Curriculum 2010 Field
Curriculum 2010 Field
Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) Maritime University of Szczecin Curriculum 2010 Field - navigation Specialization - Maritime Transport second cycle PART-TIME STUDIES Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) Editors Navigation Faculty Curricula Committee Dean of the Faculty of Navigation Jerzy Hajduk (chairman) Jacek Frydecki – Vice-Dean for Part-time Studies Barbara Kwiecińska – Vice-Dean for Full-time Studies Janusz Uriasz – The Institute of Navigation, Director Wiesław Juszkiewicz – The Institute of Marine Traffic Engineering, Deputy Director Authors J.Artyszuk; Remigiusz Dzikowski; W.Galor; L.Gucma; S.Gucma; J.Hajduk; I.Jagniszczak;. W.Juszkiewicz; J.Łubczonek; . E.Łusznikow; M.Narękiewicz; J.Nikołajew; Z.Pietrzykowski; W.Piszczek; A.Stateczny; Tadeusz Szelangiewicz;. Zbigniew Szozda;. W.Ślączka; . J.Uriasz;; B.Wiśniewski;. P.Zalewski Computer typesetting and coordination Barbara Kwiecińska – Vice-Dean for Full-time Studies Curriculum approved by the Faculty Board on 20 January 2010 Syllabuses approved by the Faculty Board on 20 January 2010 2 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) CONTENTS Alterations ............................................................................................................................................. General information ............................................................................................................................. Study plan .............................................................................................................................................. 4 5 7 SUBJECTS 1. English. .................................................................................................................................... 2. Applied Mathematics .............................................................................................................. 3. Data Processing Methods ......................................................................................................... 4. Psychology and Sociology ...................................................................................................... 5. Data Communications Systems. .............................................................................................. 6. Fundamentals of European Law .............................................................................................. 7. Scientific Research Methodology ............................................................................................ 8. Navigation Systems ................................................................................................................. 9. Navigation Safety Engineering ................................................................................................ 10. Navigation Infrastructure ......................................................................................................... 11. Transport Systems Management .............................................................................................. 12. Radiolocation Systems ............................................................................................................. 13. Marine Safety Standards .......................................................................................................... 14. Navigation Automation ............................................................................................................ 15. Marine Risk............................................................................................................................... 16. MarineTraffic Engineering………………………………………………………………. ...... 17. Harbour Manoeuvring............................................................................................................... 18. Fundamentals of Remote Sensing............................................................................................. 19. a. Marine Structures...................................................................................... ............................ b. Environment Protection..................................................................................... ................... 20. a. Weather Navigation.............................................................................................................. b. Artificial Intelligence Methods............................................................................................. 21. a. Transport Logistics................................................................................................................ b. Quality Management............................................................................................................. 22. a. Ship's navigational safety...................................................................................................... b. Fundamentals of ship seakeeping.......................................................................................... 23. Diploma Seminar....................................................................................................................... Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) Second cycles Part-time studies NAVIGATION Maritime Transport Alterations Date Type of alteration 4 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Scope of alteration Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) GENERAL INFORMATION THE FACULTY OF NAVIGATION FIELD: NAVIGATION SPECIALIZATION: MARITIME TRANSPORT SECOND CYCLE PART-TIME STUDIES Three semester studies for a Master’s degree are intended for graduates of first cycle engineering studies in the field of navigation. The curriculum has been developed to largely extend the scope of Knowledge students acquire in the first cycle (inżynier diploma). This curriculum comprises 27 subjects, with a total of 607 hours of lectures, tutorials and lab classes, including: • • • general subject field-of-study subjects specialized subject. - 172 - 366 - 69 Students are required to pass all the subjects of the curriculum. A pass is not required for lectures, if the subject is completed with an exam in a given semester. Teachers conducting classes shall give a marked pass and their signatures based on in-semester tests, students’ written reports, projects etc. The student shall write a Master’s thesis and defend it. A graduate receives a diploma certifying the completion of their studies with a master’s degree: magister inżynier. Graduates should be trained to do creative work in: research and development teams dealing with navigational topics and problems; companies designing, organizing, maintaining and supporting the functioning of navigational infrastructure; safety departments of the administrative bodies responsible for communications and transport; traffic control and supervision services or respective units of communications and transport companies. Besides, a graduate should be co-operative and capable of managing groups of employees. They should be able to take up research challenges and undertake third cycle studies. Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Faculty of Navigation Second cycle Part-time study STUDY PLAN Field-of-study: Navigation Specialization: Maritime Transport Programme details Number of hours No. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 C 19 20 21 22 23 II year I year Person responsible for subject Subjects General subjects English Applied Mathematics Data Processing Methods Psychology and Sociology Data Communications Systems Fundamentals of European Law Scientific Research Methodology Field-of-study subjects Navigation Systems Navigation Safety Engineering Navigation Infrastructure Transport Systems Management Radar Systems Marine Safety Standards Navigation Automation Marine Risk Marine Traffic Engineering Harbour Manoeuvering Fundamentals of Remote Sensing Specialized subjects a) Marine Structures b)) Environment Protection a) Weather Routing b) Artificial Inteligence Methods a) Logistics in Transport b) Quality Management a) Ship's Navigational Safety b) Fundamentals of ship seakeeping Diploma Seminar Master's Thesis Total Hours per year's Total hour's per year L+C+Lab Number of examinations in year (C+Lab)/(L+C+Lab) [%] Total 172 24 30 30 30 30 18 10 366 36 30 30 30 45 27 36 36 36 30 30 69 9 L 78 0 15 15 15 15 8 10 179 16 14 14 15 27 13 18 16 18 14 14 43 9 C 64 24 0 15 15 0 10 0 104 20 16 16 0 0 14 0 20 18 0 0 17 0 Lab 30 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 83 0 0 0 15 18 0 18 0 0 16 16 9 0 L 55 18 9 0 9 9 18 8 10 0 8 9 9 0 0 9 15 8 7 0 607 300 185 122 15 15 10 103 16 14 Lab 30 15 15 15 68 20 16 ECTS 17 1 5 5 15 5 33 1 24 5 4 L 23 15 14 18 2 1 3 5 8 18 0 1 8 10 2 76 36 0 63 4 50,58 50 16 18 1 14 14 35 9 1 95 324 ECTS 5 2 4 18 20 4 4 42 17 16 16 9 9 10 134 5 5 27 1 2 2 1 7 90 283 1 20 59 54 2 48,77 52,65 Total number of ECTS mgr E. Plucińska dr inż. P.Zalewski dr hab. inż. L.Gucma, prof. AM dr hab. J. Nikołajew prof. AM dr inż. Z. Pietrzykowski prof. AM dr inż. kpt. ż.w. M.Narękiewicz dr hab. inż. L.Gucma prof. AM 22 4 8 166 Lab 0 15 16 18 C 37 12 15 14 15 9 13 18 - examinations in year Approved by the Faculty Board on 20 January 2010. Enter into force- academic year 2009/2010. C 27 12 96 dr inż. P. Zalewski dr inż. kpt. żw. I. Jagniszczak, prof. AM dr hab. inż. W.Galor, prof. AM dr hab. inż. W.Piszczek, prof. AM dr inż. W. Juszkiewicz dr inż. kpt. żw. J.Hajduk, prof. AM dr inż. J.Uriasz dr inż. kpt. żw. W.Ślączka prof. AM prof. kpt.ż.w. S. Gucma dr inż. J. Artyszuk dr inż. J. Łubczonek dr hab. inż. W.Galor, prof. AM mgr g inż.kpt.ż.w. p R. Dzikowski prof. B.Wiśniewski prof. A.Stateczny dr inż. M.Narękiewicz dr inż. Z. Szozda prof. E. Łusznikow prof. T. Szelangiewicz prof. B. Mazurkiewicz promotor Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 8 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) SUBJECTS 9 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 1. Subject: Field of study ENGLISH Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of studies part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year A I II 11 11 Hours in year C 12 12 ECTS L 1 2 The teacher responsible for the subject- mgr Elżbieta Plucińska Introductory subjects and requirements Good Knowledge of English grammar and general vocabulary as required at 1st cycle studies. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → vocabulary and grammar enabling them to hold business talks, terminology of commerce, company’s organizational structure and other business related areas; Be able to → make documents required in employee recruitment, adequately respond to interviewer’s questions, actively participate in a discussion, negotiate, prepare cargo carriage documentation. Syllabus YEAR I ENGLISH CLASSES 12 HOURS BUSINESS ENGLISH – JOB APPLICATION, RECRUITMENT, COMPANY STRUCTURE • How to write a good CV (resume) and cover letter. • Self-presentation in an interview. • Business talks and negotiations. YEAR II ENGLISH INTERNATIONAL TRADE, BUSINESS MEETINGS, ADVERTISING • Carriage documents (e.g. letter of gredit). • Establishing terms and conditions for an order/delivery. • Conducting negotiations. • Offer preparation and presentation. CLASSES 12 HOURS NEGOTIATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, BUSINESS TRIPS • Talking business on the phone. • Making appointments. Basic literature 1. Cotton D., Falvey D., Kent S.: 'Market Leader' Intermediate Business English, Course Book, New Edition. Pearson/Longman, 2005. Additional literature 10 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) Publications on themes similar to that of [Cotton i in., 2005] selected by the teacher. Teaching methods Small group classes aimed at developing all language skills, with all available facilities, including multimedia. Passing the subject A written test based on the material covered in class. The test shall have a series of various exercises like those practiced in class. A pass is granted for 60% positive answers in the test. 11 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 2. Subject: Field of study APPLIED MATHEMATICS Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of studies part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year I II Weeks in year 11 11 A 15E Hours in year C L 15 ECTS 5 The teacher responsible for the subject- dr inż. Paweł Zalewski Introductory subjects and other requirements Mathematics, automation, computer studies, navigation and safety of navigation, ship’s construction and stability, marine traffic engineering. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → basic terms and problems of mathematical theory of control, examples of mathematical models used in marine navigation, types of numerical methods, Monte-Carlo method, Markov chains, pseudorandom numbers generation, introduction to multivariate regression analysis, mathematical models of dynamic systems based on navigation examples, basic terms of controlled dynamic system: system stability, controllability, observability, usage of chosen software packages in navigation – Excel, Mathcad, Matlab, Statistica. Be able to → formulate and solve above problems using mathematical language and specialized computer software. Syllabus YEAR I APPLIED MATHEMATICS LECTURES 15 HOURS • Numerical methods – solving algebraic linear and non-linear systems of equations, interpolation and approximation of one variable functions, numerical integration and differentiation, solving differential equations. • Linear and nonlinear optimization. • Monte Carlo method, Markov chains, pseudorandom number generation. • Multivariate regression analysis. • Mathematical modelling of deterministic, stochastic and chaotic dynamic systems. Concepts of system stability, controllability and observability. • Dynamic systems control. • Elements of reliability theory – models and methods. Application in theory of systems safety. Modelling the safety of marine systems. YEAR I APPLIED MATHEMATICS LABORATORY 15 HOURS • Use of software packages such as Microsoft Excel, Mathcad, Matlab, Statistica for the implementation of methods presented during lectures. 12 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) Basic literature 1. Kumamoto H., Henley E.J.: Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Management for Engineers and Scientists. 2nd Edition, IEEE Press, New York, 2000. 2. Pukite J., Pukite P.: Modeling for Reliability Analysis: Markov Modeling for Reliability, Maintainability, Safety, and Supportability Analyses of Complex Systems. IEEE Press, New York, 1998. 3. Ying H.: Fuzzy Control and Modeling: Analytical Foundations and Applications. Wiley-IEEE Press, New York, 2000. 4. Stormy Attaway.: MATLAB: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving, Elsevier, Oxford UK, 2009. 5. Marciniak A.: Basic Numerical Procedures in Turbo Pascal for Your PC : revised edition for Turbo Pascal 5.0, 5.5 and 6.0, Nakom, 1992 Additional literature 1. Zalewski P.: Determination of ship’s manoeuvring area based on probabilistic ship’s waterplane. X International Conference TRANSCOMP’2006. Zakopane, 4-7.12.2006. Vol. 2, Institute for Sustainable Technologies – NRI, Radom, Edited by: Z. Łukasik, Z. Strzyżakowski, pp. 461-468, 2006 2. Zalewski P., Fuzzy Fast Time Simulation Model of Ship's Manoeuvring, Taylor & Francis - Balkema in the TransNav’2009 Proceedings (Monograph). Gdynia, 17-19.06.2009. 3. Hsu D.Y: Spatial Error Analysis: A Unified Application-Oriented Treatment. IEEE, New York, 1999. 4. Tao G.: Adaptive Control Design and Analysis., Wiley-Interscience, Hoboken, 2003. 5. Rhodes M. A.: Ship Stability (Mates, Masters). Seamanship, London, 2003. Teaching methods Lectures supported by multimedia presentations. Laboratory classes utilizing software calculation packages, including Microsoft Excel, Mathcad, Matlab, Statistica. Form and conditions of passing the subject Laboratory – credits earned for carrying out a project. Lectures – written exam in the form of a short-answer test. 13 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 3. Subject: Field of study STATISTICAL METHODS OF DATA PROCESSING Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of studies part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year I II 11 11 A 15 Hours in year C 15 L ECTS 5 The teacher responsible for the subject- dr hab. Inż. Lucjan Gucma, prof. AM Introductory subjects and other requirements Mathematics, computer studies, navigation. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → basic definitions of measurement theory, statistical estimation and theory of statistical inference, basic statistical distributions of random variables used in navigation Be able to → process the experimental data and perform the proper analysis of measurement errors . Syllabus YEAR I • • • • • • • • • • • • STATISTICAL METHODS OF DATA PROCESSING LECTURES 15 HOURS Basic measurement concepts and methods. The essence of of experimental data analysis, statistical research, types of statistical features, processing of statistical data, presentation of data as stem-and-leaf plots, histogram - its construction and choice of intervals, relative frequency distribution, concept of empirical distribution function. Error calculation, measurement uncertainty, accuracy and precision. Statistical measures - measures of location (mean values, modes, quantiles), dispersion, asymmetry and concentration. Distribution of random variable, discrete and continuous distributions. Characteristics of selected distributions, e.g. bi-nomial, geometric, hypergeometric, Poisson, uniform, normal, exponential, gamma, log-normal. Two-dimensional variables, covariance, linear correlation, linear regression model, estimation of model parameters by least squares method, regression model determination coefficient. Analysis of variance. Sample statistics distribution, point and interval estimation, properties and obtaining of estimators, least squares method, method of moments. Estimation methods in navigation. Testing of statistical hypothesis. Parametric tests (mean and variance) Student, Fisher and χ2 distributions for statistical testing. Non-parameteric statistical significance tests, fitting empirical distributions to theoretical models. Queuing processes, Markov chains, Markov chains with continuous time, random differential equations, stochastic models, time series, stochastic processes. Basic theory of statistical decisions, types of decision models and criteria. Introduction to methods of multivariate regression analysis, non-linear regression, factorial, canonical and other analyses. 14 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) YEAR I STATISTICAL METHODS OF DATA PROCESSING CLASSES 15 HOURS Practical application of computer statistics packages for data processing and analysis. (Microsoft Excel, Statistica, Surfer, Statgraf, Matlab, @Risk.) Basic literature 1. Brandt S.: Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag, 1998. 2. Cowan G.: Statistical Data Analysis . Oxford Science Publications. 1998. Additional literature 1. Montgomery D.C., Runger G.C.: Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers. J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1994. 2. Nisbet, R.: Handbook of Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Applications. Sproinger-Verlag, 2009. Teaching methods Lectures – systematical presentation of subjects with audiovisual equipment Classes – individual work on a computer – problem solving, projects. Form and conditions of passing the subject Lectures, classes – written tests and examinations. Computer-based classes – completing the project on data processing. 15 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 4. Subject: Field of study PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of studies part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year I II 11 11 A Hours in year C 15 15 L ECTS 1 The teacher responsible for the subject- dr hab. Jan Nikołajew, prof. AM Introductory subjects and other requirements Basics of psychology and sociology, basics of philosophy and ethics, principles of organization and management. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → in reference to psychological and sociological processes: problems of co-operation with other people, problems and principles of team management, negotiating techniques, principles of social communication. Be able to → observe and analyze sociological and psychological processes for better functioning in work environment, be ‘socially sensitive’. Syllabus YEAR II • • • • • • • • • • • LECTURES 15 HOURS Basic concepts, tasks and research methods of psychology and sociology. Psychological fundamentals of the social science. Mechanisms governing communities. Social conflicts and crises. Negotiations as a method of solving conflicts. Sociological and psychological and biological conditions of negotiations. Interpersonal communication in the process of negotiations. Assertiveness in interpersonal relations. Exerting influence on other people. YEAR II • • • • • • PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY CLASSES 15 HOURS Practical applications of research methods used in psychology and sociology. Types of communities, formation of groups and teams. Team management. Methods of solving social conflicts. Most effective techniques and typical errors in negotiations. Negotiation procedures: building relations between partners, negotiations with a stronger partner, manipulation in in the process of negotiation. Use of verbal and nonverbal communication in the process of negotiations. Analysis of assertive rights. 16 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) • Use of influence extertion techniques. Basic literature 1. Anthony Giddens, Sociology, London 2001 2. Norman Goodman, Introduction to Sociology, New York 1995 3. Elliot Aronson, Social Psychology, New Jersy 2004 4. Douglas T. Kenric, Steven L. Neuberg, Social Psychology, First Edition by D. Kenrick, New York 1999 Additional literature Teaching methods Lectures – systematic presentation of selected issues by audiovisual methods. Classes – discussion, talks, brainstorming, role playing , questionnaires, tests. Form and conditions of passing the subject Lecture and classes – written or oral testing in selected issues, evaluation of student’s presentation (essey) on a selected topic. 17 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 5. Subject: Field of study DATA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of studies part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year I II 11 11 A 15 Hours in year C L 15 ECTS 5 The teacher responsible for the subject- dr hab. Inż. Zbigniew Pietrzykowski, prof. AM Introductory subjects and other requirements Computer studies, scientific research methodology, mathematics, automation and electronics, marine traffic engineering, navigation, artificial intelligence methods. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → basic problems related with configuration and maintenance of network operating system, basic problems of configuration, and administration of computer networks, standards of data coding, compression and transmission, types of data information systems, data communications systems in modern navigation. Be able to → configure and maintain of a network operating system, computer networks and basic industrial networks. Syllabus YEAR I • • • • • • LECTURES 15 HOURS Types and characteristics of computer systems. Representation of information, coding and compression. Computer networks. Resources and flow of information. Means and standards of information communication. Use of data information technology in navigation. Examples. YEAR I • • • • DATA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS DATA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS LAB CLASSES 15 HOURS Network operating system – configuration and maintenance. Computer networks design. Industrial networks. Data transmission techniques Basic literature 1. Silberschatz A., Galvin P.B., Gagne G.: Operating System Concepts, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004 2. Odom W., Knott T.: Networking Basics CCNA 1 Companion Guide (Cisco Networking Academy), Cisco Press, 2006 3. Mahalik N.P. (ed) Fieldbus Technology: Industrial Network Standards for Real-Time Distributed Control, Springer, London, 2003 4. Haykin S., Communication Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2000 18 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) Additional literature 1. Haugdaht J., Network Analysis and Troubleshooting, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2000 2. Schetina E., Green K., Carlson J., Internet Site Security, Macmillan Computer Pub, 2002 3. Mackay S. (ed) Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting, Newnes, Edinburgh, 2004 4. Gibson J., The Communications Handbook 2nd ed., CRC PRESS, 2002 5. B.P. Lathi, Communication Systems, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1968 6. Gregg W., Analog and Digital Communication, Wiley, 1977 7. Sommerville I., Software engineering, Pearson Education Limited, 2001 Teaching methods Lectures – multimedia presentations with comment, other audiovisual aids. Laboratory classes – demonstration of example solutions, solving problems at computer workstations. Form and conditions of passing the subject Lectures – written and oral testing. Lab classes – evaluation of individually made projects and computer based tasks students are to carry out for by themselves. 19 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 6. Subject: FUNDAMENTALS OF EUROPEAN LAW Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Field Mode of studies part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year I II 11 11 A Hours in year C 8 10 L ECTS 2 The teacher responsible for the subject- dr inż. kpt.ż.w. Marek Narękiewicz Introductory subjects and other requirements Essential legal issues within the scope of first degree studies. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → rudiments of EU law, core problems of EU governance, basics of drawing up, using and controlling legal acts, especially those related to maritime transport and safety at sea. Be able to → present EU legal instrument catalogue, describe judicial control of EU law observation, and discuss principles and goals of European transport policy. Syllabus YEAR II FUNDAMENTALS OF EUROPEAN LAW LECTURES 8 HOURS • Concept of the European law. • History of European integration process. • Institutions of European Communities and European Union: Council of the European Union,European Commission, Court of Justice of the European Union, financial and advisory bodies. • Sources of European Union law. ‐ primary legislation, ‐ secondary legislation. • Drawing up Community legislative instruments, legislative procedures, • Relations between EU law and legal systems of Member States. • Judicial control of EU law observation ( Jurisdiction of the EU Court of Justice). • Transport policy of European Union, EU legal instruments related to waterborne transport. YEAR II • • • • • FUNDAMENTALS OF EUROPEAN LAW Interpretation of basic legal instruments. European Union governance. Legislative initiatives, legislation process. Basic EU legal instruments related to maritime shipping. Case studies. 20 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 CLASSES 10 HOURS Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) Basic literature 1. P Mathijsen: Guide to European Union Law. 9th edition, Sweet & Maxwell, London 2007 2. Jo Shaw: Law Of The European Union. 3rd edition, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, 2000 Additional literature 1. Jo Shaw, Jo Hunt, Chloe Wallace: The Economic and Social Law of the European Union. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, 2007. Teaching methods Lectures with multimedia presentation. Lectures and interactive classes, discussion with students. Case studies. Form and conditions of passing the subject Written examination 21 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 7. Subject: Field of study SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of studies part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year I II Weeks in year 11 11 A 10 Hours in year C L ECTS 1 The teacher responsible for the subject- dr hab. Inż. Lucjan Gucma, prof. AM Introductory subjects and other requirements Diploma seminar, navigation and safety, marine traffic engineering. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → basic concepts of research methodology, research methods, methods of empirical research data processing, principles of creating mathematical models. Be able to → plan research work, process research data, make a research report. Syllabus YEAR I SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH METHODOLOGY LECTURES 10 HOURS BASIC CONCEPTS, CATEGORORIES • Science, Knowledge versus science, theory, practice, method, methodology. CLASSIFICATION OF SCIENCES • selected criteria and division, modern classification of science in Poland. • navigation in the classification of science. COGNITIVE ASPECTS OF MARINE NAVIGATION • Scope and classification of marine navigation. • Research categories: management, positioning, route planning, determination of measurement errors. Types of research work in marine navigation and ship operations. RESEARCH METHODS IN MARINE NAVIGATION • Research method groups in marine navigation. • Real studies: observation, experiment, expert, statistical. • Model-based studies: physical – constructional, mathematical - analytical, simulation, artificial intelligence (neural networks, fuzzy sets, genetic algorithms). SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH STAGES • General characteristics of research subject, review of scientific and professional literature. • Formulation of the goal and scope of research, definition of research problem, setting up a general hypothesis, formulation of specific problems and working hypotheses. • Indicating of variables, selection of indicators. Research procedure. Plan and conception of research work and its termination date. RESEARCH PROCEDURE • Acceptance and definition of research area, measurement tools and methods, measurement documentation, sample size. • Gathering of research material, processing of research data (qualitative and quantitative analysis), synthesis (deductive or inductive method), theoretical and practical conclusions. 22 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) RESEARCH REPORT • Principles of research outcome presentation. Basic literature 1. Wilson Jr. W.: An Introduction to Scientific Research. Springer. 1991. Additional literature 1. Gauch Jr H.: Scientific Method in Practice. Springer. 2002. Teaching methods Lectures using multimedia aids. Form and conditions of passing the subject Written exam in the form of short-answer test. 23 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 8. Subject: Field of study NAVIGATION SYSTEMS Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year I II 11 11 A 16E Hours in year C 20 L ECTS 5 The teacher responsible for the subject-dr inż. Paweł Zalewski Introductory subjects and other requirements Mathematics, physics, marine navigation, navigation equipment, marine traffic engineering, electrical engineering, quality engineering, safety and risk management. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → methodology of systems research, classification of information, decision, management and technical systems, techniques of analogue and digital signals conversion and recording, standards of transmissions between navigational devices, techniques of measurement errors calibration and compensation, navigation systems assessment criteria (complexity, controllability, integrity, reliability, availability and continuity of navigation systems), methods of state vector determination, principles of radionavigation pilot systems, principles of RTK systems, principles of DP systems, new trends in radionavigation. Be able to → perform system analysis, assess system capabilities according to its structure, determine integrity and reliability parameters of navigation systems, assess possibilities of systems’ functional features expansion, calculate state vector by lowest squares and Kalman filter method, determine a course by means of two GNSS receivers, register navigation data in NMEA or similar standard and prepare the data for statistical analysis. Syllabus YEAR I • • • • • • • • • LECTURES 16 HOURS Methodology and classification of systems research. Techniques of analogue and digital signals conversion. Standards of data transmission in navigation systems (RS, USB, NMEA, RINEX). Methods of state vector determination in navigation systems receivers. Navigation systems assessment criteria (complexity, controllability, integrity, availability and continuity of navigation systems). Radionavigation pilot systems. RTK – construction, principle of operation, accuracy. Radionavigation systems in dynamic positioning (DP). Integration of navigation equipment (compass, autopilot, radar, ARPA, ECDIS, AIS). YEAR I • NAVIGATION SYSTEMS NAVIGATION SYSTEMS Evaluation of system functional capabilities according to its structure. 24 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 CLASSES 20 HOURS Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) • • • • Determining reliability parameters of navigation system. Determining state vector by least squares and Kalman filter methods. Direction finding by two GNSS receivers as an example of navigational data processing. Recording navigation data in NMEA or similar standard and its preparation for statistical analysis. Basic literature 1. Prabhakar V.K.: Research Methodology and Systems Analysis, Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd December 1, 2004. 2. Simon Haykin, Barry Van Veen: Signals And Systems, 2nd Ed, Wiley, July 2007. 3. Tom Ritchey: Analysis and Synthesis: On Scientific Method - Based on a Study by Bernhard Riemann; Systems Research, 1991, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp 21-41. 4. Witt N. A. J., Sutton R., Miller K. M.: Recent Technological Advances in the Control and Guidance of Ships. The Journal of Navigation, vol. 47, no. 2, 1994. 5. IMO MSC Circular 645. 6. IMO Res. A915(22). Additional literature 1. Zalewski P.: Assessment of ship,s manoeuvring area dimensions reckoned by means of GNSS 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. measurements. XV International Scientific and Technical Conference „The role of navigation in support of human activity at sea”. Gdynia, 15-17.11.2006. Akademia Morska w Gdyni. CDROM, stron 9. 2006; Annual of Navigation 13/2008.. Polaris Ship’s Bridge SimulatorTechnical Manual – section 5b. Kongsberg Maritime AS, Horten 2007. Polaris Ship’s Bridge SimulatorTechnical Manual – section 4. Kongsberg Maritime AS, Horten 2007. Polaris Ship’s Bridge SimulatorTechnical Manual – section 9. Kongsberg Maritime AS, Horten 2007. Polaris Ship’s Bridge SimulatorTechnical Manual – Radar & ARPA Manual. Kongsberg Maritime AS, Horten 2007. Polaris Ship’s Bridge SimulatorTechnical Manual – ECDIS Manual. Kongsberg Maritime AS, Horten 2007. Teaching methods Multimedia presentation with lecturer’s comments, other audio-visual aids used. Classes using real navigational equipment and simulation and statistical software. Form and conditions of passing the subject Classes – project work: analysis of a chosen navigation system. Lectures – written exam in the form of short-answer test. 25 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 9. Subject: Field of study NAVIGATION SAFETY ENGINEERING Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year I II 11 11 A 14E Hours in year C 16 L ECTS 4 The teacher responsible for the subject- dr inż. kpt.ż.w. Igor Jagniszczak Introductory subjects and other requirements Navigation systems, navigational infrastructure, radiolocation systems, marine safety standards, navigational safety. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → elements of traffic flow, network organization, principles of vessel traffic control and risk assessment. Be able to → evaluate the level of navigational safety in a given area, effectively use a system of vessel traffic control and management, cooperate with other traffic management centres. Syllabus YEAR I NAVIGATION SAFETY ENGINEERING LECTURES 14 HOURS • Basic terms of marine traffic engineering: traffic stream, waterway, node. • Waterway use effectiveness. • Sea network optimization. • Traffic flows control. • Formal assessment of safety level and risk in selected water areas. • Vessel traffic control and management systems. Aims and principles of establishing Vessel Traffic Services. • Practical cooperation with a VTS centre. • Design of vessel traffic management systems. • Expert systems. YEAR I • • • • • • NAVIGATION SAFETY ENGINEERING CLASSES 16 HOURS Vessel Traffic Services system. Control of ships traffic: the case of Vessel Traffic Management Service Szczecin – Swinoujście. VTS Gulf of Gdansk Organization. Remote controlled pilotage. Information use based on the AIS technology. Determining the level of safety in selected water areas. Basic literature 1. Gucma S., Information system of ship pilotage support in restricted areas. KONBiN, Gdynia 2003. 26 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 2. 3. 4. 5. Liebelt G.A. Integrated VTMIS assessment. VIII International Symposium on VTS. Rotterdam, 1996. Savenije R. Safety criteria for aproach channels. ISOPE’98. SOLAS Convention Chapter V Safety of Navigation. 1st July 2002. World VTS Guide. Additional literature Materials of conferences organized by the Maritime Universities of Gdynia and Szczecin and Naval Academy of Gdynia. Teaching methods Lectures using audio-visual aids. Classes – VTS simulator. Form and conditions of passing the subject Classes – project to be done. Lectures – written exam (discussion of selected Syllabus or test). 27 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 10. Subject: Field of study NAVIGATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year I II 11 11 A Hours in year C 14E 16 L ECTS 4 The teacher responsible for the subject- dr hab. inż. Wiesław Galor, prof. AM Introductory subjects and other requirements Navigation, physics, navigation systems, navigational equipment, marine traffic engineering Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → requirements, criteria and principles of designing navigational infrastructure and particular types of navigational marks, specific cases of navigational infrastructure, maintenance of aids to navigation, economic aspects of infrastructure designing aimed at safe navigation. Be able to → design aids to navigation and infrastructure, assess the effectiveness of aids to navigation in reference to international standards. Syllabus YEAR II • • • • • • • • • • • • LECTURES 14 HOURS Purpose of using aids to navigation, classification of navigational infrastructure and aids to navigation, fog, radio and radar signalling equipment. Optical elements, light sources in optical systems, photometry elements. Classes of navigational marks. Characteristics of lighthouse types. Principles of designing leading lines. Principles of using lateral marks. Effect of hydrological and meteorological conditions on parameters of aids to navigation. Systems of aids to navigation for precise vessel lead . Use of fog signals, radiobeacons, VTS systems, radar reflectors. Construction of seamarks. Organization of aids to navigation maintenance (maintenance, power supply systems and their reliability, mooring systems). Cost analysis of the construction and modernization of aids to navigation in relation to costeffectiveness and enhancement of navigational safety YEAR II • • • • • NAVIGATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NAVIGATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE CLASSES 16 HOURS Assessment of optical lens parameters. Intensity of light source, intensity of observer’s eye illumination, threshold intensity. calculations of nominal ranges of optical navigational lights. Optical characteristics of various mark types (angles of divergence, scattering, directional lights). Designing of leading light . 28 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) • • • • Determination of the reliability (accessibility) of aids to navigation. Parameters of radar reflectors. Analysis of navigational infrastructure: Świnoujście –Szczecin fairway. Its system, location and construction of navigational marks, lights, precise vessel conduct. Analysis of navigational infrastructure of selected ports. Basic literature 1. IALA. AIDS TO NAVIGATION GUIDE (Naviguide). Edition 4. December 2001. 2. Iala. Guidlines and recommendation. Naviguide 2006. www. tide . Additional literature 1. IALA . www. iala-aism. . Teaching methods Lectures – multimedia presentations with comment, other audiovisual aids. Classes – engineering calculations. Form and conditions of passing the subject Lectures and classes – written description of selected problems. 29 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 11. Subject: Field of study TRANSPORT SYSTEM MANAGEMENT Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year I II 11 11 A 15 Hours in year C L 15 ECTS 2 The teacher responsible for the subject- dr hab. inż. Wojciech Piszczek, prof. AM Introductory subjects and other requirements Transport systems, technical operation of means of transport, applied mathematics, data processing methods. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → basic concepts of transport system management and their interpretation, problems of modeling systems and transport processes, tasks of steering with transport systems, methods of the rationalization of processes and transport system structure. Be able to → formulate, identify, analyze and solve problems occurring in controlling transport processes in relation to qualitative and quantitative aspects, perform calculations aimed at the rationalization of processes and systems of transport. Syllabus YEAR I • • • • • • • • • • • • TRANSPORT SYSTEM MANAGEMENT LECTURES 15 HOURS The object, the range and the attainment target of transport systems management. Basic notions in transport systems management. General model of the transport system. Controlling the movement in transport systems. Tasks of controlling. Methods of solving problems of controlling. Reliability in transport systems. Managing transport systems with taking into consideration requirements of the safety and the reliability in arrangements: man-technical object- environment. Identification modeling. Modeling decision - making situations considering safety. Study of transport system models. Analysis and interpretation of research findings. 30 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) YEAR I TRANSPORT SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT LABORATORY 15 HOURS Laboratory exercises in the computer laboratory using the spreadsheet Excel– calculations relating to lectured issues. Quantitative exemplification of methods of solving problems that appear in transport systems. Basic literature 1. Ennio Cascetta, : Transportation Systems Engineering: theory and methods. Publisher: Kluwer Academic ,Publishers - The Netherlands , Release: 2001. 2. Mario Triola, : Elementary Statistics Using Excel. Publisher: Pearson , Release: 2006. 3. Mario Triola, : Essentials of Statistics . Publisher: Pearson , Release: 2006. Additional literature 1. Degre Thomas, The Managment of Marine Traffic, Asurvey of Current and Possible Future Measures, The Journal of Navigation 1995. 2. Kinzo Inoue, Evaluation Method of Ship-handlind Difficult for Navigation in Restricted and Congested Waterways, The Journal of Navigation 2001 3. Makishima T., Traffic Engineering: Some Teoretical Cansiderations, The Journal of Navigation 1973. Teaching methods Lectures with the use of audio-visual aids. Exercises in a computer lab – calculations and simulations of phenomena related with transport system management. Form and conditions of passing the subject Lectures – written test. Laboratory exercises – assessment of student’s abilities to model, calculate and interpret the results in the form of problems to be solved. 31 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 12. Subject: Field of study RADAR SYSTEMS Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year I II 11 11 A 9 18E Hours in year C L 18 ECTS 1 4 The teacher responsible for the subject- dr inź. Wiesław Juszkiewicz Introductory subjects and other requirements Physics, electrical engineering and electronics, navigational equipment. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → concepts of radiolocation theory, effect of radar design solutions on its operating characteristics, IMO resolution requirements for navigational radars. Be able to → formulate, identify, analyze and solve qualitative and quantitative problems of radar operations and radar systems, make basic calculations to optimize the selection of operating parameters of radar systems. Syllabus YEAR I • • • • • • LECTURES 9 HOURS Structure of information signals in maritime radars. New solutions of radar construction and their influence on operating parameters. Arithmetic calculation of selecting radar control parameters. Elaborating of interpretation of the radar image of modern radar systems. Interpretation of requirements of the IMO resolution on marine navigational radars. Problems of operation and development of marine radar systems. YEAR II • • • • • • • • • • • • RADAR SYSTEMS RADAR SYSTEMS LECTURES 18 HOURS Principles of operation and programming techniques in MATLAB environment. Classification of radar systems. Principles of radar operation. Radar cross-section (RCS). Detection of objects against noise. Radar measurement errors – sources, error size. Tracking objects in radar systems – methods and algorithms. Tracking objects in radar systems – tracking accuracy – simulation study results from marine radars. Application of neural networks in the process of vessel state vector estimation. Collision situation analysis - PPC, PAD, SOD. Collision situation analysis – real collision threat areas. Generation of predicted radar image of an area – general principles, GRID, TIN. Compression of radar images. 32 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) YEAR I I • • • • • • • • • • • RADAR SYSTEMS LABORATORY 18 HOURS Practical introduction to MATLAB environment – principles of operation, programming techniques used for data input and simulation results registration. Principles of modelling radiolocation related phenomena. Calculation of radar cross-section of selected objects. Probability of detecting an object against noise. Radar measurement errors. Principles of generating errors in simulation conditions. Object tracking – algorithms: alpha-beta, alpha-beta-gamma, Kalman filter, least squares method. Object tracking – use of artificial neural networks. Comparative analysis of tracking accuracy. Determination of collision threat areas and sectors. Generation of a mathematical area model (DTM). Generation of predicted radar image of an area – GRID, TIN. Basic literature 1. Bole A.G., Dineley W.O.: Radar and ARPA manual. Butterworth/Heinemann, Oxford, 1999. 2. Briggs J. N.: Target detection by Marine Radar. The Institution of Electrical Engineers. UK 2004. 3. Mahafza B.R.: Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB. 2nd Ed., Chapman&Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, 2005. 4. Resolution MSC. 191(79) 5. Resolution MSC.192(79). Additional literature 1. Bar-Shalom Y., Li X.-R.: Estimation And Tracking: Principles, Techniques and Software. YBS 1998. 2. Lee G., Parker C. J.,: Managing Collision Avoidance at Sea. The Nautical Institute, London 2007. 3. MATLAB. The Language of Technical Computing. Programming. The MathWorks Inc. 2004. 4. MATLAB. The Language of Technical Computing. Mathematics. The MathWorks Inc. 2004. Teaching methods Lectures using audiovisual aids. Lab classes in a computer laboratory include calculations and simulations of radiolocation related phenomena, use of MATLAB software. Form and conditions of passing the subject Lectures – written test. Lectures in semester I start with a preliminary test. Lab classes – current in-class assessment of the student performance: modelling tasks and oral interpretation of results. 33 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 13. Subject: Field of study MARINE SAFETY STANDARDS Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year I II 11 11 A 13 Hours in year C 14 L ECTS 3 The teacher responsible for the subject- dr inż. kpt.ż.w. Jerzy Hajduk, prof. AM Introductory subjects and other requirements Navigation, safety of navigation, instruments of the safety of navigation, port manoeuvres Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → marine safety standards (referring to marine areas, ship, cargo, passengers and crew) included in international regulations (conventions, resolutions, codes, directives), particularly required documents and responsibilities resulting from the compliance with the standards. Be able to → apply marine safety standards in force, immediately detect potential non-compliance of procedures in use with relevant regulations, take proper actions to secure ship’s movement, carriage of cargo and passengers under the existing requirements, identify threats. Syllabus YEAR I MARINE SAFETY STANDARDS LECTURES 13 HOURS • • • • • Concept, subject and classification of Marine Safety Standards Procedure of drawing up and range of application of international law Creation of Marine Safety Standards in the European Union Marine Safety Standards of other institutions (classification society, PIANC, insurance etc.) Status of current law (conventions, codes, resolutions, and others regulations concerning Marine Safety Standards) − Crew − Vessel. − Passengers − Cargo − Water areas • Safety documentation on board and ashore YEAR I • • • • • • MARINE SAFETY STANDARDS CLASSES Activities of the European Union aimed at establishing Marine Safety Standards Examples of EU directives Standards of ship’s construction and equipment Examples of safety regulations ISM Code documentation Ship’s safety certificates 34 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 14 GODZ. Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) • Incorporation of Marine Safety Standards by coastal states - examples Basic literature 1. EU legislation on Maritime Transport 2. Classification Society. Rules and Regulations 3. Gold E.: Gard Handbook on P&I Insurance. Gard, London, 2002. 4. SOLAS (Consolidated Edition,2004) 5. MARPOL (Consolidated Edition, 2006) 6. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOAD LINES, 1966 (2005 Edition) 7. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TONNAGE MEASUREMENT OF SHIPS, 1969 (1970 Edition) 8. INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING (STCW), 1978 (2001 Edition) Additional literature websites (updated: Dec 2007): a., b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Teaching methods Lectures supported by audio-visual aids. Seminar classes – controlled discussion, students prepare in advance for discussions. Form and conditions of passing the subject Lectures and classes – multi-choice test and projects. 35 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 14. Subject: Field of study NAVIGATION AUTOMATION Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year I II 11 11 A 18E Hours in year C L 18 ECTS 5 The teacher responsible for the subject- dr inż.Janusz Uriasz Introductory subjects and other requirements Applied mathematics, navigational systems, methods of artificial intelligence, methods of data processing Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → various kinds of algorithms, data structures and representations, models and phases of data delivery, algorithmization of basic navigational tasks, methods of estimation of position coordinates and movement of ship in different reference systems, evaluation of accuracy of estimated parameters, principles of integration of navigational parameters. Be able to → make an algorithm, prepare data for algorithmic processing, prepare phases of models delivery, perform the estimation of basic navigational parameters, evaluate the accuracy of estimation. Syllabus YEAR I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • YEAR I • • • • NAVIGATION AUTOMATION LECTURES 18 HOURS Presentation of algorithms and data structures. Sources of navigational information. Algorithmic processing of navigational information. Algorithmic determination of ship’s position coordinates. Algorithms of the transformation and shifting of coordinates. Algorithmic dead reckoning. Integration of ship’s movement parameters. Areas of automation in navigation. Computational algorithms. Methods of navigational situation analysis. Models, their kinds and phases of creation. Model of ship’s movement dynamics. Automation of ship control (autopilot). Methods of determining anti-collision maneuvers. NAVIGATION AUTOMATION Preparation of navigational data. Preparation of algorithmic input and output data. Brief introduction to basic types of algorithms. Preparation of different algorithm representations. 36 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 LABORATORY 18 HOURS Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) • • • • • • • • • • Calculation of position parameters. Practical transformation and shifting of coordinates. Practical algorithmic dead reckoning. Problems of movement parameters estimation. Evaluation of estimation accuracy. Examples of the integration of navigational parameters. designing a ship’s dynamic movement model. Problems of situation identification - approach parameters: CPA and TCPA. Control of ship’s movement: − conventional autopilot (PID), − fuzzy autopilot. Determination of anti-collision maneuvers: − analytical methods, − optimization of preventive maneuver. Basic literature 1. Crassidis J L, Junkins J.L, Optimal Estimation of Dynamic Systems, CRC press 2004. 2. Rogers R.: Applied Mathematics in Integrated Navigational Systems, 2nd Ed., AIAA, Reston, 2003. 3. Using MATLAB Version 7.0. The Math Works Inc. Additional literature 1. Bowditch N., The American Practical Navigator, U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office publication, 1995. 2. Wolper J.S, Understanding mathematics for aircraft navigation, McGraw-Hill Company, 2001. Teaching methods Lectures - presentations with descriptions supported by audiovisual means. Laboratory - use of computers and program environments (MATLAB, calculation sheets). Form and conditions of passing the subject Lectures – written exam, test or description of chosen problems. Laboratory – evaluation of given tasks for individual realization. 37 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 15. Subject: Field of study MARINE RISK Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year I II 11 11 A Hours in year C 16 20 L ECTS 4 The teacher responsible for the subject- dr inż. kpt.ż.w. Wojciech Ślączka, prof. AM Introductory subjects and other requirements Mathematics, data processing methods, vessel’s safety, navigation, ship’s construction and stability, sea transport, marine traffic engineering Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → statistical models of ship collisions, effects of ship collisions, methods of accident risk analysis (particularly PHA, HAZOP, FMECA, FTA, ETA), analysis of losses and gains, risk management methods, human error models. Be able to → analyze a ship’s accident, determine a risk of ship’s maneuvers in an open and restricted area. Syllabus YEAR II • • • • • • • • • • LECTURES 16 HOURS Basic accident models (general model of an accident, grounding, loss of navigational control, collision). Assessment of ship damage (gathering and analysis of data on damage, estimation of impact energy during grounding, consequences). Risk analysis techniques risk analysis and assessment, PHA, HAZOP, FMECA, FTA, ETA). Analysis of losses and gains (risk assessment, measures taken to protect tankers from oil spills). Formal safety assessment FSA (risk assessment, assumptions / guidelines for safety levels, ocena profitloss assessment, recommendations for making decisions related with risk, FSA application model). Human factor (characteristics of accidents, information processing by the human, human working environment, human reliability). Occupational safety (accidents at work, accident situations). Accident analysis (accident - definition and theories, CASMET analysis, case study). Preparation for and management of crisis situations (examples of accidents, evacuation risk, evacuation simulation). Safety management (TQM, ISM Code, inspections, principles of co-operation on safety). YEAR II • • • • MARINE RISK MARINE RISK LABORATORY 20 HOURS Construction of practical accident models. Creation of application FSA model. Implementation of risk assessment methods (PHA, HAZOP, FMECA, FTA, ETA), examples of use. Application risk analysis simulation method of ship maneuvering in restricted area. 38 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) Basic literature 1. Kristiansen S.: Maritime Transportation: Safety Management and Risk Analysis. Elsevier/Butterwortheinemann, Amsterdam, 2005. 2. Pedersen P.T. „Collision and grounding mechanics.”: Ship safety and protection of the environment, WEMT 1995. 3. Simonsen B.C. „Mechanics of Ship Grounding.”: Department of Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering, Technical University of Denmark 1997. Additional literature 1. Vose D.: Risk Analysis: a Quantative Guide. J.Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1996. Teaching methods Lectures with multimedia presentations supplemented by lecturer’s comments, plus other audio-visual aids. Laboratory – use of computers and programming environment software. Form and conditions of passing the subject Lectures – written test or description of selected issues. Laboratory – evaluation of computer-based solutions to problems worked out by the student. 39 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 16. Subject: Field of study MARINE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year I II 11 11 A 18 Hours in year C 18 L ECTS 4 The teacher responsible for the subject- prof. dr hab. inż. kpt.ż.w. Stanisław Gucma Introductory subjects and other requirements Mathematics, physics, navigation, computer studies Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → basics of safety assessment in restricted areas, research methods in marine traffic engineering, types and parameters of waterway, waterway operating conditions, designing various types of waterway, principles of marine structures construction, parameters of vessel traffic flows, one- and two-way vessel traffic, problems of waterway intersections, types of mathematical models of vessel flows, elements of mass service theory and linear programming applied for the description and control of vessel traffic flow, methods of waterway and vessel parameters optimization, navigational risk assessment methods, vessel traffic management systems, structures and missions of marine traffic engineering simulators. Be able to → assess safety in restricted areas, use research methods of marine traffic engineering, asses risk in given marine application, determine waterway parameters, specify waterway operating conditions, apply stochastical models to practical solutions, determine interactions between hydro engineering structures and vessels, determine vessel traffic flow parameters, determine waterway capacity, build mathematical models of vessel traffic flows, apply elements of mass service and linear programming to describe and control vessel traffic flow and level of navigational risk, manage the safety of navigation in restricted areas using different tools. Syllabus YEAR I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MARINE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING LECTURES 18 HOURS Safety assessment in restricted areas. Risk theory for offshore and onshore structures. Mathematical models of vessel traffic flows. Stochastical methods and models for marine traffic engineering. Research methods of marine traffic engineering. Determination of various waterway types. Optimization of waterways parameters. Optimization of vessel parameters. Navigational risk and its assessment methods. Navigational safety management in restricted areas. Operating conditions (hydro engineering, bathymetry, hydrological and meteorological conditions). Principles of hydro engineering structures construction. Marine structure – vessel interaction. Parameters of vessel traffic flows. Using simulations in marine traffic engineering 40 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) YEAR I MARINE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CLASSES 18 HOURS Performing a project concerning practical application of marine traffic engineering methods, with using analytical and simulation tools. Defense of own ideas and concepts used in project. Basic literature 1. Agerschou, H. Planning and design of ports and marine terminals, Thomas Telford, 2004 2. Chakrabarti S, Handbook of Offshore Engineering, Elevier, 2005 3. Chavas, J. Risk Analysis in Theory and Practice, Elsevier, 2004, 4. Gerwick, B. C. Construction of marine and offshore structures, CRC Press, 2007 5. J. Wang. Technology and safety of marine systems, Elsevier, 2003 6. Montgomery D.C., Runger G.C. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers. J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1994. 7. Tupper E. C., Introduction to Naval Architecture, Elsevier, 2004, Additional literature 1. Zio, E. Computational Methods For Reliability And Risk Analysis, World Scientific Publishing Company, N. York, 2009 2. Marseguerra M. Zio E. Basics of the Monte Carlo Method with Application to System Reliability, Berlin, LiLoLe-Verl, 2002 3. Young W. Bonsall P. Taylor M. Understanding Traffic Systems: Data, Analysis, and Presentation, Ashgate Pub Ltd, 2000 4. McShane W. Traffic Engineering, Prentice Hall, London, 2010 Teaching methods Lectures – with multimedia presentations. Simulations – presentations on research vessel simulator Classes – individually prepared projects in the field of marine traffic engineering. Form and conditions of passing the subject Lectures – written description of selected issues. Classes – assessment of projects students prepare on their own (with multimedia techniques). 41 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 17. Subject: Field of study HARBOUR MANOEUVRING Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year A I II 11 11 Hours in year C 14 L 16 ECTS 5 The teacher responsible for the subject- dr inż. Jarosław Artyszuk Introductory subjects and other requirements Physics, hydro-engineering, ship handling, steering, marine traffic engineering Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating students should: Know → possibilities, limitations and operation principles of selected harbour manoeuvres, the role, performance, and safety of tugs in the process of harbour manoeuvring, the influence of weather and nautical conditions on the run of manoeuvres. Be able to → plan and perform typical harbour manoeuvres in a simulation environment, particularly turning, berthing and unberthing operations, with regard to external conditions and available different means and techniques, practically apply safety and efficiency criteria at any stage of the manoeuvre, analyze the current manoeuvring situation and find the optimal solution. Syllabus YEAR II HARBOUR MANOEUVRING LECTURES 14 HOURS • • • • Formal rules of harbour manoeuvres. Technical security of harbour operations. Manoeuvring limitations in harbour areas. Types and elements of harbour manoeuvres. Harbour tugs: - types, advantages and disadvantages, performance parameters, - methods of tug assistance, - safety and efficiency of tug(-s) operation, - tug manoeuvring behaviour and control. • Runs of harbour manoeuvres: - criteria, strategy (general plan), - manoeuvring tactics. YEAR II HARBOUR MANOEUVRING LABORATORY 16 HOURS • Turning a ship. • Berthing/unberthing of small ships - self-contained. • Berthing/unberthing of large ships - use of tugs, their optimal employment, basics of tugs control in multiple-ship interactive scenarios. • Effect of ship's propulsion and control machinery on berthing manoeuvres, aiding by means of mooring lines and/or anchor(-s). • Effect of weather conditions and navigational restrictions of the harbour area on berthing manoeuvres 42 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) Basic literature 1. Danton G.L.: The Theory and Practice of Seamanship. Routledge&Kegan Paul, London, 1972. 2. Hensen H.: Tug Use In Port (A Practical Guide). The Nautical Institute, London, 2003. 3. Hensen H.: Ship Bridge Simulators (A Project Handbook). The Nautical Institute, London, 1999. 4. TNI: The Nautical Institute on Pilotage and Shiphandling. The Nautical Institute, London, 1990. Additional literature 1. Reid G.H.: Shiphandling with Tugs. Cornell Maritime Press, Centreville, 1986. 2. Clark I.C.: Ship Dynamics for Mariners. The Nautical Institute, London, 2005. 3. Wybrane artykuły z czasopiśmiennictwa i konferencji przedmiotu. Teaching methods Lectures supported by audio-visual aids. Lab classes conducted at ship handling simulators room of the Marine Traffic Engineering Center. Form and conditions of passing the subject Lectures – written description of selected issues. Laboratory - assessment of harbour manoeuvres performed by the student. 43 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 18. Subject: Field of study FUNDAMENTALS OF REMOTE SENSING Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year A I II 11 11 Hours in year C 14 L 16 ECTS 5 The teacher responsible for the subject- dr inż. Jacek Łubczonek Introductory subjects and other requirements Mathematics, navigation, informatics, geographical information systems. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → basic methods of data acquisition, construction and principle of operation of various sensors, basics of aerial and satellite photogrammetry, compositions of multi-spectral images, formats, structure and methods of remotely-sensed data, methods of image content classification, selected applications of remotely-sensed data in GIS and navigation. Be able to → process and manage remotely-sensed data, interpret image contents, develop a numerical terrain model, perform geometrical correction of aircraft and satellite imagery, mosaicing images, implement remote sensing data in various projects in GIS environment. Syllabus YEAR II • • • • • • • • • • • LECTURES 14 HOURS Historical background of remote sensing. Theory of electromagnetic radiation. Data acquisition methods. Basics of aerial and satellite photogrammetry. Remote sensing platforms and sensors Formats, processing and assessment of data accuracy. Multispectral images. Principles of photo interpretation. Classification of digital image contents. Application of remote sensing, use in GIS projects, electronic chart systems, navigation. Development trends of remote sensing. YEAR II • • • • • • FUNDAMENTALS OF REMOTE SENSING FUNDAMENTALS OF REMOTE SENSING Data models and formats. Geometry of aerial photos and satellite images. Correction and mosaicing of digital images. Methods of remotely-sensed data processing. Colour compositions of multi-spectral images. Supervised and unsupervised classification. 44 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 LABORATORY 16 HOURS Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) • • • Photo interpretation of remotely-sensed images. Development, visualization methods and applications of numerical terrain model. Applications of remotely-sensed data in GIS projects, electronic chart systems, navigation. Basic literature 1. Campbell J.B. Introduction to Remote Sensing. 4th Edition, Guilford Press, 2006. 2. Gipson P.J. Introductory Remote Sensing Principles and Concepts, Routledge 2000 3. Cracknel, A.P., Introduction to Remote Sensing, CRC Press 2007 Additional literature 1. Fuji T., Fukushi T. Laser Remote Sensing, Press 2007 2. Linder W. Digital Photogrammetry A Practical Course, Springer – Verlag 2006 3. McCoy R.M., Field Methods in Remote sensing, Guilford Press 2005 Teaching methods Lectures – supported by multimedia presentations. Lab classes – individual solving of problems according to preset instructions using available software. Form and conditions of passing the subject Lectures – written exam in the form of a test or descriptions of selected issues. Laboratory – assessment of reports. 45 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 19 a. Subject: Field of study MARINE STRUCTURES Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year A I II 11 11 Hours in year C L 9 ECTS 1 The teacher responsible for the subject- dr hab. inż. Wiesław Galor, prof. AM Introductory subjects and other requirements Navigation, hydromechanics, ships manoeuvring, marine engineering Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → principles of harbor and basins planning, destiny, classification of marine structures, assessment of ships manoeuvring on port water areas, principles of shore strengthening, methods of dredge works, principles of designing and building of marine wind power stations, submarine pipelines and oil platforms, chosen problems of oversize cargo transport. Be able to → based on scientific methods of risk theory to assess: the parameters of port water areas in safety depths, ship berthing to the quay, hazard connected with exploitation of submarine pipelines and oil platforms, besides to prepare of preliminary analysis of oversize cargo transport. Syllabus YEAR II • • • • • • • • • • • MARINE STRUCTURES LECTURES 9 HOURS Marine structures – definition, functions, classification. Navigation in water areas limited by port structures. Methods of assessment of under keel clearance. Assessment of results of ships impact on the seabed. Analysis of methods of ships berthing to the quay. Strengthening of sea shore and canals. Dredging works. Marine wind power station. Submarine pipelines. Oil platforms. Sea transport of oversize cargo - chosen problems. Basic literature 1. Recommendation of the Committee for Waterfront Structures Harbours ana Waterways-EAU 2007. 8th Editions, Ernst & Sohn, A Wiley Company, Berlin, 2008. Additional literature 1. The chosen position of publications on conference proceeding and journals referred the themes of subjects. Teaching methods 46 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) Lectures supported by audio-visual aids. Form and conditions of passing the subject Lectures – written description of selected issues. . 47 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 19b. Subject: Field of study ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year A I II 11 11 Hours in year C L 9 ECTS 1 The teacher responsible for the subject- mgr inż. kpt.ż.w. Remigiusz Dzikowski Introductory subjects and other requirements Chemistry, biology, physics, law. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → basics of ecology, elements of biosystems, basics of the ecology of waters, sources of environmental pollution, problems of the conservation of natural resources, Polish and international environment protection law, strategy of nature protection, legal and administrative sanctions for the use and degradation of the environment, problems of water ecosystems, problems of human interference in the hydrosphere, problems of responsible fishing, exploitation and exploration of seas and oceans, procedures and methods of environment protection, ecological effects of marine disasters. Be able to → solve complex problems of environment protection, including adequate interpretation and application of environmental protection regulations. Syllabus YEAR II ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION LECTURES 9 HOURS FUNDAMENTALS OF ECOLOGY • Ecology – basic concepts and laws, autecology, synecology, ecological tolerance, ecological niche. • Abiotic and biotic elements of land and water biosystems. Ecology of waters. • Forms of threats to the environment. Sources of pollution (of water, land and atmosphere). • Applied ecology. Anthropopression – impact of human activities on nature and the environment. Ecology of ecosystems (functioning, productivity, trophic chains). • Conservation of natural resources and the environment versus sustained growth. BASICS OF ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION • Global warming. • Modern methods of environment protection. Conservation of nature in Poland. • Concept and origins of the environment protection law. • Polish and international environment protection law. • Strategies of nature conservation. Active and passive protection of biotic and abiotic environment. Marine environment protection and monitoring institutions in Poland. • Legal and administrative sanctions for the use and degradation of the water environment. Concept of ‘umbrella’ and reserve of natural resources not to be exploited. WATER ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION LAW • Human interference in the hydrosphere – fishing, aquaculture, mariculture, exploitation of inorganic resources of the sea – crude oil, metals and non-metals, gas. 48 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) • Problems of exploration and exploitation of global raw material resources in seas and oceans in the light of international and local environment protection regulations. • The Baltic Sea as a special area. • Legal instruments of environment protection and the responsibility for infringement. Procedures and methods of water environment protection in marine projects (terminals, ports). • National and international regulations on the prevention of sea pollution from ships. Facilities for and methods of pollution clearance operations. • Port facilities for water protection and revitalization. • Legal regulations on dumping waste into water. • Ecological effects of selected marine disasters. Methods of ecological losses estimation. • Simulation, monitoring and control of the oil spill. Basic literature 1. Faure, M.G./HU.J.: Prevention and compensation of marine pollution damage : recent developments in Europe , China and US. Alphen aan den Rijn , Kluver Law International , 2006. 2. R M Harrison.: Pollution Causes, Effects and Control, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2001. 3. Oil in the Sea III: Inputs, Fates, and Effects, National Research, 2003. 4. Principles of international environmental law. 2nd. Ed. Cambridge University Press, 2003. Additional literature 1. Clark, R.B.: Marine pollution. 4th ed. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1997. 2. Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, 1992. 3. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL). 4. IMO Manual on chemical pollution Section IV Combating oil spills.2005 edition., English language (IMO-IA 572E). Teaching methods Lectures with the use of audio-visual aids. Form and conditions of passing the subject Writing a paper on a chosen topic. Written short-answer test. 49 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 20 a. Subject: Field of study WEATHER ROUTING Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year A I II 11 11 Hours in year C 9 L 9 ECTS 2 The teacher responsible for the subject- prof. dr hab. inż. Bernard Wiśniewski Introductory subjects and other requirements Meteorology and oceanography, navigation, navigational safety, marine traffic engineering, marine salvage and rescue, ship handling. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → the idea of vessel route optimization due to weather condition, mathematical methods of constructing speed and fuel characteristics of ships, methods of optimal route determination, multifactor optimization of vessel route. Be able to → make speed and fuel characteristics of a vessel, use computer programs for vessel route optimization. Perform route testing and calculations for the most convenient route taking into consideration real weather conditions and accounting for preset criteria and restrictions. Syllabus YEAR II WEATHER NAVIGATION LECTURES 9 HOURS • • • • • • • • Criterion of choice of oceanic ship route Ocean route optimization due to weather conditions – idea, limitations, range Mathematical methods of designing speed and fuel curves Mathematical methods of optimal route calculating – isochrones, graphs, evolutionary algorithms Weather database Weather routing with use of software Ships route multifactor optimization Extreme weather conditions navigation – tropical cyclone avoidance, tropical cyclone storming, procedures during tsunami occurrence, ice navigation • Cooperation with weather routing land centers • Navigational and weather evaluation of ship voyage. Voyage reports. YEAR II • • • • • • WEATHER NAVIGATION Designing speed and fuel curves based on observed data Weather limitations according to ship characteristics Weather data collection and interpretation Optimal ship route calculations with computer software Seasonal ship route calculations with computer software Analysis of computer created voyage reports 50 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 LABORATORY 9 HOURS Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) • Testing and evaluating of selected real ships routes with use of commercial software Basic literature 1. (originally by) Nathaniel Bowditch, The American Practical Navigator, an epitome of navigation, National Imagery And Mapping Agency Pub. No. 9, Bethesda, Maryland 2. Wisniewski B., Dynamic programming of ship ocean routes. 2nd International Congress of Seas and Oceans, Szczecin-Świnoujście 2005 3. Wiśniewski B. Chomski J., Evolutionary algorithms and methods of digraphs in the determination of ship time – optimal route., 2nd International Congress of Seas and Oceans, Szczecin-Świnoujście 2005 Additional literature 1. Wisniewski B., Drozd A., Chomski J., Aspects of ship ocean voyage planning with the application of computer programs., ZN Politechniki Śląskiej, TST 2005 2. Wiśniewski B., Medyna P., Chomski J., Comparison of routes of a ship avoiding tropical cyclones, in Advances In Transport Systems Telematics, Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Łączności, Warszawa 2008 3. Wiśniewski B., Wolski T., Threats to the safety of navigation resulting from the tsunami., Problemy Transportu, Tom 3, Zeszyt 2, Wyd. Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice 2008 Teaching methods Lectures – use of audiovisual aids. Classes – use of computer software for sea vessel route optimization. Form and conditions of passing the subject Lectures – written description of selected problems. Classes – evaluation of reports. 51 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 20 b. Subject: Field of study ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE METHODS Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year A I II 11 11 Hours in year C 9 L 9 ECTS 2 The teacher responsible for the subject- prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Stateczny Introductory subjects and other requirements Applied mathematics, computer studies. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → basic terminology used in the field of artificial intelligence. Be able to → use a selected software for the programming of artificial neural networks. Syllabus YEAR II • • • • • • • • LECTURES 9 HOURS Introduction to artificial intelligence methods. Expert systems. Introduction to artificial neural networks. Model of an artificial neuron. Architecture of neural networks. Methods of neural network learning Unidirectional multilayer networks. Back propagation algorithm. Radial basis function (RBF) networks. General regression neural networks (GRNN). Probabilistic neural networks (PNN). Neurofuzzy networks. Kohonen’s self-organizing maps. Recurrent networks. YEAR II • • • • ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE METHODS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE METHODS LABORATORY 9 HOURS Presentation of accessible functions of Statistica Neural Networks software Familiarization with function properties of Statistica Neural Networks Use of automatic designer of neural networks offered by Statistica Neural Networks Statistica Neural Networks used for: − spatial modelling. − classification and identification of objects. − prediction of trends. − estimation of tracked objects states. individual solving of preset problems using Statistica Neural Networks package. Basic literature 1. Russel S.J., Norvig P. (2003) Artificial Intelligence : A Modern Approach, Pearson Education International, New Jersey. 2. StatSoft, Incorporated (1998) Statistica Neural Networks: Quick Reference. 52 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 3. Bishop, C. (1995) Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. Oxford: University Press. 4. Carling, A. (1992). Introducing Neural Networks. Wilmslow, UK: Sigma Press. 5. Fausett, L. (1994). Fundamentals of Neural Networks. New York: Prentice Hall. Additional literature 1. Haykin, S. (1994). Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation. New York: Macmillan Publishing. 2. Patterson, D. (1996). Artificial Neural Networks. Singapore: Prentice Hall. 3. Ripley, B.D. (1996). Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks. Cambridge University Press. 4. Negnevitsky M. (2005), Artificial Intelligence - A Guide to Intelligent Systems, Pearson Education Ltd., Harlow 2005 5. Zaknich A., (2003) Neural Networks for Intelligent Signal Processing (Series on Innovative Intelligence, Vol. 4), World Scientific Publishing, Pte, Ltd., Singapore. Teaching methods Lectures – multimedia presentations with comment, other audiovisual aids. Lab classes – students work individually using Statistica Neural Networks Form and conditions of passing the subject Lectures: preparation of a paper on a selected topic, written short-answer test. Laboratory: executing and presentation of a dedicated project using Statistica Neural Networks. 53 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 21a. Subject: Field of study LOGISTICS IN TRANSPORT Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year I II 11 11 A Hours in year C 8 10 L ECTS 2 The teacher responsible for the subject- dr inż. kpt.ż.w. Marek Narękiewicz Introductory subjects and other requirements Economy, management and organization. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → various aspects of logistic processes and activities, theoretical and empirical problems of logistics in transport, methods of analysis and assessment of logistic solutions. Be able to → identify regularities within transport logistics, be aware of problems and take right decisions in terms of logistics. Syllabus YEAR II • • • • • • • • • • • LECTURES 8 HOURS Concept of logistics. Transport logistics. Logistic services in transport. Transport in delivery chains. Characteristics of various modes of transport. Logistic infrastructure of transport. Logistic costs. Choice of the mode of transport. Basic legal acts concerning transport. Transport documents. Information systems in transport logistics.. YEAR II • • • • • • • • LOGISTICS IN TRANSPORT LOGISTICS IN TRANSPORT CLASSES 10 HOURS Practical problems on transport in delivery chains. Choice of transport mode. Analysis of functional properties and basic technical/operational parameters of infrastructure. Calculation of logistic costs. Analysis of EU enlargement consequences for Polish transport-forwarding-logistics sector. Analysis of carriage documents, forwarding contract, insurance etc. Analysis of solutions of logistic information flow. Analysis of barriers for getting into and out of the logistic services market. 54 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) • • Choice of the carrier. Case studies. Basic literature 1. Christopher M: Logistics and Supply Chain Management. 3rd edition, Pearson Education, Harlow 2007 2. Bichou K: Port Operations, Planning and Logistics, 1st edition, Informa UK, 2009 3. Venus Lun, Kee-hung Lai, T.C. Edwin Cheng: Shipping and Logistics Management 1st edition, Springer; 2010 Additional literature 1. Wood D, Barone A P: International Logistics. 2nd edition, Amacom, Broadway, New York 2002 Teaching methods Multimedia supported lectures, with active participation of students (discussions). Classes – discussion of case studies, seeking solutions of practical logistic problems. Form and conditions of passing the subject Lectures and classes – written short-answer test. 55 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 21b. Subject: Field of study QUALITY MANAGEMENT Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year I II 11 11 A Hours in year C 8 10 L ECTS 2 The teacher responsible for the subject- dr inż. Zbigniew Szozda Introductory subjects and other requirements Basic Knowledge of International Safety Management Code. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → Principles of the quality management, standard series ISO 9000, structure of quality systems, content of a Quality Manual, internal audit techniques, variables for quality measurement, rules for certification of the quality systems, quality management in shipping and it’s influence on the safety of navigation. Be able to → interpret ISO series 9000 standard, structure Quality Manual, realize internal audit, design quality procedure, understand quality system implemented in a company. Syllabus YEAR II • • • • • • • • • • LECTURES 8 HOURS Basic concept of the quality management. Evolution of quality standards. Principles of the quality management. Standard ISO 9001:2008. Definitions, interpretation of ISO standard. Mandatory procedures. Quality Management System (QMS): - policy and objectives, planning of the quality; - measurement of achieved quality objectives, continuous improvement of the QMS; - benefits from QMS; - documentation of the QMS; - means for quality management. Internal audits. Certification of the quality system. Quality management in shipping and it’s influence on safety of navigation. Correlation between QMS and ISM. Quality management in maritime education and training. YEAR II • • • QUALITY MANAGEMENT QUALITY MANAGEMENT Review of the ISO 9001:2008 Model. Analysis of a Quality Manual and quality procedures of a shipping company. Internal audit techniques - exercise. 56 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 CLASSES 10 HOURS Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) • • Project work: Structure of a Quality Manual for a virtual company in maritime sector. Project work: design of a quality procedure for a virtual company in maritime sector. Basic literature 1. ISO 9001:2008 - Quality management systems - Requirements. Additional literature 1. Quality Management Journal; American Society for Quality; USA. Teaching methods Multimedia presentation with lecturer’s comments. Classes using ISO 9001:2008 - Quality management systems - Requirements and Quality Manual of a shipping company. Project work (workshop). Form and conditions of passing the subject Elaboration of the structure of Quality Manual and a quality procedure for a virtual company acting in maritime sector (project work). 57 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 22a. Topic: Department, faculty. Field of study SHIP'S NAVIGATIONAL SAFETY Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation Navigation Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year A I II 11 11 Hours in year C L 9 ECTS 1 The teacher responsible for subject- prof. dr hab. inż. kpt. ż.w. Ewgenij Łusznikow Introductory subjects and other requirements Mathematics, physics, marine navigation, navigation equipment, marine traffic engineering, safety and risk management. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → the most important kryteria for ewvaluation of navigational safety, technical means and methods of navigational safety at according level, requirement to navigational equipment from IMO and also from Poland Rejestr, requirement of international conventions SOLAS, MPDM, STCW, SAR, conventions about lines of displacement, resolutions about requirement to navigational equipment, methods of increasing reliability of navigation at normal and extremal condition, methods of liquidation a consequention of average. Be able to → analyse of navigational risk and his optimalisation, evaluation of system possibility at foundation his structure, determination of reliability parameters, complex evaluation and counting conditions, determination of ships status at counting of technikal factor, determination of admissible time between observation at proposed level of probability, to selekt expedient means and methods for solution colisions problem, and also problems of grounding. Syllabus YEAR II • • • • • • • • • SHIP'S NAVIGATIONAL SAFETY LECTURES 9 HOURS Kind and statistics of casualty for world fleet. The most important factors of casualyu and methods of exception. Technical aspect and human factor of ships navigational safety. Means and methods of guarantee of navigational safety. Retaining of the ship at safety navigational stripe. The problem of normalisation of chip's position monitoring. The conceptual foundation for normalisation of frequency monitoring of ships position in aspekt of safety of navigation. Resolution of IMO A 529(13), new conception of Standard. The prioryty in technical means and methods in aspekt of ship's navigational safety. Satelite receivers and radars and also system ARPA in aspekt of safety of Navigation. The most important aspects of solution at colision's problem in system ARPA. Navigation at narrow water way. Classical leading line and base leading line. Analysis of ship's piloting by means of leading line.. Contemporary and perspective indicators of course and logs, his role at ships navigational safety. The elimination of consequense of casualty. Protection of human life at sea. Convention SAR. 58 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) Basic literature 1. Convention STCW 1978/95 London 1995. 2. Lusznikow E.M. "Ship's navigational safety". Monography. Szczecin: Maritime University 2001. 3. Resolution A. 529. International Maritime Organisation. London.1983. 4. Savenije R.Ph. A.C. Safety criteria for aproach channels. ISOPE 1998. Additional literature 1. Lusznikow E. M. To a question about standardization of frequency observation V11-th International conference "Sea traffic engineering". Szczecin: Maritime University, 1997, volume 2. 2. Lusznikow E.M. Problem of conceptual foundation for safety of navigation 1 International Congress Seas and Oceans Szczecin – Międzyzdroje 2001 Szczecin WSM. 3. Lusznikow E.M. About reliability to radar information at ARPA system. 1 International Congress Seas and Oceans 2001, Szczecin WSM. 4. Lusznikow E.M. Accuracy and reliability standardisation for navigation. Materiały konferencyjne "Bezpieczeństwo żeglugi". WSM Szczecin 2002. 5. Lusznikow E.M Use of system AIS for maintenance of navigating safety. “Explo-Ship 2004”. Szczecin-Kopenhaga 2004. 6. Lusznikow E.M Increase of navigational accuracy at sailing by leading line. 2 International Congress Seas and Oceans. Szczecin – Międzyzdroje. Akademia Morska. Szczecin.2005. 7. Lusznikow E.M The estimation of radars information for collision situation. Sympozjum Nawigacyjne. Nawigacja morska i bezpieczeństwo transportu morskiego. Gdynia WSM. 2005. 8. Lushnikow E. Leading line for determining of a compass error. 2 International Congress Seas and Oceans Szczecin – Miedzyzdroje . Akademia Morska w Szczecinie. 2005. 9. Lushnikow Е.М. Increase of navigational accurasy at sailing by leading line.2 International Congress Seas and Oceans. Szczecin Maritime Academy 2005. 10. Lusznikow E.M Problems of navigational safety in concepts and criteria. International Scientifictechnical Conference „Explo-ship 2006” Zeszyt1y Naukowe № 11/83 Świnoujście, Maritime Academy Szczecin 2006. 11. Resolution A. 529/13 Accuracy Standards for Navigation, International Maritime organization.London.1983. 12. STCW Convention Resolution of the 1995 Conference. STCW Code, IMO, London, 1996. Teaching methods Multimedia presentation with lecturer’s comments, other audio-visual aids used. Form and conditions of passing the subject Lectures – written exam in the form of short-answer test. 59 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 22b. Subject: FUNDAMENTALS OF SHIP SEAKEEPING Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation Field of study NAVIGATION Mode of studies part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year A I II 11 11 Hours in year C L 9 ECTS 1 The teacher responsible for the subject- prof. dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szelangiewicz Introductory subjects and requirements Ship construction and stability, cargo handling, mathematics, physics, basics of oceanography Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → principles of ship dynamics, response amplitude operators and characteristics, motions in random waves, adverse effects of waves influence on ships. Be able to → determine ship motions, carry out an assessment of ship seakeeping, determine influence of ship’s course and/or speed on motions in given weather conditions. Syllabus YEAR II • • • • • • • • FUNDAMENTALS OF SHIP SEAKEEPING CLASSES 9 HOURS Mathematical description of regular and irregular waves. Linear equations of ship motions in regular wave. Ship motions in irregular waves. Ship rolling and rolling damping. Accelerations, deck wettening, slaming. Influence of rolling on stability. Model testing of ship seakeeping. Ship seakeeping of chosen ship types. Basic literature 1. Lloyd A.R.J.M.: „Seakeeping, ship behaviour in rough weather”, John Wiley & Sons, 1989 2. Hooft J.P.: “Advanced Dynamics of Marine Structures”, John Wiley & Sons, 1982 3. Price W.G., Bishop R.E.: “Probabilistic Theory of Ship Dynamics”, Chapman and Hall Ltd. London, 1974 4. Ochi M.K.: “Ocean Waves”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998 Additional literature 1. Volker B.: „Practical Ship Hydrodynamics”, Butterworth Heinemann, 2002 2. Faltinsen O.M.: “Sea Loads on Ship and Offshore Structures”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990 3. Holthuijsen L.H.: “Waves in Oceanic and Coastal Waters”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007 60 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) Teaching methods Lecture in multimedia form with commentary, aided with another audio and video means. Form and conditions of passing the subject Lecture – written exam. 61 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 23. Subject: Field of study DIPLOMA SEMINAR Maritime University of Szczecin Faculty of Navigation NAVIGATION Mode of study part-time GENERAL SCHEDULE Year Weeks in year I II 11 11 A 8 Hours in year C L ECTS 1 1 7 The teacher responsible for the subject- prof. dr hab. inż. Bolesław K. Mazurkiewicz Introductory subjects and other requirements Methodology of scientific research. Objectives Upon completion of their studies, the graduating student should: Know → elements of the Master’s thesis layout – factual and editorial requirements; principles of organizing research – use of literature, data collection and processing; principles of writing scientific texts and public presentation of work outcome. Be able to → prepare a conception of master’s thesis according the generally accepted methodology in the form of multimedia presentation ( about 15 minutes) and present it before an audience. Syllabus YEAR I • • • • • • • • • • DIPLOMA SEMINAR LECTURES 8 HOURS Description of Master’s theses. Choice of a Master’s thesis subject. Review of Polish and foreign scientific and professional literature. Making notes, use of the scientific literature while writing the Master’s thesis. Formulation of research problems and main hypothesis. Formulation of specific problems and working hypotheses. Choice of research method and procedure. Processing of research results. Master’s thesis plan and structure of contents. Formal and editorial requirements. YEAR II DIPLOMA SEMINAR CLASSES 7 HOURS Students present mature conceptions of their subject thesis and assess, under supervision, other presentations. Basic literature 1. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: Modern Language Association, 1995. 62 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010 Program nauczania 2010 (kier. Nawigacja, specj.Transport Morski, studia drugiego stopnia niestacjonarne) 2. 3. 4. Miller, Joan L; and Taylor, Bruce. The Thesis Writer's Handbook. West Linn, Oregon: Alcove Publishing Co., 1987. Style Manual Committee, Council of Biology Editors. Scientific Style and Format. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Turabian, Kate L. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996. Additional literature 1. Sternberg, David. How to Complete and Survive a Doctoral Dissertation. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Teaching methods Lectures supported by audio-visual aids. Seminar-type classes – oral presentations followed by discussions. Form and conditions of passing the subject Written short-answer test. 63 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego 2009/2010