September 2015 #1
September 2015 #1
Visit for community news and event information! THE September 2015 -- Volume 11 -- Issue 9-1 POST Inaugural Bi-Weekly Issue Next issue out September 17! Call 738-7869 to reserve space! Complimentary Town Gazebo Resonates with Bookends Music BY STEPHEN E. LIPKEN Approximately 300 Pelhamites and citizens from outlying communities spent a cool summer evening grooving to the “Bookends” band, playing in the Town of Pelham Gazebo on Monday, August 10, co-sponsored by New York State Senator Jeffrey Klein and Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation (BOEDC). “The ‘Bookends’ Band started as a ‘folky’ duo in the late ‘70’s,” according to acoustic guitar/vocalist Chris Brown. “The name stuck and it grew into a band over the years.” Other Bookends members included Leo Bellofatto, keyboards; Jim Clark, saxophone; Eddie Denise, bass guitar; drummer Mike Marble and Tony Summo, electric guitar. “I have sponsored these concerts for 20 years, ten years financed by Division of Lottery. “We secured a $1.6 billion increase in aid for our $28 billion educational budget. We spend more on education than any state in the U.S.” Besides playing many reminiscent rock tunes, Bookends featured many nostalgic standards, including The “Bookends” Band, left to right: Jim Clark, saxophone; Eddie Denise, bass guitar; Tony Frank Sinatra’s Summo, electric guitar; Chris Brown, acoustic guitar/voice; Lou Bellofatto, keyboards; Mike famous That’s Marble, drummer Life; Louis PriTown of Pelham, enjoy great in the Assembly and ten years ma’s Just a Gigolo plus original music and visit with family and compositions by Brown, Same in the Senate,” Klein stated. “People look forward to that friends.” Ol’ describing a chance meetSpeaking informally to and it has become a tradition ing with a former girlfriend on all over the Bronx and West- his constituents, Klein noted an evening Manhattan train that 38% of the State budget is and his tender, evocative Go chester. It is an opportunity to spent on education; 13% of that get out and enjoy the beautiful West, a grandfather’s farewell Left to right: Theresa Medici; New York State Senator Jeff Klein; Chickie Giardino. to his grandson departing Ireland for America. “We came to see the Bookends Band. We follow this band wherever they go. We’re called ‘the groupies’ and they are a great band to listen to. We are so proud of them,” audience member Ann Moshier smiled. Natural Beauty Found at Woodland Park, Ribbon-Cutting September 10 BY MIMI STEINBERG Civic pride in Pelham is alive and evident in the recent creation of the rustic Woodland Park playground on Wolfs Lane designed by Fred Martin. This park is a lovely sight for residents and visitors alike and, clearly a passion project by all involved. The Village of Pelham approached the Junior League to assist them with the Wolfs Lane Park development. The Junior League of Pelham became the champion and main source of fundraising for this project. The past president of the Junior League of Pelham, Jessica DeDomenico said, “Our League members felt that our children needed more park space to play in Pelham and that our downtown could use a place for families to gather. Our hope is that the development of this park will also be good for our local businesses and those visitors of the park will shop when they are in town.” This was an arduous task that took over two years Members of the Junior League of Pelham along with Village of Pelham officials at the to research, discuss and later ground-breaking ceremony of Woodland Park. vetted by all involved. The committee consisted of a multi-disciplinary team that considered safety, landscaping, play space design, merchant and neighborhood impact. The Woodland Park co-chairs Aisling Bier, Zoe Henriquez, Liz Perreten and Xaira Ferrara chaired and helped execute this project. All great projects are usually a community effort and Woodland Park is no exception. There is a Founder’s Circle of donors who donated $5,000 plus, and they are: Zoe Henriquez/ The Klein Family, The DeCicco Family, Michael and Doreen DeDomenico and Family, McClellan Sotheby’s International Realty, Meridian Risk Management & Joan Solimine Real Estate, and Pelham Preservation & Garden Society. Woodland Park is truly an example of Pelham civic pride as the interest of the whole community was considered and realized beautifully. The expression “it takes a village” is apparent and true in Pelham. The official ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place on September 10 at 5pm. PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID WHITE PLAINS, NY PERMIT 5121 2 • February 2015 • New Rochelle Review MOST ADMIRED -- One of Pelham’s most admired estate area homes, this traditional center hall Colonial is both elegant and inviting. Every inch of this 1930 home has been tastefully and thoroughly renovated, decorated and redesigned and is perfect for today’s lifestyle. $2,150,000 CHESTER PARK VICTORIAN -- The welcoming front porch leads to a beautifully renovated 1710sf home with an appealing open floor plan. The kitchen is completely redone and leads to a large deck and a level backyard. $649,000 DELIGHTFUL TUDOR -- Meticulously updated and renovated while retaining its 1917 architectural details, this spacious 3-bedroom home is “move-in ready”! The kitchen and baths are new, as are windows, roof, boiler etc. Just move in! $819,000 CHARMING TOWNHOUSE -- This 3 bedroom townhouse is totally and tastefully renovated and ready for an immediate sale! Just unpack your bags and move in! $499,000 GARDEN APARTMENT -- Conveniently located near public transportation and shops, this 2 bedroom coop has spacious rooms, an eat-in-kitchen, 2 bathrooms and French doors to a private balcony. $318,000 207 Wolfs Lane, Pelham, NY 10803 914-738-5150 The Pelham Post Fire Lieutenant McCann Appointed Acting Chief BY STEPHEN E. LIPKEN The Village of Pelham Board of Trustees approved the appointment of Acting Fire Chief, Fire Lieutenant Christopher McCann upon the retirement of Fire Chief Bill Stone at their Tuesday, August 18 meeting. Trustee Adam Kagan stated the United Water of Westchester (UWW) water bills will arrive the first week in September, reflecting a lot of tariffs and taxes that the Village formerly paid, plus $277,000 spent for paving; the Village only received $110,000 from the State. Trustee Xaira Ferrara invited the public to the Junior League of Pelham Donor Appreciation Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Woodland Park on Thursday, September 10 at 5:00 p.m.; RSVP to “Since the Park opened on July 24th, the Mayor was able to raise $5,000 in donations to be allocated for landscaping, beautification, additional play equipment and projects down the line,” Ferrara said. Next, Edward Echeverria, Senior Actuary, Danziger and Markhoff LLP, presented an Actuarial Valuation under Government Accounting Standards Board 45 (GASB), measuring retirement and medical benefits for Village employees. Echeverria pointed out that Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) premiums decreased from $2.3 million to $2.28 million “due to Flagship Empire premiums not going up that greatly. “Municipalities cannot pre-fund current obligations, but a pro- Leo Wiegman, Executive Director Sustainable posal is on the table for Westchester communities to do this,” wind and $100,000 each for studEcheverria averred. Trustee Jo- ies of Microgrids in 11 municiseph Marty noted that the Village palities, renewable energy power currently has 61 active employees sources enabling communities to and 64 retirees. survive power outages during seThen Leo Wiegman, Execu- vere weather. tive Director, Sustainable West“You will still get a Con Ed bill. chester and SW organizer Glenn They distribute energy from poles Weinberg discussed SW’s Com- to each building. But it is the bidmunity Choice Aggregation (CCA), der who puts the electrons into the a 501c3 organization designed to wire. The bigger the block of househelp residents save 4-5% in energy holds subscribing to Energy Sercosts through municipalities’ pur- vice Companies (ESCO), the lower chase of electricity and gas from the price,” Wiegman stressed. lower bidders. A Public Hearing was set for Also considered was solar, Tuesday, September 29. Oktoberfest 2015 • September 2015: 1 • 3 What better way to kickoff the fall season than a relaxing afternoon of delicious food, great music and unlimited beer, all while being surrounded by your friends and neighbors?! The Junior League’s Oktoberfest Celebration is back for its 3rd straight year - Saturday, October 3rd, from 4:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. outside the Fisherman’s Net. Fill your souvenir stein with unlimited German beers, while digging into a delicious spread of authentic German food – including 3 kinds of sausage and the now infamous jumbo soft pretzels. Plus, new this year, you can challenge your neighbors to a game of beer pong or flaunt your lederhosen and dirndls in the costume contest. Whether you’ve just moved to town or lived here more than a decade, join us for what’s become a new Pelham tradition. You must be 21 years or older to attend. Tickets are $75 per person in advance, or $85 per person at the door. The price of admission includes unlimited food, beer and a souvenir Oktoberfest stein. To purchase tickets, visit or mail a check payable to The Junior League of Pelham to 901 Pelhamdale Avenue, Pelham, NY 10803, Attn: Assistant Treasurer. The Junior League of Pelham is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. 4 • September 2015: 1 • The Pelham Post Pelham Manor Mayor’s Report As a preliminary matter, I would like to acknowledge the departure of two dedicated Pelham Manor public servants. Sergeant Timothy DeSantola retired from the police force after spending almost 14 years with the Pelham Manor Police Department and 10 years with the Mount Vernon Police Department. We will miss Sgt. DeSantola’s positive attitude and his exemplary police work. The Village of Pelham Manor Board was also sorry to learn of Trustee Christopher R. Winston’s resignation. Trustee Winston, a Pelham Manor native, served on the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals before joining the Village Board. The demands of his travel schedule have made it increasingly difficult for Trustee Winston to attend meetings and discharge his Village duties. Trustee Winston was a true guardian of our quality of life in Pelham Manor. We thank him for his years of service and his engagement. We have accomplished much work while the Village of Pelham Manor Board has been on its summer operating schedule. At our most recent meeting on August 17, the Board unanimously voted to approve an Inter-Municipal Agreement with Westchester County to mitigate excessive inflow and infiltration into the sewer system, pursuant to obligations under the County Sewer Act. The final agreement was the result of extensive negotiations with the County, led by our Village Manager and other local administrators, and later supplemented by efforts from our Village Attorney and our Mayor. At the Board meeting, the Trustees also heard a presentation from a second real estate group seeking to develop property along Canal Road, in response to the Village’s RFP. The Board is taking that information under advisement. The Village DPW staff will continue the sidewalk repair program initiated earlier this summer. Mature tree roots have caused uneven surfaces, and the Village applied asphalt as a temporary safety measure. The Village will utilize its sidewalk budget to apply concrete as a permanent solution in most areas and will use a concretecolored compound, if needed, to replace the remaining asphalt patches. We also awarded a bid for tree and stump removal, in accordance with our existing tree program. Best wishes for the remaining weeks of summer. Please feel free to reach out to any of the Trustees, should you have a question or a concern. Respectfully Submitted, Jennifer Monachino Lapey Village of Pelham Manor Mayor Dear Pelham Parents and Residents: If you are looking for a good book to read, I highly recommend Mindset by Carol S. Dweck, Ph. D., a psychologist from Stanford University. It not only had an impact on me as an educator but also as a parent. All Pelham administrators read Mindset last year. Our goal is to continue to enhance this work in 2015-16 by imbedding its philosophy in a specific goal for each school. In addition, our ninth graders were asked by Dr. Dweck to participate in a research study. Mindset is about the power of our beliefs and their impact on our success in life. Dweck found that people – adults and children alike – can be divided into those with either a fixed or growth mindset. Those with a fixed mindset believe their basic qualities – and ability to succeed – are carved in stone. They tend to give up more easily and are uncomfortable with the uncertainty of not knowing the answer. Those with a growth mindset believe their basic qualities can be cultivated through effort. They focus on getting better and are less apt to be put off by a challenge or failure. They convert life’s setbacks into future challenges. Here’s the bonus: research confirms that a growth mindset can be cultivated. That is my goal for Pelham students. Sincerely, Peter Giarrizzo, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools Former Pelham Country Club Controller Charged with Embezzlement Westchester County District Attorney Janet DiFiore announced that Gretchen Wauchope (DOB 12/31/69) of 15 Kensington Road, Ardsley, New York, was arraigned on a three count Complaint charging her with: • one count of Grand Larceny in the Second Degree, a class “C” Felony, • two counts of Criminal Tax Fraud in the Fourth Degree, class “E” Felonies. “As alleged in the Complaint, this defendant took advantage of her position, as well as her employer’s trust, to divert more than a $335,000 dollars in unauthorized withdrawals to her own accounts. Once again, this case, like so many others involving breaches of trust by an employee and having taken place over a long period of time, demonstrates the importance of conducting proper due diligence, especially overseeing employees who have access to finances,” said District Attorney Janet DiFiore. From January 1, 2010 through February 28, 2015 the de- fendant, who was the controller of the Pelham Country Club in Pelham Manor, New York, systematically embezzled funds for over five years. She drew and negotiated checks from the bank account of Pelham Country Club payable to herself and other third persons and initiated electronic payments from the Pelham Country Club’s bank account to pay personal credit card debts. The aggregate amount stolen in the larceny is approximately $335,000. In addition, the defendant failed to pay New York State Income Tax on the monies that she stole from the Country Club including the time period from October 15, 2011, where the defendant failed to file a New York State tax return for tax year 2010 and on October 15, 2013, where the defendant failed to file a New York State tax return for tax year 2012. The larceny was discovered following an internal investigation by Pelham Country Club who then referred the matter of the District Attorney’s Office. Investigators from the District Attorney’s office arrested the defendant yesterday and she was arraigned in the Village of Pelham Justice Court. Bail was set at $2,500 cash or $5,000 bond. The defendant faces a maximum sentence of fifteen years in prison. AssistantDistrictAttorneyRobert Mayes of the Economic Crimes Bureauisprosecutingthecase. The material deadline for The Pelham Post September Issue #2 is September 8. Call 914-738-7869 to reserve space! The Pelham Post Bernard A. Krooks Recognized as Leading Elder Law and Trusts & Estates Attorney Bernard A. Krooks, JD, CPA, LLM, CELA, AEP® (Distinguished) has been recognized for excellence in Elder Law and Trusts & Estates. Best Lawyers in America® has included him in its definitive guide to legal excellence in the U.S. in the field of Elder Law and Trusts and Estates for the ninth consecutive year. A listing in Best Lawyers is widely regarded by both clients and legal professionals as a significant honor conferred on a lawyer by his or her peers. Also, the Real Property, Trust & Estate Law Section of the American Bar Association (ABA) has appointed him as Liaison to the Commission on Law and Aging, to the Senior Lawyers Division and to the National Guardianship Network. In addition, the Section has named him Group ViceChair of the Elder Law Disability Planning and Bioethics Group. Krooks is a founding partner of Littman Krooks LLP, with offices in New York City, White Plains and Fishkill and is the Chair of its Elder Law and Special Needs Department. He is a nationally prominent expert in all aspects of elder law, estate planning and special needs planning. He is a member of the Estate Planning Hall of Fame of the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils (NAEPC) and is the recipient of an Accredited Estate Planner® Distinguished designation. Krooks serves as Chair of the Elder Law Committee of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC). Additionally, Trusts & Estates magazine appointed him Chair of the Elder Care Committee of their Editorial Advisory Board. Krooks is past President of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA), and past Chair of the Elder Law and Special Needs Section of the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA). He is President of the Board of Directors of The Arc of Westchester, the largest agency in Westchester County serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. Krooks is a sought-after expert on elder law, estate planning and special needs planning matters and has been quoted in leading publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and Forbes, among others. Visit the firm’s website at • September 2015: 1 • 5 St. Catherine’s Shapes Lives Forever St. Catharine Academy (SCA), founded in 1889 by the Sisters of Mercy, offers a Catholic education for young women in the tradition of the Sisters of Mercy. First located on the West Side of Manhattan on 152nd Street, the school moved to its Bronx location at 2250 Williamsbridge Road in 1953. On September 13, 2015, St. Catharine Academy will conclude its year-long celebration of its 125th anniversary with a Mass for students, faculty, alumnae, and friends at St. Patrick’s Cathedral at 2 P.M. A phrase often echoed by SCA alumnae is, “I would not be where I am today if it were not for the education I received at SCA.” The sentiment that St. Catharine’s shapes lives forever, and perhaps is remembered as some of the best years of their lives, is repeated time and again across generations of alumnae, right down to the present. Over the course of its 125 year existence, St. Catharine Academy has identified core values that are considered integral to the educational traditions of the Sisters of Mercy. One core value that is embedded in the fabric of the school is its vision that nothing can be more productive to the good of society than the education of women. St. Catharine Academy is proud that all of its 150 graduates in the Class of 2015 were accepted into college including such prestigious colleges and universities as Georgetown University, University of Notre Dame, Welcome to the Inaugural Issue of The Pelham Post for September! The second issue’s material deadline is September 8th. Call 738-7869 with questions or space reservations. Brandeis University, NYU, UCLA, Fordham University, Manhattan College School of Engineering, Pace University, and the full array of City and State Universities including Stony Brook and Binghamton. The class was awarded nearly $13 million in academic scholarships and grants. The strength of SCA’s academic excellence flows from its commitment to college preparedness. First, St. Catharine Academy offers ten AP courses. Second, SCA has developed and invested in an exceptional program in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), offering two Robotics courses and an Introduction to Architecture course. Finally, SCA’s Trustee Scholar Program which supports academic scholarships is grounded in high performance: academics, service, behavior and punctuality. St. Catharine Academy is chartered by the University of the State of New York and accredited by the North Central Association Commission of Accreditation and School Improvement. Re-accredited in January 2015, the accreditation review team noted that the effectiveness of SCA is encapsulated in a remark made by one of the students who was asked to name the best thing about St. Catharine Academy. She replied, “Just one?” For more information contact: Sr. Patricia Wolf, RSM, President, 718-882-2882 Ext. 128. Many Annuity Owners Lose Money. Do You? Many annuity owners lose over 50% of the value of their annuity when it pays off! It’s true and we show you exactly how to avoid the loss in our booklet “Annuity Owner Mistakes.” The booklet is free and shows how to get more benefits from your existing assets and help preserve your annuity value. Call SeniorResources at 800-572-1857 (24 hours) and leave your address for your free copy. 6 • September 2015: 1 • The Pelham Post 9/11: Serve + Remember will take place at the Westchester County Center in White Plains from 2 to 6pm hosted by County Executive Robert Astorino, Volunteer New York! And Robison. A memorial ceremony will take place at 7pm at “The Rising” at the Kensico Dam in Valhalla. Register online at (early registration is encouraged) for opportunities that take place September 11th through September 13th in Westchester and Rockland. Many events are family-friendly and all provide meaningful ways to support local nonprofits and causes. To sign up for the blood drive, contact Janet Lokay at or (914) 995-2127. The Community Church of the Pelhams, United Church of Christ, 448 Washington Avenue, Pelham is having an Attic Sale Saturday, September 12, 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. There will be adult and children’s clothing, books, household items, baked goods, and much more. Sunday Worship is at 10:00 a m every Sunday---all are welcome. Call (914) 738-1513 for details. Spider-Man, Captain America, the Hulk and Black Widow will save the day on Super Hero Day taking place at Playland Park in Rye on Sunday, September 6. Two action-packed shows will be held on the park’s Music Tower Stage at 2:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m., with a “meet and greet” between shows at 3:30 p.m. On Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 7, Playland will mark the final day of the season with a special thank you to patrons for a great summer with $15 all-day ride admissions. Park hours on Labor Day are from noon until 10 p.m. Playland Park is located on Playland Parkway in Rye. Go to or call (914) 813-7010. The Pelham Post • September 2015: 1 • 7 Pelham Civic Association Gala to Honor Anthony & Jeanette Senerchia and Ken Shirreffs as “Persons of the Year” on October 30th The date is Friday October 30, 2015. mark it down on your calendar … enter it into your i-phone … put it on your refrigerator… and wear your dancing shoes because the Pelham Civic Association will be hosting their 76th Annual Dinner Dance Gala and Las Vegas Night! The place: The Jeanette, Anthony & Taya Senerchia (Photo by Deborah Fountainhead, in New Ro- Karson) chelle. A fabulous venue Senerchia and Kenneth Shirreffs. for a terrific, fun and exciting Jeanette & Anthony Senertime that is set out to be Pelham’s chia have worked tirelessly to “social highlight of the year!” raise awareness of ALS and were It’s when the Pelham Civic directly responsible for the worldAssociation - one of Westchester renowned “Ice Bucket Challenge”, County’s most active, volunteer which to date, has raised over $220 charitable organizations, assistmillion for ALS Research. In addiing the youth, the elderly, the fition, they established The Anthonancially needy and the physical- ny Senerchia Jr. Charitable Founly and mentally challenged - will dation - a non-profit foundation proudly honor its 2015 Persons dedicated to assisting underpriviof the Year Jeanette & Anthony leged families suffering from ALS. Local Girl Scout Fundraising for Firefighters Katie Rosell BY KATHERINE ROSELL, TROOP #1161 My name is Katherine Rosell and I am currently working on my Girl Scout Gold Award project named “Fire Safety First”. The goal of my project is to promote fire safety awareness to our local community, Pelham, as well as help fundraise for new equipment for the Pelham Fire Department. The equipment I will be purchasing is composed of industrial made air bags that are used to slip under debris. Then to further help the Pelham Fire Department I am redesigning their fire truck logo. In order to promote fire safety awareness and fund raise I designed and am selling t-shirts. On the front left hand side there will be a fire emblem and the back will read “KEEP CALM AND STOP DROP AND ROLL.” I was told by one of the fire fighters that young teenagers and college students forget to STOP DROP AND ROLL. In addition I am creating multiple station workshops and will invite younger Girl Scout Troops to learn about fire safety. At these workshops the girls will learn about identifying exits/entrances in their home in case of emergency, how to stop drop and roll and so on. I am also designing an educational video game to inform a younger audience about fire safety. In addition to the game I will be using what I learned about coding to design a website. I decided to develop a video game and website because a requirement of the Gold Award is to have a lasting “Global Impact.” As my passion is to study “Game Design” and “Computer Science” I wanted to use what I know to create the video game and website. My respect goes out to the Firefighters that keep us safe and risk so much. My birthday falls on 9-11 and there is a special connection between the day and the reason for me choosing to help the firefighters. Next time you see a firefighter, say “Thank you”. They are courageous beyond words. Thank you to firefighters in the town of Pelham and to all around the world! Contact Info for T-Shirts: Kenneth & Donna Shirreffs, and Jon & Shanna Shirreffs (Photo by Domenica Comfort Photographs) Ken Shirreffs is a long-time member of the Pelham Civic Association, a Pelham Civics Board of Director, and one of the most successful Chairmen of the Civics’ Needy Cases/Good Neighbor Program. In addition to his active volunteerism nationally and globally, Ken has elevated our local fundraising to a record-breaking level - particularly through the Pelham Civics’ Benefit Golf Outing. Ken’s exemplary efforts have enabled these significant programs to expand and help countless individuals and families in need. He is also a member of the Village of Pelham Zoning Board of Appeals. In addition to the heartfelt evening of honoring such remarkable people, the evening will include hours of fun and excitement, with a Las Vegas Night component added on! It’s where you can play exciting games, including blackjack, three-card poker, roulette and craps…Dance the night away to both a DJ and a live band, The Stellar Wolfs… Participate in both live & silent auctions… Win fabulous raffle prizes, including a $10,000 Grand Prize… Enjoy a cocktail hour, three-course dinner and top- CAN YOU SEE YOURSELF AT SCA? shelf open bar… and more!!! Joe Nunziata, longtime office of the Pelham Civics, added, “The Senerchias and the Shirreffs are remarkable families. They are selfless, gracious, and always willing to roll up their sleeves and contribute whenever and wherever there is someone in need. They are truly exemplary of what the community of Pelham and the Pelham Civics stand for. We are profoundly proud to present them with our most prestigious award.” For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Pelham Civic Dinner Dance Chairman Steven Shekane at 212-249-2745, or You can also visit us at OPEN HOUSE Sunday, October 25, 2015 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM TACHS #215 SPEND A DAY AT SCA Register online at or call Billie Lederman at 718-882-2882, Ext. 147 Spend a Day hours: 8:15 AM – 2:15 PM St. Catharine Academy 2250 Williamsbridge Rd. Bronx, New York 10469 • Phone: 718-882-2882 8 • September 2015: 1 • The Pelham Post DeCicco & Sons Hosts Yogis Daycare Kids for Healthy Eating Summer Interns Study Public On Thursday August 13th, Luisa DeCicco of DeCicco & Sons in Pelham (and founder of the Pelham Business Club), welcomed Sunestra Mitra of Yogis Daycare and her class of seven children, treating them to fruits and home made smoothies as part of Sunestra’s “Neighborhood Week: Teaching Children to Eat Healthy” As Sunestra explained, “Since we are an holistic approach to daycare, we want our children to learn from the very start how to make wise and healthy food choices. It’s never too early. We also want to support our local businesses, so we visit stores right here in Pelham throughout this special week. Luisa DeCicco was so gracious in having delicious fruit smoothies and a wide selection of other scrumptious fruits available for our kids in her Pelham store.” Luisa continued, “We support Sunestra’s Yogis Daycare and Spaces for Teens all of our local Pelham businesses whenever we can. This is all part of the mission of the Pelham Business Club - to help bring together our businesses and residents for the good of ALL of Pelham. And seeing the children learn about healthy eating is extremely gratifying!“ To learn more about the Pelham Business Club, visit its Facebook page: www. pelhambusinessclub Sunestra Mitra of Yogis Daycare (far left) and Luisa DeCicco (center) are surrounded by the visiting children, and Francesca Sgamatto (DeCicco Event Planner) and Erika Rosell (DeCicco Marketing Intern, holding kids’ sign) George L. Bischof, Esq. Gourmet e x p r e s s Pelham Resident; Evening Housecalls • Chopped Salads • Juice Bar & Wheat Grass Shots • Gourmet Hot Food Bar & Cold Salad Bar • Premium Deli with Flat Bread Sandwiches • Homemade Soups (Dairy free & Gluten free) • Homemade Pizza • Espresso, Cappuccino & Herbal Teas • Fine Catering Wills, Trusts and Estates Bischof & Bischof pllc 60 East 42nd Street, Suite 764 New York, NY 10165 (212) 867-9120 Admitted in NY and CT The Kitchen Shop Professional Design Services 914-738-6569 or 738-6156 Fax: 738-6800 924 West Street, Pelham Manor, NY 10803 Joseph Dellaripa Lawn Sprinkler Systems Professional Lawn Irrigation Services Pelham PACT hired twelve Pelham Memorial High School students to work as its 2015 PACT Summer Interns. This year, the program – which was twice as big as last year’s -- included rising freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. The hirees were: Joseph Catalano, Eanya Lian C. Dychauco, Ashley Flores, Linda Jaimes, Alexander Kougasian, Oliver Nassiri, Arielle O’Connor, Elody Paulino, Karla Pennetta, Ascensy Perez, Leana Rutt, and Ramon Velez, Jr. This summer the interns worked on a project to determine the feasibility of creating a local public space for teens, something that Pelham doesn’t currently have. The group used the Stanford Design School’s Project Bootleg design thinking process, which draws on a variety of disciplines to make design projects a reality. This will ultimately lead the interns to explore why teens do the things that they do. They also studied what current opportu- sm Certified Irrigation Contractor 79 Lincoln Avenue, Pelham, NY 10803 (914) 738-7183 Showroom Hours: Tues.-Fri. 10am-4pm & Sat. 10am-3pm Design Hours: By Appointment Installation Fall registration open! All skill levels welcome! Service 738-7118 “Serving our community for over 25 years” ! Adult, teen and children’s classes and workshops in visual and digital arts. Design Come see our great selection of cabinetry, countertops and decorative hardware. nities are available for teens in Pelham, the opportunities that the community is missing that teens feel they need; and how to make information steadily available to local youth. Ultimately, this project will highlight the overarching themes of empowerment, advocacy, and leadership that are central to PACT’s mission. At the internship’s end, the teens wrote a report highlighting the research and data they collected throughout the summer. The group will give a formal presentation of their report at PACT’s Town Hall meeting in October, along with serving on PACT’s Youth Leadership Council during the school year. This is the fourth year PACT has had a summer internship program. PACT is a community coalition encouraging youth to make healthy, safe and substance-free choices. Visit PACT at pelhampact. org, or “Like” the organization on Facebook or follow PACT eon Twitter @pelhampact. 155 Fifth Ave Pelham Register/info: education or 914 738 2525 x111. The Pelham Post • September 2015: 1 DONORS PLEASE JOIN THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF PELHAM AT THE WOODLAND PARK D O N O R A P P R EC I AT I O N RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH AT FIVE O’CLOCK IN THE EVENING WOLFS LANE, PELHAM (the corner of 2nd Street East & Wolfs Lane) The Junior League of Pelham is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. Please visit for more information. WOODLAND PARK FOUNDER’S CIRCLE $5,000+ Zoe Henriquez / The Klein Family The DeCicco Family Michael and Doreen DeDomenico and Family McClellan Sotheby’s International Realty Meridian Risk Management & Joan Solimine Real Estate Pelham Preservation & Garden Society WOODLAND PARK BUILDERS $500 - $4,999 Andy Horan and Sandy Iyer-Horan The DeDomenico Family The Hefner Family The Griffiths Family The Lusins Family The Brewer Family Elaine and Jeffay Chang The FitzSimons Family The Kelling Family The McLoughlin D’Angelo Family The To Family The Hart Family The Aronoff Family The Dolan Family The Mothner Family Sean and Michele Egan The Lee Family The Marshall & Jennifer Anderson Family Jeff and Kristin Austin The Barsanti Family Iris and Ed Beckwith Leslie and Dan Berkery The Bidwell Family John and Joanna Boyle Kelly and Josh Brown The Burke Family The Butterfield Family The Centurino Family The Cipolla Family Sabrina and Dave Clark The Tracie & Jason Cohen Family D. Ragno Landscaping Sing and Kevin Duffy Matt, Michaela, Avi, and Maddie Evans Meredith, Jason, Gus, Nick and Alexandra Fabozzi The Fauber Family The Feldman Family Alessandro and Xaira Ferrara The Fisher Family Flaster Family The Nakayama Family John, Renee, Chip & Will Gallagher The Gracie Family Gun Hill Fence Dawn and Christopher Bloise The Hawkins Family The Pereira Family The Hill-Ries Family James and Lisa Clunie The Kolmer & Capurro Family The Koonce Family The Lehmann Family The Ellis/Leung Family The Loughman Family The Maiberger Family The Matts Family The Micciche Family The Molineaux Family The Morjikian Family The Monaghan-Morris Family James Deighton and Melissa Mulrooney Deighton Susan Mutti Manu, Nandini, and Sanjay Naik The Ohmes Family The Perreten Family The Radonis Family The Radvany Family Susan and Kirk Reische Ross Family: Bill, Anna, Nik, Katya and Dima The Russillo Family The Rutigliano Family The Bitencourt Shaw Family The Shaw Family The Stephens Family Stiefvater Real Estate The Tahbaz Family Jessica Vieira and Matt Roden The Wallach Family The White Family The Winstead Kingsley Family The Yorio Family The Fisherman’s Net Village of Pelham Department of Public Works The Caccavale Reynolds Family The Bethea Family The Dunkelberger Foley Family The Knickerbocker Family WOODLAND PARK FRIENDS $1-$499 The Hartmere Family Mark Minter The Di Luozzo Family Mary Piscina Mike Sweeney Marie Herin Toni Kavanagh Pam Little Melissa Ronan Aisling Bier The Garg-Ladner Family Rosemary Maggiore Bridget Messina Penelope O’Brien Lily Fink The Roberts Family Corinne Blake Blue Dog Wines & Spirits The Bober Family Mike and Kate Carpenter The Normoyle Family The Connolly Family The Sutton / Davis Family The Deland Family The Frey Family The Dudek Family The Dunbar Family Alice Gesky The Ginsburg Family The Meehan Family The Hibbler Family Brett Howard and Jagger Brennan Sharene Jones The Kelly Family Katherine Kerr Brian Landy The Luce Family Manor Veteranary Clinic Courtney Maron Annette McCann The McCarthy Family Tracy Naden John & Joan Neary The Heelan Family Missy Palmisciano Mary Quintin Wendy Rackley David Rodriguez S. Martin Johnson & Associates The Mueller Family The Schimansky Family The Timmermans Family Madeline Tully Westfair Realty Ellen Payne Rachel Adams Morgan Treves Tara DeCandido Sunetra Mitra Jennifer Ashlock Ballet Arts Jenna Beckwith Audrey Beerman Joan Belviso The Flaster Family Elizabeth Clausen Rachel Cullen Marua Curtin Gina D’Angelo Allison Douglas The Felgner Family Carol and Matt Fleming The Bressler Family The Hemsley Family Resha Hodge The Horten Family The Johnson Family The Klopott / Frankel Family The Klossner Family The Langerfeld Family The Lauretani Family Ellen Macdonald Patricia McGoldrick The Saks Family The Moore Family Mariette Morrissey Monica Mullen Christine Palmieri and Brian Levine Pelham Music Arts Studio Pelham Pizza The Rosa Family The Proffitt Family Stephanie Raubenheimer The Rogener Family Rebecca Sadek The Shampanier-Bowen Family Tracy Shekane Spotlight Gymnastics The Sucena Family Laurie Ulster Michelle Wiley The Yuen Family Laura Zuzulo Carly Snarr Smeeta Khetarpaul Moira Griffiths Anneliese Turck Rosemary Anderson • 9 10 • September 2015: 1 • The Pelham Post Picnic in the Park – An Evening to Reconnect Come say good-bye to summer and hello to friends and neighbors you haven’t seen all season at The Picture House’s fourth annual, much-anticipated Picnic in the Park event on Saturday, September 19th from 6:00 to 11:00 pm. This highly-popular, casual event - which was sold-out last year - will once again take place at The Picture House’s renovated, historic theater, 175 Wolfs Lane in Pelham, and across the street in a beautifully-designed tent. The night will kick- off with cocktails, popcorn, and an advance screening of Ryan Reynolds’ latest film, Mississippi Grind, which opens nationwide on September 25th. After the film, guests will head to the park directly across the street where they will enjoy a gourmet picnic dinner provided by Alvin & Friends, featuring the res- taurant’s signature fried chicken, recently named “Best in Westchester” by Westchester Magazine, followed by dancing under the stars and an exciting raffle and live auction. Bronx Brewery and Captain Lawrence Brewing Company are once again the Picnic in the Park beer sponsors. “We are thrilled that Picnic in the Park has become a hallmark event that so many from Pelham and the surrounding communities look forward to as they usher in the start of the school year and a new season,” said Laura deBuys, Executive Director of The Picture House. “We’re extremely grateful to everyone the Committee and all of our guests for their commitment to a wonderful evening supporting one of Westchester’s true cultural treasures.” This year’s raffle and live auction will include opportunities to win complimentary family movie passes for one year (includes The Picture House’s renowned popcorn!), two passes for 4775-77 Boston Post Road Store Hours: Mon-Fri: 7am to 9pm, Sat & Sun: 7am to 8pm “Just ask for it and we’ll try to find it!” Fres Flowe h rs!!! Fresh S made USHI n premiso every d es ay! HUNDREDS OF IN-STORE SALES EVERY WEEK! LARGE SELECTION OF “UNIQUE” AND “HARD TO FIND ITEMS” We accept all major credit cards! FREE DELIVERY on Thursdays! 10% senior discount on Tuesdays!! MANOR MARKET FREE Key Food Large Eggs with Coupon and $10 Purchase. Coupon valid until 9/30/15. MANOR MARKET 10% OFF Any Shopping Order Not to be combined with the FREE egg coupon. Coupon valid until 9/30/15. WE OFFER HOME DELIVERY & PHONE-IN ORDERS TO LOCAL AREA 914-636-2208 • • the fall Picture House Film Club with Marshall Fine, tickets to Bravo’s popular show Watch What Happens Live, naming opportunities in the theater, and more. While 50% of Picture House operations are funded t h r o u g h earned income from concessions, ticket sales, tuition, and theater rentals, the balance of funding depends on grants, membership, and special events like Picnic in the Park. All the proceeds from the fourth annual Picnic in the Park will help to further The Picture House’s mission and ensure the continuing growth as an important cultural resource in Southern Westchester. The 2015 Picnic in the Park event committee is cochaired by Picture House Board member Kelly Brown and Renee Gallagher and includes Jennifer Anderson, Kristin Austin, Jessica DeDomenico, Ashley Dolan, Mary Hefner, Zoe Henriquez, Ashley Matts, and Janine Yorio. ‘Picnic in the Park’ tickets start at $125/person until September 1st when the base ticket price increases to $150/person. Tickets are available to purchase at or by calling (914) 738-3161. Various sponsorship levels are available and there is still time for businesses and individuals to support the event by purchasing an ad in the ‘Picnic in the Park’ virtual journal which will be shown on-screen prior to the film and featured on The Picture House website. Since 1921, The Picture House has served as a cultural center and community hub and is the oldest, continuously running movie theater in Westchester County. Today, after an extensive renovation and the addition of state of the art technology, The Picture House shows the best in new, independent and classic cinema and provides students of all ages with the opportunity to learn about the art, science and business of film. In a world where you can carry a movie screen in your pocket, The Picture House preserves the sense of community, wonder and engagement that has existed since the formation of the first theaters. The Picture House is located at 175 Wolfs Lane, www.thepicturehouse. org, info@thepicturehouse. org, (914) 738-3161. The Picture House is a communitybased, mission-driven, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. The Pelham Post • September 2015: 1 • 11 New Rochelle Council on the Arts Presents Weekend Celebration of the Visual and Performing Arts “ArtsFest” kicks off on Friday, September 25th and continues on Saturday, Sep- tember 26th and Sunday, September 27th,with a full menu of art events and activities, from behind-the-scenes tours of artists’ studios -- including world renowned 3-D artist Charles Fazzino’s Museum Editions studio – to a classic car show, LEGO ® Day at the Huguenot Children’s Library, a performance by the Ajkun Ballet, and the 4th annual Lincoln Avenue Festival (sponsored by grow! Lincoln Park) with KidzArtz activities, demos, food and music. Also on the menu are art exhibits at the Rotunda Gallery and New Rochelle Public Library, a book signing and lecture on a Revival by Cara Lynch fascinating new book, Hitler’s Art Thief, an exhibit on the life of composer Billy Strayhorn at the Museum of Arts & Culture, and interactive activities at the Pelham Arts Center. A free hop on/hop off trolley will link the venues, running continuously both days through New Rochelle and Pelham. The weekend concludes with a free swing dance party on Library Green on Sunday afternoon featuring live music by Glen Krytzer’s New Yorkers and dancers from the Rhythm Stompers who will offer lessons in classic couples dancing from 2:30 to 5 pm. Organized by the New Rochelle Council on the Arts, ArtsFest highlights the variety of arts and arts venues in New Rochelle and Pelham, with art exhibits, programs and familyfriendly activities at 34 venues that give both visitors and residents alike a window into the city’s rich cultural and artistic diversity. The celebration will include live music, great food, exciting performances, and eclectic shopping. “This is NRCA’s 40th anniversary, so we’re really excited to offer a variety of arts experiences this year,” says Theresa Kump Leghorn, President of the New Rochelle Council on the Arts. “And since our 40th anniversary Gala on November 5th, Lush Life, pays tribute to the centennial of composer Billy Strayhorn , some of our ArtsFest events are tied to that as well, including a screening of the award-winning documentary Lush Life, an original exhibit based on the new book Strayhorn: An Illustrated Life, and a Swing Dance Party on Library Green Sunday afternoon.” The free dance party will feature live music by Glenn Krytzer’s New Yorkers, a vintage style swing band that has been featured at the Lincoln Center Midsummer Night’s Swing, and dance demos by the Rhythm Stompers. Sponsors making ArtsFest possible this year are Charles Fazzino (Museum Editions Ltd.) , ArtsWestchester, an anonymous donor, Nissan of New Rochelle, Alvin & Friends Restaurant, the Cherry Family Foundation, the College of New Rochelle, Iona College, the New Rochelle Fund for Educational Excellence, Gallery Roc, and AJ’s Burgers. For a complete calendar of venues and events visit www.newrochellearts. org. Here’s your chance to work for Westchester’s 2015 Best Family-Owned Business. DeCicco & Sons is now hiring! We’re currently seeking employees for all departments for our stores in Ardsley, Armonk, Brewster, Harrison, Pelham and our new Larchmont location coming this Fall! Be sure to bring your resume for an on-site interview to these Job Fairs: Sept. 9 at DeCicco Ardsley, 11am - 5pm (21 Center St., Ardsley, NY 10502 • 914-813-2009) Revival is a site-specific public art installation located in the Pelham Art Center Courtyard by New York based artist Cara Lynch. Inspired by the historic neighborhood of Pelham, Lynch uses stencil and chalk spray to create patterned mandalas of Tudorstyle revival architecture on the stone beneath the feet of visitors. Referencing the exterior of many Pelham homes and businesses, the lace-like installation sweeps across the courtyard space, eventually fading from natural, open-air elements into our memories. By embracing the ephemeral quality of the medium, Lynch considers both history and the present simultaneously, connecting delicate details from the past to the regenerated space. An opening reception for this public art project will be held on September 11, 2015 from 6:30-8PM in conjunction with the only home we have exhibition opening. More info: Pelham Art Center 155 Fifth Avenue Pelham, NY 10803 914-738-2525 Sept. 10 at DeCicco Pelham, 11am - 5pm (43 Fifth Ave., Pelham, NY 10803 • 914-738-1377) Sept. 11at DeCicco Harrison, 11am - 5pm (7 Halstead Ave., Harrison, NY 10528 • 914-630-7830) Learn more and apply online: For further info, call DeCicco & Sons’ Human Resources Department in Pelham at 914-738-1377 12 • September 2015: 1 • The Pelham Post “Elsie” puts the pizzazz in new showtune Fest “What we wanted ‘Elsie Fest’ to be was more about putting a spotlight on the talent and the songs that they’ve been known for or have always wanted to sing,” said Rollins. In addition to solo performances, ideas for duets among the acts have been part of the discussions between organizers and fans alike; on Twitter, “Elsie” asked their followers to share their ideal song choices and duet partners for the show, resulting in some interesting pairings. “I hope that some of these ideas that the fans have submitted actually happen because that would be so great [for] this event,” said Rollins. In addition to the performances, “Elsie” boasts meetand-greets, food trucks, and a beer garden/sing-along station from West Village piano bar hotspot Marie’s Crisis. The event will run from 2PM – 9PM with a portion of the proceeds going to BroadwayCares/Equity Fights AIDS. From the sounds of it, maybe this time, a yearly “Elsie” event is gonna happen. For more information and tickets, visit BY ALYSSA HOLCOMB Remember Elsie, Sally Bowles’ liquored-up roommate lauded in the titular song from “Cabaret”? Now she’s got her own namesake event that invites people to “come hear the music play” – this time, outside of a midtown theatre. “Elsie Fest” is an outdoor festival celebrating the music of both stage and screen, bringing together the likes of Broadway stars, YouTube sensations, and more to sing the staples that made them famous – and the tunes they’ve always wanted to perform. A laundry list of notable acts are set to appear, including Tony Award-winner Lea Salonga (“Miss Saigon,” Disney’s “Aladdin”) Tony Award-nominee Laura Osnes (“Bonnie & Clyde,” “Cinderella”), Aaron Tveit (“Next to Normal,” USA Network’s “Graceland”), Leslie Odom Jr. (“Hamilton,” NBC’s “Smash”), theatre group Team StarKid (“A Very Potter Musical,” “Starship”), and SiriusXM On Broadway host Seth Rudetsky, among others. The one-day concert ex- Lea Salonga perience, which is being held on Sunday, September 27 at JBL LIVE at Pier 97 in NYC, was created by stage and screen performer Darren Criss (last seen on “Glee” and on Broadway in “Hedwig and the Angry Inch”), talent manager Ricky Rollins, and Jujamcyn Theaters president Jordan Roth. Criss will also perform a set at the event. “[Darren] is an avid concertgoer, especially of the festival circuit, straddling both worlds of rock shows and festivals and also having his foot in the Broadway comLeslie Odom Jr. munity,” said Roll“It was important for us ins. “I think it was just a very to try to find a venue that was natural thing. It was just one of those “ta-da!” moments of close to Broadway that still ‘Wow, this should exist for felt like it would be a festival experience,” said Rollins. showtunes!’” “…[while] Darren was doing During Criss’ recent ‘Hedwig’ was our first chance “Hedwig” run, he and Rollins to go see the venue in action set out with the initial plans to make “Elsie” come to life, and it was perfect. It was exactly what we wanted where including touring a new outit felt like a festival, but it was door venue at Pier 97 and arclose enough to Broadway ranging details with sponsors including LiveNation and to hopefully get the Broadway community out to the iHeartRadio. show. But at the same time in the scale of ‘festival,’ this is a rather small event. It fits 5,000 people, so we wanted to start it small and hopefully build out a great show that everyone has fun with and then hope to scale it up in the years to come.” From the beginning, “Elsie” was meant to highlight the performers and the patrons themselves rather than shows as a whole. Shoreline Entertainment Editor Alyssa Holcomb, is a recent graduate of the University of Florida, where she majored in Telecommunication Management and minored in Theatre. She is a Baltimore, Maryland native raised in Sarasota, Florida. Her professional credits in entertainment journalism stem back to high school and include The Independent Florida Alligator (the nation’s largest student-run newspaper), College Magazine, and the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. To reach Ms. Holcomb, email: alyssa93@ The Pelham Post • September 2015: 1 • 13 Kitchen & Bath Insider© - #178: The Elections are Coming, the Elections are Coming! BY PAUL BOOKBINDER, M.I.D., C.R. The presidential elections are here again and we have to make some tough decisions regarding who will restore our country to its former prominence and glory and speed-up our slow recovery, or end our steady decline, (depending on whom you speak with). Hillary is leading the Blue poles and Donald the Red ones. What a choice! (My oldest brother was best friends with Donald’s older (late) brother Fred, and boy, he’s sorry now that they didn’t let little “Donnie” go sleigh riding with them.) Nevertheless, some believe that choosing the new leader of the free world is simple compared with selecting a good contractor. But choosing the right people for a remodeling project is not as hard as choosing a president. All you have to do is follow a few fundamental rules. Prior to calling prospec- tive contractors, ask people who have done similar work for referrals. Check with professional organizations, (like the National Kitchen and Bath Association), for members in your area. Call the local department of consumer affairs to find out what type of license is required for the work that you’re considering and make sure that the company you hire is properly licensed. Also, check to see that they have liability insurance and that their workers are covered by both Worker’s Compensation and disability insurance. Many small firms and one-man operations can legally waive this insurance, but if they get hurt on your property it becomes your financial responsibility if they are not covered. When you have compiled a “short-list” of possible contractors, leave yourself enough time so that you don’t have to rush into a decision. Since you can’t watch them debate on national television, set up a meeting with them to get estimates and, more importantly, see if you feel comfortable with them. Let common sense, one of your most valuable senses, be your guide. The relationship between you and your contractor is the key to a successful job. If you start with someone who doesn’t return calls, shows up late and has no patience for your questions before you hire them, don’t expect much more after you’ve given them a deposit. When you’ve narrowed it down to a couple of choices, its time to check references. Ask the contractor to supply you with the names of people that they have worked for. Of course, just getting the names won’t help you much if you don’t call them. Lastly, beware of the low bidders. Every time I’ve succumbed to the “best price” for a job at my house I’ve regretted it. As attractive as low bids are, they can be a warning sign that the contractor may be in financial difficulty. He may be desperate to get your deposit in order to pay off bills from a job he has already started. If this is the case he will no doubt run into the same difficulty when he does your job and may have to abandon it due to lack of funds. Once you have selected a firm, insist on a written contract that specifies exactly what’s going to be done at your home. If you have any doubts… put it in writing. The more explicit the contract and work orders are, the less chance of misunderstandings after the work commences. Reputable firms also use “Change Orders” for any deviations to the original contract which require both you and the contractor to sign. Don’t be afraid of the paperwork, its purpose is to protect both you and the legitimate contractor. Keep in mind that once you sign a contract you have three business days to change your mind. This law was passed so that you don’t fall prey to high-pressure salespeople. You must notify the contractor in writing, within the three days that you wish to cancel, and have proof that you have done so. If you do your homework, and select a reputable contractor, your project will be a successful one. However, even with a great contractor, don’t expect that any job will go without some glitches. Anyone who promises a major renovation with no problems at all is not being entirely honest, there are just too many variables. But, when you’re dealing with a legitimate contractor any problems that do arise will be dealt with quickly and efficiently, and in the end you will be thankful that you put a little extra effort in selecting them. And, just maybe, when it snows, they’ll even let you go sleigh riding with them! Paul Bookbinder, M.I.D., C.R., is president of DreamWork Kitchens, Inc. located in Mamaroneck, New York. A Master of Design (Pratt Institute), and E.P.A. Certified Remodeler, he serves on the Advisory Panel of Remodeling Magazine. A member of the National Kitchen & Bath Assoc., he is also a contributor to Do It Yourself magazine. He can be reached for questions at 914-777-0437 or www. I Just Want to Put My Daughter’s Name On My Deed BY BERNARD A. KROOKS, CERTIFIED ELDER LAW ATTORNEY We hear that request all the time. “I want to make it easy for her when I die -just put my daughter’s name on the deed,” client after client insists. When we resist, they think we are acting too much like lawyers. There are no statistics out there, but we think that most of the time this arrangement works out just fine. But most of the time isn’t a very comfortable place to be. In addition, there will almost certainly always be tax considerations that need to be taken into account prior to making any deed transfer. We counsel clients about the risks of putting their children’s names on the title to their property -- any property, but especially real estate and most especially the home -- while the client is still alive. Let us try to explain ourselves, and offer up some alternatives. First, what do clients mean when they say something like “put my three sons’ names on the deed”? Do they mean that they want to put the property in joint tenancy, with the client and three children as co-owners? Or do they mean that they want to continue to own the property themselves, but have it pass automatically to the three sons on the client’s death? Because if they get us to put the property in joint tenancy, that is a completed gift now, not a contingent gift that becomes completed at death. If the client decides in two years to remove one of her sons, or to sell the house, or to leave one son’s share to his kids rather than his wife -- it’s too late. The deed has been done, as the saying appropriately suggests. Any later change will require the agreement -- and signatures -- of all three sons. In fact, there was a case on point several years ago. Cindi (not her real name) asked her lawyers (not our firm) to put her daughter’s name on her deed, and they had prepared a deed transferring her beach-front summer home into joint tenancy between her and her daughter. A decade later, she figured out that she had made a mistake -- she had meant, she said, to sign a life estate deed so that her daughter would receive the property easily at her death. She hadn’t meant to give her daughter a present interest in the home. Cindi asked her daughter to sign over the interest that Cindi had inadvertently given to her, but the daughter refused. Cindi filed a lawsuit to compel her daughter to return the gifted interest, but the court threw out her lawsuit. The appellate court agreed, ruling that unless Cindi could show that the deed she had signed was actually invalid (e.g.: not properly signed, not notarized correctly, or the product of duress or fraud) the lawsuit was properly dismissed. Cindi’s misunderstanding of the legal effect of the deed is not a legitimate basis on which to invalidate the deed, said the court. Note that Cindi was arguing that she had signed a deed different from the one she intended to sign. Her claim would have been even weaker if she had argued “yes, I meant to sign a deed when I did -- but things have changed and I no longer want my daughter’s name on the title to my house.” It is not clear what had changed between Cindi and her daughter to make her want to change the title to the house. We can only report that we see similar concerns raised from time to time -- often because family relationships change, or a parent decides a child’s inheritance should be protected from spouses, children, or creditors. So, why not do a life estate deed where you transfer your interest in your home to you kids when you die, but you reserve a legal life estate in the property while you are alive? While this may be an appropriate solution in many cases, it is not the best way to leave property to children who cannot handle money, or who receive public benefits. It can create more trouble than benefit in larger families (eight siblings owning equal interests in a property can be a formula for gridlock that even a Congressperson could ad- mire). It may not deal very well with the possibility that a child dies before you do (would you want his share to go to his wife, his kids or back to your other children? What if he remarries first? What if he is in the process of getting a divorce?). But for Cindi, who apparently had only one child and who intended her daughter to receive everything outright, it might well have been the easiest and best answer. What’s another choice? A trust. Trusts aren’t the answer to all problems, either, but they can allow you to maintain a certain amount of control over your property. They work quite well in many instances, including if you have more than one child, or a desire to benefit children and others unequally, or a child with special needs, creditors, an unhappy marriage or other reasons not to leave property to him or her outright -- in all of those cases a trust is more likely to be the right answer for you. While trusts may involve a bit more legal work, they will give you much more flexibility and protection to ensure that your home ends up in the hands of the people you want, when you want. Bernard A. Krooks, Esq., is a founding partner of Littman Krooks LLP and has been honored as one of the “Best Lawyers” in America for each of the last seven years. He is past President of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) and past President of the New York Chapter of NAELA. Mr. Krooks has also served as chair of the Elder Law Section of the New York State Bar Association. He has been selected as a “New York Super Lawyer” since 2006. Mr. Krooks may be reached at (914-684-2100) or by visiting the firm’s website at 14 • September 2015: 1 • The Pelham Post Gaucho Grill Marks Fall with Pizzazz My recent visits here have confirmed that Gaucho Grill in White Plains has become one of the most dynamic and compelling restaurants in Westchester. This Argentinean/Latin/Italian themed venue consistently offers vibrant food and atmosphere in a casual yet sophisticated environment. Proprietors Alan Nussbaum and his wife Maria Rubiano are amiable hosts who watch over their sprawling 225-seat multi-faceted establishment with a diligent eye. To mark the arrival of fall, they have opened their 60-seat open air umbrella deck overlooking bustling North Broadway, and are also offering a variety of enticing kitchen specialties. The culinary here is strong. I have followed talented Chef Angelo Magno’s career thru his years at the former Tango Grill, his stint at the former Milonga in North White Plains to his arrival at Gaucho as a partner almost 4 years ago. His titillating signature specialties can run the gamut from hefty steaks, classic Italian dishes and beautifully plated Latin favorites. The professional staff does their part well, too. Right now, great hot and cold starters include: delicious savory Argentinean Empanadas stuffed with beef or chicken; mind-blowing Pan-Seared Scallops, served with a citrus reduction zucchini and carrots; 3 flavorful fresh Ceviches: tilapia, tuna or shrimp; Roasted Duck Wrap in a flour tortilla with sautéed onions, fresh avocado, mixed peppers and Chubut; a decadent version of Eggplant Rollatini, with ricotta, mascarpone, spinach, mozzarella and cognac sauce; Business Cards Pulpo a la Brasa, grilled octopus; Gaucho’s Crab Cake mixed with lump crab, lobster, honey mustard sauce; and Burrata Caprese, with heirloom tomato, balsamic glaze and basil infused oil. Refreshing fresh salads include: Insalata Bandiera, baby arugula, fresh mozzarella, shrimp, avocado, cherry tomatoes, Italian vinaigrette; and Tuscan Been and Beet. Pasta and risotto specialties include: a classic version of Gaucho’s Seafood Paella, loaded with lobster, shrimp, clams, mussels, calamari, chicken, chorizo, saffron rice; Garganelli with a fennel pork ragout, ricotta salata; house made Lobster Ravioli, cognac sauce, asparagus and sun dried tomatoes; and a twist on Linguine Vongole served with a brandychipotle sauce. Carnivores can hunker $73. per issue. Prepaid only. Just mail us your Business Card and Full Payment and we’ll take care of the rest. Mail to: Shoreline Publishing, 629 Fifth Ave., Suite 213, Pelham, N.Y. 10803 down on hefty steaks and chops ‘a la parilla’: there is a tender Porterhouse served sliced and seasoned; New York Strip Steak Silhouette, served sliced with roasted potatoes, sautéed onions, peppers, shrimp with scampi sauce; Argentinean Parrillada, a mixed grill that includes skirt steak, Mendocino, hanger steak, sirloin, pork filet mignon, sausage, yucca and potato; Roasted Rack of Lamb served with grilled asparagus and mint jelly; Cowboy Steak, bone-in ribeye served with potato wedge and Gaucho steak sauce; and Mendozino Steak, with chorizo, caramelized onions, Portobello mushrooms and sliced potatoes. A classic Surf & Turf pairs a 7 oz. lobster tail, 8 oz. filet mignon and drawn butter. Traditional main courses served with style include: Salmon Dijon with caramelized Brussels sprouts; Pork Chop Valdostana, stuffed with prosciutto, caramelized onion, Portobello, fresh Classifieds ANTIQUES • ART • COLLECTIBLES Most cash paid for paintings, antiques, furniture, silver, sculpture, jewelry, books, cameras, records, instruments, coins, watches, gold, comics, sports cards, etc. Please call Aaron at 914-654-1683. EXP. BOOKKEEPER AVAILABLE 25 Years Corporate Finance Experience at Verizon Communications. Knowledge of Quickbooks, Microsoft Excel and Word. Call Karen, 914-582-6749. References Available Upon Request. THE POST PUBLISHING, INC. Edward Shapiro, President and Publisher Cynthia Pena, Art Director, Editor Alyssa Holcomb, Entertainment Editor Helene Pollack, Account Executive Mary DeYoung, Account Executive The Pelham Post is published monthly by Shoreline Publishing, Inc., 629 Fifth Avenue, Suite 213, Pelham, NY 10803. 914-738-7869. The entire contents of this newspaper is copyrighted by Shoreline Publishing. No portion may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The views, opinions and content of this publication does not necessarily reflect that of the staff of Shoreline Publishing. Larchmont Ledger Harrison Herald New Rochelle Review The Pelham Post The Bronxville Bulletin Westchester Jewish Life Formerly Westchester Senior News Shoreline Publishing accepts the submission of articles, events and items of interest no more than 500 words with .jpg photos for inclusion in Shoreline newspapers and websites. Email to: or Shoreline Publishing, 629 Fifth Avenue, Suite 213, Pelham, NY 10803. Shoreline Publishing reserves the right to edit or omit any submissions. mozzarella in a marsala sauce; Oven-Roasted Chicken with Amaretto mashed sweet potato; Sesame encrusted Chilean Sea Bass with spinach, capers and fresh tomato; and Grilled Colossal Shrimp served with saffron rice. At lunch there are such reasonably priced options as: a 10 oz. Gaucho Burger, Gaucho’s Crab Cake Burger, and pressed Panino Cubano. Leave room for the delightfully decadent desserts: Dulce de Leche Crepes prepared tableside; the house Flan, or the Mixed Berry Napoleon. I also attended their Technicolor Latin Sunday Buffet Brunch served 11:30 am to 3 pm and it was an impressive sight to behold. There were dozens of self-serve choices laid out beautifully in the lounge area along with a chef-manned carving station. And it’s all you can eat. There are private and semiprivate party facilities for up to 80 guests for all types of occasions. AMER. HISTORY MAVEN WANTED Patriotic American History Maven wanted to showcase positive, inspiring, humorous stories of unsung heroes from all walks of life, from our 1776 Founding Fathers till today. Joe: 914-552-7094 HOUSE FOR SALE Beautiful 5 bd, 3 bth Colonial in Scarsdale, FR with fireplace, FDR, Eat-in-Kitchen, large Playroom, tons of storage. 3200 sq. ft. on double lot, many new upgrades, great schools, low taxes. Call 914-874-3314 for info. The private banquet room is beautifully appointed. Management would be delighted to customize your special event. Gaucho Grill is located at One North Broadway, White Plains, N.Y. Open 7 days for lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch, 11 am to 11 pm. Prices at lunch: $7 to $28; 3-course prix fixe lunch served Monday thru Friday: $19. Dinner options: $12 to $45 for the Porterhouse Steak. Sunday Buffet Brunch: $26.95 per person. Daily Happy Hours in the bar/lounge. Private party facilities. Major credit cards. Proper casual dress. Valet parking. Reservations accepted: 914-437-9966. (Morris Gut is a restaurant consultant and former restaurant trade magazine editor. He has been tracking and writing about the food and dining scene in greater Westchester for over 25 years. He may be reached at: 914235-6591. E-mail: gutreactions@ MATH TUTOR MATH I LOVE IT I TUTOR IT -- ALL LEVELS Columbia MBA, Perfect Score MATH SAT. Text Chris, 914-815-2429. NANNY Attend to two children in pvt. home, one child has special needs in speech. Supervise & engage in play, transport to activities & help in light cooking & laundry. Cert. in ped., first-aid, CPR pref. M-F 9-5pm. $12.45/hr. Speak English & Tagalog. Stay-in pref. Temp. Contact Cathy at Classified Ad Form 7 newspapers over 100,000 readers -- 1 price, prepaid $118.00 for 4 lines, add’l lines $12.00 per line. Ad runs in 7 papers for 1 month. Make check payable to: Shoreline Publishing, Inc., 629 Fifth Avenue, Suite 213, Pelham, NY 10803 1) __________________________________________________________________________ 2) __________________________________________________________________________ 3) __________________________________________________________________________ 4) __________________________________________________________________________ 5) __________________________________________________________________________ Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________________________________ The Pelham Post • September 2015: 1 SOLD MORE HOMES IN PELHAM AND NEW ROCHELLE THAN OUR NEXT 3 COMPETITORS COMBINED PELHAM AND NEW ROCHELLE ALL PROPERTIES TOTAL UNITS NEW ROCHELLE AND PELHAM SCHOOL DISTRICT 1/1/2015 – 8/11/2015 221 HOULIHAN LAWRENCE 107 MCCLELLAN SOTHEBYS 58 JULIA B FEE/SOTHEBYS 55 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN COLDWELL BANKER BHG RAND 44 36 Source: HGMLS, 1/1/2015 to 8/5/2015, all properties sold, Pelham and New Rochelle School Districts, by company. 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