2016 salary book - Missouri State Teachers Association
2016 salary book - Missouri State Teachers Association
MISSOURI S TAT E TEACHERS A S S O C I AT I O N MISSOURI SCHEDULE 2015-16 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Key Findings..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 Table 1. Years of Outside Experience Allowed.................................................................................................................................................................5 Reporting Definitions................................................................................................................................................................................................................7 Table 2. Comparison of Bachelor’s and Master’s Minimum and Maximum Salaries...........................................................................................7 Table 3. Distribution of Average Minimum and Maximum Salaries by County....................................................................................................8 Table 4. Distribution of Average Minimum and Maximum Salaries by Enrollment Size................................................................................ 10 Table 5. Distribution of Average Minimum and Maximum Salaries by Region................................................................................................. 11 Missouri Map of Counties by Regions............................................................................................................................................................................... 12 2015-16 Salary Schedule Provisions Central Region........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Kansas City Metro Region..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Northeast Region..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Northwest Region.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Southeast Region..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Southwest Region.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24 St. Louis Metro Region............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 28 Benefits Districts Reporting Fringe Benefits - Employee Leave................................................................................................................................................ 30 Districts Reporting Fringe Benefits - Other..................................................................................................................................................................... 48 Career Ladder or like program............................................................................................................................................................................................. 66 Appendixes Appendix 1. Current Statistics about Missouri Public Schools................................................................................................................................ 86 Appendix 2. District Notes and Comments.................................................................................................................................................................... 86 RESEARCH ©2016 MISSOURI STATE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 458, Columbia, MO 65205 573-442-3127 > 800-392-0532 www.msta.org All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, except for brief excerpts in critical reviews and articles or use by local teachers groups affiliated with MSTA in preparation of salary proposals, without permission in writing from the publisher. 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 3 INTRODUCTION Discussions about teacher salaries and benefits frequently focus on comparisons with the salary schedules and benefits of similar school districts. For many years the Missouri State Teachers Association, in order to facilitate such comparisons, has collected and analyzed information about salary schedules and benefits. The primary sources of information for this report are the superintendents of Missouri’s public schools, and they have been very cooperative in this effort. The Missouri State Teachers Association would like to publicly express its appreciation. This report provides both summary information on the salary schedule practices of Missouri school districts and specific information on the basic features of a number of districts’ salary schedules. The format of the report continues to evolve as new information and reader suggestions are incorporated. If you have suggestions for other improvements to this report, please contact the MSTA Salary and Research Department below. Melissa Lorts, Finance Director Mail: MSTA Research, 223 E. Capitol Ave., Jefferson City, MO 65101 Phone: 573-893-3980 or 800-392-0532 Email: mlorts@msta.org Mandy Henry, Salary and Research Supervisor Mail: MSTA Research, 223 E. Capitol Ave., Jefferson City, MO 65101 Phone: 573-893-3980 or 800-392-0532 Email: mhenry@msta.org Roy Kramme, Salary Consultant Mail: MSTA Research, 223 E. Capitol Ave., Jefferson City, MO 65101 Phone: 800-392-0532 Email: rkramme@msta.org Sid Doerhoff, Salary Consultant Mail: MSTA Research, 223 E. Capitol Ave., Jefferson City, MO 65101 Phone: 800-392-0532 or 573-893-3980 Email: sdoerhoff@msta.org All Missouri school districts participated in the 2014-2015 MSTA Salary Schedule & Benefit Survey at the time of publication. 4 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org Key Findings Response rates 518 out of 518 Missouri school districts responded to the mailed salary questionnaires (which included a request for a copy of the actual district salary schedule). Additionally, many respondents sent their non-certificated, support staff employees pay plans or stated that they have no board-approved pay plan. The Missouri State Teachers Association is deeply appreciative of the high degree of cooperation of school administrators in collecting this information. Salary Schedules and Steps Under most salary schedules, a teacher advances from the minimum salary/placement based on years of teaching experience and satisfactory teaching. These additions, or steps, may be either uniform or varied. More steps are usually provided for more highly educated teachers until reaching the maximum salary for preparation level. Some schedules provide additional steps after extended periods of service beyond the regular salary schedule maximums. Due to space limitations and reporting differences, detailed information on longevity steps is not included. Contact the district in question or MSTA for more information. Pages 13 through 29 give information on the district minimums and maximums for the bachelor’s and master’s degrees and the number of steps at each level. These tables also show the number of schedule steps and their maximums. The plus column shows the extended maximums reached after completing a certain number of graduate hours and years. The schedule max shows an additional step for doctorate or specialist degrees. These additional steps increase values of salary schedule maximums reported. The salary schedule maximum is the highest possible salary authorized by a salary schedule. The salary compression ratio divides the schedule maximum value by the bachelor’s degree minimum value. For example, a salary compression ratio of 1.58 indicates that the highest salary possible on a that schedule is 58 percent larger than, or 1.58 times larger than, the lowest salary for a beginning teacher. Most CTA salary/welfare committees seek compression ratios in the 2.0 to 2.5 range. Often districts grant some credit to an experienced teacher for teaching in other school systems, and in the past several years, many districts have made some effort to improve their policies in this regard. Most CTA salary committees prefer that districts grant credit for all years of experience for placement on salary schedules or, if limited years are accepted, doublecrediting teachers for years of experience until placement on the salary schedule for experience is at least equal to years of credit in the Public School Retirement System. The most common practice is to grant full credit for nine or more years teaching in other districts. [Seventy-eight percent of districts, or 404, accept nine or more years of teaching experience from outside the district.] Some districts have a policy such as “one year for each of the first 10 years plus one-half of all years after the first five.” These districts are represented in the “other” category. A summary of all responses is presented in Table 1. Table 1—Years of outside experience allowed Years of Experience Number of Districts 14-15 1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-20 21+ Other Total 14 61 23 90 83 231 16 518 Finally, 98 districts, or 19 percent, index administrators’ salaries off their teachers’ salary schedule. 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 5 Overall Salary Schedule Characteristics All districts must pay teachers with a bachelor’s degree a minimum of $25,000 and teachers with a master’s degree and 10 years experience a minimum of $33,0001. Table 2 on page 7 shows increases in both minimums and maximums. Average Growth in Salary Schedules Level Last Year This Year Bachelor Min. 1.45% 1.16% Bachelor Max. 1.57% 0.42% Master Min. 1.38% 1.11% Master Max. 1.55% 1.09% Salaries and student enrollment A school district’s ability to pay staff depends on its pupilteacher ratio and its ability to concentrate spending on the classroom. Over the past decade, salaries might also have depended on local property taxes, as they drove both state and local funding. Under the current formula, school districts will draw state revenue based on enrollment of students. HB1689 (2014) removed the pro-ration factor for hold harmless districts. The bill requires DESE to adjust the State Adequacy Target to accommodate the appropriation level if the amount funded is not sufficient to fully fund the formula for all districts. Payments to hold harmless districts must not be modified from full funding. With the remaining funds the State Adequacy Target is recalculated and distributed to formula districts. A district’s student enrollment is a powerful determinant of a district’s ability to pay its teachers. Generally, districts serving fewer than about 700 students must employ more teachers to meet MSIP standards and have lower pupil-teacher ratios, which reduces their ability to pay individual teachers. School districts with smaller enrollments tend to be located in rural areas of the state. Districts with over 4,000 students tend to have larger increases across salary schedules, while districts with fewer than 4,000 students have much lower salary schedule values, particularly with more education and on the schedule maximums. To better describe this phenomenon, data for districts serving fewer than 1,000 students were divided into three enrollment ranges and summarized in Table 4 on page 10. The national and state teacher averages had minimal growth this year. 6 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org SALARY SCHEDULE REPORTING DEFINITIONS Bachelor’s Degree Minimum (Min) is the salary assigned to teachers beginning their first year of teaching with no years of experience and who hold a bachelor’s degree with no additional college credit hours. Salary Schedule Maximum (Max) is the highest salary that may be assigned to teachers using the salary schedule. This would include teachers holding a specialist or doctorate degree. Bachelor’s Degree Maximum (Max) is the highest salary that may be assigned to teachers who hold a bachelor’s degree and have no additional college credit hours. Compression Ratio is the Salary Schedule Maximum divided by Bachelor’s Degree Minimum. Bachelor’s Degree Plus is the highest possible salary that may be assigned to teachers holding a bachelor’s degree and additional college credit hours. Master’s Degree Minimum (Min) is the salary assigned to teachers beginning their first year of teaching with no years of previous teaching experience who hold a master’s degree with no additional college credit hours. Master’s Degree and 10 Years Experience is the salary assigned to teachers beginning their 11th year of public school teaching with 10 years of teaching experience who hold a master’s degree with no additional college credit hours. Master’s Degree Maximum (Max) is the highest salary that may be assigned to teachers holding a master’s degree and no additional college credit hours. Steps is the number of salary increases granted for years of experience for a given level of education. Years Import is the maximum number of years of experience outside the district that may be used in determining a teacher’s salary. Our survey begins with 0 years of experience for all salary schedules. Administrators Indexed (Admin. Tied) answers the question “Are salaries of administrators determined by indexing from the teacher’s salary schedule or average teacher’s salary?” The answer to this question is reported in the “Admin. Tied” column in the Fringe Benefits table. Rank places salary schedules in order compared to other districts. Districts with the same salaries are given the same ranking. Table 2 — Comparison of Bachelor’s and Master’s Minimum and Maximum Salaries 2014-15 vs. 2015-16 Bachelor’s Minimum Enrollment 2014-2015 2015-2016 Bachelor’s Maximum Change % Change 2014-2015 2015-2016 Change $388 % Change <300 $28,337 $28,705 $368 1.30% $35,668 $36,056 1.09% 300-699 $29,635 $30,070 $435 1.47% $36,727 $37,428 $701 1.91% 700-999 $30,846 $31,079 $233 0.76% $40,396 $40,225 ($171) -0.42% 1,000-3,999 $32,949 $33,355 $406 1.23% $42,076 $42,706 $630 1.50% 4,000-14,999 $36,183 $36,530 $347 0.96% $46,994 $46,748 ($246) -0.52% 15,000+ $37,855 $38,331 $476 1.26% $50,267 $50,012 ($255) -0.51% Averages $32,634 $33,012 $378 1.16% $42,021 $42,196 $175 0.42% Master’s Minimum Enrollment 2014-2015 2015-2016 Master’s Maximum Change % Change 2014-2015 2015-2016 Change % Change <300 $30,767 $31,152 $385 1.25% $41,890 $42,429 $539 1.29% 300-699 $32,311 $32,766 $455 1.41% $44,707 $45,369 $662 1.48% 700-999 $33,582 $33,783 $201 0.60% $48,131 $48,333 $202 0.42% 1,000-3,999 $36,147 $36,604 $457 1.26% $53,585 $54,363 $778 1.45% 4,000-14,999 $39,635 $39,925 $290 0.73% $62,963 $63,168 $205 0.33% 15,000+ $40,905 $41,482 $577 1.41% $68,086 $69,175 $1,089 1.60% Averages $35,558 $35,952 $394 1.11% $53,227 $53,806 $579 1.09% 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 7 Table 3 — Distribution of Average Minimum and Maximum Salaries for Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees by County Year: County Adair Andrew Atchison Audrain Barry Barton Bates Benton Bollinger Boone Buchanan Butler Caldwell Callaway Camden Cape Girardeau Carroll Carter Cass Cedar Chariton Christian Clark Clay Clinton Cole Cooper Crawford Dade Dallas Daviess DeKalb Dent Douglas Dunklin Franklin Gasconade Gentry Greene Grundy Harrison Henry Hickory Holt Howard Howell Iron Jackson Jasper Jefferson Johnson Knox Laclede Lafayette Lawrence Lewis Lincoln Linn Livingston Min Bachelor's $30,833 $31,517 $30,458 $31,283 $32,329 $30,567 $30,314 $29,750 $29,486 $32,131 $33,339 $29,600 $27,881 $30,564 $31,762 $31,850 $29,640 $27,375 $33,993 $30,625 $29,863 $31,846 $30,600 $35,879 $33,567 $31,669 $28,875 $30,765 $27,063 $30,345 $27,932 $30,018 $29,277 $26,599 $30,866 $32,534 $32,330 $30,404 $32,995 $27,975 $27,195 $28,225 $30,275 $31,183 $29,787 $28,030 $30,213 $36,192 $33,168 $34,222 $31,048 $30,750 $29,799 $30,784 $30,659 $29,250 $31,413 $27,550 $27,871 Max $35,458 $38,627 $35,383 $39,592 $38,596 $36,760 $35,679 $42,789 $37,750 $38,427 $42,017 $44,676 $32,331 $40,821 $41,410 $37,190 $36,927 $36,253 $38,804 $34,200 $37,575 $40,456 $35,100 $39,194 $37,156 $44,572 $37,608 $45,137 $32,650 $34,017 $36,468 $35,461 $43,617 $36,175 $41,898 $42,882 $43,880 $34,496 $41,880 $33,710 $31,509 $36,840 $36,625 $35,008 $37,753 $36,415 $43,704 $44,647 $40,529 $53,081 $38,185 $39,750 $37,034 $36,577 $39,140 $33,150 $37,938 $35,610 $33,168 Plus $39,483 $49,215 $42,405 $43,117 $43,887 $39,903 $40,119 $47,264 $41,817 $43,959 $45,877 $46,535 $35,331 $45,271 $44,661 $45,372 $39,097 $38,308 $45,141 $38,740 $40,263 $45,368 $40,850 $42,208 $42,646 $47,956 $39,779 $48,337 $34,025 $38,199 $40,171 $40,228 $46,042 $39,136 $43,563 $46,912 $47,505 $39,815 $47,829 $36,850 $36,589 $40,435 $40,388 $40,754 $41,445 $42,434 $46,821 $50,397 $44,068 $56,441 $42,216 $39,750 $41,339 $42,316 $42,656 $41,750 $42,281 $40,075 $36,785 Min Master's $32,767 $33,728 $33,342 $33,525 $35,672 $32,250 $33,250 $33,010 $32,121 $34,097 $35,873 $31,856 $30,097 $33,008 $34,206 $34,662 $32,488 $30,200 $37,196 $32,625 $32,288 $34,412 $33,600 $38,828 $36,375 $34,987 $31,796 $33,461 $29,633 $33,813 $31,169 $33,340 $31,747 $29,768 $33,344 $36,503 $34,230 $32,732 $35,697 $30,705 $30,427 $30,902 $32,650 $33,577 $31,703 $30,630 $33,129 $39,858 $35,143 $37,911 $33,856 $33,750 $32,254 $33,712 $33,265 $31,750 $35,384 $29,459 $30,564 Max Schedule Max $43,893 $50,782 $45,897 $46,149 $46,262 $43,123 $43,936 $51,365 $45,842 $50,030 $51,625 $49,106 $39,016 $49,403 $47,733 $49,630 $44,105 $40,333 $49,614 $42,825 $42,438 $50,743 $47,600 $59,137 $52,022 $50,383 $42,088 $52,412 $39,650 $48,093 $42,645 $42,683 $47,597 $43,758 $46,176 $52,046 $48,355 $42,419 $51,772 $40,870 $39,289 $45,181 $43,115 $42,113 $44,953 $47,763 $48,974 $59,528 $50,122 $63,085 $51,590 $45,750 $44,195 $47,123 $47,092 $44,475 $51,581 $43,141 $41,810 $46,177 $54,311 $50,430 $49,216 $51,233 $44,667 $45,903 $53,530 $49,354 $55,855 $57,497 $51,358 $39,750 $52,834 $50,519 $52,688 $46,062 $41,633 $57,659 $48,650 $45,600 $53,766 $51,100 $68,551 $58,601 $52,701 $43,692 $54,425 $39,725 $50,541 $44,752 $45,736 $49,132 $45,369 $49,297 $58,691 $51,475 $47,507 $55,306 $43,710 $40,239 $47,385 $46,350 $44,666 $45,978 $50,750 $54,320 $73,032 $51,630 $68,390 $56,274 $45,750 $48,943 $55,784 $49,554 $50,175 $55,104 $47,794 $46,786 Compress Ratio 1.50 1.72 1.66 1.57 1.58 1.46 1.52 1.80 1.67 1.73 1.72 1.73 1.42 1.73 1.58 1.66 1.55 1.52 1.69 1.59 1.52 1.68 1.67 1.91 1.75 1.65 1.51 1.77 1.47 1.67 1.60 1.52 1.68 1.70 1.60 1.80 1.59 1.56 1.67 1.56 1.48 1.68 1.53 1.43 1.54 1.82 1.79 2.02 1.56 1.99 1.81 1.49 1.64 1.81 1.61 1.72 1.75 1.73 1.68 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association - © Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association — © 2016 8 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org County Min Bachelor's Max Plus Min Master's Max Schedule Max Macon Madison Maries Marion McDonald Mercer Miller Mississippi Moniteau Monroe Montgomery Morgan New Madrid Newton Nodaway Oregon Osage Ozark Pemiscot Perry Pettis Phelps Pike Platte Polk Pulaski Putnam Ralls Randolph Ray Reynolds Ripley Saline Schuyler Scotland Scott Shannon Shelby St. Charles St. Clair St. Francois St. Louis St. Louis City Ste. Genevieve Stoddard Stone Sullivan Taney Texas Vernon Warren Washington Wayne Webster Worth Wright $29,027 $26,225 $28,340 $31,817 $34,523 $27,875 $30,940 $30,250 $29,094 $27,612 $30,375 $33,400 $31,000 $32,452 $30,292 $27,601 $28,189 $26,720 $33,179 $30,550 $30,676 $32,027 $31,567 $35,871 $29,873 $31,488 $31,000 $32,750 $30,937 $32,413 $30,876 $28,312 $29,072 $28,000 $29,500 $30,381 $26,750 $29,800 $39,349 $29,725 $35,940 $39,593 $38,250 $39,000 $30,932 $32,700 $29,350 $30,426 $27,791 $28,629 $34,550 $33,375 $28,175 $29,461 $28,100 $28,669 $34,560 $35,788 $40,030 $36,950 $44,878 $34,425 $42,241 $40,615 $36,860 $34,142 $46,637 $44,450 $43,520 $38,350 $33,728 $35,529 $38,179 $34,310 $44,876 $40,800 $36,237 $46,356 $36,338 $42,884 $35,903 $40,403 $33,400 $36,575 $40,021 $37,944 $43,276 $39,637 $33,490 $34,800 $31,350 $37,343 $32,000 $38,363 $49,739 $33,988 $47,267 $50,008 $56,681 $48,000 $40,518 $39,864 $32,867 $39,834 $37,172 $32,676 $50,975 $47,089 $40,850 $36,224 $33,050 $36,994 $37,480 $38,750 $43,318 $40,958 $46,331 $36,825 $47,573 $44,258 $39,927 $37,182 $49,216 $47,725 $44,752 $42,409 $39,528 $38,198 $42,890 $37,244 $46,516 $44,338 $42,072 $50,077 $42,163 $49,826 $39,883 $46,896 $39,000 $41,570 $43,417 $43,498 $44,520 $42,647 $36,497 $39,200 $36,865 $42,334 $34,125 $42,664 $56,309 $40,050 $52,296 $56,440 $56,814 $62,100 $43,940 $42,648 $38,683 $44,232 $42,839 $36,446 $54,913 $51,056 $42,775 $41,593 $45,150 $43,280 $30,988 $28,150 $30,665 $34,925 $37,862 $30,375 $33,874 $34,190 $31,212 $31,582 $32,494 $35,721 $33,480 $34,754 $32,687 $30,851 $30,229 $29,138 $35,924 $32,738 $32,923 $35,943 $33,808 $40,138 $32,543 $34,348 $33,000 $34,770 $33,803 $34,773 $33,226 $30,766 $31,335 $32,000 $32,540 $33,060 $30,125 $32,308 $44,527 $32,300 $38,967 $43,038 $40,800 $45,200 $33,381 $35,170 $30,950 $33,641 $31,352 $30,629 $38,050 $36,043 $30,275 $31,818 $31,350 $31,674 $40,526 $43,675 $45,465 $48,258 $56,392 $41,625 $50,131 $47,575 $43,545 $40,842 $50,372 $51,846 $49,449 $45,255 $42,251 $40,292 $43,669 $41,263 $48,828 $49,988 $46,436 $52,739 $47,176 $61,095 $44,048 $49,586 $42,700 $44,900 $45,103 $45,866 $46,476 $43,591 $41,579 $43,600 $40,940 $47,810 $37,000 $42,414 $72,667 $42,775 $56,546 $72,219 $71,594 $63,200 $46,384 $47,706 $40,533 $50,490 $45,154 $42,728 $65,888 $52,133 $46,050 $47,114 $45,150 $45,422 $44,354 $45,225 $47,115 $53,675 $57,674 $42,125 $53,310 $52,720 $46,949 $42,852 $53,821 $53,917 $51,179 $48,108 $46,601 $40,742 $45,949 $43,028 $51,111 $52,688 $49,604 $55,704 $51,375 $74,411 $48,990 $51,231 $47,700 $49,340 $49,650 $53,782 $48,289 $45,566 $44,056 $43,600 $43,405 $50,995 $40,125 $46,988 $82,330 $45,125 $62,289 $81,942 $90,113 $84,200 $48,257 $52,496 $42,650 $53,293 $46,991 $43,841 $71,163 $56,547 $48,375 $49,787 $49,750 $48,931 Total Average * $31,244 $39,514 $43,849 $34,056 $48,779 $52,919 Compress Ratio 1.53 1.72 1.67 1.68 1.67 1.51 1.71 1.74 1.61 1.55 1.78 1.61 1.65 1.48 1.54 1.48 1.63 1.61 1.54 1.72 1.61 1.74 1.62 2.07 1.64 1.61 1.54 1.51 1.60 1.66 1.57 1.61 1.51 1.56 1.47 1.68 1.51 1.58 2.09 1.52 1.73 2.07 2.36 2.16 1.56 1.61 1.45 1.75 1.69 1.53 2.07 1.69 1.72 1.69 1.77 1.71 1.68 District count: 518 * These averages represent 518 school districts and are not averages of the averages listed above. Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association — © 2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association - © 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 9 Table 4 — Distribution of Average Minimum and Maximum Year: Salaries for Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree by Enrollment Size Enrollment Size Bachelor's Bachelor's Minimum Maximum Averages <300 Averages 300-699 Averages 700-999 Averages 1000-3999 Averages 4000-14999 Averages 15000+ $28,705 $30,070 $31,079 $33,355 $36,530 $38,331 $36,056 $37,428 $40,225 $42,706 $46,748 $50,012 State Averages $31,240 $39,574 Plus 2016 Master's Master's Schedule Compress Years Minimum Maximum Maximum Ratio Accepted $39,344 $41,783 $44,573 $48,088 $52,380 $54,000 $31,152 $32,766 $33,783 $36,604 $39,925 $41,482 $42,429 $45,369 $48,333 $54,363 $63,168 $69,175 $44,164 $48,663 $51,888 $60,405 $72,253 $81,130 1.54 1.62 1.67 1.81 1.97 2.11 17 21 24 20 16 11 $43,925 $34,055 $48,873 $53,025 1.68 19.15 * These averages represent 518 school districts and are not averages of the averages listed above. $90,000 $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 Averages <300 Averages 300-‐699 $50,000 Averages 700-‐999 Averages 1000-‐3999 $40,000 Averages 4000-‐14999 Averages 15000+ $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $0 Bach_Min. Bach_Max. Bach_Plus Mast_Min. Mast._Max. Sched_Max. Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association — © 2015 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers| www.msta.org Association - ©2015 10 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 Table 5 — Distribution of Average Minimum and Maximum Salaries for Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree by Region 2016 Year: Region Bachelor's Bachelor's Minimum Maximum Plus Master's Minimum Master's Maximum Schedule Maximum Compress Ratio Years Accepted Central Kansas City Metro Northeast Northwest Southeast Southwest St. Louis Metro $30,406 $36,126 $30,007 $29,860 $30,600 $30,646 $37,858 $38,711 $42,450 $36,996 $35,494 $41,068 $37,615 $51,670 $42,820 $47,310 $41,090 $40,329 $44,887 $41,991 $57,273 $32,913 $39,666 $32,607 $32,577 $33,459 $33,295 $41,679 $47,027 $59,169 $44,791 $43,930 $48,164 $46,331 $70,859 $50,517 $72,622 $48,439 $47,496 $51,238 $49,324 $79,743 1.66 2.01 1.61 1.58 1.67 1.61 2.10 17.66 16.57 21.06 21.00 21.98 18.63 10.46 State Averages $31,240 $39,574 $43,925 $34,055 $48,873 $53,025 1.68 19.15 * These averages represent 518 school districts and are not averages of the averages listed above. $90,000 $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 Bachelor's Minimum Bachelor's Maximum $50,000 Plus Master's Minimum $40,000 Master's Maximum $30,000 Schedule Maximum $20,000 $10,000 $0 Central KC Metro Northeast Northwest Southeast Southwest St. Louis Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association - ©2015 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association — © 2015 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 11 DISTRICT REPORTING REGIONS The regions used for reporting the results of the salary schedule survey are not the same as MSTA regions. The counties that make up each region are shown in the maps below. page 18 pa page 16 page 15 page 13 page 28 page 24 12 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org page 20 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 13 County Cooper Cole Cooper Camden Boone Johnson Moniteau Camden Benton Cole Cole Boone Lafayette Cooper Miller Howard Callaway Gasconade Gasconade Saline Pettis Boone Saline Boone Moniteau Johnson Howard Miller Moniteau Cole Johnson Johnson Johnson Pettis Lafayette Johnson Description Blackwater R-II Blair Oaks R-II Boonville R-I Camdenton R-III Centralia R-VI Chilhowee R-IV Clarksburg C-2 Climax Springs R-IV Cole Camp R-I Cole Co. R-I Cole Co. R-V Columbia 93 Concordia R-II Cooper Co. R-IV Eldon R-I Fayette R-III Fulton 58 Gasconade Co. R-I Gasconade Co. R-II Gilliam C-4 Green Ridge R-VIII Hallsville R-IV Hardeman R-X Harrisburg R-VIII High Point R-III Holden R-III Howard Co. R-II Iberia R-V Jamestown C-1 Jefferson City Johnson Co. R-VII Kingsville R-I Knob Noster R-VIII La Monte R-IV Lafayette Co. C-1 Leeton R-X $29,000 $34,000 $30,000 $36,347 $32,000 $26,000 $27,413 $30,000 $31,250 $27,900 $29,277 $34,353 $30,000 $27,500 $32,000 $30,500 $32,555 $31,660 $33,000 $29,300 $29,500 $32,000 $28,995 $32,750 $28,500 $32,425 $29,660 $29,400 $28,250 $35,500 $29,000 $33,000 $34,650 $30,400 $31,500 $28,764 121 1,149 1,565 4,380 1,372 154 91 228 711 568 677 17,256 534 123 1,915 644 2,185 938 1,875 34 393 1,343 64 577 81 1,250 261 711 219 8,786 620 283 1,550 349 980 376 41 8 31 2 17 55 52 31 24 48 38 6 31 51 17 26 13 20 10 37 35 17 42 12 44 15 33 36 45 3 41 10 4 27 22 43 27 10 15 29 13 15 10 19 39 30 29 17 24 25 18 10 33 29 20 10 10 8 8 9 21 19 40 21 39 34 14 13 20 20 7 9 $39,800 $38,250 $40,500 $54,812 $37,850 $35,000 $29,913 $37,225 $42,650 $39,900 $39,852 $44,230 $39,950 $34,650 $41,975 $34,000 $49,385 $44,460 $43,300 $33,300 $34,120 $38,400 $32,995 $35,900 $39,500 $41,925 $46,460 $42,000 $39,950 $60,286 $34,600 $39,500 $45,350 $36,650 $35,300 $31,464 Bachelor's Degree Rank Steps Max $41,600 $44,175 $45,900 $59,348 $42,400 $39,350 $35,763 $40,945 $46,525 $41,200 $44,027 $46,671 $41,000 $35,475 $50,300 $40,775 $49,385 $44,460 $50,550 $34,200 $39,202 $44,650 $34,995 $43,250 $42,500 $44,450 $47,960 $48,500 $41,000 $62,421 $35,850 $49,525 $46,550 $43,150 $39,900 $34,464 Plus 49 5 13 2 17 71 61 43 26 54 41 21 39 69 19 31 23 28 16 57 42 18 34 15 60 4 53 35 65 3 24 10 6 33 12 58 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association - ©2015 27 30 22 35 26 20 34 29 39 30 29 17 24 25 29 29 33 29 30 10 23 18 13 30 25 29 40 31 39 34 29 29 29 31 20 29 $42,200 $49,850 $50,250 $62,851 $49,250 $39,350 $40,723 $45,450 $51,450 $43,100 $44,027 $50,501 $42,050 $37,875 $50,800 $43,150 $51,885 $46,160 $50,550 $36,800 $42,512 $49,100 $38,995 $50,950 $43,500 $51,875 $47,960 $52,500 $42,800 $64,556 $53,000 $50,200 $60,550 $44,600 $48,650 $43,764 Master's Degree Rank Steps Max $31,400 $37,100 $35,250 $39,954 $35,000 $26,750 $30,213 $31,870 $33,825 $31,100 $31,977 $34,353 $32,100 $28,875 $34,500 $33,000 $34,230 $33,360 $35,100 $30,800 $31,886 $34,700 $32,495 $35,150 $30,500 $37,375 $31,160 $32,350 $29,650 $39,770 $34,000 $35,700 $36,900 $32,550 $35,300 $30,764 Min Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Min Est. Enroll CENTRAL REGION CENTRAL REGION Lincoln 64 28 32 4 24 70 67 49 20 62 57 5 40 74 25 54 15 46 18 76 44 11 71 33 27 23 36 26 63 2 8 29 7 51 10 52 27 30 22 35 26 21 34 29 39 30 29 29 34 25 29 29 33 29 36 10 29 27 17 30 35 29 40 31 39 34 29 29 29 31 29 29 1.50 1.56 1.75 1.87 1.69 1.60 1.54 1.53 1.77 1.58 1.53 1.95 1.58 1.41 1.68 1.48 1.76 1.46 1.72 1.28 1.58 1.86 1.43 1.58 1.86 1.68 1.63 1.83 1.54 1.94 2.20 1.60 1.84 1.50 1.91 1.58 Schedule Compress Rank Steps Ratio $43,400 $52,950 $52,350 $67,944 $54,150 $41,500 $42,273 $45,930 $55,430 $44,100 $44,927 $66,848 $47,450 $38,700 $53,800 $45,025 $57,310 $46,160 $56,790 $37,400 $46,670 $59,450 $41,495 $51,750 $53,000 $54,575 $48,360 $53,750 $43,500 $68,826 $63,800 $52,900 $63,850 $45,600 $60,100 $45,364 Max Page 1 10 29 5 7 29 9 5 30 5 29 5 31 39 15 5 0 29 10 10 29 27 30 15 10 26 21 5 29 39 5 10 12 5 8 10 Years Import Year: 2016 14 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org Lafayette Benton Camden Saline Maries Maries Saline Saline Miller Moniteau Moniteau Morgan Morgan Callaway Howard Callaway Lafayette Saline Osage Osage Osage Cooper Pettis Pettis Cooper Cooper Lafayette Miller Pettis Saline Pettis Callaway Boone Miller Camden Boone Saline Moniteau Johnson County Benton Lafayette Lexington R-V Lincoln R-II Macks Creek R-V Malta Bend R-V Maries Co. R-I Maries Co. R-II Marshall Miami R-I Miller Co. R-III Moniteau Co. R-I Moniteau Co. R-V Morgan Co. R-I Morgan Co. R-II New Bloomfield R-III New Franklin R-I North Callaway Co. R-I Odessa R-VII Orearville R-IV Osage Co. R-I Osage Co. R-II Osage Co. R-III Otterville R-VI Pettis Co. R-V Pettis Co. R-XII Pilot Grove C-4 Prairie Home R-V Santa Fe R-X School of the Osage R-II Sedalia 200 Slater Smithton R-VI South Callaway Co. R-II Southern Boone Co. R-I St. Elizabeth R-IV Stoutland R-II Sturgeon R-V Sweet Springs R-VII Tipton R-VI Warrensburg R-VI Description Warsaw R-IX Wellington-Napoleon R-IX AVERAGES County Description 949 500 345 86 506 800 2,383 54 230 1,343 60 695 1,529 696 475 1,220 2,131 72 197 630 722 243 378 141 293 157 342 1,963 4,933 366 596 798 1,512 255 480 453 400 603 Est. 3,337 Enroll 1,334 430 Est. Enroll Bachelor's Degree Rank Steps Max Master's Degree Rank Steps Max 19 $38,711 $42,820 $32,913 27 $47,027 $34,305 22 16 $49,665 $32,200 38 39 $43,900 $32,325 36 21 $40,725 $29,000 68 22 $41,000 $30,100 63 32 $46,100 $31,230 52 30 $44,830 $33,900 25 28 $53,500 $29,100 67 20 $40,300 $29,850 64 29 $44,350 $35,200 14 24 $49,600 $29,609 66 31 $41,544 $35,300 12 29 $49,700 $36,142 9 30 $53,992 $31,800 44 25 $44,000 $30,950 56 32 $43,750 $31,500 48 29 $46,925 $36,420 8 24 $53,580 $30,200 62 19 $38,600 $28,600 70 35 $42,600 $30,500 60 34 $43,300 $31,586 46 29 $45,106 $31,000 55 29 $39,700 $31,580 47 30 $45,680 $33,207 29 24 $52,762 $32,000 40 9 $45,000 $32,250 37 31 $37,500 $30,644 59 16 $41,395 $41,350 1 28 $60,375 $36,613 7 29 $53,360 $30,800 57 19 $37,450 $31,700 45 21 $39,700 $34,500 19 29 $54,800 $34,000 24 30 $56,400 $31,320 51 26 $42,630 $32,676 32 29 $41,906 $31,380 50 28 $43,980 $34,387 20 24 $45,987 $32,100 39 34 $43,100 Degree $35,500Master's 11 29 $62,390 Min Rank Max $33,004 30 Steps 29 $58,744 $33,500 27 24 $47,400 Min Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association - ©2015 $49,665 $43,100 $38,025 $38,000 $44,500 $42,135 $40,050 $37,500 $43,850 $41,500 $38,049 $48,700 $46,750 $39,400 $35,600 $44,500 $44,645 $32,126 $40,100 $42,325 $46,246 $39,200 $42,960 $43,476 $40,000 $36,500 $38,035 $53,600 $45,444 $33,200 $38,200 $47,800 $49,700 $41,615 $40,326 $37,080 $41,908 $40,750 $45,325 Plus $52,166 $40,650 Plus Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 $30,406 $30,000 31 9 $37,650 $29,000 41 39 $40,700 $30,325 29 16 $34,925 $26,500 54 11 $32,000 $27,000 53 32 $43,000 $29,680 32 18 $37,060 $31,550 21 8 $37,150 $27,500 51 18 $34,700 $27,850 49 29 $42,350 $32,500 14 9 $37,000 $27,900 48 31 $36,549 $32,800 11 24 $44,700 $34,000 8 20 $44,200 $28,500 44 12 $33,900 $29,200 39 9 $32,800 $29,500 35 10 $34,300 $34,250 7 11 $39,750 $27,800 50 6 $30,040 $26,500 54 35 $38,750 $28,000 46 34 $39,050 $30,066 30 29 $36,736 $28,500 44 29 $37,200 $29,200 39 11 $34,040 $31,355 23 11 $38,725 $30,000 31 9 $40,000 $28,250 45 30 $33,500 $27,956 47 7 $32,660 $36,450 1 16 $45,875 $34,500 5 21 $41,534 $29,000 41 6 $31,100 $29,100 40 10 $32,350 $31,700 19 20 $45,700 $32,100 16 15 $41,900 $29,000 41 23 $39,005 $30,376 28 29 $38,676 $29,580 34 6 $32,280 $31,928 18 9 $36,638 $30,000 31 34 $38,250 $33,500 Bachelor's 9 8 Degree $39,453 Min Rank Steps Max $29,000 41 15 $45,016 $31,000 25 7 $34,150 Min Schedule Rank Steps $50,517 29 $55,235 22 19 $44,700 59 39 $43,225 65 21 $45,000 55 26 $48,100 38 32 $46,130 47 30 $58,121 12 29 $41,500 70 20 $44,850 58 29 $55,400 21 30 $41,544 69 31 $51,700 34 29 $56,134 19 30 $47,800 39 29 $44,550 60 32 $48,625 35 29 $66,700 6 29 $40,645 73 19 $44,400 61 35 $47,200 42 34 $46,246 45 29 $42,200 68 29 $48,180 37 30 $57,024 16 27 $47,000 43 9 $38,500 75 31 $52,818 30 29 $68,475 3 28 $56,948 17 31 $40,950 72 25 $43,200 66 22 $57,600 14 29 $57,900 13 30 $45,675 50 29 $44,976 56 29 $45,030 53 29 $47,337 41 24 $45,975 48 34 Schedule $71,932 1 29 Max Rank $60,460 9 Steps 29 $52,400 31 26 Max 1.66 1.84 1.54 1.43 1.70 1.78 1.55 1.84 1.51 1.61 1.70 1.49 1.58 1.65 1.68 1.53 1.65 1.95 1.46 1.68 1.69 1.54 1.48 1.65 1.82 1.57 1.36 1.89 1.88 1.65 1.41 1.48 1.82 1.80 1.58 1.48 1.52 1.48 1.53 Compress 2.15 Ratio 2.08 1.69 Compress Ratio 16.95 Page 2 29 10 0 5 22 11 10 5 29 29 8 34 Years 8 Import 29 10 9 19 39 21 10 5 30 10 20 29 30 0 10 10 5 32 10 15 19 35 10 29 5 30 Years Import 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 15 Cass Jackson Jackson Clay Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Clay Jackson Clay Jackson Clay Clay Jackson Platte Platte Cass Jackson Clay Belton 124 Blue Springs R-IV Center 58 Excelsior Springs 40 Fort Osage R-I Grain Valley R-V Grandview C-4 Hickman Mills C-1 Independence 30 Kansas City 33 Kearney R-I Lee's Summit R-VII Liberty 53 Lone Jack C-6 Missouri City 56 North Kansas City 74 Oak Grove R-VI Park Hill Platte Co. R-III Raymore-Peculiar R-II Raytown C-2 Smithville R-II AVERAGES County Description $36,403 $36,500 $35,902 $35,385 $37,547 $35,000 $36,803 $36,000 $37,000 $37,376 $35,550 $37,400 $35,000 $33,750 $36,158 $37,718 $34,500 $38,135 $35,850 $34,800 $36,532 $35,461 4,859 14,761 2,420 2,657 4,964 4,045 4,046 5,609 14,583 15,000 3,594 17,738 11,831 595 20 18,391 2,060 11,125 3,952 5,996 8,789 2,589 10 9 13 17 3 18 7 12 6 5 15 4 18 21 11 2 20 1 14 19 8 16 8 8 9 3 8 9 8 6 9 14 14 10 15 8 12 4 1 6 6 5 8 12 10 $42,450 $43,011 $42,932 $38,855 $39,609 $43,735 $39,200 $44,053 $43,023 $52,026 $52,362 $39,018 $53,371 $41,200 $39,630 $36,670 $37,718 $36,900 $41,241 $38,621 $40,100 $49,681 $40,948 Bachelor's Degree Rank Steps Max $47,310 $45,657 $47,018 $46,235 $42,842 $49,659 $43,500 $53,144 $48,347 $55,024 $66,732 $44,019 $55,512 $42,000 $45,590 $37,181 $41,909 $40,300 $45,785 $45,463 $45,900 $53,703 $45,297 Plus $39,666 10 6 7 18 2 16 1 12 11 17 4 8 16 20 21 14 19 3 9 15 5 13 19 13 16 8 27 29 20 10 16 17 20 29 24 24 21 9 10 15 29 29 19 18 23 $59,169 $50,962 $59,191 $53,320 $61,642 $67,240 $59,350 $57,633 $56,388 $61,020 $66,732 $62,349 $73,598 $70,600 $49,225 $46,404 $54,240 $50,000 $63,811 $62,137 $55,650 $60,640 $59,585 Master's Degree Rank Steps Max $40,052 $40,857 $40,627 $37,639 $42,489 $38,100 $42,581 $39,500 $40,025 $37,837 $42,232 $40,400 $38,100 $37,360 $36,798 $38,804 $37,600 $42,319 $40,349 $38,675 $40,915 $39,396 Min Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 $36,126 Min Est. Enroll KANSAS CITY METRO REGION KANSAS CITY METRO $72,622 13 3 20 17 5 11 7 19 15 12 14 1 10 21 22 6 18 2 4 8 9 16 24 22 18 12 29 29 29 21 19 20 20 32 24 24 28 9 24 29 29 29 26 24 24 2.01 2.01 2.18 1.81 1.94 2.09 2.18 2.12 1.81 1.92 1.98 2.01 2.26 2.19 1.74 1.28 2.07 1.99 2.12 2.21 2.21 2.10 1.97 Schedule Compress Rank Steps Ratio $73,304 $79,715 $65,129 $68,735 $78,323 $76,275 $77,838 $65,160 $71,188 $73,991 $71,606 $84,529 $76,600 $58,890 $46,404 $78,231 $68,700 $80,681 $79,195 $76,800 $76,648 $69,732 Max 16.57 15 15 18 18 10 20 29 15 10 12 20 15 15 17 24 28 3 10 10 29 15 Years Import 16 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org NORTHEAST REGION County Adair Adair Macon Macon Pike Pike Linn Chariton Linn Macon Lewis Clark Audrain Lincoln Sullivan Marion Randolph Monroe Chariton Adair Knox Macon Lewis Linn Pike Macon Macon Monroe Linn Marion Linn Audrain Monroe Sullivan Randolph Monroe Montgomery Sullivan Description Adair Co. R-I Adair Co. R-II Atlanta C-3 Bevier C-4 Boncl R-X Bowling Green R-I Brookfield R-III Brunswick R-II Bucklin R-II Callao C-8 Canton R-V Clark Co. R-I Community R-VI Elsberry R-II Green City R-I Hannibal 60 Higbee R-VIII Holliday C-2 Keytesville R-III Kirksville R-III Knox Co. R-I La Plata R-II Lewis Co. C-1 Linn Co. R-I Louisiana R-II Macon Co. R-I Macon Co. R-IV Madison C-3 Marceline R-V Marion Co. R-II Meadville R-IV Mexico 59 Middle Grove C-1 Milan C-2 Moberly Monroe City R-I Montgomery Co. R-II Newtown-Harris R-III $29,000 $27,000 $28,000 $30,162 $28,200 $31,000 $28,250 $30,000 $27,000 $27,750 $28,500 $30,600 $30,800 $29,750 $32,000 $33,150 $27,500 $26,300 $28,750 $36,500 $30,750 $29,350 $30,000 $27,000 $32,800 $31,400 $27,500 $26,760 $28,500 $30,000 $27,000 $33,300 $25,000 $30,050 $34,685 $31,000 $32,750 $26,000 266 215 201 205 46 1,404 1,016 257 143 65 544 1,032 290 783 274 3,611 240 55 140 2,658 510 348 964 250 794 1,362 114 287 595 235 250 2,592 31 679 2,399 695 1,195 100 27 35 32 19 31 15 30 22 35 33 29 18 16 23 13 7 34 37 28 1 17 26 22 35 8 14 34 36 29 22 35 6 39 21 3 15 9 38 13 25 23 13 19 12 12 20 33 11 13 9 11 15 9 14 29 7 19 9 9 12 6 12 9 12 14 29 5 11 29 29 14 5 11 29 32 8 $34,200 $33,875 $34,900 $34,984 $33,900 $36,100 $33,750 $41,000 $43,500 $33,250 $33,300 $35,100 $34,100 $38,150 $37,100 $40,850 $37,650 $28,400 $35,400 $38,300 $39,750 $32,350 $33,000 $33,250 $35,860 $37,375 $34,500 $36,910 $31,849 $33,300 $35,700 $47,800 $29,200 $31,800 $40,857 $44,050 $45,774 $29,700 Bachelor's Degree Rank Steps Max $34,600 $34,550 $36,550 $38,779 $35,579 $41,050 $43,200 $47,050 $46,050 $37,750 $40,000 $40,850 $38,350 $43,595 $47,150 $45,550 $39,650 $32,800 $36,400 $49,300 $39,750 $34,800 $43,500 $37,500 $44,925 $40,500 $36,500 $37,710 $35,126 $36,500 $38,500 $49,375 $31,000 $37,300 $45,345 $46,450 $49,731 $31,600 Plus 38 52 47 33 43 23 39 30 46 37 40 17 27 24 19 4 32 48 21 1 15 35 22 49 9 18 50 42 41 28 51 8 31 31 5 14 11 53 26 27 29 17 19 30 25 29 33 19 28 28 26 18 21 28 29 15 19 29 9 24 22 18 33 16 20 29 14 19 29 29 29 23 17 29 32 11 $42,600 $39,780 $43,025 $39,930 $37,100 $48,700 $46,950 $48,150 $48,550 $40,750 $44,950 $47,600 $41,625 $45,140 $47,150 $55,250 $42,050 $35,600 $39,900 $49,300 $45,750 $38,850 $44,000 $40,750 $50,740 $42,100 $38,500 $40,510 $40,755 $38,200 $38,700 $50,823 $40,700 $40,050 $47,416 $48,000 $51,243 $34,400 Master's Degree Rank Steps Max $30,900 $27,900 $29,250 $31,803 $30,320 $32,950 $30,650 $32,200 $29,300 $31,250 $30,500 $33,600 $32,525 $32,900 $33,350 $37,050 $31,900 $28,800 $33,250 $39,500 $33,750 $31,550 $33,000 $28,650 $35,725 $33,575 $28,500 $30,360 $30,495 $32,500 $28,200 $35,825 $32,000 $32,000 $36,813 $34,000 $34,987 $27,500 Min Prepared byMissouri MissouriState State Teachers Association - ©2015 Prepared by the Teachers Association – ©2016 Min Est. Enroll NORTHEAST REGION Lincoln 41 48 42 47 56 22 12 28 29 45 20 18 33 11 27 3 39 55 53 16 32 43 21 36 4 10 52 50 14 35 54 13 51 44 6 19 7 57 26 27 29 20 19 30 29 29 33 19 34 29 29 23 21 29 29 19 19 29 9 32 29 20 39 21 22 29 24 30 29 29 29 29 24 29 32 13 1.50 1.58 1.55 1.41 1.33 1.61 1.89 1.62 1.80 1.54 1.77 1.67 1.47 1.80 1.53 1.86 1.58 1.44 1.41 1.44 1.49 1.47 1.67 1.64 1.85 1.71 1.47 1.54 1.86 1.49 1.48 1.60 1.64 1.42 1.63 1.63 1.73 1.39 Schedule Compress Rank Steps Ratio $43,400 $42,630 $43,275 $42,648 $37,550 $49,900 $53,400 $48,700 $48,550 $42,750 $50,350 $51,100 $45,175 $53,465 $48,950 $61,550 $43,550 $37,800 $40,400 $52,500 $45,750 $43,150 $50,000 $44,250 $60,740 $53,800 $40,500 $41,310 $52,868 $44,800 $39,900 $53,148 $41,000 $42,800 $56,692 $50,400 $56,541 $36,200 Max Page 5 26 27 29 20 19 30 29 29 5 10 34 14 10 23 15 29 29 5 19 10 9 32 29 20 39 17 10 10 24 30 10 20 5 29 24 10 32 5 Years Import 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 17 Shelby Randolph Chariton Marion Monroe Pike Putnam Ralls Randolph Chariton Schuyler Scotland Shelby Lincoln Audrain Warren Montgomery Randolph Lincoln Warren North Shelby Northeast Randolph Co. R-IV Northwestern R-I Palmyra R-I Paris R-II Pike Co. R-III Putnam Co. R-I Ralls Co. R-II Renick R-V Salisbury R-IV Schuyler Co. R-I Scotland Co. R-I Shelby Co. R-IV Silex R-I Van-Far R-I Warren Co. R-III Wellsville Middletown R-I Westran R-I Winfield R-IV Wright City R-II AVERAGES County Description $30,000 $30,000 $28,500 $32,300 $29,000 $34,268 $31,000 $32,750 $30,000 $32,200 $28,000 $29,500 $29,600 $29,750 $29,750 $35,600 $28,000 $32,500 $30,150 $33,500 280 448 175 1,099 525 513 710 752 131 410 580 560 739 373 610 3,016 370 636 1,520 1,508 16 29 20 24 11 9 10 6 10 29 10 6 7 18 9 15 6 39 10 14 40 $36,996 $40,150 $39,350 $38,100 $36,700 $32,150 $39,492 $33,400 $36,575 $44,750 $35,800 $34,800 $31,350 $36,575 $33,350 $36,875 $40,350 $47,500 $37,500 $38,550 $61,600 $41,090 $43,950 $40,850 $39,700 $40,825 $37,950 $47,098 $39,000 $41,570 $46,250 $37,900 $39,200 $36,865 $41,378 $36,750 $41,625 $47,425 $48,700 $44,990 $43,900 $62,400 Plus $32,607 20 34 45 10 25 7 22 12 34 14 31 26 36 13 29 2 44 6 16 3 25 29 20 27 39 19 25 22 24 29 17 10 28 25 29 29 27 39 20 29 40 $44,791 $43,450 $41,150 $40,500 $51,325 $39,400 $52,162 $42,700 $44,900 $47,000 $41,200 $43,600 $40,940 $41,378 $46,350 $46,000 $63,575 $49,500 $47,900 $51,050 $68,200 Master's Degree Rank Steps Max $33,300 $31,800 $29,700 $35,225 $32,750 $36,235 $33,000 $34,770 $31,800 $34,000 $32,000 $32,540 $31,315 $34,750 $32,225 $38,100 $30,000 $36,700 $33,650 $38,000 Min Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association - ©2015 22 22 29 11 27 4 15 9 22 12 32 25 24 23 23 2 32 10 20 5 Bachelor's Degree Rank Steps Max Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 $30,007 Min Est. Enroll $48,439 34 46 49 9 37 5 30 23 26 17 38 40 25 31 24 2 18 8 15 1 27 29 20 29 39 25 30 29 31 29 36 10 35 37 29 29 27 39 29 29 40 1.61 1.50 1.42 1.48 1.69 1.51 1.67 1.54 1.51 1.63 1.59 1.56 1.47 1.66 1.59 1.66 1.89 1.83 1.73 1.75 2.24 Schedule Compress Rank Steps Ratio $44,950 $42,650 $42,100 $54,675 $43,750 $57,309 $47,700 $49,340 $49,000 $51,200 $43,600 $43,405 $49,025 $47,350 $49,325 $67,325 $51,100 $56,360 $52,800 $75,000 Max Page 6 21.06 29 8 10 39 25 30 29 15 29 36 3 35 37 10 10 27 39 10 29 5 Years Import 18 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org County Gentry Andrew Carroll Caldwell Caldwell Buchanan Harrison Clinton Carroll Livingston Clinton Caldwell Holt Buchanan Atchison Daviess Harrison Grundy Carroll Caldwell Ray Nodaway Gentry Caldwell Grundy Clinton Ray Livingston Nodaway DeKalb Buchanan Caldwell Holt Caldwell Nodaway Carroll Andrew Daviess Description Albany R-III Avenue City R-IX Bosworth R-V Braymer C-4 Breckenridge R-I Buchanan Co. R-IV Cainsville R-I Cameron R-I Carrollton R-VII Chillicothe R-II Clinton Co. R-III Cowgill R-VI Craig R-III East Buchanan Co. C-1 Fairfax R-III Gallatin R-V Gilman City R-IV Grundy Co R-V Hale R-I Hamilton R-II Hardin-Central C-2 Jefferson C-123 King City R-I Kingston 42 Laredo R-VII Lathrop R-II Lawson R-XIV Livingston Co. R-III Maryville R-II Maysville R-I Mid-Buchanan Co. R-V Mirabile C-1 Mound City R-II New York R-IV Nodaway-Holt R-VII Norborne R-VIII North Andrew Co. R-VI North Daviess R-III $31,212 $31,850 $28,000 $29,250 $26,000 $31,620 $26,350 $34,000 $33,949 $28,862 $33,000 $26,300 $31,450 $33,250 $29,500 $30,250 $26,250 $28,250 $27,000 $30,000 $29,650 $30,000 $30,500 $28,800 $27,000 $33,700 $34,750 $27,750 $32,500 $30,750 $33,500 $26,900 $31,100 $27,000 $30,500 $31,500 $30,200 $25,000 440 202 70 348 106 346 92 1,870 850 1,792 693 32 70 735 125 655 149 147 150 659 220 150 310 54 62 915 1,149 65 1,463 593 680 59 267 36 230 195 352 84 18 13 40 31 51 14 48 4 5 33 9 49 16 8 30 24 50 37 44 26 29 26 22 34 44 6 3 41 10 21 7 45 19 44 22 15 25 53 5 13 9 9 9 29 6 9 19 3 7 10 11 21 9 32 14 13 16 9 29 8 5 19 14 9 10 19 8 7 14 29 9 29 7 29 6 14 $34,719 $38,650 $30,700 $32,850 $28,700 $43,320 $27,550 $38,050 $42,383 $31,504 $35,450 $29,800 $35,124 $39,500 $32,650 $36,000 $29,218 $31,825 $33,400 $33,375 $41,250 $33,080 $33,000 $34,500 $32,700 $37,967 $38,950 $36,500 $36,628 $33,175 $39,100 $33,500 $34,700 $33,525 $33,125 $46,000 $32,981 $29,400 Bachelor's Degree Rank Steps Max $40,330 $52,650 $32,200 $36,750 $31,100 $44,920 $29,950 $46,300 $45,036 $37,805 $39,300 $32,400 $37,461 $44,925 $39,000 $43,325 $36,468 $35,525 $35,800 $36,975 $43,450 $40,345 $41,160 $35,600 $36,900 $42,338 $42,850 $38,550 $40,102 $46,675 $46,150 $34,400 $40,400 $34,125 $37,725 $47,500 $46,656 $34,300 Plus 23 14 51 39 62 18 36 4 2 38 10 57 26 8 36 35 55 44 59 22 34 30 21 44 51 6 5 49 20 15 9 61 11 63 25 19 38 50 14 29 29 29 12 29 16 29 27 11 29 18 15 31 28 32 24 29 20 29 30 26 20 15 19 22 18 19 20 29 29 29 21 29 17 29 26 24 $43,136 $53,200 $41,650 $43,450 $33,900 $45,720 $35,200 $52,550 $52,727 $41,531 $51,775 $36,100 $38,240 $49,875 $41,800 $45,750 $36,468 $40,975 $38,750 $44,225 $44,450 $42,660 $43,880 $35,600 $40,150 $51,741 $45,400 $39,900 $45,012 $47,175 $48,700 $38,300 $43,300 $37,275 $39,625 $48,500 $46,656 $37,800 Master's Degree Rank Steps Max $33,316 $34,600 $30,000 $31,750 $28,000 $34,020 $32,000 $37,500 $40,792 $31,843 $35,100 $28,800 $33,230 $35,825 $32,000 $32,250 $29,262 $31,300 $28,600 $33,350 $32,450 $32,650 $33,380 $31,300 $30,000 $36,524 $37,150 $30,350 $33,532 $34,250 $35,300 $28,100 $34,900 $27,800 $33,250 $34,000 $31,843 $30,200 Min Prepared by the Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared byMissouri MissouriState State Teachers Association - ©2015 Min Est. Enroll NORTHWEST REGION NORTHWEST REGION 36 11 50 42 69 31 68 8 12 17 6 64 60 7 47 27 66 55 58 34 32 33 22 67 52 4 5 53 16 24 14 62 26 70 49 23 18 59 17 29 29 29 12 29 16 29 29 22 29 18 17 37 28 32 24 29 22 29 30 32 31 5 19 32 29 19 29 29 29 29 29 29 23 29 31 29 1.47 1.74 1.52 1.54 1.30 1.50 1.34 1.65 1.62 1.86 1.78 1.43 1.27 1.75 1.48 1.61 1.39 1.47 1.49 1.53 1.58 1.54 1.67 1.24 1.56 1.81 1.74 1.50 1.66 1.63 1.63 1.46 1.56 1.24 1.41 1.62 1.74 1.59 Schedule Compress Rank Steps Ratio $45,942 $55,400 $42,650 $44,950 $33,900 $47,320 $35,200 $56,050 $55,008 $53,658 $58,650 $37,600 $39,798 $58,025 $43,800 $48,550 $36,468 $41,475 $40,350 $46,025 $46,850 $46,220 $51,040 $35,600 $42,150 $61,102 $60,400 $41,700 $53,895 $50,175 $54,600 $39,200 $48,600 $33,400 $43,075 $51,000 $52,642 $39,800 Max Page 7 10 10 10 19 20 23 5 29 10 29 15 29 10 23 10 10 29 10 5 29 29 5 10 7 15 12 22 29 18 17 37 28 32 24 29 22 29 Years Import 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 19 County Est. Enroll AVERAGES Winston R-VI AVERAGES Worth Co. R-III Daviess Worth 235 North Harrison R-III Harrison Description County 199 North Mercer Co. R-III Mercer 239 North Nodaway R-VI R-III Nodaway Harrison North Co. Harrison North Platte Co. Mercer R-I Platte North Co. R-III Mercer625 211 Northeast Nodaway Co. R-V North Nodaway Co. Nodaway R-VI Nodaway Orrick R-XINorth Platte Co. R-I Ray Platte 310 116 Osborn R-O Northeast NodawayDeKalb Co. R-V Nodaway Pattonsburg R-II R-XI Daviess Ray 195 Orrick Pleasant View R-VIR-O Grundy DeKalb76 Osborn 389 Polo R-VII Pattonsburg R-II Caldwell Daviess 373 Princeton R-V Pleasant View R-VI Mercer Grundy 1,550 Richmond Polo R-XVI Ray R-VII Caldwell Ridgeway Princeton R-V Harrison Mercer81 R-V Rock Port Richmond R-II R-XVI Atchison Ray 332 2,390 Savannah Ridgeway R-III Andrew Harrison R-V 930 South Harrison Harrison Atchison RockCo. PortR-II R-II 278 South HoltSavannah Co. R-I R-III Holt Andrew 160 South Nodaway R-IV Co. R-II Nodaway Harrison South Co. Harrison SouthwestSouth Livingston Co. R-I R-I Livingston Holt 178 Holt Co. 29 Spickard R-II South Nodaway Co.Grundy R-IV Nodaway 11,162 St. JosephSouthwest Livingston Buchanan Co. R-I Livingston 207 Stanberry R-II Gentry Spickard R-II Grundy 210 Stewartsville DeKalb Buchanan St.C-2 Joseph Tarkio R-I Stanberry R-II Atchison Gentry369 189 Tina-Avalon R-II Stewartsville C-2 Carroll DeKalb 1,143 Trenton R-IX Grundy Atchison Tarkio R-I Tri-CountyTina-Avalon R-VII Daviess Carroll178 R-II 147 Union StarTrenton R-II DeKalb Grundy R-IX 242 West Nodaway Co. R-I Nodaway Daviess Tri-County R-VII 550 West PlatteUnion Co. R-II Platte Star R-II DeKalb 176 Winston R-VI West Nodaway Co. Daviess R-I Nodaway Worth Co. West R-III Platte Co. R-IIWorth Platte 323 Description 15 $35,494 $40,329 $32,577 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association - ©2015 25 $43,930 $47,496 46 28 54 $41,625 3 29 65 $36,750 28 31 46 $44,100 19 30 3 $61,518 51 32 28 $48,045 61 18 19 $52,100 44 24 51 $42,500 30 29 61 $39,750 29 29 44 $44,500 9 22 30 $47,325 48 34 29 $47,500 10 37 9 $55,777 13 29 48 $43,200 43 29 10 $55,425 38 29 13 $54,890 40 34 43 $44,700 41 29 38 $45,600 63 19 40 $45,150 2 30 41 $45,000 39 28 63 $38,425 45 23 2 $70,042 20 29 39 $45,540 57 25 45 $44,297 21 27 20 $52,065 15 39 57 $41,300 35 30 21 $52,000 37 30 15 $54,280 1 29 35 $45,970 56 24 37 $45,724 25 26 1 $76,250 $41,380 56 $49,750 27 25 27 1.4730 1.8914 1.6128 1.6329 1.4931 1.4230 1.6232 1.6418 1.6424 1.6829 1.6929 1.8522 1.6934 1.4737 1.4729 1.5229 1.6729 1.4334 2.0029 1.5419 1.5030 1.6328 1.4923 1.7229 1.9225 1.4727 1.5539 2.0630 1.4730 1.7729 24 1.5826 Page 8 1.58 28 1.52 29 1.37 4 1.47 30 1.89 5 1.61 18 1.63 24 1.49 29 1.42 29 1.62 22 1.64 34 1.64 10 1.68 29 1.69 29 1.85 29 1.69 34 1.47 20 1.47 19 1.52 30 1.67 28 1.43 10 2.00 29 1.54 25 1.50 27 1.63 39 1.49 30 1.72 30 1.92 29 1.47 24 1.55 10 2.06 1.47 21.00 1.77 21.00 6 10 28 29 4 30 5 18 24 29 29 22 34 10 29 29 29 34 20 19 30 28 10 29 25 27 39 30 30 29 24 10 $44,100 $39,875 $61,518 $36,750 $48,045 $41,825 $52,100 $53,431 $42,500 $46,545 $39,750 $49,600 $44,500 $42,100 $47,325 $37,000 $47,500 $42,500 $55,777 $43,275 $43,200 $46,500 $55,425 $44,015 $54,890 $42,000 $44,700 $48,175 $45,600 $52,490 $45,150 $42,900 $45,000 $44,800 $38,425 $39,275 $70,042 $44,000 $45,540 $38,425 $44,297 $62,205 $52,065 $40,240 $41,300 $40,185 $52,000 $47,715 $54,280 $38,900 $45,970 $42,300 $45,724 $51,296 $76,250 $41,270 $41,380 $40,812 $49,750 $65,000 $41,380 $47,496 $45,150 $33,050 $38,125 $35,883 $34,150 $31,845 $41,825 $34,600 $50,304 $32,500 $42,445 $31,000 $45,500 $30,500 $37,100 $31,675 $33,250 $31,000 $36,500 $34,890 $41,300 $28,750 $39,500 $34,000 $42,191 $34,740 $38,750 $32,750 $42,850 $32,600 $48,340 $31,325 $39,650 $29,500 $44,400 $28,425 $36,200 $38,345 $34,000 $31,500 $35,625 $32,490 $47,511 $34,025 $37,955 $29,050 $37,218 $33,300 $45,365 $31,246 $34,950 $34,120 $39,700 $33,156 $50,548 $42,000 $39,920 $31,150 $38,056 $31,350 $57,750 $39,430 $32,577 $45,150 28 2754 $41,825 $29,375 29 7 2952 $53,431 $29,750 14 37 3128 $46,545 $33,050 27 14 30 7 $49,600 $35,883 29 32 3237 $42,100 $31,845 31 47 1514 $37,000 $34,600 30 48 2432 $42,500 $32,500 32 40 2947 $43,275 $31,000 15 47 2948 $46,500 $30,500 24 12 1540 $44,015 $31,675 29 58 3447 $42,000 $31,000 29 19 3712 $48,175 $34,890 15 13 2958 $52,490 $28,750 34 29 2919 $42,900 $34,000 37 31 2913 $44,800 $34,740 29 43 2229 $39,275 $32,750 29 53 2931 $44,000 $32,600 29 60 1943 $38,425 $31,325 22 3 3053 $62,205 $29,500 29 41 2360 $40,240 $28,425 19 33 19 3 $40,185 $38,345 30 17 2941 $47,715 $31,500 23 56 2033 $38,900 $32,490 19 24 2017 $42,300 $34,025 29 45 3956 $51,296 $29,050 20 16 2224 $41,270 $33,300 20 27 2245 $40,812 $31,246 39 1 2916 $65,000 $34,120 22 46 2427 $41,380 $33,156 22 42 23 1 $45,150 $42,000 29 $31,150 46 24 $31,350 2542 $43,930 23 Years Import Master's Degree Schedule Compress Years Rank Steps Max Max Rank Steps Ratio Import Master's Degree Schedule Compress $29,375 54 29 $39,875 $41,625 54 30 1.52 6 Plus Rank$36,750 Steps $36,750 Max Max 14 Rank 1.37 Steps Ratio $29,750 52Min 14 65 10 Min Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 $29,860 Bachelor's Degree Min Rank Steps Max Plus Est. Bachelor's Degree $27,375 43 30 $36,375 $38,125 Enroll Rank Steps $34,150 Max $26,750 47Min 9 $30,350 235 $30,000 26 7 43$32,275 $27,375 30 $41,825 $36,375 199 $32,500 10 29 47$41,925 $26,750 9 $50,304 $30,350 239 $29,845 27 9 26$33,645 $30,000 7 $42,445 $32,275 625 $32,000 11 9 10$36,500 $32,500 29 $45,500 $41,925 211 $28,500 $29,845 35 32 27$38,100 9 $37,100 $33,645 310 $28,000 40 10 11$31,000 $32,000 9 $33,250 $36,500 116 $27,500 42 12 35$33,500 $28,500 32 $36,500 $38,100 195 $28,800 34 9 40$32,400 $28,000 10 $41,300 $31,000 76 $29,000 32 19 42$38,500 $27,500 12 $39,500 $33,500 389 $33,250 8 8 34$35,075 $28,800 9 $42,191 $32,400 373 $25,500 52 14 32$29,700 $29,000 19 $38,750 $38,500 1,550 $30,000 26 37 8 $34,775 $33,250 8 $42,850 $35,075 81 $32,500 10 21 52$44,250 $25,500 14 $48,340 $29,700 332 $30,500 22 12 26$34,700 $30,000 37 $39,650 $34,775 2,390 $31,000 20 9 10$35,200 $32,500 21 $44,400 $44,250 930 $29,700 28 9 22$32,625 $30,500 12 $36,200 $34,700 278 $27,000 44 9 20$31,500 $31,000 9 $34,000 $35,200 160 $26,825 46 19 28$34,425 $29,700 9 $35,625 $32,625 178 $34,986 2 18 44$46,147 $27,000 9 $47,511 $31,500 29 $29,500 30 19 46$35,770 $26,825 19 $37,955 $34,425 11,162 $34,986 $29,500 30 15 2 $34,375 18 $37,218 $46,147 207 $31,875 12 29 30$38,725 $29,500 19 $45,365 $35,770 210 $27,750 41 11 30$32,150 $29,500 15 $34,950 $34,375 369 $30,300 23 14 12$36,100 $31,875 29 $39,700 $38,725 189 $28,260 36 39 41$48,310 $27,750 11 $50,548 $32,150 1,143 $31,320 17 15 23$36,195 $30,300 14 $39,920 $36,100 178 $29,500 30 15 36$34,720 $28,260 39 $38,056 $48,310 147 $37,000 1 17 17$49,750 $31,320 15 $57,750 $36,195 242 $28,150 38 24 30$37,630 $29,500 15 $39,430 $34,720 550 $28,100 39 11 1 $33,050 $37,000 17 $45,150 $49,750 176 $28,150 38 24 $37,630 $29,860 $40,329 323 $28,10015 39$35,494 11 $33,050 20 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org County 452 Stoddard 120 Perry 754 Oregon 990 Iron 222 Stoddard 119 Iron 566 Stoddard 540 St. Francois 726 Stoddard 273 Reynolds 726 Texas 629 Dunklin Cape Girardeau4,084 1,137 Pemiscot 60 Reynolds 2,050 St. Francois 653 Scott 992 Mississippi 331 Dunklin 987 Wayne 285 Pemiscot 210 Oregon 1,039 Crawford 1,506 Crawford 556 Pulaski 220 Pemiscot Cape Girardeau 286 290 Dent 2,048 Stoddard 1,024 Pulaski 1,584 Ripley 819 Carter 1,175 Mississippi 316 Shannon 569 Howell 3,095 St. Francois 116 Franklin 1,932 Madison Description Advance R-IV Altenburg 48 Alton R-IV Arcadia Valley R-II Bell City R-II Belleview R-III Bernie R-XIII Bismarck R-V Bloomfield R-XIV Bunker R-III Cabool R-IV Campbell R-II Cape Girardeau 63 Caruthersville 18 Centerville R-I Central R-III Chaffee R-II Charleston R-I Clarkton C-4 Clearwater R-I Cooter R-IV Couch R-I Crawford Co. R-I Crawford Co. R-II Crocker R-II Delta C-7 Delta R-V Dent-Phelps R-III Dexter R-XI Dixon R-I Doniphan R-I East Carter Co. R-II East Prairie R-II Eminence R-I Fairview R-XI Farmington R-VII Franklin Co. R-II Fredericktown R-I Est. Enroll 37 54 46 12 54 70 36 16 50 43 65 46 22 16 48 1 65 49 55 63 21 78 39 34 23 52 37 49 16 38 41 63 43 78 76 4 49 72 14 29 30 21 25 29 29 11 34 33 9 28 11 20 33 21 10 16 21 29 27 14 16 35 36 12 10 30 21 22 30 29 10 29 21 9 32 21 $36,320 $44,000 $42,650 $46,570 $38,875 $43,745 $45,062 $39,300 $42,115 $43,700 $34,300 $42,200 $36,625 $43,100 $43,205 $54,180 $33,175 $42,800 $36,945 $42,350 $39,500 $32,500 $38,852 $50,390 $46,081 $38,900 $36,000 $45,750 $47,854 $44,580 $42,700 $39,450 $38,430 $32,750 $42,304 $42,310 $46,500 $40,125 Bachelor's Degree Rank Steps Max Plus $37,460 $45,000 $43,400 $51,670 $40,575 $45,782 $46,385 $48,400 $43,215 $44,075 $50,540 $42,200 $45,565 $45,400 $44,705 $57,960 $35,375 $44,900 $38,759 $45,150 $39,500 $34,000 $44,865 $52,756 $47,942 $41,400 $41,500 $47,325 $51,898 $50,140 $44,340 $40,950 $43,615 $35,500 $49,672 $48,595 $47,700 $45,150 $33,640 46 $31,000 84 $32,950 64 $37,600 14 $32,000 72 $31,574 78 $32,963 63 $37,335 17 $31,720 75 $32,500 69 $31,360 80 $32,700 66 $36,000 26 $36,000 26 $32,505 68 $43,850 2 $30,000 99 $33,000 62 $30,485 93 $30,650 88 $35,255 28 $28,500 108 $35,152 29 $33,235 57 $34,818 33 $30,900 87 $33,100 60 $32,100 70 $38,418 10 $33,800 44 $33,365 54 $30,250 96 $35,380 27 $31,250 81 $28,662 107 $39,340 7 $31,600 77 $29,650 102 29 29 30 24 25 29 29 29 34 33 29 29 22 29 33 30 29 20 30 33 27 14 33 35 36 14 28 30 29 30 30 29 15 29 24 17 32 29 $44,660 $45,500 $45,400 $55,360 $41,375 $47,819 $48,654 $52,135 $43,985 $45,700 $51,660 $45,900 $46,065 $49,600 $45,705 $65,500 $45,725 $49,400 $41,139 $46,450 $42,005 $35,500 $52,111 $53,330 $48,715 $41,400 $48,100 $47,850 $57,964 $53,615 $45,365 $42,250 $45,750 $38,500 $53,752 $50,875 $48,100 $49,950 Master's Degree Min Rank Steps Max Prepared by the Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared byMissouri MissouriState State Teachers Association - ©2015 $31,000 $29,500 $30,200 $34,600 $29,500 $27,500 $31,077 $33,700 $29,850 $30,500 $28,000 $30,200 $32,500 $33,700 $30,005 $40,450 $28,000 $30,000 $29,361 $28,250 $32,755 $25,500 $30,835 $31,159 $32,321 $29,600 $31,000 $30,000 $33,700 $30,900 $30,700 $28,250 $30,500 $25,500 $26,063 $36,550 $30,000 $27,000 Min SOUTHEAST REGION SOUTHEAST REGION $49,060 $47,000 $46,700 $69,230 $43,875 $51,893 $50,419 $58,670 $45,085 $48,750 $53,900 $49,200 $53,790 $54,100 $47,105 $67,990 $46,825 $54,200 $41,593 $49,650 $44,505 $35,500 $54,424 $55,630 $48,715 $41,400 $48,700 $50,475 $59,312 $53,615 $49,465 $42,750 $51,240 $44,250 $53,752 $66,365 $48,500 $52,750 69 85 88 4 103 53 63 20 97 70 39 68 40 37 82 5 87 35 112 66 100 119 34 28 71 113 72 62 15 42 67 109 57 102 41 7 76 50 29 29 30 29 25 29 29 29 34 33 29 30 29 29 33 30 29 22 30 34 27 14 33 35 36 14 28 30 29 30 30 29 17 29 26 25 32 29 1.58 1.59 1.55 2.00 1.49 1.89 1.62 1.74 1.51 1.60 1.93 1.63 1.66 1.61 1.57 1.68 1.67 1.81 1.42 1.76 1.36 1.39 1.77 1.79 1.51 1.40 1.57 1.68 1.76 1.74 1.61 1.51 1.68 1.74 2.06 1.82 1.62 1.95 Schedule Compress Max Rank Steps Ratio Page 9 29 29 30 29 25 5 29 29 34 33 29 30 20 29 2 30 29 25 30 34 27 10 33 14 36 14 28 5 29 30 30 29 17 7 26 25 32 29 Years Import 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 21 County Est. Enroll 279 Gideon 37 New Madrid 299 Glenwood R-VIII Howell 206 Green Forest R-II Dent 755 Greenville R-II Wayne 835 Hayti R-II Pemiscot 545 Holcomb R-III Dunklin 1,047 Houston R-I Texas 209 Howell Valley R-I Howell 445 Iron Co. C-4 Iron Cape Girardeau4,982 Jackson R-II 200 Junction Hill C-12 Howell 126 Kelso C-7 Scott 2,039 Kennett 39 Dunklin 767 Kingston K-14 Washington 731 Laquey R-V Pulaski 171 Leopold R-III Bollinger 286 Lesterville R-IV Reynolds 830 Licking R-VIII Texas 327 Lonedell R-XIV Franklin 1,020 Malden R-I Dunklin 178 Marquand-Zion R-VI Madison 545 Meadow Heights R-II Bollinger 1,179 Mountain View-Birch Tree R-IIIHowell 430 Naylor R-II Ripley 627 Neelyville R-IV Butler Cape Girardeau 285 Nell Holcomb R-IV 488 New Haven Franklin 1,413 New Madrid Co. R-I New Madrid 454 Newburg R-II Phelps 257 North Pemiscot Co. R-I Pemiscot 3,207 North St. Francois Co. R-I St. Francois 235 North Wood R-IV Dent 120 Oak Hill R-I Dent Cape Girardeau 338 Oak Ridge R-VI 366 Oran R-III Scott 245 Oregon-Howell R-III Oregon 190 Pemiscot Co. R-III Pemiscot 0 Pemiscot Co. Specl. Sch. Dist.Pemiscot 2,342 Perry Co. 32 Perry 211 Phelps Co. R-III Phelps Description 26 63 27 64 9 32 70 66 40 14 74 49 32 9 53 57 6 43 37 38 79 61 72 72 69 28 22 18 62 13 14 56 80 49 49 80 24 20 30 35 32 7 30 25 24 35 14 10 30 14 6 7 25 14 32 30 29 26 19 19 30 7 12 14 28 11 34 13 30 15 22 29 29 14 18 9 29 34 9 29 $41,300 $32,450 $48,436 $39,350 $53,500 $43,900 $33,225 $33,827 $46,050 $39,011 $28,550 $33,500 $49,326 $41,720 $41,980 $41,000 $47,100 $50,325 $40,500 $40,780 $31,450 $31,719 $33,000 $32,600 $44,325 $38,075 $43,675 $46,148 $46,460 $42,250 $47,720 $43,700 $39,500 $36,240 $38,100 $28,550 $44,379 $48,200 $37,600 $42,942 Bachelor's Degree Rank Steps Max $42,300 $37,850 $50,836 $40,400 $55,900 $44,500 $39,850 $38,469 $47,580 $49,881 $40,250 $37,800 $52,493 $48,338 $44,380 $42,000 $48,600 $54,595 $45,000 $43,340 $32,350 $38,969 $37,400 $40,600 $45,075 $44,975 $44,800 $47,476 $48,629 $44,575 $49,400 $45,200 $41,200 $44,940 $40,950 $34,500 $45,856 $48,800 $43,675 $44,472 Plus 45 88 32 100 6 43 92 89 65 18 104 67 42 13 48 84 12 40 31 45 111 52 90 103 101 49 23 22 71 19 24 76 110 51 69 106 20 39 35 25 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association - ©2015 32 22 30 35 24 35 30 28 30 29 24 25 28 24 32 30 29 28 30 25 30 29 20 29 28 29 34 17 30 23 31 29 29 29 22 22 29 34 29 29 $46,450 $43,850 $51,436 $45,650 $57,900 $46,475 $43,850 $53,327 $48,090 $51,576 $46,050 $45,100 $55,661 $50,432 $45,980 $43,000 $51,000 $55,510 $50,000 $46,650 $37,400 $45,758 $40,600 $41,100 $46,575 $53,150 $49,000 $55,444 $50,075 $47,900 $56,465 $46,200 $43,000 $49,260 $42,400 $38,500 $48,893 $49,400 $54,475 $48,042 Master's Degree Rank Steps Max $33,650 $30,650 $34,936 $29,900 $39,400 $33,875 $30,500 $30,630 $32,790 $37,186 $29,250 $32,600 $33,978 $37,640 $33,580 $31,000 $38,000 $34,160 $35,000 $33,650 $26,650 $33,433 $30,600 $29,500 $29,775 $33,575 $36,250 $36,520 $32,015 $36,825 $36,240 $31,700 $27,000 $33,450 $32,500 $28,900 $36,814 $34,200 $34,475 $36,210 Min Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 $32,000 $28,250 $31,936 $28,100 $35,000 $31,300 $27,500 $27,750 $30,750 $34,000 $26,750 $30,000 $31,300 $35,000 $29,580 $29,000 $35,500 $30,500 $31,000 $30,900 $25,450 $28,744 $27,000 $27,000 $27,525 $31,750 $32,500 $33,200 $28,400 $34,375 $34,000 $29,200 $25,000 $30,000 $30,000 $25,000 $32,300 $33,000 $31,600 $31,110 Min 91 88 44 83 16 59 86 43 64 32 84 83 11 18 79 98 47 29 25 61 117 56 99 107 89 33 65 19 49 73 23 88 108 54 104 116 48 60 22 78 32 25 30 35 24 35 30 28 30 29 24 25 29 29 32 30 29 28 30 29 30 29 22 29 28 29 34 17 30 24 31 29 29 29 23 22 29 34 29 29 1.45 1.65 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.63 1.70 1.92 1.63 1.61 1.76 1.57 1.96 1.68 1.61 1.55 1.49 1.82 1.87 1.64 1.48 1.78 1.65 1.60 1.69 1.72 1.53 1.77 1.87 1.42 1.71 1.60 1.72 1.73 1.46 1.54 1.64 1.54 1.85 1.54 Schedule Compress Rank Steps Ratio $46,450 $46,700 $53,236 $47,100 $59,100 $51,035 $46,850 $53,327 $50,130 $54,672 $47,050 $47,100 $61,396 $58,785 $47,580 $45,000 $53,000 $55,510 $58,000 $50,530 $37,700 $51,274 $44,600 $43,100 $46,575 $54,500 $49,750 $58,764 $52,967 $48,675 $58,145 $46,700 $43,000 $51,780 $43,850 $38,500 $52,983 $50,900 $58,375 $48,042 Max Page 10 29 29 23 5 29 9 10 29 35 15 11 30 29 5 25 29 29 10 10 29 12 5 29 30 29 22 29 28 29 5 17 5 10 31 32 10 5 35 Years Import 22 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org 601 Texas 5,339 Butler 740 New Madrid 2,330 Washington 815 Stoddard 150 Texas 427 Howell 280 Stoddard 603 Pulaski 167 Washington 136 Ripley 197 Ripley 177 New Madrid 4,033 Phelps 1,349 Dent 986 Scott 363 Scott 999 Scott 800 Dunklin 3,606 Scott 345 Iron 675 Pemiscot 525 Reynolds 330 Dunklin 215 Franklin 2,320 Franklin 1,750 Phelps Ste. Genevieve 1,890 947 Crawford 83 Franklin 100 Texas 2,266 Franklin 420 Texas 68 Pulaski 657 Oregon 972 Butler 3,106 Franklin 406 Washington 516 Carter 4,678 Franklin Plato R-V Poplar Bluff R-I Portageville Potosi R-III Puxico R-VIII Raymondville R-VII Richards R-V Richland R-I Richland R-IV Richwoods R-VII Ripley Co. R-III Ripley Co. R-IV Risco R-II Rolla 31 Salem R-80 Scott City R-I Scott Co. Central Scott Co. R-IV Senath-Hornersville C-8 Sikeston R-VI South Iron Co. R-I South Pemiscot Co. R-V Southern Reynolds Co. R-II Southland C-9 Spring Bluff R-XV St. Clair R-XIII St. James R-I Ste. Genevieve Co. R-II Steelville R-III Strain-Japan R-XVI Success R-VI Sullivan C-2 Summersville R-II Swedeborg R-III Thayer R-II Twin Rivers R-X Union R-XI Valley R-VI Van Buren R-I Washington Est. Enroll County Description 16 29 30 29 10 30 23 29 14 20 30 30 29 14 19 12 20 16 16 9 22 27 29 23 14 13 29 26 29 11 24 17 24 9 24 30 21 30 23 16 $35,185 $44,677 $41,880 $56,900 $33,550 $34,750 $45,000 $39,848 $36,100 $40,500 $38,800 $44,448 $44,750 $48,045 $40,700 $39,100 $39,500 $39,860 $41,600 $38,166 $38,450 $49,175 $39,100 $38,536 $40,600 $40,229 $47,975 $48,000 $46,168 $32,013 $33,200 $46,800 $39,220 $29,250 $38,417 $45,026 $53,350 $49,237 $33,055 $47,840 $41,585 $48,505 $43,380 $59,300 $44,200 $35,500 $49,500 $43,848 $42,300 $45,100 $40,000 $45,648 $45,850 $56,443 $45,650 $43,299 $42,200 $49,620 $42,300 $47,096 $42,250 $50,700 $40,700 $41,349 $45,025 $45,112 $50,765 $62,100 $47,389 $36,813 $36,200 $50,975 $41,605 $30,000 $40,892 $46,026 $55,575 $51,486 $35,665 $52,148 Plus 29 29 30 29 29 30 27 29 29 25 30 30 29 19 30 27 27 26 16 24 29 29 29 23 29 20 33 30 29 18 24 29 27 9 24 30 23 30 29 22 $42,585 $54,218 $49,500 $59,900 $44,200 $40,250 $51,000 $43,848 $45,850 $46,100 $41,000 $46,898 $46,400 $58,542 $49,500 $52,399 $47,000 $49,620 $43,800 $52,427 $44,625 $53,525 $43,500 $43,606 $52,250 $49,564 $54,295 $63,200 $51,796 $39,313 $37,700 $57,575 $44,520 $35,000 $41,767 $46,526 $60,150 $52,099 $38,415 $62,984 Master's Degree Rank Steps Max $30,985 85 $34,266 37 $33,300 56 $39,500 5 $31,600 77 $31,750 74 $31,100 83 $33,324 55 $33,200 59 $33,600 47 $29,000 105 $31,198 82 $30,450 94 $37,548 15 $33,000 62 $33,500 50 $33,500 50 $34,210 38 $34,700 34 $35,110 30 $30,550 91 $38,000 12 $29,900 100 $34,020 41 $37,500 16 $36,800 21 $38,000 12 1 $45,200 $31,996 73 $30,313 95 $30,500 92 $39,875 4 $30,210 97 $28,000 109 $33,055 61 $31,526 79 $38,700 9 $33,433 53 $30,150 98 $39,022 8 Min Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association - ©2015 59 33 49 5 43 71 44 38 43 43 73 60 58 10 45 41 37 32 22 29 65 11 70 43 17 19 15 2 44 68 77 8 75 72 51 47 8 31 75 7 Bachelor's Degree Rank Steps Max Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 $28,785 $31,250 $30,000 $36,500 $30,500 $27,250 $30,300 $30,900 $30,500 $30,500 $26,800 $28,748 $28,800 $34,799 $30,250 $30,700 $31,000 $31,300 $32,500 $31,668 $28,000 $34,700 $27,500 $30,500 $33,500 $33,150 $33,800 $39,000 $30,300 $27,613 $26,000 $35,100 $26,500 $27,000 $29,705 $30,026 $35,100 $31,500 $26,500 $35,400 Min 106 17 52 10 92 115 38 105 74 68 111 81 80 9 51 31 55 46 94 14 93 26 101 95 36 8 24 1 45 90 117 12 58 120 110 75 6 30 114 3 29 29 30 29 29 30 29 29 29 25 30 30 29 19 30 27 27 28 16 29 29 29 29 23 29 26 37 36 29 18 24 29 29 9 24 30 23 30 29 24 1.51 1.89 1.73 1.72 1.51 1.48 1.78 1.42 1.59 1.61 1.57 1.65 1.65 1.83 1.73 1.80 1.66 1.69 1.42 1.88 1.64 1.65 1.61 1.49 1.62 1.97 1.72 2.16 1.76 1.68 1.45 1.74 1.93 1.30 1.42 1.62 1.92 1.76 1.53 2.05 Schedule Compress Rank Steps Ratio $43,585 $58,974 $52,000 $62,900 $46,200 $40,250 $54,000 $43,848 $48,550 $49,200 $42,200 $47,498 $47,500 $63,791 $52,250 $55,199 $51,500 $53,020 $46,000 $59,471 $46,025 $57,225 $44,300 $45,327 $54,125 $65,241 $58,015 $84,200 $53,221 $46,513 $37,700 $61,025 $51,145 $35,000 $42,267 $48,526 $67,350 $55,303 $40,515 $72,456 Max Page 11 24 7 29 2 7 10 7 30 29 10 19 30 27 27 5 22 29 29 10 29 23 5 15 37 36 10 29 29 30 29 29 30 15 29 10 5 10 10 Years Import 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 23 Pulaski Howell St. Francois Howell Shannon Bollinger Bollinger Waynesville R-VI West Plains R-VII West St. Francois Co. R-IV Willow Springs R-IV Winona R-III Woodland R-IV Zalma R-V AVERAGES County Description $38,629 $27,624 $35,000 $30,506 $28,000 $32,200 $28,000 5,829 2,561 1,000 1,317 485 920 237 21 9 12 26 12 13 32 9 $41,125 $44,429 $37,569 $52,825 $38,618 $31,250 $45,960 $32,320 $44,918 $66,614 $43,659 $57,125 $42,674 $32,750 $48,560 $37,740 Plus $33,465 27 29 16 29 16 20 32 29 $48,173 $68,355 $49,502 $57,755 $44,026 $35,500 $51,040 $43,570 Master's Degree Rank Steps Max $42,687 3 $30,939 86 $38,070 11 $33,210 58 $29,000 105 $34,400 36 $29,650 102 Min Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association - ©2015 3 67 9 42 65 25 65 Bachelor's Degree Rank Steps Max Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 $30,619 Min Est. Enroll $51,236 28 29 24 29 16 20 32 29 1.67 1.91 2.12 1.72 1.58 1.29 1.74 1.62 Schedule Compress Rank Steps Ratio $73,923 2 $58,490 21 $60,275 13 $48,082 77 $36,000 118 $55,920 27 $45,220 96 Max Page 12 21.88 14 10 29 16 20 32 29 Years Import 24 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org County Bates St. Clair Cass Greene Lawrence Douglas Jasper Ozark Bates Christian Stone Polk Taney Taney Vernon Bates Henry Jasper Jasper Barry Christian Christian Henry Stone Dade Dallas Henry Newton Ozark Cass Cass Newton Cedar Dade Barry Greene Polk Webster Description Adrian R-III Appleton City R-II Archie R-V Ash Grove R-IV Aurora R-VIII Ava R-I Avilla R-XIII Bakersfield R-IV Ballard R-II Billings R-IV Blue Eye R-V Bolivar R-I Bradleyville R-I Branson R-IV Bronaugh R-VII Butler R-V Calhoun R-VIII Carl Junction R-I Carthage R-IX Cassville R-IV Chadwick R-I Clever R-V Clinton Crane R-III Dadeville R-II Dallas Co. R-I Davis R-XII Diamond R-IV Dora R-III Drexel R-IV East Lynne 40 East Newton Co. R-VI El Dorado Springs R-II Everton R-III Exeter R-VI Fair Grove R-X Fair Play R-II Fordland R-III $33,050 $31,500 $34,350 $31,320 $33,800 $29,296 $31,000 $27,425 $28,000 $30,600 $34,500 $33,650 $25,400 $35,000 $26,265 $32,500 $26,000 $32,000 $35,825 $35,250 $27,250 $32,250 $30,572 $31,500 $26,500 $30,345 $27,000 $30,750 $27,000 $32,500 $33,850 $32,000 $30,500 $25,250 $29,000 $31,900 $30,890 $29,350 718 330 570 706 2,089 1,330 160 406 157 436 590 2,631 251 4,654 200 1,024 106 3,330 4,136 1,800 202 1,200 1,864 675 146 1,700 40 895 346 301 167 1,450 1,227 180 350 1,139 406 575 25 36 19 37 21 56 40 65 62 44 18 22 75 12 70 28 72 32 4 10 66 29 46 36 69 50 68 42 68 28 20 32 47 76 59 33 41 54 15 13 9 15 13 10 9 15 16 32 27 10 13 20 9 10 11 11 14 10 19 19 5 16 21 9 16 14 14 9 12 9 9 27 11 16 10 9 $40,550 $36,700 $37,900 $38,130 $40,300 $36,026 $35,500 $33,425 $31,200 $41,800 $48,000 $43,745 $28,000 $49,749 $28,065 $36,300 $31,500 $40,800 $42,226 $40,050 $32,000 $43,550 $34,502 $37,500 $31,225 $34,017 $38,600 $37,050 $34,350 $36,200 $40,025 $35,240 $33,650 $34,475 $33,400 $38,600 $34,122 $33,400 Bachelor's Degree Rank Steps Max $43,800 $39,100 $41,894 $39,350 $45,300 $41,007 $40,750 $38,145 $33,600 $42,800 $51,000 $48,793 $28,600 $52,323 $30,765 $40,300 $34,200 $48,800 $45,199 $45,650 $42,800 $51,750 $43,148 $39,750 $32,225 $38,199 $42,900 $38,850 $35,875 $44,300 $45,025 $36,670 $38,330 $34,475 $39,100 $46,125 $35,309 $37,675 Plus 30 58 13 54 18 53 68 88 90 64 24 20 108 9 105 32 106 34 17 10 95 43 46 41 102 50 99 65 94 33 25 27 66 110 66 42 67 83 21 18 24 31 39 27 29 24 21 32 30 14 13 29 19 38 16 21 29 25 29 29 21 20 21 35 22 24 19 24 20 26 21 29 19 29 15 29 $46,350 $42,200 $51,398 $48,700 $56,800 $51,775 $46,750 $42,891 $37,200 $47,000 $51,500 $51,148 $35,500 $59,697 $36,065 $52,400 $37,000 $52,000 $53,923 $51,900 $42,800 $54,600 $53,465 $44,500 $36,975 $48,093 $44,900 $42,950 $39,750 $45,550 $46,525 $45,385 $40,900 $44,925 $40,100 $46,625 $43,243 $46,250 Master's Degree Rank Steps Max $35,550 $33,200 $38,000 $33,570 $37,300 $33,604 $32,250 $30,411 $30,000 $32,600 $36,500 $37,015 $27,000 $38,774 $27,665 $35,300 $27,600 $35,200 $37,347 $38,700 $29,750 $34,300 $34,040 $34,500 $28,000 $33,813 $29,000 $32,550 $29,775 $35,250 $36,350 $36,025 $32,500 $26,130 $32,500 $34,400 $32,448 $31,025 Min Prepared by the Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared byMissouri MissouriState State Teachers Association - ©2015 Min Est. Enroll SOUTHWEST REGION SOUTHWEST REGION Lincoln 44 71 32 52 13 30 70 82 112 62 39 9 118 3 117 36 112 35 29 12 100 5 21 59 116 45 43 81 107 67 55 68 61 86 101 48 46 63 25 24 24 31 39 27 29 27 22 32 30 20 13 29 19 38 16 21 29 30 29 39 21 24 21 35 28 27 19 24 23 29 31 29 19 29 21 29 1.54 1.50 1.58 1.58 1.78 1.88 1.52 1.67 1.39 1.57 1.52 1.82 1.40 1.85 1.40 1.65 1.50 1.68 1.54 1.71 1.57 2.00 1.86 1.54 1.40 1.67 1.89 1.49 1.49 1.46 1.45 1.48 1.58 1.78 1.43 1.56 1.63 1.63 Schedule Compress Rank Steps Ratio $50,950 $47,200 $54,284 $49,400 $60,300 $55,006 $47,250 $45,731 $39,000 $48,000 $52,500 $61,243 $35,500 $64,844 $36,665 $53,500 $39,000 $53,600 $55,295 $60,400 $42,800 $64,400 $56,945 $48,500 $36,975 $50,541 $51,100 $45,750 $40,150 $47,550 $49,025 $47,515 $48,150 $44,925 $41,600 $49,875 $50,205 $47,900 Max Page 13 25 24 24 31 39 18 5 27 15 32 30 8 5 15 19 10 8 20 29 15 29 39 8 24 10 15 7 12 5 10 23 29 31 10 19 29 5 29 Years Import 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 25 County Taney Ozark Stone Laclede Barton Dade Polk Cass Wright Henry Hickory Hickory Taney Bates Polk Bates Stone Jasper Jasper Taney Laclede Laclede St. Clair Barton Laclede Henry Barton Dade Greene Ozark Wright Wright Polk Lawrence Taney Webster McDonald Bates Cass Lawrence Description Forsyth R-III Gainesville R-V Galena R-II Gasconade C-4 Golden City R-III Greenfield R-IV Halfway R-III Harrisonville R-IX Hartville R-II Henry Co. R-I Hermitage R-IV Hickory Co. R-I Hollister R-V Hudson R-IX Humansville R-IV Hume R-VIII Hurley R-I Jasper Co. R-V Joplin R-VIII Kirbyville R-VI Laclede Co. C-5 Laclede Co. R-I Lakeland R-III Lamar R-I Lebanon R-III Leesville R-IX Liberal R-II Lockwood R-I Logan-Rogersville R-VIII Lutie R-VI Manes R-V Mansfield R-IV Marion C. Early R-V Marionville R-IX Mark Twain R-VIII Marshfield R-I McDonald Co. R-I Miami R-I Midway R-I Miller R-II $32,600 $26,000 $31,250 $25,800 $30,000 $28,000 $27,000 $33,800 $29,500 $31,500 $31,200 $31,000 $32,250 $29,400 $28,000 $26,500 $30,500 $30,500 $34,509 $30,000 $30,500 $31,200 $28,000 $33,200 $31,694 $25,000 $28,500 $28,500 $31,750 $27,996 $26,500 $29,046 $31,200 $31,250 $30,700 $32,159 $34,523 $31,250 $37,000 $28,903 1,240 651 480 65 210 477 275 2,578 688 724 245 675 1,476 60 340 168 271 473 7,559 273 497 841 400 1,318 4,738 80 472 353 2,295 160 57 709 657 705 49 3,045 3,909 190 451 569 27 72 38 73 51 62 68 21 52 36 39 40 29 53 62 69 47 47 17 51 47 39 62 24 35 78 61 61 34 63 69 58 39 38 43 30 16 38 3 60 20 24 13 9 32 24 11 9 30 39 30 15 16 20 20 15 12 16 28 17 16 13 29 8 18 31 15 12 37 14 13 11 10 17 21 10 19 5 5 29 $43,863 $41,759 $35,800 $30,300 $42,400 $32,800 $31,950 $38,700 $44,450 $46,125 $41,700 $36,400 $39,930 $37,400 $34,600 $34,000 $35,300 $34,500 $44,609 $35,950 $38,900 $37,814 $26,700 $36,080 $41,120 $40,500 $31,800 $32,100 $46,935 $33,596 $33,000 $37,469 $34,850 $38,050 $41,965 $38,978 $44,878 $32,500 $39,250 $38,778 Bachelor's Degree Rank Steps Max $49,455 $45,232 $37,950 $33,000 $43,400 $33,700 $36,000 $53,750 $48,450 $47,175 $43,700 $39,950 $43,770 $39,200 $38,675 $40,834 $39,200 $38,600 $45,109 $41,050 $43,625 $41,527 $43,400 $41,810 $47,205 $43,500 $34,500 $35,700 $48,090 $36,557 $45,000 $42,698 $37,770 $40,550 $47,365 $46,550 $46,331 $36,750 $52,050 $39,703 Plus Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association - ©2015 35 28 31 16 32 27 24 25 30 39 30 31 27 20 20 29 20 27 30 23 35 23 29 28 29 30 26 23 37 25 33 16 30 28 35 17 34 10 29 29 $57,172 $46,723 $47,650 $36,500 $44,400 $37,600 $40,000 $53,750 $49,950 $48,800 $44,200 $44,160 $47,610 $39,800 $40,000 $44,501 $40,900 $43,250 $53,109 $41,050 $45,725 $42,588 $43,400 $45,870 $51,967 $44,000 $39,100 $39,100 $49,025 $42,151 $45,000 $45,312 $44,945 $44,750 $55,006 $49,353 $56,392 $39,750 $52,050 $42,703 Master's Degree Rank Steps Max $37,164 19 $27,804 103 $32,150 72 $27,500 107 $32,000 74 $32,200 70 $29,200 98 $38,250 12 $34,500 41 $34,175 44 $33,700 52 $33,000 60 $34,650 40 $31,800 77 $30,700 86 $30,001 89 $32,900 61 $32,500 66 $36,859 21 $33,000 60 $33,125 59 $33,540 55 $31,800 77 $34,750 39 $34,849 38 $29,000 99 $30,000 90 $32,200 70 $33,840 49 $29,951 91 $28,500 100 $31,370 80 $33,995 47 $33,450 56 $34,998 37 $35,833 28 $37,862 15 $35,000 36 $39,000 8 $30,828 84 Min Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Min Est. Enroll 16 60 23 111 91 115 104 11 40 49 75 83 37 109 92 53 76 79 24 97 56 64 96 57 15 94 105 111 26 77 78 72 66 74 22 27 20 110 33 99 35 29 31 20 32 27 24 29 30 39 30 31 34 20 20 29 29 31 30 29 35 26 29 29 34 22 29 23 37 30 33 17 30 28 35 17 34 10 29 29 1.81 1.85 1.82 1.53 1.48 1.34 1.51 1.80 1.78 1.58 1.50 1.47 1.65 1.35 1.58 1.86 1.52 1.50 1.63 1.46 1.60 1.53 1.57 1.47 1.88 1.76 1.43 1.38 1.76 1.65 1.74 1.62 1.53 1.50 1.85 1.73 1.67 1.27 1.46 1.50 Schedule Compress Rank Steps Ratio $59,128 $48,214 $56,750 $39,400 $44,400 $37,600 $40,900 $60,900 $52,450 $49,850 $46,700 $45,600 $53,370 $39,800 $44,200 $49,169 $46,500 $45,850 $56,279 $43,650 $48,875 $47,808 $43,900 $48,750 $59,690 $44,000 $40,850 $39,400 $55,800 $46,245 $46,000 $47,055 $47,740 $46,750 $56,848 $55,727 $57,674 $39,750 $54,050 $43,303 Max Page 14 29 10 6 37 15 33 17 15 28 5 10 15 10 8 15 31 5 32 27 24 29 10 39 10 31 25 3 25 10 2 31 10 29 10 5 29 29 17 Years Import 26 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org $35,550 $28,500 $29,300 $31,750 $35,180 $35,000 $27,833 $34,670 $27,000 $29,000 $30,401 $35,700 $29,000 $25,000 $34,600 $28,500 $30,000 $35,750 $34,852 $31,500 $29,000 $30,590 $33,331 $28,500 $29,000 $26,250 $37,500 $32,130 $25,500 $30,000 $31,250 $31,200 $35,638 $30,750 $33,000 $30,500 $27,030 $25,180 $29,250 $30,000 2,239 97 1,420 1,430 4,490 2,583 246 6,089 240 450 500 5,563 648 79 2,112 885 650 1,914 4,803 390 61 796 1,418 736 66 181 133 898 79 840 766 70 25,904 1,093 1,190 100 175 65 383 283 Barry Henry Wright Lawrence Newton Vernon Webster Christian Vernon Wright St. Clair Christian Lawrence Douglas Cass Polk Barry Stone Greene Bates St. Clair Jasper Newton Webster Henry Vernon Barry Cass Douglas Barry Christian Christian Greene Cedar Greene Cass Taney Ozark Lawrence Greene Monett R-I Montrose R-XIV Mountain Grove R-III Mt. Vernon R-V Neosho R-V Nevada R-V Niangua R-V Nixa R-II Northeast Vernon Co. R-I Norwood R-I Osceola Ozark R-VI Pierce City R-VI Plainview R-VIII Pleasant Hill R-III Pleasant Hope R-VI Purdy R-II Reeds Spring R-IV Republic R-III Rich Hill R-IV Roscoe C-1 Sarcoxie R-II Seneca R-VII Seymour R-II Shawnee R-III Sheldon R-VIII Shell Knob 78 Sherwood Cass R-VIII Skyline R-II Southwest R-V Sparta R-III Spokane R-VII Springfield R-XII Stockton R-I Strafford R-VI Strasburg C-3 Taneyville R-II Thornfield R-I Verona R-VII Walnut Grove R-V 6 9 10 25 16 29 10 12 29 11 13 14 23 17 9 17 29 17 12 17 15 39 13 15 15 14 16 11 19 11 13 16 13 10 17 9 19 19 9 11 $38,250 $32,100 $36,050 $47,900 $44,780 $39,340 $32,333 $43,970 $34,250 $34,000 $37,551 $44,475 $36,260 $37,500 $40,500 $36,150 $39,850 $42,720 $43,852 $37,800 $35,000 $42,290 $38,279 $40,185 $34,550 $29,050 $46,300 $38,255 $35,000 $34,950 $35,800 $41,600 $44,871 $34,750 $43,625 $34,100 $39,378 $28,420 $33,550 $36,600 $47,125 $34,950 $41,450 $49,400 $47,580 $43,620 $36,833 $46,648 $36,350 $38,800 $40,451 $46,425 $40,535 $38,400 $44,550 $42,750 $41,500 $45,340 $50,452 $46,350 $37,250 $42,590 $49,443 $45,315 $37,175 $35,050 $53,200 $41,980 $38,000 $41,700 $41,950 $45,200 $44,871 $39,150 $53,225 $36,300 $47,060 $30,409 $40,450 $39,936 Plus 23 29 22 26 23 29 20 24 29 21 26 26 27 17 20 29 29 29 20 29 15 39 26 25 20 39 23 29 19 22 30 20 29 30 29 16 29 19 26 15 $49,675 $44,600 $46,850 $51,350 $50,480 $53,148 $40,697 $60,935 $38,750 $40,000 $47,501 $58,315 $42,050 $40,500 $53,000 $44,950 $42,500 $53,980 $52,652 $47,550 $38,000 $44,590 $45,859 $52,155 $43,500 $42,950 $55,000 $48,355 $39,000 $43,650 $45,100 $46,450 $61,423 $44,750 $54,225 $38,900 $57,393 $34,800 $44,900 $40,950 Master's Degree Rank Steps Max $39,325 5 $31,200 82 $32,000 74 $34,150 45 $36,680 23 $36,800 22 $29,633 96 $37,885 14 $29,800 93 $32,000 74 $32,201 69 $39,050 7 $31,760 78 $26,200 109 $38,400 11 $31,900 75 $32,250 68 $39,800 3 $37,652 16 $35,100 35 $32,000 74 $31,890 76 $35,817 29 $30,780 85 $31,300 81 $28,250 101 $41,000 1 $35,480 31 $29,500 97 $33,750 51 $33,850 48 $33,450 56 $39,329 4 $32,750 62 $36,100 26 $32,500 66 $29,904 92 $27,750 104 $32,100 73 $31,500 79 Min Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association - ©2015 8 61 55 34 11 12 64 14 68 59 48 6 59 78 15 61 51 5 13 36 59 45 23 61 59 71 2 31 74 51 38 39 7 42 26 47 67 77 57 51 Bachelor's Degree Rank Steps Max Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Min Est. Enroll County Description 18 69 41 34 38 25 106 4 113 73 42 10 84 102 1 50 88 19 8 54 114 89 51 31 98 95 7 47 108 80 73 58 2 54 28 93 14 119 65 103 31 29 25 26 27 29 20 24 29 29 28 26 28 17 29 30 29 29 28 29 15 39 29 25 20 39 30 29 19 23 30 24 29 30 29 24 29 19 26 15 1.64 1.66 1.78 1.70 1.51 1.60 1.47 1.86 1.44 1.62 1.69 1.71 1.56 1.64 1.92 1.74 1.49 1.63 1.76 1.56 1.31 1.46 1.48 1.92 1.50 1.67 1.68 1.56 1.57 1.53 1.50 1.56 1.83 1.60 1.68 1.45 2.21 1.38 1.63 1.37 Schedule Compress Rank Steps Ratio $58,275 $47,300 $52,250 $53,850 $53,280 $55,998 $40,801 $64,646 $38,750 $46,900 $51,401 $60,915 $45,370 $41,100 $66,600 $49,650 $44,700 $58,230 $61,452 $49,150 $38,000 $44,590 $49,443 $54,720 $43,500 $43,950 $63,100 $49,980 $40,000 $45,830 $46,900 $48,700 $65,206 $49,150 $55,425 $44,100 $59,712 $34,800 $47,750 $40,950 Max Page 15 5 5 5 15 29 3 23 30 24 10 30 29 31 10 10 10 12 29 10 14 5 29 28 26 27 3 20 30 30 14 28 5 15 39 29 7 5 5 Years Import 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 27 Hickory Jasper Newton Hickory Barry Greene Weaubleau R-III Webb City R-VII Westview C-6 Wheatland R-II Wheaton R-III Willard R-II AVERAGES County Description $28,500 $37,750 $31,000 $30,400 $29,000 $35,500 300 4,130 144 288 434 4,535 16 12 13 15 8 10 13 $37,615 $34,500 $43,780 $36,400 $33,900 $37,372 $42,425 $41,991 $37,500 $47,425 $39,500 $40,400 $38,932 $60,579 Plus $33,295 87 2 63 57 71 6 26 23 31 25 21 17 26 $46,331 $42,000 $57,229 $41,600 $42,100 $41,012 $60,579 Master's Degree Rank Steps Max $30,500 $39,955 $32,700 $33,400 $32,181 $39,185 Min Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association - ©2015 61 1 40 49 59 9 Bachelor's Degree Rank Steps Max Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 $30,646 Min Est. Enroll $49,324 62 17 90 85 87 6 27 31 31 29 29 20 26 1.61 1.68 1.55 1.44 1.48 1.54 1.81 Schedule Compress Rank Steps Ratio $48,000 $58,549 $44,550 $45,100 $44,729 $64,340 Max Page 16 18.63 10 31 29 10 20 8 Years Import 28 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org Description County $37,935 $36,251 $39,699 $43,000 $33,300 $35,200 $34,000 $38,063 $37,500 $37,119 $41,287 $37,100 $31,000 $39,275 $40,036 $33,419 $33,750 $38,740 $43,000 $41,829 $38,750 $39,140 $36,059 $31,975 $37,944 $35,400 $41,000 $41,800 $40,200 $40,101 $37,679 $40,746 $41,933 $39,098 $38,250 $30,000 $36,000 $38,150 2,396 1,576 788 2,519 584 3,130 1,515 12,678 3,000 11,885 17,453 18,326 804 1,500 18,500 3,658 1,100 2,598 5,608 4,091 6,583 1,214 10,832 3,170 3,437 6,639 1,686 17,378 5,626 6,244 4,923 21,202 4,227 5,022 22,514 325 6,170 3,380 24 29 13 1 38 34 35 22 26 27 5 28 40 14 11 37 36 18 1 3 17 15 30 39 23 33 6 4 9 10 25 7 2 16 20 41 31 21 8 5 9 9 34 30 30 11 34 14 15 15 12 14 14 15 24 14 18 7 10 11 8 6 14 9 8 13 17 9 18 6 12 7 11 14 10 13 $47,575 $39,473 $51,995 $52,765 $57,780 $61,250 $59,750 $54,078 $73,950 $52,039 $55,564 $57,616 $37,200 $55,494 $61,630 $46,268 $52,950 $51,990 $62,932 $48,490 $45,750 $49,813 $43,208 $37,308 $57,321 $41,850 $46,000 $47,500 $52,969 $50,006 $64,819 $44,640 $56,566 $45,551 $56,681 $39,100 $41,700 $52,077 Bachelor's Degree Rank Steps Max $74,735 $59,620 $51,995 $55,930 $58,358 $63,575 $62,750 $74,778 $75,950 $54,554 $60,702 $58,823 $40,800 $55,025 $64,407 $51,656 $54,250 $51,990 $67,803 $49,269 $46,700 $49,813 $44,225 $45,970 $62,675 $49,860 $55,100 $50,500 $77,250 $50,006 $64,819 $53,779 $61,664 $59,643 $56,814 $44,950 $44,877 $72,036 Plus 22 31 9 2 40 37 36 21 25 26 3 23 41 10 6 38 39 35 5 8 32 18 34 30 19 29 1 7 15 13 24 17 4 16 27 42 28 20 18 19 17 27 34 30 30 18 34 27 24 16 26 27 19 23 31 19 22 24 16 24 17 13 16 24 17 20 17 16 19 16 14 15 16 27 23 22 Max 27 29 19 1 38 37 33 25 14 10 3 23 41 17 16 34 35 18 2 4 13 11 26 39 21 30 32 6 12 24 22 28 9 20 8 40 36 7 18 19 19 27 34 30 30 18 34 27 24 16 26 27 19 29 31 19 22 24 19 24 18 16 18 19 24 20 17 16 19 16 17 16 23 27 23 29 1.97 2.00 2.08 2.36 1.94 1.88 2.00 2.05 2.31 2.40 2.33 2.15 1.57 2.16 2.13 2.00 1.98 2.18 2.32 2.27 2.24 2.24 2.16 2.00 2.14 2.05 1.68 2.23 2.17 1.98 2.15 1.83 2.13 2.08 2.36 1.78 1.86 2.45 Schedule Compress Rank Steps Ratio $68,723 $74,735 $67,163 $72,654 $78,372 $82,715 $88,626 $101,277 $60,900 $64,714 $64,400 $66,125 $64,250 $68,000 $71,561 $78,122 $77,950 $86,450 $78,893 $89,130 $76,365 $96,290 $73,837 $79,676 $46,900 $48,700 $72,575 $84,825 $79,248 $85,337 $58,287 $66,981 $62,770 $66,820 $76,454 $84,324 $85,509 $99,672 $84,218 $94,955 $67,150 $86,750 $77,452 $87,740 $66,235 $77,810 $51,525 $63,950 $69,176 $81,257 $62,335 $72,420 $65,700 $68,900 $83,700 $93,400 $81,350 $87,240 $69,649 $79,457 $73,062 $81,021 $67,071 $74,444 $74,752 $89,334 $75,642 $81,287 $71,594 $90,113 $50,500 $53,500 $63,785 $66,801 $76,634 $93,385 Master's Degree Rank Steps Max $41,549 $39,828 $44,446 $47,500 $36,420 $38,350 $38,500 $41,704 $41,500 $41,148 $47,479 $41,540 $33,700 $43,825 $45,926 $37,978 $37,390 $38,740 $46,000 $45,217 $39,800 $42,539 $38,948 $39,969 $42,496 $40,135 $48,000 $45,900 $42,770 $43,125 $41,513 $42,564 $46,263 $42,766 $40,800 $32,950 $40,235 $42,060 Min Prepared by the Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared byMissouri MissouriState State Teachers Association - ©2015 Min Est. Enroll ST. LOUIS METRO ST. LOUIS METRO REGION Affton 101 St. Louis Bayless St. Louis Brentwood St. Louis St. Louis Clayton Crystal City 47 Jefferson DeSoto 73 Jefferson Dunklin R-V Jefferson Ferguson-Florissant R-II St. Louis Festus R-VI Jefferson Fox C-6 Jefferson Francis Howell R-III St. Charles Ft. Zumwalt R-II St. Charles Grandview R-II Jefferson Hancock Place St. Louis Hazelwood St. Louis Hillsboro R-III Jefferson Jefferson Co. R-VII Jefferson Jennings St. Louis Kirkwood R-VII St. Louis Ladue St. Louis Lindbergh R-VIII St. Louis Maplewood-Richmond HeightsSt. Louis Mehlville R-IX St. Louis Meramec Valley R-III Franklin Normandy St. Louis Northwest R-I Jefferson Orchard Farm R-V St. Charles Parkway C-2 St. Louis Pattonville R-III St. Louis Ritenour St. Louis Riverview Gardens St. Louis Rockwood R-VI St. Louis Specl. Sch. Dst. St. Louis Co. St. Louis St. Charles R-VI St. Charles St. Louis City St. Louis City Sunrise R-IX Jefferson Troy R-III Lincoln University City St. Louis Lincoln Page 17 7 27 6 20 2 6 34 6 9 5 3 5 18 10 8 19 10 24 12 15 10 10 10 5 5 14 17 16 5 10 6 6 7 7 10 10 5 Years Import 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 29 17 14 13 9 29 $39,591 $51,670 $43,934 $57,273 $59,100 $59,100 $43,966 $47,276 $61,750 $64,150 Plus $34,056 $41,679 12 11 14 33 25 22 15 22 29 $48,874 $70,859 $82,347 $71,792 $66,750 Master's Degree Rank Steps Max $43,400 $43,757 $42,852 $38,950 Min Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association - ©2015 12 8 19 32 Bachelor's Degree Rank Steps Max Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 $31,244 State Averages $40,000 $40,316 $38,262 $35,750 1,053 4,706 15,884 3,007 $37,858 St. Louis St. Louis St. Charles Jefferson Valley Park Webster Groves Wentzville R-IV Windsor C-1 Min Est. Enroll AVERAGES County Description $53,021 $79,743 42 5 15 31 27 22 15 22 29 Schedule Rank Steps $0 $94,220 $85,496 $69,450 Max 1.68 2.10 0.00 2.34 2.23 1.94 Compress Ratio Page 18 19.02 10.46 7 8 10 5 Years Import 30 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org UNL N/R 5 2 3 3 4 3 2 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 # Personal Leave 10 100 90 10 140 46 10 12 100 10 100 90 10 10 70 75 10 10 30 60 60 60 10 9 9 10 2 3 3 2 3 10 4 10 5 9 10 9 3 No No No No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes N/R N/R Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1 of 19 Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes # Leave Max Leave # used for Sick Leave Pay for Unused Personal Days Days Accum personal Pool unused? roll into Sick? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 0 N/R N/R 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 Max Personal Accum Sick and Personal Leave Combined UNL = Unlimited; N/R = No Response, and N/A = Not Applicable Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 BISMARCK R-V 5 8 N/R 9 BILLINGS R-IV BEVIER C-4 7 185 50 60 30 60 UNL 6 10 9 7 7 50 8 90 50 9 75 10 BERNIE R-XIII BELTON 124 BELLEVIEW R-III BELL CITY R-II BAYLESS BALLARD R-II BAKERSFIELD R-IV AVILLA R-XIII AVENUE CITY R-IX AVA R-I AURORA R-VIII ATLANTA C-3 ASH GROVE R-IV Archie R-V ARCADIA VALLEY R-II APPLETON CITY R-II ALTON R-IV ALTENBURG 48 ALBANY R-III AFFTON 101 ADVANCE R-IV ADRIAN R-III 8 80 11 ADAIR CO R-I ADAIR CO R-II Max Sick Accum # Sick Leave School District Sick and Personal Leave Separate Fringe Benefits - Employee Leave : 2015- 2016 Fringe Benefits – Employee Leave Districts offer various sick and personal leave combinations. The combinations include the following: • Sick and personal leave separate • Sick and personal leave combined for total days off • Sick and personal leave combined but limited number that can be used as personal leave • Unused personal leave rolls into sick leave • Other – some districts have employee leave policies that differ from the above and could not be shown in a table format. See Appendix 2 to determine if the district you are looking at provided additional information. 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 31 N/R 120 10 9 BONCL R-X 9 BOONVILLE R-I 60 9 CAMPBELL R-II 2 0 N/R 15 11 10 80 100 N/R 63 Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 CAMERON R-I UNL 9 CAMDENTON R-III CALLAO C-8 2 90 10 CALHOUN R-VIII 9 60 65 CAINSVILLE R-1 BUTLER R-V BUCKLIN R-II 10 100 10 150 65 10 CABOOL R-IV 3 11 3 200 8 90 100 10 10 50 10 60 45 10 10 Max Leave Days Accum 3 11 2 2 10 9 11 10 3 10 8 2 10 2 2 2 # used for personal Sick and Personal Leave Combined # Leave Days BUNKER R-III 180 N/R 1 2 0 0 N/R 0 0 3 3 Max Personal Accum 12 11 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 # Personal Leave BUCHANAN CO R-IV BRUNSWICK R-II BROOKFIELD R-III BRONAUGH R-VII BRENTWOOD BRECKENRIDGE R-I BRAYMER C-4 N/R 60 10 BRANSON R-IV 10 100 BRADLEYVILLE R-I 10 100 BOWLING GREEN R-I BOSWORTH R-V 9 BOLIVAR R-I 100 UNL 10 BLUE EYE R-V BLUE SPRINGS R-IV 90 120 7 9 Max Sick Accum Sick and Personal Leave Separate BLOOMFIELD R-XIV Blair Oaks R-II BLACKWATER R-II School District # Sick Leave No Yes No No No Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes No No Yes No Sick Leave Pool Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Pay for unused? Page 2 of 19 Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/R N/R Yes Yes N/R No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Unused Personal roll into Sick? 32 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org 120 90 90 10 10 CARTHAGE R-IX 4 4 45 9 UNL 3 2 3 3 5 2 2 0 7 6 0 0 2 5 180 60 10 10 77 60 11 10 75 110 100 Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 COLUMBIA 93 UNL 9 10 90 10 COLE CO R-V COLE CO R-I 9 100 7 90 UNL 180 COLE CAMP R-I CLINTON R-III CLINTON CLIMAX SPRINGS R-IV CLEVER R-V CLEARWATER R-I CLAYTON CLARKTON C-4 CLARKSBURG C-2 CLARK CO R-I 12 10 CHILLICOTHE R-II 185 50 10 10 CHILHOWEE R-IV CHARLESTON R-I 10 60 9 30 10 UNL CHAFFEE R-II 10 CHADWICK R-I CENTRAL R-III CENTERVILLE R-I 60 5 60 10 10 2 150 Max Leave Days Accum 10 # Leave Days CENTRALIA R-VI UNL 0 2 0 0 5 Max Personal Accum 30 10 3 2 2 3 2 # Personal Leave 10 10 11 10 12 2 10 3 2 9 2 10 10 2 2 # used for personal Sick and Personal Leave Combined 10 CENTER 58 CASSVILLE R-IV CARUTHERSVILLE 18 CARROLLTON R-VII 140 10 CARL JUNCTION R-I 7 75 13 CAPE GIRARDEAU 63 CANTON R-V Max Sick Accum # Sick Leave School District Sick and Personal Leave Separate No No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes No Sick Leave Pool Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R N/R Yes No Yes No Yes N/R Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes N/R Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pay for unused? Page 3 of 19 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes N/R No No Yes Yes Yes N/R No Yes N/R Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unused Personal roll into Sick? 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 33 60 10 CRANE R-III UNL 10 8 100 4 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 UNL 0 0 0 N/R 0 0 4 0 0 13 9 12 9 90 100 N/R 40 60 N/R 12 12 50 10 40 175 12 9 UNL 50 60 10 9 10 Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 EAST LYNNE 40 EAST CARTER CO R-II EAST BUCHANAN CO C-I DUNKLIN R-V DREXEL R-IV DORA R-III UNL DONIPHAN R-I DIXON R-I 9 90 10 DIAMOND R-IV DEXTER R-XI DESOTO 73 150 90 9 DENT-PHELPS R-III 7 75 7 DELTA R-V DELTA C-7 9 DAVIS R-XII N/R 60 100 10 7 DALLAS CO R-I DADEVILLE R-II CRYSTAL CITY 47 CROCKER R-II CRAWFORD CO R-II CRAWFORD CO R-I CRAIG R-III 100 80 7 COWGILL R-VI 9 60 8 COUCH R-I 2 60 10 COOTER R-IV 45 COOPER CO R-IV CONCORDIA R-II 12 90 9 13 9 12 2 40 2 10 3 12 2 2 10 12 12 # used for personal Sick and Personal Leave Combined 12 Max Personal Accum COMMUNITY R-VI # Personal Leave Max Leave Days Accum School District Max Sick Accum Sick and Personal Leave Separate # Leave Days # Sick Leave No No Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No Sick Leave Pool Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pay for unused? Page 4 of 19 Yes N/R No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No N/R Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/R N/R Unused Personal roll into Sick? 34 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org 39 UNL 10 9 7 EVERTON R-III 110 11 0 65 9 13 GAINESVILLE R-V 2 5 2 4 4 180 10 0 5 0 0 0 150 60 15 9 100 120 10 12 100 80 11 10 Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 GALLATIN R-V GALENA R-II FULTON 58 FREDERICKTOWN R-I FRANKLIN CO R-II FT ZUMWALT R-II UNL 90 60 8 9 10 FRANCIS HOWELL R-III FOX C-6 FORT OSAGE R-I FORSYTH R-III FESTUS R-VI 63 66 180 70 90 Max Leave Days Accum 12 10 5 0 10 9 # Leave Days FORDLAND R-III 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Max Personal Accum 10 48 2 3 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 # Personal Leave 12 4 2 10 3 3 10 3 3 12 1 9 # used for personal Sick and Personal Leave Combined FERGUSON-FLORISSANT R-II FAYETTE R-III FARMINGTON R-VII FAIRVIEW R-XI 10 75 10 FAIRFAX R-III FAIR PLAY R-II 60 7 FAIR GROVE R-X EXETER R-VI 9 50 90 EXCELSIOR SPRINGS 40 EMINENCE R-I 180 11 ELSBERRY R-II ELDON R-I UNL 60 10 EL DORADO SPRINGS R-II 10 99 8 EAST NEWTON CO. R-VI EAST PRAIRIE R-II Max Sick Accum # Sick Leave School District Sick and Personal Leave Separate Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Sick Leave Pool N/R N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Pay for unused? Page 5 of 19 Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes N/R No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Unused Personal roll into Sick? 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 35 50 100 10 6 HARDEMAN R-X 4 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 # Personal Leave 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/R 4 5 2 3 Max Personal Accum 100 40 40 70 9 10 12 10 75 11 90 120 120 7 11 100 12 10 40 UNL 12 10 60 20 UNL N/R UNL 10 5 10 0 10 N/R 55 10 8 Max Leave Days Accum 11 3 2 3 3 10 12 10 5 10 0 10 10 12 2 2 9 10 # used for personal Sick and Personal Leave Combined # Leave Days Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 HARRISONVILLE R-IX HARRISBURG R-VIII HARDIN-CENTRAL C-2 HANNIBAL 60 90 UNL 9 10 50 65 N/R 90 160 100 75 8 10 7 9 9 10 10 Max Sick Accum Sick and Personal Leave Separate HANCOCK PLACE HAMILTON R-II HALLSVILLE R-IV HALFWAY R-III HALE R-I GRUNDY CO R-V GREENVILLE R-II GREENFIELD R-IV GREEN RIDGE R-VIII GREEN FOREST R-II GREEN CITY R-I GRANDVIEW R-II GRANDVIEW C-4 GRAIN VALLEY R-V GORIN R-III GOLDEN CITY R-III GLENWOOD R-VIII Glasgow GILMAN CITY R-IV GILLIAM C-4 GIDEON 37 GASCONADE CO. R-II GASCONADE CO. R-I GASCONADE C-4 School District # Sick Leave No No Yes No Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes No N/R No No No Yes No No No Yes No Sick Leave Pool Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes N/R Yes Yes N/R No Yes N/R Yes N/R N/R Yes Yes No Pay for unused? Page 6 of 19 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes N/R Yes No N/R Yes N/R Yes Yes No Yes Yes N/R No Yes Yes Unused Personal roll into Sick? 36 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org 80 125 10 JEFFERSON CO R-VII 3 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 1 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 5 2 4 0 0 72 12 10 35 65 45 9 10 40 10 60 10 5 10 Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 JEFFERSON CITY 185 60 10 JEFFERSON C-123 JASPER CO R-V Jamestown C-1 JACKSON R-II 12 90 10 90 180 IRON CO C-4 8 INDEPENDENCE 30 IBERIA R-V 8 70 9 HURLEY R-I HUME R-VIII 60 90 8 10 HUMANSVILLE R-IV HUDSON R-IX HOWELL VALLEY R-I 50 9 HOUSTON R-I HOLLISTER R-V HOLLIDAY C-2 9 120 8 HOLCOMB R-III HOLDEN R-III 70 150 9 HILLSBORO R-III 10 90 60 12 HIGH POINT R-III 12 9 HIGBEE R-VIII HICKORY CO R-I HERMITAGE R-IV HENRY CO R-I 60 N/R 68 10 0 Max Leave Days Accum # Leave Days 150 N/R Max Personal Accum 10 4 # Personal Leave HICKMAN MILLS C-I N/R Max Sick Accum 70 12 # Sick Leave 3 3 12 3 2 2 10 12 2 10 2 5 0 3 # used for personal Sick and Personal Leave Combined 10 HAZELWOOD HAYTI R-II HARTVILLE R-II School District Sick and Personal Leave Separate No Yes No Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No No No Yes No No No Yes No No Yes No No No Yes N/R No Sick Leave Pool Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/R N/R Pay for unused? Page 7 of 19 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R N/R Yes No Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Unused Personal roll into Sick? 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 37 0 90 10 0 12 2 KINGSTON 42 UNL 6 9 LAMAR R-I 75 80 3 4 3 2 3 2 3 3 0 3 2 N/R 2 3 11 10 11 N/R N/R 90 60 110 Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 LATHROP R-II LAREDO R-VII LAQUEY R-V 9 10 LAKELAND R-III LAFAYETTE CO C-1 90 N/R 112 LADUE LACLEDE CO R-I 60 10 LACLEDE CO C-5 LA PLATA R-II 100 10 LA MONTE R-IV 9 60 10 130 10 KNOX CO R-I 15 KNOB NOSTER R-VIII KIRKWOOD R-VII 2 UNL KIRKSVILLE R-III 2 10 60 9 KIRBYVILLE R-VI KINGSVILLE R-I 90 40 75 40 10 90 8 KINGSTON K-14 10 10 KING CITY R-I 70 50 10 KEYTESVILLE R-III KELSO C-7 100 UNL 12 60 120 10 10 Max Leave Days Accum 11 10 2 10 3 10 2 3 10 12 4 0 5 10 3 12 1 10 10 # used for personal Sick and Personal Leave Combined # Leave Days 10 3 Max Personal Accum KENNETT 39 50 # Personal Leave 10 8 Max Sick Accum Sick and Personal Leave Separate KEARNEY R-I Kansas City 33 JUNCTION HILL C-12 JOPLIN R-VIII JOHNSON CO R-VII JENNINGS School District # Sick Leave Yes No Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No Sick Leave Pool Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pay for unused? Page 8 of 19 Yes N/R N/R Yes Yes Yes No N/R Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Unused Personal roll into Sick? 38 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org 100 68 0 8 10 5.5 LIBERAL R-II LICKING R-VIII Lindbergh School District 120 12 50 52 7 8 UNL 50 8 8 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 5 2 0 UNL 0 0 2 70 10 60 90 10 9 0 120 13 11 30 N/R 0 9 30 9 80 90 10 12 90 40 10 10 50 11 Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 MALTA BEND R-V MALDEN R-I MADISON C-3 MACON CO. R-IV MACON CO. R-1 MACKS CREEK R-V LUTIE R-VI LURAY 33 LOUISIANA R-II LONEDELL R-XIV LONE JACK C-6 Logan-Rogersville R-VIII LOCKWOOD R-I LIVINGSTON CO. R-III LINN CO. R-I LINCOLN R-II LIBERTY 53 UNL 180 10 LEXINGTON R-V LEWIS CO. C-1 LESTERVILLE R-IV 10 45 5 LEOPOLD R-III LEETON R-X 45 10 LEESVILLE R-IX 2 21 120 8 LEE'S SUMMIT R-VII 12 100 Max Personal Accum 11 LEBANON R-III # Personal Leave LAWSON R-XIV Max Sick Accum Max Leave Days Accum # Sick Leave 10 9 13 3 10 2 0 9 4 2 10 10 11 8 2 3 # used for personal Sick and Personal Leave Combined # Leave Days School District Sick and Personal Leave Separate No No No No No No No Yes N/R No No No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Sick Leave Pool Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/R No Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pay for unused? Page 9 of 19 N/R Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes N/R Yes No Yes N/R Yes Yes No N/R Yes Yes Unused Personal roll into Sick? 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 39 90 9 MCDONALD CO. R-I 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 # Personal Leave 0 N/R 2 180 3 2 5 5 0 0 0 2 3 Max Personal Accum 60 60 11 9 98 10 60 36 10 11 100 12 UNL 60 12 7 60 10 60 45 9 10 60 50 12 10 120 10 60 25 12 10 Max Leave Days Accum 9 11 11 10 10 2 7 10 4 10 2 2 12 3 10 12 # used for personal Sick and Personal Leave Combined # Leave Days Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 MILLER R-II MILLER CO. R-III MILAN C-2 MIDWAY R-I 45 UNL 10 MIDDLE GROVE C-1 MID-BUCHANAN CO R-V MIAMI R-I @ AMORET 10 40 10 MIAMI R-I MEXICO 59 180 10 MERAMEC VALLEY R-III MEHLVILLE R-IX MEADVILLE R-IV MEADOW HEIGHTS R-II MAYSVILLE R-I 50 100 10 MARYVILLE R-II MARSHFIELD R-I 7 0 8 MARSHALL MARQUAND-ZION R-VI MARK TWAIN R-VIII UNL 100 60 7 8 90 180 8 10 Max Sick Accum Sick and Personal Leave Separate 8 MARIONVILLE R-IX MARION CO. R-II MARION C. EARLY R-V MARIES CO. R-II MARIES CO. R-I MARCELINE R-V MAPLEWOOD-RICHMOND HEIGHTS MANSFIELD R-IV MANES R-V School District # Sick Leave No Yes Yes No N/R No No No No Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No Sick Leave Pool Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Pay for unused? Page 10 of 19 N/R N/R No N/R Yes No N/R Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No N/R Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Unused Personal roll into Sick? 40 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org 45 0 60 10 15 2 2 2 2 2 3 0 5 0 2 0 0 60 10 10 80 UNL 63 13 9 160 60 75 12 10 12 70 100 10 70 10 10 60 Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 NIXA R-II NIANGUA R-V NEWTOWN-HARRIS R-III NEWBURG R-II NEW YORK R-IV NEW MADRID CO R-I 90 70 10 NEW HAVEN NEW FRANKLIN R-I NEW BLOOMFIELD R-III 15 UNL 181 10 9 NEVADA R-V NEOSHO R-V 80 7 NELL HOLCOMB R-IV NEELYVILLE R-IV NAYLOR R-II MT. VERNON R-V MOUNTAIN VIEW-BIRCH TREE R-III MOUNTAIN GROVE R-III MOUND CITY R-II 10 50 MORGAN CO. R-I 10 12 30 95 11 10 Max Leave Days Accum # Leave Days MORGAN CO. R-II 2 0 0 3 0 Max Personal Accum 60 90 2 2 3 3 # Personal Leave 11 9 UNL 10 10 90 45 Max Sick Accum 10 9 # Sick Leave 3 2 13 10 2 12 5 2 10 3 10 10 3 11 10 11 # used for personal Sick and Personal Leave Combined MONTROSE R-XIV MONTGOMERY CO. R-II MONROE CITY R-I MONITEAU CO. R-V MONITEAU CO. R-I MONETT R-I MOBERLY MISSOURI CITY 56 MIRABILE C-1 School District Sick and Personal Leave Separate No No No No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Sick Leave Pool Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pay for unused? Page 11 of 19 Yes Yes No No N/R Yes No Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes N/R Yes N/R Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes N/R No Unused Personal roll into Sick? 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 41 40 10 OAK RIDGE R-VI 10 140 2 2 4 5 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 # Personal Leave 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 N/R 2 Max Personal Accum 70 10 10 10 10 7 10 11 10 11 10 UNL 60 130 60 UNL 60 0 65 UNL 120 150 14 10 100 75 8 10 Max Leave Days Accum 3 10 10 7 10 11 10 11 10 3 4 10 10 2 # used for personal Sick and Personal Leave Combined # Leave Days Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 OREARVILLE R-IV Orchard Farm R-V ORAN R-III ODESSA R-VII OAK HILL R-I 180 UNL 7 OAK GROVE R-VI NORWOOD R-I 9 50 8 NORTHWEST R-I NORTHEAST VERNON CO R-1 NORTHWESTERN R-I 120 54 60 10 8 90 10 NORTHEAST RANDOLPH CO RIV NORTHEAST NODAWAY CO. RV NORTH WOOD R-IV NORTH ST FRANCOIS CO R-I 10 North Shelby 120 10 10 NORTH PLATTE CO R-I NORTH PEMISCOT CO R-I 90 60 N/R 110 12 10 11 Max Sick Accum Sick and Personal Leave Separate NORTH NODAWAY CO R-VI NORTH MERCER CO R-III NORTH KANSAS CITY 74 NORTH HARRISON R-III NORTH DAVIESS R-III NORTH CALLAWAY CO R-I NORTH ANDREW CO R-VI NORMANDY NORBORNE R-VIII NODAWAY-HOLT R-VII School District # Sick Leave No Yes No No No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes N/R Sick Leave Pool N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Pay for unused? Page 12 of 19 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes N/R No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/R Yes No Yes Yes Unused Personal roll into Sick? 42 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org 90 120 9 90 60 180 N/R 10 9 10 10 30 45 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 # Personal Leave 0 2 0 0 0 N/R 0 N/R 2 0 0 0 0 N/R Max Personal Accum 90 9 120 60 10 40 12 10 12 90 90 60 10 9 90 60 60 90 90 13 10 10 10 11 120 50 10 10 Max Leave Days Accum # Leave Days 10 12 10 12 2 9 13 3 10 3 11 10 3 10 # used for personal Sick and Personal Leave Combined Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 PLEASANT HOPE R-VI PLEASANT HILL R-III PLATTE CO. R-III PLATO R-V PLAINVIEW R-VIII PILOT GROVE C-4 PIKE CO. R-III PIERCE CITY R-VI PHELPS CO R-III PETTIS CO. R-XII PETTIS CO. R-V PERRY CO. 32 PEMISCOT CO. R-III PEMISCOT CO SPEC.SCH.DIST PATTONVILLE R-III PATTONSBURG R-II PARKWAY C-2 10 N/R 10 90 PARK HILL PARIS R-II 180 11 PALMYRA R-I OZARK R-VI OTTERVILLE R-VI 10 70 10 OSCEOLA OSBORN R-O 90 60 N/R Max Sick Accum 10 10 9 # Sick Leave OSAGE CO. R-I OSAGE CO R-III OSAGE CO R-II ORRICK R-XI OREGON-HOWELL R-III School District Sick and Personal Leave Separate No Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No No Yes No No No N/R No Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No No No No Sick Leave Pool Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Pay for unused? Page 13 of 19 N/R Yes No No No N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes No N/R Yes Yes Yes N/R No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Unused Personal roll into Sick? 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 43 UNL 8 90 60 50 9 7 9 REPUBLIC R-III RICHARDS R-V RICHLAND R-IV N/R 0 10 0 RIPLEY CO. R-III 11 2 4 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 5 3 3 2 3 2 # Personal Leave 11 N/R 4 0 0 0 4 2 2 4 0 5 4 0 UNL 0 2 Max Personal Accum 50 75 70 10 9 12 10 N/R 180 100 10 18 N/R 9 50 120 9 12 45 80 90 10 12 10 Max Leave Days Accum 3 3 12 12 9 10 10 9 9 4 12 5 # used for personal Sick and Personal Leave Combined # Leave Days Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 RIVERVIEW GARDENS RITENOUR RISCO R-II RIPLEY CO. R-IV 90 6 RIDGEWAY R-V RICHWOODS R-VII RICHMOND R-XVI RICHLAND R-I RICH HILL R-IV RENICK R-V 90 80 8 REEDS SPRING R-IV RAYTOWN C-2 8 150 8 RAYMORE-PECULIAR R-II RAYMONDVILLE R-VII UNL 90 9 RALLS CO. R-II PUXICO R-VIII 12 60 7 PUTNAM CO. R-I PURDY R-II 75 90 10 7 PRINCETON R-V PRAIRIE HOME R-V POTOSI R-III PORTAGEVILLE 100 POPLAR BLUFF R1 POLO R-VII 9 100 9 PLEASANT VIEW R-VI School District Max Sick Accum Sick and Personal Leave Separate # Sick Leave No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Sick Leave Pool No No N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pay for unused? Page 14 of 19 Yes N/R No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unused Personal roll into Sick? 44 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org N/R 8 9 SALISBURY R-IV 110 9 8 SENATH-HORNERSVILLE C-8 95 60 9 8 SIKESTON R-6 SKYLINE R-II 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 # Personal Leave 0 5 4 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 5 0 2 N/R 4 4 0 Max Personal Accum 9 90 100 90 12 11 100 90 90 10 10 10 90 50 10 10 60 120 60 Max Leave Days Accum 14 12 10 # Leave Days 3 11 12 10 10 3 4 4 14 2 10 # used for personal Sick and Personal Leave Combined Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 SMITHTON R-VI SLATER SILEX R-I SHERWOOD CASS R-VIII 80 90 9 SHELL KNOB 78 9 90 SHELDON R-VIII 12 60 UNL 90 60 SHELBY CO. R-IV SHAWNEE R-III SEYMOUR R-II SENECA R-VII 8 7 SEDALIA 200 SCOTT CO. R-IV SCOTT CO CENTRAL SCOTT CITY R-I 10 130 8 SCOTLAND CO. R-I SCHUYLER CO. R-1 180 10 100 90 10 SCHOOL OF THE OSAGE R-II SAVANNAH R-III SARCOXIE R-II SANTA FE R-X SALEM R-80 0 ROSCOE C-1 10 0 ROLLA 31 10 180 6 ROCK PORT R-II ROCKWOOD R-VI Max Sick Accum # Sick Leave School District Sick and Personal Leave Separate No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes No N/R No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No No Sick Leave Pool No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes N/R Yes Yes Pay for unused? Page 15 of 19 Yes No Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes No Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R No Yes No Unused Personal roll into Sick? 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 45 110 10 School District SMITHVILLE R-II N/R 6 SOUTHERN BOONE CO R-I 9 7 100 100 45 130 90 180 190 0 3 4 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 # Personal Leave 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 2 0 N/R 0 0 5 Max Personal Accum 60 10 10 11 13 60 UNL 225 180 90 12 14 95 10 8 70 4 80 13 10 60 10 60 60 10 12 50 90 120 10 12 12 Max Leave Days Accum 3 11 3 14 2 10 2 4 2 2 12 10 2 10 3 3 # used for personal Sick and Personal Leave Combined # Leave Days Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 STOCKTON R-I STEWARTSVILLE C-2 STEELVILLE R-III STE GENEVIEVE CO. R-II STANBERRY R-II 10 10 ST. LOUIS CITY ST. JOSEPH 10 10 13 11 ST. ELIZABETH R-IV ST. CHARLES R-VI ST JAMES R-I ST CLAIR R-XIII SPRINGFIELD R-XII SPRING BLUFF R-XV SPOKANE R-VII SPICKARD R-II SPECL.SCH.DST.ST.LOUIS CO SPARTA R-III SOUTHWEST R-V SOUTHWEST LIVINGSTON CO R-I SOUTHLAND C-9 SOUTHERN REYNOLDS CO R-II SOUTH PEMISCOT CO R-V 100 70 8 SOUTH NODAWAY CO R-IV 9 60 10 SOUTH IRON CO R-I SOUTH HOLT CO R-I SOUTH HARRISON CO R-II SOUTH CALLAWAY CO. R-II Max Sick Accum Sick and Personal Leave Separate # Sick Leave No No No Yes No No N/R No No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No N/R Yes No No Yes Yes No Sick Leave Pool Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes N/R Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pay for unused? Page 16 of 19 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R N/R Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Unused Personal roll into Sick? 46 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org 0 0 0 Max Personal Accum N/R 11 54 10 TRENTON R-IX 175 UNL 7 9 90 UNL 10 9 90 100 180 10 10 3 4 3 2 3 2 2 4 1 2 2 70 121 65 11 0 N/R 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 12 45 60 9 11 200 15 100 UNL 10 10 N/R 0 N/R 10 30 150 10 Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 VERONA R-VII VAN-FAR R-1 VAN BUREN R-I VALLEY R-VI VALLEY PARK UNIVERSITY CITY UNION STAR R-II UNION R-XI TWIN RIVERS R-X TROY R-III TRI-COUNTY R-VII Tipton R-VI 30 6 TINA-AVALON R-II THORNFIELD R-I 9 48 10 THAYER R-II TARKIO R-I 80 9 TANEYVILLE R-II SWEET SPRINGS R-VII SUNRISE R-IX 90 80 12 8 Max Leave Days Accum # Leave Days 5 2 2 4 # Personal Leave SWEDEBORG R-III 40 60 50 Max Sick Accum 9 8 10 8 # Sick Leave 11 9 3 5 10 0 12 11 5 10 9 2 8 11 12 # used for personal Sick and Personal Leave Combined SUMMERSVILLE R-II SULLIVAN C-2 SUCCESS R-VI STURGEON R-V STRASBURG C-3 STRAIN-JAPAN R-XVI STRAFFORD R-VI STOUTLAND R-II School District Sick and Personal Leave Separate No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No N/R No No No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes No No No No N/R Yes No Sick Leave Pool Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/R No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R N/R Yes Yes Pay for unused? Page 17 of 19 N/R N/R No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes N/R Yes N/R Yes No Yes Yes No Yes N/R No Yes No No Yes No N/R Yes N/R Unused Personal roll into Sick? 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 47 75 80 60 90 10 7 11 9 9 WEST NODAWAY CO. R-I WEST PLATTE CO. R-II WHEATLAND R-II WILLARD R-II 90 7 WINSTON R-VI 10 # Sick Leave 9 Max75 Sick Accum 120 3 # Personal Leave 2 100 12 9 3 10 3 3 12 10 # used for personal Max Leave Days Accum 80 # Leave Days 8 8 # used for personal 12and Personal 90 Leave Combined 2 Sick 30 90 10 9 100 N/R 10 9 90 50 10 9 Max Leave Days Accum Sick and Personal Leave Combined # Leave Days Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 0 Max Personal Accum 2 0 0 0 N/R 0 0 0 0 N/R 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 5 0 0 Max Personal Accum Sick and Personal Leave Separate 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 3 # Personal Leave Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 ZALMA R-V School District WRIGHT CITY R-II WORTH CO R-III WOODLAND R-IV UNL UNL 10 WINONA R-III 10 WINFIELD R-IV WINDSOR C-1 N/R UNL 50 N/R 10 9 8 WILLOW SPRINGS R-IV WHEATON R-III WESTVIEW C-6 WESTRAN R-I WEST ST FRANCOIS CO R-IV WEST PLAINS R-VII 200 100 10 10 WENTZVILLE R-IV WELLINGTON-NAPOLEON R-IX WEBSTER GROVES WELLSVILLE-MIDDLETOWN R-I 150 50 180 10 7 180 174 8 8 100 8 Max Sick Accum Sick and Personal Leave Separate 180 WEBB CITY R-VII WEAUBLEAU R-III WAYNESVILLE R-VI WASHINGTON WARSAW R-IX WARRENSBURG R-VI WARREN CO R-III WALNUT GROVE R-V School District # Sick Leave N/R SickNo Leave Pool No No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes N/R No No No Yes No No No No No Sick Leave Pool Yes Yes Pay for unused? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R No Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Pay for unused? Page 18 of 19 N/R UnusedYes Personal roll into YesSick? Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Unused Personal roll into Sick? No DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST ASH GROVE R-IV AURORA R-VIII AVENUE CITY R-IX 48 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org BAKERSFIELD R-IV BAYLESS Yes No Yes No DIST BOTH BOTH DIST BALLARD R-II BELL CITY R-II No No BOTH BOTH EMPL DIST DIST DIST DIST BOTH DIST EMPL DIST DIST BOTH EMPL DIST BOTH DIST DIST BOTH BOTH DIST DIST EMPL N/R DIST DIST DIST DIST BOTH BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST DIST EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL DIST DIST N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL DIST EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 100% 100% 92% 100% 100% 100% 100% 89.5% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 64% 100% 100% 100% Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 Blair Oaks R-II BLACKWATER R-II BISMARCK R-V N/R DIST N/R BILLINGS R-IV BEVIER C-4 No No BOTH BERNIE R-XIII No BOTH DIST BELTON 124 BELLEVIEW R-III No Yes Yes No AVILLA R-XIII AVA R-I BOTH Yes N/R Yes DIST No No BOTH ATLANTA C-3 Archie R-V DIST No DIST No ARCADIA VALLEY R-II BOTH APPLETON CITY R-II ALTON R-IV No No BOTH DIST ALTENBURG 48 No ALBANY R-III AFFTON 101 DIST No BOTH ADRIAN R-III ADVANCE R-IV Yes DIST No DIST No DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL Health Ins. Self-Insured % District Pays Life Ins. Liability Ins. Dental Ins. Disability Ins. Vision Ins. ADAIR CO R-II ADAIR CO R-I School District Fringe Benefits - Other : 2015- 2016 Yes No Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1 of 18 No No No N/R No No Yes No No Yes No N/R No N/R N/R No No No No No No No N/R N/R Yes Yes No Yes No Cafeteria Employee Assistance Plan Program Fringe Benefits – Other “# teacher days” column represents the number of teacher contract days. “Admin Tied” column indicates whether salaries of administrators are indexed to their teachers’ salary schedule. Some districts provided additional information that could not be shown in this table format. See Appendix 2 to determine if the district you are looking at provided additional information. 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 49 Yes BOTH BONCL R-X No DIST BOONVILLE R-I No No No DIST BOTH DIST BRADLEYVILLE R-I BRAYMER C-4 Yes Yes Yes BOTH BOTH BOTH DIST BRECKENRIDGE R-I BRONAUGH R-VII DIST DIST BUNKER R-III CABOOL R-IV DIST DIST CAMPBELL R-II CAPE GIRARDEAU 63 BOTH DIST N/R Yes No No No Yes 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 75% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 93% 100% 100% 100% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% DIST BOTH BOTH DIST DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST EMPL DIST DIST DIST EMPL DIST BOTH DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST BOTH DIST BOTH BOTH N/R N/R EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH BOTH EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 CARL JUNCTION R-I CANTON R-V CAMERON R-I DIST DIST No No DIST CAMDENTON R-III CALLAO C-8 DIST No No No Yes Yes No No BOTH CALHOUN R-VIII CAINSVILLE R-1 BUTLER R-V BUCKLIN R-II DIST BOTH BUCHANAN CO R-IV BRUNSWICK R-II DIST BROOKFIELD R-III BRENTWOOD DIST BRANSON R-IV No DIST BOWLING GREEN R-I No No BOSWORTH R-V BOTH N/R Yes BOTH BOLIVAR R-I No DIST DIST BLUE SPRINGS R-IV BLUE EYE R-V No N/R EMPL BOTH EMPL DIST EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL N/R DIST EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL Self-Insured % District Pays Life Ins. Liability Ins. Dental Ins. Disability Ins. Vision Ins. DIST Health Ins. BLOOMFIELD R-XIV School District Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/R Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cafeteria Plan Page 2 of 18 No No No No No Yes No No N/R No No No N/R No Yes No No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No Yes No No Employee Assistance Program 50 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org Yes DIST BOTH DIST DALLAS CO R-I DELTA C-7 N/R No Yes BOTH DIST DELTA R-V DIST DEXTER R-XI No DIST DREXEL R-IV Yes No Yes No BOTH EMPL BOTH DIST DIST EAST CARTER CO R-II EAST NEWTON CO. R-VI EL DORADO SPRINGS R-II ELSBERRY R-II BOTH Yes No No No No 100% 100% 57% 93% 100% 90% 100% 100% 100% 100% 80% 100% 100% 100% 69% 100% 91% 100% 100% 100% 100% DIST DIST BOTH BOTH BOTH DIST DIST DIST BOTH DIST DIST BOTH BOTH DIST EMPL DIST BOTH DIST DIST N/R BOTH DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH DIST DIST EMPL N/R EMPL N/R DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL DIST BOTH DIST EMPL DIST BOTH EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL DIST DIST N/R EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 ELDON R-I BOTH DIST EAST LYNNE 40 EAST PRAIRIE R-II DIST EAST BUCHANAN CO C-I DUNKLIN R-V No N/R DORA R-III BOTH Yes DIST DIST DONIPHAN R-I DIXON R-I Yes BOTH Yes No DIAMOND R-IV DESOTO 73 DIST DENT-PHELPS R-III Yes Yes N/R DAVIS R-XII DADEVILLE R-II No No No Yes Yes BOTH DIST CRYSTAL CITY 47 CROCKER R-II DIST DIST CRAWFORD CO R-II CRAWFORD CO R-I Yes BOTH BOTH CRANE R-III CRAIG R-III N/R No EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL N/R EMPL N/R EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL Self-Insured % District Pays Life Ins. Liability Ins. Dental Ins. Disability Ins. Vision Ins. BOTH N/R Health Ins. COWGILL R-VI COUCH R-I School District Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No N/R Cafeteria Plan Page 4 of 18 No No No No N/A No No No No No N/R Yes No No N/R Yes No No No N/R No N/R No No No No No No No N/R Employee Assistance Program 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 51 DIST CENTER 58 No No No DIST BOTH DIST CHAFFEE R-II N/R No BOTH DIST CLARKSBURG C-2 CLAYTON Yes DIST CLINTON R-III Yes N/R No 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 74% 100% -10% 78% 100% 85.4% 100% 80% 100% 100% 100% 80% 100% 100% 99% 100% DIST DIST BOTH BOTH DIST DIST BOTH DIST BOTH DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST BOTH DIST BOTH DIST BOTH DIST DIST BOTH DIST DIST EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL N/R N/R EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R N/R EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 DIST No DIST COOTER R-IV DIST COOPER CO R-IV CONCORDIA R-II No Yes BOTH DIST COMMUNITY R-VI COLUMBIA 93 Yes DIST DIST COLE CO R-V COLE CO R-I Yes Yes Yes BOTH DIST COLE CAMP R-I CLINTON No BOTH BOTH CLIMAX SPRINGS R-IV CLEVER R-V No BOTH CLEARWATER R-I No BOTH No CLARKTON C-4 CLARK CO R-I DIST Yes BOTH CHILLICOTHE R-II CHILHOWEE R-IV Yes BOTH CHARLESTON R-I N/R DIST No CHADWICK R-I DIST CENTRALIA R-VI CENTRAL R-III N/R BOTH CENTERVILLE R-I No DIST CASSVILLE R-IV No Yes Yes DIST DIST CARUTHERSVILLE 18 CARTHAGE R-IX Yes DIST N/R N/R EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL Self-Insured % District Pays Life Ins. Liability Ins. Dental Ins. Disability Ins. Vision Ins. BOTH Health Ins. CARROLLTON R-VII School District N/R N/R No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes N/R Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cafeteria Plan Page 3 of 18 N/R N/R N/R No Yes N/R N/R No No N/R N/R N/R No Yes No No No No No N/R No No No No No Yes N/R N/R N/R No Employee Assistance Program 52 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org No Yes No BOTH N/R FAIR GROVE R-X No Yes BOTH DIST Yes No DIST DIST BOTH DIST DIST FORDLAND R-III FORT OSAGE R-I FRANCIS HOWELL R-III FREDERICKTOWN R-I FULTON 58 DIST DIST Yes No Yes Yes No 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% EMPL N/R BOTH DIST BOTH DIST BOTH DIST EMPL DIST DIST DIST DIST BOTH DIST DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST EMPL DIST BOTH DIST DIST BOTH BOTH EMPL N/R DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST N/R EMPL N/R DIST No EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R N/R N/R N/R DIST EMPL N/R EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST DIST DIST BOTH DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 GILMAN CITY R-IV DIST GILLIAM C-4 GIDEON 37 DIST DIST No GASCONADE CO. R-II GASCONADE CO. R-I GASCONADE C-4 N/R DIST DIST GALLATIN R-V Yes No DIST Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No BOTH GAINESVILLE R-V GALENA R-II DIST DIST DIST FT ZUMWALT R-II FRANKLIN CO R-II FOX C-6 FORSYTH R-III FESTUS R-VI DIST DIST FERGUSON-FLORISSANT R-II Yes DIST FAYETTE R-III FARMINGTON R-VII No No DIST FAIRVIEW R-XI FAIRFAX R-III Yes N/R DIST DIST FAIR PLAY R-II EXETER R-VI No DIST EXCELSIOR SPRINGS 40 DIST Yes BOTH EVERTON R-III EMINENCE R-I EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R BOTH EMPL EMPL DIST N/R EMPL N/R DIST EMPL DIST EMPL DIST EMPL N/R EMPL N/R N/R DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL BOTH EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL N/R BOTH EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL Self-Insured % District Pays Life Ins. Liability Ins. Dental Ins. Disability Ins. Vision Ins. Health Ins. School District Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes N/R No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cafeteria Plan Page 5 of 18 No N/R No Yes No No N/R No N/R Yes No No N/R Yes No No No Yes No No No Yes N/R Yes N/R No No No No No Employee Assistance Program 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 53 Yes No DIST DIST DIST GRAIN VALLEY R-V GRANDVIEW R-II GREEN FOREST R-II No Yes No DIST DIST BOTH DIST HALLSVILLE R-IV HANCOCK PLACE HARDEMAN R-X Yes DIST DIST DIST Yes Yes No 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 90% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% DIST DIST BOTH DIST DIST N/R BOTH DIST DIST EMPL N/R DIST DIST DIST DIST BOTH DIST N/R DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST DIST BOTH BOTH N/R DIST DIST DIST N/R DIST EMPL BOTH EMPL N/R BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL DIST EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL DIST N/R EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL DIST N/R EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL DIST BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST DIST EMPL N/R EMPL DIST EMPL Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 HICKORY CO R-I HICKMAN MILLS C-I HERMITAGE R-IV DIST No HENRY CO R-I N/R DIST N/R HAZELWOOD No DIST HAYTI R-II No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes HARTVILLE R-II DIST BOTH DIST DIST HARRISONVILLE R-IX HARRISBURG R-VIII HARDIN-CENTRAL C-2 HANNIBAL 60 HAMILTON R-II BOTH HALFWAY R-III No BOTH HALE R-I DIST GRUNDY CO R-V N/R DIST DIST GREENVILLE R-II GREENFIELD R-IV No No No DIST DIST GREEN CITY R-I No GREEN RIDGE R-VIII DIST N/R GRANDVIEW C-4 GORIN R-III N/R Yes N/R DIST N/R GOLDEN CITY R-III GLENWOOD R-VIII Glasgow 100% EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST N/R EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL DIST N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST N/R EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL Self-Insured % District Pays Life Ins. Liability Ins. Dental Ins. Disability Ins. Vision Ins. No Health Ins. DIST School District Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes No No N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Cafeteria Plan Page 6 of 18 Yes Yes No No Yes N/R No Yes No No N/R No Yes No No No No N/R N/R No No No No Yes Yes Yes N/R No No No Employee Assistance Program 54 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org N/R DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST HUMANSVILLE R-IV HURLEY R-I INDEPENDENCE 30 JACKSON R-II No No No Yes BOTH DIST BOTH DIST JUNCTION HILL C-12 KEARNEY R-I KENNETT 39 DIST KELSO C-7 Yes No Yes 100% 100% 100% 100% 81.25% 95% 100% 100% 88% 77% 96.4% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 90% 100% 100% 100% 70% 100% 100% 100% 100% BOTH DIST N/R EMPL DIST BOTH BOTH BOTH DIST BOTH BOTH EMPL BOTH DIST DIST DIST BOTH DIST DIST BOTH No DIST BOTH DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST DIST BOTH EMPL EMPL N/R N/R EMPL N/R EMPL N/R EMPL N/R N/R EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL N/R EMPL No EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R BOTH EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL No EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 DIST BOTH Kansas City 33 JOPLIN R-VIII No No JOHNSON CO R-VII JENNINGS DIST DIST Yes BOTH JEFFERSON CO R-VII JEFFERSON CITY No BOTH No No No No BOTH DIST DIST No JEFFERSON C-123 JASPER CO R-V Jamestown C-1 IRON CO C-4 N/R DIST IBERIA R-V No No No Yes BOTH No HUME R-VIII HUDSON R-IX N/R HOWELL VALLEY R-I DIST No HOUSTON R-I BOTH N/R Yes No HOLLISTER R-V EMPL HOLLIDAY C-2 DIST HOLDEN R-III DIST HOLCOMB R-III No No DIST HILLSBORO R-III DIST Yes BOTH HIGH POINT R-III HIGBEE R-VIII EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL No EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL No EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL Self-Insured % District Pays Life Ins. Liability Ins. Dental Ins. Disability Ins. Vision Ins. Health Ins. School District Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Cafeteria Plan Page 7 of 18 No No N/R Yes No No No No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes No N/R N/R No No No No No No No No Yes No No Employee Assistance Program 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 55 No DIST KIRKWOOD R-VII No Yes Yes BOTH BOTH DIST LA MONTE R-IV LACLEDE CO C-5 LADUE DIST LAMAR R-I DIST DIST LEE'S SUMMIT R-VII LEETON R-X DIST LEXINGTON R-V Yes DIST Yes Yes 100% 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 90% 100% 100% 100% 100% 89% 100% 100% DIST DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST BOTH BOTH BOTH DIST DIST BOTH BOTH EMPL DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST EMPL DIST DIST DIST DIST BOTH DIST BOTH No DIST DIST DIST N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL N/R DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL DIST EMPL DIST EMPL BOTH No EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST DIST BOTH EMPL DIST BOTH No EMPL EMPL Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 LEWIS CO. C-1 DIST LESTERVILLE R-IV No N/R EMPL LEOPOLD R-III Yes DIST No Yes No LEESVILLE R-IX LEBANON R-III DIST DIST Yes No DIST LAWSON R-XIV LATHROP R-II DIST Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No BOTH LAREDO R-VII LAQUEY R-V N/R DIST LAFAYETTE CO C-1 LAKELAND R-III DIST DIST LACLEDE CO R-I LA PLATA R-II KNOX CO R-I DIST Yes BOTH KNOB NOSTER R-VIII Yes Yes KIRKSVILLE R-III DIST No N/R N/R KIRBYVILLE R-VI DIST No KINGSVILLE R-I BOTH No No DIST No DIST N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH DIST EMPL DIST EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R BOTH DIST EMPL No EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST BOTH EMPL BOTH BOTH No EMPL EMPL Self-Insured % District Pays Life Ins. Liability Ins. Dental Ins. Disability Ins. Vision Ins. DIST Health Ins. KINGSTON K-14 KINGSTON 42 KING CITY R-I KEYTESVILLE R-III School District Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Cafeteria Plan Page 8 of 18 Yes N/R No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No No Yes No Employee Assistance Program 56 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org No DIST DIST DIST DIST N/R Lindbergh School District LIVINGSTON CO. R-III Logan-Rogersville R-VIII LONEDELL R-XIV LURAY 33 No DIST LUTIE R-VI No DIST MALDEN R-I No No N/R BOTH DIST N/R No N/R 88% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 71% 100% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 81% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 89% N/R DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST BOTH BOTH DIST DIST BOTH DIST N/R DIST DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST BOTH DIST N/R EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST BOTH EMPL DIST N/R EMPL EMPL N/R N/R EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 N/R No DIST MARK TWAIN R-VIII DIST MARIONVILLE R-IX MARION CO. R-II Yes Yes Yes DIST DIST DIST No MARION C. EARLY R-V MARIES CO. R-II MARIES CO. R-I MARCELINE R-V MAPLEWOOD-RICHMOND HEIGHTS DIST MANSFIELD R-IV MANES R-V Yes BOTH MALTA BEND R-V N/R Yes DIST MADISON C-3 Yes DIST MACON CO. R-IV DIST Yes BOTH MACON CO. R-1 MACKS CREEK R-V No N/R No DIST LONE JACK C-6 LOUISIANA R-II No Yes No Yes DIST No DIST Yes No BOTH BOTH LOCKWOOD R-I LINN CO. R-I LINCOLN R-II No DIST DIST LICKING R-VIII LIBERTY 53 Yes DIST N/R DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R N/R DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL DIST N/R EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL Self-Insured % District Pays Life Ins. Liability Ins. Dental Ins. Disability Ins. Vision Ins. BOTH Health Ins. LIBERAL R-II School District N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 9 of 18 N/R No No No N/R N/R No Yes Yes Yes N/R N/R No No No No No No No N/R N/R No N/R Yes No No No Yes No No Yes No Employee Assistance Program N/R No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Cafeteria Plan 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 57 DIST MAYSVILLE R-I No No No DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST BOTH MERAMEC VALLEY R-III MIAMI R-I MID-BUCHANAN CO R-V MIDWAY R-I MILLER CO. R-III MIRABILE C-1 No EMPL DIST DIST MONTGOMERY CO. R-II MORGAN CO. R-I Yes BOTH MORGAN CO. R-II 90% 100% 100% 100% 50% 80.5% 87% 100% 0% 50% 93% 100% 100% 100% 64% 100% 97% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% DIST DIST BOTH DIST DIST N/R BOTH DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST BOTH BOTH DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST BOTH BOTH DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST BOTH BOTH DIST DIST N/R EMPL N/R N/R EMPL N/R EMPL DIST N/R N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL DIST EMPL DIST EMPL BOTH EMPL BOTH DIST EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 No No BOTH Yes Yes MONTROSE R-XIV DIST No N/R BOTH BOTH MONROE CITY R-I MONITEAU CO. R-I MONETT R-I MONITEAU CO. R-V No No DIST No N/R BOTH Yes BOTH MOBERLY MISSOURI CITY 56 MILLER R-II Yes DIST MILAN C-2 No No N/R EMPL BOTH MIAMI R-I @ AMORET No Yes No MIDDLE GROVE C-1 DIST MEXICO 59 N/R MEHLVILLE R-IX No DIST MEADVILLE R-IV DIST MEADOW HEIGHTS R-II No BOTH MCDONALD CO. R-I No DIST MARYVILLE R-II No Yes No DIST DIST MARSHFIELD R-I MARSHALL No EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST N/R EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL Self-Insured % District Pays Life Ins. Liability Ins. Dental Ins. Disability Ins. Vision Ins. BOTH Health Ins. MARQUAND-ZION R-VI School District Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Cafeteria Plan Page 10 of 18 No Yes No No No N/R No No Yes No No No N/R No No N/R No N/R No No No Yes N/R No No No No N/R N/R Yes Employee Assistance Program 58 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org No Yes DIST DIST No DIST DIST NEWBURG R-II No DIST DIST NEWTOWN-HARRIS R-III NIXA R-II No DIST BOTH NODAWAY-HOLT R-VII NORMANDY DIST No 87% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 70% 100% 100% 100% 100% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% BOTH DIST DIST BOTH N/R DIST DIST DIST DIST BOTH DIST DIST BOTH DIST EMPL DIST No DIST DIST DIST DIST EMPL EMPL DIST DIST BOTH DIST DIST BOTH EMPL EMPL DIST N/R EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL No EMPL EMPL BOTH N/R N/R EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL BOTH BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL No EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 Yes DIST DIST NORTH PLATTE CO R-I NORTH PEMISCOT CO R-I Yes N/R No BOTH No DIST N/R No No NORTH NODAWAY CO R-VI NORTH MERCER CO R-III NORTH KANSAS CITY 74 DIST NORTH HARRISON R-III NORTH DAVIESS R-III DIST Yes DIST NORTH CALLAWAY CO R-I NORTH ANDREW CO R-VI N/R No BOTH NORBORNE R-VIII No No BOTH NIANGUA R-V Yes N/R BOTH NEW YORK R-IV No NEW MADRID CO R-I DIST NEW HAVEN No BOTH No No Yes Yes No NEW FRANKLIN R-I DIST NEW BLOOMFIELD R-III DIST DIST NEVADA R-V NEOSHO R-V DIST DIST No Yes DIST NELL HOLCOMB R-IV NEELYVILLE R-IV NAYLOR R-II MT. VERNON R-V MOUNTAIN VIEW-BIRCH TREE R-III No EMPL EMPL DIST DIST N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL No DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL No EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL Self-Insured % District Pays Life Ins. Liability Ins. Dental Ins. Disability Ins. Vision Ins. BOTH DIST MOUND CITY R-II MOUNTAIN GROVE R-III Health Ins. School District Yes Yes N/R Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cafeteria Plan Page 11 of 18 No N/R No No N/R No No Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Employee Assistance Program 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 59 DIST No No BOTH BOTH N/R NORTHWESTERN R-I OAK GROVE R-VI OAK RIDGE R-VI No Yes DIST No Yes BOTH DIST OSAGE CO. R-I OSCEOLA Yes DIST DIST PARK HILL DIST DIST Yes N/R No 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 77% 100% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 97% 88% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% DIST EMPL DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST N/R EMPL DIST DIST DIST BOTH N/R DIST BOTH DIST DIST BOTH DIST BOTH DIST DIST BOTH DIST DIST BOTH BOTH BOTH N/R N/R EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST N/R EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R DIST EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 PARKWAY C-2 PARIS R-II No PALMYRA R-I DIST No BOTH OTTERVILLE R-VI OZARK R-VI DIST OSBORN R-O Yes Yes No OSAGE CO R-III DIST BOTH OSAGE CO R-II Yes DIST ORRICK R-XI OREGON-HOWELL R-III OREARVILLE R-IV No BOTH DIST N/R No No No No BOTH Orchard Farm R-V ORAN R-III DIST DIST BOTH ODESSA R-VII OAK HILL R-I NORWOOD R-I Yes Yes BOTH NORTHWEST R-I NORTHEAST VERNON CO R-1 DIST No NORTHEAST RANDOLPH CO RIV DIST No Yes No DIST NORTHEAST NODAWAY CO. RV NORTH WOOD R-IV DIST Yes DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST N/R EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL DIST BOTH EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL Self-Insured % District Pays Life Ins. Liability Ins. Dental Ins. Disability Ins. Vision Ins. DIST Health Ins. NORTH ST FRANCOIS CO R-I North Shelby School District Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/R No Yes No Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cafeteria Plan Page 12 of 18 Yes Yes No No No N/R No N/R No No No No No N/R N/R No Yes No No No No N/R N/R N/R No No No N/R No Employee Assistance Program 60 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org DIST PERRY CO. 32 No Yes BOTH BOTH PILOT GROVE C-4 PLATO R-V No No No DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST POPLAR BLUFF R1 POTOSI R-III PRINCETON R-V PUTNAM CO. R-I RALLS CO. R-II Yes DIST BOTH No No Yes No 91.3% 100% 100% 100% 90% 100% 95% 100% 85% 100% 100% 100% 100% 98% 100% 93% 88% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% N/R DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST BOTH DIST DIST EMPL DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST EMPL DIST DIST EMPL DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST BOTH DIST EMPL EMPL N/R DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R DIST N/R EMPL N/R EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R DIST N/R EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 RAYTOWN C-2 RAYMORE-PECULIAR R-II RAYMONDVILLE R-VII DIST No BOTH PUXICO R-VIII No BOTH PURDY R-II No BOTH PRAIRIE HOME R-V No DIST No N/R PORTAGEVILLE DIST POLO R-VII N/R DIST BOTH PLEASANT HOPE R-VI PLEASANT HILL R-III PLEASANT VIEW R-VI Yes No No DIST PLATTE CO. R-III No Yes BOTH BOTH PLAINVIEW R-VIII DIST No DIST PIKE CO. R-III DIST PIERCE CITY R-VI PHELPS CO R-III No No DIST DIST PETTIS CO. R-V Yes PETTIS CO. R-XII DIST PEMISCOT CO. R-III No No No DIST DIST PEMISCOT CO SPEC.SCH.DIST PATTONVILLE R-III N/R N/R EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL N/R EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL Self-Insured % District Pays Life Ins. Liability Ins. Dental Ins. Disability Ins. Vision Ins. DIST Health Ins. PATTONSBURG R-II School District Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes N/R No Cafeteria Plan Page 13 of 18 Yes Yes No No No No No No No No N/R Yes N/R No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No N/R No N/R No Employee Assistance Program 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 61 Yes DIST DIST RICHARDS R-V RICHLAND R-IV Yes DIST DIST DIST ROCKWOOD R-VI ROSCOE C-1 SALISBURY R-IV No DIST SCOTT CITY R-I DIST BOTH No N/R N/R N/R 100% 100% 100% 100% 97% 100% 100% 100% 100% 60% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 82% 100% 71% 75% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% DIST DIST DIST BOTH BOTH DIST DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST EMPL BOTH DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST EMPL BOTH DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST EMPL DIST DIST N/R N/R EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH DIST EMPL N/R DIST N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 SCOTT CO. R-IV SCOTT CO CENTRAL N/R SCOTLAND CO. R-I Yes DIST DIST SCHOOL OF THE OSAGE R-II SAVANNAH R-III SCHUYLER CO. R-1 N/R No Yes No Yes Yes No DIST DIST DIST DIST Yes No BOTH SARCOXIE R-II SANTA FE R-X SALEM R-80 ROLLA 31 ROCK PORT R-II DIST No DIST No RIVERVIEW GARDENS DIST RITENOUR N/R No RISCO R-II BOTH DIST No BOTH RIPLEY CO. R-IV BOTH RIPLEY CO. R-III RIDGEWAY R-V No No Yes BOTH DIST Yes DIST No No BOTH RICHWOODS R-VII RICHMOND R-XVI RICHLAND R-I RICH HILL R-IV No DIST BOTH REPUBLIC R-III RENICK R-V Yes EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST N/R EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL Self-Insured % District Pays Life Ins. Liability Ins. Dental Ins. Disability Ins. Vision Ins. BOTH Health Ins. REEDS SPRING R-IV School District Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Cafeteria Plan Page 14 of 18 No No N/R No No No No No No Yes No No No Yes N/R Yes Yes No N/R N/R No N/R Yes No No No No No No No Employee Assistance Program 62 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org No No DIST SILEX R-I No No No N/R No No DIST DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST SOUTH CALLAWAY CO. R-II SOUTH HOLT CO R-I SOUTH NODAWAY CO R-IV SOUTHERN BOONE CO R-I DIST SOUTHWEST LIVINGSTON CO R-I DIST SPOKANE R-VII Yes 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 80% 100% 100% 100% 99% 71% 55% 100% BOTH EMPL DIST BOTH BOTH DIST DIST DIST BOTH DIST BOTH BOTH DIST N/R DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST EMPL BOTH BOTH DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST N/R EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH DIST N/R EMPL N/R DIST DIST EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 DIST No Yes No DIST SPICKARD R-II DIST SPECL.SCH.DST.ST.LOUIS CO SPARTA R-III SOUTHWEST R-V Yes No N/R N/R Yes No Yes N/R BOTH SOUTHLAND C-9 DIST SOUTHERN REYNOLDS CO R-II N/R N/R SOUTH IRON CO R-I SOUTH PEMISCOT CO R-V DIST DIST SOUTH HARRISON CO R-II SMITHVILLE R-II N/R SMITHTON R-VI SLATER No BOTH SKYLINE R-II No Yes BOTH SIKESTON R-6 No DIST DIST SHERWOOD CASS R-VIII SHELDON R-VIII No SHELL KNOB 78 No No BOTH DIST BOTH SHELBY CO. R-IV SHAWNEE R-III No BOTH BOTH SEYMOUR R-II SENECA R-VII Yes No EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL Self-Insured % District Pays Life Ins. Liability Ins. Dental Ins. Disability Ins. Vision Ins. BOTH DIST Health Ins. SENATH-HORNERSVILLE C-8 SEDALIA 200 School District Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Cafeteria Plan Page 15 of 18 No No Yes No Yes N/R No No No No No No Yes N/R No No No No No No N/R No No No No No No No No Yes Employee Assistance Program 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 63 DIST No EMPL BOTH STOUTLAND R-II Yes No BOTH BOTH BOTH No Yes No 85% 83% 0% 100% 100% 100% 80% 100% 95% 100% 100% 75% 99% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 81% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% DIST EMPL EMPL DIST DIST DIST EMPL EMPL DIST DIST DIST EMPL DIST EMPL BOTH DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST N/R DIST DIST EMPL BOTH BOTH N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R N/R EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL BOTH EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL N/R N/R EMPL N/R EMPL BOTH EMPL No EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL DIST EMPL BOTH DIST EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 Tipton R-VI TINA-AVALON R-II THORNFIELD R-I BOTH THAYER R-II No BOTH DIST TARKIO R-I TANEYVILLE R-II Yes Yes DIST N/R Yes Yes N/R SWEET SPRINGS R-VII SWEDEBORG R-III DIST BOTH SUMMERSVILLE R-II SUNRISE R-IX No DIST BOTH SULLIVAN C-2 No SUCCESS R-VI BOTH No BOTH STURGEON R-V Yes STRASBURG C-3 DIST Yes DIST Yes N/R N/R Yes No Yes BOTH STRAIN-JAPAN R-XVI STRAFFORD R-VI STOCKTON R-I DIST STEWARTSVILLE C-2 STEELVILLE R-III DIST DIST STE GENEVIEVE CO. R-II STANBERRY R-II No DIST BOTH ST. LOUIS CITY ST. JOSEPH Yes BOTH Yes Yes ST. ELIZABETH R-IV DIST ST. CHARLES R-VI ST JAMES R-I N/R DIST Yes ST CLAIR R-XIII DIST SPRINGFIELD R-XII No EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL DIST EMPL BOTH DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R Self-Insured % District Pays Life Ins. Liability Ins. Dental Ins. Disability Ins. Vision Ins. DIST Health Ins. SPRING BLUFF R-XV School District No N/R No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes N/R Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Cafeteria Plan Page 16 of 18 N/R N/R No No No No No No No No No N/R No No No Yes No No No No Yes N/R Yes Yes N/R No No No Yes No Employee Assistance Program 64 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org No No No DIST DIST DIST DIST UNION STAR R-II VALLEY PARK VAN BUREN R-I VERONA R-VII Yes DIST No No N/R DIST N/R WASHINGTON DIST DIST WAYNESVILLE R-VI WEBB CITY R-VII No No BOTH DIST WEST NODAWAY CO. R-I WEST PLATTE CO. R-II DIST No No N/R No No 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 86% 100% 100% 100% 90% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 75% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% N/R DIST DIST BOTH DIST BOTH EMPL DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST BOTH DIST BOTH BOTH EMPL BOTH BOTH DIST EMPL DIST BOTH DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST DIST N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL BOTH BOTH BOTH EMPL DIST EMPL DIST EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 DIST WESTVIEW C-6 WESTRAN R-I DIST DIST DIST WEST ST FRANCOIS CO R-IV WEST PLAINS R-VII WENTZVILLE R-IV No Yes DIST DIST WELLSVILLE-MIDDLETOWN R-I WELLINGTON-NAPOLEON R-IX WEBSTER GROVES No Yes Yes No BOTH WEAUBLEAU R-III N/R Yes DIST WARSAW R-IX DIST WARRENSBURG R-VI WARREN CO R-III Yes BOTH Yes WALNUT GROVE R-V VAN-FAR R-1 No Yes BOTH VALLEY R-VI Yes N/R DIST N/R UNIVERSITY CITY UNION R-XI No DIST DIST TWIN RIVERS R-X TROY R-III Yes No BOTH DIST TRENTON R-IX N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST DIST DIST DIST BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL N/R EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL Self-Insured % District Pays Life Ins. Liability Ins. Dental Ins. Disability Ins. Vision Ins. TRI-COUNTY R-VII Health Ins. School District No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Cafeteria Plan Page 17 of 18 No No N/R No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes N/R No N/R No Yes Yes N/R No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes N/R Yes Employee Assistance Program 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 65 Yes No DIST DIST WOODLAND R-IV WRIGHT CITY R-II DIST WINSTON R-VI Yes No N/R No No BOTH No 100% 100% 100% 88% 100% 100% 100% BOTH EMPL DIST DIST EMPL DIST EMPL BOTH DIST DIST BOTH DIST EMPL N/R EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL BOTH EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL DIST EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 ZALMA R-V WORTH CO R-III WINONA R-III N/R BOTH No No DIST WINFIELD R-IV WINDSOR C-1 DIST N/R WILLOW SPRINGS R-IV N/R DIST BOTH WILLARD R-II WHEATON R-III Yes BOTH WHEATLAND R-II DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL DIST EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL EMPL Self-Insured % District Pays Life Ins. Liability Ins. Dental Ins. Disability Ins. Vision Ins. Health Ins. School District Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cafeteria Plan Page 18 of 18 No Yes No No No No N/R No No No No Yes Employee Assistance Program Yes Yes Yes 180 171 175 168 ADAIR CO R-II ADVANCE R-IV ALBANY R-III ALTENBURG 48 APPLETON CITY R-II Yes Yes 181 ATLANTA C-3 66 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org Yes Yes 178 180 185 AVENUE CITY R-IX BAKERSFIELD R-IV BAYLESS 184 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No N/R Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No N/A No No Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No N/A No N/A No N/A No No No No N/A Start own program? If yes, describe Never Had Career Ladder District funded through 20112012. Discontinued at the present. No No N/A No No N/A No No N/A N/A No No Stage 1 - $$400; Stage 2 - $800; N/A Stage 3 $1,600 70% of State Program Stage 1 - $3,000; Stage 2 $1,800; Stage 3 - $900 Up to 80 hours; pay based on years of experience Cont. If yes, funding Career Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Yes No N/A Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A No Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A No Yes N/A Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Tied? Sched? Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 184 BERNIE R-XIII BELTON 124 178 180 BELL CITY R-II BELLEVIEW R-III 179 BALLARD R-II Yes Yes 180 AVA R-I AVILLA R-XIII 177 AURORA R-VIII Yes Yes Yes 185 181 ASH GROVE R-IV Archie R-V Yes Yes Yes Yes 180 180 187 ARCADIA VALLEY R-II ALTON R-IV AFFTON 101 Yes Yes 176 ADAIR CO R-I 180 Yes 180 School District ADRIAN R-III Extra Duty # Teacher Days Career Ladder or Like Program : 2015- 2016 Page 1 of 20 Career Ladder or like program 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 67 Yes 180 Yes No 177 182 183 BLUE EYE R-V BLUE SPRINGS R-IV BONCL R-X Yes 180 Yes 182 CABOOL R-IV 180 181 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No Yes No N/R N/A Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes N/R Yes N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A No N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/R N/A Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? No No No No No No No No No No No No N/R No No No N/R No No No No Yes Yes No No N/R No $2500; $1500; $750 $900/$1800/$3000 Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 CAINSVILLE R-1 BUTLER R-V Yes 180 BUNKER R-III 180 Yes 179 BUCHANAN CO R-IV BUCKLIN R-II Yes 178 Yes Yes 171 191 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BRUNSWICK R-II BROOKFIELD R-III BRONAUGH R-VII BRENTWOOD BRECKENRIDGE R-I 178 183 BRAYMER C-4 BRANSON R-IV 180 182 BRADLEYVILLE R-I BOWLING GREEN R-I 180 185 BOONVILLE R-I BOSWORTH R-V 181 BOLIVAR R-I Yes Yes Yes 180 181 BLOOMFIELD R-XIV Blair Oaks R-II Yes 178 BLACKWATER R-II BISMARCK R-V Yes BEVIER C-4 180 Yes 177 School District BILLINGS R-IV Extra Duty # Teacher Days No No No No No No Yes Yes No No N/R No N/R No No No N/R No No No Yes N/A N/A N/R No N/R No Page 2 of 20 Much like Career Ladder. $3,000; $1,800; $900. Teachers are eligible after 2 years of service. This year suspended due to funding issues Paid per hour for after school student contact hours Start own program? If yes, describe 68 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org Yes Yes Yes 181 180 CAMDENTON R-III CAMERON R-I Yes Yes 183 185 180 180 185 185 CAPE GIRARDEAU 63 CARROLLTON R-VII CARUTHERSVILLE 18 CASSVILLE R-IV CENTER 58 180 175 CENTRALIA R-VI CHAFFEE R-II 180 177 192 CHILLICOTHE R-II CLARKSBURG C-2 CLAYTON 180 180 CLEARWATER R-I CLEVER R-V Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No N/A Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No N/R N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A No Yes N/A N/A N/A No Yes N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No 1/2 of Career Ladder Amounts $750; $1,250; $1,750 Stage 1 - $1,200; Stage 2 $2,400; Stage 3 - $4,000 Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 180 185 CLARKTON C-4 CLARK CO R-I 185 178 CHARLESTON R-I CHILHOWEE R-IV 180 CHADWICK R-I CENTRAL R-III 174 185 CARTHAGE R-IX CENTERVILLE R-I 181 CARL JUNCTION R-I Yes 180 CANTON R-V CAMPBELL R-II Yes Yes 185 CALHOUN R-VIII 180 Yes 178 School District CALLAO C-8 Extra Duty # Teacher Days No N/A No No No Yes No No No No No No N/A No No Yes No Yes No No N/R No No No N/A No No Page 3 of 20 We continue to pay our portion of 40% TEAMS $30 per hour For Tutoring or Mentor Groups Tiger Success Network Start own program? If yes, describe 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 69 Yes 178 CLINTON R-III 174 180 180 COUCH R-I 179 CRANE R-III 171 180 DALLAS CO R-I 180 DELTA R-V 187 180 180 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No N/A N/R No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A No N/A N/A No No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A No Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? No No N/R No No No No N/R No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No $750; $1,500; $2,500 Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 DIXON R-I DIAMOND R-IV 185 DEXTER R-XI DESOTO 73 180 DENT-PHELPS R-III 180 180 DAVIS R-XII DELTA C-7 180 DADEVILLE R-II 180 CRYSTAL CITY 47 CROCKER R-II 183 185 CRAWFORD CO R-II CRAWFORD CO R-I 181 164 COWGILL R-VI CRAIG R-III 180 COOTER R-IV 181 COOPER CO R-IV CONCORDIA R-II 167 187 COMMUNITY R-VI COLUMBIA 93 180 COLE CO R-V COLE CO R-I 185 COLE CAMP R-I Yes CLIMAX SPRINGS R-IV 181 Yes 180 School District CLINTON Extra Duty # Teacher Days No Yes N/R No No No No N/R No No No No Yes No No No No No No No N/A N/A Yes No No No No No No Page 4 of 20 Tutoring Program@$25/Hour Tutoring - maximum 60 hours $900/$1,800/$3,000 Start own program? If yes, describe 70 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org Yes DREXEL R-IV Yes Yes Yes 180 189 EAST PRAIRIE R-II 180 160 ELSBERRY R-II EVERTON R-III Yes Yes 180 167 FAIR PLAY R-II FAIRVIEW R-XI 187 181 186 FORDLAND R-III FORT OSAGE R-I 169 186 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes N/A N/A N/A No No N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A No N/A Yes N/A No No Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes Yes Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No Yes No $750; $1,500; $2,450 $750; $1,500; $2,500 $750/$1,500/$2500 No N/A N/A No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No N/A No Yes No No Page 5 of 20 District pays up to 25 hours tutoring twice a year Team Tutoring Based on hours of tutoring (11 hours or 22 hours). Stipend for each tier. Teachers paid $20 for Tutoring Start own program? If yes, describe Stage 1 - $525; Stage 2 - $1050; N/A Stage 3 - $1750 Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 FORSYTH R-III FESTUS R-VI 180 FERGUSON-FLORISSANT R-II FAYETTE R-III 184 180 FARMINGTON R-VII FAIRFAX R-III Yes Yes 182 180 FAIR GROVE R-X EXETER R-VI Yes 183 Yes Yes Yes Yes EXCELSIOR SPRINGS 40 EMINENCE R-I 177 180 ELDON R-I EL DORADO SPRINGS R-II Yes 180 169 EAST NEWTON CO. R-VI EAST LYNNE 40 Yes 177 EAST CARTER CO R-II Yes Yes 180 184 EAST BUCHANAN CO C-I DUNKLIN R-V Yes 175 DONIPHAN R-I 165 Yes 185 School District DORA R-III Extra Duty # Teacher Days 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 71 Yes Yes 180 185 184 172 180 FRANCIS HOWELL R-III FRANKLIN CO R-II FREDERICKTOWN R-I FT ZUMWALT R-II GAINESVILLE R-V GALLATIN R-V 180 180 Yes Yes 172 180 GRANDVIEW R-II GREEN FOREST R-II Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No N/R Yes No Yes Yes N/R No Yes Yes No No No Yes No N/A Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No No N/A N/A N/R N/A N/A N/A N/R Yes No N/R N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes No N/A N/R N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A No No Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? No Yes No No No No No No No N/R No No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No Yes N/R Yes No $450; $900; $1500 $750; $1500; $2500 Stage I $750; Stage II $1500; Stage III $2500 $3,000 per year for 10 years for NBCTs and SLPs with Cs. Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 178 GRUNDY CO R-V 177 180 GREENVILLE R-II GREENFIELD R-IV 180 184 GREEN CITY R-I GREEN RIDGE R-VIII 188 GRANDVIEW C-4 N/R 182 Yes GRAIN VALLEY R-V GORIN R-III 183 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes GOLDEN CITY R-III 180 GLENWOOD R-VIII Glasgow 176 GILMAN CITY R-IV 180 GILLIAM C-4 GIDEON 37 181 180 180 180 GASCONADE CO. R-II GASCONADE CO. R-I GASCONADE C-4 GALENA R-II 181 Yes 188 FOX C-6 FULTON 58 Yes 179 School District Yes Extra Duty # Teacher Days No N/A No No N/R No No No No N/R No No No N/R No N/A No No No No N/R No No No N/A N/R N/A No Start own program? If yes, describe Page 6 of 20 72 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org Yes 183 180 HALLSVILLE R-IV HANCOCK PLACE HANNIBAL 60 HARDEMAN R-X Yes HAZELWOOD Yes 183 167 169 HIGH POINT R-III HOLCOMB R-III HOLLIDAY C-2 180 180 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No N/A Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes No No Yes No N/R Yes No Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/R N/A Yes N/R N/R N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No N/R No No No Yes No Yes No No No No No Scaled based on years. $2000 Tier 3; $1200 Tier 2; $600 Tier 1 Stage I - $681; Stage 2 - $1362; Stage 3 - $2270 Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 HUDSON R-IX 180 HOWELL VALLEY R-I HOUSTON R-I 182 178 HOLDEN R-III HOLLISTER R-V 183 HILLSBORO R-III 179 180 HIGBEE R-VIII HICKORY CO R-I 185 180 HERMITAGE R-IV HICKMAN MILLS C-I Yes 183 Yes Yes 190 HENRY CO R-I N/R Yes 180 HAYTI R-II 184 HARTVILLE R-II HARRISONVILLE R-IX Yes 161 HARRISBURG R-VIII Yes Yes 176 Yes Yes Yes 180 174 HARDIN-CENTRAL C-2 HAMILTON R-II Yes 189 HALE R-I 180 Yes 178 School District HALFWAY R-III Extra Duty # Teacher Days No No No No No No No No No No Yes N/R No Yes N/R N/R No No No N/A N/R N/A No Yes No No Yes Tutoring Program Page 7 of 20 Stops 4 Students program - focuses on after school activities for students 44% tutoring Start own program? If yes, describe 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 73 Yes 185 189 INDEPENDENCE 30 JACKSON R-II 180 180 KELSO C-7 180 KINGSTON 42 180 191 KIRBYVILLE R-VI KIRKWOOD R-VII 180 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes No No No Yes N/R Yes Yes No Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A No N/A Yes No N/A No Yes No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No N/R No No No No No N/R Yes No No No No $600; $1200; $2000 Up to $1200 per year 50% Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 KIRKSVILLE R-III 182 180 KINGSVILLE R-I KINGSTON K-14 180 177 KING CITY R-I KEYTESVILLE R-III 175 174 KEARNEY R-I KENNETT 39 185 Kansas City 33 JOPLIN R-VIII 176 JUNCTION HILL C-12 Yes 184 196 JOHNSON CO R-VII JENNINGS Yes Yes 179 182 JEFFERSON CO R-VII JEFFERSON CITY Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 182 176 180 180 Yes JEFFERSON C-123 JASPER CO R-V Jamestown C-1 IRON CO C-4 180 182 IBERIA R-V HURLEY R-I Yes HUMANSVILLE R-IV 165 Yes 180 School District HUME R-VIII Extra Duty # Teacher Days No No No No No No N/A N/A No No Yes No No No No No N/R N/R Yes No No No N/R N/A No No No No Page 8 of 20 SSS (Student Support Service) Plan - 20 hours = $500 up to 3 plans. Teachers paid $30/hr. up to 75 hours. 50 hours must be direct student contact. Start own program? If yes, describe 74 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org Yes Yes Yes 180 180 183 LA MONTE R-IV LACLEDE CO C-5 LACLEDE CO R-I LAFAYETTE CO C-1 Yes Yes 183 182 LEBANON R-III LEE'S SUMMIT R-VII Yes Yes 178 180 180 LESTERVILLE R-IV LEWIS CO. C-1 Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A N/R N/A Yes Yes Yes N/A No No N/A N/A N/A No N/A N/A N/A No N/A N/A No N/A N/A N/A Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? No No No No Yes No N/A No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No District % 100% funded by district $$. Stage 1 - $750; Stage 2 -$1500; Stage 2 - $2500 $900; $1800; $3000 We are just paying the 40% that the school pays. CL1 -$750; CL2 - #1500; CL3 $2500 40% of 3 steps $540; $1080; $1800 $1000 Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 LIBERAL R-II 179 180 LEOPOLD R-III LEXINGTON R-V 180 LEETON R-X Yes Yes 173 LEESVILLE R-IX Yes Yes 180 LAWSON R-XIV Yes Yes 162 LATHROP R-II Yes Yes 171 LAQUEY R-V Yes 180 180 Yes Yes Yes Yes LAREDO R-VII 180 LAMAR R-I 188 172 LAKELAND R-III LADUE LA PLATA R-II Yes 180 KNOB NOSTER R-VIII 181 Yes 185 School District KNOX CO R-I Extra Duty # Teacher Days No No No Yes N/A Yes N/A N/R N/A N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No No Yes N/A N/A No No Page 9 of 20 Stage 1 = 36 hr/$900; Stage 2 = 54 hour/$1800; Stage 3 = 72 hr/$3000 3 Stage Program We pay for student contact hours before and after school. Tutoring Steps for experience per hour $20, $30, $27 Start own program? If yes, describe 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 75 Yes Yes 186 180 School District LIBERTY 53 N/R N/R Yes Yes N/R 173 182 174 180 Logan-Rogersville R-VIII LONE JACK C-6 LONEDELL R-XIV LUTIE R-VI Yes 178 182 MALDEN R-I 180 MANSFIELD R-IV Yes Yes 178 Yes Yes 180 189 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/A No Yes No No Yes No N/R Yes Yes Yes No No Yes N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/R N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A No No Yes N/R No No No No No No No No No N/R No No Yes No No No No No No N/R No Level 1 - $375; Level 2 - $900; Level 3 - $1,750 60% of state previous program $3,000; $1,800; $900 Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 MARIES CO. R-I MARCELINE R-V MAPLEWOOD-RICHMOND HEIGHTS 168 180 MANES R-V MALTA BEND R-V MADISON C-3 178 181 MACON CO. R-1 MACON CO. R-IV Yes 182 Yes Yes 170 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MACKS CREEK R-V LURAY 33 184 180 LOUISIANA R-II LOCKWOOD R-I 177 Yes Yes LIVINGSTON CO. R-III LINN CO. R-I Yes 195 Yes Lindbergh School District LINCOLN R-II 180 No Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? LICKING R-VIII Yes Extra Duty # Teacher Days No N/A N/R No No No No No No No Yes No N/R No No N/A Yes No Yes No No No Yes No Page 10 of 20 We pay $15 per hour for tutoring teachers. May tutor as often as they like. Teachers with 2 years of service may participate in Wildcat TLC (Tutoring, Leadership, or Continuous Improvement), and are compensated at $20 per hour up to 30 hours. teachers complete hours for pay Start own program? If yes, describe 76 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org Yes Yes 180 160 MARION C. EARLY R-V MARION CO. R-II Yes Yes Yes 183 180 180 180 167 MARYVILLE R-II MCDONALD CO. R-I MEADVILLE R-IV MERAMEC VALLEY R-III MIAMI R-I Yes 180 MILLER CO. R-III 184 176 153 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes N/A Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A No N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A No N/A N/A No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? No No No Yes No Yes No No No N/R No N/A No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No $600; $1,200; $2,000 Never had Career Ladder Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 MOBERLY MISSOURI CITY 56 MIRABILE C-1 MILLER R-II 180 MILAN C-2 No 180 180 MIDWAY R-I MIDDLE GROVE C-1 Yes 184 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MID-BUCHANAN CO R-V MIAMI R-I @ AMORET 185 196 MEHLVILLE R-IX MEXICO 59 180 MEADOW HEIGHTS R-II MAYSVILLE R-I Yes Yes 183 180 MARSHFIELD R-I MARSHALL Yes 183 Yes MARQUAND-ZION R-VI MARK TWAIN R-VIII 180 180 MARIES CO. R-II MARIONVILLE R-IX Yes 158 School District Yes Extra Duty # Teacher Days No No No N/A No N/A No No Yes N/R No N/A N/R No Yes No No No No Yes No No No N/A No Yes No Page 11 of 20 Money is budgeted for extra work Tutoring Small scale version that pays for tutoring students after school. Supplemental Ed. Teachers turn in plans to accomplish more of 3 defined goals. Run by a teacher committee. $ of district contribution to career ladder Start own program? If yes, describe 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 77 No 175 165 180 MONITEAU CO. R-V MONTGOMERY CO. R-II MORGAN CO. R-I 180 180 174 MOUNTAIN GROVE R-III MT. VERNON R-V NEELYVILLE R-IV 183 NEW HAVEN Yes 180 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A No N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A No N/A No Yes N/A N/A N/A Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No N/R No No No No No No No Stage 1 - $900; Stage 2 - $1800 $750; $1500; $2500 Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 170 180 NORBORNE R-VIII NODAWAY-HOLT R-VII 184 NIXA R-II 180 180 NIANGUA R-V NEWTOWN-HARRIS R-III 178 177 NEWBURG R-II NEW YORK R-IV 180 NEW MADRID CO R-I NEW FRANKLIN R-I 174 Yes 182 NEW BLOOMFIELD R-III NEVADA R-V Yes 181 NEOSHO R-V Yes Yes Yes Yes 180 169 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NELL HOLCOMB R-IV NAYLOR R-II MOUNTAIN VIEW-BIRCH TREE 187 R-III 180 183 MORGAN CO. R-II MOUND CITY R-II 174 180 MONTROSE R-XIV MONROE CITY R-I Yes MONETT R-I 169 Yes 182 School District MONITEAU CO. R-I Extra Duty # Teacher Days No N/A Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No N/A N/A No No N/R No No No N/R No No Yes TEAMS tutoring pay Page 12 of 20 Pride Program - $20 per hour for turoring, up to $1500. "TEAM" - Step I - $750; Step 2 - $1,500 Start own program? If yes, describe 78 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org Yes 170 NORTH CALLAWAY CO R-I NORTH HARRISON R-III Yes 171 184 180 NORTHWESTERN R-I OAK GROVE R-VI OAK RIDGE R-VI 180 183 Orchard Farm R-V Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No N/R No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No N/R Yes N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A N/A No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A No Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? N/R Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No We pay what the district would have paid if Career Ladder had continued. We call it CLTutoring. Stage 1 - $600; Stage 2 - $1200; Stage 3 - $2000 $500; $1,000; $1700 $750/$1500/$2500 Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 181 ORAN R-III 179 184 ODESSA R-VII OAK HILL R-I NORWOOD R-I 181 171 NORTHWEST R-I NORTHEAST VERNON CO R-1 NORTHEAST RANDOLPH CO R- 186 IV NORTHEAST NODAWAY CO. R- 181 V 180 180 NORTH WOOD R-IV NORTH ST FRANCOIS CO R-I Yes 180 North Shelby Yes 180 Yes 180 NORTH PLATTE CO R-I Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NORTH PEMISCOT CO R-I 187 179 186 180 NORTH NODAWAY CO R-VI NORTH MERCER CO R-III NORTH KANSAS CITY 74 NORTH DAVIESS R-III Yes 181 NORMANDY 179 Yes 203 School District NORTH ANDREW CO R-VI Extra Duty # Teacher Days N/R N/A No No No N/A N/A N/A No No No No No N/A N/A Yes No No No No Yes No No No No Page 13 of 20 Teachers Excel as Students Achieve. 3 tiered plan Start own program? If yes, describe 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 79 Yes 180 180 OSAGE CO R-II Yes Yes 178 183 180 188 OTTERVILLE R-VI OZARK R-VI PALMYRA R-I PARK HILL 165 PIERCE CITY R-VI Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No N/A Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes N/A Yes N/R N/A N/A No Yes N/A Yes N/A N/A No N/A N/A N/A No N/A N/A Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? N/R No No No N/R No No No N/R Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No N/A No No No No Tutoring only (for those that are not eligible for Career Ladder $500 N/R No Yes No N/R No No No N/R Page 14 of 20 Salary Enhancement based on after hours worked. Professional compensation based on tutoring and or professional development Start own program? If yes, describe Stage I - $750; Stage 2 - $1500; N/A Stage 3 - $2500 $3000/$1800/$900 Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 185 179 PHELPS CO R-III PIKE CO. R-III 179 PETTIS CO. R-XII Yes Yes Yes 180 PETTIS CO. R-V PERRY CO. 32 180 PEMISCOT CO. R-III 179 Yes Yes 189 PATTONVILLE R-III Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes PEMISCOT CO SPEC.SCH.DIST 175 171 191 179 PATTONSBURG R-II PARKWAY C-2 PARIS R-II 184 180 OSCEOLA Yes Yes OSBORN R-O 180 OSAGE CO. R-I 174 Yes OSAGE CO R-III ORRICK R-XI Yes OREARVILLE R-IV 180 Yes 142 School District OREGON-HOWELL R-III Extra Duty # Teacher Days 80 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org Yes 178 174 PLEASANT HOPE R-VI POLO R-VII 182 182 185 180 180 179 REPUBLIC R-III RICHARDS R-V RICHLAND R-IV RICHMOND R-XVI 177 170 180 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes N/R Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes No Yes Yes N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A No Yes Yes N/R N/A N/A N/A No N/A No N/A No Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No Yes No No No Yes No No No No No N/A No Yes No N/A Start own program? If yes, describe Stage 1 - $600; Stage 2 -$1200; Stage 3 -$2000 $750/$1500/$2500 No N/A No No N/A No No No No No No No No No No No No Level I = $750; Level II = $1,500; N/A Level III = $2,500 $750/yr. 40% Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 RICHLAND R-I RICH HILL R-IV RENICK R-V 184 REEDS SPRING R-IV RAYTOWN C-2 185 174 RAYMORE-PECULIAR R-II RAYMONDVILLE R-VII 176 RALLS CO. R-II PUXICO R-VIII 184 Yes 182 PURDY R-II PUTNAM CO. R-I Yes 177 176 PRINCETON R-V PRAIRIE HOME R-V Yes 183 POTOSI R-III Yes Yes Yes 174 186 POPLAR BLUFF R1 Yes PORTAGEVILLE 173 PLEASANT VIEW R-VI Yes Yes PLEASANT HILL R-III 184 183 PLATTE CO. R-III No N/A Yes No PLATO R-V 176 Yes Yes 0 PILOT GROVE C-4 PLAINVIEW R-VIII School District Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? Extra Duty # Teacher Days Page 15 of 20 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 81 Yes 170 RIPLEY CO. R-III 190 Yes Yes 185 ROLLA 31 Yes Yes 186 179 186 SANTA FE R-X SARCOXIE R-II 180 SEYMOUR R-II Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes No Yes No No No No No No No N/A N/A Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? Yes No No No No No No Yes No No Yes No No N/R No No No Yes No No No No No No No No $750/$1500/$2500 $900, $1800, $3000 $750; $1,500; $2,500 National Board Certification $5,000 stipend per year. Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 180 182 SENECA R-VII SENATH-HORNERSVILLE C-8 186 180 SEDALIA 200 SCOTT CO. R-IV 181 180 SCOTT CO CENTRAL SCOTT CITY R-I 180 180 SCOTLAND CO. R-I SCHUYLER CO. R-1 SCHOOL OF THE OSAGE R-II 186 178 SALISBURY R-IV SAVANNAH R-III 180 SALEM R-80 Yes Yes 180 ROSCOE C-1 No Yes Yes Yes 190 186 ROCKWOOD R-VI ROCK PORT R-II 190 Yes Yes Yes RIVERVIEW GARDENS 180 RITENOUR RISCO R-II 165 RIPLEY CO. R-IV Yes RICHWOODS R-VII 180 Yes 185 School District RIDGEWAY R-V Extra Duty # Teacher Days N/A No No No No No N/R N/A No No N/A No Yes No Yes No Yes N/A No No No No No No No No Page 16 of 20 Now called Professional Pay Plan 80% of hours must have direct contact with students. Amounts are $900, $1800, $3000 We continued district portion of Career Ladder for supplemental pay for tutoring and sponsorship Start own program? If yes, describe 82 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org No 180 School District SHAWNEE R-III Yes Yes 172 194 174 182 SHELL KNOB 78 SIKESTON R-6 SKYLINE R-II SMITHTON R-VI Yes Yes 180 SOUTH NODAWAY CO R-IV Yes 180 No Yes N/A Yes N/A No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No No Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A Yes No N/A N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? No Yes No No No No No No No No No N/R No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No Yes No $750/$1500/$2500 $750; $1,500; $2,500 $628.50/$1,257/$3,095 Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 SPRING BLUFF R-XV 181 174 SPOKANE R-VII SPICKARD R-II No Yes SPECL.SCH.DST.ST.LOUIS CO 192 Yes Yes 180 SPARTA R-III SOUTHWEST R-V 180 Yes 180 SOUTHWEST LIVINGSTON CO R-I SOUTHLAND C-9 178 Yes SOUTHERN REYNOLDS CO R-II 180 SOUTHERN BOONE CO R-I Yes Yes Yes 182 SOUTH PEMISCOT CO R-V 116 179 SOUTH IRON CO R-I Yes SOUTH HOLT CO R-I SOUTH HARRISON CO R-II Yes Yes 180 187 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SOUTH CALLAWAY CO. R-II SMITHVILLE R-II 184 180 SILEX R-I SLATER 181 SHERWOOD CASS R-VIII Yes 178 SHELDON R-VIII SHELBY CO. R-IV Yes Extra Duty # Teacher Days Yes N/A No No N/R No No No Yes Yes No No N/R No No No No No N/R No No N/A No No No N/A N/R Page 17 of 20 Some programs are paid on a stipend basis, some are hourly. N/R $15 per hour for attending PD programs and $20 for student centered programs. $1,000 for so many hours of work. New teachers are included. Start own program? If yes, describe 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 83 Yes Yes Yes 173 STANBERRY R-II Yes 180 STOUTLAND R-II Yes Yes 175 174 SUMMERSVILLE R-II SWEDEBORG R-III Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No N/A N/R No Yes N/R Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A No Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A No Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No Yes N/R No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No N/A Yes No No No N/A N/R No No N/A No No N/R No No No No Page 18 of 20 PRO Plan - We fund a set amount and it is divided equally among participants. $50,000 We have a tutoring program Eligible employees can earn up to $1500 for 60 hours of special tutoring. Aspiring Leaders Program and other programs/partnerships to provide scalable training. Start own program? If yes, describe Stage I - $600; Stage II - $1,200; N/A Stage III - $2,000 $450/$900/$1,500/$3,000 Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 175 THAYER R-II 180 180 TARKIO R-I TANEYVILLE R-II 180 181 SWEET SPRINGS R-VII SUNRISE R-IX Yes 174 SUCCESS R-VI 183 180 STURGEON R-V SULLIVAN C-2 Yes 181 STRASBURG C-3 Yes Yes 158 STRAIN-JAPAN R-XVI Yes 180 STRAFFORD R-VI Yes Yes 180 STEWARTSVILLE C-2 185 180 STEELVILLE R-III STOCKTON R-I 189 STE GENEVIEVE CO. R-II Yes Yes Yes Yes 210 180 ST. LOUIS CITY ST. JOSEPH 172 Yes ST. ELIZABETH R-IV 182 183 ST. CHARLES R-VI ST JAMES R-I Yes SPRINGFIELD R-XII 181 Yes 186 School District ST CLAIR R-XIII Extra Duty # Teacher Days 84 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org Yes Yes 188 181 UNIVERSITY CITY VALLEY R-VI 181 VERONA R-VII 187 183 WARRENSBURG R-VI WASHINGTON Yes Yes 193 WEBSTER GROVES Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes N/R Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes N/R No Yes No No N/A N/A N/A No N/A N/A Yes No N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/R N/R N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes No N/R N/A N/A N/A N/A Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No N/R No No Yes No School 40% Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 188 Yes WELLSVILLE-MIDDLETOWN R-I 155 WENTZVILLE R-IV Yes Yes Yes WELLINGTON-NAPOLEON R-IX 173 182 180 WEAUBLEAU R-III WEBB CITY R-VII 184 Yes WAYNESVILLE R-VI Yes 180 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes WARSAW R-IX 182 185 WARREN CO R-III WALNUT GROVE R-V 180 165 VAN BUREN R-I VAN-FAR R-1 189 VALLEY PARK Yes 168 Yes 180 UNION STAR R-II UNION R-XI Yes 170 Yes N/R Yes TWIN RIVERS R-X TROY R-III TRI-COUNTY R-VII 180 182 TRENTON R-IX Yes Tipton R-VI Yes 181 THORNFIELD R-I 174 Yes 180 School District TINA-AVALON R-II Extra Duty # Teacher Days No No Yes No Yes N/R Yes No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No N/A N/R No No N/A No Page 19 of 20 1-10 years $600 for 20 hours; 10 or more year $1,200 for 40 hours Tutoring After School SOS = Support our Students - academic assistance, tutoring, etc. Starting this year, $20 per hour up to $1000 for tutoring and other activities outside of contract. Start own program? If yes, describe 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 85 Yes 185 WEST PLATTE CO. R-II Yes 180 WHEATLAND R-II Yes 181 177 180 WRIGHT CITY R-II 180 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes No Yes Yes No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Extra Duty % of Salary Admin Sched? Tied? No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No $1,500, $3,000, $5,000 Cont. Career If yes, funding Ladder? amounts? Prepared by the Missouri State Teachers Association – ©2016 Prepared by Missouri State Teachers Association on 11/20/2015 ZALMA R-V 180 180 WORTH CO R-III WOODLAND R-IV WINONA R-III WINSTON R-VI Yes 180 179 WINDSOR C-1 WINFIELD R-IV Yes 185 WILLOW SPRINGS R-IV Yes 185 WILLARD R-II Yes 180 WHEATON R-III Yes Yes 169 180 WESTVIEW C-6 WESTRAN R-I Yes 181 WEST ST FRANCOIS CO R-IV Yes WEST NODAWAY CO. R-I 182 Yes 181 School District WEST PLAINS R-VII Extra Duty # Teacher Days No N/R No Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No N/R N/A Yes Yes No No Tutoring Page 20 of 20 We pay out a stipend for the hours and years of teaching they have. This program is called TIPSA. Instructional Excellence Program allows teachers to work for an additional hourly pay above and beyond normal work hours. Teachers submit a plan focused on tutoring enrichment or professional development. Stipends for tutoring Stage 1 - 30 hours/$20/hr. Stage 2 - 50 hours/ $23/hr. Stage 3 - 70 hours/ $26/hr. Extra Pay for extra work - pre approval Start own program? If yes, describe APPENDIXES Appendix 1 — Current Statistics About Missouri Public Schools Estimated Public School Enrollment (K-12,) September 2014-15.................................................................................................... 886,423 Number of Public School Districts...................................................................................................................................................................... 518 Number of Classroom Teachers in Public Schools (K-12,) 2014-15....................................................................................................67,815 Estimated National Average Salary for 2014-15 Classroom Teachers (extra duty not included)......................................... $57,379 Missouri’s Estimated Average Salary for 2014-15 Classroom Teachers.............................................................................................48,483 (Includes Career Ladder, extra duty pay, etc.) Missouri’s 2013-14 Estimated National Rank In Average Classroom Teachers’ Salary....................................................................42nd Current Expenditures Per Pupil (in Average Daily Attendance) Estimated State Average for 2014-15................................................................................................................................................... $10,313.72 National PPE for 2014-15 (Per Pupil Expenditure)................................................................................................................................. $11,732 Source: Data provided by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Estimates and rankings by MSTA Research. Appendix 2 — District notes Appendix 2 contains notes and comments that expand or clarify certain aspects of various school districts’ salary schedules and/or benefits package. Not all districts have an entry in this list. Alton R-IV���������������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays up to $460 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. days; a 3rd-year teacher receives 7 sick days and 3 personal days. Appleton City R-II����������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays up to $407.37 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Bolivar R-I���������������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $375 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Ava R-I����������������������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district will pay up to $441.31 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Sick and Personal Leave Combined: Teachers (with a contract less than 10 months) receive 10 sick days, all of which may be used for personal leave. Teachers can choose to accumulate unused sick/personal leave to either 50 or 100 days. Payment for unused days over maximum (50 or 100 as chosen by each teacher for sick days) is $43.75 per day. Employees with a 10 month contract receive 11 days of leave and those with an 11 or 12 month contract receive 12 days of leave each year. Bosworth R-V�������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $350 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Avilla R-XIII�������������������������������������������Max. Import: 5 years; then receive 1 year for every 2 years. Ballard R-II��������������������������������������������Employees paid for unused sick leave after they have accumulated the maximum 46 days Bayless���������������������������������������������������Max. Import: Varies Bell City R-II�����������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $150 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Belton 124�������������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $579.50 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Bismarck R-V��������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $421.98 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premiums. Blackwater R-II����������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $250 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Blair Oaks R-II�������������������������������������Sick and Personal Days: All teachers receive 10 leave days total. A first-year teacher receives 9 sick days and 1 personal day, a 2nd-year teacher receives 8 sick days and 2 personal 86 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org Breckenridge R-I�������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $330 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Bronaugh R-VII����������������������������������Health Insurance: District pays $275 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premiums. Brunswick R-II������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $450 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Buchanan Co. R-IV���������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $415 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Cabool R-IV�����������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $376 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Camdenton R-III�������������������������������Unused Personal Days above 5 are rolled into Sick Days. Carl Junction R-I�������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $360 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Carrollton R-VII����������������������������������Max. Import: Beyond 12 years, a teacher can receive 1/2 year of previous teaching experience in schools outside the district for placement on salary schedule. Health Insurance: School district pays $375 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Unused Sick Leave : Paid upon Retirement ($25/day) Charleston R-I������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $375 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Unused sick leave: paid at retirement only Sick and Personal Leave: In addition to the 10 sick and 3 personal days, teachers receive 3 emergency leave days for serious illness or death in immediate family. Chillicothe R-II�����������������������������������Unused Sick Leave: Paid upon Retirement Clearwater R-I������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $573.84 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Climax Springs R-IV������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $432 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Cole Camp R-I������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $375 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Community R-VI�������������������������������MS 12, MS 24, Ed Spec. columns continue on past 29 steps at $350, $350, and $375 increments respectfully. Health Insurance: School district pays $310 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Concordia R-II������������������������������������Max. Import: 5 years; then receive 2 years for every 3 years. Sick and Personal days are combined. Unused leave days can be accumulated up to a maximum of 45 days that can be used as either sick or personal. Cowgill R-VI�����������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $400 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Craig R-III����������������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $400 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Crane R-III���������������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $400 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Hale R-I��������������������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $400 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Halfway R-III����������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $312.80 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Hallsville R-IV�������������������������������������Max. Import: BS - 9 years; BS 12 - 11 years; BS 24 - 13 years; MA - 15 years; MA 12 - 17 years; MA 24 - 19 years; EDS/MA 42 - 21 years Hancock Place�����������������������������������Max. Personal Days: Each year 2 days can roll over into sick days Health Insurance: School district pays up to $576 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Hannibal 60����������������������������������������Salary Steps: BS - 14 steps in 29 years; BS 12 - 16 steps in 29 years; BS 24 - 19 steps in 29 years Hardeman R-X�����������������������������������Max. Import: First 5 years of outside experience are accepted on the salary schedule, then it is 1 for every 3 years. Hardin-Central C-2��������������������������Max. Import: Varies. It is voted on by the Board Health Insurance: School district pays up to $485 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Sick and Personal Leave: Varies. 7sick/3personal for 9 month staff; 8/3 for 10 month staff; 9/3 for 11 month staff and 10/3 for 12 month staff Hayti R-II�����������������������������������������������Salary Schedule: 24 steps in 30 years Dallas Co. R-I���������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $450 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Hickman Mills C-1���������������������������Health Insurance - Depends on the plan chosen by the teacher as to how much the school district will pay. They pay 100% of one plan, but only 89% of another. Delta C-7�����������������������������������������������Salary Schedule: BS - 12 steps in 26 years; BS 16 - 13 steps in 26 years; Masters - 14 steps in 26 years. Higbee R-VIII���������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays up to $500 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Dixon R-I�����������������������������������������������Sick and Personal Leave: Teachers receive 9 sick days and 1 personal day each year. They have the option, however, to convert 1 of the 9 sick days into a second personal day. All unused personal days roll into sick leave. Sick Leave: Sick leave is unlimited while employed, but a teacher is only paid for 100 days when leaving after 5 years with the district. Independence 30����������������������������Unused sick leave: paid a max of 65 days at retirement only. Dora R-III�����������������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $400 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Dunklin R-V�����������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $603.05 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. East Carter Co. R-II���������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $350 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Eldon R-I������������������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $410.91 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Eminence R-I��������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $380.04 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Unused leave: paid upon leaving the district, upon retirement, or for any days accumulated over 90. Jackson R-II������������������������������������������Payment for unused sick leave - only after 10 years of consecutive service Jefferson Co. R-VII����������������������������Unused sick leave: paid upon leaving the district after 5 years of service Johnson Co. R-VII�����������������������������Sick and Personal Leave: Teachers receive 10 days that can be used as sick or personal, however, any carryover days can only be used as sick. Joplin R-VIII�����������������������������������������Personal Leave: Teachers may request up to 2 additional personal leave days annually, with a salary deduction of 1/2 of the bachelors step one daily rate. Kearney R-I������������������������������������������Max. Import: will accept all previous years teaching experience for a Masters degree. Only 15 for a BS degree Health Insurance: School district pays $420 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Kingsville R-I���������������������������������������Max. Import: Is negotiable Kirksville R-III��������������������������������������Max. Import: 1 year is given for each of the first 10 years; then one year for every two years of experience after that. Fair Grove R-X������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $435 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Kirkwood R-VII����������������������������������Extra Duty Salary Schedule: Point system is set by Salary Committee. 1 point = $143 Fayette R-III�����������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $425 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Knob Noster R-VIII���������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $540 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Fort Osage R-I������������������������������������Unused sick leave: paid at a percentage based on service when teacher resigns or when 90 days are reached. La Plata R-II������������������������������������������Unused sick leave: paid upon leaving the district after 5 years of service Francis Howell R-III��������������������������Health Insurance: District pays $503 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. For Health, Dental and Vision coverage, the district pays for the Base Health medical plan and low dental and vision plans. Employees may elect to pay additional for other plans or to include a spouse or dependents. Unused sick leave: paid at retirement only. Up to 75 days. Laclede Co. C-5����������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $450 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Fulton 58����������������������������������������������Sick and Personal Leave Combined: Teachers receive 15 sick leave days, 2 of which may be used for personal leave. However, after 5 years with the district, teachers can use 4 days for personal leave. Unused sick leave is paid upon retirement to a max of 150 days. Green City R-I�������������������������������������Max. Import: Staff may bring in 15 years from other districts. Then they receive 1 year for every 2 years. Laquey R-V������������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $350 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Lathrop R-II�����������������������������������������Salary Schedule - $1,250 is added to Masters and beyond in years 28-30 only if staff member is full time and has been at Lathrop R-II for 10 years. If teacher is not full time or has not been with Lathrop for at least 10 years, the maximum salary for Masters is $49,215 after 19 steps and Masters is $57,352 after 29 steps. Lebanon R-III��������������������������������������Max. Years Import: 13 years for B.S.; 15 years for BS 16; 17 years for Masters Unused leave days: Paid upon leaving the district if accumulated more than 120 days. Upon 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 87 retirement paid for all unused sick leave. Lee’s Summit R-VII���������������������������Salary Schedule: BS and BS 15 - 15 steps in 24 years Health Insurance: District pays between 80 & 100% depending upon the plan chosen. Leeton R-X�������������������������������������������Sick and Personal Leave: Teachers receive 11 days that can be used as either sick or personal leave. All unused days turnover into just sick leave and can accumulate up to 50 sick days. Lesterville R-IV�����������������������������������Max. Years Import: Public School years only Lexington R-V������������������������������������Payment for unused sick leave: after 90 days. Liberal R-II��������������������������������������������Max. Import: 5 for B.S; 10 for Masters Lincoln R-II�������������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $400 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. % paid by the district depends upon which plan is selected. 3 plans are offered. Lockwood R-I�������������������������������������Max. Import: 6 years; then receive 1 year for every 2 years. Milan C-2����������������������������������������������Sick and Personal leave: After being employed by the district more than 5 years, teachers get an extra day of leave. So, they would have 12 days of leave that could be used for sick or personal. Moniteau Co. R-V�����������������������������Max. Import: N/R Monroe City R-I���������������������������������Sick and Personal Leave: Sick and personal leave are separate. Teachers receive 75 hours sick leave per year and 2 personal days. They can accumulate up to 800 hours. Montgomery Co. R-II���������������������Sick and Personal Leave: Teachers receive 8 hours per month sick leave and 32 hours per year personal leave. They can accumulate a max. of 960 hours of sick leave an 40 hours of personal leave. Administration receives same percent increase in salary that teachers do. Montrose R-XIV���������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $400 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Mountain Grove R-III���������������������Max. Import: 10 years and then 1 year for every 2 years experience after that. Logan-Rogersville R-VIII��������������All teachers receive 11.25 days of sick leave, of which, 1 day may be used for personal leave. They also receive another personal leave day that is independent of sick leave (called the “1st personal day). The 2nd personal leave day actually comes from sick leave, but can be converted to a personal day (the employee must have sick leave available; i.e. if they have used all sick leave they have no day to convert to personal leave). If not used, the 1st personal day is rolled into accumulated sick leave at the end of the school year. Payment for unused sick leave: if days are accumulated above 120 or for all upon leaving the district. Mt. Vernon R-V����������������������������������Max. Import: 10 years; then receive 1 year for every 3 years. Lone Jack C-6�������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $440 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Norborne R-VIII���������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $375 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Macon Co. R-IV����������������������������������Health Insurance: District pays 100% for HSA plan and 92% for PPO plan Payment for unused sick leave: upon leaving the district if have been with the district for at least 5 years OR upon exceeding the 50 days max. accumulated. Normandy�������������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $475 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Malden R-I�������������������������������������������Salary Schedule: - BS and BS 6 - 19 steps in 29 years; BS 12 and BS 18 - 20 steps in 29 years; BS 24 - 22 steps in 29 years North Harrison R-III������������������������Salary Schedule: MS - 29 steps in 30 years. Marceline R-V�������������������������������������Health Insurance: school district has 3 plan options. Under option 1 the school district pays 81% of the premium, under option 2, they pay 88% of the premium and under option 3 they pay 100% of the premium. Maries Co. R-II������������������������������������This school district went to a 4 day week calendar and converted leave to hours. Teachers receive 96 hours of sick leave of which any may be used for personal leave. They can accumulate a maximum of 400 hours in sick leave. Marquand-Zion R-VI����������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $325 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Marshfield R-I�������������������������������������Payment for unused sick leave: Only after employee has been with the district for at least 5 years. Maryville R-II��������������������������������������Personal leave: Teachers who have been with the district 5 years will receive 3 personal days per year. McDonald Co. R-I�����������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $363 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Meramec Valley R-III�����������������������Personal Leave: Teachers receive 2-4 personal days depending on their length of service. Teachers also receive 2 additional days for bereavement. Unused leave days: paid when maximum is reached or when employee resigns or retires. Mexico 59���������������������������������������������Health Insurance: District pays 100% of HSA plan and 90% of PPO plan Payment for unused sick leave upon retirement only. Miami R-I����������������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $378.55/month toward teachers health insurance premium. Midway R-I�������������������������������������������Max. Import: At Superintendent Discretion Nell Holcomb R-IV���������������������������Beyond step 29 in the 3 Masters Columns only, $675 is added to each column for each succeeding year. New York R-IV������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $250 per month to full-time teachers as an insurance stipend. Unused Sick Leave: Upon leaving the district, $20 per day. Newburg R-II��������������������������������������Unused leave: Paid when accumulated more than 63 days. Newtown-Harris R-III���������������������Unused sick leave: paid upon leaving the district after 5 years of service. North Andrew Co. R-VI�����������������Health Insurance: School district pays $425 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. North Kansas City 74���������������������Health Insurance: School district pays 93.5-100% depending on the plan. North Nodaway Co. R-VI��������������Health Insurance: School district pays $375 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. North Pemiscot Co. R-I������������������Health Insurance: School district pays 74 or 100% toward health insurance depending on the plan. Northeast Nodaway Co. R-V������Max. Import: 4 years; then receive 1 year for every 2 years. Northeast Randolph Co. R-IV����Max. Import: Teachers new to the district will receive credit for outside teaching experience at the rate of one year for each year up to five years, thereafter, being placed no higher than step 8. However, a teacher being employed for a position they have previous experience in will receive credit for that experience. Salary Schedule: Maximum steps shown on salary schedule is 20, however, teachers who remain in the district longer than 20 years will continue to receive a $600 step each year. Northeast Vernon Co. R-I�������������Health Insurance: School district pays $225 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Norwood R-I���������������������������������������Sick and Personal leave: After having been with the district for 5 years, teachers receive 10 days of leave that can be used as sick or personal. Odessa R-VII����������������������������������������Unused leave days: paid at retirement and paid at 75% of sub rate. Oran R-III�����������������������������������������������Salary Schedule: BS - 18 steps in 21 years; BS 8 - 19 steps in 22 years; BS 16 - 20 steps in 23 years; BS 24 - 21 steps in 24 years; MS - 22 steps in 25 years; Ed. Spec. - 23 steps in 26 years Health Insurance: School district pays $275 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Payment of unused sick leave: Only upon retirement Orchard Farm R-V����������������������������Max. Import: 5 years; then receive 1 year for every 2 years of experience after that. 88 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org Orearville R-IV�����������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $180 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Oregon-Howell R-III������������������������Salary Schedule: BS - 9 steps in 10 years; MS - 22 steps in 24 years Osborn R-O�����������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $325 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Otterville R-VI������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $325 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Palmyra R-I������������������������������������������Personal Leave: Teachers at the district for 15 years, receive a total of 3 personal days each year. Parkway C-2����������������������������������������Teachers receive an unlimited number of sick days and 3 personal days. Pattonville R-III����������������������������������Sick leave: 30 days of sick leave the first year of employment, 60 days of sick leave the second year of employment, unlimited sick leave thereafter. Pemiscot Co. Specl. Sch. Dist.����Unused sick leave: paid at retirement or after accrued more than 60 days. Perry Co. 32�����������������������������������������Max. Import: 10 years; then receive 1 year for every 2 years. Pettis Co. R-XII������������������������������������Max. Import: 1/2 credit for each year. Pike Co. R-III�����������������������������������������Max. Import: Varies Pilot Grove C-4����������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $330.01 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Platte Co. R-III�������������������������������������Payment for unused sick leave: after 120 days. Pleasant Hope R-VI�������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $420 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Portageville����������������������������������������Payment for unused sick leave at retirement only Prairie Home R-V������������������������������Max. Import: 1 year for every 2 years experience. No Maximum. Health Insurance: School district pays $300 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. insurance premium. Scott Co. R-IV��������������������������������������Max. Import: 5 years, then 1 for every 2 years. Sedalia 200������������������������������������������Max Import: A teacher with a B.S. degree will receive 1 step for every one year of experience for the first 6 years (10 years if they have their Masters degree) and one step for every three years thereafter plus one more for initial employment by the Sedalia School District. Senath-Hornersville C-8��������������Salary Schedule: 16 steps in 30 years. Health Insurance: School district pays between 68 and 82% depending on the plan chosen. Sick and Personal Days: Tenured teachers receive 13 sick days and 2 personal days; Non-Tenured teachers receive 8 sick days and 2 personal days. Sheldon R-VIII������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $300 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Shell Knob 78�������������������������������������Max. Import: 1 year for every 2 years experience. Skyline R-II�������������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $350 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. South Callaway Co. R-II�����������������Salary Schedule: BS-BS 24: 20 steps in 23 years; BS 31/MASpec: 29 steps in 32 years South Harrison Co. R-II������������������Payment for unused sick leave: after 90 days. South Holt Co. R-I�����������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $425 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Southland C-9������������������������������������Salary Schedule: 23 steps in 31 years Southwest R-V�����������������������������������Salary Schedule: BS 12: 15 steps in 34 years; BS 18: 16 steps in 34 years; BS 24: 17 steps in 34 years ; BS 30: 21 steps in 34 years; MS: 22 steps in 34 years; MS 12 - EDS: 23 steps in 34 years Health Insurance: School district pays $430 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Specl. Sch. Dst. St. Louis Co.�������Payment for unused sick leave upon retirement St. Elizabeth R-IV������������������������������Max. Import: 5 years; then receive 1 year for every 2 years Princeton R-V�������������������������������������Unused Sick Leave: Paid after accumulate 75 days St. Joseph���������������������������������������������Payment for unused sick leave upon retirement only. Putnam Co. R-I�����������������������������������Sick and Personal Leave: Teachers also receive 1 Bereavement day in addition to the 7 sick and 5 personal days. Steelville R-III��������������������������������������Payment for unused sick leave: after 100 days. Raymore-Peculiar R-II��������������������Max. Import: N/R Unused sick leave: paid at retirement only Raytown C-2���������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $432 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Reeds Spring R-IV����������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $405 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Renick R-V��������������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $432 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Rich Hill R-IV���������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $352 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Ridgeway R-V�������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $400 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Risco R-II������������������������������������������������Max. Import: N/R Rockwood R-VI����������������������������������Salary Schedule: After spending a year at the top step of a channel, teachers will be moved “Off Schedule” to a longevity step. A separate longevity schedule exists with a Bachelors Min. of $44,640; Bachelors Max. of $64,779; Bachelors Plus Max. of $67,969; Masters Min. $68,119; Masters Max. $93,385; and Schedule Max. $100,204. Rolla 31��������������������������������������������������Salary Schedule: BS: 14 steps in 30 years; BS 8: 15 steps in 30 years; BS 16: 16 steps in 30 years; BS 24: 17 steps in 30 years; BS 30: 18 steps in 30 years; MS - SPEC: 19 steps in 30 years Schuyler Co. R-I���������������������������������Salary Schedule: BS - 6 steps in 18 years; BS 16 - 8 steps in 24 years; MS - 10 steps in 32 years Scott Co. Central�������������������������������Salary Schedule: BS: 20 steps in 33 years; BS 8: 21 steps in 33 years; BS 16: 22 steps in 33 years; BS 24: 23 steps in 33 years; MS - SPEC: 27 steps in 33 years. Health Insurance: School district pays $333 per month toward each teacher’s health Stoutland R-II�������������������������������������Max. Import: 10 if they are out of state Strafford R-VI��������������������������������������Salary Schedule - B.S.: 17 steps in 30 years; B.S. 8:19 steps in 30 years; Strain-Japan R-XVI��������������������������Max. Import: N/R Strasburg C-3�������������������������������������Max. Import: N/R Health Insurance: School district pays $449 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Success R-VI����������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $400 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Sullivan C-2�����������������������������������������Max. Import: 7 years; then receive 1 year for every 2 years up to 16 years; then 1 for every 3 years up for every year after 16. Payment of unused sick leave: only upon retirement. Tarkio R-I�����������������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $403.12 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Tina-Avalon R-II��������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays up to $450 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Tipton R-VI�������������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays up to $425 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Payment of unused sick leave upon retirement only Tri-County R-VII���������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays up to $400 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Twin Rivers R-X����������������������������������Max. Import: 10 years; then receive 1 year for every 2 years. Unused sick leave: paid at retirement only Union R-XI��������������������������������������������Unused leave days: paid at retirement for a maximum of 175 accumulated leave days. Valley Park�������������������������������������������Salary Schedule: No Maximums and No Steps on the salary schedule. The following represent the starting salaries at Valley Park: BS - $40,000; MS - $43,400; MS 15 - $46,000; 2015-16 Salary Schedule & Benefits Report • 89 MS 30 - $48,000; Doctorate - $51,000. Each year the board can approve a percentage raise to give to all teachers. each teacher’s salary will increase by that percentage. Whenever a teacher changes columns (i.e. from BS to MS) the following additional amounts will be added to their salary: BS to MS - $6,200; BS 15 to MS - $5,000; MS to MS 15 - $3,500; MS 15 to MS 30 - $3,000; MS 30 to Ph.D. - $4,000; National Board Certification - $2,500. Valley R-VI��������������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $240.55 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Van-Far R-I�������������������������������������������Salary Schedule: BS-15 steps in 30 years; BS 8 - 16 steps in 30 years; BS 16 & 24 - 20 steps in 30 years; BS 32 - 21 steps in 30 years. Warren Co. R-III����������������������������������Payment for unused sick leave: after 5 years. Washington����������������������������������������Payment for unused sick leave at retirement only. Waynesville R-VI�������������������������������Sick and personal leave: 2nd year = 10 sick days; 3rd year = 12 sick days. Leave days accumulate for sick only. Webb City R-VII���������������������������������Payment for unused sick leave upon retirement only. West Plains R-VII�������������������������������Payment of unused leave after accumulating 100 days or upon leaving the district. West Platte Co. R-II��������������������������Max. Import: 10 years; then receive 1 year for every 2 years. Salary Schedule: BS: 17 steps in 30 years; BS 8: 19 steps in 30 years; BS 16: 22 steps in 30 years; BS 24: 24 steps in 30 years; West St. Francois Co. R-IV������������Salary Schedule: BS-26 steps in 30 years; BS 8-27 steps in 30 years; BS 16-28 steps in 30 years. Max. number of personal days that can be accumulated is 3 per year. Wheatland R-II�����������������������������������Salary Schedule: B.S.: 8 steps in 35 years; B.S. 6: 10 steps in 35 years; B.S. 12: 12 steps in 35 years; B.S. 18: 14 steps in 35 years; B.S. 24: 17 steps in 35 years; B.S. 30: 18 steps in 35 years; MS-EDS: 21 steps in 35 years. Health Insurance: School district pays up to $400 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Wheaton R-III�������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $400 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Worth Co. R-III������������������������������������Health Insurance: School district pays $385 per month toward each teacher’s health insurance premium. Sick Leave: After 5 years with the district, teachers get 12 sick days. Wright City R-II����������������������������������Max. Import: 5 years; then receive 1 year for every 2 years. 90 • Missouri State Teachers Association | 800-392-0532 | www.msta.org RESEARCH MISSOURI STATE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 458, Columbia, MO 65205 573-442-3127 > 800-392-0532 www.msta.org
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