From the Director... - Washington State PTA


From the Director... - Washington State PTA
Volume 24 / Issue 3 / Spring 2009
From the Director...
that occurred in the
classes as well as
between classes. Emailing is one way of
communicating quickly
with others, but it
Spring is just around
the corner. I am
looking forward to
warmer temperatures
and possibly more
sunlight hours in the
day. We are now three
months away from the
end of the 2008-2009
PTA year. I wish you the
best in preparing for a
smooth leadership
transitions into the
2009-2010 PTA year.
The Region 6 winter
leadership conference
occurred on February
7. It was heartening to
see the one-on-one
training and networking
and sharing of ideas
many members to
convention as we are
one of the regions that
have the most local
units. See page 7 for
convention details.
“Nothing great was ever achieved
without enthusiasm.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
doesn’t come close to
adding the personal
touch of being able to
converse face-to-face.
Our next opportunity
for training is at the
Washington State PTA
Convention May 1-3,
2009. There is a
contest among the
WSPTA regions to see
which region in the
State of Washington
will have the most in
attendance at the
convention. Region 6
has the ability to send
Focus Day February
26, 2009 in Olympia
was well-attended.
Many legislators were
able to meet with their
constituents. Please
see pages 3-5 for
summaries of the day’s
As your Washington
State PTA Region 6
director and service
delivery team we
provide service and
communications to you
from the Washington
State PTA. We are here
Region 6 Service Delivery Team
Dates and Washington State
PTA Events 2009
(dates and locations subject to change with notice)
April 30
May 1-3
May 25
May 28
June 30
2009-10 Councils/Local Unit Exec. Officers election deadline
Washington State PTA Convention, Double Tree SeaTac
Final payment membership fees due to councils
SDT Potluck, location TBD
2008-09 PTA year ends
Newsletter Deadline
The next Region 6 News deadline is
Sunday, May 24, 2009 for our June 2009
issue. If you have news and/or photos for
that issue, please be sure to get them to
Jodi Ellis at:
for you. Please contact
us with your needs,
concerns, or if you want
to share the fun
activities or recognitions
of your PTA. The
Service Delivery Team
contact information is
on page 2.
I appreciate the
enthusiasm of your PTA
efforts on behalf of
children. Poet Ralph
Waldo Emerson stated,
“Nothing great was ever
achieved without
I will end this message
on a personal note.
Thank you for your
thoughts, prayers,
cards, and flowers on
behalf of my mother of
79 earthly years who
passed away on
February 10.
Yours in service and
smiles, ☺
Sudene R. Snyder
Washington State PTA
Region 6 Director
In this
Director Letter . . . . . . . . . . .1
Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Newsletter Deadline . . . . . . .1
Northshore Council PTSA . .2
Region 6 Directory . . . . . . . .2
Council Websites . . . . . . . . .2
Focus Day Recaps . . . . . .3-5
Focus Day On-line . . . . . . . .6
PTA Recognitions . . . . . . . . .7
Convention Notice . . . . . . . .7
Newsletter Editor
Jodi Ellis
Volume 24 / Issue 3 / Spring 2009
Greetings from
Northshore Council PTSA!
It’s been a very busy and productive time in our
neck of the woods with our nominating committee
working on a slate of officers for next year and our
Life After High School event happening on February
28. Our Reflections program was a huge success
and our local unit leaders have been tireless in their
commitment to advocating for all the children in
their school communities. At least one of our
elementary units – Arrowhead – has 100% teacher
membership, and we’ve just received word that
three of our units – Arrowhead, Canyon Creek, and
Wellington – have achieved Gold Level Membership
status! Many congratulations to them.
Special thanks to Sherry Krainick, Council
Legislative VP, Debra Clark, Council Life After High
School coordinator,
and Lorie Piper, Council
Reflections Chair.
Special thanks also to our
Emergency Preparedness
Chair. Berta Phillips, who spent many dedicated
hours working on an Emergency Preparedness
Resolution which will be presented at Convention in
Like other school districts in the state, Northshore is
working on its budget for 2009/10, and will be
holding three budget workshops in March at which
parents, staff, and community members can share
positive ideas about how to sustain the quality of
education in Northshore. Our superintendent is
continuing with his
series of Brown Bag
Briefings: the next one
will focus on new state
math standards.
Region 6 Directory
Council PTSA:
Sue Freeman, President
Region 6 Director (RD)
Sudene Snyder
Krista Tenney
15554 Greenwood Ave. N;
Shoreline WA 98133
Region 6 Membership Chair (RMC)
Terri Kelson
19612 26th DR SE;
Bothell, WA 98012
Region 6 Outreach Chair (ROC)
9222 Dibble Ave NW;
Seattle, WA 98117
Northshore Council PTSA Representative open position
Seattle Council PTSA Representative
Sharon Rodgers
Shoreline PTA Council:
Kendahl Adjorlolo &
Wes Brandon, Co-Presidents
cell (425)770-1548
Region 6 Legislative Chair (RLC)
Iris Okimoto-Nielsen
Seattle Council PTSA:
Sharon Rodgers, President
2226 182nd PL SE;
Bothell, WA 98012-6967
4034 Bagley Ave N;
Seattle, WA 98103-8409
work (206)363-0788
Shoreline PTA Council Representative
Kendahl Adjorlolo
1109 NE 158th Street;
Shoreline, WA 98155
Shoreline PTA Council Representative
Vashon Island
Community PTSA:
Denise Katz, President
Wes Brandon
20314 5th Ave. NE;
Shoreline, WA 98155
Service Specialist — Legislation Support
Sherry Krainick
23509 17th Ave West;
Bothell, WA 98021
Service Specialist — Conference Planner & General Support
Cheryl Shdo
2712 NE 195th PL
Shoreline, WA 98155
(206) 367-5140
Service Specialist — Newsletter Editor
Jodi Ellis
20035 96th Ave NE;
Bothell, WA 98011
Washington State PTA
Laura Bay, President
2003 65th Avenue West
Tacoma, WA 98466-6215
National PTA Headquarters
Jan Harp Domene, President
541 N Fairbanks Court;
Suite 1300
Chicago, IL 60611-3396
Page 2
800-307-4PTA (4782)
At our next Council
General Membership
meeting in March,
we're presenting a
powerful DVD entitled
"Be Parents, Not
Friends: Underage
Drinking and Parental
Liability." We’ve
purchased several
copies of this video so
local units can use
them for parent
meetings about
underage drinking, and
drug and alcohol
For all the latest
Northshore Council
news, please check our
website at
Sue Freeman
Northshore Council
PTSA President
Page 3
Focus Day Recaps...
Volume 24 / Issue 3 / Spring 2009
I went to my first Focus Day last year. It was a spur of the
moment decision, and I only went because someone offered
me a ride. This other person (not from my PTA, by the way)
had also made appointments with our legislators, and I
found myself speaking about our crazy system of patches.
The day's theme was more funding, but I didn't just want
more funding. I wanted a fix. I wanted a rational approach to
education funding that paid for what kids really needed. All
of it. Not just an arts grant, or just more library books.
Turns out, I wasn't alone. Last year, I didn't know about the
Basic Education Finance Task Force. I hadn't seen any of
the PTA slideshows explaining our sorry, strange system. I
just knew that at my kids' school we kept having to raise
money. Rally folks for levies; plan auctions and walk-a-thons.
It seemed unending. Then, as my son got older and I started
to see some of his classmates fall behind, I got worried:
What's going to happen to these kids? My own son was a
late reader. I don't know where he'd be if it wasn't for a PTAfunded tutor and a PTA volunteer working with him.
Sue Freeman from the
Northshore Council (light blue coat/blue
folder) in the crowd.
He goes to a good school. The teachers are dedicated. But
sometimes kids need help, they need some one-on-one –
and our school system can't respond to that financially. It
relies on private help. A system that can't afford to intercede
to keep kids on track is broken.
So ... last year's Focus Day was a turning point for me. In
the year since, I joined the board of the Seattle Council and
took over its e-news. Every week, I fire off something about
basic education finance. I joined two Washington PTA
committees, the Steering Committee for Basic Education
Finance and the Education Committee for Basic Education
Finance. I write the "It's Basic" pieces that the state PTA
sends out to members. I now know a whole lot of details
about our sorry, strange system and came armed this year
with handouts.
Terri and Tyler Kelson from the
Northshore Coucil in the crowd.
I also came with a first-timer friend. I came on a bus where I
actually knew half a dozen people. I got at least three people
who I never thought would do anything "activist" to send out
E-mails. I'll be honest, I wanted to get hundreds. But PTA's
strength is the person-to-person contact. Last year, I never
thought I would be the activist. This year, I gave a radio
interview. That's PTA for you.
Despite the early snow, it turned out to be a beautiful day -and a whole lot of fun. It's tremendously energizing being
around hundreds of committed, caring advocates.
– Ramona Hattendorf, enews editor for Seattle Council
PTSA and member of the Lawton PTA in Seattle's
Magnolia neighborhood
“It's too Late 2008 students.”
Also class of 2010, 2013, 2016 students.
Volume 24 / Issue 3 / Spring 2009
Focus Day Recaps...
Page 4
It was quite a surprise to wake up on Focus Day to find
the ground white one more time this school year. That
didn’t stop over 400 PTA supporters from making it to
Olympia to Rally in support of Basic Education Finance
Reform. The noon-time rally was an energizing display
of the support from Washington State PTA and their
network of education supporters. There were
approximately 25 individual from PTA units in the
Northshore School District who attended the event.
Many of these individual also took time to meet with the
9 legislators who represent constituencies in Bothell,
Kenmore and Woodinville.
Byron Shutz and Shelley Kloba,
Focus Day Co-Chairs 2009.
Legislative building.
It was clear to see that there is great momentum to
move forward on Basic Education Finance Reform.
Washington State PTA President Laura Bay gave an
inspiring speech. Senator Rosemary McAulliffe said that
this was the largest rally she’s seen in Olympia. She
thanked the PTA for the hard work and encouraged us
to be persistent in our efforts. She encouraged us to
closely follow the progress of the intent bills,
SB6048/HB2261 “concerning the state’s education
system.” Our legislators have invited key education
stakeholders together to work toward consensus on
what will be included in this legislation. Other Focus Day
speakers included Representatives Ross Hunter and
Skip Priest; Robert Harkin from the Office of
Superintendent of Public Instruction; Mary Jean Ryan of
the State Board of Education; and Judy Owens of the
Public School Employees.
There is still much work to do to move Basic Education
Finance reform forward. If you didn’t make it to Focus
Day, you can still participate by sending E-mails by going
to the following web address:
926. Send your message, together we all make a
difference by giving EveryChild.OneVoice.
– Sherry Krainick
Senator Rosemary McAuliffe.
Page 5
Focus Day Recaps...
It was great to see that cold, snow, and ice was
no deterent for anywhere from 300-400 vocal PTA
members, children, and supporters. We're use to
cold and rainy, but the snow was a new element
for Focus Day. The rally started off with our
President, Laura Bay introducing many dignitaries
and leading us in chanting "It's Basic"; "Our
Children Can't Wait"; and "Yes We Can!" The
Governor sent a message; Senator McAuliffe and
Representatives Hunter and Priest spoke on
Education Funding; there were speakers from
OSPI, the State Board of Education, and Public
School Employees. Lake Washington School
District's Superintendent reminded us that
regardless of what the economy is doing, NOW is
the time for change. Senator McAuliffe mentioned
that ours was one of the largest rallies she's
witness for some time; and Representative Hunter
said that you can tell which organizations are liked
by the number of legislators that join them on the
steps. Shelley and Byron did a great job of
emceeing and Kim Howard and Bill Williams were
greeting all our guests. There was news coverage
on KOMO, KING, and KIRO. I believe this was
more effective in getting our message out than
only meeting with legislators and hope that more
rallies will be in our future.
Volume 24 / Issue 3 / Spring 2009
32nd Legislative
Ruth Kagi.
She represents
Shoreline and parts
of Kenmore.
Seattle Council PTSA
Legislative Chair Heidi
Bennett and one of their
legislators, Rep. Reuven
Carlyle from the 36th.
– Sarah DuCette
Shoreline PTA Council
VP of Legislation
Rally on the Steps.
Seattle Council PTSA Legislative Chair Heidi
Bennett, Ramona Hattendorf, and others.
Volume 24 / Issue 3 / Spring 2009
Page 6
Focus Day... OnLine
Did you want to attend Focus Day but couldn’t? Want something to send to your local membership so they
can enjoy the festivities while eating their Fruit Loops in their bunny slippers? Just want something to put in
the newsletter? I’m glad to report that much of WSPTA Focus Day 2009 is now available for viewing and
linking via YouTube. Here are the links:
Pre-Event Sign Making
Laura Bay’s Speech
Sen. MacAuliffe’s Speech
Rep. Hunter’s Speech
Judy Hartmann’s Speech
Rep. Priest’s Speech
Robert Harkins’ Speech
Mary Jean Ryan’s Speech
Sup. Chip Kimball’s Speech
Lisa Macfarlane’s Speech
Judy Owens’ Speech
Cheryl Jones’ Speech
Teresa Meyer’s Speech
Talk with Julie Wright
For more photos click here:
WSPTA Focus Day Rally 2009
Page 7
PTA Recognitions
The Gold Membership Awards
where there is a 10% increase from
the previous year’s membership
enrolled and paid by January 25.
Adams PTA 6.15.20
Arbor Heights PTSA 6.15.35
Arrowhead PTA 6.10.5
Ballard High PTSA 6.15.460
Briarcrest PTA 6.12.10
Broadview/Thomson PTA 6.15.55
Canyon Creek PTA 6.10.7
Chief Sealth PTSA 6.15.505
Cleveland High PTSA 6.15.462
Concord PTA 6.15.76
Denny Middle PTSA 6.15.378
Emerson PTA 6.15.100
Green Lake PTA 6.15.135
Greenwood PTA 6.15.140
John Stanford Int'l Sch. PTSA 6.15.195
Loyal Heights PTA 6.15.215
McGilvra PTA 6.15.237
Olympic Hills PTA 6.15.275
Olympic View PTA 6.15.280
Partners At Lowell School PTA 6.15.287
Roosevelt High PTSA 6.15.500
Schmitz Park PTA 6.15.320
Seattle Special ED PTSA 6.15.508
The Center School Community Assoc. 6.15.463
Vashon Island Community PTSA 6.17.10
Wellington PTA 6.10.43
West Woodland PTA 6.15.365
Volume 24 / Issue 3 / Spring 2009
100% Membership where
membership equals or exceeds the
student population of the school.
Daniel Bagley PTA 6.15.40
Loyal Heights PTA 6.15.215
North Beach Elementary PTA 6.15.255
Partners at Lowell School PTA 6.15.287
Applegate Grants, awarded $500.00
per local unit for community-wide
programs focusing on the health,
welfare, safety, education, care and
protection of children.
Shoreline PTA Council 6.12 Program “Student
Clothing Back-to-School Event”
Shorecrest High School PTSA 6.12.95 Program
“Equipment for Physically Impaired Children”
Daniel Bagley PTA 6.15.40 Program “Fluency
Fridays—All-School Reading Program”
Concord Elementary PTA 6.15.76 Program
Helmet for PE Wheel-Base Activities”
Thank you to Region 6
Conference Planner
Cheryl Shdo for the
special touch of food,
flowers, and festive
Valentine’s Day design
for the February 7
winter leadership
2009 WSPTA 95th Annual Convention
May 1-3, 2009
DoubleTree Hotel-Seattle Airport, SeaTac, WA
Go online to get:
• Advance Registration Guide
• Online Registration
• Hotel Reservations
• 2009 WSPTA Board Elections
• Exhibitor & Sponsorship Information
• By-Laws Amendments
• Financial Grant Program