HP_2009 map_listings side_final.indd
HP_2009 map_listings side_final.indd
MAP GUIDE GRAND BEND FARMERS’ MARKET C-11 Vince Bury Fruits & Berries Grains/Flour Meat, Fish Poultry & Eggs Retailers & Markets Milk Products Picked fresh daily Certified Organic and “Local Food Plus” Family Farm. Open July to November by chance. Open year round by appointment. Open Wednesdays from late May to early October, from 8am-1pm. Sweet corn, tomatoes, green and yellow beans, squash, pumpkins (large, medium, pie pumpkins & minis), gourds, and fall decorations. Organic pastured frozen meats: beef patties, steaks, sausage, bologna, nitrate free all-beef maple or honey garlic summer sausage, nursed veal, Heritage Tamworth Pork, poultry, free-range eggs. H-6 Fencing supplies Category Farm number KOERT ORGANICS Dave Koert 43652 Bridge Rd RR 5 Seaforth N0K 1W0 Tel: 519-590-0334 Email: davekoert@gmail.com Web: www.dkorganicfarms.blogspot.com G-7 Where to find us on the map Beets, carrots, mixed greens, spinach, melons, peas, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes and radishes. Pick your own peas, beans and tomatoes Grown or raised by the farmer Beans, broccoli, brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, sweet corn, onions, zucchini, kale, garlic, cucumbers, squash, salsify, chard, turnip, herbs & flowers. Bought from another local source Also available at the Bayfield and Blyth Farmers’ Markets. Retail outlets 8 D-7 Marlene O’Brien E-4 Sample our “field to table” products in our establishment. We are promoting reusable tables, special area services. April 3 - May 14, from Thursday - Sunday 8am-5pm. May 15 - Oct 11, 7 days a week (8am-8pm). Oct 15 - Dec 24, Thursday to Sunday 8am-5pm. Jan/Feb/March are by appointment and catering. Open mid May to early September - each Saturday morning, 9am-11:30am. Offering Sunday brunches from early May to early September. Supplies asparagus and all berries to The Little Inn and The Red Pump restaurant in Bayfield. 2 BAYFIELD FISH & SEAFOOD Scott Austin 47 Fisherman’s Wharf, Box 538, Bayfield N0M 1G0 Tel: 519-565-2501 Email: bayfieldfish@tcc.on.ca Our specialty is Fresh Catch Lake Huron Fish. Open from March to December from 12noon-4pm. D-7 Lake Huron Yellow Perch, Whitefish, Pickerel, Lake Trout. Our own Smoked Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Lake Trout, and Whitefish. We also sell Atlantic Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Shrimp, Vac. Sealed Fresh Frozen Lake Huron Fish, Rainbow Trout, Salmon, and Vac. Sealed Smoked Fish. 30 43 E-9 Gerhard Metzger BELLVIEW FRUIT FARM Holly Wilder/ Susan Wilder E-9 Fresh field tomatoes No farm gate sales. 4 BLAKE’S APPLE ORCHARD David & Karen Griffiths H-5 10 varieties of apples, first and second grade. Pick your own apples Sept and October. Apple cider and apple butter. Carolyn Porter MacDonald 166 Courthouse Sq., Goderich N7A 1N1 Tel: 519-524-7986 Fax: 519-524-7986 Email: cportermac@hotmail.com 12 D-5 Supplies various meats to many restaurants. HAYTERS FARM 31 Catering, ready-made meals and boxed lunches to go. Farm fresh eggs plus Guenthers baked goods. 44 F-2 Jackie Rowe Sandra Morrison Home Grown Ontario™ Whole turkeys, turkey products – fillets, burgers, sausage, schnitzel, breasts, roasts, smoked products: summer sausage, smoked breasts, kielbasa and smoked sausage. Ready to cook items by Jerry Rader in Zurich: lasagna, shepherd’s pie, soup, sauces and dressings. Supplies whole birds, roasts, schnitzels, and burgers to restaurants in London and surrounding area. THE GARLIC BOX INC. 57 F-9 37777 Amberley Rd. RR 1, Lucknow N0G 2H0 Tel: 519-528-2900 Fax: 519-528-6095 Email: mberries@hurontel.on.ca Web: www.morrisonberries.com 54 London Rd. Hwy #4, PO Box 430, Hensall N0M 1X0 Tel: 519-262-2470 Fax: 519-262-2466 Email: thegarlicbox@thegarlicbox.com Web: www.thegarlicbox.com Open June/July/October/December Fresh Ontario garlic in every item. Strawberries, pumpkins, fall decorations, Christmas trees. Pick you own strawberries. Open year round Monday - Friday 9am-5pm. Closed Saturday and Sunday. Jams, jellies, baked goods, maple syrup and ice cream. Ontario pickled garlic, seasonings, sauces, dressings, steak splash, oil & vinegar, garlic relish. We also have fresh and frozen local garlic. 21 32 NATURALLY ORGANIC 45 G-7 Jim Rapson RR 4, Walton N0K 1Z0 Tel: 519-527-1078 We’re “near, naked and natural”! Potatoes, and maple syrup in season. Home Grown Ontario™ G-7 Year round by chance or by appointment. Free range brown eggs, Naragansett Turkeys, Cotswold Sheep, llama’s, heirloom tomatoes (in season), assorted meat products (by special order). PINERY ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET C-11 Marcia Swain 22 Gift baskets made to order with local products 46 Health & Harvest Festival in Courthouse Park on The Square in Goderich September 19th/09 from 8am-1pm O’Brien’s Meats, Pine River Cheese, Sugar and Spice Chocolates, Robinson’s Maple Products, Boucher’s Honey, and The Garlic Box. 6 DEERCREST FARMS 13 I-3 Will Stafford C-5 D-8 Naturally raised Venison. Venison and smoked venison products. Organic available at some vendors Home Grown Ontario™ available at some vendors. DRUDGES MAPLE SYRUP Drudges Maple Syrup 14 I-4 F-4 Susanne and Bill Robinson D-6 John or Della Rodges 36 Year round, 9am-6pm Open June to July from 8am-8pm. Closed Sunday. Onions, potatoes, beets, strawberries, pickling cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, beans, wood oven bread, home baked goods, preserves, jams, and pickles. Strawberries. Supplies whole or half carcasses and all possible cuts from a hog carcass to The Church, Queens Inn, Fellinis, Pazzo, Bijou, Madelyn’s Diner, Stratford; Westover Inn, St Marys; Woolfy’s at St Marys’ and more in and outside of Perth County. Supplies Partridges to Charbries in Waterloo. K-5 Maple syrup (locally produced), 100 different varieties of cheese including locally made Cheddar, jams and dressings. ABNER & EMMA MARTIN 61 CREEKSIDE PHEASANTRY LTD. Ralph and Bernice Gerber M-8 JERRY & SANDRA DEGROOT – PERTH COUNTY PORK PRODUCERS Year round by appointment. Closed Sunday. Also available at Carsons Country Market in Listowel. ALPACA ACRES FARM & STORE 62 DE WETERING HILL FARMS Richard and Terry De Wetering 74 75 J-9 MEADOW VIEW Jesse and Naomi Bowman Open year round by call or by chance Home Grown Ontario™ Honey Organic N.S. Martin summer sausage and pepperettes Also available at the Goderich Farmers’ market Alpaca, breeding stock and pet stock Pork and beef. Sell $40 box mixed cuts of beef and pork. Economy freezer pack and BBQ freezer pack, summer sausage, pepperettes; “free-run” chicken (when available); 1/4’s and 1/2’s, cuts or whole. Products available at Windy Pine and Carsons Country Market in Listowel. 50 G-4 ANN SLATER, FRESH ORGANIC VEGETABLES J-12 Ann Slater 40218 Brandon Rd. RR 5, Brussels N0G 1H0 Tel: 519-887-9948 157030 15th Line Zorra, RR 1, Lakeside, N0M 2G0 Tel: 519-349-2448 Email: aslater@quadro.net Ontario Fresh Lamb – preservative, drug and hormone free. Certified Organic, fresh in-season vegetables. Open May to November farm gate sales by appointment. Also available at St. Marys Farmers’ Market Saturday 8am-12noon, mid May to end of November. Open year round by appointment or chance. Home Grown Ontario™ Organic Lamb – whole or half – cut and packaged to your specifications, limited supply of individual cuts. Specialties are lettuce, spinach, Heritage tomatoes, unusual potatoes, 3 kinds of beets, onions, beans, summer and winter squash, wide variety of fall vegetables. We also sell 100% pure wool blankets and sheepskins from sheep grown and raised at Shepherd’s Fold. KOERT ORGANICS Dave Koert 43652 Bridge Rd RR 5, Seaforth N0K 1W0 Tel: 519-590-0334 Email: davekoert@gmail.com Web: www.dkorganicfarms.blogspot.com I am a Certified Organic Farm and grow over 150 varieties of produce. I specialize in home delivery each week. 38 G-7 Open May to November, please call ahead! Beets, carrots, mixed greens, spinach, melons, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, peas & radishes. Pick your own peas, beans, & tomatoes. Beans, broccoli, brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, sweet corn, onions, zucchini, kale, garlic, cucumbers, squash, salsify, chard, turnip, herbs & flowers. Also available at the Bayfield and Blyth Farmers’ Markets. Supplies fruits, vegetables and cut flowers to Westover Inn in St Marys and The Church Restaurant in Stratford. 26 MADE IN HURON CRAFTS & MORE E-7 Sandy Garnet The Brady Family D-10 Mel & Marlene Herrfort Certified Organic in 2010 Year round, Monday - Saturday 7am-8pm Closed Sundays and Holidays Open from May - November, by chance or appointment. Closed Sunday. 64 L-7 Strawberries, raspberries, lettuce, spinach, peas, beans, beets, squash, pumpkins, tomatoes, peppers and cut flowers. STEELE WOOL FARM Real home-grown product. Open May to September, Tuesday - Friday 2pm-6pm, Saturday 9am-12pm, or call for appointment. Home Grown Ontario™ Lamb, free-range eggs, pasture-raised chicken, pasture-raised duck and turkey. Rick and Marg Steele F-4 BAUMAN APIARIES Abner & Martha Bauman L-7 6927 Nicklin St. Box 73, Millbank N0K 1L0 Tel: 519-595-4885 38689 Moncrieff Rd. RR 3, Blyth N0M 1H0 Tel: 519-526-7446 Email: rmsteele@hurontel.on.ca Year round, Monday & Tuesday by chance, Wednesday to Saturday anytime, Closed Sunday. Grass-fed lamb by half, whole or individual cuts. Grass-fed lambs Beeswax candles, pollen, and raw honey. Home baking on Thursdays and Fridays. Pastured Black Angus beef. We also sell washable lamb skins, wool blankets and hand-dyed wool yarn. Summer sausage, maple syrup, pecan pies and pie shells to York St. Kitchen, Stratford. STOREY FARM Barb and Ray Storey 65 53 G-6 Nuclei of bees. Pork is “Certified Natural Humane” Making maple syrup for 7 generations! Also at Goderich Farmers’ Market. We sell a variety of sweet corn, tomatoes, and potatoes, “Picked Fresh Everyday!” Available by chance. Closed Sunday. Open year round by chance or appointment. We grow over 500 different gladiolus from all over the world and Canada. Our store gives you an ever changing sampling from late July til frost. Open by appointment or by chance. Closed Sunday. Open from June to November 7am-9pm Maple syrup Potatoes, sweet corn, tomatoes, peppers, onions, beans, asparagus, pumpkins, squash, zucchini, carrots, beets, turnips, kohlrabi, melons, and other vegetables in season. J-11 Andy & Pam Megens 2877 Perth Rd 119, RR 7, St. Marys N4X 1C9 Tel: 519-284-3199 Fax: 519-284-1250 Email: info@megensfamilyfarm.ca Web: www.megensfamilyfarm.ca Picked fresh every day. Open May 1st - November 1st. Everyday from 8am-8pm. Asparagus, strawberries, raspberries, pumpkins, squash, fall decorations and huckleberries. Tomatoes “Pick Your Own” Strawberries from mid-June to early July. Annual Farm Social in June. Supplies asparagus, strawberries, raspberries to area restaurants Westover Inn and The Creamery St. Marys, Woolfy’s at Wildwood, and Pass da Pasta and Rundles Stratford. MILLBANK CHEESE & COLD STORAGE INC. Linda MacDonald L-7 Bruce and Nancy Hunter M-9 4859 Road 104 RR 1, Gadshill N0K 1J0 Tel: 519-656-2497 Fax: 519-656-2497 Great BBQ products! No farm gate sales Home Grown Ontario™ Stuffed pork chops, Teriyaki Pork Steak, rib burgers, bacon burgers and sausages www.smallbusinesshuron.ca/hbdc.htm www.welcometostratford.com www.perthcfdc.ca Supplies pork and beef to Pazzo’s and Keystone Alley in Stratford. 108 WILLOWGROVE HILL I-8 Paul & Rose Hill 4608 Perth Road 164 RR 5, Mitchell N0K 1N0 Tel: 519-348-8666 Fax: 519-348-9891 Email: rose@willowgrovehill.com Web: www.willowgrovehill.com Premium pork – home raised without antibiotics from birth to market. Naturally enhanced with DHA EPA Omega 3. www.nfu.ca/on www.pdhu.on.ca www.centralhuron.com Open year round by appointment or by chance, closed Sunday. Home Grown Ontario™ Bacon, wieners, pork chops, sausage and ham. Also available at Remark Fresh Market in London. Questions? Don’t be a stranger! Supplies bacon and whole pigs to Deerhurst Resort in Hunstville, Rundles Restaurant in Stratford and Oviinbyrd Golf Course in Muskoka. Please tell our Farmers and Advertisers you saw them on the Buy Local! Buy Fresh! Map. Use this map to learn more about how to find locally produced safe, fresh food! K-10 Kristene Steed 55 Albert Street, Stratford N5A 3K2 Tel: 519-271-6910, 1-888-271-6910 Fax: 519-271-8083 Email: info@rheothompson.com Web: www.rheothompson.com Our products are made onsite starting from scratch. Think Safety at each Stop 1 Always keep an insulated cooler bag in your car. If you do stop at a local producer, you will have somewhere to keep your cold foods. 2 When you know that you are going shopping, put an ice pack in your cooler bag to keep your cold foods cold. 3 Food should not be kept in the cooler bag without an ice pack for any longer than two hours from the time of purchase. Check the temperature in the bag. Ideally it should be 4°C. 4 When running errands, leave food shopping for the last task. 5 All meat is to be government inspected. You should ask the producer about where the meat was processed and inspected to be sure you are getting a safe product. 6 Farm gate eggs may not be cleaned and graded. Eggs can be a food safety risk and should be handled with care. This means, do not eat raw eggs, cook them until the yolk is firm, keep them cold and wash your hands and surfaces with soapy water after using. 7 In Canada, all milk must be pasteurized to kill harmful bacteria before it can be sold. Be sure the milk you are buying is pasteurized. 8 Buy fresh vegetables and fruits that are not bruised or damaged. Their surface acts as a natural defense against harmful bacteria. 9 Wash ALL produce, even if it was pre-washed. Use cold running water to remove dirt and bacteria. 10 Apple cider and juices must be sold as pasteurized and produced in an inspected facility. Monday - Saturday 9am-5:30pm, Sunday 11am-3pm. We make on-site by hand our famous mint smoothies, traditional flavoured chocolates. hard candies, assorted fudge, nutty pop, caramel corn, fruit flavoured jellies, roasted nuts, various dipped fruit and sugar free chocolate and candies. We also sell a wonderful collection of gifts ready for any special occasion. 90 SHAKESPEARE PIES Gerry & Susie Wagler 2264 Line 34, RR 1, Shakespeare N0B 2P0 L-10 Fruit pies, meat pies (8 varieties), bread and butter tarts. Visit & taste a variety of Canada’s best cheeses including: Organic, Cheddar, artisan, fresh curds from cow, goat & sheep milk, other fresh dairy products available. Honey, comb honey, apple butter, maple syrup, garlic spread, pickled eggs, Distinctly Tea, farm-fresh eggs, organic muesli, relish, pickles, Niagara peaches in season, fresh apples in season, frozen fruit (raspberries, and cherries). Supplies meat pies to Wellesley Service Centre and pies to Stratford Country Club. MITCHELL FARMERS’ MARKET I-9 91 SHEARS TO YOU L-4 Deb Griffey 5128 Line 90, RR 2, Palmerston N0G 2P0 Tel: 519-343-3193 Fax: 519-343-3094 Email: deb@shearstoyou.ca Web: www.shearstoyou.ca Canadian grown and processed alpaca yarn, batts, rovings, felt insoles and socks. htinfo@hurontourism.on.ca or info@visitperth.ca 1-800-280-7637 or 1-888-366-0160 www.ontarioswestcoast.ca www.visitperth.ca MONFORTE DAIRY COMPANY LTD 92 K-10 Ray Sheldon 49 Griffith Rd., Stratford N5A 6S4 Tel: 519-814-7920 Fax: 519-814-7921 Email: info@monfortedairy.com Web: www.monfortedairy.com Certified Organic and Bed and Breakfast. April - October by chance or call ahead. Monforte Dairy is Southwestern Ontario’s premier artisanal cheese company known for its range of extraordinary cheeses. Open from July 1st til Friday before Thanksgiving. Monday to Friday from 9am-6pm, Saturday 9am-5pm, closed Sunday. Organic, Wed-Sun: 10:00am-4:00pm Dairy Products from sheep, goat, cow and water buffalo milk Pork, sunflower oil, sweet corn, winter squash and apples. Supply cheeses to restaurants across Southwestern Ontario Maple syrup and honey. Fresh flowers, fresh bouquets and gladiolus, fall décor such as broom corn, gourds, and pumpkins. Home Grown Ontario™ See us at the Goderich Farmers’ Market from May - October. Vases and unique gift items. SHELDON’S BERRIES 1 Always clean your hands, food and surfaces before and after handling food. 2 Separate raw food from cooked food and cover all foods. Store raw meat on the lowest shelf in the refrigerator to avoid juice drippings onto ready-to-eat food. 3 Cook food to the correct internal temperature: i. Whole poultry 82°C ii. Poultry parts 74°C iii. Meat 71°C iv. Fish 70°C J-12 RR 3 Lakeside N0M 2G0 Tel: 519-283-6025 June - October, 9am-6pm. Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, peas, green beans, yellow beans, tomatoes, peppers, melons, squash, gourds and pumpkins Also available at the St. Marys, Grand Bend and Exeter Farmers’ Markets. Use this seasonal availability guide to determine when you can expect regional produce to be available. Weather conditions affect the growing season, so calling ahead is a good idea. Home Hints for Food Safety (Clean, Separate, Cook, Chill) By appointment or Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm. Watch magnificent Alpacas grazing in the pasture while the cria pronk and play. See raw fleece processed into finished products in our working mill. Make warm, fuzzy memories that will last a life time. Each week they have a BBQ with live music and sometimes you can catch a storyteller. Ruth Klahsen John & Julie Koch www.savourstratford.com RHEO THOMSPON CANDIES Year round, Monday to Saturday 9am-5pm. Closed Sunday. 3776 Rd 145, RR 2, Mitchell N0K 1N0 Tel: 519-393-6649 Email: bnhunter@quadro.net Web: www.fieldstonefarmbanb.com/organic.htm Finishing pigs which are “Certified Natural Humane” - no drugs or growth hormones. Pigs are on straw and have access to the outdoors. Available sausage, chops, bacon, pepperettes. J-9 Lyle or Teresa Renecker Fine Cheese Making Since 1908 Diana Weirmier WALNUT HILL FARM RENECKER’S PALACE HILLSIDE ELK FARM Open Tuesday - Thursday 10am-5:30pm Friday 9am-6pm, Saturday 9am-5pm Closed Sunday. Also closed between Christmas & New Years 79 I-9 Glads Linda Knechtel L-10 2146 Perth Line 34, Shakespeare N0B 2P0 Tel: 519-625-8194 Fax: 519-625-8879 Email: info@porkshoppe.com Web: www.porkshoppe.com A unique farm market experience specializing in old fashioned flavours. April 1st - Dec 24th Sun - Fri 10am-6pm. Sat 9am-6pm. Home Grown Ontario™ Pork, lamb, bison, beef, chicken, breads, pies, condiments, aged Cheddar cheeses and sauerkraut. Visit the farm animals. Take a photo with “Percy” the 10 foot pig! Supplies peameal back bacon and smoked garlic sausage to The Boathouse located in Stratford. Fresh pies daily! The Mitchell Farmers Market offers “picked fresh” organic fruits and vegetables along with a vast array of other products such as baked goods, jewellery, homemade cabinets, preserves and maple syrup. FIELDSTONE FARM Sweet corn, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, peas, beets, garlic, onions, cantaloupe, watermelon, peppers and peaches by chance. 89 Organic frozen red veal by quarter or half. 66 J-9 MEGENS FAMILY FARM May-Oct: Fridays 9am-1pm St. Marys Farmers’ Market from mid May to late October. July - September Mon 9:30-5:30pm Sat and Sun 11:00am-5:30pm THE BEST LITTLE PORK SHOPPE www.huroncounty.ca/health Elk meat, elk meat products, self-serve eggs, vegetables, elk velvet antler capsules and elk leather crafts. Hwy 8 in Mitchell, Mitchell N0K 1E0 Tel: 519-229-6440 Organic frozen red veal, organic frozen ground beef, organic all beef summer sausage and pepperettes. 4858 Line 34, RR 5, Stratford N5A 6S6 Tel: 519-393-8265 Fax: 519-393-8266 Email: kmcdougall@quadro.net Gorrie Line Produce from June to October. J-12 Blended teas & herbal tisanes. Tea pots & interesting teaware. 107 www.ofa.on.ca Elk, free-range chickens, seasonal vegetables. 157030 15th Line Zorra, RR 1, Lakeside N0M 2G0 Tel: 519-349-2611 Email: baslater@quadro.net BLACK CREEK FLOWER FARM /PEETERS ENTERPRISES GLADIOLUS Karin and Robert McDougall 76 78 No farm gate sales. 42107 Winthrop Rd., RR 1, Seaforth N0K 1W0 Tel: 519-527-1049 Fax: 519-527-1049 Honey Stewart and Bev Slater L-10 www.visitperth.ca Open all year either by appointment or chance Honey, Jams, preserves, and giftware. ESHCOL FARM Year round Wed to Sat from 11am-5pm or by appointment. 100 4004 Line 34 RR 4, Stratford N5A 6S5 Tel: 519-271-7649 www.ontario.ca/omafra Naturally-raised green-pasture elk meat. 72 Church St., Millbank N4X 1C9 Tel: 519-595-8787 Fax: 519-595-4907 Email: millbankcheese@cyg.net Web: www.erbcroft.com Buses by appointment. 52 J-10 Canada’s leading purveyor of fine teas Supplies Elk meat to Bijou in Stratford. 77 Tel: 519-393-5512 St Marys and Exeter Farmers’ Markets. 39 ERBCROFT FARMS 3907 Road 134, RR 3, Stratford N5A 6S4 Muffins, tarts, cookies, chelsea buns, breads, iced buns and restaurant. Organic April - end of November. Closed Sundays. K-10 Karen Hartwick 433 Erie Street, Stratford N5A 2N3 Tel: 519-273-1201 or 1-800-733-0376 Fax: 519-273-0713 Email: info@stratfordtealeaves.com Web: www.stratfordtealeaves.com PLETSCH FARMS 4941 Line 36, RR 5, Stratford N5A 6S6 Tel: 519-393-6425 Fax: 519-393-6404 Email: renecker.farm@quadro.net Web: www.eatingelk.com Come and see the tomato trees! DIANNA’S COUNTRY BAKERY Tim or Luann Erb L-6 TEA LEAVES TEA TASTING BAR Herbal tasting & blending workshops. Tea tasting. Tea & chocolate tasting. Supplies teas and herbal tisanes to area restaurants Bijou, Rene’s Bistro, Rundles, Revel Cafe, The County Food Co in Stratford and Brew Garden in Shakespeare. Larry and Yvonne Pletsch 88 7523 Road 136, RR 4, Listowel N4W 3G9 Tel: 519-595-7120 H-10 Dianna Weirmier 3197 Perth Rd 163, Fullarton N0K 1H0 Tel: 519-229-6440 Email: diannasbakery@live.ca We only use our own cucumbers, grown without sprays or fertilizers, for our pickles. Closed Sunday Vegetables for our preserves and fruit for our baking. We are especially known for our pies and tarts. Maple syrup Our products are available at the Stratford Farmers’ Market year round and the Mitchell Farmers’ Market May to October. Supplies cookies, squares and tarts to the Stratford Hospital Coffee Shop. ANNA MAE’S 4060 Perth Line 72, Millbank N0K 1L0 Tel: 519-595-4407 Fax: 519-595-4437 40 I-3 51 36670 Dashwood Rd, RR 1, Dashwood N0M 1N0 Tel: 1-888-537-3163 Fax: 519-237-3115 Year round by appointment or by chance. MARTIN APIARIES Harold and Alice Martin SMOKEY HOLLOW FARM MARKET 63 87 J-11 Sara Bradford April - Nov: beef steak tomatoes, August - Nov: fall raspberries. SHEPHERD’S FOLD Summer in a jar! www.huroncounty.ca www.ontarioswestcoast.ca 99 K-10 J-9 Huron-Perth Area Office PICKLES EH! Suzanne Turnbull McCULLY’S HILL FARM Open year round, by appointment or by chance. Bethanee Jensen J-8 Jerry and Sandra DeGroot Pasture-fed farm-raised beef and pork. E-2 86 4074 Line 9, RR 2, St. Marys N4X 1C5 Tel: 519-284-2564 & 1-866-622-8559 Fax: 519-284-2007 Email: info@mccullys.ca Web: www.mccullys.ca Everything produced or grown within 50 km Year round, April to December daily, January to March Wed-Sunday, Sept to June 9am-5pm, July & August 8:30am-6pm. Home Grown Ontario™ Naturally raised meats, maple syrup, vegetables, jam & preserves, pies, tarts, and pumpkins. Honey & honey products, Mapleton’s Organic ice cream cones, fresh-roasted coffee, organic berries, breads, gift baskets, apples and eggs. School tours & birthday parties year round, Maple Festival weekends, Fall Harvest weekends, July Berry festival, August Cornival, September Tomato Tasting Festival. Supplies whole-hog maple sausage, maple syrup, preserves and vegetables to restaurants such as Pazzo and Bijou in Stratford. 5420 Streicher Line, RR 1, Millbank N0K 1L0 Tel: 519-656-1031 Fax: 519-656-1031 90332 Forest Line, RR 1, Wroxeter N0G 2X0 Tel: 519-498-5516 Fax: 519-335-3389 Herbs, sunflowers and flowers Pond Viewing and Buggy Rides Certified Organic maple syrup, maple tea, value added maple products and Certified Organic Beef. Available at Stratford, Mitchell, St. Marys and Milverton Farmers’ Markets. 79136 Orchard Line RR 2, Goderich N7A 3X8 Tel: 519-524-9544 Email: goud.can@hotmail.com Jeffrey Drudge 43269 Amberley Road RR 2, Wroxeter N0G 2X0 Tel: 519-335-6352 Fax: 519-335-4352 Email: jeff@drudgesmaplesyrup.com Web: www.drudgesmaplesyrup.com Chevron (Goat Meat) Our products are also available at Oakridge Acres, Ayr. Order 1 week ahead: Black Forest Ham, bacon, peameal bacon, breakfast sausage, pork loin roast. Tours available by appointment. Ron and Martin VanBakel Pork, Berkshire Pork, Tamworth Pork, Wild Boar, Iron Age Pork. Pickles, relishes, jams, jellies, mustards, vinegars, chutneys, specialty fruit and marmalades. Yarn, rovings, knit kits and finished products by local artisans. M-8 John Gerber VANBAKEL FARMS Year round by appointment or by chance Smoked pork chops, sausage, bacon burgers, pork steaks, stuffed loin chops, boneless rib patties. L-10 106 Chicken breasts, wings, chicken or pork sausage, beef burgers, chicken burgers, turkey burgers, chicken fingers, chicken or turkey drumsticks. Also sell bacon, wing sauces and marinades, dipping sauces, Popeye’s Chicken, beef or vegetable pies. Turkeys and further processed to include burgers (gluten-free), sausage, turkey pies, turkey roasts, wieners, fillets, breasts, drumsand wings. Ann Clayburn TANJO GAMEBIRDS Home Grown Ontario™ Come and meet the Alpacas that provide the fleece, that make the product in our store! 37 J-9 Fred and Ingrid de Martines 98 Hungarian Partridge. 4115 Perth Road 140, RR 5, Stratford N5A 6S6 Tel: 519-393-5612 Fax: 519-393-5613 Email: info@deweteringhillfarms.com Web: www.deweteringhillfarms.com KINLOSS PRODUCE K-6 PERTH PORK PRODUCTS LTD. Home Grown Ontario™. Year round by appointment. 3979 Road 108 RR 4, Stratford N5A 6S5 Tel: 519-625-1064 Fax: 519-625-1064 Email: info@alpacaacres.ca Web: www.alpacaacres.ca Gourds and pumpkins in the fall. 85 Certified Organic Box 81, 8585 Hwy 23 N, Listowel N4W 3H2 Tel: 519-291-2486 Fax: 519-291-1187 Thanks to the following sponsors and supporters! Cheese, extra virgin olive oils and vinegars. Year round by appointment/by chance Brad Royce H-11 Produce, meat, dairy, flowers, crafts, bakery, eggs, poultry, cheese and coin collections Personal Gourmet Chef services featuring In-home catering including ready-made meals, gourmet dinners, party canapés, special events catering, gourmet cooking classes and gift certificates. 49 Pick your own or ready picked. Maple syrup Open year round - direct orders are placed by phone or email. ROZENDAL FARM E-6 Open by chance or by appointment. Year round, Saturday 7am-12pm Open all year, by appointment and by chance. Fresh produce from the family garden. Frank Rozendal Stratford Farmers’ Market one of Ontario’s Oldest Markets Home Grown Ontario™ K-6 Gary or Maria Urquhart Year round, Tuesday to Friday 10am-6pm, Saturdays 10am-5pm. Closed Sunday & Monday April 15th to November 30th by appointment. Abner & Emma Martin K-10 URQUHART FARM LTD. New! Take-out Panini and pasta salad. Year round Monday to Friday 9:30am-5:30pm, Saturday 9:30am-2:30pm. Closed Sunday. 48 Stratford Agriplex 105 5604 Perth Line 8, RR 1, St. Marys N4X 1C4 Tel: 519-229-8955 Fax: 519-229-6839 Email: urqfarms@quadro.net 51 Louise Street, Stratford N5A 2E3 Tel: 519-275-3775 Email: suzanne.turnbull@sympatico.ca RODAVON FARMS STRATFORD FARMERS’ MARKET Available by appointment. Closed Sundays. 73 A project of the Huron Perth Farm to Table Committee Maple syrup, potatoes, melons, raspberries, blueberries, peaches, preserves, fall mums and more. 353 McCarthy Rd. W., Stratford N5A 6W3 Tel: 519-271-5130 Fax: 519-271-0062 Web: www.stratfordfairgrounds.com 4983 Perth Line 44 RR 2, Gadshill N0K 1J0 Tel: 519-393-5237 Fax: 519-393-6343 Email: jersan@quadro.net Perth County Monday to Thursday 9am-6pm, Friday 9am-8pm, Saturday 9m-5pm. Closed Sundays. Experience the wild flavour of our partridges. COUNTRYSIDE POULTRY PRODUCTS LTD. K-5 10 years of offering fabulous food, fine ingredients and quality kitchenware! Heritage Pork 60 C-5 Karen Haverkamp Web: www.hooversmaplesyrup.com ZEPHYR FINE FOODS Duncan Jewell THE KITCHEN CUPBOARD & ICE BOX 127 Albert Street, Stratford N5A 3K5 Tel: 519-272-1956 Email: khundt@passdapasta.com Web: www.passdapasta.com HOOVER’S MAPLE SYRUP Terry & Diane Hoover 104 Open year round Mon - Fri 9:30am-6pm, Saturday 9:30am-3pm, Closed Sunday Pork & Beef products, home baked goods, apples. 47 K-7 Drug-free, free-range In season fruits and vegetables, maple syrup, honey and preserves. Supplies bread, buns, and rolls to Ginnie’s Restaurant in Milverton, Schmidtzville Restaurant in Wellesley, Bidder’s Choice Café in Listowel and Westside Café in St. Jacobs. Bedding plants, hanging baskets, Angus beef, strawberries, lettuce, peas, beets, beans, corn, tomatoes, peppers, onions, cucumbers, cut flowers and potted flowers. 97 K-10 Kathy Hundt Supplies breakfast items to XIS Inn and Balzac’s Coffee Roastery in Stratford. 4580 Road 140, RR 1, Sebringville N0K 1X0 Tel: 519-393-6115 Email: vanbakel@quadro.net Asparagus, peaches, sweet corn, apples, tomatoes and potatoes. 80349 London Rd., RR 4, Clinton N0M 1L0 Tel: 519-482-8671 27 D-6 K-10 131 Albert St., Stratford N5A 3K5 Tel: 519-273-5095 Email: chris@thehoneytree.ca 2468 Lichty Road, Millbank N0K 1L0 Tel: 519-698-2407 Fax: 519-698-2448 Open year round from 9am-6pm. Closed Sunday. 35311 Belgrave Rd., RR 7, Lucknow N0G 2H0 Tel: 519-529-7059 Fax: 519-529-7059 GOUD FARM Gustav & Claudia Goud Christine Pasztor 4538 Line 38, RR 1, Sebringville N0K 1X0 Tel: 519-393-6812 Fax: 519-393-5096 Email: demartines@quadro.net Web: www.perthporkproducts.com Located 3 miles south of Grand Bend on Hwy.21 KINGS VIEW FARMS Baked goods, meat, plants, arts and crafts. 7 THE HONEY TREE PATISSERIE 105 Elizabeth St W, Listowel N4W 1C8 Tel: 519-291-4777 Fax: 519-291-5871 Email: service@shopkci.ca Web: www.shopkci.ca Family Farm Fresh PASS DA PASTA Fresh pasta, sauces, lasagna, cannelloni, ravioli and organic greens. Cheese, jam, fudge, bulk baking supplies and honey. 72 Jams and fall decorations. Honey, jams, preserves, maple syrup, garlic spread and more. We also sell handcrafted articles, jewellery, wood, clothing, and glass. Located on the Courthouse Square. 103 5896 Line 78, RR 1, Atwood N0G 1B0 Tel: 519-356-2132 Fax: 519-356-2534 Email: mmmaple@golden.net Fresh-dressed or frozen pheasant. Open Monday to Friday 9:30am-5pm, Saturday 10am-4pm. Closed Sunday. Open May to October. Saturday 8am-1pm. Year round by appointment or by chance. Christena Kuepfer/Cindy Streicher Delicious homemade quality. ROBINSON MAPLE PRODUCTS Serving Milverton and Area since 1894. CNC POULTRY PLACE Strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes, sweet corn, raspberries, beans, peas, beets, cucumbers, cabbages, onions, large variety of squash, and pumpkins. 38 Albert Street, Box 1603, Clinton N0M 1L0 Tel: 519-482-1445 c/o Birgit Hillier 256 Shore Cres., Goderich N7A 1Y7 Tel: 519-524-5356 Email: bhillier@hurontel.on.ca 43721 Howick-Turnberry Rd., RR 1, Wroxeter N0G 2X0 Tel: 519-335-3876 Bread, buns, cookies, tarts and squares. Beef sides or split sides, grass-finished and grain-finished. GODERICH FARMERS’ MARKET Birgit Hillier or Pete Lane fudge/chocolates/brittles, nutty pop, sponge toffee, Barr’s Minties, truffles, barks, pecan patties, nuts, almond butter crunch, ginger, seasonally molded chocolates, giftware and baskets. New spring and summer gelato and sorbetto. 59 K-7 Greg and Doug Guenther Monday to Friday 7am-6pm. Saturday 9am-1pm. Closed Sundays ZEHR’S COUNTRY MARKET Paul Zehr K-10 84 L-3 Melvin and Joanna Steckle Open Mothers Day to Thanksgiving 9am-7pm. Closed Sunday. Tues/Wed/Thurs 10-6, Fri 10-7, Sat 9-5. Closed Sunday and Monday. GUENTHER’S BAKERY STECKLE’S PRODUCE & FLOWERS 1 km out of Harriston on 89E. Maple syrup, homemade soap and beeswax candles. 71 96 5857 Hwy 89 RR 1, Harriston N0G 1Z0 Tel: 519-338-5381 Fax: 519-338-5537 Garlic Festival Stratford - Sept 12 Mon/Tues/Wed/Sat 9am-6pm, Thurs/Fri 9am-8pm, Sun 11am-5pm. Grain fed and free range Muscovy Duck Elmer M Brubacher L-9 Jessie Young 2301 Perth Line 43, RR 1, Stratford N5A 6S2 Tel: 519-625-1177 Email: organicoasis@cyg.net Web: www.organicoasis.on.ca Also available at Stratford Farmers’ Market. 39 Main Street N, Milverton N0K 1M0 Tel: 519-595-8854 Fax: 519-595-7854 Email: kluckhardt@cyg.net Put pheasant on your fork today. 25 Handmade fudge, ice cream cakes, frozen yogurt, hand made waffle cones, chocolates, gift baskets. I-11 Ann Slater c/o Ann Slater, RR 1, Lakeside Tel: 519-349-2448 Email: aslater@quadro.net ORGANIC OASIS FARM STORE Strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, corn, beans, peas, cucumbers, lettuce, chicken, beef, pork, Heirloom tomato and pepper plants each spring. 136 Ontario Street, Stratford N5A 7Y4 Tel: 519-272-2828 Fax: 519-272-0257 Email: info@chocolatebarrs.com Web: www.chocolatebarrs.com Open mid June - November. Monday to Saturday from dawn to dusk. Closed Sunday. Asparagus, strawberries, tomatoes, early baby potatoes, peas, beans, beets, carrots, onions, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, raspberries, sweet corn, canteloupe, watermelon, garlic. Open only on September 19th 2009 from 8am-1pm. Jacqueline Barr Open year round by appointment. May to end of October, open 6 days a week, closed Sunday. Huron County, Perth County, local foods, local services. “Celebrating the Harvest” ST. MARYS FARMERS’ MARKET Pancake breakfasts featuring market-fresh fruit once a month in June, July, August and September. Monthly Food Glorious Food series at the St. Marys Friendship Centre. Enjoy fresh greens year round from our greenhouses. Music variety! CHOCOLATE BARR’S CANDIES INC. 721046 Bluewater Hwy, Dashwood N0M 1N0 Tel: 519-619-9992 Fax: 519-236-4283 Email: joshvan156@hotmail.com Wholesale and retail sales. May to Sept, Mon to Sat 10am-9pm and Sun 11am-9pm. Oct to Dec, Mon to Sat 10am-6pm and Sun 11am-5pm. Jan to Mar, Mon to Sat 10am-6pm. Fresh garlic (July – Dec), bottled garlic and other products. 5115 Line 78 RR 1, Atwood N0G 1B0 Tel: 519-356-1156 1404 Grey Ox Ave RR 5, Lucknow N0G 2H0 57 West Street, Goderich N7A 2K5 Tel: 519-440-0871 Fax: 519-524-1466 Email: bia@goderich.ca Open year round by appointment. Open Sundays from May to Thanksgiving from 8am - 4pm. 35 D-2 J-8 Greg & Helma Luyten Organic goat’s milk cheeses 36256 Huron Road, RR 2, Goderich N7A 3X8 Tel: 519-524-6483 Fax: 519-524-8761 Siegfried and Gabriele Poganatz 83 Year round by chance 6A Main Street South, Box 89, Milverton N0K 1M0 Tel: 519-595-2620 Email: kcdj@cyg.net 34 D-10 GREG & HELMA LUYTEN 5216 Line 49, RR 2, Gadshill N0K 1J0 Tel: 519-595-4260 Fax: 519-595-4260 Email: galuyten@cyg.net 75073 Bluewater Hwy RR 1, Bayfield N0M 1G0 Tel: 519-565-5566 Fax: 519-565-2280 Email: paulzehr@tcc.on.ca JOSH VANDER BURGT Josh Vander Burgt I-12 Box 1183, Grand Bend N0M 1T0 Tel: 519-238-8382 Email: mswain@hay.net Web: www.pineryantiquefleamarket.com J. R. FEAR APIARIES INC. Honey 70 4675 Line 3, RR 3 St. Marys N4X 1C6 Tel: 519-284-2599 Fax: 519-284-0088 Email: gwtfarm@aol.com Web: www.cestboncheese.com 58 Terri Shobbrook Naturally organic beef – chemical free, no sprays, no implants – any quantity. 33 G-3 C’EST BON CHEESE LIMITED George Taylor WINDSTONE ACRES 81107 Division Line RR 2, Seaforth N0K 1W0 Tel: 519-527-0113 Email: terri@windstoneacres.ca Web: www.windstoneacres.ca Open year round by chance or appointment. HILLSVIEW GREENHOUSES & MARKET PRODUCE Murray & Carolyn Fear 24 C-5 L-11 Tom Bickle Pick Your Own strawberries & raspberries by appointment only. Wagon ride farm tour each summer. HIGH CREEK FARM ENTERPRISES H-6 Gourmet preserves, exceptional baked goods, breakfast and lunch. MORRISON BERRIES COUNTRY MARKET D-10 Joanne Maguire and/or Elaine Hayter 37467 Dashwood Rd. RR 2, Dashwood N0M 1N0 Tel: 519-237-3561 Fax: 519-237-3460 Email: info@hayterturkey.com Web: www.haytersfarm.com Full and unique line of turkey products! LCBO Agency and Beer Store retail partner. Mon - Sat 9-6. Sun for summer 11am-4pm (May 24 to Sept 2) only. GODERICH B.I.A. HEALTH & HARVEST FESTIVAL Susan Armstrong, Laura Wright 95 Supplies apples to Rosemaries’ Shakespeare; Madelyn’s Diner, Black Angus, Brenny’s Bakery & Bread of Life, Stratford. Cheese Locally Raised beef and pork products, frozen dinners, meat and desserts, pies and tarts, local maple syrup, honey, pickles, relishes, condiments, spices, jams and jellies, cheese and butter. Supplies vegetables to Woolfy’s at Wildwood. CRAVINGS ORCHARD PARK FARMS Popping corn, pumpkins and squash. beef, pork, chicken, lamb, smoked meat, salamis, ready to eat meats. Maple syrup, honey, jams, preserves, fall decorations, and Niagara fruit in season. 5 School tours, Sheep Club. Croissants, muffins, scones, cinnamon buns, tarts, squares, special order cakes and savoury pastries. G. L. HUBBARD LTD. Rutabagas Ontario lamb and eggs. Open year round. Tues to Sat 7am-2pm 23 Open all year from 8am-5pm. Home Grown Ontario™ Vegetables, berries, fruits, organic vegetables, home baking, frozen pork, veal and ground beef, organic meat, home preserves, fresh-frozen berries, goat cheese and grains. FORAGER FOODS F-5 Beef Year round, by chance or appointment Organic and Home Grown Ontario™ Exeter and Grand Bend Farmers’ Markets. George Hubbard H-10 Joanne Foster Open March - October from 10am-4pm. Closed Sunday. Local produce, apple cider and butter, Christmas trees, honey, jams & jellies. Grain fed and free range Muscovy Duck 367 Dinsley Street, Blyth N0M 1H0 Tel: 519-523-4554 Fax: 519-523-4552 42933 St. Michaels Road, Brussels N0G 1H0 Tel: 519-887-6972 82 We are an OCPP Certified Organic Farm Apples Winter hours are 7am-4pm. Summer hours are 7am-6pm. Open year round. Please call ahead. 11 K-5 GOOD LUCK GARDENS Sheep are rare breeds (on endangered list). Farm is operated as it would have been in 1950’s. Asparagus, Heirloom tomato plants, sweet corn, fresh dug potatoes, watermelons, canteloupes, Heirloom tomatoes and firewood. EXETER FARMERS’ MARKET Canadian Artisanal Cheese, locally raised meats - pork, lamb, poultry and deli. In season organic vegetables, chef quality prepared foods. Lake Huron fresh and smoked fish. Local pantry items. Bruce Williams & Bob Coleman 69 Home Grown Ontario™ Farm Lamb. Home Grown Ontario™ Dungannon Fair – early August. Open year round. CARSONS COUNTRY MARKET Soy butter, honey, eggs, poultry, bakery items, jams, jellies, preserves, apple cider and maple syrup. Supplies honey & pickled eggs to Johnny’s Meat & Deli in Mitchell. 5657 Line 55, RR 3, Monkton N0K 1P0 Tel: 519-347-2742 Fax: 519-347-2497 Email: hahn@cyg.net Home Grown Ontario™ Monday - Friday 8am-6pm, Saturday 8am-3pm. Closed Sunday Winter Hours: 8:30am-5pm. Closed Thursday, Sunday, and Monday. Available at Stratford Farmers’ Market and the Flea Markets in Bayfield and Goderich. Since 1979 The Gentle Rain has been selling a wide selection of locally grown organic food products. Included are dairy products, meats, baked goods, fruits & vegetables, cooking oils, prepared foods, juices, honey, maple syrup, granola, eggs and bread. J-7 Bruce & Diane Hahn Custom butchering, wholesale/retail Ontario grown beef & pork, Naturally aged Summer Sausage, Pepperettes, Country Sausage – 5 varieties; breakfast sausage and beef patties/burgers. Home baked goods, strawberries, tomatoes, corn, potatoes, cucumbers, breads, pies, cookies, and pickled eggs. We also sell plants. One stop at Foragers for high quality and fresh locally produced foods. Homemade pies, tarts, squares, cakes, breads, rolls and coffee cakes. 3809 Road 108, RR 4, Stratford N5A 6S5 Tel: 519-655-2778 Email: andyjane@execulink.com Open year round from 9am-6pm. “Pick Your Own” Organic, black currants from July-August Wide range of vegetables from asparagus to zucchini picked fresh everyday. Wide range of berries – gooseberries, elderberries, currants and Saskatoons. Kosher L-10 Andy Pearson THE HAHNDEROSA All croissants are made from scratch and we use fresh herbs in our savoury pastries. Maple syrup, maple butter, maple candy, peanut brittle, onion & chive maple dip, maple mustard. Gift baskets Products sold in the area at Culbert’s Bakery, Sweets and Memories, Goderich Crunican Apple Farm, Elginfield Pine River Cheese Co-op. Supplies maple syrup & maple sugar to Thyme on 21 in Goderich. Peaches, apples, summer produce. Organic 102 Mid-May to November ONLY Saturdays 8am-12 noon. Summer Hours: 8:30am-5:30pm. Closed Thursday and Sunday. D-7 Mon/Tues 6am-4pm, Wed/Thurs/Fri 6am-5pm, Saturday 7am-2pm, Closed Sunday SON RISEN FARM Open from August to April. 9am-5:30pm. Closed Sunday. Located at Dungannon Agricultural Grounds 36897 Dungannon Rd. 2 Main St. South, Box 36, Bayfield N0M 1G0 Tel: 519-565-4866 Email: foragerfoods@gmail.com Web: www.foragerfoods.ca Open Monday to Friday 9-7, Saturday 9-5:30, Sunday 12-4 I-7 Laurie Neubrand 6584 Line 49, RR 2, Monkton N0K 1P0 Tel: 519-347-2766 Email: veggiepielady@hsfx.ca Picked fresh daily 94 Local beef, pork, chicken, turkey, duck, lamb, geese, local cheese, imported cheese, fresh breads daily, home made products including sausage, soup, take home meals and paté. Open May to end of October, availability by chance. Open by chance. Sam Gundy All products are made on premises. Baked products are made from scratch. “Old-fashioned baking at its best!” NEUBRAND COUNTRY PRODUCE Home Grown Ontario™ Open year round Unpasteurized Honey May until the end of October: Thursdays, 3pm-7pm 30 Rebecca St, Stratford N5A 3P1 Tel: 519-271-0388 Fax: 519-271-7240 Supplies salads and 50 different vegetables to 6 of Toronto Life’s “Top 10 Restaurants”; also Niagara, London, and Stratford Restaurants. Using the freshest seasonal & regional ingredients available in Huron County. Creating meals of gourmet perfection! F-10 K-10 Eric Eberhardt 81 Certified Organic salads and gourmet quality vegetables such as Heirloom tomatoes, coloured carrots, candy-cane and golden beets, jumbo shallots and baby leeks. Open 7 days a week. Monday - Friday 9am-6pm, Saturday 7am-5pm, Sunday 11am-4pm. Natural foods, hormone free beef. Certified organic maple syrup. 10 RR 1, Zurich N0M 2T0 Tel: 519-236-7345 D-5 Dorey Jackson GENTLE RAIN NATURAL FOODS 240 Graff Ave, Stratford N5A 6Y2 Tel: 519-273-2400 56 285 Cobourg Street, Goderich N7A 2J2 Tel: 519-524-8558 Fax: 519-524-2771 Email: Duncan@Jewell.net Web: www.zephyrfinefoods.ca 588 Main St. South, Exeter Tel: 519-236-7999 Email: dklopp@hay.net Web: www.farmersmarketsontario.com/markets.cfm Free-range lamb, free-roam eggs, cage-free pork and free-range chicken. 68 K-10 Brenda Schade THE BEAN 84548 St. Augustine Line RR 2, Auburn N0M 1E0 Tel: 519-529-7857 Fax: 519-529-3036 Email: robinmap@hurontel.on.ca Web: www.robinsonmaple.com Diane Klopp Bean flour, cook books and bean soup mixes. BRENNY’S BAKERY Catering for breakfast or lunch trays for any occasion. METZGER MEAT PRODUCTS Supplies Lake Huron Fish, Smoked Salmon, Smoked Lake Trout, Smoked Rainbow Trout, and Smoked Whitefish to restaurants such as The Docks, The Little Inn, The Red Pump, The Albion, The Artsee Café in Bayfield, Thyme on 21, and Goderich Harbour Restaurant in Goderich, and Port Albert Inn in Port Albert. 3 D-9 18 Goshen St. N, Zurich N0M 2T0 Tel: 519-236-4912 200 Potter St., RR 2, Wingham N0G 2W0 Tel: 519-357-3656 Fax: 519-357-2413 Email: bee-keeper@sympatico.ca 9 Home Grown Ontario™ Fresh local, home made product. Support Ontario Farmers. Monday - Wednesday 7am-5pm. Thursday & Friday 7am-6pm. Saturday 7am-noon. Closed Sunday. E-3 Mike & Wanda Hill 37106 Belgrave Road, Lucknow N0G 2H0 Tel: 519-529-3653 Fax: 519-529-3653 Email: mikehill@hurontel.on.ca Specialize in Homegrown Chemical Free Produce Open May - October by appointment. Chemical Free Produce: Beans, peas, cherry tomatoes, tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuces, onions, herbs, sweet peppers, brussels sprouts, beets, zucchini and more. Corn, potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, leeks, eggplant, radishes, asparagus, cucumbers garlic and more. Produce available at these farmers’ markets: Goderich, East York, Scarborough Civic Center, Nathan Philip’s Square, Metro Town Hall, Oakville Place Mall, Masonville Place Mall, London, Guelph, and Georgetown, and the Clinton Fruit Stand. 37 Albert St., Dungannon N0M 1R0 Tel: 519-529-7956 All varieties of dried beans. 26 Wellington Street, Stratford N5A 2L2 Tel: 519-273-1850 Email: butcherbaker@wightman.ca Visit the St. Marys Farmers’ Market where the focus is local produce and local farmers/producers. DUNGANNON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY FARMERS’ MARKET Lynda McNee Open year round by chance, best to call ahead. Open year round by appointment or chance. Closed Sundays. K-10 Rick Frank Family owned and operated. 20 19 77697 Orchard Line, RR 1, Bayfield N0M 1G0 Tel: 519-482-1666 Fax: 519-482-8268 Email: berryfarm@hurontel.on.ca Web: www.bayfieldberryfarm.on.ca Strawberries, Saskatoon berries, apples, asparagus, blueberries, raspberries, peaches, elderberries, currants, gooseberries, cherries, and plums. Pick you own strawberries, Saskatoon berries and raspberries. Apple cider, fruit juices, honey, maple syrup, baked goods, and preserves. Forager Food in Bayfield. 55 ENJO – chemical free cleaning, Nellie’s Laundry Products, and Indisposables ™ Cloth Diapers. Huron County BAYFIELD BERRY FARM TASTY NU BAKERY Fresh baked goods. Supplies fruits, vegetables and cut flowers to Westover Inn in St Marys and The Church Restaurant in Stratford. 1 42 Open year round from 9am-6pm. Closed Sunday Open year round, by appointment. You can also buy local farm products at farmer’s markets and a variety of retail locations. These are listed in blue. Bean flour is ideal for gluten-free diets Drug and hormone-free meats available, 1 pound or 100! J-9 Antony John 4129 Rd. 130, Sebringville N0K 1X0 Tel: 519-393-6497 Fax: 519-393-6505 Email: johnfam@quadro.net Soiled Reputation has been supplying the best restaurants for over 17 years and were the hosts of the Food TV show, “The Manic Organic”. Listed in Toronto Life’s “Top 10 Producers”. Open year round on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. THE BUTCHER THE BAKER Fresh picked daily; taste the difference local makes! “Bring your special occasions to High Creek Farm where you can expect the extraordinary in a place that feels like home.” Food products listed in green print are sold by the farmer listed: These products were bought from another source, usually a neighbour, sometimes from further afield. Bison robes, hides, horns and skulls. 6626 Line 75, RR 1, Atwood N0G 1B0 Tel: 519-356-1075 Email: jkkerr@porchlight.ca Web: http://members.porchlight.ca/jkkerr/ 101 Carsons own beef, pork by Stonaleen Farms 43065 Canada Company Rd., RR 1, Walton N0K 1Z0 Tel: 519-527-0202 Fax: 519-527-2206 Email: hcf@tcc.on.ca Web: www.highcreekfarm.ca Food products listed in the red print are grown or raised by the farmer listed. Bison – frozen Bison meat, steaks, roasts, ground burgers, stew bison, salami, pepperettes and jerky. J-6 Jamie and Katrina Kerr 6455 Line 42, RR 5, Mitchell N0K 1N0 Tel: 519-348-9057 Fax: 519-348-8165 Email: wbwolfe@hsfx.ca Web: www.ontariobeans.on.ca SOILED REPUTATION 596633 Oxford County Rd. 59, RR 6 Woodstock N4S 7W1 Tel: 519-462-2947 Email: bickle@cwisp.ca Teresa and Mike DeJong/ Meighan DeJong Open May to November, please call ahead! Open year round, please call ahead. I-8 Bernadine Wolfe 93 MORE THAN ONE BASKET LIVESTOCK 2549 Road 164, RR 1, St Marys N4X 1C4 Tel: 519-229-8237 Email: j.foster@quadro.net 19 Additional farm features Bison is low in fat, lower in cholesterol, high in protein and iron. It is sweeter than beef but does not have the gamey taste. No growth hormones or steroids are used on the animals. 80 5531 Perth Line 86, RR 3, Listowel N4W 3G8 Tel: 519-291-1094 Fax: 519-291-1471 Email: carsonscountrymarket@bellnet.com Seasonal or year-round identifiers I am a Certified Organic Farm and grow over 150 varieties of produce. I specialize in home delivery each week. H-11 FULL OF BEANS 76 Courthouse Square, Goderich N7A 1M6 Tel: 519-524-5785 Fax: 519-524-5785 Email: dorey.jackson@sympatico.ca Web: www.thebean.ca Supplier of sausage to Belmore Maple Syrup Festival for 26 years. Year-Round Sales Bruce and Shirley Mills 5679 Line 4, RR 6, St Marys N4X 1C8 Tel: 519-229-6316 Email: blanbrook@quadro.net Web: www.alswebfarm.com 67 180 Brock Ave., Hensall N0M 1X0 Tel: 519-262-3130 Fax: 519-262-2584 Email: gmetzger@hay.net Web: www.metzgermeats.com 18 25 H-3 Family Owned & Operated Since 1971 Seasonal Sales F-3 Fran or Tony McQuail 86016 Creek Line, RR 1, Lucknow N0G 2H0 Tel: 519-528-2493 Fax: 519-528-2493 Email: mcqufarm@hurontel.on.ca Web: www.meetingplaceorganicfarm.ca GREEN’S MEAT MARKET & ABATTOIR LTD. Sherry Shiell 237 Arthur St., RR 2, Wingham N0G 2W0 Tel: 519-357-2912 Fax: 519-357-3846 Email: gmm@bellnet.ca MEETING PLACE ORGANIC FARM Open by appointment. Organic, Home Grown Ontario™ Grass-fed beef, pastured pork, Heirloom tomato seedlings, organic vegetables, apples and apple butter, lamb skins. Pick your own apples in the fall. Organic Lamb from a friend’s farm, honey and maple syrup. Available at the Goderich and Stratford Farmers’ Markets. Farm Open House on Mothers’ Day Weekend, Saturday 10am-4pm, Sunday 2am-4pm. Horse drawn wagon rides, Heirloom tomato seedlings, and visit the new calves in pasture. Pork, beef, chicken, lamb 17 29 Certified Organic - Farm run with work horses. All our meat is grass-fed, free-range, rotational-graze and drug and hormone free BLANBROOK BISON FARM Supplies Bison striploin & ground to The Parlour Stratord; Bison striploin to Woolfy’s at Wildwood & the Sunroom in Stratford. GRASS ROOTS MEAT & PRODUCE 42232 Moncrieff Rd., RR 2, Blyth, N0M 1H0 Tel: 519-887-8041 Fax: 519-887-8041 Email: val@hurontel.on.ca U-Pick Herbs & Other Farm Products I-5 Grant, Pamela, Todd, Neil, Adam and Graham Martin Locally grown Ontario produce – from the field to your kitchen. Val Backert Tours & Attractions Vegetables 54 44522 Brandon Rd. RR 1, Ethel N0G 1T0 Tel: 519-887-8020 Email: gpmartin@wightman.ca 16 Additional Features Restaurant & Catering SUNHOLM FARMS Work in partnership with area restaurants. The farms and retail outlets are listed by county in alphabetical order. See listings for their complete product list. Maple Syrup, Honey & Cider 41 35291 Zurich Hensall Rd., Zurich N0M 2T0 Tel: 519-236-7907 Email: massepumpkins@hay.net Meat is available year round. Baked Goods & Preserves D-9 Mike and Dianne Masse Vegetables, fruit, berries, baked goods, meats, maple syrup, homemade crafts, preserves, herbs, flowers, honey and cider. If you have further questions about the food listed on this map, ask the farmer or retailer. And don’t forget to tell them you saw their farm/business on the BUY LOCAL! BUY FRESH! Map! Principal Categories MASSE SWEET CORN & PUMPKIN PATCH 8394 Haig Line, RR 2, Grand Bend N0M 1T0 Tel: 519-243-4015 Fax: 519-238-5201 Email: Grandbendfarmersmarket@execulink.com Located in the municipal parking lot on Municipal Dr. The BUY LOCAL! BUY FRESH! Map is the only guide you need to find locally-produced food. You can choose to buy direct from the farm or from retail outlets listed by the farmer. This map will help you to choose foods grown with pride right here in Huron and Perth Counties! 28 E 2n di d tio n 15 4 Chill all cold foods within two hours from the time of purchase and after cooking. For more information: www.inspection.gc.ca/english/fssa/fssae.shtml For recipes and more food information, visit: www.foodland.gov.on.ca Printed in Canada, Summer 2009