Winter 2016 - Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
Winter 2016 - Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
Winter 2016 Bishop McDonnell students gather together with faculty for a prayer service. MITRE 1953 1 Class of 1965 IN THIS ISSUE Bishop McDonnell Scholarship Recipient: Serphie Laguerre How Bishop McDonnell Scholarships Students Are Chosen The Annexes- Queen Of All Saints Annex Bishop McDonnell Spirit Letters To The Editor A Bishop’s Grad Who Did It All The Class Of 1952 Turns 80 Some Important Dates At Bishop McDonnell Reunion Photos Class Notes Bishop’s Blurbs/Letter To Editor In Memoriam Administration Brother Dennis Cronin, FSC, President Edward A. Bolan ‘78, Principal Cecilia Gottsegen, Assistant Principal Nicole Maxwell-Freeman ‘95, Dean of Students Luis Montes, Dean of Students Department of Development John E. Klemm ’65, Director of Development Andrew Leary, Director of Individual Giving Roberta Taormina, Alumni Relations and Special Events Coordinator Sonya Wells, Alumni Communications Coordinator Joan Hotaling-Cramer, Gift & Data Entry Coordinator Rita Monaghan-Maloney ‘59, Bishop McDonnell Alumnae Coordinator Charles O’Donnell ‘59, St. Augustine Coordinator Edward Bowes ‘60, Alumni Associate Bishop McDonnell Alumnae Committee Kathleen Carney -DeVito ‘62 Mary Collins-Macchiarola ‘58 Catherine L. Diehl- Palladino ‘60 Margaret Dougherty-Russo ‘69 Roberta Eisenberg ‘58 Mary Ellen Lavelle-Murphy ‘59 Kathleen J. McCarthy ‘58 Rita Monaghan-Maloney ‘59 Phyllis Murphy-Howell ‘67 Maryann Stahl-DeMaso ‘60 Mary Teresa Cannon-OConnor ‘57 Graphic Designer Sonya Wells Photo Credit for reunion photos Bobbi Eisenberg Correspondence and Address Changes should be mailed to: Development Office Bishop Loughlin MHS 357 Clermont Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11238 718-857-2700 x2250 Fax: 718-857-2833 2 Bishop McDonnell Scholarship Recipient Serphie Laguerre Rita Monaghan-Maloney’59 Serphie Laguerre came to Bishop Loughlin on a visit in her freshman year while she was a student at a public school with a very bad environment. Having heard from her friend about Loughlin, she was anxious to know more. On her visit to the school, Serphie went on a “buddy tour” of the school and was immediately impressed. She continued to be impressed for her first two years at Loughlin. In the beginning of her junior year, however, Serphie’s mother informed her that they might have to move to Massachusetts because she could no longer afford the $9500 a year tuition. It was a very painful time for her. She had been looking forward to being a House Executive of a School Program that she so enjoyed at Loughlin and she intended to continue on in the Junior Band and run track the following semester. She was also very sad about leaving all her friends and teachers. When Serphie and her mother were in Massachusetts she did not return to Loughlin for a week. The school secretary and the Head of the tuition office realized that it was totally unlike Serphie to miss days of school, so they called her up to find out why. Loughlin as a Bishop McDonnell Scholarship student. Serphie went from being so disappointed and angry to being ecstatic that she could remain at the school she so loved. She had all the credentials for a scholarship. Her mother, born in Haiti and having five other children, was equally thrilled and relieved. Serphie continues to make many friends at Bishop Loughlin, most of them from the activities she belongs to and all the Honors classes she takes. Now in her Junior year, she wants to go to a college that fits her as well as Bishop Loughlin does. Eventually she When they finally heard that she was going to have to leave wants to be an Ambassador in Bishop Loughlin, they asked International Affairs for the When they visited the Masthat she and her mother come sachusetts public school that she would attend, Serphie was up to the school and disheartened and angry that all immediately made out a plan of this happened so suddenly. that she would remain at 3 United Nations or become a Pediatrician which has been a dream of hers since she was a small child and had such a wonderful Russian woman doctor who made going to the clinic a good experience. Science is not her favorite subject but she makes very good grades in it. The main reason why Serphie is interested in being an Ambassador for the U.N. has to do with her belonging to an after school club called LaSallian Youth. Mr Foley, who leads the group, is such a great role model, teaching students to give back to their communities and to the world, with humble and kind words and he has inspired her to give back. History is also her favorite subject and it all started when she attended A.P. History Class, taught by Mr. Fortune who made the class intriguing. He taught how important it is to study history so as not to repeat the mistakes that have been made in the past. Serphie is a Math Tutor at Bishop Loughlin. She is a member of the National Honor Society and will be running for President of the School next year. She plays in the Band and dances in two dance groups, Modern Dance and African Dance and also belongs to the Arthur Ashe Health Science Academy where students basically learn about the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system and they do lab work to help them to select an area of interest for possible future employment. Serphie is now a student Ambassador and a member of the Junior Committee. She is extremely grateful for being here and wants so much to thank all of those who have contributed to the Bishop McDonnell Scholarship Fund because she would not want to be anywhere else but at Bishop Loughlin. She will never forget those who made this possible for her. After I wrote this article, I learned from Serphie that she was elected as the school president of the House Committee here at Bishop Loughlin. How Bishop McDonnell Scholarship Students Are Chosen 1. The Director of Admissions and teachers work together to select excellent students to receive Bishop McDonnell Scholarships. 2. Students are interviewed carefully before they are chosen as scholarship students. 3. Students must have had averages of 90 and above in Middle School through 8th grade. 4. Recommendations and reports are required from students’ former teachers and Principal. 5. Scholarship students are required to maintain a 90 or above average at Bishop Loughlin. 6. There is a concern about overall grades so that students are expected to do well in each subject. 7. All scholarship students are required to do well in the TACHS exam, which is the current test for admissions to catholic high schools. 8. Interviewers are also looking for students who have character and are role models for others. 9. All scholarship students are asked about past activities that they belonged to and are expected to join activities at Bishop Loughlin. 10.When students arrive at Bishop Loughlin to be interviewed, they must have with them copies of their past report cards. 4 The Annexes - Queen of All Saints Annex Queen of All Saints Elementary School was opened in 1910 under the direction of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. Classes were held in two rooms above St. John’s Chapel, situated on the present site of Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School Saints School to the Bishop for a parish high school. Monsignor McClancy, Superintendent of Schools, endorsed the undertaking. In September 1922, four sisters opened the first term of high school with 160 students. In January, three more Sisters were added to faculty. When the present building was completed in 1913, Auxiliary Bishop Mundelein, the pastor, increased the faculty to five sisters. Later, three Christian Brothers were added. The Brothers taught the boys in the upper grades, the Sisters taught the Girls in the upper grades and all students in the lower grades. In 1926 the brothers withdrew and were replaced by Sisters. In 1926, when the Bishop McDonnell Memorial High School was opened, Queen of All Saints parish high school became the annex. In 1973 Queen of All Saints High School was discontinued and the entire building was used to educate elementary school students in grades 1 to 8, under the leadership of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. In 1922 there was a desperate need for another Catholic High School for girls. Monsignor Coan offered the empty rooms in Queen of All 5 During the 1970’s the catholic elementary schools of the Diocese of Brooklyn began the process of consolidation. Queen of All Saints School and Sacred Heart Elementary School were consolidated under the name Fort Greene Catholic Elementary School. The students were housed in two buildings, Fort Greene Catholic, Vanderbilt Avenue and Fort Greene Catholic Adelphi Street. In 1986 the Adelphi building was closed and all students attended Fort Greene Catholic School at Vanderbilt Avenue. In 1991, with Reverend Anthony Rucando as Pastor and Sister Frances McCool, CSJ as Principal, the school returned to Queen of All Saints Elementary School. In 2015, Queen of All Saints Academy was formed. The Board of Directors, approved by the Diocese, is responsible for governance of the academy. Theresa Attianese continues as the Principal. PHOTO A Bishop’s Grad Who Did It All Honorary Lorraine Murphy-Weil’64 Lorraine was born on September 8, 1946 in Flushing, New York, the daughter of Caroline and Edward Murphy. Her father died shortly after her birth. In September 1964, after graduating from Bishop McDonnell, Lorraine entered New York University College of Arts and Science where she met Ron Weil and they were married in August, 1966. They spent the next two years in Furth, Germany where Ron was stationed while serving in the U.S. Army. Upon returning to the United States, Lorraine worked at United Technical Research Labs, as an engineering aide until her daughter, Mary was born in 1969. At that time, the family moved to Hebron, Connecticut where Ronald, Jr. was born in 1973. Lorraine and Ron continued to reside in Hebron until 2002 when they moved to another part of Connecticut. Lorraine graduated from Eastern Connecticut State University and the University of Connecticut School of Law with High Honors. Upon graduating From Law School, she clerked for the Honorary Robert Krechevsky prior to joining the Law Firm of Hebb & Gitlin where she specialized in Bankruptcy and Financial Restructuring. In 1991, she became the first female member of the firm. In 1999, Lorraine was sworn in as the first female United States Bankruptcy Judge in the District of Connecticut. In 2013, she retired as The Chief Judge of the District. She was also a lifelong fan and aficionado of thoroughbred breeding and racing and loved to travel. Among her many honors, she was very proud of her appointment as a Kentucky Colonel. That said, her greatest treasure was her family. (taken from article by The New Haven County Bar Assoc.) Lorraine passed away on April 26, 2015. 6 2015 REUNION PHOTOS Bishop McDonnell 2015 Reunion 1 7 8 The Class of 1952 Phyllis Murphy-Howell ‘67 In June 2014, the Class of 1952 gathered together at the Milleridge Inn for yet another reunion. However, this reunion was slightly different from other BMcD gatherings. This reunion was meant to celebrate that all members of the class would become octogenarians before the year was out. Connie Darnowski-Stoll invited me to attend this special reunion, and I arrived to find the room festively decorated with birthday hats, party horns and napkins that proclaimed, “Celebrate 80.” Approximately thirty Bishop’s “girls” attended, and the celebration began with each 9 Memorialite introducing herself and mentioning her actual birthdate. Sister “Babs” Barry read a poem about “being 80” and asked everyone there to remember all those who were unable to attend due to illness or other ailments associated with growing older. After we said grace, it was time to partake of the wonderful food served at the Inn.Later, the ladies gathered around the birthday cake and sang a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday to themselves! Of course, no reunion would be complete without a moving rendition of our school song, “Memorial,” and this reunion was no exception. Dolores Darnowski Mayoka thoughtfully brought an assortment of plants, one for each birthday girl to choose as a souvenir of the day. Before heading home, the class decided that the next reunion would be an outdoor BBQ in August, 2014. I would love to thank these ladies for making me feel so welcome. They are the school spirit we talk about. They practice the good works we were encouraged to do. They have become the examples we were suggested to be. They share the bond we all wish for, and they are forever Memorialites. Phyllis Murphy-Howell ‘67 On May 4, 12 members of memory of another classmate, the class of 1968 gathered at Dorothy Maggiani, who Pier 26 in lower Manhattan to lost her battle with MS. The participate in Walk MS 2014. “Memorialites for MS” team They gathered to show supdemonstrated its solidarity by port for several of their wearing purple t-shirts classmates who have been bearing the team name as struggling with this disease well as a picture of Bishop and also to honor the McDonnell Memorial High School stamped in gold on the front of each shirt. In addition, several other classmates around the country also purchased the shirts and wore them on the day of the walk. Memorialites for MS raised approximately $2,500. Bishop McDonnell Spirit On Saturday, April 23rd, 2015, four Bishop McDonnell Scholarship Students came to the Bishop’s reunion to help with selling raffle tickets to the attendees. They were charming, polite and hard working. During the course of the day, there were two Bishop’s grads who had to leave the reunion early. One of the committee members suggested to the grads that they write their names on the back of their raffle tickets and leave the tickets with her so that she could forward the money if they were to win. With smiles on their faces, the two women had something else in mind. They walked past the committee person and over to the table where the Bishop McDonnell Scholarship students were sitting, handing each of them raffle tickets which they had purchased. The girls were so delighted and decided that if anyone of the four of them won, they would split the money among themselves. When they were listening for the first raffle ticket number to be called, shrieks of excitement exploded when one of the students heard her number called. When the whole story was explained to the audience of Bishop’s grads, a lovely sound was heard from all of the participants. The Bishop’s spirit was alive at the reunion. 10 CLASS NOTES 1942 Margaret Dempsey-McCormick is widowed and now in her 90 years. Sr. Madeline Desel RDC entered the convent in 1946. Now retired, she taught at St. Frances de Chantel Elementary School and Preston High School, both in the Bronx. She was a Franciscan Sister of Divine Compassion for 68 years. 1943 Virginia R. Wahl is a widower with 4 children, 7 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. She learned appreciation of good music, drama, theater and literature. Margaret Carney-Garland went to an AARP meeting last week and met Bishop’s Girls. She is still very active in St. Clare’s, Staten Island. She was “the library lady” for 20 years and helps raise money for the school. 1945 Delores Quinn Stuebe lost her husband in 2012, has 5 married sons and 17 grandchildren, awaiting first great grandchild in August 2015. Her brother, Bill Quinn, graduated from Loughlin and went to Notre Dame. She graduated as an R.N. from Bellevue and has only fond memories of Bishop’s, had fabulous education. 1946 Patricia Chapman Delaney made a donation “to help some lucky girl at Loughlin.” Sr. Mary Raymond Keane taught at Bishop McDonnell and then went to minister in the Appalachian region for 25 years with her friend, Sr. Loretta Scully’47. 1947 Mary T. Hennessy heard her first opera during her time at Bishop’s, Barber of Seville. 11 Louise M. Sarro-DoughertyWhitcomb writes that attending Bishop’s was a wonderful experience with an excellent Religious Faculty, good students and a very positive learning environment. “Hats off to Memorial!” Sr. Loretta Scully CSJ taught at Bishop Loughlin, and ministered in the Appalachian region for 25 years . Sr. Mary Lusk After 30 yrs teaching, Sr. Mary began a new career as a certified hospital chaplain, was blessed with almost 30 years in a number of life-giving settings in the Bklyn/Queens diocese. Bishop’s was a great preparation for all of it. 1948 Dolores Brown-Cardon has been married to Anthony Cardon for 57 years. They have 6 children and 17 grandchildren. Florence Kehoe-Fitzgerald is 84 years old and still wears her Bishop’s ring. “Fortunately, it still fits.” 1949 Patricia Wohlever-Eden lives in Williamsburg, Va., belongs to the Hospice Walkers and also does “competitive race walking.” Her life is filled with Joy! Anne E. Corcoran went to work for McGraw Hill after graduation and switched to the Telephone company. Unhappy with the business world, she went to Hunter College, became an Early Ed. teacher and worked for 36 years in Baldwin, L.I. school system. She thanks the Lord for her education at Bishop’s. Eileen Muller-Game says “Thank you for The Memorial newsletter, Ioved reading through it.” She lived in Hicksville for 61 years, has been married for 64 yrs. and had 6 children, one is deceased. She still gets together with Lorraine Kennedy, Norma Shea. Irene Grady lived in England but passed away April 14th. Magdalene Kasper-Vogric celebrated her 66th Reunion Anniversary. They still have about 25 “girls” coming. They so enjoy the reunions. Mary Gallagher-O”Sullivan was married to her husband for 3 yrs. when he died. She raised her son, James, then returned to Blue Cross as an instructor. She moved to Fl. when she retired and was a devoted member of Holy Name and is now happy and blessed. Marie Elizabeth Shutland taught Chemistry in Brooklyn H.S. for 35 years and retired in 1989, has 3 grandchildren and lives in Florida Alice V. Gallagher-McAllister married to Harry McAllister for 60 years until he died Feb 2015. She was a Customer Rep. at Con Ed. retired in 1992 and moved to Melbourne, Fl., has 2 sons. Isabelle Croft Latimer inspired by Sr. Rene, graduated from Brooklyn College and worked for Cornell as Financial Administrator for 25 yrs. She has been married to Bill for 60 yrs. They have 3 children and 3 grandchildren. Barbara Moldovan-Smart keeps in touch with Bishop’s girls who celebrated their 80th birthdays together- Mary Fahey, Eileen Long, Adrienne Hurcomb and Dot Henshaw. Dorothy Henshaw-Schaedtler lives in East Islip, L.I. from mid-May to mid- October and lives in Boca Raton, Fl. mid-October through midMay. She has 3 children and 4 grandchildren. CLASS NOTES Patricia Grant-McCormack is sorry she could not attend her reunion. She has ailments which require oxygen. It is difficult to travel with all her paraphanalia. She often thinks of her days at Bishop’s. “Those were the days, my friend. I thought they’d never end but they did.” Maryann Ryan-Fisker lives in Maryland and has ups and downs in her life. She has 4 children, 5 grandchildren and 2 great grandbabies. She is busy with 4 grandchildren and a grandchild on the way. Mary Jeanne Zenchoff had very good friends at BMcD, entered the Dominicans and left after 25 yrs, eventually married a Connie Costa wonderful man, still keeps up with continues playing music for Jesus at school and convent friends. “The St. Athanasius in Bensonhurst They’ve newsletter brings back many warm played for 40 years and love doing it. memories” she writes. Dorothy Bly-Delaney Barbara Breitweiser-Licker writes that when she went to Bishop’s has her health, her children, Kelly and tuition was free and books cost $5 a Jay, and 2 healthy grandchildren. She semester. She financed her carfare by is in the same house that her husband selling candy and cake at Schraffts for and she built in Westport, Ct in 1955, 46 cents an hr. when she was 14 and now widowed she keeps busy in then worked in a law firm for $35 a different groups at St. Luke’s church. week. She is 84 and still has Bishop’s friends. Inge Weis-Strock had wonderful experience of 12 years Jaqueline Onorato-LaMagna with Dominican teachers, 8 years at is proud to be part of the BMcD Alum St. Leonards, 2 years at St. Barbara’s, 2 Assn. She has great memories of her years at Bishop’s, married 60 years on years at Bishop’s and is grateful to be her 82nd birthday, has 2 daughters, 7 still on this earth and still does as much grandchildren and 4 great grandsons. as she can. She sends God’s blessings She wishes everyone could have the to all. great education we all had. Marie Ward Friszolowski is just thankful for past blessings. 1950 Joan P. Nelson-Gott made it to 83 years! She was in the Sister of Mercy for 17 years, taught Bio and Chemistry in Mater Christi, worked in Christ the King, married Dr. James Nelson, a Notre Dame grad, owned and showed St. Bernard dogs for 40 yrs, and has travelled. Lorraine Kunz-Grace writes that Patricia Hennessey OP, Carol Mulligan Booth and she met every day at Queens Plaza and travelled the rest of the way to school together. Sixty five years after graduation, they are still in touch although they live in separate states. 1951 Gertrude Chisholm Condon loves the photos from her reunion, has lots of good memories from Bishop’s, went to Mary Immaculate School of Nursing which no longer exists and is now retired. Marie Lawn Morris married her husband, Joe in June, 1954, lived in Tucson, Az, moved to Hicksville, L.I. where they had six children, moved to Greenwich, Ct where she worked for Amax Inc. and was awarded a full tuition scholarship to complete her college education at Pace University. Margaret A. Reehill loved the newsletter…”While Bishop’s seems like a long time ago, the memories are wonderful and reading the names brings back happy times.” Cecilia Grant-Sovak “The Memorial Magazine 2015 is fabulous!” Joan Andren has been retired from Mary Immaculate Hospital since 1999. She credits Sr. Theresa Josephine CSJ who made a call to make sure Joan would be accepted to the Nursing School there. Joan was there for 39 years. Therese Young-Beckwith is a volunteer at Old Sturbridge Village. Anne Linnane Kevany volunteers at Good Samaritan Hospital and helps students with reading comprehension. Margaret Woods Gonzalez has 4 children, 7 grandchildren and 1 great granddaughter. She has been married to Bob for 58 years. Marie Lawn-Morris worked for Blue Cross and Blue Shield until she married in 1954 and went to school part time. When her children were grown, she went back and got her degree in 1986. She then worked for Amax Corp in Greenwal. 1952 Mary Cangelosi-DeCaprio is living in Fairview, Texas. Whenever she goes back to N.Y., she gets together with Bishop’s friends and they are 16 again. It’s such a joy to be with them. She is so grateful to be a Bishop’s girl. 12 CLASS NOTES Katherine A. Deneger loved her years at Bishop’s, felt that students were being prepared to make a mark on the world. She feels she did not make a mark but has sprinkled some good along the way. ( editor’s note…that’s making a wonderful mark.) Rosemarie Darcy-Kramer writes that she is teaching at two universities, Kean and Seton Hall as an adjunct Professor of Sociology. She is 80! 1953 Grace Desibia-Hokanson Bishop’s has a most tender spot in her heart for what she received there as a student. Nancy Allin-Heeman was singing with the Bishop’s Glee Club in Carnegie Hall. Years later, her daughter sang solo at Carnegie Hall. Sr. Lois Christopher OSF worked with the FBI, attended St. Clare’s Nursing School, worked as an RN and finally listened to the Lord’s invitation to Religious Life with the Allegheny Franciscans. After 46 years of Hospital Apostolate, she now works with the Franciscan Friars. Virginia Middleton-Hanley is married to Joe, Loughlin’49, enjoys 16 grandchildren and 2 great grands, volunteers entertaining at nursing homes. They get to see all their children who don’t live nearby at least once a year. She and Joe went with Cardinal Egan to his Ad Lumina visit to Rome. Barbara Rosenberger-Carney writes “My years at BMcD will forever remain in my heart, the best education by five different communities.” The 60 yrs. since she graduated are full of memories of Alum reunions. She’d love to re-live the happiness of her 4yrs on Eastern Pkwy. “God bless the efforts you make to keep Bishop’s alive in us.” Dorothy Grinere-Pedone writes that the best years of her teenage life were the days as a Bishop’s girl. She made lifelong friends and has wonderful memories, is grateful for the nuns who encouraged her to go to college so she was able to receive a grad degree in counselling with 3.5 avg. after raising 5 children. Marie Salvato-Dodrill has been married for 59 yrs., has 5 children, 13 grandchildren and 1 great granddaughter. She was on a bus tour which drove past Bishop’s and was thrilled to see it still in use. She is so proud to have gone there. Johanna Strapp-Hunter lives in Lakewood, N.J. with her husband, Gerry. They have 5 daughters and 11 grandchildren and are both retired. Teresa Spinella-Fernandez went to Bishop’s for 4 years and what the nuns taught her in that time, stayed with her, her whole life. 1955 Mary Ann Geraci-Marriott after retiring from the Syosset School District in 1998, became certified to teach dyslexic children using the 1954 Wilson Method. Presently, she is Marge Gibbons-Kilroy tutoring two students in her local retains friendships from her years at St. school district. She is finding it a most Bart’s and Bishop McDonnell: Mary rewarding experience. Griebell, Nora Prendergast, Peggy Bartley and Barbara Breen and would Margaret Byrnes-Pritchard love to hear from other classmates. retired in Palm Desert, Co., married a Loughlin man, lived all over the U.S., has 5 children, 12 grandchildren, had a 13 career in gov’t. services for 20 yrs. and is a mother of four, 2 boys and 2 girls including a set of twins. She is a retired Dental Assistant and has done a lot of volunteer work with her church. Marie Alice Brescia retired in May, 2014 and is enjoying the freedom. She has used some of the time to travel and be with her family. She would love to hear from ‘55 classmates, keeps in touch with the Waring twins and Lorraine Deeney and is grateful for the newsletter. Adriana Sartori-LaRaja married to Raymond D. LaRaja, a Loughlin grad, she is still working as a Literacy Coach for the Dept. of Education in N.Y. Corine Grello-Casagrande is celebrating 55 yrs. of marriage, has 4 children, all married, 13 grandchildren and does volunteer work. Mary E. Callahan was named Volunteer of the Year for the Sheriff’s Office in 2014 after her second term as President of Marion County Sherrif’s Office, a fund-raising, non-profit org. Helen Fox-Brown still works one day a week at the firm she has worked for, for 60 yrs., still volunteers in the library of her local catholic grade school and travels whenever she can. She has done Lone River Cruises in Europe. Judith Waring-Elia was a clinical social worker for 21 ½ yrs. at V.A. Medical Center, Northport, is married, has 5 children, lived in England and Italy and returned to the USA. She is the co-owner and operator of “The Crafty Twins” with her twin, Rosemary Waring-Kotula’55. Sr. Margaret Mary Ribaldi CSJ is grateful for her years at Bishop’s, great education and many friends she enjoys to this day. Nora Carmody-Amos has lived in N. Virginia for the last 56 yrs. but still calls N.Y. home. She has 2 sons, 1 daughter and 6 grandchildren. Eileen Durante-Bischoff has 5 grandsons and 1 granddaughter. Thomas Jr. and Nicholas are at Holy Trinity H.S., Christopher is at St. Francis Prep, Matthew and Michael are at St. Kevin’s CCD and Audrey, a 3 yr., old lives in Chattanooga, 1956 Carol Shada-Eisenberg went from Bishop’s to St. John’s U. to become a teacher, was an Asst. Principal, Principal, and Asst. Supt. and finally a Supt. in two L.I. School Districts, thanks to her parents, BMcD and St.John’s U. and her hard work and perseverance, she is now Dr. Carol Shada-Eisenberg. Rita Schmitt-Mannarino is living in Williamsburg, Va., active in St. Olaf’s Church as a Lector, Euch Min. and Healing Min. among other things. Virginia Lee-Powers Her 14th grandchild was born in Feb, 2014 and her great-grandson is now 3. Helen Sullivan-McLaughlin is a former New York Times secretary, former Cowles Legal secretary, former USPS Human Resources. She is now retired and grateful for her education at Bishop McDonnell. 1957 Patricia O’Neill-Loughlin has been in the care of Huntington Hills Center 400 South Service Road Melville, NY 11747, for 6 yrs. Rosemarie Tagliavia-Tirrito writes that her high school yrs. were some of her best. She married, had 3 wonderful daughters and 2 wonderful grandchildren, moved to her piece of paradise in 1986 with all of her family. She worked for the State of Fl. as a driver license examiner for 19 years. She would love to hear from ’55 classmates. She keeps in touch with the Waring twins and Lorraine Deeney and is grateful for the newsletter. Eileen Moran-Boeggeman is happily retired! Eileen Duffy-Hines writes “You know you are a ‘Senior Alum’ when you now sport a right hip replacement. Thank God for modern medicine, it’ll have a twin on the left hip in the near future. 1958 Carol Aunchman-Petkus loved the cover of The Memorial. “That was us back in the mid-50s. What happened? It was just yesterday.” Elizabeth Meyn Cox retired from Cohen Children’s Medical Center, is a mother of 5, grandmother of 12 and great grandmother of 3, volunteers at the Center For Hope bereavement group for children who have lost a parent or sibling and volunteers at Consolation Ministry in her parish. Dorothy Devlin-Gallagher sent a donation with the note, “Wishing you success in the 2015 Fund.” Anita Rau-Minnick celebrated her 50th wedding anniversary with her husband, Howard, 56 years after her graduation from Bishop McDonnell. She was thankful for the wonderful Bishop’s education and graduated from St. John’s University. CLASS NOTES 1959 Jean Meagher-Pontorno has 3 wonderful children born in the span of ’61, ’62 and ’63 and a terrific grandson. She’s had a happy life with the love of her life and they enjoyed 23 years in Florida. She never lost her faith and continues to be a practicing Catholic. Doris F. Lynch loved Bishop’s, graduated from St. John’s Univ. and was a teacher in Bushwick, Bklyn. for over 40 years. She is now retired with wonderful memories and a great life. Kathleen M. Duggan-Dirschel received her Ph.D from NYU and is “mostly retired” now. She is a Professor at Columbia Univ. and has 7 grand-children. She and her husband George are lectors in their parish and she visits the homebound. Barbara Treglia-Murphy meets with her Bishop’s friends for lunch in Mineola every few months. It’s been 45 years and they are still Bishop’s strong. They are all 59 grads, Barbara Treglia, Catherine Gehringer, Deirdre Carlin, Helen Craig, Rita Wunderlich, Joan Borger, Carol Weber and Patricia Bernhoff-Sisson (in memoriam). Marianne Zimmerman-Giacalone is a retired Nursing Home Administrator and a N.Y. Registered Nurse. She is Pres.of AARP Flushing, NY, Treas. of the Voelker and Orth Museum and Bird Sanctuary in Flushing, has been married to Joseph for 52 yrs, a grandmother of 9 and great grandmother of 1. Anne Korcinek-Giammarino had a wonderful marriage of 23 yrs., she and her husband, Pete, had 3 loving sons. Pete passed away in 2014 and is missed by his family, including his grandchildren, Melissa, Laurie, Ally, Francesca and Thomas. 14 CLASS NOTES Judith Waver-Hanley has 4 grandchildren ranging from 3 to 21 years. They keep her busy. She and her husband are looking forward to a trip to New Orleans in December. Anne Marie Vitolo-Wiley is enjoying retirement and golfing and even had a hole-in-one! 1960 Carol Bertani-Joyce has been filled with projects around the house, visiting friends and family and travelling to Germany to spend time with her grandchildren there. Adonija Zilvinskis-Hoyt is still alive and able to appreciate her original knees. Many at her age are not so fortunate. 1961 Barbara Koeppen-Reilly has fond memories of Bishop’s and looks forward to the next reunion. Bette McKnight-Russo has been married to Frank Russo, a Loughlin grad ’1960, for 50 years. They have 7 children and 32 grandchildren. Ann Lamia Costiglio worked in L.I. school offices in Valley Stream H.S. district and was active in parish activities for 14 years. She married her teenage sweetheart, Jack in 1966. They have 3 sons and 4 grandchildren. They are retired and enjoying family and vacations. 1962 Antoinette Martello-Dillon is grateful for the years at Bishop’s, so many wonderful teachers and memories. 1963 Janice Manzo-LoPresti retired as Principal of PS 42 in Staten Island. She has been married to her husband, Richard for 40 years. She has 2 grandchildren, Kyla and Zoey. 15 Beginning at age 11, Zoey wrote three books. Margaret Korb-Bailey retired to South Carolina from New Jersey, worked as a school nurse and teacher for several years. She and her husband have 3 children, 9 grand-children and enjoy many activities in their church and community 1964 Barbara Pankalla-Brewer is semi-retired, working as a Veterinary Technician Specialist in Cardiology, performing mobile echo-cardiograms at local clinics, is married to Richard for 45 yrs, has 3 children and 3 grandsons. Her days at Bishop’s were a wholesome and holy experience. Hello to Sr. Richard Marian’s Hmrm. Mary Lou Bove-Klenner had a blast at her 60th reunion. She and her husband were married 50 years ago. Eleanor A. Costello-Murno has retired after a career as a History Instructor at Passaic County Tech and moved to Vermont. Her 3 children are scattered throughout the U.S. She has 3 grandchildren. 1965 Elizabeth McLoughlin-Fitzgerald went to Bellevue Hospital for Nursing School along with her high school classmates. Nursing was her career for 40 years, mostly in Maternal Child Health but also did research and community health . She married and lived in N.J. for 27 years where she raised 3 children. She and her husband retired in Las Vegas., does volunteer work and has a fantastic social network of friends. Joan M. LaManna-Bisciello has a new grandchild, Dylan Charles Bisciello. Their granddaughter, Aly, is 8 yrs. old Eileen Moore-White is a breast cancer survivor, taught in public school and now volunteers weekly at the NY Aquarium, helping instructors in the Education Dep’t. 1966 Laura Cook-Towey retired from NYC Board of Ed. in 2008 and moved to Philadelphia. Her most recent shining moment was becoming a grandmother to Sean Patrick. Barbara Langan is very busy taking care of 3 grandchildren. Reneida Reyes was elected President of the ADA Foundation Board of Directors. She serves as Chief, Pediatric Dentistry for NY Methodist Hospital and Columbia Presbyterian Network and maintains a private practice. Barbara Gallagher-Langan used to think that she worked very hard in the NYC school system but that’s nothing compared to taking care of three grandchildren all day long (ages 8 months to 3 years). Kathleen O’Brien-Ferraro supports the good work being done with the Bishop’s Scholarship Fund. She likes keeping in touch with her Bishop’s classmates and eagerly awaits Memorial newsletters. Marie Ferrante recently retired from American Overseas Mariners after 29 years of service. Her job was placing Merchant Mariners on military contracted ships all over the world. At present she is secretary for U.S. Power Squadrons and is Council Secretary for Powertalk Int’l. 1967 Mary Anne Lawlor-May’67 is the proud grandmother of 4 with 2 more to be born in the winter (2014/15). She and her husband enjoy their new roles and are happy to support catholic education in N.Y. Regina Richers-Amoroso is now living half the time in Carmel Ca.. and the other half in Lake Tahoe. Their 3rd child of 4 just married and she and her husband are expecting their 3rd grandchild. “Life is good and we are blessed” she writes. 1968 Antoinette Ragano-Boylan writes that her daughters in-law gave birth to 2 girls last year and that her middle son’s wife is expecting in March or April 2015. She is grateful. 1970 Patricia Dooley-Lorenz opened her 4th location of the Lorenz Latin Dance Studio on 2nd Avenue in Manhattan. Maureen Sullivan writes that a memory that stands out is that of the nuns who went out of their way to make sure all students would succeed. Important Bishop McDonnell Dates to Remember 1924 1926 1927 1927 1928 1928 1931 1936 1936 1937 1937 1938 1938 1939 1939 1939 1939 1940 1940 1942 1943 1946 1946 1947 1947 1947 1948 1950 1951 1951 1952 1954 1955 1955 Ground broken for the construction of Bishop McDonnell Memorial H.S. Rev. John Ross appointed as the 1st Principal Bishop McDonnell, St. Brendan, Bishop Loughlin and St. James High School hold joint graduation exercises Typewriters and business equipment first seen at Bishop McDonnell H.S. Galavanting goalies take their places behind the net for weekly field hockey games Bishop’s publishes its first yearbook, The Purple and Gold The Laurel took the place of all previous publications The Laurel wins first prize in the 1935-6 Catholic School and Press Association McDonnell Glee Club makes public debut Four girls win awards from the 1936 New York State Chamber of Commerce essay competition “In 1937 it was plain to see, all proper young ladies drank their afternoon tea” The Bishop McDonnell hockey team has victorious season The Glee Club debuts on WNYC Four Girls win Chamber of Commerce essay competition on “The Significance of the New York World’s Fair” The Crusade sponsors a “Towel Drive” for the missions The Class Day Program established In with the new, out with the old. New gym suits made the gymnasium sparkle Bette Davis film festival held in auditorium. Memorialites dress “a la Bette” Victory gardens planted on Memorial’s lawns for the War Effort. First Red Cross drive to aid the U.S. in World War II “Miss Wartime Memorial” All of the students promote sales of war bonds. Miss Franz arrives at Bishop’s Basketball added to athletic activities Poll shows Van Johnson, Frank Sinatra and the lindy are favorites Science Club wins award at Madison Square Garden The girls are in stitches…..sewing is introduced as a class 28.5 inches of snow interrupted the Senior Prom Msgr. Ross died and the auditorium was re-named as memorial to him Father Cavanaugh welcomed as new Principal First Student Council inaugurated Connie Darnowski chosen as member of the U.S. Olympic team A salute to the stars…Bishop’s and Power Memorial saluted on the Ted Steele show Bishop’s Hoopsters roll to undefeated season Junior Varsity basketball team organized 16 Bishop’s Blurbs Attending the Upcoming Reunion? Would you like to attend the upcoming reunion? Sometimes waiting five years is too long for some of us. Feel free to gather a group of your friends from your class or attend as a family if you have siblings who are Bishop’s grads and get a table for all of you. We can also help grads to get in touch with their classmates for the reuinon. Come join us and enjoy the company of many Bishop’s grads. Catch the Bishop’s spirit! Bishop McDonnell Ring Found A woman found a Bishop McDonnell ring in The Ginty Baseball Field in Morristown, New Jersey this past summer. The engraving is BRW ‘39. We were able to check the ’39 yearbook to find the name, Blanche R. Weiser. Since she is not on our database, we do not have a married name if, in fact, there is one. If anyone knows Blanche or any of her family members, please contact: Rita Monaghan-Maloney’59 at 718-857-2700 ext 2253 or e-mail 17 Meeting at the Highline Helen McMahon and Kathy Donovan-Von Der Linn, Class of ’56 met at the Highline in NYC in June 2013. Helen lives in Manhattan. Kathy lives in Seattle, Washington. They would love to hear from other classmates. JKVDL1@GMAIL.COM Sr. Karen Donohue CSJ ’66 was honored by Mercy Center Ministries, a group operating shelters for women in Suffolk County, for her continuing support of its mission to assist those in need. Sr. Karen is assistant dean for academic affairs at St. Joseph’s College. She is also credited with coordinating much of the college’s community outreach efforts following super storm Sandy and actively reaches out to local organizations including the Lighthouse Mission Madonna Heights and the Wounded Warrior Project. Money for the Missions In 1949 when I was one of the lucky students who lived within walking distance of Bishop McDonnell, my mother, born in County Leitrim in Ireland, agreed to prepare a spaghetti dinner for $1 per person,to raise money for Fr. Asip and the missions. We gathered together in our backyard on St. John’s Place and we raised $23 which was a lot of money in those days. It was so much fun. Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve These are the words that hang on a wall at Bishop Loughlin H.S. where students are taught not only to learn but to serve. Sounds familiar? Where Have All the 70’s years Bishop’s Grads Gone? If you have Bishop McDonnell friends, please send us their names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and years of graduation. We can check that info against our database to see if we already have them or not. We now have 7,000 names of Bishop McDonnell grads and are always looking to expand that. By the way, this is regarding all graduates but 70s classes are particularly important. We want to expand their numbers on our database. If there are ‘70s grads who want to help us, please contact rmaloney@ Letters to the Editor What a Reputation We Have! Louise M. Sarro-DoughertyWhitcomb graduated in 1947 and went to a diploma school of nursing which was a three year program. All incoming nursing students were asked about what high school they attended. Louise answered “Queen of All Saints” and “Bishop McDonnell”. The quick response from the instructor was, “Oh, then you will not need any instructions on how to study or do homework.” Rita Monaghan-Maloney’59 Dear Rita, I wanted to write to tell you what a great time I had at the Bishop’s reunion. My closest friend, Kathy Birch, was Daughter Requesting Information About Her Mother Sharon McKenna-Issman is the daughter of Claire V. Replogle-McKenna’46 who lived in Bay Ridge and graduated from Bishop McDonnell in 1946. Sharon was only 4 years old when her mother died due to pregnancy complications with her little brother. If anyone knew Claire, Sharon would appreciate receiving information about her. Please contact Rita Maloney @ 718-857-2700 ext 2253 or e-mail rmaloney@blmhs. org and she will forward that information to Sharon. supposed to attend as well but she needed to be elsewhere for business, so I decided to go by myself. I am so glad that I did! Although I did not know many women there, I sat with a great group and they truly felt like old friends. I loved my time at Bishop McDonnell even though we were only there for two years since we were annex girls. I know I received a stellar education and have many fond memories of all the sisters. So, thanks to everyone who worked so hard to put it all together. It was great! Attention June ’57 Grads Terri Cannon-O’Connor ’57 is a committee member of the Catherine Musi-Biasetti ’57 Scholarship Fund Appeal for 2014 and brought in $6400 in donations in the 2013 campaign and $3100 in 2014. If you have any questions, please call Terri at 203-2311488. What a GloriousTime. Good food, great conversation and a beautiful scarf given as a gift to the Bishop McDonnell Alumnae Committee at the annual celebration with John Klemm, Director of Development and Rita Monaghan-Maloney’59, BMcD Reunion Coordinator. 18 In Memoriam Bishop Loughlin MHS expresses sympathy to the families and friends of these individuals. Mary Hayden-Valveri ‘49 Jane Lawlor-O’Toole ‘60 Sr. Virginia J. Hellow OP ‘49 BISHOP McDONNELL Catherine Ogilvie-Heft ‘49 Bernadette Lavelle-Boland ‘60 Mary Lawe-Gurry ‘60 Sr. Kateri McCaffrey CSJ Irene O’Grady-Westwood ‘49 Mary F. Sherlock-Stritzl ‘29 Catherine Parisi-Jaquillard ‘49 Mary Snowber-Gruning ‘32 Jeannette Boccia-Fackovec ‘50 Mary McNamara ‘33 Sr. Leonore Hearne OP ‘36 Harry McAllister Husband of Alice GallagherMcAllister ‘50 Agatha Maimone-Lombardo ‘36 Rita Romagnano-Durante ‘50 Lillian Platt-Lotito ‘38 Maureen Marquette-Greier ‘51 Eileen Corrigan-McDermott-Murray ‘40 Patricia Molz-DeVeglio ‘51 June Lunn-Duffner ‘40 Josephine Wackerman-Clancy ‘40 Muriel Bindert-Wood ‘41 Catherine Aspland-Diggans ‘42 Patricia M. Kane-Hansen-Gloeckner ;42 Marilyn Monahan-McLaughlin ‘51 Catherine O’Rourke-Weigel ‘51 Frances Boland-O’Rourke ‘52 Mary Greene-McDermott ‘52 Dolores Kroll-Hoffman ‘52 Joan Murtha-McCabe ‘52 Eileen O’Donoghue-O’Brien ‘42 Marie Ashe-Cassella ‘53 Sr. Mary Jane Fulton OP ‘44 Sr. Eileen Gildea CSJ ‘53 Mary Hayes ‘44 Helen Straney-Jakubowski ‘54 Jean H. Kelly-Tursellino ‘44 Patricia Callahan-Kelt ’55 Victoria Walsh-Rice ‘44 Annette Mancuso-Keoughan ‘55 Elizabeth Benzing-Ludwig ‘45 Ann McLaughlin-Steinmuller ‘55 Margaret Brennan ‘45 Patricia Donovan-Guerin ‘56 Dolores Clynes-Castellano ‘45 Joyce O’Connor ‘56 Helen Queenan-Roberts ‘45 Marie Purcell-Hageney ‘56 Helen Edge-Lantz ‘46 Monica McKeever-Pitti ‘48 Frank Carlino Husband of Elizabeth Fratello-Carlino’58 Eleanor Ryan ‘48 Eileen Lawlor-Frazita ‘58 Mary Coan-Iusi ‘49 Donnamarie Martinelli-Wagner ‘58 Mary Gallagher-O’Sullivan ‘49 Paulette E. Morel-Gallagher ‘58 Irmgard Gruener-Nostro ‘49 Maureen P. Hanley-Chandler ‘59 19 Patricia Maresca-Rupprecht ‘60 Patricia L. O’Brien-Hoglund ‘60 Audrone Senkus-Bartys ‘60 Theresa Henn-Platania ‘63 Lorraine Murphy-Weil ‘64 Georgiana T. Cordes ‘65 Mary E. Harris ‘65 Maryellen Quinlan-Friel ‘65 Joyce A. Maloney ‘65 Elizabeth R. McClain ‘65 Ellen T. McKernan ‘65 Patricia G. Miller ‘65 Ellen C. Neville ’65 Kathleen Percival-Greene ‘65 Angela Margaret T. Pianpiano ‘65 Janet Cirillo-Bock ‘66 Mary Conway-Gannon ‘66 Ann Marie Lynaugh-Dove ‘66 Ellen C. Neville ‘66 Patricia Thompson-Montero ‘67 Linda Maiorano-Autino ‘68 Linda Mazzella ‘68 Maria Covais-Boccio ‘70 Linda Grabowski-Dylnicki ‘70 Concetta Perrotta Mom of Louise Perrotta ‘70 Sr. Jean Finnerty OP Bishop McDonnell Reunion Registration Form Saturday, April 23rd, 2016; 11:30 am – 5 pm Anniversary Classes: ‘41, ‘46, ’51, ’56, ’61, ’66, ‘71 All alumnae are always welcome. Reception Location: Gargiulo’s Restaurant 2911 West 15th Street Brooklyn, NY 11224 Reception begins at 12:30 pm Valet Parking Available Mass location: Our Lady of Solace 2866 West 17th Street Brooklyn, NY 11224 Mass at 11:30 am Parking Lot at Church Please make _________ reservations at $90/Person for Saturday, April 23rd, 2016. (Religious and former faculty are complimentary) ________ Yes, I will participate in the Class Gift. Enclosed is my gift of $____________. ________ I am interested in joining the Reunion Committee. Total Amount Enclosed: $_____________ Please RSVP by April 15, 2016. Credit card type (circle)– Visa – M/C – Discover – Amex --- Check Payable to Bishop McDonnell Alumnae Association Name: ____________________________________________________________Class:_______________ Graduation name (if different than above): ____________________________________________________ Guest(s) Name: __________________________________________ Class(if guest is alum):____________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________ State: __________ Zip:_______________ EMAIL: ________________________________________ Phone:_________________________________ ***(Please include email so you can stay updated with Alumnae news throughout the year)*** Circle one: Amex / Visa / MasterCard # ______________________________________________________ Exp. Date: ________________ TOTAL: ________________ Authorized Signature: _____________________________________________________________________ TO REGISTER: Please visit us ONLINE at, or MAIL registration form and fee to Bishop McDonnell Alumnae Association, c/o BLMHS Development Office, 357 Clermont Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11238; or FAX form with credit card information to 718-857-2833; or register by PHONE at 718-857-2700 x2250. Questions? Contact Rita Monaghan-Maloney `59 in the Development Office at (718) 857-2700 x2253 or Tickets are not issued for event – we will have registration list 20 Keep in Touch Class Notes ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Today, Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School Development office is proud to represent the Bishop McDonnell Memorial High School (affectionately known as Bishop’s) Alumnae Association. In addition, Memorial Hall has been created in recognition of those who graduated from Bishop McDonnell Memorial High School from 1926 – 1973. This glass case holds only an small segment of what transpired at our school, but serves as a reminder to the students at Loughlin that our school once stood proud and offered quality education to over 25,000 women. Bishop Loughlin now houses an extensive collection of Bishop’s memorabilia, records and artifacts from Bishop’s McDonnell’s original school building. We use these artifacts for research for answers to the many questions our alumni ask and also to choose what is needed for display for the reunions. The Bishop’s Alumnae Committee meets at their new home to organize future reunions, discuss scholarship programs and plan future articles for the newsletter, The Memorial. Through the years, the committee has endeavored to find as many names as possible of Bishop’s alumnae by searching through archives, social media and even by word- of-mouth. We look forward to many years of annual anniversary year reunions as well as an opportunity for future generations to know just how special it was to be a “Bishop’s Girl.” The Committee has been quite successful, and reunions are regularly attended by hundreds of former students. To schedule a tour of Memorial Hall or if you have questions, please contact the Development Office at 718-857-2700 x2253 or KEEP IN TOUCH WITH BISHOP MCDONNELL ALUMNAE ON FACEBOOK The Bishop McDonnell Memorial Diocesan High School Bishop McDonnell Memorial Reunion Register Today Online