mma brothers by choice usmc brothers victorious in battle


mma brothers by choice usmc brothers victorious in battle
MMA Leader
Current information for our Special Friends. Dedicated to our Cadets--Leaders of tomorrow.
The MARINE MILITARY ACADEMY develops disciplined, morally strong,
college-ready young men who are prepared for responsible leadership.
16 Pages
April 2010
Vol. 23, No. 6
f you are Marine Military Academy (MMA) alumni and you
unable to beat feet to this year’s 44th Alumni Reunion,
you missed one of the ‘greats’! Classes represented include the
first cadets to cross MMA’s threshold (1965) and the first Cadet
Battalion Commander...right on up to last year’s Class of 2009.
From Friday through Sunday, April 23rd-25th, these joyful
‘brothers by choice’ toured present-day MMA, bantered with
today’s Corps of Cadets and reminisced way into the wee hours
of the following morning of their days aboard MMA as cadets.
Continued on Pages 14-15
MMA Alumni
join MMA
President in
Review as the
Corps of
Cadets pass
by in salute.
The Review
line stretches
nearly all the
way across
the Parade
“This will be the bloodiest fight in Marine Corps history. We’ll catch seven kinds of hell on the beaches, and that will be just the beginning. The fighting will
be fierce, and the casualties will be awful, but my Marines will take the damned island! ” -Lieutenant General Holland M. “Howlin’ Mad” Smith, USMC (Ret)
embarking upon the U.S. taking of the island of Iwo Jima
Major Orrin Johnson, USMCR (Ret) -3rd from left- accepts the MMA Leadership
Award. Others, L-R: MMA Board Trustee LtGen J.F. Weber USMC (Ret); Cadet
Mitchell Coleman; MMA President BGen Stephen A. Cheney, USMC (Ret).
An Elegant, Yet Extremely Moving Evening: The Academy’s 40th
General Holland M. Smith Foundation Dinner Held April 9th, 2010
One could nearly get lost in the abyss of silky gold and scarlet
finery draping the walls, tables and stage as gents, ladies, cadets,
families and friends entered MMA’s transformed Florence King
Athletic Center. As aromatic waves of smoked prime tenderloin of
beef medallions and salmon picatta wafted through the air from
behind the gold and scarlet screens, deep mahogany hues from the
comfortably-padded chairs, scarlet napkins and the brightlyflowered centerpieces provided ‘just-the-right’ accent. True to form,
upon seating cadets quickly spotted the scrumptious coronation of
the meal: Florida-style key lime pie and chocolate cup crème brule.
At 7 p.m., MMA President BGen Stephen A. Cheney, USMC (Ret)
and the Guest Speaker – MMA Board Trustee LtGen J.F.Weber,
USMC (Ret)–entered, signaling the event’s commencement. The
Continued on Page 2
TAPS: LTG James Francis Hollingsworth, USA (Ret)
Lieutenant General James Francis Hollingsworth, U.S. Army (Ret), died peacefully at home on
March 2, 2010. He is survived by his wife, Janie Harris Hollingsworth; Mrs. Cecil Hollingsworth
(sister-in-law); Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hollingsworth (brother and sister-in-law); Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Hollingsworth (brother and sister-in-law); as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Private graveside
services will be held on May 20, 2010 at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors.
James Francis Hollingsworth was born in 1918 on Woodlawn Farm near Sanger, Texas. Upon graduation
from Texas A&M, he was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant of Infantry. LTG Hollingsworth participated
in 7 major campaigns extending from N. Africa to the occupation of Berlin; assuming command of the
School Troops Regiment; became Chief of Combined Arms Instruction; returned to Germany as
Commanding Officer, Special Troops, U.S. Constabulary; was assigned as Chief, Operations Branch,
Continued on Page 2
Color Guard presented the Colors
An extra-special thanks goes
flawlessly, and the MMA Leatherneck Band
played the National Anthem.
MMA Board Chairman Emeritus Dr.
Heilman welcomed all to the annual General
H.M. Smith Foundation Dinner, followed
by retired Chaplain Leo McDonald
delivering the invocation. Upon completion,
and with the usual twinkle in his eyes,
Chaplain McDonald announced, “Ladies
and gentlemen, enjoy your dinner…LET’S
Following dinner, BGen Cheney announced
this year’s General H.M. Smith Foundation
inductees: In absentia - Mr. Milton
Huebner and Mrs. Mildred Huebner; and
in memory - MGySgt Thomas J Jones,
USMC (RET); Mrs. Jean Jones; and
Mrs. Pearl M. Tade. LtGen Weber
followed with a moving address about those
brave souls who gave their all during the
taking of IWO JIMA, calling forward MMA
Board member and IWO JIMA veteran/
survivor Major Orrin Johnson, USMCR
(Ret) to receive the IWO JIMA Leadership
Award. Major Johnson received a
unanimous standing ovation from the
audience…many in the crowd dabbing at
moist eyes as Major Johnson arrived at the
BGen Cheney thanked all for attending the
event, then capped off the evening with the
MMA Leatherneck Band playing “The
Marines’ Hymn”.
TAPS - Continued from Page 1
G-3 Section, U.S. Constabulary Force - later
as Chief of Plans and Operations Branch,
G-3 Section, Headquarters, 7th U.S. Army.
LTG Hollingsworth returned to the US and
graduated Command & General Staff
College; was assigned as Chief of
Combined Arms Instruction - U. S. Military
Academy at West Point. He was then
assigned General Staff, Dept. of Army, as
Chief, Senate and House Division, OCILL,
Office of the Sec’y of Army, then attended
Army War College; served in Pakistan for
Provided and distributed by:
out to our generous Dinner sponsors:
• Major Orrin Johnson, USMCR (Ret) & Mrs. Patsy Johnson
• Ms. Alice East
• Mrs. Evelyn East
• Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Wuerch
• Major Edgar D. Aronson, USMCR (Ret) • First Community Bank
• Mr. James Berry and • Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gross
Mrs. Katherine A. Shields-Berry • Mr. Tony McIntyre
• Mr. Frank Boggus • Dr. and Mrs. Jorge Miranda
• Mr. and Mrs. Christopher DeClaire
• Mr. Daniel Pipitone
• Ms. Jullie Allen • Mr. Richard Irumudomon
• Mr. Marco Arredondo • Ms. Ammie Jaggars
• Mr. and Mrs. Pete Asselin • Mr. Richard C. Kahn
• Mr. and Mrs. David Benditz • Mr. Robert Malone
• Mrs. Velma Bowman • Chaplain and Mrs. Leo McDonald
• Cano Produce • Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Mickunas
• Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Cavazos • Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Moon
• Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Conine • Mr. Mauricio Moreno
• Mrs. Thach N. Dang • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Moses
• Mr. and Mrs. William Davis • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nail
• Deutsche Bank • Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Nolen
• Mr. and Mrs. Ben Engelking • Mrs. Leslie R. Phillips
• Mr. and Mrs. Mark Etheridge • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pollard
• Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Ewers • Mr. Jorge Ramirez De Aguilar
• Mr. Jim Ezell • Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Reynolds
• Captain William A. Gary, USMCR(Ret) • Mr. Dave Roberts
• Mr. Fidel Garza • Mr. and Mrs. William Royal
• Mr. Frank Haile • Mr. Juan Salazar
• Dr. and Mrs. Richard Hays • Mr. John T. Sasso
• Mr. and Mrs. John Heiner • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Strauss
• Mr. John Hood • Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wildt
2 years; became Deputy Commander; Chief
of Staff to 2nd Armored Division; Director,
Reserve Affairs; joined the 1st Infantry
Division in Vietnam; served as Ass’t Div.
Commander until his return to U.S. in May
1967; was assigned as Deputy Commanding
General, U. S. Army Test and Evaluation
Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground;
joined the Test and Evaluation Command;
became Deputy Commanding General,
Infantry Training Center, Fort Jackson; was
appointed Commanding General, U.S.
Army Training Center, Infantry, Fort
Jackson. LTG Hollingsworth became
Commanding General, U. S. Army Alaska,
leaving Alaska Command to become
Deputy Commanding General, XXIV
Corps, Vietnam; was appointed
Commanding General & Senior Advisor, III
Military Region, U. S. Military Assistance
Command, Vietnam, serving until Sept.
1972, when he was reassigned to Holding
Detachment, OCSA. On March 5, 1973,
General Hollingsworth became Special
Assistant to the Army Commander, Fifth U.
S. Army, Fort Sam Houston, TX, and later
the Deputy Commanding General of Fifth
U. S. Army. He was assigned to Korea
assuming command of I Corps (ROK/US)
Group - largest field Army Command in the
world - 185,000 strong. In 2½ years of
command, LTG Hollingsworth completely
changed the strategy of defense for Korea
and developed his now famous short-war
concept, which has become the example of
the U. S. Army’s forward defense concepts.
In February 1976, General Hollingsworth
turned over his command, returning to
CONUS as Special Assistant to Chief of
Staff Army, assessing war fighting
capabilities of the U. S. Army in Europe.
LtGen Hollingsworth’s awards include:
Three Time Recipient Distinguished Service
Cross, Four Distinguished Service Medals,
Four Silver Stars, Three Legion of Merit
Medals, Three Distinguished Flying
Crosses, The Soldiers Medal, Four Bronze
Stars for Valor, Thirty-eight Air Medals,
Army Commendation Medal, Six Purple
Hearts for Combat Wounds.
General Hollingsworth served on the
Marine Military Academy’s Board of
Trustees and Advisors since 1996. Marine
Military Academy sends heartfelt
condolences to the Hollingsworth family,
extended family and many, many friends.
Working towards a common vision,
the Board of Trustees and Advisors and the employees of Marine Military Academy
are committed to academic excellence and to the development in our Cadets of self-discipline
and a sense of responsibility to the community at large. Who are these individuals? The Academy is excited to bring you the
SPOTLIGHT SERIES, highlighting a Board Trustee and Staff/Faculty member in this edition of the Academy’s newsletter,
Maj Edgar D. Aronson, USMCR (Ret)
Marine Military Academy Board of Trustees
General H.M. Smith Foundation Fellow
SgtMaj David Miller, USMC (Ret)
Marine Military Academy Facilities Director
General H.M. Smith Foundation Fellow
Ask MMA Admissions Director Colonel Tom Hobbs, USMC (Ret) about
Major Edgar Aronson, USMCR (Ret). A great big grin will spread across
Colonel Hobbs’ face as he responds, “Edgar is a patriot who enjoys life
and whose service to the Marine Military Academy truly exemplifies a
RAVING FAN. Intelligent, hard working, loyal, dedicated, and enjoys the
lighter side of life with a great sense of humor. Major Edgar Aronson is one
I proudly call a friend - Semper Fidelis.” Behind Major Aronson’s smile lies
a plethora of leadership, knowledge, experience, entrepreneurship, and
creative energy. He received his undergraduate and MBA degrees from
Harvard University; enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in 1950, fought in
the Korean War and retired from the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve in 1975;
trained professionally for two banks in Paris, France; held positions with
the First National Bank of Chicago and Republic National Bank of N.Y.
joining Salomon Brothers - achieving partnership status - and founding
their International Department and London, Hong Kong and Tokyo offices.
Major Aronson served as Chairman of the Board of Dillon, Reed
International from 1979 to 1981 and has served as President of EDACO,
Inc. since 1981. He has been a director and founder on the Board of
MidAmerican Energy, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Corp., and is
on the boards of numerous other private corporations and charitable
foundations. He is a founder, director and major shareholder of Ocean
Renewable Power Corp. of Portland, Maine. Major Aronson remains active
in organizations of Reserve and Retired Marines and is a director of the
Marine Corps Heritage Foundation. He has served as a member of the
Board of Trustees and Advisors for Marine Military Academy since 2000.
Upon SgtMaj David Miller’s return from what would prove to be his last
tour of Iraq and much to David’s surprise, he was called forward during
the Academy’s annual General H.M. Smith Foundation Dinner and
inducted as an honorary ‘fellow’. The induction occurred on a Friday
evening, about 7:30 p.m., and by 11 p.m. that same night he had stowed
his newly-acquired H.M. Smith jacket and watch at home, changed
into his Levi’s, and returned to the Academy on his Harley Davidson
motorcycle to sweat off a leaky water pipe in the ceiling of one of the
classrooms so he and his assistant could make the necessary repairs
before daybreak. When SAT tests were administered the next morning
in that very same classroom, the students and teacher would find no
trace of the faulty pipe that created a nasty mess just the evening before.
That’s David Miller in a hand basket...a patriot and a family man first
and foremost; loyal; practical; down-to-earth; meeting whatever conflict
life throws at him head on; a quick study at analyzing situations, nailing
down the best solution and getting the job done correctly - the very first
time. He’s tough, yet extremely attuned to the needs of others...always,
with one exception - get between him, his fishing rod and a fiesty redfish
he’s about to land and you might endure a bit of good-natured ribbing
for the next year or two! David’s wise stewardship has netted great
savings for the Academy in overhead costs over his ten years tenure.
He has implemented a tracking system through which he continually
records utility usage and associated trends. Based on analyzation of
the recorded data, David has put in to play numerous cost-saving
measures campus-wide while maintaining the same quality environment.
He continues to seek other energy options, doing the ‘homework’ to
determine these options’ relevancy to the longevity of the Academy’s
142-acre campus. It was truly our lucky day when Marine Military
Academy ‘hooked’ SgtMaj David Miller...he’s most certainly a keeper! 3
Major Aronson, the Marine Military Academy is truly YOUR raving
SISKEL AND EBERT...MOVE OVER! MMA English Comp Instructor Mrs. Diolanda Dye (above, far right) recently took her English Comp
classes to see the movie Alice in Wonderland, with a bit of assistance from English II teacher Mrs. Patricia Flores (above, far left). Upon
returning to the classroom, each student wrote a graded movie critique. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland , more commonly referred to as
Alice in Wonderland, is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson which tells the story of a girl named Alice who
falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar and non-human creatures with human characteristics.
WILL IT FLY? That’s the BIG question Cadet Falco Fematt Rodriguez and
Nicholas Moreno Sloan are pondering on Day 3 (above) nearly halfway through
the Flight Technology module in Class Period 3 - Synergistic Learning Lab. On
Day 1 Falco and Nicholas take a short quiz which encourages them to research
information provided in the module. They view an introductory video and find
out all the major factors in designing the wing on an airplane, jet or perhaps a
rocket! There’s vocabulary involved too, so in addition to taking notes on subject
matter both Falco and Nicholas are keeping an eye on the aerospace-related
‘lingo’. On Day 2 they design and construct a wing, using the notes they’ve
taken. “This isn’t easy,” remarks Science teacher David Allen as he observes
Falco’s conceptual drawing, “That angle didn’t work, so how about trying this
type of approach.” Using paper, scissors and glue, they prepare their prototypes
for Day 3’s ultimate test: The wind tunnel! Day 3 has arrived, the wing is balanced
and it’s time to turn up the wind. “We have lift!” exclaims Falco. SUCCESS!
During the next four days Falco and Nicholas will try their piloting moxy on
4 a portable flight simulator. Up, up, up towards infinity...and beyond!
“2010 is the year of the dog, according to the Chinese
lunar calendar,” answers Cadet David Jerome, an
inquisitive and astute senior in Ms. Bing Li’s Chinese
Culture 3rd Class Period. “What does the color red
symbolize?” inquires Ms. Li as she hands back graded
quizzes. A chorus of “luck, prosperity, happiness” and
a few other variations rings out from the class. You might
be surprised, stepping in to Ms. Li’s classroom. You will
hear cadets responding to Ms. Li’s questions in Chinese,
even carrying on short the Chinese
language! In each of her classes the chairs are packed
full. “On Monday through Thursday, cadets learn the
Chinese to pronounce, speak and how
to write it. On Fridays, they learn about the Chinese
culture. They’re learning the language quickly, although
students I’ve taught at younger ages have picked up
even more quickly,” says Ms. Li with a warm smile. “The
cadets want to learn alot about the culture, and they
ask lots of questions. That’s very good!”
Halfway UP
To the right is Samuel
Arnholz, ALPHA.
MMA Cadet Battalion Commander William ‘Park’ Tipton takes a couple
moments out from his hectic schedule on a daily basis to pen a
thought, a poem, whatever is on his mind at the time. “I find writing
to be therapeutic,” says Park, “I let my mind go free and just write.”
And Park has a footlocker full of journals to prove it. WRITE ON!
Below, L-R: Samuel
Arnholz, ALPHA; Kevin
Leurig, DELTA; Dylan
Joslin, DELTA; Stewart
Fasolak, DELTA; and
William Markick-Kanter,
MMA’s KEY Club were out bright and early brightening up Tyler Street
in anticipation of Harlingen’s Centennial Celebration. Following the soil
toiling, Harlingen Mayor Boswell dropped by to admire their handiwork
and to poise for a snapshot to record the result. Lookin’ good, cadets!
Marine Corps (Ret) took the Team on the road Saturday, April 17th and
filed this report: The Marine Military Academy Rock Climbing team
travelled to Edinburg, TX to participate in the University of Texas, Pan
American Climbing Competition. This competition was sponsored by MMA
and is the third year the Academy has sponsored a competition at UT
Pan Am. A total of 15 men and 3 women competed in both men’s and
women’s categories. Each participant had to climb one of five timed top
rope routes and tackle one bouldering problem. The Cadets finished the
competition with 2 first places, 3 second places , 3 third places and 1
fourth place out of a total of 21 places. Outstanding performance
considering that all of the other competitors are students at UT Pan Am
and climb this facility often whereas this was the first time for many of
the Cadets!
A FIST FULL OF MIGHTY OAK! Cadets and this year’s summer campers will
be the first to enjoy shade from the Academy’s newest mighty oaks,
compliments of Simmons Oak Farms of Harlingen, Texas who recently gifted
five live oak trees to Marine Military Academy Campus. The generous gift was
part of Simmons’ recognition of the 100th year anniversaries of the cities of
Harlingen and San Benito. A grand total of 100 live oak trees were gifted to
schools, churches, non-profits and government agencies within the two cities.
The live oak trees, Quercus virginiana, are 5 inches caliper and at least 18 feet
tall. Marine Military Academy Facilities Department pulled out the heavy
equipment to install these gems. All that’s left to do is add water and enjoy!
FACTOID: The chances of one acorn making it to become an oak tree are very slim — less
than 1/10,000. That means that for every 10,000 acorns, only one will become a tree!
‘MMA Campus...Multi-Dimensional!’ continued on Page 12
Despite intermittent downpours and power outages MMA Spring 2010 Parents’ Weekend will most likely go down in the MMA Memory
books as one out-of-sight, dynamite, event-filled, FUN Parent’s Weekend!
The weekend kicked off with an appreciation breakfast for MMA faculty on Thursday, April 15th, compliments of MMA Parents. Faculty and
supporting Academic Staff were welcomed to MMA’s MajGen Douglas Peacher and Gwendolyn E. Peacher’s Cadet Activity Center as waves
of aromatic tasty breakfast delights were served up by Wray’s Creative Catering of San Benito, Texas. As faculty exited the Center, there
were smiles all around. What a wonderful way to start out the academic day!
On Friday, April 16th, quite a few parents were on board for early-morning Colors. The Junior-Senior Ring Ceremony, held before 2nd Mess
on the street in front of MMA’s Coleman Hall, was well-attended by all members of MMA’s Corps of Cadets, parents, family, friends, and
MMA staff and faculty. Casino Royale, in its 5th big year, got underway at 6 p.m. Friday in the Florence King Athletic Center. Parents did an
amazing job of transforming the Gym into a miniature Las Vegas. Despite a power outage, dealers dealt cards by flashlight until the lights
came on; scrumptious Italian cuisine was served up; new dance moves were created on the very smooth floor...there was even an Auction
to spend all those mock Casino winnings on! Contributing CASINO ROYALE photographers include Cadets Nicholas Poon (Alpha);
Brian Crowskey (Fox); Pavel Gorodnichin (Alpha); and Noah Keefer (Delta) of Gary Howard’s Photograph Class.
Although the scheduled Back 40 events closed Saturday morning due to Friday’s ‘monsoon’, cadets and their parents, families and friends
had a blast navigating the Mud Course. “Don’t try to stand up, you’ll lose your boots! Keep crawling…forward…forward…YOUMADE IT!
Now, head on over for a relaxing, freezing cold, invigorating OUTDOOR shower!” This special group of fearless MMA Moms and Dads
receive a great big ‘OORAH’ on a U.S. Marine Corps-styled mud course EXCEPTIONALLY WELL DONE!
“HIT ME” takes on a whole new meaning when the cards are on the poker table!
Cadet Nicholas Gerhard receives his class ring, a
“Last bid...Two thousand dollars for this genuine, MMA-style rattlesnake I
firm handshake from SgtMaj Kinsley, and a big hug hear three?” MMA Development Director LtCol Bob Grider, aka Casino Royale auctioneer,
from Mom!
pauses as parents debate what item they’ll spend their poker winnings on.”
Splish,’re gonna need a bath!
Doin’ the MACARENA...
Here’s one instance where it is better to RECEIVE than to GIVE!
...urghhh, my boot’s stuck in the mud!
Cadet Nicholas Poon - ‘Mud Course Tour Guide’; Nic’s mom - Ellen
Ambers and Alpha Company mom Joan McGraw
“No, Mom, no smiling on the mud course!
You gotta’ make a this!”
...Cadet Andrew Horne and his father Alan
Horne stand triumphant over the River MMA!
“Wait up, Mom, and don’t drink the
Yup, they clean up pretty good!
Cadets of the Month ffor
or F
y 2010
Each month a cadet is selected from each company, from the band and from the drill team, to be recognized for their
outstanding attitude, conduct and performance. Below are the selections for February with a comment from their Drill
Instructor or activity coordinator.
Sophomore - Brownsville, TX USA
“Cadet LCPL De la Garza has been a very positive
addition to Alpha Company. He works hard at everything
he does. He is trustworthy and loyal! His uniform
appearance and bearing are always impeccable, and he
always strives for perfection. I am very excited at the
possibilities that this young man’s future holds. I suspect
young Mr. De la Garza will become a pace-setter among
his peers in very short order. I’m very proud for his
consistent efforts, steadfast work ethic, and his high level
of integrity. It is because of these attributes I am selecting
him as the Alpha Company Cadet of the Month. He has
worked hard to earn this recognition and is most certainly
the most deserving of this award.” - CWO3 Ed Harris
Junior - Newark, NJ USA
“I have personally watched this young man grow and
mature to become an asset to Delta Company and the
Corps of Cadets. Cadet Johnson has represented
himself and the Academy well. His academic
credentials are sound as is his involvement in campus
activities. He has demonstrated by his own example
what it takes to be a successful cadet at MMA. He takes
his obligations to heart and has the courage to pursue
any undertaking to successful conclusion. Cadet
Johnson is recommended with enthusiasm for Cadet of
The Month for Delta Company.”
- SgtMaj Larry Carson
“I am Cadet De La Garza, and since the first day I
stepped in to Alpha Company my mentality was and
still is and will be, to always give 110% in everything
I do, and never procrastinate. My first grade teacher
said to me ‘wanting is to achieve’ and to this date I
recall that moment. That is one of the many reasons
I keep moving forward every day. I want to thank all
my family for supporting me and pushing me
forward every day towards becoming a successful
“I am Cadet Marc Johnson. I attended Summer
Camp and a semester here at MMA, returning to
MMA at midterm this year as a junior. Since I
returned to MMA, I have been striving and working
hard to become the best leader possible and to find
my personal best. I’ve worked hard diligently to make
certain the tasks required in my platoon and
company get done, and get done right. I’ve taken
responsibility in my position as Squad Leader, and
now I’m 1st Platoon Guide. I lead by example, not by
intimidation. I’ve been shadowing my Company
Gunnery Sergeant, learning the billet in hopes of
earning the opportunity to be Company Gunny next
year. Even though all those duties are priorities, my
grades are most important, and I am making sure I
keep my grades ‘above par’. Every day I know I am
becoming more of the kind of man I want to be.”
Junior - Houston, TX USA
“Cadet Aaron Cohen is an excellent 1st year cadet and
has come a long way in adjusting to MMA life. He has
shown a big improvement in both attitude and
leadership skills in one semester. Aaron learned how to
be a great squad leader and is now holding the billet of
Platoon Guide. He cares about the company mission and
cares about his platoon’s performance and has decided
to return to MMA next year and graduate from the
Academy. Aaron maintains great military appearance,
and is very knowledgeable with MCJROTC Rules and
Regulations. Aaron is a great asset to have in my
company.” - GySgt Frank Martinez
“Good day, Sir and Ma’am. Cadet Cohen here. I
am walking, talking proof of the world of
opportunity that exists here at the Academy for a
young man who maintains a positive mind set, and
the effect that attitude can have on the rest of the
company. One of my greatest personal achievements
has been increasing my GPA. I want to thank my
drill instructor GySgt Martinez for taking the extra
time to assist me in acquiring the personal skills
and leadership ability that got me to this point.”
Freshman - Woodlands, TX USA
“As a first year cadet, Cadet Duszynski has excelled in
academics, demonstrated exceptional conduct in the
barracks - the ability to lead by example. As a member
of First Platoon he carries out all orders with attention
to detail, and his abilities are inspired and respected by
all peers and subordinates. His pride and Esprit de
Corps is deserving of this prestigious recognition. Cadet Duszynski has reflected great credit upon himself
and has upheld the traditions of the Marine Military
Academy and the JROTC program. It is a pleasure to
have him on our team.” - MSgt Robert Fracasso
“I’m Cadet Scott Duszynski. Most recently I earned
an academic ‘reef ’ - being named to MMA Dean’s List
for maintaining a first semester GPA between 3.5 and
3.74 - and since this is the first time I’ve earned that
placement I received the Silver Wreath award to wear
on my uniform, too. This is a great improvement from
my 8th grade year, and I hope this shows other cadets
they can improve their academic performance, too.
I’ve worked very hard, too, to improve my standings
in the Athletic and Military departments because I want
my actions to reflect greatly not only on me but also
the school.”
Cadets of the Month ffor
or F
y 2010
“Those selected are to be commended for their outstanding performance.”
- SgtMaj Ford Kinsley, USMC (Ret)
Continued from page 8
Junior - Whitesboro, TX USA
“Cadet Jackson is a 1st year cadet that has done an
outstanding job since arriving at the Marine
Military Academy. He has adjusted well and
continues to excel in all areas. He is currently a
varsity baseball player. He, as a first year cadet,
was chosen to be a midterm cadet instructor and
did a superb job in all areas of training. This prestigious recognition is well deserved.”
- SgtMaj Alfred Wilson
“Cadet Donald Jackson here. Becoming a Marine
Military Academy cadet was one of the happiest
days of my life. I knew from that day on I would
have the responsibility and the pride that goes
along with being a cadet here. Everywhere I go I
feel a sense of pride that I am a part of this school
- people from my home town are always asking me
how much I like MMA and how I am doing. I know
that MMA is getting me prepared for the challenges
I will face in college and in the ‘real world.’ At
MMA, the values I need to learn to compete in the
future are set in place - I like that. I’m becoming a
respectable young man. Yes, being a MMA cadet
means a great deal to me!”
Freshman - Diamond Bar, CA USA
“Cadet Beverly has made his presence known within the
Color Guard. His ability to adapt to routines with
precision movements and a stand-out presence for our
community to witness is why he has been selected as Cadet
of the Month. Cadet Beverly has reflected great credit
upon himself and has upheld the traditions of the
Marine Military Academy and the JROTC program.”
- MSgt Robert Fracasso
“I’m Cadet Beverly, and I participate extracurricularly on MMA’s Drill Team and Color
Guard. On the Drill Team, I’ve learned several new
moves. On Color Guard, I put forth my very best
effort to make sure each move is executed sharply
and smoothly. I make certain I show up on time at
the right place, ready for action and whatever is
ahead. My Drill Team/Color Guard instructor tells
me I have exhibited improvement on both the Drill
Team and Color Guard detail.”
Cadet Promotions 2010
The following named CADETS have earned promotion to the Rank and Billet indicated below: *
ALPHA Company:
ABED PAGOLA, JOSE A: Cadet Staff Sergeant/Platoon Sergeant
ARNHOLZ II, SAMUEL R: Cadet Gunnery Sergeant/ Company Education SNCO
BOOD, WILLIAM E: Cadet Corporal/Squad Leader
BOYKIN III, BILLY S: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
BROWN, CODY G: Cadet Sergeant/Squad Leader
COOK, RICHARD K: Cadet Staff Sergeant/Band NCOIC
DE LA GARZA-MORALES, DANIEL A: Cadet Corporal/Squad Member
FEMATT RODRIGUEZ, FALCO B: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
HAMILTON, CURTIS C: Cadet Gunnery Sergeant/Platoon Sergeant
HAMPTON, ANDREW T: Cadet Staff Sergeant/Platoon Commander
HAYS, RUBEN A: Cadet Sergeant/Platoon Guide
LUNN, JOSHUA B: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
MARDICK-KANTER, WILLIAM L: Cadet Sergeant/Company Laundry NCO
MCGRAW, MICHAEL K: Cadet Staff Sergeant/Platoon Sergeant
MENGDEN, JACK S: Cadet Corporal/Fire Team Leader
MEYN, DYLAN B: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
MOSS, WALTER A: Cadet Corporal/Fire Team Leader
PARROTT, THOMAS M: Cadet Sergeant/Fire Team Leader
PEREZ, JORDAN I: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
ROBLEDO VALDESPINO, JOSE L: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
RODRIGUEZ JR, RAMIRO A: Cadet Corporal/Fire Team Leader
RODRIGUEZ, OLIVER N: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
SCHLOSSIN, TIMOTHY M: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
SHAPIRO, BRENDEN B: Cadet Corporal/Fire Team Leader
SMITH, CODY L: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
SNIDER, ADAM W: Cadet First Lieutenant/Company Executive Officer
TALBOTT, SUTTON C: Cadet Corporal/Company Laundry NCO
TRAN, KHANH N: Cadet Corporal/Squad Member
WEALE, TYLER P: Cadet Corporal/Company Guidon Bearer
WEBSTER, JONATHAN G: Cadet Major/Company Commander
DELTA Company:
CRUZ JR, RUBEN A: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
FRANKLIN, RODRIGO A: Cadet Staff Sergeant/Company Guidon Bearer
GONZALES, GABRIEL A: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
HUBBARD, ANTONIO J: Cadet Corporal/Squad Leader
JOHNSON, MARC D: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Leader
WUERCH, BRADEN C: Cadet Private First Class/Squad Member
ECHO Company:
COX, ALEXANDER C: Cadet Second Lieutenant/Platoon Commander
WEBB, MARK L: Cadet Corporal/Platoon Guide
FOX Company:
BENDIS, DAVID E: Cadet Second Lieutenant/CO Education Officer
DUSZYNSKI, PRESCOTT J: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
GARCIA-TERUEL, CARLOS: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
KOCH, BRANDON C: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Leader
LIU, WEITING: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
LOPEZ, EDWARD: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
MALONE, JOHN R: Cadet First Lieutenant/Platoon Commander
MATOVETSKIY, VIADISLAV: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
MESTRE TANABE, LUIS J: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
MILLER JR, THOMAS B: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
MONTES LUNA, JOSE CARLOS: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
MORALES GOMEZ, JUAN P: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
MOYA CASTILLO, ALFONSO G: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
NACIF SAID, JUAN C: Cadet Lance Corporal/Squad Member
GOLF Company:
MACKIE, MICHAEL: Cadet First Sergeant/Company First Sergeant
* List complete as of 26 April 2010
Cadets of the Month ffor
or Mar
ch 2010
Each month a cadet is selected from each company, from the band and from the drill team, to be recognized for their
outstanding attitude, conduct and performance. Below are the selections for March with a comment from their Drill Instructor or activity coordinator.
Junior - Wellesky, MA USA
“Cadet Jack Mengden has been an extremely reliable and
consistent young man throughout his first year here at MMA.
He works hard, is trustworthy, and is beyond his years in
maturity. Jack’s uniform appearance and overall bearing
is outstanding, and he conducts himself in a manner that
reflects great pride in himself, and is in keeping with the
standards and traditions of the Marine Military Academy.
Great job, Jack, and congratulations.”
“I am Cadet Jack Mengden of ALPHA Company, and being
selected as Cadet of the Month for my company is an honor.
I am very proud of this accomplishment. My Drill Instructor
tells me I earned this award by being an outstanding cadet.
Hard work, perseverance and devotion to all in Alpha Company is what I believe earned me this honor. I intend to keep
up the good work and hopefully, by example, maybe some of
these traits will rub off on other cadets - both in the barracks
and in school. Once again, I am deeply honored.”
- CWO3 Ed Harris
Sophomore - Bellevue, WA USA
“From his very first day aboard Marine Military Academy, Cadet Wuerch has demonstrated a can-do attitude
and a willingness to learn. He is quick to take on additional responsibilities and to help his fellow cadets. He
maintains an excellent military appearance and a high
level of physical fitness. Cadet Wuerch has been an
asset to the Company since arriving.”
- SgtMaj Larry Carson
“I am Cadet Braden Wuerch. Since the day I arrived
at Marine Military Academy, my goal has been to be
the best I can be in everything I do. I believe that the
person selected to be Cadet of the Month should be a
leader in every aspect of his life. As 1st Squad Leader
of 1st Platoon, I strive to lead by example and be consistent all the time. A leader is someone who is consistent and not hypocritical, someone who is willing
to do the work right along with his subordinates. I
am a leader, and I constantly focus on improving my
leadership skills. I am honored to be selected as Delta
Company’s Cadet of the Month. “
Freshman - Brownsville, TX USA
“Cadet Kwak, a second year cadet, has done a superb
job in his platoon. Cadet Kwak has held the following
billets: Fireteam Leader, Squadleader, Company Clerk.
He takes pride in wearing the MCJROTC uniform, displays a positive attitude, is highly- motivated, works hard
to maintain his grades and provides an excellent example for the other cadets in this company. Cadet Kwak
is on target to be a cadet instructor (CI) for Summer
Camp 2010. He’s a member of the Marine Military
Key Club and a Troop 22 Boy Scout. Cadet Kwak has
reflected great credit upon himself and has upheld the
traditions of the Marine Military Academy and the
MCJROTC program.” - GySgt Frank Martinez
“I am Cadet Eun Hyuk Kwak, a second year cadet.
Throughout the two years I’ve been at MMA, I’ve
been active at all times, supervising and helping
out other cadets, setting the example, training my
squad as a team, by displaying good conduct both
militarily and academically and performing my
billet correctly. My billet is Squad Leader, and my
rank is Sergeant. I participate on the MMA Color
Guard, Key Club, Boy Scouts and Rotary Interact.
My goals are to become Battalion Commander for
my senior year here at MMA, then attend the Naval
Junior - Houston, TX USA
“As a fourth year Cadet, Nicholas has excelled in
academics, demonstrated exceptional conduct in the
barracks and the ability to lead by example. As the
Company Gunnery Sergeant he carries out all orders
with attention to detail and his abilities are inspired and
respected by all peers and subordinates. His pride and
Espirit de Corps is deserving of this recognition. It is a
pleasure to have him on our team. Cadet Gerhard has
reflected great credit upon himself and has upheld the
traditions of the Marine Military Academy and the
JROTC program.” - MSgt Robert Fracasso
“I’m Cadet Nicholas Gerhard. Displaying exceptional
leadership skills and discipline,, striving for a higher
standard, paying attention to detail - especially in
preparation for company inspections in addition to
daily duties...all of these actions are important to me.
As Company Gunnery Sergeant here at MMA, I plan
to continue to work hard, and I endeavor to always
look for ways to improve my company.”
Cadets of the Month ffor
or Mar
ch 2010
“Those selected are to be commended for their outstanding performance.”
- SgtMaj Ford Kinsley, USMC (Ret)
Continued from page 10
Junior - Rockport, TX USA
Cadet Sanchez is a first year cadet that has done an
outstanding job since arriving at the Marine Military
Academy. Travis has adjusted well and continues to excel
in all areas. He is currently on the Varsity Track Team.
Travis, as a first year cadet, was chosen to compete in
the 1st Annual Youth Physical Fitness Test (YPFT) Postal
Competition. This recognition is well deserved.”
- SgtMaj Alfred Wilson
“Cadet Sanchez here. This is my first year at
MMA, and I have already acquired a large
variety of useful skills and knowledge. Before
I came to MMA my life was headed down every path except the right one. I skipped school
and cared about nothing. All that has changed
since I arrived here at MMA. Now, I am busy
and active all the time. I am clean-shaven,
always organized and well-dressed everyday.
I’ve learned to take responsibility for my actions and do things for myself. I’m in the best
shape of my life, thanks to MMA!””
Freshman - Bay City, TX USA
“As a first year cadet, Cadet Samuel Fusaro has made
his presence known within the Drill Team. His ability to
adapt to routines with precision movements and a stand
out presence for our community to witness is why he has
been selected as Cadet of the Month. Cadet Fusaro has
reflected great credit upon himself and has upheld the
traditions of the Marine Military Academy and the JROTC
program.” - MSgt Robert Fracasso
“I am Cadet Fusaro. Coming to this school has
provided me many personal opportunities. One
such opportunity has been learning the lesson of
leadership: I’ve learned to set the example for my
fellow cadets in the way I act. Participating on
the MMA Silent Drill Team has been a great experience and a chance for me to show what I’ve
learned here at MMA. I’ve been helping out more
and teaching others on the Drill Team how to do
new moves.“
Freshman - Dallas, TX USA
“Cadet Richard Cook has proven himself to be very
deserving of this recognition. Most recently, he was
selected for, and attended, the Military Schools Band
Association National Honor Band. Through a rigorous
audition process Richard was selected as the Principal
Bassoonist and was subsequently awarded for his
performance. In the MMA Band, Cadet Cook is the acting
Cadet Staff Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge Band
Officer, and has performed his duties as the senior member
of the Band with due diligence, ensuring that the Band
has always been prepared for performances. I look
forward to Richard’s continued growth as a leader, and as
a musician. Congratulations on a continued job well done,
Richard!” - CWO3 Ed Harris
“I am Cadet Richard Cook. To be selected for
Bandsman of the Month, a very special award, is
an honor. The award caught me by surprise. To
be a MMA cadet means to be responsible and perform beyond all expectations, and that’s what I
strive to do every day. I didn’t expect to be awarded
for doing what’s right, and I am very grateful to
receive it.“
• Academic: ALPHA Company
• Athletic: GOLF Company
• Military: DELTA Company • Gold Guidon: ALPHA Company
Photograph courtesy of GySgt Adrian Arranaga
Continued from Pages 4-5
Above, seated left to right: Joe Kight, Joan Blake, Gloria Boling, Bernie Williams, Virginia Waters, Jan
Hartman, Virginia Hill, Dolores Simmons. Standing, left to right: MMA President General Cheney, Linda
Huffman, Liza Stewart, Keith Blake, Martha McLemore, Kyle Stewart, Brent Greer, Chaplain Elliott, Julie
Stewart, John Hartman, Larry Crow, Max Henry, Teona Henry, Bill Franz, Julius Lentfer, Lillian Lentfer,
Hilda King, Harry Reynolds, Tom King, Jerry Macmanus, Don Brandt, Caroline MacManus, Amy Van
Deest, Don Van Deest, George Lauer, Mary Lauer, and MMA Superintendent Colonel Hill.
OF TEXAS! Marine Military Academy’s Museum and
Visitor Center’s annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon
got underway at high noon in the President’s Mess on
Thursday, March 11th. Following a terrific, tasty luncheon
prepared by MMA’s Mess Hall Crew, Museum/Visitor
Center Director Gloria Boling thanked all volunteers
for their dedicated service and hard work in keeping the
Museum, Visitor Center and Gift Shop in top-notch
condition and for their many warm welcomes to all who
cross the Center’s threshold. Volunteer of the Year Tom
King, a Korea Veteran, has been a volunteer aboard
Marine Military Academy’s Museum and Visitor Center
for over 11 years. Museum/Visitor Center Director Gloria
Boling adds, “…and Tom always has a smile on his face
and is willing to do anything…from hammering nails to
explaining history in a way that seems to make his words
come alive!” The Dedication of the Brick Walkway was
led by Jerry MacManus in honor of the late Monte
Catterlin. Monte’s family was present: Liza Stewart
(daughter), Julie (grand daughter) and Kyle (grandson).
MMA sends out three cheers for our extra-special
volunteers: OORAH! OORAH! OORAH!
MMA LEATHERNECKS played host to St. Joseph’s on
Thursday, April 22nd amidst MMA’s newly-netted backstop
and fence. MMA emerged victorious with Cadet William
Kane delivering a 3-homerun hit. Final score: MMA-3; St.
Joseph-2. Next up? DISTRICT PLAY...stay tuned!!!
Dateline Saturday, 27 March 2010: MMA’s Echo Company DI Gunnery Sergeant F. Martinez
USMC(Ret) and six cadets participate in the 1st Annual MCJROTC Youth Physical Fitness
Postal Competition, faring well! Above, L-R: Cadets Sanchez, Poon, Kissell; GySgt
Martinez; Cadets Drake, Van Horne, Horne and Hampton.
Cadets competing:
ALPHA Company Cadet Andrew T. Hampton 410 out of a total 500; Cadet Nicholas O. Poon 393 out of a total 500
ECHO Company Cadet William J. Kissel 441 out of a total 500; Cadet Andrew R. Horne 407 out of a total 500
FOX Company - Cadet Witthaya Van Horne 390 out of a total 500
GOLF Company - Cadet Travis J. Sanchez 440 out of a total 500
Of special note: FOX Company: Cadet Captain Jeffrey A. Drake was the Team Captain until he
was injured just two days before the postal competition. Instead of competing, he assisted
GySgt Martinez with the event.
Concept of Operations. A total of three (3) teams per region are selected as finalist to participate in the
National Championship to be held in San Diego, CA from 11-15 May 2010. Events: Each team competes in
five (5) consecutive exercises. Exercises are conducted in the following order: Sit-ups, Push-ups, Standing
Broad Jump, Pull-ups and 300 yard shuttle run. The postal competition is scored differently then the normal
Youth Physical Fitness Test taken by all cadets, due to the dropping of the age factor and increasing the
number of exercises to award a hundred (100) points.
Normal Postal Competition:
• Sit-ups 100 for 100 pts 100 for 100 pts
• Push-ups 50 for 100 pts 60 for 100 pts
• Standing Board Jump 8’5" for 100 pts 9’10" for 100 pts
• Pull-ups 20 for 100 pts 30 for 100 pts
• 300 Yard shuttle run 46m for 100 pts 44m for 100 pts
Boxing Coach SgtMaj Robertson, USMC (Ret)
entered three cadets who, in Coach Robertson’s
estimate, had good chances of winning - Mathew
Orozco, Michael McGraw and David Roberts.
Cadet Orozco is a returning Golden Gloves winner
last year. However, this year he was over matched
and the contest was stopped. Cadet McGraw, at
160 pounds, could not be matched. MMA’s final hope
was Cadet David Roberts, 14 years of age weighing
in at 116 pounds. Dressed out in Marine Corps scarlet
and gold, he fought an opponent with the same talent,
but conditioning wound up making all the difference.
Following three rounds, Cadet Roberts’ gloves were
raised in victory. Way to represent, Cadet
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hallway - a daily source of inspiration and testament to all cadets!
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The Education Planner Test Prep:
Standardized tests are the key to unlocking a higher education.
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- Robin Farris, MMA College Guidance Director
umni R
Colonel Tom Hobbs,
USMC (Ret)
MMA Alumni
Ph: (956) 421-9250
Fresh off the wire............
Bob Mills – - recently
reelected to the Biddleford, Maine City Council for a
second term and elected by his fellow councilors to
serve as Council President for the next two years.
Also seeking a term as a Maine State Representative
in the 2010 election, married, two sons
2ndLt. Winston Elliott IV (USA) – has started field
Artillery School at Fort Sill, OK. after serving five
months as the Gold Bar Officer with the Houston
‘75 battalion at Ft. Hood. After five months at
Ft. Sill, he will join the 1st Cavalry Division at Ft. Hood.
Hey MMA,
I’m hanging out here in Haiti - senior Team Leader in
3rd Squad, 1st Platoon, 209th Military Police
Company, of the 519th MP BN and 1st Maneuver
Enhancement Brigade. I also have the additional duty
of reenlistment NCO/Retention, which basically is a
Recruiter for Soldiers to stay Soldiers and keep the
Army force strong. We deployed here to Port-AuPrince Haiti on February 7th and have been
supporting disaster relief operations since. We’re
slated to be back home in Fort Polk around June 1st.
It’s a mess here, but things are slowly coming back
together. Of the original 22,000 service members
initially pushed here, there are only 2,000 left. We’re
the only Military Police Company left here, doing
customs, multiple base security missions, and we also
served as the primary reconnaissance force and quick
reaction force for the entire Joint Task Force Haiti.
It’s hot, there’s lot of tarantulas, and we live in tent
city on a soccer field by a Haitian Honda dealership.
Everytime it rains, we get flooded out, but it’s okay.
Part of the job. The picture of me was taken in front
of my Patrol Car back in Fort Polk, where I served as
the Patrol Supervisor of shifts throughout 2009. It was
a great time.
Corporal Steve Kang (MMA Class ‘05)
Team Leader - 209th Military Police Company
Retention/Reenlistment NCO
Port-Au-Prince, Haiti
RETURN TO YESTERYEAR! Top photo: Alum and their families gather in front of DELTA Company as the
Corps of Cadets pass by in Noon Review. Directly above and to left, midpoint: MMA’s 1st Battalion
Commander Don Morgan, Class of 1967, disperses a few words of wisdom to senior cadets. To the right,
David Peters, also Class of 1967, congratulates Senior Stewart Fasolak and hands Stewart his Alumni pin.
To the left, Paul Olsen - MMA Class of ‘85 - is one of the valiant few alums that proved he can hoot
with the owls Friday night and fly with the eagles Saturday morning! To the right, there were quite a
few Alums on the top of their game Saturday afternoon as Colonel Tom Hobbs, Alum Director
declared “ALUMNI VICTORIOUS!” in the Alumni-Cadet softball game: Cadets 10 - Alumni 4. “Victory
can be measured in many ways! All Alumni were physically able to walk off the field after the final
out and all attended the Alumni Dinner that evening full of energy. Mrs Carson, Academy Nurse, was
in attendance and was never called to duty! Yes, an Alumni victory!”
MMA Class of 1970
1967: Don Morgan, David Peters; 1969: Harold Zurlo; 1970: Michael
Walker; 1972: Ken Morton, Mike Morton; 1976: Mark Czarzasty;
1979: Bill Fanning; 1980: Bryan Broden, Carson Carroll, Jose M.
Castellano, James Clements, Bobby Dodd, Michael Gross,
Jack Jordan, Jim Mischel; 1984: Tommy Brownell, Jeff
Harry, Mark McCaleb, James Patton, Richard Talley;
1985: Drew Dodson, Harley Hollingsworth, Nicolas
Morales, Angel Oliva, Paul Olson, Craig Poche, T.J.
Riley, Keith Ward; 1986: Richard Kahn; 1987: Alex
Hinojosa; 1989: Matt Sanders, Trevor
Stolzenburg, Mathew Watkins, Terrance
Todd; 1990: Lorrance Etcitty, Lionel Pierre,
Ben Trimmer; 1991: Judson Savage;
1992: Joe Matlega; 1995: Aaron Carlson;
2000: Omar Doherty, Chris Gallo, Chris
McGee, Travis Shaw, Garrett Wood;
2002: Luis Villarreal;
2003: Bryan Zurlo;
2009: Jonathan Escutia,
and Guillermo Zorrilla.
Following Friday’s Corps of Cadets ‘Salute to MMA Alumni’ Parade, alumni gathered in front of the Iwo
Jima Monument as MMA Chaplain Chris Elliott read the eulogy (to the right) he would present the next
day at MMA Alum (Class of 1970) Robert New’s memorial service in Houston, Texas.
see ya’all
next year!
MMA Alumni
Reunion 2011:
April 29-May 1
veteran in the financial services industry, devoted
husband, father, and servant leader, passed away
on Sunday, April 18, 2010. The funeral service,
conducted at 2 o’clock in the afternoon on
Saturday, the 24th of April in the chapel at Forest
Park, The Woodlands, included MMA’s Color
Guard and an address by MMA Chaplain Chris
Elliott: “John Wayne once said that ‘a man’s got
to have a code, he’s got to have a creed to live
by, no matter what his job.’ If you talk to his wife
Pamela, for Bob, that code, that creed ultimately
finds its roots in the four years he spent as a cadet
at the Marine Military Academy. Because it was
during that time that the Corps’ values of honor,
courage and commitment were indelibly forged
into the hallmark of his character. And it would be
his character that would be the driving force behind
his extremely successful career, his loving
relationship with his wife Pamela and his son
Bobby, and his lasting imprint on his church and
his community.
In 1966, Bob began his high school career, and
just like every other young man that has been
enrolled at MMA he would find himself looking up
at the sometimes daunting and always challenging
ladder to success with only one question to
answer: Does he have the strength, does he have
the courage, the integrity to make it? Well, in only
four short years he not only built quite a resume,
but he also raised the bar for everyone who would
follow in his footsteps and would one day have to
look up at that same old ladder and ponder that
same question. Some of those highlights: he was
Company Commander for Alpha Company;
received the Military Leadership and
Superintendent’s Award; earned his private pilot’s
wings; lettered in football, basketball and
swimming; graduated with academic honors. As
you can see, in short order Bob exemplified
excellence in the schoolhouse, on the athletic
field, in the community, and in those he served
and led throughout the Corps of Cadets.
After graduating from MMA in 1970, Bob received
his business degree from Trinity University, then
went on to a long and very successful career in
the banking industry. As we all know, the defining
moments in life always seem to give us something
to look back on in retrospect as we reflect on our
journey through life. For Bob, those defining years
left a very special place in his heart for the
institution that helped lay the groundwork of
character upon which he lived. And, years later,
as a way to give back to the institution that meant
so much to him, Bob faithfully served for many
years on the MMA Board of Trustees. To the New
family and everyone here today, on behalf of
Marine Military Academy I’d just like to say that
everyone I talked to about Bob say that it was his
wisdom, his voice and his presence on the Board
that has been vital for the success of MMA in
training young men for the world that awaits them.”
In Honor Of:
• Betsy Allen
• F22 Marines WWII, Fox Co, 2nd Bat, 2nd
Reg, 2nd Div
• Francis Lee Conally
• Mrs. Gwendolyn Carson - MMA D-Co.
• Jack H. Ewbank
• Samuel M. Gasaway
• LTG James F. Hollingsworth, USA (Ret) • MSgt Robert Fracasso, USMC (Ret) - MMA
F-Co. DI
• Cpl Jack M. Hopkins - KIA, RVN
• CWO3 Edward D. Harris, USMC (Ret) - MMA
• Carl Lynn Johnson, Sr.
A-Co. DI
• MGySgt Bob Laurie, USMC (Ret)
• GySgt Frank Martinez, USMC (Ret)
• Haroldine Musch
• Henry Perkins
• Pettijohn brothers - Ross, Dyer, Robert and
Victor who bravely served their country
• Wilbert A. “Bonnie” Shanks
To make a donation to Marine Military
Academy in memory or honor of, contact
Ester Reyes at (956) 421-9231 or e-mail:
• Mrs. Maryann Wilson - MMA G-Co.
Samuel Gasaway, 20, passed away on Sunday, February 28, 2010 in
Harlingen, Texas at his residence. Samuel was born October 27, 1989 in
Charleston, SC to Michael and Becky Gasaway. He attended MMA from
August 2003 through May 2006. He was member of Christian Fellowship
Church in Harlingen and had recently enlisted with U.S. Marine Corps.
Samuel enjoyed playing the guitar and other instruments. He was preceded
death by his mother, Becky Gasaway and his grandfather, Byron Gasaway;
and survived by his father, Michael Gasaway; his brothers, Jason Baxter, Shawn Gasaway,
Jason Gason and Josh Gasaway (MMA 2005).
Scholarship Programs
• General Scholarship
• Endowed Scholarship Fund
Planned Giving
• Charitable Gift Annuities
• Establishment of Trusts
• Bequests
• Gift of Residence with Right
to Use the Property
Questions, please call Ester
Reyes: (956) 421-9231.
22, 24-26 Second Semester Exams
Eagle Scout Ceremony 1000
Academic & Spring Sports
Graduation Parade, Awards 0900
Graduation Ceremony 1100
June ‘10
Re-Enrollment Contracts Deadline
Summer Camp Instructors Report
July ‘10
Summer Camp/ESL Camp 2010
Field Meet
Summer Camp/ESL Camp 2010
August ‘10
Brick Pavers
Memorial Trees
Athletic Equipment
Tax-Deductible Cash Donation
New opportunity to support the Academy: Forward your BOX TOPS!
Box Tops For Education pays MMA 10 cents for each eligible box top coupon. Here’s
how you can help: Save your box tops from any of the products listed below and
forward them to the attention of MMA Administrative Assistant Angie Torres, Marine
Military Academy, 320 Iwo Jima Blvd., Harlingen, TX 78550. Not sure if you’re
sending the correct portion? Call Angie at Ext. 246 or visit http:// for a complete list of eligible products. Every
eligible clip-out you send counts!
Cheerios cereals
Cheerios snacks
Chex cereals
Chex snacks
Cinnamon Toast cereals
Cocoa Puffs cereals
Cookie Crisp cereals
Cottonelle products
Country Corn Flakes
Curves cereals
Curves snacks
Disney’s cereals
Dora the Explorer cereals
Dunkaroo snacks
Fiber One cereals
Fiber One Pancake/
Muffin Mix
Fiber One snacks
May ‘10
Naming Opportunities
Visit personally with staff to determine which opportunity best fits your lifestyle by
calling (956) 421-9231 or simply send your e-mail request to Credit card and check donations can be made anytime by visiting for on-line TAX-DEDUCTIBLE gifts by credit card.
Almond Joy Dessert
Bar Mix
Avery school & office
Basic 4 cereals
Betty Crocker Cake,
Cookie, Brownie,
Frosting, Bread/Muffin/
Roll mixes
Betty Crocker fruit
flavored snacks
Betty Crocker Hamburger/
Tuna Helper meals
Betty Crocker potatoes
Bisquick Baking Mix
Caribou Coffee bars
Cascadian Farm Cereals
Cascadian Farm snacks
Calendar of Events
Gold Medal Flour
Golden Grahams
Goodnites products
Green Giant frozen
Hefty disposable cookware
Hefty waste bags
Honey Nut Clusters
Huggies products
Kix cereals
Kotex, Poise, Depends
personal care products
Lucky Charms cereals
Nature Valley cereals
Nature Valley snacks
Nestle Juicy Juice/Harvest
Oatmeal Crisp cereals
Old El Paso
Para Su Familia Raisin Bran
Pillsbury refrigerated
cookies & bars
Pillsbury refrigerated rolls
Pillsbury Toaster Strudel
Pull-ups training pants
Raisin Nut Bran
Reese’s Puffs
Suddenly Salad mixes
Total cereals
Totino’s Pizza Rolls
Trix cereal
Wheaties cereal
Yoplait yogurt products
Ziploc storage bags &
Football Camp
Leadership Orientation Check-In
Registration/Check-In for 1st
Year Cadets
Check-in for Returning Cadets
Military Orientation for Plebes
Teacher In-Service Days
Classes Begin
September ‘10
MMA Parents Org. Meeting
Introductory Training 0830
Graduation (Plebes) 1000
A monthly publication of
320 Iwo Jima Blvd.
Harlingen, Tx. 78550
(956) 421-9235
Web Site:
Email Address:
Debbie L. Wieland