, MD 68504 6041 Village Dr, Ste 150 402-423-1900 68516 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 210 402-465-5600 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 68505 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 Russell, Stephen R, MD 7500 Mercy Rd 402-554-0900 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4339 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68114 402-955-3871 Lutz, Richard E, MD 412 S Saddle Creek Rd 402-559-6418 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68114 68131 68131 68114 68198 Pediatric Gastroenterology Kunnath, Sharad D, MD 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-391-7684 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6540 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 Vanderhoof, Jon, MD 68124 68114 68198 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 Zapata, Fernando, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5700 68114 68701 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 19 Pediatrics Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Abromowitch, Minnie, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-3950 68114 Beck, Jill C, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-3950 Coulter, Don W, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-3950 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68114 68114 Gnarra, David, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-3950 68198 68114 Pediatric Neurology Andrews, Richard V, MD 11930 Arbor St, Ste 200 402-697-1601 68144 Kader, Fred J, MD 8424 W Center Rd, Ste 212 402-884-1590 68124 Nelson, James E, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5372 68114 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5372 68114 Oliver, Young P, MD Pavkovic, Ivan M, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5372 68114 Wright, Rhonda R, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5372 68114 Pediatric Pulmonology Colombo, John L, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5570 68114 Nelson, Jeffrey S, MD 16945 Frances St 402-397-7400 Sammut, Paul H, MD 68130 68114 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5570 68114 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5570 68114 Thomas, Heather M, MD Pediatric Rheumatology Reinhardt, Adam L, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68114 68198 Pediatric Surgery Abdessalam, Shahab, MD 601 N 30th St 402-955-7400 8200 Dodge St 402-955-7400 68131 68114 Azarow, Kenneth S, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-7400 Cusick, Robert, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-7400 Raynor, Stephen, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-7400 68114 68114 68114 Pediatric Urology Donovan, John M, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4160 Abraham, Nadia A, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5400 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Abromowitch, Minnie, MD Amstutz, Kenton R, DO 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 118 402-458-5124 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6800 68144 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-391-7684 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 Buehler, Bruce A, MD 412 S Saddle Creek Rd 402-559-6418 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 Byrne, Thomas M, MD 16811 Burke St, Ste 101 402-573-7337 68118 Anderson, Karoline S, MD Calderon, Cicero M, MD Anglim, Katherine E, MD Carnazzo, Jane M, MD Antonson, Dean L, MD Chatterjee, Archana, MD 16811 Burke St, Ste 101 402-573-7337 68118 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7222 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 100 402-955-3000 68164 4224 S 50th St 402-733-3444 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 8301 Dodge St 402-280-4448 Emile At 42nd St 402-280-4448 Asher, Nathan G, MD 16929 Frances St 402-758-5124 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68114 68198 68130 68124 68108 68131 68124 68144 68117 68114 68198 Christensen, David M, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 68144 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 Coccia, Peter F, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Cohen, Michael D, MD 68124 16811 Burke St, Ste 101 402-573-7337 68118 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Bausch, Anne Marie W, MD Colombo, John L, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5570 Wilson, Mark C, MD Bruce, Jason C, MD Pediatrics 68114 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 119 N 51st St 402-449-5959 Belin, Marie M, MD 68132 16811 Burke St, Ste 101 402-573-7337 68118 Bolam, David L, MD 601 N 30th St 402-280-4100 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68131 68198 Bosch, Rosanne L, MD 12808 Augusta Ave 402-330-5690 68144 Broadhead, Sara K, MD 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-498-3358 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-391-7684 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 Corley, Kevin P, MD 68198 412 S Saddle Creek Rd 402-559-6418 68131 Danford, David A, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4339 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Davey, Kurt A, MD 68114 68198 16811 Burke St, Ste 101 402-573-7337 68118 Deegan, Thomas J, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 Dek, Mary C, MD 16811 Burke St, Ste 101 402-573-7337 68118 Delair, Shirley F, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 68114 Delaney, Jeffrey W, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4339 68114 Delgado, Eduardo E, MD 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 Demare, Jeffrey S, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Desai, Alka, MD 68198 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 100 402-955-3000 68164 Dickey, Margarita A, MD 3353 L St 402-354-7700 20 68107 Direnzo-Coffey, Gina, MD 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 16929 Frances St 402-758-5214 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 118 402-458-5124 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6540 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 Doherty, Patrick J, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 68144 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 Domet, Mark J, MD 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 118 402-458-5124 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 Douglas, Bernard W, MD 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 Dulac, Michael J, MD 68135 68124 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-5437 68118 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 119 N 51st St 402-449-5959 68132 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 100 402-955-3000 68164 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 68144 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7222 68144 16909 Q St 402-955-7575 68135 4224 S 50th St 402-733-3444 68117 601 N 30th St, Ste 6820 402-280-4580 68131 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 8701 W Dodge Rd, Ste 404 402-955-5437 68114 9202 W Dodge Rd, Ste 101 402-955-7500 68114 El Mohandes, Ayman E, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4500 Ellis, Cynthia R, MD 68198 412 S Saddle Creek Rd 402-559-6418 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Ellison, Joseph R, MD 12808 Augusta Ave 402-330-5690 68144 Erickson, Christopher C, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-559-9800 68130 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4339 68114 Fellman, Susan L, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 68144 Fernandez, Cristina, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 6820 402-280-4580 68131 Finken, David A, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68114 Hinkhouse, Jay J, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 68144 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 Hollins, Susan C, MD 5050 Ames Ave 402-595-2280 68104 Hudson, Cathy H, MD 68198 601 N 30th St, Ste 6820 402-280-4580 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4208 68198 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 68114 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 68114 12808 Augusta Ave 402-330-5690 68144 Fischer, Ryan T, MD Fisher, Lewis J, MD Fletcher, Garth E, MD 601 N 30th St 402-280-4100 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Fletcher, Scott E, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4339 Fuss, Alan G, MD 68131 68198 68114 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 68144 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 Gary, Dawn M, MD Isaacson, Sheila M, MD Itkin, Philip G, MD James, Scott S, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 68144 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 Jensen, Duane M, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 68144 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 Joekel, Corey S, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 68144 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 8200 Dodge St 402-955-3871 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 9202 W Dodge Rd, Ste 101 402-955-7500 68114 Gordon, Bruce G, MD Grovas, Alfred C, MD Grush, Michael L, MD Kadlec, Kelly D, MD Kaftan, Harold A, MD 68198 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 118 402-458-5124 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 601 N 30th St 402-280-4100 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 17650 Wright Plz, Ste 5 402-334-2300 68130 3830 N 167th Ct 402-965-4000 68116 8814 Maple St 402-343-0095 68134 Hammett, Patricia S, MD Haney, Suzanne B, MD 7110 F St 402-595-1326 Hardisty, Lisa I, MD 68117 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-391-7684 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-778-6900 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 68131 68198 Kaufman, David G J, MD 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 100 402-955-3000 68164 Kaushik, Ruchi, MD 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 Kelley, Norman R, MD Kenien Erpelding, Julie A, MD 4224 S 50th St 402-733-3444 68117 8401 W Dodge Rd, Ste 280 402-955-6877 68114 Kizer, Robert, MD 8303 Dodge St, Ste 712 402-354-2360 68114 Harper, James L, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Pediatrics Knowles, Nancy E, MD 119 N 51st St 402-449-5959 68132 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 100 402-955-3000 68164 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7222 68144 16909 Q St 402-955-7575 68135 4224 S 50th St 402-733-3444 68117 601 N 30th St, Ste 6820 402-280-4580 68131 8701 W Dodge Rd, Ste 404 402-955-5437 68114 9202 W Dodge Rd, Ste 101 402-955-7500 68114 Kratochvil Stava, Angela J, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1100 402-955-8350 68118 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 68144 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 Kratochvil, Jillyn A, MD 119 N 51st St 402-449-5959 Krenzer, Kari A, MD 68132 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-5437 68118 16909 Q St 402-955-7575 68135 Kronberg, Kent W, MD 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 100 402-955-3000 68164 Kutty, Shelby, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4339 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Lacroix, Amy E, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Lane, Pascale H, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Larsen, Paul D, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5372 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Lees, Bonnie J, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5400 Lewis, Elena J, MD 68114 68114 68198 68198 68114 68198 68114 68114 68198 68114 Loucks, Erin A, MD Matson, Linda K, MD 68132 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 Maurer, Harold M, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 68114 Maxwell, Andrew J, MD McAllister, Janice L, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5372 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 8200 Dodge St 402-955-3871 68114 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 68118 Meyer, Karen K, MD Mikuls, Mary Jane F, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-5437 68118 Mogenson, Michelle T, DO 4224 S 50th St 402-955-7474 Moore, John C, MD 68117 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-5437 68118 Moore, Michael J, MD 119 N 51st St 402-449-5959 68132 Moran, Michael J, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 68144 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 Mysore, Mohan R, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 68114 68114 68198 Penny, Gregory T, MD 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 118 402-458-5124 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-391-7684 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 Penny, Katherine E, DO 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 68124 Needelman, Howard W, MD Phillips, Arlana R, MD 412 S Saddle Creek Rd 402-559-6418 68131 444 S 44th St 402-559-6402 68131 2915 Grant St 402-451-3553 5420 NW Radial Hwy 402-558-9242 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7222 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Neuhaus, Stephanie K, MD 68144 Nichols, Rosann C, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 68144 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 119 N 51st St 402-449-5959 McCann, Rachel L, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0620 68118 Nielsen, Laura W, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-5437 68118 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 100 402-955-3000 68164 Norton, Bridget M, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Okoruwa, E E, MD 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 Olney, Richard F, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6750 Paradis, Mara P, MD 68198 68124 68198 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 Pease, Dahlia B, DO 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 68124 Pitner, Sheryl L, MD Quiros, Ruben E, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4208 Reel, Jill S, MD 68111 68104 68198 68114 68198 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 118 402-458-5124 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 Reiser, Jennifer C, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 68114 Reynolds, George E, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Rice, Lawrence M, MD 10105 Maple St 402-572-3140 68134 16909 Q St 402-955-7575 68135 Rizal, Chandrika, MD Rizzo, William B, MD 412 S Saddle Creek Rd 402-559-6418 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Roy, Chitrita G, MD 614 N 108th Ct 402-991-5437 Rupp, Ellen E, MD Rush, Charles T, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 14610 W Center Rd 402-330-7403 2419 M St 402-933-9582 2429 M St 402-731-7333 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 Russell, Ann B, MD 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 118 402-458-5124 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 68118 68144 68144 68107 68107 68114 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 118 402-458-5124 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 Sammut, Paul H, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 68124 Sauer, Margaret A, MD Sawyer, Alexis L, MD 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-391-7684 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6540 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 Schomer, Amy L, MD 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 Seivert, Patricia A, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Severson, Gregory C, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0620 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Shidler, Kelli J, MD 68154 Snyder, Sheilah J, MD 68114 68118 68135 68137 68114 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 68124 Simonsen, Kari A, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7222 68144 Smith, Jennifer A, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 119 N 51st St 402-955-7676 68132 Specht, Patrick J, MD Sprague, Charles J, MD 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 118 402-758-5124 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 St Germain, Melissa L, MD 9202 W Dodge Rd, Ste 101 402-955-7500 68114 Steinauer, Patrick J, MD 16811 Burke St, Ste 101 402-573-7337 68118 Stephenson, Betsy J, MD 16909 Q St 402-955-7575 68135 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Stoolman, Sharon R, MD Straley, Joseph G, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 100 402-955-3000 68164 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 68144 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 Thakker, Jayesh C, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Thomas, Heather M, MD Thompson, Elizabeth I, MD Tolo, David, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 Tomek, Debra J, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 68144 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 Tonniges, Thomas F, MD 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 118 402-458-5124 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 202 402-391-9041 68124 Uzendoski, Donald M, MD 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 118 402-458-5124 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 202 402-391-9041 68124 Vanderbur, Lars E, MD 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 100 402-955-3000 68164 9202 W Dodge Rd, Ste 101 402-955-7500 68114 Vandersluis, Nancy L, MD 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 118 402-458-5124 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 202 402-391-9041 68124 Vann, John J, MD 12808 Augusta Ave 402-330-5690 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 Varman, Meera, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 6820 402-280-4448 68131 8200 Dodge St 402-955-2550 68114 Vasudevan, Jayan, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 68144 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 Votruba, Amanda M, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 68118 68137 68114 Vuchetich, Emily J, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 68144 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 Walburn, John N, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 16909 Q St 402-955-7575 68135 Walenz, Elizabeth A, MD Whaley, Debra K, MD 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 Whitcomb, Lisa L, MD 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68144 Vargas, Monica M, MD 68135 21 Pediatrics Wilczewski, Michael J, MD 16909 Q St 402-955-7575 68135 Williams, Karen D, MD 4224 S 50th St 402-733-3444 Wilt, Scott D, MD 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 Winter, Louise, MD 68117 68124 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6510 68127 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-827-6511 68114 Winterscheid, Melinda L, MD 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 118 402-458-5124 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 202 402-391-9041 68124 Woodford, Robert D, MD Papillion Pediatric Gastroenterology Kunnath, Sharad D, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 Pediatrics Amstutz, Kenton R, DO 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 Wilt, Scott D, MD Russell, Stephen R, MD 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 68046 Winterscheid, Melinda L, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 Broadhead, Sara K, MD Scott-Mordhorst, Tina R, MD Bruce, Jason C, MD Snyder, Sheilah J, MD Delgado, Eduardo E, MD Wilwerding, Laura E, MD Direnzo-Coffey, Gina, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 1938 E Highway 34 402-296-6009 68048 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 1938 E Highway 34 402-296-6009 68048 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 1938 E Highway 34 402-296-6009 68048 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 Schuyler Neonatology 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 68114 9202 W Dodge Rd, Ste 101 402-955-7500 68114 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 Woodard, Lucille R, MD Yaghmour, Anthony K, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 601 N 30th St, Ste 6820 402-280-4580 68131 Kaushik, Ruchi, MD Zach, Terence L, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 Scottsbluff Pediatrics Buehler, Bruce A, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Kobayashi, Ai Lan D, MD 401 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 325 402-592-1700 68046 Franques, Ashlea E, MD 68198 Zimmerman, Heather L, MD 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 Hammett, Patricia S, MD 104 W 17th St 402-352-2441 68661 2 W 42nd St, Ste 1200 308-630-1650 69361 2 W 42nd St, Ste 1200 308-630-1811 69361 2 W 42nd St, Ste 1200 308-630-1811 69361 2 W 42nd St, Ste 3600 308-630-1650 69361 2 W 42nd St, Ste 1200 308-630-1811 69361 Reel, Jill S, MD 2 W 42nd St, Ste 1200 308-630-1811 69361 Rupp, Ellen E, MD Valentine Pediatrics Paradis, Mara P, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 Pease, Dahlia B, DO 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 Penny, Gregory T, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 Penny, Katherine E, DO 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 68465 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 Asher, Nathan G, MD Domet, Mark J, MD 68465 203 W 4th St 402-821-3293 Springman, Sue A, MD Zimmerman, Heather L, MD Plattsmouth Pediatrics 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 203 W 4th St 402-821-3293 Guerue, Cynthia D, MD Rizzo, William B, MD Ryschon, Timothy W, MD Taylor, Brandon M, DO Pediatrics - DevelopRyschon, Timothy W, MD mental - Behavioral Russell, Ann B, MD 148 E 1st St, Ste 400 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 Pediatrics 69201 402-827-0636 68046 402-376-4469 Steenson, Andrea J, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 6820 402-280-4580 68131 8200 Dodge St 402-955-2550 68114 Sawyer, Alexis L, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 Wilber Pediatrics 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 Applegate, Michael Scott, MD Saxena, Kristin L, MD 68046 Pediatrics - Pediatric 402-827-0636 Schomer, Amy L, MD Infectious Diseases 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 Snowden, Jessica R, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 Emile At 42nd St 402-280-4448 68114 68198 Radiology-Pediatric Kruse, Travis D, MD 402-827-0636 Shidler, Kelli J, MD 68046 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 Sprague, Charles J, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 Tonniges, Thomas F, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1100 402-955-8350 68118 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5600 68114 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 110 N 175th St, Ste 1100 402-955-8350 68118 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5602 68114 Vandersluis, Nancy L, MD Schroeder, Bruce A, MD 22 Uzendoski, Donald M, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 Whaley, Debra K, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1820 402-827-0636 68046 203 W 4th St 402-821-3293 68465 203 W 4th St 402-821-3293 68465 203 W 4th St 402-821-3293 68465 203 W 4th St 402-821-3293 68465 203 W 4th St 402-821-3293 68465 203 W 4th St 402-821-3293 68465 203 W 4th St 402-821-3293 68465 203 W 4th St 402-821-3293 68465 Bargen, Amy L, MD Bernhardson, Paul D, MD Brabec, Bradford A, MD Jones-Jobst, Sian, MD Meduna, David J, MD Niazi, Akhtar M, MD O'Grady, Patrick M, MD The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Dental Nebraska Jones, Michael J, DDS Adams General Practice Dentistry Jones, Timothy J, DDS Dental 68301 Ainsworth General Practice Dentistry 69210 2583 S Hwy 14, Ste 1 402-395-6625 68620 305 W Church St 402-395-2211 68620 McMillan, Samuel A, DDS Williams, John S, DDS 68620 69301 712 Fort Crook Rd N 402-733-6066 68005 512 Lincoln St 402-228-3119 68310 512 Lincoln St 402-228-3119 68310 Gleason, Timothy M, DDS Osborne, Scott E, DDS 68310 68310 68310 Roche, Jason C, DDS 110 Eastside Blvd, Ste A 402-223-4140 68310 68310 Villafane, Juan A, DDS 402-223-2139 68922 68310 Villafane, Justin J, DDS 801 W Court St 402-223-2139 68310 Woodward, Richard D, DDS 801 W Court St 402-223-2139 68003 Auburn General Practice Dentistry 68310 Bellevue General Practice Dentistry Bucy, William L, DDS 68005 Aspiazu, Justyna K, DDS 2115 14th St 402-274-3709 68305 Schulte, Steven W, DDS 68305 Weeder, Gregory C, DDS 2115 14th St 402-274-3709 68305 Orthodontics 900 W Mission Ave 402-291-5842 Batko, David M, DDS 900 W Mission Ave 402-291-5842 68005 68005 Belcher, Matthew R, DDS 900 W Mission Ave 402-291-5842 68005 Carpenter, Jason J, DDS Sheehan, Timothy J, DDS 68305 Aurora General Practice Dentistry 1411 J F Kennedy Dr 402-291-3535 68005 Colwell, Robert F, DDS 712 Fort Crook Rd N 402-733-6066 68005 Deford, Katherine L, DDS 702 W Mission Ave 402-291-1340 Drake, Cindy L, DDS Allen, J M, DDS 68818 Anderson, James B, DDS 68818 11513 S 37th St 402-292-1200 68123 Gosch, Kendra L, DDS 702 W Mission Ave 402-291-1340 68005 3843 Harrison St 402-733-2281 68147 11536 S 31st St 402-291-4468 68123 Marcuzzo, John A, DDS 1304 Harlan Dr 402-291-4411 68005 712 Fort Crook Rd N 402-733-6066 68005 702 W Mission Ave 402-291-1340 68005 McConnell, Nathan M, DDS McIntosh, Patrick X, DDS Otto, George W, DDS 3509 Harrison St 402-733-4770 68005 3811 Twin Creek Dr, Ste 103 402-715-5775 68123 Dworak, Jeffrey D, DDS 2211 Capehart Rd, Ste 105 402-885-8990 68123 68147 Rudersdorf, Thomas O, DDS 11513 S 37th St 402-292-1200 68123 1004 Lincoln Rd, Ste 4 402-293-1176 68005 Semin, Frank J, DDS Shinnawie, Rami S, DDS 900 W Mission Ave 402-291-5842 68005 1004 Lincoln Rd, Ste 4 402-293-1176 68005 1201 Betz Rd 402-291-3721 68005 Smith, Allan M, DDS Stacey, Richard A, DDS Sullivan, John T, DDS 702 W Mission Ave 402-291-1340 68005 Swartz, Thomas J, DDS 712 Fort Crook Rd N 402-733-6066 68005 1411 J F Kennedy Dr 402-291-3535 68005 Thomas, Phil J, DDS Anderson, Jamar A, DDS 1411 J F Kennedy Dr 402-291-3535 Garvey, Jeffrey T, DDS Mack, David R, DDS Gleason, David M, DDS 906 E Court St 402-228-3112 Foral, Brian J, DDS Huffman, Dennis M, DDS 68310 801 Elk St 402-223-5346 English, Ruth N, DDS Gaspard, Eugene M, DDS 512 Lincoln St 402-228-3119 2010 E Court St 402-223-3145 Cooper, Jack D, DDS 1019 11th St 402-694-6466 68005 Russell, John C, DDS Ashland General Practice Dentistry 1219 N St 402-694-2044 68818 712 Fort Crook Rd N 402-733-6066 68715 Schaepler, Charles M, DDS 801 W Court St 2326 Dahlke Ave 402-274-5110 68005 Pinkerton, William A, DDS Arapahoe General Practice Dentistry 2326 Dahlke Ave 402-274-5110 900 W Mission Ave 402-291-5842 Beatrice General Practice Dentistry 431 N 7th St 402-228-3112 Moody, Justin D, DDS 705 N 17th Ave 402-944-3305 68818 Battle Creek General Practice Dentistry Pinkerton, K E, DDS Alliance General Practice Dentistry 407 Nebraska Ave 308-962-7811 68005 Gleason, Daniel D, DDS Heidemann, Richard L, DDS 511 Niobrara Ave 308-762-1990 1219 13th St 402-694-4002 208 W Main St 402-675-3075 Albion General Practice Dentistry 305 W Church St 402-395-2211 68818 Wade, Richard M, DDS Spann, David S, DDS 255 N Maple St 402-387-2404 1226 L St 402-694-6154 Engel, Richard E, DDS 1411 J F Kennedy Dr 402-291-3535 Reichardt, Kirk R, DDS Osborne, Scott E, DDS 601 Main St, Ste A 402-988-2003 1226 L St 402-694-6154 Trogdon, Gavin A, DDS 712 Fort Crook Rd N 402-733-6066 68005 Oral Surgery Ogunleye, Afolabi O, DDS 1411 J F Kennedy Dr 402-291-3535 68005 Orthodontics 2219 Capehart Rd, Ste 102 402-934-8858 68123 Labart, Wayne A, DDS 1411 J F Kennedy Dr, Ste 101 402-292-4141 68005 Longo, Alfred T, DDS 68005 Pedodontics Rakes, George M, DDS 1411 J F Kennedy Dr, Ste 101 402-292-4141 68005 Seiler, Scott D, DDS 11511 S 42nd St 402-291-5400 68123 1411 J F Kennedy Dr, Ste 101 402-292-4141 68005 Quincy, Edward E, DDS 1617 17th Ave 308-946-3841 68826 Bennington General Practice Dentistry Chadron General Practice Dentistry Bacino, Paul E, DDS Johnson, Daniel R, DDS Cozad General Practice Dentistry Hecox, Michael W, DDS 810 E St 308-784-2828 69130 132 S Stark St 402-238-2434 68007 259 King St 308-432-5623 69337 15813 C W Hadan Dr 402-238-9922 68007 341 Main St 308-432-3277 Crawford General Practice Dentistry 69337 Moody, Justin D, DDS Tipp, Steven J, DDS Trumm, Erich J, DDS 15813 C W Hadan Dr 402-238-9922 68007 Lambert, Travis W, DDS 705 1st St 308-665-2025 Chappell General Practice Dentistry Blair General Practice Dentistry Krueger, Richard T, DDS Coulter, Herbert C, DDS Low, Kevin C, DDS 1904 South St, Ste 103 402-426-3334 68008 246 Vincent Ave 308-874-2910 69129 246 Vincent Ave 308-874-2910 69129 Bloomfield General Practice Dentistry Columbus General Practice Dentistry Tusha, Kenneth R, DDS Alexander, Susan M, DDS 309 W Main St 402-373-4457 68718 Broken Bow General Practice Dentistry Clark, Bradley J, DDS 310 S 9th Ave 308-872-2575 68822 Simmons, Ronnie R, DDS 924 S 1st Ave 308-872-6294 68822 Burwell General Practice Dentistry 68823 424 Grand Ave 308-346-4988 68823 Cambridge General Practice Dentistry 2672 33rd Ave 402-564-7575 68601 2277 22nd Ave 402-563-3631 68601 2526 17th St 402-564-4408 68601 2921 13th St 402-564-7180 68601 2921 13th St 402-564-7180 68601 Burwell, Michael B, DDS Kumpf, Rex D, DDS Pavlik, Kendra R, DDS 69022 1618 20th St 308-946-5255 68826 1617 17th Ave 308-946-3841 68826 1617 17th Ave 308-946-3841 68826 1617 17th Ave 308-946-2842 68826 1617 17th Ave 308-946-3841 68826 Coon, Matthew J, DDS Parks, Wesley N, DDS Jirovec, James E, DDS 1304 Kingwood Ave 402-826-2645 68333 1304 Kingwood Ave 402-826-2645 68333 1117 Main Ave 402-826-2488 68333 Jirovec, R J, DDS Kennedy, Bruce O, DDS Orthodontics Rallis, Paul J, DDS 130 E 13th St 402-826-4302 68333 Crofton General Practice Dentistry Briggs, Darcie J, DDS 1103 W 2nd St 402-388-4388 68730 68730 Briggs, Michael O, DDS 68601 2526 17th St 402-564-4408 David City General Practice Dentistry 68601 Luedtke, Thomas H, DDS 2457 33rd Ave 402-564-4093 68601 Wessling, Jerry B, DDS 2071 33rd Ave, Ste B 402-644-4452 68601 2628 23rd St 402-564-1821 68601 Eagle General Practice Dentistry 2071 33rd Ave, Ste A 402-564-1998 68601 Whitney, Riel E, DDS Cortland General Practice Dentistry 224 W 4th St 402-798-2139 68331 585 N 5th St 402-367-3025 68632 597 E St 402-367-3005 68632 Furst, Henry C, DDS 632 S 4th St 402-781-2525 68347 Elkhorn General Practice Dentistry Nielsen, Mark A, DDS 1908 N 203rd St, Ste 3 402-289-2036 68022 Roeber, Brandi K, DDS 1405 N 205th St, Ste 100 402-289-1574 68022 Wortman, Paul W, DDS 20281 Wirt St 402-289-3522 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68729 Crete General Practice Dentistry 2921 13th St 402-564-7180 Villafane, Justin J, DDS Martin, Tommy R, DDS 1209 Main St 402-358-3484 1103 W 2nd St 402-388-4388 Walline, David D, DDS 68826 Dimmitt, Brandi J, DDS 68601 Quattrocchi, Joseph A, DDS Stineman, Jon D, DDS 1617 17th Ave 308-946-3841 69339 Creighton General Practice Dentistry 2672 33rd Ave 402-564-7575 Stadler, Andrew P, DDS Central City General Practice Dentistry Kelly, Brian K, DDS 68601 Ronkar, Rebecca A, DDS Cope, Dean D, DDS Clarke, Jeff F, DDS 3024 25th St 402-563-4565 Bailey, Dana L, DDS Mancuso, Stephen J, DDS 424 Grand Ave 308-346-4988 307 Nelson St 308-697-3736 68601 Mancuso, Gerald P, DDS Garner, Timothy P, DDS Pedersen, R L, DDS 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-7500 Bargen, Michelle L, DDS Barger, Tina R, DDS Dunlow, Neil E, DDS 121 W Mission Ave 402-291-0528 Thakker, Angeli J, DDS 68022 23 Dental Orthodontics Rothe, Laura E, DDS 1405 N 205th St, Ste 100 402-289-3232 68022 902 Avenue D, Ste 101 308-537-3359 68355 Malcolm, Terry L, DDS 68355 Fremont General Practice Dentistry Drahota, Lumir J, DDS 68025 Lake, Stephanie L, DDS 710 E 22nd St 402-721-1666 Braasch, Bradley O, DDS Reichert, Hubble V, DDS 68801 903 N Alpha St 308-382-2964 68803 Harris, Kristine L, DDS 1003 W 3rd St 308-382-0110 Hull, William W, DDS 68801 2504 N Webb Rd 308-381-7077 68803 Jacobs, Timothy L, DDS McCarthy, Emily R, DDS 2009 W Faidley Ave 308-382-8677 1835 E Military Ave, Ste 105 402-721-0488 68025 1435 E 23rd St 402-727-9100 Kearns, Richard T, DDS 1947 E Military Ave 402-727-8700 68025 Rohrs, Tina L, DDS 68025 230 E 22nd St, Ste 1 402-721-8200 68025 Scheer, Martin D, DDS Schlumberger, Robert C, DDS 710 E 22nd St 402-721-1666 68025 Wewel, James P, DDS 2953 N Clarkson St 402-721-0744 68025 Orthodontics 2412 W Faidley Ave 308-389-2811 2412 W Faidley Ave 308-389-2811 Kelly, Brian K, DDS 2412 W Faidley Ave 308-389-2811 68803 68803 68803 68803 68801 McGowan, Shay P, DDS Meeske, Jessica A, DDS 2948 N Clarkson St 402-721-5257 68025 Mendlik, Mark G, DDS 1830 N Bell St 402-721-5714 68025 Samuelson, Greg S, DDS 2220 N Nye Ave 402-721-2206 68025 Pedodontics 2414 W Faidley Ave 308-381-4452 68803 Neuhaus, John A, DDS 815 N Custer Ave 308-384-0534 68803 Obermiller, Jama L, DDS 1003 W 3rd St 308-382-0110 68801 Omalley, Cheryl L, DDS Rothe, Vincent V, DDS 1947 E Military Ave 402-727-8700 68025 Friend General Practice Dentistry 68803 Portwood, Holly A, DDS 2414 W Faidley Ave 308-381-4452 Rief, Mindy L, DDS 68803 2414 W Faidley Ave, Ste 101 308-382-7813 68803 Kubicek, Richard D, DDS 920 2nd St 402-947-5111 206 Wilmar Ave, Ste 4 308-384-7500 68359 Ruben, William S, DDS 638 N Webb Rd, Ste 1 308-381-0167 68803 Stoddard, David J, DDS 815 N Custer Ave 308-384-0534 Fullerton General Practice Dentistry 68638 600 E Fulton St 402-654-2539 68128 68901 68031 Hebron General Practice Dentistry 68642 Papousek, Kyle A, DDS 203 Elm St 402-923-1606 68642 203 Elm St 402-923-1606 68642 Kearney General Practice Dentistry 124 N 5th St 402-768-7252 68370 444 Lincoln Ave 402-768-7222 68370 Hickman General Practice Dentistry 650 Chestnut St, Ste 2 402-792-3000 68372 323 Walnut St 402-792-2445 68372 Parks, Wesley N, DDS 650 Chestnut St, Ste 2 402-792-3000 68372 68949 130 W 14th Ave 308-995-8666 68949 Diedrichsen, Fred, DDS 68128 Williamson, Jace, DDS 68128 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 68128 8601 Harrison St 402-331-9500 68128 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 68128 Laurel General Practice Dentistry Webber, Barry W, DDS 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 124 E 2nd St 402-256-3231 68745 124 E 2nd St 402-256-3231 68745 Dahl, Lee A, DDS Wycoff, Reid C, DDS Pedodontics Lavista General Practice Dentistry 68128 Lincoln Endodontics Makkawy, Hany-Anwar M, DDS 40th & Holdrege St 402-472-8900 68583 General Practice Dentistry Alderman, Bradley R, DDS 68128 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 68128 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 68128 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 68128 Ameku, Yoshiharu, DDS 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 68128 Amend, Cori S, DDS 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 68128 Antholz, Travis J, DDS 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 68128 Baum, Douglas P, DDS 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 68128 Blome, Gregory D, DDS 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 68128 Blome, Sara E, DDS 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 68128 Brenneise, Earl E, DDS 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 68128 Burbach, Michael W, DDS 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 68128 Burgher, Lucas W, DDS 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 68128 Calkins, Timothy D, DDS Pedodontics 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 68128 Poorman-Maaske, Teresa L, DDS 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 Choobineh, Maryam M, DDS 68128 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 68128 Bowles, Meagan R, DDS 68847 Davis, Gregory L, DDS 4106 6th Ave 308-237-3479 68845 Diprima, Katherine M, DDS 4106 6th Ave 308-237-3479 68845 Farmer, William R, DDS 2908 W 39th St, Ste B 308-338-2050 68845 Hagen, Kenneth J, DDS 3324 2nd Ave 308-234-9212 68847 Hoge, Mikala A, DDS Bush, Stephen R, DDS Cochran, Jordan E, DDS Frerichs, James R, DDS 402-233-5855 68847 Hendrickson, Ronald R, DDS 68845 4114 4th Ave 308-237-5166 68845 115 W 32nd St 308-234-4913 68847 3020 Central Ave 308-236-5922 68847 Nachtigal, Dennis H, DDS Sawyer, Jay T, DDS 68845 Orthodontics 121 E 31st St 308-234-5437 68845 68847 Lanphier, Rita V, DDS Lanphier, Terrence F, DDS Miller, Paige E, DDS Raleigh, Michelle M, DDS Redlinger, Teala D, DDS Rhoades, Seth R, DDS Riha, Frank J, DDS 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 68128 Roeber, Brandi K, DDS Frill, Mark C, DDS 9731 Giles Rd 402-537-4620 Kebriaei, Amy J, DDS Piper, James M, DDS Swenson, Steven J, DDS 408 W 39th St, Ste 2 308-234-9226 Jones, Justin C, DDS McFadden, Laura J, DDS La Vista General Practice Dentistry 130 W 14th Ave 308-995-8666 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 315 W 11th St 308-234-9339 Ogden, Ronald D, DDS 68128 Wees, Julie M, DDS 68128 Schaepler, Charles M, DDS Martin, Tommy R, DDS 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 8050 S 84th St 402-331-1695 Belcher, Matthew R, DDS Jensen, Shane A, DDS Wiedel, Anthony J, DDS Shadegg-Hicks, Katherine V, DDS 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 4114 4th Ave 308-237-5166 Cossaart, James K, DDS Schilmoeller, Michael J, DDS Benson, Rachel J, DDS Mark R, DDS Lockwood, Edward H, DDS Griffiths, 3324 2nd Ave 601 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-462-6557 68901 Panneton, Mark J, DDS Thomas, John B, DDS Humphrey General Practice Dentistry Barger, Tina R, DDS Pedodontics Butz, Robert J, DDS 68803 68949 Schlaebitz, Bruce P, DDS 4701 1st Avenue Pl 308-236-7306 601 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-462-6557 68901 Zersen, Wade R, DDS 68803 68128 9731 Giles Rd 402-537-4620 Applegate, Scott J, DDS 601 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-462-6557 68901 Holdrege General Practice Dentistry 1909 W Faidley Ave 308-382-6150 68739 Hastings General Practice Dentistry Wilson McElroy, Heather J, DDS 908 N Howard Ave, Ste 103 308-382-1890 68803 Maas, Daniel J, DDS Bernecker, Jay M, DDS 2217 W 12th St, Ste 4 402-462-4660 68949 Hooper General Practice Dentistry Smith, Eric E, DDS Portwood, Holly A, DDS Luther, Kristen M, DDS 1003 W 3rd St 308-382-0110 68028 Hartington General Practice Dentistry 103 W Main St 402-254-3969 130 W 14th Ave 308-995-8666 Lewis, Thomas E, DDS 8104 S 96th St, Ste 1 402-339-2141 Nelsen, Thomas J, DDS 203 Elm St 402-923-1606 Hurd, Joseph J, DDS 830 Village Sq 402-332-3946 1223 Hill St 308-995-8639 Doyle, James R, DDS Orthodontics Meeske, Jessica A, DDS Lofgreen, David V, DDS 638 N Webb Rd, Ste 1 308-381-0167 11820 Standing Stone Dr 402-905-2880 68028 Hutchins, Richard A, DDS 2414 W Faidley Ave, Ste 101 308-382-7813 68803 Beck, Marcia K, DDS 24 68803 Kelly, Amber L, DDS Kelly, Bradley J, DDS 1435 E 23rd St 402-727-9100 502 4th St 308-536-2120 68803 638 N Webb Rd, Ste 1 308-381-0167 68028 216 Enterprise Dr, Ste 3 402-332-2748 68028 Janda, David E, DDS Roeber, Brandi K, DDS Cockerill, Patrick J, DDS Macaitis, Michael K, DDS 2916 W Stolley Park Rd, Ste B 308-382-6660 68801 68025 Gretna General Practice Dentistry 830 Village Sq 402-332-3946 Lamprecht, Adam A, DDS 68025 68803 Grand Island General Practice Dentistry Ecklund, Steven B, DDS 68025 1629 E Military Ave 402-721-7255 69138 1804 N Cleburn St 308-381-4995 Callaway, Richard E, DDS 1605 E Military Ave 402-721-8770 1811 W 2nd St, Ste A 308-384-0332 Strohmyer, Randal E, DDS James, Charles R, DDS 1910 Chase St 402-245-4636 Meyer, Michael P, DDS 69138 513 10th St 308-537-7195 Hohman, Douglas M, DDS Pedodontics Graff, James J, DDS Falls City General Practice Dentistry 2107 Stone St 402-245-4122 Gothenburg General Practice Dentistry 68128 8041 S 83rd Ave 402-884-1174 68128 1550 S Coddington Ave, Ste F 402-438-5555 68522 5800 N 33rd St 402-742-2001 68504 7940 S 13th St 402-423-3333 68512 Alderman, Kathryn Y, DDS 1550 S Coddington Ave, Ste F 402-438-5555 68522 5800 N 33rd St 402-742-0000 68504 7940 S 13th St 402-423-3333 68512 630 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 203A 402-466-1333 68505 1413 S 13th St 402-474-5504 68502 3445 O St 402-474-3445 68510 1620 S 70th St, Ste 104 402-486-4050 68506 2710 S 70th St 402-483-7000 68506 2710 S 70th St 402-483-7000 68506 4820 Pioneers Blvd 402-488-8081 68506 5800 N 33rd St 402-742-0000 68504 5733 S 34th St, Ste 200 402-423-2370 68516 4740 F St 402-488-1661 68510 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 300 402-464-8686 68505 Christensen, Susan A, DDS 5640 South St, Ste 1 402-489-0787 68506 Ciobanu, Layusiana V, DDS 1021 N 27th St 402-476-1640 1500 U St 402-472-7495 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68503 68588 Nov 17, 2010 Dental Claridge, Denise D, DDS 5611 N W 1st Ste, Ste 108 402-438-5588 68521 68516 1500 U St 402-472-7495 8251 Northwoods Dr 402-484-6666 68583 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 250 402-423-3322 68516 Condello, Bruce A, DDS 7555 S 57th St, Ste 4 402-423-9040 Covey, David A, DDS 40th & Holdrege St 402-472-8900 Dalton, Michael E, DDS 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 306 402-466-5602 68505 Diers, Erin M, DDS 5800 N 33rd St 402-742-0000 7940 S 13th St 402-423-3333 68504 68512 Dinkelman, Timothy N, DDS 1401 Superior St, Ste 5 402-477-1177 68521 Dodson, Kent E, DDS 8251 Northwoods Dr 402-484-6666 Johndreau, Melissa A, DDS 68505 Donner, Sarah C, DDS 68588 68505 Johnson, Brent D, DDS Johnson, Mark O, DDS 3265 Sheridan Blvd 402-483-2871 68502 Narayana, Nagamani, DDS 40th & Holdrege St 402-472-8900 68583 Neuhaus, Kenton W, DDS 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 306 402-464-6060 68505 4960 O St 402-475-0070 68510 68508 5140 S 56th St 402-423-1100 68516 8545 Executive Woods Dr 402-423-1100 68512 68510 Olberding, Louis F, DDS 2810 S 48th St 402-483-4424 68506 Olson, Scott L, DDS 4830 Saint Paul Ave 402-466-2248 Kerns, Steven G, DDS King, Dennis S, DDS 6100 Village Dr, Ste 100 402-421-6611 68516 King, Joshua P, DDS 5140 S 56th St 402-423-1100 68516 8545 Executive Woods Dr 402-423-1100 68512 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 115 402-488-2325 68516 1500 S 70th St, Ste E200 402-489-7373 68506 Palmer, James D, DDS 6129 Havelock Ave 402-467-1116 68507 Papineau, Elizabeth L, DDS 68505 Kotopka, Michael S, DDS 3265 Sheridan Blvd 402-483-2871 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 308 402-441-4400 68502 Dworak, John S, DDS 1600 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-489-3837 68506 Dworak, Justin T, DDS 1600 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-489-3837 68506 Etzelmiller, Arjay J, DDS 3200 Pine Lake Rd, Ste C 402-420-2266 68516 Fisher, Roger J, DDS 5801 S 58th St, Ste AA 402-488-2727 68516 Flagtwet, Lonnie R, DDS 4700 Antelope Creek Rd 402-483-6662 68506 Fournier, Amy J, DDS 1540 S 70th St, Ste 201 402-476-4744 68506 Free, James D, DDS 6201 S 58th St, Ste D 402-420-6565 68516 Fritsch, Thomas M, DDS 3901 Normal Blvd, Ste 202 402-489-3115 68506 6040 Village Dr 402-420-2222 68516 Lacey, Stuart G, DDS 3445 O St 402-474-3445 68510 Larson, Sandra S, DDS 1919 S 40th St, Ste 105 402-483-1054 68506 144 N 44th St, Ste F 402-438-5000 68516 Lovelace, Kent E, DDS 1101 S 70th St, Ste 201 402-483-1101 68510 Lyman, Dayton W, DDS 2834 N 14th St 402-477-4222 68521 Macknight, Christopher J, DDS 5140 S 56th St 402-423-1100 68516 8545 Executive Woods Dr 402-423-1100 68512 68502 McFarland, Kimberly K, DDS Haisch, Larry D, DDS 1500 U St 402-472-7495 Haman, Julie C, DDS 6040 Village Dr, Ste B 402-420-2525 68506 68588 68516 Hohlen, Todd W, DDS 1500 U St 402-472-7495 James, Ben J, DDS 100 N 12th St 402-476-8058 68588 68508 Pollock, Kris M, DDS 68510 5930 S 58th St, Ste E 402-423-9045 2623 Stockwell St 402-421-7500 3933 S 48th St 402-489-5500 827 S 48th St 402-486-0825 Lindenmuth, Lance B, DDS Post, Chris A, DDS Martin, Max M, DDS 68516 Plooster, Roger D, DDS 8330 Dawson Creek Bay 402-325-6056 68505 Lewis, Rusty O, DDS 68526 Gouldie, Judd R, DDS Pejsar, Steven L, DDS 2623 Stockwell St 402-421-7500 68502 4640 Champlain Dr, Ste 105 402-477-5665 68521 4525 S 86th St, Ste A 402-489-7806 6040 Village Dr 402-420-2222 Parks, Wesley N, DDS 1919 S 40th St, Ste 200 402-488-6716 68506 1919 S 40th St, Ste 105 402-483-1054 68506 Martin, Dennis C, DDS Gessford, Benjamin D, DDS 68502 Krueger, Rebecca R, DDS 68504 Garcia, Tracy N, DDS Pardee, Robert C, DDS 4210 Pioneer Woods Dr, Ste D 402-484-6042 68506 1600 N 56th St 402-467-3636 Fulton, Melanie J, DDS Tetrick, Thomas N, DDS 4960 O St 402-475-0070 Kaelin, Derek R, DDS 6500 Holdrege St 402-466-5216 Dutter, Dean R, DDS Straub, Peter R, DDS 5140 S 56th St 402-423-1100 68516 8545 Executive Woods Dr 402-423-1100 68512 Korte, Allen N, DDS 68583 Merna Schoettger, Robert A, DDS General Practice 8000 S 13th St 402-423-8000 68512 Dentistry Foster, James B, DDS Pathology-Oral 130 W Old Highway 2 Nolte, Richard S, DDS 68510 40th & Holdrege St 402-472-8900 Steckelberg, Melanie A, DDS 68506 140 S 16th St 402-435-6101 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 306 402-466-5602 68505 Durham, Timothy M, DDS Rallis, Paul J, DDS 3272 Salt Creek Cir, Ste A 402-476-1500 68504 3201 S 33rd St, Ste A 402-489-7800 Nguyen, Van H, DDS 3445 O St 402-474-3445 Dowd, Michael J, DDS Stark, Heidi J, DDS 4700 Normal Blvd 402-786-2221 3445 O St 402-474-3445 1021 N 27th St 402-476-1640 Melvin, Bryan J, DDS 501 Leavitt Ln 402-489-8318 Miller, Jay E, DDS Reddy, Arathi J, DDS 1021 N 27th St 402-476-1640 6944 A St, Ste B 402-483-7597 68588 68508 68510 68506 1101 S 70th St, Ste 201 402-483-1101 68510 Murphy, Brent E, DDS 5140 S 56th St 402-423-1100 68516 8545 Executive Woods Dr 402-423-1100 68512 Sartori, Peter, DDS 300 N 44th St, Ste 108 402-477-4020 Sedlak, John R, DDS 1021 N 27th St 402-476-1455 68583 68526 68503 68516 68516 68503 Shaffer, Ryan M, DDS 5533 S 27th St, Ste 102 402-423-1616 68512 Shaffer, Steven E, DDS 5533 S 27th St, Ste 102 402-423-1616 68512 Soukup, Jessica J, DDS 100 N 12th St 402-476-8058 Tullis, Byron W, DDS 68508 Sowers, Rebecca J, DDS 251 Capitol Beach Blvd, Ste 14 402-475-8710 68528 68506 68502 68505 6520 Holdrege St 402-464-1861 68505 Tullis, Stephen A, DDS Utecht, Gregory E, DDS 144 N 44th St, Ste B 402-477-3456 68503 Vakilzadian, Fariba B, DDS 5140 S 56th St 402-423-1100 68516 8545 Executive Woods Dr 402-423-1100 68512 Vanicek, Mark L, DDS 6101 Village Dr, Ste 102 402-420-2600 68516 Watanabe, Hidehiko, DDS 40th & Holdrege St 402-472-8900 68583 Weber, Steven E, DDS 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 301 402-464-0635 68505 Wheeler, Terri L, DDS 770 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 202 402-434-2360 68505 Wieland, Richard C, DDS 1021 N 27th St 402-476-1640 Wood, David S, DDS Zieg, David C, DDS 68503 68510 68507 1001 S 70th St, Ste 105 402-486-1001 68510 Hedlund, Louis M, DDS 68506 Wickless, James W, DDS 68510 Orthodontics Brockman, David L, DDS 5945 S 56th St 402-420-2400 8020 S 13th St 402-421-8020 68516 Cascini, Brett R, DDS 68512 2621 S 70th St, Ste A 402-483-4322 68506 Milius, Thomas J, DDS 68510 6825 S 27th St, Ste 202 402-489-8841 68512 308-643-2255 Milford General Practice Dentistry Spahr, Janna E, DDS 112 S B St 402-761-2351 68405 112 S B St 402-761-2351 68405 Spahr, Jeffery D, DDS 68583 Sveen, Melissa J, DDS 1600 S 48th St 402-434-3367 1710 S 70th St 402-434-3367 555 S 70th St 402-434-3367 7001 A St, Ste 103 402-434-3367 68506 68506 68510 68510 Periodontics Byarlay, Matthew R, DDS 40th & Holdrege St 402-472-8900 68583 40th & Holdrege St 402-472-8900 68583 Payne, Jeffrey B, DDS Louisville General Practice Dentistry 227 Main St 402-234-5325 229 Main St 402-234-3000 68959 309 N Minden Ave 308-832-1010 68959 110 E Hawthorne St 308-832-2582 68959 McCann-Carpenter, Marse M, DDS Schreiner, Alexandria M, DDS Nebraska City General Practice Dentistry Einerson, William J, DDS 106 S 12th St 402-873-6373 68410 162 Butternut Ln 402-873-3111 68410 1807 4th Corso, Ste 7 402-873-5005 68410 1100 Central Ave 402-873-5048 68410 1306 1st Ave 402-873-5654 68410 Kummer, Sonya L, DDS McNeely, Molly E, DDS 68037 Miller, Duane M, DDS Tilts, Janis, DDS 68037 Loup City General Practice Dentistry Orthodontics Barnard, Richard W, DDS 1308 1st Ave 402-873-6850 Jordan, Clint R, DDS 607 O St 308-745-1861 68853 607 O St 308-745-1861 68853 McElroy, John M, DDS Madison General Practice Dentistry 203 S Main St 402-454-2515 110 E Hawthorne St 308-832-2582 Jensen, Terry M, DDS 322 M St 402-887-5214 68748 68410 Neligh General Practice Dentistry 68756 Newman Grove General Practice Dentistry Truong, Thu T, DDS 412 Hale Ave 402-447-6469 68758 Nix, Billy C, DDS 411 W 5th St 308-345-2273 69001 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68856 Birkestrand, Christopher L, DDS 40th & Holdrege St 402-472-8900 Mc Cook General Practice Dentistry Harre, Paula L, DDS 69001 Salama, Fouad S, DDS 4630 Antelope Creek Rd, Ste 140 402-489-7432 68506 6100 Village Dr, Ste 102 402-421-6900 68516 Ficke, John R, DDS 1701 W N St 308-345-3410 Osenbaugh, Mary V, DDS Bring, Gary N, DDS Cserna, Annette, DDS Seligman, Darin D, DDS Minden General Practice Dentistry 1530 S 70th St, Ste 201 402-483-1009 68506 3100 O St, Ste 1 402-475-6666 68512 8020 S 13th St 402-421-8020 Rohrs, Jason L, DDS Blaha, David A, DDS 6930 L St, Ste A 402-489-8501 68583 Pedodontics Liebentritt, Michael, DDS Oral Surgery 4940 Normal Blvd 402-486-1200 40th & Holdrege St 402-472-8900 Killeen, Martin D, DDS 6520 Holdrege St 402-464-1861 68510 Scott, Rebecca F, DDS 6040 Village Dr, Ste B 402-420-2525 2746 South St 402-488-9022 Giannini, Peter J, DDS Fought, Gregory A, DDS 68504 Troia, Anthony S, DDS 6301 Havelock Ave 402-466-2241 Schneider, Jack D, DDS 5310 S 56th St, Ste 3 402-423-2900 4940 Normal Blvd 402-486-1200 68503 Rienhardt, John W, DDS Rohrs, Tina L, DDS Treat, Vicki L, DDS 7441 O St, Ste 205 402-486-4646 Reid, Christina R, DDS 68510 Meyer, Michael P, DDS 2621 S 70th St, Ste A 308-384-0332 1500 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-489-9929 68506 4525 S 86th St, Ste A 402-489-7806 68503 68503 Rauscher, Bruce C, DDS 68506 Meakin, Glory L, DDS 1201 O St, Ste 304 402-476-6869 144 N 44th St, Ste F 402-438-5000 40th & Holdrege St 402-472-8900 McKnight, Douglas J, DDS 1500 U St 402-472-7495 Post, Robin R, DDS 68503 Tolly, Chad W, DDS 3256 Salt Creek Cir 402-742-3000 68504 8328 Dawson Creek Bay 402-742-3000 68505 25 Dental Norfolk General Practice Dentistry Ogallala General Practice Dentistry Bazant, Vlastimil, DDS Weber, Scott M, DDS 501 N 13th St 402-371-0180 68701 2104 Taylor Ave 402-371-6566 68701 Becker, Stephen P, DDS Dendinger, Eric J, DDS 2104 Taylor Ave 402-371-6566 513 S 13th St 402-379-2775 68701 Doyle, James R, DDS 513 S 13th St 402-379-2775 68701 68701 Karmazin, Daniel J, DDS 110 W Benjamin Ave 402-379-0468 68701 Karmazin, Stephen E, DDS 110 W Benjamin Ave 402-379-0468 68701 Krivohlavek, Bradley J, DDS 2501 Lakeridge Dr, Ste 102 402-371-1170 68701 1502 N 13th St 402-371-1360 2104 Taylor Ave 402-371-6566 513 S 13th St 402-379-2775 Petta, William J, DDS 69153 Omaha Endodontics Corcoran, William C, DDS 9202 W Dodge Rd, Ste 301 402-397-3636 68114 Drake, Tobin N, DDS 68130 Hermsen, Michael S, DDS 615 N 90th St 402-393-5050 Ibarrola, Jose L, DDS 68114 68124 68134 Karimjee, Corey K, DDS Maixner, David A, DDS 13520 California St, Ste 220 402-398-9887 68154 1105 S 13th St, Ste 200 402-371-7433 68701 Redd, Christopher J, DDS 1109 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-2377 68701 1300 W Nebraska Ave 402-371-0845 General Practice Dentistry 68701 Sintek, Charles A, DDS Skoglund, Charles S, DDS 2104 Taylor Ave 402-371-6566 513 S 13th St 402-379-2775 68701 68701 Stanton, Stephanie K, DDS 1105 S 13th St, Ste 200 402-371-3745 68701 Stineman, Jon D, DDS 2501 Lakeridge Dr, Ste 100 402-644-4452 68701 Timperley, Dennis D, DDS 1502 N 13th St 402-371-1360 68701 Oral Surgery Pfeifle, Robert M, DDS 109 N 29th St 402-371-5880 68701 615 N 90th St 402-393-5050 68114 Akkoseoglu, Ali I, DDS 9015 Arbor St, Ste 133 402-391-0138 Allen, Amber M, DDS 68124 3506 N 147th St, Ste 100 402-216-7298 68116 Aspiazu, Justyna K, DDS 11229 W Dodge Rd 402-593-9911 68154 Badie, Margaret M, DDS 743 N 120th St 402-492-8500 68154 11320 Q St 402-339-6078 68137 Baeder, W F, DDS Batko, David M, DDS 11110 Fort St, Ste 106 402-492-8300 14133 Q St 402-895-1900 68164 68137 Beals, Gregory M, DDS North Platte General Practice Dentistry 17775 Mason St 402-758-9399 68118 Walrod, Derek P, DDS 17775 Mason St 402-758-9399 68118 Beeson, Thomas J, DDS 1225 S Poplar St, Ste 500 308-534-8080 69101 Pedodontics Becker, James W, DDS 10020 Nicholas St, Ste 201 402-614-2024 68114 Behle, Michael M, DDS 5202 Leavenworth St 68106 Simpson, Jonathan H, DDS 402-556-1603 Belcher, Matthew R, DDS 321 E 3rd St 308-534-1332 69101 18021 R Plz, Ste 1 402-934-2600 68135 Oakland 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 68144 General Practice 2811 N 90th St 402-391-0459 68134 Dentistry 3932 S 24th St Brosnihan, James B, DDS 402-733-3932 68107 228 N Oakland Ave 5321 Center St 402-685-5677 68045 402-559-2238 68106 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 68127 26 Berry, Thomas P, DDS 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 172 402-493-3636 68164 Beutler, Paul K, DDS 6811 S 167th St 402-861-6565 Ellis, Timothy R, DDS Billesbach, Sarah T, DDS 7930 Drexel St 402-917-8193 68132 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4110 68107 16831 Q St 402-894-1181 18015 Oak St, Ste A 402-763-4929 68118 Gerheauser, Summer A, DDS Ehlen, Leslie A, DDS 615 N 90th St 402-393-5050 Fimple, Jacob L, DDS 17404 Burke St 402-493-2112 2002 Vinton St 402-341-5306 8424 W Center Rd, Ste 100 402-397-1300 68124 5006 Dodge St 402-554-1333 7930 Blondo St 402-397-7799 68114 Dudzinski, Bernard P, DDS Durham, Timothy M, DDS 9202 W Dodge Rd, Ste 301 402-397-3636 68114 Ellison, Larry J, DDS 16909 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 111 402-884-1828 68130 14137 S St 402-895-2316 7930 Drexel St 402-917-8293 13625 California St, Ste 300 402-933-8005 68154 13520 California St, Ste 220 402-398-9887 68154 Schroeder, David C, DDS Chang-Anding, Michelle L, DDS Belling, Michael J, DDS 401 E A St 308-284-4485 68701 68701 Belitz, Judith A, DDS 2420 S 73rd St, Ste 301 402-393-8444 68124 68701 Papousek, Kyle A, DDS Chadwell, Amy T, DDS 2420 S 73rd St, Ste 301 402-393-8444 68124 2410 S 73rd St 402-393-8439 8909 Grant St 402-572-1120 Merritt, David G, DDS Belitz, John F, DDS 68134 Blecha, Paul S, DDS 68135 Bober, Karen M, DDS 2602 J St 402-733-1325 7930 Drexel St 402-917-8193 68107 68127 Bolamperti, Matthew P, DDS 4866 S 96th St 402-331-4444 68127 Bolamperti, Terence A, DDS 14801 W Center Rd 402-330-2007 3609 S 50th St 402-556-3070 68144 68106 Bolamperti, Theodore J, DDS 4864 S 96th St 402-339-3366 Bolamperti-O'Malley, Natalia M, DDS 14801 W Center Rd 402-330-2007 3609 S 50th St 402-556-3070 68127 68144 68106 Bowles, Meagan R, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 68144 68107 4702 Lafayette Ave 402-933-4632 68132 Chase, Mark T, DDS Cherek, Jeffry F, DDS 68135 Chesire, Taryn M, DDS 68127 Coffey, Stephen L, DDS 2141 S 63rd St 402-551-1811 68106 Corpuz, Ralph M, DDS 13025 Arbor St 402-334-5656 68144 Cox, Charles W, DDS 5005 S 84th St 402-339-3519 68127 Curry, Roger K, DDS 5440 S 108th St 402-331-2647 68137 Dabbert, William A, DDS 11320 Q St 402-339-6078 68137 3422 S 144th St 402-934-4818 68144 Dalton, Brion P, DDS Danahay, Michael C, DDS 68108 989375 Nebraska Medical Ctr 402-559-6100 68198 14707 California St, Ste 15 402-498-0777 68154 68144 4843 S 24th St 402-731-0388 68107 1720 N 120th St 402-496-1591 68154 1131 S 119th St 402-333-0186 68144 1113 N 72nd St 402-558-6220 68114 8761 W Center Rd 402-393-5857 68124 1113 N 72nd St 402-558-6220 68114 68144 311 N 76th St 402-393-0594 68114 English, Ruth N, DDS Fahey, Walter J, DDS Fangman, Terrance, DDS Farmer, William R, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 2811 N 90th St 402-391-0459 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 68134 68107 68106 68127 Fender, Derek A, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 2915 Grant St 402-451-3553 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 Fitzgerald, Richard D, DDS 68111 68107 68106 68127 Davis, Kirk J, DDS Ferguson, Laura C, DDS 15909 W Maple Rd, Ste 102 402-991-6965 68116 5709 NW Radial Hwy 402-551-1757 68104 Flynn, Daniel D, DDS 2002 Vinton St 402-341-5306 3631 N 129th St 402-493-8320 68108 68164 Foix, Christoph P, DDS 4028 Harrison Plz 402-731-8678 68147 Foral, Brian J, DDS 15615 W Dodge Rd 402-614-9378 68118 Braasch, Mark A, DDS 1305 S 119th St 402-333-7470 68144 Branchaud, James A, DDS 5006 Dodge St 402-554-1333 68132 Formanack, Thomas, DDS 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 112 402-445-4647 68164 302 N 168th Cir, Ste 208 402-505-7474 68118 5360 S 72nd St 402-733-4441 68127 68118 68106 68127 1111 N 102nd Ct, Apt 214 402-397-9330 68114 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 202 402-330-2330 68144 8710 Countryside Plz 402-391-2280 68114 Bresnahan, William J, DDS 14220 Pierce Plz 402-333-5555 68144 Dean, David L, DDS Deford, Katherine L, DDS Demman, James R, DDS Burchfiel, Timothy P, DDS Dewispelare, Dean D, DDS 68154 68154 628 N 129th St 402-492-9398 Byrd, Daniel K, DDS 5200 N 91st Ave 402-572-7677 68134 Carlisle, Michael J, DDS 10801 Blondo St, Ste D 402-493-9361 68164 Carlisle, William L, DDS 10801 Blondo St, Ste D 402-493-9361 68164 Carney, William G, DDS 14202 Y St 402-895-2085 68137 Carson, Brad W, DDS 5202 Leavenworth St 402-556-1603 68106 Caudillo, Maribel, DDS 14406 Harrison St 402-333-1120 68138 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4110 68107 11229 W Dodge Rd 402-593-9911 17853 Pierce Plz 402-614-0322 Dietrich, Amy E, DDS 68130 12100 W Center Rd, Ste 110 402-330-5080 68144 Dilorenzo, Scott C, DDS 111 N 40th St 402-884-4400 68131 Diprima, Katherine M, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 68144 68107 68106 68127 Gosch, Kendra L, DDS 11836 Elm St, Ste 1 402-334-8208 1209 Harney St, Ste 400 402-342-3901 68102 68144 68127 Gimenez, Peter J, DDS 5011 L St 402-731-5423 68117 9840 S 168th Ave, Ste 4 402-884-2400 68136 14211 Arbor St, Ste 200 402-614-6300 68144 16919 Audrey St, Ste 40 402-932-9413 68136 Davis, Gregory L, DDS 68137 11110 Fort St, Ste 106 402-492-8300 68164 12100 W Center Rd, Ste 521 402-333-3343 68144 9006 Ohio St, Ste 2 402-393-3555 68134 Govier, Bruce E, DDS Greder, Jennifer A, DDS Greder, Mack E, DDS Green, Nathan M, DDS Gustafson, Doyle D, DDS 10730 Pacific St, Ste 105 402-391-1047 68114 Hagen, Kenneth J, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 2811 N 90th St 402-391-0459 68144 68134 Hanfland, Matthew L, DDS 14211 Arbor St 402-614-6300 68144 Hardy, Benjamin G, DDS 1111 N 102nd Ct, Ste 202 402-393-6400 68114 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7204 68107 7930 Drexel St 402-917-8193 68127 Havelka, Gregory A, DDS 2410 S 73rd St 402-393-8439 68124 5323 N 134th Ave 402-492-9303 68164 Hild, Jill E, DDS Hogan, Robert M, DDS 1201 S 157th St, Ste A5 402-697-0765 68130 Hoge, Mikala A, DDS 14345 Fort St, Ste 800 402-493-7111 68164 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 2811 N 90th St 402-391-0459 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 111 N 40th St 402-884-4400 68131 2623 N 72nd St 402-553-8552 68134 5709 NW Radial Hwy 402-551-1757 68104 7348 Blondo St 402-397-8717 68134 2505 S 174th Plz 402-697-3838 68130 7348 Blondo St 402-397-8717 68134 2802 Webster St, Fl 3 402-280-3045 68178 17775 Mason St 402-758-9399 Franco, Joseph V, DDS Franco, Steven J, DDS Franco, Theodore S, DDS Frank, Bruce W, DDS Garro, Gregory L, DDS 3525 N 147th St, Ste 213 402-493-8900 68116 Garvey, Jeffrey T, DDS 11110 Fort St, Ste 106 402-492-8300 68164 12100 W Center Rd, Ste 521 402-333-3343 68144 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 112 402-445-4647 68164 5360 S 72nd St 402-733-4441 68127 9006 Ohio St, Ste 2 402-393-3555 68134 Gentry, Linda B, DDS 11010 Prairie Brook Rd 402-571-3415 68144 68144 68134 68107 68106 68127 Holloway, Lesley S, DDS Hoover, David E, DDS Hoover, Michael J, DDS Howard, James H, DDS Hrabak, Alan J, DDS 10828 John Galt Blvd, Ste 104 402-339-5680 68137 Hunzeker, Cade N, DDS 2430 S 179th St 402-330-1131 68130 15248 W Maple Rd 402-493-5551 68116 5404 Ames Ave 402-451-3126 68104 Jensen, Wilhelmina P, DDS Jessen, Peter C, DDS The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Dental Jones, Justin C, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 2915 Grant St 402-453-1433 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 Kutler, Sol, DDS 68144 68111 68107 68106 68127 Kanning, Nicholas A, DDS 5006 Dodge St 402-554-1333 68132 Kathan, Matthew R, DDS 5011 L St 402-731-5423 68117 Kebriaei, Amy J, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 2514 S 119th St, Ste 2 402-330-5913 2811 N 90th St 402-391-0459 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 68144 68144 68134 68107 68106 68127 Keffeler, Julie A, DDS 1201 S 157th St, Ste 105 402-697-0384 68130 Kelley, Lawrence J, DDS 2821 N 56th St 402-554-0404 Kelsey, M N, DDS 220 N 89th St, Ste 203 402-390-6006 Lanphier, Rita V, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 2811 N 90th St 402-391-0459 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5006 Dodge St 402-554-1333 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 68144 68134 68107 68132 68106 68127 Lanphier, Terrence F, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5006 Dodge St 402-554-1333 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 68144 68107 68132 68106 Layton, Carol E, DDS 3631 N 129th St 402-493-8320 68127 68164 Lenaghan, Timothy, DDS 4737 S 96th St 402-339-3187 68127 Lippold, Chris H, DDS 16919 Audrey St, Ste 40 402-932-9413 68136 68114 2067 N 120th St 402-492-8626 68114 Kentopp, Nicholas B, DDS 8701 W Dodge Rd, Ste 409 402-393-7753 68114 Khan, Robin R, DDS 17404 Burke St 402-493-2112 3631 N 129th St 402-493-2112 68114 68104 Kelsey V, William P, DDS 220 N 89th St, Ste 203 402-390-6006 McFadden, Laura J, DDS 7337 Farnam St 402-397-2323 68118 68164 Kiefer, Thomas M, DDS Lorenz, Gregory P, DDS 68164 Macaitis, Michael K, DDS 11110 Fort St, Ste 106 402-492-8300 68164 12100 W Center Rd, Ste 521 402-333-3343 68144 9006 Ohio St, Ste 2 402-393-3555 68134 Machado, Jose C, DDS 14111 Pacific St 402-896-9112 68154 Mackintosh, Regan, DDS 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4110 68107 4620 S 25th St 402-731-2100 68107 Mancuso, Frank G, DDS 3635 N 129th St 402-493-9429 68164 Mancuso, Gerald J, DDS Killeen, Amy C, DDS Kindler, Clinton A, DDS 10730 Pacific St, Ste 105 402-391-1047 68114 4102 Woolworth Ave 402-444-1696 68105 4737 S 96th St 402-339-3187 68127 7930 Blondo St 402-397-7799 7930 Blondo St 402-397-7799 68134 68134 Manning, Richard D, DDS 13304 W Center Rd, Ste 206 402-333-4563 68144 Markin, Douglas W, DDS Kirke, Michael R, DDS 5005 S 153rd St, Ste 206 402-895-4977 68137 Knauss, Michael E, DDS Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9200 3838 N 168th Ave, Ste 106 402-965-3603 68116 5686 N 103rd St 402-493-3339 68134 Knoblauch, Clyde D, DDS 501 N 87th St, Ste 201 402-393-0282 68114 Knox, Gregory S, DDS 1005 S 76th St, Ste 101 402-391-9300 68114 Kotil, Darin L, DDS 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 110 402-964-9009 68116 Kozal, Christine M, DDS 841 N 98th St 402-934-5397 68114 Krager, Karen M, DDS 2410 S 73rd St 402-397-3394 Krause, Paul F, DDS 68124 258 N 114th St 402-334-9239 68154 11836 Elm St, Ste 2 402-334-0328 68144 Kreekos, Michael, DDS Markt, Jeffrey C, DDS 68198 Maurstad, Steven C, DDS 621 N 114th St 402-895-0220 68154 McArdle, Kent E, DDS 2002 Vinton St 402-341-5306 68108 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 68144 68107 68106 68127 McGuire, Mark W, DDS 1817 N 169th Plz 402-573-9442 5011 L St 402-731-5423 68118 68117 McGuire, Matthew T, DDS 1817 N 169th Plz 402-573-9442 68118 McKenny, Mark C, DDS 4737 S 96th St 402-339-3187 68127 McManigal, Jerald E, DDS 11110 Fort St, Ste 106 402-492-8300 68164 12100 W Center Rd, Ste 521 402-333-3343 68144 13819 T Plz 402-905-2950 68137 9006 Ohio St, Ste 2 402-393-3555 68134 McNally, Stuart J, DDS 14202 Y St 402-895-2085 68137 Mendenhall, Frances G, DDS 206 S 44th St 402-551-9225 68131 Meyer, Katherine A, DDS 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4110 68107 Meyer, Michael P, DDS 311 N 76th St 402-393-0594 68114 Michael, Stephen B, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 Millea, David J, DDS 2746 N 63rd St 402-553-1042 Miller, June B, DDS 5088 S 136th St 402-895-5402 Miller, Paige E, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 Miller, Steven D, DDS 13810 P St 402-896-1999 68144 68104 68137 68144 68107 68106 68127 68144 68137 Molettiere, Courtney R, DDS McConnell, Nathan M, DDS 7701 Pacific St, Ste 4 402-390-8619 68114 5006 Dodge St 402-554-1333 68132 11320 Q St 402-339-6078 68137 68164 Neumann, Matthew C, DDS 11229 W Dodge Rd 402-593-9911 68154 16919 Audrey St, Ste 40 402-932-9413 68136 12021 Shamrock Plz 402-330-2243 Piper, James M, DDS 11919 Grant St, Ste 140 402-493-4175 68164 68144 5017 Leavenworth St 402-553-4008 2602 J St 402-733-1325 68107 206 S 19th St, Ste 1100 402-341-7576 68102 2526 S 140th St 402-895-4555 68144 14707 California St, Ste 15 402-498-0777 68154 Noel, Robert B, DDS 5006 Dodge St 402-554-1333 Nosworthy, Maria C, DDS Obrien, Dean H, DDS Obrien-Ausman, Kathleen A, DDS 15410 Weir St 402-933-7100 68137 Ochuba, Diane L, DDS 2503 N 30th St 402-455-1229 68111 Odorisio, Francis D, DDS 625 N 144th Ave 402-397-4505 68154 Olechoski, Katherine A, DDS 2141 S 63rd St 402-551-1811 68106 2945 N 108th St 402-827-3434 68164 Oliver, Gregory K, DDS Olson, Robert J, DDS 1131 S 119th St 402-333-0186 5006 Dodge St 402-554-1333 68144 68132 Omalley, Robert J, DDS 14801 W Center Rd 402-330-2007 3609 S 50th St 402-556-3070 2002 Vinton St 402-341-5306 68144 68106 7333 Farnam St 402-393-1931 3042 S 24th St 402-505-4200 Parr, William J, DDS 6770 Grover St 402-556-7794 Parra, John F, DDS 5011 L St 402-731-5423 68108 68114 68108 68106 68117 Patil-Hoffman, Priya M, DDS 68154 Pendley, Brian S, DDS 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 112 402-445-4647 68164 302 N 168th Cir, Ste 208 402-505-7474 68118 5360 S 72nd St 402-733-4441 68127 11110 Fort St, Ste 106 402-492-8300 68164 11229 W Dodge Rd 402-593-9911 68154 12100 W Center Rd, Ste 521 402-333-3343 68144 2323 S 171st St, Ste 104 402-334-4804 68130 9006 Ohio St, Ste 2 402-393-3555 68134 Pietro, James F, DDS 625 N 144th Ave 402-397-4505 68106 68127 Raleigh, Michelle M, DDS 68130 68144 68134 68107 68106 68127 Ramirez, Joseph A, DDS 12100 W Center Rd, Ste 521 402-333-3343 68144 2602 J St 402-733-1325 68107 7930 Drexel St 402-917-8193 68127 Redlinger, Teala D, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 2811 N 90th St 402-391-0459 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 68144 68134 68107 68106 68127 Reed, Sugiko M, DDS 7059 Dodge St, Ste 102 402-346-6800 68132 258 N 114th St 402-334-9239 68107 Polerecky, James P, DDS 2323 S 171st St, Ste 104 402-707-1671 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 2811 N 90th St 402-391-0459 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 68154 11010 Prairie Brook Rd 402-571-3415 68144 Rhoades, Seth R, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 2811 N 90th St 402-391-0459 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 Rich, Philip R, DDS 1334 S 119th St 402-333-7696 Riha, Frank J, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 Rising, Brent J, DDS 5011 L St 402-731-5423 Ritchie, Hal T, DDS 68144 68134 68107 68106 68127 68144 68144 68107 68106 68127 68117 2811 N 90th St 402-391-0459 68134 920 S 107th Ave, Ste 106 402-384-8414 68114 Roeber, Brandi K, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 2811 N 90th St 402-391-0459 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 Roubal, Roger W, DDS 68154 68132 Niles, Susan M, DDS Phan, Kimthoa T, DDS Murdock, Carol M, DDS Pietrok, Cassandra J, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 Patel, Vimal A, DDS 11110 Fort St, Ste 106 402-492-8300 68164 12100 W Center Rd, Ste 521 402-333-3343 68144 14202 Y St 402-895-2085 68137 Newell, Brian D, DDS 2456 S 120th St 402-333-1313 Nielsen, Jeffrey R, DDS Park, Jae W, DDS 12322 Emmet St 402-496-9950 11110 Fort St, Ste 106 402-492-8300 68164 12100 W Center Rd, Ste 521 402-333-3343 68144 9006 Ohio St, Ste 2 402-393-3555 68134 68138 Pantalone, John R, DDS Mlnarik, David R, DDS Mowat, Bruce, DDS 14406 Harrison St 402-333-1120 Ott, Sarah L, DDS McCabe, Mollie M, DDS 12100 W Center Rd, Ste 110 402-330-5080 68144 Newington, Dirk B, DDS 68144 68134 68107 68106 Russell, Cynthia C, DDS 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 112 402-445-4647 68164 302 N 168th Cir, Ste 208 402-505-7474 68118 Schneider, Kathryn P, DDS 1915 N 121st St, Ste A 402-493-2314 68154 1512 S 60th St 402-553-7888 68106 Schrad, David J, DDS Schroeder, Jeffrey J, DDS 3610 Dodge St, Ste 202 402-342-6900 68131 841 N 98th St 402-934-5397 68114 Seminara, John F, DDS 2526 S 140th St 402-333-6080 68144 5826 S 147th St 402-895-4555 68137 Severin, Matthew J, DDS Shadegg-Hicks, Katherine V, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 68144 68107 68106 68127 Sheikh, Khurrum S, DDS 4028 Harrison Plz 402-731-8678 68147 Sheldon, Norman M, DDS 12100 W Center Rd, Ste 110 402-330-5080 68144 Shinnawie, Rami S, DDS 1105 Howard St 402-505-4424 4843 S 24th St 402-731-0388 68102 68107 Siegert, Jeffrey J, DDS 3801 Dodge St 402-556-9117 68131 311 N 76th St 402-393-0594 68114 2936 S 86th Cir 402-393-2484 68124 Singh, Preeti, DDS Smith, Mark G, DDS Smith, Tyler L, DDS 11110 Fort St, Ste 106 402-492-8300 68164 12100 W Center Rd, Ste 521 402-333-3343 68144 17940 Welch Plz, Ste 106 402-932-9349 68135 9006 Ohio St, Ste 2 402-393-3555 68134 Spanel, Kenneth A, DDS 260 Regency Pkwy Dr, Ste 104 402-399-0900 68114 Stanosheck, Christopher A, DDS 9202 W Dodge Rd, Ste 201 402-884-1607 68114 Steckler, Kimberly A, DDS 11110 Fort St, Ste 106 402-492-8300 68164 12100 W Center Rd, Ste 521 402-333-3343 68144 5323 N 134th Ave 402-492-9303 68164 9006 Ohio St, Ste 2 402-393-3555 68134 Steiner, William A, DDS 8517 N 30th St 402-455-5500 68112 2623 N 72nd St 402-553-8552 68134 Stormberg, Scott M, DDS 68127 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68106 Samuelson, Jay D, DDS 27 Dental Stout, Randy E, DDS 7812 Davenport St 402-393-5248 Straub, Peter R, DDS Wees, Julie M, DDS 68114 7059 Dodge St, Ste 102 402-346-6800 68132 Strawhecker, Terrence M, DDS 14111 Pacific St 402-896-9112 68154 Svoboda, Joshua M, DDS 11229 W Dodge Rd 402-593-9911 68154 14111 Pacific St 402-896-9112 68154 16919 Audrey St, Ste 40 402-932-9413 68136 Swanson, Larry D, DDS 4737 S 96th St 402-339-3187 68127 Swartz, Thomas J, DDS 11110 Fort St, Ste 106 402-492-8300 68164 12100 W Center Rd, Ste 521 402-333-3343 68144 9006 Ohio St, Ste 2 402-393-3555 68134 Sweeney, Michael P, DDS 4737 S 96th St 402-339-3187 68127 Szeliga, Elizabeth A, DDS 8909 Grant St 402-572-1120 68134 Taggart-Burns, Carolyn L, DDS 6909 S 157th St, Ste C 402-891-9000 68136 Tanthana, Ekapon, DDS 1105 Howard St 402-505-4424 4843 S 24th St 402-731-0388 68102 Taylor, Brett H, DDS 68107 14707 California St, Ste 4 402-333-0274 68154 Taylor, Christine A, DDS 8710 N 30th St 402-451-7407 Testa, Nelso A, DDS 2319 Vinton St 402-991-0089 68112 68108 Thorfinnson, Michael L, DDS 12317 Gold St 402-330-6400 Tipp, Steven J, DDS 693 N 132nd St 402-431-8844 68144 68154 Torosian, Gregory L, DDS 8761 W Center Rd 402-393-5857 68124 Travis, Carlye Z, DDS 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 202 402-330-2330 68144 Trogdon, Gavin A, DDS 11110 Fort St, Ste 106 402-492-8300 9006 Ohio St, Ste 2 402-393-3555 Trout, Carl A, DDS 311 N 76th St 402-393-0594 Trumm, Erich J, DDS 693 N 132nd St 402-431-8844 68164 68134 68114 68154 Vieceli, Lynne M, DDS 4101 Grover St 402-553-2988 68105 Wasserburger, Jon M, DDS 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 112 402-445-4647 68164 302 N 168th Cir, Ste 208 402-505-7474 68118 5360 S 72nd St 402-733-4441 68127 Weak, Lannie L, DDS 12322 Emmet St 402-496-9950 28 68164 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 2811 N 90th St 402-391-0459 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4110 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 West, Debra S, DDS Wees, Jerome M, DDS 68106 68127 Westerman, Gary H, DDS 2410 S 73rd St, Ste 100 402-397-3377 68124 Whitman, Richard J, DDS 68114 Wieseman, Christopher R, DDS 311 N 76th St 402-393-0594 68114 Williamson, Jace, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 2811 N 90th St 402-391-0459 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 68144 68134 68107 68106 68127 Wilwerding, Terrence M, DDS 5032 Underwood Ave 402-558-9255 Wycoff, Reid C, DDS 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 2811 N 90th St 402-391-0459 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 Yang, Insook P, DDS 14133 Q St 402-895-1900 68137 Dickey, Bryan D, DDS Barnard, Richard W, DDS 444 S 44th St 402-559-3559 68198 Beck, Marcia K, DDS 14270 W Maple Rd 402-491-3100 68164 Becker, Matthew J, DDS 5118 N 156th St 402-932-9263 68116 Haney, Gerald M, DDS 2514 S 119th St, Ste 2 402-330-5913 68144 Orthodontics 1111 N 102nd Ct, Ste 202 402-393-6400 68114 7337 Farnam St 402-397-2323 68127 68134 68107 68132 68144 68134 68107 68106 68127 11110 Fort St, Ste 106 402-492-8300 68164 12100 W Center Rd, Ste 521 402-333-3343 68144 9006 Ohio St, Ste 2 402-393-3555 68134 Yuan, Hsiao Lin, DDS 68154 Adams, Timothy A, DDS 2908 S 180th St 402-991-4500 68130 13330 California St, Ste 110 402-392-1516 68154 Seiler, Scott D, DDS 16920 Wright Plz, Ste 106 402-778-5800 68130 Strunk, Lisa J, DDS 7701 Pacific St, Ste 4 402-397-7730 Taylor, Mark H, DDS 68114 Huerter, Thomas J, DDS 2410 S 73rd St, Ste 101 402-397-4226 68124 Igel, Kort A, DDS 10801 Pacific St 402-330-1152 68154 Kozal, Richard L, DDS 14776 W Center Rd 402-333-5087 8318 Lakeview St 402-592-5087 68144 68127 Labart, Wayne A, DDS 14133 Q St 402-895-1900 Longo, Alfred T, DDS 1710 N 144th St 402-496-9733 68137 68154 Mendlik, Mark G, DDS 17775 Mason St, Ste 1 402-334-2000 68118 3628 N 90th St 402-571-1108 68134 Monson, M Victor, DDS Richards, Vickie K, DDS 9006 Ohio St 402-397-4443 Ries, Barbara J, DDS 68134 624 N 129th St, Ste 100 402-330-9564 68154 Samuelson, Greg S, DDS 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 112 402-493-2268 68164 Sheehan, Timothy J, DDS 119 N 51st St, Ste 400 402-558-0035 68132 Oral Surgery Bellinghiere, Ross L, DDS 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 310 402-345-7800 68105 Coffey, Stephen A, DDS 13215 Birch Dr, Ste 100 402-397-1205 68164 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 104 402-393-4433 68124 Glow, Richard J, DDS 14625 California St 402-397-7777 68154 14625 California St 402-397-7777 68154 McDermott, Michael P, DDS 68134 68107 68106 68127 Anderson, Dennis M, DDS 3635 N 129th St 402-493-9429 68164 Lang-Morris, Melissa S, DDS 3635 N 129th St 402-493-9429 68164 Oneill General Practice Dentistry 430 E Everett St 402-336-4211 Weber, Thomas J, DDS 68130 Weiss, Dennis D, DDS Ziegler, Peter A, DDS 68763 7333 Farnam St 402-397-0500 68114 Pedodontics 119 N 51st St, Ste 400 402-554-1600 68132 2514 S 119th St, Ste 2 402-330-5913 68144 Driscoll, Frank A, DDS 2514 S 119th St, Ste 2 402-330-5913 Hodges, Eric D, DDS 68144 2410 S 73rd St, Ste 100 402-397-3377 68124 Hohenstein, James B, DDS 17935 Welch Plz, Ste 104 402-330-5535 68135 68862 307 Ogden St 308-824-3233 68967 307 Ogden St 308-824-3233 68967 Hohman, Douglas M, DDS Papillion General Practice Dentistry 68862 Swenson, Steven J, DDS 68862 Pierce General Practice Dentistry Johnson, Kallie M, DDS 102 E Main St 402-329-6850 68767 102 E Main St 402-329-6850 68767 Plainview General Practice Dentistry 406 W Locust Ave 402-582-3344 68769 Plattsmouth General Practice Dentistry Dworak, Jeffrey D, DDS 2016 8th Ave 402-296-5118 68048 2302 8th Ave, Ste 2 402-296-2818 68048 2302 8th Ave, Ste 2 402-296-2818 68048 Deford, Katherine L, DDS 619 Main St 402-296-2188 68048 703 Tara Plz 402-331-0828 68046 8410 S 73rd Plz, Ste 104 402-592-2219 68046 Gosch, Kendra L, DDS Ponca General Practice Dentistry 703 Tara Plz 402-331-0828 McGinty, Peggy A, DDS McKnight, Douglas J, DDS Carter, Coatlicue P, DDS 1221 Golden Gate Dr 402-331-2070 68046 68046 68046 110 Cedardale Rd 402-339-5888 68046 Jeppesen, Micah T, DDS 1221 Golden Gate Dr 402-331-2070 68046 213 N East St 402-755-2291 68770 Ralston General Practice Dentistry 7975 L St 402-592-1773 68127 7887 L St 402-331-9090 68127 7975 L St 402-592-1773 68127 Sweeney, Michael P, DDS Ogunleye, Afolabi O, DDS 68046 Becker, Matthew J, DDS 10701 S 72nd St, Ste 110 402-597-6100 68046 Hurd, Joseph J, DDS 8900 S 84th St, Ste 8 402-339-0506 68046 107 Highland Dr 402-330-1152 68046 Igel, Kort A, DDS Moseman, William D, DDS Shyken, Paul A, DDS Oral Surgery 546 S Washington St 402-916-5800 McKnight, James A, DDS Cacho, Maria Z, DDS 68046 Orthodontics 68862 68420 Bernecker, Michael D, DDS Diedrichsen, Fred, DDS Tafoya, Fred H, DDS Orthodontics 1730 M St 308-234-9226 68765 Oxford General Practice Dentistry 703 Tara Plz 402-331-0828 Sheikh, Khurrum S, DDS 1626 L St 308-728-3756 Aitken, Benjamin C, DDS 408 N State St 402-748-3713 Kobza, John T, DDS Wragge, Todd S, DDS Noel, Robert B, DDS 68862 1730 M St 308-728-5672 69154 Osmond General Practice Dentistry 1502 S Washington St, Ste 200 402-339-2501 68046 1626 L St 308-728-3756 Plate, Farrah L, DDS Dana, Carmen L, DDS 68763 68862 Jordan, Clint R, DDS Jensen, Tim A, DDS 390 Main St 308-772-3055 Pawnee City General Practice Dentistry 601 G St 402-852-2778 Janssen, Joel E, DDS 1626 L St 308-728-3756 1626 L St 308-728-3756 Aiello, Anne S, DDS 68763 Barger, Tina R, DDS Berg, Kelcey M, DDS 68651 Oshkosh General Practice Dentistry 1221 Golden Gate Dr 402-331-2070 Kopf, Zachary A, DDS 415 E John St 402-336-3666 240 N Main St 402-747-4371 11336 S 96th St, Ste 111 402-590-2018 68046 Carter, Matthew D, DDS Kersenbrock, Maurice J, DDS Ord General Practice Dentistry Stevens, Clarke J, DDS 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 334 402-330-3200 68144 68118 68144 415 E John St 402-336-3666 2422 S 179th St 402-896-4500 17404 Burke St 402-317-5657 2503 S 140th Cir 402-333-3151 2811 N 90th St 402-391-0459 3932 S 24th St 402-733-3932 5321 Center St 402-551-2238 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 10020 Nicholas St, Ste 101 402-393-7020 68114 68134 Shnayder, Michael I, DDS Webber, Barry W, DDS Stafford, Kimberley A, DDS Litel, James G, DDS 5654 N 103rd St 402-496-1600 13215 Birch Dr, Ste 100 402-397-1205 68164 14707 California St, Ste 4 402-333-0274 68154 2802 Webster St 402-280-2865 68178 Periodontics 68114 Pfeifle, Robert M, DDS Salama, Fouad S, DDS Secola, Lourdes M, DDS 612 S 72nd St 402-398-1788 Maxillo-Facial Surgery Rakes, George M, DDS 14707 California St, Ste 8 402-498-5800 68154 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 301 402-334-7339 68144 Zikmund, Stephen L, DDS Webber, Barry W, DDS Osceola General Practice Dentistry 68144 68107 Killeen, Martin D, DDS 9513 Q St 402-339-6400 14625 California St 402-397-7777 Pedodontics Bennett, Jane L, DDS 545 Fortune Dr, Ste 400 402-502-1256 68046 Randolph General Practice Dentistry Bernecker, Jay M, DDS 105 W Broadway St 402-337-0089 68771 S Sioux City General Practice Dentistry Aitken, Joseph L, DDS 1509 W 29th St 402-494-5445 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68776 Nov 17, 2010 Dental Barr, Douglas M, DDS 3220 Plaza Dr, Ste B 402-494-2144 68776 Munch, Elizabeth J, DDS 3220 Plaza Dr, Ste B 402-494-2144 68776 Saint Paul General Practice Dentistry 809 6th St 308-754-4436 68873 Krejci, James R, DDS 718 6th St 308-754-4296 68873 Pedersen, Todd L, DDS 68661 Kramer, Mark G, DDS 69361 Seward General Practice Dentistry 68434 111 N 3rd St 402-643-2931 68434 Kunasek, Matthew J, DDS Minchow, Mark A, DDS 68662 68662 Superior General Practice Dentistry Fischer, Joseph M, DDS 68978 Syracuse General Practice Dentistry 935 1st St 402-269-3160 68446 557 Mohawk St 402-269-2535 68446 Tecumseh General Practice Dentistry 68450 68781 Valentine General Practice Dentistry 68059 Liebentritt, Michael, DDS Higgins, David J, DDS 308 N Main St 402-376-1690 69201 331 N Cherry St 402-376-3390 69201 68059 Stanton General Practice Dentistry Timperley, Dennis D, DDS 68779 69201 275 N Main St 402-376-1942 69201 Peterson, William J, DDS Valley General Practice Dentistry 655 N Linden St 402-443-1234 68066 357 E 4th St 402-443-5959 68066 Swanson, Larry D, DDS 427 N Broadway St 402-443-4989 68066 Wausa General Practice Dentistry 122 W 6th St 402-362-3379 68467 Orthodontics Cserna, Annette, DDS 604 Grant Ave 402-362-5360 68467 Yutan General Practice Dentistry Branchaud, James A, DDS 602 Second St 402-625-2161 68073 Aitken, Benjamin C, DDS 102 N Lincoln St 402-586-2611 68786 Waverly General Practice Dentistry Martin, Dennis C, DDS 13810 Guildford St 402-786-2221 68462 Wayne General Practice Dentistry 401 Main St 402-375-2889 68787 206 E 7th St 402-375-5522 68787 Braun, Craig W, DDS Weeping Water General Practice Dentistry Dabbert, William A, DDS 105 W Eldora Ave 402-267-2325 68463 105 W Eldora Ave 402-267-2325 68463 Wilber General Practice Dentistry 114 W 3rd St 402-821-2829 68465 York General Practice Dentistry Brower, James H, DDS 1100 Lincoln Ave, Ste H 402-362-1339 68467 Carlow, Sheldon L, DDS Riha, Frank J, DDS 622 N Burlington Ave 402-362-3222 68467 223 E 8th St 402-362-4636 68467 223 E 8th St 402-362-4636 68467 Comer, Katie R, DDS 68064 Verdigre General Practice Dentistry Lott, John B, DDS McKenny, Mark C, DDS Tusha, Kenneth R, DDS 208 N Main St 402-668-2297 Hart, Thomas G, DDS Pinkerton, Mark D, DDS 331 N Cherry St 402-376-3390 121 W 2nd St 402-359-2226 408 N Platte Ave, Ste B 402-362-5846 68467 Neumann, Matthew C, DDS Jeffers, Robert D, DDS 68876 Rosenau, Perry J, DDS Becker, Stephen P, DDS Wellensiek, Todd R, DDS Jeffers, Dick J, DDS Liebentritt, Matthew, DDS 1001 Ivy St 402-439-2126 68666 408 N Platte Ave, Ste B 402-362-3319 68467 Wieting, David S, DDS Martin, Samuel B, DDS Ulffers, Michael W, DDS 106 E 2nd St 402-368-2221 Springfield General Practice Dentistry 191 Main St 402-253-2868 Stromsburg General Practice Dentistry Crabb, James R, DDS Knoll, Gayle S, DDS 191 Main St 402-253-2868 68066 68434 Shelton General Practice Dentistry 106 C St 308-647-6658 357 E 4th St 402-443-5959 Tilden General Practice Dentistry Brower, James H, DDS 235 N Walnut St 402-527-5162 68443 68434 Shelby General Practice Dentistry Lott, John B, DDS 365 Main St 402-866-4051 509 Broadway St 402-335-3891 Rolfsmeier, Richard A, DDS 235 N Walnut St 402-527-5162 68066 Janssen, Wesley D, DDS 111 N 3rd St 402-643-2931 137 N 7th St 402-643-3909 357 E 4th St 402-443-5959 Glock, Jason P, DDS 68467 Rosenau, Harold E, DDS 68443 Giddings, John P, DDS Kruse, Steven C, DDS 111 N 3rd St 402-643-2931 Biehl, Elizabeth A, DDS 622 N Burlington Ave 402-362-3222 365 Main St 402-866-4051 1050 Washington St 785-527-5602 Scottsbluff Pedodontics 213 W 38th St 308-635-7846 Gouldie, Judd R, DDS 305 E 4th St 402-764-3081 Schuyler General Practice Dentistry 1005 A St 402-352-5566 Wahoo General Practice Dentistry Martin, Tommy R, DDS Barger, Tina R, DDS Post, Chris A, DDS Sterling General Practice Dentistry 408 N Platte Ave, Ste B 402-362-3319 68467 68783 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 29 Vision Lempp, Ryan P, OD Vision Arapahoe Optometrist Nebraska Adams Optometrist 11507 S 42nd St, Ste 109 402-964-2700 68123 Pillen, Kerri D, OD Seim, Jason T, OD Brightman, Courtney, OD 409 Nebraska Ave 308-746-1526 68922 68301 620 Main St, Ste B 402-420-2020 Ashland Optometrist 68301 Bateman, John E, OD Pfeil, Todd D, OD 620 Main St, Ste B 402-988-2190 68301 Ainsworth Ophthalmology 69210 Optometrist Evans, Evan C, OD 305 N Main St 402-387-1531 69210 Hinrichs, Catherine A, OD 305 N Main St 402-387-1531 69210 Albion Ophthalmology Diedrichsen, Peter E, MD 313 W Church St 402-395-2627 68620 Optometrist 68003 Atkinson Optometrist 313 W Church St 402-395-2627 Palmer, Ryan G, OD 313 W Church St 402-395-2627 Saum, Jeffrey, OD 313 W Church St 402-395-2627 Vetick, Russell, OD 313 W Church St 402-395-2627 68620 68620 68620 Alliance Ophthalmology 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-762-6660 69301 Roussel, Thomas J, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-635-3911 69301 Optometrist 515 Niobrara Ave 308-762-3124 69301 515 Niobrara Ave 308-762-3124 69301 Alma Ophthalmology 610 Main St 785-628-8218 Wright, Darren J, OD 922 Alden Dr 402-274-3218 68305 610 Main St 308-928-2187 68305 Palmer, Ryan G, OD Holling, Roger G, OD 1526 Washington St 402-426-2119 1208 L St 402-694-6114 Slingsby, J G, MD 821 Morehead St 605-719-9499 257 S 19th St 402-426-4601 68008 68008 68008 68008 Schrunk, Keith A, OD 68818 241 E 3rd St 308-432-3222 69337 139 W 3rd St 308-432-2200 69337 68008 Winckler, Mark, OD 241 E 3rd St 308-432-3222 Brightman, Courtney, OD 2005 E Court St 402-223-4098 68310 2005 E Court St 402-223-4098 68310 Morrissey, Nicole A, OD 2005 E Court St 402-420-2020 68310 Raymond, Kimberly A, OD 2205 N 6th St 402-223-2950 68310 2005 E Court St 402-223-4098 68310 Greenwell, Mark, OD 601 Galvin Rd S 402-293-1840 Myers, Creston M, OD 921 Main St 308-262-1252 69336 Vandenberge, Glen, OD 1015 Main St 308-262-0130 69336 Broken Bow Ophthalmology 408 S 8th Ave 308-865-2760 68005 408 S 8th Ave 308-872-2291 408 S 8th Ave 308-872-2291 68005 68005 68005 68005 11507 S 42nd St, Ste 109 402-964-2700 68123 68822 68822 Sanger, Jeffrey W, OD 408 S 8th Ave 308-872-2291 68822 Central City Optometrist 213 G St 308-946-2612 Kant, Richard L, OD 213 G St 308-946-2612 68601 68601 68601 68826 68826 20330 Veterans Dr, Ste 4 401-885-7695 68022 20330 Veterans Dr, Ste 4 401-885-7695 68022 Fairbury Ophthalmology Moore, Jessica, OD Steele, Andrea N, OD Gering Optometrist Wasserburger, Steven, OD 1605 10th St, Ste B 308-436-3176 Sutton, Vincent, MD 3772 43rd Ave 402-563-3686 68601 3702 23rd St 402-564-2020 Optometrist Gordon Ophthalmology 68601 Johnson, Jeffrey J, OD Herlihy, John J, MD Hobbs, Kevin M, OD Malicky, Larry E, OD 566 S Quail Ln 402-362-6339 818 E 23rd St 402-980-4787 Meyer, Richard, OD 3772 43rd Ave 402-563-3686 Mickey, Daniel K, OD 1371 29th Ave 402-564-0545 68601 68601 68601 68601 68601 68601 1371 29th Ave 402-564-0545 68601 3702 23rd St 402-564-2020 68601 Cozad Ophthalmology Blakely, Linda U, MD 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 68352 69343 Optometrist Falls City Optometrist Chancellor, Timothy, OD McPeak, Eric C, OD 112 W 16th St 402-245-2017 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 69341 68355 Fremont Ophthalmology 112 N Main St 308-282-0820 69343 112 N Main St 308-282-0820 69343 112 N Main St 308-282-0820 69343 Shetler, Joseph, OD Winckler, Mark, OD Haskins, Gregory E, MD 2827 N Clarkson St 402-721-7222 68025 2827 N Clarkson St 402-721-7222 68025 Samuelson, Steven W, MD Optometrist Gothenburg Optometrist Garrett, Larry D, OD 916 Avenue F 308-537-2601 69138 829 Lake Ave 308-537-3390 69138 Gosnell, John A, OD Alcorn, Steve D, OD 2921 N Clarkson St 402-721-8823 68025 2827 N Clarkson St 402-721-7222 68025 Grand Island Ophthalmology 1625 E Military Ave 402-721-0409 68025 830 N Alpha St 308-384-9148 68803 3010 E 23rd St 402-727-0804 68025 611 N Diers Ave, Ste 2 308-381-4733 68803 1035 E 23rd St 402-727-0909 68025 711 N Custer Ave 402-552-2020 68803 215 E 22nd St 402-721-8032 68025 711 N Custer Ave 308-382-1781 68803 711 N Custer Ave 308-382-1781 68803 Fornoff, Christopher G, OD Harkins, Lori A, MD 69130 Hanisch, Heidi, OD Creighton Optometrist 817 Main St 402-358-3700 523 E St 402-729-6162 68352 Brown, Thomas D, OD Schmidt, Barrett C, OD Filips, Roger, OD Kadavy, Amy, OD 68361 521 E St 402-729-3361 Trofholz, Jay, OD Kennel, Melinda K, OD 1004 G St 402-759-4536 Krings, Kerry, OD 20330 Veterans Dr, Ste 4 402-885-7695 68022 Optometrist Stevens, Ryan B, OD 68822 Dob, Nancy, OD 68361 3772 43rd Ave 402-563-3686 Blakely, Linda U, MD 68632 Elkhorn Optometrist 68361 1004 G St 402-759-4536 Saum, Jeffrey, OD Dorsey, Mindy, OD Optometrist 1103 Galvin Rd S 402-292-6514 69336 Optometrist Toelle, Mark A, OD 1371 29th Ave 402-564-0545 Optometrist Bares, Harold R, MD 1103 Galvin Rd S 402-292-6514 921 Main St 308-262-1252 Haney, Richard, OD 1325 H St 402-759-3129 68361 Krings, Kerry, OD Hubbard, Kristopher T, OD Sutton, Vincent, MD 1004 G St 402-759-4536 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Optometrist David City Optometrist 428 N 5th St 402-367-3895 68638 Geneva Ophthalmology Langel, Wendi J, OD 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-7500 3772 43rd Ave 402-563-3686 Sutton, Gregory, MD Bridgeport Optometrist 220 Broadway St 308-536-2268 Diedrichsen, Peter E, MD Haney, Richard, OD 68310 68333 Saum, Jeffrey, OD 68361 Beatrice Ophthalmology 2005 E Court St 402-484-9000 1119 Main Ave 402-826-2236 68333 Fullerton Optometrist 1004 G St 402-759-4536 Troia, Robert N, MD Troia, Sebastian J, MD 69337 Lehr, Steven J, OD 68333 68359 Ahrens, Ginny L, OD 818 E 23rd St 402-564-0474 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 69337 1119 Main Ave 402-286-2246 1119 Main Ave 402-826-2236 920 2nd St, Ste 2 402-826-2246 Columbus Ophthalmology Calvert, Lisa K, OD 68818 69337 Chancellor, Timothy, OD Shetler, Joseph, OD 68333 Optometrist Optometrist Boys Town Ophthalmology Jose, Barry J, OD 30 257 S 19th St 402-426-4601 Aurora Optometrist 1103 Galvin Rd S 402-292-6514 68920 1526 Washington St 402-426-2119 Klein, Byford J, OD Grange, Thomas W, OD Stuhmer, Neil H, OD Bessler, Deborah K, OD Finn, Gary, OD 922 Alden Dr 402-274-3218 Chatterson, Michael, OD Optometrist 68005 69337 Crotty, John W, OD 1103 Galvin Rd S 402-292-6514 68920 601 Galvin Rd S 402-293-1840 1640 Highway 20 308-432-6648 Herlihy, John J, MD 241 E 3rd St 308-432-3222 Brown, Ariann, OD Pokorny, John C, MD 68123 1526 Washington St 402-426-2119 Bellevue Hubbard, Kristopher T, OD 515 Niobrara Ave Ophthalmology Myers, Creston M, OD 10504 S 15th St 402-250-2237 Lehr, Steven J, OD 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 Bowker, Scott A, OD 69301 308-762-3124 Schlueter, Vernon, OD Linder, Max, MD 69337 Auburn Optometrist 68713 Sandman, Steven P, OD Dietrich, Robert C, OD 68005 Friend Optometrist 1640 Highway 20 308-432-6648 Dickey, James A, OD Harshman, Doug A, OD Martin, Judson C, MD 68005 Crete Ophthalmology Bernard, Gail A, MD Blair Optometrist 313 W Pearl St 402-925-2669 1208 L St 402-694-6114 68620 601 Galvin Rd S 402-293-1840 Smith, Russell, OD Hunnicutt, Christa M, OD Palmer, Mark, OD 68005 Schekirke, Matthew A, OD Ketteler, Adam J, OD Martin, Judson C, MD 945 E Zero St 308-635-3911 705 N 17th Ave 402-944-3339 Reed, Patricia L, OD 1103 Galvin Rd S 402-292-6514 620 Main St, Ste B 402-988-2190 Morrissey, Nicole A, OD 1810 Wilshire Dr 402-291-6133 Chadron Ophthalmology 68729 Todd, Robert P, OD Janky, Julie P, MD Madson, Everett C, MD Miles, William, MD Proffitt, Robert S, MD The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Vision Trumler-Gleason, Michele L, MD 611 N Diers Ave, Ste 2 308-381-4733 68803 Optometrist Pfoff, David S, MD 1414 W 12th St 402-462-9191 Lind, Diana, DO 68901 Vondrak, Harry N, MD 1414 W 12th St 402-462-9191 Bonnes-Heil, Tamara L, OD Welch, John C, MD 68901 2020 Lawrence Ln 308-384-9505 68803 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 104 402-461-4611 68901 420 N Diers Ave 308-384-0220 68803 Arneson, Richard J, OD Brown, Richard L, OD Bunger, Richard K, OD Optometrist 2119 W 12th St 402-462-8816 1437 N Webb Rd 308-382-9205 Hebron Ophthalmology 68803 Graul, Thomas, MD 420 N Diers Ave 308-384-0220 68803 Lackore, Paul M, OD Langford, Dawn M, OD Langford, Jason, OD 420 N Diers Ave 308-384-0220 68803 Pedersen, Gary L, OD 420 N Diers Ave 308-384-0220 Stines, Mark H, OD 401 N Eddy St 308-384-6922 68803 Clinch, Thomas J, MD 68801 Grant Optometrist Meyer, Tim M, OD 115 W 3rd St 308-352-4424 69140 68370 68370 68370 Holdrege Ophthalmology 11350 Wickersham Blvd 402-564-0474 68028 Walters, Tiffany J, OD 814 Village Sq 402-332-0220 68028 68949 Hartington Optometrist Quincy, Wayne E, OD 503 McMillan St 308-995-8697 Filips, Roger, OD 202 S Robinson Ave 402-254-2020 68739 Hastings Ophthalmology Dietze, Paul J, MD 68901 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 300 402-462-9009 68901 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 303 402-462-5888 68901 Geiger, Gerald F, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 300 402-462-9009 68901 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 303 402-462-5888 68901 Griess, Michael D, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 300 402-462-9009 68901 7202 Giles Rd, Ste 3 402-552-2020 68128 68128 Madson, Everett C, MD 7202 Giles Rd, Ste 3 402-552-2020 7202 Giles Rd, Ste 3 402-552-2020 7202 Giles Rd, Ste 3 402-552-2020 69033 68845 411 W 39th St 308-865-2760 68845 Graul, Thomas, MD 1710 S 70th St 402-484-9000 68506 1710 S 70th St 402-484-9000 68506 1500 S 48th St, Ste 610 402-483-4448 68506 Margalit, Eyal, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-489-0200 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 555 S 70th St 402-559-6275 68506 68502 68510 Mausolf, Frederick, MD 4645 Normal Blvd, Ste 245 402-486-4269 68506 Smith, William J, MD 1650 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-483-4466 68506 Sutton, Gregory, MD 68128 1101 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-486-3132 68510 9737 Giles Rd 402-963-0831 68128 1500 S 48th St, Ste 610 402-483-4448 68506 7202 Giles Rd, Ste 3 402-552-2020 68128 1101 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-486-3132 68510 Houck, Jon, OD Jackson, Abigail A, OD 68510 651 N 66th St, Ste 300 402-464-3156 68505 68510 Arneson, Mark A, OD Bateman, Andrew, OD 2950 Pine Lake Rd, Ste H 402-420-6109 68516 39 Gateway Mall, Ste 59 402-467-3423 68505 570 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 108 402-742-0399 68521 Baumfalk, Jeremiah, OD 5555 O St 402-484-5535 651 N 66th St, Ste 300 402-464-3156 68510 68505 Bergman, Christopher T, OD Bessler, Deborah K, OD 1401 Infinity Rd, Ste D 402-420-0880 68512 2950 Pine Lake Rd, Ste H 402-420-6109 68516 6404 O St 402-466-3700 68510 7121 A St 402-486-3937 68510 6845 S 27th St 402-420-6644 68512 Brightman, Brian D, OD 2500 Northview Rd 402-420-2020 2943 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2020 7930 O St 402-420-2020 68521 68516 68510 Brightman, Courtney, OD 2500 Northview Rd 402-420-2020 2943 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2020 7930 O St 402-420-2020 Cain, Brian, OD 6404 O St 402-466-3700 68521 68516 68510 68516 68510 Dinslage, Matthew, OD Sutton, Vincent, MD Tanner, Jerry W, MD 68506 68506 Thomas, William J, MD Thurber, Lee, MD Ediger, Donald, OD Engel, Joshua W, OD 3400 N 27th St 402-465-5577 6845 S 27th St 402-420-6644 Finn, Gary, OD 1201 O St, Ste 100 402-476-7583 125 S 66th St 402-464-7416 5600 S 59th St 402-328-8811 Hanus, Staci, OD 68510 68516 1500 S 48th St, Ste 610 800-726-2647 68506 Harshman, Doug A, OD 2500 Northview Rd 402-420-2020 2943 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2020 7930 O St 402-420-2020 68521 68516 68510 Hausmann, Michael, OD 1012 N 27th St 402-476-3311 Hinkley, Brian D, OD 2943 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2020 7930 O St 402-420-2020 Houck, Jon, OD 68503 68516 68510 6404 O St 402-466-3700 68510 1710 S 70th St 402-484-9000 68506 6944 A St, Ste A 402-423-6899 68510 Jackman, Kaylyn, OD Jensen, Ryan M, OD Johnson, Jimmy D, OD 1201 O St, Ste 100 402-476-7583 125 S 66th St 402-489-9776 68508 68510 2950 Pine Lake Rd, Ste H 402-420-6109 68516 39 Gateway Mall, Ste 59 402-467-3423 68505 Kirchner, James K, OD 2943 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2020 7930 O St 402-420-2020 68516 68510 Knutson, Jonathan, OD 201 Capitol Beach Blvd, Ste 11 402-475-3937 68528 5630 S 84th St, Ste 120 402-488-2211 68516 5801 S 58th St, Ste A 402-423-5367 68516 68505 68521 68512 1171 N Cotner Blvd 402-466-6070 Liu, Janette L, OD 68505 1500 S 48th St, Ste 610 402-483-4448 68506 Luby, David, OD 6404 O St 402-466-3700 68510 4200 S 27th St 402-421-2555 68502 Manthey, Anthony J, OD Morgan, Linda, OD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 610 402-483-4448 68506 Morrissey, Nicole A, OD 2500 Northview Rd 402-420-2020 2943 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2020 7930 O St 402-420-2020 68521 68516 68510 6404 O St 402-466-3700 68510 Nedrow, James L, OD 6404 O St 402-466-3740 1401 Infinity Rd, Ste D 402-420-0880 68512 68510 Parsons, Catherine M, OD 2950 Pine Lake Rd, Ste H 402-420-6109 68516 39 Gateway Mall, Ste 59 402-467-3423 68505 125 S 66th St 402-489-9776 68510 Freeman, Vivianle B, OD Geisert, William J, OD Gish, Tracy L, OD 1201 O St, Ste 100 402-476-7583 68508 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68508 Lange, John P, OD 68510 Devine, James W, OD 2943 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2020 7930 O St 402-420-2020 Haley, Chauncey, OD Johnson, Matthew E, OD 651 N 66th St, Ste 100 402-466-1916 68506 68128 8102 S 84th St 402-339-5550 6400 O St 402-465-3368 6900 O St, Ste 127 402-466-4111 1710 S 70th St 402-484-9000 68128 1710 S 70th St 402-484-9000 Felt, Stephen M, OD Adam, Brian L, OD 1101 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-486-3132 68510 Sauberan, Donald, MD 68128 Optometrist 201 Capitol Beach Blvd, Ste 11 402-475-3937 68528 5801 S 58th St, Ste A 402-423-5367 68516 1710 S 70th St 402-484-9000 7202 Giles Rd, Ste 3 402-552-2020 411 W 39th St 308-865-2760 1520 S 70th St, Ste 102 402-483-2323 68506 68128 Damme, Jerry G, OD 68845 1101 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-486-3132 68510 Liu, Sao J, MD 68506 Boever, John, OD 68510 Mota, Mario C, MD Cheatham, Kyle, OD 9737 Giles Rd 402-963-0831 Clinch, Thomas J, MD 68850 68128 Optometrist Blakely, Linda U, MD Jensen, Jan, MD Hottman, Jeffery J, MD Whitted, Peter J, MD Kearney Ophthalmology 411 W 39th St 308-865-2760 68128 Mizener, Martin W, MD 68949 Meyer, Tim M, OD Belville, James K, MD 1414 W 12th St 402-462-9191 68949 Imperial Optometrist 510 W 12th St 308-882-5353 Hodges, Kathryn E, MD Ingvoldstad, David D, MD 68949 68850 Lincoln Ophthalmology Linder, Max, MD 7202 Giles Rd, Ste 3 402-552-2020 McCormick, Walter C, OD 503 McMillan St 308-995-8697 68128 68128 Hytrek, Brett J, OD 503 McMillan St 308-995-8697 68128 7202 Giles Rd, Ste 3 402-552-2020 7202 Giles Rd, Ste 3 402-552-2020 Seim, Jason T, OD 1710 S 70th St 402-484-9000 1500 S 48th St, Ste 610 402-483-4448 68506 Forgey, Dean R, MD Hellman, Courtney F, MD Optometrist 801 N Grant St 308-324-5631 Dotson, Randall, MD 68128 Halsted, Michael A, MD 7202 Giles Rd, Ste 3 402-552-2020 68850 Harvey, Ted J, OD 7121 A St, Ste 200 402-489-2020 68949 Clinch, Thomas J, MD Houck, Jon, OD 7202 Giles Rd, Ste 3 402-552-2020 68850 Campbell, J K, MD 68128 Chapman, Cheryl, OD 68028 69145 Emig, Mark D, MD Grennan, Jill J, MD 801 N Grant St 308-324-5621 801 N Grant St 308-324-5631 7202 Giles Rd, Ste 3 402-552-2020 Blakely, Linda U, MD 503 McMillan St 308-865-2760 69145 La Vista Ophthalmology 7202 Giles Rd, Ste 3 402-552-2020 801 N Grant St 308-324-5621 68128 Optometrist Krieg, Jacob, OD Hanks, David A, DO Gretna Optometrist 814 Village Sq 402-332-0220 Kimball Ophthalmology 112 S Chestnut St 308-235-3649 68370 503 McMillan St 308-995-8697 Vaughan, Jerry, OD Optometrist 436 Lincoln Ave 402-768-6651 436 Lincoln Ave 402-768-6651 Turk, Betsy A, OD 505 S Burg St 308-235-3621 68370 Steele, Andrea N, OD Langan, Sarah E, OD Martin, Judson C, MD 436 Lincoln Ave 402-768-6651 Moore, Jessica, OD McIntyre, Jennifer R, OD 68845 Dob, Nancy, OD Krings, Kerry, OD 68128 411 W 39th St 308-865-2760 Optometrist 436 Lincoln Ave 402-768-6651 8102 S 84th St 402-339-5550 Blakely, Linda U, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 300 402-462-9009 68901 440 Lincoln Ave 402-768-7207 68845 68128 68845 Stephenson, Kristi, OD 68803 Kozal, Jeffery G, OD Maynard, Kirk C, OD 4107 7th Ave 308-236-8500 220 S Burlington Ave, Ste 1 402-463-3937 68901 420 N Diers Ave 308-384-0220 220 W 39th St 308-234-9913 8102 S 84th St 402-339-5550 Lexington Ophthalmology Schutt, Robin, OD 68801 Hunnicutt, Christa M, OD Johnson, Mandy J, OD Malashock, Neal, OD 68128 68847 2727 W 2nd St, Ste 318 402-463-1327 68901 401 N Eddy St 308-384-6922 68845 8102 S 84th St 402-339-5550 68901 Nicholson, Steven B, OD 68803 4107 7th Ave 308-236-8500 Malashock, Larry, OD 4919 2nd Ave, Ste 53 308-237-7693 68803 Hudnall, Chadwick S, OD Bierbower, Patrick L, OD 68128 9737 Giles Rd 402-963-0831 2208 N Webb Rd 308-382-7644 2208 N Webb Rd 308-382-7661 Optometrist Wood, Matthew H, MD 68847 Bolen, Nathaniel A, OD Glassbrenner, William M, OD 68845 8102 S 84th St 402-339-5550 68901 68801 2119 W 12th St 402-462-8816 Krysl, Donald, OD 4919 2nd Ave, Ste 53 308-237-7693 401 N Eddy St 308-384-6922 Demler, James, OD 4107 7th Ave 308-236-8500 31 Vision Pfeil, Todd D, OD 2500 Northview Rd 402-420-2020 2943 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2020 7930 O St 402-420-2020 Zink, Sarah M, OD 68521 68516 68510 Polzien, Duane E, OD 6900 O St, Ste 127 402-466-4111 68510 Powell, Richard L, OD 3200 O St, Ste A 402-475-1030 68510 Raymond, Kimberly A, OD 1550 S Coddington Ave, Ste V 402-470-0074 68522 3923 S 48th St 402-488-3106 68506 Reins, Scott C, OD 2943 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2020 7930 O St 402-420-2020 68516 Rienks, Douglas, OD 68510 2550 Superior St, Ste 150 402-435-1166 68521 Rupp, Christopher D, OD 6404 O St 402-466-3700 68510 Sanders, R David, OD 100 S 66th St 402-489-8897 68510 Sandman, Steven P, OD 2500 Northview Rd 402-420-2020 2943 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2020 7930 O St 402-420-2020 68521 68516 68510 Schekirke, Matthew A, OD 6845 S 27th St 402-420-6644 Shapiro, David, OD 6404 O St 402-466-3700 Stephan, Jason, OD 651 N 66th St, Ste 100 402-466-1916 68512 68510 68505 68521 68516 68510 Vorhies, Theodore R, OD 651 N 66th St, Ste 300 402-464-3156 Webb, Kristin, OD 651 N 66th St, Ste 100 402-466-1916 68505 68505 Wilcox, Ashley N, OD 1550 S Coddington Ave, Ste V 402-470-0074 68522 3923 S 48th St 402-488-3106 68506 Williams, Joe, OD 4700 N 27th St 402-438-4386 Wise, Heidi E, OD 68521 1501 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 1 402-421-7773 68512 Wise, Steven E, OD 1501 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 1 402-421-7773 68512 6404 O St 402-466-3700 68510 Yager, Jennifer, OD 651 N 66th St, Ste 100 402-466-1916 Yager, Jesse, OD 651 N 66th St, Ste 100 402-466-1916 68505 68510 68516 68505 68510 110 S Visiting Eagle St 402-857-2300 Emig, Mark D, MD 1307 S Willow St 308-532-3937 69101 1214 W A St 308-532-5960 69101 Young, Mark R, MD Filips, Roger, OD 68760 Optometrist Norfolk Ophthalmology Baxter, Kim A, OD Blair, Brandon A, OD Feidler, Herbert D, MD Blackledge, Mark A, OD 140 N 6th St 308-745-0803 68853 Madison Optometrist 68748 Mc Cook Ophthalmology Pfoff, David S, MD 1902 W B St 402-462-9191 212 W 9th St 800-678-7141 1500 Koenigstein Ave 402-644-7132 Miles, William, MD 68701 Optometrist 2400 W Pasewalk Ave 402-371-5715 McCook Ophthalmology 510 E Philip Ave 308-534-7271 69101 O'Connor, Jeffery T, OD 111 S Bailey Ave 308-534-2000 106 Meyer Ave 402-292-0396 68701 Ogallala Ophthalmology Feidler Klein, Ann, OD 2800 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-8535 Furstenau, Jennifer, OD 3610 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-8230 68701 Goetsch, Courtney, OD 69001 3610 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-8230 68701 2005 Krenzien Dr 402-379-4380 68701 Kastl, Jarod, OD 69101 Klein, Jeffrey, OD 69001 2800 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-8535 68959 Nebraska City Ophthalmology 68701 Omaha Ophthalmology Linder, Max, MD 68410 Optometrist Knutson, Jonathan, OD 68410 68410 Walters, Tiffany J, OD 68410 68701 1700 Market Ln 402-371-8900 68701 Meyer, Richard, OD 2501 Lakeridge Dr, Ste 106 402-371-3158 68701 Meyer, William, OD 2501 Lakeridge Dr, Ste 106 402-371-3158 68701 Miller, Steven G, OD 3610 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-8230 Pape, Jeffrey W, OD 3610 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-8230 68701 68701 Schekirke, Matthew A, OD 2005 Krenzien Dr 402-379-1434 Neligh Optometrist 68701 1700 Market Ln 402-371-8900 Langan, Sarah E, OD 68701 Tomsen, Katrina M, OD 328 W Norfolk Ave 402-379-3937 304 N St 402-887-4506 68756 304 N St 402-887-4506 68756 211 N Spruce St 308-284-4394 68701 Kouri, Gregory A, OD Kozal, Jeffery G, OD 69153 Optometrist 211 N Spruce St 308-284-4394 68701 North Platte Ophthalmology 69153 69153 Arkfeld, Dean F, MD 16820 Frances St, Ste 100 402-933-6600 68130 450 Regency Pkwy, Ste 110 402-933-6600 68114 8511 W Dodge Rd 402-933-6600 68114 Bailey, Jane A, MD 13923 Gold Cir 402-827-3333 Boysen, Jess L, MD 68144 2420 S 73rd St, Ste 402 402-397-1654 68124 Brumm, Bruce H, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 101 402-934-7700 68130 6751 N 72nd St, Ste 105 402-572-2020 68122 Crossman, Raymond M, MD 2953 S 168th St 402-330-5000 68130 4242 Farnam St, Ste 247 402-552-2300 68131 8111 Dodge St, Ste 143 402-354-8111 68114 Dowell, John A, MD Drake, Carol A, MD 69101 Goldstein, Michael L, MD 16820 Frances St, Ste 100 402-933-6600 68130 450 Regency Pkwy, Ste 110 402-933-6600 68114 Grennan, Jill J, MD 13500 California St 402-552-2020 4353 Dodge St 402-552-2020 68154 2953 S 168th St 402-330-5000 68130 8111 Dodge St, Ste 143 402-354-8111 68114 11606 Nicholas St, Ste 200 402-493-2020 68154 Lynch, Shannon C, MD 7810 Davenport St 402-397-1626 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68114 68198 Madson, Everett C, MD 13500 California St 402-552-2020 4353 Dodge St 402-552-2020 Margalit, Eyal, MD 601 N 30th St 402-449-4000 7710 Mercy Rd 402-398-5500 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Maw, Richard J, MD 68154 68131 68131 68124 68114 68198 Griess, Michael D, MD 8111 Dodge St, Ste 143 402-354-8111 68114 Gulati, Vikas, MD 6751 N 72nd St 402-572-2020 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 121 402-399-8055 68124 68131 110 N 175th St, Ste 2700 402-596-4600 68118 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 McGill, Edward M, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 2700 402-596-4600 68118 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-2020 68198 McIntosh, Michael X, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 2700 402-596-4600 68118 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 13500 California St 402-552-2020 4353 Dodge St 402-552-2020 Hanks, David A, DO 8141 W Center Rd, Ste 100 402-391-1100 68124 Shreck, James, MD 68198 Halsted, Michael A, MD Roussel, Thomas J, MD 2601 N Spruce St 308-635-3911 Gigantelli, James W, MD Halgren, John T, MD 68113 Schreiner, Gary L, OD 100 N 37th St 402-371-3671 2400 W Pasewalk Ave 402-371-5715 68113 Paloucek, John J, OD Alderman, Edgar H, OD Vetick, Russell, OD Hawley, Jason, OD 68701 Koeber, Donald E, OD 121 N 8th St 402-873-6696 1225 S Poplar St, Ste 400 308-534-7100 69101 Lempp, Ryan P, OD Minden Optometrist 121 N 8th St 402-873-6696 Gutschenritter, John J, OD 106 Meyer Ave 402-292-0396 Clyde, Rita J, OD 69001 Salansky, Paul L, OD 69101 Freeman, Vivianle B, OD 69001 121 N 8th St 402-873-6696 111 S Bailey Ave 308-534-2000 68701 218 W D St 308-345-5800 1314 3rd Ave 402-873-8930 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 100 N 37th St 402-371-3671 Stamm, Robert A, OD 110 E Hawthorne St 308-832-0144 69101 69001 69001 2420 S 73rd St, Ste 402 402-397-1654 68124 402 S Dewey St 308-532-1753 Offutt AFB Optometrist Wadzinski, Michael, MD 68131 Fitzpatrick, Anne M, MD 2420 S 73rd St, Ste 402 402-397-1654 68124 68701 218 W D St 308-345-5800 306 W 7th St 308-345-5005 68701 68154 69101 69001 Gray, Dirk M, OD Dietze, Paul J, MD 100 N 37th St 402-371-3671 68701 Liu, Sao C, MD 111 S Bailey Ave 308-534-2000 French, Scott W, OD 68701 13500 California St 402-552-2020 4353 Dodge St 402-552-2020 Fitzpatrick, John J, MD 2800 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-8535 Optometrist 3 Bison Holiday Dr 308-345-8860 King, Patrick H, MD 68701 McGill, Edward M, MD Clinch, Thomas J, MD 1401 E H St 308-865-2760 Hicks, Paula A, MD 100 N 37th St 402-371-3671 301 N 27th St, Ste 3 402-336-2611 Meyer, Richard, OD 222 S Main St 402-454-3700 2800 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-8535 1307 S Willow St 308-532-3937 32 Welch, John C, MD Niobrara Optometrist Loup City Optometrist Palmer, Mark, OD Young, Gregory J, OD 6404 O St 402-466-3700 68508 Belville, James K, MD Tucker, Kimberly J, OD 2500 Northview Rd 402-420-2020 2943 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2020 7930 O St 402-420-2020 1201 O St, Ste 100 402-476-7583 125 S 66th St 402-489-9776 5600 S 59th St 402-328-8811 13500 California St 402-552-2020 4353 Dodge St 402-552-2020 68154 68131 68154 68131 Hejkal, Thomas W, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 2700 402-596-4600 68118 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4000 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-2020 68198 Hellman, Courtney F, MD 13500 California St 402-552-2020 4353 Dodge St 402-552-2020 68154 68131 Hodges, Kathryn E, MD 13500 California St 402-552-2020 4353 Dodge St 402-552-2020 68154 68131 Hottman, Jeffery J, MD 13500 California St 402-552-2020 4353 Dodge St 402-552-2020 68154 68131 Ingvoldstad, David D, MD 13500 California St 402-552-2020 4353 Dodge St 402-552-2020 68154 68131 Johnston, Mark E, MD 4909 S 118th St 402-397-2010 68137 Jones, Charles E, MD 825 N 90th St 402-397-1180 68114 Kosoko-Lasaki, Omofolasade B, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-449-4088 68131 Legge, Richard, MD 7810 Davenport St 402-397-1626 68114 2732 S 87th St 402-397-1117 68124 Meyers, Stephanie J, MD 2953 S 168th St 402-330-5000 68130 4242 Farnam St, Ste 247 402-552-2300 68131 8111 Dodge St, Ste 143 402-354-8111 68114 Mizener, Martin W, MD 13500 California St 402-552-2020 4353 Dodge St 402-552-2020 68154 68131 Palmer, Millicent L, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-449-4088 68131 Parson, Camilla R, MD 16820 Frances St, Ste 100 402-933-6600 68130 Peters, John, MD 7802 Davenport St, Ste 405 402-397-1815 68114 Priluck, Ira A, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 121 402-399-8055 68124 Rai, Sushma, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 13923 Gold Cir 402-558-2211 68144 Schlichtemeier, William R, MD Shepherd, John, MD 704 S 38th Ave 402-559-2463 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 68198 Thomas, William J, MD 11606 Nicholas St, Ste 200 402-493-2020 68154 Townley, Joseph W, MD 8141 W Center Rd, Ste 100 402-391-1100 68124 Troia, Robert N, MD 515 N 98th St 402-399-9400 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68114 68131 Troia, Sebastian J, MD 515 N 98th St 402-399-9400 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 Whitted, Peter J, MD 13500 California St 402-552-2020 4353 Dodge St 402-552-2020 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68114 68131 68154 68131 Nov 17, 2010 Vision Fries, Patti L, OD Optometrist Ahrens, Ginny L, OD 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 140 402-884-0776 68116 17810 W Center Rd 402-697-4893 68130 Armitage, Karen S, OD 10619 Fort St 402-932-4800 68134 Bergman, Christopher T, OD 11606 Nicholas St, Ste 200 402-493-2020 68154 Bessler, Deborah K, OD 10000 California St, Ste 3150 402-391-7043 68114 3001 S 144th St, Ste 1022 402-334-2020 68144 7300 Dodge St, Ste 139 402-391-1112 68114 Brewer, Jeffrey, OD 17520 Wright St, Ste 105 402-614-3200 68130 Bruening, Gregory J, OD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 101 402-934-7700 68130 6751 N 72nd St, Ste 105 402-572-2020 68122 Cain, Brian, OD 10000 California St, Ste 3150 402-391-1333 68114 3001 S 144th St, Ste 1022 402-334-2020 68144 7300 Dodge St, Ste 139 402-391-1112 68114 Cheatham, Kyle, OD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-280-4102 68131 9900 Nicholas St, Ste 275 402-493-6500 68114 Cleaver, Robert J, OD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 101 402-934-7700 68130 6751 N 72nd St, Ste 105 402-572-2020 68122 Culbertson, Karen A, OD 2510 S 171st Ct 402-330-3063 68130 Czywczynski, Derek D, OD 2424 Q St 402-934-5946 68107 Dickinson, Mindy J, OD 13500 California St 402-552-2020 4353 Dodge St 402-552-2020 68154 68131 Drakulich, Desinee, OD 12660 Q St 402-896-3300 Felt, Stephen M, OD 10114 Maple St 402-571-8112 16016 Evans St, Ste 101 402-493-3224 18201 Wright St 402-330-4400 2545 S 132nd St 402-330-4330 409 N 78th St 402-391-6600 68137 68134 68116 68130 68144 68114 Ferguson, Willie J, OD 1113 S 180th St 402-614-4322 68130 9900 Nicholas St, Ste 275 402-493-6500 68114 Finn, Gary, OD 10000 California St, Ste 3150 402-391-7043 68114 3001 S 144th St, Ste 1022 402-334-2020 68144 7300 Dodge St, Ste 139 402-391-1112 68114 Freeman, Vivianle B, OD 10000 California St, Ste 3150 402-391-1333 68114 3001 S 144th St, Ste 1022 402-334-2020 68144 7300 Dodge St, Ste 139 402-391-1112 68114 110 N 175th St, Ste 2700 402-596-4600 68118 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Geisert, William J, OD 3001 S 144th St, Ste 2001 402-697-7093 68144 Geist, Teri K, OD 13500 California St 402-552-2020 4353 Dodge St 402-552-2020 68154 68131 Gerdes, Gregory P, OD 3020 S 84th St 402-391-1143 Goertz, John G, OD 4909 S 118th St 402-397-2010 68124 68137 Gradowski, Steven J, OD 14760 W Center Rd 402-334-9100 68144 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-280-4102 68131 Graf, Frank E, OD 110 N 175th St 402-596-4600 6304 N 99th St 402-492-9440 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68118 68134 68198 Graves, Lyndon J, OD 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 103 402-898-3232 68124 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 103 888-840-3032 68124 Greder, Scott L, OD 13500 California St 402-552-2020 4353 Dodge St 402-552-2020 Haley, Chauncey, OD 68154 68131 17660 Wright Plz, Ste 18 402-991-0160 68130 Herbolsheimer, John R, OD Krysl, Donald, OD 10114 Maple St 402-571-8112 16016 Evans St, Ste 101 402-493-3224 2545 S 132nd St 402-330-4330 409 N 78th St 402-391-6600 14607 W Center Rd 402-330-3000 Langel, Kevin A, OD Jackson, Daniel, OD 68144 68131 68131 117 N 32nd Ave, Ste 101 402-933-6699 68131 16920 Wright Plz, Ste 122 402-898-3937 68130 4920 S 30th St 402-502-8878 68107 Johnson, Jimmy D, OD 17660 Wright Plz, Ste 18 402-991-0160 68130 Klemke, Matthew F, OD 1113 S 180th St 402-614-4322 Kruger, Jaimie, OD 68130 17520 Wright St, Ste 105 402-614-3200 68130 12660 Q St 402-896-3300 68137 5011 Grover St 402-553-1999 68106 Langford, Corey, OD Legacie, Terry A, OD 68144 12315 W Center Rd 402-334-9511 68144 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 104 402-491-0900 68164 7827 Dodge St 402-390-2000 68114 Lichtenberg, Heidi, OD 14760 W Center Rd 402-334-9100 16959 Evans Plz 402-289-0063 4001 N 132nd St 402-431-1203 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-280-4102 Lindquist, Slade, OD 15655 Pacific St 402-697-5122 2510 S 171st Ct 402-330-3063 68154 68144 68144 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 140 402-884-0776 68116 16959 Evans Plz 402-289-0063 68116 17810 W Center Rd 402-697-4893 68130 4001 N 132nd St 402-431-1203 68164 10000 California St, Ste 3150 402-391-7043 68114 3001 S 144th St, Ste 1022 402-334-2020 68144 7300 Dodge St, Ste 139 402-391-1112 68114 13500 California St 402-552-2020 2727 S 144th St, Ste 280 402-552-2020 4242 Farnam St, Ste 150 402-552-2020 4353 Dodge St 402-552-2020 68144 12279 W Center Rd 402-333-7772 68116 Langel, Wendi J, OD 12315 W Center Rd 402-334-9511 68144 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 104 402-491-0900 68164 7827 Dodge St 402-390-2000 68114 Jackson, Abigail A, OD 68114 68134 8141 W Center Rd, Ste 100 402-391-1100 68124 14607 W Center Rd 402-330-3000 6914 N 102nd Cir 402-215-2020 Liu, Janette L, OD 68144 68116 68164 68131 68118 68122 11606 Nicholas St, Ste 200 402-493-2020 68154 Lodl, Cherie S, OD Louis, Andria N, OD 68130 8111 Dodge St, Ste 143 402-354-8111 68114 Luby, David, OD 10000 California St, Ste 3150 402-391-7043 68114 3001 S 144th St, Ste 1022 402-334-2020 68144 7300 Dodge St, Ste 139 402-391-1112 68114 Malashock, Larry, OD 10114 Maple St 402-571-8112 16016 Evans St, Ste 101 402-493-3224 2545 S 132nd St 402-330-4330 409 N 78th St 402-391-6600 Malashock, Neal, OD 10114 Maple St 402-571-8112 16016 Evans St, Ste 101 402-493-3224 2545 S 132nd St 402-330-4330 409 N 78th St 402-391-6600 Mayfield, Nicol L, OD 6304 N 99th St 402-492-9440 Till, Michelle A, OD 10114 Maple St 402-571-8112 16016 Evans St, Ste 101 402-493-3224 2545 S 132nd St 402-330-4330 409 N 78th St 402-391-6600 Kubica, Marsha A, OD Linn, Carole A, OD Houck, Jon, OD Maynard, Kirk C, OD 68134 68116 68144 68114 68134 68116 68144 68114 68134 Meyer, Dean L, OD 68134 68116 68144 68114 Michaels, David M, OD Monson, Brett A, OD Morgan, Linda, OD 11606 Nicholas St, Ste 200 402-493-2020 68154 4909 S 118th St 402-397-2010 68137 Palmer, Alison B, OD 10000 California St, Ste 2692 402-393-3590 68114 8141 W Center Rd, Ste 100 402-391-1100 68124 Robertson, Kelly, OD 3001 S 144th St, Ste 2001 402-697-7093 68144 Robinson, Rebecca L, OD 12315 W Center Rd 402-334-9511 68144 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 104 402-491-0900 68164 7827 Dodge St 402-390-2000 68114 Rupp, Christopher D, OD 10000 California St, Ste 3150 402-391-1333 68114 3001 S 144th St, Ste 1022 402-334-2020 68144 7300 Dodge St, Ste 139 402-391-1112 68114 Sanders, R David, OD 5646 N 90th St 402-572-1604 Schaaf, Marie T, OD 68134 110 N 175th St, Ste 2700 402-596-4600 68118 6304 N 99th St 402-492-9440 68134 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-2020 68198 Schaffer, Shannon C, OD 117 N 32nd Ave, Ste 101 402-933-6699 68131 16920 Wright Plz, Ste 122 402-898-3937 68130 4920 S 30th St 402-502-8878 68107 10619 Fort St 402-932-4800 15340 Weir St 402-932-9222 Toelle, Mark A, OD 16960 W Maple Rd 402-289-9312 Ferenstein, Gerald S, MD Ver Hoef, Sherri L, OD Walter, Adam M, OD 68116 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 101 402-934-7700 68130 6751 N 72nd St, Ste 105 402-572-2020 68122 Weiss, Ellen, OD 12660 Q St 402-896-3300 Wilson, Karen B, OD 68137 6767 Maple St 402-393-8917 68104 8616 N 30th St 402-451-1717 68112 9900 Nicholas St, Ste 275 402-493-6500 68114 Wise, Steven E, OD 10000 California St, Ste 3150 402-391-1333 68114 3001 S 144th St, Ste 1022 402-334-2020 68144 Witte, Mark, OD 5646 N 90th St 402-572-1604 68134 13104 W Dodge Rd 402-493-8266 68154 13104 W Dodge Rd 402-493-8266 68154 Wolfe, Christopher S, OD Wolfe, Steven S, OD Young, Gregory J, OD 10000 California St, Ste 3150 402-391-7043 68114 3001 S 144th St, Ste 1022 402-334-2020 68144 7300 Dodge St, Ste 139 402-391-1112 68114 Young, Michael D, OD 10000 California St 402-397-0243 7356 Dodge St 402-393-5876 68134 Optometrist 68114 68114 68763 8141 W Center Rd, Ste 100 402-391-1100 68124 Sturtevant, Dwayne F, OD 5146 N 90th St 402-572-6099 68134 4909 S 118th St 402-397-2010 68137 Thompson, Cara J, OD 68763 612 N 4th St 402-336-2220 68763 68763 68763 Ord Optometrist 535 Fortune Dr, Ste 200 402-934-9033 68046 Manahan, Robert, MD 535 Fortune Dr, Ste 200 402-934-9033 68046 Optometrist Bessler, Deborah K, OD 7505 Towne Center Pkwy, Ste 101 402-339-2481 68046 Cain, Brian, OD 7505 Towne Center Pkwy, Ste 101 402-339-2481 68046 Dierks, Sarah E, OD 7474 Towne Center Pkwy, Ste 107 402-592-3266 68046 Finn, Gary, OD 7505 Towne Center Pkwy, Ste 101 402-339-2481 68046 Freeman, Vivianle B, OD 7505 Towne Center Pkwy, Ste 101 402-339-2481 68046 Houck, Jon, OD 7505 Towne Center Pkwy, Ste 101 402-339-2481 68046 Klassen, Roger A, OD 8525 S 71st Plz 402-597-8990 Luby, David, OD 7505 Towne Center Pkwy, Ste 101 402-339-2481 68046 Rupp, Christopher D, OD 7505 Towne Center Pkwy, Ste 101 402-339-2481 68046 7474 Towne Center Pkwy, Ste 107 402-592-3239 68046 Pierce Optometrist 207 W Main St 402-329-4100 68767 207 W Main St 402-329-4100 68767 Goetsch, Courtney, OD Plattsmouth Optometrist 68862 2380 8th Ave, Ste 4 402-296-2200 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68133 Bateman, John E, OD Blair, Brandon A, OD 1501 M St 308-728-3229 Manahan, Celia G, MD Furstenau, Jennifer, OD O'Connor-Kohle, Jonna M, OD 612 N 4th St 402-336-2220 401 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 203 402-592-4750 68046 Young, Michael D, OD Gildersleeve, Philip L, OD 214 N 10th St 402-336-2505 69154 Young, Gregory J, OD 214 N 10th St 402-336-2505 Gutshall, Carl S, OD North Hwy 27 308-635-3911 7505 Towne Center Pkwy, Ste 101 402-339-2481 68046 Blumenstock, Bradley, OD Spangler, Kimberly S, OD Oshkosh Ophthalmology Papillion Ophthalmology 68124 10000 California St, Ste 3150 402-391-7043 68114 3001 S 144th St, Ste 1022 402-334-2020 68144 7300 Dodge St, Ste 139 402-391-1112 68114 68862 9900 Nicholas St, Ste 275 402-493-6500 68114 Vandervort, Vicky, OD 300 N 2nd St 402-336-2611 68114 68862 1501 M St 308-728-3229 McCartney, Roger C, OD Roussel, Thomas J, MD King, Patrick H, MD Shapiro, David, OD 314 S 14th St 308-728-5401 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-280-4102 68131 9900 Nicholas St, Ste 275 402-493-6500 68114 68144 625 N 98th St 402-397-0497 68137 Vandervort, Robert, OD Schekirke, Matthew A, OD Scott, Donald, OD 68134 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 140 402-884-0776 68116 Oneill Ophthalmology 14445 W Center Rd 402-336-6930 3020 S 84th St 402-391-1143 5646 N 90th St 402-572-1604 Dorsey, Mindy, OD 68048 33 Vision Webb, Jason, OD Randolph Optometrist 313 W 38th St, Ste 2 308-635-0800 Furstenau, Jennifer, OD 123 S Main St 402-371-8230 68771 Goetsch, Courtney, OD 123 S Main St 402-371-8230 68771 Miller, Steven G, OD 123 S Main St 402-371-8230 68771 Optometrist 69361 Seward Ophthalmology 318 N Main St 402-376-2020 69201 331 N Cherry St 402-376-2005 69201 McCormick, Chester J, OD Sutton, Gregory, MD 300 N Columbia Ave 402-484-9000 Bancroft, Calvin K, OD Optometrist Wahoo Ophthalmology Slepicka, Craig A, OD Sutton, Gregory, MD 68434 236 S Columbia Ave 402-643-2944 68434 805 W 10th St 402-443-4191 68066 Fett, Janet R, OD 236 S Columbia Ave 402-643-2944 68434 805 W 10th St 402-443-4191 68066 Kincaid, David M, OD Sidney Ophthalmology S Sioux City Optometrist Wintz, Keith R, OD 1000 W 29th St, Ste 302 402-494-5533 68776 1000 W 29th St, Ste 302 402-494-5533 68776 Tharp, Sharon K, OD 1000 W 29th St, Ste 302 402-494-5533 68776 Saint Paul Optometrist 707 Howard Ave 308-754-5609 Stines, Mark H, OD 707 Howard Ave 308-754-5609 69162 Optometrist 69162 68873 900 Pine St 308-254-4041 69162 68873 Superior Optometrist Cook, Jeffrey, OD McMeen, Jeremy W, OD 358 N Central Ave 402-879-3233 Mickey, Daniel K, OD 1 Hospital Dr 402-352-3855 68661 1 Hospital Dr 402-352-3855 68661 Stevens, Ryan B, OD Scottsbluff Ophthalmology 210 N Saunders Ave 402-773-5616 329 W 40th St 308-635-3911 Moore, Jessica, OD 69361 210 N Saunders Ave 402-773-5616 329 W 40th St 308-635-3911 69361 Syracuse Ophthalmology 329 W 40th St 308-635-3911 69361 Martin, Judson C, MD Roussel, Thomas J, MD Optometrist 3726 Avenue D 308-635-1234 69361 3726 Avenue D 308-635-1234 69361 Darnell, Jon, OD 416 Valley View Dr, Ste 100 308-635-1633 69361 Green, Michael E, OD 210 W 38th St 308-632-2039 69361 Jenkins, Natasha, OD 3726 Avenue D 308-635-1234 Krieg, Jacob, OD 69361 416 Valley View Dr, Ste 100 308-635-1633 69361 Mahoney, J T, OD Schneider, Jill, OD 68979 68979 68446 69361 1930 E 20th Pl, Ste 100 308-632-2020 69361 Vandenberge, Glen, OD 416 Valley View Dr, Ste 100 308-635-1633 69361 68446 Walters, Tiffany J, OD 135 9th St 402-269-2321 68446 Tecumseh Ophthalmology Hopkins, Joshua J, OD 215 W 2nd St 402-375-5160 68787 313 Main St 402-375-2020 68787 215 W 2nd St 402-375-5160 68787 Koeber, Donald E, OD Magnuson, Larry M, OD McGill, Edward M, MD 101 W Decatur St 402-372-3266 68788 Optometrist Lauritzen, Dean L, OD 101 W Decatur St 402-372-3266 68788 Sutton, Vincent, MD 625 Lincoln Ave 402-768-7203 68467 Dob, Nancy, OD 625 Lincoln Ave 402-362-3313 68467 222 E 6th St 402-362-4592 68467 222 E 6th St 402-362-4592 68467 625 Lincoln Ave 402-362-3313 68467 625 Lincoln Ave 402-362-3313 68467 222 E 6th St 402-362-4592 68467 Kadavy, Amy, OD Moore, Jessica, OD 68450 Steele, Andrea N, OD Optometrist Mann, Gregory V, OD 131 N 3rd St 402-335-2022 68066 Wayne Optometrist Kant, Richard L, OD Linder, Max, MD 202 High St 402-335-3361 206 E 6th St 402-443-3168 Optometrist Salansky, Paul L, OD 135 9th St 402-269-2321 68066 York Ophthalmology Optometrist Adams, Terry L, OD Colburn, Paul B, OD 68979 Linder, Max, MD 1579 Midland St 402-269-2011 68066 206 E 6th St 402-443-3168 Baumfalk, Jeremiah, OD West Point Ophthalmology Dob, Nancy, OD Krings, Kerry, OD Collier, Shawna, MD 68978 Sutton Optometrist 210 N Saunders Ave 402-773-5616 206 E 6th St 402-443-3168 Vorhies, Theodore R, OD 836 18th Ave 308-254-3225 Schuyler Optometrist 34 Arneson, Mark A, OD Blackburn, Sean, OD Hudnall, Chadwick S, OD 3726 Avenue D 308-635-1234 Optometrist Martin, Judson C, MD 645 Osage St 308-635-3911 Sutton, Vincent, MD 68450 Valentine Ophthalmology Witte, Donald N, OD Martin, Judson C, MD Green St & Hwy 12 402-376-2525 69201 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Behavioral Health Seachord, Gary L Behavioral Health Psychologist Nebraska Ainsworth Licensed Professional Counselor Wilkins, Wendy S, LPCC East Highway 20 402-387-1130 69210 Outpatient Psychiatric 69210 Psychologist Adams, Paul, EdD 312 N Main St 402-382-3123 69210 Substance Abuse Rehab Heartland Counseling Services 312 N Main St 402-382-3123 69210 Alliance Licensed Professional Counselor Binns, Heather F, LPCC 212 Box Butte Ave 308-762-2545 321 Flack Ave 308-762-6868 610 Newberry St 308-762-2956 705 N 17th Ave 402-944-2201 Junker, Linda N Miller, Nancy M, LPCC 2022 13th St 816-244-1284 908 13th St 816-244-1284 68305 68305 Outpatient Psychiatric 1121 15th St 402-274-4373 820 Central Ave, Ste 4 402-274-4373 68305 68305 Psychiatric Social Worker Schultz, Maureen K, LCSW 69301 Psychologist 68305 820 Central Ave, Ste 4 402-274-4373 68305 212 Box Butte Ave, Ste A 308-762-9018 69301 Substance Abuse Rehab 321 Flack Ave 308-762-6868 Blue Valley Mental Health Center Kiser, Bethany C, LPC 69301 Meissner, Deborah L, SW 212 Box Butte Ave 308-762-2545 69301 Shannon, Barbara, LPCC 321 Flack Ave 308-762-6868 69301 Wineman, Lou Ann M, LPCC 212 Box Butte Ave 308-762-2545 69301 Psychiatric Social Worker Dubs, Linda J, SW 321 Flack Ave 308-762-6868 69301 Psychiatry Fischer, Donald E, MD 2307 Box Butte Ave 308-762-3741 69301 Psychologist Hutt, Matthew M, PhD 212 Box Butte Ave 308-762-2545 69301 Richardson, Pamela A, PhD 212 Box Butte Ave 308-762-2545 69301 Ashland Psychiatric Social Worker Worden, Joan M, LCSW 1125 County Road A 402-660-2280 68003 1121 15th St 402-274-4373 820 Central Ave, Ste 4 402-274-4373 68305 68305 Aurora Licensed Professional Counselor Coleman, William L, LPCC 1115 9th St 402-694-3637 68818 Prentice Erickson, Melissa D, LPCC 302 S 16th St, Ste B 402-694-6004 68818 Axtell Psychiatry 68924 Dearmont, Melissa L, SW 68714 Beatrice Chemical Dependency Counselor Probst, Nancy 1123 N 9th St 402-228-3386 68310 1838 Summit St 402-223-2088 68310 Bell, Amy R Enns, Wanda L, LPCC 25478 S 23rd Rd 308-324-5623 68310 1123 N 9th St 402-228-3386 68310 Ferguson, Amber D, LPCC Kincs, Paul K, LPCC 215 N 19th St 402-483-6990 68310 Koch, Melissa M, LPCC 68310 Kohles, Robert D, LPCC 1123 N 9th St 402-228-3386 68310 Langvardt, Sharon A, LPCC 1123 N 9th St 402-228-3386 68310 Monfelt Siems, Jamie L, LPCC 68310 Substance Abuse Rehab Blue Valley Mental Health Center 1123 N 9th St 402-228-3386 1200 S 9th St 402-223-5544 68310 68310 Bellevue Chemical Dependency Counselor Moore, Kathleen P 2009 Franklin St 402-292-7335 Prine, Jane A 8255 S 42nd St 402-898-4135 68005 68147 Child Psychiatry Lubberstedt, Brian D, MD 3308 Samson Way, Ste 203 402-717-7681 68123 Ogunleye, Yetunde A, MD 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 68123 Licensed Professional Counselor Aldinger, Pamela 68310 205 Galvin Rd N 402-292-7712 68005 1123 N 9th St 402-228-3386 68310 730 Fort Crook Rd N 402-292-9105 68005 1123 N 9th St 402-228-3386 68310 2211 Peoples Rd, Ste F 402-658-2075 68005 722 Court St 402-223-3843 Paulsen, Kerri L, LPCC Sutter, Gail Almquist, Keith D, LPCC Bowlby, Christine L, LPCC Broekemeier, Christina 1201 S 9th St Parkview Ctr 402-239-9899 68310 205 Galvin Rd N 402-292-7712 68005 Outpatient Psychiatric 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 68123 Blue Valley Mental Health Center 1123 N 9th St 402-228-3386 1200 S 9th St 402-223-5544 68310 68310 Psychiatric Social Worker Day, Jonathan C, SW 1123 N 9th St 402-228-3386 68310 Harmon, Connie A, SW 1123 N 9th St 402-228-3386 68310 Parde-Behrens, Glenda, LCSW 68310 Psychiatry Bassett Psychiatric Social Worker 84963 444th Ave 402-684-2908 707 Court St 402-228-4968 1123 N 9th St 402-228-3386 Murray, Thomas, MD 1044 23rd Rd 308-743-2401 Aveyard, Roger, LPCC Shay, Bradly, LPCC Vermaas, Kenneth W, PhD 68310 Licensed Professional Counselor 722 Court St 402-223-3843 Blue Valley Mental Health Center 69301 Del Carmen Prokop, Maria, LPCC 68305 Licensed Professional Counselor 820 Central Ave, Ste 4 402-274-4373 69301 68003 Auburn Chemical Dependency Counselor 820 Central Ave, Ste 4 402-274-4373 Heartland Counseling 312 N Main St 402-382-3123 Stringham, Edward M, PhD 1123 N 9th St 402-228-3386 Roy, Sanat K, MD 1123 N 9th St 402-228-3386 Bruett, Todd J, LPCC Bustos, Kathy J, SW 2211 Peoples Rd, Ste A 712-527-9991 68005 Cavender, Penelope C, LPCC 2211 Peoples Rd, Ste C 402-916-9886 68005 Crain, Dennis D, SW 1508 J F Kennedy Dr, Ste 2062A 402-916-5158 68005 Dinneen, Mary B, LPCC 730 Fort Crook Rd N 402-292-9105 Dowden, Linda L, LPCC 2211 Peoples Rd, Ste 1 402-991-2123 68005 Engdahl, Mary, LPCC 730 Fort Crook Rd N 402-292-9105 68005 730 Fort Crook Rd N 402-292-9105 68005 Greenwell, Paul, LPCC Grzywa, Gail M, SW 68310 Psychologist 3906 Raynor Pkwy, Ste 104 402-292-0205 68123 Holoubeck, Vicki Bryant, Shawn W, PsyD 205 Galvin Rd N 402-292-7712 829 W Court St, Ste 4 402-228-6446 68310 Hubbard, Sherry L 1123 N 9th St 402-228-3386 68310 Huss, Joan E, LPCC Oestmann, Jerry L, PhD Price, Wayne R, PhD 68005 68005 205 Galvin Rd N 402-292-7712 68005 8255 S 42nd St 402-898-4135 68147 711 N 8th St 402-228-2620 68310 Kay, Dawn M 1123 N 9th St 402-228-3386 68310 Koenig, Roxanne, LPCC 1400 Oak St 402-806-1700 68310 Swartz, Virginia D, PhD Zlomke, Leland C, PhD 2211 Peoples Rd, Ste 11 402-714-2357 68005 730 Fort Crook Rd N 402-292-9105 Massara, Kimberly A, LPCC 730 Fort Crook Rd N 402-292-9105 68005 7511 S 36th St 402-813-2487 68147 Meadows, Alyson L, LPCC Olson, Michael M, LPCC 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-2275 68123 Otto, Traci 3906 Raynor Pkwy, Ste 104 402-292-0205 68123 Substance Abuse Rehab Catholic Charities 8255 S 42nd St 402-898-4135 68147 Blair Licensed Professional Counselor Broz, Sandra K, LPC 1005 N 28th Ave 402-750-8712 68008 68005 1630 Washington St 402-533-3680 68008 8255 S 42nd St 402-898-4135 68147 Psychiatric Social Worker 205 Galvin Rd N 402-292-7712 68005 Peyton, Vickie R, MSW 730 Fort Crook Rd N 402-292-9105 68005 730 Fort Crook Rd N 402-292-9105 Poppert, James J, LPCC Rice, Joan E, LPCC Valentine, Lucille H Sather, Ruth B, MSW Psychiatric Social Worker Crain, Dennis D, SW 730 Fort Crook Rd N 402-292-9105 Jones, Debra K, SW 68005 730 Fort Crook Rd N 402-292-9105 68005 5006 Trail Creek Ave 402-321-1295 68157 Muell, Amy J, SW Plummer, Kimberly A, LCSW 2211 Peoples Rd, Ste A 712-527-9991 68005 Slominski, Mary, SW 3906 Raynor Pkwy, Ste 104 402-292-0205 68123 730 Fort Crook Rd N 402-292-9105 68005 Psychiatry Battafarano, Nicholas J, MD 8255 S 42nd St 402-898-4135 Coy, Michael L, MD 68147 2211 Peoples Rd, Ste 1 402-991-2123 68005 Fernandes, Praveen P, MD 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 68123 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 68123 730 Fort Crook Rd N 402-292-9105 68005 Marcil, William A, MD Oliveto, Eugene, MD Anderson, Carole R, EdD 68005 Keim, Katherine I, PhD 2211 Peoples Rd, Ste F 402-298-5327 68005 Lancaster, Blake M, PhD 11507 S 42nd St, Ste 101 402-562-4444 68123 Muiu, Charles, PhD 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste N 402-660-7700 68005 Rotert, Mary M, PhD 3906 Raynor Pkwy, Ste 104 402-292-0205 68123 Warren, Jane E, PhD 403 S 16th St, Ste B 402-426-4066 68008 Blue Hill Psychiatric Social Worker Miller, Sharon L, SW 102 N Pine St 402-756-2141 68930 Boys Town Licensed Professional Counselor Almquist, Julie K, LPCC 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3362 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Bernthaler, Beth A, LPCC 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3358 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Connelly, Carolyn S, LPCC 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3362 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Cully, Alma J, LPCC Psychologist 2006 Pleasantview Ln 402-297-8444 Petersen, Chandra M, LPCC 3906 Raynor Pkwy, Ste 104 402-292-0205 68123 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3362 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Hauser, Lindsey J, PsyD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Kruger, Lynn K, LPCC 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3358 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 McLean, Amanda M, LPCC 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3358 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Nelson, Elizabeth M, LPCC 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3358 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 68005 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 35 Behavioral Health Paradis, Lisa M, LPCC 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3362 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Pick, Robert M, LPCC 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3362 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Robinson, Natasha A, SW 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3362 68010 Siebecker, Amanda B, LPC 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3358 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Singh, Sandip, LPCC 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3358 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Stoller, Christina M, LPCC 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3358 68010 Professional Counselor Shaw, Stacy B, LPC 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3358 68010 Psychiatric Social Worker Robinson, Natasha A, SW Schnoes, Connie Jo A, PhD 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3362 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Snyder, Gregory S, PhD 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3358 Stewart, Donna L, PhD 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3362 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Novoa, Laura A, MD 14100 Crawford St 402-498-6511 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3362 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Friman, Patrick C, PhD 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3362 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Handwerk, Michael L, PhD 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3362 68010 Haugen, Kimberly A, PhD 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3362 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Hauser, Lindsey J, PsyD 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3358 68010 Peter, Matthew M, PsyD 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3362 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Reimers, Thomas M, PhD 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3362 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 68010 Reinertsen, Karen J, MD 14100 Crawford St 402-498-1449 68010 Spellman, Douglas F, MD 14100 Crawford St 402-498-6511 68010 Broken Bow Licensed Professional Counselor Dobesh, Janet E, LPCC 1015 S D St 308-872-2123 68822 England, Debra L, LPCC 302 S 9th Ave 308-870-4894 Bowers, Frank E, PhD 68010 68822 McCaslin, Jessica R, LPC 68822 Smith, Patricia A, LPCC 724 S D St 308-872-6651 68822 Psychologist Fritson, Krista K, PsyD 302 S 9th Ave 308-870-4894 68822 Burwell Psychiatric Social Worker Dearmont, Melissa L, SW 807 H St 402-684-2908 68823 Central City Licensed Professional Counselor Konz, Kay E, LPCC 1715 26th St 402-489-9959 68826 68826 Psychiatric Social Worker Costello, Patricia A, SW 1715 26th St 402-489-9959 68826 Ceresco Psychiatric Social Worker Zahren, Teresa, LCSW 315 S 9th St, Ste 200 402-310-0085 36 68017 68601 3020 18th St, Ste 17 402-563-3833 68601 3020 18th St, Ste 17 402-563-3833 3775 45th St 402-564-7200 68601 3314 26th St, Ste A 402-564-9888 Johnson, Steven J, LPCC Kazmerski, Jennifer S, LPCC Catholic Charities 68601 69337 Meadows, James R, LPCC 301 W 2nd St 308-432-6779 68601 Surber, Brenda, LPCC 69337 Northam, Edward, LPCC Brost, Rebecca 703 Maple St 308-430-3918 69337 327 Ann St 308-432-6910 69337 3050 33rd Ave, Ste 11 888-310-1344 68601 3058 33rd Ave 402-563-1422 68601 4432 Sunrise Pl 402-564-9994 68601 Nyffeler, Sharon Oltmer, Cynthia, LPCC Kendrick, Teena, LPCC Phillips, Mary, LPCC 318 Shelton St 308-432-5437 69337 343 Chadron Ave 308-432-2133 69337 1460 35th Ave 402-562-6767 3314 26th St, Ste A 402-564-9888 69337 3020 18th St, Ste 17 402-563-3833 Miles, Lorraine I, LPCC Miller, Jennie L, LPCC 913 King St 308-432-6799 Thompson-Hall, Karla S, LPCC Rich, Jamie J, LPCC Roth, Dale L, LPCC 4432 Sunrise Pl 402-564-9994 68601 68601 68601 68601 327 Ann St 308-432-6910 69337 Runion, Robert W, LPCC 224 Main St 308-432-3050 69337 Segool, Natasha K, LPCC 111 S Broadway St 402-833-8188 68728 Cozad Licensed Professional Counselor Hunt-Amos, Stacey, LPCC 1803 Papio Ln 308-325-1657 69130 David City Chemical Dependency Counselor Thomalla, Eric S 367 E St 402-367-4216 68632 Licensed Professional Counselor Davis, Claudia J, LPCC 367 E St 402-367-4216 68632 367 E St 402-367-4216 68632 Swagger, Scott J, LPCC Outpatient Psychiatric Blue Valley Mental Health Center Crete Chemical Dependency Counselor 367 E St 402-367-4216 Probst, Nancy Blue Valley Mental Health Center 1212 Ivy Ave 402-826-2000 68333 Licensed Professional Counselor 68632 Substance Abuse Rehab 367 E St 402-367-4216 68632 1212 Ivy Ave 402-826-2000 68333 Eagle Psychiatric Social Worker 422 S Boswell Ave 402-826-5858 68333 225 S 1st St, Lot 44 402-890-1354 3314 26th St, Ste A 402-564-9888 68601 Day, Jonathan C, SW 3775 45th St 402-564-7200 68601 Placek, Ruth Dixie A, LPCC Van Meveren, Cheryl A, SW Psychologist 3020 18th St, Ste 17 402-563-3833 68601 Jones-Hazledine, Catherine H, PhD Remington, Arnold A, LPCC 3020 18th St, Ste 17 402-563-3833 Wright, Carol B, LPCC Yekel, Joan M, LPCC 651 W 4th St 308-432-3920 300 Shelton St 402-472-7450 69337 69337 Columbus Chemical Dependency Counselor Barnes, Connie 4432 Sunrise Pl 402-564-9994 Larson, Lori M 3020 18th St, Ste 17 402-563-3833 Ohlmeyer, William 3020 18th St 402-564-9994 4432 Sunrise Pl 402-564-9994 Ring, Kathy 3020 18th St, Ste 17 402-563-3833 Psychiatric Social Worker Edwards, Jolaine L, SW 68601 68601 68601 Lambert, Charla, SW Starman, Beverly A, LPCC 3020 18th St 402-564-9994 4432 Sunrise Pl 402-564-9994 68601 68601 Psychiatry 68601 68601 68601 68601 68601 Battafarano, Nicholas J, MD 3020 18th St, Ste 17 402-563-3833 68601 Howard, Susan T, MD 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-7500 68601 Pothuloori, Mona P, MD 68333 1212 Ivy Ave 402-826-2000 68333 Psychiatric Social Worker 1212 Ivy Ave 402-826-2000 68333 1212 Ivy Ave 402-826-2000 68333 Parde-Behrens, Glenda, LCSW Psychiatry Paskewitz, George, MD Swartz, Virginia D, PhD 1212 Ivy Ave 402-826-2000 68333 1212 Ivy Ave 402-826-2000 68333 3020 18th St, Ste 17 402-563-3833 68601 3314 26th St, Ste A 402-564-9888 Curtis Psychologist 68601 Schroeder, Rebecca A, PhD 68601 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-7500 Schindler, Kathy, LCSW 68636 Elkhorn Licensed Professional Counselor Brigden, Jennifer M 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 68022 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 68022 Keeley, John K, SW Blue Valley Mental Health Center Somerhiser, Rhonda L, PhD Elgin Psychiatric Social Worker Psychologist 68601 Meadows, Tawnya J, PhD 68935 Geck, Meredith J, LPC 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-7500 Chleborad, Paul E, PhD 315 N C St 402-224-3344 319 Blue River Lodge Cir W 402-826-1050 68333 Substance Abuse Rehab Psychologist Edgar Psychiatric Social Worker 51790 836 Rd 402-394-1677 Cote, David T, SW 68601 Pothuloori, Pratap V, MD 68347 Miller, Sharon L, SW Blue Valley Mental Health Center 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-7500 68601 Ellison-Amburn, Deborah M, LPCC 3020 18th St, Ste 17 402-563-3833 3050 33rd Ave, Ste 11 402-564-6448 68601 Draeger, Douglas O, LPCC 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-7500 68601 Outpatient Psychiatric Zimmerman, Jane M, LPCC 1551 26th Ave, Ste B 402-562-7728 Dohren, Cynthia R, LPCC 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-7500 68601 1212 Ivy Ave 402-826-2000 68601 Colegrove, Jill M, LPCC 1460 35th Ave 402-562-6767 Wilson, Larry D, LPCC 3314 26th St, Ste D 402-562-7099 Armstrong, Melissa L, LPCC 3020 18th St 402-564-9994 4432 Sunrise Pl 402-564-9994 Walton, Robert S, LPCC 68601 Baughman, Emelise, LPCC Licensed Professional Counselor 717 16th St 308-380-1925 Substance Abuse Rehab 4508 38th St 402-564-7200 375 Beech St 308-432-2693 Billings, Rayleen T, LPCC Griffith, Margaret 14100 Crawford St 402-498-6511 Greguson, Lezlee A, LPCC Concord Licensed Professional Counselor 69337 Forsman-Bierman, Sheila M, MD Psychologist 68010 535 Pinecrest Dr 308-432-2399 Boystown Psychiatry 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 13603 Flanagan Blvd 402-498-3362 Bila, Robin M, LPCC Farrar, Donna Dede R, LPCC 525 S 9th Ave 308-872-5040 Axelrod, Michael, PhD 68010 Chadron Licensed Professional Counselor 213 Center Ave 308-367-4141 Wolfe, Rachel E L, LPCC Psychiatry Theobald, Jane M, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 68022 Psychologist Koraleski, Stephanie F, PhD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 68022 69025 68601 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Behavioral Health Elm Creek Licensed Professional Counselor Mitchell, Ersel 825 Williams Dr 308-236-5838 68836 Elwood Licensed Professional Counselor Blessing, David C, LPCC 42534 Highway 23 308-785-2064 68937 Fairbury Chemical Dependency Counselor Probst, Nancy 521 E St 402-729-2272 68352 Licensed Professional Counselor Dill, Arlys I, LPCC 510 D St, Ste 2 402-768-2188 68352 Outpatient Psychiatric Blue Valley Mental Health Center 521 E St 402-729-2272 Hallstrom, Debra J, LPCC Outpatient Psychiatric Blue Valley Mental Health Center 116 W 19th St 402-245-4458 68355 Psychiatric Social Worker Jones, Ann E, SW 116 W 19th St 402-245-4458 68355 Schilling-Montgomery, Tammy, LCSW 116 W 19th St 402-245-4458 68355 Psychologist Vermaas, Kenneth W, PhD 116 W 19th St 402-245-4458 68355 Substance Abuse Rehab Blue Valley Mental Health Center 116 W 19th St 402-245-4458 68355 Franklin Licensed Professional Counselor Putnam, Edwin M, LPCC 68352 709 15th Ave 308-995-9399 510 D St, Ste 2 402-729-6379 68352 Fremont Chemical Dependency Counselor 521 E St 402-729-2272 68352 Psychologist Meyer, Allen E, PhD Swartz, Virginia D, PhD Substance Abuse Rehab Blue Valley Mental Health Center 521 E St 402-729-2272 68352 Fairfield Psychiatric Social Worker Marsh, Roland T, SW 803 N E St 402-726-2383 68938 Fairmont Licensed Professional Counselor Wythers, David 1605 Road I 402-759-2299 Junker, Linda N 68355 Licensed Professional Counselor Kohles, Robert D, LPCC 116 W 19th St 402-245-4458 Leazenby, Ermyl 212 E 8th St 402-721-1414 Porter, Mark R 212 E 8th St 402-721-1414 92 W 5th St, Ste B 402-727-7278 68025 68355 Kincs, Paul K, LPCC 210 E 8th St, Ste A 402-483-6990 68025 Knobbe, Stephanie L, LPCC 445 E 1st St 402-721-7169 Leamon, Mandy, SW 68025 680 E Fremont Medical Park Dr, Ste 300 402-941-7245 68025 68025 68025 Licensed Professional Counselor Almquist, Julie K, LPCC 1925 E 8th St, Ste B 402-707-3648 68025 680 E Fremont Medical Park Dr, Ste 300 402-941-7245 68025 Meyer, Christy J, LPCC 513 N D St 402-721-1774 Miller, Bryan 750 E 29th St 402-483-1936 68025 68025 Northam, Edward, LPCC 1835 E Military Ave, Ste 127 402-941-8882 68025 Renner, Mark J, LPCC 424 W 23rd St, Ste E 402-727-1592 748 N Main St 402-941-7016 Sharp, Melissa S 68025 68025 748 N Main St 402-941-7016 68025 513 N D St 402-721-1774 68025 Skaff, Michael A, LPCC 402-720-3992 445 E 1st St 402-721-7169 68025 68025 212 E 8th St 402-721-1414 Whitcomb, Gordy J 748 N Main St 402-721-0245 68025 68025 Wilson, Priscilla A, LPC 230 E 22nd St, Ste 3 402-720-5129 68025 424 W 23rd St, Ste E 402-727-1592 Psychiatric Social Worker 68025 Gurock, Amanda, SW 424 W 23rd St, Ste E 402-727-1592 513 N D St 402-721-1774 68025 68025 230 E 22nd St, Ste 3 402-721-8805 68025 230 E 22nd St, Ste 3 402-616-4859 68025 Carlson, Stanley E, LPCC Cramer, Jay C, LPCC 415 E 23rd St, Ste 204 402-614-9994 68025 Crawford, Pearl M, LPCC 1133 Roxie St 402-727-7989 68025 Dugan, Jane G, LPCC 212 E 8th St 402-720-6435 212 E 8th St 402-721-1414 68025 68025 Edwards, Leroy N, LPCC 708 E 22nd St, Ste A 402-894-9990 424 W 23rd St, Ste E 402-727-1592 68025 437 Jefferson Rd 402-719-1778 68025 Missel, Michele M, SW Bentley, Janette L, LPCC 750 E 29th St 402-483-1936 68025 424 W 23rd St, Ste E 402-727-1592 68025 Filcheck, Holly A, PhD Grubler, Jennifer, PhD 424 W 23rd St, Ste E 402-727-1592 Gustafson, Kay, EdD 513 N D St 402-721-1774 68025 68025 Karges, Jane L, PsyD 1239 N Park Ave 402-727-4886 68025 750 E 29th St 402-483-1936 68025 424 W 23rd St, Ste E 402-727-1592 68025 Larson, Bridget A, PhD Magee, Heather E, PhD 424 W 23rd St, Ste E 402-727-1592 68025 750 E 29th St 402-483-1936 68025 Miller Evans, Peg M, PhD 230 E 22nd St, Ste 3 402-721-8805 Plasek, Gail, LCSW 445 E 1st St 402-721-7169 68025 Saeger, Catherine, LCSW 1239 N Park Ave 402-727-4886 68025 Scott, Meadow, LCSW 230 E 22nd St, Ste 3 402-721-8805 68025 Psychiatry 750 E 29th St 402-483-1936 212 E 8th St 402-721-1414 68025 680 E Fremont Medical Park Dr, Ste 300 402-941-7245 68025 Shoiab, Mohammad, MD 710 Reynolds Rd 402-721-6068 68025 68025 Perry, Jennifer M, PhD 750 E 29th St 402-483-1936 Potter, Ann E, PhD 230 E 22nd St, Ste 3 402-721-8805 Riley, Tim R, PhD 750 E 29th St 437 Jefferson Rd 402-577-2560 445 E 1st St, Ste 1 402-899-1063 68025 750 E 29th St 402-753-2900 68361 Substance Abuse Rehab Blue Valley Mental Health Center 68361 Gering Licensed Professional Counselor Fitts, D R, LPCC 68803 Brummund, Debbra B, LPCC 3231 Ramada Rd, Ste 9 308-381-7718 68801 Buettner, Anne Y 3008 W Stolley Park Rd, Ste 4 308-382-6487 68801 Bumgardner, Jennifer M, LPCC 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 Chamberlain, Douglas J, LPCC 1735 9th St 308-436-2224 69341 Charron, Kimberly A, LPCC 906 N St 308-436-2365 69341 Clausen, Pamela Rico, Reagan Wineman, Lou Ann M, LPCC 940 O St 308-637-4537 Youngs, Kathleen 69341 2121 N Webb Rd, Ste 200 308-384-7119 68803 3532 W Capital Ave 308-381-7487 68803 Cook, Jennifer L, LPCC 2121 N Webb Rd, Ste 300 308-381-5877 68803 68025 68025 Anderson, Jacqueline A 68025 68025 68025 408 10th St 308-529-0821 69138 619 10th St 308-537-2034 69138 1512 Avenue G 308-537-2799 69138 Hibbard, Karen S, LPCC Hiebner, Brenda L, LPCC Grand Island Chemical Dependency Counselor Judds, Kristine Green, Rebecca R Kennedy, William T, LPCC 68361 Licensed Professional Counselor Becker, Michael S, SW 831 F St 402-759-4761 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 1811 W 2nd St, Ste 245 308-384-4739 68803 Geneva Chemical Dependency Counselor 942 N 13th St 402-759-3802 68803 Bauer, Stephenie L, LPCC Dahlke, Megan D, LPCC Pathfinder Support Service 831 F St 402-759-4761 3532 W Capital Ave 308-381-7487 Brown, Bonnie L, LPCC Pattison, Lisa A, PhD 831 F St 402-759-4761 1811 W 2nd St, Ste 245 308-384-4739 68803 Gothenburg Licensed Professional Counselor 68025 Substance Abuse Rehab 212 E 8th St 402-721-1414 68361 Psychologist 831 F St 402-759-4761 Arkle, John D, LPCC Arp-Wilson, Terri L Blue Valley Mental Health Center 831 F St 402-759-4761 2121 N Webb Rd, Ste 205 308-380-0697 68803 Crosby, Ralph D, LPCC Williams, George E, PhD 750 E 29th St 402-483-1936 68361 Outpatient Psychiatric Almquist, Kerry 955 Country Club Rd, Ste B6 308-631-8647 69341 68025 Turner, Rhonda K, PsyD Cole, Laura A, LPCC Sattar, Syed P, MD 68025 Napolitano, Scott A, PhD Sorensen, Rachel M, LPCC 402-483-1936 2170 N Platte Ave Troy, John F, PsyD 68025 Barrett-McClendon, Suzanne, LPCC 1325 H St 402-759-2285 Bryant, Lorrie E, PhD Maikranz, Julie M, PhD 750 E 29th St 402-483-1936 Andersen, Brian E, LPCC Zink-Wythers, Jeanine, LPCC Psychologist McGreevy, Hylean M, LPCC Lancaster, Blake M, PhD Wattier, Mary Rose, LPCC Burger, Michelle R, LPCC 68354 Falls City Chemical Dependency Counselor 116 W 19th St 402-245-4458 68939 2170 N Platte Ave 402-720-8220 68025 680 E Fremont Medical Park Dr, Ste 300 402-941-7245 68025 68361 205 S Cedar St 308-390-5508 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 Klein, Christy 68801 68803 68803 3532 W Capital Ave 308-381-7487 68803 2124 N Lafayette Ave 308-384-2289 68803 Sorge, Jessica R Child Psychiatry 68361 Gerhard-Burnham, Beth, LPCC 831 F St 402-759-4761 68361 942 N 13th St 402-759-3802 68361 Michels, Stacey D, LPCC 68025 68803 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 207 N Pine St, Ste 106 308-382-8604 68801 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 3532 W Capital Ave 308-381-7487 68803 3532 W Capital Ave 308-381-7487 68803 2608 Old Fair Rd 308-382-5297 68803 Denton, Carole S, LPCC Derr, Ariel L, LPCC Elder, Leanne Emerton, Seanne England, Debra L, LPCC Erickson, Debra K, LPCC 1300 S Locust St, Ste F 308-398-0350 68801 Ferguson, Rick D, LPCC 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 1811 W 2nd St, Ste 410 308-380-8118 68803 Flint-Widdifield, Lynn E, LPCC 1811 W 2nd St, Ste 310 308-381-0787 68803 Gauthier, Anthony 2121 N Webb Rd, Ste 308 308-385-0113 68803 68803 Licensed Professional Counselor Allen, Dayna L, LPCC 2121 N Webb Rd, Ste 205 308-398-6050 68803 312 N Elm St, Ste 122 308-389-9181 68801 3532 W Capital Ave 308-381-7487 68803 312 N Elm St, Ste 108 402-382-7127 68801 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 Headrick, Carlene Heaivilin, Celeste L, LPC Herrell, Jolene M, LPCC Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68803 Flaherty, John P, LPCC Harris, Anne M, LPCC Saxena, Kavir, MD 705 Orleans Dr 308-398-6063 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 37 Behavioral Health Hill, Andrea M, LPCC Sawyer, Debby D, LPCC 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 615 N Elm St 308-385-5035 1932 Aspen Cir, Ste I 308-380-3697 68803 1811 W 2nd St, Ste 475 308-381-5377 68803 68803 3221 Ramada Rd, Ste 5 308-381-7010 68801 Huls, Rick Jones, Caroline L, LPCC 2124 N Lafayette Ave 308-384-2289 2608 Old Fair Rd 308-382-5297 Juhl, Regina K, LPC 68803 2917 W Stolley Park Rd, Ste 4 308-216-0783 68801 Kazmerski, Jennifer S, LPCC 2444 W Faidley Ave 308-389-4283 68803 219 W 2nd St 308-385-5520 68801 Keck, Gary L, LPCC Kelly-Defreece, Michael B, LPCC 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 Kissack, Cynthia L, LPC 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 Klinginsmith, Kara N, LPCC 2121 N Webb Rd, Ste 205 308-380-0697 68803 Marcey-Fleming, Kathleen K, LPCC 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 McGrath, Cynthina L, SW 2608 Old Fair Rd 308-382-5297 615 N Elm St 308-385-5035 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 68801 68803 Molczyk, Dorothy R, LPCC 2608 Old Fair Rd 308-382-5297 68803 Molholm, Kathleen D, LPC 68801 Schnuelle, Shari L, LPCC Schwan, Joan E, LPCC Stubbs, Mandy D, LPCC 1811 W 2nd St, Ste 245 308-384-4739 68803 Tillman, Douglas R, LPCC 3532 W Capital Ave 308-381-7487 Uden, Krisha, LPCC 1932 Aspen Cir, Ste J 308-379-1958 Van Dusen, Kelsey L, LPCC 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 68803 Witt, Ryan 68803 68803 68803 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 Wright, Kara S, LPCC 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 Professional Counselor Otte Kriha, Kimberly K, LPCC 2121 N Webb Rd, Ste 300 308-384-5255 68803 Piercy, Wendy A, LPCC 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 Ramsey, Joan R, LPC 3280 Woodridge Blvd, Ste 201 308-379-3177 68801 Rehovsky, David A, LPCC 712 W Koenig St 308-382-4495 68801 Rehovsky, Linda L, LPCC 712 W Koenig St 308-382-4495 68801 Bergstrom, Gwen D, LPC 3312 W Capital Ave 308-398-6444 68803 Kennedy, William T, LPCC 702 W Koenig St 308-382-0608 Deneui, Angela, SW Rock, Mary C, LPCC 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 Rockwell, Janice L, LPCC 2121 N Webb Rd, Ste 205 308-380-0697 68803 Rowe, Leisa M, LPCC 2121 N Webb Rd, Ste 205 308-398-6050 68803 Ryan, Linda 3532 W Capital Ave 308-381-7487 38 68803 68801 2121 N Webb Rd, Ste 300 308-381-5876 68803 Halsey, Jayne E, SW 2121 N Webb Rd, Ste 300 308-382-1252 68803 Hayes, Jodee A, SW 2608 Old Fair Rd 308-382-5297 68803 Johnson, Jody A, SW 2608 Old Fair Rd 308-382-5297 68803 Keylon, Blenda K, SW 3312 W Capital Ave 308-381-4161 68803 Kreutzer, David D, SW Duke, David L, PhD 68801 68803 1811 W 2nd St, Ste 330 308-382-2122 68803 Fix, A James, PhD 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 Gruendel, Aileen D, PhD 908 N Howard Ave, Ste 107 308-381-2233 68803 1932 Aspen Cir, Ste J 308-382-1764 68803 Lindblad, Susan G, PhD 68803 Meidlinger, John C, PhD 207 N Pine St, Ste 100 308-384-9594 615 N Elm St 308-385-5035 Pattison, Lisa A, PhD 68801 68801 3280 Woodridge Blvd, Ste 200 308-382-1764 68801 Pilkington, Cynthia L, PhD 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 Substance Abuse Rehab Mid Plains Center for Behavior Svcs. 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 St Francis Drug & Alcohol Treatment 2116 W Faidley Ave 308-389-5427 68803 Gretna Licensed Professional Counselor Lukis, Brenda J, LPCC 2121 N Webb Rd, Ste 200 308-384-7119 68803 68028 308-382-8085 920 Village Sq 402-299-3018 68028 Marsh, Roland T, SW 312 N Elm St, Ste 108 402-726-2383 Novotny, Daniel, SW 68803 68801 1811 W 2nd St, Ste 245 308-384-4739 68803 Schlachter, Julie H, SW 2608 Old Fair Rd 308-382-5297 68803 Vang-Freeling, Teresa L, SW 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 Rahe, Sandra J Allen, Dayna L, LPCC 103 N Minnesota Ave 308-398-6050 68901 103 N Minnesota Ave 308-380-0697 68901 Almquist, Kerry 225 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-3640 68901 225 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-5075 68901 Coover, John A, LPCC 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 207 402-463-3005 68901 616 W 5th St 402-463-5684 68901 225 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-5075 68901 616 W 5th St 402-463-5684 68901 Fattig, Mary F, LPCC 68901 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 Morganflash, Michelle M, LPCC 223 E 14th St, Ste 45 402-462-4004 68901 223 E 14th St, Ste 100 402-463-2929 68901 Pattno, H A, LPC 2115 N Kansas Ave 402-463-6828 68901 223 E 14th St, Ste 3 402-463-5075 68901 235 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-519-0159 68901 2302 W 8th St 402-461-4917 Rail, Rhonda S 68901 616 W 5th St 402-463-5684 68901 123 N Marian Rd 308-390-2777 68901 Rasher-Miller, Tanya J Schroeder, Amanda M, LPCC 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 68901 White, Virginia K, LPCC 223 E 14th St, Ste 3 402-463-3640 68901 Wigert, Lee R, LPCC Gregg, Jill 907 S Kansas Ave 402-462-4677 Ham, Rita K, LPCC 68901 616 W 5th St 402-463-5684 68901 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 Hawthorne, Charlotte K Psychologist Bizzell, Daniel L, EdD Patitz, Beverly 225 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-5075 68901 616 W 5th St 402-463-5684 Fruehling, Sarah E, LPCC Sood, Navdeep, MD 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 Spencer, Elizabeth Folcik, John C Pothuloori, Pratap V, MD Nyce, Darnice B, LPCC 68901 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 432 N Minnesota Ave 402-463-1400 68901 208 S Burlington Ave, Ste 106 402-461-4917 68901 919 N Shore Dr 402-463-4722 68901 Outpatient Psychiatric South Central Behavioral Services 616 W 5th St 402-463-5684 68901 Duke, David L, PhD Lieske, Jody L, PhD Lindblad, Susan G, PhD Lythgoe, Kyle O, PsyD 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 Magnuson, Judy C, PhD 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 Palmer, Glen A, PhD 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 Rosno, Eve A, PhD 229 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-489-1834 68901 Sime, Wesley E, PhD 208 S Burlington Ave, Ste 106 402-461-4917 68901 Warner, Jeromy A, PsyD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 209 402-463-7711 68901 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 Werth, Elaine B, PhD 301 W 7th St 402-489-1834 68901 Substance Abuse Rehab South Central Behavioral Services 616 W 5th St 402-463-5684 810 W 2nd St 402-463-6416 68901 2210 W 12th St 402-984-9301 Psychiatric Social Worker 68901 Aspengren, Jerrold, SW Hebron Licensed Professional Counselor Cockson, David A, SW Gerhard-Burnham, Beth, LPCC Hayes, Jodee A, SW 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 Hill, Laura K, LPCC 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-5973 68901 Hultine, Judith A 4842 W 12th St 402-463-6988 68901 Hunter, Joann L, LPCC 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 115 402-462-2066 68901 Kazmerski, Jennifer S, LPCC 2115 N Kansas Ave 402-463-6828 68901 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 616 W 5th St 402-463-5684 68901 68901 141 N 4th St 402-759-4761 616 W 5th St 402-463-5684 68901 Outpatient Psychiatric 440 N Minnesota Ave 402-460-8191 68901 Blue Valley Mental Health Center Henrie, Gary W, SW Jacobs, Louise E, SW O'Brien Henrie, Susan K, SW 616 W 5th St 402-463-5684 68901 Psychiatry 141 N 4th St 402-759-4761 225 N 4th St 402-768-7458 68370 68370 68370 604 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-469-3885 68901 Brion, Eva, MD Substance Abuse Rehab 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 205 402-461-5261 68901 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 Dewan, Vijay K, MD Blue Valley Mental Health Center Mohlman, Margaret M Loetterle, Jon 68901 616 W 5th St 402-463-5684 215 S Burlington Ave 402-463-6811 Fintel, Cynthia L, LPCC Lindeen, Angela M, LPCC 616 W 5th St 402-463-5684 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 422 N Hastings Ave, Ste 205 308-379-3187 68901 Hastings Chemical Dependency Counselor Sorge, Jessica R 68901 Skalka Bright, Brandi L, LPCC Kinney, Stephanie C, LPCC 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 115 402-462-2066 68901 420 W 5th St, Ste 201 402-462-9400 Miles, Prairie A, LPCC Hermann, Piper L, LPCC 68803 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 Licensed Professional Counselor Daiss, Doyle 68803 68901 Melius, Judy Cox, Sally 68801 Naseem, Ahsan A, MD 209 W 9th St 402-463-4999 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 Consbruck, Valerie, LPCC England, Thomas H, PhD 207 N Pine St, Ste 105 308-745-0329 Saxena, Kavir, MD Brown, Bonnie L, LPCC 11252 S 200th St 402-659-6507 Long, W Kaye, SW Robbins, Timothy A, LPCC 1811 W 2nd St, Ste 330 3280 Woodridge Blvd, Ste 202 308-384-8883 68801 207 N Pine St, Ste 106 308-382-8604 3532 W Capital Ave 308-381-7487 Adams, Melissa A, SW 68803 Denton, Jerry L, EdD Heidt-Kozisek, Elizabeth A, PhD Psychiatric Social Worker 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 Psychologist Mid Plains Center for Behavior Svcs. 68803 Nelson, Mark D, LPCC 68803 908 N Howard Ave, Ste 107 308-381-2233 68803 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68801 Sood, Navdeep, MD Gruendel, G David, PhD 2917 W Stolley Park Rd, Ste 5 308-390-6948 68801 715 W Anna St 308-398-0350 1811 W 2nd St, Ste 245 308-384-4739 68803 Outpatient Psychiatric 68801 Nation, Kimberly 68803 De Los Angeles, Reynaldo A, MD 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 McCready, Margaret I Child Psychiatry Psychiatry Foster, Nancy L, PhD 3532 W Capital Ave 308-381-7487 312 N Elm St, Ste 105 308-675-1120 Moore, Arlene F, LPCC 2608 Old Fair Rd 308-382-5297 2608 Old Fair Rd 308-382-5297 Waddington, Tracy M, LPCC 3532 W Capital Ave 308-381-7487 Watson, Jane, LCSW 223 E 14th St, Ste 3 402-463-3640 68901 616 W 5th St 402-463-5684 68901 Martin, Timothy L, LPCC 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 Howard, Susan T, MD 420 W 5th St, Ste 201 402-462-9400 68901 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 141 N 4th St 402-759-4761 225 N 4th St 402-768-7458 68370 68370 Karumanchi, Dinesh K, MD 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-5973 68901 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Behavioral Health Henderson Licensed Professional Counselor Hale Kroeker, Sandra, LPCC 1080 17th St 402-723-4883 68371 Holdrege Licensed Professional Counselor Benjamin-Bertrand, Teresa A, LPCC 806 4th Ave 308-991-6919 68949 Carlson, Nancy, LPCC 710 Burlington St 308-995-6691 68949 Lindsay, Suzanne E, LPCC 710 Burlington St 308-995-6691 68949 Putnam, Edwin M, LPCC 603 East Ave 308-995-9399 Reiner, Lori L, LPCC 700 Railroad St 308-995-8007 68949 68949 South Central Behavioral Services 68949 Psychiatric Social Worker O'Brien Henrie, Susan K, SW 701 4th Ave, Apt 7 308-237-5951 68949 Psychologist Dillender, Geriann T, EdD 1019 Tilden St 308-991-1068 68949 Substance Abuse Rehab South Central Behavioral Services 701 4th Ave, Apt 7 308-995-6597 68949 Hooper Psychologist 68031 Kearney Chemical Dependency Counselor Gellermann, Becky J 3810 Central Ave 308-237-5951 Miller, Martin K 3810 Central Ave 308-237-5951 Sorge, Jessica R 3810 Central Ave 308-287-5951 68847 68847 68847 Licensed Professional Counselor Krull, Julie 68845 Aswegan, Betty (Kitty) L 2701 Grand Ave, Trlr 98 308-440-8054 68847 Blaha, Sheryl, LPCC 2303 13th Ave 308-236-9422 Swanson, Nina G, LPCC 68845 3111 11th Ave 308-224-1234 3720 Avenue A, Ste E 308-234-5644 68845 4111 4th Ave, Ste 32 308-234-6230 68847 5205 2nd Ave 308-237-5596 Kuskie, Marlene M, LPCC Lange, Jeff A, LPCC Ridder, Ronald J, PhD Hepp, Janet L 68845 513 N Grant St, Ste D 308-345-4076 68850 68847 4111 4th Ave, Ste 32 308-234-6029 68845 200 W 7th St 308-324-6400 68850 Waller, Karen L, LPCC Weber, Mary A, LPCC Shundoff, Sheryl K, PhD Van Winkle, Jerry A, PsyD Howard, Sonia S, LPCC Koch-Larsen, Kira S, LPCC 4111 4th Ave, Ste 32 308-234-6029 68845 3720 Avenue A, Ste E 308-234-5644 68847 3720 Avenue A, Ste C 308-236-7790 68847 2315 W 39th St 308-224-4664 68845 513 N Grant St, Ste D 308-345-4076 68850 3720 Avenue A, Ste C 308-236-7790 68847 3720 Avenue A, Ste E 308-234-5644 68847 4111 4th Ave, Ste 32 308-234-6029 68845 1755 Prairie View Pl 308-865-2000 68845 513 N Grant St, Ste 10 308-324-6444 68850 68847 Substance Abuse Rehab 200 W 7th St 308-324-6400 68850 200 W 7th St 308-324-6400 68850 1103 Buffalo Bnd 402-559-6430 68850 307 E 5th St 308-324-6754 68850 Bond, Shelia Brooke, Carla 904 E 25th St 308-234-9982 68847 Burr, Kimberley S, LPCC 4111 4th Ave, Ste 32 308-234-6029 68845 Buskirk, Sonya A, LPCC 214 W 38th St 308-236-0500 4009 6th Ave, Ste 45 308-237-4739 Carpenter, Lois L 8810 2nd Ave 308-236-5356 68845 3720 Avenue A, Ste E 308-234-5644 Martin, Timothy L, LPCC 3810 Central Ave 308-237-5951 3720 Avenue A, Ste E 308-234-5644 3810 Central Ave 308-237-5951 68847 68847 68847 2315 W 39th St, Ste 102 308-338-0823 68845 Crouch, Marvin O, LPCC 68847 Outpatient Psychiatric 68847 68847 Miles, Prairie A, LPCC 68847 Moore, Julie A, LPCC 2315 W 39th St 308-234-5644 3720 Avenue A, Ste E 308-234-5644 Moran, Terri S, LPCC 68845 68847 3915 Avenue N, Ste B 308-236-9105 68847 3915 Avenue N, Ste B 308-236-9105 68847 Morris, Tina M, LPCC 2811 30th Ave 308-237-6865 68845 Nickel-Drabek, Eva M, LPCC 3000 2nd Ave 308-440-0151 68847 Northwall, Rosemary Cyza, Rebecca A, LPCC Dahlke, Megan D, LPCC 3915 Avenue N, Ste B 308-236-9105 68847 Dale, Anne Marie T, LPCC 3811 Central Ave 308-388-3888 Darr, Andrea L, LPC 4111 4th Ave, Ste 32 308-234-6029 Dobberstein, Kelly S, LPCC 4111 4th Ave, Ste 32 308-234-6029 Elder, Leanne 904 E 25th St 308-234-9982 68847 68847 Peterson, Sherrilyn D, LPCC South Central Behavioral Services 3810 Central Ave 308-237-5951 68847 Professional Counselor 68847 Psychiatric Social Worker O'Brien Henrie, Susan K, SW 3810 Central Ave 308-237-5951 68847 Schroeder, Ramona J, LCSW 4310 6th Ave 308-234-4123 68845 Sheldon, Rosalind M, SW 3720 Avenue A, Ste E 308-234-5644 68847 Psychiatry Ahmed, Ghazala N, MD 5510 W 30th St 308-440-9557 68845 5627 Avenue N 308-293-6723 68847 De Los Angeles, Reynaldo A, MD 3720 Avenue A, Ste E 308-234-5644 68847 Garcia, Francisco E, MD 3720 Avenue A, Ste C 308-236-7790 68847 Gonzalez-Nieto, Hugo, MD 68845 68847 Poland, Carol, LPCC Potter, Gary O, LPCC Quaring, Julie 68845 Reeder, Deanna M, LPCC 3000 2nd Ave, Ste 104 308-234-5277 68847 1755 Prairie View Pl 308-865-2000 68845 4009 6th Ave, Ste 45 308-237-4739 68845 1755 Prairie View Pl 308-865-2249 68845 1755 Prairie View Pl 308-865-2249 68845 3720 Avenue A, Ste E 308-236-5152 68847 Murray, Thomas, MD 2804 2nd Ave 308-381-7487 68847 Ryan, Linda 2804 2nd Ave 308-381-7487 68847 3000 2nd Ave, Ste 104 308-236-2014 Schanbacher, Barbara A, LPCC 68847 3720 Avenue A, Ste E 308-234-5644 68845 415 W 33rd St 308-236-7545 68845 3720 Avenue A, Ste E 308-234-5644 68847 11690 100th Rd 308-440-1830 68845 3219 Central Ave 308-865-2263 68847 68845 211 W 33rd St 402-559-6408 68845 68845 905 W 25th St 308-865-8247 68847 2804 2nd Ave 308-381-7487 68845 3720 Avenue A 308-830-3070 68845 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 Enns, Wanda L, LPCC Foote, Jerry A, LPCC 2310 6th Ave 308-234-6029 Forrest, Joyce M, LPCC 3720 Avenue A, Ste E 308-237-4739 4009 6th Ave, Ste 45 308-237-4739 Ham, Rita K, LPCC 3810 Central Ave 308-237-5951 Henrie, Gary W, SW 3810 Central Ave 308-237-5951 Hof, David D, LPCC 68845 68847 68847 3720 Avenue A, Ste E 68847 Abels-Athy, Susan L, LPCC 308-234-5644 2001 Avenue A, Ste D Klosterman, Jane A, LPCC 308-234-2855 68847 3720 Avenue A, Ste C 308-832-0655 68847 Arkle, John D, LPCC 4009 6th Ave, Ste 45 Koch, Elizabeth 308-237-4739 68845 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68845 2804 2nd Ave 308-381-7487 Shada, Kelly J, LPCC 68847 68847 Shaw, Linda K, LPCC Smith, Gina M, LPCC 2811 30th Ave 308-237-6865 Smith, Ryan P, LPCC 2811 30th Ave 308-237-6865 Stover, Connie R, LPCC 3720 Avenue A, Ste E 308-234-5644 Stubbs, Mandy D, LPCC 4009 6th Ave, Ste 45 308-237-4739 Svoboda, Danial 4111 4th Ave, Ste 32 308-234-6029 Siddiqui, Zakaria, MD 1755 Prairie View Pl 308-865-2000 68845 Psychologist Burke, Michael S, EdD Fish, James A, PhD Foster, Nancy L, PhD 3810 Central Ave 308-237-5951 68847 La Vista Licensed Professional Counselor Bellinghausen, Angela C Fluhart, Sarah B, LPC 3810 Central Ave 308-237-5951 Waldron, Stacy, EdD South Central Behavioral Services 68847 Eigenberg, Amy R, LPCC 3720 Avenue A, Ste E 308-234-5644 2001 Avenue A, Ste D 308-234-2855 Witt, Ryan 2804 2nd Ave 308-381-7487 Meyer, Mandy M, LPC 3810 Central Ave 308-237-5951 White, Kathleen 68847 Maxson, Thomas Z, LPCC 68845 Chasek, Christine L, LPCC Cook, Jill C, LPCC Manley, Kathryn L, LPCC 3810 Central Ave 308-237-5951 Chamberlain, Douglas J, LPCC Emerton, Seanne Hunter, Linda A, PsyD 600 E Fulton St 402-685-7580 2315 W 39th St, Unit 7 308-234-8403 3720 Avenue A, Ste E 308-234-5644 Outpatient Psychiatric 701 4th Ave, Apt 7 308-995-6597 Arlington, F L 68847 Hill, John 8021 S 84th St 402-595-1227 Kloch, Susan, SW 68128 Sariscsany, Natalie, LPCC 8610 Brentwood Dr, Ste 1 402-331-3232 68128 Wendell, Steven A, LPCC 7324 La Vista Dr 402-215-4431 68128 Psychologist Jones-Thurman, Rosanna M, PhD 8610 Brentwood Dr, Ste 1 402-331-3232 68128 Substance Abuse Rehab Abh Addiction & Behavioral Health 8610 Brentwood Dr, Ste 1 402-331-3232 68128 Lewellen Licensed Professional Counselor Jacobs, Jamie L, LPCC 19911 Road 56A 308-778-0133 69147 200 W 7th St 308-324-6400 68850 Psychologist Striebel, John B, PsyD 200 W 7th St 308-324-6400 68850 Substance Abuse Rehab Lutheran Family Services 200 W 7th St 308-324-6400 68850 Lincoln Chemical Dependency Counselor Dirks, Tamara J 2444 O St 402-475-7666 68510 2900 O St, Ste 200 402-435-2910 68510 2900 O St, Ste 200 402-435-2910 68510 Hill, Rhonda A Meints, Janice Metschke, Amy L Lexington Chemical Dependency Counselor 5600 S 59th St, Ste 104 402-484-0595 68516 Barranco, Fernando Robinson, James D 307 E 5th St 308-324-6754 68850 68847 Licensed Professional Counselor Molcyk, Joy Aswegan, Betty (Kitty) L 6th And Grant St, Ste 4A 308-440-8054 68850 Graham, Janice M, LPCC 307 E 5th St 308-324-6754 Mulcahy, Kathleen R 2110 S 38th St 402-261-6667 68506 1919 S 40th St, Ste 212 402-441-9280 68506 210 Gateway Greentree Ct, Ste 342 402-434-2730 68505 2231 Winthrop Rd 402-434-2915 68502 Licensed Professional Counselor Ahmed, Pauley 5561 S 48th St, Ste 201H 402-525-1696 68516 Allman, Peter, LPCC 1701 S 17th St, Ste 3G 402-467-4114 68502 68850 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68850 Psychiatric Social Worker Kueny, Katherine J, LPCC 68849 68845 200 W 7th St 308-324-6400 8610 Brentwood Dr, Ste 1 402-331-3232 68128 68850 68847 Ward, Teresa M, LPCC Lutheran Family Services 68128 307 E 5th St 308-324-6754 Renner, Michael C, PhD Tejral, Torri S, LPCC 7202 Giles Rd, Ste 4 402-612-3816 Gall, Robert S, LPCC Kounovsky, Sonia Newbold, Grant N, EdD Rookstool-McCurdy, Naomi, LPCC Outpatient Psychiatric 68850 Lindblad, Susan G, PhD Lawton, Lorna E, LPCC 8610 Brentwood Dr, Ste 1 402-331-3232 68128 513 N Grant St, Ste 3A 308-324-0222 Fritson, Krista K, PsyD Lauby, Maureen E 39 Behavioral Health Almquist, Julie K, LPCC 4501 S 70th St, Ste 120 402-483-1936 68516 7001 A St, Ste 110 402-489-0800 68510 Anderson, Wendi K, LPCC 2444 O St 402-475-7666 68510 Arsiaga, Tina M, LPCC Canning, Toby, LPCC 4545 S 86th St 402-483-6990 68526 1919 S 40th St, Ste 312 402-475-5069 68506 5630 S 84th St, Ste 104 402-484-8898 68516 5600 S 59th St, Ste 104 402-484-0595 68516 Carson, Peggy L Christensen, Jason D, LPCC Bacon, Katie L, LPCC 1550 S 70th St, Ste 101 402-488-0077 68506 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 Bakley, Jolane J, LPCC 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 421 S 9th St, Ste 107 402-310-3816 68508 5600 S 59th St, Ste 104 402-484-0595 68516 718 Eastridge Dr 402-489-9933 68510 Barrett, Erika D, LPCC 2444 O St 402-475-7666 Barrette, Diane L 68510 824 Carlos Dr 402-483-5274 68505 2900 O St, Ste 200 402-435-2910 68510 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 Bartley, Dustin E, LPCC Becker, William J, LPCC Beideck, Lynn, LPCC 1203 High St 402-560-9558 68502 610 J St, Ste 110 402-477-8278 68508 Bell, Gwendolyn L, LPC Bellamy, Cheryl A, LPCC 3901 Normal Blvd, Ste 201 402-434-2552 68506 Bixler, Lindy L, LPCC 5561 S 48th St, Ste 232B 402-429-8828 68516 Bonacker, William S, SW 1919 S 40th St, Ste 312 402-475-5069 68506 Booth, Thomas 1919 S 40th St, Ste 212 402-441-9280 68506 210 Gateway Greentree Ct, Ste 342 402-434-2730 68505 Branchaud, Patricia L, LPCC 4915 Old Cheney Rd, Ste 100 402-434-2900 68516 Brown, James 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 302 402-488-3740 68505 Brown, Kirk L, LPCC 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 202 402-489-9959 68502 Brown, Seth 1919 S 40th St, Ste 212 402-441-9280 68506 210 Gateway Greentree Ct, Ste 342 402-434-2730 68505 Buchanan, Lynn J, LPCC 2130 S 17th St, Ste 100 402-476-0104 68502 4535 Normal Blvd, Ste 212 402-202-2970 68506 4915 Old Cheney Rd, Ste 100 402-434-2900 68516 Buehler, Jack W 2501 South St, Ste 200 402-434-2736 68502 Burns, Theodore J, LPCC 4706 S 48th St 402-489-9792 68516 Buss, Richard A, LPCC 1617 Normandy Ct, Ste 100 402-420-1617 68512 Butler, Ian S, LPCC 3700 Sheridan Blvd, Ste 1 402-489-1834 68506 711 S 34th St 402-742-7872 68510 Campbell, Reed C, LPCC 4545 S 86th St 402-483-6990 40 68526 Etherton, Kim G, LPC Fardella, Tina E, SW Fehringer, Diane K, LPCC 3221 S 13th St 402-429-6322 68502 Fisher-Erickson, Julie M, LPCC Hilgenkamp, Katy L, LPCC 7341 Otoe St 402-890-2550 68506 7601 Roose St 402-488-1916 2444 O St 402-475-7666 2110 S 38th St 402-261-6667 Hill, Jenny I, LPCC Holder, Carol A, LPC 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 68510 4829 Calvert St 402-488-2141 68506 2444 O St 402-475-7666 68510 68506 7121 A St, Ste 101 402-420-1617 68510 9040 Turnberry Cir 402-890-4954 68526 Hollis, Loene A, LPCC 145 S 56th St, Ste B 402-326-3881 3806 Normal Blvd 402-432-6810 Frerichs, Lynae A, LPCC 2444 O St 402-475-7666 68508 Cole, Jennie 5600 S 59th St, Ste 201 402-488-0101 68516 Janike, William S, LPCC 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 68504 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 210 402-465-5600 68516 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 68505 Jessen, Elizabeth L 610 J St, Ste 320 402-435-1313 68508 Cooper, Susan B, LPCC 4535 Normal Blvd, Ste 272 402-434-0949 68506 Cosson, Karen L, LPCC 3901 Normal Blvd, Ste 201 402-434-2550 68506 Countryman, Carol N, SW 3600 Village Dr, Ste 100 402-875-9270 68516 Cox, Sheralyn, SW 1919 S 40th St, Ste 312 402-475-5069 68506 Criner, Christopher J, LPCC 1650 S 70th St, Ste 202 402-450-2381 68506 Crippen, Lawrence, LPCC 5600 S 59th St, Ste 104 402-484-0595 68516 Critel-Rathje, Dina J, LPCC 2444 O St 402-475-7666 2900 O St, Ste 200 402-435-2910 8650 Pioneers Blvd 402-483-5117 Crockett, Shane M 8101 O St, Ste 214 402-488-1032 68510 68510 68520 68510 Cunningham, Carol S, LPCC Fritz, Maria C, LPCC 68510 1660 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-8170 68506 5625 O St, Ste 7 402-525-9435 68510 Johnson, Janet L, LPCC 68516 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 106 402-890-0687 68505 Dombrowski, Kathleen A, LPCC 5231 Bison Dr 402-420-5700 Dose, Kyla J, LPCC 68516 315 S 9th St, Ste 200 402-570-1244 68508 5032 Valley Rd 402-488-1165 68510 Dunn, Barbara J Eckert, Barbara A, LPCC 3060 D St 402-499-3685 Erickson, Lynette S 8101 O St, Ste 214 402-420-2112 68510 68510 Marcy, Linda J 2221 S 20th St 402-440-6110 Marti, Diane C, LPCC 68502 Nordyke, Tia M, LPCC 1650 S 70th St, Ste 202 402-309-3892 68506 2444 O St 402-475-7666 68510 Nun, Patricia F 402-261-4130 68506 1919 S 40th St, Ste 312 402-476-6060 8101 O St, Ste 300 402-476-6060 68512 610 J St, Ste 320 402-435-1313 Kai, Nicole 68503 Gingery, Nanette N, LPCC 1700 S 24th St 402-435-2273 5960 Vandervoort Dr, Ste 110 402-613-8325 68516 Kaliff, Cindy A, LPCC Gohde, Jane E, LPCC 3721 Faulkner Dr, Apt 212 402-421-7206 68516 Gonnerman, Judy 610 J St, Ste 320 402-435-1313 68502 2125 Winthrop Rd, Ste B 402-853-4356 68502 Keady, Michael G, LPCC 1919 S 40th St, Ste 212 402-441-9280 68506 Kelch, Tammy 315 S 9th St, Ste 200 402-560-4000 Kenney, Melissa, LPCC Gorji, Thomas 68508 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 106 402-890-9957 68505 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 202 402-489-9959 68502 3335 Jamestown Ln 402-423-4997 68516 Day, Joni 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 202 402-489-9959 68502 68522 1045 N 41st St 402-466-6263 5539 S 27th St 402-423-3600 4830 S 69th St 402-440-7884 5600 S 59th St, Ste 104 402-484-0595 68516 1508 SW 13th St 402-890-1077 1919 S 40th St, Ste 312 402-475-5069 68506 Davis, Mark A, LPCC Marcus, Lynn D Nitzsche, Steve L, LPCC Gibson, Judith M, LPCC Jones, Letroy, LPCC 1919 S 40th St, Ste 312 402-475-5069 68506 68510 1919 S 40th St, Ste 308 402-483-7900 68506 4535 Normal Blvd, Ste 212 402-310-0133 68506 68510 285 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 319 402-432-3746 68510 Green, Carry 68508 Gross, Greg A Kincs, Paul K, LPCC Hamilton, Ann M, LPCC Kinsey, Jane H, SW Hankla, Mark E, LPC Knaub, Sharon, LPC Hansen, Russell A, LPCC 68512 Harris, Heather R, LPCC 68526 68516 Konz, Kay E, LPCC 2444 O St 402-475-7666 68510 Kriss, Judith A, LPCC 3335 Jamestown Ln 402-423-4997 68516 Ladue, Laura 7441 O St, Ste 107 402-488-6120 Harris, John M, LPCC 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 202 402-489-9959 68502 Mausbach, Kenneth J, SW 68510 Melhorn, Michael, LPCC 4706 S 48th St 402-489-9792 68516 4600 Hawthorne Dr 402-423-0261 68516 Mellen, Betty, LPCC Metschke, Jonathan C, LPCC 5600 S 59th St, Ste 104 402-484-0595 68516 285 As 68th St Pl 402-488-6120 68510 1430 South St, Ste 101 402-434-5437 68502 6601 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 1 402-434-5437 68506 Larsen, Nicole K, LPCC 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 Lee, Adrienne, LPCC 68502 5600 S 59th St, Ste 104 402-484-0595 68516 Patton, Laurie N, LPCC 5600 S 59th St, Ste 104 402-484-0595 68516 Paulsen, Kerri L, LPCC 7441 O St, Ste 402 402-483-4215 Pekarek, Jaci R, LPC 68510 Pella, Michael, LPCC Perrin, Deborah K, LPCC Meza, Angela L, LPCC 3700 Sheridan Blvd, Ste 1 402-489-1834 68506 5600 S 59th St, Ste 104 402-484-0595 68516 1550 S 70th St, Ste 101 402-488-0077 68506 6601 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 1 402-434-5437 68506 Miers, David P, LPCC 2222 S 16th St 402-474-1511 Miller, Bryan 68502 Miller, Cheryl A, SW Monfelt Siems, Jamie L, LPCC 2300 S 13th St 402-474-3322 68502 Monzon, Tricia K, LPCC 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 202 402-429-1425 68502 Moss, Catherine 145 S 56th St 402-304-4622 Peters-Miller, Ann, LPCC Peterson, Francisca E, LPCC 1919 S 40th St, Ste 212 402-441-9280 68506 Prentice, Gianene K 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 206 402-486-3110 68502 68526 5600 S 59th St, Ste 104 402-484-0595 68516 4535 Normal Blvd, Ste 142 402-540-3014 68506 3901 Normal Blvd, Ste 201 402-434-2550 68506 Helvey, Brenda J, LPCC 68508 Orr, Christopher W, LPCC Meyerle, Susan D, LPCC 68510 68504 5539 S 27th St, Ste 101 5600 S 59th St, Ste 104 402-484-0595 68516 7111 A St, Ste 200 402-489-7827 2534 A St 402-450-7777 68502 3801 Union Dr, Ste 206 402-489-2218 68516 68508 Meyer-Krikac, Kolleen R 1617 Normandy Ct, Ste 100 402-420-1617 68512 68505 111 N 56th St, Ste 302 402-486-1600 4545 S 86th St 402-483-6990 Odell, John R, LPCC Meyer, Stephanie K, LPCC Langan Dee, Teri A, LPCC Langley-Paugels, Linda K, LPC 610 J St, Ste 320 402-435-1313 1919 S 40th St, Ste 312 402-475-5069 68506 68510 Heller, Nancy A, LPCC Nystrom, Natalie McElvain, Richard R, LPCC 402-475-5069 68506 5539 S 27th St, Ste 206 Onnen, Barbara E, LPCC 4501 S 70th St, Ste 120 402-483-1936 68516 7001 A St, Ste 110 402-489-0800 68510 Heikes, Kent A, LPCC 1919 S 40th St, Ste 212 402-441-9280 68506 McCarter, Jeannie L, LPCC 402-420-2112 68512 3806 Normal Blvd Oltman, Pamela J, LPC 1543 N Cotner Blvd 402-429-5883 Heffelfinger, Ami R, LPCC 68528 Malone, Marcia L, LPCC Garrison, Wendy S, LPCC 6703 Hawkins Bnd 402-488-8519 4141 S 56th St 402-437-8892 68506 6601 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 1 402-434-5437 68506 Nitzel, Camie 1919 S 40th St, Ste 212 402-441-9280 68506 Jones, Faith, LPCC 4535 Normal Blvd, Ste 212 402-730-8100 68506 Dacus, Rebecca L, LPCC 182 W Lakeshore Dr 402-430-5119 5625 O St, Ste 7 402-489-8484 7120 S 29th St, Ste 200 402-486-3113 68516 2222 S 16th St, Ste 300 402-474-1511 68502 2444 O St 402-475-7666 Nichelson, Lorrie L, LPCC 68506 68508 Czarnick, Kelli R, LPCC 5630 S 84th St, Ste 104 402-484-8898 68516 6920 Van Dorn St 402-473-3999 Frizzell Pratt, Vickie A, LPCC 4545 S 86th St 402-483-6990 Curry, Michael W, LPCC Newman, Debra A, SW 3700 Sheridan Blvd, Ste 1 402-489-1834 68506 3801 Union Dr, Ste 206 402-489-2218 68516 Johnson, Jeanne E, SW 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 206 402-486-3110 68502 315 S 9th St, Ste 122 402-474-5858 Nelson, Kristin A, SW 68504 2500 Northview Rd, Ste 102 402-421-8511 68521 2222 S 16th St, Ste 210 402-890-7434 68502 Curry, Eileen M, LPC Neal, Ann K, LPCC 2737 N 49th St, Ste 1 402-476-2300 5539 S 27th St, Ste 206 402-489-7827 68512 7111 A St, Ste 200 402-489-7827 68510 3901 Normal Blvd, Ste 201 402-434-2550 68506 Maas, Teresa J, LPCC Frederick, Kera K, LPCC Clinton, Diann M, LPCC 701 P St, Ste 305 402-420-6621 5600 S 59th St, Ste 104 402-484-0595 68516 Luebcke, Michelle, LPCC 68510 68510 68502 Linscott, Elisa, LPCC 1919 S 40th St, Ste 212 402-441-9280 68506 210 Gateway Greentree Ct, Ste 68506 342 68505 Houston, Deborah S, LPCC 402-434-2730 402 W Lakeshore Dr 4535 Normal Blvd, Ste 212 68528 402-202-2259 68506 402-432-4363 Fox, Pamela L Mundil, Kimberley K, LPCC 68506 2900 O St, Ste 200 402-435-2910 Clinchard, Lauralee, LPCC Lingren, Janet W, LPCC 68510 Mueller, Brenda J, LPCC 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 202 402-489-9959 68502 1430 South St, Ste 101 402-434-5437 68502 Proctor, Adam N, LPCC 2633 P St 402-475-8717 68503 5600 S 59th St, Ste 104 402-484-0595 68516 Razzhavaikina, Tatsiana I 1919 S 40th St, Ste 308 402-483-7900 68506 Reckling, Bambi L, LPCC 2222 S 16th St, Ste 330 402-474-1511 68502 Remington, Arnold A, LPCC 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 218 402-327-2827 68502 Remington, Janelle R, LPCC 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 218 402-327-2827 68502 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Behavioral Health Renn, Michael S, LPCC 2444 O St 402-475-7666 Sullivan, Erica J, LPCC Riddle, Brad A, LPCC 210 Gateway Greentree Ct, Ste 342 402-434-2730 68505 Riekenberg, Lisa M, LPCC 1135 M St, Ste 400 402-476-0186 68510 5505 Red Rock Ln, Ste 400 402-420-6698 68516 Sutter, Gail 3534 S 48th St, Ste 7C 402-477-7170 68506 Swagger, Scott J, LPCC 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 Rohren, Brenda M Roof, Vanessa L, LPCC 5539 S 27th St, Ste 206 402-476-6060 68512 8101 O St, Ste 300 402-476-6060 68510 Ruiz, Andrea M, LPCC 145 S 56th St, Ste B 402-326-3881 3806 Normal Blvd 402-261-4130 68510 68506 Salaycik, Stephen, SW 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 Sandahl, Chalena 68502 5960 Vandervoort Dr, Ste C 402-421-3638 68516 Saunders, Owen L, LPCC 8101 O St, Ste 214 402-488-1032 68510 Scheer, Danielle D, LPCC 2444 O St 402-475-7666 68510 Schlechte, Birgit S, LPCC 2900 O St, Ste 200 402-435-2910 68510 3201 S 33rd St, Ste C 402-435-4700 68506 Schmid, Melissa, LPCC Scott, Ashly E, LPCC 6601 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 1 402-434-5437 68506 Scott, Dianne E, LPCC 2900 O St, Ste 200 402-435-2910 68510 Shickell, Charlyn R, LPCC 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 4535 Normal Blvd, Ste 212 402-434-9298 68506 Shoop, Terri 1950 Skyline Dr 402-890-4517 68506 Sieck, Elisha A, LPCC 4535 Normal Blvd, Ste 232 402-499-3880 68506 Sievers, Jenny C, LPCC 2222 S 16th St, Ste 330 402-474-1511 68502 Simbarcelos, Mary L, LPCC 120 Wedgewood Dr 402-441-3768 5650 M St 402-477-3990 68510 68510 5630 S 84th St 402-484-8898 68508 68516 Sylvester, Floyd E, LPC 2100 Park Ave 402-770-4153 315 S 9th St, Ste 200 402-770-4153 68502 68508 Tapley Gasper, Anne E, LPCC 3801 Union Dr, Ste 206 402-489-2218 68516 Tenopir, Ryan 7121 A St, Ste 101 402-420-1617 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 202 402-489-9990 68502 904 Sumner St 402-434-2670 68502 Tice, Troy L, LPCC 6601 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 1 402-434-5437 68506 Tonniges, Melanie 3901 Normal Blvd, Ste 201 402-434-2550 68506 Troyer, Robert L, LPCC 5600 S 59th St, Ste 104 402-484-0595 68516 Tucci, James P, LPCC 2444 O St 402-475-7666 Turner, Cheryl 2444 O St 402-475-7666 68510 68510 Urwiler-Settje, Brandi, LPCC 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 106 402-525-9179 68505 Vargas, Henrietta A, LPCC 7111 A St, Ste 101 402-434-8164 68510 Vermooten, Linda J, LPCC 1111 Old Cheney Rd 402-440-4537 3601 Calvert St, Ste 33 402-440-4537 68512 68506 Vidra, Jeffrey M, LPCC 4535 Normal Blvd, Ste 212 888-379-0389 68506 Vu, Maria D, LPCC 2444 O St 402-475-7666 68510 Waddington, Tauni H, LPCC 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 202 402-489-9959 68502 Walkowiak, Rebecca S Stahly-Rouse, Joan 3801 Union Dr, Ste 206 402-489-2218 68516 Stoner, Jana L 1919 S 40th St, Ste 111 402-488-3037 68506 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 202 402-489-9959 68502 Stormberg, Jeffrey 5539 S 27th St, Ste 206 402-423-3600 68512 Street, Patricia A 5539 S 27th St, Ste 206 402-423-3600 68512 Stutzman, Melissa 210 Gateway Greentree Ct, Ste 342 402-434-2730 68505 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 106 402-464-0488 68505 Wiedel, Karla, LPCC 8101 O St, Ste 300 402-476-6060 Williams, Ann, LPCC 68510 5539 S 27th St, Ste 206 402-476-6060 68512 8101 O St, Ste 300 402-476-6060 68510 Walls, Scott, LPCC Watson, Megan E, LPCC Welch, Robin L, LPCC 5539 S 27th St, Ste 101 402-420-2112 68512 Welch, Ronald 8650 Pioneers Blvd 402-483-5117 68520 Wellman, Carrie A, LPCC 2444 O St 402-475-7666 68510 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 202 402-429-1425 68502 Wemhoff, Nikki L, LPCC 9040 Turnberry Cir 402-871-4798 Wertz, Jill K, LPCC 68526 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 202 402-429-1425 68502 Costello, Patricia A, SW 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 202 402-489-9959 68502 Crawford Pieper, Leslie M, SW 5539 S 27th St, Ste 206 402-476-6060 68512 8101 O St, Ste 300 402-476-6060 68510 Dewey, Barbara, SW 610 J St, Ste 110 402-525-9825 68508 68508 4545 S 86th St 402-483-6990 68526 5301 S Coddington Ave 402-525-0733 68523 2444 O St 402-475-7666 68510 Willits-Rahrs, Delores, LPCC 315 S 9th St, Ste 12 402-474-5858 Wilson, Michele Y, LPCC Wragge, Susan 68510 Zupancic, Katherine L, Thompson, Bridget A, LPC LPCC Snyder, Margaret E, LPCC 4535 Normal Blvd, Ste 142 402-560-1413 68506 4535 Normal Blvd, Ste 212 402-890-0042 68506 1650 S 70th St, Ste 202 402-484-0003 68506 3700 Sheridan Blvd, Ste 1 402-489-1834 68506 1617 Normandy Ct, Ste 100 402-420-1617 68512 White, Kathryn S, LPCC 6234 Cornflower Dr 402-476-3002 68504 Outpatient Psychiatric 68508 68510 Community Mental Health Center 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 Fern, Diane M, SW 1700 S 24th St 402-435-2273 Gibson, Julie A, SW 68502 68502 68505 Lincoln-Lancaster Co. Child Guidance 2444 O St 402-475-7666 68510 2900 O St, Ste 200 402-435-2910 68510 Lutheran Family Services Harmon, Lisa A, SW 4706 S 48th St 402-327-9751 4830 S 69th St 402-327-9751 68508 68502 68516 68516 Hasemann Herbert, Kari S, SW Jensen, Paul M, SW 610 J St 402-477-8278 68508 Johnson, Jeanne E, SW 2221 S 17th St, Ste 110 402-473-3999 68502 5421 Cooper Ave 402-473-3999 68506 Kramer, Erin, SW 68506 3600 Village Dr, Ste 110 402-489-2218 68516 68526 5600 S 59th St, Ste 201 402-490-0569 68516 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 206 402-486-3110 68502 4535 Normal Blvd, Ste 222 402-423-9446 68506 Andrew, Leslie A, SW 7847 Stonewall Ct 402-432-3317 Ball, Betty L, SW 68506 1919 S 40th St, Ste 308 402-483-7900 68506 Baskin, Marianne A, SW 1919 S 40th St, Ste 308 402-483-7900 68506 Bodtke, Debra L, SW 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 4535 Normal Blvd, Ste 212 402-434-9298 68506 Buss, Mary L, SW 7441 O St, Ste 304 402-484-5600 2300 S 16th St 402-481-5991 Sime, Andrea, SW 68502 210 Gateway Greentree Ct, Ste 342 402-434-2730 68505 Stuart, Kylee, LCSW 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 203 402-323-8890 68506 Sullivan, Julie, LCSW 3700 Sheridan Blvd, Ste 1 402-489-1834 68506 7441 O St, Ste 107 402-488-6120 68510 4535 Normal Blvd, Ste 222 402-488-9061 68506 Windle, Mary S, SW 2221 S 17th St, Ste 303 402-476-6626 68502 Wood, Mary Kay, SW 610 J St, Ste 110 402-477-8278 68508 Wright, Rhonda, LCSW 1617 Normandy Ct, Ste 100 402-420-1617 68512 Zegers, Janis A, LCSW Bright, Rebebca B, LPC 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 5600 S 59th St, Ste 104 402-484-0595 68516 6920 Van Dorn St, Ste B 402-476-7557 68506 Sandoval, Patricia A, SW 1919 S 40th St, Ste 308 402-483-7900 68506 Bennett, Lianna R, LPC Andorf-Blum, Wendy, SW 1650 S 70th St, Ste 202 402-805-0879 68506 Zahren, Teresa, LCSW Kavanaugh, Tiffany, SW Psychiatric Social Worker Ries, Paul, LCSW 4915 Old Cheney Rd, Ste 100 402-434-2900 68516 1621 Regency Dr 402-488-8823 Wolver, Kendra A, LPC 68522 Werner, Mary E, SW Kapler, David J, SW 4545 S 86th St 402-483-6990 2211 W Millstone Rd 402-435-5873 Reckling, Teddi A, LCSW 610 J St, Ste 110 402-477-8278 Goldrich, John V, SW Professional Counselor 3700 Sheridan Blvd, Ste 1 402-489-1834 68506 68510 Wells, Mona S, LCSW First Step Recovery Center Hicks, Debra S, SW 210 Gateway Greentree Ct, Ste 342 402-434-2730 2444 O St 402-475-7666 4915 Old Cheney Rd, Ste 100 402-434-2900 68516 2737 S 12th St 402-730-0270 Child Guidance Center 2444 O St 402-475-7666 Eilers, Kathryn R, SW Hagen, Jennifer L, SW Centerpointe 1000 S 13th St 402-475-5161 Dinges, Katherine M, SW Prater, Jackuelyn M, LCSW Kamal, Mohammad S, MD Lepard, Jenina S, SW Loop-Schenken, Bertine K, SW 1617 Normandy Ct, Ste 100 402-420-1617 68512 Manche, Jennifer A, SW 2444 O St 402-475-7666 68510 Mausbach, Kenneth J, SW 210 Gateway Greentree Ct, Ste 342 402-434-2730 68505 McBreen, Ann M, SW 2300 S 16th St 402-481-5991 Meier, Mary L, SW 68502 4545 Normal Blvd, Ste 212 402-432-0811 68506 Munday, Michael G, SW 2444 O St 402-475-7666 Ogle, Mary K, SW 68510 1550 S 70th St, Ste 101 402-488-0077 68506 Petersen, Carol J, LCSW 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 68510 1135 M St, Ste 400 402-476-0186 68508 1919 S 40th St, Ste 320 402-489-1517 68506 Psychiatry 68502 68506 68506 Karumanchi, Dinesh K, MD 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 5539 S 27th St, Ste 206 402-423-3600 68512 Muhammad Bharwani, Jawed, MD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 410 402-483-8555 68502 Nadala, Jose Gary B, MD 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 2222 S 16th St, Ste 330 402-474-1511 68502 Naseem, Ahsan A, MD 3901 Lynchburg Ct 402-328-0228 68516 Paden, Stephen J, MD 1430 South St, Ste 101 402-434-5437 68502 1534 Sunburst Ln 402-486-4430 68506 2222 S 16th St, Ste 330 402-474-1511 68502 2444 O St 402-475-7666 68510 2900 O St, Ste 200 402-435-2910 68510 3901 Normal Blvd, Ste 201 402-434-2550 68506 4141 S 56th St 402-434-5437 68506 610 J St, Ste 110 402-477-8278 68508 6601 Pioneers Blvd 402-488-4067 68506 2222 S 16th St, Ste 410 402-483-8555 68502 Bremer, Karen L, MD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 410 402-483-8555 68502 Bremer, Kelli, MD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 410 402-483-8555 68502 Buda, Danielle, MD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 410 402-483-8555 68502 Chesen, Eli, MD 1919 S 40th St, Ste 320 402-488-5765 68506 Christensen, Glen E, MD 5539 S 27th St, Ste 206 402-423-3600 68512 Clyne, Dianna M, MD 1000 S 13th St 402-475-5161 68508 6920 Van Dorn St, Ste B 402-476-7557 68506 Coffman, Jeffrey A, MD 6920 Van Dorn St, Ste B 402-477-1779 68506 Duffy, Walter, MD 5539 S 27th St, Ste 206 402-476-6060 68512 8101 O St, Ste 300 402-476-6060 68510 Eppel, Kathryn A, MD 5539 S 27th St, Ste 206 402-423-3600 68512 Pothuloori, Pratap V, MD 5539 S 27th St, Ste 206 402-423-3600 68512 Roth, Barbara A, MD 2705 S Folsom St 402-471-4444 Roy, Sanat K, MD 68522 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 2222 S 16th St, Ste 330 402-474-1511 68502 Snyder, Jamie L, MD 2444 O St 402-475-7666 Tatay, Rafael, MD 68510 2222 S 16th St, Ste 330 402-474-1511 68502 2705 S Folsom St 402-471-4444 68522 Widman, Lawrence P, MD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 410 402-483-8555 68502 Psychologist Arias, Robert G, PhD 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 203 402-323-8890 68506 Benesch, Kevin F, PhD 2444 O St 402-475-7666 68510 68510 Black, Shannon L, PhD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 330 402-474-1511 68502 Blankenau, Lisa R, PhD Filips, Julie K, MD Hartmann, Klaus, MD 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 6120 Havelock Ave, Ste B 402-432-0745 68507 5945 S 56th St, Ste 101 402-423-9303 68516 Blum, Steven B, PhD 4535 Normal Blvd, Ste 212 402-441-9292 68506 Bockoven, Jerry N, PhD 5600 S 59th St, Ste 104 402-484-0595 68516 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68506 Pothuloori, Mona P, MD Almeida, Maria, MD 7441 O St, Ste 300 402-483-6575 1919 S 40th St, Ste 212 402-441-9280 2231 Winthrop Rd 402-434-2915 4405 Normal Blvd 402-488-2355 6101 Normal Blvd 402-489-7175 41 Behavioral Health Bothern, Judith G, PhD 7441 O St, Ste 300 402-483-6575 68510 Bowers, Frank E, PhD 4501 S 70th St, Ste 120 402-483-1936 68516 Bradley, Lorena A, PhD 3272 Salt Creek Cir, Ste 102 402-304-0760 68504 Braymen, Rebecca K, PhD 3806 Normal Blvd 402-432-6810 68506 Brennan, Thomas P, PhD 7441 O St, Ste 402 402-483-4215 Bryant, Lorrie E, PhD 68510 4501 S 70th St, Ste 120 402-483-1936 68516 7001 A St, Ste 110 402-489-0800 68510 Bryant, Shawn W, PsyD 2444 O St 402-475-7666 Giles, Nicholas G, PsyD 1550 S 70th St, Ste 101 402-488-0077 68506 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 Gilligan, Thomas J, PhD 2737 N 49th St, Ste 1 402-476-2300 8101 O St, Ste 214 402-488-1032 68504 68510 Herdman, John W, PhD 3806 Normal Blvd 402-261-4130 4706 S 48th St 402-489-9792 68506 68516 Hogg, Genevieve M, EdD 111 N 56th St, Ste 105 402-488-2740 8650 Pioneers Blvd 402-483-5117 68504 68520 3700 Sheridan Blvd, Ste 1 402-489-1834 68506 Milne, Christopher R, PhD 7564 Kentwell Ln 402-525-4154 Mize, Nancy G, PhD 2444 O St 402-475-7666 Burns, Molly M, PsyD 68502 Byrns, Judy E, PhD 610 J St, Ste 320 402-435-1313 68508 Carlock, Stanley R, EdD 1001 S 70th St, Ste 107 402-489-7722 68510 68510 68510 3700 Sheridan Blvd, Ste 1 402-489-1834 68506 4501 S 70th St, Ste 120 402-483-1936 68516 7001 A St, Ste 110 402-489-0800 68510 Nash, Cindy L, PhD 68516 2222 S 16th St, Ste 210 402-328-8300 68502 Ihle, Gail M, PhD 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 202 402-489-9959 68502 Kagan, Lawrence, PhD 402-441-9280 68506 210 Gateway Greentree Ct, Ste 342 402-434-2730 68505 2621 N 81st St 402-467-2599 68507 5539 S 27th St, Ste 206 402-476-6060 68512 8101 O St, Ste 300 402-476-6060 68510 Keller, William H, PhD 5625 O St, Ste 7 402-489-8484 610 J St, Ste 320 402-435-1313 Kilgore, Kimberly M, PhD Carmer, James C, PhD Cary, Paulette T, PhD 68508 4501 S 70th St, Ste 120 402-483-1936 68516 7001 A St, Ste 110 402-489-0800 68510 Christoffersen, Julia K, PhD 8650 Pioneers Blvd 402-483-5117 68520 Clementson, Judith A, PhD 5401 South St 402-483-9531 Cole, James K, PhD 3801 Calvert St 402-488-4460 8650 Pioneers Blvd 402-483-5117 68506 68506 68520 Corner, Kimberly M, PhD 2300 S 16th St 402-481-5991 68502 Crumpacker, Carol B, PhD 2444 O St 402-475-7666 68510 Davidson, Mary Meghan, PhD 114 Teachers College Hall 402-472-1482 68588 Davies, Corrie A, PhD 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 68504 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 210 402-465-5600 68516 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 68505 Downing, Kenneth R, PhD 701 P St, Ste 305 402-420-6621 Duke, David L, PhD 3200 O St, Ste 5 402-742-9616 68508 68510 Ellefsen, Karen A, PhD 1601 Susan Cir 402-488-2928 7441 O St, Ste 401 402-488-8060 68506 68510 5600 S 59th St, Ste 104 402-484-0595 68516 Kohl, Rod W, PhD 1617 Normandy Ct, Ste 100 402-420-1617 68512 Kosse, Stacy, PhD 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 68504 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 210 402-465-5600 68516 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 68505 Lancaster, Blake M, PhD 4501 S 70th St, Ste 120 402-483-1936 68516 Larson, Robert D, PhD 7441 O St, Ste 401 402-488-8060 68510 Leggiadro, Daniel, PhD 1919 S 40th St, Ste 312 402-475-5069 68506 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 Love, Kelly B, PsyD 1145 High St 402-423-6464 68502 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Magnuson, Judy C, PhD 1919 S 40th St, Ste 212 402-441-9280 68506 210 Gateway Greentree Ct, Ste 342 402-434-2730 68505 650 J St, Ste 201 402-438-9812 68508 Maikranz, Julie M, PhD 4501 S 70th St, Ste 120 402-483-1936 68516 7001 A St, Ste 110 402-489-0800 68510 McNeese, Rick R, PhD 5600 S 59th St, Ste 104 402-484-0595 68516 1919 S 40th St, Ste 212 402-441-9280 68506 210 Gateway Greentree Ct, Ste 342 402-434-2730 68505 325 Burnett Hall 402-472-2351 1617 Normandy Ct, Ste 100 402-420-1617 68512 2311 Bretigne Dr 402-525-7376 68512 Esseks, Rosemary J, PhD Flood, Mary F, PhD 68588 Melvin, Jeffrey N, PhD Menefee, Kevin L, PhD 203A Barkley Memorial Ctr 402-472-2071 68583 42 Paine, Carlton B, PhD Paine, Mary L, PhD 68510 1550 S 70th St, Ste 101 402-488-0077 68506 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 218 402-327-2827 68502 Perry, Jennifer M, PhD 4501 S 70th St, Ste 120 402-483-1936 68516 7001 A St, Ste 110 402-489-0800 68510 Pilkington, Cynthia L, PhD 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 8101 O St, Ste 300 402-476-6060 68502 68510 Portnoy, Robert N, PhD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 330 402-474-1511 68502 Prendes-Lintel, Maria, PhD 1919 S 40th St, Ste 111 402-488-3037 68506 Printz, Deanne, PhD 120 Wedgewood Dr 402-441-3768 68510 1430 South St, Ste 101 402-434-5437 68502 6601 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 1 402-434-5437 68506 7441 O St, Ste 402 402-483-4215 68510 Rathburn, Christopher S, EdD 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 203 402-323-8890 68506 Ray, Paula, PsyD 1700 S 24th St 402-435-2273 Reed, Dorie D, PhD 68502 1001 S 70th St, Ste 107 402-488-7759 68510 Reiners, Beth L, PsyD 7441 O St, Ste 401 402-488-8060 68510 Rhodes, Jacqueline K, PhD 2710 S 74th St 402-483-4215 Riley, Tim R, PhD 68506 4501 S 70th St, Ste 120 402-483-1936 68516 7001 A St, Ste 110 402-489-0800 68510 Riss, Roger H, PsyD 5401 South St 402-483-9534 Rivers, Linda S, PhD 68510 7441 O St, Ste 402 402-483-4215 Napolitano, Scott A, PhD 7120 S 29th St 402-937-4719 2444 O St 402-475-7666 68516 Montoya, Helen M, PhD 7441 O St, Ste 402 402-483-4335 Ritchie, A Jocelyn, PhD 4535 Normal Blvd, Ste 212 402-488-6831 68506 Hunsberger, Mary-Kathryn, Oestmann, Jerry L, PhD PhD 1919 S 40th St, Ste 212 2300 S 16th St 402-481-5991 68510 Miller, Courtney K, PhD 68506 Williams, George E, PhD 4501 S 70th St, Ste 120 402-483-1936 68516 7001 A St, Ste 110 402-489-0800 68510 Wilson, Caryll P, PhD Rodgerson, Michael J, PhD 3801 Union Dr, Ste 206 Rosno, Eve A, PhD 68510 Salem, Lindsay N, PhD 3201 S 33rd St, Ste D 402-477-7170 68506 Schemm, Ariadne V, PhD 2300 S 16th St 402-481-5991 68502 Sharer-Mohatt, Karen K, PsyD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 210 402-328-8300 68502 Sime, Wesley E, PhD 210 Gateway Greentree Ct, Ste 342 402-434-2730 68505 Smith, Corey D, PsyD 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Sticken, Shannon M, PsyD 4706 S 48th St 402-489-9792 68516 69001 4545 S 86th St 402-483-6990 68526 1012 W 3rd St 308-345-2770 69001 Zlomke, Leland C, PhD Psychiatric Social Worker Antlers Center, Inc. Roberts, Carrie, LCSW 2501 South St 402-434-3965 68502 1012 W 3rd St 308-345-2770 1000 S 13th St 402-475-5161 68508 Shybut, John, PhD Centerpointe Connecting Links 421 S 9th St, Ste 107 402-310-3816 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 3801 Union Dr, Ste 206 402-489-2218 68516 Tenney, Meribeth B, PhD 7441 O St, Ste 401 402-488-8060 68510 Thomas, Richard N, EdD 6920 Van Dorn St, Ste B 402-476-7557 68506 Tiegs, Thomas J, PhD 5539 S 27th St, Ste 206 402-476-6060 68512 8101 O St, Ste 300 402-476-6060 68510 Turner, Amy L, PsyD 1550 S 70th St, Ste 101 402-488-0077 68506 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 Turner, Rhonda K, PsyD 4501 S 70th St, Ste 120 402-483-1936 68516 Van Ham, Laurel B, PhD 4150 South St 402-483-1641 68506 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 220 402-483-4571 68510 69001 Psychologist 68508 1012 W 3rd St 308-345-2770 69001 First Step Recovery Center McCook 210 Gateway Greentree Ct, Ste Licensed Profes342 402-434-2730 68505 sional Counselor Lutheran Family Services 2900 O St, Ste 200 402-435-2910 Saint Monica's 68510 68510 402-837-5381 68039 Martell Licensed Professional Counselor Burns, Jennifer L, LPCC 26205 S 25th St 402-379-2455 68404 Mason City Licensed Professional Counselor Downer, Rozlynn J, LPCC 145 Fremont St 308-732-3434 68855 Mc Cook Chemical Dependency Counselor Molcyk, Joy 1012 W 3rd St 308-345-2770 Keller, Carlene 907 W L St 308-345-7062 69001 Psychologist Dillender, Geriann T, EdD 1301 E H St 308-344-8285 Westby, Steven A, PhD Stringham, Edward M, PhD 100 Indian Hills Dr Swoboda, Joseph S, PhD Wilkison, Marsha L, LPCC Substance Abuse Rehab Stratman, Aaron C, PhD 68510 69001 207 W 2nd St 308-345-4676 Macy Psychologist 7441 O St, Ste 400 402-488-7400 Thomas, Merriul W 69001 68516 Stone, William R, PhD 3700 Sheridan Blvd, Ste 1 402-489-1834 68506 203 W E St 308-345-4067 207 W 2nd St 308-345-4676 402-489-2218 120 Wedgewood Dr 402-441-3768 1500 S 70th St, Ste 103 402-483-1125 68506 Suda, Mary A, LPCC 69001 Milford Licensed Professional Counselor Welch, Ronald 560 238th 402-761-2321 68405 Psychiatry Kamal, Mohammad S, MD 1100 1st St 402-761-2261 610 224th 402-434-2915 68405 68405 Psychologist Christoffersen, Julia K, PhD 560 238th 402-761-3622 68405 Millard Licensed Professional Counselor Gray, Ann E, LPCC 69001 Licensed Professional Counselor Berry, Cora S, LPCC 11620 Arbor St, Ste 203 402-504-4924 68144 Lundquist, Judith R, LPCC 11605 Arbor St, Ste 106 402-330-4700 68144 Ortiz, Arthur J, LPCC 812 W 13th St 308-345-1429 69001 Wall, Lori L, PhD 1007 W 14th St 308-345-2932 69001 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 309 402-333-8210 68144 Wands, Kimberley A, EdD 1012 W 3rd St 308-345-2770 69001 Psychiatric Social Worker Wennstedt, Lori W, PhD 203 W E St, Ste A 308-345-2053 69001 207 W 2nd St 308-532-8300 69001 301 E 1st St 308-345-4880 69001 110 W C St, Ste 26 308-345-7914 69001 Vangen, Mark D, PhD 5701 Thompson Creek Blvd, Ste 200 402-435-2800 68516 Brown, Geraldine M, LPCC 3272 Salt Creek Cir, Ste B 402-435-3353 68504 Durner, Rebecca L, LPCC 1919 S 40th St, Ste 111 402-488-3037 68506 Miller, Leva Janeen, LPCC 2444 O St 402-475-7666 Phillips, Jerri L, LPCC Werth, Elaine B, PhD 68510 3700 Sheridan Blvd, Ste 1 402-489-1834 68506 Putnam, Edwin M, LPCC 2534 A St 402-484-6759 Ruf, Brenda, LPCC Wheeler, Elizabeth J, PhD 68502 13057 W Center Rd, Ste 25 402-449-6406 68144 Tvrdik, Gregory D, LPCC Munro, William G, SW 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 303 402-330-8833 68144 Schueler, Adrianne D, LCSW 11909 Arbor St, Ste E 402-398-9852 68144 Thompson, Tiffanie A, LPCC 13906 Gold Cir, Ste 203 402-682-7660 68144 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Behavioral Health Ohlmeyer, William Psychologist Luebbert, Michael C, PhD 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 243 402-333-8210 68144 Kirk, R. Vernon, PsyD 69357 Nebraska City Chemical Dependency Counselor Junker, Linda N 1903 4th Corso 402-873-5505 68410 Bennett, Pamela S, SW 601 Central Ave, Ste 107 402-873-8895 68410 Kohles, Robert D, LPCC 68410 Pflager, George Q, LPCC 1700 14th Ave 402-216-0561 Shay, Bradly, LPCC 1903 4th Corso 402-873-5505 68410 68410 Volkmer, Amanda S, LPCC 1700 14th Ave 402-968-1409 68410 Outpatient Psychiatric 68410 Psychiatric Social Worker Parde-Behrens, Glenda, LCSW 1903 4th Corso 402-873-5505 68410 Psychologist Roberts, Holly J Z, PhD 1700 14th Ave 402-216-0561 68410 Thurman, Carol A, PhD 1116 N 57th Rd 402-874-9050 68410 1903 4th Corso 402-873-5505 68410 Vermaas, Kenneth W, PhD Substance Abuse Rehab Blue Valley Mental Health Center 1903 4th Corso 402-873-5505 68410 Norfolk Chemical Dependency Counselor Barnes, Connie 600 S 13th St 402-370-3140 900 W Norfolk Ave 402-370-3140 923 E Norfolk Ave 402-379-0040 Fegley, Sara 68701 Armstrong, Melissa L, LPCC 600 S 13th St 402-370-3140 900 W Norfolk Ave 402-370-3140 923 E Norfolk Ave 402-379-0040 68701 68701 68701 Bargstadt, Amber R, LPC Bode, Liane L, LPCC 1309 N 9th St 402-844-3073 68701 Brungardt, Julie K, LPCC 333 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 201 402-379-2030 68701 Cattau, Jeanne, LPCC 1306 Andrews Dr, Ste 100 402-851-4026 68701 Clausen, Debra L, LPCC 507 S 13th St 402-841-4837 68701 Claussen, Robin, LPCC 923 E Norfolk Ave 402-379-0040 68701 Dohren, Cynthia R, LPCC 1306 Andrews Dr, Ste 100 402-851-4026 68701 Ehrisman, Beth L, LPCC 401 S 17th St 402-371-7215 68701 1306 Andrews Dr 402-851-4026 68701 Goede, Maria P Blue Valley Mental Health Center 1903 4th Corso 402-873-5505 68701 333 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 201 402-379-2030 68701 Licensed Professional Counselor 1903 4th Corso 402-873-5505 Milligan, Debra A Licensed Professional Counselor Mitchell Psychologist 1456 Center Ave 308-623-1234 600 S 13th St 402-370-3140 900 W Norfolk Ave 402-370-3140 Henry, Lavonne C, LPCC 123 N 4th St, Ste 8 402-379-4632 68701 Jackson, Steven W, LPCC 900 W Norfolk Ave 402-370-3140 68701 Jensen, Tammie A, LPCC 333 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 201 402-379-2030 68701 Klassen, Elinor S, LPCC 200 N 34th St 402-371-3044 68701 68701 68701 333 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 201 402-379-2030 68701 600 S 13th St 402-370-3140 900 W Norfolk Ave 402-370-3140 68701 68701 68701 Schindler, Stephanie M, LPCC 1306 Andrews Dr, Ste 100 402-851-4026 68701 Sheriff, Matthew G, LPCC 200 N 34th St 402-371-3044 Smith, Naomi J 68701 Chleborad, Paul E, PhD 68701 Psychologist Spilman, Ann F, LPCC 333 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 201 402-379-2030 68701 Stoltz, Laura L, LPC 125 S 4th St, Ste 222 402-379-0448 Curran, John J, PhD 68701 1306 N 13th St, Ste 102 123 N 4th St, Ste 8 402-371-8218 68701 402-371-9606 68701 1700 N Victory Rd Stortvedt, Colleen M, LPCC 402-370-4333 68701 333 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 201 Donovan, Margaret D, PhD 402-379-2030 68701 1306 N 13th St, Ste 102 Stortvedt, Mark E, LPCC 402-371-8218 68701 333 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 201 Hannappel, Mark P, PhD 402-379-2030 68701 1306 Andrews Dr, Ste 100 Streff, Tobin M, LPCC 402-851-4026 68701 900 W Norfolk Ave Hannappel, Pamela P, PhD 402-370-3140 68701 1638 Hackberry Dr 923 E Norfolk Ave 402-371-8388 68701 402-379-0040 68701 Huebner, Robin R, PhD Sullivan, Michael, SW 600 S 13th St 125 S 4th St 402-370-3140 68701 402-750-7923 68701 900 W Norfolk Ave True, Patricia 402-370-3140 68701 333 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 201 Lacrosse, Michael B, PhD 402-379-2030 68701 2702 Rolling Hills Dr Wagner, Marysa 402-371-5306 68701 125 S 4th St, Ste 217 Laing, Jean A, PhD 402-371-5632 68701 1700 N Victory Rd Walton, Robert S, LPCC 402-370-4333 68701 125 S 4th St, Ste 212 Laskowski, John G, PhD 402-841-3791 68701 333 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 201 Zakrzewski-Grubb, 402-379-2030 68701 Stephanie A, LPCC 333 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 201 402-379-2030 68701 68701 Psychiatric Social Worker 68701 Boe-Simmons, Kristine, SW 1700 N Victory Rd 402-370-4333 Martin, Diane A, SW Petersen, Connie L, PsyD 900 W Norfolk Ave 402-370-3140 Piske, Kevin R, PhD 401 S 17th St 402-371-7215 McIntosh, Heather, LPCC 1500 Koenigstein Ave, Ste 200 402-644-7329 68701 900 W Norfolk Ave 402-370-3140 68701 68701 900 W Norfolk Ave 402-370-3140 1306 Andrews Dr, Ste 100 402-851-4026 68701 333 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 201 402-379-2030 68701 Obatusin, Tayo O, MD 711 Logan St 402-371-1305 68701 McCue, Peggi K, LPCC 1500 Koenigstein Ave, Ste 200 402-644-7329 68701 Stephenson, Daryl, MD 200 N 34th St 402-371-3044 900 W Norfolk Ave 402-370-3140 Mayberger, Corey J, MD 1700 N Victory Rd 402-370-4333 Behavioral Health Specialists Matthews, Crystal L, LPCC 110 N 16th St, Ste 16 402-644-7314 68701 1500 Koenigstein Ave, Ste 200 402-644-7329 68701 68701 Smith, P K, LPCC Lovercheck, Darin J Marra, Karen Banik, Sanjoy K, MD 200 N 34th St 402-371-3044 Outpatient Psychiatric 333 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 201 402-379-2030 68701 Psychiatry Ohlund, Julie M, LPCC Lear, Delbert D, LPCC 68701 68701 1306 N 13th St, Ste 102 402-371-8218 68701 Ramirez, Alfredo, LCSW 1306 N 13th St, Ste 102 402-371-8218 1700 N Victory Rd 402-370-4333 200 N 34th St 402-371-3044 600 S 13th St 402-370-3140 900 W Norfolk Ave 402-370-3140 North Platte Chemical Dependency Counselor Hunt, Mark A 110 N Bailey Ave 308-534-6029 Kounovsky, Sonia 110 N Bailey Ave 308-534-6029 Molcyk, Joy 110 N Bailey Ave 308-534-6029 69101 1510 E 4th St, Ste 1 308-534-7170 69101 69101 69101 69101 69101 69101 Durner, Rebecca L, LPCC 110 N Bailey Ave 308-534-6029 69101 Eickhoff, Moriah E, LPCC 402 S Jeffers St 308-660-3949 69101 Feldman, Theresa, LPCC 102 McNeel Ln 308-532-0777 69101 Fisher, Jennifer L, LPCC 120 E 12th St 308-532-0587 69101 Graham, Janice M, LPCC 110 N Bailey Ave 308-534-6029 69101 Guethlein, John S, LPCC 120 E 12th St 308-532-0587 Hardy, Angela 110 N Bailey Ave 308-534-6029 109 E 2nd St, Ste 10 308-532-3000 69101 108 E 2nd St 308-534-9271 69101 120 E 12th St 308-532-0587 69101 102 McNeel Ln 308-532-0777 69101 110 N Bailey Ave 308-534-6029 69101 425 N Oak St 308-532-8300 69101 115 N Silber Ave 308-534-1400 69101 610 S Dewey St 402-534-3351 69101 402 S Jeffers St 308-520-0434 69101 120 E 12th St 308-532-0587 69101 210 McNeel Ln 308-534-9230 69101 109 E 2nd St, Ste 10 308-532-3000 69101 518 S Jeffers St, Ste 7 402-221-2141 69101 110 N Bailey Ave 308-534-6029 69101 110 N Bailey Ave 308-534-6029 69101 69101 Perry, Lynda L, LPCC Pettit, Bridget Phillips, Jerri L, LPCC Dugger, Victoria, LPCC 102 McNeel Ln 308-532-0777 69101 Nichols, Angel A, LPC Charlton, Sonya, LPCC 102 McNeel Ln 308-532-0777 69101 108 E 2nd St 308-534-9271 Mueller, King L, LPCC Nesvara, Nichole J, SW Bourge, Walda G, LPCC Canell, Jane 108 E 2nd St 308-534-9271 Munson, Shawna N, LPCC Licensed Professional Counselor 120 E 12th St 308-532-0587 Mueller, Karen L, LPCC 69101 Piskorski, Joyce E, LPCC Shore, Shari L, LPCC Steinbeck, Kristal D, LPCC Swanson, Barbara, LPCC Tejral, Torri S, LPCC Wahlgren, Cheryln J Wallace, Diana K, LPCC Ward, Teresa M, LPCC Wolf, Connie J, LPCC 69101 Harvey, Deborah L, LPCC Zlomke, Lise A, LPCC 68701 120 E 12th St 308-532-0587 69101 100 E 5th St, Ste 203 308-532-2335 68701 221 W 2nd St, Ste 105 308-534-3351 69101 Outpatient Psychiatric 120 E 12th St 308-532-0587 69101 68701 68701 68701 Hibbard, Karen S, LPCC Hill, Jenee L, LPCC Lutheran Family Services Horn, Rebecca L, LPC 120 E 12th St 308-532-0587 69101 120 E 12th St 308-532-0587 Professional 69101 Huebner, Susanne J, LPCC Counselor Snitchler, Eric S, PhD 120 E 12th St 308-532-0587 Sturgis, Barbara J, PhD 108 E 2nd St 308-534-9271 69101 Sturgis, Daniel K, PhD 620 S Jeffers St 308-520-4213 Psychiatric Social Worker 69101 Jensen, Lori D, SW 69101 Psychiatry 68701 69101 1306 Andrews Dr, Ste 100 402-851-4026 68701 Hynes, Nanette, LPCC 1306 N 13th St, Ste 102 402-371-8218 68701 Konruff, Kandy P 1700 N Victory Rd 402-370-4333 Kramer, Monica J, LPCC Stark, Cassi L, LPC 102 McNeel Ln 308-532-0777 620 S Jeffers St, Ste 1 308-532-9111 69101 69101 68701 Temple, Dennis B, PhD 514 N Bailey Ave 308-520-6060 1500 Koenigstein Ave, Ste 200 402-644-7329 68701 1306 N 13th St, Ste 102 402-371-8218 68701 Westby, Steven A, PhD 108 E 2nd St 308-534-9271 69101 2501 Lakeridge Dr, Ste 104C 402-336-4841 68701 600 S 13th St 402-370-3140 900 W Norfolk Ave 402-370-3140 923 E Norfolk Ave 402-379-0040 120 E 12th St 308-532-0587 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-8344 601 W Leota St 308-696-8837 108 E 2nd St 308-534-9271 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-8837 69101 102 McNeel Ln 308-532-0777 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-8344 69101 214 N 7th St, Ste 1B 402-379-3000 68701 McManigal, Jamie J, LPCC Meyer, Jacquelyn E, LPCC 68701 200 N 34th St 402-371-3044 Milander- Mace, Amanda S, LPCC 200 N 34th St 402-371-3044 68701 200 N 34th St 402-371-3044 68701 Millard, Laurie, LPCC 401 S 17th St 402-371-7215 Serres, Denise L, LCSW Starman, Beverly A, LPCC 68701 68701 68701 68701 333 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 201 402-379-2030 68701 Lawson, Susan G 1306 N 13th St, Ste 102 402-371-8218 68701 333 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 201 402-379-2030 68701 Lund, Dave L, LPCC Substance Abuse Rehab Behavioral Health Specialists 900 W Norfolk Ave 402-370-3140 Adeladan, Ajibade A, MD McChesney, Julieanne, LPCC Morse, Stephanie M, LPCC 69101 69101 Bhimasani, Hemanth K, MD Kolipaka, Srinivas, MD 68701 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 43 Behavioral Health Sullivan, Randall G, MD 601 W Leota St 308-696-7041 601 W Leota St 308-696-8837 69101 69101 Psychologist Canell, Melvin, EdD 1510 E 4th St, Ste 1 308-534-7170 Jones, Lisa M, PhD 221 W 2nd St, Ste 105 308-534-3351 69101 69101 Kimzey, Lloyd L, EdD 220 W Leota St, Ste 200 308-534-4872 69101 Schaffer, Sarah K, PhD 220 W Leota St, Ste 200 308-534-4872 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-7041 69101 Schroeder, Rebecca A, PhD 108 E 2nd St 308-534-9271 Shybut, John, PhD 110 N Bailey Ave 308-534-6029 Sime, Wesley E, PhD 69101 69101 611 W Francis St, Ste 270 308-696-8242 69101 Striebel, John B, PsyD 102 McNeel Ln 308-532-0777 120 E 12th St 308-532-0587 69101 69101 Substance Abuse Rehab Lutheran Family Services 120 E 12th St 308-532-0587 69101 Oakland Psychologist Hunter, Linda A, PsyD 211 N Engdahl Ave 402-685-5116 68045 Ogallala Chemical Dependency Counselor Krajewski, Judy 401 W 1st St 308-284-6767 69153 McGowan, Katherine M 401 N Spruce St 308-284-4491 69153 Molcyk, Joy 69153 Licensed Professional Counselor Armstrong, Heather R, LPCC 215 N Spruce St 308-284-4491 401 N Spruce St 308-284-4491 69153 69153 Cumming, Mary L, LPCC 103 E 10th St 308-284-6519 69153 Frates-McMahon, Beverly A, LPCC 103 E 10th St 308-284-6519 Heim, Shona, LPCC Maupin, Edwin W 103 E 10th St 308-284-6519 69153 69153 69153 Osborne, Rhonda G, LPCC 401 W 1st St 308-284-6767 44 69153 Licensed Professional Counselor Scanlan, Mark, MD 103 E 10th St 308-630-1811 69153 Omaha Addiction Medicine 68114 Kauzlarich, Sidney A, MD 12822 Augusta Ave 402-403-0190 Akers, Anita G, LPCC 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-6007 68198 Achelpohl, Mary 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 Chemical Dependency Counselor Alan, Jace A, LPCC Borer, Kersten R, SW Almquist, Julie K, LPCC 3300 N 60th St 402-554-0520 68104 8031 W Center Rd, Ste 216 402-391-2249 68124 3300 N 60th St 402-554-0520 68104 2401 Lake St, Ste 110 402-342-7007 68104 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 68105 2132 S 42nd St 402-558-1858 68104 8922 Cuming St 402-926-4373 Clark, Cristian D 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 Gillespie, Donald S 68137 68154 68105 Hebrank, Ida Marie, LPCC Mayer, Carolyn 3300 N 60th St 402-554-0520 Medlock, Linda M 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 Moritz, Paula 3300 N 60th St 402-554-0520 Neve, Robert D Almquist, Keith D, LPCC 68111 Andersen, Brian E, LPCC Anderson, Earl T, LPCC 68105 Anderson, Kate E, LPCC Andrews, Catherine 68114 5115 F St 402-397-9866 8715 Oak St 402-333-0898 10806 Prairie Hills Dr 402-504-4099 Armstrong, Stefanie J, LPCC Schlegel, Susan J 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 2101 S 42nd St 402-553-3000 68144 68154 7701 Pacific St, Ste 10 402-390-6007 Severes, Ian M, LPC 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 2101 S 42nd St 402-553-3000 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68124 10824 Old Mill Rd, Ste 21 402-330-8855 68154 12822 Augusta Ave 402-403-0190 68144 Arnold, Michael, LPCC 68105 68114 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 239 402-330-1633 68144 68154 9140 W Dodge Rd, Ste 422 402-397-2147 68114 68105 68154 68105 Child Psychiatry Harrington, Martin J, MD 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 402-955-3900 68114 Lubberstedt, Brian D, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 400 402-758-5850 68130 Ogunleye, Yetunde A, MD 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 68154 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 400 402-758-5850 68130 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68105 3528 Dodge St 402-345-8828 68131 Walker, David B, MD Archer, Jill C, LPC 68117 11330 Q St 402-740-0671 Schneider, Marlene A 10625 Calhoun Rd 402-453-0803 68112 8502 Mormon Bridge Rd 402-451-3100 68152 68105 Arter, Kim 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 538 402-344-7000 68105 Beck-Jacobson, Jacqueline, LPCC 17016 Cypress St 402-770-9417 2132 S 42nd St 402-558-1858 68136 68105 68137 Atherton, John R Atherton, Robert M, LPCC 7602 Pacific St, Ste 305 402-393-8277 68114 Atkins, Stephanie R 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 125 402-968-6337 68105 Atwood, Mary J, LPCC 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 101 402-895-4000 68137 2010 N 88th St 402-496-1000 68134 Bace, Sue 8021 Chicago St 402-502-1024 68114 222 S 29th St 402-345-6555 68131 Bacon, Katie L, LPCC 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 Basile, Lisa M, LPCC 7561 Main St, Ste 425 402-558-7788 Busselman, Heather M, LPCC 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 2101 S 42nd St 402-553-3000 68154 8922 Cuming St 402-926-4373 68114 Bernthaler, Beth A, LPCC 11911 Arbor St 402-393-1647 68144 Bishop, Barbara A, LPCC 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 540 402-397-6067 68105 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 540 402-558-2034 68105 Blanco, Magda M, LPCC 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 432 402-934-4618 68105 Blevins, April L, LPCC 124 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-661-7100 68102 Blickenstaff, Elaine L, LPC 11912 Elm St, Ste 119 402-517-5773 4732 S 131st St 402-697-3923 68144 68137 Bliss Fudge, Stacy L, PhD 5115 F St 402-397-9866 68117 2132 S 42nd St 402-558-1858 68105 Blizek, Monica L, SW Bock, Nate W, LPCC 333 S 132nd St 402-330-2024 Bolin, Jill 68154 10824 Old Mill Rd, Ste 21 402-330-6060 68154 Bowlby Safranek, Aryn M 5835 N 90th St 402-573-5111 68134 11912 Elm St, Ste 117 402-480-4819 68144 Bradley, Amber R, LPCC 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 402-955-3900 68114 11920 Burt St, Ste 190 402-965-4004 68154 3040 Lake St, Ste 118 402-614-2490 68111 Brown-Black, Sheila Brownrigg, Steve 7602 Pacific St, Ste 304 402-510-1754 68114 68105 Davis, Jannette J, LPCC Emile At 42nd St 402-559-7200 68198 6215 Belvedere Blvd 402-612-7823 68111 11330 Q St, Ste 229 402-699-2139 68137 212 S 74th St, Ste 204 402-932-5839 68114 11605 Arbor St, Ste 106 402-330-4700 68144 Carlson, Chris, LPCC 222 S 29th St 402-345-6555 Delbridge, Emilee J, LPCC Demeglio-Brown, Kimberly Devries, Judith E, LPCC Dinneen, Lonnie R, LPCC Carter, Patricia L, LPCC 2401 Lake St, Ste 110 402-342-7007 68111 2505 N 24th St, Ste 201 402-455-9757 68110 4980 S 118th St 402-894-4796 68137 Chiburis, Jamie 2401 Lake St, Ste 110 402-455-9757 68111 333 S 132nd St 402-330-2024 68154 7330 Farnam St, Ste 200 402-392-1922 68114 12035 Q St 402-991-0611 68137 820 S 75th St 402-391-2477 68114 11905 Arbor St 402-334-6869 68144 222 S 29th St 402-345-6555 68131 7602 Pacific St, Ste 205 402-651-3860 68114 11907 Arbor St, Ste E 402-850-6280 68144 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 538 402-344-7000 68105 68131 2827 S 88th St 402-444-4755 6002A Wenninghoff Rd 402-708-2065 68134 2101 S 42nd St 402-553-3000 68154 Carter, David J, LPCC 68124 68116 Danforth, John W, LPCC 1710 N 144th St, Ste 4 402-651-4673 Byrd, Mary, LPCC 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-498-3358 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-3358 68124 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-3358 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-498-3358 68124 Bibins, Barbara J, LPCC 3223 N 169th St 402-813-2235 1004 Farnam St, Ste 204 402-346-7740 68102 Cannon, John Beltz Domina, Elizabeth J, LPCC 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 402-955-3900 68114 68105 68134 Brendis, Mary E, LPCC Barrett-McClendon, Suzanne, LPCC Dafney, Dana H, LPCC 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 5835 N 90th St 402-573-5111 Bellinghausen, Angela C Barrett, Kathleen A, LPCC 68137 Bush, Kellie M, LPCC Caldwell, Alicia J, LPCC Brandt, Katherine R, LPCC 13319 Cottner St 402-896-8933 Cusick Brown, Coleen, SW 6550 S 84th St, Ste 300 402-339-7991 68127 68137 Badding, Amy C, LPCC 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 220 402-330-4014 68144 Burger, Rodney J, LPCC 11319 P St, Ste 1 402-592-0328 Bichekas, Georgia 1017 N 33rd St 402-558-3856 68131 3909 Cuming St, Ste 202 402-933-2060 68131 806 N 49th St 402-614-5447 68132 Prine, Jane A 515 S 26th St 402-354-6370 Bell, Margaret 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St 402-498-3358 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-3358 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-498-3358 68124 11319 P St, Ste 1 402-592-0328 Batey, William H, LPC Abraham, Stephen J, LPCC Baul Pinson, Doraine A, LPCC 7602 Pacific St, Ste 205 402-398-9055 Wichelt, Mary B 401 W 1st St 308-284-6767 401 W 1st St 308-284-6767 Psychiatry 8031 W Center Rd, Ste 206 402-502-1716 68124 8031 W Center Rd, Ste 206 402-502-1716 68124 Domeier, Diane M, LPCC 5115 F St 402-397-9866 Drelicharz, Teresa C, LPCC 68117 Christ-Anderson, Mary, LPCC Clark, David J Clinton, Diann M, LPCC Coffey, Susan E, LPCC Dreyer, Megan M, LPCC Dross, John Dudley, Michele L, LPCC Duncan, Larry J, LPCC Cohen, Marla G, LPCC Dzuris, Leesa L, LPCC Cole, Barbara A, LPCC Eckert, Barbara A, LPCC Connelly, Carolyn S, LPCC Edwards, Leroy N, LPCC 7602 Pacific St, Ste 205 402-578-6922 68114 124 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-661-7100 13906 Gold Cir, Ste 202 402-932-6500 68144 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 10020 Nicholas St, Ste 106 402-894-9990 68114 13906 Gold Cir, Ste 202 402-932-6500 68144 68102 Connelly, James D, LPCC Eftink-Cary, Rachel L, LPC 2101 S 42nd St 402-553-3000 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 3525 Evans St 402-510-3643 2401 Lake St, Ste 110 402-342-7007 Cook, Catherine Y, LPCC Cox, Erin E, LPCC 68111 7701 Pacific St, Ste 301 402-398-9852 68114 Craven, Carol C, LPCC 11605 Arbor St, Ste 106 402-330-4700 68144 120 S 24th St, Ste 100 402-455-9757 68102 68105 Eisenman, Clara K, LPCC 120 S 24th St, Ste 100 402-342-7100 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 2401 Lake St, Ste 110 402-342-7007 Conner, Nicole R, LPCC 68102 Engdahl, Mary, LPCC 68105 68111 68111 Eppenbaugh, Ricky, LPCC 5115 F St 402-397-9866 8715 Oak St 402-333-0898 68117 68124 Epstein, Leslie A, LPCC 9405 Burt St 402-517-0533 68114 Crosby, Dena R, LPCC Estes, M D, LPC Cully, Alma J, LPCC Evans, Marleen E, LPCC 13906 Gold Cir, Ste 202 402-932-6500 68144 7701 Pacific St, Ste 301 402-398-9852 68114 11920 Burt St, Ste 165 402-431-4080 68154 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-498-3358 68124 12728 Augusta Ave, Ste 150 402-330-1537 68144 Fanoele, Angela K, LPCC 11605 Arbor St, Ste 106 402-330-4700 68144 Feltes, William 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 68127 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Behavioral Health Ferguson, Casey, LPCC 11330 Q St, Ste 228 402-740-8203 68137 Feyen, Susan R, MSW 8715 Oak St 402-333-0898 Fidler, Janet S 68124 11605 Arbor St, Ste 106 402-330-4700 68144 Fields, Eleanor A, LPCC 12822 Augusta Ave 402-403-0190 68144 Fitzekam, Anita L, LPCC 2401 Lake St, Ste 110 402-342-7007 Fitzmaurice, Kevin E, LPCC 3323 N 109th Plz 402-573-7277 68111 Hites, Elmorine R, LPCC Guenther, Kenneth L, LPCC Hofer, Amaris L, LPCC 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 215 402-334-0628 68144 68164 68131 68154 333 S 132nd St 402-330-2024 Gustoff, Brandy K 5835 N 90th St 402-573-5111 68134 Haberman, Laura, LPCC 1018 Dodge St, Ste 7 402-614-4870 4211 N 163rd St 402-614-7728 68102 Haley, James T, LPC 68116 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 220 402-330-4014 68144 12728 Augusta Ave, Ste 150 402-330-1537 68144 Haley, Sean S, LPCC 68105 8424 W Center Rd, Ste 203 402-658-8272 68124 1941 S 42nd T, Ste 538 402-639-0435 68105 Fricke, Gina M, LPCC 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 68154 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68105 6901 Dodge St, Ste 101 402-515-7412 68132 Frost, Carol L, LPCC 4929 Eastridge Dr 402-431-0070 Fry, Amber D, LPCC 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0620 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1925 Fuller, Brian J, LPCC 11330 Q St 402-740-8203 Fuller, Deborah 11330 Q St 402-960-8750 Gaines, David 4809 Webster St 402-558-8969 68134 68114 68118 68137 68132 68131 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 100 402-505-3707 68124 8303 Dodge St 402-354-5890 68114 Gilbreath, Sally L, LPCC 68137 Hardt, Adrienne R, LPC 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1570 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 Harman, Doris 2132 S 42nd St 402-558-1858 68114 68137 68105 Greene-Walsh, Mary A, LPCC 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 215 402-334-0628 68144 Greguson, Lezlee A, LPCC 68131 68137 Hove, Kathryn A, LPCC 68102 Hraban, Kathleen A, LPCC 2132 S 42nd St 402-558-1858 68105 Hron, Timothy S, LPCC 12822 Augusta Ave 402-403-0190 68144 Huff, Louis A, LPCC 10815 Elm St 402-917-7405 68144 3223 N 169th St 402-813-2235 68116 Hugunin, Bruce D, LPCC Huss, Joan E, LPCC 10806 Prairie Hills Dr 402-504-4099 1017 N 33rd St 402-558-3856 68131 Jackson, Tony L, LPCC 7905 L St, Ste 410 402-991-7621 Jessing, Barbara E, LPCC 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68106 12035 Q St 402-991-0611 5002 Dodge St, Ste 201 402-312-4593 68132 11330 Q St 402-616-4411 Hatcher, Julie J, LPCC Hauser, Lindsey J, PsyD Hehner, William F, LPCC 68102 Helem, Pamela, LPCC Herndon, Vivian R, LPCC 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 68114 5951 Ames Ave, Ste 5 402-457-5761 68104 Hicks, Sandra, LPCC 68137 105 N 31st Ave, Ste 219 402-990-0639 68131 68137 3211 S 57th Cir 402-812-2161 68105 Jewell, Michelle 68137 Johnson, Cynthia L, LPC Johnson, Frances M, LPCC 68137 444 S 44th St 402-559-6430 68131 Knight, Jessica A, LPCC Koch, Melissa M, LPCC 5115 F St 402-397-9866 8715 Oak St 402-333-0898 68117 68124 Koenig, Roxanne, LPCC 120 S 24th St, Ste 230 402-342-7007 2401 Lake St, Ste 110 402-342-7007 68102 68111 Krenzer, Jeffrey D, LPCC Krueger, Carmen M, LPC Kruger, Lynn K, LPCC 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-498-3358 68124 Kruse, Lindsay 10824 Old Mill Rd, Ste 21 402-330-6060 68154 Kueny, Katherine J, LPCC Kutler, Sandra A 68131 68198 Laufenberg, James F, LPCC 11330 Q St 402-290-2602 68137 Laufenberg, Michaela A, LPCC 11330 Q St, Ste 207 402-515-5048 68137 11319 P St, Ste 1 402-592-0328 68137 Lawrence, Amber Lee, Adrienne, LPCC 222 S 29th St 402-345-6555 Lentz, Laura M 68131 68105 2255 S 132nd St, Ste 200 402-334-1122 68144 820 S 75th St 402-391-2477 68114 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68105 3300 N 60th St 402-554-0520 68104 402-951-3093 68134 2132 S 42nd St 402-558-1858 Johnson, Mary Johnson, Steven J, LPCC Jones, Mark R, LPCC 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 404 402-346-1260 68105 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 404 402-669-4637 68105 Jorden, Carole A 4335 N 65th St 402-455-2311 68104 Joyce, Andrea C, LPCC 4732 S 131st St 402-697-3923 Hillebrandt, Carrie J, LPCC Jurich, Julie A, LPC 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 524 402-871-9979 68105 68114 2255 S 132nd St, Ste 200 402-334-1122 68144 Jespersen, Pamela R, LPCC Hassett, Alberta, LPCC 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 4732 S 131st St 402-697-3923 68116 12035 Q St 402-991-0611 Keeley, Mary E, LPCC 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 233 402-502-5030 68144 Jahn, Tracey A, LPCC 2710 N 160th Ave 402-290-4412 Harvey, Jeff J, LPC 68131 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68127 Jarboe, Eve, LPC 13906 Gold Cir, Ste 202 402-932-6500 68144 68132 68137 68137 Israel, Holly J, LPCC Kazmerski, Jennifer S, LPCC 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 211 402-399-9305 68124 Indrika, Beverly L, LPCC 4732 S 131st St 402-697-3923 4732 S 131st St 402-896-8141 68154 11605 Arbor St, Ste 106 402-330-4700 68144 68144 68144 Ibanez, Agnes M, LPCC 402-517-5773 68134 Kaplan, Sarah L, LPCC 119 N 51st St 402-449-5959 444 S 44th St 402-559-6430 68137 2255 S 132nd St, Ste 200 402-334-1122 68144 Lundberg, James A, LPCC 7602 Pacific St, Ste 305 402-393-8277 68114 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 68154 11605 Arbor St, Ste 106 402-212-4384 68144 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68105 68131 68131 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 540 402-558-2034 68105 68114 333 S 132nd St 402-330-2024 444 S 44th St 402-559-6430 3909 Cuming St, Ste 202 402-933-2060 68131 Gokie, Daniel E, LPCC 444 S 44th St 402-559-6402 13906 Gold Cir, Ste 202 402-932-6500 68144 68131 Givens, Jami E, LPCC Goodman, Jeri Hansen, Jamie L, LPCC 1018 Dodge St, Ste 7 402-614-4870 Gilliam-Vogel, Lisa G, LPCC 1017 N 33rd St 402-558-3856 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 233 402-502-5030 68144 68154 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 402-955-3900 68114 1000 N 90th St, Ste 300 402-955-6190 68114 120 S 24th St, Ste 100 402-342-7007 Kaminski, Kevin C, LPCC 2808 N 75th St, Ste H 402-932-2248 Hough, Christina M, SW Hanquist, Deanna M, LPCC 11912 Elm St, Ste 102 68134 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 303 402-330-8833 68144 444 S 44th St 402-559-6418 68102 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-498-3358 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-391-7684 68124 3213 S 24th St 402-498-3358 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-3358 68131 Gilinsky, Jeannie M, LPCC 2511 N 73rd St 402-393-0133 124 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-661-7100 Harsh, Michael A, LPCC Geck, Meredith J, LPC 11330 Q St, Ste 217 402-597-2365 Hammrich, Nichol, LPCC Harsh, Leslie J, LPCC 68137 Gathje, Rebecca A, LPCC 444 S 44th St 402-559-6430 Hamilton, Teresa L, LPCC Harris, John M, LPCC 68137 8922 Cuming St 402-926-4373 402-697-3923 68154 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 220 402-330-4014 68144 Freeman, Teresa T, LPCC 11920 Burt St, Ste 190 402-965-4004 Hope, Gayle B, LPCC Gustafson, Karen M, LPCC 4732 S 131st St Haisch, Deanne C, LPCC Frankenfield, Debra J, LPCC 1017 N 33rd St 402-558-3856 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 Gross, James J, LPCC Lenzen, Teresa M, LPCC Lundquist, Richard, LPCC 5115 F St 402-397-9866 68117 Lynch, Carol J, LPCC 7701 Pacific St, Ste 10 402-203-7032 68114 805 S 75th St 402-391-5111 68114 5806 Walnut St 402-553-0866 68106 Lyons, Kathleen R, LPCC Mallett, Teresa L, LPCC 13504 Stevens St, Ste A 402-894-9805 68137 13548 Discovery Dr, Ste 15B 402-894-9805 68137 Marquardt, Anne M 12822 Augusta Ave 402-403-0190 68144 2915 Grant St 402-451-3553 68111 Lewis, Monica S, LPCC Limbeck, Shannon M, LPCC 3223 N 169th St 402-813-2235 68116 Ludlow, Leanna, LPC 13906 Gold Cir, Ste 202 402-932-6500 68144 McQuillen, Jodi L, SW Mead, Tenora, LPCC 10832 Old Mill Rd, Ste 7 402-991-7441 68154 Meier, Cynthia S, LPCC 11926 Arbor St, Ste 100 402-333-1069 68144 2132 S 42nd St 402-558-1858 68105 Mengenhauser, Janice R, LPCC 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68105 2132 S 42nd St 402-558-1858 68105 Martin, Adrian J, LPCC 2401 Lake St, Ste 110 402-342-7007 68111 Martin, Jane 6119 Florence Blvd 402-933-8656 7176 N 51st St 402-933-8656 10824 Old Mill Rd, Ste 21 402-330-6060 68154 Marquez, Longfellow, LPCC 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 11225 Davenport St, Ste 108 402-577-0727 68154 1403 Farnam St, Ste 215 402-393-0642 68102 2608 N 66th Ave 402-393-1647 68104 Martin, Kathleen, LPCC 11920 Burt St, Ste 190 402-965-4004 Masek, Mary L, LPC 11414 W Center Rd 402-502-5030 68154 68144 Massara, Kimberly A, LPCC 2401 Lake St, Ste 110 402-342-7007 Matuszek, Kerry 68111 11911 Arbor St 402-334-3044 68144 2101 S 42nd St 402-553-3000 68105 Mayfield, Betsy S, LPC McArthur, Trisha A, LPCC 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 Meyer, Susan A, LPCC Mickells, Deanna M, LPCC Mickles, Justin M, LPCC Miller, Mark, LPCC 68152 12035 Q St 402-991-0611 68137 11330 Q St 402-740-8203 68137 11330 Q St 402-658-7107 68137 Miller, Melissa A, LPCC Miramontes-Laney, Candida T, LPCC Mixan, Kristy L, LPCC 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 68131 68131 Moody, Heather J, LPCC 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 5002 Dodge St, Ste 301 402-342-3303 68132 McDougle, Eric S, LPCC 3223 N 45th St, Bldg A 402-813-1104 68104 McGeary, Corey M, LPCC 7101 Newport Ave 402-717-4390 402-212-1293 68124 6663 Sorensen Pkwy 402-502-9788 68152 Moore, Doris E, LPCC Moseley, Sharon G, LPCC 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 220 402-330-4014 68144 68152 Mullen, Linda T, LPCC McGreevy, Hylean M, LPCC 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68154 68105 McIalwain, Camielle N, LPCC 11330 Q St 402-740-8203 68137 McIlnay, Brenda S, SW 110 N 175th St, Ste 2000 402-552-6002 68118 4732 S 131st St 402-697-3923 68105 11330 Q St, Ste 212 402-670-0717 68137 Murphy, Amy J, LPCC Myhr, Peter 5115 F St 402-397-9866 8715 Oak St 402-333-0898 68117 68124 Nebeker, Denise B, LPCC 2205 S 10th St, Ste 328 402-504-4102 68108 Nelsen, Susan D, LPCC 68137 11920 Burt St, Ste 190 402-965-4004 68154 68130 3223 N 169th St 402-813-2235 68116 2101 S 42nd St 402-553-3000 68105 McLean, Amanda M, LPCC 16929 Frances St 402-758-5124 2801 S 88th St 402-391-7684 3213 S 24th St 402-498-3358 555 N 30th St 402-498-3358 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-498-3358 402-614-8444 68124 68108 68131 68124 Nelson, Carole A, LPCC Nelson, Darin, LPCC Nelson, Elizabeth M, LPCC 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-498-3358 68124 Nelum, Betty J, LPCC 6663 Sorensen Pkwy 402-680-8295 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68110 68105 Moore, Carol J McDonnell, Robyn L, LPCC 8031 W Center Rd, Ste 207 Lewandoski, Valeria, LPCC McKenzie, Margaret M, 7400 Military Ave LPCC Lewandowski, Maraleigh J, LPCC McManigal, Brandi L, LPCC 68152 45 Behavioral Health Newring, Reo W, LPCC 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 402-955-3900 68114 Nissen, Barbara A, LPCC 2401 Lake St, Ste 110 402-455-9757 68111 Northam, Edward, LPCC 2405 S 130th Cir 402-891-8882 68144 Novak, Lindsay J 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 Numadenu, Kossi S, LPCC 7905 L St, Ste 410 402-991-7621 68127 O'Donnell, Maureen R, LPCC Perdaems-Vigen, Nanon R, LPCC 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 6002 Wenninghoff Rd 402-981-4410 Peters, Kari A, LPC 11330 Q St 402-740-8203 68137 13708 W Maple Rd 402-595-3993 2727 S 144th St, Ste 140 402-778-5677 714 N 154th Ave 402-496-3224 8814 Maple St 402-595-2718 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68114 5951 Ames Ave 402-672-4499 68154 68105 68134 Peterson, Jane L, LPCC 8922 Cuming St 402-926-4373 Peterson, Roger W, LPCC 8922 Cuming St 402-926-4373 68114 11605 Arbor St, Ste 106 402-330-4700 68144 Peyton, Vickie R, MSW 12822 Augusta Ave 402-403-0190 Pfeifer, Michelle O'Halloran, Theresa, LPCC 68144 O'Rourke, Marie, LPCC 11920 Burt St, Ste 190 402-965-4004 68154 Oczki, Michelle, LPC 3213 N 90th St 402-571-3995 68134 Oestreich, Marlys J, LPCC 2401 Lake St, Ste 110 402-342-7007 Robinson, W D, LPCC 68111 7701 Pacific St, Ste 301 402-214-5553 68114 Pick Feldman, Pamela S, LPCC 68164 68144 68154 68134 68198 Rollins, Cyrenthia L, LPCC 68104 Rooney, Phyllis M, LPCC 2132 S 42nd St 402-558-1858 68105 Rossitto Willets, Andrea, LPCC 3213 N 90th St 402-571-3995 68134 Rowe, Stefanie M, LPCC 11330 Q St 402-616-7710 Ruma, Sarita, LPC 68137 2255 S 132nd St, Ste 200 402-334-1122 68144 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 402-955-3900 68114 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-498-3358 68124 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 11620 Arbor St, Ste 203 402-504-4924 68144 2010 N 88th St 402-496-1000 2401 Lake St, Ste 110 402-342-7007 8021 Chicago St 402-502-1024 5847 N 90th St 402-571-7148 Pick, Robert M, LPCC Ryan, Gregory J, LPCC 68105 11911 Arbor St 402-334-3044 68144 Pitlor, Marcia Sall, Dana 2808 N 75th St 402-932-9412 68134 Poppert, James J, LPCC Sariscsany, Natalie, LPCC Olson, Frances L, LPCC Olson, Gail A, LPCC 13057 W Center Rd, Ste 25 402-214-4837 68144 Olson, Michael M, LPCC Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Orsi, Ralph J, LPCC 8031 W Center Rd, Ste 206 402-502-1716 68124 68137 Prest, Layne A, LPCC 68102 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 402-955-3900 68114 Overby, Sheryl L, LPCC Oz, Yeshim, LPC 4732 S 131st St 402-697-3923 68108 68105 120 S 24th St, Ste 100 402-342-7007 68114 Prazan, Pamela, LPCC 1403 Farnam St, Ste 215 402-393-0642 68102 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Ortiz, Arthur J, LPCC 2101 S 42nd St 402-553-3000 815 Dorcas St 402-552-7020 68111 Pretorius, Rene, LPC Quintana, Marguerite 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 220 402-330-4014 68144 4105 N 94th St 402-517-8201 3017 S 87th St 402-398-9116 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 Palmer, Wayne F, LPCC 68124 Paradis, Lisa M, LPCC 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-498-3358 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 3213 S 24th St 402-498-3358 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-3358 68131 Partusch Owen, Sharon K, LPCC 8031 W Center Rd, Ste 203 402-740-4136 68124 Patil, Jay D, LPCC 11920 Burt St, Ste 190 402-965-4004 120 S 24th St, Ste 100 402-342-7007 68154 68102 Patterson, Lou A, LPCC 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68154 68105 Patton, Laurie N, LPCC 222 S 29th St 402-345-6555 Pease, Jamie L, SW 6054 S 36th St 402-990-7362 46 68131 68107 68134 Renner, Mark J, LPCC Reynolds, Karrie, LPCC 11207 W Dodge Rd, Ste 150 402-980-6799 68154 Rhode, David L, LPCC 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 Rice, Joan E, LPCC 10806 Prairie Hills Dr 402-504-4099 68154 68105 68144 Richardson, William E 3909 Cuming St, Ste 202 402-933-2060 68131 5002 Dodge St 402-990-1266 68132 Riebe, Megan M, LPCC 5115 F St 402-397-9866 68117 Riffner, Nicole M, LPCC 4535 Leavenworth St, Ste 4 402-558-3856 68106 Robinson, Natasha A, SW 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 68134 68134 Sarton-Mierau, Bonnie J, SW 7905 L St, Ste 410 402-991-7621 Schaefer, Linda K 68127 2255 S 132nd St, Ste 200 402-334-1122 68144 Schlueter Promes, Yvonne F, LPCC 8922 Cuming St 402-926-4373 68114 Schoonover, Ardyce O, LPCC 10824 Old Mill Rd, Ste 21 402-330-6060 68154 Schweitzer, Catherine A, LPCC 12822 Augusta Ave 402-403-0190 68144 Scolan, Dina L, LPCC Siemer, Kris J, LPCC Throener, Karen S, LPCC 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 2101 S 42nd St 402-553-3000 68154 68105 Singh, Sandip, LPCC 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-498-3358 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-391-7684 68124 Sladovnik, Lora, LPCC 4917 Underwood Ave 402-556-1516 68132 Smith, Megan E, LPCC 1722 Saint Marys Ave, Ste 403 402-933-1535 68102 Smith, Richard P, SW 120 S 24th St, Ste 100 402-342-7007 68102 Soto, Miguel A, LPCC 4660 White Cloud Dr 402-206-5863 Spence, Carl 12035 Q St 402-991-0611 68157 68137 Spence, Charles B, LPCC 12035 Q St 402-991-0611 68137 Stessman, Gary J, LPCC 3223 N 169th St 402-813-2235 Stormberg, Jeffrey 68116 1403 Farnam St, Ste 215 402-393-0642 68102 Stratton, Robin Y, LPCC 8424 W Center Rd, Ste 203 402-618-8045 68124 Suhr, Ryan A, LPCC 124 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-661-7100 2808 N 75th St, Ste H 402-932-2248 Svoboda, Joyce M 68134 68132 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 211 402-399-9305 68124 Swenson, Deborah 11912 Elm St, Ste 116 402-740-0881 68144 Swisher, Timothy B, LPCC 1004 Farnam St, Ste 204 402-341-2230 68102 Tackett-Newburg, Kristi L, LPCC 13906 Gold Cir, Ste 202 402-932-6500 68144 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 124 402-932-2296 68144 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 68154 7602 Pacific St, Ste 304 402-960-0192 68114 68131 5625 Poppleton Ave 402-559-3983 68104 4732 S 131st St 402-697-3923 Sedlacek, Lynn, LPCC Segool, Natasha K, LPCC 444 S 44th St 402-559-6430 Sexton, Patricia, LPCC 6405 N 66th St 402-933-2928 Sharp, Jennifer A, LPCC Tarrant, Bette L, SW Tatum, Denise 68106 Taylor, Steven E, LPCC Taylor, Thyris, SW 68137 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 538 402-813-5249 68105 105 N 31st Ave, Ste 215 402-210-8154 68131 7400 Military Ave 402-951-3066 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 Sheridan, Lisa M, LPCC Sherman, Michelle R 2908 N 47th Ave 402-651-3506 68134 68104 Shockley, Scarlett K, LPCC 2255 S 132nd St, Ste 200 402-334-1122 68144 Tejral, Torri S, LPCC 68131 Terwilleger, Lisa M, LPC 2132 S 42nd St 402-558-1858 7909 L St 402-934-4977 68105 68127 Tevis, Kristine D, LPCC Siebecker, Amanda B, LPC 5115 F St 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-498-3358 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-391-7684 68124 3213 S 24th St 402-498-3358 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-3358 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-498-3358 68124 402-397-9866 8715 Oak St 402-333-0898 68117 68124 Thompson, Pamela J, LPCC 8703 S 45th Ave 402-734-1400 Thull, Bryce T 68157 68137 68131 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 220 402-330-4014 68144 Tingelhoff, Heather L, LPCC 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68105 Troxell, Jean A, LPCC 10806 Prairie Hills Dr 402-504-4099 3300 N 60th St 402-554-0520 11330 Q St, Ste 207 402-650-4014 Ucheagwu, Gregory 10824 Old Mill Rd, Ste 21 402-330-6060 68154 Neuropsychologist Pare, Nadia, PhD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-3152 68114 Outpatient Psychiatric Catholic Charities 68102 68104 5115 F St 402-397-9866 68117 68137 Professional Counselor 6818 Grover St, Ste 104 402-556-1153 68106 Vasarkovy, Alberta L, LPCC 3300 N 60th St 402-554-0520 Ziegenbein, Mark D, LPCC 1490 N 16th St 402-827-0570 68144 Tulsie, Clifton R, LPCC Omni Behavioral Health Anzalone, Crystal P, LPC 11605 Arbor St, Ste 106 402-330-4700 68144 Hermanek, Jasmine R, SW Vasquez-Evans, Linda M, LPCC 5115 F St 402-397-9866 8021 Chicago St 402-502-1024 Vogel, Harlan H, LPCC Psychiatric Social Worker 68104 7914 W Dodge Rd, Ste 415 402-572-5040 68114 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68105 12822 Augusta Ave 402-403-0190 68144 Volkmer, Amanda S, LPCC Walpus, Kerstin 68102 Sukiennik, Marlene B, SW 4917 Underwood Ave 402-556-1516 11330 Q St 402-740-8203 222 S 29th St 402-345-6555 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 220 402-330-4014 68144 Wells, Elaine F, LPCC 5005 Read St 402-573-1702 68152 Wesselmann, Debra B, LPCC 12822 Augusta Ave 402-403-0190 68144 White-Welchen, Tiffany, LPCC 7330 Farnam St, Ste 100 402-953-5479 68114 Wiedel, Karla, LPCC 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 2101 S 42nd St 402-553-3000 68154 68105 Wiese, Laura M, LPCC 1016 Park Ave 402-342-9555 2101 S 42nd St 402-553-3000 222 S 29th St 402-345-6555 68105 68105 68117 68114 Abdul, Christie D, SW 7905 L St, Ste 410 402-991-7621 68127 11319 P St, Ste 1 402-592-0328 68137 4030 S 173rd Cir 402-397-7221 68130 7836 Wakeley Plz 402-397-0330 68114 Alderman-Dreher, Alison M, SW Anderegg, Jacqueline L, SW Anderson, Sharon, SW Anderson-Demott, Lynn P, SW 12728 Augusta Ave, Ste 150 402-330-1537 68144 Bang, Cynthia L, SW 13906 Gold Cir, Ste 202 402-932-6500 68144 Bass, Pamela A, SW 11330 Q St 402-960-1652 Battleson, Dale, SW 68137 13906 Gold Cir, Ste 202 402-932-6500 68144 Blayney, Mary E, SW 68131 3300 N 60th St 402-554-0520 68104 7701 Pacific St, Ste 207 402-926-2584 68114 2101 S 42nd St 402-553-3000 68105 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 250 402-571-4984 68144 4980 S 118th St 402-891-6869 68137 10824 Old Mill Rd, Ste 21 402-330-6060 68154 3300 N 60th St 402-554-0520 68104 12822 Augusta Ave 402-403-0190 68144 Wilch, Sarah R, SW Blizek, Monica L, SW Wiley, Kathleen A Bolduan, Barbara A, SW Wiley, Kristine M, LPCC Brestel, Melissa D, SW Williamson-Erickson, Susan L Bruckner, Daniel J, SW 2255 S 132nd St, Ste 200 402-334-1122 68144 Buscher, Judith G, SW Arbor St, Ste 106 Winckler, Deborah L, LPCC 11605 402-330-4700 68144 11330 Q St, Ste 225 402-490-3672 68137 Cahill, Gail S, SW Burt St Yanney-Wehbi, Michele E, 4919 402-552-0750 68132 LPCC Calta, Maryann, SW 2808 N 75th St, Ste H 402-932-2248 68134 15066 Sherwood Ave 402-333-2022 68116 8922 Cuming St 402-926-4373 68114 Yarns, Kay M, LPCC Zach, Molly E, LPCC 1403 Farnam St, Ste 215 402-345-4162 68102 Campbell, John R, SW 8021 Chicago St 402-502-1024 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68114 Nov 17, 2010 Behavioral Health Cavel, Kara A, SW 3300 N 60th St 402-829-9258 4545 Dodge St 402-553-6000 Keeley, John K, SW 68104 68132 Circo, Deborah K, LCSW 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 Conde, Merriel A, SW 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 Conley, Dawn M, SW 2101 S 42nd St 402-553-3000 68105 68105 Cook, Christine J, SW 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 303 402-330-8833 68144 Crouch, Mindy S, SW 3213 N 90th St 402-321-8995 68134 Detlefsen, Barbara K, SW 10824 Old Mill Rd, Ste 21 402-330-6060 68154 Duerr, Deborah, SW 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 Duggin, Cynthia, SW 11905 Arbor St 402-330-4456 68144 Escamilla, Barbara J, SW 5437 N 103rd St 402-884-7552 68134 Fehringer, Sarah A, SW 120 S 24th St, Ste 100 402-342-7007 124 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-661-7100 68102 68102 Feyen, Susan R, MSW 5115 F St 402-397-9866 Fine, Sally W, SW 68117 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 220 402-330-4014 68144 Fineman, Glen H, SW 2255 S 132nd St, Ste 200 402-334-1122 68144 Francis, Carol J, SW 2132 S 42nd St 402-558-1858 68105 Funk, Elizabeth A, SW 4980 S 118th St 402-891-6869 Garcia, Arlene J, SW 11330 Q St, Ste 226 402-597-2292 Gehring, Dana V, SW 68137 68137 7701 Pacific St, Ste 119 402-397-6788 68114 Glassman, Mary M, SW 702 N 129th St, Ste 105 402-898-3141 68154 Gonsher, Allan M, SW 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 220 402-330-4014 68144 Gulick, Erin T, SW 3223 N 169th St 402-813-2235 68116 Gurock, Amanda, SW 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 Harmon, Jennifer L, MSW 2811 N 45th St 402-559-5941 444 S 44th St 402-559-5941 68104 O'Connor, Kathleen S, SW Kelly, Jennifer M, SW 11330 Q St, Ste 222 402-660-6846 Koenen, Tiffany, SW 1710 N 144th St 402-676-8260 Kuehl, Mary, SW 68114 68137 68154 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 68154 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68105 7701 Pacific St, Ste 105 402-964-2883 68114 Kuhl, Grace G, SW 1004 Farnam St, Ste 204 402-392-0702 68102 Kupsinel, Morgan, SW 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68105 Kurzenberger, Alicia, SW 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68105 Lamb, Alyson A, LPCC 10015 S 172nd Cir 402-991-6311 68136 Larimer, Kathryn P, SW 1004 Farnam St, Ste 204 402-392-0702 68102 Lehmer, Gary R, SW 10824 Old Mill Rd, Ste 21 402-330-6060 68154 Lines, Irene L, SW 16086 Spring St 402-212-9400 Lipnick, Brian A, SW 8420 W Dodge Rd 402-393-0163 Long, Lucie R, SW 68130 68114 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 Luzarraga, Julie A, SW 8021 Chicago St 402-502-1024 68114 McIlnay, Brenda S, SW 2255 S 132nd St 402-354-7803 515 S 26th St 402-552-6002 68144 68105 McKenzie, Kevin J, SW 8021 Chicago St 402-502-1024 68114 McTate, Gabriella A, SW 820 S 75th St 402-391-2477 Miley, D Joy, SW 68114 8031 W Center Rd, Ste 207 402-212-4609 68124 Miller-Harsin, Susan, SW 805 S 75th St 402-391-5111 68114 8922 Cuming St 402-926-4373 68114 Mirmiran, Hannah G, SW Moore, Terrance R, SW 2255 S 132nd St, Ste 200 402-334-1122 68144 Moseley, Harold P, SW 5002 Dodge St, Ste 205 402-740-6576 68132 Muell, Amy J, SW 68131 120 S 24th St, Ste 100 402-342-7007 68102 68114 730 S 38th Ave 402-559-9600 68105 Hecht, Morgan K, SW 820 S 75th St 402-391-2477 8303 Dodge St 402-354-5834 Houlton, Caren J, SW 10040 Regency Cir, Ste 250 402-208-4485 68114 Johnston, Janet M, SW 10832 Old Mill Rd, Ste 7 402-991-7441 68154 Murray, Susan V, SW Myers, Bruce E, SW 11330 Q St 402-740-8203 68137 Nicolarsen, Katherine A, SW Jonas, Amy P, SW 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 Jurgens, Jody A, SW 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 211 402-399-9305 68124 10832 Old Mill Rd, Ste 7 402-991-7441 68154 820 S 75th St 402-391-2477 68114 Norman, Leslie, SW 68105 7701 Pacific St, Ste 301 402-398-9852 68114 Pattavina Moulton, Sara E, LCSW Weber, Gwen K, SW 4917 Underwood Ave 402-556-1516 Welch, Gene R, SW Coy, Michael L, MD 68132 11319 P St, Ste 1 402-592-0328 68137 820 S 75th St 402-391-2477 68114 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68105 820 S 75th St 402-391-2477 68114 Wingert, Mary Anne, SW 12822 Augusta Ave 402-403-0190 68144 Witchger, John, LCSW Peabody, Hope D, LCSW Poindexter, Abra S, SW 1722 Saint Marys Ave, Ste 403 402-933-1535 68102 Prest, Karin M, LCSW 10824 Old Mill Rd, Ste 21 402-330-6060 68154 Randall, Amanda D, SW 7701 Pacific St, Ste 10 402-390-6007 Regnier, Rita M, SW 11920 Burt St, Ste 165 402-290-1845 Renze, Charlotte, SW Wragge, Marcia, St 11725 Arbor St, Ste 310 402-343-1701 68144 Zagurski-Jones, Robin, SW 68154 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68105 10815 Elm St 402-397-6160 Zeleny, Mary G, LCSW Psychiatry Arora, Monica, MD 3528 Dodge St 402-345-8828 Baker, Natalie J, MD 68131 7101 Mercy Rd, Ste 200 402-208-6224 68106 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 211 402-399-9305 68124 415 S 25th St 402-717-5300 Ridgway, Cindy R, SW Rist, Kathryn E, LCSW Robinson, Natasha A, SW 68131 Romero, Shana S, SW 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 101 402-895-4000 68137 2010 N 88th St 402-496-1000 68134 Rucker, William M, SW 68114 Banik, Sanjoy K, MD 68131 Battafarano, Nicholas J, MD 115 S 46th St 402-553-6000 1490 N 16th St 402-827-0570 3300 N 60th St 402-554-0520 3528 Dodge St 402-345-8828 68132 68102 68104 68131 Bergerson, Nicole J, MD Schlegelmilch, June M, SW 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 225 68154 Schulze, Regina, LCSW 68114 Shelso, Florence, LCSW 11905 Arbor St 402-330-8850 Smith, Susan, LCSW 68144 10824 Old Mill Rd, Ste 21 402-330-6060 68154 Stacey, Karen R, LCSW 10824 Old Mill Rd, Ste 21 402-330-6060 68154 402-354-8033 Bhatia, Shashi K, MD 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 3528 Dodge St 402-345-8828 68124 68154 68105 68131 Bhatia, Subhash C, MD 3528 Dodge St 402-345-8828 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 Boust, Susan J, MD 68131 68105 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 211 402-399-9305 68124 5002 Dodge St, Ste 303 402-672-3081 68132 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 211 402-399-9305 68124 7905 L St, Ste 410 402-991-7621 730 S 38th Ave 402-552-6007 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 215 402-334-0628 68144 Steeb, Kelly A, LCSW Steffen, Tory, LCSW Buda, Cheryl J, MD Stemm, Dena, LCSW Burke, William J, MD 68127 Thompson, Jacquelyn R, MSW 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 Thralls, Priscilla S, SW 68114 Turner-Ottoson, Belinda, LCSW 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 Wais-Klein, Theresa, LCSW Dahlke, Jane B, MD 68144 Daughton, Joan M, MD 120 S 24th St 402-342-7007 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4110 515 S 26th St 402-552-6002 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-6006 68102 68107 68105 68198 Dewan, Vijay K, MD 515 S 26th St 402-552-6007 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-6007 68105 68131 68105 68105 Cassidy, Michelle M, MD 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 402-955-3900 68114 Chesen, Chelsea L, MD Donaldson, John, MD 10815 Elm St 402-397-8725 68144 2727 S 144th St, Ste 280 402-778-5497 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 210 402-552-2112 68198 515 S 26th St 402-552-6007 68105 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-6007 68198 Hanigan, Mary J, MD 4102 Woolworth Ave 402-444-7000 68105 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 100 402-504-3707 68124 820 S 75th St 402-391-2477 68114 Hassan, Aly S, MD 415 S 25th St 402-552-6002 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4110 515 S 26th St 402-552-6002 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68131 68107 68105 68198 Helgason, Chanel M, MD 68118 68118 68105 68131 68105 68198 Henderson, William H, MD 415 S 25th St 402-552-6002 4239 Farnam St, Ste 210 402-552-2112 515 S 26th St 402-552-6007 8303 Dodge St 402-559-4212 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6007 Holland, Michael W, MD 68131 68198 Egger, Michael L, MD 68105 68114 68198 7101 Newport Ave, Ste 301 402-572-2916 68152 7101 Newport Ave, Ste 301 402-572-2916 68152 Fernandes, Praveen P, MD 3528 Dodge St 402-345-8828 Fine, Paul M, MD 68131 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 215 402-334-0628 68144 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 220 402-330-4014 68144 Fleisher, Mark H, MD 515 S 26th St 402-552-6002 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68105 68198 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 221 402-354-8025 68124 Graz, Charles M, MD 820 S 75th St 402-391-2477 68114 7101 Newport Ave, Ste 301 402-572-2916 68152 Hsieh, Hudson H, MD 7101 Newport Ave, Ste 301 402-572-2916 68152 Jones, Joy K, MD 415 S 25th St 402-717-5300 Jones, Sarah L, MD 68131 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 211 402-399-9305 68124 Kauzlarich, Sidney A, MD 4102 Woolworth Ave 402-444-7000 515 S 26th St 402-552-6007 68105 68105 Keane, Gregory M, MD 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 6751 N 72nd St, Ste 102 402-572-2907 68122 7101 Newport Ave, Ste 301 402-572-2916 68152 Kinnan, Shannon M, MD 415 S 25th St 402-717-5300 68131 515 S 26th St 402-552-6002 68105 Kratochvil, Christopher J, MD Kremen, Mark E, MD 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 6720 N 30th St 402-734-3000 68154 68105 68112 Kutler, Stephanie, MD 11225 Davenport St 402-493-4444 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68198 Hammer, Sharon J, MD 10824 Old Mill Rd, Ste 21 402-330-6060 68154 Goodman, Michael R, MD 68105 68105 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-354-8060 68124 2027 Dodge St, Ste 504 402-348-1996 68102 7101 Newport Ave, Ste 301 402-717-4673 68152 3528 Dodge St 402-345-8828 68154 68144 68198 Egbert, Matthew K, MD Diercks, Mark J, MD Forsman-Bierman, Sheila M, MD 68131 2255 S 132nd St 402-354-7803 4239 Farnam St, Ste 210 402-552-2112 515 S 26th St 402-552-6002 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Dunlap, James R, MD 68198 11635 Arbor St, Ste 110 402-885-7811 68144 Chu, Chung C, MD Greiner, Carl B, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 2000 402-552-6002 111 N 175th St 402-778-5520 4001 Leavenworth St 402-341-2310 415 S 25th St 402-552-6002 515 S 26th St 402-559-6007 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6007 68105 Faryna, Joanna E, MD 4001 Leavenworth St 402-341-2310 415 S 25th St 402-552-6002 515 S 26th St 402-552-6002 Stec, Eric T, SW 820 S 75th St 402-391-2477 68131 68105 602 N 20th St, Ste 1034 402-280-2735 68102 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 100 402-504-3707 68124 7787 Howard St 402-342-6943 Cyr, Jennifer H, MD 68114 12728 Augusta Ave, Ste 150 402-330-1537 68144 11920 Burt St, Ste 165 402-431-4080 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 13906 Gold Cir, Ste 202 402-932-6500 68144 Reynolds-Hall, Peggy J, SW 820 S 75th St 402-391-2477 Curry, Kathi J, MD 515 S 26th St 402-552-6002 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 215 402-334-0628 68144 1017 N 33rd St 402-558-3856 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 400 402-758-5850 68130 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 540 402-330-0105 68105 6663 Sorensen Pkwy 402-502-9788 68152 7101 Newport Ave, Ste 301 402-572-2916 68152 9945 Maple St 402-571-5400 68134 68154 47 Behavioral Health Liu, Howard Y, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 2000 402-552-6002 68118 515 S 26th St 402-559-6007 68105 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6007 68198 Madaan, Vishal, MD 3528 Dodge St 402-345-8828 68131 730 S 38th Ave 402-552-6007 68105 3528 Dodge St 402-345-8828 68131 Magnuson, Thomas M, MD Malin, Paulajo, MD Marcil, William A, MD 3528 Dodge St 402-345-8828 Markus, John W, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 3483 Larimore Ave 402-455-8303 820 S 75th St 402-391-2477 68131 68114 68105 68111 68114 Marsh, Michele R, MD 7101 Newport Ave 402-758-5850 68152 McGivern, Janet P, MD 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 211 402-399-9305 68124 Meyer, Michael L, MD 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 205 402-392-8080 68124 Nitcher, Rodney L, DO 4102 Woolworth Ave 402-444-7931 68105 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 226 402-354-8040 68124 Oliveto, Eugene, MD 120 S 24th St 402-342-7007 Oliveto, Gina M, MD 68102 2001 S 75th St, Ste 100 402-398-5550 68124 Osullivan, James N, MD 4102 Woolworth Ave 402-444-7931 Otten, Julie A, MD 68105 2132 S 42nd St 402-558-1858 68105 2255 S 132nd St, Ste 200 402-334-1122 68144 Padala, Prasad R, MD 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0600 415 S 25th St 402-552-6002 515 S 26th St 402-552-6002 68144 68131 68105 Pentzien, Roger J, MD 415 S 25th St 402-717-5300 68131 3528 Dodge St 402-345-8828 68131 Qadri, Syed F, MD Ramaswamy, Sriram, MD 120 S 24th St, Ste 100 402-342-7100 3528 Dodge St 402-345-8828 Rich, Jay, MD 11920 Burt St, Ste 165 402-431-4080 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68102 68131 68154 Rosche, Staci L, MD 3528 Dodge St 402-345-8828 415 S 25th St 402-717-5300 48 Sadiq, Hasnain J, MD 2001 S 75th St, Ste 100 402-398-5550 68124 7101 Newport Ave, Ste 301 402-572-2916 68152 Salzbrenner, Stephen G, MD 415 S 25th St 402-717-5300 68131 Sattar, Syed P, MD 2808 N 75th St, Ste H 402-932-2248 68134 Schmidt, Rebecca, MD 11620 Arbor St, Ste 203 402-504-4924 68144 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 400 402-758-5850 68130 5115 F St 402-397-9866 68117 Schuett, Amy E, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1570 68114 Sedlacek, Michael J, MD 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 211 402-399-9305 68124 Severa, James D, MD 2132 S 42nd St 402-558-1858 Sharma, Arun, MD 68105 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 400 402-758-5850 68130 7101 Newport Ave, Ste 301 402-572-2916 68152 Sharma, Ashish, MD 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0600 4239 Farnam St, Ste 210 402-552-2112 515 S 26th St 402-552-6002 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68144 68198 68105 68198 Shepherd, Tenycia C, MD 4102 Woolworth Ave 402-444-7931 Snyder, Jamie L, MD 68105 3528 Dodge St 402-345-8828 68131 8502 Mormon Bridge Rd 402-451-3100 68152 Spellman, Douglas F, MD 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 Stoewe, Judith K, MD 7101 Newport Ave, Ste 301 402-572-2916 68152 Stoller, Lilly M, MD 10110 Nicholas St, Ste 103 402-572-2905 68114 7101 Newport Ave, Ste 301 402-572-2916 68152 Strong, Sheritta A, MD 2500 California Plz, Ste 1034 402-280-2735 68178 2915 Grant St 402-451-3553 68111 4001 Leavenworth St 402-552-6155 68105 515 S 26th St 402-552-6007 68105 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-6007 68198 Svolos, Thomas M, MD 68105 115 S 46th St 402-553-6000 68132 68131 2505 S 140th Cir 402-345-6161 68144 68131 Swanson, Donald A, MD Taylor, Ann M, MD Theobald, Jane M, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-5890 68114 Vaca, Anthony M, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 400 402-758-5850 68130 17021 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-572-2907 68130 7101 Newport Ave, Ste 301 402-572-2916 68152 Walters, Ashley W, MD 7101 Newport Ave 402-717-4373 68152 Wengel, Steven P, MD 2255 S 132nd St 402-354-7803 730 S 38th Ave 402-552-6007 68144 68105 West, Madeline J, MD 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4110 68107 515 S 26th St 402-552-6002 68105 Wetzel, Martin W, MD 2500 California Plz, Ste 1034 402-280-2735 68178 4239 Farnam St, Ste 210 402-552-2112 68198 515 S 26th St 402-552-6002 68105 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Wilson, Daniel R, MD 3528 Dodge St 402-345-8828 68131 Woodard, Marilou K, MD 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 218 402-391-2477 68124 Brendle, Jennifer R, PhD 11212 Davenport St 402-963-9699 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 3223 N 169th St 402-813-2235 68154 68105 68116 Burger, James M, PhD 11319 P St, Ste 1 402-592-0328 6663 Sorensen Pkwy 402-502-9788 Burt, Jennifer D, PhD 119 N 51st St 402-449-5959 444 S 44th St 402-559-6430 Cahill, Kevin R, PhD 11920 Burt St, Ste 190 402-965-4004 Callahan, Ty S, PhD 68144 Conner, Shari M, PhD 68137 Conoley, Colleen A, PhD Corey, Amy T, PhD Akers, Sean M, PsyD Allen, Keith D, PhD 2730 S 87th Ave 402-331-8085 68104 Friman, Patrick C, PhD Fudge, Daniel L, PhD Gard, Gary C, PhD 10040 Regency Cir, Ste 250 402-393-5432 68114 3483 Larimore Ave 402-455-8303 68111 Gleason, Angela C, PhD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-5834 68114 Gontkovsky, Samuel T, PsyD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-5031 68198 Grandy, Thomas G, PhD 11043 Prairie Brook Rd 402-301-4587 68144 68137 Grubler, Jennifer, PhD 68114 Guck, Thomas P, PhD 68127 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 402-955-3900 68114 Cottam, Glenda L, PhD 4343 N 52nd St 402-457-7107 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 Delaet, Theodore J, PhD 68124 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 243 402-333-8210 68144 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68105 Anderson, Geoffrey C, PhD 6681 Decatur St Dittmer-McMahon, Karen I, 402-330-5400 68104 PhD 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 Authier, Jerry L, PhD 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 243 402-955-3900 68114 402-333-8210 68144 Doyle, Beverly A, PhD 11930 Arbor St, Ste 200 Axelrod, Michael, PhD 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-697-9945 68144 402-758-5125 68130 2101 S 42nd St 2801 S 88th St 402-552-7400 68105 402-498-6738 68124 Engler, John P, PhD 10506 Burt Cir Baumstark, Karen E, PhD 11905 Arbor St 402-493-4444 68114 402-330-8850 68144 Evans, Joseph H, PhD 444 S 44th St Bertinetti, Joseph F, PhD 3483 Larimore Ave 402-559-5730 68131 402-455-8303 68111 Evans, Timothy C, PhD 12728 Augusta Ave, Ste 150 Blake, Patricia J, PhD 10506 Burt Cir 402-330-1537 68144 402-493-4444 68114 Fabry, Julian J, PhD Bliss Fudge, Stacy L, PhD 5002 Dodge St, Ste 205 2255 S 132nd St, Ste 200 402-551-7092 68132 402-334-1122 68144 Filcheck, Holly A, PhD 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 Bowers, Frank E, PhD 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-614-8444 68105 402-758-5125 68130 Fisher, Wayne W, PhD 2801 S 88th St 444 S 44th St 402-498-6738 68124 402-559-8863 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 Fix, A James, PhD 402-498-3358 68124 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 404 Branham, Lee, PhD 402-346-1260 68105 10543 Poppleton Ave Flansburg, Mildred D, PhD 402-391-6467 68124 11620 Arbor St, Ste 203 Brannan, Harold D, PhD 402-504-4924 68144 4732 S 131st St Floress, Margaret T, PhD 402-697-3923 68137 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 402-955-3900 68114 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5700 68114 68104 6107 Maple St, Ste B 402-933-1700 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 68132 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 402-955-3900 68114 11330 Q St, Ste 232 402-597-2290 Friedman, Joshua H, PsyD 68154 68152 Conaway, Loren P, PhD 11319 P St, Ste 1 402-592-0328 7330 Farnam St, Ste 200 402-827-5540 68114 68131 68137 Coady-Leeper, Marylee T, PhD 11905 Arbor St 402-330-8850 Foster, Mary L M, PhD 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-498-3358 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-391-7684 68124 3213 S 24th St 402-498-3358 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-3358 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-498-3358 68124 4242 Farnam St, Ste 655 402-552-2665 68131 10506 Burt Cir 402-493-4444 7905 L St, Ste 410 402-991-7621 Psychologist 68105 Roccaforte, William H, MD 730 S 38th Ave 402-552-6007 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 402-955-3900 68114 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 220 402-330-4014 68144 2001 S 75th St, Ste 100 402-398-5550 68124 3528 Dodge St 402-345-8828 68131 68105 Riedler, Loreen M, MD 4102 Woolworth Ave 402-444-7931 Ryan, Steven, MD 68131 Foster, Louisa W, PsyD 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 10828 John Galt Blvd 402-592-4400 68137 1319 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-280-5500 68102 Gustafson, Kay, EdD 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 243 402-333-8210 68144 Haley, Thomas J, PhD 12728 Augusta Ave, Ste 150 402-330-1537 68144 Halpain, Dale R, PhD 11319 P St, Ste 1 402-592-0328 68137 Handwerk, Michael L, PhD 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 Haugen, Kimberly A, PhD 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-498-3358 68124 Kappen, James, EdD 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 68105 702 N 129th St, Ste 101 402-829-8482 68154 Karges, Jane L, PsyD 4915 Underwood Ave, Apt 2 402-932-3476 68132 Kavan, Michael G, PhD 10828 John Galt Blvd 402-592-4400 68137 1319 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-280-5500 68102 Kodak, Tiffany M, PhD 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 8303 Dodge St 402-354-5893 68114 11905 Arbor St 402-330-8850 68144 8305 Hickory St 402-397-4508 68124 Koraleski, Stephanie F, PhD Kraft, Robert G, EdD Krenzer, Gail C, PhD Kuhn, Brett R, PhD 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 8922 Cuming St 402-926-4373 68131 68114 Lancaster, Blake M, PhD 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 Lape-Brinkman, Leaann M, EdD 11319 P St, Ste 1 402-592-0328 120 S 24th St, Ste 100 402-342-7007 12822 Augusta Ave 402-403-0190 68137 68102 68144 Larson, Bridget A, PhD 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 Larson, Paula, PhD 11330 Q St 402-597-2308 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 Legino, Mary Q, PhD 4917 Underwood Ave 402-556-1516 8715 Oak St 402-333-0898 68137 68105 68132 68124 Levering, Kimberly K, PhD 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 402-955-3900 68114 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4160 68114 Lieske, Jody L, PhD Hauser, Lindsey J, PsyD 444 S 44th St 402-559-6402 Hoffman, Deborah S, PsyD 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-498-3358 68124 15555 W Dodge Rd 402-650-3100 68154 Hunziker, John C, PhD 7701 Pacific St, Ste 207 402-926-2584 68114 Jones, Janet R, PhD 10824 Old Mill Rd, Ste 21 402-330-6060 68154 Jones-Hazledine, Catherine H, PhD 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 Jones-Thurman, Rosanna M, PhD 5835 N 90th St 402-573-5111 5843 N 90th St 402-573-5801 5847 N 90th St 402-571-7148 6790 Grover St, Ste 100 402-715-4321 68134 68134 68134 68106 68131 Lindner, Jennifer L, PhD Love, Kelly B, PsyD 8922 Cuming St 402-926-4373 68114 Madison, James K, PhD 13906 Gold Cir, Ste 202 402-932-6500 68144 3528 Dodge St 402-345-8828 68131 Magee, Heather E, PhD 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 514 402-614-8444 68105 Mathews, Judith R, PhD 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 Mathews, Therese L, EdD 412 S Saddle Creek Rd 402-559-6403 68198 444 S 44th St 402-559-6430 68131 Mathisen, James H, PsyD 10506 Burt Cir 402-493-4444 68114 4915 Underwood Ave, Apt 2 402-933-4070 68132 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Behavioral Health McKee, Todd K, PhD 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 211 402-399-9305 68124 McNeilly, Dennis P, PsyD 730 S 38th Ave 402-552-6007 68105 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 Meadows, Tawnya J, PhD Menefee, Kevin L, PhD Merkley, Katherine B, PhD 10506 Burt Cir 402-493-4444 68114 Merrifield, Lisa L, PhD 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 539 402-345-2374 68105 Miller Evans, Peg M, PhD 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 402-955-3900 1000 N 90th St, Ste 300 402-955-6190 3213 N 90th St 402-581-3995 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4160 68114 68114 68134 68114 Morrow, Kelly A, PhD 10530 Nebraska Ave 402-390-6600 68134 6901 Mercy Rd, Ste 200 402-390-6600 68106 Neise, Michael R, PhD 1017 N 33rd St 402-558-3856 9945 Maple St 402-571-5400 68131 68134 Nesvan, Geraldine, PhD 10506 Burt Cir 402-493-4444 68114 Newman, Patricia M, PhD 330 S 68th Ave 402-505-3938 820 S 75th St 402-391-2477 68132 68114 Padula, Marjorie A, PhD 8404 W Center Rd, Ste 214 402-955-2884 68124 Parolini, Roger J, PhD 9300 Underwood Ave, Ste 240 402-393-2893 68114 Peter, Matthew M, PsyD 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-498-3358 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-3358 68124 3213 S 24th St 402-498-3358 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-3358 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-498-3358 68124 Petrides, Frederick T, PhD 11912 Elm St, Ste 120 402-709-8182 68144 Piazza, Cathleen C, PhD 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 Potter, Ann E, PhD 12822 Augusta Ave 402-403-0190 222 S 29th St 402-345-6555 68131 68144 68131 Reimers, Thomas M, PhD 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-498-3358 68124 Rizzo, Joseph L, PhD 7836 Wakeley Plz 402-397-0330 68114 Roberts, Holly J Z, PhD 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 Rodriguez, Conrado, PhD 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 432 402-210-9393 68105 Schnoes, Connie Jo A, PhD 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 555 N 30th St 402-498-3358 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-498-3358 68124 Sedlacek, Caroline G, PhD 10506 Burt Cir 402-493-4444 68114 Sewell, Katie E, PsyD 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 402-955-3900 68114 8200 Dodge St 402-955-3871 68114 Shriver, Mark D, PhD 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 Shukert, Aveva H, PhD 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 243 402-333-8210 68144 Skulsky, Stephen M, EdD 9300 Underwood Ave, Ste 240 402-393-2664 68114 Smith, Ashley J, PhD 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 402-955-3900 68114 Snyder, Gregory S, PhD 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 402-955-3900 555 N 30th St 402-498-3358 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-498-3358 8200 Dodge St 402-955-3871 68114 68131 68124 68114 Spies-Matz, Stacie R, PsyD 11414 W Center Rd, Ste 220 402-330-4014 68144 Stankus, Joseph C, PhD 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 524 402-680-8214 68105 Stevens, Sean E, PsyD 7836 Wakeley Plz 402-397-0330 68114 Stewart, Donna L, PhD 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 402-758-5125 68130 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 6663 Sorensen Pkwy 402-502-9788 68152 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-498-3358 68124 Strider, Mary A, EdD 10506 Burt Cir 402-493-4444 68114 2935 S 120th St 402-758-2744 68144 Topf, Cynthia S, PhD Townsend, Robert C, PhD 2101 S 42nd St 402-552-7400 2900 O Plz, Ste 521 402-552-7400 68105 68107 Turner, Rhonda K, PsyD 444 S 44th St 402-559-6430 68131 Valleley, Rachel J, PhD 4343 N 52nd St 402-457-7107 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68104 68131 Vance, Michael D, PhD 1000 N 90th St, Ste 200 402-955-3900 68114 Volkert, Valerie M, PhD 444 S 44th St 402-559-8863 68131 Warzak, William J, PhD 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 Wicks, Patricia E, PhD 6550 S 84th St, Ste 300 402-339-7991 68127 Wineman, John H, PhD 11319 P St, Ste 1 402-592-0328 115 S 46th St 402-553-6000 68137 68132 Substance Abuse Rehab Abh Addiction & Behavioral Health 5835 N 90th St 402-573-5111 5847 N 90th St 402-571-7148 68134 68134 Alegent Health Immanuel Mental Health 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2121 68122 Alegent Health Immanuel Psych 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2682 Catholic Charities 10806 Prairie Hills Dr 402-504-4099 1490 N 16th St 402-827-0570 3300 N 60th St 402-371-3555 3300 N 60th St 402-554-0520 68122 68144 68102 68104 68104 Child Saving Institute Journeys 10806 Prairie Hills Dr 402-504-4099 115 S 46th St 402-553-6000 4545 Dodge St 402-553-6000 815 Dorcas St 402-898-4135 68144 68132 68132 68108 Oneill Chemical Dependency Counselor Fegley, Sara 221 W Douglas St 402-336-3009 68763 Licensed Professional Counselor Hampton, Betty E, LPCC 316 E Douglas St 402-336-3200 68763 Hines, Bonnie L, LPCC 118 N 5th St 402-336-4841 68763 Lear, Delbert D, LPCC 221 W Douglas St 402-336-3009 68763 Ord Licensed Professional Counselor Boyce, Shelley K, LPCC Pope, David J, LPCC 401 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 215 402-592-0639 68046 Rhode, David L, LPCC Lutheran Family Services 401 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 215 402-592-0639 68046 Pawnee City Outpatient Psychiatric 312 American Pkwy 402-339-2544 68046 302 American Pkwy 402-339-2544 68046 600 I St 402-852-2311 68046 Psychiatric Social Worker Sedlacek, Lynn, LPCC Young, Andrea M, LPCC 701 Olson Dr, Ste 105 402-991-1441 Blue Valley Mental Health Center 68420 Lutheran Family Services 600 I St 402-852-2311 Psychiatric Social Worker Plattsmouth Chemical Dependency Counselor 100 N 15th St 308-728-9979 68862 Osceola Outpatient Psychiatric Blue Valley Mental Health Center 531 Beebe St 402-747-2031 Schilling-Montgomery, Tammy, LCSW 401 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 215 402-592-0639 68046 Blizek, Monica L, SW 68651 Papillion Chemical Dependency Counselor Borer, Kersten R, SW 1410 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 800 402-557-6027 68046 Child Psychiatry 302 American Pkwy 402-339-2544 68046 302 American Pkwy 402-339-2544 68046 Conley, Dawn M, SW McCallie, Kendra K, SW 535 Fortune Dr, Ste 130 402-689-6135 68046 Myers, Bruce E, SW 401 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 215 402-592-0639 68046 Nicolarsen, Katherine A, SW 302 American Pkwy 402-339-2544 Slominski, Mary, SW Ogunleye, Yetunde A, MD 68046 401 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 215 402-592-0639 68046 409 Main St 402-296-2345 Kueny, Katherine J, LPCC 1938 E Highway 34 402-296-6009 68048 409 Main St 402-296-2345 68048 Prest, Layne A, LPCC Psychiatric Social Worker Crain, Dennis D, SW Licensed Professional Counselor Cervantes, Amanda, MD Psychologist Backhuus, Troy Egger, Michael L, MD 1401 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 600 402-597-9378 68046 12550 S 114th St 402-935-9400 68046 1301 Gold Coast Rd 402-331-3477 68046 1401 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 600 402-597-9378 68046 1301 Gold Coast Rd 402-331-3477 68046 Brendle, Jennifer R, PhD Brewer, Cheryl Ghosh, Monica V, MD Brewer, Peter M, LPCC Dardon-Buda, Francene D, LPCC Eftink-Cary, Rachel L, LPC Ford, Lorain M, LPCC Hammes, Peggy A, LPCC Kruger, Roger A, LPCC 401 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 215 402-592-0639 68046 Mayfield, Betsy S, LPC 68046 302 American Pkwy 402-339-2544 68046 7907 Beaman St 402-616-7314 68046 Meyer, Vicki Myers, Carl 11109 S 84th St, Ste 3841 402-827-4300 68046 Psychologist 302 American Pkwy 402-339-2544 68048 Licensed Professional Counselor 546 Avenue A, Ste 2 402-296-3315 68046 68420 Marquez, Longfellow, LPCC Psychiatry 302 American Pkwy 402-339-2544 McArthur, Trisha A, LPCC 68763 401 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 215 402-592-0639 68046 68862 Puckett, Nancy A, LPCC 302 American Pkwy 402-339-2544 Temple, Dennis B, PhD Overby, Sheryl L, LPCC Substance Abuse Rehab 314 S 14th St, Ste 104 308-728-3558 401 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 215 402-592-0639 68046 68763 68046 Outpatient Psychiatric 68763 Adams, Paul, EdD 302 American Pkwy 402-339-2544 68862 Knapp, Virigina L 401 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 215 402-592-0639 68046 68763 Nelson, Darin, LPCC 100 N 15th St 308-728-9979 68046 Psychologist 221 W Douglas St 402-336-3009 1421 N 10th St 402-336-3747 302 American Pkwy 402-339-2544 Heartland Counseling 405 W Douglas St 402-336-2800 68763 Valley Hope O'Neill Treatment Center 68763 Outpatient Psychiatric 405 W Douglas St 402-336-2800 405 W Douglas St 402-336-2800 68046 Thurlow, Gina M, LPCC 118 N 5th St 402-336-4841 Heartland Counseling Services 701 Olson Dr, Ste 105 402-991-1441 68763 Lichty, Jolene S, LPCC 219 S 4th St 402-336-4413 Substance Abuse Rehab 68048 Stevens, Sean E, PsyD 520 S 18th St 402-489-1834 68048 Ralston Chemical Dependency Counselor Covi, John H 68046 Burger, James M, PhD 1410 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 800 402-557-6027 68046 Hudson, Renee, EdD 10791 S 72nd St, Ste A 402-253-7870 68046 Jeffrey, Louise K, PhD 535 Fortune Dr, Ste 150 402-980-2068 68046 Newring, Kirk A, PhD 1410 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 800 402-557-6027 68046 Peterson, Stephanie A, PhD 1410 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 800 402-557-6027 68046 Robinson, Laura E, PhD 535 Fortune Dr, Ste 150 402-658-0286 68046 Sigler Naegele, Karen D, PhD 535 Fortune Dr, Ste 150 402-650-0584 68046 7551 Main St, Ste 250 402-964-2092 68127 Licensed Professional Counselor Clark, Dixie, LPCC 7561 Main St, Ste 420 402-884-0621 68127 7561 Main St, Ste 417 402-813-2487 68127 7551 Main St, Ste 250 402-964-2092 68127 Meadows, Alyson L, LPCC Wiles, Lori P, LPCC S Sioux City Chemical Dependency Counselor Corbett, Kevin 625 E 39th St 402-494-0040 68776 115 E 28th St 402-494-2917 68776 Leazenby, Ermyl 1410 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 500 402-991-1441 68046 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 49 Behavioral Health Licensed Professional Counselor Irwin, Michaelene K, LPCC 917 W 21st St 402-494-3337 68776 Jorgensen, Maribeth F, LPCC 1000 W 29th St, Ste 319 402-494-4904 68776 McManamy, Amy E, LPCC 3410 Futures Dr 402-412-2244 Polk, Kelley J, LPCC 917 W 21st St 402-494-3337 68776 68776 Schmidt, Gary C, LPCC 100 Futures Dr 402-494-4185 Snieder, Jane, LPCC 68776 1000 W 29th St, Ste 319 402-494-4904 68776 Outpatient Psychiatric 917 W 21st St 402-494-3337 68776 Psychiatric Social Worker Hines, Nancy J, SW 3900 Dakota Ave, Ste 4A 402-412-2000 68776 Psychiatry Brown, Richard C, MD 100 Futures Dr 712-293-4900 68776 Soundy, Timothy J, MD 917 W 21st St 402-494-3337 68776 917 W 21st St 402-494-3337 68776 Jones-Thurman, Rosanna M, PhD 1000 W 29th St, Ste 319 402-494-4904 68776 Preston-Haigh, Twila, PhD 625 E 39th St 402-494-0040 68776 Substance Abuse Rehab Heartland Counseling Services 917 W 21st St 402-494-3337 68776 Saint Paul Licensed Professional Counselor Baldwin, Heidi, LPC 710 7th St 308-379-6513 68873 Moore, Julie A, LPCC Van Dusen, Kelsey L, LPCC 68873 68873 Cotton, Gary A 69361 Gonzalez, Olivia R, LPCC 4110 Avenue D 308-635-3171 50 69361 Panhandle Mental Health Center Wirth, Duane L 4110 Avenue D 308-635-3171 69361 Child Psychiatry 2 W 42nd St, Ste 3200 308-635-3888 69361 Licensed Professional Counselor Anderson, Mark S, LPCC 1517 Broadway, Ste 124 308-632-8080 69361 4110 Avenue D 308-635-3171 69361 Funk, Robert E 510 Broadway, Ste A 307-633-7344 2 W 42nd St, Ste 3200 308-635-3888 Klein, Sara J, LPCC 1006 Avenue I 308-632-4200 Kuebler, Stan 4110 Avenue D 308-635-3171 69361 69361 69361 69361 69361 69361 69361 Mai, Anastasia E, LPCC 2 W 42nd St, Ste 3200 308-635-3888 Scanlan, Mark, MD 69361 Massey, Dallas A, LPCC 69361 69361 69361 Psychologist Hald, Mark E, PhD 2622 Avenue C 308-632-8547 69361 Hutt, Matthew M, PhD 69361 Landrigan, Richard J, LPCC 710 Grey St 308-632-2525 Michael, William, MD 2 W 42nd St, Ste 3200 308-635-3888 Howton, Carrie J, LPCC 2622 Avenue C 308-632-8547 3911 Avenue B, Ste 2300 308-630-1055 69361 69361 Gale, Melissa R, LPCC 69361 Kiser, Roy, MD 2208 Broadway 308-632-8080 4110 Avenue D 308-635-3171 Fuhrman, Jeffrey E, LPCC 2 W 42nd St, Ste 3200 308-635-3888 115 W Railway St 308-632-0800 69361 69361 69361 Fischer, Donald E, MD 2 W 42nd St, Ste 3200 308-635-3888 Fisher-Edens, Terry L, LPCC 1006 Avenue I 308-632-4200 2 W 42nd St, Ste 3200 308-635-3888 69361 Delle, Rachel A, LPCC 4110 Avenue D 308-635-3171 69361 Psychiatry 2 W 42nd St, Ste 3200 308-635-3888 4021 Avenue B 308-635-3711 Bartlett, Sarah B, LPCC 4110 Avenue D 308-635-3171 4110 Avenue D 308-635-3171 Banik, Sanjoy K, MD Zerpa Stolk, Maria E, MD 69361 69361 Kirk, R. Vernon, PsyD 69361 Mercer, Delinda E, PhD 2 W 42nd St, Ste 3200 308-635-3888 69361 Richardson, Pamela A, PhD 4110 Avenue D 308-635-3171 69361 Scharf, Daniel L, PhD 2208 Broadway 308-632-8084 69361 4110 Avenue D 308-635-3171 69361 Sexton, Sara K, PsyD Slosnerick, Michael, PhD 4110 Avenue D 308-635-3171 69361 2618 Avenue C 308-632-8547 69361 Smith, Alan J, PhD Talbot, Anne E, PsyD 2622 Avenue C 308-632-8547 69361 69361 Vidlak, Nicole K, PhD 1821 1st Ave, Ste 2 308-632-8236 69361 2622 Avenue C 308-632-8547 4110 Avenue D 308-635-3171 69361 Substance Abuse Rehab Meissner, Deborah L, SW Michal, Susan M, LPCC 115 W Railway St 308-635-9888 69361 Nelson, Georgia A, LPCC 2622 Avenue C 308-632-8547 Townsend, Jeanna D 2208 Broadway 308-632-8084 Scottsbluff Chemical Dependency Counselor 4110 Avenue D 308-635-3171 1321 Broadway 308-632-7411 Rodriguez, Juanita Ingram, Charlotte G, LPCC Adams, Paul, EdD 615 Howard Ave 308-750-3578 69361 Outpatient Psychiatric 4110 Avenue D 308-635-3171 Psychologist Carlson, Jack E, LPCC 4110 Avenue D 308-635-3171 Binns, Heather F, LPCC Heartland Counseling 219 Howard Ave 308-234-5644 Matilainen, Rodney D 69361 69361 Williams, Tina D, LPCC 4110 Avenue D 308-635-3171 69361 Wineman, Lou Ann M, LPCC 4110 Avenue D 308-635-3171 69361 Panhandle Mental Health Center 4110 Avenue D 308-635-3171 69361 Seward Chemical Dependency Counselor Metschke, Amy L 510 Bradford St 402-643-0535 Vandenberg, Laura J 729 Seward St, Ste 2 402-643-3343 68434 1245 N 2nd St 402-435-2910 68434 68434 68434 Bacon, Katie L, LPCC Bockoven, Jerry N, PhD Psychologist Licensed Professional Counselor 402-643-0535 68434 Greenwood, Sharon R, LPCC 300 N Columbia Ave 402-476-6060 68434 Critel-Rathje, Dina J, LPCC 510 Bradford St Fisher-Erickson, Julie M, LPCC 1245 N 2nd St 402-435-2910 68434 402-476-6060 68434 Carlock, Stanley R, EdD Esseks, Rosemary J, PhD 510 Bradford St McElvain, Richard R, LPCC 402-463-0535 68434 300 N Columbia Ave Kilgore, Kimberly M, PhD Metschke, Jonathan C, LPCC 510 Bradford St 402-643-0535 68434 68434 Blue Valley Mental Health Center Patton, Laurie N, LPCC 510 Bradford St 402-643-0535 68434 156 S 5th St 402-643-0535 68434 Pella, Michael, LPCC Oestmann, Jerry L, PhD Substance Abuse Rehab Orr, Christopher W, LPCC 510 Bradford St 402-643-0535 68434 459 S 6th St, Ste 1 402-643-3343 Meyerle, Susan D, LPCC 510 Bradford St 402-643-0535 510 Bradford St 402-643-0535 68434 Rebentisch, Barbara E, LPCC 459 S 6th St, Ste 1 402-643-3343 68434 68434 Sidney Chemical Dependency Counselor Wirth, Duane L 147 S 6th St 402-641-5313 68434 2246 Jackson St 308-254-2649 459 S 6th St, Ste 1 402-643-3343 68434 Licensed Professional Counselor Reinsch, Laurie Roof, Vanessa L, LPCC 300 N Columbia Ave 402-476-6060 68434 Schlechte, Birgit S, LPCC 1245 N 2nd St 402-435-2910 Stutzman, Melissa 139 N 3rd St, Ste 4 402-643-3488 68434 68434 Vasconcellos, Allan P, LPCC 729 Seward St, Ste 2 402-643-3343 68434 White, Kathryn S, LPCC 418 Seward St 402-890-0042 Williams, Ann, LPCC 300 N Columbia Ave 402-476-6060 68434 68434 Outpatient Psychiatric 68434 Psychiatric Social Worker Andorf-Blum, Wendy, SW 510 Bradford St 402-643-0535 68434 Crawford Pieper, Leslie M, SW 300 N Columbia Ave 402-476-6060 68434 Parde-Behrens, Glenda, LCSW 459 S 6th St, Ste 1 402-643-3343 68434 Duffy, Walter, MD 300 N Columbia Ave 402-476-6060 68434 446 Pinewood Ave 402-643-2902 68434 729 Seward St, Ste 2 402-643-3343 68434 Kamal, Mohammad S, MD Roy, Sanat K, MD Bartlett, Sarah B, LPCC 2246 Jackson St 308-254-2649 69162 1023 10th Ave 308-254-0737 69162 2245 Illinois St 308-254-1114 69162 Bradford, Nancy K, LPCC Loveless, Debra, LPCC 1023 10th Ave 308-254-0737 69162 2246 Jackson St 308-254-2649 69162 2246 Jackson St 308-254-2649 69162 Meissner, Deborah L, SW Williams, Tina D, LPCC Wineman, Lou Ann M, LPCC 2246 Jackson St 308-254-2649 Blue Valley Mental Health Center 729 Seward St, Ste 2 402-643-3343 69162 Easterly, Leslie J, LPCC Psychiatry Licensed Professional Counselor 510 Bradford St 402-643-0535 459 S 6th St, Ste 1 402-643-3343 69162 Psychologist Hutt, Matthew M, PhD 2246 Jackson St 308-254-2649 69162 2246 Jackson St 308-254-2649 69162 Richardson, Pamela A, PhD Stromsburg Psychologist 68666 Superior Chemical Dependency Counselor Betka, Cindy A 118 W 4th St 402-879-5959 68978 Psychiatric Social Worker Meyer, Peggy A, SW 1050 Washington St 402-879-4432 68978 Sutton Psychiatric Social Worker Miller, Sharon L, SW 301 S Way Ave 402-773-5553 68979 Tecumseh Licensed Professional Counselor Critel-Rathje, Dina J, LPCC 290 Clay St 402-335-3111 68450 Substance Abuse Rehab Blue Valley Mental Health Center 202 High St 402-274-4373 68450 Union Licensed Professional Counselor Goodman, Jeri 2228 30th Ave 402-558-2034 68455 Valentine Licensed Professional Counselor Tetherow, Janice I, LPCC 442 N Cherry St 402-376-1000 69201 Psychiatric Social Worker Coupland, Mary A, SW HC 15 402-376-1519 69201 Valley Licensed Professional Counselor Almquist, Julie K, LPCC 625 S Pine St 402-498-3358 68064 625 S Pine St 402-498-3358 68064 625 S Pine St 402-359-2277 68064 625 S Pine St 402-498-3358 68064 625 S Pine St 402-498-3358 68064 625 S Pine St 402-498-3358 68064 625 S Pine St 402-498-3358 68064 Bernthaler, Beth A, LPCC Randolph-Elgin, Tanya M, PsyD 811 Main St 402-764-2491 344 N Dakota St 402-879-4133 Cully, Alma J, LPCC Hauser, Lindsey J, PsyD McLean, Amanda M, LPCC Paradis, Lisa M, LPCC 68978 Siebecker, Amanda B, LPC 68434 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Behavioral Health Singh, Sandip, LPCC 625 S Pine St 402-498-3358 68064 Psychiatric Social Worker Robinson, Natasha A, SW 625 S Pine St 402-359-2277 68064 Wayne Licensed Professional Counselor Chinn, Janice L, LPCC 220 W 7th St, Ste 1 402-833-5246 68787 Psychologist Outpatient Psychiatric Axelrod, Michael, PhD Heartland Counseling 625 S Pine St 402-359-2277 112 E 2nd St, Ste 115 402-494-3337 625 S Pine St 402-359-2277 68064 Substance Abuse Rehab 625 S Pine St 402-498-3358 68064 Heartland Counseling Services 625 S Pine St 402-498-3358 68064 Friman, Patrick C, PhD Peter, Matthew M, PsyD Schnoes, Connie Jo A, PhD 625 S Pine St 402-498-3358 68064 625 S Pine St 402-359-2277 68064 Stewart, Donna L, PhD 112 E 2nd St, Ste 115 402-494-3337 68787 68787 West Point Licensed Professional Counselor Baker, Kathy 120 N Colfax St, Ste 8 402-372-9122 68788 Wahoo Chemical Dependency Counselor York Chemical Dependency Counselor Thomalla, Eric S Green, Rebecca R 543 N Linden St 402-443-4414 68066 Licensed Professional Counselor Davis, Claudia J, LPCC 2319 N Lincoln Ave 308-381-7487 Pedersen, Pamela Becker, Michael S, SW 504 W 8th St 402-443-1760 68066 Carlson, Jack E, LPCC 543 N Linden St 402-443-4414 68066 Clausen, Pamela 543 N Linden St 402-443-4414 68066 708 S Lincoln Ave 402-759-3802 2319 N Lincoln Ave 308-381-7487 543 N Linden St 402-443-4414 68066 Waterloo Licensed Professional Counselor Pattison, Lisa A, PhD 68467 722 S Lincoln Ave, Ste 1 402-362-6128 68467 Substance Abuse Rehab Blue Valley Mental Health Center 1100 N Lincoln Ave, Ste F 402-362-6128 68467 722 S Lincoln Ave, Ste 1 402-362-6128 68467 68467 68467 202 E 5th St 402-362-5650 68467 2319 N Lincoln Ave 308-381-7487 68467 202 E 5th St 402-362-4877 68467 Hoblyn, Nancy Blue Valley Mental Health Center 2319 N Lincoln Ave 308-381-7487 Duffek, Renee Cote, David T, SW Substance Abuse Rehab Psychologist Lindblad, Susan G, PhD 722 S Lincoln Ave, Ste 1 402-362-6128 68467 Emerton, Seanne 68066 722 S Lincoln Ave, Ste 1 402-362-6128 68467 722 S Lincoln Ave, Ste 1 402-362-6128 68467 Psychiatric Social Worker 543 N Linden St 402-443-4414 68467 Licensed Professional Counselor Cole, Laura A, LPCC Blue Valley Mental Health Center Roy, Sanat K, MD 722 S Lincoln Ave, Ste 1 402-362-6128 68467 68066 Outpatient Psychiatric 214 W 6th St, Ste 2 402-362-7430 68467 504 W 8th St 402-443-1760 Swagger, Scott J, LPCC Pothuloori, Pratap V, MD Klein, Christy 68066 Schlechte, Birgit S, LPCC 1100 N Lincoln Ave, Ste F 402-362-6128 68467 722 S Lincoln Ave, Ste 1 402-362-6128 68467 722 S Lincoln Ave, Ste 1 402-362-6128 68467 543 N Linden St 402-443-4414 Fisher-Erickson, Julie M, LPCC Blue Valley Mental Health Center Psychiatry 68064 Bowers, Frank E, PhD Outpatient Psychiatric Robbins, Timothy A, LPCC 1100 Lincoln Ave, Ste F-2 402-362-2724 68467 Ryan, Linda 2319 N Lincoln Ave 308-381-7487 68467 Wiemer, Victoria A, LPCC 722 S Lincoln Ave, Ste 1 402-362-6128 68467 Witt, Ryan 2319 N Lincoln Ave 308-381-7487 68467 Meier, Cynthia S, LPCC 201 3rd St 402-490-5048 68069 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 51 Specialists and Other Providers Nebraska Oconnell, Timothy J, MD Adams Pharmacy/DME Supplier Zefo, Nancy, MD Specialists and Other Providers 945 E Zero St 402-387-2800 945 E Zero St 402-387-2800 Lake Crest Pharmacy 200 Levi Ln 402-988-7145 68301 Physician Assistant Gobber, Elizabeth, PA 69210 1019 S 8th St 402-395-5013 69210 1019 S 8th St 402-395-5013 Skilled Nursing Facility 69210 Brown County Hospital Skilled Nursin 68301 945 E Zero St 402-387-2800 620 Main St, Ste A 402-988-2188 68301 Albion Ambulance Service Skilled Nursing Facility Gold Crest SNF 200 Levi Ln 402-988-7115 68301 Ainsworth Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Arent, Dorothy M, CNP 913 E Zero St 402-387-1900 69210 Ambulance Service Brown County Ambulance 142 W 4th St 402-387-1440 69210 Albion Fire and Rescue 216 S 5th St 402-395-2345 69210 McGowan, Daniel J, MD 68620 Cardiovascular Disease Biddle, William P, MD 723 W Fairview St 402-395-5013 Hee, Tom T, MD 68620 723 W Fairview St 402-395-5013 68620 723 W Fairview St 402-395-5013 68620 723 W Fairview St 402-395-5013 68620 Holmberg, M Jeffrey, MD Mooss, Aryan N, MD Cardiovascular Disease 68620 Boone County Ambulance Service 222 S 4th St 402-395-2055 68620 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-630-2626 68620 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-630-2626 Radiology 620 Main St, Ste A 402-988-2188 Sharples, Sara J, PA Ray, Kelli M, PA Stoltz, Chad L, MD 723 W Fairview St 402-592-0711 68620 68620 Allen Waterbury Rescue Squad 68710 Alliance Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Anderson, Ann, CNP 69301 212 Box Butte Ave 308-762-2545 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-630-2626 Pamida Pharmacy Home Health Care Agency 69210 Home Health Care Agency Brown County Home Health Care 945 E Zero St 402-387-2800 Internal Medicine Campbell, Melvin A, MD 69210 Nurse Anesthetist Dredla, James E, CRNA 945 E Zero St 402-387-2800 69210 Loecker, Kevin M, CRNA 945 E Zero St 402-387-2800 69210 Milhon, Allen D, CRNA 945 E Zero St 402-387-2800 69210 Radiology Heyd, Robert, MD 945 E Zero St 402-387-2800 Jerde, Richard, MD 945 E Zero St 402-387-2800 52 68620 Kenik, Jay G, MD 723 W Fairview St 402-395-5013 68620 Otolaryngology (ENT) 723 W Fairview St 402-395-2191 68620 723 W Fairview St 402-395-2191 68620 Novotny, Nila, MD Pharmacy/DME Supplier 69210 69210 69301 Cardiovascular Disease 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-630-2626 Green, C P, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-630-2626 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-630-2626 Apria Healthcare, Inc. 612 Flack Ave 308-762-4882 69301 211 W 3rd St 308-762-3514 69301 104 E 6th St 308-762-2877 69301 Petersen Drug 69301 69301 69301 Foland, Valerie C, PT 407 Black Hills Ave 308-762-6564 69301 69301 Jordan-Rudloff, Carol A, PT 617 W 3rd St 308-762-3609 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 Bauer, Brittney M, PA 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 Grant, Lonnie L, PA 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-762-6660 69301 Isom, Larry L, PA 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 Gunther, Phillip B, MD Hopper, Orlin W, MD 2091 Box Butte Ave, Ste 700 308-762-7244 69301 Hsieh, Paul S, MD 2091 Box Butte Ave, Ste 500 308-762-2534 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-762-6660 69301 Johnson, Stephen, MD 2091 Box Butte Ave, Ste 200 308-762-7244 69301 Mount, Jerre, PA 2091 Box Butte Ave, Ste 200 308-762-7244 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-762-6660 69301 Rolls, Steven, PA 2091 Box Butte Ave, Ste 500 308-762-2534 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-762-6660 69301 Plastic Surgery 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-630-1600 Kaske, Terese I, MD Kelly, Jason L, MD Lingam-Nattamai, Sharmila, MD Lozano, Kay D, MD Luethke, James M, MD McLaughlin, Christopher G, MD Snyder, Mary C, MD 69301 Nutting, Charles W, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 Porter, David J, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 Ricci, Peter E, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 Sandberg, Alison L, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 Schomer, Donald F, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 Smazal, Stanley F, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 Spencer, Elizabeth B, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-762-6660 69301 Yee, Dominic C, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 Skilled Nursing Facility 69301 Alliance Good Samaritan Center 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-762-6660 69301 Andersen, Scott R, MD Baker, Kim B, MD Neurological Surgery Bellon, Richard J, MD Watt, Tim J, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 800-253-5876 69301 Neurology 69301 69301 Brenneman, Janice K, MD Burmeister, Glen E, MD Chheda, Gitesh D, MD Dangleis, Keith C, MD West, Susan I, OT 2101 Box Butte Ave 800-446-5684 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-630-2626 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-762-6660 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 68620 Griffin, Dennis J, MD 2091 Box Butte Ave, Ste 700 308-762-7244 69301 69301 1019 S 8th St 402-395-5013 69301 Graham, Jess A, MD 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-630-2626 68620 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-762-6660 69301 Occupational Therapist Purvis, Matthew T, MD 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 1019 S 8th St 402-395-5013 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 69301 68620 Physician Assistant 69301 Frei, Donald F, MD Abramson, Simeon D, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-762-6660 69301 Oldemeyer, John B, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 407 Black Hills Ave 308-762-6564 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-630-2626 Miller, William E, MD 69301 McConkey, Joshua M, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-762-6660 69301 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 Fleishman, Matthew J, MD Friedland, Jeffrey A, MD Emergency Medicine Radiology Maclachlan, Robert D, MD Luckasen, Gary J, MD 69301 Duffield, Kelsey R, PT 407 Black Hills Ave 308-762-6564 2101 Box Butte Ave 303-643-4500 Freestone, Kristin A, MD Kerr, Audrey J, PA Keenan, Harold W, MD Downes, Thomas R, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-630-2626 69301 Internal Medicine Ashmore, Roger C, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-762-6660 69301 Wallesen, Renee A, DC Lincare Inc. 407 Black Hills Ave 308-762-6564 68620 Brugman, Jacquelyn J, PA Henry, Sandy, PA 315 Cheyenne Ave 308-762-2151 Brown, Floyd E, DC 2410 Box Butte Ave 308-762-3090 Brown, Karen S, PT 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-762-6660 Wells Healthmart Drug 69210 Ambulance Service Larson, Dennis G, MD Boone County Health Center 113 S 4th St 402-395-2184 69301 Doing, Anthony H, MD Knudsen, Timothy D, MD 723 W Fairview St 402-395-2191 Fuerst, Daniel, MD 945 E Zero St 402-387-2800 723 W Fairview St 402-395-2191 69301 Sanderson, Penny M, CNP Alliance Rural Fire & Rescue Internal Medicine 69210 913 E Zero St 402-387-1900 Boone County Home Health Care Chiropractor, Licensed Eitemiller, Todd, DC 69301 Physician Assistant 69301 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Durable Medical Equipment Supplier 1511 E 4th St 402-387-1533 Myers, Gerald I, MD 69301 321 Flack Ave 308-762-2723 212 Box Butte Ave 308-762-2545 Cardiovascular Surgery 1024 Flack Ave 308-762-8034 Essary, Brendan F, MD McLaughlin, Kathryn, PT 69301 Karell, Christine, CNP 68620 69301 113 W 3rd St 308-762-9333 Hedlund, Randall C, DC 2583 S Hwy 14, Ste 2 402-395-2233 69301 69301 Chiropractor, Licensed 69210 69301 69301 2091 Box Butte Ave, Ste 200 308-761-1151 69301 945 E Zero St 402-387-2067 69301 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-630-2626 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-630-2626 2101 Box Butte Ave 307-745-8851 Physical Therapist 221 Box Butte Ave 308-761-1145 Gilmet, Cynthia K, CNP Grant, Janell A, CNP 69301 69301 Ruff, Scott F, DC 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-630-2626 Scheer, Bryan E, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-630-2626 Whitsitt, Todd B, MD Allen Ambulance Service Good, Thomas, CNP 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-630-2626 Voyles, Wyatt F, MD Wolf Memorial Good Samaritan Ctr. 201 S Harrison St 402-635-2141 Tate, Charles W, MD Treat, Stephen A, MD Skilled Nursing Facility 1222 S 7th St 402-395-5050 Strote, Justin A, MD 2101 Box Butte Ave 308-630-2626 Faulk, Robert, MD Ainsworth Care Center 143 N Fullerton St 402-387-2500 McKown, Erin, PA 407 Black Hills Ave 308-762-6564 69301 Orthopedic Surgery Dobrow, Malcolm S, MD Dreisbach, James N, MD Carson, Jay G, MD Kadrmas, Michael W, MD Dungan, David H, MD 1016 E 6th St 308-762-5675 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 69301 Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Alma Ambulance Service Ansley Ambulance Service Alma Volunteer Fire & Rescue Ansley Rescue Unit 509 Main St 308-928-2147 68920 Chiropractor, Licensed 68920 Internal Medicine Sandy, William M, MD 717 Brown St 308-928-2151 68920 Nurse Anesthetist Borg, Jody L, CRNA 717 Brown St 308-928-2151 68920 101 John St 308-991-1901 68920 68920 Krohn, Ashley, PA 715 Brown St 308-928-2103 68920 715 Brown St 308-928-2103 68920 Stemper, Jessica D, PA Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Moore, Patrick, DPM 68920 Radiology Fuerst, Daniel, MD 717 Brown St 308-928-2151 Heyd, Robert, MD 717 Brown St 308-928-2151 Jerde, Richard, MD 717 Brown St 308-928-2151 68920 68920 68920 Johnson, Rodney L, MD 717 Brown St 308-928-2151 68920 Oconnell, Timothy J, MD 717 Brown St 308-928-2151 Zefo, Nancy, MD 717 Brown St 308-928-2151 68920 68920 Skilled Nursing Facility Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Arapahoe Pharmacy 507 Nebraska Ave 308-962-7895 68922 Orthopedic Surgery 305 Nebraska Ave 308-962-8495 305 Nebraska Ave 308-962-8495 68922 68922 Shellabarger, Paul V, PA 305 Nebraska Ave 308-962-8495 68922 Skilled Nursing Facility C.A. Mues Memorial Good Samaritan 601 Main St 308-962-5230 68922 Arcadia Ambulance Service Arcadia Fire & Rescue 205 W Bridge St 308-789-6552 68815 Arlington Ambulance Service Arlington Volunteer Fire & Rescue 405 N 4th St 402-478-4163 68002 Arnold Ambulance Service Arnold Rfd Ambulance 206 S Broadway St 308-848-2519 69120 Physician Assistant Hinman, William, PA 104 N Broadway St 308-848-3259 69120 Ashland Ambulance Service 2402 Silver St 402-828-2600 68003 68920 68920 Urology Conant, Raymond W, MD 717 Brown St 308-928-2151 Halsted, David S, MD 717 Brown St 308-928-2151 68920 68920 68003 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Ashland Pharmacy, Inc. 1401 Silver St 402-944-3303 68003 Bonness, Dawn, PT 1502 Silver St 402-944-3505 1502 Silver St 402-944-3505 68003 68003 Knopik, Kimberly W, PT 1502 Silver St 402-944-3505 1502 Silver St 402-436-2535 Korta, Jill N, PT 1502 Silver St 402-944-3505 Sanchez, Jill R, PT 1502 Silver St 402-944-3505 Stille, Karen, PT 1502 Silver St 402-944-3505 Tesmer, Roxie R, PT 1502 Silver St 402-944-3505 Tewes, Renee A, PT 1502 Silver St 402-944-3505 68003 68003 68003 68003 68003 68003 68003 Physician Assistant Novak, Teresa L, PA 705 N 17th Ave 402-944-2201 68003 Skilled Nursing Facility Ashland Care Center 1700 Furnas St 402-944-7031 68003 406 W Neely St 402-925-2811 68003 68713 Radiology Tompkins, Melissa, PA 2115 14th St, Ste 100 402-274-4993 68305 Pulmonary Diseases Keim, Lon W, MD 2022 13th St 402-274-4366 Fuerst, Daniel, MD 68305 406 W Neely St 402-925-2811 68713 406 W Neely St 402-925-2811 68713 2022 13th St 402-484-4848 406 W Neely St 402-925-2811 68713 Skilled Nursing Facility 406 W Neely St 402-925-2811 68713 Nemaha County Good Samaritan Center 406 W Neely St 402-925-2811 68713 Heyd, Robert, MD Jerde, Richard, MD Oconnell, Timothy J, MD Zefo, Nancy, MD Skilled Nursing Facility Dewald, Michael D, MD 1322 U St 402-274-4954 68305 68305 68305 Aurora Advanced Regis409 E Neely St 402-925-2875 68713 tered Nurse West Holt Memorial Skilled Practitioner Nursing 406 W Neely St 402-925-2811 Davis, Katherine E, CNP 68713 Auburn Chiropractor, Licensed 609 O St 402-694-3194 68818 Ambulance Service Hamilton County Ambulance Service 916 13th St 402-694-5155 Allgood, Travis, DC 1208 Central Ave 402-274-5001 68305 909 13th St 402-274-4603 Chiropractor, Licensed 68305 Rose, Nanellen J, DC Gastroenterology 68818 1405 7th St 402-694-6900 68818 919 16th St 402-694-6565 68818 Sallans, Gregory N, DC Wilkening, Steven D, MD Home Health Care Agency Home Health Care Agency Swanson, Tara L, CNP Good Samaritan Home Care of SE Neb. Tabitha Home Health Agency 418 E 5th St 402-925-2994 68713 Ambulance Service Atkinson Ambulance Service 405 W Pearl St 402-925-2631 68713 110 E State St 402-925-5427 68305 Orthopedic Surgery Lawson, Keith, MD 2022 13th St 402-436-2000 Gall, Jerod J, DC Leeseberg, Tom, DC 68305 Nemaha County Home Care 2022 13th St 402-274-4549 Chiropractor, Licensed 110 E State St 402-925-5427 418 Q St 402-274-5541 68305 68713 68713 68305 Pharmacy/DME Supplier Nemaha County Health Dept. Nurse Anesthetist Dredla, James E, CRNA Physician Assistant Daniels, Loretta K, PA 405 W Pearl St 402-925-2811 Laible, Jeanne, PA 418 E 5th St 402-925-2994 Home Hospice Care Hospice of Tabitha 1423 7th St 402-694-2621 68818 Nurse Anesthetist Perry, Michael K, CRNA 1423 7th St 402-694-3171 68818 Cahoy, Philip M, MD 1423 7th St 402-694-3171 68818 1423 7th St 800-433-9147 68818 Ichtertz, Dolf R, MD 68305 68305 219 Q St 402-694-3187 68818 1423 7th St 402-694-2621 68818 Langemeier, Douglas J, PA Jim's U Save Pharmacy 68713 68713 2115 14th St, Ste 100 402-274-4993 68305 2115 14th St, Ste 100 402-274-4993 68305 Nelson, Derek M, PA Smyth, Alan T, PA Tabitha Inc. 1423 7th St 800-847-6544 68818 Skilled Nursing Facility 1515 5th St 402-694-2128 68818 1423 7th St 402-694-3171 68818 Memorial Hospital Skilled Nursing Urology Conant, Raymond W, MD 1423 7th St 402-694-3171 68818 1423 7th St 402-694-3171 68818 Halsted, David S, MD Avoca Chiropractor, Licensed Roker, Scott, DC 632 House St 402-275-2001 68307 Axtell Ambulance Service 419 Main St 308-743-2601 68924 Internal Medicine Weber, Jan, MD 1044 23rd Rd 308-743-2401 68924 Bancroft Ambulance Service Bancroft Rescue Service 401 Main St 402-648-3332 68004 Physician Assistant Kneifl, Quinn M, PA 219 Main St 402-648-7606 68004 219 Main St 402-648-7606 68004 Munderloh, Jeff L, PA Bassett Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Clark, Catherine S, CNP Pharmacy/DME Supplier 2115 14th St, Ste 100 402-274-4993 Stowater-Goodrich, Jodi L, PA 405 W Pearl St 402-925-2811 68305 Eickhoff, Eric S, PA 2115 14th St, Ste 100 402-274-4993 68818 Orthopedic Surgery 2022 13th St 402-274-6115 68713 1423 7th St 402-694-2621 68818 Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Axtell Volunteer Fire & Rescue Dept. Atkinson Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 2022 13th St 402-274-4366 609 O St 402-694-3194 Hamilton Manor SNF Nemaha County Skilled Nursing 2022 13th St 402-274-4366 Physician Assistant Anderson, Kristen J, PA Larsen, Kevin J, DPM Radiology Atkinson Good Samaritan Center Breuer, David P, DC Physician Assistant Worrell, Ryan M, DC 1415 Silver St 402-944-3333 Keim, Lon W, MD Physical Therapist 406 W Neely St 402-925-2811 Harlan Cty. Hospital Skilled Chiropractor, Licensed Nursing 717 Brown St 308-928-2151 1502 Silver St 402-944-3505 Kobza, Robert, PT Ashland Rescue Squad Colonial Villa Good Samaritan 719 Brown St 308-928-2128 68922 Pulmonary Diseases Mailander, Adam M, OT Fanning, Darci D, PT Malchow, William, PA Physician Assistant 717 Brown St 308-928-2151 601 Locust St 308-962-7445 Physician Assistant Hays Pharmacy Wecare Home Care Arapahoe Ambulance Service Crockett, Heber C, MD Pharmacy/DME Supplier 706 Main St 308-928-2022 68814 City of Arapahoe Kemp, Travis, DC 11 John St 308-440-7487 217 Niles St 308-935-1467 Occupational Therapist 102 E South St 402-684-2906 801 S State St 402-684-2906 68714 68714 Herrington, Shelly R, CNP 102 E South St 402-684-2906 801 S State St 402-684-2906 68714 68714 68713 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 53 Specialists and Other Providers Swanson, Tara L, CNP 101 E South St 402-684-2285 102 E South St 402-684-2906 801 S State St 402-684-2906 68714 68714 68714 68714 Family Medicine Stonehocker, Lori L, DO 68714 68714 Nurse Anesthetist Dredla, James E, CRNA 102 E South St 402-684-3366 68714 Physician Assistant Daniels, Loretta K, PA 103 Clark St 402-684-3245 Laible, Jeanne, PA 101 E South St 402-684-2285 68714 Stowater-Goodrich, Jodi L, PA 103 Clark St 402-684-3245 68714 101 E South St 402-684-2285 68714 Physician Assistant Bayard Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Harriger, Kevin R, CNP 320 Main St 308-586-1717 69334 Laux, Cheryl A, CNP 320 Main St 308-586-1717 69334 Ambulance Service Bayard Fire & Rescue 445 Main St 308-586-1121 69334 Skilled Nursing Facility 106 E 13th St 308-586-1142 Beatrice Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 102 E South St 402-684-3366 Heyd, Robert, MD 102 E South St 402-684-3366 Jerde, Richard, MD 102 E South St 402-684-3366 68714 68714 68714 Oconnell, Timothy J, MD 102 E South St 402-684-3366 68714 Zefo, Nancy, MD 68310 Jurgens, Lorrene G, CNP 1123 N 9th St 402-228-3386 Pike, Jolene A, CNP 3000 Lincoln St 402-223-7513 Scherling, Mary, CNP 1123 N 9th St 402-228-3386 201 N 25th St 402-480-0082 68310 68310 68310 68310 Allergy 102 E South St 402-684-3366 68714 601 Court St 402-228-7002 Skilled Nursing Facility Rock County Hospital Skilled Nursing 102 E South St 402-684-2991 68714 Battle Creek Ambulance Service City of Battle Creek 102 S 2nd St 402-675-2165 68715 Ambulance Service City of Beatrice Fire & Rescue 310 Ella St 402-228-5246 Audiologist 1110 N 10th St 402-228-1316 104 N 4th St 402-675-9065 68715 Family Medicine 68310 Jolkowski, Kristin L, AuD 1110 N 10th St 402-228-1316 68310 Kopetzky, Nicole R, AuD 1110 N 10th St 402-228-1316 Ellis, Kelly L, DO 104 N 4th St 402-675-9065 402-228-1316 68310 68715 Occupational Therapist Jacobsen, Tracy B, OT 68715 68310 Pleskac, Claudia L, AuD 1110 N 10th St 402-228-1316 68310 68310 68310 1301 N 6th St 402-228-3535 68310 Nephrology Earhart, Edward P, DC Hoops, Carissa J, DC 829 W Court St, Ste 2 402-228-8877 Hoppe, Amy L, DC 2526 Court St 402-228-2777 Jacot, Harold, DC 205 N 19th St 402-228-3131 May, Jacob D, DC 223 S 6th St 402-806-4317 68310 68310 68310 68310 Southwick, Michael, DC 560 Sargent St 402-228-2777 68310 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Ahp-Mhr Home Care 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 68310 68310 Emergency Medicine Capek, Denise L, MD 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 Erway, Randall, MD 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 Kruger, Jason, MD 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 68310 68310 68310 68310 Noordhoek, Elizabeth C, MD 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 68310 68310 General Surgery 68310 Warren, Roderick, MD 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 68310 Beatrice Community Home Health Care 1201 S 9th St 402-223-2366 68310 Home Hospice Care Beatrice Community Hospital Hospice 1201 S 9th St 402-223-2366 68310 Koch, Douglas A, MD 103 S 9th St 402-228-5969 68310 Jenkin, Angela L, MD 68310 68310 Vande Guchte, Robert A, MD 103 S 9th St 402-228-5969 68310 Cederberg, Christopher A, MD 1110 N 10th St 402-228-1316 Mueller, Royce, MD 68310 1110 N 10th St 402-228-1316 68310 1110 N 10th St 402-228-1316 68310 1110 N 10th St 402-228-1316 Wolfe, Dana P, MD 1110 N 10th St 402-228-1316 68310 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 68310 11507 S 42nd St 402-955-7600 1101 N 10th St 402-228-3436 68310 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 105 402-293-7980 68005 1101 N 10th St 402-228-3436 68310 Brooks, Gregory D, MD Dostal, Samuel, PA Hanquist, Brady W, PA Reiners, Joshua, PA 103 S 9th St 402-228-5969 68310 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 68310 Tompkins, Melissa, PA Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody James, Fred M, DPM 68310 Pharmacy/DME Supplier Clabaugh Pharmacy Inc. 68310 Radiology Van Brocklin, James F, MD 68310 Skilled Nursing Facility Beatrice Good Samaritan Center 1306 S 9th St 402-228-3304 68310 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 68310 1800 Irving St 402-223-2311 68310 Beatrice Hospital Skilled Nursing Wymore Good Samaritan Center 1306 S 9th St 402-645-3355 68310 Beemer Physician Assistant 68310 Kneifl, Quinn M, PA 910 Court St 402-223-4779 68310 Munderloh, Jeff L, PA Midwest Medical Supply, Inc. 910 Court St, Ste D 402-223-2300 68310 711 E Court St 402-223-3529 68310 Physical Therapist Cromer, Gregory S, PT 2320 N 6th St 402-228-9292 68310 1200 N 6th St, Ste B 402-228-1222 68310 Potter, Anne, PT Potter, Paul, PT 1200 N 6th St, Ste B 402-228-1222 Spicka, Michelle, PT 68310 2320 N 6th St 402-228-9292 68310 2320 N 6th St 402-228-9292 68310 Zalman, Michael D, PT 2320 N 6th St 402-228-9292 68310 Physician Assistant Arnold, Vicki J, PA 805 W Court St 402-228-3366 212 Main St 402-528-3288 68716 212 Main St 402-528-3288 68716 Bellevue Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Blackwood, Karla R, CNP 12717 S 28th Ave 402-292-6006 Crane, Susan A, CNP 68123 3308 Samson Way, Ste 203 402-717-7681 68123 Gilfillan, Angela M, CNP 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 Hawkins, Kimberly S, CNP 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 68123 Inserra, Jennifer E, CNP 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 105 402-397-7989 68005 Kennedy, Donalee H, CNP 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 105 402-397-7989 68005 Moore, Susan M, CNP 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 100 402-291-4778 68005 O'Neill, Melissa A, CNP 68310 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 68123 3503 Samson Way, Ste 108 402-592-2055 68123 Ford, Linda B, MD 3503 Samson Way, Ste 108 402-592-2055 68123 Zieno, Salvatore, MD 2227 Jefferson St 402-292-9800 68005 Ambulance Service 2221 Main St 402-898-0561 68123 68005 Ambulatory Surgical Center Heartland Cataract & Laser Surg. Ctr 1103 Galvin Rd S 402-292-6514 501 Court St 402-223-3591 Deines Pharmacy, Inc. Wilson, Julie D, CNP City of Bellevue EMS 101 S 9th St 402-228-5996 Beatrice Manor 68310 Thies, Nichole M, CNP Allergy 1101 S 10th St 402-223-7305 Otolaryngology (ENT) Wade, Ryan P, PT Internal Medicine 1110 N 10th St 402-223-6735 68310 Gregory, Deborah L, DO 1110 Jackson St 402-228-3344 Ogg-Gress, Jill K, CNP 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 Hatcliff, Jaime R, PA Ob-Gynecology Poling Drug Butler, Blake A, MD 1110 Jackson St 402-228-4236 1101 N 10th St 402-466-8259 Semm, H R, MD Gubbels, Cindy A, MD 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 68310 Ghani, Nasimul, MD Olson, Terry, MD 68310 Friesen, Merlin W, MD 1110 N 10th St 402-223-7303 1201 N 10th St 402-228-3545 Orthopedic Surgery Home Health Care Agency Ditmars Buckwalter, Hannah A, AuD Cara T, AuD Emergency Medicine Frost, 1110 N 10th St Fennessy, Thomas N, MD 68310 68310 Weldon, Donald C, MD 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 68310 Baumert, Ryan J, PA 2526 Court St 402-228-2777 Schott, Todd C, DO Rustad, Elliott, MD 1101 N 10th St 402-228-3436 1110 N 10th St 402-223-6735 Crandall, Robert, DC Beatrice Community Hospital 69334 Riddle, Eric D, MD Chiropractor, Licensed 1110 N 10th St 402-228-3344 829 W Court St, Ste 4 402-228-6446 Fuerst, Daniel, MD 54 68715 Bock, Janet, CNP Radiology 901 S 4th St 402-675-2955 68715 Chimney Rock Villa 68714 Tubbs, Erica, PA 901 S 4th St 402-675-2955 104 N 4th St 402-675-9065 McGowan, Daniel J, MD 102 E South St 402-684-2906 801 S State St 402-684-2906 Praeuner, Nancy, PT Wilhelm, Julie R, PA Cardiovascular Disease 102 E South St 402-684-3366 Physical Therapist 68005 Anesthesiology Crossman, Joy A, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Dee, Julie I, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Ellis, Sheila J, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Faust, David K, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Hofmann, Scott C, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Holcomb, Richard J, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Marti, David D, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Rakes, Angie L, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Simonson, Jean A, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Soares, Tyrus S, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Audiologist Robinson, Jilleen A, AuD 3512 Samson Way, Ste 130 402-933-3277 68123 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Sears, Thomas D, MD Cardiovascular Disease Akkad, Haysam, MD 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 201 402-552-2320 68005 Anderson, Daniel R, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 Artang, Ramin, MD 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 Baller, John T, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 Shurmur, Scott W, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 Smith, Monique G, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 Sricharoen, Nattapong, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 470-595-1760 68123 Chambers, Ward A, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 Cimino, John J, MD 12717 S 28th Ave 402-292-9888 Dumitru, Ioana, MD 68123 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 Easley, Arthur R, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 Gangahar, Kiran S, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 Haas, John T, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 3604 Summit Plaza Dr 402-595-2275 68123 Hershkowitz, Leslie L, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 Mathers, Daniel H, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 3604 Summit Plaza Dr 402-595-2275 68123 O'Leary, Edward L, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 Porter, Thomas R, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 Raichlin, Eugenia, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 Sayyed, Samer, MD 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 3604 Summit Plaza Dr 402-595-1630 68123 Scherschel, John A, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 402-763-3403 Weeks, Keith R, MD 68123 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 Windle, John R, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3403 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 Woodruff, Mark P, MD 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 68123 Chiropractor, Licensed Stratton, Phillip M, MD 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 100 402-291-4778 68005 Family Medicine Rivett, Austin L, DO 3308 Samson Way 402-291-3373 Hillcrest Home Care Internal Medicine Alchommali, Ahmad, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-559-3038 68123 10403 S 15th St, Ste 102 402-734-6711 68123 Hoogeveen, Adam J, DC 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 208 402-291-2580 68005 Niemeyer, Todd J, DC 2211 Capehart Rd, Ste 102 402-590-2199 68123 Smith, Thomas L, DC 2418 Cornhusker Rd 402-291-2121 Teusaw, Donald, DC 11525 S 36th St 402-292-1337 68123 68123 Dermatology Frichot, Bert C, MD 720 Fort Crook Rd N 402-731-1403 68005 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Alegent Health Home Care & Hospice 3308 Samson Way, Ste 106 402-291-5076 68123 Migun of Nebraska LLC 13704 S 37th Cir 402-682-0092 68123 1103 Galvin Rd S 402-393-4370 3308 Samson Way, Ste 101 402-827-1577 68123 Fouche, Moncarm A, MD 68123 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 3308 Samson Way, Ste 101 402-827-1577 68123 Holeyfield Jr, Roy W, MD 402-292-3987 Hurley, John A, MD 1103 Galvin Rd S 402-292-6514 68123 68123 68123 68005 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 Oral Surgery Ogunleye, Afolabi O, DDS 68005 Orthopedic Surgery Connolly, Thomas J, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3035 68123 Cheatle, Thomas F, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-559-3038 68123 Chen, Ching C, MD 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 Costello, Patrick T, MD 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-559-3038 68123 Louie, Wason W, MD 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 100 402-291-4778 68005 Snyder, Jeffrey T, MD 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 100 402-291-4778 68005 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 McFee, Ryann M, PT 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 211 402-291-1963 68005 Morris, Michelle L, PT Lazure, Keri A, PA 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 201 402-292-9170 68005 Loker, Ronald L, PA 3503 Samson Way, Ste 108 402-592-2055 68123 Luenenborg, Brooke K, PA 3503 Samson Way, Ste 108 402-592-2055 68123 Magistro, Carmen J, PA 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 201 402-292-9170 68005 Metschke, Matthew R, PA 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 201 402-552-2500 68005 Mooberry, Brandon T, PA 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 201 402-552-2500 68005 Oldehoeft, Adam J, PT 3308 Samson Way, Ste 101 402-827-1577 68123 Otten, Julie S, PT 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3035 68123 Urban, Joshua A, MD 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 201 402-552-2500 68005 68123 no Frills Pharmacy, LLC 1510 Harlan Dr 402-682-9898 68005 4102 Twin Creek Dr, Ste 118 402-502-9782 68123 Statewide Medical Equipment 7511 S 36th St, Ste 6 402-697-1985 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 68147 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 402-291-3373 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-1760 68123 Behney, Kelly G, PT Mammography Screening Center Betsworth, Diana L, PT 68123 Physical Therapist 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 211 402-291-1963 68005 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 Blum, Jamie, PT 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 Corey, Heather A, PT 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 Davidson, Philip D, PT 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 Recker-Cutshall, Tina M, PA Reese, Ronnie L, PA Reineke, Brandy S, PA Saniuk, Christine M, PA 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 211 402-291-1963 68005 1307 Harlan Dr 402-291-8701 68005 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 201 402-292-9170 68005 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 211 402-291-1963 68005 12717 S 28th Ave 402-292-6006 68123 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 68123 Pohl, Sara A, PT Sehi, John R, PT Sutton, Somer A, PT 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 Theiler, Mary J, PT 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 68123 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 211 402-291-1963 68005 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste G 402-292-1072 68005 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3035 68123 68123 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-2275 68123 3604 Summit Plaza Dr 402-595-2275 68123 4122 Twin Creek Dr 402-934-9560 Manthe, Joseph, PT Juracek, Carrie, PA Ninemire, Taryn A, PT See The Trainer Dunlay, Robert W, MD 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 211 402-291-1963 68005 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3035 68123 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 3308 Samson Way, Ste 101 402-827-1577 68123 Nephrology Linnaus, Melanie L, PT Sekundiak, Todd D, MD 4112 Twin Creek Dr 402-934-9560 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 100 402-291-4778 68005 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 211 402-291-1963 68005 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-2275 68123 3604 Summit Plaza Dr 402-595-2275 68123 Alegent Mammography Bellevue Cl. Kleeman, Roland D, PT Hubbert, Thomas R, PA Murray, Paul E, PT Dialysis Clinic, Inc. (Dci), Omaha Williams, Eric M, MD Kersten, Stacy, PT Haan, Jenni M, PA 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 105 402-552-2500 68005 James R, DO Emergency Medicine Sricharoen, Nattapong, MD Staheli, 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 Bosley, Craig L, MD Jacobi, Gerald, PT Reynolds, Scott B, MD 68123 Schwab, Robert J, MD Inselman, Brian M, PT 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 211 402-291-1963 68005 68123 4122 Twin Creek Dr 402-934-9560 3308 Samson Way, Ste 102 402-291-3373 68123 Hill, Sundee L, PT 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 211 402-291-1963 68005 Pharmacy/DME Supplier Rothlisberger-Castil, Julie, MD Guthmiller, Sally J, PA 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 211 402-291-1963 68005 68123 Pajnigar, Arman K, MD 12717 S 28th Ave 402-292-3987 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 201 402-292-9170 68005 68005 Klaebisch, Pamela, OT 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 Hankins, Eleanor B, PT Ferguson, Lorin E, PA 4102 Twin Creek Dr, Ste 108 402-502-4678 68123 Thomas, Susan D, CRNA 1411 J F Kennedy Dr 402-291-3535 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3035 68123 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 201 402-292-9170 68005 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 O'Dell, David V, MD Dierks, Kimberly J, PA 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 211 402-291-1963 68005 68005 68123 Lund, Richard J, MD Flynn, Thomas K, PT 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 107 402-734-4106 68005 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 Kenik, Jay G, MD Berlin, Michelle M, PA 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 211 402-291-1963 68005 2500 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-763-3035 68123 Perry, Michael K, CRNA Brown, Larry L, MD 10135 S 25th St, Ste C 402-932-0815 12717 S 28th Ave 402-292-6006 Davis, Angela S, PT 68123 Nurse Anesthetist Occupational Therapist 2510 Bellevue Medical Center Dr 402-595-2275 68123 Holeyfield, Roy W, MD Hoogeveen, Gregory D, DC 10135 S 25th St, Ste A 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 208 402-291-2580 68005 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 105 402-552-2929 68005 Boerner, Shannon K, MD Haroon, Naila, MD 68123 Greene, George M, MD 1103 Galvin Rd S 402-393-4370 10135 S 25th St, Ste A 402-292-3987 68123 Frost, Joseph P, CRNA 68005 Harris, John M, MD Cobleigh, Mark R, DC 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 4122 Twin Creek Dr 402-934-9560 Neurological Surgery Gross, Lisa K, PT 68123 Home Health Care Agency 1820 Hillcrest Dr 402-682-4800 Firoz, Muhammad N, MD Thomas, Tanner L, PT 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 Ulffers, Jacob D, PT 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 Vanderheiden, Gina M, PT 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 Williams, Kenneth, PT 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 211 402-291-1963 68005 Scholting, Patty J, PA Stangl, Joseph A, PA Thompson, Earl R, PA 3308 Samson Way, Ste 101 402-827-1577 68123 Vance, Ben G, PA 1307 Harlan Dr 402-291-8701 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 107 402-734-4106 68005 Plastic Surgery Bhuller, Amardip S, MD 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 68123 Wilson, Patrick C, PT Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Witte, Michael R, PT Buddecke, Donald, DPM Yao, Chyun C, PT Clark, Nanci L, DPM 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 2705 Samson Way 402-331-6387 68123 1103 Galvin Rd S, Ste A 402-408-0890 68005 3802 Raynor Pkwy 402-280-3550 68123 Physician Assistant 2705 Samson Way 402-331-6387 68123 2705 Samson Way 402-331-6387 68123 Armitage, Anja E, PA 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 201 402-292-9170 68005 Hinze, Michelle L, DPM Lensing, Shannon M, DPM Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68005 Wehrbein, Rebecca M, PA 55 Specialists and Other Providers Little, Jonathan M, DPM 1313 Harlan Dr 402-291-3123 68005 Powers, Michael R, DPM 2705 Samson Way 402-331-6387 68123 2705 Samson Way 402-331-6387 68123 Summy, Chad A, DPM Radiology 3604 Summit Plaza Dr 402-595-2275 68123 68123 Hillcrest Health and Rehab 68005 Urology Bolte, Stefanie L, MD 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 105 402-293-7980 68005 Desouza, Euclid R J, MD 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 105 402-293-7980 68005 Horgan, John D, MD 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 105 402-293-7980 68005 Lundak, Bruce E, MD 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 105 402-293-7980 68005 Meyer, Galen M, MD 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 105 402-397-7989 68005 Trainer, Andrew F, MD 2206 Longo Dr, Ste 105 402-293-7980 68005 Benkelman Ambulance Service Dundy County Ambulance Service 112 7th Ave W 308-423-2058 69021 Cardiovascular Disease 69021 Stonehocker, Lori L, DO 69021 General Surgery Schiefen, James C, DO 69021 Internal Medicine Perry, Michael E, MD 1313 N Cheyenne St 303-988-0720 69021 Rubinowitz, Martin J, MD 1313 N Cheyenne St 308-423-2204 69021 Orthopedic Surgery Meyer, Mark H, MD 1313 N Cheyenne St 308-423-2151 56 69021 68007 1230 N 149th Cir 402-934-9711 68007 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 68007 Potach, Lauren M, PT Sutton, Somer A, PT Theiler, Mary J, PT Keenan, Harold W, MD 100 W 3rd St 308-889-3376 69122 Blair Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Anderson, Ann L, CNP 68007 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 68007 407 S 19th St 402-426-2210 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 68007 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 Skilled Nursing Facility Vanderheiden, Gina M, PT Nordhues, Jennifer A, CNP 68008 Dundy Cnty Hospital Skilled Nursing Wilson, Patrick C, PT 68007 407 S 19th St 402-426-2210 68007 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 68007 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 68007 Kettelhut, Brett V, MD Moore, Bret A, PA 1313 N Cheyenne St 308-423-2204 1313 N Cheyenne St 308-423-2151 1313 N Cheyenne St 308-423-2204 69021 69021 Ulffers, Jacob D, PT 69021 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 69021 Schmidt, Richard A, MD 1313 N Cheyenne St 308-414-1968 69021 Bennington Ambulance Service Bennington Volunteer Rescue 15509 Warehouse St 402-238-2727 68007 Chiropractor, Licensed Ferguson, Chad, DC 15763 C W Hadan Dr 402-238-2248 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 Crowe, Jamie C, PT 68007 Occupational Therapist 100 Minor Ave 308-236-5884 68927 68007 100 Minor Ave 308-236-5884 68007 68007 Kleeman, Roland D, PT 68007 68007 Ninemire, Taryn A, PT 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 68927 68007 Ehlers, Douglas D, PT 100 Minor Ave 308-236-5884 Fiddelke, Misti D, PT 100 Minor Ave 308-236-5884 68927 68927 Speech Therapist Hiemstra, Shaun M, St 100 Minor Ave 308-236-5884 68927 Big Springs Ambulance Service Village of Big Springs 100 E 3rd St 308-889-3556 69122 68008 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 68008 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 68008 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 68008 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 68008 Satpathy, Ruby, MD Thibodeau, Joseph B, MD Tierney, Dennis P, MD Van De Graaff, Eric J, MD Christenson, Jean E, CDE 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68008 68008 810 N 22nd St 402-426-4611 68008 68008 Chiropractor, Licensed Pleak, Lana M, CNP Shah, Inaganti M, MD Verdirame, Joseph D, MD Nephrology Firoz, Muhammad N, MD 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68008 Neurology Santamaria, Pamela, MD 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 68008 Nurse Anesthetist Holland, James E, CRNA 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68008 Oncology Lemon, Stephen J, MD Blais, Marc, DC 810 N 22nd St 402-354-5860 68008 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68008 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68008 753 Washington St 402-426-9211 68008 Popa, Irina E, MD Ambulance Service 650 S 19th St 402-533-1011 68008 Tso Bomgaars, Elisa, MD Adams Rescue Squad Durable Medical Equipment Supplier 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68008 7th & Main 402-998-2269 68008 218 S 16th St 402-426-4747 68008 Blair Rescue Squad Anesthesiology 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 Japp, Ted, DC Barr Pharmacy Blair Medical Supply 68008 68008 68008 68008 Carstens, Jeffrey S, MD 68008 1255 South St 402-426-0600 68008 Physical Therapist 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68008 1255 South St 402-426-0600 68008 636 N 20th Ave 402-426-3488 68008 636 N 20th Ave 402-426-3488 68008 1255 South St 402-426-0600 68008 1255 South St 402-426-0600 68008 1255 South St 402-426-0600 68008 1255 South St 402-426-0600 68008 Internal Medicine 636 N 20th Ave 402-426-3488 68008 Physician Assistant 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68008 Reynolds, Andrew Y, MD 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68008 Burt Washington Home Health Agency 68008 Henry, John S, MD 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68008 Huerter, Shirley L, MD 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 68008 Jarzobski, Joseph A, MD 670 S 19th St 402-426-2182 68008 Community Home Health Care 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68008 Home Hospice Care Burt Washington Hospice 670 S 19th St 402-426-1274 68008 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 68008 Anderson, Ronald W, MD 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 68008 Fangman, Timothy R, MD O'Connor, Stephen M, MD Pritza, D R, MD 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 68008 Almquist, Kevin A, PT 68008 Bittles, Michael J, MD 68008 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68008 636 N 20th Ave 402-426-3488 General Surgery 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 Hailu, Admassu Y, MD Schack, Stanley H, MD Ward, Richard K, MD Home Health Care Agency 68008 68008 Otolaryngology (ENT) 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68008 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 810 N 22nd St 402-559-8000 Emergency Medicine 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 Gleed, Kent J, MD Orthopedic Surgery Ferlic, Thomas P, MD 1651 Washington St 402-426-2187 Horizon Spine Rehabilitation DME Chouinard, Mark D, MD Physical Therapist 68007 15767 C W Hadan Dr 402-238-2552 Wright, Jill R, OT 68008 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 Certified Diabetic Educator Whitmire, Tara J, CNP Rasmussen, Rogene K, OT Carollo, Scott C, MD Sughroue, Danette M, OT 68008 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 Ramachandran, Atul A, MD Renno, Samer I, MD 68008 Ogg-Gress, Jill K, CNP 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 68007 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 68008 Cooper, Patricia B, CNP Bodnar, Dawn M, MD 68927 68008 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 Agarwal, Himanshu, MD 68927 Narmi, Ann E, MD 68008 Pettis, Shawn J, MD 68927 100 Minor Ave 308-236-5884 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 Kramer, Lisa, PT 402 Minor Ave 308-472-1472 507 Minor Ave 308-472-3455 Davidson, Philip D, PT 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 68007 Bertrand Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 68007 68007 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 14775 Eagle St 402-968-5907 Unit 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 Hill, Sundee L, PT Speech Therapist 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 68008 Allergy Arbataitis, Katie A, St Pritza, Ronald J, MD 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 68008 Baker, Thomas M, CNP Cardiovascular Bertrand Volunteer Rescue Disease Physical Therapist Corey, Heather A, PT Yao, Chyun C, PT Ambulance Service Fox, Douglas N, OT 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 Witte, Michael R, PT Houck, Ruby, CNP 68007 Occupational Therapist Blum, Jamie, PT 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 Thomas, Tanner L, PT Urology 1230 N 149th Cir 402-934-9711 Family Medicine 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 Internal Medicine 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 Bartels-Hiscock, Julie J, PT 69021 1313 N Cheyenne St 308-423-2151 1313 N Cheyenne St 308-423-2151 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 Mathews, Jason, DC 1313 N Cheyenne St 308-423-2151 69021 Klaebisch, Pamela, OT Chiropractor, Licensed 503 Chief St 308-423-5626 Physician Assistant 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 Kutty, Ahmed A, MD 1313 N Cheyenne St 308-423-2204 69021 Kapple, Jessica L, PA Tidyman, Larry E, PA Skilled Nursing Facility 1702 Hillcrest Dr 402-291-8500 503 Chief St 308-423-2690 68007 Otten, Julie S, PT McReynolds, Joel G, PA Moore, Timothy E, MD 3604 Summit Plaza Dr 402-595-2275 12301 N 149th Cir 402-884-7644 Sky Prosthetics, Inc. 1313 N Cheyenne St 308-423-2151 Drake, Mary K, MD Oldehoeft, Adam J, PT Pharmacy/DME Supplier Deutschman, Benjamin R, PT Harte, Kurtis J, PT Nannen, David M, PT Ostdiek, Donald P, PT Roehrs, Tammy, PT Roehrs, Troy, PT Rohrig, Amanda, PT Thomas, Matthew, PT 407 S 19th St 402-426-2210 68008 Arnold, Lynda D, PA 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 68008 Connell, Jennifer L, PA 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 68008 Mathews, Abraham P, MD 812 N 22nd St 402-426-4611 68008 812 N 22nd St 402-426-4611 68008 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Garris, Matthew D, PA 812 N 22nd St 402-426-4611 68008 812 N 22nd St 402-426-4611 68008 Guzinski, Rebecca L, PA Kenney, Jenna L, PA Nagengast, Sunny L, CNP 812 N 22nd St 402-426-4611 68008 Krahling, James A, PA 407 S 19th St 402-426-2210 68008 McCabe, Dana M, PA 812 N 22nd St 402-426-4611 68008 Nass, Suzanne M, PA 407 S 19th St 402-426-2210 68008 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 68008 Netz, Lyndsey A, PA Ott, Christy A, PA 812 N 22nd St 402-426-1463 68008 Ourada, Cameron J, PA 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 812 N 22nd St 402-426-4611 68008 68008 Peters, Kent J, PA 407 S 19th St 402-426-2210 68008 Reichmuth, Shelley L, PA 810 N 22nd St 402-354-5860 68008 Town, Bruce L, PA 812 N 22nd St 402-426-4611 68008 Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Dinucci, Kent R, DPM 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 68008 Rash, Valerie J, DPM 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 Ung, Kham Vay, DPM 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68008 68008 Vukonich, James, DPM 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1239 68008 Pulmonary Diseases Wear, Robert E, MD 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68008 68008 68008 Skilled Nursing Facility Crowell Memorial Home 245 E 22nd St 402-426-2177 Bloomfield Ambulance Service 211 N Broadway St 402-373-4542 68718 Chiropractor, Licensed Stotz, Thomas J, DC 102 W Main St 402-408-6769 68718 Physician Assistant 68718 Skilled Nursing Facility 68718 Blue Hill Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Bredenkamp, Nancy D, CNP 102 N Pine St 402-756-2141 Fuehrer, Jodi M, CNP 102 N Pine St 402-756-2141 68930 68930 L'Heureux, Marisa S, CNP 102 N Pine St 402-756-2141 68930 Anesthesiology Franssen, Richard L, MD 102 N Pine St 402-756-2141 68930 General Surgery 68930 Hohman, Judith Y, PA 68930 Blue Hill Care Center 68930 Essink, Judith M, CNP 68008 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68008 Yohannes, Paulos, MD 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6900 68010 Klahn, Julie, CNP Beauchaine, Kathryn L, AuD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Christensen, Julie A, AuD Dierking, Darcia M, AuD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Eiten, Leisha R, AuD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Feigin, Judith A, AuD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Gorga, Michael P, AuD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Hoover, Brenda M, AuD Janky, Kristen, AuD 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Joyce, Kimberly, AuD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Reiser, Krissa L, AuD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 14100 Crawford St 402-498-6594 68010 Runnion, Elizabeth A, AuD 14100 Crawford St 402-498-6594 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Spalding, Jody L, AuD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Townsend, Jill, AuD 14100 Crawford St 402-498-6594 Internal Medicine Schwab, Robert J, MD 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6900 68010 Maxillo-Facial Surgery Schneider, Rudy J, MD 14000 Hospital Rd 402-397-1205 68010 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Community Based Residential Treatment Facility, Mental Illness Boys Town Residential Treatment Center 14188 Mother Theresa Ln 402-498-6509 68010 308 Sudyka Dr 402-498-6509 68010 Sheehan, John P, MD 14100 Crawford St 402-498-6594 68010 Otolaryngology (ENT) 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 14100 Crawford St 402-498-6594 68010 Brookhouser, Patrick E, MD Chait, David H, MD Brainard Ambulance Service Nair, Nigar S, MD Brainard Volunteer Fire Department 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68010 Anesthesiology Burnett, Mary K, MD Cochran, Elizabeth A, MD 14000 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6000 68010 Duncan Wiebe, Greta L, MD 14000 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6000 68010 Hayes, Travis, MD 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Cohn, Edward S, MD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Emanuel, Jane M, MD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Leight, William D, MD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 14000 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6000 68010 Peterson, John W, MD 14000 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6000 68010 Audiologist Fugleberg, Sarah M, AuD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6800 68010 Orthopedic Surgery Connolly, Thomas J, MD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68010 Sheehan, John P, MD Medaris, Samuel M, MD Otolaryngology (ENT) Nissen, Alan J, MD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Sjulin, David H, MD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Tempero, Richard M, MD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Medaris, Samuel M, MD 14000 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6000 68010 Prinz, Katherine A, MD 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68010 Sjulin, David H, MD Crawford, Michael N, MD Speech Therapist Schmidt, Thomas, PA 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Arbataitis, Katie A, St 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Gill, Patricia J, St 14000 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6000 68010 Ide Helvie, Dana L, St 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 14100 Crawford St 402-498-6594 68010 Putman, Coille A, St 14100 Crawford St 402-498-6594 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6900 68010 Physician Assistant 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68010 Tempero, Jonell A, PA 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68010 Speech Therapist Traeger, Lindsay D, St 14000 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6000 68010 Brady Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 68821 Bridgeport Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 1313 S St 308-630-2626 69336 1313 S St 308-630-2626 69336 1320 S St 308-262-1755 69336 1320 S St 308-262-1755 69336 Harriger, Kevin R, CNP Laux, Cheryl A, CNP Ambulance Service Bridgeport EMS Department 809 Main St 308-635-0511 69336 Cardiovascular Disease Doing, Anthony H, MD 1313 S St 308-630-2626 69336 1313 S St 308-630-2626 69336 1313 S St 308-630-2626 69336 1313 S St 308-630-2626 69336 1313 S St 308-630-2626 69336 1313 S St 308-630-2626 69336 1313 S St 308-630-2626 69336 1313 S St 308-630-2626 69336 1313 S St 308-630-2626 69336 1313 S St 308-630-2626 69336 1313 S St 308-630-2626 69336 1313 S St 308-630-2626 69336 Downes, Thomas R, MD Green, C P, MD 14000 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6000 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68010 Plastic Surgery 355 Manderson St 308-547-2400 Good, Thomas, CNP Lusk, Rodney P, MD 14000 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6000 68010 Blaine County Rescue 14000 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6000 68010 Kolb, Edward M, MD 68626 Brewster Ambulance Service Anderson, Ann, CNP 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 111 E Washington St 402-545-2701 14000 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6000 68010 Kogan, Dina A, MD Allen, Elise C, MD 14100 Crawford St 402-498-6594 Boystown Allergy 14000 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6000 68010 Orthopedic Surgery Winfrey, Jodi L, AuD 68008 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 14100 Crawford St 402-498-6594 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Boys Town Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Felt, Gerald C, MD Nair, Nigar S, MD Vogel, Michelle A, AuD Skilled Nursing Facility 414 N Willson St 402-756-2080 Urology 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 Simmons, Jeffrey L, AuD Physician Assistant 102 N Pine St 402-756-2141 Murphy, Kevin R, MD 14100 Crawford St 402-498-6594 Gastroenterology Upchurch, Bennie R, MD 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6900 68010 Allergy Edwards, Joel, AuD Bloomfield Good Samaritan Center 300 N 2nd St 402-373-2531 14080 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-498-3358 68010 14040 Boystown Hospital Rd 402-778-6800 68010 Lauck, Kevin D, PA 105 S Broadway St 402-373-4341 Young, Rosemary J, CNP Audiologist 68008 Memorial Community Skilled Nursing 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 68718 Ambulance Service 102 N Pine St 402-756-2141 Tilgner, Michaela L, MD 810 N 22nd St 402-426-2182 105 S Broadway St 402-373-4341 Barth, Gary, MD Radiology Eicher, Chad A, MD 810 N 22nd St 402-426-1116 Bloomfield Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Larson, Dennis G, MD Miller, William E, MD Oldemeyer, John B, MD Purvis, Matthew T, MD Stoltz, Chad L, MD Strote, Justin A, MD Tate, Charles W, MD Treat, Stephen A, MD Voyles, Wyatt F, MD Cardiovascular Surgery Myers, Gerald I, MD 1313 S St 308-630-2626 69336 Hofman, Carol, CNP 114 N Main St 308-584-3770 69123 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 57 Specialists and Other Providers Griffin, Dennis J, MD Chiropractor, Licensed 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 Phillip B, MD Christensen, Michael J, DC Gunther, 1313 S St 805 Main St 308-262-1155 69336 Home Health Care Agency Morrill County Home Health Care 1313 S St 308-262-1616 Orthopedic Surgery Gilles, Diane E, MD 69336 Pharmacy/DME Supplier 69336 Radiology Abramson, Simeon D, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 Andersen, Scott R, MD Baker, Kim B, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 Bellon, Richard J, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 Brenneman, Janice K, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 Burmeister, Glen E, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 Chheda, Gitesh D, MD Dangleis, Keith C, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 Dobrow, Malcolm S, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 Dreisbach, James N, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 Dungan, David H, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 Essary, Brendan F, MD Fleener, Christopher, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 Fleishman, Matthew J, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 Freestone, Kristin A, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 Frei, Donald F, MD Fuller, Samuel E, MD 69336 69336 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 Gaynor, Laurence F, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 58 Hsieh, Paul S, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 69336 69336 Johnson, Kevin K, MD 69336 Broken Bow Ambulance 116 S 11th Ave 308-872-6424 68822 Chiropractor, Licensed Bazyn, Douglas J, DC 312 S 9th Ave 308-872-3106 68822 606 S 9th Ave 308-872-2171 68822 Hackel, Chad, DC 69336 1313 S St 308-262-1616 Home Health Care Agency 69336 Jennie M. Melham Home Health Care Kaske, Terese I, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 Koplyay, Peter D, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 Lingam-Nattamai, Sharmila, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 Lozano, Kay D, MD 69336 145 Memorial Dr 308-872-6891 Borg, Jody L, CRNA 1145 S F St 308-872-2325 69336 Wright, John M, MD 69336 145 Memorial Dr 308-872-6891 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 Otolaryngology (ENT) Luethke, James M, MD McLaughlin, Christopher G, MD 69336 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 Pharmacy/DME Supplier 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 Nutting, Charles W, MD Payne, Michael J, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 Peck, Steven, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 Porter, David J, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 Reese, Mark, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 Ricci, Peter E, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 69336 69336 69336 69336 69336 69336 Smazal, Stanley F, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 Sonin, Andrew H, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 Wang, Samuel C, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 1313 S St 308-262-1616 Yee, Dominic C, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 744 S E St 308-872-2321 68822 68822 68822 Physical Therapist 325 S 1st Ave 308-872-5111 Denson, Jeff D, PT Schomer, Donald F, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 Trijon, P.C. 69336 325 S 1st Ave 308-872-5111 Magill, Joshua C, PT 325 S 1st Ave 308-872-5111 Nelson, Errin M, PT 69336 69336 Sextro, Philip B, DPM 224 E South E St 308-872-6421 Conant, Raymond W, MD 145 Memorial Dr 308-872-6891 Halsted, David S, MD 145 Memorial Dr 308-872-6891 108 S Fillmore St 402-353-2055 68822 68822 68822 325 S 1st Ave 308-872-5111 68322 Burr Rescue Squad 5th & Main 402-848-2310 68324 Burwell Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Brauer, Julie, CNP 410 S 8th Ave 308-346-5544 Meyer, Jane A, CNP 295 N 8th Ave 308-728-4312 Weber, Kristi M, CNP 707 H St 402-462-9400 68823 68823 68823 Ambulance Service Burwell Rural Fire District 68823 68822 68822 68822 Dunbar, Kristen A, PA 68822 147 S 8th St 308-346-5499 68823 Physical Therapist Beal, Marcia R, PT 807 H St 308-346-4877 68823 Bowin, Andrew M, PT 280 N 8th St 308-346-5111 68823 280 N 8th St 308-346-5111 68823 Denson, Jeff D, PT 280 N 8th St 308-346-5111 68823 McMeen, Jeffrey R, PT Nelson, Errin M, PT 280 N 8th St 308-346-5111 Renner, Angela, PT 68823 68823 Physician Assistant Breitkreutz, Jeffrey J, PA 295 N 8th Ave 308-728-4312 68823 295 N 8th Ave 308-728-4312 68823 295 N 8th Ave 308-728-4312 68823 Reilly, Robert, PA Butte Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Hogue, Susan M, CNP 730 Wilson St 605-835-9611 68722 Ambulance Service Boyd County Ambulance 601 Wilson St 402-775-2221 68722 Skilled Nursing Facility 210 Broadway St 402-775-2355 68722 Callaway Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Brauer, Julie, CNP 213 E Kimball St 308-836-2294 68825 68825 Physician Assistant Hinman, William, PA 213 E Kimball St 308-836-2294 68825 211 E Kimball St 308-836-2228 68825 213 E Kimball St 308-836-2294 68825 Mueting, Paul, PA Rosfeld, Timothy, PA Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Lorincz, Stefan P, DPM 211 E Kimball St 308-836-2228 68825 Radiology Johnson, Rodney L, MD 211 E Kimball St 308-836-2228 68825 211 E Kimball St 308-836-2228 68825 211 E Kimball St 308-836-2228 68825 211 E Kimball St 308-836-2228 68825 Lee, Jeffrey P, MD Oconnell, Timothy J, MD Zefo, Nancy, MD Skilled Nursing Facility 600 W Kimball St 308-836-2267 68825 Cambridge Cardiovascular Disease Kirubakaran, Azariah, MD 2 W Hwy 6 & Hwy 34 308-697-3329 69022 2 W Hwy 6 & Hwy 34 308-697-3329 69022 McGowan, Daniel J, MD 68825 Ambulance Service Callaway Rfd Ambulance RR 1 308-836-2389 207 S Grand Ave 308-836-2288 211 E Kimball St 308-836-2228 Callaway Good Samaritan Butte Healthcare Center 68825 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Mark's Pharmacy Orthopedic Surgery 624 Patterson St 308-697-3400 Adamson, Brent, MD Infectious Diseases 211 E Kimball St 308-836-2228 68825 69022 Brailita, Daniel M, MD Physical Therapist 1305 Highway 6/34 402-461-5358 Denson, Jeff D, PT Orthopedic Surgery 69022 207 S Grand Ave 308-836-2288 68825 Wilkinson, Chris E, MD 207 S Grand Ave 308-836-2288 68825 Pharmacy/DME Supplier 68825 Tri Valley Home Health Magill, Joshua C, PT McMeen, Jeffrey R, PT Iverson, Casey, DC Physician Assistant 145 Memorial Dr 308-872-2486 68322 Burr Ambulance Service Chiropractor, Licensed Still, Richard C, PT 68322 McGuire Johnson, Margaret M, PA 68822 325 S 1st Ave 308-872-5111 68822 Madsen, Brent L, PA 325 S 1st Ave 308-872-5111 325 S 1st Ave 308-872-5111 68822 Bruning Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 108 S Fillmore St 402-353-2055 68823 Farrar, David W, PA Urology 68822 Ross, Mary K, PT 68822 Still, Richard C, PT 280 N 8th St 308-346-5111 280 N 8th St 308-346-5111 Golden Livingcenter Broken Bow 917 G St 308-346-4528 Renner, Angela, PT 68822 Skilled Nursing Facility 325 S 1st Ave 308-872-5111 Smith, Lindsay L, PT 69336 68822 McMeen, Jeffrey R, PT 325 S 1st Ave 308-872-5111 Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody 108 S Fillmore St 402-353-2055 Bowin, Andrew M, PT Sandberg, Alison L, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 68822 Jennie M. Melham Medical Center 145 Memorial Dr 308-872-6891 68822 Physician Assistant Holcomb Pharmacy 540 S 8th Ave 308-872-5231 Eberle, Jenny K, PT 145 Memorial Dr 308-872-4157 Elting, Kay E, CNP 68822 Connely, Thomas V, MD 145 Memorial Dr 308-872-6891 Otte, Michael T, MD 68822 Orthopedic Surgery 1313 S St 308-262-1616 1313 S St 308-262-1616 68822 Nurse Anesthetist 69336 Monk, Jon, PA 805 S F St 800-847-6544 1313 S St 308-262-1616 Wheeler, Shane C, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 Graham, Jess A, MD Hopper, Orlin W, MD 69336 Spencer, Elizabeth B, MD Friedland, Jeffrey A, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 1313 S St 308-262-1616 Kelly, Jason L, MD Morrill County Community Home Health 1313 S St 308-262-1616 Hayes, Amy S, MD 1313 S St 308-262-1616 69336 1320 S St 308-262-1616 308-262-1616 Broken Bow Ambulance Service 207 S Grand Ave 308-836-2288 211 E Kimball St 308-836-2228 Ross, Mary K, PT 207 S Grand Ave 308-836-2288 211 E Kimball St 308-836-2228 Smith, Lindsay L, PT 207 S Grand Ave 308-836-2288 68825 68825 68825 West Highway 6 And 34 308-697-3329 69022 309 Nelson St 308-697-3155 69022 Physician Assistant Hilliard, Kimberly A, PA West Highway 6 And 34 308-697-3329 69022 Klinkebiel, Kyleen M, PA 68825 309 Nelson St 308-697-3317 69022 309 Nelson St 308-697-3317 69022 Malchow, William, PA The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Shellabarger, Paul V, PA 309 Nelson St 308-697-3317 69022 Pulmonary Diseases Ganatra, Kalpesh D, MD 1305 Highway 6/34 308-697-3329 69022 Radiology Fuerst, Daniel, MD 2 W Highways 6 & 34, Ste 488 308-697-3329 69022 Jerde, Richard, MD 2 W Highways 6 & 34, Ste 488 308-697-3329 69022 Oconnell, Timothy J, MD 2 W Highway 6 & 34 308-697-1160 Zefo, Nancy, MD 2 W Highway 6 & 34 308-697-1160 69022 69022 Skilled Nursing Facility Salisbury, Dennis V, DC Mooss, Aryan N, MD Durable Medical Equipment Supplier 1715 26th St 308-946-3015 69022 1015 W 8th St 308-432-2015 68826 69337 Chiropractor, Licensed Apria Healthcare, Inc. Vollers, Kurt D, DC Home Health Care Agency 215 G St 308-946-2766 631 W 3rd St 308-432-3256 68826 Family Medicine 1715 26th St 308-946-3015 2510 18th Ave 308-946-3845 69337 Chadron Community Home Health 825 Centennial Dr 308-432-5586 Buhlke, Brian K, DO 69337 68826 Home Hospice Care 68826 Chadron Community Hospital Hospice Orthopedic Surgery Cahoy, Philip M, MD 1715 26th St 308-946-3015 Tri Valley Health System SNF 2 W Hwy 6 & Hwy 34 308-697-3329 Cardiovascular Disease 68826 825 Centennial Dr 308-432-5521 Watt, Tim J, MD Norm's U-Save Pharmacy Neurology 821 Morehead St 800-253-5876 69337 Urology 1414 16th St 308-946-3859 Howe, Scott, MD Physician Assistant 821 Morehead St 800-253-5876 Beaver, Jacqueline K, PA Orthopedic Surgery West Highway 6 & 34 308-697-3329 69022 Campbell Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Murphy-Buschkoetter, Kathy L, CNP 148 S Taylor St 402-756-8080 68932 Physician Assistant Hawley, Ronald L, PA 148 S Taylor St 402-756-8080 68932 2510 18th Ave 308-946-3845 68826 Griepenstroh, Lindsey S, PA 2510 18th Ave 308-946-3845 68826 McLaughlin, Brandon L, PA 2510 18th Ave 308-946-3845 Stokes, Anita R, PA 2510 18th Ave 308-946-3845 68826 68826 Skilled Nursing Facility Central City Care Center Grandview Manor Litzenberg Memorial Skilled Nursing 148 Broad St 402-756-8701 2720 17th Ave 308-946-3088 68932 Cedar Bluffs Ambulance Service Cedar Bluffs Rescue Squad 13 E Main St 402-628-3115 68015 Cedar Rapids Ambulance Service Cedar Rapids Rescue Squad 425 Main St 308-358-0240 68627 Physician Assistant Mahony, Sara, PA 106 S 3rd St 308-358-0615 68627 Central City Ambulance Service Central City Ambulance 1616 16th Ave 308-946-3806 68826 1715 26th St 308-946-3015 68826 68826 Ceresco Volunteer Fire & Rescue Dept 68017 Chadron Audiologist 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 825 Centennial Dr 308-432-5586 Petersen Drug 302 Main St 308-432-2400 825 Centennial Dr 308-432-4441 825 Centennial Dr 308-432-5586 825 Centennial Dr 308-432-4441 69337 69337 69337 69337 69337 825 Centennial Dr 308-432-4441 69337 Plastic Surgery 821 Morehead St 308-630-1600 69337 Essary, Brendan F, MD 69337 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 139 W 3rd St, Ste A 308-432-8098 69337 Burmeister, Glen E, MD 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 69337 69337 Chambers Rescue Service 319 W Glenvil St 402-762-3236 68933 Home Health Care Agency Clay County Health Department HHA Chappell Ambulance Service 209 W Fairfield St 402-762-3571 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 69337 Chappell Ambulance Service Anderson, Kristen J, PA Friedland, Jeffrey A, MD 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 69337 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 69337 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 69337 Gunther, Phillip B, MD Hopper, Orlin W, MD 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 Hsieh, Paul S, MD 69337 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 69337 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 69337 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 69337 Johnson, Kevin K, MD Lingam-Nattamai, Sharmila, MD 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 Lozano, Kay D, MD 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 69337 69337 69337 69337 69337 Nutting, Charles W, MD 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 Otte, Michael T, MD 69129 Pharmacy/DME Supplier Western Drug of Chappell 650 2nd St 308-874-2200 69129 69337 69337 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 69337 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 69337 Baxter, Mary, CNP 68601 4508 38th St, Ste 157 402-562-8445 68601 4508 38th St, Ste 120 402-562-2261 68601 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-7500 68601 Clarkson Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 Johnson Sayer, Renee M, CNP 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 3020 18th St, Ste 17 402-563-3833 68601 4508 38th St, Ste 107 402-564-0205 68601 4508 38th St, Ste 107 402-564-0205 68601 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-7500 68601 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 69129 Chester Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Elting, Kay E, CNP 516 Thayer Ave 402-324-7101 68327 Physician Assistant 516 Thayer Ave 402-324-7101 68327 McGuire Johnson, Margaret M, PA 116 Huron 402-324-7101 329 Pine St 402-892-3466 68327 68629 Schaefer, Brandi L, CNP 329 Pine St 402-892-3466 68629 Physician Assistant Schmidt, Jodene M, PA 329 Pine St 402-892-3466 68629 69337 Golden Living Center Clarkson 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 69337 212 Sunrise Dr 402-892-3494 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 69337 Clatonia Ambulance Service 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 69337 Brennan, Diane M, CNP Brey, Beth, CNP Carpenter, Colleen, CNP 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 69337 Harm, Kevin R, CNP Huenink, Janet L, CNP Larsen, Janelle, CNP Lonowski, Andrea E, CNP Middleton, Monte R, CNP Nekl, Jennifer A, CNP Nolte, Mary K, CNP Schroer, Kylene, CNP Shipman, Amy, CNP 68629 Clatonia Rescue Squad 255 Washington St 402-989-5815 Boettcher, Tamra A, CNP Gibson, Dale R, CNP 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 Wheeler, Shane C, MD Columbus Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 4600 38th St 402-562-3374 562 Vincent Ave 308-874-2255 Skilled Nursing Facility Wang, Samuel C, MD 68328 Sueper, Mary, CNP 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-563-9224 3611 27th St 402-564-1338 68601 68601 Unverferth, Virginia, CNP 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 Wielgus, Kimberly K, CNP 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-9000 4508 38th St, Ste 157 402-562-8445 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68933 Berke, Christine M, CNP 69337 Spencer, Elizabeth B, MD 319 W Glenvil St 402-762-3236 68601 Robb, Angela T, PA 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 Schomer, Donald F, MD 68933 Physician Assistant 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 Madsen, Brent L, PA McLaughlin, Christopher G, MD 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 757 2nd St 308-874-2401 68725 Physician Assistant 69337 Brenneman, Janice K, MD Chambers Ambulance Service Davis, Katherine E, CNP 69337 Sandberg, Alison L, MD 69337 69337 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 Freestone, Kristin A, MD Ricci, Peter E, MD Bellon, Richard J, MD 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 203 S Park 402-482-5885 69337 69337 Urology Clay Center Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 69337 Porter, David J, MD Andersen, Scott R, MD 69337 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 Payne, Michael J, MD 69337 69337 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 Enriquez, Louie S, MD 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 Snyder, Mary C, MD 279 Main St 308-432-3518 139 W 2nd St 308-747-2218 69337 Luethke, James M, MD Westerbuhr, Michael D, PA Baker, Kim B, MD Quasschnick, Kari J, DC 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 Dungan, David H, MD 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 Moody, Mary K, PA Funk, Jason R, DC Landen, Erich J, DC Waller, William C, MD Kelly, Jason L, MD 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 Johnson, Scott, DC 69337 Chadron Community Hospital HME Chiropractor, Licensed 69337 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 Dangleis, Keith C, MD Kaske, Terese I, MD Abramson, Simeon D, MD 69337 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 Pharmacy/DME Supplier 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 279 Main St 308-432-3518 69337 Radiology Archie, Lori L, AuD 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 69337 Papendick, Lew W, MD Wess, Heidi, PA Ceresco Ambulance Service 217 S 2nd St 402-665-2550 Maclachlan, Robert D, MD Physician Assistant Skilled Nursing Facility 69337 Gaynor, Laurence F, MD 69337 Yee, Dominic C, MD 821 Morehead St 308-432-5586 Neurological Surgery Griffin, Dennis J, MD Pharmacy/DME Supplier 68826 Chheda, Gitesh D, MD 68601 68601 59 Specialists and Other Providers Ambulance Service Platte County Ambulance Co. Kosmicki, Douglas L, MD 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 Ambulatory Surgical Center 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 2155 33rd Ave 402-563-3396 Columbus Surgery Center, LLC 3772 43rd Ave, Ste B 402-562-8795 68601 68601 4600 38th St 402-564-7118 68601 4600 38th St 402-564-7118 Markiewicz, Richard J, MD 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 Martin, Steven L, MD 3772 43rd Ave 402-397-1180 68601 Nass, Omar, MD 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 Netz, Douglas D, MD 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 402-562-8445 Audiologist Fuchs, Nora, AuD 3763 39th Ave, Ste 300 402-564-9198 68601 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 Ackerman, Stephen, MD 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 Cardiovascular Disease Wudel, James H, MD 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 Arteaga, Roque, MD 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 Biddle, William P, MD 4508 38th St, Ste 157 402-562-8445 Chander, Ajay, MD 68601 68601 68601 Del Core, Michael G, MD 68601 Dionisopoulos, Peter N, MD 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 Friesen, Clayton J, MD 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 Fruehling, Erich R, MD 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 68601 Chaudhuri, Pradipta, MD 4508 38th St, Ste 157 402-562-8445 68601 Crabtree, Bruce R, DC 3763 39th Ave, Ste 600 402-564-2450 68601 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 Chiropractor, Licensed Bajwa, Harpaul S, MD 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 68601 Gallagher, Peter L, MD 2559 37th Ave 402-564-7514 Grimes, Geanne R, DC 2323 14th St 402-564-2622 Hinze, Randy R, DC 2421 23rd St 402-564-9447 Jirka, Jerry A, DC 2526 17th St 402-562-6776 68601 68601 68601 Kraft, Christina L, DC 2559 37th Ave 402-564-7514 Linn, Justin, DC 915 23rd St, Ste 100 402-564-6565 Rickert, Aaron A, DC 2323 14th St 402-564-2622 68601 68601 68601 Tessendorf, Travis, DC 2360 26th Ave 402-564-0193 68601 Dermatology Heibel, Mark, MD 68601 68601 4508 38th St, Ste 120 402-564-4422 68601 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier 4508 38th St, Ste 157 402-562-8445 68601 4508 38th St, Ste 157 402-562-8445 Heirigs, Ricky, MD Holmberg, M Jeffrey, MD Hunter, Claire C, MD 4508 38th St, Ste 157 402-562-8445 King, Jeffrey, MD 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 Korpas, Denes, MD 60 Stoller, Herschel E, MD Apria Healthcare, Inc. 1254 12th Ave 308-432-3256 68601 2615 13th St 402-564-7205 68601 Tooley Drug and Homecare 68601 Emergency Medicine Billups, James W, MD 4600 38th St 402-562-3374 68601 4600 38th St 402-564-7118 68601 Kazos, Alex G, MD 68601 Hospice of Columbus Community Hospital 3005 19th St, Ste 600 402-562-3300 68601 Internal Medicine Anderson, Nicole L, MD 68601 Andukuri, Venkata A, MD 68601 3763 39th Ave, Ste 600 402-564-2411 68601 Commers, James R, MD 4508 38th St, Ste 120 402-562-2261 68601 Haroon, Muhammad S, MD 4508 38th St, Ste 124 402-564-2007 68601 Kenik, Jay G, MD 4508 38th St, Ste 157 402-562-8445 68601 Kolli, Abhilash T, MD 4600 38th St 402-421-1811 68601 Mathews, Abraham P, MD 3775 45th Ave 402-564-7200 68601 68601 68601 Home Health Services of Cch Hy-Vee Pharmacy 3010 23rd St 402-562-7668 68601 68601 68601 Physical Therapist Behney, Kelly G, PT Fejfar-Jedlicka, Sharee J, PT 3763 39th Ave, Ste 100 402-615-0183 68601 Flynn, Thomas K, PT 2021 23rd St 402-562-6872 68601 68601 Kuhl, Russell, PT 4508 38th St, Ste 157 402-562-8445 68601 Line, Steven L, PT 4508 38th St, Ste 120 402-562-2261 68601 68601 Nephrology 4508 38th St 402-466-8259 68601 Weitzmann, Jonathan V, MD 3763 39th Ave, Ste 600 402-564-2411 68601 Neurological Surgery Hain, John D, MD 4508 38th St, Ste 165 402-552-2929 68601 Neurology Asaad, Hakam M, MD 3211 25th St 402-564-5456 68601 3211 25th St 402-564-5456 68601 3211 25th St 402-564-5456 68601 Linnaus, Melanie L, PT 2021 23rd St 402-562-6872 McFee, Ryann M, PT 2021 23rd St 402-562-6872 68601 68601 Morris, Michelle L, PT Ghani, Nasimul, MD 3763 39th Ave, Ste 600 402-564-2411 68601 Parks, Alicia S, PA 1454 28th Ave 402-564-2816 4600 38th St 402-564-7118 68601 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 68601 Petersen, Dana D, PA Thomazin, Kelli, PA 4508 38th St, Ste 133 402-563-3644 68601 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 Vuchetich, David, PA 2021 23rd St 402-562-6872 68601 2021 23rd St 402-562-6872 68601 2021 23rd St 402-562-6872 68601 Murray, Paul E, PT Sehi, John R, PT Physician Assistant Benesch, Mark E, PA Woita, Warren J, PA 1923 23rd St 402-563-2639 68601 2724 13th St 402-563-3668 68601 Riley, Craig E, DPM Pulmonary Diseases 68601 Urology 4508 38th St, Ste 117 402-562-8114 68601 4508 38th St, Ste 117 402-562-8114 68601 Cozad Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 69130 Ambulance Service City of Cozad Ambulance 215 W 8th St 308-784-3907 69130 Cardiovascular Disease Kirubakaran, Azariah, MD 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 69130 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 69130 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 69130 Kutty, Ahmed A, MD McGowan, Daniel J, MD Chiropractor, Licensed Linden, Heather C, DC Keim, Lon W, MD Strecker, Leigh, DC 3763 39th Ave, Ste 600 402-564-2411 68601 108 E 8th St 308-784-3938 69130 4600 38th St 402-562-3190 701 Meridian Ave 308-784-4910 69130 Khalil, Wajahat, MD 68601 3763 39th Ave, Ste 600 402-564-2411 68601 Radiation Oncology Jain, Anuj, MD 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 68601 Radiology Beauvais, John, MD Family Medicine Cole, Jack R, DO 1803 Papio Ln 308-784-3535 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 69130 69130 Petersen, Matthew L, DO 1803 Papio Ln 308-784-3535 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 69130 69130 4600 38th St 402-564-7118 68601 4600 38th St 402-564-7118 Home Health Care Agency 68601 4600 38th St 402-564-7118 Central Plains Home Health Agency 68601 300 E 12th St 308-784-4630 4600 38th St 402-564-7118 68601 Central Plains Hospice Foote, Brian D, MD Foote, Gregg, MD Sobota, Kristi, MD 300 E 12th St 308-784-4630 Skilled Nursing Facility 4600 38th St 402-562-3374 68601 Columbus Community Skilled Nursing 4508 38th St, Ste 152 402-563-4500 68601 4600 38th St 402-563-9607 69130 Home Hospice Care 68601 Dicke, Kayla M, PA 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 Iltchev, Daniel V, MD 1454 28th Ave 402-564-2816 Chapp, Stephanie N, PA Tyndall, Steve, MD Carter, Shana L, CNP Halverson, Charles M, DPM 4508 38th St, Ste 120 402-562-2261 Shah, Inaganti M, MD Lim, Stephen S, MD 68601 Hamilton, Joshua A, PT Schafer, Gregory J, MD 68601 2021 23rd St 402-562-6872 68601 Surgery, General Vascular 2282 E 32nd Ave 402-562-7500 Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody 3211 25th St 402-564-5456 68601 Jepson, Brett R, MD 68601 Dickes, Nathan D, PT 1112 15th St 402-564-3197 68601 2021 23rd St 402-562-6872 Brandt, Mark, PT 68601 Mory's Haven 4600 38th St 402-564-7118 Korf, Clifford, PA 68601 Brandt, Kimberly, PT 2855 40th Ave 402-564-8014 68601 68601 2021 23rd St 402-562-6872 68601 Renno, Samer I, MD 68601 Golden Livingcenter Columbus 4508 38th St, Ste 133 402-563-3644 4600 38th St 402-564-7118 Spencer, Susan, PA Tooley Drug and Homecare 4508 38th St, Ste 160 402-564-7205 68601 Menter, Anna E, PA Bob's U-Save Pharmacy 2030 18th Ave 402-563-9620 68601 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 Dynek, Jeffrey A, PA Henry, Matthew, PA Pharmacy/DME Supplier 2759 33rd Ave 402-564-2883 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 4600 38th St 402-564-7118 4508 38th St, Ste 120 402-562-2261 4508 38th St, Ste 120 402-562-2261 68601 Hee, Tom T, MD 68601 Doane, Chelsie N, PA Fill, Sara G, PA Allen, Kimberly K, DO Verdirame, Joseph D, MD 4508 38th St, Ste 152 402-488-6969 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 Pediatrics Boapimp, Pimpawan, MD 68601 68601 Otolaryngology (ENT) 68601 Home Hospice Care 4600 38th St 402-421-1811 4508 38th St, Ste 133 402-563-3644 68601 4508 38th St, Ste 141 402-564-5333 4600 38th St 402-421-1811 Cimpl, Richard R, MD 4508 38th St, Ste 152 402-563-4500 68601 68601 Ayala, Kaliprasad, MD 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 Morse, Myron E, MD Orthopedic Surgery Novotny, Nila, MD 3005 19th St, Ste 600 402-562-3300 Hedderich, Giles, MD Jex, R K, MD 4508 38th St, Ste 141 402-564-5333 4600 38th St 402-564-7118 Columbus Community Home Health Care Gangahar, Deepak M, MD 3154 18th Ave, Ste 2 402-564-7756 Ernst, Ronald L, MD Home Health Care Agency Cardiovascular Surgery Cardiac Electrophysiology 68601 68601 Rundlett, Rebecca S, MD 68601 68601 Walters, Nathan J, MD General Surgery Anesthesiology Pain Rovang, Karen S, MD Management 4508 38th St, Ste 157 Bose, Richard, MD Safranek, John P, MD 68601 69130 Nurse Anesthetist Geilenkirchen, Evan, CRNA 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 69130 Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Baker, Kim B, MD Pharmacy/DME Supplier 69130 Frontier Home Medical 304 W 8th St 308-784-3040 69130 Physician Assistant McAdam, Jillenne, PA 1803 Papio Ln 308-784-3535 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 Scheele, Jodie L, PA 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 Otte, Michael T, MD 69130 69130 69339 69339 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 69339 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 Brenneman, Janice K, MD Burmeister, Glen E, MD 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 Chheda, Gitesh D, MD 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 Dangleis, Keith C, MD 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 Lee, Jeffrey P, MD 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 69130 Oconnell, Timothy J, MD 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 Zefo, Nancy, MD 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 69130 Skilled Nursing Facility 69339 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 69339 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 69339 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 69130 Golden Livingcenter Cozad 318 W 18th St 308-784-3715 69130 Urology 69130 Craig Ambulance Service Craig Rescue Unit 333 S Main St 402-377-2643 68019 Crawford Ambulance Service Crawford Volunteer Fire Dept 220 Elm St 402-665-2211 69339 Physician Assistant Wess, Heidi, PA 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 Westerbuhr, Michael D, PA 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 Radiology Abramson, Simeon D, MD 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 Andersen, Scott R, MD 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 Enriquez, Louie S, MD 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 Essary, Brendan F, MD 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 Freestone, Kristin A, MD 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 Gaynor, Laurence F, MD 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 Graham, Jess A, MD 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 Griffin, Dennis J, MD 69339 69339 69339 Smazal, Stanley F, MD Sonin, Andrew H, MD Spencer, Elizabeth B, MD Wang, Samuel C, MD Yee, Dominic C, MD 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 Lingam-Nattamai, Sharmila, MD 68729 1503 Main St 712-239-4702 General Surgery Appelwick, James, MD 1503 Main St 402-388-3322 Miller, Lisa, MD 68729 69339 Borgmann, Amy, PA 1503 Main St 402-358-5700 Lauck, Kevin D, PA 1503 Main St 402-358-5700 68729 68729 Midwest Rehab Equipment, Inc. 807 Main St 402-358-5569 68729 68333 Physical Therapist Moeller, Casey J, PT 68333 Physician Assistant Olsen, Benjy L, DPM Coash, Russell E, PA 1503 Main St 605-668-8601 68729 Pulmonary Diseases 1503 Main St 402-388-3322 68729 Skilled Nursing Facility 1603 Main St 402-358-5701 68729 Crete Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Jurgens, Lorrene G, CNP 1212 Ivy Ave 402-826-2000 68333 68333 Sincebaugh, Mary, CNP 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 969 E Highway 33 402-826-3222 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 Hatch, Laura A, PA 68333 68333 969 E Highway 33 402-826-3222 68333 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 68333 Schmeckpeper, Kurt L, PA Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Tennity, John J, DPM 1340 Grove Ave 402-826-6512 68333 Radiology Dewald, Michael D, MD 1540 Grove Ave 402-826-6800 68333 Skilled Nursing Facility Crete Manor 69024 Curtis Ambulance Service 111 W 1st St 308-367-5402 69025 Dakota City Ambulance Service Dakota City Rescue 1516 Myrtle St 402-987-3448 68731 Occupational Therapist Hildman, Jennifer K, OT 1655 Ibp Ave 605-235-2023 68731 Physical Therapist Svec, Roger W, PT 1655 Ibp Ave 605-235-2023 68731 Danbury Ambulance Service Beaver Valley Rural Fire Dist 101 E Arragon St 308-895-2285 69026 Davenport Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Elting, Kay E, CNP Crete Area Medical Center SNF 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-6885 68730 Culbertson Ambulance Service Frontier County Ambulance Service Bledsoe, Ellajean K, PA 68333 101 N Linden Ave 402-364-2105 68335 Physician Assistant Madsen, Brent L, PA 101 N Linden Ave 402-364-2105 68335 101 N Linden Ave 402-364-2105 68335 830 E 1st St 402-826-4325 68333 Ambulance Service 1540 Grove Ave 402-826-6895 68333 Crete Ambulance Service Crofton Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner David City Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Broekemeier, Robert J, CNP Heavican, Lucinda J, CNP 68333 68333 68333 Wahl, Bruce E, DC 68729 68333 Bkm Inc. 1105 E Highway 33 402-826-2255 203 W Main St 402-388-2343 311 Tate Ave 308-278-2123 Tegt, Thomas, MD 1302 Linden Ave 402-826-3784 Wallinga, Danielle L, PA Culbertson Rescue Squad Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Creighton Area Home Health Care Home Infusion Therapy Supplier 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 Physician Assistant Reistroffer, Troy A, DC 69339 Nutting, Charles W, MD 68729 Home Health Care Agency 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 708 Millard Ave 402-358-5732 Chiropractor, Licensed 1503 Main St 402-358-5700 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 68729 68333 Otolaryngology (ENT) Holland, David D, PT 68729 69339 Tewes, Douglas, MD Pharmacy/DME Supplier 708 Millard Ave 402-358-5732 Physician Assistant 68333 Orthopedic Surgery Belitz, Matthew K, PT 1503 Main St 402-388-3322 Milroy, Mary, MD 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-6512 210 E 14th St 402-826-4311 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 McLaughlin, Christopher G, MD 68729 Physical Therapist 68729 69339 Luethke, James M, MD 719 Main St 402-358-3535 1503 Main St 402-358-5700 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 Lozano, Kay D, MD Manion's Drug Store 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 68729 Tuma, Robert E, MD 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 Schroeder, Tammy, CNP Addo, Frank A, MD Johnson, Kevin K, MD Kelly, Jason L, MD 68729 Ambulance Service 69339 Kaske, Terese I, MD 68729 Creighton Ambulance Service 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 Pharmacy/DME Supplier Creighton Care Center 1503 Main St 402-358-5700 804 Chase Ave 402-358-5335 69339 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 68729 Laflan, Cathy J, CNP 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 Hsieh, Paul S, MD 1503 Main St 402-358-3322 Hansen-Waid, Lori, MD Cardiovascular Disease Hopper, Orlin W, MD 69339 Dredla, James E, CRNA Creighton Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 69339 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 Wheeler, Shane C, MD 1503 Main St 402-358-3557 Gunther, Phillip B, MD Howe, Scott, MD 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 Friedland, Jeffrey A, MD Cozad Community Skilled Nursing 69339 Schomer, Donald F, MD 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 Frei, Donald F, MD 69130 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 69339 Fleishman, Matthew J, MD 69130 Sandberg, Alison L, MD 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 Dungan, David H, MD Johnson, Rodney L, MD 69339 69339 Moore, Patrick, DPM Radiology Ricci, Peter E, MD 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody 69130 Porter, David J, MD 69339 Dreisbach, James N, MD 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 Payne, Michael J, MD 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 Dobrow, Malcolm S, MD 69130 Nurse Anesthetist 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 Bellon, Richard J, MD Cozad Community Hospital HME 300 E 12th St 308-784-2261 11 Paddock St 308-665-1770 307 E 12th St 402-826-2191 220 E 13th St 402-826-5151 68333 68333 Tabitha Inc 203 W Main St 402-388-2343 68730 203 W Main St 402-388-2343 68730 Joachimsen, Tonya, CNP Emergency Medicine Manas-Lammers, Lori A, CNP Vertin, Amy E, MD 2910 Betten Dr 402-826-2102 68333 General Surgery Jons, Leon, MD 969 E Highway 33 402-826-3222 68333 McGuire Johnson, Margaret M, PA 358 S 10th St 402-367-3322 David City Volunteer Fire & Rescue 552 D St 402-367-3530 203 W Main St 402-388-2343 68730 203 W Main St 402-388-2343 Chiropractor, Licensed 68730 Heller, Russell G, DC Miller, Jamie, CNP 528 N 4th St 402-367-6061 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68632 Ambulance Service 68632 68632 61 Specialists and Other Providers Otolaryngology (ENT) Novotny, Nila, MD 336 S 9th St 402-367-3193 68632 Physical Therapist Benes, Kellen J, PT 879 N 11th St 402-367-1250 Makovicka, John, PT 879 N 11th St 402-367-1250 68632 68632 Otte, Mark E, PT 879 N 11th St 402-367-1250 68632 Physician Assistant Hays, Leah, PA 336 S 9th St 402-367-3193 Witter, James, PA 358 S 10th St 402-367-3322 372 S 9th St 402-367-3115 68632 68632 68632 Skilled Nursing Facility Butler County Skilled Nursing 372 S 9th St 402-367-3115 68632 De Witt Ambulance Service Dewitt Rescue Squad 408 E Fillmore Ave 402-683-5025 68341 Decatur Ambulance Service Decatur Fire and Rescue 1049 S Broadway St 402-349-5360 68020 Deshler Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Elting, Kay E, CNP 615 4th St 402-365-7604 68340 Ambulance Service Deshler Volunteer Fire Department 404 E Pearl Ave 402-365-4260 68340 Physician Assistant Madsen, Brent L, PA 615 4th St 402-365-7604 68340 McGuire Johnson, Margaret M, PA 615 4th St 402-365-7604 68340 Diller Ambulance Service Diller Rescue Unit 503 Commercial St 402-793-5993 68342 Doniphan Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Harvey, Mark W, CNP 2011 W Clarice 402-845-9203 68832 Williams, Stephanie R, CNP 2011 W Clarice 402-845-9203 68832 Dorchester Ambulance Service Village of Dorchester 512 Washington Ave 402-946-4300 68343 Douglas Ambulance Service Douglas Rescue Squad 104 Main St 402-799-2029 68344 Dwight Ambulance Service Dwight Volunteer Fire Dept. 192 N 1st St 402-367-3530 68635 Eagle Ambulance Service Eagle Volunteer Fire & Rescue 701 S 1st St 402-781-2745 68347 Village of Eagle Rescue Unit 705 S 1st St 402-781-2748 68347 Edgar Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Eggers, Kristi V, CNP 715 N C St 402-461-5295 68935 315 N C St 402-224-3344 68935 Ferrell, Erica J, CNP Frahm, Teresa B, CNP 315 N C St 402-224-3344 Fuehrer, Jodi M, CNP 315 N C St 402-224-3344 68935 68935 Ambulance Service Edgar Volunteer Fire Department 106 5th St 402-224-3005 508 3rd St 402-224-5145 68935 68935 Hervert, James W, MD 68935 Physician Assistant Hass, Jason G, PA 315 N C St 402-224-3344 68935 Hohman, Judith Y, PA 315 N C St 402-224-3344 Anatomic Pathology Bedrnicek, Jiri B, MD Rose Brook Care Center 106 5th St 402-224-5015 68935 Elgin Ambulance Service Elgin Rescue Service 104 Pine St 402-843-5822 68636 Pharmacy/DME Supplier Elgin Pharmacy 112 S 2nd St 402-843-5555 Physician Assistant Ray, Kelli M, PA 116 N 2nd St 402-843-5910 68636 Elkhorn Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Caniglia, Susan T, CNP 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 68022 Cera, Jennifer L, CNP 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 Cozad, Julie A, CNP 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 68022 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 68022 68022 Dillon, Annette M, CNP 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 68022 Gilfillan, Angela M, CNP 1130 N 204th Ave 402-289-3377 Johnson, P J, CNP 1130 N 204th Ave 402-289-3377 68022 Lefler, Heidi A, CNP 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 Lunn, Janice L, CNP 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 68022 68022 68022 68022 Mayberry, Lori A, CNP 1130 N 204th Ave 402-289-3377 68022 Pecoraro, Wendy L, CNP 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 68935 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 68022 68022 Occupational Therapist 68022 20214 Veterans Dr, Ste 300 402-359-1422 68022 Maline, Jonathan C, DC 2949 N 204th St, Ste 108 402-991-8884 68022 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Affinity Biotech 1810 N 203rd St 402-289-0189 Emergency Medicine Ahlers, Kevin M, MD 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 Potach, Lauren M, PT 19303 Seward Plz 402-934-9722 Rathjen, Mark T, PT 68022 1405 N 205th St, Ste 140 402-289-5013 68022 Otolaryngology (ENT) Stodden, Michael, PT Huerter, James V, MD Sutton, Somer A, PT 1405 N 205th St, Ste 140 402-289-5013 68022 1130 N 204th Ave 402-289-3377 68022 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 1130 N 204th Ave 402-289-3377 68022 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 Ogren, Frederic P, MD Theiler, Mary J, PT Thomas, Tanner L, PT 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 Gentry, John D, MD Ulffers, Jacob D, PT 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1168 68022 Herbek, Eugene N, MD 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 Vanderheiden, Gina M, PT 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1168 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1168 68022 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 68022 402-815-1168 68022 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1168 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1168 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1168 68022 Devin, Robert S, MD Gustafson, Gary J, MD Krajicek, Michele E, MD McCaslin, Joseph T, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 Orton, Dale W, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 Quinn, James E, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 68022 68022 68022 Schroeder, Kelly S, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 Shuff, Chad A, DO 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 68022 68022 Stratton, Phillip M, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-354-2100 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 68022 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 68022 68022 Home Health Care Agency Community Home Health Elkhorn Rescue Squad Internal Medicine Frigyes, Laura A, MD 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1980 68022 Perry, Deborah A, MD 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 Wilson, Patrick C, PT 68022 Rasmussen, Andrew G, MD 402-289-3288 Witte, Michael R, PT 707 N 190th Plz Smith, Gregory S, MD Torell, Alan G, MD Williams, Thomas L, MD Pediatrics Mogenson, Michelle T, DO 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 Pharmacy/DME Supplier Yao, Chyun C, PT 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 Physician Assistant Brewer, Michaelyn M, PA 1130 N 204th Ave 402-289-3377 68022 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 68022 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 68022 McCutchen, Kristina M, PA Wilkinson, Traci L, PA Radiology Stodden Physical Therapy, DME Bladt, Lisa A, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 Physical Therapist 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 Bartels-Hiscock, Julie J, PT 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 1405 N 205th St, Ste 140 402-289-5013 68022 19303 Seward Plz 402-934-9722 Blum, Jamie, PT 68022 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 Corey, Heather A, PT 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 Crowe, Jamie C, PT 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 Davidson, Philip D, PT 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 Gross, Lisa K, PT 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 Hill, Sundee L, PT 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 Kleeman, Roland D, PT 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 62 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 Otten, Julie S, PT Pathology 68022 Ninemire, Taryn A, PT Oldehoeft, Adam J, PT 68022 Klaebisch, Pamela, OT 68022 1405 N 205th St, Ste 140 402-289-5013 68022 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 Scott, Judith A, DO Abel, James D, DC 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 201 402-933-3360 68022 68022 Ob-Gynecology 1408 Veterans Dr, Ste 102 402-289-3288 68022 Ambulance Service 20602 Laramie Rd 402-289-4422 68022 Chiropractor, Licensed 68022 68022 Kobza, Aaron M, PT Fox, Douglas N, OT Weedman, Douglas J, MD Youngblood, Jan E, CNP 1130 N 204th Ave 402-289-3377 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1168 Nevins, Diana L, MD 68022 Tosone, Nancy C, CNP 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 Timerding, Beverly L, MD Thielen, Jackie A, CNP 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 68022 Millemon, Laura R, MD Lawton-Peters, Sheila R, CNP 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1617 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1168 Kohl, Shane K, MD Fink, Suzette L, MD Dahir, Melissa A, CNP 717 N 190th Plz 402-815-1700 68022 Kelley, Kurt, DC 68636 Zuber, Steven H, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-1168 20316 Wirt St 402-289-5464 Purdy, Rhonda S, CNP Internal Medicine 715 N C St 402-461-5295 Skilled Nursing Facility Cawley, Kevin M, MD Christy, Paul S, MD Gibson, Merlyn D, MD Hilger, David J, MD Kutilek, Richard A, MD Marcus, Van L, MD McIntire, Robert H, MD Nelson, Kevin L, MD Nelson, Nick L, MD The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Osterholm, O D, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 Rucker, Temple S, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 Sing, Linda A, MD 68022 Skilled Nursing Facility Fairbury Ambulance Service Elwood Care Center 607 Smith Ave 308-785-3302 Alexandria Rescue Unit 68937 Emerson Vander Zwaag, Kristofer A, Ambulance Service 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68022 MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 Emerson Fire & Rescue 68022 Skilled Nursing Facility 205 Main St 402-695-2431 Physician Assistant 68022 Speech Therapist Macklem, Janet, St 1309 Ranch View Ln 402-289-2298 68022 Elm Creek Ambulance Service Elm Creek Rural Fire Protection Dist 535 W Boyd Ave 308-856-4197 402-695-2453 68733 1012 S Main St 402-695-2453 68733 Munderloh, Jeff L, PA Occupational Therapist Sughroue, Danette M, OT 414 E St 402-729-5181 68352 68352 118 Front St 308-236-5884 68836 Kenny, Matthew L, PT 118 Front St 308-236-5884 68836 Elmwood Ambulance Service Elmwood Rural Fire & Rescue Squad 601 4th St 402-994-2015 68349 Chiropractor, Licensed 68637 68352 Hospice of Tabitha Physician Assistant 1011 K St, Ste 4 402-729-2241 Breitkreutz, Jeffrey J, PA Physician Assistant 68637 68352 Nice, Brian B, PA 825 22nd St 402-729-3361 68352 825 22nd St 402-729-3361 68352 420 State St 308-728-4312 68637 Ruzicka, Dougals F, PA 68637 Van Skiver, Wendy M, PA Reilly, Robert, PA 105 W E St 402-890-1466 68349 Elwood Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Foss, Barbara J, CNP 202 N Smith Ave 308-785-3385 68937 Ambulance Service Elwood Rescue Squad 507 Ripley St 308-785-2480 101 E Chandler St 308-486-2531 68937 69028 Exeter Ambulance Service City of Exeter Volunteer Fire Dept 221 S Exeter Ave 402-266-3331 68351 68352 Arouni, Amy J, MD 2307 Barada St 402-245-2428 68355 Del Core, Michael G, MD 2200 H St 402-484-4848 68352 Agena, Amy L, PA 425 S Empire Ave 402-266-5341 68351 425 S Empire Ave 402-266-5341 68351 Hansen, Trevor H, PA 425 S Empire Ave 402-266-5341 68351 425 S Empire Ave 402-266-5341 68351 Zywiec, Heidi M, PA Dermatology Rustad, Elliott, MD 2307 Barada St 402-245-4475 68355 Family Medicine Symonds, John T, DO 1423 Stone St 402-245-3232 68355 General Practice 1423 Stone St 402-245-3232 68355 General Surgery Warren, Roderick, MD 2200 H St 402-729-3351 68352 504 N D St 402-726-2540 68938 Fairfield Volunteer Fire Dept 502 N D St 402-726-2540 68938 Fairmont Ambulance Service Village of Fairmont 605 F St 402-268-3341 68354 Skilled Nursing Facility Exeter Care Center Catlin, Sandra S, CNP 68351 68355 Jefferson Community Skilled Nursing Falls City Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 425 S Empire Ave 402-266-4501 1717 Stone St, Ste 2 402-245-3959 3307 Barada St 402-245-2428 Fairfield Fire & Rescue Physician Assistant Bartek, Thomas A, DC Skilled Nursing Facility Speece, Brett, DC 68351 Chiropractor, Licensed Sinning, Gary, MD Fairfield Ambulance Service 115 S Exeter Ave 402-266-2123 Hunter, Claire C, MD Jennings, Dorothy S, DO Radiology Chiropractor, Licensed Clark, Ronda K, PA Campbell, Corey J, DC 3307 Barada St 402-245-2428 68355 Urology Crusinberry, Richard A, MD Home Hospice Care Semin, Michele D, MD Fiddelke, Misti D, PT Community Medical Skilled Nursing 68355 Meyer, Jane A, CNP 2200 H St 402-729-3351 Eustis Rescue Squad 68836 68355 Farnam Ambulance Service 825 22nd St 402-729-3361 118 Front St 308-236-5884 Careage Estates SNF 1720 Burton Dr 402-245-4466 116 W 19th St 402-335-2988 2307 Barada St 402-245-4475 Keller, Gayle L, CNP 2307 Barada St 402-245-4475 68355 68355 68355 3307 Barada St 402-245-2428 68355 68355 Home Health Care Agency In-Home Health Care & Hospice 116 W 19th St 402-245-5968 68355 Home Hospice Care In-Home Health Care & Hospice 116 W 19th St 402-245-5968 68355 Orthopedic Surgery Miller, Brett A, MD 3307 Barada St 402-245-6521 68355 116 W 19th St 402-245-5968 Fort Calhoun Rescue Squad 600 N 14th St 402-468-5861 68023 Physician Assistant Garris, Matthew D, PA 1420 Clark St 402-468-4655 68023 Franklin Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Fuerst, Veronica L, CNP 121 15th Ave 308-425-6221 68939 121 15th Ave 308-425-6221 68939 Jackson, Diane K, CNP Murphy-Buschkoetter, Kathy L, CNP 121 15th Ave 308-425-6221 68939 Chiropractor, Licensed Lueking, Phillip J, DC 1406 Q St 308-991-3275 68939 General Surgery 68939 Orthopedic Surgery 68939 68355 Hawley, Ronald L, PA 121 15th Ave 308-425-6221 68355 68939 Radiology 68939 1406 Q St 308-425-6221 68939 1406 Q St 308-425-6221 68939 1406 Q St 308-425-6221 68939 1406 Q St 308-425-6221 68939 Johnson, Rodney L, MD Oconnell, Timothy J, MD Zefo, Nancy, MD Skilled Nursing Facility Franklin County Skilled Nursing 1406 Q St 308-425-6221 68939 1006 M St 308-425-6529 68939 Golden Livingcenter Franklin Urology Conant, Raymond W, MD 1406 Q St 402-425-6221 68939 1406 Q St 402-425-6221 68939 Halsted, David S, MD Fremont Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Armstrong, Kelly C, CNP 708 E 22nd St, Ste A 402-894-9990 708 E 22nd St, Ste B 402-727-9995 68025 Belmont, Elizabeth M, CNP 2540 N Healthy Way 402-727-1091 68025 750 E 29th St 402-753-2900 68025 Bishop, William J, CNP Camp-Grimit, Kimberly K, CNP 680 E Fremont Medical Park Dr 402-941-7245 68025 Coughlin, Neika L, CNP 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 1935 E Military Ave 402-727-7979 68025 230 E 22nd St, Ste 4 402-727-5336 68025 230 E 22nd St, Ste 4 402-727-5336 68025 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 750 E 29th St 402-753-2900 68025 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 450 E 23rd St 402-941-7030 68025 Firestone, Elizabeth, CNP Holland, Mary B, CNP Nielsen, Ailene A, CNP Pelan Johnson, Diane L, CNP Rowland, Sheri A, CNP 68939 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68025 Stewart, Jacqueline A, CNP Fuerst, Daniel, MD 1406 Q St 308-425-6221 Jones, Mary, PA 68939 1406 Q St 308-425-6221 Jerde, Richard, MD Heser, Patricia, CNP Doolittle, Doak P, MD 1406 Q St 308-425-6221 1406 Q St 308-425-6221 Dennis, Rhonda L, CNP Physician Assistant 68355 Physician Assistant 1423 Stone St 402-245-3232 Fort Calhoun Ambulance Service 1406 Q St 308-425-6221 Falls City Pharmacy In Home Health Care 69029 Wilkinson, Chris E, MD Pharmacy/DME Supplier 120 E 18th St 402-245-2029 68355 City of Farnam Rescue Squad 213 Main St 308-569-2355 Heyd, Robert, MD Lee, Jeffrey P, MD 68355 Eustis Ambulance Service Ehlers, Douglas D, PT Skilled Nursing Facility 2307 Barada St 402-245-2428 68836 68836 68355 Jefferson Community Health Ctr HHA 118 Front St 308-236-5884 118 Front St 308-236-5884 3307 Barada St 402-245-2428 2307 Barada St 402-245-2428 68836 Dahlgren, Gregg A, PT Professional Medical Transportation 68355 Gerdts, Coral, DPM 68355 420 State St 308-728-4312 Physical Therapist 1820 Towle St 402-245-5011 Cardiovascular Disease 118 Front St 308-236-5884 Wright, Jill R, OT Falls City Volunteer Ambulance 2403 Towle St 402-245-5570 Botz, Jeff A, DC Tatro, Thayne A, DC Ambulance Service 2307 Barada St 402-245-2428 420 State St 308-728-4312 68836 68352 Chiropractor, Licensed 68355 Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Home Health Care Agency Rasmussen, Rogene K, OT Farrar, David W, PA 118 Front St 308-236-5884 606 3rd St 402-729-3304 116 W 19th St 402-245-4458 Ericson Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 420 State St 308-728-4312 68836 68352 Jefferson County Ambulance-Dist. #33 1501 K St 402-430-6535 Kneifl, Quinn M, PA Life Care Center of Elkhorn 1012 S Main St 20275 Hopper St 402-289-2572 68733 Third & Harbine 402-749-3215 Scherling, Mary, CNP 63 Specialists and Other Providers Chouinard, Mark D, MD Allergy Hopp, Russell J, DO 220 E 22nd St 402-727-5500 2350 N Clarkson St 402-753-2900 68025 Kettelhut, Brett V, MD 68025 Ambulance Service City of Fremont Ambulance Service 400 E Military Ave 402-727-2633 68025 Ambulatory Surgical Center Fremont Surgical Center, LLC 840 E 29th St 402-941-7050 68025 NovaMed Surgery Center of Fremont 2727 N Clarkson St 402-727-8500 68025 Daubert, Andrea L, DO 68025 68025 Edwards, Jeffrey L, MD 708 E 22nd St, Ste B 402-727-9995 68025 Hawthorne, Jeffrey N, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-727-7990 68025 Magnino, Matthew J, MD 2727 N Clarkson St 402-727-8500 450 E 23rd St 402-727-7990 68025 68025 Raikar, Soubrata V, MD 1439 E 23rd St 402-721-8895 1760 County Rd J 402-721-8895 2727 N Clarkson St 402-727-8500 68025 68025 68025 Spoonhour, Thomas D, MD 2727 N Clarkson St 402-727-8500 450 E 23rd St 402-727-7990 68025 68025 Anesthesiology Pain Management Hawthorne, Jeffrey N, MD 2727 N Clarkson St 402-727-8500 68025 Dailey, Lori J, AuD 68025 68025 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 Miller Pharmacy Fiksinski, Edmund O, MD Guy, Douglas M, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 Hailu, Admassu Y, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 Henry, John S, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 68025 Khankirawatana, Banthit, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 Mahoney, Jeffrey M, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 426 E 22nd St 402-727-7796 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 68025 68025 Murphy, Sherrill K P, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 68025 2600 N Yager Rd, Ste 1001 402-753-3687 68025 1900 E Military Ave 402-721-1100 68025 Capek, Denise L, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-486-7142 68025 Christensen, Christopher M, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-727-3377 68025 Cunningham, Brian H, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 Engler, Renee L, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 Erway, Randall, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-486-7142 Hess, Bradley H, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 68025 68025 68025 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 Meyer, Jay R, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 Noordhoek, Elizabeth C, MD Peters, Michael H, MD Sears, Martin F, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 68025 1935 E Military Ave, Ste 2 402-721-5657 68025 450 E 23rd St 402-727-3377 68025 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 450 E 23rd St 402-486-7142 68025 Sojka, Stanislaw G, MD Sterns, David A, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 Chiropractor, Licensed 68025 Beach, Raymond M, DC 300 W 23rd St 402-721-1190 Brainard, Troy G, DC 1410 N Bell St 402-727-8668 68025 68025 Camenzind, Mary L, DC 1861 E 23rd St 402-721-1060 Duncan, Kate Z, DC 68025 68025 68025 Mahnke, Kenneth L, DC Stinnette, Scott, DC 68025 2155 E 23rd Ave S, Ste A 402-721-0336 68025 Dermatology Basler, Geoffrey C, MD 350 W 23rd St, Ste A 402-423-1111 1935 E Military Ave 402-727-7979 Heibel, Mark, MD 1540 N Bell St 402-488-6969 Dreyer, Stephen, MD 2830 N Clarkson St 402-721-6333 68025 68025 68025 Haroon, Muhammad S, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-941-7030 Haroon, Naila, MD 2727 N Clarkson St 402-727-5000 68025 68025 Herink, Rebecca L, MD 680 E Fremont Medical Park Dr, Ste 100 402-727-5200 68025 68025 450 E 23rd St 402-552-3015 68025 Leatherbury, Keith C, MD 2830 N Clarkson St 402-721-6333 68025 Home Health Care Agency Fremont Area Med Ctr Home Health 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 Home Hospice Care Fremont Area Medical Center Hospice 2350 N Clarkson St 402-941-7200 68025 Infectious Diseases Quimby, David S, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 Sukstorf, Angela C, MD 2540 N Healthy Way 402-727-1091 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 68025 Internal Medicine Adams, John M, MD 680 E Fremont Medical Park Dr, Ste 100 402-727-5200 68025 1040 N Bell St 402-727-7990 2727 N Clarkson St 402-727-8500 1439 E 23rd St 402-721-8895 68025 68025 68025 Seitz, Richard J, MD Buck, David, MD 680 E Fremont Medical Park Dr, Ste 100 402-727-5200 68025 Smith, Philip W, MD 68025 Starlin, Richard C, MD 68025 Maxillo-Facial Surgery 68025 Orthopedic Surgery 2740 N Clarkson St, Ste 100 402-721-0090 68025 Fischer, Brett, MD 2740 N Clarkson St, Ste 100 402-721-0090 68025 Ihle, Christopher L, MD 2740 N Clarkson St, Ste 100 402-721-0090 68025 840 E 29th St 402-721-0090 68025 McClellan, John W, MD Wendt, Stephen V, MD 68025 2740 N Clarkson St 402-496-0404 Pitz, Kenneth, MD 68025 2740 N Clarkson St, Ste 100 402-721-0090 68025 Neurological Surgery Otolaryngology Treves, John S, MD (ENT) 1439 E 23rd St 402-398-9243 68025 Neurology Tella, Manjula, MD 2735 N Clarkson St 402-727-9992 68025 415 E 23rd St, Ste A 800-228-3277 68025 Nurse Anesthetist Cutler, Edward, CRNA 1040 N Bell St 402-727-7990 2727 N Clarkson St 402-727-8500 68025 68025 Hinzmann, Stan L, CRNA 1040 N Bell St 402-727-7990 2727 N Clarkson St 402-727-8500 68025 68025 Larson, Jessica A, CRNA 1040 N Bell St 402-727-7990 2727 N Clarkson St 402-727-8500 68025 68025 Magnino, Kristie K, CRNA 1040 N Bell St 402-727-7990 2727 N Clarkson St 402-727-8500 68025 68025 Penny, Heath E, CRNA 1040 N Bell St 402-727-7990 2727 N Clarkson St 402-727-8500 840 E 29th St 402-727-7990 68025 68025 68025 Perry, Michael K, CRNA 338 N Main St 402-727-5586 68025 68025 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 1940 E Military Ave 402-721-1100 68025 Nebraska Medical Mart Ii, Inc. 2625 N Broad St 402-727-4270 68025 640 E 22nd St, Ste A 402-721-3337 68025 Psi Health Care, Inc. 410 E 22nd St 402-721-3908 68025 Corey, Heather A, PT 410 E 22nd St 402-721-3908 68025 410 E 22nd St 402-721-3908 68025 410 E 22nd St 402-721-3908 68025 2123 E 23rd Ave S 402-721-1112 68025 Crowe, Jamie C, PT Davidson, Philip D, PT Demuth, Chris M, PT Flynn, Thomas K, PT 2740 N Clarkson St, Ste 2 402-721-0235 68025 Gross, Lisa K, PT 410 E 22nd St 402-721-3908 68025 410 E 22nd St 402-721-3908 68025 Hill, Sundee L, PT Jazwick-Jakob, Jamie, PT 2740 N Clarkson St, Ste 2 402-721-0235 68025 Johnk, Krista S, PT 2740 N Clarkson St, Ste 2 402-721-0235 68025 Linnaus, Melanie L, PT 2740 N Clarkson St, Ste 2 402-721-0235 68025 Morris, Michelle L, PT 2740 N Clarkson St, Ste 2 402-721-0235 68025 Murray, Paul E, PT Fremont Area Medical Center Ortho Care Inc. 68025 Blum, Jamie, PT 2740 N Clarkson St, Ste 2 402-721-0235 68025 Pharmacy/DME Supplier Miller Pharmacy 410 E 22nd St 402-721-3908 McFee, Ryann M, PT Kuo, Timothy, MD 1550 E 23rd St 402-721-2623 Betsworth, Diana L, PT 2740 N Clarkson St, Ste 2 402-721-0235 68025 Dix, Nicole L, DO 230 E 22nd St, Ste 4 402-727-5336 700 E 29th St 402-721-3133 2740 N Clarkson St, Ste 2 402-721-0235 68025 Brown, Fred, PT Klaebisch, Pamela, OT 680 E Fremont Medical Park Dr, Ste 100 402-727-5200 68025 1437 E 23rd St 402-721-3600 68025 Ob-Gynecology 410 E 22nd St 402-721-3908 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 Svoboda, Mary F, CRNA Robertson, Thomas S, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 Occupational Therapist Prevan, Andrea M, DO 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 Schlautman, Mary L, CRNA Belt, Ashley, PT 68025 Thedinger, Britt A, MD Howard, Thomas, MD Beach, Randall R, DC 300 W 23rd St 402-721-1190 Schott, Todd C, DO General Surgery 68025 680 E Fremont Medical Park Dr, Ste 100 402-727-5200 68025 2560 N Healthy Way 402-727-5863 Hogue, John H, MD Olson, Charles E, MD Dilley, Roger W, MD Emergency Medicine Lund, Bryce H, MD 68025 Basler, Rodney, MD Cassling, Randal S, MD 64 Lincare Inc. 68025 Cardiovascular Disease 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 748 E Military Ave 402-721-2818 Latacha, Matthew P, MD 841 E 23rd St 402-727-6021 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 511 N D St 402-721-6372 Cardiac Electrophysiology 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 Diamantis, Steven J, MD 68025 McKnight, Evelyn, AuD 415 E 23rd St, Ste A 402-721-8960 American Home Health Care Co. - DME Camenzind, Randy J, DC Holmes, Deena L, AuD 3010 E 23rd St 402-941-5050 68025 1861 E 23rd St 402-721-1060 Audiologist 415 E 23rd St, Ste A 402-721-8960 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 Morgan, James R, MD Anesthesiology 1040 N Bell St 402-727-7990 2727 N Clarkson St 402-727-8500 68025 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Dehning, Michael M, MD 68025 1935 E Military Ave 402-391-1800 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 1900 E Military Ave, Ste 212 402-727-8687 68025 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Fremont Care Center Nye Pointe 2740 N Clarkson St, Ste 2 402-721-0235 68025 Ninemire, Taryn A, PT 410 E 22nd St 402-721-3908 68025 410 E 22nd St 402-721-3908 68025 410 E 22nd St 402-721-3908 68025 2123 E 23rd Ave S 402-721-1112 68025 Oldehoeft, Adam J, PT Otten, Julie S, PT Petersen, Chris, PT Post, Troy, PT 2740 N Clarkson St, Ste 2 402-721-0235 68025 Rickard, Wendy R, PT 2123 E 23rd Ave S 402-721-1112 Sehi, John R, PT 68025 2740 N Clarkson St, Ste 2 402-721-0235 68025 Sutton, Somer A, PT 2700 Laverna St 402-721-9300 68025 410 E 22nd St 402-721-3908 68025 3210 N Clarkson St 402-721-9300 68025 2123 E 23rd Ave S 402-721-1112 68025 410 E 22nd St 402-721-3908 68025 410 E 22nd St 402-721-3908 68025 410 E 22nd St 402-721-3908 68025 410 E 22nd St 402-721-3908 68025 Nye Legacy Nye Square Wellness Center 655 W 23rd St 402-721-9224 68025 Physical Therapist Behney, Kelly G, PT 2740 N Clarkson St, Ste 2 402-721-0235 68025 Tessendorf, Ross, PT Theiler, Mary J, PT Ulffers, Jacob D, PT Vanderheiden, Gina M, PT Wilson, Patrick C, PT The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Witte, Michael R, PT 410 E 22nd St 402-721-3908 Yao, Chyun C, PT 410 E 22nd St 402-721-3908 68025 Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody 68025 Halverson, Charles M, DPM Physician Assistant Belitz, Jenny S, PA 350 W 23rd St, Ste A 402-721-7077 Cerone, Laura A, PA 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 68025 Exstrom, Bryce A, PA 350 W 23rd St, Ste C 402-721-5727 350 W 23rd St, Ste D 402-721-8800 350 W 23rd St, Ste G 402-753-6063 68025 68025 68025 Francis, Jessica L, PA 350 W 23rd St, Ste A 402-721-7077 68025 Guzinski, Rebecca L, PA 415 E 23rd St, Ste A 402-727-7191 Hillyer, Chad, PA 1935 E Military Ave 402-727-7979 68025 68025 Vukonich, James, DPM 850 N Main St 402-721-2698 68025 Pulmonary Diseases Ahmed, Naeem Z, MD 2540 N Healthy Way 402-941-1247 68025 680 E Fremont Medical Park Dr, Ste 300 402-941-7245 68025 Keim, Lon W, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-727-3733 68025 Radiation Oncology Pieck, Janet S, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-727-3580 68025 68025 68025 Cook, Carter N, MD 450 E 23rd St 402-721-4866 68025 Johannsen, Mark C, MD 68025 450 E 23rd St 402-721-4866 68025 415 E 23rd St, Ste A 402-727-7191 68025 450 E 23rd St 402-721-4866 68025 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 Skilled Nursing Facility Hutsell, Kylie M, PA Jones, Ami S, PA Kisby, Larry G, PA 2540 N Healthy Way 402-727-1091 Loontjer, Kevin G, PA 68025 Martinez, Cherie R, PA Miller, Keri A, PA 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 Otto, Kerri S, PA 1935 E Military Ave 402-727-7979 68025 68025 68025 Roessner, Barbara E, PA 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 2550 N Nye Ave 402-727-1710 68025 2700 Laverna St 402-727-4900 68025 Fremont Care Center Nye Square Limited 655 W 23rd St 402-721-9224 68025 68025 Schmidt, Raeann, PA 68025 68025 2740 N Clarkson St, Ste 100 402-721-0090 68025 Schroeder, Dara M, PA 220 E 22nd St 402-727-5500 415 E 23rd St, Ste A 402-727-7191 Stenger, Katy C, PA 350 W 23rd St, Ste C 402-721-5727 350 W 23rd St, Ste D 402-721-8800 350 W 23rd St, Ste G 402-753-6063 Stenvers, Lisa M, PA 350 W 23rd St, Ste C 402-721-5727 350 W 23rd St, Ste D 402-721-8800 350 W 23rd St, Ste G 402-753-6063 Trebil, Jennifer J, PA 450 E 23rd St 402-721-1610 68025 68025 68025 68025 68025 68025 68025 68025 68025 Wiekamp, Julie M, PA 415 E 23rd St, Ste A 402-727-7191 68025 Sleep Center of Fremont 330 E 23rd St 402-727-7768 68025 Urology Khan, Ansar U, MD 2735 N Clarkson St 402-727-5000 68025 68025 Yohannes, Paulos, MD 2735 N Clarkson St 402-727-5000 68025 Friend Ambulance Service City of Friend Ambulance Service 235 Maple St 402-641-1482 68359 Family Medicine Hollibaugh, Becky, DO 905 2nd St 402-947-9355 Schilz, Suree M, PA 1210 2nd St 402-947-2021 68359 Fullerton Ambulance Service Fullerton Rescue Unit 201 Fuller St 308-536-2428 68359 Physical Therapist Herring, Marnie B, PT 2970 10th St 308-633-5361 Tabitha Inc. 68361 Mangus, Charles R, PT 1014 G St 402-759-4433 68361 Moravec, Michael W, PT 2970 10th St 308-633-5361 69341 Physician Assistant 2970 10th St 308-633-5361 Fox, Marirose, PA Physician Assistant 1323 H St 402-759-4485 68361 Skilled Nursing Facility Fillmore County Skilled Nursing 1325 H St 402-759-3167 68361 Family Medicine Buhlke, Brian K, DO Genoa Rescue 68638 69341 854 G St 402-759-3192 Genoa Ambulance Service 68638 516 Willard Ave 402-993-2200 68640 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 975 Crescent Dr 308-635-3089 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Carrington, John P, PA 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 975 Crescent Dr 308-635-3089 Herman, Carol M, PA 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 975 Crescent Dr 308-635-3089 Kurtz, Kimberly, PA 69341 69341 69341 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Chheda, Gitesh D, MD Blackstone, Thomas D, DC 3350 10th St 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Dangleis, Keith C, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Radiology 202 N Esther St 308-536-2488 Geneva Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 942 N 13th St 402-759-3802 68361 Ambulance Service Geneva Rescue Unit 847 H St 402-759-4346 68361 505 S Park St 402-993-2206 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 68640 69341 68640 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Nutting, Charles W, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Otte, Michael T, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Payne, Michael J, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Porter, David J, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Ricci, Peter E, MD 308-635-3089 69341 Sandberg, Alison L, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Schomer, Donald F, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Smazal, Stanley F, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Sonin, Andrew H, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Spencer, Elizabeth B, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Wang, Samuel C, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Wheeler, Shane C, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Yee, Dominic C, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 Skilled Nursing Facility 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 Northfield Villa Healthcare Center 69341 69341 Chiropractor, Licensed 1605 10th St 308-436-2801 Boggs, Todd, DC 1605 10th St 308-436-2801 Brown, Floyd E, DC 455 M St 308-436-2933 Mark, Samuel, DC 1335 M St 308-436-7176 Wills, Daryl, DC 1335 M St 308-436-7176 68361 69341 69341 69341 69341 69341 Blomstedt, John E, DO Home Hospice Care Hospice of Tabitha 68361 69341 Internal Medicine Packard, William M, MD 3350 10th St 308-632-2540 69341 Otolaryngology (ENT) Andersen, Scott R, MD Baker, Kim B, MD Bellon, Richard J, MD Brenneman, Janice K, MD Burmeister, Glen E, MD Dobrow, Malcolm S, MD Dreisbach, James N, MD Dungan, David H, MD Enriquez, Louie S, MD Essary, Brendan F, MD Fleishman, Matthew J, MD Freestone, Kristin A, MD Frei, Donald F, MD Kleager, Louis E, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 975 Crescent Dr 308-635-3089 Luethke, James M, MD McLaughlin, Christopher G, MD Gering Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 1275 Sage St 308-436-2101 Ourada, Steven N, DC 854 G St 402-759-3192 Watton, Steve, PA Lozano, Kay D, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 Family Medicine Chiropractor, Licensed 139 N 9th St 402-759-3892 505 S Park St 402-993-2206 68640 Burkhart, Jodene B, CNP 68638 Lingam-Nattamai, Sharmila, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 Abramson, Simeon D, MD Golden Livingcenter Fullerton Kaske, Terese I, MD 69341 Physician Assistant Skilled Nursing Facility Johnson, Kevin K, MD 1275 Sage St 308-436-2101 Stahly, Michelle J, PA Anderson, Grant, PA 68638 Hsieh, Paul S, MD Kelly, Jason L, MD 68638 901 Broadway St 308-536-2458 69341 Hopper, Orlin W, MD 69341 405 Broadway St 402-536-2446 68638 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 505 S Park St 402-993-2206 405 Broadway St 308-536-2446 69341 Gunther, Phillip B, MD 308-635-3089 69341 68638 68638 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 Blankenship, Joseph D, PA 3350 10th St 901 Broadway St 308-536-2458 901 Broadway St 308-536-2458 69341 Griffin, Dennis J, MD 69341 Buhlke, Brian K, DO 68638 69341 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 Graham, Jess A, MD 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 Beaver, Jacqueline K, PA Griepenstroh, Lindsey S, PA 3350 10th St 308-635-3089 69341 Family Medicine Brugman, Jacquelyn J, PA Gaynor, Laurence F, MD 975 Crescent Dr 308-635-3089 Physician Assistant Weber, Kristi M, CNP Felt, Gerald C, MD 2735 N Clarkson St 402-727-5000 68359 Physician Assistant Stokes, Anita R, PA Sleep Disorder Schiermann, Lynnda M, PA Diagnostic 350 W 23rd St, Ste A 402-721-7077 905 2nd St 402-947-2204 Pharmacy/DME Supplier Weaver Pharmacy Tabitha Inc. Ray, Kelli M, PA Fremont Care Center Nye Legacy 3210 N Clarkson St 402-721-9300 68359 Pharmacy/DME Supplier McLaughlin, Brandon L, PA 450 E 23rd St 402-727-3795 Arbor Manor 905 2nd St 402-947-2204 901 Broadway St 308-536-2458 A. J. Merrick Manor 2740 N Clarkson St, Ste 100 402-721-0090 68025 415 E 23rd St, Ste A 402-727-7191 Soe, Michael D, MD Hospice of Tabitha 901 Broadway St 308-536-2458 Radiology Homan, Thomas W, PA 220 E 22nd St 402-727-5500 415 E 23rd St, Ste A 402-727-7191 1540 N Bell St 402-721-7171 Home Hospice Care Friedland, Jeffrey A, MD 69341 2550 21st St 308-436-3104 69341 69341 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 65 Specialists and Other Providers Burmeister, Glen E, MD Gibbon Skilled Nursing Facility 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 1011 7th St 308-468-5353 68840 Glenvil Ambulance Service Glenvil Fire and Rescue 201 Winters Ave 402-771-2283 68941 Gordon Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Banks, Cassie M, CNP 807 N Ash St 308-282-1442 69343 Ambulance Service Gordon Volunteer Rescue Squad 311 N Oak St 308-282-0837 69343 Chiropractor, Licensed 69343 69343 Home Health Care Agency Gordon Memorial Home Health Care 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 69343 Pharmacy/DME Supplier Physical Therapist Marlatt, Kimberly, PT Physician Assistant Costa, Lety E, PA 69343 807 N Ash St 308-282-0401 69343 Radiology Abramson, Simeon D, MD 69343 Andersen, Scott R, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Baker, Kim B, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 69343 69343 Bellon, Richard J, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 69343 Brenneman, Janice K, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 66 69343 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 69343 Pharmacy/DME Supplier 69343 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 69343 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Dreisbach, James N, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Dungan, David H, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 69343 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Frei, Donald F, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Griffin, Dennis J, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Hopper, Orlin W, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Hsieh, Paul S, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Kaske, Terese I, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Lingam-Nattamai, Sharmila, MD 69343 69343 69343 69343 69343 69343 69343 69343 69343 69343 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 69343 McLaughlin, Christopher G, MD 523 10th St 308-537-3600 69138 Doht, Kimberly A, CNP 69343 69343 69138 69138 Cardiovascular Disease 910 20th St 308-537-3661 69138 910 20th St 308-537-3661 69138 Chiropractor, Licensed 69343 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 69343 Mahar, Amy, PA 69138 69138 Beard, Douglas W, MD 910 20th St 308-537-3661 69138 68803 1300 S Locust St, Ste A 308-381-3800 68801 Duba, Janet R, CNP 910 20th St 308-537-3661 69138 425 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-3278 68803 902 20th St 308-537-7131 69138 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 910 20th St 308-537-3661 69138 2337 N Webb Rd 308-384-7625 68803 McReynolds, Joel G, PA Salomon, Aaron I, PA Scheele, Jodie L, PA Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Burns, Gregory, DPM 69138 Fuerst, Daniel, MD 910 20th St 308-537-3661 910 20th St 308-537-3661 Jerde, Richard, MD 910 20th St 308-537-3661 910 20th St 308-537-3661 910 20th St 308-537-3661 910 20th St 308-537-3661 69138 69138 69138 69138 69138 69138 69138 Skilled Nursing Facility Hilltop Estates 2520 Avenue M 308-537-7138 69138 69138 Urology Williams, Laroy E, MD 910 20th St 308-537-3661 Gibson, Dale R, CNP Hardy, Elizabeth A, CNP Harvey, Mark W, CNP 1300 S Locust St, Ste A 308-381-3800 425 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-3278 705 Orleans Dr 308-398-6063 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 425 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-3278 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 Hays, Rita, CNP 2116 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5450 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 68801 68803 68803 68803 68803 69138 68803 68803 Powers, Geralyn C, CNP 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 Reed, Jill, CNP 68803 1300 S Locust St, Ste A 308-381-3800 68801 Rogers, Alice I, CNP 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 Shipman, Amy, CNP 68803 68803 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 2337 N Webb Rd 308-384-7625 68803 Stutzman, Victoria L, CNP Thom, Amanda M, CNP 1300 S Locust St, Ste A 308-381-3800 68801 Turek, Sheila A, CNP 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 68803 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 68803 715 W Anna St 308-398-0350 68801 Unverferth, Virginia, CNP Uridil, Amy S, CNP Weber, Kristi M, CNP Williams, Stephanie R, CNP 1300 S Locust St, Ste A 308-381-3800 68801 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5588 68803 Wilton, Darla J, CNP 1300 S Locust St, Ste A 308-381-3800 68801 Yule, Jane K, CNP 2337 N Webb Rd 308-384-7625 68803 Allergy Brownell, Jaine M, MD 68801 3016 W Faidley Ave 308-384-0133 68803 1806 N Cleburn St 308-381-1700 68801 68803 68803 68803 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 68803 68803 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 Nahrstedt, Dawn G, CNP 1300 S Locust St, Ste A 308-381-3800 68801 Nelson, Deborah, CNP 2116 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5450 68803 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 Ott, Rebecca, CNP 68803 1806 N Cleburn St 308-381-1700 Klausen, Cheryl A, CNP Morgan, Isabel, CNP 425 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-3278 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 68803 820 N Alpha St 308-384-7200 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 Peters, Katie, CNP 68801 Jensen, Jeremiah, CNP Larsen, Janelle, CNP 2337 N Webb Rd 308-384-7625 1806 N Cleburn St 308-381-1700 Huenink, Janet L, CNP 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 Perry, Patricia R, CNP 68803 Lonowski, Andrea E, CNP Gothenburg Memorial Skilled Nursing 910 20th St 308-537-3361 Ellison, Brendie D, CNP Hatch, Julie R, CNP Johnson, Rodney L, MD Zefo, Nancy, MD Harrington, John D, MD 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 1300 S Locust St, Ste D 308-398-0350 68801 Oconnell, Timothy J, MD General Surgery 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 69138 910 20th St 308-537-3661 69138 1300 S Locust St, Ste A 308-381-3800 68801 902 20th St 308-537-7131 Lee, Jeffrey P, MD Orthopedic Surgery Payne, Michael J, MD Physician Assistant Heyd, Robert, MD Gothenburg Memorial Hospital HHA 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Still, Richard C, PT Radiology 69343 69343 Nelson, Errin M, PT Ambulance Service 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Otte, Michael T, MD McMeen, Jeffrey R, PT Gothenburg Volunteer Fire Dept 910 20th St 308-537-2174 68803 69343 Home Health Care Agency 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 Magill, Joshua C, PT 910 20th St 308-537-3661 910 20th St 308-537-3661 Berry, Linda, CNP 68803 Carpenter, Colleen, CNP 69343 Obregon, Richard G, MD Physical Therapist 68803 69138 Hofman, Carol, CNP 417 9th St 308-537-3691 69138 1600 N Custer Ave 308-384-2265 2124 N Lafayette Ave 308-384-2289 523 10th St 308-537-3600 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Nutting, Charles W, MD 902 Avenue D, Ste 102 308-537-7155 69343 Hiebner, Royce, DC 69343 Gothenburg Pharmacy Beaty, Susan E, CNP Brey, Beth, CNP Gothenburg Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 610 10th St 308-537-3677 69138 69138 McGowan, Daniel J, MD 69343 902 Avenue D, Ste 102 308-537-7727 523 10th St 308-537-3600 Kirubakaran, Azariah, MD 69343 Frontier Home Medical 2116 W Faidley Ave, Ste 200 308-381-8636 68803 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 69343 Waller, William C, MD 619 10th St 308-537-3673 Baxter, Mary, CNP Borden, Sandra L, CNP Urology 807 N Ash St 308-282-1442 69138 69138 Gordon Memorial Hospital 69343 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Yee, Dominic C, MD 69343 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Lozano, Kay D, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Meyer, Mark H, MD 69138 Grand Island Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 523 10th St 308-537-3600 Wheeler, Shane C, MD Skilled Nursing Facility Gunther, Phillip B, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 69343 Spencer, Elizabeth B, MD 69343 Gaynor, Laurence F, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 69343 Sonin, Andrew H, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Freestone, Kristin A, MD 69343 Smazal, Stanley F, MD 69343 Fleishman, Matthew J, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Schomer, Donald F, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Essary, Brendan F, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Sandberg, Alison L, MD 69343 Enriquez, Louie S, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Ricci, Peter E, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Luethke, James M, MD 69343 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Kelly, Jason L, MD 69343 Larson, Ronda L, PA 69343 910 20th St 308-537-3661 Johnson, Kevin K, MD 69343 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 807 N Ash St 308-282-1442 69343 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Dobrow, Malcolm S, MD 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Stockman's Drug Co. 100 S Main St 308-282-0203 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Lias, Jeffrey D, MD 116 N Main St 308-282-1114 69343 Dangleis, Keith C, MD Graham, Jess A, MD General Surgery 299 N Main St 308-282-1164 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Benavides, David A, MD 910 20th St 308-537-3661 Friedland, Jeffrey A, MD Freeseman, John, DC 229 N Main St 308-282-1154 69343 300 E 8th St 308-282-0401 Chheda, Gitesh D, MD Gibbon Good Samaritan Center Porter, David J, MD Nilsson, Thomas C, MD Rustad, Elliott, MD Zieg, George A, MD Ambulance Service City of Grand Island Ambulance 100 E 1st St 308-385-5444 68801 622 E 8th St 308-382-9191 68801 Rural Metro Medical Services Ambulatory Surgical Center Grand Island Surgery Center 3610 Richmond Cir 308-384-6400 68803 810 N Diers Ave, Ste A 308-381-0100 68803 Orthopaedic Surgicenter The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Kosmicki, Douglas L, MD Anesthesiology 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 Albers, Curtis, MD 2012 Barbara Ave 308-382-7744 3610 Richmond Cir 308-384-6400 Markiewicz, Richard J, MD 68803 Martin, Steven L, MD 68803 Netz, Douglas D, MD Hawkins, David M, DO 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-384-4600 Lonser, Alfred R, MD 705 Orleans Dr 308-398-6063 Rauch, Traci A, MD 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-384-4600 Vincent, Craig R, MD 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-384-4600 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 Gortemaker, Joshua J, MD 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-384-4600 68803 68803 68803 68803 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 Audiologist 68803 68803 Studley, Blake A, AuD 702 N Alpha St 308-384-2101 704 N Alpha St 308-384-5700 68803 68803 Cardiovascular Disease 68803 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 Tyndall, Steve, MD Bartu, John, DC Arteaga, Roque, MD 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 68803 68803 Ayala, Kaliprasad, MD 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 Bajwa, Harpaul S, MD Chaudhuri, Pradipta, MD 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 Dionisopoulos, Peter N, MD 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 Friesen, Clayton J, MD 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 Fruehling, Erich R, MD 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 Gallagher, Peter L, MD 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 Heirigs, Ricky, MD 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 Jain, Anuj, MD 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 King, Jeffrey, MD 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 Heartland Home Care, Inc. U Save Pharmacy Saint Francis Hospital Home Health 2604 Saint Patrick Ave, Ste 2 308-384-9191 68803 3224 W 13th St 308-384-9010 68803 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 Erway, Randall, MD 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-384-4600 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 620 N Custer Ave 308-381-1312 68803 Kruger, Jason, MD 68801 Hicken, Tiffany A, DC 68801 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 Meinecke, Jason J, DC 810 N Diers Ave, Ste D 308-381-8299 68803 Pomajzl, Randy L, DC 3008 W Stolley Park Rd, Ste 3 308-381-5554 68801 Rief, Scott P, DC 622 N Webb Rd, Ste A 308-384-4955 Rodocker, Kerry, DC Saint Francis Hospice 68803 68803 68803 68803 68803 68803 68803 68803 Waind, Ryan, DC 68803 Dermatology Alberts, Jennifer H, MD 505 N Diers Ave 308-384-9300 Corey, Susan H, MD 505 N Diers Ave 308-384-9300 68803 68803 Diagnostic Radiology Grand Island Imaging Center 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 Good Samaritan HME 2116 W Faidley Ave 308-865-7100 68803 68803 68803 Walters, Nathan J, MD 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-384-4600 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 68803 68803 Family Medicine 908 N Howard Ave, Ste 108 308-381-2224 68803 908 N Howard Ave, Ste 108 328-381-2224 68803 General Surgery 820 N Alpha St 308-384-7200 820 N Alpha St 308-384-7200 68803 68803 68803 Schneider, Steven, MD 820 N Alpha St 308-384-7200 68803 68803 Infectious Diseases Sandkovsky, Uriel S, MD 2620 W Faidley Ave 402-559-5750 68803 Anderson, Jay, MD 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 68803 Bodonyi-Kovacs, Gabor, MD 908 N Howard Ave, Ste 102 308-382-1634 68803 Cannella, John, MD 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 Colan, David R, MD 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 425 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-3278 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 Crouch, Ryan D, DO 800 N Alpha St 308-382-2010 68803 Morse, Anne K, MD 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 425 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-3278 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 Maxillo-Facial Surgery Peterson, Gregg A, MD 710 W Koenig St 308-384-1172 68801 Neurology 705 Orleans Dr 308-398-6063 68803 705 Orleans Dr 308-398-6063 68803 Nurse Anesthetist Ebert, Traci, CRNA 68803 Larrick, Jennifer A, CRNA 68803 68803 68803 68803 68803 68803 68803 68803 68803 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 Stanley, Andrea L, OT Walsh-Sterup, Mary M, OT 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 300 308-382-0344 68803 Wardyn, Ann M, OT 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 Woodis, Lindsay, OT 68803 68803 Al-Hazzouri, Ahmed, MD 2116 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5450 68803 3610 Richmond Cir 308-384-6400 68803 2116 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5450 68803 McAndrew, Nancy L, CRNA Ramaekers, Ryan C, MD Obrecht, William M, CRNA Talkington, Holly, CRNA 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 Eriksen, Scott A, OT 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 Friesen, Delton, OT Cahoy, Philip M, MD 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 200 308-384-5400 68803 Franssen, Scott, DO 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 200 308-384-5400 68803 Fuller, Jonathan E, MD 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 200 402-496-0404 68803 Albers, Christine S, OT Bainter, Sue, OT Orthopedic Surgery 68803 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 300 308-382-0344 68803 Frost, Gillian, OT Ichtertz, Dolf R, MD 716 N Alpha St 308-389-3312 Lemek, Scott A, MD 68803 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 200 308-384-5400 68803 Lesiak, Laurence, MD 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 200 308-384-5400 68803 Longley, Michael C, MD 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 200 402-496-0404 68803 McCarty, Michael L, MD 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 200 308-384-5400 68803 Sextro, Gregory S, MD 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 200 308-384-5400 68803 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 Otolaryngology (ENT) 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 Hartman, Carlotta, OT Hauser, Elizabeth A, OT Hoffman, Debra A, OT 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 Hudson, Christa, OT 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 John, Lisabeth L, OT 68803 Goble, Richard E, MD 704 N Alpha St 308-384-5700 68803 704 N Alpha St 308-384-5700 68803 704 N Alpha St 308-384-5700 68803 Knudsen, Timothy D, MD Nabity, Thomas S, MD 68803 Pathology 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 810 N Diers Ave, Ste F 308-398-5170 68803 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1807 68803 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1807 68803 Leiting, Teresa A, OT Mack, Andrea, OT Frankforter, Scott A, MD Keenportz, Brent, MD Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68803 68803 68803 68803 416 N Diers Ave 308-381-2424 3610 Richmond Cir 308-382-7744 Occupational Therapist 68803 68803 Oncology 68803 68803 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 68803 68803 68803 Nordhues, Dawn M, OT 68801 3610 Richmond Cir 308-384-6400 68803 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 810 N Diers Ave, Ste F 308-398-5170 Janky, Thomas L, CRNA 214 Lakeside Dr 308-385-2830 3610 Richmond Cir 308-384-6400 68803 McCarraher, Christine M, OT Suminski, Jodi C, OT Paraiso, Joel O, MD 3610 Richmond Cir 308-384-6400 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 Rathjen, Rebecca, OT 68803 McDonald, Jane A, MD 425 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-3278 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 68803 68803 Landis, William J, MD 800 N Alpha St 308-382-2010 800 N Alpha St 308-382-2010 3610 Richmond Cir 308-384-6400 Hageman, Travis S, MD 2444 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1100 68803 Wagoner, John A, MD 68803 908 N Howard Ave, Ste 102 402-463-2344 68803 Hrnicek, Gordon, MD 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 Swift, David, MD Schlichting, Ivan R, CRNA Habash, Ramez J, MD 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 68803 68803 Copur, Mehmet S, MD 2116 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5450 Malander, Jenna J, OT 800 N Alpha St 308-382-2010 3610 Richmond Cir 308-384-6400 Brown, Jennifer L, MD 2808 Old Fair Rd, Ste I 308-382-9266 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 Saleem, Zakaria, MD Sanner, Colin C, MD Mickels, Kimberly, MD Cronk, Daniel, MD 820 N Alpha St 308-384-7200 2116 W Faidley Ave 308-398-2600 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 Walk, Louis B, DO Luebbe, Brant, MD 3022 W Old Potash Hwy 308-381-2416 68803 68803 68803 Apria Healthcare, Inc. 68803 68803 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 68803 68803 68803 68803 Schott, Todd C, DO 1425 N Webb Rd 308-389-6002 Internal Medicine 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 Goering, John, MD 68803 68803 Rounsborg, Terry L, MD Running, David, MD 2923 W Stolley Park Rd 308-398-2255 68801 603 S Webb Rd 308-398-1900 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 2604 Saint Patrick Ave, Ste 2 308-384-9191 68803 Hospice of Tabitha Ohlson, Cory L, MD 68803 Walgreens Infusion Services 68803 68803 1804 Forrest St 308-382-3666 Iverson, Casey, DC 2842 Old Fair Rd 308-389-6002 Home Hospice Care 3103 W Stolley Park Rd, Ste 102 308-381-8171 68801 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 68803 68803 Noordhoek, Elizabeth C, MD Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Korpas, Denes, MD 68803 McGahan, Michael J, MD 68803 908 N Howard Ave, Ste 103 308-237-2263 68803 68803 Gubbels, Cindy A, MD Hoover, Barry, MD Hanssen, Gaylord H, DC 2116 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5880 68801 Agency Capek, Denise L, MD 68803 Dunagan, Timothy L, DC 312 N Elm St, Ste 112 308-398-1128 Emergency Medicine Tabitha Home Health 620 N Custer Ave 308-381-1312 706 W 4th St 308-382-7470 68803 Griego, Natalie A, MD 68801 3404 W 13th St, Ste 115 308-382-2222 68803 706 W 4th St 308-382-7470 68801 Home Health Care Agency Option Care Enterprises, Inc. 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-382-6856 3610 Richmond Cir 308-382-6856 68803 Kirubakaran, Azariah, MD 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 Cobler, Thomas, DC 703 W 3rd St 308-381-7030 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 Chiropractor, Licensed Howard, Kevin G, DC Ackerman, Stephen, MD 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 800 N Alpha St 308-382-2010 68803 Dunagan, Brian, DC Foss, Craig A, AuD 702 N Alpha St 308-384-2101 704 N Alpha St 308-384-5700 68803 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 527 N Diers Ave, Ste 2 308-384-4335 Meyer, J Paul, MD 68803 Rundlett, Rebecca S, MD W 1st St Anesthesiology Pain 702 308-381-1090 Management Benson, Eric, DC 603 N Diers Ave, Ste 2 308-398-1147 68803 Lincare Inc. 67 Specialists and Other Providers Mleczko, Kris L, MD 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1807 Flynn, Thomas K, PT 68803 603 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-4418 68803 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 Woodward, Suzette A, MD 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1807 Pharmacy/DME Supplier 68803 Central Nebraska Home Care 2004 N Webb Rd 308-384-9333 68803 Central Nebraska Rehab Serv. - DME 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 Frontier Home Medical 802 N Webb Rd 308-384-4799 68803 Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics East 722 N Diers Ave 308-398-2242 68803 Nebraska Orthotic & Prosthetic Srv. 722 N Diers Ave 308-398-2242 Pacific Pulmonary Services 723 N Custer Ave 308-381-9839 68803 68803 68803 Tabitha Inc. 1425 N Webb Rd 308-389-6002 U Save Pharmacy 2105 S Locust St 308-382-3784 68803 309 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-4418 Hedman, Travis L, PT Holling, John, PT Johnsen, Jeremiah J, PT 309 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-4418 603 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-4418 Jones, Angela M, PT 68803 68801 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 68803 68803 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 300 308-382-0344 68803 Kalvoda, Michael, PT 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 300 308-382-0344 68803 Lackore, Peggy, PT 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 Lindsteadt, Jill E, PT 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 68803 Linnaus, Melanie L, PT 603 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-4418 McCallum, Kurt, PT Shopko Pharmacy #2056 2208 N Webb Rd 308-382-6744 68803 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 300 308-382-0344 68803 Ben's Drug Store 3003 Frontage Rd 308-398-0538 Wood, Robert M, PT 68803 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 300 308-382-0344 68803 McCune, Josie L, PT 659 Orleans Dr 308-398-2170 McFee, Ryann M, PT 603 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-4418 68803 McIntyre, Karen L, PT 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 300 308-382-0344 68803 68803 Saint Francis Medical Center Rehab 2620 W Faidley Ave 402-384-4600 68803 Physical Therapist Bamesberger, Beth J, PT 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 929 S Locust St 308-391-0747 68803 Bednar, Thomas, PT 68801 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 300 308-382-0344 68803 Behney, Kelly G, PT 309 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-4418 Berggren, Julie L, PT 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 Brandt, Mark, PT 309 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-4418 Dinkelman, Brian, PT 68803 68803 68803 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 300 308-382-0344 68803 Dixson, Elizabeth M, PT 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 Engberg, Barbara J, PT 2300 W Capital Ave 308-384-2186 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 929 S Locust St 308-391-0747 68 68803 68803 68801 603 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-4418 Murray, Paul E, PT 603 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-4418 Nichols, Jaci, PT 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 Otte, Megan M, PT 68803 68803 68803 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 300 308-382-0344 68803 Phinney, Debra, PT 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 810 N Diers Ave, Ste F 308-398-5170 68803 Randone, Melissa M, PT Rathjen, Andrew, PT 416 N Diers Ave 308-381-2424 68803 Seagren, Rebecca A, PT 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 300 308-382-0344 68803 Sehi, John R, PT 603 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-4418 Sellers, Tiffany A, PT 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 Sylliaasen, Laura, PT 68803 68803 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 309 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-4418 68803 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 Wachholtz, Neal, PT Willburn, Kent W, PT 68803 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 200 308-384-5400 68803 68803 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 Physician Assistant Baumgardner, Alan, PA 914 Baumann Dr 308-385-5250 68803 Brown, Rishia, PA 2444 W Faidley Ave 308-382-1100 425 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-3278 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 68803 68803 68803 Clement, Andrea D, PA 425 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-3278 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 68803 68803 Degen, Lisa C, PA 2116 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5660 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5804 Doane, Chelsie N, PA 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 425 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-3278 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 Fill, Sara G, PA 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 Fleer, Sheila M, PA 603 N Diers Ave, Ste 2 308-398-1147 Fox, Laura, PA 505 N Diers Ave 308-384-9300 Hyde, Mia J, PA 3016 W Faidley Ave 308-381-8546 Johnson, Larry, PA 425 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-3278 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 Lloyd, Sandra, PA 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5804 68803 Ross-Muhlbach, Jeanne, PA 2116 W Faidley Ave, Ste 400 308-381-0162 68803 Royer, Curtis, PA 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-6552 Shaw, Julie, PA 68803 68803 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 200 308-384-5400 68803 Spencer, Susan, PA 68803 68803 2116 W Faidley Ave, Ste 400 308-381-0162 68803 68803 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 68803 68803 68803 68803 68803 68803 68803 68803 68803 Vuchetich, David, PA Waggoner, Richard, PA Woita, Warren J, PA Zima, Ivelisse B, PA Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Bandel, Scot, DPM 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 100 308-381-0404 68803 Larsen, Kevin J, DPM 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 100 308-381-0404 68803 Lewandowski, James, DPM 820 W Division St 308-381-7262 68801 Sextro, Philip B, DPM 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 100 308-381-0404 68803 Pulmonary Diseases 68803 68803 68803 Cantral, David, MD 3016 W Faidley Ave 308-381-2595 68803 Ganatra, Kalpesh D, MD 908 N Howard Ave, Ste 109 308-384-4085 68803 Salman, Salam S E, MD 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 68803 Radiology 68803 68803 Allen, John L, MD 730 N Diers Ave 308-398-1344 68803 Antaki, George M, MD 68803 68803 68803 Lautenschlager, Alisha N, PA 425 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-3278 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 505 N Diers Ave 308-384-9300 68803 Head, Andria J, PA 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5560 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5804 Retzlaff-Deitrick, Susan K, PA 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 200 308-384-5400 68803 Horst, Amanda L, PA 68803 68803 Gangwish, Kimberley, PA 425 N Diers Ave, Ste 1 308-389-3278 729 N Custer Ave 308-382-9266 Petersen, Dana D, PA 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 Determan, Daniel, PA Fairfield, Anne E, PA Parameshwaran, SubramaMorris, Michelle L, PT niam, MD 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-384-4600 Wormuth, Chris, PT Dynek, Jeffrey A, PA 68803 Monk, Jon, PA 68803 68803 68803 68803 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-382-6856 2808 Old Fair Rd, Ste I 308-382-6856 Budler, Michael, MD 730 N Diers Ave 308-398-1344 Elson, Joel D, MD 2808 Old Fair Rd, Ste I 308-382-6856 Hadford, David J, MD 2808 Old Fair Rd, Ste I 308-382-6856 3610 Richmond Cir 308-382-6856 Hanigan, Laurence J, MD 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-382-6856 3610 Richmond Cir 308-382-6856 68803 68803 730 N Diers Ave 308-398-1344 68803 Janulewicz, Gerald, MD 2112 W Faidley Ave 308-382-6856 3610 Richmond Cir 308-382-6856 68803 68803 Marsh, William R, MD 2808 Old Fair Rd, Ste I 308-382-6856 3610 Richmond Cir 308-382-6856 68803 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 810 N Diers Ave, Ste F 308-398-5170 Reno, Claudia, St 2300 W Capital Ave 308-384-2186 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 68803 68803 68803 Thomas-Peters, Pamela, St 68803 2808 Old Fair Rd, Ste 1 308-382-6856 68803 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 Mills, Andrew, MD Novinski, Daniel, DO 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-382-6856 2808 Old Fair Rd, Ste I 308-382-6856 3610 Richmond Cir 308-382-6856 Rossow, Scott L, DO 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-382-6856 3610 Richmond Cir 308-382-6856 Stevens, Max, MD 2808 Old Fair Rd, Ste I 308-382-6856 3610 Richmond Cir 308-382-6856 68803 68803 68803 68803 68803 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 68803 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 68803 Alberts, Gregory, MD 68803 Wudel, James H, MD 68803 68803 68803 68803 Sleep Disorder Diagnostic 68801 Allen, Laura L, St 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 Elson, Anita, St 620 N Alpha St 308-381-0473 68803 620 N Alpha St 308-381-0473 68803 Wendt, James, MD Grant Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 912 Central Ave 308-352-7100 69140 Ambulance Service Perkins County Ambulance 69140 Cardiovascular Disease Crowley, Stephen, MD 900 Lincoln Ave 308-352-7200 69140 General Surgery Bottom, Paul F, MD 68803 Bankson-Recknor, Karol, St 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 342 Central Ave 308-352-4612 Somnos Laboratories, Inc. Althouse, Krislyn, St 620 N Alpha St 308-381-0473 Meyer, Kathy D, CNP Wedgewood Care Center 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 Urology Koefoot, Richard, MD Saint Francis Skilled Nursing 800 Stoeger Dr 308-382-5440 Thoracic Surgery Jex, R K, MD 1405 W US Highway 34 308-382-6397 68801 2116 W Faidley Ave 308-398-5880 68803 Gangahar, Deepak M, MD 68803 Beverly Healthcare Park Place Ggnsc Grand Island Lakeview 2116 W Faidley Ave 308-389-5427 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 Skilled Nursing Facility 610 N Darr Ave 308-382-2635 St Francis Drug & Alcohol Treatment 68803 Woodman, Stephan K, MD 2112 W Faidley Ave 308-382-6856 3610 Richmond Cir 308-382-6856 Substance Abuse Rehab Hedderich, Giles, MD Thanawalla, Farid A, MD 2620 W Faidley Ave 308-382-6856 3610 Richmond Cir 308-382-6856 Uden, Mindy K, St 3515 Richmond Cir 308-381-8636 68803 68803 68803 68803 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 Speech Therapist 68803 68803 68803 2324 N Wheeler Ave 308-395-0747 68803 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 659 Orleans Dr 308-398-2170 Himmelberg, Jeffrey A, MD Merrihew, Shana K, St 68803 68803 Hoeke, Allison, St 68803 912 Central Ave 308-352-7100 69140 900 Lincoln Ave 308-352-7200 69140 Schiefen, James C, DO 3004 W Faidley Ave 308-382-0344 68803 620 N Diers Ave, Ste 300 308-382-0344 68803 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Home Health Care Agency Chiropractor, Licensed HI Line Home Health Matthes, Molly, DC 111 W 10th St 308-352-7260 69140 Internal Medicine Garfield, David H, MD 900 Lincoln Ave 308-352-7200 69140 Oncology Kemme, Douglas J, MD 900 Lincoln Ave 308-352-7200 69140 Orthopedic Surgery Meyer, Mark H, MD 900 Lincoln Ave 308-352-7200 69140 Physician Assistant Fraley, Brandon K, PA 912 Central Ave 308-352-7100 69140 McReynolds, Joel G, PA 900 Lincoln Ave 308-352-7200 69140 Skilled Nursing Facility 69140 Schmidt, Richard A, MD 69140 69140 Greeley Ambulance Service Greeley Vol. Rescue Unit 110 W Oconnor Ave 402-428-4010 68842 Greenwood Ambulance Service Greenwood Volunteer Fire & Rescue 231 Broad St 402-789-3360 68366 Gretna Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Anderson, Laura L, CNP 102 W Highway 370 402-332-2772 68028 920 Village Sq 402-332-3903 68028 Archer, Kathleen A, CNP Gilfillan, Angela M, CNP 102 W Highway 370 402-332-2772 68028 Othmer, Heather A, CNP 818 Village Sq 402-332-4559 68028 Ambulance Service Gretna Volunteer Fire & Rescue 11175 S 204th St 402-572-4019 Stauffer, Bradley, DC 826 Village Sq 402-332-4808 68028 Orthopedic Surgery Walsh, W M, MD 920 Village Sq 402-332-3903 68028 Pharmacy/DME Supplier Gretna Drug 816 Village Sq 402-332-5990 68028 Hallam Volunteer Fire & Rescue Squad 130 S Harrison St 402-787-2235 68368 Harrisburg Ambulance Service Banner County Volunteer Fire Dept. 304 Pennsylvania Ave 308-635-0511 69345 Harrison Ambulance Service 68028 Spectrum Medical Equipment, Inc. Sioux County Rescue Unit 479 Main St 308-668-2445 69346 913 Village Sq 402-332-0102 68028 Hartington Stodden Physical Therapy, Advanced RegisDME tered Nurse 11532 Willow Park Dr 402-934-2190 68028 Practitioner Broekemeier, Robert J, Physical Therapist 11532 Willow Park Dr 402-289-5013 68028 720 N Highway 6 402-332-3773 68028 Donelan, Matthew, PT Physician Assistant Urology 900 Lincoln Ave 308-352-7200 900 Lincoln Ave 308-414-1968 11532 Willow Park Dr, Ste 300 402-715-4242 68028 Consbruck, Andrew J, PT Perkins County Skilled Nursing 900 Lincoln Ave 308-352-7218 Hallam Ambulance Service Balk, Samuel K, PA 818 Village Sq 402-332-4559 68028 Brewer, Michaelyn M, PA 102 W Highway 370 402-332-2772 68028 Endelicato, Josh M, PA 102 W Highway 370 402-332-2772 68028 Hunter, Christine K, PA 920 Village Sq 402-332-3903 Kocian, Lynn M, PA 818 Village Sq 402-332-4559 405 W Darlene St 402-254-3935 68739 405 W Darlene St 402-254-3935 68739 Miller, Jamie, CNP Ambulance Service 107 W State St 402-254-6353 68028 68739 Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Pedersen, Terence, DPM 68028 Gretna Community Care Center 68739 Golden Livingcenter Hartington 401 W Darlene St 402-254-3905 68739 Harvard Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Guide Rock Ambulance Service Guide Rock Vol. Fire Dept. Ambulance Service 68942 Harvard Emergency Unit Hadar Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Brtek-Zwiener, Michelle, CNP 809 1/2 S 13th St 402-379-9600 68701 Ambulance Service Hadar Volunteer Fire Dept. Main St 402-371-7919 68738 Berry, Linda, CNP 203 E Walnut St 402-772-5330 128 N Harvard 402-694-1241 68944 68944 Physician Assistant Anderson, Kristen J, PA 203 E Walnut St 402-772-5330 68944 Hastings Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Baxter, Mary, CNP 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Kosmicki, Douglas L, MD Allergy 68901 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 Brey, Beth, CNP 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Carpenter, Colleen, CNP 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Rustad, Elliott, MD 208 S Burlington Ave, Ste 113 402-462-4872 68901 Ambulance Service Rural Metro Medical Services 107 N Lexington Ave 402-474-6665 68901 Ambulatory Surgical Center Edwards, Earline J, CNP Hastings Laser & Eye Surgery Ctr. 815 N Kansas Ave, Ste 100 402-460-5899 68901 2115 N Kansas Ave 402-955-6935 Field, Sharon L, CNP 68901 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 303 402-462-5888 68901 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 205 402-461-5261 68901 Hastings Surgical Center LLC 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 205 402-461-5261 68901 Nebraska Heart Institute Fuehrer, Jodi M, CNP Gibson, Dale R, CNP 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Grosse, Sarah J, CNP 5803 Osborne Dr W 402-462-5440 68901 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Anesthesiology 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 Brosnihan, Mark S, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 205 402-461-5261 68901 Dungan, John R, MD Gundersen, Phyllis A, CNP 420 W 5th St, Ste 101 402-463-9841 68901 Huenink, Janet L, CNP 420 W 5th St, Ste 101 402-463-9841 68901 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Journey, Gwendolyn M, CNP 223 E 14th St, Ste 100 402-463-2929 Kile, Heidi E, CNP 68901 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 101 68901 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 205 402-461-5261 68901 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 205 402-461-5358 68901 Larsen, Janelle, CNP 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Lonowski, Andrea E, CNP 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 Marget, Annette K, CNP 420 W 5th St, Ste 201 402-462-9400 68901 Nunley, Brenda R, CNP 1021 W 14th St 402-463-2423 Ott, Rebecca, CNP 68901 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 Pavelka, Julia, CNP 2727 W 2nd St, Ste 340 402-463-1250 68901 Phillips, Catherine, CNP 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 Schroer, Kylene, CNP 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 209 402-463-4521 68901 Shipman, Amy, CNP 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Smith, Lori J, CNP 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-7711 68901 Thom, Amanda M, CNP 208 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-6300 68901 Unverferth, Virginia, CNP 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Weber, Kristi M, CNP 420 W 5th St, Ste 201 402-462-9400 Markiewicz, Richard J, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Nass, Omar, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Netz, Douglas D, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Rundlett, Rebecca S, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Tyndall, Steve, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Chiropractor, Licensed Anderson, Corey R, DC 223 E 14th St, Ste 50 402-462-9999 68901 Cardiovascular Disease 406 N Minnesota Ave 402-463-5111 68901 Ackerman, Stephen, MD 1619 W 12th St 402-463-5631 68901 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Arteaga, Roque, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Ayala, Kaliprasad, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Bajwa, Harpaul S, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Chaudhuri, Pradipta, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Dionisopoulos, Peter N, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Friesen, Clayton J, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 205 402-463-4521 68901 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Fruehling, Erich R, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Gallagher, Peter L, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Heirigs, Ricky, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Jain, Anuj, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 King, Jeffrey, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Korpas, Denes, MD 68901 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Martin, Steven L, MD Davison, Lorri, CNP Luehr, Judith, CNP Davis, Katherine E, CNP 240 W Douglas St 402-257-3885 223 E 14th St, Ste 100 402-463-2929 Hartington City Ambulance 402-460-5787 Skilled Nursing Facility 68028 68739 Joachimsen, Tonya, CNP 68028 Skilled Nursing Facility 700 S Highway 6 402-332-3446 405 W Darlene St 402-254-3935 405 W Darlene St 605-668-8601 Vanicek, Jeremy J, PA 920 Village Sq 402-332-3903 CNP Belz, Tamera L, CNP 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Cerveny, John A, DC Johnson, Lionel, DC Jurgens, Darci J, DC 321 N Burlington Ave 402-463-1955 815 W 3rd St 402-834-0666 Lavaley, Jason, DC 68901 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 106 402-461-1171 68901 Schuldt, Daniel, DC 2608 W 2nd St 402-461-3755 Schulz, Scott L, DC 68901 235 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-3363 68901 Widhelm, James P, DC 2727 W 2nd St, Ste 322 402-463-6797 68901 Wilson, Troy E, DC 321 N Burlington Ave 402-463-1955 68901 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Ahp-Mhr Home Care 235 S Burlington Ave, Ste H 402-328-2100 68901 Ebi Medical Systems, Inc. 606 N Minnesota Ave 973-299-9300 68901 223 E 14th St 402-461-4931 68901 401 W 33rd St, Ste 100 402-462-2929 68901 Innovative Prosthetics & Orthotics Redline Pharmacy Solutions Family Medicine Crandall, Robert B, DO 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Hatcher, Theresa S, DO 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Pritchard, Logan A, DO 1021 W 14th St 402-463-2423 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68901 68901 69 Specialists and Other Providers General Surgery Neurological Surgery Anderson, Robert L, MD Kent, Christopher S, MD 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 205 402-463-3634 68901 Barth, Gary, MD 2115 N Kansas Ave 402-462-5555 68901 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 203 402-463-2431 68901 Seiler, Jerry K, MD 620 N Denver Ave 402-463-1355 68901 Home Health Care Agency Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital HHA 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Home Hospice Care Mary Lanning Hospice 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-461-5868 68901 Infectious Diseases Brailita, Daniel M, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 204 402-461-5358 68901 Internal Medicine Bodonyi-Kovacs, Gabor, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 202 402-463-2344 68901 French, Richard, MD 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 105 402-463-2454 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Habash, Ramez J, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 202 402-463-2344 68901 Hentzen, Douglas N, MD 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-460-5836 68901 Hervert, James W, MD 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 105A 402-463-2454 68901 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 205 402-461-5261 68901 Little, David R, MD 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 105A 402-463-2454 68901 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 203 402-463-2431 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Seizys, Michelle, MD 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 105A 402-463-2454 68901 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 203 402-463-2431 68901 Smith, Shanon D, MD 2207 Osborne Dr W, Ste 200 402-462-4070 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-461-5191 68901 Wenburg, Justin, MD 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 105 402-463-2454 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Wibbels, Paul, MD 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 105A 402-463-2454 68901 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 203 402-463-2431 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Maxillo-Facial Surgery 715 N Kansas Ave 402-463-3005 70 68901 223 E 14th St, Ste 250 402-462-4241 223 E 14th St, Ste 250 402-462-4241 Vonderfecht, Sean, PT 68901 2307 Osborne Dr W 402-462-2665 68901 68901 2307 Osborne Dr W 402-462-2665 68901 68901 207 S Burlington Ave 402-462-8824 2727 W 2nd St, Ste 340 402-488-3002 68901 Lesiak, Laurence, MD Neurology McCarty, Michael L, MD Edwards, Lorraine L, MD 2727 W 2nd St, Ste 340 402-463-1250 68901 Nurse Anesthetist Friesen, Harold A, CRNA 420 W 5th St, Ste 101 402-463-9841 Geilenkirchen, Evan, CRNA 420 W 5th St, Ste 101 402-463-9841 68901 68901 Harris, Nancy A, CRNA 420 W 5th St, Ste 101 402-463-9841 68901 Kryzsko, Shane, CRNA 420 W 5th St, Ste 101 402-463-9841 Larson, J T, CRNA 420 W 5th St, Ste 101 402-463-9841 Loehr, Paula, CRNA 420 W 5th St, Ste 101 402-463-9841 68901 68901 68901 Luther-Rossow, Larissa A, CRNA 420 W 5th St, Ste 101 402-463-9841 68901 Souchek, Roger E, CRNA 420 W 5th St, Ste 101 402-463-9841 68901 Swayze, Troy L, CRNA 420 W 5th St, Ste 101 402-463-9841 68901 Teetor, Cristy A, CRNA 420 W 5th St, Ste 101 402-463-9841 Paben, Megan L, OT 68901 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 110 402-463-2077 68901 Stanley, Andrea L, OT 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 110 308-382-0344 68901 Valentine, Kari L, OT 240 W 94th St 402-744-2000 68901 Physician Assistant Clement, Andrea D, PA Bowen, Vaughan, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Doane, Chelsie N, PA Keller, Mark L, MD 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 203 402-463-2431 68901 Pathology Dynek, Jeffrey A, PA 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Gangwish, Kimberley, PA 223 E 14th St, Ste 250 402-462-4241 Demick, David, MD Head, Andria J, PA Ejaz, Asim, MD Loehr, Andrew J, PA Loeffel, Susan, MD Monk, Jon, PA 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Pharmacy/DME Supplier Bert's Pharmacy, HME 1021 W 14th St 402-462-4466 68901 Crosier Park Pharmacy, LLC 405 E 14th St 402-462-4600 500 N Hastings Ave 402-462-6101 68901 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 103 402-463-6828 68901 2727 W 2nd St, Ste 340 402-463-1250 68901 223 E 14th St, Ste 250 402-462-4241 68901 Nielsen, Marcus J, PA 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 105A 402-463-2454 68901 68901 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Kudlacek, Chad L, OT Weston, Brent W, PT 208 S Burlington Ave, Ste 108 402-463-6300 68901 68901 68901 Wenburg, Aaron, PT Otolaryngology (ENT) Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital HME Bjerke, Scott R, OT 207 S Burlington Ave 402-462-8824 2207 Osborne Dr W, Ste 100 402-462-2139 68901 Keith's Drive-In Drug Occupational Therapist 2307 Osborne Dr W 402-462-2665 Nowacek, Charles, MD 68901 Theoharis, Sara D, CRNA 420 W 5th St, Ste 101 402-463-9841 223 E 14th St, Ste 250 402-462-4241 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 203 402-463-2431 68901 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Mary Lanning Hospital Rehab 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Petersen, Dana D, PA 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Pfeil, Nicole D, PA 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 103 402-463-6828 68901 Powell, David, PA 2115 N Kansas Ave 402-462-5109 Rock, Jenelle C, PA 68901 2727 W 2nd St, Ste 340 402-488-3002 68901 Shaw, Julie, PA 223 E 14th St, Ste 250 402-462-4241 Spencer, Susan, PA 68901 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Vuchetich, David, PA 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Willmes-Batterman, L, PA Parameshwaran, Subrama- Michelle 2207 Osborne Dr W, Ste 100 niam, MD 402-462-2139 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Woita, Warren J, PA Physical Therapist Bivens, Brenda M, PT 68901 223 E 14th St, Ste 9 402-462-2331 Lozada, Brenelly, MD 207 S Burlington Ave 402-462-8824 68901 416 N Minnesota Ave 402-462-2788 207 S Burlington Ave 402-462-8824 68901 Prosthetic/Orthotic Supplier 240 W 94th St 402-744-2000 68901 Johnson, Mark E, PT 815 N Kansas Ave, Ste 100 402-460-5899 68901 Ladwig, Stacy M, PT Orthopedic Surgery Moos, Melissa, PT Bohlen, Barry, MD 2207 Osborne Dr W, Ste 100 402-462-2139 68901 Cahoy, Philip M, MD 223 E 14th St, Ste 250 402-462-4241 68901 2207 Osborne Dr W, Ste 100 402-462-2139 68901 Franssen, Scott, DO 223 E 14th St, Ste 250 402-462-4241 Niemeyer, Janice, PT 2307 Osborne Dr W 402-462-2665 Parks, Eugene A, PT 207 S Burlington Ave 402-462-8824 68901 Berger, Katherine J, DPM 68901 Maynard, Philip A, DPM 68901 Nebraska Orthotic & Prosthetic Srv. 618 N Denver Ave 402-462-5400 68901 Pulmonary Diseases Ganatra, Kalpesh D, MD 68901 Seagren, Rebecca A, PT 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 110 308-382-0344 68901 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 101 402-460-5787 68901 Halsted, David S, MD 2115 N Kansas Ave 402-462-5109 68901 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 203 402-463-2431 68901 Perez-Tamayo, Claudia, MD Hayes Center Ambulance Service Scheer, Thomas F, MD Hayes Center Rescue Service 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 815 N Kansas Ave, Ste 100 402-460-5899 68901 Radiology Gerace, James, MD 2207 Osborne Dr W, Ste 200 402-462-4070 68901 Herold, Daniel J, MD 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 106 402-462-4380 68901 2207 Osborne Dr W, Ste 200 402-462-4070 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-461-5191 68901 Rodriguez, Eric, MD 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 106 402-462-4380 68901 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 203 402-461-5191 68901 2207 Osborne Dr W, Ste 200 402-462-4070 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-461-5191 68901 Rodriguez, Paul, MD 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 106 402-462-4380 68901 2207 Osborne Dr W, Ste 200 402-462-4070 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-461-5191 68901 Tate And Dyre Sts 308-286-3319 69032 Hebron Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Elting, Kay E, CNP 120 Park Ave 402-768-7203 68370 Ambulance Service Hebron Vol. Fire Dept. & Rescue 5th & Jefferson Ave 402-768-6910 68370 225 N 4th St 402-768-6060 68370 Thayer County Ambulance Chiropractor, Licensed Ourada, Steven N, DC 114 N 3rd St 402-768-2112 68370 General Surgery Skilled Nursing Facility Anderson, Robert L, MD Good Samaritan Village of Hastings Home Health Care Agency 68901 Heartland Home Health Care Thayer 926 E E St 402-463-3181 Mary Lanning Skilled Nursing 120 Park Ave 402-768-2291 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-461-5290 68901 Speech Therapist Kemp, Christine A, St 240 W 94th St 402-744-2091 Kruid, Angela M, St 68901 835 S Burlington Ave, Ste 110 308-382-0344 68901 Pickerill, Karol L, St Gangahar, Deepak M, MD 207 S Burlington Ave 402-462-8824 815 N Kansas Ave, Ste 100 402-460-5899 68901 715 N Saint Joseph Ave 402-463-4521 68901 Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Jonglertham, Pornchai, MD Clark-Rogers, Patricia, PT Nigrin, Vera B, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 68901 Oncology Radiation Oncology 240 W 94th St 402-744-2091 2307 Osborne Dr W 402-462-2265 68901 Chingren, Gary L, MD Peterson, Gregg A, MD Lemek, Scott A, MD 68901 Thoracic Surgery 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Hedderich, Giles, MD 120 Park Ave 402-768-4625 68370 68370 Physician Assistant Madsen, Brent L, PA 120 Park Ave 402-768-7203 68370 120 Park Ave 402-768-7203 68370 McGuire Johnson, Margaret M, PA Skilled Nursing Facility Thayer County Swing Bed 120 Park Ave 402-768-7203 68370 Urology 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Conant, Raymond W, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Halsted, David S, MD 715 N Kansas Ave, Ste 302 402-461-5064 68901 Jex, R K, MD 120 Park Ave 402-768-2291 68370 Wudel, James H, MD 120 Park Ave 402-768-2291 68370 Urology Hemingford Ambulance Service Conant, Raymond W, MD 2115 N Kansas Ave 402-462-5109 68901 2115 N Kansas Ave, Ste 203 402-463-2431 68901 5803 Osborne Dr W 402-462-5109 68901 Hemingford Volunteer Firefighters 517 Niobrara Ave 308-487-5242 69348 Physician Assistant Bauer, Brittney M, PA 812 Laramie Ave 308-487-3322 69348 68901 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Henderson Home Health Care Agency Henderson Hospital Home Health Care 1621 Front St 402-723-4500 68371 Nurse Anesthetist Watson, Gilbert J, CRNA 1621 Front St 402-723-4512 68371 Orthopedic Surgery Bigelow, Scott D, MD 1621 Front St 402-723-4512 68371 McCarty, Michael L, MD 1621 Front St 402-723-4512 68371 Pharmacy/DME Supplier 68371 Henderson Pharmacy HME 1060 N Main St 402-723-4475 68371 Physician Assistant Springer, Chad J, PA 1621 Front St 402-723-4512 68371 Swendener, Allison M, PA 1621 Front St 402-723-4512 68371 Skilled Nursing Facility 68371 Herman Rescue Squad 68029 Hickman Chiropractor, Licensed Speer, Sherry L, CNP 1315 Tibbals St 308-995-6111 68949 502 East Ave 308-995-8681 68949 Cardiovascular Disease Ackerman, Stephen, MD Kutty, Ahmed A, MD 1220 Miller St 308-995-2211 Meckel, Clyde, MD 68949 68949 1220 Miller St 402-483-3280 68949 Chiropractor, Licensed Earhart, Lance, DC 128 W 4th Ave 308-995-5454 Fuehrer, Timothy, DC 812 4th Ave 308-995-6181 Kemp, Travis, DC 68949 Physician Assistant Hawley, Ronald L, PA 511 Hubbard St 308-938-4885 68947 Holbrook Ambulance Service Holbrook EMS 305 Center Ave 308-493-5653 68948 Wright, John M, MD Orthotechs, Inc. 1215 Tibbals St 308-865-6060 Pamida Pharmacy 1533 Burlington St 308-995-2075 68949 68949 68949 68949 68949 516 W 14th Ave, Ste 100 308-995-4431 68949 Smith, Thomas B, MD 516 W 14th Ave, Ste 100 308-995-4431 68949 Nephrology 68949 Pharmacy/DME Supplier Mike's Medi Save Pharmacy 1317 Hill St 308-995-4401 Noble Drug HME 702 4th Ave 308-995-6105 68949 68949 Phelps Memorial Health HME 68949 Physician Assistant Christie, Charles, PA Farlee, Amy J, PA 68949 Huckabee, Michael J, PA 516 W 14th Ave, Ste 100 308-995-4431 68949 Kohtz, Bruce L, PA 1220 Miller St 308-995-2211 Lans, Connie E, PA 68949 516 W 14th Ave, Ste 100 308-995-4431 68949 Powell, David, PA 1215 Tibbals St 308-995-2211 68949 516 W 14th Ave, Ste 100 308-995-4431 68949 414 East Ave 402-354-5860 68949 1215 Tibbals St 308-995-2211 68949 Scheele, Jodie L, PA Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Hinze, Robert C, DPM 725 Burlington St 308-995-4044 Moore, Patrick, DPM 68949 516 W 14th Ave, Ste 100 308-995-4431 68949 Pulmonary Diseases Ganatra, Kalpesh D, MD 1215 Tibbals St 402-463-4521 68949 68949 Oncology Lemon, Stephen J, MD 68949 Heyd, Robert, MD 1215 Tibbals St 308-995-2211 1315 Tibbals St 308-995-2211 68949 68949 Johnson, Rodney L, MD 1215 Tibbals St 308-995-2211 1315 Tibbals St 308-995-6111 Lee, Jeffrey P, MD 1215 Tibbals St 308-995-2211 1315 Tibbals St 308-995-6111 68949 68949 68949 68949 1220 Miller St 308-995-2211 68949 1220 Miller St 308-995-2211 68949 Zefo, Nancy, MD 68949 68641 220 Center St 402-371-0522 68641 Thor, James, DC Physical Therapist Hansen, Victoria, PT Urology Conant, Raymond W, MD 1138 Miller St 308-995-8605 68949 1138 Miller St 308-995-8605 68949 Halsted, David S, MD Homer Ambulance Service 112 John St 402-698-2155 68030 112 John St 402-698-2136 68030 Homer Vol. Fire Dept. Hooper Ambulance Service Hooper Fire District 300 E Fulton St 402-654-2336 68031 Cardiovascular Disease 68641 Kutty, Ahmed A, MD 220 Center St 402-986-0906 68641 220 Center St 402-986-0906 68641 Chiropractor, Licensed Schwanebeck, Laura, PT Spier, Mark D, PT Physician Assistant 121 S 6th St 402-986-1115 119 S 3rd St 402-986-0830 68641 Kroll, Elizabeth M, CNP 1120 Grand Ave 402-862-3280 68376 Ambulance Service City of Humboldt Ambulance 330 E Square St 402-862-2171 68376 Physician Assistant Habegger, Juli L, PA 1120 Grand Ave 402-862-3280 68376 1120 Grand Ave 402-862-3280 68376 Jones, Mary, PA Physician Assistant Niewohner, Michelle P, PA Colonial Acres 68031 68641 Humboldt Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Skilled Nursing Facility 600 E Fulton St 402-685-7595 1043 10th St 402-862-2558 68376 Hoskins Woodland Park Rescue Humphrey Vol. Fire and Rescue Howells Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Johnson Sayer, Renee M, CNP 121 S 6th St 402-986-1115 68641 Ambulance Service 117 N 3rd St 402-986-1300 Chiropractor, Licensed 68949 Barnes, Randy D, DC 220 Center St 402-371-0522 68641 305 N 3rd St 402-923-1701 68642 Hyannis Ambulance Service Grant County Rescue Service 102 S Grant Ave 308-458-2884 69350 Physician Assistant Bauer, Brittney M, PA 111 S Main Ave 308-458-2436 Grant, Lonnie L, PA 111 S Main Ave 308-458-2436 69033 Longan, Robert D, DC 441 Broadway 308-882-5532 69033 530 Broadway 308-882-2925 69033 Weiss, Calvin G, DC Family Medicine Nicholson, Douglas J, DO 600 W 12th St 308-882-7299 69033 General Surgery Davis, Lawrence G, MD 600 W 12th St 308-882-7299 69033 600 W 12th St 308-882-7299 69033 600 W 12th St 308-882-7299 69033 O'Holleran, Timothy, MD Seip, Christopher C, MD Internal Medicine Garfield, David H, MD 600 W 12th St 308-882-7299 69033 Orthopedic Surgery Meyer, Mark H, MD 600 W 12th St 308-882-7111 69033 Cornelius, Carol, PA Humphrey Ambulance Service 68740 600 W 12th St 308-882-7111 69033 Physician Assistant Hoskins Ambulance Service 205 Main St 402-565-4400 600 W 12th St 308-882-7299 220 Center St 402-986-0906 Hervert, Jennifer L, PT Yosten, Joan L, PA 68949 Hanes, Brandy L, CNP 68641 Phelps Memorial Skilled Nursing Ctr 1215 Tibbals St 308-995-2211 Imperial Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 220 Center St 402-986-0906 Schmidt, Jodene M, PA 68949 68949 220 Center St 402-371-0522 Skilled Nursing Facility Howells Rural Fire Protection District Fuerst, Daniel, MD 1215 Tibbals St 308-995-2211 1315 Tibbals St 308-995-2211 Dalton, Aaron M, DC 1215 Tibbals St 308-995-2211 1315 Tibbals St 308-995-2211 Homer Fire & Rescue Radiology Islam, M I, MD 414 East Ave 308-995-4431 Connely, Thomas V, MD 1220 Miller St 308-995-2211 Jerde, Richard, MD Oconnell, Timothy J, MD Reichmuth, Shelley L, PA Internal Medicine 1215 Tibbals St 308-995-2211 68949 68949 Home Health Care Agency 1215 Tibbals St 308-995-2211 68949 1315 Tibbals St 308-995-6111 Sandy, William M, MD 68947 1315 Tibbals St 308-995-2211 68949 Fuerst, Veronica L, CNP 511 Hubbard St 308-938-4885 Orthopedic Surgery 516 W 14th Ave, Ste 100 308-995-4431 68949 Holdrege Pharmacy 516 W 14th Ave 308-995-5414 68949 Slawski, Daniel P, MD 1215 Tibbals St 308-995-2211 Phelps Memorial Home Health 68947 414 East Ave 308-995-4431 Otolaryngology (ENT) 1138 Miller St 308-995-6288 Murphy-Buschkoetter, Kathy L, CNP Tso Bomgaars, Elisa, MD Ambulance Service Hildreth Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 511 Hubbard St 308-938-4885 516 W 14th Ave, Ste 100 308-995-4431 68949 Holdrege Volunteer Fire Department Doolittle, Doak P, MD 68372 Popa, Irina E, MD 1215 Tibbals St 308-995-2211 General Surgery Garton, Brian L, DC 650 Chestnut St, Ste 1 402-792-2135 68949 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Herman Ambulance Service 509 Main St 402-456-7444 1315 Tibbals St 308-995-6111 305 West Ave 308-234-1700 Henderson Hospital Skilled Nursing 1621 Front St 402-723-4512 Hunter, Michelle, CNP 1220 Miller St 308-995-2211 Henderson Healthcare 1621 Front St 402-723-4512 Holdrege Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 69350 600 W 12th St 308-882-7299 69033 600 W 12th St 308-882-7111 69033 600 W 12th St 308-882-7299 69033 McReynolds, Joel G, PA Spady, Jodi, PA Urology Schmidt, Richard A, MD 600 W 12th St 308-414-1968 600 W 12th St 308-882-7299 69033 69033 Indianola Physician Assistant Klinkebiel, Kyleen M, PA 119 S 4th St 308-364-9290 69034 119 S 4th St 308-364-9290 69034 119 S 4th St 308-364-9290 69034 Malchow, William, PA Shellabarger, Paul V, PA 69350 68641 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 71 Specialists and Other Providers Kearney Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Brauer, Julie, CNP 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 Dauel, Lois, CNP 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 Davison, Lorri, CNP 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 Johnson, Ann, CNP 101 W 24th St 308-865-2740 Kile, Marilyn A, CNP 10 E 31st St 308-865-7986 Klahn, Julie, CNP 1755 Prairie View Pl 308-865-2000 Malcom, Clint, CNP 2315 W 39th St, Unit 6 308-233-3847 3219 Central Ave 308-865-2263 Speer, Sherry L, CNP 3720 Avenue A, Ste E 308-234-5644 68847 10 E 31st St 308-865-7109 68847 10 E 31st St 308-865-7109 68847 Anesthesiology Pain Management 68845 68845 68847 68845 68847 68847 68847 68847 Stutzman, Victoria L, CNP 4503 2nd Ave, Ste 209 308-234-9140 68847 Sughroue, Deena R, CNP 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68845 Winchester, Susan, CNP 4111 4th Ave, Ste 32 308-234-6029 Yule, Jane K, CNP 4503 2nd Ave, Ste 209 308-234-9140 68845 68847 Ambulatory Surgical Center Central Plains Surgery Center 3712 28th Ave 308-865-2737 First Surgicenter 3500 Central Ave 308-865-1419 68845 68847 Heartland Surgery Center, LLC 3515 30th Ave 308-865-2670 Kearney Endoscopy Center 68845 3219 Central Ave 308-865-2263 68847 3500 Central Ave, Ste C 308-865-2808 68847 72 68847 5308 Parklane Dr, Ste 5 308-237-0648 68847 68847 68847 Quinn, Debora, CNP 68847 3812 4th Ave 308-237-7700 10 E 31st St 308-865-7109 Price-Fowlkes, Tammera, CNP 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 68847 5308 Parklane Dr, Ste 5 308-237-0648 68847 68847 Perry, Patricia R, CNP 4503 2nd Ave, Ste 209 308-234-9140 68845 4009 6th Ave, Ste 50 308-234-4940 10 E 31st St 308-865-7109 Liess, Jacqueline, CNP 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 Schanbacher, Mark, MD 68847 Balter, Kevin S, MD 2908 W 39th St, Ste D 308-236-0507 68845 Kirubakaran, Azariah, MD 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 68847 3219 Central Ave, Ste 250 308-865-2263 68847 Kutty, Ahmed A, MD Vosik, William, MD 68847 68847 Certified Diabetic Educator Berry, Michelle, CDE 68847 Good Samaritan Diabetes Center 68847 Keizer, Susan K, CDE 3219 Central Ave 308-865-2263 68847 Chiropractor, Licensed Schrock, Samuel L, DC 218 W 39th St 308-236-6499 Sheen, James D, DC 203 W 32nd St 308-236-2134 Sole, Scott, DC 3800 Avenue A 308-234-5978 68845 68845 68847 Tucker, Thomas S, DC Wolf, Jeffery B, DC 2610 2nd Ave 308-236-7772 68847 68847 Clinical Molecular Genetics Olney, Ann, MD 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 125 E 31st St 308-865-2214 Kingsley, David, MD 404 W 39th St 308-865-2331 68845 68845 218 W 42nd St 308-237-9633 68845 Gossat, David, MD 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 3219 Central Ave 308-865-2263 Milone, Mark J, MD Toubia, Nagib T, MD 3219 Central Ave, Ste 105 308-865-7246 68847 General Surgery 68845 68847 Orthotechs, Inc. 3811 Central Ave 308-865-6060 68847 68847 Emergency Medicine Gregory, Timothy J, MD 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 Westerling, Pamela S, MD 10 E 31st St 308-865-7997 68847 Family Medicine 68847 3907 6th Ave 308-865-2767 68845 68847 10 E 31st St 308-865-7990 68847 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 68847 10 E 31st St 308-865-7990 68847 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 68847 10 E 31st St 308-865-7990 68847 10 E 31st St 308-865-7990 68847 10 E 31st St 308-865-7990 68847 10 E 31st St 308-865-7990 68847 3500 Central Ave 308-865-7990 68847 10 E 31st St 308-865-7990 68847 Hranac, Richard, MD Lawson, Kristin, MD Lawson, Michael R, MD 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 Lewis, Cynthia, MD 412 W 42nd St 308-865-2303 68847 68845 Prongdong, Aumyot, MD 10 E 31st St 308-865-2690 1755 Prairie View Pl 308-865-2000 68847 68845 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68845 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68845 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 68847 68845 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 68847 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 68847 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 68847 Merz, Jeffrey T, MD O'Hare, Brady, MD Sorrell, W T, MD 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 Steffen, Brent, MD 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 68845 Home Health Care Agency Good Samaritan Hospital Home Health 68847 2620 E Highway 30, Ste 2 308-234-4663 68847 Good Samaritan Hospital Hospice 5 W 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 Infectious Diseases Quimby, David S, MD Sartin, Jeffrey S, MD 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 68847 68847 Internal Medicine Abuhanttash, Khaled M, MD 10 E 31st St 308-865-2690 1755 Prairie View Pl 308-865-2000 Arif, Shoaib, MD 10 E 31st St 308-865-2690 1755 Prairie View Pl 308-865-2000 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 Denney, Sean D, MD Smith, Philip W, MD Smith, Scott L, MD 68847 Starlin, Richard C, MD Weber, Jan, MD Woodruff, Lissa A, MD Nephrology Islam, M I, MD 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 68847 68845 68845 68847 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 68847 3219 Central Ave, Ste 250 308-865-2263 68847 Messbarger, Charles, CRNA Moos, Daniel, CRNA Prasch, Matthew, CRNA Shandera, John P, CRNA Smith, Donna M, CRNA Van Horn, Todd C, CRNA Occupational Therapist Alexander, Molly A, OT 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 68845 615 W 39th St, Ste A 308-865-2277 68845 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 68845 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 68845 615 W 39th St, Ste A 308-865-2277 68845 308-233-5060 68845 Isaacson, Chad D, OT Johannesen, Michelle, OT Kohtz, Jacqueline A, OT 68847 Sara M, OT Neurological Surgery O'Neill, 3715 29th Ave Badejo, E A, MD 3219 Central Ave, Ste 103 308-234-9822 68847 Obasi, Chinyere N, MD 3219 Central Ave, Ste 105 308-865-7246 68847 Salumbides, Ramon R, MD 3219 Central Ave, Ste 107 308-865-2555 68847 Neurology 3003 Central Ave 308-237-2232 Rasmussen, Rogene K, OT 211 W 33rd St, Ste A 308-236-5884 615 W 39th St, Ste A 308-865-2277 Roberts, Hal, OT 211 W 33rd St, Ste A 308-236-5884 615 W 39th St, Ste A 308-865-2277 Senn, Lauren K, OT 68847 Nurse Anesthetist 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 10 E 31st St 308-865-7990 68847 10 E 31st St 308-865-7990 68847 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 10 E 31st St 308-865-7990 68847 10 E 31st St 308-236-5506 211 W 33rd St, Ste A 308-236-5884 615 W 39th St, Ste A 308-865-2277 68847 Ophthalmology 10 E 31st St 308-865-7990 68847 Duncan, Stephen, CRNA Frazzini, Carson, CRNA Goetz, Thomas J, CRNA Hull, Michael, CRNA 10 E 31st St 308-865-7990 3515 30th Ave 308-234-2581 68847 68845 Huls, Benjamin L, CRNA 10 E 31st St 308-865-7990 68847 10 E 31st St 308-865-7990 68847 James, Robert, CRNA 68845 68845 68845 68845 68845 Sughroue, Danette M, OT 211 W 33rd St, Ste A 308-236-5884 615 W 39th St, Ste A 308-865-2277 Colling, Douglas, CRNA Graham, Amy, CRNA 68847 Martinez, Jason B, CRNA Kroenke, Melinda S, OT Saw, Andrew, MD Sukstorf, Angela C, MD Bascom, George, MD 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 Kluthe, Troy, CRNA 68845 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 Ebi Medical Systems, Inc. 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 Apria Healthcare, Inc. 68847 Dobesh, Ronald, MD Saif, Ishrat A, MD Bragg, Larry E, MD Durable Medical Equipment Supplier 1216 1st Ave 308-237-0889 68847 3219 Central Ave, Ste 105 308-865-7246 68847 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 3700 2nd Ave 800-347-5946 68847 Home Hospice Care Central Nebraska Imaging LLC Lindstrom, Julie, DO 218 W 39th St 308-236-6499 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 68847 3500 Central Ave, Ste C 308-865-2808 68847 Heartland Home Care, Inc. 68847 Diagnostic Radiology 2714 2nd Ave, Ste B 308-237-2234 Caos, Antonio, MD 5 W 31st St 308-865-7090 Crandall, Robert B, DO Dworak, Ty T, DC Gaunt, Nathaniel, DC 68845 Reistroffer, Troy A, DC Bond, Sharon, MD 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 68847 3219 Central Ave, Ste 250 308-865-2263 68847 68845 Petersen, Rand A, DC 68847 Pagano, Tom V, MD 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 Miller, Gregory, DC Dermatology 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 68847 3219 Central Ave, Ste 250 308-865-2263 68847 3219 Central Ave 308-865-2263 Klinginsmith, John F, DC 68847 McGowan, Daniel J, MD 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 Kemp, Travis, DC 3 W 27th St 308-234-2575 Cardiovascular Disease 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 3015 Avenue A 308-865-7271 68847 11 E 31st St 308-234-1700 68847 Williams, Todd L, MD Ihle, R C, DC Gastroenterology 68847 McConnell, David D, MD Wehling, Merlin, MD 2610 2nd Ave 308-236-7772 68847 Anesthesiology Edwards, Dennis, MD Shaffer, Robert, MD Howard, Colby J, DC 3800 Central Ave 308-237-3123 3515 30th Ave 308-236-5506 Leonard, Yajuan Z, CNP 1755 Prairie View Pl 308-865-2249 68845 10 E 31st St 308-865-7109 Hardy, Elizabeth A, CNP 4503 2nd Ave, Ste 209 308-234-9140 411 W 39th St 308-865-2759 68847 Fredericksen, Valerie, CNP 3015 Avenue A 308-865-7271 Kearney Eye Surgical Center Walker, Janine, OT Wright, Jill R, OT 68845 68845 68845 68845 68845 Lind, Diana, DO 4107 7th Ave 308-236-8500 68845 Orthopedic Surgery Adamson, Brent, MD 3500 Central Ave 308-865-1419 68847 Benavides, David A, MD 3500 Central Ave, Ste A 308-865-2557 68847 Buchman, Mark, MD 3500 Central Ave 308-865-1419 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68847 Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Crockett, Heber C, MD 2810 W 35th St 308-865-2570 68845 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2810 W 35th St 308-865-2570 68845 Good Samaritan Rehab Unit 68845 Suleiman, William M, MD Huebner, David M, MD Mahalek, James M, MD 2810 W 35th St 308-865-2570 Meyer, Mark H, MD 3015 Avenue A 308-865-2565 68847 Slawski, Daniel P, MD 2810 W 35th St 308-865-2570 68845 3219 Central Ave, Ste 102 308-865-2570 68847 Wilkinson, Chris E, MD 3500 Central Ave 308-865-1419 Wright, John M, MD 2810 W 35th St 308-865-2570 68847 68845 Otolaryngology (ENT) 68845 Downey, Timothy J, MD 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 Peterson, James H, MD 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 Swartz, Keith A, MD 10 E 31st St 308-865-7975 68847 68847 Pharmacy/DME Supplier 68845 Family Orthotics & Prosthetics, Inc. 4005 7th Ave 308-338-3550 Ortho Medics 8 W 56th St 308-237-6105 Orthotechs, O & P 68845 68847 68847 68847 68847 3811 Central Ave, Ste F 308-865-6105 68847 Womens Orthotics Prosthetics 3811 29th Ave, Ste 4 888-234-3323 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 68845 68845 68845 68845 Fredrickson, Brittanie E, PT 3715 29th Ave 308-233-5060 68845 Physician Assistant Blauvelt, David, PA 2714 2nd Ave, Ste A 308-236-7016 Cast, Brooke, PA 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 3219 Central Ave 308-865-2263 Fritzen, Jason T, PA 2810 W 35th St 308-865-2570 Hays, Lisa R, PA 2810 W 35th St 308-865-2570 68847 68847 68847 68845 68845 68847 68845 211 W 33rd St, Ste A 308-236-5884 68845 Johnson, Andrea C, PA 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 68845 Koehler, Stacie M, PA Langenberg, Megan R, PT Lewis, Matthew E, PT 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 68845 211 W 33rd St, Ste A 308-236-5884 68845 McBride, Jennifer, PT 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 Minnick, Kyle, PT 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 68845 68845 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 68845 68845 3715 29th Ave 308-233-5060 68845 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 68845 211 W 33rd St, Ste A 308-236-5884 68845 Oliphant, Kimberly, PT Onnen, Lisa M, PT Schutte, Laura J, PT 211 W 33rd St, Ste A 308-236-5884 Shipp, Brett C, PT 211 W 33rd St, Ste A 308-236-5884 Svec, Eugene, PT 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 Svec, Kristi L, PT 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 Thyne, Jason, PT 4010 6th Ave 308-237-7877 68845 68845 68845 68845 68845 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 68845 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 68847 68847 68845 Koster, Kendee D, PA 68845 Land, Christine C, PA 412 W 42nd St 308-865-2303 68845 2714 2nd Ave, Ste A 308-236-7016 68847 Lieske, Ryan, PA Martinez, Amy B, PA 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 68847 McReynolds, Joel G, PA 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 2810 W 35th St 308-865-2570 3015 Avenue A 308-865-2565 Mehlin, Cynthia, PA 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 Morris, Amy, PA 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 Mueting, Paul, PA 3500 Central Ave 308-865-1419 Scheele, Jodie L, PA 68847 68845 68847 68847 68847 68847 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 3219 Central Ave, Ste 109 308-865-2680 68847 3515 30th Ave 308-865-2670 68845 5308 Parklane Dr, Ste 4B 308-865-2231 68847 Verzal, Lynette, PA 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 68845 Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody 3804 Central Ave 308-234-4516 68847 215 W 29th St, Ste B 308-234-2596 68845 3500 Central Ave 308-865-1419 68847 Lorincz, Stefan P, DPM Moore, Patrick, DPM 3811 29th Ave, Ste 3 308-237-2621 68845 Pulmonary Diseases Cantral, David, MD 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 Habeeb, Baher, MD 3219 Central Ave 308-237-2263 68847 68847 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 68847 68847 Radiology Arthur, Jason A, MD 2714 2nd Ave, Ste B 308-237-2234 68847 2714 2nd Ave, Ste B 308-237-2234 68847 Forbes, Robert J, MD Fuerst, Daniel, MD 3219 Central Ave, Ste 109 308-865-2680 68847 3515 30th Ave 308-865-2670 68845 5308 Parklane Dr, Ste 4B 308-865-2231 68847 Niemann, Douglas F, MD 2714 2nd Ave, Ste B 308-237-2234 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 3219 Central Ave, Ste 110 308-238-2251 68847 3515 30th Ave 308-865-2670 68845 Oconnell, Timothy J, MD 5308 Parklane Dr, Ste 4B 308-865-2231 68847 2714 2nd Ave, Ste B 308-237-2234 Zefo, Nancy, MD 68847 68847 5308 Parklane Dr, Ste 4B 308-865-2231 68847 Rheumatology 109 E 52nd St, Ste 2 308-234-9615 68847 Good Samaritan Skilled Nursing 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 412 W 18th St 308-237-2287 68845 3410 Central Ave 308-234-1888 68847 Mt Carmel Home Keens Memorial Saint Johns Good Samaritan Society Saint Luke's Good Samaritan Village 2201 E 32nd St 308-237-3108 68847 Speech Therapist Hiemstra, Shaun M, St 68845 5308 Parklane Dr, Ste 4B 308-865-2231 68847 Lake, Douglas R, MD 2714 2nd Ave, Ste B 308-237-2234 68847 115 E Maple St 402-752-3222 68847 68956 Skilled Nursing Facility Haven Home 100 W Elm St 402-752-3212 68956 Kennard Ambulance Service 208 Main 402-427-7313 68034 Kimball Ambulance Service Kimball County Ambulance 114 E 3rd St 308-235-3000 69145 Chiropractor, Licensed Behrend, Ryan M, DC 111 E 2nd St 308-235-3601 69145 111 E 2nd St 308-235-3601 69145 McConnell, Douglas, DC General Practice Jay, Richard, DO 615 W 39th St, Ste A 308-865-2277 68845 Home Health Care Agency 211 W 33rd St, Ste A 308-236-5884 68845 Seier, Jana L, St 211 W 33rd St, Ste A 308-236-5884 615 W 39th St, Ste A 308-865-2277 68845 Scheer, Bryan E, MD 68847 615 W 39th St, Ste A 308-865-2277 68845 3715 29th Ave 308-233-5060 68845 Steggs, Stefanie R, St Thoene, Jessica R, St 68845 Thoracic Surgery Bibler, Michael, DO 3219 Central Ave 308-865-2263 69145 Orthopedic Surgery 204 E 25th St, Ste 4 308-338-9238 3715 29th Ave 308-233-5060 505 S Burg St 308-235-1952 68845 Sinnard, Jennifer J, St Smith, Megan, St 69145 Kimball County Home Health Care 68847 505 S Burg St 800-446-5684 69145 Pharmacy/DME Supplier Bemis Home Oxygen Service 119 E 2nd St 308-235-2900 69145 Physician Assistant Bourlier-Childress, Joann, PA 505 S Burg St 308-235-1952 69145 505 S Burg St 308-235-1966 69145 Neukirch, Nealy C, PA Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68847 505 S Burg St 308-235-1952 10 E 31st St 308-865-7555 68847 3515 30th Ave 308-865-2670 68845 5308 Parklane Dr, Ste 4B 308-238-2251 68847 Koenig, Marc G, MD 123 W 31st St 308-237-7719 9 W 31st St 308-237-7719 68845 Kenny, Casey R, St 3219 Central Ave, Ste 109 308-865-2680 68847 3515 30th Ave 308-865-2670 68845 5308 Parklane Dr, Ste 4B 308-865-2231 68847 68847 Williams, Laroy E, MD Kennard Volunteer Rescue Squad Skilled Nursing Facility Heyd, Robert, MD Johnson, Rodney L, MD 9 W 31st St 308-237-7719 68847 Kenesaw Volunteer Fire Dept. 2714 2nd Ave, Ste B 308-237-2234 Hinrichs, Crystal A, St 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 68847 3219 Central Ave, Ste 109 308-865-2680 68847 3515 30th Ave 308-865-2670 68845 Larson, Earl, MD 68847 Smith, James F, MD 5308 Parklane Dr, Ste 4B 308-865-2231 68847 5308 Parklane Dr, Ste 4B 308-865-2231 68847 Jerde, Richard, MD 123 W 31st St 308-237-7719 9 W 31st St 308-237-7719 Kenesaw Ambulance Service Hart, Jonathan D, MD 68847 Howe, Scott, MD Schaefer, Barrett A, MD 211 W 33rd St, Ste A 308-236-5884 615 W 39th St, Ste A 308-865-2277 Galva, Annabel, MD 2714 2nd Ave, Ste B 308-237-2234 68847 Blakely, Kent, MD Radiation Oncology 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 Urology 68847 Summers, Allison, MD Liberman, Fishel Z, MD Kohtz, Bruce L, PA 211 W 33rd St 308-865-2141 2810 W 35th St 308-865-2570 Drapeau, Marc, MD 5308 Parklane Dr, Ste 4B 308-238-2251 68847 2810 W 35th St 308-865-2570 Campanile, Francesco E, MD 68847 Jaeger, Sidney W, PA 4010 6th Ave 308-237-7877 Lee, Jeffrey P, MD 68845 Burns, Gregory, DPM Huxoll, Brooke A, PA 3219 Central Ave 308-865-2263 3712 28th Ave 308-865-2737 68847 Hilliard, Kimberly A, PA 3500 Central Ave 308-865-1419 2714 2nd Ave, Ste B 308-237-2234 Atchison, Joel, MD Bennett, Steven, DPM 68845 Wardyn, Alysia M, PT 68845 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 Fleer, Sheila M, PA 68847 Nebraska Brace & Limb Co. 104 W 16th St 308-234-5959 Frasier, Dustin, PT 68845 68845 O'Neill, Matthew W, PT Morgan Medical, LLC 3819 2nd Ave 402-312-8670 211 W 33rd St, Ste A 308-236-5884 615 W 39th St, Ste A 308-865-2277 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 Weides, Andrew L, PT Eifert, Amy, PA Ehlers, Douglas D, PT 211 W 33rd St, Ste A 308-236-5884 615 W 39th St, Ste A 308-865-2277 68845 Wilnes, Wanda, PT Lake, Ladd D, MD Plastic Surgery 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 68845 68847 Mid Nebraska Mobility DME 2215 Central Ave 308-237-0605 2810 W 35th St 308-237-7388 68845 Morris, Michelle L, PT Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics East 207 W 29th St, Ste A 308-234-6331 Demaris, Joel C, PT Minnick, Samantha J, PT Good Samaritan HME 10 E 31st St 308-865-7100 211 W 33rd St, Ste A 308-236-5884 68845 Frontier Home Medical 3813 2nd Ave 308-234-3532 Physical Therapist Dahlgren, Gregg A, PT Lutkemeier, Mary E, PT Central Nebraska Home Care 221 W 44th St 308-865-2711 68847 Kenny, Matthew L, PT Baker, Steven, MD Mowry, Mark, DO 10 E 31st St, 3rd Fl 308-865-7474 Kampfe, Matthew, PT Pathology 10 E 31st St 308-865-7975 68847 Fiddelke, Misti D, PT Connely, Thomas V, MD 615 W 39th St 308-865-2277 10 E 31st St 308-236-8511 Weed, William, PT 73 Specialists and Other Providers Perkins, Gayle L, PA 505 S Burg St 308-235-1952 Johnson, Kevin K, MD 69145 Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Anderson, Tiffani L, DPM 216 S Howard St 308-235-0017 69145 Radiology Abramson, Simeon D, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 Andersen, Scott R, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 Baker, Kim B, MD Bellon, Richard J, MD Brenneman, Janice K, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 Burmeister, Glen E, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 Chheda, Gitesh D, MD Dangleis, Keith C, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 Dobrow, Malcolm S, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 Dreisbach, James N, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 Dungan, David H, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 Enriquez, Louie S, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 Essary, Brendan F, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 Fleener, Christopher, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1952 69145 Fleishman, Matthew J, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 Freestone, Kristin A, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 Frei, Donald F, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 69145 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 Fuller, Samuel E, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1952 69145 69145 Graham, Jess A, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 Griffin, Dennis J, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 69145 Gunther, Phillip B, MD Hayes, Amy S, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1952 Hopper, Orlin W, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 Hsieh, Paul S, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 74 69145 Chiropractor, Licensed 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 Kelly, Jason L, MD Koplyay, Peter D, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1952 Lingam-Nattamai, Sharmila, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 Lozano, Kay D, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 69145 69145 69145 69145 69145 Nutting, Charles W, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 Otte, Michael T, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 69145 Payne, Michael J, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 Peck, Steven, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1952 Porter, David J, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 Reese, Mark, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1952 Ricci, Peter E, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 69145 69145 69145 69145 Sandberg, Alison L, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 69145 69145 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 69145 69145 69145 69145 69145 La Vista Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Thies, Nichole M, CNP 9801 Giles Rd, Ste 1 402-955-8400 9825 Giles Rd, Ste F 402-339-2283 68128 Janssen, Cindy K, DO 8074 S 84th St 402-593-1700 Canaris, Gay J, MD 8021 S 84th St 402-595-1227 Crouse, Brent A, MD 8021 S 84th St 402-595-1227 69145 68128 68128 68128 Fulton, Kristen B, MD 8074 S 84th St 402-593-1700 68128 8074 S 84th St 402-593-1700 68128 8021 S 84th St 402-595-1227 68128 Fulton, Michael J, MD Novotny, Jessica, MD Schwab, Robert J, MD 8021 S 84th St 402-595-1227 68128 Schwerdtfeger, Susan R, MD 8021 S 84th St 402-595-1227 68128 Woehrer, Renee M, MD 8021 S 84th St 402-595-1227 Zoloty, Kristee L, DO 68128 68128 8002 S 84th St, Ste 1 402-331-6444 68128 Ophthalmology 68128 Pharmacy/DME Supplier 68128 8002 S 84th St, Ste 1 402-331-6444 68128 8002 S 84th St, Ste 1 402-331-6444 68128 8002 S 84th St, Ste 1 402-331-6444 68128 Otten, Julie S, PT Sutton, Somer A, PT Theiler, Mary J, PT 8002 S 84th St, Ste 1 402-331-6444 68128 Ulffers, Jacob D, PT 8002 S 84th St, Ste 1 402-331-6444 68128 Vanderheiden, Gina M, PT 8002 S 84th St, Ste 1 402-331-6444 68128 Wilson, Patrick C, PT 8002 S 84th St, Ste 1 402-331-6444 68128 Witte, Michael R, PT 8002 S 84th St, Ste 1 402-331-6444 68128 8002 S 84th St, Ste 1 402-331-6444 68128 Yao, Chyun C, PT Radiology Faulk, Robert, MD 7950 Harrison St 402-592-0711 68128 8021 S 84th St 402-595-1227 68128 8021 S 84th St 402-595-1227 68128 Moore, Timothy E, MD Williams, Cheryl A, MD Rheumatology Erickson, Alan R, MD 8021 S 84th St 402-595-1227 68128 Physical Therapist Betsworth, Diana L, PT 68128 Laurel Rescue Squad 68745 Physical Therapist Hansen, Victoria, PT Foss, Barbara J, CNP 1103 Buffalo Bnd 308-324-6386 68850 Perry, Patricia R, CNP 1308 N Adams St 308-324-6944 68850 Stutzman, Victoria L, CNP 1308 N Adams St 308-324-6944 Young, Ann M, CNP 1103 Buffalo Bnd 308-324-6386 Yule, Jane K, CNP 1308 N Adams St 308-324-6944 68850 68850 68850 Lexington Volunteer Fire Dept. 68850 Cardiovascular Disease Kummer, Joseph L, MD 1300 N Erie St 402-483-3280 68850 Chiropractor, Licensed 68850 104 W 7th St 308-324-5948 68850 114 E 6th St 308-324-2294 68850 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Barmore Drug Stores, Inc. 68850 68745 1101 Buffalo Bnd 308-324-5660 68745 Home Health Care Agency 413 Main St 402-887-5469 Physician Assistant Hoeman, Anne M, PA 701 Cedar Ave 402-256-3042 West, Gary, PA 68745 603 N Washington St 308-324-6325 68850 General Surgery Buser, Kerrey B, MD 68850 Tri-County Hospital Home Health 1201 N Erie St 308-324-5651 8002 S 84th St, Ste 1 402-331-6444 68128 LA Vista Volunteer Fire & Rescue 68745 68850 68128 Tri-County Hospital Hospice 1201 N Erie St 308-324-8300 Isaacson, Chad D, OT 110 W 5th St 308-324-3700 68850 110 W 5th St 308-324-3700 68850 110 W 5th St 308-324-3700 68850 110 W 5th St 308-324-3700 68850 110 W 5th St 308-324-3700 68850 Kroenke, Melinda S, OT Rasmussen, Rogene K, OT Orthopedic Surgery Fuller, Jonathan E, MD 1103 Buffalo Bnd 402-496-0404 68850 13th & Erie Sts 308-324-5651 68850 Slawski, Daniel P, MD Pharmacy/DME Supplier Frontier Home Medical 68850 Dahlgren, Gregg A, PT 110 W 5th St 308-324-3700 68850 110 W 5th St 308-324-3700 68850 110 W 5th St 308-324-3700 68850 110 W 5th St 308-324-3700 68850 110 W 5th St 308-324-3700 68850 110 W 5th St 308-324-3700 68850 110 W 5th St 308-324-3700 68850 110 W 5th St 308-324-3700 68850 Ehlers, Douglas D, PT Fiddelke, Misti D, PT Kenny, Matthew L, PT Lutkemeier, Mary E, PT Onnen, Lisa M, PT Shipp, Brett C, PT Physician Assistant Jaeger, Sidney W, PA 1103 Buffalo Bnd 308-324-6386 68850 13th & Erie Sts 308-324-5651 68850 1300 N Erie St 308-325-5651 68850 Kohtz, Bruce L, PA Scheele, Jodie L, PA 68850 Independent Laboratory Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Bandel, Scot, DPM Labcorp. of America Holdings 1103 Buffalo Bnd 800-788-9892 68850 Occupational Therapist Schutte, Laura J, PT Home Hospice Care Lavista Ambulance Service 8116 Park View Blvd 402-331-4748 U Save Pharmacy 13th & Erie 308-237-2232 Physical Therapist 403 N Washington St 308-324-6000 600 N Washington St 308-324-4611 Saw, Andrew, MD 1600 W 13th St 308-324-8330 Scherr, Steven J, DC Winheim, Chelsa, DC 68850 Neurology Wright, Jill R, OT Ambulance Service 406 E 7th St 308-324-2341 13th & Erie St 308-324-5651 Roberts, Hal, OT 413 Main St 402-887-5469 Schwanebeck, Laura, PT 68128 8002 S 84th St, Ste 1 402-331-6444 Lexington Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 68745 8002 S 84th St, Ste 1 402-331-6444 68128 12040 McDermott Plz, Ste 320 402-597-2869 68128 413 Main St 402-887-5469 701 Cedar Ave 402-256-3042 Davidson, Philip D, PT McClaren, John, DC 68745 68128 Corey, Heather A, PT Nephrology Islam, M I, MD 413 Main St 402-887-5469 8002 S 84th St, Ste 1 402-331-6444 Blum, Jamie, PT Chiropractor, Licensed Whitten, Eulen C, DC Laurel Ambulance Service Spier, Mark D, PT Neb Doctors of Nebraska & Iowa, Inc. 12140 Roberts Rd 402-592-2435 8002 S 84th St, Ste 1 402-331-6444 Ninemire, Taryn A, PT Hervert, Jennifer L, PT Hanks, David A, DO 7202 Giles Rd, Ste 3 402-552-2020 68128 109 Elm St 402-256-3112 Klaebisch, Pamela, OT Criscuolo, Christopher, MD Gross, Lisa K, PT 8021 S 84th St 402-595-1227 68128 Internal Medicine 8002 S 84th St, Ste 1 402-331-6444 Anesthesiology 68128 Family Medicine 69145 Wheeler, Shane C, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 68128 Occupational Therapist Spencer, Elizabeth B, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 7202 Giles Rd, Ste 7 402-932-6006 69145 Smazal, Stanley F, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 68128 68128 Young, Peter, DC 8002 S 84th St, Ste 1 402-331-6444 Oldehoeft, Adam J, PT 7202 Giles Rd, Ste 7 402-932-6006 8074 S 84th St 402-593-1700 Schomer, Donald F, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 7514 S 84th St 402-934-5750 Snyder, Nicholas, DC McLaughlin, Christopher G, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 68128 Lofstedt, Lindsey R, DC Luttenegger, Thomas J, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1952 Hill, Sundee L, PT Gerdts, Randy, DC Luethke, James M, MD Yee, Dominic C, MD 69145 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 Kaske, Terese I, MD Wang, Samuel C, MD Gaynor, Laurence F, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 69145 8021 S 84th St 402-595-1227 Sonin, Andrew H, MD Friedland, Jeffrey A, MD Rakes, Angie L, MD 505 S Burg St 308-235-1951 1201 N Erie St 308-324-5651 68850 68850 68128 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Carpenter, Colleen, CNP Radiology 13th & Erie 308-324-5651 68850 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 13th & Erie 308-324-5651 68850 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 68850 6041 Village Dr, Ste 150 402-423-1900 68516 Fuerst, Daniel, MD Heyd, Robert, MD Jerde, Richard, MD 13th & Erie 308-324-5651 Johnson, Rodney L, MD 1300 N Erie St 308-325-5651 Lee, Jeffrey P, MD 1300 N Erie St 308-325-5651 68850 Zefo, Nancy, MD 1300 N Erie St 308-325-5651 68850 68850 68850 Tri-County Hospital Skilled Nursing 68850 Speech Therapist Hiemstra, Shaun M, St 110 W 5th St 308-324-3700 68850 Hinrichs, Crystal A, St 110 W 5th St 308-324-3700 Kenny, Casey R, St 110 W 5th St 308-324-3700 Seier, Jana L, St 110 W 5th St 308-324-3700 Smith, Megan, St 110 W 5th St 308-324-3700 68850 68850 68850 68850 Urology Williams, Laroy E, MD 13th & Erie 308-324-5651 68850 Lincoln Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Aldridge, Kristi L, CNP 6041 Village Dr, Ste 150 402-423-1900 68516 Allen, April, CNP 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 Anderson, Angela K, CNP 7441 O St, Ste 304 402-484-5600 Arndt, Amy K, CNP 68510 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 100 402-441-3575 68521 Bauer, Amanda, CNP 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 200 402-420-7000 68510 Baxter, Mary, CNP 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 Brey, Beth, CNP 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 Carter, Kathy J, CNP 68510 Caudill-Kuhn, Janice K, CNP 1919 S 40th St, Ste 320 402-488-5765 68506 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 200 402-420-7000 68510 Churchill, Mary K, CNP 7441 O St, Ste 304 402-484-5600 68510 Cooley, Michelle R, CNP Skilled Nursing Facility 1201 N Erie St 308-324-5651 68526 Carraher, Sydnie M, CNP Cetak, Melissa, CNP Oconnell, Timothy J, MD 1300 N Erie St 308-325-5651 68510 2246 O St 877-811-7526 3705 South St 877-811-7526 Cueto, Beth, CNP 68510 68506 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 Cullan, Shannon H, CNP 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 220 402-421-3240 68516 68526 68510 68526 7001 A St, Ste 110 402-489-0800 68510 Gerrard, Nancy J, CNP 2222 S 16th St, Ste 410 402-483-8555 68502 Gibson, Dale R, CNP 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 68510 68526 Gillaspie, Pamela U, CNP 220 Lyncrest Dr 402-434-3370 Glade, Mary J, CNP 68510 1101 S 70th St, Ste 203 402-486-4000 68510 Gobber, Mary, CNP 8055 O St, Ste S109 402-489-8821 8101 O St, Ste 114 402-484-8181 68510 68510 Jeffrey, Jamie R, CNP 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 68505 Johnsen, Angela E, CNP 1500 S 48th St, Ste 800 402-483-8600 68506 Johnson, Kellie N, CNP 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 Joy, Kimberly, CNP 1021 N 27th St 402-476-1455 68503 201 Capitol Beach Blvd, Ste 1A 402-435-0228 68528 2525 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2094 68512 2662 Cornhusker Hwy 402-423-0396 68521 Jurgens, Lorrene G, CNP 2222 S 16th St, Ste 410 402-483-8555 68502 Kempf, Wauneta I, CNP Goodban, Rebecca M, CNP 6891 A St, Ste 210 402-730-6870 68510 Gross-Smith, Kathleen M, CNP 68503 2221 S 17th St, Ste 303 402-476-6626 68502 1630 S 70th St, Ste 201 402-488-3946 68506 2222 S 16th St, Ste 410 402-483-8555 68502 2611 S 70th St, Ste A 402-484-7677 68506 2631 S 70th St 402-483-7226 575 S 70th St, Ste 315 402-483-7667 2246 O St 877-811-7526 3705 South St 877-811-7526 2625 Stockwell St 402-421-3335 Foster, David A, CNP 68502 1101 S 70th St, Ste 101 402-488-1400 68510 Foster, Eugena M, CNP 6050 Village Dr 402-421-8581 Frey, Kris M, CNP 68516 201 Capitol Beach Blvd, Ste 1A 402-435-0228 68528 2525 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2094 68512 2662 Cornhusker Hwy 402-423-0396 68521 6041 Village Dr, Ste 130 402-423-1382 68516 3100 N 14th St, Ste 201 402-477-6600 68521 Fulton, Melissa K, CNP 5500 Pine Lake Rd 402-489-8888 Gantz, Robert, CNP 575 S 70th St, Ste 310 402-441-4760 68516 68510 Gehle, Jennifer A, CNP 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 68510 Haynes, Wanda M, CNP 68510 68506 Hentze, Florence, CNP 2222 S 16th St, Ste 305 402-488-3002 68502 575 S 70th St, Ste 400 402-488-3002 68510 Heser, Patricia, CNP 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 1 402-488-4903 68506 Heuer, Marissa S, CNP 3272 Salt Creek Cir, Ste 102 402-326-9850 68504 Hiser, Kimberly, CNP 4545 R St, Ste 100 402-465-4545 68503 Householder, Melanie K, CNP 201 Capitol Beach Blvd, Ste 1A 402-435-0228 68528 2525 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2094 68512 2662 Cornhusker Hwy 402-423-0396 68521 Huenink, Janet L, CNP 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-489-6555 68510 68526 68526 68510 Oden, Jackie K, CNP 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 211 402-423-4200 68516 220 Lyncrest Dr 402-434-3370 3540 Village Dr, Ste 100 402-420-7113 68516 6041 Village Dr, Ste 130 402-423-1382 68516 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 6920 Van Dorn St, Ste B 402-476-7557 68506 4004 Pioneer Woods Dr 402-484-4900 68506 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 1021 N 27th St 402-476-1455 Kroeger, Roberta A, CNP Havlicek, Kathy L, CNP Firestone, Elizabeth, CNP 68503 201 Capitol Beach Blvd, Ste 1A 402-435-0228 68528 2525 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2094 68512 2662 Cornhusker Hwy 402-423-0396 68521 6825 S 27th St, Ste 201 402-477-4545 68512 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 68526 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 4445 S 86th St 402-955-1500 68510 4545 R St, Ste 100 402-465-4545 68510 Niederklein, Kristi R, CNP 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 Edwards, Earline J, CNP 68506 68503 220 Lyncrest Dr 402-434-3370 Norton, Vicki, CNP Hart, Ladonna K, CNP Filipi, Mary L, CNP Morton, Barbara, CNP 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 6041 Village Dr, Ste 150 402-423-1900 68516 68526 68526 4545 R St, Ste 100 402-465-4545 Kreikemeier, Rose M, CNP 3100 N 14th St, Ste 201 402-477-6600 68521 Hammond, Cynthia R, CNP Langdon, Kathleen, CNP Fields, Kelly A, CNP 4545 S 86th St 402-483-7507 2222 S 16th St, Ste 410 402-483-8555 68502 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 1600 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-475-8877 68506 68526 Morris, William F, CNP Niemeyer, Lorri, CNP Grandgenett, John R, CNP 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 100 402-441-3575 68521 68510 68510 Kliment, Miranda K, CNP 68510 Larsen, Janelle, CNP 68510 68526 Lemon, Michelle, CNP 5539 S 27th St, Ste 206 402-476-6060 68512 8101 O St, Ste 300 402-476-6060 68510 Lichtenberg, Brook A, CNP 1021 N 27th St 402-476-1455 68503 Lingenfelter, Michelle, CNP 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 68504 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 210 402-465-5600 68516 Lonowski, Andrea E, CNP 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 Lorenz, Anne R, CNP 68510 68526 68510 Olmsted, Rhonda, CNP Pakalniskyte, Ingrida, CNP Pallas, Catherine A, CNP Persson, Holly, CNP 307 N 46th St 402-466-8259 Pew, Julie A, CNP 68503 68503 201 Capitol Beach Blvd, Ste 1A 402-435-0228 68528 2525 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2094 68512 2662 Cornhusker Hwy 402-423-0396 68521 3720 S 35th St 402-435-6522 68506 Pfabe, Rebecca L, CNP 1101 S 70th St, Ste 101 402-488-1400 68510 Philippi, Beverly, CNP 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 Piening, Kendra R, CNP 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 120 402-420-1212 68516 575 S 70th St, Ste 310 402-441-4760 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 Lundy, Trisha, CNP 68510 Macauley, Serena E, CNP 3600 Village Dr, Ste 110 402-875-9270 68516 7840 S 24th Ct 402-309-9183 68512 Mannschreck, Marilyn, CNP 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 68510 Marget, Annette K, CNP 5539 S 27th St, Ste 206 402-476-6060 68512 8101 O St, Ste 300 402-476-6060 68510 McCracken, Amy, CNP 4545 R St, Ste 100 402-465-4545 201 Capitol Beach Blvd, Ste 1A 402-435-0228 68528 2525 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2094 68512 2662 Cornhusker Hwy 402-423-0396 68521 220 Lyncrest Dr 402-434-3370 68516 Dierks, Kimberly K, CNP 8055 O St, Ste 100 402-488-4444 Dannewitz, Katrina M, CNP Sams, Courtney B, CNP 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 3008 Chisholm Pl 402-440-8098 Grabow, Judith D, CNP 7441 O St, Ste 304 402-484-5600 4545 R St, Ste 100 402-465-4545 68510 Mohr-Burt, Shirley, CNP Klein, Sara K, CNP Dick, Jennifer L, CNP 575 S 70th St, Ste 425 402-219-5200 Sampson, Naomi A, CNP 201 Capitol Beach Blvd, Ste 1A 402-435-0228 68528 2525 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2094 68512 2662 Cornhusker Hwy 402-423-0396 68521 68510 Krienert, Kelsi B, CNP Danielson, Julie K, CNP Meyer, Kathy D, CNP 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 1021 N 27th St 402-476-1455 68503 201 Capitol Beach Blvd, Ste 1A 402-435-0228 68528 2525 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2094 68512 2662 Cornhusker Hwy 402-423-0396 68521 Frost, Trishia, CNP 68510 Genthe, Jennifer A, CNP Pozehl, Bunny, CNP 68510 Railsback, Paula A, CNP 220 Lyncrest Dr 402-434-3370 68510 Riley, Korrine N, CNP 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 200 402-420-7000 68510 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 111 402-481-6090 68516 Rocole, Holly D, CNP 1500 S 48th St, Ste 708 402-483-3400 68506 Rogers, Alice I, CNP 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 68510 Sand, Barbara J, CNP Schegg, Christina, CNP Schindler, Allison, CNP Shipman, Amy, CNP 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 68510 68526 Sincebaugh, Mary, CNP 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 68505 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 68516 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 68521 Smith, Jennifer G, CNP 220 Lyncrest Dr 402-434-3370 68510 220 Lyncrest Dr 402-434-3370 68510 Snow, Mary M, CNP Speich, Denise, CNP 1730 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-441-5600 68506 Tegtmeier, Jeri A, CNP 220 Lyncrest Dr 402-434-3370 68510 Thelen, Kelly L, CNP 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 211 402-423-4200 68516 Trecker, Ruth E, CNP 2246 O St 877-811-7526 3705 South St 877-811-7526 68510 68506 Trotter, Helen A, CNP 6920 Van Dorn St, Ste B 402-476-7557 68506 Tucker, Bette, CNP 201 Capitol Beach Blvd, Ste 1A 402-435-0228 68528 2525 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2094 68512 2662 Cornhusker Hwy 402-423-0396 68521 Tyndall, Kristina, CNP 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 120 402-420-1212 68516 Unverferth, Virginia, CNP 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 68510 68526 Van Roekel, Shaun D, CNP 4004 Pioneer Woods Dr 402-484-4900 68506 Vermaas, Patricia, CNP 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 Vest, Tina M, CNP 1000 S 13th St 402-475-5161 68508 3600 Village Dr, Ste 110 402-805-8245 68516 Vyhnalek, Allison, CNP 630 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 204 402-466-1012 68505 Wagner, Christine R, CNP 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 68510 68503 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 75 Specialists and Other Providers Weber, Peggy, CNP 1600 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-475-8877 68506 Wegner, Jodi G, CNP 220 Lyncrest Dr 402-434-3370 Wolfe, James, CNP 4740 A St, Ste 100 402-483-7825 68510 68510 Wolfe, Pamela V, CNP 555 S 70th St 402-219-7142 68510 Wollenburg, Pamela J, CNP 7441 O St, Ste 200 402-219-8777 Yost, Donna, CNP 68510 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 Young, Lisa A, CNP 2201 S 17th St 402-441-7940 68502 2222 S 16th St, Ste 330 402-474-1511 68502 Young, Rosemary J, CNP 575 S 70th St, Ste 435 402-219-7454 68510 Allergy 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 208 402-464-5969 68505 Kinberg, Kirk A, MD 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 208 402-464-5969 68505 Kobayashi, Roger H, MD 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 208 402-464-5969 68505 Mehta, Vinay, MD 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 208 402-464-5969 68505 Rustad, Elliott, MD 1919 S 40th St, Ste 330 402-484-6222 68506 Sullivan, Michael J, MD 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 208 402-464-5969 68505 Ambulance Service Lincoln Fire & Rescue Southeast Rural Fire 68508 7700 Eiger Dr 402-483-6769 68516 705 W Burnham St 402-423-0230 68522 Southwest Fire Protection Ambulatory Surgical Center Bryanlgh Heart Institute 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 Lincoln Endoscopy Center 4545 R St, Ste 101 402-465-4545 68503 Lincoln Surgery Endoscopy Services 1730 S 70th St 402-483-1550 Loc Surgery Center 68506 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 400 402-436-2000 68516 6900 A St 402-436-2000 68510 Nebraska Heart Institute 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 68526 Nebraska Surgery Center 625 S 70th St 402-484-6600 68510 Omega Surgery Centers 1500 S 48th St, Ste 610 402-483-4448 68506 76 Massey, Ginger, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 201 402-484-4960 68506 Southwest Lincoln Surgery Center 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 Fugleberg, Sarah M, AuD 68510 253 Barkley Memorial Ctr 402-472-2068 68583 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 201 402-323-8484 68506 253 Barkley Memorial Ctr 402-472-2071 68583 Massey, John, MD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 315 402-475-3100 68502 Molnar, Arthur F, MD 5500 Pine Lake Rd 402-421-8899 Molnar, Barbara W, MD Urology Surgical Center 68516 Anesthesiology 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Behrens, Matthew P, MD 625 S 70th St 402-484-6600 Bejot, Terry W, MD 68510 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Brewer, Thomas A, MD 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Christensen, Rebecca, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 68510 68510 O'Donnell, Michael, MD Barry, Stephanie, MD 68510 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 Ott, Chad A, MD 68510 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Parde, Andrea, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 68510 Petersen, Richard E, MD 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Petty, Joseph V, MD Honaker, Julie A, AuD Johnson, Wanda R, AuD 253 Barkley Memorial Ctr 402-472-2071 68583 575 S 70th St, Ste 440 402-484-5500 68510 Jolkowski, Kristin L, AuD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 200 402-488-5600 68506 Kopetzky, Nicole R, AuD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 200 402-488-5600 68506 Nielsen, Tanya M, AuD 1530 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-489-2266 68506 Pleskac, Claudia L, AuD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 200 402-488-5600 68506 Ray, Stacie L, AuD Randall, Stephanie, MD 203A Barkley Memorial Ctr 402-472-2071 68583 575 S 70th St, Ste 440 402-484-5500 68510 Roberts, Vonn E, MD 203A Barkley Memorial Ctr 402-472-2071 68583 7500 S 91st St 402-327-2700 68526 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Wacker, Kelly, AuD Cardiac Electrophysiology 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 3901 Pine Lake Rd 402-484-4455 68516 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 201 402-484-4455 68506 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 201 402-323-8484 68506 7500 S 91st St 402-327-2700 68526 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 201 402-323-8484 68506 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 Cardiovascular Disease 68510 Ackerman, Stephen, MD 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 Clementson, Terry, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 Kiechel, Fred, MD 1801 Q St 402-441-8371 Physician's Surgical Center Crimmins, Eric J, MD 7500 S 91st St 402-327-2700 68510 68526 Cuciti, Christopher, MD Deckert, Kjersti K, MD Sailer, Gregory, MD 68510 Donovan, Liane E, MD Schmidt, Ryan J, DO Essay, Phillip, MD Schneckloth, Erik, MD Gallentine, Sandra W, MD Schoemaker, J E, MD Gee, Terry P, MD Shaw, Matthew D, MD 68510 Gregorius, Charles D, MD Spurgeon, Douglas S, MD Gross, Kenneth P, MD Swanson, Jeff, MD 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 3901 Pine Lake Rd 402-484-4455 68516 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 201 402-484-4455 68506 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Hachiya, Ronald W, MD Hartwig, Ricky G, MD 625 S 70th St 402-486-7023 68510 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Hill, Ronald C, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 68510 Hranac, Joseph L, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 Hynes, Jerry J, MD 68510 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Johnson, Joel M, MD 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Lau, Elizabeth W, MD 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Leach, Sean M, MD 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 68510 Timmons, Noel A, MD Varvel, John, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 Woerth, Lyle, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 68510 68510 Baumeister, Jean M, AuD 68510 Boney, Stephen J, AuD 203A Barkley Memorial Ctr 402-472-2071 68583 Christensen, Roy A, AuD 7700 A St, Ste 100 402-489-3450 68510 Decker, Theron N, AuD 203A Barkley Memorial Ctr 402-472-2071 68583 Ditmars Buckwalter, Hannah A, AuD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 200 402-488-5600 68506 Frost, Cara T, AuD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 108 402-441-3575 68521 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-489-6555 Arteaga, Roque, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-7717 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6555 68510 68526 68526 68510 68526 Ayala, Kaliprasad, MD 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 1500 S 48th St, Ste 200 402-488-5600 68506 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 68510 68526 68510 68526 Caudill, Christopher, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 108 402-441-3575 68521 Chaudhuri, Pradipta, MD 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-489-6555 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-489-6555 68510 68526 68526 Friesen, Clayton J, MD 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-489-6555 68510 68526 68526 Fruehling, Erich R, MD 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-489-6555 68510 68526 68526 Gallagher, Peter L, MD 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 68510 68526 Gardner, Timothy M, MD 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68502 Hansen, Dale, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 108 402-441-3575 68521 Heirigs, Ricky, MD 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-489-6555 Hibbard, Robert, MD 68510 68526 68526 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 108 402-441-3575 68521 Jain, Anuj, MD Bajwa, Harpaul S, MD Audiologist 575 S 70th St, Ste 440 402-484-5500 Merliss, Andrew D, MD Dionisopoulos, Peter N, MD 68510 68526 68526 Coatsworth, Scott, MD 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 108 402-441-3575 68521 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-489-6555 King, Jeffrey, MD 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 Korpas, Denes, MD 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-489-6555 68510 68526 68526 68510 68526 68510 68526 555 S 70th St 402-219-7717 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6555 Martin, Steven L, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-7717 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-328-3097 Meckel, Clyde, MD Kummer, Joseph L, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 108 402-441-3575 68521 68526 68526 Nass, Omar, MD 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 Netz, Douglas D, MD 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-489-6555 68510 68526 68510 68526 68526 Rundlett, Rebecca S, MD 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-489-6555 68510 68526 68526 Tessendorf, Todd J, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 108 402-441-3575 68521 Tyndall, Steve, MD 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-489-6555 Whitney, Ryan, MD 68510 68526 68526 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 108 402-441-3575 68521 Certified Diabetic Educator Carder, Jacqueline, CNP 7441 O St, Ste 304 402-484-5600 68510 220 Lyncrest Dr 402-434-3370 68510 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 68526 Jardee, Alice A, CNP 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 108 402-441-3575 68521 68510 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 108 402-441-3575 68521 68510 Krueger, Steven K, MD 68526 Miller, Keith, MD Hrabik, Lorrie J, CNP 68526 68510 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 108 402-441-3575 68521 68526 Kosmicki, Douglas L, MD 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6555 Markiewicz, Richard J, MD Chiropractor, Licensed Akerson, Jacob A, DC 2640 E St 402-475-2083 Ameli, Darian, DC 68510 4444 S 86th St, Ste 102 402-489-8880 68526 Auman, Sean, DC 2855 S 70th St, Ste 101 402-484-7300 68506 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Bangert, Travis, DC 3700 S 9th St, Ste E 402-328-0028 Bauer, James A, DC 935 Plum St, Ste A 402-477-5500 Bauer, Ryan T, DC Leonida, Alexander G, DC 68502 5445 Red Rock Ln, Ste C 402-423-4325 68516 68502 5445 Red Rock Ln, Ste C 402-423-4325 68516 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 32 402-484-8500 68502 Bennett, Kari A, DC 4701 Old Cheney Rd, Ste C 402-420-0440 68516 Bryson, William, DC 3120 O St, Ste B 402-476-6767 Leonida, Tiffany C, DC Lott, Gregory S, DC 6891 A St, Ste 215 402-489-0777 Love, Kenneth L, DC 801 S 48th St 402-484-5353 321 S 9th St 402-261-8974 Elliott, Lori, DC 735 S 56th St, Ste 2 402-489-9899 Elton, Heather, DC 68506 68508 68510 4444 S 86th St, Ste 102 402-489-8880 68526 Erickson, Linn W, DC 5757 S 34th St, Ste 300 402-323-8833 68516 Fanning, Nicolas J, DC 5757 S 34th St, Ste 300 402-323-8833 68516 Filley, Rita L, DC Maly, Trenton, DC Mauch, Michael, DC 3100 N 14th St, Ste 101 402-476-8619 68521 McCracken, G R, DC 5740 Old Cheney Rd, Ste 16 402-421-2277 68516 68506 Gentzler, Adam C, DC 4400 S 70th St 402-261-6841 Green, Thomas, DC 1161 N Cotner Blvd 402-466-6454 Hedlund, Todd, DC 68516 68505 4210 Pioneer Woods Dr, Ste B 402-484-0200 68506 Heiss, Nicholas B, DC 5800 Hidcote Dr, Ste 102 402-690-3485 68516 Hochstein, Brad L, DC 7121 Stephanie Ln, Ste 108 402-369-1080 68516 Hoffa, Kimberly, DC 5925 N 28th St, Ste 100 402-441-4160 68504 Johnson, Jeff, DC 5251 R St, Ste 4 402-464-0444 Kallio, Robert A, DC 2655 S 70th St, Ste E 402-484-5166 Keller, Scott C, DC 68504 68506 7121 Stephanie Ln, Ste 108 402-369-1080 68516 Krivolavek, Steven R, DC 4210 Pioneer Woods Dr, Ste B 402-484-0200 68506 Larson, Chad, DC 1501 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 2 402-421-8284 68512 4910 Old Cheney Rd, Unit 1A 402-421-1626 68516 Larson, Teresa, DC 1501 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 2 402-421-8284 68512 Lauer, David W, DC 6132 Havelock Ave 402-467-5143 68507 4645 Normal Blvd, Ste 200 402-483-6633 68506 1801 Cushman Dr 402-420-7744 68512 Apria Healthcare, Inc. 1631 Cushman Dr 402-434-2950 68512 145 S 66th St 402-484-7373 68510 Vander Broek, Douglas, DC 5900 N 58th St, Ste 4 402-464-9188 68507 Volin, Ronald, DC 4401 S 70th St, Ste 2 402-423-1333 Turner, Gregory B, DC 735 S 56th St, Ste 1 402-488-3334 68510 Van Engen, Mervin R, DC 7435 O St, Ste 100 402-486-3858 68510 Capital Medical Lincare Inc. 630 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 201 402-325-0170 68505 Mongeon, Gregory J, DC 3830 Adams St 402-464-5567 6041 Village Dr, Ste 190 402-420-2677 68516 2855 S 70th St 402-483-4409 3601 Calvert St, Ste 31 402-483-4409 68506 68506 4645 Normal Blvd, Ste 200 402-483-6633 68506 301 S 70th St, Ste 250 402-488-2225 Neuman, Daniel, DC 68510 5601 S 56th St, Ste 104C 402-420-6200 68516 Newburn, Stephen, DC 6800 S 32nd St, Ste A 402-420-5373 68516 Novotny, Bradlee, DC 3100 N 14th St, Ste 101 402-476-8619 68521 Ochoa, Efrain, DC 4203 S 33rd St 402-489-7880 Olson, Leif M, DC 68506 Patestas, Michael S, DC 5600 S 48th St, Ste 108 402-421-1180 68516 Peterson, Jeremy, DC 3200 Pine Lake Rd, Ste B 402-423-5050 68516 Rech, Branden R, DC Rohrs, Rick A, DC 2640 E St 402-475-2083 Roker, Scott, DC 68506 68510 245 S 84th St, Ste Ll-119 402-483-7646 68510 Shunkwiler, Kyle D, DC 4400 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-261-6841 68516 Smith, Joni, DC 4701 Old Cheney Rd, Ste C 402-420-0440 68516 Stauffer, Denneal R, DC 735 S 56th St, Ste 3 402-488-8801 68510 Steinhauser, Justin M, DC 5550 S 59th St, Ste 14 402-420-2872 68516 6800 S 32nd St, Ste A 402-420-5374 68516 Stone, Carrie, DC Wawers, Peter, DC Wiese, Paula, DC 68504 2500 Northview Rd, Ste 101 402-438-3033 68521 Wright, Bill, DC 2949 N 27th St, Ste 201 402-466-1288 68521 York, Carrie, DC 321 S 9th St 402-261-8974 68508 Dermatology Basler, Geoffrey C, MD 5000 N 26th St, Ste 600 402-476-2111 68521 7040 Helen Witt Dr, Ste 110 402-423-1111 68512 Basler, Rodney, MD 2625 Stockwell St 402-421-3335 Bigler, David, MD 5757 S 34th St, Ste 300 402-323-7838 68516 2901 S 84th St, Ste 5 402-188-2273 Volzke, Craig, DC 68502 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 440 402-467-4361 68516 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 311 402-467-4361 68505 Heibel, Mark, MD 2641 S 70th St, Ste A 402-488-6969 Largen, Rex F, MD 68506 5533 S 27th St, Ste 103 402-423-7000 68512 Lott, Ann, MD 2900 S 70th St, Ste 450 402-483-1111 68506 Ryan, Robyn G, MD 1710 S 70th St 402-484-9009 Strnot, Rudolf, MD 68506 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 200 402-466-2484 68505 Sutton, Margaret K, MD 1710 S 70th St 402-483-7700 68506 Westburg, Stuart P, MD 2756 O St 402-474-4497 68510 Diagnostic Radiology Envision Open MRI 300 N 44th St, Ste 102 402-467-5335 Pine Lake Imrt 2840 S 70th St 402-489-6085 68516 68506 Saint Elizabeth Home Medical Equip. 245 S 84th St, Ste 111 402-219-7043 555 S 70th St 402-219-7043 68510 68510 SE Nebraska Hematology Oncology Consultants PC 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 200 402-420-7000 68510 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 111 402-481-6090 68516 Shopko Pharmacy #2056 100 S 66th St 402-489-7148 68510 Total Respiratory & Rehab 4600 W St, Ste A 402-466-8384 Tran Pharmacy Inc 2655 S 70th St, Ste C 402-486-0445 68503 68506 Triumph Prosthetics and Orthotics 2801 Pine Lake Rd, Ste G 402-434-5080 68516 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 111 402-481-6090 68516 Delozier, Tadd A, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Duval, Chad, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Engler, Renee L, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Bonta, John S, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Bunz, Brent C, DO 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Capek, Denise L, MD 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 68506 68502 68506 68502 68505 68516 68521 68510 Christensen, Christopher M, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68506 68502 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68506 68502 68506 68502 Roberts, Todd A, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68502 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68502 68506 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 68510 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 68510 68506 68502 68506 68502 Schmidt, Scott, DO Schott, Todd C, DO 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68502 68502 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 68510 68506 Bell, Brenda, MD 68502 4900 N 26th St, Ste 104 402-465-0010 68521 Jackson, Darin E, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-489-0200 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68502 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 68510 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68502 Meyer, Jay R, MD Mlinek, Edward, MD 68506 68506 68502 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 68510 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68506 O'Leary, Dennis, MD 68502 68505 68516 68521 68510 4900 N 26th St, Ste 104 402-465-0010 68521 Ohlson, Cory L, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 68510 Pogreba, Kevin M, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Rhone, Kelly A, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Wakeley, Shannon E, MD 1601 N 86th St, Ste 101 402-484-3440 68505 Family Medicine Bellamy, Barton, DO 6041 Village Dr, Ste 130 402-423-1382 68516 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 7001 A St, Ste 200 402-488-4022 68510 Denell, Nathan P, DO 1601 N 86th St, Ste 100 402-327-7500 68505 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 68505 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 68516 4210 Pioneer Woods Dr, Ste A 402-488-4321 68506 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 68521 Frey, Zachary J, DO 68506 Noordhoek, Elizabeth C, MD 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 1919 S 40th St, Ste 207 402-489-3383 68506 Bowers, Terra L, DO 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Navek, Anke, MD 68506 68502 68506 68502 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Haden, Linsey D, DO 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Haskell, Susan C, DO 3705 South St 877-811-7526 68506 Johnson, Todd E, DO 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 68516 4501 S 70th St, Ste 150 402-488-4444 68516 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 68521 Kohlenberg, Jared M, DO 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Leibhart, Jessica K, DO 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Petersen, Matthew L, DO 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Schutte, Ranae R, DO 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Schweitzer, Asha R, DO 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Simon, Brenda J, DO 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68506 Endocrinology Haudrich, Stephen J, MD Kruger, Jason, MD 68506 Tomek, Charles S, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68506 Sullivan, Kenton R, MD 68510 Gubbels, Cindy A, MD Hansen, John W, MD 68506 68502 Schiefelbein, Daniel E, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 KY C, MD Emergency Medicine Newell, 1600 S 48th St Coughlin, Frank T, MD 68503 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Erway, Randall, MD Miller, Chad, DC 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 32 402-486-1212 68502 Musgrave, Jennifer J, DC 5540 South St, Ste 200 402-488-1500 Timperley, Eric L, DC Ahp-Mhr Home Care Russ's Pharmacy 68506 68510 Gartner, Emily D, DC Timperley, David L, DC Durable Medical Equipment Supplier 201 Capitol Beach Blvd, Ste 8 402-435-1773 68528 5640 South St, Ste 3 402-440-7227 8101 O St, Ste 118 402-489-8222 68510 4500 S 70th St, Ste 116 402-327-8080 68516 Metcalf, Kenneth R, DC McCullough, Jason, DC Mosier, Dan L, DC 2640 E St 402-475-2083 Ramic Lincoln, LLC 68505 Option Care Enterprises, Inc. 68506 Freeman, Jeffrey W, DC 301 N Cotner Blvd 402-202-2472 Davidson, Peter L, DO 2855 S 70th St, Ste 101 402-483-4409 68506 5540 South St, Ste 200 402-488-1500 Findlay, Charles, DC Professional Medical Imaging Timperley, Corey L, DC 68510 Maack, Timothy J, DC 4545 Normal Blvd, Ste 200 402-483-6633 68506 Duffy, Chris R, DC 5630 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-483-2900 68516 4645 Normal Blvd, Ste 200 402-483-6633 68506 5533 NW 1st St, Ste 102 402-476-8483 68521 5540 South St, Ste 200 402-488-1500 Tarnick, Ryan J, DC 68510 68510 68510 Donkin, Scott, DC 301 S 70th St, Ste 250 402-488-2225 4645 Normal Blvd, Ste 200 402-483-6633 68506 4645 Normal Blvd, Ste 200 402-483-6633 68506 Buettenback, Ben, DC Stover, Robert, DC 77 Specialists and Other Providers Sturzenegger, Amber L, DO 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 Gastroenterology Antonson, Clark W, MD 4545 R St, Ste 100 402-465-4545 68503 Coen, Andrew D, MD 4545 R St, Ste 100 402-465-4545 68503 4545 R St, Ste 100 402-465-4545 68503 Dalke, Douglas D, MD Eppel, Michael N, MD Kampfe, Paul W, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 708 402-483-3400 68506 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68502 Kingsley, Alexander N, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 709 402-484-7600 68506 Mota, Kevin R, MD 1919 S 40th St, Ste 107 402-486-3400 68506 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68502 Myers, Stuart I, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 614 402-481-8500 68506 1730 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-441-5600 68506 Nagengast, Stephen, MD 4545 R St, Ste 100 402-465-4545 Norris, R M, MD Griffin, Mark G, MD 68503 Hrnicek, Matthew J, MD 4545 R St, Ste 100 402-465-4545 1101 S 70th St, Ste 100 402-483-4292 68510 575 S 70th St, Ste 310 402-441-4760 68503 4740 A St, Ste 100 402-483-7825 4545 R St, Ste 100 402-465-4545 Varilek, Gary W, MD 4545 R St, Ste 100 402-465-4545 68503 General Surgery Bingham, David H, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 614 402-481-8500 68506 Buckley, John F, MD 1919 S 40th St, Ste 107 402-486-3400 68506 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68502 Burton, Reginald A, MD 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 2300 S 16th St 402-481-5121 68502 Cody, Carolyn S, MD 68502 2222 S 16th St, Ste 200 402-475-9090 68502 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68502 Cole, Timothy, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 708 402-483-3400 68506 Cordova, John F, MD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 200 402-475-9090 68502 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68502 Degraff, Judith, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 709 402-484-7600 68506 5440 South St, Ste 100 402-475-1011 68506 Fallick, John S, MD 1101 S 70th St, Ste 100 402-483-4292 68510 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68502 Fitzke, Greg A, MD 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 575 S 70th St, Ste 310 402-441-4760 Gogela, Louis J, MD 4740 A St, Ste 100 402-483-7825 68502 68510 68510 Hao, Zijun, MD 4740 A St, Ste 100 402-483-7825 68510 Hung, Benjamin J, MD 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 575 S 70th St, Ste 310 402-441-4760 78 68502 68510 Paul, Chester N, MD Pitsch, Richard, MD 4740 A St, Ste 100 402-483-7825 Pitsch, Robert J, MD 4740 A St, Ste 100 402-483-7825 Reed, John L, MD 7441 O St, Ste 200 402-486-8770 1600 S 70th St, Ste 201 402-488-1363 68506 Horisun Hospice, Inc. 3883 Normal Blvd, Ste 108 402-484-6444 68506 Hospice of Tabitha 4720 Randolph St 402-486-8506 68510 68510 68510 68510 68510 Saint Elizabeth Community Hospice Labcorp. of America Holdings 68503 Sorrell, R J, MD Aseracare Hospice 68502 1730 S 70th St, Ste 210 402-483-2572 68506 68516 Home Hospice Care 68502 4545 R St, Ste 100 402-465-4545 Petersen, Paul F, MD Orchard, Todd, MD 4401 S 70th St, Ste 2 402-423-1333 Independent Laboratory 1730 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-441-5600 68506 Lee, David D, MD 68510 Walgreens Infusion Services 68510 Okosun, Stanley E, MD Brank, Adam S, MD 4720 Randolph St 402-483-7671 245 S 84th St, Ste 111 402-486-7043 2300 S 16th St 402-328-8833 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68503 Tabitha Inc 68510 68510 Nebraska Lablinc, LLC 5440 South St, Ste 100 402-484-5462 68506 Physicians Laboratory Services 7441 O St, Ste 100 402-488-7710 68510 Physicians Laboratory, P.C. 7441 O St, Ste 100 1001 S 70th St, Ste 111 402-465-1700 68510 68510 4700 Village Dr, Ste 400 402-420-7924 68516 Tommeraasen, Miles C, MD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 200 402-475-9090 68502 Infectious Diseases 68502 Voigt, David, MD 4740 A St, Ste 100 402-483-7825 Morin, Richard, MD 68510 Windle, Richard J, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 506 402-489-1110 68506 Internal Medicine 220 Lyncrest Dr 402-434-3370 68510 2221 S 17th St, Ste 303 402-476-6626 68502 Allen, Robin B, MD Hematology Anderson, Nicole L, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-8747 600 N Cotner Blvd 402-466-3221 555 S 70th St 402-486-8747 3130 O St, Ste DTE 402-435-5533 68510 Elite Professionals Home Care Co. 3901 Faulkner Dr 402-464-2422 68516 Firstcare Home Health of East NE 3901 Normal Blvd, Ste 102 402-435-1122 68506 Gentiva Health Services 8055 O St, Ste 111 402-489-8361 Interim Healthcare of Lincoln 68510 6040 S 58th St, Ste A-B 402-421-7920 68516 Saint Elizabeth Home Care Services 245 S 84th St, Ste 111 402-219-7043 68510 555 S 70th St 402-219-7142 575 S 70th St, Ste 435 402-219-8703 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8566 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 5401 South St 402-483-9531 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 Drey, Mary, MD 68506 68502 68506 68505 4701 Normal Blvd 402-484-5656 68506 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 68510 Driewer, Matthew L, MD Dunder, Steven G, MD 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 200 402-420-7000 68510 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 111 402-481-6090 68516 Einspahr, Daniel B, MD 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 220 402-421-3240 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 Elliott, Jennifer R, MD Endacott, Karen A, MD Exum, Lynette D, MD 68506 68510 68510 68506 68502 2222 S 16th St, Ste 405 402-474-3704 68502 Bossard, Brian J, MD 68506 68502 Feely, Michael G, MD 68506 Fosnaugh, James A, MD 8055 O St, Ste S109 402-489-8821 8101 O St, Ste 114 402-484-8181 68510 68510 Furasek, Michael A, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-4136 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68506 68502 Garwood, Vernon, MD 1520 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-464-9000 68506 Gillham, Greg, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-7043 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 Gobbo, Paul, MD 68510 68510 1500 S 48th St, Ste 605 402-483-8560 68506 770 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 220 402-441-3400 68505 Moravec, Daniel F, MD 7555 S 57th St, Ste 2 402-601-5808 68502 Nafach, Jalal, MD 68516 Newell, Jennifer L, MD Horrocks, James M, MD 770 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 220 402-441-3400 68505 Hrnicek, Gordon, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 506 402-489-1110 68506 Hutchins, Mark, MD 4701 Normal Blvd 402-484-5656 68506 Jacobs, Alan, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 68510 4900 N 26th St, Ste 104 866-944-6046 68521 4004 Pioneer Woods Dr 402-484-4900 68506 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 120 402-420-1212 68516 Nora, James, MD Northrup, Ruby, DO Ohnoutka, Susan, MD Pace, Michael A, MD 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 220 402-421-3240 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 220 402-421-3240 68516 4501 S 70th St, Ste 130 402-484-4940 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 1500 S 48th St, Ste 800 402-483-8600 68506 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 Jain, Ritoo, MD Jarrett, Jeffrey E, MD Jenkin, Angela L, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-8747 68510 Johnson, William M, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 800 402-483-8600 68506 Jones, Shelley, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 506 402-489-1110 68506 Kapadia, Anand R, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8566 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1101 68506 68502 Kulkarni, Vivek V, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8566 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Lau, Steven M, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8566 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68506 68502 68506 68502 Leonhardt, Dwain A, MD 4501 S 70th St, Ste 130 402-484-4940 68516 Lieske, Timothy, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-8747 Biga, Louis M, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8566 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Clough, Alissa M, MD 68510 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 200 402-420-7000 68510 Bleicher, Bob, MD 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 120 402-420-1212 68516 68502 68510 Berg, Alan R, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8566 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 220 402-421-3240 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 555 S 70th St 402-219-8747 68510 68510 Mitchell, Howard L, MD 68506 4451 N 26th St, Ste 1000 402-476-2600 68521 Cheloha, Kenneth J, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-8747 4004 Pioneer Woods Dr 402-484-4900 68506 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 120 402-420-1212 68516 Chatwell, Rick, MD 68505 Beehler, Connie J, MD Heasty, Scott A, MD McVay, Bryan P, DO 68510 1500 S 48th St, Ste 800 402-483-8697 68506 Chakraborty, Anup K, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8566 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Auxier, Joseph W, DO Hafner, Gerard P, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8566 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68506 Home Health Care Agency Arcadia Health Services 68510 4701 Normal Blvd 402-484-5656 68502 Annin, Arthur S, MD 7441 O St, Ste 304 402-484-5600 68510 4004 Pioneer Woods Dr 402-484-4900 68506 Midathada, Madhu, MD Green, Nathan, DO Carthel, Elizabeth, MD 1520 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-464-9000 68506 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8566 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68510 7441 O St, Ste 304 402-484-5600 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 200 402-420-7000 68510 Churchill, Melvin, MD 68503 7441 O St, Ste 304 402-484-5600 Carlson, Mark D, MD 1620 S 70th St, Ste 101 402-484-6080 68506 300 N 44th St, Ste 112 402-484-8800 555 S 70th St 800-845-6167 Govaerts, Timothy C, MD 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 200 402-420-7000 68510 Chughtai, Wasim M, MD 68510 Taddeucci, Raymond J, MD 402-488-7710 Quest Diagnostics, Inc. 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 575 S 70th St, Ste 310 402-441-4760 4501 S 70th St, Ste 130 402-484-4940 68516 555 S 70th St 402-219-8747 68510 2222 S 16th St, Ste 405 402-474-3704 68502 Linderman, Alan C, MD 770 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 220 402-441-3400 68505 Madathil, Daisy A, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8566 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68506 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 200 402-420-7000 68510 Plachy, Lewis W, MD 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 220 402-421-3240 68516 4501 S 70th St, Ste 130 402-484-4940 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 Plambeck, Randall R, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8566 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Policky, David B, MD 68506 68502 770 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 220 402-441-3400 68505 Potts, Jason R, MD 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 220 402-421-3240 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 Purins, Juris L, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-3198 68506 2300 S 16th St 402-481-5187 68502 4500 S 70th St, Ste 116 402-327-8080 68516 7121 Stephanie Ln, Ste 100 402-420-3500 68516 7501 S 27th St 402-481-6343 68512 Rademacher, Steven E, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 506 402-489-1110 68506 Rawlings, Beth A, MD 68506 Reed, Jerry A, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8566 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68502 7441 O St, Ste 304 402-484-5600 68510 Mayer, James, MD 68510 Peterson, Wallace, MD 68502 Mahrous, Tamer H, MD Marple, Jeffrey T, MD Perlman, Anne, MD 4451 N 26th St, Ste 1000 402-476-2600 68521 McMillan, Holly L, MD 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 220 402-421-3240 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 555 S 70th St 402-219-8747 68510 4535 Normal Blvd, Ste 158 402-483-4770 68506 Reida, Mark D, MD 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 220 402-421-3240 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 Ross, Anthony, MD 2611 S 70th St, Ste A 402-484-7677 68506 Rudersdorf, John H, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 800 402-483-8697 68506 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Rummel, Kevin A, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8566 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Rush, Eric T, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-8747 Saeed, Malik, MD 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Sattar, Arif A, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 6891 A St, Ste 210 402-730-6870 Schmidt, Donald, MD 68506 68502 68510 68502 68510 68510 770 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 220 402-441-3400 68505 Schupbach, Lance E, MD 2300 S 16th St 402-481-8566 68502 Schwaninger, Roseann M, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8566 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Seitz, Richard J, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 Semin, Shawn, MD 68506 68502 68510 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 220 402-421-3240 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 Settje, Andrea A, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8566 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Sidhu, Maluk S, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8566 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68506 Snow, Marcus H, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 Spry, Leslie A, MD 7441 O St, Ste 304 402-484-5600 68510 Undavalli, Sathiraju, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8566 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Valente, Robert, MD 68506 68502 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 120 402-420-1212 68516 Varilek, Bradette, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 2300 S 16th St 402-552-2650 Pattee, Gary L, MD 2631 S 70th St 402-483-7226 575 S 70th St, Ste 315 402-483-7226 Puente, John, MD 2631 S 70th St 402-483-7226 575 S 70th St, Ste 315 402-483-7226 68510 68506 68510 Boyer, Priscilla, CRNA 555 S 70th St 402-219-8747 68510 Warrier, Rugmini P, MD 2300 S 16th St 402-481-4136 Zuercher, Paul S, MD 68502 4501 S 70th St, Ste 130 402-484-4940 68516 Maxillo-Facial Surgery 1630 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-489-8787 68506 Nephrology Cyphers, Matthew P, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-3933 Duch, John M, MD 68510 Bush, Robert J, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Carter, Anne M, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Cooley, Lynn M, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Cottey, Dina, CRNA Onele, Scott P, MD 68506 625 S 70th St 402-486-7023 68510 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Davis, Gloria L, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Draper, Kristina, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Dumas, Susan, CRNA 68506 68502 Neurological Surgery Giovanni, Annie, CRNA 68510 68510 68510 68510 1500 S 48th St, Ste 506 402-489-1110 68506 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68502 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 220 402-421-3240 68516 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 Ghani, Nasimul, MD 68510 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Fitch, Cammi, CRNA 68503 Gelber, Benjamin R, MD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 305 402-488-3002 68502 575 S 70th St, Ste 400 402-488-3002 68510 Kolterman, Linda S, CRNA White, Karen M, CRNA Pfeil, Michal, OT 68506 4501 S 70th St, Ste 130 402-484-4940 68516 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 Mongeon, Rachel M, OT 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 Nurse Anesthetist Ward, Cary L, MD Watson, Gilbert J, CRNA 68502 68510 Ward, Aaron J, MD Kleinsasser, Jan M, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 307 N 46th St 402-466-8259 Stalder, Thomas S, MD Stark, Gerold J, MD Madhavan, Deepak, MD 68502 Snow, Elizabeth A, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 7441 O St, Ste 304 402-484-5600 Slocum Farritor, Tracy L, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-8747 Triggs, Ted, DO 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Gish, Shaunalee S, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 68510 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 68510 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 68510 Occupational Medicine Kucera, Kathleen A, CRNA 555 S 70th St 402-434-5600 Lerdahl, Ann, CRNA 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 Maude, Kristen K, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Mayo, Paul M, CRNA Bednar, Bruce R, OT Ockenga, Nathan R, CRNA Blaha, David A, DDS 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 Camarata, Joseph C, MD Boney, Diane, OT 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 Conway, Michael R, OT 68510 Penny, Heath E, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Perry, Michael K, CRNA 1500 S 48th St, Ste 610 402-483-4448 68506 Plouzek, Robert, CRNA 625 S 70th St 402-486-7023 Reha, Christopher E, CRNA 68510 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Samuelson, Kathryn, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Hayden, Richard, CRNA 555 S 70th St 402-434-5600 68510 Birkmann, Lewiston W, MD Hofferber, Dian J, CRNA 625 S 70th St 402-486-7023 68510 2222 S 16th St, Ste 305 402-488-3002 68502 575 S 70th St, Ste 400 402-488-3002 68510 Neurology 2631 S 70th St 402-483-7226 68506 Steckelberg, Michele S, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 315 402-483-7226 68510 1600 S 48th St 402-481-8566 68506 Bobenhouse, James A, MD 2631 S 70th St 2300 S 16th St 68506 402-475-1011 68502 402-483-7226 575 S 70th St, Ste 315 Stivrins, Timothy, MD 402-483-7226 68510 4501 S 70th St, Ste 130 402-484-4940 68516 Boes, Brian, MD 2631 S 70th St Tilford, Joni, MD 402-483-7226 68506 4004 Pioneer Woods Dr 402-484-4900 68506 575 S 70th St, Ste 315 402-483-7226 68510 Tran, Son Q, MD Kniss, Matthew, MD 7441 O St, Ste 304 402-484-5600 68510 2631 S 70th St 402-483-7226 68506 Triggs, Jodi I, DO 575 S 70th St, Ste 315 555 S 70th St 68510 402-219-7420 68510 402-483-7226 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 68510 Holsing, Tracy L, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Scheer, Victor, CRNA 68510 Schlautman, Mary L, CRNA Smith, Brian S, CRNA Smith, Raymond D, CRNA Smith, Todd A, CRNA Springer, Matthew, CRNA Suing, Michael W, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Talkington, Holly, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 625 S 70th St 402-423-7774 68510 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Hunkins, Ronald E, CRNA Jacobson, John H, CRNA Jensen, Marcia A, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Kaup, Mary, CRNA 625 S 70th St 402-486-7023 Thomas, Susan D, CRNA Topp, Debra, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Tritt, Matthew J, CRNA 68510 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Kepler, David A, CRNA 5930 Vandervoort Dr, Ste A 402-402-2099 68516 5930 Vandervoort Dr, Ste A 402-402-2099 68516 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Harr, Linda K, CRNA Tomes, Daniel J, MD 68510 2550 Superior St, Ste 160 402-742-7400 68521 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Volin, Lori R, OT Watts, Annette L, OT 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Hadenfeldt, Sharon, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 2550 Superior St, Ste 160 402-742-7400 68521 575 S 70th St, Ste 435 402-219-7457 Bennett, Allison M, OT 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 2222 S 16th St, Ste 305 402-488-3002 68502 575 S 70th St, Ste 400 402-488-3002 68510 Pospisil, Heidi-Lynn K, OT Nickell, Jon B, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Greisen, Brad H, CRNA Pierson, Eric W, MD 5930 Vandervoort Dr, Ste A 402-402-2099 68516 Mitchell, Christine A, CRNA Metz, David J, CRNA Graham, Amy, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Pomajzl, Monica, OT 1651 N 86th St, Ste 100 402-484-7117 68505 2550 Superior St, Ste 100 402-742-7400 68521 6120 Village Dr 402-420-2626 68516 68510 575 S 70th St, Ste 305 402-434-5600 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 68506 5930 Vandervoort Dr, Ste A 402-402-2099 68516 Spellman, Colleen, OT 5000 N 26th St, Ste 200 402-475-6656 68521 555 S 70th St 402-434-5600 Mertz, Charisse M, CRNA 3601 Calvert St, Ste 31 402-483-4300 2550 Superior St, Ste 160 402-742-7400 68521 Durand, David R, DO Occupational Therapist 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 2222 S 16th St, Ste 305 402-488-3002 68502 575 S 70th St, Ste 400 402-488-3002 68510 Wolover, Arthur B, CRNA 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Gniffke, Leslie V, CRNA Kent, Christopher S, MD 6911 Van Dorn St, Ste 2 402-489-4186 68506 Unruh, Fayetta J, CRNA Cotton, Rick A, OT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 Cramer, Carrie L, OT 1401 Infinity Rd, Ste D 402-420-0880 Ebers, Mary, OT 68512 68506 68521 Oncology Knox, Stacey, MD 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 200 402-420-7000 68510 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 111 402-481-6090 68516 Oral Surgery 1001 S 70th St, Ste 105 402-486-1001 68510 2222 S 16th St, Ste C300 402-435-0044 68502 Glenn, Andrew, MD 3401 Plantation Dr, Ste 100 402-421-3401 68516 68510 Hedlund, Louis M, DDS 68512 Rallis, David J, MD 68506 68521 68510 4940 Normal Blvd 402-486-1200 68506 4110 A St 402-327-9400 68510 6930 L St, Ste A 402-489-8501 68510 Wickless, James W, DDS Orthopedic Surgery Bigelow, Scott D, MD 68512 6900 A St 402-436-2000 68510 8207 Northwoods Dr 402-466-0555 68505 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 68510 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 68510 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 68510 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 68526 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 68510 5930 Vandervoort Dr, Ste A 402-402-2099 68516 Bozarth, Dennis, MD 2550 Superior St, Ste 160 402-742-9592 68521 5930 Vandervoort Dr, Ste A 402-420-2099 68516 Clare, David, MD Fox, Kindra R, OT Haase, Tina M, OT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 68512 68506 68521 68510 Jantzen, Trevor J, OT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 68512 68506 68521 68510 Mailander, Adam M, OT 1305 S 70th St 402-436-2535 68510 2801 Pine Lake Rd, Ste K 402-436-2986 68516 3500 Faulkner Dr 402-436-2986 68516 5790 N 33rd St, Ste A 402-436-2992 68504 6900 A St, Ste 102 402-436-2535 68510 Clare, Patrick, MD Cullan, Daniel B, MD Esposito, Paul W, MD Gallentine, James, MD Gove, Nicholas, MD 6900 A St 402-436-2000 68510 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 100 402-441-3575 68521 Harris, Justin, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 68510 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 68526 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 68510 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 68510 Hasley, Brian P, MD Heiser, David P, MD Heiser, Thomas, MD Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 79 Specialists and Other Providers Hughes, Keith P, MD 8033 S 15th St, Ste D 402-420-0400 Olson, Terry, MD 68512 1500 S 48th St, Ste 200 402-488-5600 68506 1730 S 70th St, Ste 100 402-484-5599 68506 1530 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-489-2266 68506 Hurlbut, Patrick, MD Ichtertz, Dolf R, MD 1919 S 40th St, Ste 330 800-433-9147 68506 Koch, Douglas A, MD 6900 A St 402-436-2000 Rapp, Michael F, MD Semm, H R, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 200 402-488-5600 68506 Tegt, Thomas, MD 68510 575 S 70th St, Ste 440 402-484-5500 3400 O St, Ste 100 402-476-1313 68510 1530 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-489-2266 68506 6900 A St 402-436-2000 68510 1500 S 48th St, Ste 200 402-488-5600 68506 Kumar, Rajesh, MD Lawson, Keith, MD McCullen, Geoffrey M, MD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 305 402-488-3002 68502 575 S 70th St, Ste 400 402-488-3002 68510 Miller, Bruce A, MD 6900 A St 402-436-2000 Noble, Daniel, MD 68510 Reckmeyer, Matthew, MD Ripa, Daniel R, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 Samani, Daniel J, MD 68510 Wolfe, Dana P, MD Pathology 68510 Samani, David L, MD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 240 402-323-7260 68502 Schwab, Ronald, MD 2855 S 70th St, Ste 101 402-483-4409 68506 Frontier Home Medical 4550 O St 402-465-0033 5900 N 58th St, Ste 1 402-465-0033 8700 Andermatt Dr 402-488-2533 68510 68507 68526 Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics East 1001 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-489-2200 68510 4600 W St, Ste A 402-466-8384 68503 Havelock Neighborhood Pharmacy 5844 Fremont St 402-466-5555 Bernal, Kerry L, MD 4545 R St, Ste 100 402-465-4545 68503 5440 South St, Ste 200 402-465-1900 68506 Dehaan, Ryan, MD 68507 Hope Rehabilitation Equipment Duggan, Michael, MD 5440 South St, Ste 200 402-465-1900 68506 68506 5440 South St, Ste 200 402-465-1900 68506 Lacey, Steffan, MD 5620 S 49th St, Ste B 402-488-4047 6120 Village Dr 402-420-1966 68516 68516 5540 South St, Ste 208 402-438-2232 68506 Jim's Home Health Supplies 68506 Lele, Manjiri S, MD 4545 R St, Ste 100 402-465-4545 68503 Lester, Darrell R, MD 68504 68516 1701 P St 402-441-7871 68508 Lincoln Neighborhood Pharmacy 6811 O St 402-464-1150 68510 68510 5440 South St, Ste 200 402-465-1900 68506 2222 S 16th St, Ste 240 402-280-4342 68502 5440 South St, Ste 200 402-465-1900 68506 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 4545 R St, Ste 100 402-465-4545 68503 4724 Prescott Ave 402-488-3411 68506 Sekundiak, Todd D, MD Strasburger, Scott, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 68510 Swanson, Scott A, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 Tewes, Douglas, MD 6900 A St 402-436-2000 68510 Vande Guchte, Robert A, MD Volin, Steven, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 Walla, Donald J, MD 68510 68510 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 68510 6900 A St 402-436-2000 68510 Yeakley, John, MD Otolaryngology (ENT) 630 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 202 402-464-8385 68505 Cederberg, Christopher A, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 200 402-488-5600 68506 Ferris, Michael P, MD 1530 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-489-2266 68506 Mueller, Royce, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 200 402-488-5600 68506 Nissen, Alan J, MD 80 5440 South St, Ste 200 402-465-1900 68506 600 S 70th St, Fl 3 402-486-3447 68510 Reese, Charles M, MD 5440 South St, Ste 200 402-465-1900 68506 Ruma, Thomas A, MD 68510 Michael's Medical Nebraska Diabetic & Scooter Center 5521 Shady Creek Ct, Ste 1 402-476-5222 68516 Nebraska Scooter Mart, LLC 415 N 66th St, Ste 1 402-464-3900 Orthotic & Prosthetic Solutions 68505 68503 2130 S 17th St, Ste 200 402-476-6575 68502 5440 South St, Ste 200 402-465-1900 68506 1709 Washington St 402-474-2102 Silenieks, Aina I, MD Toalson, Brian D, MD 5440 South St, Ste 200 402-465-1900 68506 68583 Pharmacy/DME Supplier 68506 Consultants In Infectious Disease 1500 S 48th St, Ste 506 402-489-1110 68506 Diabetic Outreach LLC 1941 K St 402-477-1110 2855 S 70th St, Ste 101 402-484-7300 68506 2711 S 48th St, Ste 104 402-484-5665 68506 Somnos Laboratories, Inc. HME 1101 S 70th St, Ste 102 402-486-3410 68510 Tabitha Inc. Bryanlgh Medical Center East - HME 1600 S 48th St 402-489-0200 68502 See The Trainer Lincoln Pathology-Oral 40th & Holdrege St 402-472-8900 Russ's Pharmacy Sean D. Auman, D.C. 68510 4720 Randolph St 402-483-7671 68510 1221 N Cotner Blvd 402-466-6082 68505 800 N 27th St 402-476-3341 68503 The Pharmacy 5401 South St 402-488-3766 68506 2300 S 16th St 402-473-5199 68502 Bryanlgh Medical Center West Rehab Diamant, David S, MD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 305 402-488-3002 68502 575 S 70th St, Ste 400 402-488-3002 68510 Hajj, Kathryn M, MD 4535 Normal Blvd, Ste 105 402-488-4861 68506 Hartman, Eric T, MD 3522 McLaughlin Dr 402-488-3766 5401 South St 402-489-7102 68516 68506 Krabbenhoft, Paul L, MD 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital 5401 South St 402-489-7102 2300 S 16th St 402-314-6885 5321 Troon Dr 402-314-6855 Zeng, Wenjia, MD 5401 South St 402-483-9531 68506 Wagey Drug Company 68502 68526 68506 Physical Therapist Althoff, Carrie L, PT 6101 S 56th St, Ste 1 402-420-0800 68516 8033 S 15th St, Ste C 402-420-4545 68512 Anderson, Betsy A, PT Andrews, Ann M, PT 4545 R St, Ste 100 402-465-4545 Giannini, Peter J, DDS Barton, Charles L, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 440 402-484-5500 Noel, Scott, MD Okoye, Matthias I, MD 68510 6900 A St 402-436-2000 Madonna Rehabilitation Masada, Christopher T, MD Hospital HME Nguyen, Thong T, DO Beauchamp, Magda M, MD McCann, Rhondel J, MD 1400 N 48th St 402-465-9000 3510 Village Dr 402-420-5241 League of Human Dignity 5440 South St, Ste 200 402-465-1900 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Kafka, Adam T, MD Inverse Technology Corp. 5440 South St, Ste 200 402-465-1900 Keelan, Patrick A, MD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 220 402-489-4900 68502 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 Tesmer, Timothy A, MD Davidson, Deborah K, DO 4220 Pioneer Woods Dr, Ste B 402-484-0400 68506 6900 A St 402-436-2000 68510 Douglas Vander Broek DME 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 Aylor, Michelle R, PT 68512 68506 68521 68510 1501 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 20 402-421-2700 68512 4451 N 26th St, Ste 1000 402-476-2600 68521 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 103 402-483-4709 68506 Bednar, Brent, PT 1651 N 86th St, Ste 100 402-484-7117 68505 2550 Superior St, Ste 100 402-742-7400 68521 6120 Village Dr 402-420-2626 68516 Beierman, Tiffany, PT 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 110 402-466-7030 68505 Benson, Stephen V, PT 1651 N 86th St, Ste 100 402-484-7117 68505 2550 Superior St, Ste 100 402-742-7400 68521 6120 Village Dr 402-420-2626 68516 Bjorkman, Eric J, PT 2130 S 17th St, Ste 200 402-476-6575 68502 Bode, Linda, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 Bonness, Dawn, PT Ebers, Catherine, PT 68512 68506 68521 68510 1305 S 70th St 402-436-2535 68510 2801 Pine Lake Rd, Ste K 402-436-2986 68516 3500 Faulkner Dr 402-436-2986 68516 5790 N 33rd St, Ste A 402-436-2996 68504 6900 A St, Ste 102 402-436-2535 68510 Bornschlegl, Matthew, PT 4525 S 86th St, Ste B 402-327-9000 68526 4525 S 86th St, Ste B 402-327-9000 68526 Bornschlegl, Staci, PT Bumsted, Molly M, PT 6101 S 56th St, Ste 1 402-420-0800 68516 Christensen, Darcie L, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 Creal, Andrew, PT 68512 68506 68521 68510 1501 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 20 402-421-2700 68512 4451 N 26th St, Ste 1000 402-476-2600 68521 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 103 402-483-4709 68506 Creal, Daniel L, PT 4451 N 26th St, Ste 1000 402-476-2600 68521 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 103 402-483-4709 68506 Creal, Jeffrey G, PT 4451 N 26th St, Ste 1000 402-476-2600 68521 Cromer, Gregory S, PT 4911 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-477-3110 68521 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 202 402-261-4739 68506 Curran, Mary J, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 Dee, Jeffrey, PT 68512 68506 68521 68510 1919 S 40th St, Ste 335 402-420-2500 68506 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 100 402-420-2500 68521 Denell, Robert F, PT 1651 N 86th St, Ste 100 402-484-7117 68505 2550 Superior St, Ste 100 402-742-7400 68521 6120 Village Dr 402-420-2626 68516 Dewaard, Benjamin, PT 1651 N 86th St, Ste 100 402-484-7117 68505 2550 Superior St, Ste 100 402-742-7400 68521 6120 Village Dr 402-420-2626 68516 Drummer, David, PT 5241 R St 402-467-4545 5930 Vandervoort Dr, Ste A 402-402-2099 68516 Eberspacher, Deborah M, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 Emery, Lyle, PT 68512 68506 68521 68510 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 110 402-466-7030 68505 Erickson, Christopher C, PT 4900 N 26th St, Ste 104 402-465-0010 68521 Escamilla, Brandy M, PT 2550 Superior St, Ste 160 402-742-7400 68521 Evans, Angela, PT 8033 S 15th St, Ste C 402-420-4545 68512 3818 Normal Blvd 402-488-4282 68506 Exstrom-Larsen, Denise, PT Fanning, Darci D, PT 1305 S 70th St 402-436-2535 68510 2801 Pine Lake Rd, Ste K 402-436-2986 68516 3500 Faulkner Dr 402-436-2986 68516 5790 N 33rd St, Ste A 402-436-2996 68504 6900 A St, Ste 102 402-436-2535 68510 Ferguson, Darren L, PT 1651 N 86th St, Ste 100 402-484-7117 68505 2550 Superior St, Ste 100 402-742-7400 68521 6120 Village Dr 402-420-2626 68516 Freese, Marlys D, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 Fritsch, Sara V, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 Gallant, Derrick, PT 68512 68506 68521 68510 68512 68506 68521 68510 4900 N 26th St, Ste 104 402-465-0010 68521 Gloystein, Jennifer M, PT 5241 R St 402-467-4545 68504 Hagele, Gregory M, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 68512 68506 68521 68510 Hagemann, Melissa, PT 6101 S 56th St, Ste 1 402-420-0800 Hanson, Amie L, PT 68516 5930 Vandervoort Dr, Ste A 402-420-2099 68516 68504 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Haring, Megan, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 Kilpatrick, Sherril S, PT 68512 68506 68521 68510 Harmon, Thomas L, PT 1501 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 20 402-421-2700 68512 4451 N 26th St, Ste 1000 402-476-2600 68521 Harms, Natalie S, PT 8033 S 15th St, Ste C 402-420-4545 Hash, Justin A, PT 68512 4900 N 26th St, Ste 104 402-465-0010 68521 Havlovic, Holly M, PT 5930 Vandervoort Dr, Ste A 402-420-2099 68516 Heermann, Carrie, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 68512 68506 68521 68510 Helton, Danielle A, PT 2845 S 70th St 402-489-1999 Henning, Lora A, PT 2845 S 70th St 402-489-1999 Holthaus, Diana, PT 68506 68506 5930 Vandervoort Dr, Ste A 402-402-2099 68516 Horne, Connie S, PT 6101 S 56th St, Ste 1 402-420-0800 Hruska, Ronald J, PT 5241 R St 402-467-4545 Jansa, Shane, PT 68516 68504 1919 S 40th St, Ste 335 402-420-2500 68506 5300 Old Cheney Rd 402-420-2500 68516 Jeffrey, Susan K, PT 770 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 125 402-464-6141 68505 Johnson, Charissa L, PT 6101 S 56th St, Ste 1 402-420-0800 68516 Jorgensen, Jeremiah, PT 6345 S 56th St, Ste 100 402-420-0020 68516 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 200 402-420-0020 68521 Jorgensen, Kari A, PT 6345 S 56th St, Ste 100 402-420-0020 68516 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 200 402-420-0020 68521 Kangior, Stephen R, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 68512 68506 68521 68510 Kavanaugh, Douglas P, PT 4451 N 26th St, Ste 1000 402-476-2600 68521 Kerkman, Anya, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 68512 68506 68521 68510 1651 N 86th St, Ste 100 402-484-7117 68505 2550 Superior St, Ste 100 402-742-7400 68521 6120 Village Dr 402-420-2626 68516 Knopik, Kimberly W, PT 1305 S 70th St 402-436-2535 68510 2801 Pine Lake Rd, Ste K 402-436-2986 68516 3500 Faulkner Dr 402-436-2986 68516 5790 N 33rd St, Ste A 402-436-2996 68504 6900 A St, Ste 102 402-436-2535 68510 Kobza, Robert, PT 1305 S 70th St 402-436-2535 68510 2801 Pine Lake Rd, Ste K 402-436-2986 68516 3500 Faulkner Dr 402-436-2986 68516 5790 N 33rd St, Ste A 402-436-2996 68504 6900 A St, Ste 102 402-436-2535 68510 Korta, Jill N, PT 1305 S 70th St 402-436-2535 68510 2801 Pine Lake Rd, Ste K 402-436-2986 68516 3500 Faulkner Dr 402-436-2986 68516 5790 N 33rd St, Ste A 402-436-2996 68504 6900 A St, Ste 102 402-436-2535 68510 Kruse, Thomas A, PT 1651 N 86th St, Ste 100 402-484-7117 68505 2550 Superior St, Ste 100 402-742-7400 68521 6120 Village Dr 402-420-2626 68516 Kunzweiler, Jacqueline J, PT 6101 S 56th St, Ste 1 402-420-0800 Laughlin, Kirk, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 68516 68512 68506 68521 68510 Linderman, Sarah C, PT 1919 S 40th St, Ste 335 402-420-2500 68506 4451 N 26th St, Ste 1000 402-476-2600 68521 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 103 402-483-4709 68506 Linn, John, PT 1651 N 86th St, Ste 100 402-484-7117 68505 2550 Superior St, Ste 100 402-742-7400 68521 6120 Village Dr 402-420-2626 68516 Lockhard, Sara E, PT 6345 S 56th St, Ste 100 402-420-0020 68516 755 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 200 402-420-0020 68521 Lueke, Amanda E, PT 2845 S 70th St 402-489-1999 68506 Makovicka, Joel P, PT 8033 S 15th St, Ste C 402-420-4545 68512 Maschka, Jeffrey, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 Masek, Jason, PT 5241 R St 402-467-4545 Matta, Dorothy D, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 Michals, Caron C, PT 6101 S 56th St, Ste 1 402-420-0800 Snyder, Jayne L, PT 68512 68506 68521 68510 68504 68512 68506 68521 68510 68516 2845 S 70th St 402-489-1999 Spicka, Michelle, PT Spracklen, Jay L, PT 2845 S 70th St 402-489-1999 Stille, Karen, PT Stoltenberg, Jon D, PT Petersen, Benjamin B, PT 6319 Havelock Ave 402-761-4000 Olberding, Matthew, PT 4107 Pioneer Woods Dr, Ste 106 402-488-5122 68506 68506 1305 S 70th St 402-436-2535 68510 2801 Pine Lake Rd, Ste K 402-436-2986 68516 3500 Faulkner Dr 402-436-2986 68516 5790 N 33rd St, Ste A 402-436-2996 68504 6900 A St, Ste 102 402-436-2535 68510 Parmley, Timothy R, PT 1550 S Coddington Ave, Ste C 402-826-2255 68522 68506 4911 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-477-3110 68521 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 202 402-261-4739 68506 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 Moeller, Casey J, PT Thomsen, Lori, PT 68512 68506 68521 68510 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 110 402-466-7030 68505 Stootsberry, Thomas T, PT 4911 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-477-3110 68521 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 202 402-261-4739 68506 Sudbeck, Ben, PT Peterson, Jennifer, PT 2845 S 70th St 402-489-1999 Reiss, Nicholas J, PT 3818 Normal Blvd 402-488-4282 Robb, Katie M, PT 68506 68506 770 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 125 402-464-6141 68505 Sanchez, Jill R, PT 1305 S 70th St 402-436-2535 68510 2801 Pine Lake Rd, Ste K 402-436-2986 68516 3500 Faulkner Dr 402-436-2986 68516 5790 N 33rd St, Ste A 402-436-2996 68504 6900 A St, Ste 102 402-436-2535 68510 Sand, D R, PT 1651 N 86th St, Ste 100 402-484-7117 68505 2550 Superior St, Ste 100 402-742-7400 68521 6120 Village Dr 402-420-2626 68516 Sasso-Blahak, Tera, PT 5930 Vandervoort Dr, Ste A 402-402-2099 68516 Scheer, Christina, PT 5930 Vandervoort Dr, Ste A 402-402-2099 68516 Schussler, Eric, PT 6900 A St, Ste 102 402-436-2535 68510 Schwager, Matthew L, PT 1550 S Coddington Ave, Ste C 402-826-2255 68522 Sellon, Daniel J, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 Smith, Brett I, PT 6319 Havelock Ave 402-761-4000 68512 68506 68521 68510 68507 8033 S 15th St, Ste C 402-420-4545 Syfie, Bridget A, PT 2845 S 70th St 402-489-1999 Sylliaasen, Cory, PT 8033 S 15th St, Ste C 402-420-4545 Tesmer, Roxie R, PT 68507 68512 68506 68512 1305 S 70th St 402-436-2535 68510 2801 Pine Lake Rd, Ste K 402-436-2986 68516 3500 Faulkner Dr 402-436-2986 68516 5790 N 33rd St, Ste A 402-436-2996 68504 6900 A St, Ste 102 402-436-2535 68510 Tewes, Renee A, PT 1305 S 70th St 402-436-2535 68510 2801 Pine Lake Rd, Ste K 402-436-2986 68516 3500 Faulkner Dr 402-436-2986 68516 5790 N 33rd St, Ste A 402-436-2996 68504 6900 A St, Ste 102 402-436-2535 68510 Thomas, Kylie L, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 Burke, Bridget A, PA 68504 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 68516 1500 S 48th St, Ste 708 402-483-3400 68506 68512 1710 S 70th St 402-484-9009 Thygesen, Paul A, PT 5955 S 56th St, Ste 1 402-423-7878 Unick, Rachel D, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 Wade, Duane, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 Wade, Ryan P, PT 68506 68521 68510 68512 68506 68521 68510 4911 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-477-3110 68521 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 202 402-261-4739 68506 Weber, Jerry, PT 1 Memorial Stadium 402-472-2276 68588 6101 S 56th St, Ste 1 402-420-0800 68516 Weidauer, Kurt D, PT Weissert, Jeffrey, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 68512 68506 68521 68510 Wemhoff, Chad E, PT 1501 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 20 402-421-2700 68512 4451 N 26th St, Ste 1000 402-476-2600 68521 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 103 402-483-4709 68506 Wilson, Margaret A, PT 770 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 125 402-464-6141 68505 Wing Dougherty, Suzanne K, PT 5930 Vandervoort Dr, Ste A 402-420-2099 68516 Zalman, Michael D, PT 4911 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-477-3110 68521 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 202 402-261-4739 68506 Physician Assistant Baumert, Ryan J, PA 68512 68506 68521 68510 Thompson, Alan D, PT 1501 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 20 402-421-2700 68512 4451 N 26th St, Ste 1000 402-476-2600 68521 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 103 402-483-4709 68506 Thompson, Michelle, PT 1230 Aries Dr, Ste D 402-434-5895 2200 S 40th St, Ste 101 402-486-3333 5000 N 26th St, Ste 400 402-742-8410 575 S 70th St, Ste 300 402-219-7498 5241 R St 402-467-4545 68512 68506 68521 6900 A St 402-436-2000 68510 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 68506 Beckman, Joni R, PA Behrens, Brent J, PA 5000 N 26th St, Ste 600 402-476-2111 68521 7040 Helen Witt Dr, Ste 110 402-423-1111 68512 Beste, Jeffrey L, PA Carlson, Leanne R, PA 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 68504 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 210 402-465-5600 68516 Chapp, Stephanie N, PA 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 201 402-323-8484 68506 Cheatham, Melissa, PA 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 Chewakin, Jodi E, PA 1500 S 48th St, Ste 508 402-483-2886 68506 Christiansen, Brad, PA 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68502 7001 A St, Ste 200 402-488-4022 68510 Clark, Tamara, PA 3100 N 14th St, Ste 201 402-477-6600 68521 Crane, Peter A, PA 4210 Pioneer Woods Dr, Ste A 402-488-4321 68506 Creal, Susan, PA 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68502 1500 S 48th St, Ste 601 402-481-8430 68506 Determan, Daniel, PA 555 S 70th St 402-219-7043 555 S 70th St 402-219-7142 68510 68510 Dick, David M, PA 4545 S 86th St 402-483-7507 68526 Dickey, Pamela, PA 1240 Aries Dr 402-420-1300 555 S 70th St 402-219-7142 68512 Doane, Chelsie N, PA 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-489-6555 Dostal, Samuel, PA 6900 A St 402-436-2000 Dynek, Jeffrey A, PA 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-489-6555 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 68516 68506 Darst, Christopher J, PA 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 5500 Pine Lake Rd 402-489-8888 68506 Cox, Anthony J, PA Farwell, Heather, PA Bock, Cason, PA 68506 Carstens, Tammi, PA 3800 Old Cheney Rd, Ste 101331 402-253-8588 68516 Bledsoe, Ellajean K, PA 68526 Caniglia, Justine M, PA 4701 Normal Blvd 402-484-5656 Feeney, Todd, PA Fowler, Rita L, PA 68510 68510 68526 68526 68510 68510 68526 68526 68506 68506 68502 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 201 402-323-8484 68506 68510 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 81 Specialists and Other Providers Fries, Kristen A, PA 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 101 402-466-3355 68505 Gabriel, Steven L, PA 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 Garrett, Beki E, PA 68510 Johnson, Sheri L, PA 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 200 402-420-7000 68510 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 111 402-481-6090 68516 Klein-Beattie, Linnea, PA 1500 S 48th St, Ste 614 402-481-8500 68506 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 68505 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 68516 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 68521 4600 Valley Rd, Ste 200 402-483-4571 68510 1500 S 48th St, Ste 800 402-483-8697 68506 3100 N 14th St, Ste 201 402-477-6600 68521 1710 S 70th St 402-483-7700 6891 A St, Ste 210 402-730-6870 220 Lyncrest Dr 402-434-3370 68510 2900 S 70th St, Ste 310 402-434-5235 68506 1500 S 48th St, Ste 200 402-488-5600 68506 Garrison, Christina E, PA George, Joan M, PA Kleinschmidt, Carrie, PA Grady, Sarah M, PA Kment, Jacklynn A, PA Graham, Jennifer C, PA Kodad, Kelli C, PA Green, Bridget D, PA 68510 1101 S 70th St, Ste 203 402-486-4000 68510 4210 Pioneer Woods Dr, Ste A 402-488-4321 68506 Greisen, Sara J, PA 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 211 402-423-4200 68516 Grimes, Becky L, PA 3201 Pioneers Blvd, Ste 304 402-483-2987 68502 Hannasch, Molly L, PA 68506 Koebernick, Michael L, PA 2222 S 16th St, Ste 305 402-488-3002 68502 575 S 70th St, Ste 400 402-488-3002 68510 Kudron, Christopher, PA 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 68510 Labitoria, Mabelle, PA 1021 N 27th St 402-476-1455 68503 Moran-Manzitto, Angela K, PA 1601 N 86th St, Ste 100 402-327-7500 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 2200 S 40th St, Ste 104 402-483-6000 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 555 S 70th St 402-219-7142 Moses, Erin N, PA 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 Nickolite, John, PA 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 Noecker, Tanja, PA 1601 N 86th St, Ste 100 402-327-7500 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 555 S 70th St 402-219-8747 Novak, Teresa L, PA 7441 O St, Ste 400 402-488-7400 6891 A St, Ste 210 402-730-6870 68510 Liss, Heather A, PA 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 68506 Lloyd, Sandra, PA Otto, Kerri S, PA 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 68510 Lund-Reinke, Rebecca, PA Peters, Patrick J, PA Hassebroek, Lisa M, PA Haveman, Jill A, PA Heacock, Sarah C, PA 4701 Normal Blvd 402-484-5656 Herbin, Brian, PA 68506 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 68510 2625 Stockwell St 402-421-3335 68502 Hillyer, Chad, PA Hinzman, Jackie M, PA 201 Capitol Beach Blvd, Ste 1A 402-435-0228 68528 2525 Pine Lake Rd 402-420-2094 68512 2662 Cornhusker Hwy 402-423-0396 68521 Hoffman, Erin J, PA 6041 Village Dr, Ste 150 402-423-1900 68516 Hollenbeck, Jed E, PA 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 Horst, Amanda L, PA 555 S 70th St 402-219-7142 Howell, Derek, PA 1600 S 48th St 402-489-0200 68506 68510 68506 Huckabee, Michael J, PA 4501 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-489-3834 68516 Hunt, Kayla, PA 1500 S 48th St, Ste 400 402-483-3280 68506 1600 S 48th St, Ste 600 402-483-3333 68506 Isaacson, Deanne, PA 5539 S 27th St, Ste 206 402-476-6060 68512 8101 O St, Ste 300 402-476-6060 68510 Jackson, Penni, PA 2222 S 16th St, Ste 220 402-489-4900 68502 555 S 70th St 402-219-8747 68510 Jennings, Donna F, PA 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 120 402-420-1212 68516 82 68505 68505 68506 68516 68521 68510 68510 68510 68505 68505 68516 68521 68510 68510 4501 S 70th St, Ste 140 402-484-5500 68516 2625 Stockwell St 402-421-3335 Mapson, Lisa R, PA 1001 S 70th St, Ste 220 402-486-4800 68510 Maurer, Roy, PA 1710 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-483-7946 68506 4740 A St, Ste 100 402-483-7825 68510 McLaughlin, Lynn C, PA 6900 Van Dorn St, Ste 24 402-489-3200 68506 McPhail, John, PA 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 68510 McWilliams, Christopher M, PA 4220 Pioneer Woods Dr, Ste B 402-484-0400 68506 Miller, Dale, PA 1600 S 48th St 402-483-8933 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 Moline, Susan R, PA 5200 S 56th St, Ste 2 402-421-8900 Mongeon, Darin, PA 68506 68502 68510 Petersen, Dana D, PA 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 68510 68526 Peterson, Delayne K, PA 770 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 220 402-441-3400 68505 Pieper, Cynthia, PA 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 2200 S 40th St, Ste 104 402-483-6000 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 Placke, Penny K, PA 68505 68506 68516 68521 68516 68502 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 101 402-466-3355 68505 68516 1730 S 70th St, Ste 100 402-489-4700 68506 Plioplis, Lygia G, PA Plymale, William J, PA 2222 S 16th St, Ste 305 402-488-3002 68502 575 S 70th St, Ste 400 402-488-3002 68510 1500 S 48th St, Ste 605 402-483-8560 68506 4545 S 86th St 402-483-7507 Ransone, Teresa R, PA Moore, Anne, PA 68526 Raef, Emily, PA 630 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 202 402-464-8385 68505 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 555 S 70th St 402-219-8747 Reiners, Joshua, PA 6900 A St 402-436-2000 Rief, Bradley A, PA 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 68505 2222 S 16th St, Ste 305 402-488-3002 68502 Royer, Curtis, PA 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 Runge, Kristin M, PA 4545 S 86th St 402-483-6990 68510 68526 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 211 402-423-4200 68516 965 S 27th St, Ste D 402-477-3505 68505 68516 68521 68510 68510 4445 S 86th St 402-486-1500 68526 Symonsbergen, Kellie, PA 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 68504 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 210 402-465-5600 68516 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 68505 Taylor, Debra J, PA 1101 S 70th St, Ste 203 402-486-4000 68510 Thiem, Kendra A, PA 2222 S 16th St, Ste 220 402-489-4900 68502 2222 S 16th St, Ste 240 402-323-7260 68502 Thompson, Michael D, PA Yrastorza, Timothy J, PA 2222 S 16th St, Ste 305 402-488-3002 68502 575 S 70th St, Ste 400 402-488-3002 68510 Plastic Surgery Bryant, R S, MD 7001 A St, Ste 100 402-484-7001 68510 Henry, Mitchell, MD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 300 402-435-0044 68502 Hinze, Mathieu, MD 1730 S 70th St, Ste 210 402-483-2572 68506 Mitchell, Cassidy D, MD 2222 S 16th St, Ste 430 402-483-8530 68502 Schlegel, Dallas D, PA 555 S 70th St 402-219-8747 68510 Schoenrock, Matt, PA 6820 S 32nd St 402-323-8400 Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody 68516 Angelos, Brock R, DPM 68510 4501 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-489-3834 68516 Thompson, Michelle, PA 1501 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 20 402-421-2700 68512 4451 N 26th St, Ste 1000 402-476-2600 68521 Timme, Julie E, PA Scholtes, Charles, PA 8207 Northwoods Dr 402-466-0555 68505 4534 Normal Blvd, Ste 105 402-488-4861 68506 Shade, Daisy S, PA 5539 S 27th St, Ste 206 402-476-6060 68512 8101 O St, Ste 300 402-476-6060 68510 Sharp, Ryan, PA 6900 A St 402-436-2000 68510 1710 S 70th St 402-483-7700 68506 Sitzman, Michelle R, PA Slavik, Julie, PA 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 68510 Snyder, Christy M, PA 4701 Normal Blvd 402-484-5656 1500 S 48th St, Ste 800 402-483-8600 1601 N 86th St, Ste 100 402-327-7500 1601 N 86th St, Ste 200 402-327-7510 3910 Village Dr 402-434-7383 5000 N 26th St, Ste 300 402-435-2060 Sorensen, Todd, PA 68505 68505 68516 68521 68510 68526 1500 S 48th St, Ste 412 402-489-4600 68506 Springer, Chad J, PA 68510 1240 Aries Dr 402-420-1300 68512 4501 S 70th St, Ste 130 402-484-4940 68516 555 S 70th St 402-219-7142 68510 Stevenson, Robert P, PA 555 S 70th St 402-219-7930 Trombino, Christine, PA 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 311 402-467-4361 68505 Tucker, Linda J, PA 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 68504 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 210 402-465-5600 68516 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 68505 Tyser, Michelle, PA 2222 S 16th St, Ste 405 402-474-3704 68502 555 S 70th St 402-219-7420 68510 68510 4213 O St 402-488-8114 68510 3401 O St 402-474-4766 68510 1150 N 83rd St 402-483-4485 68505 5241 R St 402-467-4545 68504 3401 O St 402-474-4766 68510 Berger, Katherine J, DPM Burnap, Teresa K, DPM Coffin, Paul, DPM Evans, Richard M, DPM Hahne, Matthew R, DPM 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 116 402-466-6677 68505 James, Fred M, DPM 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 116 402-466-6677 68505 Rassfeld, Torrey B, DPM 1150 N 83rd St 402-483-4485 68505 1150 N 83rd St 402-483-4485 68505 4501 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-489-3834 68516 7125 S 29th St, Ste B 402-423-0762 68516 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 2710 South St 402-477-3200 68502 Vance, Ben G, PA 575 S 70th St, Ste 310 402-441-4760 965 S 27th St, Ste D 402-477-3505 Vuchetich, David, PA Spitzer, Patricia J, PA Stefkovich, John, PA 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 200 402-420-7000 68510 68506 Spencer, Susan, PA 6900 A St 402-436-2000 Tonkin, Kathleen, PA Vernon, Valerie A, PA 2222 S 16th St, Ste 305 402-488-3002 68502 575 S 70th St, Ste 400 402-488-3002 68510 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 4501 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-489-3834 68516 68506 Sorensen, Scott H, PA Pieper, Michelle R, PA 5200 S 56th St, Ste 2 402-421-6200 68504 Schulz, Kathryn A, PA Okosun, Melinda M, PA 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 Rock, Jenelle C, PA Struebing, Peggy A, PA Saniuk, Christine M, PA 1500 S 48th St, Ste 708 402-483-3400 68506 68506 3262 Salt Creek Cir 402-465-5600 8201 Northwoods Dr 402-465-5600 Saathoff, Becky M, PA 1500 S 48th St, Ste 708 402-483-3400 68506 1710 S 70th St 402-483-7700 Rine, Jill S, PA 68510 68510 68510 68526 Waegli, Rebecca D, PA 4501 S 70th St, Ste 110 402-489-3834 68516 Wiekamp, Julie M, PA 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 101 402-466-3355 68505 Woita, Warren J, PA 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 68510 68526 Wordekemper, Ann M, PA 201 Capitol Beach Blvd, Ste 1A 402-435-0228 68528 2662 Cornhusker Hwy 402-423-0396 68521 Wragge, Kimberley A, PA 5500 Pine Lake Rd 402-489-8888 Wynegar, Ann M, PA 68516 6940 Van Dorn St, Ste 201 402-323-8484 68506 Young, Amanda, PA Tennity, John J, DPM Trotter, Sylvia J, DPM Videtich, Wayne V, DPM Proctology Jobst, Michael A, MD 2300 S 16th St 402-475-1011 575 S 70th St, Ste 310 402-441-4760 68510 Prosthetic/Orthotic Supplier Able II Prosthetics & Orthotics 2222 S 16th St, Ste 220 402-483-9898 68502 Nebraska Orthotic & Prosthetic Srv. 2845 S 70th St 402-489-0077 68506 5401 South St, Rm 0169 402-486-8671 68506 The Scooter Superstore 4327 O St 402-484-5544 68510 Pulmonary Diseases 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 68510 Barry, Sean G, MD 575 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-488-3322 68510 Fiedler, Douglas, MD Young, Austin V, PA 68502 2222 S 16th St, Ste 405 402-474-3704 68502 1500 S 48th St, Ste 800 402-483-8600 68506 68510 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Mansur, Lisa I, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 800 402-483-8697 68506 Curtis, Mary A, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 800 402-483-8600 68506 4501 S 70th St 402-484-4848 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-4475 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 1500 S 48th St, Ste 800 402-483-8697 68506 301 N Cotner Blvd 402-325-0401 Miller, Ellen G, MD 1500 S 48th St, Ste 800 402-483-8697 68506 Reichmuth, Kevin J, MD Trapp, John F, MD Radiation Oncology Barrios, Bennett R, MD 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 100 402-327-7300 68510 Chiu, Joseph, MD 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 100 402-327-7300 68510 3901 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 1 402-327-7300 68516 Howell-Burke, Undine J, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-7930 Rao, Raju, MD 68510 6101 Village Dr, Ste 100 402-421-7158 68516 Yiee, Kevin C, MD 555 S 70th St 402-219-7930 68510 Radiology Baron, Bruce, DO 300 N 44th St, Ste 102 402-467-5335 301 N Cotner Blvd 402-325-0401 Breit, Donald H, MD 68506 68521 68506 68506 68503 68505 1600 S 48th St 877-662-4042 68506 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 200 402-420-7000 68510 2300 S 16th St 402-481-5187 68502 4500 S 70th St, Ste 116 402-327-8080 68516 7501 S 27th St 402-481-6343 68512 Burhoop, Curtis R, MD 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 68521 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-4475 68506 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 68506 Cassidy, Jason P, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-481-3198 68506 2300 S 16th St 402-481-5187 68502 4500 S 70th St, Ste 116 402-327-8080 68516 7121 Stephanie Ln, Ste 100 402-420-3500 68516 7441 O St, Ste 105 402-481-8400 68510 Coleman, Kim L, MD 4501 S 70th St 402-484-4848 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-4475 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 68516 68521 68506 68506 68505 Devries, Matthew J, MD 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 68521 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-4475 68506 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 68506 Dewald, Michael D, MD 2300 S 16th St 402-484-4848 4501 S 70th St 402-484-4848 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 5200 S 56th St, Ste 2 402-421-8900 555 S 70th St 402-484-4848 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-4475 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 68502 68516 68521 68516 68510 68506 68506 Eckert, Gregory G, MD Ailes, Jeffry K, MD 2631 S 70th St 402-484-4848 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-4475 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 Denotter, Tami D, MD Ingham, William K, MD 68516 68521 68506 68506 7500 S 91st St 402-328-3081 Evans, Don L, MD 300 N 44th St, Ste 102 402-467-5335 301 N Cotner Blvd 402-325-0401 Felt, Jonathan Q, MD 4004 Pioneer Woods Dr 402-484-4848 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-4475 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 Gapp, Thomas A, MD 68526 68503 68505 68506 68521 68506 68506 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 68521 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-4475 68506 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 68506 Gillespie, Kevin R, MD 5000 N 26th St 402-484-4848 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 6050 Village Dr 402-484-4848 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-4475 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 68521 68521 68516 68506 68506 Haggstrom, John A, MD 300 N 44th St, Ste 102 402-467-5335 301 N Cotner Blvd 402-325-0401 7500 S 91st St 402-328-3081 Helke, Patricia A, MD 300 N 44th St, Ste 102 402-467-5335 301 N Cotner Blvd 402-325-0401 7500 S 91st St 402-328-3081 Hynes, Phillip R, MD 68503 68505 68526 68503 68505 68526 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 100 402-327-7300 68510 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 200 402-484-4848 68510 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 68521 6050 Village Dr 402-484-4848 68516 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-4475 68506 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 68506 Jackson, Gregory R, MD 7500 S 91st St 402-328-3081 68526 Jaksha, Matthew M, MD 300 N 44th St, Ste 102 402-467-5335 301 N Cotner Blvd 402-325-0401 7500 S 91st St 402-328-3081 Kiple, David L, MD 15th And U St 402-472-7435 4501 S 70th St 402-484-4848 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 6050 Village Dr 402-484-4848 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-4475 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 Koenig, Marc G, MD 68503 68505 68526 68588 68516 68521 68516 68506 68506 300 N 44th St, Ste 102 402-467-5335 68503 301 N Cotner Blvd 402-202-2472 68505 301 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 2 402-770-6878 68505 Ludwig, William D, MD 2200 S 40th St, Ste 104 402-484-4848 5000 N 26th St 402-484-4848 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-4475 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 68506 68521 68521 68506 68506 Mahoney, Patrick D, MD 7500 S 91st St 402-328-3081 Matthes, Janet C, MD 68526 1600 S 48th St 877-662-4042 68506 2300 S 16th St 402-481-5187 68502 4500 S 70th St, Ste 116 402-327-8080 68516 7121 Stephanie Ln, Ste 100 402-420-3500 68516 Matthes, Jeffrey D, MD 1600 S 48th St 877-662-4042 68506 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 200 402-420-7000 68510 2300 S 16th St 402-481-5187 68502 3901 Pine Lake Rd 402-483-8590 68516 4500 S 70th St, Ste 116 402-327-8080 68516 7121 Stephanie Ln, Ste 100 402-420-3500 68516 7501 S 27th St 402-481-6343 68512 McGill, James E, MD 301 N Cotner Blvd 402-325-0401 7500 S 91st St 402-328-3081 McGreer, J T, MD 68505 68526 15th And U St 402-472-7435 68588 7500 S 91st St 402-328-3081 68526 Mehr, Samuel H, MD Miller, Maurice, MD 4500 S 70th St, Ste 116 402-327-8080 68516 Pedersen, Erik A, MD 300 N 44th St, Ste 102 402-467-5335 301 N Cotner Blvd 402-325-0401 Pflug, John D, MD 4501 S 70th St 402-484-4848 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 6050 Village Dr 402-484-4848 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-4475 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 68503 68505 68516 68521 68516 68506 68506 Pomeranz, Stephen J, MD 4500 S 70th St, Ste 116 402-327-8080 68516 Razdan, Rahul S, MD 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 68521 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 68506 Reeder, John, MD 4500 S 70th St, Ste 116 402-327-8080 68516 Robinson-Noble, Regina A, MD 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 68521 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-4475 68506 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 68506 Schlaepfer, C Christian, MD 300 N 44th St, Ste 102 402-467-5335 301 N Cotner Blvd 402-325-0401 68503 68505 Schmidt, David M, MD 2200 S 40th St, Ste 104 402-484-4848 4501 S 70th St, Ste 140 402-484-4848 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-4475 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 68506 68516 300 N 44th St, Ste 102 402-467-5335 7500 S 91st St 402-328-3081 68526 Stolarskyj, Alex T, MD 68526 68526 1600 S 48th St 877-662-4042 68506 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 200 402-420-7000 68510 2300 S 16th St 402-481-5187 68502 4500 S 70th St, Ste 116 402-327-8080 68516 7121 Stephanie Ln, Ste 100 402-420-3500 68516 Rheumatology 1520 S 70th St, Ste 200 402-464-9000 68506 Skilled Nursing Facility 4405 Normal Blvd 402-488-2355 68506 6315 O St 402-489-6591 68510 Homestead Healthcare Rehabilitation 4735 S 54th St 402-488-0977 68516 Madonna Rehabilitation SNF 5401 South St 402-489-7102 68506 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-489-6555 Hedderich, Giles, MD 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-489-6555 Hughes, David, MD 1600 S 48th St 402-489-0200 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-489-6555 1600 S 48th St 402-489-0200 Wudel, James H, MD 555 S 70th St 402-486-8000 7440 S 91st St 402-489-6554 7500 S 91st St 402-489-6555 68526 68526 68510 68526 68526 68506 68510 68526 68526 68506 68510 68526 68526 Urology Crusinberry, Richard A, MD 68516 5500 Pine Lake Rd 402-489-8888 68516 1101 S 70th St, Ste 102 402-486-3410 68510 5500 Pine Lake Rd 402-489-8888 68516 Speech Therapist 5500 Pine Lake Rd 402-489-8888 68516 5500 Pine Lake Rd 402-489-8888 68516 5500 Pine Lake Rd 402-489-8888 68516 Howe, Peter E, MD Somnos Laboratories, Inc. Brady, Beth J, St 8055 O St, Ste S110 402-327-2500 68510 2550 Superior St, Ste 160 402-742-7400 68521 Cook, Shelli A, St Ellis, Gayle J, St Larson, Christopher E, MD Lepinski, Andrew J, MD Cheviron, Christen M, St 1944 S 24th St 402-438-2143 Lacy, Sushil S, MD 68502 Glover, Michaela A, St 5930 Vandervoort Dr, Ste A 402-420-2099 68516 Wiltfong, David, MD Lindsay Ambulance Service Village of Lindsay Volunteer Fire 121 Pine St 402-428-4010 68644 8055 O St, Ste S110 402-327-2500 68510 8055 O St, Ste S110 402-327-2500 Lisco Chiropractor, Licensed 68510 Bowhay, Brook M, DC Hanneman, Karen, St McDaniel, Julie L, St 2550 Superior St, Ste 160 402-742-7400 68521 608 W River Rd 308-632-7094 69148 Rezac, Lori A, St 2550 Superior St, Ste 160 402-742-7400 68521 Stoehr, Staci, St 5930 Vandervoort Dr, Ste A 402-402-2099 68516 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68510 5500 Pine Lake Rd 402-489-8888 68510 Mattas, Maureen C, St 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 68521 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-4475 68506 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 68506 Thoracic Surgery 68516 7500 S 91st St 402-328-3081 68526 68510 Gangahar, Deepak M, MD Henslee, Don L, MD 2550 Superior St, Ste 160 402-742-7400 68521 Vander Woude, Eric A, MD 4740 A St, Ste 100 402-483-7825 5500 Pine Lake Rd 402-489-8888 Tabitha Inc. Skilled Nursing 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 68521 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-4475 68506 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 68506 Van De Water, Donald T, MD Whittle, Thomas, MD Raines, Edward, MD Ambassador Lincoln Eastmont Towers Surgery, General Vascular Jex, R K, MD Garwood, Amy S, MD Sleep Disorder Diagnostic 68506 68503 Winjum, Douglas, MD 68506 201 S 68th Street Pl, Ste 200 402-484-4848 68510 5000 N 26th St, Ste 100 402-484-4219 68521 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-4475 68506 7601 Pioneers Blvd 402-484-6677 68506 Sullivan, Lisa M, MD Wilmot, Michael D, MD 68521 Semin, Michele D, MD 7500 S 91st St 402-328-3081 1600 S 48th St 877-662-4042 68506 2300 S 16th St 402-481-5187 68502 4500 S 70th St, Ste 116 402-327-8080 68516 7121 Stephanie Ln, Ste 100 402-420-3500 68516 4720 Randolph St 402-483-7671 Schuster, Michael R, MD 7500 S 91st St 402-328-3081 Williams, Eric M, MD 83 Specialists and Other Providers Litchfield Ambulance Service Litchfield Volunteer Fire Department 221 N Main St 308-446-2302 68852 Loomis Ambulance Service Loomis Rural Fire District #4 314 Commercial St 308-995-6941 68958 Louisville Ambulance Service Louisville Volunteer Fire & Rescue 122 Main St 402-234-3295 68037 Physician Assistant Milbourn, Gloria D, PA 203 Main St 402-234-2500 68037 Skilled Nursing Facility Louisville Care Center 410 W 5th St 402-234-2125 68037 Loup City Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Meyer, Jane A, CNP 708 O St 308-728-4312 68853 General Surgery Anantachai, Virach M, MD 130 N 6th St 308-745-0514 68853 Physician Assistant Breitkreutz, Jeffrey J, PA 708 O St 308-728-4312 Farrar, David W, PA 708 O St 308-728-4312 Reilly, Robert, PA 708 O St 308-728-4312 68853 68853 68853 Lyman Ambulance Service Lyman Volunteer Fire Dept. 307 Jeffers Ave 308-635-0511 69352 Lynch General Surgery 101 Main St 402-569-2741 68746 Nurse Anesthetist Dredla, James E, CRNA End Of 5th St 402-569-2451 68746 Orthopedic Surgery Swift, Don D, DO 401 S 5th St 402-569-2451 84 Skilled Nursing Facility Pharmacy/DME Supplier Niobrara Valley Hospital DME Countryside Home Community Healthcare & Hospice 401 S Fifth St 402-569-2451 68746 Skilled Nursing Facility Niobrara Valley Skilled Nursing 401 S 5th St 402-569-2451 68746 Lyons Ambulance Service Lyons Fire District 405 Main St 402-687-4144 68038 Physician Assistant Niewohner, Michelle P, PA 220 Main St 402-687-2171 Thiele, Peter J, PA 220 Main St 402-687-2171 68038 68038 68746 703 N Main St 402-454-3373 68748 Maxwell Ambulance Service Maxwell Volunteer Ambulance 103 W 1st St 308-582-4678 69151 Mc Cook Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Leonard, Yajuan Z, CNP 1301 E H St 308-345-2650 69001 526 W B St 308-345-2022 69001 502 W 1st St 308-345-2000 69001 Jenkins, Traci L, CNP Family Medicine Oei, Liem S, MD 100 Indian Hills Dr 402-837-5381 Nephrology Michaelis, Kevin, DC 502 W 1st St 308-345-2000 69001 69001 Blomstedt, Jason J, DO 1301 E H St 308-345-8356 69001 Davis, Lawrence G, MD 1301 E H St 308-345-8356 Doolittle, Doak P, MD Ali, Farhan, MD 100 Indian Hills Dr 402-837-5381 68039 100 Indian Hills Dr 402-837-5381 68039 Chow, Min Hwa, MD 502 W 1st St 308-345-2000 General Surgery 68039 69001 Usave Pharmacy and Medical Supply 902 N Highway 83 308-345-2560 69001 Physician Assistant Hodgson, Teresa A, PA 1401 E H St, Ste B 308-345-4110 1301 E H St 308-345-2650 69001 1301 E H St 308-345-3074 69001 McCook Cardiovascular Disease 69001 69001 McGowan, Daniel J, MD 69001 Hinze, Todd, DC 306 W D St 308-345-8699 69001 Madison Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Home Health Care Agency Nielsen, Michael R, DC Community Hospital HHA Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Schnoor, Sandy L, CNP Home Hospice Care 222 S Main St 402-454-3304 68748 Madison Fire and Rescue Squad 211 S Lincoln St 402-454-3412 68748 Chiropractor, Licensed Community Health Care & Hospice 407 W 5th St 308-344-8356 69001 Infectious Diseases Brailita, Daniel M, MD 1301 E H St 402-461-5358 69001 Salumbides, Ramon R, MD 68748 Physical Therapist Jagels, Kristi L, PT 119 Saddle Ln 402-454-9300 69001 Neurological Surgery Miller, David, DC 222 S Main St 402-454-2225 407 W 5th St 308-344-8356 68748 1301 E H St 308-345-3074 69001 114 W C St 308-345-2995 69001 Apria Healthcare, Inc. 711 E 11th St 308-345-2477 69001 Family Medicine Blomstedt, Jason J, DO 1401 E H St 308-344-4110 69001 General Surgery Eskildsen, Walter K, MD 1401 E H St, Ste B 308-345-7878 69001 1301 E H St 308-345-2650 69001 Steffen, Brent, MD Nurse Anesthetist Nurse Anesthetist Hamilton, Angela D, CRNA Friestad, Lawrence E, CRNA 1401 E H St, Ste B 308-345-4110 69001 1301 E H St 316-835-2231 69001 Physician Assistant Allen, Jim M, PA 3 Bison Holiday Dr 308-345-8860 69001 1401 E H St 308-344-4110 69001 1401 E H St 308-344-4110 69001 1401 E H St 308-344-4110 69001 Krysl, Charles J, PA Schmitz, Brett, PA Taylor, Lindsay S, PA Watt, Katie R, PA 306 W D St 308-345-3773 69001 69001 69001 Mead Ambulance Service Mead Rural Fire Protection District 102 W 4th St 402-624-3610 Kirubakaran, Azariah, MD 69001 1301 E H St 308-345-2650 Hinze, Robert C, DPM 69001 Chiropractor, Licensed Anderson, Daniel R, MD Orthopedic Surgery 69001 1301 E H St 308-345-3074 1301 E H St 308-345-2650 69001 Milhon, Allen D, CRNA Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Conant, Raymond W, MD 1301 E H St 308-345-2650 1301 E H St 308-345-2650 Millard Cardiovascular Disease 69001 Urology Halsted, David S, MD 69001 111 W C St 308-345-3626 3 Bison Holiday Dr 308-345-8860 Hillcrest Nursing Home 69001 Seip, Christopher C, MD 1401 E H St, Ste B 308-345-4110 1301 E H St 308-344-8356 309 W 7th St 308-345-4600 Michaelis, Gerald, DC Internal Medicine 708 E B St 308-345-2068 1301 E H St 308-345-2650 Benavides, David A, MD Community Hospital Swingbed Macy Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 68039 69001 City of McCook Ambulance Michaelis, Brian P, DC 100 Indian Hills Dr 402-837-5381 120 W B St 308-345-1781 Farrell's Pharmacy Skilled Nursing Facility Logan Valley Manor 68038 69001 Ambulance Service Chiropractor, Licensed 1035 Diamond St 402-687-2636 1301 E H St 308-345-8356 Frontier Home Medical Skilled Nursing Facility Ambulance Service Aanning, Harald L, MD Hill, Constance J, CRNA Pharmacy/DME Supplier 68041 Merna Ambulance Service Merna Rescue Squad 425 E Center Ave 308-643-2281 68856 Milford Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner List, Pamela H, CNP 100 W 9th St 402-685-5120 68405 Chiropractor, Licensed Beilby, Steven M, DC 508 1st St 402-761-3100 68405 Physical Therapist Smith, Brett I, PT 511 1st St 402-761-4000 68405 Physician Assistant Soester, Melissa D, PA 119 S C St 402-761-3307 68405 Skilled Nursing Facility Crestview Care Center 1100 1st St 402-761-2261 68405 2727 S 144th St, Ste 290 402-596-4444 68144 Baller, John T, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 290 402-596-4444 68144 Chambers, Ward A, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 290 402-596-4444 68144 Dumitru, Ioana, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 290 402-596-4444 68144 Easley, Arthur R, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 290 402-596-4444 68144 O'Leary, Edward L, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 290 402-596-4444 68144 Porter, Thomas R, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 290 402-596-4444 68144 Raichlin, Eugenia, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 290 402-596-4444 68144 Scherschel, John A, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 290 402-596-4444 68144 Windle, John R, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 290 402-596-4444 68144 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier New Image 13057 W Center Rd, Ste 25 402-699-1172 68144 Home Hospice Care VNA of The Midlands Hospice 12565 W Center Rd, Ste 100 402-342-5566 68144 Nurse Anesthetist Frost, Joseph P, CRNA 11623 Arbor St 402-330-4555 68144 11623 Arbor St 402-330-4555 68144 11623 Arbor St 402-330-4555 68144 Rice, Thomas C, CRNA Thomas, Susan D, CRNA Milligan Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Elting, Kay E, CNP 519 Main St 402-629-4243 68406 Physician Assistant Madsen, Brent L, PA 519 Main St 402-629-4243 68406 519 Main St 402-629-4243 68406 McGuire Johnson, Margaret M, PA Minatare Ambulance Service Minatare Volunteer Fire Dept. 211 Main St 308-635-0511 69356 69001 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Minden Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Grams, Renee, CNP 727 E 1st St 308-832-3400 68959 Thom, Amanda M, CNP 727 E 1st St 308-832-3400 68959 Ambulance Service Oconnell, Timothy J, MD 727 E 1st St 308-832-1440 68959 Zefo, Nancy, MD 727 E 1st St 308-832-1440 68959 Skilled Nursing Facility 325 N Colorado Ave 308-832-0448 Kearney County Health Services 727 E 1st St 308-832-3400 68959 Hiemstra, Shaun M, St 68959 Cardiovascular Disease 727 E 1st St 380-832-1440 68959 68959 General Surgery Doolittle, Doak P, MD 68959 Occupational Therapist 68959 Pharmacy/DME Supplier 68959 Physical Therapist Ehlers, Douglas D, PT 244 N Minden Ave 308-832-1500 68959 Lutkemeier, Mary E, PT 244 N Minden Ave 308-832-1500 68959 Physician Assistant Becker, Jon P, PA 727 E 1st St 308-832-3400 68959 Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Sextro, Philip B, DPM 727 E 1st St 800-847-6544 68959 Radiology Fuerst, Daniel, MD 727 E 1st St 308-832-3400 Heyd, Robert, MD 727 E 1st St 308-832-3400 Jerde, Richard, MD 727 E 1st St 308-832-3400 Lee, Jeffrey P, MD 727 E 1st St 308-832-1440 68959 Mitchell Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Olson, Ernestine L, CNP 69357 Schweitzer, Mary E, CNP 1456 Center Ave 308-623-1234 69357 Ambulance Service 1280 Center Ave 308-635-0511 69357 Chiropractor, Licensed Bowlin, Ryan, DC 1463 19th Ave 308-623-1313 69357 Internal Medicine Packard, William M, MD 1456 Center Ave 308-623-1234 69357 Physician Assistant Stahly, Michelle J, PA 1456 Center Ave 308-623-1234 69357 Monroe Ambulance Service Monroe Rescue Unit 428 Gerrard Ave 402-246-3501 68647 68959 Morrill Volunteer Rescue Service 68959 68959 118 Center Ave 308-247-2312 69358 Physician Assistant Orwig, Lindsay D, PA 302 Center Ave 308-247-3475 Gracey, Nikki R, PT 205 NW 1st St 308-546-2306 Sexson, Tyler, PT 205 NW 1st St 308-546-2306 69152 69152 Naper Ambulance Service 217 Main St 402-832-5656 68755 Nebraska City Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Macauley, Serena E, CNP 1903 4th Corso 402-873-5505 68410 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 Owen, David, CNP Young, Lisa A, CNP 1903 4th Corso 402-873-5505 69358 Saint Marys Hospital Skilled Nursing Chiropractor, Licensed 1314 3rd Ave 402-873-3321 Higgins, Dion L, DC 605 1st Corso 402-873-6999 68410 1218 Central Ave 402-873-7399 68410 McGinley, Rodney W, DC Overturf, Nathan D, DC 605 1st Corso 402-873-6999 68410 Dermatology 1700 14th Ave 402-467-4361 68410 103 N 10th St 402-873-5127 68410 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Mosers U Save Pharmacy 824 Central Ave 402-873-7707 68410 Home Health Care Agency Tabitha Home Health Agency 819 Central Ave 402-873-7047 68410 68410 Hospice of Tabitha Allergy 819 Central Ave 402-873-7074 Nilsson, Thomas C, MD Orthopedic Surgery 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 Ambulance Service Keiser, Darren R, MD Nebraska City Fire & Rescue Dept. 1409 Central Ave 402-572-4019 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 Christensen, Julie A, AuD Dierking, Darcia M, AuD 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 Edwards, Joel, AuD 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 Eiten, Leisha R, AuD 68410 68410 68410 Jana, Ajoy K, MD 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 68410 68410 Joyce, Kimberly, AuD 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 Certified Diabetic Educator Saint Marys Hospital Diabetic Education 1314 3rd Ave 402-873-8950 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 Nehawka Rescue 217 Sherman Ave 402-227-2030 68413 Neligh Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Good, Patricia A, CNP 109 W 11th St 402-887-5440 68756 109 W 11th St 402-887-5440 68756 Gossman, Sharon A, CNP Chiropractor, Licensed Barnes, Randy D, DC 413 Main St 402-371-0522 68756 819 Central Ave 402-873-7074 68410 Physician Assistant 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 Sebek, Michael J, PA 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 68410 68410 Radiology Dewald, Michael D, MD 1314 3rd Ave 402-484-4848 68410 Skilled Nursing Facility 1420 N 10th St 402-873-3304 Antelope Memorial Skilled Nursing 102 W 9th St 402-887-4151 68756 1100 T St 402-887-5428 68756 Golden Livingcenter Neligh Nelson Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Ferrell, Erica J, CNP 76 W 8th St 402-225-2375 68961 76 W 8th St 402-225-2375 68961 Frahm, Teresa B, CNP Ambulance Service Nelson Rescue Squad 570 S Main St 402-225-3911 Physician Assistant 76 W 8th St 402-225-2375 68961 76 W 8th St 402-225-2375 68961 Hass, Jason G, PA 68756 Nelson Good Samaritan SNF 406 L St 402-887-4878 68756 150 W 8th St 402-225-2411 413 Main St 402-371-0522 68756 Nemaha Ambulance Service 102 W 9th St 402-887-4151 68756 Nurse Anesthetist Dredla, James E, CRNA 102 W 9th St 402-887-4151 68756 Pharmacy/DME Supplier 68961 Nemaha Rescue Squad 601 1st St 402-824-5010 68414 Newcastle Ambulance Service Newcastle Rescue 205 Mary St 402-572-4019 68757 Newman Grove Physician Assistant Henry, Sandy, PA 104 N 1st St 402-447-6214 68758 Physician Assistant 104 N 1st St 402-447-6214 68758 Korth-Wurdinger, Brenda S, PA Skilled Nursing Facility Wanek Pharmacy 410 M St 402-887-5426 1108 R St 402-887-4681 68756 68756 Pulmonary Diseases 102 W 9th St 402-887-4151 Ray, Kelli M, PA Mid-Nebraska Lutheran Homes 109 N 2nd St 402-447-6203 68758 68756 Radiology Eckstrom, Philip, MD 102 W 9th St 800-436-8703 68756 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68961 Skilled Nursing Facility Keim, Lon W, MD 68410 Skilled Nursing Facility 68756 Antelope Memorial Home Health Care 68410 68756 324 M St 402-887-4878 Pamida Pharmacy Tabitha Inc. 68756 102 W 9th St 800-436-8703 Vonk, Brian, MD 413 Main St 402-371-0522 Home Health Care Agency 1738 S 11th St 402-873-5565 102 W 9th St 800-436-8703 Gatlin, Matthew W, PA Pharmacy/DME Supplier Golden Livingcenter Nebraska City 68410 68410 Nehawka Ambulance Service Thor, James, DC Langemeier, Douglas J, PA 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 Tegt, Thomas, MD 68410 Hoover, Brenda M, AuD 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 Simonsen, Steven, DC 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 Speech Therapist Otolaryngology (ENT) Barnhart, Samantha A, PA 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 68410 Putman, Coille A, St Meyer, Wendy F, DC 68410 Gorga, Michael P, AuD 1800 14th Ave 402-873-6650 Dalton, Aaron M, DC 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 Feigin, Judith A, AuD 68410 The Ambassador Nebraska City 1700 14th Ave 402-873-4242 Bigler, David, MD Frichot, Bert C, MD Roemhildt, Louis W, MD Tyler-Krings, Amy M, St Home Hospice Care Beauchaine, Kathryn L, AuD Morrill Ambulance Service 68959 69152 Audiologist 68959 Johnson, Rodney L, MD 727 E 1st St 308-832-1440 727 E 1st St 308-832-1911 68959 Mitchell Volunteer Fire Dept. Innovative Pharmacists, Inc. 419 N Colorado Ave 308-832-2816 68959 Conant, Raymond W, MD 727 E 1st St 308-832-1911 500 SW 1st St 308-546-2280 Naper Volunteer Fire Dept. 1456 Center Ave 308-623-1234 Sughroue, Danette M, OT 244 N Minden Ave 308-832-1500 Smith, Megan, St Halsted, David S, MD Wakefield, Roy D, DC 727 E 1st St 308-832-1911 68959 Urology Chiropractor, Licensed 333 N Minden Ave 308-832-1000 244 N Minden Ave 308-832-1500 244 N Minden Ave 308-832-1500 Kutty, Ahmed A, MD Mullen Ambulance Service Physical Therapist Speech Therapist City of Minden Ambulance Service Mullen Ambulance Service 85 Specialists and Other Providers Nickerson Ambulance Service Nickerson Rural Fire District 68044 Niobrara Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Joachimsen, Tonya, CNP 25410 Park Ave, Apt E 402-857-3398 68760 Manas-Lammers, Lori A, CNP 25410 Park Ave, Apt E 402-857-3398 68760 Yule, Jane K, CNP 68701 Majchrowitz, Amy M, CNP Mlnarik, Lisa, CNP 110 N 29th St, Ste 301 402-844-8284 68701 Reinhart, Teresa L, CNP 110 N 16th St, Ste 16 402-644-7314 68701 Schlomer, Julie A, CNP 1302 Riverside Blvd 402-379-3123 1410 N 13th St 402-379-2322 68701 68701 Schnoor, Sandy L, CNP 110 N 16th St, Ste 16 402-644-7314 68701 68760 Ambulance Service Niobrara Volunteer Fire Dept. 25414 Park Ave, Ste 5 402-857-3795 68760 Physician Assistant Wallinga, Danielle L, PA 25410 Park Ave, Apt E 402-857-3398 68760 Norfolk Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Allen, Jean, CNP 110 N 29th St, Ste 301 402-844-8284 68701 Alt, Mary, CNP 68701 Blome-Weibel, Stephanie L, CNP 110 N 16th St, Ste 16 402-644-7314 68701 Bobeldyke, Maribeth, CNP 301 N 31st St 402-644-4600 68701 Brennan, Diane M, CNP 110 N 29th St, Ste 1 402-644-7358 68701 Brtek-Zwiener, Michelle, CNP 110 N 16th St, Ste 16 402-644-7314 68701 Effle-Meyer, Kathy J, CNP 301 N 27th St, Ste 1 402-844-8000 Franzen, Lois, CNP 68701 900 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 100 402-371-2326 68701 Griffee, Anne M, CNP 68701 Hoins, Wendy J, CNP 1500 Koenigstein Ave, Ste 200 402-644-7329 68701 Holland, Mary B, CNP 1300 Nebraska Ave 402-379-3250 68701 Nilsson, Thomas C, MD Internal Medicine Neurology Birch, Larry, MD Adams, Charles R, MD 110 N 29th St, Ste 301 402-844-8284 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-4880 68701 68701 Brandt, Thomas R, MD 109 N 29th St, Ste 1 402-644-4411 Chander, Ajay, MD 68701 Shopko Pharmacy #2056 2005 Krenzien Dr 402-379-4380 68701 Imran, Muhammad N, MD 110 N 29th St, Ste 301 402-844-8284 68701 Ranjan, Rajiv, MD 68701 68701 110 N 29th St, Ste 301 402-844-8284 68701 Norfolk Ambulance Service Inc 806 Andys Lake Rd 402-371-2111 1502 N 13th St 402-371-6415 68701 Denkinger, Angela, DC Ambulatory Surgical Center Hoehne, Donald W, DC Faith Regional Surgery Center 301 N 27th St, Ste 3 402-644-7262 68701 Surgi Center of Norfolk 3400 W Norfolk Ave 402-379-5555 68701 68701 Kinney, Wesley W, MD Premer, Brent, MD 2700 W Norfolk Ave 605-335-1952 68701 68701 Price, Christopher E, MD 2700 W Norfolk Ave 605-335-1952 68701 Schroder, Richard, MD 2700 W Norfolk Ave 605-335-1952 68701 68701 68701 Kassmeier, David, DC 1502 N 13th St 402-371-6415 Linn, Nicholas, DC 900 W Omaha Ave 402-371-8864 407 S 17th St 402-379-4870 Bertus, James D, MD 3400 W Norfolk Ave 308-382-7744 419 Norfolk Ave 402-379-3390 Melcher, Alesa, DC Anesthesiology 301 N 27th St, Ste 10 402-644-7132 214 N 7th St, Ste 7 402-371-4673 Rub, Jeffrey, DC 68701 68701 68701 1106 Benjamin Ave, Ste 110 402-844-3200 68701 Spence, Shannon, DC 1700 Market Ln 402-371-9366 Thone, Jacob, DC 214 N 7th St, Ste 7 402-371-4673 Thor, James, DC 110 N 37th St, Ste 405 402-371-0522 Thor, Kimberly K, DC 110 N 37th St, Ste 405 402-371-0522 68701 68701 68701 68701 2024 W Pasewalk Ave 402-343-3830 68701 1500 Koenigstein Ave 402-371-4880 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-644-7543 Yosten, Jeffrey J, MD 68701 68701 68701 68701 Family Medicine 2600 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 200B 402-844-8205 68701 Gastroenterology Dudley, David A, MD 301 N 27th St, Ste 1 402-844-8000 68701 General Surgery 68701 Beutler, Thomas M, MD 301 N 27th St, Ste 1 402-844-8000 68701 Gomez Cordero, Rodrigo, MD 110 N 16th St, Ste 16 402-644-7314 1112 Verges Ave 402-379-8717 Hehner, Clark F, MD 68701 68701 Audiologist Beeman, Beth J, AuD 301 N 27th St, Ste 4 402-844-8110 68701 Holmes, Deena L, AuD 1410 N 13th St 402-379-2322 68701 Wolf, Erin M, AuD 301 N 27th St, Ste 4 402-844-8110 2400 W Pasewalk Ave 402-379-4000 301 N 27th St, Ste 4 402-844-8110 68701 68701 68701 Dermatology Frichot, Bert C, MD 109 N 15th St, Ste 23 402-371-3564 68701 Luckasen, John R, MD 109 N 15th St, Ste 23 402-371-3564 68701 Papenfuss, Jason S, MD 109 N 15th St, Ste 23 402-371-3564 68701 2600 W Norfolk Ave 402-379-2810 68701 Northeast NE Imaging Center, LLC 301 N 27th St, Ste 15 402-844-8187 68701 1500 Koenigstein Ave 402-371-4880 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-4880 Guido, Leonel, MD 1500 Koenigstein Ave 402-371-4880 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-4880 68701 1500 Koenigstein Ave 402-371-4880 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-4880 Renno, Samer I, MD 110 N 29th St, Ste 1 402-644-7358 68701 110 N 29th St, Ste 1 402-644-7358 68701 Shah, Inaganti M, MD Verdirame, Joseph D, MD Maxillo-Facial Surgery Internal Medicine Interventional Cardiology Hurley, Dominic V, MD 68701 68701 68701 Faith Regional Health Services Hospice 68701 110 N 16th St, Ste 24 402-844-8167 110 N 29th St, Ste 303 402-844-8194 68701 68701 68701 Nurse Anesthetist Catron, Richard J, CRNA 3400 W Norfolk Ave 308-382-7744 68701 3400 W Norfolk Ave 308-382-7744 68701 2700 W Norfolk Ave 800-658-3901 68701 2700 W Norfolk Ave 605-335-1952 68701 2700 W Norfolk Ave 605-335-1952 68701 2700 W Norfolk Ave 605-335-1952 68701 2700 W Norfolk Ave 605-335-1952 68701 2700 W Norfolk Ave 605-335-1952 68701 2700 W Norfolk Ave 605-335-1952 68701 2700 W Norfolk Ave 800-658-3901 68701 1507 Cedar Ridge Rd 402-371-6547 68701 2700 W Norfolk Ave 605-335-1952 68701 Johnson, William H, CRNA McClain, Tina W, CRNA Nordhues, Charles, CRNA Pick, Michael, CRNA Rowse, Charles, CRNA Stapleton, Robbi A, CRNA Talsma, Robert L, CRNA Tietz, Rachel L, CRNA Topp, Debra, CRNA Viergutz, Reyne A, CRNA Occupational Therapist Eisenbraun, Wendi, OT 2108 Taylor Ave, Ste 1100 402-371-7545 68701 Jacobsen, Tracy B, OT 1120 N 1st St 402-371-7545 68701 2108 Taylor Ave, Ste 1100 402-371-7545 68701 Pagano, Brittany K, OT 2108 Taylor Ave, Ste 1100 402-371-7545 68701 68701 Oncology Lemon, Stephen J, MD 301 N 27th St 402-354-5860 68701 301 N 27th St 402-844-8152 68701 Neurological Surgery 301 N 27th St 402-844-8000 68701 Durward, Quentin J, MD Oral Surgery Weitzmann, Jonathan V, MD 110 N 29th St, Ste 302 402-844-8131 68701 Asaad, Hakam M, MD 2108 Taylor Ave, Ste 1100 402-371-7545 68701 Sears, Gregory S, MD 109 N 29th St 402-371-5880 109 N 15th St, Ste 14 402-371-0226 68701 Prusa, Patti, OT Nephrology Aseracare Hospice 1500 Koenigstein Ave 402-644-7453 68701 68701 68701 Faith Regional Home Health Service 68701 110 N 29th St, Ste 1 402-644-7358 110 N 29th St, Ste 301 402-844-8284 1909 Vicki Ln, Ste 110 402-379-4158 68701 1500 Koenigstein Ave 402-371-4880 110 N 29th St, Ste 301 402-844-8482 83925 Eagle Ridge Rd 402-371-0433 68701 68701 Metcalf, Joe D, MD 301 N 27th St, Ste 2 402-844-8254 Moore, Richard, CRNA 110 N 29th St, Ste 1 402-644-7358 68701 Universal Pediatric Services 68701 Mathews, Abraham P, MD 301 N 27th St, Ste 1 402-844-8000 1500 Koenigstein Ave 402-644-7453 68701 110 N 29th St, Ste 303 402-844-8194 68701 2600 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 200B 402-844-8205 68701 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-4880 68701 94 Market Pl 402-844-8222 68701 68701 Smith, Stephen R, MD Diagnostic Radiology Home Hospice Care Community MRI Services Fletcher, Julie, MD 110 N 29th St, Ste 301 402-844-8284 Home Health Care Agency 68701 68701 68701 McClain, Joseph M, MD Kinney, Wesley W, MD 1202 Tara Hills Dr 308-382-7744 110 N 29th St, Ste 1 402-644-7358 109 N 29th St, Ste 7 402-379-1704 Anesthesiology Pain Timmerman, David, DC 2108 Taylor Ave, Ste 100 Management 68701 68701 Rao, Bhaskar, MD Bell, Donald D, MD 110 N 16th St, Ste 6 402-371-4471 110 N 29th St, Ste 1 402-644-7358 Harper, Charles H, MD Weinstein, Gerald S, MD 402-371-9000 68701 Fahed, Rabih C, MD Ellis, Kelly L, DO 68701 110 N 29th St, Ste 303 402-844-8194 68701 Yosten, Lisa D, MD 68701 68701 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-4880 Burwell, Jeff, MD 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-4880 Davis, Kevin, DC 68701 Commers, James R, MD Barnes, Randy D, DC 110 N 37th St, Ste 405 402-371-0522 68701 68701 Stratton, Phillip M, MD Welsh, Douglas V, MD 1410 N 13th St 402-371-5500 1410 N 13th St 402-379-2322 Ragnarsson, Thorir S, MD 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-644-7543 Foster, William P, MD 110 N 29th St, Ste 301 402-844-8284 1120 N 1st St 402-371-8070 Emergency Medicine Boapimp, Pimpawan, MD 68701 Ambulance Service 68701 Babbitt, Timothy D, MD 110 N 29th St, Ste 301 402-844-8284 109 N 29th St, Ste 1 402-644-4411 2108 Taylor Ave, Ste 500 402-371-0255 68701 1300 Nebraska Ave 402-379-3250 Zieg, George A, MD 68701 86 Ahp-Mhr Home Care Chiropractor, Licensed 110 N 29th St, Ste 301 402-844-8284 110 N 16th St, Ste 16 402-644-7314 68701 2600 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 200B 402-844-8205 68701 Ahmed, Agha J, MD 68701 Farnham, Todd A, AuD Lammers, Ronette L, CNP Hospice of Tabitha 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-4880 68701 Laflan, Cathy J, CNP Durable Medical Equipment Supplier 1300 Nebraska Ave 402-379-3250 1302 Riverside Blvd 402-379-3123 Kaufman, Celeste, CNP Cardiovascular Disease Sterns, David A, MD Allergy Brownell, Jaine M, MD 110 S Visiting Eagle St 402-857-2300 2425 Taylor Ave 402-371-5070 2504 W Benjamin Ave 402-379-9999 900 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 100 402-371-2326 68701 112 N Maple St 402-721-8888 109 N 29th St, Ste 1 402-644-4411 Lubischer, Kristie, CNP 68701 301 N 27th St, Ste 2 402-844-8254 68701 109 N 15th St, Ste 23 402-371-7144 68701 301 N 27th St, Ste 2 402-844-8254 68701 Greene, George M, MD Popa, Irina E, MD Tso Bomgaars, Elisa, MD Pfeifle, Robert M, DDS 109 N 29th St 402-371-5880 68701 Johnson, Matthew R, MD The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Orthopedic Surgery Bergquist, Peter E, DO 110 N 16th St, Ste 24 402-844-8167 301 N 27th St, Ste 5 402-884-8183 68701 68701 Jensen, Wade K, MD 68701 Sossan, Allen, DO 68701 Tyrance, Patrick H, MD 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-4880 301 N 27th St, Ste 5 402-884-8183 68701 68701 Otolaryngology (ENT) 68701 68701 Pathology Lacey, Steffan, MD 109 N 15th St, Ste 36 402-371-3322 68701 Pharmacy/DME Supplier 1500 Koenigstein Ave 402-371-4880 68701 Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics East 1310 Norfolk Ave 402-844-3580 Home Health Medical Equipment 2604 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-6550 68701 68701 1700 Market Ln, Ste 410 402-371-3007 68701 2404 Taylor Ave, Ste 100 402-379-0505 68701 Junge, Douglas J, PT 1220 W Benjamin Ave, Ste 4 402-371-9707 68701 Keller, Christine M, PT 1401 W Michigan Ave 402-371-8701 1909 Vicki Ln, Ste 105 402-397-3777 Tabitha Inc. 1120 N 1st St 402-371-8070 68701 68701 Faith Regional Health Services Winn, William B, DO 68701 68701 68701 2108 Taylor Ave, Ste 1100 402-371-7545 68701 54935 839th Rd 402-675-1320 68701 Schwanebeck, Laura, PT 110 N 37th St, Ste 405 402-371-0522 3200 Raasch Dr 402-371-2722 110 N 37th St, Ste 405 402-371-0522 3200 Raasch Dr 402-371-2722 Spracklen, Jay L, PT 1401 W Michigan Ave 402-371-8701 Sudbeck, Ben, PT 68701 68701 68701 68701 68701 Physician Assistant Barker, Rosilee, PA 68701 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-4880 Praeuner, Nancy, PT 301 N 27th St, Ste 1 402-844-8000 Walmart Pharmacy #0645 2400 W Pasewalk Ave 402-371-6232 110 N 37th St, Ste 101 402-371-7407 68701 Vital Care Pharmacy of Norfolk, LLC 120 N 27th St, Ste 200 402-371-3444 Pelster, Lynn, PT 110 N 29th St, Ste 301 402-844-8284 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-4880 SportsMed Plus 68701 2600 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 200B 402-844-8205 68701 Physical Therapist Blecke, Andrea E, PT 110 N 37th St, Ste 405 402-371-0522 3200 Raasch Dr 402-371-2722 68701 2404 Taylor Ave, Ste 100 402-379-0505 68701 Ortho Medics Norfolk LLC Hansen, Victoria, PT 68701 2108 Taylor Ave, Ste 1100 402-371-7545 68701 Spier, Mark D, PT Faith Regional HME Services 110 N 37th St, Ste 101 402-371-7407 110 N 37th St, Ste 405 402-371-0522 3200 Raasch Dr 402-371-2722 110 N 37th St, Ste 101 402-371-7407 Wright, Catherine A, MD Faimon, Tricia, PT Hervert, Jennifer L, PT Koehler, Shelly A, PT Abbott, David J, MD 110 N 37th St, Ste 101 402-371-7407 68701 Jagels, Kristi L, PT 109 N 29th St 402-371-0839 301 N 27th St, Ste 4 402-844-8110 110 N 37th St, Ste 101 402-371-7407 Jacobsen, Timothy D, PT 301 N 27th St, Ste 2 402-844-8254 301 N 27th St, Ste 4 402-844-8110 Hausmann, Jon J, PT 68701 68701 68701 68701 Craig, Sean, PA Davies, John W, PA 1410 N 13th St 402-379-2322 506 S 13th St 402-371-9992 Feese, Scott M, PA 301 N 27th St, Ste 2 402-844-8254 Felber, Connie K, PA 1410 N 13th St 402-379-2322 Hansen, Ross S, PA 68701 68701 Lear, Andrew, PA 301 N 27th St, Ste 1 402-844-8000 1302 Riverside Blvd 402-379-3123 301 N 31st St 402-644-4600 Mutize, Batsirai, PA 68701 68701 68701 68701 68701 301 N 27th St, Ste 1 402-844-8000 68701 68701 Skilled Nursing Facility Oberhauser, Janet L, PA Reichmuth, Shelley L, PA 301 N 27th St 402-354-5860 301 N 27th St, Ste 10 402-644-7132 68701 Schumacher, Diane, PA 1700 N Victory Rd 402-370-4333 68701 1700 N Victory Rd 402-370-4333 68701 Sterner, Gregory, PA Trimble, Nancy D, PA 94 Market Pl 402-844-8222 68701 Turgeon, Teresa L, PA 3400 W Norfolk Ave 402-379-5555 Whitwer, Clint S, PA 1410 N 13th St 402-379-2322 68701 68701 Young, Heather M, PA 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-644-7543 68701 Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Colligan, Robert A, DPM 1410 N 13th St 402-379-2322 68701 Maier, Michael C, DPM 1105 S 13th St 402-371-5530 68701 110 N 16th St, Ste 18 402-371-7680 68701 Strauser, Jennifer P, DPM Pulmonary Diseases Ahmed, Naeem Z, MD 110 N 29th St, Ste 204 402-844-8190 68701 110 N 29th St, Ste 204 402-844-8190 68701 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-381-4880 68701 Khalil, Wajahat, MD 110 N 29th St, Ste 204 402-844-8190 68701 Radiation Oncology 110 N 29th St, Ste 1 402-644-7550 68701 Zahra, Mohammad K, MD 1410 N 13th St 402-379-2322 68701 Radiology 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-844-8121 68701 Hibl, Veronica K, PA Honner, Patrick J, PA 301 N 27th St, Ste 2 402-844-8254 Janssen, Steven, PA 301 N 27th St 402-844-8183 68701 68701 68701 68701 68701 2024 W Pasewalk Ave 800-436-8703 2700 W Norfolk Ave 800-436-8703 307 N 27th St 800-436-8703 1410 N 13th St 402-379-2322 1603 Prospect Ave 402-397-1531 68701 68701 68701 68701 68701 1500 Koenigstein Ave 402-644-7453 68701 Golden Livingcenter Norfolk 1900 Vicki Ln 402-371-2300 1203 N 13th St 402-371-4991 68701 68701 Saint Joseph's Nursing Home 401 N 18th St 402-371-9404 68701 68701 68701 Breitkreutz, Jeffrey J, PA 111 S C St 308-728-4312 68859 111 S C St 308-728-4312 68859 111 S C St 308-728-4312 68859 Farrar, David W, PA Reilly, Robert, PA North Platte Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Barr, Pamella S, CNP 500 W Leota St, Ste 150 308-532-3022 69101 Barrett, Lori, CNP 601 W Leota St 308-696-7041 69101 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 Baxter, Mary, CNP Brey, Beth, CNP 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 1307 S Oak St 308-520-1808 69101 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 Buckland, Sydney A, CNP Meada, Riad, MD Dailey, Mary E, CNP 110 N 29th St, Ste 302 402-844-8284 68701 Urology Patel, Natvarlal P, MD 109 N 29th St 402-379-8080 Sloan, Stewart, MD 301 N 27th St 877-748-6256 68701 68701 North Bend Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 611 W Francis St, Ste 100 308-534-2532 69101 Dancer, Faylene R, CNP 220 W Leota St 308-534-2900 302 S Jeffers St 308-534-6687 69101 69101 Decker, Linda L, CNP 108 E 2nd St 308-534-4542 601 W Leota St 308-696-7041 Gibson, Dale R, CNP 68649 Ambulance Service North Bend Rescue Squad 140 7th St 402-652-8161 68649 Chiropractor, Licensed Johng, Julie A, CNP Wiese, Paula, DC 713 Main St 402-652-8552 Physician Assistant Kisby, Larry G, PA 734 Main St 402-652-8636 1120 Walnut St 402-652-3242 68649 68701 Meyer, Jane A, CNP 68859 Ambulatory Surgical Center Nebraska Heart Institute 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 621 W Francis St 308-534-5400 69101 North Platte Surgery Center Anesthesiology Easley, Ryan S, DO 601 W Leota St 308-696-8344 McKeag, Pamela S, MD 601 W Leota St 308-696-7041 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-8344 69101 621 W Francis St 308-534-8800 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-8344 69101 Milliken, Brian K, MD Pochop, Michael, MD Ragland, Forrest S, MD Rathjen, Ryan L, MD 611 W Francis St, Ste 200 308-696-8344 69101 Audiologist Kripal, Mark A, AuD 801 William Ave 308-532-3330 69101 Cardiovascular Disease 69101 Ackerman, Stephen, MD 102 S Elm St 308-534-3075 209 McNeel Ln 308-534-8383 Arteaga, Roque, MD 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 69101 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 500 W Leota St, Ste 150 308-532-3022 69101 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 69101 69101 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 1115 S Willow St 308-534-4804 69101 302 S Jeffers St 308-534-6687 69101 Richards, Misty D, CNP Shipman, Amy, CNP 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 Ayala, Kaliprasad, MD Bajwa, Harpaul S, MD Chaudhuri, Pradipta, MD Dionisopoulos, Peter N, MD Friesen, Clayton J, MD Sokolowski, Lyndann, CNP Fruehling, Erich R, MD Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-7041 69101 611 W Francis St, Ste 270 308-696-8242 69101 69101 Ramm, Rachel A, CNP 68701 111 S C St 308-728-4312 69101 Lonowski, Andrea E, CNP Birchwood Manor 69101 500 W Leota St, Ste 150 308-532-3022 69101 Larsen, Janelle, CNP 68649 210 McNeel Ln 402-464-3657 Meyer, J Paul, MD King, Kelli, CNP 68649 Allergy Kettelhut, Brett V, MD Anesthesiology Pain Management Huenink, Janet L, CNP 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 69101 1307 S Oak St 102 S Elm St 308-534-3075 1115 S Willow St 308-534-4804 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-8344 Vincent, Carroll L, CNP 69101 69101 Belmont, Elizabeth M, CNP 308-532-5522 734 Main St Hasenauer, Kelley A, CNP 402-652-8636 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 601 W Leota St 308-696-7041 69101 611 W Francis St, Ste 270 308-696-8242 69101 69101 Fowler, Jenifer E, CNP 1115 S Willow St 308-534-4804 Unverferth, Virginia, CNP McKeag, Burt J, MD Carpenter, Colleen, CNP North Loup Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 68701 Physician Assistant Surgery, Thoracic Cardiovascular Skilled Nursing Facility Eckstrom, Philip, MD Faulk, Robert, MD Korth-Wurdinger, Brenda S, PA 1302 Riverside Blvd 402-379-3123 110 N 29th St, Ste 1 402-644-7358 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-644-7534 68701 Faith Regional Lutheran Campus Heritage of Bel Air 2600 W Norfolk Ave, Ste 200B 402-844-8205 68701 94 Market Pl 402-844-8222 68701 Henn, Nicole L, PA Vonk, Brian, MD 301 N 27th St, Ste 2 402-844-8254 Zahra, Hadi, MD 68701 2024 W Pasewalk Ave 800-436-8703 2700 W Norfolk Ave 800-436-8703 307 N 27th St 800-436-8703 2024 W Pasewalk Ave 800-436-8703 2700 W Norfolk Ave 800-436-8703 307 N 27th St 800-436-8703 Keim, Lon W, MD 68701 68701 Mannel, Lindsey M, PA Ichtertz, Greg L, MD 68701 Roemhildt, Louis W, MD 87 Specialists and Other Providers Gallagher, Peter L, MD 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 Heirigs, Ricky, MD Jain, Anuj, MD 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 King, Jeffrey, MD 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 Korpas, Denes, MD 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 69101 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-8344 69101 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-7041 69101 69101 Markiewicz, Richard J, MD Martin, Steven L, MD 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 Smith, James, MD 69101 Weaver, Deborah, MD 601 W Leota St 308-696-7041 69101 De Villa, Victor A, MD 601 W Leota St 308-696-8837 69101 611 W Francis St, Ste 100 308-534-2532 69101 General Surgery Curits, Brendon A, MD 69101 Nass, Omar, MD Jensen, Todd A, MD Endocrinology 69101 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 Johnson, Matthew E, MD 601 W Leota St 308-696-7041 Kosmicki, Douglas L, MD 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 Hurst, David G, MD 516 W Leota St 308-534-5370 69101 O'Holleran, Timothy, MD 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 Netz, Douglas D, MD 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 69101 Tyndall, Steve, MD 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 69101 Cardiovascular Surgery Jex, R K, MD 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 Seip, Christopher C, MD Rundlett, Rebecca S, MD 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 516 W Leota St 308-534-5370 69101 Chiropractor, Licensed 516 W Leota St 308-534-5370 69101 Geriatrics Baca, Loretta L, MD 302 S Jeffers St 308-534-6687 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-8000 69101 69101 1925 W A St 308-532-0780 69101 Home Infusion Therapy Supplier 110 S Sherman Ave 308-534-1870 Jorgensen, Jerry, DC 110 S Sherman Ave 308-534-1870 110 S Sherman Ave 308-534-1870 69101 Bills U-Save Pharmacy Jorgensen, Jered A, DC 69101 211 W Leota St 308-532-0310 69101 Hospitalist 1863 W A St 308-532-3536 Sajja, Narendra, MD 220 W Leota St 800-253-5876 69101 Neurology Cardenas, Jose A, MD 601 W Leota St 308-696-8837 69101 611 W Francis St, Ste 270 308-696-7041 69101 Shah, Sona K, MD 601 W Leota St 308-696-8837 69101 611 W Francis St, Ste 270 308-696-7041 69101 Nurse Anesthetist 601 W Leota St 308-696-8344 601 W Leota St 308-696-7041 69101 69101 Compton, Robin K, CRNA 621 W Francis St 308-696-8000 69101 Gaddie, Jennifer R, CRNA 621 W Francis St 308-534-5400 Geilenkirchen, Evan, CRNA 621 W Francis St 308-534-8800 69101 Kroon, Bruce, CRNA 69101 69101 69101 McGee, Jeffrey D, CRNA 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-8000 69101 Nickell, Jon B, CRNA Infectious Diseases 69101 69101 69101 Brailita, Daniel M, MD 601 W Leota St 308-696-8000 69101 Freitas, Eduardo A, MD 601 W Leota St 308-696-8344 69101 601 W Leota St 308-535-7455 69101 Sandkovsky, Uriel S, MD Internal Medicine Asher, Ronald L, MD 500 W Leota St, Ste 150 308-532-3022 69101 500 W Leota St, Ste 250 308-532-2331 69101 Fago, Benjamin L, MD 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-8000 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-8344 601 W Leota St 308-696-8344 621 W Francis St 308-534-8800 69101 69101 Raska, Richard J, DPM 120 W Leota St 308-534-0999 69101 Schafer, Clinton P, DPM 120 W Leota St 308-534-0999 69101 Proctology 69101 616 W Leota St 308-534-5590 69101 69101 1001 S Cottonwood St 308-532-5480 69101 69101 69101 215 McNeel Ln 308-534-6655 2421 23rd St 800-433-9147 907 S Willow St 800-433-9147 69101 69101 106 E C St 308-532-6165 69101 69101 Hatch, David, MD 69101 220 W Leota St 308-534-2900 69101 Hlavaty, Tamara S, MD 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-8344 69101 Kukulka, Rick A, MD 601 W Leota St 308-696-8344 69101 Lundak, William, MD 69101 69101 Skilled Nursing Facility 69101 North Platte Care Centre Wycoff, Delane A, MD 500 W Leota St, Ste 200 308-532-4700 69101 Pharmacy/DME Supplier 1320 S Cottonwood St, Ste 2 308-532-2078 69101 Great Plains Homecare Equipment Vaziri, Irfan A, MD 601 W Leota St 308-696-8837 69101 69101 Kimberling, Cody E, PA Logsdon, Jacob T, PA McAdam, Jillenne, PA 102 S Elm St 308-534-3075 209 McNeel Ln 308-534-8383 220 W Leota St 308-534-2900 Petersen, Dana D, PA 69101 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-7490 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-7490 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-7490 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-7490 69101 2900 W E St 308-534-2200 69101 Nebraska Sleep Lab 215 McNeel Ln 308-534-6655 69101 Roelfs, Danny L, PA Salomon, Aaron I, PA Smith, Dynelle D, PA Spencer, Susan, PA 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 Vuchetich, David, PA 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 69101 Waskowiak, Natalie A, PA 500 W Leota St, Ste 150 308-532-3022 69101 Watt, Katie R, PA 220 W Leota St 308-534-2900 Woita, Warren J, PA 69101 69101 Sleep Disorder Diagnostic 69101 210 McNeel Ln 308-534-9100 601 W Leota St 308-696-7490 811 William Ave 308-696-2273 69101 69101 69101 69101 1115 S Willow St 308-534-4804 Sorenson, Caroline E, MD 601 W Leota St 308-696-7490 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 210 McNeel Ln 308-534-9100 616 W Leota St 308-534-5590 Kapple, Jessica L, PA 69101 Blei, Michael, MD Gracey, Nikki R, PT Fowler, Casey E, PA 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 500 W Leota St, Ste 250 308-532-2331 69101 Thoracic Surgery Gangahar, Deepak M, MD 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 Hedderich, Giles, MD Wudel, James H, MD Urology Gallentine, Michael L, MD 611 W Francis St, Ste 230 308-534-3232 69101 Williams, Laroy E, MD 69101 601 W Leota St 308-696-8000 69101 Oakland Ambulance Service Woodhead, Benjamin M, PA 811 William Ave 308-696-2273 69101 Radiology 220 W Leota St 308-534-2900 Dodge, Kellie J, PT 601 W Leota St 308-696-8837 Doane, Chelsie N, PA Richman, Carmen D, PA Frontier Home Medical 120 W Leota St 308-534-0999 Radiation Oncology 69101 Dela Fuente De Villa, Maria E, MD Norgard, Michael J, MD Hlavaty, Todd E, MD 215 McNeel Ln 308-534-6655 500 W Leota St, Ste 200 308-532-4700 69101 Dyer, Jennifer L, PT Cornelius, Blaine, PA 69101 Diffendaffer, Clark B, MD Physical Therapist 69101 Perry, Michael E, MD 601 W Leota St 308-345-2650 611 W Francis St, Ste 100 308-534-2532 69101 69101 Pulmonary Diseases 69101 Oncology 601 W Leota St 308-696-8837 69101 209 McNeel Ln 308-534-4440 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 500 W Leota St, Ste 200 308-532-4700 69101 120 W Leota St 308-534-0999 Schuckert, Susan M, MD Arthur, David L, PA Dynek, Jeffrey A, PA 69101 69101 69101 Child, Douglas D, MD Barksdale, Byron L, MD Westfield Pharmacy 815 S Maple St 308-532-3600 69101 Pathology 600 E Francis St 308-534-1873 Wieseler, Jon M, PT 69101 1307 S Oak St 308-532-5522 69101 Fitzpatrick, Philip, MD Simpson, Roger, MD Sexson, Tyler, PT 815 S Maple St 308-532-3600 601 W Leota St 308-535-7405 Fitzpatrick, Elaine, MD 801 William Ave 308-532-3330 Schramm, Grant J, PT 69101 69101 Otolaryngology (ENT) 801 William Ave 308-532-3330 Merz, Jason K, PT 815 S Maple St 308-532-3600 220 W Leota St 308-534-2900 69101 McKenzie, Mark K, MD 215 McNeel Ln 308-534-6655 Mackley, William, PT Physician Assistant Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Snoozy, Kathryn, CRNA 621 W Francis St 308-534-8800 Hannah, John, MD Ericksen, Alicia M, DPM 69101 Gates, Charley B, MD 215 McNeel Ln 308-534-6655 69101 69101 Carroll, Edward S, DO 215 McNeel Ln 308-534-6655 621 W Francis St 308-534-8800 Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody 1001 S Cottonwood St 308-532-5480 69101 Smith, Brian S, CRNA 601 W Leota St 308-696-8344 215 McNeel Ln 308-534-6655 601 W Leota St 308-696-7041 601 W Leota St 308-696-8837 69101 69101 Carlson, Duwayne, MD 1845 W A St 308-532-5539 Renfrow, Winston S, CRNA 621 W Francis St 308-534-8800 215 McNeel Ln 308-534-6655 Krull, Christopher N, PT 120 W Leota St 308-534-0999 519 S Dewey St 308-534-0999 Bissell, Benjamin T, MD Barksdale, Lyle W, MD Johnson, Jamey L, CRNA 601 W Leota St 308-696-8344 Orthopedic Surgery Ichtertz, Dolf R, MD 69101 Singh, Manjeet, MD Emergency Medicine Carlson, Raymond, DO 88 Watt, Tim J, MD 601 W Leota St 308-696-8000 Apria Healthcare, Inc. 601 W Leota St 308-696-7041 Neurological Surgery 69101 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier 605 S Jeffers St 308-532-2366 69101 69101 Bunker, James D, MD Lincare Inc. 601 W Leota St 308-535-7455 Swindells, Susan, MD 69101 Dermatology 1620 E 4th St, Ste 118 308-534-7733 69101 Luby Howard, Mark A, CRNA 69101 825 S Willow St 308-534-1700 601 W Leota St 308-696-8000 621 W Francis St 308-534-8800 Schufeldt, Lawrence H, DC Vuksanovic, Jovanka, MD Wiseman, Dawn, DC Suravarapu, Sri V, MD 601 W Leota St 308-696-8000 Schaeffer, Megan E, DC 414 N Willow St 308-534-2300 500 W Leota St, Ste 150 308-532-3022 69101 Bourne, Ronald L, CRNA Home Hospice Care 69101 Schwartzkopf, Eric R, MD Great Plains Medical Center HHA 1021 S Cottonwood St 308-696-7434 820 S Maple St 308-532-8880 500 W Leota St, Ste 150 308-532-3022 69101 500 W Leota St, Ste 250 308-532-2331 69101 Bielicki, Brian H, CRNA 1717 E 4th St, Ste A 308-534-5840 Hoover, Jeffrey, DC Nielsen, Mark A, MD 69101 Home Health Care Agency Great Plains Home Health Douglas, Kassandra M, DC & Hospice Dunlop, Nelson C, DC 601 W Leota St 308-696-8837 69101 69101 Oakland Fire and Rescue 500 N Oakland Ave 402-685-5822 68045 69101 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Cardiovascular Disease Chiropractor, Licensed Addo, Frank A, MD 601 E 2nd St 402-685-5601 Sutton, T A, DC 68045 Gastroenterology Brouillette, Douglas E, MD 601 E 2nd St 402-685-5601 68045 General Surgery Fitzgibbons, Robert J, MD 211 N Engdahl Ave 402-685-5116 Johnson, Paul E, MD 601 E 2nd St 402-685-5601 68045 68045 Internal Medicine Kambhu, Susan A, MD 601 E 2nd St 402-685-5601 68045 Orthopedic Surgery Hagan, Steven V, MD 601 E 2nd St 402-685-5601 68045 Physician Assistant Niewohner, Michelle P, PA 211 N Engdahl Ave 402-685-5116 Thiele, Peter J, PA 211 N Engdahl Ave 402-685-5116 68045 68045 Radiology 68045 Skilled Nursing Facility Wee, Dale E, DC 1008 W 1st St, Ste 1 308-284-2097 Addison, Ellen M, CNP 69153 69153 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Lincare Inc. 700 E 1st St, Ste E 308-384-2020 69153 Family Medicine Crandall, Robert B, DO 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-3645 Miller, Troy L, DO 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-3645 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-4011 69153 69153 General Surgery 69153 69153 Home Health Care Agency 2 N Spruce St 308-284-4078 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-3645 68045 Urology 69153 68045 69153 Scheer, Bryan E, MD 69153 Pharmacy/DME Supplier Good Air Home Medical Equipment Meyer, Kathy D, CNP Physician Assistant 55 River Rd, Ste 24 308-284-6054 69153 Nicholson, Rita K, CNP 55 River Rd, Ste 24 308-284-6054 55 River Rd, Ste 24 308-284-6141 69153 69153 Ambulance Service Ogallala Volunteer Fire Dept. 409 E 2nd St 308-284-2024 69153 Cardiovascular Surgery Molk, Barry L A, MD 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-7230 69153 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-7238 69153 Prager, Nelson A, MD 69153 Draucker, Traci E, PA 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-3645 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-4011 Packard, Carol M, PA 221 E 10th St 308-284-8421 55 River Rd, Ste 11 308-284-6141 Patin, Monica R, PA 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-3645 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-4011 69153 69153 69153 69153 8258 Hascall St, Ste 100 402-391-3010 68124 Armstrong, Kelly C, CNP 10020 Nicholas St, Ste 106 402-894-9990 68114 8303 Dodge St 402-354-3159 68114 Baker, Kimberly K, CNP 17021 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 101 402-333-0300 68130 3213 S 24th St 402-345-9132 68108 4920 Center St 402-614-3223 68106 Baker, Susan J, CNP 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6060 68124 Barrett, Mitchell L, CNP 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4424 68114 8420 W Dodge Rd, Ste 105 402-390-0111 68114 415 S 25th St 402-717-5300 68131 Batson, Kathyrn A, CNP 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 Baxter, Mary, CNP 68114 4239 Farnam St, Ste 100 402-552-2320 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6060 Bell, Jill, CNP 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4160 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68124 68118 68144 68114 68114 Belsky-Lohr, Linda R, CNP 69153 69153 Ogallala Community Hospital Swing Bed Unit 69153 Brand, Kathryn J, CNP Crane, Susan A, CNP French, Sheri L, CNP Brennan, Diane M, CNP Czyz, Jennifer L, CNP Gall, Bryan K, CNP 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 301 402-354-7320 68118 8111 Dodge St, Ste 308 402-354-2475 68114 4239 Farnam St, Ste 701 402-572-3535 68131 Brennan, Frances M, CNP 68111 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 202 402-552-2100 68130 4242 Farnam St, Ste 145 402-552-2100 68131 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 68105 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4360 Budine, Melanie J, CNP 3341 N 107th St 877-811-7526 68134 5310 S 139th Plz, Ste 301 877-811-7526 68137 6001 Dodge St 402-554-2374 68182 Buschkemper, Elizabeth H, CNP 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5350 68144 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68198 Camp-Grimit, Kimberly K, CNP 3410 N 156th St 402-614-1258 68116 7101 Newport Ave, Ste 301 402-572-2916 68152 Carrico, Catherine A, CNP 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 Casey, Bonnie J, CNP 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6060 68124 Caudill-Kuhn, Janice K, CNP 11635 Arbor St, Ste 110 402-885-7811 68144 Clinkenbeard, Barbara K, CNP 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 400 402-758-5850 68130 Cole, Janis K, CNP 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 301 402-354-7320 68118 8111 Dodge St, Ste 308 402-354-2475 68114 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5580 68124 Dick, Jennifer J, CNP 7070 Spring St 402-898-8380 68106 3528 Dodge St 402-345-8828 68131 Dickerson, James D, CNP Dimasi, Christine A, CNP 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68130 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-397-7057 68114 Duin, Pamela J, CNP 601 N 30th St, Ste 2300A 402-449-5040 68131 Dumba, Sabina D, CNP 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-8990 Corum, Cara E, CNP 7070 Spring St 402-898-8380 68106 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 3300N 402-572-3300 68122 Cozad, Julie A, CNP 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 17201 Wright St, Ste 200 402-334-4773 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 1300 402-393-3110 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8724 68114 Gilfillan, Angela M, CNP 10109 Maple St 402-572-3500 68134 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 104 402-498-0300 68116 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5045 68130 2255 S 132nd St 402-717-3390 68144 6360 John J Pershing Dr 402-457-8088 68110 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-343-8650 68124 8613 N 30th St 402-453-9900 68112 9717 Q St 402-537-1704 68127 Greenwood, Jullie L, CNP 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 201 402-991-1900 68130 4239 Farnam St, Ste 734 402-552-2700 68131 Grovas, Lesa, CNP 68114 Edwards, Earline J, CNP 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5570 68114 Halbur, Lisa M, CNP 7823 Chicago Ct 402-955-3871 Hanks, Jacqueline R, CNP Ehlers, Katie M, CNP 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 Elliott, Rebecca C, CNP 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 Essink, Judith M, CNP 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 Farnum, Heidi M, CNP 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-280-4351 68131 Felker, Pauline M, CNP 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 Fichter, Traci L, CNP 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-885-8700 68130 Hardt, Patricia A, CNP 2132 S 42nd St 402-558-1858 8005 Irvington Rd 402-415-5048 68105 68122 Hastings, Kelly C, CNP 17201 Wright St, Ste 200 402-334-4773 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 1300 402-393-3110 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8724 68114 Hastreiter, Elizabeth, CNP 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 Havener, Leann R, CNP 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 201 402-991-1900 68130 4239 Farnam St, Ste 734 402-552-2700 68131 Hawkins, Kimberly S, CNP 10828 John Galt Blvd 402-592-4400 68137 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 152 402-496-7979 68164 1319 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-280-5500 68102 7909 N 30th St 402-280-4780 68112 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68127 Franklin, Barbara A, CNP 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4500 402-572-3790 68122 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68114 Geiger, Danielle L, CNP 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 222 402-354-8035 68124 10625 Calhoun Rd 402-453-0803 68112 8502 Mormon Bridge Rd 402-451-3100 68152 Cooper, Patricia B, CNP 10170 Nicholas St 402-391-3800 8200 Dodge St 402-955-7400 Erickson, Marilyn J, CNP 68134 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68130 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-397-7057 68114 Easley, Elizabeth L, CNP 68114 3341 N 107th St 877-811-7526 Coughlin, Neika L, CNP Boje, Christina C, CNP 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 3300N 402-572-3300 68122 Cooley, Michelle R, CNP Blazek, Toni A, CNP 68138 Dennis, Rhonda L, CNP 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-397-6600 68124 Berkland, Cynthia K, CNP 7308 S 142nd St 402-717-4200 68114 4239 Farnam St, Ste 800 402-552-2900 68131 Costello, Susan C, CNP Bode, Ann, CNP Danahay, Jillianne, CNP Ellis, Tedette L, CNP 8111 Dodge St, Ste 220 402-354-1320 68114 68114 68106 Cook, Heather L, CNP 68131 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5570 4920 Center St 402-558-6625 Buchmeier, Cynthia L, CNP Demare, Carman R, CNP 4239 Farnam St 402-552-3932 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 201 402-991-1900 68130 Dalzell, Dionna M, CNP 2915 Grant St 402-451-3553 Brewer, Camille D, CNP 68106 Bergman Evans, Brenda, CNP 17021 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 100 402-333-0300 68130 68131 68131 7070 Spring St 402-898-8380 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 400 402-758-5850 68130 2001 S 75th St, Ste 100 402-398-5550 68124 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 7710 Mercy Rd 402-717-7710 68124 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5400 Berke, Christine M, CNP Skilled Nursing Facility 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-4011 Archer, Kathleen A, CNP Behrens, Phyllis I, CNP Ogallala Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 1104 W Hwy 30 308-284-6842 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 Bartek, Jean C, CNP Orthopedic Surgery 2601 N Spruce St 800-446-5684 68198 Avant, Brenda I, CNP 69153 Birkholtz, Marlene, DO 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-3645 2601 N Spruce St 308-284-4011 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4424 Anderson, Ann L, CNP Internal Medicine Kneib, Timothy G, MD 601 E 2nd St 712-255-7987 600 E 1st St 308-284-2068 69153 Sheel, Saurabh, MD Oakland Mercy SNF 601 E 2nd St 402-685-5601 Sutton, Tara, DC Memorial Health Ctr Home Health Care Terry, John, MD 601 E 2nd St 402-685-5601 600 E 1st St 308-284-2068 Omaha Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 89 Specialists and Other Providers Haynes, Wanda M, CNP 3341 N 107th St 877-811-7526 68134 5310 S 139th Plz, Ste 301 877-811-7526 68137 Heavey, Sherri L, CNP 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5580 68124 4920 Center St 402-558-6625 68106 Hellstrom, Cheryl D, CNP Henrich, Carol A, CNP 2727 S 144th St, Ste 240 402-778-5580 68144 Higginbotham, Patti L, CNP 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8528 68130 7070 Spring St 402-898-8380 68106 Hill, Emily F, CNP 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 301 402-354-7320 68118 8111 Dodge St, Ste 308 402-354-2475 68114 Kreikemeier, Rose M, CNP 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 Krueger, Brenda L, CNP 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6060 68124 Laguzza, Antoinette M, CNP 601 N 30th St, Ste 5800 402-280-4180 68131 Langdon, Kathleen, CNP 3300 N 60th St 402-371-3555 Horak, Sheila A, CNP 8200 Dodge St 402-955-7400 68111 68114 Houlihan, Amy B, CNP 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6060 68124 Inserra, Jennifer E, CNP 17055 Frances St, Ste 102 402-397-7989 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 406 402-397-7989 68124 Iverson, Lindsay M, CNP 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5580 68124 Johnson, Lisa A, CNP 7110 F St 402-595-1326 68117 Jorgensen, Leah S, CNP 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 Kaluza, Jennifer S, CNP 8303 Dodge St 402-354-7954 68114 Karnish, Christine A, CNP 7070 Spring St 402-898-8000 Keller, Sev M, CNP 68106 339 N 78th St 402-315-3788 68114 4951 Center St, Ste 200 402-315-3788 68106 Kennedy, Donalee H, CNP 17055 Frances St, Ste 102 402-397-7989 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 406 402-397-7989 68124 Klahn, Julie, CNP 16929 Frances St 402-758-5125 Kline, Mary E, CNP 415 S 25th St 402-717-5300 68130 68131 Kocovsky, Diane, CNP 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 Koperski, Mary G, CNP 601 N 30th St, Ste 5730 402-449-4692 68131 601 N 30th St, Ste 5800 402-280-4180 68131 Kramer, Roberta A, CNP 415 S 25th St 402-717-5300 90 68131 68104 Lawton-Peters, Sheila R, CNP 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4442 Lichty, Tara D, CNP 68114 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-885-8700 68130 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-397-7057 68114 Lovejoy, Bruce O, CNP Hoffman, Katherine A, CNP 625 N 114th St 2915 Grant St 402-451-3553 68114 402-201-2920 68154 Lundergard, Luanne M, CNP 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 601 402-397-5236 68124 Lynch, Dana A, CNP 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68130 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-397-7057 68114 Mandolfo, Natalie C, CNP 17201 Wright St, Ste 200 402-334-4773 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 1300 402-393-3110 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8724 68114 Martin, Sara M, CNP 8420 W Dodge Rd, Ste 105 402-390-0111 68114 McCann, Suzie, CNP Mundt, Carla A, CNP 2808 N 75th St, Ste H 402-932-2248 68134 Murphy, Colleen A, CNP 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-5437 68118 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 100 402-955-3000 68164 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4110 68107 Murphy, Mary M, CNP 2602 J St 402-733-3612 Negri, Jillian B, CNP 68107 12809 W Dodge Rd, 2nd Fl 402-449-5800 68154 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5580 68124 Newberry, Rebecca, CNP 8601 W Dodge Rd, Ste 30 402-354-8797 68114 Nielsen, Ailene A, CNP 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 3300N 402-572-3300 68122 Niemi, Stacy L, CNP 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 102 402-758-5800 68130 17655 Nina St 402-546-2034 68130 Nish, Morgan E, CNP 10828 John Galt Blvd 402-592-4400 68137 1319 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-280-5500 68102 O'Keefe, Catherine I, CNP 68114 68198 601 N 30th St 402-280-4100 Mathews, Therese L, EdD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5580 68124 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68127 601 N 30th St, Ste 6820 402-280-4580 68131 8200 Dodge St 402-955-2550 68114 Marymee, Jacqueline L, CNP 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 Moore, Susan M, CNP 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6060 68124 McIlree, Elizabeth G, CNP 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-397-6600 68124 McKenzie, Nina J, CNP 601 N 30th St, Ste 2300A 402-449-5040 68131 McLeay, Allison S, CNP 8111 Dodge St, Ste 363 402-354-8155 68114 McNichols, Jacqueline A, CNP 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 201 402-991-1900 68130 4239 Farnam St, Ste 734 402-552-2700 68131 Meagher, Mary K, CNP O'Neill, Melissa A, CNP 68131 Ogg-Gress, Jill K, CNP 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 9717 Q St 402-537-1710 68127 Ostrand, Jana M, CNP 4242 Farnam St, Ste 655 402-552-2650 68131 Owen, David, CNP 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5350 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68144 68198 Pecoraro, Wendy L, CNP 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4735 68114 Pengilly, Paula L, CNP 10109 Maple St 402-572-3500 68134 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4110 68107 Penington, Douglas R, CNP 4239 Farnam St 402-552-3932 Petersen, Cynthia D, CNP Meekins, Andrea L, CNP 68131 Mercer, Tawanda, CNP 7101 Newport Ave 402-717-4390 Miller, Paula E, CNP 68152 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6060 68124 8111 Dodge St, Ste 363 402-354-8155 68114 415 S 25th St 402-717-5300 68131 Peterson, Dana M, CNP 11602 W Center Rd, Ste 150 402-884-7533 68144 Peterson, Tara L, CNP Sato-Stoll, Dorothy K, CNP Thies, Nichole M, CNP Phillippi, Elizabeth A, CNP Saylor, Leann M, CNP 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68130 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68114 17021 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 101 402-333-0300 68130 3213 S 24th St 402-345-9132 68108 4920 Center St 402-614-3223 68106 Pollard, Denise L, CNP 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-397-6600 68124 Potthoff, Meghan R, CNP 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5400 68114 Povondra, Erika J, CNP 7070 Spring St 402-898-8380 68106 Poyner, Eloise C, CNP 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 Prauner, Christina A, CNP 8111 Dodge St, Ste 332 402-354-8132 68114 Protaskey, Jamie, CNP 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5570 68114 Purdy, Rhonda S, CNP 6360 John J Pershing Dr 402-457-8088 68110 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4000 68114 Quillen, Christy M, CNP 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 8200 Dodge St 402-955-3871 68144 68114 Ranck, Shelly R, CNP 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-885-8700 68130 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68114 Rathe-Hart, Mindy K, CNP 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 Rebensdorf, Margaret J, CNP 17201 Wright St, Ste 200 402-334-4773 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 1300 402-393-3110 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8724 68114 Riddell, Jennifer J, CNP 8303 Dodge St, Ste 225 402-354-5860 68114 Ridgway, Waltina G, CNP 4239 Farnam St, Ste 800 402-552-2900 68131 Rose, Jessica, CNP 601 N 30th St 402-280-4100 68131 Rowland, Sheri A, CNP 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 3300N 402-572-3300 68122 Ruelas, Sirenia, CNP 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4303 68114 Salado, Wendy J, CNP 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 201 402-991-1900 68130 4239 Farnam St, Ste 734 402-552-2700 68131 Sarver, Nancy L, CNP 16945 Frances St 402-397-7400 68130 11319 P St, Ste 1 402-592-0328 68137 Sasse, Mary, CNP 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 400 402-758-5850 68130 7101 Newport Ave, Ste 301 402-572-2111 68152 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5580 68124 Schembari, Melissa A, CNP 16811 Burke St, Ste 101 402-573-7337 68118 Schilke, Joyce M, CNP 10105 Maple St 402-572-3140 68134 7070 Spring St 402-898-8000 68106 Schreiner, Kelli K, CNP Schurr, Elaine A, CNP 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 Sedlak, Susan M, CNP 6360 John J Pershing Dr 402-457-8088 68110 Sennett, Holly T, CNP 601 N 30th St, Ste 2300A 402-449-5040 68131 Shannon, Sheryl P, CNP 17201 Wright St, Ste 200 402-334-4773 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 1300 402-393-3110 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8724 68114 Shaw, Tommora A, CNP 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-5437 68118 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 68118 119 N 51st St 402-955-7676 68132 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 100 402-955-3000 68164 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 68144 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7222 68144 16909 Q St 402-955-7575 68135 4224 S 50th St 402-955-7474 68117 601 N 30th St, Ste 6820 402-280-4580 68131 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5570 68114 9202 W Dodge Rd, Ste 101 402-955-7500 68114 Thomas, Mary C, CNP 601 N 30th St, Ste 2300 402-280-4342 68131 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7500 402-280-4342 68122 Threlkeld, Alice W, CNP 8303 Dodge St 402-354-3152 68114 8200 Dodge St 402-955-3871 68114 8303 Dodge St 402-354-2360 68114 Torres, Theresa M, CNP Tosone, Nancy C, CNP 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6060 68124 Towey, Nancy, CNP 16945 Frances St 402-397-7400 68130 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-6255 68198 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 100 402-354-8124 68130 17201 Wright St, Ste 200 402-334-4773 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 1300 402-393-3110 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8724 68114 Short, Colleen E, CNP Siedlik, Carri J, CNP Simone, Kathryn, CNP 8303 Dodge St, Ste 114 402-354-3091 68114 Snelling, Melissa M, CNP Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4017 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 Townley Bakewell, Rose M, CNP 68198 Trecker, Ruth E, CNP N 107th St Stoltenberg, Martin A, CNP 3341 877-811-7526 68134 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 400 402-758-5850 68130 7101 Newport Ave, Ste 301 402-572-2916 68152 Stoneking, Brian J, CNP 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 68105 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 68118 Story, Kristine T, CNP Streeter, Michael E, CNP 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 68114 Synowiecki, Barbara J, CNP 601 N 30th St, Ste 6820 402-280-4580 68131 Thaler, Barbara A, CNP 7101 Newport Ave, Ste 301 402-572-2916 68152 Thielen, Jackie A, CNP 8303 Dodge St 402-354-2360 68114 5310 S 139th Plz, Ste 301 877-811-7526 68137 Tresemer, Jaquelyn L, CNP 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5580 68124 Tvrdik, Alice S, CNP 4102 Woolworth Ave 402-444-7000 68105 Vacha, Joleen M, CNP 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-397-6600 68124 Vitito, Leanne M, CNP 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5700 68114 Vogtman, Lacy K, CNP 8111 Dodge St, Ste 363 402-934-6504 68114 Waetzig-Miller, Sarah E, CNP 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 Wageman, Julia M, CNP 8901 W Dodge Rd, Ste 250 402-398-6700 68114 Walko, Maralyn A, CNP 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-280-4497 68131 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Wallace, Susan H, CNP 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1900 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-8570 Ward, Tamra L, CNP 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 Wardell, Linda, CNP 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68114 68118 68135 68137 68114 68131 68114 Wehrly, Michelle D, CNP 7070 Spring St 402-898-8250 68106 Wesely, Karie M, CNP 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-885-8700 68130 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-397-7057 68114 West, Pennilee S, CNP 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4100 68107 White, Bernadette A, CNP 601 N 30th St, Ste 2565 402-280-4364 68131 Whitmire, Tara J, CNP 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 Kobayashi, Roger H, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 218 402-391-1800 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 210 402-391-1800 68124 Murphy, Kevin R, MD 13930 Gold Cir 402-827-7167 16929 Frances St 402-758-5124 2801 S 88th St 402-391-7684 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 Nair, Nigar S, MD Wilson, Julie D, CNP Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 2001 S 75th St, Ste 100 402-398-5550 68124 Poole, Jill A, MD 17055 Frances St, Ste 102 402-397-7989 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 406 402-397-7989 68124 Segura, Teodoro, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-885-8700 68130 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-397-7057 68114 Wolfe, James, CNP 17220 Wright St, Ste 100 402-614-0026 68130 Wollberg, Jessica, CNP 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5400 68114 Young, Rosemary J, CNP 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 Zeiss, Dana K, CNP 3316 Dodge St, Ste 300 402-341-3141 68131 Allergy Bewtra, Againdra K, MD 5002 Underwood Ave 402-280-1185 68132 601 N 30th St, Ste 3M100 402-280-4403 68131 Brownell, Jaine M, MD 16945 Frances St 402-397-7400 68130 Casale, Thomas B, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3M100 402-280-4403 68131 Hopp, Russell J, DO 601 N 30th St, Ste 6820 402-280-4580 68131 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5570 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Kettelhut, Brett V, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 218 402-391-1800 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 210 402-391-1800 68124 68124 68124 68131 68131 68130 68198 Stokes, Jeffrey R, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3M100 402-280-4403 68131 Townley, Robert G, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3M100 402-280-4403 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Tracy, James M, DO 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 218 402-391-1800 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 210 402-391-1800 68124 Zieg, George A, MD 68130 Ambulance Service American Ambulance Service 5935 Henninger Dr 402-342-0404 American Medical Response 9340 G Ct 402-331-2257 68104 68127 68102 Irvington Volunteer Fire Department 9111 Fremont St 402-333-1000 Lifenet 601 N 30th St 402-559-5160 Omaha Ambulance Service, Inc. 5935 Henninger Dr 402-345-6666 Rural Metro Medical Services 6211 L St 888-876-0740 111 S 10th St, Ste 100 402-345-1712 Alegent Health Radiology Consultants 13918 Gold Cir 402-827-4800 8916 H St 402-330-6555 68122 68131 68144 68127 Bergan Mercy Surgery Center 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 4300 402-398-6126 68124 Colonoscopy Center, Inc. 9850 Nicholas St, Ste 100 402-343-1122 68114 Finkle Cosmetic Surgery Center 4911 S 118th St 402-926-2639 Heartland Center for Reproduction 7308 S 142nd St 402-717-4200 68137 68138 Lakeside Ambulatory Surgical Center 17031 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5210 68130 Lakeside Endoscopy Center, LLC 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 201 402-614-2300 68130 Methodist Endoscopy Center LLC 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 201 402-505-8708 68118 Midwest Endoscopy Services 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 100 402-933-1500 68114 Midwest Eye Surgery Center 4353 Dodge St 402-552-2020 68131 Midwest Surgery Center 10784 V St 402-502-5599 Miracle Hills Surgery Center, LLC 68127 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 201 402-884-2450 68154 Nebraska Heart Institute 4239 Farnam St, Ste 100 402-552-2320 68131 Nebraska Laser Eye Surgery Center 4909 S 118th St 402-397-2010 Omaha Ambulatory Surgery City of Omaha Ambulance Service 300 S 16th St 402-293-0296 68144 68102 2323 S 171st St, Ste 100 402-333-5552 68130 16945 Frances St 402-397-7400 2802 Oak View Mall Dr 402-334-7546 68130 Nilsson, Thomas C, MD Willis, Cheryl G, CNP Advanced Center for Surgery Advanced Surgery Center, LLC 13930 Gold Cir, Ste 103 402-334-5880 68144 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 14264 W Maple Rd 402-431-0187 68164 2801 S 88th St 402-391-7684 68124 2801 S 88th St 402-498-6738 68124 525 N 132nd St, Ste 200 402-431-1221 68154 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 16945 Frances St 402-397-7400 Wolf, Leslie M, CNP 68144 Ambulatory Surgical Center 825 N 90th St 402-397-1180 68137 68114 Omaha Surgical Center Ltd. 8051 W Center Rd 402-391-3333 68124 Omega Surgery Centers 11606 Nicholas St, Ste 200 402-493-2020 68154 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons 2727 S 144th St, Ste 235 402-390-0770 68144 Outpatient Surgical Specialties Cent 68104 11704 W Center Rd, Ste 110 402-691-1575 68144 Popp Cosmetic Surgery, PC 68117 Surgi Suite, Inc. 8900 W Dodge Rd 402-390-0100 68114 111 S 90th St 402-397-9800 68114 4151 E St 402-731-1363 68107 The Urology Center Tobin Eye Institute Village Pointe Aesthetic Surgery ASC 17617 Burke St 402-596-4000 68118 Anatomic Pathology Baltaro, Richard J, MD 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 68105 601 N 30th St, Ste 2400 402-449-4630 68131 651 N 27th St, Rm 383 402-280-1895 68178 Bedrnicek, Jiri B, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4540 Cruz, Francisco, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 800-601-9825 4955 F St 402-717-2871 601 N 30th St, Ste 2400 402-449-4630 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2320 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6226 68114 68117 68131 68122 68124 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4186 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Gatalica, Zoran, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-552-3022 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 110 402-552-3022 68130 Babcock, N Katherine, MD 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 201 402-884-2450 68154 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 Bauerly, Chad C, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0800 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 68118 68114 68114 Belatti, Richard G, MD 7837 Chicago Plz 402-390-6226 68114 Bereisha, Virginia E, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-552-3022 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 110 402-552-3022 68130 Bigley, Michael W, MD 68130 Cushman Vokoun, Allison M, MD Fu, Kai, MD Adusumalli, Ramalinga P, MD 4239 Farnam St, Ste 502 402-552-2886 68131 Birch, Kristina S, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-559-7405 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Boeck, Curtis L, MD 6901 N 72nd St 402-778-9738 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68144 68131 68131 68198 68122 68124 Bonness, Mary S, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 2400 402-449-4630 68131 651 N 27th St, Rm 383 402-280-1895 68178 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-552-3022 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-552-3022 68130 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-559-4081 4242 Farnam St 402-559-4081 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4081 Kazmi, Syed A J, MD Kohl, Shane K, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4540 Lele, Subodh M, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 68114 68198 Markus, Wayne R, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 406 402-397-7989 68124 Naushad, Hina, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 800-601-9825 4955 F St 402-717-5227 601 N 30th St, Ste 2400 402-449-4630 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2320 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6187 Nevins, Diana L, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4540 68130 68117 68131 68122 68124 68114 Sharma, Poonam, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 2400 402-449-4630 68131 651 N 27th St, Rm 383 402-280-1895 68178 Brakke, Tara R, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-559-7405 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Adams, Jennifer J, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 8051 W Center Rd 402-391-3333 68124 11919 Grant St, Ste 100 402-391-4558 68164 68144 68131 68131 68198 68144 68131 68131 68198 Buglewicz, Thomas G, MD 11704 W Center Rd 402-393-9459 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 7500 Mercy Rd 402-393-9459 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 100 402-343-8760 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68144 68124 68124 68124 68114 Bunde, Jennifer M, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6907 68198 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4303 68114 Burnett, Mary K, MD Anesthesiology Adley, Stephen P, MD Braasch, Allyson L, MD Buser, Raquel T, MD Cai, Jin, MD Chapin, James W, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Christo, Monte J, MD 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 11819 Miracle Hills Dr 402-978-5156 68154 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5120 68130 Cochran, Elizabeth A, MD 111 S 90th St 402-397-9800 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 825 N 90th St 402-397-1180 68114 68114 Connolly Inda, Eileen T, MD Cook, John E, MD Criscuolo, Christopher, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 2600 402-596-4200 68118 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Crossman, Joy A, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-559-7405 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68144 68131 68131 68198 D'Agostino, Mark L, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 8303 Dodge St 402-391-4855 Davis, Neal A, MD 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0646 Dee, Julie I, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-559-4081 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0630 4242 Farnam St 402-559-4081 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4081 Diego, Robert P, MD 6901 N 72nd St 402-778-9738 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 Doyle, Diana L, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4303 68114 68114 68114 68144 68144 68144 68131 68131 68198 68122 68124 68114 Drobny, Edward P, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-778-9738 68130 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 20300 402-778-9738 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68124 Drvol, Denise M, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4303 68114 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 201 402-884-2450 68154 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68114 Chudomelka, Patricia, MD 91 Specialists and Other Providers Duhachek-Stapelman, Amy Grubb, Michael M, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd L, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-559-7405 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68144 68131 68131 68198 Duncan Wiebe, Greta L, MD 555 N 30th St 402-498-3358 68131 Edwards, Jeffrey L, MD 10020 Nicholas St, Ste 106 402-727-9995 68114 10020 Nicholas St, Ste 107 402-894-9990 68114 Ellis, Sheila J, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Evans, Griffith F, MD 7500 Mercy Rd 402-331-3409 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 100 402-343-8777 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 Faust, David K, MD 68124 68124 68124 68114 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Fee, Michael P, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Ferris, Cynthia, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4303 68114 Fisher, Eugene C, MD 8900 W Dodge Rd 402-390-0100 68114 Freeburg, Theodore A, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 68114 68114 68114 Gart, Myles, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-778-9738 68130 6901 N 72nd St 402-778-9738 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68124 George, Kerri, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4303 68114 Ghosh, Hitendra B, MD 10784 V St 402-331-6387 68127 10784 V St 402-885-7800 68127 1111 N 102nd Ct, Ste 200 402-991-6559 68114 Goc, Timothy J, MD 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 20300 402-778-9738 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68124 402-354-0800 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 Hald, Larry L, MD 11704 W Center Rd 402-393-9459 11704 W Center Rd 402-398-6159 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68114 68114 68114 68144 68144 68124 68114 Hanson, Kimberly A, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4303 Hayes, Travis, MD 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 Haynes-Henson, Kimberley K, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-559-7405 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Heine, Carl F, MD 6901 N 72nd St 402-778-9738 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68114 68131 6901 N 72nd St 402-778-9738 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 Hirz, Gregg A, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 68124 68122 68124 68114 68114 68114 68114 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Holcomb, Richard J, MD 68144 68131 68131 68198 Hosman, Stephen L, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0800 68118 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 203 402-354-7580 68118 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68114 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 68114 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 68114 Hoy, David S, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4303 Huang, Terry, MD 68114 68198 68114 68114 68114 68118 68114 68114 68114 Liebentritt, Nicholas N, MD Montzingo, Candice R, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-572-6500 68130 Liebsch, Gary E, MD 11704 W Center Rd 402-393-9459 11704 W Center Rd 402-398-6159 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 7500 Mercy Rd 402-393-9459 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 Lindsey, John E, MD Hurlbert, Barbara J, MD 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0646 Hutton, Kent S, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0646 Hofmann, Scott C, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-559-7405 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0800 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 68122 68131 68118 Hultquist, Kent T, MD 68198 68131 Hissong, Kimberly, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4303 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0800 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0800 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 68144 Henderson, Marvin G, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4081 92 68118 Hubka, Wesley K, MD 68118 68114 68114 68114 Ingram, James M, MD 68144 Jacobsen, Paul L, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 68114 68114 68114 Jerabek, Thomas J, DO 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 20300 402-778-9738 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68124 Johnson, Todd, MD 825 N 90th St 402-397-1180 68114 Jurrens, Thomas J, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-552-3022 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 110 402-552-3022 68130 Kalamaja, Joseph, MD 11919 Grant St, Ste 100 402-391-4558 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-559-7405 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Kerr, Donald D, MD 11704 W Center Rd 402-393-9459 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 Kogan, Dina A, MD 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 Kolb, Edward M, MD 68164 68144 68131 68131 68198 68144 68124 68114 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 601 N 30th St, Ste 2300A 402-280-4580 68131 Kugler, Jane A, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4303 68114 Landmark, Sandra K, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 Lindsey, John L, MD Link, Chris R, MD 8900 W Dodge Rd 402-390-0100 68144 68144 68124 68124 68114 68144 68114 68114 68114 68114 Logginidou, Helene G, MD 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 201 402-884-2450 68154 Lojero, David, MD 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 20300 402-778-9738 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68124 Lukken, Wade, MD 825 N 90th St 402-397-1180 Lydiatt, Carol A, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4303 68114 68114 Makohoniuk, Leslie W, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-552-3022 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-552-3022 68130 Manion, James L, MD 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 201 402-884-2450 68154 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 Marti, David D, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Moore, Robert D, MD 707 N 190th Plz 400-815-4000 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 Murray, Lisa M, MD 68198 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 McGrane, Daniel P, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-552-3022 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 110 402-552-3022 68130 McGuire, Katherine R, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 68114 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 68114 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 68114 Michaelis, Maria A, MD 68144 68131 68131 68198 Moessner, Stephen P, MD 4239 Farnam St, Ste 502 402-552-2886 68131 68144 68131 68131 68198 68114 68114 68114 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-552-3022 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 110 402-552-3022 68130 Nelson, Eric M, MD 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 20300 402-778-9738 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68124 Newland, Myrna C, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-559-7405 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68144 68131 68131 68198 Odugbesan, Oluyemisi M, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-559-4081 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4081 68144 68131 68131 68198 Ohnoutka, John R, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-559-7405 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Ohrt, Thomas R, MD McGonigal, Edward T, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-559-7405 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-559-7405 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0800 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 Pang, Huiling N, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-559-7405 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Peters, K R, MD 68144 68131 68131 68198 68118 68114 68114 68114 68144 68131 68131 68198 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Peterson, John C, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0800 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 68118 68114 68114 68114 Peterson, John W, MD 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 Peterson, Kelli A, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0800 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 68118 68114 Pettis, Michael S, MD 11704 W Center Rd 402-393-9459 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 100 402-343-8760 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 Pettis, Shawn J, MD 11704 W Center Rd 402-384-2600 2727 S 144th St 402-707-1864 9015 Arbor St, Ste 155 402-384-2600 Piperis, Peter N, MD 68114 68144 68124 68124 68114 68144 68144 68124 1111 N 102nd Ct, Ste 200 402-991-6559 68114 Pitts, Nathan A, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-552-3022 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-552-3022 68130 Pocras, Harry P, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 68114 68114 68114 Raikar, Soubrata V, MD 9015 Arbor St 402-721-8895 Rakes, Angie L, MD 68124 110 N 175th St, Ste 2600 402-596-4200 68118 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Rasmussen, Jennifer L, MD 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 68124 Raynor, Laurence M, MD 6901 N 72nd St 402-778-9738 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68122 68124 Rennels, Douglas E, MD 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 203 402-354-7580 68118 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 68114 Rhoden, Don B, MD 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 20300 402-778-9738 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68124 Roberts, Ellen K, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Robertson, Chris M, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 Rogic, Nancy A, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68114 68114 68114 68144 68131 68131 68198 Schleifer, Wesley M, MD 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 68131 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Schulte, Thomas E, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 4242 Farnam St 402-559-4081 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Shillcutt, Sasha, MD 11919 Grant St, Ste 100 402-391-4558 13215 Birch Dr 402-397-1205 2727 S 144th St, Ste 235 402-330-8460 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-559-7405 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68144 68131 68131 68198 68164 68164 68144 68144 68131 68131 68198 Silverstein, Paul I, DO 11704 W Center Rd 402-393-9459 11704 W Center Rd 402-398-6159 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6159 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68144 68144 68124 68124 68114 Simonson, Jean A, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Smith, Joshua L, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0800 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 Soares, Tyrus S, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 2600 402-596-4200 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-559-7405 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68118 68114 68114 68118 68144 68131 68131 68131 68198 Spitznagel, Rachel A, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4303 Stern, David L, DO 68114 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 Stone, Anna M, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4303 68114 Sullivan, James N, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-559-7405 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4081 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Tingley, David A, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4303 68144 68131 68131 68198 68114 Tiojanco, Joseph K, MD 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 68114 68114 68114 Tran, Thuc H, MD 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 20300 402-778-9738 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68124 Tran, Tin H, MD 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 20300 402-778-9738 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68124 Van Blerk, Bert, MD 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 201 402-884-2450 68154 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 Van Horn, Christina M, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 Varghese, Joby, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4303 Williams, Guy, DO 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4303 Wilson, Mark V, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0800 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 Wilt, Scott D, MD 68114 68114 68118 68114 68114 68114 Rennels, Douglas E, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0800 707 N 190th Plz 402-815-4000 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4061 68118 68114 68114 Audiologist Aull-Moeller, Mary P, AuD 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6450 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 68131 68131 Beauchaine, Kathryn L, AuD 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 326N 402-390-1100 68124 Braun, Rebecca, AuD 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 201 402-884-2450 68154 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 Yuskevich, Jeffrey, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4303 68114 Zatechka, Robert B, MD 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0630 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Zukaitis, John A, MD 68144 68198 4239 Farnam St, Ste 502 402-552-2886 68131 Anesthesiology Pain Management Are, Madhuri, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 2600 402-596-4200 68118 17617 Burke St 402-596-4000 68118 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Bose, Richard, MD 825 N 90th St, Ste A 402-397-1180 68114 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0800 68118 D'Agostino, Mark L, MD Dellabarca, Casey, MD 825 N 90th St 402-391-7246 Kerr, Donald D, MD 68114 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 201 402-884-2450 68154 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 Piperis, Peter N, MD 1111 N 102nd Ct, Ste 200 402-991-6559 68114 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-3358 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 68131 68131 Gorga, Michael P, AuD 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 326N 402-390-1100 68124 Gragert, Ashley R, AuD 9202 W Dodge Rd, Ste 200 402-933-3277 68114 Griffith, Noel, AuD 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 68131 68131 Holmes, Deena L, AuD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 204 402-758-5600 68130 16960 W Maple Rd 402-289-1658 9202 W Dodge Rd, Ste 200 402-933-3277 68114 13930 Gold Cir, Ste 103 402-334-5880 68144 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 68131 525 N 132nd St, Ste 200 402-431-1221 68154 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 326N 402-390-1100 68124 Canine, Amy N, AuD Christensen, Julie A, AuD 425 N 30th St 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-452-5000 68131 402-778-9738 68130 555 N 30th St 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 20300 402-498-6509 68131 402-778-9738 68122 555 N 30th St Youngblood, Charles F, MD 402-498-6511 68131 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 326N 402-449-4847 68131 402-390-1100 68124 Youngblood, Frederick E, MD Goehring, Jenny L, AuD Dierking, Darcia M, AuD 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 326N 402-390-1100 68124 Edwards, Joel, AuD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 68114 14264 W Maple Rd 402-431-0187 68164 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 68131 525 N 132nd St, Ste 200 402-431-1221 68154 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 326N 402-390-1100 68124 Eiten, Leisha R, AuD 68116 Hoover, Brenda M, AuD Janky, Kristen, AuD 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 Joyce, Kimberly, AuD 13930 Gold Cir, Ste 103 402-334-5880 68144 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 326N 402-390-1100 68124 Lenzen, Natalie M, AuD 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 326N 402-390-1100 68124 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Fugleberg, Sarah M, AuD 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6800 68144 555 N 30th St 402-498-6520 68131 68131 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 204 402-758-5600 68130 366 Regency Parkway Dr 402-397-0670 68114 Mar, Lisa A, AuD McGargill, Roger L, AuD 4509 Leavenworth St 402-558-0440 Reyes, Carla L, AuD 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68106 Morrow, Patricia E, AuD 68131 68131 9202 W Dodge Rd, Ste 200 402-933-3277 68114 Runnion, Elizabeth A, AuD 13930 Gold Cir, Ste 103 402-334-5880 68144 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 326N 402-390-1100 68124 Simmons, Jeffrey L, AuD 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 Smith, Debra L, AuD 68131 68131 68131 68131 68131 68131 Stallons, Kenneth R, AuD 366 Regency Parkway Dr 402-397-0670 68114 Stille, Lisa, AuD Townsend, Jill, AuD 68131 68131 68131 13930 Gold Cir, Ste 103 402-334-5880 68144 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 68131 525 N 132nd St, Ste 200 402-431-1221 68154 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 202 402-391-9041 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 326N 402-390-1100 68124 Vincent, Kendell L, AuD 555 N 30th St 402-498-6650 68131 Vogel, Michelle A, AuD 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 105 N 31st Ave, Ste 102 402-614-2634 68131 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Winfrey, Jodi L, AuD 555 N 30th St 402-498-6520 68131 Sarma, Deba P, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 800-601-9825 4955 F St 402-717-5227 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2320 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6226 68130 68117 68122 68124 Warkentin, Phyllis I, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Cardiac Electrophysiology Latacha, Matthew P, MD 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 Cardiovascular Disease Abuissa, Hussam S, MD 68131 Spalding, Jody L, AuD 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 Williams, Nicole C, AuD Blood Banking 68131 Robinson, Jilleen A, AuD 68131 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 326N 402-390-1100 68124 Feigin, Judith A, AuD 13930 Gold Cir, Ste 103 402-334-5880 68144 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 326N 402-390-1100 68124 555 N 30th St 402-498-6520 2727 S 144th St, Ste 105 402-778-5200 68144 Mace, Anne L, AuD Reiser, Krissa L, AuD 68131 68131 Joseph, Bethami, AuD 555 N 30th St 402-498-6520 366 Regency Parkway Dr 402-397-0670 68114 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 Hughes, Michelle L, AuD 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 Mueller, Misty R, AuD 68131 68131 Watson, James R, AuD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-502-2700 68130 3006 Webster St 402-280-4566 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 308 402-392-1932 68124 Agarwal, Himanshu, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 Airey, Kelly J, MD 16909 Lakeside Prof Ctr, North Suite 207 402-502-2700 68130 3006 Webster St 402-280-4566 68131 7710 Mercy Rd 402-392-1932 68124 Akkad, Haysam, MD 4239 Farnam St, Ste 100 402-552-2320 68131 Arouni, Amy J, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-502-2700 68130 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 68131 Artang, Ramin, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 290 402-596-4444 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6907 68198 Baller, John T, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Biddle, William P, MD 68198 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-502-2700 68130 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 68131 7710 Mercy Rd 402-392-1932 68124 2727 S 144th St, Ste 105 402-778-5200 68144 4242 Farnam St, Ste 144 402-552-3054 68131 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 204 402-502-6970 68114 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 93 Specialists and Other Providers Bodnar, Dawn M, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 Carollo, Scott C, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 Carstens, Jeffrey S, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 Cassling, Randal S, MD 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4000 68114 Chambers, Ward A, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Chouinard, Mark D, MD 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 3300N 402-572-3300 68122 Cimino, John J, MD 4239 Farnam St, Ste 600 402-552-2800 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68198 Dehning, Michael M, MD 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 Del Core, Michael G, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-502-2700 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 308 402-391-9340 68124 Diamantis, Steven J, MD 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 3300N 402-572-3300 68122 Dumitru, Ioana, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Easley, Arthur R, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 68198 Esterbrooks, Dennis J, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-502-2700 68130 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 68131 Fangman, Timothy R, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 Fiksinski, Edmund O, MD 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4000 68114 Gangahar, Kiran S, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 142 402-559-8888 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-8888 68198 Gleed, Kent J, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 94 Guy, Douglas M, MD 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4000 68114 Haas, John T, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 142 402-559-8888 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-8888 68198 Hailu, Admassu Y, MD 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 3300N 402-572-3300 68122 Hee, Tom T, MD 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 Henry, John S, MD 68131 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 Hershkowitz, Leslie L, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5677 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-8888 68144 68198 Holmberg, M Jeffrey, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-502-2700 68130 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 68131 7710 Mercy Rd 402-392-1932 68124 Huerter, Shirley L, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 Hunter, Claire C, MD 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 308 402-391-9340 68124 Jarzobski, Joseph A, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7710 68124 Jurrens, Traci L, MD 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 Kadri, Nazih N, MD 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 68131 Khan, Muhammad F, MD 8420 W Dodge Rd, Ste 105 402-390-0111 68114 Khankirawatana, Banthit, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 3300N 402-572-3300 68122 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4000 68114 Koster, Nancy K, MD 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 Lanspa, Thomas J, MD Mahoney, Jeffrey M, MD 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 3300N 402-572-3300 68122 Massih, Nosrat A, MD 2430 S 73rd St, Ste 200 402-397-3626 68124 4102 Woolworth Ave 402-444-7000 68105 Mathers, Daniel H, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 142 402-559-8888 68144 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 68105 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 McLeay, Peter D, MD 8552 Cass St, Ste 308 402-991-5300 68114 Mohiuddin, Syed M, MD 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 68131 5420 NW Radial Hwy 402-558-9242 68104 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 308 402-391-9340 68124 Mooss, Aryan N, MD 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 68131 Murphy, Sherrill K P, MD 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 3300N 402-572-3300 68122 Nair, Chandra K, MD 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 68131 O'Connor, Stephen M, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 702-398-5880 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 O'Leary, Edward L, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Olson, Charles E, MD 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 Peters, Michael H, MD 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 Porter, Thomas R, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Pritza, D R, MD 68198 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 Pritza, Ronald J, MD Reyes, Antonio P, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 245 402-552-2320 68144 3440 S 50th St 402-556-3000 68106 4239 Farnam St, Ste 100 402-552-2320 68131 Rovang, Karen S, MD 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 68131 Salfity, Marwan R, MD 339 N 78th St 402-315-3788 68114 4951 Center St, Ste 200 402-315-3788 68106 Satpathy, Ruby, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-572-3725 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 Sayyed, Samer, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-596-4444 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-8888 68144 68198 Scherschel, John A, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-8888 68198 Schima, Susan M, MD 16909 Lakeside Prof Ctr, North Suite 207 402-502-2700 68130 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 68131 7710 Mercy Rd 402-392-1932 68124 Sears, Thomas D, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 142 402-559-8888 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Shurmur, Scott W, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 142 402-559-8888 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Smith, Monique G, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Sojka, Stanislaw G, MD 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 3300N 402-572-3300 68122 68131 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 Windle, John R, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Woodruff, Mark P, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-502-2700 68130 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 68131 5002 Underwood Ave 402-341-3141 68132 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 308 402-391-9340 68124 Cardiovascular Surgery Carter, Colby J, DC 10815 Prairie 402-397-1800 68144 Churchill, Leslie, DC 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 102 402-933-7575 68124 Clark, Jeffrey N, DC 10011 Maple St 402-393-0566 68134 2055 N 156th St 402-493-6800 68116 3714 S 132nd St 402-334-1114 68144 Clements, Eric, DC Corey, Russell, DC Cox, Robert, DC 105 N 31st Ave, Ste 216 402-758-1088 68131 Crom, Nichlos J, DC 1109 S 180th St 402-502-6888 Cumro, Jeffrey L, DC 10700 Sapp Brothers Dr 402-210-1472 68138 Davis, Matthew, DC 13479 W Center Rd 402-964-2930 Eiler, Mark, DC Quader, Mohammed A, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 355 402-552-6777 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Weeks, Keith R, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 142 402-559-8888 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Certified Diabetic Educator Diabetes Education Center of Midlands 2910 S 84th St 402-399-8444 68124 7823 Chicago Ct 402-955-3871 68114 5002 Underwood Ave 402-280-1185 68132 Jardee, Alice A, CNP Pagenkemper, Joni J, CDE Chiropractor, Licensed 68130 68144 2727 S 144th St, Ste 230 402-778-5470 68144 Ellis, Anthony N, DC 13206 Cottner St 402-896-2496 68137 11906 I St 402-333-0352 68137 Elsasser, Gary, DC Evans, Ronald R, DC 5421 N 103rd St, Ste 200 402-493-1722 68134 Faimon, Jeffrey J, DC 4979 S 155th St 402-884-5599 68137 7640 Pierce St 402-343-9006 68124 5054 S 108th St 402-933-6208 68137 Filley, Rita L, DC Foster, Jessica L, DC Francoeur, Matthew J, DC 2085 N 120th St, Ste D6 402-496-4570 68164 Friend, Patrick J, DC 13808 W Maple Rd, Ste 116A 402-491-4087 68164 Gartner, Emily D, DC 14438 W Center Rd 402-651-1572 Germer, Jill, DC 68144 68114 6005 Maple St 402-556-9165 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 3300N 402-572-3300 68122 Baker, Tyler A, DC 68104 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 17785 Mason St, Ste 101 402-330-8600 68118 Goodman, Chad E, DC 2055 N 156th St 402-932-8131 Goss, Ryan, DC Sterns, David A, MD Thibodeau, Joseph B, MD Ramachandran, Atul A, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 68198 4242 Farnam St, Ste 142 402-552-2212 68131 4350 Dewey Ave 402-552-3257 68105 8552 Cass St, Ste 201 402-393-8443 68114 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 333 S 78th St 402-391-2600 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Vazquez-Bauza, Juan J, MD Campbell, Corey J, DC 2727 S 144th St, Ste 142 402-559-8888 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-8888 68198 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 Lynch, Joseph D, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 Sricharoen, Nattapong, MD Armour, Michael D, DC 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-502-2700 68130 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 308 402-391-9340 68124 Raichlin, Eugenia, MD Van De Graaff, Eric J, MD Tierney, Dennis P, MD 402-502-5500 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 Arndt, Richard, DC 13027 Arbor St 402-334-2244 Bartholet, John, DC 4638 Dodge St 402-341-2216 Becker, Dane, DC 68144 68132 Bird, Brandon R, DC Blum, David J, DC 10809 Elm St 402-397-5601 Bohac, Kent, DC 68116 68144 6846 Pacific St, Ste 103 402-504-4442 68106 Giles, Daniel, DC 2639 S 159th Plz 402-334-4700 68130 4868 S 96th St 402-331-0392 68127 4868 S 96th St 402-331-0392 68127 5660 N 103rd St 402-493-4333 68134 633 N 98th St, Ste M 402-397-8980 68114 18460 Wright St, Ste 9 402-933-5392 68130 Godfrey, Bruce S, DC Godfrey, Kate G, DC Green, Toby, DC Guenther, Brian, DC 16835 Q St 402-896-1996 68135 4751 S 96th St 402-331-3480 68127 1512 S 60th St 402-551-0410 68106 15821 W Dodge Rd, Ste 164 402-571-7663 68118 10102 Maple St 402-571-3010 68134 8013 L St 402-592-7686 Brockman, Brian, DC Bruening, William, DC Haddock, Gary D, DC The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68127 Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Hansen, Katherine E, DC 1104 S 76th Ave 402-933-7944 9761 Q St 402-331-9444 Happ, Jeremy, DC Hauser, Lance, DC Marcuzzo, Thomas, DC Shockley, Steven R, DC 68124 18017 Oak St, Ste A 402-963-9401 68130 16901 Wright Plz, Ste 183 402-334-0840 68130 68127 3675 N 129th St 402-614-8334 68164 701 N 132nd St 402-496-6090 Martin, Leslie, DC Martinsen, Mark A, DC Simonson, Kristine, DC 68154 Siwa, Thomas, DC Drake, Ashley L, MD 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 302 402-354-0621 68118 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1900 68137 Ferguson, John J, MD Sizenbach, Scott L, DC 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 Skaff, Matthew D, DC 7911 W Center Rd 402-390-0333 68114 3605 N 147th St 402-715-5692 68116 9761 Q St 402-213-1544 68127 5148 N 90th St 402-933-2273 2712 S 87th Ave 402-210-9373 68124 8071 Blondo St 402-390-1165 68134 10815 Prairie Brook Rd 402-397-1800 68144 Finnegan, Mary T, MD 68144 12015 Pacific St 402-916-9492 68154 2919 S 120th St 402-330-2510 Fonda, Robert J, MD Heese, Jan, DC Hemann, Michael, DC 13027 Arbor St 402-334-2244 Henrichs, Heather, DC 18010 R Plz, Ste 104 402-677-1600 68135 Hinze, Eric, DC 16919 Audrey St, Ste 130 402-991-1101 68136 Hoagland, John, DC 8031 W Center Rd, Ste 210 402-391-6211 68124 Howie, Janet L, DC 13206 Cottner St 402-896-2496 Metzler, Bradley A, DC Meyers, Jeffrey P, DC 7826 Davenport St 402-898-1540 Millard, Sheri, DC 2871 S 168th St 402-934-7557 Miller, Laura J, DC 2111 Douglas St 402-345-7500 Miller, Ritch E, DC 18460 Wright St, Ste 9 402-933-5392 Jones, David, DC 15680 W Center Rd 402-933-3660 68130 68130 Kloewer, Kathleen, DC 12785 Q St 402-894-9262 Knoll, Mark, DC 11322 Q St 402-339-9510 68137 68137 Knudsen, Robbi L, DC 2055 N 156th St 402-493-6800 Nelson, Craig, DC 12309 Gold St 402-334-1200 Kocis, Brent, DC 5302 S 136th St 402-895-9292 Koenig, Mark W, DC Korth, Zachary R, DC 68137 68104 68137 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 150 402-964-0300 68116 Kosak, Kevin, DC 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 150 402-964-0300 68116 Kunz, Curt, DC 5002 Center St, Ste 4 402-827-8879 68154 68106 68106 Lukasiewicz, John J, DC 15821 W Dodge Rd, Ste 164 402-571-7663 68118 Madsen, Roger K, DC 8013 L St 402-592-7686 Malloy, James J, DC 2223 N 91st Plz 402-397-0919 68127 68134 68154 Von Kerens, David J, DC 68137 Waddington, Tracy, DC 2506 N 72nd St 402-397-3339 Wagner, Trevor J, DC 2639 S 159th Plz 402-334-4700 Ward, Michael W, DC 68134 68130 68154 16909 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 117 402-697-7463 68130 1808 N 120th St 402-496-0147 68154 16909 Burke St, Ste 124 402-933-4463 68118 6720 S 168th St, Ste 3 402-991-1003 68135 15475 Ruggles St, Ste 110 402-934-4220 68116 2506 N 72nd St 402-397-3339 68134 11322 Q St 402-339-9510 68137 3302 Q St 402-934-9225 68107 3811 Dodge St 402-551-1322 68131 68107 Clinical Molecular Genetics Nelson, Sara M, DC 549 N 155th Plz 402-614-5677 Neneman, Nicholas M, DC Nielsen, Aaron, DC Nilius, Gregory, DC 3315 L St 402-731-0170 Owen, Julie E, DC 2639 S 159th Plz 402-334-4700 Pearson, Nicole, DC 68130 Powers, Cory, DC 68144 Prososki, Nicholas, DC 5421 N 103rd St, Ste 200 402-493-1722 68134 Rethwisch, Jeremiah, DC 18010 R Plz, Ste 104 402-408-6561 68135 Saalfeld, Christopher, DC 2430 S 73rd St, Ste 202 402-393-0280 68124 Schieber, Jon P, DC 12015 Pacific St 402-991-2588 68154 Schrage, Jennifer L, DC 1710 N 144th St 402-885-8783 68154 Seagren, Jonathan, DC 110 S 77th St 402-397-0949 Sempek, John B, DC 68114 Wiese, Jason A, DC Wisniewski, Nicholas, DC 412 S Saddle Creek Rd 402-559-6418 444 S 44th St 402-559-6402 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4160 Rizzo, William B, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 68131 68131 68127 13931 Gold Cir 402-334-1500 68144 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1315 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0921 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1900 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 68114 68118 68135 68137 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-502-2700 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-280-5600 68130 5002 Underwood Ave 402-280-1185 68132 601 N 30th St, Ste 5700 402-280-5600 68131 Hultgren, Tricia L, MD 909 N 96th St, Ste 201 402-330-4555 Kolbet, Denise A, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 68114 68114 68118 Luckasen, John R, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5560 68144 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-552-2555 68131 Nelson, Jill S, MD 909 N 96th St, Ste 201 402-330-4555 68114 Papenfuss, Jason S, MD 68114 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 218 402-758-5522 68130 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-552-2555 68131 68114 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 68105 2802 Oak View Mall Dr 402-334-7546 68144 68131 Regan, James J, MD Community Based Residential Treatment Facility, Mental Illness Schlessinger, Joel, MD Boys Town Residential Treatment Center Stoller, Herschel E, MD 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 Dermatology Braddock, Suzanne W, MD 7911 W Center Rd 402-390-1000 68124 Debates, Scott M, MD 8013 L St 402-592-7686 Shelton, Dale O, DC Wells, Nicholas M, DC Olney, Ann, MD 6303 Center St, Ste 103 402-933-1933 68106 11343 Wright Cir 402-504-4344 68164 Weaklend, Matthew, DC Wurth, Mark G, DC 909 N 96th St, Ste 201 402-330-4555 Huerter, Christopher J, MD 12109 Emmet St 402-496-1781 Osten, Joel J, DC Le, Thu T, DC Uttecht, Russ, DC 68144 2085 N 120th St, Ste D6 402-496-4570 68164 Koca, Lyle, DC 5002 Center St, Ste 4 402-827-8879 Hayes, Kristie D, MD Muenster, Bruce, DC Ochoa, Efrain, DC Le, Kevin T, DC 68114 Morehead, Thomas, DC 68116 549 N 155th Plz 402-614-5677 Griess, Anthony J, MD 68154 Johnson, Tereshel M, DC Kosak, Heidi, DC 68144 2430 S 73rd St, Ste 202 402-393-0280 68124 68164 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5560 68144 4242 Farnam St, Ste 360 402-552-2555 68131 68102 68130 262 N 114th St 402-334-5340 Frichot, Bert C, MD 2720 S 114th St 402-330-1652 68104 Triba, Thomas A, DC 11314 Q St 402-592-3060 10835 Cottonwood Ln 402-934-2299 68124 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1315 68114 8601 W Dodge Rd, Ste 118 402-391-5050 68114 68130 4852 S 133rd St, Ste 103 402-896-6131 68137 Johnson Zortman, Jessica N, DC 68137 5414 NW Radial Hwy 402-553-1900 68102 Misek, Scott D, DC 68104 Stevens, Edward C, DC 68137 Jacobs, Marshall, DC 13206 Cottner St 402-896-2496 5414 NW Radial Hwy 402-553-1900 110 S 77th St 402-397-0949 2871 S 168th St 402-934-7557 6918 Maple St 402-571-3039 68114 68144 Stevens, Brian E, DC 2111 Douglas St 402-345-7500 Jackson, Brandon T, DC 12010 Pacific St 402-778-1100 McKenzie, David D, DC 68134 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 68118 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 302 402-354-0621 68118 Shehan, James M, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 326 402-343-8550 68124 10110 Nicholas St, Ste 103 402-398-9200 68114 Theunissen, Laci L, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 68118 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 302 402-354-0621 68118 Watts, David J, MD 909 N 96th St, Ste 201 402-330-4555 68114 Diagnostic Radiology Alegent Health Lakeside Outpatient Imaging 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 10 402-758-5969 68130 Alegent Health N.W. Imaging Center 3606 N 156th St, Ste 102 402-717-1177 68116 Dodge Street Radiology 115 N 40th St 402-934-5700 Ebi Medical Systems, Inc. 7701 Pacific St, Ste 103 973-299-9300 68114 Heartland Health Therapy 11011 Q St, Ste 101C 402-926-4900 68137 747 N 132nd St 402-493-3110 68154 HY Vee Pharmacy Ifys Home Healthcare Inc 11711 Arbor St, Ste 210 402-330-4198 68144 68131 Lincare Inc. 68105 Nebraska Methodist Home Health 8310 F St 402-331-7100 68127 Midwest Neuroimaging 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4442 68114 Molecular Diagnostics of E. Omaha 10924 John Galt Blvd 402-331-0980 68137 4460 S 84th St 800-736-8276 68127 2819 S 125th Ave 402-333-2598 68144 14445 W Center Rd 402-333-6930 68144 2124 S 156th Cir 402-697-9700 68130 McBride, Joseph J, MD 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6907 68198 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 305 402-398-9243 68114 Option Care Enterprises, Inc. 117 N 32nd Ave, Ste 100 402-715-5200 68131 Otto Bock Orthopedic Services LLC 117 N 32nd Ave, Ste 102 402-715-5200 68131 Relax The Back Nar Open MRI LLC Nebraska Health Imaging 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 68114 Shopko Pharmacy #2056 501 N 87th St, Ste 100 402-397-7100 68114 Source One Medical Inc Omaha Imaging Ramic Omaha 310 Regency Pkwy, Ste 125 402-391-1600 68114 Village Pointe Imaging Center 302 N 168th Cir, Ste 202 402-502-7226 68118 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Emergency Medicine Aaker, Benjamin C, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 Ahlers, Kevin M, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4442 Lori M, MD Accredo Health Group, Inc. Asher, 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 11329 P St 402-339-0706 68137 5300 S 73rd St 402-445-0600 68127 Ahp-Mhr Home Care Alegent Health at Home Medical Equipment 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 105 402-343-8500 68124 Alegent Health Home Care & Hospice 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 107 402-758-5006 68130 5428 F St 402-898-8400 68117 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 110 402-398-6781 68124 8613 N 30th St 402-451-2125 68112 Alegent Health Image Recovery 17201 Wright St 402-717-4700 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 120 402-398-5454 68124 Amber Pharmacy 10004 S 152nd St 402-896-5000 68138 5505 F St 402-731-8700 68117 Apria Healthcare, Inc. Arj Infusion Services 8031 W Center Rd, Ste 304 402-991-8037 68124 Bravadas Inc 7906 W Dodge Rd 402-397-2524 68114 5329 Center St 402-384-1334 68106 Burton Prosthetics Coram Alternate Site Services, Inc. 2324 S 156th Cir 402-330-5482 68130 402-778-5350 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68144 68198 Babbitt, Timothy D, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 Barthold, Claudia L, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Birdwell, Maurice D, MD 900 S 74th Plz, Ste 108 402-391-3387 68114 Bott, Kristine L, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5350 4350 Dewey Ave 402-552-3257 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68144 68105 68198 Branecki, Chad E, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68198 Chen, Ching C, MD 10710 Fort St 402-969-3497 3353 L St 402-354-7700 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 Chick, Adam S, MD 68134 68107 68127 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 Colaric, Kenneth B, MD 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6161 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68114 68124 68198 95 Specialists and Other Providers Devin, Robert S, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 265 402-778-5350 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2225 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4424 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 Larsen, Timothy J, MD 68144 68131 68122 68114 68198 Dreessen, Adrian, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 Dunbar, Thomas E, MD 900 S 74th Plz, Ste 108 402-391-3387 68114 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68198 Logginidou, Helene G, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 Louie, Wason W, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5000 68130 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68127 Mahapatra, Jyoti S, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68198 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4442 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 124 402-398-6581 68124 Elliott, Christopher J, MD Fink, Suzette L, MD 68114 Martinak, Joseph F, MD Fullenkamp, Michael P, MD McCaslin, Joseph T, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 Grigsby, Wesley S, MD 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 68131 Gustafson, Gary J, MD 6001 Dodge St 402-554-2374 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4442 68182 68114 Haudrich, Stephen J, MD 2900 F St 402-731-7990 9602 M St 402-331-8555 68107 68127 Hernandez, Cynthia L, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5480 68144 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 4350 Dewey Ave 402-559-4020 68105 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4424 68114 McClay, James C, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5350 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68144 68198 McMahon, Joseph P, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 Millemon, Laura R, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4424 Millward, Lee D, MD 68114 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68198 Muelleman, Robert L, MD Shuff, Chad A, DO Ilahi, Marium, MD 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2225 8303 Dodge St 402-354-2360 68122 68114 Sippel, Joseph M, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 265 402-778-5350 68144 4350 Dewey Ave 402-552-3257 68105 Snyder, Jeffrey T, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68127 Spiegel, Thomas F, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5350 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68144 68198 Stratton, Phillip M, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5000 68130 8303 Dodge St 402-354-7442 68114 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68127 Timerding, Beverly L, MD 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2225 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6161 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4424 Tran, T P, MD 68122 68124 68114 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68198 Vosik, Scott A, MD 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2225 68122 Wadman, Michael C, MD Hoffman, Lance H, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68198 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 Holcomb, Bruce, MD 2900 F St 402-731-7990 9602 M St 402-331-8555 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68198 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2225 68122 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 68131 Howell, Robert M, MD Huigens, Edward P, MD 900 S 74th Plz, Ste 108 402-391-3387 68114 Hurd, Ryan C, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 Jackson, Darin E, MD 4350 Dewey Ave 402-552-3257 Jones, Phillip I, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5350 4350 Dewey Ave 402-552-3257 600 S 42nd St 402-559-4000 68105 68144 68105 68198 Kirschner, Ronald I, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5350 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4020 68144 68198 Krajicek, Michele E, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4424 Lang, Bob L, MD 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 68114 68131 Langenfeld, Jason G, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 96 O'Leary, Dennis, MD Orton, Dale W, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4442 Pratt, George L, DO 17650 Wright Plz, Ste 5 402-334-2300 3830 N 167th Ct 402-965-4000 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 8814 Maple St 402-595-2718 Prine, Arthur G, MD 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2225 Prusmack, John, MD 68107 68127 68114 68130 68116 68137 68134 68122 13518 W Center Rd 402-827-6502 68144 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6510 68127 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-827-6511 68114 Quinn, James E, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4442 68114 68124 Safranek, Therese M, MD 4350 Dewey Ave 402-552-3257 68105 Schroeder, Kelly S, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-2360 Weaver, Arthur, DO 13518 W Center Rd 402-827-6502 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6510 6001 Dodge St 402-554-2374 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-827-6511 68198 68144 68127 68182 68114 Weedman, Douglas J, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4442 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68198 Whitaker, Marc E, MD Zeger, Wesley G, DO 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5350 4350 Dewey Ave 402-552-3257 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68114 Konigsberg, Sarah E, MD 2910 S 84th St 402-399-8444 68124 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Lane, James T, MD Neumeister, Amy S, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Odegaard, David E, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 426 402-717-3636 68124 Shivaswamy, Vijay, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 2910 S 84th St 402-399-8444 68124 Steffes, Paul, MD Family Medicine Bisenius, Marjorie S, DO 13708 W Maple Rd 402-201-2888 2727 S 144th St, Ste 280 402-778-5490 4200 Douglas St 402-552-3222 6001 Dodge St 402-554-2374 68164 68144 68131 68182 Haskell, Susan C, DO 3341 N 107th St 877-811-7526 68134 Hatcher, Anthony L, DO 10109 Maple St 402-572-3500 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2121 8613 N 30th St 402-453-9900 68134 68122 68112 Hatcher, Theresa S, DO 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2225 68122 Hennessy, Therese A, DO 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 Hutteger, Gregory K, DO 68144 68105 68198 Endocrinology Baker, Claire, MD Rankin, Thomas J, MD 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6161 Walker, Richard A, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 426 402-717-3636 68124 2910 S 84th St 402-399-0777 68124 4242 Farnam St, Ste 460 402-561-2737 68131 Drincic, Andjela T, MD 5002 Underwood Ave 402-280-1185 68132 5420 NW Radial Hwy 402-558-9242 68104 601 N 30th St, Ste 6715 402-449-5960 68131 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 68118 68114 Janssen, Cindy K, DO 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68127 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6907 68198 King, Jeremy C, DO Lau, Henry K, DO Loseke Thebarge, Melissa S, DO 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 Priefert, Karin T, DO 68135 2500 California Plz, Ste 1034 402-280-2735 68178 602 N 20th St, Ste 1034 402-280-2735 68102 Rivett, Austin L, DO 2255 S 132nd St 402-717-3390 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 Shirley, Mark E, DO Weiland, Matthew C, DO 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 68118 68135 68137 68114 Wurdeman, Asha, DO 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 7070 Spring St 402-898-8250 68106 Gastroenterology Alli, Tyron A, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 201 402-505-8708 68118 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-397-7057 68114 Arouni, Martha A, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 5730 402-449-4692 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 330 402-397-8040 68124 Bernal, Alexander B, MD 68127 15909 W Maple Rd, Ste 103 402-614-2442 68116 601 N 30th St, Ste 5730 402-449-4692 68131 Livingston, William C, DO 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 201 402-505-8708 68118 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68114 Mailliard, Mark E, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 McCashland, Timothy M, MD McGinn, Thomas R, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 201 402-505-8708 68118 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-397-7057 68114 Mitchell, John C, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 201 402-505-8708 68118 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-397-7057 68114 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 201 402-505-8708 68118 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68114 Mukherjee, Sandeep, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 201 402-505-8708 68118 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68114 Pearson, Trevor J, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Brouillette, Douglas E, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Cannella, John J, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 201 402-505-8708 68118 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68114 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-885-8700 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 201 402-505-8708 68118 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-397-7057 68114 Cisler, Jason J, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 201 402-505-8708 68118 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-397-7057 68114 Ferry, John J, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-885-8700 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 201 402-505-8708 68118 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-397-7057 68114 Gollan, John L, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Harmon, Kimberly S, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-885-8700 68130 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68114 Hewlett, Alexander T, DO Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4500 68198 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-397-8040 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 330 402-397-8040 68124 Hutchins, Grant, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Olivera-Martinez, Marco A, MD Rochling, Fedja A, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Schafer, Daniel F, MD Schafer, Edwin C, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-885-8700 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 201 402-505-8708 68118 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-885-8700 68114 Schafer, Michael E, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-885-8700 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 201 402-505-8708 68118 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68114 Schroeder, Bradley J, MD 68198 Huh, Charles Yoo C, MD 68144 Lanspa, Stephen J, MD 68198 Jones, Michael B, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68130 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-397-7057 68114 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 68114 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 201 402-505-8708 68118 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-397-7057 68114 Scott, Carol L, MD 8309 Cass St 402-397-8891 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Sorrell, Michael F, MD Upchurch, Bennie R, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 5730 402-449-4692 68131 Volentine, Gary D, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4500 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68198 Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Ward, Brian W, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 201 402-505-8708 68118 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-397-7057 68114 Wilkening, Steven D, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 201 402-505-8708 68118 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-504-3880 68114 Young, Renee L, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 General Surgery Anthone, Gary J, MD 8111 Dodge St, Ste 220 402-354-1320 68114 Are, Chandrakanth, MD 17617 Burke St 402-596-4000 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Ayoub, Nagi T, MD 68118 68198 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 320 402-829-6384 68124 Baxter, B Timothy, MD 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 300 402-393-6624 68118 Bertellotti, Robert P, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 211 402-933-0274 68130 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-280-4351 68131 Blatchford, Garnet J, MD 9850 Nicholas St, Ste 100 402-343-1122 68114 Brockbank, Aaron S, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4017 Buda, Steven J, MD 68198 Edney, John J, MD 8900 W Dodge Rd 402-390-0100 Filipi, Charles J, MD McNamara, Michael J, MD 68114 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-449-4088 68131 Fitzgibbons, Robert J, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 211 402-933-0274 68130 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-449-4088 68131 Forse, Robert A, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 211 402-933-0274 68130 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-280-4476 68131 Gardner, Glenn C, MD 17201 Wright St, Ste 204 402-614-1005 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 305 402-393-1338 68124 Goede, Matthew R, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4017 68198 Hatzoudis, Georgios I, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 211 402-933-0274 68130 2500 California Plz 402-280-4351 68178 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-280-4484 68131 Hayes, Dennis F, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 404 402-390-6001 68124 Hollins, Ronald R, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 255 402-778-5420 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Hovey, Michael A, MD 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 411 402-758-5544 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 5500 402-572-3663 68122 Howard, Thomas, MD 4239 Farnam St, Ste 823 402-552-3015 68131 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 68114 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 68118 8111 Dodge St, Ste 263 402-354-8163 68114 Imbrock, James D, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 601 N 30th St 402-449-4000 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Carlson, Mark A, MD Cemaj, Samuel, MD 68198 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 211 402-933-0274 68130 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-449-4088 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 420 402-280-4351 68124 Chen, Steve I, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4017 68198 Ciurej, Terrence F, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 309 402-399-9313 68124 Jawa, Randeep, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Johanning, Jason M, MD 68131 68198 Johnson, Michael D, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 490 402-552-2222 68131 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 68114 68198 Eakins, Gregory L, MD 8111 Dodge St, Ste 263 402-354-8163 68114 Edney, James A, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4017 Mittal, Sumeet K, MD 68198 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 211 402-933-0274 68130 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-449-4088 68131 Monson, John W, MD 17201 Wright St, Ste 204 402-614-1005 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 305 402-393-1338 68124 Nelson, Lawrence E, DO Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4017 68198 Oleynikov, Dmitry, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5580 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68144 68198 Osborne, John A, DO 4242 Farnam St, Ste 370 402-552-3078 68131 Owen, Donald R, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 68114 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 68118 8111 Dodge St, Ste 263 402-354-8163 68114 Parks, Alan M, DO 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 Ramos, Douglas J, MD 9202 W Dodge Rd, Ste 303 402-390-6060 68114 Redland, Roalene J, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 202 402-758-5250 68130 Reilly, James A, MD 8111 Dodge St, Ste 263 402-354-8163 68114 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4230 68114 Richards, Alan T, MD 8303 Dodge St, Ste 304 402-354-5048 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Rivard, Matthew J, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-933-0274 68130 Rose, Scott G, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 200 712-256-6160 68130 Langnas, Alan N, DO Duncan, Kim F, MD Mercer, David W, MD 68198 8111 Dodge St, Ste 263 402-354-8163 68114 Kercher, Jane, MD 8111 Dodge St, Ste 263 402-354-8163 68114 8303 Dodge St 402-354-8163 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4424 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-5000 9850 Nicholas St, Ste 100 402-343-1122 68114 Kingston, Timothy K, MD Dorheim, Tracy A, MD Mercer, David F, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0610 68118 8111 Dodge St, Ste 263 402-354-8163 68114 Julien, Lucas A, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 209 402-392-1030 68124 Dittrick, George W, MD 17201 Wright St, Ste 204 402-614-1005 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 305 402-393-1338 68124 4242 Farnam St, Ste 490 402-552-2222 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Lynch, Thomas G, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5580 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-2020 68144 68198 McBride, Corrigan L, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 McCormick, Jayne M, MD 7070 Spring St 402-898-8380 McLeay, John F, MD 7821 Wakeley Plz 402-399-8500 68106 68114 Ryberg, Ardith A, MD Sasse, Susanne L, MD 17201 Wright St, Ste 204 402-614-1005 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 305 402-393-1338 68124 Sasson, Aaron R, MD 111 N 175th St 402-596-3100 17617 Burke St 402-596-4000 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Scott, James R, DO 68118 68118 68198 4242 Farnam St, Ste 370 402-552-3078 68131 Shashidharan, Maniamparampil, MD 9850 Nicholas St, Ste 100 402-343-1122 68114 Shaw, Byers W, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Silva-Lopez, Edibaldo, MD 111 N 175th St 402-596-3100 Stevens, Rick B, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68118 68198 Stothert, Joseph C, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Sudan, Debra L, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 68198 Ternent, Charles A, MD 9850 Nicholas St, Ste 100 402-343-1122 68114 Thompson, Jon S, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Childrens Home Healthcare Hematology Akhtari, Mojtaba, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6907 Faber, Edward A, DO 111 N 175th St 402-778-5220 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9600 68198 68118 68198 Ganti, Aparkishor P, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Grem, Jean L, MD 111 N 175th St 402-778-5220 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Leu, Kirsten M, MD 68198 68118 68198 9850 Nicholas St, Ste 100 402-343-1122 68114 17201 Wright St, Ste 200 402-334-4773 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 1300 402-393-3110 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8724 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 111 N 175th St 402-778-5220 68198 Torpy, Stephen D, MD 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 102 402-934-6996 68130 Vo, Duc M, MD Wagner, Michel R P, MD 68198 Wattenhofer, Scott P, MD 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 300 402-393-6624 68118 8111 Dodge St, Ste 308 402-354-2475 68114 Webb, Thomas H, MD 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 9850 Nicholas St, Ste 250 402-399-9990 68114 White, Thomas J, MD 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 411 402-758-5544 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 5500 402-572-3663 68122 Winkler, Martin J, MD 4239 Farnam St, Ste 800 402-552-3317 68131 Winterstein, Brad A, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 68114 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 68118 8111 Dodge St, Ste 263 402-354-8163 68114 Wrenshall, Lucile E, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Young, David H, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 68198 Zadalis, Robert J, MD 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 411 402-758-5544 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 5500 402-572-3663 68122 Geriatrics 68105 68198 Ortman, James V, MD 7070 Spring St 402-898-8352 68106 Hand Surgery Nystrom, Nils A, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Thompson, M Andrew, MD 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 68118 Mathews, Abraham P, MD 4239 Farnam St, Ste 701 402-572-3535 68131 Nordquist, Luke T, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 100 402-354-8124 68130 17201 Wright St, Ste 200 402-334-4773 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 1300 402-393-3110 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8724 68114 Rajan, Sandeep K, MD 111 N 175th St 402-778-5220 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Razaq, Wajeeha, MD 68118 68198 111 N 175th St 402-778-5220 68118 2727 S 144th St, Ste 240 402-778-5420 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Renno, Samer I, MD 4239 Farnam St, Ste 701 402-572-3535 68131 Verdirame, Joseph D, MD 4239 Farnam St, Ste 701 402-572-3535 68131 Wang, Jue, MD 111 N 175th St 402-778-5220 68118 Home Health Care Agency Alegent Health at Home 68117 2324 S 156th Cir 402-330-5482 68130 11211 John Galt Blvd 402-593-1300 68137 7602 Park Dr 402-614-4622 68127 8710 F St, Ste 118 402-397-8330 68127 Coram Alternate Site Services, Inc. Gentiva Health Services Home Nursing With Heart PC Infuscience Interim Healthcare of Omaha 11207 W Dodge Rd, Ste 100 402-392-1818 68154 Maxim Healthcare Services, Inc. 9239 W Center Rd 402-399-8888 10730 Pacific St, Ste 35 402-934-4752 68114 NE Methodist Home Health Agency 8601 W Dodge Rd, Ste 138 402-354-3200 68114 Nurse Providers Inc. 344 N 76th St 402-399-1700 68114 8212 F St 402-331-2273 68127 10020 Nicholas St 402-305-7118 68114 Physicians Choice Home Health Care PhysMed Inc Primary Home Health Care 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 118 402-345-1350 68105 Prime Home Care 6818 Grover St, Ste 304 402-390-2492 68106 Traveling Angels Inc. 16444 Cottonwood St 402-690-0992 VNA of The Midlands Home Health Care 68136 12565 W Center Rd, Ste 100 402-342-5566 68144 Walgreens Infusion and Respiratory Services 10924 John Galt Blvd 402-331-0980 68137 11011 Q St, Ste 105B 402-505-9511 68137 Willingham Health Services Home Hospice Care Alegent Health at Home 7070 Spring St 402-698-8000 68106 2216 N 91st Plz 402-455-2500 68134 68106 Amazing Angels Hospice 11902 Elm St, Ste 3B 402-334-3062 68144 Aseracare Hospice All Midlands Health Services 8710 Frederick St, Ste 100 402-926-2680 68124 8610 W Dodge Rd, Ste 1 402-391-5554 68114 Compassionate Care Hospice 7827 Wakeley Plz 402-884-1645 68114 Nebraska Methodist Hospice 2216 N 91st Plz 402-455-2500 68134 Odyssey Health Care of Omaha 8702 Frederick St 402-397-0211 68124 Amakes Quality Home Care Inc Amazing Angels Home Health Aseracare Home Health 6818 Grover St, Ste 304 402-390-2492 68106 8601 W Dodge Rd, Ste 138 402-354-3200 68114 444 Regency Parkway Dr, Ste 200 402-397-0990 68114 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68124 Midwest Home Health, Inc. 7070 Spring St 402-898-8000 Alere HHA Keller, Brenda K, MD 730 S 38th Ave 402-559-9600 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Maness, Lori J, MD 4156 S 52nd St 402-734-6741 97 Specialists and Other Providers Home Infusion Therapy Supplier Alegent Health Home Care & Hospice 5428 F St 402-898-8400 Coram Alternate Site Services, Inc 2324 S 156th Cir 402-330-5482 68117 Hospitalist Ariyarathna, Krishan, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6060 68124 Avery, Eric J, MD 68105 Duraikannan, Durgalakshmi, MD 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6600 68124 Indukuri, Umajyothi, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6060 68124 Kakani, Siddhartha, MD 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5580 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 202 402-552-2100 68130 4242 Farnam St, Ste 145 402-552-2100 68131 Vanschooneveld, Trevor C, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4015 Varman, Meera, MD 68130 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 Sartin, Jeffrey S, MD 68124 Pasya, Suresh Kumar R, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 600 S 42nd St 402-280-4448 68198 68198 Internal Medicine Aaronson, Michael L, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-343-8650 68124 Agarwal, Himanshu, MD 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 Agarwal, Vijay K, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 10710 Fort St 402-969-3497 727 N 120th St 402-493-2100 68114 68134 68154 Alchommali, Ahmad, MD 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 Allen, David R, DO 68131 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 102 402-758-5800 68130 Andersen, Colene I, MD 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 68105 Independent Laboratory Anderson, Daniel R, MD Creighton Medical Laboratories Anderson, Nicole L, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 601 N 30th St, Ste 2400 402-449-4630 68131 651 N 27th St, Rm 383 402-280-1895 68178 Human Genetics Laboratories 444 S 44th St 402-559-5070 68131 Physicians Laboratory Services 4840 F St 402-731-4145 68117 Physicians Laboratory, P.C. 4840 F St 402-731-4145 68117 Quest Diagnostics, Inc. 10020 Nicholas St, Ste 102 402-399-8365 68114 Transgenomic, Inc. 12325 Emmet St 402-452-5476 Infectious Diseases Gholami, Amir S, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1530 10710 Fort St 402-354-1001 68114 Kalil, Andre C, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Kotula, Rudolf J, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1530 Quimby, David S, MD 68134 68198 68114 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 202 402-552-2100 68130 4242 Farnam St, Ste 145 402-552-2100 68131 Sandkovsky, Uriel S, MD 804 S 52nd St 402-559-2666 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4015 98 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 Anderson, Robert J, MD 5002 Underwood Ave 402-280-1185 68106 68198 68132 Andukuri, Radha, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 810 N 96th St, Ste 201 402-343-4513 68114 Armas, Laura A, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 4820 402-280-4277 68131 Armitage, James O, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Armitage, Joel D, MD 111 N 175th St 402-596-4200 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 Bailey, Steven T, MD 68164 68198 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68198 68118 68131 68114 68118 68114 Batterman, Terri R, MD 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68131 68198 Baumann, William R, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 470 402-552-9875 68131 Beachy, Micah W, DO 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68131 68198 Bessmer, Joel R, MD 105 S 90th St, Ste 201 402-779-8400 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 5050 Ames Ave 402-595-2280 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Campbell, James R, MD 68114 68131 68104 68198 Bierman, Philip J, MD 111 N 175th St 402-778-5220 68118 2727 S 144th St, Ste 240 402-778-5580 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Birch, Nathan C, MD 8303 Dodge St, Ste 712 402-354-2360 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4015 68198 Bittner, Marvin J, MD 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 68105 601 N 30th St, Ste 5800 402-280-4180 68131 Block, Margaret, MD 17201 Wright St, Ste 200 402-334-4773 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 1300 402-393-3110 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8124 68114 Bociek, Robert G, MD 111 N 175th St 402-778-5220 68118 2727 S 144th St, Ste 240 402-778-5580 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Boerner, Shannon K, MD Emile At 42nd St, 4th Floor 402-559-4500 68198 Bonasera, Stephen J, MD 730 S 38th Ave 402-559-9600 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9600 68105 68198 Bonnema, Rachel A, MD 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Borah, Priyanka, MD 68131 68198 8303 Dodge St, Ste 712 402-354-2360 68114 Borrege, Joan E, MD 7832 Davenport St 402-397-5754 68114 Bower, Siobahn M, MD 13518 W Center Rd 402-827-6502 68144 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6510 68127 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-827-6511 68114 Bowers, James B, DO 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 428 402-392-1404 68124 Brunner-Buck, Lori B, MD 8303 Dodge St, Ste 712 402-354-2360 68114 Budd, Stephen E, MD 12911 Western Cir 402-333-5082 68154 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6060 68124 Byrnes, Robert, MD 13518 W Center Rd 402-827-6502 68144 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6510 68127 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-827-6511 68114 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Canaris, Gay J, MD 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 68131 68198 68131 Carstens, Jeffrey S, MD 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 Chanlatte, Jacqueline O, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 142 402-552-2212 68131 8552 Cass St, Ste 201 402-393-8443 68114 Christensen, Colleen D, MD Davis, Grace B, MD 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Emile At 42nd St, 4th Floor 402-559-4500 68198 Del Core, Michael G, MD 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 68131 Denman, Elizabeth A, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1925 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 68118 68137 68114 Denton, Charles A, MD 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 2244 402-572-3535 68122 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 4350 Dewey Ave 402-552-3257 68105 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68198 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 601 402-397-5236 68124 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 7822 Wakeley Plz 402-391-1105 8303 Dodge St, Ste 712 402-354-2360 68114 8303 Dodge St, Ste 712 402-354-2360 68114 Commers, James R, MD Connolly, Thomas L, MD Connor, P J, MD Cook, Anna R, MD 68114 13518 W Center Rd 402-827-6502 68144 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6510 68127 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-827-6511 68114 Crabb, M S, MD 68118 Crnkovich, Timothy P, MD 7822 Wakeley Plz 402-391-1105 68114 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 68131 Crowley, Timothy J, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 601 402-397-5236 68124 Cruz, Abelardo C, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-3152 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-8570 68114 68114 Darrington, Deborah L, MD 111 N 175th St 402-778-5220 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5580 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Darst, Donald J, MD 68118 68144 68198 2727 S 144th St, Ste 280 402-778-5490 68144 304 N 168th Cir, Ste 211 402-289-9325 68118 4242 Farnam St, Ste 150 402-552-6747 68131 Daryani, Ramona, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 68118 68114 Davidian, Michael H, MD 5002 Underwood Ave 402-280-1185 Domalakes, Michael J, MD 68198 8303 Dodge St, Ste 712 402-354-2360 68114 Crouse, Brent A, MD 8303 Dodge St, Ste 712 402-354-2360 68114 2727 S 144th St, Ste 240 402-315-6200 68144 Cowles, Russell L, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 Doehner, Tamara A, MD 68114 Cowan, Kenneth H, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Dodla, Saritha, MD 68198 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Cooney, Terence M, MD 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Desouza, Cyrus V, MD 68114 68118 68114 Doud, Deborah K, MD Drvol Jr, Robert C, MD 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 6200 402-572-3200 68122 Duraikannan, Durgalakshmi, MD 13518 W Center Rd 402-827-6502 68144 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6510 68127 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-827-6511 68114 Eberle, Catherine M, MD 730 S 38th Ave 402-559-9600 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68105 68198 Edwards, Deanna L, MD 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 10170 Nicholas St 402-391-3800 68114 Eilts, Susanne E, MD Etherton, Gale M, MD 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68131 68198 Fangman, Timothy R, MD 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 Faylor, James J, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 601 N 30th St 402-449-4000 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68124 Fedderson, Julie L, MD 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Feely, Michael G, MD 10170 Nicholas St 402-391-3800 Fischer, Jerry L, MD 68131 68131 68198 68198 68114 13014 W Dodge Rd 402-552-2900 68154 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 107 402-398-6700 68130 8901 W Dodge Rd, Ste 250 402-398-6700 68114 Florescu, Diana F, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Florescu, Marius C, MD 5084 Ames Ave 402-559-9800 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68104 68198 Forsman, Richard O, MD 4239 Farnam St, Ste 825S 402-552-2550 68131 Fouche, Moncarm A, MD Dewey At 42nd St 402-552-6731 Fox, Devin J, MD 68198 1400 Douglas St, Stop 0030 402-544-3697 68179 5002 Underwood Ave 402-280-1185 68132 Foxley, Caitlin B, MD Dewey At 42nd St 402-552-6731 68198 Freeman, Steven A, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 100 402-778-5600 68144 Freifeld, Alison G, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Frigyes, Stuart B, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1558 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0910 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1925 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Frock, James T, MD 68114 68118 68137 68114 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-391-3870 68124 Gallagher Jansen, Mary, MD 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 68131 Gallagher, John C, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 6712 402-280-4516 68131 Ganesan, Jayanthi, MD 18015 Oak St, Ste B 402-504-4006 Dewey At 42nd St 402-552-6731 68130 68198 Ganesan, Palvannanathan, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 470 402-552-9875 68131 Gendelman, Howard E, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0550 68118 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 Giitter, Michael F, MD Gleed, Kent J, MD 68144 68131 Golden, Gregory A, DO 13518 W Center Rd 402-827-6502 68144 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6510 68127 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-827-6511 68114 68132 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Goldner, David C, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 107 402-398-6700 68130 8901 W Dodge Rd, Ste 250 402-398-6700 68114 Goldner, Whitney S, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Gorby, Gary L, MD 68198 601 N 30th St, Ste 5800 402-280-4180 68131 Gorthi, Janardhana R, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 5800 402-280-4180 68131 Goykhman, Stanislav, MD 13518 W Center Rd 402-827-6502 68144 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6510 68127 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-827-6511 68114 Griffin, Timothy J, MD 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 68105 4102 Woolworth Ave 402-444-7931 68105 601 N 30th St, Ste 5800 402-280-4180 68131 Gupta, Kirtibala, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-3000 68124 9717 Q St 402-537-1710 68127 Hack, Keely M, MD 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 Haroon, Naila, MD 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 Harris, John M, MD 7070 Spring St 402-898-8000 Hart, Steven J, MD 68105 68127 68106 13518 W Center Rd 402-827-6502 68144 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6720 68127 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-827-6511 68114 Hauke, Ralph J, MD 17201 Wright St, Ste 200 402-334-4773 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 1300 402-393-3110 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8724 68114 Hearth-Holmes, Michelene P, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4015 68198 Hewlett, Angela L, MD 804 S 52nd St 402-559-2666 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4015 68106 68198 Hinners, Cheryl K, MD 4102 Woolworth Ave 402-444-7000 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Hoarty, Carrie A, MD 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 13518 W Center Rd 402-827-6502 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6510 730 S 38th Ave 402-559-9600 8111 Dodge St, Ste 363 402-354-8155 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-827-6511 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6907 68105 68198 68118 68144 68144 68127 68105 68114 68114 68114 Holdeman, Karen, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Holmes, T J, MD 4239 Farnam St, Ste 301 402-552-3040 68131 Horowitz, Edward A, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 5800 402-280-4180 68131 Horton-Brown, Nichelle R, MD 6663 Sorensen Pkwy 402-453-6869 68152 Houghton, Bruce L, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 5800 402-280-4180 68131 Hrnicek, Gordon, MD 2900 F St 402-731-7990 9602 M St 402-331-8555 68107 68127 Huebert, Candace A, MD 8552 Cass St, Ste 301 402-390-0606 Hurley, John A, MD 68114 Kwong, Shun C, MD 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2225 Lacey, Katrena L, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Lang, Richard S, MD Manhart, Carolyn M, MD 68122 68114 68118 68135 68137 68114 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8434 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5580 68124 Langdon, Robert M, MD 17201 Wright St, Ste 200 402-334-4773 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 1300 402-393-3110 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8724 68114 Larsen, Jennifer L, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-502-2700 68130 601 N 30th St, Ste 5700 402-280-5600 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 308 402-391-9340 68124 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 3440 S 50th St 402-556-3000 Larweh, Maxwell L, MD Hutfless, George, MD Jensen, Alan D, MD 8761 W Center Rd 402-397-6060 Jin, Fawn, DO 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1580 Larson, Deanna J, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 68114 8303 Dodge St, Ste 712 402-354-2360 68114 68124 1870 S 75th St 402-397-5462 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6060 68114 10105 Maple St 402-572-3140 68106 Jones, Michael B, MD 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 201 402-505-8708 68118 68198 68124 68124 Lavedan, Anna L, MD 68134 Lechnowsky, Heather T, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 601 402-397-5236 68124 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 107 402-398-6700 68130 8901 W Dodge Rd, Ste 250 402-398-6700 68114 4242 Farnam St, Ste 590 402-552-9800 68131 220 N 89th St, Ste 101 402-393-3616 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-502-2700 68130 601 N 30th St, Ste 5700 402-280-5600 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 308 402-391-9340 68124 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-502-2700 68130 3015 N 118th Cir 402-493-9331 68164 3316 Dodge St, Ste 300 402-341-3141 68131 3427 L St 402-733-5777 68107 4411 Center St, Ste A 402-558-3284 68105 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 308 402-391-9340 68124 Joyce, Karen E, MD Kambhu, Susan A, MD Kenik, Jay G, MD Kessinger, Margaret A, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 68198 Klassen, Lynell W, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Klein, Harry S, MD 1805 N 145th St 402-393-1000 68198 68154 Knight, Thomas F, MD 13014 W Dodge Rd 402-552-2900 68154 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 107 402-398-6700 68130 8901 W Dodge Rd, Ste 250 402-398-6700 68114 Koenig, Gary A, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5110 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7400 402-572-3760 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 328 402-392-1404 68124 Konigsberg, Sarah E, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 460 402-561-2737 68131 Lewis, Jack K, MD Lund, Richard J, MD 68114 Lyons, William L, MD 730 S 38th Ave 402-559-9600 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Mack, Lynn R, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68105 68198 68198 Macquiddy, Susan L, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 Maio, Anna C, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 5800 402-280-4180 68131 Mancuso, Martin M, MD 11704 W Center Rd, Ste 210 402-330-2727 68144 Maness, Lori J, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5580 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68144 68198 1400 Douglas St, Stop 0030 402-544-3697 68179 5002 Underwood Ave 402-280-1185 68132 601 N 30th St, Ste 5800 402-280-4180 68131 Marr, Alissa S, MD 111 N 175th St 402-778-5220 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-5600 Marsh, Andrea G, MD 68118 68198 8303 Dodge St, Ste 712 402-354-2360 68114 Mathews, Abraham P, MD 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 2244 402-572-3535 68122 McAlevy, Merle T, MD O'Dell, David V, MD Ramachandran, Atul A, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Reagan, Kevin, MD 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-4513 68124 Recker, Robert L, MD O'Dell, James R, MD O'Doherty, Coley P, DO Oberlies, Mark E, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 Ochuba, Gregory U, MD 2915 Grant St 402-451-3553 5420 NW Radial Hwy 402-558-9242 Omar, Mark D, MD 68111 68104 11704 W Center Rd, Ste 210 402-330-2727 68144 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-8570 68114 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 301 402-397-7040 68124 68124 10170 Nicholas St 402-391-3800 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 68131 McDonald, Kerry A, MD McLeese, Katharine I, MD McVay, Bryan P, DO 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5558 McVea, Kristine L, MD 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 68114 68118 68114 Ortman, James V, MD Osterholm, Richard K, MD 68114 Palaniappan, Geetha, MD 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 68105 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68198 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 303 402-354-0971 68118 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6485 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 225 402-354-5860 68114 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8124 68114 68114 10170 Nicholas St 402-391-3800 Mediratta, Satish K, MD Menolascino, Scott F, MD Meyers, Patrick G, MD 8552 Cass St, Ste 202 402-390-0606 Mikuls, Ted R, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Moore, Gerald F, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Muffly, Kirk, MD 68198 68198 11704 W Center Rd, Ste 210 402-330-2727 68144 Palmer, William, MD Parker, Garret S, MD 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68114 68131 68198 68127 Parker, Jennifer R, MD Munyon, Barry L, MD 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 5050 Ames Ave 402-595-2280 Murphy, Peter, MD 4239 Farnam St, Ste 800 402-341-2197 68131 Mullen, Julia A, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 601 402-397-5236 68124 68131 68104 4239 Farnam St, Ste 301 402-552-3040 68131 Passer, Jeffrey A, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Paulman, Nicole N, MD Narmi, Ann E, MD 68198 8303 Dodge St, Ste 712 402-354-2360 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 Penn, Robert G, MD 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 10170 Nicholas St 402-391-3800 68114 Neumeister, J S, MD Nickol, Devin R, MD 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68131 68198 68131 68198 Novotny, Jessica, MD 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68131 68198 Nsiah Kumi, Phyllis A, MD 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 5050 Ames Ave 402-595-2280 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4015 68131 68104 68198 8111 Dodge St, Ste 363 402-354-8155 68114 Phalen, James J, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3601 402-449-4550 68131 Piquette, Craig A, MD Piskac, Anton F, MD Porter, Joann L, MD 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 Potter, Jane F, MD 730 S 38th Ave 402-559-9600 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 11704 W Center Rd, Ste 210 402-330-2727 68144 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6060 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 601 402-397-5236 68124 Recker, Robert R, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 4820 402-280-4277 68131 Reed, Elizabeth C, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 240 402-778-5580 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Reilly, Rebecca B, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-3152 68114 Rendell, Marc S, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 6715 402-449-5960 68131 Rennard, Stephen, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Renno, Samer I, MD 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 2244 402-572-3535 68122 Rice, Eric C, MD 8303 Dodge St, Ste 712 402-354-2360 68114 Rodrigo, Eric J, MD 8303 Dodge St, Ste 712 402-354-2360 68114 Ronspies, Carey A, MD Pamies, Rubens J, MD 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 68105 68105 68198 Preheim, Laurel C, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 5800 402-280-4180 68131 8303 Dodge St, Ste 712 402-354-2360 68114 Rothlisberger-Castil, Julie, MD 13518 W Center Rd 402-827-6502 5014 L St 402-733-4433 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6510 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-827-6511 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68144 68117 68127 68114 Rupp, Mark E, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68127 68198 Russell, Douglas A, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 100 402-778-5600 68144 Safranek, Louis L, MD 7500 Mercy Rd 402-733-8818 68124 Sakowski, Henry A, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 5800 402-280-4180 68131 Sambol, David H, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 601 402-397-5236 68124 Schafer, Gregory J, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 5800 402-280-4180 68131 Schalley, Lisa A, MD 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 6200 402-572-3200 68122 Schlanger, Stuart R, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 5800 402-280-4180 68131 Scholer, Susan G, MD 1805 N 145th St 402-393-1000 68154 Pudunagar Subbiah, Shanmuga S, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 2565 402-280-4364 68131 68198 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 99 Specialists and Other Providers Schroeder, Clayton B, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1910 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 68118 68135 68137 68114 Schwab, Robert J, MD 105 S 90th St, Ste 201 402-779-8400 555 N 30th St 402-498-6540 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6907 68114 68131 68198 Schwarz, James K, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5588 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-5600 68144 Scott, Lynn K, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 Shah, Inaganti M, MD 68198 68114 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 2244 402-572-3535 68122 Shamim, Talha, MD 4102 Woolworth Ave 402-393-9459 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5580 Sharp, David, DO 68105 68124 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 102 402-758-5800 68130 17655 Nina St 402-546-2034 68130 Shehan, J C, MD 8552 Cass St, Ste 202 402-390-0606 Shehan, Joseph, MD 10170 Nicholas St 402-391-3800 Shehan, M A, MD 68114 68114 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 601 402-397-5236 68124 Shiffermiller, Jason F, MD 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68131 Soforo, Ekaterina V, MD 8303 Dodge St, Ste 712 402-354-2360 68114 Soori, Gamini S, MD 17201 Wright St, Ste 200 402-334-4773 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 1300 402-393-3110 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8724 68114 Spencer, Jonathan L, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5110 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7400 402-572-3760 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 428 402-392-1404 68124 Splonskowski, Darren J, MD 1870 S 75th St 402-917-5489 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6060 Stacey, Karen J, MD 1805 N 145th St 402-393-1000 68124 68105 68124 68154 Stanojevic, Dusan A, MD 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 68105 Starlin, Richard C, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 202 402-552-2100 68130 4242 Farnam St, Ste 145 402-552-2100 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Stearnes, David P, DO 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0550 68118 Stephenson, Yvonne, MD 11011 Q St, Bldg B 402-390-0555 68137 5310 S 84th St, Ste 100 402-827-6510 68127 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-827-6511 68114 Stern, David L, DO 68198 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68124 Shiffermiller, William A, MD Summers, Michael, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 68118 Shonka, Nicole A, MD 111 N 175th St 402-778-5220 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-5600 68118 68198 Silberstein, Peter T, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 2565 402-280-4364 68131 Silverberg, David A, MD 17201 Wright St, Ste 200 402-334-4773 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 1300 402-393-3110 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8724 68114 Sisson, Joseph H, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Smith, Philip W, MD 68198 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 202 402-552-2100 68130 4242 Farnam St, Ste 145 402-552-2100 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Snow, Marcus H, MD 10170 Nicholas St 402-391-3800 100 68114 68198 Suslow, Alexandra F, MD 17650 Wright Plz, Ste 5 402-334-2300 68130 3830 N 167th Ct 402-965-4000 68116 8814 Maple St 402-343-0095 68134 Swanson, Kendra E, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 68114 8303 Dodge St, Ste 712 402-354-2360 68114 Sweetser, Lauren P, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4015 68198 Swindells, Susan, MD 804 S 52nd St 402-559-2666 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Tape, Thomas G, MD 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4015 Taylon, Alain J, MD 68106 68198 68131 68198 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 426 402-717-3636 68124 Taylor, Edward J, MD 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 Taylor, Regan M, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Wees, Steven J, MD 68198 2727 S 144th St, Ste 240 402-315-6200 68144 68118 2900 F St 402-731-7990 Thierfelder, Jean L, MD 110 N 175th St 402-496-4411 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68131 68198 Thome, Stephan D, MD 17201 Wright St, Ste 200 402-334-4773 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 1300 402-393-3110 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8724 68114 Thompson, Austin B, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Townley, Peter M, MD 17201 Wright St, Ste 200 402-334-4773 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 601 N 30th St, Ste 2565 402-280-4364 68131 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 1300 402-393-3110 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8724 68114 Townley, Theresa A, MD 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 5420 NW Radial Hwy 402-558-9242 68104 601 N 30th St, Ste 5800 402-280-4180 68131 Tribulato, Martina M, MD 7822 Wakeley Plz 402-391-1105 Vasey, Andrew J, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4015 68114 68198 Vasquez, Eduardo J, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Verdirame, Joseph D, MD West, Arthur D, MD White, Michael D, MD 68107 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-502-2700 68130 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 308 402-391-9340 68124 Wigton, Robert S, MD 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 Wildy, Kathryn S, MD 68131 2727 S 144th St, Ste 240 402-315-6200 68144 Williams, Eric M, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 142 402-559-8888 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-8888 68198 Woodruff, John A, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 601 402-397-5236 68124 Wysoske, Rebecca L, MD 4001 Leavenworth St 402-552-6155 515 S 26th St 402-552-6007 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6007 Yates, Richard S, MD 68105 68105 68198 4242 Farnam St, Ste 470 402-552-9875 68131 Zacharia, Laurence A, MD 7823 Wakeley Plz 402-393-7550 Zuber, Steven H, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 68114 68118 68114 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5400 Fichter, Traci L, CNP Violi, Louis A, MD 7101 Newport Ave, Ste 304 402-572-2333 68152 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 428 402-392-1404 68124 Vokoun, Chad W, MD 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68131 68105 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-397-7057 68114 Schuermann, Wilma O, CNP 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 Maxillo-Facial Surgery Vose, Julie M, MD 111 N 175th St 402-778-5220 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Wahl, Timothy O, MD 68198 68118 68198 2910 S 84th St 402-399-8444 68124 4242 Farnam St, Ste 460 402-561-2737 68131 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4773 68114 Walters, Paula E, MD 10109 Maple St 402-572-3500 68134 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 Wampler, Dean, MD 8630 F St 402-898-5600 68127 Deshmukh, Sonali S, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 122 402-758-5324 68130 8901 W Dodge Rd, Ste 250 402-398-6700 68114 Dunlay, Robert W, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-502-2700 68130 3015 N 118th Cir 402-493-9331 68164 3427 L St 402-733-5777 68107 5002 Underwood Ave 402-341-3141 68132 601 N 30th St 402-280-4100 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 308 402-391-9340 68124 Firoz, Muhammad N, MD 3316 Dodge St, Ste 300 402-341-3141 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 308 402-391-9340 68124 Lovell, Helen B, MD 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Miles, Clifford D, MD 68114 68198 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Poole, Brian D, MD 8901 W Dodge Rd, Ste 250 402-398-6700 68114 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Ayeni, Sylvanus A, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-280-4497 68131 Bowdino, Bradley S, MD 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 305 402-398-9243 68114 Doran, Stephen E, MD Follett, Kenneth A, MD Pfeifle, Robert M, DDS 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Shnayder, Michael I, DDS 4242 Farnam St, Ste 363N 402-552-2929 68131 402-392-1001 68114 13215 Birch Dr, Ste 100 402-397-1205 68164 Greene, George M, MD 17404 Burke St 402-317-5657 Hain, John D, MD Tu, Harold K, MD 68118 2727 S 144th St, Ste 235 402-390-0770 68144 Nephrology 3015 N 118th Cir 402-493-9331 3316 Dodge St, Ste 300 402-341-3141 5002 Underwood Ave 402-280-1185 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 308 402-391-9340 4242 Farnam St, Ste 363N 402-552-2929 68131 Hellbusch, Leslie C, MD 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 305 402-398-9243 68114 Jensen, Ric E, PhD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 363N 402-552-2929 68131 Bashir, Khalid, MD 68164 68131 68132 68124 Lennarson, Peter J, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Lodhia, Keith R, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 132 402-758-5323 68130 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 305 402-398-9243 68114 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Puccioni, Mark J, MD 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 305 402-398-9243 68114 Spangler, Wendy J, MD 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 305 402-398-9243 68114 Surdell, Daniel L, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Taylon, Charles, MD 68198 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-449-4088 68131 Thorell, William E, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Neurology Aita, John F, MD 8601 W Dodge Rd, Ste 110 402-392-2882 68114 Bertoni, John M, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 Bremer, Karen L, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 5300 402-280-4686 68131 Cooper, Ronald A, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 305 402-398-9243 68114 68198 Morgan, James G, MD Von Essen, Susanna G, MD 8701 W Dodge Rd, Ste 408 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Patil, Arun A, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 107 402-398-6700 68130 8901 W Dodge Rd, Ste 250 402-398-6700 68114 Aizenberg, Michele, MD Brune, Daniel A, CNP 68114 Bierman, Martin H, MD Neurological Surgery Licensed Nurse Practitioner 4102 Woolworth Ave 402-444-7000 Music, Guy A, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 107 402-398-6700 68130 8901 W Dodge Rd, Ste 250 402-398-6700 68114 Plumb, Troy J, MD 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 2244 402-572-3535 68122 Vernon, Yohanna S, MD Bast, Joseph P, MD 68198 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 305 402-398-9243 68114 Matanaj, Ferdinand, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-280-4497 68131 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 8901 W Dodge Rd, Ste 210 402-354-2000 68114 Cotton, Joel T, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 8901 W Dodge Rd, Ste 210 402-354-2000 68114 Diesing, Thomas S, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 8901 W Dodge Rd, Ste 210 402-354-2000 68114 Fayad, Pierre B, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 Fernandes Filho, Jose Americo M, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 Franco, David A, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 8901 W Dodge Rd, Ste 210 402-354-2000 68114 Frankel, Harris A, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 8901 W Dodge Rd, Ste 210 402-354-2000 68114 Goldner, John C, MD 8901 W Dodge Rd, Ste 210 402-354-2000 68114 Golnick, Jan J, MD 8552 Cass St, Ste 300 402-926-4200 68114 Goodman, Scott H, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 655 402-552-2650 68131 Hannam, John M, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 202 402-361-5224 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 401 402-393-2023 68124 Hughes, Bernadette A, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 202 402-393-2023 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 401 402-393-2023 68124 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Liebentritt, Nicole M, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 202 402-361-5224 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 401 402-393-2023 68124 Madhavan, Deepak, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 655 402-552-2270 68131 Mironov, Angel, MD 601 N 30th St 402-280-4100 Moore, Gary F, MD 68131 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 204 402-502-6970 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Murman, Daniel L, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 Pattee, Gary L, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 Santamaria, Pamela, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 655 402-552-2650 68131 Schima, Edward M, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 202 402-361-5224 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 401 402-393-2023 68124 Singh, Sanjay P, MD Anson, Jennifer M, CRNA 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 201 402-884-2450 68154 13130 N 73rd Plz 402-552-3022 68122 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-499-4847 68131 Ballentine, James, CRNA 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 Barry, Bart E, CRNA 68114 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 68114 8303 Dodge St 402-391-4855 68114 Beard, Amy F, CRNA Behrens, Corrine, CRNA 111 S 10th St 402-991-6559 68102 1111 N 102nd Ct, Ste 200 402-991-6559 68114 Bierbaum, Adam J, CRNA 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-778-9738 2823 N 81st St 402-778-9738 6901 N 72nd St 402-778-9738 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68130 68134 68122 68124 Bies, Timothy J, CRNA 2955 Farnam St 402-595-3939 68131 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 601 N 30th St, Ste 5300 402-280-4686 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-343-8760 68124 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68114 2059 N 156th St 402-965-9100 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-552-3022 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 110 402-552-3022 68130 Steg, Robert E, MD 68116 Sundell, Robert R, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 8901 W Dodge Rd, Ste 210 402-354-2000 68114 Taghavie, S. Vahid, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 655 402-552-2650 68131 Thaisetthawatkul, Pariwat, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 Thedinger, Britt A, MD Bird, Barbara J, CRNA Bohlen, Suzane L, CRNA 6901 N 72nd St 402-778-9738 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68122 68124 Borvan, Daniel W, CRNA 10784 V St 402-331-6387 10784 V St 402-885-7800 68127 68127 Brady, Timothy J, CRNA Torres-Russotto, Diego R, MD 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 201 402-884-2450 68154 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 Weber, Leonard E, MD 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 Wolcott, George, MD 4239 Farnam St, Ste 502 402-552-2886 68131 9202 W Dodge Rd, Ste 200 402-933-3277 68114 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 Citari, Alicia A, CRNA 11850 Nicholas St, Ste 240 402-445-2400 68154 Cutler, Edward, CRNA 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 Zabad, Rana K, MD 68114 Daubach, Jeffrey F, CRNA 68131 17617 Burke St 402-596-4000 68118 4239 Farnam St, Ste 2225 402-559-3939 68131 Deluca, Louis A, CRNA Nuclear Medicine Denholm, Robert, CRNA Maydew, Marcus S, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3601 402-449-4540 68131 Nurse Anesthetist Adley, Dorothy V, CRNA 8420 W Dodge Rd, Ste 107 402-392-0209 68114 Aldabute, Marvin C, CRNA 2823 N 81st St 402-778-9738 68134 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 20300 402-778-9738 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68124 11606 Nicholas St 402-493-2020 68154 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-343-8760 68124 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68114 Ellis, Annette D, CRNA 11606 Nicholas St 402-493-2020 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0600 4909 S 118th St 402-397-2010 825 N 90th St 402-397-1180 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68154 68144 68137 68114 68114 Farnum, Corey L, CRNA 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-343-8760 68124 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68114 Faylor, Mary, CRNA 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-343-8760 68124 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68114 Ferdig, Lynn A, CRNA 4239 Farnam St, Ste 502 402-552-2886 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-343-8760 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68131 68124 68124 68114 Feser, Pamela J, CRNA 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 Fletcher, Carol M, CRNA 601 N 30th St 402-280-4100 68131 Foutch, Shelley K, CRNA 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0646 6901 N 72nd St 402-778-9738 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 68144 68122 68124 68114 Frost, Joseph P, CRNA 11606 Nicholas St 402-493-2025 68154 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 230 402-390-0333 68124 4909 S 118th St 402-397-2010 68137 4911 S 118th St 402-926-2639 68137 Gaddie, Jennifer R, CRNA 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-398-6176 68124 Garrigan, Jon F, CRNA 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 201 402-884-2450 68154 4239 Farnam St, Ste 502 402-552-2886 68131 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-343-8760 68124 Gengler, Michele, CRNA 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-398-6176 68124 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4081 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-343-8760 68124 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 68114 1111 N 102nd Ct, Ste 200 402-991-6559 68114 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-343-8760 68124 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68114 Dennis, Anne C, CRNA Dramse, David, CRNA Drozda, Michael G, CRNA 68124 68114 68114 Glidden, James E, CRNA Glow, Ann, CRNA 68198 Gniffke, Leslie V, CRNA 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 201 402-884-2450 68154 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 68124 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68114 Hayden, Richard, CRNA 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-343-8760 8051 W Center Rd 402-391-3333 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68124 68124 68124 68114 Hinzmann, Celeste A, CRNA 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 201 402-884-2450 68154 13130 N 73rd Plz 402-552-3022 68122 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-572-6500 68130 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 Hoversten, Mary E, CRNA 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-398-6176 68124 Howard, Jeanne L, CRNA 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 Hutteger, Ellen, CRNA 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 Iwansky, Gary, CRNA 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-343-8760 8051 W Center Rd 402-391-3333 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68124 68124 68124 68114 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 201 402-884-2450 68154 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 Jensen-Greer, Dianne, CRNA 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-343-8760 68124 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68114 Kaufman, Dannika J, CRNA Kruse, Shantel N, CRNA 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 20300 402-778-9738 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68124 Kurpgeweit, Sonya F, CRNA 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0600 68144 601 N 30th St 402-280-4100 68131 Lacy, Susan E, CRNA Lake, Jay D, CRNA 68114 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 201 402-884-2450 68154 Klein, Sara A, CRNA 13130 N 73rd Plz 402-552-3022 68122 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 110 402-552-3022 68130 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0600 68144 Knop-Dumstorff, Jocelyn L, CRNA 68114 Krauth, Gregory G, CRNA 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 20300 402-778-9738 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68124 Kreifels, Renee S, CRNA 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 20300 402-778-9738 68122 O'Neil, Richard J, CRNA 601 N 30th St, Ste 3222A 402-449-4847 68131 Oberg, Jason P, CRNA 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-398-6176 68124 Olson, Tiffany A, CRNA Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4081 68198 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 68114 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0600 68144 Oswald, Heather S, CRNA Paulson, Gail, CRNA 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-343-8760 68124 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68114 Langan, Sarah M, CRNA 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-572-6500 68130 Lawler, Michael D, CRNA Perry, Michael K, CRNA 11606 Nicholas St, Ste 200 402-493-2020 68154 13811 Charles St 402-391-8978 68154 1910 S 72nd St, Ste 302 402-391-8978 68124 7919 Wakeley Plz 402-391-8978 68114 8031 W Center Rd, Ste 226 402-391-8978 68124 8051 W Center Rd 402-391-3333 68124 Reicks, Kathleen M, CRNA 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-552-3022 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 110 402-552-3022 68130 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 68114 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 68114 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 68114 11606 Nicholas St 402-493-2025 68154 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 230 402-390-0333 68124 825 N 90th St 402-397-2010 68114 68127 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 68114 8303 Dodge St 402-391-4855 68114 Lemonds, Janet J, CRNA Lott, Jimmy L, CRNA 10784 V St 402-331-6387 10784 V St 402-885-7800 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0646 4239 Farnam St, Ste 502 402-552-2886 6901 N 72nd St 402-778-9738 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68127 68144 68131 68122 68124 Rice, Thomas C, CRNA Rieur, Patricia L, CRNA Ross, Shelly L, CRNA Sanford, John G, CRNA 10784 V St 402-331-6387 10784 V St 402-885-7800 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 68114 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0600 68144 8051 W Center Rd 402-391-3333 Martens, Allen E, CRNA 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-343-8760 68124 McCabe, John M, CRNA 8051 W Center Rd 402-391-3333 68124 McFayden, John, CRNA 1111 N 102nd Ct, Ste 200 402-991-6559 68114 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-343-8760 68124 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68114 Milder, James, CRNA 1111 N 102nd Ct, Ste 200 402-991-6559 68114 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-343-8760 68124 8051 W Center Rd 402-391-3333 68124 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68114 Nordby, Paula R, CRNA 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 68114 68127 68122 68124 Schnepf, Catherine, CRNA 68124 Schwery, Wendy M, CRNA 6901 N 72nd St 402-778-9738 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68122 68124 Silbernagel, Martin A, CRNA 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-552-3022 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 110 402-572-6500 68130 Silverstrand, Joan M, CRNA 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0600 68144 601 N 30th St 402-280-4100 68131 Smith, Christina, CRNA Snow, Jeremy M, CRNA 6901 N 72nd St 402-778-9738 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 68122 68124 Strahm, Kevin R, CRNA 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-343-8760 68124 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68127 Schmid, Amy J, CRNA 6901 N 72nd St 402-778-9738 7500 Mercy Rd 402-778-9738 Maddox, Alison C, CRNA Mathews, Shelly A, CRNA Keefe, Theresa, CRNA 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-343-8760 68124 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68114 Lenz, Dan E, CRNA Jenkins, Tanya G, CRNA 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 Krueger, Mitchell, CRNA 101 Specialists and Other Providers Talkington, Holly, CRNA 13130 N 73rd Plz 402-552-3022 68122 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-572-6500 68130 Teetor, Cristy A, CRNA 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 68114 Thomas, Susan D, CRNA 1111 N 102nd Ct, Ste 200 402-991-6559 68114 11606 Nicholas St 402-493-2025 68154 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0600 68144 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 230 402-390-0333 68124 4151 E St 402-731-1363 68107 7500 Mercy Rd 402-343-8760 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 424 402-343-8760 68124 825 N 90th St 402-397-2010 68114 9850 Nicholas St 402-393-8760 68114 Tran, Tony V, CRNA 10784 V St 402-331-6387 10784 V St 402-885-7800 6901 N 72nd St 402-778-9738 68127 68127 68122 Van Hoozer, Shelley M, CNP 7070 Spring St 402-898-8000 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5580 68106 68124 Vocelka, Stacy, CRNA 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 68114 Waggoner, Lisa C, CRNA 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-552-3022 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 110 402-552-3022 68130 Weston, Cynthia A, CRNA 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 Weston, Dee, CRNA 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 Witt, Tatum R, CRNA 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 68114 68114 68114 Young, John L, CRNA 7822 Davenport St 402-391-4855 68114 Ob-Gynecology Flegle, Janice H, OT Occupational Medicine 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 Brooks, James R, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 112 402-330-9100 68130 6828 N 72nd St, Ste 2175 402-572-3232 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 124 402-398-6581 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 502 402-398-6500 68124 Occupational Therapist Bangsund, Katherine M, OT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Bowden, Jamie M, OT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 101 402-895-4000 68137 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 2010 N 88th St 402-496-1000 68134 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Cammack, Beth A, OT 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0410 Carroll, Judy L, OT 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68118 68131 Christenson, Carla, OT 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 3226 S 112th St 402-672-6794 68144 Cordes, Jennifer M, OT Davlin, Kimberly J, OT 8011 Chicago St 402-659-4991 Dixon, Holly A, OT 444 S 44th St 402-559-6415 68114 68131 Draayer, Lindsay K, OT 5310 S 139th Plz, Ste 301 402-894-9006 68137 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-397-6600 68124 444 S 44th St 402-559-6430 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 201 402-391-5022 68124 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Burke, Jill K, DO 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 201 402-991-1900 68130 4239 Farnam St, Ste 734 402-552-2700 68131 Haskell, Susan C, DO Hedrick, Jodanne W, DO Kruszka, Stephen J, DO Scott, Judith A, DO 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 Edelbrock, Christina M, OT Ellis, Brooque S, OT Feser, Heather J, OT 68131 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 101 402-895-4000 68137 2010 N 88th St 402-496-1000 68134 102 Fox, Douglas N, OT 349 N 78th St 402-393-2294 4110 S 144th St 402-861-6683 Meuschke, Dena A, OT 68131 68114 68137 Glazer, Jennifer H, OT 3226 S 112th St 402-672-6794 Horacek, Megan, OT 68144 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Horbach, Tracy L, OT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Jarzynka, Michele A, OT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Katz, Evelyn Z, OT 704 S 38th Ave 402-559-2463 68105 9900 Nicholas St, Ste 275 402-493-6500 68114 Keating, Wendy L, OT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Keller, Kathleen M, OT 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 Klaebisch, Pamela, OT 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 130 402-504-1330 68116 2027 Dodge St 402-884-8775 68102 349 N 78th St 402-393-2294 68114 4110 S 144th St 402-861-6683 68137 Lansman, Diane K, OT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Lesiak, Angela R, OT 2813 S 88th St 402-391-2001 Marx, Karen, OT 13532 Boyd St 402-498-5708 68124 68164 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Meyer, Tammy J, OT 3226 S 112th St 402-672-6794 Mitchell, Emily C, OT 68144 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Monestero, Christine, OT 15681 Spaulding St 402-731-8888 4930 L St 402-731-8888 Myers, Karen L, OT 6315 S 176th St 402-896-5982 Oakes, Rene P, OT 8011 Chicago St 402-659-4991 Oetter, Mindy J, OT 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 Oldham, Alicia J, OT 2813 S 88th St 402-391-2001 68116 68117 68135 68114 68131 68124 68144 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 Royal, Shannon A, OT 9449 J St 402-593-7345 68127 3226 S 112th St 402-672-6794 68144 Stroesser, Mary G, OT 11704 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-691-0500 68144 Svagera, Gail, OT 68131 Van Haute, Cathy L, OT 3226 S 112th St 402-672-6794 68144 4817 S 107th St 402-290-0931 68127 Wagelie, Teresa, OT 4817 S 107th St 402-290-0137 4817 S 107th St 402-290-0931 Zier, Lawrence M, OT 68124 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 101 402-895-4000 68137 2010 N 88th St 402-496-1000 68134 Oncology Akhtari, Mojtaba, MD 111 N 175th St 402-778-5220 68118 Commers, James R, MD 4239 Farnam St, Ste 701 402-572-3535 68131 Edney, James A, MD 17617 Burke St 402-596-4000 68118 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-5600 68198 111 N 175th St 402-778-5220 68118 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0970 68118 8303 Dodge St, Ste 225 402-354-5860 68114 Ly, Quan P, MD 17617 Burke St 402-596-4000 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Lynch, Henry T, MD 3226 S 112th St 402-672-6794 Wagelie, Rick E, OT 2813 S 88th St 402-391-2001 Lemon, Stephen J, MD Philbin, Eileen M, OT 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 Worth, Emily, OT Kessinger, Margaret A, MD 11704 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-691-0500 68144 Sila, Shaun J, OT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Foster, Jason M, MD Osterman-Baker, Kathleen A, OT Showers, Mark, OT Wise, Amanda C, OT 68127 68127 Wilkening, Amanda J, OT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 68118 68198 2500 California Plz 402-280-1796 68178 601 N 30th St, Ste 2565 402-280-4364 68131 Popa, Irina E, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0970 68118 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 303 402-354-5860 68118 8303 Dodge St, Ste 225 402-354-5860 68114 Reed, Elizabeth C, MD 111 N 175th St 402-778-5220 Shah, Inaganti M, MD 68118 4239 Farnam St, Ste 701 402-572-3535 68131 Silva-Lopez, Edibaldo, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-3342 Su, Yungpo B, MD 68198 17201 Wright St, Ste 200 402-334-4773 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 1300 402-393-3110 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8724 68114 Tarantolo, Stefano R, MD 17201 Wright St, Ste 200 402-334-4773 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 1300 402-393-3110 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8724 68114 Tso Bomgaars, Elisa, MD 8303 Dodge St, Ste 225 402-354-5860 68114 Wang, Jue, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Ophthalmology Hanks, David A, DO 13500 California St 402-552-2020 4353 Dodge St 402-552-2020 68154 68131 Oral Surgery Bellinghiere, Ross L, DDS 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 310 402-345-7800 68105 Coffey, Stephen A, DDS 13215 Birch Dr, Ste 100 402-397-1205 68164 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 104 402-393-4433 68124 Davis, Leon F, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Desa, Valmont P, MD Engel, John D, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 235 402-390-0770 68144 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 104 402-393-4433 68124 Glow, Richard J, DDS 14625 California St 402-397-7777 68154 14625 California St 402-397-7777 68154 McDermott, Michael P, DDS Schneider, Rudy J, MD 13215 Birch Dr, Ste 100 402-397-1205 68164 Tempero, Richard M, MD 220 N 89th St 402-397-1205 68114 14625 California St 402-397-7777 68154 Wees, Jerome M, DDS Orthopaedic Surgery - Orthopaedic Surgery of the Spine Gill, James B, MD 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 Orthopedic Surgery Agarwal, Anil K, MD 105 N 31st Ave, Ste 102 402-346-1111 68131 Beran, Casey D, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 2300 402-280-4342 68131 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7500 402-280-4342 68122 Bergmann, Karl A, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 2300 402-280-4342 68131 Boese, Clifford K, MD 4828 S 24th St 402-731-9100 68107 Bowman, Patrick W, MD 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 Bredthauer, Bryan D, MD 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 203 402-492-9922 68154 Brown, David E, MD 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 Brown, Stephen R, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 208 402-758-5690 68130 Bruggeman, Nicholas B, MD 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-559-8000 68131 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Burd, Timothy A, MD 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 Burt, Charles F, MD 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-552-2500 68131 Fitzgibbons, Timothy C, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-330-3812 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 224 402-399-8550 68124 Franco, Mark G, MD Bush, Thomas C, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 Buzzell, Jonathan E, MD 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 8111 Dodge St, Ste 332 402-354-8132 68114 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 Canedy, James T, MD 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-559-8000 68131 Cimino, Peter M, MD 11704 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-691-0500 68144 Clough, David A, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 208 402-758-5690 68130 Cochran, Robert M, MD 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 203 402-492-9922 68154 Connolly, Thomas J, MD 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 211 402-933-0274 68130 5002 Underwood Ave 402-280-1185 68132 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 601 N 30th St, Ste 2300 402-280-4342 68131 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7500 402-280-4342 68122 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 4300 402-398-6816 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 326N 402-390-1100 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 420 402-280-4351 68124 Conroy, Brian P, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 208 402-758-5690 68130 Crabb, Ian, MD 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 Daccarett, Miguel S, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Dietrich, Mark E, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-559-8000 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-559-8000 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Emodi, George J, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 68198 68144 68144 68198 68118 Esposito, Paul W, MD 10506 Burt Cir 402-492-9767 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4160 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68114 68114 68198 Fehringer, Edward V, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-559-8000 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Ferlic, Thomas P, MD 68144 68198 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-559-8000 68131 68118 Fuller, Jonathan E, MD Galligan, John D, MD 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-552-2500 68131 Garvin, Kevin L, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Ginsburg, Glen M, MD 10506 Burt Cir 402-492-9767 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4160 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Goebel, Mark E, MD 68114 68114 68198 Jana, Ajoy K, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Keiser, Darren R, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Kelly, C M, MD Otterberg, Erik T, MD 68114 68118 68114 68114 68118 68114 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-330-3812 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 224 402-399-8550 68124 Konigsberg, Beau S, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Kumagai, Steven G, MD 8111 Dodge St, Ste 332 402-354-8132 68114 Larose, Daniel J, MD 4828 S 24th St 402-731-9100 68107 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-559-8000 68131 Longley, Michael C, MD 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-559-8000 68131 McCarthy, John A, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-399-8550 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 224 402-399-8550 68124 McClellan, John W, MD Goebel, Steven X, MD 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 420 402-496-0404 68124 Grier, Kathleen M, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-330-3812 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 224 402-399-8550 68124 Gross, R M, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-330-3812 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 224 402-399-8550 68124 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 McGarry, Sean V, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 McGuire, Michael H, MD Hansen, Craig L, MD 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 601 N 30th St, Ste 2300 402-280-4342 68131 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7500 402-280-4342 68122 Hartman, Curtis W, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-330-3812 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 224 402-399-8550 68124 Hagan, Steven V, MD 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-559-8000 68131 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-552-2500 68131 McMullen, Scott T, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5580 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-559-8000 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-8000 Mercier, Lonnie R, MD Hasley, Brian P, MD 10506 Burt Cir 402-492-9767 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4160 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Hutton, Kirk S, MD 68144 68144 68198 68114 68114 68198 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 Ichtertz, Dolf R, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 214 402-451-4263 68130 Inda, David J, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-330-3812 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 224 402-399-8550 68124 Izadi, Kayvon D, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 68118 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-330-3812 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 224 402-399-8550 68124 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Phillips, Eric D, MD 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 Phillips, Samuel P, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-330-3812 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 224 402-399-8550 68124 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-330-3812 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 224 402-399-8550 68124 Trinh, Huy D, MD 4828 S 24th St 402-731-9100 68107 Turman, Kimberly A, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-330-3812 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 224 402-399-8550 68124 Urban, Joshua A, MD 68118 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-559-8000 68131 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 Pitner, Mark A, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 Ray, Samar K, MD Reed, Lori K, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-559-8000 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-559-8000 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68144 68144 68198 Reynolds, Scott B, MD 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-559-8000 68131 Rosipal, Charles E, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-330-3812 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 224 402-399-8550 68124 Scherl, Susan A, MD 10506 Burt Cir 402-492-9767 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4160 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68114 Shereck, Jon R, MD Myrtue, Andrew J, MD Siebler, Justin C, MD 11704 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-691-0500 68144 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-449-4088 68131 601 N 30th St 402-280-4100 68131 601 N 30th St, Ste 2300 402-280-4342 68131 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 224 402-399-8550 68124 220 N 89th St, Ste 101 402-393-3616 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-559-8000 68131 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 Neumann, Randall D, MD Singer, William S, MD O'Malley, T K, MD Smith, William W, MD 68114 Thompson, Michael C, MD Edmunds, Ann L, MD 16929 Frances St, Ste 201 402-758-5330 68130 Emanuel, Jane M, MD 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 68131 Farrell, Patrick C, MD 366 Regency Parkway Dr 402-397-0670 68114 Frey, Mark, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 322 402-932-1999 68124 Goebel, Debora W, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-5208 Weber, Ian C, MD 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7500 402-280-4342 68122 Woodward, H R, MD 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 Orthotics and Prosthetics Fitter Trust Orthotic Technologies 11225 Davenport St, Ste 106 402-933-3942 68154 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 68131 68131 Chait, David H, MD 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 Cohn, Edward S, MD 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68144 68131 68154 68131 68131 68131 68131 68131 68131 68131 Demarco, Peter R, MD 8601 W Dodge Rd, Ste 234 402-393-8910 68114 Denman, David A, MD 366 Regency Parkway Dr 402-397-0670 68114 Dobleman, Thomas J, MD 11704 W Center Rd 402-393-7050 68144 17201 Wright St 402-393-7050 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 328 402-393-7050 68124 68198 Huerter, James V, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 204 402-758-5600 68130 Ingram, William A, MD 110 N 175th St 402-596-4600 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68118 68198 Leight, William D, MD 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 Leopold, Donald A, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5580 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Brookhouser, Patrick E, MD 13930 Gold Cir, Ste 103 402-334-5880 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 525 N 132nd St, Ste 200 402-431-1221 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 Heywood, Barbara M, MD Lusk, Rodney P, MD 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-3358 555 N 30th St 402-498-6540 68144 68198 68131 68131 68131 Medaris, Samuel M, MD 555 N 30th St 402-498-6540 68131 Militsakh, Oleg N, MD 8303 Dodge St, Ste 304 402-354-5048 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Moore, Iris J, MD 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 204 402-502-6970 68114 Nissen, Alan J, MD 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 68131 68131 Ogren, Frederic P, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 204 402-758-5600 68130 Pflug, John W, MD 16929 Frances St, Ste 201 402-758-5330 68130 Prinz, Katherine A, MD 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68131 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 208 402-758-5690 68130 Watson, Paul A, MD Allen, Elise C, MD Sheehan, John P, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 205 402-393-1454 68124 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 203 402-492-9922 68154 68198 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-502-2700 68130 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 211 402-933-0274 68130 601 N 30th St, Ste 2300 402-280-4342 68131 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7500 402-280-4342 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 420 402-280-4351 68124 Duff, Wallace E, MD 366 Regency Parkway Dr 402-397-0670 68114 8200 Dodge St 402-955-6370 68114 Waters, Chester H, MD 68114 Sekundiak, Todd D, MD Murphy, Richard P, MD Walsh, W M, MD Otolaryngology (ENT) 13930 Gold Cir, Ste 103 402-334-5880 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 402-330-3812 68130 100 402-778-6000 68144 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 224 402-399-8550 68124 14264 W Maple Rd 402-431-0187 68164 Mickles, Jason J, MD 2801 S 88th St 11704 W Center Rd, Ste 200 68124 402-691-0500 68144 402-391-7684 2801 S 88th St Mormino, Matthew A, MD 402-498-6738 68124 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 Morrison, Michael J, MD 555 N 30th St 11704 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-498-6511 68131 402-691-0500 68144 O'Neil, Michael T, MD Tiedeman, Jeffrey J, MD 103 Specialists and Other Providers Quinlan, Trent W, MD 366 Regency Parkway Dr 402-397-0670 68114 8200 Dodge St 402-955-6370 68114 Richardson, Brynn E, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 105 402-778-5200 68144 Schack, Stanley H, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 245 402-778-5633 68144 4242 Farnam St, Ste 265N 402-552-2955 68131 Sherrerd, Paul S, MD 6751 N 72nd St, Ste 207 402-572-3165 68122 Simons, Gerald B, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 105 402-778-5200 68144 Sjulin, David H, MD 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 Smith, Russell B, MD 8303 Dodge St, Ste 304 402-354-5048 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Tempero, Richard M, MD 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 68131 Brumback, Roger A, MD 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 68105 601 N 30th St, Ste 2400 402-449-4630 68131 651 N 27th St, Rm 383 402-280-1895 68178 Chan, Wing C, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Choi, Wai, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Deng, Caishu, MD Dimaio, Dominick J, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Foster, Kirk, MD Gentry, John D, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4540 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Allen, Robert C, MD 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 68105 601 N 30th St, Ste 2400 402-449-4630 68131 651 N 27th St, Rm 383 402-280-1895 68178 Aoun, Patricia A, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Baker, John J, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Bernal, Kerry L, MD 68198 68198 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-397-7057 68114 Bewtra, Chandra, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 2400 402-449-4630 68131 651 N 27th St, Rm 383 402-280-1895 68178 Bogard, Patrick J, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 800-601-9825 4955 F St 402-717-5227 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2320 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6187 Bridge, Julia A, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68130 68117 68122 68124 68198 68198 Hagenkord, Jill M, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 2400 402-449-4630 68131 651 N 27th St, Rm 382 402-280-1895 68178 Hapke, Marc R, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4540 601 N 30th St, Ste 2400 402-449-4630 68131 651 N 27th St, Rm 383 402-280-1895 68178 68114 Greiner, Timothy C, MD Sewell, Ryan K, MD Adickes, Edward D, DO 68198 601 N 30th St, Ste 2400 402-449-4630 68131 651 N 27th St, Rm 383 402-280-1895 68178 909 N 96th St, Ste 201 402-330-4555 Pathology 68198 Cohen, Samuel M, MD Otology, Laryngology, Rhinology 366 Regency Parkway Dr 402-397-0670 68114 68198 68114 Herbek, Eugene N, MD 68114 Hinrichs, Steven H, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Hu, Qinglong, MD 651 N 27th St, Rm 383 402-280-1895 68198 68178 Hunter, William J, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 2400 402-449-4630 68131 651 N 27th St, Rm 383 402-280-1895 68178 Javadzadeh, Barry M, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 800-601-9825 4955 F St 402-717-5227 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2320 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6187 68130 68117 68122 68124 Johansson, Sonny L, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Landmark, James D, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Lazenby, Audrey J, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Linder, James R, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 68198 Markin, Rodney S, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 McComb, Rodney D, MD Nguyen, Thong T, DO 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 800-601-9825 4955 F St 402-717-5227 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2320 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6226 Penka, Wayne E, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 800-601-9825 4955 F St 402-717-5227 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2320 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6187 68130 68117 68122 68124 68130 68117 68122 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 West, William W, MD Williams, Thomas L, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4540 68114 Wisecarver, James L, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Pediatrics Amstutz, Kenton R, DO 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 Perry, Deborah A, MD 402-778-6000 68144 8303 Dodge St 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 118 402-354-2100 68114 402-458-5124 68130 Pirruccello, Samuel J, MD 2801 S 88th St Emile At 42nd St 402-498-6738 68124 402-559-9800 68198 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 Radio, Stanley J, MD 402-898-5009 68108 Emile At 42nd St 555 N 30th St 402-559-9800 68198 402-498-6511 68131 Rasmussen, Andrew G, MD 7500 Mercy Rd 8303 Dodge St 402-398-6600 68124 402-354-4540 68114 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 Repertinger, Susan K, MD 402-343-8585 68124 601 N 30th St, Ste 2400 Mogenson, Michelle T, DO 402-449-4630 68131 4224 S 50th St 651 N 27th St, Rm 383 402-955-7474 68117 402-280-1895 68178 Pease, Dahlia B, DO Roffman, Blaine Y, MD 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 4840 F St 100 402-731-4145 68117 402-778-6000 68144 Rouse, Jonathan W, MD 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-758-5125 68130 800-601-9825 68130 2801 S 88th St 4955 F St 402-498-6738 68124 402-717-5227 68117 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 6901 N 72nd St 402-898-5009 68108 402-572-2320 68122 555 N 30th St 7500 Mercy Rd 402-498-6511 68131 402-398-6187 68124 7500 Mercy Rd Ruma, Thomas A, MD 402-398-6600 68124 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct Penny, Katherine E, DO 800-601-9825 68130 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 4955 F St 100 402-717-5227 68117 402-778-6000 68144 6901 N 72nd St 2801 S 88th St 402-572-2320 68122 402-498-6738 68124 7500 Mercy Rd 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-398-6187 68124 402-898-5009 68108 Runge, Richard G, MD 555 N 30th St 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-498-6511 68131 800-601-9825 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 4955 F St 402-398-6600 68124 402-717-5227 68117 Pharmacy/DME 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2320 68122 Supplier 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6187 68124 Alegent Health Home Care 68124 & Hospice Sarma, Deba P, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 2400 402-449-4630 68131 651 N 27th St, Rm 383 402-280-1895 68178 7070 Spring St 402-898-8000 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 800-601-9825 4955 F St 402-717-5227 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2320 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6187 Body Boutique Severson, Gregory S, MD 68130 68117 68122 68124 Smith, Gregory S, MD Alere 11902 Elm St, Ste 3B 402-334-3062 10052 Fieldcrest Dr 402-391-8075 68106 68144 68114 Care Rehab and Orthopaedic Products 3133 Oak View Dr 800-487-9644 68144 Children's Home Health Care DME Diabetes Supply Ctr of The Midlands 2910 S 84th St 402-399-8444 68124 Dialysis Clinic, Inc. (Dci), Omaha 3316 Dodge St 402-342-0190 68131 4862 S 96th St 402-933-1883 68127 808 S 52nd St 402-551-6882 68106 Dj Orthopedics, LLC Elmwood Pharmacy Kohll's Pharmacy & Homecare 12739 Q St 402-895-3101 2923 Leavenworth St 402-342-6547 3427 S 84th St 402-393-1404 5000 Dodge St 402-553-8900 5110 L St 402-733-2000 620 N 114th St 402-408-0016 68137 68105 68124 68132 68117 68154 Family Orthotics & Prosthetics, Inc. Kubat Pharmacy & Health HME Family Physical Therapy Services Lifestyles, Inc. 13911 Gold Cir, Ste 110 402-614-8371 68144 4924 Center St 402-558-8888 68106 5102 Yew Ln 402-453-3300 68152 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 111 402-934-0040 68130 6751 N 72nd St, Ste 201 402-572-2233 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 207 402-393-2235 68124 10167 J St 402-991-1950 68127 14315 C Cir 402-330-6406 13911 Gold Cir, Ste 110 402-333-8464 68144 Florence Footworks Focus Respiratory, Inc. Frontier Home Medical 16960 W Maple Rd 402-289-9312 8425 F St 402-614-2500 68116 68127 Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics East 11819 Miracle Hills Dr, Ste 104 402-498-9090 68154 4239 Farnam St, Ste 839S 402-552-3238 68131 7820 Wakeley Plz 402-397-1804 68114 8111 Dodge St, Ste 330 402-384-8727 68114 Heartland Pharmacy, Inc 11024 Q St 402-952-4478 Lincare Inc. 68144 Medeq Medical & Surgical Supply, Inc 9140 W Dodge Rd, Ste 419 402-934-1695 68114 Nebraska Methodist Home Health 8601 W Dodge Rd, Ste 138 402-354-3200 68114 Occuvax LLC 13423 Lynam Dr 800-430-5910 68138 Odyssey Health Care HME 444 Regency Parkway Dr, Ste 200 402-397-0990 68114 Omaha Medical Supplies 314 S 72nd St 402-556-9053 68114 68137 8610 W Dodge Rd 402-614-7321 68114 8609 F St 402-339-1056 68127 14441 F St 402-408-0777 68137 13211 I St 843-747-8002 68137 10607 Bondesson Cir 402-571-5911 68122 3031 N 93rd St 402-964-0404 68134 2805 S 88th St, Ste 102 402-393-9390 68124 6528 S 118th St 402-895-0307 68137 4533 S 88th St 800-701-5781 68127 8646 F St 402-331-5472 68127 8710 F St, Ste 118 402-397-8330 68127 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 400 402-614-4300 68105 5338 F St 888-275-4524 68117 13106 W Dodge Rd 402-493-4747 68154 4513 S 134th St 402-934-3396 68137 68137 Heartland Prescription Services 11028 Q St 402-331-2661 Helget Inc. Hill Rom Company, Inc. Home Nursing With Heart PC - DME 7602 Park Dr 402-614-4622 68127 Horizon Spine Rehabilitation DME Hoveround Corporation Infusion Therapy Specialists KCI Usa, Inc. Keystone Medicine Chest Home Care 7328 Maple St 402-391-2659 68134 OrthoMedics Orthosource, Inc. - DME Oxygen Specialists & Respiratory Pacific Pulmonary Services Pharmerica Psi Health Care, Inc. Quality Pain Therapies, Inc. See The Trainer Sizewise Rentals LLC The Nebraska Medical Center HME 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4540 68114 4156 S 52nd St 402-734-6741 68117 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 7906 W Dodge Rd 402-330-0392 68114 6675 Sorensen Pkwy 402-392-1646 68152 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4540 68114 16707 Q St, Ste 2C 402-505-3420 68135 10906 John Galt Blvd 402-933-0400 68137 Talmon, Geoffrey A, MD Torell, Alan G, MD Webster, Christine A, MD 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 406 402-397-7989 68124 104 Weisenburger, Dennis D, MD D'Anns DartMed Torrison Eye Care Inc Total Respiratory & Rehab VNA Pharmacy 12565 W Center Rd, Ste 100 402-342-5566 68144 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Alegent Health Immanuel Neuropsych 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2297 68122 Alegent Health Immanuel Rehab 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2121 68122 Anderson, Christopher W, DO 17021 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-898-2520 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 307 402-398-5858 68124 Burkman, Kip A, MD 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2295 Cook, Jude T, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4230 68122 68114 Devney, James P, MD 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 Feldman, Alicia B, MD 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 Franco, Thomas A, MD 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2295 Gold, Kurt V, MD 7919 Wakeley Plz 402-933-2016 68122 68114 Hoberman, Clayton J, DO 7070 Spring St 402-898-8250 Lee, Andrew S J, MD 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2295 68106 Methodist Hospital Rehabilitation 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4670 68122 68122 68114 Mohler, Amanda E, MD 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2295 Oxford, Stuart, MD 3830 N 167th Ct 402-502-2290 4201 N 90th St 402-934-0045 Bahe, M S, PT Brugman, Margaret B, PT 68116 68134 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Baker, Casandra M, PT 16909 Burke St, Ste 200 402-639-6708 68118 Barges, Barbara J, PT 3326 S 112th St 402-672-6794 68144 Bargstadt-Wilson, Kari F, PT 105 S 90th St, Ste 200 402-390-1027 68114 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 101 402-390-1027 68124 Bartels, Lisa, PT 14706 Giles Rd 402-391-2635 68138 1910 S 72nd St, Ste 302 402-391-2635 68124 Bartels-Hiscock, Julie J, PT 17055 Frances St 402-934-9711 68130 2920 N 118th St, Ste 105 402-934-9711 68164 Behney, Kelly G, PT Lorenzo, Consuelo T, MD 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2295 Arnold, Jeffrey L, PT 68122 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 164 402-496-4666 2403 S 133rd Plz 402-330-8433 2953 S 168th St, Ste 100 402-829-5688 4608 S 25th St 402-731-1944 7818 Dodge St 402-493-6808 9449 J St 402-593-7345 Beran, Jennifer L, PT 68164 68144 68130 68107 68114 68127 1313 S Saddle Creek Rd 402-933-0100 68106 6073 Maple St 402-933-0100 68104 68114 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2295 68122 Bergeron, Joan M, PT 6404 N 70th Plz 402-573-3700 68104 Berlin, Michael, PT Quality Living, Inc. Smeal, Wesley L, MD 17021 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-898-2520 68130 Staheli, James R, DO 14706 Giles Rd 402-391-2635 68138 1910 S 72nd St, Ste 302 402-391-2635 68124 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 68127 Wik, Daniel, MD 825 N 90th St, Ste A 402-397-1180 68114 Physical Therapist Alvarez, Erick, PT 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 Andersen, Lindy R, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 68107 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0410 68118 Betsworth, Diana L, PT 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 130 402-504-1330 68116 2027 Dodge St 402-884-8775 68102 4110 S 144th St 402-861-6683 68137 Beyersdorf, Amy, PT 444 S 44th St 402-559-6430 Blum, Jamie, PT 68131 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 130 402-504-1330 68116 2027 Dodge St 402-884-8775 68102 4110 S 144th St 402-861-6683 68137 Brockmeier, Adam W, PT 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0410 68118 Bruggeman, Melissa B, PT 3226 S 112th St 402-672-6794 18101 R Plz, Ste 106 402-933-8333 Bryant, Erin E, PT 68135 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 101 402-895-4000 68137 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 2010 N 88th St 402-496-1000 68134 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Bryant, Michael J, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 8005 Farnam Dr 402-393-7766 68114 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0410 68118 Caffey, Michelle L, PT Carr, Morgan D, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 101 402-895-4000 68137 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 2010 N 88th St 402-496-1000 68134 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Case, Beth M, PT 4608 S 25th St 402-731-1944 Bertch, Mark E, PT Brunken, Brian L, PT Burr, Jay, PT 8309 Cass St 402-397-8891 Patil, Aishwarya A, MD 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 68144 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Collin, Lucas J, PT 11704 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-691-0500 68144 Cordery, Brent, PT 625 N 144th Ave, Ste 102 402-351-1131 68154 Cordery, Catherine, PT 625 N 144th Ave, Ste 102 402-351-1131 68154 Corey, Heather A, PT 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 130 402-504-1330 68116 2027 Dodge St 402-884-8775 68102 4110 S 144th St 402-861-6683 68137 Corr, Bradley, PT 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 Davidson, Philip D, PT 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 130 402-504-1330 68116 2027 Dodge St 402-884-8775 68102 4110 S 144th St 402-861-6683 68137 Deutschman, Benjamin R, PT 2805 S 88th St, Ste 102 402-393-9390 68124 825 N 90th St 402-933-8900 68114 Dienstbier, Heather J, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Dowty, Natalie K, PT 920 S 107th Ave, Ste 220 402-212-7444 68114 Dyczek, Larue G, PT 444 S 44th St 402-559-6430 68131 Edelstein, Sarah L, PT 4201 N 90th St 402-934-0045 68134 11912 Elm St, Ste 106 402-630-9756 68144 El-Refaie, Hossam A, PT Erickson, Christopher C, PT 2900 F St 402-731-7990 9602 M St 402-331-8555 Flynn, Thomas K, PT 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 164 402-496-4666 2953 S 168th St, Ste 100 402-829-5688 4608 S 25th St 402-731-1944 7818 Dodge St 402-493-6808 9449 J St 402-593-7345 Frerichs, Julie L, PT 68107 68127 68164 68130 68107 68114 68127 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Fuchs, Robert H, PT 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 Gallant, Derrick, PT 2900 F St 402-731-7990 9602 M St 402-331-8555 68131 68107 68127 Gehringer, Rebecca, PT 9449 J St 402-593-7345 Givens, Diane R, PT 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68127 68131 68131 Gnuse, Matthew W, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Greiner, Kayla N, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Gross, Lisa K, PT 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 130 402-504-1330 68116 2027 Dodge St 402-884-8775 68102 4110 S 144th St 402-861-6683 68137 Gulizia, Marisa J, PT 13809 Industrial Rd 402-932-7111 68137 444 S 44th St 402-559-6430 68131 Harbourne, Regina T, PT Harms, Natalie S, PT 3830 N 167th Ct 402-502-2290 4201 N 90th St 402-934-0045 68116 68134 Hauser-Miller, Shireen D, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 101 402-895-4000 68137 2010 N 88th St 402-496-1000 68134 Havlovic, Holly M, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-1110 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Johnk, Krista S, PT 9449 J St 402-593-7345 14706 Giles Rd 402-391-2635 68138 1910 S 72nd St, Ste 302 402-391-2635 68124 Kamp, Renee M, PT 3226 S 112th St 402-672-6794 Keel, Jason P, PT 68144 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Keller, Brenda, PT 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 164 402-496-4666 68164 Keller, Kurtis, PT 9449 J St 402-593-7345 68127 7818 Dodge St 402-493-6808 68114 Kersten, Stacy, PT Kirkpatrick, Daniel L, PT 2275 S 132nd St 402-333-0539 68144 5017 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-553-5332 68106 8525 Q St 402-339-1108 68127 Kleeman, Roland D, PT 1021 S 178th St, Ste 101 402-933-3036 68118 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 7919 Wakeley Plz 402-393-8384 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 9449 J St 402-593-7345 68127 Heine, Kristi, PT Herman, Jay D, PT Hill, Sundee L, PT 68114 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 130 402-504-1330 68116 2027 Dodge St 402-884-8775 68102 4110 S 144th St 402-861-6683 68137 Hoffman, Amy S, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Hruska, Ryan J, PT 14706 Giles Rd 402-391-2635 68138 1910 S 72nd St, Ste 302 402-391-2635 68124 Jacobi, Gerald, PT 2953 S 168th St, Ste 100 402-829-5688 68130 7818 Dodge St 402-493-6808 68114 Janeczko, Linda, PT 4930 L St 402-731-8888 Jansa, Shane, PT 68117 1021 S 178th St, Ste 101 402-933-3036 68118 Jazwick-Jakob, Jamie, PT 2403 S 133rd Plz 402-330-8433 7818 Dodge St 402-493-6808 Kruger, Ann W, PT Kuhfahl, Roger, PT Lahman, Dustin M, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Lakatos, Claire R, PT 12100 W Center Rd, Ste 525 402-330-2774 68144 Lindsteadt, Jill E, PT 444 S 44th St 402-559-6418 68131 Linnaus, Melanie L, PT 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 164 402-496-4666 2953 S 168th St, Ste 100 402-829-5688 4608 S 25th St 402-731-1944 7818 Dodge St 402-493-6808 9449 J St 402-593-7345 Lord, Marian J, PT 68164 68130 68107 68114 68127 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 102 402-334-6213 68144 68144 68114 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68127 Johnson, Christine M, PT 105 Specialists and Other Providers Luthra, Parul M, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Macalpine, James C, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Makovicka, Joel P, PT 3830 N 167th Ct 402-502-2290 4201 N 90th St 402-934-0045 68116 68134 Manion, Jeffrey D, PT 14706 Giles Rd 402-391-2635 68138 1910 S 72nd St, Ste 302 402-391-2635 68124 Manners, Travis W, PT 13809 Industrial Rd 402-932-7111 McCabe, Ryan, PT 68137 1313 S Saddle Creek Rd 402-933-0100 68106 6073 Maple St 402-575-5700 68104 McCutchen, Daniel G, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 McFee, Ryann M, PT 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 164 402-496-4666 2953 S 168th St, Ste 100 402-829-5688 4608 S 25th St 402-731-1944 7818 Dodge St 402-493-6808 9449 J St 402-593-7345 Millar, Amy L, PT 68164 68130 68107 68114 68127 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Miller, Teresa, PT 2504 S 119th St 402-932-8686 68144 68164 68130 68107 68114 68127 Morrison, Kristin L, PT 18101 R Plz, Ste 106 402-933-8333 106 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 Murray, Paul E, PT 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 164 402-496-4666 2953 S 168th St, Ste 100 402-829-5688 4608 S 25th St 402-731-1944 7818 Dodge St 402-493-6808 9449 J St 402-593-7345 68135 68164 68130 68107 68114 68127 Ninemire, Taryn A, PT 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 130 402-504-1330 68116 2027 Dodge St 402-884-8775 68102 4110 S 144th St 402-861-6683 68137 Noll, Eric P, PT 12905 W Dodge Rd 402-991-7988 68154 Nordquist, Shannon C, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 O'Connell-Peterson, Julie A, PT 105 S 90th St, Ste 200 402-390-1027 68114 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 101 402-390-1027 68124 Oldehoeft, Adam J, PT 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 130 402-504-1330 68116 2027 Dodge St 402-884-8775 68102 4110 S 144th St 402-861-6683 68137 Ostdiek, Donald P, PT 2805 S 88th St, Ste 102 402-393-9390 68124 3407 S 84th St 402-614-8042 68124 825 N 90th St 402-933-8900 68114 Otten, Julie S, PT 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 130 402-504-1330 68116 2027 Dodge St 402-884-8775 68102 4110 S 144th St 402-861-6683 68137 Peetz, Kenneth, PT 13911 Gold Cir, Ste 110 402-333-8464 68144 3624 N 163rd Plz 402-505-9611 68116 Pinkall, Eric J, PT 10118 Maple St 402-939-7939 Pohl, Sara A, PT 2403 S 133rd Plz 402-330-8433 Potach, David H, PT Morris, Michelle L, PT 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 164 402-496-4666 2953 S 168th St, Ste 100 402-829-5688 4608 S 25th St 402-731-1944 7818 Dodge St 402-493-6808 9449 J St 402-593-7345 Muchowicz, Nicholas, PT 68134 68144 12100 W Center Rd, Ste 525 402-330-2774 68144 Potach, Lauren M, PT 17055 Frances St 402-934-9711 68130 2920 N 118th St, Ste 105 402-934-9711 68164 Presler, Randy, PT 9449 J St 402-593-7345 Queen, Mary A, PT 68127 444 S 44th St 402-559-6430 68131 8011 Chicago St 402-659-4991 68114 Ralston, Angela M, PT Rauth, Jacqueline L, PT 3353 L St 402-354-7730 Recob, Lani C, PT 68107 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Reerink, Jodi, PT 14706 Giles Rd 402-391-2635 68138 1910 S 72nd St, Ste 302 402-391-2635 68124 Richling, Joshua C, PT 3830 N 167th Ct 402-502-2290 4201 N 90th St 402-934-0045 Richmond, Brett, PT 68116 68134 1313 S Saddle Creek Rd 402-933-0100 68106 6073 Maple St 402-575-5700 68104 Richter, Jane K, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Roehrs, Tammy, PT 2805 S 88th St, Ste 102 402-393-9390 68124 Roehrs, Troy, PT 2805 S 88th St, Ste 102 402-393-9390 68124 825 N 90th St 402-933-8900 68114 Seeley, Shannon, PT 9109 Blondo St 402-399-9993 Sehi, John R, PT 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 164 402-496-4666 2953 S 168th St, Ste 100 402-829-5688 4608 S 25th St 402-731-1944 7818 Dodge St 402-493-6808 9449 J St 402-593-7345 Seidl, Kayce J, PT Thomas, Amanda L, PT 68134 68164 68130 68107 68114 68127 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Sevcik, James, PT 11704 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-691-0500 68144 Shelton, Guy L, PT 7818 Dodge St 402-493-6808 68114 Siegmund, Susan E, PT 5030 Grover St 402-504-9797 7811 Chicago Ct 402-504-9797 Sinsheimer, Jane, PT 68106 68114 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 Skolaut, Amy, PT 2085 N 120th St, Ste D8 402-445-4335 68164 Smith-Nelson, Nina M, PT 444 S 44th St 402-559-6402 68131 Spanheimer, Laura A, PT 2805 S 88th St, Ste 102 402-393-9390 68124 825 N 90th St 402-933-8900 68114 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 9449 J St 402-593-7345 68127 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 13809 Industrial Rd 402-932-7111 68137 119 N 51st St, Ste 101 402-885-6999 68132 Roeser, Richard, PT 1021 S 178th St, Ste 101 402-933-3036 68118 Rohrig, Amanda, PT Sailors, Marta, PT Sanny, Wendi A, PT Schlattmann, Brian A, PT Schlattmann, Meghan D, PT 119 N 51st St, Ste 101 402-885-6999 68132 Schmoldt, Jedidiah R, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Schremmer, David, PT 9449 J St 402-593-7345 Schwahn, Diana, PT 68127 16909 Burke St, Ste 200 402-639-6708 68118 366 N 114th St 402-740-8400 68154 Stuberg, Wayne A, PT Sutton, Somer A, PT 68131 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 130 402-504-1330 68116 2027 Dodge St 402-884-8775 68102 4110 S 144th St 402-861-6683 68137 Tablante, Angelo M, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Teetor, Wendy K, PT 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0410 Theiler, Mary J, PT 2027 Dodge St 402-884-8775 4110 S 144th St 402-861-6683 68118 68102 68137 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Thomas, Tanner L, PT 2027 Dodge St 402-884-8775 68102 Todd, Brent, PT 13110 Birch Dr, Ste 164 402-496-4666 68164 2403 S 133rd Plz 402-330-8433 68144 7818 Dodge St 402-493-6808 68114 Ulffers, Jacob D, PT 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 130 402-504-1330 68116 2027 Dodge St 402-884-8775 68102 4110 S 144th St 402-861-6683 68137 Vanderheiden, Gina M, PT 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 130 402-504-1330 68116 2027 Dodge St 402-884-8775 68102 4110 S 144th St 402-861-6683 68137 Wachholtz, Neal, PT Witte, Michael R, PT 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 130 402-504-1330 68116 2027 Dodge St 402-884-8775 68102 4110 S 144th St 402-861-6683 68137 Woods, Leonard R, PT 8005 Farnam Dr 402-393-7766 68114 18101 R Plz, Ste 106 402-933-8333 68135 Worden, Patricia J, PT Wyant, Danielle R, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 101 402-895-4000 68137 2010 N 88th St 402-496-1000 68134 Wyant, Tyler J, PT 9109 Blondo St 402-399-9993 Yao, Chyun C, PT 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 130 402-504-1330 68116 2027 Dodge St 402-884-8775 68102 4110 S 144th St 402-861-6683 68137 Yotty, Bradley B, PT 10118 Maple St 402-939-7939 68134 10118 Maple St 402-939-7939 68134 68134 Zimmerman, Jacquelyn B, PT Zimmerman, Jeffrey J, PT 9449 J St 402-593-7345 68127 10118 Maple St 402-939-7939 7919 Wakeley Plz 402-393-8384 68114 Allen, Jennifer L, PA 10858 W Dodge Rd 402-917-2020 68154 13809 Industrial Rd 402-932-7111 68137 3226 S 112th St 402-672-6794 68144 Waller, Jeanne S, PT Wear, John, PT Wegener, Nicholas G, PT Weilage, Kari L, PT Weiner, Amanda J, PT 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Willett, Sandra L, PT 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 Wilson, Patrick C, PT 68131 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 130 402-504-1330 68116 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0410 68118 2027 Dodge St 402-884-8775 68102 4110 S 144th St 402-861-6683 68137 Wisinski, Cheryl, PT 13911 Gold Cir, Ste 110 402-333-8464 68144 Wissink, Nicholas R, PT 2275 S 132nd St 402-333-0539 68144 5017 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-553-5332 68106 8525 Q St 402-339-1108 68127 9602 M St 888-997-2669 68127 Witte, Daniel J, PT 3830 N 167th Ct 402-502-2290 68134 68116 Physician Assistant 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-330-3812 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 224 402-399-8550 68124 Alwine, Brandi L, PA 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 406 402-397-7989 68124 Backstrom, Cecilia M, PA 4239 Farnam St, Ste 701 402-572-3535 68131 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 2244 402-572-3535 68122 Baker, Michael R, PA 11704 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-691-0500 68144 Balk, Samuel K, PA 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4110 68107 Bangert, Vicki L, PA 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 Beck, Lisa M, PA 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 68135 Beckenhauer, John L, PA 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 Bertucci, Rebecca J, PA 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 104 402-498-0300 68116 Beste, Jeffrey L, PA 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 102 402-758-5800 68130 17655 Nina St 402-546-2034 68130 Beynon Solano, Heidi J, PA 14610 W Center Rd 402-330-7403 68144 Biggerstaff, Marc J, PA 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 207 402-502-2700 68130 601 N 30th St, Ste 2300 402-280-4342 68131 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7500 402-280-4342 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 420 402-280-4351 68124 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Bizzarri, Jaime L, PA 601 N 30th St, Ste 2300 402-280-4342 68131 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7500 402-280-4342 68122 Blankman, Charles, PA 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 68131 Bodlak-Harms, Valerie, PA 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 Brennan, Saundra D, PA 16909 Lakeside Prof Ctr, North Suite 207 402-280-5600 68130 5002 Underwood Ave 402-280-1185 68132 601 N 30th St, Ste 5700 402-280-5600 68131 909 N 96th St, Ste 201 402-330-4555 68114 Brewer, Michaelyn M, PA 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 104 402-498-0300 68116 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 Buck, Bridget L, PA 4920 Center St 402-558-6625 Burke, Bridget A, PA 10506 Burt Cir 402-492-9767 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4160 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 Calabro, John, PA 68106 68114 68118 68144 68114 68114 Campbell, Jeremy S, PA Cerone, Laura A, PA 68118 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 3300N 402-572-3300 68122 Chavez, Jennifer M, PA 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 Childers, Rebecca L, PA 8303 Dodge St, Ste 300 402-354-5250 68114 Childers, Suzanne D, PA 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 411 402-758-5544 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 5500 402-572-3663 68122 8111 Dodge St, Ste 363 402-354-8155 68114 Christensen, Kelly J, PA Emile At 42nd St 402-559-5600 68198 Christensen, Michelle R, PA 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1580 8552 Cass St, Ste 201 402-390-0606 Clifton, Wendy, PA 68114 68114 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 Connors, Angelyn M, PA 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 411 402-758-5544 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 5500 402-572-3663 68122 Cook, Katie L, PA 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 8200 Dodge St 402-955-6193 Cupich, Sarah L, PA 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 68131 68114 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 Cushing, Rachel, PA 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 202 402-552-2100 68130 4242 Farnam St, Ste 145 402-552-2100 68131 Hadenfeldt, Jason, PA 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-330-3812 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 224 402-399-8550 68124 Hageman, Joann E, PA 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 Hajny, Shelly A, PA 68131 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-280-4139 68131 Defini, Keith M, PA 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 68114 68118 68114 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 Dierks, Kimberly J, PA 10109 Maple St 402-572-3500 68134 Dolesh, Kandice E, PA 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 Dollison, Daniel C, PA 601 N 30th St 402-280-4100 68131 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7500 402-280-4342 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 420 402-280-4351 68124 Dolphens, Tamara A, PA 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4339 8200 Dodge St 402-955-6193 Eckert, Julianne, PA 68114 68114 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-397-6600 68124 Edson, Melissa K, PA 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-559-8000 68131 Ferguson, Lorin E, PA 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 Flamme, Mary J, PA 68131 5014 L St 402-733-4433 68117 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-343-8650 68124 Fontana, Brian, PA 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 Gass, Janeen M, PA 14450 Eagle Run Dr, Ste 104 402-498-0300 68116 Giggee, Corrine A, PA 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 Goldman, Katerina N, PA 8303 Dodge St, Ste 304 402-354-5048 68114 Graff, Lisa K, PA 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4110 68107 Gray, Staci A, PA 16811 Burke St, Ste 101 402-573-7337 68118 Groff, Melissa A, PA 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1926 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-8990 68137 68114 Grosse, Jessica E, PA 111 S 90th St 402-397-9800 68114 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 Julin, Michele J, PA 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 305 402-398-9243 68114 Kaiser, Lindsey J, PA 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4110 68107 Dada, Kristina A, PA 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Jouvenat, Neil C, PA Hazell, William P, PA 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 8111 Dodge St, Ste 363 402-354-8155 68114 4239 Farnam St, Ste 301 402-552-3040 68131 Cuttle, Stephanie R, PA 1400 Douglas St, Stop 0030 402-544-3697 68179 Jones, Darcy M, PA Hanson, Robert A, PA 4242 Farnam St, Ste 150 402-552-6747 68131 Dibelka, Andrew, PA 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 305 402-398-9243 68114 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 Cornine, Jennica E, PA Head, Christine J, PA 68114 68131 Henderson, Cara A, PA 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 Hennessey, Jason, PA 4239 Farnam St, Ste 100 402-552-2320 68131 Hennessey, Kristin M, PA 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 305 402-398-9243 68114 Hitt, Debra K, PA 10109 Maple St 402-572-3500 68134 2734 N 61st St 402-553-0222 68104 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 6200 402-572-3200 68122 Hobelman, Cynthia, PA 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 Hoesing, Brian, PA 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-399-8550 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 224 402-399-8550 68124 Hollenbeck, Jed E, PA 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 68131 Hood, Lisa M, PA 17021 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 100 402-333-0300 68130 Horak, Shaun C, PA 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0610 68114 68118 Kennedy, Sarah R, PA Kershner, David, PA 14610 W Center Rd 402-330-7403 2419 M St 402-933-9582 2429 M St 402-731-7333 68144 68107 68107 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 202 402-552-2100 68130 4242 Farnam St, Ste 145 402-552-2100 68131 Kinsey, Brent, PA 68144 68105 Korus, Natashia S, PA 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-559-8000 68131 Kotera, Nathan L, PA 4239 Farnam St, Ste 100 402-552-2320 68131 Krahling, James A, PA 6751 N 72nd St, Ste 207 402-572-3165 68122 Kreikemeier, Kimberly A, PA 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 428 402-392-1404 68124 Krobot, Kristin N, PA 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2225 Krobot, Scott P, PA 14610 W Center Rd 402-330-7403 220 N 89th St, Ste 101 402-393-3616 2419 M St 402-933-9582 2429 M St 402-731-7333 Miller, Keri A, PA 68144 68114 68107 68107 Lienemann, Randall S, PA 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2225 68122 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68198 Lindauer, Laura A, PA Kinney, Katherine A, PA 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5350 4350 Dewey Ave 402-552-3257 Lewis, John C, PA 68122 10109 Maple St 402-572-3500 68134 2734 N 61st St 402-553-0222 68104 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 6200 402-572-3200 68122 8613 N 30th St 402-453-9900 68112 Lindly, Cheryl A, PA 10109 Maple St 402-572-3500 68134 2734 N 61st St 402-553-0222 68104 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 6200 402-572-3200 68122 8613 N 30th St 402-453-9900 68112 Loontjer, Kevin G, PA 601 N 30th St, Ste 2300 402-280-4342 68131 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7500 402-280-4342 68122 Maack, Marjorie B, PA 8111 Dodge St, Ste 363 402-354-8155 68114 Mackie-Cotton, Karen R, PA 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2225 68122 McClaughry, Patrick L, PA 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 208 402-758-5690 68130 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 614 N 108th Ct 402-884-7218 68154 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 68114 Kuester, Andrea M, PA Lane, Robbie L, PA 68118 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 5500 402-572-3663 68122 McColley, Kimberly A, PA McCutchen, Kristina M, PA McWilliams, Christopher 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 102 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 132 M, PA Horner, Katherine A, PA 402-758-5800 68130 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2225 68122 Hubbert, Thomas R, PA Huber, Kristen A, PA 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 Hunke, Tammy L, PA 11912 Elm St, Ste 26 402-330-4770 Hunt, Peter, PA 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4360 68144 68114 Hunter, Christine K, PA 8258 Hascall St, Ste 100 402-391-3010 68124 Jessen, Carissa, PA 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 68131 Johnson Jr, Jerry J, PA 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 6200 402-572-3200 68122 Jones, Ami S, PA 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 3300N 402-572-3300 68122 Lanoha, Brittany K, PA 402-758-5323 68130 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 305 402-398-9243 68114 Larsen, Douglas C, PA 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-393-7050 68130 17201 Wright St 402-393-7050 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 328 402-393-7050 68124 Lazure, Keri A, PA 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 102 402-758-5800 68130 17655 Nina St 402-546-2034 68130 602 N 20th St, Ste 1034 402-280-2735 68102 Lessman, Karla G, PA 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7400 402-572-3760 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 328 402-392-1404 68124 Levy, Bethany J, PA 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-552-2500 68131 Meeks, Amy S, PA 9850 Nicholas St, Ste 250 402-399-9990 68114 Metschke, Matthew R, PA 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-559-8000 68131 Milbourn, Gloria D, PA 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 68114 Miller, Christopher T, PA 10109 Maple St 402-572-3500 68134 2734 N 61st St 402-553-0222 68104 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 6200 402-572-3200 68122 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 3300N 402-572-3300 68122 Moeller, Jennifer, PA 2430 S 73rd St, Ste 200 402-397-3626 68124 Mooberry, Brandon T, PA 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-559-8000 68131 Morrison, Greg W, PA 7911 W Center Rd 402-390-1000 68124 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 68131 Motz, Jeffrey D, PA Nelson, Kimberly, PA 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 305 402-398-9243 68114 Netz, Lyndsey A, PA 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-398-5880 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 500 402-717-7160 68124 Omoto, Gene T, PA 601 N 30th St, Ste 2300 402-280-4342 68131 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7500 402-280-4342 68122 Ott, Christy A, PA 8258 Hascall St, Ste 100 402-391-3010 68124 Ourada, Cameron J, PA 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 Parr, Tara L, PA 110 N 175th St, Ste 2700 402-596-4600 68118 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-5208 68198 Peterson, Lisa L, PA 9717 Q St 402-537-1740 Pieper, Emily M, PA 10170 Nicholas St 402-391-3800 68114 17001 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-885-8700 68130 8901 Indian Hills Dr, Ste 200 402-397-7057 68114 Polack, Susan H, PA 10170 Nicholas St 402-391-3800 68114 Potter, Vanessa M, PA 17021 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 101 402-333-0300 68130 3213 S 24th St 402-345-9132 68108 4920 Center St 402-558-6625 68106 Pugsley, Charles, PA 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 305 402-398-9243 68114 Reese, Ronnie L, PA 5014 L St 402-733-4433 68117 Reichmuth, Shelley L, PA 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0970 68118 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 303 402-354-5860 68118 8303 Dodge St, Ste 225 402-354-5860 68114 Reineke, Brandy S, PA 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8000 68130 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 68131 Riedmann, G P, PA 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-3059 68198 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68127 107 Specialists and Other Providers Rieke, Reuben D, PA 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 Ritchhart, Brett H, PA 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 204 402-758-5600 68130 Roessner, Barbara E, PA 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 3300N 402-572-3300 68122 Roubal, Julie R, PA 909 N 96th St, Ste 201 402-330-4555 Routh, Laura C, PA 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5372 Rowe, Kristine A, PA 68114 68114 7205 W Center Rd, Ste 200 402-397-6600 68124 Rowe, Sonya V, PA Siecke, Rebecca J, PA 110 N 175th St, Ste 1000 402-955-8300 14421 Dupont Ct 402-955-7200 8200 Dodge St 402-955-3871 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4360 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5150 68118 68144 68114 68114 68114 Skebelsky, Roger W, PA 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 Skelton, Ray E, PA 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 Smith, Katherine, PA 68131 68131 4239 Farnam St, Ste 701 402-572-3535 68131 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 2244 402-572-3535 68122 Stamm, Sarah L, PA 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-559-8000 68131 10109 Maple St 402-572-3500 68134 2734 N 61st St 402-553-0222 68104 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 6200 402-572-3200 68122 8613 N 30th St 402-453-9900 68112 Stevens, Angelika L, PA Schmidt, Frankie J, PA 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 68118 Schmidt, Thomas, PA 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 Schneider, Peggy B, PA Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6907 68198 Staton, Shannon L, PA 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-449-4088 68131 4242 Farnam St, Ste 145 402-552-2100 68131 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7400 402-572-3760 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 428 402-392-1404 68124 Struebing, Peggy A, PA 7823 Chicago Ct 402-955-3871 Strufing, Erin R, PA 68114 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 Sully, Louis D, PA 366 Regency Parkway Dr 402-397-0670 68114 Sumner, Joyce C, PA 7911 W Center Rd 402-390-0333 68124 Swierczek, Misty D, PA 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-734-4110 68107 Tempero, Jonell A, PA 2727 S 144th St, Ste 100 402-778-5600 68144 14040 Boys Town Hosp Rd, Ste 100 402-778-6000 68144 3213 S 24th St, Ste 200 402-898-5009 68108 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 334 402-343-8585 68124 601 N 30th St 402-449-4590 5014 L St 402-733-4433 Scholting, Patty J, PA 304 N 168th Cir, Ste 211 402-289-9325 68118 Schrad, Billie J, PA Schumacher, Lori R, PA 68131 Schumann-Otto, Shelley M, PA 2725 S 144th St, Ste 110 402-637-0400 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 409 402-559-8000 68131 Schutte, Shelly M, PA 1805 N 145th St 402-393-1000 Sedlak, Cindy L, PA 68154 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 68114 8111 Dodge St, Ste 220 402-354-1320 68114 Selzle, Jill R, PA Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4424 68198 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5570 68114 Shade, Daisy S, PA Siebels, David, PA 68144 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 305 402-398-9243 68114 108 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 17675 Welch Plz 402-354-7600 5908 S 142nd St 402-354-1900 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Trebil, Jennifer J, PA 68117 68114 68118 68135 68137 68114 1120 N 103rd Plz, Ste 100 402-391-5055 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 410 402-758-5080 68130 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 3300N 402-572-3300 68122 Turgeon, Teresa L, PA Shaw, Jacqueline G, PA 2802 Oak View Mall Dr 402-334-7546 Thompson, Earl R, PA Torczon, Carrie L, PA 909 N 96th St, Ste 201 402-330-4555 Walsh, Julie, PA 68114 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 305 402-398-9243 68114 Washington, Stella G, PA 17021 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 101 402-333-0300 68130 3213 S 24th St 402-345-9132 68108 4920 Center St 402-614-3223 68106 Wenzel, Vaughan A, PA 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 Ryan, Susan L, PA Vitek-Deats, Kimberley A, PA 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 Vandermeulen, Stephane P, PA 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 Vanicek, Jeremy J, PA 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 14610 W Center Rd 402-330-7403 68144 Westphalen, Amy A, PA Johnson, Perry J, MD 17617 Burke St 402-596-4000 68118 2727 S 144th St, Ste 255 402-778-5420 68144 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Kuhn, Bruce S, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 235 402-330-8460 68144 Miller, Jason J, MD 17617 Burke St 402-596-4000 8200 Dodge St 402-955-5400 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Montag, Marie E, MD 17650 Wright Plz, Ste 5 402-334-2300 68130 3830 N 167th Ct 402-965-4000 68116 8814 Maple St 402-343-0095 68134 8900 W Dodge Rd 402-390-0100 2725 S 144th St, Ste 212 402-637-0800 68144 Reilly, Debra A, MD Whalen, Michael J, PA Wiekamp, Julie M, PA Emile At 42nd St 402-559-3342 Witt, Rebecca D, PA 68198 Popp, Jeffrey C, MD 68118 68114 68198 68114 11919 Grant St, Ste 100 402-391-4558 68164 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 68105 4239 Farnam St, Ste 300 402-552-3932 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Stice, R C, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 102 402-758-5800 68130 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 214 402-758-5500 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 3100 402-572-3900 68122 2727 S 144th St, Ste 205 402-778-5555 68144 Wordekemper, Ann M, PA Thompson, Chester Q, MD Wordekemper, Kimberly L, PA Yonkers, Anthony, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 150 402-778-5350 68144 8303 Dodge St 402-354-2360 68114 Zikmund, Melissa S, PA 13616 California St, Ste 100 402-496-0404 68154 Plastic Surgery Armstrong, Deanna, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 411 402-758-5544 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 5500 402-572-3663 68122 Bhuller, Amardip S, MD 1319 Leavenworth St, Ste 101 402-280-5500 68102 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 211 402-933-0274 68130 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-449-4088 68131 Black, Steven, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 285 402-552-2200 68144 4239 Farnam St, Ste 219 402-552-2200 68131 Bleicher, Joel N, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 300 402-758-5400 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 320 402-829-6384 68124 Bruneteau, Richard J, MD 8900 W Dodge Rd 402-390-0100 68114 Crawford, Michael N, MD 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 Finkle, David R, MD 68131 68131 4911 S 118th St 402-926-2639 68137 8900 W Dodge Rd 402-390-0100 68114 Heieck, John J, MD Hollins, Ronald R, MD 17617 Burke St 402-596-4000 68118 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Buddecke, Donald, DPM 10780 V St 402-991-8999 13933 Gold Cir 402-333-8125 Clark, Nanci L, DPM 68127 68144 Meinhold, Steven D, DPM 1941 S 42nd St, Ste 527 402-315-3338 68105 9925 Maple St, Ste A 402-502-8784 68134 Nelson, Scott C, DPM 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 208 402-758-5690 68130 Olari, Nicholas G, DPM 2915 Grant St 402-451-3553 5030 Grover St 402-551-0575 68111 68106 Pachman, Howard D, DPM 16909 Burke St, Ste 200 402-333-8856 68118 Panesar, Inderjit S, DPM 4828 S 24th St 402-731-9100 68107 15403 Saratoga St 402-496-0003 68116 Pollens, Jeffrey M, DPM Powers, Michael R, DPM 10780 V St 402-991-8999 1301 N 72nd St 402-932-4727 13933 Gold Cir 402-333-8125 68127 68114 68144 Sempek, Louis M, DPM 10801 Elm St 402-592-2180 68144 7811 Chicago Ct 402-926-2600 68114 Sluiter, Eric E, DPM Vukonich, James, DPM 4628 S 25th St 402-449-5750 68107 4920 S 30th St, Ste 103 402-932-7859 68107 9925 Maple St, Ste A 402-727-5150 68134 Weremy, John, DPM 13933 Gold Cir 402-895-2028 68144 6069 Maple St 402-558-8100 68104 York, Glenn P, DPM Proctology 7811 Chicago Ct 402-926-2600 68114 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-0707 68118 8303 Dodge St 402-354-2360 68114 1207 S 13th St 402-345-6503 68108 8303 Dodge St 402-354-2360 68114 16909 Burke St, Ste 200 402-333-8856 68118 8303 Dodge St 402-354-2360 68114 8625 Q St 402-331-0221 68127 8303 Dodge St 402-354-2360 68114 12115 Pacific St 402-334-9626 68154 9850 Nicholas St, Ste 100 402-343-1122 68114 68114 Prosthetic/Orthotic Supplier Copple, Bradley B, DPM Cornell, David E, DPM Cullen, Michael P, DPM Dinucci, Kent R, DPM Drews, Michael, DPM Goldsmith, Jon R, DPM 1411 N 72nd St, Ste 1 402-933-8540 Hilkemann, Robert J, DPM 7337 Dodge St 402-391-7575 68114 Hinze, Michelle L, DPM 10780 V St 402-991-8999 1301 N 72nd St 402-932-4727 13933 Gold Cir 402-333-8125 68127 Christensen, Mark A, MD Ternent, Charles A, MD Thorson, Alan G, MD Advanced Prosthetic Center, LLC 9109 Blondo St 402-399-9993 68134 Nebraska Orthotic & Prosthetic Srv. 14747 California St, Ste 2 402-330-0320 68154 68144 Psychiatry 68164 Lensing, Shannon M, DPM 10780 V St 402-991-8999 1301 N 72nd St 402-932-4727 13933 Gold Cir 402-333-8125 Blatchford, Garnet J, MD 68114 Klawitter, Elizabeth M, DPM 11071 W Maple Rd 402-315-4344 Beaty, Jennifer S, MD 68127 68114 Nitcher, Rodney L, DO 4102 Woolworth Ave 402-444-7931 68105 9239 W Center Rd, Ste 226 402-354-8040 68124 Pulmonary Diseases Alvarez, Jorge L, MD 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 68131 601 N 30th St, Ste 3820 402-449-4486 68131 Bailey-Marrero, Kristina L, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Barkoukis, Teri J, MD Dewan, Naresh A, MD 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 68131 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 68105 601 N 30th St, Ste 3820 402-449-4486 68131 Hopkins, Harvey A, MD 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7400 402-572-3760 68122 7101 Newport Ave, Ste 304 402-572-2333 68152 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 428 402-392-1404 68124 Huerta, Guillermo, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5110 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7400 402-572-3760 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 428 402-392-1404 68124 Keim, Lon W, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 355 402-552-9700 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-552-2490 68198 Krajicek, Bryan J, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3820 402-449-4486 68131 McLeay, Matthew T, MD 8552 Cass St, Ste 202 402-390-0606 68114 Mezzacappa, Frank J, MD 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7400 402-572-3760 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 428 402-392-1404 68124 Modrykamien, Ariel M, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3820 402-449-4486 68131 Morrow, Lee E, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3820 402-449-4486 68131 Patil, Amol N, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5110 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7400 402-572-3760 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 428 402-392-1404 68124 Pease, William V, DO 4242 Farnam St, Ste 470 402-552-9875 68131 Rael, Sylvia L, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5110 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7400 402-572-3760 68122 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 428 402-392-1404 68124 Romberger, Debra J, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Schuller, Dan, MD 68198 3006 Webster St 402-449-4486 68131 601 N 30th St, Ste 3820 402-449-4486 68131 Smith, Stephen B, MD 987400 Nebraska Medical Ctr 402-681-0455 68198 Stahl, Marlin G, MD 4242 Farnam St, Ste 470 402-552-9875 68131 68144 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Thommi, George, MD 8552 Cass St, Ste 301 402-390-0606 Wear, Robert E, MD Anderson, Joseph C, MD 68114 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 68105 601 N 30th St, Ste 3820 402-449-4486 68131 Wichman, Tammy O, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3820 402-449-4486 68131 Radiation Oncology Duckert, Randall T, MD 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 100 402-354-4104 68118 8303 Dodge St, Ste LL6 402-354-4104 68114 Enke, Charles A, MD 111 N 175th St 402-596-3300 Hsu, David I, MD 68118 17201 Wright St, Ste 101 402-717-4770 68130 17201 Wright St, Ste 200 402-334-4773 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6485 68124 7500 Mercy Rd, Ste 1300 402-393-3110 68124 8303 Dodge St, Ste 250 402-354-8124 68114 Huang, Tien-Shew W, MD 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 100 402-354-4104 68118 8303 Dodge St, Ste LL6 402-354-4104 68114 Keit, Joan I, MD 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2265 Lau, Yat H, MD 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2265 Lin, Chi, MD 111 N 175th St 402-596-3300 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68122 68122 68198 17201 Wright St, Ste 101 402-717-4770 68130 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 102 402-445-8010 68118 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-6485 68124 Mirmiran, Alireza, MD 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-4104 68118 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 100 402-354-4104 68118 8303 Dodge St, Ste LL6 402-354-4104 68114 Nguyen, Cam, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3665 402-449-4540 68131 Thompson, Robert B, MD Wahl, Andrew O, MD 111 N 175th St 402-596-3100 Emile At 42nd St 712-246-7288 Zhen, Weining, MD 111 N 175th St 402-596-3300 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68118 68198 68118 68198 68118 68198 Radiology Adelson, Anthony B, MD 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 Apker, Kimberly A, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Arthur, Jason A, MD 501 N 87th St, Ste 100 402-397-7100 Baron, Bruce, DO 68114 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0770 68144 310 Regency Pkwy, Ste 125 402-391-1600 68114 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-3131 68122 Betterman, Mary J, MD 303 S 51st Ave 952-595-1242 Bladt, Lisa A, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-4344 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4344 Bleicher, Jon J, MD 17055 Frances St 402-334-1384 8922 H St 402-330-6555 68132 68114 68114 68130 68127 Burdeny, Derek A, MD 2725 S 144th St, Ste 118 402-637-0770 68144 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0770 68144 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-3131 68122 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 202 402-398-9243 68114 Cawley, Kevin M, MD 68118 McKenna, Patrick, MD 111 N 175th St 402-596-3300 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 68105 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4344 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Christy, Paul S, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4344 Coleman, Paul E, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Csordas, Attila, MD 68114 68114 68114 68114 68114 68114 5002 Underwood Ave 402-280-1185 68132 601 N 30th St, Ste 3601 402-449-4550 68131 Davey, Mary S, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3601 402-449-4550 68131 Denotter, Tami D, MD 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 304 866-491-0411 68144 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8146 68130 310 Regency Pkwy, Ste 125 402-391-1600 68114 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-3131 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 Devries, Matthew J, MD 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-1010 68114 68198 Drake, Mary K, MD 13708 W Maple Rd 402-595-3993 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Grennan, Jason E, MD 68164 68144 68114 68198 Dworak, Thomas J, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3601 402-449-4550 68131 Eckert, Gregory G, MD 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 304 866-491-0411 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5060 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 110 402-391-3870 68124 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 8916 H St 402-330-6555 68127 Eicher, Chad A, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8146 68130 17201 Wright St, Ste 100 402-717-4760 68130 3606 N 156th St, Ste 104 402-717-1177 68116 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2324 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 8005 Farnam Dr, Ste 305 402-390-4100 68114 Elson, Joel D, MD 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 304 866-491-0411 68144 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8146 68130 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 Elson, Kenneth, MD 115 N 40th St 402-934-5700 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Enke, Charles A, MD Evans, Don L, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8146 68130 310 Regency Pkwy, Ste 125 402-391-1600 68114 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-3131 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 Fanders, Barry L, MD 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0770 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-3131 Forbes, Robert J, MD 501 N 87th St, Ste 100 402-397-7100 68144 68122 68114 Forrest, Thomas S, MD 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0770 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-3131 Galva, Annabel, MD 501 N 87th St, Ste 100 402-397-7100 68144 68122 68114 Gelbman, Andrew I, DO 601 N 30th St, Ste 3601 402-449-4550 68131 Gibson, Merlyn D, MD 3353 L St 402-354-7700 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4000 68107 68114 Goldman, Martin L, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3601 402-449-4550 68131 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6907 68198 Grier, Candace G, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Haggstrom, John A, MD 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 304 866-491-0411 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5060 68130 17201 Wright St, Ste 100 402-597-8775 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 110 402-391-3870 68124 310 Regency Pkwy, Ste 125 402-391-1600 68114 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-3131 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 8916 H St 402-330-6555 68127 Hahn, Francis J, MD 13708 W Maple Rd 402-595-3993 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68164 68144 68114 68198 Hanigan, Laurence J, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 68114 68114 Hankins, Jordan H, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Harrison, William, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Helke, Patricia A, MD 68198 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 304 866-491-0411 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5060 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 110 402-391-3870 68124 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 8916 H St 402-330-6555 68127 Helvey, Jason T, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5580 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Hilger, David J, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4344 68144 68114 68198 68114 Hruza, Suzanne L, MD 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-637-0770 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-3131 68144 68122 Hubbard, Anne M, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Imray, Thomas J, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Jackson, Gregory R, MD 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 304 866-491-0411 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5060 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 110 402-391-3870 68124 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-3131 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 8916 H St 402-330-6555 68127 Jaksha, Matthew M, MD 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 304 866-491-0411 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5060 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 110 402-391-3870 68124 310 Regency Pkwy, Ste 125 402-391-1600 68114 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 8916 H St 402-330-6555 68127 Kenney, Paul R, MD 17055 Frances St 402-334-1384 8922 H St 402-330-6555 Koenig, Marc G, MD 68130 68127 310 Regency Pkwy, Ste 125 402-391-1600 68114 Krehbiel, Kyle A, MD 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8146 68130 310 Regency Pkwy, Ste 125 402-391-1600 68114 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-3131 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 Kunnathil, Sushama P, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6907 68144 68114 68114 68198 Kutilek, Richard A, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-2100 115 N 40th St 402-934-5700 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4344 Lake, Douglas R, MD 68114 68131 68114 501 N 87th St, Ste 100 402-397-7100 68114 501 N 87th St, Ste 100 402-397-7100 68114 Lake, Ladd D, MD Mahoney, Patrick D, MD 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 304 866-491-0411 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5060 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 110 402-391-3870 68124 3606 N 156th St, Ste 104 402-717-1177 68116 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 8916 H St 402-330-6555 68127 Manasil, Cheryle M, MD 17055 Frances St 402-334-1384 68130 Manzer, Melissa N, MD 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5580 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-1010 Marcus, Van L, MD 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4344 McGill, James E, MD 68198 68114 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 304 866-491-0411 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5060 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 110 402-391-3870 68124 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 8916 H St 402-330-6555 68127 McIntire, Robert H, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-4344 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4344 Mehr, Samuel H, MD 68114 68114 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 304 866-491-0411 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5060 68130 17201 Wright St, Ste 100 402-717-4760 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 110 402-391-3870 68124 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 8916 H St 402-330-6555 68127 Mendlick, Catherine E, MD 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 304 866-491-0411 68144 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8146 68130 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-3131 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 Miller, Maurice, MD 310 Regency Pkwy, Ste 125 402-391-1600 68114 Moore, Timothy E, MD 13708 W Maple Rd 402-595-3993 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68164 68144 68114 68198 Morris, Charles H, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Muinov, Lyudmila M, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Nelson, Kevin L, MD 115 N 40th St 402-934-5700 3353 L St 402-354-7700 5908 S 142nd St 402-238-1539 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4344 Nelson, Nick L, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-4344 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1001 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4344 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1308 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68144 68131 68107 68137 68114 68114 68118 68114 68114 109 Specialists and Other Providers Niemann, Douglas F, MD 501 N 87th St, Ste 100 402-397-7100 68114 Oliveto, Jennifer M, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 4101 Woolworth Ave 402-346-8800 68105 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Omojola, Matthew F, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Orton, Donald F, MD 68198 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Osterholm, O D, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-2100 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4344 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-8570 68114 68114 68114 Paknikar, Subhash, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3601 402-449-4550 68131 Pedersen, Erik A, MD Schuster, Michael R, MD 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 304 866-491-0411 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5060 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 110 402-391-3870 68124 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 8916 H St 402-330-6555 68127 Seiler, Robert, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Sergel, Neil L, MD 17055 Frances St 402-334-1384 8922 H St 402-330-6555 Sing, Linda A, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-4344 111 S 90th St 402-238-1539 17675 Welch Plz 402-238-1539 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4344 Sirineni, Gopi K, MD 68114 68114 68130 68127 68114 68114 68135 68114 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 304 866-491-0411 68144 16901 Lakeside Hills Ct 402-717-8146 68130 310 Regency Pkwy, Ste 125 402-391-1600 68114 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 601 N 30th St, Ste 3601 402-449-4540 68131 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Smith, James F, MD Peterson, Marcie H, MD Poage, David P, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Pomeranz, Stephen J, MD 310 Regency Pkwy, Ste 125 402-391-1600 68114 Slater, Dick D, MD 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6907 501 N 87th St, Ste 100 402-397-7100 8200 Dodge St 402-955-3871 Rucker, Temple S, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-4344 10710 Fort St 402-354-4344 111 S 90th St 402-238-1539 16120 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1001 5908 S 142nd St 402-238-1539 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4344 68114 68134 68114 68118 68137 68114 Schlaepfer, C Christian, MD 2808 S 143rd Plz 402-597-8775 68144 310 Regency Pkwy, Ste 125 402-391-1600 68114 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2324 68122 68114 Strauss, Dennis F, MD 501 N 87th St, Ste 100 402-397-7100 68114 68198 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 304 866-491-0411 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5060 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 110 402-391-3870 68124 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 8916 H St 402-330-6555 68127 310 Regency Pkwy, Ste 125 402-391-1600 68114 Roach, Christopher M, MD 68114 Stolarskyj, Alex T, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1700 Reeder, John, MD 68114 68114 68114 Summers, Allison, MD Terry, John, MD 68114 Vander Zwaag, Kristofer A, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-4344 3353 L St 402-354-7700 8303 Dodge St 402-354-4344 8901 W Dodge Rd 402-354-1308 68107 68114 68114 Vargo, Christopher J, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-1000 Walker, Craig W, MD 13708 W Maple Rd 402-595-3993 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 68164 68144 68114 68198 White, Matthew L, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Williams, Cheryl A, MD 2727 S 144th St, Ste 250 402-778-5420 68144 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Wilmot, Michael D, MD 520 S 26th St 402-346-3344 68105 530 S 26th St 402-346-3344 68105 Lutheran Home SNF Maple Crest Care Center 2824 N 66th Ave 402-551-2110 68104 12856 Deauville Dr 402-895-2266 68137 2525 S 135th Ave 402-333-2304 68144 7410 Mercy Rd 402-397-1220 68124 4835 S 49th St 402-733-7200 68117 6404 N 70th Plz 402-573-3700 68104 Millard Good Samaritan Montclair Nursing Rehab Center Nebraska Skilled Nursing & Rehab Omaha Nursing Home Quality Living, Inc. Skyline Manor and Villa Center Gordon, Gregory I, MD PM Sleep Lab III LLC 2727 S 144th St 402-778-5383 7819 Dodge St 402-384-8882 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-6907 68198 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-3131 10170 Nicholas St 402-391-3800 68114 Fiksinski, Magdalena M, MD 68114 Skilled Nursing Facility Alegent Hlth Immanuel Skilled Nursin Beverly Healthcare Hallmark 68130 68127 Bista, Sabin R, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68122 5505 Grover St 402-558-0225 68106 7915 N 30th St 402-827-6000 68112 Adams, Susan K, St 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Arbataitis, Katie A, St 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 Behring, Jennifer L, St 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 101 402-895-4000 68137 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 2010 N 88th St 402-496-1000 68134 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Bowers, Melissa A, St 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 101 402-895-4000 68137 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 2010 N 88th St 402-496-1000 68134 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Bradley Potter, Melissa M, St 2010 N 88th St 402-496-1000 2813 S 88th St 402-391-2001 Brock, Jennifer L, St 68134 68124 444 S 44th St 402-559-8863 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 Carotta, Catherine, St Cleary, Anne, St 4239 Farnam St, Ste 509 402-551-7338 68131 Dahlem, Heather L, St 105 N 31st Ave, Ste 102 402-614-2634 68131 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Davis, Bethany A, St 68198 Speech Therapist Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2595 17600 Arbor St 402-343-4328 68114 Cannella, Amy C, MD 10170 Nicholas St 402-391-3800 68114 The Lighthouse at Lakeside Village Sleep Medicine Rheumatology Lake, Kristin, MD 1540 N 72nd St 402-393-6500 8425 F St, Ste B 402-339-7378 68198 68134 The Ambassador Omaha, Inc. 68144 68198 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 304 866-491-0411 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5060 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 110 402-391-3870 68124 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 8916 H St 402-330-6555 68127 68104 Lutheran Home Health Pacific Sprg. Sleep Disorder Diagnostic Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Van De Water, Donald T, MD 6032 Ville De Sante Dr 402-571-6770 Radiology, Vascular and Interventional Erickson, Alan R, MD 68122 68104 Life Care Center of Omaha 14441 Dupont Ct, Ste 304 866-491-0411 68144 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz 402-758-5060 68130 2808 S 80th Ave, Ste 110 402-391-3870 68124 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5890 68124 8916 H St 402-330-6555 68127 601 N 30th St, Ste 5300 402-280-4686 68131 8702 Frederick St 402-397-1531 68124 Tilgner, Michaela L, MD 4809 Redman Ave 402-455-5025 7350 Graceland Dr 402-392-2800 Florence Home 110 68114 Golden Livingcenter Sorensen 68131 68131 68131 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 Gaebler, Carol A, St Garrison, Sheila A, St 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Gill, Patricia J, St 13930 Gold Cir, Ste 103 402-334-5880 4239 Farnam St, Ste 509 402-551-7338 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 202 402-343-8585 68144 68131 68131 Ide Helvie, Dana L, St 13930 Gold Cir, Ste 103 402-334-5880 68144 525 N 132nd St, Ste 200 402-431-1221 68154 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 7701 Pacific St, Ste 5 712-355-0507 68114 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 326N 402-390-1100 68124 James, Doreen D, St 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 101 402-895-4000 68137 2010 N 88th St 402-496-1000 68134 Jordan, Vicky L, St 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 101 402-895-4000 68137 2010 N 88th St 402-496-1000 68134 Keim, John E, St 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Laikko, Paul E, St 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 11330 Q St, Ste 229 402-597-2308 68137 Larson, Sandi R, St Leseth, Laurie A, St 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 101 402-895-4000 68137 2010 N 88th St 402-496-1000 68134 Madison, Kelly A, St 10405 M St 402-699-9988 Magner, Barbara, St 68127 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Mannion, Jessica, St 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 McEvoy, Marylou, St 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 68131 68131 68124 Hughes, Bethany L, St 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Meyer, Connie M, St 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Nordness, Amy S, St 444 S 44th St 402-559-6460 68131 Osbourne, Kathryn A, St 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Patterson Johnson, Jennifer, St 4239 Farnam St, Ste 509 402-551-7338 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 Petry, Ann M, St 11163 Hanover St 402-690-3259 Putman, Coille A, St 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Shetler, Edith H, St 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Snyder, Rebecca M, St 8031 W Center Rd, Ste 300 402-391-5002 68124 Stading, Korey, St 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 68131 68131 68131 68131 68142 Phillips, William K, St 8011 Chicago St 402-659-4991 Seim, Amanda R, St 68114 68131 Sullivan, Marsha D, St 444 S 44th St 402-559-5730 Sullivan, Sarah, St 68131 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 13930 Gold Cir, Ste 103 402-334-5880 68144 525 N 132nd St, Ste 200 402-431-1221 68154 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 326N 402-390-1100 68124 Svingen, Julianne P, St 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Sweet, Emilie A, St Reinboth, Kate M, St Reiner, Kristin L, St 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Richardson, Amy N, St 8011 Chicago St 402-659-4991 68114 Richardson, Kasia L, St 444 S 44th St 402-559-6430 Robinson, Sara N, St 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6500 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 68131 68131 68131 16566 Valley Cir 402-334-1621 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-3358 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 Thompson, Kara, St 68130 68131 68131 68131 68131 68131 68131 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Tomka, Rosemarie N, St 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 101 402-895-4000 68137 2010 N 88th St 402-496-1000 68134 Traeger, Lindsay D, St 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 555 N 30th St 402-498-6511 68131 68131 Tyler-Krings, Amy M, St 13930 Gold Cir, Ste 103 402-334-5880 68144 525 N 132nd St, Ste 200 402-431-1221 68154 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 68131 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 326N 402-390-1100 68124 Unflat Berry, Lauren M, St 425 N 30th St 402-452-5000 425 N 30th St 402-498-6540 555 N 30th St 402-498-6509 555 N 30th St 402-498-6540 Vaz, Petula, St 444 S 44th St 402-559-3563 68131 68131 68131 68131 68131 Woodward, Jennifer L, St 444 S 44th St 402-559-6460 Zoucha, Terry E, St 68131 13336 Industrial Rd, Ste 105 402-330-3211 68137 15664 W Maple Rd 402-991-1110 68116 17725 Welch Plz, Ste A 402-991-8933 68135 3876 Farnam St 402-614-2634 68131 4626 S 132nd St 402-330-7891 68137 Sports Medicine O'Malley, T K, MD 17030 Lakeside Hills Plz, Ste 200 402-330-3812 68130 Substance Abuse Rehab Alegent Health Immanuel Mental Health 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2121 68122 Alegent Health Immanuel Psych 6901 N 72nd St 402-572-2682 68122 Surgery, General Vascular Gutta, Rao, MD 9850 Nicholas St, Ste 250 402-399-9990 68114 Longo, Gernon M, MD 601 N 30th St 402-449-4000 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68131 68198 Mactaggart, Jason N, MD 4353 Dodge St 402-559-4017 Pipinos, Iraklis I, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4017 68131 Lydiatt, William M, MD Gordon, Peter M, MD Surgical Critical Care Greenwald, Herman M, MD 8303 Dodge St, Ste 304 402-354-5048 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Botha, Jean F, MD 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Ramos, Tammy K, MD 9202 W Dodge Rd, Ste 303 402-390-6060 68114 Whittle, Thomas, MD 17220 Wright St, Ste 100 402-614-0026 68130 4239 Farnam St, Ste 823 402-614-0026 68131 Thoracic Surgery Balters, Marcus W, MD 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-449-4088 68131 Batter, John T, MD 9850 Nicholas St, Ste 250 402-399-9990 68114 Lackner, Rudy P, MD 111 N 175th St 402-559-4389 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4389 68198 68118 17055 Frances St, Ste 102 402-397-7989 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 406 402-397-7989 68124 Jepson, Brett R, MD 68198 304 E Douglas St 402-336-4222 68763 68114 403 E Hynes Ave 402-336-2622 68763 68198 Cardiovascular Disease 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-280-4505 68131 Addo, Frank A, MD 111 S 90th St 402-397-9800 Hunter, Claire C, MD 68114 601 N 30th St, Ste 3740 402-280-4139 68131 515 N 162nd Ave, Ste 300 402-393-6624 68118 Urology Bolte, Stefanie L, MD 17055 Frances St, Ste 102 402-397-7989 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 406 402-397-7989 68124 Desouza, Euclid R J, MD Morris, Michael C, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Feloney, Michael P, MD 68114 68114 4242 Farnam St, Ste 650 402-559-8600 68131 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 Emile At 42nd St, 4th Floor 402-559-4464 68198 Felt, Gerald C, MD 10371 Ellison Cir 402-391-0705 68134 Leslie, Stephen W, MD Leu, Patrick B, MD Lim, Stephen S, MD 68114 Longo, Gernon A, MD 111 S 90th St 402-397-9800 68114 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 608 402-399-8166 68124 8303 Dodge St 402-397-9800 68114 Lundak, Bruce E, MD 17055 Frances St, Ste 102 402-397-7989 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 406 402-397-7989 68124 Meyer, Galen M, MD 17055 Frances St, Ste 102 402-397-7989 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 406 402-397-7989 68124 Morton, Jon J, MD 111 S 90th St 402-397-9800 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 407 402-397-9800 68130 8303 Dodge St 402-397-9800 68114 Rainwater, Harold G, MD 601 N 30th St 402-280-4505 68131 Richardson, Timothy A, MD 111 S 90th St 402-397-9800 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 407 402-330-4474 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 608 402-399-8166 68124 Siref, Larry E, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Heiser, Robyn L, CNP Herrington, Shelly R, CNP Hoerle, April J, CNP 68198 2nd & Adams St 402-336-5122 68763 300 N 2nd St 402-336-2611 68763 Chiropractor, Licensed Hedlund, Michael D, DC 304 E Douglas St 402-336-4222 68763 130 E Adams St 402-336-4202 68763 130 E Adams St 402-336-4202 68763 Holz, Orvil, DC Sitz, Wendell J, DC Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Home Health Medical Equipment 416 E Douglas St 402-336-3900 68763 412 E Douglas St 402-336-1619 68763 Lincare Inc. General Surgery Akainda, Anthony E, MD 300 N 2nd St 402-336-2611 68763 Home Health Care Agency Avera Saint Anthony Home Health Care 300 N 2nd St 402-336-2611 68763 Internal Medicine Gutshall, Barbara J, MD 300 N 2nd St 402-336-2611 403 E Hynes Ave 402-336-2622 Nov 17, 2010 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. 68763 Spencer, Sharon L, CNP 111 S 90th St 402-397-9800 68114 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 608 402-399-8166 68124 68198 Broekemeier, Robert J, CNP 68763 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4424 Oneill Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 403 E Hynes Ave 402-336-2622 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 101 402-502-5500 68130 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 4400 402-572-3725 68122 7500 Mercy Rd 402-398-5880 68124 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 332 402-827-5500 68124 Um, John Y, MD 6829 N 72nd St, Ste 7200 402-391-0705 68122 6901 N 72nd St, Ste 7200 402-727-5000 68122 68114 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1500 111 S 90th St 402-397-9800 Lagrange, Chad, MD 68198 Yohannes, Paulos, MD 68763 Koukol, Steven C, MD Peetz, Dwaine, MD 68118 17055 Frances St, Ste 102 402-397-7989 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 406 402-397-7989 68124 555 E John St 402-336-4113 111 S 90th St 402-397-9800 111 N 175th St 402-559-4389 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4389 Trainer, Andrew F, MD 68114 68114 9850 Nicholas St, Ste 250 402-399-9990 68114 Trujillo, Karin P, MD 6751 N 72nd St, Ste 210 402-572-3737 68122 68763 Konigsberg, Harvey A, MD Kroeger, R M, MD Sugimoto, Jeffrey T, MD Sloan, Stewart, MD 403 E Hynes Ave 402-336-2622 555 E John St 402-336-4113 Langdon, Thomas J, MD 111 S 90th St 402-397-9800 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 8303 Dodge St, Ste 304 402-354-5048 68114 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 68198 68114 Horgan, John D, MD 10060 Regency Cir 402-354-1325 111 S 90th St 402-397-9800 68114 Donovan, John M, MD Lydiatt, Daniel D, MD 111 S 90th St 402-397-9800 8200 Dodge St 402-955-4070 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Hammel, James M, MD 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 211 402-933-0274 68130 601 N 30th St, Ste 3700 402-449-4088 68131 68198 68198 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 420 402-393-6700 68124 Feldhaus, Steven J, MD Lee, Tommy H, MD Surgery-Head and Neck Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 111 S 90th St 402-397-9800 68114 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 608 402-399-8166 68124 17055 Frances St, Ste 102 402-397-7989 68130 7710 Mercy Rd, Ste 406 402-397-7989 68124 Surgery, Thoracic Cardiovascular 68198 Hill, Brett C, MD Waltke, Eugene A, MD 68198 Emile At 42nd St 402-559-4017 Hemstreet, George P, MD Emile At 42nd St 402-559-9800 Grant, Wendy J, MD 111 S 90th St 402-397-9800 68114 16909 Lakeside Hills Ct, Ste 407 402-330-4474 68130 68763 68763 111 Specialists and Other Providers Weber, Jan, MD 223 E Adams St 402-336-2611 68763 Nephrology Jensen, Richard A, MD 300 N 2nd St 402-336-5122 68763 Nurse Anesthetist Dredla, James E, CRNA 223 E Adams St 402-336-2611 68763 Loecker, Kevin M, CRNA 300 N 2nd St 402-336-2611 68763 Messbarger, Charles, CRNA 300 N 2nd St 402-336-2611 68763 Schwiesow, Joel D, CRNA 300 N 2nd St 402-336-2611 68763 Orthopedic Surgery Meyer, Mark H, MD 300 N 2nd St 402-336-2611 68763 Pharmacy/DME Supplier 68763 Physician Assistant 300 N 2nd St 402-336-2611 555 E John St 402-336-4113 68763 68763 Meinecke, Niota L, PA 304 E Douglas St 402-336-4222 68763 Podiatry-Surgical Chiropody Olsen, Benjy L, DPM 300 N 2nd St 605-668-8601 68763 Pulmonary Diseases Keim, Lon W, MD Second & Adams St 402-336-2612 Pietila, Michael, MD 300 N 2nd St 402-336-5122 68763 68763 Radiology 300 N 2nd St 402-336-5128 Skilled Nursing Facility Golden Livingcenter O'Neill 1102 N Harrison St 402-336-2384 68763 Substance Abuse Rehab Valley Hope O'Neill Treatment Center 1421 N 10th St 402-336-3747 68763 Ong Ambulance Service Ong Volunteer Fire & Rescue Main St 402-284-2221 112 Ambulance Service Orchard Fire and Rescue 240 Windom St 402-893-4355 68764 Ord Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 2707 L St, Ste 1 308-728-3606 68862 Ambulance Service Ord Volunteer Fire Dept. 240 S 16th St 308-728-5771 217 Westridge Dr 308-728-5606 68862 68862 Cardiovascular Disease 68862 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier Anderson Pharmacy 68862 Home Health Care Agency Valley County Hospital Home Health 217 Westridge Dr 308-728-5606 68862 Home Hospice Care Valley County Hospice 400 S 23rd St 308-728-3114 68862 Orthopedic Surgery 68862 68862 68862 Valley County Hospital HME 312 S 15th St 308-728-5755 312 S 15th St 308-728-5755 Reilly, Robert, PA 2707 L St, Ste 1 308-728-3606 Scheele, Jodie L, PA 68862 68862 68862 Radiology Fuerst, Daniel, MD 217 Westridge Dr 308-728-3211 207 S 26th St 402-484-4848 68862 217 Westridge Dr 308-728-3211 68862 217 Westridge Dr 308-728-3211 68862 217 Westridge Dr 308-728-3211 68862 Zefo, Nancy, MD 68862 Orleans Ambulance Service Village of Orleans Vol. Rescue Unit 68966 Home Health Care Agency Polk County Home Health Care 68862 68651 Karel, Michael J, PA 531 Beebe St 402-764-2491 68651 Skilled Nursing Facility 531 Beebe St 402-747-2031 68651 69154 Abramson, Simeon D, MD McLaughlin, Christopher G, MD 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 Andersen, Scott R, MD Nutting, Charles W, MD 69154 1100 W 2nd St 970-221-1000 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 Skilled Nursing Facility 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 Good, Thomas, CNP Karell, Christine, CNP 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 Cardiovascular Disease Doing, Anthony H, MD 69154 1100 W 2nd St 970-221-1000 69154 1100 W 2nd St 970-221-1000 69154 Green, C P, MD 1100 W 2nd St 308-630-2626 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 970-221-1000 69154 1100 W 2nd St 970-221-1000 69154 Purvis, Matthew T, MD 1100 W 2nd St 308-630-2626 Stoltz, Chad L, MD 1100 W 2nd St 970-221-1000 Strote, Justin A, MD 1100 W 2nd St 308-630-2626 Tate, Charles W, MD 1100 W 2nd St 308-630-2626 69154 69154 69154 69154 Baker, Kim B, MD Bellon, Richard J, MD Brenneman, Janice K, MD Burmeister, Glen E, MD Chheda, Gitesh D, MD Dangleis, Keith C, MD Dobrow, Malcolm S, MD Dreisbach, James N, MD Dungan, David H, MD Enriquez, Louie S, MD Essary, Brendan F, MD Fleishman, Matthew J, MD Freestone, Kristin A, MD Frei, Donald F, MD Friedland, Jeffrey A, MD 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 Cardiovascular Surgery 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 Myers, Gerald I, MD 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 970-221-1000 Whitsitt, Todd B, MD 1100 W 2nd St 970-221-1000 69154 69154 69154 Internal Medicine Keenan, Harold W, MD 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 Pharmacy/DME Supplier Garden County Health Services 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 Physician Assistant 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 Gaynor, Laurence F, MD Graham, Jess A, MD Griffin, Dennis J, MD Plog, Paula S, PA Annie Jeffrey H.C. Skilled Nursing 69154 Radiology 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 1100 W 2nd St 970-221-1000 68651 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 Luethke, James M, MD 69154 City of Osceola Ambulance Service 531 Beebe St 402-747-2031 1100 W 2nd St 308-630-1600 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 Osceola Ambulance Service 68651 Snyder, Mary C, MD 69154 Treat, Stephen A, MD 451 N Main St 402-747-3411 Lozano, Kay D, MD Plastic Surgery 1100 W 2nd St 970-221-1000 Oldemeyer, John B, MD Physician Assistant 68862 Anderson, Ann, CNP Miller, William E, MD 68862 68862 Oshkosh Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Luckasen, Gary J, MD Valley County Memorial Hospital 220 E Maple 308-473-4185 68651 Larson, Dennis G, MD Skilled Nursing Facility 217 Westridge Dr 307-728-3211 600 Center Dr 402-747-2691 Downes, Thomas R, MD 68862 Gillespie, Kevin R, MD Heyd, Robert, MD Osceola Good Samaritan Center 1100 W 2nd St 970-221-1000 220 N State St 402-747-2211 Bowin, Andrew M, PT Denson, Jeff D, PT 1820 N St 308-728-9916 68862 Physical Therapist 312 S 15th St 308-728-5755 Kovarik, Linda M, PA 68862 Brouillette, Douglas E, MD Good Life Health Services, Inc. 217 Westridge Dr 308-728-3211 400 S 23rd St 308-728-3114 2707 L St, Ste 1 308-728-3606 68862 Gastroenterology Pharmacy/DME Supplier 125 S 16th St 308-728-3295 Farrar, David W, PA Jerde, Richard, MD McGowan, Daniel J, MD 1429 M St 308-728-5922 2707 L St, Ste 1 308-728-3606 217 Westridge Dr 308-728-3211 Meyer, Jane A, CNP McMeen, Jeffrey R, PT 68452 312 S 15th St 308-728-5755 Physician Assistant 400 S 23rd St 800-433-9147 68763 Renner, Angela, PT 68862 Breitkreutz, Jeffrey J, PA Ichtertz, Dolf R, MD Cook, Edwin N, DO 312 S 15th St 308-728-5755 68764 103 Washington St 402-893-5155 217 Westridge Dr 308-728-3211 Cuddy, Gary D, PA Nelson, Errin M, PT Gossman, Sharon A, CNP Valley County Ambulance Service Saint Anthony's Home Health - HME 300 N 2nd St 402-336-2611 Orchard Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 69154 Payne, Michael J, MD Porter, David J, MD Ricci, Peter E, MD Sandberg, Alison L, MD Schomer, Donald F, MD Smazal, Stanley F, MD Sonin, Andrew H, MD Spencer, Elizabeth B, MD Wang, Samuel C, MD Wheeler, Shane C, MD Yee, Dominic C, MD Garden County Hospital Skilled Nursi 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3286 69154 Osmond Cardiovascular Disease Dehning, Michael M, MD Gunther, Phillip B, MD Hopper, Orlin W, MD Otte, Michael T, MD 402 N Maple St 402-748-3393 68765 General Surgery Appelwick, James, MD 402 N Maple St 402-748-3393 68765 Nurse Anesthetist 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 Dredla, James E, CRNA 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 Pulmonary Diseases 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 Hsieh, Paul S, MD Johnson, Kevin K, MD Kaske, Terese I, MD 406 N Maple St 402-748-3393 68765 Hansen-Waid, Lori, MD 402 N Maple St 402-748-3393 68765 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 69154 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 Skilled Nursing Facility 69154 Osmond General Hospital Nursing Kelly, Jason L, MD Lingam-Nattamai, Sharmila, MD 1100 W 2nd St 308-772-3283 402 N Maple St 402-748-3393 68765 69154 The status of providers listed in this directory is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the providers continued participation prior to scheduling an appointment. Nov 17, 2010 Specialists and Other Providers Overton Ambulance Service Overton Volunteer Fire & Rescue 502 D St 308-987-2433 68863 Oxford Ambulance Service Village of Oxford Ambulance 611 Fenwick Dr 402-593-3141 68046 Houlihan, Amy B, CNP 68967 Chiropractor, Licensed 326 Ogden St 308-991-3275 68967 Physical Therapist Urbom, Christine A, PT 68967 Physician Assistant Krohn, Ashley, PA 811 Howell St 308-824-3288 Stemper, Jessica D, PA 811 Howell St 308-824-3288 68967 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3131 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3500 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 68046 611 Fenwick Dr 402-593-3141 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 68046 611 Fenwick Dr 402-593-3141 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3131 68046 11111 S 84th St, Ste 2119 402-592-0077 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 68046 611 Fenwick Dr 402-537-5620 68046 68046 11111 S 84th St, Ste 2119 402-592-0077 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 68046 11109 S 84th St, Ste 5800 402-827-4900 68046 68046 11111 S 84th St, Ste 2119 402-592-0077 68046 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3131 68046 Ambulatory Surgical Center 11111 S 84th St, Ste 2119 402-592-0077 68046 10701 S 72nd St, Ste 100 402-827-9400 68046 Nebraska Heart Institute 11109 S 84th St, Ste 5800 402-824-4900 68046 Papillion Eye Surgical Center Kramer, Roberta A, CNP 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3131 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3131 68046 Lau, Kelly J, CNP 11111 S 84th St, Ste 2119 402-592-0077 68046 535 Fortune Dr, Ste 200 402-934-9033 68046 Anatomic Pathology Cruz, Francisco, MD 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3000 11109 S 84th St, Ste 5800 402-824-4900 68046 Naushad, Hina, MD 1502 S Washington St, Ste 201 402-505-9657 68046 Anesthesiology Liesveld, Jessica L, CNP Mandolfo, Natalie C, CNP 611 Fenwick Dr 402-593-3141 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3131 Miller, Paula E, CNP 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3131 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3000 68046 68046 Boeck, Curtis L, MD 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 Diego, Robert P, MD Drobny, Edward P, MD 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3131 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 68046 Palmer Rescue Squad 1006 Commercial St 308-894-2100 68864 Papillion Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Anderson, Ann L, CNP 11111 S 84th St, Ste 2119 402-592-0077 68046 Baker, Susan J, CNP 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3131 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3500 Baxter, Mary, CNP 68046 68046 11111 S 84th St, Ste 2119 402-592-0077 68046 Casey, Bonnie J, CNP 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3131 68046 Cooper, Patricia B, CNP Ogg-Gress, Jill K, CNP 11111 S 84th St, Ste 2119 402-592-0077 68046 Pepple, Mildred B, CNP 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 68046 Rebensdorf, Margaret J, CNP 611 Fenwick Dr 402-593-3141 68046 Saylor, Leann M, CNP 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3131 68046 Shannon, Sheryl P, CNP 611 Fenwick Dr 402-593-3141 68046 Shaw, Tommora A, CNP 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3131 68046 Stewart, Jacqueline A, CNP 611 Fenwick Dr 402-537-5620 Towey, Nancy, CNP 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3500 68046 68046 Heine, Carl F, MD 68046 Jerabek, Thomas J, DO 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 Lojero, David, MD 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 Nelson, Eric M, MD 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 68046 68046 68046 Raynor, Laurence M, MD 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 11109 S 84th St, Ste 5800 402-827-4900 68046 Ehlers, Katie M, CNP 11111 S 84th St, Ste 2119 402-592-0077 68046 Felker, Pauline M, CNP 11111 S 84th St, Ste 2119 402-592-0077 68046 Gentes, Lisa S, CNP 11109 S 84th St, Ste 5800 402-827-4915 68046 68046 Whitmire, Tara J, CNP 11111 S 84th St, Ste 2119 402-592-0077 68046 Allergy Tracy, James M, DO 1413 W Washington St, Ste 270 402-391-1800 68046 11111 S 84th St, Ste 2119 402-592-0077 68046 Thibodeau, Joseph B, MD Tierney, Dennis P, MD Van De Graaff, Eric J, MD Boeckenhauer, Tonya L, DC 741 Pinnacle Dr 402-932-8384 Hanssen, Mark L, DC 1225 Papillion Dr 402-593-9930 Heien, Eric W, DC 607 Pinnacle Dr, Ste A 402-592-2234 68046 68046 68046 Blood Banking 1225 Papillion Dr 402-593-9930 68046 68046 11111 S 84th St, Ste 2119 402-592-0077 68046 Witcher, Kristi, MD Endocrinology Ilahi, Marium, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 5800 402-824-4900 68046 Family Medicine Janssen, Cindy K, DO Dermatology Budd, Stephen E, MD Dankof, Mary I, MD Hauke, Ralph J, MD Kalaga, Ravishankar V, MD Langdon, Robert M, MD O'Doherty, Coley P, DO Palaniappan, Geetha, MD Schwartz, Fredrick J, MD Shamim, Talha, MD 11111 S 84th St 402-393-9459 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3131 68046 68046 Silverberg, David A, MD 611 Fenwick Dr 402-593-3141 68046 611 Fenwick Dr 402-593-3141 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 68046 611 Fenwick Dr 402-593-3141 68046 611 Fenwick Dr 402-593-3141 68046 11109 S 84th St, Ste 5800 402-827-4900 68046 Soori, Gamini S, MD General Surgery Grange, Janet J, MD Splonskowski, Darren J, MD Parks, Alan M, DO Thome, Stephan D, MD Ryberg, Ardith A, MD Townley, Peter M, MD 555 Fortune Dr 712-256-6160 68046 Hematology 611 Fenwick Dr 402-593-3141 68046 Nordquist, Luke T, MD 611 Fenwick Dr 402-593-3141 68046 Home Health Care Agency Alegent Health Home Care - Midlands 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3450 Nurse Anesthetist Aldabute, Marvin C, CRNA Leu, Kirsten M, MD 68046 Hospitalist 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9768 68046 Bierbaum, Adam J, CRNA Bohlen, Suzane L, CRNA Ellis, Annette D, CRNA 535 Fortune Dr 402-934-8040 535 Fortune Dr 402-934-9033 68046 68046 Foutch, Shelley K, CRNA 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 68046 535 Fortune Dr 402-934-9033 68046 535 Fortune Dr 402-934-8040 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 68046 Nicole L, MD Emergency Medicine Anderson, 11111 S 84th St 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3550 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 68046 1401 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 600 402-592-3154 68046 Ariyarathna, Krishan, MD 401 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 333 402-592-5140 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3131 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3131 Alegent Health Home Care & Hospice Orthotek Inc 68046 Cardiovascular Disease Bodnar, Dawn M, MD 1225 Papillion Dr 402-593-9930 11109 S 84th St, Ste 1841 402-827-4200 68046 Sarma, Deba P, MD 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3000 11336 S 96th St, Ste 103 402-331-4001 68046 Stoller, Herschel E, MD 68046 Snyder, Jeffrey T, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 4800 402-827-4915 68046 68046 402-991-0333 Sarno, Ronald, MD 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 545 Fortune Dr, Ste 100 402-991-0333 68046 McMahon, Joseph P, MD 741 Pinnacle Dr 402-932-8384 Boeckenhauer, Kurt L, DC Staudt, Lisa E, DC Mar, Lisa A, AuD Louie, Wason W, MD 401 E Gold Coast Rd, Ste 329 402-934-9323 68046 68046 Audiologist Langenfeld, Jason G, MD 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 Tran, Tin H, MD Herd, Andrew T, MD 1225 Papillion Dr 402-593-9930 68046 Tran, Thuc H, MD Fullenkamp, Michael P, MD Bor, Timea, MD Ramachandran, Atul A, MD Wade, Shawn A, MD Rethwisch, Jeremiah, DC 68046 Williams, Nicole C, AuD Tresemer, Jaquelyn L, CNP 545 Fortune Dr, Ste 100 11111 S 84th St 402-593-3131 Pritza, D R, MD 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 Rhoden, Don B, MD 11109 S 84th St, Ste 3841 402-827-4300 68046 Curtis, Andrea M, CNP 11111 S 84th St, Ste 2119 402-592-0077 68046 Naber, Troy, DC Townley Bakewell, Rose M, CNP 611 Fenwick Dr 402-537-5620 O'Connor, Stephen M, MD 68046 11111 S 84th St, Ste 2119 402-592-0077 68046 Crane, Susan A, CNP 11111 S 84th St, Ste 2119 402-592-0077 68046 Bessmer, Christian, DC Henderson, Marvin G, MD 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 Jarzobski, Joseph A, MD Chiropractor, Licensed Palisade Ambulance Negri, Jillian B, CNP 11111 S 84th St, Ste 2119 402-592-0077 68046 68046 68046 69040 Huerter, Shirley L, MD 11111 S 84th St, Ste 2119 402-592-0077 68046 11111 S 84th St 402-778-9738 Palmer Ambula
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