May 2014 - Riverside Community School District


May 2014 - Riverside Community School District
Oakland, IA 51560
PO Box 428
Postal Patron
Striving to Provide the
Highest Quality Education
for the Communities of
Carson, Macedonia, and
Riverside Community
School Mission
The mission of the Riverside
Community School District is
to prepare students to meet
the challenges of the future as
responsible citizens in a global
May, 2014 Newsletter
Volume 20, Issue 9
Groundbreaking News!
Activities Calendar
* Dr. James Sutton, Superintendent
712-484-2212 Central Office
*Mr. Jamie Meek, Pre-K-6Principal
712-484-2212 Intermediate School
Elementary School
* Mr. David Gute Jr.-Sr. HS Principal
Jr.-Sr. High School
* Don Graham
Bus Garage
HS Graduation
Sunday, May 18
John Reed Field
2 PM
Special board meetings will be
scheduled, usually on the
first Thursday of the month, to
expedite progress on the new
Baccalaureate Service
Sunday, May 11 7:30 PM
Sharon Presbyterian Church
Senior Class Night
Wednesday, May 14 7:00 PM
Jr. –Sr. HS Auditorium
The Riverside Community School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, national origin, sexual
orientation, gender identity, marital status, socioeconomic status, or disability in its educational programs and activities and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, socioeconomic status or disability in its employment practices, or as otherwise prohibited by statute or regulation. For more information or concerns
regarding educational programs or activities, employment practices or information regarding the grievance procedure, contact Dr. James
Sutton, Equity Coordinator, Riverside Community School District, 330 Pleasant Street, PO Box 218, Carson, IA 51525, 712-484-2212.
To Those Individuals Who Have Supported the Riverside Community Schools in any manner,
we want to say THANK YOU, VERY MUCH! In this issue, we have several articles from individuals offering a “ thank you”. We all had one big fear. . .that we would omit someone. Our sincere apologies should that happen. Again, thank you for your support. We appreciate this.
Changes in Registration
We are working on ways to improve registration for the 2014-15
school year, including possible registration online. We will be
posting information about registration on the school web site
at Keep checking the web page for
dates and procedures.
Riverside Teacher to Do Service Project in Dominican Republic
(Kristina Sturm)
April Top Dawgs
April Top Dawgs are Sydney Swope (Junior High), Bobby Reynolds (Junior), and
Lindsey White (Sophomore). Each month teachers select students for the Top
Dawg award. This month’s students have been described as conscientious, hardworking, and class leaders. Other accolades also described the students as being
polite, having a good sense of humor, and having matured quite a bit.
Serving others has been an extensive part of my life since I was in middle
school. If you’ve spent longer than 30 minutes talking to me, or even
stepped into my classroom you’ll know about my experiences in a National
Service program for two years. In January, a good friend of mine from my
two years in AmeriCorps extended me another amazing opportunity to
service. Alongside my friend, several other friends from Americorps and
an organization called FUMSIL I will be spending just over a week serving
the people of the Dominican Republic. There are a variety of ways which
we’ll be serving but the two which I am most excited for are working in a
local children’s home and working in a freshly opened school. For many
months they have been working towards putting together a new preschool - paint, furniture, curriculum, teachers, students, kids. This is where
you come in. There is a pretty big list of suggested donations, which the
school, home and medical shelters are looking for. Because this trip is
made up of people from all over the country, fundraising has been next to
impossible. As you clean out lockers, rooms, cars or maybe even the
clearance section of local stores, keep an eye out for the below listed
items. If you feel compelled the items can be brought to the school.
Another area where I will be working is in a medical clinic. Supplies which
we can get access to easily are much more difficult for them. Any money
donated will be used to purchase vitamins, cough syrup, acetaminophen.
School Supplies (5 and younger)
Educational posters for the walls (Spanish)
Children’s Spanish books
Right: Will Gress received an
Honorable Mention for his
art work at the WIC Art
Puzzle mats
Blunt tip scissors
Baby Bottles
Glue Stick
Carpet Squares
Finger paints
Thank you! ¡gracias! Grazie! Danke! Mahalo! Merci! Domo Arrigato! Obrigado! Tak! Spasibo! Dziekuje! Go raibh maith agat !
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Page 3
Will Your Child Be In 7th Grade In The Fall????
Vicki Palmer RN
Parents of 6 grade students please be aware that a new immunization requirement went into place at the start of the 2013-14 school
year. A Tdap immunization (tetanus and pertussis) is now required
BEFORE the first day of a student’s 7th grade school year. The Tdap
immunization must have been after the child’s 7th birthday and before
they start 7th grade. Following is an excerpt from a letter from the
Iowa Department of Public Health:
The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH), Bureau of Immunization, has completed
the administrative rules process to require tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) vaccine for students enrolling in 7th grade. The administrative rule change is effective January
16, 2013, and will be implemented at the beginning of the upcoming 2013-2014 school
year. The change will require a one-time booster dose of tetanus, diphtheria,
and acellular pertussis-containing vaccine for applicants in grades 7 and above,
if born on or after September 15, 2000; regardless of the interval since the last
tetanus/diphtheria containing vaccine.
Please send documentation of a Tdap immunization to Mrs. Palmer as
soon as possible. If you are unsure if your child has already met this
requirement please contact Mrs. Palmer by phone or email
Iowa celebrates Iowa School Board Recognition month in May, 2014. The theme this year
is Educate! Advocate! Celebrate! Please join schools, governments and civic organizations
nationwide in saluting school board members’ dedication and hard work during School
Board Member Recognition Month in May 2014.
Riverside’s seven board members are among 1,943 board members throughout Iowa who
serve their school district, with no compensation, in an effort to make the best decisions
for students. The vision is to engage the community in setting the course to guide local
education, keeping student achievement as the primary focus. The board employs a superintendent, adopts policies and plans, and ensures that human and financial resources
are allocated to accomplish the vision. They also monitor student achievement, evaluate
progress toward district goals and report that progress to the community.
Please join the Riverside staff and students in thanking the Riverside Board of Education
for their service on behalf of our district. Members include Greg Hansen, Murray Fenn,
Jeff Buckingham, Dan Ives, Phil Reed, Lindsay Bentley and Matt Bowen.
The Riverside Community School Board
Row 1: Dan Ives, Jeff Buckingham, Vice President Murray Fenn, President
Greg Hansen Row 2: Phil Reed, Lindsey Bentley, Matt Bowen
Second Semester Intermediate Student Council
Row 1: Kenna Ford, Isabella Bluml Row 2: Ella Hensley, Maggie Boruff, Ari
McGlade, Ashlynn Amdor Row 3: Samantha Beireis, Cora Johnson, McCartney Sanny
Row 4: Marcos Attunez
Baccalaureate Service is Sunday, May 11, 2014 at 7:00 Pm at the Sharon Presbyterian Church
Senior Class Night is Wednesday, May 14, 2014 at 7:00 PM in the Jr.-Sr. High School Auditorium
High School Graduation is Sunday, May 18, 2014 at 2:00 PM at John Reed Field
Riverside Elementary News
A Few Words From Mr. Meek:
The end of the school year is only weeks away! I cannot believe that the school
year is already at a close and we are looking at the summer and even to next
school year. We have had a lot of great things happen this year and looking
back we had a lot of fun and the students and teachers have learned a lot together. We have had our ups and downs but overall it has been a very successful year all around.
As we close out the school year, each grade level does some sort of fun activity
or field trip to help wind up the school year. Please pay attention to the notes
that come home with your child so you can keep up with everything as the
school year comes to an end.
May 5-9 is teacher appreciation week and the Principal’s Cabinet will be doing
little things to show our staff just how important they are to our community.
If you would like to help them with their plans for the week, please contact
them via their Facebook Page, Riverside ES/IS Parent-Teacher Organization
(Principal's Cabinet). You can do the same with a thank you note to your
child’s teacher telling them how much you appreciate what they do every day
for your child. Don’t forget all the special teachers like art, music, Walk to
Read, Computer or PE who may not see your child on a daily basis but make a
difference in your child’s educational progress.
This Boy LOVES to Read
Kyler Rieken, a second grader in Mrs. Hummel’s classroom, LOVES to read. He has the
highest total of AR points in the whole elementary school. As of this writing, he has 210.9
points. We have to make a new AR board for him and the year isn’t over yet! He also has
read over one million words from his AR books!! (1,503,679 AR book words!!!) This is not
counting the other words he has read every day in his other subjects.
Almost every newsletter article I end with a paragraph about staying in good
communication with your child’s teacher. Working together is the best way
for a child to grow academically, socially, and emotionally. I end this year with
this request, talk to your child’s teacher and ask them what are some things
that you can work on with your child this summer to help them be the best
prepared for the 2014-2015 school year. With your help and a little bit of direction they will be ready for next year.
Have a great summer!
For the past three Wednesdays, from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m., a group of
community volunteers have come to the Elementary School and read
to a variety of grade levels. It has been organized by the Riverside
School Improvement and Advisory Committee, with Pastor Brody
from the Carson Methodist Church, as the community coordinator.
Each week we gain a couple more people and the students love every
minute of it. If you are interested in joining this group or coming up to
any other school, please contact the building secretary and they will
arrange time, space, and students for you to listen to or read with.
Kindergarten students, Jayka and Noah, are dressed for another fun and busy day of school!
Thank you! ¡gracias! Grazie! Danke! Mahalo! Merci! Domo Arrigato! Obrigado! Tak! Spasibo! Dziekuje! Go raibh maith agat !
Kindergarten Gets Information on Nocturnal Animals
(Mrs. Bertacini)
The Pottawattamie County Conservation Program came to the Riverside Elementary Kindergarten classes at the end of March, 2014. Their
topic of discussion was Nocturnal Animals. The students got to see
samples of animals that come out at night and volunteer in front of the
class . We would like to say "Thank You" to Tina Popson, Education
Program Manager for the wonderful program!!!
Sugar Shock
The students in Mrs. Hummel’s 2nd Grade class have been learning about the human
body and nutrition. Each student brought in their favorite snack. They measured out
how much sugar was in their snack. Some students were amazed to see all the sugar
in one portion size. The above picture shows Colton with 30 grams of sugar in his
Gummy Crabby Patties. He had the snack with the highest amount of sugar. Kyler
only had 1 gram of sugar in his Cheetos. His snack was the lowest grams of sugar of
the snacks brought in.
Next was the fat test. Each student tested their food for grease. Kyler’s Cheetos had
the most with 405 cm of soaked fat left on his paper towel, while Colton had 153 cm of
soaked fat left on his paper towel. Wow! The students couldn’t believe the grease
stains that were on their paper towels.
After this experiment, some of the students changed their minds about what they will
put in their bodies. We have decided we need to look carefully at the labels of our
Below is a picture of some of our grease stains that our snacks left.
Be a Conservation Superhero!
Mrs. Jamie Meek
It was a happy group of kids at the most recent Conservation Whobuddies Club held at Riverside Elementary. Here they are showing off the chia pets they made while
learning about soil. They discussed what farmers need to grow their crops including good soil, the right amount of sunshine and water, etc. Then they planted their own
crop: a teaspoon of grass seed and will tend to them at home while putting their new education into practice.
In addition, they discussed the importance of the different layers of soil and then build edible soil cups! We introduced vermicomposting, using red worms to aid composting process. Everyone got to dig in to the compost and meet a few hundred worms or so!
Superhero Club is sponsored by East Pott. SWCD and East Pott. Farm Bureau, it is a FREE afterschool club for East Pott. 2nd-3rd graders.
Group Time
Left: Vermicompost in the background as student holds worm on her hand.
Right: Students are creating soil chia pets
They say it takes a village to raise a child—well, we are very lucky to have three caring communities to help Riverside Elementary School. We would like to
publicly say “thank you” for all the wonderful donations we have received throughout this school year.
Thank you to: Wheeler Grove Church of Christ, Macedonia United Methodist Women, Carson United Methodist Women, Carson Suzanna Circle, Carson United Methodist Sunday School, Oakland Senior Center, Oakland United Methodist Church, Riverside Optimists, and an anonymous donor for their generous giving to the milk/lunch program. Approximately 40 families (several with more than one child) were helped.
Thanks to the Riverside Elementary Principal’s Cabinet. They have provided a trip to the Rose Theatre, Christmas movie at Dreamland Theater, Mad Science
Assembly, Zoo assembly, Muffins for Mom, Donuts for Dad, p-t conference teacher meals, on-line website subscriptions, classroom field trip support, AR Store,
and numerous teacher room requests.
An enormous pat-on-the-back to:
Ernest Ruehle for all the time he spends helping families with translating during parent-teacher conferences.
Jamie Kadel for reading to the PS-2nd grades and giving out classroom books.
Lions Club for helping with eye testing during Preschool Screening.
Lutheran Youth Group for donating mittens & gloves.
Carson United Methodist Sunday School for Clorox wipes, Kleenex, winter clothing.
Girl Scout Troop for recycling lots and lots of paper.
East Pott Soil & Water Conservation/Farm Bureau for supporting Conservation Club.
Riverside Church Association for supporting Faith & Fitness Fridays.
Pastor Brody, Pastor Karen, Jerry Hoff, Deb Volz, Alison Paulsen, Pastor Smith, Melissa Lund for listening & reading to kids.
PEO for winter clothing.
Anonymous for winter clothing.
So—thank you to everyone who has helped make a difference in the lives of the 253 students and 40+ staff members at Riverside Elementary. Your kindness and
generosity is truly appreciated. Have a great summer and see you in August!
The Fashion Class at Riverside High School would like to "Thank" Jo Kates for
letting us use the Nishna Heritage Window for our fashion displays!!!! The class
is taught by Mrs. Susan Bentley
The FFA would like to thank Agrivision, Pioneer,
CO-OP, Pelgrow and Riverside Custom Ag for all
their help on the school farm.
Counterclockwise: Breeann Horgdal, Jo Kates, Jordyn Winget, Dilna Maldonado-Lopez, Stephanie Schriber, Katelyn Donahue, Jasmyn Carter, Hannah Miller
The Members of the Yearbook Staff would like to thank all of our
advertisers, our yearbook rep, Brad Hempstead, and the Booster
Club for their technological and monetary support. THANKS!!!!
The artwork above won an Honorable Mention at the WIC Art Show
last week . The work was created by senior Brianne Manzer.
Test Date
June 14, 2014
Registration Deadline
May 9, 2014
(Late Fee Required)
May 10–23, 2014
Sunday, May 11, 2014 @ 7:30 PM
Baccalaureate Services at Sharon Presbyterian Church
Wednesday, May 14, 2014 @ 7:00 PM
Students Visit South High School in Omaha
Senior Class Night at Jr.-Sr. High School Auditorium
The Intro. to Education class took a field trip on March 27, and their first stop
was Children's Square in Council Bluffs. The students took a tour and learned
about the history of Children's Square and the services they offer to children.
Children's Square just celebrated their 130th anniversary of caring for children
and restoring hope to them and their families. The Intro. to Education students were impressed with the facility and the awesome work they do! The
next stop was Omaha South High School. Omaha South is a magnet school
for Visual and Performing Arts and Informational Technology. It is also the
only OPS high school that offers a dual language program. The school has 5
floors, covers 2 city blocks and has about 2200 students - quite different from
RHS!!! The Riverside students visited with the Omaha South Intro. to Education class and discussed the differences between rural and urban schools. We
are very excited to report that the Omaha South students will be visiting Riverside on May 1st. We look forward to showing them what a small, rural high
school looks like!
Sunday, May 18, 2014 @ 2:00 PM
Riverside High School Graduation John Reed Field
Changes in Registration
We are working on ways to improve registration for the 2014-15
school year, including possible registration online. We will be posting information about registration on the school web site
at Keep checking the web page for
dates and procedures.
Baccalaureate is Sunday, May 11, 2014
Class Night is Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Graduation is Sunday, May 18, 2014
Riverside website is
The Student Council
Spring Blood Drive was
held on March 26, 2014 at
Riverside High School.
The goal for the blood
drive was 66 points. The
group was happy to announce that 68 pints were
collected. . .enough to save
200 lives.
Left: Justine Brammer gets
ready to donate blood for a
very good cause.
Above: Artwork created by Madison Martinez which received an Honorable Mention at the WIC Art Show.
High School News
They Took The Plunge (Bailey McCready)
(David Gute)
We are taking the opportunity to try and thank as many organizations and
individuals in the community that help the school district throughout the
school year. We definitely couldn’t make all the different activities work if
it weren’t for people volunteering their time. We usually have 15 – 20 different people volunteering to make a Friday night football game work and I
am being told we will need 40 – 50 for track meets that will be held in a few
years. I’m guessing we have 50+ that help out for the Riverside Wrestling
Tournament. This doesn’t include the folks running the Booster Club.
They sell merchandize and run the concession stands at most of our home
events and this takes a lot of volunteers. The majority of this money comes
right back to the school district to help purchase things for activities and
programs in all 3 school buildings. Thanks for helping and supporting the
Riverside Booster Club.
The Riverside High School Softball Team was nominated by Lili McCready to do
the Polar Plunge for Landon Shaw. Landon Shaw, a 5-month old from Tarkio,
Missouri, was born with Stage 4 brain cancer. He has been through 4 surgeries,
days without eating, “picked” on every couple of hours and still puts a smile on his
face. The idea is to plunge into cold water and challenge at least 3 people to take
the plunge after you. You then say you will donate “X” amount of dollars for each
person who jumps within 24 hours! Several groups around the Riverside communities participated in this challenge during the first weekend in April including
Alex and Kellen Oliver.
We also have a few different organizations like the Lions club that helps
provide eye glasses for students in need. They run the Oakland Can Corral
with cans that are often donated to help with different school organizations.
I think Lions Club recently has offered to help encourage students to take
some ACT test prep classes by giving out some scholarship money. The
Riverside Optimist club has often donated money to help different organizations at the school and helped pay for field trips this year. They also are
willing to help with the ACT scholarships that will be given out in the future. I want to mention the work Riverside Links is doing in our school
district. They took over organizing our community service day that the Jr.Sr. High students will be doing on April 30th (with a rain date of May 7) I
appreciate their organizational help on this because I usually was trying to
pull it together at the last minute.
I also want to thank all of the people that provide scholarships for our students. I am amazed on awards night (Wednesday, May 14th) at the amount
of money (around $12,000 locally) that is given to very deserving and hardworking graduating students in our district. This is a true statement of the
communities’ dedication to higher education that these young women and
men will be pursuing. The price of a college education continues to rise and
this money is well spent. I believe this is not only an investment in the recipients’ future but also our community.
Thank you to all the volunteers for making the Riverside Community
School District a great place for all the students that attends.
Plunging at the Quarry were Coach Perkins, Alyssa Brink, Sheyenne Smith,
Rachel Novotny, Bailey McCready, Coach Conover.
Want to See Washington, D.C? 2015 Plans are Announced
The 2015 Riverside
High School Washington D. C. trip is set for
February 24-28, 2015.
The cost is $1,399 per
person. Juniors and
Seniors in high school,
as well as Riverside
community members,
are invited to attend.
Breakfast and evening
meals are included
with the trip. Participants will see the Capitol, White House, Smithsonian Museum, all war memorials, a play at The Kennedy Center, Mt. Vernon and Gettysburg by
guided tour bus.
Call Riverside High School and leave a
message for trip sponsor Alex Oliver or email if you
have questions. Watch for more information and the date of the informational
See the sights and enjoy the
Page 8
Above: Coaches go
for the cannonball
Right: Girls take the
plunge together!
Seniors Sign With Midland University For Soccer
Three Riverside seniors signed to play soccer with Midland University located in Fremont,
Nebraska. Those young men are David Andersen, Tanner Ford, and Malachi Dillon. These
boys played on the first Riverside soccer team to qualify for state. Good luck in the future,
Row 1: Tanner Ford, Malachi Dillon, David Andersen
Row 2: Coach Mike Andersen, Midland Soccer Coach, Coach John Thomas
It’s Spring Sports Season. It’s been rainy and cold but we have
some photos of our athletes in action.
6th Graders Visit the Nursing Home Residents (Lauri Drake and Kara Plagman)
Intermediate News from Mr. Meek
Sixth grade students interviewed a resident at the nursing home asking questions about growing
up, their families, jobs, etc., as well as the important historical events they have lived through.
With the information they gathered they are writing an essay where they write from the perspective of the person they interviewed. The 6th grade students really enjoyed spending time at
the nursing home and all of the insight they learned about from the past. The students loved
learning from another generation -- the resulting conversations were mutually enjoyed.
The end of the school year is only weeks away! I cannot believe that
the school year is already at a close and we are looking at the summer
and even to next school year. We have had a lot of great things happen this year and looking back we had a lot of fun and the students and
teachers have learned a lot together. We have had our ups and downs
but overall it has been a very successful year all around.
Throughout this school year we have had many things that our school
has had to work through with adding a new grade level, 4th grade, and
moving 2 grade levels out, 7th and 8th grade. We have been slowing
changing routines and activities that have occurred in the past, recreating things to fit the needs of our new age groups, and starting new
traditions that will hopefully carry forward for years to come. As we
move forward into next year we will continue to grow as a school and
your child will be a valuable part of our growth.
May 5-9 is teacher appreciation week and the principal’s cabinet will be
doing little things to show our staff just how important they are to our
community. If you would like to help them with their plans for the
week, please contact them via their Facebook Page, Riverside ES/IS
Parent-Teacher Organization (Principal's Cabinet). You can do the
same with a thank you note to your child’s teacher telling them how
much you appreciate what they do every day for your child. Don’t
forget all the special teachers like art, music, Walk to Read, Computer
or PE who may not see your child on a daily basis but make a difference in your child’s educational progress.
Almost every newsletter article I end with a paragraph about staying in
good communication with your child’s teacher. Working together is
the best way for a child to grow academically, socially, and emotionally.
I end this year with this request, talk to your child’s teacher and ask
them what are some things that you can work on with your child this
summer to help them be the best prepared for the 2014-2015 school
year. With your help and a little bit of direction they will be ready for
next year.
Have a great summer!
Mr. Bluml's 5th grade students work during Science class comparing their findings on a recent investigation. Below are the photos of some of the
Below left: Ella Hensley, Abigail Brink, Sam Wilber and Colten Sorensen. Below right: Cailee Manzer, Kya Hackett, Steven Keleher, and Cheyenne Schmidt.
The First Semester Intermediate Student Council
5th Grade Totem Poles
Row 1: Caliee Manzer, Gracie Bluml, Abbi Petersen, Paige Osweiler, Frannee Maher
Row 2: Eli Ryun, Brogan Allensworth, Mason Wichman, Jenifer Ramos, Katie Messerschmidt, Allie
Above: 6th Grade Art : Drape Bowls with Texture
Below: Examples of Daruma which is Japanese toy modeled after the founder of Zen Buddhism
The Daruma symbolizes success, determination, the ability
to overcome adversity, and the recovery from bad luck.
The eyes of the Daruma are usually blank. After receiving
one, the owner fills in one eye when setting a goal, then
paints in the other eye when the goal in accomplished.
The art work is done by students of Mrs. Kim Piro.
Thank you! ¡gracias! Grazie! Danke! Mahalo! Merci! Domo Arrigato! Obrigado! Tak! Spasibo! Dziekuje! Go raibh maith agat !
More Sugar Shock
(Julie Ravlin)
At the end of our nutrition unit, each second grader brought in their favorite snack so we could see how healthy their favorite snacks were. We looked at the
sugar and fat contents in each snack by reading their labels and doing a fun two-day experiment. On the first day, we measured out the sugar in each snack so
each student could see exactly how much sugar their snack actually had in it. The students were amazed by how much sugar was in most of the snacks. After
measuring out the sugar, we left our snacks out overnight on paper towels to see how much fat and oils would seep out onto the paper towels. Many of the students that were bragging about how their snack had to be healthy the day before (because it didn’t contain much sugar) weren’t bragging any more. It turned out
that many of the snacks that were low in sugar happened to be high in fat. Of the snacks brought in, cookies had the most sugar and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
had the most fat. Other snacks high in sugar were candy bars, Sour Patch Kids, and Fruit Loops. Snacks low in sugar were goldfish crackers, Chex mix, and granola bars. Snacks high in fat were gold fish crackers, a candy bar, and Chex mix. After the students were done with their experiment, they had to compare their
data with a group of other students and graph their results. Now that the students are aware of what’s in their snacks, and how to read their labels, many of the
students said they would be thinking twice before choosing what snack to eat.
Above: Grady Jeppesen graphs how much sugar is in his
team’s favorite snack.
Above: Autumn Bennett and Lydia Erickson weigh how
much sugar is in their favorite snack.
Above: Isabelle McDermott and Kaeden Pleas figure out
how much fat is in their favorite snack.
Above: Emma Gordon shows how much sugar is in a bag of
Above: Each team of students made a display that compared their snacks’ sugar and
fat content.
Chips Ahoy cookies.
All Hands
on Deck
Above: 8th Grader Mick Clevenger clears the high jump bar at Treynor Meet.
Ground Breaking for the New 7-12 Building
Dr. James Sutton
“So when is work going to
begin on that new building?”
That’s the question of the day,
and on Monday, April 14th, an
official groundbreaking took
place complete with hard hats
and shovels in the ground.
Community members, student
council reps, board members,
and some Riverside staff were
present to turn the first shovel
of dirt. Lueder Construction,
the general contractors that
were awarded the bid for the
new building, are making preparations to get the excavators
on site within the next few
days. Radio stations were in
touch if not present to report
that the Riverside new 7-12
building is one step closer to
becoming a new reality. Riverside’s superintendent, James
Sutton, expressed his gratitude
to the community folks and
staff that helped to make it all
a reality. “It’s been a journey,” he said, “but the final product, when the
building and everything is done, is going to be something all of our communities will be proud to call Bulldog best.”
The project is now looking at being complete by December of 2015. The excavators have a lot of work to do, but the district expects to see steel on site
by the end of May. And the 2014-15 school year will be buzzing with progress.
Meanwhile, the board, administration, architects and builders have and will
continue to be busy with all of the “behind-the-scenes” work that is required
to keep the project moving forward in a timely manner. Board members
have added a second meeting each month to maximize the progress.
The project has already had a few challenges to work through: working with
the Department of Transportation and the district’s new neighbors to create
a safe entrance and finding ways to make the dollars stretch, just to name a
couple. But the final project continues to be a 7-12 building with geo-thermal
heating and cooling, and all of the district’s athletic fields (including an eight
lane track) on the site. In addition, the district is about to submit a grant to
FEMA for a Tornado Safe Room that can double as three addition classrooms. The project would cost approximately $1,000,000 more, but the grant
would pay for 85% of the allowable costs, approximately $700,000. The board
has already made this a very high priority for the project and is very positive
about the possibilities of a successful grant application.
Above: Riverside school board members and volunteers from the bond committee participate in the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Jr.-Sr. High
Left: Collin Price, Lydia Wede, and Sara Wede( left to right) represent Riverside students at the groundbreaking ceremony.
Left: Alexis Post runs relay at JH track meet at Treynor.
Thank you! ¡gracias! Grazie! Danke! Mahalo! Merci!
Domo Arrigato! Obrigado! Tak! Spasibo! Dziekuje!
Go raibh maith agat !
Thank you,Thank You, Thank You
To make our athletic programs run smoothly it takes a tremendous number of volunteers. Without these volunteers, it would be hard to
have successful programs. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the volunteers who help make our athletic events run smoothly.
From the fall football season, I would like to thank the varsity chain gang: Brad Wax, Mark Martens, Jason Smith, Eric Hough, Dan Lajko,
Gary Wax, and Jesse McMillen. In the press box, we had Steve Pierce, Joe Wede, Bill Robinson, Dana Martens, and Perry Beedle plus numerous others. I would also like to thank Alex Oliver and the members of the wrestling club who helped with stats on the sideline. I would like to thank Troy
Graves who volunteers to set up music before each home game. Thanks to Dr. Pigneri and Flex Physical Therapy for providing sideline medical care.
Also thanks to the many junior varsity and junior high parents who helped with those games.
My volleyball volunteers include Annette Frain who did the high school scorebook and my line judges Murray Fenn, Tim Blum, and Casey
The winter seasons bring many volunteers. I would like to thank Tom Novotny and Annette Frain for keeping the varsity basketball scorebooks and Steve Pierce and Joe Wede for announcing and running the clock. The Riverside Wrestling Club provides tremendous help for our wrestling program. Also thanks to all the volunteers who help run our high school wrestling tournament. It would be hard to have this successful tournament without all of your support and help.
With the spring seasons just beginning and summer seasons on the way, I know there will be many more volunteers who deserve recognition. Thank you Riverside for all your support and help!
Riverside Junior-Senior 2014 Prom
On Saturday, April 26, 2014, the Oakland Community Center was transformed into Hollywood Nights as members of the Riverside Junior-Senior classes attended prom with their dates. The evening began with a Grand March where the juniors and seniors and their dates were introduced to the admiring public.
Mr. Chris Conover was the emcee for this portion of the prom festivities. The Prom Court was then introduced and the 2014 Prom Royalty was crowned. The
crowd was treated to the crowning of Payton Housman as the Prom King by Homecoming King Conner Rankin. Homecoming Queen Rachel Novotny awarded the queen’s crown to Bailey McCready the 2014 Prom Queen. As the public took their leave, prom attendees prepared for those prom pictures and their
meal for the evening which was catered by the Hi Way Café. Angela Miller baked the desserts. . .cupcakes! Once the meal ended, it was time for some dancing with music provided by Jason Frain assisted by Dom Payne. After the dance, it was time for the hypnotist! This always provides for some interesting entertainment. Soon it was time to board the bus for post-prom activities at Dave and Buster’s in Omaha. Tami Skank and Laura Lejko are the prom sponsors.
Servers: Isaiah Boot, Tatem Bluml, Ana Andrusyshyn, Lilli Smith, Brooke Faxon, Alex Dillon
Prom Queen Bailey McCready and Prom King Payton Housman
2014 Riverside Prom Court
Row 1: Luke Freeman, Bailey McCready, Payton Housman, Alexa Wilber Row
2: Tiffany Wichert, Garret Graves, Baylee White, Michael Bertacini
May/mayo 2014 Breakfast Menu
Choice of cereal
Offered daily
And milk offered daily
Long john
Fruit choices
12 Cinnamon tastry
Fruit choices
Pancakes w/syrup
Fruit choices
13 Omelet
One slice toast
Fruit choices
breakfast bites
Fruit choices
Grilled cheese
Fruit choice
7 Sausage & cheese
Breakfast sandwich
Fruit choices
14 Cereal
1/2 English muffin
Fruit choices
One slice toast
Fruit choices
Fruit choices
15 Egg & Cheese
Breakfast sandwich
Fruit choices
Breakfast pizza
Fruit choices
French toast with
Fruit choices
20 Breakfast burrito
Fruit choices
21 Cooks choice
22 Cooks choice
23 Cooks choice
May/mayo 2014 Lunch Menu
Fruit & Vegetable
Offered at least 4
times weekly and
milk offered daily
1 Soft Shelled taco
Shred cheese– salsa
Refried beans
Vegetable & fruit
5 Spaghetti with
Meat sauce
Fruit choice
Vegetable bar
WG garlic bread
6 Chicken on WG
Baked beans
Fruit choice
Vegetable bar
Ham slice
Mashed potatoes
Vegetable bar
Fruit choice
WG dinner roll
12 Tenderloin on
WG bun
Fruit choice
Potato rounds
Vegetable Bar
13 Walking Taco
Salsa– shred cheese
Fruit choice
14 Sub Sandwich
Baked beans
Vegetable bar
Fruit choice
15 Chicken fried
Mashed potatoes
Vegetable Bar
Fruit choice
WG dinner roll
Cooks Choice
Elementary cook
Elementary field day
Cooks choice
Cooks Choice
Cooks Choice
Chicken nuggets
Savory Rice
Fruit choice
Intermediate school
Cook out
2 Turkey melt on
WG bun
Green beans
Vegetable bar
Fruit choice
Potato wedges
Vegetable bar
Fruit choice
High school cook
Chicken bites
Vegetable bar
Fruit choice
Savory rice
Last day of school
No lunch served
Have a great summer!