Moose Jaw Express
Moose Jaw Express
MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 • PAGE A1 MOOSE JAW Volume 9 Issue 12 Wednesday, March 23, 2016 EXPRESS Moose Jaw’s REAL community newspaper FREE THE PAPER THAT CAN’T BE BOUGHT ..COM COM 306.694.1322 Locals to represent Liberia at WCP Tournament by Scott Hellings soccer team featuring local players will compete under the ag of iberia at the World lass Players W P Tournament in Regina, which will be held March 24 to April 16. A total of 24 teams will participate on the men’s side. It will be a very competitive tournament but expectations are high for the iberian team. It is much li e the World up. I would say it is the best soccer in Sasatchewan, although maybe university soccer is up there as well. ou get people from across anada playing in this tournament, said manager ob ielding. I would say we are a top four team, or maybe we are a top eight team. I do thin we have a chance of winning the tournament and the guys are excited about that. The team includes 11 players from Moose Jaw, three of which are originally from iberia. ther players hail from ethbridge, algary, Edmonton, and Sas atoon. The team has been training since ctober 2015. otably, one of the players, Freddy Malek, once coached and played for the iberian soccer team nown as the one Stars . When we announced that we were having a team from iberia there was a lot of interest, and not ust from Moose Jaw but all over. There were lots of iberians who wanted to play on our team. We have one kid who played on the Canadian national team, I believe at the nder-20s. It is that caliber of player, said ielding. There is good Moose Jaw representation and I’m happy to see that we have 12 uality iberian players. They are not ust names on the roster because these are guys who can really play.” This is the second year Fielding will coach a team in the tournament. ast year he was as ed to form a team for the W P because there were several players from eli e who wanted to play. They competed in the Several locals will represent Liberia at the World Class Players Tournament in Regina. Back row, left to right: John Kamara, Tinnie Lamadina, team assistant Stephanie Murphy. Front row: manager Bob Fielding. tournament under the eli e ag and had a strong showing. nfortunately, the eli e players eventually decided to return home when their wor situations in Canada changed. That left the team searching for a new identity. The new iberian team is expected to be even better. The players are so good, ielding says, that it will be difficult to get everyone playing time. ur strength is our wea ness we have 23 good, uality players. There won’t be playing time for everybody. I will be playing the top 14 or 15 guys. I can tell you that some of the Moose Jaw players have already said to me they now what this team is about, and it is about putting together a winning team. They are o ay with that. It is one of the difficulties, though, because you aren’t going to have 23 players playing all the time. It ust doesn’t wor that way The guys on the team are serious about doing well and playing well. It is really exciting to be a part of that. iberia will open the tournament against Poland. isit for more information. COMPLETE PLUMBING, HEATING SALES & SERVICE Seniors get a 10% DISCOUNT Making Warmth & Comfort Efficient Furnace, Plumbing & Air Conditioning Maintenance 100% Guaranteed Workmanship 306.694.0028 • 301 River St. W. Moose Jaw • PAGE A2 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 CONVENIENTLY LOCATED AT: HIGHLAND RD. 100 $ * IN MANUFACTURER MAIL-IN REBATES ON SELECT TIRES THATCHER DR. McKENZIE LN CHESTER RD. GET UP TO Life is better in the Quick Lane.® VILLAGE FORD LINCOLN 661 THATCHER DR. E., MOOSE JAW, SK (306) 694-3278 HOURS OF OPERATION: MONDAY- FRIDAY 8AM-6PM SATURDAY 8AM-5PM MAINTENANCE • TIRES • BRAKES • OIL & FILTER • BATTERIES • ALIGNMENT All offers expire 03/31/16. Offers may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. See Quick Lane Manager for complete details. Applicable taxes and provincial levies not included. Quick Lane Dealer may sell for less. Only available at participating locations. Quick Lane is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company. ©2016 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved. COMING EVENTS Please note that coming events are placed where space is available and that priority is given to local non- profit groups and organizations. MOOSE JAW SUPERANNUATED TEACHERS (STS) LUNCHEON will be held on Wednesday March 23rd at 10:30 a.m. at St Andrews Church. Note the business meeting will start at 10:30 and the Vocal Jazz Choir under the direction of Brian Browley will perform at 11:30. Lunch will follow. WRITER’S CIRCLE FOR YOUTH ages 10-18 on Wednesday, March 23rd at 6:30pm at the library with Special Guest Melanie McFarlane! Calling all bourgeoning writers! Continuing the 6 month program with young adult author Melanie McFarlane. Join for a night of reading, writing and critique. Also, feel free to bring your own piece of writing! No registration required. Admission is free. Refreshments will be served. MINTO UNITED CHURCH, 1036 Seventh Ave. N.W. Minto United Church Maundy Thursday “Mediterranean” Meal and Worship Service will be held on Thursday, March 24th starting at 6:00 p.m. Experience what Jesus and his disciples might have eaten during the Last Supper and then following is Maundy Thursday Worship and foot washing service. Minto United Church Resurrection Sunday/Easter Service, Communion and Baptism will take place on Sunday, March 27th at 10:30 a.m. Everyone Welcome! Minto United Church Annual Garage Sale Open to the Public will be held on Thursday April 7th from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Friday April 8th from 9:00 a.m. to noon. FUN WITH TAROT CARDS with guest, Judy Leisle, will take place on Thursday, March 24th at 2:30p.m. at the Public Library. Learn a little about the fascinating TAROT, an ancient form of prognostication. Admission is free. Everyone is welcome. MASONIC BUILDING CORP BBQ CHICKEN & RIBS FUNDRAISER will be held on Thursday, March 24 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Bugsy’s Irish Pub in the T&C Mall. Tickets $15pp. Contact Lynne Moffatt at 306.693.2726. ANNUAL SHOW: ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES VINTAGE VEHICLE PARTS sale Friday, March 25 and Saturday, March 26 at Moose Jaw Exhibition Convention Centre. Runs from noon to 8 p.m. March 25 and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 26. Admission, $6 for adults. For more information call Garry at 306-692-4755. Presented by Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village Museum. INTRODUCTION TO DSLR PHOTOGRAPHY with visual artist and author Ken Dalgarno will take place on Tuesday March 29th at 7:30 p.m. at the Public Library. Ken will discuss the basic concepts of aperture, shutter speed and ISO as well as talk about how he photographed the images for his book “Badlands.” Admission is free. Everyone is welcome. GET YOUR GAME ON AND YAC MEETING for youth ages 10-18 to join us on Wednesday, March 30th at 6.30pm. Join for an evening of Board Games, Video Games, and planning future youth programming! No registration required. Admission is free. Refreshments will be served. “TECH TIME” WITH KEN DALGARNO AND GWEN FISHER will take place on Wednesday, March 30th at 2:30 pm at the Public Library. Drop in and learn more about using your device, including how to use online Library resources in a relaxed and social environment. Every week you’ll explore something new, exchange ideas and have some fun learning new things about technology. Admission is free. Everyone is welcome. “IS Need a better nights sleep? ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOR YOU?” with Corey Harkness, South Central Community Futures will take place on Thursday, March 31st at 2:30 pm at the Public Library. Do you have what it takes to start and run a business? Come in and hear about the challenges and rewards of owning your own business. Admission is free. Everyone is welcome. SONS OF THE PIONEERS CONCERT at Zion United Church on Thursday, March 31 at 7:30 p.m. Advance tickets are $44 and at the door they are $50. Tickets are available in the office. POP-PROGRAM: YARN ART! For youth ages 10-18, on Saturday, April 2nd at 3pm at the Public Library. Transform yarn into decorative magic! Pom-pom bouquets, yarn adorned flower vases, and more! All materials will be provided. No registration required. Admission is free. Refreshments will be served. “DRIVE 4 UR SCHOOL” The Village Ford Lincoln Dealership & Caronport High School offer test drives in the program on April 9th from 1-5pm. For every test drive our community takes in a Ford vehicle, Caronport High School will be awarded $20.00 and can reach up to $6000.00 for CHS. Everyone Loves A Great Smile! A SPRING CONCERT WITH SASKIA AND DARREL; THE GREAT PLAINS presented by St. Andrews United Church, 60 – Athabasca St. Moose Jaw will be held on Sunday April 10 at 3:00 p.m. Tickets $15pp, available at John’s Music (306.692.0860) and St. Andrews United Church (306.692.0533). Fabulous Canadian music with Folk, Celtic, Bluegrass, Country & Gospel flavours. SOUP & SANDWICH LUNCHEON (Soup, sandwich, dessert & beverage) sponsored by Mizpah Chapter #1 Order of the Eastern Star will be held on Monday, April 11th from 11:30am – 1:30pm at Masonic Temple, 1755 Main St. N. Cost $8pp. For tickets contact Cheryle Svab @693-4139; Lynann Pethick @694-4121. Tickets available at the door. A TRIVIA NITE will be held in Moose Jaw on Friday April 15, 2016. This licensed event sponsored by the South Saskatchewan Wildlife Association will be held at The Sportsman Centre, 276 Home St East. Trivia starts promptly at 730pm. Admission is $5.00 per person. Snacks and refreshments will be available for purchase. Further details available on the South Saskatchewan Wildlife Association website and Facebook. Call and reserve a table for your team. Contact Harry at 306 693 1324 or email at A CANADIAN FIREARM SAFETY AND SASK HUNTER EDUCATION COURSE will be held in Moose Jaw in late April 2016. The course will be conducted by members of the MJFAS/HED Instructor Group. This 12 week nite course will run from Mon April 18 to Wed May 4. Registration will be Sun April 17 at The Sportsman Centre Lower level 276 Home St East from 7-8pm. Minimum course age is 11 yr old. To receive a course info pkg with dates, locations, costs etc. email Harry at You can also view the course info pkg by going to either the South Saskatchewan Wildlife Association website or the Moose Jaw Wildlife Association Website. Simply google either. SAFETALK SUICIDE ALERTNESS for everyone provided by Canadian Mental Health Assoc. will be held on April 20th, 2016 at Jones Family Centre, 262 Athabasca St. E from 9:00am-noon. Cost $50pp. For more information or to register contact CMHA @306.692.4240 or email donna.cmha@sasktel. net MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID CANADA 2-DAY WORKSHOP will be held April 21/22nd from 8:30-4pm at the Royal Canadian Legion, 268 High St. W open to the community. Cost $160/participant. Lunch is not provided. Please register and submit fee payable to Canadian Mental Health Assoc. For more info, email TATTERED TEDDIES WORKSHOP about Suicide in Children (interventions targeted specifically to children 12 yrs & younger) will be held on May 6th from 9am-noon at Jones Family Centre, 262 Athabasca St. E. Cost $100pp. Contact MOOSE JAW MASQUERADE BALL “IN SUPPORT OF THE STRUGGLES WE CANNOT SEE” will be held at the Heritage Inn on May 6th from 5:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight. This is a glamorous evening with a mental health awareness session, dinner and a dance featuring the Bromantics. Tickets are $85pp. For more information or to purchase tickets, email mjmasqueradeball@; facebook Moose Jaw Masquerade Ball or Simplicitea Organic Boutique and Tea Room, 50 Stadacona W. “BUTTONS & BOWS” Square and Round Dance CD club at St. Andrew’s Church Social Hall, 60 Athabasca E, Lower Hall – West Door. New Members Welcome. For more information contact Bert at 306.692.7278. CONTINUED ON PAGE A4 J.M. MARCHESSAULT TAXES & SMALL BUSINESS ACCOUNTING (306) 693-4466 326 HIGH ST W, MOOSE JAW A Family Tradition of Excellence in Service Ron Halstead DD Lynn Halstead DD Family owned and operated for 3 generations! 32 River St E • 306-693-4161 D i d y ou kn ow t h at y ou r S askat ch ewan H eal t h C ard p rov i d es l i mi t ed cov erag e wh i l e t rav el l i n g ou t si d e t h e p rov i n ce? W e prov ide additional health cov erage to cov er emergency medical ex penses. W e also of f er trip cancellation and baggage insurance. Ask us about: • Payroll Services • GST, PST & LCT Basic Income Tax Returns Starting At $70 306-692-2195 • 19 Athabasca St. W C on t act ou r offi ce so we can h el p d et ermi n e t h e ap p rop ri at e cov erag e for y ou r t rav el p l an s. 29 High Street West • Moose Jaw, SK • (306) 692-1812 or Toll Free 1-888-692-1812 • • OPEN SATURDAYS! MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 • PAGE A3 “From Our Family To Yours” Bob Langdon w w w.par kvi ewf u n e ra lc h a p e l. c a ( 3 0 6 ) 694- 5500 4 74 Ho c hel a g a S t re e t We st Locally Owned and Operated by Kelly & Blair Scott Dennis Down Cheryl Richardson Gord Borycki John Langford Judy Wilson Lee Richardson Donna Richardson Bruce McLeod Jo Overby Ron Silvester Jesse Evans Gun show attracts large crowds of hunters Knife maker The sport of hunting is still strong, udging by the traffic at the annual gun show in Moose Jaw. The aisles for the South Sas atchewan Wildlife Association show in the Sportsman’s entre were more crowded than usual. Show organi er llen Dyc said the crowded aisles were partly due to a change in venue. The early Easter date forced the show from a larger space at the Exhibition grounds. DEPENDABLE FLOOR SOLUTIONS THE SOLUTION TO “SLIPPERY WHEN WET” FOR FLOORS & BATHTUBS 306-693-1033 By Ron Walter For Moose Jaw Express ext year we’ll be bac in the con- of algary are brand new to the gun vention centre. show circuit. Four months ago they rgani ers had to turn away 100 ta- started a business building hunting bles with 57 displaying at this year’s tables. event. In the first hour there were They are used in blinds or when you bait, said Koenning. 190 people through the door. Interest in guns and hunting, in de- Built of lightweight aluminum, with cline 15 years ago, has increased, he a bac supported seat and acrylic said. The handgun club operating out top, the tables fold up li e a golf cart of the Sportsman’s entre basement, and roll away. level is built into the has 140 members with a recent up- table top. grade on the range for .357 calibre Koenning, the designer, said the models sell from $795 to $1,195. full load. ”We’re seeing more people get their Knife ma er ob Robson of Roc P s Possession c uisition i- glen has been selling at the gun show cences) showing they want to go for years. 25-year veteran ma ing nives he hunting.” nd numbers are increasing, espe- always had one as a boy and when cially among young people, in the farming. ou always need a nife youth gun club. It starts with air pis- on the farm.” tols. fter ta ing a course he began ma Funds from the gun show assist with ing nives, later instructing the art. the youth program and a biathlon I have nives all over the world, group where competitors ski, cross he said. e has sold nives in stores at anff and shoot li e the lympic event. Dealers li e coming to Moose Jaw, and has an online sales site. said Dyc . They have great sales in Ron Walter can be reached at ronMoose Jaw.” loyd McEwen and Ed Koenning Gun display Hunting table Bill Elliott CPA • 20 years experience • Personal returns T-1 • Corporate returns T-2 • Business setup and consulting • Set up Quick Books and instruction • Auditing Very reasonable rates 306-690-8777 17 Crocus Rd. Moose Jaw Furry exhibit ULTIMATE A U TO D E TA I L I N G & ACCESSORIES DETAILING • WINDOW TINTING PAINT PROTECTION FILM • REMOTE STARTERS Escape the city limits and bring your sweetheart to your favourite hideout 909 High Street West 306-694-4020 Highway #1 • 306-692-5400 80 Ross St. W. Moose Jaw 903 Oxford St. E. – Lot $39,500 Lot 233 Lillooet St. W. $168,000 508 – 3rd St. E. Assiniboia $264,995 4 Shaw Place. W. Assiniboia $319,000 306-694-1234 323 Centre St. Assiniboia 1-306-642-3086 JERA MOHNINGER REALTOR® 306-631-4824 DEBBIE MOHNINGER REALTOR® 306-631-2373 1443 Coteau St. W. $299,000 JUSTIN HAMMER REALTOR® 306-684-4266 RICK OAKES REALTOR® 306-630-6356 440 Athabasca St. E. $319,700 CATHY MORRELL REALTOR® 306-630-7015 JODY OAKES REALTOR® 306-631-4168 508 – 4th Ave. E. Assiniboia $279,000 DIONNE TJELTVEIT REALTOR® 306-640-7480 PAGE A4 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 M&M Hair & Body We now carry COLOR To give you a richer color and more shin, to help you look younger. Book your color today with; Mike, Renae or Erin 306-692-3443 • 301 4th Ave SW COMING EVENTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE A2 Final Wind up Dance March 29th. Supper will be catered by the U.C.W. of St. Andrew’s Church at 6:00 p.m. Square Dancing from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend the final dance – this means all interested in square dancing and past square dancers. For supper tickets call, Gisele 306.692.9213. Guest Caller is Eldon & Carolyn Neudorf from Aberdeen, Sk. MOOSE JAW & DISTRICT SENIORS’ ASSOCIATION @Timothy Eaton Garden – 101-510 Main St N. For more information, call 306-694-4223 or mjsenior@ Jam Sessions at T. Eaton Garden every Friday from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Cost $2. Fill your morning with music and dance. All are welcome! Friendly Bridge at T. Eaton Garden every Thursday night from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. All are welcome! Pickle Ball at T. Eaton Garden every Tuesday and Friday from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Great for beginners. Learn how to play with help from our instructors. No charge but you must pre-register. Whist every Tuesday from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Cost: $2. Easter Luncheon at T. Eaton Garden will be held on Thursday, March 24th from 11:30am-1pm. Cost $13. COSMO SENIORS’ CENTRE, 235 Third Ave. N.E. For more information call (306) 692-6072. Billiards at the Cosmo Centre every Monday at 6:00 p.m. and Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Cosmo Jam Sessions at Cosmo Centre are back Every Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Cost $2. Come join the fun and great music! Mini Cribbage on Tuesday, March 29 at 1:00 p.m. Cost: $5. Craft & Trade Fair at Cosmo Centre on Saturday, April 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Free Admission. Various Vendors. Loads of unique merchandise. Lunch available. *If you would like to rent a table please call Eunice Rivers at 306-692-3460. REVERA – THE BENTLEY Moose Jaw 425 4th Ave NW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 8B7, Direct 306-692-7161, Cell 306684-0652, Fax 306-692-2461, Gordon Johnson Presentation - March 22nd 7:30pm – 9pm – – Learn and see about the good old days in Moose Jaw, Gordon has an amazing presentation, everyone welcome It May Be Time To Roll by Dr. Steven Heidinger, Moose Jaw Chiropractor Recurrent headaches and pain in my upper bac and neck were the reasons why I sought chiropractic care when I was younger. A few car accidents and poor posture were the li ely causes of my problems bac then. I still suffer from postural stress on a daily basis as I am bent over a chiropractic table all day long at wor , but I am blessed with a chiropractic wife, and ad ustments are easy to come by for myself. Research shows that the best plan of management for nec pain is a combination of exercise and chiropractic care. ot only is it more effective than medications, it is safer too. Another strategy for New Technology has arrived! Most Affordable-Most effective system for: Permanent Hair Reduction Red and Brown spot removal Body Sculpting and Wrinkles Freeze Facial with no need for botox for under $100 Stressed out? Yoga can help with that! 30 Days for $39* Newbies Only Join us today! Cash for Referrals! for an apppontment call 306-630-2622 Prime Rib Dinner Buffet and a tour of available apartmentsMarch 31st 11:30am – 3pm – (only studio and 2 bedroom apts currently available, waitlist for 1 bedroom apts available) RSVP to 306-692-7161 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION – BRANCH 59 Moose Jaw, 268 High St W: Like us on Facebook @ Royal Canadian Legion Branch 59 Moose Jaw; website @ Friday Supper in the lounge @ 5:30pm. Tickets should be purchased by the previous Wednesday. Cribbage in the lounge Tuesdays @ 1:30 pm Legion Dart League in the auditorium Thursdays @ 7:00 pm Casual Shuffleboard League in the lounge Fridays @ 7:00pm Legion Meat Draw in the lounge Saturdays @ 3:00pm. Everyone welcome Legion Foot Care Clinic – last Thursday of the month (Legion members only). Please call 306-692-5453 to book an appointment. Legion Sports Banquet (Curling & Darts) in the auditorium on Saturday, April 9th, followed by Karaoke in the lounge by DJ Rod Willier. See your respective sports rep for more details. Spring Fling Dinner & Dance, Saturday, April 16th in the Legion Auditorium. Join us for an evening of fun, games and entertainment. Turkey dinner with all the trimmings!! $20 tickets available at the Legion. Trivia Night in the lounge, hosted by Steven. Saturday, April 30th. Six rounds of trivia – prizes for each round. More details coming soon!! ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE VETERANS, 279 High St. W. Phone 306.693.1656. Anavets Meat Draw held every Saturday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. Everyone Welcome! Anavets Cribbage held every Thursday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. Please call to register306.693.1656. Everyone Welcome! Anavets Tuesday and Thursday Pool Night starts at 7:00 p.m. Everyone Welcome! FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES, 561 Home St. W, Moose Jaw. Monday evenings: Cribbage – 7:00 p.m.; $2pp. Registration 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Everyone Welcome Tuesdays (first and third): Auxiliary meetings at 7:00 p.m. combatting the chronic stress to my upper spine is something that I came across about 5 years ago, and that is a foam roller. I’m sure foam rollers have been around a lot longer than that, but their popularity has increased considerably in the last few years. ecause of past in ury and repetitive strain on my upper bac , I’ve developed chronic muscle nots and even scar tissue around my upper spine, shoulder blades and nec . I’ve used many different devices mar eted to try to wor these areas out. sing tennis balls, therapy canes, and shiatsu-type massagers or anything else that would provide pressure to those areas seemed to help a bit, but nothing has wor ed as well as a foam roller for giving these areas a much needed wor over. It has wor ed so well for me that I now incorporate a roller into my regular workout routine. In my practice it is a common recommendation to my patients as well.When muscles get repetitively overwor ed they get tight. When they are stressed and tight for long periods of time, blood ow to and from muscles can get compromised. This can lead to a chronic lac of nutrients and a buildup of waste Robyn Cunningham Owner Call our Yoga Advisor today & let’s get started! Call 306-690-5399 • 2nd floor 311 Main St N (Above Wrapture Spa) Wednesdays: Eagles Dart League – 7:30 p.m. This is a mixed event and open to members. Thursdays: Ladies Auxiliary Meat draw – 5:30 p.m. Friday and Saturdays – Dancing at Eagles with live bands performing – 8:30 p.m. to closing Sundays (first and third): 11:30 a.m. Aerie meeting LEARN TO LINE DANCE WITH LILLIAN WADHAM at Cosmo Centre every Thursday morning: Beginner classes start at 9:45 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.; Regular classes 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Come and join at the Cosmo Centre. Lots of fun and will help to make the winter days go by. Call Evelyn McDowell at 306.694.1852. TOPS CHAPTER SK2211 meets Tuesdays at St Andrew’s United Church from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m., 60 Athabasca St E. Please use west side parking lot door, main floor handicapped friendly. Take off Pounds Sensibly is a weight loss support group. Tops shares healthy choices info and reasonable weight loss goals. Come battle the bulge! New members welcome. Call: 306-692-4603 for more info. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Did you know that the Friends of the Library is a volunteer, non-profit organization that raises funds to support the programs of the Moose Jaw Public Library? Over the past 25 years the Friends have funded over $200,000 worth of enhancements for the Library. New members welcome! To become a member contact the M.J. Public Library. Memberships only $12 and are tax deductible. PRAIRIE PENS WRITING GROUP will begin meeting again the first Monday in April. Meetings are held upstairs at the Moose Jaw Public Library at 10:00 a.m. More information to come. TAOIST TAI CHI Fall/Winter Times – Weds: Beginners 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.; Sat: 11:00 a.m. to 12 noon; Continuing: Weds. 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.; Sat. 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. All classes held downstairs at St. Andrews Church Social Hall. For information call 306.694.5459 or 306.692.5017; THE FRIENDLY CITY OPTIMIST CLUB invites everyone to meetings at the Heritage Inn on the second & fourth Tuesday of each month. Social at 6:00 p.m./Supper at 6:30 p.m./meeting at 7:00 p.m. For more info call 306.694.4121 or email products. Muscle fibres may die off and be replaced by scar tissue and adhesions. These are those gristly” knots that you can feel in muscles, especially the ones along side the spine. The spinal muscles are chronically overused in someone with poor posture. nfortunately, scar tissue can be filled with a higher concentration of pain sensitive nerves. Many massage therapy techni ues aim to brea up these adhesions and scar tissue, hoping to restore a more healthy environment for muscle tissue. I find that using a foam roller does a good ob of this as well. I li e to use my roller as a way to warm up before a wor out. old stretching before a wor out is not recommended anymore as it can weaken a muscle short term, predisposing it to in ury. sing a foam roller is a great warm up as it stimulates blood ow to the muscle. sing a foam roller correctly ta es practice. The internet is a great way to research how to use a foam roller effectively and safely. With practice nearly every muscle in the body can benefit from it. HOSPITAL GIFT SHOP Neatest little gift shop in town!! DR. F.H. WIGMORE REGIONAL March 27, 10:15am Easter Sunday Service Rev. Douglas Hallman Magdalene and Jesus “A Recognition Story” Gospel of John 20:1-18 Bruce Learmonth Organist The Sanctuary Choir The Zion Strings Fellowship to Follow C.S. Lewis: Philosophy & Faith Sun. April 24, PAC/MJMAG, 7-9pm Gifts galore from ceiling to floor. Lots of Spring items Just in Time for Easter! 30% off Antiques Excluding consignments 26 Main St. N. Moose Jaw • 306-692-9955 Just arrived for spring! Stuffed Toys, Purses, jewellery, Spring clothing, Baby clothing, Adult colouring books All proceeds from every sale go towards Hospital Equipment. HOURS: MON-FRI: 10AM-7:30PM SAT: 10AM-4PM SUN: 1PM-4:30PM COME CHECK OUT OUR NEW LOCATION 55 DIEFENBAKER DR. • 306-694-0355 30 Super B units to haul your grain, liquid or granular fertilizer. Call Kelly (306) 693-1284 or (306) 631-1202 email Box 1388 Moose Jaw Sask. S6H-4R3 Dan Falk eneral reaction to the 15 Wing ellowship Committee’s third annual musical concert was summed up by one comment: “I didn’t know we had such talent in Moose Jaw.” illed Musical Swing Three, the concert at Timothy Seniors’ entre auditorium, showcased entertainers from 15 Wing, the community and schools. iolinist nne Mantle, spouse of a pilot trainee, wowed the audience with classical tunes, while a pilot in training ameron Stow astounded viewers by his guitar play and his use of the instrument as a drum substitute. Stow had ust own one of the most important ights of his career his first solo and plans to proceed with lead-in fighter training. Sierra Staples, a rade 11 Peacoc ollegiate vocalist, entertained nicely while student Anne Marie Rouald, just bac from provincial competition, displayed her strong voice. The entral ollegiate a choir had members of the 100-strong audience snapping their fingers ert afond and his uddies John and nn Elaschu , arb and erry Springer, ill ol , l Kunschner and $ 199 * EVERY 2 WEEKS GET UP TO $ Mary Shopa got some people dancing. Popular Kelly Sapergia and riends Ted Mc olm and arry len insop also had people up dancing. The hit of the afternoon was excerpts from the musical play Billy Bishop oes to War sung by Moose Jaw’s Dan al and Dan brahamson of lberta. The musical is being performed March 25 and 26 at Peacoc ollegiate drama Annie Mantle room. The Military Family Resource Centre from 15 Wing showed two short testimonial videos about its activities. ne woman told how much the MFRC meant to her as a newcomer, uic ly involving her in events when she new no one and her husband was deployed elsewhere. Bert Lafond and his Buddies Proceeds from the concert will go to the MFRC. Anne Marie Rouald Cameron Stow + LEASE THE 2016 F -150 XLT SUPERCREW 4X4 5.0L WITH MILITARY GRADE ALUMINUM ALLOY BODY AND BED & BEST-IN-CLASS MAXIMUM PAYLOAD† 0.99% 36 APR 11,000 ^ $ MONTHS 2,595 OR $40,524 FOR UNDISPUTED VALUE, VISIT FINDYOURFORD.CA OR DROP BY YOUR PRAIRIE FORD STORE TODAY. ** DOWN IN CLEAROUT TRUCK CASH (SUPERCAB AMOUNT SHOWN) CASH PURCHASE PLUS ON REMAINING 2015s $ 5-STAR OVERALL VEHICLE SCORE FOR SAFETY OFFER INCLUDES $1,800 IN FREIGHT AND AIR TAX. ELIGIBLE COSTCO MEMBERS RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL 1,000 ± TOWARDS MOST NEW F-SERIES ‡ notice. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible raincheckable Ford retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof. 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Lease 2016 F-150 Crew 4x4 XLT 5.0L V8 with a value of $37,929 (after $2,595 down payment or equivalent trade-in, $3,750 Manufacturer Rebates deducted, and including freight and air tax charges of $1,800) at 0.99% APR for up to 36 months with an optional buyout of $23,348, monthly payment is $430 (the sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $199), total lease obligation is $18,075, interest cost of leasing is $904 or 0.99% APR. For purchase or lease, additional payments are required for PPSA, registration, security deposit, NSF fees (where applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Offers excludes options, Green Levy (if applicable), license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI, PPSA, administration fees, and any other applicable environmental charges/fees and taxes. For lease, some conditions and mileage restriction of 60,000km for 36 months applies. Excess kilometrage charges are 16¢ per km, plus applicable taxes. Excess kilometrage charges subject to change, see your local dealer for details. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. ^ Until March 31, 2016, receive $7,750/ $8,750/ $11,000 in “Manufacturer Rebates” (Delivery Allowances) with the purchase or lease of a new 2015: F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2)/ 2015: F-150 SuperCrew 4x4/ 2015: F-150 SuperCab -- all stripped chassis, F-150 Raptor, Medium Truck, Mustang Shelby and 50th Anniversary excluded. Delivery allowances are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ± Offer only valid from March 1, 2016 to April 30, 2016 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with an eligible Costco membership on or before February 29, 2016. Receive $1,000 towards the purchase or lease of a new and available 2015/2016 Ford F-Series models (excluding F-150 Regular Cab XL 4X2 and Medium Truck, all 2015 “final settled” models) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). Limit one (1) offer per each Eligible Vehicle purchase or lease, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. Applicable taxes calculated before CAD$1,000 offer is deducted. ® Registered trademark of Price Costco International, Inc. used under license. + F-Series is the best-selling line of pickup trucks in Canada for 50 years in a row based on Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association statistical sales report up to 2015 year end. † When properly equipped. Max. payloads of 3,240 lbs/3,270 lbs with 3.5L V6 EcoBoost 4x2 / 5.0L Ti-VCT V8 engines. Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs. GVWR based on Ford segmentation. ‡ Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program ( ©2016 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2016 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved. C.K. TRANSPORTATION LTD. Oh hey, you’re looking for the legal, right? Take a look, here it is: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers only valid at participating dealers. Retail offers may be cancelled or changed at any time without MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 • PAGE A5 Personal Care and Memory Care Community Celebrate Living Well! Exceptional amenities and services Licensed nurses and caregivers on duty 24/7 Chef-prepared meals • Fun activities and outings Personal Care Services Available Tours Daily • 1801 Meier Dr. Moose Jaw • 306 694-4744 Swing Three Concert proves depth of local talent By Ron Walter For Moose Jaw Express Sierra Staples Ron Walter can be reached at ron oy Two CCI jazz singers Kelly Sapegia and Friends Available in most new Ford vehicles with 6-month pre-paid subscription. PAGE A6 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 PET GR Timothy Eaton Garden Cafe Breakfast Special from 8am-10am $ 5 #101-510 Main St. N • 306-694-4223 (Timothy Eaton Gardens) (l-r) Kelly Korbo and Lori Lancaster About 1 in 10 people in Canada are living below the low-income cut-off, after taxes and government transfers are taken into account. More than 1.5 million women in Canada are living on a low income. Some groups have higher rates of poverty and are more likely than others to be poor. They include: • First Nations women (living off reserve)—37% • Métis and Inuit women (living in the provinces)—23% • Visible minority women – 28% • Women with disabilities – 33% • Immigrant women – 20% • Single mothers – 21% • Children in female lone-parent families – 23% (Compared to 6% of children in two-parent families) • Single senior women – 16% YOUR AIDS TO DAILY LIVING STORE Merit Scooters Power Chairs & Walkers CERTIFIED MASTER GROOMER MASTER’S MUST HAVE COUPON COUPON ENDS MARCH 30TH 2016 NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER COUPON OR OFFER D.& D. Quality Ca Care ARIANNA WETASKI Bacon, eggs, toast & hashbrowns includes tea or coffee Everyone welcome MING in a professional environment dedicated to total pet care TOUCH UNIQUE PET GROOMER MOOSE JAW ANIMAL CLINIC 1885 CARIBOU ST. W S6H-4P5 306.630.4609 Book your grooming in and... SAVE 10% until March 31,2016 Lift Chairs Tub Lifts & Ramps ü Aids to Daily Living ü Mastectomy Supplies/Custom Fit ü Wrist/Back Supports ü Compression Stockings ü Sports Braces/Supports ü Rentals Supplementary Health, DVA, WCB and SGI approved. 306-691-0300 11 Hochelaga St W. Resilience: The Strength of Women Living with Disabilities By Joan Ritchie Moose Jaw Transition House and Partners in Employment oined together to host a luncheon in celebration of International Women’s Day. As Moose Jaw’s multicultural climate continues to increase, the diversity in ethnicities was evident. International Women’s Day crosses all borders to celebrate women in general. n behalf of Moose Jaw Transition ouse, Executive Director ori ancaster welcomed guests Kelly Korbo from Moose Jaw Partners in Employment shared a greeting and commented on the partnership forged with Transition ouse Isabelle anson, a member of the Sa imay irst ation’s and spo e the blessing over Moose Jaw in Treaty 4 Territory Mayor Deb iggins brought greetings on behalf of the City of Moose Jaw. International Women’s Day sprang from a number of protests that women labourers held. The day was declared around the world in recognition for what women have contributed, said iggins. Shortly following on March 14th, 1916, legislation was passed for women to have the right to vote with Sas atchewan being one of the first provinces to declare it. She then went on to encourage women to get out and vote stating, It is our responsibility when we are of age to vote so that our voices can be heard in this way. We would li e to celebrate the successes of women.” Coordinator of the Regional Intersectoral ommittee and previous Executive Director of Transition ouse, Karen loss shared remar s on the significance of International Women’s Day, a special day first observed in 1911 and over time has grown to become the global day of recognition and celebration of women. It is a day for “Bread & Roses,” or for decent living wages for women, loss said, “as well as for respectful treatment and dignity. She went on to say that increasingly, International Women’s Day is a time to re ect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities. To date and although some progress has been made in women’s e uality, there are still some obstacles to overcome. There continues to be barriers such as a lac of affordable childcare and a need for practices and policies that provide e ual opportunities for rising to positions of leadership with- in companies,” said Closs. “The gender wage gap is also still an issue.” 2015 uman Rights report raised concerns about the persisting ine ualities between women and men and the high level of the pay gap and its disproportionate effect on low-income women, visible minority women and indigenous women.” In Sas atchewan, the theme for International Women’s Day this year is Resilience The Strength of Women iving with Disabilities. survivor of domestic violence and abuse, eynote spea er ynn Ent shared her lived experiences. Ent says, Physical scars can be seen but the emotional ones you can’t see. She credits Partners in Employment for being “humane, empathetic and non-judgemental as they helped Ent get her feet on the ground and saved her life,” as she says. Her words to those who may know of someone in an abusive situation isten to the women in domestic violence. Don’t turn your bac you might save a life and to the women in an abusive situation ind someone to help you. If you don’t li e what you’ve got, change it!” MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 • PAGE A7 Proudly Independent Locally Owned and Operated 268 Mulberry Lane Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, S6J 1N1 (306) 693-4550 Todd Sjoberg James Murdock Unreserved Public Farm Auction Rattle Screech Hissing Squeal Howl Clunk Crunch Bang Thump Grind Growl Dennis & Julie Hilling – D & J Seed Services Inc. Moose Jaw, SK | April 13, 2016 · 10 am Knock 2007 Case IH 435 Quadtrac & 2011 Bourgault 3310Phd 48 Ft w/6550ST Seasonal Oil Service $34.95 2012 Case IH 7230 2009 Case IH Patriot 3320 100 Ft 2008 Case IH Maxxum 140 2004 Prairie Star 4952I 30 Ft 2009 Freightliner M2 T/A 1998 Volvo VNL64T & 1981 Westank 7000 Gal Includes Up to 5 liters of synthetic blend oil Engine Oil filter and safe driving check up Full Synthetic Oil Service $49.95 INSPECTION SERVICES $19.95 Refundable against any required repairs Steering and Suspension system inspection Brake system inspection and report Battery and Charging System Test Tire condition and inflation check FREE ALIGNMENT with strut installation REBATES up to $75 2014 Volvo VNL64T & 2014 Doepker 28 Ft Super B Spring Shock and Strut Super Special on Now! AUCTION LOCATION: From the Junction of Hwy 1 & Hwy 39, go 8 kms (5 miles) North on Hwy 301, then go 3.2 kms (2 miles) East OR From the Junction of Hwy 2 and Twp Road 175, go 12 kms (8 miles) East. Yard on North side. GPS: 50.469790, -105.352795 A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 2007 Case IH 435 Quadtrac Track Tractor · 2008 Case IH Maxxum 140 MFWD Tractor · 2012 Case IH 7230 Combine · 2013 MacDon FD75-D 40 Ft Flex Draper Header · 2004 Prairie Star 4952I 30 Ft Swather · 2014 Volvo VNL64T T/A Sleeper Truck Tractor · 1998 Volvo VNL64T T/A Sleeper Truck Tractor · 2009 Freightliner M2 T/A Grain Truck · 1980 Chevrolet C70 S/A Grain Truck · 2008 Ford F550 XLT 4x4 Dually Flatbed Truck · 2014 Doepker 28 Ft Super B Grain Trailer · Westank 7000 Gallon T/A Tank Trailer · 2013 Hurricane 24 Ditcher · 2011 FR710 The FR710 brings technology, affordability, and popularity together. The wide footprint adds comfort and quiet to the ride. These features make the FR710 an excellent value. For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: Dennis Hilling: 306.693.2506 (h) 306.631.8694 (c), “A family owned business for over 25 years – experience the difference hometown service makes” ROASTING CHICKENS 6/ 8 L B A V E R A G E GROUND PORK 8 0/ 2 0 CHICKEN BREAST 4K G B O X B O N E L E S S -S K I N L E S S 2 69 LB 2 38 8 9 LB 00 EA REGULAR HAMS 2 SIRLOIN STEAKS ID E A L F O R B B Q PORK BACKRIBS Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Ben Clutton: 306.421.5066 800.491.4494 49 SMOKED PICNICS LB 6 449 1801 Quebec Street, Regina • 306-522-7508 08 Bourgault 3310PHD 48 Ft Air Drill · 2010 Ezee-On 1275 16 Ft Offset Disc · 1993 Flexi-Coil 85 70 Ft Heavy Harrows · 2000 Degelman 7645 45 Ft Land Roller · 2009 Case IH Patriot 3320 100 Ft High Clearance Sprayer · 2003 Brandt Grainbelt 1585 15 In. x 85 Ft Mechanical Swing Grain Conveyor · 2007 Brandt Grainbelt 1545 15 In. x 45 Ft Grain Conveyor · 2005 Buhler Farm King 1370 13 In. x 70 Ft Mechanical Swing Grain Auger · 2009 Wheatheart BH851 8 In. x 51 Ft Grain Auger · (31) Grain Bins · (17) Aeration Fans ...AND MUCH MORE! 99 LB LB 2 49 EA GROUND BEEF W H O L E L O IN 2 5 00 EA 99 BLACK TIGER SHRIMP 8 9 SMOKIES 4 L E A N I N -S T O R E G R O U N D PORK CHOPS EASTER SAUSAGE LB LB 2 6/ 30 C O U N T 30 B A G I Q F I N -S T O R E MA D E 39 599 90 415 Athabasca St. E., Moose Jaw • 306-692-8833 B A G LB PAGE A8 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 * Dollars for walking 3 to 4 hours... Delivering about 400 papers… *Routes, rates & time may vary… Contact or but it's stil the best carrier pay in the industry. Joelle at 306-694-1322 between 9am and 4pm. DOWN ON THE CORNER Profession of Hope There seems to be an unwritten code of conduct with regards to the neighbourly greeting of, “How are you doing?”, or if you are from around here, “Howzitgoingeh?”. The unwritten code seems to imply that a polite and undetailed response is all that is needed for both parties to continue on by Dale “bushy” Bush their adventures for the day. A reply of, “Fine, and you?” will suffice as a minimum response but there is always someone who will either have a clever retort or who will go into detail about their “fineness.” We have a neighbour, whose name shall remain unknown to protect the innocent (me), always has a clever and interesting way of replying to those greetings. Mrs. “J” is retired from a farming background on the prairies and her straightforward outlook on life is entertaining to say the least. The last time I met her was at the post box and when I asked, “Howzitgoingeh?” she replied that, “she was good enough to be twins”, which made me think that that would be a good thing because she is a sweetheart. Anyone else, maybe not! After Mrs. “J” won the meat draw at the community hall last fall she exclaimed that she was, “happier than a gopher in soft ground,” which I guess is pretty happy. I would probably be that happy as well, had I just won $100 worth of meat for a $5 dollar ticket. Although, maybe I wouldn’t have been that happy because a hundred dollars’ worth of meat is not what it used to be, but a win is a win. Mrs. “J” noted that much when she added, “I will go through that meat package faster than a pension cheque.” Mrs. “J” is widowed and in her seventies, but she seems to be comfortable in her retirement and travels often. When she was asked how her and her husband made their fortune in farming she quickly answered, “By starting with twice as much!” That might be what I like about my neighbour. Call it farmer logic but I love to hear Mrs. “J” speak her words of farmer wisdom. There are a few farmers on my old timers’ hockey team and sometimes you really need to listen hard to hear the wisdom. We call him “Oscar” after the Sesame Street character, not because he is a grouch but because his voice is similar. Oscar is still farming in our fertile valley. Oscar has a small mixed farm now with some specialty crops (award winning garlic) and some livestock that he says he keeps to keep sane, fed…and busy! Oscar describes being a farmer as a man that buys everything retail, sells everything wholesale and then pays the freight both ways. He is also honest enough to add that he read that quote some time ago in the Farmer’s Almanac. Last spring I thought Oscar might be a frustrated poet when I heard him say, “Tickle the earth with a hoe and she will laugh with a harvest”. That was so pretty it almost brought a tear to my eye until Oscar admitted that he got that quote from the Farmer’s Almanac as well. Maybe he wasn’t that original but for a guy his age he was just happy to be able to remember anything from his past. We asked him once what time of day he quit work and without missing a beat he said, “I finish when it’s done” and that was an original Oscar quote and maybe the most profound. Oscar did inspire me to read a copy of the Farmer’s Almanac for some clever sayings that I could quote and give credit to the Farmer’s Almanac. One of the first few pages had a memorable quote from someone I can’t remember, but he said, “A farmer is a handyman with a sense of humus employed in profession of hope”. That’s pretty deep and philosophical and I wonder if it has been printed on a T-shirt yet. If it hasn’t been printed yet it would probably sell best if printed in yellow on a John Deere green shirt but, that colour combination will not sell in Saskatchewan because of its similarity to the Edmonton Eskimos colours. Dang it! I thought I had a million dollar idea. I am not or ever was a farmer but I love gardening, providing and enjoying the food I got my hands dirty for. I cannot imagine the work and time that goes into farming. When I hear someone say something negative about farming or farmers I remember this quote from the Farmer’s Almanac, “Don’t criticize a farmer with a mouth full of food.” Best wishes to all farmers and gardeners this planting season. Make 2016 the year you hear better. If your hearing is changing, put it to the test with a Beltone 360° Hearing EvaluationTM. Our experts will help you find an option that fits your needs, your lifestyle and budget. Beltone, the clear choice for better hearing. Call 306-693-4123 or 1-877-505-4123 for an Appointment 81 Athabasca St W, Moose Jaw MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 • PAGE A9 Solid 3 level split home in a quiet Northwest location. With some TLC this home would make a great starter home or potential for revenue property. $174,000.00 TWYLA TONDEVOLD REALTOR ® Cell: (306) 631-6895 TRADING THOUGHTS Does coming technological revolution require guaranteed income for all? ations around the world will experience economic and social upheaval not seen for centuries. We may thin we’ve seen huge changes in our lifestyle and wor ing lives since the 1950s television, by Ron Walter common travel by aircraft, men on the moon, rocket science, cell phones, heart and other organ transplants, computer technology and the Internet. The most significant changes impacting our day-today lives are yet to come possibly transforming and reshaping our lives in the next 20 to 30 years. round the globe we’ve seen technological advances ill whole classes of obs by the millions. Just ta e the automated voice-recordings and numbers we punch when calling commercial and non-commercial places. These systems over 20 years have literally illed millions of obs worldwide. Receptionist obs have been decimated. ne can argue that telemar eter obs replaced them but much of telemar eting is done by robots. The driverless vehicle, now under testing in many .S. states and some anadian provinces, is a threat to legions of obs connected to the auto industry. ne of the first ma or inroads by driverless vehicles will be the truc ing industry. Driverless vehicles in truc ing will save money, speed delivery and end those fre uent driver shortages. Truc driving is a relatively easy s ill to ac uire, pays reasonably well but is tough on personal and family relationships. ow can driverless truc s change the business The nited States has 3.5 million full-time truc drivers. Shrin ing the number of truc drivers by one-half over time would boost the .S. unemployment rate by two full percentage points permanently. anada has 275,000 truc drivers. Eliminating half of them would be e uivalent to laying off one in three of Sas atchewan’s full-time wor ers. The more optimistic observers will say new industry obs will soa up the unemployed truc ers with vehicle repair obs that clean energy obs will ma e up for the losses. nce you have installed solar or wind powder, robotic controls can handle most of the wor . istory has shown once good obs li e manufacturing leave a country, they are mainly replaced by lower paying obs, if they are replaced. The an of England estimates 0 million merican wor ers and 15 million nited Kingdom wor ers will lose their obs to robots in 10 to 20 years e ual to half of all obs. dvances in technology along the lines of robots and 3-D printing machines could practically eliminate all ob sectors from manufacturing, distribution and retailing, even some in medicine. MADNESS FULL LOAD PST PAID 2012 Toyota Highlander V6 Limited 2013 onda Ci ic E 6 15 LOW KMS 50 Depending on what part of the social, economic and educational spectrum you occupy, these future developments are either scary or exciting. The $64 billion uestion for policy ma ers becomes how does government ensure all people are properly fed and housed ow does the country ensure production by robots can still be purchased by humans under mass unemployment scenarios The long-term choices are stark: Find a way to keep the economy humming or revert to a model not seen since Medieval times when most people were serfs toiling for subsistence under lords in their fiefdoms. The surge of support among younger people for that old-time Socialist ernie Sanders re ects those concerns. Rightly or wrongly, these young people do not care for the future as they see it. A complete change in political attitudes, a guaranteed income for all, is what they want. Before politicians can seriously consider guaranteed incomes for all, society’s fundamental belief in the Protestant wor ethic will need a substantial shift wor ing for a living or facing poverty is deeply imbedded in our s ulls. Ron Walter can be reached at ron oy sas 90 DAYS NO PAY oac 2013 Dodge Dart SXT PST PAID 2011 Ford Ed e i ited 2013 6 1 ndai Santa Fe Sport SE PST PAID 15 04 1 2014 M 320i xDri e AWD LOW KMS 6 16 4 T AYLOR MOOSE JAW TOYOTA 41 2010 Ma da 4000 SE 2014 Dod e rand Cara an SE 7000 KMS co es wit canop 231 1743 Main Street North, Moose Jaw SK. (306) 694-1355 Toll Free: 1-866-495-9787 • PAGE A10 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 NDP plans to end Lean by Scott Hellings Cam Broten speaks about healthcare in Moose Jaw. He is joined by the NDP candidate for Moose Jaw North, Corey Atkinson (left), and Karen Purdy (right), the NDP candidate for Moose Jaw Wakamow. The DP are calling for drastic changes at the Dr. . . Wigmore Regional ospital. Sas atchewan DP leader am roten was in Moose Jaw and said his party is committed to bringing an end to the hospital’s ean initiative. Despite being only open a few months, Moose Jaw’s hospital already has serious problems because of its ean design, said Broten. roten says one problem is the hospital’s waiting room, which is only 1 0 s . ft. in si e. e describes this as being the si e of a few ping pong tables. e notes ean has also resulted in concerns about cleanliness, referring to an incident brought to light by Moose Jaw resident Cheryl Pakula. Back in January, she revealed that low staffing levels meant her loved one’s room was not thoroughly cleaned for 10 days. Sas atchewan people shouldn’t have to pay to fix a brand new hospital. It is a total lack of common sense and a total failure in planning. ut we have to pay to fix the new hospital because of this disastrous ean experiment.” e says that ean has not saved the province any money. In fact, Broten says a report confirms the Sas party has spent $1,511 on its ean program for every dollar that they claimed they saved. The DP plans to close the ean Kai en promotion office at the Wigmore ospital and use the space for patient care instead. There are 17 such offices in the province and the DP estimates that closing them would save more than $ 2 million. The ean’ obsession ies in the face of good Sas atchewan common sense and I am going to put an end to it. It is time to ma e patients a priority and not the Sas Party’s pet projects.” There are not enough frontline healthcare workers, Broten said. “What I hear from frontline workers is the need to have the right number of staff wor ing on the oor of the hospital, in the unit, in the emergency room, and doing home care,” said Broten. “There is no end that this government has had when it comes to signing che ues for out-of-province consultants, no end that they have had when it comes to adding more levels of administration and bureaucracy and paying them more and more. But there is nothing but shortages on the frontlines, which actually provides the hands-on care for our loved ones when they need it. That needs to change.” Broten says they will reduce emergency room wait times by adding more nurse practitioners to “fast track” care in emergency rooms. The DP also plans to add Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village and Museum’s 39th Annual Moose Jaw Antique Collectibles Show and Vehicle Parts Sale four uic care clinics, with locations in Regina, Sas atoon, Prince lbert, and Moose Jaw. It provides another option for people who ended care. It is another point of entry to get the care that they need. The emergency rooms would still be there, providing the care for the most urgent cases. This would be another option to add more capacity, said Broten. “It is a really important step in solving emergency room wait times in Sas atchewan. When it was noted that these clinics would be similar to facilities li e the rescent iew linic, roten said the goal is simply to provide more options. “What is important here is to add capacity overall, said roten. What I have heard in community after community, especially in Moose Jaw, is the need to add more capacity. This uic care clinic would be able to do that.” roten believes that scrapping the ean design and implementing a better system will make it easier to attract and retain frontline healthcare workers. “It is easier to recruit people into healthcare when you have a healthcare system that appreciates workers for who they are and allows them to practice in the way they want to practice, said roten. f course, we need to continue to support training opportunities through Sas Polytech and universities. That is part of our commitment and we will be tal ing more about that in the days ahead.” Sign Vandalism in Moose Jaw North Friday March 25 • 12 noon to 8 p.m. Sat. March 26 • 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Convention Centre - Exhibition Grounds 250 Thatcher Drive East - Moose Jaw on Admis0s0 i $6 O P E N T O T H E P U B L IC ! Children 15 years & Under get in FREE when accompanied by an adult F R E E P A R K IN G ! Visit us online at The Mae Wilson Theatre’s 100th anniversary is in 2016. 1916-2016 Performing arts series Help celebrate by enjoying a series of concerts by area performing artists throughout the year! Next up: West of Mabou! Cape Breton-style fiddle and pipe music April 2 at 7:30 p.m. Mae Wilson Theatre, Moose Jaw Cultural Centre 217 Main St. N., Moose Jaw Tickets are just $15 plus taxes and charges at the Cultural Centre box office, 306-693-4700, or Moose Jaw orth Sas atchewan Party candidate Warren Michelson’s signs have been targeted in a wilful and deliberate effort to vandali e, steal and destroy signs. The city police have been contacted and are investigating. Three criminal acts have been committed Theft, Wilful Damage, and Tampering or Removing Election signage. To date, 7 signs have been vandali ed, 9th venue W Thatcher, the W, E, and SE corners and halfway between aribou and Thatcher on 9th venue E next to the Railway Trac s. If you have any information regarding this vandalism, please contact our local Moose Jaw Police Service or hristopher Thresher, o- ampaign Manager for the ampaign to Elect Warren Michelson in Moose Jaw orth at thresher.christopher gmail. com . MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 • PAGE A11 Get More Colour for Less Copying Services Full Colour Copies Black & White Copies 8.5” x 11” as low as 15 8.5” x 11” as low as ¢ 6 ¢ each We can also design, print & distribute... for whatever your needs might be. each Duncan fires bac at NDP Dustin Duncan speaks to members of the media. Warren Michelson, the Sask Party candidate for Moose Jaw North, and Greg Lawrence, the Sask Party candidate for Moose Jaw Wakamow, look on. Lyle Stewart (Lumsden-Morse) was also in attendance. DP leader am roten’s criticisms of the Dr. . . Wigmore Regional ospital and ean have not gone unnoticed. ealth Minister Dustin Duncan was in Moose Jaw to spea out on the DP plan. Duncan critici ed the DP’s plan to reduce emergency wait times. We ac nowledge that we do have to reduce our wait times when it comes to the emergency departments. We are wor ing towards that. What the DP and am Broten has offered in terms of wait times for emergency departments, they basically lifted the plan from the DP of Manitoba. The DP in Manitoba are currently presiding over the longest wait times for emergency department services in anada. If it is not wor ing in DP Manitoba I’m not sure how it is going to wor in DP ean has saved in the healthcare system. That doesn’t even spea to the better services that we are being able to provide for our residents. Duncan says that am roten’s plan to shut down the Kai en Promotion ffices is short-sighted. The DP insist it will save the province $ 2 million but Duncan says the offices have great value. e wants to eliminate the Kai en Promotion ffices, the KP s. That is where the people who have been trained in ean go out and help their colleagues in emergency departments or in pediatrics, to help streamline processes. But what he fails to identify or what he fails to see or, fran ly, I thin he ust chooses not to acnowledge is the KP s actually do much more than ust ean, said Duncan. They do accreditation, they do patient safety, and they do uality of care coordination. If his plan is to eliminate these offices then I would be very concerned about that. Setting aside his criticisms of ean if he doesn’t want to do that then that is fine but these offices also ensure that our facilities are accredited with Accreditation Canada. Without those people, who does that wor Duncan says the DP have a poor trac record when it comes to healthcare. When am roten tal s about finding more efficiencies or reducing waste in healthcare, well, the record that we have here in Sas atchewan of an DP government doing that and where they found waste was in closing 52 rural hospitals, closing the Plains ospital in Regina, and laying off hundreds of doctors and nurses across the province. THE FASTEST GROWING AUTOMOTIVE BRAND IN CANADA Based on full-line brands, on 12 month, year over year rolling unit sales MY CHOICE sales event 0 2 Lease* or Finance† rates as low as % PLUS CHOOSE FROM 3 GREAT OFFERS APR for 24 months on select models No-Charge EXTENDED WARRANTY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON US 1 OR 2 Up to 1,500 $ BONUS CASH 3 ON PATHFINDER MODELS 2016 NISSAN ROGUE® MONTHLY LEASE FROM $282 WITH $0 DOWN ≠ 65 THAT’S LIKE PAYING ONLY $ ≈ WEEKLY ON ROGUE S FWD LEASE PAYMENTS INCLUDE FREIGHT AND PDE AT 2.49% APR FOR 60 MONTHS STEP UP TO THE SV SPECIAL EDITION FOR ONLY 8 $ MORE PER WEEK When Equipped with Forward Emergency Braking INCLUDES $750 MY CHOICE BONUS CASH AND $500 AUTOSHOW SEASON BONUS ▲ S FWD model shown THE NEW REDESIGNED 2016 NISSAN SENTRA® MONTHLY LEASE≠ FROM 44 $189 WITH $0 DOWN THAT’S LIKE PAYING ONLY $ ≈ WEEKLY ON SENTRA S M6 LEASE PAYMENTS INCLUDE FREIGHT AND PDE ▲ S M6 model shown AT 2.99% When Equipped with Forward Emergency Braking APR FOR 60 MONTHS INCLUDES $750 MY CHOICE BONUS CASH ALREADY DRIVING A NISSAN? OUR LOYALTY PROGRAM HAS GREAT OFFERS! ENDS MARCH 31ST • VISIT CHOOSENISSAN.CA OR YOUR LOCAL RETAILER AMVIC Licensed. Offers available from March 1 - 31, 2016. ≈ Payments cannot be made on a weekly basis, for advertising purposes only. 1No-charge extended warranty is valid for up to 60 months or 100,000 km (whichever occurs first) from the warranty start date and zero (0) kilometers. Some conditions/limitations apply. The No-charge extended warranty is the Nissan Added Security Plan (“ASP”) and is administered by Nissan Canada Extended Services INC. (“NCESI”). In all provinces NCESI is the obligor. This offer includes the gold level of coverage. The offer is available on purchase lease or finance of a new 2016 Sentra, 2016 Altima, 2016 Juke, 2016 Murano // 2015 Micra, 2016 Versa Note, 2015 Sentra, 2016 Rogue // 2015 Altima, 2015 Pathfinder, 2016 Pathfinder. 2Monthly payments on us is available to customers who lease or finance a new a new 2015 Sentra, 2016 Sentra, 2015 Altima, 2016 Altima, 2016 Juke, 2016 Murano, 2015 Micra, 2016 Versa Note, 2016 Rogue, 2015 Pathfinder, 2016 Pathfinder through NCF and refers to the first two (2) monthly lease payments or first two (2) monthly finance payments. A customer’s first two monthly payments (inclusive of all taxes) will be waived, up to a maximum of $375 // $500 // $750 per month and does not include down payment or security deposits. After two months, the customer will be required to make all remaining regularly scheduled payments over the remaining term of the contract. Customers must be approved to lease or finance through NCF. Cash purchase buyers or buyers who finance outside of Nissan Finance are also not eligible for this choice. 3My Choice bonus cash $750 // $1,000 // $1,000 // $1,500 is applicable to 2016 Sentra, 2016 Altima, 2016 Juke, 2016 Murano, 2016 Rogue // 2015 Micra, 2016 Versa Note // 2015 Sentra // 2015 Altima, 2015 Pathfinder, 2016 Pathfinder which will be deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes. $750 // $1,000 // $1,000 // $1,500 consists of $500 // $ 850 // $1,000 // $1,200 NCI contribution and $250 // $150 // $0 // $300 dealer participation. *Representative monthly lease offer based on a new 2016 Rogue S FWD CVT (Y6RG16 AA00). 0% lease APR for a 24 month term equals monthly payments of $371 with $0 down payment, and $0 security deposit. first monthly payment, down payment and $0 security deposit are due at lease inception. Payments include freight and fees. lease based on a maximum of 20,000 km/year with excess charged at $0.10/km. Total lease obligation is $8,904. $500 Spring Bonus and $750 My Choice bonus cash included in advertised offer. †Representative finance offer based on a new 2016 Rogue S FWD CVT (Y6RG16 AA00). Selling price is $25,993 financed at 0% APR equals 24 monthly payments of $1,067 monthly for a 24 month term. $0 down payment required. Cost of borrowing is $0 for a total obligation of $25,619. $500 Spring Bonus and $750 My Choice bonus cash included in advertised offer. Representative monthly lease offer based on a new 2016 Rogue S FWD CVT (Y6RG16 AA00)/2016 Rogue SV Special Edition FWD (Y6SG16 AA00)/2016 Sentra 1.8 S M6 (C4LG56 AA00). 2.49%/2.49%/2.99% lease APR for a 60/60/60 month term equals monthly payments of $282/$313/$189 with $0/$0/$0 down payment, and $0 security deposit. First monthly payment, down payment and $0 security deposit are due at lease inception. Payments include freight and fees. Lease based on a maximum of 20,000 km/year with excess charged at $0.10/km. Total lease obligation is $16,919/$18,756/$11,354. $750/$750/$750 My Choice bonus cash included in advertised offer. $500/$500/$0 Spring Bonus included in advertised offer. $600 lease cash applicate on 2016 Sentra 1.8 S M6 (C4LG56 AA00) included in advertised offer. ▲Models shown $26,869/$17,524 Selling price for a new 2016 Rogue S FWD (Y6RG16 AA00)/ 2016 Sentra S M6 (C4LG56 AA00). *◆± ▲Freight and PDE charges ($1,795/$1,600) air-conditioning levy ($100) where applicable, applicable fees (all which may vary by region), manufacturer’s rebate and dealer participation where applicable are included. License, registration, insurance and applicable taxes are extra. Offers are available on approved credit through Nissan Canada Finance for a limited time, may change without notice and cannot be combined with any other offers except stackable trading dollars. Vehicles and accessories are for illustration purposes only. See your dealer or visit 2016 Rogue recognized as IIHS top safety picks when equipped with Forward Emergency Braking. For more information see See your participating Nissan retailer for complete details. ©2016 Nissan Canada Inc. and Nissan Canada Financial Services Inc. a division of Nissan Canada Inc. by Scott Hellings Sas atchewan. The DP plan is to introduce uic care clinics in Regina, Sas atoon, Prince lbert, and Moose Jaw. These facilities would be similar to the rescent iew linic. Duncan says the Sas Party government has developed other solutions for easing emergency wait times. This includes the new program, onnecting to are. Duncan says it is an attempt to divert people away from the emergency department by loo ing at what their specific needs are and trying to create a wraparound plan for them that includes more than just health care.” He also cites the Home First/Quick Response program, which has been piloted in several areas of the province, including here in Moose Jaw. It really loo s at how we can stabili e that senior more uic ly and, hopefully, not have them go into acute care. If they do, it is for a shorter amount of time and then we stabili e them and get them bac home sooner and with more supports These programs have really been helpful in trying to divert traffic away from the emergency department so that emergency department attendants can truly focus on the emergencies that happen.” The DP want to scrap ean. They cite a report that suggests the Sas Party has spent $1,511 on the ean program for every dollar saved. Duncan says these numbers don’t add up. The numbers ust don’t ma e any sense. In fact, the authors of the literature review who did put that study together indicated that, in fact, there is a lack of information to come up with some of that information…Right now we are standing between $130-140 million in what PAGE A12 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 REFLECTIVE MOMENTS My colouring books come out of closet Rules for adult behaviour are sometimes restrictive and take all the fun out of living a full and creative life. Those rules, I suspect, had their start in the classrooms of the nation, where teachers went by Joyce Walter the boo regarding what For Moose Jaw Express was taught, based on the age of the student. While there was no indergarten available in my small town, children elsewhere were learning how to colour, being encouraged to stay within the lines and to choose colours carefully. Blue faces were not in favour, this being well before the Smurfs emerged to confuse colour co-ordination. We coloured in rade ne, but after that it was on to serious learning: reading, writing and arithmetic, with colouring boo s being left at home. The only acceptable colouring then was for art classes during which we were encouraged to let out our artistic talents. I mastered green fields, some suspicious loo ing trees, a beautiful blue s y and an ama ing orange sun. The stic people on the ground, however, gave me away my visuali ation was not transferrable to paper. So I stuc with paint-by-number, sets of water-colours for special paper, and big-boo colouring boo s which I en oyed at home, away from critical eyes and friends who might laugh at my friendship with childish pursuits. I don’t recall when I gave up colouring boo s but even- tually such interests were only revived while babysitting and interacting with my young nephews and nieces. ut one day my elderly mother expressed an interest in colouring, saying she would like a colouring boo and crayons for hristmas. While I worried a bit about what her friends would thin , she received her colouring boo and crayons under the tree. What an en oyable time she had, colouring as a respite from her nitting hobby. And again she was ahead of her time, not knowing that a few years later, adult colouring would be encouraged as therapy from boredom. In fact such adult activity is called colour therapy , a way to “de-stress with a calming sense of mindfulness.” I’m not sure what all that means but I was happy to read that there is no longer a stigma attached to adults who en oy the remembered oy of their childhood experiences. That is why I took particular note of an advertisement recently that indicated the store in uestion now carried adult colouring boo s. I wondered what the content would contain but because the store doesn’t have a website, I ventured to loo up adult colouring boo s , hoping I wouldn’t venture into any naughty sites that would shoc my tender sensibilities. I discovered uite a range of adult colouring matter, much of it coupled with pages for original creativity, some poetry, some uplifting sentiments for life and of course, opportunities to colour. Some boo s appeared more complicated than others, while there were some with simple and basic designs that wouldn’t strain the mind. Come in and see our live baby chicks! They will be at our store from March 23-25/2016 SOUTH HILL FINE FOODS would like to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Easter! We are your Community Grocer! SOUTH HILL FINE FOODS 468 LILLOOET ST. W. - MOOSE JAW (306) 692-1516 Further research showed there are indeed adult boo s that go beyond owers and streams. There is an entire series of colouring boo s that are based on swear words. There are do ens of inappropriate words, each word designed with pets and butter y patterns. Gross and yuck were words that came to mind to describe this ind of colouring boo , and I didn’t dare clic on the example for fear of which word would appear. There’s just something wrong with a butter y grouped with a swear word in a colouring boo . Someday soon I will visit the local store to chec out its supply of adult colouring boo s. I am certainly sure this store’s adult colouring boo s will be tasteful and have nary a swear word hovering between the pages. I am so happy that I can finally bring my colouring fetish out of the closet and call it therapy. Joyce Walter can be reached at ron oy sas tel. net MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 • PAGE A13 It’s a dog’s world at off- Southwest U18 Team Heads to CurlSask Provincials Daniel attends Peacoc as a rade 12 student. Terleash park Hamilton Flats ence attends Riverview as a rade 11 student. renFor Moose Jaw Express Don’t let your dog run loose is the reminder the Moose Jaw umane Society wants Moose Javians to ta e note of. Dog owners in the ity of Moose Jaw must have their pooches leashed when they are off the property of the owner, according to this city’s bylaw. There is only one off-leash part in Moose Jaw and that is at amilton lats, locates at 16th ve W and igh St. W. or many years, citi ens have ta en their dogs to other informal off-leash areas but with the establishment of the off-leash dog park, dogs are now re uired to be leashed and not running at large in any other area. Dog owners will be responsible to pay pound and license fees to get their dogs bac if the dogs are caught and transported to the Moose Jaw umane Society. n area of concern where dogs have been seen to roam free is around Connor Park and the old wild animal park, where many people enjoy getting out in nature with their canines. If the dogs are able to run off-lease they can easily frighten other individuals or be a nuisance. umane Society executive director Kristyn McEwen says it is not only about the bylaws, however, but is a matter of safety for both humans and dogs. o one wants to be scared to go out for a wal in case they run into a dog they don’t know, jumping up on them, McEwen says. ut it’s not ust that, it is actually a health issue as that particular area is nown to have caused cases of canine blastomycosis. It is endemic to that woodsy area.” lastomycosis or blasto is a fungal disease caused by a fungus most li ely to be found in sandy, acidic soil. High organic matter content in decaying wood byproducts or animal waste together with moist conditions promotes growth of the organism. It is endemic in southern Sas atchewan, and is most often diagnosed in dogs, as they roam, sniff and dig in the soil, resulting in greater exposure to the organism. lasto can be fatal to dogs. “Make sure your furry friend is leashed,” is the warning effective immediately, city bylaws will be enforced in all unofficial areas. or uestions or concerns please contact the Moose Jaw umane Society at 306.692.1517 or ity ylaw Enforcement at 306.694.4553. Duplicate Bridge Club results ROOKIE/MASTER PAIRS MONDAY EVE SESSION MARCH 7, 2016 1 Jeff Walpole - awrence elleta 2 en Davidson - Judy Taylor 3 inda riffin - ob obbe THURS. STRAT PAIRS THURSDAY EVE SESSION MARCH 10, 2016 A B C 1 Ken ewton - en Davidson 2 inda riffin - rban riffin NO FRIDAY GAMES UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE This team of young men ualified for the 1 urlSas Provincials held this wee end in Regina after winning the district championship in Maple Creek over the March 12th wee end. The team curls out of the Moose Jaw Ford Curling Centre and consists of rett ehm - S ip, rendan Ross - Third, Second - Daniel Mutlow, ead - Terence Star and oach Brian Mohns. The team plays competitively in the Southwest district rett ehm, Daniel Mutlow and Terence Star are from Moose Jaw, while Brendan Ross is from Swift urrent. This competition has nothing to do with the Sas atchewan igh School thletic ssociation it is a urlSas event. dan attends Swift urrent omp as a rade 11 student, and rett is a rade 11 student at anier. The team was put together at the start of this season to compete in Juniors and 1 s. Daniel is in his last year of eligibility for 1 , while rendan, Terence and rett are all still eligible for next season. This may make the team one of the youngest to participate. Terence is a new addition to the team, only having played with the team for the last few wee s. This is ehm’s first provincial as s ip but he has been to four other provincial competitions as a lead in the past two years. oing into the provincial are eight teams divided up into eight districts throughout the province. There is plenty of strong competition from each district but the favourites would be the Kleiter rin from Sas atoon who is the defending champion and the Stewart rin who was the champion 2 years previous from Maryfield southeast . owever anyone has the ability to win provincials. Even if the team doesn’t win, Behm says it is still a great learning opportunity for the team as they will still have two more years of 1 eligibility. SUPER LAUNCH EVENT THE COMPETITION IS IN SUPER TROUBLE NOW THE ALL-NEW 2017 ELANTRA GL AUTO SUPERSTRUCTURE™ STANDARD HEATED FRONT SEATS HEATED LEATHER STEERING WHEEL BLIND SPOT DETECTION WITH REAR CROSS-TRAFFIC ALERT LEASE FOR ONLY $117 BIWEEKLY 59 2.99 THAT’S LIKE PAYING AT WEEKLY FOR 60 MONTHS WITH $0 DOWN◊ $ Ultimate model shown MISSING #SUPERSEARCH IS ON. To get involved, sign up at ◀ % Help us find our SUPERSTRUCTURE TM for the chance to win a 20,000 reward! $ GREAT OFFERS ON REMAINING 2016 MODELS THE ALL-NEW 2016 2016 SANTA FE SPORT TUCSON 2.0L FWD AWARDED THE HIGHEST GOVERNMENT CRASH SAFETY RATING▲ U.S. NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION WHEN EQUIPPED WITH AVAILABLE AUTONOMOUS EMERGENCY BRAKING (AEB). For more information, visit Ultimate model shown LEASE FOR ONLY $130 BIWEEKLY 5" DISPLAY AUDIO WITH REARVIEW CAMERA PROJECTION HEADLIGHTS WITH LED ACCENTS AUTOMATIC HEADLIGHTS WITH LED DAYTIME RUNNING LIGHTS 65 0.59 THAT’S LIKE PAYING $ WEEKLY FRONT 3-STAGE HEATED SEATS AT FOR 60 MONTHS WITH $0 DOWN◊ % Limited model shown CLEAROUT OFFERS HEATED FRONT SEATS BLUETOOTH® HANDS-FREE PHONE SYSTEM 17" ALUMINUM ALLOY WHEELS FOG LIGHTS 4,000 $ GET UP TO IN CASH PRICE ADJUSTMENTSΩ visit 5-year/100,000 km Comprehensive Limited Warranty†† 5-year/100,000 km Emission Warranty 5-year/100,000 km Powertrain Warranty 5-year/Unlimited km 24 Hour Roadside Assistance ®/™The Hyundai names, logos, product names, feature names, images and slogans are trademarks owned by Hyundai Auto Canada Corp. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ◀Canadian residents who have reached the age of majority in their province or territory can enter the contest at between February 13, 2016 at 12:01am (ET) and April 4, 2016 at 11:59pm (PT). One entry per each Weekly Prize. One entry per Grand Prize. Four (4) Weekly Prizes of CDN$2,500.00 each, and one (1) Grand Prize of CDN$20,000.00. To be eligible for Grand Prize, contest participant must perform test drive of a new Hyundai vehicle at a Canadian Hyundai dealership and submit the correct answer to the final SuperSearch Clue. To be eligible for secondary Weekly Prizes, contest participant must submit the correct answer for each respective Weekly SuperSearch Clue. Each Weekly Prize is exclusive of each other; answer submission for all Weekly Prizes is not required to be eligible to win any one (1) Weekly Prize. Chances of winning depend on the total number of eligible entries received. Eligible winners must correctly answer skill-testing question. Prize draws will be held at 16 Mary Street, Unit 4, Aurora, Ontario at approximately 2:00pm (ET) on April 7, 2016. No purchase required. Complete rules available at ΩCash price adjustments of up to $4,000 available on all new 2016 Santa Fe Sport models. Price adjustments applied before taxes. Offer cannot be combined or used in conjunction with any other available offers. Offer is non-transferable and cannot be assigned. No vehicle trade-in required. ◊Leasing offers available O.A.C. from Hyundai Financial Services based on a new 2017 Elantra GL Auto/2016 Tucson 2.0L FWD with an annual lease rate of 2.99%/0.59%. Biweekly lease payment of $117/$130 for a 60-month walk-away lease. Down payment of $0 and first monthly payment required. Total lease obligation is $15,210/$16,900. Lease offers include Delivery and Destination charge of $1,695/$1,795. Lease offers exclude registration, insurance, PPSA, license fees and dealer admin. fees of up to $499. Fees may vary by dealer. $0 security deposit on all models. 20,000 km allowance per year applies. Additional charge of $0.12/km. Prices of models shown: 2017 Elantra Ultimate/2016 Tucson 1.6T Ultimate AWD/2016 Santa Fe Sport 2.0T Limited are $30,494/$41,394/$42,444. Prices include Delivery and Destination charges of $1,695/$1,795/$1,895. Prices exclude registration, insurance, PPSA, license fees and dealer admin. fees of up to $499. Fees may vary by dealer. ▲Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program ( ◊ ΩOffers available for a limited time and subject to change or cancellation without notice. Dealer may sell for less. Inventory is limited. Visit or see dealer for complete details. ††Hyundai’s Comprehensive Limited Warranty coverage covers most vehicle components against defects in workmanship under normal use and maintenance conditions. PAGE A14 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 Join us for our Prime Rib Dinner at The Bentley by Revera. Come out to enjoy delicious chef prepared prime rib with all of the trimmings and take a tour of our vibrant community. We’re confident you’ll love the cuisine, and the company. Limited seating. Call to RSVP today! The Bentley Thursday, April 7th, and Thursday, April 14th • 11:30 am – 1:00 pm 425 4th Ave NW Moose Jaw 306-692-7161 17182 02.16 Break the ice – and some bread. Bikers ride to raise funds for CF research By Ron Walter For Moose Jaw Express day of ebruary. hopes the mild weather will last. At the Moose Jaw Cycle Associa- With an early spring it gives us an tion’s annual Swap Meet, eibel ex- extra long season. ou can go more plained the need for a eap ear Day places. ride this way: “The last time I could It’s ama ing how much ladies can do that was in 19 1. It was ust great pac in a little hand bag for two wee ’s travel. to get out and ride.” eibel was at the meet promoting Hundreds of motorcycle enthusiasts pac ed the March six-hour meet at one of two upcoming bi er charity the Exhibition onvention entre, events to raise funds for ystic iresearch. swapping yarns, parts, buying acces- brosis “CF is a genetically-inherited dissories and stuff. ease that causes mucus in the lungs The mild winter is a nice treat for to become thic and stic y. There is Ralph Leibel bi ers who usually store their bi es no cure but life expectancy has been i er Ralph eibel of Regina ust all season. extended. had to ride his machine on the last eibel, 54, and a bi er since 1979, ife expectancy in the 1960s was PLAN Moose Jaw’s BUSINESS NOW TO ATTEND TRADE APRIL 9th & 10th at Moose Jaw Exhibition Grounds SHOW EX five years of age, he said. or someone who is born today the life expectancy, because of the research that’s gone into it, is in the 40s. is two sons, born in 1990 and 1991, have and are considered seniors among CF sufferers. When they were born life expectancy was in the early 20s. We still need to find a real good treatment to address this disease.” ast year’s late May ride raised 2016 Biker decor Presented by: Moose Jaw & District Chamber of Commerce Moose Jaw Kinsmen Club Moose Jaw Exhibition Company, CW Communications and your proud community newspaper partner: CONFUSED ABOUT REAL ESTATE? We are here to help! THE “ BAST” IN R306-790-3623 EAL ESTATE Ron Walter can be reached at PO Many exhibitors • Door Prizes Free Parking • Children's Entertainment Looking to exhibit? Few booths remain For more information call 306.972.2999 Brian Bast Realty Inc. about $35,000, on a cold miserable day with 105 bi es and 140 riders. n the hottest day we’ve had, uite a few years ago, we had 3 6 bi es. That was an awesome ride to see head out on the highway.” The reath of ife ride on May 2 heads out from oston Pi a in Emerald ity to Echo a e, up the u’ ppelle alley to Indian ead for burgers and recognition of sponsors and participants. Participant pri es range from a T-shirt to $1,000 in gift cards for raising over $1,000. or information call reg at 306537-1433. nother ride on May 10 starts from Tumblers’ Restaurant in Regina. or information call 306-5255739. Independently Owned and Operated. ®and ™, trademarks of Century 21 Real Estate LLC, used under license. ® ™ Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and Century 21 Canada Limited Partnership. Row of bikes Biker bling MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 • PAGE A15 Billy Bishop Goes to War Now On in Moose Jaw Youth Bowling Provincials Results Moose Jaw native Daniel Falk stars in the play. Moose Jaw will be represented at the ational outh owling hampionship. Results of the March 6th Provincials in Sas atoon are as follows: antam irl - assia Montgomery finished first in the Singles ompetition and will represent the one at ationals antam oy - Jaxson McKen ie finished third in the Singles ompetition so won a ron e medal Junior oys Team with members Joshua Warner, eigham Mc eod, unter Shaw and ndrew edin finished first in the Team Event and will represent at ationals. Their coach is Don edin Senior oys Team with members en Esson, Kyle Munro, Tyson Smith, and Kurtis Munro oach Ken Munro , finished second in the Team Event and won a Silver Medal. For Moose Jaw Express nder the directorship of yle Johnson, the classic Canadian play Billy Bishop Goes to War will be onstage at Peacoc ollegiate throughout the week until Mar 26th, 2016. The play written by John Mac achlan ray and Eric Peterson will be performed as part of a Heritage Canada grant to the Prairie South School Division involving the peration ri ly Remembers pro ect at Sunningdale School. The musical follows the WW1 career of Billy Bishop from an obscure recruit at the war’s beginning to his recognition as Canada’s premiere fighter ace and ictoria Cross winner at the war’s conclusion. eatured in the cast are Daniel Falk who grew up in Moose Jaw and Daniel brahamson a talented musician actor. Dan al has the challenge of playing Billy Bishop and 17 other characters in the show with musical support from Dan brahamson on the piano and vocals. It is a classic piece of anadian theatre written in 197 that continues to be a theatrical success whenever it is staged. The production will feature 4 days, 21-24 March, of matinees for students of the Prairie south School division and 2 evening performances riday and Saturday March 25 and 26 at 7 pm nightly. dmission to the evening performances will be by donation at the door to a special project related to WW1 Moose Jaw. William Johnstone Milne, a young Scot, came to anada in 1910 to work on a farm near Mortlach. When the war bro e out, he wal ed to Moose Jaw and joined the 46th Battalion who he trained and went overseas with. e was chosen in England as a re-enforcement for the 16th attalion and served with them until he was illed at imy Ridge pril 9th 1917. e and 42 comrades were buried in a hastily created crater grave for later recovery and placement in a cemetery. The documents of their location were lost and these soldiers have been waiting proper burial for 99 years. orm hristie, a documentarian or King and ountry etc) has located the documents and is heading up a pro ect to recover these men. The funds will be used to do a forensic search of the area, defray costs of e uipment and pay for the usage of the farm land to undertake the project. We are hop- ing to give a significant donation to the fund to place our Moose Jaw soldier and his friends in their final resting place. The Heritage Canada grant process for the presentation of the play, various community events and the 6 month school activities involves many community organi ations as partners. It was spearheaded by Eric ampbell at Sunningdale and ori Meyer, Superintendent of earning with Prairie South School Division. The RI , Moose Jaw Public ibrary, media, 15 Wing, the Sas atchewan Dragoons are just a few of the groups involved. Tic et reservations for the 170 seats nightly, call Peacock Collegiate 306 693 4626 9-3 30 daily. For further information contact yle Johnson 306 694 6360, cell texting 306.6 1.7330. by Gisele Perrault apex electric Same day service in Moose Jaw Area Daniel Abrahamson lends his musical talents to the production. Factory Trained Technicians AUTOMATIC ATIC S A STANDBY T TANDB Y GENER GENERATORS A ORS AT Good Fun at Bugsy’s on St. Patrick’s Day FINANCING NOW AVAILABLE Payments as low as Warranty Service Dealer Bins Farm Factory Trained Techs Trenching Residential Full service Electrical Contractor Lighting Upgrades Commercial Clearance continues! Automotive 1715A Main Street N. 306-692-5561 FREE QUOTES & INSPECTIONS CONVENIENTLY LOCATED DOWNTOWN SHUTTLE SERVICE PROVIDED We do transmissions too! 429 High Street West 306-692-4255 Offering fitness for people over 50 classes include: Walk & Row Mobility Flow Beautiful L CONTR AC • Carpet • Hardwood • Ceramic Tile ! s U Begin With •• Porcelain Mosaic Tiles Quality Named • Vinyl Brands • Cork Floors 50+ Strength Building 60+ Strength Building Circuit & Conditioning - Starts April 4th For More information & Classes 306-690-4628 ICA Largest Selection of Floor Covering in Moose Jaw Floors BRAKES - STRUTS SHOCKS.... TR EC • CERTIFIED EL 306-691-2001 SE JAW’S O R Complete Electric Services OO TO Industrial Ltd. 89 98 month Y NL THUNDER CREEK $ M ugsy’s was ammed full of fun-loving Irish fol and wannabes on St. Patric ’s Day. Dirty ittle Secret’ played the nite away while the crowd en oyed green beer and great food. This ninety year old gentleman is authentically Irish and now lives in Idaho but was en oying St. Patric ’s Day at Bugsy’s with his family. 823 Ominica Street West • (306) 692-4088 PAGE A16 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 1138 Bogue Ave. Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4M5 Ph: 306.690.4672 EAST STE TER Community Easter Egg Hunt The Jobransa oundation for hildren is hosting a most egg-cellant community event on Saturday, March 26th from 11 00 a.m. to 2 00 p.m. hildren will be scurrying around Wa amow Par at the REE community event. It is come and go style with egg hunt, crafts, mascots, face painting and concessions. It is a by donation’ event that allows families to pay what they can to ta e part, with the exception of the concession. ll profits are going to purchase Easter gifts that will be distributed to Moose Jaw and Regina paediatric wards. ACROSS 1. Stalks 6. Camp beds 10. Annoyance 14. Pontifical 15. Assist in crime 16. Reflected sound 17. Pee 18. Russian emperor 19. Family group 20. Container 22. Superhero accessory 23. An indefinite period 24. Wanes 26. Mats of grass 30. One of the tribes of Israel 31. Child 32. Modify 33. District 35. Crown 39. A short novel 41. Ore refinery 43. Curtain 44. Schnozzola 46. Misplaced 47. Chemist’s workplace 49. 16 1/2 feet 50. Chooses 51. Colonnade W O R D S E A R C H ROUGH AND SMOOTH 54. Corrosive 56. A division of a hospital 57. Fastidious 63. Among 64. Murres 65. Dried coconut meat 66. Frost 67. Lampblack 68. Genuflected 69. Bambi was one 70. Feudal worker 71. Feel DOWN 1. Prod 2. Container weight 3. Sweeping story 4. Head of hair 5. Napped 6. Type of sailboat 7. Lewd 8. Blue-green 9. Stripe 10. Indiscretion 11. Panache 12. Appearance 13. Notes 21. Related to tides 25. Chomp S U D O K U Can you find the hidden words? They may be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forwards or backwards. BOISTEROUS, BUMPY, BURNISHED, COARSE, CRUDE, FLAT, FLOWING, FLUENT, FLUID, GLOSSY, GRATING, HARSH, REFINED, RIDGED, ROCKY, ROUGH, SATIN, SERRATED, SILKY, SLEEK, SLICK, SMOOTH, STACCATO, SUAVE, WRINKLED. Puzzle Solutions IRREGULAR, JAGGED, LEGATO, LIQUID, PUGNACIOUS, 26. Transmit 27. Smell 28. Opera star 29. Folding portable ladder 34. Partner 36. At the peak of 37. A musical pause 38. The products of human creativity 40. Its symbol is Pb 42. Army doctor 45. Speech 48. Perplex 51. Honor 52. Bog hemp 53. Illegal activity 55. Dodges 58. God of love 59. Solitary 60. Not closed 61. Website addresses 62. Satisfy MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 • PAGE A17 Irish Stew Fundraiser Darlene Beaudin (left) and Mary Singer serve Irish Stew to hungry guests. Photo & text by Gisele Perrault The Eagles Ladies Auxiliary organized an Irish Stew fundraiser. In part to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, the funds are also needed to support the group’s Ways and Means. These monies make a variety of internal programs possible. Elks Contribution to Poppy Fund (l-r) Al Davey accepts a donation from Elks member Chris Svab for the Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Fund. Following the successful Chili cook off held by the Elks Club, a presentation was made by Chris Svab to Al Davey, president of the Royal Canadian Legion. The donation will be added to the Poppy Fund, monies that are used for a variety of initiatives throughout the city of Moose Jaw. SaskParty Pancake Breakfast Supporter Shelley Jones and Premier Brad Wall have been friends for years. Supporters of the SaskParty were treated to a delicious Pancake Breakfast on Saturday morning, Mar. 12th at the SaskParty candidates headquarters. Premier Brad Wall made an appearance and was enthusiastically greeted by those in attendance, as well as engaging in a media scrum. Premier Brad Wall speaks to the media. Briercrest loses to Humber, gets all-time best fourth at CCAA Championship The Briercrest volleyball team lost to Humber College in the bronze finals of the CCAA Women’s Volleyball National Championship. Carter Reimer Briercrest Athletics is excited to announce the hiring of Carter Reimer as inaugural head coach of the Briercrest junior varsity men’s volleyball program. Photo by Jadon Frank Habitat for Humanity John Redstone of the Eastside Community Association presents Derek Hassen (on behalf of Habitat Moose Jaw) with a cheque for $1,000. John Redstone is also the owner of Westwood Truss, a local company who continues to help Habitat build homes in Moose Jaw. Collectible show coming The annual Sukanen Pioneer Village and Museum antique collectible and car parts show is at the Exhibition grounds Easter weekend from noon to 8 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Saturday. The sold-out show has 190 tables of stuff to sell or swap. PAGE A18 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 Warriors/Snowbirds Game Photos & text by Scott Hellings n March 12th, the Moose Jaw Warriors hosted the Snowbirds and their families at Mosaic Place for the fifth annual Snowbirds ight game. The Warriors faced off against their rivals, the Regina Pats. Regina umped out to a 2-0 lead in the first period and never loo ed bac . The Pats won 5-1. rayden Point had the lone goal for the Warriors. It was the the second game of a home-and-home series between the two teams. The Pats also won the previous night 5-4 in a thrilling shootout at the rand entre. The Warriors wore these special edition Goalie Zach Sawchenko keeps his eye Snowbirds jerseys for the game. The jeron the pucks as Rykr Cole searches seys were auctioned off, with the proceeds for a pass. going to local charities. GARAGE MATS CLEAROUT ON IN-STOCK INVENTORY TRUCK MATS 7.6’ X 21’ $ CAR/SUV MATS 7.6’ X 18’ $ REG $349 NOW 24999 $ REG $329 NOW 22999 SAVE 100 SONIC GLASS CLEANER 60 SHEET COUNT REG $399 NOW REG $499 NOW 2 97 FLUID FILM 2 $ 97 The Warriors celebrate Brayden Point’s goal. A T R U E S T O RY A B O U T C H O I C E BRAKE / POWER STEERING FLUID 333 G 1 LT SIZE REG $1699 SUPER SAVER REG $1099 & $879 SALE 997 Old time hockey. Patrik Maier and Connor Hobbs drop the mitts. Tanner Jeannot battles for position in front of the Regina net. Jeannot was one of the Warriors who got to y with the Snowbirds. SHOP PRO TOWELS PROFESSIONAL $ 00 497 80’ LENGTH RUN REG $89 SALE PRICE STARRING No contract and no paper cuts, three months of free HD and PVR with HD Adventure Pack $ $ 12 GAUGE HEAVY-DUTY CONSTRUCTION EXTENSION CORD 5497 $ P MEN T I U Q E M O R F F EE S SASKTEL AND MAXTV TM PRESENT “RUN FROM EQUIPMENT FEES” FREE EQUIPMENT MEANS AT LEAST $500 STAYS IN YOUR POCKET and Super Channel, plus a free On Demand movie. So party is at your place? FEATURING High Speed Plus or Mach 1 Internet and neighbours trying to get your Wi-Fi password. Three-month offer ends April 4, 2016. Conditions apply. For more info, visit NOMINATED BEST HD OFFER 29/mo. $ for the first 3 months MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 • PAGE A19 EXPRESS.COM – March 1 - 7, 2012 Unless you’re the lead dog, the view never changes. FREE PERSONAL PERSONAL CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS T V G accept acceptpersonal personalclassifi classifieds edsthrough throughour ourwebsite websitewww. www. We Wewill willpublish publishyour yourclassifi classifieds eds o torun runyour yourclassifi classifieds edslonger, longer,please pleaseresubmit resubmitto tothe the U 5 CFRE CFRE 115 - SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS 105 105 Autos Autos 110 110 Auto AutoParts Parts 115 Motor 115 MotorBikes Bikes & Snowmobiles & Snowmobiles 120 120 RV’s RV’s& &Marine Marine 125 125 Trailers Trailers 130 Farms, Supplies 130 Farms, Supplies & &Livestock Livestock 135 135 Tools Tools& &Equipment Equipment 140 For 140 ForRent Rent AUTO RACING Star Choice Saturday, March 19 364 - 315 7 WEAT Weather Net 17 505 398 SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS 8 WDIV WDIV 04 360 Bell AUTO RACING asktel Star Choice ExpressVa Thursday, February 23 36409 9 CBKT CBKT 3 306 1:00 p.m. 48 SPEED NASCAR 270 Racing Sprint Cup: Duel at 11 WWJ WWJ 62 362 Daytona. (HD) 5:30 p.m. 48 SPEED NASCAR 4 315 Racing NASCAR Camping 12 WXYZ WXYZ 361 17 505 39807 World Truck Series Final 360 Practice: Daytona. (HD) 13 SCN SCN 19 266 352 3 306 Friday, February 24 362 3:00 p.m. 48 SPEED NASCAR 14 YTV Youth TV 11 552 543 Racing Camping World 361 Truck Series: Daytona, 19 266 352 15 TREE Treehouse 91 553 546 Qualifying. (HD) 11 552 543 6:30 p.m. 48 SPEED NASCAR Camping World 390 91 553 16 NW CBC546 Newsworld Racing 15 502 Truck Series: Daytona. (HD) 15 502 390 March 2 391 16 501 17 NNET CTV391 Newsnet 16 Friday,501 12:00 p.m. 48 SPEED NASCAR 111 410 403 Racing Nationwide Series: 18 SCORE The400 Score 111 410 403 110 400 Phoenix, Practice. (HD) 24 408 418 1:30 p.m. 48 SPEED NASCAR 19 TSN TSN564 110 Sprint 400Cup: Phoenix, 400 Racing 102 600 Practice. (HD) 261 394 3:00 20 NET Sportsnet 24p.m. 48 SPEED 408 NASCAR 418 13 571 581 Racing Nationwide Series: Phoenix, Final Practice. (HD) 12 570 580 21 HGTV HGTV 102 600 564 4:30 p.m. 48 SPEED NASCAR 267 351 Racing Sprint Cup: Phoenix, 100 602 568 Final 22 VISION Vision TV - Practice. 261 (HD) 394 101 601 562 Saturday, March 3 73 620 523 M3 13p.m. 48 SPEED 571 NASCAR 581 23 M312:00 205 Racing Nationwide Series: Phoenix, Qualifying. (HD) 70 615 520 24 MM Much Music 12 570 580 1:30 p.m. 48 SPEED NASCAR 363 Racing Sprint Cup: Phoenix, 50 500 25 EDACC Edaccess 267 351 Qualifying. (HD) 14 575 583 Sunday, March 4 26 W628 W 584 100 602 568 134 1:30 p.m. 31 WUHF NASCAR 71 521 560 Racing Sprint Cup: Subway 27 SLICE Slice505 101 500. 601 562 Fresh 51 520 75 617 522 BASKETBALL 28 BRAVO Bravo 73 620 523 90 555 545 Saturday, February 25 130 557 541 12:30 p.m. 40 PCH College 29 ENC AV2 Encore Ave. 2 205 131 294 529 Basketball LSU at Mississippi. (HD) 74 626 547 30 A&E A&E 70p.m. 11 WWJ 615 College520 1:00 132 539 Basketball Regional 103 603 561 Coverage. Villanova at 363 31 WUHF WUHF 31 Georgetown or UCLA at 115 411 457 Arizona. (HD) 55 522 32 CNN CNN516 50 500 1:30 p.m. 59 WSBK College 72 627 528 Basketball North Carolina State Country 14 at Clemson. 575 583 33 CMT 609 Music TV 3:00 p.m. 11 WWJ College 113 417 406 Basketball Missouri at 34 SPIKE Spike TV 134 628 584 135 619 525 Kansas. (HD) 21 660 392 40 PCH College Basketball Learning 71 521 35 TLC Florida at Georgia. (HD)560 25 581 566 Channel Sunday, February 26 200 36 DISC Discovery 51 520 College505 1:00 p.m. 11 WWJ 201 Basketball Pittsburgh at 202 Louisville. (HD) 37 SHOW Showcase 75 617 522 203 3:00 p.m. 11 WWJ College Basketball Big Ten Wildcard: 223 296 654 38 TOON Teletoon 90 555 545 Teams TBA. (HD) 222 298 653 6:00 p.m. 19 TSN 2012 NBA All221 295 651 541 30 FAM Family 130 Game 557 Star (HD) 714 Tuesday, February 28 272 145 76117 40 PCH WPCH 131 294 529 7:00 p.m. 19 TSN NBA 273 126 730 Basketball Toronto Raptors at (HD) 41 COM Comedy Net 74Houston Rockets. 626 547 20 516 18 512 396 Wednesday, February 29 42 TCM VALUETurner Classic 132 539 EXPRESS ~ MOOSE JAW, SK 43 FOOD Food Network 103 603 561 44 OUT Outdoor Life 115 411 457 Word45Classifi ed TV Ads 55 HIST History 522 516 & Classifi ed Display Ads 46 SPACE Space 72 627 528 Community Events 47 AMC AMC 609 cles & Press releases Fox Sports Racing 113 417 406 48 FSR l appear in the following week’s paper 49 TROP TV Tropolis 135 619 525 eases will be used where space is permitted 50 SHOP Shopping 21 660 392 54 MTV Music TV 25 581 566 55 MC1 Movie Central 1 200 56 MC2 Movie Central 2 201 57 MC3 Movie Central 3 202 58 MC4 Movie Central 4 203 59 WSBK WSBK 38 223 296 654 60 KTLA KTLA 05 222 298 653 61 WGN WGN Local 09 221 295 651 88 TVA TVA 714 89 TV5 TVCinq/TV 5 272 145 761 90 RDI RDI 273 126 730 108 SASK SK Legislature 20 516 109 CPAC CPAC 18 512 396 D D 2:00 p.m. 48 FSR IMSA Racing Weathertech Sportscar Championship: Sebring International Raceway. 8:00 p.m. 48 FSR IMSA Racing Weathertech Sportscar 7:00 p.m. 40 PCH College Championship: Sebring Basketball Auburn at Alabama. (HD) International Raceway. E E n is our Weekly Deadline for: Banner 2 in MARCH 17 - 30, 2016 Saturday, March 3 Sunday, March 20 1:00 p.m. 11 WWJ College Basketball LSU at Auburn or Pac-12 Wildcard Game. (HD) 3:00 p.m. 11 WWJ College Basketball Louisville at Syracuse. (HD) 1:30 p.m. 19 TSN NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup Series: Auto Club Sunday, March 4 400. 12:00 p.m. 12 WXYZ NBA Basketball New York Knicks 31 WUHF NASCAR Racing at Boston Celtics. From TD Garden in Boston. (HD) Sprint Cup Series: Auto Club 1:00 p.m. 11 WWJ College Basketball 400. (HD) Missouri Valley Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. From St. Louis. (HD) BASEBALL HOCKEY Thursday, February 23 Sunday, March 20 6:00 p.m. 19 TSN NHL Hockey San Jose Sharks at Toronto Maple Leafs. (HD) 2:00 p.m. 61 WGN MLB Preseason Friday, February 24 City Hockey Royals at 6:00Baseball p.m. 19Kansas TSN NHL Montreal Canadiens at Chicago Cubs. (HD) (HD) Washington Capitals. Saturday, February 25 Saturday, March 26 1:00 p.m. 9 CBKT NHL Hockey St. Louis Blues at Winnipeg Jets. (HD) 4:00 p.m. 18 SCORE College Hockey Minnesota at Nebraska-Omaha. 6:00 p.m. 9 CBKT NHL Hockey Washington Capitals at Toronto Maple Leafs. (HD) 9:00 p.m. 9 CBKT NHL Hockey Philadelphia Flyers at Calgary Flames. (HD) 2:00 p.m. 61 WGN MLB Preseason Baseball San Francisco Giants at Chicago Cubs. (HD) BASKETBALL Saturday, March 19 Monday, February 27 7:30 p.m. 20 NET NHL Hockey Edmonton Oilers at Winnipeg Jets. (HD) 8:00 p.m. 19 TSN NHL Hockey St. Louis Blues at Calgary Flames. (HD) 6:00 p.m. 61 WGN NBA Basketball Utah Jazz at Chicago Bulls. (HD) Wednesday, February 29 6:30p.m. p.m.19 12 TSN WXYZNHL NBAHockey Basketball 7:00 Toronto Maple Leafs at Golden State Warriors at(HD) San Chicago Blackhawks. Thursday, Antonio Spurs.March (HD) 1 6:00 p.m. 9 CBKT NHL Hockey Minnesota Wild at Montreal Canadiens. (HD) 8:00 p.m. 20 NET NHL Hockey Calgary Flames at Phoenix Coyotes. (HD) Friday, March 25 Custom Printing 9:00 p.m. 20 NET NBA Basketball Dallas Mavericks at Golden Friday, March 2 9:00State p.m.Warriors. 20 NET NHL Hockey Calgary Flames at Anaheim Ducks. (HD) Tuesday, March 29 Saturday, March 3 6:00 p.m. 9 CBKT NHL Hockey Toronto Maple Leafs at Montreal Canadiens. (HD) 9:00 p.m. 9 CBKT NHL Hockey Buffalo Sabres at Vancouver Canucks. (HD) 8:30 p.m. 20 NET NBA Basketball Washington Wizards at Golden State Warriors. Sunday, March 4 Wednesday, March 30 3:00 p.m. 61 WGN NHL Hockey Chicago Blackhawks at Detroit Red Wings. (HD) 5:30 p.m. 19 TSN NBA Basketball PAGE 1 Atlanta Hawks at Toronto Raptors. E MOOSE SIZED Dollars 190 For Places Like... 190 Pets Pets 195 195 Legal LegalNotices Notices 200 Lost 200 Lost& &Found Found 205 Wanted 205 Wanted 210 210 Services Services 215 Work 215TOOLS WorkWanted Wanted & EQUIP220 220 Help HelpWanted Wanted Check out more 225 Sales 225 Garage Garage Sales MENT deals online at: 230 Community, Events, 230 Community, Events, Meetings & Occasions Meetings & Occasions 145 145 Real RealEstate Estate 150 150 Computers Computers & Technology & Technology 155 155 Music Music& &Instruments Instruments 160 160 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 165 Household 165 HouseholdItems Items 170 170 Children’s Children’sItems Items 175 175 For ForSale Sale 180 180 Lawn Lawn& &Garden Garden 185 185 Sports Sports tires P215/60 R16 over 50 percent tread left all 4 tires for $120.00 306 692 4184 Sunday, March 20 5:00 p.m. 20 NET NHL Hockey Calgary Flames at Montreal Canadiens. Durex industrial 10” table 8:30 p.m. 20 NET NHL Hockey saw - $40 306-681-8749 Colorado Avalanche at RENT T CLE ANIN = RIGHFOR Edmonton Oilers. G RJW Suite for rent: 1 bedroom. Monday, March 21 Contractors or students welJoanUtilities & Roy come. included. 306P: 692-0627 • C: 690-6610 692-4268 Welcome toCleaning your new home Commercial we have a 1 bedroom ApartTuesday, March 22 Done ment forRight rent. Suite has dish8:00 p.m. 20 NET NHL Hockey washer washer and dryer Edmonton Oilers at Arizona Coyotes. 105 Autos microwave deep freeze if 125 Trailers needed and a fewTrailer other-items 1980 Wednesday, ford F250 3/4 ton super 24 1/2 Jayco Cabin air/ March 23 cab truck.was parked here in shower/fridge & is stove; tandem if needed. It meant for 1 5:00 p.m.was 20 NET NHL Hockey 2007.It running and needaxle, etc. Call 693-1591. person but tons of room and ed Ottawa a muffler.Has new drive Senators ata New York 135 Equipment shaft.Gas has had stabelizer in windows to make it a bright Islanders. it each year.Batteries removed Lawnmowers & Roto Tillers home. We are looking for for quias theyThursday, froze.$800.00, Call 693-1591. March 24Contact sale. norope parties or Call pets. 692 3263 6et or person more tow slings. 6:00 p.m. 18 SCORE NHL Hockey 693-1591. This will be a great home for 110 Autos Parts Vancouver Canucks at Nashville 1 - 10: Mitre saw. Call 693you just pop over and have a 1984 Dodge 3/4 Ton Truck Top1591. Predators. per - 318 Motor. Call 693-1591 look. WeReal welcome you. Early NET NHL Hockey CalgaryM&S 145 Estate 2 20 tires -245-75R16 move in before end of month. Flames at Minnesota Wild. Goodyear,no rims,$20.00/pair 826 Athabasca st. w.2011 , 9:00 2 -8 regular rims with chat2andbath, makeStainless this your 3Let’s bdrm, p.m.bolt 20 NET NHL Hockey tires.9.50R16.5LT rib.$30.00/ Appliances,Fenced (vinyl), 14 x new home. 1 306 690 6610 Edmonton Oilers at San Jose pair. , 5 mags with various 24 Deck, Sod, automatic Uggs, Sharks. Welcome to your new home tires on them.All 16”.Very wide finished garage and much more. tires.$15.00 per tire with rim., Asking $384,900 Call 972we are looking for someFriday, March 25 692 3263 1026 /Text403-505-3342 one to rent a bedroom in 6:00 p.m. 20 NET NHL Hockey our home. Bed dresser bed Vancouver Canucks at St. Louis T.V Cable internet your own Blues. Ron Kruse washer and dryer Sharing With over 35 years of renovation experience Saturday, March 26 living space upstairs, Kitchen "Getting the job done right every time" 5:00 p.m. 9 CBKT NHL Hockey and spa like bathroom. You FREE ESTIMATES Teams TBA. phone: 694-1632/630-7104 email: bring your stuff and your own 20 NET NHL Hockey New York food we will supply bedding Rangers at Montreal Canadiens. if needed. So for a student or 8:00 p.m. 9 CBKT NHL Hockey someone working in area this Teams TBA. is a great deal. Just off of 9th 20 F NET NHLSHockey r a61mWGN ing tudio We bring the art of framing to you! Chicago Blackhawks at Calgary east and Stadacona by a nice Flames. wee park. no overnight We can do your CUSTOM PRINTING andQuiet FRAMING! Fine art March prints 27 • Art paper • Photo • Canvas questspaper but enjoy a quiet life Sunday, And we still do custom framing! with us. $500.00 per month. 6:00 p.m. 20 NET NHL Hockey All your framing needs from art to shadow boxes 1 306 690 6610 Chicago Blackhawks at Call TODAY 694-4790! One bedroom suite in very Vancouver Canucks. 61 WGN NHL Hockey Chicago quiet building, downtown Blackhawks at Vancouver area. Security - concrete Canucks. (HD) construction - washer / dryer on each floor (free) off street Monday, March 28 parking month to month rent7:00 p.m. 20 NET NHL Hockey als - on site manager. Heat & Anaheim Ducks at Edmonton central air in each unit. Call Oilers. 8:30 p.m. 19 TSN Women’s for availability at 694 - 0875 Call on the Wright Team 5:30 p.m. 20 NET NHL Hockey Calgary Flames at Toronto Maple Leafs. R J HOME REPAIR Thunder Creek Half Banner 2 in HOCKEY Thursday, March 17 6:00 p.m. 18 SCORE NHL Hockey New York Islanders at Nashville Predators. 8:30 p.m. 18 SCORE NHL Hockey New York Rangers at Los Angeles Kings. Friday, March 18 5:30 p.m. 18 SCORE OHL Hockey Erie Otters at London Knights. 7:00 p.m. 20 NET NHL Hockey Vancouver Canucks at Edmonton Oilers. Saturday, March 19 5:00 p.m. 9 CBKT 13 CTYS NHL Hockey Montreal Canadiens at Ottawa Senators. 20 NET NHL Hockey Buffalo Sabres at Toronto Maple Leafs. 8:00 p.m. 9 CBKT NHL Hockey St. Louis Blues at Vancouver Canucks. VALUE EXPRESS ~ MOOSE JAW, SK * D CLASSIFIED SAVINGS?? CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY DIRECTORY For sale 4 michelelin summer Channel Guide V G U 4 II 6 CKCK G CKCK 02 U V I AUTO PARTS wExpress Expressshould shouldresemble resemblethe thefollowing: following: din inthe theMoose MooseJaw JawExpress. Express. mics micsfrom from1990’s, 1990’s,over over200 200issues. issues.Kris Kris306-123-4567 306-123-4567 our ourad adwill willbe beplaced placedin. in. Bell Shaw Sasktel urns typing turnswhen when typingyour yourclassifi classified ed ExpressVa ===”. (you ====”. (youget getthe theidea) idea) IN LETERS:) INALL ALL CAPITAL LETERS:) 2 CAPITAL WTVS WTVS 56 ess ads. ness ads.To Tolearn learnmore moreabout aboutadvertising advertisingyour your 3 CBKFT CBKFT 13 270 ail mail AUTOS Must Sell! 1998 Ford explorer. New tires. Lady owned, Looking forVery good condition! Mechanically No NoComputer? Computer?We Wecan cantype typeyour yourad adfor foryou you:) :) sound. 209,000 km. 2750.00 Drop Dropyour yourpersonal personalclassifi classified edad adoff offat at32 32Manitoba ManitobaSt. St.W. W. OBO 306-313-0538 with withaamin. min.$2 $2donation donationthat thatwill willgo gotowards towardsRiverside RiversideMission. Mission. Hockey United States vs. Canada. 10:00 p.m. 20 NET NHL Hockey Calgary Flames at Arizona Coyotes. Tuesday, March 29 5:00 p.m. 20 NET NHL Hockey Boston Bruins at New Jersey Devils. 8:30 p.m. 19 TSN Women’s Hockey Canada vs. Russia. Wednesday, March 30 5:30 p.m. 20 NET NHL Hockey Ottawa Senators at Winnipeg Jets. 8:00 p.m. 20 NET NHL Hockey Calgary Flames at Anaheim Ducks. PAGE 1 for walking 3 to 4 hours... Delivering about 400 papers… *Routes, rates & time may vary… Contact or but it's still the best carrier pay in the industry. Lesley at 306-694-1322 between 9am and 4pm. REAL ESTATE For sale: A building lot in Moose Jaw 128’ x 50’ Fenced with a 2 car garage, power, heat, cement floor 306-6303171 Daytime. House for sale, close to siast, school, three bedroom and one bathroom, ask or $149000, please call for view: 306-684-0136 Location! Location! Location! The SIAST School is just 1block away. Perfect starter house or revenue property. This is 3 bedroom home is clean and ready to move into, main floor has living and dining area, call for a schedule today and bring an offer at 306-684-0136 MISCELLANEOUS 2001 Kevin harvick #29 goodwrench/ET NASCAR die cast collectible model, in new condition, never taken out of packaging - $20 306681-8749 Coins for Sale. Large and small cents, 5 cent Silvers, Nickels, dimes, quarters. Send me an email to arrange a meeting in Moose Jaw or to see if I have the coin you need. price varies by year and quality For Sale: Dr Scholl’s Premium Foot Spa. Has areation & heat. $10.00 Phone 6931640. For Sale: Advanced cake decorating books (9) various topics. $5.00 / $10.00. Phone 693-1640 For Sale: Lots of cake decorating supplies. Flowers, leaves, lace, ribbon, doves, etc. 6 boxes. Must take all. $50.00 Phone 693-1640 Antique metal doll carriage $25 306-681-8749 45 gallon plastic barrels great for rain water - $15 each 306-681-8749 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Gray tv stand with shelf - $5 306-681-8749 For Sale Whirlpool HE Front Load Washing Machine. Minimum use. $400.00. Phone 693-1640. Two section side board china cabinet, teak wood finish, based on four legs, sliding doors, 53 x 16 x 29, top section 48 x 12 x 30, two sliding glass doors, two shelver $150.00. Call 306-692-6017 AM Wood coffee table, teak finish 48 x 22 x 15 draw each end. $125.00 Call 306-6926017 AM Chest of Draws (5) on four legs 82” x 30 x 17 $75.00. 306-692-6017 AM. For sale Burgundy elec. lift recliner, Filter Queen Defender room air purifier, mobility pole (new). 150$ for all. Delivered. Joe 306-681-7982 Central Lutheran Church March 27th, 2016 10:30am Communion Service Easter Sunday Theme: “He Is Our Risen Lord” 7:45am Radio Ministry CHAB Our doors are open, come join us! 27 Hochelaga Street West - Moose Jaw • (306) 694-5575 PAGE A20 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 WEEKDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 2 WTVS 3 CBKFT 5 CFRE 6 CKCK 7 WEATH 8 WDIV 9 CBKT 11 WWJ 12 WXYZ 13 CTYS 14 YTV 15 TREE 16 NW 17 NNET 18 SCORE 19 TSN 20 NET 21 HGTV 22 VISION 23 M3 24 MM 25 EDACC 26 W 27 SLICE 28 BRAVO 30 A&E 31 WUHF 32 CNN 33 CMT 34 SPIKE 35 TLC 36 DISC 37 SHOW 38 TOON 39 FAM 40 PCH 41 COM 43 FOOD 44 OUT 45 HIST 46 SPACE 48 FSR 49 DTOUR 50 SHOP 54 MTV 59 WSBK 60 KTLA 61 WGN 88 TVA 89 TV5 90 RDI 108 SASK 109 CPAC 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 March 24-30 5:00 5:30 Varied Curious Arthur Nature Cat Ready Jet Odd Squad Wild Kratts Varied PBS NewsHour Business Varied Telejournal Pour le plaisir Mémoires vives Virginie Virginie Entrée principale Silence on Princess ET Canada The Talk Days/Lives Varied Meredith Varied Debt/Part Young & Restless Global Nat. CTV News Regina The Social The Dr. Oz Show Cleveland Cleveland Dr. Phil Ellen DeGeneres Show (10:00) Sea to Sea Across Canada Across Canada EarthWatch One Rachael Ray Ellen DeGeneres Show News Inside Ed. Local 4 News at 5 News NBC News Wheel Jeopardy! CBC News Network Heartland Murdoch Mysteries Grand Designs Canada Varied Dragons’ Den The Talk Varied FABLife Steve Harvey Dr. Phil The Insider CBS News FamFeud FamFeud General Hospital The Dr. Oz Show The Now Detroit 7 Action News at 5pm News World News News The List PAW Patrol Tiga Talk English Varied Programs CityLine The Price Is Right Let’s Make a Deal Rated A Rated A Varied Squirrel Almost Sidekick Wayside Kid vs. Kat Sidekick Varied SpongeBob SpongeBob Bucket-Dino Trucktown Mike-Knight Team Umiz. Wally Peppa Pig Blaze Bubble Dora Charmers Octonauts Clangers CBC News Varied Programs Power & Politics The Exchange CTV News Channel CTV News Channel CTV News Channel Power Play CTV News Channel CTV News Channel SN360 Update SN360 Update Prime Time Sports With Bob McCown Varied Programs Varied Programs Hockey Lunch Varied Programs Hockey Varied Varied Programs World Poker Varied Programs Tim and Sid Varied Programs Holmes Makes It Right Varied Programs Fixer Upper Varied Bryan Bryan Varied Programs Last/Wine Minister Sue Thomas F.B.Eye Marcus Welby, M.D. Ironside Murdoch Varied Murder, She Wrote Playlist Cash Cab Cash Cab Cleveland Mike The Mentalist The Social Cash Cab Cash Cab Conan Jimmy Kimmel Live Tonight Show-J. Fallon Hates Chris Simpsons Varied Programs Ellen DeGeneres Show Animal ER Rescue Star Racer Varied The Social The Marilyn Denis Show Dr. Phil Varied Programs Love-List-Vancouver Love It or List It Property Brothers Varied Programs Varied Programs Housewives/Atl. Law & Order: SVU Property Property Intervention Canada Cold Squad The Listener Blue Bloods Criminal Minds Flashpoint Motive Criminal Minds The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Varied Hot Bench Hot Bench Maury Judge Judy Judge Judy The People’s Court Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Jake Tapper The Situation Room The Situation Room Erin Burnett OutFront CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Spot Varied Programs Varied Programs Dateline: Real Life Myst. Dateline: Real Life Myst. Dateline: Real Life Myst. Varied Programs How/Made How/Made Varied Programs How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Daily Planet (11:00) Movie Hawaii Five-0 NCIS NCIS Rookie Blue Movie Dr. Dimen Camp Johnny T Johnny T Johnny T Spies! Rocket Amazing Endangered Pokémon Jimmy Two Camp Kate and Dream Movie Varied Programs Awesome Hank Zipzer Next Step Movie Varied Divorce Divorce Millionaire Millionaire Crime Watch Daily King King Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang Frasier Frasier Varied Big Bang Corner Gas JFL Just for Laughs Gags Gags Frasier Frasier Guy’s Grocery Games Cutthroat Kitchen My. Diners My. Diners Varied Programs Gotta Eat Food USA Storage Storage Liquidator Liquidator Varied Programs Dog and Beth Storage Storage Storage Storage Canadian Pickers M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Varied Programs Pawn Stars Pawn Stars American Pickers Person of Interest Twi. Zone Twi. Zone Supernatural Castle InnerSPACE Psychic Stargate SG-1 Varied Programs Pinks - All Out Warriors Varied Dangerous Varied Pass Time Pass Time Hub Varied Security Security My.- Monument Dead Files Varied Ghost Adv. Varied Yukon Gold Varied Canadian Pickers Varied Programs Degrassi Degrassi Degrassi Degrassi Friendzone Friendzone Ridiculous. Fantasy Varied Programs Degrassi The People’s Court Raising Friends Mike Mike Two Men Two Men Broke Girl Broke Girl Big Bang Big Bang Jerry Springer Maury KTLA 5 News at 1 The Steve Wilkos Show KTLA 5 News at 3 Bill Cunningham Maury Bill Cunningham Crime Watch Daily WGN Evening News Two Men Two Men TVA West TVA West (:10) Un gars, un chef! Suisse Chiffres Plus belle Plus belle Tout-monde Quest. Journal Varied Programs (11:30) RDI en direct Varied Programs En direct Le National Économie 24/60 Saskatchewan Legislature Saskatchewan Legislature Question Period House of Commons Varied Programs Scrums Revue THURSDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 March 24 11:00 11:30 Luther ’ Å Luther ’ Å T. Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Å Michigan 2 WTVS Michigan Michigan Doc Martin ’ Å Économie 30 vies (N) Infoman (N) Prière de ne pas envoyer Enquête (N) (SC) Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) TJ Sask Marina 3 CBKFT TJ Sask ET Canada Big Brother Canada (N) The Blacklist ’ Å (:01) Shades of Blue (N) News Hour Final (N) Late Show-Colbert 5 CFRE News Big Bang DC’s Legends Goldbergs The Catch “Pilot” Å Grey’s Anatomy (N) ’ News-Lisa CTV News 6 CKCK CTV News Regina (N) EarthWatch One EarthWatch Two 7 WEATH (5:00) EarthWatch One The Blacklist ’ Å (:01) Shades of Blue (N) News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers News 8 WDIV You, Me and Exchange 22 Minutes Coronation The Nature of Things (N) Firsthand (N) ’ Å The National (N) Å Exchange Coronation 9 CBKT News 2016 NCAA Basketball Tournament Two Men Late Show-Colbert Corden 11 WWJ 2016 NCAA Basketball Tournament News (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline ThisMinute Dr Oz 12 WXYZ Grey’s Anatomy (N) ’ Scandal “Pencil’s Down” The Catch “Pilot” Å Mom Å Broke Girl Broke Girl Two Men Nightclub Nightclub Liquidator Liquidator 13 CTYS Mod Fam Mod Fam Broke Girl Life in 100 Things Max Ice Age Easter Gags Gags Haunting Haunting 14 YTV SpongeBob SpongeBob Assembly Nicky Bucket-Dino Dinopaws Caillou ’ Bubble Team Umiz. Charmers 15 TREE Bucket-Dino Cat in the Big Friend Charmers Max & Ruby Toopy 4 x 2” ad The National (N) Å CBC News The National (N) Å The National (N) Å CBC News 16 NW CBC News CTV News Channel ’ News-Lisa National News-Lisa National News-Lisa National News-Lisa National 17 NNET Power Play ’ Å Next Ones Highlights of the Night Highlights of the Night The Final Score Å 18 SCORE NHL Hockey Vancouver Canucks at Nashville Predators. Å P19AGE 2TSN SC Å ALUE E XPRESS ~ M OOSE J , SK From Swift Current, Sask. (N) Å MARCH 17 - 30,(N)2016 SC Top 10 2016 World Women’sVCurling Championship Scotland vs.AW Canada. SportsCentre Å Sportsnet NHL Hockey Edmonton Oilers at San Jose Sharks. Sportsnet Central (N) 20 NET NHL Hockey Calgary Flames at Minnesota Wild. (Live) Å Expand Expand Fixer Upper ’ Å Bryan Income Expand Expand Fixer Upper ’ Å 21 HGTV Hunters Int’l Hunters McCloud ’ Å Last/Wine Time of Jesus EastEnders (:40) EastEnders Å EastEnders 22 VISION Columbo Å 90sat9 ’ Å The Mentalist ’ Å Cleveland Mike Arrow ’ Å Below Deck ’ Å 23 M3 Below Deck ’ Å Simpsons Cleveland Work. Work. South Park Tosh.0 At Midnight Conan (N) Å Cleveland 24 MM Throwback Thursday etalk Å Big Bang Mike ›› “Austin Powers in Goldmember” (2002) Alberta Primetime Å 25 EDACC Alberta Primetime (N) ’ Anger Property Brothers Love It or List It (DVS) Property Brothers “When Sparks Fly” (2014) Meghan Markle. 26 W Love It or List It “Christie’s Revenge” (2007) Danielle Kind. ’ Å Intervention Canada ’ “Christie’s Revenge” (2007) Danielle Kind. ’ Å 27 SLICE Fatal Vows “Kane” ’ Project Runway All Stars Project Runway Å Motive “Detour” ’ Criminal Minds “Proof” Project Runway All Stars 28 BRAVO Blue Bloods ’ Å (:20) “Direct Action” (2004) Å ››› “Primary Colors” (1998) John Travolta. Å 29 ENC AV2 ›› “The Producers” (2005, Musical Comedy) Nathan Lane. Å (:01) 60 Days In (N) ’ (:02) The First 48 Å The First 48: Detective (:01) The First 48 Å 30 A&E The First 48: Detective The First 48 (N) Å 13WHAM News at 10 Crazy Talk Broke Girl Paid Prog. Broke Girl Anger Paid Prog. 31 WUHF American Idol “Top 4 Perform” (N) ’ (Live) Å Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Newsroom Live (N) CNN Newsroom Live (N) 32 CNN Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN Tonight Tornado Ice Racer Showdown ’ Billy Billy Billy Billy 33 CMT FamFeud FamFeud Wheels-Fail Wheels-Fail Tornado Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync ›› “Armageddon” (1998) Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Liv Tyler. ’ 34 SPIKE “Transformers” Extreme Weight Loss Chris helps Jami lose weight. Fat Chance “Meagan” My 600-Lb. Life Extreme Weight Loss ’ 35 TLC My 600-Lb. Life Misfit Garage (N) Å Gold Rush Å How/Made How/Made Diesel Brothers Å Misfit Garage Å 36 DISC Diesel Brothers (N) ›› “The Lone Ranger” (2013) Johnny Depp, Armie Hammer. ’ Å ›› “The Lone Ranger” 37 SHOW (5:00) “Blind Eye” (2006) Haven “Now” ’ Å Be Cool Scooby Jerry Camp Spies! Goosebump Pinky Archer Archer 38 TOON Johnny T Johnny T Be Cool Malcolm Arts Cheerlead The X Factor UK Å 39 FAM Beethoven Awesome Make Me Next Step Nowhere Nowhere Prince Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Family Guy Amer. Dad Family Guy Amer. Dad The Middle Payne 40 PCH ›› “Desperado” (1995, Action) Antonio Banderas. Corner Gas JFL Gags Gags Simpsons Just for Laughs Clipped (N) Clipped (N) 41 COM Big Bang Big Bang Match ››› “The Competition” (1980) Richard Dreyfuss. (:15) ›› “Those Lips, Those Eyes” (1980) 42 TCM ››› “The Carey Treatment” (1972, Mystery) Å 43 FOOD My. Diners My. Diners My. Diners My. Diners Guy’s Grocery Games ’ Gotta Eat Gotta Eat My. Diners My. Diners Guy’s Grocery Games ’ The Liqui Storage Storage Fail Army Fail Army Storage The Liqui Storage Storage 44 OUT Fail Army Fail Army Storage Yukon Gold ’ Å Swamp People ’ Å Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Vikings (N) ’ Å 45 HIST M*A*S*H ’ M*A*S*H ’ Ice Road Truckers Å Castle “Sucker Punch” Castle “The Third Man” InnerSPACE Psychic Person of Interest Å Castle “Sucker Punch” 46 SPACE Castle ’ Å ››› “Twister” (1996, Action) Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton. Å ›› “King Kong” (1976) 47 AMC ››› “Twister” (1996, Action) Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton. Å NASCAR Race Hub Pass Time Pass Time NHRA Drag Racing 48 FSR NHRA Drag Racing Amalie Motor Oil NHRA Gatornationals. Å Security Expedition Unknown ’ Delicious Delicious Mysteries at the Museum Expedition Unknown ’ Delicious Delicious 49 DTOUR Security Gem Finds Kim & Co. Fashions Kim & Co. Fashions Home Shopping Home Shopping 50 SHOP Style Matters 54 MTV Degrassi ’ Degrassi ’ Degrassi ’ Degrassi ’ The Real World: Go Big Grossbust Wild Ride The Real World: Go Big Grossbust Wild Ride (:15) “Big Muddy” (2015) Nadia Litz. ’ Å (DVS) ›› “Entourage” (2015) Kevin Connolly. ’ Å Gigolos (N) Capt Amer 55 MC1 “Super Duper” (:20) “All Things Must Pass” (2015) ’ ›› “Vacation” (2015) Ed Helms. ’ (:45) ›› “Brick Mansions” (2014) Paul Walker. ’ Pretty One 56 MC2 Kobe (6:50) ›› “Million Dollar Arm” (2014) Jon Hamm. “Debug” (2014) Jeananne Goossen. ››› “Super Duper Alice Cooper” 57 MC3 (5:00) ››› “Dope” ’ Girls Å Together Boardwalk Empire Å Boardwalk Empire Å 58 HBO (5:20) “Elephant Song” Neil Patrick Harris: Circus Awesomeus It’s Me The Mentalist ’ Å WBZ News (N) ’ Å Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ How I Met How I Met King King 59 WSBK The Mentalist ’ Å The 100 Å KTLA 5 News at 10 (N) 60 KTLA Crime Watch Daily (N) ’ News at 6 KTLA News Two Men Two Men DC’s Legends The 100 Å WGN News at Nine (N) WGN News Friends ’ Friends ’ Raymond Raymond The Middle 61 WGN DC’s Legends TVA West TVA West. 88 TVA (4:00) TVA West TVA West. Parconaute (SC) TV5 Jrnl (:40) Thalassa (SC) Apocal89 TV5 Des racines et des ailes La visite de Barcelone. 24/60 (SC) Les grands reportages Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) 90 RDI Les grands reportages Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) RDI économie (SC) Saskatchewan Legislature 108 SASK (4:00) Saskatchewan Legislature PrimeTime Politics Å Revue Question Period Å Scrums Politics PrimeTime Politics Å 109 CPAC Politics Money Problems? Start fresh. We can help. Marla Adams CPA, CA, CIRP Licensed Insolvency Trustee FREE consultation 1-800-961-DEBT (3328) . Deloitte CHILDREN’S ITEMS Pair of girls kids ice skates $5 306-681-8749 Kids high chair with removable tray and foldable for easy storage - $20 306-6818749 2103 11th Avenue Regina, SK ing, painting, wall washing, repair work, yard work, deck, roofing, siding, fencing and more. Reasonable Rate. Call FARM PRODUCE Bison meat - individual cuts or carcass portions. Marshall L Patterson D.V.M 306-4752232 FRESH eggs from free run hens. No cages here!! White or Brown lg to Xlg . Delivered in Moose Jaw, or pick up @ 916 Alder Avenue. 10$ Per 30 eggs or 5$ per dozen. 306 681 7982 LAWN & GARDEN For Sale - 1 solid wheelbarrow wheel. 10 x 2.5. 5/8 center hole. $5.00. Phone 6931640. SPORTS Skateboard - $5 306-6818749 PETS 5 gallon rectangle fish aquarium - $5 306-681-8749 SERVICES Tree Topping, Trimming and Removals,15 Years Experienced, Licensed and Insured, Seniors Discount, Elm Tree band Begins April 1st.Please Call;306-690-0276 PROFESSIONAL NURSING FOOT CARE provided by Meagan Newans Licensed Practical Nurse/ Certified Foot Care Nurse. In home treatments and Diabetic treatments available- limited space. Veterans affairs Canada (DVA) approval and possible medical insurance reimbursement provided upon submission. Please call for appointment 306-313-0385 or visit www. professionalnursingfootcare. com Will do house cleaning. Please call 306-690-2741 Never fear Gord and Alice are here! Book your handyman service today! House clean- for assistance 306-694-4391 Sweet Celebrations Baked By Me: Allysia Meyer Home baked cakes and cupcakes made just the way you want them for any type of celebration. Book you next cake or cupcakes today. 306-6304366 Tree removal, trimming, spring cleanups, mows and trims, eavesdrop cleaning, landscaping design and hauling. Free estimates, seniors discounts and affordable rates please call Triple A Yardcare 306-313-0134. For all your yard care needs please call Triple A Yardcare & Hauling. Free estimates and senior discounts please call 306-313-0134 JUNK/TRASH/ETC For all your small trucking jobs. Junk removed, trees, hedges, garbage. Appliances, furniture moved or taken to recycle, fences torn down. Smaller fencing jobs, dirt/gravel hauled, etc. etc.... Call 306681-7982 Junk to the dump in and around Moose Jaw - $30 and up 306-681-8749 I will be conducting classes for Canadian Firearms Non Restricted on April 23rd and Restricted on April 24th. These are both 1 day classes. For further information call Al at 306 631-0833. On successful completion you will able to apply for a PAL. Better Water Solutions for your entire home. Soft water means a cleaner you Convenient solutions customized for your home Treat your home to a high-tech water solution 306.693.0606 270 Caribou St. W. MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 • PAGE A21 On the Front Porch by Wanda Smith Get Immersed I’m preparing to go to a conference in a couple weeks. You know me... I’m contemplative and ponder a lot. So as I’ve been contemplating sitting in the upcoming four sessions with a speaker I’ve sat under many times, I am stirred to think of how much I have learned and grown over the years from attending conferences, meetings and workshops. There were times my sis and I would pack up our little kids and squeeze them in her 5-seater Escort and drive for hours to get to a weekend seminar or summit. Many times, we would go on our last dollar, packing lunches and food to save money. We’d cram that little compact jitney full of toys and things to entertain our kids on the long drive and during the long meetings. I wouldn’t trade any of those experiences for anything. If I could parcel up how I feel about going to conferences and seminars, I’m not quite sure what it would look like... maybe a big present with a bow on top... it would be full of surprises... invaluable surprises ...surprises of things I didn’t even know I needed or would enjoy. It would be full of inner healing, courage, compassion, revelation, inspiration, impartation, a lot of love, acceptance, friends, fun and laughter, joy, peace, hope, challenges, skills, knowledge, and instruction. So many times, we can get caught up in wasting our money being entertained and filling our homes and closets with useless stuff when all along we have opportunity to learn and receive impartation and revelation that can change our lives forever. The value of being immersed in the Word of God for a full weekend can do more for you than you can even know. I wonder sometimes how much inner work God has done in my heart that has saved me from a ton of heartache. There are life-impacting messages that have truly changed the course of my life. I have received direction, confirmation and peace about certain decisions I’ve been struggling with. I’ve been challenged to do some self-introspection to check the condition of my heart. Am I harboring unforgiveness towards someone? If so, this could directly affect my physical health. Am I allowing hurt and bitterness to speak into my life? If so, this could also directly affect my physical health. It could also bring untold stress and anxiety into my life. Am I walking the way I should walk as a woman, wife and mom? I’m thankful I’ve learned valuable tips and tricks to function in a more effective role as a woman, wife and mom. The word “immerse” means to douse, absorb or plunge into. I like to think it’s like becoming immersed in a pool of water. I remember so many times, I would tip toe around in the pool hoping to not get splashed because I didn’t want to get my hair wet. Usually, I would eventually give in and dunk my head because it was kind of impossible to stay dry in a public pool. I would like to encourage you to jump in and get wet... fully wet. Immerse ourselves in the Word of God, with sound biblical teaching and training. It helps us to absorb and fully engage in what God wants us to receive for our lives. There is something to be said about being in a room with hungry people, all desiring to grow and mature in our spiritual journey. Unwrap the gift that is awaiting you at the next meeting or conference in your area. Start to keep your eyes and ears peeled for anointed, mature preachers and teachers of the Word of God who can speak into your life and bring life, healing and lasting guidance to your life. Surprises await you! Open up the gift! “Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” “Incline your ear to wisdom . . . ; search for her as for hidden treasures.” Hebrews 10:24 & 25, Provebs 2:2 & 4 FRIDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 March 25 11:00 11:30 American Masters “Loretta Lynn” ’ Å 1916 The Irish Rebellion T. Smiley C. Rose 2 WTVS ››› “Steel Magnolias” (1989) Sally Field. Économie Galas ComediHa! 2015 Ti-Mé show (N) (SC) Le clan (SC) TJ 1001 vies (N) (SC) Grandes 3 CBKFT TJ Sask ET Canada Simpsons Telenovela NCIS: New Orleans ’ Rookie Blue ’ News Hour Final (N) Late Show-Colbert 5 CFRE News Shark Tank ’ Å Grimm “Lycanthrophia” Criminal Minds ’ Big Bang etalk (N) ’ News-Lisa CTV News 6 CKCK CTV News Regina (N) EarthWatch One EarthWatch Two 7 WEATH (5:00) EarthWatch One Grimm “Lycanthrophia” Dateline NBC (N) Å News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers News 8 WDIV Caught on Camera Exchange Rick Mercer Coronation market Hitched the fifth estate (N) Å The National (N) Å Exchange Coronation 9 CBKT News Two Men Late Show-Colbert Corden 11 WWJ 2016 NCAA Basketball Tournament 2016 NCAA Basketball Tournament (:01) 20/20 ’ Å News (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline ThisMinute Dr Oz 12 WXYZ Last Man Dr. Ken ’ Shark Tank ’ Å Modern Family “Three Turkeys” Å Broke Girl Two Men The Neighbours Dog ’ The Beat The Beat 13 CTYS Mod Fam Mod Fam Vice ›› “Ice Age: Continental Drift” (2012) ’ Å ›› “Evan Almighty” (2007) ’ Å 14 YTV SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Ice Age Bucket-Dino Dinopaws Caillou ’ Bubble Team Umiz. Charmers 15 TREE Bucket-Dino Cat in the Big Friend Charmers Max & Ruby Toopy The National (N) Å CBC News The National (N) Å The National (N) Å CBC News 16 NW CBC News CTV News Channel ’ News-Lisa National News-Lisa National News-Lisa National News-Lisa National 17 NNET Power Play ’ Å Aftermath Highlights Highlights of the Night Highlights of the Night The Final Score Å 18 SCORE WWE SmackDown! ’ Å SC Å 2016 World Women’s Curling Championship Page Playoff, 1 vs. 2. (N) Å SportsCentre (N) Å SportsCentre (N) Å 19 TSN SC Å Sportsnet NBA Basketball: Mavericks at Warriors Sportsnet Central (N) 20 NET NHL Hockey Vancouver Canucks at St. Louis Blues. (Live) Å Fixer Upper ’ Å Fixer Upper ’ Å Fixer Upper ’ Å Fixer Upper ’ Å Fixer Upper ’ Å 21 HGTV Fixer Upper ’ Å Gaither Gospel Hour ’ The Concert Series (N) Conversations EastEnders (:40) EastEnders Å EastEnders 22 VISION Last/Wine Praise The Mentalist ’ Å Cleveland Mike Tattoos Tattoos Geeks Who Geeks Who 23 M3 Geeks Who Geeks Who 90sat9 ’ Å Much EDM ›› “Adventures in Babysitting” (1987) Å Childrens Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons 24 MM Dance Party Friday etalk (N) ’ Big Bang Mike Sleepy Hollow (N) ’ Criminal Minds ’ Alberta Primetime Å 25 EDACC Alberta Primetime (N) ’ Anger ›› “I Give It a Year” (2013) Rose Byrne. 26 W “A Kind of Magic” (2015, Romance) Nikki DeLoach. “Mary: The Making of a Princess” (2015) Side Show Emergency ››› “Magic Mike” (2012) Channing Tatum. ’ Å Suburgatory 27 SLICE (4:00) “The Blind Side” Untouchable ’ Å Colony Will’s first day. ’ Colony “98 Seconds” ’ Colony Will gains respect. Colony “Geronimo” ’ Colony “Yoknapatawpha” 28 BRAVO Colony “Pilot” ’ Å ›› “Cats & Dogs” (2001) Å ›› “Preacher’s Kid” (2009) LeToya Luckett. Å ››› “Roxanne” (1987) Steve Martin. Å 29 ENC AV2 Planes The First 48 ’ Å (:02) The First 48 Å (:01) 60 Days In “Cell Shock” ’ Å 30 A&E 60 Days In The inmates grow suspicious of Robert. (:01) Second Chance ’ 13WHAM News at 10 Crazy Talk Broke Girl Paid Prog. Broke Girl Anger Paid Prog. 31 WUHF Sleepy Hollow (N) ’ Race for Race for CNN Special Program Finding Jesus 32 CNN Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN Tonight ››› “Pure Country” (1992, Drama) George Strait. ’ Å I Love Kel Chrisley Pure Ctry 33 CMT FamFeud FamFeud I Love Kel Chrisley Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Chasing Billions: Broner Cops Å Cops Å Jail Å Jail Å 34 SPIKE Cops Å Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Love, Lust or Run (N) ’ Say Yes Say Yes Love, Lust or Run Å Say Yes Say Yes 35 TLC Say Yes Mayday Å Highway Thru Hell Dual Survival Å 36 DISC Jade Fever Jade Fever Jade Fever Jade Fever Mayday Å ›› “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” (2012) Ian McKellen. 37 SHOW ››› “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” (2013, Fantasy) Ian McKellen. ’ Å LEGO Johnny T Rangers Yu-Gi-Oh Ultimate Hulk Avengers “Justice League” 38 TOON Johnny T Johnny T LEGO Lost Awesome Backstage Next Step ›› “Johnny English” (2003) Å Backstage “Scott Pilgrim” 39 FAM Next Step Lost Seinfeld ’ Family Guy Amer. Dad Family Guy Amer. Dad The Middle Payne 40 PCH ››› “Road to Perdition” (2002) Tom Hanks, Paul Newman. Clipped Match Corner Gas JFL Gags Gags Simpsons Just for Laughs Å Big Bang Big Bang 41 COM Clipped ››› “Hotel” (1967, Drama) Rod Taylor. Å (:15) ››› “Deep in My Heart” (1954) Jose Ferrer. 42 TCM ››› “Desiree” (1954) Marlon Brando. Diners Carn Eats Carn Eats Gotta Eat Gotta Eat Diners Diners 43 FOOD My. Diners My. Diners Gotta Eat Gotta Eat Diners Storage Storage Fail Army Fail Army Ghost Hunters ’ Å Storage Storage 44 OUT Fail Army Fail Army Ghost Hunters ’ Å 45 HIST Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Bitten “On the Brink” (N) InnerSPACE ›› “Surrogates” (2009) Bruce Willis. ’ Å Real Steel 46 SPACE (4:00) “Transformers” ’ DC’s Legends The Walking Dead Å Talk Dead 47 AMC (5:00) ››› “Live Free or Die Hard” (2007, Action) ››› “The Italian Job” (2003) Mark Wahlberg. Å Dangerous Drives Dangerous Drives Dangerous Drives Dangerous Drives Dangerous Drives 48 FSR Dangerous Drives Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Border Border Border Border 49 DTOUR Security Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping 50 SHOP Home Shopping Fired by Mum and Dad Jersey Shore ’ Å 54 MTV Degrassi ’ Degrassi ’ Degrassi ’ Degrassi ’ The L.A. Complex “Stay” Skins “Michelle” Å ›› “San Andreas” (2015) Dwayne Johnson. Å ›› “Hercules” (2014) 55 MC1 RoboCop (:40) ››› “Furious 7” (2015) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. ’ Å ›› “Pixels” (2015) Adam Sandler. ’ Å (9:50) › “Moms’ Night Out” (2014) ’ Magic XXL 56 MC2 (:15) “Prophet’s Prey” (2015) ’ Å (DVS) (:20) ››› “The Returned” (2013) ’ ›› “Deliver Us From Evil” (2014) Eric Bana. ’ ›› “RoboCop” (2014) 57 MC3 (5:05) ›› “Need for Speed” (2014) ›› “Hector and the Search for Happiness” (2014) Vinyl “Cyclone” Å Real Time, Bill Animals ’ Animals (N) 58 HBO Mel Brooks Live Bones Suspects. Å WBZ News (N) ’ Å Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ How I Met How I Met King King 59 WSBK Bones ’ Å KTLA 5 News at 10 (N) 60 KTLA Crime Watch Daily (N) ’ News at 6 KTLA News Two Men Two Men The Vampire Diaries ’ The Originals ’ Å WGN News at Nine (N) WGN News Friends ’ Friends ’ Raymond Raymond The Middle 61 WGN The Vampire Diaries ’ The Originals ’ Å TVA West TVA West. 88 TVA (4:00) TVA West TVA West. Partir autrement TV5 Jrnl (:40) Des racines et des ailes (SC) Rires 89 TV5 Thalassa “Bretagne, le choix de l’Armor” (SC) RDI économie (SC) TJ 24/60 (SC) Les grands reportages TJ TJ 90 RDI Les grands reportages TJ Saskatchewan Legislature 108 SASK (4:00) Saskatchewan Legislature Record Politics In Committee 109 CPAC Public Record Å SATURDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 12:30 March 26 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 Martha Kitchen Cook British Baking Lawrence Welk Weekend Keeping Up As Time... As Time... 2 WTVS Pépin Candice Renoir (SC) Inspecteur Barnaby ’ (SC) La semaine verte (N) 3 CBKFT Telejournal La facture Enquête (SC) Ice Pilots Å (DVS) Canadian Global Nat. 5 CFRE PGA Tour Golf WGC-Dell Match Play, Quarterfinals. From Austin Country Club in Austin, Texas. (N) Å 6 CKCK Prairie Rpt. Farm Gate Corner Gas Corner Gas Canada’s Worst Driver Disruptors Moneytalk The Marilyn Denis Show The Social etalk Å Weekend Report Three Weekend Report Three Weekend EarthWatch 7 WEATH Weekend Report Two News NBC News Paid Prog. Wheel 8 WDIV PGA Tour Golf WGC-Dell Match Play, Quarterfinals. From Austin Country Club in Austin, Texas. (N) Å The Nature of Things ’ Figure Skating ISU World Junior Championships. ’ National Hockey NHL Hockey Teams TBA. 9 CBKT Doc Zone Å (DVS) College Basketball Road to the Final Four 2016 NCAA Basketball Tournament 11 WWJ Best/Basketball 30 for 30 (N) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. News World News “10 Commands.” 12 WXYZ World of X Games (N) Nordic L Nordic L Illusions Mod Fam Mod Fam Hockey NHL Hockey (N) 13 CTYS PAW Patrol Planet Echo Paint This P- Diner SpongeBob ›› “Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius” (2001) ’ Å “One Crazy Cruise” (2015) ’ Å “Rufus” (2016) ’ Å Assembly 14 YTV Turtles Blaze Bubble Shimmer Charmers Octonauts Hey 15 TREE Bucket-Dino Bucket-Dino Mike-Knight Team Umiz. Trucktown Wings 4 xof2”Things ad ’ National Issue National Mansbridge The Nature 16 NW (11:30) CBC News Network With Asha Tomlinson (N) Å 17 NNET CTV News CTV News CTV News CTV News CTV News CTV News CTV News CTV News CTV News CTV News CTV News CTV News WWE Mon. Night RAW WWE SmackDown! ’ Å NHL’s Best Gotta See It Blue Jays Plays 18ARCH SCORE M 17 - 30, 2016 VALUE EXPRESS ~ MOOSE WWE JAW,Main SKEvent Å PAGE 13 Motoring TV 2016 World Women’s Curling Championship Page Playoff, 3 vs. 4. (N) (Live) SportsCentre (N) Å 19 TSN World Championships SC Å Plays Blue Jays Hockey Central (N) Å Sportsnet Hockey NHL Hockey 20 NET MLB Preseason Baseball: Yankees at Blue Jays Income 21 HGTV Island Life Island Life Island Life Island Life Caribbean Caribbean Caribbean Caribbean Caribbean Caribbean Income Punjab Punjabi Pyar Hi Udeek TV Tehlka ’ Sardari ’ G. Punjab Punjabi Sanjha Punjab 22 VISION Fursat Mein Quran ›› “A Cinderella Story” (2004) Hilary Duff. ’ Reign “Inquisition” ’ Reign “Royal Blood” ’ 23 M3 ›› “First Daughter” (2004) Katie Holmes. ’ Å ›› “The Pacifier” (2005, Comedy) Vin Diesel. Å Much Alternative Å Much Hip Hop Å 24 MM (11:45) ›› “Adventures in Babysitting” (1987) Taste Buds Sew Fun Sew Fun Rescue Education Way Off Broadway ’ Daily Planet ’ Metal Evolution ’ 25 EDACC Cooking › “Did You Hear About the Morgans?” (2009) Hugh Grant. Hockey Wives Hockey Wives Buying I Dont 26 W Melissa ››› “Pitch Perfect” (2012) ’ Å 27 SLICE Emergency Emergency Princess ’ ›› “Footloose” (2011, Drama) Kenny Wormald, Julianne Hough. ’ Å Project Runway Å Project Runway Å Project Runway Å Project Runway Å Project Runway Å 28 BRAVO Project Runway Å (:15) ›› “Illegal Tender” (2007) Rick Gonzalez. 29 ENC AV2 X-Men Å (:40) ›› “Sixteen Candles” (1984) Molly Ringwald. (:20) › “Crossing Over” (2009) Å Donnie 60 Days In “First Timers” 60 Days In “Cell Shock” 60 Days In “Fight Face” The First 48 ’ Å The First 48 ’ Å 30 A&E Donnie 31 WUHF Matchstick Paid Prog. Mod Fam Mod Fam Judge Judy Judge Judy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Paid Prog. Ring of Honor Wrestling CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Smerconish CNN Newsroom 32 CNN CNN Newsroom ››› “Pure Country” (1992, Drama) George Strait. ’ Å Deal With It Ice Racer Showdown ’ Bggg Bttls L. Ortega 33 CMT CMT’s Hottest ’ Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Jail Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å 34 SPIKE “Nat’l Treasure” Extreme Weight Loss “Ashley” Å Untold Stories of the ER 35 TLC Extreme Weight Loss ’ Extreme Weight Loss “Michael” ’ Å Railroad Alaska Å Dual Survival Å Highway Thru Hell How/Made How/Made Cold Water Cowboys 36 DISC Mayday Å “Crook” (2013) Adam Beach, Guy Buller. ’ Å 37 SHOW (10:30) “Star Trek Into Darkness” ’ ›› “Thor: The Dark World” (2013) Chris Hemsworth. ’ Å Johnny T Pokémon Rangers Yu-Gi-Oh Transf. Yo-Kai Dinofroz Johnny T Gadget Bugs Bunny 38 TOON Looney Awesome Make Me Gaming Nowhere ›› “Johnny English” (2003) ’ Å Life 39 FAM (11:30) “Johnny English” “Barbie: Spy Squad” ››› “Cloverfield” (2008) The Middle The Middle Seinfeld ’ Atl. Eats 40 PCH ›› “Dogtown and Z-Boys” (2001) Jay Adams, Tony Alva. Angie Big Bang Big Bang ›› “Extract” (2009) Jason Bateman. Å › “The Ex” (2006) Zach Braff, Amanda Peet. Å 41 COM Clipped (:15) ›› “Doctor Dolittle” (1967) Rex Harrison, Samantha Eggar. Å 42 TCM Anne 1000 (:45) ›› “The Slipper and the Rose” (1976) Gemma Craven Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners Diners Gotta Eat Gotta Eat Chef in Your Ear Å 43 FOOD Diners, Drive The Liqui 44 OUT Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Storage American Pickers Å American Pickers Å American Pickers Å American Pickers Å American Pickers Å 45 HIST American Pickers Å ›› “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” (2009) 46 SPACE (10:30) ›› “Real Steel” (:05) ››› “Transformers” (2007) Shia LaBeouf, Tyrese Gibson. ’ Å ››› “Jurassic Park” (1993) Sam Neill. Å 47 AMC (10:30) “Live Free or Die Hard” (2007) ››› “The Italian Job” (2003) Mark Wahlberg. Å NHRA Drag Racing Amalie Motor Oil NHRA Gatornationals. Pass Time IMSA Racing 48 FSR NHRA Drag Racing Security Border Border The Em The Em Border Border Security Security Security Security 49 DTOUR Security Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping 50 SHOP Home Shopping Teen Mom 2 Å Teen Mom 2 Å Teen Mom 2 Å Degrassi ’ Student True Life ’ Å 54 MTV Teen Mom 2 Å ››› “22 Jump Street” (2014) Jonah Hill. ’ Å (3:55) ››› “Muppets Most Wanted” (:45) Bears 55 MC1 Ride Along “Penthouse North” (2013) ’ “Alexander-Terr.” (:45) ››› “Bears” (2014) ’ Å (:10) “Penthouse North” (2013) ’ (:40) ››› “The Good Lie” (2014) ’ 56 MC2 Mandela (:20) ›› “Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom” ’ Alexander 57 MC3 (11:20) “The Good Lie” (:15) ››› “Lone Survivor” (2013, War) Mark Wahlberg. ’ Heroin: Cape Cod, USA ’ Å Homegrown: The Counter-Terror Fighting ISIS A Girl Nichols 58 HBO Rosie O’Donnell Rizzoli & Isles ’ Å Mike Mike Two Men Two Men Broke Girl Broke Girl Big Bang Big Bang 59 WSBK (11:00) › “Showtime” Hatched Animal Atl. Zoo Clues Coolest On the Spot Operation Smile Å 60 KTLA Dog Whis Dog Whis Dog Whis Save Our Dream Person of Interest Å MLB Preseason Baseball: Giants at Cubs WGN Evening News (N) Two Men Two Men 61 WGN Elementary ’ Å TVA West TVA West. 88 TVA TVA West TVA West. Hôpital vétérinaire (SC) Loin Tout-monde Jardin Journal Ques-champion 89 TV5 (11:00) Secrets d’histoire Suisse TJ L’épicerie La semaine verte (SC) RDI, direct Monde 90 RDI RDI, direct RDI, direct RDI, direct RDI, direct RDI, direct Journal Saskatchewan Legislature 108 SASK Saskatchewan Legislature In Committee 109 CPAC (11:00) In Committee PAGE A22 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 SATURDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 March 26 11:00 11:30 Pasquale Esposito Celebrates Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and Friends Austin City Limits Å Live From Artists Den 2 WTVS Antiques Roadshow Petite vie En direct de l’univers (N) Monsieur Selfridge (SC) Outlander-tartan TJ Métiers Dre Grey, anatomie 3 CBKFT TJ Focus Sask 16x9 Å “Ghost Storm” (2012, Suspense) Crystal Allen. Å News Final Side Show First Dates TV-Torrens 5 CFRE News W5 (N) ’ Å (DVS) Big Bang Anger Mike Cleveland Motive ’ Å (DVS) News News 6 CKCK CTV News Regina (N) Weekend EarthWatch Weekend EarthWatch Two 7 WEATH (5:00) Weekend EarthWatch One Saturday Night Live ’ News (:29) Saturday Night Live ’ Å News Paid Prog. 8 WDIV Dateline NBC ’ Å NHL Hockey Teams TBA. (N) ’ (Live) Å Post Show The Tudors 9 CBKT (5:00) NHL Hockey Teams TBA. (N) ’ (Live) Å 2016 NCAA Basketball Tournament Regional Final: Teams TBA. FamFeud FamFeud The Good Wife ’ Å Blue Bloods ’ Å 11 WWJ NCAA 7 Action News Bensinger (:14) Castle ’ Å 12 WXYZ (5:00) ››› “The Ten Commandments” (1956) Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner. Survivorman “Amazon” Illusions Escape Nordic L Nordic L Nightclub Nightclub 13 CTYS (5:00) NHL Hockey (N) Game Easter ››› “Zathura: A Space Adventure” (2005) Å Game On Assembly 14 YTV Assembly Assembly Assembly Stanley Bucket-Dino Dinopaws Caillou ’ Bubble Team Umiz. Charmers 15 TREE Bucket-Dino Cat in the Big Friend Charmers Max & Ruby Toopy National market ››› “He Named Me Malala” (2015) Å National Mansbridge “He Named Me Malala” 16 NW the fifth estate (N) Å CTV News News CTV News News National News National 17 NNET CTV News CTV News CTV News CTV News News World Poker Tour Highlights of the Night Highlights of the Night Highlights of the Night The Final Score Å 18 SCORE Shark Cage Poker Å SC Å 2016 World Women’s Curling Championship Semifinal. (N) (Live) Å SportsCentre (N) Å SportsCentre (N) Å 19 TSN SC Å NHL Hockey Chicago Blackhawks at Calgary Flames. (N Subject to Blackout) Sportsnet Central (N) 20 NET NHL Hockey: Rangers at Canadiens Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Expand Expand Hawaii Life Hawaii Life Hawaii Life Hawaii Life 21 HGTV Beach Des-Pardes ’ Aikam ’ Taur Punj. Lashkara ’ Waqt 4 U Success 22 VISION Mulaqat ’ Made in ›› “Blade” (1998) Wesley Snipes, Stephen Dorff. ’ Å ›› “Blade II” (2002) Wesley Snipes. 23 M3 “Tom, Dick & Harriet” (2013) Steven Weber. ’ Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons 24 MM Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons ›› “The Pacifier” (2005, Comedy) Vin Diesel. Å eNews MasterChef Canada ’ Flashpoint Å (DVS) The Listener ’ W5 (N) ’ Å (DVS) History of Science Å 25 EDACC News ›› “The Switch” (2010) Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman. ›› “The Dilemma” (2011, Comedy) Vince Vaughn. 26 W › “I Don’t Know How She Does It” ››› “Pitch Perfect” (2012) Anna Kendrick. ’ Å 27 SLICE (4:30) “Pitch Perfect” ’ ››› “Magic Mike” (2012) Channing Tatum. ’ Å Law & Order: SVU Project Runway Å Project Runway All Stars Project Runway: Junior Project Runway: Junior 28 BRAVO Criminal Minds ’ (:10) ››› “X-Men” (2000) Hugh Jackman. Å ›› “Sixteen Candles” (1984) Å Beerfest 29 ENC AV2 (:05) ››› “Insomnia” (2002) Al Pacino. Å The First 48: Killer The First 48: Killer The First 48: Houses (:01) The First 48 Å The First 48: Killer 30 A&E The First 48 ’ Å (:01) Lucifer ’ News Community Party Over Barrett Ring of Honor Wrestling Anger Anger 31 WUHF Rosewood Å (DVS) Finding Jesus America’s Choice 2016 America’s Choice 2016 America’s Choice 2016 America’s Choice 2016 32 CNN Finding Jesus Reba Å Last Man Last Man Funniest Home Videos Reba Å Reba Å Last Man Last Man 33 CMT Funniest Home Videos Reba Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å “Nat’l Treasure” 34 SPIKE Cops Å 35 TLC Untold Stories of the ER Untold Stories of the ER Sex Sent Me to the E.R. Sex Sent Me to the E.R. Untold Stories of the ER Untold Stories of the ER Moonshiners ’ Å Misfit Garage Å Diesel Brothers Å Moonshiners ’ Å Misfit Garage Å 36 DISC Gold Rush Å ›› “Thor: The Dark World” (2013) Chris Hemsworth. ’ Å Star Trek 37 SHOW ››› “Star Trek Into Darkness” (2013) Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto. ’ Å Ice Age ›› “Hop” (2011) Voices of James Marsden. Johnny T Johnny T Hercules Spider-Man “Hulk Vs.” (2009) Å 38 TOON Looney Next Step Backstage Backstage Lost Lost The X Factor UK Å (:10) The X Factor UK ’ “Cirque Du Freak” 39 FAM Life King ›› “The Switch” (2010) Jennifer Aniston. Family Guy Family Guy Burgers Burgers Community Community 40 PCH King Big Bang Big Bang Laughs: All Access Just for Laughs Jeff Dunham: Minding 41 COM Big Bang Big Bang Just for Laughs Å ›› “The Driver” (1978) Ryan O’Neal. (:15) ››› “She Wore a Yellow Ribbon” (1949) ››› “Safety Last” 42 TCM ›››› “The General” (1927) Food Chopped Canada (N) ’ Guy’s Grocery Games ’ Chef in Your Ear Å Chopped Canada Å Guy’s Grocery Games ’ 43 FOOD Food Storage The Liqui Liquidator Liquidator Mantracker Myth Hunters Å Forbidden Å 44 OUT Mantracker American Pickers Å American Pickers Å American Pickers Å American Pickers Å American Pickers Å 45 HIST American Pickers Å (:15) ›› “I, Robot” (2004, Science Fiction) Will Smith. ’ Å › “Wild Wild West” (1999) Will Smith. ’ Å Transform 46 SPACE “Transformers” ›› “Jurassic Park III” (2001) Sam Neill. Å 47 AMC (4:00) “Jurassic Park” ›› “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” (1997, Adventure) Jeff Goldblum. Å Drive! Monster Jam Å Monster Jam Å Monster Jam Å Monster Jam Å 48 FSR IMSA Racing Border Ghost Adventures (N) ’ The Dead Files ’ Å Expedition Unknown ’ Ghost Adventures Å The Dead Files ’ Å 49 DTOUR Border Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping 50 SHOP Home Shopping The L.A. Complex Å Catfish: The TV Show Teen Mom 2 Å 54 MTV The Real World: Go Big Grossbust Wild Ride Degrassi ’ 1 girl ›› “Pitch Perfect 2” (2015) Anna Kendrick. Å “Mandela: Long Walk” 55 MC1 (5:45) ››› “Bears” ’ (:05) “The Games Maker” (2014) Joseph Fiennes. (9:50) ››› “Enemy” (2013) ’ Games Ma 56 MC2 Good Lie (:35) “Teen Lust” (2014) Cary Elwes. ››› “Muppets Most Wanted” (2014) ’ Å (:06) ››› “22 Jump Street” (2014) Jonah Hill. ’ ›› “Ride Along” (2014) Ice Cube. (:45) ››› “Lone Survivor” (2013) ’ 57 MC3 “Alexander-Terr.” Homegrown: The Counter-Terror Heroin: Cape Cod, USA (:45) Boxing Sullivan Barrera vs. Andre Ward. (N) ’ (Live) Å 58 HBO “Mike Nichols” WBZ News (N) ’ Å Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ How I Met How I Met Mike Mike 59 WSBK ›› “Lockout” (2012) Guy Pearce, Maggie Grace. 60 KTLA Celebrity Celebrity KTLA News KTLA News Two Men Two Men Friends ’ Monopoly Two Men Two Men KTLA 5 News at 10 (N) NHL Hockey Chicago Blackhawks at Calgary Flames. (N) (Live) Late News What Went Chicago 61 WGN Stellar Gospel Music Awards TVA West TVA West. 88 TVA (4:00) TVA West TVA West. TV5 Jrnl (:40) On n’est pas couché (SC) 89 TV5 Les plus grands magiciens du monde: Mandrake 2014 (SC) TJ Les grands reportages L’épicerie TJ Monde TJ Le National TJ L’épicerie 90 RDI Découverte (SC) Saskatchewan Legislature 108 SASK (4:00) Saskatchewan Legislature Supreme Court Hearings 109 CPAC (5:00) In Committee SUNDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 12:30 March 27 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 1916 The Irish Rebellion 1916 The Irish Rebellion 1916 The Irish Rebellion Weekend Getaways Father Brown ’ Å 2 WTVS Rick Steves Special 100 pour cent local (N) Cinéma à communiquer Esprit critique (N) (SC) 3 CBKFT Telejournal La semaine verte (SC) Regard PGA Tour Golf WGC-Dell Match Play, Championship. From Austin Country Club in Austin, Texas. (N) Engels Global Nat. 5 CFRE 16x9 Å W5 ’ Å (DVS) ›› “Confessions of a Shopaholic” (2009) Isla Fisher. ’ Å The Social CTV News TBA 6 CKCK SportsCentre Å Weekend Report Three Weekend Report Three Weekend EarthWatch 7 WEATH Weekend Report Two Little Big Shots (N) Å 8 WDIV Arnold Palmer Special PGA Tour Golf WGC-Dell Match Play, Championship. From Austin Country Club in Austin, Texas. (N) O’Grady The Art of Leading (N) q ’ Å The Improbable Dream “Walking-Dino.” 9 CBKT Land & Sea Mansbridge O’Grady Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Insider CBS News Paid Prog. 60 Minutes (N) ’ Å 11 WWJ Women’s College Hockey World News Funniest Home Videos 12 WXYZ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. News Nightclub Nightclub Close Up Kings Liquidator Liquidator Two Men Two Men 13 CTYS PAW Patrol Planet Echo Look I Cook P- Diner Assembly Henry Max Stanley Ice Age (:15) ››› “Ice Age” (2002, Comedy) ’ Å “Ice Age: Melt” 14 YTV Easter Max & Ruby Dora... Dora... Wally Bubble Blaze Charmers Shimmer Charmers Octonauts Hey 15 TREE Wonder CBC News market Firsthand ’ Å the fifth4estate 16 NW (11:30) CBC News Network With Asha Tomlinson (N) Å x 2”’adÅ CTV News CTV News W5 ’ Å (DVS) 17 NNET CTV News CTV News CTV News CTV News CTV News CTV News Question Period Å ROS Placeholder Å Next Ones WWE Main Event Å WWE Experience (N) ’ 18 SCORE Darts M19ARCHTSN 17 - 30, 2016 XPRESS SC ~M AW,World SK Women’s Curling Championship Gold Medal Game. (N) PAGE World Championships SC Å SC Å VALUESCEÅ ÅOOSE J2016 Å 15 MLB’s Best Å Misplays Plays Sportsnet Central (N) NHL’s Best Pregame 20 NET MLB Preseason Baseball: Twins at Yankees Timber Kings ’ Å Timber Kings ’ Å Timber Kings ’ Å Income Income Timber Kings ’ Å 21 HGTV Timber Kings ’ Å Food Life Quick Study ICEJ Peter David Arise Å Tomorrow’s Beyond Hope Discovery J. Van Impe 22 VISION Faith Arrow “Lost Souls” ’ Arrow “Brotherhood” ’ Arrow ’ Å Arrow “Dark Waters” ’ Arrow “Blood Debts” ’ 23 M3 Arrow “Haunted” Å At Midnight At Midnight At Midnight At Midnight Much Now & Then Å Much Now & Then Å 24 MM Movie Taste Buds Question Period Å W5 ’ Å (DVS) Metal Evolution ’ Daily Planet ’ Way Off Broadway ’ 25 EDACC Cooking ›› “Bruce Almighty” (2003) Jim Carrey, Morgan Freeman. Dilemma 26 W Will/Grace ›› “The Switch” (2010) Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman. ››› “Pitch Perfect” (2012) Anna Kendrick. ’ Å “Like Mother, Like Daughter” (2007) ’ Å 27 SLICE (10:30) ›› “Footloose” (2011) ’ Movie ’ Project Runway ’ Å Twice in a Lifetime ’ Missing ’ Å 28 BRAVO Movie ’ (:45) › “Not Another Teen Movie” (:15) ››› “A Patch of Blue” (1965, Drama) Å (:05) “Empire of the Sun” 29 ENC AV2 (11:25) ››› “X2: X-Men United” The First 48 ’ Å Intervention Ashley. ’ Intervention “Kacy” ’ 30 A&E Bates Motel Damien “The Deliverer” The First 48 The First 48 ’ Å Monopoly Paid Prog. Grease: Live ’ Å 31 WUHF Ring of Honor Wrestling ››› “Matchstick Men” (2003, Comedy) Nicolas Cage, Sam Rockwell. Å CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Special Program 32 CNN CNN Newsroom Gags ››› “Coal Miner’s Daughter” (1980) ’ Å 33 CMT Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Save Our Save Our Gags Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ 34 SPIKE Bar Rescue ’ Say Yes Medium Medium Long Island Medium ’ Long Island Medium ’ Long Island Medium ’ Long Island Medium ’ 35 TLC Say Yes Moonshiners ’ Å Misfit Garage Å Alaska: The Last Frontier How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made 36 DISC Gold Rush Å “Get Out Alive” (2015) Beverly Mitchell. ’ Å 37 SHOW (10:30) ››› “Pacific Rim” (2013) ’ ›› “G.I. Joe: Retaliation” (2013) Dwayne Johnson. ’ Å Rocket Looped Bugs Bunny Endangered Endangered Endangered Endangered 38 TOON ›› “Rise of the Guardians” (2012) Å (:45) “Barbie in Princess Power” ’ Awesome Backstage Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost 39 FAM Barbie Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang 40 PCH Paid Prog. First Family Paid Prog. Box Office › “When in Rome” (2010) Kristen Bell. Big Bang Big Bang Movie Movie 41 COM To Be Announced (:15) ››› “King of Kings” (1961) Jeffrey Hunter, Siobhan McKenna. Å 42 TCM Nun’s Story (:45) ››› “Barabbas” (1962) Anthony Quinn. Å Chopped Junior Å Chopped Junior Å Chopped Junior Å Chopped Canada Å Chopped Junior Å 43 FOOD Chopped Canada Å 44 OUT Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator The Liqui Storage Nostradamus: 21st Century Prophecies Revealed The Seven New Signs of the Apocalypse (N) Å Search for the Truth 45 HIST Search for the Truth (12:50) Movie ’ (:40) Movie ’ (:05) Movie ’ 46 SPACE (11:00) Movie ’ ›› “Jurassic Park III” (2001) Sam Neill. Å The Walking Dead Å 47 AMC ›› “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” (1997, Adventure) Jeff Goldblum. Å Motorcycle Racing Monster Jam Å Monster Jam (N) Å Drive! 48 FSR Challenge IMSA Racing Survivor ’ Å Survivor ’ Å Survivor ’ Å Survivor ’ Å Survivor ’ 49 DTOUR Survivor ’ Survivor ’ Å Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping 50 SHOP Home Shopping Teen Mom 2 Å Teen Mom 2 Å Degrassi ’ Student Awkward. Faking It 54 MTV Teen Mom 2 “Face Off” Teen Mom 2 Å (:15) “Watch Your Back” (2015) AnnaLynne McCord. (3:50) › “Blended” (2014) Adam Sandler. ’ Å 55 MC1 (10:45) Lucy (:20) ››› “Edge of Tomorrow” ’ (:20) ›› “The Song” (2014) ’ Å 56 MC2 (11:15) › “Blended” ’ (:15) Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell ››› “The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet” ’ (:40) “Halo: Nightfall” (2014) Mike Colter. ’ Å (:25) Lucy 57 MC3 (11:50) “All Things Must Pass” (2015) ›› “Jupiter Ascending” (2015) Channing Tatum. The Latin Explosion (:40) “Everything Is Copy” (2015) ’ (:15) ›› “Truman” ’ 58 HBO (11:55) “Everything Is Copy” (2015) ’ Real Time, Bill Friends ’ Castle “Den of Thieves” Castle “Food to Die For” 59 WSBK “Dogtown and Z-Boys” ›› “Krull” (1983, Fantasy) Ken Marshall, Lysette Anthony. The Middle The Middle ››› “Matchstick Men” (2003) Å 60 KTLA Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Traveler › “Showtime” (2002, Comedy) Robert De Niro. WGN Evening News (N) Monopoly Hawks 61 WGN (11:00) ››› “Matchstick Men” (2003, Comedy) TVA West TVA West. 88 TVA TVA West TVA West. Suisse Vivement dimanche! (SC) Tout-monde Chemins Journal Partir autrement 89 TV5 (11:00) Thalassa (SC) TJ La facture Enquête (N) (SC) RDI, direct Mississippi 90 RDI RDI, direct RDI, direct RDI, direct RDI, direct RDI, direct Journal Saskatchewan Legislature 108 SASK Saskatchewan Legislature P.M. In Committee Tête à tête 109 CPAC World Showcase Å Battle of the Books Final Showdown by Gisele Perrault for Moose Jaw Express The attle of the oo s grand finale too place at the Mae Wilson theatre. Two teams from each of oly Trinity School Division’s Moose Jaw elementary schools competed for the top spot. The competition began in September, when students were given a list of boo s to read. They made up uestions about the stories, and these were compiled into a series of multiple choice selections. Kahoots were made with these. This is a series of fast paced online trivia that teams must answer correctly and accurately to gain points. Each school had teams compete for the honor of representing them at the final. ollowing greetings from eri all, Director of Education, and ew oung, on behalf of the hamber of ommerce, students in grades 6- too to the stage first and had to answer 55 uestions. ans rivaled those of any sporting event, as the decibel levels of the cheering rose with each answer. Teams were well prepared and the lead changed several times. The M was Kyle ichtenwald, from St. gnes School. e was a vision in a 70s style mullet wig, heavy s uare glasses and ashy red tie. In the end, cole St. Margaret’s team, 1000 pages, was the winner. Team members won boo s. ll participants also received tic ets to a Moose Jaw Warriors game, and several Indigo gift cards were presented. The audience was invited to participate in a Kahoot during the intermission while the teams received their awards and the younger students got ready to compete. rade 3-5 teams and their fans were creatively costumed to demonstrate their names. They answered 40 uestions that were based on the boo s they read. Again, the lead passed from one team to the next, with fans on the edges of their seats. St. Margaret’s team, The Jedi Knights were the final victors. gain, boo s, tic ets and gift cards were awarded. This program will continue next year, with all three Holy Trinity communities participating. rade - students made up five teams, one from each school. rade 3- students who made the finals received books as prizes. St. Barnabas Traditional Anglican Parish Good Friday Service at 10AM Easter Sunday Service at 10AM Worshipping at Parkview Chapel 474 Hochelaga St. West – Moose Jaw Coffee & fellowship after the service. For more information contact: Rev. Glenn Galenkamp, Rector 306-691-2715 or Larry & Dianne Hellings 306-693-6701 All Are Welcome! MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 • PAGE A23 SUNDAY EVENING 6:00 Phone: 306.694.1322 Fax: 888.241.5291 32 Manitoba St. West, Moose Jaw SK S6H 1P7 Publisher: Robert Ritchie - rob m Editor: Joan Ritchie - editor m Sales: John ibson - sales m ob alvert - sales m Wanda allborg - m express7 sas Than you to all the contributing writers, without your time and support, the paper would not look the same. Send your stories, events and pictures to editor m Ron Walter Joan Ritchie Joyce Walter Scott ellings Wanda Smith Janet Kilgannon Dale bushy ush ic reengrass lthough I am not motivated to be particularly politically inclined, in the past few months, I have been eenly interested in the political ‘circus’ going on down south. Everyday there’s some new verbal tra ectory s y-roc eting to blow the Joan Ritchie whole debate off point. It EDITOR reminds me of schoolboy antics Mine is bigger than yours ou started it ou’d better watch it or I’m gonna punch you y sure account, there are some loose-lipped instigators in the circle that have amed the fire and spouted off at the mouth then others have fanned the ame in response. It loo ed li e the odds against Trump were multiplying in opposition but he held on and continues to bring a whole new ballgame to the arena. oo s li e both teams Democrats and Republicans need a good nap to refresh for the next round of debates. I did notice the other day that Trump is sporting a new doo and I thin he may be parting a new course Rubio shran in the wave of discourse li e a sponge out of lorida waters and has called it uits. If Trump wins the Republican candidacy, I thin we will see the north side of illary as she heads south because he will uncover every gnarly detail in her perceived untruthful ways. My next thoughts run to our Prime Minister who’s been hob-nobbing with the bureaucracy south of the border, wined and dined and playing his cutesy card. Honestly… What fanfare What frivolity What a fa e smile When I see Justin on the idiot box . h, excuse me, now that makes sense.... Wannabe movie star Justin should be more concerned about heralding the country into a better state of affairs. ll I see is a grin on his face and chagrin on mine for him blowing this country’s cash faster than ushing a toilet Me thin s he is going to be in for a rude awa ening when he raises the anti to the tune of around 30 billion my pro ection and nothing has been done to improve the state of affairs for anadians but rather, our country will be in deep doodoo. By the time my rant is out, we will all know how much in the hole the country will be after his budget was announced. I sure hope his nannies don’t need a raise yet because some of us in this country haven’t even got over the fact that we are paying for his babysitters. nd pretty little Sophie, she continues to wal towards the light .the light of every blin ing camera Well, here we are in Sas atchewan, head-on into our own political campaigns. My hope was that there wouldn’t be much mud- inging but unfortunately signs are ying. There are vandals out willfully targeting Sas Party candidate campaign signs to damage, steal and destroy them. Why can’t we all play fair, hopefully like adults should ur hope is that all political candidates will lay their respectable platforms on the table with integrity and dignity and may the best candidate win Exercise your right to vote It is our privilege and duty to ma e our voices heard The contents of this publication are the property of the Moose Jaw Express. Reproduction of any of the contents of this publication, including, but without limiting the generality of the following: photographs, artwork and graphic designs, is strictly prohibited. There shall be no reproduction without the express written consent of the publisher. ll ads in the Moose Jaw Express are published in good faith without verification. The Moose Jaw Express reserves the right to refuse, classify, revise or censor any ads for any reason in its sole discretion. This paper may include inaccuracies or errors. The Moose Jaw alue Express does not under any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any ads or messages in any of the publications editions. The Moose Jaw Express specifically disclaims all and any liability to advertisers and readers of any ind for loss or damage of any nature what-so-ever and however arising, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause. ll users are advised to chec ad and message details carefully before entering into any agreement of any ind and before disclosing personal information. If in doubt, please ta e legal advice. 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 March 27 11:00 11:30 Masterpiece Mystery! ’ Masterpiece Classic ’ 2 WTVS Secrets of Selfridges ’ Masterpiece Mystery! (N) Masterpiece Classic Jimmy Dillon arrives. (N) Å Découverte (N) (SC) Laflaque Tout le monde en parle (N) (SC) TJ Infoman Cinéma 3 CBKFT TJ Focus Sask Madam Secretary (N) ’ The Good Wife (N) Å Big Brother Canada (N) News Final Block Elementary (N) ’ Å 5 CFRE News Indigenous Once Upon a Time (N) MasterChef Canada (N) Quantico “Turn” (N) ’ The Family “I Win” (N) News CTV News 6 CKCK News Weekend EarthWatch Weekend EarthWatch Two 7 WEATH (5:00) Weekend EarthWatch One Sports Final Inside Edit. Paid Prog. News Paid Prog. 8 WDIV Little Big Shots (N) Å Carmichael Crowded Hollywood Game Night News Anything But Average ’ Hello Mr. D ’ Winnipeg Comedy The National (N) Å the fifth estate ’ Å 9 CBKT “Walking-Dino.” Elementary (N) ’ Å Blue Bloods ’ Å Person of Interest Å The Good Wife ’ Å 11 WWJ Madam Secretary (N) ’ The Good Wife (N) Å Quantico “Turn” (N) ’ 7 Action News Bensinger Castle “Food to Die For” Paid Prog. 12 WXYZ Once Upon a Time (N) The Family “I Win” (N) Vice Liquidator Liquidator The Neighbours Dog ’ 13 CTYS Sunnyside Sunnyside Little Big Shots (N) Å Broke Girl Broke Girl Vice ›› “Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs” (2009) ’ Ice Age Game On Max Max Haunting Haunting 14 YTV “Ice Age: Melt” Bucket-Dino Dinopaws Caillou ’ Bubble Team Umiz. Charmers 15 TREE Bucket-Dino Cat in the Big Friend Charmers Max & Ruby Toopy The National (N) Å “3 1/2 Minutes, Ten Bullets” (2015) Å The National (N) Å “3 1/2 Minutes” 16 NW In Defense of Food ’ National News National News National News National 17 NNET CTV News CTV News CTV News CTV News News Shark Cage Poker Å Highlights of the Night Highlights of the Night Highlights of the Night The Final Score 18 SCORE Misplays Plays That’s Hcky SC Top 10 SportsCentre (N) Å SportsCentre (N) Å 19 TSN SportsCent. Hockey Final from Jan. 31, 2015. Å Sportsnet Central (N) NHL’s Best Misplays Sportsnet Central (N) 20 NET NHL Hockey Chicago Blackhawks at Vancouver Canucks. (Live) Å Timber Timber Timber Timber Timber Kings ’ Å Timber Timber Timber Timber 21 HGTV Timber Kings ’ Å Youseff Meyer Joel Osteen Prince Miracle Popoff Jewish In Touch ’ J. Van Impe Tomorrow’s 22 VISION Jeremiah Facts Arrow “Unchained” ’ Movie ’ The Voice ’ Å 23 M3 Arrow “A.W.O.L.” Å Much Hip Hop Å Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Moonbeam Moonbeam Triptank Triptank 24 MM Much Alternative Å Big Bang Big Bang Hollywood Game Night ›› “Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit” (1993) ’ History of Science Å 25 EDACC Operation Smile Å Love-List-Vancouver Property Brothers ››› “Hairspray” (2007) John Travolta. 26 W (5:30) ›› “The Dilemma” (2011) Vince Vaughn. Après Ski ’ Å Recipe for Deception ’ Tour Group ’ Å 27 SLICE Ex-Wives Ex-Wives Recipe for Deception (N) Tour Group (N) ’ Å Movie ’ Movie ’ Movie ’ 28 BRAVO Criminal Minds ’ (:45) ››› “X2: X-Men United” (2003) Patrick Stewart. Å ›› “Punchline” (1988) Sally Field. Å 29 ENC AV2 (5:05) ››› “Empire of the Sun” (:01) Intervention (N) ’ (:02) 60 Days In Å (:01) Hoarders ’ Å Intervention 30 A&E Hoarders “Maggie; Ann” Intervention News Attkisson Community Paid Prog. Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl 31 WUHF (5:00) Grease: Live ’ Å Race for CNN Special Program CNN Special Program Race for CNN Special Program 32 CNN CNN Special Program ››› “Coal Miner’s Daughter” (1980) ’ Å 33 CMT “Coal Miner’s Daughter” Ice Racer Showdown ’ “The Virginian” (2013) Trace Adkins. ’ Å (DVS) Bar Rescue (N) ’ Life or Debt (N) ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Life or Debt ’ 34 SPIKE Bar Rescue ’ Long Island Medium (N) Long Lost Family (N) ’ Long Island Medium ’ Long Lost Family Å Jill & Jessa: Recount 35 TLC Jill & Jessa: Recount Naked and Afraid (N) Dual Survival (N) Å MythBusters ’ Å Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Å 36 DISC Naked and Afraid Lost Girl Å (DVS) ›› “Man of Steel” (2013) Henry Cavill. ’ Å 37 SHOW ››› “Pacific Rim” (2013) Charlie Hunnam, Diego Klattenhoff. ’ Å Camp Gadget Gadget Looped Looped Goosebump Goosebump Hercules Spider-Man 38 TOON Johnny T Johnny T Camp Lost ››› “Peter Pan” (2003) Jason Isaacs. Å The Xtra Factor (N) ’ ››› “Serenity” (2005) Nathan Fillion. Å 39 FAM Lost The Closer Å The Closer “Batter Up” There Yet? 40 PCH Mod Fam Mod Fam ›› “Think Like a Man” (2012) Michael Ealy, Jerry Ferrara. LOL :-) LOL :-) Big Bang Big Bang Just for Laughs Laughs: All Access 41 COM Big Bang Big Bang Just for Laughs ›››› “Going My Way” (1944) Bing Crosby. Å (:15) ››› “The King of Kings” (1927, Drama) 42 TCM ››› “Easter Parade” (1948) Judy Garland. Worst Cooks in America Cutthroat Kitchen Å 43 FOOD All-Star Academy “Math” Worst Cooks in America Cutthroat Kitchen (N) ’ Chopped Canada Å The Liqui Storage Liquidator Liquidator Mantracker Haunted Collector Å Ghost Hunters ’ Å 44 OUT Mantracker Nostradamus: 21st Century Prophecies Revealed The Seven New Signs of the Apocalypse (N) Å Billion Dollar Wreck (N) 45 HIST Search for the Truth Movie ’ (:15) Movie ’ 46 SPACE (5:05) Movie ’ The Walking Dead (N) (:02) Talking Dead (N) Fear the Walking Dead Comic Men (:33) The Walking Dead Walk:Dead 47 AMC The Walking Dead Å Motorcycle Racing Pass Time Pass Time Westminster Dog Show 48 FSR Westminster Dog Show Westminster Dog Show Westminster Survivor ’ 49 DTOUR Survivor ’ Survivor The contestants try to make the top six. ’ Survivor A sudden injury. Survivor The finalists compete for the prize. Å Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping 50 SHOP Home Shopping Reign “Mercy” ’ Å Degrassi ’ 1 girl The L.A. Complex Å MTV Suspect Å Teen Mom 2 Å 54 MTV Reign “Acts of War” ’ The Circus Nurse Jack Shameless (N) ’ Å Billions “Quality of Life” “Young T.S. Spivet” 55 MC1 (5:50) ›› “Jupiter Ascending” (2015) ’ “Big Muddy” (2015) Nadia Litz. ’ Å (DVS) 56 MC2 The Song (:20) ›› “The Pretty One” (2013) ’ › “Blended” (2014) Adam Sandler. ’ Å ››› “Edge of Tomorrow” (2014) Tom Cruise. ’ ›› “The Purge: Anarchy” (2014) ’ (:45) “Bark Ranger” (2015) ’ 57 MC3 (5:25) ››› “Lucy” ’ (:35) “Chameleon” (2015) ’ (DVS) Vinyl “The King and I” Girls (N) ’ Together Animals ’ Animals ’ 58 HBO (5:15) ›› “Truman” (1995) ’ Blue Bloods ’ Å WBZ News (N) ’ Å Big Bang Big Bang Broke Girl Broke Girl Two Men Two Men 59 WSBK Blue Bloods ’ Å Elementary ’ Å 5 News Sunday KTLA 5 News at 10 (N) 60 KTLA (4:30) “Matchstick Men” KTLA News KTLA News Person of Interest Å News/Nine Replay Chicago Friends ’ Raymond Raymond The Middle 61 WGN NHL Hockey Chicago Blackhawks at Vancouver Canucks. (N) TVA West TVA West. 88 TVA (4:00) TVA West TVA West. À la lumière Rires du monde (SC) TV5 Jrnl Maghreb 300 millions de critiques On passe à l’histoire 89 TV5 “Des vents contraires” (2011) (SC) Les coulisses du pouvoir Regard TJ L’épicerie TJ La facture TJ Monde 90 RDI Les grands reportages TJ Saskatchewan Legislature 108 SASK (4:00) Saskatchewan Legislature Outburst In Committee In Committee 109 CPAC P.M. MONDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 March 28 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 The Roosevelts: An Intimate History Å (DVS) T. Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Å Antiques 2 WTVS Antiques Roadshow (N) Independent Lens Å Économie 30 vies (N) Les Parent L’auberge du chien noir Les pays d’en haut (N) Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) TJ Sask Marina 3 CBKFT TJ Sask ET Canada Supergirl “Worlds Finest” Limitless ’ Å NCIS: Los Angeles (N) News Hour Final (N) Late Show-Colbert 5 CFRE News Gotham (N) ’ Å (:01) Lucifer (N) ’ Å Blindspot (N) ’ Å Big Bang etalk (N) ’ News-Lisa CTV News 6 CKCK CTV News Regina (N) EarthWatch One EarthWatch Two 7 WEATH (5:00) EarthWatch One Blindspot (N) ’ Å News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers News 8 WDIV The Voice “The Knockouts Premiere” (N) ’ Å Exchange market Coronation And Then There Were None (N) Å The National (N) Å Exchange Coronation 9 CBKT News (7:59) NCIS: Los Angeles Two Men Late Show-Colbert James Corden Comics 11 WWJ Supergirl “Worlds Finest” Scorpion (N) ’ Å (:01) Castle (N) ’ Å News (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline ThisMinute Dr Oz 12 WXYZ Dancing With the Stars (N) ’ (Live) Å Barrett Scorpion (N) ’ Å Broke Girl Two Men The Beat The Beat Edge of War Å 13 CTYS Mod Fam Mod Fam O’Neals Assembly Max Gags Gags Gags Gags Haunting Haunting 14 YTV SpongeBob SpongeBob Assembly Nicky Bucket-Dino Dinopaws Caillou ’ Bubble Team Umiz. Charmers 15 TREE Bucket-Dino Cat in the Big Friend Charmers Max & Ruby Toopy 4 x 2” ad The National (N) Å CBC News The National (N) Å The National (N) Å CBC News 16 NW CBC News CTV News Channel ’ News-Lisa National News-Lisa National News-Lisa National News-Lisa National 17 NNET Power Play ’ Å M18ARCH 17 - 30, 2016 VALUE EXPRESS ~ MOOSE JHighlights AW, SK of the Night PAGE 17 WWE Monday Night RAW (N) ’ (Live) Å WWE Monday Night RAW ’ Å SCORE SportsCentre (N) Å Women’s Hockey United States vs. Canada. (N) (Live) Å SportsCentre (N) Å 19 TSN Open Gym Open Gym Cabbie NHL Hockey Anaheim Ducks at Edmonton Oilers. (Live) Å Sportsnet Hockey Sportsnet Sportsnet Central (N) 20 NET NHL Count Oilers Bryan House Income Ellen’s Design Challenge Bryan Bryan 21 HGTV Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Ellen’s Design Challenge Bryan To Be Announced Conversations Apocalypse I Prophesy Movie ’ 22 VISION Columbo Å The Mentalist ’ Å Cleveland Mike Grimm ’ Å MasterChef Canada ’ 23 M3 MasterChef Canada ’ 90sat9 ’ Å Simpsons Cleveland Amer. Dad Benders (N) South Park Tosh.0 At Midnight Conan (N) Å Cleveland 24 MM Much Hip Hop Å Alberta Primetime Å 25 EDACC Alberta Primetime (N) ’ Big Bang etalk (N) ’ Castle “Heartbreaker” ’ The Voice “The Knockouts Premiere” (N) ’ Å Property Brothers Love It or List It Property Brothers Property Brothers Love-List-Vancouver 26 W Love-List-Vancouver Million Dollar LA Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing San Million Dollar LA Million Dollar Listing 27 SLICE Housewives Project Runway (N) ’ Project Runway (N) ’ Motive ’ Å (DVS) Criminal Minds ’ Project Runway Å 28 BRAVO Blue Bloods ’ Å (:10) ›› “X-Men: The Last Stand” (2006) Å ››› “Bad Boys” (1995) Martin Lawrence. Å 29 ENC AV2 (:10) ››› “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” (2005) Å Bates Motel (N) Å (:01) Damien (N) Å (:02) Damien ’ Å (:01) The First 48 Å (:01) Bates Motel Å 30 A&E The First 48 ’ Å (:01) Lucifer (N) ’ Å 13WHAM News at 10 Crazy Talk Broke Girl Paid Prog. Broke Girl Anger Paid Prog. 31 WUHF Gotham (N) ’ Å CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Why They Hate Us CNN Newsroom Live (N) 32 CNN Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Why They Hate Us (N) Videos Funniest Home Videos Wheels-Fail Wheels-Fail Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos 33 CMT FamFeud FamFeud Videos Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Vegas Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å 34 SPIKE Cops Å 35 TLC 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence To Be Announced How/Made How/Made To Be Announced To Be Announced 36 DISC How/Made How/Made To Be Announced Childhood’s End ’ Å Childhood’s End ’ Å 37 SHOW Childhood’s End ’ Å Wabbit Scooby Jerry Camp Spies! Goosebump Pinky Teen Titans Batman 38 TOON Johnny T Johnny T Wabbit Life Life The X Factor UK “Live Show 4” (N) ’ (:25) ››› “The Princess Bride” ’ “Dr. Seuss-Cat” 39 FAM (5:20) ›› “Penelope” Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Family Guy Amer. Dad Family Guy Amer. Dad The Middle Payne 40 PCH ›› “Tyler Perry’s the Family That Preys” (2008) Corner Gas JFL Gags Gags Simpsons Just for Laughs Big Bang Full Frontal 41 COM Big Bang Big Bang Match (:45) ››› “F for Fake” (1973) Orson Welles. Å ››› “Scarlet Street” (1945) Edward G. Robinson. Light Touch 42 TCM ››› “The Art of Love” (1965) Food Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Chef in Your Ear Å 43 FOOD My. Diners My. Diners Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Chef in Your Ear (N) ’ Food Storage Storage Storage Fail Army Fail Army Storage Storage Storage Storage 44 OUT Fail Army Fail Army Storage The Curse of Oak Island American Restoration ’ Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars 45 HIST M*A*S*H ’ M*A*S*H ’ Natural Born Outlaws ’ Ax Men ’ Å Category 8 ’ Å InnerSPACE Psychic Person of Interest Å Category 8 ’ Å 46 SPACE Castle ’ Å Better Call Saul (N) (:04) Better Call Saul (:08) ››› “The Rock” (1996) Sean Connery. Å 47 AMC (3:57) “The Rock” (1996) (6:56) Better Call Saul NHRA NASCAR NASCAR Race Hub Pass Time Pass Time IMSA Racing 48 FSR IMSA Racing Security Security Security Border Border My.- Monument Security Security Border Border 49 DTOUR Security Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping 50 SHOP Home Shopping 1 girl 1 girl Teen Mom 2 Å Teen Mom 2 Å 54 MTV Degrassi ’ Degrassi ’ Degrassi ’ Degrassi ’ Teen Mom 2 (N) Å 60 Minutes Sports (N) ’ ›› “Life” (2015) Robert Pattinson. Premiere. ’ Billions “Quality of Life” 55 MC1 › “Annie” (2014) Jamie Foxx, Rose Byrne. ’ Å ›› “The Grand Seduction” (2013) ’ Å (DVS) ›› “Magic Mike XXL” (2015) Channing Tatum. ’ 56 MC2 Big Eyes “Forget and Forgive” (2014) ’ “Debug” (2014) Jeananne Goossen. “Outcast” (2014) Nicolas Cage. ’ (:45) ›› “The Grand Seduction” ’ 57 MC3 (5:15) ›› “Need for Speed” (2014) Mel Brooks Live Vinyl “The King and I” Girls Å Together 58 HBO (5:25) “The Changeling” (:15) “After the Ball” (2015) Portia Doubleday. ’ Law & Order: SVU WBZ News (N) ’ Å Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ How I Met How I Met King King 59 WSBK Law & Order: SVU KTLA 5 News at 10 (N) 60 KTLA Crime Watch Daily (N) ’ News at 6 KTLA News Two Men Two Men Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (N) Jane the Virgin (N) Å WGN News at Nine (N) WGN News Friends ’ Friends ’ Raymond Raymond The Middle 61 WGN Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (N) Jane the Virgin (N) Å TVA West TVA West. 88 TVA (4:00) TVA West TVA West. Chemins (:10) La vie devant elles Au coeur Instinct 89 TV5 Secrets d’histoire Louis XVI, un monarque réservé. Femmes de dictateurs TV5 Jrnl Les grands reportages Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) 90 RDI Les grands reportages Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) Économie Le National 24/60 (SC) Saskatchewan Legislature 108 SASK (4:00) Saskatchewan Legislature PrimeTime Politics Å Revue Question Period Å Scrums Politics PrimeTime Politics Å 109 CPAC Politics PAGE A24 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 TUESDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 March 29 11:00 11:30 Secrets of the Dead (N) Frontline (N) ’ Å Independent Lens “An Honest Liar” T. Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Å 2 WTVS Al Capone: Icon Å Économie 30 vies (N) La facture Unité 9 (N) (DVS) (SC) Mémoires vives (N) Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) TJ Sask Marina 3 CBKFT TJ Sask ET Canada NCIS ’ Å (DVS) NCIS: New Orleans ’ Chicago Fire (N) ’ News Hour Final (N) Chicago Med “Guilty” (N) 5 CFRE News The Flash (N) ’ Å Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Motive (N) Å (DVS) Big Bang etalk (N) ’ News-Lisa CTV News 6 CKCK CTV News Regina (N) EarthWatch One EarthWatch Two 7 WEATH (5:00) EarthWatch One Chicago Med “Guilty” (N) Chicago Fire (N) ’ News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers News 8 WDIV The Voice (N) ’ Å Exchange Gags Coronation Rick Mercer 22 Minutes Creek Mr. D (N) The National (N) Å Exchange Coronation 9 CBKT News NCIS: New Orleans ’ Limitless ’ Å Two Men Late Show-Colbert James Corden Comics 11 WWJ NCIS ’ Å (DVS) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Of Kings and Prophets News (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline ThisMinute Dr Oz 12 WXYZ Fresh-Boat O’Neals Brooklyn The Grinder Broke Girl Two Men P- Diner P- Diner Liquidator Liquidator 13 CTYS Mod Fam Mod Fam New Girl (N) Grand Game Assembly Just Kid Just Kid Gags Gags Haunting Haunting 14 YTV SpongeBob SpongeBob Assembly Nicky Bucket-Dino Dinopaws Caillou ’ Bubble Team Umiz. Charmers 15 TREE Bucket-Dino Cat in the Big Friend Charmers Max & Ruby Toopy The National (N) Å CBC News The National (N) Å The National (N) Å CBC News 16 NW CBC News CTV News Channel ’ News-Lisa National News-Lisa National News-Lisa National News-Lisa National 17 NNET Power Play ’ Å Plays Highlights of the Night Highlights of the Night Highlights of the Night The Final Score Å 18 SCORE (5:00) ROS Placeholder Å SC (N) Recap SportsCent. Women’s Hockey Canada vs. Russia. (N) (Live) Å SportsCentre (N) Å 19 TSN Women’s Hockey Sportsnet Sportsnet NBA Basketball Washington Wizards at Golden State Warriors. Sportsnet Central (N) 20 NET NHL Hockey: Bruins at Devils Tiny House Tiny House House Income Hunters Int’l Hunters Tiny House Tiny House 21 HGTV Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Movie ’ Apocalypse I Prophesy Movie ’ 22 VISION Columbo Å 90sat9 ’ Å The Mentalist ’ Å Cleveland Mike Gotham ’ Å Ways To Kill 23 M3 Ways To Kill Simpsons Cleveland Tosh.0 Not Safe South Park Tosh.0 At Midnight Conan (N) Å Cleveland 24 MM Much Alternative Å etalk (N) ’ Big Bang Mike The Voice (N) ’ Å Criminal Minds ’ Alberta Primetime Å 25 EDACC Alberta Primetime (N) ’ Anger Property Brothers Love It or List It (DVS) Masters of Flip (DVS) Masters of Flip (DVS) Buying Buying 26 W Property Brothers Real Housewives/Beverly Vanderpump Rules (N) Après Ski ’ Å Real Housewives/Beverly Vanderpump Rules ’ 27 SLICE Housewives Movie ’ Motive ’ Å (DVS) Criminal Minds ’ Movie ’ 28 BRAVO Blue Bloods ’ Å (:37) ››› “Ice Twisters” (2009) (:10) ›› “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” (2009) Å ›› “Wild Things” (1998) Kevin Bacon. Å 29 ENC AV2 Sweet Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage 30 A&E Storage Brooklyn The Grinder 13WHAM News at 10 Crazy Talk Broke Girl Paid Prog. Broke Girl Anger Paid Prog. 31 WUHF New Girl (N) Grand Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Special Report CNN Newsroom Live (N) 32 CNN Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN Tonight Bggg Bttls Shipping Shipping Shipping 33 CMT FamFeud FamFeud Bggg Bttls Bggg Bttls “Lead With Your Heart” (2015) Billy Baldwin. ’ Ink Master ’ Å Ink Master (N) ’ Å Ink Master Ink Master Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo 34 SPIKE Ink Master ’ Å The Little Couple Å (:01) The Willis Family (N) (:02) The Little Couple ’ (:02) The Willis Family ’ (:02) The Little Couple ’ 35 TLC The Little Couple Å How/Made How/Made Deadliest Catch The captains open up. ’ Å 36 DISC Cold Water Cowboys (N) Deadliest Catch The captains open up. (N) ’ Å Childhood’s End ’ Å Childhood’s End ’ Å 37 SHOW Childhood’s End (N) ’ Å Rocket Scooby Jerry Camp Spies! Goosebump Pinky Teen Titans Batman 38 TOON Johnny T Johnny T Rocket The X Factor UK (N) ’ Prince Malcolm Degrassi Guidance Arts Cheerlead 39 FAM “Agent Cody Banks” ’ Backstage Lost Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Family Guy Amer. Dad Family Guy Amer. Dad The Middle Payne 40 PCH ›› “Now You See Me” (2013) Jesse Eisenberg. Corner Gas JFL Gags Gags Simpsons Just for Laughs Big Bang Angie 41 COM Full Frontal Big Bang Match ››› “Ulee’s Gold” (1997, Drama) Peter Fonda. ››› “Easy Rider” (1969) Å Wanda 42 TCM ››› “Lilith” (1964, Drama) Warren Beatty. Å Chopped (N) ’ Å Chopped Junior Å Chopped ’ Å Chopped ’ Å 43 FOOD Chopped Junior (N) ’ Chopped Canada Å Storage Storage Fail Army Fail Army Wild Things Storage Storage 44 OUT Fail Army Fail Army Wild Things Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars American Pickers Å American Pickers Å 45 HIST M*A*S*H ’ M*A*S*H ’ Restoration Garage ’ American Pickers Å Bitten ’ Å (DVS) Killjoys ’ Å (DVS) InnerSPACE Psychic Person of Interest Å Bitten ’ Å (DVS) 46 SPACE Castle ’ Å ›› “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” (2003, Fantasy) King Kong 47 AMC ›› “King Kong” (1976, Adventure) Jeff Bridges, Jessica Lange. Monster Jam Å Monster Jam Å NASCAR Race Hub Pass Time Pass Time Monster Jam Å 48 FSR Monster Jam Å Security Mysteries at the Castle My.- Monument Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Castle Mysteries at the Museum 49 DTOUR Security Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping 50 SHOP Home Shopping 1 girl Awkward. Faking It The Challenge: Battle 54 MTV Degrassi ’ Degrassi ’ Degrassi ’ Degrassi ’ Awkward. Faking It 1 girl ›› “San Andreas” (2015) Dwayne Johnson. ’ (10:55) “Brick Mansions” 55 MC1 (4:55) “Lone Survivor” ›› “Pitch Perfect 2” (2015) Anna Kendrick. ’ › “Endless Love” (2014) Alex Pettyfer. ’ Å (9:50) “Teen Lust” (2014) (:15) “Cas & Dylan” ’ 56 MC2 (5:55) ››› “August: Osage County” (2013) ’ (:35) “Teen Lust” (2014) Cary Elwes. Shameless ’ Å Billions “Quality of Life” Lies The Circus 57 MC3 ›› “Brick Mansions” (2014) ’ (:20) ›› “Too Big to Fail” (2011) ’ Vinyl “The King and I” Boardwalk Empire Å Boardwalk Empire Å 58 HBO Ellie Kemper: Unbreakable The Walking Dead Å WBZ News (N) ’ Å Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ How I Met How I Met King King 59 WSBK The Walking Dead Å iZombie (N) ’ Å KTLA 5 News at 10 (N) 60 KTLA Crime Watch Daily (N) ’ News at 6 KTLA News Two Men Two Men The Flash (N) ’ Å iZombie (N) ’ Å WGN News at Nine (N) WGN News Friends ’ Friends ’ Raymond Raymond The Middle 61 WGN The Flash (N) ’ Å TVA West TVA West. 88 TVA (4:00) TVA West TVA West. Rires du monde (SC) Les routes de TV5 Jrnl (:40) “Comme chez soi” (2011) (SC) Empreintes Cobayes 89 TV5 Piégés dans Les grands reportages Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) 90 RDI Les grands reportages Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) Économie Le National 24/60 (SC) Saskatchewan Legislature 108 SASK (4:00) Saskatchewan Legislature PrimeTime Politics Å Revue Question Period Å Scrums Politics PrimeTime Politics Å 109 CPAC Politics WEDNESDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 March 30 11:00 11:30 NOVA ’ Å (DVS) TED Talks Å (DVS) SciTech Weapons T. Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Å Nature ’ 2 WTVS Nature (N) ’ Å Économie 30 vies (N) L’épicerie Les enfants de la télé Ruptures (N) (SC) Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) TJ Sask Marina 3 CBKFT TJ Sask ET Canada Survivor (N) ’ Å Big Brother Canada (N) Chicago P.D. ’ Å News Hour Final (N) Late Show-Colbert 5 CFRE News Arrow (N) ’ Å Criminal Minds Criminal Minds “Tribute” Big Bang etalk (N) ’ News-Lisa CTV News 6 CKCK CTV News Regina (N) EarthWatch One EarthWatch Two 7 WEATH (5:00) EarthWatch One Law & Order: SVU Chicago P.D. ’ Å News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers News 8 WDIV Heartbeat (N) ’ Å Exchange Gags Coronation Dragons’ Den (N) ’ Figure Skating ISU World Championships. ’ Å The National (N) Å 9 CBKT News Criminal Minds “Tribute” Criminal Minds Two Men Late Show-Colbert James Corden Comics 11 WWJ Survivor (N) ’ Å News (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline ThisMinute Dr Oz 12 WXYZ The Middle Goldbergs Mod Fam blackish ’ Nashville (N) ’ Å Mod Fam blackish ’ Broke Girl Two Men Nordic L Nordic L Invisible Threat Å 13 CTYS Mod Fam Mod Fam The Middle Mike Henry Stanley Just Kid Just Kid Gags Gags Haunting Haunting 14 YTV SpongeBob SpongeBob Assembly Nicky Bucket-Dino Dinopaws Caillou ’ Bubble Team Umiz. Charmers 15 TREE Bucket-Dino Cat in the Big Friend Charmers Max & Ruby Toopy The National (N) Å CBC News The National (N) Å The National (N) Å CBC News 16 NW CBC News 4 x 2” ad CTV News Channel ’ News-Lisa National News-Lisa National News-Lisa National News-Lisa National 17 NNET Power Play ’ Å Misplays Highlights of the Night Highlights of the Night Highlights of the Night The Final Score Å 18 SCORE (5:00) ROS Placeholder Å M19ARCHTSN 17 - 30, 2016 ALUE E ~ MOOSE J(N) AWÅ , SK That’s Hcky SportsCentre (N) Å PAGE 19 (5:30) NBA Basketball Atlanta Hawks at TorontoVRaptors. (N)XPRESS SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) Å NHL Hockey Calgary Flames at Anaheim Ducks. (Live) Å Sportsnet Sportsnet Central (N) 20 NET NHL Hockey Ottawa Senators at Winnipeg Jets. Caribbean Beach House Income Hawaii Life TBA Caribbean Beach 21 HGTV Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hawaii Life TBA The Crimson Field Å Downton Abbey Å Apocalypse I Prophesy Movie ’ 22 VISION Columbo Å 90sat9 ’ Å The Mentalist ’ Å Cleveland Mike The Flash ’ Å Funny Girls ’ Å 23 M3 Funny Girls ’ Å Simpsons Cleveland Broad City Gigi Does It South Park Tosh.0 At Midnight Conan (N) Å Cleveland 24 MM Much Hip Hop Å etalk (N) ’ Big Bang Mike The Mysteries of Laura Law & Order: SVU Alberta Primetime Å 25 EDACC Alberta Primetime (N) ’ Anger Property Brothers Love It or List It Love-List-Vancouver Hockey Wives Hockey Wives (N) 26 W Masters of Flip (DVS) Newlyweds Untying the Knot (N) ’ Arranged ’ Å Newlyweds 27 SLICE Big Brother Canada ’ Arranged ’ Å Saving Hope ’ Suits (N) ’ Å Motive ’ Å (DVS) Criminal Minds ’ Saving Hope ’ 28 BRAVO Blue Bloods ’ Å ››› “Spider-Man” (2002) Tobey Maguire. Å 29 ENC AV2 (5:40) ›› “Edge of Darkness” (2010) (:40) ›› “The Producers” (2005) Nathan Lane. Å Wahlburgr Wahlburgr Donnie Donnie Wahlburgr Wahlburgr (:01) Wahlburgers Å Wahlburgr Wahlburgr 30 A&E Wahlburgers ’ Å Empire (N) ’ Å 13WHAM News at 10 Crazy Talk Broke Girl Paid Prog. Broke Girl Anger Paid Prog. 31 WUHF Rosewood (N) ’ Anderson Cooper 360 Anthony Bourdain Parts CNN Newsroom Live (N) 32 CNN Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anthony Bourdain Parts CNN Tonight Shannon Tessa- Sc. Yukon Yukon I Love Kel Chrisley Wife Swap ’ Å 33 CMT FamFeud FamFeud I Love Kel Chrisley Bar Rescue Bar Rescue ››› “The Incredible Hulk” (2008, Action) Edward Norton, Liv Tyler. ’ 34 SPIKE Bar Rescue My 600-Lb. Life Å (:01) Fat Chance (N) ’ (:02) My 600-Lb. Life ’ (:02) Fat Chance Å (:02) My 600-Lb. Life ’ 35 TLC My 600-Lb. Life Å Moonshiners (N) Å How/Made How/Made Deadliest Catch Å Moonshiners: Outlaw 36 DISC Deadliest Catch The captains open up. ’ Å Childhood’s End ’ Å Childhood’s End ’ Å 37 SHOW Childhood’s End (N) ’ Å Scooby Jerry Camp Spies! Goosebump Pinky Teen Titans Batman 38 TOON Johnny T Johnny T Looped (N) Looped Awesome Hank Zipzer Nowhere Life Life Prince Malcolm Rebecca LA Story ’ The X Factor UK Å 39 FAM Agent 2 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Family Guy Amer. Dad Family Guy Amer. Dad The Middle Payne 40 PCH ›› “Lions for Lambs” (2007) Robert Redford. Big Bang Match Corner Gas JFL Gags Gags Simpsons Just for Laughs Big Bang Big Bang 41 COM Angie (:15) ›› “The Sniper” (1952) Adolphe Menjou. “Pennies From Heaven” 42 TCM ››› “Pennies From Heaven” (1936) ››› “The Artist” (2011) Å Worst Cooks in America Restaurant: Impossible 43 FOOD My. Diners My. Diners Worst Cooks in America Restaurant: Impossible All-Star Academy Å Storage Storage Fail Army Fail Army Dog and Beth Storage Storage 44 OUT Fail Army Fail Army Dog and Beth American Pickers Å American Pickers Å Movie ’ 45 HIST M*A*S*H ’ M*A*S*H ’ Curse/Gold Face Off (N) ’ Supernatural (N) Å InnerSPACE Psychic Person of Interest Å Face Off ’ 46 SPACE Castle ’ Å ›› “Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life” (2003) Rocky IV 47 AMC ›› “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” (1997, Adventure) Jeff Goldblum. Å NASCAR Race Hub Pass Time Pass Time Motorcycle Racing 48 FSR Motorcycle Racing Monster Energy Supercross: Daytona. From Daytona, Fla. Security The Dead Files ’ Å Ghost Adventures Å My.- Monument The Dead Files ’ Å Ghost Adventures Å 49 DTOUR Security Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping Home Shopping 50 SHOP Home Shopping Ex on the Beach (N) Catfish: The TV Show 54 MTV Degrassi ’ Degrassi ’ Degrassi ’ Degrassi ’ Catfish: The TV Show (N) MTV Suspect (N) Å (:25) ››› “Enemy” (2013) ’ “The Games Maker” (2014) Joseph Fiennes. ’ (10:55) “Big Muddy” ’ 55 MC1 (5:25) ›› “The Song” (2014) ’ Å Shameless ’ Å Billions “Quality of Life” Lies The Circus ›› “The Song” (2014) 56 MC2 Penthouse (:25) ›› “I’ll Follow You Down” ’ (:15) “Big Muddy” (2015) Nadia Litz. ’ Å (DVS) ›› “RoboCop” (2014) Joel Kinnaman. ’ Å Kobe Bryant’s Muse ’ 57 MC3 “Alexander-Terr.” (6:55) ››› “The Life and Death of Peter Sellers” Animals ’ Animals ’ Boardwalk Empire Å (10:55) Boardwalk Empire 58 HBO Rosie O’Donnell Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ How I Met How I Met King King 59 WSBK The Closer “Time Bomb” The Closer “Good Faith” WBZ News (N) ’ Å Supernatural (N) Å KTLA 5 News at 10 (N) 60 KTLA Crime Watch Daily (N) ’ News at 6 KTLA News Two Men Two Men Arrow (N) ’ Å Supernatural (N) Å WGN News at Nine (N) WGN News Friends ’ Friends ’ Raymond Raymond The Middle 61 WGN Arrow (N) ’ Å TVA West TVA West. 88 TVA (4:00) TVA West TVA West. Karaoké, la machine Pas que des cobayes TV5 Jrnl (:40) “Des vents contraires” (2011) Raclette Partir 89 TV5 Les Français, Les grands reportages Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) 90 RDI Les grands reportages Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) Économie Le National 24/60 (SC) Saskatchewan Legislature 108 SASK (4:00) Saskatchewan Legislature PrimeTime Politics Å Revue Question Period Å Scrums Politics PrimeTime Politics Å 109 CPAC Politics From The Kitchen Pies suitable for auction bidding By Joyce Walter For Moose Jaw Express It is difficult to resist raising one’s arm when the auctioneer is asking for bids on a variety of home-baked goods, from cinnamon buns to cookies, slices and those longed-for pies fresh from someone’s oven. The table was laden with such fare at a recent dinner and fundraiser at Minto United Church and Housemate’s hand went up the highest when it came to bid on the pies. He was successful in buying a coconut cream pie and was also the highest bidder on a large sour cream raisin pie — bought for me, he said. This week’s recipes are offered for those flavours of pies. ••• Sour Cream Raisin Pie 1 cup raisins 2/3 cup sugar 3 tbsps. cornstarch 1/8 tsp. salt 1/8 tsp. ground cloves 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 cup sour cream 1/2 cup milk 3 egg yolks 1 baked 9 inch pie shell Meringue: 3 egg whites 1/4 tsp. salt 5 tbsps. sugar Cover raisins with water and boil. Remove from heat. In large saucepan mix sugar, starch and spices. Stir in sour cream and milk until smooth. Cook over medium-high heat until thickened and bubbly, stirring frequently. Reduce to low and cook and stir for 2 minutes longer. Remove from heat. Stir a small amount into the egg yolks and return to pan, stirring constantly. Bring to a gentle boil, cook and stir for 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Drain raisins, reserving 1/2 cup liquid. Gently stir into filling. Add raisins. Pour into cooked pie shell. For meringue, beat egg whites and salt on medium until soft peaks form. Beat in sugar 1 tbsp. at a time on high speed until stiff peaks form. Spread over filling and seal to the edges of crust. Bake at 350 degrees F for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Cool on a wire rack for one hour. Refrigerate 1-2 hours before serving. Refrigerate leftovers. ••• Coconut Cream Pie 1-9 inch deep dish pie crust, baked 2 1/2 cups milk 1 cup flaked, sweetened coconut 3/4 cup sugar 1/4 cup cornstarch 2 eggs 2 tsps. vanilla extract 1 cup cream, whipped Garnish: 2 tbsps. toasted flaked, sweetened coconut In a saucepan, heat milk and coconut over medium heat until steaming. Remove from stove. In a large bowl, whisk 1/2 cup sugar with the cornstarch. Whisk in eggs until blended. Gradually whisk hot milk mixture into egg mixture in thin, steady stream. Return mixture to saucepan. Cook over medium heat, whisking constantly for about 10 minutes or until thickened to pudding consistency. Transfer to a large bowl. Stir in vanilla. Place plastic wrap directly on surface. Refrigerate until cool. Whip cream with remaining sugar until soft peaks form. Set aside 1 1/2 cups of the whipped cream and sugar. Fold remaining whipped cream into the chilled, cooked filling. Spread into the cooked pie crust. Garnish top of pie filling with the whipped cream that was set aside. Sprinkle with toasted coconut. Refrigerate for at least one hour before serving. Variation: To make a pina colada pie, fold 1-2 tbsps. dark rum into the whipped cream. Fold 1/2 cup drained, crushed pineapple into the filling with the cream. Joyce Walter can be reached at or 692-7357 MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 • PAGE A25 Market Place REAL ESTATE Modernized character home Open concept living, formal dining area. Oak kitchen with lots of cabinets & counter space. Main floor laundry, bath, combo. 3 bedrooms & bath upstairs. Family room, utility & storage in basement. Duplex condo bungalow over 1100 sqft 2 bedrooms. Spacious living, dining and kitchen areas. 9 foot ceilings throughout. Direct entry to single attached garage. of Moose Jaw 306-694-5766 Sonya Bitz 631-8471 Gladys Gray 631-8181 Bryan Gilbert 631-4790 825 Elizabeth St Affordable 2 bedroom bungalow on south hill. Bright country kitchen, large living room. Lower level with family room, bath, den, laundry. Fenced yard. Many updates. REDUCED now listed at $124,900. Lori Keeler Beth Vance Move in ready! Excellent starter or retirement property! 2 bedroom bungalow single car garage. Large living room, good size kitchen with updated cabinets. Main floor laundry. Listed at $146,000. of Moose Jaw 306-694-5766 631-8069 Frank Hammel 684-9491 631-0886 1315 Coteau St W 1119 8th Ave NW $225,000 $279,900 816 6th Ave NW Prairie Oasis Trailer Court. Just listed! Over 1000 sqft bungalow. Open living area, adjacent kitchen, ample cabinets and counter space. Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom modular home. Abundance of oak cabinets in kitchen, island and sky lite. Cathedral Main floor laundry. 3 bedrooms. Lower level is ceiling in living room and kitchen. finished with family room, dens, bath, utility room. Large deck, fenced. Garage. Double detached garage. of Moose Jaw 306-694-5766 Jeremy Stewart 684-0388 JC Chhokar 631-5220 NEW LISTING!! 306-694-4747 324 Main Street N. MOOSE JAW, SK DEREK MCRITCHIE REALTOR® AMBER TANGJERD REALTOR® E.G. (Bub) HILL REALTOR® BILL MCLEAN REALTOR® $ 189,900 2 baths and 2 bedrooms, a oversized single garage and a large "sun room" Affordable 4 bedroom bungalow with a double detached garage. 3+1 bedroom, 2 bathroom bungalow has over 1000 SQUARE FEET $174,900 $489.900 Good starter or revenue home. You can be the second owner of this spacious custom built 1794 sq. ft. bungalow. 3 + 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, Country style kitchen with skylight and garden doors to deck. Formal dining room with vaulted ceiling, developed lower level, heated double garage with direct entry to basement. 75’ X 120’ landscaped lot. Call to View 306.631.1493 BIZWORLD By Ron Walter For Moose Jaw Express 844 GREY AVENUE MLS# 562497 $114,900 1261 GRACE ST. MLS#564042 $259,900 Grocery acquisition backfires on Eastern Canadian management Three years ago grocer Sobeys announced acuisition of anada Safeway stores for $5. bilED LIST T S lion in a deal that was supposed to transform the JU Canadian grocery industry. The deal made a truly national chain of the ova Scotia based Sobeys, owned by publicly-traded Empire o. nd it left oblaw, owner of Super 1167 HENLEAZE AVE MLS# 564198 5 WELLINGTON AVE MLS# 564723 $225,000 $329,900 Store banners, and Sobeys as the two dominant 3 bedroom home. Close to schools 4 bedroom family home featuring parks and main roads. 1400 square feet of living space. grocers in the country. 710 Main St. N. (306) 692-9999 It was, someone said, a match made in eaven. In early March, Empire announced a $1.6 billion write-off in value of the Safeway stores Featured Property of the Week a writedown e ual to 27 per cent of the purchase price. ot all has gone well with this match made in eaven. The press release accompanying Empire’s most recent financial statements gave three main reasons for writing off such a large chunk of the $374,900!! Safeway Stores value significant integration, operational and reor130 Athatbasca St. W. MLS #564863 gani ational challenges affecting Safeway opLarge upstairs rental unit! erations An Exceptional Property is available at 130 Athabasca Street West! Located in the heart of Moose Jaw this custom designed continued negative impact of merchandising property invites you to 3264 Sq/Ft of living space! A Triple and promotional strategies for the Safeway banGarage with off-street & RV parking! A 1408 Sq/Ft 2 Bedroom Apartment on the second floor with private entrance & ner Balcony! The main level, 1856 Sq/Ft, welcomes you to a large foyer at ground level (for accessibility), flows to a large economic downturn in areas that have been living/dining room, and into a bright kitchen, a main floor impacted by decreasing oil prices. laundry room & storage, 4 Piece Bath, 3 Bedrooms (Master with 3 Piece Bath), Family Room leading to private patio, low Sobey’s executive was uoted late last year, maintenance landscaping, and triple garage! The upstairs saying the new owners rushed the introduction apartment contains kitchen, dining, living room, 2 bedrooms, bath, balcony, & laundry/utility/storage room. If you can of the private label ompliments brand to reimagine living in a spacious home with an income suite above place the ucerne and other Safeway brands. in walking distance to shopping, restaurants, parks, entertainment, & coffee shops, while e admitted Sobeys did not anticipate the depth someone upstairs helps with bills, then welcome HOME! It of loyalty Safeway customers had to the old is a great home, or a fabulous store brands. income property for the savvy investor! Appliances Private label brands position retailers for highare included, quick posseser profit margins. The retailer does not share as sion is possible, & location is amazing! much of the cost with another manufacturer. or does the retailer need as high a price on priLaurie vate labels to get a return on investment in the brand. The private label does not rent shelf space li e other brand owners do. Lunde Affordable two bedroom home on a double sized lot. Updated and spacious 3 bedroom home. 306-684-2704 Private label is a win for the retailer and the customer as long as the product uality is the same. Some customers don’t believe private label product uality is the same. My wife and I are second generation Safeway shoppers. Within a year of the ta eover, we noticed changes we did not like. Sobeys ompliments brands too more and more shelf space once occupied by ucerne and other Safeway brands. We tried some of them and were disappointed. ne pac age of private label shredded cheese refused to melt. The eggs had such thin shells they burst when boiled. ne pound of butter we bought seemed runny. Two of our regular name brands were replaced by Sobeys private label brands. We stay away from these private label products and buy some items from competitors. When we complained, Safeway employees encouraged us to let the company now about our experiences. We let the mar et do its ob. ol s li e us, according to Empire financials, helped lose Safeway about $1 0 million sales in the three months ended January 30. Empire shares were $30.60 in ctober when word lea ed out of the Safeway integration concerns. Since the latest financial disclosure, they slipped from $26.77 to $22.40. If you believe in a uic turnaround, the shares might be a cool speculation. More than li ely, experience shows, investors bitten by a match made in eaven ta e a long, long time to resume the romance. TI Remember when investing, consult your adviser and do your homewor before buying any security. i world does not recommend investments. Ron Walter can be reached at ron oy sas tel. net PAGE A26 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 Thelma Kowalyk August 19, 1923 ~ March 13, 2016 LINDELL It is with great sadness, the family of yla indell announce her passing on March 15, 2016. Mom was the eldest of seven children born to Ellen and lbert ind uist on June 24, 1916 on the farm at alderban , SK. Mom wasn’t able to celebrate her 100th birthday but she said she was 100 because she was in her 100th year. She loved to garden, nit, crochet, sew, ba e, watch the lue Jays and curling. er memory will be cherished by her children Don Jean , Karen Del and Sherry Randy grandchildren Darin, Jodi a don , Jason Mayleen , Justin harlotte , hris Jenn , Dana la e , and Teala Jarrett great-grandchildren Kayla ee , Taylor lex , Kelsey, Parsa, Kaihan, erdossi, Ma ie and Kin lie and great-great-granddaughter roo lin. Mom will also be remembered by her sisters ionne, Margaret and lice sistersin-law Ruth and ladys. yla was nown as ipstic randma to many nieces, nephews and their families. She was very fond of her special cousin, Marilyn Riendeau. Predeceased by husband Edwin, brothers Ercell and Ervin, sister Myrtle, grandson Jay, daughter-in-law onnie, brothers-in-law ern, Keith, and Reiny. The elebration of ife service was held at W.J. Jones Son hapel on March 21. Reverend inda Tomlinson-Seebach will officiate. In lieu of owers, donations may be made to Pioneers odge, 1000 lbert St., Moose Jaw, S6 2 2. In living memory of yla, a memorial planting will be made by W. J. Jones Son uneral ome. Please sign the memorial register at website www.w onesandson. com bituaries . la e Seebach uneral Director GRAYSON & COMPANY Solicitors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF LINDA CAROL NORDGULEN, LATE OF REGINA, IN THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN, DECEASED All claims against the above estate, duly verified by Statutory Declaration and with the particulars and valuations of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned on or before the 8TH day of April, A.D., 2016. GRAYSON & COMPANY Solicitors for the Executor 350 Langdon Crescent Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, S6H 0X4 New Interment Option at Sunset Cemetery 25% Thelma passed away peacefully with her son by her side, on Sunday, March 13, 2016 at the Dr. . . Wigmore Regional ospital in Moose Jaw after a brief illness. Thelma at the age of 92, was predeceased by her beloved husband John 1975 . She will be greatly missed by her loving son Martin, by her brother Metro S warchu , as well as by her nieces, nephews and friends. She is predeceased by her older brothers ill, Steve and eorge, her younger brother William and by her oldest sister Mary. She was born to Wasyl and nnie S warchu on the family farm near Springside Drobot District, SK on ugust 19, 1923 and grew up attending a rural school in the Springside Drobot District. She was involved in the rainian rthodox hurch and got to now John Kowaly , a nearby neighbour, at the various dances and socials that were held over the years. They were wed in 1946 and the young couple soon too over John’s family farm. s a PR employee, John moved the family a few times between Manitoba and lberta, while always maintaining the family farm with the help of Thelma. y 1963 the family settled in Moose Jaw and Thelma became an P wor ing at alley iew entre, the nion ospital and finally at Pioneers odge from which she retired in 1991. She was a local union member with PE and S E , continued ongoing training, and received various service awards throughout her career. During her wor ing years, she remained involved with St. ladimir’s rainian rthodox hurch in Moose Jaw, and after John’s early passing in 1975, Thelma immersed herself in church life at St. lad’s. She was also a member of the rainian rthodox hurch of oly Transfiguration in or ton. She believed strongly and practiced her faith. She loved singing in the choir, and she li ed to learn how to play various musical instruments. Many en oyed her ba ed goods, often prepared for ba e sales to support the various outreaches of the church, not to mention the catered meals for many church functions. At home, she loved her garden, ta ing a lot of pride in growing beautiful owers and vegetables. She en oyed canning, pic ling, and processing her own home grown vegetables She was an expert at crocheting, winning several competitions. Thelma also loved sewing, nitting and cross-stitching. Thelma spent much of her time reading, especially rainian texts. She was uent in the rainian language. Thelma belonged to the rainian Women’s ssociation of anada for over 26 years, and was ac nowledged for her dedication to the rainian community, its faith and culture. She loved learning and was interested in different geographical features. She traveled often, going to Provincial and ederal par s, and attended various festivals. Thelma li ed to sociali e, whether it was a fancy restaurant or simply coffee with friends often engaging in discussions about various issues regarding local, provincial and federal politics. She en oyed various sports and over the years attended some Sas atchewan Roughriders games, as well as some games in Edmonton. Thelma was a very ind, caring person who willingly shared her heart, good morals, gave good advice and respected others. Thelma’s humour and personality will be missed by all who new her. Prayer Service will be held at the rainian rthodox hurch of oly Transfiguration, 9 radbroo e Drive, or ton, SK on Monday, March 21, 2016 commencing at 7 00 p.m. The uneral iturgy will be held on Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 10 00 a.m. at the rainian rthodox hurch of oly Transfiguration followed by interment at the or ton emetery with The ery Reverend Mel Slashins y presiding over all. Arrangements are entrusted to Parkview Funeral Chapel 474 Hochelaga St West, Moose Jaw, SK 306-694-5500 Blair & Kelly Scott, Funeral Directors Please see our online book of condolences at DISCOUNT Sunset Cemetery 633 -Caribou St. W. 306-692-8855 Help patients on their road to recovery with a memorial gift to support the Dr. F.H. Wigmore Regional Hospital Please contact us for more information. Moose Jaw Health Foundation 55 Diefenbaker Drive Moose Jaw, SK S6J 0C2 Phone (306) 694-0373 PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF MOOSE JAW All Departments in City Hall will be closed on: FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 2016 (Good Friday) In addition, there will be NO TRANSIT SERVICE. W. J. Jones & Son Funeral Home • Crematorium • Family Resource Centre "Honouring Lives And Healing Hearts" 106 Athabasca St. E. • 306-693-4644 • Motta It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Thomas Earle Motta June 22, 1946 March 16, 2016, aged 69 years husband, father, relative and friend to so many. Survived by loving wife arb Motta, his daughters: Joanne Motta, Tracy Motta-Malo (son-in-law Farren Malo and granddaughters Madison and Mac en ie and Carolyn Motta (son-in-law Joe Howard). Tom was a third generation Moose Javian, born and bred South ill’ boy who started wor ing for his father in his youth on the Kingsway Min Ranch. e went on to serve as a Moose Jaw irefighter for 29 years. is passions included his love for the outdoors of hunting and fishing along with his een interest in public spea ing and 30 years with Toastmasters International. Tom has been a member of the Moose Jaw Wildlife ederation since 196 and President of the Sas atchewan Wildlife ederation for 197 -79. e was a member of the ig ountry Toastmasters in Moose Jaw since 1977 along with holding position as President for some time. Tom was actively involved with Sha lee since the 1970s and spent much of his life spea ing to people about health and wellness. Tom lived life to the fullest and too inspiration from many motivational spea ers. uote from one of his favourites Wayne Dyer hange the way you see things and the things you see will change. In celebration of Tom’s life a Service will be held at Moose Jaw uneral ome on Thursday, March 24th, 2016 at 1 00 p.m. with Rev. Douglas allman officiating. light lunch will follow in the arvey Room. The graveside service will follow the luncheon at Sunset emetery. All are welcome. s an expression of sympathy, donations can be made to the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation ( in Tom’s honor. Arrangements are entrusted to Moose Jaw Funeral Home, 26 Mulberry ane. ary McDowell, uneral Director 306-6934550 www.moose MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 • PAGE A27 Artist Charlene Douglas finds beauty in owers by Scott Hellings Charlene Douglas stands beside her painting, “Charlene s Canna Lillies.” These owers grew outside her living room window last year and Douglas knew she had to paint them before winter. ocal artist harlene Douglas has a new show at the Mosaic Gallery in the Moose Jaw Cultural entre. S ies and lowers will be on display from now until April 16. That is always my theme, explained Douglas. I guess I have always been intrigued by Saskatchewan skies and how they can change so dramatically in five minutes. nd I will never run out fascination with owers. I love all inds of owers. In particular, Douglas en oys panting exotic owers and some of her paintings are inspired by vacations abroad. er paintings are bright and vibrant Douglas wor s in oils. lthough she has painted other sub ects, Douglas says she continues to find great inspiration in owers. I dabbled here and there. Most people start with landscapes. nce I got to owers, though, I ust stuck with it. I am always painting something to do with owers. If I do a Sas atchewan scene, I will later do owers. I always come bac to owers, said Douglas. I really en oy wor ing in oil. I find the colours can be very vibrant and they really stand out…It is fun to try new things but as soon as I try something new I end up going bac to owers. I feel I am grounded in oils and owers. Douglas wor s from both photographs as well as real owers. She says there are advantages and disadvantages to both options. It is really nice to see it in person because you can turn it and gain a new perspective. With a photograph, that is all you have. It is still nice to have a photograph though because the ower will die. f course, when you see a ower in person your light will change over time, so if you have perfect lighting it is a good idea to take a picture.” Douglas has been painting for about 25 years. She studied oil painting at community college before continuing to learn independently. Douglas has taught private oil painting lessons and has also wor ed with students at indale School. Painting is her passion. I too classes through a gentleman by the name of Stan Kossi . e initially got me started in oils and I just couldn’t learn fast enough. I found I would pull my paints out at home because I loved it. I would get to class and soon I would be saying, ere is what I learned.’ efore long, I was teaching classes.” Douglas will also have her wor featured in a show at the rt allery of Regina. She en oys sharing her paintings with others. isit www. to see more of her artwor . ou can also follow Douglas on aceboo by searing for harlene Douglas il Paintings.” BONUS! BONUS! BONUS! BONUS! BONUS! ON ALL OUR YEAR 10 PARTS & LABOUR WARRANTY FURNACES *LIMITED Complete Assurance™ Warranty Pledge If the heat exchanger fails within 10 years of installation, we provide optional furnace replacement in lieu of heat exchanger replacement. ENERGY STAR® The ENERGY STAR® label means this product is at least 15 to 25% more efficient than standard products, meeting strict EPA and DOE guidelines. 10-Year Parts Limited and Lifetime Heat Exchanger Warranties This product is covered by some of the best warranties in the business: 10-year parts limited and lifetime heat exchanger warranty. Don’t buy until you have checked with us! DON’T WORRY! FINANCING AVAILABLE We will not be undersold COMPLETE PLUMBING, HEATING SALES & SERVICE Making Warmth & Comfort Efficient 306.694.0028 301 River St. W. Moose Jaw for additional cost. ≈Sub-prime financing available on approved credit. Finance example: 2016 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT with a purchase price of $27,595 financed at 4.99% over 60 months, equals 130 bi-weekly payments of $240 for a total obligation $31,207. Some conditions apply. Down payment is required. See your retailer for complete details. TMThe SiriusXM logo is a registered trademark of SiriusXM Satellite Radio Inc. ®Jeep is a registered trademark of FCA US LLC used under licence by FCA Canada Inc. ≥3.49% purchase financing for up to 96 months available on the new 2016 Chrysler 200 LX (28A) through RBC, Scotiabank and TD Auto Finance. Example: 2016 Chrysler 200 LX (28A) with a Purchase Price of $23,995 financed at 3.49% over 96 months with $0 down payment equals 416 weekly payments of $66 with a cost of borrowing of $3,513 and a total obligation of $27,508. §Starting from prices for vehicles shown include Consumer Cash Discounts and do not include upgrades (e.g. paint). Upgrades available leasing services. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Example: 2016 Jeep Cherokee Sport with a Purchase Price of $26,995 leased at 2.49% for 60 months with a $0 security deposit and $365 due at delivery (includes first payment and lien registration) equals 60 monthly payments of $305 with a cost of borrowing of $2,368 and a total obligation of $18,382. Kilometre allowance of 18,000/year. Cost of $0.16 per excess kilometre plus applicable taxes at lease termination. See your retailer for complete details. payment and lien registration) equals 60 monthly payments of $276/$265 with a cost of borrowing of $2,820/$2,505 and a total obligation of $16,623/$15,931. Kilometre allowance of 18,000/year. Cost of $0.16 per excess kilometre plus applicable taxes at lease termination. See your retailer for complete details. «2.49% lease financing for up to 60 months available through SCI Lease Corp. to qualified customers on applicable new 2016 models at participating retailers. SCI provides all credit approval, funding and ➤3.49% lease financing for up to 60 months available through SCI Lease Corp. to qualified customers on applicable new 2016 models at participating retailers. SCI provides all credit approval, funding and leasing services. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Examples: 2016 Dodge Grand Caravan Canada Value Package/2016 Dodge Journey Canada Value Package with a Purchase Price of $22,995/$20,995 leased at 3.49% for 60 months with a $0 security deposit and $336/$325 due at delivery (includes first offered on select 2016 vehicles and are deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. †0% purchase financing available on select new 2016 models to qualified customers on approved credit through RBC, Scotiabank and TD Auto Finance. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Example: 2016 Jeep Cherokee Sport with a Purchase Price of $26,995 with a $0 down payment, financed at 0% for 84 months equals 182 bi-weekly payments of $148 with a cost of borrowing of $0 and a total obligation of $26,995. necessary. Retailer may sell for less. **0% purchase financing available to qualified retail customers on all 2016 Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram, FIAT models except 2016 Jeep Grand Cherokee and 2016 Dodge Viper. 0% lease financing available to qualified retail customers on the following models only: 2016 Chrysler Town & Country, 2016 Jeep Renegade, Cherokee and Grand Cherokee, 2016 Dodge Grand Caravan Crew and RT and FIAT 500X. See your retailer for complete details. *Consumer Cash Discounts are Wise customers read the fine print: **, *, †, ➤, «, ≥, §, ≈ The Power of Zero Sales Event offers are limited time offers which apply to retail deliveries of selected new and unused models purchased from participating retailers on or after March 18, 2016. Offers subject to change and may be extended without notice. All pricing includes freight ($1,745) and excludes licence, insurance, registration, any retailer administration fees, other retailer charges and other applicable fees and taxes. Retailer order/trade may be PAGE A28 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 T:9.875” T HE power 26,995 $ LEASE FOR THE EQUIVALENT OF 141 2.49 @ BI-WEEKLY« $ LEASE FOR THE EQUIVALENT OF 122 3.49 BI-WEEKLY➤ % OR $ 20,995 @ BASED ON A MONTHLY PAYMENT OF $265 FOR 60 MONTHS WITH $0 DOWN GET BASED ON A MONTHLY PAYMENT OF $305 FOR 60 MONTHS WITH $0 DOWN % OR GET OF sales event Purchase OR Lease Financing on all 2016 Models** Starting from price for 2016 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT Plus shown: $30,940.§ Starting from price for 2016 Chrysler 200 C shown: $30,140.§ 60 MONTHS ON OUR MOST POPULAR MODELS ZERO TOTAL DISCOUNTS* UP TO $ + 7,100 2016 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN CANADA VALUE PACKAGE WELL EQUIPPED FOR ONLY $ 22,995 $ LEASE FOR THE EQUIVALENT OF 127 3.49 @ BI-WEEKLY➤ $ 23,995 $ 66 3.49 @ WEEKLY≥ PURCHASE PRICE INCLUDES $7,100 CONSUMER CASH* AND FREIGHT. % OR GET % 72 MONTHS FINANCING † FOR BASED ON A MONTHLY PAYMENT OF $276 FOR 60 MONTHS WITH $0 DOWN ON OUR MOST POPULAR MODELS 2016 JEEP CHEROKEE SPORT WELL EQUIPPED FOR ONLY $ PURCHASE PRICE INCLUDES FREIGHT. 84 MONTHS FINANCING † FOR ON OUR MOST POPULAR MODELS Starting from price for 2016 Jeep Cherokee Limited shown: $34,540.§ 2016 CHRYSLER 200 LX WELL EQUIPPED FOR ONLY PURCHASE PRICE INCLUDES $2,500 CONSUMER CASH* AND FREIGHT. FINANCE FOR OR GET 36 MONTHS FINANCING † FOR FOR 96 MONTHS WITH $0 DOWN ON OUR MOST POPULAR MODELS 2016 DODGE JOURNEY CANADA VALUE PACKAGE WELL EQUIPPED FOR ONLY PURCHASE PRICE INCLUDES $2,000 CONSUMER CASH* AND FREIGHT. FINANCING † FOR Starting from price for 2016 Dodge Journey Crossroad shown: $32,140.§ SPECIAL RATES AS LOW AS 4.99% OAC≈ REBUILDING YOUR CREDIT? DON’T PAY EXCESSIVE RATES. CANADA’S #1-SELLING AUTOMAKER