JA NUA RY 24 - 28, 2007
JA NUA RY 24 - 28, 2007
PA RT ICI PAT ING GA L L E RI ES L o u i s St e r n Fin e A rt s M% M c C oll Fin e A rt M en d en h all S o bi e s k i G all e r y M e y e rov i c h G all e r y M W G all e r y N a n c y H o f f m a n G all e r y N e u h o f f G all e r y N e w z on e s N o h ra H a i m e G all e r y Pa c e P r int s Pa n A m e r i c a n A rt P roj e c t s Pa ul T hi e b a u d G all e r y P DX C ont em p o ra r y A rt P et e r F ett e r m a n P h ot o g ra p hy T h e R e d f e r n G all e r y R e h s G all e r i e s , I n c . R i c h a rd L ev y G all e r y R o b e rt L . Pa r s on s Fin e A rt S c hi ll e r & B o d o E u ro p e a n Pa int in g s S c ott R i c h a rd s C ont em p o ra r y A rt S c ott W hit e C ont em p o ra r y A rt S p en c e r J on H el f en Fin e A rt s S ulliva n G o s s An A m e r i c a n G all e r y Ta nn e r H i ll G all e r y Ta s en d e G all e r y Ti m ot hy Ya r g e r Fin e A rt Trott e r G all e r i e s T h e Vall ej o G all e r y V in c ent Vall a r in o Fin e A rt W i lli a m A . K a r g e s Fin e A rt W in st on W ä c h t e r Fin e A rt W o o st e r P roj e c t s T H E F I N E A R T D E A L E R S A S S O C I AT I O N P R ES ENT S T H E T W E L F T H A NNUA L 2007 A a ron G all e r i e s A b b y M . Ta yl o r Fin e A rt L L C Ad l e r & C o . An d e r s on G all e r i e s A r c a d i a G all e r y B el g i s - F r ei d el Fin e A rt Bi ll y S hi r e Fin e A rt s B o b bi e G r e en f i el d G all e r y B ra n d X P roj e c t s I n c . C h a r l e s C o wl e s G all e r y C h a r l ott e J a c k s on Fin e A rt C l a i r e Olive r G all e r y C lin e Fin e A rt C o ut u r i e r G all e r y D av i d C o o k G all e r i e s D av i d D i k e Fin e A rt , L . P . D av i d K l ein G all e r y D av i d L u s k G all e r y D e R u ’ s Fin e A rt s D en en b e r g Fin e A rt s E c k e rt Fin e A rt F l o r i d a E lin s E a gl e s - Sm it h G all e r y F o r u m G all e r y F r e y N o r r i s G all e r y G al e r i e M i c h a el G all e r y C G all e r y H en o c h G e b e rt C ont em p o ra r y G em ini G . E . L . , L . L . C . G e o r g e Bi lli s G all e r y G e o r g e St e r n Fin e A rt s G e ral d P et e r s G all e r y G o w L a n g s f o rd G all e r y G r e g K u c e ra G all e r y H a y d en & Fa n d ett a R a r e B o o k s H ol st en G all e r i e s J . C a c c i ol a G all e r y J a c k R ut b e r g Fin e A rt s I n c . J a m e s G ra h a m & S on s J a n e K a h a n G all e r y J e ral d M el b e r g G all e r y J on a t h a n N ova k C ont em p o ra r y A rt J on a t h a n O ’ H a ra G all e r y J uli e B a k e r Fin e A rt K a t h r y n M a r k el Fin e A rt s K ell e y G all e r y L a w r en c e J . C a nt o r a n d C om p a n y L e wAll en C ont em p o ra r y PA RT ICI PAT ING MUS EUMS AND O RGANIZAT IONS Autry National Center Claremont Graduate University Irvine Museum Los Angeles Art Association / Gallery 825 Los Angeles County Museum of Art, LACMA Museum of Latin American Art, Mo LAA Ventura County Museum of History and Art JA NUA RY 24 - 28, 2007 SA N TA For additional information contact K R Martindale S how Management at 310 822 9145 W W W.LAA RT SHOW.COM M O N I C A , C A L I F O R N IA T h a n k y o u f o r a tt en d in g a n d w e l o o k f o r wa rd t o s e ein g y o u n e xt y e a r ! Welcome Ta ble of Contents TA B L E O F CONT ENT S Welcome Ma p Boot h Index Lectures and Panel Discussions Aaron Galleries Abby M. Taylor Fine Art Adler & Co Anderson Galleries Belgis-Freidel Fine Art Arcadia Gallery Billie S hire Fine Arts Bobby Greenfield Gallery Brand X Projects C harles Cowles Gallery C harlotte Jac kson Fine Art Claire Oliver Gallery Cline Fine Art Couturier Gallery David Dike Fine Art, L.P. David Cook Galleries David K lein Gallery David Lusk Gallery Elins Eagles-Smit h Gallery De Ru’s Fine Arts Denen berg Fine Arts Ec kert Fine Art– Florida Forum Gallery Gallery C Frey Norris Gallery Annex Frey Norris Gallery Galerie Mic hael Gallery Henoc h Gebert Contemporary (Formerly C hiaroscuro Gallery) George Billis Gallery Gerald Peters Gallery Gemini G.E.L. George Stern Fine Arts Greg Kucera Gallery Gow Langsford Gallery Hayden & Fandetta Rare Books Jac k Rutberg Fine Arts Hol sten Galleries J. Cacciola Gallery James Gra ham & Sons Jerald Mel berg Gallery Jane Ka han Gallery Jonat han Nova k Contemporary Art Jonat han O’Hara Gallery Julie Ba ker Fine Art Kat hryn Markel Fine Arts Kelley Gallery Lawrence J. Cantor and Company T he Twelft h Annual Los Angeles Art S how has grown to include more t han 80 distinguis hed international and American galleries, s howcasing an exciting array of fine art from t he 16t h century to t he present. Organized and s ponsored by t he Fine Art Dealers Association ( FA DA), t he Los Angeles Art S how is one of t he most prestigious fine art fairs in t he country and t he most important on t he West Coast. Wit h t he launc h of a new 32,000 square-foot pavilion to accommodate an ex pansive inventory of paintings, O P ENING NIGH T GA LA Wednesday, January 24 6 pm V.I.P. Preview 7 - 10 pm Gala O pening Benefiting t he Art Museum Council of LACMA scul pture, drawings, p hotogra p hs and prints offered for sale, and all vetted for aut henticity and provenance G EN E RA L SHOW HOU RS by FA DA, t he fair continues to a ppeal to a wide Friday, January 26, 2007, noon to 7pm audience—from t he beginner to all level s of t he Sunday, January 28, 2007, noon to 6pm PAG E T hursday, January 25, 2007, noon to 7pm Saturday, January 27, 2007, noon to 7pm creative collector. For more information, please visit www.laarts how.com K R Martindale S how Management 310-822-9145 1 1 3 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 16 17 18 20 22 24 26 28 29 30 32 34 35 36 38 40 42 43 44 45 46 48 50 52 53 54 56 58 60 62 63 64 66 68 69 70 72 74 75 76 77 78 M% Mc Coll Fine Art Menden hall Sobieski Gallery LewAllen Contemporary Louis Stern Fine Arts Meyerovic h Gallery M W Gallery Neu hoff Gallery Nancy Hoffman Gallery Newzones Pan American Art Projects No hra Haime Gallery Pace Prints P DX Contemporary Art Peter Fetterman P hotogra p hy Paul T hiebaud Gallery T he Redfern Gallery Re hs Galleries, Inc. Ric hard Levy Gallery Robert L. Parsons Fine Art Sc hiller & Bodo European Paintings Scott Ric hards Contemporary Art Scott W hite Contemporary Art Trotter Galleries Spencer Jon Helfen Fine Arts Sullivan Goss An American Gallery Tanner Hill Gallery Tasende Gallery Timot hy Yarger Fine Art Vallejo Gallery Vincent Vallarino Fine Art William A. Karges Fine Art Winston Wac hter Fine Art Wooster Projects Artist Index Fine Art Dealers Association ( FA DA) Statement FA DA Board of Directors and Members President’s Letter Los Angeles County Museum of Art ( LACMA) LACMA Letter Art Museum Council (AM C) of LACMA AM C Letter Museum Letters Sponsor Letters Supporting Organization Letters Official Letters Installations S how Design Music S how Producer’s Letter of Greeting Special T hanks Supporters O pening Nig ht Gala Patrons Sponsors 79 80 81 82 84 86 88 89 90 92 93 94 96 98 99 100 102 103 104 105 106 108 110 111 112 114 116 118 120 122 123 124 125 126 128 132 133 134 135 137 138 141 142 145 148 151 156 162 163 164 165 166 243 244 2 �� � � � � ����� � Los Angeles Art S how 2007 floor plan ������������������������� ������������� �� ����� � ����� �������������� ����� ����� � � �������� �� � �� 4 Boot h Index PA RT ICI PAT ING GA L L E RI ES Aaron Galleries Abby M. Taylor Fine Art Adler & Co. Anderson Galleries Arcadia Gallery Belgis-Freidel Fine Art Billy S hire Fine Arts Bobby Greenfield Gallery Brand X Projects C harles Cowles Gallery C harlotte Jac kson Fine Art Claire Oliver Gallery Cline Fine Art Couturier Gallery David Cook Galleries David Dike Fine Art, L.P. David K lein Gallery David Lusk Gallery De Ru’s Fine Arts Denen berg Fine Arts Ec kert Fine Art– Florida Elins Eagles-Smit h Gallery Forum Gallery Frey Norris Gallery & Annex Galerie Mic hael Gallery C Gallery Henoc h Gebert Contemporary ( Formerly C hiaroscuro Gemini G.E.L., L.L.C. George Billis Gallery George Stern Fine Arts Gerald Peters Gallery Gow Langsford Gallery Greg Kucera Gallery Hayden & Fandetta Rare Books Hol sten Galleries J. Cacciola Gallery Jac k Rutberg Fine Arts James Gra ham & Sons Jane Ka han Gallery Jerald Mel berg Gallery Jonat han Nova k Contemporary Art Jonat han O’Hara Gallery Julie Ba ker Fine Art Kat hryn Markel Fine Arts Kelley Gallery Lawrence J. Cantor and Company LewAllen Contemporary Louis Stern Fine Arts M% Mc Coll Fine Art Menden hall Sobieski Gallery Meyerovic h Gallery M W Gallery Nancy Hoffman Gallery Neu hoff Gallery Newzones No hra Haime Gallery Pace Prints Pan American Art Projects Paul T hiebaud Gallery BOOT H Gallery B25 A7 P112 B32 B22 P127 P135 B26 P118 P109 P108 P110 P119 D63 A15 B27 P120 D54 C45 C33 P111 D60 P117 C40 A4 P131 C46 C37 P105 P125 B34 B29 P124 D52 B18 B30 B19 A1 P123 A12 P132 C36 P100 P106 P133 D48 A16 P130 P122 P104 B23 A14 P126 P128 P114 P134 P129 P115 P103 B24 D62 P DX Contemporary Art Peter Fetterman P hotogra p hy T he Redfern Gallery Re hs Galleries, Inc. Ric hard Levy Gallery Robert L. Parsons Fine Art Sc hiller & Bodo European Paintings Scott Ric hards Contemporary Art Scott W hite Contemporary Art Spencer Jon Helfen Fine Arts Sullivan Goss An American Gallery Tanner Hill Gallery Tasende Gallery Timot hy Yarger Fine Art Trotter Galleries Vallejo Gallery Vincent Vallarino Fine Art William A. Karges Fine Art Winston Wac hter Fine Art Wooster Projects P121 D58 A9 A2 P101 A17 A8 P113 C42 D50 C38 D47 P116 C44 A11 A5 A6 A3 P102 C35 L ECT U R ES AND PAN EL DISCUSSIONS Arena 1 Gallery PA RT ICI PAT ING MUS EUMS AND O RGANIZAT IONS Maso Canali Hama Sus hi in Venice I Cugini Locando Del Lago Lu Biscuits Maria’s Italian Kitc hen Mot her’s Cookies Ocean & Vine Ocean Avenue Sea food Pane E Vino Pomtini Bar Sunset Restaurant T he Kitc hen Front Area Front Area Front Area Nort h Tent Nort h Tent Nort h Tent Front Area Front Area Nort h Tent Nort h Tent Nort h Tent Nort h Tent R ESTAU RANT & BA R Locando Del Lago Nort h Tent OT H E R PA RT ICI PANT S Fine Art Conservation La boratories Jerry Solomon Framing K K JZ L.A. Pac king, Crating and Transport S hawn Spec k Picture Frames Vandeuren Arc hival Framing P139 P136 P200 Nort h Tent P138 P137 Art Museum Council P206 Autry National Center P203 Claremont Graduate University P201 Gallery 825 Nort h Tent Los Angeles County Museum of Art ( LACMA) P205 Museum of Latin American Art (Mo LAA) P202 Ventura County Museum of History and Art P204 PUB LICAT IONS American Art Collector American Art Review Art & Antiques Art & Auction Art & Living Art in America Art Ltd. Art Newspa per Art Now Gallery Guide Coagula Fine Art Connoisseur Sout hwest Art T he Catalogue of Antiques and Fine Art P209 P208 P207 P210 P211 P212 P213 P220 P214 P215 P216 P217 P219 R ESTAU RANT S & BA RS – O P ENING NIGHT Allegria Bar Border Grill Bravo Cucina C ha kra Indian Restaurant Cuidad E. & J. Gallo WineryFront Area Da Vinci Ecco Domani Nort h Tent Nort h Tent, P221 Nort h Tent Nort h Tent Nort h Tent Nort h Tent 5 Lectures and panel discussions L ECT U R ES AND PANEL DISCUSSIONS Presentations ta ke place directly across t he street from t he s how – at t he Santa Monica Art Studios, Arena 1 Gallery, 3026 Air port Avenue. F RIDAY T HU RSDAY D ESIGNING W IT H A RT: PAN EL DISCUSSION Carolyn Baylon, Princi pal of C B Design, Inc., Los Angeles T hursday, January 25 at 10:30am Insider ti ps on t he ‘w hat to do’s and how to’s’ for combining and designing interio r s pa ces t hat a re m a ster pie ces in t heir own rig h t. Mod erato r Carolyn Baylon of C B Design, a Los Angeles based firm s pecializing in bot h residential and hospitality designs, lead s a panel discussion in t his must-see presentation for t hose w hose passion for art ex pand s beyond t he s ha ping of four wall s. W O LFGANG PAA L EN – IM P LICIT S PAC ES, S LID E P R ES ENTAT ION AND DISCUSSION Andreas Neufert, Director of t he Wolfgang Paalen Arc hiv, Berlin Dr. Konrad Ober huber, Aut hor, Curator, Professor and Former Director, T he Al bertina Museum, Vienna T hursday, January 25 at 1pm Arc hivist, art historian, and writer Andreas Neufert presents on visionary intellectual Wolfgang Paalen w hose passage to t he United States during W W II would have instrumental effects on t he New York Sc hool of artists in t he forties. Discussion and following conversation wit h acclaimed curator and historian, Dr. Konrad Ober huber, will touc h u pon many of t he artists represented in t he fair, hig hlig hting Paalen’s role as a primary t hinker. He was a good friend of Mot herwell, and a progenitor of Surrealist practices t hat would ex pand into t he ex plorations of t he Abstract Ex pressionists. W HAT CO L L EC T O RS A N D D EA L E RS N E E D T O K NO W A BOU T H O L O C AU S T E R A L O O T E D A R T — T H E L E GA L I S S U E S : AN INT ERNAT IONAL FOUNDAT ION FO R A RT R ESEA RCH (IFA R) PANEL S haron Flesc her, Executive Director, IFA R T H E GLAMO R, T H E HO R RO R AND SO FO RT H: B EING AN A RT IST IN AN OV E R H EAT ED A RT MA R K ET David Pagel, Assistant Professor of Art T heory and History, Claremont Graduate University Saturday, January 27 at 10:30am Friday, January 26 at 10:30am IFA R Executive Director, S haron Flesc her lead s a panel of prominent legal s pecialists in a discussion of current legal issues surrounding t he owners hi p and restitution of artwork looted during t he Holocaust era. Esta blis hed in 1969, IFA R is a nonprofit educational and researc h organization dedicated to integrity in t he visual arts. In addition to offering impartial, aut horitative information on aut henticity, owners hi p, t heft, and ot her artistic, legal, and et hical issues concerning art objects, IFA R publis hes t he award-winning IFA R Journal (including t he “Stolen Art Alert”); organizes public programs; offers an Art Aut hentication Researc h Service; and serves as an information resource. T his panel for t he Fine Art Dealers Association’s LA Art S how is t he first IFA R public program in Los Angeles. For more information a bout IFA R, visit www.ifar.org. Panelists: Jessica L. Darra by, Esq., Attorney at Law, Santa Monica E. Randol Sc hoenberg, Esq., Partner, Burris & Sc hoenberg, LLP, Los Angeles T haddeus J. Stauber, Esq. Partner, Nixon Pea body L L P, Los Angeles Steven E. T homas, Esq., Partner, Irell & Manella L L P, Los Angeles Art historian, critic and curator, David Pagel, leads a panel of noted artists in a discussion of t he t hrill s and pitfall s of t he profession in early 21st Century Los Angeles, focusing on t he often turbulent transition from graduate sc hool to t he real world; t he increasingly cor porate nature of contemporary culture; and t heir relations hi p to t he entertainment / education industries. Panelists: Wendell Gladstone, S herin Guirguis and Ma x Jansons Hosted by Claremont Graduate University’s Office of Alumni and Donor Relations HOW T O LOOK AT A RT W IT HOU T F E ELING INF E RIO R Milton Esterow, Editor, Publis her A RTnews Friday, January 26 at 2pm SUNDAY A RT CO L L ECT O RS’ BOOT CAM P Jori Finkel, Contributor to t he New York Times, Art + Auction and A RTnews Sunday, January 28 at 10:30am to 2pm In a compelling works hop led by art critic and reporter Jori Finkel, you have 90 minutes and $50,000 (of play money, sorry!) to assemble an art collection of your c hoice. T he 80-plus galleries at t he fair will serve as your source for material s and Jori Finkel as your advisor. T his is fantasy football for t he art world, as you have t he c hance to assemble your own dream team of paintings, p hotogra p hs, and t he like. T he works hop will cover basic buying strategies wit h an end goal of compiling a collection for presentation and voting on ‘for best in s how’ by t he group. T H E STAIN ED GLASS A RT O F JU DIT H SC HA EC HT E R: A N E W DI R ECT ION IN CONT EM PO RA RY GLASS A F T E R DINN E R T H E PA RT Y GO ES ON: JU DY C HICAGO ON T H E CONT INU ED R EL EVANC E O F F EMINIST A RT Judit h Sc haec hter, Lecture and Book Release Sunday, January 28t h at 3pm Judy C hicago Saturday, January 27t h at 1pm Since his arrival at t he helm of multi-award winning A RTnews magazine in 1972, acclaimed editor and publis her, Milton Esterow, has guided its growt h into t he world’s largest-circulation art periodical. T hroug hout his distinguis hed career, Mr. Esterow has consistently received recognition fo r his outstanding contributions in t he field s of a rt journ alism and investigative art reporting, including a 2003 Lifetime Ac hievement Award from t he professional members hi p of t he College Art Association. Mr. Esterow’s leading sc hol a rs hi p in t he visual a rts provid es a wond erful vanta ge fo r a ppre ciation of today’s vib rant a rt culture. 6 SAT U R DAY Artist, aut hor, feminist, educator and intellectual, Judy C hicago has played a major role in s ha ping contemporary art for more t han 40 years. As a pioneer and founder of t he Feminist Art movement in t he 1970s, C hicago pressed for an enlarged definition of art, an ex panded role for t he artist, and a woman’s rig ht to freedom of ex pression. In t his lecture s he describes t he continuing relevance of Feminist Art, using as her definition art t hat is content-based and aut hentic to t he artist’s personal ex perience w hile demonstrating a willingness to s hare t he public stage wit h many voices. C hicago contends t hat art based on aut hentic personal content—a distinctive content mediated by gender, culture, geogra p hy, race, religion, et hnicity, sexual orientation and all t he many attributes of human individuality—is art t hat can hel p to create empat hy wit h t hose w ho would ot herwise be unknown to us, t hus overcoming differences and hel ping to ma ke t he world w hole. In today’s global art world, it seems artists are often categorized into a single perception–painter, scul ptor, printma ker, p hotogra p her—in a desire to associate t he new wit h t he familiar, only w hen viewing t he work of Judit h Sc haec hter one finds suc h categories and definitions are meaningless to her talents. Her glass work is at once beautifully executed and cra fted, creating a dazzling, ca ptivating content driven art wit h new pieces presenting a ju xta position of figures, textile designs, ancient ma ps and diagrams t hat blur t he distinction between realism and a bstraction. In t he words of aut hor Henry Miller, it can be said to embody t hat importance of “great art [t hat] teac hes not hing, except t he significance of life”—humanity, beauty and compassion, t he values of society as t hey are laid bare for inter pretation and understanding. A book signing of her most recent monogra p h, “Extra Virgin” will follow Sc haec hter’s lecture and discussion. 7 BOOT H B25 AA RON GA L L E RI ES BOOT H 50 East Oa k Street C hicago, IL 60611 T 312 943 0660 F 312 943 9839 E aarongal@interaccess.com www.aarongalleries.com Aaron Galleries specializes in Impressionism, Modernism, Regionalism, Social Realism, American Abstraction and Abstract Ex pressionism. T he gallery al so has an extensive collection of 19t h and 20t h century American prints, including t he major works of T homas Hart Benton and Grant Wood. 43 Greenwic h Avenue Greenwic h, CT 06830 T 203 622 0906 F 203 622 7561 E a bby@amtfineart.com www.amtfineart.com A7 A BBY M. TAYLO R FIN E A RT L LC Abby M. Taylor Fine Art L LC is dedicated to handling exceptional American and European paintings, works on pa per and scul pture. AM T FIN EA RT is t he name t he gallery uses on a daily basis. T he gallery has an extensive inventory and is renowned for its scul pture department. Jean Léon Gérôme Frenc h, 1824-1904 Italian Peasant Women and an Infant Oil on canvas Signed and dated lower left, 1849 26 3/4 x 34 3/4 inc hes T homas Hart Benton (1889-1975) T he Race, 1942, lit hogra p h; edition 250, AAA, pencil signed 8 9 BOOT H 251 Post Street # 510 San Francisco, CA 94108 T 415 445 9900 F 415 445 9903 E art@adlerandco.com www.adlerandco.com rig ht page Kat hryn Siegler b. 1959, Jefferson, Wisconsin Mennen, 2006 Acrylic on canvas 24 x 24 inc hes (detail) t his page Hilla Rebay 1890 - 1967, Greens Farms, C N Nine Orange Lines, 1961 Oil and colored pencil on canvas 39 1/2 x 47 1/2 inc hes A D L E R & CO. GA L L E RY In addition to ex hibiting t he works of t he finest modern and contemporary artists, A D L E R & Co. is pleased to provide a full range of value added services to private, cor porate, and institutional clients. T he Gallery is committed to serving our clients’ interests, w het her t hey are seeking to acquire a work by a favorite artist or assembling a museum quality collection. Drawing on more t han four decades of collective ex perience, we are a ble to identify, locate, and place t he most desira ble pieces. A D L E R & Co. is al so proud to pursue a very special interest in spotlig hting t he work of women artists. From t he et hereal, non-objective compositions of artist Hilla Rebay, Co-Founder of t he Guggen heim Museum, to t he extraordinary paintings of emerging p hotorealist Kat hryn Siegler, we are t hrilled to provide a venue for women, contemporary and past, to ac hieve recognition commensurate wit h t he quality of t heir work. A RT IST S Berenice Abbott Anne Appleby Janice Biala C hristop her Brown Sandro C hia Francesco Clemente Louise Da hl-Wolfe Ric hard Diebenkorn Dan Dou ke Carroll Dun ham Dale Eric kson Sam Francis Keit h Haring David Hoc kney S hirley Ja ffe Jasper Jo hns Vassily Kandinsky Anis h Ka poor Julian Let hbridge Conrad Marca-Relli 10 P112 Julia Mangold Joanne Mattera Eliza bet h Murray Antonio Murado Nat han Oliveira Janis Provisor Robert Rausc hen berg Hilla Rebay Ed Rusc ha Jeff Sc haller Mic hael Scoggins Sean Scully Ric hard Serra Kat hryn Siegler Tom Slaug hter Kurt Solmssen James Stagg Donald Sultan Wayne T hiebaud Andy War hol Terry Winters 11 BOOT H B32 BOOT H AND E RSON GA L L E RI ES T he Anderson Galleries, L LC is dedicated to s howing museum quality 19t h and 20t h century paintings by noted and historically important European and American artists. Outstanding Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, Early Modern, Barbizon Sc hool, and Academic works are s hown t hroug hout t he year. 354 Nort h Bedford Drive Beverly Hill s, CA 90210 T 310 858 1644 F 310 858 1643 E info@AndersonGalleries.com www.AndersonGalleries.com Member Appraisers Association of America Fine Art Dealers Association Art and Antique Dealers League of America Antiques Dealers Association of California PO Box 1008 Syosset, NY 11791 T / F 516-496-4184 E sfreidel@verizon.net Toulouselautrec posters.com P127 B ELGIS F R EID EL FIN E A RT Our Gallery has been handling works on pa per since 1977. Artists include Bonnard, C heret, Dubuffet, Hoc kney, Matisse, Picasso, Rouault, Toulouse-Lautrec. We handle original posters, prints, and drawings. We are now featuring t he works of David Hockney. Recognized as one of t he leading traditional galleries in t he western United States, our inventory consistently includes a wide range of subjects including: rural land sca pes, citysca pes, historical and allegorical pictures, scenes of rom an ce, family life, anim al s, po rtraits and still-lifes. We are dedicated to building long-term relations hi ps wit h all our clients. Harry B. Lac hman, American, 1886 -1975 Notre Dame et la Seine, 1920 36 x 29 inc hes (44 x 37 inc hes framed ) Oil on canvas Signed and dated lower rig ht: Harry B. Lac hman 20 12 David Hoc kney, b. 1937 Celia observing, 1976 Etc hing and aquatint 35 5/8 x 29 1/2 inc hes 13 BOOT H STA F F Steven Diamant, President Andrew Smenos, Curator rig ht page Malcolm T. Liepke American, b. 1953 Rendevous 2004, Oil On Canvas 32 x 28 inc hes t his page top 51 Greene Street New York, NY 10013 T 212 965 1387 F 212 965 8638 E Arcadia fa@aol.com www.arcadia finearts.com B22 A RCA DIA GA L L E RY Arcadia gallery specializes in contemporary, realist painting and scul pture. Representing bot h internationally recognized and emerging artists, t he gallery’s painters all display a level of skill and a “unique voice” often t houg ht lost in t he contemporary art world. Daniel Adel American, b. 1962 Brea ker, 2006 Oil on canvas 32 x 46 inc hes bottom left Mic hael C ha pman American, b. 1957 Oceanfront Nocturne Oil on canvas 20 x 28 inc hes bottom rig ht Mic hael K lein American, b.1980 W hite Roses , 2006 Oil on canvas 34 x 48 inc hes 14 A RT IST S Daniel Adel Brad Aldridge Sean Beavers Mic hael C ha pman Matt hew Cornell Natalie Feat herston Mic hael Grimaldi Eric Hammer Jefferson Hayman Ron Hic ks Sa bin Howard Donald Jurney Mic hael K lein Alexander K lingspor Steven Levin Qiangli Liang Robert Liberace Malcolm T. Liepke Jeremy Li pking Francis Livingston Paul Raymond Seaton Steven Skollar Victor Wang 15 BOOT H BOOT H P 135 BIL LY SHI R E FIN E A RT S A RT IST S Bergamot Station 2525 Mic higan Avenue, B6 Santa Monica, CA 90404 T 310 264 0640 F 310 264 0740 E info@bobbiegreenfieldgallery.com www.bobbiegreenfieldgallery.com BO BBI E G R E ENFI EL D GA L L E RY T he Bobbie Greenfield Gallery was esta blis hed in 1975, specializing in prints, drawings and unique works on pa per by t he New York Abstract Ex pressionist and Pop artists. T he gallery al so ex hibits scul pture, paintings and ot her media by esta blis hed contemporary California artists. Inventory includes works by C harles Arnoldi, Guy Dill, Sam Francis, Helen Frankent haler, David Hoc kney, Alex Katz, Roy Lic htenstein, Ed Moses, Robert Mot herwell, Robert Rausc henberg, Ed Rusc ha, Frank Stella, Wayne T hiebaud and Andy War hol. David Anderle Gary Baseman Glenn Barr Tim Biskup Dave Cooper Marc Dennis Daniel Martin Diaz Tony Fitz patric k Don Fritz Raul Guerrero Eliza bet h McGrat h Hudson Marquez C hris Mars Gary Panter Marion Pec k S hag (a ka Jos h Agle) Owen Smit h Joe Sorren Miriam Wosk Owen Smit h Untitled (boxing image) 27 1/2 x 21 1/2 inc hes Framed 32 1/2 x 26 1/2 inc hes Courtesy Billy S hire Fine Arts 16 5790 Was hington Boulevard Culver City, CA 90232 T 323 297 0600 www.billys hirefinearts.com Tuesday - Saturday 12-6pm P ST B26 Robert Mot herwell Red Sea II, 1979 Etc hing and aquatint 34 1/2 x 29 inc hes Signed in pencil lower rig ht Edition of 100 © 2006 Dedalus Foundation, Inc. Licensed by VAGA, New York 17 BOOT H STA F F C hristine Neptune Robert Blanton rig ht page P hili p Taa ffe Luna park Screenprint in colors Edition of 75 S heet size: 73 1/4 x 51 3/4 inc hes t his page top James Siena Battery Variation I, II, III Set of t hree screenprints in colors, Edition of 45 S heet size 46 x 37 inc hes lower rig ht Vija Celmins Ocean Surface Screenprint Signed and numbered edition of 45 S heet size 27 x 33 inc hes bottom left Jennifer Bartlett House Set of 25 screenprints Edition of 60 Eac h s heet size: 14 x 14 inc hes 18 511 West 25t h Street Suite 602 New York, NY 10001 T 212 989 9080 E c hrisnep@eart hlink.net www.bx pinc.com P118 B RAND X P ROJ ECT S, INC. Works on pa per specialist, C hristine Neptune, and master printer Robert Blanton formed Brand X Projects, Inc., to publis h t he finest new editions in colla boration wit h contemporary masters. Using classical met hods of printma king, we have worked wit h Jennifer Bartlett, Vija Celmins, Wolf Ka hn, Stone Roberts, P hili p Taa ffe, Mic kalene T homas, C hristop her Wool, Jo hannes Wo hnseifer, Jenny Holzer, David Row and James Siena. T he newly ex panded gallery is in C hel sea on 25t h Street and t he studio is in Tribeca in New York City. We invite collectors to t he gallery to see t he latest editions, and work one on one to learn a bout works on pa per & build t heir collections. A RT IST S Jennifer Bartlett Vija Celmins Jenny Holzer Wolf Ka hn Adam Pendleton Stone Roberts David Row James Siena P hili p Taa ffe Mic kalene T homas Jo hannes Wo hnseifer C hristop her Wool 19 BOOT H 537 West 24t h Street New York, NY 10011 T 212 741 8999 F 212 741 6222 E info@cowlesgallery.com www.cowlesgallery.com Tuesday-Saturday 10 - 6 rig ht page C harles Arnoldi Iron Gri p, 2006 oil on aluminum 72 x 72 inc hes t his page Mona Ku hn Flower, 2006 c hromogenic print Edition of 8 30 x 30 inc hes 20 P109 C HA R L ES COW L ES GA L L E RY A RT IST S C harles Arnoldi José Manual Ballester Edward Burtynsky Beatrice Caacciolo Gene Davis Jo hn Divola Vernon Fis her Tommy Fitz patric k Robert Juarez Mona Ku hn Al Souza James Surl s Jil Weinstoc k Henry Wessel William T. Wiley Xiaoze Xie Robert Yoder 21 BOOT H STA F F C harlotte Jac kson, Director Mic haela Ka hn, Press Coordinator rig ht page C harles Arnoldi Ironclad, 2006 Oil on aluminum 43 1/8 x 21 7/8 inc hes (irregular) t his page Frederic k Hammersley Do You Do #6, 1970 Oil on linen 42 x 42 inc hes 200 West Marcy Street, Suite 101 Santa Fe, NM 87501 T 505 989 8688 F 505 989 9898 E cjfa@c harlottejac kson.com www.c harlottejac kson.com P108 C HA R LOT T E JAC K SON FIN E A RT C harlotte Jac kson Fine Art, esta blis hed in 1989, s p e cializes in Monoc hrom e and t he roots of Monoc hrome, including Reductive, Minimalist, Lig ht and Space, Color Field, and Modernist works. T he gallery features contemporary work by nationally and internationally known artists in a variety of mediums including painting, scul pture, and p hotogra p hy. A RT IST S C harles Arnoldi Jo hn Beec h Alfonso Fratteggiani Tony DeLa p Marcia Ha fif Frederic k Hammersley Scot Heywood James Howell Josep h Marioni William Metcalf Ed Moses Florence Pierce Winston Roet h Mic hael Rouillard David Simpson P hil Sims Jeremy T homas Roy T hurston Eric Tilling hast Susan York 22 23 BOOT H STA F F Claire Oliver Ian Rubinstein rig ht page Judit h Sc haec hter Seizures Stained glass lig ht box 30 x 53 inc hes t his page top Patricia Cronin Zenobia in C hains from T he Harriet Hosmer Catalogue Raisonne Project, 2006, Watercolor on pa per 15 x 11 1/2 inc hes bottom 513 West 26t h Street New York, NY 10001 T 212 929 5949 F 212 255 4699 E info@claireoliver.com www.ClaireOliver.com P110 C LAI R E O LIV E R GA L L E RY Representing both emerging and mid-career artists, Claire Oliver Gallery focuses on creating an environment designed to stimulate creative thought and the advancement of new theories in contemporary art. By displaying and promoting bright new artists and their original, unconventional projects, the Gallery c hallenges the public’s preconceived notions on contemporary art. Claire Oliver does not sell or exhibit secondary market works of art; we are only interested in representing and exhibiting artists who are currently working to express fresh ideas in an intelligent and well-executed manner. Claire Oliver has made it her mission to promote female artists with a focused program, working to expose them to museums and curators throughout North America and Europe. T he Gallery represents a strong core group of female artists, seriously striving to make a difference and c hange the way we view women in art. Patricia Cronin, Janet Biggs, Judith Sc haec hter, Bonnie Collura, Carson Fox, Amy Morken and Carla Gannis are among the three generations of feminist artists the gallery represents. Claire Oliver Gallery has assisted many major International Museums in the acquisition of works for their permanent collections; the Gallery’s artists have been written about in Artforum, Flashart, Art in America, Artnews, T he New York Times, Exit Art, Tank, Art Nexus, Vogue, Elle, and many other important European and American publications. Carson Fox Candyland (detail) Cast resin and pins eac h flower a pproximately 6 x 6 x 4 inc hes A RT IST S A ES+F Group Janet Biggs P hyllis Bramson Paco Cao JoAnne Carson Bonnie Collura Patricia Cronin Peter Dra ke Mic hael Eastman Eva & Adele Carson Fox Carla Gannis Sam Gibbons Cat herine Howe Amy Morken Bernardi Roig Gino Rubert Judit h Sc haec hter Ric hard Sti pl Erika Wanenmac her 24 25 BOOT H STA F F Geoff Cline Kristen Cline Jerre Lynn Vanier rig ht page Emil Bisttram 1895-1976 Ascension, 1964 Acrylic on canvas 48 x 36 inc hes t his page top Elaine de Kooning 1918 -1989 Portrait of Kaldis, 1978 Oil on canvas 79 x 50 inc hes 4222 Nort h Mars hall Way Scottsdale, AZ 85251 T 480 941 1811 F 480 393 5825 Toll Free 877 941 1811 E info@clinefineart.com www.clinefineart.com P119 C LIN E FIN E A RT Founded in 1985, Cline Fine Art specializes in twentiet h century modern and contemporary art. T he gallery represents t he estates of Louis Riba k, Beatrice Mand elm an, El ain e d e Kooning, William Lumpkins, and an accomplis hed group of contemporary artists from t he United States and Latin America. lower rig ht Robert Long hurst, b.1949 Ara besque X LV Bubinga wood 13 1/2 x 11 x 6 inc hes bottom left Nic holas Herrera, b.1964 I Pray For a Santo C hevy Carved and painted wood 12 1/2 x 16 1/2 x 9 inc hes 26 A RT IST S Garo Antreasian Patrocinio Barela Milton Avery Mark Bec k Emil Bisttram Oscar Bluemner Dorot hy Brett Curt Brill C harles Burc hfield Howard Cook James Cook P hili p Curtis Stuart Davis Gene K loss Willem de Kooning Elaine de Kooning Art hur Dove Nat han Florence Don Gale Greg Gummersall Marsden Hartley Nic holas Herrera Alexandre Hogue Frank Buffalo Hyde Luis Jimenez Raymond Jonson Aaron Kar p Anna bel Livermore Robert Long hurst William Lumpkins James R. Magee Beatrice Mandelman Jo hn Marin Ben Messic k Alfred Morang Doel Reed Louis Riba k Diego Rivera Howard Sc hleeter Helen Seibert Paul S ha piro Josep h Stella Bet h Ames Swartz Trini Karl Umlauf T heodore Waddell 27 BOOT H D63 BOOT H COU T U RI E R GA L L E RY 166 Nort h La Brea Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90036 T 323 933 5557 F 323 933 2357 E info@couturiergallery.com www.couturiergallery.com Tuesday - Saturday 11- 5 2613 Fairmount Dallas, T X 75201 T 214 720 4044 F 214 720 4469 E ddfa@swbell.net www.daviddikefineart.com Couturier Gallery, esta blis hed in 1987, specializes in Latin American and American painting, scul pture, p hotogra p hy and ceramic s by master and mid-career artists. T he gallery has been a leader in promoting important artists from Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Sout h America as well as t he United States, Europe and Asia. B27 DAV ID DIK E FIN E A RT, L.P. T he gallery specializes in late 19t h and early 20t h Century American and European paintings wit h an emp hasis on t he Texas Regionalists and Texas Landsca pe Painters. T he gallery colla borates frequently wit h museums and public collections in curating ex hibitions and developing t heir collections of Latin American art. It has al so introduced a number of important Latin American artists to t he United States, including t he Cuban artists Al berto Korda, Raul Corrales and Bel kis Ayon. Aimée García Enigma, 2004 27 1/4 x 20 1/2 inc hes Dye transfer print Edition of 10 28 Jose Ar pa Sp./Am. 1858-1952 Alcala del Rio Oil on panel 8 5/8 x 10 5/8 29 BOOT H STA F F David Cook, Linda Cook, Carrie Wassemiller, As hley Walter, El sa Caren bauer, Adam van Eec k hout, Lori Vrc hota, Brenda Niave rig ht page Edgar Alwin Payne,1883 -1947 Untitled ( Red Sail s), c. 1922 Oil on canvas, signed lower left 1637 Wazee Street Denver, CO 80202 T 303 623 8181 F 303 623 4817 E info@davidcookgalleries.com www.davidcookgalleries.com A15 DAV ID COOK FIN E A RT T he gallery specializes in quality American paintings, drawings, and prints from t he late 19t h to t he mid 20t h century. An emp hasis is placed on regional, traditional, modern and a bstract works from Colorado, New Mexico, and California. t his page top Ross Eugene Braug ht, 1898 -1983 Untitled ( Hill s and Roc ks), c. 1935 Oil on canvas, signed lower center lower rig ht Sven Birger Sandzén, 1871 -1954 In t he Mountains, Manitou Springs Colorado, 1920 Oil on canvas, signed lower rig ht titled and dated verso bottom left Et hel Maga fan, 1916 -1993 T he Barrier, Tempera on board signed lower left A RT IST S C harles Partridge Adams C harles Ragland Bunnell Jo hn Fa bian Carl son E.I. Couse Andrew Dasburg Gerard Curtis Delano Eve Drewelowe Fremont Ellis Ernest Martin Hennings Carl Lindin Edgar Alwin Payne C harles Marion Russell Birger Sandzén 30 31 BOOT H STA F F David K lein C hristine Sc hefman Haley Roberts rig ht page Alex Katz Pat h In t he Woods, 2006 Oil on panel 12 x 9 inc hes 163 Townsend Street Birming ham, MI 48009 T 248 433 3700 F 248 433 3702 E info@d kgallery.com www.d kgallery.com P120 DAV ID K L EIN GA L L E RY T he David K lein Gallery specializes in American and European Contemporary Art and 20t h Century paintings and scul pture. In addition to featuring t he work of Modern Masters, t he gallery has a special interest in contem po ra ry realism. A yea rly sc hedule of s hows in clud es t he wo r k of esta blis hed national and international artists as well as emerging artists. David K lein Gallery provides consulting services for bot h private and cor porate collections. t his page top Fernando Botero Mano Grande, 1976 Bronze H: 34 1/2 inc hes top rig ht Kristin Beaver Big Hon Lil’ Mama, 2004 Oil on canvas 91 x 72 inc hes lower left Step hen Magsig, Palace Detail L.A., 2006 Oil on canvas 60 x 42 inc hes 32 A RT IST S Victoria Adams Bo Bartlett Kristin Beaver Norman Blu hm Fernando Botero William Glenn Crooks Robert De Niro, Sr. Brad Dur ham Paul Feeley Mic hael Goldberg Al Held Hans Hofmann Lester Jo hnson Alex Katz Mary Kim Alfred Leslie Step hen Magsig Conrad Marca-Relli Louise Nevel son C harles Pompilius Jennifer Reeves Milton Resnic k Julian Stancza k Donald Sultan Tom Wesselmann Ben W hite house 33 BOOT H D54 BOOT H DAV ID LUSK GA L L E RY 4540 Poplar Avenue Memp his, T N 38117 T 901 767 3800 F 901 767 3828 info@davidluskgallery.com www.davidluskgallery.com 49 Geary Street # 520 San Francisco, CA 94108 T 415 981 1080 F 415 981 1206 E eesgallery@eesgallery.com www.eesgallery.com 34 ELINS EAGL ES-SMIT H GA L L E RY Elins Eagles-Smit h Gallery focuses on t he ex hibition of contemporary American and international paintings and scul pture by mid-career artists. In addition, we organize c hanging ex hibitions as well as inventory artwork from significant historical movements suc h as t he American Abstract Artists, California Impressionists, T he Society of Six, T he San Francisco Bay Area Figurative Group, and t he Abstract Ex pressionist Movement of t he east and west coast. Elins Eagles-Smit h Gallery is a member of t he San Francisco Art Dealers Association. Located in Memp his, t he home of a nexus of musical innovation, big rolling waters, barbecue, cotton and soul, David Lusk Gallery strives to serve and enlig hten collectors across t he country a bout t he ric hness of t he Sout h and t he Sout hern artist. Since 1995, David Lusk Gallery has maintained a firm commitment to artists working wit hin our region and t he greater Sout heastern United States. Tad Lauritzen Wrig ht Art S hould, 2006 Acrylic on canvas 48 x 48 inc hes D60 Wade Hoefer American, b. 1948 Westering Quercus Oil on canvas, 2006 48 x 60 inc hes 35 BOOT H STA F F Dewitt C Mc Call, III, Owner Kennet h F Jones, Owner Debra Flores, Associate Bellflower Gallery Kat hleen U pdyke Barrett, Associate Laguna Beac h Gallery rig ht page Edgar Payne 1883-1947 Big Pine La ke Oil on canvas 28 x 34 inc hes t his page William Wendt 1865-1946 Morning S hadows Oil on canvas 25 x 30 inc hes 1590 Sout h Coast Hig hway Laguna Beac h, CA 92651 T 949 376 3785 F 949 376 9915 E Lagunaderus@aol.com Hours: 11am-5pm Wed-Sun, Closed Mon & Tue Esta blis hed 1969 D E RU’S 9100 Artesia Boulevard Bellflower, CA 90706 T 562 920 1312. F 562 920 3077 E Derusgal@aol.com www.derusfinearts.com / www.fada.com Hours: 10am-5pm Tues-Fri, 10am-2pm Sat., Closed Sun & Mon C45 FIN E A RT S De Ru’s Fine Arts has served collectors at all level s for over t hirty-seven years. Specializing in 19t h and 20t h Century American art, wit h an emp hasis on Early California Impressionism, we have an extensive inventory of fine paintings by suc h artists as Edgar Payne, William Wendt and Hanson Put huff at bot h gallery locations. De Ru’s is a full service gallery, offering our clients t he best consultation, conservation and researc h, as well as an extensive library of art reference books for purc hase. De Ru’s stands be hind t he aut henticity of every work we sell and guarantees eac h piece to have been cleaned, framed and conserved to t he hig hest museum quality standards. We are always interested in acquiring good examples of Early California Art. Clients will find friendly, knowledgea ble sta ff dedicated to meeting your every need. A RT IST S Dana Bartlett Franz Bisc hoff Maurice Braun Benjamin Brown Frank Cuprien Jo hn Gamble Anna Hill s Paul Lauritz Edgar Payne Granville Redmond A. G. Rider Jac k Wil kinson Smit h Elmer and Marion Wachtel William Wendt Orrin W hite 36 37 BOOT H STA F F Stuart Denen berg Beverly Denen berg rig ht page Ed Kien holz Untitled Construction, 1956 Mixed media, 56 x 19 3/4 inc hes Signed lower rig ht Ex hibited: T he de Menil Collection, Houston, Texas, W hitney Museum of American Art, New York, MOCA, Los Angeles t his page top Emerson Woelffer Day is Orange, 1950 Oil and Duco on board 18 x 25 inc hes Signed and titled verso 417 Nort h San Vicente Boulevard West Hollywood, CA 90048 T 310 360 9360 F 310 360 9160 E gallery@denen bergfinearts.com www.artnet.com Hours: By a ppointment C33 D EN ENB E RG FIN E A RT S Denen berg Fine Arts was esta blis hed in 1965, and continues to provide sc holarly investigation, consultation on issues of aut henticity and conservation, and advice for purc hase and sale to collectors and institutions. Our inventory includes a wide range of museumquality American & European art from t he 16t h century to t he present, wit h a focus on American and International Modernism. We pay t he hig hest prices for outrig ht purc hases, and offer to sell on consignment at competitive commission rates. lower rig ht Dennis Hopper 1964 Artforum, 1988 (Andy War hol wit h Flower) Unique impression on pa per in blue and blac k inks 36 x 36 inc hes Signed and dated bottom left Leonora Carrington Griffin, circa 1950 Gold tooling on red leat her 9 1/2 x 9 1/8 inc hes Signed verso in blac k ink 38 A RT IST S Jo hn Alexander Milton Avery Leonard Baskin Norman Blu hm Hans Bö hler Leonora Carrington Merton Clivette Willem De Kooning Art hur Dove Al brec ht Durer Lucio Fontana David Gil hooly Ars hile Gorky Francisco Goya Edward Hagedorn Dennis Hopper Roy Lic htenstein Reginald Mars h David Park Ral p h Barton Perry Pa blo Picasso Rembrandt Van Rijn James Rosenquist Willam Scott Inez Helen Seibert T heodoros Stamos 39 BOOT H STA F F Jane Ec kert Henry Ec kert R honda Cook Kevin Burlew Troy Buc kner rig ht page Robert Rausc hen berg American, b. 1925 Sentry, Urban Bourbon, 1992, Acrylic on enameled aluminum 49 x 66 inc hes T he Promenade at Bonita Bay 26811 Sout h Bay Drive, Suite 132 Bonita Springs, F L 34134 T 239 949 1125 F 239 949 9551 E info@ec kertfineart.com www.ec kertfineart.com P111 EC K E RT FIN E A RT – F LO RIDA Ec kert Fine Art – Florida specializes in Post-Abstract Ex pressionism, Pop, O p, and Contemporary Art; t he art t hat inspired Henry Ec kert w hen he and Jane started Ec kert Fine Art in 1973. Close personal relations hi ps between t he Ec kerts and most of t he artists t hey represent drive t he gallery. T he Ec kerts’s commitment to t hese fine artists and t he wide variety of art t hey produce will keep t he gallery strong for years to come. t his page top Diana Levinson American, b. 1949 Meter, 2005 Oil on canvas 30 x 40 inc hes bottom Boaz Vaadia, Israeli, b. 1951 Yiz haq & Eli’av, 2005 Edition of 5 72 x 92 x 70 inc hes A RT IST S Jean-Mic hel Basquiat Jo hn C hamberlain C hristo Jim Dine Eric Forstmann Sam Francis Don Gummer Diana Levinson Roy Lic htenstein Larry Poons Darryl Pottorf Robert Rausc hen berg Larry Rivers Saul Stein berg Boaz Vaadia 40 41 BOOT H P117 FO RUM GA L L E RY BOOT H 8069 Beverly Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90048 T 323 655 1550 F 323 655 1565 E la forum@forumgallery.com www.forumgallery.com Forum Gallery is a leader in t he field of Modern and Contemporary figurative art. Founded in 1961, today t he gallery represents forty-five contemporary artists, including Odd Nerdrum, William Bec kman and Robert Cotting ham w hile maintaining an important inventory of American and European Modernism and Social Realism. Fo rum Gallery ha s pl a ced wo r ks in every m ajo r Am eric an m u seum, in private collections t hroug hout t he world, and is a founding member of t he Art Dealers Association of America. Robert Cotting ham Eig hteen Components, 2006 Oil on 18 canvases 54 x 108 inc hes 42 1225 Hermosa Avenue Hermosa Beac h, CA 90254 T 310 798 0102 F 310 798 0039 E info@galleryc.com www.Gallery C.com P131 GA L L E RY C Gallery C specializes in original work by contemporary California artists and participates in art education and community outreac h. S howing painting, scul pture, mixed media and installation, t he gallery presents quality art of hig h integrity. Featuring bot h emerging and well-establis hed artists, Gallery C is a venue for w hat is exciting and fres h in t he California art scene, supporting t he artists w hose work represents not only t he urban California aest hetic, but al so describes global contemporary movements. Jennifer Poon A T housand Stitc hes, 2006 69 x 93 inc hes Watercolor on Pa per 43 BOOT H F R EY NO R RIS GA L L E RY ANN E X STA F F Raman Frey Wendi Norris Mike Yo hay Bec ky Parker 456 Geary Street (at Mason) San Francisco, CA 94102 T 415 346 7812 E wendi@freynorris.com E raman@freynorris.com www.freynorris.com F R EY NO R RIS GA L L E RY T he Frey Norris Gallery Annex focuses on classic Sur realism from t he 1920s to t he 1980s, specializing in t he women artists associated wit h t his movement. Focusing on important Bay Area artists and internationally recognized artists from Asia, Frey Norris Gallery provides one of San Francisco’s most welcoming and dynamic venues for ex periencing and purc hasing contemporary art. Frey Norris Gallery ex hibits paintings, works on pa per (including drawings, pastel s and watercolors), collage, scul pture, manufactured conceptual work and p hotogra p hic media. A RT IST S A RT IST S Leonora Carrington Leonor Fini Dorot hea Tanning Remedios Varo René Magritte Salvador Dalí Wolfgang Paalen Susanna h Bettag Z hong Biao Harvey Dinnerstein P hilli p Dvora k Kate Eric Rodney Ewing Dana Harel Trek Kelly Ko h Myung Keun David Linn David Mellen Hisas hi Tenmyouya Ted Vasin Inkie W hang Dorot hea Tanning Beyond t he Esplanade, 1940 Oil on canvas 29 x 14 1/4 inc hes C40 Susanna h Bettag I T houg ht You Would Envelop Me but Here I am Floating ( Detail), 2006 Acrylic on masonite 48 x 80 inc hes 44 45 BOOT H STA F F Mic hael Sc hwartz, President Julie Jac kson-Ukra, Director Alexander Mertens, C hief of Acquisitions Ric hard Rice, Lynn Marks, Robert Avellano, Jimmy Dzia k, Ga briela Ba kos, Robert Ve hon, Consulting Sta ff rig ht page Leon Augustin L hermitte 1844-1925 Laveuses au lavoir Oil on canvas 29 1/2 x 39 Signed ‘L. L hermitte’ lower left 430 Nort h Rodeo Drive Beverly Hill s, CA 90210 T 310 273 3377 F 310 273 0879 E art@galeriemic hael.com www.galeriemic hael.com A4 GA L E RI E MIC HA EL Galerie Mic hael specializes in fine 19t h and 20t h century European paintings, old masters and modern prints. T he gallery’s collection includes works by Rembrandt, Picasso, C hagall, Toulouse-Lautrec, Renoir, Cassatt, and Matisse. Galerie Mic hael is al so a leading dealer of plein air paintings of t he Barbizon Sc hool and t he Frenc h Landsca pe tradition including Camille Corot, Claude Monet, Jules Breton, Leon L’Hermitte and Auguste Bon heur. Distinguis hed painters of la Belle Epoque suc h as Tissot, C heret, Muc ha and Robbe are al so represented. Galerie Mic hael maintains a print room containing Master prints from Rembrandt to Picasso. t his page top Pa blo Picasso 1881-1973 Femme couc hèe et Guitariste, 1959 Color linocut on Arc hes pa per, 20 x 25 inc hes bottom Joan Miro, 1893-1983 La Grève Noire, 1973 Etc hing, aquatint and carborundum Signed and dedicated to Robert, rig ht side. 23 3/4 x 54 1/2 inc hes 46 47 BOOT H STA F F George Henoc h S hec htman, Director Nancy Hic ks, Assistant Director Andrew Liss, Assistant Director S heryl Liebman, Administrator rig ht page Gary Ruddell Stand or Fall 2005, Oil on canvas 48 x 60 inc hes 555 West 25 Street New York, NY 10001 T 917 305 0003 F 917 305 0018 E g henoc h@verizon.net www.gallery henoc h.com Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 10:30 - 6:00 C46 GA L L E RY H ENOC H Gallery Henoc h represents painters and scul ptors w ho exemplify t he best in contemporary American and European Realism. T he work ex hibited comprises a wide diversity of styles and subject matter. T hese artists stand out for t heir imagination and distinctive personal a pproac h. All reflect Gallery Henoc h’s commitment to an art based on individual, subjective style and sensibility. t his page Eric Zener T he Great Awa kening 2006, Oil on canvas 60 x 70 inc hes A RT IST S Olga Antonova Jo hn Evans Don Gale Daniel Greene David Kassan Mel Lei pzig Eve Mansdorf Simon Nic holas Gary Ruddell Kat hy Rutten berg Woody S hep herd Burton Silverman S haron Sprung Ben W hite house Eliza bet h Wil son Step hen Wrig ht Jo hn Randall Younger Eric Zener Darryl Zudec k 48 49 BOOT H STA F F Jane Egan, Director, Santa Fe William Lykins, Director, Scottsdale Lynda Fos hie, Santa Fe Covington Jordan, Santa Fe C hris Santa Maria, Scottsdale Suann Sinclair, Santa Fe Eliza bet h Tietel, Scottsdale rig ht page Marcia Myers Scavi MM V I-IX, 2006 Fresco tri ptyc h on linen 85 x 72 inc hes t his page top Wood s Davy Cantamar 5/18/06, 2006 Stone on granite pedestal 67 x 35 x 24 inc hes 558 Canyon Road Santa Fe, NM 87501 T 505 992 1100 F 505 989 1991 E gallery@gebertcontemporary.com www.gebertcontemporary.com 544 Sout h Guadalupe Street Santa Fe, NM 87501 T 505 992 1100 F 505 989 1991 E gallery@gebertcontemporary.com www.gebertcontemporary.com 7160 Main Street Scottsdale, AZ 85251 T 480 429 0711 F 480 429 0713 E gallery@c hiaroscuroaz.com www.c hiaroscurogallery.com C37 G EB E RT CONT EM PO RA RY ( FO RM E R LY C HIA ROSCU RO GA L L E RY) Gebert Contemporary ex hibits painting and scul pture. In April 2007, a new 6,000 square foot space will open on Guadalupe Street in Santa Fe’s exciting Railyard district. T his hig h-ceilinged, ex pansive space will be used for site-specific installations of large-scale scul pture and video. Gebert Contemporary features an international range of esta blis hed and emerging artists. bottom rig ht Dirk De Bruyc ker Transient I, 2006 As p halt, gesso, cobalt drier, oil on canvas 60 x 40 inc hes bottom left Jun Kaneko Untitled Glazed ceramic 30 1/4 x 17 x 12 inc hes 50 A RT IST S Sara h Amos Jennifer Bartlett Isa bel Bigelow Gris ha Bruskin Luis Castro Francisco Castro-Lenero Woods Davy Dirk De Bruyc ker Flavio Garciandia Jo hannes Girardoni Mis ha Gordin David Hirsc hi Jun Kaneko Perla Krauze Kubac h & Kropp Tom Lieber Xavier Mascaro Ricardo Mazal Marcia Myers Jo hn Nel son Udo Noger Brandon Reese Barbara Rogers Daniel Senise Henry Leo Sc hoebel Hunt Slonem Vera Sprunt Evert Witte Mary Antonia Wood 51 BOOT H P125 G EO RG E BIL LIS GA L L E RY BOOT H 511 West 25 Street New York, NY 10001 T 212 645 2621 F 212 645 2397 E gallery@georgebillis.com www.georgebillis.com 1011 Paseo de Peralta Santa Fe, NM 87501 T 505 954 5700 F 505 954 5754 2716 Sout h La Cienega Boulevard Los Angeles / Culver City, CA 90034 T 310 838 3685 F 310 838 3438 E la@georgebillisgallery.com www.georgebillis.com G E RA L D P ET E RS GA L L E RY Gerald Peters Gallery handles American paintings, drawing, and scul pture of t he nineteent h and twentiet h centuries including works from t he Hudson River, Impressionist, American Western, and Modernist sc hool s. We al so handle selected contemporary art. George Billis Gallery features contemporary artwork by mid-career and emerging artists from across t he United States; primarily New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. We represent artists working in a variety of media, including scul pture, painting and p hotogra p hy. Artists include: Jos h Dorman, Daniel P hill, Derek Buc kner, Jorge Santos, Greg Martin, Barbara Strasen, Ann T hornycroft, Step hen Magsig, Julie Speed, Step hanie Weber, C harlotte Smit h, Erika K hor, and Carol C harney. Jorge Santos Hunter’s Hel per, 2006 Oil and acrylic on canvas 40 x 60 inc hes 52 24 East 78t h Street New York, NY 10021 T 212 628 9760 F 212 628 9635 www.g pgallery.com B29 Marguerite Zorac h 1887-1968 Vigil Oil on canvas 32 x 26 inc hes Signed lower left: Marguerite Zorac h 53 BOOT H STA F F Sidney B. Fel sen Stanley Grinstein rig ht page Jo hn Baldessari Noses & Ears, Etc.: T he Gemini Series: Two Profiles, One wit h Nose and Turban ( B&W ), 2006 2-layer, 12-color screenprint; mounted to Sintra and framed 34 3/4 x 56 3/4 x 3 inc hes Edition of 45 t his page Bruce Nauman Coc keye Li ps from Infrared Outta kes, 2006 Epson Ultra C hrome K3 ink-jet print 19 x 28 inc hes Edition of 60 54 8365 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90069 T 323 651 0513 F 323 651 4418 E editions@geminigel.com www.geminigel.com P105 G EMINI G.E.L. Founded in 1966, Gemini G.E.L. is an artists’ works hop and publis her of limited edition prints and scul ptures. At Gemini, t he artists do all t he drawing or carving directly onto t he printing elements. T he edition is hand-printed by Gemini’s Master Printers, and eac h print is signed and numbered by t he artist as well as embossed wit h t he Gemini ‘c hop.’ In 1981, t he National Gallery of Art in Was hington, D.C. honored Gemini wit h t he esta blis hment of a permanent arc hive. It functions as a study center for sc holars and collectors, and contains a complete history of t he works hop. Included is one example from eac h of t he over 2,000 editions publis hed. T hree major touring ex hibitions wit h works from t he arc hive have been organized and ex hibited by t he National Gallery. Gemini has colla borated wit h more t han 60 hig hly accomplis hed artists in lit hogra p hy, etc hing, screenprinting, woodcut, and a variety of scul ptural material s. A RT IST S Josef Al bers Jo hn Baldessari Larry Bell Jonat han Borofsky Cecily Brown C hris Burden Vija Celmins Jo hn C hamberlain Ric hard Diebenkorn Sam Francis Frank O. Ge hry Robert Gober P hili p Guston Ann Hamilton David Hoc kney Jasper Jo hns Ell swort h Kelly Edward & Nancy Reddin Kien holz Roy Lic htenstein Brice Marden Malcolm Morley Eliza bet h Murray Bruce Nauman Isamu Noguc hi Claes Olden burg Darryl Pottorf Ken Price Robert Rausc hen berg James Rosenquist Susan Rot hen berg Edward Rusc ha Ric hard Serra Frank Stella 55 BOOT H STA F F Carmel West Hollywood Brent Gross, director Marissa Laubsc her, administrative assistant George Stern, owner Irene Stern, director Jennifer Gunloc k, administrator Noubar Yessayan, administrative assistant Oscar Ramos, maintenance rig ht page Josep h K leitsc h, 1881-1931 T he Girl in Red, Oil on canvas 50 x 40 inc hes t his page top left Jessie Arms Botke, 1883-1971 Egrets, Oil and gold lea f on panel 24 x 16 inc hes lower rig ht Jessie Arms Botke, 1883-1971 Cranes, Oil and gold lea f on panel 24 x 16 inc hes bottom Guy Rose, 1867-1925 Dunes, 17 Mile Drive c. 1918, Oil on canvas 15 x 18 inc hes 6t h Avenue, Between Dolo res and San Carlos Streets P.O. Box 2953 Carmel, CA 93921 T 831 626 1100 F 831 626 9900 8920 Melrose Avenue West Hollywood, CA 90069 T 800 501 6885 T 310 276 2600 F 310 276 2622 E gsfa@sternfinearts.com www.sternfinearts.com G EO RG E ST E RN FIN E A RT S For over t hirty years, George Stern Fine Arts has specialized in California Impressionism and American Scene painting. We have a large inventory of t he finest examples of paintings from 1880 t hroug h 1940 and beyond. We are involved in educating t he public on t he historical development of t hese artists and t he connoisseurs hi p of collecting. We have publis hed books on artists suc h as Art hur Dominique Rozaire, Conrad Buff, and Robert Frame. George Stern was t he Fine Art Dealers Association’s founding president. Currently he is serving on t he boards of t he Art Dealers Association of California, t he California Heritage Museum in Santa Monica, t he Board of Governors of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, and Board of Advisors of Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California. A RT IST S Franz Bisc hoff Carl Oscar Borg Jessie Arms Botke Maurice Braun Conrad Buff Alice C hittenden Al son Skinner Clark P hil Dike Jo hn Frost August Gay Selden Gile Grigory Gluc kmann Percy Gray Clarence Hinkle Josep h K leitsc h 56 B34 Jean Mann heim Edgar Payne Agnes Pelton Granville Redmond Art hur G. Rider Guy Rose Henrietta S hore G. Gardner Symons Elmer Wac htel Marion Wac htel William Wendt 57 BOOT H STA F F Greg Kucera, Director Kent Baer Laura Komada Jim Wilcox Bradley Winc hester rig ht page Annie Mae Young Bars, 2003 Quilted fa bric 88 x 73 inc hes t his page left Jo hn Buc k Lodge Grass, 2000 Cast bronze 49.5 x 15.5 x 12 inc hes Ed /3 top rig ht Ric hard Diebenkorn Six Soft Ground s: #6, 1978, Soft ground etc hing 39 3/4 x 26 inc hes Ed /35, Crown Point Press lower rig ht Josep h Gold berg Flig ht Of T he Hawk, 2003 Encaustic on canvas on panel, 40 x 36 inc hes 58 212 T hird Avenue Sout h Seattle, WA 98104 T 206 624 0770 F 206 624 4031 E sta ff@gregkucera.com www.gregkucera.com D52 G R EG K UC E RA Esta blis hed in 1983, t he Greg Kucera Gallery ex hibits paintings, scul pture and prints by bot h emerging and esta blis hed Nort hwest artists. T he gallery al so m aintains an extensive inventory of prints and works on pa per by nationally known figures suc h as Diebenkorn, Frankent haler, Mot herwell, and Rot hen berg. T he gallery occupies over 6,500 square feet of space, comprising t hree separate ex hibition galleries, an upstairs scul pture loft and an outdoor scul pture dec k. T he gallery is a member of t he A DAA. A RT IST S Anne Appleby Joe Biel Jo hn Buc k Debora h Butterfield Mark Calderon Drew Daly Jac k Daws Ric hard Diebenkorn Tara Donovan Marcel Dzama C hris Engman Claudia Fitc h Helen Frankent haler Josep h Goldberg Morris Graves Jane Hammond William Kentridge Margie Livingston S herry Markovitz Kerry James Mars hall Enrique Martinez Celaya Peter Millett Robert Mot herwell Mark New port Tim Roda Roger S himomura Jeffrey Simmons Susan Skilling Kiki Smit h Katy Stone W hiting Tennis Lynne Woods Turner Darren Waterston Ed Wic klander 59 BOOT H STA F F Gary Langsford Jo hn Gow Vic ki Vuleta rig ht page T homas Ruff Porträt (S. Ergolovitc h), 1999 C hromogenic colour print wit h Diasec face and wood frame, 82 3/4 x 65 inc hes Edition of 4 + 2 artist’s proofs signed, numbered and dated verso: “T h Ruff 3/4 1999” t his page Karl Maug han In t he Valley of t he Elwy 2002, Oil on canvas 78 x 90 inc hes Cnr Kitc hener and Wellesley Streets P.O. Box 5461 Auc kland, New Zealand T 64 9 303 4290 F 64 9 303 4302 E info@gowlangsfordgallery.co.nz www.gowlangsfordgallery.com P124 GOW LANGS FO R D GA L L E RY Gow Langsford Gallery is a commercial art space committed to fostering and promoting t he finest contemporary art from New Zealand and a broad. T he gallery consistently strives to provide a forum t hroug h w hic h its artists may be ex posed to local, national and international audiences. T his includes a regular and varied ex hibition sc hedule as well as frequent partici pation at major international art events. T he gallery avidly supports t he growt h and development of t he contemporary Maori and Pacific visual arts, recognizing t hat t heir uniqueness is essential to t he identity of New Zealand art, particularly wit hin an international context. Esta blis hed in 1987, Gow Langsfo rd Gallery represents a pproximately twenty artists and artist’s estates from New Zealand, Australia, t he United States and Europe. Curated ex hibitions and colla borative projects form a strong part of t he ex hibition programme. T he gallery regularly features editions and works by artists Andy War hol, Jeff Koons, Ger hard Ric hter and Sol Le Witt. Gow Langsford Gallery is a member of t he New Zealand Contemporary Art Dealers Association. A RT IST S S hane Cotton Tony Cragg Paul Dibble Dale Frank Dic k Frizzell Ma x Gimblett Ant hony Goicolea Aiko Groot Kat harina Grosse Sara Hug hes 60 Len Lye (estate) Allen Maddox (estate) Antonio Murado Karl Maug han Judy Millar Reuben Paterson Jo hn Pule Ric hard T hompson Bernar Venet 61 BOOT H B18 HAYD EN & FAND ET TA RA R E BOOK S BOOT H Post Office Box 1549 New York, NY 10101-1549 T 212 582 2505 E haydenandfandetta@msn.com Hayden & Fandetta Rare Books, international private dealers based in New York City, s pecialize in books a bout art, antiques and interior design. Color plate books, illustrated books and Art Deco books wit h striking illustrated dustwra ppper are al so in stoc k. A book binder/conservator is on sta ff to offer clients complete book binding and restoration services. 357 Nort h La Brea Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90036-2517 T 323 938 5222 F 323 938 0577 E jrutberg@jac krutbergfinearts.com www.jac krutbergfinearts.com A1 JAC K RU T B E RG FIN E A RT S, INC. Founded in 1979, Jac k Rutberg Fine Arts features important Modern and Contemporary European, American and Latin American artists. T he gallery represents t he estates of Hans Burk hardt, Oskar Fisc hinger, and Francisco Zuniga, as well as contemporary artists Patric k Gra ham, Rut h Weisberg, and Jerome Witkin. Important solo s hows have included Ta pies, Gorky, Rouault, Weber, Kollwitz, Calder and ot her significant 20t h century artists. Major ex hibitions have included surveys of German Ex pressionism, California Modernism and Los Angeles Contemporary Art. Members: Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of America International League of Antiquarian Booksellers Art and Antique Dealers League of America CINOA T he Million Pound Deposit by E. P hilli ps O ppen heim. 1930 first edition. Illustrated dustwra pper signed by Bib Pares. T he Woman W ho Commanded 500,000,000 Men by C harles Pettit. 1929 first edition. Illustrated dustwra pper signed by Paul Wenc k. Tropical Fruit by Alfred Harding. 1928 first edition. Illustrated dustwra pper signed by William Siegel. Live Bait by Et hel M. Dell. 1932 first edition. Illustrated dustwra pper signed by R. M. Burley. P hoto by Stan Sc hnier 62 Emil Nolde , 1867-1956 Fis h, c.1923-24 Watercolor 13 1/8 x 18 1/2 inc hes 63 BOOT H 3 Elm Street Stoc k bridge, MA 01262 T 413 298 3044 www.hol stengalleries.com rig ht page Steven Wein berg untitled 14 x14 x 3 inc hes t his page Sidney Hutter Polis hed Laminated Vertical Vase 18 x12 x 8.5 inc hes B30 HO LST EN GA L L E RI ES Hol sten Galleries was esta blis hed in Stoc k bridge, Massac husetts in 1978 and was one of t he first studio glass galleries in t he U.S. As an internationally recognized gallery representing over 30 leading contemporary glass artists, t he clientele include private collectors, museums and cor porations in building collections of glass scul pture and installations. Among t he world-renowned glass artists a re Dale C hi huly, Do rot hy Ha fn er, Sidn ey Hutter, Jon Ku hn, Lino Ta glia pietra, William Mo r ris, C hristop her Ries, Martin Rosol, Steven Wein berg and Marvin Li pofsky. A RT IST S Sidney Hutter Jon Ku hn C hristop her Ries Steven Wein berg 64 65 BOOT H 531 West Street New York, NY 10001 T 212 462 4646 E info@jcacciolagallery.com www.jcacciolagallery.com rig ht page Mark Bec k San Simeon Oil on canvas 51 x 38 inc hes t his page top Linda C hristinsen Balance Oil on canvas 7 x 5 inc hes B19 J. CACCIO LA GA L L E RY T he J. Cacciola Gallery was founded in 1986 and has been dedicated to representing t he finest contemporary artists at work today. From mid-career painters to emerging artists, we continue to seek exceptional talent and bring t heir work to a wider public. We have made a determined commitment to t his work a bout w hic h we feel passionate. lower rig ht James La hey Orc hid Mixed media 84 x 60 inc hes bottom Ray Turner Montana Oil on canvas 40 x 45 inc hes 66 A RT IST S Mark Bec k Linda C hristensen Kat hryn Ensall George Fisc her Scott Fraser Gary Godbee Keit h Jacobs hagen Alex Kanevsky Marianne Kol b James La hey Brent McIntos h Janet Mona fo Daniel Mor per Carol Mot hner Jeanette Pasin Sloan Carole Pierce Jon Redmond Bruce Saamuel son Koo Sc hadler Ray Turner Dennis Wojtkiewicz Ellen Wagener 67 BOOT H P123 BOOT H JAM ES G RA HAM & SONS James Gra ham & Sons specializes in 19t h and 20t h Century American Paintings; American and European Scul pture; and Britis h Ceramic s. T he gallery was founded in 1857 and is celebrating its 150t h anniversary t his year. Helen Torr, American 1886-1967 Veneer and Gra pes, 1930-31 Oil on board, 27 x 18 7/8 inc hes 68 1014 Madison Avenue New York, New York 10021 T 212 535 5767 F 212 794 2454 E info@jamesgra hamand sons.com www.jamesgra hamand sons.com STA F F Jerald Mel berg Mary Mel berg Gaybe Jo hnson C hris Clamp 625 Sout h S haron Amity Road C harlotte, NC 28211 T 704 365 3000 F 704 365 3016 E gallery@jeraldmel berg.com www.jeraldmel berg.com P132 J E RA L D M ELB E RG GA L L E RY Jerald Mel berg Gallery features contemporary painting and scul pture by a diverse group of artists from all geogra p hic regions. Consequently, our artists reside all over t he United States, Sout h America and Spain. T he artists represented by t he gallery are c hosen wit h extreme care, as we seek to ex hibit works of art t hat have a particular visual poetry and inner integrity t hat transcend t he everyday, regardless of being a bstract, representational or realist. Robert Mot herwell, 1915-1991 Untitled (Collage wit h Music and Yellow Oc hre) 1977, Acrylic, pencil & pa per collage on board 31 x 23 inc hes © copyright 1977 Dedalus Foundation, Inc./Licensed by VAGA, NY 69 BOOT H STA F F Jane Ka han C harles Mat hes, Director rig ht page Istvan Sandorfi Angelus de Nep harene 1995, Oil on Canvas 76 3/4 x 44 7/8 inc hes t his page top (C harles Edouard Jeanneret) Le Corbusier Le Cana pe II, 1934/56 Aubusson ta pestry 77 1/2 x 99 5/8 inc hes lower left Pa blo Picasso Visage de Femme Ceramic scul pture unique variation 12 3/8 x 8 1/4 inc hes lower rig ht Fernand Léger Composition au vase bleu Cast in 1951 Glazed ceramic relief 14 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 1 5/8 inches 922 Madison Avenue (at 73rd Street) Mezzanine Level New York, NY 10021 T 212 744 1490 F 212 744 1598 E janeka han@janeka han.com www.janeka han.com Hours: Tuesday t hru Saturday, 10:00am - 6:00pm JAN E KA HAN GA L L E RY T he JAN E KA HAN GA L L E RY is an internationally known New York City art gallery specializing in 20t h century European and American masters wit h particular emp hasis on t he work of Picasso, C hagall, Leger and Miro. Wit h antecedents going bac k to t he 1950s, t he Gallery opened to t he public in 1973 and is still at its original location on Madison Avenue. We were part of t he founding group of t he International Fine Print Dealers Association and are long-time members of t he Appraisers Association of America. Besides our extensive dealings in paintings, prints and scul pture, Jane Ka han was one of t he earliest galleries in t he United States to handle Picasso ceramic s as well as ceramic s by Leger and C hagall. Our collection of Aubussons ta pestries by many of t he great artists of t he 20t h Century is one of t he largest in t he world and has been featured in numerous museums, art fairs and publications. A RT IST S Appel Ar p Braque Calder C hagall Cortes D’Espagnat Delaunay Dubuffet Ernst Ferrieres S. Francis Galien Lalou Gall H. Martin J. Dufy Lanskoy Le Corbusier 70 A12 LeBasque Leger Lic htenstein Luce Magritte Matta Metzinger Miro Moore Picasso Saint P halle Sandorfi Stella Survage Utrillo Valtat Vasarely V laminc k Zad kine 71 BOOT H STA F F Jonat han Nova k, Xiliary Twil, Janelle W hite, Pedro Caceres, Maegan S hana han. rig ht page Jim Dine, Miner’s Lite Oil, acrylic, sand and c harcoal on linen, 2006 48-1/4 x 96-1/4 x 1-5/8 inc hes 1880 Century Park East, Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90067 T 310 277 4997 F 310 277 4881 E jnca@nova kart.com www.nova kart.com C36 JONAT HAN NOVA K CONT EM PO RA RY A RT Since 1978, Jonat han Nova k has been an important source for contemporary American and European art. Wit h a wide-ranging inventory consisting of paintings, drawings, and scul pture, one may find significant examples by internationally recognized artists. Jonat han provides his clients wit h ex pert advice in t he purc hasing, collecting, and selling of fine contemporary works of art. t his page top Robert Cotting ham Miller Hig h Life Oil on canvas, 1977 78 X 78 inc hes lower rig ht Sam Francis Untitled (S F P79-52) Acrylic on canvas, 1979 150 1/2 x 239 1/2 inc hes bottom Ral p h Goings Blueberry Pie ( Pie And Coffee, Pert h Diner, Pert h, N.y.), 1980 Watercolor on pa per Image Size: 10 x 10 3/4inc hes S heet Size: 14 7/8 x 17 1/2 inc hes 72 A RT IST S Linda Bacon Jo hn Baeder Robert Bec htle Vija Celmins Josep h Cornell Robert Cotting ham Ric hard Diebenkorn Jim Dine Jean Dubuffet Ric hard Estes Barry Flanagan Helen Frankent haler Sam Francis Ral p h Goings David Hoc kney Don Jacot Roy Lic htenstein Robert Mot herwell Ken Noland Rod Penner Ed Rusc ha Lucas Samaras Ric hard Serra Joel S ha piro Frank Stella Saul Stein berg Donald Sultan Wayne T hiebaud Andy War hol Tom Wesselmann 73 BOOT H P100 BOOT H JONAT HAN O’HA RA GA L L E RY Jonat han O’Hara Gallery specializes in t he resale of Modern and Contemporary Masters and in particular, t he work of Alexander C ald er. In addition, we a re plea sed to represent Anita Huffington, Jonat han S ha hn, and Brenda Zlamany, and to ex hibit t he work of bot h esta blis hed and emerging artists. It is t he gallery’s mission to present t houg ht provoking ex hibitions to t he public and to support living artists and t heir work. 41 East 57t h Street, Suite 1302 New York, NY 10022 T 212 644 3533 F 212 644 3633 E info@jo hg.com www.jo hg.com 246 Commercial Street Nevada City, CA 95959 T 530 265 9A RT F 530 265 9277 E julie@julieba kerfineart.com www.julieba kerfineart.com P106 JU LI E BA K E R FIN E A RT Julie Ba ker Fine Art opened in November of 2001. T he gallery s hows emerging artists from across t he country wit h an emp hasis on new processes a pplied to t he traditional art forms of painting, drawing and scul pture. Located in Nevada City, CA, an historic Gold Rus h era town in Nort hern California, t he gallery is hou sed in a renovated bric k building from t he 1840s. T he gallery partici pates in art fairs in N Y, Los Angeles, C hicago and Miami and mounts ex hibits every 4 to 6 weeks. Artists are selected based on t he quality of t heir tec hnique, t heir a bility to present exceptional images and for creating work t hat will wit hstand t he test of time. For a complete selection of artist’s images and additional information on t he gallery, visit t he website: julieba kerfineart.com Alexander Calder Untitled, 1947 Painted metal 68 x 46 x 42 inc hes Marnie Spencer, Tra ffic, 2002 Watercolor, gouac he, colored pencil & crayon on t hic k pa per , 51 1/2 x 102 inc hes 74 75 BOOT H P133 KAT H RYN MA R K EL FIN E A RT S BOOT H 529 West 20t h Street, Suite 6W New York, NY 10011 T 212 366 5368 F 212 366 5468 E markel@markelfinearts.com www.markelfinearts.com 696 East Colorado Boulevard Suite #4 Pasadena, CA 91101-2122 T 626 577 5657 www.mkelleyart.com Kat hryn Markel Fine Arts ex hibits a wide variety of significant contemporary painting and works on pa per. We believe t hat serious art can be beautiful as well as complex and meaningful in today’s art world. We feel privileged to work wit h artists w hose work is compelling, well-priced, and, yes, beautiful. D48 K EL L EY GA L L E RY Esta blis hed in 1986, T he Kelley Gallery specializes in original vintage paintings produced from 1850 t hroug h 1950. From early California artists and t he Am eric an S cene to Pre-Ra p haelite and Symbolist wor ks, t he gallery handles a broad s p ectrum of painting styles and su bjects. We c ater to t he ind ep end ent and prog ressive-mind ed colle cto r looking fo r t he unique, t he unusual, and t he exceptional. Julian Jac kson Vermeer Study, (detail), 2006 Oil on Panel, 20 x 36 inc hes C harles Kec k (1913-2003) Carrot Pic kers, Oxnard c. 1940, watercolor on pa per 19 x 25 inc hes 76 77 BOOT H A16 BOOT H LAW R ENC E J. CANT O R AND COM PANY Lawrence J. Cantor And Company, a division of C R Galleries, Inc., was esta blis hed in 1988. T he leaders hi p of t he Company has been in t he art business for over 30 years assisting clients, museums and collectors wit h t heir art need s. 960 Nort h La Brea Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90038 Toll free 866 239 5530 E ljc @fineoldart.com www.fineoldart.com 6519 Detroit Avenue Cleveland, OH 44102 T 216 990 3349 F 216 651 2307 E mgarson@mpercent.com www.mpercent.com P104 M% M% has an ex hibition sc hedule of cutting edge contemporary artwork from regional, national & international artists. M% focuses on bot h t he process of t he artist’s work as well as t he medium t hey use. Color, form and balance are all important factors. Evoking a response by t he viewer is t he ultimate goal. Some of t he emerging artists t hat M% represents include: Marty Ac kley, Mike DeFa bbo, Katie Glic ksberg, Valerie Hammond, Katsumi Haya kawa, A.D. Peters, Mary Ann Strandell, and Lenore T homas. We specialize in 19t h, early 20t h Century American and European paintings. Jo hn Henry Hens hall, 1856-1928 T he Or p han 14 1/4 x 8 3/4, o/p, Framed: 21 1/4 x 15 3/4 Signed & dated, lower rig ht, 1890 78 Katsumi Haya kawa b.1970 Micros p here 2, 2006 Oil, acrylic on canvas 40 x 40 inc hes 79 BOOT H B23 M C CO L L FIN E A RT BOOT H 208 East Boulevard C harlotte, NC 28203 T 704 333 5983 F 704 333 5816 E info@mccollfineart.com www.mccollfineart.com 40 Mill s Place Pasadena, CA 91105 T 626 535 9757 E info@menden hall sobieskigallery.com www.menden hall sobieskigallery.com A14 M END ENHA L L SO BI ESK I GA L L E RY Mc Coll Fine Art is one of t he premier art galleries in t he Sout heast. Located in C harlotte, Nort h Carolina, t he gallery s pecializes in fine American and European paintings, wit h a primary focus on select works of art from t he 19t h and early 20t h centuries. We offer works of exceptional quality from period s t hat include t he Barbizon Sc hool, t he Hud son River Sc hool, Academic painting, Impressionism, and Post-Impressionism. Jean-C harles Cazin 1841–1901 Lever de la lune, Equi hen Oil on canvas 18 1/4 x 22 inc hes Signed JC, lower rig ht 80 Squea k Carnwat h Touc h Wood Oil and al kyd on canvas 77 x 77 inc hes 81 BOOT H STA F F Bob Gardner, Owner Ken Marvel, Owner rig ht page Ben Aronson Santa Monica, 2006 Oil on linen 63 x 48 inc hes t his page top Bill Barrett Qua paw, 2005 Bronze 48 x 42 x 22 inc hes lower left Judy C hicago Test Plate for Caroline Hersc hel, from T he Dinner Party, 1978 C hina-paint on porcelain 14 inc hes in diameter lower rig ht Emily Mason Myself Be Noon 2002, Oil on canvas 39 x 38 inc hes 129 West Palace Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87501 T 505 988 8997 F 505 989 8702 E info@lewallencontemporary.com www.lewallencontemporary.com L E WA L L EN CONT EM PO RA RY LewAllen Contemporary is a premier gallery of contemporary art located in t he heart of Santa Fe, New Mexico. T he gallery has been in continual operation for more t han 30 years. Wit h 11,000 square feet of museum-like ex hibition space, t he gallery has earned a reputation nationally and internationally for representing some of t he nation’s most renowned living painters and sculptors alongside some of t he best emerging talent. T he gallery features work in a variety of mediums and its artists represent many sc hools of contemporary art, ranging from p hotorealism to minimal color field work. T hough t he gallery primarily handles painting and sculpture, it also represents artists working in glass, ceramics, tapestry, p hotograp hy, jewelry, and works on paper. Some 15-20 major solo and group ex hibitions are staged eac h year. T he gallery has a large following among corporations, public art spaces, leading museums and prominent private collectors in w hose collections t he work of its represented artists appear. A RT IST S Jean Arnold Ben Aronson Bill Barrett S haron Booma Kat herine C hang Liu Judy C hicago Dan C hristensen Mic hael Roque Collins Roy DeForest Ron E hrlic h Janet Fis h Jimi Gleason Wes Hempel Madeleine Keesing 82 P130 S haron Kopriva Ted Larsen Geoffrey Laurence Emily Mason Ed Mieczkowski Pard Morrison Ed Moses Forrest Moses Robert Natkin Tom Palmore Sammy Peters Jaune Quick-to-See Smith Meridel Rubenstein Darren Vigil Gray Ani Yellow hammer 83 BOOT H STA F F Louis Stern, President Marie C hambers, Director Susan Bec ker Mimi Golnarag hi Oscar Ramos rig ht page Helen Lundeberg Sea, 1970 Acrylic on canvas 30 x 30 inc hes ©Feitel son Arts Foundation t his page top Lorser Feitel son Untitled ( December 28), 1966 Matte enamel on canvas 60 x 60 inc hes 9002 Melrose Avenue West Hollywood, CA 90069 T 310 276 0147 F 310 276 7740 E info@louissternfinearts.com www.louissternfinearts.com P122 LOUIS ST E RN FIN E A RT S Louis Stern Fine Arts has featured a number of important Mid-Twentiet h Century a bstract artists in its ex hibition program. T he gallery represents a select group of contemporary artists and t he estates of Alfredo Ramos Martinez, Lorser Feitel son, Helen Lundeberg, Frederic k Wig ht, and Claire Fal kenstein. T he gallery is al so active in t he secondary market wit h a special concentration in Impressionist and Modern art. ©Feitel son Arts Foundation bottom Hugo Sc heiber Carriage at Nig ht circa 1930 Tempera and gouac he on pa per 27 1/2 x 22 1/2 inc hes 84 A RT IST S Karl Benjamin Pierre Bonnard Lucien Clergue Claire Fal kenstein Lorser Feitel son June Harwood Béla K ádár Helen Lundeberg János Mattis Teutsc h Jo hn Mc Laug hlin Cecilia Z. Miguez Leonard Nimoy Pa blo Picasso Alfredo Ramos Martinez Hugó Sc heiber Rufino Tamayo Jacques Villon 85 BOOT H STA F F Alex Meyerovic h, Owner Karina Partiz, Director Jenine Marie Wolfe, Manager rig ht page Gris ha Bruskin, b.1945 Nota Bene A, 2006 Oil on linen 22 1/2 x 64 1/2 inc hes t his page top Gris ha Bruskin, b.1945 Spiral Man, 2006 Enamel on steel 31 13/16 x 11 1/2 x 10 1/2 inc hes u pper rig ht Pa blo Picasso, b.1881 Cou ple debout, 1959 Linocut in colors; unique proof, Provenance: Picasso Collection 20 3/4 x 25 inc hes 251 Post Street, Fourt h Floor San Francisco, CA 94108 T 415 421 7171 F 415 421 2775 E art@meyerovic h.com www.meyerovic h.com P126 M EY E ROV IC H GA L L E RY Meyerovic h Gallery’s collection includes bot h modern and contemporary paintings, scul ptures, and prints. In 20 years t he gallery has produced many hig h-quality ex hibitions of leading 20t h century American and European artists and has cultivated a strong tradition of working directly wit h artists or t heir estates. T he gallery is featuring “Gris ha Bru skin: Myt hology & Mysticism,” an ex hibition of paintings and scul pture. Bruskin is widely recognized for an oeuvre t hat deeply engages p hilosop hy, history, and religion. His art has two t hemes: t he myt h of Communism and t he myt h of Judaism. On t he Edge is a group of w hite painted bronze figures as t hey balance or step off columns – t hese works conjure associations wit h Socialist realism. One of t he hig hlig hts of t he Bruskin collection is a new fourpanel painting titled Nota Bene, w hic h refers to stories of t he Kabbala h. Al so s howing is a group of red & black flat steel scul ptures titled Metamorp hoses wit h imagery t hat relates to Jewis h mysticism. bottom Frank Stella, b. 1936 Sc hwarze Weis heit for D.J., 2000, Etc hing, aquatint, relief, embossing & lit hogra p h 47 1/2 x 40 inc hes Edition of 23 A RT IST S Stanley Boxer Gris ha Bruskin Guy Dill Helen Frankent haler David Hoc kney Paul Jenkins Roy Lic htenstein Henri Matisse Joan Miro Robert Mot herwell Mimmo Paladino 86 Matt P hilli ps Pa blo Picasso Robert Rausc hen berg Frank Stella Donald Sultan S hirley Sweeney Ron Tatro 87 BOOT H BOOT H P128 M W GA L L E RY 240 Nint h Avenue New York City, NY 10001 T 212 633 6090 E robertcasterline@aol.com www.mwgalleries.com 41 East 57t h Street, 4t h Floor New York, NY 10022 T 212 838 1122 F 212 838 1250 E info@neu hoffgallery.com www.neu hoffgallery.com M W Gallery is located in t he C hel sea Art District of New York City. T he gallery s pace accommodates not only standard ex hibitions but al so large scul ptural installations and multi-media. Gallery director is Robert Casterline, w ho brings over 15 years of international art ex perience to his clients. M W Gallery features a number of gallery-exclusive emerging contemporary artists, including Greg Miller, Ilona Zaremba, Jay Kelly, and Peter Stanic k, in addition to a ric h selection of contemporary investment art. Greg Miller Pool Guy’s Car, 2006 Mixed media, aged paper oil and resin on board 60 x 60 inc hes (a pprox.) 88 P134 N EUHO F F GA L L E RY Esta blis hed in 1994, Neu hoff Gallery is among t he recognized dealers of contemporary painting, scul pture, p hotogra p hy and works on pa per. In addition to primarily ex hibiting contemporary artwork, t he inventory includes t he work of a global spectrum of Modern Masters. W hile t he majority of t he artists are internationally recognized, we ex hibit many emerging artists, often presenting t heir work for t he first time in New York. T he gallery is located on t he corner of 57t h Street and Madison Avenue in t he Fuller Building, a New York landmark, w hic h has long been considered t he center of t he New York art world. We look forward to welcoming you. Hanneke Beaumont Bronze #56 2003, Cast bronze 57 x 35 1/2 x 78 3/4 inc hes De Groeve Foundry, G hent, Belgium, Edition of 8 89 BOOT H STA F F Nancy Hoffman, President Sique Spence, Director C hris Watson, Associate Director rig ht page Nicolas Africano Untitled (bust wit h c herries), 2006 Cast glass 18 1/2 x 16 x 10 inc hes t his page top Mic hele Pred Untitled, 2006 Mixed media 15 X 15 inc hes lower left Timot hy Cummings Mot her as a Queen Dreaming S he’s a Hilltop 2006, Acrylic on board 10 X 8 inc hes 429 West Broadway New York, NY 10012 T 212 966 6676 F 212 334 5078 E info@nancy hoffmangallery.com www.nancy hoffmangallery.com P114 NANC Y HO F FMAN GA L L E RY Nancy Hoffman Gallery opened in SoHo in 1972, among t he first contemporary galleries downtown. A t hirty-year history is difficult to enca psulate in a nuts hell. Wit h its Projects Space program and new artists, Nancy Hoffman Gallery is in a period of renascence. S even y e a r s a g o N a n c y H o f f m a n G all e r y commenced an active Projects Spacegallery to introduce new artists to t he gallery group and audience. Eac h artist’s single-minded, obsessive commitment to a personal vision and t he process by w hic h t hat vision is realized links younger to more mature artists. bottom Hung Liu Sister hood I, 2006 Mixed media 20 1/4 X 20 1/4 inc hes A RT IST S Nicolas Africano Linda Mieko Allen Ilan Averbuc h David Bierk Carolyn Brady Howard Buc hwald Colette Calascione Mark Calderon Timot hy Cummings Rupert Deese Steve Dei hl Mark Depman Don Eddy Viola Frey Juan Gonzalez Mic hael Gregory Gregory Halili Ro han Harris Remy Hysbergue Katerina Lanfranco 90 Hung Liu Lynn Mc Carty Lucy Mac kenzie Debora Moore Susan Norrie Jo hn Okulic k Carlton Nell Frank Owen Peter Plagens Mic hele Pred Scott Prior Ric hard Purdy Josep h Ra ffael Asya Reznikov Bill Ric hards Yu ko S hirais hi Jessie Small Jim Sullivan 91 BOOT H P129 N E W ZON ES BOOT H 730 11t h Avenue S W Calgary, Al berta Canada T2R 0E4 T 403 266 1972 F 403 266 1987 E info@newzones.com www.newzones.com 2450 N W 2nd Avenue Miami, F L 33127 T 305 573 2400 F 305 573 0720 www.panamericanart.com 3303 Lee Parkway, Suite 101 Dallas, T X 75219 T 214 522 3303 F 214 521 3577 www.panamericanart.com B24 PAN AM E RICAN A RT P ROJ ECT S Pan American Art Projects, based in Dallas, Texas and Miami, Florida, specializes in art of t he Americas. Esta blis hed in 1994, t he gallery seeks to create a bridge between Nort h and Sout h American cultures and to present and ex hibit artists from bot h regions concurrently. By dealing wit h emerging to esta blis hed artists, as well as secondary market paintings, scul pture, and works on pa per, Pan American Art Projects continues to contribute to t he growing art community of Dallas and Miami. O pened in 1992, Newzones is one of Canada’s top galleries representing leading names in contemporary Canadian art. Working wit h painting, scul pture, and p hoto-based works, we have developed a strong international following for our artists. T he focus of t hese efforts has been an exciting program of curated ex hibitions, publis hing projects, and art fair partici pation. Newzones is interested in artwork t hat continually pus hes t he boundaries of contemporary art practice. Tony Berlant New York, 1992 Metal and pa per on wood 124 x 91 inc hes Cat hy Daley, Untitled, 2006 Oil Pastel on Vellum, 40 x 42 inc hes 92 93 BOOT H NOHRA HAIME GALLERY 41 EAST 57TH STREET NEW YORK, NY 10022 (212) 888-3550 FAX: (212) 888-7869 EMAIL: gallery@nohrahaimegallery.com rig ht page Sop hia Vari Plenitude De L’Air, 2001 Bronze, blue patina and blue paint, ed.3 103 1/4 x 36 1/4 x 33 inc hes t his page top Carol K. Brown Pedestrian (63015), 2006 Acrylic on canvas, 20 x 28 inc hes STA F F No hra Haime Cecilia Melian 41 East 57t h Street New York, NY 10022 T 212 888 3550 F 212 888 7869 E gallery@no hra haimegallery.com www.no hra haime.com P115 NO H RA HAIM E GA L L E RY T he No hra Haime Gallery opened in New York City in 1981. Since its inception t he gallery ex hibits an eclectic variety of contemporary American and International painting, scul pture, work on pa per, p hotogra p hy and video. Besides its sta ble of artists, t he gallery ex hibits work by contemporary and modern masters. T he gallery has been a member of t he Art Dealers Association of America since 1989. bottom Valerie Hird Great Mind s At Play, 2005 Oil on linen, 48 x 72 inc hes A RT IST S Natalia Arias Hugo Bastidas Nicola Bolla Carol K. Brown Juan Downey Angela Gill Julie Hedric k Valerie Hird Susana Jaime-Mena Silvio Merlino Lika Mutal Adam Straus Francisca Sutil Hugo Tillman Jo hn Van Al stine Sop hia Vari Mary Joan Waid 94 95 BOOT H 32 East 57t h Street New York, NY 10022 T 212 219 8000 F 212 431 5825 E dic k@ paceprints.com www.paceprints.com rig ht page Jim Dine Untitled ( Robe 5), 2006 Etc hing wit h handcoloring 54 x 36 3/4 inc hes Monoprint t his page C huc k Close James, 2004 Sil kscreen made wit h 178 colors 69 1/4 x 54 1/4 inc hes Edition of 80 96 P103 PAC E P RINT S Pace Prints is a publis her and dealer in contemporary prints by bot h internationally recognized esta blis hed artists and an emerging generation of younger artists. Among t he more esta blis hed artists publis hed by Pace Prints are Donald Baec hler, Francesco Clemente, C huc k Close, Jim Dine, Jean Dubuffet, Caroll Dun ham, Helen Frankent haler, Sol LeWitt, Robert Mangold, Louise Nevel son, Robert Ryman, and Kiki Smit h. Among t he younger artists are Ingrid Calame, Tara Donovan, Carl Fudge, Jane Hammond, Georgia Mars h, Vik Muniz, Mark S heinkman, Kate S hep herd, James Siena, William Steiger, Sue Williams, and Fred Wil son. 97 BOOT H P121 P DX CONT EM PO RA RY A RT BOOT H 925 N W Flanders Street Portland, O R 97209 T 503 222 0063 F 503 222 3068 E info@ pd xcontemporaryart.com www.pd xcontemporaryart.com P DX Contemporary Art ex hibits work by contemporary artists represented by t he gallery. P DX has consistently assisted artists in developing t heir careers, as well as hel ping clients in developing t heir collections. Located in Portland’s Pearl District, t he gallery s pace was designed by t he award winning arc hitectural firm Allied Works. T he s pace combines a clean, encompassing, contemporary layout of sliding and rotating display wall s wit h t he historic c haracter and natural lig ht of t he building. It reflects a p hilosop hy of recognizing t he past, living in t he present, and looking to t he future. T he gallery is flexible, constantly c hanging, and always welcoming. 2525 Mic higan Avenue #A7 Santa Monica, CA 90404 T 310 453 6463 F 310 453 6959 E info@ peterfetterman.com www.peterfetterman.com D58 P ET E R F ET T E RMAN GA L L E RY T he Gallery specializes in classic 20t h Century p hotogra p hy. T he sta ble of artists represented by P DX “are among t he best, brig htest, and most interesting t hat Portland has to offer” ( D.K. Row, art critic for T he Oregonian). James Lavadour b. 1951 Boarder Camp, 2006 Oil on wood 36 x 48 inc hes 98 Sebastião Salgado Iceberg between Paulet Island & t he S hetland s Island s, Antarctica 2005, Gelatin silver print 99 BOOT H STA F F Morgan Carey Colleen Casey Anna Clarkson Kelly Purcell Paul LeBaron T hiebaud Aldo Valdez 42 East 76t h Street, Top Floor New York, NY 10021 T 212 737 9759 F 212 737 9763 718 Columbus Avenue San Francisco, CA 94133 T 415 434 3055 F 415 434 3057 E info@ pault hiebaudgallery.com www.pault hiebaudgallery.com D62 PAU L T HI EBAU D GA L L E RY rig ht page Wayne T hiebaud Rio Vista 2006, Oil and acrylic on canvas 48 x 60 inc hes t his page top left Eileen David Hill 2006, Oil on canvas 24 x 30 inc hes t his page top rig ht Ed Musante Western Bluebird 2006, Mixed media on cigar box 8 1/4 x 5 5/8 x 2 5/8 inches bottom Suong Yangc hareon P hoenix, Arizona 2005, Acrylic on canvas 26 x 39 inc hes 100 A RT IST S Laura Adler Tom Birkner Jenny Brill hart Fred Dal key Eileen David Step hen De Staebler David Fertig Yaz Kre hbiel Cat herine Maize Ed Musante Paul Stempen ( Estate) Wayne T hiebaud Mic hael Tompkins Suong Yangc hareon 101 BOOT H A9 T H E R ED F E RN GA L L E RY BOOT H 1540 Sout h Coast Hig hway Laguna Beac h, CA 92651 T 949 497 3356 F 949 497 1324 E mail@redferngallery.com www.redferngallery.com T he Redfern Gallery is celebrating t hirty-one years in t he art business. We s pecialize in historical American paintings, wit h an emp hasis on t he California Sc hool. Our collection includes museum quality works by Guy Rose, Edgar Payne, Granville Redmond, Franz Bisc hoff, Jo hn Gamble, Al son Clark, and ot hers. T he Redfern Gallery continues to be a leading source for private, cor porate, and museum collections. We are at your service w het her you are buying, selling, or simply researc hing t hat special painting. At t he Montage Resort & Spa 30801 Sout h Coast Hig hway Laguna Beac h, CA 92651 T 949 715 6193 5 East 57t h Street New York, NY 10022 T 212 355 5710 C 917 690 7766 F 212 355 5742 E info@re hs.com www.re hs.com A2 R EHS GA L L E RI ES, INC. Re hs Galleries, Inc. is one of t he world’s leading dealers of important 19t h, 20t h & 21st century art. T he gallery specializes in Frenc h, Britis h and American artists w ho ex hibited at t he Paris Salon and t he Royal Academy from 1860–1920. Currently t he gallery is preparing t he catalogue raisonné’s of Daniel Ridgway Knig ht (1839– 1924), Julien Du pré (1851–1910), and Emile Munier (1840–1895). Members of: Fine Art Dealers Association ( FA DA) — Howard Re hs, current President Art & Antique Dealers League of America C.I.N.O.A. Appraisers Association of America Granville Redmond 1871-1935 California Poppies Oil on board 12 x 16 inc hes 102 Daniel Ridgway Knig ht 1839 - 1924 Julia Gat hering Roses Oil on canvas 22 x 18 inc hes, Signed 103 BOOT H P 101 RIC HA R D L EV Y GA L L E RY BOOT H 514 Central Avenue S W Al buquerque, NM 87102 T 505 766 888 F 505 242 4279 E info@levygallery.com www.levygallery.com 131 Bent Street Taos, NM 87571 T 505 751 0159 E parsons@ parsonsart.com www.parsonsart.com Specializing in emerging, mid-career and esta blis hed artists, Ric hard Levy Gallery ex hibits contemporary art of all mediums. T he gallery is al so an active publis her of contemporary prints and multi ples. RO B E RT L. PA RSONS FIN E A RT Robert L. Parsons Fine Art Gallery ex hibits important paintings from t he Taos Society of Artists, Taos Founders, as well as Early Santa Fe and Taos Art Colonies. Housed in t he historic Ferdinand Ma xwell house, t his unique collection features art from t he early to midtwentiet h century, wit h a focus on t he New Mexico images made famous by t hese early artists. Marco Casentini, b. 1961 Have a Good Day Acrylic on canvas 60 x 64 inc hes 104 A17 Leon Gas pard 1882-1964 Noula 30 x 25 inc hes Gouac he 105 BOOT H A8 BOOT H 120 East 65t h Street New York, NY 10021 T 212 772 8627 F 646 607 5588 E info@sc hillerandbodo.com www.sc hillerandbodo.com rig ht page Daniel Ridgway Knig ht American, 1839-1924 Sur la Terrasse Signed lower rig ht: Ridgway Knig ht Paris Oil on canvas 35 x 46 inc hes A8 SC HIL L E R & BO DO EU RO P EAN PAINT INGS Sc hiller & Bodo European paintings has recently relocated to an elegant town house on t he upper e a st si d e . To g et h e r w it h V in c ent Vall a r in o Fin e A rt , t h e y h ave o p en e d An A m e r i c a n S al on a comforta ble salon style gallery w here clients can find paintings from t he European and American sc hool s from 1850-1950. Sc hiller & Bodo continues to specialize in Frenc h Barbizon, Academic, and Post-Impressionist paintings. Artists in our inventory include Bouguereau, Breton, Corot, Daubigny, D’Espagnat, Diaz, Lauge, L hermitte, Loiseau, and Puigaudeau. t his page top Ferdinand du Puigaudeau Frenc h 1864-1930 Procession de Nuit à Saint-Pol-de-Léon, c. 1898 Oil on canvas Signed lower rig ht: F. du Puigaudeau 32 x 39 3/8 inc hes lower rig ht J.-B.-C. Corot Frenc h, 1796-1875 Souvenir d’Italie. La Cueillette, c. 1865-70 Oil on canvas laid on board Signed lower rig ht: CO ROT 18 1/8 x 22 inc hes lower left Francis Pica bia Frenc h, 1878-1953 Still Life in t he Garden Oil on canvas Signed and dated lower rig ht: Pica bia 1908 24 1/4 x 30 3/4 inc hes 106 107 BOOT H scott richards contemporary art rig ht page Patric k Hug hes, b. 1939 Parallel Universe, 2006 Oil on board construction 19 x 51 1/2 x 8 inc hes STA F F Scott Ric hards Alina Ric hards Ray Blac kman 251 Post Street, Suite 310 San Francisco, CA 94108 T 415 788 5588 E gallery@srcart.com www.srcart.com Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11 - 5:30 P113 SCOT T RIC HA R DS CONT EM PO RA RY A RT Scott Ric hards Contemporary Art has esta blis hed a unique presence in t he contemporary art world by successfully representing a varied program of international mid-career and emerging contemporary artists. Wit h over 15 years ex perience working wit h contemporary and modern art, Scott Ric hards is dedicated to promoting artists in t he international art arena, w hile al so advising collectors on t he secondary market. t his page top Warner Friedman, b.1935 Across t he Roc ky Inlet, 2006, Acrylic on irregularly s ha ped canvas 54 x 46 inc hes bottom Jeremy Kidd, b.1962 C hrysler 2, 2006 Arc hival print on aluminum 27 x 84 inc hes A RT IST S C harles Arnoldi Fernando Botero Simon Casson Paul Critc hley Carole Feuerman Warner Friedman Patric k Hug hes Mic hael Kalis h Jeremy Kidd Mel Ramos Robert Silvers Eric Zammitt 108 109 BOOT H BOOT H C42 SCOT T W HIT E CONT EM PO RA RY A RT Scott W hite Contemporary Art has assisted in developing private and public collections for over two decades. Since 1991, t he gallery has committed itself to t he promotion of emerging and mid-career artists, t he majority of w hic h are represented in t he permanent collections of museums t hroug hout t he world. T he gallery features modern and contemporary painting, scul ptures, and p hotogra p hy by suc h renowned artists as Josef Al bers, Ross Blec kner, Al berto Giacometti, Franz K line, Robert Mot herwell, Debora h Oropallo, Ger hardt Ric hter, George Ric key, Mark Rot hko, Tony Sc herman, Donald Sultan, and ot hers. 2400 Kettner Boulevard LO F T 238 San Diego, CA 92101 T 619 501 5689 F 619 501 5690 www. scottw hiteart.com On San Carlos near 7t h P.O. Box 3246, Carmel, CA 93921 T 831 625 3246 F 831 625 1456 E trottergalleries@comcast.net www.fada.com /trotter.html www.artnet.com /trotter.html A11 T ROT T E R GA L L E RI ES Establis hed in 1980, Trotter Galleries has consistently maintained our reputation as a source for t he beginning as well as t he advanced collector by providing quality work of prominent early California artists. Located in d o w nt o w n C a r m el , w e o f f e r a f in e s el e c t i on o f paintings, wit h an emp hasis on artists active in t he Carmel / Monterey area 1875-1950. Debora h Oropallo Snow W hite, 2006 Permanent pigment print and acrylic on canvas mounted on aluminum, 76 x 60 x 1/2 inc hes Armin C. Hansen, N.A. 1886-1957 Springtime - Monterey, c. 1927 Oil on canvas/ board, 15 3/4 x 19 1/2 inc hes Signed lower left 110 111 BOOT H STA F F Spencer Jon Helfen, Director Step hanie Boris, Gallery Assistant rig ht page Otis Oldfield 1890 -1969 T he Pink Dress, 1935 Oil on canvas Signed “Oldfield” u pper rig ht 25 x 21 inc hes t his page top Margaret Bruton 1894 -1983 Main Street - Gold Hill c. 1935, Watercolor and gra p hite on pa per Signed “Margaret Bruton” lower rig ht 19 3/4 x 24 1/4 inc hes 9200 West Olympic Boulevard Suite 200 Beverly Hill s, CA 90212 T 310 273 8838 F 310 273 8848 E info@HelfenFineArts.com www.HelfenFineArts.com D50 S P ENC E R JON H ELF EN FIN E A RT S Spencer Jon Helfen Fine Arts specializes in California Modernism of t he 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s. We are one of t he only galleries to mount significant ex hibitions displaying works by historically important California Modernists. We also have been proud to reintroduce to t he collecting public t he art of many previously well-known artists w hose outstanding reputations have become obscured by t he passage of time, including many women artists. Among t he many artistic t hemes represented in our offerings are California Scene, California Style, Social Realism, and works of t he W PA era. Stylistically, we offer works t hat reflect t he wide diversity of California Modernism, including Surrealism, Social Realism, Magic Realism, Sync hromism, Art Deco, Cubism, and Abstraction. T he Gallery offers fine paintings, sculpture, drawings, and prints. We represent t he Estates of Victor Arnautoff, Brents Carlton, Ralp h C hessé, Helen Clark Oldfield, Otis Oldfield, Frede Vidar, and Bernard Zak heim. Eac h work is t horoughly researc hed and ex hibited wit h a detailed biograp hy of t he artist. Color broc hures are available for eac h ex hibition. Member of: Art Dealers Association of California lower left Dorot hy Puccinelli 1901-1974 Lament, c. 1940 Oil on canvas Signed “D Puccinelli” lower rig ht 42 1/4 x 33 1/5 inc hes bottom rig ht Helen Clark Oldfield 1902 - 1981 Two Bottles, 1943 Oil on canvas board Signed “Helen Oldfield” lower rig ht 18 x 14 inc hes 112 A RT IST S Ma bel Alvarez Victor Arnautoff Belle Baranceanu Edward Biberman Dorr Bot hwell Margaret Bruton Claude Buc k Hans Burk hardt Brents Carlton Ral p h C hessé Francis de Erdely Boris Deutsc h Helen Forbes Karoly Fulop Yun Gee Jo hn Emmett Gerrity Edit h Hamlin Sop hie Har pe Jo hn Langley Howard Peter Krasnow Walt Ku hn Lucien La baudt Boris Lovet-Lorski Knud Merrild Jo hn Mottram Warren Newcombe Helen Clark Oldfield Otis Oldfield Rut h Powers Ortlieb Dorot hy Puccinelli Edna Reindel Jacques Sc hnier Sueo Serisawa Ral p h Stac k pole Lucretia Van Horn Stanton Macdonald Wright Bernard Za k heim and ot hers 113 BOOT H STA F F rig ht page David Hoc kney, b. 1937 Parade Wit h Auditorium, 1980, Coloured crayon on pa per, 2.5 x 29 3/4 inc hes Initialed and dated ‘80 in pencil lower rig ht t his page Jac k R. Smit h (b. 1950) Study in W hite: Portrait of RC and Tonto, 2006 54 x 36 inc hes, Oil on copper, Signed lower rig ht bottom James Renwic k Brevoort 1832-1918 Sunset, c. 1870 19 1/4 x 38 1/8 inc hes Oil on canvas Signed lower rig ht Frank Goss Jeremy Tessmer Nancy Ca poni Susan Bus h Brian King Jaimie Lilienstein Edgard Rincon Danielle Pelta kian Jan Hel sel 1266 Coast Village Road Montecito, CA 93108 T 805 969 5112 F 805 969 0220 7 East Ana pamu Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 T 805 730 1460 F 805 730 1462 C38 SU L LIVAN GOSS AN AM E RICAN GA L L E RY E sales@sullivangoss.com www.sullivangoss.com Sullivan Goss - An American Gallery presents an exciting selection of 19t h, 20t h, and 21st century American art. T he gallery has recently ex panded its contemporary offering substantially, and looks forward to bringing some of t he finest living American artists to t he West Coast. A RT IST S Bo Bartlett Ken Bortolazzo Gregory Botts Harry Carmean Terry Dela pp Alia E. El-Bermani Jon Francis Robin Gowen Jo hn Nava R. Kenton Nel son Angela Perko Hank Pitc her Miriam Slater Jac k R. Smit h Mic hael Sokolis Nicole Strasburg Sara h Vedder S hiba Ward ESTAT ES Anders Aldrin Jo hn Bern hardt Lydia Cooley Colin Campbell Cooper Loc kwood de Forest Anya Fis her Ric hard Haines Lyla Harcoff W H D Koerner Betty Lane Dan Lutz Nell Brooker May hew Ben Messic k Frederic k Rema hl Grace Libby Vollmer Howard Wars haw 114 115 BOOT H STA F F Angela Usrey, owner Marilyn Sizer, gallery director Rac hel Corell, assistant Lucinda Wyet h, assistant rig ht page Jo hn Henry dob - 1943 Savino Painted aluminum Edward Kellogg dob - 1947 Tropic Garden Oil on canvas Ann Nic hol s dob - 1956 Apples wit h Tuli p Oil on board Mark S hou p dob - 1967 Strand Structure #2 Oil on canvas 3069 Sout h Broad Street, Suite 3 C hattanooga, T N 37408 T 423 280 7182 F 423 267 5592 www.tanner hillgallery.com D47 TANN E R HIL L GA L L E RY Founded in 1994, Tanner Hill Gallery (formerly Angela Usrey Gallery) specializes in twentiet h century and contemporary art from t he Americas. From 1994 to 1998, Tanner Hill Gallery s pecialized exclusively in contemporary fol k art but has since broadened its scope to incor porate a combined sta ble of contemporary painters wit h 3-dimensional artists. Located in a refurbis hed 19t h century factory in C hattanooga, Tennessee, t he 3000 square foot gallery maintains a strong inventory of works by artists suc h as Matt hew Cornell, Jo hn Henry, Edward Kellogg, Lawrence Mat his, Ann Nic hol s, Mark S houp, and early works by Reverend Howard Finster. Over t he years, Tanner Hill Gallery has built a solid reputation of artistic quality and personal integrity in t he contemporary art field, due largely to its strong relations hi ps wit h carried artists as well as commitment to its international clientele. A RT IST S Kem Alexander Eliza bet h Clemons Matt hew Cornell Reverend Howard Finster Jennifer Harrison Jo hn Henry Susan Hug hes Edward Kellogg Lawrence Mat his Casey McGlynn Ann Nic hol s Lisa Norris Mark S houp Jimmy Lee Suddut h Terry Turrell 116 117 BOOT H STA F F J.M. Tasende, President Mary Bet h Hynes, Director Aitor Tasende, Gallery Manager Betina Tasende, LA Gallery Director rig ht page Fernando Botero Venus, 2005 Oil on canvas 67 1/2 x 50 1/2 inc hes 8808 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90069 T 310 276 8686 F 310 276 8576 820 Prospect Street La Jolla, CA 92037 T 858 454 3691 F 858 454 0589 E tasende@aol.com www.artnet.com P116 TAS END E GA L L E RY E st a bli s h e d i n C a li f o r ni a s i n c e 1 9 7 9 , Tasende Gallery offers works by a blue-c hi p roster of international and American artists. t his page Lynn C hadwic k Teddy Boy and Girl 1955, Bronze 75 inc hes hig h A RT IST S Fletc her Benton Fernando Botero Lynn C hadwic k Eduardo C hillida José Luis Cuevas Niki De Saint P halle Mark Di Suvero Giacomo Manzù Roberto Matta Henry Moore Armando Morales Andres Nagel Louise Nevel son Josep Riera i Arago Armando Romero Wayne T hiebaud Barbara Weldon Lambert Maria Wintersberger 118 119 BOOT H STA F F rig ht page Pierre Marie Brisson Lecon de C hose II, 2006 Mixed media on canvas 47 1/4 x 47 1/4 inc hes t his page Hei Myung Hyun Bamboo 3405, 2005 Mixed media on canvas 48 x 42 inc hes lower rig ht Linda Touby T he Trojans CIII, 2006 Oil and wa x on linen 36 x 36 inc hes bottom Ray Turner Meeting at Home Plate, 2006, Oil on canvas 36 x 51 3/4 inc hes Tim Yarger, Director Judy Lambert Bryson Strauss Brenda K li ppel Sam K hayat Alexandra Jicol Eliza bet h Yoc him Belle P havic hitr Robert Constant David C havez Suite 11, Ground Floor 2/4 Wireless Road T he Promenade Decor Bangkok, T hailand 10330 T 02 655 0882 E belle@yargerfineart.com 329 Nort h Beverly Drive Beverly Hill s, CA 90210 T 310 278 4400 F 310 278 6771 E tim@yargerfineart.com www.yargerfineart.com C44 T IMOT H Y YA RG E R FIN E A RT Establis hed in Beverly Hill s in 1986 wit h an additional gallery location in Bangkok, T hailand, Timot hy Yarger Fine Art is grounded in t he historic artwork of Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, PierreAuguste Renoir, Marc C hagall, and represents establis hed mid-career painters, printmakers, and p hotogra p hers providing a ric h collecting ex perience. T he gallery, loc ated on Nort h Beverly Drive, presents exciting ex hibitions t hroug hout t he year and is committed to facilitating t he acquisition of t he finest works of art for bot h private collectors and cultural institutions. Timot hy Yarger Fine Art is actively engaged wit h art historians, critics, and museum professional s w ho contribute t heir ex pertise to ex hibitions, books, and catalogues publis hed by t he gallery. T YFA produces ex hibitions of western art in Hong Kong, Mainland C hina, Singa pore, and Dubai. A RT IST S Pierre Marie Brisson Jac k Bender Hei Myung Hyun Tom Mc Kinley Ray Turner Judy Pfa ff Curtis P hilli ps Linda Touby Robert Farber Basil Gogos Ed Martin Jeff Dunas Alexander Rokoff Steve Huston Pa blo Picasso Marc C hagall Joan Miro Henri Matisse Pierre-Auguste Renoir 120 121 BOOT H A5 T H E VA L L EJO GA L L E RY BOOT H 1610 West Coast Hig hway New port Beac h, CA 92663 T 949 642 7945 F 949 631 3161 E vallejogallery@eart hlink.net www.vallejogallery.com T he Vallejo Gallery specializes in offering period Maritime and Marine-T heme paintings from t he past t hree centuries. Establis hed in 1972, we continue to present one of t he finest collections of its kind. Some of t he artists we feature: Montague Dawson, Edward Moran, James E. Butterswort h, William A. Coulter, Ant hony T hieme, Camille Pissarro, Norman Rockwell, William Ritsc hel, Guy C. Wiggins, Maxime Maufra, Antonio Jacobsen, Duncan Gleason, Jack L. Gray, Maurice Braun, Alfred T. Bric her, William Trost Ric hards, Jasper Francis Cropsey, Gustave Loiseau, Alson Skinner Clark, Martin Rico y Ortega. Newell Convers Wyet h American, 1882-1945 Absconding wit h t he Treasure c. 1930, Oil on canvas signed lower left: N.C.Wyet h 29 x 40 inc hes 122 120 East 65t h Street New York, NY 10021 T 212 628 0722 F 646 607 9470 E info@vallarinofineart.com www.vallarinofineart.com A6 V INC ENT VA L LA RINO FIN E A RT Vincent Vallarino Fine Art, Ltd. offers one of t he most diverse selections of 19t h and 20t h century Am eric an and Europ ean paintings from 1850 - 1950. We are committed to ex hibiting only t he finest examples from t he Barbizon, Hudson River, American Ex-Patriot, American Impressionist, Frenc h Post-Impressionist, and Modernist traditions. Important paintings from t hese sc hool s are on display year-round at our beautiful town house on t he u pp er ea st sid e of Man hattan. We’ve designated t he gallery “An American Salon” to describe t he elegant, ric h atmosp here reminiscent of t he private Parisian Salons w here many of our artworks may once have hung. Louis Aston Knig ht, 1873-1948 California Flowers, Holmby Hill s 32 x 25 3/4 inc hes Signed and inscribed lower left: Aston Knig ht Holmby Hill s 123 BOOT H A3 BOOT H W IL LIAM A. KA RG ES FIN E A RT One of t he preeminent art dealers in California, William A. Karges Fine Art s pecializes in early California and American Paintings. Wit h galleries in Carmel and Los Angeles, Karges Fine Art carries one of t he most varied, hig hquality, historically significant inventories of paintings availa ble on t he West Coast. T he gallery is especially known for its su perior level of sc holars hi p and museum quality publications. Karges Fine Art is al so t he exclusive representative of Dennis Do heny, considered by many to be t he finest realist land sca pe painter working in California today. Josep h Ra p hael, 1869-1950 Aquatic Park, San Francisco 124 6t h & Dolores Carmel, CA 93921 T 831 625 4266 Toll free 800 833 9185 F 831 625 9649 E pkra ft@kargesfineart.com www.kargesfineart.com 427 Nort h Canon Drive, Suite 101 Beverly Hill s, CA 90210 T 310 276 8551/ 800 884 4022 F 310 276 8551 E kargesla@ pac bell.net Seattle Gallery: Winston Wäc hter Fine Art 203 Dexter Avenue Nort h Seattle, WA 98109 T 206 652 5855 F 206 652 5866 E gallery@ winstonwac hter.com www.WinstonWac hter.com New York Gallery: Winston Wäc hter Fine Art 39 East 78t h, No. 301 New York, NY 10021 T 212 327 2526 F 212 327 2529 E nygallery@ winstonwac hter.com www.WinstonWac hter.com P102 W INST ON WÄC HT E R FIN E A RT Esta blis hed in 1995 by Stacey Winston-Levitan and C hristine Wäc hter-Campbell, Winston Wäc hter Fine Art is dedicated to t he promotion and placement of contemporary and 20t h Century art. Wit h ex hibition spaces in bot h New York City and Seattle, Winston Wäc hter Fine Art is a ble to bring exciting ex hibitions and important fine art to bot h coasts. Peter Dayton, b. 1955 Hobie # 12, ”Stoked” Acrylic, varnis h, resin, pa per decal on panel 96 x 36 inc hes 125 BOOT H STA F F Mic hael Ha ber Jennifer Jo hnson Mic hele Mac k rig ht page Andy War hol Self-Portrait, 1977 Screenprint on curtis rag pa per, 35 x 45 inc hes 418 West 15t h Street New York, NY 10011 T 212 871 6700 F 212 871 6988 E wooster projects@aol.com www.wooster projects.com C35 W OOST E R P ROJ ECT S Founded in 1988, Wooster Projects is an internationally recognized gallery t hat s howcases t he finest in contemporary art along wit h emerging artists. In 1999, Wooster Projects moved from its So ho location to its present location in C hel sea, New York. T he gallery provides a venue for emerging artists as well as post-war and contemporary art. Wooster Projects is known for its large collection of pop art including works by Roy Lic htenstein, Andy War hol, and Tom Wesselmann. t his page top Hug h Mendes Culture of Deat h 2006, Oil on canvas 20 x 16 inc hes In addition to its regular ex hibition sc hedule, Wooster Projects hosts special ex hibits and c harity events t hroug hout t he year. T he sta ff is dedicated to providing its clientele wit h ex pertise, guidance, and a full range of services related to t he acquisition, consignment, and sale of works of art. lower rig ht Robert Platt Hunter’s Retreat (2) 2002, Oil on panel 20 x 24 inc hes bottom Robert Platt Hunter’s Retreat (Cuc koo Bird s), 2006 Oil on panel 21 x 17 inc hes 126 A RT IST S C had Attie Jean-Mic hel Basquiat Gordon C heung Cras h Jim Dine Reece Jones Simon Keenleyside Roy Lic htenstein Hug h Mendes Alex Gene Morrison Claes Olden burg Robert Platt Matt hew Satz Susan Sommer Andy War hol Tom Wesselmann Hanna h Wooll 127 A RT IST IND E X Abbott, Berenice Adams, Victoria Adel, Daniel Adler, Laura A ES+F Grou p Africano, Nicolas Al bers, Josef Aldridge, Brad Aldrin, Anders Alexander, Jo hn Alexander, Kem Allen, Linda Mieko Alvarez, Ma bel Amos, Sara h Anderle, David Antonova, Olga Antreasian, Garo Appel, Karen Appleby, Anne Arias, Natalia Arnautoff, Victor Arnold, Jean Arnoldi, C harles Aronson, Ben Ar p, Jean Attie, C had Averbuc h, Ilan Avery, Milton Bacon, Linda Baeder, Jo hn Baldessari, Jo hn Ballester , José Manual Baranceanu, Belle Barela, Patrocinio Barr, Glenn Barrett, Bill Bartlet, Dana Bartlett, Bo Bartlett, Jennifer Baseman, Gary Baskin, Leonard Basquiat, Jean-Mic hel Bastidas, Hugo Beaver, Kristin Beavers, Sean Bec htle, Robert Bec k, Mark Beec h, Jo hn Bell, Larry Bender, Jac k Benjamin, Karl Benton, Fletc her Bern hardt, Jo hn Bettag, Susanna h Biala, Janice Biao, Z hong Biberman, Edward Biel, Joe Bierk, David 128 D52, P108, P109, C33, C38, C37, C35, B19, P112 P120 B22 D62 P110 P114 P105 B22 C38 C33 D47 P114 D50 C37 P135 C46 P119 A12 P112 P115 D50 P130 P113 P130 A12 C35 P114 P119 C36 C36 P105 P109 D50 P119 P135 P130 C45 P120 P118 P135 C33 P111 P115 P120 B22 C36 P119 P108 P105 C44 P122 P116 C38 C40 P112 C40 D50 D52 P114 Bigelow, Isa bel Biggs, Janet Birkner, Tom Bisc hoff, Franz Biskup, Tim Bisttram, Emil Bluemner, Oscar Blu hm, Norman Bö hler, Hans Bolla, Nicola Bonnard, Pierre Booma, S haron Borg, Carl Oscar Borofsky, Jonat han Bortolazzo, Ken Botero, Fernando Bot hwell, Dorr Botke, Jessie Arms Botts, Gregory Boxer, Stanley Brady, Carolyn Bramson, P hyllis Braque, Georges Braun, Maurice Brett, Dorot hy Brill, Curt Brill hart, Jenny Brisson, Pierre Marie Brown, Benjamin Brown, Cecily Brown, C hristop her Brown,Carol K. Bruskin, Gris ha Buc hwald, Howard Buc k, Claude Buc k, Jo hn Buff, Conrad Burc hfield, C harles Burden, C hris Burk hardt, Hans Burtynsky, Edward Butterfield, Debora h Caacciolo, Beatrice Calascione, Colette Calder, Alexander Calderon, Mark Cao, Paco Carlton, Brents Carmean, Harry Carrington, Leonora Carson, JoAnne Casson, Simon Castro, Luis Castro-Lenero, Francisco Celaya, Enrique Martinez Celmins, Vija C hadwic k, Lynn C hagall, Marc C hamberlain, Jo hn C hang Liu, Kat herine C ha pman, Mic hael C37 P110 D62 C45 P135 P119 P119 C33, P120 C33 P115 P122 P130 B34 P105 C38 P113, P116, P120 D50 B34 C38 P126 P114 P110 A12 B34, C45 P119 P119 D62 C44 C45 P105 P112 P115 C37, P126 P114 D50 D52 B34 P119 P105 D50 P109 D52 P109 P114 A12 D52, P114 P110 D50 C38 C33, C40 P110 P113 C37 C37 D52 C36, P105, P181 P116 A12, C44 P105, P111 P130 B22 C hessé, Ral p h C heung, Gordon C hia, Sandro C hicago, Judy C hillida, Eduardo C hittenden, Alice C horny, Sop hia C hristensen, Dan C hristensen, Linda C hristo Clark, Al son Skinner Clemente, Francesco Clemons, Eliza bet h Clergue, Lucien Clivette, Merton Collins, Mic hael Roque Collura, Bonnie Cook, Howard Cook, James Cooley, Lydia Cooper, Colin Campbell Cooper, Dave Cornell, Josep h Cornell, Matt hew Cortes Cotting ham, Robert Cras h Critc hley, Paul Cronin, Patricia Crooks, William Glenn Cuevas, José Luis Cummings, Timot hy Cuprien, Frank Curtis, P hili p D’Espagnat Da hl-Wolfe, Louise Dalí, Salvador Dal key, Fred Daly, Drew David, Eileen Davis, Gene Davis, Stuart Davy, Woods Daws, Jac k De Bruyc ker, Dirk De Erdely, Francis De Forest, Loc kwood De Kooning, Elaine De Kooning, Willem De Niro, Sr., Robert De Saint P halle, Niki De V laminc k, Maurice Deese, Rupert DeForest, Roy Dei hl, Steve DeLa p, Tony Dela pp, Terry Delaunay, Sonja Dennis, Marc Depman, Mark Deutsc h, Boris D50 C35 P112 P130 P116 B34 B22 P130 B19 P111 B34 P112 D47 P122 C33 P130 P110 P119 P119 C38 C38 P135 C36 B22, D47 A12 C36 C35 P113 P110 P120 P116 P114 C45 P119 A12 P112 C40 D62 D52 D62 P109 P119 C37 D52 C37 D50 C38 P119 C33, P119 P120 A12, P116 A12 P114 P130 P114 P108 C38 A12 P135 P114 D50 Di Suvero, Mark P116 Diebenkorn, Ric hard C36, D52, P105, P112 Dike, P hil B34 Dill, Guy P126 Dine, Jim C35, C36, P111 Dinnerstein, Harvey C40 Divola, Jo hn P109 Donovan, Tara D52 Dou ke, Dan P112 Dove, Art hur C33, P119 Downey, Juan P115 Dra ke, Peter P110 Dubuffet, Jean A12, C36 Dufy, Raoul A12 Dunas, Jeff C44 Dun ham, Carroll P112 Durer, Al brec ht C33 Dur ham, Brad P120 Dvora k, P hilli p C40 Dzama, Marcel D52 Eastman, Mic hael P108, P110 Eddy, Don P114 E hrlic h, Ron P130 El-Bermani, Alia E. C38 Engman, C hris D52 Ensall, Kat hryn B19 Eric, Kate C40 Eric kson, Dale P112 Ernst, Ma x A12 Estes, Ric hard C36 Eva & Adele P110 Evans, Jo hn C46 Ewing, Rodney C40 Fal kenstein, Claire P122 Farber, Robert C44 Feat herston, Natalie B22 Feeley, Paul P120 Feitel son, Lorser P122 Ferrieres A12 Fertig, David D62 Feuerman, Carole P113 Fini, Leonor C40 Finster, Reverend Howard D47 Fisc her, George B19 Fis h, Janet P130 Fis her, Anya C38 Fis her, Vernon P109 Fitc h, Claudia D52 Fitz patric k, Tommy P109 Fitz patric k, Tony P135 Flanagan, Barry C36 Florence, Nat han P119 Fontana, Lucio C33 Forbes, Helen D50 Forstmann, Eric P111 Fox, Carson P110 Francis, Jon C38 Francis, Sam A12, C36, P105, P111, P105 Frankent haler, Helen C36, D52, P126 Fraser, Scott B19 Fratteggiani, Alfonso P108 Frey, Viola Friedman, Warner Fritz, Don Frost, Jo hn Fulop, Karoly Gale, Don Gall Gamble, Jo hn Gannis, Carla Garciandia, Flavio Gay, August Gee, Yun Ge hry, Frank O. Gerrity, Jo hn Emmett Gibbons, Sam Gile, Selden Gil hooly, David Gill, Angela Gleason, Jimi Gluc kmann, Grigory Gober, Robert Godbee, Gary Gogos, Basil Goings, Ral p h Goldberg, Josep h Goldberg, Mic hael Gonzalez, Juan Gordin, Mis ha Gorky, Ars hile Gowen, Robin Goya, Francisco Graves, Morris Gray, Darren Vigil Gray, Percy Greene, Daniel Gregory, Mic hael Grimaldi, Mic hael Guerrero, Raul Gummer, Don Gummersall, Greg Guston, P hili p Ha fif, Marcia Hagedorn, Edward Haines, Ric hard Halili, Gregory Hamilton, Ann Hamlin, Edit h Hammer, Eric Hammersley, Frederic k Hammond, Jane Harcoff, Lyla Harel, Dana Haring, Keit h Har pe, Sop hie Harris, Ro han Harrison, Jennifer Hartley, Marsden Harwood, June Hedric k, Julie Held, Al Hempel, Wes P114 P113 P135 B34 D50 C46, P119 A12 C45 P110 C37 B34 D50 P105 D50 P110 B34 C33 P115 P130 B34 P105 B19 C44 C36 D52 P120 P114 C37 C33 C38 C33 D52 P130 B34 C46 P114 B22 P135 P111 P119 P105 P108 C33 C38 P114 P105 D50 B22 P108 D52 C38 C40 P112 D50 P114 D47 P119 P122 P115 P120 P130 Henry, Jo hn Herrera, Nic holas Heywood, Scot Hic ks, Ron Hill s, Anna Hinkle, Clarence Hird, Valerie Hirsc hi, David Hoc kney, David Hofmann, Hans Hogue, Alexandre Holzer, Jenny Hopper, Dennis Houston, Steve Howard, Jo hn Langley Howard, Sa bin Howe, Cat herine Howell, James Hug hes, Patric k Hug hes, Susan Hunt, Munson Hutter, Sidney Hyde, Frank Buffalo Hysbergue, Remy Hyun, Hei Myung Jacobs hagen, Keit h Jacot, Don Ja ffe, S hirley Jaime-Mena, Susana Jenkins, Paul Jimenez, Luis Jo hns, Jas per Jo hnson, Lester Jones, Reece Jonson, Raymond Juarez, Robert K ádár, Béla Ka hn, Wolf Kalis h, Mic hael Kandinsky, Vassily Kaneko, Jun Kanevsky, Alex Ka poor, Anis h Kar p, Aaron Kassan, David Katz, Alex Keenleyside, Simon Keesing, Madeleine Kellogg, Edward Kelly, Ell swort h Kelly, Trek Kentridge, William Keun, Ko h Myung Kidd, Jeremy Kien holz Kim, Mary K lein, Mic hael K leitsc h, Josep h K lings por, Alexander K loss, Gene Koerner, W H D D47 P119 P108 B22 C45 B34 P115 C37 C36, P105, P112, P126 P120 P119 P118 C33 C44 D50 B22 P110 P108 P113 D47 C37 B30 P119 P114 C44 B19 C36 P112 P115 P126 P119 P105, P112 P120 C35 P119 P109 P122 P118 P113 P112 C37 B19 P112 P119 C46 P120 C35 P130 D47 P105 C40 D52 C40 P113 P105 P120 B22 B34 B22 P119 C38 129 Kol b, Marianne Kopriva, S haron Krasnow, Peter Krauze, Perla Kre hbiel, Yaz Kubac h & Kropp Ku hn, Jon Ku hn, Mona Ku hn, Walt La baudt, Lucien La hey, James Lalou, Galien Lane, Betty Lanfranco, Katerina Lanskoy, Andre Larsen, Ted Laurence, Geoffrey Lauritz, Paul Le Corbusier LeBasque Leger, Fernand Lei pzig, Mel Leslie, Alfred Let hbridge, Julian Levinson, Diana Liang, Qiangli Liberace, Robert Lic htenstein, Roy Lieber, Tom Liepke, Malcolm T. Lindin, Carl Linn, David Li pking, Jeremy Liu, Hung Livermore, Anna bel Livingston, Francis Livingston, Margie Long hurst, Robert Lovet-Lorski, Boris Luce Lumpkins, William Lundeberg, Helen Lutz, Dan Mac kenzie, Lucy Magee, James R. Magritte, René Magsig, Step hen Maize, Cat herine Mandelman, Beatrice Mangold, Julia Mann heim, Jean Mansdorf, Eve Manzù, Giacomo Marca-Relli, Conrad Marden, Brice Marin, Jo hn Marioni, Josep h Markovitz, S herry Marquez, Hud son Mars, C hris 130 B19 P130 D50 C37 D62 C37 B30 P109 D50 D50 B19 A12 C38 P114 A12 P130 P130 C45 A12 A12 A12 C46 P120 P112 P111 B22 B22 A12, C33, C35, C36, P105 P111, P126 C37 B22 A15 C40 B22 P114 P119 B22 D52 P119 D50 A12 P119 P122 C38 P114 P119 A12, C40 P120 D62 P119 P112 B34 C46 P116 P112, P120 P105 P119 P108 D52 P135 P135 Mars h, Reginald Mars hall, Kerry James Martin Diaz, Daniel Martin, Ed Martin, H. Martinez, Alfredo Ramos Mason, Emily Mat his, Lawrence Matisse, Henri Matta, Roberto Mattera, Joanne May hew, Nell Brooker Mazal, Ricardo Mc Carty, Lynn McGlynn, Casey McGrat h, Eliza bet h McIntos h, Brent Mc Kinley, Tom Mc Laug hlin, Jo hn Mellen, David Mendes, Hug h Merlino, Silvio Merrild, Knud Messic k, Ben Metcalf, William Metzinger, Jean Mieczkowski, Ed Miguez, Cecilia Z. Millett, Peter Miro, Joan Mona fo, Janet Moore, Debora Moore, Henry Morales, Armando Moran, T homas Morang, Alfred Morken, Amy Morley, Malcolm Mor per, Daniel Morrison, Alex Gene Morrison, Pard Moses, Ed Moses, Forrest Mot herwell, Robert Mot hner, Carol Mottram, Jo hn Mru k, Walter Mueller, David Murado, Antonio Murray, Eliza bet h Musante, Ed Mutal, Lika Myers, Marcia Nagel, Andres Natkin, Robert Nauman, Bruce Nava, Jo hn Nell, Carlton Nel son, R. Kenton Nel son, Jo hn Nevel son, Louise C33 D52 P135 C44 A12 P122 P130 D47 C44, P126 A12, P116 P112 C38 C37 P114 D47 P135 B19 C44 P122 C40 C35 P115 D50 C38, P119 P108 A12 P130 P122 D52 A12, C44, P126 B19 P114 A12, P116 P116 A15 P119 P110 P105 B19 C35 P130 P108, P130 P130 C36, D52, P126 B19 D50 A15 B22 P112 P105, P112 D62 P115 C37 P116 P130 P105 C38 P114 C38 C37 P116, P120 Newcombe, Warren New port, Mark Nic holas, Simon Nic hol s, Ann Nimoy, Leonard Noger, Udo Noguc hi, Isamu Noland, Ken Norrie, Susan Norris, Lisa Okulic k, Jo hn Olden burg, Claes Oldfield, Helen Clark Oldfield, Otis Oliveira, Nat han Ortlieb, Rut h Powers Owen, Frank Paalen, Wolfgang Paladino, Mimmo Palmore, Tom Panter, Gary Park, David Payne, Edgar Alwin Pec k, Marion Pendleton, Adam Penner, Rod Perko, Angela Perry, Ral p h Barton Peters, Sammy Pfa ff, Judy P hilli ps, Bert Geer P hilli ps, Curtis P hilli ps, Matt Picasso, Pa blo A12, C33, C44, Pierce, Carole Pierce, Florence Pitc her, Hank Plagens, Peter Platt, Robert Pompilius, C harles Poons, Larry Pottorf, Darryl Pred, Mic hele Price, Ken Prior, Scott Provisor, Janis Purdy, Ric hard Ra ffael, Josep h Ramos, Mel Rausc hen berg, Robert P105, Rebay, Hilla Reddin, Edward & Nancy Redmond, Granville Redmond, Jon Reed, Doel Reese, Brandon Reeves, Jennifer Reindel, Edna Rema hl, Frederic k Renoir, Pierre-Auguste Resnic k, Milton D50 D52 C46 D47 P122 C37 P105 C36 P114 D47 P114 C35, P105 D50 D50 P112 D50 P114 C40 P126 P130 P135 C33 A15, C45 P135 P118 C36 C38 C33 P130 C44 A15 C44 P126 P105, P126 B19 P108 C38 P114 C35 P120 P111 P105, P111 P114 P105 P114 P112 P114 P114 P113 P111, P126 P112 P105 C45 B19 P119 C37 P120 D50 C38 C44 P120 Reznikov, Asya Riba k, Louis Ric hards, Bill Rider, A. G. Riera i Arago, Josep Ries, C hristop her Rivera, Diego Rivers, Larry Roberts, Stone Robinson, Boardman Roda, Tim Roet h, Winston Roger, Barbaras Roig, Bernardi Rokoff, Alexander Romero, Armando Rosenquist, James Rot hen berg, Susan Rouillard, Mic hael Row, David Rubenstein, Meridel Rubert, Gino Ruddell, Gary Rusc ha, Ed Russell, C harles Marion Rutten berg, Kat hy Saamuel son, Bruce Samaras, Lucas Sandorfi, Istvan Sandzén, (Sven) Birger Satz, Matt hew Sc hadler, Koo Sc haec hter, Judit h Sc haller, Jeff Sc heiber, Hugó Sc hleeter, Howard Sc hnier, Jacques Sc hoebel, Henry Leo Scoggins, Mic hael Scott, Willam Scully, Sean Seaton, Paul Raymond Seibert, Helen Seibert, Inez Helen Senise, Daniel Serisawa, Sueo Serra, Ric hard S hag (a ka Jos h Agle) S ha piro, Joel S ha piro, Paul S har p, Josep h Henry S hep herd, Woody S himomura, Roger S hirais hi, Yu ko S houp, Mark Siegler, Kat hryn Siena, James Silverman, Burton Silvers, Robert Simmons, Jeffrey Simpson, David P114 P119 P114 C45 P116 B30 P119 P111 P118 A15 D52 P108 C37 P110 C44 P116 C33, P105 P105 P108 P118 P130 P110 C46 C36, P105, P112 A15 C46 B19 C36 A12 A15 C35 B19 P110 P112 P122 P119 D50 C37 P112 C33 P112 B22 P119 C33 C37 D50 C36, P105, P112 P134 C36 P119 A15 C46 D52 P114 D47 P112 P118 C46 P113 D52 P108 Sims, P hil Skilling, Susan Skollar, Steven Slater, Miriam Slaug hter, Tom Sloan, Jeanette Pasin Slonem, Hunt Small, Jessie Smit h, Jac k R. Smit h, Jac k Wil kinson Smit h, Jaune Quic k-to-See Smit h, Kiki Smit h, Owen Sokolis, Mic hael Solmssen, Kurt Sommer, Susan Sorren, Joe Souza, Al Sprung, S haron Sprunt, Vera Stac k pole, Ral p h Stagg, James Stamos, T heodoros Stancza k, Julian Stein berg, Saul Stella, Frank A12, C36, Stella, Josep h Stempen, Paul Sti pl, Ric hard Stone, Katy Strasburg, Nicole Straus, Adam Suddut h, Jimmy Lee Sullivan, Jim Sultan, Donald C36, P112, Surl s, James Survage, Leopold Sutil, Francisca Swartz, Bet h Ames Sweeney, S hirley Taa ffe, P hili p Tamayo, Rufino Tanning, Dorot hea Tatro, Ron Tenmyouya, Hisas hi Tennis, W hiting Teutsc h, János Mattis T hiebaud, Wayne C36, D62, T homas, Jeremy T homas, Mic kalene T hurston, Roy Tilling hast, Eric Tillman, Hugo Tompkins, Mic hael Touby, Linda Trini Tsa ku Turner, Lynne Woods Turner, Ray Turrell, Terry Ufer, Walter P108 D52 B22 C38 P112 B19 C37 P114 C38 C45 P130 D52 P135 C38 P112 C35 P135 P109 C46 C37 D50 P112 C33 P120 C36, P111 P105, P126 P119 D62 P110 D52 C38 P115 D47 P114 P120, P126 P109 A12 P115 P119 P126 P118 P122 C40 P126 C40 D52 P122 P112, P116 P108 P118 P108 P108 P115 D62 C44 P119 B22 D52 B19, C44 D47 A15 Umlauf, Karl Utrillo, Maurice Vaadia, Boaz Valtat, Louis Van Al stine, Jo hn Van Horn, Lucretia Van Rijn, Rembrandt Vari, Sop hia Varo, Remedios Vasarely, Victor Vasin, Ted Vedder, Sara h Villon, Jacques Vollmer, Grace Libby Wac htel, Elmer and Marion Waddell, T heodore Wagener, Ellen Waid, Mary Joan Wanenmac her, Erika Wang, Victor Ward, S hiba War hol, Andy Wars haw, Howard Waterston, Darren Wein berg, Steven Weinstoc k, Jil Weldon, Barbara Wendt, William Wessel, Henry Wesselmann, Tom W hang, Inkie W hite, Orrin W hite house, Ben Wic klander, Ed Wiley, William T. Wil son, Eliza bet h Winters, Terry Wintersberger, Lambert Maria Witte, Evert Wo hnseifer, Jo hannes Wojtkiewicz, Dennis Wood, Mary Antonia Wool, C hristop her Wooll, Hanna h Wosk, Miriam Wrig ht, Stanton Macdonald Wrig ht, Step hen Xie, Xiaoze Yangc hareon, Suong Yellow hammer, Ani Yoder, Robert York, Susan Younger, Jo hn Randall Zad kine, Ossi p Za k heim, Bernard Zammi, Eric Zener, Eric Zudec k, Darryl P119 A12 P111 A12 P115 D50 C33 P115 C40 A12 C40 C38 P122 C38 C45 P119 B19 P115 P110 B22 C38 C35,C36, P112 C38 D52 B30 P109 P116 C45 P109 C35, C36, P120 C40 C45 C46, P120 D52 P109 C46 P112 P116 C37 P118 B19 C37 P118 C35 P135 D50 C46 P109 D62 P130 P109 P108 C46 A12 D50 P113 C46 C46 131 FINE A RT D EA L E RS ASSOCIAT ION T he Fine Art Dealers Association was founded in 1990 as a non-profit members hi p organization of res pected and esta blis hed dealers from across t he United States. Its members are dedicated to promoting and maintaining t he hig hest degree of professionalism, sc holars hi p and integrity in business conducted wit h colleagues, institutions and t he general public. Members hi p in FA DA is hig hly selective, and by invitation only. Members must have ex pert knowledge of t he a rtists and p eriod s in w hic h t hey s p e cialize, and maintain corresponding inventory. In addition to demonstrating commitment to enric hing t he cultural lives of t heir communities, members s hare t heir ex pertise by mounting significant ex hibitions and publis hing informative catalogs. All members of FA DA unconditionally guarantee t he aut henticity of t he works t hey sell. FA DA’s Annual Los Angeles Art S how is a wo rld-cl a ss event t hat continues to increase national awareness of t he organization and to promote t he hig hest standard s of gallery professionalism. Sout hern California is t he perfect venue for an event of t his kind--Los Angeles is sop histicated and diverse, and it is t he permanent home of many of t he country’s foremost collectors. T he greater Los Angeles area now supports t he most exciting and largest art fair on t he West Coast. Attendees at t he 2007 Los Angeles Art S how will have four days of opportunities to view, admire and purc hase works from a dynamic range of American and European paintings, drawings, scul pture, and p hotogra p hs, from old masters to cutting-edge contemporary! 132 FA DA BOA R D OF DIR ECTO RS AND M EMB E RS BOA R D M EM B E RS M EM B E RS Howard L. Re hs, President Beverly Denen berg, Vice President Kevin Z. Anderson, Vice President Geoff Cline, Treasurer Louis Stern, Secretary Jay Caldwell Jonat han Nova k Susan Bodo Betina Tasende Abby M. Taylor Fine Art L.L.C. Anderson Galleries Andrew Smit h Gallery Inc. Avery Galleries Bobbie Greenfield Gallery T he Caldwell Gallery C harleston Renaissance Gallery Cincinnati Art Galleries L LC Cline Fine Art David Cook Fine Art David Dike Fine Art L.P. De Ru’s Fine Arts Denen berg Fine Arts, Inc. Douglas Frazer Fine Art, Ltd. Ec kert Fine Art Ec kert and Ross Fine Art Galerie Mic hael George Stern Fine Arts Godel & Co., Inc. Guarisco Gallery Jane Ka han Gallery Jerald Mel berg Gallery Inc. Jonat han Nova k Contemporary Art Julie Ba ker Fine Art Lawrence J Cantor And Company Levis Fine Arts, Inc LewAllen Contemporary Louis Stern Fine Arts Matt hew C hase LT D. Mc Coll Fine Art Mitc hell Brown Fine Art, Inc. Nedra Matteucci Galleries Questroyal Fine Art, L LC Redfern Gallery Red Fox Fine Art Re hs Galleries, Inc. Roug hton Galleries Sc hiller & Bodo Eyropean Paintings Spanierman Gallery, L LC Sullivan Goss- An American Gallery Tasende Gallery T homas Nygard Gallery Timot hy Yarger Fine Art Trotter Galleries Vallejo Gallery Vincent Vallarino Fine Art, LT D. William A. Karges Fine Art Wooster Projects 133 Presidents Greetings LACMA Statement W ELCOM E! Moving into its second decade, t he Los Angeles Art S how has evolved into one of t he most important art ex hibitions in t he country. T his year’s ex hibition, our 12t h, features more t han 80 dealers wit h displays spanning five centuries of art. Many long hours of hard work and planning went into t he s how and, as always, we need to t hank t hose w ho have given muc h and taken very little. Kim Martindale, along wit h t he rest of t he K R Martindale S how Management staff, have worked on every aspect of t he s how, taking care of every detail to make sure t hat t he s how runs smoot hly for bot h t he ex hibitors and t he visitors ... as always, t hank you! Second, t here is t he Fine Art Dealers Association’s ( FA DA) Board of Directors: Jay Caldwell, Louis Stern, Jonat han Novak, Geoff Cline, Beverly Denenberg, Kevin Anderson, Susan Bodo, Betina Tasende, and I ... all of w hom have devoted many hours of t heir time to t his ex hibition. LACMA Wit h more t han 100,000 works of art, t he Los Angeles County Museum of Art ( LACMA), is t he largest encyclopedic museum west of C hicago. Located in t he heart of Los Angeles’s Mira cle Mile district, LACMA offers visito rs a ric h and diverse p erm an ent colle ction—from Euro p ean to cutting-edge contemporary, Latin American to Islamic—as well as special bloc k buster ex hibitions like t his season’s M a g r i t t e a n d C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t : T h e Tr e a c h e r y o f I m a g e s a n d P i c a s s o ’ s G r e a t e s t P r i n t : T h e M i n ot a u r o m a c h y i n All I t s St a t e s . After hours, LACMA visito rs a re invited to enric h t heir ex perience wit h public programs t hat connect art and activities, including free Friday Nig ht Jazz, an award-winning film series, lectures wit h world-renowned artists, and muc h more. For information, please visit lacma.org or call 323 857-6000. We are t hrilled t hat for t he fourt h year, our Gala O pening will benefit t he Los Angeles County Museum of Art ( LACMA), one of t he leading museums in t he Western United States. FA DA gives special t hanks to Mic hel Govan, Director and C EO of LACMA; t he Art Museum Council (AMC); Geri S herman, AMC C hairman; Lana Bergstein, Co-c hair; Connie Nagler, Co-c hair; and Karen R hodes and Ana Osgood at LACMA. As in years past, t he hel p and sponsors hi p of Arc hitectural Digest is greatly a ppreciated - t hank you Wendy Landau and Amy Soule for all your time and support. To Paige Petrone at Venice Magazine; C hristine Anderson, Allison Newcomb and t he sta ff of C hristine Anderson and Associates; Robert Nieto and Jim Hampton of Green house Marketing Grou p; as well as Casey Cook at Pacific Design Center, we are delig hted t hat you are all on board and t hank you for all your support and efforts wit h t he promotion of t he Los Angeles Art S how. Additional t hanks to Lilla Hangay for t he s how’s gra p hic design; Jo hn Bilotta for web design and production; Carolyn Baylon of CB Design; Peter Lovello Design; C hansot h Migletz; Rut hy London; as well as museum and institutional representation and support from t he Autry National Center; Claremont Graduate University; Irvine Museum; Museum of Latin American Art; and Ventura County Museum of History and Art. A special t hank you goes out to all of our ex hibitors. FA DA truly a ppreciates all t he efforts you have extended to create t his year’s ex hibition. We all wis h you a very successful s how. Finally, to all our visitors, t hank you for coming and enjoy t he s how. Peace! Howard L. Re hs, President Fine Art Dealers Association René Magritte, T he Treac hery of Images (T his is not a pipe), 1929, oil on canvas, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, purc hased wit h fund s provided by t he Mr. and Mrs. William Preston Harrison collection. © 2006 C. Herscovici, London / Artists Rig hts Society (A RS), New York P hoto © 2006 Museum Associates/ LACMA. 134 135 LACMA LACMA LACMA BOA R D OF T RUST EES 2006 LACMA BOA R D O F T RUST E ES William Hayden A hmanson William Howard A hmanson Wallis Annen berg William J. Bell David Bo hnett Suzanne Deal Boot h Donald L. Bren Eli Broad Mrs. Edward W. Carter C hester C hang Mic hael Cric hton Robert A. Day Janet Dreisen Andrew Gordon Tom Gores Andrew Hau ptman Judit h G. Jones Robert A. Kotic k Mrs. Harry Lenart Abby J. Levy Robert Looker Robert F. Maguire III William A. Mingst Mrs. Wendy Stark Morrissey Jane Nat hanson Peter Norton Geoffrey Palmer Mrs. Stewart Resnic k Tony Ressler Nancy Daly Riordan, C hair Edward P. Roski, Jr. Terry Semel Eric Smidt Mic hael G. Smooke Donald Tang Ratan N. Tata Sandra W. Terner James A. T homas C hristop her V. Wal ker Casey Wasserman 136 S ENIO R T RUST E ES Mrs. Lionel Bell Dr. George N. Boone Mrs. William M. Car penter Camilla C handler Frost Stanley Grinstein Mrs. Dwig ht M. Kendall LIF E T RUST E ES Robert H. A hmanson Robert O. Anderson Daniel N. Belin Julian Ganz, Jr. Eric Lidow Mrs. Lillian Apodaca Weiner Walter L. Weisman January 24, 2007 Dear Friends: Welcome to the Opening Night Gala of the 12th Annual Los Angeles Art Show. For the fourth year, the Art Museum Council of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art is the beneficiary of this remarkable event, and on behalf of the Board of Trustees, we would like to extend our most sincere appreciation for this continued collaboration between the Art Museum Council and the L.A. Art Show. The Art Museum Council was founded 55 years ago and since its beginning has played an integral role in supporting the arts in Southern California. The council is LACMA’s original service organization (in fact, the group predates LACMA’s founding on Wilshire Boulevard) and includes more than 250 members who serve both as volunteers and donors to the museum and as patrons of arts and culture throughout the region. We would like to take this opportunity to especially thank Geri Sherman, the chair of the Art Museum Council, Dottie Lewis, the council’s executive vice-chair of fundraising, Lana Bergstein and Connie Nagler, event chairs, and additionally Kim Martindale and his staff for their continued support of LACMA during this most important time in our history. To everyone attending the show—we hope you have a fantastic time this weekend, and also invite you to visit LACMA’s Magritte and Contemporary Art: The Treachery of Images exhibition designed by artist John Baldessari. With clouds at your feet and freeways overhead, it is truly an exhibition you have to see to believe! Sincerely, Nancy Daly Riordan Chair, Board of Trustees Michael Govan CEO and Wallis Annenberg Director 137 AM C AM C A RT MUS EUM COUNCIL O F LACMA Founded in 1952, t he Art Museum Council is LACMA’s oldest volunteer support council. T he Council, comprised of more t han 260 active members, has contributed more t han $8 million to t he purc hase of 141 wide-ranging works of art, as well as funding important ex hibitions and educational programs. T hroug h its popular Art and Arc hitecture Tour eac h April, t he Council provides an opportunity for participants to view some of Los Angeles’s most important private collections and examples of artistically significant arc hitecture. In addition to a variety of ot her fundraising activities, Council members operate t he successful Art Rental and Sales Gallery at t he museum, w hic h provides a forum for emerging Sout hern California artists and an opportunity for museum members to rent and purc hase art for t heir homes and businesses. T hroug h t hese varied activities, Council members demonstrate t heir ongoing dedication to t he enric hment of LACMA and t he facilitation of its mission. All proceeds from t he Los Angeles Art S how O pening Nig ht Gala will benefit t he Art Museum Council of LACMA and will be used to hel p underwrite t he Summer 2007 ex hibition, T he Arts In Latin America, 1492-1820. Gold Cup or Bea ker, Marlik Culture ( Nort h Iran), First Millennium, Repousse. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Museum purc hase wit h Art Museum Council funds .M.68.25 AM C BOA R D O F DI R ECT O RS 2006 - 2007 Ottoman Box, Turkey, c. 1640, Wood inlaid wit h tortoise s hell, mot her-of-pearl, ivory and ebony. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Museum purc hase wit h Art Museum Council funds. M.2005.125 A RT MUS EUM COUNCIL O F LACMA Geri S herman C hairman Lana Bergstein Connie Nagler LA Art S how Gala Co-C hairmen E X ECU T IV E BOA R D Terry Bell Carol Fainer Jill Fink Florence Gorlin Rita Levin Dottie Lewis Bet h Rosen bloom Gloria S herwood BOA R D O F DI R ECT O RS Rembrandt van Rijn, T he Descent from t he Cross by Torc hlig ht, 1654, Etc hing and dry point. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Museum purc hase wit h Art Museum Council funds. M.62.3.3 Top: Tic ket-holders visit one of six homes on t he council’s Unless ot herwise noted, all p hotos @2006 Museum Associates/ LACMA Mic hael C. McMillen, Central Meridian, T he Garage, 1981 Mixed media, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Museum purc hase wit h Art Museum Council funds. M.2005.17 P hoto © Mic hael C. McMillen. 138 Brenda Abramson Kate Baumann Terry Bell Lana Bergstein Ellen Buc hanan Ann Costello Carol Fainer Marilyn Fidler Jill Fink Bunni Fisc her Edie Fisc her Nancy Freedman Brenda Fritz Robyn Fuc hs Carol Goldberg Florence Gorlin Alison Green berg Dorsey Griffey Judi Grus hcow Diana Gutman Laura Hein Lynne Hiller Barbara Iorillo Nancy Kaye Ellen Korney Nancy Koven Patty Kraus Carole Lazar Rita Levin Anita Levine Dottie Lewis Janine Lic hstein Connie Nagler Bobbi Nastro Mic hele Paley Beverly P hilli ps Gail Rac helefsky Judy Ric hman Ina Rogal Bet h Rosen bloom Susan Savin Harriet Sc heir S herie Sc hneider Marcia Sc hulman Peggy S ha piro Judy S her Geri S herman Gloria S herwood Terri Smooke Rut h Lynn Sobel Dory Soffer Janey Sweet Ba bette Walter P hyllis Wayne Jan Weimer Penni Wynne 2006 Art and Arc hitecture Tour Center: Robert Gra ham meets Art Museum Council members in his studio, to discuss his artistic process - November, 2006. Bottom: T he council visits Corey Helford Gallery on Was hington Boulevard t his November. 139 AM C AM C LA A RT SHOW GA LA COMMIT T E ES HONO RA RY GA LA C HAI R LACMA’s CEO and Wallis Annenberg Director Michael Govan A RT MUS EUM COUNCIL Geri Sherman, AMC Chairman Lana Bergstein, Gala Co-Chair Connie Nagler, Gala Co-Chair D ÉCO R Linda Covette Ann Rose Ka plan Donna Venic k HOS P ITA LIT Y Bunni Fisc her Dottie Lewis FOO D Mitzi Cutler Barbara Leiken Ann Martin PUB LICIT Y Ann Costello Laura Hein Barbara Iorillo MAILING Jill Fink Anita Levine INFO RMAT ION LIN E Barbara Iorillo CO R PO RAT E INC ENT IV ES/ S P ECIA L GIF T S Nancy Freedman Judy Ric hman CATA LOG LIAISON Clare Wagner 140 GA LA COMMIT T E E Gay Abrams Elaine Abramson Ann Adel son Bette Ba ker Breen Gail Baril Miki Baumgarten S haron Berg Barbara Bernstein S herryl Brac hman Paula Carroll Kat C heema P hyllis Coleman S herree Colvin C heryl Crowe Margy E ber hardt Ric key Effron Harriet Eil ber Susan Finkelman Robyn Fuc hs Diane Gerry Caryl Golden Joy Gold sc hmidt Bonnie Gold stein Judi Grus hcow Janis Hague Karen Hand Madeline Heller Amy Higgins Yolanda Kamins Nancy Kaye Barbara K lein Marti Koplin Ellen Korney Sydney Krel stein Marilyn Levin Susie Levin Diane Lublin Jan Magdovitz Linda Matt hies Kim Mc Cart hy Sue Meltzer Nancy Mes hulam Karen Murray Bobbi Nastro Raymee Olin-Weiman S heryl Over hol ser Mic hele Paley Sandra Peters Beverly P hilli ps Joan Price S heila Rose Ma xine Rudoff Francine Sanders Susan Savin Rita Sc hwartz Peggy S ha piro Judy S her Gloria S herwood Mina Solomon Janey Sweet Sue Temple Sande T hayer Bet h Wagner Meryl Wec ksler Roberta W hite Penni Wynne Sue Zaret Mary Zinser 141 Museum Letter Museum Letter MoLAA Museum of Latin American Art 4700 Western Heritage Way, Los Angeles, CA 90027 • T 323.667.2000 • F 323.660.5721 • autrynationalcenter.org December 2006 Dear Art Lovers and Patrons: Dear Art Lover, On behalf of the Board of Trustees, staff, and members of the Autry National Center, welcome to the 2007 Los Angeles Art Show presented by the Fine Art Dealers Association. I would like to extend a personal invitation to you to visit the Museum of Latin American Art (MoLAA). We are the only museum in the western United States to exclusively feature contemporary fine art from Mexico, Central and South America, and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean. We have a comprehensive permanent collection of over 500 works, as well as three major temporary exhibitions annually. The Autry invites you to attend opening events for the 2007 Masters of the American West Fine Art Exhibition and Sale. Join us on Saturday, February 3 for a day that includes special programs, an awards presentation, a chuck wagon lunch and cocktail reception——all leading up to an exciting auction and sale of works by nationally-recognized artists. Among the 72 featured artists are William Acheff, Martin Grelle, Bob Kuhn, Mian Situ, Howard Terpning and Morgan Weistling. Masters Fine Art Exhibition and Sale will open to the general public on February 4 and will close on March 4, 2007. While at the Autry, be sure to see Yosemite: Art of an American Icon. The exhibition looks at Yosemite’s visual identity and cultural role as a national and international destination. With an entire gallery devoted to work created since 1970, this highly-acclaimed show explores Yosemite as a vital, contemporary space which has long been thought of in a 19th century frame. It includes works by artists such as John Divola, Thomas Struth, Richard Misrach, Wayne Thiebaud and David Hockney. After seven years of growth, we are ready for our Grand Opening in Spring 2007. It will feature a larger gallery, an art workshop room, a library, a store and a film screening room. The new building represents the unity of the Americas, the coming together of the continent. I encourage you to see our current exhibition, Unbroken Ties: Dialogues in Cuban Art, on view now through March 18, 2007. The exhibition was drawn from the Fort Lauderdale Museum’s collection. These are works by artists who have remained in Cuba, side by side with art created with those who left at the middle stage of their careers, as well as those who left as children. Together they present a complex portrait that evokes the Cuban experience as a day to day reality, the Cuba remembered and the Cuba imagined. Please stop by our booth for an invitation to the Masters Fine Art Exhibition and Sale and get a preview of upcoming events and activities at the Autry. The Autry National Center, an intercultural history center, includes the Museum of the American West, the Southwest Museum of the American Indian and the Institute for the Study of the American West. We look forward to meeting you. MoLAA is more than a museum. Along with our unique exhibitions we also have special events and educational programs that provide a cultural context for the art. Sincerely, No matter what your particular art interests are, I assure you that a visit to MoLAA will be well worth it. I look forward to seeing you at MoLAA soon! Sincerely, John L. Gray President and CEO, Autry National Center Gregorio Luke, Director Museum of Latin American Art 628 142 Alamitos Avenue Long Beach Ca. 90802 tel: 562.437.1689 fax: 562.437.7043 ww w.molaa.org 143 Sponsor Museum Letter January 2007 Dear Patrons and Sponsors, Architectural Digest is pleased to sponsor the LA Art Show for the eighth year. We are very proud of our partnership with the Fine Art Dealers Association— and that the funds raised at this event will support the Art Museum Council of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Architectural Digest’s coverage of the art and antique world has become critically important to our readers, who are passionate about filling their homes with the finest art and antiques. Enjoy the Show! Best, Amy R. Churgin Vice President and Publisher 144 145 Sponsor Sponsor SouthwestArt 921 Walnut Street, Suite 250 Boulder, Colorado 80302 phone 303-247-8080 fax 303-449-4627 Dear Los Angeles Art Show Patrons and Art Lovers: On behalf of Southwest Art Magazine, welcome to the 12th Annual Los Angeles Art Show. Celebrating “Five Centuries of Art,” this event continues to grow in size and prestige. Indeed, this year, the greatly expanded space allows for even more gallery participation and art representing a wide spectrum. As a proud major media sponsor, Southwest Art salutes the Fine Art Dealers Association (FADA) and organizers of this world-class event. Southwest Art is the definitive source of information and inspiration for fine art in and of the American West. With excellence as our standard, we champion today’s best emerging and established artists and their works, which vary from traditional representational to more modern styles in wide-ranging media. Our ever-expanding coverage is as colorful and vast as the western horizon. Now in our 36th year, we are a catalyst and forum for meaningful exchange between creators, purveyors, and patrons of fine art. Along with the LA Art Show we continue to expand our own horizons. We will shortly have new and exciting news to report with regard to our online presence and art coverage. Learn about Emerging Art Towns in our May issue, which will also focus on Modern & Contemporary Art. See some of the country’s brightest up-and-coming talents in September’s Emerging Artists 21 Under 31 coverage and discover Art in Unexpected Places. In December, we celebrate the Fine Art of Craft and Latin Art. In addition to these new directions, Southwest Art will continue to cover landscapes, sculpture, traditional western art, still lifes, Native American, figurative, wildlife/animal art and other subjects you already enjoy within our pages. We invite you to stop by our booth to pick up our January issue, The Essential Guide to 2007, which includes a review and preview of many of the western American art world’s most important events, and artists we think you should be watching during the year. Our warmest wishes to you as we head into the new year – and into what promises to be a show of shows. Sincerely, Sarah Marshall-Hill Publisher, Southwest Art w w w . s o u t h w e s t a r t . c o m 146 147 Su pporting Organization Su pporting Organization LOS ANGELES ART ASSOCIATION Peter Mays Executive Director Dear Arts Enthusiast, On behalf of the Staff, Board of Directors and Artists of the Los Angeles Art Association (LAAA), please allow me to express our enthusiasm and appreciation for the 2007 Los Angeles Art Show presented by the Fine Art Dealers Association (FADA). As an 81 year old non-profit organization committed to providing opportunities, resources and services to emerging Southern California artists, LAAA’s longevity and sustainability of our mission has contributed to the aesthetic and economic development of the larger art community through exciting exhibits and programming, as well as ongoing public/private partnerships. As THE place for emerging art on the West Coast, LAAA serves as a “feeder” resource for the larger art community. While our participation at the 2007 Los Angeles Art Show is certainly one of the highlights of LAAA’s 2007 programming, I would like to extend a personal invitation to two exciting exhibitions at our galleries: • Please join us on Saturday, February 17, 6p to 9p at Gallery 825 on La Cienega for the opening reception of “Making Meaning” an important exhibition juried by Louis Stern, celebrated gallerist and FADA Board member. • On Thursday, February 8, 7p to 10p, I encourage you to visit our sister gallery LAAA South in Hermosa Beach for our second “Biannual” survey exhibition of the very best in emerging Southern California art. “Biannual” is juried by MASS MoCA curator Susan Cross. These exhibitions directly advance our mission, and impact the ability of local emerging artists to gain personal empowerment, discover and develop their innate talents, and participate more fully in the larger arts community. For more information on LAAA’s exhibitions and programming, please visit www.laaa.org or call us at 310.652.8272. Sincerely, Peter Mays Executive Director Providing resources, services and opportunities to emerging artists at two locations LAAA/Gallery 825 (Main Administrative Office) 825 North La Cienega Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90069 phone: 310.652.8272 , fax: 310.652.9251 148 LAAA South LAAA South/ The Mike Napoliello Gallery 936 Hermosa Avenue # 105 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 www.laaa.org 149 Sponsor Official Letter venice letter 2 1/4/06 5:43 PM Page 1 January 2006 January 24, 2007 Esteemed Art Enthusiasts, Dear Fellow Art Lovers, Venice Magazine is delighted to welcome you to the 11th Annual Los Angeles Art Welcome toare the happy 12th Annual Angeles Art Venice is again, tickled pink to pleascontinue Show! We to beLos a sponsor for Show. the fifth year,Magazine and once it is a our now six-year sponsorship this wonderful cally the the Opening which ure to work with LA Art of Show producerevent, Kim specifi Martindale, FineNight Art Gala, Dealers benefits the inestimable workMuseum of the Art Council Museum of Council of the Los Angeles County Museum Association, and the Art the Los Angeles County Museum of of Art. The tireless efforts of Art Show Producer Kim Martindale, the Fine Art Dealers Association, Art. and the Art Museum Council have brought about one of the premier art exhibitions in the world, attendedour by thousands enthusiasts around the globe. During 17 years of art publishing wefrom have developed relationships with scores of wonderful restaurants and beverage purveyors, and many of them are participating As we approach our 20th publishing, wethe areopening exceedingly grateful thefunds friendships this year to provide fineyear foodofand drink for night gala.for The raisedwe from this event support the efforts of theour Artrestaurants, Museum and Council. have forged with our advertisers, in particular food and beverage clients who have so generously stepped up to the plate, literally, to serve you this evening. They, too, realize This year’s show, “Five Centuries Fine Art,” features thousands works of art of the importance of tonight’s Gala, whichofprovides much-needed funds for theofon-going work from theArt top galleries around the ofglobe. From Old Masters to Impressionists, LACMA’s Museum Council (55 years it!). Abstract Expressionists to contemporary artists, the LA Art Show has something for every viewer. The vast collection of art on view represents work in every medium from artists of every stripe. The chance to see these pieces under one roof in our own backyard of Los Angeles is an opportunity Art lifeblood of culture, culture is the essence of at humanity. Venice rejoices that iswethe hope stimulates feelingsand of joy and wonderment. Here Venice Magazine, art is the in its participation of theIt LA Artshow! lifeblood of our existence. is our pleasure to be a part of the Los Angeles Art Show! Nancy NancyBishop Bishop EditorialDirector Director and Publisher Editorial and Publisher 150 151 Official Letter Official Letter January 25, 2007 Art Museum Council Los Angeles County Museum of Art 5905 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90036 Dear Friends, On behalf of the City of Los Angeles, it is my pleasure to welcome and congratulate the members and guests of the Opening Night Gala of the Los Angeles Art Show. As the creative capital of the world, Los Angeles is pleased to host the Los Angeles Art Show. This show celebrates and recognizes the diversity of ideas, perspectives and artistic achievements in our city. Together in partnership, we can make a positive impact and recognize the accomplishments of these people, and honor their artistic contributions. I extend my best wishes for a memorable celebration and future success. Very truly yours, ANTONIO R. VILLARAIGOSA Mayor 152 153 Official Letter 154 Official Letter 155 Installation C LA R EMONT GRA DUAT E UNIV E RSIT Y T he Los Angeles Art S how features a special ex hibition of new works by eig ht M FA candidates from t he class of 2007 at Claremont Graduate University. Karl Benjamin, CGU alumnus and professor emeritus, CGU and Pomona College, selected paintings, drawings, collages, and p hotogra p hic works by Quinton Bemiller, Anita Bunn, C huc k Feesago, Bianca Kolonusz Partee, Anna Marie Francesco, Sayon Sy prasoeut h, as well as site specific installations by Seann Brac kin and Bradley E ber hard. Bianca Kolonusz-Partee, Hong Kong Port ( pink), 2006, Collage, 8 1/2 x 11inc hes Seann Brac kin, Time-Space Lu xury Cruise Liner in Deep Space, 2006, 0il on canvas and mixed medium, 96 x 96 x 96 inc hes (varia ble) C huc k Feesago, Price Point, 2006, news print ink and acrylic 66 x 77 inc hes P hoto credit: Anita Bunn Anita Bunn, Exotica, 2006, Ink jet print on panel, 20 x 20 inc hes Sayon Sy prasoeut h, S hadow, 2006, oil on canvas over panel, 42 x 60 inc hes Quinton Bemiller, Transient, 2006, Acrylic on canvas on board, 14 x 11 inc hes, Private Collection, Los Angeles Anna Marie Francesco, Sp here, 2006 Joint compound and acrylic, 10 x 8 x 2 inc hes Bradley E ber hard, Double Bummer, 2006, oil and acrylic on canvas, 24 x 32 inc hes 156 157 Installation LOS ANGEL ES A RT ASSOCIAT ION / GA LL E RY 825 Eig hty-one years ago, t he Los Angeles Art Association ( LAAA) /Gallery 825 c hanged t he conversation a bout how art could be viewed, Mic helle Deniaud Urbanites, 2006 Inkjet, acrylic on canvas 20 x 24 inc hes a ppreciated and sustained in Los Angeles. Paul Pitsker, Grounder 2006, watercolor 18 x 24 inc hes Gegam Kac herian, Satisfying Hunger, 2006, acrylic on canvas, 24 x 48 inc hes Responding to t he lac k of a formal venue to view artwork, LAAA’s original trustees (including Harry C handler, Edward Dic kson and William May Garland ) esta blis hed LAAA and created t he opportunity and t he ex pectation t hat art would have an ongoing role in t he cultural life of Los Angeles. LAAA /Gallery 825 hel ped esta blis h t he art collection t hat founded t he Los Angeles County Museum of Art ( LACMA) and ex hibited work by many celebrated artists including Marcel Duc hamp, Man Ray, Wayne T hiebaud, and Lita Al buquerque. T hroug hout t he years, Los Angeles Art Association has ex perienced its s hare of evolution, but never lost sig ht of one nonnegotia ble princi ple—its commitment to support emerging Sout hern California artists in our s hared community. LAAA is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit arts organization w hose mission is to provide opportunities, resources, services and ex hibition venues for emerging Los Angeles artists. Having launc hed t he careers of many hig hprofile artists, LAAA continues to play a central role in t he Los Angeles arts community by providing local artists and t he public wit h exceptional ex hibitions and programs, as well as a forum for exc hange and education t hroug h lectures, works hops and networking opportunities. LAAA serves a broad cross section of artists of all mediums, career level s and socioeconomic bac kgrounds, including t hose from low-income communities. Beyond its focus on matters of access and equity for artists, LAAA al so hop es to influence all t he cultural sta ke holder g rou ps in Los Angeles wit h regard to t he role of t he arts in our community. Sop hia Allison, Untitled ( Pod ), 2006 Used coffee filters, clot h, wire, 47 x 20 x 25 inc hes 158 Eig hty-one years later, it’s time to c hange t he conversation again. 159 Installation Installation JANET BIGGS K E-SOOK L E E Pondering t he question of free will’s role in contemporary society, new media artist Janet Biggs has produced a body of powerful video works t hat inquire of t he viewer: W hat will you do wit h your time on eart h? Our actions or lac k t hereof will have a lasting impact on t he world around us. Ex ploring power, control, and obsession, Biggs proposes new relations hi ps between aest hetic s and strengt h, as well as action and desire. Born in Korea, and living in t he United States, artist Ke-Sook Lee’s work is a response to her time and ex periences, at once informed and nurtured by bot h cultures into a harmony of understanding. In cultivating her art, Lee utilizes common domestic material s and tec hniques: including handmade pa p er, sew ing, wa s hing, sta rc hing, and ironing. Draw ing from intim ate familial traditions of embroidery, Lee employs stitc hing as a primary drawing media, layering t he marks of needlework wit h t hat of everyday wea r and m ending into intric ate d esigns t hat embody a poetic b ea uty. T he reci pient of numerous award s and fellows hi ps, Lee has ex hibited extensively bot h in t he US and a broad, wit h her work represented in a numb er of co r po rate and private colle ctions. Lee continues to re ceive g row ing re cognition and ha s b een featured in several distinguis hed periodical s, including Art in America and Art and Antiques. In all, Lee’s conceptual installations convey a t houg htful declaration of endurance and grace born from, and in t he artist’s word s, “seed pod s filled wit h dreams”. Beautiful and compelling images are ju xta posed wit h t he powerful content t hey contain. Wit h t he positioning of t hese works, Biggs weaves a net to ca pture t he viewer in t he balance, contemplating t heir own free will and how t hey c hoose to engage it. T he artist provides an insig htful yet subtle examination into t he relations hi p between social be havior and individual c haracter. Janet Biggs has ex hibited worldwide, gaining a strong critical reputation for work t hat places her in t he lineage of feminist discourse. A reci pient of numerous awards and prizes, including a National Endowment for t he Arts Fellows hi p, Biggs has received significant sc holastic and literary ac knowledgement in publications from A RTnews, to t he New York Times and Ms Magazine. Janet Biggs is represented by Claire Oliver Gallery, New York. Seed Pods Apron, 2006, Stitc hing wit h t hread, tarlatan & pigment, 104 x 96 x 165 inc hes Fall On Me Deanna, Single-C hannel Video Seed Pod s, 2006, Stitc hing wit h t hread, tarlatan & pins, Dimensions Varia ble Polar Bears, Anana Dream Single-C hannel Video 160 161 Music S how design CA ROLYN BAYLON - SHOW D ESIGN MUSIC – LOS ANGEL ES A RT SHOW 2007 Carolyn Baylon, Princi pal of C B Design, Inc., a Los Angeles based interior design firm, specializes in bot h residential and hos pitality designs -designing spaces for restaurant grou ps, hotel grou ps and private residential clients. Carolyn combines her passion and exceptional talent and s pirit wit h her brands and noted spaces. Presents t he following opening nig ht and s how performances complimenting a range of musical styles wit h furt her events to ta ke place t hroug hout t he weekend. Carolyn began her career young. Growing u p in t he family business, w hic h pointed her in t he direction w here her career has ta ken her. Her multidisci plinary bac kground and studies have a fforded her t he opportunities to esta blis h herself as one of t he youngest entrepreneurial preeminent interior designers. S he continues to move forward eac h year wit h wit h great determination. Her in herent understanding of s pace, arc hitecture and furniture design translates into every project. Her vision is not only in t he design, it’s a bout looking into t he future and designing wit h lifestyle and branding in mind. T his of course only describes a small part of w hat ma kes her work so special. Carolyn a pproac hes every job individually, and ta kes on a new direction wit h every space to ma ke it its own. Her love is for travel, and t he culinary arts, as well as arc hitecture and design. No matter w hat it is, it is her in herent understanding of t he need s o f h e r c li ent s t h a t h a s m a d e h e r s u c h a s u c c e s s . H e r o f f i c e s in Los Angeles / West Hollywood and Palm Springs are destined to play a prominent role in t he future of interior design. T H E C HUC K MANNING QUA RT ET ANNA STA F FO R D AND H E R ST RING QUA RT ET Featuring: Solo artist, musician, composer, and producer, Anna Sta fford, creates eloquent compositions t hat provide an unprecedented ric h and enduring c harm to t he Los Angeles music scene. Trained in concrete and electronic music as well as avant-ga rd e string production, Ann a studied under violinist Warwic k Lister of t he Firenze Orc hestra Musicale and has performed widely, traveling across Europe and t he Middle East. S he resides in Pasadena. Jim Szillagi , Piano; Islan Ec kinger , Bass; Tim Pleasant , Drums; C huc k , Tenor and Soprano Sa xop hone C huc k is one of t he busiest jazz sa xop honists in Sout hern California. He has been performing and recording for t he past twenty-five years wit h many local ensembles and jazz artists in t he L.A. a r e a , a c ro s s t h e c o u nt r y a n d in E u ro p e . He is a longtime member of t he Los Angeles Jazz Quartet and co-leader of t he Ec kinger-Manning Quintet. T he C huc k Manning Quartet was recently featured on National Public Radio’s “Jazz Set wit h Branford Marsalis”. C huc k has recently recorded wit h drummer Al p honse Mouzon, and is a regular member of t he Bobby Bradford Mo’tet, t he Sal Marquez quartet and t he Bill Cunliffe Sextet. “Essential listening for any local jazz listener. Manning is a fine inventive tenor player. Wit h Joe Henderson as his baseline, he plays a gorgeous ballad, can blow some brilliant and slig htly understated post-bob frenzy, and can lay out t he bop lines fres h. His band is a great one, wit h Jim Szilagyi often matc hing him idea for idea. Drummer Tim Pleasant’s understated ta pping and ti ppling and cymbal was hes defy t he written word. And t his quartet’s unreleased al bum, Manning debut as a leader, is a great one.” - Bric k Wa hl, LAWeekly, December 22, 2006. 162 Sponsored by K-Mozart 105.1 MOZA RT F RIDAY In celebration of t he prolific composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s 251st birt hday (born January 27t h, 1756), FA DA and t he LA Art S how are proud to present a day of Mozart featuring recital s by Pianist, Dr. James Lent and Violinist, Victoria Martino. SK YLA R T HOMSON Bac k by popular demand, Woodland Hill s, CA c hanteuse, Skylar T homson, will s howcase her diverse, warm vocal talents t hat have made her a favorite at venues t hroug hout California, including a ppearances at BB Kings, T he El Rey T heater and T he House of Blues, bot h in Ana heim and on t he Sunset Stri p. 163 Special T hanks L ET T E R OF GR E ET ING Over t he years I have gained pleasure in watc hing t he LA Art S how grow from a solid s howcase of regional art to its current status as a fair recognized for its presentation of t he finest in international work. Now in its 12t h year, we are t hrilled t hat t he cultural epicenter of Los Angeles continues to provide t he bac kdrop for some of t he best galleries in t he world, wit h artwork ranging from t he traditional to cutting edge contemporary. Our 2007 fair welcomes over 80 ex hibitors, a range of publis hers, museums and art organizations, as well as t he addition of a new 32,000 square foot pavilion, yet even as we build upon our former ac hievements, our commitments remain t he same—maintaining t he hig hest standard s of excellence t hat have always been t he cornerstone of t he LA Art S how. In keeping wit h a spirit of innovation and creativity, t his year’s annual ex position will hig hlig ht an extended symposia series of worldwide presenters, installation pieces from artists around t he country, as well as t he antici pated O pening Nig ht Gala Reception hosted by t he Art Museum Council of t he Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Overall, t he fair promises to provide somet hing for everyone—art lover, connoisseur and collector, alike. Lastly, and not to be forgotten, I would like to welcome our most important partners, t he galleries from across t he country and from around t he world w hose dedication and ent husiasm represent t he true strengt h of t he s how— t he occasion to come toget her and s hare in a wealt h of artistic visions. Combine all of t hese factors toget her and we have w hat ma kes t he LA Art S how one of t he premier fairs of its kind. S P ECIA L T HANK S Kim Martindale of K R Martindale S how Management would like to t hank t he following for t heir contributions: LACMA Mic hael Govan Karen R hodes Ana Osgood AM C Geri S herman Lana Bergstein Connie Nagler Design Lilla Hangay Nici Cuellar FA DA Board Members Fine Art Dealers Association Web Jo hn Bilotta Arc hitectural Digest Wendy Landau Amy Soule Green house Marketing Robert Nieto Jim Hampton Mindy La ke Enjoy t he weekend. Venice Magazine Paige Petrone Nancy Bis hop Kim Martindale K R Martindale S how Management S how Producer Pacific Design Center Casey Cook Genevieve Morrill 164 Lectures & Panel Discussions Judy C hicago Jessica L. Darra by Milton Esterow S haron Flesc her Wendell Gladstone S herin Guirguis Ma x Jansons Andreas Neufert Dr. Konrad Ober huber David Pagel E. Randol Sc hoen berg Judit h Sc haec hter T haddeus J. Stauber Steven E. T homas Colourcra ft Printing Mic hael Kenner and Sta ff Classic Party Rental Matt Wilts hire CAT Entertainment Services Mitc h, Barry, Cisco and Marcus Carolyn Baylon Jessica Cardina hl Daneva Dansby Mary Gil bert Bettina Korek Lisa Lefner Rut hy London Peter A. Lovello C hansot h Migletz Victoria Roberts Roman Stollenwerk C hristine Anderson & Associates Alison Newcomb Partici pating Artists Beverage Companies Galleries Museums Musicians Organizations Publications and Media Restaurants Sponsors Vetting Committee Mini Mailers MMI Cynt hia Garcia Crew, friends, and family as well as t he advertisers 165