6555 West Sunset Road Las Vegas, NV 89118 Ph: 702-579-1700 • Fax: 469-621-5604 November 1-3, 2016 Sands Expo Center Las Vegas, Nevada EASY IS NICE, ON ANY DEVICE Freeman Online® provides you with all the right tools to ensure a seamless execution at show site, from move-in to move-out. With an enhanced Freeman Online, we are making it easier than ever for you to get what you want to have a great event. • Access important show information • Track Freeman freight • Receive notifications • Receive assistance through Concierge Services • Order Freeman products and services at show site • Expedite the move-out process • Access invoices after the show SERVICE INFORMATION BOOTH EQUIPMENT Each 10’ x 10’ booth will be set with 8’ high Gray and White back drape and 3’ high Gray side dividers. Booths 300 sq. ft. or less will receive a 7” x 44” one-line identification sign. Booths larger than 300 sq. ft. may receive a 7" x 44" one-line identification sign upon request. EXHIBIT HALL CARPET The exhibit area is NOT carpeted. The aisles will be carpeted in Tuxedo. The NARSA section aisles will be carpeted in Blue. The Remanufacturing section aisles will be carpeted in Green. The AIA section aisles will be carpeted in Blue. To enhance the appearance of your booth, rental carpet is available through Freeman. Please refer to the Carpet Brochure and Order Form in this service manual. DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE Order early to take advantage of advance order discount rates. Place your order by OCTOBER 7, 2016. SHOW SCHEDULE EXHIBITOR MOVE-IN - PLEASE CHECK TARGET MOVE-IN SCHEDULE For more information and helpful hints on preshow procedures and move-in, please go to Thursday Friday Friday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday October 27, 2016 October 28, 2016 October 28, 2016 October 28, 2016 October 29, 2016 October 30, 2016 October 31, 2016 11:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. - - - - - - - 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Halls A & G Halls A & G Halls B, D & Hall D + Hall C (Level 2 Target Move-In Floor Plan) Halls A, B, C, D, G & Hall D + Halls A, B, C, D, G & Hall D + Halls A, B, C, D, G & Hall D + All crates must be tagged for removal by Monday, October 31, 2016 at 2:30 p.m. All exhibits must be fully installed by Monday, October 31, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. EXHIBIT HOURS Tuesday November 1, 2016 Wednesday November 2, 2016 Thursday November 3, 2016 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EXHIBITOR MOVE-OUT For more information and helpful hints on postshow procedures and move-out, please go to Thursday Friday Saturday (423214) November 3, 2016 November 4, 2016 November 5, 2016 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. * 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. -12:00 Noon Page 1 of 4 FREEMAN quick facts Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo * All exhibits in the Venetian Ballroom (aisles 29,000 thru 43,000), must be packed by 6:00 a.m. on Friday, November 4, 2016. All carriers for these areas must check-in to the Freeman Marshalling Yard no later than 4:00 a.m. on Friday, November 4, 2016 or Freeman will reroute the shipment via the most convenient manner available. All exhibits in Hall D (aisles 5000 thru 6600) must be packed by 12:00 p.m. on Friday, November 4, 2016. All carriers for these areas must check-in to the Freeman Marshalling Yard no later than 12:00 p.m. on Friday, November 4, 2016 or Freeman will reroute the shipment via the most convenient manner available. All exhibits in Hall C (aisles 3800 thru 5100) must be packed by 6:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 5, 2016. All carriers for these areas must check-in to the Freeman Marshalling Yard no later than 6:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 5, 2016 or Freeman will reroute the shipment via the most convenient manner available. All exhibits in Halls A, B and G must be packed and cleared by 12:00 Noon on Saturday, November 5, 2016. All carriers for Halls A, B and G must check-in to the Freeman Marshalling Yard no later than 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 5, 2016. If your outside carriers do not check-in prior to 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 5, 2016, Freeman will reroute the shipment via the most convenient manner available. SHIPPING INFORMATION Warehouse shipping address: Exhibiting Company Name / Booth # ____________ Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo C/O FREEMAN 6675 W Sunset Rd Las Vegas, NV 89118 FREEMAN will accept crated, boxed or skidded materials beginning TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 at the above address. To avoid additional after deadline charges, materials must arrive by THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2016. Warehouse freight will be delivered prior to exhibitor set up. If warehouse freight has to be moved in on a weekend in order to be in the exhibitors booth for move-in day, an overtime charge may apply. Warehouse receiving hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Drivers must check-in no later than 2:00 p.m. in order to be off-loaded on arrival date. Showsite shipping address: Exhibiting Company Name / Booth #____________ Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo C/O FREEMAN Sands Expo Center 201 Sands Ave Las Vegas, NV 89169 All exhibitors will have target dates. Show site freight must be delivered on the assigned target date. Please reference target floor plan for your assigned target date. Note: Overtime will be charged only if an exhibitor has straight time move-in available and requests overtime. Overtime is any time before 8:00 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday; ALL DAY Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. Be sure your carrier knows the company name and booth number when making arrangements for shipping your exhibit at the close of the show. If required, provide your carrier with this phone number: (702) 579-1700. Every outbound shipment will require a Material Handling Agreement and labels. We would be happy to prepare these for you in advance and will deliver them to your booth at show site to review and sign. To take advantage of this service, please complete the Outbound Shipping Order Form. This show will be marshalled. Marshalling yard will be open during exhibitor move-in and moveout from 6:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Drivers must check-in no later than 2:00 p.m. in order to be loaded on arrival date. Please see marshalling yard map in this service manual. (423214) Page 2 of 4 FREEMAN quick facts EXHIBITOR MOVE-OUT (continued) Please note: All items and materials that must be brought into the facility may be subject to Material Handling Charges and are the responsibility of the Exhibitor. This also applies to items not ordered through the Official Show Vendors. Please be aware that disposal of exhibit properties is not included as part of your material handling charges. Please contact Freeman for your quoted rates and rules applicable to disposal of your exhibit properties. SERVICE CONTRACTOR CONTACTS/INFORMATION: FREEMAN FREEMAN AUDIO VISUAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 6555 West Sunset Road Las Vegas, Nevada 89118 Ph: (702) 579-1700 Fax: (469) 621-5604 3325 West Sunset Road, Suite A Las Vegas, Nevada 89118 Ph: (702) 263-1484 Fax: (469) 621-5604 FREEMAN EXHIBIT TRANSPORTATION CUSTOM EXHIBIT/GRAPHICS (800) 995-3579 US & Canada Lewis Heineman +1 (512) 982-4187 Outside the US (702) 579-1467 +1 (817) 607-5183 International Shipping Services (469) 621-5810 Fax FREEMAN ONLINE® Take advantage of discount pricing by ordering online at by OCTOBER 7, 2016. Using the enhanced Freeman Online, you will enjoy easy access to added features and functions as well as the high caliber of Freeman services you've come to expect - before, during and after your show. Additionally, you can now access Freeman Online from any device - desktop, laptop, or tablet via our new Freeman Online Mobile App. To place online orders, you will be required to login with your unique Username and Password. If this is your first time to use Freeman OnLine, click on the “Create an Account" link. To access Freeman OnLine without using the email link, visit You can also download and use the FOL Mobile App from the Apple or Android store, or here: A mobile web version of the Freeman Online Mobile App is available to extend mobile use for those users that do not have an Apple or Android device or who do not want to download the Mobile App. If you need assistance with Freeman Online, please call our Customer Support Center at (888) 508-5054 Toll Free US and Canada or +1(512) 982-4186 Local and International. SERVICE CENTER HOURS We will have staff available at the Freeman Services Center as follows: Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday October 27, 2016 October 28, 2016 October 29, 2016 October 30, 2016 October 31, 2016 November 1, 2016 November 2, 2016 November 3, 2016 November 4, 2016 November 5, 2016 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - 12:00 Noon LABOR INFORMATION Booth Installation & Dismantle: If utilizing Freeman labor, please refer to the Installation & Dismantle order form to place your order for display labor. Straight Time and Overtime hours are also listed on the order form. Exhibitors supervising Freeman labor will need to pick up and release their labor at the Freeman Service Desk. ASSISTANCE We want you to have a successful show. If we can be of assistance‚ please call our Exhibitor Services Department at (702) 579-1700. WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS. (423214) Page 3 of 4 FREEMAN quick facts SHIPPING INFORMATION (continued) TRANSLATION SERVICE Freeman is pleased to offer a new service for our international exhibitors that provides quick interpretation and translation in 150 languages. This service will not only interpret for us on a three-way conversation, but also translate emails from customers. To access this service you may contact Freeman Las Vegas Exhibitor Services at (702) 579-1700 or Freeman’s Customer Support Center at (888) 508-5054 Toll Free US & Canada or +1(512) 607-5000 Local & International. HELPFUL HINTS SAVE MONEY Order early to take advantage of advance order discount rates, place your order by OCTOBER 7, 2016. AVOID DELAY Ship early to avoid delays. Shipments arriving late at show site will cost you money, time and business! SAFETY TIPS Use a ladder, not a chair. Standing on chairs, tables and other rental furniture is unsafe and can cause injury to you or to others. These objects are not designed to support your standing weight. Be aware of your surroundings. You are in an active work area with changing conditions during move-in and move-out. Pay attention. Look for obstacles, and machinery and equipment that are in use. Keep your eyes open for scooters and forklifts. The drivers of these vehicles may not be able to see you. Stay clear of dock areas, trucks and trailers. These areas can be particularly dangerous. Prevent electrical shocks, falling items and damage to materials. Do not attach items or equipment to the drapes or metal framework provided for your booth. This can cause serious injury or damage to materials. We discourage children from being in the exhibit hall during installation and dismantle. If children are present during installation and dismantle, they must be supervised by an adult at all times. Freeman does not ship or handle Hazardous Materials. If any materials you are shipping to the event fall into this category, please contact Freeman to be sure that the material will be allowed at the facility and by the association. In addition, if authorized by the facility and the association, you will need to make separate arrangements for the transport and handling of the approved materials, since Freeman will not transport or handle them. The operation or use of all motorized lifts and motorized material handling equipment for installation/ dismantle of exhibits is NOT permitted by exhibitors or by their exhibitor appointed contractors (EAC’s). Thank you for your cooperation. EXHIBITOR ASSISTANCE For more information and helpful hints on preshow procedures and move-in, please go to For more information and helpful hints on postshow procedures and move-out, please go to Call Freeman’s Exhibitor Services department at (702) 579-1700 with any questions or needs you may have. (423214) Page 4 of 4 FREEMAN general information FREEMAN GENERAL INFORMATION Reducing Your Footprint Freeman actively engages in green practices within day-to-day operations and is committed to producing events in the most environmentally friendly way possible. Freeman has collaborated with a number of customers to make their events greener and is dedicated to broadening this effort. Green Tips for Exhibitors Interested in going Green and saving money with your exhibit booth? Follow these tips to assist you in making your sustainable booth strategies at least cost-neutral, and possibly cost-saving! Supplies and Ordering • Order exhibit supplies early and utilize online ordering systems to eliminate paper waste. • Consider renting a booth from Freeman or buying materials locally, preventing shipping cost and lowering emissions. • Rent Freeman Classic Carpet which contains recycled content and is also recyclable. • Provide giveaways made of recycled, responsibly grown natural fiber, nontoxic and biodegradable materials. Ensure giveaways are useful, not merely promotional in nature. Electronic Giveaways, such as free songs from iTunes, coupons and free online Apps are smart and trendy. Printing, Recycling and Waste Management • Encourage less printing and provide more information digitally when it comes to booth literature, fulfilling requests via email and website referrals. • If you need to print, use a local printer in the city where the show will be held and choose paper that contains at least 50% post-consumer recycled content. • Ask Freeman about new paper-based signage materials that are comparably priced to plastic. There are good alternatives to foam core and PVC which are not as easily recyclable. • Participate in the exhibit donation program by providing materials that are eligible for donation to local charities, such as pens, bags and notepads. Shipping and Transportation • If you must ship materials, planning out your booth in a timely way to meet shipping deadlines can also help maximize consolidation and cost-savings. • Choose a SmartWay™-certified hauler at no additional cost to ensure your transportation company is practicing sustainable shipping. • Set a goal to leave no trace behind by shipping out all booth properties and packing materials and donating extra giveaways thereby minimizing any waste for the show. • If you are attending another trade show that many of your fellow exhibitors are also participating in, ask your General Service Contractor or Show Management to set up a caravan service to save on fuel emissions—and cost of transportation. Personnel and Best Practices • Take advantage of local or regional representatives to staff your booth, rather than bringing staff from far away offices, reducing travel cost. • Bring Green as part of your company message providing recycling bins in your booth and information on what you have done to exhibit in a sustainable way. These steps can help as we all strive to make smarter and more environmentally sound decisions. For more information on the Freeman Sustainability Initiative, contact 01/16 REVISION DATE: FS FS CHANDELIER FE Ceiling Restrictions: Hall G Notes: Maximum booth display height is 13'6" Ceiling height ranges from 14'-17' in exhibit hall unless otherwise noted on plan. Double decker booths are not permitted on the Lobby Level due to the booth display height limitation of 13'6" FS CHANDELIER FS FS FE 9922 9822 Jiangmen Xingjiang Steering Gear Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Hengding Mechanical Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Kaiminrui Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 20' Defu Steering Pump Co., Ltd. Wuxi Sunpart Industry Co., Ltd. 10219 10019 9923 Tagayama Industrial Co., Ltd. China Auto CAIEC Ltd. 30' T E 11010 E E 10313 10213 22' Xiamen Osun Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 10612 11211 Ruian Southeast Meter Factory Zhejiang Baina Rubber & Plastic Equipment Co., L td. 10513 10413 Foshan Xingyuan Auto Accessories C o., Ltd. 9513 Showa Denso Co., Ltd. 10115 10015 S anmen Oyang Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. Shandong Brightway International Exhibition Co., Ltd. 40' China Shanghai Yadong Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. 90' China Auto CAIEC Ltd. 90' China Auto CAIEC Ltd. Nanjing Diamond Hope Machinery Trading Co., Ltd. 20' 9413 20' Harbin High-Tech Wuxi Credible Machinery Turbochargers International Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. 9409 9407 9405 9403 9401 Wenzhou Baian Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 20' Archer TransParts Co., Ltd. Taizhou Huizheng Auto Electrical Machinery Co., Ltd. Huiyue Ningbo Liming Fuzhou Xin Lin Yuhuan Bearing Relay Co., Electronics Co., Machinery Ltd. Ltd. Co., Ltd. Shanghai Kelijie Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Ruixu Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Global Auto Electronics LLC Wenzhou Huizhong Electrical Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 22' 9313 9311 9309 9307 9305 9303 9301 Zhang & Company 20' Greatway Co., Ltd. 10409 10209 10009 9809 9609 Car-Show BMP Taizhou FNC Hebei Changli N ingbo Daz hou BS Business Automotive Auto Parts Co., Import & Export Consultancy International, Machinery Co., Products Co., Ltd. Ltd. Co., Ltd. Inc. Pte. Ltd. Ltd. Anhui Faxiou Ruian Haohua Arco Motor Sanmen UNT Automotive Automobile Industry Co., Rubber Parts Co., Parts Co., Technology Ltd. Ltd. Ltd. Co., Ltd. AceonBright Inc. Shanghai Tecwin Import & Export C o., Ltd. Anhui Shengzhou Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Nordiske Eventyr Aps. 9314 9312 9310 9308 9306 9304 9302 9300 8621 Zhejiang Haoyang Vehicle Parts Co., Ltd. 20' 8814 Everspark Industries Sdn. Bhd. Fuzhou Conam Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 20' 8912 8812 8911 8811 Yueqing Kangyuan Automobile Electric Factory Zhejiang Lixiang Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Ruian Anxiang Machinery Co., Ltd. JM Interpart Corp. 8910 8810 8909 8616 Auto Tech USA Mfg. 20' 8715 Taizhou Lizhong Pump Mfg. Co., Ltd. 8714 8614 Changde Dongding Power Machinery Co., Ltd. 8713 Qingdao Federal Industrial Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd. Ningbo Wuhuan Automobile Industry Co., Ltd. 30' 20' Kaipin g Benling Gasket Packing of Engine Co., Ltd. 8611 22' Ningbo Stone Auto Accessory Co., Ltd. 8809 8609 8' 8423 Ningbo Huateng Electric Machinery Co., Ltd. Sun Electronic Co., Ltd. 8521 8421 8' Yao Li Auto Ningbo Flying Parts Co., Automotive Parts Co., Ltd. Ltd. 8' 8' 80' Hangzhou JR Exhibition Co., Ltd. Shao & Partner 9208 9206 9204 9202 9200 30' 20' 8419 8219 8019 22' 22' Ningbo Jingdu Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 20' 8414 Ningbo New Huatai Plastics Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. 7419 22' 22' 22' Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) 8413 China Economic News Service 90' 90' 20' KOTRA 40' 7315 7614 22' 90' 7813 Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) Dah Kee Co., Ltd. 8411 22' 7314 Thai Trade Center 7313 AIN Global Foundation, Korea 50' 7311 7310 8409 8209 8009 22' 22' 7809 22' 7609 7409 22' 22' 22' SPD Development Inc. 20' 7309 Wenzhou Guocheng Automobil e El ectrical Par ts Co., Ltd. Tianjin Pie Trading Jingangcheng Co., Ltd. Industry Co., Ltd. Wuxi Mingzhu Photo-Top Usdar (Xiamen) Ruian Success Zibo Yonghua Vofon Turbo Qingdao Industry & Systems Qingflex Hose Turbocharger Technologies Trade Co., Auto Parts Co., Filter Making Manufacturing (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. Factory Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. Ltd. Co., Ltd. Ltd. 10203 Zhejiang Riffle Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 80' Lulanka C.S.C. Inc. 30' 9114 9112 9110 9108 9106 9104 9102 9100 E Zhejiang Landemake Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Xinchang Linquan Bearing Co., Ltd. Siraya NV Chen Group LLC Ruian Wantai Zhejiang Ltd. Ltd. Company E 80' 80' Allhao BTC Gen Trading Precision Auto Electric Management, Manufacturing Jingli Bearing MOTORPEL Appliance Co., Co., Ltd. Sealing Co., Technology LLC LLC 8800 20' 8600 China Auto CAIEC Ltd. 22' Pi Lubricants 30' PRQ Group 40' FE FS FS FS FS CHANDELIER FS FE XP OFFICE 3m x 6m FS FS ATTENDEE LOUNGE CHANDELIER FS 3 5 6 7 IL AN E 8 TA X 10 9 BU S/ 11 12 13 14 20' 8400 8200 8000 7800 7600 7500 7400 7300 UTIL. T.S. 6' 8' 8' 6' 8' 6' 8' 6' 6' 8' 8' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 8' 8' 6' 6' 8' 8' 3' 8' 8' 3' 3' AB S 7403 Pingjiang Machinery, LLC E E 9014 9012 9010 9008 9006 9004 9002 9000 15 7304 KOTRA Overbeek Enterprise 8402 22' Abdulkadir Ozcan Otomotiv Lastik San. Tic. As. Nanjing Fanshun Technology Co., Ltd. Cheng Mao 20' 30' 8602 T T 9600 Qingdao Zhangshi Group Co., Ltd. 8' 9800 8' 10000 3' ROLL-UP ROLL-UP DOOR DOOR Zhejiang Champ Asia Huanyu Auto Auto Pte. Parts Co., Ltd. Ltd. China Economic News Service 60' 9015 9013 9011 9009 9007 9005 9003 9001 Qingdao Northsea Sealing Co., Ltd. 80' Lulanka C.S.C. Inc. China Auto CAIEC Ltd. E Ruian Ruifan Auto Engine Parts Co., Ltd. E Zhejiang Kinzo Carburetor Co., Ltd. T Zhejiang Juguang Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. E Ruian TriRing Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 7306 ArgentinaFundacion Export AR E Feiya America Inc. Hong Kong SME Organization (HKSMEO) 50' 22' T 80' China Auto CAIEC Ltd. 8405 22' 6' 80' China Auto CAIEC Ltd. Hangzhou JR Exhibition Co., Ltd. Thai Trade Center 20' KOTRA 7606 30' E 9115 9113 9111 9109 9107 9105 9103 9101 EXIT 2 7312 40' Zhejiang Kaituo Automobile Electrical Appliance Co. E 80' E Hangzhou JR Exhibition Co., Ltd. Sign 1 7316 22' 8412 8511 7319 7317 Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) 7913 Ningbo Zhenhai Jinteng Electrical Equipment Co., L td. 8512 20' 7619 7815 8415 Kangling Group Co., Ltd. TDC/ Beco Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 20' 7819 30' MFC Sealing Technology Co., Ltd. 8514 7320 Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) 8416 8605 50' SH UT TL E 7321 SK Networks 22' Marcann NV XI C 7322 22' 20' 4 18" x 8" x 6" FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND/OR FIRE VALVE 5 FIRE STROBE 6 COLUMN TYPE 7 COLUMN NUMBER 6' 7323 80' 80' E 22' Jiaxing Joinhands Auto S pare Parts Co., Ltd. HANDICAP 6' 6' FS 6' 6' T 7324 India Trade Promotion Organisation 22' E ELECTRICAL ROOM Meizhou Risheng Rubber Belt Co., Ltd. Fujian Longsheng Machinery Co., Ltd. Fuzhou Opa Auto Parts Co., Ltd. CH.H. 8'-9" FS 4 8' KOTRA Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) UTIL. 9212 20' Zhejiang Ruian Zhongling Taizhou Taoking Auto Parts Machinery Factory Co., Industry Co., Ltd. Ltd. FREIGHT 8' 80' CONCRETE COLUMN 710 0 FOOD TRUC K Gang Yi International (Hong Kong) Limited E 10406 E 10606 Maxeen Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Just Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd. 6' 6' CHANDELIER TA 8' SH 6' 8' 26" x 38" x 6" FIRE CABINET 3 MA T 20' 20' Shanghai Qianjia Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd. Se c D e uritity sk 8' SE A OW IA CA FV T E 6' 3' 80' 2 7228 E Zhejiang Zhongxing Shock Zhejiang Deming Parts Absorber Mfg. Automobile C o., Ltd. Co., Ltd. LOWER LOBBY RE G 8' 8' E T CLEAR KEEP EP E A 36" CLEARANCE AROUND FIRE EQUIPMENT (KEEP CLEAR) 7326 E 9215 9213 9211 9209 9207 9205 9203 9201 22' FS 6' CHANDELIER 6' CHANDELIER CHANDELIER ER CE NT VENDING VENDING Sign 8' M W E T E 1 7325 China Economic News Service E 22' E 22' 22' E Amasia Trade LLC E 22' 4x4 Accessories & Auto Parts Pty. Ltd. E FS E 10906 10806 20' 22' E E DOOR 20' China Commerce International Exhibition Co., Ltd. ELECTRICAL ROOM 6' ROLL-UP 6' 6' 6' BU SIN DIR 6' FS 6' EXIT EXIT 6' 6' 8' 8523 KEY ACCESSORIES & CUSTOM SECTION Beijing Shunhengda Automobile Component Manufacture Co., Ltd. IS TR AT IO N 6' 6' EXIT 6' 6' 6' 6' 8' 22' Jiangxi Haofeng Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. 8711 20' EC TO RIE S EXIT 8' E/T 6' EXIT EXIT E FS EXIT EXIT 6' 6' 22' 22' 8914 ES S PHONES 6' FS 6' EXIT 8' 8' E 6' E T E E 22' 8425 8619 Ningbo High Quality Auto Electric Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. AC 22' 22' Aborn Auto Parts Mfg. Co., Ltd. 20 ' 20 ' 22' Tianjin Yaxing Radiator Co., Ltd. Ningbo Xianlong Automobile Fittings Co., Ltd. 80' 80' 720 0 M AC ACMA 80' 20' 8721 8816 PROMEXICO 80' 22' 22' 20' KOTRA India Trade Promotion Organisation 7428 CME Auto Co., Ltd. 20' Ruikai Power Manufacture Co., Ltd. 10111 10011 Autohi Limited 80' Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) 7628 Ningbo First Pacific Import and Export Co., Ltd. 4 FV 6 5 FE 7 FS TX XX-XX 3 22' 7828 Zhejiang Jinjia Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 20' 02 7238 22' 8028 22' Beijing Global Jujie Trading Co., Ltd. 9414 9412 9410 9408 9406 9404 9402 9400 30' E T 20' Wenzhou Wuhu Titan Auto Hefei Gelan CSB Bearing Hebei Filton & Motor Parts Jiewei Auto Auto Parts Manufacturing Filter Systems Technologies Manufacturing Parts Co., Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. Ltd. Co., Ltd. 8623 T E 9501 22' China Auto CAIEC Ltd. 10709 10609 20' Changzhou City Ningbo Longteng Lilai Sealing Metal Manufacturing Product Co., Co., Ltd. Ltd. Ruian Jinzhou Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 20' 10810 9505 9514 9512 9510 9508 9506 9504 9502 9500 10312 10212 40' 9509 20' Eagle Eyes Tech. Inc. Xiamen Fuke Car Accessories C o., L td. 10314 10214 PEVISA Ningbo F.Y. Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 20' 22' 8228 Ruian Anma Filter Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Liyi Bearing Zhejiang Jialaidun Piston Taizhou ANT Electronic Zhejiang Tengxiang Auto Manufacture Co., Ltd. Parts Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. E 10613 10514 10414 UNDERHOOD SECTION 22' CLEAR Shenzhen Kingwood Gpaiplus Technology Co., Ltd. 10215 Ruian Jiabeir Auto Parts Co., Ltd. E E 9819 KEEP Shenzhen Ruiba New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Ruizhou Automotive Parts Co., Ltd. 20' EP Pippo Industrial Co., Ltd. 20' 8625 LANDING 22' 8428 Zhejiang Songde Auto Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 20' STAIRS TO UPPER LEVEL EXHIBITS 9821 E Xiaogan Realight Auto Lighting Co., Ltd. 10515 10415 Kingslite Technology Co., Ltd. 22' 8723 22' China Commerce International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Lulanka C.S.C. Inc. 20' 8628 20' 10116 10016 T 11212 Ruian Changrong Window Regulator Co., Ltd. BMP International, Inc. 10615 Shenzhen Unisun Technology Co., Ltd. 30' E CLEAR KEEP EP China Auto CAIEC Ltd. 70' 10416 Jinyi Import & Export Company 10614 China Auto CAIEC Ltd. 20' Ruian Weibang Auto Parts Co., Ltd. CLEAR 22' Eagle Eyes Traffic Ind. Co., Ltd. KEEP E 20' 22' 22' China Auto CAIEC Ltd. 30' Shanghai Saga Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. 9823 9919 Wenzhou Guochun Automotive Factory UNDERHOOD SECTION 9824 ACCESSORIES & CUSTOM SECTION 22' 8828 20' 72 30' Joinhands Auto Spare Parts Pte. Ltd. 8630 22' 1 2 40 ' Trade of AMTA, Inc. dba Boxer Tools 7438 7638 GS AmP No eri rth ca N 10' 25' 50' 100' 200' File Path: P:\LasVegas\Branch\NRDC\_FloorPlans\Shows\2016\11-Nov\AAPEX\AAPEX 16_Sands - Level 1.dwg | Tab Name: 32nd Scale (FREIGHT) Sun.F Tyre Co., Ltd. 9028 20' 80' 22' 8730 7738 COLUMN NOTATIONS F.H. Ruian Yuxi Steering Device Co., Ltd. 9228 Wenzhou Zoren Auto Electric Control Co., Ltd. STAIRS/ESCALATOR TO UPPER LEVEL EXHIBITS 9825 9921 22' 9428 8830 22' 22' 8431 20' Column Specifications: Hall G 2' Diameter 2'-6" Diameter 2'-6" x 3'-4" 3'-6" x 3'-6" L.P. 20' 8' Henan Zhongyuan Piston Stock Co., Ltd. 20' 8930 Homer Enterprise Co., Ltd. Notes: Telephone box dimension are 1'w x 1'6"h, 3'-6" from floor to bottom of box. PUBLIC LIT. BIN Ruian Lianzhong Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Zhuji City Fuyida Machinery Co., Ltd. 20' 9628 9030 22' 8831 Safe Guard LA Co., Ltd. 30' Probe Industrial Co., Ltd. Telephone Service Box T 7' 6' 6' 3' Ningbo Sanlishin Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 9130 8931 HML Auto Industries Sdn Bhd 22' China Economic News Service 8632 Ningbo Shuntian Fuel Injection Equipment Co., Ltd. Notes: Electrical outlets heights vary. See elevations for location 208V/60AMP, three phase (5 Wire). 6' 6' 6' Ningbo Xiangheyuan Autoparts Co., Ltd. 9230 22' 20' 50' Johnica Auto Co., Ltd. 8732 7838 Global Sorl Auto & Truck Parts, Inc. 7639 20 ' 22' Electrical Outlets E 6' 80' 10321 10221 20' 9330 Ossca Parts (China) Co., Ltd. 8633 Well Express International Co., Ltd. 20' 8038 8238 Autolite (India) Limited 20' Fawer Automotive Group/UC Tech 7242 22' Sunlight Towing Inc. 7740 22' 30' 20' 8338 7840 7442 3' 8' China Auto CAIEC Ltd. Aerospace C ommunications Holding C o., Ltd. Anhui Tianxiang Air-Conditioner Science and Technolgy Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Jianding Steering Gear Co., Ltd. 9032 Toba Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 20' Olympia Auto Parts, Inc. Heri Automotive Inc. Mission Trading Company, Inc. Greentune Automotive Products, LLC NovaPacific, Inc. 7940 7642 OEM 20' 8' Rising Automotive, a division of NEAC, Inc. 30' 30' Ruian Deye Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. 30' 8240 MGA Industries Pvt. Ltd. 7742 20' 7244 22' E 10322 Ruian C haoyang Automobile Wheel Co., L td. 9132 Zhejiang Henko Auto Spare Parts Co., Ltd. 22' Joinhands Auto Spare Parts Co., Ltd. 8833 EURORICAMBI SPA 8438 22' Zhejiang Songtian Automotive Motor System Co., Ltd. Notes: Panel box dimensions are 1'-9"w x 5'h, 18" from floor to bottom of panel box. Mandatory 3' "Keep Clear" designation (see plan). 208V/60AMP, three phase (5 Wire) and, 208V/100AMP, three phase (5 wire). E E 10323 10223 9826 Yuhuan Chuangyu Machinery Co., Ltd. 9924 20' Wenzhou Zhuge Automotive Parts Co., Ltd. 9926 Ningbo Daiko Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 9232 Campiu Automotive Co., Ltd. Henan Broad Top Metalwork Co., Ltd. 9925 Guang zhou Baiyun Yues heng Auto AirConditioning Parts F actory 9332 Taizhou Yihong Industrial Co., Ltd. 20' 20' 9828 Yas Steering Gear Co., Ltd. 10225 80' China Auto CAIEC Ltd. 9034 Okiya Group Co., Ltd. 20' 22' SDZ Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 20' Okay Motor Products (Hangzhou) Inc. 6' 22' 22' Zhejiang Ropas Radiator Co., Ltd. Power Lai Co., Ltd. 20' LNME-Liaoning Mechanical & Electrical Products Imp. & Exp. Association 80' WHEELS, STEERING & ALIGNMENT SECTION 8638 E 9928 22' 9234 20' Huichang Company 8838 6' 9929 10028 22' T Tanlong (Qingdao) Industrial Co., Ltd. 22' E E E E 10228 22' Ningbo Junda Auto Parts Industry Co., Ltd. 20' INTERNATIONAL BOULEVARD TRUCK LANE 9830 Anhui Defu Steering System Inc. 30' 22' Ace Precision International, LLC 7842 8' AutoNation Wholesale Division FOOD TR UCK 10419 20' 9930 20' Neolite ZKW Lightings Pvt. Ltd. 7942 ETP-Engine & Transmission Parts 7444 22' 30' 7743 8' 7544 Nakamoto Industrial Co. WALL SCONCE Utility Notation: Hall G Electrical Panel EP FOOD TR UCK 20' 22' 22' Dongying Xinyi Automobile Fitting Co., Ltd. Dynamic Friction Company 8042 20' Tuff Support INTERNET CAFE Europa Hamster International Limited 10130 10030 U&C Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 20' Yuhuan Dideli Steering Parts Co., Ltd. 22' 8640 8142 8' Jin Dai Auto Supplies Co., Ltd. 20' 22' Everstraight Industrial Co., Ltd. T Melco Industrial Co., Ltd. 10131 10031 Zhejiang Jinhui Machine Co., Ltd. 9832 Henan Tongda Wheel Co., Ltd. Ningbo Hanker Import and Export Co., Ltd. 8740 8242 7844 H .V. Dev eloppement T 22' 10231 9932 8840 8342 8' T 10521 10421 Zhejiang Dongfeng Refrigeration Components Co., Ltd. 20' Anhui Guanrun Automobile Steering System Co., Ltd. 9038 8940 22' Catic Fujian Co., Ltd. Jiaxing Dexun Co., Ltd. 8044 A-One Parts Co., Ltd. 30' 20' 20' Associated Auto Parts Centre Pte. Ltd. Murray Corporation Hsiang Lun International Corp. T Changzhou T&D International Trading Co., Ltd. Anhui Strong Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 20' Racing Tech Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 20' 9238 9834 Beijing Funch Autoparts Co., Ltd. 10033 9438 22' Wenzhou Dongqi Auto Parts Manufacture Co., Ltd. Nan Hoang Traffic Instrument Co., Ltd. E Hangzhou Golden Sun Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 8' 22' 20' 9040 T 9638 Zhejiang DLZ Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 9140 E E 20' Teknorot Otomotiv Urunleri San. Tic. A.S. 20' 22' Hebei OE Auto Spare Part Co., Ltd. 9838 9440 China & Canton Clutch Co., Ltd. E 10522 10422 10619 22' 9540 Ningbo ETDZ Victor Enterprise International Co., Ltd. 30' An Jee Rubber Co., Ltd. 8144 Bosda International Inc./Sihe Machine Alfa Instruments Pvt. Ltd. E Guangzhou Oplas Electrical Co., Ltd. 22' 10919 10819 Shandong Rongbang Spare Parts Co., Ltd. 9640 Ningbo Weili Auto Parts Co., Ltd. CLEAR 10523 10423 Shiliduo Development Co., Ltd. 10721 10621 20' 9740 22' Byco Auto Parts, Inc. Yuhuan Boyu Machinery Co., Ltd. 8' 8244 EMG International CEILING. - MUST MAINTAIN AT LEAST 36" OF ACCESS AROUND ALL FIRE EQUIPMENT. - IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE EXHIBITOR TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO FIRE EQUIPMENT WITHIN THEIR BOOTH. - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS MAY BE BLOCKED ONLY WHEN A TEMPORARY FE IS PROVIDED. E 6' E 8442 KEEP 8' 6' 8' EXIT 8542 EP King Rack Industrial Co., Ltd. EXIT E T3' EXIT EXIT 8344 Malaysian Rubber Board UK (TARRC) Indaco 7248 E 8642 6' 6' 3' 3' 8842 8' 8444 Isher Trading LLC Jumps Auto Industries Ltd. Ningbo Quda Auto Parts Co., Ltd. E 9042 8543 North American Clutch (NAMCCO) FV -FIRE HOSE VALVE -FIRE HOSE VALVE PIPE COMES FROM THE E 9242 8' 20' 7346 20' -FIRE ALARM STROBE -FS VARY IN HEIGHT FROM FLOOR. S E 9342 8' 20' 20' E 20' Shanghai Kaigao Auto Electrics Co., Ltd. 20' 7446 E 9442 22' Zhejiang Teenray Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. 20' 8' 8644 22' Hwang Yu Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. CH ST AR A T GIN IO G N FLOOR PLAN/ ELEVATIONS FOR FE LOCATIONS. FS FS 8'-6" HF Sistema de Freios Ltda. (Hipper Freios) MTA Turbochargers FS Autopart International 7546 E 9542 8' 20' 8844 LE.MA s.r.l. 22' SPRINKERS 10722 Beijing Eastyida International Exhibition Co., Ltd. 20' 30' Zhongshan Dikon Plastic Metal Products Ltd. Hejiang Automobile Radiator of Guangzhou Co., Ltd. 7946 Masu International Products CLEAR Fenghua D ongcheng Friction Material C o., Ltd. 9044 Shenzhen Meridian Parts Company Shandong Zhengnuo Group Co., Ltd. CLG HT. 10'-0" - 13'-5" Guangzhou Mikrouna Mech. Tech. Co., Ltd. 10524 Shandong Friendship Machinery Co., Ltd. Estas USA Camshaft Industry OE Global Parts, Inc. 8046 20' KEEP 9443 Longkou TLC Machinery Co., Ltd. 9244 CLG HT. 13'-5" 10723 10623 9840 Ningbo Jiangdong Shine Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd. Ningbo Jiangbei Baolong Exhaust System Co., L td. 22' Aplboda America LLC 22' 20' FV 20' EP Taizhou Wonderful Machinery Co., Ltd. N ingbo Meiyada Automobile Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. CLG HT. 13'-10" iLight Ltd. 8' Elite International 9940 10038 10330 10230 20' FS Kangyue Technologies LLC 8246 CLEAR Zhejiang Lifude Machinery Co., Ltd. 22' FE T E 10920 10820 Ruian Boda Piston Co., Ltd. Danyang Yongjin Auto Lamp Factory ROLL-UP DOOR 8347 20' E 9642 8' 9344 Yueh Jyh Metal Industrial Co., Ltd. T Guangzhou Boshi Electronics Factory Zhejiang Benke Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Ruian Hongweite Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Rodrock International Ltd. Just In Hardware Co., Ltd. 22' 10332 10232 20' Kang Rich International Corp. Tong Hong Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. 8646 20' T 9742 9543 9444 22' Ningbo Win Long Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. E 20' Zhejiang Huasen Radiator Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Doer Co., Ltd. 20' T 20' 20' 22' CLE AR Guangzhou Zhenghao Automobile Accessories Co., Ltd. 90' 11209 20' T 8' Zhejiang Wenda Shock Absorber Co., Ltd. Nanjing CF Auto Parts Co., Ltd. EP 10921 10821 10425 Guangzhou Winfor Auto Accessories Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 10724 10624 Wenzhou Kaiheng Auto & Motorcycle Accces s ories Co., Ltd. Everbright Rubber Mfg. Ltd. 8547 KEEP 9644 Ningbo Kasico Shock Absorber Manufacture Co., Ltd. Longkou Jinzheng Machinery Co., Ltd. E Guangzhou Huade Automobile Spring Co., Ltd. 20' 10625 Guangzhou Ferdinand International Trade Co., Ltd. 11210 10428 22' 11215 Loto Industry Co., Ltd. 30' Beijing Seasky Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 10616 80' FD-All Together Automotive Inc. 22' Changzhou Liangyu Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 11213 Mintye Marketing Sdn Bhd EP 9842 9744 Weifang Airui Brake Systems Co., Ltd. Wenzhou Hengli Spring Manufacture Co., Ltd. KEEP Dongguan Qishi Dashiye Wiper Blade Factory 11216 China Auto CAIEC Ltd. 8746 6' Carfu Accessories Co., Ltd. Wenzhou SPKM Autoparts Co., Ltd. 11214 20' 8548 ADMINISTRATION OFFICES MEETING ROOM 301 E 9942 20' Golden Apple (Tianjin) Hardware Co., Ltd. 6' 10923 10823 E 8' 22' 11217 BSG Auto Glass Co., Ltd. 20' EP 10' Shenzhen Everest Lighting Co., Ltd. 8648 302 E Wuhu Hefeng Clutch Co., Ltd. 22' 10234 Liaocheng Detong Auto Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 10433 22' 10628 Guangzhou Yitao Qianchao Vibration Technology Co., Ltd. T Wuhu Wiprotec Automotive Technology Co., Ltd. FSL Autotech Co., Ltd. 20' E Jinhua Yichen Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd. 11218 Dongying Haiyi Auto Parts Co., Ltd. MEETING ROOM 306 China Commerce International Exhibition Co., Ltd. OAC E 8' Ruian City Yangyu Motor Vehicle Parts Co., Ltd. Shaoxing Huaxing Spare Part of Automobile Co., Ltd. Wuxi Shuangniao Technology Inc. E T 10922 10822 Taizhou Huangyan Dijiu Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. 11019 Laizhou Sanli Auto Replacement Parts Co., Ltd. 8649 8748 101 102 103 E 9844 10140 10040 10238 MOBILE HEAT TRANSFER / HEATING / AIR CONDITIONING SECTION E E 11122 11022 Ningbo Qianfang Automobile Fittings Co., L td. Longkou Qizheng Auto Parts Co., Ltd. CLEAR Yantai Runfuxiang Oil Seal Co., Ltd. Yancheng Fangtian Auto Part Co., Ltd. 10042 Laizhou Hongyuan Bench Vice Manufacture Co., Ltd. 30' Ningbo Evershow Automotive Co., Ltd. 10531 10431 Shenzhen Benson Automobile Glass Co., Ltd. Ether Photoelectric Limited Guangzhou Matec Electronics Co., Ltd. Singsun Company Limited 20' EXIT KEEP CLEAR 22' Monchhi Dream KFT 22' Beijing Hongji Auto Parts Trade Co., Ltd. 20' 10824 Foshan Ginto Lighting & Electrical Co., Ltd. HIMA Lighting Tech. Co., Ltd. SPRINKERS EP 9846 Top West Industrial Co., Ltd. 8749 FHC E 8' Shandong Gold Phoenix Co., Ltd. Made-InChina.Com Jiuh Yaw Industrial Co., Ltd. Xiamen Autotop Technology Corp. Willstar Ltd. Ruian Ruibo Machine Co., Ltd. 22' E STAIRS TO UPPER LEVEL EXHIBITS Apex Machinery & Equipment Co., Ltd. WHEELS, STEERING & ALIGNMENT SECTION 10532 Ningbo Yongjia Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 10731 10631 20' MEETING ROOM 307 E 10242 10438 Hanma Co., Ltd. 20' Yuyao Kary Co., Ltd. Sinyifeng Technology Co., Ltd. 10828 Sanmak Lighting Co., Ltd. 11121 11021 EXIT 3' Yi-Way Industry Co., Ltd. Haining UTS Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 101 - 103 FE E 30' 22' Chuan Jiing Enterprise Co., Ltd. 10434 10732 10632 E FV FS 30' Guangzhou Xinto Auto Commodity Co., Ltd. 11123 11023 20' Aspirit Enterprise, Inc. Changzhou Far East Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. 22' 11124 11024 8' 40' 8650 Yuhuan Weiyu Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION 303 AASA/MEMA MEMBER CENTER 8'-6" Masu Brakes 8' ACCESSORIES & CUSTOM SECTION 11025 11223 T 8750 E 20' 10733 10633 Wuxi Mega Import & Export Trading Co., Ltd. E 20' 20' Zhejiang Sanmen Ganglong Auto Accessories Co., Ltd. LANDING 80' 22' 8' 8' 6' 8' Wenling Yonghang Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Ruian Goldmine Traffic Appliance Industrial Co., Ltd. 22' 11224 China Commerce International Exhibition Co., Ltd. China Shanghai Yadong Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. Lulanka C.S.C. Inc. 40' Homgs Auto Accessories Co., Ltd. 20' Pvt. Ltd. 22' 22' Shanghai Sharpbay Industrial Co., Ltd. MEETING ROOM 308 KEEP 22' Ningbo Ningshing International Inc. 20' Lance Co., Ltd. Tirol Limited 8655 EP 10344 10244 Jiangsu Tongrun Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. 10540 10440 22' 10730 10630 11225 8755 8551 E Ningbo Yinzhou Longteng Tool Factory Conson Auto Electronics Co., Ltd. 10831 Zhejiang Sanmen Winfull Auto Accessories Co., Ltd. 11028 Ruian Cenwan Electric Auto Spare Parts Co., Ltd. 8855 STAIRS/ESCALATOR TO UPPER LEVEL EXHIBITS 10146 10046 Tianjin Jiete Three-Way Vehicle Catalytic Converter Co., Ltd. 10444 10542 10442 10638 Ningbo Huadian Cross Country Automobile Accessories Co., Ltd. 20' 11226 8955 UNDERCAR SECTION CLEAR Guang Yang Industrial Works T/ 8' 6' E 10838 22' 10' HK Topest International Trading Limited E T T 20' T 20' 10930 10830 Guangzhou Juntu Auto Accessories Co., Ltd. 8856 Qingdao Huarui Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 9069 9067 9065 9063 9061 9059 9057 9055 KEEP Shenzhen Carpower Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 22' 22' 11227 8956 E 8' Wenzhou New Focus Tech. & Elec. Co., Ltd. 11130 11030 Tean Hsing Enterprise Co., Ltd. Man Wo Si Shock Absorber Co., Ltd. CLEAR Toford Plastics Mfg. Corp. 22' 50' Hopelink International Inc. FS Tanaworks Automotive, Inc. EXIT 9655 Wuxi Toploong FKG Bearing Zhejiang Easun Pneumatic Auto Parts Science & Manufacturing (China) Co., Technology Ltd. Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. Wenzhou Boye Co., Ltd. 304 KEEP 10543 Ningbo Genin Industrial Co., Ltd. 6' Changchun Bochao Automotive Parts Co., Ltd. Shanghai ChiNeer Industrial Co., Ltd. EXIT Hangzhou United Friction Material Co., Ltd. Taizhou First Rivet Co., Ltd. ELECTRICAL STORAGE 8' 6' Chengzhi (Guangzhou) Arts & Crafts Co., Ltd. Xiamen Tinmy Inc. 8557 201 - 203 IP OFFICE MEETING ROOM 309 Jiangxi Rongchang Auto L eaf Spring C o., Ltd. EP 10643 Hangzhou Tonny Electric & Tools C o., Ltd. 10740 10640 Ningbo Fuding Industrial and Trading Co., Ltd. Ningbo Jiangbei Eastbao Automobile Electrical Co., Ltd. 40' 40' FE FS E T E T E 8' EXIT Jingjiang Bohui Import & Export Trade Co., Ltd. 22' 10150 10050 10246 E Ningbo Carstel Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Maxgrand Ltd. 11131 11031 E JXA Drive Shaft Co., Ltd. Lulanka C.S.C. Inc. EP 20' Ningbo Hitech Auto Maintenance Technology Co., Ltd. 10634 11132 11032 FS 9755 CLEAR Tiger Auto Accessories Co., Ltd. FV 8' 6' Anhui Keyuan Machinery Co., Ltd. Hangzhou JR Exhibition Co., Ltd. 8659 EXIT Hejian Adair Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. E E 20' 11033 ROLL-UP DOOR 6' Zhejiang Changda Automobile Part Making Co., Ltd. Shandong Brightway International Exhibition Co., Ltd. 30' 9158 9156 9154 Beijing Eastyida International Exhibition Co., Ltd. 8759 305 EXIT -FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET -FE CABINETS VARY ON COLUMNS. REFER TO FHC E Yongkang Katoo Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd. FSD Audio LLC FS 9855 KEEP Jiashan Tayomo Machine Manufacture Co., Ltd. 10742 10642 30' Guangzhou 168 Auto Co., Ltd. Taizhou Jujiu Auto Parts Co., Ltd. China Shanghai Yadong Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. Zhuhai Oudun Gas Spring Plant EXIT AUTO CARE ASSOCIATION MEMBER CENTER FE AAPEX SHOW OFFICE E 8' 22' FS 11219 9168 9166 8859 Taizhou Yuhao Auto Parts Co., Ltd. MEETING ROOM 310 380,000 GROSS SQUARE FEET 20' 22' Golden Legion Automotive Corp. 8959 Zhejiang Jiaying Import & Export Co., Ltd. 9169 9167 9165 9163 9161 9159 9157 9155 Wenzhou Dingcheng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 9856 Changzhou Ningbo Anhui Qingtai Auto Zoomrui Auto Parts Co., Yongqing Spare Parts International Ltd. Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. 8560 10' 10744 10644 Guangzhou Antu Electric Co., Ltd. Yongkang Xieheng Zhejiang Province Industry & 22' Sammoon Lighting and Electrical Co., Ltd. 50' 9857 Hangzhou JR Exhibition Co., Ltd. Yancheng Mensch International Co., Ltd. Taizhou Encortich Transmission Shaft Co., Ltd. TRUCK LANE 11220 Hospitality Group USA Inc. Hangzhou Roadage Machinery Co., Ltd. Wenzhou Yuxin S teering Device Co., Ltd. 6' 10446 CLEAR Tritop International Co., Ltd. 10940 10840 11038 RAM, Mantic Ind. Co., Ltd. 20' Tianjin Xinzheng International Trading Co., Ltd. Bremer Brouni Autoparts Industries Co., Ltd. Limited 8861 8761 UNDERCAR SECTION Jiashan Zhida Machinery & Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Shineda Machinery Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Machinery Imp. & Exp. Corp. 20' QPI Sunrise Car Parts & Accessories Co., Ltd. Quanzhou Yanggu Lihong Fanghua Import & Export Co., Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Ltd. Xiapu Huitong Car Component Co., Ltd. 6' 10646 22' 10842 Zhejiang Zhanwang Share Co., Ltd. Quzhou Hipsen Trading Co., Ltd. China Commerce International Exhibition Co., Ltd. 6' Zhejiang Shuangxiang Auto Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Wenzhou Libang Enterprise Co., Ltd. D ongguan Fine Hau Automobile Accessories C o., L td. 20' Jinan SAF AlKo Axle Co., Ltd. 30' Ess Aar Automotive Pvt. Ltd. CLG HT. 13'-10" 80' China Auto CAIEC Ltd. KEEP CLEAR KEEP EP 8' 22' 11221 9858 9955 9255 9253 9262 9260 9258 9256 9254 China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Automotive Committee Zhejiang Yalida Machinery Co., Ltd. 10148 10048 Yuhuan Saiqi Trade Co., Ltd. 11140 11040 Ningbo Juxing Rubber and Plastic Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Runjin Automobile Technology Co., Ltd. 9268 9266 10' FS 11222 Zhejiang Yonglian Automobile Fittings Co., Ltd. 9859 9660 9265 9263 9261 9259 9257 Top World Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 10149 10049 10944 10844 30' Taizhou Sinmen Tools Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Vold Auto Accessories C o., Ltd. Shanxi Taizhong Changxing Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. T E 80' China Auto CAIEC Ltd. EP Longkou Xinjia Sanyou Tools Plant 11042 Zhejiang Hengli Brake Valve Co., Ltd. 9760 EP E China Auto CAIEC Ltd. T KEEP CLEAR E/T E Ningbo Chayo Automotive Products Co., Ltd. Guangzhou C ilee Auto Pa rts Manufacture C o., Ltd. Kinrom Industries 10846 FS 80' Ningbo Beikang Electronic Co., Ltd. 11046 11241 6' 6' 6' 6' 20' 10850 22' 8' Qingdao Senho Vibration C ontrol Technology Co., L td. Ruian Boou Zhejiang Auto Auto Parts Mingtai Spare Parts Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. 10151 10051 10948 10848 22' Zhuzhou Torch Spark Plug Co., Ltd. 10152 10052 TOOL & EQUIPMENT SECTION 11243 9860 Zhuji Huaichuang Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 9661 Ningbo Jingyi Ningbo E-Way Machinery Manifold & Manufacturing Exhaust Co., Co., Ltd. Ltd. 10153 10053 20' 20' Taizhou Jiyou Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Ningbo Suopu Rubber Plastic Co., Ltd. Qingdao Yaqitai Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. 30' Hsun Wang Industrial Co., Ltd. 20' 22' 10852 22' 9761 Taizhou ThreeWay Vehicle Catalytic Converter Co., Ltd. UNDERCAR SECTION Yongkang Lante Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. 60' Ningbo Kaibo Transmission Parts Co., Ltd. 10055 E China Shanghai Yadong Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. Nanjing Jiaren Electromechanical Co., Ltd. 20' Hospitality Group USA Inc. Zhejiang Panrong Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 20' 10255 20' E Hospitality Group USA Inc. 11148 11048 11246 Ningbo Sanhe Import & Export Co., Ltd. 9861 Sinoway Graphite International Technology Ltd. Inc. STORAGE 6' 22' Taizhou Jinxin Mould Co., Ltd. 20' Zhejiang Xiaoshan Goaling Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. 9662 6' 22' Topfair International Exhibition (Shanghai) 11050 8' 10455 10' 11250 20' 10655 TOOL & EQUIPMENT SECTION Promax Machinery Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Zhongxing Machine Manufacture Co., Ltd. E 10855 E 40' T E 11055 22' 11251 High Link Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Dongying Baofeng Automotive Tojust Machinery & Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. 8' Zhejiang Jingke Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 9762 HT. AT BOTTOM OF HVAC 11'-0" Jiaxing Winsen Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd. 20' Dongying Winset Brake System Co., Ltd. 9957 22' 11253 Ningbo Cospl Pneumatic & Hydraulic Component Co., Ltd. 9958 11057 11254 Yuhuan Rongda Machinery Co., Ltd. 9959 11257 Zhiche Automotive Technologies 9862 405 - 407 E 80' 9663 8'-5" T 70' 80' E E 70' China Auto CAIEC Ltd. China Auto CAIEC Ltd. Qingdao Kemei Trailer Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 9763 CLG HT. 13'-5" E/T China Auto CAIEC Ltd. China Auto CAIEC Ltd. Ningbo Kairui Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. 9962 9960 China Auto CAIEC Ltd. 8' Linyi Jinchen Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 9961 90' 20' 9863 Yantai Hongtian Autoparts Co., Ltd. E 6' 7' 7' 6' 6' 7' 7' 6' E E 22' 9963 CLG HT. 10'-0" - 13'-5" E 10662 8' 22' FHC EXIT EXIT 8' 22' FREEMAN SERVICE DESK EXIT 8' Value Resources Company EXIT 8' Zhuhai Glory Friction Material Co., Ltd. CA LI B PU S ON I T DIRECTORIES 20' FV -FIRE HOSE CONNECTION LOCATIONS VARY. REFER TO FLOOR PLAN/ ELEVATIONS FOR FHC LOCATIONS. FE FHC E T ROLL UP DOOR 26' WIDE 8' 70' Sinolight International Holdings Corporation CA -FIRE HOSE CONNECTION FHC OPEN TO ABOVE EXIT Jiangdu Tools Co., Ltd. Kalida Hydraulic Technology Co., Ltd. Ningbo Wosiman International Trading C o., Ltd. Hangzhou JR Exhibition Co., Ltd. 11255 CHANDELIER 6' ROUND MONITOR 6' EXIT EXIT 20' FS 22' Huamei USA LLC 22' China Commerce International Exhibition Co., Ltd. CHANDELIER 6' 6' FHC 6' CHANDELIER EXIT 8' FV 22' 10862 11256 EXIT 8' FS 22' 22' Lulanka C.S.C. Inc. KITCHEN KITCHEN ROLL UP DOOR 26' WIDE 70' EXIT KITCHEN KITCHEN China Shanghai Yadong Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. FHC 6' 501 - 503 MEETING ROOM 401 MEETING ROOM 402 INTERNATIONAL BUYER CENTER 504 EXIT FOOD & BEVERAGE STORAGE MEETING ROOM 403 505 FHC MEETING ROOM 404 506 EXIT FOOD & BEVERAGE STORAGE 507 EXIT 6' CASANOVA EXIT EXIT - REQUIRED CLEAR SPACE FOR EGRESS PER C.C.F.D. - MUST REMAIN CLEAR OF OBSTRUCTIONS TO EGRESS. - ENTRANCE UNITS ARE ALLOWED, BUT MUST NOT OBSTRUCT EGRESS. CNN FHC EXIT 6' 601 - 602 EXIT FIRE AND SAFETY LEGEND FS FS CHANDELIER MEDIA CENTER/ PRESS CONFERENCE ROOM CH.H. 8'-9" 603 EXIT 604 6' 6' 605 EXIT 6' 606 OPEN ABOVE SHUTTLE BUSES 6' 6' 607 FHC 6' CHANDELIER 6' 6' CHANDELIER 6' 6' EXIT 6' EXIT 6' CHANDELIER CHANDELIER 6' EXIT CHANDELIER EXIT 6' CHANDELIER 6' 6' EXIT FHC EXIT LOW CEILINGS FS EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT FE EXIT FE AIRWALLS EXIT FE ROLL-UP DOORS KEEP CLEAR EXIT CHANDELIER 701 - 807 CH.H. 8'-9" MARCO POLO BALLROOM No Freight Aisles CH.H. 8'-9" EXIT 6' EVENT DIRECTORIES AAPEXEDU Monday 10/31/16 @ 8:00 am SHUTTLE BUS LANE EXIT Friday 10/28/16 @ 7:00 am Sunday 10/30/16 @ 12:00 pm FS CHANDELIER FS CHANDELIER FHC EXPANSION JOINT 6' EXIT CH.H. 8'-9" EXIT 6' 6' CHANDELIER EXIT 6' 6' FE CHANDELIER CHANDELIER EXIT 6' CHANDELIER EXIT 6' FE 6' 6' 6' 6' CHANDELIER 6' EXIT CHANDELIER EXIT 6' EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT FE EXIT Thursday 10/27/16 @ 11:00 am EXIT 6' 6' Target Move-In PRATTJA NORTH GALILEO BALLROOM 901 - 1007 by: BUILDING LEGEND CH.H. 8'-9" EXIT 6' AVI CONFERENCE 7/12/16 COUNTER EXIT PACKAGE PACKAGECENTER CENTER EXIT FS CHANDELIER EXIT 6' 6' CHANDELIER 6' FE 6' CHANDELIER EXIT CHANDELIER CHANDELIER EXIT 6' CHANDELIER 6' EXIT 6' FE EXIT FHC CHANDELIER LAST SAVED: DRAWING INFO Facility: Sands Expo Center Hall / Level: Level 1 City & State: Las Vegas, NV Job #: 423214 AE: D. Dolan Prod. Branch: Las Vegas Prod. AE: C. McGee Started: 7/12/2016 Started By: GM (NCRDC) Printed By: ---Print Date: 7/13/2016 Disclaimer - Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information contained on this floor plan. However, no warranties, either expressed of implied, are made with respect to this floor plan. If the location of building columns, utilities or other architectural components of the facility is a consideration in the construction or usage of an exhibit, it is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor to physically inspect the facility to verify all dimension and locations. © Copyright 2016, Freeman. All rights reserved. Confidential and Proprietary - the information contained herein is the proprietary information of Freeman and by accessing the information, the recipient agrees to keep the information confidential and not disclose it to any third party without the prior consent of Freeman. Recipient also agrees to only use the information for its internal evaluation purposes and for no other 4668 4657 8' 4374 Turbo Supply, Inc. Electronics Remanufacturing Company 20' Level Seven Eppco Enterprises, Inc. Autoline Products Ltd. 4464 4463 20' 4276 20' Motor & Recycler Shanghai KZO The Equipment Co., International Core Inc. Remanufacturers Trade Co., Ltd. Association Aeromotive 20' Services 20' 4271 4274 4268 30' 20' GB Remanufacturing, Inc. 20' Grote Industries 4265 Inc. 4267 4457 4461 4367 20' 4261 4554 40' 20' 22' Airosol Company, Inc. 4542 20' International Marketing Services, Inc. ClearPlus Windshield Products 20' Tuf Auto Kotek America Inc. Parts Inc. FTE automotive 50' 22' 30' 4450 4455 4454 Valvoline 20' 4447 Anchor Industries 4638 4535 4822 SOLDER20' IT, Allison Corporation Inc. 4438 4444 4443 4442 STANDARD BOOTHS 4436 110' Tiger Accessory Group 4434 4521 4520 PlastiKote (Valspar Corp.) 20' 40' 22' 4426 4428 40' 50' Peterson Manufacturing Co. 20' ATP Automotive 4226 20' 20' Dupli-Color/ VHT 4213 Shanghai Raylin International Trade Co., Ltd. FRACO S.A. 3876 20' 22' 22' 8' 30' 40' S&S Truck Parts, Inc. US Motor Works, LLC HT. 7'-11" 8' 20' 3868 30' Yeu Yueh Enterprise Co., Ltd. Ma-Pa Makina Parcalari Endustrisi A.S. 3867 22' DEPO/Maxzone Auto Parts Corp. AWDA Section 3764 3763 Elite EXTRA 20' AWDA Pavilion 3671 20' DMS Systems Corp. 3667 3761, div. of Vertical Development 20' GCommerce, Inc. Siriani & Associates CONCESSION STAND 4035 30' Carlson Quality Brake Parts Dayco Products, LLC 50' 20' 20' 12' CHARGING STATION 4026 20' 4023 50' 3833 3835 Shell Lubricants Brake Parts Inc. 50' 3638 3644 Midwest Can Company Bar's Products 3623 3616 20' 3079 3075 3167 Auveco Products Blaster Corporation Aftermarket Business World 22' 3250 3252 3247 60' 22' 3245 40' Mobil 1 110' Slip-N-Grip 20' The Plastics Group Milton Industries Blue Sage Software 20' 40' Motor Information Systems The Timken Company 3026 3031 20' 20' 3023 3018 8' 2454 1875 20' L&D S.A.U. 20' 1964 1868 NPR of America, Inc. 1866 20' 20' Grupo Contusa S.A. de C.V. Pro Unique Industrial Inc. 20' 1681 50' T2 B-6 1861 1864 Warren Oil Company 1676 1671 1764 Master Magnetics 1666 20' 20' Flitz International, Ltd. 1838 1661 1658 1281 1638 20' 20' Husky Corporation Changzhou Wujin Great Wall Tools Co., Ltd. 1276 20' 30' Samson Corporation K-Tool International 1271 1457 1454 1453 1452 1365 Shenzhen Yantek Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Powermaster Suspension Corp. 20' 1363 20' 20' 1265 20' Neutronics, Inc. Inc. Launch Tech USA 20' 1261 1263 22' 1255 1354 1352 1350 1446 58' 20' 20' 1243 E-Z Red Co. 1250 1254 20' 1081 1176 1174 1173 Mag Instrument, Lihyann Industrial Tektino Co., Ltd. Inc. Inc. 20' Jiaxing Datong Import & Export Co., Ltd. 1079 Taiwan Foremost Hardware Industrial Co., Ltd. 1076 1075 20' 20' 20' Mastercool Inc. 20' Bartec USA, LLC 20' 1071 1073 20' 40' Cliplight Manufacturing 1166 TMR Fowler 1068 Coxreels Precision 20' Tools Wall Lenk Corporation Cal-Van Tools Inc. 20' 1061 1067 1066 1156 1155 20' Professional Tool & Equipment News Magazine 1153 1152 Lock Technology, Inc. 20' 1058 1238 Three-In-One Enterprises Co., Ltd. 20' CTEK Power, Inc. 1056 1054 956 954 1150 30' Ullman- Lanair Products LLC Devices Lumax, LLC 20' 1052 70' Stoner, Inc. 20' 20' Automotive Test Solutions, Inc. Electronic Specialties, Inc. 1046 1050 Winplus North America Inc. 20' 1038 671 20' Midsun Specialty Products/ Nitro Tape 662 664 756 20' Streamlight, Inc. 20' ITI Co., Ltd. 20' Shanghai Power Station Co., Ltd. 658 656 755 754 753 G-Auto Co., Ltd. UniverRoth Industries Co Proflex + Distribution Inc. American Lokring Corporation 20' 655 847 850 30' 20' 650 653 746 20' Chemplex Automotive Group, Inc. TSI Supercool 20' 844 Energy Suspension 647 Tera Pump 20' Westar Distribution 20' 20' 644 646 20' 641 740 ACE International J.K. Fenner (India) Limited 835 20' Saver Automotive Products, Inc. 20' 640 PlastiColor 20' Transglobe Automotive Inc. 20' 638 635 734 Chroma Graphics 729 Liq-E, S.A. de C.V. 727 Anderson Metals Corp. Inc. 50' 20' 40' Koolatron 633 Rackow Polymers Corporation JohnDow Industries 629 30' 20' 20' 479 476 Kelly's 5 Distribution LLC American Power Pull Corp. 573 568 20' Airpro Industry Phoenix Corp. Manufacturing Inc. 20' 9 Circle International Inc. 475 20' Chemtex Software 471 Orient River Inc. 20' Yung Chi Industry Co., Ltd. PBT-USA Inc. 469 564 CanDo International Inc. 10' Vibrate 20' 473 565 Century Wire & Cable 468 465 464 561 462 20' 10' Kaupa International Co., Ltd. 20' Lifan Power USA 457 461 553 Shenyang Ersiwu No Spill Factory Inc. Big Time Products 30' 20' Fountain Industries, LLC 554 30' AEC Group Inc. Bobit Business MediaAuto Service Professional/Modern Tire Dealer 454 540 30' 20' 30' 20' Ross-Tech, LLC Leacree Company CAM2 International, LLC Chemours 20' 450 453 12' 20' 447 444 20' 10' 441 Premier Technologies Ltd. ABS Friction Inc. 20' 20' 440 532 20' Auto Accessories Asia Inc./ USACovers 20' 438 C.A.T. Products, Inc. (RunRite) 435 Allied/ Cargoloc 30' 20' Better Brake Parts 433 531 CHA Industries, Inc. 20' 20' 30' K Source, Inc. Precision Automotive/ Bearing Technologies 20' Atlantic Tube & Steel Inc. 429 431 12' 425 8' 170 158 DCM Tech Inc. 169 Automotive Parts Company 20' 157 TCK USA Corporation 155 Schrader Bridgeport International 20' 153 CS USA 20' 8' 8' 8' 238 235 20' 231 234 20' Winhere Auto-Part 20' Mfg. Co., Ltd. Smitty's Supply, Inc. WASPS GPMI Company 40' 220 226 8' 151 139 True Parts Inc. 20' 20' Roadside Resq 30' GAT German Automotive Technology 136 Valens Company Limited 20' 134 130 Invicta Components 30' Sun Dieselsystems T2 A-2 171 253 255 10' PIPES Karat Industrial Corp. 20' 20' Industries Inc. PIPES Whirlwind Tools Co., Ltd. Medical Intubation Technology Co., Ltd. (Mitcorp) Alltech Automotive LLC T2 A-3 20' 20' M Grainpoint Enterprise Ltd. 176 T2 A-5 Aupart MillnerSuspension Haufen Tool Co. Co., Ltd. 177 M 20' 179 FE Poly Way Industry Co., Ltd. 180 T1 A-6 181 256 Hercules Products Inc. 334 RAMP RAMP 8' 257 Dacomsa S.A. de C.V. 8' 268 20' ElringKlinger AG Tie 4 Safe/Powermax Logistics 20' 8' 20' 20' 30' 8' 272 273 8' 20' RAMP 274 20' Power Bright Technologies FE 275 Hong Bing Pneumatic Industry Co., Ltd. Dixin USA 355 T1 A-4 276 Graco Canammex/ Thunderbolt 12"x12"x8" ELEC. BOX Glorify International Co., Ltd. New Focus Auto Tech. Inc. PIPES 279 20' TE Tools USA 20' RAMP 281 12' PM Holdings 357 20' 8' 20' JK USA Inc. 20' Shenzhen Fcar Technology Co., Ltd. 8' 20' Hampton Products International Corp. 20' 373 8' HT. 7'-11" Solid Start/True Brand Products Xtreme Cables 374 Promax Enterprise Co. 8' 376 De Poan Pneumatic Corp. 8' 379 8' 381 M 20' 128 Jones Exhaust Systems, Inc. 20' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' BUSINESS CENTER 6' 6' 6' EXIT EXIT 8' 6' 6' 8' EXIT EXIT CHANDELIER CH.H. 9'-2" FS 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' FHC/FE 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' EXIT EXIT 8' 8' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' FS FHC/FE 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' FS CHANDELIER CH.H. 9'-2" FS CH.H. 10' UP CHANDELIER UP FS CH.H. 9'-2" CHANDELIER 6' FS EXIT EXIT EVENT DIRECTORIES FS EXITS 6' FS CHANDELIER CHANDELIER EVENT DIR. AAPEX TV CHANDELIER CH.H. 9'-2" CH.H. 9'-2" FS DN CHANDELIER CH.H. 10' DN UP DN UP FS CH.H. 9'-2" FSEXIT EXITS CHANDELIER 8' 6' 6' 8' EXIT FS EXIT EXIT CHANDELIER FS CHANDELIER CH.H. 9'-2" CHANDELIER CH.H. 9'-2" EXIT CH.H. 10' EXIT FE 6' 6' 6' 3' FS FHC/FE 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' EXIT 3'-6" CHANDELIER 6' EXIT EXIT 6' 6' EXIT 6' EXIT 6' EXIT FS CHANDELIER CH.H. 9'-2" CH.H. 9'-2" 3'-6" EXIT CHANDELIER 6' EXIT FHC/FE EXIT 6' 6' EXIT FHC/FE 6' CHANDELIER 6' EXIT CHANDELIER FS 6' CHANDELIER CH.H. 9'-2" CHANDELIER CH.H. 9'-2" FS FS CHANDELIER CH.H. 10' CHANDELIER CH.H. 10' EXITS 6' FE/ FV 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' XT V 10' 25' 20' 127 FX Exhaust 125 Davico Manufacturing Inc. 20' FE 481 575 20' Beta Tools 8' 8' 625 627 6' 20' 20' 383 Centric Parts 6' 20' MJ De-Yi International Ltd. PE 8' 8' Premium Pujiang Winsafe Friction Material Guard Filters/ Co., Ltd. IDUSA 583 Sands Expo & Convention Center PROJECT NUMBER: #### ################# 6' 825 829 6' 584 N 6' 6' 8' Western Rubber Products, Inc. 6' Erickson Mfg. Ltd. 22' 50' 838 Schultz Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 30' 6' 852 22' Lisle Corporation 20' 6' 854 Milwaukee Sprayer Mfg. Co., Inc. 22' 929 Trillium Worldwide, Inc. COLUMN NUMBER SCALE: 1/32" = 1' 6' 766 40' Pulsar Products Inc. 20' Deltran IAP, Inc. Exotica Fresheners Co. T9 A-8 858 22' 932 Akebono Brake Corporation COLUMN TYPE 7 40' T2 A-9 861 864 20' Clore Automotive T2 A-10 40' Hawk Importers Inc. 950 Alkota Cleaning Systems, Inc. T9 A-11 Hansen Global Inc. TOOL & EQUIPMENT SECTION Yuming USA LLC & Yuming Enterprises Ltd. 668 22' 952 AIE (Adaptive Interconnect Electronics, Inc.) T2 A-12 673 20' PIUSI USA, Inc. 20' ENERGYFLO Inc. 20' 20' T1 A-13 674 676 20' 865 Coilhose Pneumatics 20' 30' FIRE STROBE FACILITY: 50' 100' 200' FILE PATH: O:\NRDC\_FloorPlans\Shows\2016\11-Nov\AAPEX 679 682 Co., Ltd. 773 Ningbo Shunding Mechanics Co., Ltd. 20' Magid Glove & Safety Manufacturing Company, LLC 50' 5 6 AAPEX 16_Sands - Level 2 - Target.dw FLOOR PLAN SUBJECT TO CHANGE 6' Regionmax Oetiker Tool Corp.–Sargent Quality Tools Kuani Gear Co., Ltd. 22' Tracer Products 868 Larin Corporation 30' STEEL COLUMN W/ SPRAY-ON FIRE COATING 18" x 8" x 6" FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND/OR FIRE VALVE ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE: 6' 20' 20' 774 Yingkou Tongda Phoenix Auto Auto Maintenance Equipment Inc. Equipment Co., Ltd. 20' 20' Machan International 964 Pico Technology 22' 871 873 965 Link New Tech 20' FE 683 CB Distributing FE 1025 1033 FV/FE Penn Aluminum International LLC 8' 40' Handstands 20' FV/FE 782 875 Autoland Scientech USA FE 30' EXTEND PERFORMANCE FV/FE Zylux Australia Ltd. 20' T9 A-17 8' 883 876 Torque-Tech 20' Precision Co., Yingkou Qishida Machinery Ltd. Equipment Co., Ltd. 22' Coast Products 20' T7 A-14 879 881 Marli Manufacturing 973 30' FV 22' Gloso Tech Inc. 975 Shenzhen Foxwell GSI Industries, Technology Co., Ltd. Inc. 20' T1 A-15 22' 20' 884 Eagle Pro Industrial Tools, Inc.Tonglift Parts-Mall 20' FE Greenlight Collectibles 20' T2 A-16 20' 981 Concord Spare Parts LLC 8' Tenneco, Inc. 3 4 DRAWING NAME: 8' 20' 983 4' 1234 8' 20' FV Tenneco, Inc. 20' T1 A-1 PIPE 75' 6' 20' Manufacturas Diversas S.A. de C.V. 1400 6' 20' Herko Au tomot 20' Group ive 1425 8' 48' MYCHANIC Clean Diesel Technologies, Inc. 6' 8' 40' 8' BDK USA Inc. 30' T7 B-21 T1 B-20 1433 40' BCA Bearings by NTN Bearing Corporation of America 20' 40' Phoenix Systems, LLC TUESDAY - THURSDAY Nov. 1 - 3, 2016 Sands Expo Center Las Vegas, Nevada 20' Hella, Inc. 22' 1438 ADVICS North America, Inc. CTA Manufacturing Corp. Equipment Taylor Brands, LLC & Tool 20' Institute 8' 36" CLEARANCE AROUND FIRE EQUIMENT (KEEP CLEAR) 26" x 38" x 6" FIRE CABINET Exhibit Hall 60' MagnaFlow Exhaust Products 22' 1450 T1 A-24 50' Alert Stamping & Mfg. Co., Inc. Liquidynamics, Texa Spa 20' Regitar USA, Inc. Precision 20' Elite Instruments, Enterprises Balcrank Corporation Inc. Ritchie Engineering Company Inc. 1500 1625 PUROLATOR | MANN FILTER T2 A-27 20' Central Tools, Inc. 20' BBB Industries 70' T7 A-26 Lincoln, an SKF Group Brand 30' T2 A-25 1461 1464 ATEQ TPMS Tools, LC 1267 22' NationalSpencer, Inc. FMSI Automotive Hardware Cam Spray TOOL & EQUIPMENT SECTION 1366 20' 20' 1274 1273 1466 22' 1551 1550 FV/FE G-EC International Hans Tool Industrial Co., Ltd. 1279 1374 1373 BT & F LLC SPG International Ltd. 20' Striker Concepts Industro International 1554 1553 30' T7 A-23 T2 A-21 T9 A-20 1376 AutoEnginuity 1467 Airsept, Inc. 30' FE 20' Cleva North America-Armor All Utility Vacuums Autel.US Inc. 1471 1476 1475 Unitex Technology Inc. 22' 1564 FV 20' KOST USA, Inc. 20' Kabo Tool Company 22' Yarton Enterprise Co., Ltd. Fremax FV/FE 8' T5 8' A-19 1479 8' 8' 1575 20' 1481 P.S. Sprayway, Inc. 1566 30' T1 A-22 Han Yale Ind. Co., Ltd. 40' FE Bilstein Shock Absorbers 22' 30' ing ProdAutomo ucts tive 1 2 Level 2 SHOW FLOOR ENTRY MARKER Pro-K 60' 20' 50' 20' AAPEX 1800 1826 40' 8' 20' Johnson Controls, Inc. 1833 Wix Filters 20' Great Neck Saw Manufacturing 1650 1656 1655 50' 8' 50' Black Mamba Gloves Ernst Manufacturing, Inc. 50' NGK Spark Plugs 50' 90' 20' 7 8' FRAM Group 50' 1843 Redline Detection 1664 50' 8' OTTOMANS (3) Aisin World Corp. 50' of America 30' W.Y. International Inc. CPS Automotive/ 20' UView WJB Automotive Inc. 20' 1679 40' CHARGING STATION TO LEVEL 1 EXHIBITS AND RESTAURANT 20' 20' Nitoma, Inc. 50' 5' 30' 8' 20' 40' TO LEVEL 1 EXHIBITS AND RESTAURANT 31 Incorporated Zep 20' 1871 1874 8' CONCESSION STAND 6' 20' Pro QC International 1966 Prolong Super Lubricants/GoldenWest Lubricants Inc. 2226 2234 8' 1879 30' AmPro North America 2061 2238 8' Che Yen Industrial Co., Ltd. 2067 T1 B-7 2071 T2 B-8 T1 B-9 20' 1881 1974 30' Champion Power Equipment 20' 22' 2243 2250 2257 TYC/ Genera Corporation 22' 3 6 KEY Valeo Service USA & Canada 20' 6' 20' Tong Yang Group NOCO Denso 50' 4 FV FE 5 FS TX X-XX 70' ASK JOE (SMALL) 60' FE 20' Longji Group Co., Ltd. 20' Gonher de Mexico S.A. de C.V. 2073 FE 8' MAM Software Inc. 20' Moroso Wire Technologies Inc. Schaeffler 50' 6' 2258 Epicor Software Corporation 6' 2261 50' 6' 20' 2267 FE Kraco Enterprises, LLC SHOW FLOOR ENTRY MARKER 8' 2271 77' 1 2 8' 20' 2357 Cateran Inc. 10' 30' 2621 6' 20' Pioneer Automotive Industries 2626 6' 50' Walker Products, Inc. 20' T9 B-18 2450 5'-11" Mitchell 1 20' 30' MotoRad of America 40' COLUMN NOTATIONS Stant Corp. 8' 2457 60' 2633 20' 8' 20' 2461 30' 2638 Continental Corporation 20' CITGO Petroleum Corp. 20' T6 B-5 Carico Enterprise Co., Ltd. 40' 2645 20' 8' 20' Power Stop LLC 20' Sylvania T2 B-19 2646 6' K100 Fuel Treatment 20' 8' 30' Hi-Gear Products, Inc. Warren Distribution/ MAG 1 20' 2465 2745 Nickson Industries Inc. NOTE: SOME COLUMNS ARE LOCATED ALONG THE WALL. THE DISTANCE FROM THE WALL TO THE COLUMN MAY VARY. REFER TO FLOOR PLAN FOR EXACT DISTANCE. T2 B-1 2467 ASK JOE (SMALL) COLUMN: SIZE AND LOCATION MAY VARY. REFER TO COLUMN DETAILS FOR EXACT SIZE. REFER TO THE FLOOR PLAN FOR EXACT LOCATIONS. SHOW FLOOR ENTRY MARKER 40' T2 A-29 2471 2473 2276 2275 22' 1083 2820 60' FE WAIglobal 20' 30' American Valve Center, Inc. 20' 2650 40' Continental Contitech T1 B-2 20' Giant Ind. Corp. 2659 FV 30' Restore, Inc. 50' 2079 1583 20' 2826 T1 A-28 20' 20' Technical Chemical Co. 60' Super Glue Corporation/ Pacer Technology FV/FE 2661 30' Midwest Truck & Auto Parts, Inc. 20' 6' HT. 6'-4" 8' 8' 8' HT. 7'-11" 2833 LANDING 20' NuVue Products 22' 20' Dorman Products, Inc. Philips Automotive 20' 2838 50' FE 2475 40' Intercomp 60' 20' T2 B-3 Oriental Export Corporation Ningbo Green Textile Co., Ltd. 2376 2375 Vision Automotive T5 B-10M Dana Incorporated 2842 T1 B-4 2667 20' 20' 80' T1 B-16 GMB North America, Inc. 2671 2574 2573 Uquality Auto Products Corp. Scepter 1683 40' Chevron Lubricants 20' PICO FE 20' 20' 15' ROL-Tech Inc. T2 B-17 48' 30' 8' Shin Mei Vehicle Parts Co., Ltd. 30' 8' T7 B-15 20' Lubegard by International Lubricants Inc. 2673 Xtooltech Co., Ltd. 2476 2279 1684 30' 2846 50' 20' 20' 2942 40' FE 8' 2479 40' Zenex International COLUMN LEGEND AA 2850 10' Marco Italy/ MATE USA 20' DYNATEX LiquiTube Marketing International 20' 2867 T1 B-14 2675 Federal Process Corporation (Tub O'Towels) 20' Pentius Automotive Parts 20' 8' Plastic Bottle Corporation 20' Jinhuang Piston Co., Ltd. 2676 Brakequip 2481 1884 2945 30' Superior Automotive, Div. of DYK, LLC Old World Industries/ PEAK 20' FE T17 B-11 20' FV/FE 20' 20' 2184 - MUST MAINTAIN AT LEAST 36" OF ACCESS AROUND ALL FIRE EQUIPMENT. FHC 20' UParts Group 2774 2773 20' Omnique Shop Shrader Canada Limited Management Software Qufu 2679 10' HT. 7'-11" 100' 8' 2871 2873 50' WALL SCONCE 8' Blue Devil 20' Products T2 B-13 20' Autotec International Corp. T9 B-12 20' 2681 KS Terminals Inc. Tuesday 11/01/16 @ 8:00 am 8' 30' Legacy Manufacturing Company 20' CEILING. S 8' 2874 20' Dash4 Brake Products FE 20' Premier Accessory Group MAHLE Aftermarket Inc. 20' 2583 -FIRE HOSE VALVE -FIRE HOSE VALVE PIPE COMES FROM THE No Freight Aisles M EC H 2879 CURT Manufacturing, LLC Wheeler Bros., Inc. 20' FV FLOOR PLAN FOR FE LOCATIONS. COLUMN: APPROXIMATELY 24" x 24"; SIZES MAY VARY, REFER TO FLOOR PLAN FOR EXACT SIZE. 60' x 90' GRID, CENTER TO CENTER; LOCATIONS MAY VARY, REFER TO FLOOR PLAN FOR EXACT LOCATIONS. T1 B-22 2881 2973 40' Corteco, a Division of FreudenbergNOK Sealing Technologies 8' 2683 FIRE ALARM STROBE Sunday 10/30/16 @ 8:00 am 8' 20' PEX German O.E. Parts LLC FV 20' Fischer Automotive spolka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia Sp. k. FS 8' Lianyungang Orientcraft Abrasives Co., Ltd. -FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET -FE CABINETS VARY ON COLUMNS. REFER TO Friday 10/28/16 @ 6:00 pm Saturday 10/29/16 @ 8:00 am SEC SECTIONALS AND LOW CAFE TABLES -FIRE HOSE CONNECTION LOCATIONS VARY. REFER TO FLOOR PLAN FOR FHC LOCATIONS. FE FE 3217 50' RSC Chemical Solutions 3131 20' 3033 Federal-Mogul Motorparts 22' 3226 3228 Acme Sponge & Chamois Co., Inc. 20' 3038 3230 80' 22' 20' Ideal Clamp Products, Inc. 3233 Exide Technologies 3050 3058 3328 40' CROWNE Group, LLC 20' 20' Optronics International General Electric Company 22' 3238 40' VENDING /ATM 20' Amalie Oil Company 20' 20' 3418 8' 20' 20' 70' Clean Plus, Inc./ CPI Divisions 3061 3068 3067 22' 20' SCA Tissue North America 3158 3426 8' 30' 3255 3254 3433 8' T7 B-30 FV 3256 Pilot Automotive 20' Plasti Dip International Wells Fargo OCI Capital Americas, Finance Inc. 3438 ITW Global Brands 20' 8' 3352 Harris International Labs, Inc. Disco Automotive Hardware 22' 60' 20' Chin Pech DHC Specialty Corp. Co., Ltd. 3071 3074 T1 B-31 30' WirthCo Engineering, Inc. Autologue Computer Systems, Inc. 20' B&B Manufacturing 3261 3355 3441 Gold Eagle Co. 20' l. Sky World International Co., Ltd. 30' 22' 3266 3265 PAINT AND BODY 20' -FIRE HOSE CONNECTION Friday 10/28/16 @ 2:00 pm 70' Te WHI Solutions, Inc., an eBay Company 20' FBS Distribution Co., Inc. 3268 FE T2 B-32 FV/FE Broadway Equipment Company 3271 Ezdetailer Auto Appearance Products 20' 3450 3457 40' Ali Industries, Inc./Finish 1st Abrasives Omega-Santech-GPD 60' M HT. 7'-11" ONIX Automotive 3081 2783 HT. 7'-11" 3174 30' 20' 22' noH20 20' Corning Corporation 40' Spectra Premium Industries 20' FHC Friday 10/28/16 @ 11:00 am 8' 3458 40' Wagner SprayTech DirectLine Corp. Industries Kafko Int'l Ltd. 3274 20' 3366 3365 20' Wagan Corporation 8' 3461 3466 20' 22' 20' 20' P.S. Torin Jacks, Inc. 3279 8' Changzhou Doowon Automobile Electric Motor Co., Ltd. Thursday 10/27/16 @ 11:00 am 8' 20' 70' Hopkins Manufacturing Corporation T9 B-23 3468 20' 22' T9 B-33 8' 8' T58' B-34 3281 P.S. 40' Temel Conta San. Tic. Ae. 22' 20' Target Move-In SHOW FLOOR ENTRY MARKER FV/FE 20' FIAMM Technologies LLC 60' FTZ T7 B-24 3566 20' 20' 3471 3476 20' SuperClean Brands, LLC 2884 3816 70' FV CRP Automotive 20' Lion Automotive/ Industries Saria 3557 International, Inc. Dell - REQUIRED CLEAR SPACE FOR EGRESS PER C.C.F.D. - MUST REMAIN CLEAR OF OBSTRUCTIONS TO EGRESS. - ENTRANCE UNITS ARE ALLOWED, BUT MUST NOT OBSTRUCT EGRESS. SHOW FLOOR ENTRY MARKER 8' 20' 3626 T1 B-25 3479 20' 20' ASK JOE (SMALL) 20' 3635 FE 20' 20' BEX International LLC 40' Plews & Edelmann 8' KelloggAmerican 8' STANDARD BOOTHS Custom Accessories 20' T2 B-26 3576 20' Siggins T9 B-27 20' JDS Worldwide Corp. FV/FE 50' T2 B-28 HT. 7'-11" 3481 20' SMB International, LLC T1 B-29 20' Illinois Auto Truck Co., Inc. FE M 20' Newtek Automotive USA 3083 FIRE AND SAFETY LEGEND 8' 20' E-ZOIL Products, Inc. 4011 CRC Industries, Inc. 8' Mainland Trends, LLC 20' 4016 4022 22' 80' Bosal USA 3664 3663 3662 3661 20' 90' 3826 20' 20' 50' AP Emissions Technologies, LLC HIGH SENIORITY CARDONE Industries, Inc. 22' 22' 20' SK Products Inc. 20' STRS Energy, Inc. 60' AGS Company (American Grease Stick) 60' Auto Meter Products, Inc. 3935 4122 Automotive Data Media 20' Measurement Ltd., Inc. 4032 4031 J-B Weld Company 20' FE 40' Rust-Oleum Corporation 50' ACL Distribution, Inc. 8' 20' 4038 4044 30' TO LEVEL 1 EXHIBITS AND RESTAURANT DQ Technologies, Inc. ARCO Design/ Build, Inc. Gates Corporation 20' 4131 20' Cloyes Gear & Products, Inc. OTTOMANS (3) TO LEVEL 1 EXHIBITS AND RESTAURANT 3861 3866 30' AJUSA 3674 40' 3966 Fuse5 3871 3874 3873 20' Star brite Speed Autoteile 60' OPEN ABOVE 4308 8' 6' 20' 3679 HT. 7'-11" FHC 4209 8' 4045 CONCESSION STAND 6' 3879 20' National Refrigerants, Inc. 20' ASK JOE (SMALL) 4061 4144 40' Bardahl Mfg. Inc. HBD/ Mize & Thermoid, Co. Inc. KEEP CLEAR 30' 8' 20' LOW CEILINGS AA Midwest/ EngineQuest 8' Reed-Union Corporation 40' T2 C-8 Sigma Global Inc. 3973 CEC Industries Foreign Parts Distributors, 20' Inc. 8' 3084 ESI Cases & Accessories 14' T2 C-1 20' 4063 T1 C-9 Garima Global Pvt. Ltd. 22' FE T5 C-12 3881 3975 20' 20' HT. 7'-11" FE 6' Eaton T1 C-2 4065 FE Parsat Piston A.S. 22' 3783 4608 4409 40' 4216 FE 4067 20' Bostech 4152 4151 4150 Power Train Components, Inc. 20' T2 C-3 4068 T2 C-10 20' General Seal Corp. T1 C-11 8' 8' 20' 20' Maxsa Innovations, LLC Berryman Products, Inc. 4412 AIRWALLS 4708 20' East Penn Mfg. Co., Inc. 4222 T1 C-4 4071 4075 AFA 20' Industries, Grant Piston Rings Inc. 4154 Jenny Products, Inc. FE 20' 4158 20' Rebuilders Automotive Supply T2 C-5 4076 20' DACTEM Technologies 4164 4163 Kusalava MCI Interstate Expotech Inc. Cores McBee International, Inc. T1 C-6 4079 20' Arnott Inc. FE 20' 20' 4167 4166 40' DIPACO/ DTech T6 C-7 North American Powertrain Components Ltd. 6' 20' Jrone Turbo Technology 6' M HT. 7'-11" 4175 20' SAP USA Truck & Auto Parts 8' TVAAutomotive, Inc. 4709 8' 50' Penray Companies Inc. 20' Standard Motor Products, Inc. 4413 22' Solenium Group, Inc. ROLL-UP DOORS Commercial Vehicle Components LLC 30' DNJ Engine Components 22' 4416 4418 STANDARD BOOTHS 30' 4233 22' 20' 4512 20' Elgin Industries Berkebile Oil Company, Inc. 4420 4609 4616 4518 CEILING HEIGHT: 32 FT. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ELECTRICAL PROVIDED FROM CEILING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. X N PE M A A OL U P C RA W 8' GOJO Industries, Inc. Fluid Rx Diagnostics by Magna-Guard, Inc. NORTH EXPANSION JOINT ACDelco 20' 4618 BUILDING LEGEND 24'-2" 48' Hastings Manufacturing Company Evergreen 20' Exports HIGH SENIORITY Casite Company Orion Safety Products 4235 4619 70' 20' 20' 4238 Opticat, LLC 4528 4432 4431 4718 Oil-Dri Corporation of America SKF 20' 4626 4630 Goop Division of Critzas Industries, Inc. Northern Labs Inc. 20' 4250 20' 4333 Babcox Media Pylon Manufacturing 20' 20' 20' 30' Lumiko WD-40 Company Heliolite Treatment Products Ltd. 20' LANDING 4182 Rotomaster International 4082 T5 A-18 FE NOT AN EXIT 4816 60' Budge Industries, LLC 4533 4532 S.M. Arnold, Inc. Irontite by KwikWay/Kwik-Way Products Inc. 40' KYB Americas Corporation 4730 4633 40' 20' LXG, Inc. ENTRANCE UNIT 8' 15' HT. 7'-11" T13 C-30 HT. 7'-11" 60' 10' BLDG. LEGEND: Sign Schumacher Electric Corporation 4826 4829 Phillips 66 20' Turtle Wax, Inc. 22' Tuf Auto Blue Star Parts Inc. Products, Inc. 80' 4258 50' 20' 20' G.K. Industries Ltd. 40' HIGH SENIORITY T2 C-19 Thread Kits Co. a div. of KATO Fastening Systems, Inc. 22' 20' Moveras, LLC Boles Parts Supply S.B. International, Inc. 4556 30' Bando USA, Inc. T1 C-18 20' 20' Andre Niermann Automotive Electrical Products 4467 4466 20' CTDI 20' 4561 Endural LLC T7 C-17 4563 40' 4833 Motorcar Parts of America, Inc. 20' 4650 4656 FE 4468 30' Reman Auto Electronics KMP USA Ltd. 4281 4280 4279 WAS automotive lighting manufacturer HT. 8' AAPEX TV CHARGING STATION 8' 8' HT. 7'-11" P.S. 4376 ETE Reman Promecanix 4471 4473 4565 UCX Calipers Safety Auto Parts Corp. (Undercar Express) REMANUFACTURING SECTION 4379 20' 20' 22' Zumbrota Bearing & Gear 4475 4481 4480 4479 22' 20' Rand Group, Inc. FV PurePower Technologies 4567 20' ReTech Division of Universal Manufacturing Co., Inc. ATK North America T1 C-16 22' TRANSBRITE/ Allen Woods & Associates, Inc. 20' POS Service Holland BV T2 C-15 T9 C-14 T17 C-13 4573 30' 4838 110' 4756 20' 4661 FE XY Co. Instrument Sales & Service Blue Streak Electronics BUMPERS 6' FE 6' 5016 8' Eastern Industries Cruiser Accessories, LLC Remy/ BorgWarner 20' 20' 30' 4843 Spectrum Brands: Global 48' Auto Care Division Melling Engine Parts 10' APA Engineering Pvt. Ltd. Ltd. FS 5019 5018 T5 C-31 North American Signal Company FV 20' Undercar Digest/ Transmission Digest HT. 7'-11" FE 20' AUS Injection Inc. T13 C-32 T5 C-33 FHC FS FHC HT. 7'-11" FV 6' FS FHC 6' 20' 30000 Captus Formatik Designs FE 60' Litens Aftermarket Network 4671 4676 4579 Intitek-TMA PIPES Elitise LLC 6' FE 6' 6' 6' FE 20' 30001 30008 30006 30004 GUNVAULT Gray Manufacturing Co., Inc. 20' 30005 AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY 30014 30018 Ark Corporation 20' AutoServe1 30015 30013 30011 30009 hum by Verizon GE RA GA 4581 United States D&V Electronics Ltd. Powertrain 4381 T16 A-7 20' Card PartsTech, Mechanic Inc. Advisor Connect 20' 20' Bista SATO Solutions eGenuity America Inc. FOOD SERVICE 20' 20' 4679 20' P.S. Hangzhou Skyrich Power Co., Ltd. FE Trans-Canada Energies FV FE FOOD TRUCK FE Bar's Products International Ltd. OPEN TO BELOW 20' IHS Automotive 4681 20' PIPES 31010 31008 31006 31004 20' 8' PIPE 31001 31011 31009 6' 31015 SHOW FLOOR ENTRY MARKER 20' Lock and Uriah Products, LLC Lube LLC T9 C-26 4856 8' Scorpion Coatings FREIGHT DOOR B Lifeworks Technology Group 20' 20' 30026 30' Associated Equipment Corp. 10' 30' Mita Wiper Blade Illusions Custom Auto Graphics Inc. 20' 31021 32008 32012 50'-6" 5022 30' 32001 E 20' AMS Automotive 8' FREIGHT DOOR A 32005 AAPEX MEETING rOOMS JO 20' 4583 HT. 8' PIPES BUMPERS 20' Sievert 20' Industries, AMMEX Corporation Inc. 32011 32009 FV/FE 4861 Cyclo Industries, Inc. 20' 10' Wilmar Corporation Midtronics, Inc. 20' 4929 40' 20' Broscone Shocks Supply Inc. FS 20' 911Signal Technology Inc. T2 C-25 48' O-Tech (Shanghai) Inc. ZOR Industries USA LLC 20' 50' FE FS FE 3' 20' 20' T1 C-24 4868 12' Mopar-FCA US LLC 20' Alp Celik San Ve Tic A.S. 4483 RAMP DOWN NYC of America 20' Opteve Brakes 32015 33004 The Compressor Warehouse 20' 20' Joubert S.A. (M) Sdn. Bhd. 6' EXIT 6' 6' FE 10' 33008 LBG Industries, Inc. A.L. Solutions U.S., Inc. 30021 FE 4876 60' Innova Electronics Corp. 10' Interstate Batteries 20' 50' 33001 K 4684 4683 283 33007 33005 33012 20' 20' 20' Petra Oil Company T7 C-23 4879 8' 20' Stander Inc. DTI Inc. 20' ABC Brakes 7'-8" FV 20' 20' 40' T1 C-22 8' Eurostar Industries Inc. 60' CHARGING Nationwide STATION 6' FE 3' 6' EXIT EXIT SERVICE CORRIDOR FOOD TRUCK FS T1 T2 D-3 D-2 FS FACILITY USAGE 5203 FE 4881 View Right 12' 20' T2 C-21 Esco Industries Inc. 42' T9 C-20 Titan/Star Asia USA, LLC 20' 20' FV/FE 8' 20' 20' Inroble International Inc. 20' 8'-6" 20' 3' 3' EXIT 3' EXIT EXIT ROLL-UP DOOR 6' 6' T2 D-1 FDP Friction Science 5027 34004 North American Suspension Inc. 20' 33013 J&N 20' AAPEX TV 30030 T1 C-34 5033 T2 C-35 T9 C-36 FV/FE 5038 Primeline Tools Inc. SHOW FLOOR ENTRY MARKER 7'-8" Delphi 40' 34001 7'-8" 20' 10' 5041 ROLL-UP DOOR ROLL-UP DOOR FHCROLL-UP DOOR T1 D-16 FE FS FS T2 D-15 FS FS FS T2 T2 D-5 D-4 T18 C-52 9' 5048 6' EXIT SERVICE CORRIDOR KITCHEN EXPANSION FS FS T1 FE D-17 T2 D-18 FS FS T7 D-19 T7 D-14 T1 C-51 FE ThermaSys Tubing 50' CAR-FRESHNER Corporation 34008 Mitsuboshi Belting 20' AAPEX TV 15' 5305 CH.H. 9'-2" FHC SERVICE ELEVATOR 7' 6' 11'-7" Honeywell Turbo Technologies 20' 5052 FE FV T1 C-38 5056 11'-8" AAPEX TV FV/FE HT. 7'-11" 6' T16 C-50 40' T2 C-37 10' T7 C-39 5061 T1 C-40 5067 FE 5072 FV/FE 50' 30' 32021 Mun USA Castrol Motor Oil 34007 34011 AS FREIGHT DOOR C FE/FS FS T2 D-13 3' FS T1 FE D-6 D-7 FS FE T1 FE T2 C-48 T1 C-49 T2 D-8 FS D-9 T5 C-47 T5 C-46 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' T9 C-42 T2 C-41 HT. 7'-11" T5 C-43 50' Liqui Moly 10' AAPEX TV 4883 P.S. FV/FS FS T2 D-20 FS FS FS FS T1 D-12 T7 D-11 FV FS FS FS FE/FS ROLL-UP DOOR T15 D-10 FE 8' 8' 8' FE T15 CHAIN-LINK FENCE CHAIN-LINK FENCE T5 C-45 8' CHAIN-LINK FENCE STORAGE PIPE CHAIN-LINK FENCE RAMP DOWN 6' 6' 6' 6' 7' 7' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 7' 7' 6' 6' T1 D-21 T7 D-22 FV FS FS FE FS FS 8' 8' 8' T15 D-23 FE CENTRAL UTILITY 6' 6' 6' 6' 7' FE CENTRAL UTILITY CHAIN-LINK FENCE STORAGE CHAIN-LINK FENCE UTILITY ROLL-UP DOOR T16 C-44 ROLL-UP DOOR Norma Group Robert Bosch LLC 60' 12'-8" 5307 20'-7" 40' ABRO Industries, Inc. 11' 30' 15' CSF, Inc. 20' 7'-8" NRF US Zhejiang Shuangkai Automobile Air-Condition Co., Ltd. 20' 34015 20' 5309 5304 30' Bayco Products, Inc. 11' 20' 11'-7" 4983 SKN Brake Parts Inc. 20' 5506 20' Know Your Parts® EXIT CHAIN-LINK FENCE 40' ZF Services, LLC 50' 20' 34021 20' Aitcheson Preferred Solutions Ltd. 20' Torque Parts LLC EXIT EXIT DISCARGE FROM LOWER LEVEL Hitachi Automotive Systems Americas, Inc. 30' 60' 30' 5408 Universal Air Conditioner 5900 Motorcraft-Ford Motor Co. 5310 20' 33021 15' 20' 20' 5169 20' 20' Jiangsu Jiahe Thermal Systems Inc. EXIT ROLL-UP DOOR 11' AutoMD, Inc. 30' 20' 5606 KOYORAD Cooling Systems Inc. Nissens North America Inc. Klaxcar France 20' EXIT ROLL-UP DOOR 5080 Lucas Oil Products, Inc. 60' 20' Finart, Inc. 5611 5510 Ranshu 5706 20' Main Horn Industrial Co., Ltd. 50' 20' 6105 70' 10' 20' 6106 40' Crown Automotive Sales Co., Inc. 5319 20' 5512 8' 5513 5412 8' 35001 35011 35009 EXIT 6206 6408 6506 40' 20' Factory Motor Parts 20' 7'-8" 20' 5417 5316 SECO/ Warwick Sakura of America EXIT 20' 5808 DNJ Engine Components 8' Thermal Solutions Manufacturing, Inc. Shenyang Huatie Automobile Radiator Co., Ltd. Ardeca Lubricants USA 80' MOBILE HEAT TRANSFER/HEATING/ AIR CONDITIONING SECTION 8' 5710 30' 5517 5416 20' 35010 20' EXITS 5910 40' Arzon Limited CPI Holdings LLC Ingalls Engineering Co., Inc. 35015 40' EXITS Recochem Inc. 5418 HENGST of North 20' America RNBC 20' 35021 35025 34029 20' 15'-7" Phoenix Mobile Jiffy-Tite Company Air, Inc. 20' Voss Mfg. Mill Masters, Inc. 20' 5617 5516 20' DST 20' Pacific Best, Inc. 5421 5320 Friction One Automotive Technology 20' Quality Price & Service 40' EXITS 8' 5521 5420 Loyalstep International Ltd. 36010 36008 7'-8" 20' CRS Automotive Cooling Products, Inc. Skyline-Pallc, Inc. 20' 20' 35029 20' EXITS 8' AutoPartSource 20' 5717 5616 FJC 20' 6010 Mevotech LP Global Air, Inc. 20' Active Heavy Duty Cooling Products Resqme 40' AutoParts Components, Inc. 5423 5322 20' 5621 5520 Sunair Products/ Coolpro 5719 Climate Jeremywell Control International, 20' Inc. 20' 5522 Asia Direct Automotive Cooling, LLC Aurubis Chicago Martin Lubricants 20' FHC/FE 8' Johnson Mfg. Co. Trans/Air Manufacturing 5716 20' President Automobile Industries Co., Ltd. Dolphin Manufacturing, Ltd. 36013 36011 36009 36007 36005 36001 EXIT ROLL-UP DOOR CHAIN-LINK FENCE 40' 20' Best Brakes 5816 Siyam Radiator IMS Group 20' 20' EXIT ROLL-UP DOOR BTS Industries TOTAL Specialties 40' USA 20' 20' 5721 5620 20' 5916 Hastings Premium Filters 5723 5622 Guangxi Yide Shenyang Herli Technology Jinyuan Automotive Co., Ltd. Components Power Service Products 30' Dye Lih Technology Co., Ltd. 36024 40' 20' 5323 30' Team Torque EXIT 20' 8' 20' A&I Products 20' 6016 8' 5821 5425 PHAR Dino-Lite Errecom Ben-Ya Industrial Scopes SRL Co., Ltd. (BigC) 20' Eurol BV EXIT 40' Automann USA, Inc. 20' Henkel Corporation (Loctite) 6116 16' 6510 20' CAP Corp. Guangzhou Yuanzhuang Filters Co., Ltd. 5722 20' 5525 5424 5427 Performance Radiator Pacific, LLC 20' EXIT ROLL-UP DOOR 20' 20' Ningbo Sinppa Tools Co., Ltd. 5233 Liland Global Group 20' AirWorks Cooling Solutions 36023 20' Changzhou Oulang Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Quality Power Ascension Products, Inc. Engineering Aromate Industries Co., Ltd. EXIT 6216 5923 5822 5624 5527 Product & New Package Showcase EXIT 6316 6416 5922 Medline Industries/ Venom 5625 5524 20' 5724 Gauss Industria e Comercio Ltda. 6021 5920 20' 20' 20' Friction Materials Standards Institute, Inc. Sundram Fasteners Reach Cooling Ltd. JX Nippon Oil & Energy USA, Inc. EXIT Omni Specialty Packaging 30' 20' Cryomax Cooling System 20' Corp./ Cryomax USA VP Racing H. Smooth 20' Fuels Auto Parts Inc. 37008 37006 37004 20' 7'-8" MOBILE HEAT TRANSFER/HEATING/ AIR CONDITIONING SECTION OSC Automotive Products 20' 36033 36031 36029 5230 5330 37001 FHC/FE 30' 20' 6121 6020 Sangsin Brake America Inc. 20' KrestoGT, a Deb USA, Inc. Brand 20' Inc. 5925 5824 Scrubblade Inc. Lifeline First Aid 20' CAIEC Jiangxi Co., Ltd. 5430 30' Fremont Die Consumer Products MQT Industrial 20' Corp. 20' 20' 37011 EXIT 6321 6220 20' MAS Industries Needa NPD Parts Group, Division Inc. of The 20' Hillman Group 6223 6122 20' 30' 6025 20' Shih Hsiang Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 5530 20' Association Alley EXIT 6423 6322 20' Hi-Pad Chuan Jieen Brake Enterprise Technology Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. Smart Inc. GS27 6125 6024 5630 Apex 20' Parts Source 20' 5730 Howes Automobile Lubricator Parts, Man Zai Industrial Co., Ltd. Durham Manufacturing 7'-8" 37028 20' Hytec Automotive Group Perfect Fit/ Kool-Vue Mirrors 37023 20' ASK JOE (SMALL) FHC/FE Alco Brakes 20' 6225 6124 5830 Chiping Luhuan Auto Radiator Co., Ltd. 37033 5237 20' 10' 20' Product & New Package Showcase 50' EXIT 6422 6224 5930 20' 20' Sensen Shocks & Struts by Direct Market Access 30' EXIT Lucent Engineering 20' 5435 5334 20' Kleen Products, Inc. Global 20' Automotive Simoniz USA Inc. Talus Mega Automotive 30' Yigit Aku A.S. Hamsar Diversco Inc. 20' Zhejiang A-Star Cooling Co., Ltd. 20' 10' Westlake Manufacturing Inc. 5336 Ruian Rizen Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 5234 40' EXIT 20' 6324 ACUSTRIP Company, Inc. Guangzhou Kinga Auto Parts Industry Manufacture Co., Ltd. 30' 20' Jason Co., Ltd. 5436 20' 5735 5634 30' 30' Hy-Ko Cambridge Products Resources 20' 20' Drymate SHOW FLOOR ENTRY MARKER EXIT 20' 30' Justin Case Division of Aspire Trading and Distribution 5639 Procolombia 38011 38009 38007 38005 38001 7'-8" Fuji Terminal Protective China Inc. Mats – RPM 20' Unity Automotive 20' FHC 20' FLOSSER GmbH & Co. KG 6030 5540 Latin Auto Parts Expo ASE EXIT 20' Bremi FahrzeugElektrik GmbH & Co. KG 6130 20' MaxiForce Inc. EXIT 6230 20' 5640 20' Chicago Petroleum 20' 30' 38023 38029 38027 20' Armor All® Pinnacle Oil, Inc. 5240 5243 5244 Emmforce 20' Inc. Grip-On-Tools 38033 20' GGG Restoration PIX North America EXIT Sunsong North America Inc 20' 20' 20' 20' Sensible Bearings 2000 Driver 20' T.F. Trading LLC FHC/FE 6330 20' 20' 50' TOP 1 Oil Products Company 5444 5645 5544 20' Product & New 11'-8" 11'-8" Package Showcase Xinyi Auto Glass (North America) Corporation Lubrication Specialties Inc. EXIT 6430 6035 5934 Group < a Wellcharter 20' Corp. 5740 6135 6034 20' 30' 20' 5445 Area Diesel Service, Inc. Exedy Globalparts Corp. 39004 39008 30' EXIT 6134 5941 5840 Shou IE Dixie Industrial Electric Group Ltd. 20' 20' SERNAUTO 20' 6522 C.T.I. Traffic Eureka Industries Chemical Co., Ltd. Company 30' 20' 40' Life Safety Products B.V. Rapid Fix USA/ Boss Products USA 20' 6139 20' 50' 5940 Co., Ltd. 20' Taiwan Brake Technology Corp. SBI Smart Brands International (America) Ltd. Spill Stop Huo Shin Absorbent Enterprise MobilePower, LLC 20' EXIT 20' 20' 19'-6" 7'-8" 39028 39026 20' FHC/FE 6140 20' TrakMotiveAutomotive CV Axles, ATV-UTV CV Axles & Window 6535 6434 6526 Hua Wei Milestone Industrial Gears P. Co., Ltd. Ltd. 6040 20' 5546 5449 30' Salient JOLLY CLAMPS by Prospect (Wenzhou) Engineering Door System Works Co., Ltd. 20' 5842 Promax Auto Parts Depot Ltd. 8' 20' FCS Automotive International Inc. 50' SBI Smart Brands International (America) Ltd. 6042 8' Meyerban LLC 20' Superior Battery Mfg. 39001 EXIT Balev EOOD 20' 8' 5746 5944 30' 20' 20' BG Products, Inc. 40' Alliant Power Ecogard 6537 6436 8' 20' Shining Blick Enterprise Co., Ltd. 6343 6242 6340 8' NEO CTR Co., Ltd. 30' 40' 20' Experian Automotive 39023 39029 EXIT 6146 20' Flying USA Vertically Auto Parts, Driven Inc. Products K-Seal by Solv-Tec, Inc. 8' 20' Zhejiang Chaoan Mechanical Co., Ltd. 39033 EXIT BCS International 20' 6532 8' 20' 6244 Coco Products 20' 20' 20' 20' EXIT 6440 Shing Shing Long Industrial Inc. 5453 Lark Global Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. Product & New Package Showcase SoarHigh Co., Ltd. 20' EXIT 6344 C&U Americas LLC 20' 20' ATLASBX.Co., Ltd. 8' 30' 20' SinoPacific Source Enterprise Co., Ltd. 20' 20' 50' 6534 20' Atlantic Import & Export Corp. 8' 30' Idemitsu Lubricants America Corp. Shin Chin 5452 Sanwin Industries, Inc. Greendland Trading Co., Ltd. 80' EXIT Rodatech Automotive, LLC 8' 6548 20' 40013 40011 40009 40007 40005 40003 40001 EXIT 20' 8' Clift Industries 20' Lii Chau Auto Parts Corp. 10' 20' Sri Kota Malaysian Fudex Rubber Rubber Products (M) Rubber Export Manufacturing Promotion Sdn Bhd Sdn Bhd Council Pro-Tec Pro-Tec Cooltec Industries Marketing Industries Sdh Bhd Sdn. Bhd. Sdn Bhd EXIT 20' 20' Autobest International Corporation 5652 30' Kumpulan Jebco Sdn. Bhd. EXIT 5752 40028 Good Rubber Schmaco Auto Works Parts Industries Industries Sdn. Bhd. Sdn Bhd EXIT 6555 10' 77 Lubricants 30' 40' US Global Petroleum 40023 Sarpi Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. TCS Quality & Productivity Sdn Bhd FHC 6554 6550 20' Transbec 40029 40027 20' Malaysian Consortium of Rubber Products (MALCORP) FHC 20' Auto 7, Inc. 20' L.A. Sleeve Co., Inc. Zhejiang Sigma Automotive Suspension Co., Ltd. Product & New Package Showcase 7'-8" 20' FHC 20' Mansons International Pvt. Ltd. 20' Grafika Commercial Printing 40033 Calumet Specialty Lubricants Tie Boss 41010 41008 41006 41004 41002 41000 20' EXIT ePower 360 LLC. Sanmen Lito Auto Accessories Co., Ltd. 20' 20' CHANDELIER FE CHANDELIER CH.H. 10' CHANDELIER 7'-8" 41028 41026 20' CH.H. 9'-2" CHANDELIER CH.H. 10' FS EXITS 41001 41005 EXIT FE FE 6' 6' CH.H. 10' 41013 41009 FS FE FE FE FE 20' Radiator Genie CMX North America FHC/FE 6' 41031 41029 41027 41023 20' FHC/FE EXIT 20' LB Marketing, dba PS Brands EXIT Morgan Manufacturing LLC ITM Engine FACET Components, Inc. S.r.l. EXIT 20' Jiangyin Hongyang Automobile Condensation Equipments Co. EKU Brake Drums & Discs Product & New Package Showcase Olein Refinery & Lubricants CALANB SHOW FLOOR ENTRY MARKER 42000 42004 20' EXIT LC Light USA Corp. Quintana Group 20' EXIT 20' EXIT 42026 30' EXIT 42001 7'-8" by: FHC 42011 FOYER ENTRY MARKER EXIT 42017 8' FOYER ENTRY MARKER EXIT 42023 8' Import Vehicle Community 20' EXIT 42027 8' 20' EXIT 42033 8' Import Vehicle Community Display Area EXIT 8' 20' Beck/ Arnley 15' REVISION DATE: LAST SAVED: 9/1/16 EXIT Sure Filter Technology 20' 40' PHONES Dolan Radiator 30' 30' FHC/FE 20' 20' FHC/FE International Auto Parts Guangzhou Limited 20' FHC/FE BAR 20' DISCLAIMER EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ENSURE THE ACCURACY OF ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THIS FLOORPLAN. HOWEVER NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED ARE MADE WITH RESPECT TO THIS FLOORPLAN. IF THE LOCATION OF BUILDING COLUMNS, UTILITIES OR OTHER ARCHITECTURAL COMPONENTS OF THE FACILITY IS A CONSIDERATION IN THE CONSTRUCTION OR USAGE OF AN EXHIBIT, IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE EXHIBITOR TO PHYSICALLY INSPECT THE FACILITY TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS. © COPYRIGHT 2014, FREEMAN ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo November 1-3, 2016 Sands Expo Center EXHIBITOR AND OFFICIAL SERVICES CONTRACTOR INFORMATION EXHIBITOR AND OFFICIAL SERVICES CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Show Management has selected Freeman to be the Official Services Contractor for your upcoming show. As the Official Services Contractor, Freeman has the responsibility for material handling and all suspended rigging services not exclusive to Specialized Event Services. We hope this document will assist you in planning for your upcoming event. To help you understand the Official Services Contractor responsibilities, we ask that you read and observe the following to aid in a smooth and efficient move-in and move-out of the trade show. Freeman requests that exhibitors do not tip its employees by giving money, merchandise or other special consideration for services rendered. Exhibitors should not give coffee breaks other than mid-morning and mid-afternoon when employees have a fifteen minute paid break. Any attempts to solicit a gratuity by an employee for any service should be reported immediately to a supervisor of Freeman. Freeman employees are paid an excellent wage and tipping is not an accepted company policy. Freeman craftsmen at all levels are instructed to refrain from expressing any disputes or directly challenging the practices of any exhibitor. All questions arising with regard to the jurisdiction or practices must be directed to a FREEMAN management representative. PER SHOW MANAGEMENT TASK EXHIBITORS MAY FREEMAN RESPONSIBILITIES Material Handling •As an exhibitor you may “hand carry” material. Hand carry is defined as small items such as cartons and packages that an exhibitor is able to carry. •Any mechanical assistance is limited to a small dolly. •The assistance of any motorized device or pallet jack is not permitted. •When exhibitors choose to “hand carry” they may not access designated material handling areas. •Must use specified exhibitor hand carry areas or main entrance of the facility. •In all other circumstances items should be considered material handling. In no circumstance is any exhibitor authorized to use Freeman material handling equipment for any purpose. •Freeman has been contracted to be the exclusive provider for material handling contract services as ordered by the exhibitor. •Freeman has the responsibility to manage all freight docks and to schedule all vehicles into and out of all designated material handling areas for the show. This will assure the smooth, orderly and efficient move in and move out of the tradeshow. • Freeman has the sole responsibility for loading and unloading all trucks, trailers, common and contract carriers at its facilities or designated material handling areas. •Freeman is not responsible for any material it does not handle. •For the convenience of all exhibitors on the show, order forms for material handling services are included in this service manual and are available on Freeman’s website at Non-Electrical Hanging Signs •Install and dismantle a non-electric sign attached to a booth by the exhibitor’s full-time employee or approved EAC. •Assembly and disassembly of hanging signs under 200 lbs. •Hanging of non-electrical signs and decorative materials from the ceiling (under 200 lbs). Booth Installation and Dismantle •As an Exhibitor you may choose to utilize your own personnel to set up and dismantle your exhibit. •If full-time company personnel are utilized to set an exhibit, they should carry positive company identification, such as a medical identification card or payroll stub. •You may hire Freeman to act as your Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) to perform this work. •You may hire an Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) to perform this work. •All EAC’s must have the appropriate credentials submitted to Show Management and the facility. •When it comes to installation and dismantling of exhibits, no one does it better than Freeman. With more than 75 years of experience, our group of specialists are ready to assist you with all of your exhibit requests from beginning to end. Whether you choose to supervise or you need the assistance of a full-time Freeman employee, we can meet all your needs, from shipping and storage to emergency onsite repairs to basic installation and dismantling to support service coordination including electrical, furnishings and more. Freeman has the resources and the capabilities to help you have the most successful show experience possible. •To secure Freeman labor, please utilize the labor forms enclosed. Skilled Freeman Labor is available to act as your EAC. For information on services provided exclusively through the Sands Expo & Convention Center (electrical, cleaning, telecommunications, etc.), please contact Specialized Event Services at 702-733-5070. Revised November 18, 2014 (SECC) LAS VEGAS FIRE REGULATIONS Please find below general guidelines for fire safety. Please refer to the Clark County's Fire Prevention website for Requirements and Permit Guidelines, Application Forms, Permit Fees, etc. Clark County Fire Prevention Department: Clark County Temporary Operational Fire Permit: The following items are required to have a permit from the Clark County Fire Department: Display Vehicles Fire Systems for Covered Booths (if they contain vehicles, open flame, hot works, or if they are over 1,000 sq. ft. that will be in place for more than seven show days) Tents and/or Canopies Temporary Membrane Structures Candles and Open Flames Flame Effects Temporary Outdoor Structures Compressed Gases, Cryogenic Fluids, Hot Works (welding operations) For information specific to the Las Vegas Convention Center, please contact the LVCVA Convention Services Department at (702) 892-2915. For information specific to the Mandalay Bay Convention Center, please contact their Exhibitor Services Department at (855) 408-1349. For information specific to the Sands Expo Center, please contact Sands Customer Service at (702) 733-5070. PLEASE NOTE: Failure to notify show management and/or apply for permit no later than three weeks prior to the move-in of an event could result in higher permit fees or non-admission of the item/service to the exhibit floor. 1. In accordance with the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act, smoking is prohibited in exhibit areas. 2. All materials used in construction and decoration of an exhibit must be flame retardant. Fabrics must be certified as flame retardant or a sample must be available for testing. Materials which cannot be treated to meet the requirements may not be used. NFPA 701 is the accepted standard. 3. All exits and exit aisles must be kept clear and unobstructed. No furniture, signs, easels, chairs or displays may protrude into aisles unless shown on the Fire Marshal approved floor plan. 4. Designated "No Freight" aisles must be maintained clear of crates and exhibit materials during move-in and move-out. These aisles are required for emergency access throughout the hall and to expedite freight and empty crate moving. 5. All empty cartons or crates must be labeled and removed for storage or they will be removed as trash. Crates are not to be used as exhibit supports. 6. All fire hose racks, fire extinguishers, strobe lights and emergency exits must be visible and accessible (3' clearance for hoses and extinguishers) at all times. This includes fire protection equipment located within exhibits. Exits and exit signs must not be covered by drapes nor obscured from view by exhibit components. 7. Exhibitors who intend to display a vehicle within the confines of their exhibit booth must obtain a vehicle display permit from the Clark County Fire Marshal. Vehicles on display must have fuel filler caps locked or sealed to prevent escape of vapors and to avoid tampering. Vehicles shall not be fueled or defueled within the building. Fuel in the tank shall not exceed 1/4 of the tank capacity or 5 gallons, whichever is less. Batteries must be disconnected. Auxiliary batteries not connected to engine starting system may be left connected. No leaks underneath vehicles. At least 36” clear access or aisles must be maintainted around the vehicle. Vehicles must be a minimum of 20 feet from exit of door or exit pathway. External chargers are recommended for demonstration purposes. Exception: Permits are not required at the Las Vegas Convention Center; however, vehicles that use compressed gas are prohibited. At least one battery cable shall be removed from the batteries used to start the vehicle engine. Batteries used to power auxiliary equipment shall be permitted with prior approval from the LVCVA Safety Office. 8. Combustible materials must not be storeed beneath display vehicles. Space beneath vehicles must be clear and visible except for permitted electrical supplies. 9. Vehicles in building for unloading must not be left with engine idling. Exhaust gases present extreme hazards to workers on catwalks. If engine cannot be shut down, vehicle must be removed from the building as quickly as possible. 10. No storage of any kind is allowed behind booths or near electrical service. Materials for hand-outs must be limited to one day supply and stored neatly within the booth. Violators will be notified and if not removed by show opening, Official Service Contractor will remove and store at EXHIBITOR’S EXPENSE. Revised March 4, 2016 Page 1 of 2 LAS VEGAS FIRE REGULATIONS (continued) 11. All 110 volt extension cords shall be three-wire (grounded), #14 or larger AWG, copper wire. All connections must be supported and secure. Two wire, “Zip Cords” are not permitted other than factory installed appliance connectors; these may not exceed six (6) feet in length and must be UL approved. 12. Cube tap adapters are prohibited (Uniform Fire Code 85.107). Multi-plug connectors must be UL approved with built-in overload protection. Connectors must not be used to exceed their listed ampere rating. 13. Electrical work under carpets or flooring must be installed by the official electrical service provider. All cords must be flat, three conductor, #14 AWG or larger. 14. All temporary wiring must be accessible and free from debris and storage materials. Hard backed booths must have power supplies dropped within the booth. 15. Flammable or combustible liquids are prohibited inside of buildings except as approved by the Office of Fire Protection and Safety. Flammable thinners, solvents and paints, including aerosol cans are strictly prohibited within the building. 16. Compressed gas cylinders, including LPG, are prohibited unless approved by the Office of Fire Protection and Safety. Flammable gases, i.e.: butane, propane, natural gas, et al; are subject to prior approval. Non-flammable compressed gas cylinders must be secured in an upright position with gauges and regulator protected against physical damage. Exception: Please contact the Las Vegas Convention Center for their specific guidelines. 17. Certain halogen lamps have been banned at the Las Vegas Convention Center, Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Sands Expo Center, and Cashman Center. Halogen lamps at the Las Vegas Convention Center, Sands Expo Center and Cashman Center are limited to 75 watts and must be of the sealed variety, which prevents direct handling of the bulb. Halogen lighting policy at Mandalay Bay Convention Center covers restrictions on stem mounted halogen lighting provided by display contractors and exhibitors for the temporary lighting of exhibit booths. The use of any stem mounted halogen or other fixtures employing a non-shielded halogen bulb is not allowed. In addition, conventional track lighting systems that use any of the approved types of halogen bulbs and that are securely mounted to stable exhibit structures will continue to be allowed. Approved halogen bulbs include: MR 11/16 Covered - Low Wattage, MR 16 Covered - Line Voltage and PAR 14, 16, 20, 30 and 48. 18. Single-level covered exhibits require automatic fire sprinklers underneath covered areas greater than 1,000 square feet that will be in place for 7 or more show days (not including move-in and move-out days). Sprinklers are also required when there will be vehicles, open flame, or hot works underneath any covered areas. The permit that is required is only for the installation of fire sprinklers, not for structural review of exhibits. Exception: Where the booth is used in an event with duration less than 7 calendar days and does not contain vehicles, open flame or hot works, automatic fire sprinklers are not required, provided the aggregate area of unsprinklered booths within the room does not exceed 30% of the room size. Exception: Please contact the Las Vegas Convention Center, Sands Expo Center or Cashman Center for their specific guidelines. 19. Multi-level covered exhibits require automatic fire sprinklers underneath all covered areas on each level when the walking surface of the upper level(s) is over 1,000 square feet that will be in place for 7 or more show days (not including move-in and move-out days). Upper level areas of multi-level exhibit booths exceeding 300 square feet shall not have less than two remote means of egress. Sprinklers are also required when there will be vehicles, open flame, or hot works underneath any covered areas. The permit that is required is only for the installation of fire sprinklers, not for structural review of exhibits. Any exhibit with an upper deck area to be occupied must be evaluated and stamped by a licensed engineer. Stampled plans should be present within the exhibit for potential verification by the Fire Marshal upon request. Exception: Where the booth is used in an event with duration less than 7 calendar days and does not contain vehicles, open flame or hot works, automatic fire sprinklers are not required, provided the aggregate area of unsprinklered booths within the room does not exceed 30% of the room size. Exception: Please contact the Las Vegas Convention Center, Sands Expo Center or Cashman Center for their specific guidelines. 20. Tents in excess of 400 square feet, canopies in excess of 700 square feet, and temporary membrane structures must be approved by the Clark County Fire Marshal. Exception: Please contact the Las Vegas Convention Center for their Tents/Canopies guidelines. 21. Demonstration cooking and food warming in exhibition spaces shall comply with the Clark County Fire Code and facility regulations. Exception: Please contact the Las Vegas Convention Center for their specific guidelines. 22. The use of candles and other open flame decorative devices must be approved by the Clark County Fire Marshal. Exception: Please contact the Las Vegas Convention Center for their specific guidelines. Page 2 of 2 6555 West Sunset Rd Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 579-1700 Fax: (469) 621-5604 INCLUDE THIS FORM WITH YOUR ORDER PLEASE USE BLACK INK NAME OF SHOW: Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: ADDRESS: BOOTH SIZE : X CITY/STATE/ZIP: PHONE: EXT.: FAX #: PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: CONTACT'S E-MAIL: Check if you are a new Freeman customer E-MAIL FOR INVOICE: Invoices will be sent by e-mail; please provide e-mail address of the person who reconciles your invoices if different than contact's email. METHOD OF PAYMENT BY SUBMITTING THIS FORM VIA FAX OR POSTAL MAIL OR ORDERING MATERIALS OR SERVICES FROM FREEMAN, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ALL TERMS & CONDITIONS INCLUDED IN YOUR SERVICE MANUAL. COMPANY CHECK BANK TRANSFER Bank transfer to Bank of America, N.A.; Dallas, TX Wire Transfer ABA#: 026009593 ACCT# 1252039192 Freeman International Wire Transfer Swift Code: BOFAUS3N ACCT# 1252039192 Freeman ACH Direct Deposit ABA#: 111000012 ACCT# 1252039192 Freeman Please make check payable to: Freeman Checks must be in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. or Canadian bank.("U.S. FUNDS" MUST BE PRE-PRINTED on Canadian checks.) Please reference (423214) on your remittance. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD For your convenience, we will use this authorization to charge your credit/debit card account for your advance orders, and any additional amounts incurred as a result of show site orders placed by your representative. These charges may include all Freeman companies, or any charges which Freeman may be obligated to pay on behalf of Exhibitor, including without limitation, any shipping charges. Please complete the information requested below: AMERICAN EXPRESS MASTER CARD Please reference Name of Show & Booth Number so we can properly credit your account. Note: Customers are responsible for any bank processing fees. VISA FREEMAN NOW ACCEPTS DEBIT CARDS ACCOUNT NO.: EXP. DATE: CARDHOLDER NAME (PRINT): SIGNATURE: CARDHOLDER BILLING ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: ENTER TOTALS HERE • • • • FURNISHINGS & ACCESSORIES CARPET MATERIAL HANDLING RIGGING INSTALLATION CLEANING/ SHAMPOOING RIGGING DISMANTLE PORTER SERVICE RENTAL EXHIBITS & ACCESSORIES EXHIBIT TRANSPORTATION HANGING SIGNS SIGNS INSTALLATION LABOR DISMANTLE LABOR GRAND TOTAL Remember to order in advance to save time and money. You may place your order by phone, fax, mail, or use our online ordering service at: We do not accept credit card information via email. Orders received without payment or after the discount price deadline date will be charged at the standard price. Copies of invoices may be picked up from the Service Desk prior to show closing. If you have questions or need assistance with any items not listed, please call and ask for your Exhibitor Services Representative. TELL US WHAT YOU THINK Freeman is committed to providing great customer service. To help us serve you more effectively in the future, please visit the URL address below upon the completion of your show to provide feedback. Your input will provide the insight needed to ensure that our customer service is in line with your expectations. 423214 07/15 (423214) FREEMAN method of payment DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE OCTOBER 07, 2016 Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 In order to authorize Freeman to invoice a third party for payment of services rendered to exhibitors, both the exhibiting company and the third party must complete this form and return it at least 14 days prior to show move-in. EXHIBITING COMPANY AUTHORIZATION OF THIRD PARTY BILLING “We understand and agree that we‚ the exhibiting company‚ are ultimately responsible for payment of charges and agree by submitting this form or ordering materials or services from Freeman, to be bound by all terms and conditions as described in the Terms & Conditions section of this service manual. In the event that the named third party does not discharge payment of the invoice prior to the last day of the show‚ charges will revert back to the exhibiting company. All invoices are due and payable upon receipt‚ by either party. The items checked below are to be invoiced to the third party.” BY SUBMITTING THIS FORM VIA FAX OR POSTAL MAIL OR ORDERING MATERIALS OR SERVICES FROM FREEMAN, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ALL TERMS & CONDITIONS INCLUDED IN YOUR SERVICE MANUAL. EXHIBITOR NAME: (PLEASE PRINT) EXHIBITOR SIGNATURE: DATE : EXHIBITING COMPANY INFORMATION EXHIBITING COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: EXHIBITING COMPANY ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: PHONE: EXT. FAX: CONTACT'S E-MAIL: Indicate which services are to be invoiced to the Third Party: ALL FREEMAN SERVICES I&D LABOR/SUPERVISION MATERIAL HANDLING/IN & OUT FREEMAN EXHIBIT TRANSPORTATION RENTAL FURNITURE/CARPET/SIGNS BOOTH CLEANING OTHER THIRD PARTY COMPANY INFORMATION THIRD PARTY COMPANY NAME: CONTACT NAME: THIRD PARTY BILLING ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: PHONE: EXT: FAX: CONTACT'S E-MAIL: E-MAIL FOR INVOICE: Invoices will be sent by e-mail; please provide the e-mail address of the person who reconciles your invoices if different than contact's e-mail. THIRD PARTY CREDIT/DEBIT CARD AUTHORIZATION AMERICAN EXPRESS MASTERCARD VISA FREEMAN NOW ACCEPTS DEBIT CARDS ACCOUNT NO: EXP. DATE: CARDHOLDER NAME (PLEASE PRINT): CARD TYPE: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: CARDHOLDER BILLING ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: 07/15 (423214) FREEMAN third party authorization 6555 West Sunset Rd Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 579-1700 Fax: (469) 621-5604 PAYMENT & LABOR YOU ARE ENTERING A CONTRACT WHICH LIMITS YOUR POSSIBLE RECOVERY IN CASE OF LOSS OR DAMAGE. The terms and conditions set forth below become a part of the Contract between FREEMAN and you, the EXHIBITOR. Acceptance of said terms and conditions will be construed when any of the following conditions are met: • THE METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM IS SIGNED; OR • AN ORDER FOR LABOR, SERVICES AND/OR RENTAL EQUIPMENT IS PLACED BY EXHIBITOR WITH FREEMAN; OR • WORK IS PERFORMED ON BEHALF OF EXHIBITOR BY LABOR SECURED THROUGH FREEMAN. DEFINITIONS For purposes of this Contract, ”FREEMAN“ or “The Freeman Companies” means Freeman Expositions, Inc., Freeman Expositions, Ltd., Freeman Audio Visual, Freeman Exhibit, Freeman Transportation, Hoffend Xposition, Stage Rigging, Inc., Kerry Technical Services, TFC, Inc., Freeman Electrical Services, and their respective employees, directors, officers, agents, assigns, affiliated companies, and related entities including, but not limited, to any subcontractors FREEMAN may appoint. The term “EXHIBITOR” means the Exhibitor, its employees, agents, representatives, and any Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (“EAC”). PAYMENT TERMS Full payment, including any applicable tax, is due in advance or at show site. All payments must be in U.S. funds and all checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank. Orders received without advance payment or after the deadline date will incur additional After Deadline charges as indicated on each order form. All materials and equipment are on a rental basis for the duration of the show or event and remain the property of FREEMAN except where specifically identified as a sale. All rentals include delivery, installation, and removal from EXHIBITOR’S booth. In case of cancellation of any orders or services by EXHIBITOR, a one-hour “per person, per hour” charge will be applied for all labor orders that are not canceled in writing at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled start time. If Prestige Carpet, Custom-Cut Carpet, Modular Rental Exhibits and any other custom-order items or services have already been provided at the time of cancellation, fees will remain at 100% of the original charge. If the Show or Event is canceled because of reasons beyond FREEMAN’S control, EXHIBITOR remains responsible for all charges for services and equipment provided up to and including the date of cancellation. FREEMAN will not issue refunds to EXHIBITOR of any payments made before the date of cancellation. It is EXHIBITOR’S responsibility to advise the FREEMAN Service Center Representative of problems with any orders, and to check the EXHIBITOR’S invoice for accuracy prior to the close of the Show or Event. If EXHIBITOR is exempt from payment of sales tax, FREEMAN requires an exemption certificate for the State in which the services are to be used. Resale certificates are not valid unless EXHIBITOR is rebilling these charges to its customers. For International EXHIBITORS, FREEMAN requires 100% prepayment of advance orders, and any order or services placed at show site must be paid at the show. For all others, should there be any pre-approved unpaid balance after the close of the show; terms will be net, due and payable in DALLAS, TEXAS upon receipt of invoice. Effective 30 days after invoice date, any unpaid balance will bear a FINANCE CHARGE at the lesser of the maximum rate allowed by applicable law, or 1.5% per month, which is an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 18%, and future orders will be on a prepaid basis only. If any finance charge hereunder exceeds the maximum rate allowed by applicable law, the finance charge shall automatically be reduced to the maximum rate allowed, and any excess finance charge received by FREEMAN shall be either applied to reduce the principal unpaid balance or refunded to the payer. If past due invoices or invoice balances are placed with a collection agency or attorney for collection or suit, EXHIBITOR agrees to pay all legal and collection costs. THESE PAYMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS SHALL BE GOVERNED BY AND CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. In the event of any dispute between the EXHIBITOR and FREEMAN relative to any loss, damage, or claim, such EXHIBITOR shall not be entitled to and shall not withhold payment, or any partial payment, due to FREEMAN for its services, as an offset against the amount of any alleged loss or damage. Any claims against FREEMAN shall be considered a separate transaction, and shall be resolved on its own merits. FREEMAN reserves the right to charge EXHIBITOR for the difference between the EXHIBITOR’S estimate of charges and the actual charges incurred by EXHIBITOR, or for any charges that FREEMAN may be obligated to pay on behalf of EXHIBITOR, including without limitation, any shipping charges. If EXHIBITOR provides a credit card for payment and charges are rejected by the EXHIBITOR’S credit card company for any reason, FREEMAN hereby provides notice that it reserves the right, and EXHIBITOR authorizes FREEMAN, to continue to attempt to secure payment through that credit card for as long as unpaid balances remain on the EXHIBITOR’S account. In the event that a THIRD PARTY orders on behalf of the EXHIBITOR and the named THIRD PARTY does not discharge payment of the invoice prior to the last day of the show‚ charges will revert back to the EXHIBITOR. All invoices are due and payable upon receipt‚ by either party. ELECTRICAL Claims will not be considered, or adjustments made unless filed in writing, by Exhibitor, prior to the close of the event. Freeman is not responsible for any damage or loss caused by the loss of power beyond its control and Exhibitor agrees to hold Freeman, its officers, directors, employees and agents harmless from such power loss. IN NO EVENT SHALL FREEMAN BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS) EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCTS LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE. Exhibitor shall indemnify and hold harmless Freeman, its officers, directors, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, fines, penalties or costs of whatsoever nature (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of or in any way connected with Exhibitor’s actions or omissions under this Agreement. LABOR UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF EXHIBITOR RESPONSIBILITIES EXHIBITOR shall be responsible for the performance of labor provided under this option. It is the responsibility of EXHIBITOR to supervise labor secured through FREEMAN in a reasonable manner as to prevent bodily injury and/or property damage and also to direct them to work in a manner that is in compliance with FREEMAN’S Safe Work Rules and/or Federal, State, County and Local ordinances, rules and/or regulations, including but not limited to Show or Facility Management rules and/or regulations. It is the responsibility of EXHIBITOR to check in with the Service Desk to pick up labor, and to return to the Service Desk to release labor when the work is completed. INDEMNIFICATION EXHIBITOR agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend FREEMAN from and against any and all demands, claims, causes of action, fines, penalties, damages, liabilities, judgments, and expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees and investigation costs) for bodily injury, including any injury to FREEMAN employees, and/or property damage arising out of work performed by labor provided by FREEMAN but supervised by EXHIBITOR. Further, the EXHIBITOR’S indemnification of FREEMAN includes any and all violations of Federal, State, County or Local ordinances, “Show Regulations and/or Rules” as published and/or set forth by Facility or Show Management, and/or directing labor provided by FREEMAN to work in a manner that violates any of the above rules, regulations, and/or ordinances. IMPORTANT PLEASE REFER TO FREEMAN’S “MATERIAL HANDLING TERMS & CONDITIONS” AS IT RELATES TO MATERIAL HANDLING SERVICES AND TO THE “SERVICE REQUEST & SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS CONTRACT” AS IT RELATES TO TRANSPORTATION SERVICES. CONTRACT TERMS DEPEND ON THE NATURE OF SERVICES SECURED BY EXHIBITOR THROUGH FREEMAN. TERMS & CONDITIONS MAY VARY FOR EACH TYPE OF SERVICE ORDERED THROUGH FREEMAN. Freeman REV 01/16 MATERIAL HANDLING YOU ARE ENTERING A BINDING CONTRACT WHICH LIMITS YOUR POSSIBLE RECOVERY IN CASE OF LOSS OR DAMAGE. Acceptance of said terms and conditions will be construed when any of the following conditions are met: This Material Handling Agreement (MHA) is signed; Exhibitor’s materials are delivered to Freeman’s warehouse or to an event site for which Freeman is the Official Show Contractor; or an order for labor and/or rental equipment is placed by Exhibitor with Freeman. Please be aware that disposal of exhibit properties is not included as part of your material handling charges. Please contact freeman for your quoted rates and rules applicable to disposal of your exhibit properties. 1. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Contract, Freeman means Freeman Expositions, Inc., and its employees, directors, officers, agents, assigns, affiliated companies, and related entities. In no event shall Freeman be deemed to be the Ultimate Consignee for shipping and custom purposes. The term “Exhibitor” means the Exhibitor, its employees, agents, and representatives. 2. PACKAGING/CRATES AND STORAGE. Freeman shall not be responsible for damage to loose or uncrated materials, pad wrapped or shrink-wrapped materials, glass breakage, concealed damage, carpets in bags or poly, or improperly packed or labeled materials. Freeman shall not be responsible for crates and packaging which are unsuitable for handling, in poor condition, or have prior damage. Crates and packaging should be of a design to adequately protect contents for handling by forklift and similar means. Freeman does not accept any crates or packaging containing hazardous materials. Goods requiring cold storage and those in accessible storage are stored at Exhibitor’s own risk. FREEMAN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO GOODS IN COLD STORAGE OR ACCESSIBLE STORAGE. 3. EMPTY CONTAINERS. Empty container labels will be available at the show site service desk. Affixing labels to the containers is the sole responsibility of Exhibitor or its representative. All previous labels must be removed or obliterated. Freeman assumes no responsibility for: error in the above procedures; removal of containers with old empty labels and without Freeman labels; or improper information on empty labels. FREEMAN WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO CRATES AND CONTAINERS OR THEIR CONTENTS WHILE SAME ARE IN EMPTY CONTAINER STORAGE. 4. INBOUND/OUTBOUND SHIPMENTS. There may be a lapse of time between the delivery of shipment(s) to the booth and the arrival of Exhibitor, or a lapse of time between the completion of packing and the actual pickup of materials from the booths for loading onto a carrier and during such times, Exhibitor materials will be left unattended. FREEMAN IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS, DAMAGE, THEFT, OR DISAPPEARANCE OF EXHIBITOR’S MATERIALS AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN DELIVERED TO EXHBITOR’S BOOTH AT SHOW SITE OR BEFORE THEY HAVE BEEN PICKED UP FOR RELOADING AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE EVENT. Freeman recommends the securing of security services from Facility or Show Management. All MHA’s submitted to Freeman by Exhibitor will be checked at the time of pickup from the booth and corrections will be made where discrepancies exist between the quantities of items on any form submitted to Freeman and the actual count of such items in the booth at the time of pickup. Freeman is not responsible for any wait time or other charges including business center charges arising from delivery or pickup of Exhibitor’s materials. 5. DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER FOR RELOADING. Freeman assumes no responsibility for loss, damage, theft, or disappearance of Exhibitor’s materials after same have been delivered to Exhibitor’s appointed carrier, shipper, or agent for transportation after the conclusion of the show. Freeman loads the materials onto the carrier under directions from the carrier or driver of that carrier. Any loading onto the carrier will be understood to be under the exclusive supervision and control of the carrier or driver of that carrier. FREEMAN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOSS, DAMAGE, THEFT OR DISAPPEARANCE OF EXHIBITOR’S MATERIALS THAT ARISES OUT OF IMPROPERLY LOADED OR LABELED MATERIALS. 6. DESIGNATED CARRIERS. Freeman shall have the authority to change the Exhibitor designated carrier if that carrier does not pick up the shipment(s) at the appointed time. Where no disposition is made by Exhibitor, materials may be taken to a warehouse to await Exhibitor’s shipping instructions and Exhibitor agrees to be responsible for charges relating to such rerouting and handling. IN NO EVENT SHALL FREEMAN BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH REROUTING DESIGNATION. 7. FORCE MAJEURE. Freeman’s performance hereunder is subject to, and Freeman shall not be responsible for loss, delay, or damage due to, strike, work stoppages, natural elements, vandalism, Act of God, civil disturbances, power failures, explosions, acts of terrorism or war, or for any other cause beyond Freeman’s reasonable control, nor for ordinary wear and tear in the handling of Exhibitor’s materials. 8. CLAIM(S) FOR LOSS. Exhibitor agrees that any and all claims for loss or damage must be submitted to Freeman immediately at the show site and in any case not later than thirty (30) business days after the date when Exhibitor’s materials are delivered to the carrier for transportation from show site or from Freeman’s warehouse. All claims reported after thirty (30) days will be rejected. In no event shall a suit or action be brought against Freeman more than one (1) year after the date of loss or damage occurred. a. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES MAY NOT BE WITHHELD. In the event of any dispute between the Exhibitor and Freeman relative to any loss, damage, or claim, Exhibitor shall not be entitled to and shall not withhold payment due Freeman for its services as an offset against the amount of any alleged loss or damage. Any claims against Freeman shall be considered a separate transaction and shall be resolved on their own merits. b. MAXIMUM RECOVERY. If found liable for any loss, Freeman’s sole and exclusive maximum liability for loss or damage to Exhibitors materials and Exhibitor’s sole and exclusive remedy is limited to $.50 (USD) per pound per article with a maximum liability of $100.00 (USD) per item, or $1,500.00 (USD) per shipment whichever is a less. For unmarked, unlabeled and improperly packaged television monitors, the maximum liability is the lesser of $3.00 (USD) per pound or the actual invoice price. All shipment weights are subject to correction and final charges determined by the actual or re-weighed weight of the shipment. c. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. IN NO EVENT SHALL FREEMAN BE LIABLE TO THE EXHIBITOR OR TO ANY OTHER PARTY FOR SPECIAL, COLLATERAL, EXEMPLARY, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER SUCH DAMAGES OCCUR EITHER PRIOR OR SUBSEQUENT TO, OR ARE ALLEGED AS A RESULT OF, TORTIOUS CONDUCT, FAILURE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR SERVICES OF FREEMAN OR BREACH OF ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CONTRACT, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR IN TORT, INCLUDING STRICT LIABILITY AND NEGLIGENCE, EVEN IF FREEMAN HAS BEEN ADVISED OR HAS NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SUCH EXCLUDED DAMAGES INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF USE, AND INTERRUPTION OF BUSINESS OR OTHER CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT ECONOMIC LOSSES. 9. DECLARED VALUE. Declarations of Declared Value are between the Exhibitor and the selected Carrier ONLY, and are in no way an extension of Freeman’s maximum liability stated herein. Freeman will use commercially reasonable efforts to transmit the Declared Value instructions to the selected Carrier; however, FREEMAN WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM ARISING FROM THE TRANSMITTAL OF, OR FAILURE TO TRANSMIT, DECLARED VALUE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CARRIER NOR FOR FAILURE OF THE CARRIER TO UPHOLD THE DECLARED VALUE OR ANY OTHER TERM OF CARRIAGE. 10. JURISDICTION / VENUE. THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE CONSTRUED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS WITHOUT GIVING EFFECT TO ITS CONFLICT OF LAWS RULES. EXCLUSIVE VENUE FOR ALL DISPUTES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT SHALL RESIDE IN A COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICITON IN DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS. 11. INDEMNIFICATION. Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and forever hold harmless Freeman from and against any and all demands, claims, causes of action, fines, penalties, damages (including consequential), liabilities, judgments, and expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees and investigation costs) arising out or contributed to by Exhibitor’s negligent supervision of any labor secured through Freeman; Exhibitor’s negligence, willful misconduct, or deliberate act, or the negligence, willful misconduct, or deliberate act of Exhibitor’s employees, agents, representatives, customers, invitees and/or any Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (EAC) at the show or event to which this Contract relates, including but not limited to Exhibitor’s violation of Federal, State, County or Local ordinance and/or Exhibitor’s violation of Show Regulations and/or Rules as published and set forth by Facility and/or Show Management. 12. LIEN. Exhibitor grants Freeman a security interest in and a lien on all of Exhibitor’s materials that is from time to time in the possession of Freeman and all the proceeds thereof, including without limitation insurance proceeds (the “Collateral”), to secure the prompt and full payment and performance of all Exhibitor’s indebtedness for monies paid, by Freeman on its behalf, services performed, materials and/or labor from time to time provided by Freeman to or for the benefit of Exhibitor (“Obligations”). Freeman shall have all the rights and remedies of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code, as may be amended from time to time (“UCC”), and any notice that Freeman is required to give under the UCC of a time and place of a public sale or the time after which any private sale or other intended disposition of any Collateral is to be made shall be deemed to constitute reasonable notice if such notice is mailed by registered or certified mail at least five (5) days prior to such action. Freeman may hold and not deliver any of the Collateral to Exhibitor for so long as there are any Obligations that remain unpaid or unsatisfied. 13. WAIVER & RELEASE. Exhibitor, as a material part of the consideration to Freeman for material handling services, waives and releases all claims against Freeman with respect to all matters for which Freeman has disclaimed liability pursuant to the provisions of this Contract. 14. DRIVER LIABILITY WAIVER. IN CONSIDERATION OF FREEMAN PERMITTING ENTRANCE TO THE PREMISES, YOU, YOUR EMPLOYER, THE OWNER OF THE TRUCK AND OR EQUIPMENT THAT YOU ARE OPERATING (TRUCKOWNER) AND YOU AS AGENT OF YOUR EMPLOYER AND THE TRUCKOWNER, HEREBY ASSUME ALL RISK OF INJURY OR HARM TO YOURSELF AND OTHERS AND DAMAGE TO YOUR PROPERTY AND PROPERTY BELONGINGTOYOUR EMPLOYER OR OTHERSARISING FROMYOURACTIVITIES WHILE BEING PERMITTED TO ENTER THE PREMISES. YOU AGREE TO ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK. YOU HAVE FULL KNOWLEDGE OF ANY RISK INVOLVED IN THIS ACTIVITY. YOU RECOGNIZE THE HAZARDSANDAREAWARE OFALLTHE RULES FOR SAFE OPERATION. YOUR EMPLOYER, THE TRUCKOWNER, AND YOU AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS FREEMAN, ITS EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, AGENTS, ASSIGNS, AFFILIATED COMPANIES AND RELATED ENTITIES, AGAINST ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, ACTIONS, CLAIMS, AND DAMAGES OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER ARISING FROM YOUR ACTIVITIES WHILE BEING PERMITTED TO ENTER THE PREMISE. Freeman REV 01/16 EXHIBIT transportation OFFICIAL FREIGHT FORWARDER As the official service contractor, we can make it easier for you to transport your exhibit to the show and on to its next destination. Freeman provides you with the kind of reliable, flexible cost-effective solutions that deliver your exhibit properties where they need to be, when they need to be there. Anywhere, with none of the headaches. Take a look at the services we can offer you and you’ll see why we’re the best in the business. • 24/7 contact information and tracking capabilities • Experienced on-site personnel to assist with any of your shipping needs • One convenient invoice with all your show services pre-quoted Freeman can help you with your exhibit material movement across the world. We are proud to offer the following services: • Local pickup and delivery of exhibit materials • Global transportation of exhibit goods/materials • Import customs clearance • ATA Carnet entries • Food and Drug Administration clearances • Federal Communications Commission clearances • • • • • Storage Local cartage/material handling Inbound domestic forwarding Outbound forwarding Outbound customs clearance questions? For more information regarding our services, rates, shipment deadlines, documentation requirements, ordering and the terms and conditions of our service offering, please visit For fast, easy ordering, go to Continental U.S. Exhibitors: Contact our exhibit transportation experts at 800.995.3579 or via email International Exhibitors: Call our exhibit transportation experts at +1.817.607.5183 or via email 1/11 (817) 607-5183 INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER NAME OF SHOW: Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 817-607-5183 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to INTERNATIONAL EXHIBIT TRANSPORTATION TIPS FOR EASY ORDERING • Credit card information must be on file prior to pick up, as charges will be included on your show services invoice. • International Exhibitors remember - Shipments originating from countries other than the U.S. must be cleared through customs. Please call for additional information: (817) 607-5183 COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ON THIS FORM: PICK UP INFORMATION: SHIPPING INFORMATION Items to be shipped Number of Pieces ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Crates (wooden) Cartons (cardboard) Cases/Trunks (fiber)(color) ____________ Skids/Pallets Carpet (color) ______________ Other____________________ Total Weight _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Size of largest piece: (H) ______ (W) ______ (L) ______ Requested Pick Up Date: SHIPPER NAME: NOTE: Shipments will be weighed and measured prior to delivery. SHIPPER ADDRESS: OUTBOUND SHIPPING I would like to schedule my international outbound shipping with Freeman Exhibit Transportation. Please provide me with a SLI/Commercial Invoice for my shipping instructions and signature. (If you secure your inbound and outbound shipping needs in advance through Freeman Exhibit Transportation, you will receive the SLI/Commercial Invoice for your completion prior to the show move-in date.) Please complete the following information if different from pick up address: (City) (Province/State) (Postal Code) (Country) TYPE OF SERVICE - Choose One AIR FREIGHT (Transportation & Customs Clearance) OCEAN FREIGHT (Transportation & Customs Clearance) Ship to address: DESTINATION I will be shipping to the WAREHOUSE FREEMAN/Exhibiting Company Name/Booth # Hold for: Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo 6675 W Sunset Rd Las Vegas, NV 89118 MUST BE DELIVERED BY OCTOBER 13, 2016 I will be shipping to SHOW SITE FREEMAN/Exhibiting Company Name/Booth # Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo c/o FREEMAN Sands Expo Center 201 Sands Ave Las Vegas, NV 89169 CANNOT BE DELIVERED BEFORE OCTOBER 27, 2016 Number of Labels: _____________ SEND COMPLETED FORM VIA: E-mail: or Fax: (469) 621-5810 AN INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORTATION EXPERT WILL CONTACT YOU TO CONFIRM RECEIPT OF YOUR SHIPMENT REQUEST AND FINALIZE DETAILS 423214 SHOW # ________________________ (423214) FREEMAN international exhibit transportation COMPLETE THIS FORM ONLY IF YOU REQUIRE INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING USING FREEMAN EXHIBIT TRANSPORTATION Freeman TransportationComplete Freeman’s all-inclusive shipping and material handling package means transporting your exhibit materials has never been simpler Double the convenience... zero surprises. Package includes: •R ound trip standard ground transportation AND material handling services • No additional fees, no surprises •P ick-up and transportation from point of origin to either advance warehouse or show site – your choice. • Pre-printed shipping labels & outbound paperwork Benefits: • Turnkey pricing ensures precise budgeting • No additional handling, pick-up or delivery fees • No additional fuel surcharges or overtime surcharges • No carrier waiting time fees • Experienced on-site transportation reps from move-in through move-out • All charges on your Freeman invoice • LTL (less than truck load) shipping To take advantage, call 1-800-995-3579 or email for a quote. *Services apply to destinations anywhere in the Continental U.S. or as affordable. page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT transportation There are many transportation carriers to choose from, but Freeman has more than 85 years of experience in the events industry. No one understands exhibit transportation better than Freeman. Allow us to make the shipping process easy for you. Between our cost effective solutions, superior customer service and all inclusive pricing, you will find Freeman Exhibit Transportation to be reputable, reliable and convenient. Our transportation experts have the ability to quickly respond to changes when necessary and are available to assist you with all of your show requirements. As the official service contractor, Freeman partners with you and with decision makers at show site – making it easier for you to transport your exhibit to any location. Some of the benefits of working with Freeman Exhibit Transportation include: • Guaranteed all inclusive pricing with no additional fees for pickups and deliveries, including weekend and night service. • One convenient invoice with all your Freeman show services. • On site transportation experts are available before, during and after the show. • Customer service seven days a week, offering complete shipment visibility and expert oversight. questions? For more information regarding our services, rates, shipment deadlines, documentation requirements, ordering and the terms and conditions of our service offerings, please visit Continental U.S. Exhibitors: Contact our exhibit transportation experts at 800.995.3579 or via email at International Exhibitors: Contact our exhibit transportation experts at +1.817.607.5183 or via email at 12/12 - 53593 - online INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER NAME OF SHOW: Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call applicable number listed above to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to EXHIBIT TRANSPORTATION TIPS FOR EASY ORDERING • Credit card information must be on file prior to pick up, as charges will be included on your show services invoice. • International Exhibitors remember - Shipments originating from countries other than the U.S. must be cleared through customs. Please call for additional information: (800) 995-3579 Toll Free US & Canada or (817) 607-5100 Local & International COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ON THIS FORM: PICK UP INFORMATION: SHIPPER ADDRESS: ( City) (State) (Zip) DESTINATION Number of Pieces ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Crates (wooden) Cartons (cardboard) Cases/Trunks (fiber)(color) ____________ Skids/Pallets Carpet (color) ______________ Other____________________ Total Weight _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ NOTE: Shipments will be weighed and measured prior to delivery. SHIPPER NAME: Items to be shipped Size of largest piece: (H) ______ (W) ______ (L) ______ Requested Pick Up Date: SHIPPING INFORMATION OUTBOUND SHIPPING I would like to schedule outbound Exhibit Transportation. Please provide me with a Material Handling Agreement at show site for my shipping instructions and signature. So we may print your Outbound Material Handling Agreement and labels, please complete the following information if different from pick up address: Ship to address: I will be shipping to the WAREHOUSE FREEMAN/Exhibiting Company Name/Booth # Hold for: Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo 6675 W Sunset Rd Las Vegas, NV 89118 MUST BE DELIVERED BY OCTOBER 13, 2016 I will be shipping to SHOW SITE FREEMAN/Exhibiting Company Name/Booth # Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo c/o FREEMAN Sands Expo Center 201 Sands Ave Las Vegas, NV 89169 CANNOT BE DELIVERED BEFORE OCTOBER 27, 2016 TYPE OF SERVICE - Choose One 1 Day: Delivery next business day (before 5:00 p.m.) 2 Day: Delivery by 5:00 p.m. second business day Deferred: Delivery within 3-4 business days Declared Value ($20,000 maximum) $ ____________________ Air Transportation charges are billed by Dimensional or Actual Weight, whichever is greater. Standard Ground: Dependent on distance Expedited Ground: Tailored to specific requirements Specialized: Pad Wrapped, uncrated or truckload (423214) Number of Labels: _____________ SEND COMPLETED FORM VIA: E-mail: or Fax: (469) 621-5810 A TRANSPORTATION EXPERT WILL CONTACT YOU TO CONFIRM RECEIPT OF YOUR ORDER AND FINALIZE DETAILS 423214 SHOW # ________________________ FREEMAN exhibit transportation COMPLETE THIS FORM ONLY IF YOU SHIPPING YOUR EXHIBIT MATERIALS BY FREEMAN EXHIBIT TRANSPORTATION (800) 995-3579 Toll Free US & Canada (817) 607-5100 Local & International AIR CARGO AIR CARGO SERVICE REQUEST AND SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS CONTRACT In tendering this shipment, the Shipper and Consignee agree to these TERMS which no agent or employee of the parties may alter. This Air Service Request and Shipping Instruction Contract is NON-NEGOTIABLE and has been prepared by Shipper, or if by Freeman or another on Shipper’s behalf, it shall be deemed, conclusively, to have been prepared by the Shipper. The Shipper agrees that this shipment is subject to the TERMS stated herein All TERMS, including but not limited to, all the limitations of liability, shall apply to our agents and their contracting carriers. 1. DEFINITIONS: In this Contract, “Freeman” means Freeman Decorating Services, Inc., and its respective employees, officers, directors, agents, assigns, affiliated companies, and related entities including any contractors appointed by Freeman. The term “Shipper” means the person or business for whom the property is being transported, and includes their respective employees, officers, directors, agents, assigns, affiliated companies, and contractors appointed by the Shipper, excluding only Freeman. “Property” is all objects of any type received from the Shipper for transport by Freeman as described herein. “Consignee” is the party to whom Shipper has designated the goods are to be delivered. 2. FINAL CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES: In exchange for Shipper’s payments and Freeman’s services, which the parties have specified in this two-page Contract (including the Air Cargo Service Request and Shipping Instructions), Freeman and Shipper each agree that this Contact shall govern their respective rights and obligations regarding transportation of Shipper’s property. This Contract shall take effect when the property first comes into the physical possession of Freeman, and the responsibility of Freeman under same shall end when the property has been placed in the possession of the Consignee or the Consignee’s designated agent. If any part or provision of this Contract is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void or unenforceable, the remainder of the Contract shall continue in full force and effect. 3. Freeman’s RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE CONTRACT ARE LIMITED: Freeman is responsible for the satisfactory performance of only those services which it directly provides under this Contract. Freeman shall not be responsible for the performance of individuals of firms who are not under the direct supervision or control of Freeman. Freeman shall not be responsible for events or causes of loss, delay, or damage beyond its reasonable control, including (by way of illustration only, and not as a limitation on the breadth of this clause), strike, lockout, work slowdown or stoppage, power failure, breakdown of plant or machinery, facility failure, vandalism, theft, Act of God, effect of natural elements, riot, civil commotion or disturbance, terrorism, act of war or belligerent parties, and any other cause or causes beyond the reasonable control of Freeman. EXCEPT FOR ELIGIBLE GUARANTEED SERVICE SHIPMENTS, Freeman DOES NOT GUARANTEE DELIVERY BY ANY SPECIFIC TIME OR DATE. 4. PACKAGING AND CRATES: Shipper’s property must be well packaged for safe and secure handling, storage and shipment using ordinary care. Each piece must be legibly and durably marked with the name and address, including correct ZIP code of the Shipper and Consignee. When a container is used repetitively by Shipper, Shipper must remove all old labels, tags, markings, etc., and Shipper must ensure that the container retains adequate strength for transportation. Freeman makes neither representation nor any warranty regarding the acceptability or suitability of any packaging system or procedure that Shipper might use for its property. Freeman shall not be responsible for damage to loose or uncrated materials, padwrapped or shrink-wrapped materials, glass breakage, concealed damage, carpets in bags or poly, or improperly packed or labeled materials. Crates and packaging should be of a design to adequately protect contents for handling by forklift and similar means. General guidance as to acceptable packaging systems and procedures may be found in publications such as the National Motor Freight Classification, published by the National Motor Freight Traffic Association. For shipments of Perishable Commodities, U.S. and Canadian shipments must be packed to travel without spoilage for 72 hours from time of pickup; all International shipments must be packed to travel without spoilage for 24 hours beyond an agreed deadline. Freeman reserves the right to periodically embargo regions of the world due to conditions that may cause damage to perishable commodities. If the integrity of a shipment is in question, Freeman reserves the right to improve packaging at shipper’s expense. 5. REFUSED SHIPMENTS: If the Consignee refuses a shipment tendered for delivery or if Freeman is unable to deliver a shipment because of fault or mistake of the Consignor or Consignee, Freeman’s liability shall then become that of a warehouseman. (a) Freeman shall promptly attempt to provide notice, by telephonic, electronic or written communication as provided on the face of these shipping instructions, if so indicated, to Shipper or the party, if any, designated to receive notice in these instructions. (b) Storage charges, based on Freeman’s applicable rates, shall start no sooner than the next business day following the attempted notification. Storage may be, at Freeman’s option, in any location that provides reasonable protection against loss or damage. Freeman may place the shipment in public storage at the owner’s expense and without liability to Freeman. (c) If Freeman does not receive disposition instructions within 48 hours of the time of Freeman’s attempted first notification, Freeman will attempt to issue a second and final confirmed notification. Such notice shall advise that if Freeman does not receive disposition instructions within 10 days of that notification, Freeman may offer the shipment for sale at a public auction and Freeman has the right to offer the shipment for sale. The amount of sale will be applied to Freeman’s invoice for transportation, storage and other lawful charges. Shipper will be responsible for the balance of charges not covered by the sale of the goods. If there is a balance remaining after all charges and expenses are paid, such balance will be paid to the owner of the property sold hereunder, upon claim and proof of ownership. (d) Where Freeman has attempted to follow the procedure set forth above and the procedure is not possible, nothing shall be construed to abridge the right of Freeman, at its option, to sell the property under such circumstances and in such manner as may be authorized by law. (e) When perishable goods cannot be delivered and disposition is not given within a reasonable time, Freeman may dispose of property to the best advantage. Where Freeman is directed by Consignee or Consignor to unload or deliver property at a particular location where Consignor, Consignee, or the Agent of either is not regularly located, Freeman’s liability for the shipment shall terminate after unloading or delivery. 6. LIMITATION ON SHIPPER’S RECOVERABLE DAMAGES: FREEMAN’S LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES ON DOMESTIC SHIPMENTS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE DAMAGES ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO MISDELIVERY, INCOMPLETE OR OTHERWISE INADEQUATE DELIVERY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO FAILURE TO FOLLOW SHIPPER OR CONSIGNEE INSTRUCTIONS OR FAILURE TO COLLECT OR PROPERLY DELIVER A PAYMENT INSTRUMENT), NONDELIVERY, MISSED PICKUP, AND LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO CARGO, SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE HIGHER OF $50.00 (USD) PER SHIPMENT OR $.50 (USD) PER POUND ($1.10 (USD) PER KILOGRAM) OF CARGO ADVERSELY AFFECTED THEREBY, PLUS TRANSPORTATION CHARGES APPLICABLE TO THAT PART OF THE SHIPMENT ADVERSELY AFFECTED THEREBY, UNLESS AT TIME OF SHIPMENT THE SHIPPER MAKES A DECLARATION OF VALUE FOR CARRIAGE IN THE SPACE DESIGNATED ON THE SERVICE REQUEST AND SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS FORM AND PAYS THE APPROPRIATE VALUATION CHARGE. IN NO EVENT SHALL FREEMAN’S LIABILITY EXCEED THE DECLARED VALUE OF THE SHIPMENT OR THE AMOUNT OF LOSS OR DAMAGE ACTUALLY SUSTAINED, WHICHEVER IS LOWER. IF CARRIAGE OF THE SHIPMENT IS SOLELY OR PARTLY BY AIR AND INVOLVES AN ULTIMATE DESTINATION OR A STOP IN A COUNTRY OTHER THAN THE COUNTRY OF DEPARTURE, Freeman’s LIABILITY FOR CARGO LOST, DAMAGED OR DELAYED SHALL BE LIMITED TO $9.07 PER POUND ($20.00 PER KILOGRAM) FOR CARRIAGE SUBJECT TO THE UNAMENDED WARSAW CONVENTION OR THE WARSAW CONVENTION AS AMENDED BY THE HAGUE PROTOCOL OF 1955, 17 SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHTS PER KILOGRAM FOR CARRIAGE SUBJECT TO THE WARSAW CONVENTION AS AMENDED BY THE MONTREAL PROTOCOL NO. 4 OF 1975, OR $9.07 PER POUND ($20.00 PER KILOGRAM) FOR CARRIAGE WHERE THE WARSAW CONVENTION, INCLUDING ITS AMENDMENTS, DOES NOT APPLY FOR ANY REASON, UNLESS A HIGHER DECLARED VALUE IS REQUESTED, AND THE FEES SET FORTH IN THE SERVICE GUIDE FOR SUCH HIGHER DECLARED VALUE ARE PAID. FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPMENTS, THIS SHIPPING REQUEST AND SHIPPING INSTRUCTION CONTRACT SHALL BE DEEMED AN AIR WAYBILL WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE WARSAW CONVENTION. Notwithstanding the above limitations, domestic shipments containing the following items of extraordinary value are limited to a maximum declared value of $500.00 (USD): (a) artworks and objects of art, including without limitation original paintings, drawings, etchings, water colors, tapestries and sculpture; (b) clocks, watches, jewelry (including costume jewelry), furs and fur-trimmed clothing; (c) personal effects; (d) and other inherently fragile or unique items, including prototypes, etc. Any declared value in excess of the maximums allowed herein is null and void, and the acceptance by Freeman for carriage of any shipment with a declared value in excess of the allowed maximums does not constitute a waiver of these maximums. Shipper understands that even if Shipper is not able to participate or fully participate in a show due to loss of, theft of, or damage to its property, Freeman shall never be liable or responsible for damages identified by the terms (by way of example only and not in limitation of the breadth of this clause) such as the following: consequential damages, loss of use damages, loss of profits damages, business interruption damages, delay damages, special damages, collateral damages, exemplary damages, damages awarded for gross negligence, direct damages, indirect damages, damages for failure of performance, breach of contract damages, fraud damages, or any other sort of damage for tort or breach of contract. This limitation shall bind the parties: (a) whenever or wherever the claimed loss or damage may occur; (b) even though the alleged loss or damage is claimed to result from negligence, strict liability, products liability, breach of contract, breach of statute or regulation, or any other legal theory or cause, and; (c) even though Freeman may have been advised or be on notice of the possibility or even the probability of such damages. Freeman makes no warranties, express or implied, and expressly disclaims any and all warranties. Except for Freeman’s failure to deliver in accordance with the Guaranteed Service section of the Service Guide, Freeman will not be liable for misdelivery, incomplete or otherwise inadequate delivery (including but not limited to failure to follow Shipper or Consignee instructions or failure to collect or properly deliver a payment instrument), non-delivery, missed pickup, delay on International shipments, loss or damage unless caused by Freeman’s sole negligence. 7. SHIPPER’S RESPONSIBILITIES AND INDEMNIFICATION: (a) Shipper must pay in full for the services rendered under this Contract at the time the services are requested. The existence of a dispute between Shipper and Freeman relative to any claim or other matter shall have no bearing on this duty of payment. No claim submitted by or on behalf of Shipper will be processed unless Shipper’s account is current. (b) Shipper understands and acknowledges that Freeman does not accept or transport illegal, dangerous or hazardous materials of any kind or nature. Shipper warrants and ensures that its property is inert, and contains no Hazardous Substances, Hazardous Materials, Chemicals, Gases, Explosives, Radioactive Materials, Biologically hazardous agents, or any other substance, matter or object in any form that could pose a threat to the health or safety of persons, property or the public welfare in general. Such goods may be warehoused at owner’s risk and expense or destroyed without compensation. (c) Shipper shall defend and indemnify Freeman, its employees, directors, officers, and agents from and against any and all demands, claims, causes of action, fines, penalties, damages (including consequential), liabilities, judgments, and expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys‟ fees and investigation costs) on account of personal injury, death, or damage to or loss of property or profits arising out of or contributed to by any of the following: Shipper’s negligence, willful misconduct, or deliberate act; Shipper’s violation of Federal, State, County or Local ordinances; Shipper’s violation of Show Regulations and/or Rules as published and set forth by Facility and/or Show Management; and/or Shipper’s failure to comply with (b) of this Agreement regarding the inclusion of any dangerous substances in the property placed with Freeman. 8. CLAIMS: Shipper, Consignee, or any other party claiming an interest in the shipment must notify Freeman immediately upon delivery, or in the case of loss or damage which could not have been noted at the time of delivery, within five (5) days of delivery, of any loss or damage to the shipment. Notice of concealed damage must be confirmed in writing. If Carrier schedules an inspection, claimant must hold the shipping container, all packaging material and contents in the same condition as they were in when damage was discovered. Receipt of the shipment by the Consignee or the Consignee’s agent without written notice on the delivery receipt and/or delivery manifest will be prima facie evidence that the shipment was delivered in good condition. The amount of the claim may not be deducted from the transportation charges. Notice of loss or damage MUST be reported to Freeman at 800-995-3579. The shipment, its container(s), and packing material must be made available to Freeman for inspection at the delivery location. All shipments are subject to opening for inspection by Freeman; however, Freeman is not obligated to perform such inspection. All claims for loss or damage MUST be made in writing to Freeman within one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days after the date of acceptance of the shipment by Freeman. Please refer to the Service Guide for claim procedures. All claims for service failure must be made within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of shipment and Freeman’s sole liability for such claims arising from Guaranteed Service shipments shall be limited to the transportation charges as provided in the Guaranteed Service section of the Service Guide. All claims for overcharge must be made in writing to Freeman within sixty (60) calendar days after the invoice date. No action for loss or damage may be maintained against Freeman unless (a) claimant complies with all requirements of this section and (b) for domestic shipments, if the claimant commences the action within one (1) year of the shipment by Freeman unless otherwise required by International, Federal or State Law. If the claim is for loss or damage involving International shipments, claimant must commence the action within two (2) years from the date of acceptance of the shipment by Freeman unless otherwise required by International, Federal or State Law. For purposes of this section, no action shall be deemed to have commenced until receipt by Freeman of service of process of the action on Freeman. Claims for loss or damage must be delivered to the following address: Sedgwick, PO Box 14151, Lexington, KY 40512-4151. 9. CHOICE OF FORUM: THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE CONSTRUED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES [INCLUDING ADOPTED INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS] AND THE STATE OF TEXAS WITHOUT GIVING EFFECT TO THE STATE‟S CONFLICT OF LAWS RULES. FREEMAN AND SHIPPER AGREE THAT ANY CLAIM OR DISPUTE OF ANY SORT ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THIS CONTRACT, ITS PERFORMANCE OR NONPERFORMANCE, OR DAMAGES ALLEGEDLY RESULTING FROM SAME WILL BE ARBITRATED IN THE CITY OF DALLAS, TEXAS, AND THE RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION WILL APPLY. IF BINDING ARBITRATION IS UNAVAILABLE TO RESOLVE ANY CONTROVERSY AND IT IS NECESSARY TO LITIGATE THE DISPUTE, THE DISPUTE SHALL BE LITIGATED IN A COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION IN DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS. 10. MISCELLANEOUS: Shipper warrants the accuracy of the weight and dimension data furnished in this Contract. Shipper understands that once its property is shipped by Freeman pursuant to the instructions contained in this Contract, Shipper has no right to control the shipment; stop the shipment in transit, or divert or reschedule same, and that Shipper will have no control over the property until it is delivered pursuant to the instructions in this Contract. Shipper agrees that this Contract may be provided to any third party, including common or contract carriers of cargo by air, water, rail, or road, for the purpose of confirming the right of Freeman to control the handling of the property and all matters related to payment for the shipment. Freeman REV 01/16 MOTOR CARGO SERVICE REQUEST AND SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS CONTRACT This Contract establishes your legal obligations with regard to the property described herein being shipped with Freeman Transportation. It specifically limits your rights and possible recovery if your property is lost or damaged. You must accept all terms and conditions of this Contract. You confirm that you have read and agree with all the terms and conditions of this Contract by receipt without contest. This Contract may not be waived or varied, except in writing, and then only by an authorized representative of Freeman. 1. DEFINITIONS. In this Contract, “Freeman” means Freeman Expositions, Inc., and its respective employees, officers, directors, agents, assigns, affiliated companies, and related entities including any contractors appointed by Freeman. The term “Shipper” means the person or business for whom the property is being transported, and includes their respective employees, officers, directors, agents, assigns, affiliated companies, and contractors appointed by the Shipper, excluding only Freeman. “Property” is all objects of any type received from the Shipper for transport by Freeman as described herein. “Consignee” is the party to whom Shipper has designated the goods are to be delivered. 2. FINAL CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. In exchange for Shipper’s payments and Freeman’s services, which the parties have specified in this Contract, Freeman and Shipper each agree that this Contact shall govern their respective rights and obligations regarding transportation of Shipper’s property. This Contract shall take effect when the property first comes into the physical possession of Freeman for inbound shipments and after loading on the applicable carrier for outbound shipments, and the responsibility of Freeman under same shall end when the property has been placed in the possession of the Consignee or the Consignee’s designated agent. If any part or provision of this Contract is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void or unenforceable, the remainder of the Contract shall continue in full force and effect. 3. FREEMAN’S RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE CONTRACT ARE LIMITED. Freeman shall not be responsible for the performance of individuals or firms who are not under the direct supervision or control of Freeman. Freeman shall not be responsible for events or causes of loss, delay, or damage beyond its reasonable control, including (by way of illustration only, and not as a limitation on the breadth of this clause), strike, lockout, work slowdown or stoppage, power failure, breakdown of plant or machinery, facility failure, vandalism, theft, Act of God, effect of natural elements, riot, civil commotion or disturbance, terrorism, act of war or belligerent parties, and any other cause or causes beyond the reasonable control of Freeman. Freeman shall not be liable for delay caused by highway obstructions, or faulty or impassable highways, or lack of capacity of any highway, bridge, or ferry, or caused by breakdown or mechanical defects of vehicles or equipment, or from any cause other than the negligence of Freeman. Freeman shall not be bound to transport by any particular schedule, means, vehicle or otherwise, other than with reasonable dispatch. 4. PACKAGING AND CRATES. Shipper’s property must be well packaged for safe and secure handling, storage and shipment using ordinary care. Freeman makes neither representation nor any warranty regarding the acceptability or suitability of any packaging system or procedure that Shipper might use for its property. Freeman shall not be responsible for damage to loose or uncrated materials, padwrapped or shrink-wrapped materials, glass breakage, concealed damage, carpets in bags or poly, or improperly packed or labeled materials. Crates and packaging should be of a design to adequately protect contents for handling by forklift and similar means. General guidance as to acceptable packaging systems and procedures may be found in publications such as the National Motor Freight Classification, published by the National Motor Freight Traffic Association. If the integrity of a shipment is in question, Freeman reserves the right to improve packaging at shipper’s expense. 5. PERISHABLE GOODS. Goods of a perishable nature are carried in dry trailers without environmental or atmospheric control or other special services unless Shipper states on the face of the “Service Request and Shipping Instructions” that the goods are to be carried in a refrigerated, heated, specially ventilated or otherwise specially equipped trailer. This carriage may be subject to additional charges. Shipper is responsible for bringing the goods to the proper temperature before loading the goods into the trailer, for the proper stowage of the goods within the trailer, and for setting the temperature (including maintenance and repair), during all times after the trailer is spotted by Freeman and before the trailer is received by Freeman. Freeman is not responsible for product deterioration caused by inherent vice, defects in the merchandise or transit times in excess of product shelf life. Refrigerated, heated, specially ventilated or otherwise specially equipped trailers are not equipped to change the temperature of goods (they are equipped only to maintain temperature). Shipper will give written notice of requested temperature setting of the thermostatic controls before receipt of the goods by Freeman. When a loaded trailer is received, Freeman will verify that the thermostatic controls are set to maintain trailer temperature as requested. Freeman is unable to determine whether the goods were at the proper temperature when they were loaded into the trailer or when the trailer is delivered to Freeman. Air temperature at the unit sensor will be maintained within a proper range of plus or minus 5 degrees Fahrenheit of the temperature requested by Shipper on the face of the “Service Request and Shipping Instructions” if the goods were at that temperature when loaded into the container and if the temperature controls were properly set when the container was loaded. (THE “FAIR MARKET VALUE” EQUALS THE AS IS WHERE IS PRICE FOR THE PROPERTY AT THE LOCATION OF THE SHOW TO WHICH PRICE A WILLING BUYER AND A WILLING SELLER WOULD AGREE IN AN ORDINARY COURSE OF BUSINESS, ARM’S LENGTH SALE.) OR $5.00 (USD) PER POUND OF CARGO LOST OR DAMAGED UNLESS AT THE TIME OF SHIPMENT SHIPPER MAKES A DECLARATION OF VALUE FOR CARRIAGE IN THE SPACE DESIGNATED ON THE SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS AND PAYS THE APPROPRIATE VALUATION CHARGE. Even if Shipper has made a declaration of value, liability shall never exceed the depreciated original invoice value or the fair market value of the property, whichever is less. The value per pound for applying declared valuation charges shall be determined by dividing Shipper’s declared value for carriage by the actual weight of the shipment. In all cases not prohibited by law, where a lower value than the actual value of the said property has been stated in writing by Shipper or has been agreed upon in writing as the released value of the property upon which the rate is based, such lower value plus freight charges, if paid, shall be the maximum recoverable amount for loss or damage. Notwithstanding the above limitations, all shipments containing the following items of extraordinary value are limited to a maximum declared value of $500.00 (USD): (a) Artworks and objects of art, including without limitation, original paintings, drawings, etchings, watercolors, tapestries and sculptures or prototypes; (b) Clocks, jewelry, including costume jewelry, furs, and fur-trimmed clothing; (c) Personal effects, including without limitation, papers and documents; or (d) Coin money, currency, gift certificates, debit cards, credit cards, and any other items of extraordinary value. (e) For unmarked, unlabeled and improperly packaged television monitors, the maximum liability is the lesser of $3.00 (USD) per pound or the actual invoice price. Any declared value in excess of the maximums allowed herein is null and void, and the acceptance by Freeman for carriage of any shipment with a declared value in excess of the allowed maximums does not constitute a waiver of these maximums. In any event, (excluding small package program shipments) Freeman’s MAXIMUM LIABILITY WILL NEVER BE MORE THAN $100,000 PER SHIPMENT. Shipper understands that even if Shipper is not able to participate or fully participate in a Show due to loss of, theft of, or damage to their property, Freeman shall not be liable or responsible for damages identified by the terms (by way of example only and not in limitation of the breadth of this clause) such as the following: consequential damages, loss of use damages, loss of profits damages, business interruption damages, delay damages, special damages, collateral damages, exemplary damages, damages awarded for gross negligence, direct damages, indirect damages, or damages for failure of performance, breach of contract damages, fraud damages, or any other sort of damage for tort or breach of contract. This limitation shall bind the parties: (a) WHENEVER OR WHEREVER THE CLAIMED LOSS OR DAMAGE MAY OCCUR; (b) EVEN THOUGH THE ALLEGED LOSS OR DAMAGE IS CLAIMED TO RESULT FROM NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, PRODUCTS LIABILITY, BREACH OF CONTRACT, BREACH OF STATUTE OR REGULATION, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY OR CAUSE, AND; (c) EVEN THOUGH FREEMAN MAY HAVE BEEN ADVISED OR BE ON NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OR EVEN THE PROBABILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 9. SHIPPER’S RESPONSIBILITIES AND INDEMNIFICATION: (a) Shipper must pay in full for the services rendered under this Agreement at the time the services are requested. The existence of a dispute between Shipper and Freeman relative to any claim or other matter shall have no bearing on this duty of payment. No claim may be submitted by or on behalf of Shipper to Freeman unless Shipper’s account is current. (b) Shipper understands and acknowledges that Freeman does not accept or transport illegal or hazardous materials of any kind or nature. Shipper warrants and will ensure that its property is inert, and contains no Hazardous Substances, Hazardous Materials, Chemicals, Gasses, Explosives, Radioactive Materials, Biologically hazardous agents, or any other substance, matter or object in any form that could pose a threat to the health or safety of Freeman persons, property, or the public welfare in general. Such goods may be warehoused at owner’s risk and expense or destroyed without compensation. (c) Shipper shall defend and indemnify Freeman, its employees, directors, officers, and agents from and against any and all demands, claims, causes of action, fines, penalties, damages (including consequential), liabilities, judgments, and expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys‟ fees and investigation costs) on account of personal injury, death, or damage to or loss of property or profits arising out of or contributed to by any of the following: Shipper’s negligence, willful misconduct, or deliberate act; Shipper’s violation of Federal, State, County or Local ordinances; Shipper’s violation of Show Regulations and/or Rules as published and set forth by Facility and/or Show Management; and/or Shipper’s failure to comply with subsection (b) of this section regarding the inclusion of any dangerous substances in the property placed with Freeman. (b) Storage charges, if applicable, shall start no sooner than the next business day following the attempted notification. Storage may be, at Freeman’s option, in any location that provides reasonable protection against loss or damage. Freeman may place the shipment in public storage at the owner’s expense and without liability to Freeman. 10. CLAIMS. Claims must be filed in writing within nine (9) months after the date of delivery of the property (or in the case of export traffic, within nine (9) months after delivery at the port of export), except that claims for failure to make delivery must be filed within nine (9) months after a reasonable time for delivery has elapsed. Suits for loss, damage, or delay shall be instituted against Freeman no later than two (2) years and one (1) day from the day when written notice is given by Freeman to the claimant that Freeman has disallowed the claim or any part or parts of the claim specified in the notice. Shipper shall deliver notice of claim for loss or damage by hand, U.S. mail, courier, facsimile, or electronic means to Sedgwick, PO Box 14151, Lexington, KY 40512-4151 as soon as loss or damage is discovered. The notice of claim shall invite a prompt joint survey of the damage, at a time and place to be agreed between the parties, and such survey shall go forward promptly. However, if in any case the property is received by the Consignee or the Consignee’s agent without notice of loss or damage to property being served on Freeman within 5 calendar days of the receipt of the property, it is agreed between Freeman and Shipper that in that instance the presumption shall arise that the property was delivered in proper quantity and in good condition. Notice of concealed damage must be confirmed in writing. If Carrier schedules an inspection, claimant must hold the shipping container, all packaging material and contents in the same condition as they were in when damage was discovered. Claims filed more than nine (9) months following the date on which the property was delivered or should have been delivered are agreed to be forever time barred. (c) If Freeman does not receive disposition instructions within 48 hours of the time of Freeman’s attempted first notification, Freeman will attempt to issue a second and final confirmed notification. Such notice shall advise that if Freeman does not receive disposition instructions within 10 days of that notification, Freeman may offer the shipment for sale at a public auction and Freeman has the right to offer the shipment for sale. The amount of sale will be applied to Freeman’s invoice for transportation, storage and other lawful charges. Shipper will be responsible for the balance of charges not covered by the sale of the goods. If there is a balance remaining after all charges and expenses are paid, such balance will be paid to the owner of the property sold hereunder, upon claim and proof of ownership. 11. CHOICE OF FORUM / ARBITRATION. THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE CONSTRUED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS WITHOUT GIVING EFFECT TO ITS CONFLICT OF LAWS RULES. EXCLUSIVE VENUE FOR ALL DISPUTES ARISING OUT OF CONTRACT, TORT, COMMON LAW OR RELATING TO THE ENFORCEMENT OR INTERPRETATION OF THIS CONTRACT SHALL RESIDE IN A COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION IN DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be exclusively settled by arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its Commercial Arbitration Rules and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered by any court having jurisdiction thereof. (d) Where Freeman has attempted to follow the procedure set forth above and the procedure is not possible, nothing shall be construed to abridge the right of Freeman, at its option, to sell the property under such circumstances and in such manner as may be authorized by law. 12. MISCELLANEOUS. (a) Shipper warrants the accuracy of the weight and dimension data furnished in this Contract; (b) Shipper understands that once its property is shipped by Freeman pursuant to the instructions contained in this Contract, Shipper has no right to control the shipment, stop the shipment in transit, or divert or reschedule same. (c) Shipper agrees that this Contract may be provided to any third party, including common or contract carriers of cargo by air, water, rail, or road, for the purpose of confirming the right of Freeman to control the handling of the property and all matters related to payment for the shipment. Shipper agrees that all shipments are subject to correction and final charges determined by the actual or re-weighed weight of the shipment. 6. REFUSED SHIPMENTS. If the Consignee refuses a shipment tendered for delivery or if Freeman is unable to deliver a shipment because of fault or mistake of Freeman, Freeman’s liability shall then become that of a warehouseman. (a) Freeman shall promptly attempt to provide notice, by telephonic, electronic or written communication as provided on the face of these shipping instructions, if so indicated, to Shipper or the party, if any, designated in these instructions to receive notice. (e) When perishable goods cannot be delivered and disposition is not given within a reasonable time, Freeman may dispose of property to the best advantage. When Freeman is directed by Consignee or Consignor to unload or deliver property at a particular location where Consignor, Consignee, or the Agent of either is not regularly located, Freeman’s liability for the shipment shall terminate after unloading or delivery. 7. INSURANCE. Freeman IS NOT AN INSURER. Shipper is responsible for obtaining insurance for its property. Freeman provides no insurance for Shipper or its property. 8. LIMITATION ON SHIPPER’S RECOVERABLE DAMAGES. Shipper understands that even if shipper’s property is lost, stolen, or damaged, Freeman does not pay replacement or restoration cost of any property. FREEMAN’S MAXIMUM LIABILITY SHALL BE THE AMOUNT OF PROVEN ACTUAL VALUE NOT EXCEEDING THE LOWER OF FAIR MARKET VALUE. 13. SMALL PACKAGE PROGRAM. If items shipped via Freeman’s Small Packages program are lost, damaged or destroyed while in Freeman’s possession, FREEMAN’S MAXIMUM LIABILITY SHALL BE $100 per package UNLESS AT THE TIME OF SHIPMENT SHIPPER MAKES A DECLARATION OF VALUE IN THE SPACE DESIGNATED ON THE SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS AND PAYS THE APPROPRIATE VALUATION CHARGE. If small packages are received by the Shipper and notice of loss or damage is not received by Freeman within 15 days of the delivery of the property, the parties agree that the presumption shall arise that the property was delivered in proper quantity and in good condition. Freeman REV 01/16 WHAT ARE FREIGHT SERVICE S? As the official service contractor‚ Freeman is the exclusive provider of freight services. Material handling includes unloading your exhibit material‚ storing up to 30 days in advance at the warehouse address‚ delivering to the booth‚ the handling of empty containers to and from storage‚ and removing of material from the booth for reloading onto outbound carriers. It should not be confused with the cost to transport your exhibit material to and from the convention or event. You have two options for shipping your advance freight — either to the warehouse or directly to show site. How do I ship to the warehouse? • We will accept freight beginning 30 days prior to show move-in. • To check on your freight arrival‚ call Exhibitor Services at the location listed on Quick Facts. • To ensure timely arrival of your materials at show site‚ freight should arrive by the deadline date listed on Quick Facts. Your freight will still be received after the deadline date‚ but additional charges will be incurred. • The warehouse will receive shipments Monday through Friday, except holidays. Refer to Quick Facts for warehouse hours. No appointment is necessary. • The warehouse will accept crates‚ cartons‚ skids‚ trunks/cases and carpets. Loose or pad-wrapped material must be sent directly to show site. • All shipments must have a bill of lading or delivery slip indicating the number of pieces‚ type of merchandise and weight. • Certified weight tickets must accompany all shipments. • Warehouse freight will be delivered to the booth prior to exhibitor set up. How do I ship to show site? • Freight will be accepted only during exhibitor move-in. Please refer to Quick Facts for the specific exhibitor move-in dates and times. • All shipments must have a bill of lading or delivery slip indicating the number of pieces‚ type of merchandise and weight. • Certified weight tickets must accompany all shipments. What about prepaid or collect shipping charges? • Collect shipments will be returned to the delivery carrier. • To ensure that your freight does not arrive collect‚ mark your bill of lading “prepaid.” • “Prepaid” designates that the transportation charges will be paid by the exhibitor or a third party. How should I label my freight? • The label should contain the exhibiting company name‚ the booth number and the name of the event. • The specific shipping address for either the warehouse or show site is located on Quick Facts. How do I estimate my Material Handling charges? • Charges will be based on the weight of your shipment. Each shipment received is considered separately. The shipment weight will be rounded to the next 100 pounds. Each 100 pounds is considered one “cwt.” (one hundred weight). All shipments are subject to reweigh. • On the Order Form‚ select whether the freight will arrive at the warehouse or be sent directly to show site. • Next‚ select the category that best describes your shipment. There are four categories of freight: Crated: material that is skidded or is in any type of shipping container that can be unloaded at the dock with no additional handling required. Special Handling: material delivered by the carrier in such a manner that it requires additional handling‚ such as ground unloading, stacked and constricted space unloading‚ designated piece unloading, loads mixed with pad-wrapped material, loads failing to maintain shipping integrity, and shipments that require additional time, equipment or labor to unload. Federal Express and UPS are included in this category due to their delivery procedures. Uncrated: material that is shipped loose or pad-wrapped, and / or unskidded machinery without proper lifting points. Carpet and/or Pad Only: shipments that consist of loose carpet and/or padding only require additional labor and equipment to unload. • Add overtime charges for inbound if material is delivered to the booth during the overtime period stated on Quick Facts. This includes both warehouse and show site shipments. 03/15 • Add overtime charges for outbound if material is loaded onto the outbound carrier during the overtime period stated on Quick Facts. • Add the late delivery charge listed on the Order Form if the shipment is accepted at the warehouse or at show site after the deadline date listed on Quick Facts. • The above services‚ whether used completely or in part‚ are offered as a package and the charges will be based on the total inbound weight of the shipment. • Shipments received without receipts or freight bills, such as UPS and Federal Express, will be delivered to the booth without guarantee of piece count or condition. What happens to my empty containers during the show? • Pick up “Empty Labels” at the Service Center. Place a label on each container. Labeled containers will be picked up periodically and stored in non-accessible storage during the show. • At the close of the show‚ the empty containers will be returned to the booth in random order. Depending on the size of the show‚ this process may take several hours. How do I protect my materials after they are delivered to the show or before they are picked up after the show? • Consistent with trade show industry practices‚ there may be a lapse of time between the delivery of your shipment(s) to your booth and your arrival. The same is true for the outbound phase of the show — the time between your departure and the actual pick-up of your materials. During these times‚ your materials will be left unattended. We recommend that you arrange for a representative to stay with your materials or that you hire security services to safeguard your materials. How do I ship my materials after the close of the show? • Each shipment must have a completed Material Handling Agreement in order to ship materials from the show. All pieces must be labeled individually. • To save time‚ complete and submit the Outbound Shipping Form in advance‚ or you may contact the Service Center at show site for your shipping documents. The Material Handling Agreement and labels will be processed and available prior to show closing. • After materials are packed‚ labeled‚ and ready to be shipped‚ the completed Material Handling Agreement must be turned in at the Service Center. • Call your designated carrier with pick-up information. Please refer to Quick Facts for specific dates and times. In the event your selected carrier fails to show on final move-out day‚ your shipment will either be rerouted on Freeman’s carrier choice or delivered back to the warehouse at the exhibitor’s expense. • For your convenience‚ show recommended carriers will be on site to handle outbound transportation. Where do I get a forklift? • Forklift orders to install or dismantle your booth after materials are delivered may be ordered in advance or at show site. We recommend that you order in advance to avoid additional charges at show site. Refer to the Order Form for available equipment. • Advance and show site orders for equipment and labor will be dispatched once a company representative signs the labor order at the Service Center. • Start time is guaranteed only when equipment is requested for the start of the working day. Do I need insurance? • Be sure your materials are insured from the time they leave your firm until they are returned after the show. It is suggested that exhibitors arrange all-risk coverage. This can be done by riders to your existing policies. • All materials handled by Freeman are subject to the enclosed Terms and Conditions. Other available services (may not be available in all locations) • Cranes • Scissor lifts‚ condors • Access storage at show site • Exhibit transportation services (see enclosed brochure) • Security storage at show site • Short-term and long-term warehouse storage • Local pick-up and delivery • Priority empty return NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 702-579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. Let Freeman OnLine® estimate your material handling charges for you. Log on to, select your ® show and click on “Estimate My Material Handling Costs”. From Freeman OnLine you can print extra shipping labels, get tips on how to package your freight and much more. MATERIAL HANDLING SERVICES CRATED: Material that is skidded or is in any type of shipping container that can be unloaded at the dock with no additional handling required. SPECIAL HANDLING: Material delivered by a carrier in such a manner that it requires additional handling, such as ground (See definitions on back) unloading, stacked or constricted space unloading, designated piece unloading, shipment integrity, alternate delivery location, loads mixed with pad-wrapped material, no documentation and shipments that require additional time, equipment or labor to unload. Federal Express, UPS, & DHL are included in this category due to their delivery procedures. UNCRATED: Material that is shipped loose or pad-wrapped, and/or unskidded machinery without proper lifting points. CARPET AND/OR PAD ONLY: Shipments that consist of loose carpet and/or padding only require additional labor and equipment to unload. STRAIGHT TIME: 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday OVERTIME: 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M. Monday through Friday, all day Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays (Overtime will be applied to all freight received at the warehouse and/or show site that must be moved into or out of booth during above listed times.) WAREHOUSE HOURS: 8:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. Monday through Friday, Holidays excluded. MARSHALLING YARD: 6:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. during exhibitor move-in and move-out DRIVER CHECK-IN: NO LATER THAN 2:00 P.M. IN ORDER TO BE OFF-LOADED ON ARRIVAL DATE. Description Price Per CWT RATE CLASSIFICATIONS: Warehouse Shipment delivered on or before THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2016 (200 lb. minimum) Crated or Skidded Shipment............................................................................ $84.25 Special Handling Shipment.............................................................................. $109.75 Carpet and/or Pad Only Shipment................................................................... $126.50 Warehouse Shipment delivered after THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2016 (200 lb. minimum) Crated or Skidded Shipment............................................................................ $98.00 Special Handling Shipment.............................................................................. $127.50 Carpet and/or Pad Only Shipment................................................................... $147.00 Show Site Shipment (200 lb. minimum) Crated or Skidded Shipment............................................................................ $77.75 Special Handling Shipment.............................................................................. $101.25 Uncrated or Pad Wrapped Shipment............................................................... $116.75 Carpet and/or Pad Only Shipment................................................................... $116.75 Show Site Shipment delivered Off-Target (200 lb. minimum) Crated or Skidded Shipment............................................................................ $89.25 Special Handling Shipment.............................................................................. $116.25 Uncrated or Pad Wrapped Shipment............................................................... $134.00 Carpet and/or Pad Only Shipment................................................................... $134.00 Small Package - Maximum weight is 30 lbs per shipment* Per Shipment................................................................................................... $45.00 Minimum 168.50 219.50 253.00 196.00 255.00 294.00 155.50 202.50 233.50 233.50 178.50 232.50 268.00 268.00 *A small package shipment is a shipment totaling any number of pieces with a combined weight not to exceed 30 lbs that is received on the same day, from the same shipper and delivered by the same carrier. Mobile Units** Includes In & Out Service................................................................................ $148.50 **A mobile unit is a vehicle that can travel under its own power. If the vehicle needs to be towed or pushed, the exhibitor is subject to a work order based on time and material for the additional charges. Note: Overtime will be charged at 25% of the published rate only if an exhibitor has straight time move-in available and requests overtime move-in. It is to your advantage to meet the ASSIGNED TARGET DATE. Shipments arriving AFTER THEIR TARGET DATE will be unloaded after all of that day’s ON-TARGET shipments are unloaded. Show site shipments received after show opening will incur an additional 10% surcharge to the off-target rate. Description Weight CWT Price per CWT Estimated Total Cost (200 lb. Min.) ÷ 100 = Surcharges (423214) ÷ 100 = Page 1 of 2 FREEMAN material handling 6555 West Sunset Road Las Vegas, NV 89118 Ph: 702-579-1700 • Fax: 469-621-5604 for frequently asked questions and material handling estimator tools, go to Special handling applies to shipments that are loaded by cubic space and/or packed in such a manner as to require additional labor/handling, such as ground unloading, constricted space unloading, designated piece unloading, carpet/pad only shipments or stacked shipments. Also included are shipment integrity, alternate delivery locations, mixed shipments, and shipments without individual bills of lading. Shipments loaded in this manner require additional time, labor, or equipment, to unload, sort and deliver. What is Ground Loading/Unloading? Vehicles that are not dock height, preventing the use of loading docks, such as U-hauls, flat bed trailers, double drop trailers, company vehicles with trailers that are not dock level, etc. What is Constricted Space Loading/Unloading? Trailer loaded “high and tight” shipments that are not easily accessible. Freight is loaded to full capacity of trailer – top to bottom, side to side. One example of this is freight that is loaded down one side of a trailer that must be bypassed to reach targeted freight. What is Designated Piece Loading/Unloading? Drivers that require the loading crew to bring multiple pieces of the freight to the rear of the trailer to select the next piece, having to remove freight from the trailer then reload to fit or the trailer must be loaded in a sequence to ensure all items fit. What are Stacked Shipments? Shipments loaded in such a manner requiring multiple items to be removed to ground level for delivery to booth. Stacked or “cubed out” shipments, loose items placed on top of crates and/or pallets constitute special handling. What is Shipment Integrity? Shipment integrity involves shipments on a carrier that are intermingled, or delivered in such a manner that additional labor is needed to sort through and separate the various shipments on a truck for delivery to our customers. What is Alternate Delivery Location? Alternative delivery location refers to shipments that are delivered by a carrier that requires us to deliver some shipments to different levels in the same building, or to other buildings in the same facility. What are Mixed Shipments? Mixed shipments are defined as shipments of mixed crated and uncrated goods, where the percentage of uncrated is minimal and does not warrant the full uncrated rate for the shipment, but does require special handling. Freeman defines special handling for mixed loads as having less than 50% of the volume as uncrated. What does it mean if I have “No Documentation”? Shipments arrive from a small package carrier (including, among others, Federal Express, UPS, & DHL) without an individual Bill of Lading, requiring additional time, labor and equipment to process. What is the difference between Crated and Uncrated Shipments? Crated shipments are those that are packed in any type of shipping container that can be unloaded at the dock with no additional handling required. Such containers include crates, fiber cases, cartons, and properly packed skids. An uncrated shipment is material that is shipped loose or pad-wrapped, and/or unskidded without proper lifting points. What about carpet only shipments? Shipments that consist of loose carpet and/or carpet padding only require additional labor and equipment to unload. Page 2 of 2 FREEMAN special handling definitions SPECIAL HANDLING DEFINITIONS ADVANCE WAREHOUSE 6675 West Sunset Road Las Vegas, NV 89118 Hours of Operation: Warehouse hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Holidays excluded. Directions: From US-93 / I-515 Northbound Exit I-215 West Exit Jones Boulevard (stay in center lanes) Cross over Jones Blvd staying to the right Continue on Raphael Rivera Way Freeman will be on right EL CAMINO RD TORREY PINES DR JONES BLVD From I-15 Northbound or Southbound Exit 1-215 West Exit Jones Boulevard (stay in center lanes) Cross over Jones Blvd staying to the right Continue on Raphael Rivera Way Freeman will be on right FREEMAN advance warehouse map IMPORTANT INFORMATION PLEASE GIVE THIS INFORMATION TO YOUR CARRIER RAPHAEL RIVERA WAY Freeman Advance Receiving 6675 West Sunset Road Las Vegas, NV 89118 PEBBLE RD F 8 L PLEASE GIVE THIS INFORMATION TO YOUR CARRIER MARSHALLING YARD 8755 Las Vegas Boulevard South Las Vegas, NV 89123 This location does not accept deliveries. This location is only for the staging of trucks delivering to show site facilities. Please note: • All delivering carriers must check in at the Marshalling Yard prior to delivering to the facility. • Please be advised that certified weight tickets are required when checking into the Marshalling Yard. For your convenience, Freeman has available a full-size certified scale at the Marshalling Yard. If your driver has valid certified weight tickets, Freeman will accept these tickets and your driver will not have to scale at the Freeman Marshalling Yard. • All carriers will be assigned an unloading number according to driver check-in time. Directions: JO From I-15 Northbound From I-15 Southbound From US-93 / I-515 Northbound Exit Silverado Ranch East Exit Blue Diamond Road Exit I-215 West Left on Las Vegas Boulevard Left on Blue Diamond Road Exit Windmill Lane Left on Pebble Road Right on Las Vegas Boulevard Left on Windmill Lane Marshalling Yard is on Right Right on Pebble Road Left on Las Vegas Boulevard Marshalling Yard is on Right Right on Pebble Road Marshalling Yard is on Right BLUE DIAMOND RD Freeman Marshalling Yard 8755 S. Las Vegas Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89123 WINDMILL LN PEBBLE RD SILVERADO RANCH BLVD FREEMAN marshalling yard map IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR AUTOMATED MARSHALLING YARD DIRECTIONS, PLEASE CALL 702-263-4183 6555 West Sunset Road Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-579-1802 • Fax: 702-579-0458 ATTN: FREIGHT DEPARTMENT INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER OWNER OF MATERIALS COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE:ZIP: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX #: HOLD FOR SHOW:FACILITY: COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE:ZIP: COMMENTS: INVOICE TO COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE:ZIP: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX #: DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS TO BE STORED NUMBER OF PIECES DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS TO BE STORED WEIGHT CUBIC FOOTAGE CRATES (WOODEN) CARTONS (CARDBOARD) TRUNKS, CASES (FIBER) COLOR: ________________________ SKIDS / PALLETS CARPETS / PADS __________ TOTALS __________ _________ RATES AND CHARGES DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE RATE (FORMULA) MINIMUM CHARGE TOTAL Short Term Storage (90 days or less) $7.50 per cwt ( _____cwt @ 7.50 per cwt) $ 75.00 per month $ Long Term Storage - Stackable (over 90 days) $0.29 per cu ft ( _____cu ft @ 0.29 per cu ft) $ 72.50 per month $ Long Term Storage - Non-Stackable (over 90 days) $0.33 per cu ft ( _____cu ft @ 0.33 per cu ft) $ 82.50 per month $ Handling Rate (in or out) $6.25 per cwt ( _____cwt @ 6.25 per cwt) $ 62.50 each way $ Returned Shipments $16.00 per cwt ( _____cwt @ 16.00 per cwt) $160.00 $ Transportation Charges (2 hour minimum) $183.50 per hr ST ( _____hrs @ 183.50 per hr ST) $367.00 $ TOTAL $ PLEASE COMPLETE THE ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS ON THE REVERSE SIDE. (423214) Page 1 of 2 FREEMAN storage agreement PLEASE NOTE: This service is for freight received prior to the published date that advanced warehouse receiving will begin or if the freight will be held for another event after the close of your current show. Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: PAYMENT TERMS: All accounts must have a valid credit card on file. Storage will be billed on a monthly basis and charges will be placed in full on such credit card at the time of invoicing. Prior arrangements must be made in writing to have invoices billed with a (30) day net and if such payment is not received within (30) days from the invoice date, the full payment will be applied to the credit card on file. Rates are subject to change with (30) days notice to Client. All charges due Freeman for all services must be paid in full prior to the release of materials from storage. Effective 30 days after invoice date, any unpaid balance will bear a FINANCE CHARGE at the lesser of the maximum rate allowed by applicable law, or 1.5% per month, which is an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 18%. If any finance charge hereunder exceeds the maximum rate allowed by applicable law, the finance charge shall automatically be reduced to the maximum rate allowed, and any excess finance charge received by Freeman shall be either applied to reduce the principal unpaid balance or refunded to the payer. If Client’s account remains in default for (60) days after the date of the invoice, goods may be subject to sale as outlined in this Agreement. In the event of any dispute between the Client and Freeman relative to any loss, damage, or claim, Client shall not be entitled to and shall not withhold payment, or any partial payment, due to Freeman for its services, as an offset against the amount of any alleged loss or damage. Any claim against Freeman shall be considered a separate transaction, and shall be resolved on its own merits. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: All goods scheduled in this Agreement are received and accepted by Freeman on Client’s express representation that it is lawfully authorized to store the goods. FREEMAN WILL NOT ACCEPT FOR STORAGE, NOR BE LIABLE FOR, ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: DOCUMENTS, CURRENCY, MONEY, JEWELRY, WATCHES, PRECIOUS STONES, ART WORK, ANTIQUES, FURS, OR OTHER ARTICLES OF EXTRAORDINARY VALUE; NOR WILL WE ACCEPT ANY PERISHABLE ITEMS, LIQUID, ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES, OR ANY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS OR WASTE AS DEFINED BY 49 CFR 173. Client agrees to defend and indemnify Freeman from and against any and all claims, demands, judgments, and costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of or relating to the ownership or title to goods stored, or arising from the storage of any of the above prohibited items in violation of this Agreement. Freeman is expressly given an additional lien on the goods stored by Client for all such costs, expenses, and attorney fees. Freeman shall have a lien on any and all property deposited with it at any time. All goods deposited on which storage or other charges including handling charges are not paid when due may be sold at public or private sale to pay such accrued charges, together with expenses of the sale, after notice to Client or other interested persons of the manner, time, and place of the sale and the amount of the accrued charges as may be required by law. Freeman shall only be liable for any loss or injury to the goods caused by its failure to exercise such care as a reasonable, careful owner of similar goods would exercise, subject to the limitation on damages. Freeman does not represent or warrant that its buildings or the contents of such buildings cannot be destroyed by fire. Freeman shall not be required to maintain a sprinkler or alarm system, security guard or other preventative / security devices, and its failure to do so shall not constitute negligence. FREEMAN IS NOT RESPONSIBLE TO CLIENT, ITS PRINCIPAL OR INSURER FOR, AND CLIENT RELEASES FREEMAN FROM, ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE TO GOODS CAUSED BY FIRE, INSECTS, RODENTS, RUST, NORMAL WEAR AND TEAR, LEAKAGE, MOISTURE, CHANGES IN TEMPERATURE, STRIKES, ACT OF GOD, DETERIORATION BY TIME, OR MARRING AND/OR SCRATCHING (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY SUCH DAMAGE CAUSED BY FREEMAN’S NEGLIGENCE); FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE TO FRAGILE ARTICLES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY SUCH DAMAGE CAUSED BY FREEMAN’S NEGLIGENCE; FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE TO THE CONTENTS OF ANY CONTAINER (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY SUCH DAMAGE CAUSED BY FREEMAN’S NEGLIGENCE) UNLESS ITS CONTENTS ARE MADE KNOWN TO FREEMAN AND SPECIFICALLY ITEMIZED IN A RIDER ATTACHED TO THIS AGREEMENT; OR FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE FROM CAUSES BEYOND FREEMAN’S CONTROL. FREEMAN SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS OF INSTRUMENTS, APPLIANCES OR MACHINERY. FREEMAN’S FAILURE TO DELIVER GOODS TO ANY PERSON ENTITLED TO THEM SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE CONVERSION OF GOODS OR SUBJECT FREEMAN TO ANY LIABILITY WHATSOEVER WHEN THE NON-DELIVERY RESULTS FROM CAUSES ARISING FROM STRIKES, LOCKOUTS, WORK STOPPAGES OR RESTRAINTS OF LABOR. It is the responsibility of the client to obtain the appropriate insurance coverage. Goods are not insured by Freeman nor do storage rates include insurance. All terms of this Agreement, including without limitation, monthly rental, conditions of occupancy and charges are subject to change upon thirty (30) days prior written notice. If changed, the Client may terminate this agreement on the effective date of the change by giving Freeman ten (10) days prior written notice to terminate. If the client does not give such notice, the change shall become effective and apply to the Client’s occupancy. Either party reserves the right to terminate the storage of the goods at any time by giving to the other party thirty (30) days written notice of its intention to do so. Unless Client removes such goods within that period, Freeman shall have the right to deliver such goods to Client at the address on file at Client’s expense. It shall be the duty of the Client to furnish to Freeman notification, in writing, to Client’s address provided herein of any change of address or phone number. This Agreement and any action arising between the parties shall be construed under and in accordance with the laws of Nevada. ACCEPTANCE: I have read, understood and agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions on both sides of this document, and further, that I have the authority to sign this on behalf of the owner of the goods/materials being stored. SIGNATURE OF DEPOSITOR: ________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF FREEMAN REPRESENTATIVE: _________________________________ Page 2 of 2 FREEMAN storage agreement NAME OF SHOW: 6555 West Sunset Rd Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 579-1700 Fax: (469) 621-5604 Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 NAME OF SHOW: COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME : PHONE #: BOOTH SIZE: X E-MAIL ADDRESS : For Assistance, please call (702) 579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to EVERY OUTBOUND SHIPMENT WILL REQUIRE A MATERIAL HANDLING AGREEMENT AND SHIPPING LABELS. WE WOULD BE HAPPY TO PREPARE THESE FOR YOU AND DELIVER THEM TO YOUR BOOTH PRIOR TO SHOW CLOSE. TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SERVICE, PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS FORM. SHIPPING INFORMATION SHIP TO: COMPANY NAME: DELIVERY ADDRESS: STATE/ PROVINCE: CITY: ZIP/ POSTAL CODE: ATTN: PHONE#: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: BILL TO: Same as Ship to: COMPANY NAME: DELIVERY ADDRESS: ZIP/ POSTAL CODE: STATE/ PROVINCE: CITY: METHOD OF SHIPMENT Select a Carrier: Freeman Exhibit Transportation Other Carrier No need to schedule your outbound shipment. Charges will appear on your Freeman invoice. Carrier Name: Carrier Phone: Freeman will make arrangements for all Freeman Exhibit Transportation shipments. Arrangements for pick-up by other carriers is the responsibility of the exhibitor. Select a Level of Service: 1 Day: Delivery next business day 2 Day: Delivery by 5:00 P.M. second business day Deferred: Delivery within 3-5 business days Standard Ground Specialized: Pad wrapped, uncrated, or truckload Select Shipment Options (if applicable) Have loading dock Inside delivery Pad wrap required Do not stack Lift gate required Air ride required Residential Select Desired Number of Labels: Once your shipment is packed and ready to be picked up, please return the Material Handling Agreement to the Exhibitor Services Center. Shipments without a Material Handling Agreement turned in will be returned to our warehouse at exhibitor's expense. 1/16 (423214) FREEMAN outbound shipping OUTBOUND MATERIAL HANDLING AND SHIPPING LABELS F R R E U E M S A N H F R R E U E M S A H N DO NOT DELAY DO NOT DELAY RECEIVING DATE BEGINS: SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 RECEIVING DATE BEGINS: SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 DEADLINE DATE IS: OCTOBER 13, 2016 DEADLINE DATE IS: OCTOBER 13, 2016 TO:______________________________ EXHIBITOR NAME C/OFREEMAN 6675 W SUNSET RD LAS VEGAS, NV 89118 TO:______________________________ EXHIBITOR NAME C/OFREEMAN 6675 W SUNSET RD LAS VEGAS, NV 89118 WAREHOUSE WAREHOUSE Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo EVENT: ___________________________________ Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo EVENT: ___________________________________ BOOTH NO. __________ NO. OF PIECES _______ BOOTH NO. __________ NO. OF PIECES _______ THE ABOVE LABELS ARE PROVIDED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. PLACE ONE ON EACH PIECE SHIPPED TO ENSURE PROPER DELIVERY. IF MORE LABELS ARE NEEDED COPIES ARE ACCEPTABLE. R U S H R U S H DO NOT DELAY DO NOT DELAY CANNOT DELIVER BEFORE OCTOBER 27, 2016 CANNOT DELIVER BEFORE OCTOBER 27, 2016 TO: TO: EXHIBITOR NAME C/O: EXHIBITOR NAME C/O: FREEMAN FREEMAN SANDS EXPO CENTER 201 SANDS AVE SANDS EXPO CENTER 201 SANDS AVE LAS VEGAS, NV 89169 LAS VEGAS, NV 89169 SHOW SITE SHOW SITE EVENT: Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo BOOTH NO: NO. OF PCS EVENT: Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo BOOTH NO: NO. THE ABOVE LABELS ARE PROVIDED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. PLACE ONE ON EACH PIECE SHIPPED TO ENSURE PROPER DELIVERY. IF MORE LABELS ARE NEEDED, COPIES ARE ACCEPTABLE. OF PCS F R R E U E M S A N H F R R E U E M S A H N DO NOT DELAY DO NOT DELAY RECEIVING DATE BEGINS: SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 RECEIVING DATE BEGINS: SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 DEADLINE DATE IS: OCTOBER 13, 2016 DEADLINE DATE IS: OCTOBER 13, 2016 TO:______________________________ EXHIBITOR NAME C/OFREEMAN 6675 W SUNSET RD LAS VEGAS, NV 89118 TO:______________________________ EXHIBITOR NAME C/OFREEMAN 6675 W SUNSET RD LAS VEGAS, NV 89118 WAREHOUSE HANGING SIGN WAREHOUSE HANGING SIGN Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo EVENT: ___________________________________ Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo EVENT: ___________________________________ BOOTH NO. __________ NO. OF PIECES _______ BOOTH NO. __________ NO. OF PIECES _______ THE ABOVE LABELS ARE PROVIDED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. PLACE ONE ON EACH PIECE SHIPPED TO ENSURE PROPER DELIVERY. IF MORE LABELS ARE NEEDED COPIES ARE ACCEPTABLE. FURNISHINGS FURNISH FORWARD Freeman sets the stage for success with temporary furnishings that make lasting impressions. With high-quality furniture in shapes and styles that suit your budget and design needs, Freeman always provides an ideal solution for your exhibit. • Sleek and professional furniture products transform your exhibit into a destination • Extensive selection of seating, surfaces, and display fixtures provides a completely custom and comprehensive approach to your brand experience • No assembly required: Hassle-free shipment, setup, and tear down allow your exhibitors to focus on what matters: new business • Prices are all-inclusive and cover delivery, installation and material handling with no hidden fees Call customer service at the number listed on the Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to SUPERIOR SEATING Sit back and relax – your search for comfortable seating is over. Choose from a sleek selection of sofas, loveseats and chairs that are sure to take your exhibit design to the next level. ITEMS PICTURED BELOW Swanson Chair | 810875 | Page 10 Silverado Cocktail Table | 82014 | Page 17 Powered Locking Pedestal, 42” | 85063 | Page 23 page 2 FURNISHINGS SEATING Naples CHAIR black leather 810119 36"L 30"D 28"H Powered options available LOVESEAT black leather 830120 62"L 30"D 28"H Powered options available SOFA black leather 830119 87"L 30"D 28"H Powered options available S E AT I N G Heathrow ARMLESS CHAIR black leather 810116 24"L 24"D 28"H CORNER CHAIR black leather 810117 24"L 24"D 28"H SOFA black leather 830116 48"L 24"D 28"H possible configurations See pages 22 and 23 for all Powered options. Call customer service at the number listed on the Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to page 3 SEATING South Beach SOFA platinum suede 8301 69"L 29"D OTTOMAN platinum suede 8151 33"H 25"L 31"D 18"H possible configurations Key Largo LOVESEAT black fabric 830950 57"L page 4 35"D 34"H SOFA black fabric 830951 79"L 35"D 34"H CHAIR black fabric 810950 35"L 35"D 34"H FURNISHINGS SEATING Allegro CHAIR blue fabric 81019 36”L 34.5”D 30”H SOFA blue fabric 83015 73”L 34.5”D 29.5”H Fairfax CHAIR white vinyl/brushed metal 810949 27”L 26”D 30”H 62”L 26”D 30”H S E AT I N G SOFA white vinyl/brushed metal 830949 Tangiers CHAIR beige fabric 810118 34”L 37”D 36”H SOFA beige fabric 830118 78”L 37”D 36”H Roma CHAIR white vinyl 81020 37”L 31”D 33”H Powered options available SOFA white vinyl 83106 78”L 31”D 33”H Powered options available See pages 22 and 23 for all Powered options. Call customer service at the number listed on the Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to page 5 CASUAL SEATING Look no further for a great variety of informal, modern seating options. Here you will find chairs, sofas, stools, ottomans – even sophisticated bar sets – that turn exhibits into destinations. OTTOMANS ENDLESS SQUARE white leather 815122 black leather 815123 34”L 34”D 15”H ENDLESS CURVED OTTOMAN white leather 815953 black leather 815952 60.5”L 37.5”D 15”H OTTOMAN BENCH white leather 815120 black leather 815121 60”L 20”D 18”H ITEMS PICTURED BELOW page 6 Roma Sofa Powered | 83017 | Page 5, 22 Regis Bench/Table | 82074 | Page 18 Swanson Chair | 810875 | Page 10 Work Desk | 820706 | Page 21 Regis End Table | 82075 | Page 18 Ice Side Chair | 810814 | Page 9 FURNISHINGS OTTOMANS VIBE CUBE blue vinyl 81518 red vinyl 81519 orange vinyl 81525 pink vinyl 81520 yellow vinyl 81517 black vinyl 81530 white vinyl 81531 18”L 18”D 18”H SE AT T II N S EA NG G EDGE LED CUBE OTTOMAN* high density plastic 81526 20”L 20”D 20”H *Electrical power must be ordered separately BANQUETTES CENTER CONE 8506 38”Round possible configurations 51”H Powered Banquette Cone has 3 AC and 2 USB plugs built into the center cone. QUARTER CURVED OTTOMAN 8507 53”L 22”D 18”H 72"Round 18"H 72”Round 51”H See pages 22 and 23 for all Powered options. Call customer service at the number listed on the Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to page 7 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS BLACK DIAMOND SIDE CHAIR N71089 21”W 23”L 32”H BLACK DIAMOND ARMCHAIR N71090 20”W 21”L 33”H DIVA CHAIR N71091 18”W 16”L 31”H LIMERICK ® CHAIR BY HERMAN MILLER gray C210108 18”W 17.75”L 33”H MADRID CHAIR black leather/chrome 8102 white leather/chrome 810816 30”L 30”D 31”H ITEMS PICTURED BELOW Powered Locking Pedestal, 36” | 85061 | Page 23 White Vibe Cube | 81531 | Page 7 page 8 FURNISHINGS OCCASIONAL CHAIRS MEETING CHAIR white vinyl 810948 espresso bonded leather 810835 taupe microfiber 810836 25.5”L 23.5”D 34”H 31”L 31”D 31”H MADDEN CHAIR light gray vinyl 810843 27”L 32”D S E AT I N G TUB CHAIR black fabric 8103 33”H ICE SIDE CHAIR transparent 810814 17.25”L 20”D 32”H FUSION CHAIR (WHITE/BLACK) white/black high density plastic 810838 19”L 21”D 32”H Call customer service at the number listed on the Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to page 9 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS CHRISTOPHER CHAIR white vinyl/chrome 810846 17”L 19”D 35”H RUSTIQUE CHAIR WITH ARMS gunmetal 810841 20”L 18”D 31”H RAZOR ARMLESS CHAIR white high density plastic 810837 15.38”L 15.5”D 30.5”H NEW YORK CHAIR onyx/maple wood/chrome 81090 23”L 32”D 33”H SWANSON CHAIR white vinyl 810875 28”L 25”D 18”H BERLIN STACK CHAIR white & red plastic/chrome 810811 white & black plastic/chrome 810810 18”L 22”D 32”H WENDY CHAIR clear acrylic 810847 15”L page 10 19.7”D 35.8”H FURNISHINGS CONFERENCE CHAIRS GRAY GASLIFT CHAIR with arms N71046 without arms N71045 26”W 20”L 38”H Adjustable LABREA CHAIR charcoal gray fabric 810874 35”L 27”D 40”H ALTURA CONFERENCE/ GUEST CHAIR black fabric/black steel 81063 25”L 20”D 34”H 27”L 28”D 47”H Adjustable S E AT I N G LUXOR EXECUTIVE CHAIR black leather 810807 PRO EXECUTIVE HIGH BACK CHAIR white vinyl 810844 black vinyl 810946 25”L 24”D 48”H Adjustable PRO EXECUTIVE MID BACK CHAIR white vinyl 810945 black vinyl 810944 24”L 22”D 40”H Adjustable PRO EXECUTIVE GUEST CHAIR black vinyl 810947 24”L 22”D 36”H Call customer service at the number listed on the Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to page 11 BARS & BARSTOOLS MARTINI BAR gray metal rounded bar with frosted glass top and chrome legs 8501 67”L 50”D 47”H Radius 76.5” possible configurations BLACK DIAMOND STOOL N71088 22”W 18”L 46”H GRAY GASLIFT STOOL with arms N71048 without arms N71047 24”W 20”L 46”H Adjustable DIVA COUNTER STOOL N71092 17”W 16”L 36”H The Intermediate 25” seating height LIMERICK ® STOOL BY HERMAN MILLER gray C210109 18”W 17.75”L 44”H LIFT HYDRAULIC BARSTOOL gray vinyl/chrome 810872 red vinyl/chrome 810873 black vinyl/chrome 810871 white vinyl/chrome 810870 15” Round 23-33.5”H APEX BARSTOOL black vinyl 33010 blue ultra suede 3309 red vinyl 33042 white vinyl 33043 21”L page 12 21”D 33”H Adjustable FURNISHINGS BARS & BARSTOOLS BANANA BARSTOOL white vinyl/chrome 810103 black vinyl/chrome 810104 21”L 22”D 30”H JETSON BARSTOOL black vinyl/black steel 810706 18”L 19”D 29”H ZOEY BARSTOOL white vinyl/chrome 810840 black vinyl/chrome 810834 15”L 17”D 31-35”H 19”L 15”D 41”H ICE BARSTOOL transparent/chrome legs 810815 16.75”L 16”D S E AT I N G CHRISTOPHER BARSTOOL white 810848 37.75”H SHARK SWIVEL BARSTOOL white plastic/chrome 810202 22”L 19”D 34-44”H Adjustable RUSTIQUE BARSTOOL gunmetal 810839 13”L 13”D 30”H GIN BARSTOOL maple wood/chrome 810505 16”L 16”D 29”H OSLO BARSTOOL blue plastic/chrome 810200 white plastic/chrome 810201 17”L 20”D 30”H Call customer service at the number listed on the Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to page 13 TURN THE TABLES IN YOUR FAVOR Bring professionalism to the table with our sleek variety of surfaces and tabletops. Choose from modern glass tops and more. ITEMS PICTURED BELOW Endless Square Ottoman | 815122 | Page 6 Geo End Table | 80235 | Page 17 30” Round Hydraulic Base Bar Table | 820230 | Page 16 Ice Barstool | 810815 | Page 13 page 14 FURNISHINGS DRAPED OR UNDRAPED TABLES & COUNTERS (30" HEIGHT) Draped 3' 4' 6' C130330 C130430 C130630 C130830 C12404630 C12404830 Draped on Fourth Side Undraped COUNTERS (42" HEIGHT) Draped C131330 C131430 C131630 C131830 3' 4' 6' 8' C130342 C130442 Draped on Fourth Side Undraped 8' C131342 C131442 C130642 C130842 C12404642 C12404842 C131642 C131842 black blue brown green flax gold gray plum red white TA B L E S TABLES Table-top risers are also available in a variety of sizes. See order form for details. Call customer service at the number listed on the Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to page 15 PEDESTAL TABLES Soho Series BLACK-TOP MINI N72066 18" Round BLACK-TOP BISTRO N72070 18"H BLACK-TOP CAFÉ N72069 24" Round Chelsea Series 24" Round N72068 36" Round 30"H N72067 36" Round 30"H STANDARD BASE CAFÉ TABLE liquid white 820232 blue steel 8201203 30” Round 29”H STANDARD BASE BAR TABLE liquid white 820231 blue steel 8201204 30" Round 42"H HYDRAULIC BASE CAFÉ TABLE liquid white 820224 30” Round 29”H HYDRAULIC BASE BAR TABLE liquid white 820230 30” Round page 16 45”H 42"H BUTCHER BLOCK-TOP CAFÉ N72063 30" Round 30"H N72064 42"H 36" Round BUTCHER BLOCK-TOP BISTRO N720163 30" Round 42"H N720164 30"H 36" Round 42"H FURNISHINGS OCCASIONAL, END & COCKTAIL TABLES Studio Series BLACK END TABLE C115104 17"W 17"L 18"H BLACK COCKTAIL TABLE C115103 36"W 20"L 15"H Inspiration END TABLE tempered glass/painted steel 82023 24"L 28"D 22"H 42"L 28"D 18"H TA B L E S TABLE tempered glass/painted steel 82022 Geo END TABLE glass/black steel 82025 glass/chrome 82035 26"L 26"D 20"H TABLE glass/black steel 82024 glass/chrome 82034 50"L 22"D 16"H Silverado END TABLE tempered glass/painted steel 82015 24" Round 22"H TABLE tempered glass/painted steel 82014 36” Round 17”H Call customer service at the number listed on the Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to page 17 OCCASIONAL, END & COCKTAIL TABLES Sydney END TABLE black laminate/brushed steel 82054 white laminate/brushed steel 82055 27"L 23"D 22"H TABLE black laminate/brushed steel 82052 white laminate/brushed steel 82053 48"L 26"D 18"H Powered options available Oliver END TABLE walnut finish 82088 22" Round 22"H TABLE walnut finish 82087 47"L 27"D 19"H Regis END TABLE brushed metal 82075 16"L 15.5"D 16.5"H BENCH/TABLE brushed metal 82074 47"L 15.5"D 16"H See pages 22 and 23 for all Powered options. page 18 FURNISHINGS OCCASIONAL, END & COCKTAIL TABLES GEO SQUARE-ROUND TABLE glass/black steel 82043 glass/chrome 82044 42"L 42"D 29"H CANDY TABLE white plastic/black laminated top 82056 18"L 18"D 18"H TA B L E S AURA ROUND TABLE white metal 820844 15"Round 22"H EDGE LED CUBE TABLE* white plastic/clear acrylic top 82057 20"L 20"D 20"H *Electrical power must be ordered separately ITEMS PICTURED BELOW Endless Curved Ottoman | 815953 | Page 6 Silverado Table | 82014 | Page 17 Zoey Barstools | 810840 | Page 13 30” Round Hydraulic Base Bar Table | 820230 | Page 16 Call customer service at the number listed on the Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to page 19 CONFERENCE TABLES NOVA WHITE OVAL TABLE white laminate/chrome 82060 71"L 35.5"D 29"H GEO CONFERENCE TABLE glass/black steel 82041 glass/chrome 82051 60"L 36"D 29"H MANHATTAN TABLE glass/black steel 82033 42" Round 29"H COMMUNAL TABLE (MAPLE WITH GROMMETS) laminate/metal 82058 72"L 26"D 30"H 26"D 42"H 82059 72"L 8' RECTANGULAR CONFERENCE TABLE granite 820115 46"D 29"H 6' OVAL CONFERENCE TABLE granite nebula 820203 72"L 42"D 29"H 42" ROUND WHITE CONFERENCE TABLE white laminate 820708 42" Round page 20 72"L 26"D 30"H 82068 72"L 96"L COMMUNAL TABLE (MAPLE ) laminate/metal 82067 COMMUNAL TABLE (WHITE ) laminate/metal 82063 72"L 26"D 30"H 26"D 42"H 82066 26"D 42"H 72"L FURNISHINGS OFFICE MADISON DESK gray acajou 84075 30"L 60"D 29"H MADISON CREDENZA gray acajou 84077 20"L 60"D 29"H MADISON BOOKCASE gray acajou 84078 12"L 36"D 72"H COMPUTER DESK / TABLE TA B L E S WORK DESK white laminate 820706 48"L 24"D 30"H MERLIN TABLE gray laminate 820707 46"L 29"D 30"H ITEMS PICTURED BELOW Key Largo Sofa | 830951 | Page 4 Black Diamond Stool | N71088 | Page 12 Key Largo Chair | 810950 | Page 4 Soho Black Top Bistro | 36" Round - N72068 | Page 16 Sydney Powered Table | 82052 | Page 18, 23 Aura Round Table | 820844 | Page 19 Call customer service at the number listed on the Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to page 21 POWERED All powered options will have an adapter included with rental. Additional adapters can be ordered separately. POWERED SEATING NAPLES CHAIR, POWERED* black vinyl 810120 36"L 30"D 28"H Power Panel Detail NAPLES LOVESEAT, POWERED* black vinyl 830122 62"L 30"D 28"H Power Panel Detail NAPLES SOFA , POWERED* black vinyl 830121 87"L 30"D 28"H Power Panel Detail ROMA CHAIR, POWERED* white vinyl 81021 37"L 31"D 33"H Power Panel Detail ROMA SOFA , POWERED* white vinyl 83017 78"L 31"D 33"H Power Panel Detail page 22 *Electrical power must be ordered separately FURNISHINGS POWERED TABLES G30 COCKTAIL TABLE , POWERED* white top 82070 72"L 26"D 18"H G30 CAFÉ TABLE , POWERED* white top 82071 72"L 26"D 30"H G30 BAR TABLE , POWERED* white top 82072 72"L 26"D 42"H 60"L 30"D POWE R E D TECH DESK WITH 3 DRAWER FILE CABINET, POWERED* black metal 84083 desk only 84084 30"H SYDNEY COCKTAIL TABLE , POWERED* black laminate/brushed steel 82076 white laminate/brushed steel 82073 48"L 26"D 18"H POWERED PRODUCT PEDESTALS POWERED* LOCKING PEDESTAL , 36" black 85060 white 85061 24"L 24"D 36"H POWERED* LOCKING PEDESTAL , 42" black 85062 white 85063 24"L 24"D 42"H ADAPTERS 4-WAY CHARGING ADAPTER* black 850800 white 850801 36"L All powered options will have one adapter included per power panel. Additional adapters can be ordered with the rental. BANQUETTE CENTER CONE 8506 38"Round 51"H Powered Power Panel Detail Banquette Cone has 3 AC and 2 USB plugs built into the center cone. *Electrical power must be ordered separately Call customer service at the number listed on the Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to page 23 STORAGE 3 DRAWER FILE CABINET ON CASTORS 84080 16"L 20"D 28"H LOCKING DOOR PEDESTAL black laminate 85078 24"L 24"D 42"H Powered options available STORAGE PRODUCT DISPLAY FILE CABINET WITH LOCK standard size ETAGERE black 850604 pewter 850605 TWO-DRAWER N74082 15”W 29”L 30"L 16"D 70"H 28”H FOUR-DRAWER N74081 15”W 29”L 50”H REFRIGERATOR SMALL REFRIGERATOR* N75057 19”W 19”L 34”H LIGHTING REFRIGERATOR* white - 14.0 cubic feet 8503001 20"L 30"D 65"H See pages 22 and 23 for all Powered options. page 24 MASON TABLE LAMP* white/brushed silver 850707 16" Round 26"H MASON FLOOR LAMP* white/brushed silver 850708 18" Round 55"H *Electrical power must be ordered separately FURNISHINGS DISPLAY Some of the most essential elements of your exhibit are the surfaces on which you display your show materials. That's why we have an appealing variety of displays, from standing cylinders to sleek computer desks to draped tables and counters, to ensure your show space will be both attractive and interactive. DISPLAY CYLINDERS black DISPLAY CUBES black low N75020 12” small N75030 30"W 15"H 12"W medium N75021 18”W 42”H 18” medium N75031 20”H 18”W high N75022 24”W 12"L 18”L 36”H 24” large N75032 36”H 24”W 24”L 42”H Available in rectangular sizes. D I S P L AY ORION COMPUTER KIOSK black N75079 28”L 28”D 40.5”H DISPLAY COUNTER black N72056 24"W 49"L 42”H (Computer not included.) ITEMS PICTURED BELOW Ottoman Bench | 815120 | Page 6 Powered Locking Pedestal, 36" | 85061| Page 23 Call customer service at the number listed on the Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to page 25 ACCESSORIES We know that every exhibit is different and requires certain pieces that may be hard to find. That’s why we offer an assortment of accessories that will meet your needs, from literature racks to bulletin boards to refrigerators and file cabinets. No matter the requirement, your exhibit will always stand out with these striking and functional pieces. TABLET STAND MOBILE TABLET STAND white 850714 black 850715 14"L 13"D 44.5"H The Mobile Tablet Stand will adjust to fit any tablet with dimensions of at least 6.75"x 9.375" but not larger than 8.5"x 2.5", including Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab and Lenovo IdeaPad. TABLET STAND ACCESSORIES BROCHURE HOLDER* black 850711 8.625"L 1.1"D 11.325"H WIRELESS PRINTER HOLDER* black 850712 3.3"L 1.9"D 5.28"H CHARGING SHELF* black 850713 14.85"L page 26 7.17"D 1"H *To be ordered with the tablet stand FURNISHINGS ACCESSORIES CHROME STANCHION WITH 8' RETRACTABLE BELT C220121 42”H CHROME SIGN HOLDER C220118 Holds 22” x 28” sign ROUND LITERATURE RACK N750135 17”W 17”L 57”H Revolving black display holds printed materials for easy access from 20 pockets. 10”W ACCE SSOR I E S FLAT LITERATURE RACK N750136 55”H Forward-facing black display presents printed materials in six pockets. CHROME COAT TREE C220109 ALUMINIUM CHROME EASEL C220134 CHROME BAG RACK C220110 SPECIAL DRAPING (not pictured) Special drape is available in a variety of colors. Refer to the order form for details. FLOOR-STANDING BULLETIN BOARD C10201484 48”W 96”L CORRUGATED WASTEBASKET C220106 WASTEBASKET wastebasket color may vary. C220107 78”H Call customer service at the number listed on the Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to page 27 6555 West Sunset Road Las Vegas, NV 89118 Ph: 702-579-1700 • Fax: 469-621-5604 NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 702-579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to Qty Part # Description Online Price Discount Price Standard Price Total SEATING Naples Group - Black Leather ______ 810119 Chair................................................................................................. $514.70$566.15$720.60 $____________ ______ 830120 Loveseat........................................................................................... $692.00$761.20$968.80 $____________ ______ 830119 Sofa.................................................................................................. $765.90 $842.50 $1,072.25 $____________ Heathrow Group - Black Leather ______ 810116 Armless Chair................................................................................... $389.90$428.90$545.85 $____________ ______ 810117 Corner Chair..................................................................................... $455.25$500.80$637.35 $____________ ______ 830116 Sofa.................................................................................................. $660.95$727.05$925.35 $____________ FREEMAN furnishings ONLINE PRICE DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE OCTOBER 7, 2016 South Beach Group - Platinum Suede ______ 8301 Sofa.................................................................................................. $708.60$779.45$992.05 $____________ ______ 8151 Ottoman............................................................................................ $309.95$340.95$433.95 $____________ Key Largo Group - Black Fabric ______ 830950 Loveseat........................................................................................... $538.70$592.55$754.20 $____________ ______ 830951 Sofa.................................................................................................. $595.35$654.90$833.50 $____________ ______ 810950 Chair................................................................................................. $424.35$466.80$594.10 $____________ Fairfax Group - White Vinyl ______ 810949 Chair................................................................................................. $357.95$393.75$501.15 $____________ ______ 830949 Sofa.................................................................................................. $571.65$628.80$800.30 $____________ Tangiers Group - Beige Fabric ______ 810118 Chair................................................................................................. $457.40$503.15$640.35 $____________ ______ 830118 Sofa.................................................................................................. $638.45$702.30$893.85 $____________ Roma Group - White Vinyl ______ 81020 Chair................................................................................................. $586.50$645.15$821.10 $____________ ______ 83016 Sofa.................................................................................................. $900.20 $990.20 $1,260.30 $____________ CASUAL SEATING Ottomans ______ 815122 ______ 815123 ______ 815953 ______ 815952 ______ 815120 ______ 815121 ______ 81518 ______ 81520 ______ 81519 ______ 81517 ______ 81525 ______ 81531 ______ 81530 ______ 81526 Endless Square - White Leather.................................................. $330.50$363.55$462.70 $____________ Endless Square - Black Leather.................................................. $330.50$363.55$462.70 $____________ Endless Curved - White Leather.................................................. $443.40$487.75$620.75 $____________ Endless Curved - Black Leather.................................................. $443.40$487.75$620.75 $____________ Ottoman Bench - White Leather.................................................. $397.45$437.20$556.45 $____________ Ottoman Bench - Black Leather................................................... $397.45$437.20$556.45 $____________ Vibe Cube - Blue Vinyl................................................................. $149.10$164.00$208.75 $____________ Vibe Cube - Pink Vinyl................................................................. $149.10$164.00$208.75 $____________ Vibe Cube - Red Vinyl.................................................................. $149.10$164.00$208.75 $____________ Vibe Cube - Yellow Vinyl.............................................................. $149.10$164.00$208.75 $____________ Vibe Cube - Orange Vinyl............................................................ $149.10$164.00$208.75 $____________ Vibe Cube - White Vinyl............................................................... $128.75$141.65$180.25 $____________ Vibe Cube - Black Vinyl............................................................... $128.75$141.65$180.25 $____________ Edge LED Cube Ottoman - High Density Plastic......................... $211.75$232.95$296.45 $____________ Banquettes ______ 8506 ______ 8507 Banquette, Center Cone with Electrical Charging Outlet............. $616.00$677.60$862.40 $____________ Banquette, Quarter Curve Ottoman............................................. $407.00$447.70$569.80 $____________ (423214) Page 1 of 5 Take advantage of the Online price by ordering at before OCTOBER 7, 2016. Allegro Group - Blue Fabric ______ 81019 Chair................................................................................................. $524.40$576.85$734.15 $____________ ______ 83015 Sofa.................................................................................................. $837.10 $920.80 $1,171.95$____________ COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 702-579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to Qty Part # Description Online Price Discount Price Standard Price Total CASUAL SEATING Occasional Chairs ______ N71089 ______ N71090 ______ N71091 ______ C210108 ______ 8102 ______ 810816 ______ 810948 ______ 810835 ______ 810836 ______ 8103 ______ 810843 ______ 810814 ______ 810838 ______ 810846 ______ 810841 ______ 810837 ______ 81090 ______ 810875 ______ 810811 ______ 810810 ______ 810847 Black Diamond Side Chair............................................................. $76.05 $83.65 $106.45 $____________ Black Diamond Arm Chair............................................................ $126.80$139.50$177.50 $____________ Diva Chair.................................................................................... $159.55$175.50$223.35 $____________ Limerick® Chair by Herman Miller.................................................. $59.05$64.95$82.65 $____________ Madrid Chair - Black Leather/Chrome......................................... $885.90 $974.50 $1,240.25 $____________ Madrid Chair - White Leather/Chrome......................................... $885.90 $974.50 $1,240.25 $____________ Meeting Chair - White Vinyl......................................................... $294.05$323.45$411.65 $____________ Meeting Chair - Espresso Bonded Leather.................................. $223.65$246.00$313.10 $____________ Meeting Chair - Taupe Microfiber................................................ $293.25$322.60$410.55 $____________ Tub Chair - Black Fabric.............................................................. $452.70$497.95$633.80 $____________ Madden Chair - Light Gray Vinyl.................................................. $474.00$521.40$663.60 $____________ ICE Side Chair-Transparent/Chrome........................................... $238.15$261.95$333.40 $____________ Fusion Chair - White/Black High Density Plastic......................... $154.10$169.50$215.75 $____________ Christopher Chair - White Vinyl/Chrome...................................... $128.75$141.65$180.25 $____________ Rustique Chair with Arms - Gunmetal.......................................... $129.35$142.30$181.10 $____________ Razor Armless Chair - White High Density Plastic........................ $60.15$66.15$84.20 $____________ New York Chair - Onyx/Maple Wood/Chrome............................. $209.35$230.30$293.10 $____________ Swanson Chair - White Vinyl....................................................... $280.10$308.10$392.15 $____________ Berlin Stack Chair - White & Red Plastic/Chrome....................... $122.35$134.60$171.30 $____________ Berlin Stack Chair - White & Black Plastic/Chrome..................... $122.35$134.60$171.30 $____________ Wendy Chair - Clear Acrylic......................................................... $126.95$139.65$177.75 $____________ Conference Chairs ______ N71046 ______ N71045 ______ 810874 ______ 81063 ______ 810807 ______ 810844 ______ 810946 ______ 810945 ______ 810944 ______ 810947 Gray Gaslift Chair with Arms........................................................ $226.65$249.30$317.30 $____________ Gray Gaslift Chair without Arms................................................... $190.95$210.05$267.35 $____________ Labrea Chair - Charcoal Gray Fabric........................................... $330.50$363.55$462.70 $____________ Altura Conference/Guest Chair - Black Fabric/Black Steel.......... $354.45$389.90$496.25 $____________ Luxor Executive Chair - Black Leather......................................... $469.40$516.35$657.15 $____________ Pro Executive High Back Chair - White Vinyl............................... $291.90$321.10$408.65 $____________ Pro Executive High Back Chair - Black Vinyl............................... $294.05$323.45$411.65 $____________ Pro Executive Mid Back Chair - White Vinyl................................ $365.15$401.65$511.20 $____________ Pro Executive Mid Back Chair - Black Vinyl................................. $354.00$389.40$495.60 $____________ Pro Executive Guest Chair - Black Vinyl...................................... $382.15$420.35$535.00 $____________ Bars & Barstools ______ 8501 ______ N71088 ______ N71048 ______ N71047 ______ N71092 ______ C210109 ______ 810872 ______ 810873 ______ 810871 ______ 810870 ______ 33010 ______ 3309 ______ 33042 ______ 33043 ______ 810103 ______ 810104 ______ 810706 ______ 810840 ______ 810834 ______ 810848 ______ 810815 ______ 810202 ______ 810839 ______ 810505 ______ 810200 ______ 810201 Martini Bar - Gray Metal/Frosted Glass Top/Chrome Legs....... $1,550.25$1,705.30$2,170.35$____________ Black Diamond Stool.................................................................... $152.70$167.95$213.80 $____________ Gray Gaslift Stool with Arms........................................................ $217.55$239.30$304.55 $____________ Gray Gaslift Stool without Arms................................................... $198.95$218.85$278.55 $____________ Diva Counter Stool....................................................................... $183.80$202.20$257.30 $____________ Limerick® Stool by Herman Miller................................................... $90.45 $99.50 $126.65 $____________ Lift Hydraulic Barstool - Gray Vinyl/Chrome................................ $169.80$186.80$237.70 $____________ Lift Hydraulic Barstool - Red Vinyl/Chrome.................................. $169.80$186.80$237.70 $____________ Lift Hydraulic Barstool - Black Vinyl/Chrome............................... $169.80$186.80$237.70 $____________ Lift Hydraulic Barstool - White Vinyl/Chrome............................... $169.80$186.80$237.70 $____________ Apex Barstool - Black Vinyl.......................................................... $213.20$234.50$298.50 $____________ Apex Barstool - Blue Ultra Suede................................................ $213.20$234.50$298.50 $____________ Apex Barstool - Red Vinyl............................................................ $213.20$234.50$298.50 $____________ Apex Barstool - White Vinyl......................................................... $213.20$234.50$298.50 $____________ Banana Barstool - White Vinyl/Chrome........................................ $211.05$232.15$295.45 $____________ Banana Barstool - Black Vinyl/Chrome........................................ $211.05$232.15$295.45 $____________ Jetson Barstool - Black Vinyl/Black Steel.................................... $292.25$321.50$409.15 $____________ Zoey Barstool - White Vinyl/Chrome............................................ $319.85$351.85$447.80 $____________ Zoey Barstool - Black Vinyl/Chrome............................................ $319.85$351.85$447.80 $____________ Christopher Barstool - White Vinyl/Chrome................................. $218.35$240.20$305.70 $____________ ICE Barstool - Transparent/Chrome Legs.................................... $254.65$280.10$356.50 $____________ Shark Swivel Barstool - White Plastic/Chrome............................ $351.45$386.60$492.05 $____________ Rustique Barstool - Gunmetal...................................................... $129.35$142.30$181.10 $____________ Gin Barstool - Maple Wood/Chrome............................................ $186.00$204.60$260.40 $____________ Oslo Barstool - Blue Plastic/Chrome............................................ $265.70$292.25$372.00 $____________ Oslo Barstool - White Plastic/Chrome.......................................... $265.70$292.25$372.00 $____________ (423214) Page 2 of 5 FREEMAN furnishings Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 Take advantage of the Online price by ordering at before OCTOBER 7, 2016. NAME OF SHOW: Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 702-579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to Qty Part # Description Online Price Discount Price Standard Price Total TABLES Draped & Undraped Tables & Counters Black Blue Brown Flax Gold Gray Green Plum Red White Draped Tables - Tables are 24" wide ______ C124330 Draped Table 3'L x 30"H................................................................ $86.15 $94.75 $120.60 $____________ ______ C124430 Draped Table 4'L x 30"H.............................................................. $107.75 $118.55 $150.85 $____________ ______ C124630 Draped Table 6'L x 30"H.............................................................. $130.80$143.90$183.10 $____________ ______ C124830 Draped Table 8'L x 30"H.............................................................. $155.85$171.45$218.20 $____________ ______ C12404630 4th Side Drape 6'L x 30"H.............................................................. $34.10$37.50$47.75 $____________ ______ C12404830 4th Side Drape 8'L x 30"H.............................................................. $34.10$37.50$47.75 $____________ ______ C124342 Draped Table 3'L x 42"H.............................................................. $114.00$125.40$159.60 $____________ ______ C124442 Draped Table 4'L x 42"H.............................................................. $132.70$145.95$185.80 $____________ ______ C124642 Draped Table 6'L x 42"H.............................................................. $155.25$170.80$217.35 $____________ ______ C124842 Draped Table 8'L x 42"H.............................................................. $180.25$198.30$252.35 $____________ ______ C12404642 4th Side Drape 6'L x 42"H.............................................................. $39.60$43.55$55.45 $____________ ______ C12404842 4th Side Drape 8'L x 42"H.............................................................. $39.60$43.55$55.45 $____________ FREEMAN furnishings NAME OF SHOW: Table Top Corrugated Risers - Risers are 8" wide ______ C1504100 Black 4'L x 7"H Corrugated Riser.................................................. $29.25$32.20$40.95 $____________ ______ C1504101 White 4'L x 7"H Corrugated Riser.................................................. $29.25$32.20$40.95 $____________ ______ C1506100 Black 6'L x 7"H Corrugated Riser.................................................. $34.25$37.70$47.95 $____________ ______ C1506101 White 6'L x 7"H Corrugated Riser.................................................. $34.25$37.70$47.95 $____________ ______ C1508100 Black 8'L x 7"H Corrugated Riser.................................................. $39.50$43.45$55.30 $____________ ______ C1508101 White 8'L x 7"H Corrugated Riser.................................................. $39.50$43.45$55.30 $____________ Table Top Corrugated Risers - Risers are 8" wide ______ C1504200 Black 4'L x 14"H Corrugated Riser................................................ $44.75$49.25$62.65 $____________ ______ C1504201 White 4'L x 14"H Corrugated Riser................................................ $44.75$49.25$62.65 $____________ ______ C1506200 Black 6'L x 14"H Corrugated Riser................................................ $54.75$60.25$76.65 $____________ ______ C1506201 White 6'L x 14"H Corrugated Riser................................................ $54.75$60.25$76.65 $____________ ______ C1508200 Black 8'L x 14"H Corrugated Riser................................................ $64.75$71.25$90.65 $____________ ______ C1508201 White 8'L x 14"H Corrugated Riser................................................ $64.75$71.25$90.65 $____________ Pedestal Tables - Chelsea Series - Butcher Block-Top ______ N72063 Butcher Block-Top Cafe Table 30"H x 30"W................................ $160.55$176.60$224.75 $____________ ______ N72064 Butcher Block-Top Cafe Table 30"H x 36"W................................ $168.75$185.65$236.25 $____________ ______ N720163 Butcher Block-Top Bistro Table 42"H x 30"W.............................. $215.60$237.15$301.85 $____________ ______ N720164 Butcher Block-Top Bistro Table 42"H x 36"W.............................. $235.50$259.05$329.70 $____________ Pedestal Tables - SoHo Series - Black-Top ______ N72066 Black-Top Mini Table 18"H x 18"W.............................................. $141.20$155.30$197.70 $____________ ______ N72069 Black-Top Cafe Table 30"H x 24"W............................................. $148.15$162.95$207.40 $____________ ______ N72067 Black-Top Cafe Table 30"H x 36"W............................................. $170.60$187.65$238.85 $____________ ______ N72070 Black-Top Bistro Table 42"H x 24"W........................................... $195.65$215.20$273.90 $____________ ______ N72068 Black-Top Bistro Table 42"H x 36"W........................................... $213.30$234.65$298.60 $____________ Pedestal Tables ______ 820232 ______ 8201203 ______ 820231 ______ 8201204 ______ 820224 ______ 820230 (423214) Standard Base Cafe Table - Liquid White.................................... $285.00$313.50$399.00 $____________ Standard Base Cafe Table - Blue Steel........................................ $246.00$270.60$344.40 $____________ Standard Base Bar Table - Liquid White...................................... $262.00$288.20$366.80 $____________ Standard Base Bar Table - Blue Steel.......................................... $294.50$323.95$412.30 $____________ Hydraulic Base Cafe Table - Liquid White.................................... $395.50$435.05$553.70 $____________ Hydraulic Base Bar Table - Liquid White...................................... $395.50$435.05$553.70 $____________ Page 3 of 5 Take advantage of the Online price by ordering at before OCTOBER 7, 2016. Undraped Tables - Tables are 24" wide ______ C125330 Undraped Table 3'L x 30"H............................................................ $29.50$32.45$41.30 $____________ ______ C125430 Undraped Table 4'L x 30"H............................................................ $37.40$41.15$52.35 $____________ ______ C125630 Undraped Table 6'L x 30"H............................................................ $49.45$54.40$69.25 $____________ ______ C125830 Undraped Table 8'L x 30"H............................................................ $58.95$64.85$82.55 $____________ ______ C125342 Undraped Table 3'L x 42"H............................................................ $51.40$56.55$71.95 $____________ ______ C125442 Undraped Table 4'L x 42"H............................................................ $63.50$69.85$88.90 $____________ ______ C125642 Undraped Table 6'L x 42"H............................................................ $74.95 $82.45 $104.95 $____________ ______ C125842 Undraped Table 8'L x 42"H............................................................ $85.80 $94.40 $120.10$____________ COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 702-579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to Qty Part # Description Online Price Discount Price Standard Price Total TABLES Occasional End & Cocktail Tables ______ C115104 Studio Black End Table.................................................................. $82.25 $90.50 $115.15 $____________ ______ C115103 Studio Black Cocktail Table........................................................... $98.15$107.95$137.40 $____________ ______ 82023 Inspiration End Table - Tempered Glass/Painted Steel............... $327.65$360.40$458.70 $____________ ______ 82022 Inspiration Table - Tempered Glass/Painted Steel...................... $345.60$380.15$483.85 $____________ ______ 82025 Geo End Table - Glass/Black Steel............................................. $256.90$282.60$359.65 $____________ ______ 82035 Geo End Table - Glass/Chrome................................................... $256.90$282.60$359.65 $____________ ______ 82024 Geo Table - Glass/Black Steel..................................................... $283.45 $311.80 $396.85$____________ ______ 82034 Geo Table - Glass/Chrome.......................................................... $283.45 $311.80 $396.85 $____________ ______ 82015 Silverado End Table - Tempered Glass/Painted Steel................ $283.45 $311.80 $396.85 $____________ ______ 82014 Silverado Table - Tempered Glass/Painted Steel........................ $301.10$331.20$421.55 $____________ ______ 82054 Sydney End Table - Black Laminate/Brushed Steel.................... $269.55$296.50$377.35 $____________ ______ 82055 Sydney End Table - White Laminate/Brushed Steel.................... $269.55$296.50$377.35 $____________ ______ 82052 Sydney Table - Black Laminate/Brushed Steel............................ $325.85$358.45$456.20 $____________ ______ 82053 Sydney Table - White Laminate/Brushed Steel........................... $325.85$358.45$456.20 $____________ ______ 82088 Oliver End Table - Walnut Finish................................................. $241.50$265.65$338.10 $____________ ______ 82087 Oliver Table - Walnut Finish......................................................... $271.50$298.65$380.10 $____________ ______ 82075 Regis End Table - Brushed Metal................................................ $248.75$273.65$348.25 $____________ ______ 82074 Regis Bench/Table - Brushed Metal............................................ $350.70$385.75$491.00 $____________ ______ 82043 Geo Square-Round Table - Glass/Black Steel............................ $322.00$354.20$450.80 $____________ ______ 82044 Geo Square-Round Table - Glass/Chrome.................................. $322.00$354.20$450.80 $____________ ______ 82056 Candy Table - White Plastic/Black Laminated Top...................... $183.00$201.30$256.20 $____________ ______ 820844 Aura Round Table - White Metal.................................................. $136.60$150.25$191.25 $____________ ______ 82057 Edge LED Cube Table - White Plastic/Clear Acrylic.................... $211.75$232.95$296.45 $____________ Conference Tables ______ 82060 ______ 82041 ______ 82051 ______ 82033 ______ 82058 ______ 82059 ______ 82067 ______ 82068 ______ 82063 ______ 82066 ______ 820115 ______ 820203 ______ 820708 Nova White Oval Table - White Laminate/Chrome...................... $602.05$662.25$842.85 $____________ Geo Conference Table - Glass/Black Steel................................. $478.35$526.20$669.70 $____________ Geo Conference Table - Glass/Chrome...................................... $478.35$526.20$669.70 $____________ Manhattan Table - Glass/Black Steel........................................... $338.50$372.35$473.90 $____________ Communal Table 30"H - Maple with Grommets........................... $526.65$579.30$737.30 $____________ Communal Table 42"H - Maple with Grommets........................... $738.35 $812.20 $1,033.70 $____________ Communal Table 30"H - Maple Solid........................................... $526.65$579.30$737.30 $____________ Communal Table 42"H - Maple Solid........................................... $738.35 $812.20 $1,033.70 $____________ Communal Table 30"H - White Solid........................................... $526.65$579.30$737.30 $____________ Communal Table 42"H - White Solid........................................... $738.35 $812.20 $1,033.70 $____________ 8' Rectangular Conference Table - Granite................................. $679.00$746.90$950.60 $____________ 6' Oval Conference Table - Granite Nebula................................. $570.00$627.00$798.00 $____________ 42" Round White Conference Table - White Laminate................ $428.50$471.35$599.90 $____________ Computer / Desk / Table ______ 84075 Madison Desk - Gray Acajou....................................................... $614.00$675.40$859.60 $____________ ______ 84077 Madison Credenza - Gray Acajou................................................ $513.00$564.30$718.20 $____________ ______ 84078 Madison Bookcase - Gray Acajou................................................ $437.00 $480.70 $611.80 $____________ ______ 820706 Work Desk - White Laminate....................................................... $368.50$405.35$515.90 $____________ ______ 820707 Merlin Table - Gray Laminate...................................................... $385.65$424.20$539.90 $____________ POWERED Powered Seating ______ 810120 ______ 830122 ______ 830121 ______ 81021 ______ 83017 Naples Chair, Powered - Black Vinyl........................................... $702.45$772.70$983.45 $____________ Naples Loveseat, Powered - Black Vinyl..................................... $944.50$1,038.95$1,322.30 $____________ Naples Sofa, Powered - Black Vinyl......................................... $1,086.65$1,195.30$1,521.30$____________ Roma Chair, Powered - White Vinyl............................................ $702.45$772.70$983.45 $____________ Roma Sofa, Powered - White Vinyl........................................... $1,086.65$1,195.30$1,521.30$____________ Powered Tables ______ 82070 ______ 82071 ______ 82072 ______ 84083 ______ 84084 ______ 82076 ______ 82073 G30 Cocktail Table 18"H, Powered - White Top.......................... $462.45$508.70$647.45 $____________ G30 Cafe Table 30"H, Powered - White Top............................... $639.65$703.60$895.50 $____________ G30 Bar Table 42"H, Powered - White Top................................. $836.35 $920.00 $1,170.90 $____________ Tech Desk with 3 Drawer File Cabinet, Powered - Black Metal... $644.80$709.30$902.70 $____________ Tech Desk, Powered - Black Metal - Desk Only.......................... $567.55$624.30$794.55 $____________ Sydney Cocktail Table, Powered - Black Laminate/Steel............ $438.80$482.70$614.30 $____________ Sydney Cocktail Table, Powered - White Laminate/Steel............ $438.80$482.70$614.30 $____________ Powered Product Pedestals ______ 85060 Powered Locking Pedestal 36"H - Black...................................... $513.45$564.80$718.85 $____________ ______ 85061 Powered Locking Pedestal 36"H - White..................................... $513.45$564.80$718.85 $____________ ______ 85062 Powered Locking Pedestal 42"H - Black...................................... $611.80$673.00$856.50 $____________ ______ 85063 Powered Locking Pedestal 42"H - White..................................... $611.80$673.00$856.50 $____________ (423214) Page 4 of 5 FREEMAN furnishings Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 Take advantage of the Online price by ordering at before OCTOBER 7, 2016. NAME OF SHOW: Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 702-579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to Qty Part # Description Online Price Discount Price Standard Price Total POWERED Adapters ______ 850800 ______ 850801 Charging Adapters Four-Way - Black............................................ $27.55$30.30$38.55 $____________ Charging Adapters Four-Way - White............................................ $27.55$30.30$38.55 $____________ Storage ______ ______ ______ ______ 84080 85078 N74082 N74081 3 Door File Cabinet on Castors - Black........................................ $196.75$216.45$275.45 $____________ Locking Door Pedestal - Black Laminate..................................... $522.40$574.65$731.35 $____________ File Cabinet with Lock - Two Drawer - Standard Size................. $198.95$218.85$278.55 $____________ File Cabinet with Lock - Four Drawer - Standard Size................. $235.50$259.05$329.70 $____________ Product Display ______ 850604 ______ 850605 Etagere - Black............................................................................ $350.85$385.95$491.20 $____________ Etagere - Pewter.......................................................................... $350.85$385.95$491.20 $____________ Refrigerator ______ N75057 ______ 8503001 Small Refrigerator........................................................................ $339.80$373.80$475.70 $____________ Refrigerator - White 14.0 Cubic Feet........................................... $877.00 $964.70 $1,227.80 $____________ Lighting ______ 850707 ______ 850708 Mason Table Lamp - White/Brushed Silver................................. $163.50$179.85$228.90 $____________ Mason Floor Lamp - White/Brushed Silver.................................. $243.10$267.40$340.35 $____________ FREEMAN furnishings NAME OF SHOW: Display ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ N75020 N75021 N75022 N75030 N75031 N75032 N75079 N72056 Display Cylinder - Black - Low..................................................... $177.55$195.30$248.55 $____________ Display Cylinder - Black - Medium............................................... $187.10$205.80$261.95 $____________ Display Cylinder - Black - High.................................................... $214.25$235.70$299.95 $____________ Display Cube - Black - Small - 12"W............................................ $171.65$188.80$240.30 $____________ Display Cube - Black - Medium - 18"W........................................ $183.80$202.20$257.30 $____________ Display Cube - Black - Large - 24"W........................................... $209.05$229.95$292.65 $____________ Orion Computer Kiosk.................................................................. $414.45$455.90$580.25 $____________ Display Counter - Black............................................................... $415.05$456.55$581.05 $____________ Tablet Stands ______ 850714 ______ 850715 Mobile Tablet Stand - White......................................................... $313.85$345.25$439.40 $____________ Mobile Tablet Stand - Black......................................................... $313.85 $345.25 $439.40 $____________ Tablet Stand Accessories ______ 850711 Brochure Holder - Black................................................................. $31.05$34.15$43.45 $____________ ______ 850712 Wireless Printer Holder - Black...................................................... $31.05$34.15$43.45 $____________ ______ 850713 Charging Shelf - Black................................................................... $31.05$34.15$43.45 $____________ Accessories ______ C220121 ______ C220118 ______ N750135 ______ N750136 ______ C220109 ______ C220134 ______ C220110 ______ C10201484 ______ C220106 ______ C220107 Special Drape Black Blue ______ 12103 ______ 12108 Chrome Stanchion with 8' Retractable Belt.................................... $71.10$78.20$99.55 $____________ Chrome Sign Holder...................................................................... $74.00 $81.40 $103.60 $____________ Round Literature Rack................................................................. $290.55$319.60$406.75 $____________ Flat Literature Rack...................................................................... $290.55$319.60$406.75 $____________ Chrome Coat Tree......................................................................... $49.75$54.75$69.65 $____________ Aluminum Chrome Easel............................................................... $51.40$56.55$71.95 $____________ Chrome Bag Rack.......................................................................... $95.05$104.55$133.05 $____________ Floor-Standing Bulletin Board...................................................... $184.80$203.30$258.70 $____________ Corrugated Wastebasket............................................................... $19.05$20.95$26.65 $____________ Wastebasket - Color May Vary...................................................... $16.00$17.60$22.40 $____________ Brown Flax Gold Gray Green Plum Red White Special Drape - 3'H (per ft.)........................................................... $10.50 $11.55 $14.70 $____________ Special Drape - 8'H (per ft.)........................................................... $17.10$18.80$23.95 $____________ TOTAL COST Sub-Total____________ + Tax (8.15%)_________ = TOTAL_____________ Taxes: Due to varying taxes across counties and cities for various categories, applicable taxes will be applied to your order accordingly based on the jurisdictions of the show city. (423214) Page 5 of 5 Take advantage of the Online price by ordering at before OCTOBER 7, 2016. DISPLAY ACCESSORIES INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 NAME OF SHOW: COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME : PHONE #: BOOTH SIZE: X E-MAIL ADDRESS : For Assistance, please call (702) 579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to ACCESSORIES Vertical Horizontal PERFBOARD SINGLE SIDED PERFBOARD SINGLE SIDED CHROME GARMENT RACK COLLAPSIBLE SECURITY CONTAINER 2 WAY STRAIGHT ARM 4 WAY SLANT ARM GRID ACCESSORIES GRID LEGS PERFBOARD HOOKS AND ACCESSORIES TICKET TUMBLER 2' x 8' GRID PANELS 4 WAY CONNECTORS Qty Part # Online Discount Standard Price Price Price Description Total Qty Part # PERFBOARDS / BULLETIN BOARDS 10201178 1M x 8'H Single Side-Vert (White)... 10201179 1M x 8'H Single Side-Vert (Gray).... 10201182 1/2 M x 8'H Single Side-Vert............ 10201480 4' x 8' Single Side-Horz.................. 102040 4" Single Hook............................... 102060 6" Single Hook............................... 102080 8" Single Hook............................... 10205 12" Shelf Bracket........................... 10207 7-Ball Waterfall Arm....................... 185.75 N/A 142.20 188.70 .31 .31 .31 15.45 28.85 204.35 N/A 156.40 207.55 .35 .35 .35 17.00 31.75 GRIDS (continued) 260.05 N/A 199.10 264.20 .45 .45 .45 21.65 40.40 GRIDS 103028 Chrome Grid................................... 103010 Black Grid....................................... 103011 White Grid...................................... 103040 Grid Legs (Chrome)....................... 103041 Grid Legs (Black)........................... 103042 Grid Legs (White)........................... 103030 Grid Connectors............................. 143.55 143.55 143.55 21.90 21.90 21.90 26.90 157.90 157.90 157.90 24.10 24.10 24.10 29.60 200.95 200.95 200.95 30.65 30.65 30.65 37.65 10303 3-Ball Waterfall Arm....................... 10305 5-Ball Waterfall Arm....................... 10307 7-Ball Waterfall Arm....................... 10309 Cleaver Clip.................................... 103044 4" Single Hook................................ 103046 6" Single Hook................................ 103048 8" Single Hook................................ 151010 Collapsible Security Container....... 15905 Fish Bowl........................................ 159011 Ticket Tumbler - Small................... 10405 Garment Rack................................ 10404 4-way Slant Arm............................. 10403 2-way Straight Arm......................... (423214) 6904 22.90 24.55 26.90 5.85 .31 .31 .31 25.20 27.00 29.60 6.45 .35 .35 .35 32.05 34.35 37.65 8.20 .45 .45 .45 295.90 36.40 109.20 83.65 150.65 119.25 376.60 46.35 138.95 106.45 191.75 151.75 ACCESSORIES 269.00 33.10 99.25 76.05 136.95 108.40 TOTAL COST + Sub-Total 03/12 Online Discount Standard Price Price Price Description = 8.15 % Tax Total Cost Total accessories OCTOBER 07, 2016 FREEMAN 6555 West Sunset Rd Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 579-1700 Fax: (469) 621-5604 Take advantage of the Online price by ordering at before OCTOBER 07, 2016 ONLINE PRICE DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE 6555 West Sunset Rd Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 579-1700 Fax: (469) 621-5604 INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 NAME OF SHOW: COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME : PHONE #: BOOTH SIZE: X E-MAIL ADDRESS : For Assistance, please call (702) 579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to SHOWCASES HALF VIEW FULL VIEW THE STANDARD WHITE LINE (Fluorescent) THE DESIGNER LINE (Fluorescent or Halogen) Fluorescent Lighting Sliding Doors w/Lock (No Mirrors) Solid Sides Matte White Formica Exterior Closed Storage area (Quarter & Half View Cases) Available in 4', 5', and 6' lengths & 34" Corner Cases Available in Quarter, Half & Full View Fluorescent Lighting (Quarter & Half view) Halogen Lighting (Quarter View Only) Mirrored Sliding Doors w/Lock Glass Sides Brushed Silver Frame Textured Gray Formica Exterior Rear Storage w/Locked Sliding Doors Available in 4', 5', and 6' lengths & 34" Corner Cases Available in Quarter & Half View Qty Part # 101044 101052 101062 101042 101050 101060 101043 101051 101061 101092 101090 Description 4' Quarter View Fluorescent.... 5' Quarter View Fluorescent.... 6' Quarter View Fluorescent.... 4' Half Fluorescent................... 5' Half Fluorescent................... 6' Half Fluorescent................... 4' Full Fluorescent................... 5' Full Fluorescent................... 6' Full Fluorescent................... Corner Quarter View................ Corner Half View..................... Online Discount Standard Price Price Price 473.05 473.05 473.05 473.05 473.05 473.05 473.05 473.05 473.05 518.95 518.95 520.35 520.35 520.35 520.35 520.35 520.35 520.35 520.35 520.35 570.85 570.85 Total 662.25 662.25 662.25 662.25 662.25 662.25 662.25 662.25 662.25 726.55 726.55 Qty Part # 1012400 1012500 1012600 1012401 1012501 1012601 1011400 1011500 1011600 101214 101212 101142 THE DELUXE LINE (Fluorescent) Fluorescent Lighting Mirrored Sliding Doors w/Lock Glass Sides Polished Bronze Frame Glossy Black Formica Exterior Rear Storage w/Locked Sliding Doors Available in 4', 5', and 6' lengths & 34" Corner Cases Available in Quarter & Half View Qty Part # 1014111 1014121 1014131 1014110 1014120 1014130 1014101 1014100 Description 4' Quarter View Fluorescent.... 5' Quarter View Fluorescent.... 6' Quarter View Fluorescent.... 4' Half View Fluorescent.......... 5' Half View Fluorescent.......... 6' Half View Fluorescent.......... Corner Quarter View............... Corner Half View..................... 602.45 602.45 602.45 602.45 602.45 602.45 645.75 645.75 4' Quarter View Fluorescent.... 5' Quarter View Fluorescent.... 6' Quarter View Fluorescent.... 4' Half View Fluorescent.......... 5' Half View Fluorescent.......... 6' Half View Fluorescent.......... 4' Quarter View Halogen.......... 5' Quarter View Halogen.......... 6' Quarter View Halogen.......... Corner Quarter View Fluorescent Corner Half View Fluorescent Corner Quarter View Halogen Total 766.80 766.80 766.80 766.80 766.80 766.80 821.85 821.85 Qty Part # 1013400 1013500 1013600 1013401 1013501 1013601 101314 101312 Description 4' Quarter View Halogen......... 5' Quarter View Halogen......... 6' Quarter View Halogen......... 4' Half View Halogen............... 5' Half View Halogen............... 6' Half View Halogen............... Corner Quarter View............... Corner Half View..................... TOTAL COST (423214) 6904 525.50 525.50 525.50 525.50 525.50 525.50 631.60 631.60 631.60 564.80 564.80 682.75 578.05 578.05 578.05 578.05 578.05 578.05 694.75 694.75 694.75 621.30 621.30 751.05 Total 735.70 735.70 735.70 735.70 735.70 735.70 884.25 884.25 884.25 790.70 790.70 955.85 Halogen Lighting Mirrored Sliding Doors w/Lock Glass Sides Brushed Gold Frame Green w/Etched Verdigris Formica Exterior Rear Storage w/Locked Sliding Doors Available in 4', 5', and 6' lengths & 34" Corner Cases Available in Quarter & Half View + 09/11 Online Discount Standard Price Price Price THE ELITE LINE (Halogen) Online Discount Standard Price Price Price 547.70 547.70 547.70 547.70 547.70 547.70 587.05 587.05 Description Take advantage of the Online price by ordering at before OCTOBER 07, 2016 QUARTER VIEW Sub-Total = 8.15 % Tax Total Cost Online Discount Standard Price Price Price 631.60 631.60 631.60 631.60 631.60 631.60 682.75 682.75 694.75 694.75 694.75 694.75 694.75 694.75 751.05 751.05 884.25 884.25 884.25 884.25 884.25 884.25 955.85 955.85 FREEMAN showcases ONLINE PRICE DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE OCTOBER 07, 2016 Total carpet When it comes to making your exhibit stand out on the show floor, we have you covered. Freeman offers several color options in both classic and prestige carpet designed to fit the requirements of your exhibit space. • Freeman uses only colorfast carpet, making it a consistent, matching shade every time. • Freeman’s carpet is manufactured with recycled material. • All of our carpet padding is manufactured with 90−95% recycled foam and is 100% recyclable. Call customer service at the number listed on the Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to prestige C A R P E T Freeman’s prestige carpet combines plush comfort with durable soil and stain resistance, perfect for high-traffic areas. Five popular colors are available in a luxurious 40-ounce weight and all nine designer colors are available in a 28-ounce weight. Freeman’s prestige carpet packages include new, 10-foot-wide carpet, delivery, Visqueen covering, installation, carpet tape, carpet removal and all carpet material handling fees. Price includes environmentally friendly disposal of carpet after usage. Foam carpet padding is available for a minimal fee. If you have a large order, please contact us to see if volume discounts may apply. custom options Prestige carpets can also be customized to fit your exhibit needs with unique logos, patterns and borders. Call the phone number on the Quick Facts for assistance. black* cardinal charcoal* cream navy* toast wedgewood white* gray pearl* *Colors available in both 28 oz. and 40 oz. classic C A R P E T custom cut Freeman classic carpet is available in a range of colors and includes delivery, Visqueen covering, installation, carpet tape, carpet removal and all carpet material handling fees. Foam carpet padding is available for a minimal fee. If you have a large order, please contact us to see if volume discounts may apply. standard cut Our classic carpet comes in a variety of sizes. Prices include delivery, installation, carpet tape, carpet removal and all carpet material handling fees. Foam carpet padding and Visqueen covering are available for a minimal fee. black blue gray green latte midnight blue plum red red pepper tuxedo Actual colors may vary slightly. 01/16 - 55105 Call customer service at the number listed on the Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME : PHONE #: BOOTH SIZE: X E-MAIL ADDRESS : For Assistance, please call (702) 579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. • Orders received after the deadline or without payment will be charged the Standard price. • All utility lines must be installed before carpet installation. Utilities should be ordered in advance. • Pricing includes delivery, material handling, installation and removal. All carpets, padding and plastic covering contain recycled content and are recyclable. For fast, easy ordering, go to 10' CLASSIC CARPET , PADDING & PLASTIC COVERING CHOOSE YOUR CARPET COLOR: Blue Black Qty Gray Green Latte Midnight Blue Plum Description 10' x 10' Classic Carpet .................................................... $ 10' x 20' Classic Carpet .................................................... $ 10' x 30' Classic Carpet .................................................... $ 10' x 40' Classic Carpet ..................................................... $ 10' x 10' Carpet Padding - Single Layer............................. $ 10' x 20' Carpet Padding - Single Layer............................. $ 10' x 30' Carpet Padding - Single Layer............................. $ 10' x 40' Carpet Padding - Single Layer............................. $ 10' x 10' Carpet Padding - Double Layer............................. $ 10' x 20' Carpet Padding - Double Layer............................. $ 10' x 30' Carpet Padding - Double Layer............................. $ 10' x 40' Carpet Padding - Double Layer............................. $ Plastic Covering (price per sq. ft.)...................................... $ Red Pepper Red Discount Price Online Price 249.50 $ 499.00 748.50 998.00 135.00 270.00 405.00 540.00 270.00 540.00 810.00 1,080.00 .40 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 274.45 $ 548.90 823.35 1,097.80 150.00 300.00 450.00 600.00 300.00 600.00 900.00 1,200.00 .45 Tuxedo Standard Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total 349.30 698.60 1,047.90 1,397.20 190.00 380.00 570.00 760.00 380.00 760.00 1,140.00 1,520.00 .55 9' CLASSIC CARPET , PADDING & PLASTIC COVERING CHOOSE YOUR CARPET COLOR: Blue Black Qty Gray Green Latte Midnight Blue Plum Description 9' x 10' Classic Carpet .................................................... $ 9' x 20' Classic Carpet .................................................... $ 9' x 30' Classic Carpet .................................................... $ 9' x 40' Classic Carpet ..................................................... $ 9' x 10' Carpet Padding - Single Layer............................. $ 9' x 20' Carpet Padding - Single Layer............................. $ 9' x 30' Carpet Padding - Single Layer............................. $ 9' x 40' Carpet Padding - Single Layer............................. $ 9' x 10' Carpet Padding - Double Layer............................. $ 9' x 20' Carpet Padding - Double Layer............................. $ 9' x 30' Carpet Padding - Double Layer............................. $ 9' x 40' Carpet Padding - Double Layer............................. $ Plastic Covering (price per sq. ft.)...................................... $ **9' carpet is laid toward the front edge, leaving 1' at the back of the booth for access to utility ports.** 6904 Discount Price 135.05 270.10 405.15 540.20 121.50 243.00 364.50 486.00 243.00 486.00 729.00 972.00 .40 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 148.55 297.10 445.65 594.20 135.00 270.00 405.00 540.00 270.00 540.00 810.00 1,080.00 .45 Tuxedo Standard Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total 189.05 378.15 567.20 756.30 171.00 342.00 513.00 684.00 342.00 684.00 1,026.00 1,368.00 .55 TOTAL COST = + Sub- Total 01/16 (423214) Red Pepper Red Online Price 8.15 % Tax Total Cost Page 1 of 2 FREEMAN standard size carpet 6555 West Sunset Rd Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 579-1700 Fax: (469) 621-5604 Take advantage of the Online price by ordering at before OCTOBER 07, 2016 ONLINE PRICE DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE OCTOBER 07, 2016 6555 West Sunset Rd Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 579-1700 Fax: (469) 621-5604 OCTOBER 07, 2016 INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 NAME OF SHOW: COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME : PHONE #: X BOOTH SIZE: E-MAIL ADDRESS : For Assistance, please call (702) 579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. •Guaranteed new, high-quality carpet. •Orders received after the deadline or without payment will be charged the Standard price and are subject to availability. •Prestige and Custom Cut Classic Carpet are subject to a 100% cancellation charge. •All utility lines must be installed before carpet installation. Utilities should be ordered in advance. All carpets, padding and plastic covering contain recycled content and are recyclable. For fast, easy ordering, go to includes plastic covering, delivery, material handling, installation and removal cut to size carpet ONLINE PRICE DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE CUSTOM CUT CLASSIC CARPET - Booth Size: 10 25 X 250 = sq. ft. @ 2.65 $ CHOOSE YOUR CARPET COLOR - 16 oz. Carpet: Blue Black Gray Green Latte Midnight Blue Plum 16 oz. Carpet Rental - Price per square foot (100 sq. ft. minimum) Per sq. ft. Booth Size: PRESTIGE CARPET - X sq. ft. @ = Red Discount Price 2.65 $ Tuxedo Red Pepper Online Price Standard Price 2.90 $ $ Total 3.70 includes plastic covering, delivery, material handling, installation and removal CHOOSE YOUR CARPET COLOR - 28 oz. Carpet: Black Cardinal Charcoal Cream Gray Pearl Navy 1 - 700 sq. ft. X = Over 700 sq. ft. Booth Size: X = White Wedgewood Online Price 28 oz. Carpet Rental - Price per sq. ft. (100 sq. ft. minimum) Booth Size: Toast Discount Price Standard Price sq. ft. @ $ 3.65 $ 4.00 $ 5.10 sq. ft. @ $ 3.30 $ 3.65 $ 4.60 Total CHOOSE YOUR CARPET COLOR - 40 oz. Carpet: Black Charcoal Gray Pearl Navy White Discount Price Online Price 40 oz. Carpet Rental - Price per sq. ft. (100 sq. ft. minimum) Standard Price 1 - 700 sq. ft. Booth Size: X = sq. ft. @ $ 4.60 $ 5.05 $ 6.45 Over 700 sq. ft. Booth Size: X = sq. ft. @ $ 3.90 $ 4.30 $ 5.45 CARPET PADDING - Total includes delivery, material handling, installation and removal • Order Carpet Padding by the sq. ft. if your size is not listed on the standard size order form. Sample: Booth Size: 10 Qty X 25 = 250 sq. ft. @ 1.35 $ Online Price Description Price per sq. ft. (90 sq. ft. minimum) Carpet Padding -1/2" (90 - 700 sq. ft.) $ Carpet Padding-1/2" (Over 700 sq. ft.) $ Double Carpet Padding - 1/2" (90 - 700 sq. ft.) $ Double Carpet Padding -1/2" (Over 700 sq. ft.) $ 1.35 .70 2.70 1.40 Standard Price Discount Price $ $ $ $ 1.50 .75 3.00 1.50 $ $ $ $ Total 1.90 1.00 3.80 2.00 TOTAL COST = + Sub- Total 01/16 (423214) 6904 8.15 % Tax Total Cost Page 2 of 2 Take advantage of the Online price by ordering at before OCTOBER 07, 2016 Sample: FREEMAN • Order Custom Cut Classic Carpeting by the sq. ft. if your size is not listed on the standard size order form. Exhibit Value Package (EVP) Kits November 1-3, 2016 Discount Deadline: October 3, 2016 PACKAGE EXHIBIT SERVICES Make a lasting impression with turnkey solutions that provide convenience and affordability! All-Inclusiv e Exhibit Pro gram 30% Pkg. Savings * ¡¡ Cost-effective, innovative, turnkey exhibit solutions ¡¡ Award winning exhibit design ¡¡ Complete installation and dismantle services included ¡¡ Upgrade options are available ¡¡ Single point of contact from beginning to end Please contact Lewis Heineman P: 702.579.1467 F: 702.579.6191 E: * Does NOT include cost of Exhibit Space All-Inclusiv e Exhibit Pro gram* 30% Pkg. Savings 10 x 10 Exhibits 10 x 10 Package A AAPEX PRICE: $2,312.14 +8.15% TAX ¡¡Back Wall Structure-Eco-friendly wall panels (12 color choices) ¡¡Booth Set-up and Removal Included ¡¡On Site Customer Service ¡¡Graphic Header (1) ¡¡Shelves (2) ¡¡Black Diamond Stool (1) ¡¡Wastebasket (1) ¡¡Welcome Counter w/ graphic ¡¡9’ x 10’ Carpet (9 color choices) ¡¡Includes material handling of exhibit structure and additional 200lbs of exhibitor freight 10 x 10 Package B AAPEX PRICE: $3,587.67 +8.15% TAX ¡¡Back Wall Structure-Eco-friendly wall panels (12 color choices) ¡¡Booth Set-up and Removal Included ¡¡On Site Customer Service ¡¡Graphic Header (1) ¡¡Shelves (2) ¡¡Black Diamond Stool (1) ¡¡Wastebasket (1) ¡¡Welcome Counter w/ graphic ¡¡9’ x 10’ Carpet (9 color choices) ¡¡Includes material handling of exhibit structure and additional 200lbs of exhibitor freight LCD Screen Not Included - Please Request A Quote For Cleaning, Electrical & Internet - Please Contact Please contact Lewis Heineman P: 702.579.1467 F: 702.579.6191 E: * Does NOT include cost of Exhibit Space All-Inclusiv e Exhibit Pro gram* 30% Pkg. Savings 10 x 10 Exhibits 10 x 10 Package C AAPEX PRICE: $3,934.24 +8.15% TAX ¡¡Back Wall Structure-Eco-friendly wall panels (12 color choices) ¡¡Booth Set-up and Removal Included ¡¡On Site Customer Service ¡¡Back Wall Cabinets (2) ¡¡Graphic Header (1) ¡¡Mini-Shelves (4) ¡¡Black Diamond Stool (1) ¡¡SoHo Black Café Table 30” H x 36” W (1) ¡¡Black Diamond Side Chairs (3) ¡¡Wastebasket (1) ¡¡Clear Welcome Counter ¡¡9’ x 10’ Carpet (9 color choices) ¡¡Includes material handling of exhibit structure and additional 200lbs of exhibitor freight 10 x 10 Package D AAPEX PRICE: $4,281.95 +8.15% TAX ¡¡Graphic Back Wall Structure with (3) shelves ¡¡Booth Set-up and Removal Included ¡¡On Site Customer Service ¡¡Wastebasket (1) ¡¡Welcome Counter w/graphic ¡¡9’ x 10’ Carpet (9 color choices) ¡¡Includes material handling of exhibit structure and additional 200lbs of exhibitor freight LCD Screen Not Included - Please Request A Quote For Cleaning, Electrical & Internet - Please Contact Please contact Lewis Heineman P: 702.579.1467 F: 702.579.6191 E: * Does NOT include cost of Exhibit Space All-Inclusiv e Exhibit Pro gram* 30% Pkg. Savings 10 x 20 Exhibits 10 x 20 Package A AAPEX PRICE: $4,513.38 +8.15% TAX ¡¡Back Wall Structure-Eco-friendly wall panels (5 color choices) ¡¡Booth Set-up and Removal Included ¡¡On Site Customer Service ¡¡Graphic Header (1) ¡¡Graphic Wall Panels (3) ¡¡Shelves (2) ¡¡Black Diamond Stool (1) ¡¡Wastebasket (1) ¡¡Welcome Counter w/graphic ¡¡9’ x 20’ Carpet (9 color choices) ¡¡Includes material handling of exhibit structure and additional 400lbs of exhibitor freight 10 x 20 Package B AAPEX PRICE: $4,629.61 +8.15% TAX ¡¡Curved Graphic Back Wall Structure with (3) shelves ¡¡Booth Set-up and Removal Included ¡¡On Site Customer Service ¡¡Black Diamond Side Chairs (4) ¡¡SoHo Black Café Table 30” H x 36” W (1) ¡¡Wastebasket (1) ¡¡Welcome Counter w/graphic ¡¡9’ x 20’ Carpet (9 color choices) ¡¡Includes material handling of exhibit structure and additional 400lbs of exhibitor freight LCD Screen Not Included - Please Request A Quote For Cleaning, Electrical & Internet - Please Contact Please contact Lewis Heineman P: 702.579.1467 F: 702.579.6191 E: * Does NOT include cost of Exhibit Space All-Inclusiv e Exhibit Pro gram* 30% Pkg. Savings 10 x 20 Exhibits 10 x 20 Package C AAPEX PRICE: $5,208.74 +8.15% TAX ¡¡Back Wall Structure-Eco-friendly wall panels (12 color choices) ¡¡Booth Set-up and Removal Included ¡¡On Site Customer Service ¡¡Back Wall Cabinets (2) ¡¡Graphic Headers (5) ¡¡Graphic Wall Panels (2) ¡¡Shelves (2) ¡¡Black Diamond Stool (1) ¡¡Wastebasket (1) ¡¡Welcome Counter w/graphic ¡¡9’ x 20’ Carpet (9 color choices) ¡¡Includes material handling of exhibit structure and additional 400lbs of exhibitor freight 10 x 20 Package D AAPEX PRICE: $6,251.76 +8.15% TAX ¡¡Back Wall Structure-Eco-friendly wall panels (5 color choices) ¡¡Booth Set-up and Removal Included ¡¡On Site Customer Service ¡¡Graphic Back Wall Panels (3) ¡¡Black Diamond Side Chairs (4) ¡¡Shelves (3) ¡¡SoHo Black Café Table 30” H x 36” W (1) ¡¡Wastebasket (1) ¡¡Display Pedestal ¡¡9’ x 20’ Carpet (9 color choices) ¡¡Includes material handling of exhibit structure and additional 400lbs of exhibitor freight LCD Screen Not Included - Please Request A Quote For Cleaning, Electrical & Internet - Please Contact Please contact Lewis Heineman P: 702.579.1467 F: 702.579.6191 E: * Does NOT include cost of Exhibit Space All-Inclusiv e Exhibit Pro gram* 30% Pkg. Savings 20 x 20 Exhibits 20 x 20 Package A AAPEX PRICE: $7,943.83 +8.15% TAX ¡¡Back Wall Structure-Eco-friendly wall panels (12 color choices) ¡¡Slat Wall Panels (3) / Shelves (4) ¡¡Booth Set-up and Removal Included ¡¡On Site Customer Service ¡¡Graphic Super Header (1) ¡¡Wastebasket (1) ¡¡Black Diamond Stool (1) ¡¡Black Diamond Side Chairs (4) ¡¡SoHo Black Café Table 30” H x 36” W (1) ¡¡Welcome Counter w/graphic ¡¡20’ x 20’ Carpet (9 color choices) ¡¡Includes material handling of exhibit structure and additional 500lbs of exhibitor freight 20 x 20 Package B AAPEX PRICE: $8,221.57 +8.15% TAX ¡¡12’ High Graphic Backwall ¡¡Perforated Silver Metal Wall Panels ¡¡Booth Set-up and Removal Included ¡¡On Site Customer Service ¡¡Curved Bar w/graphic ¡¡Wastebasket (1) ¡¡Black Diamond Stool (4) ¡¡Space for Display Vehicle ¡¡20’ x 20’ Carpet (9 color choices) ¡¡Includes material handling of exhibit structure and additional 500lbs of exhibitor freight LCD Screen Not Included - Please Request A Quote For Cleaning, Electrical & Internet - Please Contact Please contact Lewis Heineman P: 702.579.1467 F: 702.579.6191 E: * Does NOT include cost of Exhibit Space All-Inclusiv e Exhibit Pro gram* 30% Pkg. Savings 20 x 20 Exhibits 20 x 20 Package C AAPEX PRICE: $9,264.60 +8.15% TAX ¡¡Custom 16’ High Display Tower with Branding ¡¡Booth Set-up and Removal Included ¡¡On Site Customer Service ¡¡Storage Cabinets (2) ¡¡Welcome Counter (1) ¡¡Wastebasket (1) ¡¡Black Diamond Stools (5) ¡¡SoHo Black Bistro Table 42” H x 24” W (2) ¡¡20’ x 20’ Carpet (9 color choices) ¡¡Includes material handling of exhibit structure and additional 500lbs of exhibitor freight 20 x 20 Package D AAPEX PRICE: $19,691.65 +8.15% TAX ¡¡16’ Exhibit Structure-Eco-friendly wall panels (5 color choices) ¡¡Multiple Graphic and Display Walls ¡¡Walk-up Counters (3) ¡¡Semi Private Meeting Area ¡¡Booth Set-up and Removal Included ¡¡On Site Customer Service ¡¡Graphic Super Header - Foursided ¡¡Wastebasket (1) ¡¡Black Diamond Arm Chairs (4) ¡¡SoHo Black Café Table 30” H x 36” W (1) ¡¡20’ x 20’ Carpet (9 color choices) ¡¡Includes material handling of exhibit structure and additional 500lbs of exhibitor freight LCD Screen Not Included - Please Request A Quote For Cleaning, Electrical & Internet - Please Contact Please contact Lewis Heineman P: 702.579.1467 F: 702.579.6191 E: * Does NOT include cost of Exhibit Space page 1 of 3 R E N TA L exhibits Package 1 Package 1 upgraded with graphics and cabinet Package 2 Package 2 upgraded with graphics and cabinet Package 3 Package 3 upgraded with graphics and cabinet 1/16 - 55106 - online page 2 of 3 Package 4 Package 4 upgraded with graphics and cabinet Package 5 Package 5 upgraded with graphics and cabinet Package 6 Package 6 upgraded with graphics and cabinet * All exhibits include: installation & dismantle of exhibit, material handling of exhibit, classic carpet with nightly vacuuming, 2 arm lights (per 10’ unit), power (500 watts) for lights ONLY and labor to hang arm lights. Questions? All packages can be customized or modified. To speak with an Exhibitor Sales specialist, call the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast easy ordering, go to page 3 of 3 Color Options - Classic Carpet Color Options - Fabric and Hardwall Panels black blue gray green latte midnight blue plum red red pepper tuxedo black Blackfabric Fabric Upgraded Color Options - Prestige Carpet blue Bluefabric Fabric gray Grayfabric Fabric white Whitehardwall Hardwall white Whiteperfboard Perfboard Questions? black* cardinal charcoal* cream navy* toast wedgewood white* gray pearl* *Colors available in both 28 oz. and 40 oz. All packages can be customized or modified. To speak with an Exhibitor Sales specialist, call the number listed on Quick Facts. For additional custom examples click on the link below. Upgrade options available. Sample upgrades shown below. Slatwall & Shelves Black Metal Graphics & Custom Logo To view additional custom designs Cabinets & Counters Colored Panels 1/16 - 55106 - online 6555 West Sunset Rd Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 579-1700 Fax: (469) 621-5604 NAME OF SHOW: OCTOBER 07, 2016 INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME : PHONE #: BOOTH SIZE: X E-MAIL ADDRESS : For Assistance, please call (702) 579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to All Exhibits Include: installation & dismantle of exhibit, material handling of exhibit, 9' x 10' or 9' x 20' classic carpet with nightly vacuuming, 2 arm lights (per 10’ unit), power (500 watts) for lights ONLY and labor to hang arm lights. rental exhibits DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE To place your order, please check the appropriate box and complete the remaining selections at the bottom of the form. Discount Price Package 1 10' x 10' Package 2 10' x 10' Package 3 10' x 10' Package 4 10' x 10' Package 5 10' x 10' Package 6 10' x 10' Standard Price Discount Price Standard Price 4,982.90 10' x 20' 6,172.05 8,640.85 2,474.70 3,464.60 10' x 20' 4,245.15 5,943.20 2,971.00 4,159.40 10' x 20' 5,281.85 7,394.60 2,772.35 3,881.30 10' x 20' 8,065.80 11,292.10 2,403.85 3,365.40 10' x 20' 4,388.15 6,143.40 2,489.15 3,484.80 10' x 20' 4,600.70 6,441.00 3,559.20 CHOOSE YOUR PANEL Black Fabric Blue Fabric White Perfboard White Hardwall Gray Fabric CARPET Our Classic Carpet and nightly vacuuming are included in the price of your Rental Exhibit. The following colors are available: Check color choice Black Blue Gray Green Latte Midnight Blue Plum Red Red Pepper Tuxedo You may want to add padding or upgrade your carpet to one of our 15 designer colors in our PRESTIGE carpet line. Now available in 28 oz. and 40 oz. weight. Refer to our enclosed Carpet order form for color selections and pricing. LIGHTING Each Rental Exhibit includes 2 Arm Lights (per 10’ unit). Note: Power and labor to hang the lights are included in our standard rental exhibit package price. Power consumption not to exceed 500 Watts. Additional power must be ordered separately. HEADER IDENTIFICATION SIGN Indicate which color lettering you would like. We have a wide variety of standard colors available: Black Blue Brown Red Teal White Burgundy Dark Green PMS Color Font Type *Unless font type is indicated, Helvetica will be used. Indicate exactly how you want your company name to appear: ENHANCE YOUR EXHIBIT Enhance your exhibit and have an Exhibitor Sales Specialist contact you for pricing by checking any of the following boxes: Slatwall & Shelves Cabinets & Counters Colored Panels Creating a Custom Exhibit The product offered has recyclable content or has eco-friendly attributes and is 100% recyclable according to manufacturer's specifications. 01/16 (423214) 6904 Specialty Colored Metal Graphics & Custom Logo Recyclable Graphics White Eco-Board TOTAL COST COST TOTAL = + Sub-Total 8.15 % Tax Total Cost Page 1 of 1 FREEMAN RENTAL EXHIBITS 6555 West Sunset Road Las Vegas, NV 89118 Ph: 702-579-1700 • Fax: 469-621-5604 NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 702-579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to ACCESSORIES FOR RENTAL UNITS RADIUS COUNTER (Does Not Have Doors) STRAIGHT AND ANGLED SHELVES GONDOLAS LITERATURE POCKETS (Plexiglass) (Lights may only be used on rentals. Electrical service & labor to install lights is not included.) STEM LIGHT COUNTERS & CABINETS WIRE WALL PANELS SLAT WALL PANELS (Available in Black or White) (Available in White) Usable Surface: 36”w x 86”h Usable Surface: 37-1/2” x 86-1/4” Overall Size: 41-3/16”w x 96”h x 28”d Overall Size: 41-3/16”w x 96”h x 28”d TRACKLIGHT Qty Part # Description DiscountStandard Price Price Total Qty Part # Description LIGHT FIXTURES ____ 172512 Stem Light.............................. 108.10151.35________ ____ 172514 4’ Tracklight (3 lights).............. 324.40454.15________ CABINETS & COUNTERS ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Blue Fabric Gray Fabric White PVC 173051m x 36” High Cabinet............ 546.15764.60________ 173061m x 42” High Counter............ 576.85807.60________ 173082m x 36” High Cabinet............ 654.80916.70________ 173092m x 42’ High Counter............ 684.35958.10________ 1730101m x 36” High Radius Cabinet.... 764.251069.95________ 1730111m x 42” High Radius Counter.... 871.451220.05________ GONDOLAS Gondolas Blue Fabric ____ ____ ____ ____ 174541 174542 174581 174582 Black Fabric Gray Fabric Perfboard White PVC Single Sided 1m x 4’ High....... 311.65436.30________ Double Sided 1m x 4’ High...... 452.40633.35________ Single Sided 1m x 8’ High....... 415.35581.50________ Double Sided 1m x 8’ High...... 529.35741.10________ SHELVES ____ 17201 ____ 17206 Straight Shelf - 1 m................. 87.10121.95________ Angled Shelf - 1m..................... 87.10121.95________ Don’t see what you need? Please call an Exhibitor Services Representative at 702-579-1700. (423214) Total WIRE WALL (electrical service & labor to install lights not included) Cabinets Black Fabric Discount Standard Price Price Wire Wall Black ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ White 1735181m x 8’ High Wire Wall............. 452.80633.90________ 17353 3-Ball Waterfall......................... 24.9534.95________ 17355 5-Ball Waterfall......................... 26.2036.70________ 17357 7-Ball Waterfall......................... 28.8540.40________ 173510 Cleaver Clip................................ 6.609.25________ 1735468 4” Single Hook............................ 0.310.45________ 1735468 6” Single Hook............................ 0.310.45________ 1735468 8” Single Hook............................ 0.310.45________ SLAT WALL ____ ____ ____ ____ 17361001m x 8’ High Slat Wall............. 339.30475.00________ 173650 ½m x 8’ High Slat Wall.......... 255.55 357.75________ 173611 Slat Wall Shelf.......................... 83.50116.90________ 17365 5-Ball Waterfall ....................... 28.8540.40________ LITERATURE POCKET ____ 174015 For 8½ x 11 Literature.............. 39.0054.60________ TOTAL COST Sub-Total________ + Tax (8.15%)___________ = TOTAL______________ *Remember to select a color for items with checkboxes. Otherwise, a selection will be made for you. FREEMAN exhibit accessories DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE OCTOBER 7, 2016 TOTALFLEX Available to rent or purchase, TotalFlex provides more options for configuring exhibits to fit your space, budget and vision. This pop-up display is versatile, lightweight, portable, durable, and needs just minutes and no tools to set up. • Cases easily convert into a podium. • Velcro compatible fabric panels available in a wide selection of colors. • Compatible with shelves, lights and other innovative trade show accessories. • Freeman can produce high-resolution digital graphics in virtually any size as well as photomural panels to enhance your exhibit's appearance. • Available in a variety of sizes for rental or purchase, including a table top version shown below. • All TotalFlex units include Installation & Dismantle of exhibit. floor units table top units 8'H x 8'W Floor Standing Unit 8'H x 10'W Floor Standing Unit 40"H x 6'W Table Top Unit 40"H x 8'W Table Top Unit Call customer service at the number listed on the Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to 01/14 - 53984 ® By Freeman 6555 West Sunset Road Las Vegas, NV 89118 Ph: 702-579-1700 • Fax: 469-621-5604 NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 702-579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to TABLE TOP UNIT Purchase Units Include: Rental Units Include: 1-Case Draped Table (Select color below) Classic Carpet 9' X 10' (Select color below) One Time Installation & Dismantle Installation & Dismantle of Exhibit Material Handling of Exhibit Nightly Vacuuming 1-Light (Power (500 watts) for LIGHTS only and Labor to hang lights) Header Identification Sign - (white with black text) Indicate copy below: RENTAL QTY. Size TOTAL Fabric Panel Colors for All Units: Discount Price Standard Price 40" H x 6' W 40" H x 8' W $1,418.85 $1,596.05 $1,986.40 $2,234.45 PURCHASE* Size Discount Price Standard Price 40" H x 6' W 40" H x 8' W $1,525.30 $1,667.20 $2,135.40 $2,334.10 Black Gray Additional Fabric Panel Colors for Purchase Units Only: Blaze Red Blueberry Emerald *Other Colors Also Available for Purchase Units* 9'x10' Classic Carpet: Black Blue Gray Latte Midnight Blue Plum Red Red Pepper ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Table Drape: Black Gold *Shipping Not Included Blue Gray Brown Plum Silver Green Tuxedo Dark Green Red Flax White FLOOR UNIT Purchase Units Include: Rental Units Include: Classic Carpet 9' X 10' (Select color below) 1-Case 1-Podium (8'H x 10'W unit only) Installation & Dismantle of Exhibit One Time Installation & Material Handling of Exhibit Dismantle Nightly Vacuuming 1-Podium (8'H x 10'W unit only) 2-Lights (Power (500 watts) for LIGHTS only and Labor to hang lights) Header Identification Sign - (white with black text) Indicate copy below: RENTAL QTY. Size TOTAL Discount Price Standard Price 8' H x 8' W 8' H x 10' W $2,056.70 $2,375.65 $2,879.40 $3,325.90 Fabric Panel Colors for All Units: ________ ________ ________ ________ Discount Price Standard Price 8' H x 8' W 8' H x 10' W $2,907.20 $3,332.30 $4,070.10 $4,665.20 Gray Additional Fabric Panel Colors for Purchase Units Only: Blaze Red Blueberry Emerald *Other Colors Also Available for Purchase Units* 9'x10' Classic Carpet: Black Blue Gray Latte Midnight Blue Plum Red Red Pepper PURCHASE* Size Black ________ ________ ________ ________ Silver Green Tuxedo All Classic carpets contain recycled content and are recyclable. *Shipping Not Included CUSTOM GRAPHIC / PHOTO PANELS Our custom graphic panels can dramatically enhance your exhibit's appearance. Please check the box to have an Exhibitor Sales Specialist contact you to assist in creating a unique exhibit. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Part # Description 1715800 1715801 1715802 1715803 2-200 Watt Halogen Light Kit 1-200 Watt Halogen Light Kit Straight Shelf Angle Shelf RENTAL Qty. ____ ____ ____ ____ PURCHASE Discount Price Standard Price $201.40 $106.15 $ 80.60 $ 80.60 $281.95 $148.60 $112.85 $112.85 Total Qty. _______ _______ _______ _______ ____ ____ ____ ____ Discount Price Standard Price $259.20 $191.30 $131.65 $131.65 $362.90 $267.80 $184.30 $184.30 Total _______ _______ _______ _______ QUICK TIPS • If shipping literature or products, material handling rates will apply. • Order in advance to save time, money and ensure availability. Orders received after the deadline date or without payment will be charged the Standard Price. PURCHASE UNITS TOTAL COST RENTAL UNITS TOTAL COST Sub-Total____________+ Tax (8.15%)_______ = TOTAL__________ Sub-Total____________+ Tax (8.15%)_______ = TOTAL_________ (423214) FREEMAN totalflex DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE OCTOBER 7, 2016 page 1 of 1 fabric solutions comprehensive capabilities Freeman can digitally print high-resolution, photo-quality images on nylon, stretch fabrics, carpeting and a variety of other materials. No matter what size, shape, or color, Freeman can print it. We can further customize exhibits with: • Aluminum framing to transform large digital graphics into backwalls and other free-standing structures • Integrated lighting for enhanced effects • A wide variety of opaque and translucent materials one-stop solutions Freeman’s exhibit specialists can deliver a range of services to fit any budget and both long and short-term usage goals. • Design • Fabrication • Custom Graphics • Lighting Effects • Installation and Dismantling • Shipping and Storage geometric structures For detailed specifications on structures such as these, or for more information on our wide range of versatile fabric solutions, please contact our representatives at the number listed in your exhibitor information. questions? Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to 12/11 6555 West Sunset Road Las Vegas, NV 89118 Ph: 702-579-1700 • Fax: 469-621-5604 INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 NAME OF SHOW: COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 702-579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to STANDARD PURCHASE -- Standard Framing, Sizes, and Fabric • • • Single-sided graphics, frame hardware and harness included. Complete the “Hanging Sign” order form. (Labor and hardware to hang sign are NOT included.) Orders received after the deadline date are subject to availabilty and will be charged standard prices. An Exhibitor Sales Specialist will contact you for details. Square Signs Quantity Length Height __________ __________ __________ __________ 10’ x 10’ 10’ x 10’ 15’ x 15’ 15’ x 15’ 3’ 4’ 3’ 4’ All Sides (Linear Ft.) Discount Price Standard Price Total 40’ 40’ 60’ 60’ $6,339.75 $7,525.50 $8,961.70 $10,585.25 $9,509.65 $11,288.25 $13,442.55 $15,877.90 _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ All Sides (Linear Ft.) Discount Price Standard Price Total 50’ 40’ $7,984.20 $9,273.65 $11,976.30 $13,910.50 _____________ _____________ Discount Price Standard Price Total Rectangle Signs Quantity Length Height __________ 10’ x 15’ __________ 10’ x 15’ 3’ 4’ Circle Signs Circumference Quantity Diameter Height (Linear Ft.) __________10’ __________10’ __________15’ __________15’ 3’ 4’ 3’ 4’ 31.42’ 31.42’ 47.12’ 47.12’ $5,596.70 $6,470.60 $7,889.80 $9,134.70 $8,395.05 _____________ $9,705.90 _____________ $11,834.70 _____________ $13,702.05 _____________ Triangle Signs Quantity Length Height __________10’ x 10’ x 10’ __________10’ x 10’ x 10’ __________15’ x 15’ x 15’ __________15’ x 15’ x 15’ 3’ 4’ 3’ 4’ S All Sides (Linear Ft.) Discount Price Standard Price Total 30’ 30’ 45’ 45’ $4,879.85 $5,685.70 $7,534.75 $10,747.80 $7,319.80 $8,528.55 $11,302.15 $16,121.70 _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ Double Sided (Linear Ft.) Discount Price Standard Price Total Serpentine Signs Quantity Length Height __________15’ __________15’ __________20’ __________20’ __________30’ __________30’ 3’ 4’ 3’ 4’ 3’ 4’ 30’ 30’ 40’ 40’ 60’ 60’ $4,101.50 $5,141.90 $6,166.70 $7,260.90 $8,082.50 $9,780.65 $6,152.25 _____________ $7,712.85 _____________ $9,250.05 _____________ $10,891.35 _____________ $12,123.75 _____________ $14,671.00 _____________ Total:__________________ x Tax (8.15%) ___________________ =_______________________ CUSTOM PURCHASE -- Custom Framing, Various Custom Sizes, and Fabrics Please check the box to have an Exhibitor Sales Specialist contact you regarding FREE Samples of materials and/or quotes. Or you may call our Exhibitor Sales Department 702/579-1400. (423214) FREEMAN fabric solutions DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 page 1 of 1 digital graphics creating visual excitement Quality graphics contribute significantly to the impact of your exhibit. Vivid colors and sharp images attract attention, build traffic, and communicate messages more effectively. Freeman has invested in the latest printing technology and has the skills to provide you with the finest digital graphic reproduction available. state-of-the-art capabilities Freeman can provide four-color, photo-quality, high-resolution digital printing in virtually any size for banners, signage, exhibit graphics, and more. Each Freeman location has stand-alone printing capabilities, and all are supported by the Corporate Graphics Center for special requirements. Last minute repairs and replacements are handled efficiently through our nationwide resources. superior quality control Electronic file transfer, in-house printing, and company-wide standardization of procedures allow us to control quality, cost and scheduling for our customers on a nationwide basis. depth of resources • VUTEK™ and Salsa printers provide large format, four-color, high-resolution digital printing of single and double-sided banners up to 10' wide and virtually any size with seams. • Encad printers provide digital processing of banners up to 5' wide without seams. • All Freeman operations use the same printers, software, ink, adhesives, and laminates for continuity. • Seaming, grommeting, lamination, and mounting are handled in-house. • A variety of fabrics are available, including nylon, vinyl, and mesh materials. • Computer-aided graphic design for your assistance. freeman specializes in the digital graphic reproduction and installation of: • Suspended banners • Logo reproduction • Accent graphic photo panels • Backlit displays and murals • Large format signage and banners • four-color carpet image printing questions? Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to 12/11 6555 West Sunset Rd Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 579-1700 Fax: (469) 621-5604 NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME : PHONE #: BOOTH SIZE: graphics DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE OCTOBER 07, 2016 X For Assistance, please call (702) 579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to GRAPHICS To order your graphics, complete this order form and attach your sign copy or electronic file. Please see artwork guidelines for electronic files on page 2 of this form. Note: All graphics are subject to a 100% Cancellation Charge. DIGITAL GRAPHICS STANDARD SIZES Freeman has the capabilities to provide you with the finest digital graphic reproduction available. Capabilities include four-color, photo-quality, highresolution digital printing virtually any size for banners, signage, exhibit graphics and more. CHOOSE YOUR SIZE: 7" x 11" 7" x 22" 7" x 44" L X W = sq.ft. $ 16.80 per sq. ft. discount price =$ x or sq. ft. $ 25.20 per sq. ft. standard price • Minimum order per graphic 9 sq. ft. (1296 sq. in.) • Double sq. ft. for double-sided graphics • Round sq. ft. to next whole increment • File conversion, retouching, cloning or color correcting may incur additional labor charges. (See reverse side for graphic guidelines.) Discount Price QTY. 9" x 44" 11" x 14" 14" x 22" 14" x 44" 22" x 28" 28" x 44" 20" x 60" Standard Price TOTAL @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 93.70 140.55 116.95 175.45 = = = = = = = = = @ 153.00 229.50 = 49.45 74.20 62.60 93.90 58.65 88.00 63.00 94.50 63.25 94.90 72.10 108.15 84.85 127.30 (white only) LARGE DIGITAL GRAPHICS Please call an Exhibitor Sales Specialist for price quotes on graphics over 80 sq. ft. File Information: Electronic File Name Note: File conversion, retouching, cloning or color may incur additional labor charges. (See reverse side for graphic guidelines.) INDICATE YOUR SIGN COPY HERE: * Please feel free to attach additional sign copy on separate page. Application PMS Colors Backing Material: Freeman Foam Masonite (Foamcore) Freeman PVC Plexi (PVC) Freeman Honeycomb Freeman HD Foam (Eco-Board) (Gatorfoam) Other Freeman Polyfoam (Ultra Board) The product offered has recycled content or has ecofriendly attributes and is 100% recyclable according to the manufacturer's specifications. Vertical Horizontal Use Your Judgment For Sign Layout Vertical Horizontal Use Your Judgment For Sign Layout Background Color: Lettering Color: TOTAL COST Special Instructions + Sub-Total 01/16 (423214) = 8.15 % Tax Total Cost Page 1 of 2 FREEMAN E-MAIL ADDRESS : PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING WHEN SUBMITTING ART RASTER ART (photos, logos containing any continuous tone images): • Art submitted at 1:1 (100%), resolution should be no less than 60 dpi (100 dpi preferred) • Art submitted at 2:1 (50%), resolution should be no less than 120 dpi (200 dpi preferred) • Art submitted at 4:1 (25%), resolution should be no less than 240 dpi (400 dpi preferred) VECTOR ART: •Logos should be vector and have outlined fonts(if provided as bitmap, please use high-res images) FONTS and LINKS • Supply all fonts used in your design (zip Mac fonts). If unsure how to collect fonts, convert them to outlines • Supply all links used in your document. Use packaging feature if available. If unsure how to collect links, embed them in the file when saving. COLOR • If PMS color matching is required, please use original Pantone + Solid Coated swatches in your artwork. Modifying Pantone names will result in printing default color (CMYK) • CMYK artwork will be produced "As Is". Our color output is balanced and vibrant. • Convert RGB art to CMYK if possible. • If you are sending Certified Color Proofs (Gracol, Swop, Fogra), please provide ICC file information used to print your samples. Best option would be to include ICC chart on your prints. ARTWORK IN THE STRUCTURE • Please note that any panels going in the metal frame will hide 1/4" of your art all the way around. If you have a continuous wall where individual panels are divided by metal, use 1.25" spacing in between each panel to account for gaps and the natural flow of the graphics. ACCEPTABLE FILE SOFTWARE We are capable of working with both PC and MAC based software, and can accept art created with the ADOBE Creative Suite - Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop Always provide the following: • Native files with fonts and links (zipped) • High-res PDF-X/4 exports of the files ACCEPTABLE FILE TYPES and SUPPORT FILES NATIVE FILES: • AI CLOUD (CC) file with Packaged supporting links and fonts. You may keep images linked but Packaging feature must be used. • AI (CS6, CS5, CS4...) file with embedded links and outlined fonts • EPS file with embedded links and outlined fonts • INDD file with Packaged supporting links and fonts PRINT FILES: •High-res PDF-X/4 (preferred) • AI with PDF content (choose this option when saving file) • EPS files with embedded links and outlined fonts RASTER OR BITMAP ART: •Photoshop EPS (preferred, use 8-bit preview, Max, Quality JPG compression) • PSD (make sure font layers are rasterized) • TIFF, JPG (quality 8 and higher) Mac users: Use Zip or Stuffit programs when submitting fonts other than OTF (Open Type Fonts) WAYS TO SEND ARTWORK •Files below 10 MB can be delivered via email. Larger files may be posted to Freeman’s FTP site. You may get the password and other needed information from your Freeman service representative in order to post files. However, a hard copy proof and backup of the files on CD-Rom/DVD may be required to be sent via overnight delivery in addition to posting the electronic files. Please call (702) 579-1700 for assistance. Page 2 of 2 01/16 FREEMAN artwork guidelines CUSTOMER GUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTING GRAPHICS ARTWORK Our goal is to provide you with the best possible quality graphics for your event or exhibit. You can help us in that effort by providing digital art files using the following guidelines. If you are sending us completed, print-ready files, please pass the following information on to your graphics designer or art department. Two overall considerations for submitting acceptable artwork involves proper resolution or size of the file to avoid poor quality images, and proper color matching information and proofs to ensure accurate color reproduction. page 1 of 1 installation & dismantle When it comes to installation and dismantling of exhibits, no one does it better than Freeman. With over 80 years of experience, our group of specialists is ready to assist you with all of your exhibit requests, from beginning to end. Whether you choose to supervise or you need the assistance of a full-time Freeman employee, we can meet all your needs, from shipping and storage to emergency on-site repairs to basic installation and dismantling to support service coordination including electrical, furnishings and more. Freeman has the resources and the capabilities to help you have the most successful show experience possible. installation and dismantling services available Freeman will work closely with you to coordinate every phase of your trade show participation, including: • Preplanning and budget consultation • Support service coordination – electrical, furnishings, floral and more • Shipping and storage management • On-site supervisors with dedicated floor managers • Skilled labor and technicians for installation and dismantling • Full, in-house carpentry • Graphics production • Emergency repairs and refurbishing • Postshow evaluations • Multiple show coordination Supervise any labor yourself, or if you need assistance, Freeman I&D experts will do it for you. if you use Freeman staff Exhibits can be set up prior to your arrival under the direction of Freeman I&D supervisors. We charge 30% of the total labor charge, with a minimum $45 fee. if you supervise yourself Installation – Your labor supervisor must check in at the exhibitor service center to pick up laborers. Upon completion of work, your supervisor must return to the exhibitor service center to release the laborers. Start time is guaranteed only when labor is requested for the start of the working day. Dismantling – When scheduling dismantling labor, be sure to allow time for empty containers to be returned to the booth after the close of your show. Start time is guaranteed only when labor is requested for the start of the working day. questions? For questions and assistance with labor estimates, call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, visit us at 12/11 - 48854 6555 West Sunset Road Las Vegas, NV 89118 Ph: 702-579-1700 • Fax: 469-621-5604 NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 702-579-1400 and ask to speak with our I & D Department. For fast, easy ordering, go to DISPLAY LABOR (One Hour Minimum per Worker) Description Advance Price Show Site Price Straight Time- 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday...................................................... $ 87.00 $ 121.80 Overtime- 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M. Monday through Friday, All day Saturday, Sunday and recognized holidays............................................... $153.50 $214.90 • Show Site prices will apply to all labor orders placed at show site. • Price is per person/per hour. • Start time guaranteed only at start of working day and at the close of the show. • One hour minimum per man - labor thereafter is charged in half (1/2) hour increments. • Supervisor must check in at Service Desk to pickup labor. • Labor must be canceled in writing, 24 hours in advance to avoid a one (1) hour cancellation fee per worker. • When scheduling dismantle labor, be sure to allow sufficient time for empty containers to be returned to your booth. • Freeman supervised jobs will be completed at our discretion prior to show opening and before the hall must be cleared. Please include setup plan/photo, special instructions & inbound shipping information with this order. INSTALLATION LABOR Freeman Supervised Labor - Please complete the reverse side of this form. • Installation of your exhibit will be completed at our discretion prior to show opening • The charge for this service is 30% of the total installation labor bill, with a minimum of $45.00 Emergency contact:_______________________________________ Phone Number:_____________________________ Exhibitor Supervised Labor Supervisor will be:__________________________________________ Phone Number:_____________________________ Date Start No. of People Time Approx. Hrs. Total Hrs. Hourly Rate per Person Estimated Total Cost _______ _________ ______________ x ______________=____________ @ $_____________ = $_________________ ________ _________ ______________ x ______________=____________ @ $_____________ = $_________________ ________ _________ ______________ x ______________= ____________ @ $ _____________ = $_________________ Freeman Supervision (30%/$45.00) = $_________________ Tax (N/A) = $_________________ Total Installation = $_________________ DISMANTLE LABOR Freeman Supervised Labor - Please complete the reverse side of this form. • Freeman is not responsible for product or literature that is not properly packed and labeled by exhibitor • The charge for this service is 30% of the total dismantle labor bill, with a minimum of $45.00 Emergency contact:_______________________________________ Phone Number:_____________________________ Exhibitor Supervised Labor Supervisor will be:________________________________________ Phone Number:_____________________________ Date Start No. of People Time Approx. Hrs. Total Hrs. Hourly Rate per Person Estimated Total Cost _______ _________ ______________ x ______________=____________ @ $_____________ = $_________________ ________ _________ ______________ x ______________=____________ @ $_____________ = $_________________ ________ _________ ______________ x ______________= ____________ @ $ _____________ = $ ________________ Freeman Supervision (30%/$45.00) = $_________________ Tax (N/A) = $_________________ Total Dismantle = $_________________ If you have questions or need assistance in completing your order, please call your Freeman I & D Representative. (423214) Page 1 of 2 FREEMAN installation & dismantle labor ORDER FORM DEADLINE DATE OCTOBER 7, 2016 Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 702-579-1400 and ask to speak with our I & D Department. FREEMAN SUPERVISED LABOR IN ORDER TO BETTER SERVE YOU - PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IF YOUR DISPLAY IS TO BE SET-UP AND/OR DISMANTLED BY FREEMAN I&D AND YOU WILL NOT BE PRESENT TO SUPERVISE THE INSTALLATION AND/OR DISMANTLE. INBOUND SHIPPING & SET UP INFORMATION PLEASE NOTE: Should you have more than one shipment, please provide the information for all shipments. Freight will be shipped to: Warehouse _____ Show Site _____ Date Shipped _______________ Carrier: _______________ Total No. of: Crates ___________________ Cartons _____________________ Fiber Cases ______________________ Setup Plan/Photo: Attached _______________ To Be Sent With Exhibit _______________ In Crate No. ________________ Carpet: With Exhibit _____________ Rented From Freeman _____________ Color______________ Size ______________ Electrical Placement/Order: Drawing Attached (required) ______ _Drawing With Exhibit ______ Electrical Under Carpet ______ Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Graphics: With Exhibit _______________ Shipped Separately _______________ Comments:_________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Special Tools/Hardware/Equipment Required:__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ OUTBOUND SHIPPING INFORMATION PLEASE NOTE: Should you have more than one shipment, please provide the information for all shipments. SHIP TO:______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ METHOD OF SHIPMENT Freeman Exhibit Transportation: Common Carrier Air Freight Next Day Other (list carrier name & phone number): Other Common Carrier:____________________________________________________________________________ Other Air Freight:_________________________________________________________________________________ Van Line:_______________________________________________________________________________________ 2nd Day Deferred Expedited FREIGHT CHARGES Prepaid Collect Bill To: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ In the event your selected carrier fails to show on final move-out day, please select one of the following options: Reroute via Freeman’s choice Deliver back to Freeman warehouse at Exhibitor’s expense. PLEASE NOTE: Freeman is not responsible for product or literature that is not properly packed and labeled by exhibitor. Page 2 of 2 FREEMAN installation & dismantle labor NAME OF SHOW: NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 702-579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to FORKLIFT / RIGGING LABOR Straight Time: 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday Overtime: 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M Monday through Friday and all day Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. • Show site prices will apply to all labor orders placed at show site • Start time guaranteed only at start of working day • One hour minimum - labor thereafter is charged in half (1/2) hour increments • Supervisor must check in at Service Desk to pickup labor • When scheduling dismantle labor, be sure to allow sufficient time for empty containers to be returned to your booth Part# Description Advance Price Show Site Price FORKLIFT LABOR 304050 Forklift w/operator - up to 5,000 lbs - ST.................................................................... $ 167.75 $ 234.85 304051 Forklift w/operator - up to 5,000 lbs - OT....................................................................$ 262.75 $ 367.85 3040100 Forklift w/operator - up to 10,000 lbs - ST.................................................................... Quoted Upon Request 3040101 Forklift w/operator - up to 10,000 lbs - OT................................................................... Quoted Upon Request 3040150 Forklift w/operator - up to 15,000 lbs - ST.................................................................... Quoted Upon Request 3040151 Forklift w/operator - up to 15,000 lbs - OT................................................................... Quoted Upon Request 304040 Forklift w/operator - 4-Stage - ST................................................................................. Quoted Upon Request 304041 Forklift w/operator - 4-Stage - OT................................................................................ Quoted Upon Request RIGGING LABOR 3020200 Rigger Foreman - ST....................................................................................................$ 96.25 3020201 Rigger Foreman - OT..................................................................................................$ 168.00 3020100 Rigger - ST....................................................................................................................$ 93.25 3020101 Rigger - OT.................................................................................................................$ 165.00 EQUIPMENT 3090600 Forklift Cage..................................................................................................................$ 36.75 3090700 Forklift Boom.................................................................................................................$ 36.75 3090800 Pallet Jack.....................................................................................................................$ 36.75 $ 134.75 $ 235.20 $ 130.55 $ 231.00 $ 51.45 $ 51.45 $ 51.45 INSTALLATION Part # Description Date Start # of Equip/ Approx Hrs Time Person per Person Total Hours Hourly Rate Estimated Total Cost Describe work to be done:______________________________________________________________________________ Sub-Total ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tax Total N/A DISMANTLE Part # Description Date Start Time # of Equip/ Approx Hrs Person per Person Total Hours Hourly Rate Estimated Total Cost Describe work to be done:______________________________________________________________________________ Sub-Total ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tax Total (423214) N/A FREEMAN forklift / rigging labor 6555 West Sunset Road Las Vegas, NV 89118 Ph: 702-579-1700 • Fax: 469-621-5604 6555 West Sunset Road Las Vegas, NV 89118 Ph: 702-579-1700 • Fax: 469-621-5604 NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 702-579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to INSTRUCTIONS HANGING SIGN LABOR AND EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT AND LABOR RATES TO HANG SIGNS FREEMAN hanging sign labor DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE OCTOBER 7, 2016 • Standard prices will apply if the hanging sign is not received by the warehouse shipping deadline date. Equipment With Crew • Standard prices will apply to all labor orders placed • All ceiling rigging must conform to Show Management rules and after the deadline date. regulations and facility limitations. • Standard prices will apply if the hanging sign is not • All electric hanging signs must be assembled and installed by SES. received by the warehouse shipping deadline date. Please refer to the SES Hanging Sign Services Order Form. • Rates are per lift and crew per hour • All non-electric overhead hanging signs must be assembled, • Condor and Crew consists of condor, operator and rigger. installed by FREEMAN. Exhibitors, display company and/or I&D • Additional crew and/or equipment will be used if the surepresentatives may supervise, but will not be allowed to assemble pervisor deems it necessary to safely complete the instalor install the hanging sign. Please complete the enclosed Labor lation and/or dismantling of a job and it will be charged Order Form for labor to assemble your hanging sign. accordingly. • Set up instructions must be provided for signs needing assembly. • Assembly and Ground Labor is an additional charge. • Hanging anchor points must be pre-fabricated and ready for use. • One hour minimum per lift/crew - lift/crew thereafter is • Overhead hanging signs are to be sent in separate containers charged in half (1/2) hour increments directly to advance warehouse using the enclosed Hanging Sign • Freeman components (cable, clamps, etc) will be used to Labels. This container MUST be received by the warehouse install all hanging signs and charged accordlingly shipping deadline in order to receive Advance prices. • Electrical signs must be in working order and in accordance with the National Electrical Code. ELECTRICAL SERVICE requirements Labor Rates must be ordered in advance on the enclosed SES Electrical Service Order Form. Advance Standard Price • If any hang point supports over 200 lbs., please use the SES Price Hanging Sign Services Order Form. Condor Condor with crew $582.25 $815.15 SIGN DESCRIPTION, SIZE & WEIGHT Sign Assembly • For signs other than banners, include blueprint or drawing with detailed Sign Assembly/Ground Labor $87.00 $121.80 information so hanging anchor points can be determined. • Rates are blended to include any overtime to accomType: Cloth Banner____________Metal or Wood________ Other_________ plish the hanging of all signs in a timely manner prior Shape: Square__________ Triangle ______ Rectangle _______ Other______ to the opening of the show. Size: Height_______________Length ____________ Width _____________ Weight of Sign:________________________________________________ Does Your Sign Require Electricity________________ Assembly _________ Is Your Sign Designed to Rotate? ____________ Yes ____________ No (Initial in the applicable box above) Installation Estimate • Use diagram below to represent your booth space. Indicate how far in from each boundary you would like your sign placed. • The ceiling structure and relation to the support beams may require your sign to be moved from your specified location. __________ Feet in from the back Aisle #___________________ __________ Feet in __________ Feet in from the from the Left Aisle #_____________ Right Aisle #____________ __________ Feet in from the front Aisle #___________________ Number of feet from floor to top of sign: __________________ STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY STATEMENT MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER (423214) Hourly Rate Total Estimated Cost Dismantle Estimate PLACEMENT DIAGRAM Approx Hours ________________ @ _____________ = _____________________ Approx Hours Hourly Rate Total Estimated Cost ________________ @ ______________ = _____________________ Please Note: • Freeman will begin to assemble and hang the signs as soon as the hall is accessible as long as the order and the sign are received by the appropriate deadline dates. • In the event the order and sign are not received by the deadline date, Standard prices will apply and the sign will be hung when the equipment and labor become available. NAME OF SHOW: PLEASE INCLUDE THIS FORM WITH YOUR HANGING SIGN ORDER FORM Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 702-579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY STATEMENT THIS FORM MUST BE RETURNED FOR ALL SUSPENDED STRUCTURES _______________________________________________ , the contracted exhibitor at the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo and (if applicable), the display house or builder for the aforementioned exhibitor, do hereby certify and guarantee that the stress points for the hanging structure have been properly engineered and tested. We further certify that the structure can be hung safely and has been constructed to meet all applicable regulations and safety measures. We hereby release, indemnify and forever hold harmless MEMA, AIAA, W.T. GLASGOW, INC., SANDS EXPO CENTER, FREEMAN, and its subsidiaries, their directors, officers, employees, representatives, agents and contractors from and against any and all liability, claims, damage, loss, fines, or penalties arising from the installation, use or dismantling of this structure. All hang points supporting in excess of 200 lbs. may be verified (metered) on site at exhibitor’s expense. Exhibiting Company:__________________________________ Booth #:________ Authorized Signature:________________________________________________ Authorized Name:_____________________________________ Date:__________ E-Mail: _____________________________________________________________ Display House/Builder (if applicable):___________________________________ Authorized Signature:________________________________________________ Authorized Name:_____________________________________ Date:__________ E-Mail: _____________________________________________________________ Please complete and return form to: FREEMAN 6555 West Sunset Road Las Vegas, NV 89118 Fax: 469-621-5604 (423214) FREEMAN structural integrity statement 6555 West Sunset Road Las Vegas, NV 89118 Ph: 702-579-1700 • Fax: 469-621-5604 NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo / November 1-3, 2016 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 702-579-1700 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to MOTORS AND TRUSS • Orders received after the deadline date will be be charged the Standard Price. • ELECTRICAL SERVICE requirements to power the motors must be ordered in advance on the SES ELECTRICAL SERVICES ORDER FORM. • ELECTRICAL LABOR requirements to hang the truss and motors must be ordered in advance on the SES RIGGING / HANGING ORDER FORM. • The cost of Material Handling is included in the rates listed below. Qty Description Advance Price Standard Price Total EQUIPMENT ______ One Ton Hoist *..............................................................$ 517.65 $ 672.95 $_________ ______ Half Ton Hoist *..................................................................490.00 637.00$_________ ______ 20.5” Box Truss (per foot) *.................................................29.85 38.80$_________ ______ 12” Box Truss (per foot) *....................................................21.00 27.30$_________ Total for Equipment......................................................................................................... $_________ * Add 8.15% Tax............................................................................................................... $_________ Grand Total....................................................................................................................... $_________ STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY STATEMENT MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER (423214) FREEMAN motors & truss 6555 West Sunset Road Las Vegas, NV 89118 Ph: 702-579-1700 • Fax: 469-621-5604 DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE OCTOBER 7, 2016 page 1 of 1 audio visual & computers Freeman Audio Visual offers the widest array of audio visual products in our expansive network throughout North America. Our exhibit specialists can assist with a full range of audio visual equipment for portable, modular and custom rental exhibit programs to fit any size or budget. Full service resources include digital services, lighting, flat screen technology, computer equipment and LED displays. Freeman Audio Visual establishes the right combination of equipment and services that will command attention while communicating your company’s message. Whatever your needs are, our dedicated service and technical on-site support teams will be available to ensure your exhibit program’s success. With more than 3,500 full-time audio visual experts and $100 million in inventory, you can always count on Freeman Audio Visual to recommend the perfect combination of audio visual solutions to enhance your company’s brand. • Preshow consultation regarding equipment specifications and budgeting • ne seamless source for all your technology solutions, including a complete range of audio visual and computer O equipment and installation services • Intelligent lighting design, installation and operation • Scheduled deliveries with advance confirmation to meet your time lines • Single invoice for audio visual and computer equipment rental services Flat-Screen Technology Computer Equipment and Peripherals questions? Call an Audio Visual Specialist at 800-225-5289. 4/09 - 48859 High-Performance Professional Sound Systems Intelligent Lighting Systems and Custom-Designed Truss Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo 2016 Proud to Serve as Your Official Audio Visual Provider November 1 ‐ 3, 2016 Sands Expo Center | Las Vegas, NV *Order By: October 07, 2016 to Receive Early Order Pricing! Exhibiting Company Name: Booth #: Packages QTY. Early Order Show Rate Apple iPad with Floor Stand ‐ Choose Color of Stand: Black ‐or‐ White $295.00 32" Flat Screen Package ‐ 1080P, with Dual Post Stand and External USB Media Player $720.00 $936.00 42" Flat Screen Package ‐ 1080P, with Dual Post Stand and External USB Media Player $870.00 $1,131.00 46" Flat Screen Package ‐ 1080P, with Dual Post Stand and External USB Media Player 55" Flat Screen Package ‐ 1080P, with Dual Post Stand and External USB Media Player $1,035.00 $1,345.50 $1,445.00 $1,878.50 Flat Screen Monitors QTY. Early Order Show Rate 24" Flat Screen ‐ 1080P, with Dell Sound Bar ‐ Choose One: Table Top ‐or‐ Wall Mounted $290.00 $377.00 32" Flat Screen ‐ 1080P, with Internal Speakers ‐ Choose One: Table Top ‐or‐ Wall Mounted $475.00 $617.50 42" Flat Screen ‐ 1080P, with Internal Speakers ‐ Choose One: Table Top ‐or‐ Wall Mounted $625.00 $812.50 46" Flat Screen ‐ 1080P, with Internal Speakers ‐ Choose One: Table Top ‐or‐ Wall Mounted $790.00 $1,027.00 55" Flat Screen ‐ 1080P, with Internal Speakers ‐ Choose One: Table Top ‐or‐ Wall Mounted $1,200.00 $1,560.00 60" Flat Screen ‐ 1080P, with Internal Speakers ‐ Choose One: Table Top ‐or‐ Wall Mounted $1,400.00 $1,820.00 70" Flat Screen ‐ 1080P, with Internal Speakers ‐ Choose One: Table Top ‐or‐ Wall Mounted $1,800.00 $2,340.00 80" Flat Screen ‐ 1080P, with Internal Speakers ‐ Choose One: Table Top ‐or‐ Wall Mounted $2,800.00 $3,640.00 QTY. Early Order Show Rate Mounting Bracket ‐ (32"‐ 80" Flat Screen) *Only required if providing your own Flat Screen $150.00 $195.00 Single Post Stand ‐ (up to 24" Flat Screen; Mounting Bracket Required ‐ Charges May Apply) $150.00 $195.00 Dual Post Stand ‐ (32"‐ 80" Flat Screen; Mounting Bracket Required ‐ Charges May Apply) $225.00 $292.50 Touchscreen Displays Total Please call for pricing! Please call for pricing on Flat Screens 90" and larger, LED & LCD Video Wall Options Flat Screen Accessories Total $383.50 QTY. 32" Touchscreen ‐ Choose One: Table Top ‐or‐ Wall Mounted 46" Touchscreen ‐ Choose One: Table Top ‐or‐ Wall Mounted Please call for pricing on Touchscreens 65" and larger Early Order Show Rate $800.00 $1,040.00 $1,300.00 $1,690.00 Total Total Please call for pricing! Computing QTY. Early Order Show Rate Desktop Computer with Monitor (3.2 GHz or faster) $275.00 $357.50 Laptop Computer (Core i5/2.5ghz/4GB/300GBHD/DVD) $325.00 $422.50 Apple iPad iPad Floor Stand ‐ Choose Color: Black ‐or‐ White $175.00 $227.50 $150.00 $195.00 Apple 21.5" iMac (Intel Core 2 Duo/3.06 GHz) $300.00 $390.00 Apple 15" MacBook Pro (2.3 GHz Quad Core with Thunderbolt) $450.00 $585.00 Apple 17" MacBook Pro (2.3 GHz Quad Core with Thunderbolt) $550.00 $715.00 Additional Audio Visual Equipment QTY. Early Order Show Rate USB Media Player Choose: Blu‐ray ‐or ‐ DVD Player $120.00 $156.00 $150.00 $195.00 Sound Bar ‐ 2.1 Full Range, with Built‐in Subwoofer $75.00 $97.50 Small High Performance PA System (2 speakers, 1 Mixer/Amp) Wireless Microphone ‐ Choose One: Handheld ‐or‐ Headset ‐or‐ Lavalier $330.00 $429.00 $240.00 $312.00 Quoted Equipment QTY. Early Order Show Rate Total Total Total *Early order rate is subject to a 30% increase when ordering equipment after October 07, 2016. Contact Your Freeman Representative Total Your Order CRAIG DUNCAN Equipment Sub‐Total 28% Handling Charge ($176.00 Min) Includes Delivery, Install & Dismantle Phone: 702.352.1468 Added Labor to Mount Client Owned Flat Screen to Stand ($75) Fax: 469.621.5604 TOTAL CHARGES: Online at: No Sales Tax or Drayage on Freeman AV Equipment Don't see what you are looking for? Please call to discuss the options! Project# 11‐423214 ‐ AAPEX 2016 ** Please note for Monitor Stand & Mount Rentals: Additional labor may be required to mount client provided monitors ** Electrical Services are not included in equipment pricing. Order Online at: 1 of 3 Please Fill in All Information Below Before Submitting Your Order Contact Information Your Name: Booth Number: Exhibiting Company Name: Company Address: City / State: Zip Code: Phone: Fax: Email: Third Party (If Applicable): Signature: Delivery Information A representative must be in your booth at the time of delivery unless alternate arrangements are made. Delivery subject to readiness of the booth structure and set‐up. Please call us at 702.352.1468 with questions. On‐Site Contact Person: Cell Phone: Please Select Your Preferred Date and Time of Delivery (Choose One): Sunday, October 30, 2016 8am ‐ 12pm 1pm ‐ 5pm Monday, October 31, 2016 8am ‐ 12pm 1pm ‐ 5pm If You Have a Special Delivery Request, Please Note it Here: Payment Information Method of Payment (Choose One): Master Card Check (in US Funds) Visa Bank Transfer (please call for details) American Express Key Account Credit Card Number: Expiration Date: Card Holder Name: Signature: ** For your convenience, Freeman will use your authorization to charge your credit card account for advanced and on site orders placed by your company representative. These charges may include all Freeman companies, or any charges which Freeman may be obligated to pay on behalf of the Exhibitor including without limitation, any shipping charges. ** All payments must be made in advance in US funds. Cancellation Policy: Any cancellation must be received within 7 days of show open to avoid being charged one day's rental rate. Cancellations after delivery will result in a day's charge and labor incurred. Project# 11‐423214 ‐ AAPEX 2016 Order Online at: 2 of 3 TERMS & CONDITIONS YOU ARE ENTERING A CONTRACT WHICH LIMITS YOUR POSSIBLE RECOVERY IN CASE OF LOSS OR DAMAGE. The terms and conditions set forth below become a part of the Contract between Freeman and you, the EXHIBITOR. Acceptance of said terms and conditions will be construed when any of the following conditions are met: THE METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM IS SIGNED; OR AN ORDER FOR LABOR, SERVICES AND/OR RENTAL EQUIPMENT IS PLACED BY EXHIBITOR OR WORK IS PERFORMED ON BEHALF OF EXHIBITOR BY LABOR SECURED THROUGH FREEMAN. DEFINITIONS For purposes of this Contract, ”Freeman” means Freeman Decorating Services, Inc. (“FDSI”), Freeman Decorating Ltd. Freeman Audio Visual Solutions, Inc., and their respective employees, directors, officers, agents, assigns, affiliated companies, and related entities. The term “Exhibitor” means the Exhibitor, its employees, agents, representatives, and any Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (“EAC”). PAYMENT TERMS Full payment, including any applicable tax, is due at the time the order is placed. Purchase orders are not considered payment. All payments must be in U.S. funds and all checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank. Orders received without advance payment or after the deadline date will incur additional After Deadline charges as indicated on each order form. All materials and equipment are on a rental basis for the duration of the show or event and remain the property of Freeman except where specifically identified as a sale. All equipment rentals are based on Show Rates and apply only to Show Days. Rental prices on Audio Visual equipment (including computers) do not include labor, delivery, electrical services or removal of the equipment from the booth. Exhibitor agrees to use all rental equipment with reasonable care to prevent excessive wear and tear and/or damage to Freeman’s property. Exhibitor will notify Freeman immediately of any damage to rental equipment and agrees to be billed for any damage to, or loss of, rental equipment rented to Exhibitor. In case of cancellation of any labor orders by Exhibitor, a one‐hour “per person, per hour” charge will be applied for all labor and equipment orders that are not canceled in writing at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled start time. If Prestige Carpet, Custom‐Cut Carpet, Modular Rental Exhibits, Audio Visual and/or Computer Equipment and any other custom‐order items or services have already been provided at the time of cancellation, fees will remain at 100% of the original charge. If the Show or Event is canceled because of reasons beyond Freeman’s control, Exhibitor remains responsible for all charges for services and equipment provided up to and including the date of cancellation. Freeman will not issue refunds to Exhibitor of any payments made before the date of cancellation. It is Exhibitor’s responsibility to advise the Freeman Service Center Representative of problems with any orders, and to check the Exhibitor’s invoice for accuracy prior to the close of the Show or Event. If Exhibitor is exempt from payment of sales tax, Freeman requires an exemption certificate for the State in which the services are to be used. Resale certificates are not valid unless Exhibitor is rebilling these charges to its customers. For International Exhibitors, Freeman requires 100% prepayment of advance orders, and any order or services placed at show site must be paid at the show. For all others, should there be any preapproved unpaid balance after the close of the show; terms will be net, due and payable in Dallas, Texas upon receipt of invoice. Effective 30 days after invoice date, any unpaid balance will bear a FINANCE CHARGE at the lesser of the maximum rate allowed by applicable law, or 1.5% per month, which is an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 18%, and future orders will be on a pre‐paid basis only. If any finance charge hereunder exceeds the maximum rate allowed by applicable law, the finance charge shall automatically be reduced to the maximum rate allowed, and any excess finance charge received by Freeman shall be either applied to reduce the principal unpaid balance or refunded to the payer. If past due invoices or invoice balances are placed with a collection agency or attorney for collection or suit, Exhibitor agrees to pay all legal and collection costs. THESE PAYMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS SHALL BE GOVERNED BY AND CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. In the event of any dispute between the Exhibitor and Freeman relative to any loss, damage, or claim, such Exhibitor shall not be entitled to and shall not withhold payment, or any partial payment, due to Freeman for its services, as an offset against the amount of any alleged loss or damage. Freeman reserves the right to charge Exhibitor for the difference between the Exhibitor’s estimate of charges and the actual charges incurred by Exhibitor, or for any charges that Freeman may be obligated to pay on behalf of Exhibitor, including without limitation, any shipping charges. If Exhibitor provides a credit card for payment and charges are rejected by the Exhibitor’s credit card company for any reason, Freeman hereby provides notice that it reserves the right, and Exhibitor authorizes Freeman, to continue to attempt to secure payment through that credit card for as long as unpaid balances remain on the Exhibitor’s account. Exhibitor hereby grants a lien on its property in Freeman’s possession to the extent of any outstanding obligations owed to Freeman by Exhibitor. LABOR UNDER SUPERVISION OF EXHIBITOR: Exhibitor shall be responsible for the performance of labor provided under this section. It is the responsibility of Exhibitor to supervise labor secured through Freeman in a reasonable manner as to prevent bodily injury and/or property damage and also to direct them to work in a manner that is in compliance with Freeman’s Safe Work Rules and/or Federal, State, County and Local ordinances, rules and/or regulations, including but not limited to Show or Facility Management rules and/or regulations. It is the responsibility of Exhibitor to check in with the Service Desk to pick up labor, and to return to the Service Desk to release labor when the work is completed. INDEMNIFICATION: Exhibitor agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Freeman from and against any and all demands, claims, causes of action, fines, penalties, damages, liabilities, judgments, and expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees and investigation costs) arising out of work performed by labor provided by Freeman but supervised by Exhibitor. Further, the Exhibitor’s indemnification of Freeman includes any and all violations of Federal, State, County or Local ordinances, “Show Regulations and/or Rules” as published and/or set forth by Facility or Show Management, and/or directing labor provided by Freeman to work in a manner that violates any of the above rules, regulations, and/or ordinances. Project# 11‐423214 ‐ AAPEX 2016 Order Online at: 3 of 3 Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo 2016 Proudly Serving as Your Official Audio Visual Provider November 1 ‐ 3, 2016 Sands Expo Center | Las Vegas, NV *Order By: October 07, 2016 to Receive Early Order Pricing! Exhibiting Company Name: Meeting Room Audio Visual Packages (Daily Rentals) Small Meeting Room Package (Up to 50 people) QTY. Early Order Daily Rate 96” Tripod Screen with Skirt, Projector(4000 Lumens), Projection Stand with Skirt, Sound System, Computer Direct Interface Box, Wireless Microphone, and Microphone Stand $650.00 $845.00 $1,100.00 $1,430.00 $1,450.00 $1,885.00 Total Medium Meeting Room Package (50 ‐ 150 people) 7.5’ X 10’ Fast fold Screen, Projector (4000 Lumens), Projection Stand with Skirt, Sound System, Computer Direct Interface Box, Wireless Microphone, and Microphone Stand. Large Meeting Room Package (150 people +) 10’ X 14’ Fast fold Screen, Projector (6000 Lumens) , Projection Stand with Skirt, Sound System, Computer Direct Interface Box, Wireless Microphone, and Microphone Stand. A La Carte Meeting Room Equipment (Daily Rentals) QTY. Early Order Daily Rate LCD XGA Computer Projector (4000 Lumens) $425.00 Projection Stand (for LCD and Overhead Projectors) $20.00 Tripod Screen Circle One: 70” $30 • 84” $35 • 96” $45 $ $26.00 $ 42" Flat Screen ‐ 1080P, with Internal Speakers ‐ Choose One: Table Top ‐or‐ Wall Mounted $320.00 $416.00 46" Flat Screen ‐ 1080P, with Internal Speakers ‐ Choose One: Table Top ‐or‐ Wall Mounted $395.00 $513.50 55" Flat Screen ‐ 1080P, with Internal Speakers ‐ Choose One: Table Top ‐or‐ Wall Mounted $600.00 $780.00 Dual Post Stand ‐ (32"‐ 80" Flat Screen; Mounting Bracket Required ‐ Charges May Apply) $115.00 $149.50 Choose: Blu‐ray ‐or ‐ DVD Player $75.00 $97.50 Small High Performance PA System (2 speakers, 1 Mixer/Amp) $165.00 $214.50 Wireless Microphone ‐ Choose One: Handheld ‐or‐ Headset ‐or‐ Lavalier $120.00 $156.00 Computer Direct Interface Box (Audio) $40.00 $52.00 Laptop Computer (Core i5/2.5ghz/4GB/300GBHD/DVD) $165.00 $214.50 HP Laser Printer (40 PPM) $97.50 $126.75 Wireless Presentation Mouse $30.00 $39.00 Flip Chart w/ Pad with Markers $40.00 $52.00 Quoted Additional Equipment QTY. Total $552.50 Early Order Daily Rate Total Freeman has a full complement of Computer, Audio, Video and Lighting Inventory, as well as design capabilities. Whether your needs are big or small, our experts are available to help you! Please contact us at: 702.352.1468 for a custom quote. *Early order rate is subject to a 30% increase when ordering equipment after October 07, 2016. Contact Your Freeman Representative Total Your Order CRAIG DUNCAN Equipment Sub‐Total 28% Handling Charge ($176.00 Min) Includes Delivery, Install & Dismantle Phone: 702.352.1468 Added Labor to Mount Client Owned Flat Screen to Stand ($75) Fax: 469.621.5604 TOTAL CHARGES: Online at: No Sales Tax or Drayage on Freeman AV Equipment Don't see what you are looking for? Please call to discuss the options! Project# 11‐423214 ‐ AAPEX 2016 ** Please note for Monitor Stand & Mount Rentals: Additional labor may be required to mount client provided monitors ** Electrical Services are not included in equipment pricing. Order Online at: 1 of 3 Please Fill in All Information Below Before Submitting Your Order Contact Information Name: Exhibiting Company Name: Company Address: City / State: Zip Code: Phone: Fax: Email: Third Party (If Applicable): Signature: Meeting Information A representative must be in your meeting room at the time of delivery unless alternate arrangements are made. Delivery subject to readiness of the meeting room and set‐up. Please call us at 702.352.1468 with questions. Cell Phone: On‐Site Contact Person: Date of Meeting: Meeting Room Location: Start Time: End Time: Seating Style: Rehearsal Required: Seating Capacity: Yes No If so, what time? Additional Meeting Days: Date of Meeting: Meeting Room Location: Start Time: End Time: Seating Style: Seating Capacity: Date of Meeting: Meeting Room Location: Start Time: End Time: Seating Style: Seating Capacity: Date of Meeting: Meeting Room Location: Start Time: End Time: Seating Style: Seating Capacity: Payment Information Method of Payment (Choose One): Master Card Check (in US Funds) Visa Bank Transfer (please call for details) American Express Key Account Credit Card Number: Expiration Date: Card Holder Name: Signature: ** For your convenience, Freeman will use your authorization to charge your credit card account for advanced and on site orders placed by your company representative. These charges may include all Freeman companies, or any charges which Freeman may be obligated to pay on behalf of the Exhibitor including without limitation, any shipping charges. ** All payments must be made in advance in US funds. Cancellation Policy: Any cancellation must be received within 7 days of show open to avoid being charged one day's rental rate. Cancellations after delivery will result in a day's charge and labor incurred. Project# 11‐423214 ‐ AAPEX 2016 Order Online at: 2 of 3 TERMS & CONDITIONS YOU ARE ENTERING A CONTRACT WHICH LIMITS YOUR POSSIBLE RECOVERY IN CASE OF LOSS OR DAMAGE. The terms and conditions set forth below become a part of the Contract between Freeman and you, the EXHIBITOR. Acceptance of said terms and conditions will be construed when any of the following conditions are met: THE METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM IS SIGNED; OR AN ORDER FOR LABOR, SERVICES AND/OR RENTAL EQUIPMENT IS PLACED BY EXHIBITOR OR WORK IS PERFORMED ON BEHALF OF EXHIBITOR BY LABOR SECURED THROUGH FREEMAN. DEFINITIONS For purposes of this Contract, ”Freeman” means Freeman Decorating Services, Inc. (“FDSI”), Freeman Decorating Ltd. Freeman Audio Visual Solutions, Inc., and their respective employees, directors, officers, agents, assigns, affiliated companies, and related entities. The term “Exhibitor” means the Exhibitor, its employees, agents, representatives, and any Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (“EAC”). PAYMENT TERMS Full payment, including any applicable tax, is due at the time the order is placed. Purchase orders are not considered payment. All payments must be in U.S. funds and all checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank. Orders received without advance payment or after the deadline date will incur additional After Deadline charges as indicated on each order form. All materials and equipment are on a rental basis for the duration of the show or event and remain the property of Freeman except where specifically identified as a sale. All equipment rentals are based on Show Rates and apply only to Show Days. Rental prices on Audio Visual equipment (including computers) do not include labor, delivery, electrical services or removal of the equipment from the booth. Exhibitor agrees to use all rental equipment with reasonable care to prevent excessive wear and tear and/or damage to Freeman’s property. Exhibitor will notify Freeman immediately of any damage to rental equipment and agrees to be billed for any damage to, or loss of, rental equipment rented to Exhibitor. In case of cancellation of any labor orders by Exhibitor, a one‐hour “per person, per hour” charge will be applied for all labor and equipment orders that are not canceled in writing at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled start time. If Prestige Carpet, Custom‐Cut Carpet, Modular Rental Exhibits, Audio Visual and/or Computer Equipment and any other custom‐order items or services have already been provided at the time of cancellation, fees will remain at 100% of the original charge. If the Show or Event is canceled because of reasons beyond Freeman’s control, Exhibitor remains responsible for all charges for services and equipment provided up to and including the date of cancellation. Freeman will not issue refunds to Exhibitor of any payments made before the date of cancellation. It is Exhibitor’s responsibility to advise the Freeman Service Center Representative of problems with any orders, and to check the Exhibitor’s invoice for accuracy prior to the close of the Show or Event. If Exhibitor is exempt from payment of sales tax, Freeman requires an exemption certificate for the State in which the services are to be used. Resale certificates are not valid unless Exhibitor is rebilling these charges to its customers. For International Exhibitors, Freeman requires 100% prepayment of advance orders, and any order or services placed at show site must be paid at the show. For all others, should there be any preapproved unpaid balance after the close of the show; terms will be net, due and payable in Dallas, Texas upon receipt of invoice. Effective 30 days after invoice date, any unpaid balance will bear a FINANCE CHARGE at the lesser of the maximum rate allowed by applicable law, or 1.5% per month, which is an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 18%, and future orders will be on a pre‐paid basis only. If any finance charge hereunder exceeds the maximum rate allowed by applicable law, the finance charge shall automatically be reduced to the maximum rate allowed, and any excess finance charge received by Freeman shall be either applied to reduce the principal unpaid balance or refunded to the payer. If past due invoices or invoice balances are placed with a collection agency or attorney for collection or suit, Exhibitor agrees to pay all legal and collection costs. THESE PAYMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS SHALL BE GOVERNED BY AND CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. In the event of any dispute between the Exhibitor and Freeman relative to any loss, damage, or claim, such Exhibitor shall not be entitled to and shall not withhold payment, or any partial payment, due to Freeman for its services, as an offset against the amount of any alleged loss or damage. Freeman reserves the right to charge Exhibitor for the difference between the Exhibitor’s estimate of charges and the actual charges incurred by Exhibitor, or for any charges that Freeman may be obligated to pay on behalf of Exhibitor, including without limitation, any shipping charges. If Exhibitor provides a credit card for payment and charges are rejected by the Exhibitor’s credit card company for any reason, Freeman hereby provides notice that it reserves the right, and Exhibitor authorizes Freeman, to continue to attempt to secure payment through that credit card for as long as unpaid balances remain on the Exhibitor’s account. Exhibitor hereby grants a lien on its property in Freeman’s possession to the extent of any outstanding obligations owed to Freeman by Exhibitor. LABOR UNDER SUPERVISION OF EXHIBITOR: Exhibitor shall be responsible for the performance of labor provided under this section. It is the responsibility of Exhibitor to supervise labor secured through Freeman in a reasonable manner as to prevent bodily injury and/or property damage and also to direct them to work in a manner that is in compliance with Freeman’s Safe Work Rules and/or Federal, State, County and Local ordinances, rules and/or regulations, including but not limited to Show or Facility Management rules and/or regulations. It is the responsibility of Exhibitor to check in with the Service Desk to pick up labor, and to return to the Service Desk to release labor when the work is completed. INDEMNIFICATION: Exhibitor agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Freeman from and against any and all demands, claims, causes of action, fines, penalties, damages, liabilities, judgments, and expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees and investigation costs) arising out of work performed by labor provided by Freeman but supervised by Exhibitor. Further, the Exhibitor’s indemnification of Freeman includes any and all violations of Federal, State, County or Local ordinances, “Show Regulations and/or Rules” as published and/or set forth by Facility or Show Management, and/or directing labor provided by Freeman to work in a manner that violates any of the above rules, regulations, and/or ordinances. Project# 11‐423214 ‐ AAPEX 2016 Order Online at: 3 of 3