May 2016 - Center United Methodist Church
May 2016 - Center United Methodist Church
Center United Methodist Church P. O. Box 179 • Welcome, NC 27374 • 186 Center Church Road Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Pillsbury, Pastor MAY 2016 THOUGHTS FROM THE PASTOR FOR MAY WHO IS IT THAT IS BLESSED? “I will surely bless you . . .” Hebrews 6:14 CHURCH STAFF Pastor Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Pillsbury Office: 731-6616 Home: 731-8208 Cell: 239- 7041 Assistant Pastor Rev. Edward L. Evans, Jr. Home: 764-5242 Youth/Young Adult Minister Dr. Hunter Duncan Home: 336-414-8728 Music Director Wini Hinkle Home: 731-6237 Boy Scout Director Jeff McCrary Cell: 336-407-9649 Administrative Assistant Joyce Rector 731-6616 E-News or please note e-mail changes for ALL ENEWS UPDATES!!! I find myself writing this Newsletter article in a radically different mindset, mostly in part because Divie and I will be moving onto another appointment at the end of June 2016. How strange to move and to take on another appointment, to close up a ministry among those who you have come to admire and love, but this is one of the key elements of the call to Ordained Ministry, that is, being ready to serve and minister where we are sent. So, in this difficult transition time, as Divie and I prepare to move on toward shepherding another congregation, I continue to ask the question that I preached on April 24, 2016, “Who is it that is Blessed?” and specifically, “Why are the people at Center so royally blessed?” There is no counting the number of times that people have come to me, looking for solutions to problems, guidance for how they might change a condition in their lives, or in other words how they might obtain a healing, change of life, another chance, or a new direction in life. What all of us are looking for is really nothing more than A BLESSING FROM GOD. But how do we get these blessings, lifts in our lives, new start overs? I am convinced that Obedience to God’s Call is the prerequisite to God’s Blessings. Reflecting on my EIGHT full years with you, I recall walking into this Church knowing that I was “Everyone’s Pastor.” I pray that as “everyone’s pastor,” that I modeled my life after Jesus Christ who is “Everyone’s Lord.” But lest we forget, every one of us is called. All of us have a great responsibility to make Jesus known wherever we are: be it within our families, our work: any place. We are FIRST and foremost Christians. And as a result of our faithfulness, our obedience to Jesus, we find our lives and families are richly blessed. People who live obediently following the Ways of Jesus should not be surprised to find that God Blesses them and that their lives are more joyful and at peace, that they are part of physical healings, healings of emotional and dysfunctional elements in their lives, added years to their lives, financial success, new opportunities . . . and the list goes on. People that don’t want to have any relationship with Jesus should not be surprised to find that their lives are exempt of Blessings. BLESSINGS AND MIRACLES come to people who have the marks of Christ in them, who are endeavoring to live according to the will of God. Obedient followers of Jesus can be assured in finding an open door to Jesus who invites the faithful to: “Ask and it will be given you” (Matt. 7:7). But those who are not fully committed to Christ – those part-time Christians that are really nothing 7 more than a secular, me and mine come first, should NOT expect to be blessed! 6 “The Greater our Obedience to God – The more deliberate we are in maturing our 4 Christian Character - the more Blessings and Gifts we will have.” Jesus said, “Pay - to what you hear; the measure you give will be the measure you get, and still attention 5 be given to you. For to those who have more will be given . . .” (Mark 4:24more will 6 Matt. 7:1; Luke 6:38). Jesus also said, “To whom much has been given, much 25*Also 0 is required; and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be 5 (Luke 12:48). demanded” d o n a Continued on back of page….. Continued from front of page………… In closing, as I reflect on Divie and my eight years with you, may I say that this Church has been filled with Blessings and Miracles, not only in our lives and families but in everything that has occurred in our Church. And the reason for all your blessings? Your Blessings have come because of your Obedience to Jesus Christ, your blessings have come because of your Christian Character that stand outs above the masses. Center United Methodist Church people are NOT living below the line, in the secular sense, but in “LIVING ABOVE THE LINE” in the Christian Kingdom where blessings flow abundantly! Miss you already, Praise God that Divie and I were sent to Center . Your Friend and Pastor - STEVE DIVIE’S CORNER “The Power of Prayer” Dear Church Family, It is wonderful to be back again in Church worshiping together. I am so thankful for Center Church and the presence of the Lord so strong in the church. I love the warmth and love of the people for each other and for the work of the ministry and the life of the Church. We are living in a fast changing world outside the Church. We live in a world of sound bites, short texts, flash images, all kinds of substitutes for the real thing. We are being brain washed by the world and the promise of offering us something new and better. We hear the same sound bites on television, which is constantly on in some places. We are all using the new technology. People in our own circles are copying the ways of the world, their expressions, even using the same terminology, the same phrases in every conversation, like: “The bottom line is,” or, “at the end the day. . .” We are told what to say, what to believe, and how to live. We are also being sold a worldly way of living, slowly the principals, morals, the real truth is being covered up and washed away by what is acceptable in today's world, by what looks beautiful, and is comfortable for everybody no matter what they believe or how they live. In my life time I have witnessed how the values that were held sacred and precious to us and in our Christian country have been taken away by the people of the world, who have "sold out" for their own benefit, for profit and selfish gain. It is becoming more difficult every day for those who live and work in today's world to keep our own principals alive. Our little children will never know the innocent world I grew up in. Dear friends, we who are still under the spiritual mantle, in a Church that still teaches and preaches the Gospel, must be more vigilant, to speak up and out against anything that weakens the Christian message and the Church. I am concerned about the Sabbath Day. Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy is becoming a custom of the past. In my lifetime, I witnessed all the Churches in every town filled. Cars were parked all the way down the street. Everybody went to Church, if you didn't you were called a heathen. Christian people of the country would not tolerate anything that was not acceptable as keeping the laws and principals acceptable, sacred to God. We were truly a Christian Country. The Sabbath, was given to us, and taught, as a safe guard of our spiritual health, our spiritual life. The Lord knew that we needed time to take care of our spiritual life. We still need time to withdraw for worship, for United Prayer and Christian fellowship. We need to keep in touch with the matters that concern our Church and the life of the people we love. We need to be reminded constantly by the voice of God in the Church to attend to the care of our soul, by sound preaching and obedience to God and in our world. We need to reach out beyond our circle to save people from the worldly way people are offered of selfish, sensual living. Continued on next page…… Continued from previous page….. My whole life has been safe guarded, kept sacred by the power of prayer and in and by the life of the Christian Church. I have shared the life of and with the faithful and most wonderful saints who have not compromised, who have continued to sacrifice, time and energy, to keep the Church alive and well. My life has been filled, from day one, by the most remarkable people, of miracles, and wide open doors that came through the life of the Church. I have been blessed here, in this Church, by wonderful people who never miss any opportunity to give, never complain, who always keep a sweet spirit, always volunteer, again and again, to the most difficult jobs, in order to tend to the work of the Lord at Center Church. The greatest gift we all have, dear friends, is the message of the Gospel truth, the Salvation Story, the Life and Message that Jesus taught. We Christians have the value of United Prayer, the Prayer of the Church People and of a faithful God who never fails to answer the prayer of a willing and humble seeker. We have this Church and our personal ability to keep the Church vital, alive and growing. We can keep the Church spiritually alive by our renewed commitment to the life of prayer, by our constant witness of the truth to our family and friends. The secret that has kept my spiritual life together and well, all these years, has been the power of prayer, setting time aside for communion with God in prayer, for being faithful to God’s will in my life and the life of the ministry. The power of prayer changes who we become. The things that are not possible in this world with men are possible with God, through the power of prayer. I have found it true in my life. My constant prayer is that God will have mercy on all of those who have forsaken their Church and have settled for the shallow life, the way of the world. I pray that God will continue to bless this wonderful Church by enriching the life of the young, encouraging the faithful leaders, and especially the life of each of you, individually, who are faithful members of God’s Church, and the CHURCH ETERNAL. I close with a verse from the Gospel of Mark. “And JESUS looking upon them saith, with men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible (10:27 KJV).” Love always, Divie THE UNITED METHODIST MEN NO REPORT OF THE APRIL, 2016, MEETING CHILDREN’S ROTATION SUNDAY SCHOOL AND CHILDREN’S CHURCH Attention Parents for Children Kindergarten through 5th Grade!! As many of you know, we are having to make some adjustments with our rotation Sunday School and Children’s Church due to the Fellowship Hall being under review. All sign-ins will take place in the old sign-in room. We will be combining our K-3rd graders and they will meet in the old sign in room. Our 4th graders will meet in the Library with Deena Tolley. We are migrating our 5th graders to join the middle school classroom, which we are excited about!!!! The middle school classroom is upstairs above the high school class next to the Faith Seekers Class. Children’s Church will temporarily meet in the Faith Seekers Sunday School Class on the second floor above the high school room. This is where you will pick up your children after Church until further notice. UMW Meeting Minutes 04-12-16 Audrey Wagner, Holly Leatherman, Lisa Bates, Molly Long, Kim Craver, Marlene Wood, Rena Meredith, Karen Tysinger, Anita Scott, Karen Koontz, Marsha Black, Johnsie Wallace, Elizabeth Baker, Glenda Stabler, Libby Leonard, Denise Dorwart, Ruby Blackmon, Lucinda Black, Marcia Craver, Jenny Jackson, Vickey Kepley, Beth Leonard, Steve Pillsbury, Reida Snyder, Kay Hedrick = 25. The CUMW met on Tuesday, April 12 with the above 25 members present. Lisa Bates called our meeting to order and welcomed everyone. Jenny Jackson led us in devotions. Denise Dorwart shared the response moment. Molly Long delivered the program on being a Martha. Minutes were approved. Reida Snyder gave our treasurer’s report. The beginning balance was $3835.14. The ending balance was $3271.20 A motion was made by Jenny Jackson and seconded by Marcia Craver to make a donation of $100 to the American Children’s Home. Molly Long gave an update on Threads of Love. They will meet again on Tuesday, April 26 at 6:00 pm. Upcoming Events: The next Chicken Pie Bake is on Saturday, April 23. The other bakes this year are on September 10 and November 5 (for the Chicken Pie Supper on November 11). Day Apart Prayer Breakfast is on April 30 at Oak Forest UMC. The cost is $8.00. A part of the meeting includes “Project Pocketbook”. We were asked to bring used (nice) or new pocketbooks or book bags for women at Homeless Shelters to church by Sunday, April 24. Debbie is also putting this information in the church bulletin. A box will be provided in the Narthex area for these items. The Spiritual Growth Retreat is June 10-11. The retreat begins on Friday at 6:45 pm and ends Saturday at noon. The theme is “Pray.” A motion was made by Beth Leonard and seconded by Libby Leonard to give $50 to both the Day Apart Prayer Breakfast and the Spiritual Growth Retreat for Undesignated Giving. VBS is July 17-22. UMW will help with meal on opening night. We will provide hot dogs, chips, dessert and snack. Tim Williams will grill the hotdogs. We need volunteers to assist with this. A motion was made by Reida Snyder and seconded by Marlene Wood to spend up to $200 for VBS dinner and snack. Old Business: We will assemble the college and military packages at the close of the meeting. For our picnic in May, we will meet at Reida Snyder’s house for a picnic at 6:00 pm. Please bring food to share with everyone. New Business: Beth Leonard shared on behalf of the Goodwill Committee. Discussion was made about visiting Abbott’s Creek and/or Grayson Creek. It’s difficult to come up with a time in which UMW members can commit due to work and other daytime commitments. Please see Karen Tysinger if you are interested in the Blood Drive. Audrey Wagner read the cards and notes that have been sent to the group. Steve closed with prayer. Respectfully submitted, Audrey Wagner, Secretary Lisa Bates, Vice-President Next meeting: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 Hostesses: All Members Social at Reida Snyder’s home Devotions: Karen Tysinger Program: Social at Reida Snyder’s home Community Outreach Project: None Response Moment: Lucinda Black Thinking of You Cards: Debbie Williams Brooks Howell Missionary Birthday Cards (Asheville): Glenda Stabler Special Events/Reminders: Set a date for our visit with Abbott’s Creek Rehab and Grayson Creek residents in June Goodwill Committee will provide details of the visit and will provide the favors FUN DAY AT THE PARK FOR CHILDREN BIRTH TO 5TH GRADE-MAY 22 Fun Day at the park! Sunday, May22, from 2-4 PM at Lake Thom-a-Lex. A fun day is planned on Sunday, May 22, to enjoy the playground, food, fun, sun, and fellowship for children birth to 5th grade. A sign-up sheet will be located in the Toddler room and in the sign-in room for Children’s Sunday School beginning in May or you may contact Refreshments will be provided. All kids are encouraged to wear Hawaiian shirts and be ready to kick off the summer season. CUMC SENIOR LIVE WIRES GOING TO CODY CREEK-THURSDAY, MAY 19-4 PM Seniors, join the Live Wires on a trip to Cody Creek Thursday, May 19. We will meet at the church at 4:00 PM to travel up to Dobson to eat at the restaurant. It is a very nice location and meal. Please let Karen Tysinger know if you are going by May 15 to arrange transportation. UPCOMING BLOOD DRIVE AT CUMC ON SUNDAY, MAY 1, IN THE CFC Center United Methodist Church will have a blood drive on Sunday, May 1, from 12:00 until 4:30 PM in the Christian Fellowship Center. Be sure to make your appointment on line at or by calling 1-800-733-2767. You may contact Karen Tysinger at 336-250-6398. Please plan now to give blood so others can have life. CHILDREN’S SUMMER MISSION PROJECT: “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” – Psalm 34:8 (NIV) This summer the children will be doing an 11 week curriculum during Sunday School on how Bible lessons can relate to their favorite cereals. Each week, the children will be asked to bring a certain brand of cereal to donate to the “Greater Things Outreach Center” in Welcome. Here is a list of each week’s lesson for the children to start collecting the cereal. Not only can the children participate but our Church family can as well. Please contact Angie Leonard at 336.250.7033 with any questions. Thank you for all you do for our children! June 5: Lucky Charms Cereal June 12: Frosted Flakes Cereal June 19: Captain Crunch Cereal June 26: Cocoa Pebbles Cereal July 3: Trix Cereal July 10: Apple Jacks Cereal July 17: Cheerios Cereal July 24: Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal July 31: Cocoa Puffs Cereal August 7: Honey Nut Cheerios Cereal August 14: Rice Krispies Cereal May 1 Acolyte Cross of Christ Bearer Bible Bearer Toddler Nursery Infant Nursery Ushers Greeters Children’s Time Children’s Church Flowers May 8 Acolyte Cross of Christ Bearer Bible Bearer Toddler Nursery Infant Nursery Ushers Greeters Children’s Time Children’s Church Flowers Mycah Kepley Alayna Evans Sadie Reid Mitzi Tesh Brittany Hobbs Tad Leonard (Head) Mike Craver, Ronnie Craver, Tim Craver, Ronnie Dorton Clifton and Lynda Beck Mike and Kim Craver Jennifer Brinkley Joseph & Wendy Talley Date Available Kate Anderson Danielle Shillinglaw Millie Margaret Talley Tina Fulcher Vickey Kepley Tad Leonard (Head) Brett Dorwart, Curtis Dorwart, Willie Everhart, Jamie Fountain Charles and Vickey Kepley Gray and Barbara Boger Lisa Bates Julie Fountain Angie Leonard May 15 Acolyte Gretchen Feezor Cross of Christ Bearer Gracin Hill Bible Bearer Franchesca Colorio Toddler Nursery Debbie Wood Infant Nursery Shirley Craver & Emily Coleman Ushers Tad Leonard (Head) Floyd Freedle, Don Grubb, Donald Hamilton, Jeff Hardiman Greeters Gregg and Glenda Stabler Richard and Terri Bates Children’s Time Steve Long Children’s Church Sarah Williams Flowers Date Available DON’T FORGET TO FILL IN YOUR IMPORTANT DATES FOR FLOWERS ON OUR ALTAR! 2016 Calendar has a lot of blank spaces! Please fill in the Sundays you will be putting flowers on the Altar. The information for the Sunday bulletin should be given to Joyce Rector by email (, by note or by phone (7316616) the week before the flowers are to be placed in the church. May 22 Acolyte Hadley Smith Cross of Christ Bearer Kate Anderson Bible Bearer Finn Noel Toddler Nursery Michael & Jennifer Kurtzman Infant Nursery Amy Akins Ushers Tad Leonard (Head) Rocky Hedrick, Tommy Henderson, David Hill, Tony Hill Greeters Steve and Molly Long Rocky and Kay Hedrick Children’s Time Beth Leonard Children’s Church Ruby Combs Flowers Date Available May 29 Acolyte Cross of Christ Bearer Bible Bearer Toddler Nursery Infant Nursery Ushers Greeters Children’s Time Children’s Church Flowers Colby Adkins Malachi Purdy Gentry Smith Anna Evans Philip and Jennifer Brinkley Tad Leonard (Head) Dennis Johnson, J. C. Johnson, Joey Johnson, Pete Jones Chris and Stacie Michael Bob and Toby Fox Samantha Evans Tina Fulcher Date Available JUNE NEWSLETTER DEADLINE MONDAY, MAY 16 - 12:00 PM All events are listed on the calendar. Formal announcements must be given to the church office. Ongoing events will be listed as scheduled unless changes are given to the church office. DAILY E-NEWS UPDATES Please check e-news for updates on joys, concerns, and announcements. If you do not receive daily e-news, please contact Henrietta Hayes to be added at or SENIOR LIVE WIRES NEED YOUR HELP! The Senior Live Wires are collecting the small samples of toiletries usually given when staying in motels/hotels. They will be making up packets to take to the nursing homes. If you have any of these new items or new personal care items you would like to give for this on-going ministry, there will be a box in the Narthex to collect them. MAY, 2016 Sunday 1 7:30 AM UMM Meeting (CFC) 8:30 AM CenTered Service (CFC) 10 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM – 4:30 PM Blood Drive (CFC) 11 AM Worship-Children’s/VBS Ministry Moment 4 PM Youth Council (Youth Room) 5 PM Hand Bell Practice 6:00 PM Youth (CFC) 6:00 PM Worship Committee (Friendship Sunday School Class) 8 Mother’s Day Monday 2 7 PM Boy Scouts 9 8:30 AM CenTered Service (CFC) 10 AM Sunday School 11 AM Worship 7 PM Boy Scouts 15 16 8:30 AM CenTered Service (CFC) 10 AM Sunday School 11 AM Worship 3-5 PM JAM Kids (CFC) 5 PM Council on Ministries (Friendship S. S. Class) 6 PM Admin. Board Meeting (Friendship S. S. Class ) 6 PM Youth (CFC) 7 PM Boy Scouts Tuesday Wednesday 3 4 12:00 Chamber of Commerce (CFC) 6 PM Sunday School Leadership Meeting (Friendship Sunday School) 7 PM Cub Scouts 6:30 PM Youth (CFC) 6:30 PM Children’s Choir Practice 7 PM Chancel Choir Practice 10 6 PM UMW – (Reida Snyder’s House) 7 PM Cub Scouts 17 7 PM Cub Scouts NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Thursday 5 6 7 3-10 PM Set Up for Special Needs Prom (CFC) All Day for set up for Prom 6-9 PM 2nd Annual Special Needs Prom (CFC) 12 13 14 6:30 PM Youth (CFC) 6:30 PM Children’s Choir Practice 7 PM Chancel Choir Practice All Day Sportsman’s Banquet Set Up (CFC) All Day Sportsman Banquet Set Up 6 PM Banquet (CFC) 12-5 PM Baby Shower (CFC) 18 19 20 21 6:00 PM Children’s Ministry Com. (Children’s Sign In Room) 6:30 PM Youth (CFC) 6:30 PM Children’s Choir Practice 7 PM Chancel Choir Practice 4 PM Live Wires - Cody Creek 23 24 25 26 10 AM Sunday School 11 AM Joint Worship Service (Sanctuary) 12 PM Church Family Meal (CFC) 2-4 PM Children’s Fun Day (Lake Thom-A-Lex) 3 PM JOY Kids-Movie 5 PM Evangelism Meeting (Friendship S. S. Class) 6 PM Youth (CFC) 7 PM Boy Scouts 3-9 PM Pickin’ & Grinnin’ Set Up & Practice (CFC) 6 PM Cub Scouts Ice Cream (In Cub Scout Room) 6.:30 PM Youth 7 PM Chancel Choir Practice 3-6 PM P & G Setup (CFC) 6 PM Hot Dog Supper (CFC) 7 PM Pickin’ & Grinnin’(CFC) 29 Memorial Sunday 30 Memorial Day 31 7 PM Boy Scouts Saturday 11 22 8:30 AM CenTered Service (CFC) 10 AM Sunday School 11 AM Worship-Communion Friday 2-6 PM Feeding the Homeless Shelter (CFC-Kitchen) 27 28 6 PM Threads of Love (CFC) MISSION OFFERING First Sunday – Community Mission Offering Second Sunday - Macaroni & Cheese and Sugar Offering Third & Fourth Sundays - Breakfast Cereal for Greater Things Outreach Center Fifth Sunday – Crisis Ministry Cash Offering CENTER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH P.O. BOX 179 WELCOME, NC 27374 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID WELCOME, NC 27374 PERMIT #22 Address Service Requested Pickin’ & Grinnin’ at Center Come join us for an evening of Pickin’ & Grinnin’ in the Christian Fellowship Center on Thursday, May 26, at 7:00 PM A Hotdog Meal will be sold for $5 starting at 6:00pm The Offering this month will be given to: Backpack Program for Local Schools
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