2012 Annual Report
2012 Annual Report
2012 Northeast Resource Recovery Association Annual Report Since 1981 & First in the Nation Members Helping Members O ver 30 years ago, four New Hampshire municipalities joined forces to form the firstin-the-nation municipal recycling cooperative. The goals of NRRA were to pool recyclable commodities in order to maximize pricing, provide educational and networking opportunities to members and to help communities stay on the cutting edge of the latest recycling trends. Having far surpassed those goals, NRRA now serves more than 440 municipal and business members throughout greater New England. Unlike traditional brokers, NRRA does not charge a costly brokerage fee to members to market their recyclables but rather a minimum NRRA fee is collected to reinvest into recycling and solid waste services for members! T he Vermont State ECycles Program provides free drop-off for the collection of computers, monitors, televisions, printers, and computer peripherals (e.g., mouse, keyboard, scanner) from Vermont Households, 501c3 Charities, School Districts, Small Businesses with 10 or fewer employees, and anyone dropping off 7 or fewer items at one time. As of today, over 90 collection sites and special collection events have partnered with the Program. In the first year, which ended June 30, the program collected 4,819,602 pounds of recyclable electronic devices, exceeding the first year goal of 3.3 million pounds by 45%! Prompted by legislation, this ongoing collection program has permanent, year-round collection locations statewide. From Your BOARD OF TRUSTEES PRESIDENT R ecently the City of Keene Recycling Center found itself in a bit of a pickle due to a construction project that required us to remove all the green glass from our glass bunker. I called member services and challenged them to demonstrate how good NRRA was at moving material in a timely manner. The very next day the vendor for glass arrived and moved out the glass allowing the construction project to continue unfettered. That is service. All too often we neglect to recognize outstanding efforts, but day in and day out NRRA has delivered friendly, consistent service. NRRA has always been there to provide Keene with access to markets that ensure recycling program success. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to duplicate the many services NRRA provides the City of Keene on a daily basis. Responsive, creative, and reliable, I credit the NRRA, in part, for Keene’s recycling success. While we still have much room for improvement and growth, I can say without a doubt that with NRRA’s presence the best opportunities for Keene lie ahead. Thank you and the entire NRRA team on a job well done. We look forward to working with you in the years to come. And here I am in 2012 realizing that much of what I said in 1998 rings true today. Substitute the City of Keene’s name for your community and I think you’ll agree there is no question that this type of service is the norm, not the exception- as you’ve all experienced firsthand. NRRA has a storied past, but as you begin to get more information about NRRA’s current and upcoming projects, the best days for NRRA are ahead. I’m honored to be associated with this organization. By collecting 4.8 million pounds of electronics, almost 7.7 pounds per person in Vermont, and diverting them from landfills and scrap metal disposal, the E-Cycles collection locations saved money for vermont households, created jobs across the state, prevented dangerous toxins from entering water and soil, and recovered the valuable metals and plastics found in all electronics. For general program information or inquiries, including where to recycle electronics or what is covered, please contact the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation’s special E-Cycles hotline at 1-855-6ECYCLE Duncan P. Watson, President N H the Beautiful, Inc. (NHtB) is a private non-profit charitable trust founded in 1983 and supported by the soft drink, malt beverage, and grocery industries of New Hampshire. By offering municipal recycling grants and signs, anti-litter programs, and technical assistance to recycling programs, NHtB is a unique organization that represents a voluntarily-funded alternative to expensive legislation intended to achieve the same end results. New Hampshire the Beautiful, Inc. also provides support to the NRRA School Recycling CLUB. NRRA continues to administer the programs for NH the Beautiful (www.nhthebeautiful.org) and has since 2006. IN JUST ONE YEAR NHtB HAS.... Dontated 87,150 blue bags for litter pick-up to communities & NH Dept. of Transportation Awarded Recycling Grants, which assisted in purchasing over $282,059 in equipment for NH communities Maintained 3 RecycleMobile Trailers used by communities throughout the year for various public events Donated over $25,000 for the School CLUB Subsidized the cost of 1,493 recycling bins for schools & communities Contributed over $15,313 worth of signs to communities & schools Sold at below cost 77 clear stream recycling containers & bags Your T TREASURER’S REPORT he NRRA staff continued to worked diligently along with the Executive Director to maintain a formidable place in the market for its Members. The Capital Reserve Fund, created for long-term building maintenance and upkeep expenses will be funded for a strong position at $50,000. This year presented expansion opportunities in the industry including Electronics, Single Stream and MSW, and The Association remained true to its roots and completed the year with a record of over 78,890 tons of reprocessed resources. In addtion to the figures listed below NRRA collected and returned over $9,700,000.00 in revenue to participating members for their recycled materials. The strength of the NRRA is the volume pricing it is able to capture for its members when we all work together. We look forward to working with you in 2013 to produce another successful year for all of us! Roger Rice, Treasurer NRRA’s Cooperative Partners The Annual Compost Bin Sale In celebration of Earth Day 2012 to support nature’s way of recycling, NRRA organizes this annual sale! Over 30 organizations in 3 states participated in the sale this year with 509 compost bins being sold! Each bin diverts approximately 500 pounds of organic matter from household waste per year, diverting it from collection, the landfill or incinerator. This year’s sale will help divert a total of over 254,500 pounds of waste, which is the equivalent of 11 garbage trucks full of waste! Also sold this year were 301 kitchen pails, 321 Systern rain barrels, which help households conserve municipal water supplies and lower water/sewer bills. 232 of the new Compost Turners were also sold. Plan to participate in the Earth Day 2013 campaign! REVENUES Membership $70,878 6.2% Conference $117,767 10.3% Consulting/Contracts $128,679 11.2% Compost Bin Sale $53,972 4.7% Rural Development & EPA Grants $76,960 6.7% Co-op Marketing Fees $633,297 55.2% Interest Income $444 0.0% Fundraising/Donations $7,661 0.7% Lease Income $37,275 3.2% Technical Assistance/CLUB Grants $20,300 1.8% Total Income $1,147,233 100.0% Salaries/Fringe* $609,716 63.8% Consulting Services** $102,775 10.8% Mortgage/Utilities $47,569 5.0% Printing/Copying/Postage $7,166 0.7% Accounting/Legal $11,888 1.2% Supplies $8,501 0.9% Publications/Dues/Fees/FR $3,998 0.4% Depreciation $23,579 2.5% Fundraising (Direct Expenses) $1,289 0.1% Travel/Meetings $8,641 0.9% Conference $55,264 5.8% Office Equipment (Expense) $12,416 1.3% Insurance $6,154 0.6% Compost Bin Sale (Direct Expenses) $43,630 4.6% Bldg./Grounds/Equip. Maintenance $5,932 0.6% Property Taxes $7,445 .8% Total Operating Expenses $955,963 100% Net Surplus (loss) $191,270 OPERATING EXPENSES Please note: These are preaudited figures. *Indirect program costs are included in Salaries/Fringe **Direct program costs are in included in consulting services Your MEMBERS/OPERATIONS MARKETING COMMITTEE REPORT F NRRA irst, let me thank the previous MOM Committee Chairperson, Roger Rice. You did an outstanding job for all of us here at NRRA. All of our members have had a lot of interesting challenges in 2012. During the first part of 2012 the hot topic was “Single Stream Recycling”. As we moved through the year, focus shifted away from that concept. With the declining markets and the cost of a new facility to handle this commodity, the projected revenues fell far short of what had been forecasted. However, with Single Stream falling short it opened the doors to new ideas for the NRRA Team. We are looking at and working out these new ideas now. If you have a new idea, please share it with us! Our long term goal continues to be to help all of our communities market recyclables and dispose of our trash economically while still preserving the environment for our future generations. Did you know that by attending two MOM meetings the NH DES will give you the required continuing education credits required for your Solid Waste Certification? I encourage you to attend the monthly MOM meetings for the education credits, but also because we value your input. We are a TEAM, and working together, we will find solutions to our problems and get new ideas to further our goals. N WORKSHOPS RRA hosted a NH DES Reporting & Forms Workshop for NRRA Members on March, 14, 2012; and, due to high demand, a second one was held on April 11, 2012. These 2 ½ hour workshops covered the NH DES forms such as the Operating Plan, the Closure Plan and the Annual Facility Report. The NH DES inspection report, used in annual inspections of Solid Waste and Recycling Facilities, was also reviewed. Michael Durfor and Marilyn Weir of NRRA presented, and NH DES Inspector Douglas Kemp was on hand to assist with the presentation and to answer questions. These workshops aided operators and administrators in completing these reports and counted towards the NH DES’ “Continuing Education” requirement for the annual Solid Waste Operator Certification. Michael Faller, Chairperson 28,777 Tons 11,841Tons Other Marketed Recyclables NRRA Marketing Tonnages 10/1/11 - 9/30/12 11,116 Tons 8,865 Tons 6,165 Tons Fibers Single Mixed Glass Stream Scrap Metal Construction & Demolition 4,538 Tons Asphalt Shingles Batteries Cell Phones Fluorescent Bulbs/ Ballasts Freon Marine Shrink Wrap Mercury Added Products Propane Tanks Rechargeable Batteries Vegetable Oil 2,415 Tons 1,761 Tons ElecCom- Plastics tronics mingled 1,215 Tons MSW 1,159 Tons Tin & Cans 1,036 Tons Tires In Fiscal Year 2011/2012 NRRA assisted its Members in recycling over 78,890 Tons! From Your T EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR his has been another year of outstanding milestones for NRRA, its membership, and resource recovery. Especially significant was the completion of the first full year of the contract with the State of Vermont to implement, manage and administer the new state-wide e-cycles program which ended on June 30, 2012. 4,819,602 Lbs. Of electronics were collected and recycled by an R-2 certified recycler in the first year. Given this success, the contract was renewed for an additional 15 months until September 30, 2013! NRRA began holding NH DES continuing ed. certified workshops and meetings for all operators to get new and up-to-date information to be able to maintain their certifications. NRRA moved almost 12,000 tons of single stream material for those towns that chose that option and was awarded single stream contracts in Vermont as well as N.H. This market is an especially challenging one in light of recent price reductions, but NRRA continues to provide the service to those communities that are interested. NRRA has also been awarded contracts for MSW and C & D material management, which are natural additions to all the recyclables it handles. While NRRA is able to arrange for competitive movement of msw, it also is most likely the only entity with an msw contract that would like to see the volume of the msw go down resulting in an ever increasing recycling rate! NRRA has completed a year-long study of NH HHW handling and will be making recommendations to improve convenience and lower costs. NRRA has improved the School CLUB program with the addition of a dedicated staff position and new School outreach programs and materials, as well as a new and improved website. Much credit goes to NH the Beautiful for its ongoing faith and support of this important educational outreach effort, including the popular Annual School Recycling Conference. Look for the School CLUB on Facebook shortly! NRRA moved over 78, 000 tons of recyclables to market and has begun exploring the potential for a “One Stop Shop” for all waste stream materials. This will be an in-depth study before any final decision is made and will depend largely upon the sound common sense advice of the entire NRRA membership. If it is deemed viable it would provide a central location in NH for all commodities from MSW to C&D, to Single Stream, Dual Stream, and source separated materials. By virtue of its central location and its multitude of materials, it would provide benefit from both reduced transportation costs and consolidation of partial loads picked up from milk runs. Last June’s Conference laid out a roadmap to successful recycling and strategic materials management, and we are hoping you will join us next June for our “Get the Dirt” on recycling, compost-themed event. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, staff and other members, we thank you for your ongoing support. Together we do make a difference! Thank you for recycling! Mike Durfor, Executive Director NRRA OFFICERS Duncan P. Watson, President James Tessier, Vice President Charles Kelley, Secretary Roger Rice, Treasurer NRRA TRUSTEES Roger Guzowski John M. Halstead, PhD David E. Hartman John Hurd David A. Krisch Gordon Martin George Murray Mark Richardson Dennis Patnoe Sarah Silk Robert Wolf, Esp. JD/MBA NRRA STAFF Administration Mike Durfor Executive Director Paula Dow Administrative Manager Caitlin Meaney School CLUB Coordinator Kristine Stanley Clerical Assistant Norm Staunton VT E-Waste Program Director Jackie Albanese HHW Project Manager Jan Carter Administrative Assistant Mary Jane (MJ) Poch Volunteer Finance Colleen Conway Finance Manager Beverly Pfeifer Accounts Manager Linda Garland (retired) Finance Assistant Member Services Bonnie Bethune Member Services/ Operations Manager Adam Clark Member Services/Operations Marilyn Weir Member Services/Operations SOLID WASTE DISTRICTS Members Helping Members Androscoggin Valley RRDD BCEP Solid Waste District Chittenden Solid Waste District Coos County Recycling Greater Upper Valley SWMD - VT Hopkinton-Webster SWD Londonderry Solid Waste Group-VT Mad River Resource Mgmt. Alliance - VT NE Kingdom WMD Pemi-Baker Solid Waste District S. Windsor/Windham Counties Souhegan Regional Landfill District Wilton SWD Windham VT Solid Waste Mgmt. District MUNICIPALITIES Cities City of Berlin, NH City of Claremont, NH City of Dover, NH City of Franklin, NH City of Keene, NH City of Lebanon, NH City of Manchester, NH City of Nashua, NH City of Portsmouth, NH Towns Town of Acworth, NH Town of Alexandria, NH Town of Allenstown, NH Town of Alstead, NH Town of Alton, NH Town of Amherst, NH Town of Andover, NH Town of Andover, VT Town of Antrim, NH Town of Ashby, MA Town of Ashland, NH Town of Athens, VT Town of Atkinson, NH Town of Averill, VT Town of Baltimore, VT Town of Barnet, VT Town of Barnstead, NH Town of Bartlett, NH Town of Bedford, NH Town of Belmont, NH Town of Bennington, NH Town of Bethlehem, NH Town of Bloomfield, VT Town of Boscawen, NH Town of Bow, NH Town of Bradford, NH Town of Brattleboro, VT Town of Brentwood, NH Town of Bridgewater, NH Town of Bridgewater, VT Town of Brighton, VT Town of Bristol, NH Town of Brookline, NH Town of Brookline, VT Town of Brunswick, VT Town of Burke, VT Town of Campton, NH Town of Canaan, NH Town of Canaan, VT Town of Candia, NH Town of Canterbury, NH Town of Carroll, NH Town of Cavendish, VT Town of Charlestown, NH Town of Chester, NH Town of Chester, VT Town of Chesterfield, NH Town of Chichester, NH Town of Clarksville, NH Town of Colebrook, NH Town of Concord, VT Town of Conway, NH Town of Cornish, NH Town of Croydon, NH Town of Dalton, NH Town of Danbury, NH Town of Danville, VT Town of Deerfield, NH Town of Derby, VT Town of Derry, NH Town of Dorchester, NH Town of Dover, VT Town of Dublin, NH Town of Dummer, NH Town of Dummerston, VT Town of Dunbarton, NH Town of Durham, NH Town of East Haven, VT Town of Easton, NH Town of Effingham, NH Town of Eliot, ME Town of Ellsworth, NH Town of Enfield, NH Town of Epping, NH Town of Epsom, NH Town of Errol, NH Town of Fairlee, VT Town of Farmington, NH Town of Fitzwilliam, NH Town of Francestown, NH Town of Franconia, NH Town of Freedom, NH Town of Fremont, NH Town of Gilmanton, NH Town of Goffstown, NH Town of Gorham, NH Town of Goshen, NH Town of Grafton, NH Town of Grafton, VT Town of Granby, VT Town of Grantham, NH Town of Greenfield, NH Town of Greenland, NH Town of Greenville, NH Town of Groton, NH Town of Groton, VT Town of Guildhall, VT Town of Guilford, VT Town of Halifax, VT Town of Hampstead, NH Town of Hampton Falls, NH Town of Hampton, NH Town of Hancock, NH Town of Hanover, NH Town of Harrisville, NH Town of Hartford, VT Town of Hartland, VT Town of Hebron, NH Town of Henniker, NH Town of Hill, NH Town of Hillsborough, NH Town of Hinsdale, NH Town of Holderness, NH Town of Holland, VT Town of Hollis, NH Town of Hopkinton, NH Town of Irasburg, VT Town of Jackson, NH Town of Jaffrey, NH Town of Jamaica, VT Town of Jefferson, NH Town of Kirby, VT Town of Kittery, ME Town of Lancaster, NH Town of Landaff, NH Town of Landgrove, VT Town of Lee, NH Town of Lemington, VT Town of Lempster, NH Town of Lincoln, NH Town of Lisbon, NH Town of Litchfield, NH Town of Littleton, NH Town of Londonderry, VT Town of Loudon, NH Town of Ludlow, VT Town of Lunenburg, VT Town of Lyman, NH Town of Lyme, NH Town of Lyndeborough, NH Town of Lyndon, VT Town of Madbury, NH Town of Madison, NH Town of Maidstone, VT Town of Marlboro, VT Town of Marlborough, NH Town of Marlow, NH Town of Mason, NH Town of Meredith, NH Town of Merrimack, NH Town of Middleton, NH Town of Milan, NH Town of Milford, NH Town of Milton, NH Town of Monroe, NH Town of Mont Vernon, NH Town of Moretown, VT Town of Morgan, VT Town of Moultonborough, NH Town of Nelson, NH Town of New Boston, NH Town of New Durham, NH Town of New Hampton, NH Town of New London, NH Town of Newark, VT Town of Newbury, NH Town of Newbury, VT Town of Newfane, VT Town of Newfield, ME Town of Newmarket, NH Town of Newport, NH Town of Newton, NH Town of North Berwick, ME Town of North Hampton, NH Town of Northfield, NH Town of Northumberland, NH Town of Northwood, NH Town of Norton, VT Town of Norwich, VT Town of Nottingham, NH Town of Orford, NH Town of Ossipee, NH Town of Peacham, VT Town of Pelham, NH Town of Pembroke, NH Town of Peru, VT Town of Peterborough, NH Town of Piermont, NH Town of Pittsburg, NH Town of Pittsfield, NH Town of Plainfield, NH Town of Plymouth, NH Town of Plymouth, VT Town of Pomfret, VT Town of Putney, VT Town of Randolph, NH Town of Raymond, NH Town of Reading, VT Town of Readsboro, VT INDIVIDUALS BUSINESSES GOV’T & NON-PROFIT & environmentally sound solutions ABLE Waste Management, Inc. AMENICO - American Energy Ind. Co., LLC American Retroworks Inc. Amoskeag Beverages, Inc. Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Associated Grocers of New England Inc. Barn Store of New England LLC BDS Waste Disposal Bestway Disposal BFI Hooksett Bond Auto Parts Casella Waste Systems, Inc - Rutland Channel Marine CK Productions Computer Recycling of Claremont CPRC Group, LLC Dave’s Motorboat Shoppe, LLC Electronic Recyclers International, Inc. Elektrisola, Inc. Empire Recycling LLC EnergyNorth Propane Evergreen Recycling Inc. E-Waste Recyclers LLC eWaste Recycling Solutions, LLC Fidelity Investments Gilmanton Corner Store Grappone Auto Junction Great Rate Container Service, L.L.C. Green’s Marine Green Mountain Furniture Greenleaf Waste & Recycling H2O Waste Disposal Services LLC Hampton River Marina Harding Metals, Inc. Health Dialog Insulectro Irwin Corporation dba Irwin Marine Jack’s Pizza JFE Transport LLC Lakeport Landing Marina Lambert’s Auto & Truck Recyclers, Inc. Liberty Tire Recycling, LLC Lynch Recycling Marlborough Greenhouses, Inc. Martindale Associates, Inc. Martyco Dumpster, LLC MD’s Trash Removal Meredith Marina Morgan Press, Inc. Partnering to make recycling strong Heather Achilles Thomas E. Armstrong Dorothy Berthiaume Jen Boudrie Sharon Byrne-Kishida Mary Ann Conroy Rick Cooper Mary Delahanty Mark Draper Peter Engel Robert Kerry Mitch Kessler Richard Kleiman Ronald B. Laurence, P.E. Donna Limoli Susy Mansfield Gregory J. McVeigh Robert Nugent Laura Panciera John Phetteplace Carl Wallman Mountain View Yacht Club Naughton & Son Recycling New England Baling Wire, Inc. New England Quality Service, Inc. NH Automobile Dealers Assoc. NH Marine Trade Association North Coast Services, LLC North Conway Incinerator Service, Inc. North Country Environmental Services North Shore Recycled Fibers Northeast Logistics Northstar Recycling Company OPRSystems, Inc. Pike Industries, Inc. Pilgrim Foods Div Old Dutch Mustard Co Pinard Waste Systems, Inc. Plastics Forming Enterprises Polychem USA Inc. Recycle Asphalt Shingles Recycling Services, Inc. Rehrig Penn Logistics Reverse Recycling Inc. Rindge Energy LLC RMG Enterprises Rochester Shoe Tree Company Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc.-MRB-NE Seacoast Furniture, LLC Seacoast Volkswagen, Inc. SeaView Technologies, Inc. Shep Browns Boat Basin Silver Sands Marina, Inc. Stonyfield Farm The Keeney Manufacturing Company Thomas Hodgson & Sons, Inc. Trash Etc.com United Sign Associates URT/Universal Recycling Tech., LLC Variety Auctions LLC Watts Regulator West Alton Marina West Shore Marine Whole Foods Market - NE Winnisquam Marine, Inc. Woodstock Recycling & Refuse Corp Zero Waste and Recycling Services, Inc. through economic Town of Rindge, NH Town of Rockingham, VT Town of Rollinsford, NH Town of Rumney, NH Town of Rye, NH Town of Ryegate, VT Town of Salisbury, CT Town of Salisbury, NH Town of Sanbornton, NH Town of Sandown, NH Town of Sandwich, NH Town of Seabrook, NH Town of Sharon, CT Town of Sharon, VT Town of Sheffield, VT Town of Shelburne, NH Town of South Hampton, NH Town of Springfield, NH Town of Springfield, VT Town of Stark, NH Town of Stewartstown, NH Town of Strafford, NH Town of Strafford, VT Town of Stratford, NH Town of Stratham, NH Town of Stratton, VT Town of Sugar Hill, NH Town of Sunapee, NH Town of Sutton, NH Town of Sutton, VT Town of Swanzey, NH Town of Tamworth, NH Town of Temple, NH Town of Thetford, VT Town of Thornton, NH Town of Tilton, NH Town of Townshend, VT Town of Troy, NH Town of Tuftonboro, NH Town of Unity, NH Town of Vernon, VT Town of Vershire, VT Town of Waitsfield, VT Town of Wakefield, NH Town of Walpole, NH Town of Wardsboro, VT Town of Wareham, MA Town of Warner, NH Town of Warren, NH Town of Washington, NH Town of Waterford, VT Town of Waterville Valley, NH Town of Weare, NH Town of Weathersfield, VT Town of Webster, NH Town of Wellesley, MA Town of Wentworth, NH Town of West Fairlee, VT Town of West Windsor, VT Town of Westminster, VT Town of Westmore, VT Town of Westmoreland, NH Town of Weston, VT Town of Wheelock, VT Town of Whitefield, NH Town of Whitingham, VT Town of Wilmington, VT Town of Wilmot, NH Town of Wilton, NH Town of Windham, VT Town of Windsor, VT Town of Winhall, VT Town of Wolfeboro, NH Town of Woodstock, VT Association of Vermont Recyclers Audubon Society of New Hampshire Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center Dartmouth College Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Earth Share Grace Capital Church Keene State College Local Government Center Londonderry School District Lothrop Elementary School LRG Healthcare/Franklin Hospital Maine Resource Recovery Assn. Massachusetts Water Resources Authority MassRecycle Merrimack County Facility-Recycling Dept. NH Dept. of Environmental Services Northeast Recycling Council, Inc. Northern Berkshire SWMD Planet Aid Resource Recycling Salvation Army Adult Rehab. Center Southern NH University St. Paul’s School Stonehill College Windsor Good News dba WinCycle Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Your School Recycling CLUB This year has been a year of change for the NRRA Recycling CLUB. Not only did a new coordinator come on board, the website got a makeover, and we had NRRA’s first mini TOLD at the 3rd Annual School Recycling Conference. In preparation for some other changes, we’ve also been doing a lot of behind the scenes work. We are revamping the way the CLUB provides services to its members as well as changing the format of the School Recycling Conferecnce. We hope with this past year’s work that moving forward our members will find the CLUB to be a great tool for all their school recycling needs. The CLUB will continue to update its website to be a school recycling information library and will also be offering an array of workshops for schools to choose from. Be sure to check out our website, www.schoolrecycling.net for more information or contact us at theclub@nrra.net with any questions. Caitlin Meaney, CLUB Coordinator Congratulations to our 2011-2012 School Recycling Award Winners: School Recylers of the Year Campbell Recycling Advocacy Project Student Recyclers of the Year Award Unity Elementary School Recyclers of the Year – Teacher/Educator Award Jen Malaguti & Aaren Dow, Canaan Elementary Best Earth Day 2011-2012 Event Lancaster Elementary School Best Composter East Kingston Elementary School Best Curriculum Integration Award Inter-Lakes Elementary School Outstanding Community Involvement Mason Elementary School Outstanding Recycling Innovation in a School Beech Street Elementary, Manchester, NH The 31st Annual Conference & Expo This year, the conference attracted over 500 attendees. As always, the conference featured many cutting edge workshops as well as the third annual school recycling conference which included a Mini TOLD (Trash On the Lawn Day). NRRA thanks the attendees, speakers, volunteers, exhibitors and sponsors for their continued support of this important educational event. Thank You Again to our 2012 Conference Sponsors! Platinum Sponsors Empire Recycling LLC New Hampshire the Beautiful, Inc. Casella Recycling, LLC EQ Northeast Green Waste Stream, LLC Interstate Refrigerant Recovery Inc. Liberty Tire Maguire Equipment NH Kelman Inc. New England Baling Wire, Inc. OPR Systems, Inc. Organic Waste Management, LLC Recycling Mechanical of NE, LLC RMG Enterprise LLC Schnitzer Northeast UNTHA America Veolia ES Technical Solutions LLC WeRecycle! Bestway Disposal Services ERRCO/ LL&S, C&D Recycling Good Point Recycling NH Dept. of Environmental Services Northstar Recycling Universal Recycling Technologies, LLC Alexander Industrial Technologies, Inc. Allied Waste Antioch University New England BDS Waste Disposal, Inc. Stratford, NH - “2012 Greatest Number of NRRA Programs Utilized through NRRA for a Population under 1,000” Gilmanton, NH -“2012 Greatest Number of NRRA Programs Utilized through NRRA for a Population between 1,001 to 5,000” Walpole, NH - “2012 Greatest Number of NRRA Programs Utilized through NRRA for a Population between 1,001 to 5,000” Rye, NH - “2012 Greatest Number of NRRA Programs Utilized through NRRA for a Population between 5,001 and 10,000” Weare, NH - “2012 Greatest Number of NRRA Programs Utilized through NRRA for a Population between 5,001 and 10,000” Wolfeboro, NH - “2012 Greatest Number of NRRA Programs Utilized through NRRA for a Population between 5,001 and 10,000” Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsors Congratulations to our 2011-2012 Recycling Award Winners: Keene, NH - “2012 Greatest Number of NRRA Programs Utilized through NRRA for a Population over 10,000” Ludlow, VT - “2012 Most Improved Facility based on # of lbs./person/year Recycled though NRRA from 2010 to 2011” [above] Dave Krisch of Swanzey, NH was inducted into the NRRA Hall of Fame; and he also received the Sami Izzo, Recycler of the Year Award for his outstanding contributions to recycling in NH! Gerry Purdy of Deerfield, NH & Adrienne Hutchinson of Canterbury, NH 2012 Rookies of the Year Roberta Kelley 2012 NRRA’s Volunteer of the Year Dave Krisch, of Swanzey “2012 Sami Izzo Recycler of the Year Award” and latest NRRA “Hall of Fame” Inductee