Kennedy Catholic High School


Kennedy Catholic High School
Block Schedules
Ext Passing
Ext Passing
Ext Passing
A Lunch
A Lunch
A Lunch
Fifth B
Fifth B
Fifth B
B Lunch
B Lunch
B Lunch
Fifth A
Fifth A
Fifth A
Blue Mass (2,3,6,7)
Faculty Mtg 8:00
Ext Passing
Ext Pass
A Lunch
A Lunch
A Lunch
Sixth B
Sixth B
Fifth B
B Lunch
B Lunch
B Lunch
Sixth A
Sixth A
Pep Assem
Ext Pass
A Lunch
Fifth B
B Lunch
Fifth A
High School
Fifth A
Blue Faculty (2,3,6,7)
Ext Passing
Kennedy Catholic
Red (1,2,4,5,6)
White (1,3,4,5,7)
Cover Artwork.indd 2
Kennedy Catholic High School
140 S. 140th Street
Burien, WA 98168
Handbook & Student Planner
2016 - 2017
Attendance Office
Outside Back Cover
5/2/16 7:55 AM
Outside Front Cover
John F. Kennedy
Catholic High School
Kennedy Catholic’s mission is to graduate leaders following Christ in a school community
that is accessible, diverse, and committed to pursuing the fullest potential of every student.
140 South 140th Street
Burien, Washington 98168
Property of:_________________________________________________________________
Phone #:_____________________________ Email:_______________________________
In case of emergency, please notify:
Name:_______________________________ Phone #:_____________________________
The information in this book was the best available at press time. Watch for additional information and changes.
©2016 School Datebooks, Inc. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in any retrieval system, or
translated in any form without the written permission of School Datebooks, Inc.
2880 U.S. Hwy. 231 S. • Lafayette, IN 47909 • (765) 471-8883 •
2016-17 Student Handbook and Calendar........................................................................................................................................3
Philosophy Statements......................................................................................................................................................................3
Department Chairpersons.................................................................................................................................................................5
Student Services...............................................................................................................................................................................6
Campus Ministry................................................................................................................................................................................6
Campus Ministry Team......................................................................................................................................................................6
Counseling Department.....................................................................................................................................................................7
Information About Privacy..................................................................................................................................................................7
Attendance...................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Consequence Grid...........................................................................................................................................................................17
Emergency Situations......................................................................................................................................................................19
Student Activities & Athletics...........................................................................................................................................................20
Catholic Prayers..............................................................................................................................................................................30
English Department Handbook........................................................................................................................................................31
This handbook is an official statement of Kennedy Catholic High School’s rules and policies, though not all policies of the
school are found in this handbook. This handbook constitutes a civil contract, and is subject to change. Students and
their parents are expected to read this handbook and be cognizant of its contents.
Kennedy Catholic High School admits students of any race, color or national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges,
programs and activities generally accorded or made available to all students at the school. The school does not discriminate on
the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship
and loan programs and athletic and other administered programs.
Students who reach the age of eighteen will continue to be subject to all school rules and regulations. Reports on academic
performance, absences and misbehavior will be sent to parents/guardians.
School business office hours are 7:30am to 4pm.
Exceptions will be announced through school eNews or online.
Faculty/staff email:
Fax: 206.242.0831
Phone: 206.246.0500
Campus Life Office fax: 206.246.3797
Campus Life Office direct phone line: 206.246.3787
To report absences call the Campus Life Office at 206.246.3787 or email
Campus Life Office email:
Weekly Schedules and Activities:
Faculty Listing:
Unplanned school closures will be broadcast to families via email and phone on contact as well as reported on AM radio
stations KIRO, KING, KOMO, the school website at or the school weather line at 206.246.0500.
Kennedy Catholic’s school closure status will be reported separately from Highline Public Schools.
We believe:
Community: The Lancer Family including staff, teachers, parents, alumni, community groups, and agencies form collaborative, networking relationships that are student-centered and focused on providing the necessary support for all students to
succeed in school.
Educators: Educators are caring and qualified professionals committed to working collaboratively to maximize student
potential by upholding rigorous standards and incorporating best practices.
Education: Education is the gradual process of acquiring knowledge, faith, skills, and character while implanting a will
and curiosity for learning. This is accomplished by addressing the unique abilities of all students in a college preparatory
environment so they continue to learn and live in a global society.
Parents: Parents reflect family and model Catholic Christian values. They are involved, supportive, and committed to
creating a school that is accessible to all.
Students: Students form a diverse, respectful, and active school community. They demonstrate leadership through their
work ethic, service, pursuit of knowledge, school spirit, and commitment to spiritual growth.
Faith: An authentic Catholic High School, we anchor ourselves to the Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching, fulfilling
the mission of the Church with its accessibility, inspiring a call to live as Jesus lived.
The Associated Student Body (ASB) card is the official form of school identification. Pictures for these cards will be taken
during orientation days. ASB cards will qualify students for free admission to home games in football, basketball, wrestling,
soccer and volleyball.
Parents/guardians are asked to report student absences to the school between 7:30am and 9am to the Campus Life Office
Phone (Attendance Line): 206.246.3787 or email
Teachers are required to be in the building from 7:30am to 3:15pm during regular schedules. If a faculty member is in class
when you call, please leave your name and phone number, so your call can be returned. The preferred contact is through
email. Contact lists can be found on the Kennedy Catholic website or
The library is open for study from 7:15am until 6pm on school days (subject to change with late arrival or early release schedules).
All visitors, including but not limited to parents, must check into the main office when entering the building to obtain a visitor
badge. Visitors must be accompanied by a staff member while in the building. The building is open at 7am and closes at
4pm. No students are allowed into the building prior to 7am or after 4pm without supervision. All students in the building
after 2:45pm must be with a teacher, coach, in the Dillman Center or the Library. After 4pm, there is no re-entry to the
building and all students must be in the Library, unless they are with a coach or teacher. The library will close daily at 6pm
(depending upon early release schedule). Please call to make an appointment when at all possible.
Students needing to use the elevator after an injury can get an elevator key from the Main Office for a $20 refundable deposit.
Please refer to the website, for a current faculty and staff list and contact information.
President Michael L. Prato
Principal Nancy Bradish
Vice Principal Perry Sampley
Vice Principal of Academics Becky Clark
Dean of Campus Life Laura Schomer
Executive Assistant Peggy Cunningham
Finance Director Rommel Buenafe
Building Superintendent Dan Nogaki
Building Engineer Steve Woodcock
Admissions Director Lori Roedell
Advancement Director Sarah Dahleen
Strategic Project Manager Amy Hall
Counselor Nancy Montstream
Counselor Michele Markle
Counselor Rebecca Katowitz
Counselor Kathryn Hutter
Campus Ministry Director Jenny Farrell
Campus Chaplain Fr. Bryan Dolejsi
Blessed Mother Teresa Program Stephanie Gove
Registrar Patty Peterson
Student Activities Coordinator Katie Burns
Director of Technology Michael Fox
International Admissions Director Annette Griffith
Department Chairpersons
Vice Principal of Academics
AVID Coordinator
Health & Fitness
World Languages
University of Washington Liaison
Aquinas Honors Program/Social Studies
Fine Arts
Seattle University/Matteo Ricci Liaison
International Program
Business & Technology
Blessed Mother Teresa Program
Academics Administrative Assistant
Becky Clark
Kathleen Gurnard
Beth Cable
Allison Reddy
Joanne Demarinis
Donnie Moore
Myrna Gran Moffat
Myrna Gran Moffat
John Wright
Lindsay Brown
David L. Vinson
Nancy Montstream
Annette Griffith
Jerome Palmeri
Ryan Kyler & Tara Bacher
Stephanie Gove
Patty Peterson
Lost and found is located in the Campus Life Office. Items not claimed by the last day of the quarter will be donated to St. Vincent de Paul.
A clinic for temporary use by injured or ill students is available in the Campus Life Office.
a) Medical Procedures
i) The administration of medications at school is allowed upon written request of the parent and a physician and with the
approval of the principal in accordance with RCW 28A.210.260 and 28A.210.270 and 28A.210.280 and 28A.210.290.
b) Students who feel ill may come to the clinic in the Campus Life Office. The following guidelines shall be followed:
i) Student shall contact their parent or guardian to notify them that they are feeling ill.
ii) Student must have a note from their teacher.
iii) Students may stay in the clinic and rest for a maximum of 30 minutes, after which they must return to class or go home.
iv) Students with a fever will be sent home.
The student store, or the Knight Stand is located in the cafeteria. It is operated by the Parents’ Club and sells school
supplies, memorabilia, sweatshirts, and t-shirts.
Library Mission: The mission of the Lancer Library is to provide a welcoming environment that fosters learning and
collaboration to ensure students become critical thinkers, readers, and responsible users of social media and technology.
Library Hours: 7:15am to 4:30pm, with the exception of late start or early release days when hours may vary. Students
not with a class should sign in and out at the circulation desk.
Loan Periods and Fines: M
​ ost materials are loaned for three weeks, reference materials with the permission of the librarian.
Students may renew items due unless someone is waiting for them.
• Late fines are $.05 per item per day, with a maximum fine of $15.
• Damaged or lost books will be charged as follows: Paperback $10, Hardback $25, Reference book cost of item. If a
book is found and returned, money will be refunded.
Library Website: Information on our databases, research skills, and free online resources are available on the library website.
Library Usage: Students are expected to follow all school rules in the library and to be respectful of other students. Students
are welcome to charge their devices in the library, but are asked not to leave items unattended. Students may eat lunch in
the library lounge, but are asked to clean up after themselves.
The Dillman Center was established to honor Sister Rose Marie Dillman, SP for the years of dedicated service she provided
the Kennedy Catholic community. Please treat the room, furnishings and equipment with respect. With proper care, this
room will provide years of warm, welcoming service to all who enter.
Rooted in the Catholic tradition and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Kennedy Catholic’s Campus Ministry invites every person
in the Kennedy Catholic community (students, parents, staff, administration, and alumni) into an ever-growing, continually
maturing relationship with Jesus Christ. We commit to this relationship through prayer, community, formation, and service.
We seek to be a family that is continually formed and transformed through God’s love. This transformation becomes the
basis for all decisions we make and leads us to be men and women for others. This work of faith is coordinated by the
office of Campus Ministry but is truly the responsibility of all that participate in the life of Kennedy Catholic High School.
Campus Ministry Team:
Fr. Bryan Dolejsi, Chaplin
Jenny Farrell, Director
Mark Ralston, Liturgist
Aires Patulot, Retreats
Kelsey Harrington, Retreats
Clare Ettensohn, Service
Campus Programs/ Activities Include:
Retreats, Liturgies, Service Immersion, ISLE Program, Student Ministries, Parish Connection, Parent Network
a) To grow in our relationship with the Trinitarian God and deepen our love for God the Father, through Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit.
b) Grow in our personal prayer life through various prayer forms; through the Sacraments, Sacred Scriptures, personal
and communal experiences.
c) Prayer develops our relationship with God as the foundation for all other aspects of our lives (activities, education, relationships, etc.).
a) To live in communion with others through all the blessings and challenges.
b) Grow in appreciation for the Body of Christ as the communion of faith.
c) Celebrate one another’s gifts by growing in love and friendship.
d) Sharing our faith with the greater community through outreach and service.
a) Understanding and appreciating the rich intellectual tradition of the Catholic Faith rooted in Sacred Scripture through Church
teaching and lived tradition in the faith. Asking, seeking, challenging, and engaging in intellectual dialogue to seek truth.
b) In using their intellectual gifts they will grow to understand their God-given gifts and understand that all good things are
a reflection of God.
c) Faith formation will serve as a compass for decision-making in all areas of one’s life.
a) Grow in their understanding and capacity of their God-given gifts for the service of others, the Church and the world.
b) Students will understand and continually discern their primary vocation and the careers/jobs they are called to in response to the faith.
c) Stewardship of the gifts given to us to promote life and the common good through justice and peace in the world.
d) To become committed lifelong learners of virtue and hope.
e) To be men and women for others.
See for complete information and advisor contact.
KOOCS (Kids Offering Others Care and Support): Cook breakfast and visit with the homeless on the 2nd and 4th Saturday
of the month at Nativity House in Tacoma. Students leave Kennedy Catholic at 7:45am and return at noon.
Lancer Life: Primarily a student-led group designed to create a platform for students to share their Catholic faith with their
peers. This is done through the mediums of humor, singing, and the telling of stories. Lancer Life meets regularly at the
school and also includes service and summer camp experiences.
Liturgical Ministry: Students can serve at school liturgies as lectors, altar servers, and Eucharistic Ministers (training
provided). Confirmed Catholics are encouraged to be Eucharistic Ministers.
Praise Band: Join the Praise Band on Monday’s after school to serve with a small group of dedicated musicians and singers
who provide contemporary Christian praise and worship music for various liturgies and prayer services throughout the year.
Any student may audition to play or sing with this group.
Weekly Prayer Opportunities: Pray the Rosary every Tuesday after school in the chapel and participate in daily prayer
experiences during Advent and Lent which are led by Theology teachers.
Relay for Life: A 24-hour walk-a-long fundraiser for the American Cancer Society in the fight against cancer, in addition to
celebrating the lives of those who have battled cancer and remembering loved ones lost to the disease
Students for Life Club: Through education, fundraising, political action, and a commitment to social justice, the Students for Life Club
encourages members of the world community to respect and preserve human life. This ministry is open to all students who are interested in
promoting awareness and advocacy around issues that affect human life such as abortion, the death penalty, euthanasia, violence and war.
St. Vincent de Paul Society: The first recognized high school chapter in Washington State. This ministry sponsors
fundraisers, food and toy drives, and other initiatives to directly benefit parishes in the South Seattle community and provides
scholarships for students in Cuernavaca, Mexico. This ministry works closely with other groups to coordinate efforts on
behalf of human rights issues. The group meets on Thursdays after school.
The Kennedy Catholic school counselors follow the counseling guidelines contained in the American School Counselor
Association Code of Ethics. Information shared in a counseling setting will be kept confidential unless the student gives
permission for the information to be shared or the counselor is required by state law or school policy to share the information.
School policy, state law and/or the code of ethics requires counselors to release information:
a) If a student’s health or safety is at risk
b) If someone else’s health or safety is at risk
c) Abuse is suspected
d) For court or other legal proceedings
In addition, some situations may require the counselor to consult with other professionals.
1. The program of studies at Kennedy Catholic is designed to provide every student a sound educational background in
English, Laboratory Science, Mathematics, Social Studies and Theology. At the same time, the curriculum contains a
number of elective options which allow for individual differences in talent, interest and future goals.
2. Behind the curriculum at Kennedy Catholic is the philosophical assumption that cognitive and affective goals are of equal
importance. That is, we strive not only to develop the intellectual abilities of the student but also his/her attitudes and values.
3. Furthermore, the Kennedy Catholic philosophy recognizes that knowledge of specific terminology, conventions and ideas
represents just one aspect of the student’s intellectual development. Learning how to learn is the most important aspect.
4. To this end, Kennedy Catholic attempts to produce students who, as individuals and as cooperative members of a group, have
confidence in their ability to learn, enjoy solving problems, develop the mental flexibility to view complex problems from multiple
points of view, and have the ability to distinguish between statements of fact and other types of statements (e.g., opinion, theory).
1. Students are expected to work at their studies. Students are expected to study at least two hours at home each night. Students
who miss class for illness or any other reason are required to make up missed work. It is solely the responsibility of the student to
contact the teacher via email. Students who are absent for an extended period of time should contact the Campus Life Office.
2. Students are required to come to class prepared with paper, writing implements, text and other required materials so
that they may profit from and contribute to the classroom learning situation.
3. Students should be in the classroom by the time the bell rings, signifying the beginning of class.
4. Students are required to give their attention to their class presentations and to refrain from doing outside work in the classroom.
1. Academic Progress:
Grades that are recorded on the student’s official transcript and upon which the cumulative grade point average (GPA)
is calculated are given at the end of first and second semesters.
First and third quarter grades are indications of performance and are not part of the permanent record. Teachers maintain
an open grade book. Grades are posted on Skyward, four times per grading period, approximately every two weeks. All
Kennedy Catholic students and their parents are responsible for keeping themselves informed and up-to-date on academic
progress in each class. Student attendance, report cards and schedules are also available online. Access codes to set up
an account or forgotten passwords may be obtained by contacting Mrs. Patty Peterson at
Academic progress clarification questions should be directed in the following order:
1) Classroom teacher 2) Department Chair 3) School Counselor 4) Vice Principal of Academics 5) Principal
2. Academic Probation:
Probation is a time of trial or warning during which a student must prove he/she has the ability and the determination
to progress academically. Students will be put on probation if they:
a) Fail one or more courses in any one semester.
b) Fail to achieve credits required for class standing.
c) Work substantially below their apparent ability with no mitigating circumstances as determined by objective test scores.
Students will be notified through a letter from the Principal and Vice Principal of Academics at the conclusion of each
quarter/semester or in midterm where the situation warrants it. If on probation, it is recommended for students to attend
Lancer Academy two days a week during the probation period. Loss of financial assistance may occur.
Students and parents/guardians must make a follow-up appointment with a school counselor to assess the situation
and plan a course of action designed to improve academic performance.
At the end of the probation, students who do not show improvement may be asked to leave Kennedy Catholic. Probation
ends when students achieve a semester grade point average of 2.0.
All transfer students are admitted on probation.
Academic probation will impact student’s ability to participate in sports or extracurricular activities, performances, or events.
3. Academic Credits: While enrolled at Kennedy Catholic, academic and elective courses required for graduation from our
school must be taken at Kennedy Catholic in order for both the grade and credit to appear on the official school transcript.
NON-KENNEDY CATHOLIC COURSES: If a student wishes to enroll in a course from another institution, no high
school credit will be granted by Kennedy Catholic for the course nor will it be listed on the student’s official transcript.
If placement into the next higher level course is requested after completing the off campus course, the following
requirements must be met: 1) Obtain approval by the Department Chair, Counselor, and Vice Principal of Academics in
writing before enrolling in the class at another school; 2) Provide an official transcript from the outside institution to the
Kennedy Catholic Registrar; 3) Obtain minimum pre-requisite grade as stated in Kennedy Catholic’s course catalog; 4)
Pass Kennedy Catholic challenge exam with necessary grade; and 5) Pay administrative fee for challenge exam.
NCAA CLEARANCE FOR COLLEGE ATHLETES: The NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse requires that all courses,
grades, and credits appear on the Kennedy Catholic High School transcript.
4. Retrieval Credit for Deficiencies and/or Meeting Minimum College Entrance Requirements: Retrieval credits must
be approved by the Department Chair, counselor, and Vice Principal of Academics in writing before enrolling in the
class at another school if the student wishes to have the credits applied to the Kennedy Catholic High School diploma.
Retrieval credits refer to courses previously failed with a grade of “F” or “NC”, or courses necessary to meet minimum
college entrance requirements (as outlined in the current course catalog).
5. Repeated Classes: If a student takes a class a second time for any appropriate reason, both grades will appear on the transcript and
count in the GPA. The credit will count in the total required for graduation but will not be counted in the departmental distribution totals.
6. High school credits in mathematics and World Languages earned prior to entry into the 9th grade at Kennedy
Catholic will be entered with a “CR” on the Kennedy Catholic transcript under the following conditions:
a) Student must pass the Kennedy Catholic final exam in the subject.
b) Student is placed by Kennedy Catholic Department Chair in an advanced level class.
7. Student records, transcripts and cumulative records are maintained in a confidential manner that will assure the
rights and privacy of students and parents/guardians. These records are available only to teachers, administrators
and educational staff involved with student progress. Transcripts will be maintained permanently. Cumulative records
will be maintained for two years after graduation or withdrawal from Kennedy Catholic High School.
8. Academic Accommodations:
Kennedy Catholic High School may provide reasonable accommodations to assist students with learning disability or
health impairment if the disability substantially limits a student’s learning.
It is the family’s responsibility to initiate a request for accommodations. Current documentation (within 3 years) of the
medical or learning issue by certified professionals must be provided. Families requesting academic accommodations
should contact the student’s counselor who will work with the student, family and faculty to discuss appropriate and
realistic accommodations to assist the student in the classroom. The final decision for implementing accommodations
rests with the individual teacher. Although some accommodations may be available, Kennedy Catholic High School
does not have the resources to provide all of the support that would be available to students through a public school.
Throughout this process, students are encouraged to advocate for themselves. Students and families are also encouraged
to develop appropriate skills to help compensate for identified learning difficulties.
Students desiring accommodations on the PSAT need to be pre-approved by the College Board in the year prior to testing.
A formal request for accommodations on standardized tests such as the PSAT, SAT and ACT needs to be made through the testing
agency. A request for accommodations requires additional forms to be completed. The process for requesting accommodations on the
PSAT/SAT or ACT is lengthy and should be initiated at least 8 weeks in advance of the anticipated test date. Recent documentation as
well as evidence of a significant learning impairment are necessary. Receiving accommodations at Kennedy Catholic High School does
not guarantee accommodations on standardized test. Contact the student’s school counselor to initiate this request for accommodations.
1. Load: All students are required to take a minimum of seven classes. Maximum load is eight classes.
2. Time of Class: If students wish special scheduling, they must make their own requests in writing, with a note signed
by their parents/guardian at the time of preliminary scheduling in the spring.
3. Course Selection Process: Course selection forms are distributed with registration materials in late January and should
be returned by mid-February. Course verification forms are distributed to the students in early April.
4. Student-initiated Course Changes: It is Kennedy Catholic’s policy that the student-initiated course changes may be made until May
1. Since course scheduling and hiring of teachers is based on the selections made in the spring, after May 1, only teacher-initiated
changes will be allowed. The time frame to process incomplete second semester schedules is from January 7 to January 14.
5. Schedules: Schedules will be mailed to students after August 15. While every effort is made to accommodate student
requests, the master schedule may necessitate alternate choices.
6. Equity: The above stated policy shall be the ordinary practice. The Vice Principal of Academics or Principal may make
exceptions for the personal good of an individual or for the common good of the school.
Kennedy Catholic High School is fully accredited by the Western Catholic Education Association.
1. Grade Standing: The following number of credits must have been achieved for a student to be considered as a member
of the class:
Grade Standing
10th grade 6.5 credits
11th grade 13.5 credits
12th grade 20.5 credits
Students are accorded privileges by their academic classification.
It is the final responsibility of each student to make sure he/she has met all the requirements for graduation.
Counselors will give assistance and make periodic transcript checks, but final responsibility rests with the student.
Graduation requirements: The minimum graduation requirements are as follows (please note that ½ of a credit is
given for each semester of class).
Theology 4 Credits
English 4 Credits
Mathematics 3 Credits
Social Studies 3 Credits
Science 3 Credits
Health0.5 Credit
*Fitness 1.5 Credits
Occupational Education 1 Credit
Fine Arts 1 Credit
Electives 7 Credits
Total Credits: 28
NOTES FOR THE CLASSES OF 2019, 2018, and 2017
1. Washington State History is required of all students either in Junior High or High School.
2. A one-time waiver of 0.5 credit of Fitness may be granted to those who participate in directed athletics. A student
must complete a full season or one semester of directed athletics prior to requesting the waiver. A Physical Education
waiver request form must be submitted for approval to the Academic Office.
3. It is the final responsibility of each student to make sure he/she has met all the requirements for graduation.
Counselors will give assistance and make periodic transcript checks, but final responsibility rests with the student.
4. In order to participate in graduation activities, a student in grade 12 must have achieved a minimum of 24.5 credits by
the end of semester one or be scheduled to meet the credit requirements as stated above. Students with insufficient
credits will be notified in February by the Principal.
2. Integrated Service Learning Experience (ISLE):
The mission and culture of the Kennedy Catholic community strives to graduate leaders who follow in the footsteps
of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ life calls and challenges every member of the Kennedy Catholic community to respond to the
needs of others, especially the poor and marginalized, through works of service. Kennedy Catholic’s Integrated Service
Learning Experience (ISLE) facilitates student academic learning through meaningful service experiences, assisting
students in responding to the Gospel call. ISLE encourages students to deepen their personal sense of responsibility
for the needs of others while using Catholic Social Teaching as a framework for reflection. By graduation, each Kennedy
Catholic student will have completed a minimum of 50 hours of service with a culminating cross-curricular paper and
panel presentation.
ISLE Requirements follow these general guidelines:
9th grade – 10 hour minimum of service to your family (Theology class)
10th grade – 10 hour minimum of service to church/school/community (Theology class)
11th grade – 30 hour minimum of service with one approved agency (Theology class)
12th grade – Paper (English class) & Presentation (Social Studies class)
3. Grade points are calculated as follows:
= 4.0
= 3.3
= 2.3
= 1.3
= 3.7
= 3.0
= 2.0
= 1.0
= 2.7
= 1.7
= 0.7
4. Grading Scale *
C+ 77-79.99%
*Due to the rigorous curriculum of our classes, a grading scale different from the one listed above may be used. Please
refer to the grading policies section of the course outlines.
Honor Roll: Each quarter, academic recognition is accorded in the following manner:
Highest Honors = 4.0; High Honors = 3.75-3.99; and Honor Roll = 3.50-3.74.
National Honor Society: The requirements for applying to the Excalibur Chapter of the National Honor Society are:
a) Cumulative GPA.
b) This cumulative GPA must be earned over at least three (3) consecutive semesters at Kennedy Catholic.
c) The student must be currently enrolled in at least one honors-level course as well as having completed at least one
honors-level course for each year of class standing. These honors-level courses may be taken concurrently.
It is our policy at Kennedy Catholic to not assign class rank.
Valedictorian/Salutatorian/Top Ten:
a) The Valedictorian is the student with the highest scholastic standing in the graduating class. The Salutatorian(s) is/
are the student(s) with the second highest standing. The Valedictorian, Salutatorian, and Top Ten will be selected
by the Principal and Vice Principal of Academics. Consideration will be given to course rigor, cumulative grade point
average based on seven semesters as listed on Kennedy Catholic transcript, distribution of courses, highest level
of courses and SAT/ACT scores included on Kennedy Catholic test card.
b) The Valedictorian, Salutatorian, and Top Ten must have been a member of the National Honor Society for two years.
c) In order to be eligible for these designations, a student must complete both junior and senior year at Kennedy
Catholic and have been schooled in American high schools for grades 9 and 10.
d) Students who qualify for the selection as Valedictorian, Salutatorian, and Top Ten must not be, nor have been, on
any type of probation.
e) The Valedictorian will be invited to prepare a graduation speech.
Since personal integrity and the establishment of a loving and trusting community are essential goals in any Catholic education,
the Kennedy Catholic High School community will hold its members to high standards of academic integrity. We expect students
to hold themselves and each other to these high standards and to accept the consequences of failing in this area. There will be
clear penalties for violations of academic integrity (see page 13). Those violations and penalties are listed in the Discipline section
of this handbook. Major or repeated violations may lead to expulsion because integrity is so essential in a Catholic education.
1. To excuse an absence, a parent/guardian must contact the Campus Life Office at 206.246.3787 or before 9am. When contacting the Campus Life Office, please provide your student’s
name, year in school and reason for absence. Students who are absent without a phone call or email will be
considered truant.
2. Early dismissal is granted when authorized in advance by A PHONE CALL OR EMAIL from a parent/guardian on
or before the day of the early dismissal. The student will pick up a special early dismissal pass, before class, to
show the teacher when he/she leaves. When a student leaves school or misses a class for any reason, he/she
must first report to the Campus Life Office. Parents must be contacted before a student may go home. Those
students failing to report will be considered skipping or truant depending on the number of periods missed.
3. All injuries must be reported immediately to the Campus Life Office. Parents will be notified immediately in case
of serious injury. Students are not to attempt to move a seriously-injured person. They should remain with the injured
person and send for help from the nearest adult staff member. Parents are to notify the Campus Life Office when a
student concussion has occurred. Parents will also provide the school with a completed cognitive checklist completed
by a physician, if special accommodations are requested. The Campus Life Office will then notify student’s teachers in
order to monitor student safety and provide necessary accommodations.
4. If you must get in touch with your student in case of emergency and are unable to do so by other means, you may
leave a message for the student at 206.246.3787 or email the Campus Life Office at
Absences and loss of credit - Students must live with parents or legal guardians to attend Kennedy Catholic. Regular class
attendance is necessary if students are to obtain the most from their educational experience as a part of the Kennedy
Catholic Community. Students will lose credit in a course if they miss 8 class periods in a given semester (not including
school related absences). Note: Financial aid may also be affected.
Absence - A student is considered absent if they miss more than 15 minutes of a given class.
Excused Absences
a) Including but not limited to illness or injury to the student or family member that requires the student to remain at home, funeral,
Kennedy Catholic activities, medical/dental appointments or other parent/guardian excused absences. Students are required
to complete a pre-arranged absence form and obtain applicable signatures for any absence planned/arranged in advance.
a) SKIPPING is missing one class without excuse and results in a Disciplinary Work Crew.
b) TRUANCY is missing two or more classes in the same day without excuse and results in two Disciplinary Work Crews.
a) A student is considered tardy if they are late for class, up to 15 minutes. It is disruptive and manifests negligence. After
the first 15 minutes, the student is considered absent.
b) Students will be assigned lunch detention for any tardy (excluding the first period of the school day). This will be followed
by applicable progressive discipline for future offenses.
c) Students will be assigned lunch detention on the 4th tardy of the first period of the school day, followed by applicable
progressive discipline for future offenses.
Attendance Review Board
a) Students accruing 8 absences in a given class period, in the same semester, will lose credit for the course. Students
and parents will have the opportunity to appeal for credit restoration, through the Academic Vice Principal’s Office.
b) Should a student have a chronic medical condition or extenuating circumstance they believe warrants exemption from
the above noted absence policy, contact should immediately be made with the Campus Life and Academic Offices.
a) In compliance with Washington State Law, immunization reports must be on file in the Campus Life Office before the
start of school. No student may attend school without a form on file.
b) Attendance at school assemblies and Masses is mandatory. Absences from assemblies and Masses will be treated as
absences from class.
c) Anyone checking into the Campus Life Health Center 6th or 7th periods may not be eligible to participate in any
extracurricular activities held that day or evening.
d) Students who participate in any extracurricular activities on school nights are expected to be in school for first period
the following day. Chronic violation may result in loss of eligibility.
e) State tournament play may modify the school schedule. Email permission to from a parent
must be received before the game.
f) Kennedy Catholic maintains accurate attendance records to comply with Washington State law.
Guidelines for communicating with students via technology
Kennedy Catholic faculty, staff, coaches, and volunteers follow the Archdiocesan policies on communicating with
minors. In addition, the following rules apply:
Email: When emailing a student or group of students, staff must copy this email address:, which is
periodically reviewed by school administration.
Texting: When texting a student or group of students, staff must copy a generic account ( which is
periodically reviewed by school administration.
Facebook & Twitter: Staff are prohibited from ‘friending’, accepting a ‘friend request’ from a student, or ‘following’ a student
on a personal social media page. If a social media group page is used for school purposes, the staff member must include
the principal in all communications with the group.
Websites run by faculty/staff for school purposes: All websites are reviewed frequently by the principal and administration.
School Policy: Students must be knowledgeable of school rules and emergency procedures if they are to benefit from a
sound and safe educational environment. In all cases the stability, safety, and security of the learning environment are of
primary importance.
Any harassment, threat or damage to school personnel, their property or family, will result in expulsion and referral to
the proper authorities.
Birthday celebrations for students are limited to lunch time in the cafeteria. Singing telegrams and balloon bouquets are
to be held outside of school time. Birthday celebrations involving hitting of a student by other students are strictly prohibited.
Such displays are disruptive and risk injury to participants.
Cheating, lying, forgery and plagiarism destroy one’s credibility and character. Academic dishonesty, cheating, or plagiarism
involves an attempt by the student to show possession of a level of knowledge or skill that he or she does not possess. It can
include, but is not limited to, theft, possession or unauthorized use of any answer key or model answers. It can also include
entering a teacher’s desk, cupboard or locker without specific permission. Other violations include, but are not limited to:
a) Copying, faxing, duplicating or transmitting with any technology, any assignment that will be turned in as original work,
or helping others to do so.
b) Exchanging assignments by printout, disk transfer, modem or other electronic or recorded means, and then submitting
it as original work.
c) Writing formulas, codes or key words on one’s person or objects for use in a test or quiz.
d) Using hidden reference sheets or notes during a test or quiz.
e) Unauthorized (by teacher) use of programmed material in watches, calculators, computers or other technology.
f) Exchanging answers with others (either giving or receiving answers); submitting someone else’s assignment as one’s
own, in whole or part, submitting material (written or designed by someone else) without giving the author or artist’s
name and/or source (for example, plagiarizing or submitting work done by family, friends or tutors).
g) Plagiarizing or submitting any work that is not the student’s own; submitting or using falsified data or records; purchasing
or copying papers or projects (or portions of projects) from the internet.
h) Taking credit for group work when little contribution was made.
i) Sabotaging or destroying the work of others.
j) Not following additional specific guidelines on cheating established by a department, class or teacher.
In order to assure mutual trust among the members of the Kennedy Catholic High School community and to develop a
dedication of the entire community to justice and integrity, those who violate the Kennedy Catholic High School Academic
Honor Code may be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to:
a) Parent Notification, Disciplinary Work Crew.
b) A written apology by the student.
c) A failing grade for the assignment.
d) A teacher-issued suspension from class.
e) Referral to administration for dismissal from National Honor Society, student office, athletics or activities.
f) If suspended or expelled due to severity of offense notification must be made to future College/University by counselor
and student.
Closed Campus Policy: Students must remain in the school building or courtyard from the time they arrive until they are
officially excused. This means from the time parents, car pools or buses drop students off at the start of the school day. No
one other than students in community service classes are to be in the parking lot or in a car during school hours. Other than
community service students, at no time during the school day are students to leave campus without permission
from the Campus Life Office.
Seniors enrolled in community service are allowed to leave campus during the designated period to perform their agency
work. The Campus Life Office will have an updated list of those students enrolled in community service. Problems arising
from the misuse of this off-campus privilege may cause the individual to be dropped from the course with a failing grade.
Computers: Acceptable Use of Computer and Network Services Policy: see website for the Acceptable Use of
Computer and Network Services Policy, Code of Conduct and User Agreement in its entirety:
Kennedy Catholic High School requires computer use and provides computer network services to its on-campus community
(administration, faculty, staff, students, and volunteers) to support the school’s mission. Computer network services are
individual network accounts, which provide email, local area network, and Internet access. Kennedy Catholic, in accordance
with the Goals and Criteria of the Seattle Archdiocese Catholic Schools Department, believes that these tools and services,
when used in “an atmosphere of wise freedom,” significantly enrich and transform teaching and learning experiences at
Kennedy Catholic, and further “deepen respect for intellectual values.”
Kennedy Catholic High School recognizes that access to these diverse electronic tools and resources comes with occasional
risks that are inconsistent with the values and educational goals of the Seattle Archdiocese Catholic Schools Department. In
order to promote and protect these values and goals, Kennedy Catholic actively limits access to network services, resources,
and uses that are inappropriate for the school’s educational purposes. These limits will be applied and monitored across
the Kennedy Catholic on-campus community as the school deems appropriate and necessary. These include, but are not
restricted to, network level software/hardware filtering, network monitoring, and classroom observation.
Integral to the Kennedy Catholic curriculum is the responsible use of these electronic resources by all members of the
community. Since computer use is required and network services are provided by the school for its educational mission,
Kennedy Catholic will take swift and appropriate disciplinary actions for any violations of the school’s Code of Conduct.
Student Email Code of Conduct: Use of Microsoft Office365 see website for the Use of
Microsoft Office 365 Code of Conduct in its entirety:
Microsoft Office365 is for educational purposes only. This agreement states users will not use Microsoft Office365 for
personal emails and personal social networking. In turn, they will not use personal email for school related communication.
This agreement states that users will be polite and respectful of other students. Users will also respect students’ privacy
and security when using Microsoft Office365.
Social Media Policy: see website for the Social Media Policy in its entirety:
As an organization with a commitment to excellence in education and the safety of our students, as well as the preservation
of our outstanding reputation as a school, the standards for appropriate online communication at Kennedy Catholic High
School are high. While we respect the right of students, employees, alumni, and other members of our community to utilize
the variety of social media options available, we ask the following standards be met by our students and faculty at all times,
as well as by alumni and all other users who participate in Kennedy Catholic High School sponsored sites.
Contraband: The school reserves the right to search lockers, students and cars for contraband at any time, at any location
within two blocks of school or any school activity.
Cumulative violations of the various school policies is a serious matter. Multiple minor violations can disrupt the educational
process as much as a major transgression. Therefore, the seriousness of a violation is not the sole criterion for disciplinary
action. The frequency of disruption must also be considered an important factor.
Disruption of the educational process is not allowed. Any other disruptive activity, not listed here, will also be subject to
disciplinary action up to and including suspension and expulsion.
Dress and Physical Appearance:
Philosophy: In accordance with our school mission statement, we expect students to have high standards of personal
appearance. In partnership with our families, we want to enable students to make sound decisions in a healthy academic
environment and to promote the following values by means of clean, modest, and respectful dress and appearance: selfesteem, positive motivation and sensitivity to others.
Policy: Clothing and hair are to be professional, in good taste, and not offensive or distracting. Clothing is to be neat and
clean. Dress code rules apply during school hours, on campus, on any school day, in or out of the building.
Guidelines: Clothing is to be free of holes, tears or frays. Dress code applies from enrollment day to the final student day
of the school year. Dress code on Mass Day is Sunday’s best.
Dress Code Standards:
Approved Dress Code:
a) Sunday Best is required on Mass Days and always encouraged for daily wear
i. Button down and/or collared shirts/polos.
ii. Shirts/Tops – covering shoulders and moderately cut at the neck-line (within three fingers width of the collar bone).
iii. Dress pants/Slacks.
iv. Dresses – Shortest length two inches below finger tips of an extended arm. Dresses and blouses neckline shall be
within three fingers width from the collar bone.
i. Dress shoes/Heels.
a) Khaki Pants/Shorts – Shortest length two inches below finger tips of an extended arm.
b) Jeans – Unaltered, free of holes/tears/frays.
c) Dresses – Shortest length two inches below finger tips of arms extended.
d) Shirts/Tops – As noted above, all shirts/blouses/tops shall extend a minimum of two inches beyond the beltline.
e) T-Shirts – Appropriate print.
f) Shoes – In good repair. Tennis shoes, basketball shoes, dress shoes/heels, deck shoes, and court shoes
are appropriate.
g) Allowed Piercings: Ear piercings.
h) Hair – Neatly groomed and trimmed. Hair shall be natural in color.
ii. Facial hair shall be neatly groomed, as determined by the Campus Life Office.
iii. Note: Head covers (hats, hoods, etc.) are not permitted.
Electronic devices, including mobile phones, are not to be used or displayed in the classrooms while school is in session
unless the student has teacher permission. Such devices used or displayed improperly may result in disciplinary action to
include, but not be limited to: confiscation and a required parent contact to retrieve the device, detention or other applicable
progressive disciplinary action. The school reserves the right to search all electronic devices. Electronic devices may be
used outside of the classroom with etiquette and courtesy to others. This allows teachers to ask students not to text
while walking in the hallways and to show consideration for others.
Extraordinary Parent Conduct: Parental cooperation is essential for the welfare of students. If in the opinion of the
administration, parent behavior seriously interferes with the teaching/learning process, the school may require parents to
withdraw their children and sever the relationship with the school.
Extraordinary Student Conduct: Usually, the school does not involve itself in student conduct apart from the school or
school events; however, there may be an occasion when student conduct, even though separate from the school, will be
of such nature as to reflect on the school and/or disrupt the school environment. This will call into question the student’s
continuance as a member of the Kennedy Catholic community. This applies especially to participation in internet social
media networks, to include but not be limited to the following: Facebook, snapchat, twitter, etc., when language or behavior
leads to or risks conflict or disrespect in the school, or otherwise threatens school safety and security.
Food and Drink in the Building: Kennedy Catholic High School students, faculty, staff, parents take great pride in the
appearance of our school. Therefore, the following rules apply regarding food and drink in our school.
a) All liquid must have a sealed top.
b) Students may eat outdoors in the courtyards, provided they do not disrupt classes in session and place all litter in
appropriate garbage and recycling cans when finished. Students may eat in a supervised classroom. Students are
expected to pick up their own trash following lunch and to leave their lunch table/area clean. Be proud of our school
and place trash in the proper receptacles.
Freedom of student expression is vital to the educational process at Kennedy Catholic; however, the right of free speech
may not be used to disrupt the educational process or interfere with the rights of others.
a) Student meetings on school property are allowed only under the sponsorship of approved student body organizations
as listed in the Handbook or otherwise authorized by the principal or Principal’s designee.
b) Only material written by students attending Kennedy Catholic and authorized by the Principal or Principal’s designee
may be distributed on school property.
c) All displays and student distributed material must be approved by the Principal or Principal’s designee and be stamped
with approval date and signature
d) Approval of written material will be based on the following criteria:
The material is responsible and in good taste.
The material is free from character assassination and obscenity.
The material shows the signature of the author.
e) No unauthorized commercial solicitation will be allowed on school property, and unauthorized materials will be confiscated.
Approval will be through the Activities Coordinator.
f) Profane or obscene language and/or actions will not be tolerated. Neither will misuse of the Lord’s name or any abuse
of free speech that degrades Kennedy Catholic and its principles.
g) Signs, clothing, ornaments or other gang-related paraphernalia will not be tolerated. Gang membership and/or activity
will result in expulsion.
Gambling: Students are prohibited from any kind of gambling or playing any games of chance on the school premises.
Intimidation or harassment, including sexual harassment, and bullying, as per RCW will not be tolerated and will result
in disciplinary action, up to expulsion. This major infraction may also include probation, counseling, disciplinary work crew,
and/or restorative justice, as determined by administration. Such harassment includes, but is not limited to, threatening
comments (either in person or through the use of technology), ethnic/cultural insults, and gestures or touching that create a
hostile or threatening environment for the victim. Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual advance, comment or touching.
Students are expected to exercise every option to seek relief from such harassment or intimidation by asking for adult help
from a teacher, counselor, parent or administrator at once. Waiting is part of the problem and allows things to get worse.
Lockers are the responsibility of each student. Students are prohibited from giving their combinations to others and should
realize that doing so invites theft. Students are expected to report defective lockers to the Campus Life Office. Personal padlocks
may be placed on lockers for added security, but may be removed at the school’s discretion by whatever means necessary.
Matches, cigarette lighters, and laser pointers are not allowed at school or school events. They will be confiscated and
detention assigned.
No form of fighting or assault is tolerated. This major infraction will result in disciplinary action up to expulsion, depending
on the severity of the offense. Other disciplinary actions/requirements may include, but not be limited to: suspension,
probation, counseling, disciplinary work crew, and/or restorative justice. Not making peace when a problem is evident is
part of the problem and allows things to get worse. If a student has not exercised every option to make peace by asking
for adult help from a teacher, counselor, parent or administrator, and a fight occurs, he or she will be in full violation of this
section and receive the same consequence as the person who threw the first punch. Finally, students who invite visitors on
campus for protection are subject to expulsion.
Off Limits:
a) Students needing to go into the parking lot during the school day need Campus Life Office permission or they will be
considered off campus.
b) Off limits areas are: the gym/loft area and locker rooms, the faculty areas, the shop, kitchen, maintenance areas, stage,
balconies, weight room, Little Theatre and boiler room, unless supervised.
Parking Lot: Reckless driving will result in a fine. All students who drive to school must register for, and display, a parking
validation sticker. These stickers will be available for purchase on back-to-school day. Anyone purchasing a sticker must
show their driver’s license at the time of purchase. Cars without parking stickers and illegally-parked cars are subject to
fines, parking wheel-lock boot and/or towing. Students using the parking lot must accept responsibility for keeping the lots
clean. For safety purposes, travel is restricted to FIVE mph in the school lot and exiting the north and south gates.
Possession of any weapon or weapon look-alike at school or school activities may lead toimmediate expulsion and referral
to the proper authorities.
Possession and Use of Intoxicants and/or Drug Paraphernalia: Kennedy Catholic has a “Zero Tolerance” policy
concerning use, attempted use, and/or possession of intoxicants, hallucinogens and/or controlled substances, including, but
not limited to, alcohol, other drugs and inhalants. Kennedy Catholic also has a “Zero Tolerance” policy toward possession of
paraphernalia for such use. This means that the penalty for possessing paraphernalia is the same as that for possessing or
using alcohol or other drugs. Any student who possesses, uses or is under the influence of such intoxicants, or possesses
such paraphernalia, on or off campus, or within two blocks of any school-related activity, is subject to disciplinary action
and may include, but not be limited to: suspension/expulsion. This is a major infraction which may also result in additional
disciplinary action/requirements, such as: probation, disciplinary work crew, community service hours, and/or restorative
justice. If suspended, the student must undergo a professional alcohol/drug assessment, prior to returning to school, and
successfully complete any alcohol/drug treatment or counseling indicated by that assessment in order to remain in school.
If the student is found non-compliant, said student’s suspension or expulsion may be reinstated. A referral for counseling and
restriction from participation in athletics/activities for a period TBD may also apply. Any student caught selling, attempting
to sell or distributing alcohol or any other drug will be expelled and proper authorities notified.
Public displays of affection are inappropriate to an educational setting.
School Keys, Teachers’ Grade Books and Computer Files: Unauthorized possession of any school keys or teachers’ possessions will result in automatic expulsion without recourse. This also applies to assumption of a teacher’s identity on the internet.
Stealing or possession of stolen property will not be tolerated. This is a major infraction and subject to disciplinary
action, to include, but not limited to: suspension or expulsion, probation, disciplinary work crew, community service, and/
or restorative justice. To open or reach into a locker without permission is a violation of this item. (Restitution also applies)
Property taken without permission must be replaced, at the offending student’s expense.
Tobacco: The use or possession of tobacco in any form is not permitted on school property or within two blocks of the school
or any school functions. Appropriate school discipline, as well as, athletic/activities suspensions apply.
Vandalism: Damage to, or destruction of public or private property. Violators are subject to disciplinary action, to include,
but not be limited to: suspension or expulsion, probation, disciplinary work crew, community service, and/or restorative
justice, a minimum $75 fine and making full monetary restitution. Anyone in possession of items, which, in the judgment of
the school, could be used for vandalism (e.g., spray paint cans, markers) also risks these consequences.
Visitors of school age are not allowed in the building during the school day unless arranged through the Admissions Office.
Only prospective students or prospective transfer students may visit. Visitors must sign in at the Main Office. Applicants
to visit must supply the name and phone number of the current school Campus Life Officer, be in Kennedy Catholic dress
code, have permission requested by their parent or guardian, and supply parent/guardian contact phone numbers. After all
of these requirements are met, applicants should call the Admissions Office to schedule visitors.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Dress Code
Cell Phones/Electronics
Class Disruption
Misuse of school computers
Public Displays of Affection
Teacher Disrespect
Off Campus/Off limits
Cumulative Violations
Physical violence
Drugs Use and/or Possession
Extraordinary student conduct
Cumulative Violations
Disruption of Educational Process:
Any other extreme disruption of the
educational process which impacts
safety and security of the school
Progressive Consequences
Progressive Consequences
Progressive Consequences
Lunch detention
Work crew (Personal Parent/
Guardian Contact)
Suspension fine/day(Parent/
Guardian meeting)
Work crew
(Personal Parent/Guardian Contact)
(Parent/Guardian meeting)
Long term suspension, and Probation (Parent Meeting)
Emergency Expulsion and Probation
(Parent/Guardian meeting)
Expulsion with or without appeal
NOTE: Restorative justice may apply at any level
School Policy: Students who violate school rules or the rights of other students and faculty members are liable to suspension
or expulsion in accord with due processes specified in this handbook.
Release of Student Disciplinary Information to Colleges: Upon direct request from the colleges for information pertaining to
a student’s discipline record, the student must honestly and fully disclose if he or she has been subject to a disciplinary response
including, but not limited to, probation, suspension, dismissal or withdrawal from the school. Upon direct request from the colleges
for information pertaining to a student’s discipline record, Kennedy Catholic counselors will honestly and fully disclose if a student
has been subject to a disciplinary response, including, but not limited to, probation, suspension, dismissal or withdrawal from the
school. The student should work closely with the school counselor to ensure that both are responding in a consistent and thoughtful
manner. If a student’s disciplinary status changes after the filing of college applications, the student has the opportunity and obligation
to inform all schools to which an application has previously been submitted or the school at which the student has submitted an
enrollment deposit. The student should notify the college or colleges within two weeks from the date of the change in status. Two
weeks after the change in status, the student’s school counselor will notify the colleges in writing that the student’s status has changed
and the reason for the change. The college admission officer will be directed to the student and the family for further information.
Students are also required, when directly requested, to disclose disciplinary responses for violations of the Honor Code. This
policy is in compliance with the National Association for College Admission Counseling’s Statement of Principles of Good Practice.
Expulsion is permanent removal of a student from the school building, grounds and activities. Only the principal (or designee)
may expel. An expelled student may be allowed to appeal his/her case as explained under “Due Process.”
Emergency expulsion is the immediate removal of a student from the school building, grounds and activities pending completion
of an investigation by administrators and final disciplinary determination. Only the principal (or designee) may emergency expel.
Expulsion with appeal is the immediate removal of a student from the school building, grounds and activities pending
completion of an investigation by administrators and final disciplinary determination, with an appeal for reinstatement. Only
the principal (or designee) may emergency expel.
Suspension from the building is temporary removal of a student from the school building, grounds, and activities. Only the principal
(or designee) may suspend. A student may be removed from an event by any school official in charge of the activity at which the
violation occurs. The conduct will be reported to administration to conduct an investigation and determine further disciplinary action.
The following procedures apply to all suspensions:
Student will be sent home immediately. The student and his/her parents must meet with the Vice Principal or his designee
before the student can be reinstated.
Alternative forms of suspension may be applied (community service, in-house suspension, etc.)
Suspension from class is temporary removal of a student from a single class at the request of the teacher. When this
happens the following procedures must be followed:
a) The teacher will notify the Campus Life Office immediately.
b) The student will be sent directly to the Campus Life Office.
c) By the end of the day, the teacher will give a written incident report to both the Academic Vice Principal and Campus
Life Vice Principal, as well as the appropriate counselor.
d) The teacher will inform parent / guardian.
e) If the suspension is for longer than one day, the teacher will notify the parents of reasons and conditions for readmission.
This is to be done no later than the end of the next school day after the first day of suspension.
f) If the suspension becomes permanent, the Administrator, or designee, will notify parents and the student’s counselor
will assign a definite place for the student to report for the rest of the term.
Probation: Students readmitted after suspension will be on probation for a period determined by the Administrator or his/
her designee. Specific requirements for each probation may vary. Students who violate the terms of their probations may
be expelled. Students on probation are not eligible for positions of honor at school, including but not limited to Homecoming
and Prom Courts for the remainder of the school year.
Due Process: In certain disciplinary and/or academic cases, expelled students will have the opportunity to explain their
conduct before a Board of Appeal.
a) The Board of Appeal will consist of five voting members. The principal (or designee) will appoint a chair and three other staff, one of
whom will be a member of either the counseling department or the campus ministry team. The student will choose the fifth member.
b) The Campus Life Administrator is not a voting member of the Board, but presents a written summary of facts and answers
clarifying questions, as needed.
c) Parents may attend.
d) Students may ask two fellow students to appear before the Board on their behalf.
e) In cases where a number of students are involved in the same offense, one Board may hear all cases.
f) Board decisions will be rendered by a simple majority vote.
g) The recommendation of the Board will be referred to the principal for final decision.
1. Detention: One hour immediately before or after school on designated days.
2. Disciplinary Work Crew: In keeping with progressive discipline.
3. Suspension: For any major infraction (alcohol/drugs, fighting, harassment, theft or any other significant disruption) or
as a result of cumulative violations.
NOTE: Kennedy Catholic reserves the right to employ restorative justice practices, at the discretion of administration.
This may include, but not be limited to:
Appeal Board Hearings
Student panels
Student mentors
Additionally, any suspension/expulsion may impact financial aid status.
Fire Drill:
A fire drill is an extremely serious matter. Students who do not follow teacher instruction will be liable to disciplinary action
up to suspension or expulsion.
If a student or staff member’s clothing catches on fire, do not allow him or her to run. Running will fan the fire.
Stop, Drop, Cover Your Face and Roll:
Try to smother the fire by wrapping the person in heavy fabric (coat, rug, curtain, etc.) and rolling the person on the ground.
If fabric is not available, roll the person on the ground unwrapped.
Teacher or Staff:
1. Pull closest fire alarm.
2. Notify Campus Life Office immediately about fire and location of fire by dialing x726.
a) Teacher or Supervising Adult
GUIDE. Shut the unlocked door on your way out.
(2) Walk in an orderly manner using assigned exit routes.
(3) Stay in your designated area with your class. Hold up name sign. Take attendance. Crisis Response Team
member or designee will collect attendance.
(4) Stay until further directions.
(5) Staff/teachers with no assigned duties or class, meet at main entrance in front of building.
b) Crisis Response Team:
(1) Pick up attendance sheets once outside and report to Assistant Principal.
(2) Report missing staff and students to fire department.
(3) Meet at command center
(4) Crisis Response Team: refer to Crisis Response Manual.
Auditorium Bleachers: Use all four exits and proceed to parking lot.
Chapel: Use both exits. Proceed to parking area and South 140th.
Cafeteria: Use all three exits to parking lot.
Band Room: Use own exit to South 140th.
Shower Rooms: Exit toward the parking lot.
Office Staff & Clinic: Exit main door.
Earthquakes strike without warning, so be prepared to begin appropriate protective action immediately.
Since structural damage caused by an earthquake may mean that communication systems will stop working, be prepared
to take actions (such as evacuating the building after the ground stops moving) without instructions from the Principal or
other authorized personnel.
Be aware that aftershocks frequently occur after earthquakes. DO NOT EXIT the building during the earthquake. Wait until it has stopped.
Teacher or Supervising Adult:
If you feel or see signs of an earthquake (the ground shaking, hanging objects swaying, objects wobbling on shelves):
DROP-COVER-HOLD- immediately under desks, tables, or other heavy furniture and HOLD ON
If cover is not available, DROP-COVER next to interior walls, narrow halls, or against weight bearing walls.
Stay away from windows, light fixtures, and suspended objects.
Remain calm, reassuring students by speaking and giving instructions in a firm, calm voice.
When the quake is over, if directed by Principal or designee, evacuate the building as quickly as possible in a calm, orderly fashion.
7. Go to designated area on the FOOTBALL FIELD.
8. Hold up laminated name sign. Take attendance. Attendance will be collected by Crisis Response Team member or designee.
9. Remain outside the building until authorized personnel have inspected it for re-entry.
Crisis Response Team:
1. Issue appropriate emergency response.
2. Call 911.
3. Evacuate the building as soon as the quake stops.
4. Convene at command station (shed in front of track).
5. Send designee to collect attendance.
6. Be aware that aftershocks often follow an earthquake.
7. Do not allow anyone to re-enter the building until it has been inspected for safety.
8. Access emergency bins as needed.
9. Crisis Response Team: refer to Crisis Response Manual.
In the event of a major earthquake, parents picking up students must enter school property through the northwest
gate at Occidental and 138th Street. Exits will be at the northeast gate on 2nd or 3rd Avenue South. 140th should
remain clear for emergency vehicles only.
Kennedy Catholic High School, as a member of the North Puget Sound League (NPSL), participates at the 4A level in
the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA). As a member school of the WIAA, Kennedy Catholic and all
its participants are subject to the rules and regulations set forth by the Association. Additionally, Kennedy Catholic High
School has also developed the following Student Athletic/Activities Code which applies to all athletic/activities participants.
Kennedy Catholic has the Lancer as its mascot and school colors of scarlet red, navy blue and white.
Athletics/Activities are a part of a student’s total educational experience. They create a special environment in which students
can develop a sense of loyalty and dedication to themselves, their family and their friends.
As a part of the total educational process, athletics/activities are an integral factor in the overall curriculum. Involvement builds
social, mental, moral and spiritual values. It is in the pursuit of these values that we as teachers hope to be of assistance to you.
Definitions of Participants and Period Of Coverage: This athletic/activities code applies to all students participating in interschool
athletics/activities. Provisions of the code shall govern from the first turnout/meeting for the fall sports/activities program. These
provisions shall also apply to nonparticipating periods during the school year, as may be applicable to each individual student.
Dress and appearance will be governed by school policy, as outlined in the student handbook; however, more specific
standards may be established by individual coaches/advisors. Participants granted exceptions to the dress code will be
advised as to the appropriate attire for these occasions by coaches/advisors. No sweat pants are allowed to be worn.
Conduct: The following rules and regulations are intended to clarify student obligations as leaders and athletic/activity
participants. Students must:
a) Meet the academic requirements for participants.
b) Maintain a satisfactory attendance record; attend all regularly-scheduled classes unless appropriately excused.
c) On athletic/activity trips, obey bus riding, training and school rules and regulations.
d) Remain with the squad, group or team at all times and comply with the reasonable requests and directions of the
coaching/advising staff.
e) Turn out for all regular and special games, practices and meetings, unless excused by the coach/adviser.
f) Not possess or use non-prescription drugs, alcohol or tobacco products.
i. Students are expected to be in attendance in order to participate in athletics/extracurricular activities that day
or evening.
ii. Students, who have been truant during any part of the day, including assemblies and Masses, may not participate
or compete until reinstated by the coach and principal or the designee.
iii. Students who participate in athletics/activities on school nights are expected to be in school for first period the
following day. Chronic violation may result in the loss of participation.
iv. Anyone checking into the Campus Life Health Center 6th or 7th periods may not be eligible to participate in
any athletics/extracurricular activities held that day or evening.
a) School Policy: Participants who violate the athletic/activities code or the rights of other students or faculty members
are liable to athletic/activity suspension or expulsion in accord with the due process specified hereafter. Students may
also be subject to discipline.
b) Definitions:
i. Athletic/activity expulsion: The indefinite exclusion from athletic/activity participation. This may result immediately
from any serious or chronic violation of athletic or student code of conduct. Only the principal or principal designee
may expel a participant. Appeal of any athletic/activity expulsion will be at the discretion of the principal designee.
ii. Athletic/activity suspension: Exclusion from competition for a specified period of time. The length of a suspension
shall be determined by the principal or principal designee, after consulting with the involved head coach/advisor.
Note: Violations of the student and/or athletic code of conduct may result in athletic/activity suspensions. Students
suspended from school are subject to a minimum athletic suspension of one third of the scheduled contests for
athletes or a minimum of 3 weeks for activity participants. The following procedures will be followed in all classes.
c) Procedures:
i. The participant may be suspended from the team/activity and not be allowed to compete/perform until notified by
the head coach/adviser.
ii. The participant will be told the reason for suspension and be given an opportunity to respond.
iii. Parents will be contacted.
iv. A participant or parent who does not agree with the imposition of a suspension may ask to meet with the head
coach/adviser and school authorities in order to discuss the concerns.
v. Participants allowed to return to the team/activity will be placed on probation.
d) Probation: Participants reinstated after being suspended will be on probation for a period of time determined by
the principal or his/her designee, after consulting with the involved head coach/adviser. Specific requirements of the
probation will vary with the individual. Participants who violate the terms of their probation may be expelled.
e) Due Process:
i. In cases involving expulsion, participants may be given the opportunity to appeal to an Athletic/Activity Review Board.
The process is designed to afford the participants the opportunity once again to explain their conduct in the matter.
ii. The Athletic/Activities Review Board will consist of the chairperson, appointed by the principal; the athletic director/
activities coordinator and three coaches/advisers; the head coach/adviser involved; a coach/adviser from another
sport/activity; and one chosen by the participant.
iii. The involved head coach/adviser presents the facts of the case. The facts must be presented in writing to the Board
and the parents prior to the meeting.
iv. One or both parents may attend the meeting.
v. The participant may present his/her own case to the Board.
vi. The participant may ask two fellow participants to appear before the Board on his/her behalf.
vii. In cases where more than one participant is involved in the same offense, one Board may hear all cases.
viii.Board decisions will be rendered by a simple majority vote.
ix. The recommendation of the Board will be referred to the principal for final action.
The Athletic/Activities Code is the guide for clarifying the rules and regulations that govern the conduct of student participants.
Any problems that occur will be handled according to the procedures stated therein. If questions arise, contact your coach/
adviser or school officials for clarification.
The Kennedy Catholic Activities Program has two primary goals: 1) to enrich student life by providing students opportunities
for interaction outside of the classroom; and 2) to reinforce the goals of the academic curriculum.
Specifically, the activities program attempts to do the following:
a) Give students a sense of personal responsibility for directing their own affairs;
b) Teach students the art of working harmoniously with others;
c) Acquaint students with enjoyable and productive ways of using leisure time;
d) Teach students the ability to lead effectively;
e) Teach students to recognize when following is an acceptable behavior and when compromise is the best solution to a
f) Provide students an opportunity to develop worthwhile personality traits such as candor, poise
g) and self-confidence;
h) Bring students to recognize the value of service to others.
More than 50 extracurricular activities (including athletics) are available to Kennedy Catholic students.
In addition to these organizations, Kennedy Catholic sponsors a number of annual events which have as a primary goal involving
students in the life of the school. This yearly cycle begins in September with “Spirit Week,” designed to acquaint incoming
freshmen with each other. Other annual activities include Tolo Dances, Homecoming, and Senior Prom, to name a few.
Kennedy Catholic students are encouraged to assume a high degree of responsibility for self-regulation of student affairs
through the agency of the Student Council. The responsibilities of the Student Council are listed in the ASB Constitution.
In general, they are:
a) Allocating budgets for various student activities;
b) Allocating dates for student activities;
c) Fostering the growth of school spirit;
d) Enacting legislation deemed appropriate for the welfare of the student body
Specific areas of Student Council concern include:
a) ASB Cards are the official form of school identification. These cards are provided to each student at the beginning of
each school year. Students must arrange to have their ASB Card picture taken on the designated registration day
in August. Students are required to have an ASB Card to participate in any activity or athletic event sponsored by
i. ASB cards qualify students for a number of discounts including free admission to all HOME games in football,
basketball, soccer, volleyball and wrestling. ASB Card holders also receive a 50 percent discount at AWAY games
and a discount at ASB dances.
b) Assemblies are sponsored regularly by the ASB to encourage spirit and promote association activities
c) The School Dance Policy
Kennedy Catholic students are expected to dance appropriately and follow rules of chaperones in charge.
1. Kennedy Catholic offers seven dances during the school year: two Tolos, Homecoming, Prom and ASB dances.
2. School dances are held regularly in the cafeteria or gym.
3. All dances are chaperoned by Kennedy Catholic staff members
4. ASB dances are open to only Kennedy Catholic students.
5. To Prom, Homecoming and the 2 Tolo dances, Kennedy Catholic students may ask a guest from another school
provided the Kennedy Catholic student fills out a Guest Request Form and submits it to the Dance Coordinator
the day prior to the dance.
6. Students may come to the dances alone, as a couple or as a group. Prom is for seniors only, unless a senior
asks an underclassman.
7. Tolos are dances at which traditionally, a girl asks a boy to the dance and pays for the ticket. The couple then
decides who pays for the dinner and the photographer.
8. Tickets for the dances are sold during lunchtime in the Activities Office the week of the dance. Students do not
receive an actual ticket – they sign a Guest Log which will be at the door to the dance. The cost of the dance
will be posted in the bulletin.
9. Be aware of Kennedy Catholic’s expectations for appropriate dancing and behavior.
10. NO alcohol or other drugs are allowed on the premises. Students under the influence of an intoxicant will be
suspended or expelled, as determined by the administrator.
11. Doors close at 10:30 p.m. unless otherwise stated.
12. No one is allowed to leave (except permanently) once the dance has started.
13. Homecoming, Tolo and Prom are semi-formal. We stress modesty.
Yearbooks (Imago) are provided to all students at no charge. Yearbooks are distributed in June.
The following information is designed to help you choose an extra-curricular activity. Contact specific moderators or the
Activities Office for more information.
Academic Classes: The following are both classes that take place during the school day with many out of school experiences.
BAND performs at concerts, festivals, parades, pep rallies, football and basketball games. Director: Mr. Daniel Fischer
CHOIR The Kennedy Catholic Choirs perform regularly for the student body as well as outside groups. This activity
takes place as a regularly-scheduled class for which students receive academic credit. Director: Ms. Lindsay Brown.
JAZZ ENSEMBLE A 30-piece group that specializes in swing and jazz-rock arrangements, Jazz Ensemble performs frequently
at Kennedy Catholic functions and in the community. Membership is highly competitive. Advisor: Mr. Daniel Fischer.
STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Imago, the Kennedy Catholic yearbook. All publications are done with desktop publishing
and graphics programs. Publications and Journalism are regularly-scheduled classes and may be taken for English
elective credit. One year experience or summer camp experience is required for editorial positions. Advisors: Yearbook:
Ms. Kathleen Gurnard.
Academic Societies: The following are extracurricular activities but require an application process for admission. See www. for complete information and advisor contact.
CAMP WASKOWITZ is a one-week outdoor education experience for 5th and 6th grade students supervised by their
grade school teacher and a high school leader. The following is the Kennedy Catholic policy of attendance at camp.
The Camp Waskowitz coordinators will publish a schedule of people and their assigned weeks at the beginning of each
semester. Those who have conflicts with their assigned date after the training weekend will not attend that semester.
a) Kennedy Catholic students must be seniors, juniors or sophomores to attend. Juniors and seniors must have a 2.5
or better cumulative GPS. Sophomores must have a 3.0 cumulative G.P.A. or better.
b) A student will be scheduled to attend Camp Thunderbird only once per year.
c) Kennedy Catholic students must attend a leadership training weekend before they can go for the week.
d) Camp Waskowitz is an excused absence for those chosen to go.
e) People who cancel at the last minute (for reasons other than illness) will not be able to attend for the remainder of the year
LINK CREW An internationally-recognized orientation program designed to assist new students in making a smooth
transition into high school. .
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Scholarship, leadership, character and service are the criteria which faculty members
observe when electing Honor Society members. Induction is held each spring.
WORLD LANGUAGE HONOR SOCIETIES Advanced-level world language students are invited to join the American
Sign Language, French, German, Latin or Spanish Honor Society based on stated grade pre-requisites. Senior members
receive an honor cord at graduation. A World Language Honor Society Initiation ceremony is held in May.
Social Clubs: The following are extracurricular clubs that do not limit membership and work together with students that have
common interests to supports the Kennedy Catholic mission. See for complete information and advisor contact.
BUSINESS CLUB Business club prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance,
hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.
COOKING CLUB The cooking club is an organization of juniors and seniors that meet second lunch every Thursday.
Members bring entrées, desserts, salads, etc. Based on a theme selected the previous week. Special cooking contests
are held throughout the year and are open to all interested students.
DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB The Digital Photography Club provides students with the opportunity to learn the basics of
photography, how to use a DSLR, and Photoshop. It also provides a place for current photography students to get extra help.
HISTORY CLUB To promote the awareness and appreciation of Historical Events. Club activities include visits to
museums, movies, inviting guest speakers, social activities and the annual party.
HUMAN RELATIONS CLUB Representatives from each class plan assemblies and programs to further understanding
among the various cultures present at Kennedy Catholic. Senior leaders work with the Campus Ministry Office in conflict
resolution when necessary. Open to all students.
IMPROV The Kennedy Catholic Thespians annually present Fall and Spring productions. Students interested in either
acting or behind-the-scenes roles should attend Improv Club meetings held in September.
LADY LANCERS This organization sponsors, the Father-Daughter Dinner Dance and other social and community-service
events. The club’s purpose is to provide service to the school as well as social events for Kennedy Catholic students.
Every female student at Kennedy Catholic is a Lady Lancer Club member.
LASC The North Puget Sound League coordinates cooperation and events among all the schools of the North Puget Sound
League. Representatives from local high schools meet once a month to discuss issues that are important to them.
INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL This program is designed to provide an opportunity for athletic participation to those
students who do not participate in the formal athletic program. Students participating in “in season” basketball are not
eligible for intramural basketball.
KNIT WITS This is a club where all students can learn how to knit. All levels of knitters can join. If you don’t know how,
we can teach you. Basic knitting supplies provided.
KNOWLEDGE BOWL Knowledge Bowl is a state-wide organization that provides an outlet for students to test their
knowledge in a fun and competitive way. The group competes interscholastically with schools in the Seattle area and
has traditionally placed at the state level.
MATH TEAM This group competes in math competitions at the state and national level.
MENS CLUB Fun, Service and community.
QUEST is a student literary magazine published annually by the Creative Writing classes.
STEM for students interested in science, technology, engineering, and math.
CHEER is a cheer and dance team. Students in any grade are welcome to audition, tryouts are in the Spring. Members
serve as cheerleaders at football and basketball games, perform at pep assemblies and compete in the Pom category at
local and state competitions. Members attend a dance/cheer camp during the summer, and practice several times per week,
year-round. Students also organize fund raisers, engage in community service and participate in other school events.
See for additional information and Head Coach contact.
The Kennedy Catholic athletic facilities are among the finest in King County. The modern gymnasium contains two basketball
courts on the main level. Wrestling facilities and all-purpose space are located in either balcony. Outdoor facilities include
a football field, a baseball diamond, a soccer field and a 400-meter track.
Kennedy catholic is a member of the North Puget Sound League.
Transfers to Kennedy Catholic are subject to state rules governing eligibility and should consult school authorities before
As a member of the North Puget Sound League, Kennedy Catholic offers interschool competition in football, golf, cross
country, basketball, swim & dive, wrestling, tennis, baseball, track & field and soccer for boys; and in volleyball, golf, cross
country, swim & dive, basketball, tennis, softball, soccer, track & field and gymnastics for girls. Boys and Girls Lacrosse
compete in WSLA and WSALA.
Athletic Registration:
State law requires all participants in high school interscholastic athletics to have medical release forms on file with their
respective school. Students planning to participate on any athletic team during the school year (Fall, winter or spring) need
to have an athletic registration form and physical on file in the Athletic Director’s office no later than August 20.
Cross Country (Boys’ & Girls’)
Boys’ Basketball
Girls’ Basketball
Boys’ Soccer
Girls’ Swim and Dive
Boys’ Swim and Dive
Girls’ Softball
Girls’ Soccer
Golf (co-ed)
Track and Field (Boys’ & Girls’)
Girls’ Lacrosse
Boys’ Lacrosse
The following WA Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) rules, while not an exhaustive list, will clarify for the participant
the responsibilities regarding eligibility:
a) Enrollment and Regular Attendance: A student must be enrolled and in regular attendance within the first 15 school
days in a semester in order to participate in interscholastic contests during the current semester.
b) Previous Semester Rule: A student shall have been in regular attendance in an elementary, intermediate or high school
during the semester immediately preceding the semester in which the contest is held.
c) Season Limitation: A student will have four consecutive years of athletic/activity eligibility beginning with first enrollment
as a ninth grader.
d) Eligibility: A student shall have received a passing grade in at least 6 full-time subjects in the immediately preceding semester
in order to be eligible for competition in the following semester. If a student is failing a class during the season, at any designated
grade check date, they will be required to attend Lancer Academy until their grade is brought up to a passing level. Academic and
behavioral checks will be conducted by the AD/Athletic Department each sport season at predetermined dates (the beginning of
the semester and when quarter grades are due by staff). Not meeting the academic standard of passing 6 and 7 classes will affect
a student’s eligibility to participate in contests. Coaches, relevant teachers, and AD/Activities administration will review findings and
determine the appropriate participation level of an athlete who needs to meet the standard, not less than WIAA requirements.
e) Age: A high school competitor shall be under 20 years of age at the beginning of the sport season in which he/she participates.
f) Limited Team Membership: After joining a school squad, a student may participate in non-school athletic activities, provided, in
the opinion of school officials, the activities do not adversely affect the performance of the athlete in practice and/or competition.
g) Transfer Students: Eligibility for all transfer students is determined by the WIAA. Paperwork for eligibility will be
completed in partnership with the Athletic Director.
h) Athletic Academic Probation: If a student is failing two or more classes at any check, that student will be placed on
academic/athletic probation. The student will be required to attend Lancer academy after school and will also need to get a
progress report signed weekly by the teachers of the classes that the student is failing. If the progress report indicates that
the student is still failing two of their classes they will not be eligible to participate in any games/matches. The student can
become eligible to participate once he/she receive a grade check that indicates he/she no longer has two failing grades.
School Attendance: In order to compete or practice, the following attendance regulations shall prevail:
a) Students are expected to be in attendance in order to participate in athletics that day or evening.
b) Students, who have been truant during any part of the day, including assemblies and Masses, may not participate or
compete until reinstated by the coach and principal or the designee.
c) Students who participate in athletics on school nights are expected to be in school for first period the following day.
Chronic violation may result in the loss of participation.
d) Anyone checking into the Campus Life Health Center 6th or 7th periods may not be e ligible to participate in any
extracurricular activities held that day or evening.
Practice Attendance: Regular attendance and promptness are imperative if students are to succeed as athletes. Occasionally, it may be necessary to be either absent or tardy; however, common courtesy dictates that students notify their coaches
in advance or have a valid excuse when they return.
Gym and Related Areas:
a) Athletes should not be in the gym, fields, locker room or weight room unless under the supervision of a faculty member.
b) Shoes worn outdoors should not be worn on the gym floor.
c) The stage and weight room are out of bounds for all students not involved in a supervised activity.
a) Except for extraordinary situations, an athlete must travel to and from athletic contests in vehicles provided by the school.
Permission to travel with a parent may be granted by a coach with the appropriate paperwork completed.
b) Athletes will remain with the squad and under the supervision of the coach when attending away contests.
c) Athletes will refrain from misconduct while traveling to and from athletic contests.
d) Athletes will dress appropriately and in good taste, according to team standards.
College Relations:
a) If an athlete is contacted personally by a college recruiter, they are encouraged to work through their Kennedy Catholic
coach and the Athletic Department so that all possible assistance may be offered. All contacts with the college recruiter
during the school day must be preceded by approval from the principal or the designee.
b) Any student, recruited or not, who wishes to participate in intercollegiate athletics in NCAA Division I or Division II
schools must register with the NCAA Clearinghouse. This can be done at and click on Eligibility Center.
The NCAA Clearinghouse also has vital information on requirements for core courses, SAT/ACT tests and GPA.
Sports Transfer:
a) An athlete who wishes to change from one sport to another during a specific sports season must receive the approval
of both coaches involved and then communicate with the AD office to ensure a transfer of information and emergency
form to be received by the other coach.
Participants in the interscholastic program at Kennedy Catholic High School are covered by a Liability Catastrophe Plan
paid for by the school; however, parents are responsible for the cost of treatment for injuries of a non- catastrophic nature.
For this reason, Kennedy Catholic High School requires athletes to be covered by medical and dental insurance while
participating in interscholastic athletics.
The following basic premise is understood in establishing letter requirements for each sport at Kennedy Catholic High School:
a) The head coach of any sport, with the approval of the administration, has the responsibility for setting the requirements
and awarding varsity letters for the sport.
b) The coach has the right to award letters to participants, even though the letter requirements for that sport have not been
satisfied. The following are conditions that would warrant this kind of coach’s decision:
i. If, in the judgment of the coach, the athlete would have lettered but did not compete for a significant portion of the
season because of medical problems.
ii. If the participant is a senior who has turned out for two or more years and has contributed to the total program of
that sport.
c) Athletes of Kennedy Catholic High School are limited to the wearing of the following letters and emblems on approved
school athletic sweaters and jackets:
i. The first time an athlete letters, the school letter and a bar may be worn on a sweater or jacket.
ii. Subsequent years in which an athlete letters are to be indicated by the placement of additional bars on the original
letter (thus, the maximum number of bars would be four).
iii. Emblems may be worn to indicate individual, individual event, or team champions for different levels of competition, beginning
with league. Also, emblems may be worn to reflect ribbons, medals, or team trophies won at the state level of competition.
iv. Stars may be worn to indicate individual or team advancement to post-season levels of competition (e.g., league,
district, state). Stars may also be worn to reflect selection to the all-league first team.
v. Only recognition received while a student at Kennedy Catholic High School may be reflected on a Kennedy Catholic
letter jacket or sweater.
vi. Athletes who fail to observe these guidelines will lose the privilege of wearing a school letter sweater or jacket.
Note: Items such as the athlete’s name and year of graduation may be added at the request of the student.
The Val Kirk Award was established in 1970 by Mr. Bill Kirk in memory of his father, a man long associated with amateur
athletics in the Seattle area. This award is presented yearly to a senior boy and girl who have excelled in at least two sports
during his/her senior year. The individuals must have achieved high academic ranking and displayed qualities of good
citizenship during his/her school career.
The Carl J. Velling Award is presented yearly to a senior boy and senior girl who have excelled in two sports, or received
recognition as exceptionally gifted in one sport during their senior year. Also, the individuals must have displayed the same
kind of motivation in the classroom that has led to success in athletics. Dr. Roy Velling established this award in 1970 to
honor the memory of his father, Mr. Carl Velling.
Seniors who have been on athletic probation or school academic or disciplinary probation are not eligible for these awards.
As members of the Associated Students of Kennedy Catholic High School, having as our goal the formulation of a democratic
student government, a well-defined system of traditions and laws, and the promotion of a Christian environment which will
enhance our learning experience, we hereby establish this constitution as a means to best regulate school affairs, assure
cooperation, and promote an active interest in student government.
All policies and activities will support the goals and mission of John F. Kennedy Catholic High School.
Section 1. All students enrolled at Kennedy Catholic High School shall be considered members of the Association.
Section 2. The Associated Student Body government shall consist of a Student Council.
Section 1. The executive duties of this organization require four officers: president, vice president, secretary and treasurer.
Section 2. The duties of the PRESIDENT:
a) He/she shall preside at all Student Council meetings and be at all ASB assemblies.
b) He/she shall appoint all committees and respective chairpersons as deemed necessary.
c) He/she shall appoint all representatives to interschool functions.
d) He/she shall be responsible for the execution of all legislation passed by the Student Council.
Section 3. The duties of the VICE PRESIDENT:
a) He/she shall assume the duties of the president in the case of absence, resignation, removal, or withdrawal from
school of the president.
b) He/she shall regulate all election and campaign activities making sure that each candidate has a copy of the
Constitution and is aware of the duties of the office for which he/she is a candidate and that each candidate abides
by the rules of fair campaigning established by the Election Committee.
Section 4. The duties of the SECRETARY:
a) He/she shall be responsible for all correspondence to do with the association.
b) He/she shall keep an accurate record of all Student Council meetings.
c) He/she shall be prepared to read the minutes of the previous meeting at each Student Council meeting.
d) He/she shall publish the minutes of the Student Council meetings and distribute copies to each homeroom representative.
e) He/she shall keep an accurate account of attendance at Council meetings.
Section 5. The duties of the TREASURER:
a) He/she shall account for all Associated Student Body funds and the funds of organizations within the Student Body
entrusted to his/her care.
b) He/she shall keep accurate records of budget requests made by classes, clubs and organizations within the school
recognized by the Student Council
c) He/she shall be responsible for the collection of fees for Student Body cards and all other Associated Student Body
functions (dances, etc.).
d) He/she will work closely with the business office of the school keeping an accurate record of all monies and bills
submitted by all groups under ASB.
Section 6. Student Body Elections and Qualifications of Officers:
a) The elections of Student Body Officers shall occur at least three weeks before the conclusion of the regular school
year, usually in the month of April, and at a time deemed appropriate by the Student Council and activities coordinator.
b) Candidates for the offices of president and vice president shall be juniors with a minimum cumulative grade point
average of 2.5 for five semesters. Candidates for the offices of secretary and treasurer shall be juniors or sophomores
with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 for five or three semesters respectively. Elected officers whose
cumulative GPAs fall below this minimum standard may be required to vacate their office. A probationary period shall
be established by the activities coordinator and Vice Principal of Academics before the officer is forced to step down.
c) Candidates for ASB office must present a petition, bearing the signatures of a minimum of 100 members of the
student body and signatures of five teachers who support their candidacy.
d) ASB elections, once petitions are filed, shall last no longer than one school week.
e) The members of the Senior Class do not vote in the election of ASB officers.
f) Candidates must be free of discipline issues and will be subject to an investigation into their discipline report.
Section 7. Class Elections
a) Class elections shall be held one week after ASB elections or at a time deemed appropriate by Student Council
and the activities coordinator. All candidates must have a 2.5 cumulative GPA.
b) Petitions for office must be obtained from the ASB vice president and at least 50 signatures secured for candidates
for the office of class president; and 35 signatures for the offices of vice president, secretary and treasurer.
c) Freshman class elections must be held by the first week in October at a time considered appropriate by the freshman class moderator.
d) Class officer candidates must pass a discipline review prior to being placed on the ballot.
Section 8. Clubs and Organizations
a) Clubs and organizations are encouraged to elect their officers in the spring of the year for the following school year.
b) The presidents of clubs and organizations or their delegates are responsible for presenting their budgets and
calendar requests to Student Council and are welcome to represent their organizations.
Section 9. Cheer
a) The election of cheer members shall take place in a try out in the spring of the year on a date selected by the cheer
staff adviser and approved by the activities coordinator.
Section 10. Terms of ASB Officers
a) All officers shall commence their duties at the last meeting of the Association at the end of the school year and shall
serve for one calendar year.
Section 11. Removal of Officers
a) An officer of the Associated Student Body may be removed if he/she does not maintain a 2.5 GPA, commits a major
infraction of school rules or willfully violates this Constitution.
Section 1. Membership
a) The Student Council shall consist of the four ASB officers and the four class officers of the senior, junior, sophomore
and freshman classes.
b) Duly-elected representatives from recognized clubs or organizations may also be invited to sit on Student Council.
c) In the first month of each school year, homeroom representatives and alternates shall be elected who will represent
their homeroom as non-voting members of the Student Council. The alternate shall assume the representative’s
duties in case of absence or removal.
Section 2. Meetings
a) Student Council shall convene at the discretion of the Student Body president or at the request of any senior officer.
b) The Student Council meetings shall take place outside of regular school time or a time designated by the Council
and approved by the activities coordinator.
c) Meetings shall be held regularly at the school at a place and time designated at least two days prior to the meeting.
d) Any member of the Association or faculty is welcome to attend any meeting of the Association or of the Student Council.
e) All meetings of the Student Council shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 3. Budget
a) An operating budget of income and expenditure shall be set by the fall of each year. This budge should be made
by the student body officers in cooperation with the principal and activities coordinator.
b) Any club or organization wishing representation on Student Council or consideration for dates on the student
activities calendar must submit a copy of their budget to the ASB treasurer and a copy of date requests to the ASB
secretary prior to the budget meeting of Student Council.
c) The ASB treasurer shall be prepared to make available to any member of the Association a copy of the budget.
Section 4. Activities Calendar
a) An activities calendar shall be established by the activities coordinator in conjunction with Student Council. Member
classes, clubs and organizations shall be given the opportunity to select one or more dates for fundraising activities
during each semester, provided they are properly-recognized members of Student Council.
b) Student Council and the activities coordinator shall cooperate with the JFK Booster Club and shall take joint
responsibility for distributing said calendar to each member of the Association.
Section 5. Student Handbook
a) The student body officers shall assist the activities coordinator each summer before the actual school year of their
term of office in the preparation of a student handbook for each member of the Association.
Section 6. Powers and Duties
a) Student Council shall have the power to initiate and approve amendments to this Constitution (see Article V).
b) Student Council has the right to request a copy of any class, club or organization constitution.
c) Student Council has the power to enact any other legislation deemed appropriate and necessary to the general
welfare of the Associated Student Body.
d) Student Council has the power each semester to set, in collaboration with the activities coordinator, calendar dates
for student activities.
Section 1. Election
a) Homeroom representatives and their alternates shall be elected by each homeroom in the first month of the school year.
b) Homeroom representatives shall serve until the end of the school year or until the dissolution of homeroom.
c) Alternates shall assume the duties of homeroom representative in case of absence or removal of the homeroom
representative. Homeroom representative duties are to:
i. Inform the homeroom of ASB and class activities.
ii. Assist in school fundraising activities by organization of the homeroom.
iii. Present any requests for calendar dates desired by members of the homeroom to Student Council.
Section 1. Proposal
a) An amendment to this Constitution may be proposed by the Student Council or by a petition bearing the signatures
of at least 10 percent of the Association.
b) A proposed amendment to this constitution shall be enacted by a two-thirds majority vote of the Student Council
and a majority vote of the Student Body, subject to the approval of the principal.
The Kennedy Catholic Parents’ Club is a volunteer parent group which supports and serves students, teachers, staff and
parents of our Kennedy Catholic Family. The Parents’ Club mission is to support the spiritual formation of Kennedy Catholic
High School students, to promote the visibility and communication of our school’s achievements, to assist in community
building and fundraising by sponsoring school events, and to create a resource for Kennedy Catholic parents to volunteer
and share their gifts and talents. Events include Parents’ Club, the Mother-Daughter Mass and Brunch, the Arts & Crafts
Fair, the Mother-Son Dinner Dance, and the student school store; the Knight Stand. General information, along with current
and specific updates about Parents’ Club activities and officers, can be found on our website.
The Kennedy Catholic Booster Club was formed more than 40 years ago by a small group of parents who wanted to assist
Kennedy Catholic with the financial requirements of athletic activities. Since that time, we have grown in numbers and
responsibilities. Booster Club activities include hosting the annual Crab Feed and the bi-annual Hall of Fame dinner, taking
tickets at all varsity home games, volunteering at sporting events, and much more. The Kennedy Catholic Booster Club is
open to anyone wishing to be involved in supporting our student athletes.
BSHARP (Band Support Helping Artists and Performers) is a parent and alumni organization that supports and serves
students, teachers, and staff of the Performing and Fine Arts programs. BSHARP facilitates and coordinates with volunteers
to support numerous events and activities. More information can be found on our website.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who are in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace!
The Lord is with thee;
Blessed art thou among women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Glory Be to the Father
Glory be to the Father,
And to the Son,
And to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,
Is now,
And ever shall be,
World without end. Amen.
The Act of Contrition
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended you,
and I detest all my sins because of your just punishments,
but most of all because they offend you, my God,
who are all good and deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve with the help of your grace to sin no more
and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen.
The Great Commandments
“You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart, and with your whole soul, and will all you mind.
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Mt.22:37-39
The Prayer of St. Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.
O Master Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to
love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
The Ten Commandments
1. I am the Lord your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.
3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
4. Honor your father and your mother.
5. You shall not kill.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not steal.
8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.
The Beatitudes
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your
assistance or sought your intercession, was left unaided.
Inspired with this confidence, we fly to you, O Virgin of virgins, our Mother; to you we come; before you we kneel, sinful and
sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not our petitions, but in your mercy, hear and answer them.
MLA Format and Guidelines for English Papers
a) Papers must be typed, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font only.
b) Papers should be printed on standard, white, 8.5 x 11 inch paper.
c) Margins of paper should be 1 inch all sides.
d) Indent the first line of paragraphs one-half inch from the left margin, using the “tab” key.
e) Create a header that numbers all pages consecutively in the upper right-hand corner, one-half inch from the top and
flush with the right margin.
f) Only use italics in your text when writing a foreign word or phrase, or only when absolutely necessary, providing emphasis.
g) If you have any endnotes, include them on a separate page before your Works Cited page. Entitle the section Notes
(centered, unformatted).
h) A Works Cited page should be the last page of your paper. The page should be separate and be labeled as such.
Specific guidelines are included.
Formatting the First Page of Your Paper
a) Do not make a title page for your paper unless specifically requested.
b) In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name, your teacher’s name, the course, and the date.
c) Double space again and center the title (if a title is requested). Do not underline, italicize, or place your title in quotation
marks; write the title in Title Case (standard capitalization), not in all capital letters.
d) Use quotations marks and/or italic when referring to other works in your title, just as you would in your text: Fear and
Loathing in Las Vegas as Morality Play; Human Weariness in “After Apple Picking.”
e) Double space between the title and the first line of the text.
Important Facts to Remember About MLA
a) Always underline or italicize the titles of books, websites, movies, periodicals, plays, or any large work.
b) Always use quotation marks when writing the titles of articles, short stories, poems, television shows, or songs.
c) On the Works Cited page, always indent the second line of your documentation, and any lines that follow, five spaces,
but DO NOT INDENT the first line.
d) When writing a quote within your text, remember that punctuation of the quote goes inside the quotation marks, but the
parenthetical citation goes before the end period.
e) Microsoft Word 97 and newer editions has a reference section for help in using MLA format
Basic Documentation in the MLA Format for Works Cited Pages
Use the following as a guide to help you cite the sources used in papers or projects.
Book with one author:
Author last name, first name. Title of book. Place of publication: publisher, Year of publication.
Eskrigge, Stella. Life in the South. New Orleans: Pelican Publishing, 1989.
Book with more than one author:
First author last name, first name, and Second author first name and last name. Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher,
Year of publication.
Sylvest, Minnie, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. A Guide to Growing Roses. Renton: Grub House Publishing, Inc., 2005.
Anthology or Collection:
Editor’s last name, first name, ed. Title of Collection. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of publication.
Parker, Jennifer, ed. Surviving in Snow: Critical and Theoretical Essays on Surviving Life in the Northwest. Seattle: Frozen
Press, 2001.
Article in a reference book:
“Article Title.” Title of Reference Book. Edition or Year.
“Awesome High School Students.” Encyclopedia of Teaching. 2011 ed.
Author(s). Name of Page. Date of Posting/Revision. Name of institution affiliated with the site. Date of Access <electronic
**if there is no author, or date of posting, simply omit this information **
Nerd, Ima. Voices of Reason: Napping as Adults. 20 August 2002. Southeastern Louisiana University. 25 January 2011.
8 Sentence Paragraph Format
The following eight-sentence format is very useful in achieving all the basic necessities of information presentation for the
purposes of writing about literature or any other topic in high school. This structure will be the basis for all future writing
assignments, so study, practice, and learn it well.
Sentence #1= Topic Sentence: (TS)
This introduces the topic or theme, contains an opinion, acts as a sub-thesis in a longer paper, and should include the title
of the literature being discussed.
Sentence #2= Concrete Detail (or quote): (CD)
Contains a piece of quoted text, and often begins with “For example…” or another demonstrative phrase.
Sentence #3= Commentary: (CM)
Offers your view of the information you are presenting, and may include the phrase “This shows…” or something similar.
Sentence #4=Commentary: (CM)
Further discusses your critical view of the information you are presenting.
Sentence #5=Concrete Detail (or quote) (CD)
Presents another piece of concrete information for you to discuss and comment on, and may start with the phrase “In
addition…” or something similar.
Sentence #6=Commentary: (CM)
Offers your view of the information presented in y our second concrete detail.
Sentence #7=Commentary: (CM)
Further discusses your critical view of the information presented by CD #2.
Sentence #8=Concluding Sentence: (CS)
Finish your paragraph by reaching a conclusion and reiterating your opinion, and offer a transition to the next paragraph.
**There are ONLY 8 sentences total in an eight-sentence paragraph…don’t work so hard.
Example of 8 Sentence Paragraph:
(TS) The transition from middle school to high school is one of great change. (CD) One major change is the number of students
in school. (CM) Many students come from a small middle school with no more than two or three classes per grade, making
the transition to a larger school a bit frightening. (CM) It is easy to feel lost I a crowd when you no longer know everyone.
(CD) In addition to the larger class size, one change many students face is a greater work load. (CM) Often students in
middle school are not prepared for the amount of home they are assigned on a regular basis in high school. (CM) Feeling
overwhelmed is normal, but keeping track of assignments and forming study groups can be helpful to a student’s success.
(CS) Though high school is a time of change, it does not have to be a time of stress or fear as students soon discover.
Commonly misspelled words: Should have and Would have…
a) There/their/they’re
i. Look! Over there! It is a person who uses there, their, and they’re appropriately!
ii. My goodness, they’re having a good time.
iii. They’re having a good time because they always know how to apply their grammar skills.
b) Know/no
i. You know what, teacher? No, what, student? We love this assignment.
c) Whose/who’s
i. Whose phone just rang in my class? Who’s going to tell me the truth?
d) Your/you’re
i. You’re the best class a teacher could have. If only you knew your homophones.
e) Too/two/to
i. I am too tired to do two homework assignments tonight, how about you? I’m going to bed instead.
f) Are/our
i. Are you going to the dance tonight? I’m not sure because our house is a mess and my parents said I have to clean it first.
g) It’s/its
i. It’s (it is) difficult to remember all of these rules.
ii. The dog kept chasing its tail.
h) Accept/Except
i. Accept is to receive (He accepted the reward.)
ii. Except means to omit or to make an exception of (Everyone is invited except him.
i) Affect/Effect
i. Affect is usually a verb meaning to influence or to impress (The story affected him.)
ii. Effect is a verb that means to bring about (The new government effected radical changes.)
j) Among/Between
i. Among is used with more than two (The faculty discussed the problem among themselves.)
ii. Between is used with two (She stood between the tree and the rock.)
k) Farther/Further
i. Farther refers to distance (I have traveled farther than you.)
ii. Further means additional or to a greater degree and is used with no notion of distance exists (I need further assistance.)
l) Fewer/Less
i. Fewer refers to a number (Use the express lane if you have ten items or fewer.)
ii. Less refers to an amount (I prefer less salt in my food.)
m) Principle/Principal
i. Principal means primary or sum of money (The principal, Ms. Jones, could not pay the principal on the loan.)
ii. Principle is a rule of conduct (He has strong principles.)
n) All sentences must have a capital letter at the beginning and some sort of end mark (period, exclamation point, question mark).
o) Students should not use “I think”, “I believe”, or “In my opinion” when making an argument. The same statement should
be written without any of these terms.
p) When using the word “like”, students must be comparing two things.
q) Students should not use the universal “you”. For example, “When you read To Kill a Mockingbird, you begin to sympathize with Boo Radley”.
r) Students should not use any language that is often found in a text message.
s) This includes, but is not limited to: “u”, “w/”, “b/c”, “gr8”, “thanx”, “cuz”, etc.
A comma is used
• after an introductory phrase, prepositional phrase, or dependent clause
• to separate elements in a series
• to separate nonessential information in a sentence
• between adjectives that are equal and reversible
• after a transition
• in quoted work
To avoid comma splices (joining two independent clauses with a comma), separate the clauses with a period, with a semicolon,
or with a comma followed by a coordinating conjunction.
A semicolon is used:
• to join two independent clauses when the second clause restates the first or when the two clauses are of equal emphasis
• to join two independent clauses when the second clause starts with a conjunctive adverb or a transition
• to join elements in a series when the individual elements already contain commas
A colon is used:
• to join two independent clauses when you want to emphasize the second clause
• after an independent clause when it is followed by a list, a quotation, or another idea directly related to the independent clause
Parentheses are used to emphasize the content of the sentence. Use them to set off nonessential information such as
dates, sources, or clarifying information.
Quotation Marks
Quotation marks are used:
• to enclose direct quotes
• around the titles of short poems, song titles, short stories, magazine or newspaper articles, essays, speeches, chapter
titles, short films, and TV or radio episodes
Do not use quotation marks in indirect or block quotations.
• Italics are often used interchangeably with underlining.
• Italicize titles of magazines, books, newspapers, academic journals, films, television shows, long poems, plays of three
or more acts, operas, and musical albums.
• Italics should be used for foreign words, a word or phrase to emphasize meaning, or when using a word to refer to that same word.
An apostrophe is used to indicate possession. It is also used in a conjunction of two words shortened to become one by omission of letters.
Suggestions for Effective Proofreading
• If it’s your own work, allow some time to pass before proofreading so you can observe with a fresh eye.
• Read it through once without marking any errors. Use a printout of the document instead of viewing it online. Using a
different format can allow you to more easily see errors.
• Next, read it through looking for mechanical problems (spelling, punctuation, sentence fragments, run-on sentences,
comma splices, subject/verb agreement, parallelism, pronoun reference agreement, etc.).
• Finally, read it through looking for stylistic concerns such as faulty logic, sentence variety, sentence flow, well developed ideas, etc.
• Often, many mistakes can be found by reading the piece aloud. A comma splice, for example, becomes glaringly evident
when spoken.
• If you are reading someone else’s work, do so with a critical eye and don’t be afraid of hurting the author’s feelings
with your respectful criticisms. It will be more damaging to the author to submit a paper with unnecessary errors and
receive a poor grade.
• One last thing…if you are impressed with anything you read, make sure to let the author know that.
All of your writing in high school should exhibit each of these six traits
1. Ideas: The student writes using details, examples, and anecdotes to develop and enrich ideas
2. Organization: The student organizes writing to enhance the reader’s understanding and lead to an intended conclusion or insight
3. Voice: The student writes to involve the reader and to show ownership and commitment
4. Word Choice: The student writes using words that convey the desired message accurately and that hold the reader’s interest
5. Sentence Fluency: The student writes material that reads easily and exhibits a smooth transition between ideas
6. Conventions: The student writes using standard conventions for sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, spelling
and punctuation.
Block Schedules
Ext Passing
Ext Passing
Ext Passing
A Lunch
A Lunch
A Lunch
Fifth B
Fifth B
Fifth B
B Lunch
B Lunch
B Lunch
Fifth A
Fifth A
Fifth A
Blue Mass (2,3,6,7)
Faculty Mtg 8:00
Ext Passing
Ext Pass
A Lunch
A Lunch
A Lunch
Sixth B
Sixth B
Fifth B
B Lunch
B Lunch
B Lunch
Sixth A
Sixth A
Pep Assem
Ext Pass
A Lunch
Fifth B
B Lunch
Fifth A
High School
Fifth A
Blue Faculty (2,3,6,7)
Ext Passing
Kennedy Catholic
Red (1,2,4,5,6)
White (1,3,4,5,7)
Cover Artwork.indd 2
Kennedy Catholic High School
140 S. 140th Street
Burien, WA 98168
Handbook & Student Planner
2016 - 2017
Attendance Office
Outside Back Cover
5/2/16 7:55 AM
Outside Front Cover