million - 2016 Canadian Sprint CanoeKayak Championships
million - 2016 Canadian Sprint CanoeKayak Championships
2016 CANADIAN SPRINT CANOE KAYAK CHAMPIONSHIPS Championnats canadiens de Canoe Kayakde vitesse August 30 – September 4, 2016 / 30 août – 4 septembre 2016 Lake Banook, Dartmouth NS 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 1 Host Organizing Committee / Comité organisateur local Bob Russell gouvernementales LA Dempster Co-Chair / co-président Karen Swan Chair of Ceremonies & Social Requirements / présidente des cérémonies et des exigences sociales Co-Chair / co-président Ned Russell Financial Controller / contrôleur financier David Graham Chair of Technical Requirements / président des exigences techniques Trish Vardy Chair of Marketing, Communications & Public Relations / présidente du marketing, des communications et des relations publiques Ian Scott Chair of Corporate Sponsorship & Government Relations / président des commandites corporatives et des relations Ian Mortimer Director of Domestic Development, Canoe Kayak Canada / directeur du développement national, Canoe Kayak Canada Ted Roworth 2017 Host Organizing Committee / comité organisateur local 2017 Shannon Kennedy Associate Organizer Nationals / organisatrice associée des championnats nationaux Tracy White General Manager / directrice générale Technical Requirements Committee Members / Membres du comité des exigences techniques Mark Ring Barry Ring Safety & Security / sécurité Information Technology & On-Site Communications / technologie de l’information et communications sur place Fred Van Horne Peter Lombardi Water Course / parcours sur l’eau Facilities Manager / gestionnaire des installations David Lombardi Tracy White General Manager / directrice générale Water Course / parcours sur l’eau Paul Barry Competition Site & Grounds / site de compétition Don Mosher Officials Facilities & Installations / installations officielles Anne Marie Schaus Volunteer Management / gestion des bénévoles 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 1 Marketing, Communications & Public Relations Committee Members / Membres du comité des exigences techniques Victoria Turpin Lisa Manninger Emma Keevill Ian Miller Maggie Schiebel Communications and Marketing Officer, Canoe Kayak Canada / Agente des communications et du marketing, Canoe Kayak Canada Kristi Stowbridge Shannon Kennedy Laura Tupper-Ring John Leahy Associate Organizer Nationals Tracy White General Manager / directrice générale Austin Denman Sponsorship & Government Relations Committee Members / Membres du comité des commandites et des relations gouvernementales Mark de Jonge Kaitlin McCoombs Karen Furneaux Tracy White General Manager / directrice générale Laura Tupper-Ring Ceremonies & Social Requirements Committee Members / Membres du comité des cérémonies et des exigences sociales Claudette Clattenburg Debra Vieth-Morse Cora Lee Murrin-Beauchamp Heather Corrigan Hannah Vaughan Tracy White General Manager / directrice générale Hannah MacIntosh 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 2 Welcome Messages / Messages de bienvenue Hello to all competitors, coaches, parents, friends, volunteers, and of course our fans- the reason we’re all here today. We are so pleased to welcome all of you to Dartmouth for the 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak championships! We are very proud of our local canoe and kayak heritage. The first recorded regatta was held in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1826. Over the intervening 190 years, the sport continues to gain popularity and continuously brings our community together. Canoe clubs in the region are encouraging thousands of young people to take up paddle sports, and they are also producing world class athletes. Canoe kayak has consistently been the highest performing sport for Nova Scotia, whether one examines Canada Games results, producing Olympians, and representation on national teams. As the Host Organizing Committee, we have done our best to prepare for this event. So many dedicated volunteers and employees have worked tirelessly in anticipation of Nationals. We sincerely hope that all the 2016 CKC Nationals participants will have a great experience in Dartmouth, the City of Lakes. We hope that it will be fair, exciting, and the best national championships thus far. Bonjour à tous les concurrents, entraîneurs,m parents, amis, bénévoles et, bien sûr, nos amateurs – la raison pour laquelle nous sommes ici aujourd’hui. Nous sommes très heureux de vous accueillir tous à Dartmouth pour les championnats canadiens de vitesse de Canoe Kayak 2016! Nous sommes très fiers de notre héritage local de canoë et kayak. La première régate enregistrée a eu lieu à Halifax, en Nouvelle-Écosse, en 1826. Au cours des 190 années suivantes, le sport a continué d’acquérir de la popularité et rassemble constamment la collectivité. Les clubs de canotage dans la région encouragent des milliers de jeunes gens à adopter les sports de pagaie et ils produisent aussi des athlètes de niveau mondial. Le Canoe kayak a constamment été un sport avec les plus hautes performances pour la Nouvelle-Écosse, que ce soit en regardant les résultats des Jeux du Canada, en produisant des olympiens et dans la représentation dans les équipes nationales. En tant que comité organisateur, nous avons fait de notre mieux pour nous préparer pour cet événement. Donc plusieurs bénévoles et employés déterminés ont travaillé sans relâche pour les championnats nationaux. Nous espérons sincèrement que tous les participants aux championnats nationaux de CKC 2016 auront une excellente expérience à Dartmouth, la ville des lacs. Nous espérons que ce seront des championnats nationaux justes, excitants et les meilleurs jusqu’à maintenant. Best of luck to all competitors! Bonne chance à tous les concurrents! Let the racing begin, / Que les courses commencent, L A Dempster R A Russell Host Organizing Committee, Co-Chairs / Comité organisateur local, co-présidents 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships / Championnats canadiens de Canoe Kayak de vitesse 2016 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 3 Welcome Messages / Messages de bienvenue Dear Friends in Paddling, / Chers amis de canotage, On behalf of the Atlantic Division CanoeKayak Canada it is my great pleasure to extend a very warm welcome you all. For almost two years a dedicated and committed group of volunteers and staff serving on our Host Organizing Committee and various Sub-Committees have worked diligently towards this event. Their many hours of service will ensure your experience here on Lake Banook is memorable, enjoyable and provides a world class paddling venue, second to none. To all of these volunteers and staff, thank-you for your drive to achieve excellence. The time and effort you have contributed will ensure our guests and spectators feel and experience the hospitality we are known for here in Atlantic Canada. I also extend my sincere appreciation and gratitude to all of our supporters and partners that have made this event possible. To our government partners and corporate sponsors, thank-you. Your support of our paddling community, healthy and active lifestyles, families, youth and those who strive to achieve their best result is to be commended and applauded. Now, on to celebrate the Clubs, friends, athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, spectators, and partners that have come together from all over Canada to experience six days of intense competition and to create fond new memories! Au nom de la Division Atlantique de CanoeKayak Canada, il me fait très plaisir de vous souhaiter une chaleureuse bienvenue à tous. Pendant près de deux ans un groupe déterminé et engagé de bénévoles et d’employés a travaillé dans notre comité organisateur local et dans divers sous-comités pour préparer cet événement. Leurs nombreuses heures de service assureront que votre expérience ici au Lake Banook est mémorable, agréable et offrent une installation de canotage de niveau mondial qui ne le cède à aucune autre. À tous ces bénévoles et employés, merci pour votre détermination pour atteindre l’excellence. Le temps et les efforts que vous avez fournis assureront que nos invités et spectateurs ressentent la sensation et l’expérience de l’accueil dont nous avons la réputation ici dans les Maritimes. Je présente aussi ma sincère appréciation et ma gratitude à tous nos partisans et partenaires qui ont rendu cet événement possible. À nos partenaires gouvernementaux et nos commanditaires corporatifs, merci. Votre soutien pour notre collectivité de canotage, les styles de vie saine et active, les familles, la jeunesse et ceux qui visent réussir leurs meilleurs résultats doit être félicitée et applaudie. Maintenant, célébrons les clubs, les amis, les athlètes, les entraîneurs, les officiels, les bénévoles, les spectateurs et les partenaires qui sont venus de partout au pays pour vivre six jours de compétition intense et créer de nouveaux souvenirs inoubliables! Sincerely, / Sincèrement, Paul Dean, Flag Officer / directeur Atlantic Division CanoeKayak Canada / Division Atlantique de CanoeKayak Canada 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 4 Welcome Messages / Messages de bienvenue Dear athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, spectators and supporters, / Chers athlètes, officiels, entraîneurs, bénévoles, spectateurs et supporteurs, Welcome to the 117th Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships. There is no better way to finish a season. All year, athletes and their coaches across the country have trained hard and pushed their limits. Now it’s time to race for club pride and for the love of the sport. For those competing at their first National Championships, you’re joining a rich tradition. For decades, paddlers from all over Canada have lined up head-to-head to compete for the title of Canadian Champion. This event is the pinnacle of paddling competition in Canada and this is a Championship unlike any other. The memories and friends you will make at this regatta will be with you for many years to come. This year is a special one as we welcome our Olympic Team back from Rio to compete alongside the young upcoming paddlers. Our national team athletes will surely be a source of inspiration to the many paddlers who aspire to one day compete for their country. Competing at these Championships is an important step towards those ambitious goals. We would like to thank the Atlantic Division Host Organizing Committee, the volunteers, officials and supporters for their work in staging this incredible event. To the athletes, coaches, clubs and families who make this event everything that it is, we thank you for coming and wish you the best of luck in your races. Have a wonderful Championships. Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue aux Championnats canadiens de canoë-kayak de vitesse. Il n’y a aucun autre moyen de mieux terminer la saison. Durant toute l’année, les athlètes et leurs entraîneurs de partout au pays se sont entraînés à un rythme soutenu et sans aucune limite. Maintenant, il est temps de performer pour l’honneur de son club et l’amour du sport. Pour ceux qui participent à leurs premiers Championnats nationaux, vous faites maintenant partie d’une tradition. Durant des décades, des pagayeurs de partout au Canada se sont alignés à la ligne de départ pour obtenir le titre de champion canadien. Cet événement est le sommet des compétitions de canotage au Canada et c’est un championnat qui ne ressemble à aucun autre. L’événement de cette année est réellement spécial car nous souhaiterons la bienvenue à notre équipe olympique, de retour de Rio, qui compétionnera avec tous nos jeunes pagayeurs. Les athlètes de l’équipe nationale seront certainement une source d’inspiration pour tous les pagayeurs qui aspirent à compétitionner un jour pour leur pays. La participation à ces Championnats est une étape importante vers des objectifs plus ambitieux. Nous aimerions remercier ici le Comité organisateur hôte de la division de l’Atlantique, les bénévoles, les officiels et les supporteurs pour leur travail dans l’organisation de ce formidable événement. Aux athlètes, entraîneurs, clubs et familles qui font de cet événement ce qu’il est,de gros mercis et les meilleures chances pour vos courses. Madeleine Hall, Commodore / présidente Canoe Kayak Canada / CanoeKayak Canada Casey Wade, CEO / directeur général Canoe Kayak Canada / CanoeKayak Canada 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 5 Welcome Messages / Messages de bienvenue On behalf of Halifax Regional Council, / Au nom du Conseil régional d’Halifax, I am delighted to extend warm greetings and a special welcome one and all to the 2016 Canadian Sprint CanoeKayak Championships taking place on beautiful Lake Banook. Congratulations to the Atlantic Division CanoeKayak Canada for hosting this exciting competition featuring the finest paddlers from across Canada. I want to acknowledge, with gratitude, the dedicated commitment of CanoeKayak Canada, the Host Organizing Committee, the many volunteers, officials, athletes, and parents who work diligently to ensure the success of this national competition. I wish you all success as you compete and trust your experience will be truly memorable! ax Regional Council, I am delighted to extend nd a special welcome one and all to the 2016et souhaiter une bienvenue toute spéciale aux Championnats canadiens 2016 de sprint je suis ravi de saluer chaleureusement CanoeKayak Championships taking place onmagnifique lac Banook. de canoë-kayak qui auront lieu sur le nook. Félicitations la division Atlantique Canada pour accueillir cette compétition excitante mettant en vedette les o the Atlantic Divisionà CanoeKayak CanadaCanoeKayak for meilleurs pagayeurs de partout au Canada. ng competition featuring the finest paddlers from Je tiens à souligner avec gratitude l’engagement dévoué de CanoeKayak Canada, le Comité organisateur hôte, les nombreux edge, with gratitude,les the dedicated commitment of bénévoles, officiels, les athlètes et les parents qui travaillent avec diligence pour assurer le succès de ce concours ada, the Host Organizing Committee, the many national. nts who work diligently to ensure the success of volunteers, officials, Je vous souhaite un très grand succès dans vos compétitions et je suis confiant que votre expérience sera vraiment this national compe and trust your experience will be truly mémorable ! Kindest regards, / Meilleures salutations, Kindest regards, I wish you all succe memorable! Mike Savage Mike Savage, Mayor / Maire Mayor 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 6 Welcome Messages / Messages de bienvenue As the Regional Councillor for the area, and one who has watched many paddling regattas all over the world, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2016 Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships here on one of the best courses in the world, Lake Banook, Dartmouth. You have trained very hard to make the team, and now you will have an opportunity to show off your skills. You will also be rubbing shoulders with great paddlers from all across Canada. Whether you medal or not, be proud of your efforts. I have long been a fan and supporter of paddling. I will be here to cheer you on. Thanks to Atlantic Division of CanoeKayak Canada and the great volunteers. I am hoping for great weather and little wind – so good luck and enjoy! En tant que conseillère régionale pour la région, et une personne qui a regardé plusieurs régates de canotage partout dans le monde, il me fait plaisir de vous accuellir aux championnats de Canoe Kayak de vitesse 2016 ici, dans un des meilleurs parcours au monde, à Lake Banook, à Dartmouth. Vous vous êtes entraînés très fort pour faire l’équipe et maintenant vous aurez une occasion de montrer votre talent. Vous côtoirez aussi d’excellents pagayeurs de partout au Canada. Que vous remportiez ou non des médaille, soyez fiers de vos efforts. Je suis depuis longtemps une amateur et une partisane du canotage. Je serai ici pour vous encourager. Merci à la Divison Atlantique de CanoeKayak Canada et aux excellents bénévoles. J’espère qu’il y aura une excellente température et un peu de vent – donc bonne chance et profitez-en! Dr Gloria McCluskey, Councillor / Conseillère District 5 – Dartmouth Centre / Quartier 5 – Dartmouth Centre 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 7 Welcome Messages / Messages de bienvenue As Premier of Nova Scotia, I am pleased to welcome you to the 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak National Championships. I want to welcome all of the athletes, coaches, parents, and supporters from across Canada. For some, this may be your first visit to our province. I hope that during your stay, you have an opportunity to explore all that Nova Scotia has to offer. For anyone who has previously visited, it’s great to see you again. I would also like to recognize the hard work of all those who helped make this event possible you form the foundation of sport in the lives of these athletes. We all owe a great deal to those who have so generously committed their time and expertise. As Premier of Nova Scotia, I am pleased to welcome you to the 2016 Canadian Kayak National Championships. I Sprint want toCanoe wish everyone taking part, a fun, safe and successful competition. As Premier of Nova Scotia, I am ple want welcome all of athletes, coaches, and supporters fromà tous, athlètes, entraîneurs, parents ÀI titre deto premier ministre dethe la Nouvelle-Écosse, c’estparents, avec plaisir que je vous souhaite Sprint Canoe Kayak National Cham across Canada. For some, this may be your first visit to our province. I hope et partisans de partout au Canada, la bienvenue aux Championnats canadiens de canoë-kayak de vitesse 2016. that during your stay, you have an opportunity to explore all that Nova Scotia I want to welcome all of the athlet has certains to offer.d’entre For anyone previously visited, it’snotre great to see you again. Pour vous, il who s’agithas d’une première visite dans province. J’espère que vous across aurez l’occasion, votre this may Canada. durant For some, séjour, d’explorer tout ce que la Nouvelle-Écosse a à vous offrir. Pour ceux qui sont déjà venus ici, nous sommes heureux de that during your stay, you have an I would also de likenouveau. to recognize the hard work of all those who helped make this vous accueillir has to offer. For anyone who has p event possible - you form the foundation of sport in the lives of these athletes. JeWe reconnais tout le travail effectué par les personnes quigenerously ont rendu cetcommitted événement their possible. Elles sont à la base du sport all owe a great deal to those who have so I would also like to recognize the h dans la vie de ces athlètes. Nous sommes très reconnaissants envers ceux et celles qui offrent si généreusement de leur time and expertise. event possible - you form the found temps et de leur expertise. We all owe a great deal to those time and expertise. Je souhaite à tous les participants des compétitions fructueuses, sécuritaires et enthousiasmantes. I want to wish everyone taking part, a fun, safe and successful competition. Sincerely, I want to wish everyone taking par Sincerely, / Cordialement, Sincerely, Honourable Stephen McNeil, M.L.A. Honourable Stephen McNeil, M.L.A. Premier / Premier ministre Premier Honourable Stephen McNeil, M.L.A Premier 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 8 Welcome Messages / Messages de bienvenue Welcome to the 2016 Canoe Kayak Canada National Championships on beautiful Lake Banook. Nova Scotia, and in particular this part of the province and this lake, has a proud and long-standing tradition of canoeing and kayaking. It’s a paddling community rich in culture, family and tradition. As our society places a greater importance on physical activity, it is encouraging to have so many people here who are passionate about sport and recreation. You teach us all an important lesson, that regardless of age, ability or skill level, we can all have fun while be active. You are setting a great example for others to follow in your communities. Thank you to the dedicated organizers and volunteers that have worked hard to make this event possible. Bienvenue aux Championnats canadiens de canoë-kayak de vitesse 2016 au magnifique lac Banook. La Nouvelle-Écosse, en particulier cette région de la province et ce lac, a une longue et fière tradition des sports de pagaie. Nous sommes une communauté de pagayeurs, riche en cultures, en familles et en traditions. À l’heure où notre société accorde de plus en plus d’importance à l’activité physique, il est encourageant de voir ici autant de gens qui sont passionnés par les sports et les loisirs. Vous nous enseignez tous une leçon importante, à savoir que peu importe notre âge, nos capacités ou nos compétences, nous pouvons nous amuser tout en étant actifs. Vous êtes d’excellents modèles à suivre dans vos collectivités respectives. Je remercie les organisateurs et les bénévoles qui, avec diligence et détermination, ont rendu possible la tenue de ces championnats. Good luck to all paddlers. / Bonne chance à tous les pagayeurs. Tony Ince, Minister of Communities, Culture and Heritage / Ministre des Communautés, de la Culture et du Patrimoine 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 9 Welcome Messages / Messages de bienvenue There’s a reason Dartmouth is called the ‘City of Lakes.’ Welcome to Dartmouth- a city shaped by water. You’ll be paddling on lakes connected to the Shubenacadie Waterway, which was originally used by the Mi’kmaq First Nation for transportation, commerce and more. From an early age, so many of us started out paddling or rowing on Lake Banook and Mic Mac. We are proud to host three of Canada’s canoe clubs right here on Lake Banook. Our historic lake has been host to numerous championships and Olympians. Athletes: I wish you the very best of luck in this inspiring competition. Give it your all, leave nothing on the table and be proud of what you accomplish. Although you’re here to compete in this intense competition, I hope you and your families will have the opportunity to explore our fantastic community. Stunning trails, beaches, restaurants and shopping await you within walking distance. Dartmouth mérite bien son surnom de « ville des lacs » Bienvenue à Dartmouth, la ville façonnée par l’eau. Vous pagaierez sur les lacs reliés au canal Shubenacadie, que les Mi’kmaq empruntaient autrefois pour le transport, le commerce et plus encore. Dès l’enfance, tant d’entre nous avons été initiés aux sports de rame sur le lac Banook et le lac Mic Mac. Nous tirons une grande fierté des trois clubs de canotage du Canada, ici sur le lac Banook. Ce lac historique a accueilli de nombreux championnats ainsi que des olympiens. Athlètes, je vous souhaite de tout cœur bonne chance dans cette compétition inspirante. Donnez le meilleur de vous-même, ne ménagez pas vos efforts et soyez fier de vos réalisations. Même si vous êtes ici pour participer à une compétition intense, j’espère que votre famille et vous en profiterez pour découvrir notre formidable ville. Il y a tant de merveilleux sentiers, de plages, de restaurants et de magasins à distance de marche. Welcome and best of luck, / Bienvenue et bonne chance, Darren Fisher, Member of Parliament / Député Dartmouth-Cole Harbour 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 10 Venue Map 9 5 Lake Banook Silvers Hill Park 6 12 3 2 4 10 1 15 14 8 16 13 Nowlan St 11 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships 7 Page 11 Venue Map Index 1. North Star Rowing Boathouse Doping Control 2. Atlantic Division Racing Centre Main Office • Volunteer & Staff Washrooms (closed to public) • Welcome Centre 3.Judge’s Tower Officials • Results Manager • Safety Boat Coordination 4.Mic Mac A.A.C Boat Control • Vendors • Canteen • Bar • Media and Sponsor VIP Area 5.Boardwalk (along Prince Albert Rd.) Spectators Additional Seating (under 10ft x 10ft tents permitted) 6.Race Course 7.Nowlan Street Vendors • Restricted Parking for Event Volunteers & Staff • Accessible Parking Spots 8.Banook Canoe Club & Beach Area Restaurant • Bar • Beach - Visiting Club Grounds (designated) • Accessible Parking Spots 9.Owls Club CanoeKayak Canada Meeting Room • Officials Lunch Area & Washrooms • Officials Storage 10.Parking Lot War Canoe Storage (NO PARKING) 11.Henry Findlay Park Vendors 12.Mic Mac Parking Lot Grandstand Seating • Medal Presentations • Location of BurgeeFest (last day) 13.Lions Beach Results Sign • Visiting Club Grounds (designated) 14.Mic Mac / Senobe Beach Visiting Club Grounds (designated) 15. Oakwood Park Visiting Club Grounds (designated) 16.Senobe Canoe Club Canteen • Bar Visiting Club Grounds Banook Canoe Club Beach Burloak • Richmond Hill • Pickering Rouge • Coburg • Sudbury Lions Beach Balmy Beach • Mississaugua • Rideau • Toba Mic Mac / Senobe Beach Quebec Division: Trois Rivieres • Pointe-Claire • Lac-Beauport • Cascades • Lachine • Lac-Sergent • Viking • Sherbrooke • Radisson • Shawinigan • Otterburn • Onake Oakwood Park Maskwa • Pisiquid • Ottawa River • Carleton Place • North Bay • Sydenham • Gananoque • Sack-a-wa • Cheema • Kennebecasis • Orenda • Abenaki • Pacific Division: Ridge • Kamloops • Pitt Meadows • Burnaby • Nanaimo • Fort Langley • Prairie Division: Calgary • Wascana • Saskatoon • Greater Edmonton 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 12 Draw The official Nationals Draw is posted on the CKC website under the CKC Sprint Nationals 2016 page. 2016 Nationals App Through a generous sponsorship to the 2016 Nationals Host Organizing Committee, immediaC has created a mobile web and iOS app for following along with Nationals. This app contains the draw, with some great functionality including searching through the races and results by athlete. The mobile friendly web app is available from the CKC National Championships Web site: And from the Apple Store by searching for the Canadian Canoe Kayak Championship by immediaC iOS, or via this link Thank you to Atlantic Division CanoeKayak Canada, the 2016 Host Organizing Committee and immediaC for this amazing partnership to allow those in Dartmouth and paddling fans across the country stay up to date with the races on Lake Banook. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 13 Social Events / activités sociales The Atlantic Division CanoeKayak Canada (ADCKC) is thrilled to be hosting this years’ National Championships. Along with the celebrations and competition, we are proud to offer many social events for your enjoyment. We look forward to seeing you on the lake and at our events! La Division Atlantique de CanoeKayak Canada (ADCKC) est enchantée d’organiser les championnats nationaux de cette année. Outre les célébrations et la compétition, nous sommes fiers d’offrir plusieur activités sociales pour votre plaisir. Nous avons hâte de vous voir sur le lac et dans nos activités! Junior Dance / Danse junior We are inviting all junior athletes (18 and under) to end Nationals on high note with a Much Video Dance party! Pizza, drinks, and snacks will be available on-site for purchase. Please be sure attendees have some cash on hand. LNous invitons tous les athlètes juniors (18 ans et moins) à terminer les championnats nationaux en beauté avec une fête de danse Much Video! Pizza, breuvages et collations pourront être achetés sur place. Veuillez vous assurer que les participants ont de l’argent comptant. Junior Dance Details / Détails de la danse junior Date: Saturday September 3rd, 2016 / Samedi 3 septembre 2016 Time / Heure: 8pm – 12am / 20h – minuit Location / Endroit: Dartmouth Sportsplex (110 Wyse Rd., Dartmouth) / Sportsplex de Dartmouth (110 Wyse Rd., Dartmouth) Ticket Price / Prix billet: $20 each / 20$ chacun Ticket Ordering Process / Procédure pour commander des billets: Tickets must be pre-ordered by August 20th by one designated Club representative. For every ten tickets purchased the Club must name one chaperone to accompany the ten attendees. To order your tickets contact / Les billets doivent être commandés à l’avance d’ici le 20 août par un représentant désigné du club. Pour chaque 10 billets achetés le lcub doit nommer un chaperon pour accompagner les 10 participants. Pour commander vos billets, communiquez avec Ticket Pick-up and Payment / Récupération et paiement des billets: : Club representatives must pick up and pay for their tickets during Nationals by 12 pm on Saturday September 3rd at the Welcome Centre and name their chaperone for every ten tickets purchased. / les représentants des clubs doivent récupérer et payer leurs billets pendant les championnats nationaux avant midi le samedi 3 septembre au Welcome Centre et nommer leur chaperon pour chaque 10 billets achetés. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 14 BurgeeFest / Danse junior BurgeeFest is back and will feature some of your favourite National Team paddlers as hosts! This time, there’s a twist… All Championship paddlers are encouraged to create their own burgee with a funny, creative and team-spirited message/slogan and share it to the BurgeeFest page (#bestburgee). The best burgee in Canada will win BurgeeFest sunglasses at the celebration. Keep an eye out at the event for our life-size cut outs of some of the National Team members! You can pose as one, or get a photo with them. Don’t forget to share your photos using La BurgeeFest est de retour et présentera certains de vos pagayeurs favoris de l’équipe nationale comme hôtes! Cette fois, il y a une différence … On encourage tous les pagayeurs dans les championnats à créer leur propre bannière avec un message/slogan amusant, créatif et d’équipe et le partager dans la page de la BurgeeFest (#bestburgee). La meilleure bannière au Canada gagnera les lunettes fumées de la BurgeeFest lors de la célébration. Gardez l’oeil ouvert lors de l’événement pour voir les portraits grandeur nature de certains membres de l’équipe nationale! Vous pouvez les photographier ou vous faire photographier avec l’un d’eux. N’oubliez pas de partager vos photos en utilisant #BurgeeFest. BurgeeFest Details / Détails de la BurgeeFest Date: Saturday September 3rd, 2016 / Samedi 3 septembre 2016 Time / Heure: 5pm – 6 pm / 17h – 18h Location / Endroit: Mic Mac A.A.C. Parking Lot / Stationnement du Mic Mac A.A.C. Champions of Rings – Honoring our Canoe Kayak athletes, sponsored by: McInnes Cooper / Champions des bagues – Honorant nos athlètes de Canoe Kayak, commandités par: McInnes Cooper The Host Organizing Committee is pleased to offer a new event in place of the Commodores Dinner – The Champions of Rings event. This event will honour our decorated Canoe Kayak athletes returning from national and international competitions and past elite athletes. We will also recognize the many volunteers and Commodores that facilitate our sport. This is a complimentary cocktail reception with drinks, munchies and much more! Le comité organisateur local est heureux d’offrir une nouvelle activité au lieu du souper du Commodore – l’activité de champions des bagues. Cette activité honorera nos athlètes décorés de Canoe Kayak qui reviennent des compétitions nationales et internationales et les athlètes d’élite passés. Nous rendrons aussi hommage aux nombreux bénévoles et commodores qui animent notre sport. Ceci est une réception cocktail gratuite avec des breuvages, des bouchées et beaucoup plus! 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 15 Champions of Rings Details / Détails des champions des bagues Date: Thursday September 1st, 2016 / Jeudi 1er septembre 2016 Time / Heure: 7 pm – 9pm / 19h –21h Location / Endroit: McInnes Cooper (1969 Upper Water Street) By Invite Only – Dress: Business Casual / Sur invitation seulement – Habillement: affaire décontracté RSVP Deadline / Date limite pour R.S.V.P.: August 20th, 2016 to / 20 août 2016 à Senior Dance / Danse senior Our renowned Senior Dance (19+) will be held at the Mic Mac A.A.C. This year, we will have music from one of the best bands in Canada – The Mellotones! You don’t want to miss this! Notre réputée danse senior (19+) aura lieu au Mic Mac A.A.C. cette année nous aurons la musique d’un des meilleurs groupes au Canada – Les Mellotones! Vous ne voudrez pas manquer cela! Senior Dance Details / Détails de la danse senior Date: Saturday September 3rd, 2016 / Samedi 3 septembre 2016 Time / Heures: 9pm (doors open), 9:30pm – 2:30am / 21h (ouverture des portes), 21h30 – 2h30 Location / Endroit: Mic Mac A.A.C. (192 Prince Albert Rd., Dartmouth) Ticket Price / Prix des billets: $20 ea. / 20$ chacun. Ticket Ordering Process / Procédure pour commander des billets: Pre-order tickets by contacting or pick up during Nationals at Mic Mac A.A.C. / commandez des billets à l’avance en communiquant avec paddling@ ou récupérez-les pendant les championnats nationaux au Mic Mac A.A.C. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 16 Canadian Sprint CanoeKayak Championships – Best Times Class Event Year Held By Club Time Junior Women C-1, 1000m 2011 Laurence Vincent-Lapointe Trois Rivières 4:42.923 Junior Women C-1, 200m 2013 Junior Women C-1, 500m 2008 Junior Women C-2, 1000m 2014 Junior Women C-2, 200m 2013 Junior Women C-2, 500m 2014 Junior Women C-4, 500m 1998 Junior Women K-1, 1000m 1994 Junior Women Junior Women Junior Women Junior Women K-1, 200m K-1, 500m K-2, 1000m K-2, 200m 1995 2007 2005 1995 Junior Women K-2, 500m 2006 Junior Women K-4, 500m 2011 Junior Women War Canoe, 500m 2004 Master Women C-1, 500m 2013 Master Women K-1, 500m 2013 Open Women C-4, 200m 2007 Open Women IC-4, 500m 2014 Open Women Intellectual K-1, 200m 2013 Open Women V.I. (LTA, TA, A) K-1, 200m Open Women K-4, 200m 2007 Senior Women C-1, 1000m 1998 Senior Women Senior Women Senior Women C-1, 200m C-1, 500m C-2, 1000m 2011 2011 2013 Taylor Potts Burloak Mallorie Nicholson Sarah-Jane Caumartin, Laurence Vincent-Lapointe Sarah-Jane Caumartin, Laurence Vincent-Lapointe Sarah-Jane Caumartin, Laurence Vincent-Lapointe Mirielle Perron, Marika Perron, Judith Tremblay, Cindy Tuppert-Tremblay Danica Rice Klari MacAskill Burloak 2:16.306 Trois Rivières 4:25.388 Trois Rivières 0:47.537 Trois Rivières 2:08.328 Ontaritzi 2:19.49 Burloak 4:09.87 West Rouge Émilie Fournel Émilie Fournel, Marie-Christine Schmidt Klari MacAskill, Alison Herst Émilie Fournel, Marie-Christine Schmidt Alexa Irvin, Clara Jerrett, Natalie Miller, Jillian Steele Captain Joseph Romkey Kim Crumpton Lachine Lachine West Rouge 0:41.62 1:54.921 3:45.356 0:38.07 Lachine 1:47.731 Maskwa 1:44.665 Mic Mac 1:52.850 Viking Edit Fried 0:50.374 2:42.471 Pointe Claire 2:15.021 Mississauga 0:49.987 Senobe 1:58.261 Leighanne Porter-Salvaterra Banook 1:06.068 Camille Tessier-Bussières, Emilie Tessier-Bussières, Marie-Pier Langlois, Mylanie Barré Lac Beauport 0:36.409 Burloak 4:43.89 Eve Loek, Christine WessmanLynne Atwill, Jessica Rando Sara Drisdelle, Jessica Hogg, Una Lounder, Hannah MacIntosh Sheila Kuyper Laurence Vincent-Lapointe Trois Rivières Laurence Vincent-Lapointe Jaclyn Gardiner, Jennifer Payne 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 17 Trois Rivières Carleton Place 0:47.049 2:12.519 5:05.454 Class Event Year Held By Club Time Senior Women C-2, 200m 2013 Genevieve Orton, Emily Riddle Orenda 0:53.866 Senior Women Senior Women Senior Women Senior Women C-2, 500m K-1, 1000m K-1, 200m K-1, 500m 2013 2005 1994 1994 Senior Women K-2, 1000m 1994 Senior Women K-2, 200m 2011 Senior Women K-2, 500m 2007 Senior Women K-4, 500m 2007 Senior Women War Canoe, 500m 2007 U16 Women U16 Women U16 Women U16 Women C-1, 1000m C-1, 200m K-1, 1000m K-1, 200m U17 Women C-1, 200m U17 Women C-1, 500m U17 Women C-1, 6000m U17 Women C-2, 500m U17 Women C-4, 500m U17 Women K-1, 200m U17 Women K-1, 500m U17 Women K-1, 6000m U17 Women K-2, 500m U17 Women K-4, 500m U17 Women War Canoe, 500m U19 Women U19 Women U19 Women U19 Women U19 Women U19 Women C-1, 1000m C-1, 200m C-1, 500m C-2, 1000m C-2, 200m C-2, 500m 2013 2013 2013 2013 Akayla Kent, Emily Riddle Karen Furneaux Orenda Cheema Caroline Brunet Lac Beauport Corrina Kennedy Saskatoon Klari MacAskill, Alison Herst Genevieve Beauchesne-Savigny, Lissa Bissonnette Kristin Gauthier, Victoria Tuttle Kristin Gauthier, Victoria Tuttle, Emily Raymond, Diana Deek Captain Kyle Jeffery Jillian Perrone 1:52.39 Pointe Claire 0:38.915 Rideau 1:45.743 Rideau 1:38.745 Mississauga 1:56.549 Senobe Jessica Hogg 0:40.51 3:41.59 Burloak Jessica Hogg 4:03.679 West Rouge Burloak Jillian Perrone 2:24.476 Senobe 5:13.363 0:52.449 4:21.178 0:45.882 2013 Katie Vincent Mississauga 0:51.092 2013 Katie Vincent Mississauga 33:08.400 2013 Olivia Denman Banook 0:45.969 2013 Jessica Hogg Senobe 31:05.270 2013 Captain Christian Hall Senobe 2:11.279 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 Mariah Godin Cheema Hannah MacIntosh Senobe Katie Vincent Katie Vincent, Kathleen Martin Mariah Godin, Emma Miller Abigail Haines, Jillian Perrone 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Mississauga Mississauga Cheema Burloak Page 18 5:34.771 0:51.097 2:17.906 4:36.534 0:55.461 2:24.723 Class Event Year Held By Club Time U19 Women C-4, 500m 2013 Burloak 2:29.810 U19 Women K-1, 1000m 2013 Abigail Haines, Jillian Perrone, Lauren Clarke, Sheila Mehrvar Mic Mac 4:32.653 U19 Women U19 Women U19 Women U19 Women K-1, 200m K-1, 500m K-2, 1000m K-2, 200m 2013 2013 2013 2013 U19 Women K-2, 500m 2013 U19 Women K-4, 500m 2013 U19 Women War Canoe, 500m 2013 Junior Men Junior Men Junior Men Junior Men Junior Men C-1, 1000m C-1, 200m C-1, 500m C-2, 1000m C-2, 200m 2012 2012 2008 2001 2006 Junior Men C-2, 500m 2006 Junior Men C-4, 1000m 2005 Junior Men K-1, 1000m 2011 Junior Men K-1, 200m 2006 Junior Men K-1, 500m 2005 Junior Men K-2, 1000m 2005 Junior Men K-2, 200m 2008 Junior Men K-2, 500m 2005 Junior Men K-4, 1000m 2006 Junior Men War Canoe, 1000m 1998 Master Men C-1, 1000m Master Men K-1, 1000m Open Men IC-4, 1000m Open Men 2013 Ailish McNulty Madeline Schmidt Rideau Madeline Schmidt Madeline Schmidt, Alexandra Joy Jessica Leduc, Marie-Justine Lord Anna Hetzler, Hayley Nelson Rideau Rideau Trois Rivières Cheema Madeline Schmidt, Alexandra Joy, MoniRideau ca Black, Kate Braddon Captain Adam Oldershaw Burloak Jason McCoombs Banook Jason McCoombs Banook Benjamin Russell Banook Jason Rodgers, Jonathan Pike Christopher Edwards, Dana Morgoch Paul Bryant, Scott Fisher Jamie Andison, Scott Fisher, Mark Klevinas, Mark Oldershaw Phillippe Buchesneau Angus Mortimer Cheema Mississauga Guillaume Lavellee-Guay, Etienne Morneau Colin Corbett, Connor Taras Chris Pellini, Brady Reardon Lyall Hatton, Connor TarasAndrew Pickrem, Jeffery Vanhorne Captain Dean Oldershaw Tamas Buday Jr. 2:00.349 4:10.106 0:39.852 1:58.757 1:51.994 2:05.434 4:03.105 0:41.449 1:53.713 3:08.906 0:39.571 Burloak 1:48.382 Burloak 4:09.987 Pointe Claire 3:37.155 Rideau Angus Mortimer 0:42.972 0:36.019 Rideau 1:41.838 Lac Beauport 3:22.430 Mic Mac 0:34.166 Burloak 1:32.122 Cheema 3:05.926 Burloak 3:43.10 Pointe Claire 4:28.535 2013 Adrian Richardson Rideau 3:57.212 IC-4, 200m 2011 Burloak 0:36.139 Open Men Intellectual K-1, 200m 2013 Mark Klevinas, Mark Oldershaw, Aaron Rublee, Cory Rublee Pitt Meadows 1:01.931 Open Men V.I. K-1, 200m Corey Stewart 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 19 Class Event Year Held By Open Men K-4, 200m 2008 Senior Men C-1, 1000m 2008 Richard Jr. Dober, Steven Jorens, Etienne Lac Beauport Morneau, Martin Robitaille Senior Men Senior Men Senior Men Senior Men Senior Men Senior Men Senior Men Senior Men Senior Men Senior Men C-1, 200m C-1, 500m C-2, 1000m C-2, 200m C-2, 500m K-1, 1000m K-1, 200m K-1, 500m K-2, 1000m K-2, 200m 2007 2007 2001 2011 1999 2008 2012 2007 2007 2010 Senior Men K-2, 500m 2007 Senior Men K-4, 1000m 2011 Senior Men War Canoe, 1000m 1995 U16 Men U16 Men U16 Men U16 Men U17 Men U17 Men U17 Men C-1, 1000m C-1, 200m K-1, 1000m K-1, 200m C-1, 1000m C-1, 200m C-1, 6000m 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 U17 Men C-2, 1000m 2013 U17 Men C-4, 1000m 2013 U17 Men K-1, 1000m 2013 U17 Men U17 Men K-1, 200m K-1, 6000m 2013 2013 U17 Men K-2, 1000m 2013 U17 Men K-4 1000m 2013 U17 Men War Canoe, 500m 2013 U19 Men U19 Men C-1, 1000m C-1, 200m 2013 2013 Club Thomas Hall Pointe Claire Richard Dalton Cheema Mark Oldershaw Burloak Richard Dalton, Mike Scarola Mark Oldershaw, Aaron Rublee Richard Dalton, Mike Scarola Adam van Koeverden Burloak Cheema Burloak Mark de Jonge Maskwa Adam van Koeverden Adam van Koeverden, Chris Pellini Ryan Cochrane, Steven Jorens Ryan Cochrane, Rhys Hill Adam van Koeverden, Chris Pellini, Brady Reardon, Christopher Mehak Captain Scott Ford Jack Leahy Burloak Burloak Lac Beauport Kamron Hayes, Graydon Thomas Sean Barich, Joel Carvana, Christopher Chambers, Noah Djurfeldt Zane Clarke Duncan Sibthrope Cheema Maxence Beauchesne, Mathieu Roy Maxence Beauchesne, Mathieu Roy, Victor Desaulniers, Albert Lavigne Captain Cameron Murray Craig Spence 0:34.665 1:37.609 3:16.481 0:32.951 4:24.455 0:45.292 3:48.753 0:38.804 4:22.858 0:45.167 30:36.410 Mississauga 4:30.618 Banook 3:49.620 Cheema 0:38.580 28:18.690 Trois Rivières 3:28.934 Trois Rivières 3:28.195 Cheema 1:59.454 Lachine Page 20 3:28.684 4:18.997 Cheema Jean-Felix Brouillette 1:45.52 Cheema Pointe Claire Mark Marschalko 0:38.390 3:33.10 Lachine Tyler Graves 3:36.577 Mississauga Cheema David Provost 1:48.538 2:59.563 Toba Eric Harnish 0:40.370 Burloak Orenda James Lavallee 3:54.712 1:29.657 Carleton Place Liam Cooke 0:31.387 Rideau Senobe Isiah Higgs 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Cheema Time 4:29.321 0:41.859 Class Event Year Held By Club Time U19 Men C-1, 500m 2013 Thomas Hall Cheema 1:58.068 U19 Men U19 Men C-2, 1000m C-2, 200m 2013 2013 U19 Men C-2, 500m 2013 U19 Men IC-4, 1000m 2013 U19 Men K-1, 1000m 2013 U19 Men U19 Men U19 Men K-1, 200m K-1, 500m K-2, 1000m 2013 2013 2013 Keiffer Johnson, Zach Morgan Jean-Felix Brouillette, David Provost Thomas Hall, Aaron White Joshua Havin, Sam PennyfatherSamuel Smith, Jeremy Stott Jarret Kenke Pierre-Luc Poulin Kamloops Lachine 1:47.936 Burloak 3:39.649 Saskatoon 3:49.930 Lac Beauport Jarret Kenke, Mykel Kowaluk Saskatoon Jarret Kenke, Mykel Kowaluk 0:39.070 Cheema Lac Beauport Pierre-Luc Poulin 4:12.301 0:36.990 1:43.091 3:21.923 U19 Men K-2, 200m 2013 Saskatoon 0:35.254 U19 Men K-2, 500m 2013 Trois Rivières 1:42.388 U19 Men K-4, 1000m 2013 Zacharie Cameron, Alexis Grenier, Charles Antoine-Girouard, Marc-Antoine Trois Rivières Laquerre 3:27.639 U19 Men War Canoe, 500m 2013 Captain Michael Kerrivan Cheema 1:56.778 Mixed Junior Mixed War Canoe, 200m Open Mixed Intellectual K-2, 200m 2013 Sabrina Beverly, Matthew Brotherwood Viking 1:18.642 Senior Mixed War Canoe, 200m U17 Mixed War Canoe, 200m U19 Mixed War Canoe, 200m Zacharie CameronCharles Antoine-Girouard 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 21 Canadian Sprint CanoeKayak Championships – Events with Trophies JOHN W. BLACK TROPHY Junior Men C4, 1000m Introduced 1928; donated by John Black of the St. Johns Yacht Club, in St. Jean d’Iberville, Quebec, Nationals were held there in 1905. MIKE MOIR TROPHY Junior Women C-15, 500m Introduced 1990; donated by friends of Mike Moir in recognition of his contribution to the Mohawk Canoe Club as founder, administrator and coach; Flag Officer of Western Ontario Division 1970-1974, 1989-1991; Commodore of CCA in 1975; Commodore Mohawk Canoe Club; Commodore of Ak-o-Mak Canoe Club; Co-founder of Burloak Canoe Club; recipient in 1987 of the R. Edgar Gilbert Award Official Category. SHEILA KUYPER TROPHY Senior Women C1, 1000m Introduced in 2012, donated by McNie Protective Paddling Gear. In 1995, Canada was the first country to include women-in-canoe at its Nationals. Sheila set records that were unrivalled at the time and is known as Canada’s most decorated female canoeist. Her 1998 time for the Senior Women C-1, 1000m remains unbroken at 4:43.89. Her international lobbying efforts and mentoring of women canoeists influenced the introduction of women’s canoe at the ICF World Championships in 2001. H.L. BUTLER TROPHY Senior Women C 15, 500m Introduced 1949; donated by H.L. Butler; Commodore of Rideau Canoe Club 1948-1949. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 22 HENRY (HANK) FARINTOSH TROPHY Senior Women IC4, 500m Introduced 1995; donated by son Jim Farintosh; Honorary Life Member of Balmy Beach Canoe Club; Flag Officer of Western Ontario Division 1952; CCA Commodore in 1954, active as on-water official for many years at Canadian Championships, was instrumental in the adoption of our motto “per aqua ad fraternitatem” (through the waters to friendship). SHIRLEY HORNE MEMORIAL TROPHY Senior Women K1, 1000m Introduced 1990; donated by friends of Mike Moir in recognition of his contribution to the Mohawk Canoe Club as founder, administrator and coach; Flag Officer of Western Ontario Division 1970-1974, 1989-1991; Commodore of CCA in 1975; Commodore Mohawk Canoe Club; Commodore of Ak-o-Mak Canoe Club; Co-founder of Burloak Canoe Club; recipient in 1987 of the R. Edgar Gilbert Award Official Category. SUSAN HOLLOWAY TROPHY Senior Women K4, 500m Introduced 1978; donated by Thea and Morris Holloway, parents of 1980 and 1984 Olympic paddler Sue Holloway DAVID G. FINDLAY MEMORIAL TROPHY U17 Women C1, 6000m Introduced 2012for the Midget Women C-1, 6000m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to U17 Women C-1, 6000m event; donated by the Carleton Place Canoe Club. Mr. Findlay was involved with CPCC from an early age until his death in September 2010. As a paddler he won Canadian Championship medals in several events. He developed a vision that CPCC, despite being a small club, could compete on a national level. Mr. Findlay was also involved with CKC for over 20 years, serving as Treasurer and Committee member, as well as Commodore in 1963. He took on national team duties during the 1970’s and was Manager of the 1976 Olympic Team. In 1987 he was appointed Honorary CCA Commodore and in 1988 he received the R. Edgar Gilbert Award, the highest honour in the sport. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 23 JIM MOSSMAN TROPHY U17 Women C 15, 500m Introduced 1995 for the Midget Women C-15, 500m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U17 Women C-15, 500m event; donated by Balmy Beach Canoe Club to recognize Jim’s 60+ years, coach Balmy Beach, war canoe coxswain; Olympic coach 1960, 1964, 1968; Commodore at Beach; founding director Coaching Association of Canada; Technical Coordinator CCA; organizer first World Masters Games; recipient in 1983 of the R. Edgar Gilbert Award Coach Category. TAMAS BUDAY, SR., TROPHY U17 Women C2, 1000m Introduced 2012 for the Midget Women C-2, 1000m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to U17 Women C-2, 1000m event; donated by athletes, coaches and friends in canoeing, in recognition of Tamas Buday Sr. serving as Canada’s National Canoe Team Coach for 25 years, his enduring passion for the sport and his volunteerism. Following his successes as a Hungarian National Team Canoeist, highlighted by Olympic medals, Tamas Sr. accepted a coaching position in 1987 with Western Ontario Division and shortly thereafter with Canada’s National Canoe Team. MISSISSAUGA CANOE CLUB TROPHY U17 Women C4, 1000m Introduced 1994 for the Midget Women C-4, 1000m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to U17 Women C-4, 1000m event; donated by Mississauga Canoe Club, on occasion of its 35th anniversary, to recognize winning 14 national burgees, and many national, international and Olympic athletes from Mississauga. CAROLINE BRUNET TROPHY U17 Women K1, 1000m Introduced 2007 for the Midget Women K-1, 1000m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U17 Women K-1, 1000m event, donated by Lac Beauport Canoe Club to honour Caroline, a four-time Olympian, and her extraordinary career over several years at the national and international levels. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 24 RIDEAU CANOE CLUB TROPHY U17 Women K4, 1000m Introduced 2002 for the Midget Women K-4, 1000m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U17 Women K-4, 1000m event; donated by the Rideau Canoe Club, on the occasion of its 100th anniversary, to recognize its volunteers, and its contribution to CanoeKayak. GANANOQUE CUP U19 Women C1, 500m Introduced 1997 for the Juvenile Women C-1, 500m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to U19 Women C-1, 500m event; by the Gananoque Canoe Club; to recognize Lesley White who in 1995 was the first Woman C-1 national champion in the Juvenile category. DARREN MCPHEE MEMORIAL TROPHY U19 Women C2, 1000m Introduced 2007 for the Junior Women C-2, 500m event which was dis-continued in August 2010 and transferred to Juvenile Women C-2, 1000m and subsequently discontinued and transferred to U19 Women C-2, 1000m event in August 2013; in recognition of dedicated service for 25 years to the Otterburn Boating Club including eight years as head coach. BALMY BEACH CANOE CLUB CENTENNIAL TROPHY U19 Women C4, 500M Introduced 2005 for the Juvenile Women C-4 500m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to U19 Women C-4, 500m event; by the Balmy Beach Canoe Club on the occasion of its 100th anniversary, and to recognize its many members who have con-tributed to the sport. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 25 LUCY SLADE MEMORIAL TROPHY U19 Women K1, 1000m Introduced 2013; donated by family and friends of Lucy Slade (1972-2011), former National Team and Ontario Team athlete, a member of the 1991 Pan American Games Team who won a medal in Havana, Cuba, a four-time gold medalist at the 1989 Canada Games, and she won many provincial and national medals throughout her career. Lucy was a member of the Rideau Canoe Club. FRANK GARNER TROPHY U19 Women K4, 500m Introduced 1975 for the Juvenile Women K-4, 500m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U19 Women K-4, 500m event; donated by former National and Olympic Games (1980 and 1984) Team Coach Frank Garner, former member and Head Coach of the Mississauga and Cheema Canoe Clubs; recipient in 1984 of the R. Edgar Gilbert Award Coach Category. TOM MCHUGH TROPHY Junior Men C1, 1000m Introduced in 1934. CENTENARIAN OF CLUB DE CANOTAGE LAC SERGENT Junior Men C1, 200m Introduced 2009; donated by Lac Sergent Canoe Club and the City of Lac Sergent in celebration of the Club’s 100th anniversary 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 26 G. GLEN ADAMS TROPHY Junior Men C1, 500m Introduced 1976; donated by Glen Adams, former Executive Member of Otterburn Boating Club, Commodore of CCA in 1972, Director of CCA for 13 years, member of the Olympic and International Committee for 11 years; inscribed “May each winner be encouraged to strive for excellence”; recipient in 1982 of the R. Edgar Gilbert Award Official Category FRANK AMYOT MEMORIAL TROPHY Junior Men C-15, 1000m Introduced 1964; presented by the Britannia Yacht Club in loving memory of Frank Amyot, a life member of the club, Olympic Single Blade Singles C-1 Gold Medallist (1936), and distinguished member of Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame. LEN JOHNSON TROPHY Junior Men C2, 1000m Introduced 1964; donated by Len Johnson, Past Commodore of Island Canoe Club and Commodore of CCA in 1945 GEORGE (GINGER) POWELL TROPHY Junior Men C2, 200m Introduced 2013; donated by Otterburn Boating Club, to honor George (Ginger) Powell for his commitment to the Club for over 50 years either as a coach or administrator. Ginger has been a constant member of Otterburn since he began paddling with the Club at the age of 12 years. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 27 JACQUES TURCOT TROPHY Junior Men C2, 500m Introduced 1978; donated by family of Dr. Jacques Turcot, former Commodore of Quebec City Canoe Club and Flag Officer of Quebec Division GORDON POTTER MEMORIAL TROPHY Junior Men K1, 1000m Introduced 1972; donated by Mrs. Gordon Potter; former paddler from Gananoque. DON RING MEMORIAL TROPHY Junior Men K1, 500m Introduced 2007; donated by the Ring family of Nova Scotia to recognize Don’s commitment to the sport in various capacities with the Banook Canoe Club and the Atlantic Division and instilling in his family the need to give back to the sport. K.E. SMITH TROPHY Junior Men K2, 1000m Introduced 1965; donated by Ken Smith, Past Commodore of Chateauguay Aquatic Club, Commodore of CCA in 1966 and Flag Officer of the Quebec Division in 1965; recipient in 1983 of the R. Edgar Gilbert Award Official Category. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 28 JUDY TUTTY TROPHY Junior Men K2, 500m Introduced 2008; donated by Western Ontario Division; Flag Officer of WOD 19912011; recipient in 1993 of R. Edgar Gilbert Award Builder Category; member of various divisional, provincial, and national committees; national and ICF Official. RICHARD CHAPMAN MEMORIAL TROPHY Junior Men K4, 1000m Introduced 1966; donated by family of Richard Chapman, former member of Cartierville Boating Club who drowned during a K-4 on-water training workout at the club. W. (BILL) CLEEVELY MEMORIAL TROPHY Senior Men C1, 200m Introduced 1995; donated by Cleevely Family, Commodore Otterburn Boating Club, Flag Officer Eastern Division (now Quebec Division), Manager Rome Olympics, Commodore of CCA in 1946; Honourary Commodore CCA in 1972. COL. HERBERT MOLSON MEMORIAL TROPHY Senior Men C-15, 1000m Introduced 1931; donated by Col. Molson, President of Molson’s Brewery 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 29 H.L. BUTLER MEMORIAL TROPHY Senior Men C2, 1000m Accompanied by two medals; introduced 1952; donated by Rideau Canoe Club in honour of Harry Butler, paddler and coach for 35 years JOHN WOOD TROPHY Senior Men C2, 500m Introduced 1976; donated by the Mississauga Canoe Club Ladies Auxiliary in recognition of his silver medal performance in the 1976 Olympics; CCA Patron 2000. W.E. GOWLING TROPHY Senior Men C4, 1000m Introduced 1922; donated by W.E. Gowling, Commodore of Rideau in 1908 to 1926, a cofounder of CCA and Commodore of CCA in 1911. ALVIN BRIEN MEMORIAL TROPHY Senior Men K1, 500m Introduced 1983; Canadian Champion kayak paddler, Member of 1980 Olympic Games Team who tragically drowned while on a sailing trip. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 30 HENRY JAMES HARPER MEMORIAL TROPHY Senior Men K2, 1000m Introduced 1958; donated by widow of Hank Harper, Gananoque, member of 1948 Olympic Team who died serving with the Ontario Provincial Police. W.L. “BILL” PATTERSON TROPHY Senior Men K4, 1000m w Introduced 1972; donated by Bill Patterson, Mic Mac Aquatic Club; Flag Officer Atlantic Division in 1960; and CCA Commodore in 1961 and Honourary Commodore 1974-1975, recipient in 1988 of the R. Edgar Gilbert Award Builder Category DONALD STRINGER MEMORIAL TROPHY U17 Men C1, 1000m Introduced 1988 for the Midget Men C-1, 1000m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U17 Men C-1, 1000m event; donated by his father Weir Stringer, member of Sudbury Canoe Club, member of Olympic Team 1956 and 1960. BILL COLLINS TROPHY U17 Men C-15, 500m Introduced 1979 for the Midget Men C-15, 500m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U17 Men C-15, 500m event; donated by friends of Bill Collins, member of 1956 Olympic team; member Mississauga Canoe Club, Island Canoe Club, Burloak Canoe Club. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 31 RENN CRICHLOW TROPHY U17 Men K1, 1000m Introduced 2006 for the Midget Men K-1, 1000m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U17 Men K-1, 1000m event; donated by friends of Dr. Renn Crichlow, Olympian 1988, 1992, 1996; first Canadian male to win medal Junior World Championships in kayak 1987; first Canadian to win gold at senior world championships 1991; Vice Chair Canadian Olympic Association Athletes Council. Sculpture by Milt Jewell. KEN LANE TROPHY U17 Men C2, 1000m Introduced 1987 for the Midget Men C-2, 1000m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U17 Men C-2, 1000m event; made and donated by his wife Madge Lane; Canadian Champion paddler, Silver Medallist in 1952 Olympic Games; Treasurer of Western Ontario Division 1944-1999; Flag Officer of Western Ontario Division 1959; CCA Commodore in 1960, Honourary Commodore of CCA 1980-1983; recipient in 1984 of R. Edgar Gilbert Award Builder Category; inducted Canada’s Olympic Hall of Fame 2003. KEN STROULGER TROPHY U19 Men C1, 500m Introduced 1991 for the Juvenile Men C-1, 1000m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U19 Men C-1, 1000m; donated by Rideau Canoe Club Boosters; CCA Commodore in 1950, Manager of 1956 Olympic Games Team and long term member of Rideau Canoe Club; Flag Officer of Eastern Ontario Division in 1949; Commodore of CCA in 1950; Honorary Commodore of CCA in 1986-1990. F.K.J. GEISLER TROPHY U19 Men C-15, 500m Introduced 1959 for the Juvenile Men C-15, 500m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U19 Men C-15, 500m event; donated by Joe Geisler, Past Commodore Otterburn Boating Club; Flag Officer of Eastern Division (now Quebec Division) in 1957; CCA Commodore in 1958. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 32 DAVID M. JONES MEMORIAL TROPHY U19 Men C2, 1000m Introduced 1987 for the Juvenile Men C-2, 1000m event which was dis-continued and transferred in August 2013 to the U19 Men C-2, 1000m event; donated by 19851986 National Team in memory of David M. Jones, competitor, coach, volunteer, and national team manager. MAC HICKOX TROPHY U19 Men C2, 500m Introduced 1977 for the Juvenile Men C-2, 500m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U19 Men C-2, 500m event; donated by Mississauga Canoe Club; Coach 1976 Olympic Games team; recipient in 1996 of R. Edgar Gilbert Award in Coach Category. JEAN FOURNEL MEMORIAL TROPHY U19 Men K1, 1000m Introduced 1999 for the Juvenile Men K-1, 1000m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U19 Men K-1, 1000m event, donated by the Pointe Claire Canoe Club and the Lachine Fire Department in memory of Jean Fournel, 1976 and 1980 Olympian, co-founder Pointe Claire Canoe Club. MICHAEL SCHAUS MEMORIAL TROPHY U19 Men K1, 200m Introduced 2009 for the Juvenile Men K-1, 200m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U19 Men K-1, 200m event; donated by Laura TupperRing and the Banook Canoe Club; in memory of Michael Schaus, member 2005 Junior World Team and 2005 Pan American Team, Banook coach and youngest ever board member. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 33 GABOR JOO TROPHY U19 Men K1, 500m Introduced 1967 for the Juvenile Men K-1, 500m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U19 Men K-1, 500m event; donated by Gabor Joo, former K-1 Canadian Champion and member of the 1968 Olympic Team DAVID M. SMITH MEMORIAL TROPHY U19 Men K4, 1000m Introduced 1999 for the Juvenile Men K-4, 1000m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to U19 Men K-4, 1000m; donated by the Smith Family, in memory of David Smith, member of national team; sculpture by Milt Jewell. TOM HODGSON TROPHY Master Men C1, 1000m Introduced 1995 for Maìtre B Homme / Master B Men C-1, 1000m event which was discontinued in August 2010 and transferred to the Master Men C-1, 1000m event; donated by Masters at the Mississauga Canoe Club to recognize and honour Tom’s 60+ years of continuous active participation in paddling; artist of the R. Edgar Gilbert Award. COMMODORE’S CUP This Cup is presented to the Commodore each year by the Athlete’s Representative during the traditional Commodore’s Salute at the Championships. The Commodore accepts the Cup on behalf of all volunteers and gives a big wave to the crowd after the war canoes give three rousing cheers. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 34 RUSS DUNN TROPHY Junior Women C1, 1000m Introduced 2007, donated by the Balmy Beach Canoe Club to recognize Russ for his many contributions to the sport since 1948 as athlete, administrator in several roles, and founder of Canadian Masters (CanMas). MARJORIE HOMER-DIXON TROPHY Junior Women K1, 500m Introduced 1973; donated by Marjorie Homer-Dixon, former National Champion from Mississauga Canoe Club and member of the 1968 Olympic Team KEVIN DUFFY TROPHY Junior Women K2, 500m Introduced 1973; donated by Kevin Duffy, Past Commodore of Chateauguay Aquatic Club and Director of Quebec Division. FRANK CLEMENT MEMORIAL TROPHY Junior Women K4, 500m Introduced 1970; donated by Lachine Racing Canoe Club in honour of Frank Clement, former Commodore of CCA in 1934, Secretary-Treasurer of CCA, and Manager of the 1948 Canadian Olympic Team. JAMES (JIM) MCGOWN MEMORIAL TROPHY Open Women K4, 200m Introduced 2004, donated by the McGown family and Western Ontario Division, R. Edgar Gilbert Award recipient (Official category), and out-standing volunteer for 30 years. TOM DIENSTMANN TROPHY Senior Women K1, 500m Introduced 1967; donated by Tom Dienstmann (in memory of his son, Eric), Canadian Champion kayak paddler and coach with Lachine Rac-ing Canoe Club. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 35 G.M. MCTAVISH TROPHY Senior Women K2, 500m Introduced 1973; donated by G.M. (Sandy) McTavish Secretary-Treasurer CCA. THE NAOMI MORRIS AWARD U17 Women C1, 1000m Introduced 1997 for the Midget Women C-1, 1000m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to U17 Women C-1, 1000m event; donated by Sheila Kuyper, to recognize Naomi Morris as a pioneer of women paddling C-boats and for her outstanding contribution to the sport of canoeing over 50 years WILF SIMON MEMORIAL TROPHY U19 Women C-15, 500m Introduced 1982 for the Juvenile Women C-15, 500m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U19 Women C-15, 500m event; donated by Quebec Division, member of Cartierville Boating Club, Flag Officer of Quebec Division, CCA Commodore 1973. WILLIAM J. CROCKER MEMORIAL TROPHY U19 Women K1, 500m Introduced 1975 for the Juvenile Women K-1, 500m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to U19 Women K-1, 500m event; donated by Canadian Johns-Manville, arranged by Dorothy Jamieson of the Mississauga Canoe Club. CHRIS HOOK TROPHY U19 Women K2, 500m Introduced 1976 for the Juvenile Women K-2, 500m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U19 Women K-2, 500m event; donated by Clary Hook in honour of Chris Hook, many times Canadian Champion in C-1 and member of the 1968 Olympic Team. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 36 BERT OLDERSHAW TROPHY Senior Men K1, 1000m Introduced 1957; donated by Bert Oldershaw, past Commodore of Island Canoe Club, founder of Mississauga Canoe Club, Olympic paddler in 1948, 1952, and 1956; inducted Canada’s Olympic Hall of Fame 2004. DON MAY TROPHY U17 Men C4, 1000m Introduced 2006 for the Midget Men C-4, 1000m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U17 Men C-4, 1000m event; donated by Don May, who has been active in the sport for over 58 years at the divisional, provincial, national, and international levels; CCA Commodore 1980-1982, recipient R. Edgar Gilbert Award Builder Category, and national Official. W.J. COLLIGAN TROPHY U19 Men C1, 500m Introduced 1946 for the Juvenile Men C-1, 500m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U19 Men C-1, 500m event; donated by Bill Colligan, former Commodore of Grand Trunk Boating Club and Commodore of CCA 1962; Flag Officer of Eastern Division (now Quebec Division) in 1961. E.R. REILLY TROPHY U19 Men C4, 1000m Introduced 1952 for the Juvenile Men C-4, 1000m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U19 Men C-4, 1000m event; donated by Ralph Reilly, former Commodore of the Island Canoe Club; Flag Officer of WOD in 1950; Commodore of CCA in 1951 and first Executive Director of the CCA in 1970-1975. KENNY (KEN) JEWER MEMORIAL TROPHY U19 Men K2, 500m Introduced 2006 for the Juvenile Men K-2, 500m event which was discontinued and transferred in August 2013 to the U19 Men K-2, 500m event; donated by family; trophy hand-crafted by Harold Jewer, father to Ken. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 37 Downtown Dartmouth Business Association Our Services & Expertise Include: Contact us today to set up an initial assessment! Stuttering Devices, SpeechEasy, reading/writing delays, home visits, Speech/Language Delay/Disorders, after-stroke rehabilitation. We have treatment available for all ages! 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Helma Osmond, Speech-Language Pathologist P: 902-435-4923 E: 59 Lucien Drive, Dartmouth Nova Scotia Page 38 TRUEFAUX .ca 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 39 Video Production Telling your story Wishing CKC Athletes a Healthy and Successful National Championship! #dartmouthproud #wepaddle Eagle Beach Contractors Limited (EZ Dock) Lakefront & Oceanfront Specialists Services: Wharf Repairs, Wharf Construction, Marinas and Residential Docking Systems “Large to Small, we do it all!” Contact Us: 2033 Hammonds Plains Rd Hammonds Plains, NS B4B 1P3 902-835-7664 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 40 COUNCILLOR GLORIA MCCLUSKEY DISTRICT 5 DARTMOUTH CENTRE Cell: 902.476.1667 E-mail: 311 We Carry: Custom Wood Docks Aluminum Docks Plastic Docks Boat Lifts Dock Accessories Plastic Furniture 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 41 For more information please contact us at: P: 902-883-3625 E: Also, visit our sister company Double D Tact at: Janet's Flower Shop has been proudly serving Dartmouth since 1979. We are committed to offering only the finest floral arrangements and gifts, backed by service that is friendly and prompt. We will always go the extra mile to make your floral gift perfect! Email us today at: 69 Portland Street, Dartmouth NS Let Janet’s Flowers be your first choice We have a large inventory of fresh flowers, Tropicals, Plants, HighStyle Floral arrangements, Weddings, Gifts, and so much more! MARIAN MANCINI MLA, Dartmouth South 120-33 Ochterloney Street, Dartmouth, NS B2Y 4R3 Phone: 902-406-2301 Fax: 902-406-2275 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 42 Heather Wildsmith 902-456-9179 Before Exercise During Exercise 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 43 After Exercise Atlantic Division CanoeKayak Canada’s Sole Safety Boat MFR Rescue: Proud Partner of the Provider ADCKC Jonathan’s Property Management Contact Jonathan today for your lawn needs Landscaping Snow Plowing Snow Blowing Lawn mowing Yard Clean-up Hedge & Tree Trimming P: 902-460-8462 E: Congratulations and Best Wishes to all Paddlers and Spectators participating in the 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Mayor Mike Savage Halifax Regional Municipality 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships 311 Page 44 SUPPORTING WHAT MATTERS TO YOU The Chronicle Herald is proud to be a part of your community, delivering local coverage, employing local people and offering local support. We are proud to support the Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships and welcome all athletes, coaches and spectators to Halifax. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 45 Abenaki Balmy Beach Banook Burloak Burnaby Calgary Carleton Place Cascade Cheema Chinook Fort Langley Gananoque Greater Edmonton Kamloops Kennebecasis Lachine Lac Beauport Lac Sergent Lakehead Maskwa Mic Mac Mississauga Nanaimo North Bay Onake Orenda Ottawa Otterburn Pickering Rouge Point Claire Pisiquid Pit Pitt Meadows Radisson Richmond Hill Rideau Ridge Sack-A-Wa Saskatoon Senobe Shawinigan Sherbrooke South Niagara Sudbury Sydenham Toba Trois Rivieres Viking Wascana CKC Champs 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 46 est. 20 06 MILLION IN FUNDING FOR AMATEUR SPORT IN NOVA SCOTIA 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 47 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 48 Proud sponsor of the 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 49 The passion to perform Proud to be a Silver Sponsor of the 2016 Canadian Sprint CanoeKayak Championships © Deloitte LLP and affiliated entities. Local Support, World Class Solutions Proud Friend of the 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Atlantic Canada’s Largest Wireless Communications Provider Page 50 Jonathan’s Property Management Proud Friend of the 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships! Proud to support 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 51 Reach the Spectacular Win the race. Beat your personal best. Discover greatness. At T4G, we start with a clear strategy before diving in. It’s what guides our approach to solving the most complex problems and allows us to build brilliant solutions. It’s how spectacular happens. We deliver solutions that simplify the complex and shape brighter ways of building success. From everyone at T4G, cheers to your next victory! ANALYTICS DIGITAL MARKETING Jonathan’s Property Management MANAGED SERVICES CORE DEVELOPMENT Proud Friend of the 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships! 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 52 RICOH imagines what the future could bring. OUR CANADA. OUR CANADA. COFFEE. OUR COFFEE. ™ ™ ©Tim Hortons, 2016 ©Tim Hortons, 2016 Channeling awesome. As an elite athlete, it’s what you do every day. As one of Canada’s leading insurers of Canadian homes, cars, and businesses, it’s what we strive to do for our customers, too. Congratulations to all the athletes and families for your hard work and dedication. Here’s to a race to remember. PROUD SILVER SPONSOR property | auto | business The Economical brand includes the following property and casualty insurance companies: Economical Mutual Insurance Company, Perth Insurance Company, Waterloo Insurance Company, The Missisquoi Insurance Company. ©2016 Economical Insurance. All rights reserved. All Economical intellectual property, including but not limited to Economical® and related trademarks, names and logos are the property of Economical Mutual Insurance Company and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and are registered and/or used in Canada. All other intellectual property is the property of their respective owners. 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 53 Portable Toilets, Promptly and Professionally Proud Friend of the 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 54 Proud supporter of the 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Providing world-class services for our customers and our environment 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 55 2016 Canadian Sprint Canoe Kayak Championships Page 56