Catalog - OPS Ltd.
Catalog - OPS Ltd.
CONSTRUCTION & MINING INTRODUCING THE COMPLETE SOLUTION A 100 Year Journey About 100 years ago, Hamworthy began its journey in the hydraulics machinery market with a vision of building the mostrobustandreliablehydraulicsystemsforconstruction machineryapplications. Today Hydreco is far more than just a designer of valves and pumps. As a leading specialist in mobile hydraulics, with a byconsistentlysettingtheindustrystandard.Ourengineering design and development team has extensive knowledge in mobilehydraulicsandisdriventocontinuallystrivetoraise thebaronourcompetitorsbyofferingcomprehensive,tough andreliablehydraulicsolutionsaimedatdeliveringmaximum performance,whatevertheapplication. Complete Hydraulic Solutions rapidlyexpandingglobalfootprint,weofferacomprehensive Supported by a highly talented engineering design team and range of products, and services to provide complete hydraulic thewidestselectionofhydrauliccomponentsintheindustry, solutionstojustaboutanyconstructionmachineryapplication. theTeamatHydrecocanoffercompletesystemsolutionsfor Ourcompanyhasestablishedalongtraditionofinnovation anyoffroadapplication. HYDRECO PILOT VALVES AND MFE HANDLES Hydreco pilot valve control range include monoblockandsectionalvalves,handand footoperated,withfloatspoolcontrol function(withpre-feelramps),and mechanical or electrical detents. A variety of metering curves are available to controlinthemostefficientwayanytypeof directionalcontrolvalves. Due to a low hysteresis and the ease of control the pilot valve displays a high level of accuracy. Electroproportionalcontrolsarealso availableindifferentversions:PWMdirect control, analogue output, and CAN-bus. The ergonomic handles can be fully customized with pushbuttonsand proportionalcontrols. ENGINEERED TO MOVE HYDRECO LOADER VALVES WITH UNLOADING FEATURE The wide range of Hydreco valves, cover the market requirement for a wide range of loaderapplications. Withaflowrangeupto450l/min,sectional ormonoblockconstruction,tandemorseries circuit,multiplespooloptions,manual/ hydraulic/electro-hydraulic/pneumatic controloptions,wecanalwaysrelyonalow dutylossandprecisecontrolofflow,forthe maximumperformanceandbestproductivity of the machine. TIPPER CONT Supported by a highly talented engineering design team and wide selection of hydraulic components, the team at Hydreco™ can offer complete solutions for any construction and mining vehicle. HYDRECO PILOT SUPPLY UNIT In the absence of a dedicated pump the supplyunitisdesignedtodrawoilflowfrom themaincircuittoensurefunctionalityofthe pilot valve. A variety of versions are available with differentpre-adjustedworkingpressuresand hydraulic accumulator volumes. Anoptionalsolenoidvalveisavailable for safety and extended accumulator storagetime HYDRECO GEAR PUMPS Hydreco has an extensive range of low noise helical gear, aluminium and cast iron gear pumps and standard spur gear models. Our gear pumps are constantly reviewed to ensureourfeaturesandbenefitsaremarket leading. ROL VALVES HYDRAULIC PUMPS PTOs 100 YEARS OF HYDRAULICS EXPERIENCE Hydreco Hydraulics is the designer, manufacturer and businessispositionedtorespondtoyourhydraulicneeds distributor of products servicing the transport and mobile through a worldwide network of manufacturing and sales hydraulics sector. Hydreco has a combined history of 100 facilities. years in developing solutions through a rich heritage of legacy companies. The joining of David Brown Hydraulics, Powauto and Hydreco in 1997 brought together some of the most respected products, people and heritage brands in the business. Engineeringexcellenceisatthecoreofourorganization,the productrangeisgearedtowardsofferingthebestpossible solutionformanyapplicationswithinConstruction,Earth moving, Transport, Industrial, Materials handling, and many Hydreco has an extensive range of low noise helical gear, aluminium and cast iron gear pumps and standard spur gear models from its David Brown heritage. Its valve range covers multi-spoolsectionalandmonoblockmodelswithelectro hydraulic, hydraulic and lever control. Dual axis, stackable and single axis hydraulic pilot valves, with an extensive range ofhandleoptionsincludingergonomichandleswithmany switchesandbuttonoptions.Thevalvesareavailablewith springcentredandelectricdetentoptions. more.Weprideourselvesonsupportingcustomersthrough Under the name Hydreco Powauto, with heritage back to 1928, leadingedgeproducts,designedtoprovideoptimum we sell our range of Transport hydraulics products. The product performanceandextensivereliabilityincontinualhardworking rangecoverspowertake-offunits,pumps,valves,cylinders applications.Withinnovativetechnologyourproductshave andaccessoriesforonandoffroadvehicles.ThisWorldClass evolved and developed, leading to a range of some of the brandpossessesastrongfootprintinAsiaPacificbuildingonits highest quality products available in the market place. The excellentreputation. The manufacturing engineering office from the 1950’s The Tool Room from 1947 CONTACT INFORMATION EMEA DENMARK FINLAND GERMANY ITALY NORWAY RUSSIA SOUTH AFRICA UK Hydreco Hydraulics Denmark A/S, Kastrup (Copenhagen) HydrecoHydraulicsFinlandOy,Helsinki Hydreco Hydraulics GmbH, Straelen (NRW) Hydreco Hydraulics Italia Srl, Vignola (MO) HydrecoHydraulicsNorwayAS,Skjetten Hydreco Hydraulics Russia, Moscow Hydreco Hydraulics (Proprietary) Ltd, Benoni Hydreco Hydraulics Ltd, Poole, Dorset Tel: +45 32 51 40 15 Tel:+35893424120 Tel: +49 2834 94303-41 Tel: +39 059-7700411 Tel:+4722909410 Tel: +7 495 967 3453 Tel: +27(0)11 748 0076 Tel: +44 (0) 1202 627500 Fax: +45 32 51 20 22 Fax:+358934241236 Fax: +49 2834 94303-64 Fax: +39 059-7700425 Fax:- Fax: +7 495 785 0636 Fax: +27 (0) 86 558 2942 Fax: +44 (0) 1202 627555 AMERICAS USA HydrecoInc,Charlotte(NC) LATIN AMERICA Tel:+1704295-7575 Tel: +1 704 572-6266 Fax:+1704295-7574 APAC AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA CHINA INDIA Tel: +61 2 9838 6800 Tel: +61 246 476 577 Tel: +61 8 9377 2211 Tel: +86 0592 2237 901 Tel: +91 80 42713100 Fax: +61 2 9838 6899 Fax: +61 2 4648 2257 Fax: +61 8 9377 2223 Fax: +86 0592 2237 052 Fax: +91 80 42713111 Hydreco Hydraulics Pty Ltd, Seven Hills (NSW) Hydreco Hydraulics Pty Ltd, Narellan (NSW) Hydreco Hoist & Winch Sales (WA) Pty Ltd, Bassendean (WA) Hydreco Hydraulics (Xiamen) Co. Ltd, Xiamen, (Fujian) Hydreco Hydraulics India Private Ltd, Bangalore
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