School Newsletter - February 2016
School Newsletter - February 2016
Tel: 0121 707 3012 Reynalds Cross School, Kineton Green Road HALF TERM February 2016 HEADTEACHER’S MESSAGE Dear Parents, Carers and Friends January has been and gone and since I wrote last time two members of staff have given birth. Amy Patrick from (L1) has had a lovely baby boy called James and Jess Court (U1) has had a gorgeous baby girl named Ameera. Both are well and enjoying motherhood. Hannah Baker has now returned to school following her maternity leave and being at home with Iris. Hannah has joined the team in Lower School. Within school, the two Site Managers, Paul and Jason have now become confident in the pool administration. However, at the same time, some important parts have finally given up the ghost so we need to have these repaired. Most of the time, the pool is still able to be used, but if there is any risk, the pupils do not use the pool – this can be a last minute decision so please bear with us. There have been several PE events for Upper School this half-term and I have been so proud of the behaviour and motivation of the pupils – they give their all. This is consistent with the attitude in choir and all activities where the pupils represent the school. A visit from the CBSO musicians reinforced this and all the pupils stayed focused for the musical production for a long period. (look out for the CBSO article on page 12). For you as parents, having the right professionals around you is so important. Within the Local Authority there have been so many recent changes of personnel within the services. However, there is now a service called Solihull Early Help which offers lots of opportunities – we have invited them to join us at our Interim Parents Evening on Tuesday 1 st March. The school has now become part of the Hazel Oak teaching alliance – this alliance enables the special schools to help develop skills of others to work as outstanding staff in the future. It was National Internet Day this week and as staff, we are very aware of the dangers of social networking sites such as Whatsapp and Facebook. The pupils and staff have worked on phrases to keep each other safe regarding internet usage – here are just a few:“Stay Safe” “Always treat others how you like to be treated yourself” “If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing” “Be yourself, be confident” Lovely examples we are very aware of the power of the internet; we all try and incorporate this into our curriculum delivery, dependent upon the youngsters’ needs. Tel: 0121 707 3012 Reynalds Cross School, Kineton Green Road HALF TERM February 2016 HEADTEACHER’S MESSAGE CONTINUED… Quick reminder: if we have any snow you will be able to find out if the school is closed from the following radio channels and websites: Free Radio Broadcasting times- 24 broadcasting Channel- 96.4 FM Website- Heart FM Broadcasting times- 24 broadcasting Channel- 100.7 FM Website- Reynalds Cross School (Please check tweets) SMBC (please check the above sites first as there is usually a delay on this one) PLEASE ALSO NOTE that if your child receives home to school transport, these companies may decide (after performing their own risk assessments) that it would be unsafe for them to transport your son/ daughter even though school may be open. Again, please check the school website (Tweet feed) in such circumstances. It is however, your transporter’s responsibility to inform you of their decision. Finally we have had a large amount of flyers and advertisements come through to us so look out for these on our school website: I hope you have a lovely half term and see you next term! DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 2015-16 FULL TERMS AND HOLIDAY DATES FOR 2015-16 ATTACHED February Fri 12th TRAINING DAY– school CLOSED to pupils Mon 15th – Fri 19th HALF TERM– school CLOSED to pupils Mon 22nd PUPILS BACK TO SCHOOL March Tues 2nd Wed 23rd INTERIM PARENTS EVENING 3.45-6PM END OF TERM– school CLOSED to pupils April Mon 11th SUMMER TERM- PUPILS BACK TO SCHOOL ALL DATES ALSO ON SCHOOL WEBSITE CALENDAR—DOUBLE CLICK ON EVENTS TO EXPAND INFO. School Site – Parking and dropping off We are in the process of re-evaluating/designing our parking arrangements at school, for the busy times when transport are dropping off and collecting. Can we request that any parents that use the car park for either dropping off/picking up or visiting, note the new signs that have been erected, making the traffic island one way. To exit or enter, please use the island and do not make U-turns. Please also adhere to the speed limit (5mph) at all times. There will be a member of the Site team outside on duty during these busy times. Thank You Special School Nursing Team – Reynalds Cross School Debbie Stollery– Children's Nurse Sarah Kirk– Community Children's Nurse Maureen Bartlett– School Nurse assistant If you need to send medication to the School Nursing Team, you must either hand it to your child’s escort or notify them that your child's bag contains medication. Please also write a note in the home school diary. If it is a ‘controlled drug’ you must bring it into school in person. I am sure you will appreciate that this is for the safety of all our pupils. You can contact the team on 0121 706 9108– 8.30am– 4.30pm Key developments within PE at Reynalds Cross School We are continuing to support the development of PE skills across school through the use of the PE Sports Development Grant. This includes Dance and Bike Coaching and additional resources for PE and Swimming. This term we are using the "Change for Life" Programme to support physical activity across school in and out of lessons (including lunchtime and after school clubs). This is particularly for our less active pupils with a view to improving overall health and well- being. So watch this space for more news of exciting curriculum and extra-curricular activities currently in the pipe line. On15th January, 21 students in years 7-13 from Red Class, Orange Class, U1 and Purple attended a Sports Inclusion event for wheelchair basketball and table tennis at Langley Secondary School. The students and staff had a fantastic morning and it was a great opportunity to experience new sports and receive some coaching from the experts. As always, our students were enthusiastic and made us very proud! After the event, the organisers selected 10 students to move onto a more competitive event The School Sports Games on28th January at North Solihull Sports Centre. Even the staff enjoyed it!! Wheelchair basketball L1- MOONBEAMS We have been keeping fit and healthy this term! I enjoy running around and climbing in soft play I am learning to swim with less support I can walk around the swimming pool as part of my physiotherapy I can climb over and under the equipment during my PE lessons I can stand in my standing frame for up to an hour I can work on my own in a PE lesson I can briefly interact with an adult in the pool I can be independent in the water ol o h c S r Lowe my e d a c A ng i n i a r T lice Po Lower School Pupils have been learning about people who help us in the community both at school and at home. The children had a special visit by two police officers this term! Pupils learnt about how the police help us and how to keep safe. The children also had the opportunity of asking the police officers questions. The police officers then gave pupils a special treat – they were allowed to sit in the police car and on the police motorbike! Advertise your unwanted items/services here in return for a donation to school. Enquiries and insertions should be addressed to Paige at: TOUGH FURNITURE SINGLE BED + MATTRESS as new—slight mark on headboard (unwanted) Colour: Light pine wood Double reinforced Moulded tray Foam mattress included (if wanted) This bed has a long track record of high performance in challenging behaviour environments, such as accommodation for those with emotional and behavioural difficulties, learning disabilities or autism. Cost £430 new Accepting any offers near £200 ENQUIRIES VIA CLAIRE BENDELL– Mob: 07590751930. Disclaimer: any advertisements or For Sale items in this Newsletter are the responsibility of the private individual or company that placed the advertisement or offered the item. All enquiries must be made directly with the seller/provider of items or services and not the School. Communication A Talkabout group, based on the model from Alex Kelly, started in September 2015 for a small number of pupils in Lower and Upper school. The focus is on social skills to include self awareness and self esteem, body language, the way we talk, conversation and assertiveness. All pupils have shown progress which is fantastic and groups will continue to run for the full academic year. In addition, the communication team have been busy training staff on using a signing app, “My Choice”, created by Insance Logic that enables staff and pupils to instantly bring up Makaton signs during lessons. A fantastic tool to keep Makaton signing accessible to all. The Communication Team: Shauna Delaney—Specialist Speech and Language Therapist and Dawn Rutherford—Communication Assistant Reynalds Cross School Council School Council recently gave out a questionnaire to pupils and staff asking for views about our whole school assembly which recently moved from Friday morning to Friday afternoon. Questions were designed by School Council members Brad Hannon, George Tootell, Hayden Newood and Rachel Spencer, then produced these using the Communication-inPrint software program of words and Makaton symbols. Communication in Print can help pupils develop reading skills by supporting more independent recognition of words. Council members decided this was the best way to display questions. Some of our older pupils have been able to read and complete the questionnaire themselves, whilst others have been supported by staff to participate if appropriate. Here is an example of what one of the questions looks like using Communication-in-Print software. Hayden, Brad, George and Rachel thinking of ideas for the questionnaire ASDAN Accreditation in 14-19 Stage ASDAN Qualifications for age 14-19 Sudents Students in our age 14 – 19 Foundation Learning stage (Year 10 – 14) work towards ASDAN qualifications. Work is undertaken in units, designed to demonstrate developing skills whilst gaining credits within the national Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). How ASDAN Accreditation works Students’ work is assessed and moderated at school by staff with ASDAN standards training. A proportion of this work is then selected each year by ASDAN who scrutinise work and verify our assessments; if successful certificates are issued to the students. What we are doing this school year - Literacy Our literacy unit this year is Personal Progress : Providing Personal Information. Students are learning and practising to communicate personal information using their own preferred method of communication, particularly important as our students prepare for the future. Towards the end of the year, individual work is assessed within ten different achievement levels, meaning students achieve success at their own particular competency level- much like the grading of course work in other educational settings. Within Providing Personal Information, there is scope for students to become experienced with a variety of different skills. For instance, some student may focus on recognising and responding to their name, often with the help of different communication aids and sometimes songs; others go on to more complex activities such as practicing what information is appropriate to give on the telephone, include in job application forms and discuss with others in a variety of situations. The level of achievement a student reaches for each unit is shown with their ASDAN certificates. Callum shows skills in recognising his photo and name on the smart board before using his electronic talker to communicate with his teacher. James practises giving personal information in reception desk role play, before progressing to practise filling in an application form. News from our choir We welcomed all our choir members back after the Christmas break and started learning some new songs. We were invited to return to Solihull Methodist Church to sing for them and to receive a cheque for over £900 – wow an amazing amount of money. A huge thank you to them for all their fund raising efforts. As usual, all members sang their hearts out to some of their favourite songs – well done everybody!!! Joy, Jane, Kim and Mrs Davenport Drama by the Open Theatre A big thank you to Richard Hayhow from ‘Open Theatre’ for coming in to give us a free taster of his fantastic drama sessions. We danced, we wore hats, we laughed and we played. FORCS NEWS WANTED – TREASURER FOR FRIENDS OF REYNALDS CROSS SCHOOL I will be standing down at the end of this year and so FORCS is now asking for a volunteer to come forward to take on this role from October. It is not a time-consuming role but you will need to be able to attend FORCS meetings which take place usually about twice per term (currently always on Monday evenings, 7 to 8pm). The main job is to produce a report on the money in and outs for those meetings. So the role involve’s keeping a record of monies coming in and going out and checking this regularly against the bank statements. It will also help if you are able to call into school every now and again to collect cash and cheques and to liaise with Sally in the office. Having easy access to a Lloyds bank for banking will also help. Please contact me on 07973 523422 if you think you can help and I can provide you with more information. Laura Snook Treasurer– FORCS Forthcoming sessions– save the date! Information from SoLO regarding the Personal Assistant (PA) service they offer. Information flyer to follow. Tuesday 8th March 7-8pm OR Friday 11th March 9:30-10:30am (to be confirmed) Also, look out for our Easter Fun Day flyer next half term – information to follow. Our theme this term is friendship and we have been reading “All Join In” by Quentin Blake. We have had fun playing instruments and joining in with our friends to make a LOT of noise in the classroom! This term we have been working very hard on our Independence. We have been using our kitchen area to make some different snacks including beans on toast, toast with different toppings, noodles and cornflake cakes. Yum Yum! Pupils have made lots of progress with their cooking skills and love getting to eat the food afterwards, there’s just one problem … no one likes doing the washing up!! 14-19 News from Red Class Red Class have been working hard on their Asdan Qualifications this term. They have also started at South and City College- Birmingham, where they are currently studying Horticulture. So far there have been a few people saying how cold it has been in the big shed structures! Several members in Red Class took part in a Sports Event held at Langley Senior School to try out Table Tennis and Wheelchair Basketball. Following this, some of our pupils were successful in being chosen to take part in a competition at the North Solihull Sports Centre. Red Class have also been working very hard during their Work Experience in partnership with Touchwood Shopping Centre. They have undertaken jobs such as delivering Memos on behalf of Touchwood. For this, the pupils had to ask for the Manager and then ask them to sign to say they had received it. Some pupils also had the task of destroying all the unused Birthday Voucher cards by using a shredder. They managed to destroy a very impressive 3,000 cards. WELL DONE! The pupils are looking forward to their half term break and will be refreshed and ready to take on the next half term to lead us into Easter. 14-19 News continued… Orange Class Active Mondays Swimming in the morning (when/where possible) and hockey in the afternoon – phew...this is in addition to our dance/exercise session every morning. We have been keeping fit and healthy this term! Sports Inclusion Day at Langley Senior School Some of our students took part in a sports event at Langley Senior School for the morning – there was wheelchair basketball & table tennis on offer. They all enjoyed an active, action packed and fun morning! Well done to Madison Severn for her medal in wheelchair 14-19 News continued… Orange Class Science on a Wednesday In our Science lessons we have been focusing on ‘what ingredients will pass through a sieve and what ingredients will dissolve?’. College: Horticulture and Carpentry Orange Class have been working very hard and getting stuck in at College, focussing on Horticulture and Carpentry. We hope you have a lovely half term, Orange class team: Mrs Patterson, Mrs Childs, Joy, Nicky & Nicola. Tuesday Enrichment Options Afternoon Once again our options afternoons began with a “choices” session There are several new sessions to choose from: Sensory Musical Instrument Making So far the group have made a tambourine and a kazoo and enjoyed the different sounds they made. Bhangra Burnoff Some of our students enjoyed this session at the Sports Active day last year, so We invited him in for our Tuesday afternoon option sessions. It’s a very high energy session………. Glass painting The group have been painting various bottles and jars; they look great and there has been some very careful painting. Food Technology & Modern Foreign Language – making dips The group have been making different dips and discussing which country they would be eaten in. Salsa Guacamole Hummous Messy Art So far the group have made gloop, yogurt edible paint and used cling film for resistance paint, all exceedingly messy but great fun! Sensory Music Sophie once again offered her “musical talent” to the group, so a big thank you to her. If you have a skill you would like to share – please get in touch… I would particularly like to hear from people who can teach some dance – line dancing, country dancing etc……I would love to hear from you so please get in touch. Thanks, Joy Grayson CBSO CONCERT We had a brilliant time with the CBSO this term. The ‘Little Big Time Band’ blew our socks off with classics such as Thunderbirds, Flight of the Bumblebee, The Simpsons and The Can Can. We heard a hose trumpet and milk bottles and pupils all joined in at the end. A big thank you to FORCS for making this possible. Tanya Cronin- London Marathon 2016 One of our parents, Tanya Cronin, is running the London Marathon in April for the National Autistic Society, inspired by her children Charlie and Emily. Charlie was diagnosed with ASD when he was 18 months old, however when Emily was also diagnosed last summer Tanya decided she was going to run a marathon in aid of NAS! “I had never done any running before but I wanted to give something back to the NAS so they can continue to raise awareness and support families like ours. I must admit I didn’t think I would actually get a place but there is no turning back now and I’m really enjoying the training!” Charlie (4) is doing really well in Sunshine’s class at Reynalds Cross School, Emily (6) also started in Sunshine’s at Reynalds Cross however has now moved to Hazeloak school. Tanya Cronin has a fundraising page at If anyone would like to support her- Any small donation would be very much appreciated, thank you. SMBC Special Educational Needs Survey Solihull Council is currently reviewing the information, advice and support service that is available for children and young people with a special educational need and/or disability, and their parents. We would like to ensure that the views of people who might use this service informs this process. If you are the parent or carer of a child or young person with a special educational need and/ or disability, we would be most grateful if you could complete our short survey, which can be accessed via this website SMBCSENDIASS The consultation ends on Wednesday 24th February 2016. The House Garden Behind Reynalds Cross and Helen Kellar houses is a secluded garden. For the past 12 months I have been looking after it, with help and support from Zoe King and Laura Snook. N Power employees spent a day tidying and painting fences and Solihull Lions have been really generous in providing nest boxes, apple trees and planters which students from Newland Bishop Farm helped to install. Reynalds Cross pupils have also helped by planting and harvesting the fruit and vegetables or in supervising the grown-ups to do it. In the past week Country Lane Landscapes have been on site relaying the path making it suitable for wheelchairs. They are also installing ground guard matting and putting in a trellis fence to provide a view of the pond and wild area behind. This work has been kindly funded by Solihull Lions and FORCS. As spring approaches, the garden will once again come to life. If you are able to donate any spare plants, a bird table or garden furniture/ ornaments, it would be much appreciated. Please contact Paige on Reception to arrange a convenient time to bring these items to school. Peter Carbin Parent of ex– Reynalds Cross student