Newsletter - Sun and Black Flowers


Newsletter - Sun and Black Flowers
From Sun & Black Flowers
June’ 2015
Issue 36
There are many reasons to grow plants - they clean the air,
soften and infuse our decor with nature, and reduce the amount of
stress we feel. There are a stunning array of leaf colors and textures
to brighten spirits even on the shortest, dreariest winter days. Pick
carefully and they also provide scent -- from rich and flowery to warm
and spicy. Read on to discover some of our favorite fragrant plants.
Tulsi is the Sanskrit name for an herb closely related to
the common culinary herb basil. It’s also called luole in Chinese
and holy basil in English. People have used this herb all over
the world for many centuries, in cooking and for medicinal pur
poses, so it can be used fresh or it can be bought dried in cap
sules or as tea. The leaves are the useful portion of the plant.
Dianthus Plant
The dianthus plant is also called Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus) and has a fragrance with cinnamon
or clove notes. The plants are small and usually between 6 and 18 inches tall. Dianthus flowers are most often
in pink, salmon, red and white hues. The foliage is slender and sparsely spread on thick stems
Hymenocallis Caribaea,
Spider Lilly - Plant
The exotic white flowers have extremely
long, hanging petals with a central staminal cup
formed from the membranes of the staminodes.
The name Hymenocallis means ‘beau
tiful membrane’. Unlike agapanthus,
they have a long flowering period and
at times are so smothered in flowers
you can hardly see the foliage. The big
gest flush of flowers occurs at the start
of the rainy season and then the flow
ers seem to come in flushes coinciding
with very wet periods. Flowers open
in the evening emitting their perfume
overnight and generally last 2 to 3 days.
It has been commonly cultivated as an ornamental plant throughout the world. Originally from China
and Northern India, jasmine was brought to Europe by the Arabs. With its heady fragrance, it has also been used
historically as an aphrodisiac and an aromatic addition to teas. Even to this day, wom en in Southern India wear
strings of the flowers in their hair. In the Philippines, the flowers are strung into, leis, corsages and crowns, and
are used to welcome guests and adorn ritual ceremonial shrines.
Lemongrass Plant
Lemongrass, also called fever grass, is a peren
nial plant with thin, long leaves that is indigenous to
many Asian countries. As the name implies, lemongrass
smells like lemon, but it tastes milder and sweeter. This
herb is used in various Asian cuisines as a flavoring
agent due to its potent flavor.
Nutritionally, lemongrass is a good
source of vitamins A and C, folate, fo
lic acid, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron,
potassium, phosphorus, calcium and
manganese. It also has minute traces of
B vitamins.
Along with its culinary uses, lemon
grass is useful in alternative or comple
mentary remedies for a wide range of
(Origanum Majorana)
Marjoram (Origanum majorana)is an aromatic herb in the mint family which originated in Egypt and
Arabia. It is also widely referred to as Oregano. Today, it is commonly found in the Mediterranean region or
grown in gardens around the world. In its varied forms of: Marjoram essential oil, fresh or dried Marjoram
leaves, or Marjoram powder (ground up Marjoram), it has many uses. As a culinary additive, it is commonly
used to flavor soups, sauces, salads, and meat dishes. Cosmetically, Marjoram is used in skin cream, body lotion,
shaving gel, and bath soaps. Whether
used as an essential oil, powder, fresh
leaves, or dried leaves, Marjoram has
many uses with numerous health ben
efits. Marjoram (Origanum majorana)
synonyms are: Majorana hortensis
Moench, Majorana majorana
Parijat, Parijatak,
Parijat” is also known as ‘Harsinghar’ in Hindi
and ‘She fali’ in Bengali. It bears the botanical name
of Nycatan thes Arbortristis. Nyctanthes which means
‘night flow ering’ and Arbortristis means ‘The sad tree’
or ‘The tree of sorrow’ as in the early morning when it
has dropped its flowers, the tree appears to look sad.
Flower lovers wake up in the early
morning to collect them and generally
place them in a flat dish to make their
rooms fresh and fra grant.
Parijat flower have four to eight petals
arranged above a vibrant orange tube
in a pinwheel pattern. These highly fra
grant flowers open at night spreading
their fragrance in the surrounding area
with an intensely sweet floral aroma.
Just as the dawn breaks, they drop
one by one, forming a carpet of snowwhite petals, an enchanting sight that
can take anyone’s breath. These flowers
blossom between August to December.
Pepper Mint
Peppermint is a hybrid cross between the watermint and spearmint. It grows native in Europe, but can
be found throughout much of the globe. Mint is so universally loved, that one can find this plant growing wild
in almost every country of the planet where civilization has thrived. Mint has been used in food dishes, baths,
herbal balms and nervine tonics for hundreds of years.
It has been a well-known digestive ton
ic, and is wildly popular in Arabic teas
for its digestive properties. In Ancient
Greece, the entire body was perfumed
with mint, and was highly revered as
an aphrodisiac, tooth whitener and
overall breath freshener.
Nerium indicum
Nerium indicum is commonly known as Indian olean
der or kaner which belongs to Apocynaceae family in
the genus Nerium.
Also called Adelfa, Nerium indicum is
found throughout the Philippines and
parts of Asia including ranges of Him
alayas from Nepal to Kashmir.
Indian oleander is a poisonous plant
containing various active toxins but
has been used externally for ailments.
Nerium is evergreen shrub that grows
upto the height of 4 m and bearing
leaves all the year around.
The leaves are long, linear-lanceolate, 10-15 cm in length with horizontal nerves.
Flowers are hermaphrodite, white, pink or red in colour, sweet smelled and 4-5 cm in diameter.
Fruit of nerium is long about 15-20 cm, cylindrical and paired growing with the stem.
Seeds contained in fruit are numerous, compressed and white in colour having smooth hairs.
Roses are widely considered the most beautiful
flow ers in the world. The flower is an integral part of
innumerable stories, legends, myths and legacies. With
its varied colors, incomparable fra grance and range of
shapes and sizes, you can find one for
every mood and oc casion. People who
do not know about any of its medicinal
properties can still tell you of one un
deniable property; a beautiful, red rose
can invoke romantic feelings in even
the hardest of hearts.
Also called Adelfa, Nerium indicum is
found throughout the Philippines and
parts of Asia including ranges of Him
alayas from Nepal to Kashmir.
Sun & Black Flowers
#S7, Brown Nest Apartments,
New No: 38, 2nd Main Road,
Gandhi Nagar, Adyar,
Chennai – 600 020.
Tel: 044 – 24466998/598, 9444086998 ,
DesignHead: Omprakash D.
Layout Design: Richard Rajan S.